File: 1664492830005.jpg (287.8 KB, 1025x1284, Dylan-Mulvaney.jpg)

No. 1662331
File: 1664494236286.png (800.24 KB, 795x913, 1664493605949034.png)

No. 1662333
nonny, I let out the ugliest wheeze laugh at this.
No. 1662339
File: 1664494569466.png (834.43 KB, 912x769, oh.png)

No. 1662365
File: 1664495752600.png (255.72 KB, 828x704, cope (2).png)

Based therapist
No. 1662385
File: 1664496546593.jpeg (413.49 KB, 1170x2532, BD76C6B6-B828-4253-B5AD-6FDC0B…)

>>1662339These things always have big puffy infected gumlines with scurvy. Charlotte Clymer ass mouth
No. 1662401
>>1662339jesus christ he didn't even wash his face before leaving the house or taking this picture
look at the dry skin by his nose
No. 1662463
File: 1664503378933.jpeg (353.48 KB, 1284x1111, 1DC71CA1-8A83-45B0-BFB4-E5E9A9…)

everyday it amazes me how troons fail to understand basic biology. horse piss isn’t giving you uwu pixar mommy hips.
No. 1662468
>>1662169jesus. a woman who walked around looking like this would have trouble just getting a job. if your friend tried to leave the house like that to go hand out resumes you'd ask her if she was going to shower& get changed& do her hair first.
PS, that threadpic has made me decide to kms.
No. 1662470
>>1662466my favourite is the pictures where their feet are a metre apart just to make their hips look like a non-curvy woman's do when she's standing with her legs together.
troons are masters of optical illusion on par with peter jackson's camera work
No. 1662484
File: 1664504420468.png (1.1 MB, 614x756, ss.PNG)

>>1662296>>1662466this reminded me of a local troon who has a large following on tiktok. i wonder if this is shooped or just anorexia
No. 1662493
>>1662327should have used this
>>1658149 absolute gem
also please for the next one i support the anon on the previous thread that said we can prune it a little and not include the link to EVERY single previous thread
No. 1662513
>>1662484Wait, that's supposed to be the same person in op? I thought it was some femboy trap groom
victim half his age.
No. 1662599
File: 1664522896340.jpg (112.52 KB, 750x581, 84117710.jpg)

No. 1662627
File: 1664528188731.jpeg (354.74 KB, 960x745, D1F64F05-41FB-4B5D-9A50-6E17F8…)

pixar hips troon has something to say
No. 1662633
File: 1664529472538.jpg (138.56 KB, 719x1135, 20220930_111628.jpg)

No. 1662634
File: 1664529763388.jpeg (138.68 KB, 828x391, 1BECB3EF-28FD-4BD2-B881-7DFB10…)

>>1662627this troon is so annoying, deleted the “pixar mom hips” tweet because of angry TIFs lol, their community really eats themselves alive. anyways, why are they so obsessed with being so uwu frail they could never do something so ‘manly and strong’ as opening a pickle jars? no sir- that’s the cross-sex hormones your body doesn’t need giving you osteoporosis and destroying the already lacking muscles you have kek.
No. 1662639
>>1662634bc their idea of womanhood is purely derived from porn. weak, frail, small, exists to be fucked.
troondrea long chu and others like him have said that to be female is to be fucked/submissive. clown world is so saturated and accepting of these stunning and brave sex pests that even questioning this rhetoric is
terf wrongthink.
No. 1662649
File: 1664534267453.jpeg (209.05 KB, 1185x2048, Fd2C6A0XgAM_wCY.jpeg)

No. 1662653
File: 1664534488381.png (53.03 KB, 446x389, EC239876-28DA-4584-9085-8ED426…)

you can’t make this shit up
No. 1662654
File: 1664534627890.jpeg (43.01 KB, 620x595, 30FF0B9D-C48C-485F-A49E-418473…)

>>1662633Excuse u
nonny where’s the rot pocket?? I’m at the edge of my seat. I want to see the monstrosity
No. 1662657
>>1662653Weird how some moids can't feel attraction to women unless they wear face paint…
Good though. Stay away from lesbians dude.
No. 1662668
File: 1664536212865.jpeg (77.54 KB, 427x1200, 8BC7FA70-89BB-46F9-9376-5FE1C4…)

>>1662660i cant find it unfortunately but funnily enough i just realized the op is daintyda1sy, that faggot that screamed at a random coworker bc he assumed she was a
terf with absolutely no basis to prove that.
instead lets laugh at this deranged grandpa
No. 1662675
File: 1664538364611.jpeg (165.8 KB, 960x535, D11A3B56-9A01-4CBA-B373-EBB809…)

remember the 37 year old dad who trooned out bc his 15 year old son did? this is him now.
No. 1662701
>>1662365Isn't therapy about solving your issues anyway? Seriously, I don't understand how this has gone so far that if a psychologist or psychiatrist isn't recommending self harm, it's somehow a bad thing.
Can you even imagine how it would be like if a group of psychologists just started telling people that it's okay to develop Eating disorders, to self harm, or that the voices in a patient's head are 100% real and that they should listen to them? Everyone would be going nuts, but because it's tranny shit it's somehow okay.
No. 1662703
>>1662382That's an interesting prediction
nonnie. What makes you think James Corden will troon out? I never got that vibe from him but I can picture it
No. 1662705
File: 1664543881836.jpeg (70.71 KB, 415x411, 90B4FA3B-FE32-4D82-A6A9-E24CD7…)

>>1662331why is he standing like that
No. 1662706
>>1662463this is so terfy kek, how can uwu
valid enbies and TIFs not hate the troons? i know this tranny is fetishposting and is talking about fellow trannies but it could very well be coming from someone trying to dunk on a transman.
No. 1662707
File: 1664544254946.jpg (237.86 KB, 979x2048, FcLlDXeXoAAAlSc.jpg)

They are really not doing their own community any favours by lying to eachother about these surgeries being the best thing ever
No. 1662711
>>1662707What do they honestly expect when they go to cut of their dicks?! In one sense it gives me joy knowing they’re castrating themselves willingly but also makes me fearful of these people.
1) Absolutely no fear or critical thinking skills
2) once you mutilate yourself that much and you have no quality of life (coom + dicks are a big deal to all guys) what else do they have to live for?
3) The world owes me not only because theyre not not a woman, but now because they have cut off their dick
Dangerous suicidal human being with a vengeance. Who are they going to take it out on? You know most of them are too narcissistic to quietly just rope themselves without taking others down with them.
No. 1662712
File: 1664545546208.jpg (898.75 KB, 972x4925, 20220930_094509.jpg)

imagine getting all these procedures and still just being a fridge shaped man
No. 1662715
File: 1664546030475.jpeg (306.44 KB, 960x793, 94B87EB0-CC9E-4032-B87A-9581E8…)

No. 1662741
File: 1664548296796.jpeg (16.61 KB, 275x172, 6FE0574A-3ABB-4936-A039-3225CE…)

>>1662715>a pussy that drools and swells This is clever usage of language because he means it drools with pus/blood and swells because it’s infected kek. Cope, seethe & dilate forever cus he’ll never have the real thing.
No. 1662745
>>1662653>you can't help who you're attracted togreat, i'm sure that means he understands that no woman of any sexuality will be attracted to him and is entitled not to be, right ? right ?
>>1662715downvoting you won't erase your vag, don't worry it'll collapse on its own soon enough
No. 1662791
File: 1664551677208.jpg (45.42 KB, 622x559, EgW8qaYXgAIKHu7.jpg)

No. 1662797
File: 1664552090940.jpeg (482.84 KB, 750x1971, 85792FCC-59C6-4500-8287-6EC8E7…)

definitely not a condescending, mansplainy asshole, he’s just better than everyone else.
No. 1662802
File: 1664552463457.jpg (51.48 KB, 701x617, portlandia-nina.jpg)

>>1662649Looks so much like Fred Armisen to me. I cannot unsee this.
No. 1662813
>>1662807>>1662810it says it right in the title nonnies, tummy tuck
and rib removal
No. 1662823
>>1662681I feel like we are going to see more and more troons becoming teachers or male teachers troon out, it's the easiest way to speard their fetish to people who they are basically "in charge of" and groom other vulernable childern into believing that clearly men are women.
I almost want to put on a tinfoil hat and say that, it almost feels like some kind of weird shit going on, as if "people" want to expose childern/teens to MTF's hoping to "normalize" aka "force" them into believing that this is normal, you can be a woman and you HAVE to respect pronouns.
Plus, they can flaunt their fetish. I think that fake boobed teacher is just the tip of the ice berg.
No. 1662826
>>1662706I thought that it was about someone calling out tifs/non binary women, thinking putting on a Sweater makes them look like a "Boy", but their obviously female features/body type shine through.
Knowing it's about MTF's confuse me, kek. Though it makes sense, the most delusional MTF think they actively have to try to look male, but not female. Like when Blaire was trying on his boyfriend's clothes.
No. 1662841
>>1662836Yeah like opiates, they nearly kill me but I see plenty of people benefit from them without addiction and plenty without addiction.
Oh wait wrong thread.
No. 1662852
>>1662823There's already a ton of trans and enby teachers all over tiktok bragging about how woke they are making the kids, and how they are actively hiding kids secret trans identities (that they made the kids get in the first place) from their parents and caregivers.
I think there are 3 categories of trans teachers
>the fetishist: uses their power and authority over the kids to make them validate them and/or their fetish>the pedo/predator: wants to groom and sexually stimulate the kids for their own sexual pleasure>the savior complex: believes they are a superior moral person and uses the kids to validate their egosAnd then we have the last almost-category no.4: the just severely mentally ill traumatized person who identifies as trans and happens to work as a teacher. This isn't a true category as it falls under the fetishist category becuase they also want to use the kids as validation for their transition.
No. 1662875
>>1662599fucking KEK
>>1662327>>1662493So sorry about the not ideal OP pic, but the thread was moving fast and got locked before I had time to make a collage like I did of oppai sensei for the last thread (admittedly also done in a rush). Just wanted to make a dig at Forbes for naming Dylan as woman of the year. The heavy use of filters doesn't get rid of his 5 o'clock or perpetually deranged facial expression!
I love making collages and would love it if they were more often a "best of" from the prior threads unless there's some pic that's above and beyond funny. If anyone specifies pics that they'd like to get used I'll try to make an effort to have something ready for next threads if I have the time.
Will also see what I can do about pruning threads too, I agree the list is getting a bit too long. It would really help clean up the thread OP if we had a separate thread to link, a thread on autosage that serves as a catalog of sorts, no discussion, just links to each prior thread, the OP pics, maybe thread highlights. At least going forward with highlights, might be to much to go back and do that for all prior threads unless I had some help with that. Some of the links in the long list are broken too and could stand to be fixed. Would anyone else even want something like?
No. 1662879
>>1662836I feel bad for detrans people, mostly the younger girls who get medicalized. TRAs really act like a cult about detrans, they’ll say that r/detrans is full of
terf larpers and meanwhile a ton of detrans people have been so traumatized they basically still act like
victims of the cult even when free.
No. 1662912
>>1662712They'll do anything as long as it only involves money and medical procedures. Fuck actually doing all the physical deprivation and contortion shit they demand from actual women.
>>1662675If feel so sorry for this woman. I hope she at least has a nice daughter or niece for all her troubles. Imagine your whole family is human garbage.
No. 1662915
File: 1664560023391.jpg (47.68 KB, 381x807, E2W9S1HVgAAQ_yi.jpg)

Guy who made the shitty brony song discord trooned out a while back, someone should make a bingo chart for former bronies so people can guess who's gonna troon out next.
No. 1662961
File: 1664563261858.jpg (29.96 KB, 450x450, 1647319614607.jpg)

>>1662712The delusion, I swear.
No. 1663011
File: 1664566287242.png (843.25 KB, 978x808, 015821905681307924705103.png)

The only good thing about this creature is that he is on Grindr.
No. 1663023
File: 1664567056899.jpg (125.03 KB, 749x937, Fd7RxGvWAAwA3gU.jpg)

Cry more, people dont like freaks
No. 1663036
File: 1664567582608.png (419.92 KB, 2048x760, Screenshot_20220930-124944~2.p…)

>>1662707This dude's reddit history is grim.
No. 1663040
File: 1664567787925.gif (310.36 KB, 200x113, 6780706C-DCB2-43BD-AE80-2784A0…)

>>1663023> I don’t even get chasers hereBro come on
No. 1663058
>>1663023I bet not even he is into mtf.
>cute and pass>not even chasers are interestedRight.
No. 1663071
File: 1664570120868.jpeg (1.62 MB, 1170x2122, 7983FB03-96C6-4535-8F1A-93C56E…)

how do these delusional troons not realize they still look just as manly as ever.
No. 1663078
>>1663071Because he's getting attention online. This man has found a bubble of other troons, men who pity him, and women who are dick worshippers to enable his delusion. You wouldn't do this shit with a schizo, you shouldn't do this with a tranny.
>Missing out on mother daughter relationship dynamicsThis is just sexist socialization. We don't praise that. He'll never get that as hard as he tries because he's not female.
No. 1663081
File: 1664570945186.png (805.64 KB, 600x1175, stunningandbrave.png)

>>1663023and this is what it looks like…. no idea why anyone would pass out on such a 'cute and passing' lesbian!! (it's a 'transbian' of course)
No. 1663091
>>1663023>no one wants to fuck me, it must be because they’re bigotsit should be illegal not to fuck the poor twanses! it
triggers them and makes them dysphoric, which is a hate crime.
No. 1663097
File: 1664571908191.png (361.31 KB, 585x749, Screenshot_20220930-170337-396…)

No. 1663105
>>1663011He looks like a fucking unidentified murder
victim’s facial reconstruction
No. 1663108
>>1662493My only problem with
>>1658149 is that she should have made "men who commit violent crimes" into just "men" instead of "people who commit violent crimes." Otherwise, yes, it's perfect. Hoping a
nonnie smart enough to edit
so not me, I'm retarded can make my dreams come true someday.
No. 1663116
File: 1664574302688.jpg (13.1 KB, 183x275, IMG_2660.JPG)

>>1662296Did not know jimmy carr had a troon brother
No. 1663132
>>1663079No amount of 'effort' could change the way that
>>1663011 looks. He's even putting in the 'effort' two years later as a tranny with loooong hair. I guess he does look younger in the second picture though. By younger I mean like 35 years old instead of 22.
No. 1663141
>>1663086>>1663119>real women need to have jobs and apartments and ambitions to get into actual relationships. Haven't used these things for a long time, but many men's first question is about your job, income, location, like to a rude level when talking to a stranger. They really wanna see if you'll be useful and convenient to them first (live nearby, can chip in on bills or be their mommy bangmaid depending)
Ponsick men who think being pretty is all you need to be to have an easy life are delusional.
No. 1663144
>>1663065I didn't notice that, the way they treat people who present their true feelings and experiences of transition is pure evil.
Unless you're chugging the kool-aid you'll be outcast from the tranny group and labeled a
terf, get hate sent your way, etc, basically abandoned with the mistakes those same fuckers lied and groomed them into making.
No. 1663154
>>1663141Well of course we have it easy
nonnie! We only have to remain a size 2 or have Bratz doll ass proportions (without spending thousands on painful surgery because insecurity is very unsexy eww), our boobs need to be big (but not too big because EW sag), hairless but definitely don't talk about shaving because that's gross too, we need to wear makeup without looking like we have makeup (or caring about vapid "girl" stuff), our skin needs to be naturally smooth and soft because that's how we're born and we definitely don't buy skin products from companies who profit off of telling us were gross and ugly and lastly be extremely passionate about sex but ALSO be a virgin because we can't actually enjoy sex we just need to know a lot about it so we can be unpaid whores for our live in scrotes until they get bored with us and turn to porn.
See that's really all women are expected to do in our society right now! Moids only want us to do all that AND THEN be able to cook, clean, mommy them and work a 40 hour a week job it ONLY has to be a job they find acceptable or they will bitch and moan about how you're not "focused on your family" and cheat on you while you're working like a dog. It's super easy to be a woman, troons would know best its just like putting on a spinny skirt and popping a bon- I er mean have a gender euphoria moment. It's not like we have been socialized our entire lives and existence as a gender as a certain way that unites us as a disenfranchised group of people or anything.
No. 1663174
File: 1664578766381.jpeg (579.61 KB, 1284x1234, F427CBAF-EADC-4FFC-B350-CF8D36…)

they’re saying you were more attractive as a male because you likely didn’t look like as much of a freak at that point
No. 1663184
File: 1664579274145.jpg (463.75 KB, 1080x2074, Screenshot_20220930-180511_Twi…)

sage for non-milk but its nice to see all the replies are pretty sane.
No. 1663191
>>1663176Never seen "fruit/y" used in anything other than homophobic ways either, it isn't a reclaimed word and people don't like to use it about themselves. The "t"s really need removing from lgbt at this point since they are so obviously homophobes
>can't be gay, you must be a womanis basically their catchphrase
No. 1663207
File: 1664581193303.jpg (688.92 KB, 1080x1576, Screenshot_20220930_193627.jpg)

No. 1663227
>>1663119>Women are the ones expected to marry an ugly broke loser.absolutely true.
i work in sales and make way more money than the male dishwasher who i POLITELY turned down for a second date recently. he had a fucking tantrum to our friends about how ugly and snobby i am for weeks. like…if my job is my life i don't think i want to hang out with a guy who just wants beer money? "transbians" are just like the fat acceptance girls who want to date gymbros. why do they think they'd be happy with someone they have nothing in common with? why do they think someone with a completely different lifestyle and values would want to date them in the first place?
No. 1663314
File: 1664592447212.png (3.99 KB, 307x124, Screenshot 2022-09-30 at 23-46…)

>male gamers
No. 1663349
>>1663343Only thought is
> male fetishists who need medical helpcould be
> male fetishists who deserve the rope No. 1663365
File: 1664597968853.jpeg (505.41 KB, 1242x2087, 71E232C5-3651-4050-B061-D154D3…)

the jokes write themselves.
No. 1663403
>>1663279Ouch, nonna, my soul
Spot on
No. 1663411
File: 1664603765983.png (287.45 KB, 329x532, whatthefuck.PNG)

This man claims to be a "nonbinary lesbian" … The comments are defending him too are sending me
No. 1663440
File: 1664606957004.jpg (621.49 KB, 1034x1425, Screenshot .jpg)

Good going retards
No. 1663464
File: 1664609899423.png (330.54 KB, 1780x636, fateco.png)

hey lois, get a load of this dipshit
(in this thread because actual male theymab)
No. 1663480
File: 1664613219065.jpg (808.99 KB, 1920x2560, 22-10-01-09-32-48-554_deco.jpg)

No. 1663487
>>1662797holy shit
I pressed them for evidence
>"because it FELT like you were being condescending to me" which is not a good reason.Also it's hilarious he begins to condescend on the same post. Moid behavior to a T.
No. 1663507
File: 1664617718026.jpg (778.48 KB, 1500x1701, it's going into the girls' bat…)

Sorry for ot and autistic edit but I was watching Harry Potter and this scene just felt too topical
(sorry if someone has done this joke before)
No. 1663520
File: 1664619915915.jpeg (186.99 KB, 577x767, 745E39A1-FC34-4E58-ABCA-03027D…)

Ladies all I can see in this Frida Kahlo painting is 6800 different iterations of tranny pfps and it’s harrowing
No. 1663537
File: 1664625127149.jpg (254.15 KB, 756x452, Screenshot_20221001_070733.jpg)

kek the womb envy & autogynephilia as portrayed by this exchange between robots in a graphic novel I'm reading
No. 1663543
File: 1664626794278.jpeg (259.8 KB, 960x959, 5018903D-7D6A-468F-90CE-C86C7E…)

can anyone tell me what this reminds them of
No. 1663564
File: 1664629809918.jpg (185.57 KB, 1080x1884, FcP_yoxXgAAQjqM.jpg)

Again, not a fetish
No. 1663577
>>1662963it's less about our bones and more like most products are created with men in mind. This also goes for tools, seatbelts, etc. In design and engineering, the male is the default human in testing.
Ideally, women would would be included in the testing and design phase so more things are available and less deadly.
(invisible women by CCP)
No. 1663596
File: 1664634276632.jpg (214.23 KB, 922x2048, Fd7mWUeWQA05NAD.jpg)

Do you guys think there is ANY transgender out there who doesnt have intense autism??
I feel like there should be more autism linked to transgenderism studies, but you know they dont want that
No. 1663601
>>1663596Why are trannies obsessed with being a "pet"
>>1663580Youtube has recommended me several women who are into them, plus there are adult toy collector women who like them
No. 1663607
>>1663596That was the whole reason why they (The APA) removed AGP and everything related to trans-bullshit from the mental illness category. To remove the association/correlation between being autistic and trans- I suspect there's numerous men in dresses involved in this butchering of the mental health system.
>>1663601Bondage, sissy shit, being owned, etc. If they can't have a submissive, bondage obsessed girlfriend it, they will become it and convince themselves they're still straight. The way these men manifest their desires is disgusting.
No. 1663712
File: 1664640053000.jpeg (119.47 KB, 1170x458, EDA7A94F-314B-4614-9E8D-A50534…)

You are literally a straight male
No. 1663793
What book is this? The talk bubbles make it look like a Euro comic
No. 1663837
File: 1664647558458.jpeg (276.31 KB, 750x593, 2B6EBE88-3EFA-4183-82F3-8439C6…)

>>1663712Longer hair = woman
No. 1663851
File: 1664648012362.jpg (84.06 KB, 722x842, creep.jpg)

>>1663837He's such a creep
No. 1663863
>>1663853they should both get into shape
>>1663856high five
No. 1663866
make the club a dilator
No. 1663939
File: 1664652796386.jpeg (1.15 MB, 1440x1440, 032F5E75-86F3-45D4-9D49-04797C…)

sorry for shit quality, this troon has been shitting up my anachan spaces. fetishizes the struggle of an ED and constantly spergs on about his anorexia when he’s still obese. practically cums to the idea of being forcefed at a hospital bc ~~too sick~~. fucking disgusting.
No. 1663945
File: 1664652969691.jpg (103.83 KB, 1080x1001, IMG_20221001_153519_546.jpg)

No. 1663946
File: 1664653012309.jpg (174.8 KB, 1079x438, Screenshot_20221001-153633_rif…)

>>1663939this dude's posting history is hilarious.
No. 1663979
File: 1664655936302.jpeg (Spoiler Image,570.7 KB, 750x1244, 79D7946D-35E9-40C5-B24A-842E9F…)

another chicken carcass.
No. 1664029
File: 1664658394432.jpeg (232.74 KB, 750x576, DD8B06A9-A203-4A6B-8591-078F2D…)

troons think estrogen is the cure for everything, they’re really fucking delusional kek
No. 1664046
File: 1664659275884.jpeg (78.45 KB, 828x462, E966AB59-25B2-422C-B0B0-18A3A0…)

>>1663837just another 19 year male calling himself a lesbian. what a joke
No. 1664339
File: 1664675156868.jpg (105.38 KB, 1500x918, Time-Curry-and-actor-writer-RZ…)

>>1664049It's true. A joy of your mid-late thirties is seeing all the men who treated you like shit turn fat and balding, at the age when they thought they would own a mansion and marry an 18 year old model. One of mine was gonna be RICH, but I see he's living in government subsidized housing, I bet emaciated teenage beauty queens are just shitting themselves to get a chance at that.
No. 1664351
File: 1664675902342.jpg (155.42 KB, 1600x1035, 1600-Genderbread-Person.jpg)

Do you ever think maybe most of us are agender? For the longest time I thought gender identity was a made up concept, but maybe there really are people out there who "feel gender" in some way.’ve come to the wrong neighborhood) No. 1664385
File: 1664678208990.jpg (406.02 KB, 710x1397, 20221001_213234.jpg)

this troon showed in my fyp and his takes are so unginged. The worst part is the amount of followers and likes.
No. 1664408
File: 1664679837980.png (140.58 KB, 644x213, Screenshot (646).png)

I hate this world so fucking much. Pedophile men can just do whatever nasty shit they want and we are helpless to stop it.
No. 1664441
File: 1664682352224.jpeg (263.16 KB, 750x677, 468E1B58-C9D2-42C7-87F8-6ACD2B…)

Feeling for this poor mother trying to appease her man child adult son trying to find a room in a share house at 21. What an absolute sperg he must be. I could not imagine making my mum do this for me as a young adult, I was working full time and had been living out off home for 3 years enjoying my independence as any normal young adult. Pathetic.
No. 1664452
>>1664358For millenia gender and sex were assumed to be the same thing. Some societies had sperate categories for crossdressers but no one was insisting hijras and fa'afafines were real women. The modern concept of gender started with John Money in the 1960's, it is very new.
>>1664357There have been no studies done to test what portion of society has no inner concept of gender. What if the way we experience life isn't normal? Or maybe it's the trannies who feel gender who are abnormal..
No. 1664464
File: 1664684169048.png (232.1 KB, 592x499, oh ngo it's andy.png)

I watched a clip, refuse to watch this scrotr, please tell me this is some shit that was clipped together and this tard doesn't truly think this. I'm going to post the clip after I post this. (Got this from kf)
No. 1664469
File: 1664684419936.jpg (510.29 KB, 1280x720, No_Fetish_Teachers_no_text.jpg)

>>1664466HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA.. What the fuck? Even other trannoids have to find this embarrassing.
No. 1664504
>>1664441"very gentle and shy"
More like lazy and antisocial. These women always assume so many complimentary female things about lazy scrote sons, just because they're too cowardly and low energy to run around being
abusive shits IRL.
No. 1664536
File: 1664692309327.jpeg (766.4 KB, 960x1581, 09A49ED8-195A-4A8E-841A-7E357A…)

No. 1664539
File: 1664692689018.jpeg (378.79 KB, 1968x1680, 5FE6E5A3-7B4A-4980-9978-6DF314…)

No. 1664550
>>1664494That's literally a conspiracy theory from 4chan,
nonnie. That rumor was started on /pol/ by some rando who never offered proof he ever set foot in Ontario.
No. 1664554
File: 1664697067822.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1170x1945, 7B33297A-DF1E-42F0-9CA8-E01EDE…)

Thai tranny who's a weeb and puts their fake name in the (wrong) japanese language in their bio. Cringe and ugly as fuck.
Idk how these tiktok dumbasses always freak out about white girls "asian baiting" and then turn around to suck the dicks of these equally weeby trannies. Why are so many troons weebs?
Also unrelated but has anyone else been getting numerous tiktok ads of our favorite woman skinwalker dylan? Why is he the face of Crest or whatever?
No. 1664611
File: 1664710386709.jpeg (473.87 KB, 1242x1739, 515874A7-0B0A-4B73-894A-5FAE9F…)

Does he look like a man?
No. 1664622
File: 1664711159317.jpg (188.4 KB, 1280x743, 1650308718223.jpg)

>>1664169Everyday I'm grateful and relieved I don't look like that. God bless.
No. 1664624
File: 1664711235829.jpeg (425.07 KB, 1242x1853, 8FA27CD9-6CD4-4162-ADF3-13136C…)

No. 1664635
File: 1664712034618.jpeg (535.02 KB, 960x1501, A798DC83-0CF2-4812-AE4A-F39C81…)

No. 1664637
File: 1664712178023.jpeg (786.85 KB, 1242x1590, 75663460-4BD0-4040-A27B-903381…)

>>1664619Gabe lewis in drag
No. 1664644
>>1664635If my friends were talking about how they would want to have sex with me if I was trans or a man I would be really skeeved out and uncomfortable. They're all so nasty.
r/MTF is peaking material in itself. Just give it to someone and have them scroll.
No. 1664691
File: 1664719888499.jpeg (263.39 KB, 1536x2048, DD243A1C-C2F8-46BB-8E94-4F7AEC…)

No. 1664714
File: 1664721864890.jpg (277.48 KB, 1080x1545, Fd_qrZ5X0AI1YBW.jpg)

Trans women are the reason women have rights?? The level of misogyny
No. 1664729
File: 1664723516228.jpg (153.38 KB, 726x2048, FdsZs9VWAAAo31_.jpg)

No. 1664781
>>1664770Libfems: omg men are trash!! I hate all these fuckbois!! (but I preform for them anyways) also trans women are women you evil
terf nazi
Tradthots: evil feminists oppress they are just misunderstood benevolent creatures in fact they are are superiors and need to take away our rights for our own protection but transwomen are dangerous and a threat to women they to get out of our bathrooms!!
Literally no winning with either of these options presented to us.
No. 1664782
>>1664760i saw that gif/vid too in
>>1579603 its not "squirting" at all, its like an inverted penis ejaculation which it actually is
No. 1664783
File: 1664728367638.png (695.09 KB, 545x968, 2022-10-02.png)

>>1664714He's in the comments now pretty much saying trauma is bigoted lol
No. 1664786
>>1664779Somehow they (and anti-tra men as well) blame troon degeneracy on their "femininity". Because they're stupid as fuck. There's nothing feminine about male paraphiliacs who just so happen to focus their fetish on wearing skirts and calling themselves women's names.
They're unable to see beyond the surface level (long hair and skirts) down to the root of the issue which is moid degeneracy and perversion. It's akin to calling incel behavior feminine. As long as it's wearing pink these retards will blame it on women. The tradthots might wake up but the chYmps are too stupid to understand.
No. 1664787
>>1664781Why the fuck do antifeminist tradthots think men are benvolent and will whiteknight for "the good women who submit to them" and egg on the misogyny against the bad girls?
What makes SuperStraight pickmes who want to 1up most other women this way via leeching power from men by parroting what they say about women, think that these men won't come back to hurt them should they ever screw up or make a mistake? Why do they think they'll always be perfect women so the misogynistic men cannot get them too?
No. 1664799
>>1664787They've fallen for the lie that they can be the exception to men's misogyny by performing hard enough. They're either young and naive or sunk too much into the tradthot lifestyle that it's become impossible for them to leave.
Any stripe of pickme will eventually learn that they'll never escape the hatred of men. Even if they're absolutely perfect and miraculously manage to escape the stalkers, abusers, perverts and manipulators, simply aging past 25 is enough for them to turn on you.
No. 1664803
>>1664783"sounds like a personal problem", yet he still has a problem with the woman dealing with… personally..?
i'm starting to think the y chromosome makes people retarded
No. 1664817
File: 1664730276449.jpg (140.59 KB, 796x1417, FeCulfQUAAEoc59.jpg)

Ah yes, assaulting women. Men never change
No. 1664850
File: 1664732811678.jpg (54.97 KB, 1068x560, tumblr_eca868fa0824eaf52df7e52…)

>>1664849you'd be surprised how many actually believe this
No. 1664866
File: 1664733185079.png (87.04 KB, 535x270, Lana Hiscock for Kitchener War…)

oh he's back with a colonoscopy bag and a campaign
No. 1664867
>>1664850These retards don't even know the timeline of feminism.
>>1664857This has nothing to do with feminism. And everyone here knows they've been appropriating Stonewall for over a decade.
No. 1664875
File: 1664733451839.png (Spoiler Image,1.27 MB, 2381x984, 2.png)

>>1664866edits from kf
No. 1664887
File: 1664734192572.jpg (118.55 KB, 1200x675, 1968-miss-america-protest-5153…)

>>1664857One of the first nationally organized Womens Liberation protests, in Atlantic City, September 1968. Protesting a Miss America pagent, almost a full year before Stonewall. And again, Stonewall had nothing to do with womens rights. No. 1664890
>>1664878kek anon, the actor's name is crispin glover
women know his name. it's men who know him as "george mcfly" because they have shit taste in movies
also if someone gen z has seen planet terror and liked it enough to remember it, i think they can name who was in it
sorry your post is just funny to me for the above reasones. maybe i smoke too much pot sorry
No. 1664899
File: 1664735801927.png (20.13 KB, 682x270, Maddie Haunted Era on Twitter.…)

No. 1664923
>>1664770It's because "not all men do x" is the same as "some men do x" and not "no men do x". The most dangerous and degenerate moids rarely wear a sign, but some of them do. Troons are choosing to wear a red flag like a cape, is it really a surprise when all women, even the TRAs on some level, instinctively see them as a threat?
Even the TRA women will sometimes admit that rapists will "pretend to be trans" to get access to women's spaces, they just don't do shit about it.
It's not like antifeminists are the ones advocating for removing women's spaces, that's more of a libfem thing. Tradthots are pretty strongly against troonery, even if they only hate it because it's an abomination against god or some shit.
No. 1665028
File: 1664744193142.png (1.74 KB, 343x105, 1664740401970417.png)

Look at what's trending on twitter
No. 1665037
File: 1664744519230.png (4.73 MB, 3000x4275, AED82512-E8D3-4CB8-BE6C-EE1071…)

No. 1665043
File: 1664744685814.jpg (101.56 KB, 800x688, FYYZ5OVI22KDMEY.jpg)

>>1664619Looks like the other mother but worse
No. 1665052
>>1665003Tips may work for peaking someone:
1) Feel them out to find out which issues they care about the most, – e.g. rapists in prisons, kids being sterilized, sports – and lead with that, and tie it to negative consequences for them or people they care about - e.g. "some people would call you a transphobe for not dating a tif", "your niece who is into track will never be able to win against males. (See these stats on"
2) Have evidence – screenshots, news articles, etc – ready before you start the conversation.
3) Act like you are just finding out about this too and sharing with them. "I just saw this story about this crazy teacher in Canada who is wearing huge fake breasts? And the schoolboard won't even discipline him? Have you heard about it. Wow, that's so crazy."
4) Pozzed people really care about misgendering so avoid that at first. Don't used pronouns at all if you can't bring yourself to use wrong sex pronouns.
5) Back off at the first sign that they aren't actually listening and are just spouting standard handmaiden talking points, say something like "I can see you really care about this." and change the subject. Try again a few days/weeks later in another way. It may take several discussions over months to peak someone.
6) Even if the conversation goes bad, the info you gave them may still lead to them peaking themselves. It's still in their head and may lead to them doing some investigation on their own to debunk it and thus to them finding out the truth.
No. 1665137
File: 1664751969060.png (8.66 MB, 1242x2208, 65D831D1-ECAF-4DC9-9A89-E86195…)

Jesus his daughter can’t even get an award without the damn troon making it about himself and how awesome he is because he’s trans and how amazing he is at raising her
No. 1665148
>>1665137That's a good point
nonny. Are troons online capable of discussing topics other than troonery? I thought they were supposed to be regular people born into the wrong gender. If so they'd just transition and get on with their lives, instead they make literally every topic about themselves and how brave & stunning they are for being trans. It's exhausting.
No. 1665191
>>1665037Don't you just hate it when you suddenly grow a penis and turn into a man just because you were slouching slightly for a second instead of sitting with your legs crossed like a delicate little lady?
Oh wait that's right, it doesn't happen because I'll still be female no matter how "manly" I act lmao. Meanwhile these dudes are driving themselves crazy trying to keep their paper thin identity from crumbling because they didn't breathe "~girly enough" or some shit
No. 1665303
File: 1664766739105.jpg (138.41 KB, 1160x1131, Ek8jefOX0AExP6a.jpg)

No. 1665314
>>1664714I'm saying as a woman to a TIM: you don't decide what is or isn't misogynistic, we do. Ffty.
And it's misogynistic as hell to suggest that women didn't fight for our own rights. We owe scrotes nothing. Trannies didn't even exist during the time of the suffragettes so gtfo of here with that revisionist nonsense. He may as well have said "you bitches used to not even have human rights so how about you bow down to men and suck my dick". My skin is crawling from the sexist energy emanating off this one.
>>1664728Pretty much. What I heard was:
>The whole point of the trans movement is to let predatory sex pests self-ID out of their well-earned reputation as dangerous to women and gaslight everyone about it. No. 1665320
File: 1664767663283.jpg (88.69 KB, 1169x597,…)

ffs. tranny lives in an all female building in japan??? i hope hes lying. Imagine how those women feel living with a giant hulking obviously mentally unstable white man.
No. 1665326
>>1664536>there's more to females than boobs? I just see boobs.fuck, just when I thought I couldn't hate moids any more than I already do. these pigs cry about how they're so oppressed but yet they feel totally liberated to openly post the most women-hating comments you could imagine and never face any repercussions for it. never trust a moid who refers to women as 'females' outside of a medical setting, it never fails.
side note but it will never cease to amaze me how trannies will grow the most unsightly little moobs and become obsessed with them regardless. especially ironic considering you know these are the same women-haters who would body shame the shit out of a real woman if she had breasts that looked like their pathetic moobs.
No. 1665353
File: 1664769293096.jpeg (316.33 KB, 750x962, 9A54CC5E-8B85-42F7-A680-3149E9…)

you will never understand female socialization no matter how hard you try KEK
No. 1665358
>>1664566autism, actually.
>>1664574this has been my tinfoil too.
>>1664691oh great, another tranny making shitty autobiographical comics. just look at those man arms.
>>1664875yikes, rot pockets don't even need blood or puss to be grotesque. somehow there's nothing more unsettling than a dickless moid. kek at the hand mirror by his side tho.
>>1665037I have to laugh at how all of TIMs' problems are entirely self made and made up. just confused and depressed about their innate maleness for no reason other than brain worms from the internet. like go touch grass, I'm begging you.
>>1665353why are they all so obsessed with carrying around tampons and handing them out like candy? do they think it will magically make them pass if they keep them on hand or are they desperate to live vicariously through women?
No. 1665373
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No. 1665388
File: 1664771345166.jpg (2.5 MB, 3456x3456, pennywise.jpg)

>>1665386troons think taking estrogen changes their chromosomes, they are that dumb
nonnie No. 1665392
>>1665391if they know how forks work then they should know why pencil fucking would be a bad idea. thats all im saying.
>>1665390you're onto something i think
No. 1665400
File: 1664773868864.jpg (870.38 KB, 1078x2513, Screenshot_20221003_010859.jpg)

No. 1665412
File: 1664776425924.jpeg (418.86 KB, 960x965, 8F6153FC-494E-4939-BFCA-7C4D70…)

>>1665400female brain doesnt exist, retard, your just a fat lonely faggot
No. 1665749
File: 1664818258243.gif (2.77 MB, 480x270, giphy flow.gif)

>>1665748it's a mean girls reference retard
No. 1665796
File: 1664820803176.png (475.91 KB, 900x865, FeKcMC5XkAo13ip.png)

Men wanting to burn down a hotel where women hold a feminist conference, but because they use the word "terf" suddenly its okay??
No. 1665797
>>1665353This is so damn creepy. I can imagine a tranny in a situation where they could help a bio woman get out of a bind, where they think she owes him her friendship afterwards. Just like their ~cis~ counterparts think they're owed sex from smoking a blunt with you or taking you to Applebee's. I'd never use a tampon that a tranny offered me, even if I was bleeding all over my wedding dress.
>>1665782Never? Not even in middle school whrre your period just came whenever it felt like? Kek. It's rare but I've had women ask me, but that was back in highschool. As an adult I've never asked for a tampon/pad or loaned one out either. Most women would rather avoid that awkward interaction and pack their own. What they he'll do they think we keep in our purses?
No. 1665805
>>1665003I have friends who are TRAs because that's the good thing to do and it's so uncomfortable, I pretend I don't know shit about any of this and whenever the topic of JKR comes up I pretend I don't know shit and it works because I was always a HP fans because of the books and the first movies but never interacted with the fandom. But I'm worried it's gonna come up at some point where I'll be outed as a
terf and I'll lose my friends. They're great people, not stupid at all usually but they're too nice so they trust every scandalizing clickbait headlines they see on instagram and never check sources. I avoided some former coworkers I really liked because of this shit but these friends are like my sisters, I don't know, it's very frustrating.
No. 1665806
File: 1664821337636.jpeg (602.05 KB, 750x1189, F0A933B3-2630-4CD3-9771-03E007…)

I can assure you, they do not
No. 1665812
>>1665796just like when that troon was calling for the murder of all rad fems on a TedxTalk, was it?
>>1665807this is what my body dysmorphia tells me I look like. kek that his works in reverse.
No. 1665817
>>1665796they're not even pretending any more. they used to insist "
terf isn't a slur!!" but now it's mask off and it's code for "feminist" or "woman" or even "bitch". i hate them.
No. 1665846
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No. 1665872
File: 1664826056265.jpg (377.12 KB, 762x2048, 20221003_154027.jpg)

No. 1665873
terf that does attention seeking shit like this is a cow. Yes the videos are funny, but they don't achieve anything other than her getting doxed
No. 1665874
File: 1664826347467.jpg (41.6 KB, 277x260, 1455728369346.jpg)

>>1665872>commits rape by deception>accuses his victim of being transphobic and being in the wrongAs usual…
No. 1665879
>>1665873she actually got kicked out of university over this, so she probably has noting better to do
>>1665869samefag she sells feet pics online
No. 1665911
File: 1664829592232.png (103.41 KB, 758x377, tomBOY.png)

When you're an AGP with typical male hobbies + interests but need to justify your fetish.. just be a "tomboy"! Tomboys love sparkly nail polish ^_^
No. 1665931
File: 1664831097943.png (2.85 MB, 3500x1638, AD620273-FC00-4B9D-91E7-D21B30…)

the top comments, in order, of an r/wholesomeyuri post. fourth poster’s bio says ‘need to be dominated by a big woman’. Need I say more
No. 1665948
>>1665797When and where in Cardiff? I will 100 percent attend fuck it.
Also that guy is tiny as fuck ill and whines about mean Internet people in person to randoms. Overheard it myself. He's pathetic. His comic book is pathetic and he's a 'gay is my only identity' faggot.
No. 1665956
File: 1664832293497.jpeg (854.43 KB, 960x1466, F506825E-C87A-4813-AEAB-B4A5DF…)

>troon in feminine makeup
im so fucking tired of this shit nonas
No. 1665964
File: 1664832802955.png (1.44 MB, 1279x2048, chrome_screenshot_166483273009…)

No. 1665975
File: 1664833627128.jpeg (229.94 KB, 1267x1222, 512F339B-E9B8-4D98-9AEF-D5A3BF…)

>>1665964I’m not sure what’s worse, his complete disrespect for butch women, his refusal to respect their spaces, or his “I’m so feminine I don’t even know what butch means” AGP larp.
No. 1665999
>>1665796The ratio on the arsonists's tweet though kek. They really think any and all male violence is acceptable if they tack "
terf" onto it. Just because the trannies who run Twitter think it's ok doesn't mean the wider world do, this is just modern-day witch burnings
>women want to live free, unfettered by the need to agree with strange men's sexual propositions and delusions>burn the witch! I mean, terf! No. 1666006
File: 1664835145203.jpg (985.75 KB, 810x2874, Screenshot_20221003-175803_Boo…)

It's so amusing how they believe people view them with less suspicion now: No. 1666010
File: 1664835427599.jpeg (2.69 MB, 4032x3024, D928D3DD-B8B3-4CBE-8C17-11300B…)

Saw that fucking faggot again today in the same dirty disgusting outfit that I know he’s never washed. Get the fuck out of my neighborhood!!
No. 1666028
>>1666010I've seen this guy around, in Zupan's of all places. He's always eying people up around him in this disgusting outfit, when I saw him earlier this summer he had a furry tail.
There's another pair of stunning a brave TiMs who dress like this and hang out at another grocery store with a leash and collar. I never see TiMs anywhere else but grocery stores, it's like people of walmart.
No. 1666049
File: 1664838879428.jpeg (420.86 KB, 960x992, 28910584-387B-4081-8F16-7BE282…)

holy shit the tif wife of the tim that masturbates into TOWELS every time shes out posted this apparently. THEY HAVE CHILDREN TOGETHER
No. 1666058
File: 1664839586870.jpg (43.43 KB, 567x379, ce04878cc4574ca9b1c5c3a7d58454…)

>>1666049>we got married when I was 17What are the odds of the kid not being autistic and they just wanting him to have a special label? I have no idea if having both autistic parents, which might be the case, increase the chances of an autistic child, either way, those children sure are unlucky.
No. 1666067
File: 1664840357589.jpeg (101.12 KB, 713x332, 96CFCB6F-A653-44C7-95BC-B06606…)

>>1665956>secure in my masculinity that’ll be the Y chromosome.
No. 1666097
>>1666080Nta but I will admit, life is very chill, based, and funny when your best friend is also a
terf. May you find your person/people, nonna
No. 1666124
File: 1664845309110.jpg (156.11 KB, 768x1024, FeJsQRkXkAIglvN.jpg)

only colon and the troons would promote something like this
No. 1666147
>>1666124This is true galaxy brain level shit lel
>What if we made a racist meme>But we say it's what some other site we don't like would do>We're definitely not racist>Us trans girls have the right to use that word, we basically have the same history of oppressionTotal projection
No. 1666184
File: 1664847648492.jpg (95.67 KB, 1080x383, IMG_20221002_053538.jpg)

sorry for the image
No. 1666195
File: 1664847962974.jpg (299.03 KB, 2048x1152, skynews-emmeline-pankhurst_421…)

>>1664850Just the fact that they think feminist activism "started" as late as 1969. kek
No. 1666197
File: 1664848121419.jpg (164.01 KB, 1080x1527, FeD_L2xXoAIN9NY.jpg)

I am not a woman repeat infinity
No. 1666200
File: 1664848311491.png (26.23 KB, 931x300, Screenshot_10.png)

I don't know, it's obviously a throwaway account and it's written like a shitpost. There's also Reddit users in the reply of that post who agree. I don't know what compels a person to make a post like this but screenshotting these bait posts and posting them here and acting like they could be real is not a good look
No. 1666203
File: 1664848493742.jpeg (1.27 MB, 1170x1837, 5A6FF6FA-5A78-4E72-BFA8-53EF07…)

this tranny keeps shitting up transpassing every 5 seconds and gets like 400 comments and updoots telling him he’s a heckin valid women and even prettier then cis wimmens!
No. 1666228
File: 1664849750030.png (201.57 KB, 551x555, opiumtea.png)

>>1666124They made this tweet insinuating that Reduxx was trying to make it look like they used a "very different word", I'm not a burger so I just lack the context to judge that, but from a quick search it doesn't seem like modern black americans are fond of the word "negro", that it is sometimes censored from older texts and this is the kind of context it'd be considered to have a racist undertone? Either way, they are so daft to not realise they still come off as racist regardless of the word used.
No. 1666249
File: 1664850789380.jpeg (461.42 KB, 750x861, FB4EF96E-D7D6-422E-906F-CF3C98…)

This made me laugh so much
No. 1666305
File: 1664855877880.jpg (291.74 KB, 1080x1385, Screenshot_20221003-234436_Chr…)

>>1664611Gotta love reddit admins kek
No. 1666307
File: 1664856037229.jpeg (258.93 KB, 1242x974, 96AC0568-3897-448F-9965-E10A19…)

A tranny posted this be the way. Further clear proof that troons use misogyny as a fuel to their own fetish towards womanhood
Women are adult human females which you will never be.
No. 1666314
>>1666307And I just had to check, love it. this would get them pissy
>Women are not doing anything wrongPost yours, nonnas. A troon could never
No. 1666335
nonny that IS jimmy carr. they aren't getting him for tax evasion again.
No. 1666376
>>1666250It's definitely not a reach. Only seeing the censored image at first, I definitely thought it was
the n-word. While it's still a stupid, unfunny comparison, use of the actual n-word would make it blatantly much worse. I don't recall ever seeing negro censored, but if they really wanted to, they could have censored it as "ne—es" or something
No. 1666383
File: 1664864960707.jpg (569.76 KB, 1080x1812, Screenshot_20221004-022046_Chr…)

No. 1666397
>>1666383cope harder, male
if you’re “”””cis,””””””" you should only be interacting with males to step on their balls when they pay you to do so
No. 1666400
>>1666383“I shouldn’t have to
pay women to fulfill my AGP fetish, those bitches know it’s their job to do it for me“ – men
No. 1666425
>>1663071When I was going through puberty, my mom went through menopause. I wouldn't wish that situation on my worst enemy.
>>1663179>>being the therapist/marriage counselorThis one is too real. All of the emotional labor of divorces, aging parents, menopause, etc falls on daughters. I've met so many women my age who have extremely unhealthy, enmeshed relationships with their mothers, where their mom continues to helicopter parent their adult daughter while the daughter becomes mom's therapist and main source of emotional fulfillment. They can't say "no," to their mothers, because they've engineered a situation where the daughter is entirely reliant on them and therefore always indebted.
toxic mother/daughter relationships are typically the product of generational trauma. Our culture enables and encourages martyr complexes in women (which is why I fucking hate the Giving Tree, by the way.) You shouldn't give until it hurts,
or give with the expectation of getting something in return. You should give because you want to, simple as. But that's a lesson our culture generally reserved for boys, who take full advantage of it by being selfish leeches.
Relationships between mothers and daughters are complicated as fuck and often
toxic due to unresolved trauma and social conditioning.
No. 1666439
File: 1664872569354.png (2.02 MB, 828x1792, 746159DB-3CD1-4E53-8C37-0BBC0A…)

check out this self-posting and deleting troon
No. 1666473
>>1665896>u r so insecure !!!>zomg is hatred flowing thru your veinsLiterally what about this ugly ass moid is worth being insecure about ? ooooh nooo I will never be as genuinely unlovable as Queen Dylan, how can I live ? It's so hard seeing my reflection in the mirror knowing my head will never be a perfect cube like hers boo hoo… girlies how can I train my voice to sound more like a gay caricature
>>1666419nta but some blurry picture of a random tranny in the street isn't exactly milky.
>>1666450This isn't milk. take your programmer socks elsewhere
No. 1666483
>>1666439What is it with discord people and their belief anyone else gives a shit about their personal dramas,
here you go have fun ok thanks for the photo of a random man and screenshots about your infighting. Not what this thread is for.
No. 1666499
File: 1664875814700.jpeg (599.52 KB, 960x1442, BE96517C-68E0-4607-9142-58C893…)

this is so stupid fuck off and stop shitting up the thread.
ive brought real milk. these retards think being a woman = emotionally retarded obese moid.
No. 1666502
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No. 1666520
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No. 1666557
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No. 1666576
>>1666574honestly ive seen males do it in general, like I never actually see women do it
dont know if its an autism thing or some shit
No. 1666585
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So all that happened was you took a picture in clearer lighting??
Why do they fool themselves that HRT alone does anything to an adult male, besides maybe give them some moobs and erectile dysfuntion?
No. 1666587
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dodell616’s female brain doesnt know a skort is a skirt/short, not an agp-designed skirt with built in panties.
No. 1666588
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my apologies if this has been posted in a previous thread but it made me laugh, even a drunk, high and extremely horny moid couldn’t stand fucking a troon and cried during lol
No. 1666598
>>1666593I have this thought too, but he did say she told him more than once, and he responded like he didn’t care so she thought he didn’t mind. Still not a very feel good story imo.
> inb4 “sheee???” Just differentiating them more easily
No. 1666599
File: 1664889006964.jpg (63.19 KB, 670x680, FeLfNoFXoAAihGW.jpg)

Why do women agree to feed into their partners pedophilic fantasy?!?
No. 1666604
>>1666599So he worries about hormones "leaking" and tits not growing anymore, but not about letting his child suck on some kind of
toxic brown discharge his body produces because it can't fucking stand female hormones?
No. 1666612
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so this is kinda confusing but I don't where else to post this, so in a 2018 a progressive liberal Islamic party in my third world muslim country instituted a Transgender rights bill, that would allow anyone choose their gender and to have that identity recognized by the state and so afterwards tens of thousands of women and men have "transitioned" into the opposite sex, it honestly was pretty suprising how local westernized liberals and actual western liberals have made this into a major issue even through transgender people are still a very much a small super small minority of the population, by framing it such as a major issue the left wing in my already conservative country is just shooting themselves in the foot cause
No. 1666619
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>>1666612also worth understanding that majority of MTFs in my country are from middle punjab and kpk regions, where sexual abuse of boys is incredibly common, I think part of it is that boys are "more available" than girls and women (who are either kept far away from males, or marked as another man's commodity, aka not fair game) but its also cultural to an extent, I have stories of male cousins who were 10-12 being chased by adult men when they were at markets and one time when I was with my younger brother, a group of men started whistling, not at me(I was veiled) but at my younger brother and making sexual remarks to him, so their are probably hundreds of thousands of males in those regions who have been raped at some point and discussing that sexual abuse is also not a thing over here, so becoming a MTF might seem like the only option for these traumatized young men who often die from heroin overdose in most cases(heroin addiction is super common in those regions as well)
No. 1666625
>>1666314Women are the most important thing
Kek had to turn on predictive text for the check so idk if that's from my dictionary algorithm or the phone's base one
No. 1666644
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Theyre getting scammed with this FFS nonsense
No. 1666648
>>1666459sage for lain sperging
the thing that enrages me the most about the majority troon section of the fanbase is that they tend to interpret lain as this super terminally online character, when in fact the message of lain is to go outside, touch grass, make real connections with people and stop being a social reject / misanthropist etc etc. it's like they'd rather wilfully let the message of the series fly over their heads than do a slight amount of introspection.
if these guys were in lain, they wouldn't be lain, they'd be that one guy in that one scene who wanders around in the vr headset and the computer backpack while everyone looks on in vague disgust.
No. 1666666
>>1666305'man' is a stretch.
I'd cross the street to avoid that thing in case they try and stab me or some other psycho shit.
No. 1666669
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i was going to say this troon looks like he’s skinwalking 90’s pam anderson, but i feel like that’s insulting to pam anderson
No. 1666704
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No. 1666711
>>1666593I'm a full-on misandrist, and even I think this is fucked. The TIM took advantage of him while he was drunk and high out of his mind and continued to make him do things he was uncomfortable with despite getting clear signals to stop (like how he was avoiding his penis until he forced it into his mouth). The fact that he specifically waited until the guy was too high to form coherent memory before telling him he was a man (extremely casually) is a major red flag, too.
>>1666314>Women are more important than the other>Women are not the same as the other>Women are not only the most beautiful but the most important>Women are the bestDepending on which word I selected from my three options at any given time. Meanwhile:
>Men are a little bit too much>Men are the only ones that have ever been so bad No. 1666769
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No. 1666779
>>1666711I'm not defending the tranny but come on. He told him he was a man multiple times at the beginning of the night. He even specified being a
man instead of trans woman, probably cause he knows a lot of men don't even know what that means or assume all tims have had bottom surgery. It's not really his fault if the moid didn't listen and is also a fucking junkie (who the fuck drinks, takes oxy AND does coke at the same time?). Most trannies are rapists by deception but this one did the right thing, the moid is fully at fault plus he also kept going
after being disgusted by the shriveled black micropenis. These men aren't in danger of being overpowered by a tiny asian tranny, he could've left at any time and still decided to stay and sob while sucking dick kek.
No. 1666786
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>>1666335Sage for old milk but Jimmy Carr is oddly trans milk relevant. The Netflix special where he was in trouble for the gypsy joke is the same special where he backed up Dave Chapelle. Troons were seething for weeks because people cared more about the gypsy genocide than trans feelings. In the entire circuit of UK comedians, the one person to stand up was this ventriloquist doll mfer. Not even Frankie Boyle had the balls to do it
No. 1666790
>>1666788UK comedians are an interesting part of the "
terf island" thing because it's been such a huge part in debates regarding transgenderism. The loudest voices are comedians for some reason, not politicians. Whenever I see gender drama from the UK it's either a comedian being praised for preaching or it's Ricky Gervais demonstrating for the 89th time that he doesn't care
No. 1666791
>>1665872>Assumes his rotpocket is unclockable despite having noticeable scars and showing up to his one night stands dry as fuck when in reality the moids probably pretended not to notice to fuck him like his twansphobic date did>"He tells me that im very tight" "you are so loose" Huh? So which one is it?
Funny how they constantly fetishize misogyny and say they just wanna be fucked, used and degraded to feel like real women but when a moid actually treats them like shit they get their fefes hurt. Boohoo. Rapist tears.
No. 1666795
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Sorry to any bayofags itt
No. 1666824
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Female socialized moids don't exist. They all have experiences women never have to deal with.
No. 1666833
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Don't know if this long ass article has been posted but it's a hoot being a woman is easy being trans is hard. They're basically eating themselves.
No. 1666839
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>agp is a harmless kink
No. 1666866
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Bozo here has a clown fetish.
No. 1666887
File: 1664912335744.jpg (56.29 KB, 572x680, FeLfRBiXoAIBz-g.jpg)

They WANT to be oppressed so bad, you know they LOVE the thought of terfs being evil and wanting them dead, while that is not happening at all
No. 1666892
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>Eliot Rodgers Carposting
Why are men like this?
No. 1666896
File: 1664912750822.png (159.28 KB, 1118x386, asdfasdfasdfasdfasdfdsdfd,.png)

I know at least one other person here follows this cow so I'm posting this lol. I guess this answers the question of wtf he's doing in Japan. Going to school? To study what? If there are other trannies at the school I would assume it's full of white people. Or does his autistic faceblindness cause him to assume any ugly woman must be a tranny? So many questions. The Japanese should put him on a 24/7 livestream like they did with the life of prizes guy kek.
No. 1666902
File: 1664913071351.png (890.63 KB, 1118x1526, meetthetroon.png)

>>1666896Sorry to doublepost but I just realized he made a new about me page kek
>I'm a japanese schoolgirl Holy fucking pedophile batman.
>>1666899Yeah or it could be this. He's posted pictures of Japan, and photos of Korean money, but I don't think he's posted anything of himself where he's clearly in Japan. Except for that picture of him in the girls bathroom but that could be anywhere.
No. 1666906
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>>1666899went back and found this, i think he's actually in japan.
No. 1666910
>>1666906kek at the 666 in this post number, truly cursed.
anyway this is a screenshot of his tiktok where he autistically hits his cat with the rainbow chain choker he's frequently seen wearing. it looks like a dorm room to me. i remember seeing an article about japanese students being sent to counselors for not accepting males as women, do you think he
triggered that kek. i would be fucking terrified if i had to sleep in the same room as this guy.
No. 1666918
File: 1664913924910.png (1.19 MB, 928x1526, animalabuse.png)

>>1666910dropped the image
>>1666908sorry, i'm retarded. i'll go back and see if he ever posted proof of him being in japan.
No. 1666919
File: 1664913949060.png (2.48 MB, 854x1285, unknown.png)

the farms archived the selfie channel of the bobposting pedo server, aside from everyone that posted there looking underage they also all were ugly incels that stole their moms dressed, this one was the absolute most horrid but it was tied with some pizza face with psycho eyes
No. 1666930
>>1666920Yeah, I don't get it. This whole thing is just a justification for these men to carry a weapon so they can use it on women.
Let's not forget that these men are obviously, not only taller, but also stronger even after taking estrogen for years, which most of the times doesn't even happen because they don't feel the need to chemically castrate themselves, as they should, because just "feeling like a woman" (whatever the fuck that means) is more than enough for them to justify their boners while they invade women's spaces, wearing women's clothing.
Like, even the most rabid a-logger in this site would rather stay quiet and leave before confronting these freaks.
I don't get just why isn't that site considered the same as browsing pornhub but with a bunch of miscellaneous communities, everyone in Reddit is just playing along with those moids' fetishes whenever they updoot any post made by them.
No. 1666931
>>1666894This is one of the dumbest things about TRA Their obsession with TERFs who have never violently attacked a trans person. But don't seem to care a fraction as much about the homophobic men and unhinged people within their own community who are the actual threats.
On the flip side, "terfy" women have been killed and violently attacked by trans activists (eg. Dana Rivers).
No. 1666951
>>1666920(sage for a-log probably, I'm new idk)
Why does every "movement" always try to make it seem like they're living the life of a black American in the 1800s? It's starting to seriously piss me off. I'm not American but I'm black and it angers me so much when (especially) black women are being crammed into a movements stupid slogan or being dragged along in whatever nonsense. Fat acceptance, The election thing, Ben and jerrys and now this. I wouldn't care as much if they were doing it to everyone but they always, always, always choose black people. Leave us alone.
No. 1666957
>>1666951Welcome to the farm, friend. I hope you stay with us and enjoy your time here. I'm also not American, but it's always been bizarre to me that they do this. I think you've articulated it better than me kek. My theory is that American whites are so obsessed with being
victims and in America they feel the biggest tragedy is the treatment of black people. I'm surprised more of them don't larp as Native Americans anymore
No. 1666966
File: 1664917094886.jpeg (584.21 KB, 960x1731, E7A495D8-60C9-4624-B08F-0CF76F…)

a tim wrote this thread and theyre getting attacked for it. i know its just twitter but this is bleak. idk what to think nonas
No. 1666977
File: 1664917866711.jpg (2.61 MB, 810x6939, Screenshot_20221004-170236_Red…)

Imagine trooning out on your family like this
No. 1666991
>>1666786>>1666788>>1666790I'm being a downer, I know, but it pisses me off that they can do this because they're men. Attempts to cancel Chapelle and Carr are pretty limp-wristed compared to what would happen if a female comic dared do the same. Men can beat, rape, and kill TIMs but they'll worry more about TERFs. A woman merely says sex is real and suddenly an unholy alliance of transes, handmaidens, and horny men rises up to lob death threats her way. Worse still, I doubt Chapelle, Carr, Gervais, et Al, would ever stick up for a female comic daring to do the same.
No. 1666999
>>1666978He definitely thought the troon was joking, nona. He even said so in the post. I think some of you don't realize how being completely blasted on drugs and booze can obliterate any semblance of cognizance or agency a person has.
>>1666970>there is no such thing as a maleIf only this were true.
No. 1667016
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No. 1667029
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No. 1667030
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No. 1667044
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No. 1667051
>>1667016>>1667029These mfs literally asking to get killed at this point, I know men normally put themselves in danger for their own sexual gratification… but asking groups of black men (history of being more homophobic typically) to meet up with you and have sex with you while you wear black face… oh my fucking god
No black person is going to come near you, only to beat you to a pulp… maybe they’d get off on that too and make it a way to be about “black womens struggles” ffs I hate men
No. 1667057
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No. 1667058
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>>1667044lmao the comments are telling him yes
No. 1667065
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>>1667058>>1667044This guy's handlers need to get him away from the internet.
No. 1667068
>>1667044If I saw this cryptid approaching and asking random questions, I would not hesitate in calling the police
Of course he doesn't understand, those random and weird questions could be used to lower her guard, she was alone at night and he kept trying to make contact with her despite the clear signs that she didn't want…
No. 1667072
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>>1667065>the dog on his shirt has a visible vaginal slitWhat the fuck?
No. 1667075
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I don't understand why his handlers are letting him do this.
No. 1667090
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>>1667075He trooned out because he has a cowgirl fetish and nobody around him thought to say no..
No. 1667095
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His art is very Chris Chan.
No. 1667135
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>>1667125He's been posting for years. It's legit, his brain is just broken.
No. 1667155
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>>1667140He has a transformation fetish. The dog thing with a pussy is his fursona.
No. 1667175
>>1667160Most asylums in America were shut down in the 60's.
His parents bought him a house and hired people to help him with daily life.. he's not quite roaming free, but he clearly needs more oversight than he's currently getting
No. 1667193
>>1666644Kek how he pulled his hair forward in his headband to hide his male pattern baldness. Too bad they didn't fix that.
I can't tell which is the before and which is the after.
No. 1667198
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>>1667188that is probably the only thing his caretaker actually helps him with, maybe that and a little shopping or something. they are certainly not there to keep him from sperging out online. much "I don't get paid nearly enough…"
No. 1667200
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he made an album about john money
No. 1667211
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>>1667200It's electronic, so it's actually not bad.
No. 1667219
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>i really like when a new fetish gets invented on the internet. i like that stuff!!!!! there is potentially some poor sap somewhere for every one of these things that can ONLY get off by using IT and NO OTHER FETISH, NO OTHER HUMAN INTERACTION, NOT EVEN ANY OTHER KIND OF SENSORY DATA….. like….. dorses… dick horses!!!! horses that are women who were reshaped into a giant dick on 4 legs by a magical dildo that now serves as their horsetail…. or…. cubegirls/cubies/cubeguys!!!!! people who were smushed into the shape of a cube but are still otherwise just a functioning healthy human body that cant get itself out of that shape. ULTRA submissive is what it is….. speaking of….. ladypots/enbypots/guypots!!!!! a person potted, like a potted plant. awwwww. succplants!!!!! a variant of “ladypots” where the enby or lady or dude or whatever is actually turned somewhat plantlike, with their head turned into an upsidedown Pitcher Plant (for succin) while their arms are turned into prehensile leaves.
>theres another two that showed up on twitter quite, neither of which i know the name of, altho im probably wrong about the name of the previous ones too……. one where a pre-op translady has her center-seat-of-consciousness magically transferred from her head to the head of her….. um….. (ill just say dicc in case theres any transwomen or femme enbies here with really severe dysphoria…. i dont wanna cause more bad feelings than i probably already am just by asking about all this) so just to stop feeling disoriented she has to start walking on her hands (doing a handstand) with her dicc wayyyy up in the air at all times, 24/7. and the second one is…. well the premise is a there being a way to make someone ejaculate their sentience/soul, and them, well, bodyswapping etc. No. 1667231
File: 1664933742957.png (Spoiler Image,220.04 KB, 298x363, disturbing.png)

>>1667135Dead animal warning
This is extremely creepy in light of this post and I don't know if he's so autistic he thought it was sleeping or if he killed it himself.
No. 1667234
File: 1664933867512.webm (565.15 KB, 720x1280, #TransBian #EggGod #unstoppabl…)
This "homeless transgender woman" was featured on Soft White Underbelly today. No. 1667235
File: 1664933896981.jpeg (383.37 KB, 1170x1103, 6EFC6E0F-4645-440F-B7BF-0AC80A…)

I can’t stop laughing at this help
No. 1667240
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>>1664573Spoken like a true AGP fetishist
No. 1667244
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The retarded guy is also being groomed to believe there's people living in his head.
>these are the people who may or may not share my body & mind with me….. i kinda doubt it but ppl online keep sayin theyre real so i dunno. am i plural? do i really have alters? why are they so hard to hear & listen to?>>1667234Oh no no no. Imagine that person in a shelter for women.
No. 1667294
>>1666833God, even in 2016 it was the mere start of nuttery.
>Remember that when you think “not all men!!!”You
are the men. What the fuck?
No. 1667307
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No. 1667318
>>1667307What did Rowling say to
trigger them this time?
No. 1667331
>>1666626to a large extent its many of the local elite here are also at fault, cause they just don't realize how fucking unlikeable they can be, the MTFs in my country don't even care about this shit cause they are illiterate peasants who probably don't even know why the sky is blue
>>1666787one my male cousins was almost raped by a pashtun but that's real incident I can think off, in northern Punjab where most of my paternal lives, that sort of this is much more common and not the sindh region where I live in
No. 1667337
>>1667323Surprisingly alright wtf? I can imagine this being some game ost.
>>1667198He's seems so articulate, it's so surreal in comparison to seeing him speaking/in motion.
No. 1667355
File: 1664942512731.png (1.04 MB, 1200x1224, ripx4nutmeg-natalieryan.png)

TIMs invading the women's division of professional disc golf despite there already being a mixed sex division. Quillette recently had a nice article about it: No. 1667361
>>1666833reading this essay is a trainwreck. reposting, forgot to sage.
the only time he confronts his lack of female upbringing is wanting his girly sleepover meme, yet when actual women come in with perspectives that stem from all the facets of a female childhood, the good and the bad, he flips the fuck out. his ego is so bruised, he doesn't stop to consider WHY exactly women might call men fuckboys, or make misandrist jokes; something tells me his idea of being a woman hasn't really progressed past wanting to be the pink power ranger.
the other times he tries to establish commonalities between his experience and womens' experiences, it falls flat entirely. sure, his hobbies are denigrated like womens, but his hobbies are looked down on because he's failed at being masculine, whereas women are simply because they are not men. to put this bluntly, girls are not called fags for playing with barbies.
i do feel a little bad for him considering all he's been through in the past (hazing, homophobic bullying), but that's not enough to make up for him overstepping his place in womens' spaces.
No. 1667390
>>1667377i think to say it's "for the coom" is a fundamental misreading of what he wrote. at no point did he even write once about sexual gratification coming from being a woman, which, considering how shameless these guys are, if he did, he would've. under all the prior dsm, he shows textbook signs for gender identity disorder, already putting him at odds with the agp label.
what i think he does have is a particularly infantile view of womanhood stemming from having hang-ups about not experiencing a female childhood. he has an idealised picture of the experience he never got to have, and refuses to confront the reality of what it'd actually be like. since he went into a gender studies major, then that slaps him in the face even more; women in that field tend to have more of a radical bent than the average normie precisely BECAUSE of the negative experiences they got
from a female childhood.
>>1667378this. besides, we'll get less repressed weirdoes as a whole if we let people act femininely from the beginning instead of letting it mutate into freaky fetish shit.
No. 1667393
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The retarded guy was sent to the psych ward for sex pest behavior?
No. 1667396
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No. 1667400
>>1667390>this. besides, we'll get less repressed weirdoes as a whole if we let people act femininely from the beginning instead of letting it mutate into freaky fetish shit.A man being free to participate in "feminine" interests and wear what he wants without society associating those things with any one sex, or a woman doing the same with "masculine" things, is what radfems want, it's what they call abolishing gender.
The problem with troons, who are all fetishists, is that their whole identity revolves around the fetishization of what they perceive women to be: they get off on the gender roles that we women are forcefully assigned, gender roles which oppress us and limit our freedom to express our personality and lives (you could say that gender roles for men also limit them and it acts as another reason for them to troon out). In other words, allowing the free expression of one's personality without it being associated to one's genitals, is not the same thing as supporting the tranny fetish. Trangenderism reinforces oppressive, traditional gender roles while putting women and their rights in danger. A man identifying as a woman inherently comes from sexism and misogyny. No. 1667436
>>1667406>but no straight woman goes for a frilly faggotWomen don't all like the same types of men (we could argue that a specific concept of "masculinity" is forced onto women to like as well, and society definitely influences what we see as "faggy" or "masculine") but I also find it weird how you managed to turn the gender role point into something about what kinds of men women want or don't want to fuck, plus it's not like other knids of men would disappear. I couldn't care less if other women wanna fuck "frilly faggots", and it doesn't matter, the point is getting rid of the association between certain clothes, colors, traits, etc., and one's sex. Because as long as those gender roles exist, every aspect of women's lives will be controlled. If they didn't exist, trannies wouldn't be LARPing as female because the concept of femininity as we know it wouldn't exist either, and men, as well as women, would be free to wear and act however they like without having to transition to the other sex.
No. 1667437
same op as before, but phoneposting. i understand what you're getting at, but doesn't societal misogyny and degradation of femininity play a part in AGP in the first place? when you consider a lot of the fetishes troons have, aren't a lot of the bottom lines (especially ones like sissy, forcefem, bimboism) inherently misogynistic and treat femininity as something to be denigrated? these fetishes reflect a societal undercurrent as a whole of women and being feminine as inherently lesser than (ie toxic masculinity), so my logic is, if we take that out of the picture, then we also remove a lot of the ideological power behind those fetishes. this would, i feel, have an effect of stopping people from trooning out.>>1667400
No. 1667446
File: 1664948737021.jpg (232.05 KB, 1000x1399, 218076563e85bbcc87d66ce9bd96bd…)

I want to fuck a confident cis man with a big pp who wears makeup and watches fruity musicals.
It's unfortunate such men are all pornsick or transgender these days.
No. 1667477
>>1667437I do agree with you though I realized that too late, my reply was mostly for the other poster who may or may not be a TRA or tranny questioning why radfems exclude them. I think what is known as femininity now is seen as "bad" only because it's associated with "the lesser sex", so if misogyny disappeared somehow, then not only would being feminine not be seen as a bad thing, but our concept of femininity might even cease to exist since there wouldn't be a reason to keep women controlled anymore. But that is not happening, no matter how much we claim that being feminine (wearing makeup, heels and skirts, being submissive, etc.) is not bad, men would still want to skinwalk us because they'll still see women as lesser and this kind of femininity would still be associated with women. So we have to get rid of either gender roles or misognyny to get rid of troons, it's not enough to tell men that it's ok to not be hypermasculine as long as those two things exist. Getting rid of gender roles would also stop men from shaming each other for not being "man enough", which causes a lot of them to become trannies.
>>1667441I don't know how the fuck you concluded that I believe in gender bullshit but ok
No. 1667507
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Why again would any woman feel safe with these freaks in our bathrooms and locker rooms
No. 1667523
>>1667516##thanks for undestranding my sleep-deprived rant i deleted that post like 2 times trying to make it readable kek#
IMO is just coping. If tims are misguided confused gays who suffer from mental illnesses and social pressure it means they can stop being misogynists someday. Not only never happens, it just get worse.
No. 1667526
>>1667507This is a TIF
>>1667508This is a newfag
No. 1667529
File: 1664956989734.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.26 MB, 1079x4994, Screenshot_20221005_085826.jpg)

Troons seethe at one of their own for not agreeing that transbians are
validThread pictured, spoiled for length.
Check hidden for replies: No. 1667540
>>1667361To me it also comes off as personal issues which you can get help for - the intense hate for yourself and your body - being pushed onto women who have
valid reason to dislike moids. We all dislike ourselves to some extent, we work on our self esteem, we grow out of the teenage angst and self hate, we don't seethe when people mention a feature they don't like that we have. It's part of growing up and really not up for debate - you'll never be everyones cup of tea. But he wants everyone to love him and his balding weak body, at least he's sober enough to know that no amount of hormones or surgery will get rid of the male that's genetically imprinted for life. Good on him for not getting a rot pocket, bad on him for blaming women for not coddeling him and his feelings.
Also, quite funny that he realizes that everyone tiptoes around troons and gives over the top compliments only because of handmaiden behaviour, and no one actually sees women in them. You got that right!
No. 1667557
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>>1667406Infinitely more women want "feminine, faggot" males who wipe their asses, do their dishes, cook healthy meals, dress nicely, take care of their skin and hair, grow and smell flowers in a garden, and have deep compelling emotions than a gigachad cartoon gorilla that ticks off all the autistic criteria of what men consider 'based' and 'manly'.
Men literally call women faggots for preferring bishonens to hulking, inflated hyperbaras.
Men acting like they're they authority on what women find attractive while leaking the capacity and empathy to even understand our perspective, just another example of their narcissism. You literally know nothing about what it takes for a man to be "feminine" other than wearing a 2010 skater skirt and cat ears while jerking off to lolicon. Which is to say, virtually nothing.
No. 1667559
>>1667058severely mentally ill, jewish, autist and a troon kek
>>1667065why is he always barefoot yuck
No. 1667562
>>1667437Yes you're right. Most men who display flamboyant, stereotypically feminine behaviors are often homosexual or tranny fetishes for the exact reason you say. Male socialization humiliates any male who would dare lower himself to the status of a woman. The only men who end up doing it are those who don't care, such as gays who are not a part of heterosexual male culture… Or those who enjoy the humiliation like AGPs.
But then again, males are stupid as fuck and when they do try to emulate women they become campy queers or knockoff hentai characters who wear thigh highs and cat ears to the grocery store.
Women avoid hons who wear fishnets and pink stilettos and XXL chest plates outside because we know it's for a fetish and not just a man innocently exploring his femininity. This isn't women rejecting feminine behaviors in men necessarily, we are rejecting obviously fetishistic behaviors and humiliating stereotypes.
If you want to see more feminine men that women love and men hate/don't understand, just look at idealized male characters written and created by women. Really any type of man women love and men seethe over.
No. 1667569
>>1666648im the lain sperg from last thread (or earlier in this one maybe? idr) i love u anon, been meaning to make those lain
terf memes kek
No. 1667595
File: 1664968915874.jpg (596.83 KB, 748x3823, wtf.jpg)

I stole this screenshot from KF but this honestly made me gag. Donating your body to science/organs means now that you will probably help those troons. They started to make troon "neo-vaginas" out of the skin tissue (and will probably use your uterus for experiments to insert it in a troon)
No. 1667597
>>1667557Straight trannies are incels and have a hard time seeing outside of the square jaw gigachad version of masculinity or understanding what the women they like want.
If they had any semblance of braincells they would just get an anime haircut, use some bb cream, dress a bit fancy or alt, put on a soft boy persona and enjoy their endless supply of desperate weeb pussy. There's literally handmaidens who are handmaidens because they don't want to miss out on gnc dick and take the closet thing they can have. Pickme libfems love to lick male boots and praise men as revolutionary just for wearing nail polish, they don't even need to know how to cook or do dishes or even be remotely interesting. If they gave up "transmaxxing" in favor of bishonenmaxxing they would get infinitely more advantages and not have the downside of huge financial costs or being a lifelong medical patient. They keep seething over husbandos and kpop guys when they could really just put on some half assed larp and be worshipped for it (in an ideal world they'd just improve themselves for honest reasons but we all know it's not gonna happen.)
Their entire pathetic existence revolves around taking advantage of women and yet they're too retarded to even figure that out. To the point that their incompetence is considered by some handmaidens to be a proof of their "honesty" in regard to gender identity.
No. 1667608
>>1667597This is mostly due to the brick wall that is the average male's virtual inability to perform basic exercises in empathy. They are too self centered in the very literal sense. They have no inkling of what others want to the point they can't even opportunistically replicate it even to their own advantage. All they can to is project their own desires onto others, and become endlessly frustrated and confused when we act according to our own interests and not their own (also known as moid criticisms of women's "irrationality"). All he knows is what he sees desirable in women, mostly porn and anime stereotypes, and that's about it. He doesn't know why real life lesbians aren't performative to male sexuality like they are in his porn. In fact he won't be confronted with this teality he's already a transbian pursuing relationships. How many men have convinced themselves they'd gain access to endless amounts of pornified lesbian sex as soon as they transition into a mockery of a lesbian? Most. Again, it's the male's inability to view the world from another perspective and assess the motivations and desires of others. Never does it occur to them that a lesbian does not want a man in a dress, or that to a woman, dick (whether trans or not) is abundant and worthless. She's already declined many, so what makes his so special? If the male were to think about the story of her life, and stop seeing himself as the main character of the universe with a magical penis, maybe he'd become more grounded.
But that will never happen because males simply lack the capacity to think like normal people. They don't have the equipment. Virtually all men are on the autistic/narcissistic spectrum and are unable to function like fully actualized human beings.
Another reason, which is just as self serving, is that it's his fetish. He simply does not just want more access to more women
He wants women so much under his control he has contorted himself into what he thinks one is just so he can get off to himself 24/7, so basically AGP. Its simply not enough to have sex with a woman or women, he has to be one. It's a parasite frantically trying to emulate its host so it can create its own supply. All moids are motivated by is coveting and possessing women, trannies just internalize their male sexual neuroticism and think they gamed the system by trooning out. It's sad and funny, but doesn't really have that same karmic sting since men are too dumb to realize how they've played themselves into abject irrelevancy.
No. 1667618
>>1667615ill make more when i have a minute + dump in the 2x
terf meme thread, i got way too attached to her as a young sperg girl too and troons will never get it!
No. 1667622
>>1663553i believe the reason male troons believe lesbianing is 'easier' than incelling, is because they've picked up three points from the internet zeitgeist:-
1. Lesbians have the smallest dating market (i.e. they're desperate)
2. Lesbians are famously quick to move in together (i.e. they're desperate)
3. Lesbians are sexy (male-porn-brain)
These three facts together, allow a man to say "surely, surely, it would be easier to get more than 0 partners as a transbian, since lesbians are desperate"
transbians aren't lesbians (obviously), they're heterosexual males who are trying to break ground in the male-on-lesbian sex-marketplace using social pressure and coercion
No. 1667640
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I saw this on ovarit and it’s a couple years old now, but it’s a thesis written by a TiM on spotting terfs on twitter. Does anyone want to take one for the team and summarize it? No. 1667648
File: 1664974406503.jpeg (58.58 KB, 918x203, 0CC43273-072F-41CA-A4DB-6F0922…)

>>1667640Sources not provided of course
No. 1667654
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>>1666648its actually really annoying me that the moment female charaters, with their actual female centric narratives, become popular in certain circles, troons just grab it up and just turn it into shit
not sure if lain was always infested with troons, from where i know it it wasnt, but barbie now too is getting infested with them which is annoying since (im by no means a hardcore fan) it does ruin childhood nostalgia knowing they get their dick wet over a very feminine presentation thinking that they could be, in some universe, be her
i mean im not even touching neon genesis, despite it supposedly being good, menhera too
i guess you should seperate fandom from the actual thing, but its hard because its fun to interact and lookup fandom shit, but all you see you see are butchered stories and characters
No. 1667656
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>>1667640 first of all this thing he's sharing has no fucking support, nobody cares. lol.
>little computational attention has been paid to online instances of transphobiaand communities of trans-exclusionary radical feminists (TERFs).
really now
>Chapter 1 provides a computational analysis of the TERF community onTwitter. We utilize two network clustering algorithms to detect
intra-community submodules. Then, we build a topic model of all tweets within
our corpus to better understand the distribution of topics that the community
seems like a lot of words for a program that looks at who you follow and bases your bigotry on that? i don't use twitter but i know a thing called blockchain exists which basically functions the same way, blocking people who are friends of a person you want to block, correct? this seems like a modified version of that
>The transgender community sees mental health risks and rate of suicidewhich far exceed the norm, even in comparison to the rest of the queer
community [6]. Studies point to causes including gender dysphoria but also the
lack of societal acceptance; instances of transphobia are often manifested as
physical violence [15]. Violence against trans people occurs in
disproportionately high numbers even as many cases go unreported; though
there is a dearth of statistics, it is claimed that the life expectancy of trans
women in the Americas is between 30 and 35.
wow i can't believe he only cares about trans women when discussing "the trans community"
>Coined in 2008 by a feminist blog responding to the rising trend, thephrase
TERF generally refers to self-proclaimed feminists who view the
existence of transgender people as encroaching upon some conception of
>Only by doing so can we develop informed ways of computationally identifying Twitterusers that are TERFs and combating their
abusive content online.
don't worry we can just rely on people crying and the site will permaban them
>Through Block Together, we obtained the list of Twitter user IDs onTERFblocklist, which contained at time of download 13,472 users. Using the
Twitter API, we collected all publically available tweets from users on the list
from January to December 2019, for a total of 15,469,346 tweets.
this reads as nothing more than vindictive obsession with women not falling for his shit. has less to do with "protecting the trans community from hate speech" than it does singling out specific users and punishing them. someone who actually cared would focus more on prevention/education than witch hunting and punishment.
>lalala filler about his stupid program to pad out the essay
>From this analysis, we see that the majority of the network of TERFs onTwitter form three large clusters of thousands of users
>We are also interested in understanding the contents of what TERFswithin our target list talk about on Twitter.
psychotic male stalker behavior
>Certain topics jump out as “TERF-like,” particularly topic 12 from the25-topic model, which accounts for approx. 7% of overall tweets.
severely subjective
>These findings present the first ever study on TERFs on Twitter, andlay a foundation for more granular analysis of their contents in the future.
please god go outside and stop obsessing over what women say about you online
>In the second half of this thesis, we describe TERFSPOT (TracingExtremist Reprobates From Scanning Patterns On Twitter)
>blahblah more filler about his program>holy shit MORE FILLER using a bunch of language no layperson would know/care about, i am assuming in an attempt to seem smarter or make his program seem more complex than it is
>Within this study, we accomplished two tasks. We undertook the firstcomputational study of the hate group known as trans-exclusionary radical
feminists (TERFs) on Twitter, and built a model for classifying whether a
Twitter user is a member of this group with an accuracy of 90%.
subjective, again
>We caution against a solely text-based approach to studying and detecting members of this community, as the risk of false positivesare much higher without taking into account the network aspect.
at least you realize
>We intend for this to be only the beginning of academic interest in this particular area of abusive content on social media, and for more research focus to attend to TERFs andother instances of transphobia online in the future.
good thing no one cares
he also seems to think all tErFs online are right-wing trump supporters which is patently not true. 10/10 waste of time you wrote a whole paper about your obsession with women.
No. 1667665
>>1667656>From this analysis, we see that the majority of the network of TERFs on Twitter form three large clusters of thousands of usersconsidering the blocklist was "hand-picked", as he literally says in his study, could it not be that gathering users for the blocklist was done by combing through those particular groups and checking who follows who? discovering that there were three subsets of groups in the total sample doesn't actually mean shit. its good for cluster sampling, but it doesn't actually say anything about the community.
the fact of the matter is, when people are operating off a faulty definition of
terf (ie. including right wingers) the data is going to be bad because they aren't even searching for the right demographics.
also the terfspot acronym is the corniest thing ive read all week
No. 1667670
>>1667654troons are singlehandly killing characters, imagine working so hard to create a character, write it, and then some troons with no reading comprehension takes something out of context and turns them into a troon, and on top of that if you say anything, like, idk, fucking use the source material to disprove their headcanon, they call you a
terf. clown world.
No. 1667674
>>1667656>>1667665anon u replied to: yes on all points
i also want to note that i have never seen a person of color make a “racist detector”. nor a gay person make a “homophobe detector”. nor anything else like this. this is a man literally making a target list of women who don’t want to be around him, don’t follow his bullshit, don’t want him in their communities. a man has made a subjugation tool against women. a humiliation mask, a scold, the thing they used to parade women around in the streets wearing. “look at these women, they’re not right, they are horrid bigots and must be stopped! hurl hatred at them and shun them!” that is what this is. a man not being able to handle a woman rejecting him.
No. 1667677
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No. 1667724
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Sorry for OT. I'm not sure what's it's like where you live but I have my organ donation form right in front of me that I've been meaning to sign for months.. You can opt out of giving certain things, and anything that hasn't been stated will be incinerated along with the rest of you (if cremation is what you choose). I'm only opting out of the skin and research options because I'd definitely be worried about it being used for someone's rot pocket or phallo surgery. Don't let the troops completely turn you off from donating. Even after you dead you still got rights.
No. 1667728
>>1666209 He's clearly using a filter and there's a 99% chance he doesn't look like that and actually looks like a straight up dude in person. People can be so naive because ever since beauty filters became a thing, it's not just women on Instagram who obsess with them, these dudes do it too and it fuels their self-delusion a lot.
No. 1667791
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No. 1667797
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No. 1667799
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so the sex crimes with southern negros article is from a trans Onion-style “comedy” site, in the same vain as r/transgendercirclejerk
No. 1667849
>>1667654>Lain was my nickname as a childWhy do they always lie about their childhood?
>>1667777More nonas clocked her as a TIF than nonas who went along with it. I wasn't online when it was posted, but the second I saw the outfit, ridiculous hair, unshaven legs, and "bug" in the username, I knew it was a TIF. The hips also are too female to be male. Some autists can't tell, but most people can.
No. 1667871
>>1667240Does he really fucking think he empowers women to not wear bras? Fuck right off. I haven't worn a bra since I was 20 or so and I certainly didn't stop wearing them because I saw some troon groping his moobs in public.
Also, women stare at you because you're a freak, sir. They're not jealous of your fridge body.
No. 1667892
>>1666671Because they are shaving off the bone structure that is holding their face together. Without it, their faces sag.
I wonder if there’s pictures around of a tranny that got ffs in his 20s and who is now in his 30s or 40s. Troons never think of the long-term, just on-demand coom. It’s hilarious to think they’ll be terminally ugly and never a woman.
No. 1667904
File: 1664993758079.webm (7.96 MB, 540x960, Untitled.webm)
Men pretending to be a woman, disabled and intersex Having a meltdown at some furry get together. Calling his fellow males "faggots" for being mean to a Trans person.
No. 1667906
File: 1664993852456.png (2.35 MB, 1785x821, 5.png)

>>1667904If you don't remember this fellow, he's the Troon that used to date Kevin gibes and he broke up with him kek. He has his own thread in kiwifarms.
No. 1667917
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got a good laugh
No. 1667925
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>>1667904>the elephant facepalming and gtfo'ing>scooting on the floor like a dog dragging his butt on the carpetnot even the furries want this violent douche among them
No. 1667926
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>>1666896I knew I had to make a collage
No. 1667932
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>>1667904>bumps into a guy with his wheelchair on purpose and tries to steal his phone>yells about pressing charges like a pussy when the guy defends himselfThat video is a perfect summary of how trans people really are.
No. 1667942
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>>1667904Apparently this is the Elephant Man who was there. I'm hearing the meltdown was because he wasn't allowed to smoke weed (WheelTran) and there were children at this cursed event
No. 1667974
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>>1667416>>1667420We should make a gender nonconforming husbando thread on /g/.
No. 1667977
>>1667904wake up babe new mantra just dropped:
No. 1667980
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>>1667955Not all anime is degenerate. Shoujo anime is a large genre that caters to women specifically. Now let’s go back to bullying scrotes, nonnas.
No. 1668029
>>1667974I'm thinking there should be one just to
trigger the people who get
triggered over that. People might be an euphemism for moids here.
No. 1668037
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>>1668035Yeah a lot. Especially in /g/.
No. 1668046
File: 1665003656112.gif (1.04 MB, 500x280, 12 Yuuko slap.gif)

>>1668035I want to tell you to go back but I have no idea where you came from.
No. 1668057
File: 1665004531850.webm (1.56 MB, 288x360, 1663436265511.webm)
>>1667904reminds me of this,
I like to imagine this is young Leon fighting troon Mr X No. 1668063
File: 1665004862675.png (183.15 KB, 500x610, ur-yiff-in-hell-fux-this-is-wh…)

Fuck furries.
No. 1668068
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4 years and it did nothing.
No. 1668071
>>1668065Because they think
>man who is kind, intelligent, compassionate, treats me like an equal, has good health and hygieneresults in vidrel
No. 1668073
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>>1667826Usually, yes, but people have been talking about donor fears with skin recently because Kevin Gibes (from the Tranch) said a couple of weeks ago that he was getting his neovag revision done with cadaver skin. Pic from thread #82.
No. 1668074
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He somehow looked more feminine before.
No. 1668119
File: 1665008456987.png (286.36 KB, 475x766, 32453245345.png)

i've seen multiple trannies try to walk back on the 'not liking penis = transphobia and literal violence' over the past few days. absolutely hilarious. it was just propaganda all along, everyone!
No. 1668163
>>1668119Most of them claim transphobia. I dodge them like neo on dating apps, or social spaces in general. Literally have been called a
terf irl for knowing what I like. Typical male fragility. Can't respect women or accept no for an answer.
No. 1668181
File: 1665013395219.webm (2.91 MB, 576x1024, yU8MeTNgYFHANH22(2).webm)
Not even that amount of foundation cant hide his 5'o clock shadow. The texture of his skin must feel like a cactus.
No. 1668212
File: 1665015530117.png (71.56 KB, 596x914, uwu.png)

Very on brand of you to seethe- and selfpost to this thread to get negative comments instead of going the dollpariah way and selfposting to the leftthots thread kek, you pathetic little moid
YWNBAW, go stroke your chemically castrated raisin to dollcore traumaposts
Picrel, your average twitter tranny fantasy
No. 1668263
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>>1668181If only you knew how bad things really are
No. 1668331
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No. 1668345
>>1667595Why cant they just use the fucking fish skin instead? Why do they have to mutilate and desecrate dead women's bodies to support this fetish shit?
Now I never want to be an organ donor, and I want my body immediately cremated so one of these freaks doesn't dig up my corpse.
No. 1668383
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Galaxy brain take.
No. 1668431
>>1666103This was fucking horrendously bad. Embarrassing, even. This Jerry Jackson sounding Britfag sperging on and on, with talking head interviews from a bunch of retarded zoomers desperately trying to make some retarded black tranny LARPer in a Discord server sound like the fucking Japanese cult that ricin bombed the underground that one time, in between the most obnoxious and intrusive use of censorship, because God fucking forbid YouTube demonetise their shit video. They even had a fucking Raid Shadow Legends sponsorship.
Honestly, this just confirmed my belief that all zoomers are in some way developmentally delayed. They were all acting like they were in deep with Project Mayhem or some shit, when in actual fact they were in a fucking server they could literally log off from at any time.
No. 1668531
File: 1665054614016.jpeg (24.57 KB, 450x299, 901C4487-74B8-46BD-9903-67A128…)

>>1667651>>1667667Fucking megakek, so pathetic