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No. 451592
Kiki appears to have abandoned her glittering career as an actress as there is no evidence of her obtaining any work since April.
Since then she has opened a Patron which she updated intermittently with short text posts, before giving up for 5 whole weeks. Keeks blames Hurricane Irma recovery for her inactivity despite her family’s neighborhood suffering little damage and her supposedly living in LA. Lilou only responded to her lack of Patron posts once she got called out on lolcow, once again proving that she is completely obsessed with the ‘’’’’’haters‘’’’’’.
A darling anon posted a few shots of Kiki in her natural habitat
>>445257 , which
triggered Cathy to go on a massive rampage against a totally unrelated model working in Japan
>>446278And what happened to Bobby?
Previous thread:
>>419492Instagram: Access: No. 451599
>>451592Kek, the candid pics in Walmart are such gold. Will never get over the fact that anon had milk in their shopping cart when the encounter happened.
I know speculation is pointless, but does anyone have any ideas what's going on with her? I'm guessing the "coming back to FL for hurricane Irma" is a bunch of crap and Keeks has been home for a while. I think she was probably latching onto Bobby and living at his place, then he dumped her so she had to go home and stop pretending to be living the LA dream. But again, we might never even know.
No. 451778
>>451592Hey you!
I've been tying myself in knots worrying over this category five hurricane. Some of you may know I have family in Florida. I've been keeping an eye on all the storm updates and keeping close touch with my family. They currently have lost power, so I'm even more concerned ahhh! My spleen is killing me… (In Chinese medicine the spleen governs the emotion of worry and digestion; no wonder my tummy feels awful when I'm upset or worried!)
The last hurricane I experience was Wilma in 2003. I was living in south Florida at the time and I remember the winds being so strong that the windows looked as if they were breathing! I remember huddling up with all my pets and family in the master bedroom closet. It was find of fun and cozy, yet scary.
Do you have any family or friends in Florida? Have you experienced a natural disaster before? I always worry for the animals… stray dogs, cats, birds, insects. Just a few hours ago people in Tampa saved two manatees that were stranded from the eerie loss of water in the Tampa Bay. I'm glad there are responders that are helping.
A few days ago I was sweating over the fact the Ernest Hemingway's property housed over 150 cats! The caretakers stayed there in order to help the cats as they could not evacuate all the kitties. Hats off to them! I always wondered why none of the Hemingway relatives came down and bought a couple of buses to transport all his kitties he left behind… Good news though! The eye of the hurricane passed over Key West, so instead of 9-15 feet of surge there was only 3-5 feet, woot!
Still, I'm praying like crazy here for everyone else experiencing the storm or having loved ones going through it as I type. We're still not out of the woods just yet.
On an unrelated note… or maybe related since its regarding ~*ze ocean*~
Do you have the 'WEBTOONS' app? I think its by the creators of the LINE app and it has all these cool digital comics that artists create. I've been addicted to one called Siren's Lament. I read 80+ chapters up until the most recent one. Now I have to wait every Saturday! Maaaaaaan. > < I highly suggest it.
That's all for now! I'll be shipping out rewards this week and sending tracking numbers, so look out for a message from me soon.
Lots of love, luck and lotuses,
No. 452015
>>451814SAME, god that was cringe-y….
Screenshot that shit don't copy pasta, this is an image board and I'm still skeptical lol
No. 452016
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>>452015Not that anon, but here you go. Will dump the other (three!) posts in a few. I was waiting for her to post something interesting but I guess that's not going to happen.
No. 452021
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>20th AugustText post asking for ideas (like in all of her previous YT videos??), no truTV vlog or set photos as mentioned in her 'My Favorite Vegan Sushi Recipe' video. Still somehow took her until 11:32pm LA time to post.
>27th AugustUploads her YouTube video ('What I Ate Today # 3 VEGAN') late.
>>"I’m posting on my Patreon every Sunday and doing little posts here and there and creating a little community and that’s where I kinda reveal more about my passion and my acting"I couldn’t help but laugh, all she’s done is type a few sentences!
>28th AugustHer first Patreon vlog.
>>Patron asks for tips on dealing with anxiety, Kiki rambles about her auditions and then compares her life to The Sims>>All of her answers about auditioning make it clear she’s super loud and obnoxious in real life too>>Promises an apartment tour video, but is waiting for her birthday money to buy equipment (so pathetic)>>”[Acting] is my passion, I can’t just give up on it, y'know?” (After giving up on all of your past ‘careers’ and projects?)>>Advises people to not take things personally (Hmmmmmmmm)>>”You have to fucking crazy to be an actor!”
>4th SeptemberAnother text post - a short playlist. came the Irma post on the 11th and after that the huge gap until the desperate excuses post.
No. 452030
>>452021>Acting is my passionTalking about herself is clearly her only passion, jfc.
It shows how lazy she really is that she could just pump out long-winded YouTube videos with little planning and gain some kind of audience, but no I need equipment and 700 other flimsy excuses.
No. 452052
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can you guys stop talking about me srsly you're obsessed with me
No. 452110
>>452094This is how she really looks anon without the warm filters and photoshop. Like her sister she hates her natural looks.
Some of us are a little concerned about how sickly she looks because of her diet. But I like OP since it is rare to see how she really is without speculation
No. 452127
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>>452094It's not just a bad picture, it's that kiki posts pictures of herself that are edited to hide all of her imperfections.
So like her sister, it's probably difficult to get cast or hired for anything because their pictures claim they look more youthful than they actually do.
she's desperately clinging to her youth instead of moving forward and accepting the fact that she has been aging.
No. 452178
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>>452176sure but not even 'real' (lol) celebrities look the same in paparazzi candids as the image they cultivate and share online. Take Kim Kardashian for example. Why is it only not ok when Lilou does it?
(learn 2 sage) No. 452187
>>452182Why wouldn't I call her Lilou? It makes sense as that's the name she's going by now (and since you guys are set on exposing her, anyone who searches that will eventually wind up here so win win right?)
Also to clarify I in no way think she's anywhere in the same league as Kim Kardashian notoriety wise. You missed my point entirely…
No. 452193
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>>452178There's a difference between taking a photo from a flattering angle and photoshopping yourself into a different person.
The only difference is that everyone knows kardashians and jenners are fake, while the ostrengas claim to be naturally beautiful.
No. 452199
>>452178Except that looks like a photo of Kim Kardashian with zero makeup on.
>>452127Kaka on the left has makeup on. She has her cateye eyeliner on so I'm assuming makeup on the rest of her face too. And she still looks terrible. The dark shadows under her eyes could be because of the Walmart lighting from above, but I don't get how she manages to hide that wrinkle under her eye.
No. 452203
>>452178even without the caked makeup you still can recognize it's the same person
kaka shoops herself a whole new face, also what
>>452193 said
kiki gloats about her snowflakey lotr sailor moon hair russian model bubble butt genetics when irl she's your average jane.
No. 452217
>>452178The picture on the left is Kim's old face, the one on the right is more recent. And yet, you can still see it's the same person - not to mention, left doesn't look even half as bad as OP picture.
>>452200I agree, but she doesn't have a moon face. Kaka has a moon face, Kiki's is a stretched oval with a fivehead.
No. 452312
>>452174not anyone can live their dreams. yes for kaka it is way too late. She wouldve needed any experience in her teens/pre-teens. Taking acting classes early on, playing in school plays, theatres, small plays and and and. She skipped all that, thinking she could make it big without that and only her myspace fame from back in the days. Do you have any idea what kind of risk it would be to cast someone for a role of an expensive movie that has no to very little experience? even all of the game of thrones characters had small roles before. no one was casted out of the blue. no one will ever be casted out of the blue for anything with money involved.
She doesnt even have the looks for an actress. She is okay looking if you mop her up and she is at least slim, but her hair is way too thin and she is doing nothing to change that. she doesnt plug her eyesbrows. her acting is shit, as weve seen in the few videos that were put out. Not even thinking about what would happen if she actually was on a set of a movie and someone critized her. She cant take criticism. She is not a hard-working person. the only thing I can imagine her in is playing a zombie with lots of make up in the walking dead.0,
so yes. give up on the thing that you have absolutely no talent in and find something you actually can be good at.
No. 452360
>>452178Lol, but Kim looks cute in the makeupless/no editing/ bad angle left picture and like a fox in the second full face makeup/ flattering angle one.
Kaka looks like shit in both…
Not to mention Kim's in her 30's and Kaka is only mid 20's looking the way she does.
No. 452432
>>452021OMG she's so full of shit.
Her repeating how "acting is her passion" over and over in every video she makes is exhausting and comes off as she's not being honest. Same with the constant "what should I do for videos". Bitch you been asking that since June.
> if she doesnt get the part, it's not bc of her, it's bc of the casting team vision and she doesn't fit itThat's the magic you dumbass cunt, you have to understand their vision, understand your role and ACT to fit that vision.
> sees auditions as acting classesAnd maybe that's why you don't "fit" into the casting's vision - you come off as an amateur who's not taking it srsly.
She did say an acting teacher told her "auditioning is the job and the rest is the vacation" so, why's she treating it like a fucking class?
> the thing about having a passion is not getting attached to itOK I can't even with this one.
> studied Chinese medicine, like acupuncture. "Maybe I'll do a video about it"Like everything else? Yeah.
> "acting is my passion so I can't give it up"But weren't you all over music from the start? How's it a passion you can't give up, but you didn't move a muscle to go after it professionally until very recently?
That's a new level of insufferable.
No. 452590
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>>452301>>452329>>452401I'm subscribed to a very popular person on patreon who has her content leaked all the time, but she has over 5,000 patrons. The creator can delete patrons without warning and I think even ban them from coming back, this girl went on a purge where she deleted a lot of people she somehow suspected of being leakers, though idk how she figured them out.
with Kiki only having 9 though and being paranoid as fuck, she'll probably end up deleting her whole patreon tbh.
No. 452608
>>452590Lowkey wonder if her entire Patreon is in fact all anons .. withod course one angry stan-fan and maybe an undercover momma dukes. . ( One thats up both Kota and Kaka's arses on IG )
So maybe total of 7 questionable followers ?
Kaka's relevance is close to none. Nobodycurr except for saucy anons.
No. 452897
>>452797I remember this video on their stickam (or that other scene queen social media they used). I used to think they were so cute and funny, especially Kota, and I felt kinda jealous of their lives because they made it seem so glamorous.
How the tables have turned…
No. 452917
>>452312Maybe I'm just an idealist but I think if she worked very very hard she could manage a modest life as an actress or do some small roles alongside a different job.
The problem is that this is Kiki. She doesn't have a 'passion' for acting.
She doesn't want to be an actress, she wants to be a
famous actress
No. 452925
>>452917Kiki isn't scoring gigs because she lacks the social skills and charisma to stand out from the attractive people.
She would be better off as a photographer or makeup artist, I felt like she actually enjoyed doing that back in her stickam days.
No. 453210
>>453189It's clear she doesn't look after them, also kiki can't stand anyone taking the attention away from her, pets included. All the pics she posted of animals, her mug must be there too. Even in the tiger donation certificate pic she had to put her hand with ugly quartz rings over it.
I think the dog appeared in the background of one of her cd covers.
No. 453236
>>453233Not that anon, but you could hear them clearly say "Kyler" and point to the camera. Which he responded with a middle finger. ( 2:50 )
P.s I found another video… When did Kaka ever have dark hair ?
No. 453274
>>453236OMG this one's pretty old. Like when MySpace wasn't huge there was a sort of social media site for "goths" or some shit. I can't remember the name but it had vampires in it or some shit. That's when she had the dark hair
OK maybe I'm clouded by my perception of current Kiki but up to a certain point it looked like she wasn't trying to be the centre of attention. She was just being dumb with Kota…… but then she kind of starts placing herself IN THE MIDDLE of the camera, and Dakota ends up in the corner. Pretty much like they always did back on Stickam videos.
I wonder what came first,the narcissism or the hair dye.
No. 453295
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>>453285Same. I mean, those pictures, man (btw i typed kirsten leigh Ostrenga on Google images and this thread picture came up in the first page lol)
No. 453298
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>>453297OK this and the next one I'm not sure if they're already from MySpace
No. 453304
>>453299Didn't they photoshop the stripes or something on these?
Kaka was good at hiding her beak nose back then even it seems.
No. 453308
>>453297lol vampirefreaks always makes me break out in comedic tidings
teenage goth shitposting
No. 453355
>>453354Nevermind, it doesn't seem like it.
I could've sworn I read they were allowed to drink in the home once.
No. 453377
>>453304they do look pretty shooped
to do black stripes on blonde and keep them nice and solid with no featheryness or color bleeding together you have to have a little finesse and the ostrengas have none lol
No. 453381
>>453304Yeah the stripes are created with the burn tool. Looking at their pictures now it's so obvious everything down to their makeup is created in PS. If you look at the video
>>452797 you can see she attempted to actually put the stripes in her hair after getting called out for them being shooped.
>>453296>>453297>>453298>>453299This style makes her look so unwashed and like she smells like someone's gym bag. At least the scene style and angles hid her deformed banana head.
No. 453442
>>452917anon from
>>452312 here
I totally agree with you. she wouldve had a chance
if she had worked hard.
but the ostrengas are not known for being hard workers. so.
No. 453443
>>453092>child starbitch, what are you talking about top kek
being known in the internet wasnt even tough shit back in the days of myspace
No. 453470
>>452933Nah. There's a cow in my country who's very similar to Kiki: mediocre looking, no actual talent, but really really wants to be famous and stand out. She works as a photographer, but her social media are only full of pictures of herself taken by other people and photoshopped to oblivion, because she can't stand the fact that she can't be a model and only chose the photographer route to try to retaliate and find a place in the fashion/model industry anyway.
Kiki would be the same. Working through angles and lighting to make
other girls look good while she's behind the camera and no one can see her? No way
No. 453594
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Still think this was her best phase.
No. 453618
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I think the dak0lei account is gone? We used to talk a lot and I've been absent over the past few weeks, but she told me she's been reported a few times and even suspended, so I'm worried it may have happened again or she got banned for good. Dak0lei if you see this, if you make a new account, please contact me again, I miss our talks
No. 453634
>>453594Now that I look back, I wonder how many of these good pics were actually edited to hell and back. Anyway, this look suited her, unlike the ~kawaii doll~ one
No. 453729
>>451592Forgive me if I'm posting this incorrectly; I don't use this site. Also, warning: long post ahead.
I am a Kiki / Lilou "fan" and I have been since the MySpace days. I found this site after searching her name on Google. I have always looked up to her a lot– back in the day, she inspired me to become a vegetarian, and I've been one for eight years now. Time really flies. I love her inspirational tweets, although I do remember her being very vulgar and aggressive back in her scene days. I remember reading the Rolling Stone article and watching her videos about how she's overcome bullying, and I think about it whenever I'm in a hard place. I don't know what my opinion is of lolcow and other similar sites, but I've been lurking Kiki's threads for awhile, and I think you guys are right about some things.
Awhile ago (before the name change), she blocked me on Instagram for no reason. I have never liked or commented on any of her photos. I made an Instagram, followed a few people (including Kiki), and forgot about it… and she blocked me. I have asked her to unblock me on Instagram, but she won't. I have been nothing but supportive to her on Twitter and YouTube, and she has talked to me on there in the past. I am not a "hater" by any means, yet she blocked me on Instagram.
Another thing is that awhile ago, I don't remember the exact details, but she started an advice section on her website where you could email her and she would give advice. I emailed her on two separate occasions with long stories asking for advice and she never got back to me. She couldn't have gotten many emails since her popularity was dying down at that point, so it made me feel like she was lazy and didn't really care about her supporters. I still love her YouTube videos and I would consider giving to her Patreon, but I feel weird about doing that since she refuses to unblock me on Instagram.
Oh yeah, and another thing is that I tuned into Tru TV at the time that she gave us in the video and it was the wrong time.
Like I said, I don't know how I feel about these "hate sites" - you guys pick apart a lot of things about her (like her appearance) and I feel like it's very unfair. But I think you guys have a point. Oh, and I read about the Sperg chan thing and I believe it. That blew my mind. I should probably find a better Internet "celebrity" to become a fan of, but I'm very attached to Kiki since she's the reason why I became a vegetarian and got into animal rights activism. So yeah, sorry if this didn't contribute anything to the thread lol but I thought I'd break my silence after lurking for so long.
No. 453745
>>453729There are thousands of better Internet personalities pushing veganism/vegetarianism/animal rights lmao
You seriously think one that posts graphic animal gore is good? Pfffthaha
No. 453777
>>453464I would patreon this.
>>453618>>453729What is all this lol
No. 453789
>>453729Sorry you had to find out the hard way anon. She'll block anyone she even remotely suspects of being a hater. Even her actual "fans".
I'd say stay a while and watch the thread. She doesn't care about anyone but herself. She's proven it time and time again– that's why we still talk about her after all these years.
No. 453790
>>453729so… you're salty that she blocked you and didn't answer your e-mails? you've been following her since the MYSPACE days and that's all you got?
>>453618fuck off puta
No. 453914
>>453864Ask for a refund.
Come to think of it, since she didn't do anything she should have automatically given all 9 patrons a refund instead of telling them to ask her personally if they want one. unprofessional and scummy.
No. 453930
>>453914But ANON!
They helped pay for her new equipment!
How can she ever make new videos if you take that away?
No. 453947
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I hope she fully refunded everyone.
No. 453952
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No. 453962
>>452021This anon probably still has it.
I'm guessing she did not like the idea that there was a "rat" among her Patreons.
Silly. You can't be famous and not expect some of this kind of stuff.
No. 453999
>>453937w-wow.. i guess seeing 3 of her 9 people here must have done it. Or the content leaks. if it's the latter, well i saw that coming from day 1. it was bound to happen. especially since you don't even have to wait for patreon to charge you in order to see "patron only" text posts and videos, so literally anybody could have gotten them and then unsubscribed without ever paying a dime.
>>453996chill down a bit anon, geez
No. 454034
>>454006No, she would never do something where you have to interact with your audience right away. Especially because there would be a lot of trolls.
I think she will continue to try acting for a while, I guess she thinks that once she had a "breakthrough" she will have more fans than haters again.
No. 454037
>>453947Welp time for another drought from our princess. The Lilou Vos saga was a good one ladies, not sure if anything will top it.
Speculation: I think her and Bobby are still together, but I also think she will be in Florida for awhile and probably has no immediate plans to go back to LA. Its really strange for an actress to sort of halt doing auditions/ work. The last thing we heard was her post with the MS Word script she was trying to show off. Has she even been doing promo for Puppet Master?
Lilou!!! Follow your dreams and your passion! Be an actress like you were meant to be!!
But seriously, I think the candids really freaked her out and add that to the fact most of her patreons were farmers probably sent her over the edge. I loved the candids, and ty based anon for supplying them, but in her mind it just supports the crazy stalker reality her and Kathy have created. The thing is, if she actually dedicated her time to videos/ content/ SM updates and just ignored all this shit, she probably could build up a fanbase. It wouldn't happen overnight and she'd have to, like, work for it. But it could happen. But she's so fixated on what we say and do, it blows my mind.
P.S. alt Kiki was best Kiki and honestly think when she started on this weird ~all natural~ boring af look is when people started to get bored.
No. 454072
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No. 454078
>>454037i'm waiting for another spergout
s p e r g k i k i
No. 454082
>>454001so that's pretty much another scam?
feel bad for the patrons if they got charged and not refunded
No. 454108
>>454037>Has she even been doing promo for Puppet Master?No. Afaik the whole movie is up on Amazon now so a week trial to Full Moon would let anyone watch it. Even main horror sites like Dread Central haven't talked about it since September before it released. No promo, no buzz, it's festering out like the pile of shit it is.
>>454061A lot of these things like her sperging out on stream could be avoided if she would pick a few people to be mods to purge that shit from chat. The problem is she'd have to have friends or someone she can trust to do that for her and she has no one? Other than her cringy ass mom and Cathy would be even worse picking fights with her chat. Big streamers have a strong community they can pool their mods from. Kaka won't ever have that. She'd be as weak as Onion and give up when people weren't basking in her glory in 20 minutes. You can't just turn on a webcam and start streaming, you have to give people a reason to come back to you and part of it involves networking with other streamers to build each other up together. She will absolutely never do any of this because it would take away from her.
No. 454125
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Hahaha I'd love to watch Kiki jump on the twitch bandwagon, streaming herself playing Animal Crossing or some shit like that, being her cringe self
> obnoxious laugh GUUUYYZZZ LOOK AT THIS OH MAN GAWD THIS GAME IS SO CUUUUTE starts talking gibberish in a baby voice
She could go full on anisa and wear her old bandage clothing with ~quirky accessories.
No. 454129
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It's tickling me that as one of the people who leaked the posts to this thread I may be the only patron to get any money back.
Also, Kiki ignored my (polite, pretend concern about her lack of activity) messages for several weeks before finally responding offering a refund. When I got busy and didn't bother to log in and check her barren Patron for all of 2 days her next message included a dig about how I wasn't replying to her. Honestly the biggest hypocrite on the planet.
No. 454155
>>454129Hahahahaha anon, you're the real MVP
It basically goes off to show she's exactly the type of person she comes off as - can't acknowledge others' concerns but when it comes to her, all must be done as soon as she pleases
> how dare this individual hold me accountable of things I promised to do in return of their money? Glad you got your money back ;)
No. 454239
>>454172She deleted the video where bobby sang happy birthday to her.
Breakup confirmed?
No. 454314
>>454280I mean at this point she can't win even if she's using a different strategy to make it seem less obvious.
She either purges and makes it obvious, or tiptoes by slowly deleting content—it's gonna come out one way or another.
No. 454341
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She deleted this photo of a juice and some berries…?
No. 454346
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No. 454491
>>454239I would say their breakup is almost confirmed, give it more time. Could explain the return home more than anything.
>>454476It's great because vegans kill ruin it for other.
No. 454512
>>452897Same, anon. I'm Keeks' age and used to be jealous of her popularity and the fact that her parents would actually let her dress like that. She was one of the first true internet celebrities. Now I understand how fucked up it all was and just hope that she can have some semblance of a normal life, given how incredibly damaged she is because of her upbringing (and female autism + empty pursuit of fame).
>>453729oh babe…
No. 454517
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I just went through the people she is following on Instagram and there is one account for an Instagram pig called Lilou. Which means she either named herself after a pig on instagram, or she looked up Lilou on instagram and added the account after.
No. 454537
>>454531Yes, she posted a pic of their menu at some point and then deleted it.
She didn't copy their exact words, but it's in a very similar format.
No. 454565
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>>454532>Vos from some French great-grandmother of hers??The same grandmother with the name Mimieux, i assume.
No. 454631
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>>454578>>454571>>454565>>454542vos is a french word meaning the plural of "you" or "yours", in which the 's' is silent so it's pronounced 'vo', not sure if that is what she implies too. knowing how retarded and illiterate she is, probably no.
Vos is a dutch surname but the benelux together formed the french empire until 200 years ago. so it's no wonder that french linguistic influenced those countries and still is a official language in belgium and luxemburg (and of course france).
the girl in fifth element was 'leelou'.
lilou vos in any way still sounds like a cheap hooker name.
No. 454671
>>454631Wasn't the girl in The Fifth Element "Leeloo"?
Totally agree with Lilou Vos sounding like a cheap hooker name though.
It's cheap and trashy trying to masquerade as exotic and sophisticated, just like her dress sense and the piss-poor facade she tries to project.
No. 454673
File: 1508704758584.jpeg (91.21 KB, 1050x590, voss-water-is-bullshit-1413237…)

>>454671Everything she uses is stolen from elsewhere. Even the goddamn patreon tiers.
Whenever she tries to be pretentious it fails horribly.
No. 454752
>>454744Lilou or Lou are names that are getting popular again in France although to me, Lilou sounds more like a pet name (maybe I'm getting old). Vos is indeed the plural of your as in "Your books look heavy" the first word would be Vos.
I have never heard of a french person named "Vos". If it's meant to sound like the word then people would assume it's something like "Veau" which means veal, as it's more common to have a last name from a real noun or occupation.
Basically it's a terrible name but I'm guessing not many people in America would know much about french names so she can try and fool people there.
No. 454816
>>454814 had her photos up but it's all broken now, she's also no longer on the 'Women' page.
Same status as Kota I guess.
No. 454856
>>454753HAHAHA IT WAS ALMOST AS SHORT LIVED AS THE LIL KITTEN ENDEAVOUR (tho it'll always be #1 failed Kiki'so career)
>>454750Yes it's so cringey. It's like a Tumblr name for an aesthetic teen, I can't picture any casting agent taking her srsly
>>454671> It's cheap and trashy trying to masquerade as exotic and sophisticatedKaka is a nutshell
No. 454861
>>454753I wonder if we're on the verge of Sperge 2.0 …
Just in time for Christmas…
No. 454881
>>454876They were just her shooped 'natural' pics. It had a broken link to Lilou's website the whole time and she never updated it, not even with the headshots she got in LA. You really didn't miss anything.
The images have been broken for everyone since at least mid September and she's no longer linked on the main page, presumably she quit the agency.
>>435681 No. 454899
File: 1508719848874.png (5.35 KB, 784x248, huh.png)

btw for how long have these been down?
No. 454906
>>454899Actors Access has been private for a long time, it was hidden right after the link was posted here several months ago. You can however easily sign up to AA for free and view her page. Nothing is listed after You Can Do Better. has never been online. New career? Why bother making a website? Not even a quick template-based site that could be thrown together in an afternoon! Good old Ostrenga laziness. But da haterz are their downfall.
No. 455018
>>454931OK. Baguette-Fag here
Vous= You
Vos= Yours (plural form of "your", the singular are "ton" "ta" "mon" ma")
>>454939Aucun Français digne de ce nom n'utiliserait ce genre d'expression. You're not a francophone, so please, stop your pathetic samefagging.
No. 455106
>>454939you're embarrassing yourself, personne ne parle comme ça on voit clairement que t'es pas francophone donc stop. Is this you Kaka? Your ~i can speak nihongo~ phase is over and you're now fluent in French?
No. 455118
>>455113yes, the where are you from/are you Russian/eastern european
In any Asian country that means “are you a prostitute”
No. 455132
>>454673on point lmao
she probably took it from that stupid tap water in expensive bottles and just stroke one 's' to make it less obvious
No. 455135
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>>454816right lol i forgot about that imdb demo reel. still cant believe this is an honest and serious thing.
No. 455139
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>>454753but it's her PASSION
No. 455158
>>455151welp, my IQ just dropped. Thanks anon.
honestly though, I think she could possibly return to youtube and maybe do makeup tutorials. Her makeup is pretty much the only thing decent about her. On the plus side too, she wouldn't have to put in that much work with editing or having to actually plan something with her days. Should leave crap vloggs to Taylor.
No. 455167
>>455151>LoL So rAnDUm!!!1! xDDDDI'm still amused that kaka was so dumb
and lazy enough to put thogether this shit as a demo reel. Acting =/= being an idiot on camera
No. 455197
>>455193There's no doubt that Kiki won't ever be a famous actress or even a model at that point.
Every year I wonder when is she going to give up or if her family is going to try to knock some sense into her. I know nowadays kids stay at their parents well until their 20s to figure out what they want to do with their lives but I'm guessing the Ostrenga fam is going to reach their breaking point soon and ask her to find a proper job or career.
Or maybe they're content to have a haggard daughter living with them forever, working part time in a small candle shop or some other shit and tell everyone how Kiki was famous about a decade ago.
No. 455211
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doesn't even look like her on her IMDb page profile pic it's filled with her ~kirakira ethereal~ photos wtf
No. 455246
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>>455212Yeah, the only exception is Jeffree Star (net worth $5 mil.)
But she could have totally become like Audrey Kitching. She's not super famous, but now is a "designer, model, stylish, fashion editor & blogger, all while continuing an active & interesting social media presence, with above 300,000 Instagram fan followers" and has a good lifestyle I think (according to Google at least).
Kiki would have been happier with that than being where she is now: nowhere and having to rely on her parents for money.
No. 455256
>>455212>>455246I actually think that she could have. Out of all the scene kids, I don't know of a single one that is worse off right now than they were back then, except her. most of them are popular in a new niche with nearly 1 million instagram followers, at least most of the ones i know of, and not a single one still has haters milking them (except maybe jeffree somewhere in gurugossiper, but that's not surprising).
it's all her parents fault the way things turned out. they knowingly supported their teenage daughter being a
controversial figure, taking underwear pics of her, being literally right next to her while she was an internet badass asshole on stickam, and picking fights with everyone that criticized these things. If you take all of that out of the equation, she would probably have a nice following of people who like her rather than a following of people who hate her.
No. 455259
>>455246Audrey is a good comparison as they were both equally vapid and untalented MySpace icons.
It's just that somehow Audrey was able to make friends faster than she burned through them where Kiki was never really able to thanks to her personality.
I do think Audrey is still partly funded by family though. The overpriced Crystal Cactus bullshit can't be selling that well, plus she has a recurring story of a grandparent trudging into New Jersey Hot Topics berating the staff for not stocking her merchandise.
No. 455272
>>455256This is why I don’t think Kiki will ever grow as long as her parents keeps spoon feeding her money and encouraging her fantasies. I guarantee if Kiki just found one non-internet related thing she could do as a hobby, that
doesn’t involve total isolation and staring at herself, she could probably find a way to make money with it. As she is, there’s no reason to look at her for more than a few seconds. She has no depth, yet she tries so hard to seem deep and cultured.
No. 455322
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>>455212>>455246>>455256Farmers always like discussing kiki and koots' careers as if they're completely written off, and all chances to redeem them are in the past…always desperate to close the bitter book but the poor boys are hardly old yet…
The reality is is that everything that has happened so far can easily be churned into victim narratives with the right PR.
What I don't get is their lack of ability to self-deprecate, be self-aware, admit responsibility for anything, or just be authentic!? Thats some weird ostrenga pride/dignity thing. They have a fear of failure and it's completely stunting them.
No. 455365
>>455322that pic still puzzles me
is kota supposed to be the example of how ugly is smoking or?
No. 455401
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No. 455412
>>455341It goes back to the friends thing. Audrey never really had anything to sell but an expired image and she manages thanks to connections made along the way. As whiny and dull as she can be, she pulled this off somehow.
Keeks was never good with the social aspect. Not friends, fans. If not fans, haters.
Cathy told her she was a star and she's going to do the least she can until the world catches on.
No. 455413
>>455151Why couldn't she just stick with this damn it, it's only cringey if you know what a dick she actually is, to everyone else it's pretty funny and she also did actual looks with helpful instruction
People would've eaten it up if she just goddamn sTUCK TO IT REEEE
Every time I see her stuff from a few years ago (pre-sperg) I get sad for her again
No. 455529
kaka's case has a new update but idk what it means
"9/26/2017 Notice Lack of Prosecution/Motion to Dism/Notice Hearing
Comments: 12/15/17 AT 9 AM" No. 455534
>>455413It is pretty frustrating to see because she actually does things decently correctly, just not long enough for her to gain enough followers. There are definitely people out there who have more followers for lesser content. She never can keep it going, no matter what, just because people won't come out of nowhere and fawn all over her.
Also guys, don't forget Hanna Beth and Jac Vanek. Though I think Hanna was already in a wealthy family, I don't know about Jac but she's still selling merch. I'm pretty sure Kaka is one of the only failures. She really missed out on a ton of opportunities. It's so late now that people have forgotten about her, she needs to build up her followers all over again from scratch. Which she can't do either because she's so paranoid and blocks everybody.
No. 455539
>>455529Also, according to past proceedings, she is representing herself entirely and her lawyers withdrew their counsel back in August 2015.
So it's been kind of sitting there clogging up the system for a while now.
No. 455544
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>>455209I don't post here often, so sorry for the wall of text.
>Luckily for Dakota, once she got picked up by Bravo her parents couldn’t really mess with her other than copyright claiming her work.Hi Anon, just a quick clarification: Copyright belongs to the creator, in this case, that would be the photographer. The agency purchases the license to publish Dakota's pictures from the photographer. Aside from that, licencing is a mix of Dakota's agency, photographer, the medium that publishes the work, and additional licences can be given out or purchased e.g. for PR reasons ("massive fashion blog wants to use our photos, good for us". In a contract prior to a shoot, each party will state what the shoot is for, where it'll be published, what style and editing is desired, compensation, and who gets to use which photos for which purpose. So licencing is mix and match, but copyright is restricted to one entity and can't be transferred.
See who's not listed in there? The parents. As soon as your child is 18, forget about "copyrighting" their pictures, unless you took them
yourself. In other words, Cathy has zero power here. The one taking videos down is Kiki.
On the topic of Copyright…
Here's the DMCA I got for the Pupper Master video I uploaded. It's a fraudulent DCMA because a) She didn't sign her name and b) She claimed to be the copyright holder, which she isn't. She's just an actress in it. Technically, she could try to fight the public exposure/upload of her scenes, but promotional material is also included in the contract she had signed off on. No struggling agency wants an actress that actively takes down promo material. If anyone were able to DMCA this clip, it's be the production company.
Fun fact: Fraudulent DMCAs are perjury.
No. 455678
>>455544i believe that was taken down by fullmoon, not kiki.
September 18, 2017 Full Moon Pictures >> Vimeo, Inc.
"Kirsten Leigh Ostrenga / Kiki Kannibal / Lilou Vos as Oberheller Friede Steitze in Puppet Master: Axis Termination (2017)"
>>455428I don't think the Ostrengas could afford veneers. A girl I know got veneers on her upper front four teeth and paid 8000 bucks for just that, and she's wealthy.
It's a lot of money, and we're talking about someone who makes her entire wardrobe off of Taobao. She probably just had some luck with teeth genes.
No. 455719
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>>455678thats an interesting site you got there
No. 455722
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top fucking kek
did we know that already?
can we still laugh about it once again?
No. 455765
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>>455709I don't remember ever seeing kiki wear braces, although she also doesn't smile in a lot of her pics.
Her dental work reminds me of miley cyrus or hilary duff, although countless other celebrities have fixed their smiles with veneers.
No. 455781
>>455765There are invisible braces (Invisalign and that other type where the wire goes behind the teeth, both would take around a year at max to do the job), more expensive than usual braces but still way cheaper than veneers.
Yes, celebrities get veneers. Rich celebrities. Kaka isn't rich nor a celebrity.
I don't know, it just seems unlikely to me. Dakota can't afford surgery to fix her face and Kiki can get around 10,000 dollars of dental work?
No. 455794
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>>455765>I don't remember ever seeing kiki wear braceshere. now stop.
No. 456169
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Interesting that with her delete spree she left up the “what I eat in a day” video with her using honey in one of her videos, considering she took down the juice containing honey because people kept calling her out on it in the comments
No. 456268
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>>455794The braces may have been to help with the crowding of her teeth, still can't help but to think she had some of her teeth replaced.
No. 456319
>>456268Agreed. Just look at how much gaping and uneven sizing or spacing, and that's just prior to rotation.
Anyone who thinks braces to on left pic will result in the right pic will be sorely disappointed in reality. She probably just did a handful of teeth on her top row, which doesn't cost much.
No. 456423
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No. 456455
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>>456268>>456319>Anyone who thinks braces to on left pic will result in the right pic will be sorely disappointed in reality.i can't.. lol it's so obvious that both of you have never had braces before, yet you're trying to make yourself sound like you know what you're talking about. take it from us anons here who do, they can do a hell of a lot more than kak's before pic.
No. 456459
>>456455Non braces fag here (that should’ve had braces but my parents just never had the money) but if she had wisdom teeth growing sideways and removed them that would’ve made it even easier for her teeth to straighten out as well, right?
Mine are really crooked on the bottom row which was where I had 2 wisdom teeth growing in sideways which I always assumed added to them being pushed inwards and more croweded
Sage bc no one gives a fuck about my teeth and completely irrelevant dental theories but I don’t find it hard to believe braces were all it needed to straighten hers out like that.
No. 456608
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Kiki's been RTing a fair bit about Harvey Weinstein/similar accusations recently.
And yet she was perfectly happy to appear in something like Puppet Master? If you take a look on the Full Moon Horror FB page it's only two posts below their most recent Puppet Master promo that you get shit like this. In fact most of their posts are sexploitation.
It only counts when it affects you, right Lilou? Her odd response to the Mayim Bialik post shows how messed up her perception is.
No. 457138
What the lazy outro song that plays in this video? (the one where she toured the LACMA/mid-wilshire area. No. 457741
File: 1509324817787.png (603.42 KB, 1000x1317, Lærredsstørrelse.png)

Looks like Kiki's finally got some money again - a $700 lens.
No. 457750
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>>457741Look! Another white frilly top!
Seriously, who chooses that as their aesthetic?
No. 457754
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>>457741And lastly, this must be what she used the Patreon money on - an auction that finished shortly after the first payment. I bet she wishes she could have people paying for nothing every month, no wonder she got mad when people questioned her lack of content.
She's wasting $50 on a tacky bracelet but still needs her fans to pay her to make videos!
No. 457789
>>457754I know it's her money (even though she did nothing to earn it by not even fucking delivering the patreon content she promised) and she can
technically spend it on whatever she wants, but who the fuck would spend $50 on that ugly shit
No. 457819
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>>457789Concidering she wears these butt ugly earrings, I'm not too surprised
No. 457875
>>457819has literally anyone, anywhere, ever complimented this god awful style bc if it was a branding that sold i'd respect the hustle but holy fuck how does anyone look into the mirror and just do this to themselves and everyone with working vision around them
like if she owned her bleached out bag lady but also child prostitude style it would be cool in a 'she absolutely gives no fucks' way but she doesn't have the balls for that this is all she can do. at this point her gaudy kiki kannibal rhinestone style is so out that it's ironically in and if she owned a early 2000s kim kardashian wannabe look she would legit get a following - but again, she. has. no. fucking. balls.
for someone terminally dehydrated to be compared to david bowie she doesn't even try to be edgy or fashionable. like if you're going to be legit crazy/sperg-chan you might as well have fun but no. we get antique store hooker.
fuck this bitch and her crusty no milk teet.
No. 457884
>>457857It seems like she got stuck on that empathic elf queen Galadriel idea from before her Japan visit and this is the watered-down remains.
Cheap and ugly white/off-white shit she can but probably shouldn't wear to Walmart.
No. 457940
>>457917Natural fibers like cotton, wool, etc. and not just Taobao/F21 poly blend shite. They’re not that expensive if you don’t go for overpriced brands like Kiki clearly would. It’s strange how she’s willing to blow $800 on a camera lens, yet still looks so
cheap. Just goes to show you can’t buy actual style, I guess.
No. 458081
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>Oh anon, I want you to blast my face and make my asshole look like a windsock with your huge Australian penis!(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 458273
>>458266I would love that, but Keeks clearly thinks she's way above those kinds of shows.
I don't know why when her initial fame was for being a trashy bitch and she's failed in every single endeavour since then, but Ostrengas gonna Ostrenga.
No. 458364
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>>458294they WERE going to be on Dr Phil once years ago. Cathy's e-mails to the producers are in their archives. Apparently they chickened out because Dr. Phil wanted to bring in Chris Stone
and Danny's family to tell their side of the story. that would have been a disaster, dr. phil would have grilled them over their irresponsible parenting, and kiki's disturbing inappropriate photos as a minor (that THEY photographed). So instead they opted for the 1-side biased Rolling Stone article. Rolling Stone was all too happy for the sensationalism.
No. 458395
>>458374back in the day chris stone was a wannabe perez hilton and child predator. he created "stickam house" where underage scene kids lived to become a reality thing but he was just a predator. he leaked her underage nudes and wanted to destroy kiki by using danny and his "side" of the story. kiki's family prostituted her to danny when she was underage, i know she is a cunt but she was 14 and you cannot consent especially to a grown man. people literally try to pin his death on cathy just because cathy made some edge lord comment about his death being revenge. it wasn't, she's a delusional bitch. the police set up a sting where they got a "12 year old" to meet with danny at the mall with a bunch of coke for them to do. the cops showed up, dumbfuck thought he could do some jackie chan shit and jump on a truck to make a get away and died instead of getting caught and put in jail. dannys family claim he was a "sweet boy" and whatever other bullshit, but if he was so great he would have stayed away. chris stone just manipulates that situation because he was a visible adult with clout that, like perez hilton/tmz, had social power over actual children in the scene.
it's all actually really fucked up and would make an amazing documentary, including how he destroyed and used amor hilton and fellow predator/rapist john hock. chris stone is gay and used fame hungry underage myspace kids to get off, his site was shut down as child porn.
No. 458401
>”Stickam house”Wtf?
>he leaked her underaged nudesWhere tf did he get them??
>wanted to destroy kiki by using dannyI don’t see how that would have worked. The Danny thing was Cathy’s fault. She let him move in, she let him sleep in Kiki’s room, and she collected their used condoms so she knew they were having sex way before anyone claimed it was rape by technicality because he pissed off Momma O by breaking up with Kiki. I dislike her but I remember being 14- I wasn’t a racist fuckwad, but I also wasn’t anywhere near mature enough to have a 19 year old live-in BF. Cathy’s job as a mother was to put her foot down and say “no, horny teenaged boy, you cannot sleep with my underaged daughter because that’s illegal”. Not wait until he does it it and cry rape after the act like some bitter twat. I would love to see Dr. Phil rip apart her and Scott’s shitty famewhore parenting.
No. 458427
>>458401r/drama had a good rundown of the whole Stickyhouse thing. are additional details like him having the connections and an opportunity to film a pilot episode on Fox, but IIRC he was never able to scrape together enough footage.
He really wanted Kiki to be involved in the whole thing. I mainly recall Cathy of all people being the most vocal FUCK NO DEFINITELY NOT to that offer which only made him more antagonistic towards the Ostrengas.
No. 458433
>>458427>And there, dear readers, is the internet equivalent of Jake Wolf on all fours, tears streaming down his face, with two gigantic strap-ons buried up to the plastic hilt in his bloody and quivering asshole—one worn by Kiki, one by Amor, while StickyDrama holds the camera and tells the girls to fuck him harder so that he’ll moan like the desperate e-whore he is.>Silly Jake! Thinking you could hop from Kiki to Amor. They have annihilated every boy before you—recall Hock and Cespedes—and they will annihilate every boy after you. Either one of them could destroy you with a tweet. With a click. With a thought. You are nothing and they are everything. Your body might remain alive IRL; but online you are henceforth dead, a shadow, a ghost, doomed to fuck only the loose scabby vaginas of ugly sluts like Jenny Thompson, never again the tight moist vaginas of attractive e-celebs like Kiki and Amor. This is the curse we inflict upon you.Wow, that edge. Now I see where Kiki got it from at least.
No. 459612
>>459603I felt bad for Kirsten when her mom starts sperging in the beginning and she goes "stop yelling…" and since Cathy won't stop she just plays a bunch of white noise, saying "stop, stop stop"
A part of me wonders if she still feels embarrassed by her mom
No. 459633
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>>459515man, I forget how fucking crazy Cathy is. I actually feel a little sympathy for Kiki here.
No. 459891
>>459746Yeah the speech pattern is similar. With the time, the crazy just sunk in and turned Kiki into what she is today
>>459834 stated, she hasn't had any jobs, is back in FL, etc but if you ask her she'll probably go on a rant "it's my ultimate passion!"
No. 460282
>>459515cathy babbling all that garbage and not once does she considering kiki's behavior as potentially
No. 460312
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I am unsure why she insists on dressing like an dishrag when she could be fashionable like she used to be.
No. 460418
>>460367 She always thought she was fashion forward. Case and point: the time she argued with someone over who started the coon tail stripes on your head trend.
>>460312Looking at this pic makes me wonder why she doesn't just get layers in her hair. The flat and thin hair she has makes her look like she just got discharged from the looney bin.
No. 460430
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Yawn. How's things in Florida, Keeks?
No. 460432
>>460430Oh yeah keeks. You justice warrior you. Haven't heard u speak up against this
No. 461085
>>461081So vegan and compassionate towards animals, letting the cat climb in the toilet and laughing about it. She's been vegan since she was 8 guys!
The video feels like the beginning of a bad ARG.
No. 461455
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No. 461456
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>>461455Wouldn't it be quite the kekmas if we could actually hire Kiki to read her sperg-chan posts? Only in dreams anons.
No. 461464
>>461455You were all wrong. Her next career is not photography, it's a freelance voice actor!
She can read a whole audiobook with the poorly stereotyped accent of a Chinese child, or a senior Australian.
No. 461475
>>461464To be fair that page has been up for a little while, it was part of her acting career.
How was she expecting to record decent quality audio when she insists she hasn't got good equipment though?
No. 461485
>>461456Any animator anons want to make a animation for Kaka to voice act to ?
One where she plays herself, an unfortunate woman trying to make it big in the world and envious/jealous of a successful blonde girl named Taylor.
No. 461893
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Still nothing new from Keeks besides a few animal welfare/abuse tweets. The acting career really is over.
I wonder if she does anything to help animals besides hitting the retweet button? … we all know the answer.
No. 461933
>>461893She “adopted” a tiger or panda or something once.
I think she sometimes puts a little pocket change into charities.
No. 461935
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>>461933Yeah, she adopt a tiger once. She also volunteered at a wolf sanctuary. Once.
And she had to let everyone know about all that generosity! I have no faith that she continued in either of those commitments.
>I donate every month!>here's my generic certificate for signing up>never mentions it again No. 462586
>>462569bobby hatanaka
She deleted the video of him singing happy birthday to her, and she moved back home.
Not sure if they were living together, but it definitely seems like they've broken up for now.
No. 462807
>>462792>>462801The silence is obvious though.
>had to deactivate patreon>probably expected a hundred patrons, got 9.>forced to give everyone a refund>2 of 9 patrons ended up being farmers>all of the content got leaked>her mom went psycho on a complete random on twitterthat's plenty reason to lay low for a while.
No. 462822
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>>461995>>462147Woop, found em in the archive.
No. 462825
File: 1510459120129.png (173.29 KB, 287x287, omg.png)

>>462822Saint Francis is not an archangel. He's the patron SAINT of animals.
And calling on both a catholic saint and a east Asia Buddhist goddess…Kiki, your spiritual game is a mess
No. 462874
>>462822>>462823This reads like "My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families, but now about me and my feelings."
Such compassion, but will it ever be activism?
No. 462900
>>462822>>462825lmao I can't with her ignorance. this is just like her patreon video where she contradicts herself in the same sentence
>I believe that energy is not created nor destroyed, so I believe there is a greater source or something out there that created all of this, this matrix."she doesn't know that's the first law of thermodynamics, not a new-age spiritual belief.
No. 463099
>>462822>>462828Curious… What
is her religion specifically? Has she ever said? Omnism?
No. 463759
>>463329Whole-food plant-based is the new vegan.
Just waiting for kiki to jump on the next bandwagon now.
No. 464129
File: 1510722264527.jpg (386.77 KB, 1440x2336, Collage 2017-11-14…)

Lack of recent Kiki milk made me kinda restless, so I tried to edit a screenshot of her from last thread to give her that babyface she keeps insisting that she has out of boredom.
No. 464770
>>464519It's hard to understand why she leaves her hair so limp. Doesn't she get bored of it?…Ever? It has no oomph whatsoever.
No. 464914
>>464770Any cut, color, or style would affect her sensitive indigo child energy.her hair is long because Native American tracker's said it gave them a 'sixth sense' or some story off the internet. The chemicals in hair dye and styling products, not to mention the heat from styling tools are way to damaging for her perfectly natural blessed hair.
She could wear a wig…
No. 465180
File: 1510933428496.png (175.91 KB, 750x1209, IMG_9971.PNG)

Sorry if this was already talked about but did Lilou draw this? It was on a Russian VK profile.
No. 465184
File: 1510934119649.png (48.17 KB, 630x476, IMG_9972.PNG)

>>465181look kitty, the haterz are making fun of my precious art that looks like me!
No. 465771
>>465748Doubt it, she didn't turn up for the 11/13/2014 or 8/13/2015 hearings. I don't know enough about the process to say whether she's actually required to show up for any of these court dates but I can't see any evidence of her actual involvement beyond the initial complaint.
Hopefully a legal anon can provide better info, though this whole thing is such a total lolsuit mess that it was likely laughed out of court without much thought.
No. 466342
File: 1511206329033.jpg (297.45 KB, 750x880, PMAxisTermination_Blu-ray_BACK…)

Kiki must be pleased she has such a large feature on the Puppetmaster box art but damn that's an unfortunate photo. The angle even makes it look like she has little T-Rex arms.
No. 466479
>>466441Considering she never mentioned Puppet Master beyond the initial filming I suspect she’s rightfully embarrassed about that absolute shit. She certainly didn’t say anything when it was released.
I’m her parents will buy 10 copies each though.
No. 466685
>>445257Don't you think that finding Kiki's address, following her into a supermarket and photographing her breaches the the borders of sanity just a little bit?
I don't even see how a mildly unflattering pic of her is even milk.
Like, she is a human being. This is fucking scary. Don't bother cows in real life jesus christ. How is everyone so okay with this.
You're a fucking creep anon
No. 466792
>>466685Show me the evidence that anon was following Kiki?
Before the photos were posted we had no idea Kiki was in Florida, we still thought she was in LA, and we didn’t exactly expect that she shopped in Walmart - I would have assumed she bought from totemo organic stores only rather than supporting big evil corporations.
So anon hung around in a random Walmart in the Ostrengas’ area hoping she’d appear out of nowhere?
Even if we did know that Kiki was hitting up that particular store on the regular NOBODY cares about Kiki that much.
If anon had posted that they saw her without photographic evidence nobody would have believed them.
Get out, nobody is stalking you.
No. 466809
File: 1511304432931.jpeg (163.26 KB, 625x626, 3BDF2ACE-20F6-4780-BBD5-E1FB60…)

Great job replying to the bait you fucking retards. It’s like you all want to help derail the thread.
No. 466845
If anything, I believe anon wouldn't recognize her if it weren't for the all-white lame outfit.
No. 466870
>>466843People like Kiki want a clean slate with no apology for shitty behavior. They consistently contradict what they put out into the world, and expect people to worship them for doing little or nothing.
Don't get me wrong; I think that Kiki is a damaged human being that could benefit a lot from serious therapy. It's a damn shame that she didn't get help early on and just unplug herself while she got sorted out. Instead, it was encouraged. She was encouraged to become a celebrity by her family. But fame does not come without criticism.
No. 466875
>>466843Hi, Kiki.
Literally no one in the real world cares about internet drama. No one forces you to obsessively refresh your threads, and collect "evidence of harassment" - which is simply a collection of your public posts, and not illegal. If you moved on with your life like a regular person, went to college, started a normal career, these threads would die. Instead you continue to seek online praise and fame, and don't produce any quality content EXCEPT for drama and meltdowns. You don't do anything, except complain.
Grow up. Move on. Forget about the internet, and it will forget you.
No. 466880
>>466862I agree. I never understood people who get upset over sites like these. Like I get it's embarrassing when people dig up old shit but it's usually just contained on here/sites like this. I don't think I've ever seen anyone actually get harassed from being posted on here before. If anything, I think sites like this can prevent harassment.
>>466875>Literally no one in the real world cares about internet drama.This. It's weird to me that she still hasn't realized this since Kota is living proof of this. She had the same shit on her and had tons of people actively trying to ruin her career/reputation but nothing ever came of it because she doesn't ever acknowledge it.
No. 466899
>>466880Well, I wouldn't say it took absolutely no affect on Kota. I'm sure it pissed her employers off to have to disable comments in all videos she's in, but nobody else's. The constant sweeping they have to do behind Kota because of internet peeps pointing out her lies. Like when she was posted to Bravo's FB and people pointed out the pictures were shooped.
Kiki also had a small taste of that when on anon went alittle loopy and started pestering and tipping off Taco. I sure anons can agree that was a tad of a piss off.
However, I never heard of any farmers actually taking time out of their days to physically stalk someone on here. If that anon was stalking Kiki, why was there only check out pictures and not her scraggly ass struggling to lift a pumpkin, or a video or even her walking else where.
No. 466910
File: 1511326220066.jpg (81.09 KB, 624x628, 9301109.jpg)

>>466843this is literally copy-pasted from one of Spergchan's old posts. Word for word.
it's a troll, probably trying to resurrect this dead thread.
No. 467055
>>466843Fuck off Kiki, you were so fucking dedicated to using this site to shittalk and to threatening Taylor that you deserve absolutely no sympathy.
I hope that all the shit you've done will continue to follow you online and in real life for the rest of your life.
No. 467218
>>451592>>466843This. Kiki, honestly, your best bet is just deleting all social media and going off the grid.
Lolcow would stop talking about you if you just went inactive. Look at Felice Fawn for example. She's nowhere to be found, and thus, she has been forgotten.
>>467218can you chill your autism and fucking read:
>>466910and stop feeding some idiot trolls who arent even kiki?
No. 467914
>>467900And this right here is why the “do it faggot” thing died off. Too many people missing the joke and
doing the thing.
No. 467925
Yet more evidence Kiki's no longer in LA (as if we needed it) - she didn't turn up for the Puppet Master premiere ( or the signing at the same store as
>>323547The total silence besides a few RTs is the most damning though. Girl is embarrassed and learnt not to fake it after the Japan mess.
No. 467941
File: 1511557736844.jpg (115.75 KB, 1334x726, Acheron (2017).jpg)

new photo
No. 467942
File: 1511557826742.jpg (104.54 KB, 1334x810, 2.jpg)

No. 467953
looking rough
No. 467966
File: 1511566649397.jpg (103.56 KB, 1675x1017, lilou vos acheron behind the s…)

>>467941Several from this set were already posted months ago, but never the most important one… pic related. I'm still amazed she kept it so hidden for so long.
No. 467971
>>467970I meant more why didn't any anons post that photo over the others (eg: the couple in this thread and
>>420247) when they're all in the same FB album.
Kiki would obviously never show the nose pic let alone the other less unflattering photos taken by others, we all know that.
>>467944She turned up to the magazine signing before, I'm sure she'd show up in shitty outfits for the more recent one and the premiere.
No. 468059
>>467941Has anyone seen this yet?
What about the crazy web series where she breaks the bottle on that girl's head?
I want to see these.
No. 468088
>>468050>>468058It's ironic, because that there used to be this girl on stickam called Chelsea who went to LA to model or something, and Kirsten made fun of her for how different she ""really"" looked. Uglier and fatter.
It's just like Cathy says,
No. 468094
File: 1511596319359.jpg (183.93 KB, 1080x1350, 23825040_2434116623479482_8829…)

>>468050Yeah she was the one going in on Taylor R and that other Japan based model about their noses. It's sort of funny to compare their behind-the-scenes pictures to Keeks's. pic related
No. 468143
>>468141Because Kiki is lazy.
She don't want to work her way up the ladder, she wants to be a hollywood star now. It's the same with the dj'ing and the modelling. The minute she finds out that shit is hard and that she have to work to get results, she gives up.
No. 468144
>>468130Oh god here we go. I said HER nose is haggard, no need to start the #butallnosesmatter thing.
Jennifer Aniston and Giselle both have noses far smaller than Kiki's. Kiki has an actual toucan beak, and with the forehead, sickly looks, and flat hair it makes her look like she belongs somewhere in small town Russia kneading dough with a shawl on.
She spent so much time stalking and obsessing over Taylor R, so much time insulting her nose and even trying to get her to cut her hair via anonymous advice, when she looks like this. I have no deep seated vitriol for Kiki but I'm going to call her as she is: unattractive. She isn't even unconventionally attractive. Let's stop pussyfooting around the elephant in the room.
No. 468158
>>468141She can't keep up acting for the same reason she didn't get into it before. It's all BS. It was yet another short-lived bandwagon, not an "utter passion" like she claims so hard.
>>468136> I think her nose is kind of sexyThat's one hell of a weird sentence
No. 468159
>>467966Eh, it's beaked but it's small. A surgeon could give her a perfect upturned button nose with the minimal effort.
If only she hadn't paid for that role and invested that money in a nose job instead…
No. 468164
File: 1511622809504.gif (1.47 MB, 500x444, BQujkQY.gif)

>>468144Huh. Keeks bullied you back in the day. I can sense it.
No. 468223
>>468211Subjective opinions. There are people who come in here and say “Kiki isn’t pretty/average/plain, she’s ugly/old/haggard!” And act like everyone who disagrees with them is acting willfully ignorant and refusing to see her ~true form~.
The truth is, some people think she’s pretty, some people don’t. Her nose is big, that’s a fact, but it being ugly or beakish are
opinions, which people need to learn to sage and stop arguing about. Entire threads run wild with nitpicking and arguing semantics while no actual content gets posted or discussed, all because some anons can’t accept that other anons disagree with their opinions.
No. 468232
>>468223While I see your point, I take Kiki's hyper criticisms of other women and delusions of grandeur into consideration. She truly believes she's a waifish elven goddess and her narcissism does not match up with her real looks.
When you strip away the filters, the angles, the editing, the makeup, and the meticulous posing, she is without a doubt far from conventional at the very least. In the nature of the entertainment industry she is hardly pedestrian even.
Do I hate her? No. Does her looks offend me? No. Do I think she needs a reality check because she exists in a glass castle of egomania? Yes.
No. 468341
>>468256>far worseI don't think so. Given all the things Kiki has done and hidden, I'm pretty sure she's on tier. Most insta hoes just photoshop and pretend to have a perfect life when they're actually prostitutes or whatever. After seeing all of Kiki's psycho sperg chan posts, coupled with everything I remember from her scene era (hello she spray painted "regal slut" on her own house for sympathy) I truly don't have anything positive to say about her. She isn't going to change.
I'll write fake encouragements just to try to squeeze out milk like everybody else but someone on her level of mental illness has no business acting the way she does. She's unsalvageable.
No. 468382
File: 1511700693345.jpeg (60.15 KB, 815x527, C2553E96-F61E-44C2-B05D-7F2FA8…)

No edit?
No. 468386
>>468360I take it you don't remember that shitshow, or weren't around for it.
>ludicrous claimUm, have you not been paying attention? Do you know anything about the Ostrengas at all? Jesus.
No. 468401
>>468386(dif anon )
Someone in the Kota threads is compiling a time line of everything Kota's ever done. Maybe someone could do the same for Kiki, so when anons like the one you're quoting ( and me ) know what your talking about. That way when nefags or people that missed out come to the thread they have a place to go and read a more dense/no spam history.
I've never heard of this story either. . .
No. 468500
>>468428No, it's impossible for there to be proof unless someone has video footage of them spray painting it themselves. this is the first time i hear about this and it's face-palming stupid. this is another classic case of somebody making something up about them, and then defending the rumor despite having no proof. It happens a lot in these kiki/dakota threads.
rumors that can't be proven or disproven, but even if they sound really far-fetched, just saying something like "but it totally sounds like something they would do!" and "come on, who would call her regal?" is enough for everyone to believe it apparently.
No. 468563
>>468500It’s also stupid to think that the police report is proof they
didnt do it themselves. No suspects were ever named and nothing ever came of the report they filed, it was literally a publicity stunt. Just like the Miami news article that says Danny raped Kiki against her will after lying about his age and then Cathy kicked him out when she found out. Utter bullshit spewn from there own mouths to paint them as victims when in reality, the only people who have ever given
that much of a fuck about image OR reputation/drama are themselves. If Kiki and her family would stop trying to stalk and censor everyone, she wouldn’t have any problems (aside from her mental ones ofc).
No. 468582
>>468431I have a vague recollection about it being debunked. Something like there was nobody who lived near them who would even do such a thing, much less somehow without being caught.
>>468563Pretty much this. It was the Ostrenga's height of fabricated drama where they are always just the victims at the time.
I remember how everything in the Rolling Stone article was insanely one-sided to paint that victim story (literally) too.
No. 468622
File: 1511746522113.jpg (56.94 KB, 1416x279, oops.jpg)

>>468582It's probably only a coincidence that the writer of Kiki's Rolling Stone story was later involved in scandal of her own. No. 468787
>>468771The Ostrengas are extremely lucky they were "popular" in the MySpace era and not during such an aware and data-collecting time as the last few years.
I'm not one to harp on ~~newfagz uguu~~ often but if you weren't present for the Kannibal frenzy you've missed so much! There's plenty of crazy milk that is lost to the internet of the past. You wouldn't truly know just how batshit and pathetic the Ostrengas are unless you've been a longtime witness.
I was the same age as Kiki when she was the scene it girl and I followed all the scene queens. So many lost streams, gimmicks, and lies that are futile to bring up because there's no solid evidence beside memory.
One in particular that I wish I could dig up is the article that briefly went viral years ago where Kiki claimed her nudes were spread because a man "hacked" her webcam and took incriminating videos and screenshots of her family and blackmailed her into sending them. There was a whole article similar to the rolling stone piece where it was just victimhood piled on top of victimhood. A whole elaborate story spun about it. I believed it at the time because I was a naive teen. I felt sorry for her lol.
Does that sound "face palming" and "ridiculous"? I may not have caps of it happening (how would I know any of that would evolve into this at the time?) but that doesn't make it any less true. It's just yet another Ostrenga lie lost to scene era's lack of proper documentation.
No. 468794
>>468787I’m an oldfag too, anon, I remember. Problem is, I have no proof. For example, I
know I’ve seen screencaps of Dakota’s old videos with the sex doll and living doll tags on them, but I can’t find them anywhere anymore. Also, now links in old Dakota threads in the /cgl/ archive are starting to die. The Ostrengas know society is moving in a direction now where people are sick of bitchy, two faced liars who have nothing of value to offer anyone but their looks, and they know that if they want a chance at their girls being a part of it, they have to remake their entire history and erase as much of it as possible.
I wonder if there has ever been anyone else as obsessed with removing themselves from the internet as they are?
No. 468799
>>468794LOL skeptics will say we're a samefag talking to ourselves ;^)
While I understand the need for solid evidence and proof because so many people lie, exaggerate, and defame others, there's still the obvious fact that nobody has been better at defaming the Ostrengas as themselves. Nobody.
All they do is google themselves, obsess over themselves, and search for any cyber piece that paints them for as they are. Kiki has been like this for years, and she'll continue to be like this. She's twisted into such a narcissistic and hateful creature that I can't imagine her knowing a life without lies and grandiosity. This goes for Cathy as well. Awful parenting.
No. 468800
>>468787>an article claiming she was hacked and blackmailed into taking and sending nudes I remember that as well, because I remember rolling my eyes at my computer screen when I read it. But that doesn’t explain why she was smiling and posing so much
in her nudes.
No. 468883
>>468879The last time I remember them being mentioned was as rewards for Kiki and Kota's Kickstarter in 2012.
I imagine there's still a huge box of them stuffed in the back of one of their closets in Florida, along with those tops they tried to sell with Kota's hideous art on and a bunch of white angel wing backpacks.
No. 468895
File: 1511807049114.jpg (49.82 KB, 500x477, image.jpg)

>>468883She probably also has a bunch of leftover oversized crystal jewelry and overpriced bedazzled kimmidolls.
Kiki should've just started her own vegan makeup line instead of peddling random shit on the internet all these years.
No. 468963
>>468895Problem with Kiki (and Dakota to a degree I guess) is that they're chronic lazy ass. You can't fall into a good business plan magically and start making $$$ from day 1, anyone who tried or started a business knows that.
You can be succesfull at being a DJ, a model, a shop owner, a small brand designer even though there is a part of luck at play too, but you have to put your sweat and blood in it. You gotta work 24/7 with no such things as holidays and days off. You have to accept that the first few years you'll earn nothing and just bleed money.
The Ostrengas manage to launch something then get extremely disappointed when it doesn't take off in like 3 months, can't put effort into not making cheap crap (diamond jewellry) or straight up stealing music then consider it a dead-end and give it all up.
Dakota is kinda the same, especially with her art or brands that never really improve or take off, except she got really lucky she went viral with the real barbie trend but she never really worked out to be a regular model size.
So yeah jumping on that vegan makeup comment, you can all imagine what cool career plan Kiki might have a shot at, it's pointless. She'll never be good as a business owner because she lacks efforts, ethics and hard-work.
No. 469382
>>469340It'd be a flop.
The only thing Kiki could ever profit off of at this point is raw honesty. Videos about her past, about growing up a cyber prostitot, real true accounts and moving forward from her past. Nobody is interested in anything else because the majority knows she's a horrid person.
The Dr. Phil direction is all she's got left, she's failed at everything else. Pull a bunch of stuff out of your ass but we all know it's true. She's incapable of being chill, relatable, and genuine. You can practically see her melting.
No. 469891
File: 1511974571564.gif (2.97 MB, 480x270, Stop.gif)

She should just get a regular fucking job, and completely stop with the fame chasing. Kota was a fluke and got lucky, Kaka has been at it for years now and nothing has stuck. Its fine to do this all as a hobby, but its not getting her anywhere in life. She failed acting,DJing,modelling,Jewelry brand and youtube and now all thats left is "creative writing" ( Book ) which will tank too and leave her in a hole.
If home girl keeps it up she'll be some jobless 30 yr old living in her parents basement still screeching about the haters.
No. 469946
>>469864wtf are you even on about?
>>469891of course koots was a fluke. she only got there due to shoops and stayed due to contractual obligation/being resigned cause of public interest. she's basically a freakshow to gawk at, which is how they'd treat kaka since she's not a pure waif-ey white girl.
No. 470363
>>470301Lol, she didn't.
Creative writing ( writing a book ) is one of the arts she hasn't tried yet to seek fame with. It just seems like she's going down the list of all arts hoping one will stick and make her rich and famous.
No. 470730
File: 1512120539420.png (615.5 KB, 750x1334, 9B6FC797-10D6-4696-9617-1D4D24…)

Damn Nuck Figgers, who pissed in your Cheerios?
No. 470733
- but kind of surprised that kiki hasn't deleted those yet.
No. 470986
>>470730She might have posted this herself so she has a reason to say she's a victim.
There's barely any activity on her videos to warrant extremely specific hate posts that have that outdated Ostrenga style.
No. 471091
>>470986I agree. She tightly controls all of her content and tries to police everyone else’s…this shit makes no sense. And I can definitely see her using a race-based handle.
>>470788As in my response? Well give me a suggestion cause this shit is way past salty.
No. 471397
>>471346Ugh, as entertaining as that'd be, that massive sense of pride she has makes it physically impossible for her to let herself be seen as anything other than that empathetic vegan warrior image that she tries so hard to push.
Kiki's internet presence would probably be a lot easier if she could just let people take the piss out of her without the theatrics - or hell, even do it herself for once. I don't think I've ever seen her make fun of herself without it being some weird attempt to actually give herself a compliment (correct me if she has though!) It's funny how much she wants to be seen as quirky and ~*t0tally randum*~ but girl can't seem to take a joke at her own expense every once in a while without wanting to hyperventilate into an eco-friendly, reusable bag. She needs to loosen up. People with an enormous following usually have to develop some kind of backbone and be able to take the occasional flack that comes their way. Two totally different leagues here, but how many times do you think that someone like Pewdiepie or whatever gets some rando in their inbox making death threats? And here we have Kiki writing near essay-length outbursts because some girl said her hair was thin in a passing YouTube comment. I don't think someone with such a fragile mental constitution is made for the internet.
No. 472998
File: 1512686696103.png (42.29 KB, 481x406, d06.png)

>>471943flashback When I was a little kid in elementary school.. I was big into the spice girls. Anyway, I decided that I too wanted fame. I had an asshole kid friends and they'd go all out, by jerks, say mean things and make me cry. Then they'd say that shit… that you just said HURR DURR I THOUGHT YOU WANTED FAME?! FAMOUS PEOPLE HAVE TO HEAR IT ALL THE TIME! (please put me out to pasture. This story is over)
File: 1512780734270.jpg (877.2 KB, 1500x1497, IMG_2570.JPG)

Sage for no contribution, but I performed a little meitu magic on her nose, and realized she would look one thousand times better if she had a simple nose job. Not even a turned up button nose, just straightening the bridge and reducing the tip. I'm not saying that surgery is always the way, but it makes her look much less haggard.
No. 473553
>>473521>>473536I feel like people should do what they did with Onision and just have a website dedicated to old videos/new.
Kiki or Dakota ( cause it could be either or taking shit down) have proven they'll just keep copyrighting shit till the end of time. Its been 5 years an they still care about stupid old scene videos being up online, even if they only rake in 15 views.
No. 473567
File: 1512846559766.png (123.26 KB, 259x668, Screen Shot 2017-12-09 at 1.49…)

>>473270>>473521>>473536Kiki or Dakota got the videos uploaded taken down. Here's the screenshot. Also, I have saved a TON of their videos. I will upload more.
No. 473645
>>473601This. If Kiki were okay with her nose then she would have never written her text wall about her self esteem and her “friend” who got a nose job and wasn’t happy with it.
Although I don’t understand why her parents are willing to give her $5K for a shitty puppet movie but they can’t get her some plastic surgery/cosmetic procedures to make her look less dehydrated and sallow.
No. 473648
>>473567Kiki confirmed for still lurking lolcow then I guess.
Merry Christmas keeks.
No. 473696
File: 1512870524035.jpg (6.03 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0256.JPG)

Who else thinks Keeks having shorter hair like this looks good on her? Her hair looked healthy here, compared to what it looks like now & the candid pics at Walmart.
No. 473818
>>473696fuck my eyes
learn to take a screenshot
No. 473841
File: 1512920877358.png (165.49 KB, 479x594, Screen Shot 2017-12-10 at 10.4…)

Look who got my account suspended.
No. 474161
>>474121>>474131>>474142What about ? It allows anonymous uploading, but I don't know much else about it.
No. 474257
File: 1513031442980.png (127.49 KB, 581x577, Screen Shot 2017-12-11 at 22.2…)

Recent tweets for posterity.
So she's not totally in hiding like after the Taku saga, but ignoring the whole acting career? I wonder if she'll just segue straight into a new project/career or if she'll have another hiatus before popping back up… because we all know the Ostrengas will never quit the internet fantasy game.
No. 474305
>>45552912/15/2017 HEARING - Lack of Prosecution - LeBlanc, Bob
It's coming up soon. I wonder if she's gonna show up.
No. 474378
File: 1513058150099.jpg (86.63 KB, 1080x1080, 14449253_1263443220374733_7451…)

From her current Instaspam. Feel free to roast.
Also: No. 474440
File: 1513086661285.png (482.21 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-12-12-07-48-36…)

Stop stalking Kiki Kardashian
No. 474476
File: 1513094343890.jpeg (94.37 KB, 640x607, 2972B4BB-9911-40FA-9E88-5696EE…)

>>474378Wow, I forgot how good she’s able to look. If she tried to look good like this again, she would probably be doing a lot better off as an ~actress~ and might have even had a decent shot at modeling.
No. 474629
File: 1513122791842.jpg (90.3 KB, 1080x1080, 14533553_902389729904659_29299…)

I'm willing to bet that she could only hold this pose while drunk.
No. 474728
>>474476loving the eyeliner on top of the hair look. yeah anon, she
totally looked like this
No. 474846
>>474728>she totally looked like thisYou sound unnecessarily salty. Kiki WAS objectively pretty when she put on makeup and did her hair. So yeah, she
did look like that, because not every pic with the slightest, tiniest little flaw is evidence of photoshop. And, even if it was, so what? That’s not the point. The point
was that if Kiki stopped being a hobo she could look pretty again without plastic surgery or a drastic style change with just a new hairstyle and some heavier makeup.
No. 474918
lol why are you being so agressive? i'm just pointing out her photoshop. kiki was too trashy to ever be considered attractive by the majority and now shes insane.
No. 474920
File: 1513224941710.png (587.88 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-12-13-21-51-00…)

I'm surprised she didn't shoop this more.
No. 474921
File: 1513225183743.png (698.6 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-12-13-21-51-37…)

I like this look but we all know she will never go this route again.
Okay I'm done posting screenshots from that account.
No. 474945
>>474921She looks great with blonde hair but I don't think she can actually maintain it. Looking at both of them, they have extremely thin and limp hair. To try and puff it up this much and get it to that color would probably make them bald.
Tbh, I think if they went with a shorter hairstyle with bangs it would work better since it wouldn't draw out their features so much.
No. 475083
File: 1513282402154.webm (5.73 MB, 852x480, 65.webm)
What did she mean by this?
No. 475324
File: 1513350344643.png (1.42 MB, 961x1369, kiki.png)

No. 475519
File: 1513373955799.webm (3.94 MB, 852x480, n.webm)
No. 475535
File: 1513376973152.png (310.89 KB, 1398x740, Screen Shot 2017-12-15 at 2.26…)

LOL this comment on the trailer
No. 475554
>>475542but this is beyond the level of enjoyably rubbish movie
it's just shit
trust me, I was the one to download the movie and post it here originally
it's not 'it's so bad it's good', it's just garbage. the plot makes no sense, they never even explained what happened to 'lilou's character.
those types of details take it from cheesy dumb horror to total trash
No. 475557
>>475554sage for samefag
but this is literally The Biggest Role Lilou had. And it was shit, 18 months ago. That was the grand summation of her entire acting career, everything else was student films or a 30 second part in a low-rated cable show.
Yeah, it'd be fun to see her carry on with the same rubbish but she's never getting anywhere with it.
The social media silence proves that she's given up on this project (along with her extensive history).
No. 475566
>>475552Yes right!?
That's a pity she gave up(?), I see nothing wrong about being part of a trashy movie or keeping on same lvl all your career, it's a job, you can get some fans and have a good time. I dont agree with diminished her for that. Still think it's pretty cool to start with something like this. Too bad she gave up, I confess I got interested in her after the movie and was hoping to see more of her.
Sorry about the positivism but nothing to be mean about atm
No. 475588
>>475554This. There's good shitty horror films and bad shitty horror films. This is bad shitty and fans of the genre agree.
Kaka's going to drop the pretentious Lilou persona soon I bet. Literally nobody knows her as that name. All her acting "work" did was showcase her massive honker, which isn't on any of her photos.
No. 475629
>>475578How exactly do you file against Jane Doe…?
Who is supposed to show up??
No. 475658
File: 1513400992558.png (390.53 KB, 599x844, 20171216_000705.png)

Kiki for the love of hairlines PLEASE start getting some nutrition because balding like this on a woman happens when your malnourished.
Here I present where a normal hairline would be vs her actual hairline
No. 475712
>>475676funny anon should mention it. there was a screenshot of her formspring once where she claimed she had a Polish nose and was proud of it (in response to a mean comment about her nose).
her ethnicities include every country in the UK, every country in Scandinavia, + Irish, Polish, French, German and Dutch. surprisingly doesn't claim Russian, only says that people think she is.
No. 475810
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No. 475925
>>475904omg I just realized that. It's Americanized Ostręga.
Both of the sisters "look Polish" when you think about it, though they wouldn't be considered pretty. Especially Kiki.
No. 475986
File: 1513485401028.jpg (12.14 KB, 312x212, 156956_162440267134164_1000010…)

>>475931>She looks like Mac Tonight. my sides..
No. 476057
used to have many followers, back in her scene days. But she's been a nobody for a while, lolcow has nothing to do with the fact that no one cares about her nowadays.
No. 476065
>>475931Kiki can’t handle reality, and without Kota there to call everyone she doesn’t like a faggot, Kiki knows she can never go back to streaming. She literally can’t just ignore trolls, she’s pathologically driven to argue with them and prove she’s innocent andnin the right at all times. If she saw someone mention Taku in her stream chat she would probably shut off the stream and then make some shitty excuse 3 days later about her ISP randomly fucking up and how it’s ~tooootally not her fault, kittens! So sorry!~ before she fades back into the void for another year. She’s like a bad cartoon villain- she keeps popping up with a new scheme, then the actions of a few random people foul up her plans, then she starts going on rants how those meddling haters ruined everything, and then flies off in her lolcopter to hide out and plan something else (while constantly googling herself and Dakota).
Her fantasy of being an innocent little victim is what’s killing her, if she would drop this fake nice bullshit and stop pretending she isn’t vain, shallow and self centered I would have a lot more respect for her.
No. 476354
>>476351Yup, I remember that. IIRC he was a regular who always stared at her and one day he just so happened to touch or grab her.
It grew more dramatic each time she retold the story.
No. 476368
>>476354I think the big baddie tried to dance with her, or something equally sinister. She called her mom, who called the cops, while Kiki refused to go back on the floor like her manager told her to and do work.
She can't even handle a weird customer at work without completely falling to pieces and calling her mommy. That's something young girls learn to deal with by age 15-6, and she was an adult at the time. You laugh it off, tell the guy you're working and that he's going to get you in trouble or fired if you cant do your job, and then you go back to work. If they guy is a pest, tell your boss and security to keep an eye on him and come help you out when he comes around, because he's not customer and won't buy anything.
She claimed there was a second man who was buying her presents and invited her to his car to see more presents. This is the kidnap claim, I think. Like, again. IF this dude exists outside of her mind, you blow him off, tell him no thanks, say you've got a boyfriend, whatever. Everyone has been creeped on in their lives, especially in service gigs.
She acts as completely helpless IRL as she does online. She never learned to function at all, and assumes her experiences are oh-so-unique because she's such a great beauty that men are turned literally insane by her charms, when she's dealing with normal, everyday shit (I've had dudes flash me dick pics on their phone as a restaurant hostess before, truly thinking that by showing me their dick, I would be unable to resist their charms. They mistake the plastic smile of a service worker / your polite tolerance of their presence as a customer for you being into whatever they want.) And once she has a bad experience, instead of coping with it, and coming back the next day, learning from her experiences and facing problems head on, she runs to mommy and never leaves the house again.
No. 476571
File: 1513659918687.png (104.65 KB, 750x805, IMG_0371.PNG)

>>476533Yeah even in this older pic, her forehead doesn't do her any favors.. poor thing.
No. 476586
>>476387Her eye makeup is so wonky it's fucking
triggering me
No. 476616
>>475324all honesty i thought she had dark brown hair and didn't recognize her, thinking it was someone random i thought she was actually really pretty. BUT that's also based on the lighting and colors, so i thought this was from the olden days of the 80s or some shit, i don't even know, but i made up a new personality and was able to find her attractive because of her strong nose.
she's just a shitty fucking artist. if she spent even a single fucking day she wastes online watching some solid films or doing actual research into visual art instead of mapping taylor's butthole she could get something done. the kawaii shit is so stale i do not have any idea what she is doing, and if she likes "creative" things or david bowie so much why doesn't she just research his shit and learn to be a proper artist and steal? thats all she did during myspace and it worked. can't be that hard.
No. 476635
>>476077yeah if she came back ironically as kiki kannibal she would be on trend. especially in la she's so dumb, that dollskill shit has moved on to ironic nu metal type things. sound clout rap is the new scene, mall goth has been an actual thing in a deliberate way. obviously there's norm trends, but i don't even know what she's about anymore. she's old enough where she needs to check herself and who she's really putting this show on for because it's obviously not her.
legit i think it's karma and she's stuck tripping on this empathy facade to make up for all the people she bullied, hurt, and scammed. like this is all supposed to happen lol, trapped as a false victim that no one cares about because she hurt so many people in that exact way. if she were truly empathetic or ~intuitive she would see that, it's not difficult. she needs to be about her shit read some basic jung and stop repressing this shadow self she lets run fucking rampant all over these boards.
think her real problem is that she is repressing a ton of reasonable trauma, her mom is a fucking psychopath and trained her from day one to be an entertainer just for existing. she probably got awarded constantly for nothing. her pathological need to be seen as an empath ~not on medication~ is the most obvious shit ever. to be a good performer you can't go against public opinion or stigma like her mom trained her; her problems could be greatly impacted by addressing the chemical imbalance (invoking sperg-chan, her obsessive unproductive thinking, etc.) but she can't allow herself to let go of the 'mask', her narcissism. she's not an empath she's a wolf in sheep's clothing, only she's low functioning as fuck and the trauma has her obsessed with a false image.
sorry i visit the kiki thread like twice a year she still trips me the fuck out, my bad regulars. i just want her to get help and actual understanding, how she could spend all her time online and not like google a fucking book. she's so upset about people talking about her but it's really to her benefit; we are EXACTLY what she wants and has chosen, a critical and circulative voice, and she needs to learn to truly free herself if she's going to do anything with her one life. I'm pretty sure she just uses us in place of a healthy rewards processing system, like as long as we exist "we" are always the problem and as long as we talk about her that's a good enough existence since growing up she equated life with internet presence. she knows she's not as good as her crazy ego, so rather than to face her ego death and work her way up she'll hate us and taylor forever like we're entities instead of human beings. she needs to put her shit is perspective but i guess that's why she's a cow
No. 476665
>>476451Fucking yes! I remember posting about it like last year because it was so damn weird. It caught my attention because she seemed drunk all the time but famously doesn’t drink. And I only think this because I’m tipsy like all the time and addicted to filming myself.
She could edit those parts out, though. But she sucks at that too.
No. 478077
This action was heard on Court's motion to dismiss for lack of prosecution. The Court
finds that (l) notice prescribed by rule 1.420(e) was served on September 26 ,2017; (2) there
was no record activity during the 10 months immediately preceding service of the foregoing
notice; (3) there was no record activity during the 60 days immediately following service of the
foregoing notice; (4) no stay has been issued or approved by the court; and (5) no party has
shown good cause why this action should remain pending. Accordingly,
IT IS ORDERED that this action is dismissed for lack of prosecution. The Clerk of the
Court is ordered to close this case.
DONE AND ORDERED on this 15th day of September,2017.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that a copy of the foregoing has been furnished this 20th day of
December, 2017 to:
Kirsten Ostrenga (her address in Ocoee, FL)
Jane Doe (address unknown)
No. 478192
>>476964oh no, it is fucking dead. it's only for teenagers with absent fathers to amass followings of chubby even younger bitches with no self esteem and creepy old men. you could argue emo is a trend but you could not argue for the validity of any of their lives. be real.
i hope she just lets her real personality rip, it was so good the first time around that it's the only reason we keep up hahahahaha.
No. 478247
>>478192Someone is
triggered. Did a vegan tumblr angel baby steal your man or what?
No. 478254
>>478077Alright anons, in all seriousness, why do you think Keeks dropped the case?
Not enough evidence?
Too lazy to show up?
Impossible to prosecute?
I feel like a lawyer wouldn't waste his time if he knew it was impossible, but some lawyers might just take your money and not care.
No. 478314
>>478254It seems to me that they dropped it because they're focusing all their time and money on trying to make her famous. I say this because she started to ditch going to court when she went to Japan for 3 months in hopes of becoming a model.
I honestly think she'd keep up with it if her family was rich.
No. 478370
>>478254She knew the case wasn't going anywhere.
As deluusional as the Ostrengas are they can't fight fact, as hard as they try.
No. 479804
File: 1515285760345.png (367.33 KB, 580x499, Screen Shot 2018-01-07 at 00.4…)

Late but laughing my ass off at Kiki retweeting this. Sperg-chan made so many posts far worse than these comments - the hypocrisy train never ends!
No. 480087
Searchable archive of PULL 1.0 fun <3
No. 480092
File: 1515513127844.jpg (32.15 KB, 500x404, FvO7Ogc.jpg)

>>480090blessing us all with a vintage ostrenga family portrait. three generations of women united, beautiful
No. 480471
File: 1515711885291.gif (1000.7 KB, 500x271, IMG_0794.GIF)

Happy Late Keekmas fam.
No. 480651
>>476029If you weren't so retarded and knew how to use an imageboard, you'd know there is already 3 of those.
No. 480728
>>480657it happened like 3 years ago. it was a legit schizo woman who thought she was "Kiki Kannibal" and went on extreme rampages including e-mailing places like the FBI and making literally hundreds and hundreds of relentless reports and spams because she thought that Kirsten was "faking her". Nothing really happened, everyone just tried to ignore her once they realized it was a mentally sick person. I don't think kiki ever said anything publicly about it, but I guess this
>>480637 shows that she was at least documenting the batshit e-mails she was receiving from Laura. then she just disappeared, maybe she went to a mental ward.
No. 480761
File: 1515890831370.png (747.22 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-12-29-03-14-35…)

I think keeks would look like pic related if she went the instahoe fitness model route.
Not that she would ever tan or go to a public gym..imagine the candid pics of kiki trying to figure out the equipment at planet fitness or whatever popular gym chain is in Florida.
But honestly, the girl in this picture has a similar face to kiki and this trend works for her. I could see kiki pulling off a look/aesthetic like this if she ever left her plastic bubble.
No. 480855
>>480488>yet she lets that lunatic Laura Southworth spew all kinds of crazy shit.After that first barrage against Kiki I don’t think she ever popped anywhere else. And I think Kiki left her alone because of the poor girl being legitimately schizophrenic, and even Kiki/Cathy must know they would get
destroyed for attacking a mentally ill person for having a breakdown/being off meds.
No. 480914
>>480908I was only speculating as to why they
didn’t react to it, not stating facts. Wash the sand out of your vagina stop Ostrenga stanning, your vitriol is so unnecessary.
If Kiki had doxxed a schizophrenic girl, she probably would have gotten massively shat on via Twitter and bullied off the internet, that’s all I’m saying. Which, of course,
would have been her fault. She was smart to catalog it and not respond, Dakota style. Why so salty?
No. 482456
>>482446I mean she might well be humiliated that her acting didn't shoot her straight to the A list. I think she does feel a certain shame about all her 'careers' failing since she generally avoids mentioning them again and tends to old content. But yeah, the Taku thing was pretty big and definitely didn't help last time.
There were other (shorter) gaps but my memory's failing me now.
No. 482632
>>482462I think it was a combination of..
>candid photos>her mom's twitter freakout>a very disappointing patreon subscriber count>finding out 2/9 patrons were farmers that leaked all her paid content>having to send refunds to everybody because they were paying her for nothing in was a hell of a bad time for her.
No. 483130
>>483085That's the web series she filmed early last year
>>351491That and Acheron have been on her page since the fall but haven't been updated.
No. 483448
Oh, Kirsten. I’ve spent the past hour reading through this psychologically fascinating series of events and have a lot of empathy for what she’s been through. She's constantly on trial.
She keeps shedding personas, names, and interests like used tissue, but it will always circle back to her. She wants desperately to be reborn, yet she is bound to herself. And it is necessary. Destiny. It reminds me of the Bousquet quote: ’My wound existed before; I was born to embody it.'
There’s such a contrast between her “love and peace” exterior but strange, violent impulse brewing under the surface to the point of psychosis. Like when she sperged “KIKI SO PRETTY MODEL” “TAY UGLY BIG NOSE” it’s like a regression, as if she screams it loud enough it may manifest true. Jealousy, anxiety over aging, fear of failure.
If Kiki would stick to a path she could really excel. She could genuinely be successful doing jewelry design, or vlogging, or something else. But every time, she becomes sidetracked or discouraged by fear of failure and ego. She’s lacking in consistency while brewing with self defeatism. Her passion is misplaced, diverted.
I think we can all see a little bit of ourselves within Kiki. I would love to chat with her and just suss out her perspective on all this, and offer her some support or friendship. I wish her well.(armchair)
No. 483465
>>483461no1curr people would treat you better on here if you read the rules before posting your opinion
No. 483624
>>482820my bets:
- either beauty guru,
- fit vegan nutritionist,
- writer (less likely, cause too much work and not enough cute pictures for the interwebz), -
twitch whore
- or some sort of cult/philosophy prophet
No. 483806
>>483782I agree, but too bad the storytime trend ship has sailed. She should build an audience by continuing to do Youtube, Patreon and should even live stream like she used to. But the possibility of new ‘fans’ who would stumble across these threads could backfire on her.
I really wish she shouldn’t go into hiding like this because I do actually like Kiki and have followed her since the Stickam days. I went vegetarian almost a decade ago because of her and I also purchased one of her ‘diamond’ necklaces back in the day - which I found the other day kek. These threads are literally the only way of keeping up to date with her.
No. 486861
File: 1517783711950.png (603.01 KB, 1458x556, Screen Shot 2018-02-04 at 22.3…)

Here's a brief clip of Room 8 I found the other day. 0:40 - 0:60. already saw some of this on Instagram way back when, but this vid really shows off her bad acting and the shoddy production.
I remember someone at the time claimed that her ridiculous expression after the glassing wouldn't be included, that it was going to be off camera or something but nah. Kiki totally sucks (/sucked) at acting, no two ways about it. Seriously below even B movie level, which is what the Tania Fox chick is.
No. 486993
File: 1517931452252.png (211.94 KB, 479x407, eyes.png)

>>486861someone needs to make the crazy eye thing into a gif lol
No. 487053
File: 1517949800406.jpg (3.48 KB, 263x192, download (4).jpg)

>>486993oh keeks, can soemone get this bitch a weave or some tape ins or sew ins please
how long will she continue to disappear then reappear to pursue fame with her alopecia amish hair
No. 487608
File: 1518346144011.gif (408.98 KB, 300x100, D1D896F4-796D-480C-8566-3CB00A…)

>>487358>>487394I wonder if Kiki stopped being an actress because she found out all her costars did porn and she felt like acting was somehow “ruined” for her? That would be dumb though considering how pervy her and kota used to be.
No. 487870
>>486867 she said
>you bitch, just about to be dead if you don't get the FUCK outta here.if it matters.
No. 488033
>>488029She can't handle criticism or being given suggestions or corrections. She'd probably argue with the guys that she knows what men like more then men do.
Are there filters on live videos ? Because she looks pretty fucking scary without them. ( Just basing off of OP pic ) Girl looks more like a zombie than a elf in rl. She also seems to hardcore want fame without any effort soo..
No. 488949
File: 1519093104963.png (14.93 KB, 1069x42, 2018022002172.png)

why is this a bop tho..
No. 488958
File: 1519095904376.jpg (67.88 KB, 720x960, 16114990_1021497441289988_1110…)

Found this, browsing for new releases for her gigs.
No. 488960
>>488959It says it's for Room 8 and it was from the end of January. So, either this is an old pic, or that series has a second season.
The first part hasn't even aired yet though, so.. who knows? No. 488965
>>488958>>488960>>488963It's from last year, it was posted a year ago
>>351494I doubt that she's still in L.A. or pursuing acting. It's so much about networking and building a portfolio and unless she has a new secret persona she would have to be online again somewhere.
No. 489007
>>488963It was called 'Jamais Vu' and nobody managed to find anything beyond the clip in the director's reel. Sadly I doubt we're going to see any of the student crap besides Daisy.
Still kek that Lilou wrote 'Gemma Vu' on her CVs.
No. 490119
>>488949>>488984haha right? I still remember that chorus without even clicking on it
No. 490401
>>488949We are two blood related sisters who are audio engineers and have studied musical composition. We comprehend and enjoy the technical aspect of music as well as the creative process. Pioneers at heart, we are independent in the fact that we will complete tasks on our own. If we do not know how to obtain something, we research and work towards goals. Owning a corporation, Kiki Kannibal Corp./KND Kouture, has rewarded us with great morals, ethics, and business savvy qualities. We hand make our couture and manufacture our KND apparel with high qualities, fine detail and great artisanship. We work together in creating designs for our needs. In short, we try to be the girls that do it all without spreading our talents and aspirations too thin. Our creativity sprouts from our dreamy, yet luminous vivacious minds. Since the two of us have had the amazing opportunity to work in studios/control rooms, we have gained knowledge and advice from men and women who currently work in the music industry. From the advice and knowledge gained, we are aware that A&R often "borrow" ideas from beginning or midline artists to feed to their artists that have national exposure. We do not approve/like this fact. Please respect our creative expression… if you enjoy our ideas/music, give us a chance in the big ocean with the sharks, after all we are trained in dealing with Great Whites. ;)
No. 490457
File: 1519619597341.png (313.36 KB, 600x500, nature queen.png)

i miss kaka
No. 490490
>>490483Not to mention
>our dreamy, yet luminous vivacious mindsis the Kikiest of Kiki word salad
No. 496109
File: 1521665343383.png (1.16 MB, 1334x750, 02901AF3-4312-485B-A1E8-B71177…)

Have we seen these yet?
No. 496110
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No. 496111
File: 1521665543511.png (1.27 MB, 1334x750, 1A18C99A-CCE4-44E4-8F23-7AD351…)

No. 496116
>>496109>>496110>>496111Yes my friend, these were posted a while back.
This thread is dead, please don’t bump without new milk.
No. 515924
File: 1525738537578.png (227.49 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-05-07-19-08-56…)

Nobody ever posted this. The "clean up dead bodies" part is such a Kaka thing to say. I've noticed she's been retweeting things on twitter lately, as recently as a few days ago, if anyone cares.
No. 516735
>>516171>>515955Kirsten Ostrenga is an autistic NEET living in her parent's basement, trolling around Orlando.
I wish there was new milk, but alas, she's in hiding since anon took her picture at Walmart.
>>516757Not Walmart anon, but we shouldn't even imply blame on them.
They snapped photos of Keeks when she was still pretending to be in LA as an aspiring actress, when really she'd quit several months before. Eventually we would have found out that she'd given up on her glittering acting career anyway, they just expedited the process by stopping Kiki from lying outright.
Kiki has had several long periods before where she's disappeared after failing at shit, eg: after she split from Taku.
No. 516773
>>516761Totally agree, Walmart anon brought us a tsunami of milk. I was just actually wondering how she felt about it now.
I hope Kaka reemerges with a new "career" or at least sperg-chan comes back
No. 516807
>>516757Nah i don't feel bad at all. It was so wild seeing a cow in real life.
I'm sure she'll pop back up once she tries to find a get rich quick scheme again, if mommy and daddy haven't cut her off and made her get a job.(wishful thinking I know)
I do keep an eye out when I'm on that side of town and whenever I stop in at a whole foods/trader Joe's.
No. 517084
>>516773It wasn't really 'milk', it was just entertaining for everyone who was curious about seeing Keeks in the wild. We would have found out eventually that she was still in Florida. The creepshots weren't worth scaring her off when we were actually starting to get some activity from her after a long pause. Plus, if she'd kept pretending to be in LA, the reveal would have been even more glorious because there'd be a longer trail of lies to follow.
>>51706026 may be too old to break into (traditional) modeling, and most famous actresses get discovered young, but it's not like she's the crypt keeper. People who are 26 and much older can and do get breaks, especially now that social media allows those who aren't traditionally appealing to find an audience. There are plenty of 'e-celebs' that gained their popularity in their 30's or later. The traditional entertainment industry is heavily biased towards women in their teens or early 20's because they're more likely to have a longer career where they pull in high amounts of money. The internet eliminates that barrier. I swear to god, some of the teens on this site think that anyone over the age of 21 is an old hag.
That said, she has exhausted most of her avenues. She could DEFINITELY make a career out of milking nostalgia, e.g. through vlogging about the good old days, returning to the fashion style of her teen years and amassing a tumblr following (which many less 'famous' former scene kids who are older than her have managed to do), or otherwise gaining exposure and then getting involved with some sort of fashion brand that caters to "scene" teens. She could do the same thing by opening an Etsy shop; the effort it takes to sell things like jewelry now is wayyyyy lower now than it was when she originally gave it a try. But, of course, she's probably terrified of opening herself up to criticism/reopening old wounds from her teenage years, and it doesn't seem like she'll ever be able to stick with something that doesn't give her instant heaps of attention and praise. Still hoping she makes it tho.
No. 517131
>>517084It's pretty obvious at this point that Kiki doesn't have and never had any motivation to complete anything in her life.
Even the smallest etsy shop requires work (actual work and marketing) and good business ethics. Plus I doubt she could make a decent living thanks to that so I don't think she'd be interested in keeping up the work for minimum wage after a few months.
Kiki doesn't want any kind of career that isn't going to maker her a) famous, b) rich and c) for the lowest amount of effort possible.
Plus I honestly feel like even if she tried to relate to teens now, she wouldn't be able to do it. She's completly out of the loop in terms of what's trending, nobody even likes preachy hipster vegans, nobody relates to her.
You guys can try and throw ideas at the wall but nothing besides winning a lottery ticket or being put on an old millionaire's will is going to maker her rich and famous if she doesn't work hard for it.
No. 517160
>>517131>It's pretty obvious at this point that Kiki doesn't have and never had any motivation to complete anything in her life.
>Even the smallest etsy shop requires work (actual work and marketing) and good business ethics. Plus I doubt she could make a decent living thanks to that so I don't think she'd be interested in keeping up the work for minimum wage after a few months.This is true, but her mother is definitely motivated enough to run a shop. The ethics part is another story.
>Plus I honestly feel like even if she tried to relate to teens now, she wouldn't be able to do it. She's completly out of the loop in terms of what's trending, nobody even likes preachy hipster vegans, nobody relates to her. Right now the people who grew up with her are becoming established in the adult world and are starting to become nostalgic for the mid-00's. In addition, thanks to tumblr pretty much every 'aesthetic' under the sun has a big following. Keeks could easily attract attention by doing tell-alls about her life as one of the biggest internet celebrities of her time and making how-tos about the fashion style that got her 'famous'. It really wouldn't take too much effort. She just doesn't seem to want to capitalize off of her past for whatever reason. She's been fixated on the vegan indigo child shit for quite a while now, so maybe that's just who she's really become as a person (with a dark splergchan side, of course). If she wants to capture some fame then she'll need to get rid of it on camera and either hop onto a bandwagon or remind everybody of who she used to be. Maybe one day she'll become desperate enough to do that, who knows. Or
>>517146 would work
In seriousness, though, I wonder what's holding her back from vlogging about her scene queen days. She'd have an immediate audience, and if she was careful enough she could paint herself as a sympathetic character to everyone who isn't aware of her more recent fuck-ups. For all of the nasty shit she did as a teen, a lot of it wasn't completely her fault.
No. 517203
>>517160Maybe it’s her ethereal vegan forest nymph gig but I feel like anything that paints her in even the slightest bad light she feels the need to delete all evidence of. So revisiting her past and openly talking about it wouldn’t interest her at all.
Imho I think she’s out of pathways. Her real issue isn’t even her shitty past or personality because many of the scene kids that where big alongside her have solid careers despite all that. Her main obstacle is her inability to apply herself in the long term. She needs to succeed quickly or she quits. If keeks doesn’t apply herself in life, she’s always going to be retweeting fake deep vegan bs from her parents basement in Florida. I don’t even mean to be famous but to get a basic job. She’s 26 and has little to show for it.
No. 517348
>>517160Not to shit on your ideas anon but here's the thing : Kiki can't keep a consistent schedule and the golden days of YouTube bringing the bux are gone.
But let's assume she'd do it, like
>>517203 anon said, anything remotely negative towards her send her hiding into a cave, and her scene days were the ones filled with the most drama.
It'd take her a massive amount of courage to admit to her shitty past but even then, people would rag on her for the sake of her existing.
People would bring up her scam shop and the death of her ex bf accompagnied by the disgusting page she made about it.
And pandering to the tumblr crowd ? Aka the crowd of kids with barely any money and picking on anything remotely
problematic ? Doubt it'd go well.
No. 518040
>>517982>>517983>>518025kek this is 100% Kathy or Kirsten Ostrenga.
It definitely sounds like Kathy, but why would she only pop up again after Kiki's thread is bumped? Dakota's thread in /snow/ is still fairly active.
No. 518077
>>518040Maybe she was
triggered by the anon in the Dakota thread finding out about the Arizona account?
No. 518127
>>518124Both Acheron and Knock Knock were screened a while ago, I doubt they're going to be put online after this length of time. Maybe clips as part of a director's reel like Jamais Vu, at best.
The writer/director of Room 8 hasn't mentioned it in a looong time, I wonder if it'll ever be completed.
I mean I'd love to see more of her shitty acting but I doubt it's going to happen.
No. 518286
>>518250Considering most actors have side jobs until they can get lead roles and even then you can be dropped at any moment. But we all know how delusional the Ostrenga’s are, there’s no surprise there.
I wish keeks would get herself an average job and try to become a bit more independent. But I doubt that will ever happen.
No. 527881
File: 1528147504185.png (497.75 KB, 640x1136, 2837F69A-51FE-4906-BE8C-EC56F3…)

I checked to see if Kiki has been active on any of her Lilou accounts (she hasn’t, sadface) and found a Japanese Lilou Vos account that reads a lot like it could have been written by Kiki trying to reinvent her persona:
>An easygoing gamer who doesn’t dwell on the past/things from before. Likes art festivals, live shows, fashion, movies, manga, sake, beautiful things, and loves playful people.
Could it be possible that Kiki, humiliated after being exposed in FL as a failed actress, flew to Japan to live with Kota and become a game streamer? For $5K, she could get maybe a year of language school and free housing with Kota.
No. 527909
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>>527881This account was created in 2014. Would not be surprised if Kaka just stole the name.
No. 527932
>>527881I don't understand Japanese but are they typing it properly? As in, google translate Japanese?
>>527884So she still lurks at least. It's only a matter of time until she makes a return.
No. 528125
>>527932It doesn’t look like it was google translated, but it’s not that complicated of a sentence and then just a list of interests, so yeah. I’m the anon who posted it and while it was an interesting find, I do agree that Kiki probably saw it and stole the name- we all know the last thing she came up with herself was stripes in her hair when she was 13.
>>527909What did you use to find out when the account was made? That’s pretty neat, anon. Does it work with sites other than twitter?
No. 528647
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i'm pretty sure this same video had already been removed by keeks upthread months ago, but did it get reuploaded? because it's been removed again as of 2 days ago (bummer because i never was able to watch it way back when the anon posted it)
No. 529232
>>528685I watched this after work and expected to have to skip through the shit but it actually made me laugh so hard.
The dwarf and his daughter were meant to be russian but had bad english accents and literally everyone that was meant to be german had russian accents.
Also the puppet with gun tits made me chortle.
No. 529239
File: 1528563446945.png (135.66 KB, 1090x685, Screenshot at Jun 09 18-56-27.…)

>>528647The DMCA claim was overturned last time because Kiki isn't the copyright holder. I messaged them and will see if they put it back up.
No. 529279
File: 1528581521930.jpeg (75.38 KB, 600x399, 7F0E59F3-6372-4B9C-966C-C5319B…)

>>529245I did a google search on the name Leslie Kulesh and the third image result is pic related, which I’ve never seen before. This woman was apparently some kid of edgy artist, but idk why there’s an article about her headed with a wall sized pic of Dakota’s viral shoop, since it doesn’t mention her at all.
> No. 529295
>>529279It's a projected image.
I found this:
>Could the popularity of female face morphing and body augmentation online point to a near future where the digital image of beauty is all that’s necessary for satisfaction? Could an online aesthetic revolution short circuit the women’s beauty industry the same way bloggers circumvented print fashion magazines? In A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century, Donna Haraway looks toward a world in which we have all become cyborgs to one degree or another and makes an argument “for pleasure in the confusion of boundaries and for responsibility in their construction.” Using technology’s advances to blur the lines between reality and fiction, young girls have begun altering their online personas to create second identities.
>For Festivela, on Friday, July 20th, participants looked at the unofficial ethics of multiple online identities, documentation weighing in over actual events, and the origin of ‘cute,’ all from the comfortable physicality of our corporal bodies. Featuring a 15 minute Power Point performance, a 45 minute looped video, a Golden Ratio worksheet and snacks. No. 529299
>>529295So… an exhibition about people creating false identities, possibly through Photoshop? No wonder the Ostrengas wanted it taken offline.
I always feel like Cathy's role is understated, whether it's these basic copyright claims or totally fucking up all three of her children.
No. 529427
File: 1528641865909.png (415.41 KB, 836x597, leelo.png)

Coming soon.
Are we not going to see or hear anything from her after the last few bits of her acting trickle in?
No. 529428
File: 1528642194667.png (577.48 KB, 604x473, lilooo.png)

The director has a few pics we hadn't seen of her.
No. 529513
>>529427Fucking finally…
>>529511There aren't many actors involved in general but I think someone said Tania Fox did softcore (under a different name?). Tania was also in Puppetmaster so obviously that's how Keeks got the job.
No. 529579
>>529428Good to see Kiki isn’t the spoop she always shooped herself into
>>529427>roomate drama is real>roomatelmfao, the director can’t even spell.
No. 529604
>>529579I think English is his second language. All the same, he’s a student.
I’m very interested to see this one because i get the idea that Keeks character is insane. And that’s always fun to see.
I still can’t find anything for Acheron and Knock-Knock.
No. 529779
File: 1528721743307.png (723.9 KB, 1518x430, wherekikiat.png)

>>529427We're missing you, Keeks.
No. 529798
File: 1528727137652.png (81.71 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-06-11-09-14-11…)

>>529428He tagged her with this account in that Instagram post. So she really wants to hide from the internet as much as possible, she must be really paranoid. That explains why she stopped using her main Instagram.
No. 530113
Can't wait for Kiki's sweet skills?
Here's some more. Start at :39 seconds.
>>529579Play on words, anon. "Room ate… 8"
No. 530182
File: 1528830176230.gif (1.71 MB, 480x272, kiki_room8.gif)

>>530113This is soooo hilarious, made a gif.
Look at Kiki's 'acting' omg….
No. 530207
File: 1528833239278.gif (8.54 MB, 600x249, acting prowess.gif)

>>530182The other girl isn't much better
No. 530517
>>528608They were a product of the burn tool. If you compared her stripes in different pictures they were never the same. I think she tried to do stripes when people started catching on and calling her and Koots out for their Photoshopping but it looked nothing like her pictures. You can kind of see it in that one old video of them at the table making her necklaces and screeching like retards.
>>529513Wasn't there a pic of the Puppet Master script that they all signed and Kaka did her embarrassing signature with wings drawn on the sides? I think she wrote on there that Tania was the nicest girl lmao.
>>530207Dat titty jiggle. Kaka looks like a demon.
No. 530562
>>530207Not to WK but it's weird because Tania's demo reel didn't look
that bad, the clip from Room8 was really jarring and out of place compared to the rest of the reel. Wonder if Keeks was so annoying that it threw Tania off her game, lol.
No. 530975
>>530207There's no strength in that swing at all. Looks like the she's gently booping her on the head.
>>530182They couldn't have retaken the shot and told her not to look around like a deer in the headlights? Not that a real actress should need to be told.
No. 531038
>>531016Thought you were talking about the pan. Either way
you're nit-picking something stupid. It's acting. She's not supposed to hurt her for real just to make the swing look more believable, this is $5,000 budget short film, not a hollywood stunt.
No. 540316
File: 1530732923971.png (18.49 KB, 642x78, Screen Shot 2018-07-04 at 20.3…)

New IMDb credit. Interestingly, filming took place in October 2017, not long after the Walmart photos. Miscredit or did Kiki really head back to LA?
No. 540575
>>540546I don't know that it was that 'out of nowhere'. She maintained the facade that she was active and cared about her ‘fans’ with vlogs and then Patreon until late summer 2017, despite both slowing down out of laziness. She only totally stopped posting new material after the Walmart photos (besides her animal cruelty RTs that no-one cares about). She was gearing down for a while and once again letting down her ‘fans’, it wasn't that sudden. I can see her not getting any acting jobs, giving up and not having enough to brag about. Kiki in the last couple of years appears to be different in her PUBLIC behavior, she's pretending to be less of an egomaniac and more of an empath (fucking lol) and I actually wouldn't be surprised if she tried to stay off the radar to some extent now. I think she finally realised her life isn't worth bragging about.
All speculation obviously but I can actually see her hiding things more these days.
No. 540879
>>540575I'm thinking something similar anon. I mean she has that secret Instagram account and the last public photo on her main Instagram account was about haterzz.
Tinfoil she wants to do the same as Dakota and tries to keep everything private because she thinks she's a celebrity.
No. 542601
Not really an update, but my video that Kiki DMCA'd for the
second time was enabled by Vimeo again because she didn't follow through on providing court documents proving she'd file a suit against me for copyright breach. lul>>455544>>528647>>529239>>529257 No. 546047
>>545970She's obv memeing, but like
wasn't she so pressed about cutting ties with her Kiki Kannibal persona, and now she posts like 5 tweets about Drake asking if Kiki loved him? Make up your mind Keeks, you want to bury your past or embrace it
No. 546082
File: 1531316660515.png (122.01 KB, 510x782, 2018-07-11 09_43_51-Drake – In…)

>>546043>>546044>>546047she had a minor sperg about a line in drake's song "in my feelings" because he says the name "kiki"
nothing worth noting tbh
No. 546135
File: 1531325895644.jpg (34.6 KB, 339x421, Screenshot_5.jpg)

>>546044She also retweeted a couple of tweets with some random people talking about the song
>>546047I don't think she's memeing anon, I really do believe she thinks drake wrote that part of the song "inspired" about her
No. 546136
File: 1531326054256.jpg (31.17 KB, 340x346, Screenshot_6.jpg)

She also retweeted this, is she trying to imply she's an innocent lovely girl who's never made any harm to anyone else but media and the whole internet still hates her?
No. 546229
didn't she claimed once that a local sushi place named one of their veggie menu items after her?
No. 546283
>>546135>I really do believe she thinks drake wrote that part of the song "inspired" about herjfc the eyeroll… Anon, you're the only one that sounds legit crazy.
This thread is so dead that people keep bumping it for the stupidest things, but this takes the cake.
File: 1531369978903.png (118.1 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-07-11-23-31-17…)

Wonder if she is killing off her failed Lilou Vos persona
No. 546561
File: 1531370747275.png (911.22 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-07-11-23-43-20…)

samefag, she flip flopped her instagram accounts
No. 546813
>>546541>>546561It's possible? There's also a @voslilou account that's private and has no bio or display pic, it looks like she had all her followers move over to that one
>>529798Currently it has 86 posts, 25 followers and she's following
408 people. I guess she decided to just follow everyone and hope aomeone famous notices her on IG.
No. 551031
>>550940She won't, she wants to be effortlessly famous for being beautiful, talented and kind. She can't accept that she's none of those things, if she embeaced her edgelord persona and went back to heavy makeup for the camera, she could probably have a massive following again. She could make videos about celebrity drama, vegan cafe reviews, whatever bullshit she does with her free time and disabilitybux, but in order for that to work she would have to not only
sincerely apologize for all the ugly shit she said in the past
and acknowledge being outed as Spergchan, or else she would be flooded with people asking about it that she would have to constantly ignore and block, like kota with the shoops, which kills yoir chances of keeping a good following. She has all the free time, money and support from her enabler parents to actually be a youtube celeb, but she can't because she doesn't want to acknowledge anything that conflicts with her made up vegan saint image.
No. 552032
>>551454Agreed. Even with her threads packed with legit beauty advice and visual evidence of how much better she would look, I really think she's too paranoid to be caught taking a hater's advice. She thinks that Farmers trying out her recipes and product recommendations is a sign that they're secretly jealous and hopelessly obsessed with her, if that's any indication of the thought process here.
Also, "not letting the haters win" was the logic behind Kiki not being taken offline when she was being dogpiled on MySpace and recording half-naked dancing videos as a young teen, too.
It has
never worked out for them, I don't think (apart from Dakota) they've ever just drawn a line and said "I'm going to let this go because I don't want Internet Haters to affect this area of my life/identity".
No. 552245
>>552180Dennis actually cards girls to make sure they're old enough to date, so he's already better than Onision.
Dee spent her life discouraged by her parents instead of coddled by them so that makes her better than Kiki.
No. 552277
>>552180the always sunny characters are horrible people who are just relateable enough that you still root for, but still awful enough that they always get what's coming to them
kiki and the like, are terrible people with no redeemable or relateable qualities, and usually just skate on by never having to answer for their bullshit
also that show is sacred dont ever compare it to such trash again
No. 590705
File: 1540217079126.jpeg (328.68 KB, 1242x2079, 131EAD2E-FAF2-44ED-AC7F-A7A2F1…)

Just a couple of twitter screenshots of Kiki still being Kiki. I miss her, I wish the milk would flow again. Also a couple of things I noticed is that Dakota and her don’t follow each other still, and she only follows celebrities. Does she really think Elon musk and NASA are her peers? It’s weird to me that the biggest scene queen/Internet personality just cut ties with all other net famous people. I guess she feels she’s above internet celebs or something. Other than her still sticking with her “I started raccoon hair give me muh creditttt!!”, animal gore, and her boo hoo woe is my I get internet bullied nothing is new. I KNOW for a fact she has to have some anon social media profiles she uses to let her real thoughts and vile personality out. What delicious milk would flow if we found them lol.
No. 590707
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No. 590708
File: 1540217178729.jpeg (393.93 KB, 1242x2141, 51743579-8D91-4A90-8C46-AC6A3C…)

Maybe you should apologize to Taylor for all the booolyyy things you did too, spergchan
No. 590719
>>590707Except these ones aren't photoshopped on, Kiki
>>590708Being this kind of person in her head must be some weird way for her to cope with her mental illness
No. 591357
>>590705My guess is she is going through intense therapy and just sitting at home, never going out or speaking to anyone IRL beyond mom, dad, and psych. Her paranoia about the Walmart pics likely is the end of Kiki milk.
She will remain crazy and delusional, she just won’t be flaunting her ass about it online anymore.
No. 591538
>>591357Her retweeting nonsense shows us she's still consuming internet culture, and has gone back to the lurker she's always been deep down inside.
I think Keeks ultimately had to realize that she isn't meant for the fame.
She's too hyper aware of her body and appearance at all times to give any kind of natural acting performance. Too awkward, flighty, and alienating of other people to get anywhere networking in Hollywood.
She's had to rid herself of the childish delusion that saying something (le russian model, taylor is ugly, etc.) doesn't make it true. And that she has to put effort into something to succeed. Dakota has a similar self-deception in a lot of ways – personally, I think they're both a bit autistic.
BTW Kiki, a jet plane burns 1 gallon of fuel every second, and a cargo ship. So by importing your Chinese crap, you've done more harm to the environment and marine life than a lifetime of not eating cheese.
No. 591560
>>591357It always seemed like she didn't interact with anyone outside of her immediate family. For some reason I doubt she's in therapy tho.
>>591538Don't Kiki and Dakota have a fully autistic brother? They probably are somewhere on the spectrum too just based on the way they've acted over the years.
No. 593198
File: 1540907185976.jpeg (202.43 KB, 500x750, 873BB4C5-B670-4689-A05C-60845F…)

>>592995yeah I’m guessing they’ve been broken up for a long time. He’s Asian and in LA, she would’ve been continuing to flaunt him all over social media.
It’s kind of sad. She had a life and a circle of friends while trying to start her acting career and after the Walmart thing she slipped back into the dungeon of disability and doom. I hope she cracks and turns back into her mega bitch self and starts social media all over as Kiki kannibal again. I know she wants to out a bunch of shit about koots since that one salty tweet years ago she posted publicly lol. Something about “ask me anything about your favorite real Barbie Dakota rose :)” and kota prob freaked and kissed her ass so she’d stop lol.
Also a public spat with j* would get you mass media attention since you’re the former queen of scene, Keeks my dahhhling. Do it. Do it for the attention, money, and validation from your 30+ year old former MySpace kid fans. And go back to bleached blonde hair parted sideways with a fringe Kiki. Why tf do you think your grandma hair is attractive and superior? Some people need a lot of makeup and hair styling to be attractive it’s alright. Your forehead is huge, as you clearly know from your sperg posts. You look like an Amish prisoner.
No. 593243
>>593229She actually was intermingling with her new actor friends quite well, anon.
Part of me wants to believe they found out about her threads and ghosted her. Lilou Vos was a sad attempt to cover up her past and she failed miserably.
No. 593356
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>>593332holy shit you're right
No. 593386
>>452933Nobody pointed it out yet but she actually did try photography in 2017/2018. She is listed as the on set photographer of Vampire Dad. I haven't seen it before, so I guess they inserted her credit later.
>on set photographerDoes this mean she took all the pictures behind the scenes and of the actual movie? Because I don't see any other photographer on the list.
I think the pictures are alright looking. Not the best, not the worst. You can see some pics here: No. 594570
>>592995I do too…he doesn’t have the same Instagram handle anymore. He was way older and into dance. I found some old YouTube vids of him from back in the day, but I can’t be assed to resurface them (just google his name if interested).
>>593198Idk why I immediately thought you meant that his being Asian had something to do with dumping her and not what you meant. Guess I never dated an Asian who would put up with her brand of bullshit, thus I believe he’d get over it pretty quick unless she preyed upon his empathy.
No. 594678
File: 1541231108958.jpeg (46.63 KB, 420x386, 1514678456981.jpeg)

>>593386All I imagine is just Kaka taking intentionally ugly pics of the main character because she's salty she didn't get the part.
No. 597169
>>597136Absolutely, also the genital gore she would spam here.
It's even funnier considering she allegedly ~bursted in tears~ watching 9/11 jumpers footage; and by seeing a live cattle truck on its way to the slaughterhouse.
No. 597898
>>597839I hadn't seen these before. It's interesting how she jumps back and forth between her trademark anti-bullying rants, to then bullying Taylor ON THE SAME DAY.
She always used to get very
triggered by anyone she presumed was copying her or Kooter. I don't get why that makes her rage so abnormally hard. Taylor becoming popular, irl successful and more well-liked than Kooter probably poured gas on the fire tho.
No. 598372
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No. 598694
>>598590ntayrt but learn to read
>Empathic people are less likely to enjoy horror and to look at gore since they naturally put themselves in other’s shoes >less likely since they naturally put themselves in other’s shoes. >>598680Also showed them the Rolling Stone article and court papers for extra victimization lmao
No. 598771
>>598680This. I always wondered how she was able to get disability money.
Now tinfoil theory: Sometimes I was thinking about the possibility that her autistic brother could have posted here together with Kiki and outed himself by mistake as he told us he gets disability money. I always thought that Kiki might be working as a cashier or something else because she loves speciul designer clothing and raw organic fairy uwuu food which is expensive
No. 598773
>>598771I think Kyler is pretty low functioning and quite severely autistic. He's not NV but definitely doesn't give a shit about his sisters' online social lives. I don't see either of them, but Kiki especially showing him any kindness or having patience with him. She doesn't even use him to virtue signal like she does with her veganism. My tinfoil is she's ashamed as fuck of him and doesn't interact with him much if at all.
The only evidence we have for Kiki being on disability was her saying so here in her sperg rants, and I never see anyone question the veracity of it when 99% of the other shit she posted was just lies. Don't see any reason to believe the disability claim either.
No. 598775
>>598774She’s in disability for her scoliosis.
For some reason I thought that was common knowledge
No. 598798
>>598785I’ve definitely never seen like a piece of paper or form that states it (and we never will, even things that come out of kiki’s mouth can’t be considered proof) however I know it’s common for people with scoliosis or any back problem to claim and receive disability because they can’t stand or sit for very long which most jobs require.
Even if they post workout videos on YouTube despite it lol.
Didn’t she say pole dancing helped her scoliosis? Or was it the yoga ball?
I don’t remember but it’s very clear her mom is great at scamming the system, once she got skylar disability for his handicap she probably signed the other two up as well.
Also putting her kids into Valencia college when they were so young means that their tuition was free b/c it’s classified as dual enrollment, and I assume the classes she took afterward were paid for with a pell grant, which would give her about 1500$ extra in her pocket because of how low the class prices are.
The money is intended to be used on school supplies, which is probably how they bought all that music equipment. You can get the max pell grant of 2500$ every semester if you qualify, and I’m sure they did with Scott’s bankruptcy not that far past…
Kind of OT, but just other things I noticed as a central Florida native myself.
No. 598799
>>598775Proof of this? I don't remember ever hearing about this, the only time I heard about her being on disability is her sperging on this website, and we can never trust what kaka saids.
>>598798Thanks for your insight anon.
No. 610521
>>598775I remember her mentioning scoliosis in one of her stickam lives, but she could have been lying.
I think all of them are probably still mooching off the grandma. They probably still live in her house.
No. 611981
File: 1544427797877.png (1.14 MB, 1880x1212, Screen Shot 2018-12-10 at 6.12…)

she's around ;)
No. 615252
>>615238Nah, I think the ugly wallyworld photos really scared her off. That and her Hollywood dream fell through for whatever reason. Has anyone checked out what ever happened with her new Asian boyfriend and old friends from la?
Side note: I really fucking hate people like Kiki who attempt multiple things/ventures and then just baleet everything about said things and invent a new persona like nothing ever happened. Bitch is bipolar schizo or something.
No. 622623
>>615252Yep, she was paranoid about ~stalkers~ irl for her entire online existence to which nothing ever actually happened. Then some rando happened to see her looking a busted mess in public, took pics and posted them here and THAT was the catalyst for her ragequitting her internet presence.
Pretty funny honestly. And probably the best way for her to go out. A loser, a leech off her parents and the state, a crumpled and haggard version of what she got popular for in the first place. A vindictive, hate-spewing bully who got a slow-drip of karma for all her tirades that hurt others. An unrecognizable failure who never made anything of herself. A nobody.
No. 622643
>>622623>>622634Yeah I will never understand the LEVEL of venom hurled at Kiki and Kaka.
There's always this sense in both threads that people want the book closed, like NOWW it's officially over for them, and we can ALL accept that they are objectively ugly and are failures.
None of that is true and they are both still really young, anything could happen if they put the effort in.
No. 622732
>>622689Plenty of people were shitty as teenagers and grew up to be great people. With that being said, I doubt that will happen for Kiki.
Speaking of Kiki… Is she still MIA? It's crazy that a few unflattering photos scared her off like that.
No. 622736
>>622732I think totally failing in LA (and likely breaking up with Bobby) and that being found out contributed too.
No. 622786
>>622634>>622643Did you guys miss out on keekmas or what?
>>622732She still retweets vegan stuff on twitter once in a blue moon, but that's it.
No. 622976
>>622732Plenty of people were racist homophobes as teenagers.
Also, you must be new, not witnessing her immense sperging out online in the past years attacking her “competition” under anon.
No. 626255
File: 1547516490100.jpeg (272.13 KB, 738x1271, 2A4471C6-260C-4AE0-9126-D0AB43…)

She’s popped up again. Comparing scene photos to now.
No. 626256
File: 1547516531274.jpeg (260.01 KB, 750x1286, D26F39D2-AFBA-4E2C-977E-497583…)

Actually find her almost.. pretty here tbh.
No. 626268
File: 1547518259391.png (1.64 MB, 880x1262, Screen Shot 2019-01-15 at 12.4…)

She posted this one first, but re-uploaded.
No. 626274
>>626268Well.. gotta hand it to her, at least her face has been consistent, editing or not. Dakota would never be able to do one of these. Unrelated but hanna beth's is wild because of her monkey lips right now.
Hilarious that she couldn't resist this quick attempt to be relevant.
No. 626321
>>626268Always clinging to her past for what shred of relevancy she had. I guess the Lilou Vos actress era is over. I wonder if she's going to try and start a new phase now that it's a new year.
>>626274Yikes you weren't kidding. Hanna Beth's lips look like a prolapsed anus.
No. 626587
>>626149Lmao! I saw her too. She was walking the streets, looking rough as fuck, and I had to do a double take. Her wrinkles are TERRIBLE for her age. When I passed her, all I could think of was her sperging out on here for those couple of weeks typing up all that fucked up nonsense.
Also, you know her and her sister both still lurk their own threads; they just can't help it.
No. 626714
File: 1547624364946.png (4.87 MB, 1242x2208, 32CE2AC1-FBBA-484F-A312-A19A4A…)

I hope she posts these tapes, it would be hilarious.
No. 626830
>>626750Well I guess you could see her at a different date or time than I did but your post just reeked of bullshit tbh. But hey who knows maybe all of the farmers in Kiki’s thread are from Chicago lmao let’s have a bonfire and build a shrine by the bean to try to summon her back.
Anyways, I wonder if she’s still in town. She didn’t come back in to yell at me (not that she’d know it was specifically me) and we didn’t receive any angry phone calls from Cathy lol. I hope you’re plotting your big return keeks, make it happen.
No. 626930
File: 1547678389002.jpeg (130.4 KB, 616x791, 9FA9D4EF-B6E8-4453-8169-F79593…)

Saw this today, did she send it in?
No. 628890
>>626149Do you think she moved back there? I know she's originally from there. I feel like if she was visiting family, she would be with them and not alone?
I'm not surprised that she's polite in person, a lot of vile people are lol.
No. 629234
>>626714lol all this time I thought they actually were photoshopped on
No. 629599
>>629234They were. For the longest time her stripes were created by the PS burn tool. After getting called out she tried putting them in her hair and it looked nothing like her pictures. There was a video of her making her necklaces around that time. It's actually a surprise she had proof of them being real and never seemed to put much out there.
>>629405If she came back like she tried to during her Lilou Vos era we'd be talking about her. She doesn't do anything worth talking about.
No. 629835
>>629599makes no sense. I think they were always real, they just had such a notoriety for abusing ps that people back then called everything fake. Even danny got stripes done on him by Cathy.
I remember somebody used to insist to death that they photoshopped their eyes and they were really brown.
No. 629853
>>629315I guess the light jacket means she's just visiting.
I'm kinda disappointed to hear she was dressed normally. I was hoping for another Estonian figure skating team outfit like in the walmart pics.
No. 630236
File: 1548365782544.jpeg (229.58 KB, 750x974, 8AC1BFD7-AA88-4CB1-8990-6DDBF8…)

Lol that old washed up tumblr e-girl, Mollysoda is posting old Kiki
No. 630748
>>630733I think that back in her tumblr fame days she used to ~ironically claim to be kiki, and some of her retard followers believed her.
Maybe I'm confusing her with another tumblr girl from around the same time, but I'm pretty sure it was her.
No. 631291
File: 1548463341788.png (919.11 KB, 1242x2208, 2628C9FF-3D76-4F0D-A152-3C8AC2…)

I think it’s interesting she’s following all of these vintage pages suddenly. Maybe she’s planning to reinvent herself…again?
No. 631672
>>631312Yes because everything she has tried before has been a roaring success
Fashion trendsetter
No. 631994
File: 1548548525193.png (294.22 KB, 589x416, Screen Shot 2019-01-26 at 4.19…)

>>630236>>630719>>630733>>630748>>630809it's not rly relevant to this thread at all, but it has to do with molly soda's new video game that she talks about in the caption. she had a twitter thread where people were sharing their old myspace era scene kid selfies for the game so i'm assuming it's like mid-2000's emo nostalgia based or something?? the post itself/ juxtaposition is kinda confusing but i'm guessing she meant to compare how they were both the queens of cringey internet eras in these photos (molly with the whole tumblr seapunk feminist alt fashion thing, kiki with myspace scene queens)
>>631291omfg i would die if her new era was a cringey new-age vintage pinup girl type of look, instagram girls like that are a very underrated goldmine of cringe and i can only imagine how kiki would even look styled like that… but more likely this is just her reiterating that she's a Real Actress and loves classic hollywood movies like a true thespian u guys!!!
No. 632444
>>626899It actually isn't a bad look for her, at least in the current photoshoot
She could possibly become popular again if she ran with the 'natural' look and started doing more traditional European/slavic dress-style shoots. I mean, most of her fanbase would be white nationalist basement-dwellers, but that aesthetic would be a good match for her.
>>629545Dunno. There's obviously something wrong with her, but I wouldn't be so sure that she's stuck up or otherwise full of herself. She has to know by now that her entire adult life is a string of failures, and she's been humiliated by virtue of her own actions so many times. She's not like the average cow who thinks the sun shines out of their ass- the fact that she retreats for ages as soon as she gets caught doing something wrong is a testament to that. She seems to be aware that she's fucked up.
I also get the impression that she's terrified of sharing anything about herself that isn't highly curated, hence why she disappeared for months over a candid that didn't even look
that bad.
No. 632864
>>632827She didn't get as much money and fame as she wanted, so she dropped it.
The only money making scheme she kept for a while was her necklace business because it actually made money.
No. 633538
>>633009I think we all agree that her acting skills are pretty awful BUT seems like she genuinely wants to be an actor and she absolutely won't get those dream jobs if she's
problematic as a nobody, which drama channels definitely are.
Receipts of her saying fucked up shit will 200% be dug up again and brought up against her if she's in the spotlight under her scene name like that. J* is a wealthy, well-connected, gay white man, and a makeup company owner… it's natural for him to get away with being awful in this shitty world. I doubt Kiki would be so lucky, I don't think IRL fame in Hollywood can withstand stuff like this when there are thousands of other nobody girls with better looks and no internet baggage.
Of course being a messy YTer is actually quite attainable for her. She's still going to chase that pipe dream of being a legit actor but her real cashcow is her own past self whether she likes it or not.
No. 634570
>>633111i think that act is her trying to cultivate the default innocence she was told (by cathy and cathy only) she had as a child, and her way of mentally escaping what she's done. there's really no coming back from the horrific gore she posted here unless she admitted she was paranoid schizophrenic and got treatment. she knows better than to actually commit herself to something because she was such a disgusting vile individual, she has some self awareness even if it's only to how limited her manipulation is, so she half asses everything. she won't commit to anything that doesn't allow her to do nothing unless it calls for copying people more successful than her, exactly like myspace. wish she'd just focus on building better habits and get help.
and kiki has zero tea. she lived at home and continues to live at home, she had one run in with jeffree when she was underage? if she ever brought up myspace all the hateful racist, ableist, etc. things would come up and she'd be cancelled.
No. 634804
>>634678Eh, disagree on that. Not all actors start out young, and acting isn't a physical discipline like gymnastics or ballet where it's imperative to start during childhood or else your body won't make it.
It's not her age, it's her lack of a real training, her laziness and her tendency to jump on the next thing as soon as she doesn't see the (unrealistic) super fast results/success she pictures in her mind.
No. 635092
>>634570>she had one run in with jeffree when she was underage?Consider actually learning about something before commenting on it.
>she'd be cancelled.underage b&
>>635064Keeks is probably super lonely without her sister. Has she ever had a real friend that she wasn't related to? Her parents did a great job of alienating her and making her paranoid.
No. 635462
>>633538Jeffrey got away with everything he has done and said to people. They even swallowed his apologies from recent events like the Jacky Aina drama. He is racist and will never change. And with Tana it's the same. She can do whatever she wants and people will buy her shit over and over again.
Why wouldn't people react the same way in regards to Kikis past? She could argue that she was a teen and is really really sorry. That lolcow sperg drama is another story but she could seriously build a gigantic audience if she's smart enough.
No. 636142
>>635462drag queens get away with whatever they want because they're psychotic men who manipulate the lgbtq into allowing them the constant victim pass, when actual women NEVER getting that shit. in fact they get the opposite because they're not perfect little victims.
Jeffree obviously has the pompous entitled mind of a man, he's a fucked up manipulative snake who deserves to burn in hell.
No. 637033
>>636140100% agreed. If she played her cards right she could turn this situation around and end up being featured on a Shane's docu-series, to come off as innocent and apologize like J* did, painting herself as the ultimate victim who is now doing good.
But I dont think she's that smart. She wants to have things as soon as she tries then out with a dash of people ass-licking her.
No. 637248
>>637076For this to work, she'd have to be likeable
No. 637388
>>637262yep which is my point. there's no way she can be appealing to an audience now, she's too nuts.
jeffree isn't wonderfully likeable but he's got minimum social skills and a powerful business presence.
No. 637404
>>637389youtube drama HELL kek
but seriallislously how relevant is some weeb following of some boring canadian expat, she's not the most established
No. 642085
File: 1550699865988.jpg (1.23 MB, 2741x2327, IMG_4875.JPG)

Here's my Kiki Kannibal necklace for the anon who asked, I bought this back in like 2008/2009. I had to clean it up a little as it tarnished over the years, the only issue is there's discolouration around some of the Swarovski crystals as the glue hasn't aged well. I haven't worn it since high school but I may or may not keep it for the scene kid memories.
No. 642087
File: 1550700285943.jpg (1.31 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_4876.JPG)

>>642085I remember all the fiasco about her necklaces being made from cheap plastic and but I can vouch that her necklaces were made from tough acrylic and the crystals still sparkle, it's lasted all this years in storage
No. 642092
File: 1550700403395.jpg (926.61 KB, 2277x2171, IMG_4877.JPG)

>>642087Last image, just to show her old official logo laser cut into the back
No. 642189
>>642174social media didn't move as fast as it does today. I vividly remember my american friends migrating to myspace a good 1-2yrs before I did and even then not a lot of people I knew were on myspace.
Kiki didn't fall onto my radar until about 2008 or so (same with stickam/stickydrama/etc) and my first intro to her was that she was hocking those necklaces that would arrive snapped/in pieces and people not getting refunds and nasty emails.
social media was still pretty niche in general back then
No. 642201
>>642162They are flat back Swarovski crystals.. which you can buy online in bulk for cheap.
>>642189I received mine being shipped overseas, I’ve moved house twice and it was never kept safe in a jewellery box, so it’s survived all these years without snapping or falling to pieces.
No. 643762
>>642085Thanks for posting these.
I'm still really curious as to how she made these. I'm assuming she ordered the diamonds with the laser cut logo from somewhere in bulk and then glued on the crystals.
I'm kind of surprised she used 925 silver. I know it's not expensive, but I was expecting her to use cheaper materials.
No. 644783
File: 1551953539480.jpeg (488.94 KB, 750x1030, 88BD725F-E11A-41D0-B676-95329D…)

Kiki’s thoughts on the Michael Jackson allegations, as a rape survivor. 1/2
Is she referring to Mr. MySpace (Danny IRC?)
No. 644847
>>644783This was way too poetic and from the heart to be about Danny. Personally, I think her father abused her. After all he used to whore her out and take pictures of her in itty bitty clothing which was crossing a line and extremely creepy. And just the way she interacted with her father in vlogs came off as she had some type of broken relationship with him. Idk, I’m not going to say anything rude about this post bc I believe it comes from the heart and although kiki is a giant attention whore I think she just needed to speak about this to help herself heal, not bc it’s a trending topic (which no one is really paying attention to or cares anyways).
Also it’s funny that she’s bit by bit becoming more active online now that koots seems to be in florida (but she’s hiding it). She probably feels empowered by her presence/failure lol.
No. 644864
>>644854Mostly just speculation going on in the Kooter thread. She hasn't had a decent job in a long time nor a place of her own to stay at.
>>644847I think Kota empowers her, as she is her only friend and family member she feels close with.
No. 644973
>>644783honestly i was legit waiting for something like this and actually find it compelling. i really, really wish she would just come out about what she's been through and deals with currently, the social climate now would not only embrace her but also because she's a former scene queen and that's super in right now.
she'd get a lot of support if she was just herself, psychotic episodes and all, and that's saying A LOT. as long as she's in a firm of therapy and attempting medication/treatment i can see it going very well. under the condition she stops actually bullying people and acknowledges she has a problem routed in extreme insecurity (probably caused by her mom, literally no one wouldn't believe that), and provided al actual apology for making fun of people of color and disabled people. she was 14/15 and it was cool to be an offensive edge lord online so she shouldn't have a problem just being sincere.
again, just glad she's coming about about something this huge that's probably haunted her in a very deep way. she was prostituted as a child, even to a fucking low life myspace 'king'. that's so fucking vile of her parents. i just want her to recover, not because she's the pure angel she pretends to be but because she's a human being and i really do think her erratic bullshit was all caused by her unhinged wingnut mom and likely pedophile father.
who the fuck photographs their baby girl at 13/14 in stripper swimwear, advising her on how to pose submissively for men. her parents fucking ruined her childhood and i want to see her prevail.
No. 645061
>>644784For the first time this comes across as very real and human. I can't tell who she is talking about here because I also know Kiki lives in the past. I forget details but she was a child during the Danny thing and he was an adult right?
Either way if she were just more open and honest and real, she would be a lot more likeable.
No. 645323
>>644847I'm not doubting you, but do we actually know her father was her photographer? I remember always seeing those rumors, but I don't think we ever found out if they were true or false.
For some reason I assumed Koots or Cathy took her pictures for her.
I've never seen her interact with her father in videos. I assumed they just had a distant relationship that can happen with or without abuse.
No. 645399
>>645323imo the father sexually abusing her thing seems like a mega reach and I 100% think she's talking about danny
but to answer your question - iirc there was something along the lines of either her mentioning her father takes them, or his reflection in a patio door or something, I don't remember. either way I'm pretty sure it was more than just speculation that he was the photog, just can't recall the exact details
that being said, even though they were incredibly misguided, I don't think either of their parents ever intentionally abused them. I think they loved/spoiled those girls rotten, they just also enabled and allowed really poor choices which fucked them up (such as sexualizing them at a young age, letting kiki sleep with a 18+ y/o guy as a preteen, taking them out of school for being bullied, pushing being famous on them), etc. I still think it was all done with 'good intentions' - they just didn't understand these were stupid/awful parenting choices.
No. 645508
>>645399Same. Every so often someone comes up with the whole “her father sexually abused her” bullshit and it’s such a repulsive thing to bring out of thin air with not a shred of proof or even any
valid reason for suspicion. Ofc she’s talking about Danny, you idiot. She hates Danny’s guts like hell and never misses an opportunity to trash him and call herself a rape
Scott and Cathy were eccentric people who were the ultimate “cool parents”. No one forced Kirsten to dress like an underage hoe when she was 14, she very proudly did that because she wanted to, and because she knew it made her more popular/controversial. Her incredibly irresponsible and naive parents supported anything she wanted. It’s their stupidity that got her in this mess.
No. 645835
>>645811Danny's dad was a convicted
abuser. I remember that from sticky drama days. I don't have caps though, sorry. No clue if Kiki ever met him, though.
No. 646149
>>646105According to her IG stories, she's still in Japan and scraping by somehow. Hasn't had a job in a while so she may end up in Florida in the near future. ( Unless her parents are paying for her to stay as they pay for Kiki's trips.)
I wonder if Kiki will pursue schooling of any sort.
No. 646303
>>646214Idk what school she was in, but she was in school. I remember a youtube vid she made about an Australian guy in her class harassing her.
Don't remember his name, but she had a boyfriend.
This was all right before she moved back home to try to pursue an acting career in LA.
No. 646396
>>646375Not even a kiki stan, but her acting was better than everyone else despite coming off amateur.
I had to skip past the dollar store Sofia Vergara, she was fucking dreadful and the big titted girl was so punchable.
In order of best to worst acting in my opinion:
1-Kiki: The eyes darting around was distracting but she did okay for a student film.
2-The guy comes second because he had the least lines, therefore not too annoying.
3-Big titted costar: She is third because she was SO ANNOYING.
Overacting, trying too hard…made everything seem like 'the room' style awkwardness in the acting.
4-Knockoff Sofia Vergara: Irritating as fuck gypsy fortune teller imitation. I literally couldn't listen to the rest of her dialogue goddamn so campy! And not in a good way.
This z grade version of beetlejuice or whatever the hell they were trying to achieve with the after death theme gets a 1 star out of 5.
It's a no from me.
No. 646957
>>646710Honestly, Kiki isn't that bad. No one outside of this site will really care about or understand her spamming Taylor's threads.
She didn't really shit on anyone, that was mostly Kooter during
Kiki's stickam lives.
No. 647049
File: 1552945573756.jpeg (148.04 KB, 1080x1080, D89A8371-9076-4C20-B58D-ADB5D7…)

More allegations from Kiki 1/3
No. 647050
File: 1552945602758.jpeg (131.94 KB, 1080x1080, B1C7E097-74FF-4616-B997-40AFF4…)

No. 647051
File: 1552945641547.jpeg (147.72 KB, 1080x1079, CC31484F-67FA-4614-99C5-F66E39…)

Why does she only speak about this now after others come out with their stories?
No. 647085
>>647083I belive her. Anyone can be an abuse
victim, even Kiki.
No. 647087
>>647051This confirms to me she was talking about Danny in her instagram post.
I don't know.. now I'm feeling like she is using the #metoo thing to have something "relevant" to talk about. I don't think she is lying about it, but she absolutely cannot pass up a chance to mention her past at any opportunity that will make her relevant again. She will never stop living in it. She can't possibly heal like that. That's why she will always be the same.
But if she's using this to be more honest and open about why she is messed up, and not for personal greed and gains like part of me thinks, more power to her.
No. 647092
File: 1552951549690.png (1.5 MB, 828x1792, C53D2FD4-B029-4477-A94F-86EA79…)

No. 647094
File: 1552951600261.png (1.1 MB, 828x1792, 0CAF263A-DA54-4857-AD8D-B86F3A…)

No. 647112
File: 1552953447306.png (883.95 KB, 2208x1242, 1EF71CAA-5474-412F-B3BC-337369…)

She was featured in keemstars video interviewing Romeo, he mentioned this tweet she sent him.
No. 647147
File: 1552960065891.png (93.18 KB, 581x378, Screenshot at Mar 19 02-46-17.…)

No. 647150
File: 1552960354440.png (144.32 KB, 602x602, Screenshot at Mar 19 02-52-13.…)

No. 647151
File: 1552960467885.png (100.73 KB, 583x469, Screenshot at Mar 19 02-53-03.…)

>>647112That wasn't Keeks, the icon didn't clue you in and had you check the account before you posted?
No. 647186
>>647183I get the impression in the messages we don't see kiki probably came off as more willing or flirty (and didn't want to include that for that reason)
but I wish she had
she should show that even a 'willing' minor is still a minor and hence a
victim, show her younger audience that even if they said yes to something or 'asked for it' they are not in the wrong
No. 647230
>>647206I'm sure admin could deny it but I personally sus that she posts here
a lot outside of her prior sperg-chan persona
i've noticed a lot of posts here lately out of the blue that align with her sudden sexual harassment awareness turn over. these people also don't seem to have a strong idea of past-chan culture. every time I try to point them out I get called a spergy man or WK (in those threads), but if you look out while browsing I think you'll see what I'm talking about. (cba to go through a bunch of different cows right now otherwise and pick out my sus posts; as it might still be a loud minority who just isn't kiki)
No. 647248
>>647150Why's Kaka always so damn smug? Every single time someone doesn't blindly agree with her she goes straight for the same 'i know ur a hater ;)) don't lie hun, you've been stalking me on HATE SITES for years lol' schtick. And she seems to think not only is it true every time but that she's looking real cool and unbothered while she calls them out? What a strange, maladjusted life she lives…
>>647087Completely agree. She seems to be completely unwilling to move on and grow as a person, sadly.
No. 647732
>>647711I think it is still the same room but hard to say.
Has kaka ever mentioned Romeo Lacoste or any other scum bags that have supposedly sexual harassed her? I thought it as just Danny.
No. 647747
>>647732If you look on her YouTube video
It’s the same room
And is that a new cat or old family cat?
No. 648204
>>647747>>648014Could she actually still be with that Asian guy? It's possible she got a job out that way and is living with a Bf…? ( with some help from her parents too )
Why does everyone migrate to LA though?
No. 648282
>>648204Idk about everyone, but Kiki migrated there in hopes of starting an acting career.
I think she's probably just visiting LA. Didn't she say in the screenshots posted above that she has family out there?
No. 648503
File: 1553572040486.jpeg (269.81 KB, 628x754, 8BAC5A3B-887E-4E7F-BA41-BBC7E4…)

Is this is her shot at trying to be relevant again? FOURTEEN?!
No. 648633
>>644847Don't forget how she had to take Scott with her to Japan the first time she went, and how Kota claimed Scott lived in Japan with her for her first 3 months there. I think it's more likely that Scott was just way too sexually inappropriate with them and tried to pedopimp them both very young, and now that their lives are basically ruined by tbe famewhoring off it & Kiki seems to be doing better away from FL and her family she might be learning how to handle it and speak about it.
always overblew the Dannyrape, I never believed he did to her what she claimed. I think maybe she just projected all the fucked up shit the other band creeps did to her onto Danny because that was the only rape she was "allowed" to talk about or had proof of.
As for the Romeo Lacoste/Johnny Craig shit, she had to know before ever going near them that they were bad news. She's dealt with enough creeps in her life to spot warning signs, this reads like her trying to get exposure from the #metoo movement by being a celebrity
victim. Slaves is doing well despite Johnny Craig being a known druggie and creep, and she tagged Dance Gavin Dance despite JC not even being in thay band for a while now. She's seeking exposure. I think her going into hiding was her trying to find a musician/actor desperste enough to fuck with her so she could turn on him later and get attention from it.
No. 648736
>>648633I stopped reading real quick because your reaching is incredible. You think basic parental protection = proof of incest? Dakota was a minor who was going to be a model in Japan, it’s normal for Scott to have wanted to make sure everything was legit, and that she felt ok before leaving her all by herself. As for Kirsten, few women feel safe doing solo traveling, especially someone like her who’s extremely paranoid that every guy wants to assault her, and doesn’t seem to go anywhere without her mom or a boyfriend. There’s nothing weird about taking her dad, who I guess is the only one that can go since Cathy has to stay with the autistic brother, to feel safe.
If you’re the same anon that keeps wanting to force the baseless theory that their dad molested them over and over, your f gross and making me feel sorry her/Scott.