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No. 1031751
This thread concerns with male-to-female (mtf) snowflake behaviour. This entails individual events, trends, and characters that do not deserve their own thread. Rules of /snow/ apply on this thread, thus blogging about your hate of mtf with no context and autistic spergfests are banned. This means this is a thread for mtf related milk without the autistic ragefests and fights over disagreements over terms. Calling others handmaidens or scrotes is infighting. Taking your autism to other threads is leaving the containment zone, do not do this.
You may discuss gender critical subjects if it relates to milk. Once again, while your autistic tangents are milky to read, they're not actual milk.
Some notable troonacy:
>Self induced dissociative episodes by watching sissy hypnos are a core part of womanhood >>869584>Beating up women you don't agree with >>900065>Trans pussy has hair growing inside it… like a true woman! >>948223>Using used tampons and putting it in your soiled diapers, and being encouraged by other lunatics. >>1029687>This troon believes that everyone and no one is a woman >>1021387>Troon writing a book about troons scavenging for industry made, ready to inject, safe to use estrogen in a post apocalyptic world. Makes sense? >>1014733Some trans subreddits to explore degeneracy in: thread:
>>>/snow/867400 No. 1031758
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I love how our only shared experiences is makeup and bras, teehee that's all we women are amirite ladies? No. 1031820
>>1031758shit that OP with the shared experiences of "being killed by cis men". Fuck off with that, the number of women killed worldwide by men is insane compared to the number of trannies murdered. NONE of them have lived that experience of being a woman followed through life by the grim specter of male sexual violence. Of course us natal women are the REAL enemy because we don't want to fuck them, wrestle them, or indulge their fantasies.
They're all fucked up, but the ones who act like they experience a fraction of the fear women grow up with make me far sicker than the crossdressers who want to pee next to me.
No. 1031839
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>>1031799Well some of them do shove popsicles made from tomato juice up their assholes and take laxatives to emulate a period.
No. 1031867
>>1031839>shitting yourself to stimulate a periodSomeone tell them laxative cramps feel nothing like period cramps.
I hate these people
No. 1031883
>>1031839i am a lurker, but uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
What the Fuck. Experiencing my period is essential to my femininity, he said, whilst shoving blocks of frozen v8 up his ass. Im at a complete loss
No. 1031887
>>1031839Is this.. for real
Shoving up popsicles in your ass to emulate period?!
No. 1031912
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so you guys remember Kevin Gibes? The ugly troon from last thread and Kiwifarms?
Well one of his troon housemates/Girlfriend attacked a woman. here's the link to the post.
what makes me sick is the troons going, "Thanks for keeping us safe!"
From ONE FUCKING WOMAN? A group of grown men are thanking another ugly male for keeping them safe from ONE woman.
Fuck the world.
No. 1031944
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>>1031887Yes this is real. Look up Jonathan/Jessica Yaniv, he is a troon famous for his obsession with periods and harassing women and even little girls in bathrooms by asking them for tampons.
No. 1031955
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>>1031912Comparing 2017 homicides against women per state, to homicides against transgendered people in all of USA.
25 trans in all of USA vs 232 women in CALIFORNIA alone…
No. 1031964
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Totally normal female behavior. Absolutely not a fetish
No. 1031973
>>1031955ok but were they being killed FOR being trans? Or they took all of the
victims that are trans and called it trans-hate?
No. 1031976
>>1031973After reading this:
>>1031964I wouldn’t mind if those transmurders numbers went up.
(a logging) No. 1031984
>>1031944>Forgot my tampons in my other bag fmlThis is like a fucking sketch comedy character holy shit.
>>1031976$5 says a-logging posts like this are troon bait
No. 1032071
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Came across this old post, these plights really make my heart melt for clearly the most oppressed people in society
No. 1032116

>>1031912That thread is a source of never ending horror.
>>1031887You have no idea how far this rabbit hole goes… Whole communities of these fuckers and they even dig through waste bins in the ladies’ restroom.
>>1031973It’s almost never the case of them being killed for being trans and quite often, TRAs scramble to find
victims that are indeed trans because each year, they keep including GNC gay people in their statistics too. They even went as far as to count ftm
victim of the Dayton mass shooting in trans murder statistics for that year, implying it was a hate crime. What’s worse, you see the majority of trans women screeching about being murder are all coddled, white first world crybabies while the majority of trans women being killed live in the most dangerous parts of South America. The two groups have nothing to do with each other.
Rose Of Dawn did a great video exposing how Trans Day of Remembrance is mostly a disgustingly exploitative and dishonest sham.
No. 1032279
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gingercel big mad now
No. 1032281
>>1032279Where to even start with this disgusting cumbrain mongoloid. I don't believe for a second that this is a "common kink," and if it is amongst trans people, then it's because…they're disgusting predators that want to rape and breed women? He's not really helping his case kek. In the original tweet
>>1031964 he calls it
>the gender crit wet pussy carouselwhich feels gross to even type, but that leads me to think that he wants to do this to GC people who most definitely would not think this is hot or be consenting to it.
Face what you are and what you aren't, tranny male predator.
No. 1032289
>>1032279It's kind of insane how people like this don't even need to get a big, crazy smear campaign on them or whatever. All anyone has to do is read the shit they say themselves. It's also funny how he accuses "TERFs" of "gaslighting", but he literally called his hypothetical breeding facility the "
gender crit wet pussy carousel". Constant projection.
>gingercelThis is literally his theme song lmao
No. 1032290
>>1032289Their coomer brains always reason it so that "terfs" are just in denial about how much they desire their rotten girldick. It's a huge cope for them because that's what male socialization does to you.
also kek at the video, this is a piece of art
No. 1032365
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Love me some good troon drama. Pretty sure these two lurk /lgbt/
>>1032279Ah yes. Obviously it is the turfs that are wrong.
No. 1032372
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The amount of mental gymnastics they have to do to justify their desires to rape straight women for their political believes is really astonishing.
Fellow ladies, have any of you ever desired to be fucked by an ugly man in a dress pretending to be a lesbian? Cause I sure haven't.
No. 1032375
>>1032365It's crazy how much they lie to eachother and themselves. Then whenever a trans person detrans all the people cheering them on & feeding them lies are gone.
They are kicked out the club, they never were trans and possibly a TERF or a liar.
>>1032367Which is funny, these straight men can do whatever they want to "cis" women as long as they are trans. Gay transwomen still play with fire with "Straight" men, but still blame/come at women for all their issues.
Both sides claim they are women, but attack women the most because men stay on code.
In fact it feels like, troons come at gay cis white males more then straight men, so they'd rather attack their own community and the gender they claim they are then Straight men, the people who give the least fuck about transwomen.
That includes the "Straight" (aka bisexual/gay) dudes who fuck troons.
No. 1032376
>>1032372I'd feel more deluded if I
did want to be spitroasted by high-fiving troons in a "breeding facility."
His words, not mine.
No. 1032377
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If any of you are curious as to what this hot desirable tranny looks like that wants to spitroast-rape-breed us…
How can you say you don't want his???
No. 1032383
>>1032372I love how both these men go right to, "People want to fuck us! People like tranny porn! Our bodies are JUST as desireable to the point where it's a issue!! Sex sex! Look how much sex we have and people want to have with us!! yall Jelly!"
Like okay? No one cares, he's just a ugly small dicked moob boy, who thinks just because people like trans women who attempt to look like women and have big dicks in porn, it means ALL transwomen are desired the same way.
coom brain.
No. 1032385
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>>1032383I looked this person up further and they have a KF thread full of gems like this.
No. 1032391
>>1032377OT/nitpick but fuck this guy for playing one of my favorite games too
If this is what hormones do to a man's body, what a joke. He just looks doughy kek.
No. 1032431
This thread is even more horrifying than the ones before, I can't believe what I'm reading, especially
>>1031912 and
These misogynistic assholes don't deserve to be seen as women.
No. 1032460
>>1032372He's being outright dishonest. It was clear as motherfucking day that he was implying a scenario where he forcibly rapes the women because he specifically said they're "gendercrit" and tied up to be bred. And now he's suddenly trying to pull this retarded smug "akshually i never said it was NONconsensual!!! yall twansphobes just think nobody would fuck a brave and stunning transwoman!" gotcha. Fuck his narcissistic ass and fuck his narcissistic microdick.
>>1032427What's really fucked up is that JKR didn't even say "trans women aren't women", she said that sex-based oppression is real and shouldn't be erased. Imagine that in 2020 you'll be cancelled for saying that women get oppressed for being born as women, not because they identify as women.
No. 1032595
>>1032516I think they constantly cycle on and off of hormones so they can still get their li'l boners AND be a disturbing tubular breasted orc. Living the dream.
Also yeah, what
>>1032525 said, even men who can't get it up naturally act like disgusting pigs. Weinstein apparently had to inject his egg-shaped penis with something to get it hard, and still he persisted in raping women. Who knows. Since they're men, we couldn't possibly understand their minds.
No. 1032775
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>>1031964I'm so glad Ana Valens is getting discussed here now, he's been one of my personal favorite cows for ages because no matter how low he stoops, if you just wait a week or two he'll inevitably stoop even lower. I hope he's not like this in real life but on his twitter he comes across as a giant sex pest, talking all the time about how fucking in public is praxis, hypnotizing nonconsenting partners into sex is great, all cis women need to be fucked by TiMs and so on.
His most recent controversy took the cake for me though. He put a vibrator against his penis and played a video game, with the vibrator hooked up to the game so that every time certain game actions were performed it'd vibrate. This wouldn't be horrifying by itself, just your usual cumbrain sexpest 'everything has to be sexual' shtick, if the game he'd chosen wasn't Fall Guys, a multiplayer game aimed at children. He forced several dozen nonconsenting people whose age he had no way of checking and who just wanted to play a fun, safe, children's game to jerk him off. And then he wrote about it online. His justification is that it's no different from wearing a butt plug to work, as if that's a normal course of action anyone who's not a complete penis-for-brains sexpest abomination has ever even considered.
Horrifying shit.
No. 1032782
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>>1032775Samefagging to offer this retraction and clarification: my previous post was wrong to call Ana Valens' forcing of nonconsenting strangers to stimulate "her" genitals horrifying as it was actually "performance art" which obviously absolves him of any and all responsibility for his revolting actions.
No. 1032805
>>1032775The only redeeming thing about Ana Valens is that sometimes even other troons call him out for his absolute degeneracy but then again their reasoning isn't "shut up you misogynistic incel cumbrain" but "n-no you can't say that, you'll give terves more ammunition!". Yeah listen Ana, it's fine that you yank your girldick to the thought of raping and forcibly inseminating cis women and then try claim that's what "your cis women friends" actually find hot but you know, keep it in your NSFW hashtag!
I swear he's intentionally pushing the envelope to see how far he can go with his blatant woman hating, soon he's tweeting out his buffalo bill fantasies about brutally murdering women and wearing their skin as a dress. But don't you judge him for it because denying a trans woman's sexuality like this is literal violence and the reason why they're dropping like flies you mother fucking TURFV!!!!!!
>>1032802Cognitive dissonance is one hell of a drug, or they're just as degenerate as he is. Pick your choice.
No. 1032807
>>1032802Don’t you know that the entire concept of “perversion” is a cisnormative, Eurocentric construct designed to violently suppress queer folx? Homosexuality was considered perverse once therefore labelling
anything a queer person does as perverse is queerphobic. If them expressing their sexuality makes you uncomfortable, clearly
you are the problem and you need to educate yourself, Karen!
I’ve seen women I know defend creeps using this exact reasoning. They’ve brainwashed themselves into believing that men jacking off into little girls’ panties is progressive and women who feel disgusted by that are on the wrong side of history.
No. 1032809
>>1032807There's literally people out there defending pedophiles jerking it to CP by saying "They are just dealing with their own sexual abuse trauma".
This is a fucking clownworld we live in and if you openly speak out about it you are deemed a bigot and "cancelled".
No. 1032813
>>1032422No way. Laxative cramps would be more like “period poop” cramps.
As “affirming” as that might be to trannies, it definitely doesn’t feel the same as uterine cramps. They can NEVER know what uterine cramps are like because they will never have a uterus.
It sickens me to think they get off on just “knowing” what a period “feels” like.
Just shows how much of a kink it is because real women wouldn’t get their jollies of such a feeling. Where as trannies are so obsessed with feeling like a woman even the most unpleasant parts of our existence is fetishized to them.
No. 1032844
I'd post this in the vent thread but I don't want the troon troop to start a fight so I might as well share it here:
>There's a guy I know through mutual acquaintances
>This guy is a greasy weeb, has a literal incel mindset about "nice guys" being ignored, creeps on women all the time but thinks he's a catch and the dumb roasties just don't realize what they're missing out on
>He also has a sissification fetish
>I mean frills, lolita, bows, forced feminization, bondage, diapers, baby items, the whole 9 yards
>He literally lives for this fetish 24/7, it's basically his life style at this point
>He's not gay or even bi, it's just a degenerate fetish for him
>This guy always portrays himself as a small, shy big tiddied anime girl despite being a 6ft he-man built like a fridge and looking like a nerdy trailer park hillbilly
>Recently his friends have been suggesting to him that he's trans and that he should consider trooning out to be his "true self", some of his equally degenerate friends already did it
>He's actually starting to debate himself on if he should do it
>I want to scream
There's no stopping this crazy train. At least they usually end up dating only other perverted transbians because no woman would willingly put up with this hell.
No. 1032860
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No. 1032968
>>1032946i wish anon but unfortunately japan doesn't promote trooning out or any sort of body mutilation like american trannies do. we came to this conclusion on our own.
slightly OT but to add, japan is actually really good at keeping people normal esp with crossdressing. boys who do it can learn to do it really well and theres competitions you can win for being the prettiest "girl". learning how to dress yourself femininely and apply makeup appropriately is a wayyy better branch of trannyisms then overloading your body with HRT
keeps it more as a hobby rather then just being trans all the time and you can protect yourself well enough so that it wont interfere with real life
No. 1032972
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No. 1032978
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Is this one even trying? Why do so many of them just not give a shit about even appearing feminine at all? If my sexual identity was wrapped up in being a grotesque parody of femininity I'd put on a fucking wig.
No. 1032990
>>1032968Not to go all weeb on everyone but Japan (and a lot of other Asian countries) have a pretty long history with crossdressing and homosexuality, they never had Christianity call it a sin until the late 1800s. They have a very different view on gender expression and the rare Japanese troons are usually hardcore westaboos who spent too much time with Americans.
>>1032972This looks like the cover for all those gross self-published erotica books with niche fetishes.
No. 1032994
>>1032972When you have mommy issues
and daddy issues
No. 1033085
>>1033055I guess you're right, it's not really sexual or inappropriate, it feels wrong to me because the relationship it's promoting instantly reads as creepy and
abusive to me but that's just my personal prejudice on trans women ig
No. 1033219
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So more of Kevin Gibbs from Kiwifarms. This guy, Mode_View came under the radar of Kiwi for simping Kevin Gibbs.
This guy went from saying he had multiple personalities, to saying he was trans and now he's not.
Basically the dude admits that he wants to belong somewhere. He's fat, he's feels he's ugly with low self esteem, he's lonely.
He literally says that the trans community accepted him that he wants to be accepted by someone.
So what does Kevin and his Troonfriend do? They try to convince the dude he's trans. Even when the dude is saying, "No, I'm just doing this to be apart of something, i'm depressed! I'm not trans! It's not me!" they STILL keep trying to convince him.
here's a snippet of the conversation and it made me so fucking mad becuase it's grooming.
They don't care about this dude, they just care about him becoming another fucking troon.
Here's the full conversation on Kiwi, just click the spoiler- No. 1033222
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>>1033219Kevin is "Kathryn" btw.
No. 1033229
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>>1033226"Why would you argue with trans people about this? Who would know, you or us? Transitioning will help"
No. 1033253
>>1033219>>1033229This shit made my skin crawl.
Aggression, followed by "There's nothing to be sorry for" with a heart emoji.
They're basically ignoring his concerns, claiming they know him better than he knows himself, and trying to shut him down at every turn.
And the final product is what? Being an ugly man in a dress that everyone has to walk on eggshells around because he will kill himself (or them) if he gets even the slightest sense that people aren't playing along. They know this shit is fucked up, but misery loves company.
No. 1033287
>>1033229I'm pretty sure these people have a.) a forced feminization fetish and/or b.) the need for everyone else to be as miserable as they are. Reminds me of that tranny discord that systemically brainwashed young depressed gay boys to start estrogen and "become the gf". They literally target vulnerable people who aren't in a balanced state of mind and then claim that transitioning is the silver bullet for removing all their misery.
Their crab bucket mentality is especially visible whenever someone decides to detransition or desists and they start claiming that m-maybe they're just nonbinary, have you considered that?!?! They absolutely need all the reinforcements they can get in order to keep their fantasy world together.
No. 1033292
>>1033229>>1033287There was this guy who I think managed to get the non-binary gender accepted in the USA or something and managed to get rid of a bunch of debt, who came out and admitted he fucking lied.
They don’t want people to admit they’re not really trans because then horrible Terfs are going to be right about the pedos and perverts who put on a dress just to play out their sick fantasies in public.
They can sort of accept de-trans (and even then), but accepting that their no-doubt policy has a very very obvious flaw of letting any liar in is not something they can accept.
That or they revert back to the no true Scotsman like Yaniv when they really do something that can hurt the trans image.
>>1033229Imagine how they’d be ree-ing if someone came out and said “No, you REALLY are cis. Look you don’t care about passing, you want to keep your dick … Really you’re cis but you’re just confused and don’t know it yet”. Which ironically enough, holds way more water than pretending to be a gender you’re not.
No. 1033315
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>>1033219This nigga warrants his own thread on lc as amusing as he is, I'm tired of kiwifarms in general. Theyre just arguing about women hitting the wall, and men turning into creepy AGPs because they grew up without a father. I am biased against that site in general, the users are insufferable/pol/tards and people saying " Not all trans ppl are like this, i have a friend who is so sweet and nonbinary" there is skipping through the highlights, but most of it is blogging and useless information.
No. 1033582
>>1031839>shove popsicles made from tomato juice up their assholes and take laxatives to emulate a periodI want one of those doctors prescribing hormones and performing sex change surgeries to look me in the eye and honestly say: "No anon, this is not a mental illness. By snipping if
her dick and putting silicone into
her moobs I'm only helping
her to look like
her true inner gender."
No. 1033918
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>>1033689AGPS don't even dress like adolescent girls. Most girls that age look fairly put together in my experience, like fashion conscious, casual adult women and they know how to match outfits together, at least they do these days. AGPs can never seem to piece outfits together. They don't look like a second puberty, even, no real female would wear what they wear. They either dress like a bad, poorly matched time warp or like a literal toddler.
No. 1033919
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Don't forget how they all want to be the not like the other girls girlfriend. If anyone grew up in the UK in the early 00s they'll know what I'm talking about, the way that they dress reminds me of Mel on the kid's show my parents are Aliens but more poorly matched. Probably their fantasy kind of girl and they want to become their own girlfriend.
No. 1034328
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why do so many of them look exactly like this? long horse face, giant nose, no chin…
No. 1034606
>>1034537Ah, that explains why some of his followers actually have the nerve to call him mentally ill and a "faggot in denial".
>actual cis lesbians get harassedOf course… Haven't been there in a while but who harasses them, transbians? I thought everyone left them alone, or they used to anyway.
No. 1034607
>>1034536yeah, she's a huge cow called elliot morais/laura/artemis whatever name she came up with this week. she goes from troon to radfem every few weeks too.
She has a lot of drama on tumblr, including being accused of pedophilia, constant sperg outs about being "uwu harassed" by her blood drinking fetish ex and her friends.
No. 1034660
>>1033919AGPs have the classic smirk and the exaggerated brow lift to hide the manly brow ridge. Their trans timelines are always defined by increasing forehead wrinkles.
>>1034598And they also can’t have any children under 18 years old if they petition to change their gender. Usually the people getting SRS and the subsequent gender change are very effeminate gay men who highly conform to female gender roles and aesthetics. You would never see Japanese praise a towering, communist orc transbian, but instead Japanese like glamorous mama-sans and comical, self-deprecating trans celebrities. Post-op Japanese trans women still get referred to as Onee, which is a group that includes regular femme gay men and crossdressers.
No. 1034699
>>1034358Sterilisation is a consequence of SRS, no matter where it is performed. The thing is that Japan requires people to undergo SRS before they can legally transition; no “female penises” there thank you very much. Until quite recently this was considered reasonable and afaik the same in many other countries. After all, trans people were supposed to have crippling dysphoria that makes them hate their genitalia, right? It’s only in the last decade or two that you no longer need dysphoria to be considered trans. The outrage against Japan’s policy was very disingenuous.
>>1034660> they also can’t have any children under 18 years old if they petition to change their genderThis is a great policy IMO and the only thing (that I know of) that’s different from most other countries.
No. 1034717
>>1034684Oh, god. The entire “am hole” saga is ghastly. Honestly, I think zero depth surgeries are the only ethical ones. They seem to be getting more in popular now as more word gets out about what horrific failures neo-vaginas truly are.
>>1034699In addition to a Gender Identity Disorder diagnosis, they are required to be
>“20-years-old or older; be presently unmarried; not presently have any underage children; not have gonads or permanently lack functioning gonads; and have a physical form that is “endowed with genitalia that closely resemble the physical form of an alternative gender.” No. 1034813
>>1034809I don't know why i still get surpised when I hear that 4chin is full of troons and postitive about them. Why would troons want to hang in a place like 4chan?
Then again, I remember one of my few times on 4chan, I saw some dudes lusting after Blaire White and that troon who fucked Anthony Cuma, saying they were his "dream girls"
I always assume that troons are super liberal, so why would they want to hang out on 4chin?
No. 1034880
>>1034660I had been wondering the purpose behind the AGP smirk but thanks to this post I finally see it. It makes a whole lot more sense now.
>>1034813See here
>>1034817 , they're mentally ill incels who want women to die or be given out as breeding slaves, why wouldn't they like trannies? The only 4channers who don't like troons are the edgy /pol/faggots who hate them only because of their association with gay people and feminists. Even altrighters are on board with trannies because they're either chasers who fantasize about a 25-year old with a Benjamin Franklin hairline will fulfill their anime femboy trap fantasies or being one themselves.
No. 1034969
>>1034880>>1034880I once saw a alt-right 4chan type flat out say that he was done with women because he could get a 10/10 trans women who looked better then the 4/10 women who rejected him, that troons have lower standards than actual women and thats why they are better.
So makes sense people who hate women would support troons because they are men and it's easier for bisexual men to get sex from other men then it is for them to get sex from women.
No. 1034981
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>>1034969>that troons have lower standards than actual women and thats why they are better.KEK sounds about right. I've also seen altright troons, there's not a lot of them but they do exist.
Also, I know I'm late but I just wanna know what the hell happened with Gigi?
No. 1035004
>>1034981I feel bad for him because I heard that his dick does not work, so he's married to that rich woman and only eats her out, like he can't even cum.
Imagine being a gay man and fucking up your body to look like shit irl anyway.
His tits are worst then blaire,hes another troon that people bring up when they talk about how passing some are, but he sounds and looks like a troon and at best he passes for a 50 year old woman with a LOT of work done.
No. 1035010
>>1034981I had erased that fourth video from my mind so I'm just gonna pretend I never saw pic attached.
She went too far with the surgery, as most people do.
No. 1035051
>>1035033So true. You'd think gay men, catty and "aesthetic" as they are, would be the first to understand its considerably easier and better to age as a man than age as a woman in terms of how society values your attractiveness, by and large.
Like someone else said, the best passing troons end up looking like 3rd rate MILFs in teen sex comedies at best.
No. 1035091
>>1034969those alt-righters are delusional and only looking at people like blaire white, who pass.
any troon who actually wants to date some pepe-loving 4chan idiot is the type seen itt, which never pass, and have either botched wound-holes down there or a perma-flaccid penis. i shudder to imagine the typical Extremely Online troon's hygiene.
No. 1035100
>>1035051It's because only older women tend to have larger noses, jaws, whatever. The only "passing" ones I've seen Are always non white because the secondary sex traits for those races are less noticeable.
That and instead of yelling at people to accept them they learn to put on make up and dress for their bodies.
No. 1035110
File: 1599521989032.png (168.35 KB, 564x663, 1587158261423.png)

>>1033315agree we need a kevin/troon ranch thread, he is my favourite cow and an endless goldmine.
No. 1035122
File: 1599523538832.png (94.06 KB, 588x711, 1599432809977.png)

>>1035110This man is disgusting
No. 1035124
File: 1599523755754.jpg (558.37 KB, 3351x2234, a96155f15e44a56cb1bcff6c19b8e3…)

i've said it before and i'll say it again
i'm fucking sick of seeing women in video games end up being troons
and they're always "lesbians" and they never pass and they're fuck-ugly
No. 1035156
>>1035146i just want more women to look up to in the gaming industry but i can also see why we keep to ourselves
i am constantly reminded
No. 1035200
>>1035122The best part is he doesn't have a vulva. So much went wrong with the 'am hole' that it's basically just discoloured ball skin with a sore looking hole bored into it. No real uh, definition - no labia, no clitoris. Just hole.
(Some brave soul on KF paid for his gf's porn set of their romantic first time together. So romantic that Hayley monetised it! and it was only worth $10!)
No. 1035225
>>1035014I honestly believe body dysmorphia is something that isn’t only trans related and this is what trans people should finally learn. I’ve seen dysmorphia on literally cis fat / or skinny people and then they went on saying they are trans because they somehow can’t deal with it otherwise ???
Isn’t there some way where you can treat your body dysmorphia in a normal way ? Lmao. Being trans doesn’t solve your self hatred against THAT specifically
No. 1035232
File: 1599552267710.jpg (1.71 MB, 2560x1707, 1582484328740.jpg)

>>1035124This reminds me of that group photo from the female-exclusive speedrunning event that was like 50% ratty hons, one was just a straight out dudebro who wore a skirt and sneakers with tranny flag colors.
No. 1035248
>>1035023I patiently await radfem anons to forget this isn't a stealth thread for them to blogpost and sperg.
>>1034537C'mon we all know /lgbt/ is just a containment board for trannies when they're not fishing for compliments on /b/.
No. 1035262
>>1035124This is my experience in the tech community as well. Every time you hear about a drama of some woman causing a ruckus and being generally an oversensitive pain in the ass it always,
always turns out to be a troon. They have public, suicide-baiting meltdowns on their Twitter accounts, shit on women openly, enjoy the spoils of their long career as a man and then rake through everything they see with a fine-tooth comb to point out anything ~
triggering~ and then wonder why people don't hire them (obviously it's due to transphobia).
One of them wrote a huge fucking twitter thread about how offended "she" was to visit a conference dedicated to a certain programming framework and was "disturbed" to see how many "white cis men" there were. Instead of calling for more diversity in general he went straight to demanding "more PoC trans women to be invited" or something, being an Asian trans woman himself. What's especially shitty is that people make no distinction between troons and actual women in tech so it's always the women who have to carry the stigma of crazy drama stirrers when it was just drugged up incel men all along.
No. 1035276
File: 1599562593294.png (8.79 MB, 2560x1707, troons.png)

This is my assessment, what do you guys think?
No. 1035279
>>1035276I'm going to go with the same guesses as you but I'm 50/50 on the red-headed one in the leftside back row and I think the blonde in the glasses and black shirt next to her is a woman. Imagine being these girls though, coming to an event for women exclusively and finding out you're facing like 20 turbo troons in bad wigs and grandma dresses.
You forgot to brand the tranniest of them all though, the creature known as protomagicalgirl who's the violet/brown haired goblin in the back row in between the sea monster with the aqua hair and the one in a serial killer clown red wig. He has a thread on Kiwifarms and it's a hilarious read. Speedrunning is like a honeypot for autistic troons.
No. 1035280
>>1035276I tried to count them but I'd feel bad if I accidentally counted a woman as a troon. You also forgot the purple one
>Just uglyJesus
No. 1035390
>>1035376Was gonna post the same. Also the one with the blue and purple hair and the skull shirt has very childbearing hips and tiny hands.
Either I'm very charitable or my troondar is off, probably miscalibrated by seeing so much sweaty gamercore condensed in one spot.
No. 1035465
File: 1599591297061.png (1 MB, 1080x2270, Screenshot_20200818-222708.png)

>>1033219Remember the guy that Kevin Gibes was grooming? Mode_View, well this is his "Girl"friend.
No. 1035472
File: 1599592086073.jpg (128.84 KB, 1200x900, 2_LBSmall.jpg)

>>1035465reminds me of andy pipkin
No. 1035534
>>1035490"Oh my god, I ask to suck your girl dick!!"
"Uwu i asks for pats from mommy milkers"
"I ask you to smother me with ur huge milkies uwuwuwuw"
Shit like that.
No. 1035539
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No. 1035557
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No. 1035567
File: 1599602033803.gif (749.74 KB, 244x244, tenor.gif)

>>1035557At this point I'm just waiting for them to label "lesbian" a terf dog-whistle
No. 1035587
>>1035567Eventually saying you don't like Penis Havers is going to be considered a dog-whistle.
Also, I've seen more gay men hate people saying they are "Queer"/Queer being a slur then I've seen lesbians.
Then again, why do I expect a group of men upset women won't fuck them to come at their brothers?
No. 1035625
>>1035276I think the one to the right of the redhead at the back is female, just an unflattering picture. Same goes for the blue skirt one sitting down, and maybe the other one next to the redhead. "Just Ugly" could be a troon too.
Group pictures like this make it harder to tell, you could clock them more easily from just a close up single photo.
No. 1035755
>>1035395I had the same impression regarding that photo, but it's sad that this is even a mystery. It's like playing Where's Waldo but Where's Woman.
>>1035456>well at least some of them are bio women. that makes me happy.I agree, though it's really telling that this bare minimum is enough be pleased by. Says a lot about our society in currentyear that this is considered very much the norm for "female representation" in many areas.
No. 1035845
File: 1599650652305.jpg (36.07 KB, 640x853, 20200909_062339.jpg)

No. 1035848
>>1035845Oh noooooo. Is this in jest?
Underneath all that mess is actually a decent looking man.
No. 1035851
>>1035845Noooooooo there’s no way this isn’t a joke or out of context
Also what’s wrong with his physique he’s ripped but it’s all uneven
No. 1035863
>>1034612That reminds me that even on /lgbt/ they laugh about how no one cares about ftms. Troons seem to be really good at eating their own tbh
>>1035845I genuinely wonder what is going through that dudes minds when he looks in the mirror.
No. 1035936
>>1035863People don't pay attention to FTM's as much because they look better and act better then trans women. Imagine bragging that more people pick at you, pitty you, dislike you and think you are a abomination.
Women and men seem more likely to be in a relationship with a passing or non-passing Trans men then a trans woman to me.
People don't even truly care about all trans women equally, I'm certain there's more white transbiens but the focus is on "Black trans women" anyway.
It's a huge cope, I bet trans men are happy they don't get the attention that Trans women get. There's a lot more rotten eggs who makes everyone side eye trans women then there's rotten eggs on the trans men side.
Do they think people because tranny porn and pandering that means every trans women is loved, wanted and people truly care?
No. 1035953
File: 1599669459758.png (360.73 KB, 585x685, Untitled.png)

>>1035951Shame that this hashtag lost steam. Surely it was killed by the troons screaming TERFS!!! Because to be labeled a TERF is worse than pulling a gun on someone or molesting a child.
No. 1036041
File: 1599683586027.jpg (24.29 KB, 400x400, 20200909_152811.jpg)

Gay Jewish Girl / Furry / Tamaskan Dog / BLM Free Palestine /She/Her
No. 1036066
File: 1599687155947.jpg (Spoiler Image,12.8 KB, 300x300, IMG_1774-300x300.jpg)

>>1035848I'm sorry Anon. Pic related
No. 1036151
File: 1599695511284.png (174.5 KB, 1192x630, Screen Shot 2020-09-09 at 7.44…)

Is it just me or does this just mask off portray how this troon views women only as sex objects? Not to mention more "just be a girl" cult shit. This account is full of r/ihavesex cringe and his disgusting porn, I almost feel sorry for these coomers whose lives revolve around nothing but porn and being ~sluts uwu~
No. 1036159
>>1036151I feel sorry for people voluntarily sleeping with them.
There are SO many people on planet earth, pls at least don‘t take someone wanting to strip half the population off their human rights
No. 1036198
>>1035845… this might be my brother
he´s def joking kek
No. 1036204
>>1035625I also agree the "other" one standing next to the redhead is a girl.
Are speedrunning troons extra autistic? Because most of these pass about as well as a potato wearing a tiara.
No. 1036254
>>1036089NTA but this one at least talks about Jennifer Pritzker who's a republican millionaire troon transbian who owns a med company here's another article about it: (yeah it's the Federalist but honestly no other publications agree to publish these findings)
No. 1036307
File: 1599732681386.jpg (64.85 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

anyone got some milk on Lo.Weezy? Recently he got exposed for saying the n-word, but i think he has some more sins. Of course like the most of them he is a hooker but keeps it secret. Also i think that he abuses his dog (in some of the vlogs he screams at him, pushes him and in one of them he put stack of money in that poor babys mouth)
No. 1036331
File: 1599741723441.jpg (273.22 KB, 1920x1080, Egh5uWRXkAUd2kJ.jpg)

>>1036151he's ugly and the only people who ever talk to him seem to be beta males despite his constant horny posts about women, lol. i saw one female in the comments but she's a ftm furry.
No. 1036348
>>1036051Exactly. And then they go on/off HRT immediately when their dick stops working and then have a horny fit again. You constantly see troons whining about HRT killing their libido and them stopping it for a while just so they can masturbate again. But remember it's not a fetish!
No. 1036357
File: 1599747225564.jpg (3.76 KB, 265x108, Untitled (1).jpg)

>>1032377his stomach looks like a disappointed asian father
No. 1036425
>>1036344It's that generic tranny look. If I can glance at him and tell somethings off just from those pictures imagine how he really looks? He already has that huge head and lips, this is the "Insta Tranny Thot" look that all the HSTS get.
He literally looks like a knock off Nikita except he looks better without makeup then Nikita. I'm not surprised he's racist.
No. 1036440
>>1036307Legit looks less like a tranny without the drag queen make-up.
IDK what I find more ridiculous, the trannies who don't even try to pass at all and are basically just balding straight men who try to be "lesbians" or the ones like Blaire White who are just gay men who think looking like a woman means looking like a Barbie blowup doll.
Men have no fucking clue what femininity is. They can't find a balance between putting in enough effort to look feminine and put together and going overboard with bolt-on tits and fake lips that look like they got stung by a wasp.
I fucking hate them.
No. 1036459
>>1036440And they both think "being a woman" means that lesbians/straight men should 100% have no issues being with them.
HSTS are the worst type of gay men and transbiens are the worst parts of straight men, Both think they are entitled to shit that they feel "Cis" women are even though half the shit they want is shit NO one is entitled to.
No. 1036859
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No. 1036886
File: 1599842141368.gif (2.33 MB, 480x270, troons.gif)

>>1036859I thought Mr. Garrison galivanting around talking about periods after transitioning was just retarded South Park punch-down humor but they were right all along, what the fuck is wrong with these males? Literal portrait of periodfags ITT related.
No. 1036898
>>1036859sigh having the symptoms does NOT mean you have the condition.
>>1036886even cis he's old enough for menopause as the actual answer kek
No. 1036939
>>1036886>>1036886I love that episode my favorite line is when he tries getting an abortion. And he's talking to the doctor
"So if I'm not a real woman, I'm just a man with a mutilated vagina?"
"Basically, yes. No. 1036952
>>1036859PMS symptoms come from a drop in progesterone. After ovulation the hormone progesterone takes over and falls if a woman isn't pregnant and then menstruation commences. Cycle lengths can vary among different women and from cycle to cycle and the symptoms of PMS usually transpire before menstruation occurs. Not all women get PMS.
This dude is basically mansplaining the menstrual cycle.
Unless he was deliberately supplementing and then coming off progesterone his condition is not even remotely similar.
I call the placebo effect.
No. 1036989
>>1036939I'm pretty sure they added in a graphic scene of an actual sex change footage in that episode too. Not only that, in the episode Mr.Slave refuses to have sex with Garrison because he's only into penises (y'know cuz he's a gay man) and then Garrison tells him that he just has to stop being gay LMAO.
I can't fucking believe we're living in actual fucking South Park episode.
No. 1037045
File: 1599861389422.jpeg (102.21 KB, 634x963, 4D19AAB5-9309-4CA2-9CCE-045218…)

guess matt and trey can get a one time invite to the radfem knitting circle for their clairvoyance
No. 1037162
File: 1599872771271.jpg (2.82 MB, 2656x3200, how is cyberbullying even real…)

i like to think he printed some screenshots from here
No. 1037170
File: 1599873074474.png (440.83 KB, 640x804, 4640F9B0-5559-4D91-8E0B-228A88…)

>>1036860I’d say for not AGP mtfs it’s genuine dysphoria from not having a uterus. But they’re not the ones out here shoving bloodsicles up their bussies and thinking their shitty health is actually PMS.
No. 1037504
>>1036966>>1036967>>1036975>>1036989>>1036995The most recent season has an episode called Board Girls which is about MtFs in women's sports and how insane it is. Season 20 episode 7. Highly recommend it.
They've poked fun at the bathroom debate too recently, though I forget which episode.
They made fun of Bruce Jenner when he troon'd out and for a long time since. I think his character still appears sometimes.
Most recent season they had text at the end saying "#cancelsouthpark" or something, so clearly they give zero fucks. It's amazing that sort of stuff exists in mainstream media in currentyear. Their message is very blatant. Wish more media was similarly not so drunk on the "woke koolaid".
No. 1037587
File: 1599937850535.jpeg (375.69 KB, 793x715, 95B1E149-BF25-474A-BB79-428890…)

>>1037262This one just says "you're a fucking asshole" lmao, might be related to that. I think he intentionally didn't include anything that directly alludes to his sexual predator history, wouldn't want people googling "eli erlick rapist" and finding out the truth.
No. 1037661
File: 1599946386805.jpeg (371.31 KB, 1204x1290, 217C10DB-753C-40A9-A8E2-D06D2D…)

>>1035539He also demanded all his “tme” (female) followers “show the fuck up” to defend him from the meany teenage girls bullying him on tumblr
No. 1037666
File: 1599947004163.jpeg (556.33 KB, 1195x1597, 7C7D6142-AE11-49E4-ADF5-699C71…)

>>1037661Also he looks like. this
No. 1037696
File: 1599948983639.jpg (14.36 KB, 480x360, wot.jpg)

>>1035539why do people still use tumblr ? i mean its not linear , shit community ,the user count is crumbling ,really why use it when its creator abandonned the ship
No. 1037772
File: 1599958420360.png (572.85 KB, 753x632, menstrualinclusivity.png)

>>1036859Imagine thinking women are gatekeeping periods while looking like pic related. Maybe someday he'll figure out that biology isn't a social construct.
No. 1037901
File: 1599992376329.jpg (1010.32 KB, 2316x3088, d2qza8xkw1m51.jpg)

Titled "One reason I dress like a teenager who passes is that I never want to forget how hard it is to be yourself. If life feels easy maybe you're doing wrong."
One reply said "I dress like a teen girl who passes because 1) public nudity is not an option, so 2) teen girl who passes is the next closest thing .
J/k. Seriously though… I can be 40 and wear 2 inch shorts. I don't shave my legs for nothin, ya know"
No. 1038011
>>1037901What the fuck is he talking about, a "teen girl who passes" teen GIRLS don't need to pass as anything, they're actually female.
I seriously can't stand how little effort men put into looking like women. Those thin little lips and that dark lipstick, stupid unstyled hair, big ugly watch, unflattering clothing. This guy would be a disappointment as a bedroom crossdresser, let alone a true and honest MtF.
That head of hair at 40 is wasted on a total creep, what a shame.
No. 1038046
File: 1600018273980.jpg (199.75 KB, 1080x1258, _20200913_182632.JPG)

Why do troons always insist that if a lesbian doesn't want to have sex with them, they're obsessed with genitals? I've never seen them bash straight women for only liking penises before, only when women have the audacity to like vagina
No. 1038086
>>1036859I'd like to hear his explanation for getting period cramps without a womb. Dude basically binges on junk food, feels tired, icky and bloated, then gets stomach cramps and his mind goes straight to "Gee I must be getting my period!!!". I guess periods are just a mindset and not an actual biological phenomenon, those pesky women complaining about their PMS should just snap out of it.
>>103790140? This creep legitimately looks like he's closer to his 50's. He's giving severe buffalo bill vibes with that look AND the interior behind him. Yikes.
>>1038046>Following your logic you would have sex with a trans man… because he has a vaginaWell yeah that's the fucking point doofus. I still see FTMs as women because they are biologically women. I'd pick a FTM over transbian girldick any day.
No. 1038098
>>1037901I haven't seen a skirt like that since 2005.
Why are AGPs always stuck in a fashion time warp? Why do all their clothes look like clearance garbage from goodwill that has been in someone's dusty closet for a decade?
A HSTS would at least have the decency to go to a trendy store and wear up to date thot fashion. Not that I think the thot look when done well is a bad thing. It can look kinda cute but most women and teen girls don't need to dress that way every day to affirm their femininity. Our whole identity isn't based on sex.
Also, get out of here with that ageist, sexist crap about having to be a teen to wear (seemingly) fashionable clothes or a crop top.
He is probably a MGTOW and probably believes that women 'hit the wall' after college and all transform into sexless hags who wear nothing but midi/maxi skirts, Argyle sweaters and scratchy blazers.
It's interesting how all these AGPs have such misogynist beliefs and all seem to come from MGTOW. There is definitely a pipeline.
No. 1038118
>>1038049straight men and straight women (not straight women claiming to be lesbians) seem to get the least smoke from TRA/trans women.
>>1038098I think HSTS are around women more and pay more attention to women's styles and bodies to mimic it, while transbiens are just straight dudes who don't pay attention to women's style and only care about our bodies sexually
HSTS seem to go by the trends women go by, they pay attention to women for skin waking, while transbiens don't do that (and when they do it's always sexual, badly done and creepy).
Straight men don't care about female fashion, but gay men can/do.
Gay men are usually friends with women more so than straight men (transbiens).
No. 1038121
File: 1600028921750.png (56.35 KB, 394x164, Capture.PNG)

had this saved to post here, it makes zero sense.
No. 1038134
>>1038125>>1038126Racism imo. I know why trans women bring up black women in this argument because they think we are masculine and act like men. I think they are going by the oppression chart and black people are at the bottom.
So in their mind whenever they want to describe how horrible they are being treated they bring up black people.
It feels like they are pushing for transphobia to be treated as seriously as racism is and the only way to do that is to say connect the two. Like how they now claim biological sex is white supremacy.
However, I don't know fully what this person is trying to say about black men, i know why they say it about black women, but I'm sure it's just as racist and fucked up.
No. 1038148
File: 1600032377448.jpg (47.13 KB, 460x670, incel tranny pipeline tumblr_5…)

>>1038145>Are these troons actually being racist in their attempts to be more progressive and inclusive?Yes. This is a consistent thing with them, and everyone's expected to just pretend they don't see.
No. 1038151
File: 1600032673131.png (37.55 KB, 528x459, hhhhhh.PNG)

I have a few tweets from some of the shit Trans women and their "Allies" say about black women.
No. 1038159
>>1038151I've seriously had it with these femcels using "we" and thinking if they support white men in dresses hard enough, maybe one day they too will have enough clout to try and force people to say they're pretty.
Like, that's not how it works at all, and the struggle of black women when it comes to western femininity (not femininity as a whole, by the way) isn't even slightly similar to a literal man trying to browbeat everyone into calling him a cute uwu teen girl. Stop dragging yourself, or at least keep this pathetic self-hating shit to you and you alone. Say "
I don't meet the marks of femininity", "
I am literally the same as a man" and call it a fucking day.
No. 1038162
File: 1600033588092.png (187.61 KB, 476x529, pp.PNG)

Here's another person, there first thought when they saw the story about trump is "black cis women can look like men as well!"
If the first thing that comes to your mind is "black cis women" when you see a article on how to spot a troon, that means you think black cis women look like trans women or can be mistaken for one.
what does that mean?
No. 1038166
>>1038157yeah this is the new trend
that white people created the binary and colonialism erased QUEERISM because there was shit like 2 spirit & stuff before. but every third gender thing i've ever read was basically that homosexual men were not seen as men
and that white people created gender roles also
No. 1038167
File: 1600033808910.png (33.03 KB, 493x470, lld.PNG)

>>1038162The points not "racists think black women looks like men" it's that these troons first thought it, 'Black women are going to experience transphobia because they look like transwomen"
We all know what they mean.
No. 1038179
>>1038167here's the same troon who made a thread with 90% brown/dark skinned Black women saying that these women experienced "transphobia" because they are called men.
Notice how most of them are black, most of them are called men as an INSULT not because people think they are men. It's racism (in some cases) and people just being assholes because calling a woman a man isn't transphobia if they are NOT a transwomen/man.
This post got a lot of attention. and this does not come off as them defending women from "transphobia" it comes off as them upset that Cis women (esp. black women) don't think they look like transwomen who can be "clocked".
These people weren't clocked and a lot of these people on the list feels like people he thinks people "clocked" because he feels they look like transwomen.
No. 1038180
File: 1600034824803.png (24.79 KB, 469x223, jfjfj.PNG)

No. 1038183
>>1038179I've seen this one before. He seriously expects people to believe he's on the same level as Toni Braxton, Tyra Banks and Ciara (and that they're the same as him). I have to laugh.
I saw one post that was like "If black women "face transphobia", can we have access to the grants and other benefits trans people get?" and he wouldn't reply, kek.
No. 1038198
File: 1600036953377.jpeg (13.73 KB, 261x169, 7F2FD539-C894-45A8-A625-267258…)

>>1038180Like… being called a man when you’re a woman because you somehow look like a man? But how is that transphobia? Shouldn’t a woman have to identify as trans to be considered trans?
No. 1038204
>>1038180Cis women ARE immune from being clocked, and are incapable of receiving transphobia because they are not trans. Just because you say some shit on Twitter authoritatively doesn't make it magically true.
When people call natal women men, or say they look like a man, or suggest they have dicks, it is an insult, but not transphobia because they're not trans. No one is getting "clocked" because its just a tired old insult used on women with certain features, styles or attitudes.
Anons who've never heard this about black women before, just try and remember the nasty accusations about Michelle Obama having a dick. Black women do seem to get this specific "you look like a man" insult more frequently than white women do, just anecdotally. Racist yes, but not "transphobic". Compiling a list of insults towards famous black women and this guy's first thought is "will someone PLEASE think of the trannies this will impact!"
No. 1038222
>>1038137>>1038145Not op, but I've def seen racism of the "black women are masculine" stripe. I'm American for reference, and I saw a lot of "Michelle Obama is a tranny!!!" stuff back in the day, and general stuff about black women having more "masculine features." I'm not black, but I come from a pretty shit hick family and it's definitely something I heard in my house. It's also definitely been a thing on male-dominated chanboards and shit for years, especially places where men get really categorizing women like pokemon, a la "uwu slav/nordic/insert white ethnic group here women are perfect feminine waifus, black women are mannish last place" or w/e. With like, charts and shit.
I think TRAs
think they're arguing that like, black women historically weren't considered to be real women like white women in the US b/c pure ladylike womanhood was something only (rich) white women could achieve, but they trip over their own feet by completely bungling the fact that black women were also simultaneously being exploited as female (breeding slaves, being used for really awful gynecological experiments, etc) in ways no mtf could ever suffer.
No. 1038231
>>1038207*developed in conception
Fixed that for them
No. 1038461
File: 1600089062891.jpg (141.3 KB, 1024x768, south-park-strong-woman-compet…)

>>1037045to be completely honest, as cringe as south park often is, they've made some incredible observations on society that were far ahead of their time. i appreciate their unapologetic takes even if i don't always agree with them. the TRA shit, though, they've got down.
No. 1038475
>>1038148Seriously, this is 100% how it went down. Both troonery and right wing sperging is influenced by a dangerous blend of both male insecurity and entitlement.
>>1038461They were too polite about this issue imo. Watched the episode and it was honestly pretty tame in terms of actual commentary. They definitely hammered the message in but it wasn't as snarky, unapologetic and on point as the Mrs. Garrison one from 15 years ago. That one spared no punches.
No. 1038502
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>>1038207Well, they talk about owning everything else we have, too. Although I think it’s funny he says “we will use your estrogen”. Dude, unless you’re siphoning it from women, you’re taking pills made from horse piss. Get over yourself.
No. 1038564
>>1038502>Patriarchy is slowly accepting us!So, like, does he want to keep and uphold patriarchy? Is that what he's saying? I know the answer already, but it's good when they're brazen.
>Men prefer us over stupid radical feminists!!Oh, so it really was all about getting sex? Thank you, please admit this more often so we're all on the same page next time you dumbasses try to chime in on women's issues and feminist discussions in general. Kindly keep your weird bimbo transformation fetish to yourselves and the bisexual men you're fucking. Go make the okama island from One Piece IRL if you want. Just quit trying to loop everyone else into your bullshit and presenting yourselves as the ultimate oppressed group. It's ugly and shitty.
I know there's trannies who frequent these threads to seethe, too.
No. 1038644
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>>1038565It's not even a functional hole? It's like a woman going to a ballsack doctor with a groin lump.
I wanna read troon experiences at the gyno, tf would they even do there, a pap smear? No. 1038661
>>1038567Idk about that but I know that for them "terf"=feminazi. If you look at reddit for example, they use trannies as a tool against women.
No. 1038673
File: 1600108604471.png (21.37 KB, 612x250, KEKK.PNG)

>Book is about murderous cis man who dresses as a woman to kill his victims
>Trans community immediately assumes it's about them
No. 1038682
>>1038673Guess they've never seen Silence of the Lambs or missed the CIS MAN part. They tell on themselves. Who's unhinged?
Based JK Rowling, I forgive you for the insufferable fandom you've created for making trannies so mad kek.
No. 1038687
>>1038502>>1038518This. Holy shit, they just don't bother hiding it anymore. This guy is basically saying "The patriarchy you stupid feminists are fighting for is replacing you with men" and getting congratulated for it.
>Literally every man I know would take a trans woman any day over a stupid radical feminist.Yes. We know misogynistic chasers love troons. We don't care. These people are using the "w-we're just better at being women than you ugly lesbos" cope like it mattered because all their coomer brains can think of is sex appeal.
>>1038673absolute madwoman, no brakes on the JK train. bless her
No. 1038736
>>1038673She says "cis man", and they still identify. What happened to being a woman on the inside?
God, this is great.
>>1038682Men can do whatever they want, women can't.
No. 1038896
File: 1600125197701.png (416.71 KB, 498x1187, b.png)

And then they were suspended.
No. 1038923
>This woman is unhinged!Also TRAs:
>>1038896>>1038913Not just that. She didn’t include trans men, “nonbinary” or men that stuff capsules of tomato juice up their ass. Horrifically, the vast majority of people that attacked this poor girl are women themselves. All K-POP fans and mostly identifying as nonbinary. Obligatory BLM in their profile. These women are all fucking clones. Why is the combination of K-POP stan and genderspecial so prevalent? Oddly enough, I saw some actual trans men actually call people out for overreacting. Nonbinary assholes are the worst of them all.
No. 1038926
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>>1038673>>1038682to be fair troons are probably mad because buffalo bill and all those serial killers who dress up as women are AGPs. so many AGPs are violently deranged and anyone who'd get up in arms about this probably feels like they're being called out.
No. 1038937
>>1038933TBH I wonder how many are normal people who just cross dress and use she/her pronouns in real life, who go online and act a fucking fool. Shit everyone does it, I wonder if the people who do know how bad they make it for people like them who don't do that shit?
It's like those friends who are one way in real life and another way when you follow them on social media.
Sidenote- People made at JKR are just transphobic, acording to the trans women aren't men cross dressing they are women, so why get upset about a cross dressing character?
It also shows their hate for men who wear women's clothing (Like Jeffree/James charles) who don't think they are a woman because of it.
It's why so many of them get upset about femboys and shit. I guess the truth hurts.
No. 1038976
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^Never too early to enforce gender stereotypes on a gender non-conforming toddler and prepare them for a lifetime of medical dependence! This is the same mtf artist that cries that gender ultrasounds and gendering babies at all is wrong. So how would one validate a child’s gender in the first place?
>>1038930>>1038939One of my mtf friends was this way but she was stealth for a very long time and socialized predominantly with women and quiet nerdy guys. Like there was literally nothing weird about her and she was very mature about things. But after she came out publicly, she suddenly attracted a huge amount of gender queer people that wanted to network with her and she was so eager to befriend people like her. Over the years, the kink and TRA anime memes start showing up on her posts and less of her genuine interests. She also became more depressed and her health issues are a dominant topic. I think the “community” ruins people more than their initial illness. You notice the “normal trans” always try to stay away from the online trans community.
(Blogging) No. 1039041
>>1038896It doesn't even make sense because they could've just said "see I was talking specifically about GIRLS who get PERIODS, not agender nonbinary transwomen transmen who get periods" and it would've been
valid even by their retarded narrative.
>>1038929Basically this. They've conditioned gullible nonbinarytransmenwhatever i.e. biological women to be their pawns and attack whenever they see ma'ams being excluded. They're
always super defensive when it comes to transwomen and it just feels like a different flavour of pickmeism instead of genuine worry for the troon's feelings.
No. 1039064
>>1039008Right? I have a MtF friend, too, and she isn't like these mofos at all.
We could all just chill, but the jealousy and aggressiveness of these Twitter troons makes it kinda impossible.
No. 1039066
>>1039064>>1038976>>1038939>>1038930Can you all stop blogging about your ~trutrans~ TiM friends? Your friends are still men and they’re no more
valid than people like Jonathan Yaniv.
No. 1039102
>>1038976I hate this comic for many reasons.
The thing with early transitioning is really bad. For example: if you transition too early it can really damage your bone structure etc. and your body has to develop fully at first. Second of all, I thought early back then I was a boy but I was just tired of sexist guys that always thought I was weak, so overthinking things more properly is also good so you to don’t de-transit ASAP again. It’s for their safety and the safety for docs who try to help them. It comes all with a longterm cost.
>sage for bad english. No. 1039118
>>1039066"friends" these are troons self-posting about how they are good troons and totally not like other troons. Just like how fatties are the biggest fat-haters on the internet, but it's ok for them to hate on other fatties cause they are "good fatties" who are "trying to lose weight".
Men gotta invade all of our spaces, of course they are on here as well. I'm sure some are even mods.
No. 1039124
really love to downplay the effects of HRT and surgeries to begin with, especially when it comes to kids. They believe that if they just had the chance to eat horse pills and get surgeries at 10 they would be fully indistinguishable from a cis woman with no side effects.
It's funny how pre-2016 all the studies are saying that HRT shortens your lifespan and causes severe side effects and shouldn't be prescribed for too long seeing how it fucks up your body irreversibly, causes cancer, strokes and osteoporosis etc. but suddenly after the tranny trend started going in full swing it's seen as super safe and healthy with absolutely no side effects whatsoever. Even now HRT for women with hormonal issues (like premature menopause) is strictly regulated and studies are finding more and more evidence of how bad it is for you, but with HRT for troons it's just slam bam thank you ma'am, here are your titty skittles and there's your testo juice sir, no questions asked.
>>1039118Stop your retarded sperging, jesus christ. You sound like a shitty low-grade bait for infighting.
No. 1039167
File: 1600176026294.png (773.54 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200915-094736.png)

Can you believe this guy is actually only 24?
No. 1039168
>>1039157Ugly fake "women" sure, whatever you want to call yourself if words don't matter.
>>1039167That's a trailer park granny of 55.
No. 1039169
File: 1600176331506.jpg (124.05 KB, 1080x330, SmartSelect_20200915-092447_Ch…)

Honestly glad this fetishist is acknowledging being a fetishist. "big bouncing tits" because that's what makes you a woman.
No. 1039184
>>1039178Because they know they're not kek.
On a serious note, it's because they "know" aka have decided that Rowling is transphobic and think that this is her way of coding transphobia into her writing. They think she views trans people as cis men in dresses/mtf as dressing up as women to encroach into women's spaces to hurt them. They view her writing as perpetuating that narrative which hurts mtfs and put them in harms way.
Ya know. As they threaten her and use #RIPJKRowling, derail conversations about real women's issues, fetishize our bodies and menstrual cycles, etc. Insanity and male entitlement tbh.
No. 1039221
>>1039103All creepy AGPs I’ve met (and even some creepy female enbies) made a big point of being “reasonable” and “not like
those trans people on the internet”. They’re not stupid, they know that if they come in swinging with the fetishism and misogyny on full display they won’t get the kind of access they want. Some start pushing boundaries as soon as they feel slightly comfortable, others are more careful. In one case the guy spent years ingratiating himself with the group and had made many friends who’d proudly point to him as One Of The Good Ones. I even thought he was a mostly harmless HSTS. Then we found his secret second Pinterest account which was full of sissification, bimbofication and other AGP fetish content, including stuff that was eerily similar to interactions he’d had with girls and women in the group going back several years.
Trans ideology is inherently misogynistic. I don’t trust any of these fuckers.
No. 1039264
File: 1600188090910.jpeg (162.71 KB, 750x491, 2817D5B5-0A45-4E8E-8A67-0F6E55…)

A very “glamorous” trans woman posted this to her timeline. The lack of empathy is honestly astounding.
No. 1039290
>>1039264If he was a real woman a man would have told 'her' to shut the fuck up and stop whining by now.
This arrogant 'cis women have it so easy' is laughable. What a dumb fuck
No. 1039293
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>>1039103Similar experience here, I had a friend who came out as a trans woman and seemed normal, but then of course I find his tumblr blog and it’s weird catgirl thighhigh type shit. I do think there are “normal” trans women though (the non-transbians). Anyway anarchist-housewife somehow got fatter
No. 1039331
>>1038995lbr those stories from troon twitter are as about as real as their menstrual cycles
>>1039070I've noticed how those who are quiet and lowkey are that for a reason. They'll get torn apart too by this cult for not being as aggressive about anything. It's so radicalized by agps at this point
>>1039124Expect a huge uproar and issues in the future from these people if they live long enough. When you read about life expectancies, transwomen are cut in half. Some say only 35 ys, many of them don't make to 50 while women live well into their 80s,90s,100s. But that shit isn't brought up with concern. It's transphobic to mention anything negative about transitioning. There's something sinister definitely going on. Like how there's few studies already published describing a strong correlation between people on the autism spectrum and those who are trans
No. 1039538
>>1039264Oh yeah, I forgot all those fucking years men catcall me, don’t take me seriously, follow me home, etc.
Being a women sure is easy!
No. 1039599
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>>1039295They love to say that they have "cute designer pussies". "Teehee even gynos can't tell I'm not a cissy!" "I'm tighter and wetter than your roast beef!" They say it so much that I got curious… I googled pictures of neovaginas.
Fucking disgusting.
Whenever I saw some that look real they
always belonged to real women with MRKH syndrome- a biological female with an underdeveloped vagina. Nice cope tho boys.
No. 1039603
>>1039599Man that hole is just…in the wrong place…I wish I hadn’t seen that :((
How do these ppl say that “lesbians can’t tell the difference”??
No. 1039621
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>>1039599You can tell where the ballskin is and wtf.. is that hole supposed to be the vagina canal part?
I bet you lesbians will totes like you if you cut your duck off and replace it with.. that kek
No. 1039639
>>1039628I always imagine them smelling like my friend's stretched ear piercings when he took the plugs out to wash them.
I was googling a long-dead grunge singer earlier to find a specific picture and found a tranny pic in the bunch, leading me to this delight: for "Sarah", it's gonna takes more than professional lighting for her to look womanly.
No. 1039641
>>1039603They don't, and trans lesbians don't count.
They do like to say that gynaecologists can't tell the difference, and on that I call bullshit.
No. 1039657
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>>1039644>>1039644I think it's both. Those who are not doomed to shitty balding genes usually fuck up their hair by not taking care of it.
No. 1039696
File: 1600238504813.jpg (Spoiler Image,80.78 KB, 1000x665, AP_18118266119042-1000x665.jpg)

>>1039684excuse you
(spoiler because i love him and his picture does not deserve to be here)
No. 1039699
File: 1600238833042.png (Spoiler Image,1.01 MB, 1303x637, moobies.png)

They just have fat guy moobs, and are on the smaller side anyways.
No. 1039704
>>1039124let em do it, it's sad that people especially kids have to suffer because retarded adults, but at this point people WILL be made a example of by choice and grooming, except instead of people pointing and going,"See? Look at I am Jazz? This is what happens"
It's phrased as, "See? This is the price brave and stunning trans children have to pay to be themselves it's worth it in the end", I won't be surprised if they blame "cis" people when this all comes crashing down.
"If cis women understood transwomen are women then trans women wouldn't feel pressured to take hormones and trans children wouldn't want to "block" puberty in order to pass as female/male"
The amount of troons I see whining about how they'd magically look female had they "Stopped" puberty proves this, so imagine parents/childern looking up these trans folks who are men in wigs going,"I don't want my child to look like that!"and they don't even care about the risks.
People judge adults for getting work done, but have no issues with childern fucking with their bodies permanently in some cases to look less like a male.
No. 1039709
>>1036859>>1036863Ovary envy sounds better and is more accurate even though only god knows WHY men get degenerate enough to fetishize pms.
MTFs really need to catch the memo that the more they fetishize periods, the more cis they make themselves appear to be.
No. 1039710
>>1039621it's funny that the same feminist who hate when women do this kind of thing, you know pitting women up agaisnt eachother and "Shaming female bodies" have NO issue when transwomen do this.
The amount of "feminist" I've seen praising and retweeting tranny fantises of being better then cis women is crazy. Yet they'd lose their shit if Kylie Jenner posts a picture of her photoshopped and worked on body, screaming how it harms young women.
But trannies saying untrue retarded shit like this putting ACTUAL female bodies down is okay.
No. 1039716
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>>1039699Dat autism stare, every single time, it looks likes they are all coming out of a factory at this point.
>>1039704Look at Kim Petras, he is shilled as a successful trans kid story, but his pics are shopped to hell, but you can't fool anybody, and the older he'll get, his male features will get more prominent. He is basically a castrato of the modern age, and people are celebrating it like it's a good thing, it's depressing.
No. 1039720
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>>1039716I remember when he did the TV circuit in the UK when he was like 15.It' funny because TRAs claim "bad photo" but literally every performance he does in the light he looks like a bloated corpse in a cheap wig.
Worth pointing out he works with Kesha's rapist and defended him on social media.
No. 1039722
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>>1039721i'm laughing so hard
No. 1039723
>>1039704>"If cis women understood transwomen are women then trans women wouldn't feel pressured to take hormones and trans children wouldn't want to "block" puberty in order to pass as female/male"This is absolutely, 100% going to happen. Cap this post for 2030. When the big trans scam pseudoscience gets outed for what it is they'll blame it on women either because it was the Blue Haired Feminist shoehorning the medicalizing of young people or because they were so "small minded" people had to have medical intervention to alter their appearance.
>imagine parents/childern looking up these trans folks who are men in wigs going,"I don't want my child to look like that!"and they don't even care about the risks.I remember reading some trans kid's parent's blog and she went on about this all the time. She had a young son that she started raising as a girl and she kept on freaking out about him growing hair and his voice breaking and was hellbent on getting him on blockers and hormones as soon as possible to the point she's currently looking into options to move abroad to a country with lesser regulation on putting kids on HRT. The balding men in dresses definitely give these people a good scare and that's exactly what they want. They know they look hideous and they use that to push parents into submission. I don't know if it's grooming by proxy or projection but either way it's just all sorts of awful.
>>1039707The amount of times I've heard the "cis women have it so much better because they're not oppressed" come from troons is staggering. They literally think "transmisogyny" is a thing and that it's much worse than what any cis women could ever experience. Yeah I'm sorry a cash register worker called your hulking 6 feet bearded ass "sir" but I'm pretty sure you still have it made compared to a lot of vagina havers.
No. 1039734
>>1039729Someone flipped out and had a full peak trans meltdown because she couldn't talk about PCOS anymore as it was ~
triggering~ the troons too much and you even had trans women posting there despite, you know, not having ovaries, making it probably some sick fetish thing for them. Reddit then kicked out female mods and replaced them with trannies and banned a bunch of female-centric and GC related subs.
No. 1039750
File: 1600253166565.jpg (42.41 KB, 470x596, cringe.jpg)

Found a highly weeaboo MtF on Facebook called Arisa Miyako with a very public profile and page. Goes out dressed in public like pic related.
No. 1039786
>>1039716>>1039720I think Petras is probably the only convincing tranny I have ever seen. Those pictures are pretty bad but he doesn't look any worse than Iggy Azalea or Kesha when they go on stage.
I think it's mostly the early puberty blockers and the chubby face that makes him look like a girl and also the voice is very convincing. Nicki Tutorials also is very convincing with his voice (but IRL probably doesnt pass cause he's huge).
Those are like 1 in a Million tho. I think early puberty blockers help, but in the end they still grow up to be men… cause they are men.
No. 1039794
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This seems to be mostly about fakebois REEEEEEEEing, because the autogynephile men probably just pretend they are women and therefor are not offended when someone assumes someone with PCOS is a woman.
But holy shit. I mean, you are basically giving yourself PCOS and all the symptoms by going on T, do you really need a place to whine about the consequences of your actions?
No. 1039820
>>1039750Why do they all always look the same.
Always a short skirt with overknees + those arm sleeves and some furry shit thrown on them like collars, tails and ears. Come up with something new you guys. I seriously can‘t accept them, the way how they don‘t act and look more like normal woman
No. 1039875
>>1039857Well he said the white flesh at the 9:30 position of his "vagina" so… The cresent shaped dark void is where the fuck hole is (
No. 1039951
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>>1039750They're all like this
No. 1039956
>>10396211) Using "heated leather interior" to describe genitalia is some serial killer shit.
2) All orifices are going to be heated because they're inside the body, unless you're fucking a corpse. OP should've made his cringy comparison to cup-holders or something.
No. 1039966
>>1039923I completely agree, anon.
>>1039723The peak trans stories on r/GC were always horrific and relatable. So sad they got so many wonderful spaces banned. It all started with neovaginaldiasters. I really liked when actual obgyn doctors gave input. They got banned and their website gets flooded with troon comments now. It's all so fucking ridiculous. When I see tampon/pad commercials for brands that didn't sell out like Always or women's deodorant ads I'm always shocked that their language's still geared towards actual females. Always wonder if they'll be the last time I see it before it's yanked and made inclusive. What a world we live in.
Women are still murdered worldwide in droves but let's continue to cater to the men and make their problems somehow worse and more serious.
No. 1039975
File: 1600284061792.png (1.53 MB, 1040x1050, lollll.png)

saw this troon post in a facebook hugbox group. the caption made me laugh, because growing up as a girl is just doing our hair, nails and makeup right?
No. 1039985
>>1039794I was there when it started. This whole shitstorm was because some poor woman was venting about how unfair it is that trans women go on hrt and look feminine while women with pcos don't have this option and there is no research being done about it.
This was deemed transphobic and she had to delete the post, people got mad ofc and then trans men and nb started to pop out and say the whole sub was transphobic. The result was this, you can't say women anymore, new users can't post, and there are trans mods without pcos recommended by reddit admins running things.
It's super sad, the sub used to be so active and supporting. There isn't another place like it.
No. 1039986
>>1039847oof most subs dedicated to women's health are now in the hands of tras who believe that being a woman isnt inclusive.
Endo, pcos and even detrans were all knocked out but only endo and pcos were allowed to stay up because they changed their mods to be tras. Truepcos was made but deleted a while later. /r/pregnancy is gone for good. Fucking
pregnancy because agps couldn't infiltrate it. Noone had a problem with that sub but them
No. 1039993
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>>1039951Damn, so like us, right girls? Don't we all eBay "sissy" clothing to wear in public as we glide around town in our cute pink scooters, fearless about being heckled, catcalled, or raped!?
It's not a fetish, it's an identity. This is a woman and us stupid cunts better just get used to it.
No. 1039996
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>>1039993His fucking belly omg
No. 1040008
File: 1600288612751.jpg (71.79 KB, 950x980, 3672c2299e7a131d46073397fce8b9…)

>>1039716i think we're picking the wrong enemy here, i don't mind gay ass boys who transition very early in their lives, pass well and have the ability to shut the fuck up about being trans and having a neovag. they know what it feels like to be discriminated against, that's why they want to pass as a woman as good as possible - agp's WANT to be discriminated against and think being a woman is getting catcalled and acting like some uwu dumb bimbo fuckdoll. for someone like kim petras or nikkietutorials it's what they truly feel like since their birth and i don't think they harm women in general. agp's do so actively with their fantasies of killing cis women or breeding them and reducing womanhood to wearing cat ears and getting fake tits. there's a huge difference between autistic transbian troons and ACTUAL mtfs who try to pass and if they hadn't transitioned, they'd be very feminine twinks
No. 1040010
>>1039975These dumbfucks really thinking that every woman learns "girl stuff" automatically is what gets me every time. How does he explain all the male teenage "makeup gurus" and hair stylists? I didn't start using makeup until I was around 18 and I still barely know how to style my hair 10 years later because I'm not interested in that stuff. Plenty of women share my experience.
>>1040008Except Kim Petras is a huge activist for early transitioning and transing kids. Nikkietutorials I can give a pass because she seems like a chill person and even hid the fact that she was trans until she was blackmailed to out herself but Kim Petras - nah.
No. 1040019
>>1040008I mind it because they are ruining their body and recruiting other gay men who think they are a woman because "x, y and z".
This shit spreads, they don't just be trans women, nope, they promote this shit as 100% safe and we don't even fucking know if this shit is safe to begin with.
Trans shit always harms women, sure there are cool troons but it's harmful to women and childern. HSTS can be just as fucked in the head as AGP Transbiens.
Actual MTFs, whatever that is, do the same thing AGP's do.
We have AGP's cutting their dicks off just like the 'Actual" transwomen do.
They both do the same shit. Kim/Nikki are more dangerous then non-passing troons because they make people think that "stopping' puberty is 100% safe and has great results.
Gay boys, Lesbians and Tom Girls shouldn't be ruining their bodies permanently just because as children they decide that they are women or man. Parents shouldn't risk their child's health & mental health for them to
maybe pass and look less male as adults. Then they STILL are not the gender they want to be, because once they come out trans, thats how people will see them.
AGP's and HSTS do the same shit, HSTS just sometimes look better doing it.
It's harmful.
No. 1040021
File: 1600290486568.jpeg (84.64 KB, 1280x720, dogfecker.jpeg)

>>1039750why does he look like yms
No. 1040030
>>1040008That's absolutely disgusting. "I told her it's transphobic not to date me", "she's still a
valid lesbian" "I've always been in love with her". Just wow. congratulations dude you blackmailed your lesbian best friend into dating you because you have a sick fascination with her and always have. Wow.
No. 1040033
>>1040021Kek hilarious considering Adum is a gay furry. At least he’s stopped there so far.
>>1040028Stop sperging already.
No. 1040036
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>>1040021kek this one looks a bit more inbred though
No. 1040039
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>>1040036A sample of cringe on his Facebook page. This is how women act right?
No. 1040042
File: 1600292975787.png (27.93 KB, 906x410, ggg.PNG)

a bunch of angry troons in the comments of r/games, I bet you 50% of the people whining about JK aren't even interested in the game.
They are just coming to make sure people remember JK is a huge terf.
and supposedly the devs have said JK has nothing to do with the game because they don't support her views, yet troons are still salty.
No. 1040046
>>1040036Oh my god I can feel the grease coming through the screen. Why would
anyone take a photo when their hair is so disgusting?
No. 1040049
>>1040042I think I saw someone else mention this but always gotta love how they were supportive as hell and calling her super progressive for having Dumbledore be gay and implying Hermione could just as well be black but the moment she dares to imply that women face sex based oppression which is why sex shouldn't be erased because it'd erase the oppression women have to suffer through she gets cancelled right there and then and crowned the unholy queen of White Karens writing racist stereotypes and
problematic white supremacy story lines. Shows how much Twitter wokeys actually care about gay people and black women and who were the ones pulling the strings I guess.
No. 1040058
File: 1600294190130.png (83.84 KB, 500x379, kfkf.PNG)

>>1040049picture unrelated and they keep lying about what her book is about. I heard the guy dressed up ONCE as a woman.
Thats it.
To them they feel like they are cis men out to get women, so thats why they are offended.
People are mad at her for some shit thats not even in the book. I'm seeing people going, "I hope JK doesn't affect the game sales"
Nope. At best, it'd fuck up every single stream and comment section about the game, but other then that? People don't care.
No. 1040085
>>1040058Poor dog… She will likely be given away to a shelter because she no longer 'validates' the delusion of her masters.
In this insanity, it's good to know the dogs are alright.
No. 1040107
>>1039847It's literally not meant to be inclusive lmao
>>1040058What has he been doing to that (transphobic) dog?
No. 1040120
>>1040066Looks like there is still babybumps, and funny story, they use FTM to stand for First Time Mom and it makes for some confusing posts!
It really is unbelievable how they run women out of all of our spaces. Do any FtMs give a shit about being able to join testicular cancer subreddits, or insist on getting their prostates examined at the doctor?
No. 1040122
>>1039985But the contraceptive pill and other hormonal drugs are used as treatments for PCOS, surely? I mean just from a quick look on an information website.
>>1040004Probably explained it as stress eating while having PMS just like a laydeee does
>>1040008This grosses me out. It's the evil twin of the already-grim "well try sex with me, a man, and see if you're still a lesbian". Sounds like he became a "lesbian" in order to get the girl he wanted.
>>1040031I've seen examples in the Fakeboi thread here. It usually ends in the fakeboi getting zero interest from cis gay men and feeling hate crimed.
>>1040107Probably nothing. Many adopted dogs have fears of men due to previous abuse or violence in homes where they lived. Some dislike women for the same reason, or children.
No. 1040173
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No. 1040188
>>1040122Birth control is prescribed to regulate periods and try to keep hormone levels in the normal range, along with metformin and spiro. But none of these have a feminizing effect like they do for trans women and getting a doctor who takes PCOS seriously beyond birth control is a fucken nightmare, on top of little research being done about it despite being a really common condition.
I had seen the sentiment in that sub before that doctors and researchers are focusing on trans issues more than women with PCOS or menopause and womens health issues in general. For example lots of women on the sub wanted to get sterilized to help their pain but no doctor would do it no matter what, while trans men got theirs after counseling and a waiting period, trans women being taken seriously about their appearance concerns while women having a masculine appearance due to PCOS who want treatment for that being ignored, this sort of thing.
No. 1040241
>>1040173It really shows how much they don't know about female socialization as they constantly think women are just as confrontational as men and if they had a problem they would start screaming and slapping away. Not, you know, be awkward and silent because they don't know if this he-ma'am would beat them up if they told him this is the women's bathroom and that he needs to leave. Actually scratch that, it feels more like they're well aware of it but get kicks out of making women uncomfortable. Especially because he just kept pressing it with the "OH YEAH AND IT WAS A HUGE FUCKING DUMP, WHACHU GONNA DO ABOUT THAT TERFS HUH??? SOILED YOUR BATHROOM DIDN'T I???" gloating.
>>1040188It's really strange how different standards apply to treating female illnesses and straight out castrating troons and stuffing them full of hormones. I absolutely get that women shouldn't be sterilized or given a hysterectomy until as the last resort because the possible premature menopause and other effects it will have will make things even worse, which makes it even weirder that being trans grants you all sorts of irreversible, butchering surgeries in less than 6 months.
>trans women being taken seriously about their appearance concerns while women having a masculine appearance due to PCOS who want treatment for that being ignoredImagine claiming your ~gender identity~ is so strong you absolutely need to get your dick inverted and eat horse pills but it all breaks down if everyone isn't repeatedly telling you what a strong, beautiful better than womb carrying woman you are.
No. 1040242
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Growing up female? Fascist. Talking about your first period? Fascist. Acknowledging and even resenting female socialization? Fascist.
TIMs are so obsessively jealous of females they will find a way to silence women on anything they want by calling it oppressive. It's all jealousy. No. 1040279
>>1040242At this point I'm just convinced that the majority of troons suffer from narcissistic personality disorder. Talking about an experience that you, personally, don't find relatable is fascism?
God I fucking hate trannies
No. 1040297
>>1040241It really is a double standard because sterilization by tying tubes has almost no side effects, it's the equivalent to a vasectomy and it can reduce the risk of cancer with certain methods but cis women go through hell to get it even when they already have kids or are almost on menopause, while trans can get on hormones right away and get their much more invasive and less urgent/useful surgeries within a year or so, less if they have money, but you can't even talk about it lol. On the stupid questions reddit a woman questioned why it's easier for trans to get the care they want and be protected by law to do so but women are constantly denied and the comments were full of people saying she was transphobic and trying to take trans peoples rights away instead or yknow trying to add to womens rights.
It's like a zero sum game to them, like the MTFs bullying female genital mutilation activists and opposing laws that would protect girls from being mutilated. You have to try hard to not be a TERF these days with the way these people act and how they are harming us.
No. 1040385
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I had this saved, so might as well post it here: these are the representatives of the working group for lesbian politics of the German green party.
No. 1040457
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I feel like this is getting redundant but
No. 1040465
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dropped my picture
No. 1040470
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>>1040008if that were the case we would have seen a huge rift forming between the nikita draguns and the jonathan yanivs, but it's not happening because they share the same goal of silencing and replacing women. also, both groups act like uwu bimbo fuckdolls, they just choose between anime catgirl or insta drag thot
No. 1040478
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>>1040465I follow this one, If you don't read their bio it's exactly like the twitter of any libertarian incel lmao, whining about misandry and defending lolicon included
Also defends actual conversion therapy! a real treat if you want to lose faith in the LGBT movement even more.
No. 1040480
>>1040465I saw this post on GC and it came off like it
>>1040457was written by a troon, most women know that most men on reddit are porn addicted troon chasers.
>>1040457"What trans people experience almost constantly"
You mean what EVERYONE experiences, rejection? Funny thing is if this was a guy without eyelashes who didn't think they were a woman, people would call them an incel for making a video like this all because he was rejected in a nice polite fashion.
No. 1040485
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>>1040477>he could be a cute twinkdoubt.
No. 1040494
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He is very delusional about his voice btw, here is an example of his voice: like he inhaled some helium
No. 1040501
>>1040464They want troons because they hate women, and like I said before, a lot of these types think they have a chance with a "10/10" troon before they have a chance with a actual woman of any "ranking".
Notice how alt-righters like this have very high standards for women and any attractive woman on their side they simp and want to kill when they step out of line.
Thats why they love Blaire, they think they have a chance with Blaire because he's a troon who has lower standards then evil women, who don't want the alt-right chads.
No. 1040503
>>1040497It's just hilariously hypocritical cause they all LARP as trad and think you should have 10 children with a WHUITE woman and that homosexuals and trannies are mentally ill. But show them one tranny with a swastika tattoo on their butt and they wanna get all up in there. Even the ones who are not incels, it's just their fetish.
Lilith Lovett used to flirt with ArmoredSkeptic on twitter and he was dating Shoe at the time.
No. 1040512
>>1040465Why would "progressive" men be so ashamed of calling themselves bisexual or gay because they like preop transwomen with dicks? Is this some kind of nonsensical virtue signaling? Is this homophobia?
Oh, and it's so funny when those faggots in denial get pissy when you tell them that males choking on feminine penis isn't peak heterosexuality.
No. 1040516
File: 1600368691325.webm (729.19 KB, 1920x1080, lillith_lovett.webm)
Lillith's girly voice
No. 1040522
>>1040516he's not even an attractive troon, men have low standards for them but come back and make 20 posts about a curved door or fake tits on a actual woman.
Not that I want those men to want us, but it's funny how chasers/alt-right can be so hypercritical over women.
>>1040512They don't think they are gay because they think it's a fetish, so it's even more fucked up. They see transwomen as "dick girls" and a freaky way to get off. Not for them to date seriously.
Yet the troons fall over themselves thinking that these "Straight" men liking them proves something.
No. 1040524
>>1040503>But show them one tranny with a swastika tattoo on their butt and they wanna get all up in there.This actually gave me a good chuckle because it's way too true.
really love to shoehorn this "you know men find us more attractive don't you?????" cope. Also holy shit what is that voice, he literally sounds like a depressed cartoon character lmfao. It's even worse than Shmorky, my god I'm in tears. Every time I see a delusional tranny trying to shit talk women while looking and sounding like that I feel a lot more confident in my femininity. I could wear my dirty pajamas and bed hair with no makeup and I'd still be recognizable as an actual woman.
No. 1040531
>>1040524and the men who find them attractive are usually unattractive men anyway and they ONLY find them attractive. They don't want to do more then sex them but hey if it makes them feel good who am I to judge?
Let them live that fantasy.
No. 1040561
>>1040494>if there ever was a rare misdiagnoses Like teenagers don’t tell their parents they want to be rockstars, go to guitar classes for a year tops, and then never touch the expensive custom made electric guitar they got.
Really, I don’t get why they think a teen can suddenly consent to permanently change their body, I mean, anons, think about those cool ass tattoos you wanted as a teen, which are permanent, would you really want them now?
It’s kind of the same with the transition stuff, sure, it might sound cool to turn into some dream character you thought about, but it’s not the same, just as how the tattoo will stop being cool, funny or meaningful, the whole ass process of mutilating your body and going through even more violent than usual mood swings because of some horse piss pills will be horrifying.
These retards need to stop trying to convince kids and parents that transitioning is just the new solution to any problem in life, they sound so much like infomercials and old propaganda that it’s a bit scary and overall insane.
No. 1040562
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Troons have ruined Unique Vintage.
I'm extremely disappointed.
No. 1040570
>>1040562This is a money move, they know trans folxs will throw money at any fucking thing thats "trans rights". The "black trans women" they claim to care so much about are the ones who suffer the most from "transphobia" aka homophobia, because they are usually poor mentally ill gay men, from bad homes and/or in bad areas.
They don't give a fuck about Harry Potter, yet these other troons are acting like they are dying because they can't enjoy a fucking book and buy merch. It's almost as if 90% of troons are straight white males who are in a place to care about this shit, instead of people in danger 24/7 and use the actual issues of black gay men and homophobia towards them (just like they use racism in general) to guilt people into going with their bullshit.
There's people out here trying to survive fucking covid, and we have troons threatening a woman and claiming she's killing them over a few statements and a book they didn't even read and is not about them.
No. 1040587
>>1040562sage for sperg but UV's taste was getting shitty anyways. Their recent lines have been ugly.
I bet I know exactly the vintage community tranny who led this 'riot'
No. 1040588
>>1040464The name Lilith has a strong implication of feminism– in Jewish mythology she is Adam's first wife, before Eve, but she rejects him because she doesn't want her existence to be influenced by Adam (by being made from his rib or something like that, I don't know, I'm not Jewish). I think she then turns into the snake that tells Eve to eat from the Tree of Knowledge.
I hate they use that name because it's my pet snake's name too
No. 1040591
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>>1040527Damn anon you right, also thought they sounded like a drag version of Victoria Jackson.
No. 1040597
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>>1040531Exactly, don't troons realize we're okay with them scooping up all the chasers?
I do think there are a couple things at play with other heterosexual men who fantasize about MtFs. I think one is definitely prostate stimulation, a lot of men may be squeamish to ask about it or engage in it but it will happen with a troon, so they become intrigued. The other is being able to see more visual signs of arousal, one of the reasons 'squirting' became such a porno fantasy is because men fail to understand female stimulation since we don't have super visible physical changes. So there is a fantasy there of seeing a "woman" with obvious physical changes when she is horny. Then the other is the perception that the sex drive of a MtF will be like that of a man.
With these things in mind I can even see why a mostly straight man would be interesting in a MtF - but it'd be a unicorn. One who looked like a woman in every way except for a fully functional dick. Shit doesn't exist except in anime. Anyway, the incel to tranny pipeline rolls on. It's not a fetish, real women just wear fetish gear, right?
No. 1040602
>>1040597and at the end of the day they want troons because they are males with dicks and tits.
They don't want troons without the dick, It seems for straight claiming men it's a fetish more so then anything.
I notice how men who hide they are gay, usually have relationships deeper then sex with men, while "Straight" men who chase troons it's purely sexual.
Thats why i think some don't think they are anything but straight, because they know it's dick they are after, but in their head it's dick on a "Female" body and it's just sex based, it's not emotional.
No. 1040606
>>1040588Lilith was made from dirt same as Adam. She was his equal. She refused to submit to him so was banished and God made Eve from Adam's rib. She's meant to be a villian but she's badass.
Trannies using Lilith's name is disgusting.
No. 1040609
>>1040597also a lot of "Straight" men get into troons because of porn addiction, they see trans women who look somewhat like women.
However, I've seen some chasers who'd fuck someone like Nikita and femboys like James Charles, all that matters is if you are a male whose feminized and wearing female clothing.
So in my eyes, it's all gay/bisexual. I just wish trans attracted guys would stay with troons and troons would stay with them because a lot of them are crazy closet cases and gross imo.
No. 1040623
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saw this on Kiwifarms and I had to repost it
No. 1040719
>>1040606They use names like lilith that has strong ties to women and independence yet amass an audience that hates feminism and women in general for not falling in line with their ideology and hate. Even some replies called female dating strategy an awful feminist sub kek. Imagine getting
triggered over some women who are just trying to stay away from
toxic men and learn how to keep their standards.
>>1040609I think it's a cope for being gay but feeling the pressure to appear straight. They could just be with transwomen and be cool with it. But they can't just be happy like that, they just have to drag women down too for no good reason
>>1040707Untreated mental illness. Nothing else can explain how some men are shoving popsicles up their ass to simulate periods to feel "included"
No. 1040778
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>>1040605I enjoyed this playing out in the comments of the Harry Potter post
>somewhat passing and generally well put together and hygienic looking HSTS offers up modeling services>immediate response, already called in for a shoot No. 1040854
File: 1600410441330.jpeg (298.34 KB, 640x964, 8CB6C3C8-1905-4509-9693-B9202C…)

>>1040587Please share, anon!
>>1040778Sure buddy, people are definitely ignoring you because you “don’t get sexual gratification from clothes”. I’m sure that’s it.
No. 1040874
>>1040845Oh yikes. I haven't been on there in ages. God they invade every fucking thing. Goddammit.
>>1040854His chin and fupa are nauseating to look at. It's like his face is wax and it's melting down. Fucking ugh. Not a fetish at all. Yuck.
No. 1040883
>>1040874reddit is a lost cause. The troons either become mods of female subreddits or female subreddits become "inclusive" of troons.
Then suddenly, you notice a lot of the women on the subs start calling themselves "Cis", then suddenly almost every comment is "i'm a trans girl but…" and every post is, "I'm trans and…"
Even FTM sometimes slip in there.Then you have a situation like actual lesbians where 90% of the women on the sub are men and because some of them don't announce it troons feel start feeling like they are 100% accepted by cis lesbians when it's transwomen that are telling them they are.
No. 1040922
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I saw a pic of some dude with paris hilton and then realized the dude was tagged as cara, can anyone explain this one to me
No. 1040923
>>1040915My post wasn't meant to be ironic in the first place. Anime specifically caters to vulnerable people and people on the autistic spectrum. The themes are all childish, most of the time the characters are high-schoolers. The emotions are so overdramatic and blatant that even an autist can understand them (they can't read normal emotions, but if a character suddenly has big heart eyes, even they get it).
Anime is also highly sexualized. The girls all have big bouncing breasts and short skirts and there are a ton of sexual jokes even in kids shows. I have been told by several men that they first masturbated to Misty from Pokemon.
They also feminize men in those shows, there are so many times they dress up boy characters in skirts to humiliate them. Trap porn, shota, dick-girls are all SUPER popular tropes in Hentai. And anime obscures the reality of what trannies would actually look like, cause everyone in anime has the same androgynous looking face anyways, perfect skin and nice colorful hair. You can most of the time not even tell if the character is supposed to be male or female aside from the clothes and the boobs.
(Children are also very sexualized in anime, the whole loli-thing is a tangentially related issue)
Normal japanese people don't even watch anime, japanese culture is nothing like it is depicted in anime and I'm sure a lot of them would be offended if you walked up to them talking like a weeb. It is entirely made to cater to western men.
My point is, it is absolutely no fucking coincidence that all these trannies wear schoolgirl skirts, thigh highs and cat ears. Look at places like 4chan, there are guides on there how to turn yourself into a tranny illustrated with anime pictures. "Why be a sad lonely incel, when you can be a qt catgirl instead? Take the titty skittles bro."
They couldn't even get it up for a real woman anymore cause they are so used to Hentai, which has absolutely NOTHING to do with real life sex. I don't want to sound like Venti, but if we ban anime and hentai then men would unironically be much better people. Also Belle Delphine needs a bullet through the head.
No. 1040944
>>1040941If this was a random guy this thread would definitely register them as a non-passing troon. I've never seen a woman who looks like that in my life…but I've seen a lot of guys who do.
Also check their instagram and open the zoom call clip between their sister, mom and them and again, get back to me after comparing to actual females from that family.
No. 1040952
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>>1040951Unless they’ve been grooming her to be a troon since she was a toddler, I’m gonna go with she’s normal. Are you done with this retarded tinfoiling now?
No. 1040954
>>1040923>It is entirely made to cater to western men. I actually agree that anime is a huge factor in why a large amount of troons transition, but come on now.
Even if the average Japanese person isn't interested in anime or even looks down on it, the market is still huge in Japan and what the West thinks barely comes into it if at all.
No. 1040973
>>1040922Can confirm Cara is just strong in the face, Idk what her heritage is but there's a lot of Dutch/German descent girls in southern africa with those genes. go to any private school and there's one girl in every class with that piggy neanderthal vibe
I think she plays up her eyebrows to look more androgynous and set herself apart. it's not a troon conspiracy it's just good branding
No. 1040974
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>>1040955Twitter isn’t real life and Nikkie is an anomaly and from the Netherlands. Idk what else to tell you beside go outside.
No. 1040984
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>>1040973Mom, sister, Cara, for those who think it must be their genes
Believe what you want but my eyes are saying this is a dude.
No. 1040995
>>1040989>>1040992Seriously. Congratulations, tinfoil-chan, you’re letting men win by claiming real women with “unfortunate” features
have to be men instead of just being fucking women. If you think every “ugly” woman is a man then you must go through life disturbed. Sucks to be you.
No. 1041003
>>1040494lmfao this nigga sounds like spongebob
also would bet that cara tinfoil anon is a tranny
No. 1041009
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Uh, yeah I highly doubt that.
No. 1041012
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>>1040992It’s undoubtedly a troon or handmaiden posting bait to derail the thread. They’re clearly assmad a woman who is continuously heralded as gorgeous and has been paraded down countless runways can— gasp! — have semi-unconventional, non-ultra feminine features and not have the need to slather herself in a vat of makeup for every event nor go under the knife to conform to beauty standards, whereas their precious troons would be getting clocked left and right if they even attempted the same.
>>1040984>>1040922>I can post cherry-picked photos too No. 1041061
>>1041012>It’s undoubtedly a troon or handmaiden posting bait to derail the thread. Honestly this is how I feel whenever some unhinged anon posts spergy "all troons should be fucking killed" and "just 41% already" type a-logging posts and the OTT conspiracy theories about celebrities being trans.
>>1041052Why do you think they constantly post these "I'm a cute sexy passing t-girl cis men worship, suck my girlcock transphobes" takes? They need to desperately convince themselves they look fabulous and not like a sad low effort bargain bin halloween costume.
No. 1041070
>>1041012Exactly. Imo, not that it’s unpopular in the slightest, Cara is fucking stunning because of all of her features. I don’t think anything about her is unfortunate. I’d kill to look like her. Troons mad a “masculine” (debatable) woman is still beautiful and would never be clocked as a man while they can spend hundreds of thousands and still look uncanny.
>>1041061Seconded about the spergy a-loggers.
No. 1041125
File: 1600448336266.png (5.55 KB, 644x87, fjf.PNG)

No other movement have I seen people immediety jump to "Doing/saying X is KILLING USSSS!!!" more then trans people.
I've seen them bring up death rates when talking about how people won't date them. I've seen them bring it up when shaming women for not dating troon chasers.
I've seen them bring it up whenever something is not going their way.
It's so fucking manpulative.
The worst thing is, whats killing them is MEN, thinking they are women and mental illness going unchecked, not JK, not women not fucking bisexual/gay men, not us not dating them..
Thank god this is downvoted.
I even say that troon Indya Moore whose dating a WHOLE predator of women, whining about JK, bitch you hate women and are dating a self admitted sexual abuser. Yet, here he is jumping to whine at JK & then the moment someone comes at him he'd bring up those death rates.
No. 1041139
>>1041125I wish I wanted to play this game so I could tell trannies that, not that playing a fucking video game is actually what that means kek.
>>1041129Holy shit. You connected the dots, you’re right anon.
No. 1041181
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>>1041165Yeah, her eyebrows just enhance her strong features but if you see her body and how other women look with similar low and strong brows you can see she is cis.
No. 1041193
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Is this the right place to share this post because it I made me regret lurking around tumblr because I should've known better.
No. 1041203
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>>1041193This dumb bitch
She can date all the troons then kek
No. 1041221
>>1041193I'll stop saying they are a danger to women when they stop blaming women for all their issues and saying we cause men to harm them or wishing death/attacking women online and off for different opinions then them.
I said this in Kevin Gibes thread, but a grown ass man with his balls cut off, attacked a woman for holding a sign, then other grown men started thanking him for keeping them safe from the ONE WOMAN holding a sign.
This whole thing is all about how we must feel bad for them, understand they are the most victimize women on this planet, what we can do to make sure no one harms them.
What the fuck are they doing to make sure we are safe? Seems like they want us to have their backs no matter what, but if we step out of line they hate us forever and we are the reason x, y and z happens.
No. 1041228
>>1041193Kek, look at the contradictions in the tags.
>support trans women or perish>idk it’s cisphobia and misandry hours for meVery non-threatening, thanks wondertrainswoman, I feel so safe and validated now.
No. 1041279
>>1041193What's tiring is that a lot of actual issues trans women face (that isn't just first world AGP problems) is just repackaged homophobia. Men resent and threaten them because they hate gay people and by proxy GNC men in general.
>>1041208Yeah exactly. No TERF has ever killed or even threatened a troon with violence, it's always homophobic men.
>>1041276Even when comparing statistics by adjusted to per capita cis women still get killed more than trannies. These white well-off American men in dresses really trying to use the statistics of gay PoC prostitutes getting killed in the sex trade as some sort of a shield to stomp their ugly feet to get whatever they want.
No. 1041481
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I don't know which one is worse, the guy who doesn't think that there totally are fetishists and autistic people who have no idea what they get into by taking hormones because they are sold as magic pills that turn you into a hot woman, or the guy who argues that you can not transition and still call yourself a woman (despite the prefix trans- implying some kind of transition).
>>1041462I'm 99% certain that they use Lily because of yuri manga, I've never seen any real woman of my age called Lily (not anglo, correct me if I'm wrong), so much that whenever I see someone put this name in their bio, I just assume they are a TiM. As for Alice, dunno, it kind of has some manic pixie dream girl connotations to me, it's a pretty rare name irl so it really makes them stand out.
No. 1041630
>>1041481That tweet is a piss poor argument.
She has no fucking idea how far moids go to fulfill their fantasies.
No. 1041648
>>1041481By that logic Jonathan Yaniv, Karen White and all the other pedophiles/rapists are True and Honest transwomen just like the rest of them. Their own arguments always bite them in the ass.
>No man would ever pretend to be trans to get access to women and children, that’s just TERF scaremongering!>W-wait no that convicted pedophile isn’t really trans, calling him trans is actually transphobic because real transwomen would never hurt a fly!You can’t have it both ways.
No. 1041654
>>1041648They keep moving the goalposts every time they have to acknowledge the numerous rotten eggs in their community. Every time some troon gets outed for being a rapist/pedophile/so forth they revoke their trans card immediately and start claiming they weren't trutrans, just after they finished having a spergout about how all you need to do to be a woman is to identify as one. It's the same as when bringing up detransitioners, they just weren't ~true trans~. What's the guarantee that all these current activist will still be identifying as non-cis in five years then?
Their go-to argument though is that it was the evil transphobia that drove Mrs. Ma'am to rape ten women in prison for gender validation and that it has nothing to do with the completely ABSURD lie that some people transition for personal gain whether it's living out their fetish or avoiding being the prison bitch in male jail. Remember how that one hardcore tranny activist who forced women's shelters take in men in dresses was pressured to address case Yaniv and he just blamed the "terves" for not asking their "community" to condemn him nicely enough?
No. 1041698
>>1041481I'm pretty sure there are traps who take hormones and shit. Also, men get off to weird shit and I'm sure they know that. I bet telling men that hormones make their dicks not work and they have tits is something some men like. Isn't it called "forced femming?"
Either way, I no longer believe in trans trenders, it's just a way for trans folxs to try to disown trans people using their "trans privileges" to comment crimes. Does a woman stop being a woman when she does something fucked up? Can we say, "Well she's not REALLY a woman because she's making us look bad"?
Nope, they claim it's such a deep situation, they have "lady brains" and they'd die without transing, so saying that transwomen like Yanviv are fakes is transphobia.
Also, it's funny how they only disown them when they get caught going too far, yet there's plenty of trans women sharing Borderline pedophile fantasies, fetishizing lesbians, other transwomen, men and doing all kinds of shady disgusting shit right on twitter & being cheered on. I've seen them excuse other transwomen and praise them for stealing their female siblings' underwear and pads.
I remember someone on Reddit telling a woman whose trans relative was stealing her pads, "They are going through female puberty, just tell them what they are doing makes you uncomfortable"
"Maybe they can't afford or are ashamed to buy their own pads, just talk to them"
People let so much shit like this slide, look on that egg irl sub. It's full of men getting hard in panties and stealing women's shit and being PRAISED for it or sharing stories about it.
It's only an issue when a trans woman gets called out for this bad behavior on a major scale, then suddenly he's not "trans" and everyone pretends like they don't see these people in the trans community being praised for bad behavior and then they go, "This never happens".
No. 1041707
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when you cut your hair short and end up looking like someone’s autistic brother who’s constantly letting his kind parents down
No. 1041708
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I was watching an innocent fashion vlog on YouTube and came across this in the wild. The comment was completely out of place and didn't relate to the video at all. You can see it's obviously a troon with a fetish. I keep seeing more and more of this as of recent. It pisses me off that women are being forced to include them.
No. 1041716
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>>1041698okay but i may be drunk but i guess the point of this post is to disown people who fake trans making actual trans look bad?
excuse the boomer meme but img related
No. 1041722
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I'm fucking wheezing
No. 1041725
>>1041724would'nt it be considered gatekeeping to say that if you do this or that, then you are not a true trans? Of course we know there's men in it for the wrong reasons, but I'm going by troon logic.
They can't even agree if you need BD or not. They have names for people who believe you have to be x or z to be trans.
According to them you can look like a flat out man but you are "a woman" because you say you are.
No. 1041788
>>1041654They have already moved past the trutrans narrative, now they are pushing that since there are no biological differences between men and women and you can choose your gender there is no point in poiting out how many "trans women" commit these crimes.
To them its the same as a cis woman doing it, no matter the reasons, and the solution is to trust everyone, ignore how men are the majority of sex based criminals and do away with gendered bathrooms, prisons and dorms so no trans person feels excluded ever. Cis women and passing trans women can go fuck themselves with their hysteria ig.
No. 1041792
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>>1041707dude looks like Tim McVeigh
No. 1042056
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>troon who claims to have DID gets castrated
>ends up having surgical complications
>”ten pound sack of blood” hanging off his crotch
>entire dick area and upper thighs turn black
He’s been sperging out on twitter since
No. 1042067
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Why do AGPs love to wear fetish gear out , this Troon is 36 and dresses like a lazy town porn parody character
No. 1042068
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>>1042061I don’t disagree with your assessment but he did post pics
No. 1042069
>>1042061Idk I believe it, those surgeries rarely go well and surgeons can't deny them even if the risk is super high for complications cause trannies persist and if they say no they are "transphobes" and might lose their job.
That tranny will join the (by now) 50% soon.
No. 1042072
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Looks like he still has his dick and balls. What did he get surgery for?
No. 1042125
>>1042113I scrolled through his twitter and apparently he tried to have his testicles removed, I think that might be the first step to making a fake vagina? Maybe having that done first and then in a second surgery turn the rest around?
It seems the surgery got botched and he ended up with severe bleeding so his balls are now filled with blood?
Idk the twitter is really full of whining about muh DID and muh pain pills and I am so high and hallucinating etc. This dude is gonna kill himself.
No. 1042147
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Don't you fellow Girl Anons just miss these magical nights where we cuddled together wearing pink fluffy clothing doing each others' makeup and hair right after we got done making out in the lockerroom and rubbing our bodies together in the shower? God how I miss my early girlhood when we just giggled and gossiped while watching Disney movies!
No. 1042159
>>1042154My favorite fantasy is having a sleepover with a couple of guys my own age who accept me for who I am and I'd be wearing blue boxershorts, my favorite blue jockstrap, my favorite blue football jersey and a worn out blue trucker hat (in case you haven't noticed blue is my favorite color. I think it's because I resent missing out on twenty years of masculinity and I'm subconsciously trying to make up for lost time by being as manly as possible.)
It would be cold and windy outside but we'd be nice and warm curled up infront of a car engine. We'd spend the night working on the car, flicking boogers at each other, drinking beer, wrestling and watching porn while jerking each other off (again, I was robbed of a boyhood).
They wouldn't care that I wasn't close to passing or that my voice was feminine, they'd just accept me as one of the boys. We'd spend the night burping and would drift off to sleep one by one and the night would end up with me wrapped up in a cum-stained blanket drifting off to sleep knowing that for the first time in my life I'd been accepted for who I truly am. Sigh.
Probably not going to happen in the near future, but a guy? / girl? can always dream.
No. 1042168
>>1042147Yeah, this person has spent way too little time living in reality.
>>1042159I love you, anon.
No. 1042176
>>1042154Men should try to be more like:
> men wrestle with their big bara tiddies glistening with sweatThe internet would be less boring.
No. 1042187
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>>1042125There are some tweets about a psychopath who apparently hurt that person in some way (i'm guessing a kick or punch in the crotch) and their penis got fractured and that is why they needed surgery?? i don't know if the doctors attempted bottom surgery on a fractured dick
If anyone wants to, search for fractured or psychopath in their tweets
No. 1042196
>>1042159I'm dead. Thank you best-anon!
No. 1042206
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Made a side by side
No. 1042229
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>>1042056I'm sure his hematoma is painful but "perpetual childbirth"?? He fucking wishes.
No. 1042241
>>1042232I remember how people tried to dance around the fact that he trooned out for a fetish and thats what killed that guy.
Reddit who LOVE digging in people's past and talking shit had a lot of people, suddenly not thinking it's cool to do anymore when it came to Remila's situation.
No. 1042260
>>1042147Mfw they call themselves
guy at the end of this screed
No. 1042266
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I went to school with this guy. He posts memes like this and begs for money all the time.
No. 1042333
>>1042229I don't know why these retards go and whack their balls and or dick off and then act shocked and horrified that those parts no longer worked like they used to. I know this time is very extreme, but still. Bitching and moaning about how they shouldnt have to like him to treat him? That tells everyone he's clearly been acting like a shit demanding the doctors and nurses do this and that and fix "their" mistake. Like dude, this entire mistake is on you. If you didnt get your way, you would have lead a crusade about how it was your body and your right to get it done-so they bend to your will and your wallet and do it and you're still blaming everything on everyone else?? Maybe listen to hundreds of people who constantly say that these surgeries are awful and usually go wrong. I have no idea why trannies think they're in some magical timeline where these procedures are on the same level as getting a nose job. They swear it's all safe only to literally ruin their lives subjecting themselves to daily groin pain and management. Even the success stories are half miserable.
>>1042244If it's the same one I'm thinking that is, he said that himself a few times on 4chan. That and that because he chopped his dick off, he no longer felt the sexual stimulation that was pushing him into doing it-because you know, no dick?!?! So then he just felt like a bored normal person sitting around with big honking tits which he couldnt even get off to anymore. It all became pointless, as he realized being a girl was the same as being a boy for the most part. Nothing had changed in his life like he thought it would. He was still sitting in his same room doing the same mundane shit, he just had no dick now.
No. 1042391
>>1042388I've been saying a while but it's like a cult, when you come out trans a whole welcome parade comes with it online, then when you get work done, the whole welcome parade full of misinformation, subjective information and overwhelming support.
Then when it goes wrong? Or you detrans?
It's quiet. Or they tell you that it'd get better or they just move onto the next "Egg".
No. 1042401
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i hate how i can't look at pastel pink and blue together anymore without thinking of troons and "MAPs" aka pedos. they ruined pastels.
No. 1042425
>>1042318>>1042410It's not a real fracture like a bone but the bursting of the corpus cavernosum in the penis. They are the structures that fill with blood in an erection. If we believe him here
>>1042187saying hw broke it means he has erection while "falling asleep" in a support group. In reality most of these type of injuries are during sex. Also there is no way a Dr. would do any other random surgery on someone so soon after a trauma like that, a large portion of people actually need surgery to fix the penis and have to be on blood thinners and the like.
No. 1042454
>>1042425Tbh based on the photos it just looks like a standard Orchiectomy with some bleeding. If his testes were removed, the scrotum would be left to create this freak’s frankenpussy, hence the swelling.
No penile fracture or deformity is visualized, nor is any scrotal deformity. Tons of bruising, though, which can be expected. Aside from that, just an ugly dude with an ugly set of genitalia.
Medfagging aside, tl;dr:
This is standard bleating from a lookatme troon. Healthcare professionals “yes ma’am” and dance around these whiny dickheads because they’re afraid of being doxxed by like-minded degenerates. This man can fuck right off with his perpetual childbirth
No. 1042472
>>1042229I work on an L&D ward. The screams I hear on the daily are truly unparalleled. This dude fucking wishes.
Also, I'm sorry, but most medical staff don't feel that bad for you. Let alone it causing psychological harm. When you see enough people in agonizing pain it kind of callouses to you.
No. 1042543
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>>1042454Ahh I wondered if he was just milking it for the pills lol. He's been nodding out on video and going on and on about how he's being tortured and he'll be on pain meds forever now.
No. 1042546
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These people have the worst porn in their faves (furry shit, penile vore, hypno, bimbofication…) but a frat boy wearing a dress at a party is too much apparently.
No. 1042573
>>1042546Trains community:
>it’s okay to experiment with gender and get used to your gender identity.Also trains community:
>REEEEEEEEE don’t touch anything from your opposite gender!!!1! Only trutrains can wear pink high heels and dresses or blue caps and jockstraps!!! No. 1042648
>>1042576they already hate gay dudes who stay gay men and cross dress.
"fem boy" and "Trap"
triggers the fuck out of some of them. As well as drag queens.
No. 1042916
>>1042477NTA but applying foundation like an 80 years old woman is not making him look young
>>1042564adding acetaminophen (the active ingredient in Tylenol) to opioids can help them metabolise better
No. 1042923
>>1042919and funny thing is there will be more like him. Troons on reddit and Twitter cheer on men with obvious fetishes and mental illness to do this shit.
They'll just mark him down as one of the "unlucky ones" and blame everyone and everything but the true cause.
No. 1042981
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I hate how obsessed they are with sex.
No. 1042991
>>1042981Having my doubts it’s not a fetish.
I know for a fact it’s been one for this guy. This is a self-proclaimed lesbian that almost exclusively makes wedgie and other fetish flash animations of female characters on youtube for the past like 8 years. An obvious deranged pervert who horny posts on the youtube community page, he moved from secretly wearing women’s underwear to posting himself in it online numerous times despite the protests from family. Of course he’s yet to move out, and he still acts like this online. He’s over 30 and is now a koreaboo because of BTS. No. 1043014
>>1042989It's so funny how their ideas of female expereinces always lead to something sexual it can start off so innocent and come off as a quirky joke, but it's always leads to sex.
Like this is how some women describe shit women go through versus how a troon would.
Woman- "The first time I tried on a bra I was 11 years old. I went with my mom to get it fitted…"
Troon- "Today was my first time getting a bra and being fitted for one.I feel SO VALIDATED and sexy. I got it fitted by a gorgeous and VERY kind cis woman. Her name was Vanessa, I was so terrified that I'd be denied or it's be awkard, but it was NOT! Vanessa was so kind, even complemented my shoes. When I tried on the bra (in the female dressing rooms!!) I stared at myself and I saw for the first time a beautiful sexy woman. I got so excited (some would say maybe a little TOO excited lol)
I finally expereinced with cis girls do when they get their first bras, I twirled around and took a few pictures for my only fans and a video (Ha ha). I really feel like this is the beginning of something amazing for me!!
2 hours later on twitter@TransHottieThottie69-
Hey folxs! I have a new HOT video on my onlyfans, it's not only hot but it's emotional, I got my first bra today and I took a little video of me being naughty in it, such a life changing (and sexy) expereince, please support a trans girl making a HUGE step in her journey!"
No. 1043016
>>1043012Yes. That's the rules. You haven't experienced womanhood until you've been fucked in a wedding dress.
Oh, and have you attended a girly sleepover where you wear pink pyjamas, giggle, gossip, do eachothers makeup, have a sexy pillow fight then wrap up in your pink sleeping bag? That's another vital part of being a woman.
No. 1043060
>>1042981ah yes, have an experience that is mostly had when the people are minors
nothing sketchy to see here
No. 1043076
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Transbians are a plague
No. 1043256
>>1042948Ayrt, yeah I have a BSN and spent 2 years employed with a household name medical institution. They USED to cater to the needs of marginalized and vulnerable women. They have shifted their focus is aiding in HRT and SRS for these cows. It’s pandering and gross.
I don’t want to shit up the thread with medfagging but all these children are cut from the same uwu speshul cloth. And the political climate has allowed these MEN to infiltrate one of the last bastions of medical safety and privacy originally intended for women.
No. 1043266
>>1043263Hate to break it to you but
>>1043259 nailed it. Looks like maybe this is isn’t news to some people here. Even the providers there are disgusted with the gender inclusivity safe space bullshit.
No. 1043287
>>1043266Good fucking god. What do men need planned parenthood for besides STI testing? HRT? When women can't even have access to safe abortion or affordable birth control? This is where we're allocating funds? I'll never forgive them.
Providers as in BSN anon (sorry I might be a little lost kek) or, if BSN anon, do you notice other providers you work with that don't like it either?
No. 1043314
>>1043302In my personal experience there are a healthy mix of providers who are altruistic in subscribing to SJW nonsense and this further validates their liberal tendencies. They see themselves as pioneers of GNC inclusivity.
Other providers (mostly nurse practitioners. Physicians/OBGYN’s are typically not staffed or needed when abortions aren’t being performed) see the climate for what it is but are too afraid/in need of employment to speak up. PP has made a habit of employing new graduates struggling to find work and paying them more than most others, partially because at the end of the day the work they do is extremely taxing.
Anyway. The PP I worked for had a “gender counselor” with no actual professional credentials other than being MtF. This dude was in his mid 60’s talking to confused teenagers looking for guidance about how they should transition. I could make a whole other post about what a fucking degenerate creep this man was, but whatever.
“Gender Affirming Hormone Therapy” as they call it, is the fastest growing form of revenue PP has. Of course abortions will always be their bread and butter, but transtrender kids are cash cows, and they are kept on the hook for the foreseeable future in terms of follow up appointments, bloodwork, counseling meetings, etc., whereas abortions are typically a one-and-done type thing. Now that STI screening and birth control is widely and cheaply available online, PP is grasping at straws for the next best focus of their practices.
All new employees have to go through “gender sensitivity training” that typically lasts 2 days. They are required to introduce themselves as, “hello my name is Anon and my pronouns are xim/xir”
If a boy as young as the age of 16 walks in and says “I want to be a girl” we smile, nod our heads, and acquiesce. They are not even required to speak to a mental health professional anymore. We, as educated, wiser adults are under the thumb of this bizarre cultural shift.
Saged for derailing and medfagging but if any more anons have questions, I have answers kek
No. 1043321
>>1043314this is really interesting anon, thank you for your input.
I work partially in medical underwriting, and it's a bit more of the opposite. Medical carriers understand that 9 times out of 10 the troons will max out their plan (if they're smart and get the right plan, or if they're dumb and get a shit ton of procedures) and prefer not to underwrite them (talking about group plans not individual through the ACA). They are a HUGE medical cost to carriers and are seen as a liability to the group. They can adversely affect group rates and tend to drive premiums up and plan value down.
Tl;dr if you work with a troon and have medical coverage through your employeer, sorry but you're going to pay more.
sage for med sperging
No. 1043327
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So everyone is a white supremicist because some troons want certain gentials and even make up a excuse as to why they can't be with dick havers.
No. 1043332
File: 1600810738886.jpg (36.63 KB, 1997x321, RetardEra2425.jpg)

I got this from Kiwi, Resetera has a thread there and it's full of angry troons. They hate Dave Chapelle because of his jokes.
They are mad at him again and some angry troon/tra just wished death on him.
Funny how people from all walks of life were laughing at Dave's jokes about everyone else, but it's different when it's troons.
It's weird how these people claim they are the most attacked people on planet but always are wishing death on others.
No. 1043340
>>1043314>“Gender Affirming Hormone Therapy” as they call it, is the fastest growing form of revenue PP has.Of course. "Follow the money" always stands. Get someone hooked on hormones and they'll be a steady stream of cash for the rest of their lives.
>I could make a whole other post about what a fucking degenerate creep this man was, but whatever. Please do. I need to hear this.
I live in a country where all medical administration is strictly monitored and funded by public money equally and the difference in the atmosphere regarding troonery is noticeable compared to the stories I hear from countries where certain clinics and branches are strapped for cash. Doctors can be vocally critical of young people trooning out and as far as I know they recently even tightened the screening and can require now a full psychiatric evaluation before sending a patient to the trans clinic. You can't just stack money on the table and expect them to hand the pills and shots over. It definitely shows that big pharma money is greasing the wheels of the trans movement and they're looking for nothing else than to medicalize as many people to keep paying for their services. It's like a subscription, you'll be in need of medication and follow-ups for decades to come until you croak from a blood clot or cancer they cause, detransition or in the saddest case, commit suicide.
>>1043327Being gay is now white supremacy. They're just throwing words at the wall at this point to see which one of them sticks.
No. 1043449
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Did I get redditor MtF bingo?
No. 1043454
>>1043314Seconding everyone else, I'd love to hear more about that dude.
This is all really interesting in general, op. Honestly, I'd love to hear any observations you made during your time there–anything that really struck you, being at ground zero of this moment. Actually, here's one specific question–when you say there are providers who see the climate for what it is, how did you find out? It's so hard for me to be honest about my opinions, I've never talked with anyone irl about them, even women I have a feeling might agree–I can't imagine doing it in an environment where my $$$ is on the line. But I'm really happy to know there are providers at PP who feel that way, as shitty as everything is rn. I have insurance now, but I'm always worried I'll lose it, and PP is the only place I've been able to consistent endo treatment.
No. 1043466
>>1043332i like how when anyone makes jokes about trannies they can openly wish death on people like the sociopathic fucks they are
yet when a sexist or racist joke is made it's never "I HOPE HE FUCKING DIES". Only when you attack the trans cult. Huh, that's so funny!
No. 1043472
>>1043449What in the fuck is the bottom right referring to…
Also, imagine this calling itself a lesbian and actually expecting to date a woman kek.
Is there a reason that troons use “euphoria” to describe their gender experience, particular regarding bras?
No. 1043490
>>1043454>>1043340Let me clarify that my role at PP was a clinic educator and “crisis specialist” - I did not operate as a practitioner dispensing HRT and referring patients to SRS. Fortunately the bulk of my duties were walking women through their abortion processes and providing emotional and moral support. A BSN doesn’t provide the licensure to prescribe drugs so that burden never fell on me. I don’t think I could sleep at night knowing I was directly contributing to these freaks.
You really do have to tread lightly to find like-minded colleagues. It took months of working alongside some of the NP’s and other staff before true feelings start trickling out. It would start with a shared sigh before the clinician would need to see one of these patients, or an eye roll. Then, you’re able to speak in confidence about your true feelings. The virtue signaling “pat me on the back, I’m doing so much good for social progress!” medical professionals are the most vocal so after a while, it’s easy enough to know NOT to talk to.
The MtF trans counselor we had on-site was such a human abomination. It was clear that his transition was facilitated by severe psychological trauma, as he decided to be trans right after his son was found dead by auto erotic asphyxiation. Shortly thereafter he “came out” and so began his career with us. His name used to be Lars and he started estrogen and changed his name to Karla. While the rest of the clinic had to wear scrubs, corporate had given him permission to wear clothing that didn’t make him feel dysphoric. This 6’2, 250lb old ass MAN has the fucking NERVE to walk around in the clinic in high heels, sequined mini skirts, and fishnet tights. This is not hyperbole.
We had a “locker room” which was an open corridor; staff at PP is required to change into their work clothes after they are in the building due to safety concerns. But because of being a “gender neutral safe space,” the locker room is accessible to anyone. Even though this asshole was special enough to not need to wear scrubs, he would always find a reason to stand in the locker room when women were changing. And yes, we were all subjected to the same creepy hyper sexual talk that every single one of these AGP’s is obsessed with.
“Ooh, cute bra anon!”
“What are us ladies doing tonight?!”
“Let’s have girls night!”
It creeped everyone out so fucking badly that many staff complained to HR and they were basically accused of being transphobic bigots.
Keep in mind that this person had no formal education in youth sexuality or social work, and his expertise is purely anecdotal. I’m pretty sure he was an insurance agent or some shit before he worked with us. Meanwhile, PP employed him to be the go-between for trans patients. Back when they were required to speak to a mental health professional, they would have to see “Karla” first. I have no doubt in my mind that this fucker got off on asking deeply personal questions to vulnerable children, talking about their sexuality, and basically coercing them to join that club. PP would then forward his notes to an actual licensed mental health professional somewhere off-site, and rubber stamp approve the patients to begin their transition. This is basically how they circumvented the requirement to speak to an actual counselor.
>>1043321This comes as no surprise at all. Not only do these people max out their plans but they are also the squeakiest wheels. Everything about their lives is a fucking issue and they will seek attention in the form of medical care at every opportunity.
Trans patients I’ve encountered that have told me, “everything’s great! Life is good, no other issues” : Zero.
Not a single one of these dicks are satisfied until they’ve sucked the maximum amount of energy out of you. They know you’re on the hook to “care” for them and exploit that. God forbid you question their struggle. You will get Yelp’ed and Google reviewed to death until you are doxxed and possibly fired.
The clinic would get patient reviews and have meetings to discuss them monthly. Like clockwork, the women who were seeking abortions or STD treatments were always grateful and often prefaced their statements with “you guys are always there for me.” The MtF’s would squeal about how someone who had never met them misgendering them, or how someone in the waiting room looked at them funny and it ruined their entire day, just extremely petty shit that doesn’t actually have anything to do with their medical care.
If the transgressions were deemed bad enough, PP would bring their regional eunuchs to come in and lecture us about not being sensitive enough to their needs.
Jesus, that was a lot. Sorry for the wall of text and saged for more medfagging and blogging. Kek, so much for my NDA.
No. 1043502
> It took months of working alongside some of the NP’s and other staff before true feelings start trickling out. It would start with a shared sigh before the clinician would need to see one of these patients, or an eye roll.Wow really reminds me of the Handmaid’s tale and not knowing who you can truly speak to.
That annoys me to no end because it’s the only movement you’re not allowed to criticise AT ALL. It reminds me of people who equates criticising Israel with being anti-Semitic.
I know some trans women (usually male attracted, super bimbo-ish) and obviously have no ill-will towards them but daring to say anything at all against transing kids or not allowing males in female sport competitions would basically mean I want to literally murder them. So fucking infuriating.
No. 1043508
>>1043332What was the joke?
>>1043490This is fascinating and it's nice to have the insider perspective/info. It's insane what troons such as this "Karla" are deliberately allowed to get away with (the dresscode and locker room leering stuff especially since those shouldn't even be matters of inclusivity).
Thanks anon!
No. 1043515
>>1043490God, you know things are really bad when the company line at planned fucking parenthood is "accept sexual harassment for this sake of this creepy man's feelings"
Did you notice any differences in the FtM patients vs the MtF ones? God, as if Karla would have literally any perspective on why a teen girl would want to be a man
No. 1043517
>>1043515It is my observation that there is a very distinct difference between how well-adjusted MtF’s and FtM’s are. The effects of testosterone are mood boosting though, so that doesn’t come as much of a surprise.
FtM’s are generally much more pleasant and realistic about their experiences and expectations. They cope with episodes of dysphoria better, and I think they are more forthcoming in what they desire to obtain with their transition.
I’m not unbiased though, as I do empathize with alienated teenage girls more than I do weaby neckbeards.
No. 1043527
>>1043490>Trans patients I’ve encountered that have told me, “everything’s great! Life is good, no other issues” : Zero. Not a single one of these dicks are satisfied until they’ve sucked the maximum amount of energy out of you. They know you’re on the hook to “care” for them and exploit that
If you’re still up for answering more questions, what kind of issues would they complain to you or other staff about?
No. 1043549
File: 1600842311744.jpeg (95.31 KB, 1242x327, 8D71FF3D-968B-494C-BA48-6F7772…)

So after crying for days about how he is in torturous blood-filled scrotum purgatory and will surely die soon, mr. orchiectomy here learns that brusing and swelling are common side effects of testicle removal surgery. Who would have thought.
No. 1043613
>>1043517>FtM>more forthcoming in what they desire to obtainThat's unsurprising since women are much more socially adept.
Also it's not a fetish for them (at least never to the degree it is for even the more tame MtF fetishists). Most FtM fetishists end up being fakebois in a desire to live out some fujo fantasy, most ending up happily with another fakeboi - neither of which is on a strong, if any, dose of T.
Sorry to go a bit off on the ftm comparison. Just depressing how stark the difference is between the two groups and their behavior and motivations.
Oh well, MtFs can go follow their dicks out of the breeding pool.
No. 1043616
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This is from lipstick alley which i'm giving a break. I love how the first thing their defenders go to is sex though.
Too many women hating gay men on there for me. They are the main ones putting down women to defend transwomen.
No. 1043622
>>1043619they are gay men and transwomen on LSA so yes. They come in every thread about transwomen telling us how we are in denial, that our men are probably hitting up trans girls, all men are bisexual, we'd never know blah blah…
They ignore whatever ignorant shit that the OP was saying and start defending trans women and shitting on women.
I think they are mad because we had a few threads where women said they did not want to date bisexual men. You know that makes transwomen and for some reason gay men mad.
I think it turns them on to tell women that men pretending to be women are better women then us and are taking all the men, because thats all they bring up.
No. 1043655
>>1043616>>1043617I don't think I even understand the point they are trying to make. Why would straight men not want to fuck those women? Cause there are hotter transexuals available?
>>1043619>Do they really think most women with factional vaginas actually do anal on a regular basis?Most men who watch a lot of porn and don't have a lot of real sex think that, not just trannies. They think anal is just part of normal intercourse (and women totally love it!!).
No. 1043668
>>1043656and that unattractive women are jealous because these trans women get more men then us, which let me know it was a troon or scrote.
because they always find the best looking t-women they can find and then pretend like all of them look like this and we are jealous because sex, men and whatever.
No. 1043674
>>1043616>>1043617Why do they keep thinking that women are mad because "men like us trans girls better"? Nobody fucking cares if men like troons better. It's a blatant proof of how they think women's lives should revolve around pleasing men and being concerned with how attractive they are in their eyes. Women and troons don't even "compete" in the same dating pool, no straight woman wants a cumbrained chaser who's only looking for a desperate fuckbuddy willing to bend over backwards to please him sexually, and the closeted gay guys wouldn't even want cis women.
Seriously, it's just next level retarded. The talking points women have have to do with "leave us the fuck alone, don't rape us, don't erase our sexual rights, don't coerce lesbians into liking your dick" and so forth and their narcissistic pea brains go straight to "A-hah, so you're just jealous that men prefer us over you?". I wouldn't care if I went without a man for the rest of my life if it meant these nutjobs would quit bothering women.
No. 1043690
>>1043668> unattractive women are jealous because these trans women get more men then usI mean.. even if that were true, which it is not, it would only be because trans-"women" are sluts like men are and put out way easier than an actual woman. Their whole identity is their fetish, PLUS they are men so their standards are low. I would never fuck a tranny-chaser, you can keep them. They are not straight men either, if you fuck a dude in a dress, you're not straight.
Also let's not pretend like more than 1% of all trannies look like the women above. They have on professional make-up and probably enough money to get a shit ton of surgeries and have person stylists. 99% look like the ones posted in this thread. The kind of men willing to fuck those are the kind of men who I wouldn't leave alone with my bologna sandwich.
No. 1043717
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someone better tell him
No. 1043762
>>1043737I agree with you anon, we're going down together
Can't wait to see a close up of his face tho
No. 1043766
>>1043449>bra straps give me euphoriawtf is this bra straps are the worst thing that was ever invented. Too loose? They fall down all day. Too tight? Constant pinching. Just right? Impossible.
I hate troons and their unrealistic and idealistic view of womanhood.
No. 1043774
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>>1043763You made me check
No. 1043798
>>1043766As if women are running around, existing, and then, at some point:
Omg Nancy these bra straps. So strappy. Much wow. Totally adorbs.
Giving me euphoria!!
I‘m a ciiswoman, NEVER felt euphoria, I rather notice I hate being female when men from Iran catcall me in fucking Germany. So cool to be a girl!
No. 1043802
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>>1043745DoSomeMolly on twitter. Pic related, thats one of the replies on his tweet. I kinda feel sorry for this one
No. 1043808
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>>1031751yes, these are all men
also I modiefied that emoji just for you lovely terfs
No. 1043815
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>>1043808so it's not just the pregnancy, they're actually drawing a line from the birth of a child to an explosive orgasm now?
No. 1043823
>>1043815Don't you know that pregnancy is a super erotic experience where you are horny all day and get to be "domesticated" by a man because you are so helpless? Every kick of the child inside you fills you with gender euphoria and it all ends in a series of explosive orgasms?
Wow being a woman sure is HOT!
Any bets on by what year they are going to put fake uteruses up these men's stinkditches that they can then fill with vibrating plastic fetuses to get their jollies off and feel like a real wahmen?
No. 1043831
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>>1043808a fine addition to my collection
No. 1043873
>>1043808Holy shit that's deranged. Nothing is sacred to these freaks. Crave breeding and chocolate? is that what they think happens when you're pregnant? Like it is just an extra long period, which they also retardedly think means you want chocolate and sex?
Please, heterosexual males, you can eat chocolate as much as you like whenever you want, you don't have to pretend to be a woman to do it. We give you permission to eat chocolate any fucking time, and you can keep your dick and wear pants too.
No. 1043921
>>1043808I feel like there aren't enough "what the fuck"s for this. I hate this subspecies of men so much. Nothing about this says pregnancy. Just inflate or feed if you want a disgusting distended man belly. I don't want kids and am terrified of becoming pregnant, but even I know that pregnancy is more sacred and beautiful, hardships and all, than this. It's infuriating. There aren't strong enough words.
>>1043890Kind of agree like what
No. 1044084
>>1041728In case you’re still looking he was discovered in this thread
>>>/ot/491257He has since deleted his reddit account, so there’s no more milk from him.
No. 1044145
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Ah yes, because all lesbians use dildos/strap-ons (including horse straps, duh) which means they also have to be cool with real dicks.
No. 1044166
>>1044145As a straight female I find dildos to be kinda gross and weird, many lesbians agree with me. Penis is only ok when it's attached to a person I like.
Also nice projection to assume all lesbians have all the weird dildos as well as just human ones.
No. 1044169
>>1043616Attractive women are attractive with or without makeup. I doubt the "hot trans women" would be as hot without the makeup plastered on. Its a facade.
>>1043763HAIR CARE. With that hairline I'd concede defeat and buy a stocking cap.
>>1043798Uggh do they hiss at you? I had issues with Arabic men doing that to me when I was a teenager. This is growing up female - wearing baggy jeans and oversized t shirts and trying to hide your breasts because yu get leared at in public. Definetly not euphoric.
>>1044166Me too. I don't want a fuckin silicon dick with vein detail. Give me a nice textured glass dildo or something, or the real thing.
& yeh, it's the furry troons who get the tentacle and animal dildos.
No. 1044171
>>1043873I just can't with the chocolate. Getting your period = craving chocolate! Being emotional = bring on the chocolate! Pregnancy = big special chocolate maniaaaa!
It's shallow dudes taking female stereotypes literally. I mean. There are probably some women out there who might be cukoo-nuts obsessed w chocolate. Not trying to disparage their reality. But it's, like, mostly a marketing thing, and has been forever. Most women are like, yeah, that's yummy, but so are a lot of foods.
Being a woman has jack shit to do with chocolate. Yet it seems to be a key component of their understanding of us. Annoying.
No. 1044194
>>1044171Seems like 100% of their knowledge of females is based on particularly shitty Hollywood comedies and romances? Like no actual women were involved in the decison-making process at any point, since it's men who write and film all these movies.
Being a woman:
0-10 Sleepovers, disney, pink dresses, trying makeup, wearing fluffy clothing items
10-15 High school, miniskirts, flirting, looking hot, more sleepovers but more sexy ones, chocolate, boys
15-20 just shaggin' hot guys from dusk to dawn. Sometimes take a break to cry on the phone to your friends about one of the hot guys. Very skimpy outfits, long hair, chocolate.
20-30 It's a mystery, female experience stops at 20 according to these people, but for the very special ones: weird fetish shit about pregnancy and periods comes into play here, submission fetishes, and so on. This is advanced level trooning and must be approached with maximum caution.
No. 1044227
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>>1043769It seems more like they want to take over, but LSA users constantly downvote/mock them.
Just checked there and found this other inane tranny rant, same insistence that straight men want them. No. 1044236
File: 1600926062378.jpg (26.46 KB, 275x275, GHRHG.JPG)

>>1043808>belly expansion fetish shitCan they just not? why do they have to fetishize everything women go through
No. 1044246
>>1043808Imagine being so detached from reality and the female experience that you think pregnancy is a hot belly expansion kink that causes you orgasmic pleasure instead of being a long, often very unpleasant journey that's still potentially damaging to your health. Is there anything left they haven't yet fetishized?
>>1044194I'm fucking dying over this, it's legitimately true.
No. 1044282
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>>1043014underrated post anon I’m fucked up over this one
No. 1044301
>>1044227You just know this was written by a misogynistic gay male who does not even grasp the reality of how heterosexual attraction works.
I almost feel bad for them sometimes. They can waste their lives putting on the most performative costume of feminity they can muster, but at the end of the day the vast majority of men still won’t touch their dicks (or stinkditches in a best case scenario). All they can achieve is thirst from chasers on the internet, which does not translate into reality, because even the most high profile ones like Blaire White are instantly clockable outside of highly curated pictures and videos they post online.
But then I remember that they hate me so whatever. Die fucking mad about it, trannies.
No. 1044304
>>1044227If it's so easy to "perform femininity" and not something women are born with, then why are trannies so bad at it? kek
Also imagine thinking that women are pretty much born acting like men and only do "feminine" stuff so guys will fuck us. Absolutely insane. Do little girls only play with dolls, like princess dresses and butterfly hairclips because they want men to be attracted to them? Hmmmmmmm.
No. 1044323
>>1044321Or rather, not true ("costume" is more closetcope) but he has
nearly realized what misogyny is, but is putting all the blame on women for not being (in his mind) sexy enough. Men are attracted to us
and hate us at once, it's even worse than this guy thinks.
No. 1044334
>>1044301these gay men get off by telling women that transwomen are taking their men, they even do it to women, "oh I'll take you man" or insist every man is gay/bisexual/trans attracted.
What I don't get is what women get out of doing it.
No. 1044440
>>1043802Why are trannies so obsessed with "goth gfs"?
That's not even remotely goth, kek.
No. 1044473
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so a troon is at the forefront of this, no surprise. 30 years of a neighborhood being called Boystown, now it’s an issue. fuck off, I’ve never felt excluded just because of the neighborhood name… go to Andersonville (Lesbian neighborhood) if it’s that much of an issue.
No. 1044476
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>>1044473End my suffering anon
No. 1044495
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>>1044473ARE YOU KIDDING ME fuck troons i fucking hate them fuck
No. 1044584
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>>1044227It sounds like he's trying to convince himself that men can be converted if another man looks "convincing enough"
No. 1044590
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>>1044588She really gives 0 fucks it's incredible.
No. 1044615
File: 1600979053506.jpg (1.01 MB, 1920x1920, 2020_09_24_22_22_47_605.jpg)

totally happened
No. 1044641
>>1044636Of course male comfort is more important than women's it always has been.
I regret ever telling ugly MtFs with horrible makeup and outfits they looked good just to be nice kek, liberal brainwashing is a hell of a drug. Literally Regina George and the "ugliest effing skirt." They don't deserve it.
No. 1044642
>>1044636I know what you are talking about. I stopped getting into reddit spaces like that because they are hypocrites. A man could come with shit smeared on his lips going, "Hi, I'm a freshly hatched Trans Girl trying out a new lipstick! I'm not the best but i'm trying!"
and the comments would be like, "Yass queen!"
I've also seen how some spaces talk shit about women with work done but will stan transwomen and never mention their work/photoshop.
No. 1044688
>>1044642Oh that plastic surgery double-standard always makes me mad. Every single troon that comes within 10 feet of passing has had a lot of work done, OR more likely, has taken a flattering series of photos that they then had edited…no questions asked, they look so good! Meanwhile every single injection and filler ever put into a Kardashian has been picked apart, men bitching about how they're plastic, or whatever. It is almost worse when its another actual woman just blindly accepting a tranny's "beauty" and in the same breath belittling another woman and suggesting she's fake or whatever.
If I said that my tiny little snake lips made me feel dysphoric, could I get some lip injections in peace? Perhaps even applauded for how brave I am and how beautiful I am for sharing my truth and exposing the real, big lipped me?
Anyway, long story short, even the most passingest-ass tranny on earth would look like a troll compared to an actual, beautiful woman. Why are we expected to gas them into thinking they pass as ATTRACTIVE women? Can we just start judging their physical beauty on the same standard we judge real women's? If they want to be us, they better accept the constant picking and poor self image. That's step one, not chocolate.
No. 1044699
File: 1600984880886.png (652.64 KB, 1210x776, Screen Shot 2020-09-24 at 5.58…)

here's a case in point for the makeupaddiction subreddit from just this month. Complete low effort, if a teenage girl posted this they'd get ZERO responses for sure, and likely mocked elsewhere.
Instead this guy enjoys such comments as:
Lovely! Someone mentioned hooded eyes and playing around with where you start your eyeliner. I have hooded eyes too. I like an almond shape so I start in the center and angle up more. The shape you’ve done is my more “exotic” tiger eye look. Both looks are great, just depends on what you want. Playing with placement, line weight, angle and color is very fun!
Small tip, I think your photo right eye has a wonderful wing taper! Your photo left eye is a touch thicker. No biggie, it’s not hugely noticeable. Just wanted to add It would make great practice to duplicate the thin flick.
Also, you have a naturally beautiful face! If you desire a feminine aesthetic you’re going to knock it out of the park!
No. 1044700
File: 1600984951508.png (490.88 KB, 1051x769, Screen Shot 2020-09-24 at 6.01…)

>>1044699samefag, here's another of the guy's posts. The euphoria of imagining yourself as a big titty waifu who can beat people up, us ladies must be so jealous.
No. 1044717
>>1044699Is it just me, or are the majority of troons laughably bad at make-up? I mean, I know it's not an easy thing to get right the first time, but wouldn't that be one of the first things to learn and focus on to achieve a more feminine look?
Do they just not like to take real women's make-up advice due to their male pride?
Or is it that they believe if they keep injecting the horse piss they will one day wake up a 'naturally beautiful' and have no need for make-up lol.
No. 1044745
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>>1044590This one is my fave from the shop.
No. 1044758
>>1044584She literally just bought a shirt (that is completely inoffensive) from a shop that also happens to sell other items. She didn't "platform" anybody. I literally had people tell me about this saying "Did you know JKR sells stickers that say "fuck trans people"?
It's just like with the fucking book. The book is about a cis male serial killer. IN ONE SINGLE PARAGRAPH he puts on a coat and a wig to sneak up to a
victim (cause it changes his silhoutette). The book is not at all about a man putting on women's clothing to kill women.
I hate journalists.
No. 1044817
>>1044758I saw someone post a store screenshot in that thread trying to be all uwu transphobia, the screenshot included a pin which said
>dead men don't rapeIf you've got a problem with that pin, you are not the good guy here.
No. 1044820
>>1044758Girl Dick news speard that fake ass "the main character is a cis man who dresses like a woman to kill women!!"
then the people who read it said it wasn't true, guess what Girl Dick news did?
Nothing. I still see people saying thats what the story is about and then going, "Well even if it was a small part, it's a dog whistle"
No. 1044949
>>1044926Rowling is smarter than all her trolls and haters and it infuriates them. She always ensures what she says and does looks completely innocent and comes across well under scrutiny - they are forced to seek meaning and paraphrase if they want to spin it into a negative.
She knew they would research the store and post screenshots, thus spreading the message
for her when all she posted was a wizard franchise-relevant t shirt.
Rowling: 1
Trolls: 0
No. 1045009
>>1044949What's funniest about all of this is that I think the trannies and SJW outrage crowd are the ones who PUSHED her into being a TERF. She tried really hard to appeal to the left by saying shit like "Dumbledore was gay" "Hermione was actually black". But it was never enough for them. They called her a TERF for something completely stupid when she wasn't even close to being a TERF. Now she is embracing it and I love it.
She lost me back when she said Dumbledore was gay and when she made "Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them" cause holy shit that was terrible, but she is winning back my favor now. If anyone can get away with this stuff and spread the message it's someone who is extremely super rich and doesn't have to give a fuck.
No. 1045048
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>Mmm… MISSUS Hernswerth, is it? I've got just the place…
>coughs dryly
>taps on auditorium microphone with point of hat
>screams at top of lung
No. 1045056
>>1045009You’re right. That’s how it always goes, though. I’m glad that she realized that you can’t please those people and started embracing reality instead of being defeatist or quiet about it.
It’s a sad state of the world where a woman is hated for standing up for women first instead of men. “Trans women” aren’t a vulnerable population, most of them are just fucking perverts, and these are who woke libfems elevate over real women who are abused, murdered, and legitimately vulnerable. And being made more vulnerable by letting MEN into their shelters and safe spaces. Nah, I’m with Rowling and all the other TERFs, I guess a bunch of men in dresses can curb stomp me and feel good about it.
No. 1045057
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Their online tirades aren't really working, are they?
No. 1045066
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No. 1045067
>>1045057People who are too invested in twitter really think that their echo chamber represents the real world, and that because 1 or 2 new outlets pick up on the easy content, that it’s an issue that everyone is rallying around.
Truth is only a very small fraction of people either care about trans people (Because they don’t know any themselves) or would disagree with Rowling. They can cry and shout all they want that Rowling is murdering trans people with her own bare hands, if they see her original tweets they won’t help by agree with it because it is sensitive stuff. She’s not saying trans people should be shunned and not access bathrooms. She’s just saying to stop the wording nonsense and stop pumping young girls full of hormones.
I’m honestly impressed by Rowling cause she could back down and enjoy her millions and not give a fuck about transbians pushing their dick on her. She won’t share a dressing room with anyone because she’s rich as fuck. She could have gone the Emma Watson way and pretend none of that affects her anyway because she’d never be in a shelter with a violent male or give up on a college because a teen male beat her in a race. Despite that she still voices her own unpopular opinion. Can’t wait til all of the detrans kids back her up in a few years.
No. 1045090
>>1045062>those trans sex workers who get killed in Brasil and Mexico are only used for extra oppression pointsSorry to say that I don't feel that their transness really makes a difference here either. Or that if it does, it still shouldn't detract from the fact that real women who participate or are, you know, TRAFFICKED into sex work, are victimized and murdered just as much. But we don't care about them. Just trannies because they're an uwu small, underrepresented population therefore all of their deaths make the percentage look more severe. Don't get me wrong, it's really fucking sick and sad, but it's fueled by homophobia. That's why that marine killed that trans woman in the Philippines years ago, and it's why Brazilian and Mexican trans sex workers are murdered. You're right, though, that money doesn't go to these people. It goes to broke trannies with beards and makeup trying to live as artists with no real job in NY or Chicago. What a joke.
No. 1045117
>>1045090Well not really, while yes female sex workers still get murdered and trafficked in the same third world rates as expected, the violence against transexuals at least here in brazil is staggering, its the first in ranking of transexual murderers and the numbers for such a small community are incredibly high, last year there were 331 transexuals murdered in brazil, if you consider that trans people are just 0,5% of the population thats a terrifying number.
There's a cultural hostility even harsher than usual towards transexuals, you don't see this kind of violence even against bio women, in a country where violence against females is also extremely high, the way these people get murdered is just beyond sadistic.
Anecdotal evidence but in my whole life i've met two MTFs, one of them was murdered this year.
No. 1045118
>>1045090Yeah I agree with all you say, but yeah, what I meant was I hate seeing white people appropriate POCs suffering for their own gains. Disgusting!
JK should donate to mexican/brazilian LGBT and womens organisations and show those TRA idiot how you make real change for marginalized groups!
No. 1045124
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>>1045119I've seen people be completely fine with both masculine and flamboyant gay men but then completely flip the switch when it comes to transwomen.
I wish there was more research on the subject because its genuinely very differently from a place like say sweden, you will almost never find a fetishistic AGP type posting shit on reddit because trans people here tend to live as non descriptly as possible out of fear of you know, being horribly murdered.
Sure there are a handful on creeps on the internet, but thats the internet, not real life.
No. 1045125
>>1045117Ayrt, that's a fair point, and I believe you. I wonder why the cultural hostility towards trans people is so high there. I have to assume it's men murdering them, so again, I'm sure it's fueled by homophobia or what libfems like to call transmisogyny. Is it only trans sex workers? Is it illegal? Does it stem from the county's cultural hatred and disrespect for women already? Obviously, I don't think that people should suffer or be murdered, and I'm more inclined to believe that these men truly believe in their transition enough to live it in a place where they're
actually more likely to be murdered just for being trans unlike in America (which is where my perspective comes from, pardon my burgerfag view).
No. 1045132
>>1045125I think on top of misogyny and homophobia, its the cultural belief that everything thats is deviant, not normal, must be hidden and never seen or spoken about, if you're gay or lesbian keep quiet and discreet.
But you can't really be invisible when you are a 6'1 transwoman in heels.
I think that enrages them, those men (I think ive heard of women killing transwomen before on the news but i would have to do research on that), they see someone not following the societal "rules" and they do what violent killers do.
Neither transphobia or homophobia are illegal, and i doubt in this current almost fascist government they will be, people sue on basis on personal damages when that happens and it all depends if your judge is LGBT friendly.
Its not only sex workers, the transwomen i sort of knew was not a sex worker and she was murdered by her partner, who after a party got tired of being called a tranny chaser and was drunk so he murdered her, its genuinely all transwomen be it a sex worker or hairstylist.
No. 1045137
>>1045132I get what you're saying, and it is never good when someone is murdered - but I can't hide the fact that I'm a woman. There is no 'inauthentic self' I can pretend to be that shields me from male violence, no outfit I can wear or any part of myself that I can obscure.
MtFs can survive without being "out", and 100% they don't deserve to be killed or assaulted for expressing themselves even if I personally think its stupid…but women CAN'T hide our "true selves", and we're never safe from male violence because of it. If a MtF just sucks it up and 'pretends to be a man', he's fine. So I don't know, my concern still lies mostly with people who can't help but become
victims - women and children.
No. 1045143
>>1045132This is a really valuable and
valid perspective that I agree with in regards to MtFs that are legitimate about transitioning and do so in places like this where it's dangerous to, as well as try to assimilate as much as they can. Though like you said, they can't hide it most of the time.
>>1045137I do tend to agree with this, though much like with LGB people, inauthentically is no way to live. Men that don't transition in the name of fetishizing women's experience like the weird American and Euro tranny trash are the real
victims of transphobia, not the "it's MA'AM give me a TAMPON" fuckers.
>>1045118Also a good point. Unfortunately, they're invisible, to her and to us because they're eclipsed by the loud weirdos.
No. 1045151
>>1045124>that chartIt's not recording the number of trannies murdered for being trans, it's recording the number of trannies murdered for all reasons. I know this because I recognize those embarrassingly wrong numbers for North America. I bet Canadians are still counting Julie Whatever His Last Name Was as a
victim of MUH TRANSPHOBIA when he was killed by his queer non-binary boyfriend.
No. 1045213
>>1045197Saging for ot and blogposting, and im not that anon but it really is. I've met gay couples who still got beat up on the street just for holding hands, and being a woman here is awful and it will keep getting worse with the current conservative wave. You heard about the 10 years old raped little girl who was almost denied an abortion? it's from here to worse, the main reason there was even a debate is because she might have died but still religious nutjobs almost stopped her.
Our miniter of education just said he does not agree with "homossexualism" or sex ed, the president said he would rather have a dead son than a gay one and said if parents beat their kids no one would turn out gay, our human/women/minorities rights minister is a loony who leaked the 10 yo girls info and thinks the solution to a small town having high child rape numbers is to send them panties among other things like saying asking for equality = asking for violence, that pregnant women should earn less, that the ideal model is women staying at home, and they all face no repercusssions because the population agrees.
If we could claim to be refugees for easier entry i would be out of here in a heartbeat, but leaving this hell takes work and many years. It will be worth to have basic rights like abortion and the freedom to be gay in peace though.
No. 1045222
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troons are reeeing at the guy who threw his shoe at bush because he isnt woke enough lmfao
idk what he said, but idrc he’s done more good in this world than any of these neets ever will, comrade al-zaidi we love u <3
No. 1045232
>>1045230sage for ot
Yeah its sad for everyone. They mainly get killed because they end up being sex workers since no place will hire them, and being gay is really not easy too, unless you have money to lead a somewhat normal life in bigger cities but even that might change with our government being anti LGBT.
No. 1045236
>>1045117>>1045062>>1045056It's really disgusting how white American/European men living comfortable lives appropriate the struggles of people who actually face violence, and use it to beg for titty skittle and surgery funds.
What's the trans rights scene in Brazil like, if there is any?
No. 1045248
>>1045236Agreed. I'm
>>1045056 and was specifically thinking of, well, the troons higher up ITT.
No. 1045253
>>1045236this shit is pissing me off too, We have trans people telling people buying a fucking game is killing them and misgendering is violence.
Not fucking them is transphobia, women not fucking men who fuck troons makes it harder for troons and we are somewhat responsible for their mistreatment.
Sex work is empowering.
meanwhile people are actually dealing with shit,not "Lesbians won't fuck me! I look like a man and someone called me a man!"
Shit is sick. It feels like some trans people LIKE flaunting the deaths of transwomen around because they want people to think that ALL transwomen are in danger, so they can use that to guilt people into doing shit.
How many times have you seen transwomen bring up how much they are killed in situations that have NOTHING to do with it? I read a article about a troon bitchng about lesbians not wanting him and he brought it up.
Manipulation and using deaths (that they aren't even honest about the actual causes) to push their dumb shit.
No. 1045254
>>1045236sage for ot/blogposting: A damn mess. Some fighting for trans focused healthcare, job opportunities and name changes, some trying to be as loud and obnoxious as possible and to change the way our language works, some defending an actual pedo and murderer and some just giving up and trying to leave.
The issue is that most of the population was juuust warming up to gay people as long as they act hetero, but trans people are still associated with sex workers/crossdressers, pedophilia and other nefarious stuff, so they have almost no support outside of educated young people with internet access.
It's a complicated issue when a decent part of the population also thinks things like women deserve rape sometimes, gay people shouldnt marry or be able to kiss or hold hands in public, and any trans woman is a cheap sex worker. To fix these issues you can't just throw money at LGBT orgs (though it helps ofc) but have a cultural revolution and that won't happen soon. In my view trans organizations in europe or usa should work with trans people here who want to leave the country for safety but cant.
No. 1045268
>>1045009Yeah I shunned her with the "Dumbledore was always gay" and dismissed it as pandering but she won me back with entering the terfdom. Truly a power lady, she got a shining steel-forged spine to stand by women. She's old and rich enough not to give a shit anymore and I wish more female celebrities did the same.
>>1045048underrated post
No. 1045292
>>1045282You must be retarded to not see that the best option as an educated woman is leaving this shit hole, Brazil is a shit retrograde country where only men and tradthots come on top.
>>1045197Im the original OP and im very involved with my local LGBT community, and its incredibly sad, I plan on moving out after i graduate but the immigration process is a bit of a hassle.
Y’all saying that trannies should just not put on a skirt if they don’t want to get killed or its based that they get murdered sound just like the incels you claim to hate so much, most of these people were innocent, friendly and only wanted to live their lives in a body they felt more comfortable at, the world is not reddit where its a bunch pedophiles cop opting female spaces, most brazilian MTFs know they share more with gay men than cis women and Thats a vital foundation of LGBT culture here.
No. 1045298
>>1045292Right? American, but primo example of western, particularly American and European/first world countries in general, applying our POV and experience where it doesn’t apply directly.
The work you do is awesome. Thanks for sharing your perspective. I do think quite a few of us appreciated it, it’s a sobering reminder of the reality of trans lives and not fetishists.
No. 1045329
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>>1045277>introduce other perspectives"Sometimes it's sad when the people with the spinny skirt fetish let the fetish get them killed" is not an interesting perspective. It is ALWAYS funny when the people with the spinny skirt fetish let the fetish get them killed.
>>1045292>most of these people were innocent, friendly and only wanted to live their lives in a body they felt more comfortable atThat's always how it starts, and pic related is always how it ends. Inches for miles.
No. 1045345
>>1045329Not quite. Sage for blogpost, but I'm of Pakistani descent and in Pakistan there is a
"third gender" who are basically in the same situation as Brazilian MTFs (cannot truly be a part mainstream society, mostly end up as sex workers, beggars, dancers..etc). They do not consider themselves to be female, only feminine. It's the introduction of stupid queer theory bullshit that leads to the Riley J Dennises of the world.
No. 1045348
>>1045329sage and not that anon but Idk how old you are, I'm old enough to remember the 90s,00s AND 10s and remember trans representation from all those eras including what was online. This fetish based silence of the lambs "suck my girldick or else, it is m'am" collective agenda shit didn't exist until the last 5 years, and if someone like that came up they were appropriately distinguished from normal trans woman with a diagnosis of pathological sexual disorders both professionally and in the general public, or they had to be satisfied with their little island of crossdresser fetish circuit an stay tf out of everyone else's life.
The problem is the general zeitgeist of obama era SJW culture + brainwashed leftist TRAs opened the doors for everyone to muscle their way into LGBT under the guise of "equality" no matter how obvious it is on face value there is something fundamentally wrong with these people, the fact that they can't integrate or share resources anywhere, their sexually predatory behavior, and the fetish-based sexual identification they use as a justification for their troonery as opposed to sincere gender identity. I feel bad for gay people, lesbians, trans woman ect who have basically have to live with an ever more disproportionate amount of sexual predators, pornsick incels and fetishists being dumped onto their community ever year, into a demographic with a lot of vulnerable young people that are ripe for exploitation
No. 1045425
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>>1044301Yea, I feel like HSTSs get more of a pass than they should, but plenty of them are just as misogynistic, homophobic, and regressive as their AGP counterparts. They're obviously better because there's way less of them and they can't sexually coerce in the same way, but they've been pulling this "I'm a better woman who's going to steal your man" shit for decades.
No. 1045526
>>1045345Nayrt but
>They do not consider themselves to be female, only feminine.As ridiculous and homophobic as I think the whole third gender thing is, I’m okay with this. Flamboyant gay men who like makeup and dresses don’t bother me. It’s when they start arguing that liking makeup, dresses and dick makes them women that they can fuck off. This way of thinking reduces womanhood to performative femininity and being sexually available to men.
>>1045395Basically this. I have a lot of sympathy for men who get beat up and murdered for being GNC, but that sympathy doesn’t mean that I agree that they’re women.
No. 1045548
>>1040494Remember that this is a child-prostitute from Taiwan who is now a mennace to society and fucking hates women.
Your brazilian trannies aren't special.
No. 1045653
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Another troon sexualizing children, who would have guessed. Sorry when I was a 12 year old girl I wasn’t “horny and crazy”.
No. 1045656
>>1045066Any other ladies read that and immediately feel the crushing shame and inner embarrassment from your childhood when you’d be told the same thing?
But troons will harp on all day long about “shared experiences” between them and actual women.
No. 1045666
>>1045653i've seen transwomen and their allies defend bad behavior by saying, "Well they are going through puberty"
Why do trannies think womanhood is like Mean Girls or some shit?
No. 1045706
>>1044590wtf I love JKR now
lol jk I always have. I even forgive her for Cursed Child.
>>1045057>fans urged to stop buying Harry Potter booksI mean, surely that ship sailed about 20 years ago?
>>1045653>horny and crazyOh look it’s that old chestnut that’s been used to undermine teenage girls’ problems for centuries
No. 1045725
>>1045066>>1045656Definitely. All the experiences we had growing up that traumatized us and taught us to be ashamed of our sexuality and gender altogether are now quirky, hot and validating experiences for them. It's like that one demented troon who wrote about how exciting and gender-affirming getting catcalled was for him.
>>1045653>12 year old girls are horny and crazyIt's like tranners have zero idea what it is like to grow up as a female but surely that can't be the fact as trans and cis women are the same, Little Miss Sarah Powell here didn't grow up as a boy but he was
Always a girl!
No. 1045748
>>1045547Good points.
I think there is room to say men in skirts aren't women, but also believe they should have a right to personal safety as any other human being. But at the same time, you won't see me donating to troon charities any time soon.
No. 1045750
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>Kali Linux
No. 1045776
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Love the male body lesbians!
Your not a bigot are you?
No. 1045784
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Next up, we now return to our regularly scheduled "Troons fetishizing growing up as a female based on romanticized media depictions" programming.
No. 1045785
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>>1045784The comments made it even worse. Julia here got PTSD from not being fucked by Chad while wearing a beautiful prom gown.
No. 1045824
>>1045809The troons version of cute is wearing girly outfits anon.
It is also the troon version of womanhood
No. 1046120
File: 1601174287747.png (2.07 MB, 750x1334, 32DA6C31-7DFF-481F-B367-FF078E…) pride page that tries to use philosophical grad student jargon to mysticize their fetish as something more compelling and interesting than it is.
No. 1046277
>>1046252Indigestion, muscle cramping and mood swings from pumping your body full of hormones is real, just like what happens to anyone who has to take a steady regimen of powerful medications. Let’s not forget that so many of these guys are on additional meds for mental problems like anxiety and depression, which often affects the GI tract. What is NOT happening is simulated uterine cramps and the body reacting to an organ that is not there. It’s all in their head. Especially since they do not experience a natural hormone cycle that we do because they are given a specific dosage to manage their individual testosterone level.
If you go look at those period fetishist forums where they stuff tomato juice up their ass, they also talk about purposely messing around with HRT doses to mimic our hormone cycles because they can’t experience that naturally. You will also notice that the people that are claiming to have periods are mostly AGP transbians(and very masculine looking and non-passing) who have no experience bonding with girls as friends as kids or cared to understand them until their transition. These same dudes that go on about “missed girlhoods” based on anime and Disney Channel and are obsessed with condensing a lifetime of women’s experience into a short amount of time because they were a gender-conforming outsider for most of their lives.
Women’s bodies don’t just randomly do this shit because of girly feels or estrogen alone. Everything has a purpose or has a specific interaction with something else. These biological interactions are how we know our bodies are functioning properly or if something is wrong. There is no reason for male bodies to react to something that is not there and never was.
No. 1046278
>>1046120This is very much a chicken or the egg situation if you ask me. What was there first? The trap porn or your desire to become a tranny? Since most men nowadays start watching porn at around 12-14 I think I know which came first.
Then the realization hits that life will never be like a hentai and now you ruined your body.
No. 1046308
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>>1043808sage for late but jesus fucking christ scrotes were a mistake
>>1045784>>1045785all this bullshit goes to show is how male they are. we had to deal with the trauma and vulnerability of actual girlhood, the constant dismissal and exclusion and “boys will be boys”, the sexualisation before we even knew what sex was.
on a related note, do ftms ever do this shit? do they ever play with trucks and action figures to recreate the boyhood they also never had? really makes you think, especially since most actual girls grow up desiring the freedom of being a boy.
>>1045653keep this freak away from preteen girls forever
No. 1046405
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No. 1046593
>>1046277Eventually they will be complaining about their
problematic prostates after the years of recreational hormone therapy that inevitably catches up. They'll be demanding that the government pays the bill for their health care while whining that CISwomen have the privilege to be 'taken seriously' and more importantly, validated.
No. 1046632
>>1046602You don't have to announce you being a woman here, this is a female-only imageboard.
Anyway you should have a look at the WPATH list of procedures TRAs want included in health plans and public health care, it's basically the all-inclusive luxury course including facial feminization surgery, breast implants, voice training, laser hair removal, constant counseling including family therapy, sex organ reassignment, wigs, liposuction, chest implants for FTMs, et cetera. As a normal person battling any other mental disorder you could only dream of all of this.
No. 1046766
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No. 1046767
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tl;dr: self-obsessed man thinks only of himself. Doesn't seem to realize that women go through this consistently and makes it all about himself
No. 1046779
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No. 1046977
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>troons: clothes don't have a gender!
>also troons: I get a bone-I mean, gender euphoria from wearing dresses and skirts, is this normal?
No. 1047089
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>>1046776I'm sure this 6'5 construction worker passes really well as a woman.
No. 1047135
>>1046977>theimpossiblegirl>actuallyaliceGod bless troons
>>1047073Unfortunately this, just based on some things I've read on Twitter. Usually their moms/dads unapologetically sell them out to the local pedo which gives them all sorts of gender related issues, aside from CSA. I do genuinely feel bad for those kind of trans people, but you do also have the "extremely online anime fan from well-off middle class upbringing" variety who probably make up most of the worst screenshots in this thread.
No. 1047140
>>1046766So many paragraphs to say "guy of dubious straight status (nothing more straight than getting turned on with all your best guy friends in a room) hit on me at work, turns out sexual harassment isn't fun after all, what is empathy for women, somehow I have a female partner who inevitably had experienced worse many more times than I have, but it took until
now when I realized harassment was bad."
Their partner must have so much patience.
No. 1047145
>one of the most traumatic experiences of my lifeLiterally just getting verbally sexually harassed for a few hours at work, extremely standard female experience that usually would only grant a passing mention. They aren't ready for this rodeo.
No. 1047170
>>1046766man this shit comes off like some written tranny porn. A man in fucking
construction work passes SO well that the guy didn't know? The guy was probably gay/bisexual and assumed the guy was a gay tranny, not a lesbian. Then the ebil "cis" woman going, "welcome to womanhood" and the guys trying to protect him because they see him as a woman?
This shit is spot on some bullshit, I can tell his dick was hard writing this trans-fiction. Like he's SOOO hot and passing, that he knew 100% the guy thought he was a woman instead of a cross dresser.
Notice how the men are the heroes in this story and the woman was cold.
Construction workers hoot and holler at women all fucking day, you telling me suddenly they realized how wrong it was and got this protective over a man in drag being bothered?
Sorry for the block of text, I just had to comment on this trans-fiction.
No. 1047171
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>>1046130It's because they all are protected by rhetoric like this.
No. 1047172
>>1047135Pedos are known to lie about being
victims of csa to get sympathy. I can believe that a significant portion of FtMs have experienced csa and are transitioning to escape sexualisation, but the MtFs who sexualise childhood are mostly just a bunch of pornsick fucks writing out their deranged fantasies.
No. 1047173
>>1047101Sorry you were molested, anon. But it's sadly the truth that >a lot< of people who were molested don't turn out to have a healthy sexuality and often have a ton of baggage. Doesn't mean everyone who was molested will turn into a tranny or that every tranny was molested, but it surely does scar a child and unless they get the help/therapy they need then they can turn out like this. I'm sure you turned out perfectly fine, but it's not the case for everyone.
If there was no risk of kids who are molested turning out to be unstable retards as adults, then we wouldn't ban it in the first place. But it do be that way most of the time.
No. 1047218
Sage for blogpost, but I know three trans «women», two of which are violent and creepy stalkers.
One of them always posts about wanting to kill people, has sent bizarre self harm pictures to me, threated to kill himself and such.
The other one is currently stalking one of my (female) best friends. I don’t want to go into too much detail, but it includes being outside her house at night, following her and such.
I always wonder if they’re trans because they’re sick, or sick because they’re trans.
Also the first one I mentioned used to absolutely hate women, said he’d rape me (supposedly as a joke), wears a knife all the time etc. He’s very isolated, looking at the internet, and as such I believe he somehow ended up wanting to dress up as a woman. We all know the case of “man looking at too much anime, and wanting to look like the characters”.
I could post some personal stories or screenshots if anyone is interested.
No. 1047239
>>1047233I recommend it to her. We’ve earlier called the health authorities on the stalker one. Considering my ex-friend, I also consider doing the same with him.
These trannies are insane.
No. 1047266
>>1047239 You seem to have plenty of evidence in both cases, get the law involved.
Your friend and you can probably do them one after the other and ask if the other can be there for it for support.
No. 1047318
>>1046977what…do they think will make clothes stop having gendered connotations, if not wearing something you're not societally supposed to and saying "I'm still an x."
I mean, I know the answer is "they know they're not supposed to like gender roles but their entire sense of self is built on gender roles, so they'll pay lip service to the idea and then keep on cementing gender roles," but I'm fascinated by statements like this tweet. There's no grey area between knowing clothes shouldn't be gendered and still gendering them. You just stop gendering them. It's not a mystery, and it happened recently, it's why women can wear pants.
Also christ I'm so fucking tired of grown men larping as apple-cheeked grade schoolers who just wuv their spinny skirts uwu
No. 1047473
>>1047089I haven't seen a whale tail for 15 years.
Why do all the older troons dress like drag queens from 2003?
No. 1047503
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so I found this old (and somewhat famous ironic) picture and it's spot on how some troons dress. They either dress like old ladies, anime girls or insta-thots.
No. 1047507
>>1047503Oh yeah whats ironic about the picture is the guy in the black (young buck a washed up rapper), was outted for sleeping with multiple transwomen (even some normal men) and one of them said they may have HiV & he may have gave it to them.
50 cent posted this picture shitting on buck basically going, "This is how a man secure in his sexuality acts" when it came out Young Buck was fucking transwomen/men.
No. 1047511
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This is also old but when Bruce Jenner came out Kris (Kim's ex-husband) tweeted this and I remember dying laughing.
I had no idea why they made him apologize for it and why it was considered offensive.
No. 1047635
>>1046767TFW being mildly sexually harassed by a workmate is the most traumatic thing that's ever happened to you.
Mild sexual harassment is basically a normal, albeit gross, experience as a teenage girl. For traumatic try being raped. Or is that another womanly experience denied to them?
No. 1047818
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>>1031751meet danny "tori" torificallytori. a 33 year old father, legging fetishist who discovered he was trans through sissy porn and self proclaimed "fun sporty feisty casual gamer girly adult trans tween girl"
No. 1047840
>>1047839Also he is
way too obsessed with his little girl and not in a healthy loving father way. I hope he's on a watchlist of some kind.
No. 1047845
>>1047818>>1047839>>1047840Imagine having kids with this man, and then he suddenly identifies as trans.
I’d be so scared and worried for my child, but i guess if one were to complain and seek full custody of the child, it would be branded as discrimination.
Imagine EVER thinking this is fucking normal. Holy fuck these men are absolute disgusting lunatics and will never understand/experience the feeling of having been sexualised as a small child.
No. 1047850
>>1047849I just cannot contain my hateI swear to god.
I want to bury myself or be a man when catcalled; I thought I was male as a teen because of that; and here you have groen up men thinkinh pyjama parties are orgies.
I need tea.
No. 1047942
>>1047330Watching his "manifesto" was a good look into an insane person's psyche. Imagine an adult man in his 20s sperging out about how mommy and daddy didn't love him enough because they made him get a job and that he felt like a cartoon ghost girl, and when he kills himself he'll join the ghost girl squad to be the ghost girl he always was. While his room around him is decorated with MLP posters. At some point when addressing his parents he tells about how the white stain on his floor is from the time when he painted himself white to get in touch with the female phantom inside of himself.
No. 1047946
>>1047818>>1047820Fathers who are competitive with/jealous of their own daughters and troon out are the absolute fucking worst kind and I feel so bad and scared for their kids. You just know they're being passive aggressive and straight out sexist towards them and/or try to live through them. At least when 4ever single cumbrain incels start identifying as an anime girl they don't involve any children who will most likely be heavily traumatized by their dad being roped into a sissyfication fantasy.
>>1047901I hate that this is actually happening to the point there are support groups for "trans widows" meant for wives who had their husband succumb to their crossdressing 24/7 fetish larp.
No. 1047951
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uhhhh im pretty sure estrogen cant make you shorter? it can stop growth but to take off two-three inches off of a grown adult? is this a thing?
No. 1047984
>>1047847I low key freak out and watch my back if any man I don't know approaches me in public.
I have made a scene over men doing much less than what that creepy builder did to that Troon.
You have to protect yourself at all times.
No. 1047995
>>1035587I'm a lesbian and I absolutely hate the q-slur. Also I'm gen z/ centennial
>>1038046>>1039331I'm also tired of the trans cult taking advantage of Autistic and lesbians. There's even articles showing how they're taking advantage of folks with ASD. I have autism myself, and it's really scary how they're taking advantage of them.
No. 1048178
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No. 1048221
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No. 1048351
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This was the first things that showed up when I googled transboobs.
No. 1048353
>probably bigger than my sister'spress X to doubt
unless he's also really obese I guess
No. 1048356
>>1048227I’ve asked my boyfriend kinda the same thing. He said he finds the whole trans thing disgusting, and I’m so happy for that.
He said he’d never ever be interested in a trans person or being a tranny.
>>1048310Rule number one, never help a trans person with makeup and clothes. It will only turn into them wanting to be YOU. Thats how my friend got a trans stalker. She started helping him with clothes and makeup just to be kind, even though she felt uncomfortable. Now he’s been outside her house at night and such.
No. 1048366
>>1048221This is almost exactly like the claim from that hideous rape fetishist here
>>1032279Not a few degenerate cis female friends, but ALL of them share his exactly fetish! As if these guys even have one female friend that isn’t a gender special nutcase.
>>1048353I imagine this dudes is also massively fat and shoves his back rolls into his bra. Rarely, you’ll see freak growth results from people like Jazz Jennings, who got massive grandma boobs that are also deformed. But they will never large, average shape Tanner stage 5 breasts.
No. 1048367
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Doesn't the tanner scale generally refer to children's puberty? They're so fucking gross.
No. 1048588
>>1048178Looks like a male version of shuwu/kiwi
>>1048558Eww, I have a morbid curiosity and I wonder what it is. Why is cumming so important to males? Dudes will do anything for a shitty three-second orgasm
No. 1048609
>>1048227100% agreed. At this point there really aren't any clear "warning signs" since all kinds of men from feminine gay dudes to nerdy normies to military guys to your average Joe dad are trooning out these days. Women need to protect themselves and their children/future children from a life ruined by a gross fetishist.
The "plz never troon out" chat with my SO turned into a long discussion that ended up peaking him lol. Basically just showed him stuff similar to this thread, works like a charm.
No. 1048610
>>1048590I’ve seen some black ones. They’re obviously just gay men, AGPs are the most common in white men.
>>1048601I’m not even memeing or baiting because this is actually true, every white male who spends a long time on the Internet as a teenager either ends up going trans or going incel. Sometimes they end up a double failure and become both.
No. 1048622
>>1048614if he's a sex worker he has to at least be bisexual, because women aren't buying dick like that and they damn sure aren't buying troon dick.
He's either selling to old white/arab chasers, or downlow bisexual/gay men.
No. 1048625
>>1048580Obviously I'm avoiding the ones who signal they have any nerd/weird interests, only dudes with stock market books in their house and Ayn Rand paperbacks allowed, preferably with no social media because they are too busy watching C-span. As long we have chemistry and can enjoy some conversation I'm satisfied at this point. I guess I can always go to my friends for our shared artsy hobbies.
Gay-identifying men who transition and want to date men aren't my problem so I don't really care what they do in that sense.
No. 1048637
>>1048627Completely agreed, anon, I just tried to use two somewhat opposite examples. Like Kevin is clearly AGP, but he claims to have a lot of male partners, so how much of it is internalized homophobia like your typical HSTS? And Contrapoints comes off as a clear HSTS at first, but when you look closer he has some AGP tendencies.
Blanchard's definition of AGP includes four types (transvestic, physiological, behavioral, and anatomical) that seem to allow for a bit of HSTS overlap. I think AGP is a good term to have, but there isn't really a clear delineation between HSTS and AGP in the way that Blanchard asserts. The definition needs updating, especially since it was coined decades before this new AGP phenomenon took over.
No. 1048669
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sometimes i love to dip into /lgbt/ and check out all the self-hating troons
No. 1048691
>>1048637>>1048623pseudobisexuality, ladies. its when an AGP troon starts seeking out male partners because in his retarded fetish the male role is the ultimate dominant role, so to get maximum sissy sub gender euphoria he'll allow himself to be assfucked because he thinks being dominated by another dude brings him closer to tru womanhood~
they're not really into gay sex, they're into being degraded, because that's their understanding of femininity
No. 1048762
>>1048710I have never seen a troon body that went through male puberty that can fully pass as a woman of any variety. The HSTS who have had a tonne of surgery are slightly more convincing but when you get used to clocking them you can still spot the difference a mile off.
Even a relatively attractive troon like Blaire White clocks as a very gay, effeminate man.
No. 1048811
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>>1048762I saw this medical article about the difference in cis and trans breast augmentation patients and the diagram they provided showing the average patient comparison was hilarious. There are also some before and after photos in the article and it’s so obvious that they look nothing like a normal small breasted women. No. 1048813
>>1048601I've actually met a rare black AGP via a cosplay group, he was stereotypically obsessed with anime and uwu lesbians.
>>1048597Who was he aiming at? Plenty of HSTSs get off on the idea of getting with straight men and how that makes them better women.