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No. 192724
Singer of former band
Dresden Dolls, now solo and edgier than ever before.
http://amandapalmer.nethttp://blog.amandapalmer.net• Edgy as fuck, her songs cover subjects like back-alley abortions, date rape, sex changes, siamese twins, and generally being
unique and different and special in that really quirky morbid way.
• Staged her suicide to ~*teach her bf a lesson*~ about how drugs are bad, recorded his reaction, used it in a song (he an hero'd later)
• Wrote an "open letter" to The Cure about how their songs relate to her first blowjobs.
• Got flashmob married to fantasy writer Neil Gaiman
• "muh feminism" because she flashes her armpit bush at movie galas and writes buzzwords on her naked body to post selfies of on Twitter as self promotion, yet still makes fun of rape victims etc.
• Founded musical act
Evelyn Evelyn in which she pretends to be a Siamese Twin for more edge points:
>Rather than being limited by their unique physical condition, the Evelyn sisters prove that two heads are indeed better than one. Audiences will marvel at the twins as they dexterously perform their original compositions on piano, guitar, ukulele, accordion and even drums.>Unsatisfied with the grind of circus life, at the age of nineteen the twins decided to explore a solo career. It was then that they were discovered by Amanda Palmer and Jason Webley, who heard the twins’ music on MySpace. Webley and Palmer encouraged the twins and offered to help them record a proper album.>The album will be accompanied by a full US and European tour and – later this year – a graphic novel about the twins’ inspiring life, illustrated by Cynthia von Buhler and published by Dark Horse Press.• Attempts to pay her musicians in
exposure sleepovers and beer… and wrote an actual book about this because it's the future of music, apparently. But then again, she has a Patreon now.• Wrote a poem sympathizing with the Boston Bomber, but "doesn't do poetry"• Donating to KKK is totes ironic lol
No. 192761
>>192760Me too anon, they're kind of creepy. I also never got the hype about her.
She seems like she likes attention. Maybe she'll fade away if we keep ignoring her.
No. 192762
>>192758Her "fame" is mostly online and she uses social networks and Patreon to finance her work, so I'd say she's more on the level of an annoying e-celebrity.
She had a Kickstarter way back that a new funding record and despite getting over 10x the amount she asked for to produce an "art book" with soundtrack, she just claimed it was needed for her project because apparently a single book cost 300 dollars to make, a vinyl record 100 dollars and so on. So she took over 1 million dollars in Kickstarter money to make a photobook showing herself as a corpse in over 9000s ways feat. her husbands poetry.
No. 192771
Also, her Patreon subscriptions aren't paid monthly - you pay any time she posts something. It could be a song or a video you pay for, but you could also be charged for a blog post.
>“I really like doing things spontaneously and fast. I have this subscription system right now called Patreon, which is like a Kickstarter but with a longer commitment. I have 7,000 fans, friends, supporters giving an average of a couple of dollars. Every time I decide to do something: Make a piece of content, make a video, do a webcast, write and produce a song really quickly, make an EP of David Bowie tribute covers, I basically just press a button on the Internet and their cash flows in and I spend it on the production any project I want.” No. 192844
>>192724> Edgy as fuck, her songs cover subjects like back-alley abortions, date rape, sex changes, siamese twins,>songs covering real life events are edgyHow far in the basement are you? A lot of songs cover real life issues, it doesnt make them edgy. You sound like some
triggered neckbeard.
No. 192850
>>192844The topics may not be edgy in themselves, but her way of handling them definitely is.
You sound like a clown too deep into your own teenage angst to realize what she's doing. You can sing about real life tragedy without turning it into a self promotion fuckfest. There's plenty of music and art about these events that aren't exploitative and gaudy.
No. 192883
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She hasn't really done much seeing as she's a mother now. Do like her music, but besides that don't know anything besides her husband is the man who wrote Coraline.
No. 192903
>>192883>>192884His graphic novels are iconic. I suggest perusing this: gives me narcissistic teas.
No. 192912
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>>192907I don't see how she's going to sustain a thread on her own, but in the meantime here's some of the kickstarter blowout.
No. 194337
>>194088OP here, I used to like some of her music too. It's her terrible personality that ruins her.
>Mentioning Morrissey and AP in the same sentenceI'm weeping, but you're not wrong.
>>194332video related. She thinks it's a fucking joke.
No. 225801
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"It's going to be so exciting! I'm escaping to Australia lulz!"
No. 225810
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>>225801i dont know anything about the dresden dolls but i know how shitty this dumb bitch is. i always hear how she fucks shit up so she deserves a thread shes pretty much a nonstop clusterfuck
those clown brows tho
No. 225878
>>225801She had done/said some questionable things (the faked suicide recording used in a song for instance), but in this case, what she said has been completely blown out of context both in the interview and by most of the people reacting to it. She's not even moving to Australia, she's just staying there for the next few weeks while she tours and mentioned how she got a special entertainment visa thing which makes travelling to Australia easier for her. That's it. No remarks about how she's moving there because of Trump or some other bullshit that I've seen people claim. But people are too blinded by their hate boners for her that they can't be bothered to look for clarification via her Twitter/FB posts. But then again, that's not really surprising: no one's actually going to go out of their way to disprove their own biases about someone when the hate boner is that strong. And like
>>225862 said, Amanda is not the first person to make this joke, but she does seem to be getting the most flak for it while eyelids are not even quivered at those who have said the same exact thing.
No. 225894
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>>225862yeah totally thats why brazil is known for their jammin music and fucking syria they have so great tunes i tell you what.
christ you sound as disconnected from reality as she does.
ugh stupid ass attitudes like this are what got into the shitty situation we're in the first place. fucking contemporary liberals were too busy whining on social media instead of actually going out and doing anything.
No. 226368
>>225878People who have said or done shitty things before are not likely to be given the benefit of doubt.
Someone else saying the same shit before her doesn't make it okay for her to say it. She doesn't get a pass for being unoriginal. You sound new.
No. 226376
>>225894 coulda used the time you spent googling for that pic learning how wrong you are btw Here's some Syrian punk just to ice the 'you're ignorant' cake
Thanks for playing
No. 226381
>>225894lmfao try harder
people in shitty political situations write songs about them in protest. that has nothing to do with stupid ass attitudes or contemporary liberals, that's a normal social response. art reflects society.
No. 226392
>>226220>>226376>>226381kek i already had that picture saved bruh
oh yeah great all that shitty underground hipster music is gonna resolve the political tension in those nations.
aw geez guys thanks for schooling me in useless garbage. you sure got me that will show those oppressive political regimes that'll inevitably wipe out their "protest" art.
not once did i say that protest music didnt exist in those countries. i said good music wasnt being produced solely as a result of their situation because apparently the best music comes from political tensions. music is a highly subjective art form unless youre familiar with composition and historical background so for all you know that stuff you linked is mediocre pretentious trash.
fuck i get it you're all amanda palmer stans of course my mistake i shouldnt have shit talked your hipster goddess.
No. 226393
>>226392okay i see how rustled you are but i'm gonna bite
>oh yeah great all that shitty underground hipster music is gonna resolve the political tension in those nations.firstly, punk predates hipster so far that you're showing your ignorance again. secondly, no one says the music is going to resolve the problem - it's catharsis for people in suffering.
>not once did i say that protest music didnt exist in those countriesyou insinuated that no valuable music exists in those countries, so sort of
>fuck i get it you're all amanda palmer stans of course my mistake i shouldnt have shit talked your hipster goddess.literally do not care about amanda palmer nor have i ever heard her music (neil writes some good books though), just a local punk swinging in to educate u
No. 226395
>>226392sage for samefag to add
>i said good music wasnt being produced solely as a result of their situation because apparently the best music comes from political tensions. literally never said the best music in general, just the best music in the punk genre. the genre made for music about shitty sociopolitical situations.
No. 226397
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>>226392>say something stupid>get blown the fuck out>try to defend yourself by backpedaling and calling everyone else an Amanda Palmer stanJust walk away, anon. It's okay, we're all anonymous here.
No. 226401
>>226392Yikes. You're backpedaling to the extreme here.
Anyway, I don't have much to say about Amanda Palmer. A girl I knew in high school was obsessed with her (and was also obsessed with Emily Autumn). That girl was also a compulsive liar who faked illnesses for attention, so now I understand.
No. 226408
>>226393ugh hipster is an old term it wasnt invented in 2010 believe it or not, bud.
punk music isnt even an old genre to begin with there are other genres that have been utilized to express disdain for the current political problems happening within a troubled nation.
what i asserted in my original post is that it's pretty fucked up to overlook the massive consequences of an extremely faulty political movement for the sake of art supposedly being at its peak. thats it. do you hear people commentating "oh boy all those people are getting bombarded and murdered at least the music is good". palmer's supposed optimistic observation was stupid and disconnected from reality.
whats really annoying is that all of you or (one of you) are flocking to pick on a strawman that a response to my post made.
i never disputed the existence of a music scene i simply said those nations arent known for their punk music scenes. yes im sure theres a punk scene in every goddamn country however no one but other punk enthusiasts would bother to bring that up.
i dont see why im explaining myself to you because reading and comprehension dont seem to be your strong suit but here i am wasting my time. what better place to that on honestly?
cant we agree that amanda palmer is shit and call it a day?
No. 226409
>>226392"music is a highly subjective art form unless youre familiar with composition and historical background so for all you know that stuff you linked is mediocre pretentious trash. "
im the anon who posted the ratos de porao album and if you think i just randomly picked some brazilian punk off google, fucking kek. soy de sudamerica, pendejo.
No. 226410
>>226408>ugh hipster is an old term it wasnt invented in 2010 believe it or not, bud.Lmao punk music in its best known iteration comes from the 60's. Literally predates the term by 50 years. You really don't have any clue what punk music is, do you?
Really, just stop. You embarrassed yourself with your first post and now you're just making it worse on yourself. All you're doing is showing the true depths of your lack of culture.
No. 226412
>>226408"those nations arent known for their punk music scenes."
Just because you don't know of them doesn't mean they aren't known. Typical close-minded American world-view. If it doesn't exist to you, it doesn't exist at all.
No. 968888
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Will probably get banned for necromancy, but Amanda and Neil are getting a divorce. It's likely going to be messy and full of social media over-sharing, so I'm raising this thread from the dead
No. 968942
>>968888>>968889Ohhhhh yeah, this is going to be amazing.
>>968917Could be but people in
toxic relationships fight over dumb shit all the time. Palmer's probably bathing in how ~quirky~ it is but it could have actually happened
No. 968944
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Hell yes, living for this saga!
>>968917He tweeted about being jetlagged and then this.
No. 968949
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>>968917Gotta be serious if he left his child to go back to the UK in the middle of a pandemic, also pic related. Not surprised though since he already left one family behind
No. 968977
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>>968949To add, she posted this on Patreon. It's a public post, I didn't pay to see her bullshit, but it's still making her a ton of money because she charges
per post, not per month. She has 15k+ patrons and posts every couple of days.
>Things came to lightsounds like he cheated in some way that wasn't cool with their open marriage policy.
No. 969052
>>968977Maybe she's the one who cheated and that's why he left? Guess I've seen a lot cheaters do big dramatic vague posts like hers when caught and the person getting cheated on acting more like Neil is. It seems like he might be the one initiating the separation but that could also be AP trying to play the
victim after telling him to leave.
Good catch, anon. I'll definitely be watching this thread.
No. 969135
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Is this true? A lot of people are saying the same thing on twitter but reading
>>968977 makes it seem like they broke up before the patreon post. Unless theres another post on patreon?
No. 969183
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>>969135I've been trying to find out where that rumor came from, but I haven't seen anything posted by either of them that would suggest it. AFAIK the timeline went as such:
>Marriage troubles >>968889>NG leaves NZ, vaguely talks about being jetlagged (on a stream?)>lots of questions about where he is/why they're not together>NG claims he left for the UK because he was "fearing that commercial flights might go away entirely" but that it was "safe and sensible" for AP and child to stay in NZ>AP publishes >>968977>NG responds with >>968944Seems to me that they were having issues but weren't publicly talking about it, AP decided to spill, NG felt like he had to respond. It looks like "It seems like AP has told people that we are going through rocky times right now" was misconstrued as "it seems like AP has announced a divorce without letting me know about it first" for some reason.
No. 969253
>>968888i hope this isn't nitpicky, but i'm really weirded out by the wording of the sentence "my heart has been broken". Not "I'm heartbroken", not "my heart is breaking" – i
HAVE BEEN heartbroken
it almost gives the sense she's going on the offensive to avoid some other truth from coming out? i'm kinda with the anons speculating she's the one who cheated
No. 969308
>>969289Yeah, I was a huge fan of AP for years and went to a ton of her shows both Dresden Dolls and the solo stuff. Independently of their relationship I enjoyed NG's writing, but every time I saw him at her shows or their joint shows, something about him just gave me the creeps. I can't put my finger on it but he just never gave much of a vibe of being an attentive partner (always felt like she was the giver of attention, and he never quite rose to the occasion in returning it). It's odd because I've never really put it into words before but there's just something off about the guy - and that's without going into the whole man in his 50s with grown children marries younger woman and has another child who he sporadically spends time with.
I think they're both very talented artists in their own rights, but insufferably pretentious and narcissistic to boot. AP's stories about Ash also sound like he's a bit of a weird one, no doubt because of the unstable upbringing and constantly being uprooted around the world for her career, poor thing.
No doubt AP will write some long, secret-spilling patreon post about it soon. She's never been one to keep her business to herself.
No. 969681
>>969670Neil is extremely holier-than-though and pseudo-woke on social media, panders to SJWs, then passive-aggressively refutes them, and re: the "who cheated" discussion, I've read rumors for
years that he's a giant fuckboy who talks about how he has "a girl in every city". Everything about him screams faux male feminist and he's so fucking self-congratulatory.
No. 969702
>>969289it's her history that makes her more suspicious anon
the fact is there's virtually nothing we actually know about the situation. it's also pretty risky to be travelling internationally at this time. we just don't know but it's a fair guess if someone doubts AP with how bats she's been acting during this
>>969677ily anon lmfao
No. 969793
>>969308you put my feelings into words, must be women's intuition. There's something off about Gaiman that's hard to explain without coming off as "I just don't vibe with this guy" lol.
>>969681that's interesting. He's such a weird guy though, it's hard to imagine him as a fuckboy. But he's definitely some sort of a creep.
>>969677lol I liked them together but that's so on point, if only this thread was relevant you'd deserve this best post star-award
No. 969923
Amanda posted a new giant wall of text that's too long to even screencap, but here's the Neil-related part amid all the rambling:
>my post about neil's departure and his bristling tweet, and the story that people then made out of it, is a perfect example of how our grieving techniques are pretty much parallel to you and your ex's.
>i do not sound the emotional distress signal to hurt anybody, but to call in my people. this has been a source of ?misunderstanding between me and many people (often men) for eons. neil's strategies for how to deal with the public have always been very different, this is one of those cases where an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. in therapy, neil and i often used to talk about our struggle for "control of the narrative", the deep and dark struggle over who gets to tell the story. you can tell a story by saying nothing, you can tell a story by giving every last detail, they're both still….choices.
>whether or not to tell people "what is happening" in your life - especially when there is loss, pain and betrayal - is indeed a personal choice. i've always defended my wanted the benefits that come with living as an open book. i am very, very aware of the costs, i've been paying them for twenty years. the costs have still not outweighed the benefits.
>my choice has almost always been to work through the grief - of friends' lives, of pregnancies, of relationships shattering - in public so that my village can relate, nod, empathize, hold me, and carry my own story in their hearts so they won't feel as lonely when their turn comes around…and it always comes around. i know because i enjoy listening to other peoples' stories as much as a like sharing my own. wielding a megaphone doesn't interest me. i'd rather have a two-way communication device. cans and string. with lots of cans. and lots of strings. No. 970068
>>969923here are some gems from her diatribe
>first if all>one of my lower energetic ebbs>grateful that … patreon exists so that i can gather and feel my little crowd-village around me>i have never navigated something this strange before, and i've navigated a lot>your inner camera>i know the verse and chorus of this internet song so well i have it memorized>as i sat down to per>all-to-familiar>ash, zen creature that he is>when i was a tiny person>we're all a person>new treed and constellations>i'm a person getting yelled at on the internet>i'm a person on the phone with a manager>when i open my mouth to share my feelings and call my community towards me>my smoke signals - the honest blog, the cry in the night>it's also it's why>it's kind of hard to imagine the scope of pain that losing a child would open up. when i lost my older step-brother,>i love neil, deeply, >how dare she ask for help has been the refrain on the lips of polite society when they glare in my general direction>i do not need the world to approve of me right now, but i do need my village to comfort me>the dawn of the dresden dolls>while my style may be sloppy and off the cuff>i may irritate many people out there>wrap around and hold my heart tighter than being alone would have>they will all protect me from the basic outside slings and arrows>send good wishes to me, to ash, to neil over in scotland>send extra loving compassion to any fuckwit on the internet who is trying to mess with our family and our peace of mind>a gentle pillow-web of friends around me to lie down with>also: i need more babysitter advice if anyone is in … new zealand>we are probably going to have to buy a car soon if anyone has leadsjesus christ this woman is first-if-all braindead and also a cultist
No. 970075
>>970068I mean, I don't really know her music and I do love Gaiman's writing (he sounds like he had a weird ass upbringing but also a weirdo creep in gen…def reminds me of Alan Moore, the comic book dude), but doesn't this sorta sound like…a mania episode?
Like her whole music journalist fiasco seems like someone with allusions of grandeur. Not armchairing, but it's just odd and I'm getting a vibe about this
No. 970084
>>970076Ok cool, thx for clarifying.
If she was in therapy with him, did she just gloss over her grandiose shit? also kek at her just throwing that out there, the rule of therapy is keeping things private unless the patients, in this case, both consent to it.
Their poor kid. At least Gaiman's other kids were adults before he abandoned them
No. 970117
>>970086this is a total tinfoil, but what this anon is describing
>>969194 could be something he actually sought out but it got to be too much or something. i've known dudes like this irl where they serially date really outwardly unstable self obsessed women and everyone compliments on how down to earth and selfless they seem in comparison. i think some dudes seek out this kind of dynamic so they look rational and stoic in contrast, to hide that they have their own neurosis and vanity. similar to how a munchy mom wants to be seen as ~selfless,heroic, patient~ when they're anything but.
No. 970134
>>969052>>969089Tori Amos super fan and yeah, Tori adored him as a friend and respected him. Gossip on Tori Amos from the 2 anons that know who she is, is that she has quite a volatile marriage to her husband, but they're still private (unless in the studio where I get my gossip) and are incredibly loving stable, almost boring parents.
Tori really loves Neil as a friend and they recently did an interview together? Maybe it was a year or two old. But yeah, they're more familial. Tori likes stable and Neil went for manic panic. Tori is bizarre in a way, but she's a quiet, compassionate person. I met her in person.
I'm really fascinated by this Neil drama because I'm a huge fan. All men his age want a woman to reinvigorate them. It's sad but expected that he chose her.
No. 970159
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Speaking of holier-than-thou, "I forgive it" speaks so much to how she perceives herself, lmao.
No. 970195
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I was reading her Patreon or one of her blogs, I can't remember, and she said that Neil was paying the majority of their household bills. Where does all that Patreon money go?
While trying to find the post again, I found this instead. Rather than having an open marriage, it sounds more like swinging. No. 970320
>>192724>>970068Lmao thank you anon, perfectly captured cuts. She is nauseating in the extreme, and a total moron to boot.
Gaiman is simply a bore.
No. 970347
>today i got a mid-afternoon flurry of texts from friends telling me not to look at the internet.
>amanda palmer is a secret scientologist. no, she’s an open racist. no, she’s a transphobe. no, she’s a baby-killer. no, she hates jews. no, she hates men. no, she hates women. no, she’s a murderer. no, she’s a thief. no, she’s always just been an attention-whore. no, she’s an artist. no, she’s a charlatan.
is she under some sort of attack on twitter or what? because of the breakup? idgi
>i love neil, deeply, as i'm sure you loved and maybe still love your ex. I've been there
so she's officially calling him an ex, okay. No "rocky times" anymore dear Gaiman lol.
No. 970391
>>970347Yeah people are calling her out on twitter because, well, for various reasons but mainly because she’s a lolcow.
>>970342 Same, kind of. I don’t care about either of them, but I do have a perverted need to hate everything that comes out of the mouth of this idiot.
No. 970462
>>192724>>970342 Here's a whingy SJW medium article about all her
problematic behaviour don't know if it includes the fake suicide but it should be relatively easy to find via google.
No. 971471
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No. 971507
>>971500Ye olde hacking excuse, top kek. Who would hack a rich and famous author just to put a petty book on his reading list?
Please. People gotta think harder before they claim hacking.
>>971494I've seen several people mention this, someone made an ONTD post too claiming to have seen it. My guess is that it's real
No. 971593
>>971571good for him for finding resources to get rid of that fucking witch i dont think we should shame a man in an
abusive relationship men already are scrutinized by society when they are
victims and when they are raped the judges dont take them seriously
No. 971632
>>971593Judges take female rape
victims seriously? lmao get out of here.
Was he also abused by the first wife and family he up and left? Also, if Amanda is so dangerous why did he leave his child with her? They're both giant fuckups and the only person to feel sorry for here is their child.
No. 972050

There's a cohesive ONTD post about their relationship timeline now, copypasting the most relevant parts:
>1985: Gaiman, 25, marries his first wife. Amanda Palmer, 9, is 9.
>Mid 1990s?: Palmer is dating a young man who is addicted to heroin. She fakes her own suicide and gets him to "discover" her body. She claims that this is performance art and that it was a way to get him to understand the pain that he was causing her due to his addiction.(vid related)
(Note from farmer: That bf killed himself a few months later)
>2008: Gaiman and McGrath divorce, Neil and Amanda meet and collaborate on Amanda's photo book "Who killed Amanda Palmer", they begin dating
>Palmer says, "We were not attracted to one another. Repulsed is too strong a word, but there was no lightning strike, no 'God, I’ve got to f* this person!'… Yet we were fascinated by one another, and fascination is much stronger than physical attraction, which we both do have now, incidentally."Because of their hectic schedules, many of their dates involve two- to three-day meetups, which apparently involved a lot of adult activity, which Palmer blogged about.
>January 1, 2010: Palmer announces their engagement.Gaiman says he chose to marry Palmer “because I couldn’t ever imagine being bored”.
"He fell in love with me first, and then he planted himself firmly in a chair… telling me that he was perfectly happy to wait years and years and years to date me.
>November 10, 2010: Palmer hosts a surprise flash mob wedding in New Orleans for Gaiman's 50th birthday. Palmer painted her face entirely white and pretended to be a statue during the ceremony.
>"The cohabitating has not been easy…. I've never had to actually share my space. Neil has gotten used to a totally different kind of family style where he lives in a household with kids running around. Colliding our two lifestyles is hilarious and so fantastic because we just take such totally different approaches.I think a lot of it has to do with psychic artistry and workspace. We're two artists who work at home…. You've got Amanda and Neil running offices, Amanda and Neil needing to make art, and Amanda and Neil needing to be clothed, fed, and sheltered. Figuring out how to place and puzzle piece together all those myriad ingredients isn't easy."
>According to both of them, some of their communication would be via text or publicly online on their Twitters, Facebooks or blogs. Also:
>"We've found the best way for us to connect with each other is just to have a lot of sex.
>2011 - present: The couple is involved in various shenanigans, hijinks, and misadventures. These include:Palmer strips off her clothes in the Degas museum so that Gaiman can sketch her in the nude.
Palmer strips off her clothes on the Golden Globes red carpet next to Gaiman.
Gaiman and Palmer perform goth songs together.
2013: Palmer publishes a poem romanticizing Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, who killed 3 people by bombing the Boston Marathon. Gawker declares it "The Worst Poem Of All Time." And yes, it is still on her blog.
>September 2015: Palmer and Gaiman have their son, Ash. At this point, Gaiman is also a grandfather. **Palmer requests to Neil that they stop their polyamory and focus on their family.**
No. 972218
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>>972050had to google the golden globes thing after you mentioned it… yikes
No. 972328
>>972218They definitely have a "weirdo nobodies you invited to your award ceremony on accident" vibe to them, though her blog post at the time is quite entertaining farmer note, how awful.
>>972050She really is a terrible person. That is like dressing up as a dying cancer patient to show your dying cancer patient boyfriend how it "feels"
No. 972372
>>972218They got that creepy weird thing going on in this pic where they look more like gross inbred siblings continuing the incestual lineage
Also weird nitpick but goddamn her arms look weirdly long in every picture… disproportionate to her body.
No. 972444
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It's kind of funny how they keep repeating this story as if it's a testament to how deep their love is (was). Noted Feminist Neil Gaiman told a woman he was dating she was "pudgy" and looked "mannish" or like a "lesbian". Really giving the fake woke male feminist vibes here
No. 974363
>>974357So… Basically, they had a fight whilst stuck in lockdown together, Neil had to get away from her (the other side of the fucking world mind you) and she had a massive online tantrum and allowed people to believe they'd broken up.
They're both blaming the 'haters' for attacking Amanda and jumping to conclusions… But she was the one who put it out there? That's all her.
(also I don't believe for a second Neil's bloody Goodreads was hacked, he was absolutely reading about BPD because this dumpster fire sounds like a BPD tantrum from Amanda. And now the fog has lifted and she's all sorry and he's an idiot.)
No. 974584
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>>974357>>974405Imageboard, screenshots, etc
God, they're the epitome of TL;DR.
Relevant part:
>(my fault, I'm afraid, I'd hurt her feelings very badly, and… actually beyond that it's none of anyone else's business)I guess that means she didn't cheat.
No. 974586
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>>974584Dear Everybody.
This has been a hard few weeks for us. We are not getting divorced. It’s not that exciting.
We love each other very deeply. As sometimes happens during the course of a long marriage, we have hurt each other. We have lived our lives individually, and then as a couple, very publicly (and right now, too publicly).
We have been trying to figure out how best to love each other for twelve years. It is fair to say that this relationship has been the hardest, but also the most rewarding, collaboration of our lives.
Living in lockdown is hard. Working on a marriage, as everyone married knows, is also hard. And we are very aware there are thousands, probably millions of people who have been dealing with their own versions of problems like ours over the last few months – and many face situations that are far worse.
We will sort out our marriage in private, which is where things like this are best sorted. We're working together to try and do this better. We care about each other so much, and we have a small boy we love and delight in, and those are reasons enough to work together to fix things.
So that's what's going on. It's not as much fun or as interesting as the newsfeed headlines made it seem.
For anyone who felt the urge to choose sides on this, trust us, there really aren't any sides to be taken: we are on our side, and we're on Ash's side, and we hope you are too.
None of us know what the future is going to look and feel like, right now, and that's scary. We need to be able to have each other’s backs. So please, if you can, have our backs, and we will do our best to have yours.
And to the vast majority of people out there who have been kind and sane and supportive to both of us, and to each other, thank you, we love you and appreciate it, and you, so very much.
Peace, and definitely love,
Neil and Amanda
No. 974591
>>974588Samefag, he does say
>we love each other very deeply earlier in the letter, so it's unusual to then later downgrade it to
care when juxtaposed with the love for his son. Also abandoning people you "love" during a pandemic, ok Neil.
Amanda seems like a nightmare, but so is he.
No. 975297
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NG's trending on twitter right now because BBC news picked up on his 11k mile journey to his "primary residence". This tweet caught my conspiritard eye
No. 975378
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>>975347Tried, unfortunately no luck. Talked to her for a little longer but didn't get any info of note. My bet's on it being something related to him being a sex creeper though.
Sage because no milk
No. 975491
>>975392as they have a right to be!
"But it's my own house" isn't an excuse - government figures have been under fire from going to their own second homes to wait out the pandemic, and that's just a car ride away. This douche hopped across continents to pitch up on a tiny island and then snobbishly insist that his residence there means it's morally right. Dude, you got money, just get an AirBnb in the city you live in or something. I'm half expecting him to turn around and explain why exactly he had to be 11k miles away from Amanda Palmer, start slinging the mud etc just to make himself look more sympathetic. It was still a very selfish choice.
No. 975576
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>>975491He defended himself by saying he pays taxes in the uk lmao
There's already a bunch of articles online even though it's arse o'clock in the morning in the uk, i bet it'll be all over the web in a few hours No. 975582
>>975576>>974666What an absolute turd.
>waaaaah I got into a fight with my wife and it's inconvenient to talk to my friends in a different timezone so I need to abandon my child and fly across the world during a pandemic!!!How out-of-touch with reality do you need to be to think that this explanation would go over well? It'd almost be better if he said that he needs to visit his side piece
No. 975590
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>>975582Scottish twitter really picked up on dragging him yesterday when the BBC picked the story up, it’s going to be all over Scottish and greater UK publications today.
No. 982198
>>982166The most recent thing I can find on Gaiman's ex is that she still donated heavily to Scientology in 2012.
It's common knowledge but Palmer's immediate family are/were active members. Some eyebrows raised when Neil and Amanda got together because of their respective family histories but it could have been a bonding point idk.
No. 1138227
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I've seen her mentioned in the celebricow thread again lately so let me bump this with her newest dumbassery
No. 1138266
Also, I thought NZ wasn't letting people in because of covid.
No. 1138288
>>1138266>>1138227She's been in NZ for quite a while.
I think she's trying to say that they were applauding a random American to show support during the inauguration. Sounds kinda fake but she's not actually claiming that they were applauding her personally.
No. 1138866
>>1138227>Aotearoa new zealandit's literally like saying America USA
no one in NZ calls them coffeeshops, they're cafes
Everyone behind the counter would be like one or two people at most.
Public applauding is such an American thing, NZers don't do that shit unless someone is making a speech or doing a concert.
No. 1139605
>>1138227"I'm so famous they clapped at me in NZ" Besides that it sounds like bs she's like what, 40? Why is she behaving like gen z ethot in her 20's? What's her point?
Anyway I couldn't believe they made headlines with that stupid lockdown patreon divorce, that was so funny. Can't decide who's the biggest cow, Amanda with patreon or Neil Gaiman needing to be 11,000 miles away from her kek. Didn't know AP has a thread but i can see why she belongs here
No. 1140753
>>1140636So one guy who she chats to regularly did applause as she walked in since they had discussed events in the US the previous day.
She definitely phrased that in a misleading manner.
No. 1181459
>>1179487aaand here’s two:
Masturbating in class blog - Stomping Blog - since this is old shit and I don’t want to catch a ban for necroing but hopefully you’ll see this anon!
No. 1186249
>>1186220They used to host these when they were first getting together. I think it's a financial decision, their fans eat those up like nothing else.
>>1181459>>1181132Happy it helped!
>I did get to feel the re-creation of an ultimate High School Moment. I was in the ladies room of the trashy euro-barthat housed the reunion, relating to some old friends the story of whacking off in physics(how, you ask? cleverly, and under multiple large, flowing, gothic skirts) while staring directly into the eyes of the ultimate heather-like volleyball girl who I considered my spiritual nemesis (thinking, as I achieved orgasm, something terribly arrogant along the lines of "you will never be free, you will never be free…."). As I finished relating the story in the reunion bathroom, a heather-like friend of the ultimate heather appeared out of a nearby stall and looked at me, flipping heather-yet-now-soccer-mom hair and said: "Yeah right", while rolling her eyes heavenward and storming out of the bathroom. Ah, right back at home. Of course, I took the opportunity to relate this story to anyone who was willing to listen for the rest of the night.
Ah yes, same as ever.
>Several drinks later, I snogged the football-team-captain-freak-basher who used to make my life a living helln after a short discussion and mutual truce. A large crowd gathered around us in a circle and applauded. A very West Side Story Moment.
>Nowadays, when I listen to the music I loved at 12, it brings me back to a very specific feeling. The feeling belongs very specifically to my twelve-year-old self, a direct nostalgic connection to a solid spot.>But by listening to Avril, I have actually harnessed the power of the twilight zone and am able to re-live being 12 from a fresh perspective. How common is that?Extremely common. Downright normie-tier. What an exhausting edgelord.
No. 1186328
>>1186249Dude she keeps saying "Heather" like or whatever, referencing that
literal 80s movie like anyone knows what tf that means. I know it from liking Winona Ryder a lot, but no one else has ever seen it. How can you seriously nonstop reference that and Avril Lavigne like those two things could have been equally culturally relevant to you as a twelve year old.
One happened two fucking decades after the other.
No. 1186445
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>>1186363You're not you when you're hungry. Here, have a Snickers
No. 1957020
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>>1956884Buckle in
nonnie, this is how the book starts.
No. 1957224
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>>1957010Thank you anon, this will be helpful cause my book copy is in Polish, so i couldn't cite directly without it! I'll post something later, i'm wondering wht would you anons find most interesting her cringey relationship with Neil Gaiman, her scamming coworkers or twitter shit? let me throw some of this shit as a sample in the meanwhile, lol.
No. 1957227
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No. 1960427
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apologies for not posting nonnies, going through her book for relevant fragments takes a bit of time + i wanted to write up a little summary post to help provide some context. I'll try to post some shit tomorrow, but for now grab this special snowflake fragment. Explains a lot. Well at least she's aware of being it, lol.
No. 1961156
>>1960427Thank you! What an absolute narcissist. I’m not entirely sure how to explain this but she really is excellent at faking immediate connection. Speaking to her face to face is creepy as shit because she looks deep into your eyes and really does make you feel seen even in rather impersonal settings like after show autograph signings. It’s how I imagine speaking to a charismatic cult leader or self help guru might be; you know there’s no real connection but it feels like you’re the only two people in the room. Sorry for explaining her weird vibes so poorly but I’m not sure how to accurately describe it. I’ve only met a few other people like that and they all made me feel like I was about to get conned or some shit. Even as a young teen (it’s been like 15 years since I last saw her live) it made me feel weird and naked. Her fans seem to like this so I guess not everyone gets the same feeling of faked genuine connection.
>>1960767 I’ve definitely had strangers ask for a tampon before but they were always embarrassed and it’s only happened a few times in my life. Last time it was a homeless woman. Leave it to Amanda to make what should be an embarrassing situation into a performance to be proud of.
Speaking of Amanda and tampons, another old blog of hers I remember was a story about how she once forgot a tampon was in for days/weeks because she had used two at a time, forgot about that, and only removed one. She described waddling (I think that was her choice of word) down to her gyno because she couldn’t figure out what the smell was and the gyno took it out. Her blogs were so vivid and gross they’ve stuck in my memory entirely too long. At one point she wanted to sell or give away her glass dildo for reasons I can’t remember.
No. 1961260
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Coming back with the excerpts, i decided to write a little summary for better understanding. (although i suggest you anons to read the book and come back to discuss together, it's quite short.) For now i decided to attatch book pages where she justifies exploiting her fans.
(also sorry for lack of capital a's, i have problems with my keyboard)
about the book & amanda:
>studied literature in Boston, worked as barista (among others), quit the job to become a living statue sort of 10 feet tall bride street artist. First part of the book describes her experiences
>lived in a sort of hippie commune for „crazy artists”, whose owner liked to be a patron/shelter provider to artistically inclined people. He was one of her first „patrons”
>since turning 13, she was a friend of therapist anthony & his wife. She went to his house to have cringey „lying on the freudian sofa american style” therapy and flood him with her BPD nonsense. He was also one of her patrons
>started The Dresden Dolls with drummer Brian. The parts of the book talking about DIY, music industry, financial side etc. i found very interesting. So what you need to know about this band is they had this very DIY, interactive-with-the-fans approach. They play clubs, private parties, fans houses, would collect fan’s e-mails & message them directly about new shows. Burn and sell their CDs, make merch. During shows, she’d yell „Hands up who lets us sleep at their house tonight?” and stay at the volunteering person's place. This continued into crowdsourcing, pay-what-you-want, Kickstarter and couchsurfing territories to extremes after TDD split as well, and amana became known as the queen of Kickstarter/that kinda stuff.
>borrowed money from a bunch of friends, recorded album more proffessionally. They finally signed with a metal-focused record label. The label promptly stopped promoting them when it decided they „don’t sell enough records” and „don’t have a hit single”. They refused to promote amanda’s band, but also refused to let her leave. When they finally dissolved the contract, she went independent. In celebration of it all, she recorded her first „pay what you want/free download” song called Do You Swear To Tell The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth So Help Your Black Ass
>the internet was a crucial part of understanding amanda’s fanbase. Pretty much since the very beginning she had websites and blogs where she interacted with loads of people, which continued on Twitter and reached extreme oversharing levels. Fans dumped their problems in her comment section as well.
>one time she was kicked out of music shop for playing piano (well… she was politely asked to leave). She threw a tantrum and doxxed the owner online, which of course ended up in her fanbase flooding him with hate
>started using and abusing fan’s kindness pretty early on. Besides obvious shit like couchsurfing/sleeping, eating at their homes, getting free food, free rides to airport etc., she figured out she can get idiots to fill in support slots for free. She started recruiting local artists to play before each show – but oftentimes not as support gig, but as street artists doing their thing inside/outside the concert area. She didn’t pay them, the only money they earned came from whatever audience was generous to throw
>got addicted to Twitter, started organizing random solo ukulele performances outside, giving time & location online
>hired Zoe Keating to play cello on her next tour, but refused to pay other musicians. Road manager, lighting crew etc. were paid, but not musicians. Basically, she paid selected musicians & tour crew and treated others as volunteers. The players, called The Danger Ensemble, got food but no salary. Amana told them to pass the hat around the room and beg for money from their audience.
>started Kickstarter campaign, which was a very loud case and brought her a lot of criticism and drama. Basically she started Kickstarter for her next album (1 million $ was the goal). She reached that goal. I promise you recording of this album didn’t cost 1 million, so people wondered where the rest of that money went into.
>Even after raising that milion, she refused to pay her co-workers/supporting artists. Asked fans to join her onstage and play out the orchestral parts from the album, as volunteers, of course. Why hiring musicians when you can get your shit done for free?
>see, the whole point of her book is „the art. of asking”. She’s preaching about not being afraid to ask for help/for money and promptly chugging all the money & shit that your blinded fans offer you. The book is the story how she learned to overcome her fears and ask for help, blah blah blah. And the whole big story is how she for the love of God CaNNOT! Ask her own husband for help!
>at some point she went broke. This happened somewhere around the time she started Kickstarter campaign but didn’t reach her goal yet. She goes on and on how she’s too ashamed to ask Neil Gaiman for money cause she’d feel like a fraud, and her bitching and crying desperately in his arms about this situation. I mean, this is the person who had no qualms demanding money & free favours from thousands of people around the world, often quite poor people, but couldn’t borrow money from a fucking millionaire.
No. 1961262
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>>1961260sorry for esl mistakes and lacking letters, can't bother to repost it another time. Continuing on the subject of fan's free labour thing:
No. 1961271
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No. 1961272
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Her therapist/friend anthony got ill and was going through chemo at some point. They met to talk and she completely ignored him because her Kickstarter ofc was more important. Typical amanda behaviour lmao.
No. 1961274
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That time she wrote a horrible true crime community tumblr tier poem and drama ensued. I'm just gonna say, yes it's a really bad poem kek
No. 1961278
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Her relationship with Neil Gaiman is a whole other separate can of worms.
>met Neil Gaiman after she hired him to write little stories for an album companion art. book „Who Killed amanda Palmer” (made of her naked/dead pics)>he was around 48yo into 50s when she met him iirc>decided to get married but made it an open relationship. He proposed to her after she threw up on the sidewalk>amanda got pregnant and miscarried, which left her depressed and feeling very unwell. All throughout the whole proces, Neil never hugged or comforted her in any way, he just sat quietly. When she asked him why was he acting so cold, he said he was raised to never disturb and be very quiet around a sick person. A fucking 50+ year old was throwing justifications how „uwu he was just raised that way” and it never once came across this rotten mind that perhaps he should at least hug his mourning wife, sure Neil. >bonus: Neil Gaiman loves to insert pedo stuff in his graphic novels. This requiers a bit of googling to be precise since i’m not familiar with his art, (which i’m not doing right now), but i’ve read he has numerous novels including tropes of old fucks getting together with teenagers. He’s been called out and doing mental gymnastics in response („b-b-but it’s not real cp, free speech!”). I’d maybe ignore it if it happened once, but apparently it’s a recurrent thing in his „art”, which begs the question wtf is on his rotten mind. Or scratch that, i found a little summary of timeline with cringey facts and photos on Ohnotheydidn't: just throwing something about amanda that ISN’T mentioned in the book but still important:
>Amanda started a band called Evelyn Evelyn where she and another musician dressed as conjoined twins with ~tragic autistic sexually abused enslaved as circus freaks” backstory (can’t remember well but something like that”. Felt weird and fetishistic to some, so people side eyed it a lot.>faked suicide in front of her heroin addict boyfriend and recorded his reaction, "to get him to understand the pain that he was causing her due to his addiction". Then, she used that recording as a sample in Dresden Dolls song. The guy apparently commited actual suicide later on in his life.>had a sooper „artistic” performance onstage once where a girl dressed as Katy Perry was assaulted and raped. No. 1961282
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There are uber cringe oversharing moments ala discussions from bed like picrel. i can try to post a few more examples but not at the moment. Neil is a huge cow himself, would be a good fit for our new book cows thread. But i think it fits here as well since it's hugely amanda-related.
No. 1961290
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>>1961278I like some of Gaiman's work, but I honestly kind of expected this. He does seem like the type who would marry a much younger, emotionally unwell woman. I pray for their kid and what he has to deal with.
No. 1961319
>>1961292Possibly, from what I remember Anthony died a couple of years ago, before her child was born.
I remember people talking she has bipolar disorder, which she allegedly describes in songs like Runs In The Family or Girl anachronism. Might be wrong but interestingly, i don't remember her writing about this in her book at all.
No. 1961383
>>1961267The fact she paid her crew but nobody else is pretty obviously because she wanted to secure them, they could skip her band and go to the next who would pay. For everyone else it's clear she didn't actually value their contributions or care if they showed up or not. Interesting how her husband is the only person she didn't try begging, same rationale the few people she actually respects she doesn't inflict begging shit on. Everyone else gets to be "bohemian" aka begger with tassles and glitter.
And where did that million she got in funding go? She probably laughed herself to sleep every night rolling in money while forcing everyone else to be a begging artist trope.
No. 1961531
>>1961480Kek but even if it's 100% crazy fan bullshit, i would be able to believe she took testosterone. Only and only because she's so hysterically reckless and impulsive enough to do dumbest of things "just cause".
I always thought she doesn't even have that crazy low voice naturally, she's just forcefully straining it as low as she can. She sounds like has the same exact "technique" as Emilie Autumn, singing as loud as she possibly can whilst straining it to the point your throat hurts.
>>1961383She said the rest went to to funding packaging & sending out, visuals, album graphics, tour bullshit like 50m long wedding veil she covered entire audience with while crowdsurfing etc and then she was left with "nothing" after that. But i have a very hard time believing it all went to music funding only. First of all, an artist of this calibre really doesn't need even half a million to record an album, and i don't believe she needed another half a million to send it out. There are artists who recorded albums that changed music history and sold in millions of copies but were recorded for 600 dollars or something. Secondly, there's a section in her book where she brings up stories of a couple of ppl who did a Kickstarter/Patreon and spend nearly all the money collected on funding their luxurious vacations or something alike, and she's whiteknighting them. Which might be an unintended sugestion she's spend a part of her money similar way.
No. 1961667
>>1961260Gosh, this is such a cringey trip down memory lane as I was a huge Dresden Dolls fan from like 2005 onward. I’m not sure if it’s mentioned in the book but she lived at the Cloud Club in Boston for a really long time. It was like an artist co op house and her rent was very very low iirc. She should’ve left once the Dolls became more successful. The only reason I can think she would’ve gone broke is being financially irresponsible. Maybe she overspent on the fancy (Kambriel iirc) costumes she wore at the time but knowing her she likely got them for free.
>>1961278It was obvious the second Gaiman came around that they were an item. Anyone remember “I Google You”?
As for Evelyn Evelyn, I thought the entire project was insanely creative and the album was good. Jason Webley is a very kind person and talented musician; I have no idea how he tolerates her. The early SJW outrage about Evelyn Evelyn actually being two able bodied people was hilarious and took me by surprise because I couldn’t believe there were people who genuinely didn’t realize it was Amanda and Jason.
Was anyone around for the #LOFNOTC days? That was some seriously parasocial shit.
No. 1963965
>>1963364he was obsessed with Tori, and honestly when she talks about it it’s clear it kind of freaked her out even though she’s all “oh, we’re great friends, we’re artistic buddies”
he is a very fucked up person, perhaps from the $cient0l0gy
No. 1964489
>>1964039I'm up for discussing him as well, idk if he's consisently milky enough rn to warrant one tho? if somebody can value this better then it'd be great. That being said, we have new bookcows thread so maybe it would be fitting?
>>1963364>And now he’s probably in the DMs of some 20 y/o tumblrina fujoYou bet. He has a tumblr account.
No. 2011044
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>>1964489necroing because rather than being
>in the DMs of some 20 y/o tumblrina fujohe was actually
>in the vagina of his 20 y/o nanny and 18 y/o fanhe's not denying it either, he just claims that it was consensual:
>Scarlett, 23, alleges that Gaiman sexually assaulted her within hours of their first meeting in February 2022 in a bath at his New Zealand residence, where she worked as a nanny to his child. [source] understands that Gaiman’s account is that they only “cuddled” and “made out” in the bath and that he had established consent for this.picrel is another allegation from the same article.
He claims that she
>was suffering from a condition associated with false memories at the time of her relationship with him, a claim which is not supported by her medical records and medical history.She was 18 when they met and 20 when they started a "romantic" relationship. No. 2011065
>>2011044oh, this explains his big charity auction and all the other positive PR stuff he has been doing over the last few months! I thought it was just promoting the TV shows and the Good Omens graphic novel
ugh ugh ugh why even are men, so disgusting—his youngest kid with the first wife is at least 30
No. 2011181
>>2011044if he was fucking the nanny and young fans irl you bet he was also in the dms of tumblrinas calling them kitten
never liked this bloke. it was anoying to see how much ppl idolised him and how much he revelled in it.
never trust a famous moid who pretends to be "approachable" with his fans. they're all just trying to get laid
No. 2011246
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This ugly ass motherfucker. When I went to read about the allegations, I did a double take, because in the pic they use, it looks like he's wearing those eyes-printed-on glasses, or like when they Photoshop generic eyes on to an unidentified corpse to try and make it more human and aid in identification. But yeah oh wow, quelle surprise that this guy is a gross predator. He's the exact type to obsessively think before the act about plausible deniability/justifications to himself for his heinous behavior.
No. 2011340
>>2011090i love your mind anon
>>2011246yours too, brilliant comparison
(non contribution) No. 2011600
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>>2011089yeah especially when these "creative" moids pretend to be down with the kids and frequently interact with fans. with moids you know it's always for sleazy reasons.
he had a massive age gap with amanda palmer too. red flags all around.
>>2011260there were also people sharing stories in some reddit comments
No. 2011693
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>>2011600This ontd relationship timeline always kills me
No. 2011785
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>this is TERFs’ fault!!!!!
No. 2012598
>>2011785They wouldn't even hesitate to believe this if the accused moid wasn't one of their blorbos kek (they still wouldn't care about the
victims tho)
No. 2012612
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Transcript of the first episode has been dropped.;DR
>Neil offered the new nanny a bath, then joined in and pestered her to jerk him off and call him Master>(anal) sex was so violent she would pass out and bleed>girl went to Amanda about her experience and Amanda said she was the fourteenth woman to do so, was nonchalant about it>Neil and Amanda would walk around the house naked all the time and if someone had an issue with it it was their problem>nanny didn't even end up getting paid whatsoever, was just stuck at their house in Waikiki with no means to leave No. 2012615
>>2012596>apparently people are okay with people getting raped if they're TERFs? yes. troons have posted their graphic fantasies about raping terfs on twitter and framed any backlash as transphobic. jkr has received numerous rape and death threats. you can say pretty much anything disgusting you want about a woman and get away with it if you call her a
No. 2012635
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Does Neil Gaiman use his own experience in his fiction? From "How to Talk to Girls at Parties"
>I saw Stella, though, at the top of the stairs. She was staring down at Vic, and I saw her face.
>This all happened thirty years ago. I have forgotten much, and I will forget more, and in the end I will forget everything; yet, if I have any certainty of life beyond death, it is all wrapped up not in psalms or hymns, but in this one thing alone: I cannot believe that I will ever forget that moment, or forget the expression on Stella’s face as she watched Vic hurrying away from her. Even in death I shall remember that.
>Her clothes were in disarray, and there was makeup smudged across her face, and her eyes—
>You wouldn’t want to make a universe angry. I bet an angry universe would look at you with eyes like that.
>We ran then, me and Vic, away from the party and the tourists and the twilight, ran as if a lightning storm was on our heels, a mad helter-skelter dash down the confusion of streets, threading through the maze, and we did not look back, and we did not stop until we could not breathe; and then we stopped and panted, unable to run any longer. We were in pain. I held on to a wall, and Vic threw up, hard and long, into the gutter.
No. 2012640
>>2012596>apparently people are okay with people getting raped if they're TERFs? or even friends with TERFs? wtfTrannies and TRAs paved the way for that by obsessively repeating "fuck/kill/rape all TERFS!" at the slightest hint of disagreement, particulary around 2018-2020 iirc. Though I think with how misogyny and manosphere stuff took off since then, most people see it as womanhate that it is.
>>2012612Jesus this is worse than I expected
>Amanda was fully aware>One of 14 abused women she knew about (possibly more who didn't approach her) >Anal rape resulting in bleeding>Didn't even pay herGod imagine how that woman would feel after that experience, this would be shattering.
Amanda really reminds me of Cosby's wife who was aware and would help to drug and cover up the rapes.
No. 2012645
>>2012635I've never read his writing before, it genuinely sounds like it was written by a 16 year old.
Also there's something odd about the cover image, seems a little bit caricature/bimbofication. Not sure who made what since there are three names credited.
I'm only aware of the Sandman stuff (via a degree of separation, fanart by other artists) but is dude even a good writer?
No. 2012699
>>2012612>>2012695Summarizing the important bits of Scarlett's first interaction with Neil, it doesn't make Amanda look great
>Scarlet identifies as a lesbian and is a virgin at the start of this story but has been sexually abused by a middle-aged man before>Scarlet’s been a fan of Amanda’s for years, but they’ve been friends since 2021 after they met by chance on the street in Auckland. Amanda offers Scarlett tickets to gigs and asks her to run errands for her.>So I knew Amanda as a friend and she messaged me one weekend last minute.>That weekend, she desperately needed help because she was recording music or something and I was like, yeah, sure.>The role being offered to Scarlett is more like that of an au pair than a formal nanny.>Scarlett will live with the family and help both parents with childcare and, as it turns out, cooking and cleaning. >She’s also drawn to the idea of being part of Amanda Palmer’s household. But Scarlett’s never met Amanda’s husband, Neil Gaiman.>The child’s pick up time is left vague, and Scarlett finds herself on her own with Neil Gaiman and confused.>Neil Gaiman suggests they get a pizza and Scarlett goes to pick it up.>And then he came and ate outside with me and I was like. It was quite baffling. Kind of peculiar, but also flattering because. Because he’s famous.>We still had, like, time to kill, apparently so, he says. Do you want to have a bath? And I was like, oh yeah, sure. He said, okay, cool, I’ll bring you a bath.>I know it sounds crazy, but I truly thought nothing of it. So he runs me a bath, the bath is outside, down at the bottom of the garden, under what we call a pōhutukawa tree>So I got in and I, you know, was just sort of on my phone.>She says he then goes into the house, and when he comes out again, she says he’s naked.>then he got in the bath with me in the most, fucking unfazed way, like, completely nonchalant, like no issues. Just like in the least sexual way possible, basically,that I was just shooketh, but like also, “is this normal?”>In his account, Neil Gaiman asks Scarlett to participate in intimate contact, and according to his account, she agrees in a way that is pleasant and unforced. In Neil Gaiman’s account, it is no more than cuddling and making out.>Scarlett then says that Neil Gaiman tells her to come over to his side of the bath so that she can see more of the pōhutukawa tree. Silent and scared, she says, she does this. She says she resists more of his touching by pulling forward and sitting up.>Next thing I knew, his fingers were in my ass, and and I wasn’t really sure what was happening. And, and then he made me give him a, uh, a handjob, and I said no at first, because I’m not interested in that anatomy.>And then he said, you don’t know what you’re missing out on. You know, come on, come over here. And then kept pushing it and kept pushing it to the point where I was just like, fine. And then he – he – he just jerked off over me.>Utterly in a state of complete bewilderment. I wasn’t really sure what was happening. And, you know, feeling really confused and he – and he started to say, really kind of quite filthy things and, you know, sort of ordering me to call him Master.>Neil Gaiman and Amanda Palmer are co-parenting, but they live apart. So after collecting the child, Scarlett asks Neil Gaiman to take her to Amanda Palmer’s house. Scarlett says she felt unsafe returning to his. No. 2012705
remember when neil abandoned amanda and their child in NZ while he broke covid restrictions to fly to the UK?
>>968888 …was he actually fleeing police scrutiny?
No. 2012706
>>2012699What’s wild is Neil doesn’t even deny this part of the story. He agrees he made aggressive sexual moves on the young lesbian babysitter within hours of meeting her, but claims what followed was “consensual.” So at the very least he freely admits to being a creepy sex pest with his (unpaid) employees, and Amanda comes off creepy too for dumping this girl off with her creep husband and shrugging off her complaints about his behavior. So Neil Gaiman is fine with being known as a sexual harasser and
abusive employer; he only disagrees with the rapist part. He probably feels like he doesn’t have to say much at all, since his and Amanda’s army of deluded fanboys & girls will attack his accusers for him.
No. 2012752
>>2012699Thank you for the summary nona, this really sounds as bad as Weinstein or any of those other celebrity perverts. The power inbalance, feeling like you need to go along with the "famous" authority figure. The fact she's lesbian and has been abused before is I'm sure information passed along to Gaiman by Amanda prior her "accidentally" ending up alone in his house. They fully took advantage of her, and not to be dramatic but Amanda is acting as the trafficker here especially when you consider there were at least 14 more of these stories. She gained her trust over years, then abused it. Not discounting Gaiman's actions but Amanda absolutely personally delivered this girl to him, who by all accounts was not primarily interested in Gaiman.
Considering her "art of asking" philosophy and long history of taking advantage of fans and not paying anyone, this fully lines up with past behaviour.
No. 2012757
>Scarlett and Neil start texting on Whatsapp, she has handed the entire logs over to the source>she thanks him for the night and feels like she consented, but she also searches things like "Neil Gailman Metoo" and texts other friends about how confused she feels>Neil Gaiman told her things like “I’m your master. Call me Master, and I’ll come.”>she texts a friend to say “Neil and I had sex in the bath last night.” “But I know it crossed boundaries.”>It was so confusing because I feel like at the end of it, he made me feel like it was consensual, but it wasn’t consensual. And the anal was the basically the last thing on the fucking planet, I think is, like, I want to do.>That same Saturday evening, after she’s put the child to bed. Neil Gaiman anally penetrates her, she says, without asking and without using a condom, and she says that he uses butter as a lubricant.>from the friend she texted: "She framed it as both quite a positive and a negative thing in the same sentence, right, that she’d just had 'good, but quite rough,' or good, but like violent or something, sex with a man. And like … not to tell anyone."(sounds like she was heavily oscillating between trying to make the best of what happened and reframing it as a positive experience while also being wildly uncomfortable and remorseful)
>We understand that Neil Gaiman was by this point already aware of Scarlett’s only previous sexual experience, which was negative and with a man. His position is that he was considerate of Scarlett because of this, that full, penetrative sex would have been akin to taking her virginity, and so in his account, he only used his fingers. We’re told that Neil Gaiman’s position is that within two days of meeting her, he discovered Scarlett was interested in mild BDSM, which they then engaged in during their three week sexual relationship.>>2012752 is spot on that he was fully aware.
>That was the start of a month, basically, of being choked and utterly humiliated.>another incident occurs where he has sex with her in a hotel room and holds her mouth closed, she feels like she has no agency in this situation>It’s worth pointing out that at this stage, Scarlett has nowhere else to go. She’s estranged from her parents. She’s no money apart from what Neil Gaiman gives her. She’s dependent on him for bed, board, and income, and in return he uses her as, in her words, his “fuck pig,” and makes her call him “Master.” >There were times where, particularly one time, oh it was so painful and so violent that I fainted. I passed out, lost consciousness, ringing in the ears, black vision. Was – the pain was like celestial, you know, which is a strange word to use, but I couldn’t even describe it in language. And when I regained consciousness and I was on the ground, I looked up and he was watching the rehearsals from Scotland of whatever they were filming. And didn’t even notice that I was passed out. And you know that there was blood. It was so, so, so traumatic. And I asked him to stop. I said it was too much, and he laughed at me. Said, I need to be punished. You know, used his belt on me.>source describes that Scarlett trusted Amanda because she was a feminist icon offering her a sense of family, and that they reached out to Amanda and her friends multiple times to be ignored. Scarlett tells Amanda and Neil she finally feels like she belongs, they (esp Neil) offer to set her up and help her out>Neil leaves NZ abruptly and Scarlett feels so abandoned she first texts him wistful messages and eventually attempts suicide, a conversation with a nurse makes her reconsider the entire sexual relationship>Neil said he never would have touched her if he had known how vulnerable she was (big doubt)>Scarlett catches Covid right after Neil leaves, confides in Amanda, who is unsurprised by the whole confession, says she's the 14th woman to come to her about this, and informs Neil to stop interacting with Scarlett>Amanda texts Scarlett that Neil owes her an apology>3 of Scarlett's friends are academics focusing on sexual violence and explain that what he did was textbook grooming. Neil claims their professional interest caused them to make Scarlett believe her experience was non-consensual (rather than them being experts when it comes to spotting abusive dynamics) No. 2012791
Different nona to trsnscript nona, I'm listening to the podcast at 1.5 speed and some things to add so far from the first two episodes:
>they had grimy hotel sex where he'd piss on his hand and ask her to lick it off
>have anal sex and then ask her to lick his dick clean
She seemed to only really leave the groomed "they are like family" psychology once he left after a month, and she had time to think. Her psychologist friend considers her extremely vulnerable and a people pleaser.
I've just got up to this bit which seems important:
>Neil flew to Scotland to oversee filming
>Scarlett Whatsapp's him, she doesn't know Amanda told him what she confided
>Gaiman immediately jumps to damage control, claims he has been suicidal and spent a week "actively not killing myself"
>He tells her to talk to his therapist who he shares with Amanda and to tell the therapist it was consensual and he is not a rapist
Gaiman here seems to be going full damage control, making her feel he will commit die if she doesn't back down and say it was fully consensual. So of course she does from this point, she talks to the therapist on the phone, and now this is her story.
From listening to her speak, she really is a silly, perky people pleaser and I can absolutely see two people who have decades of experience manipulating people (being quite successful in their industries, having huge lists of connections) having power over her. Also worth repeating that they were her employers, she has no family and they also were not paying her (sounds like they withheld the majority of what she was owed rather than nothing, they use the phrase they weren't "paying properly" or similar)
I recommend listening to the podcast because it gives you a very clear picture of what happened from various sources.
No. 2012793
*academic friend specialising in consent and sexual abuse, to be clear, not psychologist but with expertise in that area
No. 2012822
>>2012793episode 3 doesn't have much about this, it's all about Gaiman's history. They did a full investigation, interviewing people who knew him, visiting his childhood home which happened to be very close to the Scientology headquarters. His father was the leading English scientologist when Gaiman was a child, his father got briefly labelled a "suppressive person" but then became active again.
In terms of Scarlett, the timeline was Gaiman paying her £125 a week through 2022, while maintaining whatsapp contact, well after their irl communication ended, receiving the money came with the condition she signed an NDA, specifically in May 2022. She went to the police at the start of 2023 and did three days of interviews. in 2024 the police told her there was insufficient evidence and that it wouldn't be pursued. Previous to this, in October 2023 Scarlett reached out to this Tortoise media source since she realised the police report was going nowhere.
I think this part of the podcast is leading to interviewing the second person mentioned. I definitely recommend listening to part 1 and 2 but not much happening in part 3.
No. 2012837
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>>2011785The amount of TRAs making this about trannies is absurd. Literally just instant damage control since Neil is wokebro and they need to maintain the moral high ground.
No. 2012851
>>2012822Episode 4 wraps it up nicely and corroborates Scarlett's story with a similar one from K, except with a lot more maturity. Him and K were still in contact until 2022 but the relationship was around 2007 for a few years. She kept getting infections, UTI, eye infection, he actually dumped her one day while she had an eye infection (it's pretty obvious how she got these since he is so grimy) in the middle of a trip together, he got on the plane and left, and she tried to chase after him and even boarded his plane begging for him back.
She said the same, very painful sex with no lube. BDSM, wants to be called Master.
I think he does the same thing with every sexual partner as moids tend to do, which explains why Amanda is not only cool with outsourcing that job but actively tries to recruit people/
victims, like Scarlett.
Gaiman also namedrops other celebrities or promises connections to his harem to keep them sweet, evidence in episode 2 with him getting some woman I don't know (Scarlett was a big fan of) to make video messages for Scarlett, who was recovering in hospital after a suicidal break about a week after Gaiman was suicide baiting in 2022. He would also send video messages at this time.
And there was mention of joking emails from K suggesting she find David Tennant's hotel room. I think he kept that carrot of possible FaMe and CelebRity ConnEction to keep as many people on the hook as possible, plus in both stories I feel a slice of gaslighting where the women doubt their own feelings. Because of course the guy fucking your ass with his dry dick had a good time, so how could you have a different experience?
People need to stop giving a shit about celebrities and half of these things wouldn't even happen.
Also bonus info from episode 3 iirc: one of Gaiman's friends claimed the reason he is like this is because he's autistic. Sure.
No. 2012855
>>2012837They tried, like show me when JKR assfucked a 22 year old fan until they bled, I'll wait.
Other than the "obviously she's worse" I think the rest of the post is fine, but they still had to throw that in, huh.
No. 2012856
>>2012851Also samefag, as mentioned in the author cows thread and several times in this podcast, in the UK
there is no such thing as consent to violent sexual acts where in NZ it is considered legal. So even if you are BDSM and got "consent" in the UK, it is still classed as sexual assault if the person wants to report it. Saying "they consented" means shit in the UK in regard to sexual violence.
The anon in the author cows thread suggested this means Gaiman could get arrested if he sets foot in the UK, after listening to this I think that is
very possible.
No. 2021492
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Yet more allegations have come out about Gaiman:
>According to the new claims – which Gaiman denies – he pressured a mother-of-three to have sex with him in return for letting her live with her daughters at his property in upstate New York; and– made her sign a non-disclosure agreement in return for a $275,000 payment to help her cope with post-traumatic stress and depression following their sexual relationship.
A second woman says he jumped on her “out of the blue” in an “aggressive, unwanted” pass in the 1980s, when they were both in their twenties.
Amanda has still not said anything, publicly or on Patreon, which makes me think it's certain he has an ironclad NDA on her
No. 2021551
>>2021492Don't be retarded anon. Like it says, NDA didn't stop the
victim speaking out. Palmer's quiet because she's trying to figure out how to shield herself.
No. 2021992
>>2021821>If she could, she would pay the babysitter nothing at allSamefag as in post related and whoops, guess she did exactly that, i missed that part. There's 2 inredibly fucked up things beyond the rape/what he did it itself, and it's 1. troons being fine with rape because uwu Neil did so much good for lgbt! we don't believe troon media! (but that's absolutely nothing surprising). The second, somewhat surprising part is Amanda's Ghislaine Maxwell tier involvement in all this. I thought they were divorced? i thought she'd disown him as soon as possible and yet, radio silence. Plus the whole "you're 14th woman telling me thing", wtf. Amanda is absolutely guilty of providing fresh new
victims for that moid, this story is much much more dark and unsettling that just a usual story of BPD attention whore marrying pretentious 60yo artist & making everyone cringe
No. 2059695
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Amanda Palmer heard about something in new zealand going viral and decided to make it about herself. Of course no one in the comments gave her permission kek
No. 2059892
>>2059883Iirc several ppl mentioned they talked to Amanda about Neil's behaviour and she laughed it off and said it's like 8th time or what. Pretty sure it's somewhere upthread. But did she ever say anything on the matter? Did she distance herself from him somehow in any statement?
I wonder if he visits the kid in person at all. I think he'd best avoid that child entirely if he could, considering the 11k mile distance thing during lockdown lol
No. 2073600
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>>2060008Wouldn't be the first one.
No. 2077785
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This bombshell article just dropped. Behold and be horrified at your own peril. deeper into Gaiman's Scientology background, features gross sex acts and is sprinkled with a terminal dose of grooming and gaslighting throughout. Other highlights include Gaiman corrupting his own toddler son with sex fetishes, Gaiman paying $300,000 a random 54yo woman to keep quiet about their affair, Amanda moving back with her parents in Massachusetts.
No. 2077788
>>2077787She was supplying him with
victims and actively leaving her child to this rapist pedo scrote. I obviously hate him more, I hope he has to lick feces off the road while having anal fissures, but she’s disgusting too.
No. 2077794
>>2077791She asked if he was wearing headphones when one of the
victims came forward to her…I doubt the son is in safe hands with her either.
No. 2077799
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Never forget.
No. 2077830
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>>2077825I hated this part even more. What a rapist ass thing to say, "I am the decider, and I decided that the truth of the matter is, there was no abuse." After "re reviewing everything that
actually happened" - as if he is a God, as if he has all the evidence of who his
victims spoke to/when/what they said, or whats in their hearts or memories. Nope, his word is final, "Master" has spoken. All this fuck probably has to "rereview" is some old DMs that he mostly likely saved to jack off to, so his pathetic old ass can relive his crimes against young women. The fake humble act really does get to me, though. I really wish I could read the article, but got paywalled. I don't know why I didn't realize he had scientology connections, either ? Sinister.
No. 2077860
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>>2077794gaiman sexually assaulted his son's nanny while in bed with him and basically raped her in front of him, someone needs to take this child away from him
No. 2077884
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>>2077860>>2077796I wonder if he's abusing his son, he did write this scene (the rapist is portrayed as a sympathetic character btw)
No. 2077889
>>2077884He probably jerked off to this ew .
I don’t know if he touched his son, I don’t think, but I think that what’s been doing is definitely CSA, he’s some form of pedophile. If he would have had a daughter he would have raped her 100% though.
No. 2077912
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There was a tumblr dedicated to photos of young girls reading Neil Gaiman books in the bathtub that was probably just run by Neil Gaiman to harvest photos of underage naked girls, ala Dan "hey kids, write on your foot and send me the pics!" Schneider. This is the most '50 year old pedophile trying to sound like a cool college kid' sentence I've ever fucking read:
>I'll put `em up. I'm student enough (and therefore bored enough in class) to take on this task.
No. 2077916
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>>2077785>>2077905Non-paywalled link: 100% groomed his son. According to the article, he and Palmer are entering their 5th year of divorce and custody battles. Gaiman shouldn't be allowed anywhere near the kid
No. 2077924
>>2077916Nta but thank you anon. This is horrible but absolutely not surprising. And Amanda is just as much disgusting piece of shit, she knew she's raising a child with a monster.
>>2077884What in the hell. THIS is what this ugly fucker is so loved and praised for? The writing's been on the wall, always. Harems of women and boys "still hairless and savory as apricots". I mean it's not "handsome men", it's flowery bs describing children specifically. i'm gonna vomit
>>2077912Fucking ew. The manipulation behind this, pretending it's all just cool innocent activity to promote books…
No. 2077926
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>>2077920The oldest widely heard about assault involved him forcibly kissing a girl when he was in his 20s, but there are specific stories from the years 1986, 2003, 2012, so he's been doing it for decades. He was probably raping women before he was famous enough for them to remember the name of the shitty ugly man with the melting face who raped them.
No. 2077932
>>2077926that sadly doesn't surprise me at all and I hope that every
victim gets justice and support. What a POS.
He was weird and creepy when he had some honorary role at my undergrad uni for a short time. I went to some of the "writer's talks" (can't remember the official name for those meetings, it wasn't a class). I'm not sure if he actually taught any courses, though.
No. 2077992
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"He can't be a rapist! He threw great kink parties" honestly his fandom defending him were equally milky.
Also Neil and Amanda definitely have a profile on feeld
No. 2078032
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No. 2078037
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>>2077830Nona, it's archived 1000x times already…
No. 2078042
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>>2077992>Boston kink community>tfw he might have fucked Elliot FongNo wonder he defends troons.
his thread on KF No. 2078067
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Aaaaand the whiteknight squad is already in the comment section.
No. 2078155
>>2078139this might be shocking to hear but women with BPD and other personality disorders are able to be raped the same as any other.
like what is your point?
No. 2078220
>>2078202I think it would have to be a federal crime for an offense overseas to be prosecuted in the USA. CP and child rape in another country are definitely prosecutable by federal law, but I’m not sure if reckless exposure is included in their definition. I’m curious if he could be prosecuted for any of this shit in NZ or wherever else he was committing rape.
In my state it’s a 3rd degree felony and will force you to be on the sex offender list. The charge is the same whether the adult was intentionally exposing a child to sexual activity or just being disgustingly careless about it (which he apparently was). It’s one thing if a kid unexpectedly walks in on his parents in their bedroom at 12am, it’s quite another if his dad was raping the help in broad daylight 10 feet away and the child apparently became so used to this degeneracy he started referring to women using his dad’s BDSM terminology.
No. 2078237
>>2078230Yes I can but tell me how. It is in the anthology '999 New Stories of Horror and Suspense' collected by Al Sarrantonio. I found it on libgen. As
>>2078102 said the story is called Keepsakes and Treasures: a love story.
No. 2078259
>>2078258kek. Anon, just go find it yourself.
>>2078231Typical psychopath behavior. They choose who to humanize and empathize with. He probably would portray the most enlightened being, full of kindness in front of his prestigious writer circle, then we read shit like this where some poor young woman is forced to indulge his generic, retard fantasy of master and slave with piss and scat.
No. 2078261
>>2078139Almost like being raped can
trigger a mental breakdown
No. 2078273
>>2078204A lot of abusers group women into "good women they treat with respect" and "whores who deserve it." Tori is respected and established in artsy circles, classically trained and known for poetic lyrics. So she's not only on an equal standing to him, but also makes high-brow yet alternative music (and we all know how pretentious Neil is and his persona as a sophisticated yet goffik author). Which is probably enough to make her count as a human to him.
Whereas the women he abused were not only unknown in the circles he runs in, but were also in subordinate positions to him. It would be easier for him to compartmentise them as being not real equal ~artistique~ humans like Tori and his own wife, but as just mindless NPCs he can abuse.
I feel bad for Tori. Must be rough to find out one of your friends is a rapist as a
victim yourself whose worked to help other
No. 2078299
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>>2077798>"Breaking the Silence"This sick fuck cannont be serious right now.
No. 2078346
>>2078282What's so hard to understand about 'taking a selfie reminds you you exist after you've felt like an object/plaything for a stronger man' ..? It's like looking in a mirror when you feel like shit, but you get to keep an image of the moment. Yes, the inclusion of these selfies is strange and exploitative, that girl should have kept them to herself but the action isn't that unusual in that context. Women do strange things after being raped, like appeasing their rapist by acting like nothing happened, shoving the incident as far down as they possibly can. Does it mean they weren't raped?
>BPD >eye-fucking>five personality disordersIf you must call them crazy liars, just do it. Don't beat around the bush.
No. 2078347
>>2078299>I've always tried to be a private personKek, has she? In what way?
>moments I half-recognize and moments I don'tMinimizing already, uh-oh.
>I'm far from a perfect person butNo one believes anyone is perfect, this was never anyone's expectation. Most people's baselines just don't include sex pest behavior and sexual assault which she is being accused of.
>I'll continue to self-reflect and grow, pinky promise!She needs prison and to be made to give those women she harmed restitution. No one cares about her apologies. If she had exonerating receipts she would have provided them with the quickness. What a bullshitter.
No. 2078391
>>2078194Anyone under 20 videos themself/livestreams walking down the street these days, like kids livestream and record their life. This girl is in her early 20s so she grew up with the social media and instagram boom. It would be more weird if she
didn't take photos for her generation.
I do agree with anons that including them in the article was a weird choice.
No. 2078462
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So the chronic oversharer won't be sharing anything, and has turned off comments on instagram. Her fans are turning on her in the older posts where comments haven't been switched off yet
No. 2078467
>>2078462Learning not to be an attentionwhore a little bit to late, eh?
>ongoing custodyYou're telling me the judge even entertained the idea of shared custody with a guy who sexually harmed (by exposure) his own child?! This world has always been a pedo dystopia.
No. 2078486
>>2078386Both Neil and Jared were purposefully leveraging their fame to lure in
victims. If they’d made anonymous throwaway accounts and posted nude requests to their respective fandoms without revealing their identity, barely anyone would’ve fallen for it. I actually think the sheer audacity of it lulled many of the girls into a false sense of security. Surely if he’s doing it in full view of the public with his name attached, it has to be innocent, right?
It’s not surprising that they thought they could pull this off (they did, for decades in Gaiman’s case) but rather that they thought they could get away with it in the long run. They really thought they were untouchable.
No. 2078512
>>2078462The phrasing reads like she has retained counsel and posted this at their behest, which
is the wisest choice (but the most boring one for us kek). She was not only aware of the abuse but complicit, and she's been through court enough times to know publicly bitching about it would be a detriment to her case. I wouldn't expect to get much more out of her, at least not on social media, until the case is closed. If she's really as smart as she pretends to be, she might even DFE.
No. 2078523
>>2078512The thing is, she's walked herself (over a couple of decades) into this predicament. Her entire schtick is oversharing with her fans, blurring the lines between fans and friends, and cultivating an image of openness and sharing which pulls orbiters into a parasocial relationship with her. A great many of her fans are on patreon subbed for a monthly "thing", which originally was music but more recently has just been all sorts of random shit like promoting a random underage teenage singer that she took a liking to (uh-oh) and a panel chat with a tranny about AI. I stayed on her patreon a lot longer than I should have because I liked her music, but unsubbed about a year ago because she just wasn't writing any, and the few things she put out were either covers or nowhere near the level of song writing of her old work. So the majority of her monthly "things" are just her yapping away about whatever she feels like, which her remaining fans ate up. If she stops yapping, there goes her income, which according to the Vulture article she desperately needs for the custody battle with Gaiman.
It's complete schadenfreude now, she either has to keep producing some sort of content which she can't do if she's keeping silent, or lose her fans and income.
No. 2078552
>>2078527>>2078533kinda ot, but rebecca walker, alice walker's daughter, talked about what it was like growing up in these 'artsy' bohemian spaces. rebecca was never abused or raped, but she had an unstable life with her mother, no rules and getting taught about sex and kink by adults, seeing her mother and her lovers casually nude, it was basically a bunch of degenerates who were openly degenerate in front of their children and tired to frame it as revolutionary parenting, she preferred living with her birth father, step-mother and half siblings, over alice's group of hippies in san francisco cause it was a stable and normal healthy environment for a child and that's the best case scenario
No. 2078580
>>2078533>>2078552>>2078561Minor derail but the protagonist of JKR’s Cormoran Strike series has almost this exact background. He gets taken in by sane relatives and ends up joining the Royal Military Police as an adult. It’s an interesting coincidence considering how much Gaiman loves to shit on JKR and how people keep comparing them.
I hope Palmer and Gaiman’s son has at least some normal people in his life who can give him the support he needs and that he turns out okay. Hopefully he doesn’t end up with the Scientologists or something.
No. 2078597
>>2078591Yeah, I wish I had higher hopes for their son but his only influences appear to be his sex pest parents and their
victims/unpaid “nannies.” He has even less chance of growing up into a decent person than the average moidlet, whose chances are low. And it’ll be even worse if the Scientologists get their hands on him.
No. 2078669
>>2078549i am a couple of degrees of separation away from the scene Amanda hangs out in and I will say that swapping favors/taking in vagrants/befriending someone over a single charming interaction used to be a fairly common thing in the broke artsy burnouts communities. It still is to some degree among the younger crowd, but most people age out of it after repeatedly 'helping' people who turn out to be flaky, mentally unstable,
abusive DARVOists who were originally teetering on the edge of society not because they are too cool, mysterious & quirky to participate in it, but because their behavior was profoundly asocial and/or predicated on sucking people's sympathies dry. giving someone a no-skills job like 'babysit my kid' when they're broke or 'stay in my guest house' when they're down on their luck would have been considered an act of charity especially because this scarlett girl clearly was in full palmer-esque 'abandoned by family, ED-riddled/mentally ill creative/romantic waif' lifestyle when they met. they would have vibed.
gaiman/palmer are lucky that this is the worst 'find out' that's happened to them after 30-40 years of fucking around, frankly.
No. 2078693
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>>2078545kek they both played up the woke card so much
also they look so much like a stereotypical poly sex pest couple. they're like the rich version of eli and dana, from the preying on unstable younger women to the child neglect.
No. 2079335
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>>2079252I'm so glad someone called this out. The author of that Vulture article went so hard defending the BDSM scene, and the quote about how it would all be ok if they had just discussed it beforehand was particularly jarring. I mean, regardless of whether Pavlovich technically consented, she was still a broke young woman struggling with trauma and mental illness and would've been homeless without Palmer and Gaiman giving her a place to stay. How could she actually have any power in that situation? It didn't matter whether she said yes or no. The author made it seem like the real issue was that Gaiman didn't follow the rules like a socially acceptable sadist. I pray for the day when society realizes that men who get off on torturing women are straight up sick in the head, not some paragons of feminist virtue just because they follow some bullshit made up rules for kink.
>"The fantasy that violence somehow becomes neutral or even good when accompanied by a resounding “yes” is crazy when you actually think about it" No. 2079339
>>2079335I think a lot of female BDSM defenders have deluded themselves into believing that men only ever have the best intentions and actually care about their female "partners" (
victims) so they'd do no harm to them intentionally. These women need to re-develop their natural instincts of not trusting moids when it comes to sex.
No. 2079443
>>2079277>>2079284I’d bet money on it. They make a point of collecting blackmail material for their members, and with an evil moid like Neil it would be as easy as putting him in a room with a teenaged girl and a hidden camera.
>>2079362I’ve noticed that with a lot of high-profile ex-Scientologists who spent their formative years in the cult. Most of them are very charming and know how to say all the right things to sound reasonable and likeable but it often comes off as performative and like they’re working off a carefully curated script. Gaiman gave me those same vibes for years before I even found out he’d been a Scientologist. You don’t have to have been in a cult to turn out like that, of course, but finding out about his background made it all click into place.
No. 2079464
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>>2079335It always goes like this
No. 2079540
>>2078299I studied SAASL (scrote as a second language) so I can translate this for you:
1. My fandom are so besotted with me that in the past the best option was just to ignore being accused of rape.
2. I have receipts and plan to selectively use them to attack my
victims, including the ones who maintained contact with me because I employed them.
3. I am going to apologize for a few things here but not state exactly what they are. Fans should feel free to gaimansplain this and apply these vague apologies wherever necessary when defending me.
4. I will do better in not doing the things I'm not specifically mentioning.
5. Lawyers are working as we speak.
No. 2080518
>>2080295Sage for barely-related, but. If women who are recognized and popular artists can keep their hands from molesting and raping and abusing people in such quantities as men in power/artristry do, it tells just one thing. Never trust a scrote.
It's not a desruction of authors. It's scrotes being scrotes and showing their ugly side even more as soon as they have some clout and think themselves protected.
Anyway, capeharder, moid-rag, at least you're being picked.
No. 2080539
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No. 2080549
>>2079464Source? Finally a based take on maledoms and abusers.
No. 2081076
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r/neilgaiman updated its rules. strange that he isn't getting the Rowling treatment. Male privilege at work again.
No. 2081090
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>>2081076kek the subreddit is currently asskissing the mods and congratulating each other about how amazing and comppassionate and mature and woke they are. and ofcourse they're making it about men and trannies.
ngl it's reddit and vocal gaiman fans have always been insufferable preachy woke types so it's predictable.
they'll insist rowling is still literally hitler tho
No. 2081101
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>>2081096yup. and the only comment daring to mention male violence ahainst women gets downvoted to oblivion.
that subbreddit is a trip, all they do is
>reassure themselves and each other they're still good people for daring to like some haram book >reassure themselves and each other there was no way to tell gaiman was a creep just bc he wrote pedo and rape shit >trying to find another celeb they're allowed to parasocially idolise (terry pratchett doing a lot of legwork there)>post about what gaiman's work meant to them personally as an individual>virtue signal about how they're goong to cover up their tattoos and donate their collection>reassure each other it's totes valid to keep liking and owning the books (bc book burning is bad now) >congratulate each other on how amazing the community is> make it about jkr is still jsut as bad somehowIt's all handwringing about their feelings as gaiman fans.
victims who?
No. 2081158
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I wonder why these edgy gen X alt couples are always turbo groomers.
No. 2081234
>>2081158You know how we sometimes speculate which celebrities would post on lolcow
to wk themselves? I nominate these two.
No. 2081277
>>2080295All men would rape if they knew they could get away with it, that's the truth.
Money, fame, and a fanbase full of deranged whiteknights lulls them into a false sense of security and makes them think they're untouchable.
No. 2081548
>>2081530That's it? That's….. that's your insult? The fact he is old and unattractive and the assumption I, somehow, want his dick? Are you…. 12?
In fact I think you probably ARE. I've noticed it's modern teens who are full of hate towards talented people of the past. All while celebrating braindead tiktokers.
(ban evasion) No. 2081582
>>2081548You sound deeply out of touch.
>>2081090How typical. A series of women were sexually abused and traumatized by one wealthy old sick fuck, but think of the poor men! Imagine how this hurts the feelings of men!!
No. 2081722
>>2081526>the usual patternYou're right
nonnie, we shouldn't be surprised. He is a man after all.
No. 2081932
>>2081722There are two ways heterosexual women cope with not getting dick:
1) becoming pickmes
2) becoming
femcels….so, you chose number 2.
(infighting/derailing) No. 2081963
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ot but found more scarletts pics when she used the name Scarlett Wynter as an actress. Hope she doesn't quit because of this, i really do(derailing)
No. 2081975
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also idk why she was in this blog at 15 No. 2082048
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>>2081158>>2077785>On the day she met Palmer — on most days then — she’d painted a triangle of translucent silver beneath her lower lashes so it looked as though she’d been crying tears of glitter. Am I seeing things, or…
No. 2082053
>>2081932Dick is abundant and of low value, its a scrotoid myth that any woman has to work towards attaining it. Even incels can admit that women cannot be single and out of options unless she rejects the men who are into her.
As repulsive as Amanda is as a person, there are still thousands of moids with a weirdo alt bitch fetish who would line up to get their balls busted by her.
God knows that men don't give a fuck about a woman's personality and that a woman being insane, narcissistic, horrible and wretched has never deterred any man from sticking his dick in her before.
Men will happily date, marry and knock up women with severe personality disorders and character defects, as long as he gets to cum.
(sage your shit) No. 2082061
>>2078693I mean…literally most men are technically libfems, they strongly believe in legalizing prostitution, letting porn be freely available and being protected under free speech, the right for women to whore themselves to men and have one night stands, the right for women to pay for their own meals and drinks and get bbls and nose jobs and boob jobs and frame it as 'empowering', the right for women to abort when he doesn't want to pay child support and 'equal say', women being allowed to dress slutty and flash their vaginas and tits in public whenever they want, the right for trannies to parade around and beat + humiliate women in sports, etc etc. All core values of liberal feminism. 'Male feminist' just means horny coomer and tranny fetishist at this point, of which most men naturally are.
>>969681>Neil is extremely holier-than-though and pseudo-woke on social media, panders to SJWs, then passive-aggressively refutes them, and re: the "who cheated" discussion, I've read rumors for years that he's a giant fuckboy who talks about how he has "a girl in every city". Everything about him screams faux male feminist and he's so fucking self-congratulatory.Nona called it 4 years ago.
No. 2082071
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No. 2082204
>>20819323) lesbian with pattern recognition skills
>>2082071Anyone who mentions Gaiman and JKR in the same breath when discussing that dead eyed rapist needs to have their phone taken away and sent to do hard labor. I'm sure OP felt very brave and big brained when she typed out her theory that rape accusations are just some sort of psyop conducted by Bad Women to make Good Men look bad.
No. 2082345
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>>2082071honestly the fans are something else. all they care abiut is their blorbos, their personall feelings, and is signaling they're still good woke people. absolute narcissism
No. 2082346
>>2082345>Good OmensAt least pick a franchise that's actually
good if you're going to be this autistic and disrespectful about it, jfc.
No. 2082608
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Tumbling down…
>Dark Horse Comics “takes seriously the allegations against Neil Gaiman and we are no longer publishing his works,” the company wrote in a statement on X.>HarperCollins, which publishes many of Gaiman’s books in the US including Coraline and American Gods, told Publishers Weekly that it does not have any new books by Gaiman scheduled. WW Norton, the US publisher of Gaiman’s book Norse Mythology, said that it will not have projects with the author going forward, though did not say whether this was connected to the allegations. Marvel Comics has no new works by Gaiman in progress, according to the New York Times.>Other publishers of Gaiman’s work – including Bloomsbury, Penguin, Hachette, DC Comics and Titan – have not yet made public statements about whether they will continue to publish the author, and did not respond to the Guardian’s requests for comment. No. 2083096
>>2082608It's good to hear dh dropped him.
otoh it's easy for some of the publishers to say "we have no books by him sceduled" tho, gaiman hasn't actually written a novel in ages. he just coasts in his reputation and rakes in the cash from adaptations of his older works.
>>2082346ikr, good omens is the ugly old man psyop personified and the fandom are particularly insufferable. cringey self-important superwholock types.
it's also pretty funny how their precious smol bean david tennant hasn't said a thing. the smug rat-faced bastard is always running his mouth about hot button issues and how woke he is but now he's radio silent.
god i hate this scrote No. 2083434
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>>2083300the cowardly little shit has simply dropped mentions of gaiman and good omens from his sicials.
of course fans are coping by telling themselves that their precious blorbo is trapped by his evil contract and that he's totally going to speak out when he can.
Lt's incredible how these people are just desperate to idolise mediocre moids just because they wrote or starred in some geekslop. gaiman just proved how dangerous this whole parasocial adoration is and their answer is to cope by pretending their other blorbos (pratchett, tennant etc) are totally heckin' feminist even if this one was bad!
and anyone saying the fandom should do some self-reflection gets dogpiled and accused of
victim blaming.
>>2082608seems they're also cancelling stage adaptations of coraline, at least in the UK.
No. 2085284
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Neil Gaiman Accused of Human Trafficking, Sexual Abuse in New Lawsuit
>On Monday, Scarlett Pavlovich filed a lawsuit in federal court against the author Neil Gaiman on human-trafficking charges under the Trafficking Victims Protection Act, a law intended to curtail the crime in the United States and abroad. It additionally accused him of sexual abuse, assault, rape, and coercion. Gaiman has previously denied all allegations of nonconsensual sexual activity, which he has been accused of by multiple women.
>The complaint also named Amanda Palmer, Gaiman’s estranged wife, accusing her of procuring Pavlovich for Gaiman and failing to warn her about Gaiman’s history of alleged sexual misconduct. No. 2085308
>>2085286It's gonna end like Manson lawsuits. Settled out of court/no way to prove anything/Gaiman pays court costs to just fuck off and that is all. I don't know how can anything be proved, really. One thing's for certain, this will only make his moron fans scream "See?! Moneyhungry bitch just wanted money and fame! it was a scheme all along to take out the gReAtEsT wRiTer of 21 century~ blah blah"
I'm very interested in texts with Amanda. Because this one's pretty much Ghislaine vibes
No. 2085704
Nonnie good catch!
No. 2087503
>>2079252This is such a funny headline
>>2081526>envious ofYes I crave to be an ugger rapist scientologist and his pickme wife
>accusations>throwing shitThese allegations are based on years of investigative journalism and interviews with
victims across the world. I'm afraid that falls under "facts" not shit throwing. Gaiman even admitted these events happened, he just disagreed with their description.
Imposing BDSM on a child (via proxy, they are in the room) is in fact pedophilia, hope that helps.
No. 2087510
>>2085845Tumblr is nested, jolene was replied to by neil-gaiman (his reply aged very well) with interest in bath photos, and then bathbookneil (also gaiman imo) wrote "there is now" etc and provided the email address.
The screenshot cuts it off but "why thank you" appears to be neil-gaiman again, reblogging the reblog chain.
No. 2088044
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Her latest patreon post (I'm only still there for the screencaps). Haven't posted the whole thing as she goes off on a ramble but this is the start of it… clearly no intention of taking responsibility
No. 2088212
>>2088044>you all have so many jobsIt's giving trump repeating random phrases to fill in time, then she waffles about social media (people have been migrating from Twitter etc for years, this isn't news) and then a "look over there!" At the end with a reference to current political events
My guess is she will never say anything (she's the Mrs Cosby who looked the other way/helped him get
victims, after all) and hope people forget about it. What can you say when it's been proven at least 14 women personally approached her about his abuse and she did nothing (and even continued handing people over to him)
No. 2088358
>me>my feeelings>my privacy>my job>me as a person>me as a mother>me as an artist>me>my poor broken heart>my crowdfundingg>my amazing fans>my art>my social media posts>my DMs>my adoring crowd>my enlightened opinions on current issues>did i mention i'm making ART?????and not a word for the
victims. truly impressive.