File: 1666854986092.png (Spoiler Image,99.63 KB, 191x340, AFDFD6E7-2B51-498C-A3C5-F3ED58…)

No. 1685917
>writes an incredibly graphic fake child abuse/rape/human trafficking story, complete with a fake Hidden Wiki/Tor article screenshot listing off a bunch of non-existent videos of fucked up torture methods/murder>makes a fake Facebook account for one of the "characters" in this story, using a picture of an entirely different person from Tumblr>jokes about child rape/kidnapping, then complains that people shouldn't joke about murder>pretends to commit suicide, but people point out his Facebook activity>was believed to have actually died in 2021 due to an obituary Guys…I don’t think he’s dead. Apologies if this has been addressed before!
I haven’t heard of this milk before so read through all 4 threads recently. Decided to have a lil snoop to see if he ACTUALLY died and…I’ll post the screenshots below.
Feel free to delete if this has been debunked already
Archives of past blogs: not create tinfoil threads about deceased subjects) No. 1685918
File: 1666855185236.png (Spoiler Image,1.35 MB, 1284x2778, 0DB72E64-357A-402C-A9ED-2E5291…)

Okay so I wasn’t around for the original threads, I read them recently and finally got to the end of thread 4 with the obituary. Decided to go on a lil info dive and…huh.
Lmk if this has been debunked! Feel free to delete and bonk me over the head if I’m wrong
No. 1685919
File: 1666855238080.png (6.69 MB, 1284x2778, 7B5371CD-481B-4470-BF5D-BCAC17…)

Sorry about the spoiler image my bad
No. 1685920
File: 1666855259342.png (3.98 MB, 1284x2778, 7D3A73D0-E4C0-4EFF-81F6-1510D6…)

No. 1685921
File: 1666855356614.png (1.21 MB, 1284x2778, E1563D51-F20E-4C01-8AB5-4EB116…)

No. 1685923
File: 1666855443511.png (616.6 KB, 1284x2778, E969F7F7-AE9E-42F4-B89A-30876E…)

No. 1685986
>>1685923Fuck yeah I love a good cow resurrection, I hope this is real. Haven't been this excited since some farmer found Erin posting on twatter after disappearing
>>1685941I assume she's still online as all terminally online coombrains do, but under a completely seperate name and story.