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No. 1578643
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The misogyny really just bleeds out of them.
No. 1578647
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>>1578643This isn't any different from straight dudes saying the same thing (because that's what it is, though not in her case because she's female). Oh well how is my dick any different from your dildo?? Hmm maybe it's the lack of male body attached to it. Women still feel pleasure from penetrative stimulation even if they're lesbians. Doesn't mean they're attracted to the male body. Doesn't mean they literally get aroused by the sight of a dildo. Many dildos don't even resemble actual dicks.
This themby dipshit literally has a scissoring tattoo…isn't that kinda terfy by her own logic?
No. 1578653
File: 1656773429658.png (212.43 KB, 593x1226, dawktermckinnon.png)

nonnies, we should all know more about dr. veronica ivy
>daily show tries to release an interview segment with 'sports is a human right' trans'woman' activist Veronica Ivy yesterday
> comment section explodes with normally liberal audience complaining that veronica ivy is making fuck-all sense and dodging questions repeatedly
>veronica makes some insane claims on-air about how testosterone actually has no effect on athletic performance ackshually
>gets a shitton of pushback for obvious reasons so goes on twitter afterwards to make his defense
>'look guys i have graphs!!! this means it must be real!'
>pic related
>try going to
>nothing but redirects to spam sites
>look up where doctorate came from
>"She completed her PhD from University of Waterloo in Philosophy in 2012,[4][5] with a thesis entitled "Reasonable Assertions: On Norms of Assertion and Why You Don't Need to Know What You're Talking About".
really the voice that trans rights needed, right?
i literally thought about transcribing the interview for this thread because it's so fucking botched even the daily show audience realized it
No. 1578659
>>1578653i also like how 'men should be allowed to compete in women's sports' is ofc coming from someone who already placed first in an
international women's competitionyes of course you would argue that you should get to keep your trophy, because you came in over literally every other biological woman in the UCI Women's Masters Track World Championships.
No. 1578665
sad fact is many liberal white women and a few hyperwoke
woc themselves, actually give troons the okay signal to use
WOC for the troon agenda, Wagatwe Wanjuki is an activist who actually does have a good history of protesting campus rape and rape culture in colleges but most of her time she spends on twitter sperging about about "white feminists", she's also recently started a crusade against TERFs who she claims(without any sources) are all white women and that TIMs and Black women face the same struggles
Khadija Mbowe (probably the most popular black female youtube essayist on youtube) is the same, comparing the struggles faced by dark skinned black women to TIMs, also claims fatphobia is akin to racism(cause bw can't even be thin according to her logic) No. 1578691
>>1578667Seriously, someone should ask Karen to do interviews with libfems. Or at least response videos.
>>15786656 minutes into the video
>women at wolf creek were transphobic lesbians>by using womyn you announce to the world you are a terf>terf = jkrowlingI just don't have the patience…
No. 1578705
>>1578665>>1578691she must have never been to the south with that take. I'd love for her to spend some time with black women in Texas or Georgia. I wonder what kind of patronizing logic they'd come up with to "excuse" them from their own
terf ignorance.
No. 1578709
>>1578699as far as i can tell the entire dissertation is about why your arguments shouldn't need to be based in facts or reality, so he's obviously well-qualified to be a leading trans activist.
it's even funnier when you realize that when posting these graphs 'from Dr. Rachel Mckinnon' he's assuming nobody will Google his current name and realize a) he is the person whose studies he is referencing and b) his doctorate isn't in anything related to science or medicine, it's a doctorate in
philosophy, so where 'Dr. Rachel McKinnon' got the qualifications to analyze and draw conclusions from a study from the 90's analyzing growth hormone misuse among Olympic-tier athletes? your guess is as good as mine.
it's such a weird study to try to cite, even, even at a glance, because clearly if growth hormones were not having
some kind of effect on athletic performance, would olympic-tier athletes even be risking getting thrown out of their competitive sport of choice by using them? hm, i wonder.
No. 1578715
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A beauty. The gothic Lolita community is a goldmine (sadly)
No. 1578719
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They have so much control over the media that they don't even have to try to find someone presentable. Blaire looks like the Jeffrey Star type of a weirdo from LA so maybe that's why they go for the boring looking Ivy with his half assed phd serving as some sort of proof he is educated.
No. 1578740
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What is with this one always wearing tights up to his moobs with crop tops?
No. 1578744
>>1578729>being “biologically female” because they are beings made of organic matterIt reminds me of the scrotes I knew in uni who’d argue that “anything humans do or make is natural because humans are part of nature” and thought they were being so clever. Is there a word for this particular breed of argumentative smarmy douche? I bet all the ones who didn’t go the Jordan Peterson route have trooned out.
Anyway didn’t Trevor Noah say that little girls have to accept seeing penises in their changing rooms because of some bullshit about how we all have to do things we don’t like sometimes? I hope his people make him interview all the disgusting TIMs.
No. 1578760
>>1578665Imagine being a dark-skinned black woman and believing that porn-addicted white moid incels have the same oppression as you. These same moids admit to going through nazi and racist phases–although I doubt she knows that. And they have more struggle than white women? KEK just see how the news covers up their sexual assault/harassment for the sake of the transgender
victim narrative. These moids are PROTECTED not only by other braindead gender freaks but by the news and lobbying money.
I feel bad for these women honestly, they'll face a major risk of ending up like Sasha Johnson (the BLM female activist who was shot by black men and permanently brain-damaged) because they always ally themselves with violent men before recognizing the purposefully divisive narratives between groups of women to admit that there is such thing as sex-based oppression. I get that there may be some bitterness towards women who have it better than others but at the end of the day, women who are rich are still capable of being catcalled on the streets and raped by the likes of young Brett Kavanaugh, etc. Ofc some of them can be insufferable but a lot of women (unlike men) are capable of understanding that poorer women have it even worse than them.
No. 1578763
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>>1578739Tbh, your sister sounds based af.
I have a tranny coworker story too (sage for mild blogpost). So, I worked at a grocery store and they hired a trans. All of the girls there tried to make friends with this tranny, but he was soooo stuck up and rude that he ended up never making any friends. He would come into work wearing lacy dresses and garter belts (pic related). At a grocery store. Girls started to “talk” when management began sending women home during the summer for wearing shorts (not even booty shorts), but tranny continued to wear lingerie to work and nobody sent HIM home. It was nice because a lot of women peaked in my area that summer.
No. 1578773
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>>1578747>>1578665I remember one video where she claimed she used to date a normie dude but broke up with him where he said that he "tries not see race and treat everyone the same"(she had an argument with him over that and they broke up) I know she used to date this fucking guy but disappointed that she seems to have sunk ever lower
No. 1578774
File: 1656782954463.jpg (1.29 MB, 1908x4032, media_FTYNxuBXoAAptQu.jpg)

>What is with this one always wearing tights up to his moobs with crop tops?
It's sooooooo weird, nonna. He obviously has a transvestic fetish for tights which isn't the least bit unusual. But how he wears them. Maybe seeing a pregnant woman with tights over her belly imprinted itself on his developing moid brain or something kek.
No. 1578778
>>1578763My sister isn't based, she's more of a normie who isn't white and who grew up in a somewhat old fashioned muslim family. She'd a bit homophobic on top of that and I always tell her she really shouldn't be, but when she told me about her previous coworker we shit talked him together for hours, and I told her that I don't hate trannies because they should "go to hell" but because of all the things we talk about here like how they invade female only safe spaces like her coworker did, how in some countries they don't even get bottom surgery and yet they still barge into women restrooms and changing rooms (they need to get surgery to change their ID here), how a shit ton of them are actually straight and harassing all women, but especially lesbians, etc. and she was shocked, she had no idea. Another time my little sister and I were talking about the Kardashians and Bruce Jenner this week because the topic of males competing against women in sports came up on tv (in "touche pas à mon poste", a trashy tv show if you ask me) and when I told her that Bruce didn't even get bottom surgery because it's super dangerous and doesn't look like the real deal she was also really shocked. And of course, in the tv show, when asked whether trannies should only compete against each other in their own categories, only women agreed based on facts and logical arguments and only males disagreed because "what about Lia Thomas' feelings!!1!??" because yes, this shit is being exported thanks to the USA soft power.
>nobody sent HIM home.I'm 100% this is because nobody wanted issues with the HR department or even to deal with a lawsuit. That's bullshit, shit like this shouldn't even be worn anywhere to begin with except maybe at home.
No. 1578800
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I can’t tell if this is supposed to be a poem or a vent post or what, but did you guys know that only males have pain and suffering?
No. 1578803
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They always boil this down to “women are just catty, jealous bitches” instead of “women are rightfully threatened by a man attempting to skinwalk them and mimic them the way a predator would do to enter their spaces”.
No. 1578804
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>>1578665>>1578760>>1578669we discussed in the breadtube thread, a lot of
POC libfems tend to believe that white people were the one's who brought homophobia and transphobia to their nations, that the homophobia, racism and sexism of their of their communities and even from their parents can be solely blamed on european colonizers, this allows them to who 'exotify' their parent's culture, stripping it away of its flaws, I don't think Khadijah has talked about her Ghanaian heritage(too busy trying to ape black american culture) but she likely does believe that african cultures were free from patriarchy and homophobia, the best example of this is another libfem breadtuber Xiran Jay Zhao, she literally believes that homophobia and "transphobia" did not exist in ancient China before white people came and ruined her imagined utopia
No. 1578808
File: 1656784697104.jpeg (661.43 KB, 1284x1294, E0CE7355-B908-4C38-9625-80D57A…)

What the fuck?
No. 1578818
>>1578808Peak moidery. Literally all boxes checked:
-Cries while watching porn excessively
-Hears a woman talk about being with creepy adult pedophiles in her youth and feels jealous/sees this as a privilege
-"No woman wants me"
Bonus: the pseudo-bisexuality
This is the kind of post where I'd hope the other trannys would be beating his ass in the comments for making such a shockingly ghoulish post but knowing the clientele of this subreddit theyre probably all yessss girlie I cry during porn too mfw youll never be a 14yo getting taken advantage of by adult males
No. 1578826
>>1578824this is so jarring and weird wtf
also anon embed the video it's an imageboard
No. 1578837
>>1578824I thought this was just going to be a clip a random person posted because of the title so I’m shocked to see an actual Disney channel posted it. I agree with
>>1578831 on that this is beyond pandery and just weird. Were they afraid if the TiF didn’t have a trans flag shirt she would just come off as a GNC woman and that would somehow be worse?
No. 1578850
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>>1578774I think hes trying to look like alt girls who wear low/mid rise pants with fishnets, but since he doesn't have a female waist line, he cant pull it off. Anyway it looks fucking stupid kek
No. 1578865
>>1578857I really don’t think so. They’re incapable of empathizing with any female porn or trafficking
victim because their entire sense of self is based on taking every aspect of life that negatively affects girls and women and fetishizing it. Without those
victims, how would they get their fill?
No. 1578873
>>1578861Got curious, looked up the song. It's "Like A Girl" by Lizzo, and has the line
>Only exes that I care about are in my fucking chromosomescryptoterf banger?? kek
No. 1578875
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>>1578861>>1578578speaking of which, I brought this up in the last thread, but Desmond is amazing(that 8 year old who did sexulized drag and perfumed in gay night clubs due to the grooming by his faghag mom) well he identifies as a they/them now, also seems like his mom is further pushing him into troondom by being a trans ally, poor kid never stood a chance No. 1578876
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>>1578875he does not look happy at all
No. 1578888
>>1578876if i was a
victim of csa i wouldnt look happy either. and on top of that his abuse is being cheered on by enabling handmaidens and pedos everywhere
No. 1578892
>>1578880I just hope he doesn't fall into the troon path, that his parents are clearly pushing towards
>>1578876>>1578888his mom has had him perform in raunchy gay night clubs since he was 8(an underage child in sexualized clothing dancing for adult gay men) and he did an interview with a drug addict rapist who also was a convicted murder, I don't understand how can a mother can be this fucking neglectful to her child, to let your child near that monster simply cause he's a "gay icon" No. 1578905
>>1578892Is it really neglect if she actively put him in these situation on purpose? The result is the same either way, but the way the mother seems to act reminds me of parents projecting their interests and insecurities on their kids and forcing them to have the same career they have or to study at the same schools just for the sake of it, but way worse.
>a drug addict rapist who also was a convicted murderI'm not even sure how to start with this.
No. 1578912
>>1578880He is. That's why it's extra tragic.
>>1578892His mother was obsessed with the Club Kids when she was younger and Michael Alig was her idol. She pushed for Alig to befriend Desmond. Kind of living the life she wish she'd had.
No. 1578932
>>1578677Holy shit, I'm watching this and I get second-hand frustration for the interview host
>So if there are effectively no differences in performance because abilities and height, etc. are so varied, why can't transwomen just continue to play in men's divisions?>Because the world needs to tell us we're women.This dude is not only an embarassment of a "champion", he's a shitty philosopher too. That wasn't even the question.
No. 1578940
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They always live in dumps jfc
No. 1578964
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Yes yes eat your own, moids.
No. 1578994
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>>1578940is that underwear on dirty carpet….
No. 1578997
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They get triggered just by seeing women in public, what do they want us to do? Wear burkas?
No. 1579009
File: 1656798500017.png (29.69 KB, 746x228, 3487348763847.png)

>yesterday: self id
>today: "a biologist speaking at a university?! no way!"
and that just because ~5 troons protested…
No. 1579014
>>1578997Posts like these make me feel so powerful. You can
trigger trannies just by being happy in public!
No. 1579019
>>1578820There's so much nasty shit indicated in that one little post. He's crying about being impacted by the results of other men being pedo creeps just like he is. And you know he wouldn't want to date his looks match or age match. They're all trying to prey on children who are out of their league.
>>1578800Porn addicts are hooked on only seeing the women they want to fuck, as they want to fuck them, little spoiled rich girls paid for by some other man's pocketbook. Everyone else is invisible, or they project their "daddy's vapid princess" fantasy into you, get jealous of you, and then take out their jealousy on you. Been there, done that. No truth of reality can break through their brain damaged skulls.
No. 1579028
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They're so committed to traditional gender roles it's insane.
No. 1579029
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Tranny actors are so delusional it’s almost sad. No one is going to think you’re a woman with that waist-to-hip ratio.
No. 1579036
>>1578911the argument he was making is that because there is an overlap in unaltered testosterone values in both cis male and females that it somehow proves that there's no athletic advantage to having higher testosterone levels. Because that tiny portion of purple overlap between the blue (men) and the women (pink) actually means that low-test men are statistically over-represented in sports, you see!! so it must mean that testosterone is totally irrelevant to performance or physical development during puberty.
needless to say there is a reason why this is the dude who wrote a 274-page paper on why you shouldn't have to rely on facts or the truth for people to believe you.
No. 1579040
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With that philtrum?
No. 1579043
…lol. he's obviously following dumb zoomer trends. any kind of obvious tinted lipgloss would look the same.
No. 1579044
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>>1579029some women have the same whr. granted, he has the musculature of a man which gives him away.
wish you would stop pretending that women who look masc don't exist. this is why the transes think that we're all conservatives.
No. 1579050
>>1579036Wow men really believe the only difference between men and women is testosterone levels. Couldn’t have anything to do with how men are only built differently to do one fucking function and some of them can’t even do that without forcing their way into competing with women.
>>1578997Straight males feel this way too and that’s the root of misogyny and sexualized violence. It’s literally all porn is and I wish I didn’t have to know that by growing up in the time period I did with the internet.
Very weird how women get blamed for being abused, raped, and murdered of they’re not the male idea of a two dimensional inhuman “perfect
victim”, yet think they themselves are all perfect rapists and get off on convincing the public they are perfect women. Such strange ideology, wonder if the route is their self hatred that they project.
No. 1579055
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>>1579009we discussed that in the German thread. Some troons wanted to protest against her speech, the picture says: "No stage for queer and trans hostile ideologies at the HU" and the university was somehow too afraid to stand up against their bullshit. People told the university on their twitter page that they are stupid and she held her speech on youtube ( Guess those troons didn't expect women to be very angry and upset about their hateful and aggressive behaviour towards a female scientist.
It also seems that some women were attacked at the dyke march in cologne today, by troons, of course, who else.
I know that it won't happen, but I still hope that this "Selbstbestimmungs"law won't pass.
No. 1579059
>>1579036That's retarded even by TRA standards. Most troons try to argue the opposite, that testosterone levels are the only advantage men have and therefore they should be able to compete against women when it's low enough. But if testosterone is irrelevant they still have a performance gap to explain and they'd have to concede regarding lung capacity, bone structure, musculature, etc etc.
Not that they care either way, they intend to cheat no matter what argument is given.
No. 1579077
>>1578756such scrote logic.
We already have to worry about sex offenders in our toilets Trevor. It's the point that letting anyone self ID into invading woman's spaces where they are vulnerable gives them legal and plausible denial and protects offenders. Getting the legal system to convict offenders is hard enough without them having MORE loopholes to exploit. Your removing the rights to safety and basic dignities of the many for the validation of a very small male minority. But of course a mentally ill moid's 'fee fee's are more important than literally the other half of the human population right to privacy.
Reeks of the scrotes knee jerk reaction to emphasise with the rapist over their
victims. Not all men Waa waaa stop treating us like bogeymen waaa waaa.
No. 1579087
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Because “normal” troons just want to blend in and are usually gay so arent as obsessed about raping women and girls
No. 1579093
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how much do you want to bet that all of these are men?
No. 1579105
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how spot on is this cartoon kek
No. 1579109
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No. 1579115
>>1579054In the show, this TiM's character is in a relationship with a TiF but
ends with his male best friend. The TiF gives birth to twins and he can't seem to even help with the babies, being just worried about the coom (yes, it's a plot that he cannot have an orgasm since the wife birthed the babies) and literally anything else but family responsibilities. There's also a Harry Potter joke and he says "I'm reclaiming it", among other shitshows.
No. 1579120
>>1579014I don’t see it as a source of power to
trigger the jealousy of violent moids, quite the opposite. That’s how women get assaulted and killed all over the world. I don’t care how they feel about me, I just want them to leave me alone.
No. 1579127
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checking the profiles of the troons that pop up on my feed is such a gamble. sometimes it’s garden variety misogyny, sometimes it’s diapers.
No. 1579137
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colin is the dumbest troon I've ever had the misfortune to come across
No. 1579139
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>>1579118Here's the comments for anyone who didn't see them
No. 1579141
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>>1579139and we let these people into our washrooms
No. 1579143
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I hate 4tran so much
No. 1579150
>>1579127>>1579142>>1579143It’s so hard not to a-log, I fucking hate trannies and moids in general so fucking much
>>1579029>messy bitchImagine the libfem pearl clutching if they referred to an actual woman as a “messy bitch”, of fucking course the troons and their capers get a pass for misogynistic language
No. 1579151
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No. 1579160
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>>1578997Anybody else feel kind of ‘hurt’ when they see anyone other than a white male doing something better than them?
No. 1579194
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Saw this comment on the Trevor Noah interview. Apparently men and women are more similar then women and women? Also posted from mobile so I hope the picture is okay
No. 1579203
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>>1579194lmaooooo sure except you can see his masculine bone structure from outer space
No. 1579210
>>1578997Ot and saged. I'm 25 now but around 18-19 I realized moids are extremely jealous of women if we take care of ourselves and focus on our success. I briefly dated a guy before i met my current nigel and he was so jealous and would try to control what i wore and who i hanged out with. Id just finished uni and got a well-paying job and he was a compete loser addicted to videogames. Idk why i was with him and i knew then it's better to cut him off which i did and he had a tantrum (sui baiting, harassing me with different accounts and numbers). I feel bad for women who stay with
abusive moids. I think the root of it is jealousy. They enjoy watching women stop taking care of themselves and be controlled, abused etc. He was not caring at all and reminds me of the troons who don't care about their wives and gfs when they troon out. The guy who said he thought he was gay because he had no romantic feelings for women but wanted them around anyway says it all.
No. 1579222
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>>1578997>>1579139Translation: I hate women who let their appearance go.
No. 1579252
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kek it’s what he deserves
No. 1579257
>>1579252This is the same moid that faked the J.K. Rowling tweet about abortions and made her sound like fucking Oliver Twist, right?
"Cor blimey, you American birds should stop being such slags, innit?"
That guy.
No. 1579281
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I hate when libfems bring up genetic freaks like Michael Phelps as a gotcha to TIMs in women sports, likes yes Michael Phelps has basically the ideal swimmer’s body. but here's the thing every pro-sport has optimized proportions, the big flaw about this "argument" is that professional sports is filled with athletes with optimized body types competing against each other, the difference between the winner and runner-ups of the same sex are within a fraction of a percentage while the difference between sexes are at least 10% (running), going up to 40-50% in some disciplines.
This twitter thread goes into way more detail dismantling this claim[Archived No. 1579290
File: 1656840401300.jpg (104.73 KB, 720x2270, Rio2016.jpg)

>>1579281I swear keffals and all of his 20k twitterians have to be braindead. Picrel Rio2016 200m butterfly men / women results.
No. 1579302
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>>1579299You don't understand, so many libfems who have never done sports a day in their lives believe that physical differences between men and women only exist due to forms of societal power, this is what queer theory does to a mfer
No. 1579316
>>1579302Wait, is Rothblath(1995) they are referencing "Martine" Rothblatt, the self proclaimed most paid "female" CEO?
Apparently that tranny moid wrote a non-academic book called Apartheid of gender in 1995, so those libfem are worshipping him as some intellectual gamechanger in this article. Seriously, why libfems are so politically dumb those days? Is it social media? Is it that they live their lives 100% online? Is it that the current social justice spaces climate attracts only the most dysfunctional and retarded women?
No. 1579322
File: 1656846903267.jpg (1010.84 KB, 1800x1801, 1647515123488.jpg)

>>1579302>>1579316a lot of this can be blamed on Foucault, due to him the western left became diseased as its today, for those unaware this is Michael Foucault the father of queer theory, forerunner of critical race theory and post-modernism, he also used to rape children in Tunisia
fun fact he's also the most cited scholar in Academia tying with Judith Butler
No. 1579329
File: 1656848326045.jpg (717.02 KB, 724x1024, my clit hurts.jpg)

I badly translated a Finnish AGP comic
No. 1579335
File: 1656848696242.png (195.81 KB, 809x1120, Screenshots_2022-07-03-19-42-1…)

On a post about being lucky not to have been born in a third world country.
Troons really like to make it all about themselves do they? Trust me, if you were born in the third world, troonery will be the least of your problems.
No. 1579344
>>1579329of course he draws himself like a biological woman to make 'misgendering' him seem ridiculous while in reality he looks like a generic neckbeard.
the misogynistic caricature/sexual fantasy of the woman wailing with her huge boobs out is a nice inclusion too, i bet he jacked off while drawing this
No. 1579353
File: 1656850384372.png (Spoiler Image,74.73 KB, 1200x386, 609777AA-9EE6-4CA2-8578-29611D…)

>>1579344Oh no, his own drawing style is way worse. This comic is drawn by handmaiden man. Picrel is the troon’s own comic I quickly snatched from the finnish thread
No. 1579359
>>1579329I like how he admits to taking so many L from straight men, the most sex blind of creatures when horny, knowing his sex at first glance and thinking him dressing as a women is some elaborate form of trolling to him being stared at in female changing rooms or being chased from female bathrooms lol
Plus adult women don't try on underwear because we know our sizes as we're not fetishists who started wearing them late on for the kink and because we don't have men barrel trunk upper body so the bras actually fit.
No. 1579362
File: 1656851086571.jpg (93.33 KB, 1000x321, pussy bag.jpg)

>>1579356Another one, how could I forget this one kekkk
No. 1579366
File: 1656852167739.jpeg (184.1 KB, 1284x524, 11A46C3E-1B55-4D8E-A64F-B4B9F7…)

teehee ye olde pickle jar meme
No. 1579370
File: 1656852247649.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1284x2140, 9971CA1F-658F-424D-9B65-0EEF33…)

Never forget that no matter how much shit they talk, this is how they all feel. We hold power over their minds just by virtue of having what they never will.
No. 1579372
File: 1656852403516.jpeg (639.19 KB, 1284x1344, 798A3247-B165-4670-98F5-EE626D…)

How exactly is this a gotcha? Did he skip over the part about bearing larger gametes and go straight to the gender cope?
No. 1579380
File: 1656853154049.jpg (350.04 KB, 1000x1506, muh misgendering.jpg)

Another one translated from the Finnish agp transbian. This one is so funny, one bad word and their whole life is in shambles kekk. Also notice the "I would have never guessed you were trans!!" when the dude looks like
>>1579334 lmaoo
>>1579366Holy shit I am tired of this, I open jars all the time, lift heavy things at work etc and still very much am a female.
No. 1579381
>>1579262i dont even like madonna but no, no she does not. thats a street punk outfit created for a screwball comedy film. a troon would never wear that type of sweater, they'd wear fishnets underneath the jacket to reveal their 'budding boi boobs for femboy fishing' or some shit. there are so many cues even with silly outfits troons just miss
i note the troon did not choose to compare himself to her in the music video (the song did a lot better than the movie) - where she is actually androgynous madonna is more troon-like than anything with the grotesque surgeries and ass implants
No. 1579446
File: 1656862253408.jpg (568.01 KB, 810x2121, Screenshot_20220703-112717_Chr…)

>>1579262Eazy would have slit this troon's throat for dissing him like this kek.
No. 1579490
>>1579486Oh my god yeah. The creator might be so nice and intelligent and then throw that in there and ruin it. I want to believe some do it just out of necessity of the fear of being cancelled, since saying one wrong word brands you a
terf these days
No. 1579518
>>1579515A man
Love when the PC crowd tries to pat themselves on the back so hard they end up telling a lesbian woman that it's transphobic of her not to take birth control because some man might want to have sex with her
No. 1579521
>>1579508Lol wtf, you would not even need bc in the case of "post op, post e trans women"
>>1579515I bet she thinks trannies have to stop taking the hormones. So many people have no idea what the treatmnents actually entail.
No. 1579532
File: 1656867942709.jpg (16.86 KB, 480x272, AT-cm 1166598097-preview-480x2…)

I'm surprised this disgusting pedo of a man who's at least 28 and roleplaying as a literal child vtuber hasn't been mentioned, or maybe he has and I'm not up to date but it's some incredibly gross stuff.
Lilyhops/Lily Hopkins, has been discussed on Kiwifarms for this, hearing his yelp and attempts to make it into a toddler's cry makes me sick: is the creepiest is how many scrotes support him and this whole big brother shtick.
No. 1579568
File: 1656871747693.png (3.44 MB, 852x3406, E144C544-6853-4C30-839F-3627FA…)

No. 1579596
File: 1656874835757.png (1.19 MB, 1080x1977, misogynist.png)

>>1579501the male who 'designed' that shirt is an obsessive misogynist
No. 1579603
File: 1656875453174.gif (Spoiler Image,11.37 MB, 320x180, 999525-750efa594520c53aa38fd4b…)

>>1579578>>1579529Found that squirting neovag vid/gif on the other farms. Nothing can prepare you if you haven't seen it yet.
No. 1579607
File: 1656875697583.gif (119.15 KB, 200x150, 2304E572-FB0F-4B57-A088-4C0D35…)

>>1579603Yo why the FUCK did I click on that my whole life is ruined…I have finally learned my lesson about spoilers on this cursed fucking thread (and Shaynus’ recently).
No. 1579610
File: 1656875784079.jpeg (100.28 KB, 976x1091, 1618013590164.jpeg)

>>1579603What a terrible day to have eyes
No. 1579630
File: 1656876803170.jpeg (1.53 MB, 1170x1765, D72E40EF-7EE5-4D49-AC88-6EABDA…)

I’m so done with troons taking over peaceful/cute women-oriented spaces on the internet. I’m part of the cottagecore subreddit (I know, I know, being on Reddit is just asking for trouble anyway) and the first post I saw on my feed was picrel. Alarm bells went off in my head, that’s a fucking man’s leg. Featured prominently in the photo. Specifically to show off. It’s a fucking fetish.
So many of the comments were complimenting OP for being brave and showing their ‘natural leg hair’. Just as I suspected, the OP chimed in about being “female presenting”. For fucks sake, if this person wanted to anonymously show off the dress they made, they could have done so in ANY other way.
No. 1579643
File: 1656877719061.jpg (28.43 KB, 480x360, 1647725543317.jpg)

>>1579603you know when you run out of shampoo but you unscrew the top and just squeeze and smack it against your palm?
No. 1579661
File: 1656878815817.jpeg (46.29 KB, 600x600, 83DA80D9-F589-4BD7-AF49-06E2B7…)

>>1579603Genuinely hoping thats not pus
No. 1579676
File: 1656879627588.jpg (174.05 KB, 1080x595, Screenshot_20220703-221504_rif…)

>>1579630Literally just went to look for her post. Anon I beg you to look at someone's profile for a second before claiming some hairy girl (she's 16) is a man with a fetish. Retarded
No. 1579764
File: 1656887712508.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1170x2011, 2FCF67E3-479D-4D44-9F20-41DA96…)

Leddit eating up this autistic trannys transformation. I wonder what’s behind those bangs kek
No. 1579768
>>1579508OP here, im fucking retarded and put post instead of PRE, which was what she said. I would like too add too that like this chick knows im in a committed relationship too, my partner and I have been together for nearly 7 years and she still felt the need to tell me im transphobic for not letting men have sex with me.
We talked on IG and she blocked me since we last met up, love it when the trash takes itself out.
No. 1579774
File: 1656888664543.jpeg (407.87 KB, 750x1791, 056830BC-8A65-4A4F-8F35-BA3F4A…)

a life saving procedure, clearly.
No. 1579775
File: 1656888665207.jpeg (868.91 KB, 1001x1929, D2F0B1AC-B3D5-45E2-AB5B-C7C0EF…)

suck the girl dick bigot!
No. 1579779
File: 1656889056476.jpg (108.56 KB, 720x1419, Screenshot_20220703-082326.jpg)

he looks exactly like one of my chem professors
No. 1579834
>>1579813that is literally how you have to describe it in order to avoid getting ousted from the LGB community entirely.
also probably have to claim PTSD from getting raped by an 'amab' bc to troons & their audience, being a
victim justifies nigh any behavior. You just have to be a bigger
victim than whatever troon is trying to convince you their dick needs sucking.
No. 1579845
File: 1656896090283.jpeg (202.11 KB, 750x1011, 60C7DF86-EAB7-40D9-8560-8AAC3C…)

when the cure is worse than the disease.
No. 1579849
File: 1656896387678.jpeg (477.48 KB, 750x1099, 24C717BF-15BD-4914-8398-CF0166…)

play stupid games…
No. 1579863
>>1579849LOL I love a happy ending! I hope they continue to do this to themselves, they basically castrate themselves for the coom, but the sad reality is that their "vagina" will never be the real thing and it will just be a pus filled hole that smells like rotten shit. Yes I do hope the trannies that stumble upon this thread read this
No. 1579867
>>1579764His bangs start at the very top of his scalp
No. 1579885
File: 1656899393814.png (331.19 KB, 752x622, UrLifeSuxxx.png)

>>1579849>didn't do my wash out>it's draining having to clean it out afterGod I love having a self cleaning vagina. It didn't even occur to me troons have to clean their rot pocket along with the dilators after. And they have to do it for 2.5 hours every day for two years kek kek kek kek. As long as my tax dollars aren't paying for it, I strongly support penile inversion surgery for these degenerates.
No. 1579921
File: 1656904606173.jpeg (257.91 KB, 900x1728, 4854F67E-FE60-4556-A22A-B69524…)

da fuck
No. 1579923
File: 1656904608908.jpeg (255.26 KB, 1208x2048, 2773525E-A467-4806-A3E0-59CCE6…)

knowing sex is real and matters = fascism apparently! but of course forcing everyone to play along with your delusions and ideology, or you lose your job, friends, life, is absolutely fine and reasonable. christ, these morons couldn’t spot a fascist if their lives depended on it. evident in how they are unable to see one when they look in the mirror
No. 1579925
File: 1656904818119.jpeg (471.13 KB, 1536x2048, 6CA57860-EA5C-465E-A206-62AF2A…)

Nice fivehead bro
No. 1579926
File: 1656904846736.jpeg (130.45 KB, 750x429, 69E9A870-71EC-483B-BD05-C36D61…)

no more jizzinginunderwear for you, bud.
No. 1579928
File: 1656905053485.jpeg (412.25 KB, 729x1794, D5EABA5C-6410-4712-BC7D-29566E…)

>>1579926same user. this mf is dying.
No. 1579931
File: 1656905271493.jpeg (Spoiler Image,5.11 MB, 3456x15108, 088CE4CA-9FF7-4164-A67F-05EF98…)

spoiler for moobs and diaper. what’s with tims and autopedophilia?
No. 1579935
File: 1656905815678.png (207.09 KB, 372x388, A59DE278-3B98-4F82-9B31-B6F64F…)

>>1579928this retard is so obsessed with any form of attention he’d rather post on reddit as he is literally dying than get up and go see a doctor. unreal, he deserves everything that comes to him.
>>1579931i think i can smell these pictures. they always have the worst looking moobs, it’s so embarrassing no one wants to see that shit
>>1579501found another troon with this shirt kek
No. 1579947
File: 1656906695304.png (516.23 KB, 1024x1216, 8E2DF3F3-1B27-4DCA-8797-FDE6A7…)

This washed up moid needs to sit down and shut the fuck up. The majority of people in the world thinks men like him are fucked in the head and would be correct. I would love to see him get mocked by women in third world countries who don’t have time for this navel gazing bullshit.
No. 1579950
File: 1656907342706.jpg (857.02 KB, 900x2007, tictactwo.jpg)

No. 1579961
File: 1656909973158.jpeg (491.49 KB, 750x737, C3B2803C-EEEF-40C1-AE31-CC0220…)

No. 1579962
File: 1656909978620.jpeg (101.72 KB, 827x1058, FWyhgktWAAEjdqY.jpeg)

Rolls eyes
No. 1579963
File: 1656910206392.jpg (191.05 KB, 1072x1462, Poor children.jpg)

No. 1579964
>>1579961>labrys flagwhy? thought that was the "
terf" flag.
also why do troons always hang flags all over their bedroom? it's so tacky.
>>1579963this is so disgusting
No. 1579973
File: 1656911107054.jpg (257.74 KB, 1080x1559, Ss3.jpg)

>>1579969>mutes the thread after getting dunked onA tale as old as time
No. 1579977
File: 1656911406781.jpg (245.47 KB, 1068x1268, Imverysmart.jpg)

No. 1579983
File: 1656912067097.jpeg (329.77 KB, 601x755, C12D858D-DAC7-4ACD-9D9B-FBBEFA…)

this sofie troon's face pisses me off so much. looks like a filipino man with FAS
No. 1579984
File: 1656912416662.jpeg (233.85 KB, 828x926, 512D7433-B4B8-4A7A-A691-C0046E…)

>>1579983 Troon thinks his clearly gay boyfriend is “cishet”
No. 1579990
>>1579981>generally harmless anyway cause' they're faggotsWhy do so many women think that? Gay men are absolutely as dangerous as cis men. Trannies are exclusively murdered by gay male sex partners who are afraid of being exposed for fucking a tranny. Look at all the serial killers that were gay men like Dahmer and Gacy. Homosexual men are not cute cuddly little toys to keep around. They are men and they are mentally ill and the ones who are in the closet are especially dangerous.
The only thing that isn't a threat to trannies are ironically women, which they have deemed the enemy. Other men are actually dangerous to them.
No. 1579994
>>1579971I think that is kek. Funny since Mexican culture is very machismo and generally hates fags like him.
Also, this moid is wearing a Star of David necklace too, probably trying to imply he's Jewish like many other bored troons. So yeah it's just some white guy trying to be speshul.
No. 1580009
File: 1656916671719.jpg (117.72 KB, 1242x1214, 9xvnaynh5o491.jpg)

>>1579885This shit is fucking insane. How could any tranny, no matter how retarded and cumbrained, be willing to do this? How tf can you live a normal life when you need to dedicate over 2 fucking hours a day to forcing a wound open, for 2 years?? They would legit be unable to work most regular jobs, so they'll either become a hermit or 41%. Silver linings!
God, I'm so grateful for my healthy functioning vag. Nothing like trannies to make you embrace your body, the shit they go through to get a poor fascimile of something we naturally have… they are nature's clowns.
No. 1580020
File: 1656918193333.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.42 MB, 1920x2560, 22-07-04-07-59-27-205_deco.jpg)

Woman receives lots of lovely and heartwarming messages from troons after tweeting support of JK Rowling
(Spoilered for naked tranny although censored)
No. 1580100
File: 1656930082806.jpg (562.06 KB, 810x2142, Screenshot_20220704-060926_Chr…)

>>1578833He deleted that tweet fast. how he said he never deletes anything kek.
Washington Post recently featured a puff piece on him: that makes two TRAs with checkered backgrounds that a simple Google search would reveal being featured positively by two major media outlets. Fine example of trans privilege.
No. 1580101
File: 1656930122044.jpeg (296.21 KB, 750x1281, D4E5981E-D578-4301-8853-F42A66…)

it's amazing how troons NEVER realize that women are simply coddling them/trying to be polite. women literally grow up doing this - complimenting other girls way too enthusiastically and exaggerated to be real. usually putting themselves down in the process because female socialization teaches us to be humble so we don't seem like stuck-up bitches. it's almost painful watching these moids misread every social interaction they have so badly. the lack of female socialization + inability to read between the lines baffles me every time. are all moids like this or just the ones autistic enough to troon out?
No. 1580114
File: 1656933518811.jpg (480.1 KB, 810x1738, Screenshot_20220704-071704_Boo…)

>>1580101Pot kettle black
No. 1580121
File: 1656935278781.jpg (344.01 KB, 1080x1712, 96ggr65r8f7f774x.jpg)

Having sex with someone and having to actively avoid their genitalia just doesnt sound like a good consensual time
No. 1580129
>>1580101it's either pathetic or funny how he's trying to pass this off as a humblebrag, like 'ooh it's so weird how women keep mentioning how thin i am! they must be jealous!' no dude, you probably are getting comments because you look like fucking
the reason why most women complain about pencil skirts isn't because they're 'too long' on us, it's because nearly all of us have that pouch of protective fat over our reproductive organs that makes getting a perfectly flat stomach next to impossible, and pencil skirts showcase that in natural female bodies. This dude thinks he's getting 'compliments' but in reality all that's being pointed out by real women is how his body looks nothing like ours.
No. 1580135
File: 1656938907245.jpeg (518.24 KB, 750x739, 0F08618C-0C43-4416-8DE2-91EF52…)

>>1579994That’s an old tumblr user, bitter-blooms he really tried to convince people he was an Ashkenazi Jew and Mexican just because of his huge nose but got pissy when his dna test revealed he was neither. The claiming Mexican thing was because he was trying to skin walk his stepmom
No. 1580143
>>1580128If they were really all about “we just want to live our life” and “we just want to fit in with the rest of society” like LGB have been (for the most part), I doubt this would have become the contentious issue that it is. I still wouldn’t want them in my bathrooms and shit because they still aren’t women, but I’d be fine calling them by whatever name and pronouns and just treating them like any other person. The issue is that they constantly walk over everyone else’s boundaries and then tantrum when they don’t get their way, sometimes violently and at risk to others. This isn’t the normal behavior of a regular citizen who just wants to live their life. It’s
abusive and they’re abusing people on a huge scale. At first, people were willing to play along because the requests weren’t that bad, but now that their demands are for things that people can’t even control, it’s gone off the rails. These men really are the worst of the worst too. Incels who can’t understand or empathize with anyone else, be it someone who is female or black or gay or all of the above. The movement has become a complete MRA movement (mostly filled with white middle to upper class men), and you know this because they’re punching down on the people they historically always have. It’s blatant as anything and I hope the handmaidens who support them wake the fuck up. My only fear is for the younger generation who has been exposed to this so early that they won’t understand how horrific it actually is. The TRAs talk about genocide and death camps, but they would have nothing else for the rest of us. They would love if they could have women in a camp to rape and torture. Meanwhile, we literally just want to be able to be safe and not at risk for the same things we always have, being assaulted in every way by males.
No. 1580157
File: 1656941820991.jpg (129.82 KB, 1372x1372, tranny.jpg)

This is the ugliest outfit I've ever seen. He's wearing it to a second date. Even if he was a super attractive woman I'd be embarrassed to be seen in public with them. This looks screams desperate lowrate hooker.
No. 1580161
File: 1656942115619.jpeg (915.58 KB, 1284x1686, FCE65EE8-FF0C-4D20-B099-E604E4…)

No. 1580164
File: 1656942297303.png (1.42 MB, 1284x2511, 9E28544C-8055-43F5-84F6-4A4DC8…)

Why does this one act like he’s the main character in a pixar movie? Like other people are just NPCs to come high five him or whatever, very strange.
No. 1580166
File: 1656942620885.jpeg (869.24 KB, 1284x1908, E9D501FB-F635-4D6E-884D-6D23BE…)

I hope the girls there bully him out.
No. 1580178
File: 1656943991330.png (67.23 KB, 1062x316, wtf.png)

the OP was talking about how they are very athletic and limit their caloric intake yet keep gaining weiht and if HRT was causing this and this was the top comment. i want to alog
No. 1580186
File: 1656944930453.jpg (769.4 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20220704-101740_Red…)

>>1580157This ones profile is nothing but him flashing his dick if I recall correctly: No. 1580198
File: 1656945853811.jpeg (719.04 KB, 2208x1149, 2BE217B9-D261-4A07-A7C2-A30D8F…)

found this troon that is quite literally every TiM stereotype. these are all his posts kek he really looks like that and really thinks he’s going to magically transform into a cute lesbian anime girl in 6 months. he’s only 19 and it’s already so over for him.
No. 1580201
File: 1656946150892.jpeg (125.79 KB, 1242x516, 88B47FEF-C4D0-4A70-90E9-6AFACB…)

just another normal day on reddit
No. 1580210
File: 1656946703325.png (1.89 MB, 1002x1332, makeitstop.png)

Just saw this on Facebook. Isn't this the unhinged troon with the sewer rat teeth? "Mercury Stardust"? Fucking really? And he says "I think about the impact we have had on the world every single day" like there's something revolutionary about a male receiving a partnership in a male dominated field. I can't fucking take this clownery anymore.
No. 1580218
>>1580210>Handy Ma’amAt first glance, I thought this was an edited funny photo made by a farmer, but it’s actually real.
Also, wouldn’t some TiF have been a better fit? It’s always TiMs getting these sponsored deals with companies. Just goes to show they know who the real male and females are, and want to keep upholding the male privilege.
No. 1580233
File: 1656950855126.jpeg (4.17 MB, 4032x3024, 568BB0C7-B272-452D-A379-7C7402…)

I was at the bookstore yesterday and saw this abomination. I looked it up online and it’s a Yaoi manga that Seven Seas publishing transwashed. I’m sorry Fujos you don’t deserve this.
No. 1580254
File: 1656952728513.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1284x1631, 3EEE0217-E630-4F3E-9083-318C9B…)

No. 1580262
>>1579963I used to go to a lot of drag shows and had a few drag queen and drag king friends. It boggles my mind how they think drag shows are okay for kids. It's fucking adult entertainment. Why are they fighting so hard to let children watch adult men flash their fake boobs?
Also these same people are saying pageants are worse? Do they think gay men cant be pedophiles too?
No. 1580267
>>1580262it is so transparent. i wish more people were aware that it's something like less than 1% of 1% of people will ever actually have gender dysphoria. there are actually more schizophrenic people than people with gender dysphoria by a huge amount.
so none of this has much of a future unless there is someway to indoctrinate kids into it.
No. 1580273
File: 1656954488665.jpg (292.14 KB, 1440x2263, 20220704_190623.jpg)

Emma Hilton is a biologist but ofcourse the troon is misogynistic and degrading
No. 1580277
>>1580262they'd need to go into hiding if they tried that shit in
terf island. council estate-dwellers would burn the place to the ground.
No. 1580279
File: 1656954992676.png (38.23 KB, 596x348, based midler.png)

Bette Midler TERF queen??
No. 1580291
>>1580262So many kids are going to have their whole lives ruined by mental illness they can't heal, all because their mothers are straight pigs obsessed with the gay party scene, Ru Paul, yaoi, j-rock, Rocky Horror, or whatever else "cool" edgy shit they fixated on as teenagers. I remember thinking like this with my BFF when we were actual teenagers, then we became adults and realized that kids deserve kid things, not to be dragged along to things made for adults. And discovering that you want sexy things at 14, but your parents repress you, doesn't mean that a 4 year old is the same way, which isn't as obvious when you're 14 for some reason.
No. 1580339
File: 1656960740482.png (1.71 MB, 1928x1378, keffals_as _skye_the_porn_tgir…)

>>1580100hate this guy, he has proudly hurt and groomed so many kids. Not sure if it's been posted but there's a site with his tgirl porn both pre srs and after in case anyone feels like vomiting today
No. 1580343
File: 1656961350270.jpg (328.88 KB, 853x932, bangs.jpg)

>>1579764One quick scroll through r/lgbt and it's all troonery. Why can't they use their other 2363636 subreddits for their fetish
No. 1580351
>>1580292I get it. One of my best friends is an enby. She sends me all kinds of twaw bullshit and anti-
terf memes. I just ignore it and hope she grows out of this gender shit. But she lives on a commune in the west coast, so probably not anytime soon.
No. 1580366
File: 1656964295266.png (927 KB, 1196x1534, terveswouldshitthebed.png)

>>1580331Saged for old milk, but I've seen them boast about using the lactation room for dilation.
No. 1580372
File: 1656964632912.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1125x1921, 8BAF891C-8F3C-4BED-8923-1A735E…)

average troon rapist feeling threatened by women defending themselves
No. 1580373
File: 1656964698843.jpeg (288.47 KB, 1125x876, 5A0599AA-9505-4351-A8AE-FB9478…)

>>1580372now he’s crying on twitter about the “evil terfs” attacking him
No. 1580380
File: 1656965151619.jpeg (44.12 KB, 400x400, DB806EAA-B7E2-4828-995A-40DEED…)

>>1580372lipstick on a pig… literally
No. 1580388
File: 1656965910308.jpeg (505.29 KB, 750x1272, 4C3E4C8D-41F4-405E-8F04-DBECBF…)

leave the makeup subs alone! troons suck at makeup and their selfies are all ugly.
No. 1580393
>>1580216kek noona, new conspiracy theory right here
i'll add my own tinfoil: there are some high-ranking troons in the company itself
No. 1580469
>>1580372I can't begin to imagine the brain damage on this one. The reason that device exists at all is there is enough women getting assaulted. How the fuck is it "evil" for somebody to protect their own body, but rape isn't?
There's no possible context to that tweet that doesn't come of as rape apologetic. No man would need to worry about this shit unless he wanted to assault. And a lot of trannies do, it seems.
No. 1580474
>>1580100Of course it's Taylor Lorenz writing this crap.
He's annoying as shit, but I suppose it's nothing compared to what he has to live with.
No. 1580477
>>1580469They’re all for bodily autonomy unless it is a woman’s. Then she’s “evil” or a “cunt” or a “
terf” or whatever word they feel like using that day. We have to fuck them, we have to carry their children and then watch as they troon out after pregnancy trapping, we have to just accept being raped. Apparently that’s what it means to be a woman these days, but only if you’re one of those gross cis ones.
No. 1580480
File: 1656972682329.png (747.06 KB, 1080x1757, Screenshot_20220704-175702_(1)…)

Handmaiden tries to speak for all women.
Here's the article that she's whining about:, this whole ~inclusive language~ shit is so stupid. Trannies only represent 1% of the population while cis people make up the other 99%. Why the fuck do we have to trip over ourselves to appease such a miniscule part of a population? There are some humans who can't walk on two legs since birth, doesn't mean we have to redefine what a homo sapien is.
Does anyone have proof that you'll also see this kind of ~inclusive language~ when it's the topic of men's health? Because I've only seen this kind of uproar when it's on the topic of women.
No. 1580485
>>1580469exactly, i really do not understand why he is saying it's "evil". definitely brain damage. i want to a-log this piece of shit.
women aren't tricking people into sex with them with this on, like he somehow thinks. this is used as protection and a way to fight back against rapists. his first thought being "terfs will use this against men/trannies!" is so ridiculous and gross.
No. 1580490
>>1580485That’s how we know he is a male, because his reaction is exactly what any other average joe on the street would have, just concern about the sanctity and well-being of his dick, as well as concern about women using it “just because”, like there isn’t an obvious reason it was thought up. If they consider it a savage torture device, maybe they should stop giving into the base, savage power play that is rape. They never think about what women face and how common this issue is, how it actually feels to be raped. Even when the topic of men being raped comes up, they don’t care about the
victims in actuality and just use it as a gotcha to own women. They don’t try to problem solve on how to prevent it from happening or make rape centers for men or whatever. It’s just “seeeeeee men get raped too” and expect women to fix it. I feel like it’s pointless ever trying to reason with them because their brains can’t handle it and are only capable of getting self-fulfillment by harming others.
No. 1580495
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No. 1580498
File: 1656974471852.png (336.66 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20220705-004010.png)

Bette Milder supports Amber kek these tras really thought she was a handmaiden
No. 1580501
File: 1656974925007.jpg (89.09 KB, 694x955, Screenshot_20220705-004622.jpg)

Lmfao they're denying archeologists can't tell a male corpse from a female. The Y chromosome is in your DNA, scrotes.
No. 1580505
File: 1656975130817.png (37.35 KB, 595x157, uglytran.png)

>>1580501Kek this is such a cope
No. 1580507
File: 1656975294020.jpg (78.2 KB, 720x905, Screenshot_20220705-005411.jpg)

No. 1580526
File: 1656977534948.jpg (67.28 KB, 750x827, FW2ijK8WYAMqL3w.jpg)

Macy Gray is reaching dangerous levels of based.
No. 1580536
To the anon in the last thread who said a bullet to the head is not how you deal with troons, I'd like her to look at
>>1580372 and still tell me I'm wrong.
No. 1580538
File: 1656979321955.jpeg (1.37 MB, 960x1341, 83B41475-6109-4251-B2B4-317BA0…)

>>1580495>>1580503Here’s one from a few days ago. Gross he wears a dog collar with his name on the tag in public.
No. 1580557
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No. 1580559
File: 1656981646966.jpeg (150.05 KB, 750x464, 9B9063CA-F836-404A-9241-404883…)

they’re so obsessed with growing moobs.
No. 1580563
File: 1656982279435.png (437.17 KB, 831x905, macy gray.png)

whenever there's a tweet making numbers you'll see Colin's dumb takes under there. IE bette and macy gray's tweets
No. 1580564
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No. 1580565
File: 1656982345379.jpg (330.75 KB, 1234x2048, Eanae-1413318991083409410-img1…)

No. 1580567
File: 1656982444513.png (54.3 KB, 1361x338, based sis.png)

No. 1580570
File: 1656982841421.jpg (126.18 KB, 843x1322, 20220704_205936.jpg)

la creatura
No. 1580586
File: 1656984313526.jpeg (722.01 KB, 828x1428, 24A4D698-1C2A-453E-9047-508AEB…)

>>1580380Look at the stains on his shirt. Unhinged and disgusting creature
No. 1580599
> colin.pngthis made me cackle
every tweet of his is such a colin.png tbh
No. 1580608
File: 1656986609804.jpg (320.46 KB, 806x776, maddyupdate.jpg)

Was reading through the old threads, saw someone mention Maddy Thorson, the guy who made Celeste. Then another anon said he'll probably identify as a woman someday. Well, guess what?
No. 1580610
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No. 1580611
File: 1656986878437.jpg (149.57 KB, 750x1062, troonmadlol.jpg)

No. 1580636
File: 1656990723324.jpeg (987.05 KB, 1284x2054, B7A5D763-0C0B-4BB8-B5CB-8DF8AE…)

>>1580604I saw this that someone capped in one of the twitter threads.
No. 1580638
File: 1656991414532.jpeg (194.8 KB, 828x578, 87EBEDF6-8CAD-4220-93E2-D59FF3…)

No. 1580652
looks like we got another peter griffin, this time fishnet version
>>1580636>post-op obvLet’s hope this shitstain does get that post-op rot pocket he wants, so that he will suffer from hairballs, infection, necrosis, and whatever horrific painful shit that comes with it.
No. 1580654
File: 1656996303647.jpg (41.01 KB, 586x244, crypto terf Mark.jpg)

Mark Hamill liked Bette Midlers Tweet. This isn't the first time he liked a TERFy Tweet, lets see if he walks it back this time.
I do have to admit, its a weird sense of relief seeing even the most brainwashed neolib Democrats starting to speak up about this shit. If those fools can wake up, anyone can.
No. 1580660
File: 1656997694992.jpeg (161.36 KB, 1170x1483, 8A298DB3-5D01-4799-97CF-3369A5…)

>>1580586He is an unapologetic rapist sympathizing MRA.
No. 1580677
File: 1657000301133.png (172.81 KB, 760x819, Screenshot_20220704-225056.png)

These people need to calm down lmfao. He liked a tweet get a grip
No. 1580678
File: 1657000458589.png (296.81 KB, 760x1194, Screenshot_20220704-225337.png)

For much longer than roe ??? Lmfao men are so stupid
No. 1580704
File: 1657002922972.jpg (324.86 KB, 720x2255, image (1).jpg)

>>1580654They are malding. What is it with troons and obsession with people's ages? He is Mark Hamill and will peak more people just like J.K. Cope and seethe.
No. 1580706
File: 1657003133294.png (132.43 KB, 718x521, 1616351354555.png)

>>1580700His ugliness is next level, but the really astounding thing is that he's actually posting photos online. Nothing could be more obvious proof of his maleness, a woman with a face like that would be so full of self loathing she'd retreat into an isolated hermitage just to spare others from her terrible visage. He doesn't even look somewhat retarded like a lot of terminally ugly trannies (eg the sneaker fetishist with the goiter).
Moid overconfidence is a hell of a drug.
No. 1580708
File: 1657003426756.png (1.03 MB, 1124x1790, 1656994775249.png)

Troon golems
No. 1580717
File: 1657003810629.png (169.55 KB, 882x1399, trasareracist.png)

More tranny racism.
No. 1580721
File: 1657004137622.jpeg (25.73 KB, 172x341, E4DC2F13-1556-45A3-828A-AC3529…)

>>1580573He got a dodgy rot pocket job done abroad and has to sit and dilate 24/7
No. 1580722
>>1580704honestly, I hope Hamill won't apologise for liking that tweet and all these people attacking him now will make him a
terf. Another fandom those troons can try to destroy then, I'm here for that shitshow.
No. 1580729
>>1580571You know, I'm not the one to post /pol/ jew memes but this wrote itself good lord lol
>>1580610God give me the confidence of a tranny
No. 1580741
>>1580100i want him to 41% asap. he's not the most revolting troon, but he is by far the most insufferable
at least imo
No. 1580744
>>1580339didn't keffals get the dick inversion surgery at 18? was he a minor when he did pre op porn? is that why he thought grooming teen boys for nudes was normal?
>>1580557based tweet
No. 1580750
>>1580654>>1580677>>1580678good, hopefully he doesn't backtrack like he did when he liked one of Rowling's tweets. seems like most people who supported her ended up "apologizing" because of all the harassment they received. except for the actor who played Hagrid, he doesn't give a fuck. very based
>>1580564kek the absolute insanity and retardation of this scrote. yes colin I'm so grateful our wonderful…."sisters" such as
>>1580638 >>1580660
>>1580745 are at the fronts of feminist activism. truly smashing the patriarchy
No. 1580760
File: 1657009326853.png (3.72 MB, 997x2048, lyznee.png)

I'm just now realizing how filled to the brim with troons Anime News Network is. They all have stomach-churningly "kawaii" names like Lynzee and Crystalyn and other gay shit. Picrel is their editorial executive editor. No wonder that site likes to talk about lolis and show off half-naked women all the time. There's no REAL woman to stop it.
No. 1580773
File: 1657011607193.jpg (1.69 MB, 1440x4699, Screenshot_20220705-045700_Chr…)

>>1580507Time to touch some grass Colin kek:
No. 1580775
File: 1657011834549.png (425.02 KB, 614x977, 1656995474400.png)

>>1580724Sorry, here's the real one
No. 1580785
File: 1657014141302.png (359.61 KB, 1204x976, JK and Macy Gray.png)

Love this so freaking much.
No. 1580792
terf, get werk
No. 1580797
>>1580677Luke Skywalker isn't a
terf because he's a fictional character, the state of these people's brains.
Loving the new additions to the terven, kinda perfect for Bette Midler to join JKR considering the Hocus Pocus/witch connection. Also props to Macy Gray. I like that such obviously harmless and nice people like Mark, JKR, Bette, Macy are on board because it makes all the TRA lies look even weaker.
No. 1580804
>>1580796Attention. She’s a failed “musician” who was obsessed with being a “skinny legend”, she’s been banned from twitter a bunch of times for saying she wants to be raped, threatening people and just being deranged in general. She’s out on heaps of weight and seems to have abandoned the idea of being a dedicated anachan and is LARPing as a tranny instead (presumably so she can use it as a shield from any
valid criticism of her complete insanity)
No. 1580811
>>1580797Off topic, perhaps, but I honestly wasn't looking forward to Hocus Pocus 2 - I thought, and to be honest, still do, that it will be a soulless cashgrab sequel to a nostalgic property about a million years too late that will have none of the charm of the original.
Now that Bette Midler has come out as a
TERF? Immah be there opening night.
No. 1580818
>>1580773"GC people saying that calling someone AGP is creepy"
No your dumb ass just doesn't understand that the situation is entirely different. Why is he publicly owning himself like this? It's obviously creepy to call a woman (or even a small male toddler) an AGP pervert for going into women's dressing rooms, but it's fully appropriate to call a male adult going into women's dressing rooms an AGP pervert. Him being an idiot who can't see that that's the take everyone gets from this is at least peaking people lmao
No. 1580823
>>1580785Notice how it's nearly always older women who speak out about this stuff and who undeniably get the most insane amount of hatred for it.
It's not a coincidence. We all know how men (and a lot of other women) treat older women who aren't handmaidens - They're their favorite punching bags. Specifically because a lot of them see right through men's BS and hold them accountable. All this century old sexism disguised as "progress" makes me want to throw up.
No. 1580825
>>1580823>Notice how it's nearly always older women who speak out about this stuffThat's because they grew up during the women's movement. I talk to my mom about this a lot, she grew up in the 60s/70s and she was out there protesting and fighting for women's rights. I have turned her into a
TERF now and she gets so sad about the fact that these MEN are trying to destroy everything that women like her have worked so hard for and it looks like they are succeeding and destroying things women have worked for for YEARS in only a short time. Honestly made me tear up a bit when she said "We fought for a better world for our daughters to grow up in and now you have to fight the same fight again, men will never leave us alone."
No. 1580833
>>1580831Oh lord, I don’t even know where to begin. I wish I had screen caps of old tweets from her nuked accounts. She’s been posting about wanting to be raped for years, no hyperbole.
I’m not a twitter user myself, I only know about her because she became obsessed with a friend of mine who used to have a modest following. She would tweet at him relentlessly saying that she wanted him to rape her, and then she did a complete 180 and started tweeting death threats at him, which is what got her banned. So of course she proceeded to make more accounts to harass him until he left twitter and we all forgot about her. I don’t know when this tranny LARP started, this is the first I’ve seen or heard of it, I’ll have a dig around and see what I can find
No. 1580834
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No. 1580836
File: 1657022446072.jpeg (498.41 KB, 828x1440, D38208C9-77DB-4AE6-B93E-77B6C0…)

I dunno about you ladies but if I saw this grown ass man wearing a babydoll t shirt with “days of girlhood” emblazoned on it I’d be calling the police to report a predator
No. 1580837
File: 1657022725516.jpeg (779.83 KB, 828x1436, B8E7B992-1B4B-42F4-A021-4B65D3…)

>adult male calling himself “a bubbly girl”
>paid partnership with Sodastream
We really do live in a society
No. 1580841
>>1580824 starts around 28:50
His voice gets lower and lower as he gets more enraged lol
No. 1580844
>>1580837wtf why are all these mad troons getting corporate sponsorships
at least it's not as bad as the one advertising sanitary pads
No. 1580864
>>1580704These people are so fucking unhinged. The man liked a tweet. This is why people can’t fucking stand them. Instead of just accepting that people have opinions about things, they see this simple action as an act of legitimate genocide. I’m still laughing about the one saying “Luke Skywalker isn’t a
terf!” They really don’t live in the real world.
No. 1580868
>>1580862to be
completely fair, i did say that 'if we can't agree on basic facts there is no point in arguing' which, y'know, it's totally understandable how they would see that as an attack on their human dignity.
more salad in response to pigeon comment:
> I do not take kindly to thinly veiled ad hominem comments. If you want to have a productive discussion/debate, first define your key terms before presenting your argument and don’t stoop so low to invalidate a person’s humanity with dog-whistle comments or insult other participants’ intelligence with (implied) ad hominem attacks. Failure to adhere to these simple and respectful guidelines, would mean there’s no point in arguing and shows your position was formed from an eisegesis rather than exegesis (to borrow terms used more in theology) understanding of literature, not limited to research papers or first/second sources, and desire to prove you’re right rather than understand or teach other participation/audience. my sisters in christ i am losing it.
i literally just asked them afterwards to just present their defense instead of making this into an ad hominem issue and they could not even do that.
the biblical terminology tho
'oo look i know big words, be distracted by the # of syllables instead of what they mean'
No. 1580888
>>1580876>>1580876tbf this IS actually an insult but i did end up finding her instagram account and
i hate making fun of other women (i THINK she's cis?) but i also hate how perfectly she fulfills the trope of the purple-haired goblin who supports troons because she feels insecure/unattractive in her own femininity and the 'all women are women even when they're built like linebackers' seems to appeal to that demographic because they themselves don't feel like they fit into acceptable 'feminine' standards.
like she's a good foot shorter than her other female friends, shaped like a fridge, has this tiny dog that looks like he's being abused in every photo, and she had to make a declarative monologue about how my previous 'insults' didn't hurt her.
people can be really, really obvious about their insecurities at times.
No. 1580891
File: 1657027841621.png (830.08 KB, 622x597, dwi.jennifer.png)

>>1580888pretty sure this is a cis woman though, just unfortunate genetics
She's also an aspiring theologian which explains why she's quoting bible terminology as if it's at all relevant to the situation, she just wants to use the newest vocabulary she learned in bible studies.
No. 1580900
>>1580877why the fuck are people even giving this guy the time of day
he's as creepy and weird as they get
no-one can seriously be looking at this freak and thinking, yep, that's a woman alright
it's completely fucking stupid, the whole thing
No. 1580904
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>>1580837bruh why does he look like the creepy troon from the mr bungle vid LOL
No. 1580905
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>>1580765the delusion is real
No. 1580918
File: 1657031164170.jpg (178.54 KB, 1241x1210, 20220705_162517.jpg)

This moron really saying that saying transwomen are men is comparable to fascism and stalin?? What??
No. 1580921
>>1580918She's saying Emni (ISIS recruiting group) and Mossad are responsible for
TERF propaganda. Genuine schizo shit.
No. 1580922
>>1580914>>1580913She’s a woman, she’s claiming she’s trans for attention, as I said up thread. Again, I wish I had caps of her old tweets because all her old accounts got hit with the banhammer on account of her sperging about wanting to raped and sending death threats to random people, but I don’t the proof so you’ll just have to take my word for it. Or don’t, whatever floats yer boat. I’m trawling through the archives to see what I can surface. Regardless, she’s still scary and absolutely jealous of women because she’s a hambeast with a face like a smashed crab and a hefty side serve of legitimate psychopathy
>>1580904This made me audibly chuckle
No. 1580932
>>1580930many of the are pedophiles hiding behind a 'female gender identity'
this is also why we see so many with a shitting-in-a-diaper-and-masturbating fetish
most of them are perverts
No. 1580936
File: 1657033680236.png (658.46 KB, 1642x674, hand.png)

looks like anatomy is kinda terfy everyone
No. 1580940
>>1580782no retard. that's a tranny. he's from skinny legend stan twitter because that's where gay men fester listen to this obviously male voice
No. 1580963
File: 1657036095715.jpg (816.92 KB, 971x2210, Screenshot_20220705-092019_Fir…)

stupid handmaiden is afraid to leave her TIM boyfriend who got her addicted to drugs. only 19 years old.
No. 1580981
>>1580918It's funny that this troon thinks fucking ISIS, Russia and China are spreading
TERF ideology, while 4chan types think those same people spread the gender ideology to "weaken society". They must have some really conflicting orders to fulfill.
No. 1580984
>>1580717>TERFs are always claiming black women are trans!I've interacted with plenty of TERFs and I've never, ever seen one do that. I've seen tons of TIMs do it though (case in point.) It's almost like face-blind autistic white men are the ones who think black women look "masculine", not women.
And for the last time: women don't care about being misgendered! If a
TERF ever accidentally called me trans, I'd just laugh because I'm not. They're just jealous Macy doesn't have to "pass" or do anything to be a woman except…just be one.
No. 1580987
File: 1657038202534.jpeg (546.62 KB, 1284x1159, F4938FA8-A103-4E6F-A952-A26A4B…)

>>1580282I love that she doubled down. Queen.
No. 1580992
>>1580867>>1580866He's dressed like actual child, this is pedophilia. And he's a PhD candidate. Can you imagine this freak being your professor or academic colleague?
>>1580880>>1580883Truth, and they're rolling back Title IX protections in the US too. College campuses are very dangerous places for young women.
No. 1580997
File: 1657038897075.jpg (364.75 KB, 1080x1462, Screenshot_20220705-123121_Chr…)

>>1580918Check out his Twitter. He's absolutely seething with narc rage over this kek: No. 1581030
>>1581023You mean the fake "history" burgerfags learn in your shitty low-ranking schools to glorify your military atrocities? Kek
>>1581025You're right nonna I'm sorry, that comment was just too funny not to dunk on. We'll go back to discussing troons.
No. 1581034
It's the official biotrans doll!
>>1580868I'm so tired of these dumb people who think typing in NPR speak makes them smart or correct.
>>1580811>Honestly made me tear up a bit when she said "We fought for a better world for our daughters to grow up in and now you have to fight the same fight again, men will never leave us alone."I hope more older women preach this. Millennial women grew up thinking that their males had been reformed, but 20 years out it's just SSDD. Honestly, manipulative "liberal" millennial men are worse than their fathers. They created this scorched earth "I'm not responsible for your feelings!" culture of using and mistreating women while giving back absolutely nothing.
No. 1581035
File: 1657041221975.jpeg (76.12 KB, 659x666, kikomi.jpeg)

Son of a bitch ate my pic!
No. 1581038
File: 1657041872715.png (26.98 KB, 588x314, B06443B1-24E3-4BB8-B3CE-5F18A3…)

>>1580279Can they fucking stop with this? The racist beliefs of the past were wrong, yes, but women have every right to say NO to males who have always used their power against us. How is it that they can always use an example of oppressor vs oppressed but not apply it to men oppressing women since the dawn of time? What is not connecting for them?
No. 1581064
File: 1657044117104.jpeg (455 KB, 1284x2020, 08E4EB2A-E155-436F-B9F3-D53E01…)

>>1581056Don’t even need to go to forums for it. There are plenty of public spaces where black people are calling out the bullshit. I saw this one for instance. No. 1581087
File: 1657046152908.png (1.91 MB, 1400x1096, Screen Shot 2022-07-05 at 1.24…)

I definitely think this is a cultural turning point, now that household name celebrities (besides JK) are starting to speak up and refusing to be bullied into silence. Also picrel. I think a lot of normies were comfortable letting troons live in peace, but they pushed it WAY too far with the sports thing, claiming their biology was identical to women's, and demanding everyone erase the word "woman" from our vocabularies right while real women were losing our rights. They should've been prepared for pushback even from the libfem "trust science" crowd, since none of their claims are remotely scientific.
No. 1581091
>>1581038>white woman stands up for women"well you're a racist Karen!"
>black woman stands up for women"well you're practically a man anyway!"
Their comebacks are so tired & predictable at this point.
No. 1581092
>>1581083You clearly haven't been keeping up with the times, nonna. White women, Jewish women and
WoC have all been bumped down the oppression list by misogynistic white men in programmer socks.
No. 1581098
File: 1657046781131.jpg (431.91 KB, 828x858, man likes woman.jpg)

bunch of trannies and handmaidens are call this old personal ad "cute"
No. 1581106
File: 1657047454594.png (15.92 KB, 582x158, 564645456456564654.png)

Noooo Macy dont let them bully you into apologizing!!
No. 1581122, the trannies are now cancelling research biologists from giving lectures
this is insane
No. 1581142
>>1581064It's not even particularly conservative black circles that say this. It's just seen as common sense and LA forums are the best example.
Troons and their lefty affiliiates have a very fetishistic view of black women. There's all that condescension going on there, but somehow they don't see what's
problematic when trannies say black women are essentially the same as men in dresses. How do they not see their blatantly racist comparisons?
No. 1581144
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No. 1581156
>>1581124I think where it really broke down for me is that even if gender and sex are separate I don't think these are actually the same gender identity. Women have a separate politics, separate life experience, separate socialization, etc that clearly results in a distinct gender identity if you bother to conceptualize it.
Trans is really its own thing, down to having its own flag (notably separate from any women's flag) and all its own rigamarole. I think that's really where this is falling apart. The more they revel in being special and unique the less they are able to integrate into society as actual women.
No. 1581161
File: 1657051577267.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1125x1765, 1DCAE3BD-46AC-4B7E-A94B-683035…)

oh no, one handmaiden less in our community. what will we ever do.
No. 1581164
>>1581113Men always accuse women of doing the exact rotten things men do. I made a short blog post here about getting manipulated by a DARVO whiner scrote, that
triggered a scrote post about how I must have been the abuser who laughed in his face. I said nothing about laughing in anybody's face, but that's exactly what happened to me for years if I mentioned anything bad in my life. It's uncanny. Men know exactly what kind of evil shit they would do, and they will project it on you. But it's complete doublethink, because they know exactly how a naive woman would behave, and get super butthurt if you don't do that.
No. 1581167
>>1581156Exactly, and the concept of trannies “passing”, especially in the case of MtF, is so damn strange to me, gender identity aside. They try so hard to wear makeup, have long hair, wear feminine clothing. It really is just a woman costume. Meanwhile, real women can look however they want to, makeup or no makeup, any clothing, and still look like and are women. These men always say they “feel female”, and the reason is always because they like stereotypically feminine things, or for not wanting to live up to male societal expectations/stereotypes. The trans community can’t pull the wool over our eyes anymore. And through what I have mentioned previously, they’re causing a lot of harm because now, they’re trying to redefine the definition of “woman”, and telling any woman that doesn’t follow this set of rules that “you’re not female”.
No. 1581189
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>>1581171>I feel like the trans thing annoys me because it’s such an unnecessary distraction from women focusing on other shit we could be doing to improve our place in society.Exactly. Societies are destabilized and crumbling, and every woman is now burdened, whether she accepts it or not, with coddling the penises of strangers and their inability to be adults. Men are an absolute black hole of need.
No. 1581193
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No. 1581200
>>1581087Finally, we're starting to see some common sense amongst all these insanity.
>>1581100>>1581124Agree so much with these posts. I'm a firm believer in civil rights of marginalised groups and letting others live the way they live as long as it's not harmful, which is where the line is drawn here. The movement is hurting women in all sorts of ways, regressing back to gender stereotypes, and pretending sex isn't a binary which invalidates the need for women to have their own space. I sympathised with people who were "born in the wrong body" and thus need to medically transition into the other sex because at least that acknowledges sex is real but all this "infinite gender shit" and the narrative that ~you don't have to transition to be trans~ is insane no matter how you look at it. It's all so contradictory. Being trans/enby is now some kind of fashion fad even though the LGBT community has spent decades fighting against the idea that being gay is not a choice. If the trutrans/transmed rhetoric had actually won, I think we wouldn't see so much of this insanity.
No. 1581213
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>No, you don't get it, it's the FtMs who want you to call yourselves bleeders! All those posts where MtFs seethe about biological women talking about their periods? Fake news
Even if this were true, is it supposed to make any of this better?
No. 1581226
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the highland park shooter got away by dressing up as a woman No. 1581270
File: 1657059200734.jpeg (339.41 KB, 828x694, E23965D0-BF2E-410E-BFBF-AAAE19…)

tranny i know irl coming in to tell women they’re doing feminism wrong. why does hrt make them retarded?
No. 1581302
File: 1657061387591.png (561.93 KB, 741x770, planet trans.png)

Sorry I can't find a YT video version, has anyone seen this yet? No. 1581309
>>1581302saw this on a
terf whatsapp group, brilliantly done, though i'd forgotten how much this ma'an rages, it's crazy
No. 1581312
>>1581270what a scruffy bloke lol
needs a hairbrush and a rope
No. 1581323
File: 1657062322329.jpeg (678.79 KB, 2703x1534, A68F4F82-FB0B-41FE-8273-D5557B…)

there’s a tra larping as a terf on twitter and retards are actually falling for it
No. 1581330
>>1581144i don't know how the hell he would get "boring lady"
men are repulsed by anyone who actually cuts it off because it's one of the most grotesque acts of self mutilation they can imagine. the fact that trans porn blew up, yet there is ZERO market for post ops should say something. even for the biggest TRAs it is too much, they want to live out the anime dickgirl fantasy, not to deal with the full force of male psychosis.
No. 1581340
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No. 1581348
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No. 1581354
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No. 1581369
File: 1657065179345.png (10.09 KB, 720x133, LOL.png)

No. 1581386
File: 1657065916127.png (851.9 KB, 1710x882, tranny lies.png)

No. 1581414
File: 1657067894531.png (68.93 KB, 737x617, colin (2).png)

>far right conspiracy theory
No. 1581418
>>1581354i do wonder if at some point there will be a reckoning with the fact this stuff is not really compatible with any kind of positive left wing politics.
like despite the identity vomit aesthetic and the socialist imagery the underlying logic is most women, black, latino, working class, etc people are fascist because transphobia and all measures are permissible in stopping fascism.
No. 1581436
>>1580913>>1580820tbh i think even terfs have to start acknowledging more that some trans people, at least in carefully posed/edited/chosen pictures DO 'pass'. the majority of the time they majorly don't and you can clock them from the obvious sexual characteristics that are hard to disguise but that doesn't mean there's absolutely never certain pictures where they pass. we need to put more emphasis on saying that it's not just the appearance that matters. you can get whatever surgeries, makeovers, style changes, whatever that help you mimic the opposite sex but you simply cannot actually change your sex. it's definitely an easy own to point out how miserably most troons fail at feminizing or masculinizing themselves but appearance is only skin deep after all. mistaking a troon or normal person as the opposite sex shouldn't be the end all to whether or not they actually are. just wanted to say this because there are the sparse cases where i genuinely can't tell if someone is trans or not, but that doesn't make them more '
valid' than the hulking hairy linebackers i can easily clock
No. 1581446
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Those damn conservative comedians, making dating life so hard for five-headed penis people.
No. 1581454
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Mystery solved as far as I'm concerned.
No. 1581466
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women engineers know what's up
No. 1581467
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No. 1581471
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No. 1581472
>>1581359Isn't what she said kind of based though?
>Woman is a title you earn and become>Plenty of females aren't women yet>Every girl will get to become a womanAm I interpreting this incorrectly?
No. 1581508
>>1578857They're narcissists who can only care for themselves.
If they didn't spend all their time thinking about themselves, they wouldn't make up problems like "gender dysphoria."
No. 1581509
File: 1657083097790.png (49.94 KB, 1360x749, 7F2EA9C0-5A49-408E-BA68-5FB1F3…)

God I hate AGPs and the nerd culture that caters to them.
No. 1581510
>>1578868Ehhh, the drag queen showed some self-awareness at the situation and acknowledged a kid really shouldn't be there.
The cringe in this vid is on the child's caretakers.
This is like taking your kids to a strip club and the only people recognizing how fucked up it is are the strippers.
No. 1581519
File: 1657083833917.jpg (42.44 KB, 540x680, e60pyhzgfoe81.jpg)

>>1581449A lot of this recent femboy shit in pop culture is related to autopedophilia too.
The amount of "straight" men who have essentially openly stated that they're attracted to young boys in dresses is disturbing.
No. 1581551
File: 1657088303162.jpeg (Spoiler Image,480.53 KB, 750x2797, 64CCF553-5282-4570-B89F-DA5012…)

hey lesbians, remind me again why you don’t you want some frankenussy.
No. 1581563
File: 1657089750723.jpeg (696 KB, 750x1183, F214C721-1C7D-4E38-A9D1-81C2C3…)

get a y chromosome extraction.
No. 1581566
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No. 1581571
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>>1581446Insurance covered hair transplants. Only trannies. Gotta cost at least 5 figures.
No. 1581574
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>>1581446>>1581571Top kek. I have a file on this "I feel so freaking powerful in my pantyhose" troon: No. 1581580
File: 1657091821451.jpeg (405.86 KB, 750x790, 06489411-BD89-4133-ADEC-9A05D8…)

I’m looking for FEMALE progress pictures baldy, I’m not a manlet so my body won’t do that.
No. 1581586
>>1581354"Woman is a title that you earn and become" is a ridiculous statement. What do you need to do to "earn" womanhood? Wear a dress? Like pink? Get oppressed by men? Agree with Your exact political ideas?
Or are you now on the TRA side that it's simply "a state of mind", "feeling" like a woman? In that case plenty of mentally disabled women have never been women, or a severely depressed woman with no confident in herself isn't a woman either. Those are some really fucked up things to believe. Woman is just a physical reality you're born into, nothing less and nothing more.
No. 1581598
File: 1657094642246.jpeg (137.46 KB, 750x630, 37334EEC-924F-48CB-8350-0200C6…)

no one, kevin, goes outside without a shirt on, wtf is wrong with men. two entire generations of scrotes completely lost to porn.
No. 1581607
triggered by seeing half of the human population because outside of your online hugbox your brain knows you are a man.
But it's our fault for existing and not the tranny groomers who post their faceapp photos and tell you you'll look like an anime girl after 4 months of hrt.
No. 1581624
>>1581606To be fair, mental illness usually doesn't make sense. At least if they're aware of it they can potentially work on overcoming and curing it. We know for a fact that transness IS curable.
The dysphoria supposedly lessens/goes away from transitioning (and that's why it's the treatment) = it is physically possible for dysphoria to go away
Lots of trans people who had extreme dysphoria (to the point of getting srs) later detransed and now say they're no longer dysphoric = literal proof of severe dysphoria going away
The majority of gender non-conforming/trans kids grow up to be "cis" = dysphoria went away
Every other body dysmorphic disorder can evidently go away with therapy = gender dysphoria can also go away with therapy
Trans people with dementia regularly forget their "trans" gender = dysphoria is NOT an innate state
The only people who want trans people to eternally suffer from gender dysphoria are other trans people and TRAs.
No. 1581640
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>>1581466ew this gay scrote who used a woman's body for surrogacy replied with this. they are so fucking disgusting.
No. 1581650
>>1581640I hate how shit-for-brains twitter sjws have to make up new lingo instead of learning correct terminology. Misandry. Misandry. Misandry.
sage for sperging
No. 1581651
>>1581253I takes a personal touch - what peaked her and can you provide more along those lines?
For instance if it was the swimming TiM then do things like share other cases of it such as the 29 year old skateboarder beating all those teenage girls.
Later on you can move to the logical conclusions of it hence in this case - from men's biological differences meaning that hormones dont stop them from winning in womens sport to hormones dont stop them from being violent and sexually dangerous towards women - and thats when things like prison stats come into play.
No. 1581681
>>1581580I came across him too while I was looking for progress pics but forgot to post.
Best of luck with your fitness journey nona!
No. 1581685
>>1581656I know its a
valid rule and yet I still get surprised by it
No. 1581687
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No. 1581708
>>1581651it was actually that the surgeries and hormones aren't safe or perfect like she was told, so might segway from a medical side
>>1581658I don't know why i didn't start keeping track sooner, but i think its time i binge through the threads. Somehow i didn't think anyone i know would actually sway
No. 1581710
>>1581707Most Jewish people, especially in western countries, are white
>>1581697This shit makes my blood boil. And what’s worse is that you know handmaidens will these sorts of tweets and defend them. Actual clownfish world
No. 1581714
>>1581710Handmaidens think that those tweets don’t apply to them, because THEY aren’t terfs. They don’t get that the word “
terf” in those tweets is literally just a stand in for “women”.
No. 1581718
>>1581640Why yes I am androphobic
Get fucked moids
No. 1581734
>>1581714With this, handmaidens need to understand that men like this
>>1581574 don’t differentiate between terfs or TRA women. He sees any woman, he finds her upsetting. This is how all of them operate, they hate all women because they can’t be us. Giving him nice words and actions isn’t going to solve that. It’s pointless, because he will still hate us, and no matter how nice you are it won’t matter. I’m begging these women to stop catering to men who don’t give a shit about their feelings or rights and even actively want to harm them.
No. 1581751
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This woman won a case that she was discriminated on the grounds of being ‘Gender Critical’. It’s a big deal and women are congratulating her accordingly except for Colon ofcourse
No. 1581756
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>>1581571Amazing how much money is pissed away for society's least functional or beneficial moids.
>>1581574Reminds me of that screenshot of that moid who had to leave a wedding party because there were so many hot women and he couldn't fuck any of them.
>>1581598I always wondered how some weebs could be dumb enough to think real life Japan is like an anime. It turns out men who use porn are the same way about all media. Absolute delusional.
No. 1581762
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>>1580294>>1580323>>1580303Ant it happened, I am disappointed in Wanjuki, she's someone I used to follow and respect at one time, to become this much of a handmaiden for troons is depressing
No. 1581773
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kek he's a "lesbian". Bet she was a major tool in affirming his perversion.
No. 1581775
>>1581762These handmaidens that see GC arguments and still witch-hunt know what they’re doing 100%. They want to NLOG so they can feel morally superior. It’s the extension of wanting to be the cool girl that doesn’t nag and gets to shit on women with the men. It also feels nice to not be on your own and feel like you’re losing and that everyone is against you. Also considering that women are raised to be emotionally available to mens needs lest they be *insert derogatory word for woman here and to not put themselves as top priority. So many woman develop the idea that women who don’t give men what they want (even if it’s womanhood because women have never really truly owned all the aspects of womanhood anyways) deserved it for kicking up a fuss instead of just letting them have what they want. That’s why men aren’t targeted. These tweets reek of moral gagging and condescension not concern over actual harmful bigotry.
Female socialization has caused some women to see men as authorities that can grant privileges if appeased. it’s basically the equivalent of being a teachers pet. Difference being, at least not being a teachers pet doesn’t result in your life being ruined and your teacher might actually appreciate your sucking up whereas men won’t give a fuck because they expect you to fawn over them.
No. 1581777
>>1581751This Katy moid is fucking everywhere. Is his full-time job getting
triggered on twitter or what? kek
No. 1581781
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No. 1581793
>>1581778I don’t get it either. I argued with a troon about it once, and he said it’s because “twans wimmin NEED to pass to be safe! it’s life saving!1!” Ok trannies, so when you mock women for “not passing” (like those butch lesbians at the JKR dinner), then shouldn’t they also be entitled to free surgery? Since they apparently don’t “pass” and need to look “more like a woman”? What about all the women with A cups? Apparently you need huge boobs to “be a woman” right? It goes on and on…
If trannies want the “woman experience”, or even to be “treated like people” these opwessed troons always whine about, they need to pay like everyone else.
No. 1581817
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Just looked at his Twitter after not looking there since probably last year. Looks like he dropped the blow up sex doll aesthetic and tried looking more natural, but he still just looks deformed and clearly male lmfao.
No. 1581818
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Can these women stop giving into these assholes?
No. 1581825
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>>1581817Dropped the sex doll aesthetic. Replaced it with dog that was stung by bees
No. 1581828
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>>1581751Does he just pretend to be stupid?
No. 1581829
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Is there an explanation as to why so many troons pretend to have DID (which isn’t a real disorder to begin with)?
No. 1581843
>>1581509The comic artist is a chaser, he isn’t a troon
yet. I used to like his stuff before he outed himself as a tra.
No. 1581845
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GDT best be careful but he’s a man who has tons of male fans so I don’t think much would happen anyway.
No. 1581862
>>1581762Someone needs to post receipts from the Nazi Discord servers these troons populate every time a
WoC feminist starts caping, or screenshots of all their tweets claiming black women are basically men. Let them see the deranged white moids they’re really riding for.
No. 1581873
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And how does being a grown man playing dress-up as a teenage girl in public help you “blend in?” Curious!
No. 1581877
>>1581640interestingly this androphobia guy is spanish.
i wonder how seriously the androphobia/misandry discourse is taken in the anglosphere?
last year an italian faggot politician was trying to pass a pro-tranny anti-discrimination bill and attempted to convince the conservatives by saying the bill is against all discrimination, including misandry.
No. 1581909
File: 1657133862373.gif (90 KB, 404x498, kokichi-ouma.gif)

>>1581829you'd think im kidding but i shit you not, its because of dangan ronpa, there are at least two characters who have DID (genocider syo and junko enoshima) and a crossdresser character (who is a programmer/coder) whom troons love to cosplay (chihiro fujisaki)
proof/picrel troon is cosplaying a dangan ronpa character in the bottom left photo
No. 1581915
File: 1657133976726.jpg (80.78 KB, 593x887, fuck off.jpg)

Macy Gray deleted her tweet from yesterday, and has stopped giving a shit. Good for her.
No. 1582036
File: 1657140214400.png (66.88 KB, 596x500, UmbralReaver.png)

least mentally ill twitter tranny
No. 1582038
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No. 1582046
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people like this shouldn't be allowed to write children's books, seriously
No. 1582067
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tranny gave up suing giggle creator
No. 1582068
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No. 1582069
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“it’s terfs fault abortion was banned!!!1!!!”
No. 1582081
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No. 1582083
>>1582069I'm sure scrotes would permit abortion if trannyism was condoned and expanded. I'm sure moids really give a single shit about ftm pregnancies not askually being about womanhood because they say so (except no scrote believes this and to them every 'pooner' is a female for breeding stock). That definitely worked out in Iran
I honestly believe the study that said 60% of mtfs had narcissistic personality disorder. Their way of making every single thing about them is just insane
>>1582068This illustrates my point perfectly. This scrote found a way to hijack the same issue to make it about him cooming via dicks in his cloaca somehow
No. 1582085
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No. 1582086
>One study shows 32% of trans women experienced changes in their ability to pee, 19% recorded full urinary incontinence, another 19% report some degree of incontinence>Another study showed 24.6% of trans women have urinary urgency problems, and 23% had urinary incontinence>A third study showed 33% of trans women had full incontinence, and 79% suffered from some degree of uncontrollable dribblingThis is what taking estrogen as a man and/or sex change surgeries do to you.
These could've been healthy young gay men. Now they have no penis and can't stop peeing themselves…..
Source: No. 1582109
>>1581983Sage for history fag, but that claim isn't entirely false. In colonies across the African continent, it was often the arrival of white women that led to greater limitations on the freedom of the black population. False claims against black men instigated "Black Peril" fears, and fear of white men interacting with black women (the "invalidation" refenced in the tweet) led to greater restrictions on social relations between races. (Although, interaction between white men and black women prior to white women's delayed entry to the colonies was likely not often consensual..). The same holds true for much of US history.
Of course, these changes were rooted in European/American conceptions of "fragile (white) women" who need to be protected and ruled over by men, a conception perpetuated by the ruling male class, so the roots are still in misogyny and not "white feminism." But I do think it is worth noting that white women with internalized misogyny often channel their misogyny into racism against non-white women. It's possible to still hate MTFs while also recognizing that women with internalized misogyny have harmed other women. This is why we need to work so hard to protect our collective rights.
No. 1582110
>>1581773kekk, I remember this troon's username. He is the one who posted he stare at women's crotches because of "dysphoria"
Good riddance, I am glad she broke up with him. Disgusting pervert
No. 1582120
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No. 1582123
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No. 1582130
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No. 1582131
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spot the difference
No. 1582132
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No. 1582133
>>1582094Why would they? There's no capital in defending lesbians
The big question we need to ask is why no one is interested in naming who is actually responsible for the vast majority of 'black trans' deaths. Laverne Cox sat on his fat ass and blamed Black women for it LMFAO
>>1582109>>1581038What the scrote is saying has nothing to do with his faux-concern for BW being restricted, subjugated or enslaved by white women. It has everything to do with weaponizing the history of racism to create the narrative that all BW must be pro-trans activist handmaidens and to support his troon brothers, or else we are klan members. Troons with any clout are white (or at least asian) male agps.
To this day on twitter I see endless callouts about racist white women, racist white gay men and racist white tifs but never a single thing E V E R about insanely racist white tims. When every trans reddit sub has half of them admitting they are former or current nazis this is just insane to me. The discussion does not exist, period. Any discussion of such is blackballed, banned and relegated to places like LSA
And the pro-trans trollfarms and political shills EVEN there tiptoe around the subject of ever calling out white racist tims. They prefer to insult Black women and call us gorillas, desperate and mid-looking in any threads about white or latino tims skinning children alive so the subject gets derailed or deleted. They almost never get banned but women who say 'shim' are banned
No. 1582137
File: 1657146762813.jpeg (766.12 KB, 1170x1744, 5CC7DC2C-038C-4ED0-BE55-FFF6FC…)

>should I get government money that would be better spent elsewhere for my fetish?
No. 1582142
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>>1582137sorry for the double post but this guy looks so creepy.
No. 1582153
File: 1657147538726.png (119.79 KB, 816x706, actual persecution.png)

>>1582094Kek this is the most recurrent discussion gay scrotes have about lesbians.
No. 1582156
File: 1657147663053.jpg (278.78 KB, 1325x827, crazy ass moid.jpg)

I know troons are deluded but fucking hell this is one crazy conspiracy theory here
No. 1582162
File: 1657148149283.png (125.55 KB, 741x666, tranny bot.png)

Apparently there's a bot going around twitter that writes out 5 whole posts just to explain what a women is, when someone asks for the definition of women.
No. 1582170
>>1582157Ah bollocks yeah I see now, guess theres so much going on i missed it. Anyway good for Macy for
triggering this desperate has been.
No. 1582172
File: 1657148562088.png (386.92 KB, 731x885, All about muh trannys.png)

If you're ever bored follow Colon, he is very stupid and entertaining.
>>1582169I swear I remember seeing one for what is a woman and they'd give the normal Adult Human Female repsonse. I guess it got banned
No. 1582188
File: 1657149235394.png (Spoiler Image,511.67 KB, 388x882, 45.png)

nsfw mangled woundhole
No. 1582193
>>1582173Totally agree. I was hinting the trans and feminine gay males deaths (they actually die more than trans if you look at the statistics) are just a byproduct of target error in ongoing Black femicide
Troons will dance through a million illogical hoops to pretend this isnt true because it's the foundation myth of 'trans, especially white trans lesbians, are the bottom of the oppresshun pyramid'… like… the insane bs bearing no relation to reality! It's like a RELIGION at this point
No. 1582195
File: 1657149679413.png (370.1 KB, 772x1012, I wonder why.png)

No. 1582265
File: 1657154388011.jpeg (341.54 KB, 750x2293, 1CE86F74-AF4B-485A-8E70-D3A4CD…)

Another mentally ill man has been fully cured of his mental disorder by pursuing his impossible goal of becoming something he can never be, horse piss is life saving!
No. 1582277
File: 1657155154943.gif (200.09 KB, 500x529, 1645508384843.gif)

>>1582107Hello, Rose.
(hi cow) No. 1582285
File: 1657155741304.jpeg (Spoiler Image,917.91 KB, 750x1207, 5B5EB7C2-FD9B-4450-AA33-00912A…)

you’re gonna need more than a revision to make this thing look less horrible, son.
No. 1582334
File: 1657159398693.jpg (286.15 KB, 1078x2244, FUz0l6eXwAA_3O_.jpg)

member this guy
No. 1582339
File: 1657159554097.jpeg (2 MB, 1349x8855, 38067E1F-301A-4FF1-ABE4-0C7B26…)

dirty old man.
No. 1582346
>>1582334good for him, looks a little happier now
although sorry but he almost looks like a tif now kek
No. 1582349
File: 1657160345395.png (338.01 KB, 763x3163, totally happened.png)

how convenient that this business just so happens to shut down
No. 1582387
File: 1657163368661.jpeg (Spoiler Image,474.73 KB, 750x3561, 0E2B27D2-81E7-4CFA-8BDB-758764…)

Spoiler for tiny troon dick. Can you imagine if an actual woman posted pictures of herself in her work uniform on reddit along with nudes? She’d get fired yesterday.
No. 1582388
>>1581164Oh for sure, it’s 100% male to do something fucked then act innocent and try to paint their
victim as crazy. But I don’t think a woman would say that he gave her ‘the best head of her life’ or even have sex with him.
No. 1582390
File: 1657163618105.jpeg (523.81 KB, 750x1150, EE5223F1-787A-4EFE-BE06-AF0266…)

>Feeling classy
>takes bathroom selfie next to a trash can.
No. 1582410
>>1582387for the love of god why don't they use separate accounts fro SFW and NSFW content.
It use to be common sense internet behavior…
But the sex positive movement has just encouraged people to put themselves in compromising positions that put themselves at risk with this bullshit behavior being normalized. Without any framework for real legal protections in most cases.
It just feels like something a predator would do, groom an entire young generation to sexually exploit themselves saying its fine but without setting up legal safety measures so they can be abused at will.
Of course if something bad happens to the troon because of this its transphobia. But if it happens to a chick its her fault for being stupid and it is to be expected.
No. 1582423
File: 1657166708450.jpg (115.17 KB, 561x934, 0fg9mwhbr1a91.jpg)

almost self aware
No. 1582424
File: 1657166876061.jpg (98.87 KB, 896x1435, FW48IGnXEAA5xON.jpg)

seriously how is this allowed?
No. 1582440
>>1582391He works for a huge nation wide security and cleaning contractor service. It would be like trying to get a person fired from McDonald but without a physical store to complain too.
Judging of his posts and uniform he works for
Allied Universal ® Event Services in Birmingham, AL. Thou honestly there is no point, I doubt anyone would care.
No. 1582607
File: 1657198122064.jpeg (706.65 KB, 1242x3110, FFB63B59-96C0-4FBF-8FF6-3282E0…)

Peter Robinson popping off.