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No. 289978
Kiki has finally slithered out from hiding and graces us with our presence!
Why now? Whats going on in Kiki's life? Has she found a new jap boy toy? Is Cathy shoving the selfie stick in her face telling her monkey to make some dollars? Does this mean we'll get new videos? New blog/ website?! (rip lilkitten). No. 289984
File: 1468758789539.jpg (1.68 MB, 400x212, Eiaha.jpg)

No. 289986
File: 1468759874628.jpg (89.47 KB, 1080x783, Screenshot_20160717-134928_1.j…)

>long time no see…
No. 289996
>>289978At last, our vegan empath goddess has returned to us!! I've been so mournful without Kiki's delicious milk.
Let's all remember not to fuck it up this time. Cows are for watching, not harrassing, so don't go scaring Kiki off. Hopefully our vegan moogle of mother earth is here to stay. Her IG description and stuff hasn't really changed so do you think she's still going for the same schtick?
No. 289997
File: 1468774733754.gif (519.7 KB, 245x130, tumblr_inline_noi35pkxoW1qbqje…)

Oh god, I'm so fucking thrilled.
Our ethereal goddess of love & light has returned!
May she bless us with the creamiest milk.
No. 290000
>>289986I'm gonna nitpick here, but her greasy hair is really bothering me. I don't understand why she wouldn't wash it before her "big comeback."
Also, someone in Kota's thread compared her to Taissa Farmiga, but I would say Kaka looks a lot like her in this pic at least.
>>289996It seem so. The only thing I noticed is she got rid of the Chinese, so she's probably done pretending to give a shit about China/Korea now.
No. 290002
>>290000Japan is her main goal
As it is to 48247847384 other girls lol
No. 290003
File: 1468776515710.png (514.63 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-07-18-01-04-36…)

>figured you'd been working on an album or something
Oh, how amazing more 'totally original and not stolen' mish-mashes of incohesive electronic/dubstep garbage would be.
I have to say, I'm pretty excited to see what she's got up her sleeve for us this time.
Is she in the holy land of Nippon? Or back in the US? No doubt she'll be acting like she's in Japan either way. Uploading from that stash of backed up pictures she's got.
No. 290005
>>290001Same, to be honest.
Still the same boring winged-eyeliner makeup, still the flat, unlayered hairstyle and middle parting, still not filling in her damn brows.
Girl needs to change shit up.
No. 290006
>>290004Because Kiki is a screaming obnoxious twat and not even giving up the puss makes men able to tolerate her for long. She thinks so highly of herself and her ego is so massive and she treats people like shit unless worship her, even if Bravo
considered signing her I doubt she would be able to keep her bullshit in check long enough to finish all the paperwork. Before she disappeared she said on Twitter that she got an entertainment visa but she deleted it pretty quickly, same with her bragging about being scouted.
I don't doubt she had offers while in Japan, but she can't act like an adult and won't do anything she doesn't want to do so maybe whatever opportunities she did get she shat all over with her awful personality.
No. 290008
File: 1468778014324.gif (1001.5 KB, 440x300, elmo001.gif)

holy shit she's back
wonder how long she'll last before she poofs away again
No. 290009
File: 1468778611073.png (206.43 KB, 698x424, Kiki Youtube.png)

Question when Youtube saids an account was active 10 months ago does that mean the last time the posted a video or did anything at all like approving a comment, etc?
No. 290010
>Why now?Exactly anon. Pretty odd that her return happens to coincide with the appearance of the Dakota and Taylor obsessed sperg-chan and their seemingly disproportionate fury at being accused of being Kiki.
>>290003Yep, she's probably been spending her time away gathering several years worth of content in order to stage a permanent move to Japan.
No. 290012
>>290010I also think kaka would crawl out of her burrow now that pull is going belly-up
sage for tinfoil hat
No. 290015
>>290011Yeah, that's definitely her room, she just changed it up a little bit. She still has the same tv, same lamp, and in the same area (right by the door).
If she was somewhere else, she'd be showing off the background more. Though, it does seem to me that she tried to make it seem like she was somewhere else by not showing much of her room and changing things up.
>>290014I think she's turning 24 soon?
No. 290018
>>290017Oh, sorry, you're right.
I'm tired as fuck and it's been a while with Kaka so my brain's fucking everything up.
No. 290019
File: 1468785843629.png (683.66 KB, 1200x1540, Screenshot_20160717-130149~2.p…)

Kiki's new insta post…new Japanese bf maybe?
No. 290020
>>290019if this is her new bf than she petty much just returned to show everybody her kawaii-desu Taku 2.0.
oh man, this is a good day.
No. 290021
File: 1468786110667.gif (458.56 KB, 146x146, 543498.png.gif)

No. 290023
>>290019I love how Kiki is so completely incapable or learning from her past. She just can't resist showing off her yellow hookups to prove us haterzzzzz wrong lol
Maybe she's been in Japan with Kota hunting for a visa hubby the whole time
No. 290024
No. 290026
File: 1468786346369.png (353.75 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-07-17-16-03-17…)

She also changed her Twitter name.
No. 290029
>>290020This. Typical conceited Kaka.
But like the other anon said, I'll believe it when I see them together. He looks a bit too…boy-band-ish? Not to give Kaka props or anything if he is her bf but he's a bit too nice-looking.
No. 290031
>>290030They're not pronounced the same as all though. Leigh is pronounced the same as the boy's name Lee, and Lei is pronounced the same as lay.
Why am I trying to apply logic to this idiots actions though.
No. 290034
File: 1468786782085.gif (46.89 KB, 372x200, 200_s.gif)

>>290025Could you imagine of the tables flipped AGAIN?
Somehow Kiki shoots up into internet popularity, and actually begins to overshadow Dakota. Kiki is frolicking in her Nipponland with her Nipponese boyfriendo, booking high-end modeling jobs and being all around successful with her Nipponland vlogs and blogs. Meanwhile Dakota is locked away forever in her off-white dungeon desperately shooping her head smaller and smaller, her eyes bigger and bigger, until she looks like something from Beetlejuice. She sadly has to be shipped back to Flordia to take Kiki's place as the sad sister that is forced by Cathy to scour the internet for any reason to submit copyright claims for the Kiki Kanninbal Empire.
I can dream.
No. 290035
>>290030She can't very well use her last name I she plans to get famous in Japan (and you know she does). Not only is it ugly sounding but it's hard for Japanese to pronounce. "Osutorenga" isn't kawaii desu.
Plus she can't use her last name because it's connected to all her and Kota's Japanese truth posts.
No. 290036
>>290034Kiki is too old to become a model now, unless she lies about being a model already in America which Dakota has already don't for her. She'll never surpass Dakota though, Kota's gimmick is "cute" and Kiki's is "sexy vegan goddess" and tbh cute trumps that in Japan.
>>290032I've never understood why American schools stopped teaching phonics. Why would it be pronounced "lee"? You don't pronounce "sleigh" as "slee" would you? Besides Scott and Cathy wouldn't give Kiki a boring sounding middle name like Lee, but Leigh (lay) sounds pretty and feminine.
No. 290039
>>290036I'm English. It's an English name, and it's pronounced exactly the same as Lee.
>>290038It's not a millennial thing. It's my fucking name I know how it's pronounced. It's an old English variant spelling of Lee in the first place, the pronunciation is the same.
No. 290040
>>290024Oh you bet your ass she will. She
has to. If he has any kind of social status, fame, or money she's going to brag about him and claim he doesn't speak a word of English. She can't help herself.
No. 290041
>>290039>>290038>>290036>>290032It can be pronounced EITHER WAY you autists. Whichever one Kiki choses to use, unless there's audio of one of her parents saying her middle name, is the closest to an official answer you're going to get.
Now save the bitching for the real milk. She's posted 3 times so far today, so I know that sweet sweet cream is coming.
No. 290044
>>290041>It can be pronounced EITHER WAY you autists.This.
Though, I'm positive hers is pronounce Lee since when she had her name in Japanese on her twitter/ig, it was キキ・リー (kiki ri- for those who don't speak Japanese)
No. 290045
>>290043It would take too long and her Japanese isn't that good. Besides, she likes to think of herself as a model since she was 12 anyway, and since Dakota is a model in Japan that means Kiki has to become one too.
How long do you guys think it'll be before she starts buying Twitter and Instagram followers?
No. 290046
>>290045Tru. Idk how is Kiki affording to live there, do we believe that her bf is funding her or her family? How does her family have so much money to spare? I think she would definitely consider buying followers as a 'good business move and wise investment' but how much does that cost, does she have the money laying around for that?
I just imagined Kiki teaming up with her sis and trying to pull a Kim K deal. I don't think it's likely to happen but god that would be ultimate milk for me
No. 290047
>>290046I don't think Kiki is in Japan at all, and she hasn't been this entire time she's been away. If she was she would have been updating more often.
She spent this time laying low and looking for a new Japanese boyfriend. Dakota's change in style is purely a result in herself failing as a model.
No. 290048
I totally agree. I don't think she's in Japan either. Maybe she's making plans to go see her new bf in Japan finally and that's why she's back.
No. 290050
>>290046Given how mostrenga parents are eager to spend all money it takes to make her famous, I wouldn't put getting loans and maxing credit cards past them. Remember how they rather buyed useless shit for their photoshoots than paying for Kiki's ER trips.
Also there's granny's inheritance, most likely kiki could afford the 2015 azn cock riding tour thanks to it.
No. 290055
She'll meet him for a quick shag and flaunt how mystical and kawaii she is. Brag about kota despite hating how she's much more successful (somewhat) than her. Then probably hope she can reel in that delicious visa. Just like Venus, Himezawa and many others have done so.
Then she'll set up a Youtube account and try grabbing some agency that will take her.
No. 290058
>>290056Oh god yeah lets not forget her pile of shit music rip offs. Can't forget about that now can we?
If her sister is the kawaii elf goddessu then kaka will be the kawaii dj mother goddessu. Imagine her on Japanese tv sat next to that chunkster Naomi bragging about how wonderful her tunes are and the audience nodding robotically in awe at how magical, unique and special the Ostrenga sisters are.
No. 290063
>>290060Because it was an stolen track
Anyways, the Dj who released it already know about Kaka and called her a plagiarist bitch
No. 290064
>>290054Kiki becoming a jvlogger would be the best thing to happen jvlogging in a while. So much drama potential.
I think it's more likely Sharla would get caught bitching about Kiki than her doing a collab video with her lol.
No. 290065
>>290054Kiki becoming a jvlogger would be the best thing to happen jvlogging in a while. So much drama potential.
I think it's more likely Sharla would get caught bitching about Kiki than her doing a collab video with her lol.
No. 290067
>>290065Kek exactly
So so much drama
No. 290072
Woah woah woah what makes you think the guy in the new Instagram as seen in
>>290019 is her boyfriend.
As far as we know she could have taken the picture from google, put some filters over it and call it her own. She has done it before. I agree with
>>290022 . I believe it when I see a picture of them together.
No. 290078
>>290076Twitter used to post Instagram links + the photo (3-4 years ago lol) but since then they stopped. it's super annoying.
Christmas has come early. right when I was about to give up on this site, she returns!!
No. 290079
File: 1468805160529.png (872.43 KB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_20160717-182457.png)

New Twitter pic… showing off her Japanese skills lol
No. 290082
>>290072They're just assuming this because she's suggesting it.
It really does seem to me she did that. If he's her bf, why does his face need to be covered? If she says it's for "privacy reasons," then that's fucking bullshit. If she truly cared about his privacy, she'd never post the pic in the first place.
I would laugh so fucking hard if we found out she was now pretending to have a ~sugoku kawaii nihonjin boifurendo~ using google images.
>>290079I love how he's speaking baby-ish Japanese to her and mostly writes in English to her.
Something tells me she didn't improve in Japanese at all since we last saw her.
No. 290084
>>290072Look at the pixels and compression and it's basically confirmed that's what she did. Why wouldn't she have it in HQ? Even if she threw a bunch of filters on it shit looks bad.
The question is will she try to pass this off as Taku to save face?
No. 290090
File: 1468827232879.jpg (12.16 KB, 150x166, image.jpg.12bbcfeffb2ec069692d…)

>>290079Someone on pull pointed out the profile icon. It's this pic
>>290019Did she just download his line pic and post it without his permission?
This is more proof to me that she isn't dating this guy or at least hasn't been dating him that long, if she was, I feel like she would have more pics of him or she'd at least be comfortable asking for more pics of him.
No. 290091
File: 1468827813351.jpg (4.52 MB, 367x206, 0ykg2aq.jpg)

>>290090Either that or she's just found a random photo and is talking to herself. Would explain the shitty Japanese and English in his reply to her. Would not surprise me at all.
No. 290092
>>290090Well that would explain why the picture she posted is such shitty quality…she just swiped a tiny profile picture.
I can believe she's actually talking to this guy, but it's probably just some dude she met on a penpal site a week ago and she wants us to think she’s in some long term relationship with him.
No. 290094
>>290092>it's probably just some dude she met on a penpal site a week ago and she wants us to think she’s in some long term relationship with him.I think so as well.
Though, I'm hoping that she just found the pic off google and is pretending to have a bf like
>>290091 said. That would be hilarious.
In either case, it really shows she hasn't learned a single thing from her experiences when she was last posting online.
No. 290123
She's arguably the biggest cow we've had on here and even she isn't in /pt/ anymore.
I understand that her thread might get moved back into /pt/ when the milk starts flowing again, but I just find it so pointless unnecessary. With all the moving around, I forget whose thread is in which board.
Sage for rant.
No. 290125
>>290123she's posted 3 pictures, it's not really a milk-worthy return. for all we know she could disappear again and then the entire thread would be pointless.
people are losing their shit that she's back but so far we've had nothing of substance from her. bitch is a snowflake till proven otherwise. y'all almost as bad as PULL right now i swear
No. 290126
>>290124its hard to rise to fame without doing some shitty stuff tbh
people will always dig up something or shit on you for the tiniest things
No. 290128
>>290127it was dead though. what do you expect them to go through every dead thread in /pt/ and move them around when no one is touching them?
Stop complaining about nothing.
No. 290131
>>290128Nah, before Sperg-chan it was still getting posted in by farmers after the changes the old Admin did.
>>290130I just want her to grace us with a YT video. I was going through her channel earlier and it was pretty depressing seeing her videos go from around 200k-300k views to 17k. Wish she'd put effort into a comeback so I can have my princess back.
No. 290132
File: 1468882406610.png (1.58 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-07-18-18-52-31…)

No. 290134
>>290132Here's a translation of the Japanese caption:
"My boyfriend's picture
This is Chiba
Beautiful, isn't it?"
No. 290135
>>290132Her text says "His photo". She used kare not kareshi though, but then again, she doesn't speak Japanese so she could've meant anything.
Fun fact: Taco and his cafe is in Chiba. But the guy isn't Taco, they look completely different. I wonder how long until this one-sided relationship dies
No. 290139
>>290114 Pretty strange seing sharla refer to kota as a"dumb bitch"
They're being pretty harsh.
No. 290140
>>290137Yeah, I thought so as well.
If she has no issue basically admitting that she isn't in Japan, I'm wondering why she didn't just take a pic of them video chatting together. This is making me more skeptical about this new "boyfriend."
No. 290154
>>290153Pretty sure it's her new boyfriend tbh.

No. 290156
>>290155The only time I've seen her "steal" images is with pictures that are circulating all around instagram on aesthetic themes where everyone is reposting the same picture.

No. 290157
>>290156[CONT.] for example, the China pic which was heavily pink filtered, I've seen that all over other IG accounts and Kiki never said she was in China. I think in the comments someone asked about knowing about veganism in asia and she mentioned knowing about the hanzi and kanji, but never said she was actually in china. The only thing I've seen her do is post old pics from when she was in Japan when she's back in FL, but I've seen a lot of people do that honestly when they come back from trips.

No. 290159
>>290157I vaguley remember her posting some ramen type image once, claiming it was totally vegan. People realized she took it from somewhere else and that it wasn't vegan at all.
And everyone knows she's flat out lied about her trips to Japan. Dakota even outed her out on that. So yes, she is untrustworthy.
No. 290160
>>290158I've seen it on many IG accounts too.

No. 290161
>>290159 I've never seen this or read about this, both the ramen and the dakota outing her, can you show me?

No. 290163
>>290162go to any weeb's IG account
i think kaka reposts pics online that a lot of people do and then farmers over exaggerate and scream that she lies about every single thing she does

No. 290165
>>290163The original accusation was that she was lying by omission. She didn't reply to anyone who asked about where she was, and answered questions or comments from people who clearly thought she was in Japan in ways that encouraged that assumption.
Kiki almost never outright lies. She always lies by omission.
No. 290166
>>290164my friends and i have reposted pics from online if we didn't get a picture or had shitty pics of a certain popular spot [to shitty to post on IG with the way our feeds looked] so it was better to take a better looking pic from the internet, it's not a huge issue. it doesn't mean people who have done that equals their whole IG and experiences are fake

No. 290167
>>290165I've seen more of kaka's shit exposed to be true rather than her faking it. that's how we've gotten so much milk from her because she post her real life and that's how we've been able to track down everything and everyone she talks about

No. 290170
>>157001>>157002lmao you are doing the most right now, anon. if these pictures were just total innocent reposts, then why did she delete them when people called her out on them?
also i tried finding screenshots of the images. i'm sur ethey'r eburied in the old threads, and for some reason all the posts in PULL only go as far back as August of 2015, and all this happened somewhere around the 2013/2014 timeline (i think)
as for Dakota calling her out, yes, it did happen, but Dakota did it totally on accident. Kiki was telling everyone she was staying for an extended period of time in Japan, but Dakota answered a Tweet saying she was leaving much earlier. Kiki even got mad and made a snarky comment about Koots on her twitter.
No. 290172
>>290170oh good lord, don't quote people while a mod is moving a thread.
meant to reply to:
>>290165>>290166 No. 290174
>>290170i think farmers assumed she was staying an extended period of time and dakota blogged she left in march, i don't remember kiki ever said she was staying longer, farmers just assumed

No. 290175
lol @ people throwing a snowflake fit to have this thread moved back to pt

No. 290176
>>290175there's no milk, why is she back in pt? kiki fans get mad and threw a fit to admin like taylor spergchan?

No. 290177
>>290174Plus when a pulltard tried to catch fish her pretending to be an hot azn guy on one of the friend sites, she told the fake profile that she was back n FL and not in JP, so idk people keep stating theories of farmers as what actually happened with kiki - it gets annoying when trying to lurk and gossip for real shit

No. 290178
>>290173This. I feel like this isn't the only example of her stealing pictures and lying by omission just like stated in
>>290165 .
I never can take what Kiki post seriously because 90% of the time it's stolen.
No. 290179
>>290178while you keep typing crazy ass theories about her that derails everything

No. 290180
>>29017890%? Lawlz
Exaggeration is a common theme here amongst farmers I suppose.

No. 290182
>>290178More like 2% stolen, plus her music was sampled like other DJs

No. 290184
>>290181Okay, Sharla.

No. 290186
>>290179Either you are some whiteknight for Kiki or you are new to this thread. It's not some crazy theory she steals pictures, it has been discussed in previous threads.
>>290180Sorry you are right, 90% is the percentage of all the shit she steals. From music, pictures, jewelry, etc. My bad.
No. 290187
>>290186I think you exaggerate too much.

No. 290203
File: 1468902271407.png (836.35 KB, 955x615, 1443838481963.png)

No. 290209
File: 1468906034528.png (388.96 KB, 1102x1110, 1429105041189.png)

>>290206from an old thread
No. 290211
>>290210The anatomical display one?
also the matcha tea and the watermelon summer drink pics were stolen (even the recipe itself of the latter was stolen hahaha)
Damnit kiki, you're such a virtual kleptomaniac
No. 290228
File: 1468915302348.png (869.36 KB, 928x596, Capture.PNG)

>>290132She edited the Japanese caption and added another sentence
"This is my boyfriend's picture
Here is Chiba
Beautiful sunflowers, aren't they?
I want to make my own sunflower field"
No. 290231
>>29022810 says the poor guy doesn't even know he's her
boyfriend now
No. 290234
>>290232Apparently not and if someone did, it most likely got deleted and blocked even if they genuinely wanted to know.
It is funny how their relationship seemed to went downhill since that video where people made fun of Taku's teeth. She is so transparent about getting a visa and a kawaii husbando.
No. 290272
>>290244She was doing that last time she was online, the reason she's doing it is because she wants to be famous in Japan like Kota is.
>>290265It doesn't seem like she did to me. She's still making mistakes even a beginner wouldn't make. One example of that is ここで千葉です
No. 290274
>>290272Kota isn't famous in Japan though, she's a nobody for like 2 years now. She
used to be somewhat known but now since she stopped trying she just faded into obscurity and now hides out on Twitter and IG. Nobody goes on girlschannel to post about seeing her IRL anymore because they just don't care.
No. 290275
>>290244because yellow fever
>>290265"kiki" and "getting commited to improve skills in something" doesn't go in the same sentence
No. 290296
File: 1468948082269.png (320.36 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-07-19-13-06-07…)

Weird Twitter is either glitching for me or Kiki tweeted again the sunflower picture.
No. 290300
>>290296looks like she deleted the older tweet and posted this one because… idk why.
i luv u kiki neva change
No. 290312
File: 1468951789524.jpg (Spoiler Image,92.69 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)

>>290307It's really this guy
No. 290316
File: 1468954293808.jpg (57.54 KB, 726x343, 1435819054668.jpg)

>>290315I found it, but I didn't save her doing damage control.
No. 290317
>>290315An outright lie is actually saying something that is untrue. If she has succeeded, it would still have been a lie by omission - the omission of the identity of the sender. It's still not an outright lie even when she failed, because she didn't say "I am not Kiki."
No one is saying one is worse than the other, I just pointed it out because Kiki is very consistent in how she deceives people.
Thank you for making me make such an autistic splitting hairs post because you can't be bothered to google shit.
No. 290323
File: 1468954930659.jpg (14.02 KB, 540x296, 1448835235029.jpg)

>>290321Oh, she blamed a smily face. Smiley faces trip codes, lol.
No. 290326
>>290318>>290318M8, one sentence rightfully reprimanding you for being so undeservedly conceited is hardly sperging out.
>Also, I stated; she was caught and said that she didn't send herself that ask, it was "tumblr's fault"I didn't say she never outright lies, just that she does it rarely and much prefers to lie by omission, probably because you can't prove it very easily. Which all of the screenshots you've posted prove, as well. She only actually outright lied when she was backed into a corner with no other choice except coming clean, which she's obviously never going to do.
Kiki's MO has been well known for ages. Why is this even being called into question.
No. 290328
File: 1468956061274.png (73.94 KB, 300x256, eeh?.png)

>>290326"undeservedly conceited"
No. 290339
>>290326I don't know if you're even white knighting anymore.
Either way, looks loke we can all agree Kaka talks kaka. I can't wait to see what's next. I also think she could be possibly getting catfished OR has made up this bf character. As we saw from the texts, the dude uses the same pic that she posted in full size on her Twitter as his avatar. Why does he only have one pic of himself?! And it's not even flattering. It's like if I was an ugly Japanese guy catfishing online, I'd use a pic covering half of my face too.
No. 290344
File: 1468960738204.gif (1.96 MB, 400x225, lol-duck.gif)

>>290316i totally forgot she did this
No. 290351
>>290323I don't know shit about coding but that excuse sounds ridiculous as fuck.
>>290346I agree Kaka love to make everything ambiguous and obscure but chill already dude
No. 290399
>>290369I like how she felt the need to throw in that she supposedly had "honor achievements".
>I have also had those people show up at my school and pass around pictures of me trying to humiliate meThat happened. She really learned nothing in her absence, huh?
No. 290671
File: 1469063457541.png (379.06 KB, 1265x695, Twatter 1:3.png)

Surprised no one has posted this.
No. 290672
File: 1469063522972.png (190.36 KB, 1272x699, Twatter 2:3.png)

No. 290673
File: 1469063693038.png (469.82 KB, 1276x696, Twatter 3:3.png)

No. 290678
File: 1469064140925.png (40.21 KB, 582x490, Capture.PNG)

>>290673Here are some more tweets she just posted
No. 290713
File: 1469071614380.png (28.7 KB, 619x321, Capture.PNG)

>>290678I wonder why she's going on this rant now. Usually she talks about how everyone should be nice when she's getting shit online, but pull (along with the rest of the internet lol) doesn't really seem to give a shit about her and our comments have been really tame so far.
No. 290723
>>290717how is she a kota clone? she's never worn weeb shit or done dances or make videos like kota. are you just saying that because they are sisters and kiki likes japanese stuff too?

No. 290724
>>290722not trying to white knight, but people do change.
mindsets at 14 arent the same when you're 24

No. 290726
>>290725I don't think keekz shops - filters yeah, but shoop? her pics and videos seem consistent.

No. 290730
>>290728What? A pair of pink floral heels? that's all I remember seeing.

No. 290732
>>290729I think she has changed imo. I've seen other cows do the same fucked up shit for years - kaka has come far from watching her in the stickam days

No. 290733
>>290723>she's never worn weeb shit or done dances or make videos like kotauh, haven't you read the past threads? kiki literally wants to wear her skin
>>290725they're equally pathetic
>>290724she hasn't changed a bit, bitch is condescending af just throwing a bunch of heart emojis in her comments doesn't make her nicer
No. 290735
>>290731scene queen 10 years ago kek. people change. do you have the same style as 14? if you don't does that make you a poser? i think people forget how young koots and kaka were when they started experimenting with styles

No. 290736
>>290733you sound salty honestly.

No. 290738
>>290732We'll see. Even is she HAS changed personally, the fact that she is back already speaks miles.
Maybe I'm wrong and she doesn't care about fame anymore, but if so why is she still going by Kiki Kannibal?
She's been in this game long enough to know how to garner attention. Drama, milk, controversy. She's pretty, that's not enough. She'll milk herself soon because she has never changed, and this is probably her last chance.
No. 290739
>>290737how tho? other than visitng her sis in japan, writing in japanese and dating jap dudes how is she a kota clone? they're sisters and sisters follow eachothers styles commonly. kota did it to kaka in the scene days. what if she visted japan and really liked it? if kaka is a kota clone then i guess anyone who writes in japanese and likes japan is a kota clone too. people who say taylor isnt a kota clone but kaka is blows my mind lol.

No. 290742
>>290738i think you're too invested in your opinion about her to see any type of change

No. 290743
>>290735Sure but Kota clearly got into weeby shit way before Kaka. Not that it really matters, hey I've been interested in stuff my little sister likes too, it's not something to hold against me or Kaka.
The point is she's still obviously begging for attention. I choose to believe she's at least grown out of her raging homophobia and general bigotry though.
No. 290745
>>290741not very diff from what we do on here lmao pot calling kettle black

No. 290748
>>290743i remember keekz back when she had pink hair and she had japanese hiragana pixles shit on her myspace and pokemon, she was 12-13 i think? she was showing caps on her stickam live too so i think both kota and kaka have been liking that kind of shit for a while, but kota made a career out of it

No. 290750
>>290742I think you're an idiot. What kind of change do you see?
Her recent tweets could have been written by a fourth grader. Even if she has changed, well it's a bit too fucking late to have that sort of epiphany. She's pandering, that's all.
No. 290753
>>290751i think kiki documents every 'hater' that shows their identity and attacks her so…

No. 290758
>>290743how is being on SNS posting selfies and a few tweets "begging for attention"? i guess millions of other people are begging for attention being on sns too right?

No. 290759
>>290753useless to talk to you but well, here we go again just in case you didn't bothered to understand my post:
>Kiki has done so much shit that's why we are discussing her on this board.Do you want me to explain each word too?
No. 290760
>>290754Nah, I remember on stickam they both talked about anime and sailor moon stuff. I think kaka called kota sailor mercury and kota didnt like that and thats what youre referring to

No. 290761
>>290758That's just naive anon.
Where the hell are you people from?
No. 290763
>>290761I dont see her begging for attention in her new comeback. If she was talking about haters and pity party, then yeah, but her posting selfies and a few tweets does not ring that attention bell for me, unless youre one of those people who thinks if a girl looks pretty in her pics then shes "begging for attention"

No. 290764
>>290762then what are you referring to? dont make baseless statements on what "think" happened.
I'm not white knighting, I'm having a discussion with you and you seem to get pissy when you can't back up what you're stating and can't deflect against my questions

No. 290768
>>290750well i hope no one gives you a second chance in life if you ever grow out of bashing girls on image boards

No. 290769
>>290766Who fucking cares? of course she shoops just like her sister and anyone ever.
I just want to see if she maintain her kiki kumbaya act and how long until shit goes boom.
No. 290771
>>290766i've never seen any shop disasters or warps in her pics tho

No. 290773
>>290769She''s been kumbaya for a few years now, where have you been? Check her YT vids back to 2012, that's a 4 consistent change anon.

No. 290775
>>290774she's has that persona since 2012 tho

No. 290777
>>290776her kumbaya stuff has been more consistent than the drama, so yeah I think she's matured and changed. kaka isn't 14 on stickam anymore and hasn't been that way for 4 or 5 years. just look at jessi slaughter, that cow hasnt changed one bit.

No. 290778
>>290764It isn't about what we "think" happened, it's been said by anons for a while that when Kota used to like anime Kaka made fun of her for it. Specifically they used to talk about Pokemon and trying to collect the cards on Stickam and Kaka acted like it was in the past and she was above it. Stickam isn't around so those recordings aren't available. It's been brought up in past threads if you care to read that far back because no one can remember literally everything said to document it to your arguments and deflecting.
You're real obvious in here because you're being contrary and asking questions like you're new and know nothing about Kaka. There is no getting pissy or deflecting, there's just very little that can be provided as proof when the proofs are long gone due to Monstrengas either copyright claiming or Stickam not being around. It was a long time ago. Take it with a grain of salt if you want.
No. 290780
>>290777Well.. it's been more consistent than her presence for sure. I'm not sure what to think of it really. I actually like her a little and hope she has changed. We've all done embarrassing and mean shit as kids.
I just don't see her as having changed that much, considering her age and honestly incredibly immature tweets.
No. 290781
>>290776last chance at what? internet fame? kek.
i dont think that's her mission honestly. if it were she'd be doing all the trends and click bait shit.
>>290778"anonssaid it in past thread, so it must be real kek." anons document so well on here, but don't have that? and i'm supposed to believe that when i have been watching her since stickam and myspace and know they both have liked that jap shit? esp with juicy deets like that kaka making fun of kota for her weeb shit then doing japanese shit, anons would have that plastered everywhere if it were honestly real.

No. 290782
>>290780I think she's changed, her persona has been consistent for years now
what kind of immature tweets? yeah when she was like, 15, but what tweets since 2012?

No. 290784
>>290781>she'd be doing all the trends and click bait shit.Well she is low-key sort of trendy yes. A bit passe, but still.
IMO she left because it wasn't enough to be cute and trendy anymore, and now she comes back with no change yet? Either she truly changed as a person, or something else is coming, time will tell.
No. 290786
>>290784she left because it wasnt cute to be trendy?; what?
i think she left because lolcow humiliated her and found her boyfriend taku and hoarded/bombarded him.
>>she comes back with no change yetyou mean in appearance? what do you mean by that?

No. 290787
>>290785I dont think those tweets are immature. I guess writing about people getting along is immature to you?

No. 290789
>>290788>>You have to be interesting, and thus have some sort of drama or controversy surrounding you.i think she's had plenty of that lol hence this image board

No. 290791
i think if she wanted to be efamous should would be cranking out shitty youtubes with click bait like taylor and using her SNS profiles in a much different way than she does now.

No. 290794
>>290790I think youre being overly critical, you sound like you're in highschool
she's what, 23? 24? a 24 year old cant say talk about wanting peace in this terrorist environment without being called an immature baby?
>>290792then you should say "it's speculated she made fun of kota for liking weeb stuff" not stating it as a fact when you just said its mostly speculation on lolcow

No. 290797
>>290794I think she's about 25-26, either way she's in her mid-20s.
Regardless of what she has said or is saying she is immature and a baby. What is she doing with her life?
No. 290798
>>290795we get it, you said it like 2, 3 times already, calm down
>>290796she's using SNS like billions of other people, i don't see how that's a free for all for trolls when she's not doing anything lulzy?
>>she could be more private, she chose not to posting a few selfies and simple tweets means that she exposing herself to all trolls? uh?
>>290797her age has always been consistent in reports and what she says in her vlogs - she was born in 1992.

No. 290799
>>290794That's kind of a far reach. Speculation is done on lolcow thus it's all speculation? Not quite.
Kaka's a weeb who wants to be Kota after she saw how Kota's style got her fame when she made fun of her and embarrassed her before.
No. 290800
>>290799you're clearly not following along and just skimmed everything
>>290797what are you doing with your life on an image board bashing girls?

No. 290803
>>290801so she's having fun on her SNS, stop judging - plus taylor and sharla are in their 30's acting like 12 year olds.

No. 290804
>>290802Then you totally disregarded everything about our convo anon and went back to your original claim that you couldn't back up properly.
and yes, we are discussing and arguing about kaka

No. 290807
>>290805I'm not white knighting. I'm discussing current kaka with you.

No. 290808
>>290804No, I didn't and we're not anymore. Agree to disagree.
>>290803Stop judging? That's what lolcow is. We're judgey little cunts ffs!
No. 290809
>>290808Looks like I backed you into a corner about your kaka claims that you couldnt back up, sighhhhhhhh

No. 290811
>>290810I asked how is she a kota clone weeb and you couldn't back it up well "other anons said it" type shit
And like i said before you're stating that it happened like its a fact and you have no proof
esp with all the documentation anons do here and they dont have that juicy bit? lol

No. 290833
>>290827delusional and stupid you are
they're fucking sisters you unloved only child twat

No. 290838
>>290827also the
sudden urge to study the language right after Kota leave to Japan
No. 290843
>>290838And her posting manga and sailor moon crap.
this anon
>>290833 is ridiculous
No. 290857
>>290849agreed, that's like the only reason of her comeback haha
how sad is that?
No. 290864
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Kiki throwing scraps at u guys n ur devouring it ahahaha
No. 290867
>>290864>narcissistic, whiteknight, sociopathic commentary now that you mention it…
who else would defend kiki this hardcore
No. 290901
>>290887Wk chan is def kaka, it's too obvious. Looks like she's doing some field research.
I wonder how Dakota feels about keeks comeback.
No. 290925
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vent to us kiki we understand you
No. 290929
>>290920I think we should ignore them as well. If someone is refusing to listen to what we tell/show them or refusing to look into previous threads, they aren't worth our time.
No. 290930
>>290887Mte! It makes sense to use that unusual abbreviation on Twitter (literally only ever saw Kiki use it) where there's a character limit, not on here where there's none. Hardly any of her fans whiteknight her and haven't for years at this point: this one was extremely persistent, overly focused on seeing evidence and trying to deflect attention from Kiki (by trying to turn our attention to Sharla etc. whose "way worse). So all of the red flags point to Kaka.
Also the "24 year old cant say talk about wanting peace in this terrorist environment without being called an immature baby" bit. Kaka talks about it in a really vapid way - there's no clear critical thinking to it, just endless platitudes that a 6 year old would come up with (and understand). If you give a shit about the world today and want to seriously discuss it, you do the research across multiple areas (e.g. philosophy, psychology, religion, sociology, science, politics etc.): figure out how the world works first, why the human race has the problems it does (from each angle) and the research would come through in the writing. And, of course, this doesn't just apply to her recent tweets, this applies to anything re: her discussion of important issues post-2012. Her writing shows that lack of depth and her approach to raising awareness of these issues (one of the main reasons she claims to have those accounts) shows no application of research e.g. you don't make people give a shit about causes (like animal slaughter) they didn't previously didn't by quoting statistics at them. Why? Because humans are numb to statistics. I'm posting this, because I want to see Kiki's online presence to evolve into something better and I'm getting bored of the current schtick.
No. 290942
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Kiki seems to be treading lightly. She is trying to give off as little information as possible.
No. 290943
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No. 290994
>>290920Mate I was asleep when all this was going down. I said she doesn't
usually OVERTLY lie,
not that she didn't or doesn't lie. I said how manipulative she was in a bunch of my posts and the point of them was because it makes it easier to catch her out if you know specifically how she lies and makes shit up.
Jesus fucking Christ. You try and help people spot a lolcow's MO and you get lumped in with some fucking retard who still says SNS.
No. 291018
Kaka and her thing for SNS>I got on the internet when social networking was very new & the dangers were not known, before the media in sns. I wish I NEVER started sns.>@marimonsturr you can also email me it's too personal to write on SNS!>What you see on my SNS is personal information, you do not read about my private information or private life.>I post only about 10% of my life on SNS, while the other 90% of my life is private and not for people online to know about.>Only posting 10% of my life on SNS, while the other 90% is private - no one from the internet can truly say they know me or my life.>If I block you for spam, don't take it personally & make erroneous assumptions about me. Respect others boundaries online & don't misuse SNS>@AllytheButerfly I want to give in depth info to kind/neutral people, so shoot me an email with ur SNS profiles & I'll try to answerBlog post shared on>So, here’s me putting it out there – no editing, no photoshop. I’m getting tired of having to be polished and create a fantasy on Instagram or any other SNS.Why do people still use the term SNS? It sounds so archaic.
No. 291045
>>290942>>290943funny how she is posting old scene pics of herself when she made all those copyright claims and tried to get those website taken down while she was in hiatus.
trying to be relevant by clinging to her only remaining hint of fame (from almost 10 years ago)
No. 291049
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>>291045Funny you say that…
No. 291057
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Why what do you mean Kiki…
No. 291065
>>291057Dear Kiki:
The only expectations we have of you is that you will continue to lie about/exaggerate your accomplishments and how others fawn all over you.
The Internets
No. 291078
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No. 291080
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We aren't the ones bringing up your scene days Kiki you are. We would like you a little better if you admitted your most reccent mistakes and grow from them. Admit you have stolen work and you aren't some desu goddess.
No. 291082
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>>291078>>291057>>291049>>Complaining about her pre-teen pics being up on the internet despite 1) being the one to put them up originally and then re-posting them in the last 12 hours as seen in >>290942 >>290943>>Several anons speculate about her changing since last October and she goes on a twitter rant about changing as a personOohh yeah, Kiki, subtweet us harder and act like you totally weren't posting here last night
No. 291088
>>290930>there's no clear critical thinking to itThis is my biggest issue her "peace loving" and "positive energy" attitude. That sort of attitude is just a fall back to people who have no idea what the fuck is happening in the world, what is occurring to the disenfranchised groups of people, and just sitting behind their monitors. She[s worse than a slacktivist because at least those people have some sort of movement they're behind.
No mention of BLM, no talk of the UK leaving the EU, she doesn't even talk about the fucking Pulse shootings which literally happened in her city? She's a fucking joke, she wishes she was aware
No. 291091
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No. 291096
>>291094She did address some of it with bullshit and lies. That video that pops up from time to time with her laughing at disabled people, she tried to defend it through a video on her YT with some story about a disabled girl from one of her classes that was "rude" as if that excuses any of the horrible stuff she said. That's exactly the problem, she never owned up to it and tried to make it right, she just changed and expected everyone to forget the past but when she made herself something of an online personality she was a public figure. When celebrities fuck up they usually apologize if they want to keep their fanbase who are paying their bills and paying for their meals with their financial support. Her shop money probably stopped flowing in because of the talk of her conducting business in a shitty way.
The thing is, a lot of her disgusting actions took place years ago and she was still a kid. If she apologized people would probably forgive her but she continues to deny it like she's never done anything wrong and is perfect.
No. 291111
>>291103I think so too, but like the other anon said, she wouldn't do that because she'd actually have to work to get a following again.
>>291106I want to add to your list, I remember not too long before she left she did try to get her followers to harass a girl for just correcting her Japanese and because she thought the girl used "hate" sites. And there was also the passive aggressive tweet she made towards a young fan of hers for copying her super ~unique~ twitter bio.
No. 291115
>>291105*is all she has
Pardon me
No. 291116
>>291106that doesn't compare to things from back then. laughing at a disabled person getting in an accident, attacking lesbians, mocking asian stereotypes.. i'm probably forgetting something. but old kiki was a fucking infuriating nasty twat.
now she's just a scammer, hypocrite, and thief. bad traits, but no comparison to before.
No. 291135
>>291132>>291134Yeah back in the day Kiki did have a pretty meaningful audience, as did most "scene queens". At the time the idea of gaining fans or followers online was pretty novel, so even though her numbers don't look that impressive, for the time it was a pretty big deal.
Like, Jefree Star got his current fame from the same platform and audience as Kiki. He was just lucky drag and gender issues are popular now; if kiki had had a similar gimmick she could have rode her fame wave in the same way.
No. 291155
I honestly assumed the white knight was Kiki herself, especially since she starts talking about her preteen/teen phases being all over the internet on her Twitter shortly after someone spergs about her being a CHANGED WOMAN?
No. 291220
>>291132why does everyone forget that people only knew of her because she was the DEFINITION of a spoiled racist cunt. she was well known on myspace because it was impossible to like her.
she's such weak fucking loser now and its so pathetic. she has no concept of who she is and has literally zero talent. this paris hilton wannabe generation grew up to be incompetant losers and
how is she seriously posting here and posting her myspace pictures without dying of embarrassment have some fucking dignity No. 291223
>>290942lmfao the narcissism.
also fuck i robot how fucked her face has always been. never change kiki toukannibal™
No. 291231
Plus, a tiny part of me was hoping she had actually quit the Internet for good and found something, y'know, productive to do with her life. A proper job or something. But nah, Kiki will be a brat forever. I can see her still clawing for the fame she thinks she deserves aged 40+.
No. 291277
>>291252They had a few accounts on pull, all of them had "-nyan" on them
I'm too lazy to look for them but the stalking archives had several PULL screenshots showing their usernames on there
No. 291289
>>291285So her username on PULL was Nyannkoko? I just tried to find the user but I think it's since been deleted. What did she used to say about herself on PULL lmao?
(FYI for people who don't get what's going on here - someone discovered the directory of once and there were just hundreds and hundreds of screenshots the ostrengas had taken of "haters". Super creepy.)
No. 291295
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>>291289This was on Pull 1.0: none of the usernames transferred over. This screenshot was made on Kiki's computer and uploaded to her website's archives to build evidence for a lawsuit against those who spoke bad about her.
No. 291297
>>291291I think they posted the bare minimum but it's been awhile and I can't remember
>>291295I have all of the files saved on my computer if anyone is interested. I think a previous lolcow admin has them saved and uploaded to the site.
It wasnt just screenshots of Pull. It was also of a cam girls website. KFC website, all kinds of shit.
No. 291301
these were their accounts. according to an old thread, nyankola had a IP from Dallas (but it was obviously them, they were logged in in one of the screenshots). i never understood why they had to make so many accounts for tho. maybe they kept forgetting the password or something lol
No. 291305
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>>291303>>291304Thirding that it was only a youtube username: it produced this wonderful reply after all.
No. 291312
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No. 291313
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No. 291315
>>291312is she referring to that time she tried going by Kiki Mimiuex? p sure she only shed it because her "singing career" was a huge fail. not because people insisted she was kiki kannibal.
i'll say it again. kiki kannibal is easily disposable. it's one of those stupid scene names like Verena Schizophrenia and Dani Gore. even Jessi Slaughter, with all her notoriety and massive negative attention was able to move on by calling herself Damien. yeah some trolls might still bother her, but imagine how much worse it would have been if she still went by Jessi Slaughter in all her current accounts?
No. 291316
>>291312Why won't she just admit she doesn't want to rebuild a following instead of giving these bullshit excuses? Like, I get that no matter what people will still link her to the name, but that doesn't mean she has to keep it.
Honestly, I think if she stopped using the name after scene died and she changed her style, most people probably wouldn't know about her past or link her to it.
No. 291326
>>291313she's dumb. she's the one who won't let it go with these bullshit excuses of, "I will lose my my verified badge," and, "Trolls link it back to me somehow." bitch, grow some thick skin, suck it up, and move on. it's not that serious. no one knows who you are outside of the internet.
if she's so worried about losing that stupid check mark, she should just make a new Twitter, with a new handle, and make her verified account inactive or use it to promote her new account. it's not that difficult. many "Twitter famous" people do it.
No. 291339
>>291100Honestly, I feel like people wouldn't even care about her past fuck-ups if she wasn't suddenly preaching "love and light" and peace.
If she went down the same path as Jefree Star and stayed "edgy", pretty much no one would expect any different of her.
No. 291341
>>291295I remember when OG Admin (?) first found the archive and advised everyone to shut the fuck up about it, don't talk about it on PULL, etc.
First thing the PULLtards infesting our website do is talk about it on PULL lmao
No. 291351
>>291347does Heidi Palermo (hmm..) go on here? because tweeting at kiki was her first tweet in a month and we were coincidently we askinh why she doesn't just leave the name kiki kannibal literally 23 hours ago
>>291084 before Heidi asked her personally and she answered us on twitter.
she probably deleted it because she thinks/realized Heidi is from lolcow.
No. 291744
>>291313Pretty sure she was 14 and dakota was 11
But whatever \_(ツ)_/¯
No. 291784
File: 1469397924816.png (345.97 KB, 597x384, Capture.PNG) isn't all that interesting but dear fucking lord am I the only one who finds this gif/reply ultra cringey? Her sense of humor is so outdated.
No. 292211
>>292146was kaka the first to start this raccoon hair?
it's such a putrid aesthetic
No. 292271
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>>292146 sent a court order complaint to Google about lolcow, PULL and ED yesterday but received by google back in May?
No. 292455
>>292347lol she did not look better with peroxide blonde her than pixy queen era
>>292357punk is not dead
No. 292486
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Goddamn this thread is dead. Guess Kaka's comeback didn't have the impact she was hoping for.
Anyway, how long has this been her pinned tweet? Does she really consider taking down a YouTube commenter an achievement?
Also RTing a Japan story since that's her thing now.
No. 292504
>>292486Weird when I look at her twitter on my phone it doesn't show the pinned Tweet but maybe its because I am looking at it on my phone?
Also I think she is laying low because she knows we watch her every step online.
No. 292537
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>>292455Difference of opinion but compare this to her now washed out corpse look. Extensions suited her so much better than her greasy limp hair. Her style wasn't some dominatrix in training garb. She looks straight up ill these days like she belongs with the Make a Wish kids.
No. 292538
>>292347>>292537No she doesn't you salty hag.

No. 292541
>>292357She wasn't scene for a while before Kota went viral - she had short brown hair, no where near scene anymore. Her style change away from scene had nothing to do with Kota, newfag anon.

No. 292576
>>289978I see a lot of people using the term 'Jap' on the internet lately. I'm not an SJW, say whatever you want. But I can only assume most people that are using it don't realize it's not a very nice thing to say. Educate yourself and if you still wanna use it, fine: abbreviations: JP, JPN
No. 292582
>>292557>>292558Hi samefag who thinks anyone who disses their pathetic posts is an ostrenga.
butthurt are we?

No. 292583
>>292560>>292558>>292557>>292556wow, you're so butthurt same fag anon!
sorry to ruin all your hopes and dreams of kiki dissing you on her thread ;-p

No. 292606
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>>292211No it was Audrey Kitching who just stole it from metalhead girls from the 80s when she was curating her original groupie style when she dated the dude from Panic! at the Disco. This makes me want to hold my head underwater, but I was 13/14 when "scene queens" were a thing and thought Audrey was the shit on Livejournal. Through those communities gossiping about the OG groupies like Jac Vanek and Hanna Beth, the wannabes were brought up and roasted, especially Kiki.
Kiki was rich and an
incredibly spoiled cunt of a 14 year old (which is a sharp statement about a child, but google her old blogs if you weren't around), the OGs fucking hated her because all she did was copy the aesthetic of what the older girls did and then hysterically lord it over everyone as if she started it. Like trying to beef with Jeffree Star, who was a cyber goth that pretty seemly transitioned into scene. She was only "famous" on Myspace because of how insufferable she was, which is another reason why she will literally never be able to live it down.
Pic related of one of the originals Hanna Beth, who was as entertaining as soggy bread but her family was loaded and she copied Audrey a little more subtly. This was taken somewhere between 2004-2006 idfk, but it was hilarious. Hanna is now the brand ambassador for DFV and has 273,000 followers on instagram.
Kiki also notoriously beefed with/tried to provoke Jeffree Star, who used to present himself as an equally all around dislikable person (they all did). He now has a successful make up line and 3 million followers.
I pray to god Mama Kannibal/Cathy/CYBERPOLICEOFFICERGENERAL OSTRENGA is reading this with fiery contempt that her precious daughter is
still being bullied from her scene days, or Kiki is reading this now getting so painful defensive of her repulsive behavior. Based on whatever mental illness she has she truly will always think she's innocent no matter how deplorable her attitude has always been. She does no work to be better. She doesn't know what the fuck being a good person is, because she had been spoonfed and spoiled rotten since her mom wanted to make her Famous™. And all the evidence you need is that she won't let go of her humiliating scene name in 2016 because she thinks she's better than everyone and deserves a verified symbol, and that's only because she knows if she got rid of it she would be nothing.
Sucks at this point she can never even be nothing, she will always be so much less than that unless she owns up and moves on from her histrionic shit. But she never will, and that's why she's my favorite lolcow.
ps. Hi Kiki.
No. 292619
>>292616I don't think she'll do that. If she leaves her house, everyone will stalk, harass, and try to rape her.
Though, I am surprised she hasn't posted about it at all and at least pretended that she's been playing it.
No. 292648
>>292631Kiki On Twitter - Pokemon Go Edition:
Omg u gais, I was playing POKEMANZ and like I could not go to any pokestop without people checking out my BOOTAY and asking me out! Teehee
I am the guild leader at every guild because I AM THE BEST POKEMASTER EVAR ^.~ but like every guy and girl has been STALKIGN ME, waiting for me at these pokestops to take my picture and ask me out!!
And then they stalk me on my way home ;_;
No. 292796
>>292576I've seen this conversation multiple times. They know where it originated they just don't care. If you actually think they mean it in the same way they did during WWII the problem is with you.
>alternate abbreviationsgo back to tumblr.
No. 292814
>>292648Don't forget the part where she happens to stumble upon an organic vegan restaurant whilst chasing Jigglypuff. It's run by a Japanese guy who is thrilled to meet her as he recognises her from her Myspace days. He compliments her on her near native level of Japanese and insists she must be haffu.
>>292786Right? It's like she's learnt absolutely nothing from her Taco humiliation. This attempt is even more lame and half-assed than usual, like "g-guys, look at this random blurry photo of some asian guy with half his face covered, this implies I have a cool nihonjin boifurendo like Dako-chan too, right guys…guys?"
No. 292824
Why does she think having a bf is something to brag about? That's completely normal Kirsten and his nationality doesn't make him more/less cool. Everything she does and says is just in order to rub it in our faces as a proof of her success, he logic is so weird, like if any of us has a relationship and/or speak the language. showing off your relationship on the internet makes you feel so divine Kik?
No. 292850
>>292814>and insists she must be haffu.Or Russian
>>292824Me thinks also Kaka believes she's now above her
trashy scene american exboyfriends since all her relationships were (and
still are) based on just fame boosting and not real love, pretending to now have a ldr makes her look all deep and spiritual and mystical with exotic tastes~
No. 292852
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No. 292859
>>292786She's finally embarrassed she has literally no life.
You know for someone that's so about Karma, she's not exactly realizing that her life is the epitome of it.
No. 292864
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>>292852Hahahaha I bet the reason why Kiki used to be so mean to Dakota was because of her
actually natural blonde hair.
No. 292881
>>292876Of course he does. There was a video of Kaka talking to Kyler about stuff, I don't know where it is but I hope some anons remember it. Kaka kept asking him stupid questions, but he was pretty composed the whole time.
He is a registered voter in Florida, and has video game accounts on the internet.
No. 293309
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OP here: Very disappointed with my Princess' return.
I'm sad now.
No. 293351
>>293333No way, she's a tried and true super narcissist. She probably just realized how she has absolutely nothing creative or remotely interesting to contribute to current pop culture and it bewildered he to understand how out of touch she is.
The only people that gave a shit was us to laugh, and middle-america mall kids even more out of touch than her.
I think now that it's been like 10 years since scene was a thing, I've noticed more frequent "Where are they now" type things coming up, if I were her with literally no progress in my life I'd hide in embarrassment too.
She's not even smart or with it enough to copy her way out of things anymore.
No. 293360
>>293333I wish that too, anon. Its a sound advice to keep your personal life private, Dakota is actually a good example of that, at least she tries.
>>293351Maybe her problem was she was always arguing with people, blocking and copy claiming every damn picture not caring if it was actually a nice post or video, that's such a waste of time.
No. 293470
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Pshhh Okay Kiki.
No. 293484
>>293470Obviously she hasn't been over a friend's house since years ago because nobody lives with their parents anymore..
Oh wait, I forgot she basically tweets about herself because she has no self-awareness
No. 293489
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Is she purposely posting old/ugly photos now so the h8erz don't post them themselves making fun of 'em?
No. 293513
>>293470Changed behavior is what should follow an actual apology where you recognize you were an asshole. That's what shows you mean the apology, but no, Kiki's too proud to ever admit she was wrong.
>>293489Bitch you can't just meme yourself like that.
No. 293537
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No. 293540
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No. 293602
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No. 293632
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Errrr you've had the same look for several years now but ok. Stop ruining Bowie.
No. 293634
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I guess adding low quality gifs to everything is her new thing.
No. 293652
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This gif she retweeted is fucked up.
No. 293665
>>293470Is this her way to say "Sorry"? Or is she specting people to change?
a humble and honest SORRY it's easier and better than any motivational phrase you could post.
No. 293699
>>293692I remember that red-haired girl who genuinely tried to be her friend in Japan, she was nice to her, but Kiki decided to stalk her activity on internet, like the paranoid she is, or maybe asked her about PULL and lolcow and claimed she was a member, she didn't show a proof tho. Even after that, the girl continued posting nice things about Kiki and invited her to Osaka, but naaah Kiki decided to focus on her personal "war" against her haters as usual instead of giving her an opportunity. She was nice to you Kirsten, using such sites doesn't mean she's your hater, or maybe she wanted to CHANGE her opinion about you, maybe she never had a bad opinion… people like her probably will be happy to hear a SORRY from you, pretty sure many will understand.
No. 293754
>>293692>>293722first of all, i don't think she was talking about herself at all lol
and second why should she apologize now? who would the apology be for? i doubt the people who were actually offended by her years ago are ever going to see it. it sounds pretty stupid expecting a 24 year old to make a public apology for things she said when she was 16-17. it feels irrelevant now
No. 293784
>>293772I agree. She needs to keep on keepin on with the only shit she knows how to do.
>>293760>hi kakaIs this a site wide meme now? Please stfu with this "hi xyz" bullshit. You're not clever and you're not accurate.
I agree with the idea that she doesn't have to apologize for shit. Whether she does or does not, it will still follow her because some people can't let the past go. Shit on her for her present crap behavior, but like really, an apology isn't gonna satisfy shit because so many people will find it to be illegitimate regardless or irrelevant. The girl is pretty good at fucking up her own reputation. You don't need to tag her past to her at every breath.
No. 293820
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There we go, finally jumping on the pokemon bandwagon
No. 293824
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>>293820I'm surprised she isn't just trying to get Kota's attention. Kota posted this first.
No. 293860
>>293784It's more about her behavior online all these years, she keeps doing the same mistakes again and again. People have adviced many ways to help her reduce the negative attention, say "sorry" in a tweet is one of those, not exactly the best solution in my opinion but HEY more than 1 are suggesting it so maybe for some it can be fair enough. Other small advices:
Change your username, this reminds people your past and it's kinda contradictory, you're vegan.
Don't expose your private life, why is it necessary to show off your bf? you don't expose your family right?
Stop leaving your typical trial of bread crumbs, that's how they found more information.
Don't argue with people, simply ignore them, dont add drama.
Make real friends. learn to trust others.
Keep your accounts private.
Stop pretending you are a pro in everything, it takes time.
But meh… guess she thinks advicing her that is also evil.
No. 293897
>>293890No, you're right, no one is actively harassing her (as far as i can see), but like another anon said, perhaps her current followers don't know shit about her nasty past behavior. Why drudge up that shit in an apology post so that they can be aware? That's shooting yourself in the foot. The only way I can see that an open apology would help her is if she actually did something with her life and got big. Jeffree Star is a great example. He's still a cunt, but people pulled receipts on him and dragged him all over SM just to get views.
But let's face it, Kiki ain't gonna be shit so it doesn't matter.
No. 293901
>>293898I'd agree with you, but she said
>>291312 which would mean that people generally know about it or talk about it. Which means it would help to apologize just to be able to start new. Also, I don't really get what the big deal with being verified is. I'd rather have a fresh start than a badge, especially with her low follower count.
No. 293903
>>293860>Change your username, this reminds people your past and it's kinda contradictory, you're vegan. bc being a "kannibal" is soo unvegan
there's lots of reasons why she should get a new handle but this one is pretty lame
No. 293904
When it comes to apologizing, I agree with the anon who said it's too late for her to apologize now and that she would be shooting herself in the foot if she did now. But, I do think it's kinda hypocritical that she doesn't/hasn't apologized. The reason why is because she claims she's an ~empath~ and if she truly was one, she wouldn't be able to handle the guilt of knowing what she's said/done to others in the past.
>>293901Tbh, I think she's just using that as an excuse because she knows that majority of her followers are bots/deactivated accounts and if she made a new account she'd only have like 10 followers.
No. 293909
>>293901She cares about the verification because she sees celebs and shit have it so she must be a very important person too.
>>293904>But, I do think it's kinda hypocritical that she doesn't/hasn't apologized. The reason why is because she claims she's an ~empath~ Ok, I agree with you on this. There are many reasons why people think she should apologize, but this is one nobody can negate.
No. 293952
>>293945there's more than one person here who agrees with
>>293944 an apology for shit from 7-9 years ago?? is irrelevant and would do her no favors at all.
No. 293955
>>293505Isn't that the worst vengeance Dakota could have gotten after all those years in the miserable shadow of Kiki Kannibal? Now her sister practically wants to wear her skin, she has become her number 1 wannabe.
Karma is the truth.
No. 294079
>>293952She could at least take down the stolen music from her soundcloud. Like, at the very least. She always makes such a big deal of people stealing her stuff and is not better herself. And yeah, I feel like she should say sorry for being shitty about that, it's still online and until recently her description said she's a music producer.
But generally, I agree with you. But I would still drop the name (because all the homophobic/ racist stuff is coming up when you google her). I stumbled upon one of her vegan videos and liked it, googled her and here I am, never having heard of Kiki oder Lolcow before that. I'm sure I'm not the only one.
No. 294114
>>294110seconding every point you made anon.
>She couldn't save face from that when she'd flaunted the relationship for so long so she fled. not to mention boasting about "MARRIAGE" and "MOVING IN WITH BAE" when Kiki barely knew that guy for months made it even worse kek.
No. 294143
>>294129Fucking kek.
Yeah, it tends to happen when the thread dries up. People start arguing about the dumbest shit.
I'd say it's PULL tier to be hung up on her acknowledging that she's a piece of shit. Newsflash: she won't because she's so deluded, she thinks she's a perfect gift from God.
No. 294174
>>294161Have you been following the thread at all? The conversation started with how she is still the same narcissistic selfish preachy twat. She tries to act like she has changed but she hasn't. It's only Been the past few days the conversation has evolved from how she is the same to how she apologize for her behavior.
And it might be a slow peroid but that doesnt mean the milk has dried up.
No. 294179
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>>294105Having an embarrassing scene phase is a lot different than making fun of every race that isn't white, saying they wanted to beat up a person in a wheel chair, making hateful comments towards "dykes and faggots", and scamming people with falsely advertised products.
I don't know if you've seen her old videos but they're really fucking bad, and Kiki knows it otherwise she wouldn't DCMA them. And I hate the current censorship on the internet too, but she wasn't just being a dick by calling people "faggots" or "retards", these were repeatedly hateful things that would technically classified as hate speech and threats. People talk about her dumb antics, but no one wants an apology for that they wants it for her telling "faggots to kill themselves" while very fucking stupidly comparing herself to David Bowie.
She's trying to be a public figure whose intended career is to be liked by people, so yeah people will rightfully tell her to fuck right off because she's a hateful bitch. You also know if anyone said half the things she has in person to the intended race/sex/sexual orientation they would most likely assault her.
No. 294180
>>294161omg people appear "hung up" because the only fucking thing she's posted about is her scene past, obviously we would respond here about how delusional that is
how is it not widely accepted that she's obvious a nobody, that's why it's funny are you knew you don't need to restate that
No. 294185
>>294161You must be illiterate.
>if you want things to move the hell on so bad let the conversation move the hell on.It gets dropped but then this anti-apology circle jerk keeps at it. Why are you so desperate to get the last word on a stupid opinion over some twat on the internet's life? There's going to be a lot of disagreement. Just let it go.
No. 294187
>>294179I agree. Kota at least made a half-assed apology. If her immediate reaction is hiding these things and copyright claiming instead of just owning up to it and apologizing, it tells me she doesn't think what she has done was wrong and that she hasn't changed. She comes off as fake to me. I don't think she has even acknowledged it once.
Speaking of copyright, I don't know much about it, but does her not wanting to give up her Kiki Kannibal name have something to do with not being able to copyright claim things anymore?
No. 294219
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>>294187She's hiding stuff now because even if she took off with anything now, or went viral, she would be crucified like Jeffree Star is atm, and the stuff he's said I don't think is half as bad as Kiki.(Infers she is plotting her next career move)
Tbh I miss the un-PC internet, Political correctness suddenly became a tool to defame each other after everything was monetized.
No. 294241
>>294179you guys haven't heard of some of the other shit. like she once said that it was "disrespectful" for lesbians to look at her. she made fun of a girl with a facial deformity and blasted her on stickam,.. like every so often you would see people coming forward to recount some awful thing she said to them or their friends, but it's always deleted by keek.
btw, that pic attached to your post is from a completely different racist asian video, not the one everyone has seen. only that screen cap exists of it because no one grabbed the actual video.
>>294219why do I keep seeing "if she went viral" so much lol. like that has even a 0.1 percent chance of happening
No. 294253
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>>294250viral = 15 minutes of fame for doing or being something that could land you in the news and garner millions of views in a short time. kirsten has nothing that could give her that, she briefly kinda had it when she was at the front of the scene train and the trend was at its peak, but even then the most she ever got was a mention in a german magazine that she proudly displayed on her stickam. oh and this was while acting like a provocative asshole and being very active.
same thing with people saying dakota is trying to go viral again, it doesn't just happen like that.
No. 294258
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>>294253>it doesn't just happen like thatexcept it does
No. 294274
>>294268Not to mention she always dredges up her past, herself. Always talking about being bullied (Which were in reality stupid sceneybopper turf wars) in her new videos.
She was a bully, if she really wanted to preach about it her having reformed herself would be a great talking point. Because let's be honest, there are already tons and tons of resources out there and sympathetic figures for bullied people to follow. There are few, if none, reformed bullies talking about how they were assholes and how to change.
She hasn't changed because she clings to and upholds this false narrative of her as a victim as often as she can. It's still relevant because she is still talking (Read: lying) about it.
No. 294280
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>>294257Then just leave? What's your problem, anyway?
It's not like people here have been talking about stuff she did when she was 14 for the past ten years. Not even a year ago she was stealing music, recipe posts and acted as if they were her own. At age 23. Pretty recent, mh? And yeah, there's no apology for that. I wouldn't ask her to say sorry for stuff that happened a while ago, but if she would ever have a comeback, she'd have to do it either way, just like Jeffree Star. Stuff like that doesn't vanish, it doesn't matter how much she wants it to.
All the other drama surrounding Taku was also last year. The thread was pretty much dead until she came back. And yes, we like to bring back up old stuff because it is entertaining. There's a reason she's still in /pt and Dakota isn't.
So just stop posting if you're not interested and please learn to fucking sage.
No. 294290
>>294257That happens when the milk supply dries, but I'm pretty sure majority of us weren't broadcasting ourselves spewing insults and acting like trashy bitches on the internet at that age either.
Anyways, the one who hasn't moved on from the scene queen days is Kaka herself. In her words, that's the only thing people recognized her for in Japan, isn't that sad? In comparison you don't see Kooters raving about her 5 minutes of myspace fame anymore.
No. 294377
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>>294354I can't imagine she'd wait tables or anything. ever.
I think she's just spent a good few years being depressed and feeling like 'success' escaped her which she'll be concluding is an illusion at this point.
>>294257She's gathering up and rearing her deflated head as we've seen anon, she's still out there, bidin' her time
No. 294382
>>294354I think if she had a job all this time, she'd be in Japan right now.
Though, like the other anon, I don't think she'd ever get an actual job. Other than the fact she thinks she's too good for it, she's afraid to leave the house or do anything on her own. She thinks every guy will try to rape & murder her and that every girl is someone from here trying to stalk her.
No. 294473
>>294424She hasn't confirmed it, but we came to that conclusion because:
She never leaves the house without someone with her (every single person who has seen her irl has seen her with her dad/mom and when she went to Japan on her own for the first time, she didn't seem to go out often)
She always talks about how guys try to rape her and haters stalk her every time she leaves the house.
She literally brought a stun gun
and switchblade to Japan despite the fact that Japan is known to be a really safe country.
And her skin is super pale despite the fact she lives in Florida.
No. 294553
>>294473>>294485This is all actually really sad. (personal detail, swear it's relevant) I have agoraphobia and it's obviously a living hell sometimes, like I would have to take medication to make the anxiety/hyper vigilance subside enough to walk out the door. Mine however was a direct result of PTSD because I lived in a shitty neighborhood and men are fucking psychotic.
I mention that because Kiki was a fucking spoiled loudmouth mega cunt on myspace, but she also really did have a ton of fucked up things happen to her when she was like 14, 15, 16 and that is a really vulnerable age. Like that whole shit with Mr Myspace (gorget his real name w/e), all of that was statutory rape that her own mother facilitated. Then her mom Chris Hansen'd him and the fucking dumb ass jumps out the window thinking he could
safely land on a moving truck, obviously dies, and somehow Kiki gets blamed for a chain of events that only happened because she spoke up for what he did.
Everything you described is that hyper vigilance you get where it can turn into this obsessive thinking. She also grew up on myspace literally 24/7 so she doesn't understand what a real social life actually is. And even online at the height of her "popularity" she probably got fucking thousands of neckbeards threatening to rape and kill her. At that age, yeah I'd be traumatized too.
I fucking hate her attitude, but I do understand why she's this paranoid and I do truly hope she gets into like real therapy for it and see a psychiatrist that can give her something to help positively shift her perspective, even if it's temporary.
No. 294566
>>294553>and somehow Kiki gets blamed for a chain of events that only happened because she spoke up for what he did.>and somehowThe bitch put up a whole website dedicated to slandering him, laughing about the fact she died and basically taking credit for his death after the fact. and then she posted it in places purposefully for his family to see. (can't find caps, last place I saw them was pull 1.0)
His family tried to keep him away from Kiki, for the sake of both of them, but Cathy and Scott intervened and stopped them from being able to contact him. Regardless of how bad he was, they were obviously decent people and loved their son. They do not deserve to have this done to them.
Sorry for what happened to you, but it's pretty obvious you're just projecting yourself onto Kiki and sympathising with that.
No. 294629
>>294485I don't recall if it was Danny or someone else who wrote that her parents also would come to pick up and take her home whenever someone made her upset when she was out with her friends
>>294566Also Cathy leaving the infamous voicemail "the last guy who messed with my family is dead now" or something along these lines
No. 294641
>>294566Oh no, I agree with you but I think I worded that improperly.
Cathy and Scott (mainly Cathy lbr) are bother responsible for that shit. Kiki is without a doubt a hateful loser, but her getting raped and her resulting mental issues makes me feel sympathetic specifically and only to that experience.
Cathy went way too fucking far with that voice recording of her saying something like "Don't mess with my family I've killed the last person who did", and setting up that website. Kiki is Cathy's little bitch/mini-me, so of course Kiki went along with it. Statutory rape destroys your life, she might have felt a sense of justice by going too far, which is why she should address that past behavior because that could actually help someone going through what she did.
And again, she was underage when he had sex with her and threatened to kill himself if they broke up. His family should have tried harder to keep him away from raping an underage girl.
And thank you for saying that, but it only makes me sympathize with her not leaving the house. Her being a bag of dicks is separate, I just empathize with her symptoms.
>>294573Shut the fuck up, they were two sentences that were relevant to a personal experience to back up Kiki having agoraphobia, which I noted and apologized for the OT, you hateful cunt.
No. 294647
>>294641>Statutory rape destroys your life,Dude, it really doesn't for most people. Most people were "Raped" Acording to this definition, the majority of teenagers lose their virginity well before they're 18. It's just not that big a deal to have sex before the legal age of consent, which is a completely arbitrary number that's different in every country.
It was consensual sex she regretted after the fact, but consented to and bragged about at the time, then when she realised it was in her favour to play the angle of abused victim, she did. She's a manipulative and conniving liar who is determined to be the victim no matter what.
Considering the fact that Cathy concocted an elaborate plan to have this guy entrapped and arrested, do you honestly believe Kiki was ever in a position where her parents wouldn't have taken her side? Do you really think that they would have let even a hint of abuse escape their punishment?
Cathy's motivation for the above wasn't even the "Rape" It was because he upset Kiki by breaking up with her. She probably would have actually killed him herself had he raped her.
>His family should have tried harder to keep him away from raping an underage girl.What can they actually, feasibly do? Physically restraining him is illegal, not to mention impossible for his (I believe sick) mother to do. They had no financial control over him, the Ostrengas were happy to bankroll him. They kicked him out, and he just went to live with Kiki's family. They exhausted all of their options, what else would you have done in that situation?
No. 294657
>>294629She's admitted this herself too. On her formspring she said she broke up with some guy because he was so mean to her and when he upset her he left her alone outside waiting for her dad to come pick her up. Of course while she was waiting for him to get her she was in danger of being raped because cars drove by several times and eyed her.
Jonny Craig also said her mom and dad dropped her off at a studio with Dakota. It was at a time when Kiki was definitely old enough to drive herself.
No. 294796
>>294382>Dude, it really doesn't for most people.It depends really. Danny was only like 18 or 19 when him and Kiki had sex right? He was pretty much a kid still, just legal. However if it was something along the lines of Onision grooming his child brides, then yeah, I'd agree with agoraphobia-anon about it seriously fucking her up.
However I do think Kathy played a huuuge part in manipulating Kiki into making her feel like she needs to play along and feel good about what happened to Danny.
No. 294814
>>294796Didn't Cathy also push her to be in that relationship and gave her condoms. Kiki was also
literally 13 when she dated an 18 year old, who regularly fucked girls that age and did coke with them (sources are numerous police reports, I'll try to find them later).
>>294382I don't think you understand that there is a giant fucking fraction of your brain that hasn't developed when you're even 16 years old, let alone 13. And her psychotic mom coerced her into all of this, and I'm sick of people rape apologizing (apologies for the tumblr term, but for real) for Danny, but really her mom orchestrated all of this.
I'm just trying to say that Kiki is an aberrance of a person, but she didn't deserve that trauma. Removing who she is from the story, that's really fucked up for anyone to go through. Rape culture is a real thing so I'm not surprised people are still yammering on that she was "totally in control", but 13 years olds can't fucking consent to sex, what the fuck is wrong with you.
No. 294817
>>294814Right. And why do the countries in Europe with such low age of consents, like Denmark, Sweden etc have such consistently high living standards and such happy populaces if their entire population if having sex at such a young age and it's sooooo damaging?
Sex is not that big a deal. It does not fundamentally change any part of you or your brain to have sex. You are just as bad as the people who perpetuate the myth of the hymen.
>(sources are numerous police reports, I'll try to find them later).Cathy filed those reports. You cannot trust a single word in them.
No. 294818
>>294814I totally agree that Cathy manipulated the situation, and I wasn't aware Danny had a history of going for young girls like that. I guess in context, its like imagining a senior/ recent graduate of HS serial dating 7th/ 8th graders. It is pretty fucked.
>>294817Its not about the act of sex, anon, its about the older person preying on the younger girl to get what they want. Yes, there are 16-20years all having sex within their age group. But if you are in some sort of relationship where the eldest is manipulating and grooming you for sex, then it is an issue. Not saying 100% that was the case in Kiki's situation, but I can see how that could fuck up a person hypothetically speaking.
No. 294824
>>294818Of course. But that's applicable in any situation where there's a power dynamic. But the only thing Danny had on Kiki was his actual age. She held a lot of power over him - Her family was backing him financially, they provided him with a place to live. Not to mention how much social power Kiki had in their peer group as a scene queen. Yeah, she was hated by a lot of the other popular scene kids, but she also had a massive following who would have happily ruined his internet presence - which was basically everything he had. She still has dedicated stans now, imagine the damage they could have done back in her heyday.
We know Danny was a fucking idiot. He fell for a catfish orchestrated by Cathy, who we also know is a fucking idiot. He thought it was a better idea to jump out of a window and onto a moving truck than get arrested (?!) He went and lived with the Ostrengas willingly. He wasn't some evil mastermind who manipulated Kiki into having sex with him.
She agreed to have sex with him at the time, then decided to have him arrested for statutory rape after they broke up to get revenge.
But it's against the tumblr code to admit that teenage girls can have any kind of agency, let alone be manipulative little bitches. I get that protecting the narrative that teenage girls are precious flowers uwu is literally the most important thing in the world.
No. 294832
>>294830So Kiki and Dakota aren't lying about their ages, and Dakota is actually however old she's saying she is now? Can't have it both ways.
No. 294840
File: 1470622158402.png (76.21 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

>>294832Kiki and Dakota DMCA'd all te police reports from the Danny debacle that had their ages in them. Now the only ones that come up are the Miami one that says Kiki was 13 in 2011, a NY times one that says she was 13 in 2005, and the rolling stone article from 2011 that said Dakota was 11.
But lok how recent this was. That was done
last month, after Kiki's return.
No. 294872
>>294871it's no use you know lol. no matter what you say there are people who
want to believe that they're much older, and are blind to everything that says otherwise. some of them have gone as far as makeup ridiculous far fetched excuses for the documents that say they were born in 1992 and 1995. one of them even said once that Cathy planned from the scene days for dakota to become a model in Japan so she started lying about her age since then lol
No. 294875
File: 1470645814349.jpg (944.33 KB, 1536x1561, f.jpg)

I’ll just leave this here.
the first one is from an old myspace forum from 2006. second is an email from Cathy to a lawyer about suing Danny while he was alive the last one is the infamous police report. the thing that started it all and what STILL is the one and only "proof" that dakota is 2 years older than she claims. however, the police report was written in October 2010, you can see it at the top of the page, dakota’s year of birth and her age were written inconsistently. the birth year said 1993, which would have made her 17 in 2010, but next to it where it says "age" says 15. 2010-15=1995. again, this is the one and only thing that even made people think they’re older, there is NO other proof. there are people, even in this board who have said that dakota is anywhere between 22-24 and kiki is 25+, those numbers coming out of fucking no where.
No. 294879
>>294875kiki is 100% 24 I'm sure of it
I vaguely remember hearing about her when I was 14 and thinking 'fuck people my age are making it what am I doing lol' and then that comfy feeling you get when you're older and realise success isn't defined by fucking plastic rings selling in an e-shop or some shit
No. 294880
File: 1470648973424.png (425.53 KB, 720x436, Screen Shot 2016-08-03 at 10.5…)

I am as excited to see Kiki turn 30 as I am Paris hilton turn 40
No. 294881
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>>294880wait… I will be 30 too
No. 294885
>>294871>There's more stuff that proves they are 20 and 23 than they are older.Duh, because Kiki and Dakota copyright claimed everything else.
>>294872Dako and kaka always claimed to be only 1 year apart until Dakota went viral. Between the MySpace days when dako would claim to be in her late teens (obviously BS) and Tumblr their ages were consistently 1 year apart across all their social media outlets. It wasn't until she got noticed by Japan that everything with Dakota and Kiki's real DOBs on it started to disappear. If she wasn't lying about her age, why go through so much trouble to have even Danny's police reports with that info taken down? If she really was 20 they would only prove that. Funny how the only "proof" left is her passport which can say whatever DOB you want as long as your parents are willing to lie to the government about when you were born.
No. 294893
>>294887Not that anon, but if you look at the 2nd link, the 2011 date is from an email Cathy wrote to Stickydrama quoting another email she sent to him approx. 3 years previously which stated Dakota was 12 then (which matches with the 1995 birthdate).
I think they faked their ages back then based on the situation and how it suited them: particularly when filling out SM profiles - like I'm sure Dakota faked her age to sign up for Myspace as she wasn't 13 or over at the time. It's not exactly rare for a young teen to lie about their age online in instances like that - I know I did it back then. There's plenty of old Yahoo Answers from back then saying Kiki was 17 and Dakota was 15 in 2008(and claiming they said this at the time), while others said they were a year apart while even in this link (Buzznet interview with Dakota) said she was 18 in 2010:, we could argue about this for 10 more years and still have no definite answer as to what their actual ages are as any piece of Ostrenga sourced evidence would be discounted as would any other evidence sourced by a farmer or a PULL member.
No. 294912
>>294904>>294905>>294906You can change your date of birth on your birth certificate for $45 over the internet. With almost no hang ups as long as you confirm your identity.
If Dakota's passport was her real original date of birth, there would be no reason for them to
still obsessively Google and DMCA claim everything else with any other DOB on it from any official government source like the police or a hospital. Dakota isn't that relevant anymore to justify needing to keep deleting stuff
last month. Even if someone did find an official document with a 1993 day of birth from a legit government source, none of her Japanese fans would care or even ever see it.
No. 295025
>>294929.. You only WANT to believe that, damn… anon,
>>294872 you were right, it's pretty useless.
No. 295049
>>294912anon….? they DMCA claim
EVERYTHING with their name and photo on it. jfc. see what I said about people wanting to believe that they're older no matter what, even if it comes to making up bullshit excuses?
No. 295075
>>294914I wasn't talking about the catfight report, I was talking about the Danny report, the one where he fell off the roof after meeting Kiki and Cathy at the mall. Kiki had no problem bragging about having sex with Danny, living together, and after the accident how she didn't care that he was dead and how little his dick was. She wasn't traumatized, she wasn't pressured into sex by him, ad she wasn't some poor little victim until people started calling her and Cathy monsters, and that's when she made up the "he kept p-pressuring me and I felt so juvenile for saying I w-wasn't r-ready so I let him" shit and started taking all her shit talking down.
>>295025>>295053Yaknow, not everyone on here is 16-18 and has no choice but to rely on secondhand information because they only know of Dakota and Kiki because Kota went viral. I followed them both on MySpace as a scene kid
before Kiki hooked up with Danny. And yes, they used to claim they were only 1 year apart and that Kota was born in 1993. I distinctly remember Kiki answering an ask on her formspring about it, she said "we're 1 year and 1 day apart". This was before Dakota even had a Tumblr, and since she wasn't catering to Japan by pretending to be younger nobody cared and it wasn't a big deal. But yes, it did happen. That's why they deleted everything, so Dakota can stay in Japan with her sugar daddy, because if Japanese immigration found out she's been living there with a passport with an incorrect birthdate on it that was made with a birth certificate that was altered solely so she could lie about her age, she would be deported and probably banned from re-entering Japan permanently, and possibly face legal trouble.
Dakota was never 3 years younger than Kiki until she went viral on Tumblr and youth-obsessed Japan, with their underaged white girl fetish, started to notice her. That's when Cathy and Kiki started deleting fucking everything they never cared about people seeing before, line their old formsprings, all their legal bullshit, the police reports, all of it. They didn't start taking it all down and purging their Twitters until 2011/2012.
No. 295117
>>295075Kiki and Cathy weren't at the mall when he fell off the roof. They set up a sting operation to entrap him with a younger girl and then they called the police but the Ostrengas weren't present at the time. Maybe her bragging about the sex, talking about his teeny weenie, and saying she didn't care could've been her attempt at covering up how fucked up all of that was for her? It was pretty monstrous, no doubt, but Kiki was a kid and she was taken advantage of. It's no different than the girl who went on Maury saying she wanted to have a baby and she acted like she was all tough. It's just a mirage to cover up a bigger problem. Not that Kiki is entirely innocent because the way she is now marinating in being a constant victim is disgusting, too.
Isn't it possible that they lied about their being a year and day apart to age Kota up at the time? They were both lying about their age on MySpace. It made more sense for Kota to in order to use the site. They kept the lie going to not have to admit to it. Then they kind of omitted their ages for a while, Japan came calling and suddenly Dakota was two years younger (her actual age). This would make sense since she posted on her Tumblr about a classmate finding her Twitter account, maybe? It could be a lie though since Dakota also said in an interview she never went to middle school or high school but I think that's the actual lie. Lies are what started the whole age controversy. The Ostrengas as usual are at fault for something they did and caused a bunch of confusion but they spin it around to be the victims, which is basically their theme at this point.
No. 295122
>>295097You're getting awfully offended by the fact that Japan idolizes youth. They do. You don't see any other country be do over backwards to fly underaged foreigners to their country and put them on TV like Kota, Beckii, or Magibon. And they only do it because they're you and cute, not because they have any actual skills. Beckii danced and sang but she was far from professional, Magibon didn't do anything and didn't even speak Japanese and she
still got to stay and live there and she's almost 30 now. She was 14 at the time, Yuka was young af when Akita flew her to Japan for the first time too. Two years might not be much difference to westerners but to the Japanese who expect you to grow up and get a real job at age 20, it's a big difference. If they didn't idolize youth, why did Dakota get replaced with a 9 year old? It's true nobody cares about her in Japan anymore except her old fans from Popteen and fans of Tsubasa and Yula who know of Dakota because she is friends with them.
>>295117Cathy was there, she's the reason he ran. And Dakota didn't have to lie about her age to join MySpace because she was 13 in 2006 (because math). I know this because I remember going on her MySpace profile under her tag line and seeing >13 years old.
No. 295126
>>295122you're choosing to believe a MYSPACE TAG LINE from 2006, in a place where everyone lied about their age, over countless documents that show she was 11 in 2006? do you honestly think no girl has ever lied that they're older on the internet to fit in? especially an 11 year old wanting to be popular among 15-17 year old scene kids?
there is literally not one single piece of evidence that says she was born in anything other than 1995. that police document was the only thing and it even contradicts itself with the alternative age. your whole "i read, i saw, i heard" from myspace of all places, as argument against all the proof is the most absurd cherry picking I've ever seen. i honestly don't think people like you will ever believe she is 20 even if she landed in jail and had her birthdate on a mugshot website.
"she must have bribed them! she lied to the police! she showed them a fake ID! i know it's not true cuz in 2006 i read on myspace that she was older than that" No. 295130
>>295124>>295122>>295125>>295126>>295129>>295097>>295096I feel like it should be mandatory to link the ED in the OP of all the Dakota threads from here on.
Dakota was 18 when she went viral in 2012. Or rather, she turned 18 in September 2012 right in the middle of it all. The infamous Rolling Stone article says Kiki was 14 and Dakota was 11
in 2005.
So for those you who can't do math, Dakota was:
>11 in 2005>12 in 2006>13 in 2007>14 in 2008>16 in 2009>17 in 2010>18 in 2012Sources: these are articles that Kiki herself has referenced in the past and has allows to stay up online, so it's not like it isn't legit. If they bothered to leave it up they must not have seen it as a threat/forgotten about it.
Someone go grab copies of them now though because they'll probably go down in less than 24 hours from this post.
No. 295134
>>295130>14 in 2008>16 in 2009Lol, is being able to count not part of maths anymore?
This entire article is basically just a piece ghostwritten for Cathy and Kiki. She didn't fact check any of it, if she did, it wouldn't have painted Kiki in such a sympathetic light, or made out she was as popular as she was amongst her peers. Kiki was famous because she started drama, or was always involved in drama. No other reason. Her "Business" was nothing more than a scam.
No. 295141
>>295130>17 in 2010>18 in 2012You skipped age 15 and you jumped ahead a year, but we need your guidance to do the math? Sure… What point are you trying to make here?
This isn't even the Dakota thread so if you want to link the ED for her in all threads, you'd have to go to her actual thread in /snow/.
One more thing to consider. Look at the photo of Kiki and Dakota eating churros as kids. Do they really look like siblings who are one year apart?
No. 295143
>>295133The anon was explaining that if you look young/cute, your age is completely irrelevant.
I mean, if pt, for example, tried to get fame in Japan when she was 15/16, do you really think she'd have any more of a chance than she does now? Japanese people, like everyone else, don't need look at someone's age to decide if they are attractive.
No. 295149
>>295143The only people I hear say age matters so much in Japan are people who are not Japanese. Weirdly enough, every Japanese person I've asked has given me a weird look.
I think it's just a defence mechanism
>They only wouldn't like me in glorious nihon because I'm over 14! If I were ~Young enough~ my kawaii would be worshipped all over.What pixy does to rationalise her failings basically.
No. 295158
>>295141I think anon went for a long walk, or probably is busy with the math, I just hope anon doesn't come back with more MySpace "evidence", please let it go now, anon.
>>295143Thanks for explaining my point about Taylor. Dakota is a model, age doesn't really matters for modeling as long as you LOOK nice.
>>295149Fucked up stereotypes.
No. 295233
>>295226Almost every woman is afraid of aging and looking old. Just because a more mature look is preferred in the west, doesn't mean that no one isn't afraid of aging/looking old.
Also, not a single Japanese person I've ever talked to has said they like/want that body type. Actually, I often hear Japanese people talk about liking/wanting an hourglass shaped body.
No. 295482
>>295454 They are 3 years apart and 1 day.
Dakota was born on 19/september/1995
Kirsten was born on 18/september/1992.
So yes, Kirsten is 23 and Dakota is 20.
Next month they will be 24 and 21.
The end.
No. 295513
>>295509>I refuse to believe she is younger than melmao
literally every denier in this thread
No. 295649
>>295509Haha don't cry
>>295518 Lol
No. 295679
>>295673did you guys know kirsten once claimed she was contacted to be in a reality tv? she also claimed she was invited to be in america's next top model, but turned it down for something involving being a vegan.
man scene kiki would have been the best cow on this site
No. 295683
File: 1471092605613.png (854.72 KB, 1366x653, 2…)

Also edited the caption of
>>290132 >>290228 and deleted the boyfriend sentence
can some moonspeak savvy anon confirm?
No. 295685
>>295683It still says it's his picture.
"My bofriend's picture.
This is in Chiba.
The sunflowers are pretty, right?
I want to operate a sunflower field."
…I'm pretty sure she didn't mean "operate".
No. 295686
>>295685It doesn't say boyfriend
Only his photo
No. 295744
File: 1471124549064.png (284.7 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-08-13-16-39-53…)

Third favorite thing making unfunny memes of my scene phase pics.
No. 295784
File: 1471176721468.png (766.99 KB, 586x596, Capture.PNG)

I was never really a fan of DBZ as a kid, but isn't only one of them Goku? I know one of them is Vegeta and one is Gohan.
No. 295785
>>295784Gokus the only one in the middle.
Top row is Trunks, Goten, ??? (Forgot his name)
Bottom row is Vegeta, Goku, Gohan
She's stupid as fuck calling them all Goku and shows she really doesn't know much about anime, no matter how much she tries to play it up.
No. 295790
>>295784From top to bottom, left to right: Trunks, Goten, Gogeta (fusion of goku and vegeta), Vegeta, Goku, Gohan.
jesus f christ, i didn't even think you had to watch DBZ to at least recognize that one of them is Vegeta
No. 295910
>>295905 I'm leaning towards him having dumped her, if they even were together in the first place.
Wouldn't you be weirded out if your penpal/potential partner would start telling you to delete or change your various app and social media profiles?
No. 295917
>>295910It's not a weird request if she asked him to delete it after she became his gf. (In case they are really in a relationahip)
Or maybe she told him about the incident of her past relationship.
No. 296065
>>296057Lbr, she sent those to Kota lol
No. 296546
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I find it hilarious she would retweet this because she is exactly like these sjws since they both go out of their way to censor anything they see as ~hate speech~
>>296537I was wondering the same thing. Tbh I feel like we're not getting that video. She most likely was planning on uploading it when she came back, but maybe she didn't get enough positive attention or something?
No. 296732
File: 1471874876483.png (752.42 KB, 580x576, Capture.PNG)

I decided to go through Kaka's media on twitter because I thought maybe I would remember some old lulzy shit she did idk. But I found that she retweeted that shitty Goku joke back in 2013. I guess she's still deleting old tweets?
Also she's a fan of Anita Sarkeesian, lol. No. 297407
>>297382Then why bump it? Idiot.
Also, it will come back alive every single time she posts something. That's just how it is.
No. 297602
File: 1472355561262.jpg (102.98 KB, 639x896, image.jpg)

Fuck knows how she found this person on Twitter asking if anyone wants to "fake role play" with a pic of scene kaka. It's not even tagged with her name or anything.
She must literally be combing the internet for muh stalkers 24/7.
No. 297661
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Is this Cathy??
No. 297662
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No. 297792
File: 1472474874857.jpg (8.66 KB, 251x142, privacy.jpg)

Kiki has gone private on IG. Does this mean she's actually doing something interesting?
No. 298063
>>297792She's probably just mass deleting old pictures off of her ig again.
I know it's most likely not going to happen, but I hope she's deleting more stuff so she feels she'll be able to change her persona again and get away with acting like she's always been like her new persona.
>>297933I think she changed it when she came back. Iirc, she took out "emotional empath" and "musician."
No. 298154
File: 1472580021314.png (790.26 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-08-30-13-52-35…)

>>298151Opps dropped my pic
No. 298866
File: 1472935330438.jpeg (82.11 KB, 750x929, image.jpeg)

I'm so random and quirky!! and not all conceited xD It's just that everyone wants me! Pt. 1
No. 298867
File: 1472935411074.jpeg (97.8 KB, 750x975, image.jpeg)

>>298866Pt. 2: she quickly deleted the previous tweet and posted this one instead. Clearly trying to cultivate her image, but still can't resist making it look like every guy on earth is hitting on her.
No. 298889
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No. 298890
>>298889Please excuse the samefagging.'s the link she posted along with the tweet.
No. 298891
>>298889Insects that get killed during harvesting of veggies and etc don't matter. Animals homes you've taken over by living in a modern place don't matter. If you buy ANYTHING at all and the person or employees who you bought it off eat meat, thanks for indirectly contributing to the meat industry, betch!
Vegans are annoying turds.
No. 298893
File: 1472960974830.gif (1.24 MB, 275x198, 1448559856905.gif)

>>298891god bless you anon
No. 298970
File: 1473011784960.webm (5.19 MB, 320x240, kikiTittytalk_1466144462838.we…)
>reacting to Kaka's stupidity. THIS. TOTALLY THIS. Kiki goes high on her moral horse and forgets all the fuckery from her past. She's like kooter, she never apologizes for her shit but baletes traces of her/her sister's/family's asshatery around the internet.
Here's a friendly reminder of the attempted 'Kiki Renaisance' from an old thread. Copy pastad webm of Cathy whiteknighting /quality-parenting one of Kiki's fuckups (from that old thread). Cathy complements Kiki for being "perfect"; takl about being delusional:
>>>/pt/196490 >>>/pt/281816 No. 299010
File: 1473021575187.jpg (75.79 KB, 500x376, tumblr_lzeo5jbZwm1qc1u27o1_500…)

>>298970I love it when she says 'ITE' and makes gang signs because that cringe has only stewed and gotten stronger since 2000-whatever
>attempted kiki renaissancewtf you talkin bout the renaissance happened, it was lush + I wasn't under the impression it had even ended, post another vid wherever you are reaissance-anon!
No. 299053
File: 1473042016946.webm (7.62 MB, 320x240, youku_XNDI2MTMxNDI4_Kiki_Kanni…)
>>299010There's little to no milk coming from Keeks. It's just the same banter twatter and pseudo-spirituality. No videos. No new ideas. NO CONTENT.
See the webm attached farmers; this pretty much is the essence of their household drama circa Stickam/MySpace era. Watch as Keeks complains about her controlling mum, the unfairness of it all and other teenage bullshitery. I would not trade my family life with hers.
Happy Labour Day, Americans!
No. 299086
>>299044yeah or a onedrive like all the delicious PT vids
>>299053yeah a really wish she would suck it up and make youtube videos again or something
No. 299593
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>>299588there are some cows that should NEVER be moved to snow. come on.
No. 299598
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No. 300626
File: 1473925160879.png (894.13 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20160915-082901.png)

>kota uploads new vlog
>kaka reminds us of her existence
No. 300871
File: 1474125195980.png (144.8 KB, 640x986, IMG_1699.PNG)

How long has this sexual harassment tweet from last year been pinned on her feed? I don't remember seeing it there but I also haven't been on her twitter in about a month.
No. 300971
File: 1474229127334.png (99.6 KB, 640x1136, IMG_1720.PNG)

Nobody remembered her birthday, poor princess Kiki.
How hard do you think she'll beg Kota for a bday shoutout in Japanese on twitter/IG/Line?
No. 300983
>>300971It's weird she hasn't posted about her birthday at all today other than that reply. She usually has at least one thing to show off on her birthdays, like last year she hung out with Kota, the year before that she got that love letter from a "Japanese guy" that we never heard about ever again, and the year before that she had that radio thing in Japan.
I wonder if her parents have given up on her now that she's in her mid-20's or if she's just silent because she's planning something?
No. 300988
>>300983Maybe she just doesn't care as much this year because she finally is on the sedatives she always should have been on since puberty.
I would bet money on Kiki going to therapy after failing so hard in Japan and watching Kota outshine her for so long. Nobody as narcissistic and vain as her could just live with that kind of failure. She couldn't even et a pussy hunter with a snaggletooth to marry her, ffs.
No. 301024
Isn't it Dakota's birthday today too lol?
No. 301049
>>300988Maybe she's a Florida stripper now and doesn't want people to know about it? I mean she could be DJ-ing at a strip joint and also dancing on the strip stage. With her level of vanity & narcissism it doesnt surprise me if she gets gets the attention-fix she craves as a stripper. A topless stripper maybe, but I don't think she'll do full on nude or would she?
>>301048She has to be in Florida. If she was still in Japan she'd be blabbering around about being in Glorious Nipponland and spilling a philosophical thesis about being a holy loving positive vibe vegan & while eating in a vegan restaurant in Shibuya.
No. 301115
File: 1474401765354.png (992.96 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20160920-210201.png)

A jab at Kota?
No. 301119
>>301117Yeah… I hope she tries a different make up style.
I think she looks more mature in this one, glad she's not trying to look forever teen.
No. 301121
>>301115>>301118Kiki will never make it in Japan at this rate. She it too old and her face too long and thin (by Japanese standards). Also the way she writes is too "loud". Whats she doing with her life?
Whether anons agree or not, Kota fits the Japanese aesthetic more than Kiki (rounder, younger features as in
>>294280 ), plus she has learned how to behave more "locally". Even though she shops herself to look terrible, Kiki has an unfortunately "older" face and can't pull off the cute look that she's trying for. She'd probably do a lot better in a Latin country or something.
No. 301123
File: 1474407761283.png (17.45 KB, 613x252, Capture.PNG)

Kaka's claiming she's in South Korea now
No. 301218
>>301177She could still, if by some miracle all traces of her past and personality were erased, not only from the internet and police records, but also from the minds of everyone who has ever had the misfortune to know about her.
TBH I love following Kiki because she's such a failure despite having everything given to her. I hope one day she can finally realize the hilarious karma of calling herself an empath Buddhist and having zero friends, career or life because of her narcissism, greed and immaturity.
No. 301229
her scene jewelry line, KND clothing designs, going to california for a modeling gig, her Kiki Mimiuex music, her Kiki Kannibal music, that $20,000 kickstarter for a music tour with dakota, getting some kind of music signing in japan(?), supposedly being scouted in japan, going to a school in japan(?), vlogs and makeup tutorials, and lilkitten.
i know i'm missing a load of things. she's done much more than the average person does in an attempt to "make something" out of themselves, but each of them have been short-lived failures.
No. 301243
>>301229Pretended being engaged to Taco, too.
I love reading about her trainwrecks and am patiently waiting for the next.
No. 301264
File: 1474604016774.gif (581.01 KB, 500x280, 1973421879.gif)

She posted this on her Twitter a couple of days ago, I wonder if she thinks people won't notice it's a blatant knockoff of one of Dakota's old Tumblr gifs.
No. 301268
>>301264Her gif is more suggestive too.
At least most of what we're seeing is real there. Poor Kota, nothing on her gifs were ever real, from the hair and face to the tits.
No. 301273
>>301264>>301265My skin is just crawling watching the similarities between these gifs of Kiki v. Koti. 2016 is about to end in a few months yet Kiki is still trying to up game Koti, creepingly
only following Koti in her social media accounts, imitating every Koti nuisance and always trying to link herself with Koti's fame/infamy. God damn it.
Kiki, when are you ever going to stop these shit? Just choose your own path and walk in it.
>"mmmkikikannibal@koti.rose MAY OUR 5 HEADZ ALWAYZ SHINE BRIGHT LIKE A DIAMOND♪" Sure Kiki, but your hairline is receding like Benjamin Franklin's.
No. 301274
>>301273to be fair, i think she just took the gif from tumblr where fan accounts make gifs from her videos, i dont believe she actually made the gif to mimic dakota

No. 301275
>>301272Guess the theory of Dakota rejecting her family is debunked.

No. 301276

No. 301277
>>301273You do know they are sisters right? How is it creepy for sisters to have similarities and follow each other on their social media? You sound like an only child imo.

No. 301278
>>301275I was never one of those who thought Koti didn't want anything to do with Kiki. She probably just avoided her publicly due to Kiki's tail of drama.
They were always each other's only friends, and they seem to always have had a dumb but similar sense of humor together. But these are things we can only assume about, none of us will ever know what their relationship is like.
No. 301279
>>301264this is literally just her drinking a caparison in one of her youtube videos that someone else made into a random gif. dumbass anon, gtfo this thread, all you're doing is validating kak's ideas that we're crazy jellies with retarded shit like this.
>>301273she's always only followed "Koti". even when she was the more popular one lmao
No. 301298
>>301292srsly people are just so desperate for PT and Kaka milk, newfaggy jvloggers aren't even anywhere near that level and it's less kekky and more depressing because at the end of the day they're making money and people are more savvy to the internet etc.
lolcow should really start a patreon to make a reality show from our favorite cows, I can't believe the ones not doing anything would say no
No. 301300
File: 1474633106546.jpg (200.53 KB, 1440x632, Screenshot_20160923-044245.jpg)

Weird seeing them like this again, and weird how she's all over Dakota's shit again after something like a year of silence?
No. 301301
File: 1474634618467.gif (496.53 KB, 500x339, Dakota-Rose-aka-Kotakoti-gif-0…)

>>301264>>301265If Kiki really wanted to be a shady bitch she'd replicate gifs like this, with an accentuated nose wobble.
No. 301306
>>301276Not really
>>301279Anon was just giving their opinion, the gifs are similar and even though Kiki didnt make it she didn't have to repost it. You are the one making us look retarded
>>301300Weird indeed.
No. 301307
File: 1474644398660.png (737.72 KB, 1060x516, Capture.PNG)

>>301305I don't think it is old? Her tv was only mounted to her wall some time 2 years ago, pic related.
Iirc, the gif was made from that video she made on why she squats over the toilet when she uses public bathrooms bc of spiders or some shit(this video is now private). This was when she tried to upload videos on a schedule and I think she started dating Taku around this time as well?
No. 301308
>>301265I love how her boob and hair are ever so slightly moving outward, lol.
>>301307>I don't think it's old>2 years agoFor a gif, that's pretty old. Especially to bring up now. Yeah, Kiki made it herself to copy Dakota, yet claimed her fans made it to save face. She also used to wear the Taobao clothes and accessories Dakota left in Florida for a while too.
No. 301363
>>301264Yo guys she's posting a bunch of gifs from that "fan made" tumblr kiki-is-purrfect (lel). No copying Dakota here.
Though it's kind creepy imagining she goes thru that tumblr in search of gifs of her old videos, probably thinking "I look so good in those" or "that line was so clever lol yay me" and basically "me me me"
No. 301364
File: 1474690007420.png (226.97 KB, 540x520, Screenshot_2016-09-24-01-03-31…)

No. 301370
>>301365Kiki's digging and reposting her shit cause she doesn't have any interesting content to provide to the public at the moment unlike Dakota. No news about her career, nothing on relationships,
nada on any side gigs/media ventures, no yt videos, just plain nothing. Anon, much of her so called "fans" are well established sock puppet accounts made waaay back. Imagine the many times she has to do her morning self-affirmation routine in front of a mirror, just to raise her self-esteem and postivity vibes. Imagine that. Every. Fucking. Day. Then she goes about making her sock puppet accounts send herself positive and complimentary messages. Afterwards whiteknighting forums on her behalf, even that hobby of hers of filing false copyrighting bs all over the internet…
These are not healthy habits of a person with a healthy mind. The perfect dream-like, fantastically righteous delusional world is what she prefers living in, and that's just sad.
Maybe she really is pole dancing for a living now. The money they make isn't all that bad from what I heard.
No. 301392
File: 1474722891701.png (228.3 KB, 540x550, Screenshot_2016-09-24-01-02-57…)

>>301365LOL yes, imagine that
I took screenshots in case she deleted, but I can't post them all so yeah. "I'm a problem solver" sure thing
No. 301458
File: 1474755020553.jpg (127.21 KB, 1070x1534, Screenshot_20160924-230829_1.j…)

Here we go again
No. 301462
>>301458Greasy hair. Tacky top. Plus what happened to her face? It looks so plain and lifeless (like her online presence)
>>301370Pole dancing would require effort though
No. 301463
File: 1474756666432.png (343.27 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-09-24-18-34-04…)

The caption has been edited but that doesn't surprise me. She constantly changes it. Also it's around dinner time on the East Coast.It's breakfast time in Japan.She has to be in Florida
No. 301469
>>301458What are you "fighting" exactly, kaka? arming yourself with copyright claims to battle the internet for another day's work eh?
>>301467"I want them to think I'm in Japan and I want them to think I have a boyfriend."
whips up post "it's perfect."
No. 301503
>>301495It's weird how she looks even more washed out BUT let's give credit where it's due: eyebrows are filled a bit
No. 301509
>>301458Kiki, you need to stop fighting your vegan-chinese-food delivery driver. There's a reason why he can't deliver Thai food: The food is from a Chinese-cuisine restaurant Kiki.
Why don't you just drive yourself there to whatever Thai restaurant in your Audi?
Why you so lazy? No. 301514
>>301505Annoying "Hi kaka" anon, how is this comment ->
>>301503 something written by Kirsten? I agree, her eyebrows look better.
Not everyone here thinks the worst of her, gtfo. "Hi kaka" anon always gets on my nerves
No. 301528
File: 1474803322699.png (859.3 KB, 935x598, keekzaudi.png)

>>301515Anon was referring to this image keeks posted. Jeez relax. People need to remember to link old threads when making a new one.
No. 301539
File: 1474812871839.jpg (16.51 KB, 250x250, 3494f128b738b869df4527ab1c1b58…)

>>301514It was a joke. Calm down.
No. 301546
>>301541Anon that was… "humor".
You take a selfie/video and caption it with smthg "relatable" or some shit (in this case, hinting you have a bf)
Example:a girl uses a ton of highlighting and captions her selfie with "tfw you're a glazed donut" and her hundreds of followers go apes hit "MOM" "LOL UR SO FUNNY" "
tags friendsLITERALLY US" "slay me" etc
No. 301551
>>301547tbh it's just you.
Tired of seeing this anon's obsession with cow's hair lines and OMGZ NASOLABIAL FOLDZ.
There's a difference between receding hairlines and having a big ass forehead, in kaka's case, she has a big ass forehead. Whenever a newfag comes around and questions what this anon means by kaka having a receding hairline, "SHHHHHH JUST GO WITH IT"

No. 301552
>>301547if it was receding there would be thinning within the hairline and the side of her hairline would be crawling backwards. you would see it as there would be obvious thinning to the point you could see the scalp or the part of the hair would be gaping. she has a big forehead, but not a receding hairline.

No. 301553
File: 1474830315911.jpg (10.79 KB, 225x225, Receding-Hairline-Signs-in-Men…)

>>301547this is receding hairlines

No. 301554
File: 1474830423467.jpg (64.84 KB, 860x527, forehead_t.jpg)

its kaka's forehead shape, not her fucking hairline.
can we put this shit to bed now? 80% of this thread is RECEDING HAIRLINE everytime she fucking posts a vain ass selfie.
the more you know brought to you by broad forehead anon, out.

>>301528 >>301529
I know what anon was talking about, I just didn't remember if it was Dakota or Kiki, it's an old pic.
No. 301607
>>301552 = you can actually see her scalp's surface and the thinning hair strands. There are even huge gaps in between each hair strand follicles, an indication of malnutrition/poor diet or even probably a type of early onset female alopecia.
>>301553 = that's male-pattern baldness, not about receding hairline pattern on women, which is different because of our estrogen, follicle growth/distribution and cuticle thickness.
>>301554 = People with an actually broad forehead have an equal ratio of hairline-to-brow distance with their brow-to-zygomatic bone distance; it's nature's rule on proportionality for healthy humans (Learn rules like these Dakota when you photoshop). Kaka's hairline-to-brow is just huuuuge. Her actual hairline is a few centimeters from the very top of her scalp, which is not a good sign. So what do these tell us? Either her forehead is projecting anterior wise and growing OR hair hairline is receding. Only a side view can solve this issue, and either way she needs to get herself checked by a doc.
But why are you so obsessed in defending our Cow? Are you…. an animal rights activist?
Oh and "Hi, Kiki"!
No. 301633
File: 1474891841876.jpg (1.55 MB, 1439x2268, Screenshot_20160926-050430.jpg)

>>301606What? Her forehead is in practically every picture.
No. 301658
Tyra Banks, Katy Perry… they have BIG foreheads but still look good. I think if she fills in her eyebrows she'd look way better. There's not much she can do about it, only bangs, and I don't think it suits her, just stop.
>>301551Totally agree with you anon, the obsession with their foreheads and nasolabial folds is stupid ugh.
No. 301699
>>301660Aw, are you also balding?
Anyway, its probably because of her shit vegan diet.
No. 301702
>>301606Nope. Even before lilkitten fiasco she showed it, but truth IS that her hair is becoming thinner aND thinner - AND yes, receding
Just compare her most recent selfie-video to her old ones. Either she is balding (for Real now) or her forehead has grown
No. 301721
File: 1474959779598.jpeg (142.35 KB, 750x1085, image.jpeg)

"No filter, just blurry as hell??"
No. 301732
File: 1474972145870.webm (981.74 KB, 720x720, U2zA50WoZqrnkrYX.webm)
>>301458I know this is late but I thought I'd download the video for this and upload it here just in case it gets deleted.
No. 301736
>>301721>>301733I don't think she is trying to take boring selfies, she is trying to show off the different backgrounds to prove she's in a new place.
"Look at me lolcow, Im not at my parents"
No. 301737
It's not really working since I just assumed she was in a different room in her parents' house, lmao.
If she actually is somewhere different and dating someone like that one post she made suggests, I wonder if she's given up on trying to marry a Japanese guy because lbr here, if she was in Japan and/or dating a Japanese guy, we'd all know by now. I could see her doing that because she has been trying this for 2 or 3 years now and we all know she gives up on things she doesn't get immediate results from. I don't think she's given up on the Japan dream yet, maybe she's trying to marry a weeby guy in her area and have him work to get them visas?
No. 301756
>>301747I feel like she wasn't even good at that. Didn't she go to warp tour (cringe tour) with her mom?
She could've had a continual wild child image especially considering she was in rolling stone but by the sounds of it her life's been pretty vanilla and anything edgy was just for show, shameee
No. 301779
>>3017212016 and her photos still look like taken with toaster.
I have a feeling this is old content being reshooped.
No. 301780
>>301660But why are you so concerned in defending Kaka if anons on this thread want to criticise her for whatever issue, even if you yourself find such things annoying? What sort of vested interest do you have in Kiki and her public image? I personally "don't care" about the size of her forehead, her receding hairline nor even her thinning hair. However, if her forehead is expanding abnormally in size then all likelihood a disease is present; maybe a tumor or a cranial bone spur growing within her skull – awful things that I wouldn't even wish on my enemies – in such, it can affect her brain function, even alter her personality and behaviour.
She is only human after all and it's just simple courtesy (from one human to another) that she is informed of the possibility that something unhealthy is going on (she lurks here you know). Therefore she needs a consult from a medical professional. Then again, it doesn't surprise me if some of you would rather see her suffer that type of fate… :/
No. 301782
>>301780Yeah so first of all, nobody uses lolcow just to send subtle little "you should go to the doctor and get that checked out" thoughtful messages to the cows. What planet are you on? We are just laughing at her big forehead because it is big. Nobody wants anyone to get a brain tumour or whatever the fuck you're suggesting. We're merely commenting on what little content kaka throws out there. Hence the point of this thread.
If you're that worried about kiki's health and enjoy panicking about her getting a skull defect then this isn't the place for you.
In other news, I really doubt Kiki has moved out or got a boyfriend, I think the pics have just been taken in different rooms in her parents house. Probably because she saw on here that we pointed out she always takes pics and films videos in front of that TV, lmao.
If she really had moved out or got a boyfriend she would be bragging it and throwing pics all over her social media.
No. 301786
>>301782Yeah I have to agree, if she had moved out or God forbid moved to Japan she would be Tweeting non-stop. Unless they re-did the house I think the most recent pictures are taken some where in Occee.
>>301115Looks like it has a massage table/chair in the background
>>301721I'm not sure, but what kind of place has those kinds of design on the wall?
No. 301791
>>301786It's the same room her last selfie was taken in. Look at the table on the left. Same one as in the background in the previous selfie and under the TV it might be the same pattern spaced out.
Until she shows otherwise I think her parents redecorated.
No. 301913
File: 1475101024329.jpeg (132.89 KB, 750x971, image.jpeg)

Looks like the Ostrengas are all getting nostalgic. Christ Cathy looked different before she became a whale. I wonder if those genes will hit Keeks at some point?
She really is stuck in 2007.
No. 301916
File: 1475103001280.png (300.1 KB, 1269x556, Twatter1.png)

Hmm funny as soon as Dakota does old school pics so does Kiki. Interesting she words it her parents sent her the old pictures like she isn't at home anymore.
No. 301918
File: 1475103278879.png (1023.31 KB, 1280x800, Screen Shot 2016-09-28 at 6.36…)

No. 301921
File: 1475104159376.png (921.99 KB, 1275x753, KikiLove.png)

Funny there are a few Kiki Fan Twitters she lets slide, probably because they kiss her ass.
No. 301922
File: 1475104409828.png (774.87 KB, 1269x746, Kiki.png)

No. 302155
File: 1475192043196.png (898.48 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-09-29-19-31-52…)

No. 302202
>>302193i think its just lip liner in combination with tilting her head up imo.

No. 302301
>>302193All the cows are making their top lip climb up now.
I can't wait for more of her fake "I have a Jap boyfriend" posts. I want something like when she went to Disneyworld "with Tako", took selfies in the bedroom and bought bracelets!
No. 302424
>>302155lmaoooooo i legit thought her face was photoshopped onto her head? It's so fucking strangely placed on her skull but I think her hairline is just fucking with me?????
This is also a grown ass 24/25 year old woman- lived a whole entire quarter of her life and this is the best she can do. Like DAMN you used to call yourself royalty.
No. 302451
File: 1475243923662.jpg (369.22 KB, 500x900, 1431996810446.jpg)

>>302446a statement that practically defines this site
No. 302461
>>302155She isn't desperate and truly weeby enough to bag a Japanese husband. With that kind of white girl face, it should've happened a long time ago.
Himezawa and a bunch of other snowflakes are legit uglier than her but still managed to get a spouse visa the fast way.
No. 302465
>>302155She's got a numb, lifeless facial expression and her eyes – there's a depth of sadness in them – with a vacant watery gaze too, like quite possibly from taking antidepressants.
Damn Kiki, what's going on inside your head?
No. 302485
>>302478I understand. Maybe she thought that. I remember feeling lonely before on the internet so I thought I was being nice.
It makes sense that she may think everyone is trying to troll her. But she can be passing on a real friend..
No. 302492
>>302485the fact you're on this site lol, you're a troll

No. 302502
File: 1475259594995.png (1.13 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-09-30-14-16-44…)

No. 302512
>>302465I've noticed that her recent photos, she looks legitimately a bit zonked rather than like she's just pulling her old vapid wide-eyed elf prinsessu expression. Maybe she really
is finally on some meds for her raging personality disorder.
No. 302692
>>30246580's Scott rocking a mullet 0.0
LOL Kiki you post pictures of your parents kissing but none of you and your boyfriend
No. 302702
>>302524>>302546>"I'm uncomfortable." jayzus fucking chroist on a stick. are you aware that most of us here on earth are created because our horny parents fucked, right? or maybe you are one of those
sooperspeshul ones created in a petri dish and test tube, then they had to blast you into a surrogate womb with a turkey baster or something? why in the world would you be creeped out when others are making out, whatever ages the consenting couples maybe? Are you from Utah?
>>302524>>302702Nobody cares how either of you feel.
>>302694But if she blocks everyone, who will kiss her ass? The only reason she refuses to drop the name Kiki Kannibal is so she still has a following. Maybe it was the year of inactivity? But then again I'm pretty sure I remember her still having 20K+ up until recently.
No. 302794
>>302777Says the person that it too stupid to sage. Just go away if you don't have anything to contribute. You're the one choosing to come here.
And yeah, I would love to know what happened to her followers, is there a chance that she bought them and the accounts got deleted by instagram because they were bots?
No. 302982
>>302962You can use but you'll have to create an account
and login with Instagram and I'm not making a fake IG just for that. I don't wanna be cyberstalked by a Monstrenga.
No. 303007
File: 1475495800298.png (213.73 KB, 1238x604, Screen Shot 2016-10-03 at 7.55…)

>>302982According to Socialblade (where you don't have to be logged in and can also view YouTube stats) her follower count has been that low for two months. Maybe it was always that low, kek.
No. 303008
File: 1475495887242.png (32.4 KB, 874x203, Screen Shot 2016-10-03 at 7.56…)

>>303007Found stats that date back longer. Sorry, seems like it never was higher than that.
No. 303079
>>303008 LOL at that sudden spike and decline (between July-August 2015) then going back to the predictable slope trend. IDK maybe she ran out of money buying IG followers so she has to settle making sock-pocket accounts again to follow herself. No one gains and looses that much followers in a crucially small amount of time, specially during the summer, unless of course
the followers are bought & fake. >>303025 It's pretty difficult to separate out fake accounts on IG, YT & Twitter. What posers do a lot often is that they would make each of their fake sock puppet accounts linked\friends with each other and set it in private. Others would even go as far as stealing profile pictures and pics from other real accounts ← this really irks me.
No. 303552
File: 1475588926176.png (689.73 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-10-04-09-44-26…)

No. 303681
>>303552She seriously needs to stop it with the faux-kawaii Nippon vegan earth child shit and adopt an edgier look again. She's naturally gorgeous, but her mature features make her look horrible in this style. If she started doing bolder fashion again and got rid of the dumb ~earth child~ persona, she could probably capture a lot of her lost popularity. Nobody wants to see a 24yo woman with chiseled cheekbones and jawline doing kawaii uguu fashion with dampening filters, it just looks stupid and creepy.
I think Keeks has been doing fashion that clearly doesn't suit her because she doesn't know how to find her own identity and decide what actually works for her. She was forced into the scene thing as a kid by her parents, and now she's trailing after Kota's Japan dream. She needs to break away and think for herself.
No. 304152
>>304149Sorry, I used to speak good English but my English is not as good as it used to be, so I wrote in Japanese.
I was think long about my ex boyfriend, which is takuya, and I searched his name on the Internet to see how he was doing, and I stumbled upon here…. I am do shocked that he dated Kiki, I used to live in the states and when I lived there it was the MySpace days and I was a scene kid too so I know her and her sister. I'm half Japanese so I'm living in Japan now, and I know her sis is faking her age and lying to all us Japanese, so I hate her, and I remembered Kiki was racist too so I hate her too.
Anyways I'm so shock about this, I was just wondering how he is doing, but I didn't have any way to contact him so I googled his name…. Does anyone know his fb account or something? I just want to know how he's doing. (Not trying to stalk him or anything)
Sorry for my bad english
No. 304154
File: 1475693792110.png (3.85 KB, 300x163, 1324676517001.png)

>>304152seems totemo legit
No. 304158
>>304154interesting, she actually knows how to use this image board.
>>304157 k, Good luck finding his acc.
No. 304177
File: 1475701522288.jpg (43.61 KB, 600x800, flat,800x800,075,f.jpg)

>>304152taco’s name is too common and this thread doesn’t come up anywhere when you search it.
No. 304187
File: 1475707844654.jpeg (85.33 KB, 750x527, image.jpeg)

I like animals and all but this is just pathetic. Grow up and live in the real world. Also I love how she always has to mention Japan.
No. 304196
>>304187The pig truck incident was like a year ago iirc? wasn't that time she prayed to chinese gods and…
archangel st. Francis ? kek
No. 304211
File: 1475711245940.png (141.64 KB, 743x1092, IMG_3385.PNG)

Lol Keeks can't wait to have kids.
No. 304243
File: 1475713220921.png (115 KB, 588x528, Stillthere.png)

No. 304280
File: 1475722560989.png (614.82 KB, 938x599, Kiki.png)

No. 304317
>>304293>>Where did she brag about this?She may have been born blonde and been blonde as a young child, and a lot of brunettes I've met whose hair naturally darkened still consider themselves natural blondes kek
She's been brunette for a looong time, so I can't imagine she'd brag about being blonde…
No. 304319
>>304317Btw to add to this, I don't see any milk with kaka anymore. People are just nitpicking at this point. Yeah, she's a little overdramatic and maybe even lies, and her hairline is receding (?). And yeah, she wants to find a Japanese husband or get into Japan like her sister. I mean, can you blame her? It doesn't seem like she has much going on anymore in her life. But seriously, especially considering how many crazy weebs exist on the web,
this is what constitutes a cow? Kota isn't even a cow anymore either, so what really is the point of threads on either of them frankly. Both have clearly let go of their racism against asians from when they were kids and gone the opposite way (love Japan, or at least pretend).
No. 304327
File: 1475741551515.png (442.67 KB, 932x595, 2…)

Also new pic, chav angel aura fashion, totarry unplanned guise~
No. 304333
File: 1475748220406.jpeg (105.26 KB, 740x728, image.jpeg)

>>304327She slipped here, changed the caption and re-tweeted but forgot to delete the first tweet. Must be hella awkward being in your mid-20s, living at home with no job, bringing guys back.
No. 304334
>>303552it's so fucking annoying because she actually looks like a gorgeous
young woman and this legit doily teacloth child grandma shit is atrocious and a huge waste.
like if this bitch just ~returned from the flames~ and was an edgy bitch again she could crush it. sell shitty chokers. people still clearly want to know what this moron is up to and she's the only scene girl that hasn't moved on.
if she actually had that "bubble butt" she bragged hella about she could get all her fame back by just being a narcissist again. like omfg pastels are so huge right now the transition into being relevant is on a silver platter and this dumb ass still wants to look like a mature baby prostitute I'm done
No. 304335
>>304327this trend went right the fuck over her head and everything is ill-fitting wtf is that silhouette. what allergic reaction caused her face to do that. are those seriously cuffed sweatpants or wide legged trousers with that me throwback adidas track jacket
why why why
No. 304353
>>304327Funny she is posting all this content from a hotel room after
>>303582 pointed out that looks like American architecture and
>>304191Pointed out she admitted she isnt in Japan.
These are either old pics/videos or new stuff. I bet the guy is some rando, not even Asian thats one of the reasons she blocked out his face
No. 304376
>>304353He doesn't look like a random guy tbh. I do believe she has a bf, everytime she's in a relationship she starts to post more often because she has this need to tell the world she's in a relationship, this is her typical behavior. If she breaks up later, she will delete everything and start her new boyfriend quest right away. That's why she has all those accounts.
If I were her, I wouldn't talk about him online… I feel bad she never learns how to keep her private life for herself.
And here's where the trial of bread crumbs begins…
No. 304377
>>303681>>304334All of this. Kiki is skinny with an attractive/versatile face, long hair, a decent social media following to start off with, and money to burn on flavor of the month crap.
She could kill the edgy emo rock look, pastel goth.. hell even neckbeard fantasy "hot weeaboo/gamer girl" if she wants to stay on Japan's dick that badly. The only thing stopping her from being relevant again is her refusal to realize that the angelic soft kawaii vegan goddess act makes her look like a twat, haha
No. 304385
>>304377>pastel goth>hot weeaboo/gamer girlkiki's half-assed attempts of these lasted a week or two
>>304381dad ostrenga is a stumpy legged fat guy
No. 304390
File: 1475780837220.webm (1.33 MB, 640x640, trgkjtfyhj.webm)
>"All I wanna know is why do I sound like a 5 year old?"
Umm, Kaka, who the fuck is telling you this? You just sound like an average woman.
No. 304392
>>304390i can only assume she doesn't mean literally…
fyi kiki the answer is lack of critical thinking skills :^)
No. 304398
>>304395Many anons had recommended her different styles, she should take the constructive feedback if she reads here instead of trying to prove people wrong all the time, most people don't wish them bad.
Those lace dresses and no eye brows makes her look older also?
I'd like to see her wearing something elegant.
No. 304401
>>304327so she's into gopnik fashion now? (
blyat). or maybe she's stereotyping her slavic ancestry, her last name is polish in origin after all. whatever the reason is i'm beginning to believe that she's actually a stripper and in the escort service industry ~ i wonder what her 'service' rates are…
>>304376>I feel bad she never learns how to keep her private life for herself. don't feel bad, you should encourage a special cow to share as much of their life story and drama to the public, this is the very source of never ending entertainment.
so she's no longer using KIKI LEI as her
nom de personne online. she's just K I R S T E N now. m'kay. –^
No. 304403
>>304398Yeah, a lot of us grew up with her and would love to see her succeed, especially since almost all of the infamous scene queens are now successful. It's sad that she's still wallowing in her sister's shadow when she looks like absolute shit in kawaii uguu~ fashion with those soft filters.
For all that people harp on her for her noxious personality, that was a big part of her appeal too. The ~child of mother earth~ thing seems completely shallow and fake, and it's not going to attract any attention because there's no bite behind it. The Queen Bitch persona is what made her so endearing because she owned it. What she's doing right now is just sad and pathetic.
>I'd like to see her wearing something elegant.Agreed, she could definitely go far with a sleek, classy, more mature look with a little bit of edge to it. I don't browse dumblr so idk if I'm wrong, but it seems like that sort of look is way under-done. She could fill in that niche if she put some effort into it. It's frustrating because she only needs to do minimal work to become popular again and stop trying to imitate her sister who's failing anyway. I hope she listens to us.
No. 304461
>>304450Maybe she's that anti-Taylor account on PULL too…
Tbh this makes me feel weird, I had hope she was really trying to stay away from drama and just continue with her life when she dissapeared for a year… I was one of the positive anons who believed this was boring already. Oh wow… sad.
No. 304465
>>304462Yeah me too I want to see her posts, I believe admin mentioned she also criticized Dakota? But she has to check first. If that's true that's fucked up, or maybe she just did that to make it look it's not her.. let's see.
She was always complaining about how horrible is this site and talking about bullying etc but she likes to criticize other girls here…
just wow.
No. 304478
>>304450>Kiki Kannibal is SpergchanMan, what a wild ride. Bless you Kaka for always providing the most tasty of milk. I always felt like it was Kiki but dismissed it because I figured that was just a far-fetched conspiracy theory.
So what's your next move, Keeks? Since you're obviously reading these. I applaud you in your dedication to spamming this site, by the way.
No. 304484
File: 1475822640006.jpeg (58.27 KB, 512x288, image.jpeg)

Oh my god, it's happening.
No. 304485
File: 1475822669697.jpg (379.02 KB, 700x800, 1468032910396.jpg)

>>304477Let's hope she doesn't run off for another few months though.
No. 304486
File: 1475823580003.gif (4.07 MB, 525x280, ohgod006.gif)

>>304477mfw I realized I argued with Kiki
No. 304489
>>304477This seems pretty far-fetched, but
>>304481>>She is prob mad jealous of Taylor R too. Living her dream a a vegan fit moderu in JapanYou are totally right anon, never thought of that. Hmmmm
No. 304491
>>304488Well I don't know if she was one of the anons who agreed with me but I was saying I don't the bald-kiki / forehead discussions because I feel that's something we discuss only when we don't have something more interesting. But this sperg-chan thing… this is gold.
I feel bad for kiki tho, I feel just like anon says here
>>304476 empath my ass! It's only bullying if it's about her.
No. 304492
I was the first anon (or one of the first?) to call out sperg-chan as Kiki. This is too perfect.
No. 304506
>>304486tfw I posted one thing about Taylor for the first time in my life (namely that her face kinda scares me, I don't have anything against her it's just sometimes like WHOA when I scroll by) and a paranoid anon accused me of being spergchan aka Kiki
rip me
No. 304524
>>304511>>304510She tweeted 4 hours ago or so. I think she has been staying up late to make herself appear in Japan.
Also where she is in Flordia is getting hit by the outter bands of Hurricane Matthew. It will be interesting how that effects her tweets/instagrams
No. 304552
File: 1475847613084.png (1.14 MB, 1197x1201, mimii-Screen-Shot-2016-08-04-a…)

Kiki fans / experts, do you think this image could be of her? It's at the highest res available and is from August this year. A theory's being floated in the Margo thread, read there if you'd like some background to what we're asking. I'm interested in anons who know her face well (note: this person was attempting to disguise themselves in this pic).