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No. 101679
Because this disgusting piece of shit needs a thread.
>writes an incredibly graphic fake child abuse/rape/human trafficking story, complete with a fake Hidden Wiki/Tor article screenshot listing off a bunch of non-existent videos of fucked up torture methods/murder>makes a fake Facebook account for one of the "characters" in this story, using a picture of an entirely different person from Tumblr>jokes about child rape/kidnapping, then complains that people shouldn't joke about murder>pretends to commit suicide, but people point out his Facebook activity>has (seemingly) flown off the radar since thenOld URL was, now it's (hasn't been updated in 2 months ever since he faked suicide, but nothing's been deleted either it seems)
Rape story here: links to various posts he made here: Facebook account for the person he made up: here to read some stuff pertaining to the whole debacle (ctrl + F "soren"): No. 101726
>>101689Oh please, please do. It took me about 3 hours to finish that whole thing.
TRIGGERED and such. Either way, it is completely untrue. The way it is written, how blasé it all sounds… it will be easy to disprove. And once it has been disproven… I hope people light this bitch up for it.
No. 101810
File: 1457343840251.jpg (64.53 KB, 835x167, tumblr_nu2530uKmr1tns32mo2_128…) must actually have watched CP to make up these comments, unless the whole thing has a grain of truth to it. It just seems weirdly in depth. If it wasn't for the fake facebook profile and the contrived wiki article I would absolutely believe he is a child sexual abuse victim or similar, or at the very least a predator that feels guilty about it
I need to know more about this guy anons? Someone so hungry for attention probably has another tumblr somewhere
No. 101814
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This hypocrisy.
No. 101816
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Found this after looking through their "trastalk" tag. Spoilered for self-harm/gore.
This person is sick.
No. 101876
>>101861My guess is it's a mentally ill person who is either an actual CSA victim or an actual pedophile (possibly both) who wants to appeal to a certain Tumblr aesthetic. Grunge babydoll Gummo ~*delicate suffering*~ "let's post pictures of children in cages and crying blond women next to crucifixes with the caption "lost angels"" type shit.
The reason I have doubts that he's a CSA victim (or at least on the magnitude of the "trauma narrative" he posted) is the way he handles it all. He makes his url "hurtcore", which is a genre of CP that involves extreme abuse/snuff. In his description, he says "my name is Bambi", which is supposed to be the name given to him by his abusers, who tortured him, forced him to commit murder, raped him, etc.
If he's experienced these horrifying things IRL, why would he decorate himself with them? He acts like he's RPing a character from a fucking 90s coming of age film. The way he writes about "Sam" and all the other people he claims to have known in a descriptive, airy-fairy way is more than a bit telling, as well.
Not gonna lie, I believed the story until I found out about the fake suicide and the FB account. This person is (or was) very, very dedicated to their fake rape story, to the point of doing this
>>101816 to themselves. They're fucking disturbed.
No. 101884
>>101876i too feel that some parts of the narrative are somehow derived from truth, but as a whole the story in general did seem too fantasy-like to ring true. also with this person's favorite movies being virgin suicides, etc; definitely saw that influence coming through. very 90's coming of age as you said. i don't know how to explain it but the overall account of horrors seemed too tumblr-esque poetic. like it's just hard to say definitively where the truth begins and ends.
i certainly believe that something awful happened but yes the fake suicide thing also made me think otherwise.
essentially i feel that the main post in question was a fabrication loosely based on some sort of actual happenings. it would not be so unlikely to me either that this person is both a victim and a predator. but at the same time i don't know how a person could even endure such things and have the presence of mind to post about it with such fluidity and consistency, and like you say adopt the identity associated with such abuse.
even so in some respects it really did sound to me like a based on a true story type thing. i wonder if they believe their own stories, it's just really frustrating
No. 101968
>my name is soren. i am seventeen years old. i was adopted at six months old. i’ve always been close with my mom. i think that’s important to say. […] i was scared to ask my parents as i always possessed a buried fear that they would view me as strange and send me back to the orphanage.
i omitted a few sentences on how he realised he was trans at a young age. if it's so important to say that he's close to his mother, why does he not mention her again after these opening paragraphs? also why would he be afraid of ~the orphanage~ if he was less than a year old when he was adopted? that doesn't make sense. soren wouldn't HAVE any memories of anything like that because he's an infant at this point.
>when i was 5, i was walking on the tidepools with my mom when she fell and broke her leg. this was very traumatic for me at the time so i was put into therapy. we would go every week to a little office by the beach and soon my therapist started molesting me. he told me not to tell anyone so i didn’t.
the idea of him classing his mother's broken leg as traumatic when you consider what's coming next, cracks me the fuck up. also i find it hard to believe his parents would recognise his distress and stick him into therapy after seeing an accident like that, but they didn't notice the fucking mess he became when he was being trafficked? being molested by this therapist would be damaging on its own without all this fake guro porn. i think that's the most important thing i have to say on this.
>entering kindergarten, i met a boy named david and we became very close. he lived right down the street from us so i would spend most hours of the day with him. his father started molesting me when i was 6 and this lasted until i was 8 when he died from a heart attack. both of these incidents don’t really bother me much at all anymore but its interesting to see how my psyche was preconditioned to be a victim; i was vulnerable.
that semicolon. again, his parents took him to therapy for the rockpool thing, but missed out on all the symptoms he would have had from being a child rape and molestation victim? these symptoms include disassociation, inappropriate touching, sexual roleplay, regression… if you care enough to stick your adopted kid into counselling, you would care enough to notice bedwetting etc., and again: being molested by two people for a prolonged period of time at a very young age, that would be enough to fuck some people up. there are more people who have survived rape and molestation that are more fucked up than soren.
>when i was eight, i was close with a girl named jessica. she told me her father molested her. i was scared, so i told people. things were confusing for a long time. she didn’t like me anymore. it was okay though, i like to think the police fixed things
soren didn't give a shit about his own molestation but is scared by another's? i get that children are unpredictable and find it hard to keep secrets, but i wouldn't give him that much credit. lol @ "i like to think the police fixed things"
i might sage the next few posts so i don't spam the shit out of this thread. also depends on how long this turns out to be and how interested people are.
No. 101974
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>>101968i'm interested. personally i just don't have the stomach to debunk it myself so i appreciate your efforts
No. 101976
>>101968yes, keep debunking! i agree that the story is bullshit and tbh i feel like there's a p good chance he was not abused at all–of course there isn't a "right" way for a survivor to behave etc etc but it seems more likely that someone who'd been abused would know better than to make up this tl;dr horror script. he'd get that abuse is fucking traumatic even if it's one incident or one person
i also think "the orphanage" is bullshit–this isn't a fucking dickens novel ffs
No. 101992
>when i was nine, i moved to seattle and i was diagnosed with depression. i was struggling in public school so my parents had me transferred to a small montessori school. there were only about 9 kids in my grade level (3rd grade to 6th grade).
how would soren have been diagnosed with depression at NINE and not have the secret molestation picked up on? i really doubt that it's that simple for children to be diagnosed with any kind of mental illness, but you can't help but wonder why people aren't poking into this, interrogating the parents/teachers/family members to try and get to the root of why such a young kid is DEPRESSED. like, warning bells anyone?? duty of care??
>there was a girl named sam who no one really liked, they called her r*tarded and crazy because she spun around in circles on the playground and her hair was dirty and she was very skinny because she never ate. she talked to herself and to people that no one else could see. she always came to school with bruises.
an underfed, bruised, evidently neglected child would be investigated by a teacher of some kind. it would not be allowed to happen. and yeah, i get that some teachers are fucking ignorant as all hell but if the abuse is that fucking obvious, it would get reported by someone and social services would be involved. the whole sexual abuse thing would have been discovered, and the entire "paedo porn torture ring" would either be uncovered or would vanish and reappear elsewhere. the likelihood of any child looking that bad and not getting noticed by anyone at all with the power to investigate is basically nil. a child as disturbed as that would be investigated!!!
i omitted some bullshit about sam asking soren if he knew who courtney love is because it's just cringe. soren goes on about a sleepover? in one of the classrooms at this montessori school and seeing sam biting her fingers until there's dripping blood and then she tried to drown herself in a sink. like come the fuck on. IRL the story wouldn't go further than this, which makes everything else even more ludicrous.
he meets a boy called danny and they become ~best fwends~:
>we smoked cigarettes together, played in the forest, and made flower crowns. danny and i huffed paint thinner in his dad’s apartment
>a few weeks before my tenth birthday, sam finally invited me over to her house for the night. […] when i got there, her mom opened the door and i ran upstairs. i passed by her sister’s room which was pink and pretty and filled with nice things. so when i opened sam’s door, i was not prepared for what greeted me. the room was completely bare except for a dirty mattress on the ground and what looked like a dog cage at the foot of it. i presumed it was for their dog, demyx, but i was wrong. sam was all smiles when i saw her. “don’t you like my room? it’s so pretty!” i was confused by this and without meaning to i blurted out “no??” she looked so hurt by this and i felt immediately guilty.
sam's mother and her twin sister are aware of the abuse. the setup doesn't make sense. why would a family openly show the neglect that sam faces in comparison to the rest of the house? i googled demyx and it's a character thing from kingdom hearts. sam and sora and danny like kingdom hearts. why would sam be allowed to keep and name a dog if she was so abused and tortured? also the idea of a child thinking they have the prettiest room in comparison to their sibling's plush fancy room is ridiculous. also, a note on sam's sister: why wasn't she also abused? it would be more "convenient" to abuse both twins and keep it on the downlow than to include their kiddy friends. the logic behind that is bizzare, if a paedo ring where secrecy is of the utmost importance included outsiders, the "security" of the whole thing would be comprimised. if a child victim squealed on them they would be discovered. adult men who groom and abuse children to the extent where they are trafficked and evade child porn laws have too much to lose. (i went through a phase where i read a lot of trauma autobiographies ok)
No. 102002
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Thanks debunking anon, you're doing good work. Can you focus on the bigger things like the TOR involvement rather than the tiny, obviously fake things? I'd like to establish a timeline of when this person is claiming this all took place.
The two childhood friends he mentions in the story are Danny and Sam.
Rough summary of "Danny's" story, as told in the "trauma narrative":
>danny and i huffed paint thinner in his dad’s apartment and he told me that he was born with a birth defect, that people labelled him as “transgender” but that’s not what he was, he was a boy, he was not “transitioning” to or from anything because he had always been a boy and that was that.
>danny warns the protagonist "not to go to sam's house"
>even though danny is also a young girl, never gets trafficked
>danny moved away, and his mother outed as him as transgender to his school. he was beaten up and gangraped on his way home. he hung himself in his bedroom. i was the last person he talked to. Someone created a "R.I.P Danny" Facebook page sometime in 2011.
>>Liked by 25 people>Only publicly-visible member has mcr frontman in her profile picture, writes "danny will always be remembered, and is now proudly marching in the black parade<3 #SingItForDanny"It links to a personal blog page someone created on the old pseudo-social network on the mcr website. This just displays a permission error now, so it'd be nice if someone could try to find an archive of this page.
> the basementangel tumblr:
>IF U GOOGLE SOREN'S NAME U CAN FIND HIS OLD MCR BLOG FROM 2011 WHERE HE SAYS THAT SAM KILLED HERSELF IN 2010 This makes me think a lot of this story was designed to appeal to/fool MCR fans, which is a much easier group of people to pull something over on than even most tumblr members.
The picture used on the facebook page is of this person:
> now looks different because he appears to have been on testosterone for some time. But if you view his selfie tag in chronological order:
>'s obviously the same guy.
No. 102023
>>102017yeah, a tiny montessori school where the community was so tight-knit that they had sleepovers in the school classrooms(??), yet teachers (a) didn't notice and/or didn't care that "sam" was dirty, bruised, and troubled (while her "twin" was well-groomed and not injured); (b) didn't bother following up at all on sam "trying to drown herself" in the sink, whether by checking the family out more or by instituting a NO MORE SLEEPOVERS AT SCHOOL policy; and (c) despite multiple kids having been to sam's house and talking about it, never caught any of this in their tiny tiny classroom. let alone (d) once random dudes started picking soren up and soren started showing up bloody and bruised, they just ignored that too?
sounds exactly like a tiny exclusive expensive school that focuses on students' individual needs…
No. 102028
In general, the story has way too many gratuitous or irrelevant details, but is missing a larger sense of time and place and seems not to take a lot of real-world things into consideration.
For example, why include these incredibly graphic details about the violence, when it really just feels disrespectful to these alleged "dead friends"? Using vocabulary and references that would be meaningless to a child the age Soren allegedly was?
Why include (and why remember, when he'd never been to her house before) the name of the dog? This stupid detail is just the kind of thing someone would include when trying to be convincing at lying, and wouldn't include (or remember) in recounting a really traumatic story that happened years earlier.
But no mention of how Sam's sister and mom reacted to anything, or Soren's parents for that matter? No mention of what happened in the summer vacation? No mention of how Soren was gone for so long without making excuses to parents? No mention of how he explained the injuries or absences?
Tons of mention of therapy as related to random shit (mom's broken leg, "depression," super early knowledge of being trans) but never when related to extreme and prolonged violent abuse?
What time of year is any of this? What year? What else is going on? Where are any of these places?
tl;dr Not enough information rooting the story in reality, too much stupid storybook detail, like Sam's MPDG personality and other fairytale shit thrown in for no reason other than ~*aesthetic.
Also, sorry, but no nine year old thinks the smelly dirty weird kid who talks to themselves is ~*dreamy. That shit only happens to teenagers…in John Green novels. In elementary school that kid would be mercilessly teased or at best ignored completely.
No. 102040
>>102028I totally agree. I seriously don't get how someone could put so much effort into the torture porn aspects without any plausible excuses for how no adults in this story picked up even a little bit about what was going on. i feel like whoever wrote this must have been 13 ffs.
also are we gonna talk about how soren describes eating his pal's toe in this story. like how would you even eat a toe.
No. 102104
>>102047Holy shit. I remember reading this story like years ago. The person in the FB picture called out the author and was like "What the fuck is wrong with people?".
I see Soren (the "author") hasn't changed or learned from any of his mistakes.
I've never seen someone so desperate for an exploitable tragedy to win them sympathy. It's fucking pitiful, lowly and disgusting.
No. 102216
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>>102107 is his most recent tumblr, which includes a fake note by his brother talking about how little Soren passed from this earth on December 8, 2015, due to a drug overdose.
Obviously you can read on the basementangel page linked at the beginning of the thread how all of his friends noticed he was still online on Facebook plenty afterwards, and also changed little things on his tumblr layout that his family would definitely not have had any reason to edit (like adding and taking off IP trackers.)
I mean, duh.
Other past URLs that I know of: shyfawn, sicklefawn, hurtc0re
No. 102217
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Another photo from his old facebook: "Soren Daniel Hayes."
>this fucking picture
No. 102219
>>102217His facebook lists him as attending Nathan Hale High School, which is a public school in Seattle. he posted the "trauma narrative" on hurtc0re in September 2015, and lists himself as a junior in high school in that post, he must be Class of 2017.
No. 102224
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No. 102225
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mentions gaining 40 pounds
No. 102235
>>102216Thanks anon, sorry I did read the thread, so I wasn't trying to make you spit out already pasted information.
I should have been more clear, but I meant like, even though he's not posting on that url I'm sure he'd post somewhere else. They obviously love the attention, or whatever they feel like they're getting out of posting their outlandish stories. I feel like it's hard to believe he's been so quiet after everythings been found out, but I could be wrong.
No. 102346
>>102229In this video, he talks about "Sam" being known on Tumblr as "childgore" but then she "died".
He says he's trans and has been on testosterone for three years, starting from when he was 13 (no doctor would give it to him, but his mom is a PA/Physician's Assistant so she started giving it to him) and had top surgery prior to the year he made the video.
No. 102503
>>102419I only got to the abortion kept in tp part before I couldn't be assed for any longer, but fucking this
Especially the 'tor article' fucking kek
If anyone read and believed this story I… I don't even know what to say… how could you be so naive..
No. 104500
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he claims sam has a "666" and "forsaken" tattoo, which he copied from ginger bronson
No. 104501
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"i'm dreaming of being a cloud" also copied from ginger bronson
No. 104502
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"evil, wicked, mean, and nasty" shirt also copied from ginger bronson
No. 104508
>>102403typed out the wiki screenshot for you and for anyone else having trouble reading, but HUGE
trigger warning for anyone sensitive to child abuse, child porn, rape, gore etc, it is quite graphic:
Cherry and Bambi
Two of the most famous girls from the WGV circle. Cherry (6 months old - 17 years old) and Bambi (9 - 12 years old). Cherry first appeared in 1997 under the name "S" with her videos named after Winnie the Pooh characters. Her first penetration video is called kanga.avi. Many people think she is mentally retarded because of the way she laughs and talks to herself. Her main theme has always been incest with her father. She was being sold and advertised on PedoEmpire shortly after she turned 1. Medium length brown hair until the age of 12 where it is blonde in all future videos. The first video where she is blonde, she rns around the basement screaming "I'm Courtney Love! I'm Courtney Love! I'm Courtney Love!" until she is tackled and bound. There are a few references to her being a wolf ("Wolf Baby", 2009). She is easily recognizable by her 666 tattoo on the inside of her arm and the word "Forsaken" across her stomach.
Bambi began appearing in late 2007, quickly becoming a favorite with her timid nature. She is also trademarked as always screaming the names "Sora" and "Sam" but it is unknown who these people are. It is unknown if the girls' friendship is staged or authentic. Small for her age. She is not seen in any videos after the age of 12. Many guess that she was killed.
They are involved in many pics and videos, mostly hurtcore, gangrape, and torture. They're involved in many snuff films as well. Cherry's apparent maternal attitude towards Bambi is exploited in most videos. They both participate in the murder and torture of other girls and even each other. Their most famous videos together include:
"Cherry's toe" - Cherry's pinky toe is cut off with a pair of garden shears, her fingernails ripped off, and fingers broken. The toe is inserted into her vagina and then fed to Bambi.
"Starry" - A snuff film with 4 WGV girls. All are gangraped and hung from the ceiling. Bambi is spun in circles until she pukes and is then beaten for it. As punishment, she has is strapped into the fucktoy contraption and electrocuted. Eventually, all the girls are dead except Cherry and Bambi. Star's corpse is cut from neck to vagina, gutted and Bambi is forced to climb inside and she is pissed and cummed on. Both Cherry and Bambi have hot candle wax dripped onto them and their vaginas and then are raped agn with foreign objects. Bambi's eyes are held open with prongs after she gives a blowjob and they are cummed in.
"Make the anorexic bitch eat" - Cherry is known for being very skinny and in this vieo, it is revealed she is anorexic. She and Bambi are forced to eat a rotting dead girl's cunt.
"FUCKMEAT GIRLS" - A group of girls are slaughtered and limbs are cut off. One girl is scalped and her scalp is placed on top of Bambi's head, the man telling her "You need some new hair, yours is fucking disgusting." Bambi is shot up with heroin and fucked with the barrel of a gun before being knocked out with it, and Cherry is chained to the wall with her arms and legs spread. She starts screaming "I'm the real Jesus Christ! I say it's Easter now! I want to see a bunny! I'm Jesus!" and laughing
"Untitled" - A video in an abandoned looking house with Rico's group. Originally, Bambi was the one who was supposed to be stabbed but Cherry jumps in front of her. It is debated whether this is staged or not. Rico twists the knife until Cherry collapses and Bambi becomes hysterical. He tells her to tell Cherry that it's going to be okay but she refuses to until he hits her. Bambi is gangraped while Cherry bleeds out and then they fuck her and cum in the wound.
"Little piggies" - All the men are wearing black masks. Cherry and Bambi are wearing pig masks. They refer to them as pigs and have them make oinking sounds. They are hung by their ankles to the ceiling and heads are dunked in water.
"Fetus" - part of a collection of pubsecent girls having abortions, giving birth, or having their babies cut from their stomachs. Cherry is given a coat hanger abortion while Bambi is held down and fucked next to her. They are both tossed into the bath tub afterwards.
"Daddy's Girl" - Both girls are wearing shock collars, tied up with blindfolds, and have lighters held up to the bottoms of their feet. At the very end, Cherry's clit is cut off and she is forced to eat it.
Cherry's father is the pimp of both girls but Cherry tells almost every man she is filmed with that she loves them and that she "hopes they have a very good day" or that she "wishes she could give them a flower" despite being punished for saying these kinds of things. She is obviously very protective of Bambi but again, it's unknown if that is a real emotion. Her father is rumored to be in hiding.
No. 104511
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I don't know if anyone posted about this yet but Soren had a blog called Dark Link The Assasin. He talks about Sam's twin, changing his name, and a bunch of other stuff.
I also found his mom and sister's Facebooks and neither of them have any mention of Soren. I remember him saying on his Tumblr once that he hates his adopted parents and his actual mom was a teenager in a third world country when she had him and she had Malaria. It's probably archived under hurtc0re.
I was weirdly obsessed with Soren for a while and checked their blog almost daily, I still remember a lot of the posts that showed the loopholes in his story.
No. 104521
>>104516This. Cherry goes through like a shitload of physical trauma, especially for a child, why would she not have died from it?
>get stabbed(then have the knife twisted, are allowed to bleed out without medical attention and have infection risk heightened)>coat hanger abortion at like 12????
No. 104548
>>104508I also searched in hiddenwiki and I found that kanga.avi exists, but there's no Bambi or Cherry, just an unknown little girl. There are graphic descriptions of rape and stuff like that, but isn't like that.
So, I was thinking, maybe Bambi exists, but it's another CP actress. Hurtc0re just took her name and story. However, this has to be fake, I don't think Bambi or Cherry or any child could survive to those things.
Also, I think this kid maybe is a child sexual abuse victim, or at least an abuse victim… Or he was exposed since a young age to things like this. This may be a fetish, but fetishes doesn't appear just because.
No. 104679
>>101679that story is the fakest shit i have ever read, omg. there are so many logical holes in the story. this is the case of stupid tumblrtard trying to edge-up their John Green tier writing by splashing in gore and CSA.
>>101689i'm with you, anon. when i get the chance, i'm gonna debunk this shit line by line. there's mentions of deaths and arrests which shouldn't be hard to google and call them out on.
this dumb cunt should take a child psychology course – or maybe not, seems like they might have some fucked sexual tendencies – if they want to write something half-believable about the way children act after experiencing the kind of sexual, physical and emotional torture she described. all this was is some edgelord writing a story in which they romanticize CSA and gender dysphoria and just about every other fucking mental disorder. good fucking job. this person is despicable.
No. 104692
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Sorry for double-posting but I just found this post again. It says Soren's full name and shows that he got his sex changed to male, legally. And yikes @ those scars.
Actually, I'm going to do a sage'd photo dump of screenshots of his blog.
No. 104693
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>>104692Supposedly him and Sam at a anime con when he was younger, also the profile picture of his old facebook. It's captioned "look how little i was when i was 12…omg…"
No. 104694
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>>104693Talking about anorexia, you can see what appear to be top surgery scars.
No. 104695
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>>104694Another hospital post. One of many apparent ER trips.
No. 104696
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>>104695Soren posted this screenshot from of a missing girl, implying that she was a part of the child porn/prositution ring.
He did this with another girl before too. I highly doubt that he ever knew this girl and just used her to further his fake story.
No. 104700
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>>104699And finally, this picture. This wasn't archived and I saved it a long long long time ago when "Sam" still had a Tumblr (child-gore) and "she" uploaded this picture of her and "Danny". Wouldn't be surprised if these were two random kids.
No. 104705
>>104704Yeah, he did. I wish I archived the other post but it was a screenshot of a missing girl named Lindsey Baum (who was 10 when she went missing in 2009) and all but said that she was kidnapped and trafficked with him.
And I can't screenshot this entire post but here's him talking more about it: No. 104762
Guys I feel sick to my stomach. Please tell me this is all fake.
I did some snooping around too, I googled kanga.avi and saw some results had the word babyshi in them, so I googled that term and came across this sick document hosted on scribd (I can only preview the first 3 pages without membership, full link here
It seems to be people discussing a CP video and one of the comments says it's from a series called SAM
Idk what to think, is it just a coincidence the child was called Sam?
No. 104773
>>104762Just downloaded the scribd app, this document has 37 pages.
If there is anything interesting I will let you guys know
No. 104785
how could somebody that young apparently write some shit like that? what the FUCK is their damage, i'm sicked just reading all this
and with
>>104762, i'm really really hoping this isn't true
No. 104811
>>104774"Bibigon was a Russian television channel dedicated to children. The channel started to broadcast on September 1, 2007. The channel was only available in Russia."
I guess it's not this "sam" then
No. 104906
>>104762The "trauma blog" is definitely ALL FAKE. If for no other reason, consider this: It would take an incredible amount of money, time, effort and control to run a child rape/murder operation on this level. Anyone having anything to do with it would have to be super discrete. That being the case, the traffickers would rule with an iron fist and would never permit a child like "Bambi" – with so much first-hand operational knowledge – to just go free. Even more laughable the traffickers would permit Soren to write about the experience without hunting him down and silencing him permanently.
Somebody get this kid some psychotherapy fast!
No. 104950
>>104906Of course it's all fake, but I think he TRULY believes this happened. It probably started out as a cheap ploy for attention, but he got so into it that he really thinks this happened.
That blog mentioned in the OP (basementangel) provides some insight on that, apparently he has made a new blog and created a new story that's even worse than this one. So I don't know if he just simply built on this story, or he scrapped it to make a new one. Would be cool if someone could hunt down the new blog, I'd do it myself but I don't know enough about him to do so.
No. 104951
>>104950He's like Amanda Baggs, but with pretending to be a csa survivor instead of pretending to have super severe autism. Finding it really hard to imagine how he could make up an edgy story that's actually
worse than this, it would be interesting to come across his new blog.
No. 104963
File: 1457899720475.png (96.26 KB, 463x618, honeydrip.png)

Yeah, I don't know Soren's new Tumblr either (if there is one). I remember there was a blog called "demonfawn" or something that people thought was him but it apparently wasn't.
Also, Zero (bratpills/honeybottledrip) was Soren's best friend/emo lover and knew/participated in Soren's lies. She constantly talks about how much she loves and misses Sam and Soren.
I think she deleted the asks but when the suicide post when up on Soren's blog, she refused to answer any questions directly and replied to everything with that Tumblr cry-type "b b but u didnt kno him my fawn bby angel ily".
I think she deleted the post but she posted about how after he died, his family sent her some of his hair (???).
Also, this is kinda unrelated but Zero is actually a girl and has a boyfriend but calls herself gay.
And then there's Gee/Gerard (inkbats) who was Soren's other emo lover but I didn't read his blog so I don't know much but if you go on his blog now, it just says "he's dead stop asking" sooo.
No. 104970
>>104963I'd try looking around at who likes these people's posts. You might find him that way, people say he's going under a different name than Soren now, so it might be damn near impossible unless he's retarded enough to post selfies and other identifying information.
Cows should just be legally required to stay put after doing these things \:
No. 104998
So Soren claimed this is Sam?'s a photo of the actress Larissa Wilson.
No. 104999
So Soren claimed this is Sam?'s a photo of the actress Larissa Wilson.
No. 105000
File: 1457903063649.jpg (210.25 KB, 1785x1141, Screenshot_2016-03-13-21-02-06…)

According to this anon his old reblogs will give us a clue as to what his new blog is.
No. 105007
>>105000This is useful.
>>104989Idea: For anyone who has his FB account, try messaging him and getting him to follow a link to a blog with StatCounter (preferably a new one so that his is one of the only IPs listed under new visitors).
To simplify the process of getting his new URL, ask him to like/reblog something from that blog. It'll work best if it's something that fits the theme of his old blog.
A bit of social engineering and/or friendly behavior will be useful in this regard.
No. 105015
Skimmed through the page source for his theme. Found this:
>var ip = userip;>var bannedips=[>"", >"", >"", >]>var handleips=bannedips.join("|")>handleips=new RegExp(handleips, "i")
>if (!=-1){ >window.location.replace("");>document.write('<!–');>}>}>window.onpaint = preloadBasically, anyone with those IPs gets redirected to video related instead of his blog. They probably know shit about him.
No. 105019
Found a blog belonging to one of Soren's friends.>Anonymous sent: your "best friend" "died" in december but you said your late fall/early winter was good??? lmao
>was that in December? i forgotPretty cryptic.
No. 105033
>>105031here's some keywords for ya:
baby, pale, soft, milk, cum, lace, petal, peachy, doe, kitten, fawn, angel, fairy, blood, tears, cloud, candy, rotten, ghost
No. 105034
>>105033The tumblr is
I'm gonna get started on customizing it a little before I add statcounter so that it looks convincing.
No. 105047
File: 1457910179758.jpeg (58.36 KB, 637x623, image.jpeg)

I've found a blog in the reblogs of his old blog, given this could be another ~daddy abused me gore drugs type blogs but for some reason I'm seeing a lot of Soren in the types of thrings being reblogged.
pic related, a low note post with a screenshot that happens to have the same quote as Soren's last blog title
No. 105058
>>105057a blood soaked pillow for the icon, edgy
i'm anxious to see the other anons find more shit or the new blog. i'm so interested in this fucked up little snowflake's massive tale of lies.
No. 105059
>>105056Ginger currently lives in LA I think.
I don't think she'd bother checking up on Soren though. She just minds her own business, does her own thing.
No. 105084
>>105061Depending on what's reblogged using J, it could be "Jessica". She apparently told him that her father was molesting/raping her and he told. This was his "closest friend" when he was eight.
There's another J but that was one of his "abusers"
No. 105089
>>105061Another clue could be that there was a possible blog in question that could've been his that someone mentioned to
>>105000 The follow-up question about it was that that person had stopped posting after she posted that question. See if there's an obvious gap after the "suicide" but before January
No. 105090
File: 1457917028757.png (379.02 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

>>105084After going through the likes, I'm not sure anymore. My main reason in thinking it's not him was the fact that it did read a little "girly" to me. the posts start December of last year and those posts are things I've seen on Soren's blog. either way, based on everything I think there's probably a link here somewhere, this seems pretty on par with our little cows interests.
http://skewd.tumblr.comHave at it fellow detectives
No. 105093
>>105090: besides the tags and the posts I noticed the tag for trauma, pictures of kids cut/bleeding/bruised, reblogged things other people had tagged Soren, honey/bees tagged for (u) similar to what honeybottledrip would post, ginger Bronson, a lot of children's like doodles and writings u know what I mean, repeating the theme of being "just a child", heroin, way more. I took some screenshots but nothing major.
I think (d) could have been daddy as that was tagged on several of the dirty kid bedrooms, bruised, child abuse type posts
No. 105094
>>105092Also they don't have a batshit insane ~trauma~ story, so there's that too.
It is seriously irritating me that some anon was easily able to find his new blog and yet we're finding it super hard to find anything. If only they were off anon when they sent that ask so we could ask them…
No. 105108
"The name is similar" yeah, for some reason anything to do with fawns has seemed to be a trend for urls the past while, I've noticed. Same thing with "bambi" and "cherry" and "honey". So, fair warning, just because a URL might seem like something he would have chosen, doesn't mean it is him.
Also, looking through his (and some of his friends) blog(s), I've noticed that the source for some posts is not one of Soren's more well known URLs but rather "circus-trauma". However, when you hover over it or click it etc, circus-trauma has been de-activated. I think this could still be a lead, though or maybe an idea into whatever new trauma story he's spinning up? Maybe I'm overreaching a bit here.
No. 105116
File: 1457922372822.jpeg (104.4 KB, 640x984, image.jpeg)

The dead can't update their Amazon wishlist
No. 105128
File: 1457923304520.jpeg (100.37 KB, 640x1024, image.jpeg)

>>105124I can't believe we didn't think of checking the wishlist sooner.
No. 105129
File: 1457923403944.jpeg (111.45 KB, 640x1041, image.jpeg)

It's a 4 page wishlist, plenty of sora action figures on down but nothing too out of the ordinary
No. 105130
>>105122the girl i met the first night was named kayla. she was seven years old. she had blonde, blonde hair and she wore mary janes with stickers all over them. she loved rainbows and pink roses. she became sam and i’s best friend.
(I don't know how to greentext, sorry.)
That little girl is adorable, it's so annoying how he doesn't even consider that someone could believe these and when they see the real person, question them about it which could be extremely damaging. Fucking up little girls and boys lives before they even have a chance to live is absolutely disgusting!
No. 105131
>>105130simple reverse google search showed it's an actress named "Amiah Miller"
the list of obvious lies just keeps growing
No. 105139
File: 1457924925157.jpeg (99.92 KB, 640x888, image.jpeg)

Still lurking old stuff, here's another of the sora/riku pictures and the closest we'll ever probably get to "same" face
No. 105141
File: 1457925278659.jpeg (98.7 KB, 640x941, image.jpeg)

Another of "Kayla"
No. 105146, I'm confident that this is Soren.
If it is, Sam is most likely now "Dolly" and is no longer dead. Hmm.>Dolly keeps saying she wants to kill me, says she’ll “rip my fucking throat out” and I miss my best friend, the 3rd grader who spun in circles and everyone called a witch. where are ya angel girl where did u go>oh yeah & then my sister took me over to see her friends’ new baby & the kid is six months old, the same age as dolly when the first videos of her started coming out & i couldnst stop staring at her & touching her face & i was so angry & fascinated at the same time & i wanted to smash her skull in everything hurt>i couldnt even watch her dad change her diaper i froze up and i felt like i was gonna puke i just kept thinking oh shit hes gonna fuck her hes gonna fuck her hes gonna fuck her rightnow & no one is gonna do anything about it cuz its normal oh my fucking god
>>its so weird when i hear dolly’s caseworker and nurses refer to her as a “woman” & that the goal is to have her live in a “womens group home” in a few years when shes better & more stable & im like no shes not a “woman” shes still the little 9 year old girl i met in third grade. shes still the weird witch girl spinning in circles on the playground. shes still the freak girl obsessed with courtney love. shes still the kid with worms in her hair. its still unreal to think that we’re both 18 now>#she'll be 19 next month its so weird #p #the kid with her face down in a plate of pancakes #the kid who tried to drown herself in the bathroom sink>theres this group of little kids in the parking lot howling & pretending to be wolves & it makes me miss dolly No. 105168
File: 1457928445295.jpeg (52.43 KB, 640x632, image.jpeg)

No. 105173
>>105169i hope he just ends up killing himself like he talks about constantly
at first i was horrified by this, but now i'm just apathetic to some random kid making up such a terrible story for attention
No. 105174
File: 1457928847842.jpeg (33.77 KB, 640x508, image.jpeg)

No. 105177
File: 1457930162938.jpeg (90.33 KB, 640x1096, image.jpeg)

I shouldn't even be questioning this because all stories make no sense but his sexuality has always been straight hasn't it?
So he's "with" Sam but also "vulture"? I'm trying to go through his posts to see who "Vulture" is meant to be but nothing yet
No. 105179
File: 1457930448974.jpeg (51.65 KB, 640x570, image.jpeg)

You what?!
No. 105185
File: 1457931441026.jpeg (55.57 KB, 640x647, image.jpeg)

New name might be "Stanley" but he's admitted at least one person is fake. He's all over the place though.
No. 105191
File: 1457932395131.jpeg (270.38 KB, 1200x1800, image.jpeg)

Some of the things he says are very ..I don't know, odd/off.
He also apparently hates "trauma" blogs. (His quotations not mine)
No. 105192
I was scrolling through the archive of the blog here
>>105115 and saw one of my personal images reblogged on there (not fun to see something I posted next to a bunch of torture porn, but whatever)
I decided to check my followers, and for whatever reason Soren's old blog and necrochotic are following me on tumblr. Either this is just a weird coincidence, or it's Soren, and he continues to follow the same blogs. If that's of any help
I feel kind of nauseous about this. I only vaguely knew of someone stealing Ginger's pictures and making up some fucked up story before reading all this.
No. 105193
File: 1457932525902.jpg (21.36 KB, 307x279, what up soren.jpg)

>>105192Oh, here's a screenshot showing both blogs follow me for the sake of integrity or whatever
No. 105194
>>105192do you mind sharing what the image was? you don't have to post a link, maybe just the pic itself
but i could understand why that request would make you uncomfortable
this whole thing is disgusting
No. 105198
>>105194the image traces back really easily to my blog, so i don't want to post it and risk becoming an lolcow. (the horror)
but, it's a picture of something i wrote in blood on my wall when i had a mental breakdown about 3 years ago.
>>105195glad i'm not the only one.
what the fuck is this guy
No. 105199
>>105198that does… sound very cringy honestly, anon
but i hope you're doing better
you guys make me so curious
but sage for OT kind of
No. 105205
>>105202Yup! I saw that too. From what I've seen, everything is from someone else's past, a movie or real child porn.
Also, before he said he has a good relationship with his mother and he loves her a lot but in this blog he says how they don't even talk, how she says she's sick of his "shit", etc, etc. What happened to that perfect, happy, loving relationship? Not enough sympathy points?
No. 105209
>>105198that was way too easy to find. shouldn't have specified what kind of post it was dude.
also the posts on that prepubescent blog are fucked up. there's no doubt in my mind that he's a pedophile. you don't post rape pictures and pictures of child models next to each other. filthy
No. 105214
>>105199i am in recovery, thanks!
>>105204>>105209thanks, detective
you didn't have to post it though
No. 105218
>>105215lol yes, i'm used to image board culture
i was aware if someone really cared enough they could have tracked down the image. i just figured it wasn't relevant to the topic of this thread.
saging for ot
No. 105259
File: 1457950768216.jpg (316.68 KB, 808x717, image.jpg)

everyone should read this page, from the guy whose pictures soren was using as "danny" also found soren's old deviantart includes a lot of links to this "friend" No. 105291
File: 1457960934218.png (44.9 KB, 519x376, dolly.png)

Wow, I wonder who this could possibly be about…Smh.
No. 105293
>>105255I'm looking around a bit. Since Soren has a habit of going back to his old blogs and liking/reblogging shit, I'd try skimming the notes of Sam's "old blog", found by
>>105057 ( first. If you check, you'll find he's been liking shit from that blog with the "new" one (necrochotic) too.
Because it's one of those annoying "dashboard blogs" where you can't look through the archive or tags and instead have to scroll through each post, it's a bit more time-consuming/difficult.
No. 105300
File: 1457963007403.png (53.75 KB, 521x663, dolly 2.png)

>>105295Yeah, I thought that too but you can see top surgery scars here
>>104694 and his voice still sounds too high/cracky to be real. You can change the gender on your ID with a parent's permission if you're a minor in California.
Also, I found these posts when searching 'dolly' on his new blog.
No. 105320
File: 1457967841191.png (51.34 KB, 563x162, yikes.png)

i made a side blog to catalogue evidence that soren faked everything & he found it & made a shady indirect post about me. this is wild
No. 105322
File: 1457969193300.jpg (46.17 KB, 500x417, image.jpg)

>>105320wow. you are doing god's work
No. 105330
File: 1457970359602.png (13.79 KB, 500x119, Screenshot (8207).png)

So… he advocates buying child porn?
>>105304I'm with ya. Actually going through it is terrifying, it's so convenient for people like Soren to only go through it in a fictional world he created.
No. 105331
File: 1457970580386.png (11.54 KB, 422x137, window of life.png)

>>105320I can't believe he said this like he's a poor lil victim being stalked smh.
I searched Sam's name + the high school and college that's on her facebook and found this. It's a art piece that someone who has Sam's exact full name and went to the same supposed high school did.
Now, I'm just confused. Did Soren steal the identity of a girl with the same name who went to that school? Is Sam a real person, in that sense?
Soren couldn't have put this on that website, it's an official school website…
No. 105343
File: 1457971892407.png (21.17 KB, 517x187, ew.png)

Guys, please don't tip the cow. Soren provides plenty of milk on his own and telling him about this thread might make him go into hiding again. Try not to directly interact with him.
And I don't know if this has been mentioned yet but Sam's dad/leader of the child porn ring/etc. was supposedly named Brian Stowell and he worked at WaWa but if you search that name nothing comes up (same with Samantha Stowell). Soren also said that he died "recently", whatever that means.
Also, I love how Soren said on hardc0re that he hates people who romanticize or even study serial killers when there's Eric and Dylan all over his blog. Wouldn't doubt that he gets off on 'em.
Pic related, wtf is wrong with him.
No. 105346
>>105345Damn, that's crazy but thanks for telling me! Yeah, I just found a Facebook which apparently belongs to the real Sam and it says that she lives in Bothell, WA. I kind of want to send her a message, just asking her if she knows what Soren is saying but I don't want to bug her. It's bad enough to have some crazy dude say that you were trafficked and raped as a kid. It's also funny to me that the real Sam looks nothing like Soren's version.
I can't imagine what the dad thinks, if he even knows about it. Soren needs to realize that you can't use real people's identities to make a sick story where they're a part of a child porn and prostitution ring.
I wonder if Soren could actually get charged for slander or fraud or something.
No. 105358
File: 1457974151197.png (22.93 KB, 267x340, fb 1.png)

>>105346Okay, I sent her a message. It was just a short one telling her about Soren's lies and I linked her to this thread so she could see all the posts. I don't have her as a friend or anything but I hope she reads it.
No. 105364
File: 1457974665180.jpg (273.28 KB, 998x664, CJ0q7_rUwAA6LN8.jpg)

>>105343I agree with this. I really hope the people over at kiwifarms don't take this cow cause they tend to have people willing to tip people off.
>>105337made this pic for ya. hope it helps.
No. 105367
>>105358i don't think linking her to this thread would be a good idea, honestly
but, i hope she responds, that's horrible something like this happened and to have no clue about it
No. 105375
>>105358You're an idiot to link her to this thread. You should've just given a rough explanation and linked to his tumblr or something. I'm sure the last thing someone wants to read is a fucking fake cp saga about their family.
Though with the amount of detail he goes into it he might know them irl or something.
No. 105377
>>105376different anon, but yeah it is
my own CSA experience wasn't all that severe due to what some other people may have gone through, but due to it i'm very anxious about being close to people and apprehensive about sex completely
but tumblr edgelords will always try to pull being a CSA survivor or trans as an excuse to be a piece of shit person
sage for personal stuff no one cares about
No. 105389
>>105358I'd suggest going and stopping this person from seeing this message because if Soren finds out he's going to pack up and leave and that kind of ruins our fun here.
>>105382you're fine. there's no CP or anything like the old blogs.
No. 105403
>>105401Nah, he just cleared it, I guess.
No. 105408
File: 1457980458268.png (42.94 KB, 881x315, response.png)

>>105375>>105389Well, my bad. I shouldn't have linked her but whatever, she already replied.
Here's her reply:
"Yeah. This problem has been happening for a long time and we had to actually get lawyers involved. Thanks for your concern! The boy we're talking about is just a very mentally ill person and it's just very sad this is the path it's gone down. Nothing they say is true, when I knew them, they were just a little kid that liked kingdom Hearts and had a weird mom. They only went to my house once and it's nothing like they described. They made A BUNCH of fake profiles and it was pretty scary for a while, but now it's just old news. I wish they would get help honestly, because nothing that comes out of their mouth is true, except for the fact that they have a mom.
Also if you share this info or anything, please keep my profile out of this. I really don't need them making fake profiles to message me- I've already blocked the lot of them."
No. 105411
>>105408i feel so terrible for her, that's horrible
she's mature about it, but to get lawyers involved? holy hell
i'm glad she responded but i don't feel like we should bug her anymore
No. 105413
>>105409This. You guys need to stop notifying him, nothing good will come of it. He won't learn the error of his ways, he won't have a huge, entertaining freakout, he'll just delete, make a new blog, block your IPs and we'll have to spend time looking for him all over again.
Fucking quit.
No. 105415
>>105408Well that pretty much clears up everything. I'm glad she replied so quick. I wonder what's up with the mom, because Soren never really mentions her or when he does it's mostly in a positive light.
Also we should probably delete;
>>105343>>105345>>105358Since she requested that things with her name be taken down.
No. 105417
>>105415i second this, since she provided us with insight, i guess we take down stuff with her name
it's rare for us to find somebody who indulges information to help
No. 105418
What are your guys opinion if we recommend this thread to move into pt?
>>105415She might need to msg admin to do that
No. 105420
>>105411Yeah, I defintley won't message her again. I'm glad she knew that it was happening, even though the situation sucks. Again, I shouldn't have linked her to this thread, that was a dumb move on my part.
>>105415I tried to delete them but you can't delete them after half an hour has passed and it says staff won't delete them…
>>105414I archived them, I think. Check here: No. 105424
>>105418I don't feel like there's enough milk for /pt/ tier
>>105418I'll send a message in case she didn't.
No. 105426
>>105424Nah, I think there's plenty. Soren is literally even more disgusting than most of the cows in /pt/, and that's saying something.
Mira and the Ostrengas' sockpuppeting, Asha's nasty vagina posts, Yuka's ED and Suzy Berhow's makeup can't even touch this.
No. 105428
>>105426Forgot to add, if you need something more visceral than their horrific fake story and countless catfish accounts, just see
>>101816I personally think the thread would fit in /pt/, but if it stays in /snow/ that's fine. A thread is a thread.
No. 105434
>>105415Well on his new blog he said that they don't talk, that she said that she's done with his "shit" and that everyone but him believes in God/Jesus but they're all stupid. (Don't have the screenshots because I was hoping they'd still be there for a while)
If she is "weird" (open for interpretation) that could mean anything from a bible basher to actually mentally ill.
What I don't understand is- why mention a dad at all? That doesn't change anything since he was barely mentioned before at all?
The more this inravels, the more confusing it gets.
No. 105440
File: 1457982701121.png (14.47 KB, 513x150, soren 22.png)

>>105434This post, right? It's still up but I archived it in case: flip-flops so much about how mom idgi.
No. 105443
>>105440Not that one but wow, I didn't even see that. So much for always being close to her and her always being there.
Does anyone know/seen a post where he said he told her? Unless that's his new story
No. 105456
File: 1457986606246.jpeg (32.56 KB, 639x489, image.jpeg)

If someone in this thread is doing this, stop.
No. 105473
File: 1457988752672.png (5.79 KB, 373x90, 3467890-0987.png)

>>105406Wait, really? Then is he trying to throw us off by saying stuff like this?
No. 105477
>>105464>>105465Thats…..freaky what a freak
No. 105590
>>105582I'm just trying to wrap my head around how he came to writing that sort of shit, man. It's so fucked up, I'm almost
triggered by it
No. 105599
>>105597Misquoted, woops.
>>105595Anyways, as someone stated before, it might be best to leave this drama alone for a bit because I don't know if anything will come from this other than him deleting. It's clear that he's very, very mentally ill and I'm not sure if there's much to do.
No. 105600
>>105595I think that's what's so interesting about this whole situation. Loads of kids go through edgy, attention seeking phases, and loads of people like over the Internet, but this isn't normal.
This kid has thought/watched/written about CP multiple times.
He needs to be section
No. 105632
>>105601I wish I had screenshots but he said on his latest blog and hurtc0re that his mom knew and didn't do anything. I find it really really really hard to believe that a adult woman would knowingly ignore a bunch of kids getting raped and murdered. But he also said that pretty much everyone in his town knew about it and didn't do anything so who even knows.
>>105628I've always thought that Zero was in on it. She's talked about Sam like she knew her irl and I just assumed that she was knowingly lying with him. But yeah, go for it I guess.
No. 105642
>>105632Where the fuck is this pedo-town supposed to be?!
He skimped on so much detail and realism because he was too fixated on child porn, eurgh.
No. 105663
File: 1458005132766.jpeg (35.96 KB, 640x427, image.jpeg)

No. 105668
>>105663the edge is real.
in older news i was browsing through faggot ugly dick balls or w/e the old url was & like he was talking about url changes and he described the hurtc0re one as "so cp" as a reason as to why he wanted it. it's so fucking gross.
No. 105707
File: 1458008590453.png (11.17 KB, 651x117, 45654.png)

Yeah, good plan.
No. 105711
>>101679Where's the proof that 'Soren' is who he says he is?
It wouldn't at all surprise me if he's some middle aged pedo sitting in a basement somewhere concoting this 'oh so damaged' trans boy personality to groom unsuspecting teenagers on tumblr who buy into his sob stories? We don't know what he's been saying in private messages to his followers. Teenagers on tumblr are suckers for the whole 'hurting mentally ill abuse victim' card and his gory details and reblogs would definately appeal to the 3edgy5u teens who worship Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold et al.
No. 105742
>>105739It's Soren best friend from old days. She was kinda in love with him, I guess, and loved all his bullshit. Basically one of his "sheep follower" who kissed his ass.
She even has a tag for him: No. 105746
File: 1458013526753.png (17.91 KB, 490x292, grossedgelords.png)

>>105742don't you love being a druggie and alcoholic at the ripe age of 16?
also apologize for posting twice, i made a typo and it was bugging me
No. 105752
But she seems like a flake as well to me - not gonna lie.
Maybe that's why she gets along with Soren so good. They can just kiss each others ass…
e.g. for her tumblerina-behaviour: No. 105755
>>105753i think one of us should im her the details that her precious soren sadly didn't off himself, i feel like that'd be delicious milk
but also, would probably scare soren off so idk
No. 105775
I've read this thread from start to where it is now, and I haven't posted, but damn it's been a wild ride.
Here are some of my thoughts:
I am a med student, I'm a victim that dealt with abuse for several years, I've seen a therapist and have been in group therapy - if you're similar to me, then it's pretty easy to spot another abuse victim.
It's obvious Soren has been abused. The extent of it, is extremely shaky. There's statements that seem so true, like how he claims to wet the bed. I know grown women who do this from time to time, nightmares can be flashbacks of abuse.
Then of course there's other things like how the ring supposedly "just let him go", as if they would really do that without remaining in contact to make sure he never spoke of it.
There's also the fact that even though it is supposedly a "pedophilia ring" they let Sam remain in it till she was 17, when she is far out of her prepubescent stage and by that time not of interest to them. The only use for her would be if she was helping to bring children in. They literally would not keep her or him if it wasn't for their benefit.
A lot of it is made up, I'm just sitting here trying to figure out what isn't, and trying to figure out how he turned his pain into all this grandeur.
In one of the posts he said that it was his uncle who did it to him.
From personal experience, I don't have a good parents, and literally they didn't help me. So when everyone in this thread is saying "why wouldn't someone help him?" It's just slightly confusing for me, because sometimes adults are assholes, I don't know.
So that part I feel is true, and when he says "me and my mom are very close, I feel that it's important" is an odd thing to say because in reality I'm sure they're not close at all but he wanted them to be. That's his way of saying he wanted them to be close, and he wanted her to take notice and save him of whatever abuse he experienced.
I feel like his tall tales are a cry for attention, obviously, but I think it's a mixture of a lot of things as well. Seems like he didn't get any attention growing up, not from classmates - made up fake friends - and not from any adults except the one(s?) that abused him. Obviously it's a way to garner attention, and a cry for help, I think it also might be a way for him to cope and say "all these really horrible things didn't happen to me, but if they did maybe people would have cared/it's a way to be slightly spiteful to the people who didn't notice the abuse
Not sure if that makes sense, I'm not good at wording things, but maybe someone will understand what I mean and be able to convey it better.
It's very off-putting the way he describes his abuse as well, it's always described as "sex" or "fucking", which you'll never hear an abuse victim refer to it as.
I wonder what his therapist writes down about him, I'd be really interested to know what sort of different mental illnesses she thinks he has
No. 105780
>>105775I've heard some abuse victims (myself included) refer to the trauma as "sex" or "fucking." It's a sort of separation from the abuse - no one wants to think of themselves as a victim, and admitting it was abuse is admitting that you were victimized.
I don't think that applies to Soren in this case - he's made it very clear he wants to be a victim.
No. 105835
>>105833Samefagging ->i met this really cool dude i posted on the alt.drug forum cuz i was looking 4 someone to buy my xanax & he texted me asking if i had found a dealer in the area & i said no & then he hit me up when he found one & we started texting back n forth & talking about final fantasy & now we’re meeting 4 coffee tomorrow. heroin brings ppl together."heroin brings ppl together" He is so fucking cringey.
No. 105873
>>105835I love how he's tryingv to be all edgy and hardcore and then the "final fantasy" in the middle just ruins it.
I mean it was cringey anyway, but this just made it funnier.
No. 105885
>>104698>gerard>mikeytry harder with the fake names, mcr nerd. i see you.
(sage for double post)
No. 105899
File: 1458048655069.png (497.6 KB, 500x667, tumblr_ndwh2yk4LE1s4mu14o1_500…)

>>105775I agree with you on most of this except the pissing the bed thing, it is really common in (mostly child) abuse victims but he could have easily looked up symptoms of ptsd and faked the ones he thought would garner the most sympathy.
And I think I remember Soren saying that even though Sam was 17, they were still pimping her out so that's why they kept her around. And I don't think it's that unbelieveable that his mom ignored it (apparently, Sam's mom did too) but it's pretty unbelievable that an entire town and teachers would willingly ignore it. You also can't miss tons of school and just show up sometimes, there's truancy laws.
>>105894Tumblr kids are notorious for having dumb names that celebrities and fictional characters have. Pic related is Gee/Gerard and there's selfies of Mikey too. There was even a picture on hurtc0re of him and Gerard irl together.
I don't doubt that Soren makes up friends and fake blogs but Gerard especially has been pretty well known on Tumblr for a long time.
>>105746I'm tellin y'all, Zero is just as fake as Soren is. She fakes doing drugs and drinking, lies about Soren and Sam, and gets into fights all the time. I wouldn't doubt that she knows Soren is dead and just wants to help him keep up the "Soren's dead" excuse.
No. 105901
File: 1458049019040.png (488.06 KB, 523x637, necromania.png)

Oh, and he just posted this. Look @ those tags.
No. 105905
File: 1458050369800.jpeg (302.42 KB, 500x676, image.jpeg)

>>105899Nah man I've been following along with Garry AKA Gerard since he was inkbats and still mostly just an MCR art blog. Attached photo IS Gerard from last spring or summer if I'm not mistaken.
No. 105909
File: 1458050712995.png (701.81 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

While we're on the topic of Gerard, he made a zine a year or so ago with a page dedicated to "Sam" in which he drew "her". This is from Soren's old Instagram but he was very exclusive about who he allowed to follow him since it was privatized and he hasn't been active since the "suicide" so their really isn't any use in trying.
No. 105990
File: 1458060433104.jpeg (128.71 KB, 640x1002, image.jpeg)

>>105967no guyz, ur wrong, he's totes dead, gawd!!!
These people helping him and hiding the truth are really pissing me off. He needs to face up to his mistakes and deal with the consequences.
No. 106005
>>104975Are they real people though? I think someone like Soren would go to the lengths of creating fake online friends. I know because when I was 13 I also did that. I created a tragic, edgy backstory in order to be able to keep up with the emo kids online and I made fake accounts to back my claims up. Though my story wasn’t nearly as bad as Soren’s and I didn’t exploit real people’s pasts.
I have a quite sheltered background so I don’t think anything bad has to have happened to Soren at all. Some people are just bored. Him being adopted already gives an explanation for a false sense of self-importance and a nee for a special backstory. Add some fetishes and mental issues et voilà. Glad I dropped that shit after a year or two.
Sorry for personal blog and all.
No. 106023
>>10601Do these people claim they met Sam in person? Or only that they knew her? I'm fairly new to the drama and haven't read the whole thread yet so sorry if I'm asking dumb questions.
But when I did this charade myself I would chat or exchange emails with others as one of my sock puppets (in this case that would be Sam).
God I did fucked up shit to other people online. I'm really ashamed thinking about it now.
Anyway, I can't think of a reason why others would back up his lies. Finding out Sam doesn't exist seems like a reason to cut ties with Soren and not a reason to help him.
No. 106116
>>106092>>106076>>106074Jesus Christ. This was not necessary at all.
It's been said over and over that no good will come out of any sort of interaction with Soren, even if you're notifying other people of his new blog (anyone who needs to know is probably in on it, or aware).
You fucks can't just sit and watch, can you?
No. 106123
>>106099i agree! nice dubs by the way. king is excellent and admttedly not the best comparison, but i like him so he came to mind
i am just pondering what someone like soren would have done without a community to foster and egg on his fuckery. would he have gone on to do worse things or would he have channeled his proclivity for making up things elsewhere
No. 106130
>>106092Pretty fucking ironic that this person's blog is filled with the same type of shit as Soren's.
I've become deeply sickened by and jaded to this whole "tragically beautiful abused child" aesthetic. Anyone who's involved in it deserves scrutiny.
No. 106142
>>106141Ok, but it's an obvious tumblr aesthetic thing too
It's one thing to try and cope and another to be the edgy pastel grunge blogger
No. 106144
File: 1458080528438.jpg (20.28 KB, 640x198, spersonal1.jpg)

No. 106146
>>106141babydrool pls go and stay go
Keep your "coping mechanism" far the fuck away, it's nasty as fuck, can fuck other CSA survivors' shit up, and enables people like Soren.
No. 106154
File: 1458081076836.png (8.19 KB, 552x254, dollly.png)

>>106150Yeah, this is the ask. Anyone can see his blog on their dashboard if they go to I don't follow him and I can still see it.
>>106152Seconded. It sheds a bad light on CSA survivors.
No. 106192
>>106153im not babydrool?? nice try though pal
yes, you have a few valid points. yes she has a gross url.
but i never said it was alright to romanticise child abuse in general. i said she could romanticise HER OWN life experiences because it's easier for the mind to view a traumatic event through that lens than see its actual magnitude.
No. 106237
>>106234I that a lot of people can sympathize with the idea that "he can't just keep doing it, and get away with it." But there's literally nothing good that came out of your post, he's not going to magically seek help that he's already not getting. He's not going to apologize, just lay low. And I'm sure some of the people who were deeply devoted to him, will not care and just keep believing him as they have done thus far.
You made it to get attention, it's obvious.
I don't think I'll be the only person who agrees with you, and is pleasantly surprised that you came here to "say sorry". But it's still obvious as to why you created the post in the first place - for attention. You don't - have - to do anything, you wanted to.
You answered an ask about the thread, saying you didn't care about people talking about you in here. Good.
Get the fuck out of the thread, and stay out.
No. 106251
>>106246You could've listened to people in thread who said repeatedly not to let him know, it doesn't matter if it was for attention or not
Why rush to make a call out post when you could've talked to people instead of waiting for real receipts
Not to mention the questionable url and aesthetic
No. 106261
File: 1458098187361.jpg (9.25 KB, 667x182, lmao.jpg)

No. 106305
>>106272It's probably boring as hell.
Someone actually does need to report him to someone
No. 106317
>>106315I'm from the UK, so I'm not sure either. It does need to be flagged up though, for sure. I mean, I'm against anons getting involved in shit like Ember pretending to be anorexic and reporting her to hospitals that really don't give a shit, but this is actually a matter of someone watching/writing/fantasising about CP and murder.
Is he American?
No. 106330
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No. 106340
>>106330i smell bullshit. one minute he's a socially inept, delicate flower bogged drown with trauma, the next's he's a dealer & a smackhead.
>>106339i think you can report cp anywhere in the world on the iwf website? No. 106359
>>106355Can you prove without a doubt that he is in possession of CP, or refer the authorities to his stash?
Don't make a frivolous report just because something grosses you out.
I'm pretty sick of oft-hypocritical Tumblrinas like fucking babydrool and moralfags who want to call the authorities on everything (remember when someone called a suicide hotline on PT, and then later tried to rat her out for molesting a kid based on what two British trolls claimed?) trying to ruin everything for the sake of their own moral compass. Sometimes, people on the internet are absolutely disgusting and abhorrent, and you are powerless to ever truly stop them. Deal with it.
No. 106372
>>105577That's actually a common theme I've come across with CSA survivors online/IRL/in true crime stories before. They have some elaborate story about being a victim of gang rape by hobos/people trafficking/pedophile ring conspiracy/satanic cult/government brainwashing experiment/ect and then it turns out they just got molested by their step-dad and that's it.
It's almost always for sympathy, maybe sympathy they felt they never got as a child, which is why they go so overboard, no one paid attention when they just got touched up like too many other people go through but there'll sure be attention when they hear the Hostel fanfictions.
Plus if you actually went through anything like that you wouldn't want to tell anyone about it never mind be pretty much boasting about it perpetually.
No. 106494
File: 1458168269857.png (142.03 KB, 573x572, Untitled.png)

>>106491My bad! Actually, in the tags of one reblog, he DID essentially confirm that his relationship with Gerard has gone to shit.
No. 106496
>>106411>>106443>>106448Actually, stealing someone else's story and using it as his own isn't the worst part.
Considering the speculations in this thread, knowing he might get off on hearing about kids being abused is truly terrifying. Apparently that wasn't clear enough in my first post.
And most teenagers wouldn't even think twice about sharing intimate details with another teenager if they trusted them.
No. 106500
>>101679This is unrelated to any of the shit going on right now but
Why is his neck the way it is? It looks like he's wearing a skin turtleneck
No. 106507
File: 1458169996641.jpg (309.99 KB, 1280x1258, tumblr_o1lhftQZWF1v1p4xxo1_128…)

btw here's that selfie he deleted. just because.
No. 106520
File: 1458171042018.jpg (77.31 KB, 768x1024, image.jpg)

So babyshit's blog seems to have vanished?
(Ignore my tabs, I'm too lazy to crop)
No. 106567
File: 1458180957509.png (62.9 KB, 667x872, Unbenannt.png)

No. 106568
>>106565I remember finding her Tumblr when she was bratpills before I heard about all this Soren stuff & I've always found her irritating as fuck. She tries so hard to come across as this hard-arse druggy with an alcohol problem, it seems prevalent in all these ~carebear/honey/benzos&smack/MCR~ type blogs to emulate the worst aspects of idk fucking Gerard Way and Bert McCracken (sp?) circa 2004. It wasn't particularly interesting when shmegeh was doing it and it's cringey as fuck now.
>>106567Lol she is so whiny and overdramatic.
No. 106572
>>106570Oh but don't you get it? The dead boyfriend narrative adds to the drama of her tragic back-story; how else will she vaguepost and wallow in misery spurred on by followers without it?~
No. 106577
File: 1458181912055.png (32.67 KB, 540x126, Screen Shot 2016-03-17 at 12.5…)

honeybottledrip sent an ask to babydrool/cherrybath. just being a dramatic attention seeking liar
No. 106591
>>106573She lies anyways… "they" (him) posted on his old account to say shit like "Thanks for all the support" and shit like that.
She doesn't need to reflect on anything, als long as they both keep being in this wheel of lies.
At least he seems to stop bawling about his CSA lies at least for now… it seems like drugs are cooler. ;O
No. 106619
>>106615It is but it's not like he doesn't deserve it, especially since you've thought about it too.
Even though that'll be nothing compared to what he's done to others, it'd be great to give him a slither of a taste of his own medicine! I just wish my conscience was nonexistent when it comes to him.
No. 106683
File: 1458217984511.png (19.6 KB, 555x351, guvking awful.png)

>>106674He was still living with his parents so he could have easily just sent it himself. I think that's why Zero still think he's dead, she saw his hair as proof.
Oh, and Zero posted this.
No. 106690
>>106686I meant this post
>>105320 too.
But I'm not sure what is going on, since the anon talked with Sam I don't pay too much attention to this thread. Soren it's a lost cause. Even after people called him out and all his stories were debunked, he is still with the same thing. And it's sad seeing other people sad because they really think he's dead, or maybe Zero knows it all and she just follow his lies.
No. 106706
Btw. did she delete the answered asks? I only see her this ranting
>>106683 , but
>>106567 seems gone. Dunno why she deleted it, if she's so sure, that it's true?
No. 106736
File: 1458233309085.jpg (49.47 KB, 310x459, Kierkegaard.jpg)

Completely unrelated, but the name the name Soren always makes me think of Soeren Kierkegaard. Kind of funny that it’s a nordic name and Soren looks… well everything but nordic. And it’s either Søren, Soeren or Sören, what is Soren even supposed to be..
No. 106747
>>106736Soren (and all variations of it) is a great name. This abominable fucker doesn't deserve it.
Also OT but Kierkegaard gives me so many feels. I want to climb up into a tree during the summer afternoon and read his philosophy.
No. 106758
>>106750i should add:
>1:52 he starts doing fucking push ups on the bed>2:50 "yeah i was kidnapped and abused by sams father. and it was a sexual thing, but i-i thought it was for love. i think everything is for love">3:23 "i'm trying. like i want to kill myself all the fucking time but i'm trying. and i think i'm filthy and i don't know myself, but i want to think i'm clean.">5:10 calls gerard his "bestest friend" and says that he "adores him">7:00 says his biggest fear is men while slurping soda. "men. i'm very scared of men. VERY scared."he mumbles so much though jfc. this video might be important later, especially the part where he talks about being kidnapped so i saved it
No. 106775
>>106760i'm pretty sure soren's transition is the only thing he's actually not lying about. on a lot of his earlier posts on his mcr blog, he refers to himself as a girl and a lesbian and refers himself as "ciel" instead of soren doubt his mom was the secretly prescribing him testosterone & such, though. that doesn't sound like something she'd be able to do as a PA.
also weird that the post mentions how losing sam made him feel like getting his head dunked underwater and having fingernails ripped off, when those were details from the trauma narrative? it makes me wonder how long he was sitting on the fake story before he started claiming it as his lived experience
No. 106790
>>106785that would explain why he says he "identifies as cis" in his answering questions youtube video, which is… kind of a ridiculous thing for a transgender person to say tbqh.
i go through jem's soren tag a lot because she's the only person in his posse who seems to actually be in close proximity to him irl & has been for a long time, and she has talked about soren's dad. one of the posts tagged with his name also includes something about how his dad used to call him "scooby" or something. i don't know what the current situation with him is, though––like if he's dead or negligent or an absentee. whatever, the case, i doubt they're close
No. 106792
>>106790Has anyone actually met him/his family irl? (Other than the real sam )?
Or is it all implications and such? It is common in some groups of Internet friends to indirectly claim having met/talked to family members - when they haven't really and are only going off the deceit of the fabricator (who may even be pretending to be their own parents)
Sorry if this jem is a confirmed irl friend and I'm just missing deets
Whatever the case, I doubt either of his parents are actually all that involved. If real Sam's family have really gotten a lawyer involved over all this shit, you'd imagine his parents would be more restricting about Internet access
Perhaps they seem him as a lost cause idk
No. 106794
>>106785I think nothing ever happened to him. He’s just bored and perverted. I’m the anon who admitted to having made up stories in my teens as well. I also pretended to be a boy. I have never been abused or anything, my parents are great. I think only people who haven’t experienced actual abuse can get into pretending to have been abused because they don’t know the true horror or the shame. The moment something really bad happened to me I dropped this shit.
Today’s internet culture makes kids believe they have to have a troubled past to be accepted by their peers. And if your life is perfect you better get creative.
No. 106795
File: 1458245187318.png (355.69 KB, 359x640, soren.PNG)

>>106790yeah, jem's a confirmed irl friend. here are some old pictures of them together from soren's deactivated blog
No. 106797
>>106794But why would he carve "Fuckmeet" into his butchered arm, when nothing ever happend to him?
I mean: Would someone without problems do that? I'm sure he made up shit, but there has to be something wrong with him at some point.
No. 106818
>>106797definitely. girls at my old high school would carve shapes and words into their arms all the time. even during class. purely for attention. they have a fine life and a healthy brain, they're just dumb attention whores.
when you're in these edgy tumblr communities and the only members are impressionable kids, this is going to happen all the time. just over a year ago a girl on tumblr admitted that she faked being transgender mtf, faked being abused and faked being another race. obviously soren's story is painfully fake, but don't be surprised if he's never been abused, is lying about the drugs, and about being ftm.
>>106817yeah he just looks like an ugly midget nerd
No. 106847
It's. A. Fakeboi. It literally looks like any other fat, short fakeboi. Especially here
>>106795I think you just don't want to accept the fact that this shit was made up by someone who has a vagina.
No. 106851
>>106824I didn't say he doesn't have a mental illness I said I don’t think something really bad happened in his past. Or at least I don't think it's likely.
He might have something mentally wrong with him - genetically. That was the case with me which is why I made up stuff because it was weird that I felt so bad even though I came from a happy background. I invented things to explain my feelings and behaviour externally.
No. 106858
>>106853It doesn't sound fake.
He has literally done nothing to prove that he's a "fakeboi".
>>106795 out of all of the outfits in this picture, the only one that's girl representative is the bottom right hand corner, forget the character but it's a girl (panty and stocking I think??? I'm pretty sure it's stocking.)
The one in the top right corner is the guy from persona, and the other pictures are just regular clothing
the one with the flower crown is the same stocking character I believe
No. 106860
>>106854I really don't get why people think something bad must have happened to someone to make up this shit. 00s RPG-forums were full of stuff like this. The only difference here is that this dude claims it's his life-story and not that of some invented character.
>>106859ok soren.
No. 106861
>>106858same anon
I guess yeah it's weird that he is cosplaying as stocking
but he doesn't do anything the tumblrinas do, in his posts he denounces them
I know there's a sample in the thread, 2lazy2scrollup but he said how stupid it was for someone to be oppressed or? w/e
No. 106865
>>106863so is he supposed to magically grow a penis??
you obviously haven't been on lolcow to know the definition of fakeboi, and are just using the term to try and feel like you're a part of the thread when you're not contributing to it
>>105364educate yourself
No. 106867
>>106854Same anon.
Also: His story isn’t even made up in the sense that any of this is his idea. I bet if someone put the effort in one could easily track back every part of his story to some 90s/00s movie like butterfly effect or books like A Child Called "It".
No. 106873
>>106870Amen to this. People are getting too caught up on what's between this kid's legs.
He's a lying POS regardless.
No. 106881
>>106869I'm pretty sure it's mostly modified ripp offs. Like really small parts from different stories. Autobiographies, movies, mangas, other online-friends stories..
I wasn't shocked by his story because a lot of it sounds familiar. It's like he mashed up the worst parts of several books and movies. It’s a collage.
>>106876He does and I bet he’s fueling the „something bad must have happened to him“-interpretation It’s the only exit for him. Saying „Im sorry guys, I lied but I really was raped it just wasn’t like this… but I felt like my problems weren’t bad enough so I invented stuff. I’m SO traumatized.“ I bet a lot of people would still have sympathy for him, especially if he added some fancy mental illness into the mix. Like what tumblrina would be angry with a ftm rape-victim?
No. 106883
he changed his url AGAIN lmfao password protected gorephile as well
No. 106886
>>106865Oh my god.
Alternately, you're an angry tranny because I've been around since staminarose tanked. It has a vagina, it's an attention seeker, it's a fakeboi.
No. 106901
>>106883he changed it back again within a few minutes
this guy is definitely watching this thread like a hawk
No. 106904
>>106899Sorry, he has literally nothing to offer. I guess he needs to come up with a nice lie to hide his ass.
He RTs some shit, but only tags it with #doll or #little bug
Oi, Soren.
I'm bored! Give us something. You want the attention? Do something for it, fuckboi.
No. 107037
>>106972if it was Sam Clementine (the real Sam), then maybe Soren tried to contact her after found her again in this thread
if it was Sam with the Ginger pictures, then maybe Soren is making a progress. or maybe not and he is going to create another story
No. 107038
>>107037The real Sam Clementine is still around, the fake profile is gone.
How can anyone still deny that he's guilty? He deletes selfies, accounts etc. pp. because he reads all this shit…
No. 107272
>>106863The rare amount of people that are from chan boards get confused because tumblrtards make sure to properly gender it according to its delusions.
Soren is incredibly ugly. Has no one pointed out pedos do have some standards and he would not be this great CP star, a "favorite" because of his "shy nature" or whatever. He would have been sent straight to the snuff film department.
No. 107274
>>107258Yeah, a lot of shit in his story makes absolutely no sense. He says he got to go home afterwards, every day, which is fucking idiotic. They wouldn't let him leave if he were really a part of one of these rings. You don't get to go home.
They should've died from a lot of these injuries, or even just from shock, at a lot of points. I think at one point one of them got literally fucked with a knife or something? You don't just live through that without medical attention.
And I had thought about that, why they were kept alive… I suppose because they were the "stars", but wouldn't that just make something involving their death more valuable?
No. 107286
File: 1458358893516.png (39.02 KB, 521x613, shyfawn.png)

I was looking at the blog of someone who has nothing to do with Soren and saw this. Worst part is it has 500+ notes and comments like "This is the most beautiful thing I've ever read" and "I love this". Ugh.
No. 107342
File: 1458389899378.png (39.08 KB, 850x473, Unbenannt.png)

I hope he means "Bye" like in "I'm so ashamed of myself and everybody found out so I'm going to leave tumblr and stop my behaviour." - BUT I guess he either wants someone to kiss his ass like "Bby pwease donT Goooo! Ily <3" or simply has a new tumblr.
No. 107377
>>107376He's just so
No. 107386
>>107384This. Stop this shit. If you want to compile info on him, make your own text file, drop it on pastebin, save it on a USB, post it on a password-protected blog only a select few can have the password to and fucking post it here for extra safekeeping if you want.
Nothing can be gained from this. He'll just get angry messages, delete his blog, and then crop up again in a while under a new name and identity, maybe even a brand new story. We'll be the ones losing out because not only will these "callout posts" be rendered useless once the "person" is gone, we'll have to search for him all over again.
He did it with the MCR shit. Everyone thought he was done after saying someone committed suicide and getting called out on it, but he just reappeared a few years later with an even more fucked up tale.
No. 107391
>>107390>i don't think the person who did it even goes here.Bullshit. Pretty much all of their evidence is taken directly from this thread, including screencaps, that conversation with the real Sam, etc.
If you're reading this, fucking stop.
No. 107392
File: 1458405058514.png (20.93 KB, 691x333, shady.png)

>>107382A blank blog with a bunch of random letters for a url reblogged that post and added this…This reeks of Soren.
Also, I don't like people calling him out publicly either but I'm kinda glad that people are realizing that he's a liar. (I didn't create that blog, either, god no.)
No. 107394
File: 1458405287821.png (26.97 KB, 552x474, yallllll.png)

>>107392My bad for double posting, but I just looked at Zero's blog and saw this…You think she's catching on? Maybe she realizes that she can't keep covering for him.
No. 107404
File: 1458407941748.png (19.26 KB, 551x378, fenriir.png)

Fenriir who used to post in the hurtc0re tag constantly got this ask. Lol @ "tried to talk to him through my ouija board".
I didn't send that ask but whoever did, don't. It seems like all of Soren's friends are getting asks like this and it's just gonna make him run away. Lay off.
No. 107413
>>107404"You need to find something better to do then stalk someone on the internet"
No. 107443
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No. 107454
>>107450I'm not sure about that. She's really attention grabbing - I'm not denying that - but maybe he is a piece of shit, lied to her and she was way too naiv to believe it (she's only 16, I guess?).
Maybe she got manipulated and maybe she lied because she didn't want to believe… at least she is done with his shit.
No. 107459
>>101680>>107454Yeah her first post seems very dismissive - she wasn't grabbing for it outright, if she was she'd of made a massive fuss of "OH WOW HE LIED WHAT A DIRTBAG HOW DO I COPE" but she simply said it was all over and done with, swept it under the rug.
She only attention grabbed when she was pressed and then passed the attention on to someone else imo.
Like she's 16? at 16 I believed pretty much everything someone I thought was a friend said over the internet. My mindset was they're my friends, why would they lie to me? I only developed a bullshit meter when I started uni.
No. 107476
>>107475And he reblogged something from Jem's blog. I wonder if they know about him lying.
Also, I can't believe that Zero didn't make a big stink about Soren lying. She was friends with Soren for like, two years iirc? Like, oh yeah, the love of my life (she called him that before) lied to me about everything lol it's cool!
The whole situation reeks.
No. 107562
>>107476Some people just go numb in regards to big events like that and don't realize what happened and freak out over it until later. Speaking from experience. But that's if she's not lying.
>>107391They're not going to. Tumblrinas write call out posts for fucking anything, thinking it helps people somehow. They don't understand how to not start a big shitfest over it or that it just causes people to lay low for a while and continue doing what they were doing before.
No. 107578
>>107565Wat te heck ??
Why can't we post wat we want 2 u doodle noodle
No. 107588
A user requested that a post they made be removed, despite the info page and delete form pop-up saying we don't delete posts after 30 minutes from post time.
Unfortunately, the post was still inadvertently deleted. I've re-posted it here:
I've been following this thread recently, and I don't know what to think anymore.
I'm tumblr user stomacheaches (the one Zero reblogged from), and honestly thanks to everyone for shedding light on this situation.
I think I've known something was off for a while now, but I don't have the skills to investigate this type of matter, and when I did try to I felt guilty because I knew this mess wasn't my business.
I don't regret posting what I did, because some people really have been treating Zero badly, but I do feel remorse (?) for having believed this lie, even if the part of me that did was fractional.
I guess what I'm saying is, as previously stated, thanks to you all for investigating the reality others considered to be unimportant or untrue. But I hope that you don't take this out on the people who fell for it, considering that many of us are young and naïve.
My wish is that the people who've been involved, humiliated, deceived and exploited receive just treatment. I hope that if Soren will not admit what he's done, he'll at least learn from it.
No. 107591
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No. 107597
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>>107591there's a pretty big difference between a ~lie on the internet~ (ie saying you have a bf when you don't, making up a different name for yourself) and deliberately manipulating everyone around you–including people with good intentions and minors–with falsehoods.
Not to mention stealing people's identities and images and faking your death aren't particularly innocuous either.
No. 107603
>>107571people actually still type like this?
on purpose?
No. 107606
>>107591Yeah totally, Soren. Because you /just/ made up a silly lil story on the internet and totally didn't stalk a girl and drag her family's name through the mud with your sick gore fantasies!
Damn, he pisses me off so much but I'm glad Zero knows now.
No. 107639
>>107571What a fucking idiot. This is embarrassing as hell.
>im extremely open about everything besides my childhood trauma, that's triggering to talk about!!So you write disgusting "poetry" text posts about it daily so your followers can like/reblog while feeding off your trauma for an aesthetic. Makes perfect sense.
No. 107668
I've read this entire thread now, and have followed this Soren shit for a while. found his mcr blog a long time ago and followed basementangel calling him out unsuccessfully. in fact, I'm one of the IP addresses he blocked, bc I had gone through several of his characters tags. that's how I know he had lolicon guro hentai on his blog. it was under one of the girls tags (Kayla I believe) and it was a scene of a girl being shot in the head. she was naked as well as another girl next to her and Soren had tagged it #favorite
the kids a pedophile. there's no doubt in my mind he's looked at CP, real or lolicon hentai, likely guro. for someone saying fetishes don't develop just because–they do lol when I was younger and looked at hentai, which I had found out about due to strangers I talked to on the Internet, guro was only one click away. I almost always accidentally found it. and Soren could have easily found it as well and developed a fetish from there. not all strange fetishes are born from trauma.
also, his CP comments are fake. I can't believe no one else is saying that, but you can tell by the way they write. look at any porn comments. they don't rewrite the scene in the comment box, Soren Photoshopped those bc he wanted us to know what was happening in the alleged video.
if anyone can find the bigger comments picture? he had multiple and most were cringe worthy with how obviously fabricated they were.
No. 107688
Has anyone posted this? first picture is honey admitting that he lied and is a dangerous person.
No. 107702
>>107668>also, his CP comments are fake. I can't believe no one else is saying that>I've read this entire threadDid you really? A couple of anons
have pointed that out. Funny enough, for the exact same reasons you noted: they're all written the same, and they describe the scene.
No. 107729
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No. 107736
Can't believe, aside from that one person that provided a link to Soren't 8tracks account that no one else has tried to dig into it. His playlist for Kayla and Anna is practically identical to one of Ginger Bronson (aka smaller)'s earliest playlists.^Soren's playlist
It seems that Ginger has deleted all of her playlists, though so, unfortunately, I can't really back this up with further evidence. Here's the link to her account anyway! No. 107763
>>107720here >>>107728>>107738Being an abuse victim myself I do follow some abuse blogs but they're ones that post stuff like vent art, relevant text/graphics, etc.
I really don't get ones like this injuredfawnprince, babydrool, and soren's blogs (prepubescent especially) that have so much disturbing graphic images and content that seems to romanticize abuse. I get that people have different methods of coping but surrounding yourself with such words and images doesn't seem healthy at all. It makes me feel ill.
No. 108906
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if zero honeybottledrip didnt know about soren's faking it, then how come she talked to his mom about him being dead, when he was never dead lol
or at the very least, talked to sorens mom at all
No. 108910
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now this is funny lol soren paraphrases a real livin' person for his fake girlfriend
No. 108923
>>108902Yeah, and this "newbie to Tumblr" juuuuust so happens to use Soren's favorite perjorative – "faggot".
Learn some subtlety before you try to white knight yourself, Soren bby.
No. 109078
>>108910I find it interesting that Soren changed the "baby boss" knuckle tattoo to "baby girl".
Fits in really well with his obvious pedophilic tendencies lmao
No. 109084
>>109083Make an Imgur album, then. Even if he sees it, so what? He's a freak and a liar, you shouldn't want to keep a relationship with him.
Don't tease, post or don't.
No. 109100
>>109098I just made a throwaway you're more than welcome to share things with if u want to get it off of your chest & talk, then we can go from there?
No. 109108
>>109101yes n so do a lot of teenagers on the internet it's not like he is the messiah of bad grammar
i never said anon had to message me off their blog or even tell me the whole story, i mean if they're really desperate for proof it's not soren then i'll link them to my actual tumblr or twitter if they rly want
i'm just nosey n not even part of this lil tumblr community
No. 109109
>>109105And for the love of god, if you've given him your address or phone number and you're underage,
tell your parents. Admit that you made a mistake, and tell them that you naively gave your address/number to someone on the internet. You're going to get in trouble, but it's a lot better for them to be prepared than dead.
If it's your address, there's not much they can do, but at least they'll know not to let your "friend" in without confirmation. If it's your phone number, they could change it.
(If you're an adult, perhaps tell a loved one so they know to look for warning signs, like not answering phone calls. Change your number if necessary.)
Be safe, anon.
No. 109126
>>109119I got what you meant and I didn't mean to nitpick I just didn't want anon to consider taking it into their own hands and keeping it to themselves if they live with their parents
Basically Anon, for the love of god TELL SOMEONE
No. 109155
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>>109132>Not Sorenconvincing
No. 109171
>>109169Good find, anon.
(For those who don't want to sign up to the site, here's his review):
Awful terrible atrocious. This is honestly, over all, one of the worst books i have ever read. It's written at the level of a 5th grader and as a former child sex trafficking victim, I find it insulting that it ended so cheeky happy because it is not like that in real life. Everything that took place was obviously written by someone who read one too many wikipedia articles and maybe watched Abduction of Eden. My mom downloaded this for me because I am currently working thru my own ptsd and all the emotions expressed were so surface level. Everything about this book was terrible and cliche. I just wanted to yell shut up at everything the main char said. "He said there were tears in my vagina….but what about the ones in my heart?" Jesus christ. It was embarassing to read.
No. 109172
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>>109169>>109171I found another, it's a review on "The Slave Across the Street"
No. 109174
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>>109171you beat me to it
just posting in case the review gets deleted
No. 109175
>>109172Who's in the pic?
Is it possible soren is lying about his age to access youth?
No. 109177
>>109175i can't find a way to enlarge the thumbnail but it doesn't look like the Soren we know. slave across the street review was on the 27/07/2015 and the diary of a sex slave was the 30/06/2015
his story was released in september, no?
No. 109183
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>>109180sorry for such a speedy reply I just zoomed in on the guy's picture and this is what I got
Is he just stealing someone else's whole story? I know he already is but this guy is indian, adopted and also transgender, but he doesn't look like Soren on here?
No. 109187
>>109183Shit, you might be into something. I mean, he doesn't write like tumblr-Soren does.
Fuck,I I hope this isn't true. That's even more fucked up, and I didn't think that was possible.
No. 109200
>>109198I can't understand him being this meticulous to cover something up that was posted BEFORE everyone went about revealing him, this was (I think) on the lead up to him posting his trauma narrative so I'm not sure he'd really have cause to hide who he is?
If it was posted now I'd understand and agree but I'm not sure if he'd use some random picture back then, especially when he even posted a selfie to gorephilic whilst pretending to be dead?
No. 109210
>>109205Nono what I'm saying is why would he even bother to hide or change it? He wasn't in a position where he had to at that point? And even then he's not exactly one for anonymity
I get that it's probably a stolen image but the comments kind of go deeper than anything I've ever seen him speaking about
No. 109211
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>>109203Yeah lmao, like I honestly don't know what these anons are barking at. This guy obviously isn't Soren and looks nothing like Soren (who is, at the very least Indian since some people wanna challenge the transgender thing, idc enough.) Every single selfie that's been posted (and verified to be Soren) looks the same, and Soren has pictures of himself with friends looking like his selfies. I don't know why anyone would argue with everything we've gathered so far.
No. 109224
>>109216Yeah but why the picture?
I just get the feeling that tard-Soren was obsessively reading up on CP related shit, saw this guy commenting and stole the name/story so he could live out this sick fantasy on the Internet…
No. 109226
>>109211I'm not saying that our Soren looks like this guy irl, I'm suggesting that maybe Soren stole the whole CP storyline from someone he saw on a review site…
Tenuous, but still.
No. 109234
>>109214I wasn't talking about the writing style I meant the picture, it's not as if he didn't want to draw attention or gain anonymity cos he used his full name.
>>109216By deeper I meant that he is bringing race & gender into it. Soren's tumblr narrative is all airy fairy "yeah i fucked loads of paedophiles and seen little girls get murdered mm courtney love!!" whereas the review brings actual genuine struggles into it? i.e. how the review is mad cause it's NOT just white cis people who are affected kinda thing
No. 109247
Does anyone know any info such as email addresses? Would be so useful.
No. 109265
>>109243It's not that deep anon. Anyone can write like that on a book review site.
Soren is a liar. And lies about every small detail.
No. 109269
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here's one thing
No. 109288
File: 1458691918632.png (1.85 MB, 1280x960, tumblr_n50xcnKerp1rkdgaeo1_r1_…)

I used to be super close with soren at one point too. He had a blog similar to fawnembryo also passworded. the url is rabbitscry. Can't figure out the password but i'm assuming it runs along the lines of the passwords chose for fawnembryo. On it were pictures of Ginger Bronson to symbolize Sam. It also had art which he had claimed to be Sam's. I once made a photo (unaware that he claimed it was hers) as my banner for my mobile tumblr theme & he lashed out at me. Later I reverse image searched it & found that it belonged to tumblr user milklace. There is another piece of art that I was unable to trace. Attached I have the photos that he claimed as Sam's art. Might be irrelevant but I mean it's something right?
No. 109289
>>109287That's a creepy thought. Maybe we're on his hit list now.
Don't kill me Soren!
No. 109306
>>109302Dude you've gotta post pictures of those letters!
I mean, what's it like talking to him on a day to day basis? Did he ever just talk about random crap, or was the whole abuse thing brought up almost all the time?
No. 109329
this goes from oldest to most recent
i omitted my name obviously
from around august 2014
i am very very so happy you wrote to me! i was so scared you would forget about me. i'm sorry i scared you, bumblebee, that makes me feel warm & happy that you would make a tag for me, it's dreamy. you're the sweetest, i'm not very good at disappearing even though i'm a ghost, isn't that strange? & the funny thing is, i don't think i'll ever be good at it, not even when im dead. it feels like a sort of house, i think sometimes the bury someone & there is many roses (windowsill) & you can't remember whether or not they liked roses, much less if they adored them or if they liked yellow carnations better of much less & anyhow, they fall asleep between walls & so when you see them next, they've got their heads hidden (cabinet) & you miss them very much from the library where you keep all the sad & the sorries, though they don't quite care, really, they've been married to the drafts in the cellar since last wednesday & anyway you've got your head to the floor, you hadn't guess that their heart hadn't left for anywhere, you hear it & you close blinds over what is painted shut, you build ballrooms for crying in & it's absolutely wonderful, imagine, whole hallways, filled with nothing. that's where i am now, it's how everything feels in this moment. i'm not sure of everything yet but it feels like i could be, i don't know how to explain it. i hope you are smiling. you are lovely forever.
love, soren
p.s here is the home of my friend. he moved away.
from around september 2014
today im in LA i woke up in a bed that is still not familiar, i felt a tightness in my throat because i dreamed of things that happened when i was kept in a place where you couldn't stand by the door because the cops might guess what was happening inside. girls were crawling on the ground i sat down & the man next to me hit one of them for touching him on accident he was coming up on a pill fast & he held me like a baby even though i was grown up & in the fourth grade. i slept next to him & i bit the inside of my mouth until it bled. then i was standing somewhere & a man came up to me he was old enough to be my grandfather he told me he loved me & that he could tell i was a good boy he said i had clear eyes, that i was, naive he said i dont know if if people appreciate you. i see god in your eyes i want to be with you i want to love you & discipline you. & you will give in & i said no sorry sir because he was not my client & daddy told me not to talk to men who were not customers like a slut. he said baby, i'm so glad i met you & then he left, people make me want to drown.
i dont know what i'm going to do today. i hope these memories go away, every day feels like a dream, always has, i forget everything, i dont know what time feels like, i see myself spinning through water & im not sad i'm just always asleep. your writing is lovely lovely i'm so happy for you about the person you love. i'm scared of being alone. thank you for sharing your words i hold them tightly they're warm & safe. here are some things for fall & they are orange to match the leaves. it's like fire, i hope you like some of them. vanilla is the best scent in the world. stay warm, honeybee. i love you.
love, soren
early december 2014
merry christmas, baby. i hope you're well & the holidays aren't too awful. remember that i love you v, v much. the world is huge & it's all gonna make sense one day, you've come such long way & deserve to be really happy! i love you!
love, soren
june-july 2015
i hope you're doing well & i hope you like at least some of these clothes! i tried to fit your purple/pink color scheme!
love, soren
imgur link bc it wouldnt let me upload for some reason No. 109332
>>109329geez, I change my mind about Soren being a bio male. This is the faux dreamy writing style of a histrionic female snowflake.
Or a really pretentious gay guy.
No. 109357
>>109329I'm not sure if anyone else finds this weird, I'm a csa victim and I minor in psychology so I feel like I might be picking up on things that don't even matter.
But it seems weird to me how intimate he tries to be with all of this friends
> i am very very so happy you wrote to me> I was so scared you would forget about me> that makes me feel warm and happy that you would make a tag for me, it's dreamy> you're the sweetestthese are literally the first few sentences, it's repetitive and extremely clingy.
then the middle of the letter is descriptive about how he feels in the moment. comparing himself to an empty house.
then at the end it's that clingy talk again
> i hope you are smiling> you are lovely foreverHow close were you guys? how long did you know him for when he was writing this to you?
He uses the term baby in a lot of his writing, which is weird because you would think he would hate that type of word if he went through so much abuse
No. 109368
It just gives me a weird vibe?
I don't want to describe it as "grooming" you know when someone tries to groom a potential vic
but in a way, thats the best way to describe the way he talks?
but idk, i think like I said, i'm just over thinking it and it's probably because I already think he's a creep
No. 109369
>>109366Thank you for the reference, anon.
I can see the similarities, but idk I guess it's just me but soren's feels more forced and weird.
I can definitely see the similarities though, she's sometimes repetitive and she thanks the person who sent the the ask, a lot. but in the 10 i read she didn't say I love you as much as he did and wasn't weird and extremely attached.
No. 109373
>>109357i remember actually he posted once about that, mentioning that that's just how he acts to strangers. the post was something like "its so funny the difference between how i talk to acquaintances and close friends, when i first talk to people i'm all "ooh angel dreamy dreamy forever warm love" and with close friends im like "WATs up U fufuck ing Meme Shit :^0000"
typical tumblr shit idk
No. 109382
>>109373(same person)
though that WAS much later in time than when those letters to anon were written. maybe it was genuine at first but then just sorta became a habit?? i know that 2 years ago i would never tell some stranger on the internet "i love you" but now its just casual and any nice message i get gets near the same exact "wow omg thank you so much i love you thats the nicest thing to say wow youre the best!!!"
No. 109384
>>109370Yeah, that's why I wanted other peoples opinions on what they thought; because sometimes being a csa victim my mind will auto jump to grooming, or they're creepy or disgusting or trying something.
I just felt a weird thing, because it's exactly how you said.
he his trying to bond the reader and make them closer.
I mean maybe he wasn't trying in the way that I was thinking, and just wanted to get closer in terms of being closer friends; its' just weird because that's not how you talk to someone you just meet - or even someone you've known for a long time. I guess idk
His writing style to the anon is very specifically formatted, like a sandwich
> nice compliment or verbiage, trying to connect them in an emotional way> trauma/depressing sad pov> nice compliment/verbiage he could write like that just because he doesn't know how to write, it just seems like it's a more formulated style, maybe he didn't think word for word on what he was going to say; but he did sort of plan it out
which I know is how you write letters, it just seems to well thought out for a friend
>>109379nooo, this only enables my weirdo vibes from him.
>>109378I personally do believe he was abused, so I can understand where your statements coming from
I'm not one of those people, and I have not met anyone who connects to their abuse in that way
to me it just seems like an edgy tumblr thing; but idk sorry, I'm not trying to discredit anyone It just doesn't seem genuine from soren.
No. 109390
lmao while we're on the topic of his writing style/trauma poetry, here's a long poem he wrote about sam in 2015-ish & the writing is gorgeous which is why i saved it but at the same time it makes me really uncomfortable because sam's so obviously made up & so heavily based on kayla day
she is frayed copper wire stimuli & dead calico kittens. sediment in the milk tea & she began to see things. bluish shadows peeking from beneath thin bedsheets. flies gathering at her hem. she bled through the three dresses he bought for her. pinwheel heart & lockjaw. rinsed clean as the bones pressing against her skin but still covered with the ghosted acres of bitemarks. she’s pieces of flesh that should have decayed over the years but instead stayed soft & alive while i beat my legs against the floorboards & waited for the ceiling to swallow me up. she saw me bleat like the sheep i should have been born as & held my hand as we went into that slaughterhouse where we were reduced to our most valuable parts & forced to watch as all the extra sinew was tossed away. he filed her eardrums with his panting & guttural wheezing, he filled up the gaps she never knew she had. she ached & fluttered between the imaginary & the unpalatable - she grew up like the kind of girl who knew how to take care of children only because she had never been one, grew up with her hands in her mouth. she was raised in locked rooms & daddy was wind & mama was the ditch she left god in, she learned early that no one saves you. here is the town where she grew up. here is the street where she split her elbow open. here is the fence her sister climbed over. here is the room where her father was. here is the door that made her mother cry. here are the sheets she ruined with her first period. here are the scissors she used to slash her hair away. here is the backyard where her dog was buried. here is the camera he filmed her with. here is the closet where the two of us hid. here is the bottle of vodka she stole. here is the rooftop where we watched the stars„ kissing until our mouths were sore. here is the couch he fucked her on. here is where the needle went. here is the car he drove away. here is the bathroom where her daughter was killed. here is tthe holw where danny said monsters lived. here is the room where her faher was. for sick girls, father is a word that feels like falling. she flinched once when i moved to touch her face & i said “i’m not going to hit you “ but she couldn’t tell the difference between the way love & pain look. she made a map of her bruises & it always lead to him, it’s like daddy daddy daddy, the thought of cherries only makes her sicker because he lifted up her sunskirt that spring day & convinced her it was summer & he picked her cherries with his mouth & turned their stems into knots with his tongue & showed off about it because that meant he was good at kissing little little girls. our darknesses have always been identical, as children we would drag all ten fingers down our faces, leave stop sign red in place of the skin the ones we first loved left us with. the doctors didn’t understand but we did. when we were a little bit older, we started to make sense of distance, learned how to walk with only our broken hearts holding us up, went looking for home like it was a pill we could swallow, found soft rot in one another & there was enough empty space to keep all we carried. i want to marry her with a star fruit, want to swim with her wearing her white dress to me, big & warm at the deep end of a rainwater filled pool with a map to the motel room that she started bleeding in, forgotten & i couldn’t stop it. strange, how i think of her like this, how she had to be my mother because i was alone, how i had to be her little prince because she was alone. pretending we were inside out, m ears already accustomed to the sound of gunshots, his strong arms suffocating her skinny frame & it goes over & over; she runs through her field while i run through mine & we touch sometimes, trade weapons, have the same heaven, same bad dreams, run towards the same thing but she is faster than me. i want to fuse our arms together, break my own bones with hopes they may softer, sweeter to hers. she is coffee breath & the accidental lip biting of a first kiss. she is is an opened box of cigarettes & the burned off fingerprints of a criminal. it is 9 pm & curled over porcelain, she lets her dinner fall out of her mouth. eyes all painted black, 90 lbs & tall as a model, with red lipstick stains, she is weak flashlights & phone sex with strangers. she’s streets without sidewalks, bloody noses & unfinished crossword puzzles. we laid together, touching fingertips in her mother’s bed while talking about water colors. water colors. wash away gray sea green soft foam white. she is slit wrists & lightheartedness. she is police reports & your guilty radio song. she is the hidden purple bruises & her eyes make me cry because they look like they were scraped from the underbelly of venus & set to sear on the fires of pluto. they look wild & arcane & untouched like the mind of a child between a mother’s fists. when we ran away we took white bedsheets to the woods behind her parent’s house & drank cough syrup, talked about the devil but didn’t move our lips. her hands were always heavy with me. the moon rose with them & she, the wolf with no mouth, did everything to drag it down. that’s what love is, she showed me how to be brave & i showed her how to break things. in the morning. there was a sky filled with nothing & i left my shirt on the branch of a tree that crashed its eyes closed in the middle of a road because i wanted her to know that i was a real boy. see through completely. love is like this, removes skin, pretends you’re a moon, i’m deep black now, her star in my empty space, i held her face. now i’m asleep too. no one can see through me but her. she is split ends & commercial breaks. she is white knuckles & free condoms. she is fistfuls of inhales & premature lust, the cum on your bottom lip. she walked through the city like a paralytic, she heard the music but couldn’t raise her arms to touch it. she never ate trust, got burned wide white open, blistered, was bleeding. all those songs that sounded slow reminded me of us. she tried to hold & comfort me with her hands tied behind her back. she is the duct tape scars of a kidnapping victim. she said ‘don’t ever feel ashamed of the fire inside you, don’t ever wish you could drown it out’ “too much crying” they said “too crazy, too lost but the smoke floats soft around, the flames are loud & i love her sound. in spite of all the horrors we shared, her arms will never be anything other than home to me. she is the princess of my world, has been for eight years, my knees are still bloody from falling for her. i love that we could exist on the same planet together. she is my angel forever, my favorite kind of flower, our hearts will always be the same color & i hope that one day she will have enough of all i have left to make a bouquet, find a casket, close her eyes, allow the color of them to go back to sea & remember that we did not, can not & never will have a happy ending.
No. 109392
>>109382I tell people I love them too, so I get where you're coming from.
I guess I feel weird about it also, because it doesn't feel genuine.
In the same sentence he's praising you, he also makes sure to talk about himself, even though you are supposed to be the matter of attention.
> I was so scared you would forget about me> that makes me feel warm and happy that you would make a tag for me, it's dreamyhe thanks you for not forgetting him, and a few sentences later describes himself as an empty dead house. It's like saying "Oh, I can't believe you remembered me! Even though I'm so dead and sad, and no one else likes me - but you do!"
He tries to make a connection with you, "I'm sad" of course when a friend says they're sad, the normal reaction is to try and cheer them up. "No one likes me but you do" in that way he gives you an affirmative action, in just that one sentence you are made important to him.
I'm sure he's said these things to other people. It just doesn't feel genuine and it seems repetitive because he's probably vomited it out to others. I think that's another reason why I find it creepy.
Yeah, you could say he's saying it just to be nice to you, but if that were true then why does he try so hard?
When you meet someone you don't like, usually you're not trying to get them to like you so much.
It's different from him wanting you to be jealous of him, or him just being nice to you at face value to try and not get closer. He's not being short in the letters, he's trying to establish a connection.
No. 109403
>>109399>>109402Honest question, shouldn't posts like
>>104694 get removed if he was under 18 at the time?
No. 109418
>>109412Okay but did you
have to link her in a thread about a lying sack of shit that gets a lot of traffic? It's obvious it's the same person.
No. 109462
File: 1458708873530.jpeg (174.27 KB, 640x1045, image.jpeg)

I saw this persons url in Gingers thread and noticed that a picture was the same. They reblogged it from Soren and this blog was hashtagged/tagged in the fallout blog of Ginger. It's also weird that they have "Bambi" as their tumblr name.
I could just be trying to connect things that aren't even suspicious but it's something regardless.
No. 109467
>>109250How do you get Tumblr passwords? I'd like to know so I can protect myself.
You don't have to mention it ITT if Soren is watching.
No. 109472
>>109300Probably block them so you get a YouTube video of horses humping eachother when you try to visit his newest blog.
Soren's an idiot, so there's nothing much to be afraid of.
No. 109511
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>>109509Someone would have to confirm with the owner of that blog, because I could be completely wrong and that person could have just been tagging shyfawn for him to see.
No. 109559
>>109555>>109556I've heard through the grapevine that he had a blog before fawnsyndrome but, to my knowledge it was just a kingdom hearts blog and I think it got deleted when shyfawn got deleted. Or, at least, he heavily implied (or maybe full-out said; I can't remember) that it got deleted along with shyfawn. However, if Sam also was running the blog (since side blogs can have multiple moderators), it doesn't make sense that it would have been deleted because I know for a fact that when Sam was child-gore she and Soren ran giirlmeat and that's still up because, although his original primary blog (shyfawn) was deleted, Sam's was still up and running. Apparently tumblr tried to delete Sam's blog for blatant gore and whatever but Soren contacted him and explained that Sam "died" and I guess he probably said that it was "all he had left of her" or some phony shit like that. I remember he once posted a picture of what all his sideblogs were. The ones I remember: angeldentium (deleted now, it was private before), fawnembryo (the one with all the pictures of Ginger Bronson, password is courtneylove), petalcoma (he seemed to be saving this url since he only used it once to show his friend something, now deleted), there was one other one that I can't remember the name of (there was not any posts or reblogs on it but it is clearly Soren's blog, one of his friends tagged him as that blog once) and I will post a link as soon as I can remember the name of it.
Anyway, anon, the kingdom hearts blog is PROBABLY deleted but maybe someone remembers the URL?
No. 109579
>>109576correct me if i'm wrong, but i think "cloud mouth" was the title kayla day was using on her bedbones blog at one point
this is a selfie of what she apparently looked like- think this blog is supposed to be for dallas, his "ex girlfriend". but the archive only goes back like 2 months in 2015, so it's likely another sock puppet.
he dated a "cheyenne" as well. wonder if she was real person or just another accessory to his story?
No. 109619
hey i used to follow soren for a while and i remember he posted a screenshot of this webpage and tagged it as "anna" (one of the girls he talks about in his trauma narrative and says he was "friends" with). unfortunately i dont have any proof of him posting it though because at the time i just assumed his stories were true…but anyway from what i can tell this is a real missing child and soren used them as part of his sick disgusting lies. he is an evil kid.
No. 109625
>>109619Yeah, it's in the archive: (scroll down)
You can't see tags, of course.
Also, don't click the posted date or notes. Apparently hurtc0re is now just a video of someone screaming with an cartoon picture in the background. (That, or someone was right about Soren collecting IPs to redirect us if we visited his blog.)
No. 109631
>>109619Yeah, I remember him posting the picture on the bottom left multiple times.
Which leads me to question when this supposed child porn ring started? It says she went missing in 2003 and Soren got brought into it in 2009, I think? Did this just go on for 9 years without anybody noticing?
He is such a liar, ugh.
No. 109681
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OT I know, but every time I read Soren's name I think of Soreen loaf and I get all kinda of hungry
No. 109684
>>109579saging for not contributing but that blog is really fucking disgusting
as are basically most of the blogs i've looked at in regards to this thread. just makes me disappointed
No. 109719
I've been trying to get Soren exposed for about two years now and I'm so relieved it's finally happening. He's twisted and seriously dangerous. I've followed him ever since he was shyfawn (way back when), which means I was able to notice pretty easily when he changed parts of his story, or reinvented certain characters/events. His "trauma narrative" as it is now is utterly unrecognisable from what it was originally. As it happens, I'm pretty sure I know what actually happened. When I first started trying to get him exposed, I found a personal blog that he'd started when he was about eleven or twelve. He's since deleted it, but in it he mentions about being molested once when he was younger - and seems genuine about it. That's about the only element of his story which has remained consistent. I think this actually happened, and was the starting event which led him to fixate on csa and build an entire elaborate narrative surrounding it. It's hard to tell whether it's all a deliberate lie or whether he actually has come to believe his own story, but either it's clear he's severely mentally ill and needs help.
Also, he actually has several private blogs on tumblr, including the sharkembryo one. When I started investigating him I built up a "friendship" by sending him supportive messages, and eventually coaxed him into giving me the urls/passwords of the blogs. There are about six of them, all in the same vein - pics of Ginger Bronson from her skinny blonde period and various pieces of stolen art that "Sam" supposedly created (most of them taken from this page: To me the scariest part of all this isn't the made-up narrative, it's the way he manipulates people around him. He preys on vulnerable teenagers like Zero and Jem and lies to them to gain their trust, then emotionally abuses them (tricking them into thinking he's dead then laughing in their faces, etc). I also strongly suspect that this whole deception is there to cover up the fact that he's actually a pedophile (hence why he hangs out solely with people younger than him) and this gives him an "acceptable" way to express his liking for guro/child porn. Someone should report him before he causes any more damage than he already has - although knowing him, Soren Hayes probably isn't even his real name, so getting the police involved would be pretty difficult.
No. 109723
>>109443i personally think if someone was sexually assaulted or abused as well as feeling unloved by family, especially those close to them then they would probably become attached, extremely dependant or cling onto people fairly quickly. more so if that person shows that they care, are concerned or are there about said person.
it's possible it could be connected to some kind of mental illness or maybe even an attachment disorder. that could go both ways and even if they get clingy or extremely lovey dovey, very quickly to someone or a lot of people they might not be able to keep up that relationship for a long time due to either not believing they genuinely care or mean it.
they could either have RAD (reactive attachment disorder) or they could just have a attachment, or rather a abandonment disorder.
this is just my opinion though.
No. 109726
>>109724>>109719We really cannot jump the gun with this.
We can't just say he's abusing minors and have no proof of it.
I certainly hope he's not hurting anyone, but we really just don't know if he has, hasn't, or planned to. We cannot say.
We would need definitive proof other than hearsay, because if authorities were contacted and they were to investigate it might lead to nothing and then I'm not really sure what would happen
No. 109730
>>109726Even if he has CP he can be charged, remember that dude who bragged about his USB of loli waifus and got sent to jail?
Also, people who are abused can still abuse children
A fair amount of abusers say they were abused as children
No. 109737
>>109734I'm not trying to white knight but
>He KNEW the file name of an ACTUAL CP video. Of hurt core CP no less which is what his stupid fucking url wasHow do you know this unless you also looked at the CP? He could just have made some fake screenshots since everything about his story is fake.
I think it's possible that he does look at CP, considering his creepy obsession with child abuse, but I'd like to see proof
No. 109744
>>109730I didn't say he wouldn't abuse anyone, I know it's a cycle. I know that it's not impossible.
I'm saying to make the claims > he's a pedophile and has been stalking people and abusing minors
Is slightly outlandish, because we don't have any proof that he's been abusing minors.
If someone was to report him for cp/possible cp on his computer yeah, that's one thing.
But it's a different thing to claim that he's a pedophile or abusive to minors, when there's no proof and it's a claim.
No. 109745
>>109724i should have clarified that i wasn't talking about him in this post
>>109723. i was just generally talking about my opinion on the way people that have suffered some forms of abuse as well as feeling unloved or unwanted could possibly act, like OP was asking.
No. 109759
>>109744I'm not accusing you of saying anything or defending him dw
Btw having CP on your computer is abusing minors
No. 109772
>>109765no op deleted the post idk why maybe it's bc they were lying but they said Soren sent someone hate posing as sirens dad
then I replied with my post
No. 109886
>>109883I just wanted to say thanks for reaching out, even if you collaborated some of these things with him, it says a lot that you actually came to when you looked at all of the evidence.
I went to ask this but you didn't have anon ask on: how did you get so wrapped up into this? How much of the details did you believe like, did you believe everything he told you or did you just trust him enough to suspend disbelief?
No. 109923
>>109910Gee posted earlier directing us to a blog where anons could ask him questions while he takes time to work through things and figure it out.
He's been talking to us on here and answering questions but deleted his post because he doesn't want Soren to lurk it out/to be bothered by people in the past about things
No. 109925
>>109900>>109923he said he wasn't able to open his anon option due to Internet issues but if he's got that resolved and it's open then forget about sending them to me.
I know he's been talking on here, I've been talking to him regularly since last night, it's why I offered to let people send me anons so I could forward to them while his internet was being shitty
No. 109970
>>109965im sure they'll come and defend themselves but like i said it does seem a little too good to be true. im not sure if I'm getting my doubty feelings from gee~,the anon, or both but
shrugs we can't get caught up in everything either way. i just wouldn't want to see any work go to waste.
No. 110077
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Gerard just posted this
No. 110079
>>110077I get where's he coming from, but jesus christ. How is all of this speculation? We have photo evidence of his story contradicting itself and the real Sam straight up said that he was lying.
How can you still think he was being a good friend when you know he was lying to you about everything…?
No. 110156
>>110079>>110115I understand you're both upset and can't fathom his thinking right now but can you imagine, you have someone who is one of your closest friends, if not your best friend. They were there for you through your darkest moments, when you felt the most alone and even possibly when everyone else left, Soren could've been the only person there for Gee and then, that one person that means the most to you, that has always been there through the good, the bad. the beautiful, the ugly, literally everything, especially in a crucial part of your life when you're growing up, trying to find out who you are as a person and possibly being rejected by everyone else because of that but him. Then you believe that that person has died, even if you know deep down that they're lying, it's bound to be hard to let go of all of the times he was there at your worst. It's going to be hard to just turn your back and believe others more because remember, Soren has been there the most (possibly) in his life.
I personally can sympathise and understand why that's his first reaction because when everyone else leaves and one person is left and they're always there, proving that they won't leave. It's hard! I haven't gone through this situation but I've been alone with only one person proving they care, being there and even though they hurt me in several unimaginable ways, I couldn't just turn my back on them just like that either.
He needs time, he needs to collect his thoughts and process this in a way that he can, safely! This could feel almost like a real grieving process for him and the first step is always denial so please try and understand that and not be harsh.
Gee, take as long as you want and handle this all the best way you know how to.
No. 110214
>>110179Nope, nothing.
Not sure why he'd come here and give us nothing.
No. 110405
>>110273I shouldn't have either, but Soren definitely should have. The fact that his rape story lacks any urinating and scat is very telling of how fake it is. (He describes how girls were cut apart, and yet he was never urinated on? Yeah right.)
I mean, we all know it's fake, but that's just one more detail.
No. 110486
File: 1458914487490.png (126.14 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Proof that the anon is Gee
No. 110528
>>110405I don't recall Soren's trauma narrative mentioning either of these activities as part of his abuse, but the so called "hidden Wiki/Tor" page mentioned Bambi being made to crawl inside a dead girls' corpse and she was subsequently "pissed and cummed on".
Not that that makes it true (it's not), but it was there.
No. 110726
>>110722One of Soren's closest friends.
>>110721Goddamn, the hysterics. He can easily just log off Tumblr and ignore it, ffs.
>>110512I really doubt he was going to say anything, anyways.
No. 110730
If he didn't talk about it on day one or two, it was obvious nothing was going to be discussed.
I don't think he had anything to contribute anyways, if anything it would have probably been slight differences to Soren's story that countered to what Soren wrote
No. 110787
Hello there, I've come across some very alarming claims made by a student that is said to attend Nathan Hale High School. You are on the staff emails for counselor, so I thought you would be the best person to contact with this information.
A student that supposedly attend there named Soren Daniel Hayes has posted a very graphic story online. This story involves various forms of child abuse that I do not want to describe.
He has become 'popular' online for these claims, many people have concerns that they are false and are also worried about this person and his mental health.
The story he posted is here:, many people who have come across this are very worried for this person and want to make sure he's safe and that these horrible claims are properly investigated.
I hope this email isn't intrusive but no one seems to be able to find this person's family to contact them with these allegations.
Thank you for your time.
That's what the email said. i only linked his story post and not the thread, I tried to sound idk, 'professional'. someone said earlier that his facebook listed him at that school, even so shouldnt a school counselor be legally obligated to do something? Every teacher i've ever known was.
No. 110791
>>110789I see, that's old news then.
The way you wrote
>>110771 made it sound like she was doing something currently, like an update. Thanks for explaining
No. 110794
>>110787Other than this e-mail being horribly written - sorry anon, that maybe why it got dismissed. The counselors might not be good.
I had a shit counselor in highschool, when I told her what was going on in my life she invited my abuser to school so we could sit in a room and talk about it.
School counselors are just that - school based. They help you get into a good college, tell you what classes to take, give you a map of your future (sort of). But they do not do therapy related things, they are not for that.
Of course, a claim this serious would be investigated, if he did go to school. I'm sure they would pull him out of class and have his parents meet them, but your e-mail is all over the place and sounds kind of fake tbh.
No. 110843
>>110790>>110794It's really not that badly written guys… Sure, it's not perfect, but at least anon did more than you fuckwits did.
It mentioned child abuse, so if someone actually reads the email I'm sure something will come about from it. Even if we don't hear about it (I'm sure reporting back to an Internet stranger isn't the first thing on their list of things to do).
No. 110933
>>110843Don't make excuses, it's terribly written.
Newfags always want to go out of their way to get people in real life involved, and you can't even do it right.
No. 110934
>>110829How are you going to try and come back into this thread, after swearing up and down about it?
> Fuck you all and your shitty investigation. I’m the one who lost everything.
> Not to mention I don’t fucking know any of you people. This is my ACTUAL LIFE ITS NOT JUST SOME INTERNET BULLSHIT I CAN LAUGH AT OR BE DISGUSTED BY AND LOG OFF FROM. I think it’s fair to say I need time, fuck off.Get the fuck out of the thread.
No. 110951
>>110948There's no room for whiny crybabys on lolcow.
This is not PULL, we are not a community who eats each others assholes.
No. 110954
>>110952are you retarded, we already know the truth
It's not like soren went and spoke to gee.
He spoke to hbd, if there's anyone who we would want information from it would be hbd
No. 111119
File: 1459038863416.jpg (61.75 KB, 377x490, soren.jpg)

Here's a picture of Soren and his sister with their parents? Grandparents? From 2010/2011ish. Pretty sure they are really adopted.
Soren's sister's name is Anjali Hayes and I believe another relative of his is Marley McSweeney. They're both on facebook, if anyone wants to try messaging them.
No. 111131
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>>111119He mentioned an adopted sister (she looks pretty tbh)
No. 111132
>>111119Marley is their mom. I don't know if it's still there but if you go on Soren's facebook and scroll back to like 2010, he calls her 'mom' a few times.
If the real Sam got lawyers involved, she probably already knows his shenanigans. Where did you find this picture, though?
No. 111141
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pisspolice uses the name Soren Jensen Ray, not sure if it's another name for him
No. 111154
>>111141I reckon that person was referring to Soren and two other separate people, since you can't use commas in tumblr tags. They were probably saying "Soren, Jensen, Ray, this is your dad" as in the dad is like Soren's and the other people's dads, if that makes sense.
Also, I googled 'Soren Jensen Ray' and nothing came up. Soren Daniel Hayes is his actual name.
No. 111197
>>111177Let's not?? Like I understand getting the authorities involved, but holy fuck, let's not officially ruin this girl's life too. "Hey, you know the kid you grew up with? He was watching (and probably masturbating to) child porn in the next room. Do what you will with that." God no.
Not to mention how messed up it is to put it on her to contact authorities.
No. 111220
>>111218Definitely not! If someone is going to do it (not saying they should), they should use individual screenshots and/or just explain the situation.
There's no way that linking her to this thread would do any good, learned that from the conversation with the real Sam.
No. 111235
File: 1459092036737.jpeg (588.39 KB, 1990x3072, image.jpeg)

this is my first time replying to the thread (or any thread on here so idk if im doing it right) but when soren pretended to kill himself i messaged his mom, marley mcsweeney, because i noticed that she hadnt posted anything about sorens death/kept posting like normal and i knew he was faking so i thought she deserved to know about what a cunt her son is. i didnt say anything, just linked to his blog and his trauma narrative. i guess i shouldnt have done that but i was pretty pissed so that clouded my vision a bit. it says the message was read but other than that, nothing from her. i think other people have messaged her too, but she never replied. she must be a pretty shitty mother though, because soren still has internet access.
No. 111254
>>111246And the thumbnail is a needle…
At the very least, anon should have given some context and not just sent links with no explanation.
Also, if this thread gets sage'd, maybe the next one should have his full name in the title so if someone searches him, they find this. Just an idea.
No. 111261
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If Marley is Soren's mom then she seems transphobic. I wonder how supportive she actually is of him.
No. 111272
>>111266If you think it's good enough to be in /pt/ take it up with the mods.
This isn't directly towards you but everyone, discuss it with them before just making the thread there.
No. 111286
>>111273You've got a couple of methods
There's the chat, bring it up in there and link it.
If you go to the top of this thread and report it, you can type a memo in there for the mods to see. Reporting it doesn't mean it will get deleted/removed/moved it brings the thread to their immediate attention and it can go from there.
I know the mods frequent the threads, I think they skim each one of course. But I'm not sure if they read each one in detail, so that's why talking about it with them is the best, to see what they think.
No. 111287
>>111273Only saying this because, we've had so many threads in pt that do not belong there, and then it gets moved to snow.
It wouldn't have to be moved if that person covered all their bases.
I don't think moving threads is difficult, but I'm sure it can be tedious.
No. 111399
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The instagram the photo's shared from is don't understand is he trying to say that photo is genuinely him or is he just using it as a "oh that's so totally me"
I wonder what "Doll" looks like
No. 111417
>>111402vulture - gee
bear - jem
doll - sam
little bug - not positive but I'm assuming it is Danny or a new Danny character bc lots of nooses in the tag
No. 111419
>>111417"bear is so perfect i love her so much what the fuck" -march 13th
"this made me smile so much i love dolly so much" -march 5th
"i love my vulture boy so much… (tagged) when i was 16 i was so in love with him…" feb 28th
he's all over the place with this love stuff, it's actually really hard to tell who's who. and his old sam story of trying to drown in a sink isn't tagged as any of them so that makes it harder.
No. 111425
>>111422Vulture is probably Gee, yeah. But there was an incident previously where they seemed to have some sort of falling out. Not sure what's going on now, though.
And yeah, Sam is now Doll and is still alive.
No. 111427
the tags are accurate:
bear is jem; jem theme revolves around care bears,"cute" stuff, stickers, 90's anime like Sailor Moon and girly things in general.
vulture: Totally Gee, his tag will always have "dark" and "edgy" themes, things related to Halsey hate (or any hate aimed to any artist who isn't of his liking),crows, vampires, blood, roses and bats.
doll is obviously sam; don't get surprised if soren makes a new blog and then her tags change to "babygirl" "wolf girl" or such. Her theme is always anything related to Courtney Love, Hole, child abuse and missing her forever. I was thinking of not including her because it's kinda obvious.
little bug is danny, imagery related to drugs, suicide, bitterness and such will show up eventually. He sometimes throws in the mix some Kingdom Hearts.
I've followed his blogs since he had shyfawn as url, and also know other friends he had on tumblr. I think most of his tumblr friends still talk to them even if they say they aren't.
No. 111472
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If Vulture is Gee, this makes more sense. The hashtags were - the one I pressed because it couldn't all be read
Now I know who is who, it ties together although Gee never said shit (i.e exposing him even more, giving any information at all, etc etc) lol
No. 111881
Gee has deleted several blogs before, his behaviour it's not new. He tends to "disappear" from the internet, if he really is sorry about all the Soren stuff he may not return to tumblr, but since i think that's not the case, there's a big chance that he'll appear soon. I find the fact that Gee is not involved in this kinda ridiculous because of this:
1. Soren and Gee have known each other since 2011, maybe sooner. They had a really close relationship and as Gee said in his blog "he was a good friend when he was being a friend". They even had nicknames for each other. Soren was ghost boy and Gee bat boy. Sure, they got mad at each other several times but it's not news either.
2. They did not only knew each other via tumblr, but personally. Soren often posted pictures together, even when Soren was vandalizing stuff (like the little school he destroyed) Gee was with him too. I really doubt that Gee wouldn't know about all of his lies because i don't think Gee is that stupid. At least i would have suspicions if my "friend" told me a story and some details didn't add together (i.e the school he assisted, "Sam's" FB profile, the art she "made", anything that could be fact checked, you know)
3. The most serious point is the part of Gee saying that he knew personally Sam. How could he meet a person who was fake? He really said that in his blog before and made art about her being a "tragic angel" of some sort. He idealized that girl as much as Soren did. There's only three possible outcomes that make his claims true: he said he knew her to back Soren's lies, he lied about knowing her personally but he talked to one of Soren's sock puppet accounts, or he met at some point with a girl that posed as Sam (this is the wildest point of the three because come on, it means SO much effort to make from Soren's part and let's face it, it's the unlikeliest escenario)
No. 111971
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>>105185I just found this. Soren's mom is added as one of the 6 friends. This is definitely an account of his. It makes me wonder if Stanley is his real name.
No. 111979
>>111971he's also friends with jem, zerrin, and jensen. the jem profile looks legit, too, like there are a lot of other people interacting with it
i doubt stanley is his real name though. stanley marsh is a south park character
No. 112018
File: 1459225999833.jpg (40.32 KB, 400x427, tumblr_ngtq9obA3E1rzetmlo1_400…)

I'm still searching for their photos toghether but i have some of Soren and Gee posted from their personal accounts, if you want to know if Gee is a legir human being or not maybe this could help if you want to do a google search?
No. 112019
File: 1459226067064.jpg (118.67 KB, 480x640, tumblr_nm36foYlDW1qj7gcwo1_500…)

together* sorry also this one of Soren without a shirt
No. 112029
>>112019The scars don't fade a ton, but the surgery also moves the nipple
So the fact that there's no nipple healing or more centered placement is a big clue
>>112018If that's supposed to be Gee, I'm loling because it's just a white washed Soren
Start a new thread, or someone else will I guess
No. 123890
Gee (garry/gerard) is real, i've been following him since his pyromanticboy days. he posted a copious amount of photos of himself and was friends with multiple other users. (I remember themurderscene who is currently nonangelic and now posting about kpop or whatever and another girl who was obsessed with mikey way?). He posted photos that linked together (including ones of his messy room) and talked a lot about meeting MCR. (Which he started sneaking out to do at ten). He even had a photo of his linked to Gerard Way with the caption along the lines of 'is this you?' to which Gerard was like 'idk probably'. We also heard a lot about his favourite steel capped boots and his stash of empty pill bottles. When his photos weren't over exposed I'd say he appeared white-mexican and looked a lot like you'd imagine Gerard would as a teen if he were emo and not part of the school marching band. Suffice to say I'd argue he wasn't fictitious, even if his artwork couldn't prove that to you. Both of them deleted a while back around the same time - Soren apparently cause of gore content and Garry by choice. Prior to their friendship ending Garry was writing a comic about them (Garry - bat boy, Soren - ghost boy, Sam - ghost girl, possibly others involved) however this fell through when they're friendship dissolved.
I followed Soren when he was at fawnsydrome and had posted a giveaway after reaching 1k, which Garry promoted.
Garry and Soren met when Soren moved to where Garry lived and joined the same school (New Jersey I think), Soren followed Garry around because he was wearing an mcr style jacket, they became friends (similar to how he met Sam at first - the scruffy blonde haired girl on the monkey bars, who he followed for days but who ignored him, blah blah blah she was ethereal he was ugly and short). The period of their friendship was between after he was trafficked and Sam was found 'dead'. Conflicting messages for this included Sam being taken by her abusers, knowing she was going to die, and keeping only a locket of shiloh (the foetus) and a picture of Soren; Sam being presumed dead but not found (tagged onto a photo of a guy cuddling with a maggot infested body 'me when they find Sam'); and finally, Sam being confirmed dead (found next to a train line? reminds me of one of sterility's poem, for whom he has a tag). When Soren and Garry broke up (I do not miss the 'what hurts worse, cum in your eye or cum in an open wound?' typical jokes), Zero mentioned how Garry wasn't good for Soren at all - someone else said something about them only feeding each others negativity or whatever.
I also remember a photo of girls in a wall tagged with how their were so many dead girls in the house like that (however a lot of you have talked of a warehouse instead) and how it was $50 for a fuck. And apparently whilst Soren and Sam were away from each other Sam started her Yves Saint Laurent career (obviously fake, and yes, I did try find Sam through it to determine if she was real or not) though he was 5'10 and not the 6' you've mentioned.
For almost every photo he posted there was an anecdote of his own trauma to it, as if he was building his narrative at the time and compounding the fantasy of his abuse.
We're also still looking for the password to rabbitscry.
Kottonmouthqqueen delete (or changed url) since the last thread. They could have also been linked into this if anyone can find them.
And Garry needs to be found again.
No. 312029
>>123890samefagging but um, you sure do know a metric fuckton about all these people and are real invested in keeping everyone posted for the whole thread
this shit reads fake ah