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No. 1582431
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posting more unhinged troons
No. 1582433
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No. 1582476
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>>1582460hey can someone provide caps to show she was fired? there's a tweet from her on June 25th that says that "work/school is all safe", does someone have access to dissenting info?
No. 1582488
>>1582460Thing is it's all contract work for a branch of a huge company. Who would you even contact as the "boss". The office he works for only has a phone number for contact on their website. Email wise you need to phone them up and ask for the email to send proof, and then you gotta deal with it not being anon really anymore.
And that sounds like way to much effort tbh.
Thou going off how their company email is set up. You could run the chance of (firstname).(lastname) working and just go off the name of head of Human Resources listed on the website. But honestly I think he is so far removed from all of this shit, it it would be a bit ludicrous. And closest I can find for HR for the Alabama office online is linkin regional human resources director from Florida. And that poor lady honestly doesn't need to be dragged into this scrotes bullshit.
No. 1582518
>>1582510Yeah, I mean they kind of have to say that they are even if they have no intention of doing so just so they don’t get brigades by terminally online woketards
>>1582508Slightly OT but a plague on that old faggot’s house for making womanface minstrel shows mainstream. Anyone who uses RPDR reaction gifs on lolcow dot farm should be permabanned
No. 1582546
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Jizzing themselves again kek
No. 1582559
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Ugh, I hate it when they use women's subreddits for their narc supply.
No. 1582570
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Crazy how they can be so close yet so far at being self-aware.
No. 1582572
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>>1582559I hate it when they use "female" to refer to themselves
No. 1582582
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After seeing that before/after, can we agree that "trans, not even once"?
No. 1582643
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What exactly am I trying to prove? I’m just existing in my natural body and learning to be comfortable in it because these males have finally made me appreciate what it’s able to do. I’m not the one mutilating myself over a fetish. I think that’s an ultimate sign of insecurity, as well as the rageful tantruming whenever someone says something they don’t like. Insecure is having to control the language and behavior of everyone around you like an abuser would do. Women are only fighting for the truth after being pushed down for so long.
No. 1582646
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I saw this webtoon mentioned on KF and I can’t tell if this is an own or not. The TiM really does look accurate, I’m surprised they wouldn’t have thrown a fit over it. Has anyone read this and can verify if it’s meant to be taken seriously?
No. 1582647
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No. 1582651
>>1582647They’ve started calling people who don’t agree with them snowflakes but they’re the ones who get
triggered over literally anything. People are rightfully upset about things that have a large impact on them. That isn’t snowflake behavior. Snowflake behavior is malding and crying because someone accidentally called you a he when telling someone else who to give your coffee to. Or getting upset and screaming into the Twitter void because a woman at work dared to mention out loud that she’s on her period or found out she’s pregnant. Those are not normal things to get upset about. Watching your rights and spaces and words be given away is.
No. 1582656
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As of June this year, that study that troons love to claim shows women are AGP has been debunked. No. 1582658
>>1582643>>1582643They really love to try to be smug and act like there aren't multiple posts of their cult friends saying shit like
>I want to murder her because she has what I want>I transitioned to look like the girl that rejected me>Do I pass as "cis"??>I got missgendered and I want to KMSAnd surely even more shit that hasn't been posted in here because at this point it's redundant since it's those four options worded differently.
Seriously, the only ones seething, dilating, coping, dilating and dilating a bit more are TiMs, because they have to know they fucked up and that it's too late to pretend nothing of this happened.
No. 1582665
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I don’t feel like posting this entire thread because it’s just a bunch of word salad, but I’m so tired of them saying shit like this. I’ve always been a leftist and hate right wing MSM. I don’t like TiMs because I have ~lived experience~ as a female and realize they’re no different from regular men just because I’ve seen the kind of shit they themselves post online and say irl in their own fucking words. I’m not being brainwashed by the right because their arguments over what a woman is also boil down to stereotypes and usefulness a lot of the time. They genuinely can’t understand that people can develop their own opinions simply from living and watching. I don’t need anyone to feed me ideas when I can literally see with my own two eyes the kinds of things TiMs talk about on the daily.
No. 1582668
>>1582643What lengths? Stating basic biology everyone knows? You're the one with the mental gymnastics, witch-hunting, death threats and thought-policing.
>threatenedYes because TIMS are typically predatory men. Also, projection.
Also if you don't wish to be a female, why the fake tits, estrogen, womb/period envy and larp as physically weak. Why piss and shit yourself over being clocked and not passing as us? Why consistently cope about how you're "better" than us? Moids always like to reverse shit on women so they can deny and gaslight us into feeling dumb and apologize.
No. 1582671
Sage for blogpost.
I used to be best friends with a MTF. Well, originally he was just a dude but a super emotional, sensitive moid who then just said “well I must be a woman then” and trooned out. I kinda thought, “Yes I’m GC but he’s not like the other troons!” while he was saying stuff about how he would love if men were misogynistic towards him, or how badly he wanted titties, and I realized he really was like all other troons. I started distancing myself from him though he was like my only friend and he committed suicide. I was super heartbroken even with all those weird feelings I had about his misogyny, but I literally haven’t felt anything about it after his mom sent me a copy of his journal. He kept a journal the week before he killed himself where he wrote about all his friends and whatever, and he asked his friends to publish it after he dies. In it, he talks about how I’m so mean for not inviting him to play Overwatch and makes me out to be some kind of villain for not inviting him, how I am a bad friend for that/abandoning him. I went from mourning to just angry that he pulled some narc shit and wrote such a messed up thing about me and wants everyone to see it. He literally sent me his suicide note (only me and his parents got it) and this shit traumatized me. I remember nonnies here talking about how TIMs always want to affect as many people as possible with their suicide, and seeing how he did all this to me, I sort of agree. Even the “good ones” are bad. Sorry for blogpost, I just wanted to share.
No. 1582674
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why do they always have the tiniest dicks? kek at the phone battery on this pic.
No. 1582684
>>1582676Thank you so much for your kind words! After realizing what a piece of shit he was, I actually feel little to nothing rather than mourning/grief. Sometimes I feel bad about that, kek.
>>1582677Thank you for your kind words too- luckily my therapist doesn’t seem to be all TRA and against me when I voice my GC opinions! His parents don’t want to publish it (for good reason, I mean it’s narcissistic and seems like he was trying so hard to be some manic pixie dream girl) but his other friends want to, though I think they’ve given up (not 100% sure though).
No. 1582689
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refinery29 published an article entitled, "Say Goodbye To Macy Gray — She Outed Herself As A
TERF.">On July 4, a day when selective freedom was celebrated in America, it was only fitting that Macy Gray chose to go on known bigot Piers Morgan’s show Uncensored and reveal herself as a transphobe on national television. After all, trans women in the U.S. are still fighting for their rights and for the freedom “Independence Day” claims all Americans are granted. In the controversial interview, Gray stated, “Just because you go change your parts, doesn’t make you a woman.” Gray’s statement is disappointing on a lot of levels, especially because it completely disregards the identity and humanity of all trans women, but also because Gray is a Black woman. Black trans women are being murdered at alarming rates around the world, and we’re coming off of the deadliest year for trans people on record. The womanhood of Black women is constantly called into question, and Black trans women are dying because of this ignorance. It’s frustrating to see the singer engage in the same violent rhetoric that upholds gender discrimination and marginalizes all Black women — including our trans sisters. >Gray went on to say that she didn’t think people should be called “transphobic” just because they don’t agree, but this isn’t just about a difference of opinion. If someone refuses to recognize my personhood because of my Blackness, then they’d be a racist, simple as that. For Gray to claim that her comments are an issue of disagreement and not a transphobic attack is merely pretense. She also stated that while she supports transgender rights, she draws the line at athletic competitions (and clearly, recognizing trans women as women). You can’t support someone’s rights or claim to believe in their existence as you take away their basic rights — like their right to play on a school sports team. Trans girls and women are being barred from competing in sports in states around the country. >Gray’s trans-exclusionary radical feminist (TERF) behavior isn’t new (J.K. Rowling — who supported Gray on Twitter — and writer Chimamanda Nzgozi Adichie are other famous examples), but it’s even more upsetting considering that cis Black women should be supporting trans women because we’re fighting the same fight against the same oppressors. Our respective struggle for rights amidst the patriarchy are actually not mutually exclusive; they’re intertwined, and freedom for cis Black women isn’t possible without freedom for Black trans women. In a world where we’re constantly fighting against the patriarchy, we need to be banding together, not spewing divisive narratives that tear us apart.
>Gray’s comments are just another disappointing addition to the many celebrities that have outed themselves as TERFs. On the same day that Gray’s interview went live, actress Bette Midler tweeted in opposition to trans-inclusive language in the conversation about reproductive health, claiming that women are “being stripped of our rights over our bodies, our lives and even of our name[s]”. It seems like every day we lose another fave to the TERF camp, and it just proves that celebrities are never the people to look to for true radical and progressive views. Many public figures claim to be for the cause, but it’s become clear that celebrity-branded feminism is not real, nor does it care about all people affected by the systems that they claim to fight against.>“I think in this day and age, if you still have issues with women, then that's weird…I'm all about that — being for ourselves,” Gray once said in a 2015 interview with Marie Claire. The call is coming from inside of the house, because it’s time for Gray to reexamine her own issues with women. What’s “weird” is that she clearly has an issue with trans women who are doing nothing but being themselves. Why does Gray feel the need to question another woman's existence separate from her own? What gives her the right to question who qualifies as a woman? Do celebrities know that staying quiet and minding their business is free? On Uncensored, Gray defines a woman as a “human being with boobs” and someone who “[has] a vagina.” This is a stupid thing to say; not all women have boobs, including the ciswomen that Gray appears to hold close to her heart. Do women who remove their breasts because of breast cancer not qualify as women anymore? >Ironically, Gray’s statement is right in one very important way: whether or not trans women get gender reassignment surgery, they are still women. Your parts do not inform your gender, so changing those parts doesn’t affect a person’s claim to womanhood. The diminishing of trans women to their “parts” is dehumanizing, and the dehumanization and denial of rights to trans women is transphobic. >Being a woman is not a job. Trans women do not need any qualifications to be women, and they are women, period. While Gray may not agree, based on her comments, she is, in fact, a transphobe, and I, for one, am happy to say goodbye to any public figure that decides that trans lives are up for debate.also depressingly the writer of the article is also a black woma(though she is wokie upper class immigrant) but still black
No. 1582693
>>1582689>trans women in the U.S. are still fighting for their rights and for the freedom “Independence Day” claims all Americans are grantedOhhhh my god always with this shit. What rights do they not have? They can literally do anything anyone else can, they can even buy firearms and make threats without anyone batting an eye. Using a bathroom you don’t belong in is not a “right”. Expecting everyone to agree with everything you say isn’t a “right”. At this point, they have more rights than women.
>it’s even more upsetting considering that cis Black women should be supporting trans women because we’re fighting the same fight against the same oppressorsPeople can choose to support or not support anything they fucking want. And the black terfs ARE fighting against oppressors. Men are the ultimate oppressors of every woman on the planet.
>While Gray may not agree, based on her comments, she is, in fact, a transphobe, and I, for one, am happy to say goodbye to any public figure that decides that trans lives are up for debate.How did she say their lives are up for debate? She literally said people can be whatever they want. I’m so tired.
No. 1582694
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He looks like a dad who’s daughter made him do this as a joke.
No. 1582695
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Handmaidens shut the fuck up and let the rest of us speak for two fucking seconds. Just because you feel like being a huge pick me doesn’t mean the rest of us want to continue to kowtow to this shit. Language absolutely affects us when we can’t even define what a woman is, and can’t even be allowed to use the word “female” either.
No. 1582699
>>1582656post this on twitter and watch the troons screech about how it fake
>>1582643coddling males: the post
No. 1582702
>>1582689Claiming that not allowing guys to race against women due to unfair genetic advantage is the same thing as being told 'you're not a person because you're black' is a hell of a false equivalency, this person is a terrible writer.
while i love hearing these tired, familiar arguments trotted out, they're like old fan favorites, you would imagine some of these walnuts could come up with fresh content after all this time. but no, keep on trying to co-opt and define words like 'well
women describes your mental delusions, not your physical parts' like we haven't been using the word to distinguish between people's physical bodies LITERALLY ALWAYS.
Saying 'ignore what you see in front of your own eyes in favor of what they tell you to believe' isn't just stupid, it's incredibly dangerous to go out into the world as a woman with that kind of mentality.
Like if I see someone across the room at a venue, without speaking to them, there is zero chance I can figure out they think their 'gender identity' should be, but I can absolutely tell you what sex they are.
No. 1582703
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No. 1582704
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Spoilered for TiM moobs. Just girly things, flashing your disgusting flesh lumps on a public Twitter thread.
No. 1582716
Sage for text post, but I was researching a cow and I discovered that apparently Argentina has a law where 1% quota of government jobs are reserved for "transvestites, transsexuals and transgenders" with no need to even change their civil status, which is absolute bullshit because even in the United States there is like 0,6% trans people max according to surveys, so 1% is clearly favoring them by a big margin, and because ofc the law seems to include literal transvestites (at least if "personas travestis" doesn't mean something else and my shitty Spanish is even shittier than I imagined). Of course, there is no trace of a LGB employment quota, and trans women are already whining that they should get priority hiring compared to transmen because transmen are violent male oppressors while trannies are poor widdle victims kek Adding to that that the president's only child is a bisexual drag queen who has a X gender marker on his passport because Argentina has self-id laws and a neutral sex marker, what just happened in that country to be so permeable to retarded USA cultural trends?
Fucking clown world, nonnas, I hope my own country won't end up like this as we already have self-id. Really nostalgic of the time when USA was only exporting lowbrow action flicks and greasy McDonalds to the world.
No. 1582718
>>1582671That’s the thing with males, their suicides are always cantered around attention-whoring and guilt-tripping beyond the grave. They can’t even kill themselves properly.
Sorry he made you go through that anon.
No. 1582733
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>>1582689This is gonna end up leading to Macy Gray appearing on Ben Shapiro's podcast and I will be solely blaming TIMs for this, The leftwing in the west will boycott and "cancel" any public figure if that person says enough something deemed "bigoted" or not in-line with current woke standards. in most cases these public figures meekly accept they will never come back from this tarnishment and quietly disappear
however when they choose to stand their ground the right will actually embrace them exclusively because of it.
The left hears someone being unwoke and decides "That's it, I'm done." The right hears the same thing and pulls up a chair. They weren't listening before, but they certainly are now and I fucking hate seeing it cause its depressing seeing the right gain more power
No. 1582750
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>>1582683He streams everyday for hours. pretty sure he is jerking off while people " debate" him. He looks like Micheal Cera trooned out
No. 1582752
>>1582671I don't know.. If a friend of mine blamed all his other friends in his journal and suicide note and whatnot, I wouldn't have even distributed it to the mentioned people. I would've burnt that shit if it came with nothing but
victim hood and blaming people that in his eyes weren't fucking perfect every time. If only to preserve his and the dignity of his friends. That narc 23 reasons why bullshit though.. As I said. I would've just burnt it all and never given it to the intended people. Maybe I'm callous that way..
No. 1582769
>>1582689>also depressingly the writer of the article is also a black woman(though she is wokie upper class immigrant) but still blackBeing upper class
POC immigrant predisposes you to SWJ brainrot because those women come from countries where they enjoy what is incredible riches and a life of comfort and freedom compared to the rest of the population, double that if their og countries have still people dying of hunger in the countryside or is really retarded about female rights, and then they came to the United States where they see people with the same skin color than them, but not them, going through hard times either because they really are poor immigrants who crossed oceans with a suitcase and their whole family to work menial jobs or in case of African-Americans for historical reasons. In the current political climate saying "Actually, unlike those people, I had a privileged upbringing and never really wanted for anything" is anathema, so they need to fabricate stolen valor victimhood for themselves which is where SWJ ideas come in handy since even a millionaire can find reasons to be a little oppressed (what if you're sex-loving asexual and self-diagnosed neuroatypical and uhhh?), hence their championing of the most retarded and extreme opinions and causes and acting as the most loyal SWJ foot soldier ever, just like their rich white friends do too. Plus add to that that they used to think of themselves as an elite in their birth country only to see themselves associated with the poor and disempowered in America because of their skin color which must really ruffle their feathers.
No. 1582772
>>1582752Tbh, with what the journal said, I would've done the same. I don't think it's callous at all, because what he wrote was just cruel and blaming people for not being exactly what he needed (when he never even reached out to people). His mom is a sweetheart and I feel so bad that she has to go through the process of losing a son. But the whole "make me a trans pariah" and "distribute my journal after I die" is just fucking weird. Long story short, I agree with you
nonnie, I would've done the same.
No. 1582829
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Posting from last thread. What do you bet will happen to Peter Robinson?
No. 1582833
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>>1582769your post reminded me of this tweet
No. 1582847
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No. 1582848
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I have a headache.
No. 1582849
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No. 1582850
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No. 1582852
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who's dad is this?
No. 1582853
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No. 1582861
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She’s getting so much praise for this it’s unreal
No. 1582871
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me when i lie
No. 1582873
>>1582705You mean horny enough.
This is part of their disgusting exhibitionist fetish.
No. 1582879
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There’s so much fucking cope it’s unreal.
>g-guys he didn’t m-mean it… MARK STAYS WINNING!
No. 1582929
>>1582861"traitor" is right kek.
Seriously though, I'm getting sick of celebrities (especially C-list indie singers like her) acting like complete assholes to their fans. Like what the fuck is this?
Thank god her career will dry up within a few years and even virtue signaling about terfs won't be able to save it.
>>1582879>poor mark didn't know any better! he's a good ally! the terfs tricked him into liking the tweet! they made him do it!I want to a-log. Anything men do can be excused and blamed on women, even if they commit the greatest twitter sin: having "terfy" opinions. They might as well scream "burn the witch!" at this point.
No. 1582944
>>1582759This is also why Women's Voices going on Allie Beth Stuckey's show about MTFs was a mistake
>>1582879Stuff like this is so gaslighting
>If you notice reality it's just because you don't know any better No. 1582951
>>1582861i absolutely loathe this boring insufferable industry plant so im glad she's declared war on me.
she has had every pathology of a pick-me bluecheck retard from day 1. all the media does (because she's one of their own) is disgustingly praise her as 'the first and only female rockstar'. fucking vomit!! every time they do it they're pissing on big mama thornton, joan baez, grace slick, norma tanega, janis joplin, linda ronstadt, fanny, suzi quatro, olivia records ladies, joan jett, heart, poly styrene, chrissie hynde, jun togawa, sheila e etc etc. who all went MUCH harder. my list doesn't even include the gen x and millennial women in rock.
i cannot believe the audacity of the media and many on twitter to just shit all over and erase women's achievements. its like every generational cycle they want us to forget them in favor of their latest 'pioneering' plant in whatever genre they astroturf, probably to make it easier for disgusting troons to seize our accomplishments. if women are kept in year zero ignorance, women can be controlled.
nothing she does is revolutionary, she just plays up how much she is an ugly scrote's plaything and fat gays are like 'YASSS we relate kueen!'. i dont get why lana del rey gets so much heat for being a pick-me tard when phoebe is even worse
>>1582829marilyn was always based and honestly the above applies to certain androgynous men too. it's easy for stefonknee to walk around unattacked in a tutu and larp around children for years - because scrotes are insane. they probably see stefonknee as exercising his divine and godly right as a patriarch (dressing like little miss muffet and grooming little girls to punish 'roasties'). little richard wears eyeshadow on the other hand and they go totally apeshit
No. 1582961
>>1582879The reality denial is so strong. All these people admitting to liking Tweets and comments only to realize they're "TERFy" and walking back on them shows what a cult this really is.
Mark and Bette knew what they were doing, and the only reason they walk this shit back is because they're scared of their precious careers being hurt.
No. 1582979
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why is there a dick head piece inside the hole? wasn’t that supposed to be the clit?
No. 1583002
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No. 1583024
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>>1582861I hope the chubby handmaiden gets pilloried for this
No. 1583038
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This is so tragic
No. 1583040
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>>1583038I was just coming here to post another decent looking gay male trooning out. Anyone remember this gay dude from Catfish? The one with Framel, his name is anthony.
No. 1583052
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No. 1583053
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>>1583052“I’m pretty hot if I do say so myself”
No. 1583092
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>>1583065I'm only posting the half that mentions the oral sex, but here's the original posts
>>1172495 >>1172503>I have not in my life encountered a woman that smells like her That's because he's a man, and what he has is an infected, inverted penis.
>told her she might need to heal moreIt's never going to heal, it's a permanent puss-leaking wound.
I wonder what happened to this woman and if she's still with him.
No. 1583099
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Kind of inclined to agree with him, considering they encouraged troons, pedo drag queen story hours, BLM, rape-fugees, the list goes on and on…(derailing)
No. 1583105
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>>1583092Samefag, but I was curious and looked her up…
>Scissoring is fun and we do it often but it doesn't get either of us offDude, I couldn't imagine putting your mouth near a gross infected tranny wound, but to rub your own vagina next to it or on it? The thought makes me want to throw up. That's the road to multiple types of infections and disease.
No. 1583110
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>>1583105They did get a divorce at least. But she's probably going to need therapy after all of that. Maybe she found a better, non-
abusive partner this time around. I kinda feel bad for her.
No. 1583139
File: 1657240776583.png (611.05 KB, 530x936, short.png)

>>1582646>tfw no 15ft tall MtF girlfriend The comic has a really weird vibe, it reads like a MtF wrote it with an idealization of bimbo tropes and "mean girl" fascination
No. 1583170
File: 1657245910999.jpeg (251.96 KB, 750x1426, 097613D5-3117-43E3-815D-AC3FB0…)

we love a based ex-wife.
No. 1583175
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>>1583052>>1583053The jersey of a dead rapist in his closet is so fitting.
No. 1583212
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Nice $10 AliExpress costume
No. 1583215
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Fountain of youth! kek
No. 1583232
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No. 1583243
>>1583235Thats the neat part nonna you dont.
People are kowtowing to troons nowadays.
No. 1583245
File: 1657253968950.jpeg (871.73 KB, 1240x1668, 4F0792FC-FAC0-49E5-973E-ABECEB…)

All of the qrts are people melting over how “cute” this is. A male who is into females, with a fixation fon lesbians or vulnerable women. How tooth rotting sweet, what a crazy concept.
No. 1583247
File: 1657254051651.jpeg (199.07 KB, 1284x1709, 46946958-F054-427C-8FC4-B72777…)

TiMs will see things like this (male detrans) and still say terfs are the problem.
No. 1583256
File: 1657254413449.jpeg (115.37 KB, 472x921, 0ABA3D82-32E9-46A4-BFF0-1CACA3…)

>>1583254Troon has a race fetish (what else is new?) and is getting called out on tumblr , I know this is not as interesting as other things right now but i’m amazed by all the handmaidens speaking against this and getting called transphobic for it . I just hopes it peaks a lot of them.
No. 1583270
>>1583261>how was it not his faultHe was brainwashed by the people around him, the idea of "being born into the wrong body" wasn't even on his mind until he migrated to the US (he was from Turkey).
>how was he able to pay for thatSugar daddy paid for it and practically encouraged him to do it.
No. 1583280
File: 1657256791986.jpeg (338.56 KB, 750x875, 79D22001-568D-4047-9AC4-EF725B…)

>I no longer like having pockets
Said no woman ever.
No. 1583282
File: 1657256821738.jpeg (361.02 KB, 501x1071, F075075F-752F-4AF7-9981-2B40B8…)

>talks like a tranny>looks like a tranny>calls himself a trannyAre you stupid or something? He’s also a pedo like most trannies.
No. 1583294
>>1583193you mean him? as you said he is male so if he's not a woman why are you referring to him as if he is one? it's a very simple question
nobody ignored all the horrible pro-rape shit he said either if you've bothered to read the last thread
No. 1583309
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>>1583280Totally not a transvestic fetish for restrictive clothing!
No. 1583313
File: 1657261771821.jpeg (135.5 KB, 750x418, 2BDE38D8-671D-490D-A93B-89E3C5…)

> i want to be a 23 y/o bimbo that never ages, not a real woman.
No. 1583326
File: 1657263942376.jpeg (138.67 KB, 828x362, 5DE3ED05-AB63-43B6-94E4-5D2E9B…)

>>1583313>>1583322their “true self” will always be male and they know it
unrelated but i saw three troons today irl and it almost made me miss my conservative hometown
No. 1583329
File: 1657264823125.jpg (88.19 KB, 722x960, e3810a2d-492d-5eb4-8fb2-e1f8b7…)

>>1583326They forget entirely about their 'true self' when they're old and have dementia because they're no longer fueled by the coom lmao. I almost feel bad for them since they don't understand (and I definitely feel bad for their family) but I guess it's just latent karma for being trash whilst lucid.
No. 1583336
File: 1657267013911.jpeg (667.47 KB, 750x1150, 1723D68E-3BBD-468F-A521-BF0E5D…)

you also feel like a woman, and you’re neither.
No. 1583337
>>1583002Seems like a troll to me tbh, and I don't believe that this is supposedly a woman either.
>>1583247>they indeed made a cash cow out of me for the rest of my lifeYeah. "terfs" have been warning about this for ages.
In 5-10 years the tides will turn and there will be a massive scandal about all of this. And as always, the same people who sent "terfs" death threats will be the same ones asking "where were the feminists?".
This is why I'm starting to lose all sympathy.
No. 1583340
>>1583329This is going to be SO much more common for trans people, and it will be early onset dementia so not just the elderly. High levels of cross sex hormones are known causes of dementia in both sexes. Now look at all the "estrogen made me dumb, I'm a woman now uwu" posts, those are from YOUNG men who's been on estrogen, sometimes only for a month or two. They're literally giving themselves dementia in their 20s.
Idgaf about these troons ruining themselves for the coom, but the innocent kids they've groomed into it are going to suffer all of their lives because of these morons. They will have undeveloped brains from blockers, body parts cut off or implants inserted, bones weak and ruined. Then when they finally realize the abuse they've suffered they're already lifelong medical patients to the very people who gave them the hormones and surgeries, and their already underdeveloped brains now suffer from dementia as well, they have no physical strength due to surgeries. How are they supposed to fight for any kind of retribution like this? They will be swept under the rug when TRAs realize their horrible embarrassing mistakes.
No. 1583341
File: 1657268466087.jpeg (39.56 KB, 373x326, 1BF84418-B81D-43BE-A402-93F967…)

>>1583282why did op use a screenshot of lindasy lohan attempting to kidnap refugee children on an instagram live? confused.
No. 1583348
>>1582776Saying women are AGP for thinking they look cute in a dress is equally retarded as saying a 5 year old is a pedo for having a crush on another kid.
>>1582833Emma Watson being a MRA now is so disappointing. Saying troons should be in female spaces is just a variation of "not all men".
No. 1583350
File: 1657270671982.jpeg (396.82 KB, 828x793, 319C25B6-A461-4194-A45F-4AD5C0…)

This piece of shit is one of the degenerates posted in the femboy thread but now that he is planning on going full troon I figured I’d post him here. His “girlfriend” is a full blown tranny too they both need to 41%
No. 1583369
>>1583235honestly dont worry anon. ive never seen a tranny at my gym and i go every second day at different times, theyre a small population and the ones who actually work out are a minority within a minority.
if you do see one play dumb and complain to the staff lmao
No. 1583381
File: 1657275521201.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.75 MB, 2560x2560, himmlerkyuun.jpg)

>>1583350I'm always genuinely amazed at how hideous he is.
No. 1583383
>>1582879>now he learned and fixed his mistakeThe
abusive narc personalities jump out in every Tweet, like having your own thoughts and feelings is a
mistake which must be
fixed No. 1583387
>>1582772>distribute my journal after I dieWhat is it with deranged men and their manifestos (ref incel shooters and the like).
If what they wanted to say had any worth people would've listened to it when they were alive, that's kinda how it works. It doesn't become suddenly valuable insight because they 41% or did a murder-suicide or some shit.
Sorry that you had to deal with that, anon.
No. 1583410
File: 1657282341370.png (1.37 MB, 1024x1024, unknown.png)

Fucking absurd LMFAO. French troons have made themselves #1 and top of precedence at every Pride. Fucking TIM troons go before disabled people. That's how much of a joke 'intersectionality' truly is. Its ordered by which group can actually push their physical, financial and cultural clout around the most, Nietzsche-style. Those who can't are shoved to the margins. Yet all of us have to keep prancing around for this emperor's new clothes bullshit and pretend its soooo leftist so groups of scrotes and their associated handmaidens wont murder us
No. 1583413
>>1583345Yeah, I think that despite the endless proof that we have been speaking out about this issue for years, conservatives will take the credit for it and remain framing us as blue haired snowflake feminazis, since they are always at least 6 years behind on their insults. They're
still talking about safespaces and manspreading even though the biggest sjws haven't used these terms in like…half a decade.
They don't give enough of a fuck to research different branches of feminism, it's all the same to them. They will never give credit to women, as always.
No. 1583416
>>1583410Should I start lying about being a TIM? I have mannish features so if I try a little I can definitely get away with it. It seems like a way of getting male privilege without even having to go through the hassle of passing as male. I would like to lead a pride parade, sounds fun.
There’s a lot of Tim’s in my career field so I could blend in. Fuck it, I’m not a straight woman anymore. I’m a HSTS tranny. They brought this onto themselves.
No. 1583418
File: 1657283084905.png (249.46 KB, 1078x1160, Screenshot_20220708-081905_(1)…)

Just when I was beginning to tolerate Hontra for his reasonable take on the Depp/Heard trial he pulls out this gaslighting take
No. 1583421
>>1583418>as if trans women are demanding cis women be called menstruators Yes they ARE. Sure, it's all posed to look as if it's done out of respect for TiFs but it's so obviously done to make TiMs feel "included in womanhood". Otherwise these scrotes wouldn't constantly insert themselves into the discussion and compare themselves to women with hysterectomies and PCOS.
It's fucking insulting how they gaslight us about it to top it off.
No. 1583451
File: 1657285965402.jpeg (540.71 KB, 1284x961, 04885209-D92F-4799-BB6C-0F9314…)

>>1583353kek nona you weren’t lying
No. 1583469
File: 1657289825766.png (1.67 MB, 1080x3824, 08453A97-CE5F-4DD4-9342-1FEB3F…)

Man goes to female fitness sub to complain about losing strength due to HRT. Mods kiss his ass in comments.
No. 1583474
File: 1657290354508.png (223.12 KB, 1091x1399, 0F3F54F6-AC38-4AD3-BEAB-BE5785…)

>>1583469That comment is such cope considering how many troons talk constantly about how miserable they are. And why assume that the evil “cissies” haven’t found happiness? How have the won anything? The conversation never goes like it does in the comic. Also I’m not sure why my image in
>>1583469 isn’t showing up, but it will clicking the file name. Sorry for the mishap.
No. 1583479
File: 1657290687605.png (772.69 KB, 569x1224, 32B926A9-20F4-4445-BF54-7A18F6…)

Why do they always act like getting their license marker changed means anything in reality? Still a scrote, still look like a scrote, still act like a scrote. Oooh hoo you really showed us terfs, too bad a card or piece of paper don’t actually make you female.
No. 1583482
File: 1657290830796.png (22.24 KB, 474x386, 2C8C41DE-C5A3-4FEF-B756-2D3E8D…)

Males who treat women like objects and womanhood like a state you can just opt in and out of are people without empathy.
No. 1583490
>>1583479It's a piece of paper it changes nothing lmao
It's like changing the word "vegetables" to "candy" and then expecting kids to eat it because it's now candy. You ain't fooling anyone. All you've done is make the word "woman" mean "man" when it refers to you.
No. 1583500
File: 1657294593456.png (1.25 MB, 1080x1413, not even trying.png)

transition is when you put on a jean skirt and some fugly green tights. got it.
No. 1583530
File: 1657299892270.jpg (1.21 MB, 2147x2147, FXI-1E9WQAEHZuI.jpg)

I somehow forgot the existence of my personal cow and holy fuck he did it (his girlfriend is on the right)
No. 1583541
File: 1657301713056.jpg (16.23 KB, 297x475, 60759634._SY475_.jpg)

Recently reading The Transgender Body Politics which lays out the history of so "trans identity" and how it became mainstream, I haven't finished it yet but it starts off with the histories of various third genders around the world, all of them were homosexual men who were essentially kicked out of the man club but never considered female, sometimes they were castrated(examples such as India and Iran) and other times they were only considered eligible for raping when they were young boys and teens(examples being Greece and Japan) but despite the differences all third sex status were almost always based on homophobia and rigid status of masculinity of those societies, its pretty fucked up, but then you also have other unrelated movements that have been correlated with trans identity for e.g Christian, Hindu and some African religious groups that performed ritual castration being correlated with trans identity, mentally ill individuals like Jemima Wilkinson(The Public Universal Friend) along with various women who disguised themselves as men for reason or another being considered transmen or non-binary
No. 1583548
File: 1657302636564.png (833.61 KB, 626x914, day2.png)

>>1583500How is it "social transition" when they don't even dress or act like women? Women don't dress like that. Wearing mismatched outdated ugly clothes isn't social, it's socially ignorant autist behaviour at best. It's like they're making themselves less socially accepted, so it's more like a social de-transitioning out of society.
No. 1583555
File: 1657302951001.png (75.85 KB, 594x761, f5f5f.png)

I just can't even the most "harmless" soft looking uwu troon is a massive narc, obviously translated but this isn't the first time he whines about being rejected while trying to find a date. Because it's the people who are wrong and never you who avoid disclosing that's you're actually not a girl? All of his friends keep telling him that bullshit he somehow believes being trans shouldn't be an important factor. I remember him rt-ing years ago something about how sex preference is transphobic he's so entitled.
No. 1583566
>>1583550he sounds like an actual fucking lunatic
>theeee girleeeeeeeee thingsthat's what he considers the entire female sex: a 'girly thing'
No. 1583577
>>158321532! He doesn't look a day under 45.
>>1583212You can tell it's the sort of sweatshop garbage somebody mailed from Asia, wadded up in a plastic bag. Even if he wanted to iron it, the polyester would just melt.
No. 1583589
File: 1657306271641.jpeg (525.83 KB, 828x1160, 5869E897-B4FC-4001-B3C1-742F2C…)

>>1583350This is the fugly tranny he is fucking
they’re both racist pro-IDF garbage too No. 1583605
File: 1657308411931.jpg (111.45 KB, 1080x1080, 1636471302480.jpg)

>>1582879OT, but since Mark voiced english Majima, clearly
terf Majima is real.
No. 1583616
File: 1657309381987.png (187.64 KB, 1202x837, kathy.png)

Kathy is also a terf apparently, kek.
No. 1583621
File: 1657309629942.jpg (366.48 KB, 2048x1522, 20220708_214702.jpg)

>>1583605Now i want
TERF Majima fan-art.
No. 1583623
>>1583600I remember asking this threads ago kek. It’s because moids want to co-opt anything that has roots with women.
Ironic he wants to be a witch, because that was the term often used for women that were different or outspoken. He wants to prosecute women in the same manner, instead of “witches”, it is now “terfs”.
No. 1583627
File: 1657310090904.jpg (472.82 KB, 2165x1898, kathy terf.jpg)

They really hate women talking to each other. These tranny handmaidens are like little footsoldiers for scrotes policing who women can speak to.
No. 1583633
File: 1657310291527.jpg (185.79 KB, 1193x1244, kathy-2.jpg)

No. 1583642
File: 1657310762872.png (1.67 MB, 1284x3328, 5612D5D9-29C9-4712-B030-639CB0…)

>>1583616These people are so transparent.
>we need to listen to the voices of black queer women>black lesbian talks>no not you No. 1583698
>>1583633More proof TRAs are MRAs. Now women cannot plainly recognize female oppression without being called an ebil
TERF, it’s the new socially acceptable “feminazi” term for so-called progressives.
No. 1583733
File: 1657318324809.jpeg (558.5 KB, 1170x1693, 0854080F-E450-4549-B7F6-723674…)

handmaidens have let the actual exclusionary group rot their brains like this. the response is to biden’s executive order. regardless of one’s opinion on the EO, crying about saying “women” is a huge kek
No. 1583735
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No. 1583772
File: 1657321879350.gif (2.79 MB, 476x480, 1653944175431.gif)

>>1583410I mentioned that in one of the /ot/ pride threads weeks ago, they did this in my city in Lyon. I don't know how many cities used that system though, apparently that wasn't the case in Paris. I didn't go because at that point I don't care enough to walk for hours during a heatwave, but a black, gay coworker was told to go behind the group of white gays or something, which means he would have been separated from his female, white straight friends for hours. And the adjective "racisé" is meant to be an equivalent to "
POC" in French, but out of context it seems like a super racist insult kek. If anyone irl called me "racisée" by retarded, terminally online white gays for being Maghrebi and told me to stay behind and separated from everyone during an important event I'd only feel insulted and stereotyped.
No. 1583775
>>1583733I'm honestly so done with all that, women get treated badly by standard healthcare because, guess what, it's designed for males. Just one single example, as women were telling that the covid vaccine was causing them worse menstrual symptoms than they had before and other women telling that they hadn't their menstruation for weeks afterwards, the only answer women got was "oh, that's the stress" and after that, the discussion was done. And that's just one example, women aren't taken serious in many medical fields, you have pain and don't know why, well, you are hysterical, you can't sleep because of all the horrors in the world, well, have some benzos, you are addicted to benzos the doctor prescribed you, well, you are just a overall way to emotional human, show some strength, can't be so hard to get clean. I had a female doctor ones telling me that I'm too stupid to know if I'm pissing blood or have my period while having an urinary tract infection and I'm done being treated like I don't know shit because I'm female and those handmaidens can enjoy being treated like shit, they are mostly old enough to know what they are doing.
No. 1583818
>>1583479they act like we are mad they are being accepted as a woman. And it's just some gender woo woo ideal we are trying to hold up.
But in reality we are more upset about them self-ID'ing into plausibly legal deniability when they do predatory shit in woman spaces.
low key they know that, they are rubbing it in our faces that they can get away with predatory shit with more ease. Cause moids get off on power trips like that.
No. 1583823
File: 1657325239595.jpg (330.03 KB, 1080x1541, Screenshot_20220709-114344__01…)

Rough 29.
No. 1583840
File: 1657328255247.jpeg (847.39 KB, 750x4075, 80CD2BFB-63E2-4AAF-B43B-0153BC…)

don’t worry hon, you’re not sexy.
No. 1583843
File: 1657328578042.jpeg (197.26 KB, 750x851, 6FEF6CBF-1DD9-4692-958E-ED98B6…)

his rot pocket is falling apart kek
No. 1583845
File: 1657328862881.jpeg (311.47 KB, 750x2235, 6430A21A-ED28-4985-974B-467CEA…)

>I’m getting better at makeup
sure, janny
No. 1583857
File: 1657329728193.jpeg (343.14 KB, 750x2353, B50E9375-0322-43E8-8450-F90CCC…)

do troons have eyes? how can they be so delusional?
No. 1583871
File: 1657330993877.png (1.28 MB, 750x1334, BFC6D99F-DFC8-48F6-9226-A30082…)

>>1583124Sage for autism and reading the 4 chapters available online but… you nailed it. The whole thing frames the TiM as the good counterpart to the MC’s shitty boyfriend. The opening scene establishes the MC as bi-curious at least, idealizing lesbian/female relationships, she breaks up with shitty boyfriend in front of TiM, TiM drives her home and boosts her over her fence. MC mentions TiM’s great arms kek. MC is a typical bimbo-y rich heiress influencer but she’s a gamer gurl and loves the Mechagirl franchise. I guess she’s on a rebound arc because she gets ~feelings~ after hanging out with the TiM for like…an hour? But the series does lean in to TiM male strength (he grabs the shitty bf’s shirt with emphasized force, he has big ol arms - pic to follow) and he towers over the other three women who’ve been shown so far. Funnily enough this preppy blonde stereotype just slides right in to using female pronouns for him without issue.
No. 1583874
File: 1657331086246.png (1015.83 KB, 750x1334, 7285E0A5-7D72-4131-BC60-456DFF…)

>>1583871Follow up with giant arms pic. Reminds me of TiM selfies, but the torso needs to be about twice as wide and without hip dips.
No. 1583888
>>1583416Real life kikomi PLEASE
No. 1583918
File: 1657338449034.png (180.93 KB, 2066x2070, validationfrommuslimwomen.png)

Another one of these Muslim women validation tales.
No. 1583919
File: 1657338535160.jpg (1.28 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20220305-033412_Red…)

>>1583918You can't make this shit up.
No. 1583930
>>1583633Um can someone tells me what screams “
terf” about this? Is the word female that horrible to people?
No. 1583972
>>1583930Ten years ago all the hate on this would have come from regular old misogynistic dudebros because they would have been like hurrdurr feminazis bad, they think women have it soooo hard. Now just using the word “female” is some sort of moral reflection upon you whether you even know what a
terf is or not.
No. 1583973
>>1583739>still caring about them at allnonna let them go
they are not worth your time at this point
No. 1583976
File: 1657346521316.jpeg (156.24 KB, 750x851, 4DE2A99A-EAC5-4408-9509-AF42BA…)

my friend's "girl"friends new tattoo lol
No. 1583989
File: 1657347693454.jpeg (250.45 KB, 750x1687, DCF81C71-1B15-4579-AF3B-13D48F…)

colon vag issues.
No. 1584001
File: 1657350224574.png (3.58 MB, 2176x4208, E69AACB2-F802-4CEB-975F-494E39…)

it’s always so funny to stumble upon a compilation of /tttt/ users, they look exactly how you’d expect (also it’s wild how these men always have such disgusting looking hair)
No. 1584014
File: 1657351376960.jpeg (3.19 MB, 2316x10768, 84F5F4DD-0761-49E6-8F25-DADD6A…)

Who’s grandpa is this?
No. 1584015
File: 1657351551943.jpeg (605.03 KB, 750x1211, 3C71B090-8999-4B58-8C9E-366FDD…)

found another shane dawson lookalike.
No. 1584017
File: 1657351890081.jpeg (874.44 KB, 750x1350, 26A55366-3FF1-431A-A6D5-AC0FE3…)

this isn’t the own he thinks it is kek
No. 1584034
>>1582660I think the only rival of such unencumbered projection would be all the
>roe v wade isn't about u cissies it's about twans rights so shut up and center me u cuntsposts that trannies made
No. 1584037
File: 1657357638546.jpeg (418.64 KB, 1920x840, CD0A2450-DCAC-4DD7-86D1-CCDA64…)

>terf: is a woman
>tim: not a woman, will never be a woman
the end.
No. 1584057
>>1583616She should just never clarify so they can't attack her lol. That's how I've been stealth
terf-talking to handmaiden friends lately, I talk about female only issues and when they they ask/imply something is transphobic I pretend of cooourse I include troons in the word woman! Then I go on talking only about female specific issues with no regards to male biology at all. They really struggle to call me out again when I just keep agreeing with them and they've already "confirmed" that i'm pro-troon kek
No. 1584075
File: 1657369773069.jpg (265.96 KB, 1200x1200, a0888675797_10.jpg)

>>1583479that chin though
No. 1584080
File: 1657370785765.jpeg (213.28 KB, 1170x1046, 0B08D9C3-D3BC-41B3-96D3-C74991…)

washed up pheobe Bridgers posting this as if she isn’t this biggest dick devotee KEK
No. 1584090
File: 1657374628190.png (2.12 MB, 1080x1997, BARF.png)

No. 1584091
File: 1657375235051.jpg (406.15 KB, 1080x1848, Screenshot_20220709-094639_Red…)

It's all about the coom baby: No. 1584103
>>1584080wait why do the tweets in your pic and in
>>1582861 not match? Different dates and times?
No. 1584109
File: 1657377160215.png (204.78 KB, 1110x236, 48436.png)

>>1583541I've read this book but I've done my own research into all of this that indicates its only half the story. There were a few groups that were homosexual men that chose the lifestyle, like muxe, kathoey, mollies and some berdaches in NA tribes. There were also a few eunuchs who chose to do it themselves. Obviously HSTS. All these groups could also OPT OUT of the identity most of the time, though berdaches were sometimes seen as witches and killed.
Nearly all the other 'third sex' categories I found when I looked into this were either boys sex trafficked out as street orphans or middle to upper class boys sold to aristocrats, monasteries and merchants to groom them for power, eunuchs included. Feminnelli (touted by many tumblr tards of yore as 'third sex') came from the boy brothels of Naples. The feminnello identity doesn't exist anymore. Why? Not because of modern transgender identity, but because the supply of boys after the devastation of WW2 ran dry and most of the brothels got shut down in the 1960s.
Hijra in India abduct and enslave orphan boys. The BBC admits this - but says its 'shocking' the Raj authorities tried to stop these insane troons enslaving, sex trafficking and castrating children for money.
The boys in nearly all cases do NOT CHOOSE their identity! IT IS/WAS IMPOSED! (ctrl + F 'enslaved')
As for pederasty, the usual pattern was that the boy's father was busy killing, carousing or anything else like a usual elite scrote of the time, he was almost never there, which probably left generations of boys cloying for male affection or guidance. Even among aristocrats adult death was extremely common and widows were next to worthless in most societies with no way of making money. Sometimes it was (especially in Europe) because extra male children by inheritance law were simply useless, or particularly cruel step-parents. Many in the Islamic world came from Christian or Hindu families who were taken in raids or couldn't afford extortionate taxes so boys were taken as compensation.
The important link with troonery isn't as direct as what this book suggests IMO. The link with troonshit actually comes when you consider globally ALL these boys were dressed up as GIRLS and praised for their troomable qualities, despite the fact paradoxically scrotes loathed them if they showed off too many qualities that emulated their despised wives (i.e. """"""the wall"""""", being defiant, etc.). Despite being expected to look like and have the mannerisms of little girls, boys were mostly expected to never get a boner, be stoical, run away to indicate their ambivalence and shut up, or else they were faggots with 'woman branes' and contemptible. The only exceptions to this who were expected to put on a sexual performance seem to be lower class boy prostitutes from Japan (the inn boys), urban boy prostitutes in the USA and later on in Turkey when the rules relaxed, but all of these ones weren't expected to rule.
How many times ITT have we heard of troons who can't conceive of themselves submitting or even being nice in any capacity except when it's as a little anime girl, big titty bimbo or 'the gf'?
The few scrotes who preferred boys older, with body hair, with deep voices, with masculine body smell, with erections or preferred bottoming were considered weirdos at best, abominations at worst. A Japanese samurai was mocked for preferring boys like this. So scrotes can honestly miss me by blaming all this on fags.
The link with AGP, autopedophilia and target-error becomes obvious when scrotes become openly woman hating (like this generation of worthless scrotes). They mass revert to their groomer pervert selves. So now we have videos like pic related where scrotes are mass dumping comments like "Ancient fembois!!! This is the natural way of the world! Adult homosexuality is sick!" and cracking jokes meanwhile women are profoundly repelled and disgusted by all of the videos content. Without tards like Xiran or tumblr obfuscating everything, it becomes obvious what it is. The title of the video is pure bullshit and the scrote narrating it doesn't even believe in it.
Im not saying all AGPs are pedos, but Id go as far as to say a large portion of AGPs like
>>1583254 only troon out because they can't rape boys or trap women in marriages anymore.
No. 1584111
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Imagine being thankful to have been groomed by Kevin.
No. 1584114
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I looked at why shein was trending and saw this troon in the wild
No. 1584116
File: 1657377877013.png (522.9 KB, 1170x1073, DC2AAD6D-3D13-44BD-88FD-2FE67E…)

Still better than citing your totally gurly feefees or the fact that you think you can have a female orgasm from playing with your taint.
No. 1584117
>>1584109This is really interesting nona, and the type of posting that keeps me coming back here (besides the usual lambasting of misogynistic trannies)
>>1584090I really wish we’d just remove ourselves from the entire LGBT “movement” because it’s becoming increasingly clear that the degenerate moids are running roughshod over us lesbians with their entitlement to not only our spaces but our bodies, as
>>1584085 said it reeks of incel
No. 1584151
>>1583918>be me>lose the life lottery and be born in the middle east, surrounded by homicidal men who view me as nothing but property >be married to a fundie muslim man who beats the shit out of me>i am smart woman, I don't buy into any of that sexist crap, I am not even religious, but what can I do? I play along. It's the hand I was dealth with.>we move to america. I take the beatings and rape, birth a bunch of children, I patiently save money (hiding it) and plan my move. I wait until the time is right. I will give my children a good life, somehow.>it's time.>I go to the battered women's shelter.>everyone is busy, the resources are tight>I see a tranny everyone seems to avoid, is doing no work. Just sitting there, twirling the hair of the ugly pastic wig around his hairy manfingers while chewing gum and blowing bubbles.>wtf, no women actually do that. he saw it in some retarded american movie.>disgusting specimen, a big beefy man wearing a mini skirt. His hair is oily and long. digusting, but he is my only chance. I dealt with worse, I can do this. >approach the man and ask for help>he asks me if I want to talk in private. >I am scared he will rape me in some broom closet but I say yes. >Worst case scenario, I scream for help>This is a typical digusting man. All I need to do is stroke his ego and pretend I am dumb, and he will eat from my hand. >I take my veil off and he asks whether I am not supposed to wear the veil in front of stranger (he means men, because that's what he is) >I indulge his fantasy and tell him I can remove the veil in front of other women>he gets a boner from his gender euphoria. >I try not to look. I am almost there. Me and my children will be safe soon.Anyway, I am at a safe house now with my beautiful children and all it took was indulge a fantasy of a disgusting tranny for 5 minutes. Alhamdulillah!
No. 1584164
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>>1584111Kevin's cracked a ton of eggs. His testimonial is also featured on No. 1584172
>>1584164Ugly women are so unworthy to men that they don't even deserve to be called women. Moids are crazy kek
>>1584152Projection. Exhibitionism fetishes are about as male as it gets.
No. 1584176
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>>1583918That's only because of depraved pervert scrotes like webm related, who adore the fact they can enact any kind of debauchery or 'hardcore' on their fellow scrotes that a woman would throw them out or despise them for.
This along with the pederast stuff above is why
TERF narratives need to shift away from pretending all nigels are 'normal' and prefer real women when they show their hatred of us and our bodies over and over. Many men are clearly deranged and just want a crumpled pile on the floor to rape
No. 1584182
>asks for more studies to be done on trans issues>cites the latest studies on trans issues, often with links to said studies>points out what literal trans people are doing and saying as proof>wants to base society on realitytroons:
>ignores all studies, except a few flawed ones that have been debunked>shuts down new studies from being done about trans issues because it's "transphobic">makes shit up all the time (getting periods etc)>pretends "it doesn't happen/nobody says that" about everything they say and do>wants to base society on their personal fantasies No. 1584225
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beyond parody
No. 1584239
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No. 1584249
>>1584114Lol fat men and their oddly protruding, way too high gunt.
>>1584109I'm glad that so many men have malfunctioned so hard. The truth is out there for anyone willing to look at it. 10+ years ago the root causes were not as obvious when they would do or say insane things. Predatory, pornsick nonsense is finally obvious for what it is.
No. 1584285
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the days of being a female are over. any ounce of respect has been lost due to men once again. im so fucking sick of the larping and entitlement from these fucks. companies and insurances willing to pay for these scumfucks to get boob and facial surgery but every other female and male who is uncomfortable in their skin has to pay for the surgery themselves? can i claim to be nonbinary or something and get facial fem surgery to look cuter? or can i larp gofundmes and say im ftm? im so fucking tired its why i cant look at these threads anymore but now its bleeding into my workspace and trannies are crying because saying your name is maddie while having a full grown beard and showing up with shit stains and male body odor to work isnt grounds for promotion. im sorry mods i saged
No. 1584352
>>1584335His tone of voice seems normal, he’s trying to explain his fathers potential motives that lead to his abuse which is a very difficult thing to process. This guy clearly handles his emotions with stoicism, at least that’s the tone he decided to take on for this interview. I don’t blame him. Should he take on a tone of bubbliness and excitement? Get real
Also his “brother” was his best friend, not biologically related. I could see where the dad was only pedophillic towards his son and not his daughter. Lots of cases are reversed, where the daughter is abused and the son left alone. Just chill nona, touch grass and relax
No. 1584374
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no matter how many times these threads are made, you will change absolutly nothing lmao(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1584382
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the sheer stupidity of man.
No. 1584388
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that’s a look.
No. 1584398
>>1584300He said his father made a gazillion cassette tapes tape of him screaming for him to listen to at school. He also says his mother knew about all of it and 'was mad' but moved away without him years later and his sister hasn't spoken to him since age 9 (why?). He also casually mentions the brother's existence out of nowhere in his mid 20s
This sounds like a Limpida-style tumblr baeddel troon making up shit about their families, exes and random tifs kek
No. 1584401
>>1584396anyway, keep malding retards.
ill be off forever
No. 1584405
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another atrocity.
No. 1584411
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>>1582643likeAlso… spotted in my own hometown where we love our gays and I’ve somehow managed to never see a troon irl (thank god/knock on wood) and it makes me wanna barf. Even legit gay communities are pissed about this shit rn.
Remember that game of “step on a crack and break your mama’s back? I will literally take the long way to the store now, fucking gross.
No. 1584412
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If the women’s restroom is so unsafe and invalidating, don’t go in there, idiot.
No. 1584425
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>being a tomboy goth chick sounds fun
They always act like any woman is just a group of porn stereotypes they can wear or take off instead of just an actual human female who enjoys a certain style or whatever.
No. 1584429
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I found a really ugly one kek
No. 1584434
>>1584412Sorry for samefag but, a few things…
1. “I’m literally in the women’s bathroom!” and then seethes about women being women.
2. Lmao @ trying to convince anyone that women would harass him to the point of grabbing at his clothes. That’s not our bag, bro.
3. Patio girls are right, if that even actually happened, which it didn’t.
4. Subhuman? Hard yes.
No. 1584436
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they really have no respect for anyone but themselves
No. 1584437
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His brother is right, there is not being born “right” or “wrong”. You get the body you get and that’s just the way it is. He should be happy he was born without any substantial medical issues instead of moping around that he wasn’t born female. I’m so tired of these idiots acting like they “deserved” to be born female, no one “deserves” to be born one way or the other. Its just luck of the draw. They should be absolutely grateful they weren’t born as the sex that has the highest rates of being raped and murdered. This one in particular should be glad his step mother is even entertaining his delusions.
No. 1584439
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>going to lose his “girl” virginity in his ass
No. 1584443
File: 1657407249916.jpg (578.82 KB, 4168x972, the delusion of the moid.jpg)

>trolling troon who's trying to get internet fame by telling rape victims they should be arrested for killing their rapist in regards to the recent roe v wade ruling and bullies other NB and troons over their looks insists he looks like a real woman
fucking top kek.
No. 1584453
File: 1657408262508.png (985.12 KB, 1312x2048, chrome_screenshot_165740810168…)

no real woman wants to look like a hideous ogre in drag. more tranny fantasies.
No. 1584466
>>1584453Trannies love the redacted meme, like them being coomers has ever been subtle.
I presume the screencap is from tttt. Safe bet that the post was made by a mentally unstable trancel as well.
No. 1584474
>>1584453No, nobody’s helping you fund shit and you can’t have a uterus. Cope, seethe,
die. Stay mad.
No. 1584476
>>1584405wtf wtf wtf how can anyone, especially fucking surgeons, think this is ok? how can you be “proud” of that? does he have an extra hole??
>>1584382“mtf butch” has to be an oxymoron
No. 1584480
>>1584446Ok, I didnt know that.
>>1584453Top fucking kek we shouldnt be surprised at the levels of delusion on display here, it really is their only way of coping with the reality they will never be real women.
No. 1584516
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No. 1584520
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No. 1584551
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*includes TIMs
No. 1584555
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get the popcorn
No. 1584558
>>1584551unfortunately the author does state that men can make "copious" amounts of milk if a hormone imbalance occurs. From tumors to liver damage and he skims over what TIM's do to breastfeed by saying hormone therapy has side effects kek.
So honestly this article is being used as a gotcha from both sides.
No. 1584565
>>1584555I bet they don't give a fucking fuck or even acknowledge the current genocides happening in China, south east Asia and Africa atm. Hell I bet there is more than that I don't know about cause of western medias complete disinterest.
It's sickening they put their own petty bullshit on the same level as current ongoing atrocities.
No. 1584574
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whats the difference dude
No. 1584576
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you can see the face tune in this picture
No. 1584577
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No. 1584581
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Adult human female, anyone else is not a woman.
No. 1584586
File: 1657423842270.png (448.45 KB, 710x975, 29.png)

This totally happened
>I was told to use the women's washroomBy whom?
>rando lady comes inside the washroom asking whos herefor what reason?
>answers from inside the stallWhy? No. 1584613
File: 1657425975711.png (35.46 KB, 758x516, 03.png)

No. 1584615
File: 1657426055898.jpg (94.22 KB, 816x1251, FWqhv4TXoAEMY8L.jpg)

he looked better before the surgery
No. 1584628
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>>1584523Serving Venus Van Damme realness. Walton Goggins really took that role to heart.
No. 1584634
File: 1657426883410.jpeg (673.57 KB, 750x934, AA8E9798-9C21-408B-8935-4887A5…)

you should be grateful your transphobic dad is still buying you shit and hasn’t kicked your entitled ass out of the house.
No. 1584636
File: 1657426981127.jpg (425.3 KB, 2000x1430, media_FTdB8c6WIAIlMHe.jpg)

I'm assuming its petras lol
No. 1584647
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POV you’re at your high school reunion and this is what the ‘most likely to become a circus clown’ kid has been doing with his life.
No. 1584649
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>>1584109not directly related to Troonism but your post reminded me of a book I was reading. Captives: Britain, Empire and the World(its about various British explorers, soldiers and civilians who were captured by either Muslims or native tribes and who wrote about their experiences) according to the account of Joseph Pitss who was captured by barbary pirates when he was 14 and a slave for over 20 years, the misogyny he saw with Muslims was ridiculous even for his time, but he also saw how pederasty
>In his discussion of marriage, Pitts describes how the marriage agreement takes place between the groom and the father of the bride. The woman's possible feelings or misgiving about the union are not mentioned at all. Pitts appears to perceive women as having little to no power in their relationships with men. >Pitts encounters violence against women several times in his account, most notably when describing the Imperial Turkish camps where he wrote that the soldiers are "apt to drink, and are abominably rude, insomuch that it is very dangerous for any woman to walk in any by-place but more dangerous for boys, for they are extremely given to sodomyso it seem to be a recurring thing throughout history, the more misogynistic a society is, the more common boy rape seems to be, but why is that ? Afghanistan with bacha bazi is probably the last place where this practice can exist openly and the Soviets had to forcefully the end the practice in Central Asia
No. 1584651
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>>1584636>looked just like a womanAnd yet here we are. kek
No. 1584653
>>1584535Right?! Like do they realize they're inadvertently calling men who've lost their balls to testicular cancer or accidents trannies (genital injuries from landmines are one of the most common injuries amongst soldiers)? I mean just the other day that pedo/rapist was on The Daily Show saying that some "cis men" athletes have hormone levels in the normal range for women. But now apparently that makes one a troon? Where's the logic?
I have a theory that the reason they try to use hormones as a litmus test for the sex of a body is because science doesn't know very much about the complexities of our endocrine system. It's therefore quite challenging for laypeople to grasp, ergo excellent fodder for gaslighting the handmaidens and normies. They have to capitalize off that lack of knowledge to try to prove their point because everything else about Mother Nature is ostensibly terfy. It's also theoretically the more changeable aspect of sex markers, since hormone levels do fluctuate naturally over time and amongst individuals.
They know they're never getting uteruses or vaginas (which is a god damn muscle, not a mere fuck-hole ffs). They know deep down that there is no difference between their moobs and any other fat scrote's moobs. But if twaw, then we wouldn't need trans as a qualifier. Ywnbaw because sex is a binary. Sex is not a social construct, although gender and trannyism are.
I would love for them to explain the difference between the bodies of a post-top surgery pre-HRT TiF and a woman who's had a double mastectomy due to breast cancer. It's fucking insulting but the double standard is that they have a free pass to say anything offensive (e.g., cissies, menstruators, uterus-havers, birthing persons, etc.) due to male privilege and not be in the wrong.
No. 1584659
File: 1657429553828.png (1.32 MB, 2048x1377, pedos.png)

So I came across this on twitter and got curious as to why this tranny was incarcerated (which tranny lawyer never brought up btw) and lo and behold it's because he was pimping little kids.
I'd report the gofundme too.
If any of you would like to research this more in depth be my guest.
No. 1584667
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Looks the same
No. 1584668
>>1584453Just when I think they couldn't top themselves anymore in the delusion department, we have a new contender for unprecedented levels of projection. I can't help but feel like the whole
>women want what we have. they wanna trade so straight up just them admitting they have male privilege and don't experience misogyny, right? Because implying women want to be men pretending to be women would be one hell of a take. These jealous little skin walkers are stealing absolutely everything from us and I can't take it.
>stop being chasers…oh but u do need to fuck us for twans rightsLmao also "cotton ceiling" and all the outrage over lesbians' genital preferences would not exist if there were woman chasers. Estrogen must be frying this scrote's mind for him to do a 180 in the next sentence like that kek. Just gross and rapey on top of it.
No. 1584676
>>1584577I always hate how they get that sunken indent right across their fupa (fat upper penis area) after they get the chop. That's definitely not how the mons pubis looks in women, but then again, nothing about their bodies is anatomically accurate to women.
>>1584581>white supremacy capitalist patriarchyI'm extremely leftie but this buzzword salad immediately tells me you have a shitty hot take on, designed only to get woke clout from edgy sjw comrades who think virtue-signaling jargon is radical and impressive. Troon activism really was born out of this same need to one-up others, prove yourself, and be hypercritical amongst political spaces online.
No. 1584677
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No. 1584686
>>1583479>>1583483>>1583818Yeah in addition to all of the
valid points you raised I think changing the birth certificate is especially confounding - more so than changing the sex on your ID. Even if you eventually troon out you still were born the sex your birth certificate says. No matter how much gender woo woo fantasy you believe, everybody knows the sex on your birth certificate literally just describe the genitals you were born with. SRS at a later date will never be able to go back in time to change that. They're totally departing from terms like AMAB/AFAB and are conflating gender with sex yet again. If they were in fact born female they wouldn't be troons and they wouldn't need to change their birth certificate as adults.
No. 1584690
>>1584681lol right?! If they see the word 'women' and don't include themselves in that, they're just telling on themselves.
Logical consistency doesn't matter to them, their only goal is to get women to stop speaking and to cope with the fact that they aren't women. Any reminder that we exist and they can't become us is a transphobic insult.
No. 1584691
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>>1583830>>1584508Hard agree. This is especially heinous and is prime peaking material.
>>1584624>>1584634See, this is what I'm talking about. Blåhaj is a radfem - how many times do we have to teach you this lesson, pornsick men? Leave her alone!
No. 1584692
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iT's NoT a FeTiSh
No. 1584698
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>>1584520Resting moid face
No. 1584707
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>>1584634For some reason femboys have a fixation with Blahaj too, he doesn’t deserve this
No. 1584710
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>>1584374Wdym? It changes my day to the better with every hearty kek I emit gazing at these men.
No. 1584712
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>>1584696>>1584709it's a they/them tranny who constantly posts/spams crochet titty bounce videos
No. 1584714
>>1582861it's always
>fuck terfsand never 'fuck transphobes' oh gee I wonder why that is
No. 1584720
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The tale of Manlet and the Beast
No. 1584723
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I hate to admit it but I’m kind of a simp for Mark Hamill and I follow his Twitter account. At some point before liking Bette Midler’s accidentally rad fem tweet, he liked a post about the Highland Park shooter disguising himself in womanface. He’s since removed it from his likes as far as I can tell, but picrel remains in his likes. It almost seems like Mark was peaking but then cowered when he saw the backlash. I guess I should’ve expected this sort of fickleness from a neolib boomer moid.
Mark also recently liked a very pro-tranny tweet, most likely to take the heat off him and clean up his likes. Idk if it’s worth posting that dumb drivel or not. He liked a Ricky Gervais tweet too - I just can’t tell if it’s in support of troons or not because it’s a joke about a dump truck being named after Ricky. Mark has a serious Twitter addiction so I had to spend an ungodly amount of time perusing his account to find this stuff from just a few days ago and I may have missed something. Many Bothans died to bring us this information.
No. 1584724
>>1584716I think they know who they are up against. That's why they try so hard to silence and cancel terfs who dare speak up against the narrative lest they encourage handmaidens to peak.
Its not just terfs, they're also silencing/cancelling their
victims (detrans folks, people who have been SA'd by trans predators, etc.).
No. 1584732
>>1584717wow the answer I was going for was merely misogyny but this is a much better point: troons will play up any oppression points they can and conservative "transphobes" are useful to trick handmaidens into believing their narrative
>>1584715nonna I know this handmaiden is obnoxious, but she looks like a totally healthy weight to me?
No. 1584733
File: 1657443368098.jpeg (893.38 KB, 1242x1252, 42038657-19E3-4BC3-9022-3DA427…)

wanting to convert lesbians with your dick bad unless it’s tranny dick
No. 1584735
>>1584649> but why is that ?Because these rapists just wanted to rape for their own pleasure, and women were considered property so if they decided to rape women they would have gotten in trouble with the men close to these women I assume. Like a father or brother would would have asked for some sort of compensation for "stealing his property" like forcing the rapist to marry his
victim because now that "she had sex out of wedlock" she wouldn't have been able to get married and that was all women were good for back then. Meanwhile, if you do this to an orphaned or kidnapped teenage boy you'd have less risks, and it's not like they could even get pregnant or anything anyway. Muslims countries in general are so sexually repressed that all men are by default huge hypocrites. They'll bitch slap or insult their sisters for greeting their male classmates or coworkers in the middle of the street because they're imagining the wildest things in their sick heads from lack of interactions with the opposite sex, but will watch extremely violent porn on a daily basis.
I feel awful just from typing that, but that's my conclusion from watching the news, I remember some young girl in rural Morocco in the early 2010s who got raped by an old man, and her parents forced her to marry him because in that case she wouldn't have been too defiled for marriage, and she killed herself soon after that, and the rest of the country was shocked that there was still a law stating that if a rapist marries his
victim he'd be treated as not having committed a crime anymore and couldn't be prosecuted.
No. 1584792
File: 1657453107719.png (1.55 MB, 2048x1555, klgu7t16jjg41.png)

>>1584720The living embodiment of this meme
No. 1584795
File: 1657453194967.png (302 KB, 660x659, 54454324534.PNG)

No. 1584799
>>1584152"number 1 rule: world doesn't run on porn logic"
then you scroll through their profiles then it's all just porn. Who's supposed to be delusional here?
No. 1584802
>>1584763ok not only is this that meme of a twitter user making someone up in their head, I swear if anyone other than a tranny said this they'd be crying transphobia against the egg or whatever. it just comes across as a dig at TiFs but you know they never tolerate the reverse: us pointing out they're only taking horse piss to fulfill their lesbian fetishes and fail at attracting wlw. I think even the transmed crowd would be appalled by the delusion on display here.
>>1584668>cotton ceiling and the outrage over lesbians' genital preferences would not exist if women were chasersthis and then the added absurdity of a woman who's not a troon getting on HRT with the serious medical side effects to intentionally try to look like an ugly transbian. as if it wouldn't already be easy af to land transcels if anyone actually wanted them. they're never t4t by choice, they've already admitted they prefer real women. and t4t is hypocritical if we're not allowed to be c4c anyway. how many times do we have to say that no woman wants look like a man trying to look like a woman. no one actually wants to be an irl Kikomi ffs autists.
No. 1584826
File: 1657459683283.png (336.73 KB, 1080x1391, 03FC0852-F247-4314-935A-7B7A5F…)

She’s right and she should say it.
No. 1584831
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No. 1584833
File: 1657460530018.png (2.05 MB, 1270x2883, FA09115E-C923-436F-BD45-7D652E…)

This one is just kind of hilarious. Sucks when your skull is the size of Jupiter I guess.
No. 1584840
>>1584735I'm from a Muslim country and your analysis is spot on, women are always somebody's property to an extent, men avoid raping women cause they fear the wrath of upsetting her brother's and fathers, with boys its different, the boys often targeted for bacha bazi are poor orphans, those who have no one looking out for them, no one would give a shit about them if they disappear, that's just how it is in our societies, The Soviets had to forcefully end the practice in Central Asia, Reza Shah in Iran and Ataturk in Turkey, and the Communists in Afghanistan also tried to end, but "America" with their freedom and democracy had to put an end that, and let the tribal jihdaists rule the country
No. 1584856
File: 1657462945128.jpeg (111.99 KB, 828x1219, 5F943FC9-461B-48D3-959D-CA275E…)

Cope harder Colin.
No. 1584868
File: 1657464372640.jpg (275.29 KB, 1080x1099, IMG_20220710_154400.jpg)

Based Rowling telling Matt Walsh to fuck off.
No. 1584891
File: 1657467055026.jpeg (459.17 KB, 828x878, 37308255-E0EC-47CC-AE0F-06B95B…)

>>1584039kek this samantha lux scrote literally just looks like a gay retard with fetal alcohol syndrome, do these porn addicts think weak facial structure from FAS = passing? women really just are retarded and deformed men to them. gross.
No. 1584895
File: 1657467494565.png (499.04 KB, 647x421, kek.png)

must be face blind
No. 1584896
File: 1657467517759.jpg (464.59 KB, 1536x2048, FW5HZCwWAAEDtAt.jpg)

No. 1584899
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moob is out
No. 1584905
File: 1657468301343.jpeg (707.69 KB, 1242x1552, 1F9E1E4E-4854-430B-AAF2-F7D10E…)

She’s on it today
No. 1584907
File: 1657468717015.webm (12 MB, 624x1138, MariaClementeGarcia01.webm)
Here's a video of his mantrum
No. 1584911
File: 1657469275469.png (20.38 KB, 687x171, no.png)

another lie they tell themselves kek
No. 1584913
File: 1657469320987.jpg (10.48 KB, 190x281, aQYvG8F.jpg)

>>1584868I respect her so much for this, more than for calling out troons. This trad scrote has been getting on my last nerve with the way he's profiting off of the situation with his documentary. Fuck this MRA moid to hell and back. He is worse than TRAs.
I'm so glad she's letting that fraction know we want nothing to do with them, since they are already starting to appropriate the situation for themselves. Walsh is already being quoted anywhere where this discussion is being held as if women haven't speaking up about this for years and it enrages me.
No. 1584916
File: 1657469444768.jpg (32.59 KB, 595x304, Z13s7Yk.jpg)

>>1584913double post but look at this shite. This retard really had some nerve quoting JKR in the first place when most of his tweets look like this kek
No. 1584940
File: 1657471428175.jpg (405 KB, 1080x1692, Screenshot_20220710-123721_Chr…)

Added some replies from his sheep. The hits just keep coming from Colin.
No. 1584953
>>1584868>>1584905She really understands that not every woman has the power to be open about what she is thinking. I guess that many of us here have to stay silent in some situations because of fear, might it be losing a job or having aggressive males coming after you. If you don't have a nice cushion made of a lot of money, losing your job can mean ruining your whole life. And if some aggressive male would send death threats to someone not famous, who would care? And if he goes through with it, who cares? She is famous, she is rich and she knows very well what power it gives her and where other women come from and I have every respect for her that she keeps going, because what she experience must feel horrible and frightening.
Also, over all these years guys told us to be silent, to shut up, to not stand up for ourselves, to not educate ourselves, they did everything in their power to make us small. Their silent, nice looking sidepiece, only alive to take care of their wishes. We learned to suppress our emotions, we learned to hide our pain better than any guy out there, we learned to grow up fast, we learned what others expected of us and now we have to be the ones that are strong and have a backbone, while most men lack independence and balls? Maybe it's time that men will stand up for us and protect women like they always say they would do, according to them, they are the strong ones, so why not stepping behind us and protecting us from the fallout of whatever comes after us when we speak up? (Yes, I know, will never happen, we still have to do everything while we have to care for those adult babies)
No. 1584954
File: 1657472558498.png (420.1 KB, 828x826, godihatetumblr.png)

Tumblr is still retarded
No. 1584994
>>1584940they tell on themselves by posting it on twitter
There were a couple of examples that were posted here but I can't remember which threads they were.
No. 1584998
File: 1657477095872.jpg (83.34 KB, 485x907, chloe8.jpg)

No. 1585001
>>1584854is this moid trying to use some sort of reverse psychology to get women to send him pics of thier vagina? i'll believe a porn sick troon might send him that but real women don't do that like who's he trying to fool?
>>1584724I think some troons know, and that they're deliberately trying to fool handmaidens into thinking it's just the white conservatie karens who opposes them. So they can point to their bigotry of racism, anti-choice etc, even though it's all things that GC terfs already hate and disagree with. It's why they're so violently saying "don't even listen to them" because if they do they'd know the troons were lying all along and the so called terfs were right. I constantly see handmaidens say "trans people would never do/say that" about things they say and do all the time, and you have maidens thinking Rowling is homophobic when she's one of the few authors who dared to have a powerful gay character in a childrens book series.
No. 1585005
File: 1657477652163.jpeg (171.74 KB, 982x1357, FWrV8R8X0AAkH0A.jpeg)

Being trans has nothing to do with this, this is the majority of men.
No. 1585007
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No. 1585014
File: 1657478542834.jpg (121.1 KB, 640x853, tumblr_16786cf09c5ec95d5c4278c…)

Another lovely "dyke"
No. 1585019
File: 1657478828505.jpg (95.08 KB, 540x728, tumblr_6f456bbe01e701f6463e269…)

Just let your gunt hang out of a crop top, that looks great.
No. 1585021
File: 1657479049163.jpg (149.25 KB, 540x720, tumblr_9c2a6f0db29d3a64249c4bc…)

Here's one whose tan lines tell on how often he goes out like this.
No. 1585052
File: 1657482140019.jpg (134.68 KB, 1026x668, Screenshot_20220710_223642.jpg)

These people literally silence women on daily basis by threatening their jobs, their safety and their lives, yet they have the galls to cry about being silenced? Ugh.
No. 1585079
>>1585047They were groomed to believe that being a degenerate is a good thing and that it will give them all the love that daddy never gave to them.
I bet 20 dollars that the kids posting pictures of themselves on Reddit with retarded programmer socks and maid dresses are in discord grooming groups surrounded by autopedophiles telling them about the magic of horse piss pills and chopping their dicks off.
No. 1585110
File: 1657490362540.jpg (19.36 KB, 225x350, 2829903219dd1c4b94e0a3528862a9…)

>>1584877Like Limpida they all blame women for their troonery and if this ends that will become their official cope.
The way tradscrotes, kiwifags, etc. talk about this subject is almost as if they deserve a reward (i.e. become their fuckhole) for not being an AGP coomer, because if they weren't so """noble"""" they'd have become insane troomers squirting their scrote slime in kids bathrooms years ago. That was one of the things that peaked me on how all cuckchan and discord scrotes seamlessly transition from /polr9k/ to /tttt/ and back again so easily. Along with the pedophilia, scrote 'tism and loli-fagging of course… like the fact left-wing troon accounts on twitter and Nazi scrotes have pic related as an avatar 90 percent of the time with the same typing style is not just a coincidence.
Left-wing scrotes themselves are identical however, they just cloak it in passive-aggression. Hasan, Vaush, etc. act as if it's women's divine place in the universe to take fists to the face from angry troomers and certain other groups of scrotes, otherwise we must be killed and gulaged.
I'm beginning in some ways to think someone like Cynthia G is right: men are innately jealous of women and project their own fears of immodesty and being groomed (by other scrotes) onto us
No. 1585135
File: 1657494024641.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1170x2043, 5F091735-2138-4B47-8EF1-94AC02…)

Faye mikah has stopped owning the TERFs on Twitter and is now positing transition timelines!
No. 1585147
>>1584391You know, this makes me think about the conversations I've had with multiple people about how they think transgenderism is ridiculous. And these people were normie men/women/girls/boys. I didn't even have to bring it up.
I had such conversations when I was out of state for school, back home, traveling around, with people of all ages in all walks of life. I figure most people who are outspokenly pro-trans are just trying to be good. They think they're the equivalent of white people fighting for desegregation or something. I believe most people have good intentions.
All that is to say, its made me realize opposition to this is not that much of an unpopular opinion. I'm not concerned whether or not this stuff will eventually come to a halt, it 100% will, its really just a matter of when.
No. 1585148
File: 1657495599707.png (712.65 KB, 745x1256, 5C0D37DE-3F81-4628-BBC0-90DC96…)

Gay moid defending TiMs think women piss out of our vaginas. Men don’t know anything about female anatomy, more news at 11.
No. 1585151
File: 1657495948378.jpeg (83.04 KB, 828x958, 45A4456A-164D-4427-A890-AA7AE8…)

>>1585148Same scrote. No double standards to see here! Get to work sucking the girl dick, lesbians.
No. 1585152
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No. 1585157
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No. 1585177
File: 1657498852202.jpeg (1.51 MB, 1170x1869, FC08A555-3CD2-472D-842A-C48571…)

I don’t understand how it’s become that men can do laughable cosplays as poor as this and still be treated with the same respect and regard as women, if not more…
No. 1585182
File: 1657499620562.jpeg (494.15 KB, 1170x1487, E69933B5-7436-496C-A9AE-FB48ED…)

I love it when TRAs completely misinterpret “one is not born but rather becomes a woman” as women being a feeling rather than a set of restrictive roles imposed on females since birth. Sorry for radfem sperg.
No. 1585190
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No. 1585217
>>1585182You don't have to "learn how to be a woman". It's ingrained in you. It
is what you are, no matter how you act or dress. I can't tell if this water-head is being stupid on purpose or not. They missed the whole fucking point.
No. 1585228
File: 1657505598467.png (24.44 KB, 590x266, 45363456456.PNG)

>>1585190Sorry not sorry for not wanting to date a dude in a dress. So preferences are transphobic now? Lol
No. 1585237
>>1585228That argument is retarded because if a bi man doesn't want to date a gay man, doesn't mean he's homophobic, he just doesn't like the gay man asking for him to suck his dick.
I'm using men because giving an example with lesbians nowadays is useless because trannies would try to use any retarded argument against it, meanwhile, men and gay men are never discussed.
Also, they love to be a group when a woman rejects a fucking ugly moid in his 30's dressed up like a 15 years old zoomer, but not when one of them sexually harass women and children.
So if you reject a moid in a dress, you're somehow transphobique, because, come on, who wouldn't want to fuck a fatass in tight ass plastic clothes and his deceased mom's underwear? The 0.00000000000000000001% that looks less disgusting if you don't stare for too long at their pictures are videos are definitely the same moids that flood every subreddit and Twitter hashtag with selfies in their dirty ass rooms with their ratty wigs or balding rat's nests that they call hair, ugly outfits, and filters overworking so much that the fainting Chinese workshop workers making the plastic bullshit they buy with their retarded programmer socks feel bad about them.
The retard going
>let me post some actually attractive moids womanfacing Is disgusting, because of course, only posts the 000000000000000000000000000000000000000,01% of moids that looks less disgusting if you don't look at them for too long, it reads like a fucking conversion therapy
>oh, you don't like the average moid? Well, with enough money he can look like thisFuck off, I really hope nobody falls for that shit and whoever believes in that shit should get pointed and laughed at for being utterly retarded.
No. 1585239
File: 1657508800827.jpeg (137.21 KB, 827x800, 94C645EA-E8EF-4193-97B0-CF66D5…)

The delusion…
No. 1585254
File: 1657510144888.gif (2.14 MB, 500x288, tumblr_537bfadf2825148d505b2c0…)

>>1585239The transwoman being the bearded person in the back, I assume, since even with all the technology, hrt, surgery and beauty products we have in 2022 95% of transwomen do not pass and definitely wouldn't have passed without those things
No. 1585266
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This sub is so depressing. 95% of it is women struggling horribly with their moids transitioning and getting no advice. Often they’re trying to be supportive and accepting but the moid is being selfish, childish or emotionally abusive and they’re afraid to leave him because it would be twansphobic.
No. 1585282
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No. 1585351
File: 1657522841323.jpg (584.28 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20220711-030011_Boo…)

It's literally just a costume to them.
No. 1585362
File: 1657524623034.jpg (623.23 KB, 810x2576, Screenshot_20220711-032215_Boo…)

>Natty vaginas stink too.They get the festering hole they deserve:[1/2]
No. 1585367
>>1585228I sidestep a lot of stuff on here and this isn’t really related to the screenshot but I genuinely would like to know why people aren’t allowed to say
I am not comfortable navigating this genitalia sexually, sorry and it isn’t enough for anyone. It’s kind of scary that people are not seeing this is an acceptable response in any manner. Nobody owes you sex.
No. 1585368
>>1585354Way to take the post out of context. I don’t expect anyone to feel sorry for men for the things they do, but that was a CSA
victim literally just discussing CSA and there were no holes in his story or any indication of dishonesty. My sentiment is more along the lines of the fact that if brainrot is preventing you from empathizing with someone who was brutally sexually abused by their own father, then you’re just a very sad person with little emotional intelligence.
No. 1585384
>>1585354>>1584383>You’ve reached a point of being so devoid of any empathy for men that you are immediately suspicious>Wow more women need to aspire to be like this.ily anon, honestly the idea women should
not be suspicious of moids, in this thread of all places, the "men dressing up as women and threatening to get you arrested if you don't agree they are a natal female" thread, like yes we will be fucking suspicious of men holy shit.
No. 1585390
File: 1657529846998.jpeg (521.68 KB, 750x1237, C846A4E0-5780-4BE0-9CD1-60C782…)

no, you will never be accepted as a lesbian because you’re a man. there’s no such thing as a male lesbian.
No. 1585393
File: 1657530803128.jpeg (666.35 KB, 828x1386, 480E1B69-1055-47F0-B74E-CE36F6…)

I found this kind of weird, idk, being in an elevator and randomly trauma dumping about hating being trans. I know I’m being nitpicky but I’d find it strange
No. 1585394
>>1585384I’m fortunate enough to have never been personally victimised by any males but that doesn’t stop me from being immediately suspicious of each and every one of them
>>1585389Right? It’s innate. It’s our biology, not something we choose or learn. These moids are fuck tards
No. 1585395
File: 1657531427028.gif (3.21 MB, 130x191, 1655371220784.gif)

>>1585368I hate moids who get molested since they just turn into porn addicted freak sissies, pedo rapists, or both. Men aren't human enough to cry over. You're more sad about his rape than he is. The only reason he's upset is because he's ugly and can't be a sexy female fuck object and recreate his sexual "trauma".
cope seethe dilate
No. 1585403
>>1585397I literally posted in this thread twice today lol ur not reeling it back with your lame ass meta commentary and harebrained scrote accusations. Embarrassing.
I don't feel bad for some pedo who realized he was too ugly to larp his womanface fetish. moids don't realize the error of their ways on a moral level they are utilitarian coomers with no human souls, hope this helps x
No. 1585404
>>1585402No one really said anything besides the female leader saying like 'let's keep it on topic blah blah' which sucks bc she's a
terf but she didn't want to lose members to her discord by being outwardly terfish. the chat was made up of mostly radfems so… kek
No. 1585407
>>1585404Wait so why did the TIMs even want to be there if almost everyone was a radfem or
terf? They're so stupid. I bet everyone else secretly agreed with you.
No. 1585422
>>1585282Every single time. Men and birthgivers. Men and menstruators. Men and people with vaginas.
>Can men and other non-menstruating individuals using period tracking apps cause enough chaos to interfere with abortion prosecution? Sounds like this Hannah Docter-Loeb knows EXACTLY who the men are and that they don't menstruate. Sounds a bit terfy and transphobic to me, she should watch her back before she gets canelled!
No. 1585434
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>>1585390Anything less than fucking them is unacceptable.
No. 1585437
File: 1657541161893.jpeg (782.61 KB, 1284x1215, F53C16AE-7FAA-4A99-A3B0-685A0C…)

>>1585282This is another example that I saw the other day. Pregnant people and men. Interesting. And how do they know who these “men” are? I wonder what makes them “men’?
No. 1585459
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No child should be forced to be an activist for anything. This woman is actively taking away her son’s childhood.
No. 1585462
>>1585393It’s the equivalent of giving the homeless money and feeling good afterwards
> for some reason I felt so much lighter Kek
No. 1585463
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No. 1585468
File: 1657544975264.jpg (93.02 KB, 748x433, zipgexs074a91.jpg)

>>1585459I sympathize with mothers whose porn addicted sons or yaoi brain rotted daughters troon out, but this is imo even worse, to destroy the body of your own child and gaslight into thinking they are trans, for woke fame, like Jesus Christ article features another underage trans child 'activist" who was made an activist by their narc mom
No. 1585478
>>158544965% of male child molester admit they lie about being csa
victims to get sympathy during the trial. Women don’t lie about assault. Men do. They should be judged and looked at critically. They love doing it to us. They commit 91% of violent crime. 99% of rape on top of that. What violent men do to other violent men is none of our concern. Fuck them.
No. 1585485
>>1585449I can't help but remember the multiple stories I've read where a woman asked for help after being raped, only to be subsequently raped by several more men that night. Or a woman who was stranded on the road, asked for help, and got gangraped, set on fire and murdered.
Or how men look up these rape and murder videos on porn sites after reading them in the news.
Strange men don't sympathise with us, in fact they take the opportunity to strike when they see weakness.
We should reserve sympathy only for family and friends, not strange males who are very unlikely to return the favour, and may even take the opportunity to harm us given the same situation.
No. 1585494
File: 1657546429059.png (106.34 KB, 602x858, 720C6319-039B-442C-AAAF-7920F4…)

I’m agreeing with your first point, but telling you your male friends and family members will probably do the same as the rest Noni.
Anyway did you know Terfs kill on sight?
No. 1585495
>>1585478>>1585482Why are you mad at me? I’m on your side. Did you not read what I wrote? How does my post
>>1585449 come off as handmaiden? I’m saying literally the same shit as you while trying to get nonna to wake the fuck up.
No. 1585497
>>1585485nta but the issue wasn't that anyone was sympathizing with the detrans scrote. Franky I also dgaf about male abuse
victims. The issue was that op was writing an entire paragraph sperging and clearly projecting for no reason and in turn completely derailing the thread. Which is why I think the initial poster must've been a male because a lot of the claims they made sound like the exact shit people throw at female csa
victims. I think this was done on purpose to get everyone riled up and infighting
In any case, the alleged male csa
victim doesn't even deserve all this attention
No. 1585506
File: 1657547241513.jpeg (391.17 KB, 1284x765, 741591C2-F70B-4DCE-99D8-12F74E…)

>>1585504kek I hope it made you laugh at least. Anyway, sorry for infighting but it felt like anons read my post weirdly or something. I’m not sure. I’m not on the side of moids and think the original nona who defended the CSA guy is an idiot. Anyway, here’s something to make up for it. How do these idiots not realize they have male privilege? He has all the rights of every person and THEN some.
No. 1585510
>>1585501I think there's at least one other nonna you're replying to thinking it's me (friends and family sympathy poster), the anons above aren't me except for
>>1585485 >>1585482
I meant more to say if any bleeding hearts insist on sympathising with a male, at least reserve that for known risks (friends and family) versus actual strange men.
Not discounting the dangers known scrotes also pose to women. It's a big topic but it just seems excessively naive to waste sympathy on stranger-moids given what they do to us when we're in need.
No. 1585512
File: 1657547453078.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1284x1689, E1F99F15-E523-4C60-B63F-38577D…)

>>1585506This comment
>”I wouldn’t have sex with you” is the new “as long as you don’t hit on me”No the fuck it isn’t. Women have a right to say NO to men. Men have a right to say no to other men too. Guess what, people can have sex or not have sex with anyone they want! You can’t compare that male milquetoast homophobia of “no homo lel” to women declining sex with predatory men who have often lurked around to try and get lesbians to fuck them. I hate them so much.
No. 1585541
>>1585534Mte, I’ve always been under the impression that “good”, humble people just do things to be kind because it’s usually the right thing to do (although not at the expense of someone taking advantage of you, you shouldn’t let people walk over you). But I’m just saying, the people who are doing things out of the goodness of their hearts or whatever aren’t usually doing it to be rewarded, that’s just kind of how they are. That’s another thing I kind of hate in regards to all this, the idea that virtue signaling related to going against your intuition somehow makes you a better person. “Oh, I’m not like those other women who don’t want you in our bathrooms. You’re always welcome to pee next to me,” some woman says, but inside she is fighting natural suspicion. That’s how it was in my case as a TRA at least, was still afraid of men but thought they were somehow different and I should walk on eggshells for them.
No. 1585593
>>1585368are you that weepy ftm from ot or a
triggered moid?
No. 1585600
>>1584615Imo this one looks more female in the face due to facial fillers, which many larping troids could benefit from to soften their man skulls, but despite the pillow face look that is rivaling gangnam unnies of Korea, you'll still be able to clock his male physique IRL.
I've told troons and moids this for a long time and they still don't listen to women who say that IRL there's 'cues' and little things like shoulders, hips, gait, and other subconscious things that all add together to 'clock' them. This is why it's virtually impossible to transition. Even if you were 'perfectly passing' you would still never escape the mental hell/obsession that they seem to have about it.
No. 1585620
File: 1657557371197.png (4.07 MB, 2463x1947, D7539FE2-7893-47B6-89ED-B67D66…)

Can someone tell me why this same white moid who tried to get a lesbian bar shut down is being honored in an article for women’s day in Japan? These are from two different articles sorry for any confusion.
Here’s one about the lesbian bar - the one honoring him - No. 1585639
File: 1657558520089.png (1.89 MB, 1059x1196, Screenshot_20220711-124409-731…)

No. 1585647
File: 1657559044921.jpeg (63.96 KB, 720x690, 156AD41E-8CEF-40BF-84CE-F7FD01…)

Am I missing something here? All of those women look, act, and talk like women.
No. 1585650
File: 1657559127599.jpeg (55.83 KB, 720x689, 1B076340-B4F2-44FF-920B-5E1383…)

I’m sure he’ll get it back, but for now we can celebrate for a minute.
No. 1585672
File: 1657560420436.jpg (2.41 MB, 1920x2560, women.jpg)

>>1585647Do trannies just struggle with women in 80s movies/older women or what?
No. 1585689
File: 1657561507895.jpeg (282 KB, 1167x1406, 3A7758F0-BC81-4632-8062-B286FD…)

Is anybody else keeping up with whats going on on tumblr?? A pretty big circle of trannys got exposed (by a bunch of trans men lol) for pedophilia and grooming minor users. Currently they are all circle jerking over being “cancelled” by those pesky afabs. There’s so many screen caps idk where to start. Tumblr user weird001 is documenting it tho
No. 1585690
>>1585647Translation: any woman that doesn't look like Anya Forger = troon in gen z scrote brains
No one ever confused Kelly Lebrock or Laura fucking Branigan for a tranny. How come they didn't mention Jamie Lee Curtis who actually was smeared as one during the 1980s (by moids)?
No. 1585694
>>1585687Don’t forget about that
terf luncheon where they were all shitting on her for having saggy breasts and saying that she and all the women there looked more like men than TiMs do.
No. 1585705
>>1585689They do this everywhere. About 8 years ago they were doing the same shit on twitter/dumblr and locking their accounts to share lolicon and troom with each other
Hilariously their public accounts were the same ones shitting on fujos and retweeting shit like 'yaoi is aksually noncon, twansphobic and rape, fujos evil'
No. 1585728
File: 1657563085095.png (235.22 KB, 1080x1096, Screenshot_20220711-140743-344…)

Sometimes I'm actually kind of envious of the cope level
No. 1585736
>>1585624Reading the post about bacha bazi
>>1584649, it seems like Kim Petras is basically the 21st century Western equivalent of one - a male who’s been castrated and chemically altered to be permanently like a prepubescent young boy, performing sexually for adult pedophile gay men. History is repeating itself.
No. 1585742
File: 1657563921606.png (254.16 KB, 1080x735, 02015575-681B-4019-8014-7E5541…)

>>1585697The worst offenders are 2 users called foxgirl-maybell and tentaclewolf, both still active and posting last time I checked. They both have been caught posting about being pedos using “[redacted]” as code for pedophilia. I’m on my phone rn so I can’t collage a bunch of caps but heres an example
No. 1585746
File: 1657564010826.jpeg (1016.21 KB, 1242x5536, E837042C-4B7F-4621-82B8-EA1CEA…)

JKR bringing up this story of a transgender ally. 1/2
No. 1585747
File: 1657564083313.jpeg (619.37 KB, 1242x3137, 24C7090F-2D3A-4E97-A0DB-95F460…)

>>15857462/2 and the first response is ‘think of the children! No wait! Not those children, these children here!’ Lmao
These both adequately need attention ofcourse but the whataboutery is depressing.
No. 1585765
File: 1657565174557.png (234.3 KB, 1080x688, 05F3B5BC-9526-4AA6-938D-45CF58…)

>>1585742Oh and one more, user who goes by filthfiendish now who has said he wishes he “could experience [redacted] again for the first time” among other things. An it/its pronouns “dyke” btw
No. 1585795
File: 1657566402163.jpeg (464.44 KB, 1169x1960, 8FF57BAC-2FEF-4E35-A8B9-1F3F4E…)

Never tell males about sexual trauma they WILL get off to it
No. 1585802
File: 1657566582641.png (359.45 KB, 828x1194, 8B63F5F8-C6C6-4187-B273-923896…)

>>1585792I’ve never made an FBI tip so I’m unsure how to do it but I’m strongly considering it. The “fuckfreak” user posted above admitted to sending this anon where they endorse “pro-c” (code for child rape), there’s just so much incriminating shit out in the open
No. 1585809
>>1585802Lol that neotrances called me out on being an evul
terf years ago kek
No. 1585816
File: 1657566998495.jpeg (142.54 KB, 1170x753, 9A68D3E5-B796-4E69-970B-17D408…)

>>1585809Lmaoo. I would not be shocked if this has awoken some doubts abt transwomen in her mind tbh. iirc she already made a (now deleted I think?) post where she said the ppl being called out are “hiding behind their gender identity”
No. 1585827
>>1585747This is literally the "kids in Africa/others have it worse" meme they always mock boomers for. Wokes are so far up their own asses and so devoid of any self-reflection that they don't even notice how hypocritical they really are. And they only post about women in third-world countries when they want to "dunk" on terfs. Very genuine.
Also interesting choice of words under a post about a perverted pedophile…
>consider contributing to solving those issues INSTEAD No. 1585845
>>1582785Lol no, it definitely is, Buenos Aires is covered in "KILL THE CIS" graffiti and lesbian spaces have become queer spaces. The whole hsts prostitute thing stopped being a problem in the early 2000s, tayrt either has very outdated info or thinks all latinamerican countries are the same.
The 1% quota is 100% real and like
>>1582925 said is to try to get people to still support the "progressive" government despite the >50% inflation rate, unemployment, poverty, terrible enviromental policies, etc.
Abortion was only legalized last year but trannies have been able to get government funded hrt and srs for over a decade. We also have a non-binary gender marker on official documents now. Clown country.
No. 1585852
>>1585845Thank you, anonita, I'm too normie to explain this shit properly tbh, I avoid anything tranny related in my country because just knowing about it makes my head hurt, so I don't know how it works here but I know in Argentina people are sucking tranny dick 24/7 and it's just bleak as fuck.
All I can say is that the whole "well, let's pity the tranny prostitutes" shit is also retarded, they're men, they can defend themselves, they also often carry weapons, if he gets killed It's because of the coom, not because he can't work in construction or doing some maintenance work like anyone else, so don't come at me crying a river because men are men even if they wear a dress and prostitute themselves in the middle of the night, they deserve getting bullied and shat on for not being true to themselves.
No. 1585858
>>1585620The English language Japan-based media is run by the same cabal as everything in America and England. The same way Peter Bright here
>>1585746will always have people coming out of the woodwork to defend him. Like it would fucking kill them to admit that a member of their liberal chosen ones cult is actually a sex pest.
No. 1585859
>>1585795Horrific, wish I could un-read. Are people really out here confessing their sexual trauma to moids?? Nooo. ALL of them will either
- fetishize & get off on it
- use it to control you
- hold it against you (see you as "tainted" etc.)
- use it to fuel revenge fantasies of violence against other moids (which they want to do anyway)
or a combination of those. NEVER forget they are not capable of listening with empathy like we are.
No. 1585860
>>1585845Clown country indeed but us dykes we still have our spaces here. Lots "terfy" dykes in plain sight, only-woman parties, only-woman spaces. I think HSTS are still the majority (as i think they're in all LATAM), so even with all this nonsense you don't see many agps in the wild trying to aproach lesbians. The problem is that if you mention HSTS many anons read it as "the good trannies" but that is a lie. Even if HSTS don't hit on lesbians they still can be terrible. Also, i don't think our society is getting any more progressive but the opposite, no one cares. There is not even fake acceptance down here, inclusion is on paper but nothing actually changes (that also goes for things like abortion, sadly)
I don't think the nonsense there is truly comparable with for example burgerland nonsense. You aren't getting children drag queens or that level of lesbian persecution any time soon, because these are non-problems compared to inflation and "progres" are losing it's grip in society everyday.
t. argie dyke. No. 1585863
File: 1657569316956.png (34.87 KB, 736x372, 00.png)

Trannys follow pedos and other people who want to murder "terfs".
Why doesn't anyone accuse them of this?
>>1582431>>1582703 No. 1585868
File: 1657569463857.jpeg (519.87 KB, 1170x1489, DC44342F-9F94-4118-998B-4A5C60…)

tras: terfs are white supremacists
also tras: black females are men
No. 1585880
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No. 1585888
File: 1657570072517.jpeg (335.47 KB, 1170x1837, DBDA1307-98D6-4AA8-991A-7F9D1D…)

>>1585862Manifesting this… speaking of tumblr microcelebs peteseeger (now butchdot) is noticeably still reblogging from some of the trans women called out. And still looking like a sunburnt bloated retro game collector
No. 1585890
File: 1657570237479.png (56.86 KB, 732x566, 59.png)

Why aren't tifs sent to men's prisons? and why isn't anyone complaining that they didn't respect their gender when they allowed a "man" inside a womens prison?
No. 1585892
File: 1657570279986.jpg (627.06 KB, 1386x2220, 22-07-11-21-10-39-559_deco.jpg)

Looks like he lost a bet
No. 1585899
File: 1657570666428.png (419.48 KB, 638x637, 25.png)

what number of troons sexually abusing minors are we at now?
No. 1585903
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No. 1585943
File: 1657573395493.png (38.28 KB, 733x313, 31.png)

Hi! Hello! <waves at you>
I'm another retarded twitter user here to edumacate you about the bad naughty word W**.
No. 1585949
>>1585943>children as young as 5 have birthed a child>woman is not an accurate termThis reeks of normalised pedophilia. Who is fucking getting 5 year olds pregnant?
>>1585868>womanhood doesn't apply to you because you're blackWHAT.
No. 1585952
>>1585943Sure is lovely woman can be defined in a dozen ways nowadays: psychologically, hormonally, legally, excercizes in philosophy, and people will accept it as "
valid", but not biologically, because that makes men in skirts feel sad.
No. 1585955
File: 1657574340194.jpeg (375.65 KB, 1388x760, 69F639BC-7A6A-4157-9415-095A76…)

>>1585943Kek, says the woman that curates her life experience to accomodate mentally ill troons that think they can be a man and have a vagina.
No. 1585957
>>1585863For fuck's sake, she really is the new Anita Sarkeesian, isn't she? Dorky, terminally online men with skull avatars making hours long videos about her and her tenuous supposed links to various shady, sinister figures. It's like GamerGate 2: Breadtube Boogaloo.
What's next, Shaun, you tranny chasing Scouse motherfucker? You gonna crowdfund $50,000 for your new documentary, 'The Rowling Effect'?
No wonder Jen left you.
No. 1585961
>>1585931They know this, they are Black, they don't care.
I also think its retarded they keep repeating this line though. I've never seen a white supremacist who defined Black women as 'not women'. Jim Crow scrotes I read were well aware of our reproductive capacities.
I'd argue more moids, thinking mostly with their penises in general, define 'post-wall' women or widows across all cultures as 'not women'. Troomers will never use that argument though because like all their fellow pedoscrotes they think 'post-wall' women are worthless and do not exist
Speaking of this, how do yall think troomers of this generation are going to deal with getting old? It's like getting old doesn't even occur to any of them. The ones hitting 30 like Cakebeef seem to be losing it and malding. I guess theyll be like Sandy Stone's decrepit ass
No. 1585975
>>1585507Every man I knew who had a story about how he was sexually abused turned out to be the worst people I have ever interacted with in my life.
The first was a compulsive liar and lied about being abducted and raped by women. Typical narc and abused others in all the typical, horrific narc ways.
The second was raped by his brother and he turned to sexually/physically abusing girls to regain that power. He became a drag queen later in life and a campy gay misogynist. Who knows who he is abusing now.
The third was molested by a troon and became a troon himself. He is a pedophile who fucks dogs and tried to kill my friend.
Male abuse
victims, or men who say they were abused, don't deserve sympathy. Men only externalize and fetishize their trauma. They grow up to be evil fetishistic men. Any woman who defends them is too nice for her own good, and has probably never interacted with a RL "csa
victim" man.
No. 1585977
>>1585863>>1585957Funny, their seething about Rowling perfectly mirrors the GG crowd c. 2014, only it's the wokescolds doing the seething now.
I'm glad the straight guy is here to talk about homophobes and misogynysts like the tranny position he's taking doesn't excuse both of these groups. Considering he made a video saying "uhh actually trannies never pressure lesbians into sex" he can fuck off talking about homophobes.
No. 1585986
>>1585943This is the weirdest argument ever. We shouldn't say women are people with the ability to give birth because it excludes children?
It'd be one thing if she was saying the definition is incomplete because teen pregnancies happen, but why the fuck would you bring in 5 year olds? I don't think you can separate cases like Lina Medina from sexual assault. Who the fuck thought they should make gaydens feel inclusive by mentioning child
No. 1585999
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a very normal woman kek
No. 1586022
File: 1657579341622.jpeg (202.46 KB, 828x546, 934CD1EE-04DD-4CD1-B800-FAB31C…)

these retards find everything gender euphoric
No. 1586039
File: 1657580513194.jpeg (629.98 KB, 1170x1143, 1CB03AD2-7A4D-4E85-B817-23C795…)

It’s practically satire at this point
No. 1586052
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>>1585868bringing this back.
No. 1586056
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>>1586039It always has been
No. 1586066
File: 1657583046452.png (21.95 KB, 1070x172, 45.png)

riding a motorcycle is erotic…
No. 1586072
File: 1657583476344.jpeg (563.45 KB, 750x936, A108AD74-B950-4B88-A448-385D03…)

4 years and this is what you get? what a waste of time and horse piss.
No. 1586075
>>1586064Lance Hart is a degenerate pornstar with a porn star wife and recently began trooning. Anon is probably just showcasing his further decline. Definitely not a self post.
Those tits are tragic
No. 1586078
>>1585689I posted some screenshots earlier about it but I didn’t have the time to search and fully understand the whole story, that’s fucked up and I hope this peaks tons of people that run in those circles
From my experience with tumblr it’s tons of “lesbians” who are die hard handmaidens And run in those circles but I’ve noticed some are getting critical of it and going with the “white lgbts are the problem!!!” Instead of understanding that these “white lgbts” are all men who are gross and creepy. Or maybe they do know and “white lgbts” is the safest way for them to say trannys without getting skinned alive lmao
No. 1586089
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No. 1586092
File: 1657586111639.jpg (475 KB, 1080x1828, Seethe 878_2.jpg)

he forgot to take the picture at an angle to disguise his moid face
No. 1586109
>>1586089it's this aspect of all this that really worries me because the abandonment of objective truths does not in any way empower most people. it's basically giving whoever owns the most media corporations permission to frame reality. not just to bombard you with propaganda like usual, but to make you recognize even your own internal barriers to obvious lies as invalid.
it goes beyond the whole gender crap, it's just a destructive way to navigate the world in general. i really wish people didn't get introduced to the critiques of postmodernism through idiots like jordan peterson, because there are legit breakdowns(many from the left) of why this is a cancer.
No. 1586134
File: 1657590703879.png (960.03 KB, 721x1158, 48.png)

Troons need to photoshop actual women to look bad meanwhile Troons look like this in real life.
>>1586072>>1585639>>1584698>>1584114>>1585190 No. 1586153
>>1582859>>1582848The girl saying "stfu
terf" is the exact same girl that got piled on for not being into "AMABs". It's so sad how themlette lesbians keep shooting themselves in the foot to appease the TIMs. No matter how many labels these girls use to obfuscate it they're still dog-piled and made to self-flagellate for wanting other bio females only. And they still yell at "terfs" who tell them "afab4afab only" is literally just being a lesbian and it's nothing to feel guilty or ashamed of.
No. 1586157
>>1583621>>1583605Majima knows damn well Goromi is an act that doesn't have any deeper meaning, imagine him baffled at those who actually took that at face value.
Anyway Hamill does not even voice Majima anymore so if he does fully stick to the
terf life the gendertards in the fandom will just smugly rejoice that he got recasted. Now if one of the Japanese voice actors said something (actually extremely unlikely kek) there could be quite an uproar particularly from the Western fan base.
No. 1586159
>>1586134Is that even a pic a real ""
terf"" used or just a strawman photoshop fantasy?
No. 1586176
File: 1657598712118.jpeg (422.92 KB, 750x3508, 4235ADD4-4DBD-41B4-9757-04C6BA…)

narc grandpa goes wild on trannit.
No. 1586214
>>1586203Not to mention there are more conservative moids than women. Consequently, there are more scrotes that are openly homophobic and against the trans bs than women. You can look at the difference between the sexes in support for LGBT as a whole and it will show you that women are more tolerant of this shit regardless of political affiliation. We don't even have a term for male handmaidens because it's always women trying to be activists. Anecdotally I see way more normie moids in the comments of digital news and on social media calling out troons than women too. In fact, the only people I've ever heard call TiMs "trannies" were moids. For fuck's sake, a woman didn't make the What is a Woman documentary, a scrote did. Twaw but TiMs can't stop seeing us as the enemy and moids as their brothers.
Also if women are so "trans misogynistic" but twaw wouldn't it just be either transphobia or internalized misogyny kek? Transmisogyny doesn't exist but no gotta go for the illusion of double oppression points. Identity politics were a mistake.
No. 1586220
>>1586210I hear you, nonna. What really gets me going is how this is the reality and yet they still say we have cis privilege and we have more rights than them when it's literally the opposite. Troons are out here just straight up gaslighting everyone just like the
abusive, manipulative scrotes they are.
No. 1586232
File: 1657605110181.jpg (503.86 KB, 810x1796, Screenshot_20220712-014812_Boo…)

>>1586066His profile is good. How hard is it to take a decent selfie
No. 1586234
File: 1657605147949.jpg (168.24 KB, 640x1119, 13sa5p2qr9361.jpg)

>>1586089lmao someone ask this retard to define trans woman and cis woman, see what word salad he can come up with to explain away his own communities' language.
>>1586230This is true of misogyny in general.
No. 1586240
File: 1657605766963.jpeg (102.57 KB, 750x544, 378461DC-506E-4978-8D6C-4177FD…)

>>1584723This is the tweet pandering to trannies in question. So disappointing after a few rad fem leaning likes. Yet another fucking scrote mansplaining womanhood. Why can’t moids ever just stfu and realize it’s not their place to speak? They wanna talk over us and our lived experiences so bad.
No. 1586246
File: 1657607489871.jpg (200.21 KB, 1014x448, gotaproblem.jpg)

Was browsing some shitty comic book artist's site, where he posts a lot of poorly-drawn, big-titted women in bikinis a la Frank Frazetta (original, isn't he?). It's just tits n' ass pose repeated ad nauseum. Anyway, for some reason he has comments enabled on his site, so one woman commented saying how she "sees all these women" and sees "nothing but a lack of respect" (and talent, imo). Anyway, some faggot troon replied back and I had to screencap it because it's the MOST retarded take I've ever seen.
No. 1586256
>>1586246I think he means the drawings are accurate to how people dress in real life so disputing them is dishonest. Not really the same context though.
>>1586252Have you heard of China. Or the extreme counter-terrorism powers instated in just about every country in the world since 9/11, that is largely targeted at Muslims. Muslims will be pacified and Westernised whether they like it or not.
No. 1586285
File: 1657615030507.jpg (273.96 KB, 1080x913, Screenshot_20220712-043210_Boo…)'m so thankful for this handy study that refutes their "cis women would be AGP too" bullshit: No. 1586301
>>1586285audibly kek'd at the stupidity of this argument
I loathe when trannies do that italics thing as if they've made an epic mic drop
No. 1586315
>>1586308I wasn't referring directly to that post it was a general statement, I did see a couple questionable responses to those posts.
No need to derail anymore.
No. 1586320
File: 1657620096699.jpg (119.97 KB, 629x1200, FRv2h0qXwAMD4lP.jpg)

isn't "authentic tranny" an oxymoron?
No. 1586328
File: 1657622172592.png (400.81 KB, 1432x2515, Screenshot_20220712-063356~2.p…)

>haha wow le gentle redditress you sure gottem haha smash that patriarchy
No. 1586353
>>1586340Me too, nonita. Me. Fucking. Too. I’ve got to the point where I don’t care if normies know I’m a
TERF, I refuse to be silenced by moids in dresses and the self-hating handmaidens who support their autogynephilia and misogyny
No. 1586354
>>1586348Anyone with an anime icon should automatically be dismissed
>>1586328I fucking hate redditors, the whole site should be burned to the ground
>>1586320This is some male brain entitlement, the only thing you should get free of charge is a nice, sturdy piece of rope
No. 1586362
File: 1657629851767.jpg (92.24 KB, 1080x618, 20220712_144255.jpg)

Most likely becausw they were looking for a woman only
No. 1586363
File: 1657629950516.jpg (185.23 KB, 1080x1675, 20220712_144300.jpg)

>>1586362And ofcourse they are immediately going for doxxing, threatening and harassment
No. 1586379
File: 1657632768692.png (1.11 MB, 1242x2208, 2FEEB98F-0F2B-43D0-9706-86E1A1…)

‘Anything is possible when you lie.’ - ancient trans proverb
Literally just pulling fake statistics from their hairy asses.
No. 1586383
>>1586379Jfc where do they pull these statistics from their rot pockets????? “We’re the
victims!!!!! Not you!! ME!!!…I mean we” that’s literally how they all sound like
No. 1586392
>>1586371Apparently this is true, according to a Google search. Probably some sort of hatecrime or whatever, but God I hate the
victim mentality trannies have, "Oh you get sexually assaulted? B-b-but we get assaulted more!!"
No. 1586421
File: 1657635430842.png (301.18 KB, 659x456, kek.PNG)

Hope he 41 percents himself
No. 1586427
>>1586379>>1586392they always catch people out by not comparing against like groups. ie if a disproportionate amount of trans do sexwork they don't compare the rates against women sexworkers.
they used to do the same thing with the violence statistics to make it seem like trans people were victimized at higher rates. whereas if you really went into the stats almost all the
victims were black and latinos living in the poorest areas of the south. when compared against like groups transition actually made them less likely to get attacked than normal ass black and latino males.
No. 1586445
>>1586427THIS. The hate crime
victims are nearly all young, poor ethnic minority HSTS in Bible Belt states who engage in high-risk prostitution or sleep with men to survive, which is obviously dangerous given the levels of homophobia in those places. There is still a strong culture in the US South of throwing gay and GNC kids out of their homes, which lands a lot of them in bad situations. Middle-aged white Twitter transbians in programmer socks face NONE of these risks, but will use these unfortunate kids as human shields to force their way into women’s spaces and claim “TERFs” are the ones raping & killing them.
No. 1586448
>>1586343The dude who made it is severely delusional even by mtf standards. He said humans can change sex because clownfish can do it. Of course his types shut up when you bring up the fact that no
mammal does that.
No. 1586449
File: 1657638081198.png (90.37 KB, 599x620, 1656760829078-2.png)

>>1585868>>1585883This is why I hate black troons as much as white, sure they might not be on average as porn sick, but they do drag black women through the mud to "prove" their identity and womanhood, its fucked up and it gives white TIMs the pass to continue this behavior, I still despise white TIMs but trust me when I say that non-white TIMs are an equally awful brand of misgyny and I'd argue that black TIMs are more misogynoir
No. 1586463
>>1586449Holy shit the delusion from this cunt, also
>get even more violent>by saying shit like “god only made adam and eve”Kek, that’s considered violent? JFC these people. Get some therapy for your mental illness and anger issues.
No. 1586469
>>1586089Surely he must be trolling at this point. Does he think none of these terms have clear and determined definitions? Like what is the gotcha here? Does he have brain damage?
>>1586240His analogy makes zero fucking sense. Ape brained moron.
No. 1586496
File: 1657643560017.jpeg (81.77 KB, 827x765, 628B2267-98A1-4002-BF86-351FB9…)

A troon wrote this article about how She-Hulk is basically a man and it’s so fucking atrocious.
No. 1586500
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If you ever need more confirmation that the TRA movement is basically the same as MRAs check out this thread.'re invalidating the feelings of women who may choose to want a female doctor/nurse/carer etc instead. And a teacher is saying this of all people.
No. 1586511
>>1586449I hate them because they shit on every other group of white people (especially white women and TIFs) but they stay caping for white TIMs or any other kind of TIM. Like I said here before, I can go onto any Black womens site thread about a deranged TIM, even ones who rape or murder kids. Without any fail one of them will be lobbing shit in the thread like:
>gorillas>bedwenches>jealous bitches>you mad because you're jealous of trans girls>you aren't fuckable like we are>Black women weren't women 20 years ago just like white TIMs arent now!in an effort to get the thread derailed and banned. If they can cape for these truly deranged scrotes in dresses to that extent it makes me feel their anger at racism is just performative
No. 1586655
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Males of Reddit is back!
No. 1586661
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This dude really had the gall to tell JKR she “isn’t built for this conflict”.
No. 1586663
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>>1586513They straight up lie or use statistics from minority prostitutes to make it seem like your average white guy in programmer socks is at risk when they are literally one of the safest groups
No. 1586677
>>1586661kek she keeps reading these right-wing moids for filth and I couldn't be more happy about it.
>You're not built for this conflictMen are unbelievably narcissistic and entitled, no matter what side of the political spectrum they fall on. What is that even supposed to mean? As someone with a huge platform she's pretty much been on her own in this conflict the entire time. This guy is essentially just telling her to shut up, just like TRAs do.
No. 1586678
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This is so fucking gross. He IS a bearded pornsick freak.
No. 1586679
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Definitely not a crossdressing fetish where they get off to the most typically sexualized of women’s clothing.
No. 1586693
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I would absolutely watch this to see straight men try to weasel out of sex with other men.
No. 1586721
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>>1586720lol am i gonna get banned if i keep doing this
No. 1586736
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Is this supposed to inspire pity?
No. 1586745
>>1586718HAHAH oh my god, I guess all the awful screenshots have started to affect their image
>>1586721Could you just use some external screenshot app, idk those moids use to screenshot snapchat nudes
No. 1586760
>>1586225Did I read this wrong or dis this person say that womanhood is not a black experience? I won’t go off because anything that comes from a man is almost always bait so you waste time interacting with them while they argue in circles, and threaten you when you finally wrangle them into a corner they can’t face.
This is so fucking dumb. I don’t know what aspect of womanhood is exclusionary, and is it only black women or all women of color? Is this person American, and why are their arguments so often racist and dehumanizing towards black women? If you care about human rights as a woman, race doesn’t stop you it just adds nuances. Black women have xx chromosomes, and have contributed so much towards the understanding and civil rights of women. I doubt this person has ever read a book by a woman besides Harry Potter and we all know how that’s going with them suddenly unable to separate art from artist when the artist only says a meanie thing about womens rights.
No. 1586766
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>>1586338here's a much better title
No. 1586768
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Watching Law & Order, the portrayal. of troons is pretty spot on (they were also bragging about beating up a female prostitue)
also Benson would definitely be a terf
No. 1586771
>>1586677She's been on her own in this shit for years now. And now all of a sudden these so-called "well-intentioned" men coming in years late, as if they're rescuing her like
>"don't worry the men are here, now you can rest easy I know that was a struggle for a sensitive and fragile woman like you but the heroes are finally here just be our cheerleaders from the sidelines and we'll reap all the praise (whilst repeating everything radfems and GCs say verbatim) because as men whatever we say just manifests into reality because we're natural leaders teehee"No tranny is gonna instantly detrans just because the Almighty Matt "feminism has ruined the world" Walsh spoke it into existence. He got his ego boosted by that Dr Phil interview with arguably tame trannies than what most women have experienced and he thought "wow so easy those females r so weak i'm like their hero i get to boss them around now". Woke up one day and made a docu for clout and is now getting way too fucking bold online. Just like how trannies perform oppressive gender roles and think the same shit. Because you're both moids. Just because they don't have the socialization and experience of a female they can do these things without rape and death threats, doxxing, violent moids showing up to their house, being sent porn, being boycotted/deplatformed and constant slander. Replace everything I wrote with trannies and you notice it's the same thing. Male behaviour.
No. 1586782
>>1586661"Men have to fix this shit" for once i
agree. Men have to own the fact that their fellow perverted males are tearing society apart with their antisocial behavior, instead of secretly envy them because they have the guts to be perverted in daylight. Men have to own the fact that the lack of socialization that autistic men experience since childhood males them fucking time bombs
for everyone. Men truly think that everything and everyone is just like them, so when they see an antisocial retard they they think "oh what a brave fellow brother, he's doing what i fantasize" without undestranding that fantasy and reality are two whole different things, and the fact someone is performing that antisocial behavior means they're
fundamentally different than them because normal people don't behave antisocially. They have to stop abandon their wifes once their falied sperm makes retarded babies, because if these retard babies grow up and become capable to go online they become fucking menaces. So yeah, men have to start owning up because this situation is fundamentally their fault. Crossdressers and gays always existed but this level of madness and pervertion is their fault. The issue: they won't. They fucking won't because when they see some horrible fucked up shit instead of feeling bad they thought "why this isn't me?" Because their version of empathy is self-inserting in every situation, and if it makes their pp hard then isn't that bad.
And they dare to day that "you aren't built for this conflict", silly scrote, if we weren't built for this conflict, society would already tried to make us kill ourselves. The only position for woman is to serve or die. Narcissism is an irremediable male trait.
No. 1586847
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>>1586736I feel like there are missing elements to his story or he is just fucktarded. Also he is Arab so he reminds me of that nazi Libyan femboy from 4chan, Im laughing. He keeps posting bizarre images to mock TIFs along with 'Slave Leia costume' and whatever this shit is.
No. 1586857
>>1586500that being said their is a place for male carers with disabled people. A lot of the male patients with learning disabilities and development issues grow up too. And they tend to have violent outbursts and inappropriate sexual conduct on occasion due to their issues.
Far better a moid deal with that than have a female carer put in harms way imo. Same can be said in nursing homes a lot of the older moids tend to be wildly inappropriate and prone to out bursts as their mental faculties decay. So cutting moids out of these positions in also not an option in my opinion.
There needs to be more reforms on how these industries operate. As they suck overall honestly, underpaid, stretched thin, no strong enough regulating bodies, regular internal and external review is needed and they are prone to abusers infiltrating.
Improving pay conditions in these areas is a one of the things feminist groups are lobbying for in my country to help ease some of this stuff atm.
No. 1586930
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Here’s a little humor before this thread ends.
No. 1586962
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Why do they pull this shit out of their asses? I’ve never heard a “terf” say this sort of thing. According to them, terfs are simultaneously the most butch lesbians on earth while also hating butch lesbians. They make no fucking sense.
No. 1586983
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it’s just so funny to me that men really think they will ever pass as women when they look like that
No. 1586985
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>>1586983fr just a dude with long hair like i would never have guess that he would consider himself a woman just by looking at him lol
No. 1586998
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>>1583139Holy shit. They make chudjak a real thing.
No. 1587016
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Our impact. This was the song No. 1587018
>>1586783>Thinking estrogen changes their bonesOh it changes their bones alright, it makes them weaker and much more brittle which makes them susceptible for osteoporosis kek.
>Makes them grow hipsBut does it really? I hear that these men swear that when they take HRT, they get "womanly" hips but I never see any evidence of that because why would they? Women have hips because we have a cervix and it's meant to help cradle a baby inside so I don't understand why these retards think they'll just instantly grow wider hips when they literally don't have a cervix. I think what they're doing is confusing their increase belly fat for hips when it's just unnatural fat build up in their gut.
>when in reality they always have to get ffs because estrogen doesn't do anything.But FFS does fuck all as well. I've seen Blaire White and Contrapoints' candids, two that are sworn to be the "most passable" troons around but when you see their unedited face photos, they look like straight up dudes with long hair kek. Both the HRT and the FFS are wastes of fucking money.
No. 1587022
File: 1657692444905.jpeg (1.95 MB, 2316x6217, 766EA7D0-B316-41C3-BA67-F9A7B6…)

oh hon, you don’t look like a perky 12 year old, you look crusty af for a 24 year old. So keep seething and coping and waiting for that vagina to arrive in the mail, because you will never be a woman.
No. 1587023
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rattle rattle!
No. 1587026
File: 1657693445295.jpeg (Spoiler Image,713.78 KB, 750x3048, 58786762-2AF9-450E-B39A-88824B…)

> I haven’t had an orgasm
After 6 months? Good.
No. 1587049
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now do your nose and mouth.
No. 1587050
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mass shooter vibes.
No. 1587051
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not at all.
No. 1587055
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how to lose brain cells in one photo
No. 1587068
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>>1586655Ofc he had to flash his backside on r/ladyshavers.
No. 1587070
File: 1657700710750.jpeg (Spoiler Image,176.46 KB, 960x1285, 5428EC9F-A4B0-431A-ACF1-F0E2B7…)

Another “lesbian” showing off his “big tiddys”
Why are all these freaks grease monkeys?
No. 1587075
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>>1587062looks like you're trying to use your computer in prohibited ways, citizen
No. 1587082
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>>1587068Hello fellow ladies, how do you shave your scrotum?
No. 1587128
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>>1586693Reminds me of this classic kek
No. 1587132
>>1587060Maybe they can sign up to be on this!
>>1586693 If TWAW they should have no problem hooking up with them.
No. 1590450
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>>1584795read it as mythical and almost replied with this