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No. 1483766
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The attention whore has spoken
No. 1483775
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No. 1483778
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No. 1483781
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No. 1483825
>>1483810Yeah but it feels so sudden. It's like there's a new thread every two days now. Before it wasn't that fast even if there were plenty of anon saying they very recently peaked and have nowhere else to go.
>>1483822I can see that, but this will either not be a flattering articule at all, or it would be published in several years after the public at large decide to stop ignoring and pandering to trannies.
No. 1483826
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>>1483822KF is getting talked about in the tranny circles on twitter.
No. 1483830
>>1483822God I hope so! The Peakenings would only grow
The irony is that more the trannies complain about muh hate sites, the more people peek behind the curtains and "see the light" so to say
No. 1483833
>>1483825Honestly if semi-mainstream media outlets decide to start publishing about online
terf groups, that’ll only be a boon to terfdom in the long run. I think of of us were TRA’s before we saw a
terf thread and decide to take a look, just to see how crazy and wrong these evil terms were only to see people making a lot of sense. That’s why the primary tactic against anything critical of trans people is silence, they know they can’t argue against basic logic and common sense so they need to silence any dissenting thought.
No. 1483838
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No. 1483851
>>1483833Depends, the general public barely knows how to take advantage of the internet, they're lazy bitches and just stick to read inaccurate, sensationalized headlines. That's exactly why JKR is hated by many people: she posted a long blog post to explain how, why and when she suffered from domestic abuse from her first husband and why she thinks transwomen shouldn't have access to real women's safe spaces, and people didn't read it, and read headlines deforming her words and arguments. You have people proudly saying that they never read her post because they don't want to be brainwashed by an evil
terf or some shit and they put words in her mouth. Maybe if people bothered doing basic research and looking for sources that would be great for all of us.
No. 1483858
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No. 1483867
File: 1648408862500.png (12.91 KB, 1078x129, is it a bad idea to stop treat…) of the comments here saying you don't lose muscle mass even with estrogen are interesting because you can argue the same with the Thomas situation. But I bet that if there was a similar post but now it mentioned Thomas then it'd have completely different responses.
No. 1483876
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>>1483867>>1483870I hate this stupid meme and how they fetishize weakness. I rarely have trouble opening jars. Guess I'm a man now. And if I do have trouble, I literally just use a jar opener or run the lid under hot water. They really do think we're weak and useless huh?
No. 1483901
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>>1483888True. Women can be nothing but handmaidens in their eyes, they seethe when we think for ourselves instead of taking every bs thrown at us as the absolute truth. Rage fuel tbh. I'm tired to pretend I care about troons just so people won't cancel the shit out of me.
No. 1483905
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No. 1483907
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>>1483905In the comments of this post, kek
No. 1483910
>autobibliophilic ???
No. 1483915
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No. 1483917
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>>1483915The cope in the comments
No. 1483919
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No. 1483929
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They really are so close to understanding.
Yet, so far.
No. 1483934
>>1483851But that’s exactly why trannies are doing so well on Twitter and tiktok, because you only have what? 127 characters or a minuet to say your piece and that’s it. You can make almost anything sound reasonable in that time especially if you pick emotive subjects (like comparisons to racism) to further your narrative.
Their points and activism starts to fall apart in longer discussions and videos, on YouTube for example Jessica Kalgren-Fozard posts pro tranny shorts and Jammie Dodger does lots of reacting to memes and owning the terfs type content. Hontra digs himself a grave in longer videos essentially admitting he’s just a massive AGP, Blair’s moved onto chasing pedos and the others like Kat blaque (who I think mostly now talks about being groomed and sex work I haven’t checked his channel in a while) have to sell themselves as not like other trans to remain successful
That’s why there’s such a huge wall to academically challenge anything trans aswell, because it’d unravel as quickly as it started if they were allowed to investigate the phenomena
No. 1483944
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No. 1483968
>>1483944>Is it because their perceived value in the world is higher?Pure delusion. TIMs dominate all trans spaces and discussion. If TIFs have all this male privilege and "perceived value", then why are they constantly talked over and prioritized below TIMs? The fact that they aren't talked about in these discussions is evidence that. People aren't worried about unfairness with them because they aren't pushing their way into male sports and spaces. You don't see them beating male athletes and stealing their scholarships. If anything, many of them still try to compete in the women's category. Many of them still choose to use the women's restroom because they're scared of facing male violence in the men's restroom. There are literally subreddits dedicated to degrading them with misogynistic language because no one actually views them as men or conveys the same amount of respect that comes with being perceived as male.
>or is it because they don't have to struggle as deeply with the fact that they want to fuck us?More delusion. All their complaints about lesbians not wanting to date them contradicts this lie. Along with the fact that the gay ones will often lie about being trans or withhold that information from their straight male dates and hookups, which in turn increases their risk of being beaten up or killed when the guy does eventually find out. The truth is that most people do not want to fuck them. That's why they have to engage in all this lying and gaslighting around the topic.
No. 1484004
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No. 1484016
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based wikipedia
No. 1484024
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this "looks amazing" according to troons
No. 1484033
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more "amazing" axe wounds
No. 1484034
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>>1484015I also watched the previous ones, the trans person is an angel, muh sides
No. 1484059
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No. 1484065
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>>1483901Me too. Ironically this is one of the few “safe” (ugh) spaces online we have to vent our frustration and disgust.
I really hope that this shit is looked at like lobotomies and other horrors of pseudoscience and bunk psychology/sociology nonsense but as many, many others have said here before, I doubt there is a near end to this.
Esther K is right. (The queen from that viral tweet.) We are just being respectful.
We have to be in order to keep our jobs, friends and if you come from a liberal background, family.
The latest generation of feminists who sided with these mentally ill fags in dresses should have never caved and catered to their delusions and brought them into the fold. This has been one of many recent developments in the last 10 years that has and will harm the future of a woman’s bodily protection and autonomy.
No. 1484068
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They're just mad because they wish they could look as good as JK. Honestly they're all so fugly they probably wish they could look as good as Putin
No. 1484070
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>>1484068Samefag but I love how they can't even make their stupid jokes owning the terfs without their fellow troons getting
triggered No. 1484071
File: 1648418247998.png (378.05 KB, 765x660, Milli Hill on Twitter.png) actually used AFAB in their article but after countless requests to change it they finally did.
No. 1484117
>>1484039First, learn to sage.
But to your question, yes, it is terrifying. And Queen JKR was harassed for pointing out how labelling MTF rapists as "women" is traumatic for the actual female
victims. We had a discussion on that a few weeks (?) ago that is probably now too many threads back since this board has been moving so quickly lately.
No. 1484131
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>>1484034This looks like a trace of some fanart of Lapiz Lazuli from Steven Universe.
No. 1484160
>>1484065>(The queen from that viral tweet.) She's a rightoid who could very well be anti-choice (so in favor of forced birth) given her associations. I hate how low the bar is these days. It's not a "queen" position, it's just common sense and reality.
Also anyone else resent the right adopting successful radfem talking points to go viral?
No. 1484174
>>1484160>anti-choice (so in favor of forced birth) Ugh like this is OT ig but really? like you know you can just not eat and your body will discard it right?
Really not that hard
No. 1484182
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>>1484165There's too much overlap with radfems and tradfems on hellholes like Twitter.
No. 1484184
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Slapped this together really quickly, he's having another meltdown apparently.
No. 1484186
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>>1484182Just say you're a conservative sweetie.
No. 1484192
>>1484186I did say this would happen years ago. Radical feminism will be diluted by handmaidens just like liberal feminism was.
Reminder that the first wave feminists like suffragettes were libfems. A lot of people just use "libfem" as an insult now but it is its own feminist branch and analytical framework.
No. 1484212
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The only thing troons advocate on behalf of women is getting women in the sex industry. They never say anything about abortion, maternal leave, sexist workplace discrimination, domestic violence, femicide, etc. No. 1484217
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I dont like keemstar but i cant believe people are this retarded…the amount of likes.
No. 1484226
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No. 1484245
>>1484234Literally, they cherry pick one radfem point and water it down to nothing.
Go back to pandering to men radicaltradwife.
No. 1484259
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>>1483831i wanted to see what he looked like without the weird paint
also his shirt has like 10 stains on it, disgusting
No. 1484261
>>1484246The ones on tumblr literally post about how the chinese are inhuman, jews are biologically evil, and black people are monkeys, etc. Blog but I'm on radblr and every time a post of mine gets popular I wind up with tons of these racist weirdos adding commentary to my posts about male violence with "well, we all know which men are REALLY the issue." It's insufferable. Trad women are just really stupid I think.
No. 1484294
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>>1483944More like trannies are actually a threat to literally everyone because they're men. No one cares about ftms because they're women and don't go out and assault people or shove their mangled genitals in everyone's face.
Him thinking everyone just wants to fuck him is the most male thing ever too lol
No. 1484314
>>1484165there is no "gender". most languages in the world don't even have two terms for "sex" and "gender". it's pure 1000% subversive post-modernist language engineering. radfems are part of the problem and they opened the door to all this insanity. you can hate scrotes and support women without leftist BS which always end up only benefiting scrotes anyway.
>>1484301no normal heterosexual man supports troons. straight men who do are all closeted trannies, tranny fetishist homos or deranged misogynists who are also closet homos.
No. 1484325
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love it when trannies eat their own kek
No. 1484333
>>1484314How does this relate to anything anon said? Radfems didn't create the sex/gender distinction, that was pedo John Money. Radfems only point to womens biology as being why/often how they are oppressed. You just come off as
No. 1484337
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No. 1484353
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>>1484337They always ask "would transition have saved her?" anytime they discuss some TIM that committed a crime or killed himself.
No. 1484377
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>>1484373>Kaczynski was an AGP?Yes.
No. 1484397
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A TIM who fantasizes of rap*ng women is totally not a threat to women. I don’t want someone like this in safe spaces for us.
No. 1484433
>>1484337didn't contra make like an entire video about how transtrenders are uwu
valid or some shit? is contra going for villain of his own people or what?
No. 1484528
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Why is Japan the country that searches for "autogynephilia" the most?
No. 1484536
>>1484528If the UK is
TERF Island then Japan is Pedo Island.
No. 1484583
>>1484337Lol contra single handedly introduced me to the concept of agp, convinced me it wasn't real and then later convinced me it
was real when I actually thought about what he said (he realized he was trans because he couldnt have sex without crossdressing, but that's not agp..somehow?) and how insecure he was about it. I guess he's gone full transmedicalist. Maybe by agp he means "without dysphoria"? idk but I hope he takes his video on agp (denying it exists basically) down, that thing has set us back decades. I'd unironically like seeing a video from him where he defines what being trans means but he would never dare
No. 1484633
>>1484620No because they hardly even know what transgenderism is. I've talked to Japanese radfems before and they don't even have any mainstream concept of feminism over there, let alone a radical feminist one. Even on Twitter a lot of Korean radfems shit on Japanese users for their handmaidenry and always making excuses for men.
The Japanese Twitter accounts that talk about troons are the terminally online ones that know English. Twitter is by far the most popular Western social media that Japanese people use but they don't often venture over into the English speaking side. It is, however, inevitable that some Japanese people will find out what is going on in the UK and such.
No. 1484762
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>>1483775I can't get over what a disaster this outfit is, lol.
No. 1484764
>>1484583 Contra is a transmed and has been one for many years now, is an open secret in tranny communities. Everyone knows and everyone hates him for it but they don't dare to go in full force against him because a) even as a transmed agp he's one of the best spokesmen for trannies and make normies into TRAS b) he knows enough shit to drag almost every other transinfluencer. Nuke contra means to nuke almost everyone. As for contra himself, he used to be able to hide his hated of trenders, zoomer queers, another hons & agps but i think that thanks to a mix of his addictions frying his brain and overall triedness of the absolute state of breadtube is slipping more and more. Still can't say something radical enough to alienate his cislib fanbase who keeps him as some sort of a pet, "look a trans person who can talk! Werent they all autistic weridos?
emoji" but at the end of the day they pays for his larvish lifestyle.
Tldr: Contra and troons hate each other. Been like that for years but they have a Ribbentrop-Mólotov pact and patiently wait for the other to mess up so they can attack first. Sorry for the sperg.
No. 1484776
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>>1484762Weird Al Wankovic
No. 1484810
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Could this MAN clean his fucking cum drizzled shit off of his mirror?
No. 1484816
>>1484797Normalize dumping coomers. Normalize calling men gay/bi for watching trans porn.
Normalize not sticking around and dealing with men who want to watch gay sex with tits.
Normalize Normalize Normalize. It hurts my heart to see so many women feeling they have to deal with this shit, no. You don't. He's a bisexual/gay coomer
nonnie. If he's white there is a huge chance he's going to troon out. People need to understand, if we lived in a magical land where women who don't want to deal with bisexual chasers told these men, "you are not straight. You are gross, go be with the men with tits, don't waste my time" then maybe at least 1% would stop wasting our time. It's a violation. I don't care if this is autistic, I will never forget seeing a woman saying all men were troom chasers and we should learn to accept it, NO we don't. That's what the chasers/troons want. They want women to validate their shitty dicks. A lot of chasers end up with wives and families, while craving dick on the side. They don't want relationships with troons but they want sex. Set them free.
No. 1484820
>>1484620The "western" concept of transgender isn't very prevalent in Japan. AGPs are still just AGPs, though they'll surely catch on eventually.
HSTS are still acknowledged as gays afaik.
People who aren't AGPs or HSTS will use x-gender labels (see ryosei, musei, chusei). They're usually tied to being LGB, asexuality, discomfort with the traditional gender roles imposed upon them, or appearance-related. I think they still acknowledge it for what it is, and aren't straight up biological sex deniers.
No. 1484826
>> 1484160And? You think infighting within our gender is going to help things? A conservative woman is still a woman unlike a tranny.
>>1484183This is the correct response and is much more constructive then automatically dismissing them as hopeless.
No. 1484828
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>>1484816He is bisexual (heavily repressed though), and that is one of the reasons I started dating him to begin with. He has watched gay porn too, tranny porn is probably a stepping stone for him to that. I know nonnas will crucify me for being with a porn watching moid, but 99.99% of them do so. I can whine about it and he will then hide it from me, but I have no delusions I can actually stop him. For now it does not seem excessive nor does he have any creepy fetishes, he is more "vanilla and boring" than me. I am not having kids, and he knows I will leave the second he would choose to troon out. I don't support porn, but I'm realistic that moids will always find a way to get their hands on it and banning it will not work. But this is a discussion for 2X, not here.
I should not have mentioned it at all as it's obvious people would find issue with it (rightfully so), but I thought it was relevant as even someone who could find trannies attractive thinks behaviour like that is creepy. And men will obviously see the issue more when it affects their lives with creeps preying on them.
No. 1484840
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>>1484833I'm pretty sure the hate bisexual men is one of the reasons they develop fetishes like APG, since thinking themselves as women taking cock is probably more justifiable and less "gay" and forbidden. Not that I have any sources on it other than my ass.
Not that it is really relevant but I have told him he can fuck men or women if he likes since I literally do not give a shit, but he does not want to. Yes, I am partial to open relationships even though I hate trannies and wokies that are 99% of poly people. Radfems / GCs are not a hive mind and we all all have different preferences and life styles.
Also, do tell me how I stop an adult from watching porn? Install parental blockers on his devices like for a child. I tell him about the issues on the field, and he has to make his own judgement. Unfortunately men often think with their cocks.
On more related issues - more trannies should consider becoming morbily obese, since the lard layers hide sex characteristics so well. Plus they would be less equipped to run after any people they try to rape!
No. 1484845
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>>1484809why we call them transcels
No. 1484849
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>>1484846I did not call myself a radfem, that's why I said
>Radfems / GCshoping it would be apparent I am the latter
Also, liking to fuck several people is not antifeminist inherently. Again, a topic for 2X.
>>1484848Ah, the feminism in action I see kek
No. 1484852
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No. 1484853
>>1484851This whole thread is about MtFs being misogynistic, why is misogyny ok coming from you? There is a middle ground between full on "sex positivity yaas queen make an OF!! sex work is work let him abuse you" and "women can only enjoy sex I approve of!"
>>1484852I'm not sure I have ever even seen "euphoria" things that are NOT related to boners
No. 1484854
>>1484849>I did not call myself a radfem>>1484840>Radfems / GCs are not a hive mind and we all all have different preferences and life styles>weAs thrilling as this discussion is, next time you wanna dunk on an ugly tranny, maybe leave out the details about your boyfriend's degenerate porn habits. Here's hoping he doesn't troon out
nonnie. I really do mean that, but I'm not optimistic for you
No. 1484857
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No. 1484861
File: 1648468026656.png (813.24 KB, 774x881, Screenshot_60.png)

>queen of the hill fighting game tourney
>2 troons
we can't have shit for ourselves
No. 1484863
>>1484861Not surprising, the average woman, even the most womanchild of women, isn't going to be wasting her life in video game tourneys.
Really makes you wonder if they're pushing these so you have the real tourney of men who know they're men and then the tranny in all but name tourney that no one will watch because everyone is sick of trannies.
No. 1484864
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No. 1484868
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Are they dumb
No. 1484874
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>>1484868Behold, the "Chilli Queen"
No. 1484875
File: 1648469330632.png (1.48 MB, 2160x1053, WinterWerevvolf.png)

this is what happens when furries don't get bullied hard enough in middle school
No. 1484882
>>1484337Didn’t contra make 2 videos one about trenders being
valid and another about agp being a whole theory based on an outlier/extreme minority
No. 1484884
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Phillip Pullman is caping for troons so he can openly hate on women and call them cunts
No. 1484885
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No. 1484888
>>1484885I’m im awe about how the whole movement is able to stamp out any doubts about itself. That whole subreddit is an echo chamber reassuring everyone that actually it’s completely fine to get boners from wearing a skirt and cis women experience that too! Reminds me of depression tumblr blogs, its fine cutting yourself is totally
valid and normal we all deal with emotions in different ways!
No. 1484892
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No. 1484894
>>1484882I think Contra is trying to sus out if transgenderism is really on its last legs. The minute straight white "cis" men decide its cringe on a whole he's going to push the tru trans narrative as hard as possible while throwing AGPs and 99% of twitter trannies under the bus.
Did contra get SRS? If he didn't I could see him detransing and making a shit load of money off of it.
No. 1484897
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>>1484889There's not much research on it, but apparently men are more likely to report enjoying spicy foods but they enjoy them for different reasons. Women are apparently more likely to actually enjoy the taste, but men are more likely to have the preference driven by social factors like it seeming more masculine. So they're not necessarily able to handle spice better objectively, but they're more likely to go harder on it and pretend they enjoy it to seem manly. And dudes with higher testosterone are more likely to engage in this behavior
No. 1484900
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No. 1484902
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>>1483905>>1483907>>1484797>>1484182This is why I hate mtf/ftm threads, they bring in too many unwanted retards and the threads themselves are repetitive with only difference being more twitterfag/redditfags in each new thread.
No. 1484905
>>1484337Kek this tweet is way too risky even for his easily
triggered fanbase because he acknowledges the existence of trenders and AGPs. Though is Hontra thinks trenders and AGP aren't trans then what the fuck is trans? Most trannies are those two.
No. 1484913
>>1484910Hontra tries to pretend he's some ambiguous typology that is more
valid than all the rest. He's a textbook case of AGP though, like how Robert White is a stereotypical HSTS.
No. 1484924
>>1484919I seriously think this is a result of porn. Just like how some men can't stay hard during sex unless they're watching porn. It's like porn becomes a mirror of their self, and they lose the ability to perceive themselves and thus be aroused unless they look like the thing they fap to six times a day. That being a slutty bimbo with hooker makeup and 5 inch heels.
It also explains why so many men trooned out during covid. They were jacking it so much it broke their little moid brains.
No. 1484940
File: 1648477865216.png (324.87 KB, 1179x1202, obsessed weirdos.png)

No. 1484947
File: 1648478622507.png (2.95 MB, 2236x2096, TheWolfpack94.png)

the very picture of femininity (and sanity) uwu
No. 1484954
File: 1648479388155.png (278.61 KB, 2048x1436, hormone-graph-2048x1436.png)

>>1484943As we can all see from this lovely graph, estorgen isn't just an upward-downward spike nor is it a constant line.
The moids who shoot it up: their bodies do their best to get rid of it by pissing it out. There's
no test that can measure "constant" estrogen or testosterone levels in the blood. The test they do measures what they have in their blood
at the moment. The endocrinologists probably coddle these mentally ill freaks by doing the test right after they shoot it up their bloodstream like junkies. After a day, two days or a week that level can easily go down to 0 again.
Women and men don't excrete hormones like this, it comes in everyday and fluctuates through out the day.
The troons who take pills everyday would have a baseline estrogen level flowing, it never goes up or down unless they stop using it.
These trannies are delusional and whatever they do or how much sissy porn they fap to, they can never replicate the female hormonal cycle. All they can do is cope and seethe on twitter, writing delusional tweets into the Twitter void that no one will care about except people who want to point and laugh at these circus clowns as past time entertainment, whereas everyone else is out and about enjoying lives and living happily in their natural bodies.
No. 1484965
File: 1648481463951.jpg (100.28 KB, 601x900, FO8TnNYXsAk5U7I.jpg)

Not trying to derail, but I was catching up on the thread and saw the girl talking about her boyfriend being disgusted by troons but jacking it to shemale porn. I just want to say that even if your moid friends are super outspoken about being grossed out by troons and always love making fun of them with you, never trust them. I had two close friends who both claimed to be straight and always shit on trannies. Both ended up dating some of the ugliness, manliness troons I've ever seen. They both shit on troons even after dating them. Men are disgusting and will fuck anything in a wig. Almost none of them have real standards or convictions.
Anyway, here is a candid of Honter from the Oscars. God damn.
No. 1484970
File: 1648482082923.jpg (103.43 KB, 681x851, FO6c3h9WYAogV_d.jpg)

>>1484968His dress is super ugly as well. Some sort of denim nightmare. Whoever styled him was having a laugh.
No. 1484998
File: 1648484721183.jpeg (889.8 KB, 1361x1338, 890065A4-0FF1-4A98-A08D-466556…)

Not sure if this has been posted but this guy on the left tells them to “please call off your dog” to the women with his filthy AGP smirk. Fucking creep.
No. 1485040
>>1484965>>1484970Jesus…his head and neck are so fucking big, idk how anyone can seriously claim he passes. Ive even heard handmaidens claim they were surprised to learn he was trans on the show. I call bullshit. He was immediately clockable to me. He looks like a weird rat. Any actual women that looked like him would've been bullied out of Hollywood by now
>>1485020Not this again. We already settled this stupid derailment hours ago. Let anon be in denial over her boyfriend, and we can continue to laugh at troons
No. 1485043
File: 1648486828074.jpg (Spoiler Image,300.28 KB, 1920x1080, Euphoria-Hunter-_Shafer-and-ze…)

>>1485040People were surprised?!?!? He has his dick outlined in panties in the first episode! It's impossible to miss.
No. 1485059
File: 1648488276936.png (391.14 KB, 1624x439, everytime.png)

anytime I see some retarded take on twitter under a feminine name, it's always a troon
No. 1485065
File: 1648489151900.png (41.92 KB, 594x279, A418018A-CAEA-4357-966E-84D53B…)

So many of these.
No. 1485075
File: 1648490175578.jpeg (94.01 KB, 750x618, 1646369226837.jpeg)

>>1485068I feel like the comment that anon made was yet another way of saying women who play video games are just scrotes in disguise, like was discussed in some derail in earlier threads lol. Yes, I am STILL salty for being called a moid for saying I mod Skyrim kek. I just feel like some nonnas here have very unrealistic standards for what women can and can't do to be "pure".
Also completely agree with your comment too - just because the competition is not a thing you enjoy / consider "serious" it doesn't mean it's not scrotes taking away spots meant for women.
No. 1485078
>>1485060these hips don't lie (and the voice actor is a stunning and brave trans woman himself)
I'm gonna start arguing that the redesign was a transphobic act because it implies you need a certain body type to be non-binary. I wanna win the TRA word games tournament.
No. 1485081
File: 1648490809065.jpg (35.59 KB, 436x600, 205f0a9bbca8701c2f188a3b077aa6…)

>>1485078tbh before his redesign, he really did represent troons well
No. 1485103
>>1485081It’s funny because testament was forced to undergo surgical procedures which included chromosome replacement and
implied castration Sage for sperg.
No. 1485115
File: 1648493658124.jpg (33.89 KB, 300x300, image001.jpg)

>>1485081don't spread mean stereotypes nona !
No. 1485128
>>1485122A lot of TiMs were angry incels, with all the typical racist and sexist bullshit that comes with, before getting groomed by other incels on reddit, 4chan and discord to “become the gf.” There’s a few troons on twitter that still openly hold their shitty political views to show the ibasement dwellers that follow them how
cool and
based they are compared to real women.
No. 1485134
File: 1648494885132.jpg (362.22 KB, 1768x1820, 2cd50862-f173-5255-90c5-942fba…)

I know how they are and yet every new thing they say still manages to disturb me.
No. 1485147
File: 1648495832344.jpeg (114.6 KB, 1124x649, BB1B6938-C0BC-43D7-82BF-4323C6…)

>>1485134If they need shit like this to validate their womanhood, I really pity them. Also, yeah, even if I know troons are a bunch of weirdos, I too still get surprised by shit they say (picrel).
No. 1485159
File: 1648496812553.png (2.37 MB, 1080x1593, Screenshot_20220328-114715_2.p…)

fucking horrifying. also the caption hides it but yes that is totally a beer gut.
No. 1485160
File: 1648496861580.png (131.58 KB, 1080x903, catcalled.png)

No. 1485162
File: 1648496899952.png (784.32 KB, 1080x1594, Screenshot_20220328-114833_2.p…)

wow not a fetish
No. 1485163
File: 1648497016141.png (647.36 KB, 760x1285, Screenshot_20211230-172528.png)

Hate how Sock Dreams has been catering to their fetishes but this made me kek so hard
No. 1485176
File: 1648498255041.jpg (434.14 KB, 810x1619, Screenshot_20220324-103525_Boo…)

>>1485160Euphoria short lived kek
No. 1485185
File: 1648498885457.png (68.27 KB, 1080x608, horny.png)

No. 1485187
File: 1648498896621.png (1.18 MB, 1224x840, Screen Shot 2022-03-28 at 4.25…)

>>1484766it's not a dress, it's a full body onesie
No. 1485193
File: 1648499225421.png (512.7 KB, 1080x1545, Screenshot_20220328-162453.png)

From /r/asktransgender
No. 1485204
File: 1648500675892.jpg (99.95 KB, 1200x630, Jared-Leto-Joker.jpg)

>>1484970>>1484965Who's the guy he's dating that looks like a hispanic Joker?
No. 1485208
>>1485192>>1485202Wait, how many testament yumes are there? I'm so happy there are other nonas I can grieve with.
sage for my de/g/eneracy
No. 1485268
File: 1648505918932.png (58.85 KB, 599x542, chromosomes aren't DNA.PNG)

No. 1485290
File: 1648506842177.png (984.08 KB, 739x1600, haha nothing to see here.PNG)

he just started HRT and is pretty young. it saddens me tbh(selfposting tranny)
No. 1485292
File: 1648507047955.png (1.73 MB, 1310x1668, 1648491685596.png)

No. 1485303
File: 1648507857706.jpeg (125.67 KB, 1170x377, FDE24F4D-EBF4-40E1-86E3-659427…)

>>1484845I hate these men
No. 1485304
File: 1648507987374.jpeg (168.72 KB, 1169x478, 93386BFF-935A-441D-ACAB-9B7893…)

>>1485303FUCK these scrotes
No. 1485306
File: 1648508106627.jpeg (556.93 KB, 2048x1502, 13401658-BC1E-455B-B572-14145B…) like makeup yass queens are about to cancel another woman for her opinions. Honestly I never see men get sanctioned to the extent women do in these beauty spaces.
No. 1485336
>>1485290>>1485314What's the point of selfposting tho?
DO they think we're going to stroke their egos? Trying to find out if they pass?
His giant neck makes it super obvious he's a man, maybe wrapping a rope around it would make it smaller.
No. 1485342
>>1485075Don't worry, nonna, we all know that you are a woman. It was likely some tradwife antagonizing you in the prior thread. We know that tradwives lurk this thread, so it's possible they post, too, in the hopes of convincing us that their version of "womanhood" is the only
valid one.
No. 1485368
File: 1648511174176.jpg (43.1 KB, 450x450, 640-06051024en_Masterfile.jpg)

>>1485355Lmao thank you for your service anon. You're a true terven patriot
No. 1485436
>>1485336He's a narcissist and loves ALL attention. He probably wanted to cry about the mean terfs and pull out his
victim card.
>>1485322He probably wanted to "boost" himself on here for free to attract views/comments be he wants to be relevant kek.
No. 1485470
>>1484828congrats on having an animal you have to train and keep a close eye on instead of a partner. kill the coomer in your mind,
No. 1485472
File: 1648518034089.jpeg (430.56 KB, 3000x2000, A214A43C-B08D-4073-A9D6-6052A2…)

Anyone remember Anonhi. It was the first troon that peaked me, because he has always been a fat male narc who puts no effort into trying. He also said a bunch of racist shit about how black people don’t respect his gender
No. 1485510
File: 1648520393750.jpeg (158.21 KB, 1125x2000, 9162608E-36CB-4C50-8EF7-F27935…)

browsing bandcamp profiles and stumbled upon the elusive black agp
No. 1485523
File: 1648521160689.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1170x1789, 81D7CE1A-E824-451D-BBFC-B993A3…)

No. 1485534
File: 1648521889515.png (9.63 KB, 875x157, pros of being mtf MtF.png)

girly noises
No. 1485540
File: 1648522225676.jpeg (Spoiler Image,873.65 KB, 1170x1370, F674DB47-990F-457F-998D-CD4425…)

I can’t even go on Twitter anymore
No. 1485544
File: 1648522458576.jpg (278.58 KB, 828x1008, IMG_20220328_215225.jpg)

No. 1485553
>>1485438okay sorry janny, won't do it again
though why did i get redtexted for responding to the moid & other anons didn't even though they responded to him like five minutes before me?>>1485540why is his face so weird & long? he looks like a goat
No. 1485561
File: 1648523623879.png (248.35 KB, 760x520, on Twitter.png)

what exactly is wrong with this?
No. 1485569
>>1485565I want to move to
TERF island
No. 1485584
File: 1648524490661.png (131.42 KB, 796x1030, k on Twitter.png)

No. 1485586
File: 1648524622060.png (39.26 KB, 751x341, kk on Twitter.png)

men can't always get what they want troon
No. 1485596
File: 1648525241784.jpg (202.11 KB, 768x768, fbls6qg3nzp81.jpg)

No. 1485598
File: 1648525269991.jpg (155.01 KB, 768x768, e2ky8hud38q81.jpg)

No. 1485614
File: 1648527236170.jpeg (60.58 KB, 750x831, 0F6F1B35-D347-4F9D-B2B9-D9A67C…)

>>1485584>”deeply felt gender”>”gendered soul”>”born in the wrong body”>”opposite gender brain”All common Troon beliefs. Explain to me how any of these are any more real than “female essence”. If a troon said they believed they had a “female essence”, dude here would be like yass queen so true.
No. 1485642
File: 1648529882373.jpg (94.75 KB, 634x963, magicalnight.jpg)

member when men could just wear dresses without harassing lesbians
No. 1485648
File: 1648530353385.png (2.54 MB, 1358x1362, Screen Shot 2022-03-29 at 1.08…)

lubtroonsky equates black children to grown men
No. 1485673
File: 1648531876011.png (438.21 KB, 828x1792, 190531BA-98A3-4764-8B4E-AB7DBA…)

I didn’t realize how widely hated J.K. Rowling is for her terf views, like I just assumed a small percentage of people hated on her and most ignored her but I’m in a baby name group for tragedieghs and one poster name her son after a Harry Potter character and these are the handmaidens in the comments. It was mostly just this throughout the thousands of comments
No. 1485678
>>1485648First of all, if they're gonna make this offensive ass comparison, they could at least try to be accurate. White people didn't oppose integration because they thought black people would sexually assault their kids. They may have leveraged those arguments against adult black men on white women. But they mostly opposed it because they viewed black people as biologically inferior and feared their cultural practices (many of which were imposed on them by poverty or living in a white supremacist society) rubbing off on their white children and making them more likely to be dumb, violent, poor, and have mixed race babies. It was gross and stupid, but not analogous to trannies whatsoever.
You could kind of make the comparison to gay rights because religious hets did view them as sexual predators and thought them getting married and being teachers would start a slippery slope into accepting pedophilia and bestiality. It didn't help that literal pedo organizations tried to insert themselves into the movement (hmm…where have we seen this before?). But luckily, mostly do to the work of lesbians, they were shunned from the mainstream activism and that shit was quickly shut down.
Trannies are a whole other ballgame because we've seen far too many cases of them actually behaving in sexually inappropriate ways around children and adult women alike. How many times have we seen some TRA been outed as a sex offender? Not to mention them pushing intense, life-altering drugs and procedures on literal children.
Stop comparing yourselves to black people and gay people fighting for their civil rights. They do this because they think they're the oppressed ones in this scenario, but they more closely resemble the racist whites and homophobic hets of the past. Just men bullying women (oppressor class bullying oppressed class) into submission with threats of violence and nonsensical rhetoric. It took black people and gay people literal centuries to make the gains that they have, whereas it took trannies a couple of years. That should tell you all you need to know about who's really holding the power here.
No. 1485690
File: 1648533271138.jpeg (122.94 KB, 750x669, EA242DED-364E-4E66-B293-F4D371…)

have you guys seen this? it might make you laugh, (although half way through I almost started to think it was real because it’s just so accurate) No. 1485693
File: 1648533395889.jpeg (140.13 KB, 570x567, 6F87FBEF-327B-44FA-BB44-2C8D49…)

>>1485688Is this guy still married lol
No. 1485696
>>1485683It’s always women. “Good” women are no longer allowed to listen to Lana Del Ray, or read Margaret Atwood and Sylvia Plath any more because they have
problematic ideas. Chris Brown is a serial abuser, Pablo Neruda was a rapist, and Ted Hughes was so
abusive he badically drove Plath to suicide; but some how these men are allowed to have a career and legacy separate from their actions in their personal lives.
No. 1485698
File: 1648533893510.png (434.41 KB, 828x1792, 0030C020-D302-44A6-A23C-573F97…)

>>1485680Idk if it’s relevant but the name in question is Ollivander, a name Rowling made up herself.
No. 1485699
>>1485696That's so true. I see it so much with feminist literature. They dismiss texts from the first and second wave because those feminists were
problematic and their ideas supposedly outdated. We're not allowed to have any long-standing literary or philosophical canon. Everything has to be recycled for some new bullshit that only makes less and less sense as time goes on. But they never say that shit about men. They don't dismiss all of Freud's theories because he was a sexist piece of shit. All of the "great" male philosophers - Aristotle, Plato, Socrates, Nietzsche, Foucault, Derrida, etc. - have all said some vile, fucked up shit but you'd be viewed as ridiculous for dismissing all of their ideas entirely.
No. 1485721
>>1485561As if TRAs would be okay with a
TERF receiving one of their organs.
No. 1485735
File: 1648538465777.jpeg (370.76 KB, 750x1988, 01768118-07FC-41D9-B0D6-A030B5…)

I could fill a book with “lesbians” I run into on hinge that look like this
No. 1485738
>>1485584They think women not wanting men to have womb transplants and give birth is because "jealous roastie afraid of being replaced". They seriously are just MRA incel misogynists who think women don't deserve womanhood. Because we can say no, because we can reject them, they seethe and fantasize about making US obsolete.
Women don't want troons raising kids because we know those kids will be abused and neglected, because that's what males do. Especially fetishistic, misogynistic, pedophilic men with disturbing views about sexual stereotypes. But that never crosses their moid brains because they lack empathy outright. No, we are just jealous ugly hags afraid of artificial wombs, I mean womb implants.
Seriously, failedmale fixation on controlling reproduction is so fucking telling.
No. 1485797
File: 1648551507424.png (32.62 KB, 297x529, 938409384.PNG)

I hate these fucking troons.
No. 1485808
>>1485797So the asker is saying they had to explain they're trans because they're gay and think that being the opposite sex is easier.
And the user doubleca5t is relating and saying they only reveal that the reason they're trans due to their sexual fetish, in extremely online spaces.
Reminder that these people KNOW they're not women.
No. 1485812
File: 1648553660881.png (18.92 KB, 292x278, 382093.PNG)

>>1485799There's a lot of self-admitted AGP on social media if you know where to look. This one seems to be going through his pseudobisexual phase.
No. 1485815
File: 1648553699508.jpg (112.35 KB, 1080x1252, 349-03940.jpg)

No. 1485817
File: 1648553868164.jpg (41.68 KB, 750x364, 3480934.jpg)

>that username
No. 1485818
File: 1648554093305.png (50.9 KB, 522x395, 39840493893.PNG)

>>1485812Why are they like this?
No. 1485824
File: 1648554276072.jpg (75.98 KB, 720x462, 1234809843.jpg)

tygress just loves to project
No. 1485830
File: 1648555245245.png (269.42 KB, 594x499, ok.png)

tranny memes are the absolute worst
No. 1485837
>>1485821he's talking about men with gender dysphoria/AGP/urge-to-troon-out that
know that trooning out would be a terrible life decision for them because they'll never pass. they will often read up on radfem/GC and internalize it as a cope to keep themselves from trooning out ("I can't troon out because that would make me a disgusting rapist"). some of them even go on estrogen to ease dysphoria but still keep living and identifiying as men ("manmoders"). on the old gendercritical subreddit there were a number of posters that were self-described male autogynephiles/dysphorics that the mods openly tolerated to prove a point ("see! you don't
have to claim to be a woman, even if you have AGP/gender dysphoria").
No. 1485841
File: 1648556344794.png (41.76 KB, 482x149, f44c8488c6890ac0e.png)

Literally a male supremacist movement.
No. 1485842
File: 1648556386010.png (488 KB, 1046x463, TarynnWren.png)

No. 1485846
>>1485824>>1485825>>1485840i've actually seen some terfs act thirsty as hell when interacting with ftms - but never mts kek. of course, the ftms got really mad about it because fucking a woman-identified-woman would destroy their gayden super gay male larp and the mfts got really mad because
they desperately want terfs to thirst after them.
No. 1485847
File: 1648556824580.png (527.8 KB, 1080x1572, nazi phase.png)

why were you friends with white supremacists?
No. 1485848
File: 1648556929097.png (43.33 KB, 500x230, 309480934.png)

>>1485846Meanwhile TIMs completely despise TIFs.
No. 1485871
File: 1648558412524.png (1.25 MB, 1080x1468, skirt and thigh highs.png)

it means you're a perv, hope this helps
No. 1485874
File: 1648558592866.jpg (99.88 KB, 500x710, 12480943.jpg)

No. 1485890
File: 1648560404326.png (76.48 KB, 1080x798, gender euphoria wood.png)

No. 1485894
File: 1648560772765.jpg (2.4 MB, 4096x3072, GridArt_20220329_093202585.jpg)

I'm on a doppelganger Facebook page and I always have a little laugh when the troons post.
No. 1485901
File: 1648561433634.jpeg (273.83 KB, 1242x1270, 587D04BD-61EE-4F67-A10C-FF79BE…)

>he thinks twitter is real life and not a hugbox for looney troons
No. 1485913
>>1485688outside the trooning he already pissed me off because his work accomplishes nothing. the nib is a complete echo chamber.
and then since trooning his non-political strip just became about troon politics
No. 1485927
>>1485919Nope, for some reason I have always been disgusted with troon shit. Born to
TERF I guess
No. 1485932
File: 1648564396024.jpg (4.04 MB, 4096x3072, GridArt_20220329_103027422.jpg)

Typical male brain to advocate for violence (and giving trans kids guns apparently). I hate this Troon so much, "their music video" for tear up still gives me nightmares.
No. 1485972
>>1485965then no, never been into tranny porn.
i like my futas and hentai dickgirls though, because they look like women. i've checked irl tranny porn out sometimes to compare but it made me sick. im against real life porn ideologically plus almost all the people who do porn are disgusting to look at. saged for coomerism and sperg
No. 1485974
>>1485972You are me,
No. 1485993
>>1485979>Aren't futas just girls with both genitalsluckily yes. troons love the genre though and some call themselves futa. a lot of futa/male doujins involve a futanari turning an effeminate boy "into a girl", it's the ultimate agp wank material (which also makes them feel less gay for wanting dick because it's attached to an 'intersex' woman)
>>1485974futa loving nonnies unite
No. 1485994
Probably likes that big one so he cant insert a pussy in it
No. 1486007
File: 1648571371602.jpeg (841.69 KB, 1170x1873, 380F2DE9-D648-4886-8C94-1C6886…)

quit the hentai sperging you degenerates and can someone explain to me what the fuck does this mean
No. 1486014
File: 1648571822236.jpeg (926.73 KB, 960x1464, D90D13DB-0B2C-4CC6-8E49-2A2849…)

>>1485994You know, given Buffalo Bill-kun’s honesty with porn consumption I can totally see that happening.
No. 1486016
File: 1648572132120.jpeg (551.26 KB, 1170x1911, 3F63C410-8A29-4A5E-ACF6-CF0EE7…)

Troons drawing themselves as cutesy anime girls will never fail to make me laugh. The delusion.
No. 1486017
File: 1648572202259.jpeg (292.42 KB, 828x557, 6427A4AB-91FF-4D76-A0A4-43E8A5…)

Every day we stray further from the light of god
No. 1486037
>>1485919I don’t watch porn at all anymore, but when I used to be a handmaiden dating a tranny (I know, I know. At first he just looked like a feminine handsome guy before taking the pills and becoming crazier and growing moobs), he would want me to watch trans with “cis” woman porn.
It’s all bad. There is no “good” tranny porn. I struggled finding anything. Even if they look just OK (and by that I mean not in neon fishnets), tranny dick is so flaccid that it’s unappealing. They look like they’re struggling to keep an erection. Their thrusts are pathetic and the moaning they make is gross. They’re shoving a flabby dick that can’t get very far into an actress that’s faking it.
No matter what trannies say, their dicks do not stay the same after HRT (along with the porn addiction). It’s a shapeless thing that can’t stay hard. They can’t properly have sex anymore, and it’s why most troons struggle finding a woman to date that isn’t a tranny pretending to be one.
No. 1486060
>>1485874This cat is too beautiful to have such a retarded owner
>>1485894>Leona Lewis, sweetie, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry that a ugly ass bitch like this would even say that. kek at the Adore Delano comparison though
>>1485919>>1485824I've never met a single woman, including myself, who's watched tranny porn of her own volition. And if we have the unfortunate luck of stumbling across it, we're certainly not masturbating to it. Most women don't even engage in "haterbating" at all. Sorry our sexuality isn't sadistic and broken and we don't develop pychosexual obsessions with people that we hate. That's classic male behaviour
No. 1486065
File: 1648576609585.png (922.62 KB, 837x831, troon1.PNG)

>>1486014He used to be attractive when he presented himself as male. What a waste. KEK
No. 1486066
File: 1648576711796.png (216.31 KB, 986x1125, Screenshot 2022-03-29.png)

You're a porn-addicted man, not a woman or non-binary ffs.
No. 1486086
File: 1648577887999.jpg (80.53 KB, 1200x662, EsDIiILW4AAZAq3.jpg)

>>1486082Your average TIM/TIF couple
No. 1486089
File: 1648577951563.jpg (323.75 KB, 1080x1769, Screenshot_20220329_201311.jpg)

found this one in the wild, a whole male implying that all non white (and eastern European?? that's a new one) women look like men, and this is somehow progressive. Well meaning normie liberals are one thing but I have to believe these men who actively care this much about terfs are chasers, closet trannies, or just fucking hate women, there's no other explanation
No. 1486104
File: 1648578746529.jpeg (253.28 KB, 1230x1080, 405DD709-7974-4F75-9075-B3CAE8…)

>>1486082I was trying to find a picture of Eunice to use as a profile picture and sadly came across this. How suitable.
No. 1486114
>>1486102The only people I've seen say this kinda shit are TRAs and Racist,white supremacists even some dudes on KF claim that "black Tims pass better because black women look like men".
I hope they know that no matter how they dress it up, what they are saying is the same. Non white women look like men and can be "clocked " by "Terfs" because they have the same "gives" that biological men who transitioned into men do.
It's racism. It's disgusting. It's stupid. More so then that the people saying this KNOW what a woman looks like. They just don't see some
POC (mainly black women) as
full women. We are in a subcategory that they are in. It's not because oppression, it's because of their racism.
No. 1486135
File: 1648580501279.png (23.04 KB, 823x121, i am feel uncomfortable when w…)

No. 1486141
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Every fuckin time
No. 1486153
File: 1648581380806.png (698.99 KB, 1080x1564, thigh highs.png)

yes, we all know you smell bad
No. 1486172
File: 1648582044280.png (5.84 MB, 2079x960, A13FFA8E-6738-4870-817D-2312A7…)

>>1486065He certainly wasn’t bad looking. It’s a shame he’s so coombrained that he thinks becoming a woman is the answer. In the new video I posted he gave us a shot of his room with the doll on his bookshelf. Next to the shelf was a Framed picture of a lewd Bowsette.
No. 1486177
>>1486089Not even once of the story of humankind a native men confused their native women with men. ~
POC~ women aren't getting misgender daily that is a neoliberal racist fantasy (Aka, what most TRAS are). Degendering the enemy, otoh, It's a demoralizing tactic very used in colonization antics. Notably by the anglos and french. No matter how progressive they claim they're, they're still racists neoliberals with a colonialist mindset. At least the tttt autistic troons with their retarded memes of "don't ask a troon what they were doing 5 years ago teeheee" don't hide their origins.
No. 1486221
File: 1648584075405.jpeg (42.73 KB, 600x597, Doris_the_ugly_stepsister.jpeg)

>>1485598Out here looking like the Ugly Stepsister from Shrek
No. 1486226
File: 1648584197223.jpg (261.45 KB, 1080x1628, Screenshot.jpg)

>>1486190Not specifically about white trans women but I thought this was interesting
No. 1486228
I don't know how embed Tiktoks but look at this one has 150,000 likes and ALL of the comments are GC.
No. 1486232
File: 1648584889090.png (1.02 MB, 585x3298, kek.png)

I just saw this on twitter.
In case someone doesn't know Kikomi has one: No. 1486236
>>1486232is that the actual kikomi artist or just someone using the name? either way they're a really good troll because it exposes just how hypocritical and meaningless it all is. why can an amab transgirl be
valid but an afab one can't?
also kek at the tranny using fae pronouns for kikomi even though she's obviously trolling
No. 1486238
>>1486234And yet there’s troons that insist that they actually are biological women, shriveled dicks and all.
TRAs make no sense.
No. 1486239
File: 1648585264632.png (29.89 KB, 583x375, 2022-03-29_22-16-18.png)

>>1486236I feel like I read here that it's her, but I'm not sure. Maybe someone else can confirm.
No. 1486245
File: 1648585487638.jpeg (464.67 KB, 1284x1262, 0AB8031F-63AA-4E05-9BFB-1F86C3…)

Terminally online reddit retard troons out while wife is pregnant. "Transbian" with a yuri fetish while ofc fucking men. Blames lack of sex partly on his wife cause she has a post partum body ewwww!!1 (instead of his limp peen and gross tranny lifestyle) And of course a fucking weeb. Based wife doesn't want to call him mom and refuses to be called a waifu kek. When will these retard moids get blamed for cultural appropriation?
No. 1486260
File: 1648586474238.png (129.29 KB, 1080x1138, wet spot.png)

i may actually puke
No. 1486265
File: 1648586932743.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.44 MB, 3931x3088, 29D73440-A816-4911-A624-E5B667…)

>shitty makeup
>disgusting sissy fetish
>has stickers on his car "woman: Anyone who identifies as a woman for any reason" thinking he owned terfs. At most this guy looks like a dollar tree Damiano David if he trooned out kek
No. 1486268
>>1486265Jesus christ that one is disturbing
>dykesgonewildAre there any ACTUAL women or lesbians in there
No. 1486272
File: 1648587291819.png (126.68 KB, 2135x555, Screenshot 2022-03-29 134951.p…)

>>1486266google 'gender euphoria', its when trannies get euphoric when someone genders them correctly or they do something 'gender affirming' but it actually just means that they get a boner
>>1486260>family bathroomgross
i found this other post of his particularly horrible because he wrote 'girlnipple' which is a term that i never want to see ever again for as long as i live
No. 1486276
File: 1648587515387.png (1.55 MB, 1080x1832, walmart bra.png)

note to self: never buy underwear from walmart
No. 1486287
File: 1648588170798.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.17 MB, 3931x2134, 9FB30AE1-545E-4312-922C-81E66D…)

>>1486265It gets even worse. He keeps posting his gross bulge pics on dykesgonewild and identifying as a 16yo girl. Of course he still has a gf and keeps calling himself a lesbian while drooling over moid neighbour. Someone replied to him calling him adorable and wanting to kiss down his stomach and thighs. The account was deleted soon after kek.
No. 1486288
>>1486270Scrotes don't take HRT (because they aren't replacing anything). They take cross-sex hormones. They stole that word, just like the try to steal everything else.
If you want to stick it to troons, always call it cross-sex hormones.
No. 1486306
File: 1648589533085.jpeg (Spoiler Image,448.44 KB, 1284x2010, 404F7090-987F-4AE1-8914-FB43F9…)

God help us the salmacian trannies want their special flag to be more visible at Pride like it isn't already ruined by tranny degeneracy. If this shit becomes more known to the public I guarantee it will either cause mass peaking alongside Lia or people will start blaming the lgbs for this shit.
Soon lesbians don't have to accept girldick anymore, they'll get a girldick with a scrotehole. Gynaecologists won't be able to tell the difference anymore you bigots! NSFL image
No. 1486310
File: 1648589868430.png (83.04 KB, 750x751, e3c.png)

>>1486309>post mentions guy with dreadlocks>"HE HAS A BBC FETISH!!" stop watching porn
No. 1486337
>>1486320>>1486317Just some girl stating it's stupid that troons claim to have periods and pms symptoms when they don't have uteruses.
Comments all agreed with her.
No. 1486339
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No. 1486353
File: 1648594730997.jpg (72.09 KB, 1080x722, reality.jpg)

>>1485919I did once, but unknowingly because it was advertised as a lesbian thing on the thumbnail. Then I saw their white nerd moid faces and immediately noticed how weird looking their vag's/breasts were and the fact that the camera wouldn't get too close.
They were all obvious bottom surgery trannies. Disgusting.
No. 1486374
File: 1648595949648.webm (1.71 MB, 576x1024, v12044gd0000c90tdtrc77u41eeltp…)
>>1486228>>1486317here you go, i saved it before it got deleted. reason it's unavailable now is because they got her whole account banned off tiktok.
No. 1486379
File: 1648596541381.jpg (68.36 KB, 642x558, pf5.jpg)

>>1485919I watch a lot of porn. I'll watch TIM porn if the TIM is being abused because I'm a sadist and I hate moids.
But I'm not one of the radfem women / "terfs" these moids are harassing online, just a misandrist.
(not a general gc thread) No. 1486402
File: 1648598460777.jpeg (350.59 KB, 1242x1625, A6C4F65D-3827-40B0-B70B-943146…)

>>1486339kek, the level of narcissism to post a picture of himself and truly believe it proves his point when in reality everyone can tell immediately it’s a dude. it must really suck to be him
No. 1486417
>>1486406She's hilarious. It's all using their same arguments against them. The biotrans movement is real and
>#WeAreAllTrans No. 1486422
File: 1648599693175.png (633.37 KB, 585x757, 38093.PNG)

We need to stop the libfems.
No. 1486434
File: 1648600573329.png (4.81 MB, 1170x2532, 11DEB404-7E40-402D-A4D1-153C52…)

Kairi deleted all recent tweets and went public again. His last playing the victim pity me manifesto surprisingly was not about knifepuppy and the Riley / Boston circle. He forgot to delete posts from October which feature some other troon Cami (wondertease) and flying out to see him and sperging about how much he cares for them. His account is private unfortunately.
No. 1486454
File: 1648602585429.jpeg (418.25 KB, 828x980, 64497203-E4EA-4E35-B8B3-E419C2…)

>>1486440You have to understand a lot of these men are 4chan autistic racists who believe in skull science. Their facial blindness and lack of empathy leads them to completely argue this in earnest
No. 1486461
>>1486443oh god SWANNA, I hate those who say that, it's all people from the region who have lived in America too long or if they're still in the motherland too much time on american spaces so fucking annoying. Not as annoying though as freaky ass moids who think they're women tho by just wearing a skirt and going spinny. Does anyone have any movies that would be deemed transphobic btw, like Silence of the Lambs? I want to laugh at scrotes since I can't do that in public cause it's "
problematic" now. But back again, I'm from a country that's basically irl handmaids tale for women so seeing the stupid ass fuckery of "urr whats a woman" especially from these racist af pasty ass mayo skinned moids and their equally stupid ass women who simp for them, makes me believe in god again to hope they all get ass cancer
No. 1486473
File: 1648603719686.png (128.35 KB, 591x764, fyjtdurfi;rf.png)

Insane speedrunning troon Narcissa Wright gets unbanned on Twitch after threatening to shoot up the headquarters.
No. 1486476
File: 1648603895543.jpeg (Spoiler Image,97.79 KB, 835x621, BE08E3D3-BDE6-48A2-9772-3661D2…)

(nsfl and not a troon)
No. 1486479
>>1486473Well, they can’t say they’re surprised when he actually does it
No. 1486514
File: 1648606415531.png (62.67 KB, 794x375, 382938032.PNG)

Lmao has anyone checked out RationalWiki's "
TERF glossary"? It actually used to be a decent wiki that debunked alternative medicine and beliefs like Creationism but now its become a tranny propaganda hub. They will say astrology is pseudoscience but non-binary and other shit is
valid. No. 1486537
File: 1648608277345.jpeg (14.19 KB, 415x739, images (6).jpeg)

>>1486514Reminder that the creator of ratwiki is an AGP, that Created it in protest after Wikipedia would not allow him to distribute Child porn for """informative purposes"""
No. 1486540
File: 1648608367716.jpg (133.95 KB, 1280x720, mark redwine.jpg)

>>1486496I know what that is.
That's a grown man, cross dressing, wearing a diaper and eating shit. He was on Dr.Phil searching for his lost son. Turns out. His son had found his porn collection which included his gross shit eating fetish, transvestism and other gross moid things and murdered the poor boy.
No. 1486551
File: 1648609033432.jpg (736.81 KB, 951x2135, Screenshot_20220329-195510_Chr…)

>>1486540Damn. Sucks that it took nine years for a conviction. I guess he's a better liar than Chris Watts
No. 1486555
>>1486528I only watch solo homemade if it involves women at all. I can't stand hetero PIV porn, it
triggers my PTSD. I don't have empathy for males and I don't care if they suffer or are "exploited". Everything I watch is free on 4chan or leddit anyway, so no one is profiting.
It's not meant to be an ""own"" anyway, I know I have an addiction and I do whatever pleases ME not what is best for whomever. I was just answering the question.
(derailing) No. 1486591
>>1486572I actually didn't know any of that, but I just Wiki'd and it seems there is some divided opinion as to the perspective of his work: , some believe it to be feminist (citing Sisters as also mentioned by anon
>>1486573 , and Pauline Kael considers Casualties Of War as being so). I admit some of Dressed To Kill is gratuitous as was especially common in neo-noir of the era (like Body Heat, explicitly depicting what was only hinted in noirs of the 40s and 50s), though I personally found it to be empathetic to the dangers women face, and while the more gratuitous parts may have been somewhat difficult to stomach
like the elevator scene, they didn't outright annoy me as much as in other films (like Body Heat, lol). I'm not the hugest fan of Scarface but it's well-known and generally respected so I included it in my first post, but am a big fan of The Fury, which I would say has feminist themes as well. Thanks though for bringing this criticism to my attention, I wasn't aware
No. 1486597
>>1486555How many videos of TIMs getting abused are there even?
I can't imagine there's that many since I've only ever ran into one.
No. 1486604
>>1486600nta but god damn it i just remembered the story
don't think i've seen the photo before tho
No. 1486614
File: 1648614336072.png (580.1 KB, 631x771, (@ErinInTheMorn) _ Twitter.png)

No. 1486618
File: 1648614585878.png (80.76 KB, 803x929, The Punished Ad Sappies on Twi…)

anthony with the dumb hot takes again, just because he can't get a woman to date him because no one wants a tranny.
No. 1486627
File: 1648616168654.jpg (208.92 KB, 1080x872, Screenshot_2022-03-29-17-50-28…)

Omfg. Trannies may be able to trick drunk moids into organically dilating their ax wounds, but troons could never fool a lesbian, even if she was completely obliterated. Grown ass, sexually experienced men will slip out of a woman and obliviously fuck the mattress, but women aren't nearly that retarded.
No. 1486648
File: 1648619739912.png (114.08 KB, 2046x1020, timlookingforwardtolifeoneasym…)

TIM looking forward to life on easy mode: No. 1486655
File: 1648620362126.png (28.6 KB, 2066x266, iwishicouldbeasmolsofttightswe…)

TIM wishes he could be a smol, soft, tights-wearing lesbian so bad.
No. 1486664
File: 1648622675281.jpg (517.97 KB, 810x1565, Screenshot_20220330-022922_Boo…)

Yet another one who trooned out circa their partner's childbirth.
No. 1486665
File: 1648622714064.webm (2.79 MB, 608x1080, transcendenttortoise.webm)
>>1486664Nice hairline kek
No. 1486680
>>1486648lmao all that "i secretly DO know better" when that i exactly the male behavior he's trying to describe, he has zero self-awareness
>>1486232kikomi i love you, you are so brave and stunning
No. 1486701
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No. 1486706
File: 1648628491280.png (825.1 KB, 1172x1264, thejoke.png)

imagine going to a comedy show while looking like a joke kek
No. 1486710
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>>1486706His face reminded me of picrel
No. 1486714
File: 1648629329227.png (1.8 MB, 1172x1312, ureallydontpassdude.png)

"I think I pass to most cis folk"
They legit think they pass when it's glaringly obvious to everyone how male they are. The level of delusion is honestly fascinating, and a bit scary.
I almost feel bad for these people, you just know their friends are lying and hyping them up with lies to not hurt their feelings
No. 1486715
File: 1648629337575.jpeg (29.78 KB, 480x360, 1_rnqeznYhoqE84dF9tcTjTA.jpeg)

>>1486665he looks like an oblivion character
No. 1486720
File: 1648629572087.png (888.46 KB, 2066x992, inhibitedtransvesticexhibition…)

>i just wish i could shamelessly flaunt my transvestic exhibitionism
No. 1486723
>>1486514>Troon>A slur which is an amalgamation of "trans" and "goon". Because "goon" means "hitman" or "idiot", the term is used to frame all trans women as inherently dangerous, despite them being the ones at highest risk of being put in danger. Sometimes, goon can be substituted for loon, implying that all transgender people are mentally ill. "Troon" can have legitimate use as a place name in Scotland (it's a town on the Ayrshire coast), but be wary of Scottish TERFs (like the Women Won't Wheesht crowd) using it for unfunny puns to dogwhistle with.Fuck off. 'Troon' is YOUR fucking word. Back in the days of Something Awful forums, users used to call themselves 'goons'. Because it was a community mostly composed of nerdy white men, there were inevitably some trannies in the mix, and because trannies are all narcissistic moids who demand special treatment, they wanted to broadcast their trans status, and so created the moniker 'troon'.
It's a portmanteua of 'trans' and 'goon', but not 'goon' in the sense of someone stupid or violent. It literally just refers to SA users.
And now the TERFs have started using it to make fun of them, they're doing this revisionist history bullshit to make it seem like the troons weren't the ones who made that term up.
No. 1486725
>>1486723It's like the 'attack helicopter' meme. That copypasta was originally written by a trans woman, but now they're claiming it's a right-wing slur.
This literally always happens.
Tranny says/does something stupid.
Tranny gets roundly made fun of for saying/doing stupid thing.
Tranny pretends that they never said/did the stupid thing and that it was actually the evil TERFS/right-wingers that made up the stupid thing because they hate stunning and brave trans girls uwu
No. 1486732
>>1486671nta but I hope you're kidding lol a tranny is a man who calls himself a woman and wants to transition medically.
That man just crossdressed, he didn't identify as or want to be a woman. How are you in this thread and don't even know what a tranny is? I'm wearing men's clothes right now, am I a tif now?
No. 1486740
>>1486723how are troons at the highest risk of being in danger when only about 300 get killed in total a year, and that's for the entire world combined? My country has had 0 killed trans people for years, while we actually have troons who literally murdered other people.
"cases go unreported because of transphobia!!!"
If the person was not openly trans, then they were not killed for being trans because the killer wouldn't have known about it.
But let's say only 1/10 gets reported and the real number is 10 times higher, that's still only 3000. Meanwhile about 80.000 women get murdered a year, and half of those were by partners or family members. If we talk about abuse and rape, the stats go up to literal millions.
No. 1486742
>>1486537Imagine being the sort of smug prick who'd call your wiki 'Rationalwiki'.
I miss Encyclopedia Dramatica.
No. 1486746
>>1486742Do you think there could be a correlation between the decline of ED and the rise of such open degeneracy on the Internet? Say what you like about ED, back in the day, but it did seem to be this looming, dreaded spectre that all these autists and furfags and weirdoes feared running afoul of and ending up on.
Now it's gone and I feel like the asylum doors have been flung open and all the crazies are loose, loudly declaring their delusions to the world and smearing their shit up the walls.
No. 1486748
Meanwhile, on
terf island, the first troon MP is a right winger who ran from a car crash and seems linked to a sugar daddy website No. 1486752
>>1486750Sunlight is the best disinfectant.
I just feel like the public shame of having your own ED page that inevitably popped up if ever someone Googled your name kind of kept a lot of spergs who might otherwise have become degenerates to either refrain from such behavior or keep it well hidden. Nowadays, there's nothing like that.
No. 1486756
File: 1648635374259.jpg (1.35 MB, 2560x1920, torytroon.jpg)

>>1486748When are republicans going to start using this excuse?
No. 1486758
>>1486756Literal lolcow behavior. Imagine seeing all of that shit and still thinking, "Yep, that's my man, he's got my vote in the next election, boyo!"
The Welsh, man. Not even once.
No. 1486764
File: 1648637128816.jpg (44.39 KB, 680x430, FPFpT6PXwAAuSoJ.jpg)

First of all, not disclosing youre trans before banging someone is wrong as hell
But second of all, do they really think people cant tell? How many troons are out there passing well enough for you to just have zero idea theyre trans? Are people really that blind? I havent seen a single troon that passed so well that I couldnt tell, and im not even talking about the horrors of neovaginas
No. 1486771
>>1486768I think it's a bit more complicated than that. Not by much, though.
He's a straight white man. And if he's a Tory, he's probably quite wealthy. That's a straight flush of privileges. But now, victimhood is en vogue. I think, in his mind, to be a woman = to be a
victim. To be raped makes him more of a
victim, ergo more sympathetic. And to be a raped TRANS woman, well, that's the most victimised minority of all!
No. 1486778
>>1486777Yeah, but on the other hand, they love weaponising tokens against the left. Look how eager they are to crow about the fact that they've had two female Tory prime ministers. Look how prominent people like Priti Patel and Rishi Sunak are in the current cabinet.
"How can we be 'the nasty party' when we're so diverse!"
No. 1486795
File: 1648643095138.jpg (843.84 KB, 3045x2250, FM9DQ8NXEAc9Orh.jpg)

nightmare lol
No. 1486838
>>1486648Does he live in the 50s? I literally struggle with the first three things every day, people will always judge you and compete no matter if you're male or female.
>men holding doorsWomen also hold doors for women. Men for men. At least where I'm from.
>men lifting heavy objects for meLiterally doesn't happen more than once in 5 years. When do you even need to lift heavy shit?
Last three things are just fetishizing sexism.
No. 1486855
File: 1648647833984.jpg (197.48 KB, 1080x1594, FPBvYIhXsAYwll0.jpg)

Hurting a patient on purpose because they make fun of a pronoun badge, how stunning and brave
No. 1486858
File: 1648648236023.jpeg (56.32 KB, 571x571, 8FB20739-6296-4940-AA81-AF287C…)

>>1486648Men seeing women as the fragile and helpless sex, at this point I’m not even surprised. Yet TIMs say they think like us. Sigh.
No. 1486861
File: 1648648451193.jpeg (61.86 KB, 1242x953, B3E084F6-65A8-4E9F-B1D8-8AEFD4…)

>>1486855love whenever i search a handmaiden/troon up and their account is already gone lmao, good fucking riddance. seems they were reported too, and their medical school had to tweet about it. i hope she will be expelled and not be allowed to practice medicine, clearly she is not in the right mind to.
No. 1486877
File: 1648650066315.jpeg (514.67 KB, 1125x1413, 550D4264-4A10-4D24-9832-CFE112…)

>>1486855>>1486867Here, nonna, I got your back. This is the school’s reply
No. 1486887
File: 1648651150440.jpg (84.14 KB, 750x796, FPCi3aDWYAENMEj.jpg)

Idiot thinking he is smart and funny for making this comparison to us not wanting men in female bathrooms. What an idiotic take, its a fact that men commit sex crimes against women, its not a fact that gay people are more likely too.. and even so guess what, most of the gay people who commit sex crimes are, you guessed it, MEN!!
No. 1486889
>>1486855doctors are supposed to be level-headed and, for the most part, unbiased to the person they're dealing with. if she can't ignore a mockery to something stupid in the first place how compose can they be in a stressful environment where your needs aren't prioritize before everything else.
she's just exposing how immature she is, good riddance in getting in trouble with her school. One less idiot in the profession, kek.
No. 1486904
>>1486887He is a fucking idiot. I don’t give a fuck about sharing toilets with gay WOMEN, only gay men dressed as women.
I wish retarded conservatives would just stfu, they hate women more than any man no matter how much of a predator he is. They don’t give af about trannies if it doesn’t effect them.
No. 1486906
File: 1648652567808.jpeg (274.65 KB, 1283x1292, 6A4493FB-9392-4CA1-9619-2BF91E…)

this is literally grooming
No. 1486908
File: 1648652697922.jpeg (271.03 KB, 1284x1292, 615070DA-BBE9-4AF3-ADEA-F8185B…)

then they shit on detransitioners
No. 1486914
File: 1648653151729.jpeg (416.17 KB, 1172x926, 9A3A92FE-B003-47F5-A16E-B14D6C…)

Kind of a silly tinfoil tweet in regards to what they are replying to, but all the cope from the TRAs in the comments is hilarious. Do they genuinely think this shit isn’t harmful? They really believe HRT and blockers are just silly sissyfying skittles with no consequence.
No. 1486926
File: 1648653809298.jpeg (71.65 KB, 939x311, 9E921B88-91A2-4966-8244-C257F7…)

Getting a boner from things actual women hate: just #GirlMoments!
No. 1486927
File: 1648653972251.png (72.84 KB, 583x642, 54534345534453354543534.png)

So many excuses and explanations to ruin womens sports, absolutely no shame. How about you dont compete at all if it means youre being unfair towards the entire female gender, if you were actually a woman you would think you would have some solidarity with them. But no, you love the attention.
Also, notice how he slid in that theres no male on his level in track sprint cycling lol, gotta slide in that quick brag (also I doubt it)
No. 1486928
File: 1648653973303.jpeg (382.63 KB, 1125x1243, E0D9DC29-2ACC-4E0A-B4B3-BF43AA…)

Kek they even get euphoria boners when psychotic moids on public transportation threaten them. How is this not mental illness??
No. 1486934
File: 1648654421734.jpg (224.26 KB, 1080x971, Screenshot_20220330-173243_rif…)

Fucking hell…
No. 1486936
File: 1648654780758.jpeg (Spoiler Image,325.96 KB, 1248x672, 669DBE28-B955-4F5F-B891-73AE59…)

Found on manmadepussy. The fat one in the middle thinks he's a butch lesbian kek. Obviously the first one is a disgusting filthy weeb with his uwu censoring. Of course his bedroom is absolutely crusty and so is his "winged" eyeliner. And god that last one. Another moid with a "missed girlhood" fetish and ballsack "lips". The agp smirk is strong with these retards. Nsfl smirking nude agps
No. 1486940
File: 1648655178780.jpg (77.93 KB, 828x1252, FOrrbjgagAABPsl.jpg)

Im so tired
No. 1486949
File: 1648656480130.jpeg (16.17 KB, 199x254, A2E4354F-7622-43DE-841B-9381A8…)

>>1486756>I’m a closet tranny who was blackmailed and raped Just say you where fucking drunk mate.
No. 1486952
>>1486951Kek I was mainly talking about why he crashed his car and fled the scene. He was obviously just shitfaced
>when I crashed my car and fled the scene, I did so because I was terrified Terrified because he was driving drunk.
No. 1486973
File: 1648657905290.png (33.61 KB, 609x216, justinwhangconfirmedchaser.png)

Got this from Kiwifarms and I'm hoping it just means, "I'm friends with trans women, I'm not attracted to them" or I'm sad to say Justin Whang may be a chaser. It's annoying even seeing people I like involved in troon shit let alone liking tweets. Regardless he's another youtuber I'll no longer watch. I don't care of its petty. I have very low tolerance for supporting anyone who supports this shit nowadays. Also this dude sucks, so to interact with him in general is weird.
No. 1486991
File: 1648658724773.webm (2.31 MB, 540x961, 1601909289932.webm)
This has to be a peak HSTS male moment, I feel sorry his parents
No. 1486996
>>1486991>I only humor your delusions because I want to fuck youmany such cases
Do the troons notice this or do they not care?
No. 1487007
>>1487003uh, because he's gay
nonny? and he doesn't pass, what are you on about
No. 1487021
File: 1648660886141.jpg (72.74 KB, 540x720, 1505411930916.jpg)

>>1486991Its funny I can instantly tell that this kid is HSTS TIM rather then an AGP, same with blaire white and sam lux
they all have this certain "look" that sets them apart from AGPs
No. 1487024
>>1486965This. Like just look on Twitter how many tweets are pouring in calling him stunning and brave for "coming out". Man was just drunk as shit.
I kinda hope he commits to the bit now and see him "transition" kek.
No. 1487026
>>1486991I know this is so weird to ask, but can a kind
nonnie tell me what happened? My internet is running so slow I can't even watch videos or view all the pictures. I'd appreciate it forever.
No. 1487028
>>1486748Source on the sugar daddy website? I just knew when reading that article earlier that there's more to it. I met him once and he made me feel uncomfortable.
I love that Boris was making trans jokes last night then brownnosing in the commons this morning.
No. 1487050
File: 1648662768463.webm (6.59 MB, 576x1024, e89aae76943de2ffe949a5edeb62a5…)
No. 1487053
>>1487043SA- I don't even think it's a case of, "Women have to put in effort for scrote attention" because any woman knows you don't have to do SHIT for some creep to creep on you good or bad. Sadly, just being FEMALE brings disgusting scrote/attention, you don't have to be legal. You don't have to be covered in make up, dressed to the nines, long hair, make up etc. etc.
HSTS still have that gay mindset,and it's funny because I feel trooning out gets them worse looking scrote partners then staying a man.
A lot of them seem to "Settle" when it comes to finding a scrote to date, especially if they want a "Straight" man whose open to dating troons. It's like they cut their already small dating pool into a even smaller one. Then they think Chasers and weirdos who want to fuck them on the low, means ALL men secretly want them.
Which they find out quickly isn't the case.
No. 1487056
File: 1648662908419.webm (7.78 MB, 576x1024, 8389fc9e618dd3ba4e61ea5b806861…)
Handmaidens are so embarrassing holy shit
No. 1487060
File: 1648663010030.png (307.75 KB, 450x485, Screen Shot 2022-03-30 at 12.5…)

>>1483738Maybe this belongs on the celebrity thread, but it's interesting how this nonbinary transfemme kween can't stop attacking women everywhere he goes. Note the AGP smirk in his mugshot kek No. 1487067
File: 1648663422137.jpg (139.18 KB, 900x1320, bridget-x2-reload-artwork.jpg)

>>1485192I feel your pain anon. My first Guilty Gear game was Guilty Gear X2 which if I'm not mistaken, was Testament's debut and I loved this character so much, his design looked so cool and I thought it was so cool to see a male character like him who wore a skirt, owned it, and looked bad ass while in combat. He was one of my mains along with Milla.
I was so disappointed that he was left out of so many games and when we finally get him back, they trooned him out. I mean I don't think they said he was a straight up troon ("Laydee") but they did say he was like "Agender" or "nonbinary" or some shit and it's pretty much troon crap at the end of the day but IDGAF, he was obviously a man when he debuted and he will always be one, fuck the devs in this case with their virtue signaling, pandering bullshit.
Seeing this happen to Testament makes me scared of what they're probably gonna do with Bridget, another effeminate male character who many troons latch onto and I just pray they don't troon him out as well though after seeing what they did to Testament, it's more than likely gonna happen to him as well. I was never a huge Bridget fan but I thought it was cool to see male characters like him break the usual stereotypes we saw with male characters and it's sad that there's a good chance this is gonna be a thing of the past.
>>1485388>I hate the stupid hat btwAgreed anon. I love his skirt, belt, and boots but hate the top hat and the whole waistcoat thing just looks… Awkward.
No. 1487068
File: 1648663447028.png (481.12 KB, 509x737, Screen Shot 2022-03-30 at 1.03…)

>>1487056Just 2 girls doing girly things! Spot the difference? I can't! Tee hee
No. 1487087
>>1486973NOOOO god another moid I liked in the trash
I know, I know
>trusting a moid in the first place No. 1487109
File: 1648665819456.png (220.91 KB, 378x656, bruh.png)

>>1487056as soon as he showed up in that bikini I fucking lost it
No. 1487113
>>1486928he threatened to job me of all my things as a joke……
No. 1487117
File: 1648666258774.jpg (27.91 KB, 400x400, AlvHwzDx_400x400.jpg)

>>1486973I mean I like the guy but he does seem like a guy who mastrubates to tranny porn
No. 1487118
File: 1648666270794.jpeg (487.67 KB, 1170x1063, 5CBB53AB-498E-4555-AE88-AF28FA…)

please never happen please never happen
No. 1487139
>>1486973Aw, I thought he was cute :(
Into the trash the moid goes
(:() No. 1487151
>>1486973Oh I've seen a few this guy's videos, he was alright from what I watched but I totally understand you anon in not wanting to no longer watch a supporter and enabler of this bullshit.
>>1487117Honestly though anon, he's either one of those closet case tranny chasers who jerk it to troon porn and it's only a matter of time before it gets discovered in one way or another. That or might even troon out himself. I've already seen how many guys who grow their hair out long, might also troon out at some point. It's
toxic to think that way but I've seen this happen too many times.
>>1487142Honestly it seems that when it comes to YouTubers, the moment you follow them on Twitter you'll see shit that you wish you hadn't. That's the main reason why I hardly ever follow YouTubers that I watch on Twitter because of this. It sucks because there are some creators you want to get to know more about but you risk them turning out to be advocates of troonery which is the big thing in today's social climate.
No. 1487164
File: 1648669617819.jpg (559.14 KB, 1080x1586, Screenshot_20220330-154613_Sam…)

>>1486461I'm late to this, but Incident in a ghostland, or just ghostland by Pascal Laugier (Martyrs) has a trans villain. The movie is actually really fucking good, not for the faint of heart.. but if you look up reviews a fair amount of them called it transphobic lol. Just makes me love it more.
No. 1487172
File: 1648669989216.jpeg (147.44 KB, 750x853, 39B6A3FA-B14D-4E8B-871D-B4E728…)

>>1487155Honestly don’t even look her up babes she’ll give you brain rot. She’s got a huge young woman following aswell but I almost NEVER see her with women, she’s always out supporting the gays and theys, barf. She seems to only be friends with gay men, qWeeR Pe0pLE (read: men) and trannies. She’s good friends with Griffinmaxwellbrooks some kinda… gay tragic wannabe they/them bimbo
She makes what she does look like it’s really cute and glamorous (I think she wants people to see her as an Elle Woods charchter but she’s just a sad bimbo) but she’s selling women a lie and how to be just looked at as a real life porno. She’s forever seeking male validation and her internalised misogyny is off the scale.
I’m surprised there isn’t a thread about her
Anyway I’ll stop before someone reminds me it’s the MTF thread.
No. 1487174
>>1487067Nothing's going to happen to Bridget I think. Him being male was very much insisted upon. Trroning him out would be too inconsistent unlike Testament who was already described as "ryosei" by Ishiwatari before (changed to "musei" for Strive). GNC characters were fairly common in the 2000's when Visual Kei and goth-adjacent subcultures were popular enough to influence mainstream media. Actual subculture participants who were more androgynous sometimes used this kind of x-gender label as part of their LARP/chuunibyou. They weren't the exact equivalent of the non-binary labels that we know and hate until not so long ago.
Funnily enough, when I searched for non-japanese articles about japanese gender labels in order to write/fact check an earlier post I made in this thread, I found someone claiming (very cishet) bandmen as early non-binary icons… They love doing this sort of subtle revisionism where they claim that every androgynous/gnc person that has ever existed would have been trans-identified if they could (even when the person is still very much alive and cis)
We should pick a character from the Strive roster to claim as the
TERF main and take our revenge against the troons lmao.
No. 1487175
>>1487049What a bioessentialist
terf cunt!!! He assumes only women get periods!! Who the fuck would want his grimy ass dollar store tampons anyways, I would rather use toilet paper or free bleed to death in the stall.
No. 1487191
>>1487174can you tell us more about the x-gender label? do you know how they view those in japan? i know they're very label-obsessed
also i still don't understand what happened to testament… did they perform sex reassignment surgery on him, or something analogous? i remember reading they messed with his dna so he has both genitals now or something?
No. 1487192
File: 1648671511861.jpg (51.06 KB, 828x618, fbabbe42-07e1-5756-8da1-83d2f9…)

Why is it that trannies have this obsession with cartoon characters supporting trans rights? When I'm looking for images of my favorite characters I always stumble across an image of the character with the trans flag colors on it somewhere and a caption stating this character supports trans rights or something like that.
No. 1487193
>>1487174Hey anon, I'm the one you replied to and believe me, I'm aware of how the 2000s was with Visual Kei and darker-alt subcultures, I'm in my 30s and in high school I had an embarrassing Visual Kei / Lolita phase kek Mana Sama was my idol and annoyingly enough, I remember a couple years back I saw some stupid gender weirdos saying that he was non-binary and one even said "trans in denial" and it made me so annoyed. I'm not sure what Mana himself thinks about this and I pray he doesn't entertain these cretins.
Back to characters though, I'm hoping your right that Ishiwatari stays consistent with Bridget then lol. Testament was a big loss though like I said, to me he will always be a man despite what the troon brigade says.
>We should pick a character from the Strive roster to claim as the terf main and take our revenge against the troons lmaoThat would be so funny but who could it be? I'm leaning towards Millia because she's the least sexualized coomer design of the female cast lol.
No. 1487197
>>1487172No problem anon, thanks for the cliff notes, I'm not gonna look up this person, at least not anytime soon becuase I can only take so much internalized misogyny, especially when it comes from women who look like her.
Ah well, hopefully as she matures and ages, she'll come to her senses and cut this crap out while noticing how these AGP men are just fetishizing her.
No. 1487200
>>1487192Partly the autism of the genderfandom, partly grooming techniques, partly trannies needing to be validated absolutely 24/7 by everything so they don’t get down that copium high and 41% or desert quicker than usual.
I mean, if a tranny isn’t being validated in the middle of a deserted island, is there a tranny to be validated?
No. 1487201
>>1487192my theory is because they can't enjoy media unless they make said media about themselves
if there's no tranny/genderspecial characters they will headcanon characters as troons to feel validated or do the whole "x character supports trans rights!" to make themselves feel better about watching something that doesn't obsessively pander to them
No. 1487217
>>1487172Being honest she uses them for easy attention, quick woke points and probably legit thinks she's making a difference hanging with these dudes.
But more importantly next to them she looks 200 times better. I do think some women hang with troons because it's less competition. They don't see them as women and next to them they'll always be the better looking one. Or she's just a fag hag and troons are just super drag queens to her.
No. 1487232
>>1487193>Mana Sama was my idol and annoyingly enough, I remember a couple years back I saw some stupid gender weirdos saying that he was non-binary and one even said "trans in denial"Anon they are STILL saying this shit, I don't know what's going on with /cgl/ lately but anons have been insufferable with the gender stuff lately(I assume it's the newfag zoomers). It's fucking stupid especially because Mana is very clearly comfortable with himself and being a man.
>>1487210nta but
you know they'd be trooning him up too No. 1487282
>>1487118Yea sure, lets let them go into women's locker rooms and shower rooms for things like water-parks and walk around with their euphoria boners around naked young girls.
How do they not understand that this is just plain fucking wrong in every way
No. 1487292
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No. 1487293
File: 1648678212520.png (Spoiler Image,445.9 KB, 670x624, 2022-03-30 234854.png)

>>1487279>>1487287sorry i forgot to sage, deleted and reposted. i thought it was worth discussing how they can be perverts even minutes before receiving major surgery. still a newfag, apologies
No. 1487297
>>1487210Fucking hell man, they so would! Wasn't huge into that band like I was with Malice Mizer or The Gazette but they had some good stuff too and he was adorable but just like
>>1487232 said, he'd be getting the same troonification as well. Oh and also Hizaki from Versailles….
>>1487216Ooh yeah, Delilah would be a good one LOL But I feel like the nerdy troons would get their nasty, coomer hands on her unfortunately…
>>1487232>Anon they are STILL saying this shit, I don't know what's going on with /cgl/ lately but anons have been insufferable with the gender stuff lately(I assume it's the newfag zoomers). It's fucking stupid especially because Mana is very clearly comfortable with himself and being a man.ARE THEY REALLY? OMFG I can't. I haven't been on CGL in a good while but if that's the kinda shit that's being shared there, I'm keeping the fuck away from there.
but yeah Mana Sama is one of the few GNC males who you can see accepts himself for who he is otherwise he would've trooned out years, maybe even a decade ago but yet here we are, it makes me so happy but annoyed that he still is getting these stupid labeling. The man's not even dead and people are still speaking for him.
No. 1487300
>>1487259The reality is that most of the women who are unlucky enough to get with these men did so when these men were not outwardly acting this way and were keeping it hidden only to troon out when the relationship has already been going. It happens to the best of us sadly…
No. 1487304
File: 1648678529776.jpg (95.45 KB, 828x1153, FPBoGvBXIA0k8n8.jpg)

Imagine having so little selfconfidence a lego harry potter game for kids can make you feel unsafe
No. 1487305
>>1479818 anon removed the weird black paint to see how he’d look without the painted on hairline.
No. 1487309
File: 1648678786264.png (641.48 KB, 748x733, Variant of Concern Pagliacci o…)

>>1487304>a man can sexually assault me and it would make me feel validated >but a women protecting her rights makes him feel unsafeclown world
No. 1487322
>>1486878Because they are self posts. Troons are manipulative little shits who thrive on being
victims, so they post their most """""passing""""" selfie to post in the troon threads so they can catch people calling them ugly for a Twitter screenshot. It's far more common on Kiwifarms though. If you look at troons on Twitter you can see them posting their screenshots of us being violent nazi
TERF incel racists for sympathy
No. 1487324
File: 1648679102973.png (42.39 KB, 1213x416, My euphoria is gone….png)

>I can feel my heartbeat in my store bought tits
what the hell is he smoking
No. 1487354
>>1487232Wtf, is /cgl/ pro tranny too? Fuck this gay earf man
I wish I could forget everything I have seen and be a good little handmaiden
No. 1487378
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>>1486514lol kikomi made it
No. 1487379
>>1487371Oh yeah I completely agree and get the same feeling from certain posts, you can tell by the picture they post or the (usually few) words they type alongside it. Feels more like fishing for interaction rather than posting out of genuine frustration and disgust.
And so for any troons lurking in this thread please give this a careful listen No. 1487391
File: 1648685527722.jpg (111.49 KB, 784x533, ourgirl (2).jpg)

>>1487191I wrote a bit about it here
>>1484820 >>1487193Oh, I guess you're kind of my senpai then ! I'm a bit younger but ended up doing 10 years of gothloli and got to watch the fetishists and troons invade my homeland… Grown ass moids in frilly dresses having cake and pleasant talk with younger women and teenage girls every sunday, call that a mad T party.
Millia is good, I'm in, she's our girl now.
No. 1487404
File: 1648686213220.jpg (119.33 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (2).jpg)

>>1487174Would Faust perform horrific tranny amhole surgeries?
No. 1487416
File: 1648687486998.png (Spoiler Image,4.02 MB, 1724x2856, 1648683489028.png) lazy to post all the images is that post but holy shit I have not felt hatred like this in a long time. They ACTUALLY think we have sex with each other at sleepover. Jesus fucking christ they can't get their dicks chopped off soon enough.
No. 1487421
File: 1648687596001.png (Spoiler Image,294.98 KB, 772x768, 1648683285546.png)

>>1487416This one was another highlight that got my blood fucking BOILING. The last reply, holy shit. Actually fucking delusional.
No. 1487438
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>>1487024He will commit to it, or he will disappear. There is no other way now. Sends a nice little thrill of anticipation down the spine. Surprised? Well, everyone can be valuable. That's my philosophy.
No. 1487442
File: 1648688349487.png (201.95 KB, 853x810, Screenshots_2022-03-30-18-40-4…)

>>1487428I KNOW RIGHT?? The dirty fucking hovels they live in, piss shit and crusty cum everywhere (that super funny "teehee don't ask a trans girl when she has washed her thigh highs!" meme). Booze, cigarettes and weed stinking up the place even more. And thats not even counting the god awful diaper shit or whatever the fuck they do for sex. HURLING
>>1487421Oops spoilered by accident, well maybe it's for the best since that image makes me so irrationally angry like goddamn
Another pic from the other farms. I just… ????
No. 1487462
File: 1648689500432.png (104.44 KB, 734x414, mememememememe.png)

>>1487448From the same OP. Why am I not surprised?
I'm on a mission to find this video.
All he cares about is himself.
No. 1487467
Someone on KF theorized it might be a fake post to see how much the trannies sympathy extends (to infinity of course) but idk
No. 1487469
File: 1648689856285.png (47.1 KB, 976x230, what is misogyny.png)

>>1487161the funniest thing is that their "leaders" are medical practitioners. everything a gender therapist says must be taken as gospel. watch any video about troons' surgical complications and they will defer to doctors as though they are infallible gods. these people think plastic surgeons are magicians who are 100% ethical and would never butcher someone. "uwu i had a minor complication, just a little necrosis, an abcess or two, my graft got infected and i have a fistula, you know #justgirlthings, but my doctor (who is so supportive and amazing, ugh) says i'll just need 3 more revisions and then i can finally get my catheter out. i love my doctor so much guys"
pic unrelated, handmaidens gonna handmaiden
No. 1487472
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>>1487468>>1487448These men are literally retarded. In the comments.
>it could be easily claim defamation of character as the video damages youThey have absolutely no concept of what being accountable for your own behavior is. I hope this peaks so many people.
No. 1487491
>>1487379Yup that was my point. Lots of “look at this troon” posts are clearly just terfs blowing off steam (and there’s nothing wrong with that!) but I find some suspicious. Especially ones where they’re showing their genitalia with no context etc. I wouldn’t put it past them to flash women on
terf boards, these are deranged terminally online men with humiliation kinks after all
No. 1487492
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came across this on tiktok. hope for the future?
No. 1487500
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No. 1487531
File: 1648694475168.png (60.84 KB, 600x469, 22.PNG)

>>1487500Sorry for the wait here's the 2nd cap.
No. 1487542
File: 1648695168862.png (163.68 KB, 1168x1091, Screenshot 2022-03-30.png)

>>1487532How the hell is two mentally ill coomers having a child together cute?
No. 1487561
File: 1648696476821.png (31.39 KB, 731x445, clits.png)

the mental gymnastics these troons do on.
My penis is just a clit, so I should keep it and just get a hole and I'm 100% woman tee hee~
No. 1487575
File: 1648697237184.png (326.67 KB, 998x569, Screenshot.png)

Came across a possible tranny account, I saw this profile who randomly comments on handsome/feminine men's pictures and talks about pegging them, "she" also complains about pegging/domming dudes who are transphobic and finally the account occasionally posts yuri porn
like this is 100% an AGP TIM right
No. 1487611
File: 1648699366149.jpg (72.07 KB, 680x661, 1648348788119.jpg)

American moment
No. 1487725
File: 1648703408955.jpg (333.86 KB, 1080x1351, FPGCcAJXIAk15hJ.jpg)

No. 1487805
File: 1648705900656.jpg (44.76 KB, 420x640, genitalia.jpg)

>>1487561Penis =/= clitoris.
I don't get how so many people think that. The development and analogy is much more complicated.
No. 1487836
>>1487391>Millia is good, I'm in, she's our girl now.Haha right on anon. I was thinking about Baiken but she's just such a coomer design with that revealing outfit that no serious samurai woman would ever wear and it's the same deal with Giovanna. Millia is the only one who is designed in a way that actually looks like something a woman would dress like and I don't see much of any coom porn centered around her, she's the perfect candidate for us.
>>1487404I think we al know the answer to that kek
No. 1487839
File: 1648707777933.jpg (142.48 KB, 653x551, 1537688589654.jpg)

>>1487431This anon
>>1487461 got it right. The reason why HSTS troons somewhat look better than your typical AGP is because like that anon said, these are GNC gay men who got into makeup at a young age, usually high school and they know how to apply it after having lots of practice and experience with it. Like think of James Charles, he got into makeup when he was early in his teen years and if he ever did troon out, he'd know how to do his makeup to look somewhat "passable'
Notice how I put it passable in quotations though because while these dudes know their way around a makeup brush, they still look like men in makeup when you see them in real life, especially if you see them move. Picrel of Blaire White.
No. 1487884
>>1486648Late but, i think most women have experienced everything on the top list. Im
So tired of these dumbass men. Usually when they make posts like this they'll have "female privileges" that only attractive women would get but this could apply to everybody. Literally just stop giving a shit and your problems would be solved.
No. 1487886
>>1486706I love how they all think they have boobs but any woman with hrt achievable size boobs(and hrt boobs look like shit) would be called flat.
Its really annoying to see men lower the standards for themselves because they have agp.
No. 1487906
>>1487531So either keffals lied about not being groomed as a kid and that being a potential reason he got traumatized to troon out. Or he lied about being groomed for attention and sympathy online. He can't have it both ways.
Isn't keffals the guy who groomed teens as well? He's a gross predator, no wonder he constantly has to say he's "totally not a groomer"
No. 1487964
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>An euphoria boner is when your penis becomes erect as you do things that are in line with being a woman. It is your body being happy that you are doing what you are doing.
No. 1487998
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No. 1488014
File: 1648731055877.png (410.26 KB, 596x495, trans sports.png)

No. 1488035
File: 1648734618953.jpeg (123.35 KB, 1080x1080, 464523FB-F5EE-4810-8748-506122…)

No. 1488049
File: 1648735585386.jpeg (321.18 KB, 1242x1176, 1CB2AF3F-B175-4B13-8D0F-CA9AFF…)

No. 1488058
File: 1648736465498.jpeg (427.8 KB, 1284x2343, 5E97ADEB-3B0B-468B-B10F-9E8E1D…)

Scrotes are a fucking disease.
No. 1488061
File: 1648736868185.jpeg (162.84 KB, 960x1621, 510B5400-958F-4396-8169-8225B0…)

Look at this specimen Estée Lauder has employed to be the face of this ad.
No. 1488062
File: 1648737357101.jpeg (131.18 KB, 1170x1165, 28855910-AE4F-4812-BB97-5F2CBC…)

Don't know of this was posted yet, but this is a old tweet from the troon obsessed with ratios that's been "blowing up". Reminder his boyfriend or friend, helps kids make homemade hrt or some shit
No. 1488063
>>1488061Lots of colors on those front teeth too. You're not supposed to
eat the makeup, Cronk.
No. 1488064
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>>1488062He also claims he wasn't groomed yet at 42 year old troon helped him start transitioning. Sounds like the groomed because the groomer
No. 1488070
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No. 1488083
>>1487611>>1487817this couple actually explains where are the gay pro athletes are.
it's ten percent of the population, you'd think we'd see more openly gay major leaguers (after they get rich and established in their career, of course). but i guess they're all hiding behind HSTS who can pass as sports groupies. it all makes sense now
No. 1488093
File: 1648739169211.jpg (128.49 KB, 940x788, 1642600595628.jpg)

so i decided to use trans day of visibility to spread some groundbreaking thoughts by TIMs in academics. i know that there were more of these particular pictures with quotes by AGPs in older threads, does anyone here happen to have them saved and could share them? i'll take my ban for asking to be spoonfed
No. 1488109
File: 1648740583920.jpeg (125.07 KB, 1170x308, A196F0F0-36E1-4A07-8425-5F37FE…)

Males truly have the worst sense of humor.
No. 1488111
File: 1648740720054.jpg (599.1 KB, 1080x1474, 274862287372810.jpg)

What the fuck
No. 1488130
>>1487836tbh it's not even about the design, but Baiken is very much the quintessential scrote main (from what I've seen at least. And the picture that started our Strive derailing confirms it). They seem way less interested in Millia.
That and the idea of playing a character who uses her hair as a weapon to beat balding moids is kinda funny.
Anyway thanks for actually giving me motivation to get good. I'll document my adventures in the /m/ gaming thread, if I actually manage to turn off my ps2 and face this cruel world in which coomers have robbed me of the few things I held dear. End of derail.
No. 1488775
>>1487192Indoctrination of youth
propaganda like those cutesy charts they make and illegally distribute to kids they shouldn't be teaching only to brag about it on twitter