File: 1647580290414.png (792.01 KB, 743x586, threadpic.png)

No. 1472538
File: 1647581095596.jpg (234.43 KB, 1080x822, IMG_20220318_062444.jpg)

Let the Thomas peaking commence.
No. 1472539
>>1472538There won’t be any peaking and nothing will be done about it. Companies are still trying to push the “bleeders” and ALL women for period products. Not to mention both bonds and adidas have gone full retard with new trans/pride clothing.
Men will just continue to pretend to be women
No. 1472548
>>1472538>3hrs ago>only 2k likesNot to be a downer but I think
>>1472539 is right, as much as it's hard to imagine, I don't think this will peak nearly enough people to have any major effect. This will likely go on for a long time more, and when it ends it'll just be replaced by conservative backlash which will be terrible in a different way.
No. 1472549
File: 1647581871659.jpg (442.53 KB, 1080x1154, S3.jpg)

Clown world
No. 1472551
File: 1647582358795.jpg (360.66 KB, 1070x1815, Stupid.jpg)

I didnt realize people were this stupid until I started going on twitter.
No. 1472559
File: 1647583638173.png (2.16 MB, 1500x1382, Screen Shot 2022-03-18 at 2.07…)

this looks like a fucking serial killer photo. i don't think will's agp - he seems like a virulently misogynist self-hating gay jock - but i think he could murder a woman and likely will, or be arrested for beating one, before he dies. i just get such rodney alcala vibes from will's current media circus. like i can tell this is going to be the "lobotomy regret" of the 2050s.
No. 1472561
File: 1647584156534.jpeg (106.94 KB, 2048x1164, 80C9D5CC-CCBB-4B4F-ACE3-C9EA49…)

>>1472538>>1472559I hate men so much
No. 1472563
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No. 1472565
File: 1647584370105.jpg (101.42 KB, 720x1060, Screenshot_20220318-071437.jpg)

Why isn't "Dr.K" fixing his wound? The gen doctor at the hospital has no idea wtf that is and I would've ghosted too.
No. 1472589
File: 1647588731052.jpeg (381.83 KB, 828x1421, E4BB1D4E-24CF-438C-B4BD-60F28B…)

Saw this retard on someone’s post gloating about magdalen’s death and was not surprised to see this kind of bullshit when I went to their page. It’s not a fetish tho!!!
No. 1472607
>>1472566this, the terminally online TRA and handmaidens are just loud online.
I think seeing there ARE other normal women around them who aren't "evil bible-thumping conservative karen terfs" speaking up and being uncomfortable with this makes some of them realize it's ok to let their mind go there, when before they wouldn't even allow themselves to think about it. Once you've peaked you can't go back because you know the truth and see their lies. And knowing you were lied to on purpose makes you not want to go back.
No. 1472619
File: 1647595531018.png (106.8 KB, 1080x769, 4329843294328239.png)

No. 1472626
>>1472619Cute and wholesome to see the girls bonding together while leaving out the sexist man next to them who is trying to ruin their sport, they're so brave for doing even a small gesture like this.
Waiting for the day all of Lia/r's records and prizes are rendered void due to breaking the rules by being a man, we will demand an apology from him for being an opportunistic misogynistic dick not caring about women's rights to a fair competition.
No. 1472629
>>1472628it's scary to think that all it would take is one moid in each women's sport for them to dominate all the world records. if there are three moids we will no longer see women on the podium at all.
are people still going to pretend like they have no advantage when that becomes a reality?
No. 1472630
File: 1647597412451.webm (1.45 MB, 576x1024, tumblr_r6xczluPhv1x6nqul.webm)
yea cause women are MEANT to be choked. disgusting
No. 1472638
File: 1647598752425.jpeg (240.11 KB, 1096x1096, 813459F3-AA6B-4810-B0ED-90F447…)

I’d like to know the women he stomped over to be granted opportunities above her.
He didn’t even bother to shave.
>>1472626 exactly what I’m thinking. I’m sure they’ll be considered bigots but they know they’re really first second and third and “Lia” is just a freak show stealing their space.
Though I think others were right when they said that they don’t think this will peak enough people. Gender identity politics is made so deliberately complex and with no room for scrutiny to keep everyone quiet for a reason
No. 1472641
File: 1647598971561.jpeg (165.63 KB, 922x2048, 548FCFAE-A93C-4320-9436-6F66B7…)

Don’t have the link as I got it from Twitter
Amazing after everything I was taught about the importance of womens only ward spaces and the literal night shifts I spent re arranging beds upon beds of patients to make sure we kept them seperate for a reason trannie rights can overstep to this extent.
I’m disgusted.
No. 1472643
File: 1647599220923.jpg (397.06 KB, 1080x1732, IMG_20220318_112538.jpg)

>>1472619I hope that photo will be featured in history books
No. 1472645
File: 1647599549695.gif (228.67 KB, 400x223, B134BF16-7A5B-4641-A8B6-511BF3…)

>>1472619holy shit the astronomical size difference. Anyone who doesn’t see a problem with this photo is lying to themselves.
No. 1472646
File: 1647599675026.png (437.59 KB, 582x492, Untitled.png)

didn't see this posted (sorry if it was) on the previous thread, but no one cheered for him and waited to do so when the women finished No. 1472652
File: 1647600342710.webm (13.26 MB, 1280x720, 90754566.webm)
Here's Emma Weyant getting lots of cheers while Thomas gets booed to oblivion lmao.
No. 1472657
File: 1647601504087.jpg (206.92 KB, 672x608, Screenshot_20220318-035814_Sna…)

>>1472646>>1472619NTA but heres an edit I made to show more clearly the size difference by making the floor flat. Thomas is disgusting for doing this to these woman and knows exactly what hes doing. Men are so fucked up. I'm SO SO glad the girls decided to keep the gap and celebrate their win together. What a fucking pathetic person to even celebrate this.
>>1472652I hope he hears the echos of them in his head before he sleeps. So trashy, how can he even stand there? So smug? Trash. So mad for these girls.
No. 1472670
File: 1647602810475.png (106.88 KB, 634x390, written by a chaser no doubt.p…)

hating how the news is covering it in my country…
doesn't help that practically every news outlet here is own by the same moid.
No. 1472675
File: 1647603404032.jpg (280.98 KB, 1322x1322, 20220316_171719.jpg)

>>1472638I loved this edit
No. 1472682
>>1472657>>1472652There's truly something about how the debate is blocked everywhere. If you search his name on reddit for example, you'll only find either fellow trans cheering him on. The only people against it are the same ones that think women deserved this.
I just absolutely cannot wrap my mind around the fact people defend this. I don't even consider myself a radfem or anything, but are they genuinely thinking it makes no difference? Are they so deep into their own delusions?
No. 1472685
>>1472619I thought the measurements in sports were kind of part of what makes an athlete a winner or a loser, if these girls were as tall as that freak, I’m sure they would’ve had more opportunity against him, but just look at that monster, if it wasn’t for the fucking weird social pressure that they’re subjected to, I’m sure they would’ve just dropped the competition altogether.
Part of me just wants to see more men participating in women’s sports just to see more women either creating underground spaces for themselves, and/or just letting males clown each other so we can see more Thomases dropping out their sports’ careers because they have to fight against actually qualified competitors. I guess then they will pretend to be disabled so they can win the Paralympics.
No. 1472687
>>1472682Well, if you get banned for saying Lia was born a man, even if you frame it nicely, then who's really left except the crazies? And the misogynist 15 year olds saying women deserve this for wanting rights get a pass because Reddit hates women even more than they do.
November is going to have republicans gleefully running this whole fiasco in their campaigns. And they'd be right to do so- democrats just gave them the perfect commercial on a silver platter. TRAs are going to be shocked and act like it came out of no where, but that's what happens when you intimidate people into silence. The pushback is going to be nighmarish for anyone who cares about abortion or LGB rights or even the environment.
No. 1472688
File: 1647605127136.png (176.15 KB, 2046x1880, wearingpantiesmakemefeelpowerf…)

It's so funny. Not even the most girl girls I know are "1000% femme uwu" at home. Like just… fuck off. Even for the women who like make up it is mandatory work, and taking your bra and make up off after a long day is so relieving.
No. 1472691
File: 1647605192609.png (677.27 KB, 747x945, only 2 sentences.png)

>>1472670>>1472679Same news site, legit only wrote 2 sentences about people protesting it.
clown world
No. 1472699
>>1472688>>1472688Of course they don’t mind wearing a bra because bras are basically like undershirts to them, they have nothing to support and protect unlike real women.
And kek at the moid who is 10000000000% “femme” insert obnoxious emoticons at home, to then that probably means wearing a wig 24/7 and shitty eyeliner.
No. 1472707
File: 1647606885274.jpg (5.33 MB, 4096x5790, Polish_20220318_133300098.jpg)

>>1472646And this is the type of troon that defends it. And of course he also plays sports and thinks it's okay invade women's categories.
So feminine, wouldn't know a difference from cis woman, right?
No. 1472708
>>1472687Shit’s always like this, but this time everyone everywhere knows what’s going on because the news are loud as fuck and more people speak different languages unlike in the 50’s, or even the 90’s or early 2000’s.
There’s always an extremist side A, then the extremist side B wins, the A side uses the flops of the B side and wins to repeat the cycle forever and ever.
No. 1472715
>>1472709except for the fact a lot of them are encouraged to save their sperm before they troon out, in case they wanna breed.
And since it's becoming more popular for them to just HRT and not get their dicks inverted now lots of them are able to reproduce if they just go off HRT for a while. Cause HRT isn't a 100% nuke to the balls unless they have been on it heavy doses for years.
No. 1472719
File: 1647607557287.png (842.06 KB, 1342x928, troon libary.png)

>>1472638thought I will post this up here as well for the lurker nonnies.
Calls cis woman fucking fish. Sound like another trans woman are better woman shitheads. and legit doesn't even bother to shave for photos to try and present as more female.
No. 1472746
File: 1647609482783.png (290.88 KB, 969x1246, screencapture-twitter-lae-laet…)

>>1472649It's amazing how they still lie to each other even after getting their genitals butchered.
No. 1472750
File: 1647609702877.png (595.41 KB, 1299x833, 9 brave woman.png)

I think this is the least blatant troon positive news article here. I fear for those 9 woman that risked their safety to protest openly thou.
>>1472739yah the current misogyny/bullying circus going on in the news atm is making my blood boil. Murdock isn't even trying to cover up the fact he is in control of the media and fucks around for who ever he approves of in the government atm. At least we haven't had our weekly murdered woman in the news last two weeks. That's like record.The day Murdoch dies the world will be a better place tbh.
No. 1472754
File: 1647609863759.jpg (2.8 MB, 4096x3072, GridArt_20220318_091554130.jpg)

Been hate following this Troon since the wispa protests. They led people to believe they were the tranny in the change room for clout. Now they're saying everyone's a pos for celebrating pride post Covid because they weren't involved in organized activism for trans kids during Covid. I can barely compute the logic that this ugly dipshit uses.
No. 1472756
File: 1647609981557.png (1.66 MB, 1240x1192, Screenshot 2022-03-18 at 13.25…)

>>1472750This enraged me so much. At least all of Twitter isn't full of idiots though kek
No. 1472778
File: 1647612148857.jpg (1.19 MB, 3963x3396, E95AqSkX0AYnXgP.jpg)

A femdom "Queer" tranny who makes these beyond cringe femdom comics, always with a femboy character and his mommydom gf
like you can tell this was made by a TIM and no way a real woman No. 1472783
File: 1647612349640.jpg (76.01 KB, 828x708, 20220318_150424.jpg)

Found this, don't know how true it is but in conclusion i hate scrotes trying to be women
No. 1472793
File: 1647613150386.jpeg (Spoiler Image,499.05 KB, 2047x1903, FNwdrSPXsAApA-P.jpeg)

>>1472778LMAO @ the ftm using a fleshlight with a strap on. I too get orgasms from putting one sex toy inside another one
No. 1472799
>>1472795Oh, I meant in the context of a woman doing the femdom mommydom bullshit to a crossdressing male kek but I getchu
No. 1472802
>>1472799Oh yeah, true. And thank u for ~validating~ muh feels
Also, of course women have said so! When a crossdresser pays a prostitute to do so, or forces his poor wife to "dom" him lul
No. 1472812
File: 1647614262009.png (996.47 KB, 1434x666, Screenshot (691).png)

>>1472799tbf some(like 1/1000000000000) women are pure degenerates who engage in these fetishts, like this lady and her "sissy"
No. 1472828
>>1472752I don’t always agree with everything she says and does but I have to commend her for her boldness. Love her for being loud and blunt as hell.
>>1472778Lol this is such a stupid fucking comic anyway. Like where is the humor.
>>1472797No. She’s a “man” when she feels like it. The one of the right was born female.
No. 1472840
>>1472682>The only people against it are the same ones that think women deserved this. I see this shit all the time on /pol/ and Discord (keep in mind these are all men who don't actually TALK to normal women.) But either way, this is cult groupthink: condition the herd to respond only when something "good" happens. Otherwise, carry on as usual. No thinking outside of the hivemind is allowed, or you'll be shunned from it. And to a weakminded redditor, there is no worse fate than being kicked out of your comfy hugbox.
>>1472687>November is going to have republicans gleefully running this whole fiasco in their campaigns.Just make sure to write to your local Republican candidate and fucking demand that they do, because guess what? They're just as equally retarded as the person they're running against and need to be yelled at once in a while. Tweet at them, email them, do whatever it takes to make sure that come November, they have this whole event at the forefront of their campaigns.
No. 1472926
File: 1647622904654.png (404.82 KB, 590x532, 56446556456454575475.png)

The delusion
No. 1472937
File: 1647623479184.jpeg (112.14 KB, 749x808, D7453639-B113-4597-854E-3C03FB…)

This has joined a girl gamer server I’m in.
I would just like one fucking online space to just vc and play games with other women without fucking trannies invading it. On your a server in general like holyshit
The icing on the cake is he attempts to talk like a zoomer.
No. 1472947
>>1472937what i dont understand is why dont these trannies ever dress age appropriate??
Either they dress like a child or they dress like a porn-star, there is like no normal in between.
No. 1472956
>>1472951Please keep us posted
nonny, hopefully he'll behave himself but it's unlikely (and if not, hopefully it peaks some of the other women)
No. 1472961
File: 1647624283322.png (489.04 KB, 1242x1180, lmao.png)

Aren't you a "man"? Why should you get to have an opinion on women's sports?
No. 1472962
File: 1647624343173.jpeg (963.67 KB, 1170x1425, 9557EA50-6E3D-45F5-AE0E-9E7B5A…)

not seen anyone talk about this idk if it just gets lost in the sea of unhinged troon shit or if it belongs here but this guy (troon male) dismembered a woman he picked up at an lgbt centre and dismembered her. he was later found sitting on her dismembered leg in his wheelchair. he was in prison for killing two of his previous girlfriends, and since he’s been let out he’s also raped another woman, now killed this one. heard about it on a podcast I listen to and was disgusted bc I knew he was just gonna be a man in a wig even though they keep saying “woman”. (sorry 4 daily mail, everywhere else was only posting the stunning and brave bewigged picture) blackpill stuff tbh
No. 1472971
>>1472937>>1472954Looks like the autopedo version of agp.
I'd be worried about him trying to get in contact with underage girls.
No. 1472979
File: 1647624855550.png (26.98 KB, 599x235, trannythings.PNG)

can someone who knows more about religion than i do debunk this post claiming troons are spiritual and magical No. 1472982
File: 1647624969961.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1704x1487, 40F3C3F7-0CA6-4D04-BDA4-0EDAEC…)

What a retard
No. 1472983
>>1472685From here:,ever%20swum%20with%20fins%20on%3FSpoilered bc ugly link. The article is about advantages of height in competitive swimming but the information is applicable to troons vs. women competing. I have edited it a bit for brevity, emphasis, inclusion (of females), and keks.
>There are two significant parts to look at when understanding advantages that tall [troon] swimmers have: >1st is the length of their body from head to toe. >2nd is larger and longer hands and feet. >When these variables work together in unison, they allow a taller swimmer to move faster through the water, as opposed to a shorter swimmer, where every other variable is the same.>This means if the technique, effort, and determination of two swimmers were identical, the taller [troon] swimmer would win the race.>The faster a swimmer is moving, the longer his [or her] body needs to be to keep wave drag (the resistance against the swimmer) to a minimum. >When moving at the same speed, a short swimmer will have to deal with a considerably higher amount of drag, causing him [or her] to require more strength and energy to keep up with his [or her] taller competitor. Therefore, the shorter swimmer will tire out more quickly.>Longer, larger hands and feet help taller [troon] swimmers move faster. When the arms and hands are longer and larger, the swimmer can pull more water allowing for higher velocity. >Additionally, the stroke rate can be lowered without loss of speed, which means the [troon] stroke is more efficient.>Big feet also offer an advantage. Have you ever swum with fins on? If you have, you know they make you go considerably faster. More surface area to kick with allows for more natural propulsion through the water. It’s as if people [troons] with longer legs and bigger feet are already fitted with fins! [kek] No. 1472996
triggered by this shit
No. 1472997
>>1472811"Second is the new first"
I'm just so tired nonnas.
Bless this woman for her tweet though., I'm glad it seems to have gained some traction.
No. 1473006
>>1472979Why are you taking this person seriously? They said they did their own translations, and are some rando. If you have to argue say that 'Dude, you are some tumblr rando, no way I'm trusting you on this' and move on.
Anyway, here is a page that examines the Enheduanna's cycle of hymns to the Goddess Inanna. No. 1473019
File: 1647626700917.jpg (246.18 KB, 1080x1505, Screenshot_20220318-140148_Chr…)

Endless entertainment kek
No. 1473026
File: 1647626982185.png (308.69 KB, 414x413, 41099591-A4FF-4A19-B2CF-B5D48D…)

>>1472961They are protesting because a man is stealing women's achievements you dumbass mfker why is it always "eRaSe tWanS" when literally nobody fucking said that lol
No. 1473027
File: 1647626988873.png (376.47 KB, 662x1146, Screenshot_20220318-130024~2.p…)

>>1472963"If I could hit a button and make all troons into HSTS I would" lol hi tranny. How about not mutilating gay men and letting them into our spaces? Can you please gtfo u faghags and hsts kill me with the true tranny shit. Y'all are mentally ill and will never be women. Women don't need more men like Laverne Cocks taking opportunities from us. A man who gets fucked in the ass wearing a skirt is not a woman. Cope seethe dilate. And if you are woman- what the fuck is wrong w you and why would you want perfectly healthy gay men to mutilate themselves? Homophobic retard
No. 1473028
File: 1647627051431.jpeg (1.93 MB, 2224x1668, CEC6B895-F155-4BD3-83BB-5C9CB4…)

If you watch the race he does really engages his legs in swimming compared to the ladies in the pool. There’s hardly any splash from the lack of kicking. Pos held back and still won. Hope he doubles down on his bullshit and chops his dick off.
No. 1473048
File: 1647628366602.jpg (206.25 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20220318-112805_Twi…)

Every time I check on Fanny he has only just minutes ago tweeted some freshly insane shit. This time was no exception
No. 1473050
File: 1647628370674.jpg (Spoiler Image,357.56 KB, 2048x1536, FOHAU6pVgAAdlNu.jpg)

caption: Overall goal: To be a truly stellar lady.
do they even know what a lady is? or what being ladylike is like? do they even look up the words they use? at least they didnt use girl like 99% of them do.
No. 1473055
File: 1647628460765.jpg (289.77 KB, 2048x1152, FOHAVbGVkAcJYlo.jpg)

this pic was posted in the same set.
im so confused, if this was a woman itd be a stoner chick. not a lady? am I getting hung up on semantics or am I just overall confused.
No. 1473059
File: 1647628652538.jpg (49.23 KB, 395x432, 1643839501396.jpg)

>>1473042Don't you have a child to molest or something?
No. 1473063
File: 1647628696123.jpg (Spoiler Image,672.46 KB, 1152x2048, FOFjsziVgBYw5Rb.jpg)

forgot to spoiler.
No. 1473069
>>1473059I don't like this image, poor doggy
>>1473063Does someone on this earth get sexually excited by this
No. 1473082
File: 1647629088573.jpg (168.44 KB, 536x607, cosmokramer.jpg)

No. 1473088
>>1473057you guys CAN NOT be dumb about this shit like this. Do you know one of the reasons the right make more progress on shit they want than the left? Because they don't care about working with people they hate to get what they want.
If you guys think there's a version of this debate that works with just lefty radfems defending womens spaces you are ignorant. You don't have to like it, but we actually need other groups to peak to add to the chorus. I hate kiwifarms but Josh letting the terfs in was actually a good move that helped. Joe Rogan mouthing off on his podcast helps. The left aren't going to help you, they're going to vaush you. If you're scared of being called "on the right" then leave this debate now, because the left have been accusing radfems of that for years now.
Purity politics is the death of every movement. As long as they believe trannies shouldn't be in sports, let them talk. Men are more likely to peak other men and Jow Rogan's audence is made up of slabs of meat that like hearing how strong they are so let them be useful idiots.
(derailing) No. 1473100
File: 1647629894458.jpg (868.82 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20220318-145726_Red…)

>>1473095You've got to be kidding me
No. 1473101
File: 1647629906366.png (39.44 KB, 596x485, dggsdgsgsdgdgdsgd.png)

Peak moid moment when you dont even know where your own "clit" is
No. 1473125
>>1473107Moids are so fucking stupid. The rape fantasy is obviously about not about literally getting the shit beaten out of you, and it's worrying that so many of them don't even question that if they think that's the case.
Consensual non consent is about someone hot you want to fuck anyway want you so bad that they just can't take their eyes off of you.
>>1473095>>1473100>Leggings worn as pants>Uwu girl bulgeNonnies, have you ever seen a troon in real life in the same bathroom as you? What did you do? Did you say anything?
I'm thinking I need to prepare ahead of time to have a reaction prepared that also doesn't endanger my life with being in the same room as the lunatic on hormones.
No. 1473163
File: 1647633164968.jpg (Spoiler Image,732.89 KB, 3208x2318, E_-1Z7gWQAQiQi-.jpg)

>>1472778why are TIM lesbian fantasies always beyond cringe
No. 1473171
File: 1647633823922.jpg (238.08 KB, 801x1367, E6_xfYAXoAYoVsg.jpg)

>>1473164this is supposed to be a TIF and TIM couple, I mean seriously in what world would a TIF ever be a "jock" or a TIM be an actual small dainty girl
No. 1473182
File: 1647634872465.png (49.54 KB, 1085x557, cowards.PNG)

>>1473178They're already in the process of getting rid of the comments
No. 1473191
File: 1647635855791.jpg (61.94 KB, 585x434, sitdownshutup.JPG)

made my blood boil and I dont know exactly how to phrase it. its true I imagine that hearing how you being a man and just trying to get on with life while getting blamed for men mistreating women would not want you to turn a sympathetic eye to their cause but damn bitch can men not handle a movement that lasted 5 years with a shitty slogan versus thousands of years of women being treated like dogs to men
No. 1473197
File: 1647636206858.jpeg (42.47 KB, 750x280, 1FC6E3D1-7EA8-4907-86DC-283C85…)

>>1473178“Real problems”= problems that affect men. Things that affect women are not serious problems.
KAM No. 1473205
>>1473191it's their mess to clean up because they're the ones doing it
men have blamed all women for everything for all of human history and now they're crying because women point out that they're treating us like shit?
No. 1473207
File: 1647636660638.gif (417.84 KB, 480x270, anditsgone.gif)

>>1473178>>1473182Post 3 hours old, 20% of comments removed, already a comment graveyard, post will be locked again and removed in a few hours. Rinse and repeat, every "controversial" topic on any major sub. Lightning fast jannies. Why do people even waste their time actively participating on the hellhole platform.
No. 1473217
File: 1647637316659.png (284.1 KB, 750x1334, D16D8AA6-CBD4-4BAB-9B58-C67A1F…)

>>1473182Lol, the downvotes
No. 1473225
>>1472926LOOOOOOL newfie with FAS
holy fuck kek
No. 1473235
>>1473054I like how you somehow managed to blame men for women being hellbent on "helping" people
Like women have no agency at all
No. 1473255
File: 1647640296825.jpeg (1.43 MB, 1170x1908, 6F2FF0A0-4C99-4AAB-A999-592167…)

oh, we know babe
No. 1473257
>>1473255jfc, I-
not only the extreme delusion but also the weird coomer art obsession with women. This guy literally looks like he would kill you, and then put your skin all over his disgusting freak body. I am vomit.
No. 1473296
>>1473027stop trying to frame hatred of gay moids as homophobia
gay moids are still moids and if trannys were all gay at least they would only try to rape other moids. kek if the only troons were HSTS this whole tranny fad would never have gotten popular because straight men would have shut it down immediately
No. 1473301
File: 1647643445239.jpg (523.54 KB, 649x1920, aHR0cHM6Ly93aW1nLnJ1bGUzNC54eH…)

I don't get this "fantasy" sissy fetishists have, women who are lesbians in relationships with men and so instead of just dating other women, they decide to feminize their male partners into women, I have seen it a couple times and it still remains the most baffling thing to me
No. 1473328
File: 1647645126895.jpeg (219.63 KB, 828x896, F2662A01-41AF-4ADD-9512-9F7D79…)

What a fucking retard, you’re supposed to throw the first match then win the ones when people stop paying attention. They probably had to beg him to lose
No. 1473334
File: 1647645591497.png (734.78 KB, 788x3124, not a woman.png)

>>1473328I'm guessing he finally figured out even the handmaidens would start to question his shit once he won that yesterday, so he finally started listening to advice on throwing it. Cause winning wasn't as satisfying as he thought it would be I guess. And he prefers the handmaidens attention and doesn't want to lose it.
>>1473321I capped it and posted it since that link is acting buggy for me. I hate how other woman and normalize and excuse the abuse of other woman so easily sometimes.
No. 1473340
>>1473328or you throuw by coming in a close second or something.
this isn't even subtle. you don't go from finishing 5 seconds ahead of everyone else and then finish in 5th for your next swim.
No. 1473342
File: 1647645874823.jpg (110.31 KB, 962x642, 1647641881304.jpg)

they cower away from the freak
No. 1473345
File: 1647646061377.png (1.21 MB, 1188x1130, Screen Shot 2022-03-18 at 4.24…)

just lol. shut up!
No. 1473373
File: 1647647024931.png (367.07 KB, 599x1120, vaush btfo.png)

vaush tries to score cool points with troon twitter, gets rejected lol
No. 1473386
File: 1647647624680.jpeg (167.89 KB, 826x910, E4018481-156D-48E8-9964-B935AC…)

>>1473373this is such fucking narc male delusion
No. 1473399
>>1473386lol what a cope
they fucking hate it when women reject them
No. 1473403
File: 1647648217101.png (637.2 KB, 1080x756, Screenshot_20220318-195922.png)

>>1473389This screenshot made me kek. Look at this hairline and tell me which side you think he's fighting for.
No. 1473421
File: 1647648950290.png (2.08 MB, 1880x1124, 1647602299729.png)

sage for no new contribution but where can I find more reaction pics like pic related? Is there an actual thread for this or do any nonnas here have any gems?
No. 1473435
>>1472703I remember Leah Alcorn very well, his death shat up tumblr so hard it made tumblr as a whole unbearable (that and the whole "your fave is
problematic" shit that happened at the same time). I didn't care about trans issues that much back then besides thinking that trans people were LGB people trying to escape homophobia with surgery and hormonal treatment, but I remember stopping at some point because my ex-friends wouldn't stop posting about this guy like he was a poor girl discriminated against for being a girl even though it seemed really obvious to me based on his suicide note that he was just a gay teenage boy with very homophobic parents who made the mistake of telling his parents about being gay and then being a tranny. Honestly, given how his suicide was used to ruin things for women as a whole, I don't even feel bad for him whatsoever anymore. I don't care if I seem like an asshole.
No. 1473444
File: 1647650025177.png (93.02 KB, 858x901, terfdogwhistles.png)

>>1473420I just saw the post from the tranny mod. Here's a link to the whole post, but I screencapped the part about "
terf dogwhistles" favorite part is this: "If someone insists on being called a woman or a man and that 'cis' is bad, they're a
No. 1473445
>>1472979In not well versed in Innana so I don’t wanna say anything that a loony Troon could prove wrong. But it’s almost impossible for us to know what they meant back then. They could have been writing from a multitude of different perspectives (so it could mean I go as a woman or I go as a man from the readers perspective and not that of the goddess). Also many languages especially older and non Germanic/ Latin languages don’t directly translate into English so how was it translated? Was the meaning or the words themselves directly translated? And even then without the cultural context we can all be reading that wrong.
Trannies have appropriated third genders (which was not uwu magic like they white wash it to be, it was reserved for homosexual men who were sent to live with the women, the things they made or weaved were more expensive and valuable for the magical reason that a fucking man made it and all those societies were patriarchal and misogyny rules all). They’ve completely rewritten it for their own purpose but then stand on the backs of
POC (or
WOC when they’re a brown or black person themselves) decreeing everyone a racist for not respecting their third gender when it wasn’t a respectful thing in the first place.
Also where are the ancient male gods that were protectors of women and children? Or just of children? There are gods that can transform but they are always considered male or female. There are many many ancient goddesses that have roles traditionally reserved for men but there’s far far far less the other way round. Ancient goddesses were fiercely protective of women and their sacred female spaces and tbh I hope if I die and they exist I get a front row seat at the “beating trannies” party they would certainly be having. The fact that they’re not afraid of what Athena or The Morrigan is certainly going to do with them because they have the magic peen is narsasstic behaviour off the charts
Also any tips on peaking my Mexican American boyfriend would be much appreciated. Or do I just hope he grows out of it because he’s still young, I think he believes in the uwu disphoria narrative and hates JK because he runs in liberal circles.
No. 1473454
File: 1647650270563.jpg (387.85 KB, 1080x2175, Screenshot_20220319-013534_Red…)

Reddit is officially peaking.
No. 1473455
>>1472719I still can’t comprehend this…
Do they have no experience with real women? Are they just delusional and if they say it enough, it’ll “be real”?
I’ve never met a woman with a fishy vagina. I’ve never had any of my straight male friends talk about women with fishy vaginas.
If you have good hygiene you don’t have problems…and even then, the vagina is self cleaning. It does most of it for you
No. 1473532
>>1473444We can’t have one space without the obligatory tranny powermod making a TWAW SO
VALID TERFS R MEAN sticky and the subsequent tone policing that follows. It’s like they smell that shit. Imagine thinking that “lesbians are same sex attracted” is an unpopular belief.
No. 1473570
File: 1647656549100.png (60.01 KB, 624x350, Screenshot 2022-03-18 10.20.56…)

No. 1473578
File: 1647656871433.png (34.25 KB, 720x412, watch as i perform my own orie…)

>>1473557Kek reminds me of this (WARNING: links in post show everything)
He also posted to 4chan with some more context No. 1473596
File: 1647658087678.png (66.91 KB, 978x625, transdyi.png)

>>1473578>"I want to do more surgeries on myself and have full control over my body. "horrific tbh. What else does he want to cut up and alter?
No. 1473606
File: 1647658976107.jpg (7.67 KB, 200x205, b97.jpg)

No. 1473618
>>1473614ah sweet, should I just remove them from this thread then? Or leave them up for other
nonny's since it's interesting??
>>1473616nah he just has a little fella. you can see the head behind his third finger in the third pic.
No. 1473622
>>1473618May as well leave them up, this is an imageboard after all. Mods might delete them anyway tho
>>1473616I think he's pinning it to his thigh with his left hand so he can get to the balls
No. 1473634
File: 1647660657150.jpg (646.5 KB, 1536x2048, FOK55nAXEAAACQW.jpg)

he looks like a toothpaste tube
No. 1473635
File: 1647660831781.png (484.25 KB, 755x485, amy (@amysoandso) _…)

No. 1473638
File: 1647661068259.jpeg (804.42 KB, 1242x1700, FC9E1E5F-A762-45DE-BCFB-2BC26F…)

She wasn’t second though…. It was Emma. Why must people outright lie. This has a lot of traction too. I’d correct her but I can’t out myself to friends/mutuals how I actually feel about it lol
No. 1473639
File: 1647661230186.jpg (164.73 KB, 828x1210, FOKviwxVsAEE6tK.jpg)

No. 1473645
>>1473638Correct out of 'concern' e.g.:
"Emma Sullivan was the second finisher. Lying just provides support to people who oppose makes trans people."
No. 1473676
File: 1647663203836.jpg (103.3 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>1473634Found a women he wishes he could look like.
No. 1473695
File: 1647665397047.jpg (41.92 KB, 732x463, becausehesgay.JPG)

Hmm, Idk, maybe because you're on GRINDR looking to hook up with GAY MEN? does this guy hear himself?
No. 1473698
>>1473695Fucked me up a little bit when I really realized the frankenholes only have the purpose of accepting dilator and dick. I knew it, but I didn't
know it.
No. 1473704
>>1473658Source? I couldn't find anything with a legit source on this. I have heard, firsthand from TIFs similar effects to what the anon you are responding to is saying though.
>>1473695>wants to be identified as a woman>is on grindrkek
No. 1473739
File: 1647669564116.jpg (84.97 KB, 739x714, why.JPG)

so much for his goofy ass "goodbye everybody…. i'm leaving social media… i just can't deal with the abuse… don't cry for me" stunt that lasted what, one entire 24 hours?
Now he's back to posting very important things such as…. pictures of him brushing his teeth in the car.
No. 1473741
File: 1647669752423.jpg (89.23 KB, 719x619, themeetup.JPG)

>>1473739he apparently drove "20 hours" to meet up with some fellow twitter troons that somehow look even more manly that he does
No. 1473745
File: 1647669842926.jpg (21.83 KB, 717x143, eyebleachneeded.JPG)

>>1473741oh, looks like it wasn't just a meetup, it was a hookup, lmfao.
No. 1473746
File: 1647669858793.jpg (554.46 KB, 1443x1080, image.jpg)

>>1473744"There were subtle clues"
No. 1473760
File: 1647670891153.jpg (226.93 KB, 1080x2089, Screenshot_20220319-171349_Sam…)

two years ago they started pushing to put trans woman into female prison in aus. and this was one of the artsy news pieces pushed by the goverment media. reading thru it all I can think is if they hadn't been such any angry moid trying to punch everything they it wouldn't of gotten as bad as it did. really don't feel that sorry for them even when they hand pick and present the most sorry case they can muster tbh. No. 1473765
File: 1647671280219.png (17.67 KB, 506x60, disgustang.png)

>>1472549so they want these children to get this shit?
No. 1473767
>>1473301I'm a bisexual in a relationship with a man, and I often ponder if I am really a lesbian, I crave women etc. However, NOTHING could be more of a turn off than trying to make my moid a "woman", jesus christ. A man in a dress, HRT or not, is nothing like a woman. The pheromones, the bone structure, skin texture, mannerisms, socialization, GENITALS, relating to each other with periods and stuff, the list is endless. You can never ever come even close with horse piss injections.
No. 1473776
File: 1647673144597.png (116.64 KB, 1176x512, sad.png)

>>1473745have nonnies ever heard of a trans person who did not get sexually assaulted?
No. 1473777
>>1473760>"my relationship was turbulent. I was charged with assaulting my partner"isn't this the definition of removing yourself from a situation you created? He wasn't arrested for having a turbulent relationship, he was arrested for domestic violence. Even the way he words "I was charged" completely removes his fault from the equation and makes it all something that happened to him rather than he caused.
Moids are all narcs, but the tranny ones are another level. Am I meant to feel sorry this man was finally in an environment he couldn't punch his way out of?
No. 1473778
>>1473744KEK holy shit! It was only a matter of time honestly. He’s an actual autist and was interested in things like my little pony.
What a mess
No. 1473787
File: 1647674388893.png (131.03 KB, 1288x772, Screenshot 7.png)

the concept of divine femininity literally makes trannies seethe against women, its great
No. 1473824
>>1473787wait so they think being pro-black woman and being a black a girl looking for other black girls to talk to is terfy?
and we're supposedly the racists?
No. 1473831
>>1473767Same lol I even like "feminine" men, but by this I mean artistic, sensitive men with slender bodies, not anime coomers with a Twitter addiction and a fetish taking over their lives. And there is a world of difference between a man wearing even skirts or flowing blouses or a troon wearing female underwear and pretend acting like a teenage egirl.
>>1473777Holy shit, now that you pointed it out, I can't unsee it. It's like he's taking 0% responsibility for the reason for which his relationship was turbulent, which was him abusing his partner.
No. 1473840
File: 1647688348343.png (842.1 KB, 2046x8720, troonspretendingtogetperiodsym…)

Troons pretending to get period symptoms megapost of the year. My apologies for the post summary basically being the entire post, but there's just too much milk: No. 1473843
File: 1647689312094.png (41.94 KB, 791x578, rredditmoment.png)

Not new but holy shit
No. 1473858
File: 1647692195293.jpg (235.81 KB, 1079x922, Screenshot_20220319_131611.jpg)

Anyone working on that lolcow radfem discord? Trying to find any nice community and it's just.. Well, picrel.
No. 1473863
>>1473858There is a couple servers, check the Friend Finder thread on /g/ (ctrl+f "server")
>>1473840"Synching up". Bro I have never synched up with anyone, not even when I had a girlfriend. Just fuck off, all of this is such blatant larping oh my god
No. 1473870
>>1473860That and… well… my period feels nothing like when I’ve got some kind of stomach issue. It’s a completely different pain, even the bloating is different. I just can’t with these larpers.
Also hasnt it been proven men have nowhere near the pain tolorence of women? These anime wannabes would get a paper cut and compare it to giving birth
No. 1473874
>>1473870i have suspected endometriosis and can definitely feel a difference between gas, bloating and actual cramps
it's a completely different type of pain in a different area
No. 1473877
File: 1647693831659.png (87.77 KB, 651x597, Jenner tranny calling out thom…)

>>1473640>>1473631kek Jenner called out Thomas on the faking bullshit.
I wish there where more ex-Olympian troons to call out their obvious shitty behavior. Can't schreech at them for being transphobic can they. No. 1473890
>>1473840…They don't have a womb. They have no uterus lining to shed. No eggs. No blood.
This is the biggest fucking cope. Never did I think I'd see the entitlement of men trying to claim periods from women and complaining about it.
We live in absolute clown world. These people are delusional.
No. 1473895
>>1473878Could be remembering this wrong but women have higher percieved pain but also a different nervous system response where the same stimulus is felt or remembered less the more it is induced. Which makes sense, women in the past who could tolerate multiple childbirths had more opportunities to pass on their genes.
Men have lower perceived pain so they can hit each other with clubs for longer but the nervous response is inverse
No. 1473906
>>1473331because to misogynists everything is women's fault and anything bad that happens to women is retribution.
It's their insemination anxiety (their primal hatred of women for being able to reject their genetic material) manifesting in one of many innumerous ways.
No. 1473907
File: 1647696448577.jpeg (1005.81 KB, 938x1897, AE953008-D7E6-4CDA-83D8-EEB366…)

Saw this and it made me laugh
No. 1473908
File: 1647696540257.jpg (136.27 KB, 1172x1462, ZcsgeNE.jpg)

I hate degenerate men taking over the makeup subs but this dude’s massive face…hilarious 1/3
No. 1473910
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No. 1473911
File: 1647696607199.jpg (29.27 KB, 1242x548, utaTLmg.jpg)

You shouldn’t be 3/3
No. 1473916
File: 1647696783488.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.05 MB, 1242x1803, F1188D38-843B-4F87-B615-536701…)

I thank the lord every day for being a woman. I can’t imagine being a smelly scrote. This is disgusting…. NSFL
No. 1473918
>>1473745Like this total coomer would have driven even 20 MINUTES if cooming wasn’t on the table.
Also: Every time I see one of this dude’s pics, I remember him saying that “he passes and that if someone saw him on the street they would never guess he was trans“. The level of delusion in these guys is astounding.
No. 1473920
>>1473916The spoiler couldnt even prepare me for this shit what the fyckk
They always dress like little girls wtffff
No. 1473929
>>1473760So an
abusive, violent junkie who frequently lashes out when he doesn't get his way thinks he belongs in a women's prison? Was this story supposed to make people sympathize? Imagine what he'd do to a woman when she called him a faggot or told him he wasn't a woman in prison. It'd happen and he'd probably kill her.
No. 1473933
File: 1647698544764.png (147.21 KB, 325x400, one_dainty_girl.png)

I fucking swear that even articles that are neutral or positive about Thomas always choose photos screaming the most "That's a man" to the point that I'm starting to wonder if reporters are all crypto-terfs and doing it on purpose
No. 1473950
File: 1647700817244.png (3.82 MB, 1712x1812, roxy tickle.png)

Roxy Tickle
This troon is one of the main activists that help push trans inclusivity in Australian sports. And has been used as an example of how off putting it is to have them there in the media.
They had a news segment on them, multiple articles ect.
But yah it IS off putting watching a 50+ year old man in a skirt play among young girls imo. And I really wanna know if Tickle is their birth surname or not. Cause it really adds to the creepy vibes.
social media links if anyone wants to peak. No. 1473955
>>1473948I really don’t understand how
any woman could want anal. Gay men sure because they’re degenerates like all other moids. But all my feel good stuff is in my genitals why the fuck would I want to get fucked in the ass
No. 1473958
File: 1647701645995.jpg (119.69 KB, 1000x1331, turkey slapped.jpg)

>>1473950oh and they use to be in the local baseball club in 2019 before they had SRS, they have since moved on to hockey. She suggests it's because she wasn't very good at baseball but it would be funny if their was dirt involved in that tbh.
Plus the team was called wild turkeys and him wearing the team gear is low key funny.
picrel read the hat
No. 1473961
>>1473955Grooming. Women get told all the time (from porn and men) that anal is amazing and feels good and they end up believing it. Maybe some do actually like it because they can think of something else or stilmulate themselves in other ways while their perfect nigel jackhammers their asshole.
>>1473959Men don't know that women have specific G-spots, they think any place feels good if it's touched by their dicks, which is why they think deepthroats, blowjobs, titjobs or anal feel good for the woman. Or, they don't care.
No. 1473971
>>1473840I'd love to know how much is actual delusion and how much is them knowing they are lying.
Weird thing is they're all having medical issues and convincing themselves they're enjoying it for euphoria, when they could literally be dying
No. 1473982
File: 1647703540697.jpg (74.83 KB, 792x710, look at her face.jpg)

>>1473950another well known MtF that made wave in womans sports in Australia is Hannah Mouncey.
And the pics really do speak for them selves. look at the face of the woman beside the troon. kek
No. 1473983
File: 1647703559269.png (241.55 KB, 1453x1323, ok.PNG)

Somewhat deranged mod post dictating speech on a subreddit about…making fun of people who want to control how other people live their lives.
No. 1473992
>>1473983Lmao I hope this peaks some people
Whats that subreddit about? Fundamental christians?
No. 1474007
File: 1647705943432.png (33.11 KB, 300x300, 1627871429781.png)

>>1473787>Why are you policing other women's femininitySAYS THE TROON.
No. 1474010
File: 1647706760388.jpg (54.96 KB, 585x535, vulvoplasty-2.jpg)

>>1473695neovaginas go in between rectum and prostate so he might not enjoy anal sex anymore anyway, but i bet he doesn't even know that
No. 1474015
>>1473373>>1473787Troonism is really exposing male leftists as being the vile misogynists they always were. Throwing actual women and even black women under the bus and mocking them in extremely sexist ways, for daring to not want men in their spaces.
XYs are literally all the same. Conservative or liberal, communist or fascist, all the same in their resentment of women.
No. 1474036
File: 1647709261475.jpg (63.39 KB, 699x1200, unnamed.jpg)

>>1474010Just this chart alone looks absolutely disgusting/horrifying. I swear if Josef Mengele was alive today he would be having a field trip with these degenerates. I bet he would go on the SRS subreddits and furiously masturbate at their butchered bodies.
No. 1474083
File: 1647711800099.png (52.55 KB, 483x492, fanny rope.png)

>>1473695Fanny is getting dark
No. 1474087
File: 1647711889870.png (292.73 KB, 331x800, twitter lol.png)

Look at this little gem lol. They seemingly have a history of constantly assaulting and harassing people and have no trouble documenting it themselves. Apparently this behavior is what got them fired from their job in osaka but chalks it up to transphobia, guess it checks out lol.
No. 1474104
>>1474087"I pushed him through the train door and just elbowed another maskless japanese"
why are they in Japan if they seem to hate Japanese people? It feels like a real deep racist hatred too
No. 1474106
>>1474087he seems like a racist loser
did he get deported? I hope he did
No. 1474111
>>1474104>why are they in Japan if they seem to hate Japanese people? It feels like a real deep racist hatred tooSlightly off topic but yes this person is genuinely racist and uses "japanese" like a slur. Idk why they're still in japan aside from working as an english teacher or something when they used to live in sk apparently.
>>1474106No, still in japan just not in osaka.
No. 1474115
File: 1647714479329.jpeg (171.76 KB, 828x766, 90B560D8-6B74-47CC-92B9-1329A8…)

>>1474111 disappointing
found this and it made me lol, apparently japanese companies don't want to put up with his nonsense
ironic he has the gall to complain about "transphobia" when he has no issues with assaulting japanese people and making racist comments
No. 1474118
>>1473950That hairline is so far back archeologies have started digging for it
He deffo goes home and has a wank in his skirt after every match. UwU euphoria
No. 1474120
>>1474115This stupid fag. He could leave Japan if he could stop being a trainwreck and hold a job to save money.
Dumbbass acting like these companies didn't know he was a troon when they hired him, but somehow his trooness becomes a problem after he gets the job.
No. 1474125
>>1473955Super gross TMI incoming:
I was raised without my mum, I just had my dad and subsequently all his mates to raise me for most of my life. When I was younger he warned me that there are guys out there who will date girls just because they are “dirty slags” and they want to see how degenerate they will be for them even if they don’t like the sex acts they’re asking girls to engage in. Which is gross but so are men.
From listening to men speak about it I don’t think it’s actually even that pleasurable for them, the vagina grabs them all the way around their dick, when they’re inside a woman there’s pressure from all angles and that’s what makes it so pleasurable. When they stick their dick in an asshole it’s like if you held the tip of your first finger and your thumb together to make an O shape, they can obviously still feel it up and down the length of their cock but they only get the sensation from the literal hole itself and after that everything is much looser and less pleasurable.
But because men are fucking foul they completely get off to the idea that they’re sticking their cock in someone’s ass. And now thanks to modern porn and the internet women are harassed and groomed into indulging this (very painful) fantasy of mens.
You actually have to “train” your butt (apparently I’ve never tried it) with various toys to be able to have a penis inside your ass. But men don’t wanna wait for that, they wanna do what they see in porn and just shove it in dry into your ass, just like they do in your vagina because they give zero shits about warming you up and making you feel good, it’s all about him cumming and his orgasm.
File: 1647716006955.jpg (93.01 KB, 554x1200, EKPrbxiU0AEf7S9.jpg)

>>1474122>>1474115It's a real mystery alright
No. 1474141
File: 1647716378819.webm (5.08 MB, 576x1024, 1358v3lwemBG1xcwrfv.webm)
He's talking about his mom
No. 1474154
>>1474133yet another pedo troon, this is so disgusting I seriously don't understand why japan hasn't revoked his visa for assaulting kids and being a pedo not to mention him bragging about assaulting people on twitter
I thought japan was pretty anti-trans, wtf is going on? are troons now a protected class there too?
No. 1474158
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>>1473634getting mogged by the cast of snl
No. 1474166
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No. 1474168
File: 1647717627105.jpeg (170.58 KB, 960x960, FE54230C-DB0C-4444-9EE1-3BA793…)

>>1474166His chest stubble looks disgusting
No. 1474169
File: 1647717668931.jpeg (91.16 KB, 828x608, EBDA8F3E-DD49-42EA-95DA-248B39…)

>>1474168>>1474166So fucking tired of men larping as lesbians
No. 1474179
File: 1647718225890.png (166.82 KB, 1209x643, 129501382 9315.png)

>>1474083The SRS surgeon told him he's going to get a temporary colostomy until his fistula heals, but the colon surgery doctor ghosted him and now he's discharged with an untreated fistula drinking and doing Ketamine. He can get sepsis or some other serious bacterial infection. This shit is crazy.
No. 1474194
File: 1647718598219.jpg (621.45 KB, 605x1847, 1568708513483.jpg)

>>1474150I was a dumb bitch and didn't link it, here's the pic I posted 2 whole years ago wow
No. 1474198
File: 1647718723468.jpg (407.04 KB, 1280x1079, tumblr_oye1lhb13f1t8cqqxo1_128…)

>>1474184>only last year i have started to see this retarded spastics over "redditspacing"Me too, like wtf, stop it autist. No one wants to read text walls.
No. 1474200
File: 1647718855747.webm (621.63 KB, 320x568, Kenneth now Katie is nothing m…)
who needs the deep web when exists No. 1474203
File: 1647719017490.webm (925.95 KB, 320x568, I love wearing my little girls…)
No. 1474221
File: 1647719672614.jpeg (259.44 KB, 1170x559, 943C37D7-8AC5-4227-B419-BE4994…)

lol troon is angry people are going to buy a game based on a beloved ip instead of his shitty catgirl indie
No. 1474245
File: 1647720306976.png (104.3 KB, 595x1261, weight-lifting_records.png)

Sage for autism, made this because my handmaiden friends insist that Lia and other trans women competing with women is "actually fair".
Weightlifting is a pretty good measurement on raw strength and as we can see here, the very strongest woman's total is still 157kg/346lbs behind the male record. Based on these numbers the male average is about 86kg/190lbs higher.
No. 1474250
>>1474207if he's in a major city he could crash on a friend's couch and raise $3000 in 2 months working as a waiter. not even a good waiter, either. just find a floor to sleep on for free for 2 months, don't buy any drugs, then spend it all on a plane ticket home. people do it all the time
>>1474213i think you gotta pay up front for japanese healthcare though, i remember my dad bitching about getting sick there like a week before he had to leave. but he's old and cheap as fuck so maybe it's not as bad as he acts like it is
No. 1474259
File: 1647720660296.jpeg (155 KB, 827x1147, 12379D8B-0E51-4819-97F3-32FF8A…)

>>1474243I just looked this up. I can’t believe this is real. Just fucking end it already
No. 1474277
File: 1647721655418.jpeg (287.15 KB, 828x1133, EF26CCE1-38EF-4CFE-A342-EDF08D…)

They really think there’s a conspiracy to trick the masses into thinking women can’t have penises. Why do none of these troons ever point out that all of these people were cis until maybe 2018?
No. 1474280
>>1474273its not uncommon for people in medicine to have god delusions especially among surgeons,
if you think about it the surgeons who do this must think this is the ultimate god delusion trip,
you are 'reversing' biology you are creating 'female' from male
they probably have a massive ego boost and think how godlike they are
when infact all they are doing is mutilating some moid
No. 1474281
File: 1647721889547.png (221.84 KB, 826x1274, Screen Shot 2022-03-19 at 4.27…)

>>1472529i can't stand this type of shit. whatever narrative you've concocted here is fully based on YOUR interpretation and people are eating it up because it goes along with what they want to believe. what are your sources to come to this conclusion besides "yeah this sounds good"
No. 1474288
>>1474280thats why i also think that there are gonna be some who attempt uterus surgeries
god knows how many troons already died, but of course they dont care about those statistics
No. 1474295
File: 1647722306140.jpg (78.06 KB, 615x615, 0_Jessica-Alves.jpg)

No. 1474330
File: 1647725247740.jpg (433.91 KB, 1080x2312, Screenshot_20220319_222328_com…)

>>1474243KEK it lets you submit your own apparently. I'm going to submit ones against italians
No. 1474337
File: 1647726297198.jpeg (127.83 KB, 828x727, 35D63C56-260A-4EF0-BA0A-B580FA…)

Vaush replyguys are the most disgusting moids on earth
No. 1474395
File: 1647730453174.jpeg (240.8 KB, 1134x2048, D80C4E0F-3844-4F57-815A-BAB31E…)

Kikomi has evolved on Twitter
No. 1474396
File: 1647730459935.png (54.79 KB, 758x600, Omgsomeonesomewhereonearth on …)

anyone understand this word salad?
No. 1474399
>>1474396Is this faggot fucking serious? It wants to be referred to with different pronouns every other fucking sentence. An example would be
>Hey, this is Martin, he goes by Martin because that’s the name that their parents gave to herHow is that not fucking confusing? What a fucking little bitch, god dammit I hate this shit so much.
No. 1474403
>>1474396nb are crazy. that's pretty much it.
But if you really need to know, there is the type of woman who goes by more than one pronoun and expects all of them to be used. So these dumpster fires are saying if you only use one of their pronouns you are 'kind of misgendering them'.
No. 1474404
>>1474396Translation: people need to read my mind and understand that some of my many preferred pronouns
TRIGGER me if you use them too much and also if you use some too little it also
TRIGGERS me so fucking watch yourself cis scum.
No. 1474425
>>1474265I didn't really care for the Harry Potter books or movies when I was a kid but I remember playing the game and it being very comfy, so I might check this out
Genociding troons will be the cherry on top
No. 1474430
>>1474396i think i can decode this as an ex-nb tif. the idea is that since i'm afab you calling me "she" is (probably) under the assumption that my gender matches my agab (that's assigned gender at birth for anyone that doesn't know). "he" is slightly better because it isn't agab. "they" is best because it's what i prefer.
the second person is probably like…more on the "man" side of things, so they prefer to be called "he" because it shows people see them as a guy. but "they" for trans people can be interpreted as "you're not calling me by he/she because you're either unsure of my gender (which means i'm not passing) or you're trying to be an asshole and using the assuredly safe "they").
that's a clusterfuck but yeah, kek
No. 1474433
>>1474083he and his "little uwu clit" can go fuck themselves
shall we start placing bets on how many days it'll take?
No. 1474435
File: 1647733643339.png (4.23 KB, 1050x47, I want to be a girl... when it…)

This tells you something about the male environment, maybe be the change they need instead of invading female spaces.
No. 1474485
File: 1647736860808.png (653.78 KB, 748x801, Commander Stephanie Sterling (…)

"Mommy, why does this man smell like a rotting corpse"
No. 1474491
>>1474273and like him they're all incompetent.
mengele had terrible grades and wrote crap research. he only got ahead because of his political sucking up. if there had been no nazis, he would have dropped out of university and become an actual serial killer. i really wonder if some of these doctors like bowers and gallagher are a similar type of person, but with troonism instead of nazis facilitating them.
mengele said about a trainload of new prisoners "all i could see was skin, thousands of yards of skin" (or something like that, i don't have the book with me), and gallagher similarly separates her patients' being from their bodies when she refers to "the teets" like "my commute every morning to yeet the teets". as if instead of operations done on individuals, she sees a pile of boobs she has harvested.
No. 1474492
File: 1647737001701.jpg (63.65 KB, 661x790, kdjad.JPG)

My god, he is such an asshole to everyone. This dude on grindr is clearly a normie just trying to be nice to him and this dickhead still puts him on blast to all his twitter followers. Absolutely insufferable behavior.
No. 1474497
File: 1647737073551.jpg (223.59 KB, 1049x1425, Screenshot_20220319-173234.jpg)

How do you go from winning the 500 yard race by several seconds to coming dead last in the 100 yard race two days later? He obviously bowed to public pressure and ridicule he wasn't anticipating when he decided to compete in the NCAA finals, but the fact he put all of his teammates and competitors through the stress and heartache he did just to quit after the audience booed him and called him a man is somehow more insulting than if he had won. I'm sure he's going to fade into obscurity now and everyone will forget this whole mess until the next troon athlete comes along.
No. 1474498
File: 1647737076477.jpeg (1.59 MB, 2718x3030, 4E730893-6458-4CB0-A5E1-5FC63F…)

Apparently in a news report on Lia a high edited picture of him was used. Wonder why.
No. 1474544
File: 1647738892077.png (1.76 MB, 2101x1939, 1647688840112.png)

KF comes through
No. 1474545
>>1474485Its so gross, he's so gross
>>1474533It's funny because back before I truly peaked, I was watching a review of his, I think it was the best/worst game of the year and he was like, "Transwomen are women" and this was randomly at the end. I was like, "what the fuck does that have to do with anything?"
Yet I should've known when he was gushing over fallout for having poly relationships, him being pansexual and when I realize Laura was a man.
No. 1474546
File: 1647739264357.webm (3.05 MB, 1138x640, datingdobelikethat (1).webm)
>>1474295Legit it's all editing and lies, these people love to say women are liars and horrible but yet are the very thing.
Also womb transplants are only going to work for females.
No. 1474547
>>1474456You're here now but not when nonas calling other girls pick mes for enjoying anal. swear ya'll stupid teenagers who never cummed during sex.
The threads are not ever gonna be good again, too much retarded infighting.
No. 1474553
File: 1647739666923.jpg (39.89 KB, 872x204, 3424132.JPG)

>A hospital told the police that a patient could not have been raped because her alleged attacker was trans, the House of Lords has heard.
>The attack took place a year ago and the woman reported it but when officers contacted the hospital, which has not been named, they were told “that there was no male in the hospital, therefore the rape could not have happened”.
>Baroness Nicholson of Winterbourne, who raised the issue during a debate on single-sex wards, continued: “They forgot that there was CCTV, nurses and observers.
>“None the less, it has taken nearly a year for the hospital to agree that there was a male on the ward and, yes, this rape happened.
>“During that year she has almost come to the edge of a nervous breakdown, because being disbelieved about being raped in hospital has been such an appalling shock. The hospital, with all its CCTV, has had to admit that the rape happened and that it was committed by a man.” No. 1474554
File: 1647739741437.png (306.69 KB, 456x479, CObfqyb.png)

>>1474533Yeah, you are quite the lady Jim.
No. 1474561
File: 1647740156594.jpeg (162.98 KB, 1284x1373, FOQADP0X0AEPv8W.jpeg)

>>1474497Twitter is uncharacteristically silent on Will's last place finish which leads me to believe even his fellow troons know he threw the match.
No. 1474572
File: 1647740840515.png (36.91 KB, 719x505, Alexander - Sex Critical on T…)

these people aren't understanding that the troon could have done so much better if it wasn't trying to pretend to be handicapped.
No. 1474580
File: 1647741292504.png (24.7 KB, 748x197, Themboy Zizek on Twitter.png)

Why is it always a TIM saying this?
We have segregated sports for a reason and most people understand that men have a greater advantage at sports because of their biology.
No. 1474584
File: 1647741493911.jpeg (113.77 KB, 1170x397, B7D0479A-C31A-46D8-AA63-B97642…)

Getting sick of people like this, really. It was about the movie Turning Red, and the girl with her period. Someone else had a gripe about it in the reblogs too saying that what if a 10-13 felt like a boy and Pixar kept saying it’s a woman thing. Because, stupid bitch, it is. Get the fuck over it, my God.
No. 1474587
File: 1647741640265.png (61.68 KB, 735x338, pathetique.png)

>buys clothes made by Uyghurs concentration camp prisoners
>still plays blizzard games after being sued by the state for extreme sexism resulting in employee suicides
>drinks coca cola and eats nestle products
>is tweeting from an iphone that's made from slave and forced labor
>watches cancelled directors films, listens to canceled musicians music, laughs at canceled comedians comedy, etc etc
"hunrng u cant ethically consume harry potter because jk rowling thinks woman has a definition hrnengg"
No. 1474589
File: 1647741704055.png (216.99 KB, 473x563, lw1.png)

That woman in the cowboy hat on the podium at the NCAA meet released an article DEFENDING Lia Thomas. "Like anyone else in this sport, Lia has trained diligently to get to where she is and has followed all of the rules and guidelines put before her. Like anyone else in this sport, Lia doesn't win every time. And when she does, she deserves, like anyone else in this sport, to be celebrated for her hard-won success, not labeled a cheater simply because of her identity." No. 1474591
>>1474517I wonder if he was instructed to come last or decided to do it himself. His massive male ego doesn't seem like he'd want to throw it at all, why would he have gone this far if he didn't fully intend on stealing all the women's prizes? But then again he can now cry about being a poor bullied twanswoman and he's a narcissist so he'll love the attention.
Him being a cocky sexpest who demands you fully support him 100% as a woman I really can't imagine him suddenly growing a conscience and throwing it due to backlash. Half of his team didn't even want him to be allowed to swim with them, he clearly has no problem stomping all over women. Either he was forced to, or he plans to use it for sympathy propaganda.
No. 1474599
File: 1647742384070.png (254.13 KB, 480x641, the cope.png)

the cope of these troons.
Fanny liked the tweet. And we all know what fanny looks like kek. And we know lana from two threads back, he is the tranny who thinks his lesbian room mate wants to fuck him when they shit talk about them behind his back.
The false bravo and insecurity of these moids. look at them seethe kek.
No. 1474602
File: 1647742629095.jpeg (893.78 KB, 2316x3088, troon.jpeg)

>>1474599c'mon nona he is
totally hotter than actual women and that man was
totally eyefucking him
reminds me of the memes with the fat dude/troons imaging up a completely different scenario than what was actually happening. I wish I had some to post.
No. 1474619
File: 1647743683932.png (278.03 KB, 713x1086, Jerrica on Twitter.png)

>comes out as a tranny
>wife doesn't want him anymore
No. 1474623
File: 1647743940213.png (33.92 KB, 739x397, Jerrica on Twitter (2).png)

>>1474619good thing his ex left him
No. 1474631
File: 1647744372079.jpg (95.78 KB, 640x725, hannah handball.jpg)

>>1474626apparently its a collage frat party in a basement.
>>1474623nearly a 100 dicks sucked…
I'm beginning to think they purposely go out of their way to give them selves trauma to fuel their hyper sexual self harm tendencies.
Like first its for the coom-> then it's put them selves in dangerous situations -> then use that trauma to fuel more hyper sexual self harm -> rinse and repeat
No. 1474637
>>1474591It's 100% a trick to make him seem like a poor
victim of the evil cissies, so he gets his narc supply either way.
No. 1474655
>>1474492Unreal that this faggot is still on grinder when he just had surgery
Is he gonna show them his fresh surgical wounds? Expect them to fuck the fistula???? I literally do not understand what he is doing on there
No. 1474661
File: 1647746289792.png (590.27 KB, 932x764, Screen Shot 2022-03-19 at 11.2…)

>>1474602they really think they're hotter than this woman, and the transbians really think they can compete with this lesbian
No. 1474676
File: 1647746973145.png (380.04 KB, 475x628, cause not doing teh laundry is…)

>>1474662nah he lives in a trashy share house in the inner city.
No. 1474677
File: 1647747015292.jpeg (396 KB, 1170x870, A973717B-1D54-4157-96DA-A7AC09…)

This was so funny I just had to share. The cope is real.
No. 1474685
>>1474619god this idiot must have lost the whole 10 points from HRT
they're called trans WIDOWS because the troon, in its own words, has told them the person they married has died. the wives don't choose that - the troon killed their spouse.
No. 1474696
>>1474695wah wah, she's a white-collar-crime supporting jerk with anger issues. being a douche isn't the same as systematically oppressing women
let her be a dick, at least she's not trying to show me one
No. 1474703
File: 1647748200893.jpg (99.38 KB, 1041x1388, Screenshot_20220319-204832~2.j…)

This is probably a huge ask but can someone please make a collage of fanny traggot's tweets in chronological order? The abridged version will do just fine. I just want to see how he made the leap from dick to axe wound to farting through his fistula to shaming gay men on Grindr for wanting to have butt secks with him instead of fucking his non-operational neo vag. Please and thank you!
No. 1474719
File: 1647749288830.png (401.81 KB, 583x453, ugly.png)

>>1474677This ugly fat ginger scrote really thinks he's special
No. 1474733
File: 1647750218337.png (97.29 KB, 750x1205, Sall Grover on Twitter.png)

No. 1474744
File: 1647750999745.png (1.47 MB, 1039x955, x758fque68n31.png)

No. 1474746
File: 1647751217040.jpg (106.64 KB, 827x932, FOKwj29XsAAxUBI.jpg)

No. 1474776
File: 1647753516978.png (22.38 KB, 766x137, (@autogynamelia) _ Twitter.png)

No. 1474810
File: 1647756916544.jpg (104.06 KB, 828x1059, FOO49YtXIAA_Hqk.jpg)

No. 1474813
File: 1647757552474.png (39.44 KB, 625x226, Screenshot 2022-03-20 2.24.03 …)

>>1474497i don't know if it was guilt, shame, stress or if he is trying to make his advantage less apparent
No. 1474819
File: 1647758038643.png (716.92 KB, 1006x777, tst.png)

We're entering hellworld at very quick rates. The field of psychology is a circus at this point
>A prominent psychologist within the Gender Identity Clinic at Tavistock has called for normalizing ageplay, furry fetishes, and a variety of sadomasochistic sexual practices as "sexualities."
>Dr. Christina Richards, the Lead Psychologist and Head of Psychology at the London Gender Identity Clinic, is responsible for a number of publications which seek to rebrand extreme fetishes as “further sexualities."
>In 2013, Richards, a male who identifies as a woman, co-authored a professional guide on sexuality and gender, in collaboration with Meg John Barker, a senior lecturer in psychology at the Open University. In the writing, Richards places extreme and violent sexual practices on the same spectrum as heterosexuality, homosexuality, and bisexuality.
>In the guide Richards introduces ageplay, which involves “an adult identifying as a baby or young child, and is also known as adult baby/diaper lover (ABDL) or infantilism. There may be a sexual aspect… associated with humiliation.”
>Richards goes on to describe how adults who engage in ‘ageplay’ accumulate various objects and apparel associated with childhood, including children’s clothing. Often one adult will roleplay as being any age from infancy to teenage years, while another adult participates in a dominant sexual role.
>“Terms which may be encountered here include daddy’s little girl (DLG) in which an older male top treats a younger female bottom as a nurtured child,” Richard elaborates. “The term ‘sissification’ intersects with ageplay as it is where an adult male is consensually ‘forced’ to don the clothes of, and behave as, a young girl as part of a BDSM scene. The humiliation the adult male feels at being dressed as a young female is the source of the eroticisation.”
>Despite repeated assertions from Richards that ageplay is not related to pedophilic impulses, a 2016 study by Kevin Hsu and J. Michael Bailey published in Psychological Science found that autopedophilia, an adult becoming sexually aroused from fantasizing about themselves as a child, "was common among pedohebephilic participants," with 49.1% reporting "feeling at least mildly sexually aroused when they imagine being a child or having a child’s body.” No. 1474820
File: 1647758051333.png (55.74 KB, 313x536, Screenshot 2022-03-20 2.32.30 …)

>>1474584i loved turning red
No. 1474821
File: 1647758069820.jpg (7.64 KB, 275x183, lesbian.jpg)

>>1474810I guess drake is a
valid lesbian then according to them
No. 1474822
>>1474740>>1474681>>1474761well luckly the footy peeps did end up barring him from competting past a community level because of his build and test scored.
He has since gone back to handball which he use to compete on an international level as a moid before this trans bullshit.
Playing for a collage team UTS and was going to compete internationally in 2020 at japan but he ended up getting turned down from the role because he refused to use separate bathrooms for showering and changing and his teammates weren't having it. he is defending Lia thomas vigorously on twitter and trying to file a lawsuit against the footy peeps. No. 1474854
File: 1647762485096.png (117.05 KB, 1482x298, Screen Shot 2022-03-20 at 3.49…)

other farms speculating that fanny is a wife-beater while i KEK because lol newfie domestic abuser i'm SHOCKED
No. 1474855
>>1474853anon i was
>>1474842 and he is terrifying even in a blurry picture. he freaks me right out
No. 1474864
>>1474820Turning red was amazing (I watched it today) and I was honestly surprised with how unapologetically 'woman' it is for being disney/Pixar and I will never understand how the troons last thread thought the tomboy girl was trans?? Im really happy disney/pixar showed that you CAN be a tomboy and still be a girl without being trans. It was amazing to see the sisterhood between the girls and how they supported each other. Such a good movie and I recommend it to any nonnies.
(Also can we talk about how gross it is that men, especially old men, are watching a movie about a young girls period and expecting to relate to it and cater to them? A CHILDRENS movie? Deluded)
>>1474822Any troon who refuses to participate in male/XY sports are narcissists by default. They don't care about flashing woman or kids their dick, let alone if a woman has a disadvantage in her own sport. They don't care about any reasoning we have because their feelings get hurt.
I've seen men transition to woman in video games I play simply because they will be the top 'woman' player in (game) because their attempts to get on male PR are fruitless. Pathetic
No. 1474866
File: 1647765740736.jpg (168.29 KB, 810x1653, 20220320_033744.jpg)

moids will constantly look for ways to invade women's spaces, but then pitch a fit about needing their own - also, kek @chilifartso
No. 1474889
>>1474746It’s so convenient how these are same views the rso wi spa predator has and crying
terf when it comes to protecting girls. No decent male regardless of what he’s going through would ever go to a changing room with women and young girls. That’s what a pedo and predator does as we see this time and time again without fail and no bs tumblr twitterspeak will change that.
No. 1474894
File: 1647772106972.png (216 KB, 1280x699, tumblr_3c74b530857d0bb75d8df90…)

>>1474485Man, Jim 'Stephanie' Sterling could easily have his own thread at this point.
No. 1474908
File: 1647776070845.jpg (283.46 KB, 1080x1397, Screenshot_20220320_123313.jpg)

>>1474894lol his likes consist entirely of people kissing his ass
No. 1474909
File: 1647776374948.jpg (286.94 KB, 1080x1654, Screenshot_20220320_123905.jpg)

>>1474908samefag my bad there's also this creepy shit
No. 1474931
File: 1647778927121.png (297.46 KB, 583x580, stupid traa meme.png)

so you agree? "lia" thomas has a physical advantage?
No. 1474933
>>1474931What? LMFAO I forgot when Phelps was also competing against women.
>>1474932Shouldn't have expected much from reddit
No. 1474939
>>1474908"They"? Did he just misgender him kek
Love the Freudian slips that show not even troons see themselves as women
No. 1474941
File: 1647780564607.png (533.29 KB, 667x531, racist.png)

"m3ntallyillmoron" is right. can troons stop bringing up race whenever the topic of males in female sports comes up?
No. 1474962
>>1474820It was so good. I’m not of Chinese descent but Mei and her friend group were so relatable to my preteen experience. So glad we have that movie and that periods came up. Cant believe moids are upset over it. They’ve tried to call the tomboy a trans girl already. Also wasn’t the movie heavily based on Domee Shi’s own experience growing up? They are always eager to speak over
No. 1474973
File: 1647784109407.png (717.82 KB, 1201x536, disabled plural transfem pizza…)

searching the keywords "trans" and "plural" on twitter yields some errm, interesting results
No. 1474980
File: 1647784750524.jpg (244.57 KB, 1241x1861, 5X1f3cl.jpg)

No. 1474995
File: 1647785911589.png (287.95 KB, 600x482, 1720987368235719588012.png)

No. 1474999
>>1474990its the sex and gender are different argument
which is where they should have stopped
No. 1475006
File: 1647787350256.png (350.6 KB, 900x441, melodyaligned.png)

a grown-ass man using moth/it/bug pronouns
No. 1475032
File: 1647790296237.jpeg (28.97 KB, 391x539, Cnk6JWAVIAA7XWN.jpeg)

>>1474995is that not the pedo's boy love symbol on the belly of the first panel?
No. 1475040
>>1475032Oh my god it is. And the comic call them "
No. 1475052
File: 1647791353827.png (778.23 KB, 1206x710, menokh.png)

most AGP's are weird, but this guy really pushes the envelope. idk, maybe it's because he's into that creepy "drone fetish" shit.
No. 1475066
File: 1647791965631.jpg (7.59 KB, 259x194, microcephaly-59303.jpg)

>>1473910I knew his face looked familiar and then I realized it's because he's a dead ringer for the older hartley hooligan.
No. 1475077
>>1475032it's an edit.
In the original the shirt says No. 1 SLUT and stomach is bare
No. 1475106
File: 1647794125122.jpg (482.2 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220320-123330_Bum…)

I saw gorgeous red hair and then was immediately met with disappointment. Their profile also says the world would be a better place with more cute trans girls… Way to attract a real girls attention
No. 1475119
File: 1647794598768.png (151.49 KB, 466x1612, dissapointed parents.png)

this troon has been popular lately and looking forward to flying abroad to get SRS surgery soon.
him and our crowd favorite erin bond of disappointing parents and having them 'give up on them'. kek
No. 1475127
File: 1647794970281.jpg (44.89 KB, 800x600, EsLxGTdXAAAuk3n.jpg)

The current state of women sports with the ball being women sports (picrel is the dainty rugby girl Hannah Mouncey another nonna posted, who his team coach described as "folding women like lawn chairs")
No. 1475139
File: 1647795400100.png (32.73 KB, 596x400, BARF.png)

No. 1475142
File: 1647795456523.jpg (125.68 KB, 1080x666, 20220317_193532.jpg)

No. 1475144
>>1475119SNIP IT, get a festering hole, never have kids
No. 1475147
File: 1647795791639.jpeg (342.76 KB, 1170x1996, 5A851DF2-915C-41C1-B6FB-8224CF…)

CD -> CrossDresser
I think more LGBs are starting to peak because ppl are responding with shit along the lines of "Yeah I only respect real trans women," which means they're starting to re-discover Blanchard's classifications. Such a stupid, roundabout way to do so, but the sooner these handmaidens realize what disgusting perverts AGPs are, the sooner they'll realize that NO MTFs are on our side.
No. 1475149
File: 1647795840289.jpg (152.38 KB, 828x960, FOOx8gcXoAw2WQN.jpg)

No. 1475158
File: 1647796334354.jpg (24.29 KB, 400x400, 20220320_100853.jpg)

>>1475119Jesus christ. Can you imagine having this thing as your failson?
No. 1475166
File: 1647797152368.png (678.81 KB, 665x716, Opera Snapshot_2021-12-29_1327…)

>>1475119Oh god, yes, yes!! First Erin, now Jasmine! All we need is for Bryleigh to come back and get the snip!
No. 1475167
>>1474115Kek at him managing to get sacked 5 times from English teaching companies in Japan in just six years. The teaching in the name is actually a lie and all they want from their employees is an ongoing pulse and a documented history of being born in an English speaking country with no teaching relevant education or experience needed since they all basically want to hire a human audiotape.
So the industry is shit, it's a loser job, especially when you do it for so long because you also ruin your job prospects in your country of origin, and the companies are already used to work with uwu japan uwu sexy 1000 old lolita was-a-weirdo-outcast-back-in-the-US-of-A incels, but he couldn't even perform at this level.
No. 1475182
File: 1647797811012.png (82.94 KB, 586x355, 45456645456465645645465.png)

Fanny continues to be an absolute asshole to everyone asking about his vagina, even though he is still on a gay hookup app desperately looking for attention and telling everyone about said vagina
No. 1475192
>>1472540Late, but I think people think I’m a tra. Simply because I’m in the punk scene and my best friend became a gender special (despite me continuing to refer to her as she).
But yeah, I was always disgusted by troops even when I thought the same.
No. 1475219
>>1474864>I will never understand how the troons last thread thought the tomboy girl was trans?? Troons think all tomboys are trans because female who likes to dress masculine equals trans to them. They double down on gender roles because it validates thier mental illness gender identity.
I feel sorry for all the tomboys now. If they are anywhere near troons or gender specials, they will get pressured to be trans or nb.
No. 1475224
File: 1647800794180.jpg (65.14 KB, 720x291, 20220320_132443.jpg)

When they found out that most woc are terfs
No. 1475227
File: 1647801046842.png (47.16 KB, 746x441, Erin Trail Mom (@ErinInTheMorn…)

poor anthony, he's finding out that troons don't want actual relationships, just people they can coom with.
No. 1475231
File: 1647801269056.png (350.61 KB, 1514x1080, transwolf.png)

pronouns are sheep/predator, pls respect
No. 1475232
File: 1647801333951.png (27.94 KB, 751x292, Katelyn Burns on Twitter.png)

Anthony the tranny mom and this and other troons aren't mentioning the fact that he lost the second race. Wonder why
No. 1475234
File: 1647801519719.png (82.12 KB, 758x810, MayaScientist on Twitter.png)

This tranny is actually saying TIMs have a disadvantage against actual women now.
No. 1475239
>>1474497It's like the most insulting part of it, not only those moids can come in and sweep prizes designed for women, but since they have invested zero effort and training into this outside of being born male, they can pick and choose whatever they will deign to take first place or not, based on how they feel this day, because ultimately they don't care that much, no more than I would care about winning a rock climbing competition against people in a wheelchair since it doesn't say anything about my real ability. It shows that troons only compete in female categories for the coom of validation.
The same with that weightlifting troon in the last Olympics who failed to even make a lift with correct form which shows that he did no real training and preparation going to the fucking Olympics because it was that casual of a thing for him. No real woman doing the same would be able to be in his place because there is real competition between female athletes because of an level playing field, and layabouts and unmotivated people never make it to the NCAA or Olympics.
Fuck Thomas for stealing that last place from another female athlete for whom it still would have meant so much because she worked hard for her sport unlike that poor excuse for a moid.
>>1475217Very heartening to hear, keep up the good work!
No. 1475241
File: 1647802056086.jpg (28.28 KB, 564x555, 63b9124a305d3d52e131a804cc75d1…)

>>1475149this is so scary like something out of true crime. like he just killed a hiker in a secluded national park and is wearing her clothes and they found these pics on his digital camera
No. 1475246
>>1474894Actually, yes please, I'd love the government to pass laws mandating that I'm obligated to piss in my birth gender, aka women, only toilets (with no surprise troon inside) and restrict my access to cross-sex hormones and sexual mutilation surgeries as a woman!
I would even love to have laws forcing men to exclusively take care of children, if only it wouldn't be such a terrible things for children based on the rate men perpetuate sexual abuse and try to get out of doing chores by pretending to be incompetent at it.
Troon, stop threatening me with a terfy good time.
No. 1475257
>>1475248It is a "wanna fuck" app, and its for gay men. So why the fuck is he still on there when he just had a monster vagina operated? No gay man want somebody without a penis, theyre penis obsessed
Fanny shot himself in the foot because the men who used to wanna fuck him now want nothing to do with him, and straight men dont want none of that either
No. 1475261
File: 1647803924742.png (297.39 KB, 744x839, keffals on Twitter.png)

how are the advantages phelps has in a competition against the same sex any way comparable to a male competing against other women?
No. 1475288
File: 1647805997348.jpeg (333.73 KB, 1173x1132, 7534867D-7791-41DC-A49D-97523F…)

Very embarrassing how rightoids are the only ones covering this.
No. 1475292
File: 1647806278397.png (1.09 MB, 1171x962, lmao.png)

>>147528419k likes is nothing when you consider there's at least 19k trannies, handmaidens and retarded children on twitter. Meanwhile people mocking Lia and trannies have this ratio.
No. 1475302
>>1475300Call me optimistic
nonnie, but I see this as the beginning of the death throws. People are realizing they can mock trannies and not be sent to the social media gulag. People are waking up and that scares troons- that's why they're being so loud and spastic.
No. 1475303
File: 1647807029738.jpg (169.49 KB, 1080x1092, FOL6aqnX0AAPfZ8.jpg)

>>1475300Maybe Thomas' news coverage will finally peak people or at least be done with trannies shit.
No. 1475305
File: 1647807072087.jpg (137.74 KB, 1242x1209, FOKcbCTXMAs5fUk.jpg)

No. 1475311
File: 1647807628776.png (558.61 KB, 693x1636, groomerkeffals.png)

>>1475261Oh yeah, that groomer guy
No. 1475318
File: 1647808375282.jpg (895.22 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20220320-163004_Red…)

>>1474941Every fucking time kek
No. 1475327
File: 1647809480557.jpg (1.82 MB, 4096x3072, GridArt_20220320_164211653.jpg)

I always find the ugliest trannies on public Facebook posts. I don't even care if people on my Facebook know I'm a terf, I just want to punch men that look like this SO BAD. I genuinely want to see them in pain as fucked as that is.
No. 1475332
File: 1647810069212.jpg (179.99 KB, 600x600, 1647809884273.jpg)

>>1475318>"mentally ill" in name>twitterspeak>hentai coomer clothes>photo taken in what looks like a bedroom>against wall; door is probably closed to keep parents out>looks timid even when taking a selfie by himselfsoon
No. 1475334
>>1475311This is terrifying, when I have kids im going to do everything in my power to hide this shit from my children. I hate it because I live in a liberal city (where my exlibfems host drag kids and nb/trans values) and it honestly makes me consider moving where trans are outlawed.
>>1475318This is literally how my younger edgy sister dresses, ewwww. Could you imagine going to your local clothing store and seeing a troon in the childrens section flaunting over skater skirts and thigh highs? :redflagredflagredflag: AND THEN he follows you into the washroom? my stomach…
>>1475261>comparing a man with long arms to a man playing in womans sports I think they're just retarded
>>1475327Why do they all have the same bio?
No. 1475345
File: 1647811661747.jpeg (182.71 KB, 1170x634, D0FCB7D3-1250-47F5-9F0C-F308C5…)

AGPs have the stalest humor
No. 1475348
File: 1647811798968.png (32.98 KB, 592x342, Untitled.png)

that cant be confusing at all, I feel for these kids and the staff for having to deal with this shit
No. 1475361
File: 1647813141619.png (271.75 KB, 626x557, Screenshot 2022-03-20 5.51.25 …)

Found this
No. 1475371
>>1475356He's being a shit stirrer. Surely you've met a devil's advocate before? That one guy no one likes that constantly goes "akshally"… the kind of annoying retard that says apples and oranges are fruits and therefor can be compared? The guy who will argue anything with that smug look on his face? The average predditor? The guy who argues racist shit and then just says it was a "thinking exercise"?
These retards have to take everything at face value for their arguments. THEY don't need to make sense, they just need to prove that the opposition isn't 100% correct, even if that .1% is some exception to the rule. They care more about "winning" the argument they'll die behind more than preventing harm or helping anyone. Soulless people should be ignored.
No. 1475372
File: 1647813635461.png (78.58 KB, 626x414, Screenshot 2022-03-20 5.55.35 …)

>>1475361the replies seem split
No. 1475376
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No. 1475405
File: 1647815400250.jpg (2.41 MB, 3264x3264, Triangle.jpg)

Literal conehead.
No. 1475410
File: 1647815582490.jpg (3.16 MB, 2448x3264, 9999.jpg)

Imagine having a body that looks like this and going outside in clothing that exposes your stomach
No. 1475412
File: 1647815644903.jpg (120.65 KB, 900x1200, 99.jpg)

>>1475410This one deserved its own post. What is even happening here?
No. 1475413
File: 1647815798871.jpg (257.29 KB, 1200x900, 99999999.jpg)

>>1475412Last one. The moid's bedroom looking like something you could find in the Bates house.
No. 1475415
>>1475412why are they wearing a jock strap??
Are they trying to go for the non binary angle or something? usually troons jump to wear panties and bullshit.
No. 1475421
>>1475335No one makes me want to a-log more than Vaush. Literally everything about him is annoying, and I do mean literally. I can't find a single redeeming quality. And I hate that stupid fake confused voice he puts on when he knows exactly what someone else is talking about.
He does acknowledge that "AMAB people" do have certain physical advantages from birth that persist even after that person transitions. I'm surprised he even admitted that. He even showed skepticism towards troons claiming estrogen made them shorter because "I don't think estrogen works like that but idk there aren't enough studies on it to know yet". He said there's no way that a transwoman would win in the men's category because they're taking estrogen, and transmen competing in the women's category would be unfair because they're essentially doping…sounding kinda terfy there vaush. He even admitted that transwomen dominating women's sports might be a problem in the future, but it isn't now because there's no scientific research that corroborates it and he's only willing to listen to "sports physicians" on the matter. Basically his whole argument is that there aren't very many academic sources on this for him to autistically cite during debates, therefore it isn't a real issue. He basically agreed with what the nasty TERFS and conservatives are saying about biological differences but that the number of transwomen is so small that it basically doesn't matter so we should stop talking about it
No. 1475426
>>1475410I could believe its a female tbh. It reaks of tumblr girl bullshit pretty hard tbh. And they seem to have a fetish for wearing male underwear, why else would they be wearing a jock strap in the middle of a trash heap?
please the hoarding house looks like a cope trying to be a goblin/raccoon aesthetic or some bullshit. It's not mental illness~ uwu
No. 1475428
File: 1647816568604.png (530.62 KB, 1205x839, bike jock strap1.png)

>>1475424yeah I looked up the brand. legit a jockstrap kek
No. 1475433
File: 1647816830029.jpg (57.26 KB, 1036x300, 4444.jpg)

>>1475426Sadly not a tumblr girl.
No. 1475440
File: 1647817257196.png (131.59 KB, 469x307, troon ball.png)

picrel this troon has been caping for lia pretty hard trying to relate it's moid height giving them an advantage in modeling and no one gives a crap so way should they care about lia. Now they are joking about playing basketball to prove a point that they have no skill should it be fine be. Cause a lot of troons fall back on to some idiotic argument its just a skill thing not a biological advantage thing.
>>1475433now I'm curious which tumblr girl he must be skin walking…
No. 1475457
File: 1647818360789.png (4.08 KB, 254x187, Untitled.png)

some discord moderator (lol) in a server im in trooned out recently. i think this illustrates trannyshit perfectly. "bros" refers only to men, encouraging them to also troon out. there is zero thought given to the entire trans population, which includes women (ftms), they only care about themselves.
No. 1475467
File: 1647818817490.png (637.44 KB, 1098x678, moid mouth gape.png)

>>1475443not sure. they are skinny af thou might of fallen into the tranny pro-anna hole.
picrel they are also doing a comedy thing atm. and the media for it here reminded me way to much of the moid mouth gape redditors do. kek
No. 1475567
>>1475267Same. People (handmaidens) try to make you seem crazy for hating trannies and taking issue with them, as if it's "no big deal", but they don't know the extent.
Troons aren't just "people that want to live", or as some say, "who cares if they wanna be called she/her and dress like girls". The problem is troons want to erase womanhood, women, and women's spaces. It's no longer about "trans acceptance", the goalposts have moved further than that. I don't have to like trannies. Hating them doesn't make you a bad person.
No. 1475568
File: 1647824191599.jpg (108.16 KB, 720x1440, IMG_20220320_195407.jpg)

No. 1475579
File: 1647824551296.png (681.37 KB, 1162x678, moid mouth gape drawing.png)

>>1475467there we go. gave it a shot myself. meh not 100% spergy enough but good enough.
No. 1475581
>>1475573Do it, play dumb and pretend you don't know what the problem with her is. When they try to tell you she hates trannies ask them for sources, show them the part of her manifesto where she says she thinks transwimmin are
valid and innocently ask why they think she's a transphobe when she's saying this.
No. 1475582
File: 1647824775174.jpg (87.69 KB, 600x532, wtf.jpg)

>>1475568>first time going into womans change room and hangs out in shower area>wearing diaper Nonnies I can't do this anymore
No. 1475585
>>1475580This, I think a lot of women are currently floating through friendships that don't actually benefit them. Libfems are really good at "being kind" and tricking you into thinking they're good friends but they're really not. I think a lot of us here have experienced it already. You could end up peaking someone who isn't quite your friend and building up a lasting friendship though that. My best friend is someone who I never befriended before because she was "stand offish" turns out she just knew libfems were fake as fuck so obviously she wouldn't get along with them.
Any friend that shits on you for caring about women over mentally ill men is not a friend worth having.
No. 1475588
>>1475261Okay, what if we go with the point that Michael Phelps has an unfair biological advantage.
If he does, in what league or categorization do they suggest in to remove his advantage? Only people above a certain height and/or a certain wingspan? It certainly wouldn't be fair for him to join the Special Olympics, which is already reserved for people with biological differences.
No. 1475589
File: 1647825258762.png (271.37 KB, 400x400, getaloadofthosetitties.png)

>>1475568Nonny why…I looked at his Twitter.
No. 1475600
File: 1647826012462.png (230.81 KB, 417x417, meltjak.png)

>>1475149is that a fucking testicle poking out
No. 1475606
File: 1647826252226.jpeg (279.51 KB, 1000x1000, photo-1562649625-f5d82689958a.…)

>>1475582I know,
nonnie, I know
No. 1475634
File: 1647828170049.png (22.56 KB, 748x225, Aranock 4 of Ravens on Twitter…)

I hope this game sells lots
No. 1475641
File: 1647828318295.png (352.29 KB, 506x636, ’( Achievement Unlocked “is it…)

No. 1475647
File: 1647828611275.png (31.52 KB, 739x399, Cheri on Twitter.png)

No. 1475658
File: 1647828892258.jpeg (229.89 KB, 1080x1397, 0E644E01-B57A-4FE4-8604-0FDD5B…)

>>1475165Just had the misfortune of seeing this tra propaganda on fb. It’s funny that whoever made this conveniently cropped stunning and brave’s shoulders from the bottom photo
No. 1475675
File: 1647829698483.jpeg (374.07 KB, 1170x1094, AB0B45D5-4DC5-4F4C-B396-AC3E77…)

god please shut up
No. 1475683
File: 1647830008299.gif (1.22 MB, 498x276, jk-rowling-thank-you.gif)

>>1475669Their tireless free advertising has only made Joanne richer
No. 1475729
File: 1647832126395.jpeg (558.53 KB, 1536x2048, 0042E36C-11D1-4E5B-8445-B63B6F…)

>>1474169Sage for no real milk but I’ve been hoping that someone else would stumble upon this creep.
>classic AGP scrote LARPing as an overly sexual lesbian caricature>in a poly relationship with his baby mama who can only stand to be around him when she’s inebriated >was jealous of her “success” on OF, created his own wretched version a la potato cam>posted his fully nude PIV “content” to fb>lives in utter filth, whines about having no money in between posts about securing/doing drugs or hornyposting>has a mentally underdeveloped child with a speech impediment, would rather look for someone to coom with than be a dad>BPD level manic posting, will go on tirades against people just to delete the posts when said person gives him attention>currently publicly flirting with another TIM that he previously accused of SAing him when they were in a relationship.I don’t have a lot of proof saved as he goes back and deletes some of his more milky posts and quite frankly hornyposts so much that it’s hard to keep up. Picrel is from when he used a propane torch to heat his dilapidated bathroom during one of his broke stints.
No. 1475740
File: 1647832812625.png (1.46 MB, 1440x1790, get a personality.png)

When your entire personality is being trans
No. 1475743
File: 1647833075464.png (218.52 KB, 1354x805, almost identical.png)

>>1475740Pinned thread is them trying to convince people to transition, despite this they still damn the neovaginas with faint praise "sex
can still be fun" "may take a while for feeling to come back" and anyone who's read this thread knows the
almost identical claim is a terrible lie
No. 1475747
>>1475721A lot of sperging about trans women being brave and stunning and
TERF hate. It's all from normie accounts too
No. 1475749
File: 1647833519049.png (220.14 KB, 1440x831, female orgasms are…)

>>1475743They seem to be admitting they're disgusting here since every boyfriend I ever had smelled nice…and men don't have particularly different senses of smell either, apparently women see colours a little better so I'll give them that one.
>female orgasmPhysically impossible since they have no true vaginal canal. If the grooming trans can't make a single honest thread about transition they shouldn't be trusted. If half of what you claim is a lie you shouldn't be trusted.
No. 1475751
File: 1647833576849.jpeg (113.45 KB, 1080x651, dumb-bitch-sleeping-on-bricks-…)

>>1475582i don't get the diaper thing and i never wish to
No. 1475757
File: 1647834051083.png (220.49 KB, 1440x698, most cis women do not pass.png)

>>1475749>Most cis women will not pass 100% of the timeAll cis women "pass" 100% of the time because they are fucking women, they don't need to "pass" because they are actual women. Passing is specific to trans people and means essentially
passing as the thing you're pretending to be so it is impossible for a ciswoman passing to be a thing.
No. 1475758
>>1475757I see so many troons saying this shit. It's just a cope. Trannies seethe at women because we just
are, so they project and say women are ugly and "don't pass". It's very incel.
No. 1475770
File: 1647835105126.gif (907.05 KB, 640x640, 5449BA58-CB62-4687-AF28-73141A…)

>>1475757Troons out there be taking daily doses of copium alongside HRT if they really believe women need to “pass”.
No. 1475774
File: 1647835505779.jpeg (74.68 KB, 963x644, B3003814-EE3C-4171-845C-9A6802…)

>>1475634A vast majority of the comments on the trailer are super excited about playing it, and look at the like to dislike ratio. I think it will do incredibly well, it looks fun, plus it’s a nice reminder to the troons that people won’t even drop Harry Potter to stop their totally real “””genocide”””
No. 1475779
>>1475774saw a twitter thread talking about how the game is anti-sematic because you fight golbins in the game. goblins are jews according to some people, the genocide continues.
goblins and trans are shaking hands.
No. 1475780
>>1475675It's true that a hot woman might get aroused after getting dressed up–it's happened to me before–but it's because we're imagining having sex and that thought was
triggered by looking at ourselves and thinking "I look hot, I'm probably going to have sex, nice." AGPs have a fetish for imagining themselves being transformed into women. They jack off to the idea that they have boobs/a vagina. How they compare these two totally different things (getting aroused because you're getting ready for sex vs. getting aroused imagining yourself as a cartoon-esque transformation sequence) is beyond me. I fucking hate men.
No. 1475783
File: 1647836094950.jpeg (1.17 MB, 3365x2047, 78A85926-03C8-48DF-92BD-6B06E5…)

this hideous man having the balls to call terfs ugly when he looks like that… sometimes you just have to laugh at them. i can’t even get mad, it’s just funny.
No. 1475794
File: 1647836611327.png (Spoiler Image,905.5 KB, 708x855, fuckingew.PNG)

yeah, "almost identical"! excuse me while I hold my vomit, I can smell it from here
No. 1475797
File: 1647836720077.png (276.68 KB, 667x704, FFF85999-0607-4660-AE4E-E65964…)

>>1475794Oh my god. That's ball skin isn't it
No. 1475800
>>1475749Everything about this is ridiculous. So what? Hrt made his perception of colors better? I don't think that's how it works..
>>1475743First time I heard this self lubricate bullshit my tranny friend told me 'did you know' type of thing. Dude legit thought of himself as a science and logic kinda guy, but he blindly believed that crap because some american trannies told him so, and thats it, no checking his facts nor anything. I always wanted to know who the hell started that dumb ass lie.. and for a surgery considered experimental no less. Men are so dumb, especially the ones who think of themselves as smart. My tranny friend was appalled when he found out that he would have to dilate forever if he ever get a axe wound, or else it would naturally close like most open wounds do (and like 0 vaginas do). When he told me about it I could even hear the fantasy breaking apart kek
I swear all the trannies are the same. My friend was a gay man who wanted to be a goth lesbian and he used to write lots of disgusting lesbian erotica and watch incest porn, hated his mom for no reason even though his father was the real devil and had a creepy obsession with pregnancy, especially mpreg and abortion. I keep seeing this pattern since the first time I visited the mtf threads..they're all like that.
No. 1475806
File: 1647837000010.jpeg (15.26 KB, 500x281, AC1F7FAE-DF13-4947-93EA-2BC8DB…)

>>1475794I knew what was coming yet I clicked. Nightmare fuel.
No. 1475809
>>1475797yes, it took all of 2 minutes to open the stupid reddit subforum and find this on the top posts of the month. Its ball skin.
There are some OK looking meatholes and by OK I mean they didnt completely fuck it up trying to create a proper clit and labia, and kept it as simply a tiny nub, piss hole and a rotting meathole that can be hidden with angles. ALL OF THEM look wrong. The hole is always anatomically in the wrong place and just gapes open with that stupid scrote seam.
No. 1475810
File: 1647837436755.jpeg (52.81 KB, 273x275, B76BB6F8-4081-4C39-9BFB-B27E7A…)

>>1475794these people make me so sad
No. 1475818
>>1475800I told a tranny friend (I know…not friends with him anymore) about how these "neovaginas" were just wounds that would have to be dilated to keep it from closing. He got mad and said that they heal and that dilating was only temporary.
These troons never do their research and just believe other delusional, coping trannies. They must be scared of actually doing research and finding out the truth. That's the whole TRA ideology though; just believe what the trans tell you and don't question it.
>>1475809As soon as they spread the ball skin "lips", it looks like a mangled mess underneath. Viscera surrounding the penis-inverted hole. It's gross and no one would be fooled.
No. 1475854
>>1475634Feel like I'm going to unsub to some of my favorite twitch streamers because of this. I can think of three who'd make a disclaimer like, "I know JKR is an asshole trans rights are human rights, trans women are women, but let's keep that out that chat-"
I'd rather they not streamers the game at all, because the twitch troons aren't going to stop shitting up the chat. Jerma chat is already full of troons posting trans rights hearts randomly to the point he had to address it. It's going to be a shit show
No. 1475861
File: 1647842969561.png (62.72 KB, 599x477, Screenshot.png)

>>1475261Ah the Phelps argument, I have seen it used by TRAs for the past 3 years now, I think in particular this argument started being used more when Phelps publicly denounced Lia and claimed he had an unfair advantage
its true that michael phelps is a genetic freak that has probably the best possible body for swimming, but all his advantages as compared to other men have nothing to do with his being male. They are not advantages that the men he competes against could not have because of their sex and here's the thing phelps is competing with other male genetic freaks, maybe not as gifted as he is but still far above average men
Its also hilarious seeing libfems who have never done sports or any athletics their entire lives, try to gaslight other women into thinking that this is fair somehow
No. 1475873
>>1472816This is days old but posts like this (and the one it’s replying to) are so affirming, because same. I thought I was ~
problematic~ for feeling uncomfortable with TIMs and TRA discourse. Whenever I read GC discussion I agreed with I would literally “self correct” by reading TRA posts with the “right” viewpoints. When JKR posted her essay, I did agree with a lot of her points. But I felt guilty about it so I read dissenting QRTs on Twitter until I agreed with them instead. It’s honestly crazy the amount of mental gymnastics I was doing.
I guarantee we are not alone, probably not even a minority at this point if the silence from TRAs on twitter re: Lia Thomas is anything to go by. Women are getting weirded out.
No. 1475874

its also funny that they brought up Venus and Serena Williams:
>At the height of the Williams boom in 1998, an unofficial game took place in Australia after Serena and Venus claimed that no male player outside the top 200 could beat them.>Up stepped a German known as Karsten Braasch who was ranked 203rd in the world and after first beating Serena 6-1, he then disposed of Venus 6-2.>"I didn't know it would be that difficult. I played shots that would have been winners on the women's circuit and he got to them very easily," said Serena.note he didn't even train for the match, he had spent the day earlier playing a full round of golf and drinking beer, during change overs he would be smoking a pack of cigarettes and he still beat the sisters when they were at their physical prime and he was 50, most female athletes who have played against men are aware of the massive physical differences between the sexes
I have been overpowered by fucking 13 year old boys in my self defense classes, I have had to overcome those obstacles with superior technique
No. 1475877
>>1475861Fuck me they are retarded, maybe there are no clear and obvious boundaries in fairness when it comes to individual anomalies like Phelps but when LITERALLY 50% OF THE POPULATION make up a group with a consistent physical advantage, it's very easy to determine that boundary. Just like we divide sports up by age, disabilities, weight class, etc depending on the sport itself.
The poor sportsmanship is astonishing. Honestly it doesn't even matter how much of an advantage he has or how good he is, he's male and needs to stick with male sports instead of taking a spot away from a deserving woman. Even one single woman being displaced in sport is too much collateral damage to be acceptable, that spot represents years of hard work and their future as an athlete.
No. 1475911
File: 1647848549016.jpeg (50.63 KB, 800x600, 71A1D38C-D200-44D1-AE66-316C37…)

>>1475127This makes for a great meme format
No. 1475940
>>1475224It's so weird that TRAs think that the typical
terf is a privileged white woman.
Communities of color are generally quite sexist so non-white feminists tend to be more hardcore.
Woc have often been degraded by having our femininity questioned, so obviously there's gonna be a lot of anger towards white men who suddenly just decide they're entitled to the womanhood they've spent so long trying to deny us.
(Please don't ban me, I'm not trying to racebait and I respect and support white terfs as well; I'm just saying it's so weird how TRAs try to play oppression olympics by claiming terfs are inherently more privileged than them.)
No. 1475953
>>1475940Don't worry
nonnie it's not race bait, it's simply true. It's largely white men claiming to be women and they love to throw
woc, especially black women, under the bus by comparing themselves to them and as a result
woc peak quicker, or never tolerated their bs at all. It's painfully obvious and it's what first made me peak. They let their racism seep out and thought I'd agree because I'm also white, it made my past tumblr-handmaiden-self realize they weren't the smol pure innocent beans that could do no wrong they claimed to be and I peaked soon after. The fucking delusion and nerve these freaks have to think they can ever get even a fraction of the femininity of any woman.
No. 1475955
>>1475743Shit like this is exactly why mentally ill troons get the snip. When you've lobbied for an echo chamber with no critical thinking about how the surgery works in practice you'll start believing that the whole procedure is just a surgeon going "Abracadabra" and presenting you with a fully functioning designer vagina instead of a rotting, open wound that's created by slicing your penis open and pushing it inside your abdominal cavity to create a hole akin to a sweaty belly button. I have not once seen a tranny who's been pleased with the results and all of this is a gigantic cope.
>>1475783The AGP smirk is uncanny.
No. 1475959
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almost everyone in the #savewomenssports was a feminist woman, all troon media can talk about is the evil terfs, at this point ther are several books written by feminists on this topic, the most prominent gc public figure is jk rowling, do these people live under a rock?
No. 1475974
>>1475954It's mainly white people who are troons and handmaidens. A LARGE chunk of troons are middle age white men, and handmaidens are largely well-off/not financially struggling white women who don't have to suffer consequences as soon and as directly the way poor and/or
woc do.
These people performatively claim to not tolerate "any -ism" while actively perpetuating:
Sexist stereotypes ("i'm a woman because i love dresses and am just a sex hole uwu")
Racist views of feminity and masculinity ("black women have manly features and are women so that makes men also women")
Xenophobicly looks down on any country with different ideas ("how stupid of them to think biological sex is a reality")
Colonialist mentality of insisting the rest of the world needs to perform their ideas and use their pronoun language ("those poor uneducated people need to think like us superior educated white Americans*")
*and other countries but America is a big perpetrator in this
Racist accusations of immigrants who struggle with he/she of being evil bigots ("it's not hard, you're just an evil transphobe")
Ableist accusations of people with mental disabilities who struggle with he/she ("also an evil transphobe")
Spreads false information and propaganda regarding the harm and side effects caused by hormones, surgeries, how bodies work ("puberty blockers are reversible, dilation is temporary")
Advocates for the bodies of children and mentally ill people to be cut, instead of therapy ("it's the ONLY way, of course a mentally ill 15 year old boy understands what it means to have their dick cut off forever")
Extremely strong mistrust in therapy ("you can't cure dysphoria even though literally every other mental illness can be massively helped or erased through it")
And that's just a portion of it all.
No. 1475977
>>1475954vidrel is what I mean, its a white hyperwoke woman seriously arguing that sex segregation in sports is an evil european concept and that not allowing trans women in sports upholds racism
also regarding Caster Semenya and the others, the issue isn't that black women are just like men, more that african state institutions never correctly diagnose these women when their younger
No. 1475992
>>1475974I think even white liberal women are aware of this, and that's why they try to identify out of being "white woke karens" via becoming nonbinary or ftm. You'd see white liberal women do this in the past by becoming bisexual, since they realized that after making "cis" white men the enemy that they were next.
I don't think they're going to get away with it, though. When people get sick of the ultra left, white women whether they pretend to be men or pretend to be nonbinary will be first to be blamed. Which, yeah, if every white handmaiden stopped being a sperg tomorrow, the transagenda would fall apart at the seams.
No. 1476007
>>1476002Unfortunately fistulas can be very difficult to repair.
I once looked after a paraplegic lady who had more than one rectovaginal fistula which they had tried to repair surgically and had no luck so she just has to live with them for the rest of her life. Super fucked up.
No. 1476014
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No. 1476017
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No. 1476043
File: 1647870881631.png (6.33 MB, 2500x3000, kim.png)

Kim Petras (famous for his misogynistic album and working with Kesha's rapist) apparently now has a bra collection at a popular lingerie store. This is absolute madness. He looks like shit too kek
No. 1476051
>>1476046>Who are going to buy those man bras, other troons?Yes.
Let's be honest, even the biggest handmaidens ain't wearing that shit. Soon only troons will be wearing Victoria Secret shit and women will have finally moved on to actual comfortable bras and underwear.
No. 1476067
>>1475940At the end of the day you are a woman, you can use the same bathroom as the rest of us, compete in our sports, access the gynocologist and use breastfeeding spaces. Men are using
WOC and their knowledge of how they have treated
WOC to shoehorn themselves into womens spaces. They know they have denied black and brown women their femininity and tried to degrade them by comparing them to men or animals because they’re misogynistic pieces of shit, and now they want to access womens spaces they’ve decided to twist that narrative to use you as a meat shield and push their way in whilst simultaneously standing on your throat and telling you to be quiet because they know more than you and can speak for you. They use your compassion and your trauma to get what they want and that’s why they have young
WOC on their side - because older
WOC are not here for that shit.
Don’t worry about tiptoeing around white radfem/
terf womens feelings. You’ll find most of them agree with you.
No. 1476070
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>>1476016Anthony claims his amhole is perfect with no complications.
No. 1476075
File: 1647873305124.jpg (Spoiler Image,54.87 KB, 560x372, DutG95zUYAUs3jE.jpg)

>>1476030Jfc. Spoilered for man punching a woman. Insanity.
>>1476043The bra doesn't even sit right on his stupid ribcage. So brave and stunning.
No. 1476087
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The Babylon Bee, a right leaning onion-like outlet, was banned for calling Levine their Man of the Year. Looks like they got their account back, though. I wonder if this is a sign that the troon lobby is losing their power. We all know that their main power is via social media banning and witchhunts.
No. 1476098
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No. 1476101
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I'm 2 days late but I wanted to be included kek
No. 1476125
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>>1476098Fish face looking fucker.
No. 1476126
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>>1476098I guess he was going for she/her and not he/himmler, oh well too bad.
No. 1476145
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>>1476134No matter how much estrogen you pump into a man his body plan is still male and will continue to develop male as it has done since before his birth. It's literally the only thing it can do, it doesn't have the ability to develop female body parts. That's why no troon has natural boobs despite all the estrogen, and instead get tiny moobs
No. 1476148
>>1475940Unfortunately we have to expect even more of that retarded messaging, there was a document from the biggest trans advocacy group posted on the other farm, and they concluded that the best strategy to ~change minds~ and raise acceptance was to try to link discrimination against trannies to racism. Since on the whole, from their own studies,
WOC seemed less accepting of transgenderism, I guess it's a messaging attempting to play up white guilt?
Ironically the black MTFs expect Black women to handmaiden even harder for them, I remember Laverne Cox saying that it was all Black women's fault that Black men see fucking him as gay and that he expected the women to boycott those men until they came around. First, the gall and second as if Black women are in charge of any moid gay panic!
No. 1476149
>>1476011Kek can't blame their body of not managing to keep count of which holes to heal shut (fistulas) and which one to heal open (neovagina).
Seen like that, isn't a neovagina a fistula that never healed?
No. 1476155
File: 1647879240205.png (Spoiler Image,3.37 MB, 1447x3000, troonmoobgrowth.png)

>>1476145Spoilered for troon moobs. This is what's considered realisitc breast growth from estrogen in men
No. 1476212
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>>1476043Looks exactly like Bobby Hill if he trooned out jfc