File: 1644169945916.png (499.09 KB, 1000x2000, 1643494258640.png)

No. 1436232
File: 1644171302404.png (543.86 KB, 1080x1080, Expectation.png)

>>1436217Thanks anon, I'm not sure. I just made a comparison of the two images and wish I posted this one instead!
No. 1436293
File: 1644175638362.png (648.59 KB, 1736x2268, trainsreddit.png)

Anyone else seen a lot of women reacting to how sexist trans "women" are in their portrayal of women? I saw a lot of normie women in the comments of that last AITA post of the last thread that were talking about how insulting it was that the moid expected the women to pillow fight, gossip, and paint their nails. It seems like normies are peaking en masse.
You'd think the trans movement being the coordinated trojan horse that they are would notice this and try to steer it away from that (see how they admitted to trying to lump themselves in with racial issues recently) but if you go on public forums it's still full of the same pre-teen comedy sleepover movie bullshit. I am crying of laughter watching them expose themselves for the sexists to alienate women (aka some of their biggest defenders) they are while headlines come out about them being sex offenders every day.
This is from today btw on r/MtF.
No. 1436357
File: 1644179233577.jpeg (1001.09 KB, 1170x1992, 6A1C1D59-C88B-405D-99EF-9A744A…)

Extremely progressive to say female hysteria is real. Misogyny is stored in the balls (and Y chromosome. Good luck getting rid of that one).
No. 1436448
File: 1644184286945.png (1.04 MB, 758x1066, Redwall Abbey Head Baker on Tw…)

dresses like a 5 year old.
No. 1436452
File: 1644184746489.jpeg (1 MB, 1170x1155, 7C320AF5-A28C-473B-99D0-91CEE8…)

Bonkers to see hundreds/thousands of people validating bottom of the barrel scrotes. This is totes a cute uwu anime girl omg so pretty!! Why do AGPs never learn how to do hair and makeup kek the least they could do is put effort in to not look like a sex offender.
No. 1436497
>the masculine urge to be treated like you've treated your gfs in the pastthis reminded me of an ex that came out as a tim and started to skinwalk me. when i brought up that i felt uncomfortable because he was copying me, he kept insisting that he wasn't, and "always liked those things". he wanted the same color that i had at the time and even used the same brand of hair dye, started getting into the style and aesthetic that i liked, and started calling themselves "goth" despite me showing him the music before and hating it. took me a long time to 'reclaim' my identity after that, because it made me want to just go normie. anyways it's just crazy that these troons often use their girlfriend's as blueprints to what their girlsona will be.
>>1436306ugh reminded me of middle school when none of the girls could eat popsicles or pickles, because every time you would try, you would get the ogling and jokes.
No. 1436528
File: 1644189730691.jpeg (172.04 KB, 750x1355, 3183F4FE-C5A6-4A3C-80C2-FB52C2…)

Imagine your creepy balding son looking at your breast or your daughters to see if their breast will be just as big.
No. 1436533
>>1436528Mom, grandma, aunt. These are not titles, nor roles, these are objects with different features for me to observe. Breast size, Tire size. These things reveal worth of the object they attach to. Compare and compete. There can only be one.
Same as it ever was.
No. 1436541
File: 1644191266486.jpg (781.37 KB, 3264x2448, k3lo5gm335871.jpg)

>>1436478This is the same guy, is his hand covering his dick?
No. 1436546
File: 1644191471155.png (51.01 KB, 1027x275, Untitled.png)

>>1436478A response to that post, these men are delusional
No. 1436618
File: 1644196878527.jpeg (2.29 MB, 2737x3450, 54CF7921-712E-4716-87F8-3F65B3…)

This dude had ffs but I think it just made him look more manly kek and why do they always have the most disgusting teeth?
No. 1436650
>>1436217If anyone did, she would kinda be cowtipping. I know that's more important when the cow in question is singular, but I honestly prefer it when we keep our spaghetti well-contained. I didn't used to care either way, but I've seen some unhinged farmers go and link back to threads here or attack unrelated people with the shit they find on here, so now I think a blanket ban on the practice is ideal.
>>1436293Not only have I seen more normies peaking, but I've seen a reduction in the backlash when they do.
Saw a tweet a couple of days ago of some zoomers saying that "woke stuff's getting kind of boring" and the first thing I thought was "lol" and then "holy shit if this ends up as a dying fad then the people who got surgery will be the only ones who can't renege on it. They will become the tragic minority that they have always claimed to be." which is funny but also really depressing if only for the women and children who fell for it/were groomed into it.
No. 1436668
>>1436293I think it's really interesting that you say women are "some of their biggest defenders". I agree, but I think that no matter how conditioned we are to coddle men's feelings and make nice, women tend to defend the most vulnerable first. Normie women think that troons are what they are advertised to be in the media (soft scared uwu gays) but as soon as that illusion is broken, it's over.
my best friend in school was a gay guy, and I did feel very protective over him because his family was very homophobic. He asked me how to do a lot of the "girl" stuff troons are creepy about (how to get his hair soft, for instance), but he never once creeped me out with it because it wasn't a fetish, and he was respectful.
Many years later, I had a friend troon out, and I thought at first it was the same deal, but he was always furious when women had the nerve to give him any advice. I remember him coming on messenger and complaining to me about a girl at his college trying to give him advice about his eyebrows (he drew them dark and really angry) He said she was being a bitch because he was trans, but when he explained what the girl had said, (something like "wow that's a bold look. I couldn't pull that off. I think a grayish shade would suit your skin-tone even better") I kept thinking "That's not mean. That's just how some women talk to each other." But he didn't want to be treated like a woman. He didn't want to have to LISTEN to women because he knew everything and women were stupid.
That was years ago, and I think that was the first time I properly realized how typically straight troons tended to be. Like the worst 'make me a sandwich' kind of dudes with no respect for the people they're furiously masturbating over. He gave me a lot of other reasons to believe that, but in public he hid it in activism. Eg. He complained that the pussy hat protest was transphobic in a public facebook but then messaged me saying he just thought feminists were annoying. Kind of hope he gets kicked in the ~girl parts~
No. 1436669
File: 1644201839998.jpeg (38.57 KB, 673x358, C937EF44-1CB6-4037-9548-F85AF2…)

>>1436357>Laurel HubbardThe woman who “wouldn’t have medaled” in question would have been Roviel Detenamo, an 18-year-Ola Nauruan weightlifter who, if it weren’t for that balding overweight so-and-so, would have been the first woman from her country to attend the Olympics in 20 years.
Hubbard is a laughing stock in his own country and hasn’t shown his face publicly since he bitched out at the Olympics. His dad is the former mayor of Auckland and the owner of one of the most successful local food groups in the country. He’s probably sitting in his old mans mansion right now, twiddling his thumbs and daydreaming about all the spinny skirts he’s going to buy when his dad kicks it.
I was under the impression that the modern uber-inclusive Twitter socialist transgender was all about eating the rich and elevating people of colour, but I suppose all of that goes out the window when it comes to protecting their own. How incredibly male of them.
No. 1436695
File: 1644204379022.jpg (100.1 KB, 827x1054, FKztA6VX0AIj92_.jpg)

I weep for girls who see messages like this every day. It's so cruel.
No. 1436701
File: 1644204594072.jpg (4.82 KB, 281x234, E-irBtzVQAMXTs9.jpg)
>A transgender predator has been sentenced to 100 months in prison after sexually texting a child with mental health issues just days after being released from prison for committing his second rape.okay then.
No. 1436710
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No. 1436728
File: 1644206984968.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1668x1712, F094F99C-010D-44C5-9CA2-27F405…)

>>1436626Just a gentle reminder nona to please try and post a cap, any relevant cap, along with any link if you can. ♥ Thanks for sharing though, time to go follow No. 1436737
File: 1644207981372.jpg (311.42 KB, 1080x978, Screenshot_20220206-232536_Twi…)

>>1436728Thank you nonita, will do on both accounts.
No. 1436739
>>1436669This breaks my heart, will she be trying again? I hope she keeps following her dream, especially to spite that piece of shit moid. I hope this peaked her and she's a
>>1436546The post you replied to has the exact same thing in the image attached.
No. 1436744
>>1436668I've also seen straight women supporting transbians, likely because they know that they wouldn't be a target of the troon. Too many stories where a straight women berates the lesbian for not wanting to date the wahman tranny friend that she tried to set her up with. Most normie tranny supporters just are ignorant and don't know the extent of the crazy ideology or behavior.
>>1436695This sort of lynching and brainwash is what made me take a long time to fully peak and be proud of it. There's no such thing as "transphobic" and even so, it's not a bad thing. The smallest amount of questioning or reasoning is considered "transphobic" nowadays; the word has got no meaning anymore. TRAs always try to equate it to racism.
>>1436710You could replace "trans women" with men and "transphobic" with misandry and this would sound like every other post on reddit.
No. 1436752
File: 1644209244575.png (42.17 KB, 597x230, Screenshot 2022-02-06 10.46.35…)

>>1436295I'm having trouble finding it, but I did stumble upon this little gem No. 1436781
File: 1644213737349.jpg (142.44 KB, 1080x636, Screenshot_20220207_075900_com…)

There was an article about why women have begun to stop wearing bras. As expected most replies were women complaining about how uncomfortable/expensive bras are and how during covid lockdowns they weren't necessary. Then there was this comment.
No. 1436795
>>1436668it's never received well when i mention this, but women coddle men out of the womb. mothers pay more attention to male infants, make higher calorie milk for them (not even kidding, look it up kek) and coddle them as they grow up while relentlessly criticizing their daughters. there is definitely some biological "pity mechanics" women are programmed with towards males. and the hilarious thing is, even when boymom hags are completely self aware about it, they still continue doing the same thing - like this one for example: socialization is only one part of the picture, unfortunately
No. 1436798
>>1436795>making higher calorie milk for male infantsThis is probably a compensatory mechanism for the fact that (and this is well established in scientific literature, feel free to look into it)
male infants are weaker, less likely to thrive, and more susceptible to perishing from illness than female infants, who are generally more hardy. Mothers literally do have to care more for male infants because of the crippling effect the Y chromosome has on general survival in the first few months of life. They are, quite literally, parasitic in the sense that they require extra care and coddling from the mother in order to stay healthy, and then when they grow up they repay our work by killing, destroying and abusing in their quest to spread their useless seed so the cycle can start again.
No. 1436802
File: 1644218112651.png (39.02 KB, 196x205, fffuck.png)

>>1436795Kill yourself blackpilled retard. It's not received well for a reason kek
No. 1436806
File: 1644218629996.png (12.1 KB, 247x286, FKf3zeOaIAAvSGu.png)

As someone whose given birth this fills me absolute rage, I created the miracle of life that is responsible for the entire human species and we're reduced to simply a "birthing person"
No. 1436815
>>1436806why is 'father' still allowed? why aren't ftms pissing their pants over that word? how does the average person see this and find it totally reasonable that women have to give up everything but men get to enjoy their life just as normal.
the whole thing infuriates me like nothing else.
No. 1436834
>>1436831I'm not a boymom but can we not do this, we have to get together in spite our differences, otherwise the only one's you'll have opposing troons are a a bunch of subhuman radfems
and please don't spout me to some redfem theories written by some fat subhuman who isn't worthy of breathing the same air as normal people
No. 1436852
>>1436834 "we have to get together"
"Bunch of subhuman radfems"
choose one
No. 1436859
>>1436846>>1436852I'm saying most 70 radfem seemed like subhuman so I didn't take their ideas seriously, subhumans can only create inferior ideas
that's a basic fact, not a statement excluding other women
No. 1436923
File: 1644242066533.jpeg (77.59 KB, 750x687, 428809CC-050C-41AA-9463-745424…)

"We just want to pee"
No. 1436924
File: 1644242166667.png (392.11 KB, 540x450, 75D46430-BFE3-4C8C-B493-C1E8E3…)

Not milk and very old but this is the tranny everyone was sad died? I’ve never listened to his music or saw a decent pic of him til now, but I hear it’s shit and he’s ugly as hell topkek. Thanks tumblr
No. 1436935
File: 1644243759668.jpeg (133.98 KB, 1242x330, 8C3C8AD7-AB01-4CE4-BC12-D5B4AF…)

>>1436781they're always miserable fucks
No. 1436948
File: 1644246550181.jpeg (90.78 KB, 828x812, C1E9488D-AD6F-46DD-9293-8956C3…)

>>1436923So many of them talk and think like this, it’s so vile and creepy.
No. 1437004
File: 1644251393760.jpg (81.75 KB, 589x317, 4536546456.jpg)

>>1436948no need to protect these assholes hope all these people kill themselves
No. 1437019
File: 1644252215253.jpg (85.74 KB, 370x370, Speaker_SteveJones_370x370.jpg)

>>1436859it's okay anon, we accommodate disabilities here. since you're a moid and therefore lack the ability to perceive information from nonmoids, we have alternatives - ill even attach an image of the crusty male who said it so he can be your e-daddy like kermit memerson:
>The Y chromosome is the most decayed, redundant and parasitic of the human genome: a microscopic metaphor for those who bear it. Men are not from Mars, but a mixture of society, stupidity and testosterone have created the crisis of modern manhood. No. 1437044
File: 1644253810799.png (118.04 KB, 740x953, i9iwtapctb.png)

this dude has confused being female with being retarded. Big surprise. The misogyny leaking out of this made me retch.
No. 1437056
File: 1644254462228.jpg (44.92 KB, 670x671, 1616652397113.jpg)

>>1437031Jesus Christ what the fuck was that, what was he even trying to say
No. 1437063
>>1437044if this retarded moid had theory of mind or any idea of womanhood at all, he'd know that 9 times out of 10 being a woman means ceaseless and thankless CARE for others (especially retarded males like him), not being cared for lmfao.
though who am i kidding, this is a typical parasitic moid trooning out to tap into more caretaking resources from women kek
No. 1437064
File: 1644255075233.png (110.09 KB, 1024x718, hormone-graph-1024x718[1].png)

>>1436952see pic related for how a normal menstrual cycle works. All the peaks and valleys are necessary for the release of an egg and subsequent shedding of the uterine lining.
There are two types of hormonal contraceptives, combined which contain oestrogen and progesterone i.e. The combined oral contraceptive pill (The pill), the nuvaring, and the patch. These work by preventing ovulation, secondary to this they thicken cervical mucous so if you do ovulate, it's harder for sperm to reach the egg. Source: (This is just for the pill but they all work in the same way, the method of delivery just differs)
And progesterone only i.e.; The progesterone only pill (the mini pill), the intrauterine device (Mirena, skyla etc. not the coil - that's hormone free) and the implant. These can prevent ovulation but nowhere near as reliably as combined methods and they rely primarily on thickening the cervical mucous. Mirena is progesterone only so you might still ovulate.
Some additional info: If a doctor tells you the IUD has "Less hormones" they're bullshitting you and relying on the fact you're ignorant to meet a quota. They contain fewer hormones, yes, but they put twice as much progesterone into the bloodstream as the mini-pill does. Bayer pays doctors for every mirena they fit. I am heavily biased but I think progesterone only contraception is actually evil, and should be removed from use except for in exceptional circumstances, particularly the IUD. No. 1437066
>>1437064it's so funny when troons claim to have periods because they take the same dose of estrogen over and over
they have no idea how female bodies work
No. 1437076
File: 1644256252929.png (144.41 KB, 1326x604, Trannieswithdementiadontremebe…)

>>1436258>>1436295 - samefag
>>1436752Alright anon. I went and found it. It's about care for dementia patients in care homes. Also 2018 not 2008. Oops.
Dementia care advice for transgender patients drawn up No. 1437110
File: 1644259053920.png (44.73 KB, 878x304, Screenshot 2022-02-07 183736.p…)

>>1437053Something tells me this guy is mentally ill…
No. 1437120
File: 1644259909651.jpeg (142.39 KB, 827x946, AAD7F888-E1AB-44EA-A8A6-CED79F…)

>>1437053kek this is so pitiful it's hilarious
No. 1437121
File: 1644259974083.jpeg (1.04 MB, 2736x2844, 57783BF1-5C10-4D13-9584-8C723C…)

>why no same sex couples in figure skating?
>hmmm ackshually women aren’t strong to throw each other
>that’s not true i’m a strong trans wammen
>huh?? problem solved!
and they’re dead serious…
No. 1437123
File: 1644260108103.jpeg (228.94 KB, 1791x940, 034429F1-EEF2-4BD9-A840-25245A…)

>>1437121“yeahh i support you lesbians”
>literal porn ssi need men to die out
No. 1437138
File: 1644261436357.jpeg (484.5 KB, 1536x2048, BB3D4A24-0FD6-4F72-BED0-E70507…)

Imagine going to work like this
No. 1437143
File: 1644261761418.jpeg (890.72 KB, 1242x1538, F033B96A-BE7B-4B1A-8C26-2C7CBA…)

>>1436781Haha. 12 likes and zero opposition. Perhaps anons in this thread were right about the normie awakening.
No. 1437145
File: 1644261801253.jpeg (13.73 KB, 320x187, 1A2A135E-A4B6-4DFA-9872-B64D9B…)

Reposting this because I think it’s genuinely baffling how much of a double standard troons have for being bad at singing No. 1437149
>>1436478I have literally never sized up another female like that in my entire life
Am I secretly a man?
No. 1437151
File: 1644262201837.png (241.68 KB, 782x822, lol.png)

>>1437031>>1437012Kek, he got scared and locked his account. It's all "Reee I want to rape/murder cis women I am tough edgy cocainehitler" until his hairline gets laughed at. Probably the type of faggot who says women deserve to be murdered/raped, but constantly self-victimizes and thinks of himself as innocent
No. 1437166
File: 1644262999790.jpg (304.03 KB, 1080x863, Screenshot_20220207-143832_Fir…)

>>1437151stunning and brave twinkhon is now probably tweeting about hhhoww shee literally cnat breathe bc of tefr hawassment,,,, uwu
anyways if you search by who @ this el celibato involuntario, a goldmine of jelqing and mewing comes up
also, is that some crossover with leftcows? some usernames sound familiar lmk No. 1437184
File: 1644263731367.jpg (86.19 KB, 1764x961, FK42IxBXMAMFHI2.jpg)

if you nonanitas hadn't spooked the bald ricecel you could've heard him rap btw
also pic related is his circle, anyone expected anything else?
No. 1437200
>>1437121>I want to see a lesbian figure skating duoYeah I sure bet he does. Creep.
>>1437138The self harm scars really nail the look. No offense to any nonnies here who’ve suffered from that, but displaying it while being this edgy seems like cow behavior.
>>1437149They’re just average moids who think everything in the universe relates back to sexual competition while also screaming that sex isn’t real but that our brains are inherently sexed. Their logic makes no fucking sense.
No. 1437227
File: 1644267284600.png (1.29 MB, 755x715, mental illness.PNG)

>>1437053His singing is atrocious kek
No. 1437249
>>1436924I'm so mad that Barney Greenway listens to this faggot. Like, I get that he's super left and doesn't get it, because he's old. But come the fuck on Sophie's music is pure trash.
Speaking of troons ruining the electronic music scene, is anyone here familiar with Sewerslvt? He incorporates Loli samples into his music and goes by "Junko Furuta". The Japanese girl who was brutally raped and murdered by her classmates… I wish normies were into PC music so they could fucking peak.
I named my industrial project after a
TERF so that the troons can seethe over a woman actually making music in the scene. If you're a woman in the scene, I encourage you to make music even if you think you're not good at it.
No. 1437275
File: 1644272315185.png (598.33 KB, 682x850, 0066050C-D4E3-49A9-A02F-671D3D…)

>>1437256>>1437249why do all of these shitty “breakcore” artists end up being some gross troon? picrel
No. 1437305
>>1437289troids don't actually want to be women, they want to be what (they think) men used to be - coddled, with women having 0 recourse against moidry.
i remember some anons a few threads ago saying that there is a correlation between heightened interest in gender and imminent collapse of any given society, followed by some concave brain tradcel takes, but then someone replied with proof that male troon degeneracy historically coincides with women's heightened social status. and it really is simple - moids have evolved to be extremely sensitive to changes in hierarchy, because that ensures their reproductive access - so every time there is an even tiniest hint of women escaping male resource monopolization that they can't counter with violence, their reptilian brains and rancid ballsacks instruct them to default to manipulation, infantile pity seeking and female mimicry.
really simple formula: the more prestigious it is to be a woman + the less likely women are to depend on a man for food/shelter/protection, the more "gender aint real sweaty, im a cool woman and in a cool wommins club too" males there will be. the current society will either recognize this as a moid chimpout and extinguish it (unlikely), squander troons along with women in a right wing backlash (likely) or collapse altogether.
No. 1437318
File: 1644275196398.png (2.48 MB, 1930x1438, 1643601959615.png)

>>1436924the gossip on SOPHIE is that they were trans for careerist reasons (probably to reverse uno the grimes accusation of female appropriation) and that they intentionally wanted to be "botched tranny" as their ironic aesthetic.
No. 1437320
File: 1644275225985.jpg (52.1 KB, 609x1024, 1643603232925.jpg)

>>1437318this info comes from their supposed "actually" trans ex.
No. 1437431
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>>1436948reading shit like this makes me want to quit the thread bc it's too fucking gross, but i looked up the reddit post and feel better. reddit being based for once?? at least people are peaking due to this insane behavior.
No. 1437436
File: 1644282686195.jpeg (293.62 KB, 750x724, 66E05B35-57FE-4195-B90E-E9B737…)

What are they putting in the water supply
No. 1437442
File: 1644283262295.jpeg (Spoiler Image,17.56 KB, 488x326, Are we finally real women.jpeg)

>>1436924He took the call.
No. 1437457
File: 1644284100652.png (566.08 KB, 746x1014, Anne is engaged.png)

enjoy the thought nonnies
No. 1437462
File: 1644284553204.png (2.39 MB, 1337x750, jesus.png)

was scrolling through the twitch and I came across this troglodyte, the channel is called transgurl43 and they have a surgery countdown timer
No. 1437466
>>1437436are you fucking kidding me
attractive men NEED to be barred from transitioning this is ridiculous
No. 1437478
File: 1644286264519.png (7.76 KB, 910x110, What if I turn out ugly What i…)

No. 1437483
File: 1644286792327.png (225.01 KB, 751x565, S Future Dead Girl Magdalene V…)

this troon is still dragging out the cobain was a troon all along thing he made up. Gay feminine man = troon in this retards head.
No. 1437485
File: 1644287108953.jpg (45.52 KB, 750x490, andrew-wood-photo.jpg)

>>1437483uhh kurt cobain isn't "feminine" in the slightest
and this tard doesn't know shit about the 90s, every male in a grunge or alt band messed with gender stereotypes, it was normal. picrel was the lead of mother love bone, just a guy who liked to be a little andro sometimes and no one was like "omg trans!!!" it was okay for men to express shit like this and not be questioned. man i miss the 90s.
No. 1437491
File: 1644287831427.jpg (1019.67 KB, 1740x2874, t9zd5mrsm3f81.jpg)

troons are so full of themselves
No. 1437494
File: 1644288109068.png (Spoiler Image,248.39 KB, 633x623, One and a half months post-op …)

in what world does this look like a vagina?
No. 1437496
File: 1644288212586.png (6.51 MB, 2304x3072, 1A04B93B-39E1-46C6-8F2F-5C0E1A…)

>>1437478Found this lard ass in the comments. Morbidly obese, tranny, and BPD? I give him 2 years before he offs himself kek
No. 1437506
>>1437497He’s implying he’s a hot girl, just not the hottest one of the bunch. He’s not even a woman but groups himself with hot girls.
He’s an ugly man talking about himself like he’s a 8/10 woman without a hint of irony.
No. 1437536
>>1437494I still don't understand the point of this. There's already a fuckhole right there. It's like a centimeter away. I don't know how any surgeon justifies this.
If your penis isn't giving you dysphoria and you want to keep it, why manufacture something like this at all?
Can anyone explain this to me!? Is it just a late stage pervert with too much money and a doctor with no moral compass?
No. 1437549
>>1437494ashchaysurguyatretdsfa i hovered without reading and oh my GOD
the primal revulsion
No. 1437551
File: 1644293028431.png (Spoiler Image,445.65 KB, 617x768, 1611847135593.png)

more ugly neo wounds
No. 1437559
File: 1644293682109.png (43.95 KB, 764x347, JadziaDani ( JadziaDani) Twitt…)

>40 old man troons out
>leaves wife, kids and career behind to be his true self
>leaves his wife and sponsors another ugly troon so they can be degenerates together
No. 1437575
nonnie, you tell em
>>1437457The cope is so glorious sometimes
No. 1437596
>>1437593Yes>>1437551Is the lower gaping chasm that’s positioned underneath the “labia” meant to be the vagina? Is the top chasm a urethra?
Mengele would gag at this level of experimentation
No. 1437598
>>1437595Hentai brainrot
It’s almost comical that this procedure exists
No. 1437617
File: 1644299068899.png (Spoiler Image,605.16 KB, 914x636, Le crescent troon.png)

>>1437553>>1437596Every neovag has the hole beneath the vulva BC that's the only constructable position on a dudes body. I tried to observe the anatomy in picrel and there are 4(four) holes on this mans crotch
No. 1437632
>>1437617>>1437617Ohhhhh yellow is probably a fistula to nowhere. Seems like a standard feature of amhole installation with how common they are.
Doing gods work with the image edits anon
No. 1437655
File: 1644303859722.png (Spoiler Image,50.95 KB, 678x1283, diy srs guide.png)

>>1437620it's constructed roughly like this from my knowledge that's why it always looks like 'that'
No. 1437678
File: 1644307739580.png (53.37 KB, 300x349, AE5C5D5C-0110-4A79-A08D-108822…)

>>1437655TY anon, very informative, but also
No. 1437689
NONNY. my ex used to want to dress in only MY clothes, despite being built like a linebacker (stretched out my shit). I was okay with it for a while, thought it was kind of cute, but then he started talking about how he wanted to copy my mannerism and get my "feminine hobbies" and "feminine language/tone" it was like he was downloading me, like he was mirroring me. it was so weird! He trooned out about 8 months into our relationship, we lasted about 2 months of him being a girl. I'm bi, but like for actual woman and actual men (tho TIFs are cute, shoot me). He was a pretty man but fucking ugly woman. He was obsessed with going bra shopping? I took him once so he would shut up and he cried when no bras fit him, like sobbing like a child in the store, he was 100% flat chested. I've never been more embarrassed in my life.
anyways, hes dating another troon who passes about as well as a Guinea pig in a wig. they deserve each other.
No. 1437704
>>1436834"We have to work together! You NEED ME!"
>Subhuman radfemsY chromosome is lashing out again.
No. 1437715
File: 1644312642288.png (129.45 KB, 1080x629, amy schumer.png)

No. 1437724
File: 1644313625166.png (623.21 KB, 1080x853, averageyurifag.png)

Current twitter trend 'Reply with a pic of you and one of your fav Anime characters' gives about the results youd expect
No. 1437737
File: 1644315078562.jpg (633.76 KB, 1389x1080, Screenshot_20220208-021024.jpg)

Tim or boymodder, (idek anymore) caught in a predator sting. The way in which he is acting is just uncanny really uncomfortable watch. No. 1437869
>>1437818it came up with the weirdo lawsuit thing
> "Undated journals written by Cobain sketch the album cover in a sexual manner, with semen all over it. "In several instances, the journals describe Cobain's twisted vision for the 'Nevermind' album cover, along with his emotional struggles, 'I like to make incisions into the belly of infants then fuck the incision until the child dies.'" No. 1437872
File: 1644334094867.jpeg (703.3 KB, 2066x1203, 9B51590B-1B9E-4550-8409-E8DA39…)

Tranny thinks the women in his life throwing him a couple pity compliments means they are jealous of him. Comments are telling him "hurrdurr cis women are so catty and bitchy".
No. 1437874
>>1437655I love these threads sometimes jfc anon lmao
>>1437715Can someone translate
No. 1437894
>>1437873Glad there is sanity somewhere. It’s so true too. As a woman who is very average looking, it’s way easier for me to compliment a woman who is either similar in attractiveness or less so versus someone who beyond gorgeous and therefore somewhat intimidating, who I might have some envy for. It’s funny these dudes don’t get how normal this is for women. I feel like complimenting people is almost like making small talk for me. Like if I’m talking to another girl I am probably going to say something nice to her about her appearance, and I’d say it’s 50/50 on if I really like something about it or if I’m just trying to make her feel good and make conversation. If a man seems less threatening I might do it then too, but for obvious reasons not as often since moids take any friendliness as an invitation.
Sorry for being autistic for a minute, there’s just so much more to this shit that men will never get because they’ve not been raised to make people feel comfortable or good about themselves.
No. 1437904
File: 1644335922053.jpeg (138.79 KB, 810x1630, DA3A5842-3191-4315-A1D2-4001D1…)

>>1437872Kek this is what we are supposed to be jealous of.
No. 1437911
>>1437872it makes my skin crawl how they refer to women as women but to themselves as trans
girls. it's so obvious that they're larping as (pre-) teen girls all the time. disgusting.
No. 1437921
>>1437911also shows a moid tendency to infantilize themselves to dodge responsibility while selectively painting women as the only beings with absolute agency. they do the same thing with early 20s moid criminals, their "youth" is always emphasized to rustle the mommy jimmies (he's just a boi he dindu nuffin)
it's also to mentally prepare you for uwu innocent trans girls not being responsible for killing or raping a Cis Woman who obviously had it coming, duh
No. 1437977
>>1437964its probably the end result for most of them anyway, once they're done complaining to reddit about the evil tervians targeting poor little delicate trans flowers (def not violent 6'4 apes in 2014s freshest h&m)
anyhow cant wait for erins complication meltdown in about 2 weeks <3
No. 1437995
File: 1644342590827.jpeg (321.23 KB, 750x1114, 749E1D7B-F575-4E8E-B112-9FFB4F…)

what the fuck? boring troon makes mediocre music and gets immortalized and treated as some kind of actual goddess? this would never happen if a female musician died
No. 1437998
File: 1644342936761.jpg (292.04 KB, 1242x1666, 3224.jpg)

it's happening gals and pals and laydees in the back
No. 1438012
>>1437998oh the look of dread in his eyes…
soon to regret not having his teeth fixed instead..
I'm pumped!
No. 1438087
File: 1644349993832.png (121.4 KB, 1020x738, reddit.png)

No. 1438093
File: 1644350704310.png (101.66 KB, 250x250, 1559801270080.png)

>>1437724sage for blogpost, but I watched that anime and it sucked. I could smell the male author a mile away. Yuri is 99% made by scrotes that know nothing about the lesbian experience and they always make it so blatantly obvious.
No. 1438098
File: 1644351505025.png (1.79 MB, 1196x1168, Screen Shot 2022-02-08 at 12.1…)

>>1438097holy shit he has, I didn't think there was any way he'd already had FFS because he looks so male but nope. yikes!
No. 1438099
File: 1644351587375.png (242.54 KB, 497x614, tvujmk43ulg81.png)

>>1436710>vanishingly slim"Cis" women don't use loli pics for literally ALL their memes formats tho. 99.9% of egg_irl is little anime girls pictures. At least be subtle idk
No. 1438107
File: 1644352692588.jpeg (499.34 KB, 1538x2048, A0F4FC48-DC9C-4044-84A1-7DCFB2…)

>>1438097This was him in 2019 so. Yeah.
No. 1438111
>>1437995This literal who got that asteroid named after him because of the horde of trannies and handmaidens going after those poor researchers trying to do their job and spamming their webpages with messages from them asking to put a generic woman’s name on a rock.
In a few years, when all of this is over, everyone will assume that the name is of a random woman, and not of some ugly ass man in a dress who 41%’d himself after noticing that he dug himself in a stupid hole.
No. 1438114
File: 1644353303230.jpeg (218.16 KB, 1611x1047, A15CB981-0B4E-4687-A3A2-A82CB1…)

Samefag again sorry I dug a bit deeper and found his full male form kek
No. 1438117
>>1438107Is he the one who shit talked his ex-wife on Twitter 'cause their kids were staying over at their
actual mother's house on Mother's Day instead of staying with him and playing into his motherhood fantasy?
No. 1438118
>>1438114can't believe he waited 6 months to pluck his eyebrows
although I wish he'd kept the nerdy girl turned emo bangs kek
No. 1438121
>>1438117my biggest fear is now having kids with a man who troons out and then insists he's their real mother
what a nightmare
No. 1438122
File: 1644353703921.png (99.15 KB, 649x773, stop the planet I want to get …) bristol uni peaked me. The LGBT society was a joke, I was going to join to find kinship with bi women but I saw one of their social meetings and noped the fuck out. Trannies with pink hair and cat ears and striped socks everywhere. This was like five years ago as well. Part of the reason I chose bristol was because of the history of inclusion - it was the first uni in the UK to let women attend, and my halls was the historic female halls. So fucking disappointing.
No. 1438252
File: 1644363636597.png (138.58 KB, 1050x816, Screenshot 2022-02-08 at 18-37…)

>>1437872Omg my god this response. I trawled this trannies post history and they claim to be a cis woman lmfao complete with strong female leads=masculine traits and saying having a real vagina doesnt even actually feel that great. Fucking cope tranny…
No. 1438267
File: 1644364217225.png (400.21 KB, 1043x2332, Screenshot 2022-02-08 at 18-43…)

>>1438259Imagine just telling yourself cis women can't even feel anything in their vaginas lmfaooooooo. The level of delusion here.
No. 1438288
>>1438265Imo they would have milked it if it was suicide. I think he just died by being a stupid drunk man. The moon shit is definitely bs though.
>>1438267Is this a troon LARPing as a cis woman? Everything they're saying sounds so fetish-y.
No. 1438291
File: 1644365767296.png (48.52 KB, 982x330, Screenshot 2022-02-08 at 18-53…)

>>1438274Literally this. The derangement on his post history is fucking reprehensible. I can't go through capping all of it but nearly every comment is some fucked up lying misogynistic cope. Here even a "not all men" and "women aren't even raped that much"
No. 1438293
>>1438291Wtf with
most of us haven't I would say
all cis women who have any social or romantic interaction with males have been raped or sexually assaulted at least once, the absolute delusion. 1) Why do men feel the need to speak for us 2) Why do they feel the need to lie while doing so
No. 1438295
File: 1644366132419.jpg (450.16 KB, 1080x1547, Screenshot_20220208-161859.jpg)

the coom is over
No. 1438296
File: 1644366178650.jpeg (1.33 MB, 1125x2163, 399EFB53-8AA6-4293-A486-D7D984…)

>>1438267>>1438288imo to me this just sounded like a self-hating woman that suffers from sexual dysfunction, so I decided to check out her profile myself.
She claims to be a former fakeboi, so she probably just hates women and hates being a woman, but is in the process of rejecting transgender ideology completely and finally dealing with her internalized misogyny.
>>1438252Did you really go through the post history? Did you read the words she's writing? If you did, you either have 0 reading comprehension, or you're being extremely dishonest.
Because she literally denies that most trans people are actually trans. She's a borderline
TERF and posts on /r/honesttransgender from a gender critical POV.
No. 1438298
File: 1644366252224.png (136 KB, 1132x798, Screenshot 2022-02-08 at 19-20…)

>>1438293His whole post history is him larping as a misogynistic pick me girl. This is the last thing I'm capping and posting because it's honestly getting too disturbing to keep reading his disgusting posts
No. 1438310
>>1438252>being attractive to men is the only thing women were better at than men>were>men are better at performing femininityYeah…no the tiny percentage of passing troons are still only attractive to gay males, and would've been attractive to those same gay males pre transition. Only a man would write paragraphs about how men are
better at everything other than being attractive with their whole chest. The larping as a ciswoman and speaking for us is definitely one of the stranger aspects of transwomen online, I don't get the point other than to create an "authentic female experience" for the 100% male online discussion hubs they frequent.
No. 1438322
thats literally every moid's favorite pastime, it's like there's something written in their genome that compels them to go online and post shit like "im a girl and i don't hate men". just look at this website lmfao
No. 1438327
>>1437874I interpreted it as
> women don’t have a sense of humor therefore if I want to be a woman I can’t have a sense of humor>>1438135Nonnie I’m gonna cry, I thought he was actually having taco Tuesday in the hospital cafeteria.
No. 1438329
>>1438259Women get hired at twice the rate in blind music auditions over men
Fucking moids disgust me most at least try to disguse their hatred of us
No. 1438356
File: 1644370512721.png (2.63 MB, 1856x1233, rrin Reed ( erininthemorning) …)

>>1438337he tried that look already, it didn't work
No. 1438360
File: 1644370817151.png (1.21 MB, 748x1306, Jessica Simpson on Twitter.png)

Manssica Simpman congratulated the fellow troon's chop as well.
No. 1438396
File: 1644373237920.jpeg (380.93 KB, 1284x1319, A7F902E4-199E-4DB4-B905-1DA041…)

Fucking Starbucks. Free frankenvags and arm skin hot dogs for all the trannies! Bet they don't cover female specific health issues like this. Trannies gotta have their ballsack pussies and hair transplants that will recede eventually anyway. Why the fuck are these narcissistic individuals getting everything handed out for free just because they suicide bait everyone smh loonies are running the world
No. 1438417
>>1438122catgender. pronouns nya/nyan.
This can't be real.. w t f
No. 1438423
>>1438414here's some 41% fuel for any lurking troons: even giving them to puberty suppressed children is worthless because males are already bigger and more boorish at the fetal stage. male fetuses consume more calories, age their mothers more and produce more pregnancy/birth complications than female fetuses. you could block every drop of testosterone in a literal baby and give it artificial cross-sex puberty as early as 10 - it would still look like a botched moid past adolescence (much like kim petras or jazz).
tl;dr ywnbaw, humanity will sooner figure out immortality than how to turn moids into women lmfao
No. 1438446
File: 1644376885148.png (19.4 KB, 748x147, Hannah Evelyn Jones on Twitter…)

You won't believe what terfy thing Adele said!
No. 1438460
File: 1644377494878.png (321.3 KB, 567x642, 1491274733881.png)

>>1438295KEK here we go anons
No. 1438484
>>1438291Literally every female in my friends group has been raped or sexually assaulted (including myself)
This person is definitely larping and men are trash
No. 1438490
File: 1644379067434.png (1.23 MB, 1440x1291, issa man.png)

>>1438479Wait I like Adele now, the categories are removed because one male, Sam Smith was offended to not be nominated/excluded from the solo male/female categories in 2021 due to being non-binary, so they just scrapped the categories altogether, perfect logic.
Idk they should have made a solo genderspecial category instead.
No. 1438551
>>1438188Love Live isn't yuri though? yuribait yeah but not outright yuri
and I didn't say women don't do yuri, they certainly do, but there are more male writer than female ones, from what I've observed.
No. 1438566
File: 1644384615914.jpeg (1.61 MB, 2675x3189, 4A2679BB-9E61-4F6E-BF8C-FF2A07…)

b-but it isn’t a fetish!!!!!!!! RESPECT ME!!!
No. 1438571
File: 1644384969926.png (1 MB, 1080x1742, Screenshot_20220208-004751~2.p…)

Yes those are carrots, you are a man
No. 1438590
File: 1644388806508.jpeg (124.87 KB, 586x657, 9F3FC76D-7B6C-4FAB-BF02-31E412…)

>>1438490Love how he threw a mantrum about muh special label not being included, yet still didn’t win an award. He is fucking shit, throwback to him filming himself crying after a few months of lockdown, like a typical narc. I can’t find a good video of it on YouTube so here’s a pic.
No. 1438624
File: 1644396226535.webm (Spoiler Image,10.56 MB, 720x1280, 2873814-e42a3fff850dd1c1e2d59a…)

>>1438603here's another dozen places that have been ruined by a tranny jerking off in them!
No. 1438635
>>1438571Admitting that being trans is a mistake
>>1438573>>1438574I think he meant that carrot are the "inner woman" and peas aka the can is the male body. But it's funny that it's was understood as carrot is male and he's desperately changing the can kek
No. 1438654
>>1438566Real talk, where does the estrogen they inject go? These men look the same unless they get surgery. I also think the man tits are symptoms of the T-blockers. Do they even have estrogen receptors?
Moids really are mutants. Trans men pass really well its weird as fuck how MTF troons abuse estrogen but they still look like ugly greasy moids.
No. 1438658
>>1438654Their body can't process it and they just piss it out
Why do you think they have so many health problems
No. 1438675
File: 1644407436765.png (156.29 KB, 1229x768, hrt.png)

>>1438654list of claimed HRT effects, they seem barely related to estrogen and don't help them pass that much: plenty of obese emotionally unstable men with erectile dysfunction out there
No. 1438685
>>1438676i can't believe someone here actually thought that was a woman
just another paraphilic male
No. 1438698
File: 1644412256297.png (57.97 KB, 741x513, wat.png)

or maybe you just have a crossdressing fetish, dude
No. 1438706
File: 1644414655803.png (335.39 KB, 1462x502, happeepee.png)

>>1438698This seems to be their favorite explanation. They're really trying to push the idea that it's a non-sexual bodily reaction to "feeling happy" and that it's a common occurrence for people in general when it's really not.
Nonas, have any of you seen a "cis" man talk about getting a euphoria boner? Terminally online men are usually disgustingly open about penis related phenomena, but I've only ever seen trans women mention it.
No. 1438707
File: 1644414704010.png (25.13 KB, 590x287, 1644411119062.png)

sure erin, the healthcare professional was totally fooled by your feminine graces and REAL vagina :^/
No. 1438712
>>1438707Also I know that real woman can get alot of issues during childbirth that can lead them to need aftercare for their vaginal area.
But its NEVER gonna look like a vaginoplasty, come on now. Even if the woman splits to her anus squeezing the baby out, its still not gonna look like somebody exploded a bomb down there
No. 1438714
File: 1644416064421.jpg (135.01 KB, 1055x1448, FB_IMG_1644353122511.jpg)

No. 1438720
File: 1644417002558.jpeg (40.34 KB, 764x401, 005C8B43-4A36-4230-BF64-E45FFF…)

>>1438714Lmfao where??? I can so my see a skinny twink body that is trying to pose and use angles to force something that isn’t there.
It’s so odd how their lower bodies are so long, nothing like the average woman. It might sound silly but men have higher belly buttons than women and you can tell even with clothes(or a dress) on.
No. 1438724
>>1438716omfg nonna im deceased
this was great thanks
No. 1438731
File: 1644420563205.jpeg (395.31 KB, 1280x720, download.jpeg)

>>1438728Most likely due to how anime girls make expressions like this, pic rel.
No. 1438766
>>1438707At most he probably mentioned having a kid and the nurse made small talk asking how old he was when they had him. Which a delusional tranny would pretend meant the nurse thought he was pregnant.
I hate how they always make female nurses part of their fetish. They make them look stupid too by making up shit like this.
No. 1438779
File: 1644425898639.png (30.91 KB, 790x403, Lilith the Unconquerable on Tw…)

>>1438776the doctor who operated on him is a troon himself so unfortunately no.
>20 likes on this retards postGawd I wish I could just go ham and tell these retards off.
No. 1438795
File: 1644426977146.png (26.52 KB, 750x300, 34.png)

>feels right for my body
>you have to dilate for the rest of your life so your body doesn't accidentally close your wound hole.
No. 1438829
>>1438763Judging be the flag, I'm Brazilian too and what the fuck is this tranny talking about
No couple ever says "we're pregnant" here, this is something I only ever heard in American stuff
Best you can do is "we're expecting a child", when I hear the pregnant word from men it's always in the context of "MY WIFE is pregnant", no "we"
No. 1438876
>>1438490>>1438510Somebody asked Brian May what he thought about it: least Queen is still based. Imagine living through the the homophobia of the 70s/80s/90s and losing your close personal friend to AIDS just to watch these crybaby twans throw a fit about everything.
No. 1438880
>>1438874Im glad I wasnt the only one who thought that, I was like am I having deja-vu or didnt I already read about the nurse seeing the mangina and falling over in awe?
They literally all have the same fantasies and lies
No. 1438903
File: 1644435166257.jpg (102.15 KB, 1080x876, kf225lf733881.jpg)

>>1438867I'm sure there's more examples of troons saying this, that it would make for a good collage.
No. 1438906
File: 1644435237032.png (1.5 MB, 1052x1816, 1643148392260.png)

Posting this because I found it while I was searching for the pic above
No. 1438913
File: 1644435447240.png (Spoiler Image,101.1 KB, 299x250, 61B2CCAA-7FF9-4BA3-887F-A1CC8F…)

>>1438903The beautiful, awe-inspiring “vagina” for reference.
No. 1438916
File: 1644435606815.gif (2.65 MB, 320x240, mexican-guy-laughing-distorted…)

>>1438903what wattpad fanfic is this
No. 1438930
File: 1644436120063.png (20.81 KB, 754x363, 99.png)

Oh and this one
No. 1438942
>>1438935he was kind of hot in a caveman-ish way
No. 1438945
File: 1644436736164.jpg (Spoiler Image,81.26 KB, 720x1228, FLKI-xFXEAQC9rt.jpg)

No. 1438965
File: 1644438175982.png (92.47 KB, 745x793, WanderingBlueJew614 on Twitter…)

this guy went full retard
No. 1438970
>>1438930yo are people actually saying this to them or what
i really hope not, why do they keep saying this???
No. 1438973
>>1438965kek what non-binary ""artists"" are there even?
demi lovato and sam smith? they're nobodies
No. 1438980
>>1438928its positively insane what lengths they go to
back in the day it was
>"being a troon is a disgusting fetish which commodifies women"that labelled you a
terf, but as time goes on it descends further into innocuous and apolitical language that gets you smacked with the
terf label
>"changing your sex isn't possible">"trans women should not be allowed in womens bathrooms">"trans women are males who identify as women">"im not attracted to trans women">"im proud to be a woman"and every one of these phrases will net you endless quote tweets and (shaking in my boots just imagining) trannies gossiping about you in their discord (gasp)
at some point, medical textbooks will be fully void of diagrams if these moids get what they want
if any do slip through they'll probably be of men anyway
No. 1439012
>>1438993Love how the article the moid linked also mentions the mom's sister getting stabbed 23 times by her unhinged moid kek. Also:
>when you want mommies to coddle you >they do>they end up going along with your coomer desire to sterilize yourselfWhoda thunkt this would happen, beautiful
No. 1439024
>>1438252>>1438259>>1438267>>1438291>>1438296>>1438298/u/KryptoKate2's user history can be traced back to r/blackpillfeminism. They're a deep fake of some sort. Why I left they're crazy comments out of the original post
>>1437872 as much as I wanted to believe they were real and include them. My philosophy has always been that there's literally millions of these legit trooniacs doing and saying stupid things every day. No need to take the low-effort bait. I know it always isn't easy to tell, but it becomes second nature after awhile.
No. 1439029
File: 1644442481657.jpg (25.58 KB, 563x541, aghast.jpg)

>>1438903>"Oh my god" she says. "Yours looks better than mine!"Do troons really?
No. 1439038
File: 1644442839651.jpg (125.39 KB, 945x456, Blessed Andrea.jpg)

>>1439033>>1437431>>1437873>>1438876Can you all stop using "based"? You sound like men on 4Chan. Disgusting.
No. 1439071
File: 1644445057193.jpg (990.84 KB, 500x231, oyyRv97.jpg)

>>1439056>>1439057And "trans women" are women. Good one
No. 1439103
File: 1644447025386.jpg (239.72 KB, 1080x2160, FLBbYWuWUAcED2I.jpg)

Found this cap online, when I went to their twitter to discover they had me blocked which is hilarious as I've never interacted with them or liked a tweet attacking them.
Any brit peeps may remember him from his colossal meltdown on celebrity big brother accusing other housemates of being transphobic. It was surreal-it was a irl version of those fights you get online when troons get triggered seeing real women (he also stated hes "drag queen phobic" and hated drag housemate courtney because courtney passed better as a woman than he did.)
No. 1439120
File: 1644447460720.jpg (229.28 KB, 1284x1116, FK7IAlhXIAIgb6A.jpg)

>>1438707He's hiding/deleting comments that point out how the nurse wouldn't do this btw. Last time I checked there were a few comments calling him out but now they aren't there.
No. 1439130
File: 1644448348081.jpg (68.87 KB, 640x607, q28i6mt8bpg81.jpg)

No. 1439167
>>1439107I mean they do get hair balls up there sometimes, so there’s that.
>>1439115It’s depressing. Every woman should learn what is going on down there and how to pleasure herself. If you have a nigel force him to please you the way you want. Men have got to learn.
No. 1439211
File: 1644455042688.jpg (33.03 KB, 601x800, EKCntBw.jpg)

an irritating asshole that literally never shuts the fuck up about being trans, no matter the thread or conversation topic. posted this pic in yet another unrelated conversation to brag about how good they look for 45. looking like an escapee from the SCP Foundation. SCP-TR00N.
No. 1439214
>>1438603My sympathies anon
>>1438698>Hormone…cravingNever not sounding like tranny serialkillers even when they're trying to reinvent science
No. 1439215
File: 1644455586125.png (85.66 KB, 199x240, 84395734543.png)

>>1439211look twatter i self-posted in the troon thread on terfchan, xD leEPIC OMGAWD!!!! 500 followers here i come!
No. 1439221
File: 1644455982725.png (2.52 MB, 1395x1836, manhands.png)

>>1438714The dress and hair are nice, ergo his style isn't as bad as many featured in this thread, but that male bone structure still shines through
>male hands, wrists and arms>adam's apple No. 1439223
File: 1644456280016.jpg (34.5 KB, 653x367, attachment-fb80a9f01c652ad5d61…)

Italian scrote fakes having "holy visions" and fakes blood running down his forehead like jesus to collect money from christian in exchanges of "miracles", then fucks off to thailand with the money to become a porny caricature and now is in jail. I hope his jail mates treat him good, if you know what I mean.
He forced a woman to have an abortion because he said that the fetus had downs or something and she fucking believed him because he was a friend of the Virgin Mary. this with google, it's fine, you can grasp it.
No. 1439230
>>1438931munchausen's moms troon out gay kids, but most trannies these days are straight agp males who transition as adults. But I'm sure that's mommy's fault too somehow, because like a compass needle that points north…
>>1439190thanks anon, I went through the account earlier and among endless pictures of feminine men and women, troons, minorities etc etc i saw exaclty zero pictures of gender non conforming women. Their feminism isn't about women but about femininity and not even some form of natural "real" femininity but a performance based entirely in makeup, clothes, drugs.. all that defines womanhood, and people's identity in general, is their choice of consumer products. Troons claim to be anti capitalists, marxists etc etc but this form of gender theory is one of the most capitalistic cultural movements I can think of. I'd pay to actually read what marx's thoughts on it tbh
No. 1439240
File: 1644457494311.jpeg (51.21 KB, 1127x298, CAA59AC5-B531-4C4F-A0D3-2B4940…)

How the fuck are they this stupid and clueless
No. 1439242
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No. 1439262
File: 1644459501466.jpg (560.57 KB, 1080x2117, Bm8Pzw4.jpg)

No. 1439263
File: 1644459562278.png (519.57 KB, 719x562, FLGjkjkXsAQvHpl.png)

No. 1439288
File: 1644462511970.png (61.14 KB, 508x585, 2C9DCD24-8371-4551-AEA0-3FFD2B…)

>>1439284This is the same person who believes ovaries and testicles are the exact same, so clearly their knowledge on human anatomy isn’t the best.
No. 1439307
>>1439288This has got to be a troll. This is either a
terf who's too smart to play dumb realistically so she's going full retard with it, or it's an actual retard.
No. 1439338
File: 1644469537288.jpeg (152.62 KB, 827x824, B5822C3C-A267-41F7-8EB8-CDDC79…)

sage for not being milky, but goddamn…why do the stereotypes almost always have to be true
No. 1439351
File: 1644471731547.jpeg (113.39 KB, 1501x735, FFNKvGSXIAQQdXx.jpeg)

No. 1439362
File: 1644474072004.jpg (199.84 KB, 633x424, Screenshot_20220210-061334.jpg)

I just had the thumbnail for Sophie from Mars' new video pop up in my recommended and it physically fucking revolts me.
This hulking moonfaced ogre posing with the cutesy peace sign like he's Belle Delphine. Sir, please stop.
No. 1439407
File: 1644481990229.jpeg (284.48 KB, 2048x1825, B9985FBC-FCF3-4EBC-8218-C15904…) narc moid writer troons out in his 70’s during the pandemic and gets a ton of applause
No. 1439408
>>1439407these scrotes never dress or pose like women their own age would
No. 1439425
File: 1644485098766.jpeg (274.41 KB, 827x1009, 06B164E3-C742-4DEB-8812-3B15F6…)

>>1439420This is making me laugh out loud
No. 1439426
>>1439338Man learned how to use image editors and filters.
>>1439351Man sees woman's vulva and wants it shocker…pretty sure a surgeon would struggle to make a ciswoman's exactly match another woman's (without extreme scarring and discomfort at least) due to the nature of vaginas being functional body parts attached to internal organs and not just for looks/fuckholes like troons/men think they are, expecting an inverted penis to look like a specific image of a ciswoman's vageen is really asking the impossible. Yet to see anything written by an AGP which had a grasp of material reality.
No. 1439440
File: 1644488258438.png (628.69 KB, 711x1125, stupidity.png)

How are Terfs and Nazis the same thing because Terfs know that troons will never be biological women? These idiots think they can bend reality by conflating every form of criticism towards some protected ideology big tech companies promote with nazism.
No. 1439455
File: 1644489805825.png (317.28 KB, 568x1050, rabbotredprofile.png)

>>1439440Inspired by Chris Chan.
No. 1439464
File: 1644490398159.png (Spoiler Image,570.43 KB, 1035x800, tumblr_pd4o7aTbfq1w2quqao1_128…)

>>1439455He used to go by the name sqrlyjack and made Bubsy the Bobcat a suicidal transgender prostitute during his "edgy" phase kek
(spoilered for autism)
No. 1439488
>>1439338From fat incel to fat scene boy
No. 1439539
>>1439498Misery loves company.
>>1439521It’s gotten bad enough that when someone I know to be pro-trans calls someone else a nazi without further context, I just assume they’re talking about a regular person who said something like “only women get pregnant”. It has turned out to be true in every case so far. None of the people in question were even conservative or right-wing, just average centrists or even progressives who aren’t 110% on board with (or aware of) the latest TRA narrative. They’ve completely robbed these words of their power.
No. 1439562
File: 1644504767655.jpeg (148.69 KB, 1242x878, 45D7B60C-E566-4DA1-8D79-6F8BE6…)

translation: i saw my inverted penis wound and it made me cry. it’s an unfixable mess and i will never be OK ever again, but i’m deranged so that’s totally fine.
No. 1439626
Who the fuck just says that upon the first meeting with someone? So delusional and narcissistic
No. 1439726
>>1439689James Iha of the Smashing Pumpkins retarded little brother.
>>1439103Oh man, this freak tried to kiss Ginuwine and twitter was mad at the guy got sexually harassed because he was being honest. He just said he didn't want to date a trans woman. Then India forces himself on him and Ginuwine didn't even clock him. I swear this India troon transition because he thought women get away with being sexually aggressive. He also got facial surgery because people dogged on how manly he looked.
No. 1439741
File: 1644513829327.jpg (349.62 KB, 1024x768, mtf.jpg)

Pic from some discord but I refuse to believe this is created in 2022.
No. 1439788
>>1439262>>14393421 Paraphillias correlate with eachother
2 Side effects of hormone treatment make them piss a lot more, and I've heard some lose controll while sleeping…
No. 1439861
File: 1644518474794.webm (5.2 MB, 672x1232, 2974203-ea2d7910b6d086fda3a554…)
never actually heard this guy talk before, i fucking hate this creepy little child voice they make
No. 1439868
>>1438360These troons just sound depressed post surgery. They realized that they fucked up and still have to inject themselves with horse piss.
Here’s one on yt complaining about their pain after surgery and blood draining from their hole when they stand up.
No. 1439870
File: 1644518787058.jpg (553.08 KB, 1800x2206, merlin_186785829_01e34ceb-9dbd…)

>>1439561patti harrison is the only TIM i didn't clock, until i read their wiki a year or so ago
No. 1439874
>>1439868>13:11 “definitely had a moment where I had a moment to myself on what have I done”
>13:42 “There were moments where I felt like I regretted what I was doing”
What a cope
No. 1439882
File: 1644519339268.png (1.23 MB, 733x1183, Erin, Trail Mom on Twitter (2)…)

why the cis specification? he's not going to be interested in you. He could be a troon all you know.
No. 1439913
File: 1644520387321.jpg (77.1 KB, 960x941, all is right with the…)

>>1439868And nothing of value was lost!
No. 1439966
>>1439240TERFs: "the surgical wound from your dick removal procedure is a wound"
Also TERFs:
shedding uterine lining from their wombs which generate it every month in preparation for pregnancy and childbirthTroons: "Checkmate, TERFs! Who's the real woman now??"
No. 1439972
>>1439240I love how they equate any woman to being a
terf lol, nobody is safe unless they're a tranny too
No. 1439977
>>1439972Competing in women's sports is TERFy. Saying "I love being a woman" is TERFy. Bleeding from your vagina is TERFy. Just BEING a woman in a troon's vicinity is TERFy, because the mere existence of "cis" femaleness fuels their dysphoria.
If this shit doesn't peak the handmaidens, nothing will.
No. 1439997
>>1439981I'm not American so the food is probably different but tbh sometimes I miss the hospital food
They gave me some bombass breakfasts
No. 1440009
File: 1644527858796.jpeg (349 KB, 828x987, 20557EF8-227B-4642-A972-2D4469…)

Gross replies to Erin’s surgery post
No. 1440010
File: 1644527911644.jpeg (145.24 KB, 1326x708, F952AAC3-2BF2-44AA-B71A-D59BCB…)

Found in a 4chan lgbt tranny thread of anons fantasizing about being in a post apocalyptic america
No. 1440053
File: 1644530048145.png (176.24 KB, 706x262, Screen Shot 2022-02-10 at 4.54…)

No. 1440075
>>1439968sage for blogpost but a friend of mine trooned out and used that as a reason why he was more female than I was
I peaked pretty fast after that
No. 1440077
File: 1644531786250.jpg (61.12 KB, 522x456, 444445.JPG)

Remember when anons were saying we would start seeing loads of TIMs calling themselves radfems to pass themselves off better as women?
No. 1440081
>>1439968It's either moid tendency to throw stones in glass houses (testosterone induced lack of self awareness), or retarded moidbrain "BIGGER AND MORE OFTEN = GOODER" logic, either way they just get more moidy when they troon out kek.
Trans women aren't "low T soyboys", they're actually hypermasculine and superstraight which adds to their coom-induced desire to troon out. Zucker and Blanchard agree. Just look at their neanderthal jaws.
No. 1440084
File: 1644532696375.jpg (1.35 MB, 2448x3264, 1641587364588.jpg)

>>1439949It's the wishful moid tone, anon.
Ever wondered why you can always clock men online even when they try to be subtle? You will notice this everywhere once you realize that men usually describe things in terms of what they'd like them to be, not what they really are. There's always this attempt at sounding affirmative while also adding levels upon levels of self-reassurance, it's hard to pin down exactly. This writing style is what always creates this distinctly masturbatory impression, it's not even the sexual nature of what they're discussing. They sound this way talking about PG-13 stuff like cars or money too.
On some level, men obviously absolutely loathe reality and every facet of it. I wonder if any psychfags have observed it.
No. 1440092
File: 1644533144513.jpg (176.99 KB, 1170x1528, 78666344354.jpg)

No. 1440096
File: 1644533221904.jpeg (174.13 KB, 828x429, 02B68E4D-A07B-4E4D-9B63-E9C105…)

>>1440095Totally not a fetish.
No. 1440097
>>1440072Increased female mate choice stemming from female economic emancipation, increased status of females in society, and the resulting decreased reproductive prospects for low grade men. See also: Jordan Peterson, incel to tranny pipeline.
>>1440078Some radfem writer observed that porn grows more degenerate as women become more emancipated. It's cope that lets men maintain the illusion of control and mate choice.
No. 1440101
>>1440082Blanchard once said that if women started calling themselves something other than women, trans women would immediately want to be called that too. It's this effect in action.
The paradox of trans visibility is that it makes trans people more clockable and less passable. Spreading the gospel among normies doesn't increase acceptance, it trains them to recognize and avoid you instead, thus (ironically) creating the previously nonexistent cis identity sectarianism. Because transgenderism is and will always be a form of cis-mimicry, it's not implausible that they'll try to become "terfs" as the public grows more "terfy".
No. 1440107
File: 1644533768218.png (131.73 KB, 826x1032, ok retard.png)

Old red decided to tweet this, wondering what's got him in such a tizzy about women lately. Maybe all the news of those big mean terfs not taking the transgender movement's gaslighting anymore?
It's funny how trannies copy women, obsess over our bodies, our mannerisms, our pretty much everything then dare try to convince themselves and others that we are the predators! Ironic, because fixating on something you'll never be and trying your hardest to skinwalk the entirety of the female sex is intensely predatory in itself which is why MtFs overlap with sexual predators far more than even the "cis" male population (big achievement) kek
No. 1440109
>>1440106r/hapas or r/asianmasculinity casualty. It's mostly western Asian moids who do this because they're below white men on the totem pole, so they identify with the white incel even though they'd be okay in their home countries.
Still very few black moid AGPcels, we all know why.
No. 1440121
>>1440107Yeah, sure. You're "afraid" but continue trying to get in women's spaces. Seems legit.
You know what "afraid" really is? When a true and honest trans man doesn't want to go to "validating" men's prison. That's afraid. If cis women are as violent or worse than men, why even transfer to their facility?
Moids love pretending they're "afraid" of some evil deed women can do to them while actively working to expose themselves to said "risk" as much as possible for no reason other than entertainment or pleasure. "Muh false rape accusations", mewls the moid as dedicates his whole life to getting matches on tinder or manipulating women into sex they'll surely regret. "Muh divorce rape", squeals the front pole as he tries his hardest to get married. "Muh custody discrimination", wails the wurstie as he shits himself as soon as the woman says he can have 100% with no visitation from her. "Muh reverse rape" is in the same category. Where is your rape whistle, faggot? Why are you
approaching the potential evil rapists for carnal pleasure?
This is no different. Women try to avoid things they say they're afraid of. Men not only don't try, but actively seek out whatever risk factor for whatever they claim to be "afraid" of, then proceed with the silly DARVO. This is why no one ever believes you and never will.
No. 1440137
File: 1644536447480.gif (1.75 MB, 300x228, AUDACIOUS.gif)

>>1440107>mOLest?!?loony troon got JOKES.
No. 1440142
File: 1644536814847.png (273.97 KB, 608x826, troondeloo.png)

Totally not a fetish
No. 1440149
>>1440133i think it's the same reason why hsts exist all around the world while you only see agps in rich liberal countries, and why agps within those countries are mostly middle class
Hsts are very gay men who transition out of gender dysphoria (internazionalized homophobia) in an effort to conform to a heteronormative society, agps are heterosexual men who transition to live their fetish. While hsts dysphoria comes from wanting to be more "normal" (a straight woman instead of a gay man), AGPs have the privilege of choosing to be freaks, when they could have stayed straight men.
This usually means they have a liberal community that will accept them and the economic stability to transition + have the free time to wear the programmer socks and listen to sissy hypno. Black people tend to be more socially conservative compared to white people esp when it comes to gender roles, and poorer
No. 1440155
File: 1644537395302.jpg (109.64 KB, 1080x1648, Screenshot_20220211-004750_Chr…)

kim petras has gone full agp
No. 1440164
>>1440133AGP troonacy is a combination of bourgeoisie decadence, time/boredom, disposable income, and a sense of gross entitlement, which black moids currently can't access or get away with. If a black 67-year-old married father of two put on programmer stockings, abandoned his pregnant wife out of jealousy, called himself a lesbian and said he had a period, he would be rightfully laughed off the block and beat up and black women would have zero tolerance for it, meanwhile white moids are applauded for doing the exact same thing and their wives don't even leave them. Basically there is currently no tolerance for AGP debauchery among minority groups but that will change when the wealth gap starts to close. Black moids are also skeptical and distrustful of the medical industry because of things like the tuskegee syphilis study, meanwhile white libs are happily injecting their kids with puberty blockers. and lastly, black moids are considered desirable in the dating market (muh BBC/ hyper-masculinity) so they tend not to be incels and terminally online. but if there are more blackcels in the future we will absolutely see a rise in black AGP.
No. 1440179
>>1440133White people will uplift the AGPs of their community, brainwash themselves into thinking trannies are women, and make up a thousand excuses to let them get away with being pedo rapists.
Black people think AGP are insane and absolutely worthless, and they are not afraid to express this. Black HSTS are already hated but they can be sort of "explained away" by theories like sexual inversion or "souls being born in the wrong body" since a lot of people in the black community are religious and conservative.
>>1440178Technology in general attracts those types of people. I work in tech and it's especially common with Taiwanese men for some reason.
No. 1440187
>>1440164Yup. And this anon
>>1440179 is right too, black people tend to rationalize HSTS as gay men who trooned out to attract men, whereas a straight man trooning out to attract women is seen as illogical and predatory. And Black women in general are less likely to be AGP handmaidens than white women. They already face more gender discrimination and sexual violence, and have more to lose by allowing unstable moids into their private spaces and competing with them for jobs. For example, I'm trying to imagine a straight black moid declaring himself a "butch lesbian" and demanding access to black lesbian spaces while changing nothing about his appearance. Nobody would coddle or validate him, he'd just be seen as mentally ill.
No. 1440200
>>1440164>black moids are considered desirable in the dating market (muh BBC/ hyper-masculinity) BBC is just something white men obsess over and get paranoid about. They think white women need to be loyal to white men (whereas they can date whomever they want) and if a white woman falls in love with a black man then it must only be because she is a slut who only wants BBC.
White men get the most responses across all dating apps. Loads of non-white women think getting some white husband is supposed to be a "status symbol" and a lot of white men know their whiteness can attract non-white women so they become sexpats in foreign countries. Incels call the Philippines "Tutorial Island", call sex tourism in Southeast Asia "SEAmaxxing" and their main advice to each other is "JBW" (just be white).
No. 1440227
>>1440214That is true. When it comes to black men they start applying the classical Greek theory that a large penis is a sign of low intelligence and barbarianism. When it comes to Asian men they take the Roman theory instead, so they go on about how a small penis is pathetic and un-masculine.
The white man's penis is "just right" and he believes he is genetically superior to other races. To him everything is about biological essentialism and not actually working to become the best version of yourself. If he is highly desperate to get laid they will start trooning out to become his own girlfriend and harass lesbians, or run away to a country full of non-white women so he can feel special in his whiteness.
No. 1440231
>>1440214Lol, this is what happens when you make retarded race pseudo science about why once race is more subhuman while your popular culture steadily removes the association of masculinity with sophistication and high class to attach the ideal of masculinity with a laborious and carnal class– you end up thinking the lowest classes of men are the most manly and in the US that is the black man due to the innate society based race caste of the country. Delusional white american AGP troons believe they're not that manly despite their lanky bodies and broad jaws because they're more ""civilized"" than the hypermasculine BBC and black woman they can use as a stepping point to push themselves into women's only spaces.
>>1440226Nah, I rarely visit /pol/ or 4chan in general. Most of my observations are from REAL LIFE or visiting forums that have nothing to do with 4chan.
No. 1440237
>>1440227Speaking of JBW, I was researching something cosmetics related the other day, found myself on a lookism forum discussing the topic and went down the rabbit hole. There was some moid who claimed to be 30 but "pulling 18 year olds", and was immediately asked "which country". Turned out to be sexpatting in Ukraine.
They chewed him the fuck out, told him he doesn't actually look young and is only able to fuck what he fucks because he's foreign and is either exotic or an immigration prospect to local women, plus slav men are abysmally ugly. They all know JBW is cope and means nothing, that's why they seethe about impoverished foreign women suddenly no longer wanting them once they become "americanized". "Never bring your foreign wife to America" is their #1 advice for a reason.
No. 1440241
File: 1644543461332.jpg (63.66 KB, 493x650, Untitled.jpg)

>>1440010>>1440019you seem to think these retards will do anything but cry and shit and piss all over their chicken legs if such an event were to happen
No. 1440259
>>1439861Oh my god. The voice. The teeth.
My only wish for this person is 41%
No. 1440298
File: 1644548089495.jpg (584.15 KB, 1080x1080, PCIMG_2022-02-10_21-50-53.JPG)

>>1439561I didn't immediately clock this dude until I stopped getting distracted by the dresses and fairy wings and really looked at his body. He's really careful with his shoops and doesn't take candid pics next to actual women, but he can't hide that fridge waist and male arms, hands, jaw and proportions kek
No. 1440333
File: 1644550781681.png (511.95 KB, 497x658, yuckj.png)

hey guys is apparently not intended to be a collection of the dumbest creeps in the world. It's in support of them. Almost every one of these videos would peak someone. I hope they keep fighting for visibility lmao
No. 1440340
File: 1644551071584.png (664.18 KB, 754x745, Screenshot345.png)

>when you still look like a man in wig after estrogen and breast implants.
No. 1440341
>>1440333the first video is about periods
fucking kill me
No. 1440343
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No. 1440377
File: 1644554463262.png (41.25 KB, 827x125, 2022.png)

>>1440333i really doubt this is a genuine account
No. 1440383
File: 1644554724674.jpg (18.13 KB, 236x211, 1631832980666.jpg)

>>1440340getting the troll face FFS. i hope that's a heavy handed photoshop and not his actual skull
No. 1440409
File: 1644557640154.jpg (43.7 KB, 292x522, 12455443.JPG)

>>1440082Even if turns to shit in the West, I hope radical feminism continues growing globally so it will make it harder for all the libfems to call it "privileged white feminism".
No. 1440419
>>1440371black moids are highly desirable in their own communities
nonny. even the ugliest, poorest ones have harems of orbiters and tons of kids. and a lot of black women do date down, unfortunately, because black women are more educated and higher-earning than black moids by far. i know celebs aren't the best examples but it's very telling that nicki minaj married a rapist murderer and billionaire rihanna is having a kid with a woman beater who hasn't had a hit in a decade
No. 1440420
File: 1644559755903.png (339.69 KB, 960x2079, AF5CF390-28AC-407F-A5EC-BFC1EF…)

Sigh just another day in r/tallgirls
No. 1440427
File: 1644562708507.png (55.96 KB, 796x308, scrote.PNG)

The start of friction between the biotrans
No. 1440440
>>1440409So they want to believe Latinas who support radical feminism are the white/white passing upper class women but the Latinas who are "trans inclusive" are the poor brown working class women…
If they were talking about India instead I bet they would say that radical feminism is only something rich Brahmin women support while Dalits believe "trans women are women" kek.
No. 1440444
File: 1644567320279.jpeg (176.95 KB, 626x443, 4A7ED58C-1CEE-4FCF-8137-6F35E7…)

>>1436209This account is definitely portraying them in a negative light. It’s disguising itself as one that isn’t in order to peak people and masquerade as an account that isn’t twanspobic. That’s my theory anyway.
No. 1440450
File: 1644568682259.jpg (119.29 KB, 483x874, 45435452.JPG)

This is hilarious
No. 1440481
File: 1644571952542.jpeg (486.83 KB, 828x1160, EBB9CA0F-5C3D-45B8-ACA8-5BF9F3…)

>>1440450I’m dying. These are just a few of the reasons that bisexual positivity is recanting their support, my personal faves highlighted. How the fuck do people like this interact with the world outside of their phone screens?
No. 1440489
File: 1644572634765.png (122.22 KB, 232x490, kgvk901kfcj71.png)

what the fuck are these proportions
No. 1440491
File: 1644572772117.jpg (354.35 KB, 1080x2150, Screenshot_20220211-114319_Ins…)

Came across this video and I can't believe she's using the word menstruators instead of women.. please end this shit already.
No. 1440525
>>1440333I'm pretty sure this is a stealth
TERF account, every single tiktok has a controversial talking point that the troon tries to get across to the viewer and not just TIMs doing stuff. This thing is to deliberately peak normies.
No. 1440572
File: 1644587195048.png (844.99 KB, 1188x1026, laughs in otherkin.png)

i love when TRAs claim that "X never happens!" and then one of their own comes along and immediately proves that yes, X does happen. turns out that letting people identify however they want WILL lead to more idiots claiming to be a different species/age/race/etc. this grown-ass man identifies as a pony and occasionally a unicorn.
No. 1440592
File: 1644589861755.jpeg (230.95 KB, 1221x702, 45288D4B-5B70-4316-99B5-52AC5E…)

How tf is this a real headline? They’re like determined to fuck up every little thing women have.
>>1440426You are correct. It sincerely is a first world problem. I guess social media is what has helped it spread far and wide.
No. 1440594
File: 1644589908487.jpeg (627.71 KB, 1014x1341, BA80AD4A-6B4F-4F10-B85F-22BDEE…)

>>1440592>TW don’t have utereses and can’t experience menstruation No shit
Also dropped the link if you want to read.
No. 1440606
File: 1644590710381.jpeg (532.69 KB, 1768x2208, 15A709C4-182C-4D45-8DC3-810DC3…)

I have a hard time believing people aren’t clocking this dude.
No. 1440667
File: 1644598831355.png (420.53 KB, 603x612, Untitled.png)

look they gave him a new jaw in photoshop
No. 1440670
File: 1644598962413.jpg (76.46 KB, 1200x632, 3e6983ce9fd59553e00cbe84f2a5b9…)

>>1440667for reference what he actually looks like
No. 1440680
>>1440667>I could take it all, love it big or small>Make it hit the wall, I'm the throat goat>I just sucked my ex, no gag reflex>I just had to flex, I'm the throat goat>These bitches can't suck like me>Walk in, I'm the sucking queen>Look around, all eyes on me>Jack it off, I'ma suck it clean>These lips go "la-la-la">This throat, Lady Gaga>Boys say "Hallelujah">Give me that ya-ya-ya-ya, yeah>And it’s got me very far (Far, yeah)>Your man just bought me a car (Car, yeah)>I sucked him behind thе bar (Bar, yeah)>I'm a mother fuckin' star (Ah!)Lmaooo, if these aren’t the MALEST lyrics I’ve ever read. No female artist in history would be caught dead doing this shit. HSTS truly are just gay men with extra steps, aren’t they?
No. 1440683
File: 1644600907690.png (187.15 KB, 1302x1222, Untitled.png)

>>1440680Here are the lyrics for two of the songs
No. 1440685
>>1440683Oh, magnificent, very artistic, I can barely comprehend the complex lyrical work that had to be done to even imagine composing this.
This is why everyone hates pop music.
No. 1440696
File: 1644602110372.jpg (151.18 KB, 900x1200, 1626375571323.jpg)

>>1440670This is what he actually looks like
No. 1440700
>>1440696Massive Lego head and not even an inch of muscle on his stunted frail body.
It's actually sad. His parents are evil for thinking this is alright
No. 1440715
>>1440045Wait what? I never noticed lmao. I was so appalled by the random tumblr speak and how old David Duchovny was that I barely paid attention to any characters besides the short haired girl.
>>1440051Kek I see it now holy shit. God I didn't think this movie could get any worse
No. 1440725
>>1440720his parents robbed their own child of his future sexuality and fertility
it's sickening
No. 1440730
>>1439741Male chauvinist and checked out failedmale/beta LARPing their AGP fetish in public.
'fembrain' is just the brain of a male who didn't make the cut when it comes to masculine posturing. So upsetting how males see being a women as being a failure of a man.
No. 1440756
>>1440601Is menstrual leave a thing in the US? I’m in the EU and I’ve never heard of it.
I can just imagine men’s reaction if my country tried to create something like this.
>“Reverse sexism! Women are going to abuse this to slack off from work!”>declare themselves women, take menstrual leave, play vidya all day>“See! I told you so!”>>1440724Lesbians aren’t the ones lobbying to remove the word mother from medical literature, troons are. With any sensible lesbian couple the pregnant one would register as the mother and her partner would pick ‘other parent’ or ‘other’ with explanation or something. This is 100% about pandering to the TQ+.
No. 1440777
>>1440724>>1440767 is right. This is about erasing women because the only thing men admit women are better at them is giving birth. Tranny agenda is them trying to take that, the ability to create new life, away from women. That's why fake wombs are being pushed too, so that men can reproduce on their own and eliminate women. Since women pick mates and raise the children properly, without women being involved, there would be a lot of genetic failures and children who get traumatized because of weird and borederline psychologically and sexually
abusive households. Pedos could also farm babies with artificial wombs, that's why women should defend their reproduction rights and titles.
No. 1440779
>>1440756Lol no, burgerfag here and this is absolutely not a thing in the hypercapitalist hellscape that is the US. I’d be curious to know how it’s working out in Taiwan, but workers’ rights are extremely weak over here and you’re lucky if your job gives you any PTO at all. And if it did exist here it would just be used to further discriminate against women in the workplace, like “we can’t hire those dizzy dames, they’re costing us too much money with their dang period days! Yeehaw MAGA
pew pew pew” We just take sick days if we’re lucky enough to get them, or we suffer in silence.
No. 1440812
>>1440777we already talked about this like a thread or two ago but we all know it isn’t happening, no matter how hard they try
artificial wombs aren’t what they’re cracked up to be and we’re nowhere near it being reliable at all in the slightest
try as they might they will fail, plus all of the fucked things governments could do with that resource so
the one thing they want to take, they cannot take.
No. 1440819
>>1440777highkey i only see artificial womb talk online in weird circles and the occasional what if clearly biased and clicky baity article by like yahoo or some shit
it’s not enough of a necessity to be widespread at all
babies do not do well outside of their moms and what we have for them now is to support them when they have complications strictly
No. 1440837
>>1440777Kek @ thinking moids will be able to endure actual parenting. You must have never met a dumb moid who accidentally won a custody battle he started to spite the wife. The idea that putting gestation outside of women will "eliminate" us from being hosts to moid parasitism is naive and too optimistic. According to migtoes, sex dolls and hookers were supposed to do that decades ago.
>>1440730It's more funny than upsetting, since men are anatomically failwomen.
No. 1440840
>>1440777Anyone afraid of artificial wombs is an idiot. We already live in a world where poor women are exploited as surrogate mothers, if anything, artificial wombs would be used by the rich to avoid "ruining" their body with pregnancy.
That incel powerfantasy doesn't even make sense because for wombs to do anything you need human reproductive cells with unique DNA. And I believe scientists already managed to create sperm in a laboratory with DNA from a woman. Some animals can even experience "virgin births" where the females fertilize themselves, but it doesn't contribute to evolution since the child would be a clone and have health deficits, some lizards do reproduce that way though.
No. 1440901
>>1440863Singapore is too homophobic for that and Hong Kong is more influenced by Europe. The problem with Taiwan is how much it loves to copy the US because it looks up to it as a role model. It also does a lot of what it does to differentiate itself from China no matter how stupid it is.
Because China wouldn’t legalize gay marriage, a lot of Taiwanese marriage equality supporters said that legalizing gay marriage was something that would differentiate them from China. I support gay marriage but the Taiwanese gay community is also full of trans rights activists and pro surrogacy people. Because China doesn’t like trannies and thinks surrogacy is evil, the gay activists in Taiwan are now pushing for greater transgender recognition and legalizing gestational surrogacy. Just last year there was a TIM influencer in Taiwan who was pretending to be pregnant by claiming he got an “experimental procedure”.
No. 1440906
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Who in the world is paying for this?
No. 1440927
>>1440733shayna weirdly attracts other trashy lesbians
like me ughhh i hate myself though. she's clearly female
No. 1440931
>>1440924I interpreted that line as Kim being a non-native English speaker and not knowing what those words actually meant in context, and no one bothering to correct them. The only meaning that makes sense contextually is if Kim thinks it means “get rid of your bitch”
All the lyrics are so stilted and cringey in addition to being gross
No. 1440937
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>>1440911lol natural waste's what they pay to get chopped off
also, it's probably my ignorance as a womb-haver, but I couldn't even picture what pants sitting between waist and hips even meant. It's not as if there's something between the two. I had to make this diagram to understand. I suppose if one has no visible hips or waist, it's hard to know where they start and end.
(I'm sure they meant half way between high-rise and low-rise, which doesn't really warrant mentioning. That's just where men's slacks tend to sit.)
No. 1440942
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>>1440934sage for unrelated, but I love Korean feminists. Everything I read about them inspired me so much, and they sound tough (and funny) as hell. No. 1440954
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>>1440941nta, but I think that it's more the wealth/safety of a country, not the individual practitioners. Cultures get more strict about gender roles when a country's trying to look strong. That's usually during times of war or hardship.
This picture was taken in Iraq in the seventies for example.
It's a horrible shame that instead of different cultures becoming free from gender roles we're going towards strict adherence to gender roles while managing to still shit on the same group of people who always get shit on because of their sex. Seeing troons coin "AFAB privilege" should wake people up, but it hasn't so far.
No. 1440956
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Saw this on my fyp. I swear tiktok keeps showing me the occasional troon and I dont even engage with tranny accounts.
No. 1440958
>>1440806>In late 2005, Tang began transitioning to female, including changing her English and Chinese names, citing a need to reconcile her outward appearance with her self-image.[12] In 2017, Tang said, "I've been shutting reality off, and lived almost exclusively on the net for many years, because my brain knows for sure that I am a woman, but the social expectations demand otherwise."[13] In 2019, Tang identified as "post-gender" or non-binary, responding to a request regarding pronoun preferences with "What’s important here is not which pronouns you use, but the experience…about those pronouns… I’m not just non-binary. I’m really whatever, so do whatever."the fuck
No. 1440960
>>1439221Those titles are gross as hell. The my coconuts song disgusts me since it makes me think of his moobs.
>>1440155Someone posted a video of him dancing with a gun like buffalo Bill. He has the most male bone structure just like stacy cay. Its alwayd the most non passning hons that think they pass
No. 1440975
>>1440963Westerners say Eastern Asians are neotenous so Asian TIMs should have an "advantage" in passing as female but they don't realize that all the more "female-looking" trannies are just HSTS who put on pounds of makeup (and even then you can tell they are moids).
All AGP give off the same AGP look no matter the race.
No. 1440991
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So because I play Dead by Daylight this troon was suggested in tags bitching about 'transphobia' because day old twitch accounts were calling him ugly and why bother with a ratty wig.
No. 1440993
>>1440942i wish women in the west could muster up even half the rage of south korean feminists
we need more angry women
No. 1441008
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>>1440409korean women live in a country where men harass celebs when they say anything supportive of feminism and call pregnant women ‘vaginas that got ejaculated in’ and refuse to give their seats in public transport but the first thing trannies care for is their stance on moids in spinny dresses
No. 1441011
>>1441008so korean moids REEEE about koreas low birth rate while also hating pregnant women?
make it make sense
No. 1441013
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people on twitter are slamming Kim Petras for working with alleged rapist producer Dr. Luke
No. 1441026
>>1441021them keeping to themselves is a good thing
this way they're less likely to ruin some woman's life
No. 1441032
>>1441021I saw these type admit troons have lower standards and they don't take.them seriously 90% of the time. The ones aren't gay men in denial are just bisexual woman hating coomers, who trick themselves into thinking troons make better women, when it's just that it's easier for men to get sex from other men. Especially gay ones. I hope if it's true that scrote DID leave his girlfriend for a Troon. Stop dipping his Troon shit covered dick in his girlfriend
Stop wasting her time
Except most these dudes don't want to date troons and create families. The moment a woman comes along they'll get with her, date her and fuck troons on the side.
No. 1441042
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unspoiler for necrotic neovag
No. 1441044
>>1440959Yeah but that’s just the USA. There are also a ton of white men in Australia, NZ, Canada, and Europe…
>>1440972I’m not saying they don’t exist, but that the “rich tech bro tranny” meme is far more relevant to the USA for a number of cultural reasons. I live in one of the poorest counties in the UK yet it’s still a hotspot for AGP troons. There’s a reason being a tranny is so tightly wound together with le working class identity in Britain.
No. 1441046
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>>1440333>>1440377still not sure if it's a fake account
No. 1441048
>>1441046kek based
terf psyop
No. 1441070
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No. 1441101
>>1441099The USA is so close by, I thought the
toxic liberal feminist bullshit spreading from the US would be more dominant in LatAm?
No. 1441113
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I hate when they find fashion subs and post their hideous pictures. You all remember this so called troon who doesn’t even try but shows his moobs across reddit claiming he has huge breasts? People are telling him he’s a gamine lol I can’t
No. 1441114
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>>1441113I’m not crazy in thinking that this bulge was intentional right? I am disgusted
No. 1441120
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>>1441113>People are telling him he’s a gaminePlease tell me those people are troons. This is just a saggy old man
No. 1441125
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Literal gargoyle
No. 1441130
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>>1440945Not something I came up with myself. "Reddit island" is a nickname some people use for Taiwan.
No. 1441132
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>>1440440yeah this is literally what the Indian TRAs think lol so it's not that surprising. 'brahminical' goes with 'cis' and 'transphobic' everywhere
No. 1441150
>>1441132The second is likely a joke since he says India has brown skin supremacy. Every Indian knows that light skin is worshipped in India. It stems from the Indo-Aryan invasions which was codified into Hinduism, and it was more recently reinforced by British colonialism.
The other two sound real, sadly. India has atrocious treatment of women and yet they're trying to talk about cisgender privilege. I wish most Indians couldn't speak English so they wouldn't have been easily infected by these dumbass American ideas.
No. 1441162
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>>1441158It's a reference to how a lot of people from those places act like Redditors or post a lot of "cringe".
No. 1441167
>>1441150idk about this guy but I have met many people who call India 'brown supremacist' in opposition to people from NE India who they see as racially different and oppressed by the brown majority
>>1441138plenty of moronic and privileged indian women out there to agree with these moids kek. I think the people I meet aren't like representatives of ''''real indian women'''' (like ultra privileged westernised types) but I get very mad online about their retarded wokeness for sure
No. 1441176
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>>1441013Tim worked with a known rapist for all of tranzwimmenkind, what a generous soul
No. 1441181
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>>1441166>Cultural backlash to the martial law period of Taiwan under the KMT made Taiwan push for experimentation and liberalism.>There's a lot of porn consumption and a lot of men are open about being coomers. Japanese pornography, anime, and video games are popular in Taiwan. >Taiwan has been actively trying to distance itself from traditional Chinese culture since the 1990s (de-Sincization movement) to create its own separate "Taiwanese" identity.>Young Taiwanese people love to copy whatever the USA is doing and are very pro-American. They think progressive American politics are great. >The DPP (the current ruling party in contrast to the conservative KMT) know that copying Western trends will get them more attention and respect on the world stage. There's just loads of virtue signalling. >The vocal gay rights organizations in Taiwan all uniformly support trans rights activism.>Taiwan has conservative gender roles so a lot of Taiwanese women don't complain much or even seem aware because Taiwanese culture encourages women to be cute and passive. A lot of Taiwanese women are libfems who go on the internet and attack Korean radfems for being "transphobic" lol.>The Taiwanese diaspora consists almost entirely of Taiwanese Americans who live in California and many spread their retarded SJW boba liberal ideas back into Taiwan.There is a non-binary tranny as the Digital Minister of Taiwan. I don't think you would ever see something like this in any other part of East Asia.
>>1441174I think it first started gaining traction in the early 2000s, which is really early for a non-Western country. It was the 2010s when it started getting much bigger. When non-binary became a thing in the US, Taiwanese were talking about how they need a third gender identification for their national IDs (it came into effect in 2020).
No. 1441187
>>1441021Peak gymcel cope kek. It's what he gets for thinking women are attracted to whatever moids think women should find attractive. Nobody except homos (and sometimes very, VERY old milfs) likes Joe Rogan looking ham golems. Most of them would be better off twinkmaxxing if they didn't have subhuman facial aesthetics.
He also doesn't have a gf, and if he did he'd never leave for a troon. Incels never go fuck their own, all they do is talk to themselves about how they're t-totally content fucking another incel. If he does end up with a tranny it will be an absolute last resort, and instead of fucking they'll just be sitting on the couch side by side while typing seething manifestos on 4chan about how they don't need no roastie.
No. 1441202
>>1440942sage for blogpost:
I was in the Pink Hole in Hongdae, Seoul (underground lesbian bar) and Korean lesbians make no secret of never allowing men in their bars. The ONLY way a man can be let in is if a lesbian attendee "vouches" for him and he has to pay 40,000 won, basicaly assuring the bouncer he's gay as they come and just there to get away from the slimy grimy gay bars in itaewon's homo hill.
However a trans woman in front of us in line waiting to get in wanted to enter and the bouncer kinda looked at him for a bit trying to decipher if he was an unforunately masculine looking girl or a man in a dress. The owner of the club came out to assess and basically told him in no uncertain terms that unless he was a woman or a gay man, he wasn't coming in. TiM proceeded to say he was a woman and a lesbian (also this was a white foreigner, not korean) and the owner told him in banmal to fuck off and if he tried to come back she would call his superior officer (must have been US military or something) to tell him he was harrassing women and out after curfew. Dude scurried off real quick while his handmaiden said she was going to sue. On the way out he pushed us aside and knocked me and my girlfriend into a wall and the owner personally brought us in herself and gave us free shots, saying those TiMs come every other day to try and get in and if laws are passed to force her to do so, she'd just shut down.
Korean feminists are super based and hate men as much as the rest the women in the world do. end spergy korean blogpost
No. 1441213
>>1441207Thank god you said it. That’s what all men do when they feel they are safe to do so, to all women. They torture them as if women were part of those wars.
>>1441205That’s men though. They are legitimately turned on by the idea that women could possess the same jealousy and lack of souls they do, and don’t understand how to not project their desire onto our bodies and then blame us for it as if we are not people or trying to deal with the trauma of being sexualized since we were children. Being in the first generation to grow up online as a girl was so fucked up, and how all the men around you started to treat you differently once they had access to porn that enabled them. It’s fucked up enough to not know what life is like not being treated that way and trying to heal, and then there are men who instigate it or imitate it. They don’t have connections to other human beings.
No. 1441216
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>>1441210Yeah it seems like it.
No. 1441245
>>1441176I'm assuming "the dance commander" is an aiden since it's usually only women who give a shit about abuse when troons are behind it. If she keeps pushing her point, she'll be called a TME theyfab and doxxed.
>>1441206>>1441210This is breaking my heart. I keep thinking about that Japanese artist who made that awesome vulva canoe and was sent to prison over it. I hope Japanese feminists can get together and make their movement stronger because I'd love to see them fight against pedophilia culture and gender-based score capping (Points are deducted from women's university entrance exams to ensure men get better jobs. This is not hidden. It's considered reasonable somehow)
No. 1441248
>>1441231The likely answer is that the idiot was lying in bed, bored as hell, and tried to use his imagination to entertain himself. Unfortunately, since his brain is like a sponge dropped into a full-toilet, all that came of its being used was shit.
It doesn't get talked about a lot because there are so many other ugly side-effects of trooning-out, but I think the absolute death of imagination–the retarded inability to think of ANYTHING outside of sexual gratification and pornographic scenarios–is so incredibly depressing. From the few disgusting snippets of sissy porn fiction I've (unfortunately) seen quoted, a large amount of it seems focused on the fantasy of women being sex obsessed bimbos to the extent where they're literally handicapped. See Petras's lyrics above for an example. Of all the fetishes I've heard of, not much makes me want to vomit more than the idea of getting off to acquired brain damage, but it's so common among troons. It's just so hateful.
No. 1441249
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No. 1441251
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Everyone in my family thinks troons are weird and gross lmao and I'm sure that goes for a lot of people out there.
No. 1441259
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>>1441249>>1441251I'm about to become Sarah(19) lmao I'm so mad.
Look at them threatening to ruin women's lives. This is just confirming to me that when they talk about cancel culture affecting transwomen the most, they're just daydreaming about what they'd do if they get enough support that they could point at women they don't like and have them sentenced to death on the spot.
Also, no family, no friends, no job? Sounds like what they complain happens after they transition. Maybe you should stop being a coomer and "reassess".
No. 1441261
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kek look at him leaning over trying to pretend he has curves.
No. 1441270
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>>1440942Slightly OT but I am terrified for Korean feminists. My god the absolute shit they have to put up with.
No. 1441272
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love you kikomi never stop being your funny self.
No. 1441273
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>>1441259she's actually not based, she's some edgelord who failed to kill some 40 year old scrote and did an edgy richard ramirez reference
post a real successful scrote killer
No. 1441275
>>1441270I think the reasons South Korean radfems are so “extreme” is because of the climate they live in, seeing stuff like this every day, and how it seems that South Korean men don’t even pretend to be “good men” and just rail full force with disgusting misogyny. They can see men’s true nature better than American, Japanese, etc women bc of the unique combo of
1) the men in their culture don’t hide or cushion their hatred of women and are as overtly misogynistic as men in 3rd world countries, but
2) South Korea is very modernized in every other respect so women there have the education and connection to see how fucked things are (and organize) unlike women in 3rd world countries
No. 1441278
>>1441031>>1441008>>1441270I remember one korean radfem explained to me that the reason korean radfems can be so "extreme" at times is due to just how utterly misogynistic korean men are, she even explained that Japanese and australian moids were more "tamer" compared to the bullshit she dealt with in korea, she described korean men being like feral pigs while non-korean men were like big dogs
the the big dogs are still dangerous but it can be tamed and prove useful but a feral pig will just only ever eat and shit everything in its sight
that was her argument, I don't fully agree with it but I can kinda understand it
No. 1441280
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the mods locked this post I wonder why.
No. 1441285
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>>1441270>>1441031not defending these moids but korea for most of its history was considered shit-hole on par with any third world nation nowadays, it was one of the poorest nations in the world and koreans were viewed as backwater inbred farmers and SK korea was viewed as a sham state with massive amounts of corruption and political leaders that were Japanese collaborators and war criminals that were never trialed
I mean its founding fathers i.e US appointed dictator and his cronies who ruled for 2 decades were part of the Japanese puppet Manchukuo Imperial Army who mostly just committed ethnic cleansings in Manchuria
those that weren't WW2 era Japanese war criminals were responsible for some of the worst atrocities in any western allied nation
The Jeju massacre, the Gwangju massacre and the Bodo League massacre, where suspected "communists" were murdered without trial in the tens of thousands and that's not even mentioning the war crimes committed in Vietnam
again I'm not defending these moids I'm just saying that people should expect it with the way korean history and society is
No. 1441289
>>1441288My point was you should expect as much from a korean guy as you would expect from a Liberian or a Pakistani guy
shitty third world misogyny
No. 1441293
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I don’t know why I bother lurking in these kinds of places when the stuff I read there makes me feel sick and confirms prostate-owners talk and think exactly how we expect they do. No. 1441303
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>>1441293good news anon two of them are tifs
No. 1441309
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>>1440427Apparently George has a vendetta on someone. She isn't a biotrans like him and the Kikomi gang, she is a TIF larping as a TIM. Even biotrannies are against this shit. This man is based AF. He's right she is crazy and becoming the most disgusting type of male is extreme self-loathe. Too bad george is a moid gc. Sage for slight irrelevance because subject is not TIM
No. 1441315
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a libfem friend of mine actually posted this on our facebook group
christ I swear I can't deal with this shit anymore
No. 1441317
>>1441275>>1441278Can confirm Korean scrotes are a special brand of intolerable after living in Korea was so many miserable years. Misogynistic and don’t even try to hide it, because why hide what is socially acceptable still? Use and toss women aside, still believe in outdated gender roles, you can hit your girlfriend and say you were drunk at the time and get off easier. Not to even touch the absolute hellish drinking provoke Korea has and all the violence that stems from it.
Lots of Korean guys are so far up their own ass because they think the 20k they spent on surgery to look like Taemin from Shinee means no one can resist them. And they think their mere prescience is a gift to the world.
A lot of people shit on Korean straight women for dating so many white gurys but anon has a point. If they’re less shit and more trainable then the Korean jackass counterparts, wouldn’t you?
Koran radfems are based as fuck though. And unlike many other countries, lesbian bars are thriving in Korea. If you know where to look.
No. 1441319
>>1441317I remember a screenshot of an account by some North Korean defector woman, while she still preferred the South over North Korea, she was just shocked the long working hours and office culture of South Koreans, also levels of misogyny and harassment she had to deal and the lack of communal bond compared to the North and that says more about SK then the north
probably the worst combination of western materialism and eastern traditionalism
No. 1441342
>>1441333>>1441333I think more to do with familial values under tough times, If everyone is sufferings and starving then you can't afford to be a misogynistic shit head all the time
everybody, not just the family but the community has to pitch in and help each other
the south kept the traditional eastern misogyny just with modern industrialization, creating a culture that has the worst aspects of east and west
any source on accounts of north korean women in life in south with regards to cultural misogyny
No. 1441358
>>1441332Pretty sure it is because it
triggered a gc
No. 1441368
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>>1441270Do Korean men have ASPD or something?
No. 1441392
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Remember the skinny nerdy kids from your high school class? Now these dudes all troon out.
No. 1441394
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God this is so fucking cringe.
No. 1441409
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Long hair troons keep trying to convince the world they look exactly like women and it's ghastly how so many people agree with this.
No. 1441414
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>>1441394Time to cancel people for being "progressive" and having terrible music taste.
No. 1441418
>>1441399the only women who engage in this kind of behaviour are massively insecure pickme girls filled to the brim with internalised misogyny. Who I don't blame because vulvas are the object of intense scrutiny by men (thanks porn) and I was a teen riddled with internalised misogyny once too. They're still our sisters and deserve to be saved from that disgusting,
toxic mindset.
And just as a side note; they don't even larp about it correctly. Women are insecure about labia size and that, if anything, is what gets scrutinised by fellow women. But again it's just a cope from having that shit inflicted on you by men.
No. 1441423
File: 1644673983930.webm (4.64 MB, 540x960, Snaptik_7008194392175480069_pi…)
>>1441392It gets fucking worse. Watching this video I felt myself being dragged into the abyss lmao
No. 1441441
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Sometimes when I see tweets like this I just laugh out loud kek
No. 1441454
>>1441453i'm 25 and almost trooned out at the age of 12-13
then i desisted because too many people were doing it and it became "too mainstream" (yes i was insufferable)
No. 1441465
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>>1441441The delusion in saying that mostly "chasers" are retweeting that pic
No. 1441486
>>1441485look no one forces you to do anything, typical pisspants behavior to whine and moan about how everything is somebody else's fault.
it's hilarious that zoomers keep seething over millenials when everything you do is basically the sloppy seconds of what millenials did, your trends, politics, everything and i guess when you're used to be the lemming all you can do is always blame someone else for forcing you to jump from the cliff even though you just could not fucking do it
No. 1441487
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>mfw it is almost Valentine's day and I still don't have a CIS lesbian gf so I DDOS Kiwifarms again to feel better about myself
No. 1441500
>>1441485>>1441461>>1441439>>1441425The seething and the coping kek. The only thing Zoomers are more known for than cancel culture and being terminally online is being in deep denial and blaming every stupid thing they do on millennials. They weren’t even sentient enough to form memories in 2004-2006 and they’re convinced schools were crawling with troons because theirs are and everything wrong in the world has to be millenials faults, never theirs.
Tell us, are the millenials in the room with us right now anons?
No. 1441515
>>1441490>older millennials born in the 80s>grunge was 90s>zoomers now dress up in nirvana shirts and grunge style even though they were born 10 years after Kurt contain died >nona says it’s millennials who are the ones copying/faking grunge Kek why do Gen Z get so
triggered over millennials it’s too easy to rile them up
No. 1441517
>>1441431Granny story-time:
I'm from the tail end of GenX, and millennials were already at it in the early 2000s in nerd/fandom spaces. I knew dozens of trans. Started out supportive, but they made me peak hard.
No. 1441519
>>1441354>cause north korean moids don't have accesses to >pornography and are starving peasants, like that's not a >good thingThat's some arson, murder, and jaywalking right there.
It is absolutely a good thing they don't have a access to porn. It's probably a bad thing they don't have access to the internet though.
No. 1441520
>>1441500I’m that millennial anon that’s 27 turning 28 this year. It’s true my high school didn’t even have out of the closet gay people. Most of the people I graduated with didn’t even come out until college. My high school was a combined school so two schools in one. JR high and regular Highschool. My friends that were in middle school were the ones more obsessed with LGBT etc. one even came out as trans when I was 18 and she was 15.
Zoomers mustn’t blame others and learn to grow from their mistakes.
No. 1441526
>>1441520I went to college in 2010-2014 as the last of the millennials and recently went back to school for my masters and it is completely different now. Professors ask all students their pronouns at start of term, you can change your pronouns any number of times you want on your info board. They have a “queer” LGBT club that has a “demiboy” as president who marched outside a women’s shelter down the road that is geared specifically towards women fleeing
abusive husbands because it didn’t allow trans women. I have met more girls that go by they/them or TiMs than I ever did pre 2014 all together.
Really bizarre how this troon epidemic has spiraled out of control.
No. 1441528
>>1441525Me too,
nonnie. Every day for the past few years I’ve been happy to be born a Millennial from a poor family. I wasn’t spoiled and left highschool while the woke shit was low key.
No. 1441536
>>1441531Whatever, the point is that people who are now 14-20 in the current year are
not to blame and making fun of them is cruel when it's people who are now in their late 20s/30s that created this culture and are now hiding their hands to avoid embarrassment.
No. 1441537
>>1441530No, it's the white woke SJWs that have a complex about being white and are trying to force their white guilt onto innocent children. Not really
POC's fault and I never said it was.
No. 1441547
>>1441540Exactly right nona, in a couple years anons like
>>1441536 are going to be getting the same stupid hot takes from Alpha who is going to blame everything wrong with the world on them and say it’s all their fault etc etc and the cycle will continue just as it is now. Alpha will eventually rip Zoomers to shreds over everything and blame them just like they do to Millennials now just like Millennials did to Boomers and X. And so it goes.
No. 1441554
>>1441546Yeah exactly. They grew up in these homophobic schools and
then took it upon themselves to call everything racist/homophobic (social justice which was the forebearer of "cancel culture") and then conflated gay/trans rights because they were autistic and now young people are in this mess, forced to pick up the pieces and told that it's their fault while these smug pieces of shit who know they started all of this are quiet as a mouse because they know they fucked up. You created this culture, now sit in it.