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No. 1453262
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No. 1453281
>>1453279kek my sides nona
can we please start calling it this?
No. 1453282
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>>1453262Speaking of Ollie, Contrapoints close friend and mod runs a sissy Hypno discord called Sapphic Mind Break. He tweeted recently bragging about convincing minors on it to start hormones.
No. 1453288
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No. 1453291
File: 1645989267052.jpg (146.13 KB, 1186x800, 1645332612927.jpg)

those chad genes…insane
No. 1453294
File: 1645989466294.png (758.82 KB, 756x1354, Tate on Twitter.png)

have you ladies heard this brainwashing movie about letting tims into the womens washroom?
No. 1453313
File: 1645991569463.jpeg (471.56 KB, 1397x2343, 1628012754530.jpeg)

>>1453294Ah yes, these are the trans women that would be in our bathrooms, and not picrel (and he is not even the worst looking one I could find, he's just creepy and psychotic)
No. 1453335
>>1453294Someone in the comments under the video said this already but I think it’s funny how the whole idea is that the women have to fight against each other to protect a man.
Were they just afraid of showing how threatening is it to be in a room with only a man and a handmaiden? Why not leave the three of them discussing and the man defending himself? Him acting uwu “I’m sowwy” is so disgusting because they’re never like that.
No. 1453340
File: 1645993853961.png (1.06 MB, 1432x1206, cringe.png)

So this isn't an MTF(but still looks like a potential AGP imo)
My question is why would a girl willingly get into a relationship with a "goth cat femboy"
The entire subreddit is fucking cringe btw, 70% needy moids who want a bangmaid mommy gf No. 1453357
File: 1645994643063.jpeg (159.39 KB, 1280x1280, 7A3F3DBE-7DCF-4090-BB7C-198D07…)

>>1453313It was disturbingly easy to turn him into Jeff the killer
No. 1453367
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>>1453313This hon is legit terrifying
No. 1453368
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>>1453367All the handmaidens applauding this
No. 1453379
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>>1453376He is absolutely disgusting and deeply threatening No. 1453395
File: 1645996424225.jpeg (443.7 KB, 640x802, F0F993B5-99A6-47E3-8446-21C5BA…)

>>1453379I’m not going to post all of them, just the most horrifying. This one is especially rage inducing
>people make an effort these days not to only comment on women’s looks, and that’s great!>and this might make me a bad feminist >but I got called smart and funny and capable before I transitioned >sooo uhuhu…keep em coming!! No. 1453402
File: 1645996815344.jpg (1.36 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20220227-040031_Red…)

When did Woody Allen troon out?
No. 1453406
>>1453397Never mind, his stand up is on YouTube.
No. 1453426
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>>1453368This thing is so ugly
No. 1453435
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>>1453368Why do all AGPs have sanpaku
No. 1453488
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>>1453368This one needs to 41% himself asap.
No. 1453499
>>1453262WOW,used to follow him when he was only a dorky dude making videos on what he was studying in UNI (less than 10k subs) never would've fought it would end up like this.
Why does humanities uni fries the brains of these people??
No. 1453507
>>1453499sometimes its the lecturers they regurgitate propaganda
when i was at uni i took an optional ethics course and the lecturer in charge said that the increase in estrogen mimicking chemicals found in rivers and drinking water was nothing to worry about, whats the worst thing it would do feminize men, he then implied this was a good thing, there where cheers and claps from some fat girls with bright blue hair who looked just like the trigglypuff meme
the thing is i studied environmental sciences, our fresh water ecology lecturer talked about it the week before and she said it was one of the biggest threats to some freshwater ecosystems and that it also was linked to an increase in breast and ovarian cancers in women as well as testicular and prostate cancers in men
the first lecturer had no idea what he was talking about whilst an expert was legitimately concerned
side note
it would be interseting to know if these chemicals are linked to the increase in troons in any way
No. 1453508
I’ve of two trannies in my life, one was the father of a friend, one was the husband of a girl in a group I was in
With the friend, her father was odd as fuck all her life, threw her out when she was 15/16 and she lived in the YMCA for a while. When she was about 19 and just as she was repairing her relationship with her mother, he trooned out. Threw her younger sister out when she didn’t accept him and then dragged the entire family through his narcissistic rages and manipulation whenever they tried to interact. I haven’t spoken to my friend in years - last time was about 5 years ago and she’d given up and just agreed to call him mum and suffer through his embarrassing antics because she was afraid he’d turn on her mum and suspected he’d been beating her behind closed doors, her younger sister turned to sex work and stopped speaking to her, she herself had moved in with a scrote of a man who was a narcissistic misogynistic bully and she thought she’d never do better.
The one from the Facebook group was a straight woman who was married to a man and had several young children with him. I think the youngest was 18months - 3 years over the time I observed the story. He’d made them get remarried when he trooned out, because he wanted to have a wedding where he too got to wear a wedding dress. There was loads of issues with paperwork and I believe they had to get divorced and remarried so the paperwork would say “wife/wife” and he threw several shit fits that the childrens birth certificates all had him registered as their father. He rinsed the family of all their money going back and forth to private gender clinics because the wait list was far too long for him to wait (UK). His wife was in a private womens group and several times wrote long messages of how he’d flip-flop on his transistion, made her come out as bisexual when she was pretty certain she was straight. She talked of her diminishing attraction to him as she watched him get FFS and breast implants and felt powerless to stop it. She didn’t want to be a lesbian and didn’t like that she was being forced to present that way by her partner. Everytime he flip flopped he confused their small children more, they’d be confused on why their dad had become mum and then just as they’d get used to it become dad again. The older children became distant with both parents and the youngest one struggled to settle well with all the constant conflict.
Sadly the group was full of handmaidens who would tell her that she had to be respectful of his choices because transphobia and all that bollocks and reassured her that it’s okay to be a bisexual woman.
This bullshit isn’t just erasing lesbians (though lesbians get the worst of it) it completely erases all womens sexuality.
No. 1453532
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Unsure how this is a glowup
No. 1453535
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This is blowing up currently. Who the fuck talks on their phone in the bathroom, and tbh it's what he deserves. Everyone's already uncomfortable enough with these men sharing our space and then he goes ahead and makes a joke about it.
No. 1453590
File: 1646011123224.png (3.6 MB, 2548x1470, scratch.png)

>>1453552>>1453535>>1453547def looks self inflicted. usually when someone scratches you in a fight you get clear drag marks and pin prickle like blood at the point of contact where it is dragged across.
The scratch marks are so numerous and spread out and only faintly silver with no clear breakage of skin. Suggesting an even and light drag pressure throughout the stroke.
>>1453535 No. 1453592
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>>1453368The resemblance is uncanny
( (cant embed and post pic in same post))
No. 1453606
>>1453535This is such a blatant lie, men don't understand female psychology at all. There is no fucking way IN HELL a mother who is afraid for the safety of her kid would harass the person she's afraid of
at all, much less run up and start attacking, putting her and her kid in more danger from a giant male creep in the women's room.
>>1453590exactly what I was going to point out. Everything about this is so fucking fake and you know everyone will just eat it up and no one will be allowed to doubt it. Hell world!
No. 1453607
>>1453535god I just when to the twitter and the amount of handmaidens backing this creep up makes me wanna vomit. Where are peoples critical thinking skills these days, it's CLEARLY self inflicted. Actual scratch marks in fights look very different to that.
It's clear he has scratched his face all over with a light and even pressure to try and show visible redness on his face. Trying suggest swelling. Which even then it doesn't look like swelling from a slap because there is no puffiness.
My thoughts on it happening is he said something grossly inappropriate in relation to him being a trans in front of this mothers daughter so she tried to rip of his mask and to check if he is obviously a man or not so she might be able to have him removed.
He being the viscous self absorbed asshole he is is decided he should take it to the cops to try and make her life worse and then knowing there was no sign of actual injury he decided to inflict it on him self as "evidence" then parade it on social media for validation and pity in hopes he can bully the cops into actually taking his side.
No. 1453608
File: 1646013154521.jpg (25.36 KB, 739x126, slkdfjlwkejf.JPG)

>>1453535he's claiming to be getting the tapes from the rest stop and working with police so he can take her to court…. which conveniently he needs some donations for! He's going to take all the donations the gullible handmaidens shovel over to him and then give no verifiable updates past "uwu we went to court and she's toootally in jail now, thanks guys!"
No. 1453610
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>>1453535Trying to ruin an innocent mother’s life AND e begging
No. 1453613
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>>1453610The fact that he named himself after a FUCKING KINGDOM HEARTS WAIFU I CAN’T
No. 1453616
File: 1646014065651.png (42.86 KB, 621x412, seems to happen alot.png)

He made the same claims 20 days ago when he first started his Only fans and was trying to drum up attention so people can buy his cringey nudes in fetish gear.
No. 1453644
>>1453607 >>1453608
>>1453619Tbh I don’t know anyone who would rip his mask off. I can imagine lots of women having something to say but not wasting their breath, it was at best a dirty look. The tweet sounded like she had a young daughter with her (if these people even existed) and again I don’t know any woman that would aggressively start on a grown man and willingly risk the safety of her little girl.
He didn’t get the reaction out of her he wanted so he invented it. Just like the one from 20 days ago. This man’s getting an awful lot of slaps in the ladies bathroom.
Oh and of COURSE the Loony Troon has a donation button. Good grief Twitter really is one big circle jerk
No. 1453646
File: 1646016108592.jpg (89.59 KB, 783x713, nice timing.JPG)

here's a better ss of the timing, and an archive in case he realizes his oopsie later No. 1453657
File: 1646016760127.jpeg (157.71 KB, 828x1025, 082EF461-EAA0-4B73-AEB2-5F71AC…)

When did this shit become normalized? I just realized I graduated hs like a decade ago and this would’ve gotten laughed at
No. 1453703
>>1453535Looks like he had a bad day with a skin condition and thought "How can I monetize this
and get positive attention?" lol
No. 1453704
>>1453532Damn. he wasn't actually terrible looking.
Now he looks like Johnathon Yaniv!
No. 1453707
File: 1646019968234.jpeg (112.98 KB, 750x427, 8DEE4313-1A5D-450B-A590-043A00…)

Some troon on the reply of a tumblr post about how lesbians get fetishized, one look at his blog and you can tell it’s an agp freak
No. 1453717
>>1453662Wait, what?
> parents buy car he wanted> parents make decision to sell car to random girl> THIS IS ALL THE GIRL'S FAULT> REVENGE ON GIRLhow fucking psychotic
No. 1453810
File: 1646028462101.png (Spoiler Image,2.2 MB, 1080x1544, Screenshot 7.png)

I have always found it oddly hilarious how many sissy fetishits always desire for women to be the one's to feminize them
like they can't even be bothered to learn this shit themselves, they want a woman to do it for them, its peak male entitlement
No. 1453838
>>1453810What kind of apotechary sells porn mags??
This reminds me of that one HORRIFYING porn comic about dick "girls", Banana Cupcake or something like that. I read it all years ago I think kek
No. 1453862
File: 1646040406009.png (Spoiler Image,25.05 KB, 500x387, call.png)

>>1453713he answered the call
No. 1453866
>>1453535The bit that makes me suspicious is that this woman apparently attacked a TIM (grown man) in an enclosed space
with her child present. Sage for blog but I’m fairly comfortable with challenging men, and I’d still never do it with my kid present unless I absolutely had to.
No. 1453870
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I will give it to him for being creative when he lies
No. 1453876
File: 1646044235767.png (3.43 MB, 1720x1438, bathroom lewds collage.png)

>>1453535okay so I was bored and read thru this guys twitter.
He has a HUGE history of gross lewd behavior in public bathrooms. His twitter is FULL of him posting lewds from his work bathrooms and stuff.
Maybe he should reflect on his indecent behavior in public bathrooms before he starts crying about terfs being uncomfortable having him in woman's restrooms…
No. 1453882
File: 1646046442597.png (244.66 KB, 599x619, new work lewd bathroom.png)

>>1453876and his old job seemed to be super supportive of his tranny bullshit since he started hormones after he started working there. They changed his name and even had a fucking photo op with the major?!
Ofc his new job he gets his own office and all that jazz. Seems like a pretty okay place. And he has started to slip into his lewds in work bathrooms instead of working bullshit again in the new place.
And the disrespect… having the company logos in the pics as well, seriously. Last job he was practically advertising the place with the amount of J.P.LICKS stuff on display. And the new place he is wearing his company lanyard with the "American Tower Corporation" company logo on it.
And he went from working in an icecream parlor to a a HR role in one of the largest global Real Estate Investment Trusts in the country. Tell me he didn't get that job with "diversity hiring". I mourn for the woman that work with him having to share the bathroom with that creep and not even being able to report his creepy bathroom lewd taking behavior to HR. Cause he is HR now. Why god why.
The moid is coom brained with the amount of disrespectful behavior on display.
No. 1453883
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Fountain of youth, lmao
No. 1453884
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>>1453883So stunning, so brave!
No. 1453886
>>1453535if it was real he wouldn't just show one side of his face. forgot to scratch the rest?
someone probably just made a remark because he was taking ass pics
>>1453876 in a public restroom, threw a tantrum then made up a story for twitter clout to recompense
No. 1453911
>>1453646Huh, so if the men don't mind, what's the problem? Stay there. The women clearly do mind.
>>1453707>you live in every hetero man's fantasy…and that's the problem
No. 1453914
>>1453900I often think about making a YouTube video/doc with all the things we discuss here, just screenshots and videos one after another. No commentary because I’m not confident enough lol but also because the content troons post/make is bad enough, and all anyone would need to do is sit down and watch it and then they would see just how much of a shitshow it all actually is.
The (fake?) TRA tumblr that was discussed in a previous thread is proof just how effective tranny content is, you don't even need to add anything to it, it’s already deranged and awful and tarnishes their entire image.
No. 1453922
>>1453406Anyone else watch this full? God, the fucking joke about "I don't care if you have DDs, if you have cargo shorts I see you as a man hehe", in a crowd full of Pride attendants (?). Fuck the butch lesbians ig
No. 1453926
>>1453613How are these people super popular in extremely “woke” communities but nobody calls out the hulking white man for cultural appropriation for using a Japanese name?
If a woman did that 100% guaranteed she’d be dragged and cancelled. Even the woke libfems give troons male privilege.
No. 1453927
File: 1646058671431.jpeg (52.25 KB, 623x612, 451EC4EA-96D2-4BED-A531-65CEEB…)

Apparently some twitter tranny who has been sending letter to Lammy and Rammy from Um Jammer Lammy through their official emails which leave in-character responses to the letters people send to them has confirmed that Lammy’s trans.
While I generally don’t try to fret too much on characters being trans in modern media even if it annoys me, seeing such a beloved character from the 90s be all of a sudden confirmed trans over just the wokepeople in the community think she’s trans due to having horns and being tall makes me feel very angry and disheartened.
I hate this clown world
Also here have the original tweet, btw: No. 1453933
>>1453914please do and please clickbait the shit out of it so they think they’re watching clicking on something pro-trans/anti-
terf. as we know they never seek out opposing views so it’s the only way it would work
No. 1453951
>>1453914I’ve also thought about this in the past. I’m not arsed about my voice but I worry that people will work out who I am and yknow, I’ll get murdered by some hairy 6ft tranny wearing my knickers in my sleep
>>1453935I bet he’ll get let off with a slapped wrist
No. 1453974
>>1453927So this guy sent mails to a corporate address asking to a fictional character whether it’s a tranny or not, and got the obvious response that a corporate address would give, which is whatever the client implies.
I could send a mail right now asking “Lammy” if she’s latina and I’m pretty sure that I will get whatever response I want.
No. 1453993
File: 1646067075778.png (44.28 KB, 605x295, g54556.png)

Fun new twist on this old chestnut
No. 1453994
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>>1453969The emails apparently come from an old official website called from 1999, pic related. But even some people visiting the site through the Wayback Machine say they have trouble finding them, so I’ll just tell you that the email for Lammy is
>>1453974The answer being purely corporate makes a lot of sense, actually. I’ve seen other responses people, including the tranny I first mentioned, and the answers she gave were always pretty much ‘yes’.
The tranny even asked what was her anniversary with the girl she’s dating canonically, and she said it was a few days after the day he wrote that email.
>>1453977This theory makes quite a lot of sense. After all, the tranny who’s posted all of their pictures said he learnt about the emails through a fellow troon friend of his, on DMs, and since AOL deactivates mail accounts after 90 days of inactivity, there’s an actual chance that friend that first told him about the emails actually took over the accounts.
But in reality, I think the only way we’d be able to learn the truth is if we hacked into that account.
No. 1454018
>>1453870this ones voice makes my skin crawl. it's so massively disgusting, its a wet vocal fry that is so obviously sexual. especially in his post surgery video where he's like "and, ummm….the hot male nuuuurse totally hit on meeee?"
someone take his kids away.
No. 1454053
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>>1453535the amount of retards and handmaidens on the qt's.
No. 1454055
>>1454052Oh shit my bad I remember now I read it further upthread. Ffs is it possible to peak more than once?
>>1454053 No sign of intelligent life anywhere
No. 1454058
File: 1646073600784.jpg (357.65 KB, 720x1080, 20220228_133845.jpg)

imagine going to the public bathroom with your child and seeing this:
No. 1454060
File: 1646073856888.jpeg (204.03 KB, 1625x1084, buffalobill-e1630602359128.jpe…)

>>1454058they all have that buffalo bill look in their eyes
every single one of them
No. 1454082
File: 1646075782732.webm (6.48 MB, 656x1232, Yo9CpdEkIsJSdVLR.webm)
>>1454018He's infinitely more creepy in the flesh. I feel sorry for everyone who's forced to interact with him.
No. 1454085
File: 1646075941088.jpeg (580.2 KB, 1157x1155, 0ACB5A4E-4206-4DCC-B4AF-E37C04…)

I know Euphoria is pretty shitty but I was watching it and this tranny popped up in the background for like a second and I clocked that shit so quick lmao.
No. 1454087
>>1454082Regardless of how much surgery these people get you can always tell on their voice. Its either full on man, very forced nasally valleygirl voice or creepy little girl imitation
This dude is the latter
I mean, you could also just tell with your eyes, but you get my point
No. 1454095
File: 1646077040400.png (71.35 KB, 320x238, 1356664235968.png)

>>1454082I was convinced Erin was one of the better looking trannys - this video broke that illusion COMPLETELY. Literally looks almost the same as
>>1453532 No. 1454105
>>1454085looks like tim roth hamming it up for another award
i miss tim roth
No. 1454107
File: 1646078060796.jpg (16.12 KB, 400x225, harpoon that white dick.jpg)

>>1454098can't think of a moby dick joke, maybe someone else can
No. 1454112
>>1454069This is already the case. They now consider “afab” and “amab”
problematic (even though they’re the ones who appropriated that term in the first place) because it allows people to distinguish between males and females.
>>1454090Nothing. That’s the point.
No. 1454209
>>1454182Does this guy ever stop lying? It wasn't just "selfies" it was him pulling his pants down and regularly snapping pics of his ass in the company bathroom during work hours with the company logo showing
and posting it online for thousands to see.
You know he'll turn this into "trans discrimination" when in reality
anyone who did this sort of shit would get fired for unprofessional behavior.
No. 1454215
If it was an actual woman, just IMAGINE the dogpiling and insults she would get. She would be a fucking whore on company time boohoooo, but when it's a tranny it's eMpOwErInG
No. 1454288
File: 1646087495111.png (43.86 KB, 932x427, BB6BCB76-0C98-46DE-A8C5-3084D1…)

Sage because this is from page #9 of these threads.
11 trans women assaulted in prisons in 2020.
Comparatively, 11 women are murdered a day in Mexico.
But tell me again how they’re all dying and need to be protected.
No. 1454336
>>1454182all the replies are troons/handmaidens pretending it was just casual selfies or maybe they’re completely oblivious to what kinds of photos he was actually taking, either way it’s insufferable. someone with a burner account reply with this picture
>>1453876 please, because he’s really trying to feign innocence
No. 1454348
File: 1646093462555.jpg (113.99 KB, 828x455, f416cd9a855074170a54059749c73a…)

>>1454288God I wanna a-log, a bunch of men sitting around talking about how feminists should do what they say and focus on male problems instead of our own, many of which they are the direct cause of!!!
>advocacy for the feminineFUCKKKKK the audacity of these fucking scrotes
No. 1454351
File: 1646093838932.png (20.03 KB, 1213x637, B1EAC168-6EB3-4FD5-9629-19A6A0…)

Breaking news on the “Lammy is trans” email case: It’s not even canon in the slightest.
A fan who refused to believe that it was real and decided to contact one of the creators in order to know who was behind the email account.
He discovered that Rodney doesn’t know who in the world manages the account right now, which means that it was nothing but a fan projecting their headcanon.
No. 1454361
>>1454290Love this. Masculine women are totally safe from misogyny. Actually, it just occurred to me that since so many of these goons used to be neckbeard gamergaters who sperged about how stupid and nonsensical feminism was with arguments that basically boiled down to "you just want stupid girls to get what they want instead of me!!!" it makes sense that they've transplanted their retarded ideas about feminism over to their new identities.
I used to think they were being intentionally destructive by reorienting feminism's goals to be about empowerment vs material concerns eg. rape, autonomy, pay disparity, murder rates, child marriage, mutilation, trafficking etc.
But I actually think they're just autistically ignoring the issues and using CHECKMATE FEMINISTS talking points the way they did before they were troons
"oh yeah? well sluts won't even LOOK at me because they hate nice guys who collect hentai statues and never bathe…females will never know my pain…"
Has become: "oh yeah? well I got assaulted by the cis with my own dirty fingernails for showing my bepis to a child… terfs are literally murdering me…."
No. 1454380
File: 1646096719901.jpg (13.83 KB, 588x124, 45nAVdT.jpg)

>>1454346picrel, they're all wearing damn wigs or have receding hairlines, wth.
Tim voices are so insufferable. They all have horrible posture too, I guess to make themselves look smaller? or too much hunching as an incel.
Also that one with the greasy hair has nothing underneath that shirt. You can see his nipples. Totes not a fetish though!
No. 1454389
File: 1646097552918.jpeg (210.94 KB, 826x947, A14B248D-0A13-4AFA-B92C-DFDFF6…)

Euphoria is so brave and stunning
No. 1454399
File: 1646099428802.png (64.91 KB, 1080x278, Screenshot_20220228-174837~2.p…)

Hudson Laprade is delusional enough to think he's not a straight male
No. 1454406
File: 1646100278866.jpg (229.27 KB, 720x1140, 20220228_210212.jpg)

Sometimes im glad of living in a third world country where the troons are the one who gets bullied
No. 1454409
File: 1646100489277.png (37.42 KB, 658x374, gender neutral language.png)

apparently trannies are mad that they aren't included when people say "vagina havers". they pushed for people to drop the word "woman" since it wasn't inclusive enough, and now it's problematic to use the terminology they pushed on us? what do they even want us to say?
No. 1454433
File: 1646102258024.png (30.49 KB, 754x320, Julia Serano on Twitter.png)

Tranny writing about how he never had male privilege is absolutely funny. No self awareness at all.
No. 1454443
File: 1646102755950.png (570.32 KB, 748x726, Quote Tweets Twitter.png)

No. 1454444
File: 1646102788540.png (177.86 KB, 753x920, reduxx.png)

prison troons need to die a horrible death
No. 1454451
>>1454443You can literally see his fucking dick. How is this shown on TV?
Not lesbian, YWNBAW
No. 1454472
File: 1646105895286.png (20.08 KB, 1071x213, I love women so much I turned …)

Not creepy at all..
No. 1454491
>>1454455>>1454470he deleted his twitter so alas the show is over. I didn't get to screen cap yet cause I was to busy reading the shitshow and didn't think.
but basically people started posting the collage of old work nudes and the guy in question defended himself as it was from his LAST work place.
So I replied to one of those with a tummy time bra and tummy bathroom pic he posted last month and asked if that's considered non sexual since he is technically flashing his tits and showing his mid drift in the current place of work with company lanyard on display.
And his Twitter account got deleted legit a second or two after…
Im tempted to post the old screen shots I have on my home comp from when I was looking at his Twitter yesterday. Cause I didn't even get into the milk on his questionable relationship with a "girl who this she is a boy who this she is a girl" that's 10 years his junior. I forgot to screen grab that stuff ;_;
No. 1454493
File: 1646108942268.jpg (971.12 KB, 810x3328, Screenshot_20220228-232141_Boo…)

Troons getting
triggered by Buffalo Bill and Mr. Garrison never gets old kek No. 1454495
>>1454493Thomas Harris went easy on trannies with silence of the lambs. It was stated multiple times iirc that Bill was
not transexual, just a fucked up freak clinging to the idea because he had no personality of his own (iirc). Clarice even indirectly defends trannies by saying they're usually very passive and non-violent. Just goes to show how troons
really are based on how they see themselves in Buffalo Bill kek. These freaks must have not seen the movie or read the book if they're going to cry oppression over it.
No. 1454497
File: 1646109740947.jpg (147.35 KB, 1080x850, Screenshot_20220301-140419_Twi…)

I'm so mad that I didn't screenshot but it wasn't anything new from what we've been saying. People were calling him a sick perv and questioning his "bathroom harassment" stories. He got pretty pissed and starting calling some women a cunt. Fucking annoyed that I didnt screenshot. Crazy how quick allies are to jump ship and call mtf men when they end up being creeps. Really shows that they also don't consider them women and feeding into trannies delusions is conditional. It was also funny how all his supporters went silent after he got exposed, it's always the same thing. Trans "women" never hold eachother accountable just like men, because they are all scrotes that go quiet and when they speak up it's when they want to cry about misgendering.
Here's a screenshot of his last tweet.
No. 1454502
File: 1646110170993.jpg (479.59 KB, 1057x1582, Screenshot_20220301-144624_Twi…)

>>1454491>>1454497Account is back up.
No. 1454507
>>1454497>Crazy how quick allies are to jump ship and call mtf menIt wasn't allies doing that, though. It seems the posts made it to radfem twitter and trad/religious twitter and those were the people dragging him. Which I'm sure he'll only use as more proof he's a
victim when he remakes his account.
No. 1454509
>>1454502Unless he's talking about the old workplace pics and not the newer ones, how did his work get tipped off if he no longer worked there?
Not to mention this retard has some special kind of cognitive dissonance to not comprehend why having public nudes with his previous workplaces in clear display is a huge redflag for any current workplace, even if he hadn't posted ones in the current ones bathroom. What a fucking dumb sperg freaking out, for once I am so pleased with you anons who cowtipped. Absolutely blessed
No. 1454513
>>1454502I still can't get in. please post screen caps if anything else interesting goes down.
I really wanna know if they start posting the current work place photo of him lifting his shirt up to so off the moobs and tummy picks up.
also the video he posted at the new work being creepy and saying something about "blah blah blah … don't you wanna be a good girl?" in a sexually suggestive way in his office.
those are the only two posts that can be considered sexual he posted from the new place. He HAD been trying to clean up his act since it was a fancier job than working at an ice cream palor. I think the main problem his work would have had was all the nudes and only fans posts being posted alongside his regular time wasting bathroom selfies he couldn't stop himself from doing.
his problem was his day to day was so degen and creepy even him trying to clean up his act wasn't enough.
No. 1454518
>>1454516there are some women that do that but they are not normal. their the kinda of woman whole fall into the trap of making porn their identity and can't back down anymore so they go full throttle with it. Not many can hold down full time jobs for long once they do.
Mental illness in itself I'm afraid.
saged for off topic.
No. 1454520
>>1454361lmfao this is completely accurate ime. i work in a really nerdy male-dominated industry and i have legitimately lost count of the asshole woman-hating dudes i know who have become uwu commie catgirls. what remains completely unchanged is their burning hatred of women as dumb sluts who play life on easy mode and their complete detachment from literally any classically feminist concerns. all of their apartments are filthy, they have no concept of sex as anything but a thing they are constantly owed, they know shit about care work. one of them is an actual date rapist (though he doesn't know we girls warned each other of that back in the day, i'll bet).
i'm insulated from a lot of conventionally female concerns – i don't have kids, i'm not married, and i make enough money to keep myself from having to be dependent on a man. i'm a big weird spergy woman in a weird nerdy field. i'm sure the trans women i work with think we're practically sisters (i don't have to wonder, really–they've told me). but they know nothing about my life. they don't know what it's like to deal with boyfriends who never learn to wash a dish, to deal w/ harassment in our work place, to deal w/ caring for aging parents, to think of sex as something to endure and perform, let alone fear, let alone fear b/c of pregnancy. they think my life is easy because i have tits i grew myself. they have no idea i don't eat lunch on site to avoid a creepy coworker who leaves them alone. they have no idea what they don't know. they're smug nerdy boys who're sure they've got every fucking thing figured out, and it's always that women are bitches for not giving them every single fucking thing they want.
No. 1454532
File: 1646112979377.png (1.12 MB, 1080x1666, Screenshot_20220228-213329~2.p…)

He_Kairi's supporters are also disgusting freaks, to no one's disbelief
No. 1454551
>>1454544I wouldn't be surprised tbh. He has already posted 3 separate suicide bait posts since last year.
One even had photos of at the hospital wear he made cutesy comments about the grippy socks.
his last suicide bait post seemed to be connected to him and the "girl who thinks she is a guy who thinks she is a girl" 10 years his senior easing things off with him since he kept saying he was poly/single and fucking about with the trannie in his upcoming trannie band. (who are also in their early twenties, this guy is 32 in the middle of a divorce btw for context)
No. 1454668
File: 1646138779544.jpg (67.26 KB, 1080x449, Screenshot_20220301-234317_Sam…)

>>1454544ding ding ding
sucide threat served up.
nonnie you must be a prophet!
No. 1454675
File: 1646139984144.jpeg (224.36 KB, 479x964, 92564FF5-3B33-43FE-8142-6B1765…)

yeah i’m sure that was what they fired you over. definitely wasn’t the lewd photos featuring the company logo or anything
No. 1454681
File: 1646141815871.jpg (163.36 KB, 1209x810, IMG_20220301_132106.jpg)

I went down a rabbit hole and stumbled on something called the Trans Muslimah Alliance. This is the tamest picture I could find. It's centred around men feminising themselves into what they perceive as womanhood (so, by their standards, a living sex toy) and then taking it a step further by being a hijabi housewife
No. 1454684
>>1454681sounds milky. post the not tame stuff
nonnie should be good.
No. 1454700
File: 1646144366866.jpeg (131.96 KB, 828x1792, 935A0B71-2754-438C-919E-67385D…)

>>1454502I grabbed a cap from one of the tagged
No. 1454701
File: 1646144443298.jpeg (88.99 KB, 1098x732, c54bb58c-d0ec-11e8-81a4-d952f5…)

>>1454681I found this after typing 'trans muslim woman' into Google. What a sight to behold.
No. 1454703
File: 1646144545788.jpg (33.04 KB, 306x423, lucy vallender.jpg)

>>1454701Theres also 'Lucy' Vallender in the UK who used to be in the TA but trooned out to be a good muslim wife
No. 1454707
File: 1646144843898.jpeg (1.38 MB, 2984x2934, DD4E3A98-BD53-412D-ADEC-9083BA…)

“My MASSIVE tits! I’m just like Dolly Parton! I can FEEL them growing! I should be allowed to work my starbucks shift naked because of my tits!”
excuse me sir they are called MAN BOOBS you have MOOBS you have two pathetic lumps of fat that absolutely no one but your gross tranny friends want to see, you are a man you will always be a man and your make up looks like shit
No. 1454719
File: 1646146171630.png (55.05 KB, 598x417, especially .png)

especially cis women are especially killing troons for not passing (especially)
No. 1454727
>>1454719Trannies get off to the idea that they're being killed
just like women are being killed just for being women and they especially love to blame it on actual women despite the fact that most troons being killed are non-white prostitutes in foreign countries. It's always a woman's fault that they can't get their facial bones shaved down, or they can't get double D implants, or because men don't want to fuck them, or because lesbians aren't attracted to their disgusting limp dicks, etc. etc. Always a woman's fault! It's not even depressing seeing people support this shit, it's just pathetic at this point. He is right though, I do love seeing trannies "struggle to feel safe and beautiful", as he puts it lol.
No. 1454735
>>1453320>>Look, she has big fake tits and bleach blonde hair! Porn taught me that this is the womanliest of women!That's the part that gets me the most. I mean, I understand why there's a discussion about this issue.
But having a normal, relatively average woman say that she is less womanly than a transwoman with a ton of surgery and make-up done to the point she looks like the most stereotypical trashy porn actress ever… there's something extremely fucked-up about it, on multiple levels.
What does tha tsay to the average woman who might see this? Women don't already have enough body image issues and pressure to alter their appearance already? Just sad.
No. 1454739
File: 1646149018205.jpeg (121.55 KB, 828x679, 6C24C3ED-73C5-4D2C-AE87-9EA810…)

Twitter troons have decided the villain of Euphoria, a hulking violent abusive man, is a trans woman.
No. 1454750
>>1454743I was about to say. What a convenient excuse to be allowed to not fuck men.
"Peen makes me dysphoric!!"
If a woman said that, even a transman, she'd be called a
(I'd reverse it and say "if she said 'vulvas make me dysphoric'" but as much as a few unwashed, autistic, asexual, roided-up gimp girls are yelling about theoretical gay men not theoretically fucking them, it's incomparable with the pressure women are under to service dick, troon or otherwise.)
No. 1454752
File: 1646150850891.png (1.48 MB, 887x1920, tumblr_4dd3b6b8cab18cecab16d95…)

unlike vulvas, spinny skirts and horrific surgeries are very much exclusive to humans! checkmate!
No. 1454759
>>1454752these people sometimes feel like a psyop with how openly retarded they are. but they’re just… like that. mind boggling.
this is good peaking material though. there’s layers to this one lol
No. 1454766
File: 1646153161689.jpg (167.34 KB, 1198x673, One-fourth of exhibitionists c…)

Currently hitting /all. How am I supposed to convince people that being a lesbian or bisexual isn't a paraphilia when we are associated with uwu sexuaw offendews?
No. 1454767
>>1454766over 700 upvotes for a man in a sailor moon costume showing off his bulge
how do people not see it for what it is?
No. 1454770
>>1454451It's HBO. They can show anything short of an actual murder and get away with it.
>>1454766Stand firm and call these freaks what they truly are. Sexual fetishists who see women as decorations.
No. 1454780
File: 1646154057497.jpg (629.15 KB, 2048x2068, Tumblr_l_109043175310821.jpg)

AssignedMale on Tumblr is a TIM wannabe comic artist who is so retarded that his hideous artwork almost seems to favor the ideology of the TERFS he so dearly wants to 'own'
No. 1454783
File: 1646154179779.jpg (535.47 KB, 2048x2051, Tumblr_l_109175920448055.jpg)

>>1454780Samefag, I have no idea how this shit breaks 100 notes, let alone 1k. Is it me, or do all the troons who don't attempt to draw anime style get their artistic inspiration from Seth MacFarlane?
No. 1454790
>>1454786i once got 12k writing about vaginas kek
i hope i made some troons seethe
No. 1454791
>>1454780I'm ngl, he drew the
terf kinda cute. I would shit talk troons and uplift women with her. I'd also bully trans 7 year olds, or whatever EBIL
TERF thing she's up to.
No. 1454792
>>1454780Ah. My favorite balding old man inserting his words into the mouth of a pretend child.
>>1454783What this freak doesn't seem to understand is that going troon causes irreversible damage to children's bodies. Another thing they don't understand - - It's not their children. These freaks see our children as their toys to use as they see fit and this is the only way they can get more playthings.
No. 1454803
>>1454800men has always wanted to conquer nature
portraying nature as something feminine that must be tamed by men goes back all the way to francis bacon in the 17th century
scrotes never change
No. 1454815
File: 1646157886551.jpg (Spoiler Image,976.88 KB, 1506x1080, PhotoCollage_1646158503915.jpg)

Spoiler for penis, I scribbled over the penis in red to censor it tho
>>1454684>>1454685I didn't really want to post the not so tame stuff because there's just penises and buttholes flying all over the place and I feel weird posting porn. It's an… interesting rabbit hole
No. 1454818
File: 1646158099292.jpg (94.16 KB, 600x900, IMG_20220301_132319.jpg)

There's a lot of heavy AGP shit going on with hijabi larpers. Why aren't the LGBT crowd calling this racist? They're using a religion as fetish, you'd think the gendertards would be on that like a light
No. 1454820
>>1454818they ignore it just like they ignore all the other things agps do
they ignore anything that does not fit into their worldview
No. 1454823
File: 1646158547002.jpg (509.82 KB, 1080x1080, PhotoCollage_1646159345656.jpg)

There's one guy I found while going through the Trans Muslimah Alliance rabbit hole that just straight up photoshops his face on to random hijabi women
No. 1454825
File: 1646158633671.jpg (Spoiler Image,120.71 KB, 888x651, IMG_20220301_182509.jpg)

Spoiler for blowjob, I'm too lazy to scribble over it this time
No. 1454848
File: 1646161190540.jpg (49.14 KB, 752x656, weneedaspy.JPG)

anyway do we have any brave soldiers with very convincing twitter accounts to infiltrate what is undoubtedly the most glorious meltdown happening behind his (picrel) privated profile?
No. 1454857
File: 1646161677887.png (106.22 KB, 603x800, 1028348345534.PNG)

>>1454848I managed to get in, Here is his latest post from him
No. 1454911
File: 1646169001308.jpeg (181.82 KB, 1284x1203, 1646165905940.jpeg)

Kek, troons want to be evacuated with the women and children, but the Ukrainian army is snatching them up at the borders and drafting them into the army. Lmao, good luck at the frontlines boys.
No. 1454919
File: 1646170270738.jpg (50.89 KB, 800x450, agree.jpg)

>>1454911oh you can't identify out of sex based discrimination? shocking! if only someone had realized this before!
No. 1454922
File: 1646170587557.jpg (95.69 KB, 571x890, 2022-03-01_22-35-51.jpg)

>>1454911Trannies are the most important.
No. 1454940
>>1454939i have never felt sorry for a man in my entire life
you'll have to try harder than that
No. 1454947
>>1454940I am sorry for your psychological problems of not feeling empathy because of a person's genitals
>>1454941It really does. Mentally ill people will suffer massively in a war situation, even more than neurotypicals
>>1454942I dont use twitter
No. 1454952
>>1454949learn how to read
>>1454919 >>1454929
No. 1454959
>>1454957you're in the wrong place you fucking idiot
go save the trannies in ukraine
No. 1454988
>>1454986>doesn't like men>continues to defend and pander to them please read this
>>1454985Men always say how women in other conutries deserve the bad treatment they get from men, so yeah it goes both ways, men deserve the worse specially the tims
No. 1454992
>>1454964boohoo men are being told they have to do that thing they like to bring up all the time, you know the protect part of "provide and protect".
woman are doing their gender role driven bullshit for the country by caring and protecting the next generations by leaving for safety with their children my dude.
What do you think would happen if they conscripted females? They would set up a nice day care for the entire country's youth so mummy can go to war?
saged for going off topic
No. 1454997
>>1454987Why the hell are you saying that? Ukrainians are not Taliban.
>>1454985I am pretty sure Ukrainian women had all the political rights that Ukrainian men had. Some men's stupidity means that I should condemn all these young boys and men to death?
>>1454988I am not pandeeing when I think that they shoyldnt be used as cannon fodder because they have a dick
>>1454990This is such a fucked up comment. How is it the Ukrainian men's fault that Putin is insane? Also that biological determinism is literally what /pol/ uses to form their vile opinions, I dislike it and actively hate it.
No. 1455008
>>1454997pray tell how they plan to keep their country going against the Russian army? just send out imaginary fighters instead? it's not some senseless fight in some unknown land for them, it's their God damn homeland.
you telling them to just give up?
Conscription in wars are normal for most countries and expecially if your trying to stop your country being wiped off the map.
Trust me I see plenty of men running off with their families during the train packed videos being published. Im sure the scrotes that are to cowardly to defend their country are getting out of it some way or another.
saged for off topic
No. 1455013
>>1455002Everyone has told you
valid arguments.
Who should fight the wars then? Women? Where will their children go? What about the strength difference and men being able to easily overpower and rape them?
Sorry but there's no other way.
No. 1455015
File: 1646174397093.jpeg (471.45 KB, 828x656, AFE92DD8-BFA5-498C-B50B-F9319E…)

>>1454872> Even when I worked in fast food as a teen, we weren't even allowed to dye their hair fun colorsI mean… that really depends on the job? I’ve had several jobs including and above fast food grade & have had plenty of fun/unnatural colors. Some jobs don’t care if you’re actually friendly/hardworking/well kept. That being said, I don’t get why they’d hire a neon haired degenerate troon who could be nothing (and proved to be nothing) but a liability to the company. Picrel is Ukrainian troons right now.
No. 1455020
>>1455013Both sexes should fight! Why do you assume all women have children? Also if they have children they can stay with their father instead. Also modern war has no overpowering, it is literally long distance killing.
>>1455010Yes? I agree with both these statements
>>1455007Women here literally say they deserve it because of their sex, so apparently they do, just in a wrong way.
>>1455008I am saying conscript both sexes
No. 1455027
>>1455016This conversation shifted because of what the other anons said.
>>1455021Ok sorry I can be emotional some times. But my point still stands about the second one.
No. 1455029
>>1455012he is of the sex that controls most of the worlds governments that choose to wage such pointless wars. the draft is dumb but if scrotes are gonna wage war they know it's men that are best for the draft because a countries future is meaningless if all the women are dead. women are more valuable than men for the future of humanity, full stop. which desert island has a better future: an island with 100 men and 10 women or an island with 100 women and 10 men. do the math. scrotes wage wars, let them die in them.
>>1455020conscripting both sexes is retarded based on above logic. you're going to fuck your population if women are the ones to die in war. literally look at what is happening to china via their one child policy.
No. 1455031
>>1455029He does not have some common responsibility because he shares the same genitals as the psychopaths we elect that is insane. And we vote for them too, not just the men. Also we dont live in a deseted island wth. And we dont live in a polygamous society. We live in societies were we get pregnant by pairing with one man. The best chances for repopulation are if about the same men amd women survive.
>>1455028I do not have delusions of grandeour
>>1455025Not everyone. Probably equal amount of men and women going by chances.
>>1455022Thank you for the sympathy anon, have a blessed day.
No. 1455033
File: 1646175246705.jpg (239.95 KB, 909x1920, tumblr_80e434cdd4344125111bbb2…)

Less sperging more trannies
When I used tumblr, I loved following tags like feminism and radical feminism, and getting moids like this occasionally posting in them their coomer pics
No. 1455034
File: 1646175296874.jpeg (130.35 KB, 719x1200, 2EC414F9-7DF7-4AF8-9C7B-CE74A4…)

No. 1455038
File: 1646175763004.png (134.45 KB, 720x694, Screenshot_20220301-230111~2.p…)

>Like I should just have to worry about misogynistic pigs leaving hateful messages and treating me like shit.
No. 1455041
>>1455031>Probably equal amount of men and women going by chances.women would be lot more likely to die in wars because we are physically weaker
we are also more likely to get raped and we will then have to live with that for the rest of our lives if we get pregnant
what happens in war is not purely by chance
No. 1455042
File: 1646175977799.jpeg (392.22 KB, 1242x1569, 49D97ED5-5000-4133-A995-766C54…)

troons see a dude turn into an eldritch abomination and say "wow, they're just like me!", they think anything to do with some form of “transformation” is an allegory for their creepy fetish, they truly believe the world revolves around them.
why do they insist on tainting everything and anything good in this world, wasn’t new vegas enough??
No. 1455058
men being more expandable is a fact
the survival of women is much more important for the survival of the species
No. 1455059
>>1455053Exactly this. Look at all of the rape and sexual assault that goes on within the US military. And look at women being kicked out or even killed for speaking out.
>>1455055The woman will be raped AND tortured. By enemies and their own team. Don't play stupid.
No. 1455060
>>1455053Crimes do happen during wartime by your own side too yes, but that is not common outside of the american army which is a shitfest. Also if that happens significamtly we can separate men and women like they do in Israel
>>1455054>>1455058This literally does not happen. Look at both after ww1 England and after ww2 soviet union. Massive losses in men, the surplus women did not get pregnant by some married guy, they remained single and childless. Europeans are not Arabs to just form harems.
No. 1455064
>>1455060>not common outside of the american armythere has been plenty of reports of widespread sexual assault in other militaries too (like in the british army)
i'm sorry that the reality of what men are like hurts your sensibilities
No. 1455065
File: 1646177021345.jpg (824.38 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20220301-182305_rif…)

that transpassing subreddit is hilarious
No. 1455066
>>1455060the generation after the world wars was literally called the "baby boom" they obviously reproduced…
where the hell are you getting your facts from. fucking delusional
No. 1455068
>>1455012Imagine coming to the MTF thread to cape for men in the army invading a country. Not even drafted.
>>1455064Truly, kek.
No. 1455070
File: 1646177142776.jpg (224.31 KB, 1440x1440, 3de025c9da50a6ad769629c84b6169…)

nonnie this literally happened
No. 1455072
>>1454997, I know you’re doing this because you don’t want to believe your brothers/relatives/fathers are like this. But I’m telling you that females have always had less rights than males in these places. We are not saying men should die for being being men, we are saying that it seems ironic and revolting that they’d give female “equal” rights only when it benefits them. They never gave a fuck about these women when they raped them, brutalized them, had them in arranged marriages. You know 92-96% of
victims of child marriages are little girls, right?
Im sorry to say but your small minuscule of male relatives still doesn’t make up the fact that females are always going to have less rights in these kinds of countries. I understand that you have a kind heart, but you are deliberately ignoring the bigger picture here. Which is that females still have less rights, they’re still automatically affected in their childhoods. Yes, war sucks, and it’s horrible for these men, but what? Do you realize that most women will watch their own brothers and sons get indoctrinated by these men? Who do you think rapes, brutalizes other men? You can say it’s womens faults for voting, but you need to realize that even a lot of right winged/left winged women are indoctrinated because they can’t take themselves out that tribe. You think a naive girl in an othodox family who tells her her value equates to her virginity, that she must be in submission, would have the capability to go against her family? Then she wouldn’t have a home. It’s like you dont want to realize that even now, even in western days, we’re still below men. Its as if historic dichotomies are still used against us. It’s as if theres still arranged marriages that are stagnant in today’s world, as if we’re still dehumanized.
Im sorry, but you really need to look at reality here. We always had less chances. You’re expecting us to play this role and to still be brutalized. The fact that you told us earlier that us getting raped and brutalized in wars, and still told us we had to fight “equally” with our “male comrades” is telling. Please tell me how men raping women in wars helps at all. If you’re a female, I’m trying to be as kind as possible. But you are letting your emotions control you. You’re not realizing the bigger picture.
No. 1455073
>>1455069literally two thirds of women in the brittish army have been discriminated against because of their sex
what the fuck are you on about
No. 1455078
>>1455066They boomed as married couples, learn to read whatever it is you are reading. Married couples, equal numbers of men and women boomed. The surplus women became the inspiration for the "cat lady" characters, at least in the UK.
>>1455068I am literally caping for the conscripts in both armies that have been drafted. I dont care about mercenaries. They can die dor all I care.
No. 1455080
File: 1646177409584.png (453.65 KB, 552x768, wsergr.png)

The fucking names this dude chose to use for himself..
No. 1455081
>>1455073Discriminated is not rape, are you fucking serious? Ofc old scrotes on their way out think the army is a man job and attitudes like the ones in this thread fuel such opinions.
>>1455075No but I am good friends with one that has served
No. 1455084
File: 1646177535801.png (1.9 MB, 1512x903, trannytuber.png)

Kept getting recommended videos for this channel discussing older anime and then was met with a voice that was almost female but definitely not. So distinctly off and nasally. It was an immediate red flag but no where on their description, about section, twitter, twitch, nothing mentions being a tranny. But it's so easy to clock him just from voice, nevermind his ugly mug. I can not imagine how they somehow could believe they "stealth pass" and no one can tell. Also most of his videos are about hentai and lewd content, even though not all of the titles seem like it, grossly misjudged clicking on any of his nasty videos. No. 1455090
>>1455081go conscript in the ukrainian army then you woman-hating retard
i'm sure they'll be happy to have you
you're quick to volonteer other women to get raped by men on both sides but something tells me you wouldn't volunteer yourself in the same way
No. 1455101
>>1455092not to mention that ukraine has a high rate of domestic violence which they didn't even criminilize until 2019
the men responsible for that are the men we're supposed to believe wouldn't rape their "sisters" on the battlefield
No. 1455104
>>1455085Well their beliefs are fucked up and hateful
>>1455089I dont live in Israel
>>1455090You are a legit man hater if you think I am a woman hater. I suppose when you are uses to privilege equality feels like oppression.
>>1455091I really dont think it is. I think we still do it because it is such a central part of the male gender role.
>>1455092You dont even know these men! What are you talking about beggining of history? Many of these boys are barely 18
No. 1455118
>>1455111Sorry you cant live in a world shere women have different opinions from you
>>1455112So you are telling me the freaks in /pol/ and /r9k/ are not psycopaths because they just write things online?
No. 1455122
>>1455118you can have your opinions
and we can point out that your opinions are retarded
No. 1455126
>>1455119Damn I agree with some of your points
and was even arguing about this in the euro thread with someone but you are being extremely cringe
No. 1455127
>>1455120Considering these opinions, yeah kinda
>>1455121Lolcow farm
>>1455122You dont though, you call me a moid or use nature based arguments that arent even true because we dont live in polygamous societies.
No. 1455129
File: 1646178679112.png (690.08 KB, 1080x1008, 5E1D1269-EAB2-4019-A4C6-399D92…)

>>1455106When are you going to respond to my post?
>>1455072 This one. You are so adamant onto deliberately ignoring the bigger picture and why its ironic to suddenly care about equality, yet you’re saying nothing with how we were recently treated. You’re saying nothing with domestic abuse rates in urkraine, and how it had a huge increase in 2018-2019.
Official statistics on domestic violence, however unreliable and incomplete, show a spike of registered cases in the last three years. In 2018, there was a 76% increase in reported cases in Donetsk region and a 158% increase in Luhansk region, compared to the average of the previous three years." fact that you can still say these things, take my post into matter just tells me you genuinely want to ignore that you still said females dont go through oppression, that females dont have less rights. (Which you said in your own words on one of the earlier posts.)
Nobody wants men dead solely for being men. Its just telling that all of a sudden they care about “equality” when it benefits them. (But you said we’re using “privelege”, which is again, telling that you dont actually think female have less rights in these countries.) You want females to fight your wars, yet these men have done nothing for domestic violence and arranged marriages. You want us to fight your wars? Then you better stop using us as incubators. You have to work on other factors first. But you won’t, because then you’d have to admit that females have less rights in these countries.
No. 1455136
>>1455124We are literally talking about the privilege of not getting drafted, cant you read? Also you are clearly arguing in bad faith considering the hi moiding so fu too.
>>1455125Anon where the hell do you live to have formed such opinions on men? Pakistan?
>>1455126Sorry I know I am cringe. Glad that someone agrees with me though, thanks anon. You give me hope.
No. 1455148
>>1455129Sorry anon I missed it, I dont know how. I am so so sorry readi g what you sent. This is truly terrible and soul crushing. I thought Ukraine was a modern country, I didnt expect things to be like this.
I was thinking about the west, it was my mistake to extend it. Also I never said we sont fo through oppression I know we do. I said we dont face legal oppression like men do related to the draft. But I see that Ukraine is not really how I thought.
>>1455130No, they are racista and misogynists
>>1455131Ok fair enough
>>1455132Sorry, I cant sleep
>>1455134I just thought it sounded cool..
>>1455135I literally never compared men's misogyny to dislike. I said that thinking that they should be conscripted because of their sex is fucked up.
No. 1455154
>>1455149autistic men were fine when all they did was take pictures of trains
then they found the internet and now they're all diaper fetishists
No. 1455156
>>1455147I did say I only care for conscripts
>>1455144I know most men are retarded, espexially rhe old men in power. I care about the ones who are not and who will be hurt by it, the young men and boys who didnt choose it.
>>1455142>>1455137>>1455140I do have aspergers and adhd but I am not a tranny.
>>1455138No, Muslims are bad people, they constantly commit crimes here.
No. 1455158
>>1455156guess what other group constantly commit crimes? men
there is not a single country on earth where a majority of all crimes are commited by women
No. 1455166
>>1455160you said muslims are bad people because they constantly commit crimes
ergo men are also bad people
No. 1455172
>>1455165I feel bad for men in general as I have shown in this thread, but I feel extra bad for trannies because they are very mentally ill and clearly not fit to serve. I would say the same for a depressed or schizophrenic man.
>>1455166There is an issue of degree. Our prisons are filled with them even though they are 5% of the population. Native males are overwhelmingly law abbiding, why would I hate them as criminals?
No. 1455188
>>1455181What? We have one of the lowest crime rates in the world in the native population. I am safe any hour of the day and night. Men and women help me on the street or anywhere when I need sth. I like living here.
>>1455179Now who is talking like a moid
No. 1455191
>>1455188you're an autist anon
they pity you
No. 1455195
>>1455192Sorry your country is so shit you cant even imagine it
>>1455191Aspergers is not autism!
No. 1455197
wait wait wait…. greek? now that rings a bell. how do I link replies from another board
this u?
>>>/ot/1078397>>>/ot/1078387>>>/ot/1078364>>>/ot/1078351>>>/ot/1078335>>>/ot/1078312the relentless replying and typing style are similar. now i'm convinced, it's a moid, and we all fell for it. he was caping for the entirely different side on the eurofag thread. it's over nonnas, we can go home.
No. 1455202
>>1455199No no it is very different. I am just on the spectrum
>>1455198Everyone I know treats me like a person!
>>1455197Wth no. I didnt even know we had a eurothread. That anon sounds unhinged and insane. She reminds me of the anons in this thread with her psychopathic takes.
No. 1455205
File: 1646181156665.png (731.16 KB, 1024x768, uglytroon.png)

it's hard to tell if they're joking or delusional, he looks a prehistoric downie
No. 1455218
File: 1646181533036.png (72.69 KB, 738x728, troonery.png)

that last comment… barf.
No. 1455230
File: 1646182102843.png (89.71 KB, 500x501, 1617912653768.png)

>>1455137probably a leftypol tranny from the reddit spacing, line by line counterpoints, and arrogant "charitability." leftist moids aren't our comrades and offer nothing to women. the only thing that has ever empowered women has been money.
No. 1455231
>>1455227sorry to break it to you, but Aspergers
>>1455156 is classified on the autism spectrum. So technically you are.
No. 1455236
>>1455233Dont call me retarded please, thanks
>>1455234No I am talking with anons about things they posted. I didnt come here to talk about my feelings in general.
No. 1455245
File: 1646183519869.png (274.46 KB, 588x604, tortured artist.png)

>>1455180no he is playing the strong-
victim/tortured-artist role inspired by their plight atm. posting vids of them playing guitar and deleting all the old posts in relation to the shit fest so he doesn't have to see people calling him a creep or calling him out for lying.
He even deleted his "i got assaulted uwu" self harm post.
I'm thinking of posting some old screen caps and my assumptions on the guy. cause he fits the cringey stereotypes so hard I wanna call him out on it a it.
picrel he starts of with "i'm so bad at guitar" bullshit. dude has played multiple bands before his covid opps I'm a tranny episode. He knows he can play and the false modesty thing is something he regularly does to the people around him to undermined them. Cause he did it to the gender confused girl 10 years younger than him he was semi-grooming earlier this year.
No. 1455246
>>1454939God I’m so fucking excited to see useless moids like you die in war very very very soon. We should make sites and subreddits fetishizing it where we can laugh how you all have to fight in wars that women got no say in, what do you think, ladies?
> cannon fodderTurns out the rape apes do have a useful purpose after all!
(relax) No. 1455249
File: 1646183744668.jpg (308.22 KB, 1080x1844, Screenshot_20220302-021500_Twi…)

>I pass, no one can tell I'm trans
>literally has faggot next to a trans flag tattooed on his arm
No. 1455257
File: 1646184426644.jpg (Spoiler Image,164.2 KB, 720x1084, 20220301_192445.jpg)

That feel when you play trannies at their own games and suddenly they dont like it (the one replying "are you serious?" Is the tranny)
No. 1455262
File: 1646184939534.jpeg (259.42 KB, 828x829, 8EA0683C-DC2C-436D-862A-74A405…)

The last few of these LA Dyke Days have been entirely AGPs. It’s so sad to see less women every year at them
No. 1455275
File: 1646185704354.png (506.28 KB, 590x716, timeline.png)

>>1455256Okay I will start with the basics that I gathered for context.
Sterotype wise a 32 divorcee miod. Seems like he was a bi-sexual man who repressed a lot of stuff and was part of the alt scene and had the classic scrawny long hair metal head vibe.
Was married but luckily no kids, started flirting with the idea of fucking it all over and transitioning so he can live out his delusions as a woman cause the idea of settling down and being married and playing the straight guy role wasn't what he felt was right.
literally started fucking about behind his wife's back online tranny chasing in the last year of their marriage most likely by the looks of it.
No. 1455278
File: 1646186165226.png (173.53 KB, 652x1338, ok.png)

all these words just to say absolutely nothing that proves trannies belong in feminist discussions. why are moids like this?
No. 1455281
>>1455275>cosplaying as a married man That poor fucking wife
No. 1455284
I'm already getting advertisements for women's history month that feature TIMS. I hate this.
>>1455281agree, have seen too many emo fags that troon out or become "nonbinaries".
No. 1455316
File: 1646190973372.png (Spoiler Image,1.43 MB, 1630x1262, nsfw sexuality collage.png)

>>1455275His issues with his sexuality seem to be the main reason, and really seem like a super unhealthy cope to me.
And its really just playing out like a midlife crisis with extra steps at this point.
married> cheats thru degen behavior> divorce> starts fucking anything a decade younger than him if they let him.
His transition so far seems mostly fueled by his repressed sexual urges so far. Hence why he has faggot tattooed on his arm, talks about being dominated and roughed up and while being called faggot usually by other tran girls since we has worked his way into the Boston trans scene (whom most are also nearly a decade younger than him), and if he considers fucking a cis person (or you know someone not easy to manipulate and mentally damaged as him) they have to "look like an elf or they can beat him up".
That being said its still bi-sexual at best because he still very much wants to stick his dick in things and gets off on dominating others.
Oct/November last year he started online grooming a 22 gender confused girl TIF who had shown interest in him. Getting her involved in the tranny circle he is part of and encouraging her to start an only fans to fund a flight out to visit him. She unfortunately ticks a lot of the stereotypes involved with that herself, but generally when I find mentally unstable 32 year olds grooming 22 mental unstable people into shit I tend to think worse of the older person in the relationship honestly. It got to the point she considered herself a "girl who thinks she is a guy who thinks she is a girl" and started larping as a tranny herself to fit in with the tranny circle she got involved in that he is relate to.
He started a rather unhinged relationship with her, where they considered each other "partners" but he still considered himself single/poly because he was still open to the other younger trannys in his areas advances if possible. Seems to of cooled off in the last few weeks most likely due to his commitment issues and the rather debasing way their sex life played out on occasion. That and his issues of using her as an emotional crutch for his own mental health issues and
victim complex.
No. 1455328
File: 1646192509640.png (348.57 KB, 1488x400, 0.png)

Yes, yes we can.
No. 1455354
File: 1646194974393.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.39 MB, 2404x4096, FAd2JHpUUAMP1rX.jpg)

>>1455343gwyndolin's my husband i mean that
No. 1455373
>>1455275>>1455316I just realized I know this person from my formative years (10+ years ago). Anon hit the nail on the head. You could tell he wasn’t straight and was in a band back then.
Im not shocked to hear he groomed someone. The degenerate onlyfans caught me off guard. What a world we live in
No. 1455387
>>1455373>>1455359 tbf I think I need to back track a bit with the grooming thing. He wouldn't be the main perpetrator but more along the lines of someone who also got caught up in it and joined in.
cross referencing the other trans people in the group starting their only fans around the same time suggests a weird pyramid scheme kinda thing going on. Haven't figured out who started it and hence profits off it the most. But there is a more sociable tran-character who runs the discord they are in who had the 22 year old TIF orbiting them before this Kairi guy latched on and convinced them to partner up with.
They are also in a fetish poly/group? of sorts into pet play that was started by the more sociable trans and that is what the paw marks in the twitter names allude to.
The kairi guy has been orbiting the more sociable one named riley(previously lily I believe going back in twitter posts) and they where the person that encourage him to get the faggot tattoo it seems.
So yah going of discord mods being groomers stereotype and literally numerous members in their group starting only fans at similar times suggests there is another troon who is profiting off this degen bullshit.
No. 1455392
File: 1646199788798.png (135.18 KB, 1128x738, transdiydrpowers.png)

>>1455390samefagging. pic related from trans diy. seems like there's a possibility of a link anecdotally. i wonder if they meant bowers? someone should scrape reddit and archive all posts mentioning the big name doctors involved in SRS.
No. 1455395
File: 1646200074334.jpeg (327.66 KB, 755x1986, 018E746B-87D7-4500-A029-4A5E35…)

Actual content of the tiktok is irrelevant; cap included just for context of my reaction to the comment which made me legit GAG
No. 1455399
File: 1646200616270.jpeg (754.22 KB, 2893x1137, F532048B-41CB-4CF0-B1C0-8C3686…)

what the fuck is wrong with men
No. 1455405
>>1455012I guarantee you your little brother would never defend you like this is any male space.
>>1455399there's something endlessly funny to me about how badly they want to capture a little glimmer of being a woman, yet the hardeer they try the less they pass. Some of these men in this thread could probably pass as fat, older, plain/ugly women, mainly because society won't look too closely at them, but they insist on being Jessica Rabbit bombshells or children. They refuse to learn about what clothes/makeup/hair would suit them best, because their male socialization tells them they already know it all. I think a lot of them refuse to believe a woman could know more than him on any subject, so refuse to take advice in the way women do from each other because they liken any help as criticism. Needing constant validation is one of the most male traits there is, and men have been coddled so long they just can't deal with being told how to do something. They think they're "better" women because they know they're male.
I think it's the fact they come at "being a woman" in the most male way possible that makes me laugh. hurr i got long hair and i put socks in my bra this means i'mm a pretty woman now hurrrr. lmao
No. 1455432
>>1455020Egalitarian indoctrination had really made people forget how sex roles are used to uphold patriarchal systems. Males will always be sent to war because XYs are expendable. In nature, they are expendable. It's how they are designed. This is how their system functions. It is not discrimination or oppression to use men for war, it's their end of the deal. they created it to be this way. Women are commodified as a reproductive chattel and men are commodified as literal war fodder, but only some of the time. Otherwise they get to live freely at the expense of women.
What's worse now, is that reproduction and domestic labor/servitude has remained relatively unchanged for women. It's still expected of women. When is the last time men have had to put their lives on the line to defend what's "theirs"? Most men will live their entire lives without threat of violence, yet still be awarded a woman to be his domestic support slave.
This whole system is male bullshit btw and even if men were constantly in battle, it's still their doing and they're still forcing women to be pawns in their system. The fact that now they cry oppression and discrimination is actually fucking irritating. They whine even at the small pittance they're rarely ever asked to pay. Males are so worthless. Even oppressing women is literally too much to ask of them.
No. 1455472
File: 1646210815215.jpeg (154.38 KB, 700x475, 6E07B24F-36E0-4CF1-8485-B83F3E…)

>>1455456>you literally sound unhingedI am
No. 1455478
>>1455474Sounds made up
>>1455472Well, I appreciate the honesty.
No. 1455487
>>1455479No, I am not autistic
>>1455482>>1455483I dont think you understand how armies work. Disobedience means you get court martialed and probably executed, especially during war time. These guys are literally offered no real alternative.
No. 1455488
>>1455440"The state" aka the government is one arm of the patriarchal establishment. How often does it conscript males for literal, life threatening battle? And how often are women propagandized to be subservient to men? Hint it's all the time, it's especially bad in eastern Europe.
Btw men have to be conscripted because they're selfish hedonists who, like i said, whine and complain about mistreatment over every small thing. It's harder to propagandize men to die in a war than it is to propagandize women to have no self esteem and pledge herself to an XY parasite.
No. 1455489
>>1455487I don't think you understand how image boards work. Please make a twitter account to go scream into the void about the nasty woman not feeling bad for
abusive men.
No. 1455491
>>1455488I absolutely agree with your first paragraph. I absolutely abhor your second. Men are not hedonists for not wanting to be enslaved and murdered, wtf is wrong with you?
>>1455489I have been on imageboards for years and I hate twitter.
No. 1455495
File: 1646212335841.png (397.59 KB, 583x530, mark on butt from lewd twitch …)

>>1453876okay so with the NSFW work bathroom creeper pics collage from his old job that he got -assaulted- at. Which I can not yet confirm because all his old posts have been wiped from December and back.
From what I can gather he was running a semi lewd tranny twitch stream at the time and was using his twitter as a NSFW account for validation/sexual gratification/and to pander to his twitch audience presumably.
In one of the pics you can see the CUTE marker mark on his arse from the twitch stream the night before.
I had managed to screen cap this one because I wanted to reference it back to this but never got around to it.
But all traces of his old twitch are gone now I'm afraid.
No. 1455499
>>1455491They support the patriarchy to benefit them but refuse to uphold their end of the bargain. "Sent to die", honestly, it's an exaggeration. More wives are murdered by men, most often their husbands, and yet we rarely if ever tell women this truth. It's all about true love and family. Instead of telling men they're at risk of death, why not say they are just loving their nation??
If men need to wage war to keep their patriarchy going that's their fault. All the men crying how they don't want to go to war are the same who watch abuse porn, harass women, and expect a woman to sacrifice her life in service of him.
Your issue is that you don't think men are hypocritical, and self serving. They only care about suffering when it applies to them.
No. 1455502
>>1455496How am I missing the point? I am not antagonizing you, I legit find the position you present reprehensible.
>>1455497Not sure why you use sperg as an insult
No. 1455505
>>1455491Middle eastern moids literally flee from their countries if they are in any sort of danger or are.called to defend their nation, while the taliban (other men) strip away all rights for women and turn 12yo girls into sex slaves. They are self serving cowards and you should never listen to them crying about how being forced to fight for their own shit is oppression.
These are the poor men you're defending. These hypocritical, evil, whining bastards.
No. 1455510
>>1455505Anon, I am talking abou Europe here. And the Ukrainian men I saw trying to cross the borders came with their families, not alone like the Afghans.
>>1455504There is nothing wrong with being a sperg
No. 1455515
>>1455507I should cry for men, who uphold and benefit the patriarchy, when they are seldomly asked to go to boot camp and press a button to drone strike a random field because there might be some uwu softboys in the mix?
Sorry, your arguments are pedantic, annoying, and disruptive to any meaningful discussion. If I wanted "not all" and whataboutism I'd browse reddit.
No. 1455519
>>1455513You are disgusting for humanizing creatures that don't deserve your pity. You and people like you prolong suffering because you care more about coddling perpetrators over their
victims. You are absolutely vile. If more men were punished, hell, even just IGNORED instead of pitied, less innocent people would suffer needlessly.
No. 1455522
>>1455511You literally just hate men anon, you are not arguing in good faith
>>1455515You are calling out my arguments when you are enaging in the generalization of billion of people. You should be able to see the irony.
>>1455516Is it so weird to have emotions?
>>1455518I am just honest, not pathetic.
No. 1455523
File: 1646214077279.png (614.12 KB, 1130x1358, donate i'm poor.png)

>>1453876>>1455495so anyway that old job at the ice cream parlor ended around thanksgiving time, so end of November presumably.
The validation from the twitch steaming and what not fueled his lewd behavior cause it evolved into running an only fans account around October 13th. And I've looked into the other people that have started Only fans account in his group starting times and his pre-dates it. So it is quite possible he is the troon that has groomed the rest of them into thinking only fans is a great idea. So I guess my "32 old pervert tranny grooming the early 20's TIMs and TIF" senses was correct.
So when he stopped working at the job he was assaulted at he set him self up a lovely go fund me and managed to milk a bit of money out of it. And he had so much trouble getting unemployment apparently because he wasn't listed as terminated at his old work place when he left, so its quite possible he walked out on the job imo.
And as for the assault thing as I can recall I vaguely remember him mentioning something about being assaulted outside of a place in his older posts but I skimmed it at the time so I can't remember if it was work place related or just another "hate-crime" he tends to bring up on and off. And its gone now so I can't say for sure.
No. 1455526
>>1455519What perpetrators? None of us have any clue about who these men even are. You are calling them perpetrators simply because they are men, how does your mind even work?
>>1455520I will never go to twitter
>>1455521I dont care if it is an imageboard, i call out robots on their misogyny on their imageboard too.
(derailing) No. 1455530
File: 1646214358819.png (46.31 KB, 597x413, evil ex.png)

>>1455503thought you might enjoy this then. she made sure to rub it in how much of a dirt bag moid he is at court it looks like.
No. 1455532
File: 1646214408089.png (456.84 KB, 500x500, MuhGoodBoys.png)

>>1455527As if there is anything wrong with that. Arrogant anon rees we do not agree with her kek.
No. 1455533
File: 1646214415640.jpeg (1.33 MB, 2137x3273, 9A719B27-9C46-4A2C-8D6D-A72704…)

everyone point and laugh at the man who thinks he and troons alike look like women because real women are too considerate and kind to misgender them irl even though anyone paying enough attention would be suspicious
No. 1455534
File: 1646214479109.png (504.85 KB, 1042x1042, transparent.png)

i'm no artist but i did my best
based on several true stories
No. 1455535
>>1455278The frustrating thing about explaining socialization to men, is that, as the saying goes, one can't see the doors that are open.
My brother and I are a year apart in age. Our parents considered themselves very progressive. We were raised with feminist ideals in mind. Guess which two of the four of us washed the dishes.
My brother and I are adults now. He hates misogynist men and has no loyalty to men in general. He doesn't conform to gender roles. When he and his girlfriend come to visit me, or I them, guess which two of the three of us wash the dishes.
I love him, but he, like all men, was raised to take advantage of women's labor, and he is blind to it. If I asked him to do chores, it's likely that he would, but never without being asked if there was a woman around to do it for him.
There are millions of things that girls are trained to do–cooking, cleaning, showing compassion, giving comfort/encouragement, remembering preferences, mediating conflict, arranging dates, nursing the sick, child rearing, etc–and there are millions of things boys are trained to do, including devaluing and ignoring the work of the women they love. We are aware of what they do. They can't see what we do.
I'm really concerned that girls are now being taught they're not allowed to acknowledge this.
No. 1455537
>>1455528You are not arguing in good faith because you already hate men. So you just dont care about them. Some disgusting men on porn sites are not representative of billions.
>>1455527I cant help with that, sorry that your experiences with them were terrible, but this is not sth that justifies your generalizations and hate. I understand that you need to vent, but dont do it in relation to damn conscripts!
No. 1455539
>>1455535Just don't wash the dishes then anon kek
Tell your moid relatives to do it, you're an adult
No. 1455541
>>1455530GOOD FOR HER
She should come here to look at how much people love him uwu
No. 1455545
File: 1646214761576.gif (82.38 KB, 319x240, tumblr_ogvb7thAu01uajvwdo1_400…)

where are the jannies when they're needed..
No. 1455547
>>1455535blogging but i still remember the first time i found myself in the kitchen during a family gathering preparing meals and doing the dishes with the other women
meanwhile all the men (including my father and brother) were sitting in the living room watching television
i went from being a kid who played on the floor to being a woman doing "woman's work" in an instant
No. 1455548
>>1455537Pick-mes are cancer. Literally going out to bat for men who, if they ever go to war, will rape women, all while saying "uhmmm sorry it sounds like you were abused by a man so like lol shut up that's your problem???"
Only humanizing moids. Us stupid irrational women don't deserve shitm
No. 1455550
>>1455543I hope that you will one day be freed of your hatred and be able to be happy
>>1455542No way that is true, you just choose to believe it because it justifies your worldview.
>>1455540I cant have a conversation then? I am not really seething, I am more dissappointed and saddened.
>>1455538I care about good men and hate bad men. My stance is much better that everyone else in this thread who just blidnly hate every man.
No. 1455552
File: 1646215197005.jpeg (65.5 KB, 665x599, 1F1987B8-8881-4853-9445-190098…)

>>1455550>no way that’s true Open your fucking eyes retard.
No. 1455553
File: 1646215216663.png (1.74 MB, 906x1702, dont let them hit you its not …)

>>1455536on the predator note…
I was iffy about posting the 22 year old TIF he was grooming because she is pretty cringe and I feel a bit bad for her. He roughed her up quite a bit in the name of a lewd time and its super uncomfy. Loved bombed her hard as well but just recently it she seems like she has cut ties thou. Even removed the paw prints from her twitter hand that signified her being part of that pet play bdsm tranny group.
So maybe she smartened up about how it was unhinged as fuck to be passed around and roughed up by the trannies.
But in these photos you can see when they started driving up to meet each other and hang out and she started getting covered in giant bruises and started wearing a fucking collar.
No. 1455557
File: 1646215500772.jpg (860.12 KB, 2048x2051, woosh.jpg)

>>1454783he's SO close to getting it
No. 1455558
File: 1646215669721.png (106.95 KB, 604x530, fetish related.png)

>>1455553And a lot of the more dom related lewd posts he has made that I posted over here
>>1455316 where in relation to her. Well they like to be called "it" which just speaks highly of her mental state.
And it seems jumping into the tranny deep end has made him a lot more open about his fetishes in general.
Admitting to partaking in consensual non consent and stating his favorite fetish ins BBLG dynamic or what ever its called where he gets to play the mommy/care giver and the people he fucks are role play as children I'm assuming. And all the wonderful tie ins with pedo bullshit that role play has.
Which makes sense a bit since all the targets of his affection have been people nearly a decade younger that him since the divorce.
No. 1455560
>>1455553That picture of him creeping behind her with the dolls creepy asf he looks like an inbred albino chimpanzee that's been segregated for beating the other chimps to death. Not to mention taking pictures of your injured sleeping
child gf & posting it online as it a "cute vulnerable" moment ychromes die
No. 1455561
File: 1646215988465.jpg (417.51 KB, 4624x2604, IMG_20220302_120643.jpg)

>>1455549Just so that you will stop calling me moid
>>1455548Wth anon, I said that her personal experiences are clouding her judgement. I never dehumanized her, although she is dehumanizing all men.
>>1455552I am not retarded.
>>1455556No I know many men are bad people. I dont agree with the fact that because some of them are bad then men in general deserve the injustice of male only conscription.
(no one cares) No. 1455562
>>1455539As I said, he would clean if I asked him to, but not if I didn't. We shouldn't have to tell men to clean up after themselves. Men are socialized to take women's work for granted.
>>1455547I remember that too. I've heard variations of that story from women all over the world.
No. 1455564
>>1455557"thousands of women are abused, raped, trafficked and murdered every day"
>b-but trans women are being denied access to baffrooms guise :^(("millions of people have lost their jobs due to the pandemic"
>b-but trans women are affected way worse in the workforce :^("Ukraine is being invaded and black people are being disproportionally discriminated"
>b-but twans womyn cant leave:^((it's always about them, every time any issue comes up they are most affected and deserving of attention. moid behavior all the way down.
No. 1455572
File: 1646216513217.png (418.27 KB, 592x513, questionable twitch stream.png)

>>1455495oh I found another of his twitch stream reference screen caps. I just capped this cause i thought it was funny creepy he looked tbh
No. 1455575
>>1455563If I wanted to be hugboxed I would not be here
>>1455565>>1455570There nothing wrong with my hands, they are normal
>>1455567Yes you are being bad. I never said it is not allowed.
>>1455571It is not about what she likes but about what she dislikes or in this case hates. It is like asking /pol/ about their opinion on black people, you wont get a thoufhtful anser but just hate.
(newfag) No. 1455582
>>1455561How old are you?
I haven't been keeping up with the conversation, but I just want to let you know that in case you don't know, the culture on image boards is purposefully mean spirited for fun. If you start feeling hurt, please take a break and try to remind yourself that no one knows who you are, and so no one was attacking you personally.
Unfortunately, the world is not a good place for women. Men do unspeakable things to us. The majority of the worst crimes are committed by men, and the majority of men consume violent pornography.
I know it's hard to hear people say that men are monsters when some of the people you love are men, but try to think of it this way: If someone says "all men are bad", and the men you love are good, then they're not the ones being discussed.
No. 1455583
>>1455580>>1455581I am not ugly or fat! And the men in my life love and appreciate me.
>>1455582I am 19. I know how people on imageboards are and I guess I spend too much time trying to talk, ADHD makes me hyperfocus.
I know many men are terrible human beings who should be jailed for life, my issue is with so many anons here justifying male only conscription on that basis. The men I love will be included in that! They will have to pay for what other men according to the anons here even though they are nothing like these men.
(ban-evading sperg) No. 1455604
File: 1646221604280.png (357.84 KB, 1672x1216, angry autistic moid who does n…)

>>1455553 okay and I'm about done. It was funny reading thru his twitter. thank you for the recommendation nonnies.
To wrap up.
He also checks the autistic angry sperg stereotype, and honestly has many cases of not passing as good as he thinks he does he mentions. So there is a bit of a disconnect there, but when isn't there with troons honestly?
Also he really likes mentioning knifes.
I hope it was milky nonnies and you enjoyed it as much as I did.
No. 1455608
>>1455405>>1455012>>1455016Why the fuck do these remind me of a certain ukranian boy who got banned on lolcow and who has a sister? He is still banned on lolcow as of now and seems to thrive on some other
tranny hating platform. Something is eerily similar, is he an oddity?
No. 1455610
>>1455608Samefag here
I have records of his name from a deleted thread
No. 1455616
>>1455605I know hence why I said it's kinda cringe. But I'm clocking her has a female.
She seems pretty determined to not stick to a real label as such. Which is why she prefers being called "it" most of the time I guess.
And the larping as a mtf started when she started orbiting riley I believe or when kairi started sliding into those dm's regularly after she simped for him too.
Further back in her post history she started off just alluding to she is male and drinking beer in the shower is "gender reaffirming". It really seems like a wanna be edgy and special mental illness at the most than proper trans shit since she cant stick to her identity shit properly.
No. 1455627
>>1455624>>1455608cont. samefag
He seriously needs to be a cow ever since complainbragging about being banned from lolcow and how much he "left ukraine for good" (hint: He still expresses the need to miss the country, currently in some western country not russia) from time to time. Don't ask me for his instagram records, I deleted it long ago.
No. 1455630
>>1455585I love you,
nonnie, don’t pay attention to the other
nonnie, marry me instead.
No. 1455645
>>1455635Pardon, his old trans name was Ashley. I knew him when he was a man and had his deadname.
Can confirm that he hangs out with people younger than him though. He was hanging out with high schoolers when he was 4 years older back in the day. It seems his behavior hasn’t changed much since then.
His Instagram is the same handle as his twitter and also entertaining.
No. 1455651
>>1455645>>1455635Ashley is still his current official name tbf. He changed his online name shortly before he got his new job, me thinks to try and create some plausible deniability possibley? or just make it harder his to find his twitter out right since he was originally going by his current legal name.
dumb fuck posted his name change documents as well.
His dead name does start with the same letter which is cute.
No. 1455660
File: 1646229596196.jpg (275.34 KB, 1080x1397, Screenshot_20220303-005638_Ins…)

if you guys care enough to squint you can read his dead name in its full glory here.
No. 1455665
>>1455561>>1455575What disgusting bullshit.
>>1455506 and
>>1455511 not
>>1455527 who did nothing wrong.
I wasn’t arguing in bad faith. The absolute hilarity of a teenaged handmaiden with a cognitive disability accusing me of having impaired judgement. Which of my life experiences are you aware of? Everything I said was totally reasonable. When will misogynists like you stop with the “bad experience” dismissal. You know nothing about me and it seems you hate women more than you like men.
Common sense would tell you that someone treating
you well doesn’t automatically make them a good person. You want to paint us as narrow minded etc when you’re doing the exact same thing and can’t even look at the people around you objectively. You don’t know what a ‘good man’ even is.
If in your own words, modern warfare is just long distance killing, the people at elevated risk are female soldiers and civilians. Male conscripted soldiers are worse people than women, so why would you play Russian roulette with everybody? You are biased in favour of your brother and would sacrifice good people in his place so you actually cannot claim any higher moral standing. The draft was created by men and the military is worse for women, so it’s literally you who is arguing in bad faith under the guise of being a caring big sister.
Another anon said it and it’s true your precious brother wouldn’t go online to argue with other men in your favour over anything, ask him. I’m also not dehumanising anyone. You brought up populations and I pointed out that humanity doesn’t need that many adult men.
No. 1455670
File: 1646230466586.jpeg (320.87 KB, 1046x1910, EzlUq0BUYAAA4uy.jpeg)

i have no words
No. 1455672
File: 1646230664663.png (5.49 MB, 2048x1536, miod.png)

>>1455656I personally like this one the best
No. 1455677
File: 1646231081779.jpeg (467.1 KB, 1209x2208, 19E4E144-758B-4CB7-95D0-73DDB7…)

>>1455670More accurate version.
No. 1455678
>>1455673one first name, two middle names and a last name that matches up with the go fund me posted earlier.
>>1455523I can't make out the second name tbh.
But from what I can see it says Andrew __can't read__ Victor Carrera
No. 1455700
File: 1646233112105.jpg (44.34 KB, 710x517, 1507100180577.jpg)

>>1455042Or maybe the mad doctors mutilating innocent people and CHILDREN in the Research Hall is a better troon allegory than the bs he's spouting in that tweet.
No. 1455802
File: 1646240880799.png (2.06 MB, 1080x1533, Screenshot_20220226-231424.png)

The look on his daughters face as she has to be photographed next to her pervert dad in a mini dress.. She knows all her friends at school will see this shit.
No. 1455810
File: 1646241368883.jpg (124.71 KB, 768x768, 9r75szjtrx681.jpg)

>>1455808*40 years old. Also. Went from looking like an absolute beta moid to an absolute beta moid with shitty makeup.
No. 1455813
File: 1646241433765.jpeg (361.2 KB, 1170x1116, 0E8F26C7-49B7-4C23-84F9-49BF1A…)

have they never heard of… talk therapy?
mentally ill children should be going to therapy not medically experimented on
No. 1455826
>>1454719>then kill us for not passing>especially cis womenhow many women have killed trannies? how many men? yet it's 'especially' cis women.
>y'all love seeing the girls struggle to feel safe and beautifulthey are such perpetual
victims oh my god
No. 1455830
>>1455828but I'd deadass just tell CPS he jacks off in my clothes in front of me or some shit
I hate troons too, but that's just wrong.
No. 1455834
File: 1646242327651.jpg (209.39 KB, 1280x853, uwutroon.jpg)

i have no words for this male creature i just found
No. 1455837
File: 1646242605697.png (14.87 KB, 601x124, 43254354534543.PNG)

No. 1455846
File: 1646243030179.jpg (558.92 KB, 1598x2048, FMteL9tVcAIGPiC.jpg)

stop responding to the greek sperg and post more hideous trannies please
No. 1455849
File: 1646243167652.png (443.77 KB, 445x593, gm6qyn04vwk81.png)

>>1455846good thing i just browsed through reddit
No. 1455866
>>1454776It does feel like we're just being reduced to body parts, moreso than ever, it's completely dehumanising. I booked a cervical smear the other day and it read 'people with cervixes' on the website. Yes, obviously it's for people with cervixes, it's a cervical smear. The word your looking for is women.
>>1455218How many more posts will they make on Reddit asking this question? A quick google will tell you the classic 'I get so euphoric I pop a boner when I put on a dress, I'm worried this is a just fetish am I not actually trans?' has been asked tens if not hundreds of times.
No. 1455870
>>1455390Might just be because they're all gigacoomers and they've wanked so hard and so much that they did it to themselves. I looked up the Wikipedia page on this disease and it said "it is likely due to a buildup of plaque inside the penis due to repeated mild sexual trauma or injury during sexual intercourse or physical activity."
> mild sexual trauma or injury during [nonstop wank sessions]The scrotes who edit Wikipedia don't want to admit they're doing this to themselves lmao.
No. 1455875
>>1455866For a cervical smear!? “People with cervix’s” disgusting.
It makes me feel so reduced but also like I’m actually heading towards their wierd dystopian wank fodder of a breeding farm. Oh look Alex this one was born with a cervix, once the uwu bRaVe trans women have finished breastfeeding and cooming over it throw it back to the cervix peoples pen to be prepped ready for their breeding.
I hate that they’ve distorted our language so much to reduce us like this, I’m sure that doesn’t happen with mens health.
No. 1455883
File: 1646246043210.png (3.51 MB, 1080x4476, uwuman.png)

I found this review on Amazon, and keked heartily when I clicked the full image and saw this man was shirtless.
No. 1455898
>>1455843Don't let the freaks wear you down
nonny, I love you. Just being you unapologetically is the most revolutionary thing you can do. The fact that you are a woman without doing any of that EuPhOrIc "feminine" shit drives them mad. And if any fuckers tries to enforce the fucking roles on you, just play stupid and ask them to elaborate why they ask your pronouns or assume you are anything else but a woman.
t. tfw no butch gf No. 1455907
File: 1646247449324.jpeg (162.6 KB, 828x1408, 51A5E49B-F173-419E-804F-43E0DF…)

>>1455802God I feel so bad for kids with tranny fathers.
No. 1455911
>>1455875It’s very sexist. There are all sorts of terms they want to replace woman with, like “uterus havers” or “cervix havers”. You never hear about “testicle havers” or “prostate havers” to refer to men though.
It’s because deep down these trannies know what parts belong to which sex, and calling them “prostate haver” would remind them that they are men.
It’s just plain hating and seething about women so they want to dehumanize them. There would probably be more of a stand against troons if institutions started calling any male services “for prostate havers”.
No. 1455935
File: 1646249479598.png (488.92 KB, 594x506, 43456454564564.PNG)

Look at this fucking Troglodyte lmao.
No. 1456011
File: 1646256589676.jpg (218.82 KB, 973x1574, 20220302_152224.jpg)

>>1456004>now youve got boomer coomers posting shit like this in complete sincerity and exhibitionistic compulsionAgreed - exhibitionism goes hand-in-hand with a sissy fetish.
>I actually forgot I was wearing them and went out shopping with them on without realizing it.I zoomed in to laugh at the back hair I could see from the unexpanded image, and noticed a shitty blur tool was used (but only on the roots kek?) so he really put time and effort (relative to moids) into this particular image.
No. 1456020
File: 1646257016595.jpeg (1.16 MB, 960x1369, 1E77FCF2-4B44-4891-925F-DA0B7C…)

>>1455802I found the second pic on his instagram. God he’s such a narc.
No. 1456021
File: 1646257068430.jpeg (898.5 KB, 960x1333, 57838226-D20C-424E-AB91-9B5E4E…)

>>1456020He’s got no sex appeal at all. Look at those fucking frog legs.
No. 1456048
File: 1646258892116.jpg (124.56 KB, 828x1472, FLZ_7AWWQAQIDvP.jpg)

He rarely post his picture without snow filters, I can see he's trying too hard beneath that mask. Also he's tall af
(sage bc not milk)
No. 1456050
File: 1646259320118.png (314.11 KB, 601x397, bathroom update.png)

It's a bright new day and our boy is driving about after his night binge on some drug or other. Of course he doesn't believe in keeping his hands on the steering wheel while he films himself driving down the highway.
His personal safety and the safety of others have never been a concern for him I guess.
>tried to get video from rest stop.
>turns out you can't get videos from in the bathroom?! (duh)
>went to police for realsies this time guys.
>they said since I took so long to report and it was just my word against her's and of course my striking evidence I took of my face in the car, the most she can get is a probation.
>which is fine I guess, ~I don't want to ruin her life or anything~.
I hope the cops take one look at the shitty photo he took and calls him out on his bullshit.
No. 1456054
File: 1646259717166.png (1.19 MB, 1300x799, image_2022-03-02_172200.png)

>>1456021This is hilariously unsexy, Holy shit.
No. 1456085
File: 1646261857843.jpg (109.25 KB, 943x641, 20220302_165723.jpg)

>>1456083that was a quick delete kek
No. 1456103
File: 1646262812836.png (458.29 KB, 599x484, hgsdf.png)

So what was the name of the alt girl you fell in love with in high school and never got over obsessing about?
>>1456100>Please if you wanna larp as a girl at least try and practice some common sense safety techniques most woman incorporate in their day to day lives.He's a man, he doesn't have to think about this shit in a world fully catering to his needs.
No. 1456112
File: 1646263102039.png (16.25 KB, 849x562, 1640084193840.png)

>>1456091I bet someone linked the thread for him. Twansphoobia twiggews them so much, but they cannot help but read what people say about them, the narcissists they are.
If the blue haired coomer scrote is here know this - here we are anonymous, so we can say exactly what we think about you. The people around you smile and nod, but inside they see the exact same things we see. They are just afraid of losing face and their reputation to the mentally ill mob you belong to. Trust me. I know trans people in real life and online, and act like they are my fucking friends. But behind your backs people exchange looks. People cannot handle being around you (except other scrotes when they want their nuts empty), they are tired of walking on egg shells. It's fucking exhausting interacting with people like you.
That is why you cannot keep a job, friends, anything. Only people that accepts you is other mentally ill fetishists. Well, being like a normal functional person who does not take identifying tranny dick pics in their fucking WORKPLACE on COMPANY TIME would help with the job stuff.
No. 1456122
File: 1646263957571.jpg (166.21 KB, 960x951, tumblr_77523c333dc2fa325a9c15a…)

>>1456119You must have ascended to a higher level of terfie conciousness than ever thought possible! Good job
But for real, what
>>1456120 said. Be careful though - being hyper-vigilant of troonies quickly evolves into some weird
toxic tradthot shit where any "non-feminine" aspect of a woman is bad
No. 1456126
>>1456003It’s okay,
nonnie, you can always date a tranny, just remember to duck when he tries to hit you with his bloodied dilator.
No. 1456130
>>1455672Holding a facemask, so presumbly during the last 2 years. Is he relatively recently "out" then? And already the historionics and
abusive behaviour are off the scale.
No. 1456140
File: 1646264981960.jpg (30.45 KB, 197x738, double kek.jpg)

>>1456113I thought the same thing kek
No. 1456165
File: 1646268889850.jpg (58.04 KB, 620x465, it's a fetish.jpg)

>>1456152I know,
nonny, I know.
No. 1456238
File: 1646273832073.jpg (533.2 KB, 1080x2062, tranny theory.jpg)

No. 1456239
>>1456226Sage for tinfoil but I don’t think this video exists. If it did the police could get it if they wanted it, after all assault is a crime and one with video and physical evidence would be an easy shut case no?
Loony troony wanted attention, scratched up his own face and made up a story (like he did what? 20 days prior) about being attacked in a bathroom for asspats on Twitter. As soon as anyone calls into question his story he back peddles.
If this story and subsequent video existed, you could guarantee he’d blow it the fuck up on social media. He’d be on the phone to every new station in the world shilling his story, advancing his career and getting those oh so tasty asspats on the internet. He’d end up with a job as some trans advisory somewhere. When the court case came (because there would be one with a story blown so big and wide) you’d have every TRA in the country staging protests and calling for a harsher than normal sentencing. The woman would be doxed, loose her livelihood and maybe even access to her own children, her job opportunities ruined and a lengthy prison sentence.
So I don’t believe one word this opportunist has so say.
No. 1456254
File: 1646275180242.jpg (440.4 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20220302-213615_Tik…)

his whole account is milky material. I wish i could post some of his vids but for some reason i can't
No. 1456281
>>1456050Of course you can't get video from INSIDE a bathroom, that's illegal. I think he pretended not to know this so that later he could "find out" this commonly known fact and use it as an excuse for why he can't catch her.
Oh, this woman physically attacked and hurt me for no reason isn't that EVIL everybody? But uhhhhh actually i don't wanna ruin her life or anything so, uh… Let's just brush everything under the rug… definitely NOT because I made all of this up, though, no. Out of the goodness of my heart! Once again I am a martyr. Donate pls.
No. 1456293
File: 1646278333946.jpeg (63.65 KB, 716x861, 59CE83C4-ED51-4599-8F96-A4AC23…)

>>1456262not just the winged liner though, the particularly bad and garish winged liner. can they not see that it doesn't look like the makeup they're trying to imitate? does autistic face blindness go that far? or is it because no one wants to criticize them and
trigger a meltdown? picrel.
No. 1456307
File: 1646279618874.jpeg (434.31 KB, 750x889, AE0ECF15-2891-4A31-9112-EC03B4…)

kek that back, no lesbian wants your ugly man ass
No. 1456321
>>1456085 thats three "lol"s in one post.
absolutely seething
No. 1456326
File: 1646282023703.jpg (48.92 KB, 460x540, 1645919037455.jpg)

>>1456065Good post anon, I don't think that anon understands the culture here, but
>Women aren't going to benefit when they're solely responsible for several children, suffering blistering cold as a refugee and vulnerable.Let's not lie to ourselves. This is still much better than being drafted to the frontlines of a war. Ukrainian women have a shit deal in general, domestic violence is insane there, but right now they have the best deal. Which is still very much enforced by super patriarchal men though.
No. 1456327
File: 1646282057149.png (375.26 KB, 1000x1000, rtraaaans.png)

>>1455677Hyper real version
No. 1456329
>>1455870kek sounds about right.
and if I remeber correctly kairi guy said he masturbated 20-30 mins per a wank session on average IF he can cum. cause girldick has its issues I guess~
So yah maybe that's why troops have is more often?
No. 1456332
>>1456329 sorry autocorrect. troons not troops. thought I might just clarify since we have been talking about Ukraine and Russian troops. and its not related to that.
No. 1456355
File: 1646285121385.png (101.77 KB, 1080x929, Trans women are biological wom…)

sounds like cope
No. 1456367
File: 1646286482620.jpg (129.32 KB, 750x1112, FMzSJjmXwAAqSoM.jpg)

what is this even trying to say
No. 1456375
>>1456355>would that make a diabetic who takes insulin so they can process glucose a "biological sugarblood"?it makes them a diabetic, yes they have to much sugars in their blood bravo. just call it diabetic like a normal person.
even if we fix their problem they are still diabetic cause its a treatment to manage symptoms not a cure. So they would still be "biological sugarbloods" as you call it.
>you would only treat them differently if you had some weird reason to do so. like some intolerance to diabetics? Yes I would treat them differently because diabetics need to be treated differently to survive. You need to be aware on signs they are sick and be able to help them in case of emergency. If you help care for one you need to manage their diet and monitor their sugar levels constantly especially if they are type 1 and born with it. Just because they take insulin it does not make them biologically normal. Insulin is not a cure to make it all go away. They are still "biological sugarbloods" as you called it.
This cope doesn't even make sense. I'm resisting real hard not to med fag here.
No. 1456381
>>1455530I've noticed that troons always talk about other people making them crying or crying over twansphobic comments, but it's probably just them reee-ing over the keyboard and thinking violent male thoughts, right? But because that isn't "ladylike" they talk about crying girl-tears instead because we all know women cry constantly.
As far as I've seen, women don't tweet about crying as much as TIMs do–heck, even as a bipolar woman I can hardly allow myself to cry–so whenever I see TIMs talk about crying it just feels like a fetish (like everything else they say).
tl;dr: Performative moid tears are a fetish
No. 1456385
>>1456293Oh yeah they don't understand that terribly-applied makeup isn't the same as doing it well as long as you put the effort in.
I'm 28 and I can't do winged eyeliner to save my life, so i just don't fucking do it! They automatically enter what I've come to think of as bulletproof girlmode and all the shitty eyeliner, unblended foundation and lipstick on teeth goes unremarked on because "stunning and brave".
No. 1456390
>>1455677next threadpic
I love the dedication to replicating their shitty eye makeup. Thanks for a good kek, anon
No. 1456391
>>1456355This is so dumb.
Taking hormones doesn't make a trans woman a woman, because without those hormones she's just Steve. Without the insulin I take, I'm still a woman. Suck it.
No. 1456397
>>1456021I feel so so bad for his daughter. He posted her face to reddit and tied her to this for life.
I feel like we should take down
>>1455802 because it isn't fair to have her innocent face on the farms next to her mess of a dad
No. 1456414
File: 1646290747582.png (764.36 KB, 1852x1376, sudden but inevitable transiti…)

>>1456375Yeah, this
>>1456355 is honestly the dumbest and most intellectually lazy cope I have seen. I had a sense they went to a low tier school for that "neuroscience" degree so did some stalking and lo and behold (picrel, sorry for shit quality and for spergging). Bad school and bad grades leading to med school rejections, trying to prove intelligence on reddit but being called out by actual med school students, coping by turning to reddit all the time, suddenly becomes trans during pandemic amidst failure to integrate into society. It's honestly textbook.
No. 1456419
nonnie you did well. ty
it's a shame about the transition he looks like he could of passed as a regular miod if it wasn't coping so hard about his intellect.
No. 1456422
File: 1646291854385.png (371.81 KB, 596x935, uwu grippy socks.png)

>>1456418he isn't very good at that either tbh.
No. 1456436
File: 1646293417279.jpg (320.21 KB, 1084x2048, r3lXRmyvaOw.jpg)

Repulsive fat ass trannie is obsessed over Randy Stair, another mentally ill tranny retard who deadnamed his coworkers before deadnaming himself in 2017. Adriana Blaze basically spends all his time defending Randy's new name and pronouns on Twitter. He is 25, never graduated from college/university and lives with his parents. Doesn't work and never will since he is severely mentally retarded (like all members of his Jewish family). person is severely demented and deserves a KF thread as well.
No. 1456444
File: 1646294019868.jpg (143.94 KB, 870x635, SIJmWDMV_44.jpg)

The best way to make him angry is to misgender his dead wifey lol
No. 1456449
File: 1646294360438.jpg (154.49 KB, 1327x440, tranny faggot.jpg)

It's incredible that even ADAM FUCKING LANZA has the whole community of thirsty teenagers and mentally deficient adults who love him
No. 1456450
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No. 1456453
>>1456444listing all the clothes off like it somehow makes him a woman… moid leggings where a moid thing back in the day. Wearing them doesn't magically make you more female. He is fixated of playing dress ups because its a fucking fetish, he has a distorted idea of what it is to be a woman and it boils down to spinny skirts and flippy dresses. Thats not woman hood.
And he's says "not gay cause I don't like men? BUT he thinks he is a fucking woman… If he is as much as a female as he says he is, liking other females would you technically gay. Unless you strawman and go ~tee hee~ she didn't ask me if I was a lesbian.
Stick to one story instead of spinning these nonsensical circles, fucking miods.
No. 1456472
>>1456436I don't understand that mentality. Like even creepy girls on tumblr worship mass shooters. What sets it off? Surely it must be a combination of some types of mental illness.
People are strange creatures.
No. 1456477
>>1456472It's called hybristophillia(sp?), having a fetish for criminals. It mostly stems from the delusion of "I could change him, I wouldn't be like all the women he killed, I'm different". Look up into any true crime blog/tag and you'll see retards thirst over shooters/killers
sorry for offtopic
No. 1456479
>>1456185I want to know what percentage of trans people who DID transition end up trying to kill themselves, what is the supposed success rate of "preventing trans suicide due to not being able to transition". If this is supposedly saving lives then surely they'd want to keep track of such a serious thing?
And I want to know what percentage of trans people are STILL depressed and mentally ill after transitioning. I've personally never seen a mentally healthy and stable person claim to be trans, yet they insist 99% of their mental issues are due to not being able to transition. So why are they all still depressed? (I'm sure they'll try to blame "transphobia" after realizing they're still not happy like they were promise they would be)
And what percentage of trans people now have life long medical complications specifically from transitioning? I have not seen a single trans surgery of any kind for either mtf or ftm NOT have complications, and usually very serious ones. But they all brush it under the rug.
No. 1456483
>>1456479ofc they aren't keeping track properly. There is a lot of money to be made of their self destructive impulses.
Reminds me of the smoking for health campaigns in the 1930s to 1950s.
No. 1456490
>>1456355I can't fucking believe this guy is a "biologist". Does it mean he has just read a couple Wikipedia articles?
>>1456327LMAO I love the detail of the fake boob thing wrinkling
No. 1456498
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>>1456355>>1456414I had a little snoop around as well.
cackled at this.
No. 1456566
>>1456525>this framing insinuates that trans feminine people are the patriarchyeven by their logic, it literally doesn't? It insinuates that they
were in the past. It's so self centered too
>TIFs talking about their experiences of misogyny>BUT WHAT ABOUT MEEE No. 1456573
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thanks again, r/mtfselfietrain
No. 1456580
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>>1456573sorting by controversial never gets old
No. 1456583
>>1456580god he is so misshapen I wouldn't be surprised if his hormone levels where wack to begin with before he considered the tranny delusions.
There are some obvious genetic faults in that creature.
No. 1456587
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No. 1456595
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>>1456587There's nothing that men won't try to get off on huh
No. 1456607
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The jokes write themselves
No. 1456624
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"a trans girl without her diapers is like an angel without its wings"
No. 1456633
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>>1456580Humpty Dumpty done trooned out.
No. 1456634
>>1456525"women lie about misogyny to make men look bad. that's why men are the real
victims." who said it: tranny or MRA?
No. 1456639
>>1456624yah I've seen that around as well. whats the lore on that?
Like there must be something for it to be so prevalent??
No. 1456655
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Speaking of criminal fetishes.
>>1456477You guys know that page mugshawtys that posts female convicts? Well most of the ppl following the page are dudes with a fetish for female convicts (unsurprisingly) and everytime the dude who runs the page posts a tranny the men get so irritated in the comments lol. Idk y he even includes tranny convicts since these men are very clearly into women who commit crimes, not men no matter how much makeup they wear. The comments are always filled with men being disgusted their little fetish page posted a man on it and some handmaidens and gay men defending the trannies. Lol idk how many times straight men gotta tell HSTS and lesbians gotta tell AGP they are not real women before they finally get it
No. 1456688
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I know this isn’t milk, don’t get mad, but I loved this quote so much from an older thread on here
>Some trans-identified men view the state of being a woman through colonisers eyes. A hero’s journey is a universally romantasized trope. Men conquered the earth, explore the universe. Womanhood is the final frontier that men can’t experience first hand. It frustrates and wounds the pride of many. Those trans identified men are driven to place their flag on womanhood, proving womanhood is wasted on its “inferior” natives. Women aren’t humans, but savage terrain waiting to be navigated, broken in, dominated, explained and thus validated by men, the hero’s, the humans of the narrative.
No. 1456690
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>>1453294Isn't it crazy how many propaganda ads and movies they put out about poor transwomen being mistreated in the women's bathroom?
No. 1456728
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No. 1456729
>>1456690they always choose the smallest, slimmest gay boys to represent the poor twanz gals too lmao
majority of teen transitioners ive seen, if they were not chemically castrated a la jazz at age 12, look either like linebackers in wigs or the posterchildren for inceldom
No. 1456737
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>>1456355Picrel is one of the replies and I don't even know what to say anymore
No. 1456747
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>>1456737that whole comment section is medfagging bait tbh. I've been avoiding posting about it cause I know I will sperg.
spoiler~ all those nifty hormones trannys act about like its fucking magic juice all occur and are produced in the body in varying levels no matter the gender. A miods body was producing estrogen and progesterone before they started HRT. So that troons "endogenously" comment rubbed me the wrong way since its related to his field of study. Like I thought shit was common knowledge I distinctly remember learning about the very least estrogen and testosterone functions in the human body in highschool biology.
This miod wants to be a doctor for fuck sakes.
No. 1456755
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>>1456747>picGirl I…. what the fuck. Yeah you said it best
>>1456749And PLEASE DO medfag if you feel like it, I find it fascinating. I'm just having my genetics course right now, understanding how wrong these people are is a good motivation kek. I almost lol'ed when my flamboyant gay lecturer talked about other than XX and XY being abnormal mutations, and how XYY is found in prisons more often since it causes aggressive behaviour. He must not go to Twitter that much, he would be eaten alive kek.
>>1456753But it's just advanced science, the people calling them wrong barely understand basic biology and are stuck in the past!!
Somehow all of these made up things bordering on magic really remind me of some medieval religious explanations of how the world works.
No. 1456758
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everyday they get more delusional and people think this shit is normal
No. 1456764
>>1456758uses period underwear to be more comfortable… they're designed to keep moisture away from your skin as they soak up menstrual blood. Troons don't have wombs, their is no menstruation to soak up.
Tell me you have AGP without telling me you have AGP…
He just wants to wear period panties so his larp feels more immersive.
No. 1456781
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No. 1456788
>>1456747but estrogen is already in male bodies? this argument is stupid. men already produce estrogen, mostly to produce sperm and upkeep libido because of course it does.
which is honestly funny because you hear the horror stories from troons that when they cut off their testosterone and only take estrogen, their sex drive is basically gone and they can't even get it up anymore.
No. 1456812
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Someone please save that poor cat
No. 1456818
>>1456755KEK nonna I love your meme, unironically wish i had a likeminded
terf gf
No. 1456819
>>1456814the only good thing about him is that he's arrogant enough to actually go for gold in the olympics
mass peaking
No. 1456825
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>>1456818Hehe what if we kissed on the lolcow MtF thread, haha jk… unless?
No. 1456840
>>1456814Absolute dickhead. It's not even enough for him to just leave the sport, every single one of his records have to loudly be rendered null and void. I'd demand a public apology from him, to every single woman he cheated out of a chance to compete or win.
I think we should blatantly ignore the result of any trans sports winner and only celebrate the women. Just treat them like if they just happened to swim next to the race taking place and their results don't matter. Treat the woman who was in "second" place as the winner she is, and celebrate the woman who came fourth as a third place medalist. Don't give pathetic attention seeking loser men the attention they want or they'll never stop.
No. 1456858
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>>1456688 Laprade re: this quote.
I think it's a great quote though bc it uses language that white handmaidens are really receptive to (it certainly helped me peak), since they are the type to self-flagellate not just for being cis but for being white, and they won't be able to come up with an argument against a black woman talking about colonization.
No. 1456877
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>>1456858This is a good point. You would think saying simple shit as "woman is an adult human female" does not seem intellectual. Woke shit is all about complicated, pseudo-intellectual shit said as difficultly as possible to seem more credible than it is, and that's why people think it's true.
No. 1456881
>>1456858>"uneven bobs and chunky qvc jewelry"why do troids think every
terf is a karen stereotype? pretty sure women of all kinds hate delusional perverts
No. 1456889
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>>1456212>>1456201I forgot about him and these posts suddenly reminded me of how tumblr went from respecting gay "normal" trannies in a normal way if they were brought up to talking about trannies non-stop because "if you misgender transwomen they'll end up like Leelah, respect their pronouns!!", and these same people also started to sperg really hard over trans "headcanons" for fictional characters that featured no trans character whatsoever and harassing and doxing normal fangirls who didn't care about any of this shit (I guess that's where blogs like "you're fave is
problematic" ruined things even more). All of this because of a confused gay boy with retarded parents who didn't have the decency of committing suicide without traumatizing an unrelated truck driver. Tumblr was a wild ride, really, at the very beginning people actually felt bad for that boy but then he became nothing but a pretext to argue with strangers online.
No. 1456895
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>>1456814if this isn’t enough to peak women in sports i dont know what is
>accept that this bio man is crushing his female counterparts or get counselling No. 1456988
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Nah bro
No. 1456997
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It does bring me great joy that some of these fetish freaks are here reading what people REALLY think about them
No. 1457017
>>1456367It’s trying to justify botching your children with the whole
>k-kids can actually consent!Bullshit that they love to talk about, because the original message is
>I want to be a woman and skinwalk you, mom>How can you be so sure that you want to get your dick inverted as a kid? Shut up, Robert and do your homework. No. 1457035
>>1456814This article is nauseating. Only tumblr/buzzfeed/Reddit idiots can read this without rolling their eyes.
Also, why is it only tims who absolutely flip their shit over “deadnaming”? I have a tif coworker who was like “meh whatever” when she was deadnamed
No. 1457045
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Sorry for blog posting, but I want to thank all the based Nonas in these threads for peaking me. I love you all.
No. 1457059
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>>1457045I love all of my
problematic sisters here too!
>>1457035I might be wrong but isn't SI a magazine aimed at men (with all the high profile bikini covers and shit)? We all know men do NOT take kindly when trannies invade their spaces (=porn), so this article is a fucking suicide to his career. Good riddance.
I think all genderspeshuls do flip out over deadnaming, but TIFs get suicidal in private and AGPs go on rape ape rage mode
No. 1457077
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it took less than 30 seconds to find this on traaaaaaaaaaaaannnss. jesus christ do all trannies share a hivemind? why are they so predictable?
No. 1457090
>>1456781Transphobic frogs proving trannies have flaccid dicks and no one wants to fuck them.
>>1456812I don't trust these men with animals. They live their fetishes 24/7 and so many are furries. They should be banned from being around animals and children.
Also does anyone have good sources showing puberty blockers fuck up kids? Reddit is full of people insisting there's absolutely 0 risk associated with puberty blockers. So far I've been asking if that's true, why did Jazz Jennings end up with a baby dick at 18 and have to use his colon for srs. I'm noticing that a lot of people think puberty blockers are totally 100% safe which isn't even logical. If a male doesn't get his hit of testosterone when the body is growing there's no way he can grow up as big and with the same muscle formation as he would off of blockers.
No. 1457101
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Handmaiden’s excuse for “Lia” Thomas. H-he’s not really trans, he’s just so autistic that someone groomed him into being trans and he has no idea the harm he’s causing! But don’t invalidate him, it’s not his fault he’s faking being trans! Mental gymnastics times a thousand.
No. 1457103
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No. 1457136
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>body language
No. 1457160
>>1456814no, you dont:"The final thigh muscle area, after three years of testosterone suppression, was 13% larger in transwomen than in the transmen at baseline (p < 0.05)."
"We conclude that the muscle mass advantage males possess over females […] are not removed by […] testosterone suppression in transgender women."
"transgender women retained a 17% grip strength advantage over transgender men […]. […] handgrip strength in transgender women was in approximately the 25th percentile for males but was over the 90th percentile for females"
"a reduction in hemoglobin […] is unlikely to completely close the baseline gap in aerobic capacity between males and females"
its unfair at best and a completely selfish and careless move at worst
No. 1457165
>>1456525wow they really spare no chance to degrade and gaslight biological women
>>1456858ah another example. when will they realize that women and TIF are the ones on the same team
No. 1457170
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>>1457136the whole thread can be summarized with this
No. 1457198
>>1456997i want them to know that there are young women who hate them for the fetishistic creeps they are and that not every single
terf is a frumpy old british woman like they want to believe.
No. 1457224
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>>1457193This guy is literally a parody of tiktok trannyism. He was a cute punk boy who moved to NYC for school (i think), had a band and interests and seemed to be doing well artistically (except he spent a lot of time making thirst traps and then began an onlyfans). Then out of the blue he disappears.
Comes out with some big 'its not true guys' video about one of his exes claiming he SA'd them. Along with that he came out as transitioning. He then went from doing punk ""girl"" thirst traps to bimbo really fast. I dont think he does music anymore.
No. 1457231
>>1457226Because trannies are sexual deviants at their core. They live their fetishes 24/7, so they get bored quickly and dive deeper into taboos until they all end up diaper-wearing furries.
It reminds me of that police interview with the singer from Lost Prophets who tried to rape a baby (and was arrested before he managed to btw). They asked him how the fuck he ended up here, and he said it started with rape porn, then onto snuff, then animals, then children, then before he knew it he was setting up a date to rape a baby. Any moid can end up there if he lets go long enough. It's the same reason most incels are pedos.
No. 1457232
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No. 1457233
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Moid makes thinly veiled misogynistic joke and tries to backpedal. More at 8.
No. 1457247
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>>1457233>>1457237As a real woman in tech, full offense but I hope this faggot kills himself.
No. 1457250
>>1457231Omg don’t get me started on Ian pedo Watkins!
What is it with the old emo boy crowd? So many of them, both famous and not, turned into predators. What is it about that subculture that makes them so
abusive? Has the Tranny trend taken off because there’s no more goth/emo/punk scene?
No. 1457253
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>>1457233Same guy btw. Of course this definitely happened
No. 1457267
>>1457101 Handmaiden shit aside, i think she's right on the money lmao. That his agent/parents went alongside the trans bullshit because it would be very redituable for them. Of course autistic men arent angels, they're worse narcissists than neurotypical men and in low/medium grade of autism (Aka Thomas, OP acts like he's a nonverbal pissbaby) they usually act on their male entitleness even more outwardly. He isnt a
victim but his social circle knew what was going to happen. I'm sure he doesnt even notice the money/the pain he's causing, all he knows is that people pay attention to him and cis women fangirls on him, the endgame for autistic men.
Tldr: his guardians just let him act on his autistic whin with no care for anything because it would be economically beneficial. But when you have a male autistic kid you just don't let him terrorize all the women around because he wanted to. That is how they end on sex ofender lists and incel forums, with "Lía" things went ""ok"" by a miracle but this story is not over. At all.
No. 1457268
>>1456956Not tinfoil, a lot of therapists are
abusive and only there to force you into line, not understand and help you process anything. It's hysteria rebranded, evil women wanting more than their share of a tiny slice that is shrinking daily are shamed into silence or punished for being too loud, and gaslit into thinking the dysfunction lies with them
No. 1457281
>>1457268NTA but my tin foil hits home with that "It's hysteria rebranded" comment in relation to over diagnosing woman with BPD a few years back and the "crazy BPD EXGF" stereotype that was being thrown around with it.
Woman with mental health and neurodivergent problems are given shitty end of the stick most of the time. System is not really designed to help woman that much at all.
sage for going off topic.
No. 1457300
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>jiggle your butt>take small bites>smile more>be smol and take up less space>imagine you are being held up by a string attached to the very top of your head>become a curve/jelly No. 1457310
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Like 4 of the rupaul’s drag race contestants this season have come out as transwimmen and i have no clue why people think it’s a big deal when all they’re doing is just dressing in drag ..more often i guess
No. 1457363
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The asskissing in the comments of the thread is too much. I wish people would stop encouraging these moids.
No. 1457425
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>>1453221checking in on a personal cow, looks like this one is getting ready for slaughter
No. 1457429
>>1457300Late but
>don't make eye contact with men>women rarely make eye contact with men unless they're single and availableLmao do these men think every time they see a woman politely smile at them she wants to fuck them
No. 1457498
>>1454406Gods, this is do annoying. Anytime anything JK Rowling related is brought up, there's this guy at my uni that just goes on complete rants. I feel my anxiety spike whenever people talk about HP, especially since my uni has a 'gender policy'. It's sad people can't talk about their love of HP anymore, without saying a thousand caveats.
No. 1457504
>>1457500that anon is using the politically correct pronouns hence its confusing. Most people here refer to them as their birth genders.
Basically the MTF troon had money donated to get his invert penis surgery and dumped the TIF cause they wanted to fuck something with a dick so they can get that immersive neogash experience.
That polite anon was annoyed that TIM's get to make those demands of genitalia preference when its the other way around they sperg out. HOW DARE YOU NOT SUCK MY GIRLDDICK I'M A WOMAN.
No. 1457549
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>>1456881>>1456918fucking this. the othering and attempt to paint all the people he doesn't like as these ugly, unfuckable, unfashionable wretches is the same sort of sexism.