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No. 1192611
This thread concerns with male-to-female (mtf) snowflake behaviour. This entails individual events, trends, and characters that do not deserve their own thread. Arbitary rules enforced by tranny jannies apply to this thread, this means you might be banned for being too fucking based for your own good. Please don't say mean words to users you suspect are trannies because it makes them cry, seethe and dilate.
Subreddits of note: #1:
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>>>/snow/1184917 No. 1192613
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More evidence that trannies are just incels who hate women for not fucking them.
No. 1192619
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>>1192611Great thread pic OP, loving the subtle inclusion of Kikomi in the group hug
No. 1192628
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No. 1192639
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r/lgbt and r/actuallesbians have gone private because pic related
No. 1192647
>>1192613>publicly tweets about wanting to rape women who disagree with him>‘private kinks’Excuse me, sir? That’s not what either of those words mean.
Of course the ‘kink community’ is a festering shithole but I know so many people who still pretend it’s all about mutual respect and consent, and while five years later they’re still writing entire novels about how Fifty Shades of Grey is
problematic and a bad representation of the community, they’re completely silent whenever creepy incels use the kink excuse to make rape and death threats. Priorities, I guess.
>>1192619I wish there were only six examples.
>>1192639That Bonus Round edit is a whole ride of its own.
No. 1192653
>>1192628The third person has a point. Imagine being a young lesbian trying to reach out to other lesbians and you end up on reddit. Imagine being told not liking dick is "transphobic" and makes you a bigot? Imagine seeing daily front page threads about "girl dick" and conversations about how it's transphobic to say you don't want to date a trans woman. Or flat out seeing men talking about their "girl dicks' and gay sex between "transbiens".
Then if you speak up you are looked at like a horrible bigot, a bad person. The subreddit is like 80% men and it's run by men.
The sad thing is there's SO MANY SPACES JUST for trans women and it's not only trans people telling you, something is wrong with you and you are a bad person, but it's other women "lesbians" themselves.
No. 1192671
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>>1192639I went on their furaffinity page for the meme, and wtf? ….what does FiM mean? Is it a show?
No. 1192703
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>>1192678I mean…are the cold dead eyes, disheveled appearance and lack of personal hygiene not a dead giveaway? None of the people mentioned on this thread so far look like well-adjusted pillars of society.
No. 1192733
>>1192671We are truly living in the end times when people are proud to announce, and attempt to normalise scatology, sissification, CP and bestiality all wrapped up in one disgusting package.
I need eye bleach, and some holy water.
Make it staaaaaahhhhhhp……
Hopefully this will cause mass peakening.
No. 1192741
>>1192700I could swear I read this as someones profile on reddit recently
>>1192705I am thinking there is a lot of "cut, tuck, sew, $$$, run" but also a lot of doctors thankful these faggots are out of the genepool. The thought of it being an issue for kids is what scares me and the crazy is already out of the bag with the "adult" trannies chanting bullshit
No. 1192748
>>1192705>>1192741There is a huge amoiunt of money in this. I'm not sure where the funding is coming from, but I know someone who designs care pathways for hospitals and medical institutions, and at the beginning she was mainly doing degenerative conditions, cancer etc but in the last couple of years it has been mostly trans care plans as that seems to be where the demand is, and she is making big bucks.
Saged for blogpost.
No. 1192752
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>>1192640>>1192646Comments are from this TrueOffMyChest post is already locked bc of obvious reddit tranny mod reasons
No. 1192759
>>1192752i love how the word "
valid" means absolutely nothing
No. 1192760
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>>1192703Literally the face of autism right there. He also had some other sped disorder growing up, I'm sure he's still an actual physical danger to women to this day, on top of being a degenerate pedo. I would not be surprised at all if he's already committed crimes.
No. 1192773
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No. 1192787
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>>1192773Outrageous. I just googled his name to see what people are saying, and if there's a petition. There was a thread on mumsnet, so I went there and it's been removed.
No. 1192794
>>1192787Yeah even Mumsnet isn't safe, they've gotten so many complaints over the years by TRAs that the owners have to make policies to limit twansphobia, its bullshit
We are witnessing the end of the free speech on the Internet right now, all of censorship but with the degeneracy as well
No. 1192798
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>>1192773>>1192787The friend who posted the OP tweet naming the man seems to be suggesting that because of the court order, there can be trouble for hosting info about this. I wonder if that's why it's so hard to find it posted about anywhere that hasn't already been removed.
No. 1192812
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>>1192773Isn't this the Dr involved in that case? Either way he looks like a wrongun.
No. 1192825
>>1192798I guess big Pharma paid good money to keep low profile in order not to attract too many people's attention.
I do wish I would've saved it but there was a dad that protested alone against this case and he got attacked out of nowhere from cray TRA that took away most of his stuff, started to throw street signs at him and endend up breaking his bones because of it. All of them were dressed completely in black with covered faces (clearly not because of the rona)
No. 1192875
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old white man confirmed as cabinet secretary, stop the presses
No. 1192876
>>1192671Why am I not surprised in the slightest. Even without cheeking, I could already tell he a diaper fetish, especially with a name like "mucky".
Why is it that they're always into weird shit too? It's never some vanilla fetish, it's always either something creepy, disgusting or both.
No. 1192882
>>1192817>>1192812He looks like the Grinch or some kind of evil supervillain.
Roald Dahl was right when he said that evil shows on the face.
No. 1192886
>>1192817Gender therapy as kids, psychological therapy as adults.
There's going to be a generation of kids that are just going to be completely broken because of this.
No. 1192895
>>1192836agreed. ive never really understood it myself and feel pretty genderless as a result but i have no problem with having a female body or knowing that people see me differently than i see myself. that's what i don't get about so many trans people these days. you can't control how other people see you so just don't fucking associate with them if they don't respect your identity. you can't force everyone to see you how you see you. that's awfully solipsistic.
at some point you have to just accept that you are essentially a completely different person to many other people out there than the way you see yourself.
No. 1192925
>>1192875Hopefully this 'picture of health' peaks the world while converting all the suburban kids to streetkids with his SRS sterilization plan.
Just look at ol' Richard dick Levine… Looks like another a dried out smegmatic creep who went to Harvard in the 80s.
Children of men, here we go!
No. 1192947
>>1192671>2,6,16>It is ok for this character to be sissied.Lord I'm about to a-log
>>1192740Blog but honestly I don't know what to do anymore because I don't want to vote for right wing parties and I agree with everything else on the left but I do not want to give my votes to parties that encourage troon insanity
No. 1192969
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Ugh, it's like an infestation, affecting every facet of life.
This is from a UK delivery company's customer feedback thing. Not participating in this shit and won't use them again.
No. 1192999
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>>1192993At least the fact that her father is a convicted child rapist is there for everyone to see, for now.
No. 1193004
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>>1192999Wow. Both kids troons, what's the odds.
Must have been such a healthy and wholesome family.
No. 1193010
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Check out r/lgbt’s response to Challenorgate. Aimee’s pedo husband mods here so not a surprise they’d say this, but damn never thought I’d see people defend a nonce so hard.
No. 1193016
>>1192740My country is getting to a point where centrist and slightly right-of-center parties are going to be more pro-woman and pro-LGB than the leftist parties. They’re more stingy with things like maternity leave but not opposed to abortion and gay marriage, while leftist parties are endorsing prostitution, erasure of women as a class and chemical castration of gay/autistic/gnc children. It’s dystopian.
>>1192801>>1192827I think the community aspect is a huge part of it. Autistic people often feel disconnected from their peers and being trans provides an explanation (especially if ASD is undiagnosed) a solution/“cure”
and an instant community where everyone is welcome and
valid UwU. Don’t forget that predatory TRAs actively recruit awkward kids via discord, Reddit and other social media by literally telling them that if they’ve ever felt confused, insecure or lonely it means they’re probably trans. It’s the latest incarnation of things like Indigo Children and otherkin except instead of being a bunch of fringe loonies there’s billions in funding and powerful political lobby groups behind it.
No. 1193052
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trannies and tranny chasers
No. 1193071
>>1192956See, this is how they reel you in. There is no "typical male/female experience". Take a step back an analyze it; does that statement even make sense? You grew up into you and that's entirely your own experience, as it should be. Growing up and living as a whole doesn't follow a strict set of rules. Just because you didn't go to Stacey's 9th birthday and paint your nails doesn't make you any less of a woman. Just because you don't wear dresses and put on makeup everyday doesn't mean you're a man or whatever. Having an abnormal childhood, with or without trauma, has absolutely nothing to do with your gender.
One thing I've noticed… This whole mentality that if you live life in a way that differs from what you see in films and television then there's something wrong with you. Was this as prevalent back in the day as it is now before film started gaining traction/before TV was accessible to the average household? Its like every other person blames the media for their upbringing and what they themselves/others around them perceive as normal, then jumping to the conclusion that they're trans because of it. Did these morons really see some sorta movie and think it was reality? And not something scripted, intentionally exaggerated to make the scenes more enjoyable? Did these people really think this is how life is? I'm so fucking confused.
No. 1193099
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>>1193081So this shouldn't be a surprise then.
Poor kids. I hope that a massive peak happens and that people start suing these degenerates left and right in the coming years.
No. 1193105
>>1193081They'll always come up with an excuse.
>Kids in foster care… um… have a more open mind regarding the world because they don't have abusive Karen parents, so they're more likely to freely express their true gender! Saying that it's because they're often already emotionally neglected and haven't been able to form proper intimate bonds with the people around them is ableist and above all transphobic!I honestly could imagine a TRA using a reasoning like this when confronted about the issue.
No. 1193123
>>1193071There's a strong correlation between the Trancels, the extreme SJWs and being completely unable to tell reality from fiction.
>UH OH THINGS ARE WRONG.An actor has an opinion you don't like
>OH NO THAT CHARACTER IS TAINTEDSomething bad happens to an imaginary character.
>>1193078>>1193080>>1193082It could still happen, especially since this thread has lately been more focused on gc discussion and less on pointing and laughing at individual MtF cows.
>>1193105They’ll just say trans kids are more likely to end up in foster care because reasons.
No. 1193146
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was inspired to make this meme
No. 1193164
>>1193146aaahhh, that deserves a Kikomi Approved sticker anon
>>1193148Well quite.
No. 1193167
>>1193071Spot on. Growing up as a woman that doesn't fit the society's expectations and struggling with self-acceptance regarding it is still a very female experience tbh, one of the many possibilities. There are things that are very sex-specific that only people born in that sex can relate to.
>>1193146Amazing, thanks anon
No. 1193179
>>1192727Not really a good example.
Boebert's husband flashed an underage girl his dick so she doesn't have much room to claim to care about women's rights.
No. 1193245
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Did he cake his face in foundation ? look at his left eyebrow
No. 1193255
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>>1193082Not only that but about a year or so ago we had a whole board for these topics and boy were some people in meta fucking
pissed about it. Admin even gave us a poll, asking if we should keep it. Predictably, we voted for it to stay but it was deleted anyways lol because fuck you.
No. 1193275
File: 1616718989058.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1242x1875, 246F7EDD-3FC1-4954-8DAF-CD9DE9…) what even can you say that ISNT offensive. so the only way you will be happy is if everyone you encounter honestly & truly believes you are a woman & always have been??? now i should play your insane guessing game where hopefully i flip the coin right & use the pronouns u feel like today or risk a meltdown. & how is it MY fault if i can tell??? i feel like im taking crazy pills
No. 1193281
>>1193275Just imagine this
>ask for pronouns because circle of friends is full of retards.>some of them get offended and cancel you because you’re being transphobic.B
>don’t ask for pronouns because circle of friends is full of retards.>some of them get offended because you misgendered a retard fully dressed as a man talking about man stuff and get cancelled because you’re being transphobic.At this point nothing makes sense, give me my monke back, let’s go back, I’m sick of people getting offended by retarded shit like fucking pronouns and how it actually can make people lose their jobs or even get them severely injured.
No. 1193303
>>1193275We've come full circle from pronouns in bio/normalize pronouns/ask pronouns to "asking pronouns or expecting people to display them is offensive"
This is why keeping up with woke culture is a waste of time. Just be a good person and ignore all the rules of the day.
No. 1193310
>>1193275Honestly this is a bit of a fair take. If you are someone who's having a struggle with their gender being pressured to put pronouns in your bio, or having it come up in conversation as if it's really that organic, seems counterproductive. However a meltdown of sorts shouldn't ensue if it isn't assumed correctly.
Everyone putting their pronouns in their bio, or being asked when talking to new people, is fucking stupid in general, but if trying to be empathetic it's not always desirable. For instance they're so obsessed with ~
poc~ but don't realize that asking a black woman, essentially, if she's "a man or a woman" has a lot of loaded implications. Waiting for that to blow up in their faces.
No. 1193327
>>1193318i'm gonna say this is probably a huge reason why troons are growing so much. the whole egg aspect of the trans community is just autistic people being told that the reason they don't seem to fit in is because they're actually the other gender.
and then they become even more of an outcast because they still don't fit in and now look like freaks.
No. 1193329
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Coming soon to a bathroom near you.
No. 1193378
>>1193346I’ve never considered that. You’re right. Men are easy to volunteer that information, and they seem to be more involved in “social circles” that involve their fetishes or degenerate porn.
Women do things like that to a much lesser degree- like stupid fanfiction. It’s a lot less vile.
No. 1193426
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What would the TRA argument against trans racialism be
No. 1193444
>>1192895This is sage wisdom, anon, thank you
>>1193071The one thing women all over the world have in common is being female.
No. 1193456
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>>1193329kek a grad school in my area is facing a unisex bathroom controversy right now and the women's affiliation group (which welcomes everyone, of course, can't be exclusionary!) sent out a big fuck you to anyone with concerns
No. 1193457
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No. 1193542
>>1193457i can't stand this scrote. when he's not tweeting about whatever degenerate kink he's into at the time, some normies will retweet his ~transformation~ but he's just a coomer.
>>1193537i'm so sorry anon. she's just "euphoric" because she has a new brand of toy that allows her to seem more interesting. don't hesitate to phase her out of your life.
ngl if she married someone and divorced after 6 months, she will definitely dramatically cut you off if you say anything
No. 1193551
>>1193537Please do take this the wrong way, you should absolutely drop that fucking retard.
What a waste of oxygen.
No. 1193557
>>1193504im so sorry anon, i really wish i knew you irl so i could offer you some comfort. all i can say is that your takes aren't super nuclear and most of the world agrees with you. i hope you find a new safer community who won't go through your trash to crucify you publicly. people who do shit like that don't even give two shits about the well being of "marginalized people" they're just looking for clout and ass pats.
>>1193537i can't imagine how draining seeing shit like that is for a lesbian. as a straight woman i find it exhausting enough. depending on what social media she is shitting your feed on you might be able to hide her posts. i personally would "accidentally" unfollow but that's not always possible depending on how often you see each other. good luck anon
No. 1193559
>>1193542>>1193545>>1193548>>1193551>>1193557Thank you, anonfriends. Tbh I started distancing myself a while ago, but she is so beloved by our friend circle that I am having trouble truly cutting her off without losing other friends that I genuinely like, who have just not peaked yet. I'm waiting for this relationship to inevitably self-destruct like the 6 other relationships she's had in the 7 years i've known her, and for her to claim that this person is
abusive like she has with all of the others. I'm just so tired of seeing everyone around me drink the kool-aid. It's nice to know I'm not alone.
No. 1193565
>>1193521Yes, well spotted anon. Frankly I am surprised they didn't just either suspend the whole page, or just have the bare bones of his political career, and cite "harassment".
They still have the fact that he is married to another pedo on there and it's not looking good.
No. 1193570
>>1193563No, I completely get you anon. I'm an oldfag, so thankfully don't have any friends who think this shit is cool. It's a problem when applying for jobs in my field though because almost every company has troon inclusive policies. I'm in the UK and "equality" is hammered into you any time you have training.
Also, all uni campuses are tainted with this ideology. Which is why I'm using Open University, saged for blogpost. Pray for a quickening of the peak, ladies.
No. 1193571
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All of them are pedos, literally all of them.
No. 1193572
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>>1193571Just another teenage lesbian.
No. 1193581
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>>1193571In his comments he talks how he "pretended to be male" all his life.
No. 1193586
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>>1193571>actually i have xy chromosomes and i'm 52 fucking
No. 1193591
>>1193585What about the replies tho. In my experience with latin american twitter even if you find people defending the trans movement there's a lot more people calling them retarded, of course, over there no one gets fired for missgendering anyone so there's that.
Which makes me think most of the general public support for the trans movement is based on fear and little to do about the abominations in dresses and fake dicks imo.
No. 1193617
>>1193255Women will never be allowed a space anywhere unintruded by men. Especially not on the internet. The only reason we got to keep this thread was that when it was locked recently due to tranny janny throwing a shitfit, people started making a discord for everyone who was sick of being censored on here and advertising it on the site. To squash the "detractors" they re-opened this thread and apparently told tranny janny to calm down.
But still, it's fucking sad how hard women have to fight to get even a little shitty corner just for us just cause
triggered males have to make it all about themselves and can't just look away.
No. 1193626
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>>1193583She did, anon! There is some justice left in the world kek
No. 1193629
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>>1193626Whoda thunk a heterosexual Christian lady wouldn't want to pretend to be a lesbian with her 52 year old husband and instead headed straight for the divorce court
No. 1193634
>>1193617Yep. It's bizarre, because men seem to hate us so much, you'd think they wouldn't want to be around us but I guess it's just because we don't want them there.
So exhausting actually. I see men on Magdalen Berns', and other GC videos online comments trying to guilt trip women who don't agree with trans ideology with "I guess I'm just not a hater like you" and similar, like just leave us alone.
No. 1193653
>>1193574What I hate is that the troon kool-aid seems to come in a package with women's rights. I'm from Czech Republic and it seems there aren't many radfems. Maybe the older generation or women were. But now it's either right wing-ish pickmes who hate women or libfem woketards who advocate for promiscuity, sex work, have pronouns in their bio and always mention how men are
victims too.
Trans women are still looked at as gay men who were born in a wrong body, I don't think transbians are very common or known. But people are less tolerant of the 'trans women should participate in women's sports, jails should be mixed' bullshit. Don't think this would be a problem here (for now).
No. 1193657
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>>1193591they were mostly on IG stories so i don't really know if there was pushback, regardless there's shit like this so the situation is fucked lol No. 1193676
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>>1193674Anon it's okay you don't need to call him a "she". It is a man, he has typical male behavior. You do not need to call women "cis", women are just… women. This man has a problem and shouldn't be telling women to stop posting selfies of themselves just because he feels insecure about his face. Dont worry you are not a bigot, you're just rational.
No. 1193693
>>1193626>>1193629This is what amazes me, the.. entitlement, I think is the word, that these men have to expect their wives to stay with them when they start playing sissy dress-up in public. Like, this guy has the audacity to say "I didn't want this to happen"? What were you expecting? MtFs, especially ones with wives or long-term girlfriends married ones, ask so fucking much of women it disgusts me.
And it never seems to stop at "I'm going to pretend I'm a girl now please just let me live", even though that's all they say they want.
It starts there, then goes to "you need to give me compliments or I won't feel pretty", it's "you need to let me inhabit your spaces both online and irl to make me feel like I'm a real lady", then it's "you need to let me talk about my girldick and fetishes in public". Along the way they're harassing real women and ostracizing them anytime they voice their discomfort by saying they're transphobic terfs, and threatening to 41% if they don't get their way.
No. 1193701
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So I guess these rape fetish freaks have been circulating all over twitter since yesterday and think anyone who finds them gross is from KF
No. 1193703
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>>1193701Full tweets pt 1
No. 1193704
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and pt 2
No. 1193739
I wish we could go back to the good old days, saw this clip of Sex and the City being fucking based about troons.
How did things go from this to
>>1193571 so fucking fast?
No. 1193747
>>1193742No more than they still do now. The scrote raids didn’t start or stop with the man hate threads.
Plus there is still pp sperging flowing across other boards so why not contain it?
Might as well bring them back. Nonnys and Jannies have no fucking balls these days.
No. 1193759
File: 1616770106525.png (633.65 KB, 642x1920, 78c9eaa6-0edd-5249-bbd1-2dc015…)

Reposted from Ovarit, /o/TransLogic. It's incredible how delusional tranny cartoonists are.
No. 1193786
File: 1616771111417.jpg (43.65 KB, 640x357, girldick.jpg)

>>1193762"Welcome to TransLogic!
This is the Radical Feminist Circle to document the various illogical, incorrect, misogynistic, racist, and otherwise caustic rhetoric spouted from TRAs themselves.
The lies, misinformation, threats of extreme violence, and the dehumanization of women who dare speak up against this misogynistic, racist and conservatively homophobic ideology are legion. Trans activists' stochastic terrorism has already turned to real world violence against women and children."
No. 1193789
>>1193574Extreme blogposting, but.
In latam we got a mixed bag, if you follow any big-ish joke accounts, you will find people defending trannies, they won’t be like “omg yur le bigoted bigot” but they will be like “pls don’t make fun of them pls they juice want to be himselves, this is why we living in the prehistoric timez” and the Classic “Well hims is more prettiest than any other wymins I’ve seen!!1!1!1!”. As expected, they’re handmaidens and chasers, sometimes someone with too much empathy trying to understand mental illness.
The accounts are slowly trying to support trannies for some weird reason, probably clout or brownie points, but that’s about it, i mean, they won’t be more than joke accounts, posting shitty memes can take you so far.
Most people irl don’t care about it or think lowly of the trannies, you
could find genderspecials, but it’s mostly because they spend way too much time online, they won’t talk about it loudly because it’s cringy as fuck to the regular person.
I’ve never seen a guy trying to cross dress unironically irl yet, probably because of the lockdowns and because the bullying would be rightfully intense, hell, you as a woman could go out with a sightly eye catching outfit and people wouldn’t stop looking in your direction, so imagine a full fledged hulking tranny in a skirt and thigh highs, absolutely insane.
No. 1193806
>>1193456If not allowing trans people into their preferred bathroom paints them as predatory and violent, then making bathrooms segregated by gender paints men as predatory and violent. They should be opposed to having any segregation in bathrooms.
>>1193457Death threats. How very male.
No. 1193817
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>>1193693Reminds me of this pst, a troon having an emotional breakdown cause his straight girlfriend didn't wanna peg him and rather wanted Normal heterosexual sex
>I have been in a relationship with my girlfriend for 10 years. My girlfriend likes sex, but she is rarely the one to initiate. Since I transitioned, we dont have sex. My hormones have lowered my sex drive, but I still get in the mood from time to time. The problem is that she says things to me that really hurt. It stings and makes it hard for me to even want any sexual or physical contact with her. Every time we have a talk about sex I usually say that I want explore and try things that are both gender affirming and sexually satisfying for us both. She kinda cringes and says that trying sex toys, strap-ons, or pegging is a no go. She wants only PIV sex and "I don't want to try anything gross or weird." She will usually follow that up with, "We wouldn't have sex issues if your dick wasn't broken. You need to figure your shit out before we try anything. You need to give me time to figure out if I'm even attracted to trans people."
>This is hurt.
>She says this in a joking tone, but I feel like she isn't kidding. She is saying how she is morning the death of her Boyfriend (me pre-transition) and needs time to grieve
>I feel like I killed our relationship and my only worth to her was my penis. I feel so stuck and confused. I love this person, but I feel so disconnect from them now. We live together and its mostly nice, but we have this massive elephant in the room that we just ignore now. I thought about moving out, but I have literally nowhere to go. No. 1193847
>>1192653Been seeing this shit for years, prior to Reddit's troon mods getting r/GC et. al. shut down. Just about every day Gender Critical Reddit would get a minimum of 2 female college freshmen lesbians who were peaking because the tranny bullshit on Reddit (and often, the all-troon, all the time nonsense at the university's "LGBT club") had caused them to peak. Many of them knew deep down that the forced conversion therapy aimed at them 24/7 was deeply wrong, homophobic, and woman-hating, but due to woke BS and typical female socialization, they felt guilty.
Have been too busy to do much with Ovarit other than browse so I can't say if this still goes on there but I imagine it does.
I remember when belonging to a gay-lesbian club or even PFLAG in college was risky enough so my heart goes out to young lesbians today as things seem to be worse. What these troon clowns call "discourse" seems nothing more than an excuse to be lesbian-hating and anti-woman, all in the name of enabling autogynephiles and giving them free reign to force their fetish on anyone they want, anywhere and anytime they please, with no consequences.
(Also the graphic at the top of the thread made my day, lol.)
No. 1193849
>>1193789>>1193838So over there is just cringy online stuff? For my little knowledge from some people I know, latam men aren't supportive of it and things like ftm individuals are almost non-existent if not completely non-existent.
I was also told brazil was the worse of them all with the woke shit which is no surprising but still.
No. 1193853
>>1192700On other blogs and forums that have long since been shut down (due to troon chimpouts, natch), we often linked to papers with alarming stats. One I remember distinctly was that AGP is co-morbid with other antisocial sexual fetishes, particularly pedophilia, around 66% of the time. Keep this in mind the next time you see a troon melt down over how calling them what they are is "hate rhetoric" that will cause them to suicide.
Oh, kek, they are also co-morbid with Cluster B personality disorders, especially NPD, over 50% of the time. Another finding they a-bloo-bloo over because it calls them what they are.
No. 1193855
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The fact they claim to be a survivor is appalling.
No. 1193866
>>1193590It's already happening, after gay marriage became legal in a lot of western countries in the 2010s people are now saying "see this happens when you give those degenerates their basic human rights, now they're transing my kids". Lesbians, who are the worst collateral damage, don't have a voice to speak out about this and nobody cares about their wellbeing anyway. The superstraight movement was the first major pushback I've seen in the mainstream and that happened only because a straight man felt pressured into liking girldick.
>>1193572Every time I see something like this I actually have to stop for a moment to think about how deep in denial do you have to be as a handmaiden to look at this and applaud it for being so stunning and brave, totally welcomed in my bathroom and recognized as a lesbian teenage girl. I guess it's because they think they'll never come across them in real life and end up in a situation where they have to take part in their sick 24/7 LARP.
No. 1193877
>>1193849Exactly, most people in general don’t want to even get involved in tranny things and the only way they know about it is through international news like
>this celebrity’s kid is now a transomething!Which makes them think “bro what the fuck” most people seem to be quite repulsed at the idea of suddenly becoming a woman or a man, because It’s plain ridiculous.
No. 1193881
>>1193866I saw a gay dude talking about this, he said almost word for word what someone else said here,"They said the gays were coming for the children, but the T's are ACTUALLY coming for people's children and pushing hard and are being taken serious"
Homophobes will say it started with gay marriage but nah, the people pushing the most crazy shit aren't gay men wanting to troon to be a woman or bimbos, it's straight agp's. HSTS can be men who want to larp as a straight woman or bimbo or angry woman haters who blame women for issues that men cause (Laverne cox, multiple trans from the "Pose" cast etc.). Agp's are the ones who get shit done. They are the ones who troon out at 54, have a great job, a wife and kids who SUDDENLY are trans, who SUDDENLY become spokes people for trans children and suddenly they are giving speeches. Asking for this or that to be taught in schools etc.
Straight men are STILL in charge of the T's.
No. 1193886
>>1193703Pretty sure if you swapped the word "
terf" for "blacks" this would take on a whole different meaning and response.
No. 1193888
>>1193737The thread itself ended up being mostly people complaining about their Nigels and especially racebaiting, which was the final reason it was banned for good. The overall quality of the manhate thread was admittedly pretty weak since tradthots just used it as their personal therapist army to bitch about their slacker gamer boyfriends they loved too much to dump.
No. 1193892
>>1193817Just a PSA girls, if a man begs you to peg him, there's around a 75% chance that he will troon out once he got you trapped in a relationship.
How does he expect pegging to be pleasurable to a woman though? You have to use a plastic toy that isn't an extension of your body and thus has no nerve endings, you have to deal with the literal shit stuck to it and it takes a ton of time to prep and do properly. It's literally all about serving him and doing nothing for you unless you got a pegging fetish yourself. He should just get a more compatible partner if he's that dedicated to living out his fantasy as a hole instead of guilt tripping his girlfriend into something she finds disgusting.
No. 1193900
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>>1193426Just tell every black person you know to put "White/ Asian" in the check-boxes.
See how quickly people move to kill Transracialism. Which is a real shame because while I do believe in Transhumanism, Man becoming the machine sort of thing - - I don't believe in changing gender. With enough skin bleach or proper skin darkening procedures , anyone can look like the skin color they want to be. There will never be enough surgery to change your genitalia into something people want to touch.
No. 1193905
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>>1193900>>I do believe in transhumanismRetard
No. 1193909
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>>1193905Pic related lmao
I mean this kind of Transhumanism. If there was a better name for it, I'd gladly use it. My brother and I grew up with this shit and adore it, and yes. While there are trannies within this universe and stories, nobody gives a fuck about them.
No. 1193927
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Being straight isn't about genitalia bc it makes closeted gays insecure about their attraction to men
>"I struggled a little bit with my attraction until I met daphne"
Yeah no shit faggot
No. 1193929
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No. 1193932
>>1193817Ayrt and that's exactly it anon, that's the sort of entitled mindset they all seem to have.
>tranny insists his gf likes sex but he has to be the one to initiate>"whenever she tells me how she feels about sex with me it makes it hard to want to be sexual with her">admits her still looks and presents as a man but doesn't understand why his gf is uncomfortable "affirming his gender" by pegging him>insists he wants to satisfy them both but doesn't want to do anything she wants>his gf has to tell him "I still need time to process things and figure out how I feel" in a joking tone bc she doesn't feel she can be honest about her feelings with him any other way>wants to move out but has nowhere else to go He's relying on her for housing apparently while insisting she have sex HIS way?
>feels like she only loved him for his penis, not realizing the irony of whining about how he misses sex and just wishes his gf would peg him >I want to be this amazing lesbian couple, but I don't THINK she wants thatThe whole thing is him crying about how he feels, about what he wants, and acting like his gf is this cold bitch for doing what SHE wants and attempting to express herself. He wants his girlfriend to be unendingly supportive, say the perfect gender-affirming things, and be willing to have sex when he wants it, in the way he wants. All this while implying she's the one keeping a roof over his head, and still processing her partner of 10 years trying to become a woman.
It is just so much, they all have this mindset. It baffles me They can say they are true real women just like us, but somehow we're still expected to bend to every whim of theirs and treat them like they're extra special, and have no wants or demands of our own. At the end of the day they still have the mindset of a man - we're meant to give them sex, shut up, and do whatever we can to make them happy.
No. 1193938
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I can’t wait until troons learn about this (picrel) and start trying to ban the word “bad” for being troonsphobic. How many handmaidens on Twitter would actually go along with it?
No. 1193943
>>1193927You ever look at a tranny and go, "thats the generic old school tranny look", somehow it's different then the "badly passing man in make up and a wig", something about it is so old school to me.
I also hate how chasers pretend like they would'nt be attracted to james charles in drag if he didn't identify as a woman. Anyone with cross dressing gay male friends know, Tranny chasers won't NOT go into a cross dressers dm's trying to talk or have sex, JUST because they identify as a man.
They like feminized men.
No. 1193945
>>1193938They tried it a few years back on tumblr, there was an insane clique of troons calling themselves baeddels who all got exposed as being
abusive/predatory/etc. Monetizeyourcat was a big one iirc.
No. 1193948
>>1193653oh nice a fellow czech anon
I have to agree, the only times we had to have conversations about trans-whatever in sociology/psychology classes, the teachers didnt really play around and talked about it as a mental illness and didnt try twisting their words to be all inclusive, which would get you cancelled a hundred times over in US, imo
the only place ive seen czechs whine about terfs was on tumblr, otherwise everyone i know whether young or old dont find it necessary to ~validate~ this ideology, especially when it comes to sports and women's spaces
overall, the women ive met who are critical of trannies are those who had to work with them directly
No. 1193951
>>1193943There are two kinds of male troons:
- gay males aka who like to do make-up and wear pink and therefor think they must be women (aka Blair White, GiGi Gorgeous etc)
- straight males who are gross incel coomers who think becoming women will absolve them of male responsibility and let them prey on lesbians (aka Yaniv, Kevin Gibs, etc)
both are autogynophiles, but gay men are better at it
No. 1193953
>>1193849Brazil is not as woke as say, Argentina and Chile in my opinion. For some reasons all the online latam TRAs are from cono sur. But maybe it’s cause I don’t speak portuguese. Trying not to blog but in my home country there’s no major troon rights activism and barely any gay acceptance. Only intersex people are accepted. I’ve actually seen my country in some TRA instagram graphic where they said we had “third sex”. It made me go huh?? cause it’s not true at all lmao it was a complete misrepresentation.
It sucks that people can see what’s going on in the U.S and other countries with TRAs hitching a ride on gay rights and that has become the boogeyman.
No. 1193961
>>1193574Portugal is going shit too, they promote the "they were born in the wrong body" and "changed sex" on TV a lot, in those afternoon talkshows and even on the news
imo the majority of people accept them because they're ignorant really, they think they're inoffensive and just want to pee and be happy because afaik there isn't any big case of a troon killing/raping someone here also the majority are young people and not old guys
of course older people think they're freaks usually they're very catholic and so that's not really a concern for trans but homophobia
No. 1193969
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>>1193951You made me check in on old Kevin Gibes and he's being disgusting with a fellow troon, which is always expected.
No. 1193972
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>>1193969got this from Kiwi and it's hilarous
No. 1193975
>>1193892Eh, there's ways of setting up strapon harnesses with vibrators and stuff so the wearer can enjoy it too, lesbians use those. But you're still right, unless the gf has a pegging fetish it's not going to do anything for her regardless, and he's a selfish retard for insisting on it.
How many straight dudes would be totally cool with it if their gf woke up one morning and was like "no more PIV for you, I'm a man now, and unless I'm pegging you we're not having sex anymore"? Pretty close to zero, I bet. (Come to think of it, I've never heard of a TiF trying this on her bf, probably because it would never fly.) But that's what this scrote is trying to do in his own relationship.
>>1193896Fucking kek, exactly.
No. 1193985
>>1193953>Chile>Not shitPick one
>>1193975You only need to visit the ftm thread to see this, all of the complaints are about their boyfriends not respecting their retarded pronouns and such
Only a woman could be this tolerant
No. 1193989
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maybe an oldie but made me lol
No. 1193992
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saw this on tumblrinaction
No. 1194000
>>1193992Maybe if we had some sort of place.. where we could send lesbians to make them learn to embrace penis? And stop liking vagina?
how has nobody come up with this yet?!
No. 1194006
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>>1192613>Me and the homegirls looking for who tf askedThe homegirls in question:
No. 1194007
>>1194004I noticed when the super straight shit started how troons treat men vs. women in these conversations.
With men it's- "You don't have to like dick, it's okay to not want to date a trans woman with a penis, but neo-vaginas-"
with lesbians it's- "figure our why you don't like dick because it hurts trans women, unlearn it"
Women have to accept it all, men don't get told to "unlearn" or "figure out" why they don't like penis, they get told to fuck neo-vaginas because "it's just like the real thing and you like vagina".
No. 1194017
>>1193993“It makes them feel horrible to be rejected” is the same type of logic used by people who say that incel mass shooters would be less violent if women would just take one for the team and have sex with them.
God forbid you get rejected by someone you like who doesn’t like you back and “feel horrible” about it. As if that’s not a completely normal human experience.
>>1194007>>1194004In my opinion, the best thing that could happen would be if troons spent just as much energy pressuring straight men for sex as they do lesbians. I know that to some extent they already do, but as has been pointed out, nowhere near the level they do it to lesbians.
If troons suddenly started militantly insisting straight men “unpack” why they’re not attracted to dick and using manipulative conversion therapy tactics to try to force them to take dick anyway, there would be a total mass peaking.
Overall the general public doesn’t seem to give a shit when lesbians are being bullied, forced out of their own exclusive spaces, or sexually harassed. But I bet suddenly it would be a mainstream controversy if every normie straight dude was subjected to that kind of treatment at the same level.
No. 1194051
>>1193574Nikkietutorials is from the Netherlands and was apparently transed as a young teen. I really dread looking into our national policy on child transition because I know it’ll be depressing as hell.
I’ve been out of academia for a few years so I can’t speak for that area but nonbinary-identifying girls are absolutely everywhere in alt/weeb/nerd circles, sometimes outnumbering “cis” girls. Media representation of TiMs is mostly sassy effeminate HSTS, but in real life the greasy AGPs I’ve met far outnumber the HSTS despite most of my social circle being LGB.
I often see people online say it’s mostly a thing in English speaking countries but I don’t think that’s true at all. You just see more of it from those countries because those are the ones dominating English language online discussions for obvious reasons. Western Europe and (from what I’ve seen) Scandinavia have it really bad as well.
>>1194017I agree that increased pressure on straight men could lead to mass peaking but I worry that it will also increase the blowback against the LGB community in general. The vast majority of straight men doesn’t really empathise with women (much less lesbians) when it comes to sexual harassment and will only see themselves being victimised by the icky gays. If Mass Peaking happens many AGPs can just cut their hair and go right back to being regular straight males, but gay people will still be gay and might become targets even if they never identified as trans or bothered anyone. The only straight men I can really see being genuine allies are fathers trying to protect their children from the cult.
No. 1194078
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Love how even with that much money and access to surgery no troon can hide the male anatomy.
No. 1194080
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>>1194006lol, these legit look like Halloween costumes
>>1193972It’s funny how this autist thinks hormones keep you from getting wrinkles. Real women know it’s all about good hygiene and skin routines.
No. 1194081
>>1194078I hope troons start getting these "instagram vs. reality" call out posts more, if they are women they should get picked apart for their fake beauty/photoshopping/cat fishing just as much as the Karjenners/actual women.
I have a feeling this is going to be called "transphobic" though.
No. 1194084
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>>1194078did they take this down? I can't find it, I wanted to read the comments.
also found another one, 37% thought Nikita looks different because "angles", when he face and waist look wide as hell.
No. 1194098
>>1194004well yeah anon they don’t want to fuck a man
that’s gay. and they’re not gay, they’re into women.
all that aside they don’t even put effort into being attractive to lesbians. they want to be cute jailbait cause that’s what they find attractive
cause they’re fucking men
No. 1194103
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sage because i dont know if this is real but godammnit this shit is hilarious
No. 1194110
>>1193078I was scared to get banned for being troon critical so purposely took my post to cc's
terf thread lol
No. 1194117
File: 1616795642430.webm (Spoiler Image,3.58 MB, 480x480, comment_on_fait_les_vagins.web…)

Lord and behold (spoilered because neovagoon)
No. 1194122
>>1194103i bet that room stinks like shit. just looking at all the clammy fat fingers, scabs and spread legs makes me want to throw up
these three ogres right above "all female staff" you'd think it was satire lol
No. 1194149
>>1193948Fortunately yes, no one really knows the word '
terf' or believes transwomen should be in women sports, not respecting pronouns is murder, etc…
I'd guess most of the population is very conservative when it comes to trans issues.
But sadly I've got surprisingly lot of 'trans people are
valid!!' 'you should write your pronouns in bio' libfem friends (both guys and girls). Granted I was around the alternative scene a lot in my teens so I guess those are the most susceptible kind of people.
No. 1194157
>>1194011really happy to see a fellow portuguese here!
yeah and unfortunately i got to know that first hand, one of my former best friends came out as a mtf and unfortunately he is one of those disgusting troons
sage for blogpost
No. 1194168
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>>1194078Seriously I hate this kid d of shit. And lib fems wha us to look up to them as brave and stunning and live there true selves when in actuality they are not and are terrible examples for young girls and women in general. All these troons do is champion the idea that women need plastic surgery to look more feminine and photoshop is totes real.
No. 1194235
>>1193480All cosmetic surgeons are plastic surgeons but not all plastic surgeons are cosmetic surgeons.
Plastic surgery is kind of a catch all for a lot of different types of surgeries/disciplines, a lot of it is in theory noble necessary work because the basis is reconstruction or restoring. Obviously most ppl that go thru the trouble of getting into a plastic surgery residency specifically are aiming for a private cosmetic practice but the boards in the us for the two are still different so it’s not a straight path to the most frivolous work.
No. 1194267
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No. 1194273
>>1194267They do shit like this and then cry when they find out and get the shit beaten out of them.
But also strong doubt he doesn't know with that voice and that body.
No. 1194279
>>1194267So either that man is mentally deficient and this stunning transwoman just committed rape by deception OR he knows and the
tw is fooling themselves by thinking they’ve fooled this man, who is almost certainly fooling them by pretending not to know they’re a man.
Incredibly sad all around.
No. 1194284
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by that same logic, you literal MEN male duderino guys putting on makeup + a dress and eating hormones 'til your shriveled penises don't work anymore is also cultural appropriation. yall could at least be good at it, but alas.. just a cheap imitation that is only desired by other men in dresses or men who fetishize and objectify you for your barely working dicks.
No. 1194330
>>1194317That can basically be said for most, if not all, woke politics. The people who obsess over this shit and push it are, like the woman in the video linked said, from wealthy countries, from academia, and are usually wealthy themselves.
Or, as I've seen others put it, poor people are too busy struggling in the day to day to give a fuck about idpol. Trannyism is borne out of the ultimate sort of first world capitalism.
No. 1194340
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>>1194084not to mention nikita's weird wide flabby manpussy
No. 1194377
>>1194375"99% of anime "lesbian" porn is two feminine uwu girls being lewd"
minors. 99% of anime porn is minors. which is why we see these disgusting neet autists fetishizing and pretending to be little girls as they are "just a young girl in terms of transition"
like the 52 year old faggot who claims to be a teen because of transition. age doesn't work like that.
No. 1194388
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>>1194385It's hard to say because he's been vague about it, like in this video: But some comments say he has had bottom surgery (pic included) and others say he hasn't.. he's also tweeted this before (which quite possibly might be a joke tbh but who knows): Even if he does tuck tho it looks horrible. He could learn a thing or two from other drag queens.
No. 1194426
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I wonder why…
No. 1194447
>>1194433thinking that being feminine is just the patriarchy, do you really think that if there were no expectations we'd all be acting like manly men?
>>1194439i can freely not want to murder someone even if society is telling me murder is bad and can go to prison for life for it. muh society everything bad 3edgy5me
get the fuck out flannel shirt it's because of retards like you that we are having this problem
No. 1194453
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>>1194433Yeah anon, you have to realise that not all lesbians are out there trying to act lile manly men. There's legitimately some lesbians out there that enjoy traditionally femenine things.
Let's not derail and focus on TiMs though.
No. 1194480
File: 1616844871204.png (2.59 MB, 1916x1556, ksP1NwGkvR0.png)

Look how many lesbians there are!
No. 1194481
>>1194474Anon, you have internalized misogyny against feminine lesbians. Seek therapy.
>>1194426 I don’t know why we are surprised every single time Reddit chooses men’s fetish porn over women’s spaces when the founders of Reddit constantly claimed r/jailbait and r/creepshots were a “necessary evil” to preserve “free speech” and that’s why they didn’t ban it until the media caught wind of it. Disgusting
No. 1194495
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An interesting thread to read. Let's see when it will get deleted."Fantasies of rape are fairly common in the trans community but they don't consider it misogyny as they identify as 'women'"
No. 1194507
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>>1194495…this can’t be real
No. 1194517
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From a book called Girl sex 101, which is targeted towards younger lesbians. This is textbook grooming.
No. 1194523
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>>1194340he thinks he looks good with those hips…
No. 1194524
>>1194517Lol what
How come statistically women have the least amount of orgasms with men then? Men know cock perfectly, considering they have one. There's inherent difference to pleasing men and women and knowing one doesn't help with the other at all. This is such a fucking bullshit
No. 1194532
>>1193973Belgium isn't that okay anymore either. It's not so much MtF or FtM, but like half the liberal student population is now "non-binary". A guy I know (@joppe_dc, he's on the news sometimes and is a lowkey "trans influencer") recently had a panel at a conference for international women's day. Because he dresses like a woman he has a voice on women's issues and rights apparently.
There's also Uwi or whatever her name is who is also non-binary and recently had top surgery and posts all her gross photos online. She has been featured in news articles by De Morgen and De Standaard before (supposedly classy Belgian newspapers).
No. 1194548
>>1194532Idk how but I've missed all of that so far. I mean I see my fair share of men in women's clothing because I'm an art student and I live in a big city, but so far I've only come across 1 ftm and 1 mtf. No enbies yet thank god.
At least the ones you mentioned don't have a huge following.
Wonder how long it'll be until we're at US level though…
No. 1194556
>>1194510Not many things on the internet actually
trigger a gag reflex but this did the trick. Fucking put these people down please.
No. 1194558
>>1193574live in a 3rd world country and have only seen the troons in the internet only, usually in the art community to an extent in anime and kpop and since the only pronouns here is unisex (maybe because i live in a conversative part of the country.) there has yet to have an argument about that and gender politics in general. the people actually were in rage after the proper nationality name for us had added another like latinx to accomodate the supposed gender neutral people, the popular opinion was disagreement.
i hope my country doesn't enter extreme gender politics, it already has enough problems on its own.
No. 1194559
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Troons doing what troons do
No. 1194560
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>>1194552He got the jetstream sam hips.
No. 1194570
>>1194494Even if I were into men with long hair and makeup and dresses I could still never be attracted to a self-proclaimed transwoman because deep down (or not so deep down) they’re all misogynistic narcissists and most likely pornsick. Man in eyeliner? Sure, cool. Man who thinks eyeliner makes him a hot goth girl? I’d rather join a nunnery.
>>1194523>>1194560They’re just standard narrow man hips with padding on top.
No. 1194572
I really thank you ladies and these threads for peaking me and filling me with the knowledge of how fucking degenerate these fucks are and how they are damaging our world. That being said, some of you need to stop going full retard. Before 2x was banned, there were GC spergs leaking all over the site, derailing threads that had nothing to do with GC issues. I would have peaked sooner if not put off but these autists, you actively hurt your own cause by looking like reeing spergy nutcases. The tranny janny conspirators are just anons who refuse to integrate to lolcow culture and reee when they get rightfully banned for blogging and actively not following the rules that everyone on the cow threads do manage to follow. It's not hard to integrate into board culture, just do it already.
>>1193505>>1193655>>1193928>>1193942Ntayrt but jfc, you all sound as whiney as men do. The anon was so polite, too, you guys just sound retarded, holy shit. Cry harder. Rant over, just please stop shitting up the thread so I can actually enjoy the trannies making fools of themselves.
No. 1194582
>>1194572yeah, fear-mongering does that to ya. Y'all are using the same broad brush that homophobes continuously use till this day against homosexuals.
"This gay man raped children, so that must mean all gays rape children."
Yes, a trans person can be mentally ill or a sex pest, but that doesn't mean all trans people are sexually deviant weirdos. Nobody except a weird loud minority accepts these pedo/raping fetish scumbags. You can think otherwise and I wouldn't blame ya, it's just isn't the reality of things.
No. 1194585
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Welcome to the nightmare dimension
No. 1194588
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>>1194582nearly 50% of men who identify as women in UK prisons are in for sex crimes.
less than 5% of women in prison in UK are in for sex crimes.
No. 1194593
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>>1194585Everything about this is sad
No. 1194594
>>1194548Yeah, they don't have a big social media outreach… but unfortunately, at least for Joppe, he's been on national tv a few times, writes articles for newspapers, and he's been a model for Zalando campaigns.
Personally I know 8 enbies in my "direct" environment (as in – they studied at my specific campus which only has a few 1000 students at best), and in my town of 4000 people, there were 3 FtMs.
No. 1194597
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>>1194585Is this what the last 6 million years of evolution has led us to?
No. 1194603
>>1194572>there were GC spergs leaking all over the site, derailing threads that had nothing to do with GC issuesGood. The whole site should be for WOMEN. It shouldn't be contained to one thread and outside of it we can't say the t-word cause a man in a dress might be reading. If GC stuff outside of a single thread bothers you, you haven't peaked yet.
>The tranny janny conspirators are just anons who refuse to integrate to lolcow culture and reee when they get rightfully banned for bloggingBullshit. There were so many posts red-texted that didn't break any rules and were not blogging. Either the moderators didn't look at the context of the post or they are indeed tranny jannies. Imagine thinking that a troon sneaking into a moderating position of a female-oriented site is impossible and a "conspiracy".
>integrate more>you sound whiny>stop shitting up the threadNo, you. You're the one derailing the thread by trying to pick a fight.
Fuck you. Fuck trannies. Fuck jannies.
No. 1194611
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tl:dr version:
>Woman in a support group for cancer survivors
>Her condition gave her month long periods
>Transwoman gets upset and starts whining about how this is triggering to them
>Next meeting group is told any discussion of female biology is banned as its transphobic
>Transwoman is very happy about this
>This woman leaves along with a few others
I would have been livid, what a joke of a "support group".
No. 1194618
>>1194585This is like something out of a horror film about white trash.
>>1194605"Third gender" categories are/were almost uniformly oppressive social structures made to "other" men who didn't fit in the standard "male" role adequately, or vice versa.
This actually kind of breaks the tranny shit because "men who acted like women" were never categorized just as women, communities didn't cut off their cocks, cut a gaping hole and say they were the exact same as vaginas, etc. The opposite of what these people would want, lmao.
No. 1194620
>>1194597What do you define as a real man? Have you even read any of my sources?
>>1194614>communities didn't cut off their cocks, cut a gaping hole and say they were the exact same as vaginas, etc. The opposite of what these people would want, lmao.So you view women who've had hysterectomies as fake women?
How do you know that they wouldn't? Their ideas aren't much different to modern transsexuality, except we have the technology and the medication to do so.
>>1194582"Yes, a trans person can be mentally ill or a sex pest, but that doesn't mean all trans people are sexually deviant weirdos."
being sexually deviant weirdos is what makes trans people sexually deviant weirdos
No. 1194625
>>1194620samefag, I forgot to mention that gender identity and gender expression are on a spectrum. Genetically and culturally.
>>1194621Ok, stay ignorant then.
Society will progress on without you.
>>1194622You're just not liking that you don't have anything to say. That's fine, I'm just saying the same logic is used by xenophobes/homophobes.
No. 1194628
>>1194620>So you view women who've had hysterectomies as fake women?Why do you equate a man born with a dick and balls, male gametes, male bone structure and male everything else to a woman who was worn with her own female body, then later had surgery to get a part of herself removed? Does that really make sense in your mind?
By the way, since I know you'll try to use them as a "gotcha" eventually, intersex people aren't a magical third and fourth and fifth sex, they just show that there is variety in how "female" and "male" bodies manifest. That doesn't mean a complete male is now female because he has a mental problem.
>How do you know that they wouldn't? Their ideas aren't much different to modern transsexuality, except we have the technology and the medication to do so.Eurocentric projection at work. The idea that all your concepts (even the broken, fucked up ones) are progressive and everyone else just needs to catch up. Sad and nasty.
No. 1194632
>>1194625Than what do you think being a woman is? A feeling you get sometimes? Liking makeup? Jesus.
Being a woman is being born a woman. Without Y. Every other explanation is just enforcing sexist stereotypes.
No. 1194636
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>>1194582>n-not all twans allies accept pedo/rapist troons>just a minoriteeeNot ONE single fucking time have I EVER seen a handmaiden or other kind of girl dique-rider address any of the scandalous, disgusting hateful shit that has been said and done by troons/TRAs! All you brainwashed idiots ever do is deny it happened or do some kind of retarded mental gymnastics to justify it.
You don´t distance yourselves let alone call out incels, pedos, homophobes because being called a
terf would be worse than telling it like it is. That´s why you can ALL go fuck yourselves.
No. 1194641
>>1194632They have this circular logic where they think being a woman is a completely fake concept, but they also want you to validate men who want to be women forever and ever. It's an in-born thing
only if a man says he's one.
Like, all of this is just male worship with extra steps, but with added kink-friendliness (yes, AGP is a fetish. I know TRA-anon is seething, but you guys expose yourselves by spamming disgusting porn in literally any online space you're allowed to be open in), and the fervent energy of all those straight women who are obsessed with gay men, drag queens, etc thrown in.
No. 1194647
>>1194641>They have this circular logic where they think being a woman is a completely fake conceptit's not that, it's just what is a women is concept that differs culturally, even genetically.
>>1194642>no such thing as genetic gendercorrect, but there are genetic markers pertaining to masculinity/femininity characteristics that are found in both sexes.
Again, sex is on a spectrum, so this idea of black&whiteness isn't factually based at all. No. 1194652
>>1194647it's not that, it's just what is a women is concept that differs culturally, even genetically.
That's not true though, and you know you're intellectually dishonest. What a woman's role/ideal behavior in society differs per culture, but in no culture are they confused about which people are female.
No. 1194656
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>>1194611This has to be fucking fake. Seriously? What’s the point in a cancer support group if you can’t discuss the symptoms?
>>1194495Great thread. I kek at pic related.
>>spot the terf>>1194572Kill yourself
No. 1194657
>>1194655Let’s not forget that those feminine men also get raped and used as slaves just because they’re feminine, either that or they had to live in extreme poverty because they weren’t seen as men. Such empowerment! So
No. 1194663
>>1194639>#NotAllTroonsI'm not dismissing the fact that cis women aren't
victims of SA and transexuals can be rapists. It's just you all seem to be conflating transsexuality and everything with it as this disorder innately caused by mental illness, and it's not even true.
>>1194651>>1194655I didn't say that at all, just stating that sex is on a spectrum genetically
and gender is on a spectrum genetically and culturally. It's the scientific consensus…
No. 1194675
>>1194663I come from a country where there is a 3rd gender community, there not considered women or In between genders, rather they are considered lesser men
Also the 3rd gender community of my country is exclusively made up on homosexual men who get disowned by their families
No. 1194680
>>1194669They think you’re only a woman if you “earn” it. You have to look good and act appropriately in the way that they see fit, or they erase your gender in the way that “Samantha” Lux did to Vanessa Vokey In her cope response video. “She doesn’t look glammed up and has disagreeable opinions, male!”
They’re always saying that TERFs and tomboys don’t look or act feminine, but their idea of “feminine” is exactly that of the most sexist of men.
Trans “butch dykes” are still meeting and conforming to sexist male stereotypes.
No. 1194682
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>>1194647>what is a women is concept that differsyou mean like… fucked or an object?
No. 1194685
>>1194678Yes, but what about race on a mental spectrum? That’s exactly what this retarded Twitter
nonny is arguing.
>>1194639 No. 1194689
>>1194647>sex is on a spectrumIt's literally not. The only thing that determines sex is what gametes your reproductive system is meant to produce. Again this isn't just in humans but in all sexually dimorphic species including plants and flowers. The male of a species produces smaller, mobile gametes, the female larger immobile ones. That's literally it. It's not complicated at all.
Why do you think we say that male seahorses get pregnant? Why don't scientists call the sex that carries the baby and gives birth "female"? If binary sex were a socially constructed category based on human behavior, they would. But they don't, because male purely means that it produces sperm, while the female produces eggs. That's all there is to it
No. 1194708
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stop taking the bait nonnies. let's talk about sofie halilis botched face and his autogynephilia instead
No. 1194709
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>>1194696>>1194703Why do ALL intersex conditions have a sex specifity?
You fucking retards have never done any research on physically intersex people, have you? No. 1194710
File: 1616861281889.png (1.44 MB, 1320x2048, Screenshot_20210327-090633.png)

I'll take "things that never happened", Trabek.
No. 1194711
>>1194663"Sex is on a spectrum" in the scientific context does not mean what you wish it meant.
Also, "brain gender" is false, all brains vary in their makeup. The fact that you linked an article that goes on about "male brain/female brain" shows how little attention you're paying.
>>1194696> is an intersex female, not a brand new sex. Again, you show your misogyny by equating her to a man.
>, intersex people. Not people born with bodies that fit the binary and want a "switch".
> article about intersex people.
> about intersex people. By the way
>In other words, there is no such thing as “the male brain” or “the female brain.” This is not to say that there are no observable differences. Certain brain characteristics can be sexually dimorphic: observable average differences across males and females. But like biological sex, pointing to “brain sex” as the explanation for these differences is wrong and hinders scientific research.You literally contradicted the links you posted earlier. Fantastic job.
No. 1194712
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>>1194696Today, I will remind them
No. 1194715
>>1194696these people have an agenda. what they mean when they say "sex is on a spectrum" is that sex
characteristics in humans exist on a spectrum (obviously), that doesn't mean sex itself isn't binary. ie a female with abnormally high levels of testosterone is still 100% female and a male with gynecomastia is still 100% male, despite presenting some characteristics that are typical of the opposite sex. It's a really easy distinction to understand
No. 1194731
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No. 1194735
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>I'm done here, cope and hid in your little echo chambers. Society would be better off without y'all.
Bye pathetic troon, nice of you to use intersex people to prove your point and then throw them away because no TRA actually cares about people with these conditions. You'll be surprised how intersex people actively ask TRAs and Troons to leave them alone.
No. 1194743
>>1194733that's not what being intersex means lmfao. You guys just take words, arbitrarily change their meanings and then call everyone else ignorant for not recognizing those new meanings. reread this
>>1194715, sex characteristics ≠ sex. the only thing that determines sex is gametes and there's only 2 types of gametes. You can ignore that all you want but it's never going to change
No. 1194744
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Another SRS regret post
>I have given up on dating
>they still treated me like a Man
>I failed myself I failed everyone around me
No. 1194746
File: 1616862729447.png (749.76 KB, 736x580, deadstare.PNG)

I will never get over the fact that in the after pictures there's those empty dead eyes staring into your soul showing just how bad things really are.
No. 1194764
>>119474The regular old story. Transgender person thinks chopping their dicks off will give them a vagina and straight men can't reject them because their pesky "genital preferences" but then learn, not only are they not getting a vagina, but actual straight men will see them as men still and/or not want to fuck their neo-vaginas because they are men & it's not a real vagina.
Also, people need to stop thinking that people care about being PC when it comes to sex. Telling a person, "now i have the genitals you like! If you deny me you are transphobic" means fucking nothing. People who don't want to have sex with trans people won't.
No. 1194770
>>1194768some people who work in medicine
don't actually want to help people
troon surgeons, psychward orderlies, etc, to some people, medicine is just a job
No. 1194771
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No. 1194778
>>1194768First and foremost it’s a job at the end of the day. And troons get mad when doctors reject them and vandalize their work efforts with tantrums and harassments for poor reviews. It doesn’t mean medical professionals support tranny ideology shit, a vast majority of them don’t. To the surgeons this is a job, a way to make money, and an opportunity to experiment.
What I mean by opportunity is that they know a penis can’t become a vagina and vice versa. But for many surgeons it is largely a creative process. So when some deranged scrote knocks on your door and offers to let you use his body like clay and attempt to visually replicate a vagina, and it’s completely legal and he will pay you for it, that’s something the donated research bodies can’t do.
No. 1194791
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>>1194572Glad you're happy with the state of this site now! A place where you can call women bitches and roasties all you want, but talking about the shared experiences of women, and the importance of having a movement to address that, will get you a ban. Funny how this site is for women but it operates like an anti-feminist forum would.
No. 1194792
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Are they really trying to frame this as a bad thing
No. 1194816
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>>1194804But trannies, specially FtM trannies,
seethe over yaoi shit and shipping whatever character’s skin they want to wear with the “wrong” pairing.
So transmen are terfs now? How about the queer kids purposely saying they’re queer or the other lgb people saying they’re lgb and telling others they shouldn’t ship gay characters and shit? I guess they’re also terfs, so I guess that means everyone is a white woman.
No. 1194825
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No. 1194836
>>1194806>>1194817Can you explain to me how get so far removed from reality that you need a special word for people who are against raping kids and animals?
You're using the same language that literal pedophiles use who post CP on imageboards. Why do you call people "antis?" We have a word for it already, it's "normal".
No. 1194842
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>>1194744went to check the OPs account and keked a tiny bit, reddit moment
No. 1194844
>>1194836Antis is a particular used in various fandoms for moral online crusader's who are against any precived
problematic ships, any ship with a large age gap, a ship with an abuser and a their
victim, a ship with 2 characters who have shown no feelings between each other
Antis are against all
problematic ship tropes and concepts
No. 1194854
>>1194792oh this again.
Still, I'll drop this link here. This is what they reference when they say that the anti movement was created by TERFS:>>1194836tbf these terms have been muddied a bit and can mean different things in different communities.
No. 1194856
>>1194680I just watched that video, and he started practically every sentence with "this bitch".
He looks like he has foetal alcohol syndrome.
No. 1194875
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I think it's close to realizing it's not a real woman
No. 1194877
>>1194787it's true and then when trans get a botched hole and/or realize that the men or women they want still don't want them or consider them women, they are just told, "something is wrong with THEM not you"
and imagine being told that but knowing, "nah, back when I had my dick at least I could get faux lesbians or "straight" men into me, now I can't even have sex. The issue IS me"
And when troons come to that conclusion that's when the TRA that cheered them on move on or ignore them. They no longer matter if they do not have a feel good story.
No. 1194896
>>1193255I've been here since the beginning but after that era I read the site a lot less, I was honestly surprised this thread was even allowed. Proud of you guys for getting it to happen.
Seeing all this shit get banned while the entire internet allows males to post disgusting, misogynistic, violent shit about women constantly isn't killing the evil
terf threat like they think it is lol
No. 1194904
>>1194517>penises and vulvas are analoguesA what now? A dick is a dick and a vagina is a vagina. What the fuck.
>You don't have to like penises, but I suggest keeping an open mind and leaning about this stuff anywaySick fucks really writing some corrective therapy material here.
>>1194572Bad blog bait bruh.
No. 1194906
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>study the women around you and practice their mannerism and behavior
>Practice walking, picking things up, talking in the mirror
>"Tomboys" are just as much women as you are!
Why the fuck did he put tomboys in quotations ? Also the thought of some man trying to study women and repeat after literally everything they do gives me the creeps.
No. 1194909
sage for ot and sperging, but I sent a screenshot of
>>1194656 to my sister and we are having a good laugh
No. 1194910
>>1194854>TERFs started the anti-fujo movementI can't even make sense of this. I'm not well versed in ~tuMbLr dIsCoUrSe~ but the only people that I've
ever seen whining about 'ebil fujoshi' are those fakebois/TiFs who LARP as gay dudes. They always have these super spicy takes about how fujos are just str8 girls "appropriating their sexuality" by making gay art/fiction, and how they need to GTFO from the BL community.
I'm not arguing with you, I'm just baffled.
No. 1194916
>>1194910I thought the same. The "antis" on twitter are usually underage TiFs/fakebois, like that one who claimed the My Hero Academia ship EndHawks was pedo because Hawks was "minor coded" aka a short male, even though he has facial hair and is in his early-mid 20s kek
I've heard radfems discuss fujoshi shit only in the context of fakebois that are trying to be "Deku looking for his Bakugo uwu". Gay men don't typically give a shit unless a fakeboi tries to fuck them to live out their yaoi fantasies.
No. 1194918
>>1194611Holy shit. I had a condition that almost made me lose my womb and both ovaries at a young age and that was terrifying, what made me get through the trauma was the support I got from talking about it with other women. I can't imagine this hellscape where I would go through it again and never be able to talk about how scary it is because it would hurt tranny feelings. Absolute narcissists, all of them. I peak every time I open this thread.
>>1194792>>1194854I don't understand, all of the "antis" I've seen around have been genderspecial Aidens crying over NSFW fanart of their transitioning goals comfort character and furry troons trying to hide their own pedo babyfur tracks. At the same time these "antis" are also claiming that "proships" are TERFs so at this point I guess we can agree that "
TERF" is just a strawman label you can slap on anyone to dehumanize them.
No. 1194923
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That has to be one of the most pathetic posts I've seen in a while. I'm having second hand embarassement
No. 1194931
>>1194918>"TERF" is just a strawman label you can slap on anyone to dehumanize themThey’re trying really hard to associate it with anything that’s cringe, offensive or bigoted. Ugly tumblr haircut sported almost exclusively by genderspecials? Actually those are
TERF bangs. Censoring the word women? TERFs did that! Everyone you’ve ever been in a Twitter slapfight with? Definitely a
TERF. Men who murder prostitutes? Typical radical feminists.
They don’t want anyone to look into what these women are actually saying so instead they slap a
TERF label on things people already hate, no matter how contradictory.
No. 1194976
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man learns that women are people too
No. 1195024
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i feel sorry for pete burns since his transition seems more like a result of homophobia
No. 1195050
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>>1195024>>1195042Here he is dressed in mens' clothing in 2010.
No. 1195076
>>1195069It's twitter. "Everyone is a pedophile but me" behavior nests there just like it does Reddit.
>>1194585Is there such thing as double peaked? Cause I might have double peaked.
No. 1195102
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From guy, to the butler from Rocky Horror.
No. 1195109
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>>1194708I was trying to figure out where he's from because I can't tell with his surgery and went to google it in incognito. tfw google misgenders you
No. 1195124
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>>1194976>I just noticed that all the women I met were completely different from each other. Speechless.
No. 1195187
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>I was raised to be a man’s man myself. I held chivalry an honor above the laws of the land.
No. 1195253
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is this also your daily routine nonnies?
No. 1195273
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>>1195258someone fixed it kek
No. 1195278
>>1195253Is this a joke? This is literally a list of what TRA's do to cis women…since fuckin' when did a
TERF aka a cis woman threaten a TRA with corrective rape? I have seen countless cis males posting about that along with death threats and harassment, though.
No. 1195291
>>1195275That intersex defense is so retarded, its often coupled with “well, are infertile women NOT wonen? Checkmate
terf!” When in truth of course they’re still women, just like a woman born without legs is still a female human being. And intersex erasure? The like, handful of people alive today with vague genitalia who are still male or female in other chromosomal and biological ways? We’re talking about whether those 100 or so people can use the bathroom? Sure, in that case I see no problem. Oooh, you meant can every a hulking, fully male pervert who wants to use the woman’s room? Well that’s totally different.
No. 1195321
File: 1616899982177.jpg (26.51 KB, 721x420, Kyle-removes-super-straight-vi…)

What a group of perfectly rational people, this is regarding the kid who made super straight tiktok
They review bombed his mom's business and sent her death threats
No. 1195322
>>1195321trannies are just another gang/terrorist organisation.
just easier to spot
No. 1195333
File: 1616901726621.jpg (1.35 MB, 1920x1920, inCollage_20210327_202019105.j…)

>>I wasn't clocked.
The lie detector has determined that was a lie.
No. 1195340
File: 1616902134731.png (748.33 KB, 587x1156, dfgmj4r99ff.png)

don't you love when these "she/her" men admit they're boys and that tranny ftms and 'femboys' (ie BOYS that are feminine ie boys in dresses and lipstick that are still boys) are largely the same thing lmao
No. 1195364
>>1195363my experience with two friends who thought they were mtf trannies, one their depression and anxiety were levelled out, they both stopped acting like trannies. back to normal dudes working normal jobs and not screeching about imaginary shit.
"but it's not a mental illness"
No. 1195371
>>1195370Some people are just insane. Blogpost, but I had a guy telling me to ask my bff to troon out because we’re lovey dovey and I’m straight. He asked me first “hey anon, you love friend, right?” And I obviously told him that yeah, but in a platonic sense, then he asked me “then why don’t you tell her to troon out? Then you can stay straight!” And I just looked at him quite baffled for a moment before telling him that it wasn’t okay to coerce her into such a thing.
He dropped it and never asked me again, I don’t know if he asked her as well, the guy was that weird artsy guy that’s nice but too weird and too deep into crazy internet shit and fetishes, I never talked to him again.
No. 1195386
>>1195363There was some twitter thread I read a while back(can't find it right now and am hoping if any anons have it bookmarked) where some teenage boys talked about being DM'd by TIMs or sent private messages on Reddit basically nudging them to transition, sending them egg_IRL memes and just generally being creepy, some even sent outright shemale sissy porn to these boys
Make no mistake TIMs actively do groom children, its a fetish for them to spread their degeneracy
No. 1195393
File: 1616911006828.png (867.59 KB, 1078x866, JH8e&h.png)

more she/her male retards admitting they're men (femboys are men that are not trans). so starved for any attention at all that they hop on this bandwagon for crumbs from perverted straight men who view them as objects to fuel their disgusting fetishes.
any attention is good attention, right? right guys? haha.. (insert retarded tranny logic here about how male lesbians who like men are real/valid, and some girls are boys that are lesbians even though they identify as men or some dumb horseshit)
No. 1195431
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>>1194277>cis men hurr durrFuck off, retard
No. 1195433
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>>1195431Chaz would be shocked at the likeness
No. 1195453
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No. 1195465
>>1195102It’s always funny to see ones where they look more naturally soft friendly and approachable in the before photos.
Hrt makes everyone look so busted
No. 1195470
>>1195289I've also seen TRAs claim that "terfs" are pedos because they're "so obsessed" with trans kids' genitals. Yes, because being concerned over irreversibly castrating kids so that they will never have a fulfilling sex life
as an adult is totally pedo stuff. They're projecting so hard they've manifested on the other side of the galaxy.
>>1195333If the meanie terves everyone told them about on the internet won't gang up and beat them up and corrective rape them it means they "weren't clocked". Seriously, these people really don't realize that women have learned not to confront a man creeping on them to preserve their own safety. Another reason why you can't just "transition" to the other sex, you will never have the quintessential experiences of growing up a woman and the mindset it makes you form.
No. 1195484
>>1195477I just think it’s so funny. For the last five fucking years trannies have been trying to colonise this board as they have done for Reddit, Twitter and many others. Even 4chan has fallen for their bullshit, but they come here and they fail miserably every time. Every thread we get a tranny trying to subtlety persuade us and they post the same bullshit articles about gay genes, third genders, two spirits and intersex conditions that prove absolutely fucking nothing in their favour. Sad.
Trannyism is like running up an escalator going the wrong way, you’re always going somewhere, never getting anywhere and if you stop for a second you end up right back at the beginning. Why would you want to battle your natural biological condition with constant surgery and medication for your whole fucking life? Why would you willingly go under a knife for a farce imitation? Risking infections and sudden death, risking MRSA and sepsis, for something that will NEVER be what you want it to be. For something that has to be CONSTANTLY MAINTAINED because it doesn’t belong on your body.
Transgenderism is fucking mental illness.
No. 1195495
File: 1616927425349.jpg (Spoiler Image,221.92 KB, 1536x2048, K9FXVKC.jpg)

>>1195484I'm SO FUCKING GLAD trannies are failing at colonizing this thread every fucking single time ! This place is literally one of the rare ones where women can actually say what they think about the whole tranny shenanigans
On an unrelated note. I know troons are crazy and are the ones being overly violent towards women (especially lesbians). They're the ones constantly sending us death threats/rape threats (I'm also partially replying to
>>1195253 and
>>1195273). "Go suck on my girl dick hurr durrr durr" kinda shit. I haven't had any evidence of a radfem/gc woman sending death threats to a troon (because why the hell would anyone do that in the first place ?). Well, today someone sent me this screenshot of a gc woman sharing and overall being happy about a troon (i presume, maybe an HSTS) being beaten down by another man (how surprising!) for taking the women's bathroom. Apparently it comes from a video. Thing is it is very pixelated, we don't know the context of the video and the screenshot might be fabricated. I don't doubt shitty people that get delight from violence, human suffering and the thrill of sharing something fucked up like that to the world exist but I really want to know the context behind this video first before jumping to conclusions. If she is in fact a gc woman sharing this I'm pretty sure most radfems and gc women don't want to do anything with her. I just wonder what you gals might think.
Spoilered because potentially graphic.
No. 1195498
File: 1616927844380.png (227.38 KB, 720x1461, Screenshot_20210328-153616.png)

>>1195466Its mostly screenshotting radblr and
terf twitter screenshots and reporting them
No. 1195500
>>1195495I agree with you. A lot of women use gender critical views as a veil for general homophobia. Perhaps they saw a faggot in the street and just wanted to abuse them for fun, who knows. I don’t like seeing people beaten.
Then again I don’t know what it’s like to live in that country, they might not have any other option.
Either way I wouldn’t celebrate it.
No. 1195501
>>1195495This is exactly why the GC movement needs to gatekeep its members and can't just accept every bitch that hates troons. You'll start letting in psychos who just want to see "limp wristed faggots" dead and overall are there only to hate everything LGB-related which they consider trannies to be a part of. I can't stand troomers but in all seriousness I don't wish death on them because a lot of them are manipulated and misguided gay people and because I'm not a mentally ill violent a-log.
But as a side note I very much doubt the perpetrators in this video identify as "terfs", they seem like homophobic men to me.
No. 1195502
>>1195501A lot of us in the GC movement are homos anyway. Would be rather counterintuitive.
Nobody can deny that extreme homophobia and compulsory heterosexuality causes people to feel the shame and discomfort required for transition.
No. 1195506
>>1195495I think this ist fake for the reasons you gave plus
>female toiletwhat radfem would call it that, they do know what a women's toilet is
No. 1195507
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>>1195415NSFL shrivelled girldick
Thanks anon, of course I had to go look and I'm now scarred for life. Took me a second to realise that was his ballsack.
No. 1195514
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And of course all the comments are other AGPs agreeing that they only want to be hot women and if ("if") they're going to be ugly after transitioning they may as well just stay men. No. 1195515
You will never be a woman.
No. 1195518
File: 1616930278422.png (608.33 KB, 2048x1452, Screenshot_20210328-071724.png)

>>1195514From that reddit thread.
Totally not a fetish.
No. 1195519
File: 1616930315107.png (455.95 KB, 1051x826, vso0k56r3op61.png)

>>1195514>Same tho. I also sometimes get concerned over whether or not I’d want to be a person of the opposite gender when I’m elderly.>Like as it stands now I feel like I want to be the opposite gender but I cannot imagine being that way when I’m elderly? Is that normal? Only started thinking about that today.Not just hot, but also mainly young. They don't want to be mature, older women who are often less visible and play a supporting or model role for others.
No. 1195524
>>1194804That's weird because
every single anti I've ever met has been a tranny. Mostly tifs.
No. 1195525
>>1195510>That is the case in approximately 100% of actual transphobic hate crimes. Troons act like terfs are their worst enemy because we post gender critical theory on our tumblrs or whatever. Why aren’t the homophobic> straight men who kill them in the streets their worst adversaries? Why radfems?Because men beating them up is usually a result of being clocked after engaging in some kind of sexual activity,and is mostly isolated.
Radfems threaten their whole ideology on an intellectual and social level, and is mostly done in public,eg online.
No. 1195531
File: 1616931995736.png (378.94 KB, 1340x1180, pedotroons.png)

Literal incels talking about the benefits of being a woman, one of them being that you can get away with "sex with minors"
No. 1195537
>>1195495"I haven't had any evidence of a radfem/gc woman sending death threats to a troon (because why the hell would anyone do that in the first place ?)"
no point sending death threats as all trannies are dead inside. moreso the neovag impaired lunatics
No. 1195544
>>11955311. Having a body that will never be attractive or feminine enough, no matter how much money you spend, leading to further body dysmorphia and heightened dysphoria
2. Very, very limited access to the transbian dating pool. They are so unattractive they rarely even fuck each other
3. Penis will be numb and flaccid and it’ll be harder or even impossible reach orgasm, let alone have multiple.
4.full body orgasms is an AGP myth.
5. You will have brain fog, mood swings and heightened depression and anxiety from the influx of new hormones. You will not experience any change in emotion except to become even more antisocial and aggressive than you already are
6.your breasts will become sensitive, yes, but they will still look like oversized man boobs on a barrel chest.
7. You’ll never be able to attract cis lesbians because you will never have a functioning vagina which is what cis lesbians desire. You will only have success by gaslighting, shaming and abusing them into submission. Cis lesbians would rather be with trans men. Cope
8.being able to attract high quality males for sex - by either fucking closet homos (because you still look like a man) or if you do manage to pass, deceiving them, and risking getting your skull smashed in by a panicking homophobe. Tranny chasers can be “high quality” sure, but they are rare.
9. You will likely get even more acne from a hormone imbalance, and your skin will not change except to grow slightly less body hair.
10.being able to extract resources for males - incel talking point. Very cynical way to talk about men caring for the women that they love and desire. Unless, of course, they’re talking about prostitution.
11. Stop and reverse hair loss - straight propaganda. Never seen a balding tranny before?
12.people will treat you better if they think you’re female - again, incel talking point. Females are often treated worse by virtue of being female. Only this likely won’t happen to you, because 99% of trannies barely pass
13. Transitioning in itself, is an idiotic thing to do. Trans women are still sick and perverted and sex obsessed. Makes no difference.
14. You get to force your disgusting male presence on unwilling females and burden our resources and make a spectacle of yourself. Hooray for you!
15. Cheaper car insurance- I highly doubt you get put on women’s car insurance just because you had your cock inverted. If you do then, congrats, that’s about the only benefit to this foolishness.
In conclusion, you will never be a woman. Never. Never. Never. We will never accept you unless you force your way in, just like a typical sexist male. You will ruin your life on every level and be left a shell of your former self if you subscribe to this self mutilation and self destruction.
No. 1195546
>>1195531>stop and reverse hair lossreally? they're really going to claim this? after all the receding hairlines that beg to differ, they're still going to claim this?
>males are disgustingwell atleast we agree on something. Doesn't take away from the fact that you are male, and subsequently are also disgusting though.
>less punishment for being a pedothat's it, I'm done. There's a special place in hell for you, and I will gladly send you there.
No. 1195558
>>1195531Almost all the talking points ate about sex or something sexual.
As if most women spend all their time just fucking.
No wonder they're terrified of being old or ugly women, they just want to have female body to use it for sex.
Very male view of femininity.
And lol women not being allowed to make money, bearing and caring for children and doing unpaid stressful labor whole their life at home while so that their husband is able to work and use that money however he wants, having the woman to be dependant on him is very 'draining men for resources'.
Men are the ultimate
No. 1195575
>>1195544>people will treat you better if they think you’re female - again, incel talking point. Females are often treated worse by virtue of being female. Only this likely won’t happen to you, because 99% of trannies barely passTbf if their environment is woke enough they probably will get treated better if they call themselves trans, because people are either terrified to get IT’S MA’AMed or because they’ve drunk the koolaid and think of transwomen like holy beings. The AGPs I’ve met certainly were able to get away with way more shit than regular incels despite looking and behaving identically. Not because anyone saw them as women, but because they saw them as an untouchable subset of men.
>>1195554Many men don’t even see statutory rape by a woman as a crime unless they can use it as a gotcha against feminists. Any time a female teacher is caught with an underage boy, the vast majority of comments from men are something along the lines of “Where was she when I was in high school?” or calling the boy a faggot for snitching. Unless the woman is grotesquely unattractive, most men consider it something to brag about rather than something traumatic. And guess who makes the laws?
No. 1195590
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>>1193574pic related is the son of the Argentinian president
No. 1195600
>>1195558They don’t see it like that because they undermine women so much, they don’t respect the acts of child bearing, child rearing or any kind of domestic toil. They can’t empathise with the sacrifices and risks that women make for men, and they take everything women do for granted. Male through and through down to the marrow.
>>1195558>>they just want to have a female body so they can use it for sexNail on the fucking head
nonny. This is every single AGPs thought process. They want to inhabit and use a female body like body snatchers.
No. 1195609
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>>1195576any of you ever in the DSA? The org just released its priorities, including making sure kids get puberty blockers (that stop brain growth). It’s feels impossible to organize as a leftist without being forced to go along with troons.
No. 1195615
>>1195609indoctrinating poor, rural, conservatively raised children
wanting to make sure everyone else has to financially support their degenerate choices
and making sure black trannies are dealt with separate from the legal system…
I can only see this ending well
No. 1195620
>>1195576Me. I am having flashbacks to trying to educate friends on trans stuff lmao. How they were “feeling like the opposite gender, they are in the wrong body” and how “sex and gender are different! they are not saying they can change their sex!”. Cringe. Now they say “wrong body” speech is transphobic when it was their own invention. and that sex isn’t real/doesn’t matter so they are actually female/male. Moving the goalposts keeps peaking people.
>>1195609Completely captured.
No. 1195650
>>1195609but anons, puberty blockers are totemo harmless! I mean this is what the helth secretary tranny says, based on the outdated dutch study which was proven wrong by the doctor who wrote it!1 here the vid:, the US is so fucked jesus
No. 1195655
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>>1195650This says it all
No. 1195659
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No. 1195669
>>1195659kikomi is heckin' cute and
No. 1195671
File: 1616944233824.jpeg (Spoiler Image,48.1 KB, 720x960, received_900547707121725.jpeg)

Blog post and shit, but I once new a tranny who'd post these "sexy" pictures and admitted to beating it's meat to it's own pics. @tanukijade proved to me it's just a gross fetish. They also had a bunch of girls come forward about being raped by him.
No. 1195687
>>1195671if you can protect your eyes and stomach enough, the rat king forum on kiwifarms has the worst degen people doing horrific things. and some troons doing the same
use tor browser or a billion proxy/vpn. read about Devi Ever who wanted to be wholesome and entertain kids on minecraft and they just went to cam mode and fucked start wars toys and cars of mayo i think. uploaded to twitter photos of his tiny, 1.5 maybe 2 inch dick with a dolls head stuck in the pee hole.
but hey, he/she is wholesome now, preying on youtube kids, tiktok kids, twitter kids for money and adoration.
she gets fan art drawn by literal 12 year olds.
she tried to scam notch from minecraft out of money its on youtube somewhere
currently @izzimouse and @izziafterhours
it's a trip. like the kiwi farm thread on her/him/her/them/him.
No. 1195690
>>1195609Isn't it crazy how trans childern can make adult decisions but adult trans are babied and everytime they fuck up there's always someone trying to excuse them of what they'd done?
"I know Salladora Laceheart steals her teenage sisters underwear and makes comments on reddit about getting "turned on by it" but you have to understand, even if she's 35, she's still a baby trans and she's trying to understand herself-"
but also-
"when he was 3 he put on his mom's heels and wanted to play with his sisters barbies. Now he's a she at 10 years old and says she wants to start taking hormones and puberty blockers"
No. 1195692
File: 1616945558631.webm (2.91 MB, 854x480, cryhardertranscel.webm)
Sage cuz no milk but that definitely gave me a chickle
No. 1195693
>>1195630Jesus, I can imagine the big pharma or whatever and the troon surgery companies lobbying for this. Disgusting
>>1195659We need to see more Kakomi!
No. 1195694
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>if the only reason you haven't transitioned is because being a balding man in a dress and lipstick with manboobs might not make your peepee hard, congrats!! ur a trans girl ♥♥♥
i think a lot of these trannies are in denial too of just how common it is for their dicks to barely work on hrt. so many trannies complain about little to no sex drive, being unable to cum or even get hard, etc. not to mention what a neo-vag entails (deformed, smelly, dry, narrow, misshapen, lumpy, crooked, numb, you name it).. but so much of the transition for these people is perverted and sexual. if they were actually women they'd transition no matter what, but all they care about is getting off on it and if they can't, there's no point..
No. 1195695
>>1195659I ship Kikomi x Kakomi. Hoping to see them simulate amab transbian sex soon! Bio trans girls are so heckin cute and
seriously though what's an argument for trannyism that won't work for bio trans girls No. 1195701
File: 1616946540224.jpg (96.04 KB, 572x767, bznoam4htsl61.jpg)

Do yall think there is any truth to this?
No. 1195705
>>1195653The health risks will be the death of this pharma cash cow if there is any sense left in the world. Then whoever made the most money off of this will run away to some island to avoid jail for exploiting mentally ill people, stunting their brain and bone growth etc.
Also quick question, whatever small percentage gets thrown around for the amount of trans people, does anyone actually believe that? I've encountered several in public within the month, excluding my own relative and I live in the "Bible belt" US south. Seeing as it also happens simultaneously in groups (teenage friend groups, romantic partners etc) it's weird that people play it off like "cmon it's such a small percentage of the population, why do you care?"
No. 1195709
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No. 1195714
File: 1616947005608.jpg (31.13 KB, 500x500,…)

@izziafterhours encdrama " Devi Ever Lolgo.png The Devi Ever dump thread
- Known tranny lolcow, joined the forum after a successful and heart-warming AMA on KiwiFarms looking for more friends to solicit funds from in the internet drama community. His reception on EDF was not what he/she/it expected and after being ridiculed for one day he deleted all of his posts and made a final plea to never have an article written. He would later go back to Kiwi Farms in an attempt to deny his involvement with EDF claiming that was not himher, however an admin followed it to KiwiFarms in order to debunk that lie. After being proven 100% that it was him, Devi Ever ragequit Kiwi Farms as well. Thus far, an article still has not been written because nobody actually cares about this ugly transvestite whore."
No. 1195715
>>1195701Yes lots of men like trannies. We don’t care. They can’t join in sports, they can’t come in our bathrooms, or our rape shelters etc. They can’t come into lesbian bars or any lesbian communities. They need to stop meddling with women’s rights.
If all they wanted to do was get their loose asshole pounded by faggot scrotes and be popular porn stars, then we wouldn’t have this thread.
No. 1195720
>>1195701Theres truth in that it shows their delusions, they always make out they are some cute uwu catgirl when in reality most are like>>1195659
One thing we've learned is that troons like to be internet tough guys and think of themselves as sarcastic smartasses but if you even see one irl and mention biology they crumble like soggy bread in the rain.
No. 1195721
>>1195701I love the trans porn line. It's so hilarious that men use porn to prove their worth as "trans women" and "men wanting us".
I've seen TRAs legit use the porn line. It's such a male way of thinking, "ha ha men love jerking to tranny porn!" okay? Men will fuck a oiled sock or jerk off to anything. That's not something to be proud of.
Imagine if women went around like, "men love us because porn hub said so!" who cares? The shit they brag about kills me. Men want to fuck trans women, wow i'm so jelly men want to fuck other men with or without dicks.
No. 1195735
File: 1616948116039.jpg (137.24 KB, 640x1113, victimtranny.jpg)

Wha the fuck ?
No. 1195743
>>1195735>shy shoulders>K, good luck with being a giant hulking freak trying to be the
victim in the situation you manipulative shits
No. 1195750
>>1195744>>doesn’t value males opinions because they are sexually deviant enough to fuck inanimate objects>>most would rather do this than fuck a tranny or 4chan dickgirl“I-I-incel!! You must be an incel pretending not to care but you’re secretly jelly! “
We don’t care about faggot scrotes trannonny. Have at them.
No. 1195759
>>1195735>if bystanders don’t know you’re trans yetJust by that statement you know that won’t work.
It’s funny how they’re learning how to look like a
victim, it’s almost as if they’ve never known what it feels like to feel intimidated by someone that holds more power than them.
No. 1195767
>>1195694Ugh, it really just is a fetish. Lumpy, ugly, awkward incels who have somehow brainwashed themselves into thinking that they can somehow magically ~change their sex~ and become hawt sex-doll-looking bimbos, and that this will solve all their problems. If you're an unattractive loser as a man, wtf makes you think you'll be any more successful as a pseudo-woman?
I feel like even TiFs are guilty of this, though their transitions are less sexually motivated. Like HRT is going to transform a chubby potato girl into some sort of homo Adonis.
No. 1195771
>>1195701They're not Astolfo, though. They are mostly weird, ugly men who dress up like their porn fantasies and make everybody uncomfortable, and that's that. Bad Astolfo cosplayers, costing their governments money.
I wouldn't even care about that (besides finding it funny) if they'd stop trying to change women's language to accommodate their dysphoria ("menstruator" lmao), invade women's bathrooms and prisons (only to continue with their male pattern violence/sexual assault rates), attack women's rape shelters for not accepting males, physically attack women, pressure lesbians to accept their "feminine penises", try to have children put on blockers and/or HRT, etc.
Honestly, it'd be no big deal if they were all just a bunch of hentai-addicted HSTSes who just want their fellow gamers to like them and/or other kinds of flamboyant gay dudes/HSTSes who mind their own business (and don't try to insist they're the exact same as actual women), and if transbians and insane TRAs straight-up didn't exist. They can and should be their fellow men's problems. Instead, we have to live in hellworld where mental illness is entertained as sanity, and women have to be the main enablers. Fuck off with that.
No. 1195772
File: 1616949997224.png (Spoiler Image,700.48 KB, 720x952, Screenshot_20210328-214637.png)

TRAs and Libfems will really tell you that this obvious man with his cock out should be allowed in womens locker rooms and bathrooms
No. 1195777
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No. 1195780
>>1195772This is what a woman looks like in 2021 like a man, in a wig/with long hair in make up and a hard dick.
This is womanhood.
No. 1195781
>>1195772I can see how a person like this would be attractive to a tranny chaser, or a bi or gay man, or maybe a bi woman, but they aren’t a woman. They don’t look like one and aren’t comparable. They are male bodied and have no rights to our healthcare, our sex specific spaces, our sports competitions etc. They have no right to force drugs and chemical castrations on children. They have no right to gaslighting lesbians and straight men into accepting cock, or a dissected, reformed hole made out of cock. They are gender nonconforming men.
Shit like this
>>1195701 is just missing the point and reframing these genuine concerns as jealousy, which is fucking hilarious.
No. 1195784
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No. 1195785
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No. 1195786
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No. 1195789
>>1195786"they have a mother" but also, "They might lose their mother". Anon do you have a link to this post? I'd love to see how they coddled David, I mean "Daisy" and made his kids & ex wife seem like demons. It's funny how he never mentions what his ex did or how old his kids were.
We all know why. They were probably teenagers and his wife didn't do shit.
No. 1195790
>>1195785i can't imagine wanting to reconnect with such a fucking monster. this is beyond typical AGP shit. dude straight up is telling his kids that he regrets ever having them, they aren't allowed to regard him as their parent and their mother who has terminal cancer apparently deserves it despite the fact it's clear she raised them by herself.
fucking go have dinner with the dude and spit in his face. that's what he deserves.
No. 1195800
>>1195797Of course there's a comment going, "i think you may be a
terf making things up to make trans women look bad" because there's NO WAY a trans woman could be this fucked up and selfish.
As if you can't find stories of troons abandoning their families. It's not even the case of, "A mother/woman would never abandon her childern!" it's flat out, "you have to be a
terf, a trans woman would never!"
No. 1195811
>>1195253Holy projecting, this is insane. Literally every thing listed here is what TRAs do to "terfs" everyday. The lack of self awareness is astounding.
Love the fact they assume we want to fuck them or see them in any sexual way at all… you wish.
No. 1195818
>>1195701It's all centered around men. Whole identity of that character is just being fuckable to men. He can have it. They can have those men.
Men would fuck anything, there's no shortage. Is that supposed to be some kind of a checkmate?
No. 1195819
>>1195811..Do you think they see how victimized we are by their verbal abuse, and are like, "huh wait hold up
I'm the one being abused here." And since they are so accustomed to mental gymnastics… they don't see how they're projecting?
No. 1195821
>>1195797This guy got
triggered cause his kids called him dad. Like sir, what are they supposed to call you? He also keeps calling his step kids mother “birth mom” and “first mom”, like she gave them up for adoption or something. I bet this psycho wishes she didn’t exist so he could have had that do-over with them.
No. 1195823
>>1195819These men are constantly being told something is wrong with everyone else for not seeing them as women, for not bending over (literally) and taking their girl cocks/girl dickholes.
Everything that happens to them is because the world is transphobic. Even if they do something wrong, transphobia is somehow to blame. They do not see what they do to women as wrong.
They think we are wrong for not getting with the program
No. 1195842
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>>1195807>>I'm in the south.>>I'm known here as a heterosexual cis woman.I can just imagine the fake smiles and compliments he gets from his neighbors, in that “bless your heart” southern way. They can all tell he’s a man but they pretend not to, to be polite, and he’s dumb enough to take it at face value.
No. 1195847
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>>1195701You have to remember this was probably written from the perspective of someone with AGP narcissism. The reality is probably pic related.
He contradicts himself by saying there are 2 genders and he chose girl and 'I know I'm a boy on the inside'. So which is it? He'll use whatever argument he needs in order to keep up a smug facade, even if it contradicts his previous arguments. You can bet he'd still REEE if someone told him he wasn't a woman.
Even if he's passable, he's at best a male who thinks that to be a woman is to be feminine and fuckable. He thinks being feminine makes him better than a woman, thinks that being objectified by men is an achievement even though they'll wank to anything, and thinks that he's so hot that everyone who claims to hate him really lusts after him. So he does reveal the truth about himself by accident.
No. 1195880
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>I may be in a suicide ward but atleast trans rights? Lol X3c
No. 1195892
File: 1616961752535.jpeg (100.33 KB, 483x680, C80C3562-B2AD-4C62-ABEE-D8F61C…)

A former Reddit moderator is blasting their former fellow moderators for protecting a transgender user that posted over 750 pornographic drawings of characters under the age of 10, and banning anyone who criticized them.
“The subreddit r/lesbiangamers is a subreddit that is dedicated to sapphic gaming. Upon joining their discord after a couple of months the discord was abruptly shut down. There were a lot of horrific rumors about how the past owner did horrible things,” the former mod wrote.
“After seeing what a shitshow the server was, I promptly offered myself as an admin and was chosen. I provided a lot of feedback and input on the server, but they would not budge on their ‘verification’ process. So you always ran the risk of possibly having a minor in the server or a male, which is what they didn’t want,” the post continued.
No. 1195893
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>>1195892The former mod goes on to explain that ultimately they had to step down from their role after getting into a heated message exchange with a trans user who was repeatedly posting pornographic images of Sonic the Hedgehog characters as small children in multiple sexual positions. Over 750 of these images, to be more precise.
“The main ones that disgusted me was the images of Cream and Tails because they are all under 10 years old. And they were having sex in all sorts of positions and it was just vomitworthy,” the former mod wrote. “I felt it was important to explain that the mods ALL had access to her Reddit posts and profile and chose to willingly ignore these images and ban ANYBODY who spoke out against the fact that it’s disturbing. They then decided to make a post slandering my character and at first I didn’t do anything because I was afraid I would be alone but so many people have come forward with proof of this person willingly admitting that she enjoys these kinds of images.”
They concluded that “I stand and I’m making this post because I think that it’s important that people hear and see the truth for what it is. And the truth is that they protected someone who looks at and enjoys characters who are underage in sexual positions.”
As Gateway Pundit also reported, trans Reddit moderator Ianna Drew Urquhart is facing scrutiny for allegedly having minors come to their apartment to take hormones and puberty blockers — apparently without their parent’s knowledge or consent.
In a post on Reddit, Urquhart joked that “with the number of trans girls that have come thru my apartment, I need to rename it Drewie’s House of Wayward Trans Girls.”
No. 1195898
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>Got implants. I am woman now.
No. 1195901
>>1195898Ignoring the bolt ons, I love how he can't wear the corset correctly because he doesn't have the hips or waist to give him a clue of where it's supposed to sit.
>>1195842I guarantee most of them that post about nobody knowing are just too stupid to realise people are just being polite. Not having a complete stranger calling you a man in public =/= passing as a woman.
>>1195800>there's NO WAY a trans woman could be this fucked up and selfishIf they recognise this as selfish, why can't they recognise how fucked up it is for trans women to enter into relationships with straight women knowing that they "are really a woman"? If you did this shit without claiming to be trans, it would be rape by deception.
No. 1195911
>>1195893>As Gateway Pundit also reported, trans Reddit moderator Ianna Drew Urquhart is facing scrutiny for allegedly having minors come to their apartment to take hormones and puberty blockers — apparently without their parent’s knowledge or consent.Jesus. I'm speechless, a literal fucking dystopian nightmare. Adult troons grooming young teens and manipulating them into taking body altering drugs. I don't even give a shit about the nasty sonic babyfur porn, this is what need to be put in the spotlight. And of course they're cranking the projection meters up with the "noooo it's the cis roasties not our hecking
valid trans girls!".
No. 1195912
>>1195893>>1195892I saw this the other day and ended up deleting my comment but it's absolutely disgusting as a lesbian that no one mentioned the dude was a tim until I saw the comments. I also saw him sperging in the replies and sure enough, a whole ass tranny and frequent poster to r/SonicHentai. normal lesbian behavior, fucking clearly. gay men wouldn't tolerate this shit if something like this happened in one of their communities and the guy turned out to be a heckin
valid trans man.
No. 1195915
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Sorry if it's already been posted, but reddit powermod drewiepoodle has been inviting minors into his home and giving them hormones.
No. 1195925
>>1195880interesting, they don't let you have phones in the ward
can't believe a troon would lie for attention, wild
No. 1195982
>>1193617You forgot to mention that post with the discord link was deleted, not redtexted but
deleted, within minutes of being posted here.
That should really tell you all you need to know about who runs this place.
No. 1195998
>>1194385sage for blogging but I used to be friends with ethan peters or ethanisupreme before he passed in summer and asked if nikita had a dick as a joke once to which he just replied "i can't answer that because i know" which makes me think he just tucks because otherwise ethan would've just said he has no dick
i have a screenshot on my phone ill drop it later if i can find it
No. 1196012
>>1194768This is a bit late but to add to what other anons said, people who become surgeons often have some level of arrogance, grandiosity, hero/god complex, and/or narcissism in their personality. Not saying this is universal, or necessarily a bad thing, but it does take a certain kind of person to have the confidence to perform dangerous and life altering operations with your own two hands. And surgeon is one of the most universally respected job titles you can have - not only are you seen as someone who saves lives but you're seen as highly intelligent and skilled.
So I think many SRS surgeons are people with a higher degree of these personality traits and are drawn to that specialty for the thrill of playing god and doing something so radical and complex. And the gratification of being someone who "allows people to live as their true selves". And for want of something more glamorous than doing C-sections and gallbladder removals day in day out.
No. 1196028
>>1196014I thought AGP's could be HSTS too? Nikita looks like he gets turned on by looking at himself and nah I would'nt be afriad of Nikita in the bathroom, I'd be freaked out by how he looks, but I'd think he'd be too busy looking at himself in the mirror to even notice anyone else.
IDK maybe I'm a retard
No. 1196045
>>1196037Yeah I was gonna say I think the vanity of many HSTS comes from pride in pulling off the trap/femboy aesthetic, which is prized by a certain subset of men but does necessitate having a dick and being male. These types are just using the current day trans politics for social advantage.
I do think it's possible for HSTS to also be AGP (just like I think many AGPs also have deeply suppressed homosexual attraction) but it's rare and hard to spot.
No. 1196090
File: 1616979193545.png (Spoiler Image,2.03 MB, 1756x2048, Screenshot_20210328-152449.png)

>I have to make my point in the tub because being woman means boobs.
No. 1196170
File: 1616989044897.png (66.45 KB, 595x669, retard.PNG)

yes of course gross perverted men care more about the objects of their disgusting fetish than those who don't have those perversions.
this is ironically from the tranny man whose twitter is full of constant complaining about cis women as a coping method because he feels so inferior (rightfully so). "cis women dont like trannies, only other trannies do or gross chaser dudes".. yet he himself says he strongly prefers cis girls (lol). the jokes write themselves.
i'm remembering all the tweets he used to post before he started dating this other dude recently where he talked about having sobbing mental breakdowns every time he saw a pretty cis girl or a cis girl talking about enjoying sex. oh and blocking them instantly too.
the nerve to ask for empathy from people you're trying so desperately to imitate and knowing you're just a cheap knock-off so you constantly trash talk them to cope with your own insecurities lmao
No. 1196172
>>1196044Yeah, I hate it too. I wish more women in general could speak freely about the trans issue, but the Kool-Aid of libfem thought necessitates drinking deeply of the
clap transwomen ARE women!
clap Twitter logic. Stepping out of line makes you rightwing, even if in every other respect you are liberal. See the DSA post in here earlier. What the fuck do trans rights have to do with Democratic Socialism? And what rights have these freaks been denied anyway? No one can ever give me a clear answer to that. Men's and women's rooms were never like, enforced by law. If a man was in a woman's public toilet just peeing and being normal, he may be asked to leave by management. But it's never been "against the law", so why did it need to be codified? And what, are troons being denied housing rights, or jobs? Are they incarcerated at a disproportionately higher rate than other men? Are the police mowing them down? All this shit, so retarded.
I don't want to agree with that bow-tie wearing chimp on any issues, but here we are. The shit came on so fast it made my head spin, one day we were agog at Bruce Jenner growing long fingernails, to now nodding along and smiling thinking Bruce Jenner all along should've been able to compete against women at the Olympics.
No. 1196176
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>>119617this kind of false reality is what happens when you encourage a mental illness closely associated with paraphilias AND Cluster B PDs.
No. 1196207
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Don't you love how a man can spend his entire life as a dude benefitting from male privilege in society and then just decide to pretend he's a woman one day and instantly woke idiots coddle them and treat them like marginalized people who've dealt with so much oppression and injustice. And then they get showered in thousands upon thousands of dollars for plastic surgery, beauty treatments, clothes, etc. as if those are urgent needs. Meanwhile the world is starving, homeless, etc. but noooo, trannies need a boob job. Make it make sense.
And that's not even touching on the fact that this dude in particular literally faked being kidnapped and caused a nation-wide uproar to find him and then spent the money dipshits donated to his gofundme during this stunt on an expensive purse.. then got high fives for it.
No. 1196270
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Saging because not milk
No. 1196273
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>>1196207I would like to add on to this (though I'm not the commenter who wrote the post I'm replying to)
Where IS the so-called "injustice" in being transgender?
Why do people act as if having gender dysphoria is the end of the world? Complaining about their condition, acting as if gender dysphoria is the worst thing to have on Earth? Unless you're disabled, it's presumed that the body you "hate so much" is a healthy, able body that moves around and is able to perform basic human functions without any trouble. There are people in this world born without arms and legs, but you hate and complain about your body simply because it's "the wrong sex"? Where is the body dysphoria for disabled people, people with hindering disabilities. Those people should be given more of a voice than these transgender people. Unlike transgenders, the disabled have an excuse to "hate their body".
No. 1196278
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>>1196270Why the fuck is the Bratz account talking about "sex work"? Real groomer shit.
Also scrolling through their account, the "Bratz Diaries" series your image is from is so far four troons and AOC as the sole token woman.
No. 1196279
>>1196273Lmfao, I know right? Why does literally anyone deserve to be given thousands of dollars for boob jobs and cosmetic facial surgeries.. ever?
Why do they deserve it more than homeless people, starving people, rape/abuse
victims, etc? Oh right, 'cause it's trendy to say "trans women are women!!! black trans lives matter!!" right now so everyone's gotta get performative and fund tranny mantits and dick inversions.
No. 1196285
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>>1196270Anything for them dolla dolla bills I guess
No. 1196287
>>1196044They’re not on “our side” just because they hate trannies. They don’t even hate trannies for the same reason. It’s like saying nazis are on the side of animal rights activists because they’re against badger culling. Ngl you sound like one of those retards. “They’re just homophobic Christians or nazis!’”
None of us hated trannnies until they started trying to parasite off of womens resources and feminism.
No. 1196291
>>1196287I get what youre saying, I think I didnt word it in the best way. I'm saying that to many the perception is that its all one group. It dissuades people who would otherwise agree that they're parasites because why would anybody want to be a
TERF or publicly advocate for a cause seemingly associated with racism and white supremacy?
No. 1196297
>>1196287Im willing to tolerate Moderate Republicans at most, not Nazis
Even Dworkin and other second wave radfems worked with right wingers and christian to combat the porn industry
No. 1196307
>>1196270Looked into this HSTS trainwreck. Committed arson & insurance fraud after their megahit, totally not novelty Eurosleaze talk show ended. Died from an accidental fall (Sophie's inspiration?) after getting fucked up on booze and pills. Also of course, an illiterate prostitute who did porno.
You can see him being an extremely respected Spanish journalist in this clip. "Trans identity" has long been accepted as a sight gag in men's entertainment, but now they expect women to be as goo-goo eyed over the idea. Fuck off already.
No. 1196309
>>1196273>Why do people act as if having gender dysphoria is the end of the world?Excuse the theorysperging Because it's a spiritual/religious experience, and I don't say this (just) pejoratively. It's much worse than any other disability and (inaccurately) believed to place people at extreme risk of suicide because it's not a normal impairment, it's a sort of divine injustice that prevents people from living as their authentic selves. It's obviously not weird at all that an
authentic self requires lifelong medication and profit to big pharma - and I'm not saying that only sarcastically, it's indeed not that weird because the entire trend of the past hundred years or so has been the transformation of one's pattern of consumption of industrial (usually 'superfluous') goods into identity and customs (so, in a sense, values, which for humans always become religion) - that is, the creation of what we currently understand as a "lifestyle".
This is why since the 60's yuppies we've seen a growth of marketing/branding associated with trendy lifestyles (one of the most obvious more recent examples being "green"/vegan stuff, the healthy food boom of the 00s, etc). Trannies are just the progression of this trend towards increased literalization by making interventions to the body itself a product associated with a lifestyle that reflects, through consumption, one's "authentic self". They're probably a sort of canary in the coal mine, bodybuilding and plastic surgery (& misc small cosmetic procedures) are increasingly popular
and accessible, and more importantly (and this is the appeal of puberty blockers) they're also somewhat temporary which allows people to partake in trends as they come and go without long-term commitment (foxy eyes in? get it, the thread dissolves in six months! huge lips are in? fillers will get you six months of instagram success then disappear!)
Hopefully the specific tranny shit suffer a lot of backlash and go away soon, as transition is basically castration and concerns about fertility and the aging population are on the rise (and boy
are they on the rise, millenials are already aging without having lived/having kids as boomers refuse to let go of the wealth they're hoarding).
No. 1196319
>>1194771"is hard to be a trans"
>>1196207"is way harder to be a black trans"
>>1196278"check mate, faggots"
No. 1196320
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> Can I get some advice on how I can pass? (23 mtf) I've been on hormones for 3 monthsCan we start making sure these freaks get full genetic profile done to scan for birth defects before doctors hand out estrogen? No. 1196321
>>1196270Holy fucking shit. This is my doomer moment kek
>>1196276 MGA has been in the shitter for the past decade+. The dolls had to be rebranded twice within the past 10 years and it was a complete failure. Fags and troons using the dolls as collectibles/skinwalk inspo are driving the remaining 25% of the sales children and regular adult women who collect dolls don’t cover. The previous generations of the dolls have also had a resurgence with depressed gen z handmaidens obsessed with y2k nostalgia. Troons barely buy the dolls new though, always used so the money doesn’t even reach MGA’s pockets. MGA is just pathetically desperate to make a buck lmao.
No. 1196322
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> My dilation is constant and sharp, and I do not hope for a better world for anyone. In fact, I want my pain to be inflicted on others. I want no one to escape. But even after admitting this is a fetish, there is no catharsis; my punishment continues to elude me, and I gain no deeper knowledge of myself or women.
No. 1196344
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>>1196278This is the “girl” who made these infographics for bratz (or at least made the Sophie one) so are we really surprised that trans women outnumber women in them or that this tranny is yet again forcing muh sex work positivity into a
child’s brand?
No. 1196350
>>1195531fucking up your body to:
checks notes*
save up on car insurance
No. 1196354
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>>1196351One of the creepiest transcult things I see that is more insidious than using loli avatars on Twitter is how in all their "do I pass" communities they also ask how OLD they look.
They're not content just passing, they want to pass as a girl of a certain (young) age. The old if I can't be WITH a little girl, I will BECOME the little girl. Pretty sure that was an old chan joke in the 00s, now turned reality.
No. 1196355
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>>1196344Sage for samefagging but his manbod is such a giveaway kek
No. 1196359
>>1196291>why would anybody want to be a TERF or publicly advocate for a cause seemingly associated with racism and white supremacy?Most people don't want to be associated with "white supremacy" for the same reason they don't want to be associated with "
TERF"s: because slurs work. Recognizing that men aren't women or that Syrians aren't Swedes is not an immoral position, but propaganda makes it so.
No. 1196362
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> 2 months on HRT, do I pass?and we can't forget John Mark Karr. Recognize the name? He's the pedophile who claimed to have killed JonBenet Ramsey and was extradited from where else but Thailand! He wasn't the killer of course, but he had married a couple teenagers back when he lived in America and got into all sorts of child porn and child prostitution throughout Southeast Asia before becoming a woman. Can you guess why a pedophile may want to become a woman? get closer to little girls, of course. Because naturally we place more trust in women with children since women are very rarely dangers to them in any sexual way.
No. 1196365
>>1196359Tbh I see more and more women reclaim the word
TERF is radfem groups. Because I you can be called a
TERF for minor things, then at this point people will stop caring and go along.
No. 1196368
>>1196176It's funny to me how they believe they're going to get a functioning uterus when their so-called "vaginas" can't even keep from falling apart and looking like a rotting arby's sandwich. Where do they think they're getting the uterus from? Do they think they could get pregnant organically like an actual woman? Delusional retards. At best they'll die, at worse they'll suffer and then die. Male bodies don't have a uterus for a reason.
>>1196358It's pretty common in tranny subs to write shit like "guess my age/how old do you think I am" so yeah. The worst thing in their mind is to be a middle aged woman, it's very telling. Especially since half of them are ugly middle aged scrotes already. Choosy beggars.
No. 1196400
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Shit like this sounds so misleading. No one is actively dying of not being administered cross-sex hormones.
No. 1196527
>>1196524They’re on the second and third slides of other posts
Sage your shit
No. 1196554
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>>1196527Thank you. I can't work that shit.
No. 1196578
>>1196559I think it's just a symptom of global Americanization. An immigrant to America can claim to be an American because there's no specific "American" ethnicity(natives notwithstanding),
so Americans will apply this logic to other countries disregarding any actual indigenous population that still rules there and get offended when it's rightfully rejected. I think other countries will play along so as not to entice the American internet mob. An immigrant to Sweden can be a Swedish citizen but not "Swedish" because "Swedish" is an ethnic group just like an immigrant to Japan isn't "Japanese".
No. 1196581
>>1196559Same, but my whole thing is that the first anon was trying to claim "white supremacist" is a slur, and that the opinion you just stated is the same as white supremacy (and from there, the obvious progression is that we should be softer on white supremacy and see it as similar to "being a
TERF"). White supremacists actually do exist and harm/kill innocent people outside of internet echo chambers, "
TERF" is a made-up boogieman TRAs made up to shut down any woman who doesn't buy their scam.
No. 1196615
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>>1196582Can people stop to call out and just go straight to the police?
Oh hey, I called this tranny out for grooming kids!! See! I downvote their comment on reddit!
Fuck this, at this point the FBI needs to take a good look at the reddit HQ because imagine the amount of kiddie porn they would find there.
>Egg HatcherThey even say in their twitter bio that they are a groomer
No. 1196620
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>>1196607girly even cottagecore is white supremacy nowadays and it's literally being a lesbian in a village with mushroom earrings, you don't need to be a /pol/tard to see this is why troons feel so safe sperging out, stupidity is trendy and supported
No. 1196628
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No. 1196645
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Great article here the connection between misogyny and tra very well.
No. 1196656
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No. 1196669
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>>1192611Great Twitter thread here lots of hot takes like pic related that deserve to be featured in the next thread pic
No. 1196709
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>>1196669I couldn't even get through the whole thing, it was so frustrating - especially arguments like these. This is the same bullshit cis men have been saying to lesbians for decades "weh weh if you like strap one then why not my cock"? But now that it's trans people saying it, it's different. And they make themselves the
victims now and lesbians the big bad oppressors, saying shit like "they need to reflect on themselves and figure out why they hate penises so much!"
This shit would never ever, and never has been, tolerated when a man says it. Why do TIMs get a pass?
No. 1196734
>>1196709NGL that shotgunheart one really pisses me off."if you don't want to have sex with trans women, you need to be called out and you are a bad person".
I've seen this said so many times but for some reason the way he's saying it just really pisses me off.
No. 1196740
>>1196734That’s what narcissistic men do: they smear their
No. 1196748
>>1196270As an old Spaniard who actually used to watch the show where La Veneno got famous, this is just stupid. She didn't break any stigmas, she was invited to late night shows (that were very sexual) as a freak, to ridicule both her and men that found her attractive, before telling them that "haha that hot lady you want to fuck is a guy in a dress!". I'm a proud
TERF but forgive me for using female pronouns in this case because I can have some respect and sympathy for a prostitute who some guy got on his tv show as the freak of the week, who was abused and ridiculed in the public eye for years, made famous almost as a joke and then struggled with drugs, alcohol and a plastic surgery addiction. This isn't an empowering story, it's a very sad one, and I would feel this way even if I hadn't become a
TERF. What were they thinking.
No. 1196788
>>119634410 bucks says that in a few years this creep gets outed for sending girldick pics to teenagers and grooming them.
>>1196709>They're almost always the old "butch" ones thoughThe anon who said that the worst thing trannies can think of with is an older woman, especially a GNC one, was so fucking spot on. They can't masturbate to that so they're worthless and disgusting, might as well use older butches as the scapegoats because that's all they're good for apparently.
No. 1196886
File: 1617049202833.png (2.58 MB, 1440x2216, terror.png)

>>1196270Am I fucking hallucinating, why is a toy company talking about sex work on a children's toy account? The mask is well and truly off here.
This guy is terrifying looking, that
AGP grin tho
>>1196344 No. 1196889
File: 1617049268832.png (1.08 MB, 1266x2048, Screenshot_20210329-131926.png)

Drag queens make them seeth and dilate
No. 1196899
>>1196889LOL I love how drag queens emulating the worst female stereotypes and getting praise for it are somehow harmful not to women but to troons
Of course men are always the
victim No. 1196957
>>1196950>>1196952>>1196954What the fuck am I reading?
>I'd say they were abuse rather than discriminationWhat? Oh yeah shit like FGM isn't discrimination, it's "just abuse" which of course can't be caused by discrimination. This better be a tranny and not a real woman saying this shit.
No. 1196960
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>>1196957Kirsty Blackman, who looks as retarded as she sounds.
No. 1196967
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No. 1196983
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>>1196982The “vandalism” that made her fear for her safety. Fucking snowflake.
No. 1196989
>>1196270Onlyfans Barbie when?
God I feel so bad for girls growing up today.
No. 1196999
File: 1617054577835.jpg (174.2 KB, 1000x750, iuFPE20N10.jpg)

>>1196989Mattel would never, MGA have been sliding into depravity for a while now. They are the ones who made the scat pooping unicorn dolls too.
No. 1197006
>>1196999Sage for Toy sperg
god those things freak me the fuck out, there’s prostitute dressed baby dolls and animals with sexy eyes in that same genre. Barbie was criticized for being too thin and unrealistic but now it’s like here honey have this overly sexualized shitting/vomiting child or baby animal. With glitter! Literally what the hell is that shit????
No. 1197023
File: 1617056742053.jpeg (253.02 KB, 1392x1074, B22D1AF0-A155-4EA4-8F68-9CE865…)

>>1196952I want off this fucking planet
No. 1197030
File: 1617057357246.png (68.28 KB, 611x461, screenshot-1-png.png)

My AGP alarm is going off
No. 1197032
File: 1617057426513.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1242x1684, 2DD23458-A254-4F98-BDE7-3FE99D…)

i regret to inform you that the libfems are back on their bullshit
No. 1197043
>>1197032that’s the blandest graffiti i’ve ever seen.
how long until it’s sprayed over? i feel like the local graffiti artists would be pissed of by this shit attempt.
No. 1197049
File: 1617058441145.jpeg (424.86 KB, 2048x1152, 9C7FEC97-02AB-48CD-A5DB-B457CD…)

>>1197032they cried because someone painted over this mural.
seeing it next to actual graffiti art is embarrassing. whoever did it did them a favour.
No. 1197076
>>1196729F anon, it's gonna be okay. Try to quietly peak some of them while you can or find new friends, it worked for me.
>>1196734This is why I keep saying, we need to stop being afraid of these words. They're the ones who made up these dumbass words, they're the ones who enforce the fear of being called them, and they're the one who made the rules of the game. Just don't play.
No. 1197080
>>1197032This is spergy but I hate when people paint over good murals with shit writing. I know art is subjective but is "Trans rights" written in your normal handwriting really art? The Pennywise painting was actually really good and it included the sewers and the balloon (which they painted over).
>>1197023>shut up, we only discuss discrimination against trans womenFTFY
>>1196983How can you see a "violating women's rights is not a human right" and interpret that as an attack on you unless you were violating women's rights?
No. 1197165
File: 1617070412724.jpg (136.32 KB, 920x614, Screenshot_20210329_200938.jpg)

>>1195518late to the party but this is insane how do they say these things and not realize they're just fetishizing the idea of being a woman
No. 1197237
>>1197229I can't lie, I haven't watched him since he started streaming.
>>1197233Are you the anon from the Dumbass Shit thread
No. 1197248
>>1197229Don't watch it. It's a waste of time.
It's nothing but a 10 minute ass-kissing video to validate troons and him performing mental gymnastics to try and accuse Super Straight of being transphobic. I had to click out of the video as soon as he suggested that Super Straight could be the new "Nazi Movement" and that the flag and symbol for super straight somehow shared a similarity to the Nazi swastika flag.
No. 1197282
>>1195099+1 who noticed this. I was a big Dead or Alive fan back then and relatively closely followed Pete Burns in terms of interviews and never once did he claim to be a woman. I remember in a 2009 interview, he was asked if he was trans and he said he wasn't and doubled down proclaiming that he just like to look feminine and didn't want to be confined in a box (I'm sure he meant the masculine box that's pushed onto men).
Pete definitely had a bad case of body dysphoria that led him down the path of ruining his face in the process but he never trooned out and stayed living in reality till death. He's greatly missed in the sense that he was such a prominent figure of a GNC man.
No. 1197290
File: 1617091458304.png (309.74 KB, 1220x1304, Screen Shot 2021-03-30 at 2.17…)

How do they say shit like and think it is defensible? Also take all of their various traits into account (loli weeb shit, "how old do I look teehee", "I don't want to look like an OLD woman!", "gimme that tight barbie pussy not like an OLD LADY pussy") is anyone else highly suspicious of when they talk about how important it is for children to get these hormone treatments? We all know that the earlier they transition, the likelier they will successfully pass. They're obsessed with male children being able to convincingly appear to be young girls. Sounds like the plot of all the hentai manga they were inspired by while lurking 4chan.
Even if you think they're not all pedophiles, you can't deny that this passion for getting drugs into children's hands is likely to do with them looking "hot" eventually, and not like ugly old scrotes who troon out later in life.
No. 1197303
File: 1617092885286.png (139.02 KB, 720x1047, Screenshot_20210329-200927.png)

Really comparing the oppression Jews and blacks have faced for centuries to the act of living out your degenerate fetish or whether or not children should be put on hormones
No. 1197310
>>1197303More of their crazy nonsensical complaints. What do they want, a law to be passed that says all women have to admit trannies are beautiful and just like them? I don't know any western country where a man isn't allowed to wear a wig, women's clothing, and change his name at least informally, if he wants. That is all it would take to change your "gender presentation" and no one is stopping that. People may not LIKE it or agree that it's healthy for society, but at that point its like BDSM people being upset that not everyone in their office respects their identity as a domme.
They just want to argue in circles about how you SHOULD embrace them, but they have little to no laws they can point to that need to be changed in order to grant them freedom to just "express themselves". It isn't like systemic racism or gay rights, and it is retarded that anyone even has to say it. Just because not everyone wants to fuck you or respect you doesn't mean you are an oppressed minority.
No. 1197369
>>1197080>>1197032>>1197049my god, normally I’m all for people painting over fancy murals and
street art~ with shitty tags and real graffiti but this is so bad they didn’t even bother to find a sad mural in the first one they fucked up actual name pieces
No. 1197371
File: 1617099559406.jpg (33.38 KB, 602x318, wew.jpg)

This was under an ACLU tweet about Arkansas banning puberty blockers, surgery, and recommendations for surgery and puberty blockers, to minors. All I can hope for is that these retards keep posting shit like this, mass peaking people around them.
No. 1197375
>>1197371women have to live with reproductive pain, cancers and even death due to their pain being undermined but muh titty skittles
i’m disgusted
No. 1197376
File: 1617100006227.png (119.85 KB, 638x402, woman33.png)

>>1197374forgot to attach pic
No. 1197379
File: 1617100538517.png (112.17 KB, 1202x714, Screen Shot 2021-03-30 at 5.35…)

Speaking like a true rapist
No. 1197388
>>1196709Imagine if this was a woman saying the following instead:
Gay men who aren't essentially some kind of essentialist saying they have any kind of problem with vagina. Most gay men I know are seriously pussy-hungry too like they are all about their buttholes and fleshlights and shit, so you'd think they'd be like "I will fuck you in your boy vagina" so when a gay man doesn't want vagina from a man you have to start wondering why
No. 1197390
File: 1617102481896.jpg (99.88 KB, 500x666, tumblr_osrlz6fIy91qh4nujo2_500…)

>>1196709this is shotgunheart and his boyfriend.. yes, you can almost never tell when someone is trans! two very feminine womanly lady girls here, nothing manly at all about them sure..
No. 1197399
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No. 1197405
File: 1617105313435.jpg (82.75 KB, 539x960, 8602659902a8e534a3a8fdcdf9bd1d…)

Congratulations you have a normal litttle boy, don't try to Trans him for woke clout
No. 1197407
>>1197405I can't believe people use fucking COLORS as a
valid argument for someone's gender identity.
No. 1197423
>>1197415For colorblind people you just show them a toy truck and a barbie, if they chose the truck they are a boy and if they chose the barbie they are a girl. Easy.
We should do this to every baby as soon as they can crawl and then mutilate their genitals and pump them full of hormones if they chose the thing that doesn't match their sex.
No. 1197465
>>1197405Parents like these practically beg their children to tell them they're trans. Like of course if you keep asking a child if they're actually the opposite gender coincidentally whenever they take interest in certain things, they're going to believe the parent wants them to affirmatively answer. Not because they really think so. She fed him an answer and can't even see what she did.
Or maybe she doesn't want to. I've noticed some parents really get off on their children being queer. Watched a teen mom I knew from high school for the past decade try to raise her son to be flaming. Everything from dying his hair pastels to pushing him to wear makeup and get into dresses for social media points. Now he's a teenager and clearly wants to be a typical boy kek, she's salty af about it and doesn't exploit him as much on socials anymore.
No. 1197501
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No. 1197504
>>1197465>I've noticed some parents really get off on their children being queer. Watched a teen mom I knew from high school for the past decade try to raise her son to be flaming. Everything from dying his hair pastels to pushing him to wear makeup and get into dresses for social media points. Now he's a teenager and clearly wants to be a typical boy kek, she's salty af about it and doesn't exploit him as much on socials anymore.I mean just a decade ago you would find posts on tumblr by then teen girls talking about how if they ever had sons they would love for them to be gay or how supportive they would be as queer moms, now said girls are mothers and while many hopefully would have grown out of this gay son fantasy many still cling to it
Honestly I feel mothers who force their sons to be gay and feminine are just as bad as the moms who push their sons to be hyper masculine, just let little boys be boys and maybe stop fetishizing male homosexuality as well
No. 1197539
File: 1617116158638.png (109.13 KB, 719x1011, g44566h.PNG)

What do you think of this?
No. 1197546
>>1197539I think this is more proof that men are angry when the world is not all about them. Obviously the party has been crashed by others and those others include women.
This person wrote an essay to say that he's mad that trans people aren't winning the most at the oppression olympics.
No. 1197548
>>1197539I can't really even parse what the fuck he's sperging about in the first part. Is he mad that non-trans people are
appropriating oppression points from
real oppressed people? Because then it's pretty rich coming from him, riding the lgbt movement. Also there are like 1 or 2 stray incidents of actual women supporting violence against them, while they're all over social media wishing rape on every woman who doesn't bow down.
No. 1197555
>>1197539They where doing so well at brainwashing everyone and now people are waking up and getting sick of them.
TERF doesn’t quite hold the power it used to.
No. 1197563
>>1197539??? so they are trying to say that the word
terf is loosing its meaning and that they not the center of the attention anymore and that people are more and more ok to be against twans people (good). Is this what they are trying to say?
No. 1197634
>>1197023>FGM is not systematic and is condemned by most people (in specific culture that practices FGM)As a East African woman, just… no.
White liberals just give me a headache, add troon on top of that.
Let’s just ignore the face that multiple clinics in North Eastern Africa operate on female children and cut their clitoris off without consent.
But to a troon that being a reality wouldn’t be too horrifying.
No. 1197640
>>1197625NTA, but it's very clear this site has recently had a weird influx of "diversity-posters" who spam the board with their weird drama about black rappers and gossip-mag tier trash, type like they were raised in a ghetto and don't understand what manners are.
Funny how you can call us /pol/fags but if we called you what you really are..
No. 1197656
>>1197647What I'm not understanding is how a discussion about an Asian tranny turned into this "anon" seething about black women. They can't breathe without bringing up that very specific demographic.
I'm already aware that these threads are full of "secret" trannies and they love to racebait, but this is ridiculous.
No. 1197672
>>1197647>Please stop racebaiting this is why I hate this site sometimes.I feel the opposite. I really hate how cucked this site is about being woke and PC in every way except for the troons. You can talk shit about men in dresses all day but can't hurt black-anons feelings or talk about gay men being child predators without getting "tut tut tut tut"ed at by woke-tards.
I am glad that even the woke-twitter women are starting to realize that troons are a danger to us, but having to step around all your sensitive feelings is a fucking nightmare.
/pol/ is full of trannies btw, so I don't know why you tards keep bringing it up
No. 1197677
>>1197672If you want to attack black people so badly, go be with the trannies on /pol/, go simp in the Twitter mentions of Varg Vikernes like a good little tradthot or hang with your fellow stormfaggots on that cringy boomer forum.
LC has and is run by women of all races, seethe forever.
No. 1197678
>>1197670Let me seethe about black women then, so anon can feel justified.
They are not on our side just cause they hate troons too. White women should know that black people fucking hate us. Just like trannies do. You're making the same mistake being handmaidens for them and sharing your spaces with them as you did with the troons and you're gonna regret it just the same.
I'll take that ban now then.
(misogynoir) No. 1197687
>>1197656tldr; If everyone is fighting about race, nobody is paying attention to the real problems. It's why troons and their handmaidens want to talk about race so much.
>>1197672It doesn't matter if someone's black or white, they're a cow. But folks can't contain their racism when given anonymity. Would you rather have every site be /pol/? Or god forbid that lifeless husk of a honey pot 8chan has turned into?
>>1197658I'd like to see this. I tried looking for it but I've found some shit that will cause me to get banned for rambling on in rage.
No. 1197689
>>1197670>>1197678Nope. I don't hate white people or any other race at all, you're projecting your own /pol/tard brainrot and hatred, but then again, you're probably exactly what
>>1197646 said.
Thanks for calling me a Karen, by the way, you'll probably be the first to complain about it existing as an insult next post when you want to pretend you're an ally to (white) women instead of just some creepy LARPer in programmer socks.
No. 1197691
>>1197352Stfu, you're not welcome here.
>>1197539>reblogged from transfagsculineLike pottery.
No. 1197694
File: 1617129739602.jpeg (23.97 KB, 199x254, 823DDA38-7067-4F7E-AC11-F1BE11…)

>>1197685>>1197687>>1197646>>1197689Good lord for future use, ladies. It’s not worth it.
No. 1197703
File: 1617130080672.png (307.35 KB, 1398x1418, 2519939912134.png)

Anyway.. I hope pigment anons will stfu about race and focus on the point of this thread.
This is not the first time I've seen "medical professionals" spew lies to coddle their feelings. Why feed their delusions? Is it really all for money? deleted bcause of error
No. 1197704
>>1192611>>1197689You are sperging the fuck out over absolutely nothing, and have been for multiple comments.
What’s ironic is the people who complained about Nikita “shoo”ing the security guard where called “fucking babies”, yet you are the one crytyping and getting your fee fees hurt by the name shaniqua. Get the fuck over it. No, it’s not racist, it’s simply not a big deal, and I honestly believe it is YOU who is a tranny here to derail and cause shit.
No. 1197709
File: 1617130475082.jpeg (80.52 KB, 480x415, C407F33C-6409-4914-9989-1792B1…)

>>1197704> fee-fees> race bait> no UR a trannyMy sides regardless
No. 1197710
File: 1617130534036.jpg (Spoiler Image,413.35 KB, 1936x4000, f3fzd64xjxh61.jpg)

Anon you can't just not include what it looks like (spoiler: like a mangled vagina).
No. 1197711
File: 1617130548310.png (278.96 KB, 1404x1216, 2519940013146.png)

>>1197703samefag sorry
I'm starting to realize that..
>post-op dysphoria is growing = this doesn't turn me on. No. 1197712
>>1197672I’m not a “woke” twitterfag just because I think people bringing up race in a completely unrelated thread is just retarded. As a black anon it’s quite exhausting to read. If you want the freedom to do that go on other Chan imageboards.
>we can discuss trannies so why not blacksnice try troon, relating tranny issues to black people like u always do
We’re not gonna let you derail the thread.. Ur not on /pol/, ur on lc /snow/ so either discuss milky troons or fuck off no one cares about your political stance on things that aren’t relevant to the discussion.
No. 1197714
File: 1617130673012.jpg (116.04 KB, 640x617, kjsnvj.jpg)

>>1197694You're right. Now he's even quoting the OP of this thread in that classic troon NPD rage, but it's best to ignore him.
>>1197703What's scary to me is that they don't seem to see the problem with this kind of collective delusion, even though they know it's fucked up. Literally telling people to mutilate their genitals, and that it "looks fine". There's going to be an entire generation of "forgotten", sterilized people who fell for the trans meme and ruined themselves. And they want to push it on children.
No. 1197717
File: 1617131133511.png (3.21 MB, 1433x2048, Screenshot_20210327-193414.png)

>I'm such an uwu gamer girl teehee
Note the crusty teeth.
No. 1197721
>>1197712I'm starting to think these are the same trannies who've been trying to have anything "transphobic" banned for a while now.
They'll probably spam this place with racebait to prove their "TERFs are racist" talking point, then head to /meta/ and say "Look, the MtF thread anons are going crazy and they're all racebaiting. Just lock the thread and ban them already, admin!
TERF to alt-right pipeline is real!".
50% chance that it's also the same scrote or multiple scrotes who have been spamming CP. The desire to fuck this place up is way too strong.
No. 1197741
File: 1617133436401.png (275.72 KB, 770x424, IMG_20210315_115127.png)

>>1197732holy shit no one cares. why are you even here if you're too autistic to follow the rules
No. 1197744
File: 1617133756334.jpg (129.72 KB, 936x854, 1569435523695.jpg)

Sage for slight OT. I totally agree on TiMs not being women at all. And I agree that no matter how well a troon passes they are still their biological sex. But I wonder how do some of you manage to clock a bunch of them this easely, especially the HSTS ones? Maybe they become clockable only when you see them irl ? I might be fucking blind, you can throw tomatoes at me kek, but i do think I'm not the only one that might struggle with clocking troons. I also have a hard time clocking fake vagoons unless they look bloody infected (that's probably because I personally don't spend my time looking at real vaginas and studying their anatomy in the first place). Just out here asking how you gals manage to clock troons every single time and be right about it.
No. 1197753
File: 1617135385737.jpeg (474.32 KB, 1599x659, 1006D27F-7DD0-445B-A253-8CA836…)

>>1197744yeah, clocking trannies is definitely a skill. I remember starting to watch drag race at age 16 and being amazed at how female everyone looked lmfao. you start to learn the tells. A lot of irl trannies (hsts especially) pass well enough that they could just be unfortunately big-boned women up until they open their mouths. Even then, some are able to achieve a fairly passable voice.
neovag is pretty easy to clock though. assuming a great surgeon and healing, usually there’s still weird little… meat bubbles(?) everywhere, and you can also see the perineum line. Theyre also positioned way too high, but you can’t really notice that in closeups. if you’re halfway familiar with vulvas, troon “vaginas” are obviously not right lmao
That being said, most troons are easily clockable. It’s just not as obvious in every case as some anons will have you believe.
No. 1197754
>>1197744For me the most clockable things are waist, calves and brow ridge.
For the vaginas I've literally never seen a neo vulva/vagina that is anatomically correct. There's always something in the wrong place., usually the vagina itself.
No. 1197802
>>1197405What the fuck kind of munchie parenting is this? Unless your son hates everything explicitly feminine and is a dick to everyone it means he's a girl now?
>>1197521I fucking hate this fucking trend so much. Way to enforce gender stereotypes you assholes. People even use gender neutral pronouns for fictional characters that are GNC because if you aren't on either polar of the barbie/GI Joe scale then you must be a themlet. It's so ridiculously regressive and they just can't see it.
No. 1197810
>>1197744Usually when you see them IRL you're able to tell immediately. Photos are deceptive. But then you see their height, their body shape, the facial features, how they move and talk and you can immediately tell that there's something off about this person. I can admit that some HSTS have fooled me but they're the top percentile and have had a ton of plastic surgery, lucked out with genetics and wear a heavy amount of makeup. A lot of the "I couldn't tell" situations come from the fact that you don't consider the fact that they could be trans but once you're aware of it being an option you start paying more attention.
Neovaginas however, I can tell every time. Haven't seen a convincing one yet.
>>1197773What the fuck? I didn't think black feminists would be memed into the retardedly racist "black women totally look like men so we're the same right??" troon narrative. Jesus I'm so sorry, I hope they're not the majority.
No. 1197828
>>1197753>>1197754>>1197759>>1197810Thank you everyone for the replies. For the neovaginas, I know myself that I should be able to clock the difference, I can clock the very mishaped ones but sometimes I think "it looks alright ?". As I said I might be very blind. I don't really spend time looking at vaginas in the first place. Plus reality and photos are different too. I doubt most neovaginas look "good" anyway. (Plus I'm pretty sure you can tell by the smell). Saged again. But thanks for helping me out!
also no im not a scrote just very blind kek
No. 1197851
File: 1617140366525.png (Spoiler Image,1.35 MB, 1684x796, horror.png)

>>1197744>>1197828With regards to clocking fake vaginas - I've been debating whether to share this sub here. Be warned it's basically just porn. But I was really shocked because I've never seen so many examples of fully healed neovags and I think they look even worse than the fucked up oozing post surgery pics everyone loves to gawk in horror at. Seeing them healed & without swelling helped me visualize how completely different from real vulvas they truly are, especially seeing the bizarre 3-hole effect. Extra horrifying to realize that the men on this sub are porn models so they perhaps have better results than average.
Spoiler is a compilation of the most puzzling from this sub: No. 1197884
File: 1617142161077.jpg (Spoiler Image,937.28 KB, 1707x2560, wtf.jpg)

>>1197851wtf??? is the vagina… saggy.. ?
No. 1197901
>>1197851Holy shit, the completely healed ones look like computer generated genitalia.
>>1197884What was even the point? Dude looks like a man with the most micro of micropenises.
No. 1197917
File: 1617143560646.png (34.23 KB, 761x379, bruuh.PNG)

>>1197884Some of the replies to the kangaroo troon post btw
No. 1197932
I am puzzled how troons can be taken seriously when any person who didn’t sleep through all their school life should notice they have no idea what they are talking about.
>>1194663> gender is on a spectrum genetically and culturally. It's the scientific consensus…Taking quicksilver against syphilis was once the scientific consensus.
>>1194682>a kind of centrifuge for distilling What kind of centrifuge can be used for distilling and what would the purpose of that be?
>>1196950Women used to have less rights, if any at all, than men. How about you ask your grandmother about her right to vote or choose a job freely, no scientific research needed here at all.
>>1197371I don’t think they know the definition of genocide, or necessary healthcare for that matter.
No. 1197943
>>1197851Crazy that they can cut up and slice that much and it's still immediately identifiable which parts were the head of the penis and which parts were the ball sacks. They mutilate the dick completely and somehow it still looks dick-like.
>>1197884Women can't even get pants with pockets and this dude got a crotch pocket?
No. 1197946
File: 1617146155944.png (548.96 KB, 1028x567, 50db90.png)

>>1197884Are you telling me your vaginas dont have built in pockets
No. 1197950
File: 1617147181192.jpg (254.47 KB, 1280x1159, tumblr_pmakdqtZTK1y3fkcso1_128…)

thank you, contributors of this thread, for peak transing me. you have ruined my life, but at least my eyes are open.
No. 1197977
File: 1617148914070.png (Spoiler Image,792.56 KB, 648x1072, Screen Shot 2021-03-30 at 6.58…)

>>1196950what a loon, obviously it's perceived sex. When an employer wonders "hmm should I be concerned about this woman getting pregnant if I hire her" they don't do pelvic exam. When a dude catcalls a woman he thinks is a woman he doesn't do a blood test first.
>>1197703tbf this is probably best case scenario when it comes to SRS. I don't know why they're comparing to a real vag, instead of the absolutely mutilated slaughterhouse floors most end up with
No. 1198017
File: 1617153696112.jpg (75.45 KB, 540x410, tumblr_333cdec7e33c2767240f94a…)

based sc lesbians
No. 1198031
>>1198008Not to mention they can use that line about blood tests in order to say "see!! trans women who pass are subjected to the same misogyny as cis women! they're the
victims of the patriarchy too so how could they be oppressive uwu"
>>1198017This warms my heart, I love seeing them achieve self awareness for a brief moment. Absolutely based of those women. Recently a troonbian I'm in a facebook group with has been posting selfies with an 'ironic' caption about how AGP he looks and then deleting them when no one disagrees with him kekkk
No. 1198046
>>1198008Fair enough anon, that's definitely true. I was more getting at the fact that most real women are correctly perceived to female and so the two almost always go hand in hand.
I actually do think passing troons are subject to misogyny. But now that passing is ableist/classist etc etc there's really no way to say "these are ok, these aren't" so it's tough luck for the HSTS that just want to live their lives.
No. 1198047
>>1198042I think this is an overly charitable take. The reason Rachel Dolezal was not accepted as "trans black" was because the black community was outraged by her existence. Wokies online therefore jumped to condemn her. However, amongst the community of women, there will always be large numbers who leap to accept and embrace everyone they can, partly due to nature and partly as a theater of their own accepting femininity.
Since a bunch of women decided to accept trannies, they were able to take root and start to dictate the boundaries of womanhood for us to the point where we're now "uterus havers".
No. 1198059
>>1198046Yeah, they are usually linked and so passing trannies can experience misogyny, however some of the most important issues faced by women are biological in origin and trannies will never face or understand them.
>>1198047They were outraged by her because they correctly identified her as stealing resources and a position that should have only belonged to actual members of the group. The point is that there's more to it than just passing, and passing doesn't entitle you to that identity because again, she passed as black.
When I say a good piece of ammo, I mean against woke people. You can watch the cognitive dissonance when you ask them to find a difference between the two.
But yes, I agree that we're in a different position with trannies, because we missed the opportunity to present a united front of get the fuck out.
No. 1198072
>>1198059>When I say a good piece of ammo, I mean against woke peopleIt's funny, I don't even think about this shit on a per-conversation level any more. When I talk about these things with people in real life I'm very effective, and when talking about it with people online, there's no convincing anyone.
Whip out the Rachel Dolezal comparison and, while completely accurate as you say, wokes will ignore it entirely and simply say some vacuous shit like "how dare you try to compare gender identity issues and racial issues, completely racist for you to co-opt black experiences to promote bigotry" even as they are defending positions they've been psyoped into by actual Nazi trannies.
It would be fucking hilarious if it didn't also come with the very real consequence of vulnerable teenage girls being tricked into believing they're men and getting their breasts cut off.
No. 1198077
>>1197501I remember this pic, an OC artwork created on r/troll_GC, that sub was so awesome, you had high quality man hating memes, tranny hating memes and some general misc shitposting on Fridays
It was incredible along with r/GC, only 2 good spaces on reddit
No. 1198125
File: 1617165852315.png (581.72 KB, 1058x528, roguebitch.png)

This guy trooned out less than a year ago and tried cleansing the internet of his overly male gym/gamer guy persona only to rebrand himself overnight as Abigail the "roguebitch". He claims he's a feminine transbian who's totally gay and has known he was trans his entire life yet he can't even express himself or speak in a way that isn't overly manly or aggressive. He had children and a girlfriend/wife up until his trooning out but now he never mentions either of them and instead dedicates all of his days to "political commentary" mostly about tranny topics to a handful of other trannies. Recently his twitch account got temporarily banned after radfems reported his username so now he's in full denial about it being "rogue bitch" and instead claims it's "rogue butch" - completely lacks self awareness either way.
This just seems like another clear cut example of an unwanted loser who was desperate for attention and a community that would acknowledge him combined with a degenerate fetish. Now instead of raising his children he's busy frothing at the mouth about trans children not being allowed to ruin their bodies and mental health permanently with puberty blockers and hormones.
No. 1198165
>>1198017These people are so used to women being forced to bend to their will on the internet and coddling themselves with posts assuring them they're hecking
valid that they can't function when the fact that lesbians don't welcome them with open arms is thrown at their faces. They can make them accept transbians in their meetup but they can't make them see him as one of them.
>>1198157I'm pretty sure that with post-op troons there's some sort of a forced feminization/transformation/castration/bimbofication/similar fetish comorbid with the chaserism. They must get off on the thought that this man has had his dick nullified.
No. 1198168
peak example of a man who was subpar in whatever male space he was in (the gymbro community i guess) but realized if he crossdressed he could be an ~awesome female gym queen~ even if his muscles are mediocre.
plus he gets to say that parenting with his ex(?) gives him dysphoria.
No. 1198208
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More troon "guess my age AND gender" fuckery. I guess older than you wish you were and 100% male. Not even stunning or brave enough to take the mask down. Troons are going to intentionally transmit Covid just so they can keep wearing masks. I see so many of them on Twitter feeling themselves when they've got half their face hidden by a UwU cat face mask.
No. 1198216
NSFW/NSFL pornhub video: this posted on Reddit randomly, is it common for their wannabe vaginas to be so narrow/short that they can't even sit on a dick fully? He can only take the full dick with his ass, which in itself is kind of surprising because a lot of post-op trannies find that anal is really painful/uncomfortable now too.
Imagine paying thousands of dollars to permanently mutilate your dick into a fake vagina that looks like shit, smells like (actual) shit, and fucks like shit. Then you have to live with that choice until the day you die.
No. 1198219
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>>1198210what the fuck, since when is this allowed on Youtube? I don't go looking for nudity but I assumed it wasn't okay or else I would've seen a lot more porn on there. lol @ this comment though, the doctor who performed this butchery is also a stunt pilot. Plastic surgeons are the strip club DJs of the medical world.
No. 1198221
File: 1617178292624.jpeg (Spoiler Image,363.74 KB, 523x1065, 3B3AE386-8F32-4A2B-85FE-9A52C9…)

>>1198213Can you please ban this shit? It’s a thread in /ot
No. 1198235
File: 1617179980584.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.36 MB, 4000x6000, What The Fuckkkkkkk.jpg)

WHAT the fuck is going on here
No. 1198289
>>1198235dudes got the body of an 80 year old woman.
how is that even possible?
No. 1198310
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Happy troon awareness day. I thank god today that I don't live in New Zealand.
No. 1198393
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No. 1198398
>>1198393Yes, it is. Literally
> pregnancy fetish> fetishNot a -philia though.
No. 1198408
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How are these people real
>they view transfeminine people as inherently sexual and inarguably perverse
Based. Also the profile picture is - well, troon tier.
No. 1198450
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>>1198432That's the meme name that came after traps/troons started wearing them, originally they're just thigh highs. But yeah, no one's going to bitch at someone for wearing simple black kneesocks, but they always wear those cat ones or striped childish ones.
No. 1198478
>>1193574another german anon here, i dont pay attention to that many german influncers or content creaters, so i dont know much about school age opinions.
ftm seems very popular, i personally know a few. More of them being immigrant lesbians (or ex lesbians) from turkey. Theres quite a few detransitioner stories (ftmtf) that seemed to be trending in normie media.
Most german creaters that i follow are more into feminist stuff and never post about needing to include troons/all women.
When i do see and or have contact with Mtf, theyre usually younger and very self consious which makes other peoples interactions with them awkward or bimboified and full of fillers, silicon and plastic gay males.
My city is pretty open to gay people, but the older non passing troons get glared and laughed at in most cases.
We recently had a low effort troon apply at my job, and i could tell my boss was uncomfortable with him. Shes probably in her thirties and also watches tiktok but doesnt seem to have drank the koolaid and the guys that were there seemed disgusted by him.
No. 1198498
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I love how all a white man has to do is say they are a woman and suddenly they are the most attacked people on this planet.
No. 1198500
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>>1198498Also, I'm seriously asking, they always talk about how trans childern will kill themselves, but I'm postitive there's more childern who think they are trans, whose parents don't let them troon out medically.
Where are all these dead trans kids? Wheres the articles? I don't care what anyone says about 90% of the "trans" childern nowadays aren't even gay kids who are confused, it's childern who learn this shit online or from other childern/adults. It's not a natural growing movement. Philosphy Troon would've never trooned out had he didn't start getting involved with Contra and being a TRA.
Same for Jim, as soon as these people get around folks into that shit they troon. Or it's porn, or it's social media.
but it's not, "I'm a gay boy/girl, I must be the opposite sex" as much as it used to be.
No. 1198525
>>1198393What the fuck do these people want us to say?
Yes, males growing excess breast tissue because of a hormone imbalance is equivalent to natural female breasts.
Yes, males “lactating”(male lactation is term used only in zoology) due to a condition called galactorrhea, which affects both sexes and is entirely unrelated to pregnancy, is just like a woman producing breastmilk to feed her child.
Yes, because jacking off to the idea of being pregnant or getting someone pregnant because you’re a sexual deviant is totally equivalent to actually being pregnant.
These are men voluntarily giving themselves medical conditions to fulfill either a fetish or to cope with severe mental illnesses. None of that makes them women.
I hate this shit so much.
No. 1198528
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>>1198527you don't understand if we don't castrate and permanently damage small children they will begin hanging themselves en masse
No. 1198549
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>>1198498>An actual cuck went trans.>His wife is literally a caricature of SJWs>I wish I could go back in time to prevent myself from googling him.
Anyway! I don't get this logic.
You need a chemical and expensive cosmetic surgeries to exist. That means your entire existence is a luxury.
Then you need more makeup and accessories than the average person to even live the life you're pretending to have. A bra is bad enough, but binders , packers and other bullshit a child shouldn't have access to. Then on top of that continuous hormones - it's pure fucking profit.
Shit I have morals I could easily sell, how long does it take to become a pharmacist?
No. 1198550
>>1198498LOL… no words, just LOL. Imagine if they said this shit to a Holocaust survivor. Or the Biafra genocide. Or a Hmong genocide survivor. Or any
victim of attempted genocide.
The big bad world order totally and “gleefully” wants confused kids to 41%? Really? Even if they did (which obviously they don’t) how would not castrating children equate to killing off a bunch of geriatric GAMPs? They’re either gay or intentionally trying to become infertile anyways. The only person killing them or “erasing their existence” is themselves.