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No. 1511739
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No. 1511746
File: 1650936135049.png (1008.78 KB, 748x1090, Stacy Cay on Twitter (2).png)

No. 1511751
File: 1650936435245.png (1.21 MB, 798x1237, Screenshot 2022-04-25 at 18-24…)

>>1511746Imagine talking like that when you're built like a fridge
No. 1511759
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See how quickly it goes from
>I’m just trying to exist
>If you aren’t me, you’re secretly me and projecting! Now fuck me, foid!
No. 1511763
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No. 1511768
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why are all their arguments literal word salad
No. 1511773
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No. 1511801
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What’s going on with philosophy tube lmao
No. 1511821
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>>1511803new vid trying to skinwalk teenage Avril
No. 1511841
File: 1650944044703.jpg (3.42 MB, 972x9351, Screenshot_20220426-012537_Red…)

Posted too late in the last thread. Reposting here for discussion.
TL;DR lesbian (surprise surprise a homosexual female) isn't attracted to her TIM 'gf'. She is a handmaiden and capes for troon despite self awareness about her sexuality excluding men. Quelle shock.
No. 1511901
File: 1650951334492.png (95.23 KB, 722x713, kek.png)

>>1511841>Uhh it was cruel of you to date her even though you were judging her! You have some transphobia to deal with sweety, examine the patterns and behaviors that brought that person to your life. Btw date more trans people!!Lol clown shit
No. 1511904
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>>1511801There's no philosophy here, nor in the past or future. This channel is narcissism to the upmost. There's nothing but a man playing a character like a slimy little lizard. The whole field is a meal ticket and license to be vaguely subversive: nothing exists beyond his solipsistic self
No. 1511912
>>1511739Why do troonies not spend money on skincare, hair products, Botox or even a nose job but think plastic tits will make them a
valid woman? So much for it not being a fetish.
No. 1512015
>>1512014You're probably right
No. 1512025
File: 1650960193277.jpg (214.91 KB, 1080x1825, Screenshot_20220426-100055_Chr…)

Delusion. Love how male they get when they insult JKR. Evil feminist = man!! Older woman = man!!
Isn't telling her she doesn't pass bc of her looks even transphobic? Such a cope because she's very pretty anyway.
No. 1512027
>>1511821Lmao, he wishes. Even at her least fashionable, Avril Lavigne was incredibly cute.
PT looks like if someone's dad tried to start an MCR cover band.
No. 1512055
File: 1650965886214.jpeg (156.15 KB, 1136x679, 7034AAD3-5D19-44DD-9F2B-8B133E…)

he’s really complaining about people using the pronouns that he chose….. these people will never be happy, and no wonder when he looks like that
No. 1512087
File: 1650971286647.jpg (109.92 KB, 1076x509, FROnJWaWUAcmJbs.jpg)

Ffs we dont give a shit about your genitals, its not about genitalia or boobs or "passing", its about the fact you are biologically a MAN into your very DNA, THAT is why we dont want you in our toilets!
No. 1512132
File: 1650978113382.jpg (147.79 KB, 966x491, Untitled.jpg)

never forget! it's mental illness
No. 1512146
>>1511841here’s the link if anyone’s curious about the rest of the comments. expected, it’s infected with “lesbian” troons (straight men)
No. 1512155
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>>1512146Rip lesbian spaces
No. 1512157
>>1512141i live in a not-especially-woke place and my
climbing gym has the exact same shit to say about the "women's" meetup. it's everywhere now.
No. 1512171
File: 1650981763184.jpg (792.29 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20220426-095451_Boo…)

OP's an MtF egg so I figure he's fair game.
No. 1512172
File: 1650981878692.jpg (44.28 KB, 1080x552, FRPOFUgaIAAFjYK.jpg)

Based housekeeping
Also only a moid would open the door to strangers in only a bra
No. 1512184
>>1511546I don't think she's a troon, I've met women who looked like her before. Also I found this video and she doesn't have a troon voice.
Feel free to prove me wrong though, I did about ten seconds of research.
No. 1512191
>>1511901Damned if you date them, damned if you don't. Hopefully more people realize that dating a troon is setting yourself up for a cluster B mess, constant walking on eggshells and having to gaslight yourself into arousal because you made yourself date someone of the undesired sex.
Here's an idea: being gay should not be seen as having a "preference", but an orientation. If you're a lesbian, you don't "prefer" not to have sex with a man (including agps), you don't want to, period. Why should it concern anybody who you want to date? Let alone some delusional tranny. The opposite is incel logic.
No. 1512201
>>1512154>>1512155I hate Reddit so much. Neither of these comments are hateful in any way.
>>1512178I think you’re fine nona. I did not get the scrote impression from your post at all, I think people are just autistic and on edge.
No. 1512209
>>1512105Don't worry nona, if anything I think it's much more likely that
>>1512105 is the moid here and trying to make you feel bad. And don't second guess the way you speak, everything you said in your op is true.
No. 1512219
File: 1650985135028.png (23.09 KB, 585x261, 432423234243423234342.png)

I always think post like these are trolls, but then I look at the account and it doesnt seem like it. How can somebody actually write shit like this
No. 1512242
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>>1512219this one claims to have gone from a 6ft chad priest (wtf) to a short goth slut that is too weak to lift a frying pan uwu
No. 1512252
>>1512242Height change is delusional, but does he think the frying pan thing is cute? He's not even coming across a true and honest woman, he's coming across as some kind of bimbo blow-up doll. Even in ye olden dayes women had to be strong enough to carry shit. They'd do cooking, cleaning, laundry, mending, farming all while carrying a baby on their back. WBK but this retard would not last one day as a woman.
>>1511841>[troon] could still use penis in a womanly way>sex with [him] felt exactly like sex with menSo… this guy was forcing a lesbian to do PIV but in a Sapphic way??? Vomit.
No. 1512255
>>1512242When menopausal women lose height due to bone density loss, a loss of just 2cm is a sign that your vertebrae are literally disintegrating (which is not as painful as you'd think).
This is the exact mechanism by which consuming estrogen causes men to lose an infinitesimal amount of height.
A height loss of 10cm indicates much more of his skeleton than just his spine is falling apart, and that it won't be long before he's bedridden, and then dead.
Fingers crossed that he's not lying about it.
No. 1512260
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Apologies if wrong thread but is anyone interested in a lolcow chapter of JKR's Barmy Book Army?
No. 1512263
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Men look like women, and women I dont like look like men, which is bad because thats ugly, but only on people I dont like
What kind of mind gymnastics
No. 1512277
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reposting because this is just too funny
No. 1512293
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No. 1512301
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The magical effects of estrogen: No. 1512302
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>>1512301The magic starts as early as the first day!, kek
No. 1512303
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this guy 100% jerked off afterwards.
No. 1512311
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Well we dont have a penis for starters
No. 1512313
File: 1650992360383.png (219.12 KB, 2046x1860, agpidentitycrisis01a.png)

>>1512303I recognize the username. His based parents tried to convince him it was just a fetish (his dad even had transvestic AGP) and he transitioned anyway. He's practically an AGP stereotype.
No. 1512325
>>1511841>literally and figuratively sucks some ugly moid's dick to be an ally even though she finds him repulsive>tolerates an unfulfilling relationship with him, is ashamed of her own natural preferences(is he? nope!)>eventually breaks free, still maintains a "friendship"(handmaidenery troon-worship) with him>he acts just like any other moid in return while she just stands there and takes itPlease be a based
TERF psyop, this is far too enraging if true.
No. 1512328
>>1512302>My pores shrank>My veins disappeared>Estrogen made me a woman overnight!Retard cools down after his masturbation session and thinks it's estrogen turning him into a woman. Incredible.
>>1512311God troons have no fashion sense. A detailed lace corset top with ratty cotton underwear?
>>1512219No one calls you to help them move anymore because you won't shut up about sissy porn
No. 1512370
>>1512263yes nona!! I want to have a chapter stateside. It makes me sad that I don't live on
terf island.
No. 1512392
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Makeup artist? Lmao
No. 1512400
>>1512104Troons regularly wear shirts with anime girls doing hacker shit. I have seen two in public wearing something that looks like that.
I think it’s because they have some bizarre pedophilic obsession with Serial Experiments Lain
No. 1512426
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not the trannies who have taken over everything nope not them.
No. 1512434
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what is a joke
No. 1512442
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10k blocked and Anthony still won't block Rowling hm
No. 1512488
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No. 1512494
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>>1512479>>1512484wtf is going on
>being put in prison for crimes against women>put in women's prisonso this can NEVER be challenged, even in these extreme circumstances. got it.
No. 1512547
File: 1651012671346.jpeg (425.33 KB, 1284x1804, CBE25487-1BB4-4090-A0EE-8856CC…)

I need to vent. I had signed up to this womens retreat having the promise of womb healing and connection but then this bitch goes and makes it inclusive to “all” women. I got a refund as I knew there would end up being trannys there and since she’s now posted pictures of the womens retreat having baths, saunas and other such things, more troons are signing up. She’s at least had the decency to reject those still identifying as the male sex but will end up making all the retreats open for all. These things aren’t cheap either and more and more “womens retreats” are being open to trannys and men, but you don’t see it with any of the male healing retreats. Ohhh no.
Images is from a male essentially saying he should be invited because it’s his birth right right after images were posted of women in hot tubs and the sauna.
When will this bullshit end?!
No. 1512552
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just pitiful
No. 1512553
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>>1512442Imagine having to block 25k people and then turn around and claim everyone actually supports you and you’re in the majority. Cannot understand this level of delusion.
>>1512547I’m sorry nona. Maybe you can look through the negative comments and the people who liked those and message them to create your own small event. That way you can meet some likeminded women. Sad we have to do these things nowadays.
No. 1512556
>>1512547Glad you got a refund.
Why even bother calling it a woman's event?? I looked at the comments (I live in that neck of the woods and recognised the account) and she even says "It’s suuuper important to us that we’re a safe space for anyone who identifies as a woman or even wants to celebrate their female energies as a non-binary person!" kek
You dodged a bullet.
No. 1512560
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Have other nonnas noticed AGPs infiltrating lesbian-only events? One of the four people who run DykeDay now is literally a man
No. 1512563
>>1512560If a lesbian is a woman who is sexually attracted to other women why do these exist?
>lesbians who are transMentally ill men in dresses are not lesbians because they are men
>lesbians who are asexualAsexuality is an absence of sexuality, therefore asexual lesbian is an oxymoron because asexuals aren't sexually attracted to anyone
>lesbians who are non-binaryI don't even know where to start with this one
No. 1512564
>>1512556Just disappointed as something like this would be wonderful where it is just women. Trannys think try to use the excuse of “some women have no womb like me!” Yeh, but they once had a womb and still had to go through shit, hence a healing event is something needed.
Shes been deleting comments that are negative when it comes to admitting that trannys are going. She’s going to shoot herself in the foot when it comes to some of the older women, if they’re not already handmaidens.
>>1512553I would love to form a group but I couldn’t lead something like this. I wanted to go as after giving birth I ended up with uterine cancer and lost my womb. The pregnancy was absolute hell too, not to mention some of the public health services “couldn’t” refer to me as a women. It’s horse shit. Hospital was what made me lose it
No. 1512569
>>1512564I'm so sorry for what you went through anon, it's absurd that males who have never and could never go through or relate to these experiences are inviting themselves into clearly women-only spaces.
It'd be like me inviting myself to a testicular cancer healing resort, what would be the fucking point unless I
1. enjoyed invading men's spaces
2. Wanted to make the men there uncomfortable
It's impossible for a man to benefit in any real way from attending an event like this.
No. 1512578
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>>1512569Time to invade troon spaces and make them uncomfortable… as if that was possible, they'd piss their pants in joy. But I do remember someone doing troll ops by posting female selfies into transtimelines subreddits claiming they were 3 months on estrogen or something, that was kind of hilarious.
No. 1512579
>>1512569That’s the thing! They trannys and men only started rocking up after pictures of women in bathing suits were posted! It’s not cheap at £160 and was for women only but now it’s turned into anyone rock up if you identify as a women.
>>1512572That’s fine anon. I’m fairly open about womens issues as I was a neonate nurse and have seen many MANY horrible things that women go through and aren’t told about, or are told to keep quiet about it “for your own mental well being”. It’s horrendous. The UK health system utterly fails women in every way, even when you think it’s good, it’s not and you’re always left in the lurch. Sometimes you just need a good cry or scream out in a forest while chewing on some random weed you just picked. You also don’t need some unsolicited (girl)cock shoved in your face when bathing
No. 1512584
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giga hon
No. 1512599
>>1512563I’m going to disagree with you only on the asexual part. You can be asexual and still a lesbian because you are romantically attracted to women but just not interested in sex.
The rest of this shit is dumb
No. 1512627
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No. 1512648
File: 1651023338591.png (269.49 KB, 759x808, r on Twitter.png)

>we're scared of being trans
No. 1512711
Was browsing Quora when I came across the 9000th misogynistic incel computer-science tranny. It's getting really annoying to see these freaks when I'm not even trying to find them
Copypasted because I can't screenshot on my phone
"I used to think I was straight. Now, I can't even be comfortable near a woman with large breasts, they do not turn me AT ALL they are useless flaps to me. As for vagina, it makes me throw up. I consider myself to very very gay at least for the foreseeable future, in actuality I'm technally bi/pan but have had horrible experiences with women and it's abysmal, and won't work. and thinking about women sexually makes me soft. I used to dread so deeply the fact that I had to put myself inside of one and pretend I like it. When I was younger my friend kept showing me his dick. He also had a round but still manly bubble butt. I used to fantasize about how really clean buttholes make vaginas look like filth. I would only sleep with a woman on her stomach, not moaning and anal only, and think of hot sexy men who I crave endlessly . Comparing a women saying “ come f* me" and a strong, man with a large penis a chest hair is ifinitely more attractive. Women think they are better than everyone else and hold standards impossibly high and have no mercy on you being the perfect boyfriend to them. I have a woman inside me, and wanna be one, and do admire women greatly though. I'd rather BE a woman.
At this point in time basically, women disgust me sexually"
No. 1512733
>>1512709Oh Johnny, Sweetie!!!
>>1512713Good fucking luck. Liberal artsy music snob moids will die for Radiohead.
No. 1512738
>>1512640if you look up the interracial dating statistics, you'll see white men and Latina women are the most common couple in America
Also Latina women have the cultural concept of "'Mejorar la raza" improving the race by whitening the lineage
No. 1512754
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Yet another transmaxxer
No. 1512756
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>>1512754Really challenging gender stereotypes!
No. 1512787
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No. 1512831
>>1512479Amazing how many countries, esp the US, will restrict the rights of prisoners in various ways but still give in to this bullshit. Sure, take away their right to vote, make them live in inhumane conditions, outright kill them with or without sufficient evidence…but god forbid you disrespect their gender identity.
>>1512488>I grew up in the churchI’m sure this has nothing to do with his weird and regressive view of women as a whole now, and fetishization/obsession with pregnancy. Probably just a coincidence…
>>1512648I really don’t understand how anyone could interpret the events in this comic in a negative way at all. A small child asks a nonsensical question because they lack the ability to understand complex topics like gender identity, and the mom answers in a way that makes perfect sense and doesn’t make the kid feel ashamed for who she is or being a girl
>>1512709>>1512713Lmao I can’t even begin to express the joy I’d feel if any of the Radiohead guys were to go full
terf on main. It’d be so hilarious watching their inceloid fans try to reconcile their hatred for women with their pathetic worship of their fave band
>>1512599>>1512751I think true asexuality is extremely rare. Most people who claim the label are autistic and fundamentally don’t understand the nuance of romance/sexuality in general or are
victims of sexual trauma. I personally think it’s difficult to draw clear delineation between romantic and sexual attraction, since they so often blur and romantic actions very often are considered romantic because they have a subtle sexual undercurrent. While I don’t personally have a problem with an asexual woman calling herself lesbian if she exclusively dates women, I don’t think that label is technically accurate. Asexuality is defined by a lack of sexual attraction, much like atheism is a lack of belief in a deity. By definition, if you do not experience sexual attraction, you cannot be a homosexual. If you’re not a homosexual, you are not a lesbian.
tldr: the split attraction model is bullshit for autismos and gays who need to work out their internalized homophobia
No. 1512866 bring up various studies, one of which shows from a multiple answer survey only 10% detransition due to discrimination, 70% said their dysphoria was due to "other issues" (presumably depression and anxiety), 12% detransitioned for financial reasons, over 40% because their politics changed, etc. 46% of responders had undergone surgery, which is a tough pill to swallow and still say that detransitioners weren't serious/fakers. Another study showed that forums dedicated to the FtMs typically talked about feelings and the MtFs typically talked about sex. A very womanly thing to do is talking about being a cum slut, of course. They watch a stream/debate between Vaush and some Doctor specialising in sex studies, at one point Vaush (someone who barely made undergrad on a social science degree) says that there is no surpression in academia and that researchers can do anything they want, cancelling doesn't happen, and actually it's LibsOfTikTok that's firing people instead. Needless to say, the Doctor was quite annoyed he made such claims based on anecdotes from friends while she is an actual Doctor who was fired herself, and this came after Vaush declared that anecdotes weren't admissable (in response to her bringing up trans rape cases, it being such a new phenomena that data hasn't been created yet). Point is, the evidence is on the side of gender dysphoria being a fairly modern disease that is the result of environment increasing the stakes of illnesses like depression, with the MtFs uniquely doing so because of fetishes, probably as a result of continual porn addiction and chasing the high.
No. 1512894
>>1512711sounds like he's trying to convince himself kek
>>1512871sorry you can't read more than 3 sentences together
No. 1512898
File: 1651045683841.gif (2.77 MB, 498x278, snooki-jersey.gif)

>>1512885>>1512894look bitches, you all have your own entire BOARD to nag, pseudo speculate and psychoanalyze the motherfucker trannies. This thread is to make fun of them not to nag over your brainwashed "sisters in arms" and scream hysterics over trying to peak everyone around you . So take your saggy sad ass back to spinster or ovarit with this hyperbolic bullshit. I'll take my ban miss ma'am mod.
No. 1512910
File: 1651046589297.gif (856.25 KB, 335x250, WetSphericalAndeancat-size_res…)

>>1512907it doesn't matter what the fuck they are about it isn't the place to be writing fucking essays about the troons. And I'm latina pull up see how I manhandle your ass first world hoe
No. 1512920
File: 1651047913773.jpg (Spoiler Image,505.75 KB, 1080x1440, PhotoCollage_1651048489385.jpg)

Nik Heke back on their queen behaviour by making a thread about how troons swing their quandingles around in the womens bathroom. Take note of how some of them are outside the stalls near the sinks, and theres one with people just standing behind them washing their hands. If any lurking handmaidens see this: when it's you who just wants to pee, you're going to feel unsafe because there will be trans people masturbating to the sound of women and their daughters pissing/ hoping to flash you
No. 1512937
File: 1651048504273.jpg (20.23 KB, 687x150, Jesus Christ.JPG)

>>1512933oh even better it was "EAT A DICK" very feminist, thank you.
No. 1512941
>>1512938Kek'd tho
>>1512939Talking about your "womb healing" and the friend circle that abandoned you and why all males are naturally literally Satan isn't talking about tranny cows
No. 1512946
>>1512943I didn't complain about anything, "I'm latina" anon isn't me
I just agree that this thread is full of too much sappy uwu sisterhood blog posting bullshit
I'm here to laugh, not read about your personal problems
No. 1512948
>>1512943Right and the post that
did mention womb healing was some anon talking about scrotes invading women's retreats for things like womb healing. Seemed to align with the topic at hand since they were piggybacking off another anon who posted a picture of a male trying to Weasle his way into a woman's only event.
No. 1512962
>>1512961Why don't you go and nag about your entire family rooting for depp's
abusive ass in the right board? No. 1512966
>>1512964>>1512963>>1512962Non thread regular who is
triggered, please relax and hide thread or visit KF if it makes you lose your mind so much.
>They need to believeOkay scrote kek.
No. 1512972
>BackI've been here for 5+ years
No. 1512979
>>1512910I bet this is the same fucking faggot that keeps complaining whenever we talk about any issue.
Ve a comer penes maricon de mierda, solo das verguenza.
No. 1512985
>>1512983You have never looked at the tranny thread there, quit pretending
A more accurate suggestion is the tranny hate threads on 4chan if you really truly honestly believe anyone who doesn't like your cringy sperging is a moid
No. 1512991
>>1512987Then keep lurking and stfu.
>>15129854chan is the home of troons. All threads there are infested with troons and moids.
The only melt down greater than the current Twitter troon is here on lowcow. There’s a few other melt downs happen on other threads too.
Just report and move on
No. 1512992
>>1512991The newfag on you is palpable
Nah, I'll post until I'm silenced
You've never been on 4chan, tranny hate is rampant and there are great tranny hate threads on /gif/ where "a-logging" isn't bannable
Only problem is it's coming from moids and I prefer the female perspective, doesn't mean I want to read your depressing ass diary tho
No. 1512998
jfc the infighting, flick eachothers clits already
>>1512920are there any more of these? they've been helping hugely to peak normie friends/nigels and are appreciated nonas
No. 1513002
>>1512998I heard a man say "that just doesn't happen" about sexual creep troons masturbating in women's bathrooms just yesterday… fucking gross. I think it's very telling that troons NEVER condemn this type of behaviour and pretend it doesn't happen, even though it's easy to find on most troon spaces like reddit.
I also wish these were properly archived somewhere and tagged so I could find them again without having to scroll through lc threads.
No. 1513011
File: 1651057645098.jpg (547.51 KB, 1080x1949, Screenshot_20220427_140446_com…)

Video is him crying over a 1 hour podcast made about him and a 3 minute video (assuming tiktok) made about him. Does anyone know where these can be found?
No. 1513019
>>1513011Can we do a background check on this moid? I bet he did theatre because that was fake af. He's definitely tranny-larping for clout of smth.
podcast is vidrel
No. 1513027
File: 1651060303387.jpg (570.05 KB, 720x3349, dylan.jpg)

>>1513019he did theater and acting since at least 2014. and i thought he was past his mid 30s but he's only 26 kek
picrel interview with shoutoutsocal from 2021 which is him using media language but confirming it's for clout
No. 1513032
File: 1651060564354.webm (15.55 MB, 576x1024, download.webm)
>>1513021ayrt. too much of a social life to be a tranny. Even for a HSTS. AGPS and HSTS alike seethe when you remind them how much of a man they are. Especially if you're an attractive woman. This moid seemed unphased.
>>1513027I hate to say I told you so. Typical gay scrote.
No. 1513047
>>1513032Why do these men in their 30s always call themselves "girls"?
Also, I feel like the gendies are going to be mad the "
TERF" is a conventionally attractive young black woman and not the stereotype of a "Karen" they can screech about whiteness to lol
No. 1513050
File: 1651063088804.png (56.09 KB, 620x736, jonny.png)

>>1512709Unfortunately he is backtracking now, claiming "fat thumbs" for liking a different GC tweet by Suzanne Moore about male lesbians (This one: and link to screenshot thread: )
But… accidentally liking at least two GC tweets? Hmmm, maybe this is like JKR's early journey into terfdom. Remember when her PR team originally said she only liked certain tweets due to a "middle aged moment" or some shit? Or maybe Jonny's wife is terfy and gets on his Twitter sometimes kek.
No. 1513060
File: 1651063788928.jpeg (672.58 KB, 2876x1328, 9A9A9A73-A83F-46C3-9E47-0A7C3C…)

I just love how much she makes them seethe, also I really need to hit up a book store and buy a book of hers soon.
No. 1513078
File: 1651065066378.jpg (Spoiler Image,208.06 KB, 720x1230, delete.jpg)

>>1513047How a girl looks like according to TRAs. spoiler for buldge
No. 1513091
>>1512488This enrages me. I had to undergo an abortion alone after a scrote stealthed me (fortunately abortions are readily available where I live), and I cannot imagine any woman who would find this "adventures at the clinic" post amusing.
>"a bond of sisterhood to the work"YWNBAW. And the abortion clinic isn't about "bonding" it is about providing women with neessary medical care.
>"My first time was wild." F
* you.
>"I had the idea of pretending to be a patient."You just wanted to be the center of attention. You probably had little concern for the vulnerable woman being verbally harassed. You lack the empathy for that.
>"intensely euphoric"So many woman who face those verbal assaults are deeply traumatized by the experience. Even if the abortion was right for them, they live in doubt and depression. To find that sort of experience "euphoric" is an insult to all women in the unenviable position of questioning abortion.
No. 1513109
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No. 1513145
>>1512866God i hate vaush, he’s such a misogynistic piece of shit. My boyfriend watches him and then made the dreadful mistake of dating a radfem kek, I’ve been chipping away at the bullshit he listens to, sometimes he’ll come to me with some bullshit he’s heard from wierdos like this and then waits for me to confirm or deny it. Like okay the guy had an intelligent thought but even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
>40% because their politics changedI wonder how much of this comes with the exiting puberty thing. I generally think as people get older they get a bit more politically conservative (I still consider myself very much a liberal) because your priorities change. When your young you want to shake everything up and change the world etc but as you get older you realise how important your family and community are, you’ll let the world burn just to keep them safe.
No. 1513148
File: 1651069928305.jpg (292.09 KB, 1080x917, Screenshot_20220427-102834_Boo…)

Hmm… I wonder what concept would perfectly explain this.
No. 1513159
>>1513148Wow, a regualar Hunter Schafer over here.
>tfw you're totally a gay man but gay porn doesn't turn you on because no misogyny and woman abuseLike do they hear themselves? What is this retarded logic?
No. 1513172
File: 1651071928859.png (118.1 KB, 636x1124, D42B7246-BAF3-47BE-B65E-275576…)

his reddit spacing genuinely drives me up the wall kek, i don’t know what it is about this particular troon that makes him so exceptionally insufferable but it’s almost impressive the levels of cringe he is on
No. 1513181
File: 1651072611259.jpeg (Spoiler Image,388.68 KB, 1920x1440, A5211AE1-9C84-4124-B921-E1F694…)

>>1513172Did you guys know moids in dresses are the only people on earth who receive death threats and hate mail? Thank god this doesn’t happen to women, idk how we would cope with the nightmares.
No. 1513189
>>1513152she didnt say everyone will turn conservative but 'a bit more politically conservative' which i agree with 100%. kids are sheltered and will do anything to rebel against the adults so it's natural for them to be more liberal
also kind of a rant but they are not a dying breed, quite far from it. in the us republicans are the ones sane enough to say that men are not women. outside of the us and other western countries right-leaning parties are already using the mess american gender politics are and the influence it has over kids and the 'educated', english-speaking part of the population as a tool against the left. not to mention that liberals are fucking themselves over by indulging in fetishes and sexualization of everything that moves or used to move. when all these troons begin having serious health problems, rape and kill enough women or simply get bored, there will be a huge surge of detransitioners and people who didn't follow the trans movement but will use the opportunity to shit on women by saying feminism caused all this. add to it things like women advocating for being stay-at-home housewives dependent on husband's pay due to economical crisis, immigrants due to climate change, etc. and you'll have a very conservative, right-leaning vision of a society.
No. 1513205
>>1513011he looks psycho
>>1513019all those comments defending him fucking disgusting. stop putting troons on a pedestal losers.
No. 1513209
File: 1651075869240.jpg (47 KB, 637x655, FRVoGK8XMAEWLKE.jpg)

No. 1513213
File: 1651076405425.jpg (28.52 KB, 399x399, wachowski-jr.jpg)

>>1513209it's the trans movement that made me learn about moid degeneracy and now being straight is something i'm embarassed about so i'd say he is doing great
No. 1513220
File: 1651076542218.jpg (158.45 KB, 1080x879, IMG_20220427_173710.jpg)

An Australian troon has sexually assaulted someone (1/2)
No. 1513221
File: 1651076589458.jpg (213.74 KB, 946x2048, IMG_20220427_173703.jpg)

More details about the same troon sexually assaulting people in Australia. This troon is a medical professional (2/2)
No. 1513296
File: 1651080947228.png (987.01 KB, 1092x1090, fuku2.png)

ok matthew, move to michoacan where there are no mean cops bothering us. it's what you want isn't it? why don't you come here to be a beautiful rebel mr. american guy who has such a hard life
No. 1513303
>>1513109she's so brave and funny
meanwhile radiohead guy is moid celeb number 10? who wrote or liked something and then backpedaled within hours…
No. 1513311
File: 1651081835806.jpg (171.55 KB, 1080x2160, FRXd7Q5XMAIvv1u.jpg)

Feminine burps, lord help me
No. 1513319
>>1513172>Come ooon, do some emotional labour for a bottomless pit of self pity and victimizationI don't think I will, moid in skirt.
>>1513311Fucking hell, I must be a man then.
No. 1513321
File: 1651082628179.png (1.25 MB, 1080x1920, brobrandybryant.png)

Reminder that the studio is A-ok with their troon employee publicly hurting clients. They only took his name down to protect him and themselves from further backlash.
No. 1513326
>>1513321But trannies are always the
victim of course
No. 1513368
File: 1651085943151.jpeg (499.24 KB, 2160x971, E07133A8-819B-43F5-AC63-974921…)

I hate Matt Walsh but god they’re so sensitive about every little fucking thing. If anyone doesn’t know, here is the desc for the book.
> In the book, Johnny is a little boy with an imagination who dresses up as a walrus by using spoons as tusks. When "internet people" find out that Johnny enjoys being a walrus, he is forced to decide between being a boy and a walrus, and he is not allowed to change his mind.
They make fun of women for getting mad over Manhunt, where they rape and kill women and do that entire torturous womb removal scene on a fucking black woman, and then they get up in arms about a stupid children’s book that’s meant to poke fun at them but that’s it. I’m so tired.
No. 1513371
File: 1651086260779.png (222.56 KB, 589x506, 683F3547-FE93-4E4B-9BC2-8E9270…)

No. 1513402
>>1513389said this so often already, but this is crazy nazi experiment shit
how do these butchers even practice their craft, give holes and fake dicks to animals and dead people?
No. 1513406
File: 1651088459344.jpg (200.6 KB, 1178x2048, r4G1Qet.jpg)

>>1513336$40K?? He better get his dick inverted so he stops being a horny menace
No. 1513466
>>1513461grey rocking works wonders with irl troons. most i know from work and such tend to bring up their transition at least once a fucking day. don't feed their fetish or ego and just be as boring as possible about it.
it also helps to fake being a normie. when my handmaiden friend said trans wimmin got periods, i rolled my eyes and said "you're joking right?" and she understood how stupid she sounded and tripped over herself trying to rationalize it. ask them to explain things under the guise of "learning more". then pick it apart like any normie would lol
No. 1513486
File: 1651093905437.jpg (Spoiler Image,189.31 KB, 922x2048, FRVF0x9WUAAhuoj.jpg)

Thirst trap thread
No. 1513569
File: 1651099258741.png (271.16 KB, 1309x1403, man.png)

he doesn't feel like a woman because he isn't. why are people willing to mindfuck themselves like this?
No. 1513608
File: 1651102134344.png (250.05 KB, 440x478, Screen Shot 2022-04-27 at 7.26…)

this is the funniest thing i've ever seen. how do you cough 'like a girl'? he talks in the video about making the cough sound 'cute and feminine!!'. im done.
No. 1513611
File: 1651102539270.webm (661.75 KB, 576x1024, LFc3MVBQ50x0Do2z(2).webm)
Being a handmaiden must be humiliating
No. 1513618
File: 1651103484734.png (220.38 KB, 1878x898, malehubris.png)

Scrote castrates himself, is shocked he can no longer coom.
No. 1513620
File: 1651103553621.jpg (242.46 KB, 828x1792, FRXlhMnX0AAD70n.jpg)

No. 1513661
File: 1651106847320.jpg (59.7 KB, 960x919, FRNUFgZXsAEmOPk.jpg)

Comments from a detranstioners tiktok. Truly cult mindset, if you leave the cult you will be shunned and silenced
No. 1513700
File: 1651109863877.png (11.19 KB, 432x71, 17235.png)

>>1513661Tranny cock warmers swear up and down they are so caring of others and hold their moral compass as a badge of honour, but always treat detransitioners in a disgustingly evil, dismissive and snarky manner as if their pain was just a complete joke to them. I cannot stand sjws.
No. 1513732
File: 1651112361271.jpeg (991.97 KB, 1354x1646, 51F6F7D1-7B88-48F0-9A96-09E797…)

Twitter trannies are freaking out over being misgendered if Elon Musk takes control and allows free speech. What a bunch of narcs, there’s worse issues out there. Twitter is already a cesspool with extreme porn and pedo shit so imagine how it will be with free speech.
No. 1513737
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No. 1513743
File: 1651113162574.jpg (5.51 KB, 275x183, index.jpg)

>>1513737Looks like Zac Efron in drag
No. 1513769
>>1513569>Intellectually I know she's a womanHow the fuck? Because he twirls in a dress and listens to taylor swift? Because he likes nail polish or wants to wear a bra? Because that's what a woman is, right?
Handmaidens like this are so stupid and cowards, they would rather be misogynistic than dare to offend a man.
No. 1513773
>>1513705It's an inverted penis. Show someone a diagram of a man's vs a woman's reproductive system and then show them a video of a sex reassignment surgery. It just inverts the penis. There is no uterus, no ovaries, no cervix, no muscular vagina canal, no internal clitoris.
This is like asking to prove the difference a strawberry and strawberry marzipan. They're fundamentally different, and there's no way to effectively imitate a strawberry– it's too complex and unique, and it can only be constructed via natural biological processes.
If you're asking in order to prove this to a man, an effective strategy might be to show him an FtM phalloplasty. Men are generally low empathy and they tend not to understand female anatomy very well, but they react very viscerally to the empty flesh tubes made to mimic penises. It's clear to them that FtM "nutsacks" are empty skin, and the penis is missing the pieces that normally constitute a penis. There's no head, no details and spots of varying sensitivity, there's no natural boners, and the fake boners can't have the feel of thick soft skin around a firm pole.
It's fairly close to the same level of imitation, so from there, you can explain that the parts are just… fundamentally different. Vaginas aren't made of scarred skin, y'know?
No. 1513781
>>1513618>I don't really see this discussed.Yes, cus they shut everyone up who talks about the fucking awful results, but you get what you sow. Either way, another fetish fuelled scrote castrated who will probably not waste any more resources on his miserable and pathetic life by 41% anyday soon. They always say they don't regret but wait until he realizes this is not temporary..
I used to feel bad about them but I know better now. Can't feel anything but contempt.
No. 1513784
File: 1651116133055.jpg (4.31 MB, 4096x4096, GridArt_20220427_222107518.jpg)

Idk if this dude is gay or trans but like WHY THESE HARY ASS FEET BRO
No. 1513814
File: 1651119008840.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.07 MB, 1242x1556, E8A68E64-91B0-4916-9514-78C6E4…)

Troon sex workers are disgusting
No. 1513818
>>1513814there should be a place to post troons for women with low self-esteem. 'no matter how fat and ugly you are these things are worse'
>>1513815learn to sage already
No. 1513833
>>1513569christ, break up then. I feel for people in this sort of
toxic situation but at some point you have to take your life into your own hands kek
No. 1513837
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No. 1513838
I just wanna say I'm fucking PISSED I couldn't reply to the Kaitlyn Tiffany thread
>>1513743Holy shit he does HAHAHAHAHA
No. 1513850
File: 1651123996245.gif (1023.63 KB, 218x228, qJmO4VO.gif)

>>1512295Wow the retard from Quantum Leap transitioned
No. 1513854
File: 1651124261100.png (634.34 KB, 748x1076, sissyasmr.PNG)

This was recommended on my youtube feed. I know asmr has gotten really sexual but I can't believe sissyhypnoasmr has been made.
No. 1513878
File: 1651126375070.jpeg (79.11 KB, 750x278, B4A59C96-065C-46F0-A971-92C49A…)

>>1513844This fragment made me do a sensible chuckle irl
No. 1513881
File: 1651127148025.jpeg (925.09 KB, 1167x1762, D21400C0-A7B8-4E3E-AACF-A2CDF7…)

Sage for slight rant. Subbed to an app development centred around female gamers being able to connect to each other/chat/share screen caps etc because it seemed fun.
Got this email today- it’s cute how they gave a spot on their panels to a fucking man with ‘they/them’ pronouns in space of an actual woman. Literally no one will discriminate against you for being non binary if you keep your mouth shut and let’s be real, you didn’t identify this way until you drank the Twitter kool aid.
Where as the second a woman gets on mic or gets discovered on twitch she’s harassed. If they had to include a dude they could’ve focused on how race impacts the gaming and esports experience in his case. Or, you know, let another actual WOC have his space/focused on her achievements etc.
So sick of this shit nonnies. I just want to find non moids to team up with and hoped a female only app would make it easier.
No. 1513891
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No. 1513901
File: 1651131551268.jpg (708.79 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20220428-033201_Chr…)

Kairi jumping on the bandwagon
No. 1513919
>>1513818just post them here
nonnie, i always appreciate the confidence boost
>>1513901the only thing hitting him was himself that time he tried to fake being attacked lol
No. 1513920
>>1513916He's just an ugly man nona.
No amount of oestrogen was gonna mask his masculine features
No. 1513942
>>1513878Oh shit…designer vagina, everyone
>>1513891I like how in all their stories there's always someone crossing boundaries and behaving inappropriately, nearly always being a random woman complimenting their completely unremarkable selves. Like anyone (usually staff, or young mothers in the street) would go out of their way to approach a random man to compliment him.
>>1513569I find it hard to believe these stories aren't just peaking material, like are people really going through life like a character in the emporer's new clothes, trying to brainwash themselves into seeing something that isn't there?
No. 1513944
Hope kiwicels and 4chan-fags all fuck off.
No. 1513954
File: 1651136363533.jpg (362.07 KB, 1080x1884, 20220428_050027.jpg)

Spotted in the wild. They kill me with the "second puberty" shit
No. 1513963
File: 1651139722378.jpg (81.16 KB, 970x346, IMG_20220428_115429.jpg)

sounds healthy
No. 1514007
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>>1513611kekk same energy
No. 1514068
File: 1651153619396.jpg (113.3 KB, 948x928, FRa9RQLXoAECqYJ.jpg)

What exactly did you have surgery on? Because its sure as hell aint obvious
No. 1514103
>>1514055It’s because of stuff like this I cannot be totally a doomer about the future, there WIlL be drs in the future trying to do just this and I’m sure it would be covered up once people start dying from the procedures. This stuff will
just be a cautionary tale in the future and people will get tired of playing pretend and giving attention to those playing pretend.
No. 1514112
>>1512599Implying asexuality even exists, if we take out autistic people who can't understand sexuality and romance on a cognitive level and
victim of abuse.
No. 1514113
File: 1651156491628.png (411.87 KB, 1170x679, B1FD2DCC-BACF-438A-A9F4-903466…)

>>1513970This guy. Insufferable.
No. 1514127
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>>1513985Pulling a Jussie Smollett. I'm dying kek.
No. 1514161
File: 1651160318565.jpeg (153.02 KB, 810x1537, 10C63674-F19F-4320-B56F-2E7F3C…)

They’re so annoying and fully lacking in empathy.
No. 1514173
File: 1651161265669.jpg (319.59 KB, 1076x1950, FRcRw2IX0AM46ea.jpg)

British tv presenter gets stalked by the TRA movement for who she follows on twitter, unfollows to not be cancelled, but its not good enough ofcourse
No. 1514176
>>1514161And here I thought the last season of Roseanne was bad.
>Call themselves communists.>Salivate over winning the lottery and getting million dollar bodies.Nothing ever adds up with troons.
No. 1514188
>>1514176Coomers are Capitalist dogs.
>>1514113Yes. I love how trannies often talk about the negative side effects of "titty skittles" so they're informed about the long term damage they'll be doing in contrast to the pros of relieving their mental disorder. I like how they talk about the bone problems teens will look forward to when stopping puberty, only to eventually go through it later.
No. 1514209
File: 1651164263173.png (1.1 MB, 1280x720, konnie and JKR.png)

>>1514173based konnie. she does so much to raise awareness for good causes but will now be branded an evil
TERF by these fools.
No. 1514255
File: 1651166389237.jpg (92.62 KB, 595x880, 678732.jpg)

No. 1514265
File: 1651167136335.png (740.34 KB, 1080x1863, Screenshot_20220428-132642.png)

silicone golem HSTSs think voyeurs are funny. women and girls being sexually assaulted in women's rooms is a punchline. women's natural fear and anxiety towards strange penis havers in our intimate spaces is delusional and hilarious. women are a joke and our pain is sexually exciting. this fag thinks he's better than all the AGP trans lesbians because he thinks he passes and transitioned to try and fuck straight men who would rather kill another man than have sex with one. and women are still a joke, a costume to wear, a "community" to "join".
No. 1514273
File: 1651167570314.jpg (327.43 KB, 1080x1953, Screenshot_20220428_193914.jpg)

so is shen gonna troon out or not
No. 1514274
>>1514173>>1514209to add, konnie also writes books for kids. she has all the reason to be interested in what is going on.
>>1514265a typical moid mindset. and to think some brainless radfems and gcs are ok with hsts
No. 1514284
>>1513881that's one thing that annoys me so much. I've been playing video games since I've been a little child, at first wasn't allowed, because it's a "boy thing", then was allowed to and since then I had to listen to men telling me that I only play to "find a boyfriend" and bullshit like that.
Why can't those trans and non-binary people make their own spaces and events and leave women alone, it's never been easy being a female gamer and I don't want to see a man taking away a spot a real woman deserves.
No. 1514299
File: 1651169463524.jpeg (Spoiler Image,485.47 KB, 1078x1558, F01F2A45-269F-41EE-8A72-DDA5DD…)

Someone needs to put their grandpa in a home, this image is haunting as fuck. Not my pic, I didn’t like or rt but the amount of people who did scares me. Deleted to repost and spoiler, sorry.
No. 1514315
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No. 1514323
File: 1651171952123.png (450.41 KB, 380x615, men are not women.png)

>>1514315kek the state of that 'Feminist' account
No. 1514327
File: 1651172272921.png (428.1 KB, 670x664, womxns history.png)

>>1514323samefag but i just looked at this guys twitter kek. he is lecturing people on feminism and women's history month. very male thing to do.
No. 1514361
File: 1651176257450.webm (4.72 MB, 592x1280, 9VQew8ZZhTZnLauj.webm)
I hope he bought that bikini
No. 1514422
File: 1651179628633.png (Spoiler Image,1.31 MB, 1158x1510, 23456HJ32RT67.png)

It doesn't look good, it looks horrific.
No. 1514423
File: 1651179634910.png (2.76 MB, 750x1334, C32E9E42-112C-4421-AF00-6DF4FD…)

Every so often a wild Troon appears on my fyp and I hav 2 laff
No. 1514425
File: 1651179678538.jpg (69.3 KB, 588x508, youregay.JPG) tranny recalling their horrible time at conversation therapy spoiler alert: they just spoke to him in a room and repeatedly said "you're not gay."
>I would get there on a Friday evening, in time for mass. I would have food, and then it was time for prayer, which went on until 1am. Then I’d be allowed to go to sleep, but I had to be up for 6am for another mass. The lack of sleep was deliberate – to make you more compliant. It’s simple – if you’re tired, you’re more likely to agree to things.
>After morning mass, I’d sit for hours and hours in an office with someone talking at me. And I genuinely mean talk at me, I never got to speak. “You’re not gay, you’re not gay,” they said repeatedly. “Why do you think you’re gay?” They tried to convince me that being gay was a terrible choice. I told them that I wasn’t gay, it was my sexuality that I was in conflict with – my gender identity, or what I now call it: that I was transgender.
>But they didn’t understand it. They said I was a straight man. They were determined that through prayer, through these long talks, that I would reach a kind of holy conversion No. 1514429
File: 1651179836448.jpg (90.16 KB, 525x855, coomplainingtrannies.JPG)

>>1514425Samefag, they're on something today.
No. 1514435
>>1514173So annoying. They always gotta be up some woman's ass, snooping on women's social media to see if they're a "bigot". JUST FUCK OFF. For people always saying "my account is a safe space" they always love to branch out of their stupid fucking male smelling bubble. It's like they love the feeling of being
triggered. Stupid sick fucks, get a life.
No. 1514476
File: 1651183459282.jpg (1.82 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_3547.JPG)

newfag or whatever but I've read through some of these channels and think this might be the place for this? There's a person going by the name Addyson Coulter that I've caught hopping into kid's chats to find dates and push them into ddlg type sex where she's the Mommy and they have to do what she says as "her" children. She ships the Loud House kids together (even the baby) and rps them fucking with real kids. Her easy way in is saying, "Look kids, I'm trans so I'm LGBT too and that means you can show me your princess parts because I'm just like you and Mommy is a safe space– but you also HAVE to do what Mommy says or you're a bad girl and you make Mommy sad." There are teens out there telling her no and she just keeps pushing and pushing and pushing in every way she can find."She" is somewhere in Indiana now, working at BK next to a high school and living with a high schooler who has parents that think it's okay, even though she's 30 and the kid is in high school. There are also plans for the parents to have kids with Addyson, and for Addyson to be THEIR special third as well… while she's fucking their teenage child.
I sent her info to the police but idk what else to do after catching "her" in the act." Literally. As far as I know, she's still trying to have sex with as many kids as possible. She has that fetish where she gets people pregnant so she wants hundreds of babies out there fathered by her sperm. I couldn't get her phone or her laptop to send to the police, but I did send her
victims to report her too and so far… nothing has been done. This is just a hate forum basically, but maybe someone out there has a fire up their ass to do some good and a contact somewhere.
No. 1514485
>>1514480I didn't even mention that "she's" already been incarcerated for years in a mental hospital for raping her sister when her sister was like 11. Medication was given to "stop the urges for pedophilia" but she was like nah, I don't want to take those and threw them away as soon as she was released. Parents have already given up.
Also, for the record, using she/her pronouns because if "she" wants to argue this, I don't want to waste time with the "BUT YOU MISGENDERED ME SO YOU'RE WRONG" argument. I fully think Addyson is a man that uses "being trans" to get into LGBT safe spaces and I've already run into "her" trying to derail this convo because "I wouldn't gender her right so I was definitely wrong no matter what." Just trying to make sure nobody anyway can say anything at all about anything BUT that this person is a pedo. And I know nobody IN HERE would do it, but if it leaves the forum and other people read it…. there are people (you know it) that won't even read what I said if I "misgender." So no excuses. I said the thing in the "right way." No derailing. No defending possible. If I was just talking about a idiot, I wouldn't have bothered, but this is actual pedophilia. I want the focus to be on that.
No. 1514489
File: 1651184481879.jpeg (654.97 KB, 1284x2236, 00BA1D11-916C-45AD-87E5-CBB393…)

>I call my penis my clit: penis formally and in the doctor’s office, clit informally and in bed. I use “clit” because it’s fun and makes me feel less dysphoric, and also because it accurately describes how my penis enjoys and responds to touch. “Clit” is good direction for my partners. I’ve had sex with penises and vulvas, dicks and clits, and in my experience clits tend to like different sorts of touch and play than dicks. I have a penis that is a clit.
No. 1514495
File: 1651184818963.png (79.14 KB, 720x469, FRdbpkQXEAA-2ny.png)

Can they really not see how racist saying this shit is?
No. 1514496
File: 1651184905751.jpg (108.95 KB, 640x599, q29xhyihi9w81.jpg)

It's not your "dysphoria" hon, it's reality.
No. 1514527
File: 1651187185784.png (191.4 KB, 1194x738, girldick.png)

definitely not a fetish
No. 1514537
File: 1651188461434.png (251.04 KB, 346x427, d6c.png)

>>1514490>girls get peyronie'sTOPKEK
No. 1514544
>>1514527tbh I don't doubt most men are like this, like the classic tale of homophobic men who are caught with gay porn or fucking a man.
As for women it's hilarious when they imply "TERFs" just want sum' of that girldick.
No. 1514545
>>1512648Atheists say they don't believe in God, and then some Christians insist that atheists know God exists, they simply hate him.
People say they don't believe in gender identity, and this guy insists that they DO believe in it, they're just denying that they believe in it because they know it's really true and they hate that it's true.
It's the same picture.
No. 1514547
>>1514544Right, I’ve never in my life heard of a
TERF saying she’s attracted to a TiM, however, the troons have written fanfic upon fanfic about wanting to rape and hatefuck TERFs. Their projection is incredible. They can’t even think like the women they so adamantly declare that they are. They don’t even realize that most women are pretty neutral about dick in general and want to have sex with people they are attracted to as a whole and feel safe around. I can’t count on my hand a single time I’ve seen a woman wanting to “hatefuck” a man. It’s just not a thing that happens because women aren’t insatiable monsters who can only think of penetrating things to claim or corrupt them. Not saying some women aren’t coomers who get off to attractive celebrities or fictional characters, but the way women view sex is so far removed from how they do. If their bodies didn’t already show how male they were, their thought processes always do.
No. 1514555
File: 1651191212419.jpg (131.96 KB, 1060x1007, FRcuGiUXsAARhYm.jpg)

No. 1514557
File: 1651191256961.jpg (281.07 KB, 1789x1160, FRRKDq7UYAEI7fM.jpg)

>>1514555The makeup in question
No. 1514578
File: 1651193356277.jpg (600.24 KB, 2048x2048, 20220429_034812.jpg)

>>1514555Men always go on about how catty and bitchy women are but actually can't recognize a backhanded compliment when it slaps them in the face lmao
No. 1514579
File: 1651193430627.png (Spoiler Image,2.16 MB, 1626x1638, gross23456.png)

This AGP incel fuck is still trying to flash the outline of his girldick to the 3 remaining actual lesbians on that sub.
No. 1514583
File: 1651193712837.png (1.28 MB, 1440x1852, TRAs cheering when a black les…)

Some screenshots from earlier. The Peakening is well in progress, mostly thanks to Rowling baiting these people into writing hateful things i.e.
>Rowling: men with penises and beards are not lesbian women
…and the ensuing discussions that follow.
But even in these handful of replies you can see some peaking happening.
Some white irish cismale book reviewer (someone posted his photo and he looks like Thom Yorke's incel son) posted lmao dead by dawn in celebration of a black lesbian being hospitalised. These are the same people (TRAs and troons) who compare misgendering or being refused entry into women's spaces a deeply hurtful, hateful act, yet the constant and unending cheering of violence towards women and women's deaths is A-OK.
Most of us have seen this stuff for years but it's great to see the peaking happening among normies…it's over, perverts.
No. 1514585
File: 1651193834423.png (Spoiler Image,1.77 MB, 1342x1560, bumpydeflatedballsack.png)

Ew ew ew ew
No. 1514590
>>1514555One day these men will realise
women humoring men by lying to their face is a thing, but that day is not today. The only good makeup I've ever seen applied by a man has been by male makeup artists. 0% chance this guy has good or even superior makeup application.
No. 1514611
File: 1651195759290.jpg (411.72 KB, 810x1580, Screenshot_20220428-212307_Boo…)

There's no hope.
No. 1514618
>>1514585This one just looks like a ball sack still. Wonder how long until he offs himself?
Also, the only way these troons are going to go away is when straight women have to put up with this troon shit. The more men that end up getting “stealthed” by these troons, the quicker this troon trend will die off
No. 1514679
File: 1651199664543.jpeg (480.23 KB, 1170x1121, 5B320119-643E-4B89-B5C6-CD64D3…)

says the guy who squirms over women talking about their uteruses
No. 1514699
File: 1651200382938.jpg (19.44 KB, 250x326, allthatsuccessformoids.jpg)

No. 1514700
File: 1651200509630.png (185.76 KB, 584x829, allthatsuccess.png)

No. 1514726
File: 1651201959467.png (343.16 KB, 2048x1229, 2143871A-86A4-4579-992E-BC9A81…)

Why the fuck are all moids under 30 gamer manchildren get a job and clean your room
No. 1514734
File: 1651202352675.jpeg (301.82 KB, 1242x1222, 1A385278-E6D8-4A7D-B66C-2ED494…)

shamelessly fetishizing the literal miracle of life haha just male things. there are troons in the replies saying they don’t even want kids they just want to be able to be impregnated, but oh yeah sure, it’s not a fetish!!!! my only comfort is knowing they will never be able to experience it
No. 1514802
File: 1651208046302.jpeg (128.61 KB, 768x719, C80C5C3B-2592-4CD7-9F7B-0850E8…)

Happy Trans Visibility Month!
No. 1514805
File: 1651208684301.jpg (1.04 MB, 1536x2048, FRW_NjqXMAYDxQH.jpg)

No. 1514823
File: 1651209671811.jpg (470.83 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20220419-175455_Chr…)

>>1514805Oh, I recognize this one from his "my oozing girldick bleaches my panties" tweet.
No. 1514832
>>1514823Wait do they think women have this? Their boiling fluids are
toxic because of hormone abuse and somehow this is euphoric?
No. 1514933
File: 1651221356126.jpeg (Spoiler Image,331.07 KB, 760x909, FE38C975-1955-4F07-B6E8-F52203…)

Isn’t there something you’re forgetting to do today, maybe picrel? This is probably a troon pretending to be a gayden so that we say shit like “You will never be a man” and it can get off on it.
No. 1514949
>>1514933I know troons usually come in here posting pictures of dead women, but why don’t they ever just post pictures of their perfect pocket wounds?
Now that is some horrify shit!
No. 1514951
File: 1651224289865.jpg (11.04 KB, 443x449, 0e803f7b0e65a5ba.jpg)

Stop responding to the baiting retard nonnas
No. 1514953
>>1514209I have seen an unusual number of TRAs calling out people for following/liking tweets in the last couple of days. Is this something TRAs have started doing more, or are more people liking
TERF stuff?
(I'm not just talking about big famous accounts, there seems to have been a rise in follower scolding all over)
No. 1514971
File: 1651227471170.jpg (111.71 KB, 750x1064, FReKkrxXMAI-Qwu.jpg)

No. 1514973
File: 1651227545429.jpg (797.73 KB, 1058x1882, Screenshot_20220411-102430_Her…)

Trans woman in my county (UK). Has made about 100 Lex posts with exactly the same phrasing. Psychotic
No. 1515018
>>1514971why should we as women risk our lives by letting trans identified men go into the women's room just to make some troons get euphoria boners.
it's still not on women to solve male-on-male crimes that have nothing to do with us, imagine having this little of a brain
No. 1515035
>>1514973I guess we must live in the same area
nonnie. I have also had the misfortune of encountering this creature
No. 1515126
File: 1651239471234.png (919.74 KB, 886x871, FRcX7UKXwAQ4pff.png)

Look how violent this makes terfs seem lmaooo none of this shit actually happens
No. 1515141
>>1514965This made me kek ty
>>1514975Exactly, if they really want to feel like women they can deal with feeling unsafe for five minutes a day. Can’t even go on a walk around the neighborhood without some trashy asshole saying something about it. Like other anon say it isn’t for women to fix male problems or deal with male bullshit. If I ever see one jacking it in the womens room you bet I’m filming and sending to police.
No. 1515147
Sorry if this was posted here before but I just watched this episode of After Life today and thought you guys might appreciate this bit.
While it‘s not totally anti trans, it at least calls out that an adult man saying he‘s an 8 year old girl has mental problems.
>>1515138Sorry and thank you!
No. 1515149
>>1515126can they just shut up with the mental health bullshit and that they don't get support for being suicidal. They should try being born a woman and see how they get treated by professionals. Either they don't believe you or you are just hysterical and your problem is based on that, not on anything else. The times I was talked down to by doctors because I'm a woman, I never got such an amount of help as a man not feeling okay with his born gender.
>>1515141that's what I have been talking about with my brother yesterday. If I ever encounter a troon flashing or jacking of in a women's room, I will film, call the police and get my brother to hold that guy in place and that's the only time I will be okay with a guy in a women-only space, to make sure a troon doing stuff like that gets what he deserves and feels frightened by the sight of a man in a women's only space.
No. 1515152
>>1514679Do they realize how retarded this sounds??? If you need hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of surgery and hormones, if you need to keep taking pills and dilating
because your body is actively trying to go back to its natural state to be your "authentic self", that is not your authentic self!
>>1514734God, can you imagine if trannies could get pregnant? I shudder to think what would happen to those poor kids.
>>1514795>>1507348 No. 1515159
>>1515126>exclude us from womens' bathroomsThey don't even pretend anymore this isn't about TIMs and only TIMs. Maybe they should update this and put something about us excluding them from sports too.
Saw some tranny the other day on tv talking about how there is basically no difference between women and troon that makes him have an advantage in sports and I think it's another mma troon? Anyone knows that guy? I thought it was so absurd they put him talking nonsense as if he is some type of doctor.. and also completely avoiding to mention the first mma troon fallon fox. I mean, you'd think he would be relevant since they were talking about the second mma troon.
No. 1515192
>>1515126The illustrations don't even make sense. Why are men peeking under what I am assuming are trannies' skirts a
TERF thing. Men aren't TERFs they are just run-of-the-mill transphobes. The stick figures lying around bleeding and being heaped into a big, stinking pile is pretty fucking funny though. Really dramatic.
No. 1515194
>>1515149Petition to call everything you want "life saving."
I need this life saving promotion to validate my identity as an employee. I need this life saving BMW to validate my identity as a driver. I need life saving fancy dinners to affirm my identity as a non-homeless person.
No. 1515219
>>1514891Trans by Helen Joyce
Material Girls by Kathleen Stock
Backlash by Susan Faludi
No. 1515230
>>1515194I like that idea and definitely need those 10 million dollars to validate my identity as a trans-rich person, it's not my fault that people see me as poor, everyone needs to support me transitioning to wealth, because that's what my true identity is all about.
Still playing with idea to start a gofundme and larp as a ftm, if I would love attention, I would go for it.
No. 1515244
>>1514273Oh noes. Is that because he feels weak?
>>1514579It's funny how "/r/ActualLesbians" and "/r/LesbiansActually" are full of moids…
No. 1515270
File: 1651252075172.jpg (116.71 KB, 1080x876, FRhtr_EXIAQXnQg.jpg)

Oh no not the leafletting, how absolutely horrible! Imagine feeling unsafe because of people handing out flyers
No. 1515300
File: 1651254538811.jpeg (198.54 KB, 1242x1842, F39D9F87-DC04-4D46-99E2-322671…)

These ancient hons are so nasty. Boob twinges? Going braless Grandpa please.
No. 1515304
File: 1651254883109.jpg (98.65 KB, 750x1153, FRhP8v8WUAAZMzA.jpg)

No. 1515309
File: 1651255577732.jpg (52 KB, 580x812, IMG_20220429_192130.jpg)

His hips are comically tiny here, either that or his head is gigantic
No. 1515319
File: 1651256173523.png (62.94 KB, 512x512, sneetch.png)

>>1515304Not pissing anyone off when you're built like a fucking sneetch
No. 1515321
>>1515314His friends are theatre gays
nonnie they fucking worship this
No. 1515359
File: 1651258665973.jpg (228.6 KB, 720x769, 20220429_135444.jpg)

He has serial killer psycho vibes with that big fake smile
No. 1515373
File: 1651259350972.jpg (296.55 KB, 981x926, actualmurderstats.jpg)

>>1515126"anti-trans misinformation" oh you mean facts debunking trans people's lies and propaganda?
Like how "they just want to pee", but somehow thousands of them post videos of themselves masturbating in women's restrooms, often near children. The number of troons being sex pests in women's restrooms is literally HIGHER than all murdered trans people (male + female) in the entire world put together.
No. 1515402
>>1515391Most Americans don't know or simply disagree with this shit, so the whole narrative that "the entirety of the US has gone bonkers for trannyshit" is bull. In the average US town, people (black, white Hispanic, whatever) will generally react like these women did here.
>>1515335 The cases of wokebros like in the Wi Spa video tends to be less a norm, and more a thing in certain more liberal type areas.
There's no denying our institutions are completely captured though, and it sickens me because regular people are not this fucking nuts.
No. 1515418
File: 1651262558382.jpeg (495.36 KB, 1284x716, 995B7BC0-9B08-4BB3-BC6E-2DC685…)

>>1515403Honestly their violent crimes against anyone. Remember that one who took the axe to the gas station and hit like two or three different people with it, splitting one man’s head open? No. 1515440
File: 1651263709363.jpg (373.51 KB, 2100x1400, kim-petras-germanys-next-topmo…)

kek kim petras was on germany's next top model and the face of the girls when his lardwaist walked in, literally nobody knows him here
No. 1515494
File: 1651267172370.png (256.48 KB, 500x533, 1398177738631.png)

>>1515440>>1515442>>1515445Lol ok women have RIDICULOUS standards to become a model, and this potato sack looking scrote can just walz in bc he was castrated
No. 1515520
>>1515418This is absolutely atrocious. And this fucking psycho only got 9 years? I had to look up the fate of the
victim he struck in the face, and the man almost died and has to have his face held together with metal plates. So terrifying, now I have to worry about one of these
totes feminine psychos walking into my changing rooms with an axe and swinging it around because their tinder date went badly. Extremely male behavior.
No. 1515536
>>1515449bigger boobs = more woman
something something it’s a fetish something something
No. 1515564
>>1515440>>1515442>>1515445You know I find it quite funny that two of the most prominent examples of boys who trooned out and transitioned at young ages have become obese (Jazz Jennings) or are pushing towards obese (Kim Petras).
Like it's crazy but not surprising because as per usual, they aren't getting proper helped to deal with their issues like how with Jazz, his issues come from his
toxic AF family. I don't know about Kim Petras' background but I wouldn't be surprised if he had a
toxic family as well.
No. 1515588
File: 1651272712760.jpg (83.17 KB, 750x832, FRi8y1HWQAIoolf.jpg)

No. 1515605
>>1515588You know when men complain/try to guilt women for not wanting them because of small things such as STANDARDS, they get called incels, weirdos and rapey. Which is true. When a man is mad a woman is a lesbian and tries to convert her he's called a creepy homophobic (true).
When troons do this very same thing, the WOMAN Is the one whose the bad guy, for simply rejecting them. Being a "Woman" doesn't mean every fucking woman into women wants you. Get over it, everyone else has to deal with rejection for things we can't control.
Not because we put on a skirt and want lesbians to fuck us. Funny how these "Women" act just like men when rejected. Almost as if…
No. 1515617
>>1515564>I don't know about Kim Petras' background but I wouldn't be surprised if he had a toxic family as well.his parents trooned him outside of murica a decade before the troon trend even started in murica, his parents are definitely lunatics.
>>1515596i think his body looks weird because he always wears clothes trying to hide his fat. if he didn't wear high waist pants squishing his gut, he'd have a normal fat man body. plus he's rather short for a white/german man, so of course he's bound to look even more stumpy. jazz is also short i think
No. 1515647
File: 1651275543149.jpg (317.61 KB, 1152x2048, left.jpg)

jesus christ Leftatlondon looks terrible now, I remember when he first came out he looks so different.
No. 1515661
File: 1651276768514.jpeg (1019.92 KB, 1170x1790, DD41A7F8-83FC-45E1-BC73-8FCC09…)

nice premature forehead wrinkles bro
No. 1515663
File: 1651276821199.jpeg (422.12 KB, 1170x1539, E5F5831D-98F2-4BFB-9F28-46EF69…)

i guarantee this is a man.
No. 1515683
File: 1651278687265.jpg (18.52 KB, 320x320, 30698046_2054715364542818_6270…)

>>1515564I remember him being on Stern TV from a very young age, they documented his transition right from the beginning and at first he seemed normal, but I guess the parents at one point realised that there is no going back and that there is more money to make if he will go through with it. Sadly, there aren't any videos to be found from that time, it would be interesting to see the family dynamic again. Picture attached is the only thing to be found from years ago.
No. 1515731
File: 1651283897656.jpg (391.19 KB, 1080x1500, 02ik276317d0.jpg)

>>1515596>Question, is there a medical reason why they always end up chonky and oddly shaped? They don't even gain weight like men do, it's like weird.They end up with the same issues the castrati did, with added weirdness from taking estrogen. I don't think the actual medical reasons have been explored other than what leads to the gangly tall look, though.
No. 1515914
File: 1651293541804.jpg (217.35 KB, 680x477, 20220430_060210.jpg)

No. 1515965
File: 1651296910432.jpeg (135.69 KB, 949x1024, 93684FD7-267B-44C7-9E43-6A3389…)

Just an unbelievable article from hontra. It still awes me that this dude has fans who listen to him and believe he’s an actual intellectual. Note how he drags black people into his argument towards the end kek, what a predictable shit show. No. 1515976
File: 1651298012373.jpg (637.58 KB, 1080x2185, Screenshot_20220429-194252_Twi…)

This was a few hours ago so idk where the likes are at now, but the comments are nothing but she's so beautiful!! I love her smile!!! Where do I get her outfits!!!
God I hate his face so much and I'm steaming I had to see this creep on my personal account.
No. 1515992
>>1515941Same. I used to have a bleeding heart for these people, but I hit new levels of peak trans every day. I don’t care if they’re the
victims of their own sick minds or evil on purpose. Troons hate women so much they make far-right wingers look sane by comparison. I think troons deserve to reap what they’ve sown, which is death, disease, and contempt.
No. 1516004
File: 1651300964303.jpeg (355.13 KB, 1682x1137, 1DCB119C-F589-427F-87AD-9D42F6…)

Someone needs to take face app away from scrotes asap. Looking at his from 3 years ago and comparing it to how he looks more recently, I almost feel sorry for him, he really thought he could just switch into female like that… and now he’s just an old man with long greasy hair, bolt ons and an axe wound. Many such cases.
No. 1516036
File: 1651309312183.jpg (273.93 KB, 1080x1912, Screenshot_20220430-105435_Chr…)

No. 1516044
>>1515418>>1516043At this point whenever a violent criminal is judged as guilty the sentence should be what they did to their
victims. I don't give a fuck about ethics anymore, if you split a guy's head open with an axe you better be prepared to also receive an axe in the face too.
No. 1516050
>>1516043What a stunning and brave woman!
>>1515941Me too nonna. I’m glad you said so as well, it’s nice to hear that others have had enough and lost all sympathy for these creatures.
No. 1516051
File: 1651312782627.jpeg (197.33 KB, 1908x1146, karl.jpeg)

>>1515418>>1516043Really annoys me when they use these headlines with just 'woman' in the title. The stories are less surprising (but still horrifying) when you realise it's a man.
No. 1516054
File: 1651313060936.jpg (123.15 KB, 868x426, theaxemaniscoming.jpg)

>>1515418>>1516043The psychotic attempted murderer eventually worked out he will never be a woman. Like, an actual nutter was capable of seeing the truth in the end. Having the shit kicked out of him in prison might have helped though.
No. 1516061
File: 1651316060928.jpg (40.58 KB, 650x507, evieamati.jpg)

>>1515418>>1516043>>1516051>>1516054This guy tricked a lesbian into a date and the date went poorly and he messaged her blaming her for his violence.
>A (trans)woman who struck two people with an axe at a Sydney convenience store sent threatening messages to a woman she met on Tinder just over an hour before the attack, a court has heard.>The court heard Ms Amati met up with M J, who was 25 at the time, earlier that night.>The court heard that in the message exchange, Ms Amati said she felt as though Ms J* thought she was "ugly" and she could tell she was not "attracted" to her.>"One day I'm going to kill a lot of people and it will be your fault," Ms J said was in one of the messages.>Ms J* told the court the messages then escalated and Ms Amati called her a "sociopath" and said "people like you is what's wrong with the world". No. 1516096
File: 1651323507647.png (967.33 KB, 640x853, Mtinaro.png)

HRT is magic!
No. 1516100
File: 1651324018157.png (1.02 MB, 1264x530, yayitiscallie.png)

No. 1516101
File: 1651324084830.jpg (92.57 KB, 750x1111, FRjNlu-XMAElxck.jpg)

Death threats are not breaking twitter rules but misgendering is
No. 1516106
File: 1651324847242.png (611.58 KB, 640x807, Sexy SabrinaTX.png)

MTF selfie train never disappoints.
No. 1516107
File: 1651324957972.jpg (112.11 KB, 1088x1128, FRl6hb4WQAEPX0r.jpg)

No. 1516110
>>1515914this was posted in the last thread already, but might as take the opportunity to remind everyone that ratio addict keffals is an agp who transitioned to do porn and he admits to grooming minors to get them hormones that will permanently make them sterile and developmentally delayed
>>1516106it's so hard to not see them as trolls making fun of trans people, how are they this delusional kek
No. 1516114
File: 1651325506956.png (1.1 MB, 1322x703, Natalie 19 89.png)

No. 1516117
File: 1651326057074.jpeg (775.44 KB, 2640x1903, EF22C6CC-D687-4082-AC7F-E46BC9…)

can elon just delete twitter please
No. 1516120
File: 1651326355640.png (602.83 KB, 788x620, philnicau.png)

someone come get their grandpappy off reddit
No. 1516123
>>1515592 the image said "preferably people born with vaginas"
>"do they not realize this includes trans men who've had surgery and excludes trans women who've had surgery"lol yes. they do realize. it's almost like people still see women and men as their real sex no matter how much they artificially change it.
it's so weird how I used to think transphobia was something bad, now it just means you're not a sexist and homophobic bigot. transphobia = predatorphobia
No. 1516130
File: 1651327232275.png (28.6 KB, 590x289, bimbo.png)

you have my permission to call yourself a bimbo, retard.
No. 1516135
File: 1651328020621.png (383.09 KB, 852x702, ratbrdd.png)

No. 1516137
File: 1651328250050.png (411.73 KB, 890x1082, anarchomastia.png)

i'm pretty sure this guy was outed as a sexual predator a few years back.
No. 1516145
>>1516124Same. Even in my handmaiden days this dude would have freaked me the fuck out. You can just feel the personality disorders radiating off of him.
No. 1516150
File: 1651330448439.jpg (143.11 KB, 1241x1165, uMbZUbs.jpg)

Looking to see if I could drink on my meds and stumbled upon this picrel
No. 1516156
File: 1651331192161.jpeg (179.04 KB, 749x972, AE77349B-5007-43C9-8981-8D18D3…)

>>1516036An Insmouth resident (picrel.)
No. 1516177
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No. 1516185
File: 1651335068911.jpeg (62.28 KB, 605x605, FRcREjJX0AESg1z.jpeg)

No. 1516188
>>1516185men taking modeling and acting jobs from women who work much harder to maintain their appearance and skills makes me so fucking angry
he's an ugly tub of rancid lard who got where he is for no reason other than being male
No. 1516206
>>1516185The fact that he went from one of the "passoids" to chubby babyfaced man in less than a couple years is proof biological sex is real
Literally once they hit a certain age they can't hide it anymore
No. 1516212
File: 1651337997201.png (541.02 KB, 720x815, Screenshot_20220430-124142~2.p…)

visit for more reasons why you need to be martyr mommy for trannies (they have simply nowhere else they could go)
No. 1516242
File: 1651339749873.jpg (61.04 KB, 680x599, FRlrHZ0XMAITQ8l.jpg)

No. 1516243
File: 1651339752655.jpeg (189.58 KB, 640x763, 1651302918915.jpeg)

>>1515914>>1516110chapo trans house supporting their subscribers
No. 1516263
File: 1651340537668.jpg (190.24 KB, 1080x1163, FRgcr7zXoAEN84m.jpg)

Imagine having the audacity to say that HRT for women with menopause is a privilege, when HRT is literally in shortage because of the insane tranny boom???
No. 1516282
>>1516135>>1516137hm, so, if I'm bisexual and don't have genital preferences, but still don't want to have sexual intercourse at all and especially not with a trans person because I'm just not interested and done with mentally ill humans, does that make me transphobic? Or am I humanphobic? Or am I insanephobic? Or, which would be the right answer, do I just don't care and want to be left alone? If I don't want to date, have sex, eat an octopus, etc., I just won't, I'm old enough to decide what's right for me. They wish they could put us back into an asylum for having an opinion and reading books…
No. 1516285
File: 1651341758538.jpg (1007.44 KB, 1440x1816, Screenshot_20220430-081403_Chr…)

The current state of lesbian leadership
No. 1516289
File: 1651341952585.jpg (63.77 KB, 640x713, d2a62093ecfe60c1c8a65e999dad00…)

>>1516285well, I'm done, I will transition into a plant now, don't want the human genetic anymore.
No. 1516295
File: 1651342271269.jpg (Spoiler Image,152.68 KB, 600x1618, FRmmv7MXoAI1Wbp.jpg)

Alot to unpack here
No. 1516322
File: 1651343856322.jpg (Spoiler Image,820.64 KB, 1680x2000, gross.jpg)

found someone's furry tranny self-insert OC. hilarious how they have tiny gross cocks and flabby hormone boobs just like irl even in their fantasies
spoilered because its a naked pic of a gross oc with childlike proportions (of course)
No. 1516325
File: 1651344034008.jpg (331.17 KB, 605x593, 20220404_111250.jpg)

>>1516295Can we burn the suitcase and the whole planet instead? This ugly man makes me wanna kms
No. 1516339
File: 1651344708457.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.35 MB, 2560x1920, 22-04-30-19-47-55-943_deco.jpg)

Spoilered for bulge
No. 1516344
File: 1651345310318.jpeg (710.33 KB, 1536x2048, FB86B7E6-48B5-41B4-91C5-6FDC77…)

I’m actually scared of this man wtf his face doesn’t look real
No. 1516352
File: 1651345658878.jpeg (285.39 KB, 768x1024, 6AFAA471-AC55-4EE5-AA8A-EC5CB7…)

No. 1516355
File: 1651345711928.jpeg (208.22 KB, 762x1024, D86FDF30-7F36-4835-927F-AF9DBC…)

Shout out to @nigheke3 on Twitter for exposing these creeps
No. 1516358
File: 1651345843063.jpeg (324.4 KB, 1600x1200, 54ABD4DB-EFE8-4014-8404-32146D…)

This is the type of customers Shayna Clifford panders to
No. 1516375
File: 1651346717088.jpg (27.88 KB, 612x408, istockphoto-118373679-612x612.…)

>>1516373Jesus fucking christ, for real?
No. 1516431
File: 1651351805322.png (179.85 KB, 260x362, 1iuhiuft4tfg.PNG)

>>1516185it brings me a little joy that no matter how early these moids take hormones, they still age like scrotes. even worse since they fatten up kek.
No. 1516442
>>1516373I thought the crisis was in the UK? Or is it happening in the US too?
t. britfag
No. 1516456
File: 1651354840638.jpg (39.67 KB, 690x390, yugioh-chin-joey-1167988.jpg)

>>1516036>What do I pass asInbred?
No. 1516462
>>1516365I remember the first time I heard the word “transphobia”. It was when Kelly Osbourne talked about how her ex had cheated on her with a TIM, and how humiliating that felt for her (based Kelly). I clearly remember thinking “transphobia? That doesn’t sound good, I don’t like Kelly Osbourne anymore”. That’s how normies think, or rather, outsource their thinking to whoever holds power over a narrative. Troons always say that there’s no such thing as an ally turning into a transphobe, they were transphobic all along, which clearly isn’t the case. Most people want to be nice and kind, and go along with the crowd. Imagine how much bullshit and misogyny it takes to turn a handmaiden into a
terf. It’s a lot, but anyone with a functioning brain eventually catches up to the truth. JK Rowling is the perfect example of an extraordinarily kind person who has turned against the trans movement because she’s too smart and honest not to. There’s something poetic about the trans movement not being self-aware enough to know or care that what they’re doing is a literal a witch hunt against an innocent woman, just like in the past.
No. 1516477
File: 1651356466282.jpg (37.53 KB, 430x645, 16923-ben-miller.jpg)

>>1516106had no idea Ben Miller was a troon
No. 1516531
File: 1651361299176.jpg (187.14 KB, 720x2106, HP_hate.jpg)

This isn't even funny, imagine having such a visceral reaction and fantasizing about wanting to murder a woman and her child, all cause the woman happens to be a HP fan
No. 1516534
>>1516531Lol I don’t understand why HP is being used as a
TERF symbol? Not everyone is so chronically online enough to relate it to trans people. They really believe the world revolves around them.
No. 1516543
File: 1651362774060.png (338.69 KB, 536x564, 423423324423423324.png) please forgive me for being old and not knowing how the fuck to get a tiktok video from twitter to play here, if any of you can do it please go ahead.
But this video needs to be seen here, what a narc asshole
No. 1516552
File: 1651363447312.webm (8.06 MB, 576x1024, R-l0YBkW_bk0ldjg.webm)
>>1516543you can download them from various websites by just plugging in the URL. But you also need it to be webm format to post here. I have you covered tho.
No. 1516557
File: 1651363874386.jpg (632.35 KB, 810x1739, Screenshot_20220430-200746_Boo…)

No. 1516563
File: 1651364121003.jpg (164.1 KB, 720x773, FQ8flIiXoAE50uo.jpg)

>>1516531TIMs hatred for mothers just reeks of womb envy, there's not even denying it for a second.
personally as a mother it makes me feel powerfuf asf, that I can do something that no TIM no matter how rich he is, can not even comprehend dreaming of doing No. 1516580
File: 1651366139597.jpg (Spoiler Image,490.75 KB, 1670x1852, Screenshot_20220430-174714_rif…)

walk away
No. 1516583
>>1516563this has to be a
terf troll. they're not this stupid, right?
No. 1516587
File: 1651366821347.jpeg (145.85 KB, 1170x1158, 110845F2-9C00-44C5-91CD-07E5AD…)

No. 1516666
File: 1651379110345.jpg (94.89 KB, 720x787, Screenshot_20220501-061927.jpg)

Anyone know who's behind this account? It can't be a woman. I've seen them interact with Mallory Moore, a known TRA (and tranny?) who spread lies about Cuban Angel. Just search their name and Moore's @.
No. 1516681
File: 1651382117952.jpg (62.53 KB, 720x433, irony.jpg)

>>1516666i started screening all the dumb take tweets but every single one is one. a radfem that is pro-trans, pro-kink, believes 'gc trans people' is a thing and has a tumblr definition of what gender means… makes sense. at the very least it's a very dumb, autistic woman larping as a radfem but looking at the speech pattern i wouldn't be surprised if it was a moid. picrel for the ironic rt.
No. 1516720
File: 1651389243005.png (2.29 MB, 1374x1582, jhgvfc.png)

>>1516696This is how TIMs react to sexual harassment, by outmoiding the other moid.
No. 1516725
File: 1651390654596.jpeg (Spoiler Image,788.3 KB, 828x1376, 31B648E3-E395-462B-8223-F9E98C…)

This guy is always praised for looking so passable but he just seems like a gay guy to me, especially with his short hair
No. 1516734
File: 1651392412747.png (5 MB, 2484x2208, 6A90A697-2EC8-4D33-A3B5-40C16F…)

>>1516725He bends over in attempt to show off his moobs in 99% of his videos and literally covers his face with fabric when it’s extremely obvious his body is male. What a fucking loser. Seethe and cope.
No. 1516736
File: 1651393952784.jpg (Spoiler Image,226.93 KB, 1174x2048, FRprzpbX0AApl47.jpg)

Actual fridge
No. 1516777
File: 1651402575360.jpg (491.51 KB, 810x1616, Screenshot_20210713-071123_Chr…)

>>1516720Just like our runaway Scot transcel Faye Kinley: No. 1516791
File: 1651404323695.jpg (611.81 KB, 1080x1080, PhotoCollage_1651405189280.jpg)

German people are never beating the weird pervert allegations. Taken from another one of Nig Hekes excellent threads
No. 1516801
File: 1651405839312.png (33.56 KB, 595x317, detroons.png)

context: this user is a detrans male and admitted AGP. he frequently goes on misogynist rants, because moid. we're going to see a wave of "former transbians" blaming feminists for their identity issues, because that totally excuses all the times they waved their euphoria boners around women and girls.
No. 1516806
File: 1651406413835.png (35.8 KB, 596x352, bullshit rape.png)

he also said this about women rightfully calling out rapists and pervs. "cis" men, TIMs, detrans men… they're all the same. they all hate us and blame us for everything.
No. 1516809
File: 1651406594468.jpg (Spoiler Image,443.64 KB, 1080x1601, Screenshot_20220501-075459_Chr…)

Whatever you say, goiter tits
No. 1516819
File: 1651408087831.png (38.84 KB, 738x336, Typical-Noise-6968.png)

sissy porn is creating monsters.
No. 1516827
File: 1651409079729.png (641.04 KB, 740x836, catgirl love.png)

the sheer autism radiating from this post
No. 1516836
File: 1651410414915.png (321.3 KB, 740x1191, sister's closet.png)

really hope their sisters and mothers find their gross reddit accounts and tell them off
No. 1516848
>>1516552"So, you see me walking down the beach and you think wow, what an attractive woman"
Um, nope! I see a man dressed in a horrendous two piece, that would look ugly on an actual attractive woman! And I hope it doesn't engage me in any way.
Yes, I know, he meant other men. But damn, the narcissism is off the chain!
No. 1516850
File: 1651412589481.jpg (73.25 KB, 1080x232, Screenshot_20220501-153711.jpg)

Love how this reply was in a thread right next to an "of course you'll lose your muscles and become a dainty girl struggling to open the pickle jar after HRT don't worry uwu!" kind of post
No. 1516857
File: 1651413197467.jpg (124.44 KB, 720x1480, FRnjeuXXsAAnz1I.jpg)

No. 1516884
>>1516881Doubt it. I've read about moids who quit porn and apparently they can't see sexy women without getting
triggered and feeling the urge to watch porn
No. 1516888
File: 1651416557186.jpg (72.12 KB, 720x939, fleecingfetishistssurgery.jpg)

FFS surgery…
which side is the after?
No. 1516890
File: 1651416806702.png (62.43 KB, 1024x576, e9f.png)

>>1516888The photo and your file name I-
No. 1516897
File: 1651417593834.webm (Spoiler Image,2.33 MB, 406x720, ssstwitter_1651417133.webm)

Spoiler for MAJOR GROSS but this video of a troon walking around in public wearing a dildo as a handbag and having it halfway up his ass while he walks beside a woman and follows her for a bit is being passed around on Twitter and causing controversy. Surely this is sexual harassment??
No. 1516907
>>1516746I like the frenzied flame though. I’d rather burn the world to the ground when this is the current state of things.
>>1516801I don’t know if there’s a single male on earth who doesn’t hate women for whatever fucking reason. It’s literally just pick a reason out of a hat at this point.
No. 1516913
>>1516806How is that bad? Yes. Control yourself or let the government do it for you. Most men seem to be incapable of self-control. They’re literally like beasts who are driven by horny thoughts. They’re no better than dogs or pigs.
>>1516819Why are moids so addicted to porn? I don’t understand. I don’t understand why they can’t just jack off imagining things and they have to see women being demeaned or abused (or in this guys case the idea of how women are so submissive or whatever) to get off. Why is the Y chromosome so stupid and fucked?
No. 1516919
File: 1651419120558.png (257.59 KB, 1198x478, Espeonkin.png)

this tranny identifies as a pokémon
No. 1516923
File: 1651419283282.jpg (662.57 KB, 1920x1080, PhotoCollage_1651419472153.jpg)

Troon convicted for noncery, shocker
No. 1516930
File: 1651419880580.jpg (425.68 KB, 1512x1080, PhotoCollage_1651420610654.jpg)

Guess what the owner of Twitters wholesome account just got exposed for? Hint: the pipeline is real. Take note of how it was posted in 2022 so not even that long ago. Bonus points if you intuitively know everyone is defending them and saying they're a sweet baby in the replies!
No. 1516940
File: 1651420785091.png (77.54 KB, 740x540, rbbt.png)

>>1516935Apparently, he also posted images of rabbits in distress. Someone else said he posted a dead fish. Enough of these fake "wholesome" people.
No. 1516946
>>1516928It also proves how dangerous self ID is. is from 2019 so probably even more so now but
>"One in 50 male prisoners claims to be transgender – four times the number in the population as a whole." No. 1516953
>>1516952and many of these men were literally put into prison for raping and murdering women.
See here: 6 documents sexual assaults by trans women in prisons
No. 1516971
File: 1651423700439.png (309.29 KB, 1242x899, 68C8622A-E6A8-4D18-BC48-C6F16F…)

Can someone help me understand what this means?
No. 1516997
File: 1651425236286.png (892.13 KB, 1264x699, screenshot.png)

>>1516971someone tries to explain but they're too retarded to understand her kek
No. 1517004
>>1516971an example to illustrate what he means: if women were born to be housemaids then it wouldn't be necessary for society to make it hard for them to get into workplace.
which is a very good take, nothing wrong with it. he works for aclu so he probably picked it up at some training conference or something.
doesn't change the fact that he is a moid who doesn't understand what sex is and that it is the base of women oppression.
No. 1517016
File: 1651426769469.jpeg (378.46 KB, 1280x853, 01.jpeg)

The White House hosted a roundtable conversation with "trailblazing lesbian leaders" from the White House and the broader Biden-Harris Administration.
picrel shows Clymer and Levine transbians
No. 1517083
File: 1651431386975.jpeg (817.94 KB, 1242x1427, DC113C52-3808-4A19-BE29-10BB5B…)

cut their dicks off, get fake vaginas, now planning to get strap ons very cool
No. 1517100
>>1512316I just got a boyfriend, quit turning me gay for pan-wielding women.
>>1515914hate this guy and his stupid fucking """"ratios"""" with a passion
No. 1517102
File: 1651432798038.jpg (171.71 KB, 1080x1716, FRsdyJzWYAIwjT_.jpg)

No. 1517110
File: 1651433170549.png (69.6 KB, 601x246, Mr Handy explains feminism.png)

>>1517102lol at this moid in the replies
No. 1517178
>>1516150it's interesting that there are any commonalities between those assigned the same sex at birth considering that, from what I've read, it's just a wild, uneducated guess by the doctor.
>>1516212For Christ's sake, the only people who are running to the women's room for safety are trying to escape the same kind of men that we're being asked to shelter.
No. 1517250
File: 1651441013089.jpeg (91.2 KB, 608x926, 9BFBAF42-7F94-406E-AA8F-B884D1…)

kek misshapen troglodyte ””singer”” Kim Petras performing at Paris Hilton’s wedding. as usual, troons gonna coom, so here is Kim in a sexy barely-there dress at a wedding flashing his rot pocket
No. 1517252
File: 1651441191079.jpg (67.03 KB, 1080x650, FRqZq-5XwAEqaIF.jpg)

The TRA always so dainty and calm
No. 1517254
>>1517102Reading the comments is so blackpill. Any time someone points out he’s doing a bizarre misogynist caricature they just respond with “shut up
terf” or the No Bitches meme. It’s like they’ve given up on having any rational rebuttal because they know it’s not real and they have no explanation. It’s so cowardly. Something about a woman reposting a Vaush meme that says “No Bitches?” to another woman is so pathetic. The absolute state of libfems
No. 1517262
File: 1651441751392.jpeg (43.04 KB, 827x239, D55410C0-4DC0-4685-B846-9BD420…)

>>1517256No sympathy for anyone paying to go to college to write about how great troons are. Iranians in Canada are almost all wealth that escaped in the 80’s.
No. 1517292
File: 1651443028917.jpg (239.38 KB, 723x1024, Maisie Wilen Runway September …)

I was looking for recent pics of Kim Petras for my amusement and he did a performance with his nipples out?
No. 1517340
>>1517338Sorry to say but backstabbing treachery seems to be the default state of most women
Just look at handmaidens. Sisterhood and all that is a joke
No. 1517350
>>1516897It sort of looks like the women are walking with him? They start walking along as he gets close.
Me personally I would try to stay as close to the normal people as possible until that thing was out of sight
No. 1517500
>>1517487No I don't think ALL women are like that, I'm not even the anon who said that, sucks that you need to specify that every single time on here because you're all schizophrenic
>Women aren't hateful!>You disagree? MOID!! KYS!!Lmao
>>1517489>>1517493You're definitely delusional
No. 1517514
>>1517438I outgrew it, yes, but the tranny menace is making me circle right back to losing hope. Handmaidens are so disappointing
>>1517493Ooohh we got a text analyzer in the house, huh? Retard.
No. 1517518
>>1517395I guess I just draw the short straw then that most of the women in my circle seen to have drank the tranny koolaid
Good to know people are get sick of it
No. 1517529
>>1517340I agree with you. And if treacherous is not the right expression for someone then naive and unable to think about their own well-being may be. TRA handmaidens, women who will defend men who committed crimes, women who won't leave with kids away from their
abusive husbands, who will go for men to prison… And I get that most of it comes from living under patriarchy but this doesn't mean it can't be pointed out and that everyone has to shush. I don't believe in sisterhood because unless a woman works on her approach to life through some feminism-aligned ideas there is always some man she will put on pedestal.
No. 1517550
File: 1651466088615.jpeg (537.33 KB, 696x1148, 55B47554-D726-4486-A062-8D91CE…)

No. 1517575
File: 1651469909010.jpg (366.33 KB, 2400x1125, Diy period cramps.jpg)

Troons are really giving themselves diarrhea to pretend they're having a period.
No. 1517584
File: 1651471349276.jpg (278.49 KB, 1364x2424, v2a9lhj30mk81.jpg)

>>1517575i can only hope that some of them are actually insane enough to try this
anyways, that commenter is an absolute specimen. them crazy eyes and that male pattern balding goddamn
No. 1517589
File: 1651471757088.jpeg (1.8 MB, 1170x2140, 5B4700C5-964B-435F-979F-73B82A…)

No words except that I hope my lesbian sisters are staying safe out there, away from these freaks.
No. 1517666
File: 1651489254757.jpeg (579.96 KB, 750x932, 92AECE06-C710-4546-B67D-5E2894…)

The comments under the original video is hilarious.
>but.. we are girls cis or not
No the fuck you aren’t, you are graced with social delusion and etiquette around you so people can avoid getting berated and violently assaulted for stating the obvious that you are not and will never be a girl, you are a grown ass man wearing a Halloween costume of a woman 365 days, year-round.
No. 1517667
File: 1651490038045.jpg (73.71 KB, 1080x472, FRuDLpDaAAABQok.jpg)

We women literally have to worry if a man in a dress pulls his penis out in front of us or films porn in a stall, but sure, youre afraid of someone calling you out on your bullshit
No. 1517683
File: 1651493009647.png (1.5 MB, 1384x779, E8EB9784-6D15-431D-A518-35A1D2…)

>>1517667Good. I hope they’re nervous and scared, this one especially bc he was the one talking about women being in breeding facilities. Sick motherfucker. I will chase him from the bathroom.
No. 1517694
File: 1651494106865.png (24.42 KB, 739x284, JuliusCaesarsPenis.png)

one of the top posts on r/MtF right now. "i get a boner when i go inside the women's restroom. am i valid?" most troons in the comments say yes.
No. 1517695
>>1517683Unironically, it'd probably be based if women actually did start beating trannies out of their bathrooms. The way it is now, all they do is gaslight and tell us to look the other way when we point out all the cases of them being violent and perverted. If we started fighting back, at first, trannies/TRAs would be like "Boo hoo look what we innocent trans girls have to put up with from evil cis foids. TERFs are a terrorist group, pass it on", but since they're men and can't actually stay on code (just look how many of us peaked after years of handmaidenry and brainwashing, specifically because of how trannies act), the ma'ams would straight-up start attacking, even unprovoked.
A large amount of women would start to avoid using "women's" bathrooms, depriving trannies of gender euphoria from being in a female space, and eventually, males would legally be forced to fuck off to their own bathrooms for the sake of public peace. It wouldn't even matter how wokies tried to spin it
No. 1517707
>>1517667If they were serious about caring about women's safety they'd be against men pulling out their dicks in women's restrooms.
And if they were serious about caring about trans women's safety they'd still be against men pulling out their dicks in women's restrooms.
Yet they blame and fear the women who don't want men to pull out their dick in women's restrooms.
No. 1517711
>>1517529I'm starting to think we should drop all the fancy stuff and think a tad bit more simply. Concepts like loyalty, treachery and whatnot are stale memes that are bound to turn into a burden soon.
Trannies, pickmes, whatever shit that is thrown at us, it's all just weapons in the everlasting sex war. Even patriarchy itself is just a particularly nasty, mass destruction weapon wielded against us. Same shit different day : we want to select the males, they try getting around the selection. It's not about good or evil, it's not about courage or cowardice, it's just life being itself. We are allies for survival. We work together because we want to survive, make the meme pool unsuitable for memes that are dangerous to us, spread our own, and defend what little weapons and defenses we already have from the flow of moids who perpetually try to find a way around them. Women's unity is based on this shared benefit which is shared because of our sex (and moids are trying to cancel the idea of sex so that our defenses will crumble ! surprising isn't it). It's not about spiritual substance… Hair-braiding-slumber-parties-friends-forever uwu cliche ideas of sisterhood are only good for trannies. So is the opposite cliche of women-are-backstabbing-bitches.
It's adapt or die out and once their memes are no longer viable, handmaidens and pickmes will "switch sides" - not because they are treacherous or naive, but because immobility means death, so they will move, unless they're terminally maladaptive.
And then it will be back to business, the scrotes will adapt and create additonal ways to get around the selection, and we'll have to find more ways to shoot em down. Just another day on Earth.
No. 1517722
File: 1651499321994.jpg (98.39 KB, 756x409, smallfemininefeetuwu.JPG)

>>1517694reading that and then reading this post a bit below makes me worried for his daughter. I bet he had a boner the whole time.
No. 1517730
File: 1651500143941.png (726.96 KB, 1249x754, femininestep.png)

>>1517722wonder how old the daughter was. seen a lot of these posts of dads using their daughters to act out their fantasies of being a young girl stereotype. notice how the posts are always about THEM, the daughters are just to validate them.
No. 1517737
File: 1651501433386.jpg (132.34 KB, 1080x859, 20220502_162255.jpg)

A new pearl of wisdom from one of the most annoying horsemen in the Twitter tranny circlejerk
No. 1517779
File: 1651506945660.jpg (97.99 KB, 421x529, 20220502_170916.jpg)

I'm never getting my show back, am I? I guess The Doctor sort of trooned out already by being Jodi Whittaker kek but I guess the people saying they wanted a actor to play The Doctor will get their wish when an XY with a torn off knob steps out of the Tardis. Doctor Hon
No. 1517780
File: 1651506994565.jpeg (90.3 KB, 720x960, FRVyBW0VIAAvy-l.jpeg)

>>1516930This is what he looks like irl, and apparently he uses the women's bathroom, too.
No. 1517782
File: 1651507122375.jpg (273.22 KB, 720x1520, Screenshot_20220502-135852_Twi…)

>>1517780Getting off the hook about the Nazi swastika shirt post made him bold, huh. I took this screenshot earlier and forgot to post
No. 1517788
File: 1651507345095.png (457.35 KB, 750x537, tumblr_beaf1995491989f9fa0f903…)

>>1517694i just think its interesting that on the other hand, i've never seen a ftm post about being aroused by going into the mens bathroom. i wonder why…
No. 1517790
>>1517779>>1517789samefag, sage and sorry for ot but it is so annoying who woke people are trying to change things, why not have another character? doctor who was written as a man. it is like people wanting idris elba as james bond, which is wrong too as james bond was written as a white man. inb4 racist but it would be the same as an asian, brown or whatever
poc guy
No. 1517792
>>1517779you're safe, this is a BBC sounds spin off podcast that nobody will listen to
RTD will come back soon enough and go back to casting young gay eye candy that he can leer at, with only the mildest of trans pandering likely
No. 1517800
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Women cant feel their colon this intensely through their vagina
No. 1517802
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>>1517800They ARE quite close, though I have no idea how thin the walls are in neovaginas (apparently quite thin, since holes and tears can form between them?). I swear I can feel a big shit pushing against my IUD tho, that hurts lol
No. 1517804
>>1517792The problem with Doctor Who is that it's not actually safe. This podcast spin off is one thing, but if you're a longtime fan then you'll know the damage started about 10 years ago. Doctor Who was one of the first shows absorbed by Tumblr qweers and it's been heavily pandering to them ever since. I actually don't mind a female Doctor, but it was
forced in there as a woke decision instead of it being for any good reason. They keep forcing gender shit and it's adjacent bullshit into this and it's not subtle.
Nonnie is definitely not getting the show back from the troons now
No. 1517874
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kek if THEY feel unsafe?
No. 1517888
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"Straight guys only" okay so its okay for troons to have preferences??
But no straight guy is gonna want you dude
No. 1517891
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No. 1517895
>>1517874Thank god I can call 999 when a man requests something that makes me feel unsafe as a woman. There will most certainly be a full investigation into my phone call and what happened afterward and the man will be accordingly punished.
One rule for me, another for T. I’m so over it. Depressing.
No. 1517924
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all troons are pedophiles exhibit #999999999999999999999
No. 1517945
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Look at this wittle brave and stunning princess uwu
No. 1517964
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>terminally online
>misogynistic slur
>autism/furry (sonic)
checks out
>”idiot rights”
No. 1517972
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>>1517964Why do they live like this
No. 1517976
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>>1517972Forgot to attach a picture of the “lovely” “lady” “her”self