File: 1661090468833.png (575.64 KB, 748x776, 1660975732521.png)

No. 1621592
File: 1661090982730.png (985.22 KB, 782x1030, Screen Shot 2022-08-21 at 7.08…)

I feel bad for the women that have to share the restroom with this malding troon
No. 1621600
File: 1661091247959.jpeg (817.23 KB, 828x1323, 5D677BD5-F8CD-42A2-BCEF-DB081A…)

Why cant they get the hint? If it was a woman it would get heavily downvoted because the make up is frankly god awful, but no, we HAVE to coddle men. 330 upvotes.
No. 1621614
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No. 1621704
File: 1661101978223.jpg (379.7 KB, 1080x1078, 9eb8eeb234501f5fdf672763a1c54b…)

>>1621669nta but yeah. kek
No. 1621721
>>1621655They spend 23h a day wanking off in the mirror
nonnie, get real!!
No. 1621771
File: 1661106807720.jpg (102.03 KB, 1284x639, Fas-CVtXkAEWC02.jpg)

tranny cope
No. 1621781
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No. 1621786
File: 1661107802088.jpg (59.7 KB, 523x311, 1661035387093.jpg)

Then they tell us that we have a 4th grade understanding of Biology when they say dumb shit like this
No. 1621809
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No. 1621816
File: 1661109906998.png (1000.62 KB, 1352x1140, totally not a fetish.png)

i know eggirl is practically cheating but none of them have any shame
No. 1621829
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>>1621809>Ana Valens>picrelalso
>In July 2020, Ana wrote a lengthy essay, which argues that those against public sex are exercising “white privilege and systemic racism”, “classism, gentrification, and police surveillance”. No. 1621832
>>1621786wasn't this posted like 24 hours ago? I guess I can use this opportunity to remind everyone Eli Erlick is an admitted rapist–one of his female
victims killed herself bc of his harassment after she came forward
No. 1621861
File: 1661113885532.png (49.48 KB, 797x542, 1661037509446.png)

>>1621786On the 18th he literally said that the ONLY inherent difference between troons and women is that troons were assigned male at birth. The only thing these motherfuckers love more than cooming is gaslighting.
No. 1621891
File: 1661116525503.jpg (385.59 KB, 1075x1726, 20220821_211300.jpg)

>a 10
Lord, grant me the confidence of a far below average male.
No. 1621892
File: 1661116555313.jpg (84.93 KB, 669x900, 20220821_211031.jpg)

>>1621891What the
fuck is this outfit
No. 1621894
File: 1661116601486.jpg (3.11 MB, 2448x3264, horror.jpg)

>>1621892All of its friends are equally horrific to look at.
No. 1621895
File: 1661116715247.jpg (Spoiler Image,42.05 KB, 591x680, 20220821_211241.jpg)

>>1621894This is the worst body type. Anyone with low self esteem needs to look at this image and appreciate that no matter what, at least you'll never look like this.
No. 1621901
>>1621855They love to get off on this fantasy of terfs being attracted to them and wanting to force feminize them or consent to sexual shit with them. Like true scrotes they think everything boils down to sex when all of us are sickened by them, a lot of us are
victims of abuse already, anything like that is the last fucking thing I ever want to imagine occurring with them. Idk how men want to claim women are frigid and then also say we are just desperate whores who want to be fucked at any given moment. My hatred runs so deep nonas.
No. 1621902
File: 1661117168774.png (16.33 KB, 654x123, purged.png)

>>1621877scrubbed from reddit and google's cache, but:
>>1621737its actually a tactic that scrotes use and think works and gets passed around like negging and pick up artists
the idea is to say to a woman "let me tell you why your wrong"
and the woman will pay attention to you as your clearly some chad alpha with opinions of his own, not some simp who would agree with whatever a woman says, as all women just ultimately want to be told what to do and what to think and arent actually looking for a romantic partner but instead a boss/slave driver
No. 1621944
>>1621937unfortuanlty these tactics work as some woman have been conditioned since childhood to appease men and not think for themselves
No. 1621947
>>1621891>a 10Are we comparing to chimps at a zoo to arrive at 10 here?
>>1621927It's probably good as a technique to surface the suckers who think men's opinions hold any worth whatsoever, men's music taste is similar to their taste in women in that it's dependent on peer approval (aka current trendy/cool thing, changeable and insincere) rather than actual taste derived from their own likes/dislikes, moids also tend not to listen to lyrics and like very MOR music as a result.
But that line itself is negging, just part of the beta male playbook.
No. 1621954
>>1621947>men's music taste is similar to their taste in women in that it's dependent on peer approval (aka current trendy/cool thing, changeable and insincere) rather than actual taste derived from their own likes/dislikes,i think that's almost all mens taste in everything
my bother only listens to what ever music is popular, watches whatever films and tv shows are popular, only plays popular video games…. i asked him once what was the last film he actually watched and enjoyed, he imediatly named a popular one, then i asked what was a film he enjoyed that wasnt popular and he went blank
most men have no personality, they are infact personality vaccuums
getting back on topic that is why troons have to skinwalk they are incapable of forming a personality and have to steal one or stitch togeather several stolen ones
No. 1621961
>>1621774Exactly. I have played the sims for almost 15 years and everytime I bring up it's my favorite game in some gaming space, moids say "I am talking about real games"
They are dumb as shit and now I can't even play my loved games in peace because the Animal Crossing/Stardew Valley is starting to get riddled with troons. And EA is pandering to their bullshit with neutral pronouns and the gender settings.
No. 1621989
>>1621974The fact that a white man in a dress counts as diversity now would be funny if it weren’t taking jobs away from people who would actually be diversity hires. A company could essentially just hire white male troons to avoid hiring any women or
PoC and that’s just dandy I guess!
No. 1622033
File: 1661129074907.png (533.18 KB, 812x762, Screenshot 2022-08-21 204518.p…)

seethe and cope
No. 1622046
>>1622033Imagine being
this much of a self-hating gay
>is liking cock straight guys? No. 1622050
>>1622033this is so retarded, vaginas are self-cleaning so they aren't filthy meanwhile smegmoid dicks need to be washed daily or they stink and get nasty crusty buildup
butts don't bounce around either unless someone is really fat or jiggling it on purpose
the tranny porn addiction is strong with this one
No. 1622051
File: 1661131098692.jpeg (358.69 KB, 1170x812, 48B6649D-FA6B-4897-A79A-F39B40…)

Nitpicking but why does he have an icon of what appears to be an anime child while calling himself a bimbo
No. 1622053
File: 1661131284004.png (761.59 KB, 2048x1895, chrome_screenshot_166112028205…)

The irony of a TIM calling anyone an incel.
No. 1622066
File: 1661132319739.jpg (231.94 KB, 1440x810, FaduU6fWIAE0wey.jpg)

>>1622051found this on his twitter. oh yeah terfs really have to jump through mental hoops to explain why a man isn't a woman. it definitely isn't the troons who chop their dicks off in an attempt to become even slightly less male.
No. 1622108
>>1621771Only been maybe a month since roe v wade was overturned and they're calling women breeders? And you're not a real woman, you're a trans woman. I think I might have peaked, it just seems like mental illness that's being validated as reality. Sort of how when someone has the urge to amputate their arm. Also I noticed how women and womanhood is constantly picked apart but that same logic is rarely given to manhood.
Trans women being in sports is simply unfair to cis women and it's selfish as fuck for them to take spots from women.
No. 1622136
>>1622088Diversity hiring exists to solve a problem men created ironically even though they are the ones that ree about it, a problem which trannies are the end result of. Men are degenerates and need women as a barrier to ensure that their degeneracy doesn't fuck over society, such as we see within homosexual men being more promiscuous as their is no mitigating factor of women preventing them from trying to coom all the time as a man who fucks a man does not have to worry about pregnancy or the fear of the greater likelihood of their partner abusing them due to it being a more physically even playing field. But men are degenerates and understand that preventing degeneracy like pandering to coomers isn't what they want even if it will prevent society from growing and becoming more advanced/safe/etc, so they after preventing women from entering the work force through law, culture, and even physical measures, have to try something else thanks to the two world wars which made it necessary for women to take on positions men once filled because the men were sent to be used by other scrotes as cannon fodder, making women now expect the benefits the men were given from this work as opposed to the work women once did where there was no compensation and therefore no gain of societal power which they could use to free themselves of relying on the lower shit tier men, or the compensation they did get eventually was controlled by the husband, including preventing women from being able to have their own bank accounts etc. They did this by using the fact that most positions were filled by men to diversity/nepotism hire other men, as a workplace filled with men would not attack another man for sexually harassing a women or indulging in degenerate, violent, or sexist behaviour due to tribalisim. This is bad not just for the lack of hiring the best for the job but also for the fact that these retards who only wish to appeal to the coom and violent antics of their brothers are the ones deciding laws and shit. Eventually this was attempted to be fixed thanks to womens gain in rights but even now men indulge in these retard hiring practices, as we see with the recent male period officer debacle, where a position about an experience men can never have was given to a man, something which he can only rely on relaying second hand information from those who do. Men, like trannies which is why majority of trannies are male, identify as correct, identify as the best candidate for a position kek. While hiring the best for the position is the best way to go, it has never actually been that way, with degenerates enabling themselves and nepo hires trying to remain the ruling class in a world without monarchy and corporations being the new kings.
No. 1622167
>>1622160are you there god? it's me,
nonnie. please kill all the troons. thank you.
No. 1622172
File: 1661140629385.png (806.53 KB, 1389x4119, leftypol on fitness.png)

>>1621829>>1621901I occasionally browse leftypol and let me tell you this is a very common fantasy bunkertrannies have, see they genuinely believe that they will "win" in the end(cause real communism is the natural conclusion of history)
they frequently bring up fantasies about force femizing the jocks that were rude to them, establishing public brothels filled with the "mean girls" who rejected them and just overall pathetic and degenerate make-believe but at the same time I laugh cause that's all it ever will be, a make-believe fantasy by people who will argue that physical fitness is fascist
No. 1622222
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No. 1622231
nonnie??? you don't want to oggle his feminine neck hair?
No. 1622233
File: 1661149115321.png (1.66 MB, 986x1650, 5768o876etdrfg.png)

The delusion
No. 1622248
File: 1661151795880.jpg (342.89 KB, 750x1845, d2047136-74d2-5ba8-9953-a59ddd…)

Daily dose of child abuse.
No. 1622256
File: 1661154464204.png (689.49 KB, 1440x2194, Screenshot_20220818-235034.png)

"accept us as we are! It's not a fetish to call it a girldick it's not weird to want a woman with stubble!!"
No. 1622269
File: 1661156917351.jpeg (1.29 MB, 1284x1726, F0DD7D11-AF7B-49D8-87EB-8A433E…)

growing your hair out and painting your nails means youre a woman and can totally call women bitches now
No. 1622272
>>1622259there is nothing wrong or factually incorrect about >>1622241's comment. all she's saying is that more and more fertile women are choosing to be child-free. and none of us rad fems lump those women in with troons like he's claiming.
>>1622270ntayrt but she never said anything close to that at all.
No. 1622289
File: 1661159544526.png (73.62 KB, 721x483, 535235235.png)

Based mother sees right through her husband's bullshit. Even the most upvoted comments agree with her assessment, but she probably got enough threatening PMs that she wrote a two-page long edit for clarification how gender struggles are totally
valid. No. 1622293
"Wahmens prisonz less safer than men's so its ok if trans women go there the cissies wont get hurt" "Men's bathrooms are cleaner and better, much safer too!", so why still fight to use the women's bathrooms "as a transwoman"?*not reposts on Kiwifarms
TW need uterus transplants objectification and sexualization is okay and harms no one*Says he has a wife so still cooms and comments on Twitter images to objectify
Hetransitioned because a mix of want to rapemaxx harems of girls and AGP
No. 1622296
>>1622289Why is it
that the ones who play video games for hours on end like a
ard always troo
n out? Maybe because bei
ng a trann
y is a way to
d responsibility and
make them
ne to accountability?
No. 1622321
File: 1661163880579.jpg (474.69 KB, 1080x1762, Screenshot_20220822-122418_Red…)

>My name is Chewbacca and I go by ligh/saber!
Hilarious. The bro is beyond based
No. 1622328
>>1622321Revan LOL
Listen buddy I loved KOTOR too but REVAN? lawl. What a retard. Didn't even pick the name of best girl Bastilla? Oh that's right. Because Bastilla is fucking based and she'd kick troon ass. Same with Kreia. None of the women in KOTOR got time for your dumb shit 'Chewbacca'
No. 1622329
File: 1661165407916.jpeg (390.96 KB, 2048x1536, nYI38ON.jpeg)

>>1622233> Women fighting for their rights is mental illness.Charcot called and he is extremely proud. Terfs have hysteria. It all makes sense now. Thanks random male on the internet.
No. 1622339
File: 1661169034805.jpg (272.14 KB, 971x1872, 20220822_134801.jpg)

Imagine thinking a bill to protect kids from the brainwashing of TRA and getting hormones and surgeries as a minor, is the same as a genocide
No. 1622340
File: 1661169093624.jpg (176.72 KB, 972x1729, 20220822_134805.jpg)

>>1622339Concentration camps for trans people lmaoooooo
No. 1622341
File: 1661169181001.webm (5.82 MB, 848x464, ssstwitter_1661168831.webm)
Vidrel is why you can't ever argue with a TRA. they won't just say a "lie" like women can have penises. for them It's obvious women can have penises and any opposition to this must be because you're evil and it's objectively ridiculous to think otherwise. Gender ideologues like vaush see humans as mere sentient blank slate meat blobs that are sometimes born with either a "penis", "ovaries" or some in-between deformity and then we "assign" (or "impose") a "gender" to them
No. 1622351
>>1622341That's like asking
>'why aren't dogs bipedal', and being bewildered by
>'because they are born with four legs', answering to that
>'but some dogs have two legs so why aren't dogs bipedal' and thinking you won when the person answered
>'well they just aren't'.Like what does he wanna hear.
No. 1622366
File: 1661173406866.jpeg (60.1 KB, 540x540, A44ABE95-2FCB-42AB-9F94-225B54…)

has this podcast been discussed before? this particular tranny acts exactly like a stereotypical gay male, which is so funny since he’s out here claiming to be “outperforming cis woman”
No. 1622378
all transgen
der identified
immediately. I’m
not messing around.
No. 1622383
File: 1661175725567.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1242x1785, 15B66B5A-06A2-453A-9ED3-A7B17D…)

No. 1622402
>>1622378Anon you can’t go around saying random messages in italics. This time you’re saying admin, in the conspiracy thread you were saying ‘kill men’ which
is based but what are you trying to achieve by this. Your typing style is way too identifiable
No. 1622409
>>1622404Ooh. Good catch,
No. 1622426
File: 1661180051736.jpeg (652.5 KB, 1284x2080, 249A346F-80A0-4CF2-A7CF-61EBE9…)

Benedict Cumberbatch has been looking quite rough lately.
No. 1622435
>>1622402I got banned for replying to the italics anon, I think a farmhand thought I was the crazy anon who's obsessed with the farmhands when I was just pointing out that anon's secret code is unhinged. rip
Idk if we should just ignore secret code anons if farmhands are gonna misunderstand our replies and think
we are the unhinged ones.
No. 1622437
File: 1661181074458.png (93.52 KB, 1440x447, get a hobby.png)

>>1622435my reply fyi which was deleted
No. 1622482
File: 1661183702665.jpg (762.48 KB, 1284x1627, 292837383883393029.jpg)

twans women are as oppressed as ethnic minorities and dont u forget it
theyre so gullible and easy to bait
No. 1622483
>>1622482Men were responsible for the holocaust so technically the
terf’s statement was true kek
No. 1622499
File: 1661185431112.jpeg (946.18 KB, 1284x1699, 1D2532CE-B76D-48DF-8BAD-B036AC…)

>>1622482samefag, looking up random keywords in the mtf sub is very entertaining. this is a comment in a post about someone getting a euphoria boner after a pregnancy dream or something. couldn't be fucked to read the whole thing let alone past the first few lines No. 1622502
>>1622499same anon again sorry for flooding
scrotes referring to heterosexual sex as ‘breeding’ is nauseating. and the concept of ‘infertility dysphoria’ is making me fucking wheeze!!! sorry but ywnbaw
No. 1622551
File: 1661189103076.jpg (Spoiler Image,700.31 KB, 1440x3038, bd8-f1fbe8565cf5.jpg)

This is a really fucking weird case, a 10 year transmodel(basically pedo-bait), the boy's biological mom (the dark haired mustached one on the right) started dressing him in girls clothes when he was 4 and was telling everyone that he was trans, she claimed the biological father wasn't acceptive of his identity and tried to force him to wear his brother's clothes. The father lost custody and the mom (Dee McMaher) later got together with another woman, and she later came out as a TIF and other woman came out as an enby. So these two are now parents of McMaher's two sons and the enby's baby
also despite being 10 and being on puberty blockers he still looks more masculine then his TIF mom
No. 1622609
File: 1661194245955.jpg (48.64 KB, 680x423, blahaj.jpg)

I'm never donating to Wikipedia again
No. 1622616
File: 1661194716110.jpeg (Spoiler Image,41.01 KB, 779x569, real sophie.jpeg)

>>1622604>“It’s really fucked up to call yourself SOPHIE and pretend you’re a girl when you’re a male producer [and] there are so few female producers…I think it’s really good music. I probably shouldn’t have said that.”This was before SOPHIE came out as a troon.
Also I can't understand why his music was so popular, most of it was at best mediocre. The troon halo effect is real, if an actual woman wrote songs with thought-provoking lyrics such as 'c-c-candy boys, l-l-lemonade' she'd get blasted by critics.
No. 1622621
>>1622613>troons are simply a symptom of a decaying neoliberal civilizationThat doesn't explain troons in Iran or other wildly homophobic countries. I do think, in the modern era, troons have taken off so much due to neo-lib academia (and big pharma, of course), but this shit exists in conservative as fuck places too.
It's so insane to me this shit ever got this far. It's like everyone suddenly decided flat earth is real, because its impolite to say otherwise.
>>1622617>maybe he's despressedIn the case of messy people, this is usually right. And yet they still fail to make the connection that troonery is a mental illness.
No. 1622630
>>1622608>gender minoritiesomg
>>1622613The rise of troonism helps rightwingers enormously since most sane people don't want to be near a masturbating 6'4" man in a school uniform, so it makes it even easier to wheel out any troon as "evidence" against lefties and why we need to go back to the "old days" etc
No. 1622631
>>1622609I want to claim Blahaj for terfs. Troons take our slogans (Women’s Rights Are Human Rights), our colors (suffragette flag colors for genderqueer flag), our dinosaurs (that twitter
terf meme), our clothes and bathrooms, our names, etc. I want the shark.
No. 1622673
File: 1661199145578.jpg (87.77 KB, 594x458, keffals.jpg)

>the only way I can live a normal life again is if Kiwifarms is deplatformed from the internet.
Bro just get off the fucking internet kek turn off your computer! also does anyone else get "manic episode" vibes from this whole Two Retards Fighting (lucas vs kiwifarms) thing?
No. 1622685
>>1622673Derail but I never understood how suicide is considered a crime. It’s the
victims’ fault for killing themselves.
No. 1622686
>>1622673He just crowdfunded $90,000 for himself and he still has the audacity to complain people are reading and commenting on his social media posts?
He should team up with Lillee Jean on Bullyish.
No. 1622740
File: 1661204591988.png (288.85 KB, 826x535, 1655180124246.png)

>>1622635>what does an ikea shark have to do with being a troon?pic related
No. 1622754
File: 1661205333609.jpg (1.03 MB, 2560x1920, 22-08-22-22-55-27-320_deco.jpg)

No. 1622759
File: 1661205717976.png (Spoiler Image,10.43 MB, 4000x4000, lku.png)

>>1622233KEK you could literally replace TERFS with trannies, and it would actually make sense. Most trannies are diet incels and many were groomed into it. Also anti-tranny/terfs are made of a lot of normal women and men outside the internet bubble.
I know retards on tiktok would believe this thought.
also never forget r9kcute
>>1622033That's an interesting way of coming out of the closet
No. 1622767
File: 1661206352681.jpeg (912.52 KB, 1284x2148, D134CAD5-55B8-4921-A3FF-425F2D…)

No. 1622768
>>1622693That reminds me of when they got super mad at cyberpunk for the dick ads because it's on point commentary about what gender as a commodity would actually lead to. The idea that if the technology was there you'd literally get sold this entire identity as cheap
toxic garbage from a megacorp vending machine really messed with them.
No. 1622776
File: 1661207227151.png (1.02 MB, 1006x1322, Screen Shot 2022-08-22 at 3.27…)

stolen from reddit lol sorry but I couldn't help but notice the sign has a male gender symbol and a whole bunch of other bullshit ones but not the one for women.
No. 1622830
File: 1661210842951.png (73.53 KB, 924x503, pedo.png)

No. 1622836
File: 1661211428512.jpeg (68.3 KB, 1000x541, yaniv.jpeg)

>>1622339>>1622340>bill passing to close the legal loophole of scrotes molesting children which have been going on for a god damn decade>crying about muh persecutionsThese scrotes deserve much worse than a simple concentration camp. Everyone knows this and their days are numbered, get rekt pedo moids. I just hope that basic women's rights come next and all of the women's shelters that were destroyed by troons are rebuilt 10x better.
No. 1622891
>>1622289The top comments on that thread are so reassuring, like people are actually noticing the midlife crisis transition trend and its problems. It's painful to watch people recommend the mypartneristrans subreddit which is so unsupportive and
toxic. Is it cowtipping if someone dms her to tell her to avoid that place without mentioning lolcow at all?
No. 1622893
>>1622837Oh fuck off, tranny. Women all over the US had to work the day Roe V Wade got overturned, and that's exactly what we did.
The worlds smallest fucking violin.
No. 1622925
>>1622269This is yet another one of those troons who is so low effort that instead of clocking him as a tranny, I would assume he's just a regular moid. I instantly know a scrote when I see one, but it can be impossible to know they identify as genderspecial if they're a "butch" transbian. Kek it's so ironic that they never ever pass as women but they are viewed as a non-troon moid if they forgo the wrinkly Japanese schoolgirl uniform from Aliexpress and musty programmer socks.
>>1622917Also Roe v Wade actually got overturned. This MTG shit hasn't even passed yet.
No. 1622944
File: 1661219084461.jpg (50.15 KB, 828x598, Fab8JCoXgAAP0vU.jpg)

No. 1622947
File: 1661219291145.jpg (64.5 KB, 1080x705, FayH8H9WQAAiaW6.jpg)

We can find your old pictures Colon
No. 1622961
File: 1661219879307.png (34.02 KB, 777x382, creepy.png)

No. 1622980
File: 1661220843671.png (Spoiler Image,2.28 MB, 828x1792, 380A8825-0705-4695-9786-20D883…)

accidentally didn’t spoiler but genuinely having to see this shit on twitter (or anywhere) makes me want to claw my eyes out. genuinely i am just simply transphobic i stopped acting like i’m not i will proudly say it if someone asks. all of these mentally ill men who get off on literally exposing themselves and pretending to be women shouldn’t feel safe or accepted. i feel like a peak more and more everyday sage bc blogpost sorta
No. 1623019
File: 1661223746600.jpeg (12.85 KB, 190x266, 92FE7B9D-11A4-402D-9CB5-3910F5…)

ofc the catfish is a troon
No. 1623042
File: 1661225593854.jpg (311.34 KB, 972x1899, FazFd1TXgAQUJSR.jpg)

No. 1623045
File: 1661226295383.gif (Spoiler Image,1.19 MB, 332x332, A5DF1346-6D33-4C08-9F42-B6A933…)

>>1623042My only consolation is that he will 41% at some point and everyone will sigh with relief. Spoilered because the picture flashes a bit.
No. 1623049
>>1622644sage for derail but this is a really cute idea. I’m sewing lots of plushies these days and I really want to try to do this now… Thank you
No. 1623100
File: 1661230651132.jpeg (1.39 MB, 1170x1887, 3A58505D-50D3-4166-BE2B-5C02B9…)

>not a fetish
>big bouncing titties
No. 1623134
File: 1661233846024.jpeg (136.81 KB, 1242x609, 653C6F9F-EA14-44B3-B1F5-2073DC…)

>>1622673>>1622694It’s trending on my ‘For You’ page but not the actual trending Twitter page. I follow a lot of radical feminists though so it’s no wonder it ended up on my screen. Just get off the fucking Internet you loser.
No. 1623161
File: 1661238619792.jpg (26.63 KB, 500x501, feminist icon.jpg)

>>1622609Sharks are feminist as fuck and don't belong to troons. Simple as
No. 1623204
>>1623134WOW. Whoever the fuck "Jay Geis" is, he has tweeted under that tag over 100 times in the past two hours alone, and I didn't bother to scroll past the 2 hr mark.'s just sitting there posting more butthurt shit literally every single minute for at least two hours straight. Organic twitter usage is completely indistinguishable from spam.
No. 1623205
>>1622776I’m late but wasn’t Alan Turing chemically castrated by the same puberty blockers they put kids on.
You know the treatment that sent him spiralling so far into depression he fuckin killed himself?
No. 1623278
>>1623042>I guess she expected the other moms to back her up but they were silentthe scrote is clueless, the other moms stayed silent either because they're scared of the troon and/or that's the only way they could show support to the woman he got kicked out
>hateful messagesyou know if they were genuinely hateful he'd have capped and posted them, outed them out for being evil terfs too. no, I bet there was reason in the messages and he doesn't want that getting out
No. 1623290
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>admitting to abusing your child to own the "cisters" for Twitter clout
No. 1623304
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>>1623290>>1623042as a mother the idea of these degenerates anywhere near children both angers and frightens me, also
>she is of lower income and a disadvantaged background, Is it wrong to say that I don't care? Because I really don't. And I don't feel guilty eitherI have no words
No. 1623321
>>1623286Pretty much. It’s why you so often hear people say they peaked just by listening to trans people. “They told me to educate myself and listen to them, and it just made me realize how horrific they are.” They really are their own worst enemies and the fact that they’re proud to say things like
>>1621829 and
>>1622053 just shows how hateful and deranged they are. People were accepting initially but the more they let the mask slip, the more people are waking up. I consistently see new people on Twitter reading screencap posts like those and saying “wait, they think like that? I thought they just wanted to pee.” Once you push the envelope too much, the pendulum will swing back. I’m just scared of what that will end up meaning for women and the LGB.
No. 1623323
>>1623290They tried to make a funny haha comic but it just falls flat when so many of them are actually
abusive narcissistic fathers.
No. 1623346
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Breaking news: Biology has always been about transphobia
No. 1623360
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No. 1623465
File: 1661272047105.webm (334.11 KB, 640x360, CM.webm)
sage for no real milk, just posting a short clip from an old episode of Criminal Minds
>The unsub is a white male aged in his 30s to 40s who, judging from his knowledge of circuitry wiring, works as an electrician or an electrical engineer, a job which gives him access to his victims' homes or workplaces and therefore enough time to observe them. He targets successful career women because he finds them strong, righteous, and unattainable, so he seeks to tear them down, reduce them to basic sexual creatures, and punish them. He is a clear sexual sadist of the anger-excitation typology, meaning that he becomes sexually aroused by his victims' suffering. Technically, the killings come afterward for he is actually after the pain his victims feel, and he takes his time to exact maximum stimulation. It is believed that he takes his victims' clothing for rehearsal fantasies; by dressing up as his victims, he can relive the torture, and it is during this time that he most likely pleasures himself in order to reinforce his association between suffering and gratification. When he eventually becomes dissatisfied with reliving the torture, he seeks out a new victim. He has been killing women for a long time and has also been thinking about killing for most of his life. He will continue to evolve his M.O., finding new ways of challenging himself and increasing his stimulation threshold; there is no bond holds for him. It was also revealed that Jeremy frequently called women "bleeders", which is a misogynistic term that refers to menstruation.
This is from Season 3, Episode 13 of Criminal Minds and it aired in early 2008, I'm sure the writers wouldn't have expected that just a decade later, "bleeders" would become the more politically correct term for us dirty menstruators
No. 1623500
>>1623465There's tons of real crime shows such as forensic files depicting men who steal the clothes of their
victims and wear them to relive the moment. It's fucking sick.
No. 1623534
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Nobody cares about this? Trans qween attacking the enbies?
No. 1623553
>>1623534>forcing more of us into sex workLol he wishes, worthless AGP bum.
Also, why specifically
black transwomen? Randomly racist despite crying against the conservatives.
No. 1623565
>>1622961>>1622983This definitely feels pedophilic. The reverse is an obvious pedoporn scenario too: boy pops his first public boner in a unisex bathroom and needs a female stranger to explain what's going on.
Minors shouldn't trust strangers.
No. 1623569
File: 1661279324497.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.17 MB, 3000x4000, vxr630suwfj91.jpg)

nsfw axe wound
whys he growing another penis after his grs
No. 1623575
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>>1623500cause tons of real life serial killers did that, even gay killers like jeffery dahmer kept the underwear of the boy's he'd murder and mastrubate with them, BTK had a fondness for recreating his killings while wearing his
victims clothes
No. 1623578
>>1622776>sign completely justifies women walking in and turning the mens' room into a brothel to suck cock for cash instead of actually workingNothin personnel, kiddo. B) Carry on with your day and respect our privacy!
Troon rights are a joke and invite more problems than they solve.
No. 1623604
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nsfw axe wound
>looks normal
No. 1623608
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No. 1623631
>>1623608i wish the media never sold them the idea that every woman wants to dress them up and teach them everything.
and to be perfectly honest it's way more fun to do stuff like that with men who aren't trans because it's basically like putting clothes on a dog. it doesn't really understand what's happening or why it's amusing to you and doesn't invest emotionally in it. the layer of mental illness ruins everything
No. 1623635
>>1623534If anything, enbies are the ones that are actually trying to stop the binary views of sex tbh, by being gender non conforming (even if that implies having the most retarded pronouns and names) they're more against girl = pink/ boy = blue, than:
>I was born a man I was into computers and maths, but now I'm a sexy bimbo slut that can't open jars teehee and I'm literally like totally super like dumb and stupid and lol xoxo I forgot how to use a computer and how to maths teehee wearing female underwear makes me have boners and everyone must refer to me as a little girl It's kind of weird that they're throwing the enbytards under the bus, I thought they needed them to keep everyone confused about what being a tranny truly meant.
No. 1623643
>>1623631The 'girly sleepover makeover/ugly girl teen movie transformation' is part of the fetish.
>it's basically like putting clothes on a dogI lol'd, you're so right
No. 1623658
>>1623635NB's are just lame attention whores and just like trannies they also prove the sexist stereotypes.
>>1623657it's the scrote shitting the thread up, ignore him.
No. 1623661
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No. 1623691
>>1622961The fucking period obsession again, women don't need "help" with their period and every time this is discussed itt anons have either never or very rarely had an experience of another woman lending a pad or tampon (outside of their home/family), we only bleed once a month and tissues can do the job in an emergency.
It is pedophilic, like other anons said, pedotroon even mentions the imaginary girl's genitals in his post.
No. 1623702
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Always so violent and rapey, like true moids
No. 1623719
>>1623703It's definitely a selfpost, it's very amusing to realize podcaster scrotes actually think women are attracted to them ("he's so hot" lol) rather than think it's hours of men enjoying the sound of their own voices while offering 0 wisdom. I've tried listening to podcasts before and it's 80% men saying nothing new and 20% men laughing at their own unfunny jokes (usually involving sexism)
>>1622961samefag as
>>1623691 I'm gonna pretend to give pedotroon the benefit of the doubt and analyze his unlikely scenario
>12 years old>first period>probably have a mother, sister, or female cousins in your life, as well as female friends from school>oh, but I'm in a public bathroom that has a fully grown strange male in it>what do>since I'm 12, and am in a public bathroom with a fully grown strange male in it, I can assume I'm neither at school nor at home, the two places a 12 year old will spend most of their time>12 year old are not allowed many places, so I'm probably in a cinema or shopping center>12 year olds generally hang around with their family or schoolfriends in public, rather than on their own>So I, as a 12 year old in a public bathroom with a strange male in it who has just got my period can simply go outside and mention this to my female family member(s) or my female schoolfriends, one of whom will 99% be with me in the cinema or shopping center or wherever I am>This pedotroon in the corner with his dick out is the last person I'd ask No. 1623741
>>1623534Good, eat each other. If this makes a few enbyshits wake up, then all the better.
>>1623635Enbies aren't breaking anything. They claim they are outside the binary because they are girls with short hair who like pants or whatever, shoving everyone else into the "binary" group, as if we're okay with 1950s stereotypes about our sex. If anything, enbies are just NLOGs.
>>1623730Claiming being a tranny is being an oppressed class is, bar none, the greatest scam moids have ever come up with.
No. 1623749
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>>1623735They love whores, and are always completely delusional about how other men treat women.
No. 1623768
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No. 1623783
>>1623768>>1623776Misgendered and ignored? How will he ever survive? I bet the person he killed would have loved to have been ignored by him instead of killed by him.
It's wild to see this murderer so entitled and butthurt he's not getting everything he wants, when he wants
I hope he got an infection that actually castrates him.
No. 1623799
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>>1622673Lol kinda wish I was a fly on Josh's bedroom wall right now,
No. 1623803
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Why do troons spend so much on hormones and pointless surgeries that don't change anything but never fix their fucking teeth
No. 1623810
>>1623776FIRST FEW WORDS and I already laughed
>hopeless, and as if i was being ignoredWhat a fucking freak, why wouldn't you want to be ignored when you're in a fucking prison
>i wanted the pain to stop so i began cutting off my ballsack with a rusty blade>because of my transgender diagnosis im 5x more likely to commit suicide!Who the fuck speaks this way? Not suicidal people.
>they call me gay in men's prison, you can't send me there!!!!!Being called gay is worse than rape
No. 1623814
>>1623799Isn't kiwifarms always going down and getting ddos'd and if it is gone for good, he'll just make another site. Just like Keffals has nothing but his audience, Josh has nothing but Kiwifarms. It's his life work and even if I dislike Josh, I think Kiwifarms is more important then Keffals.
At least Kiwifarms has decent threads. Keffals is so annoying and he genuinely seems like he'd stupid. It's not just because he's a Troon, like seriously when you watch his streams he seems stunted.
No. 1623816
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>>1623465>serial killer calling women bleeders>trannies calling women bleeders and menstruators >long established links between crossdressing and serial killers>trannies often have that psychopath eye expressionreally makes you think
No. 1623819
>>1623799This whole feud is like tow retards slapfighting over the last safety helmet. KF goes down monthly anyway. Gotta echo
>>1623814 though. At least KF can make me laugh and can have good threads, even if its riddled with the lowest value of scrotes.
No. 1623823
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>>1623820I bet you they were talking about birth. Troons seethe when women bring up the one thing they can never and will never do
No. 1623827
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No. 1623856
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>>1623826>people say a lot of shady places are hosted by CFYeah, but it's usually not nearly this big a PR issue. The sheer volume of terminally online trannies blowing up their Twitter could actually have gotten them to stop providing their services to KF.
There's even a Vice article out about this today, and it points to a few examples of cloudflare discontinuing customer's service.
also kek at a platform that connects prostitute and clients being a "public good"That all being said, Kiwifarms will be back, with or without cloudflare.
No. 1623883
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Trannies have been celebrating Keffals for “taking down” kiwi farms.
No. 1623892
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>>1622635I think there was an association with uwu anime girls at first
No. 1623952
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what a waste of a nice dress
No. 1623953
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>>1623952more of this dude
No. 1623977
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>>1623952jesus fuck his body is hilarious, that poor dress, also was this an intentional reference to Buffalo Bill or…?
No. 1624091
>>1623856The owner of Cloudflare has said many times he regretted his decision to boot off the Daily Stormer and 8chan. Also both of those websites are still online even without Cloudflare.
Losing Cloudflare does not guarantee a website to go offline, it just means that they lose their DDOS protection (until they find an alternative provider) so basically trannies like Keffals are admitting they just want to DDOS KF to take it down and Cloudflare is standing in their way. DDOSing is a federal crime btw. Posting someone's tweets and making fun of them is not.
No. 1624127
>>1623802because to many people troons are operating on a binary where even if it’s clearly a man it’s still acknowledging men and women exist. Let the sad weirdo pretend in the corner.
With Enbies I see a lot more visceral confusion and hate, and I think it’s because it’s much more of an open attack on the individual. Even more than troons non binary people work by recruiting you and telling you everything you believe about yourself is wrong. Troons are literally tolerated out of retard pity, Enbies are outright trying to argue against your existence.
No. 1624134
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yet another case of a basement dwelling scrote skinwalking his goth crush
No. 1624189
>>1623768Wish he would’ve done that before raping two women pregnant. But they’re only
victims among men, aren’t they? Hope they bust open his prostate in there.
No. 1624227
File: 1661348134112.png (32.74 KB, 668x339, troons.png)

>man does something that upsets trannies
>trannies find a way to harass a real woman for it still
Psychopathic fucks.
No. 1624250
>>1623631yeah exactly, it’s fun to dress up and do each other’s makeup with other girls, because we know it’s not some weird sexual gratification thing. it’s fun to dress up a male friend and do his makeup for the same reasons you mentioned, but when I & my friends have done this in the past it’s always felt clear that the guy wasn’t getting off on it, he just thought it was kind of dumb but entertaining. I’d never feel comfortable doing the same thing with someone who was obviously too invested in it and viewed it as some pornified “initiation into gwirlhood” or expected everyone to give him a full makeover and then fawn over him for it.
also there’s this weird undertone in the post you replied to like the guy thinks women just naturally love to be endless wells of makeup advice. like no, when we enjoy doing our friends makeup it’s because it’s a fun bonding experience, not because we all have an uncontrollable urge to be servile makeup artists kek
No. 1624258
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This dude I found on r/transpassing used eyeliner as eyeshadow kek.. also that philtrum
No. 1624260
>>1623719and also what 12 year old girl doesn’t know what periods are and needs someone to “explain what’s happening”??? even if her parents are completely incompetent and her school has decided not to give basic sex ed, I remember other girls talking about periods well before then. so more likely it’s
> be 8-10 year old girl and fairly sheltered> for some reason be in a public bathroom, no parents/female friends/siblings to be seen (in what scenario would this even happen???)> oh shit im bleeding> probably be a bit shaken up but most kids around that age have no sense of self-preservation anyways> maybe get some toilet paper and wait till you get home, entirely ignoring the grown man lurking by the toilets> problem solved, grown man unnecessaryit’s disturbing but also just fucking confusing how many times this scenario is brought up by them. where do they even get the idea??? why are they obsessing over this in particular?? I truly hope it’s not some kind of existing porn scenario but I’m trying not to think too hard about that.
No. 1624277
>>1624260Yes, exactly. I got my period when I was 8. I knew what periods where but didn't connect that the bleeding was my period, so when I noticed the blood, in my bathroom at home, I was "oh, shit, mom, I'm bleeding from my vagina. This is clearly bad." She was like "dude, that's your period." and I was like "Ooooh, right." If this had occurred in a public bathroom instead of my house, there is no way in hell I would have talked to some strange ass man about it.
No. 1624285
>>1624132I dunno I disagree. Most normie men I’ve encountered can’t stand trannies and find them disgusting. Even the performative feminist scrotes laugh at trannies.
Men may recognise men but I feel as if MTFs are seen by other men as men who are just predatory/gay fetishises
(sage) No. 1624286
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No. 1624302
File: 1661354837330.png (2.89 MB, 1289x4979, smells-like-bullshit.png)

some developing drama in my local area, I just know there's more to this story than they're telling
No. 1624307
>>1624286"There was a time where I was called a girl so often that when I discovered the idea of transgenderism I considered myself to be more of a girl. So I identify with trans people and women a lot because I was a girl to a lot of people growing up." In June 2015, Way tweeted that he uses he and they pronouns.
from: was inevitable…
No. 1624319
>>1624302Yeah something is really fishy about this. The math ain't mathing. They really want people to think that people are 'transphobic' for no reason, just pure hatred.
It's like the Wi Spa incident where they wanted the narrative to be that a 'transphobe' just didn't want a man in a female space, which of course is wrong but it's normalized now. Of course it wasn't the case, and turns out he was a sex pest exposing himself. Every time.
No. 1624323
>>1624317NTA but god I hope that’s the case. I don’t even care for KF and Null is a saggy ball sack but I can’t stand seeing trannies win just because they’re so
abusive and obnoxious. It’s like these absolutely failed men really will do anything to win an argument/punish anyone who forces them to be even a LITTLE self aware for one second. Arguing with troons and their dumb fucking rhetoric is exactly like my malignant narc ex. 41% for all of them imo.
No. 1624331
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>>1624286>>1624299This is the pic used on his wikipedia which usually should be the best recent picture of someone. Looking at him now, he definitely has that 1000 yard porn addict coomer stare. Just look at that greasy hair. I can see him trooning out soon to be cool, especially since zoomers are just 'discovering' MCR since they love romanticizing the emo era which was just as embarrassing as the e-boy scene now but people act like it wasn't.
No. 1624369
>>1624307This is fucking unnerving but I get it, a lot of those pop punk and emo bands of the 2000s would often get called "sissies" and "faggots" because of their less than rugged looks and the wearing of eyeliner and having hair longer than a crew cut. It was pretty homophobic but it seems like some of them internalized this and with the popularity of trannification with retarded zoomers and some millennials, some of these old musicians from that scene may think trooning out will be the next best career (or attention) move for them.
Unfortunately Gerard Way seemed like the biggest candidate for it. I remember seeing that quote you pasted which is just him essentially saying he's nonbinary and like the pipeline goes, tranny is next.
>>1624331Same thing happened with that singer from Against Me, guy grew his hair out and eventually trooned out in the early 2010s. Someone needs to do that meme of death knocking on every door only this time using musicians who've trooned.
No. 1624398
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No. 1624400
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>>1624286>>1624331Crossposting from celebricows because he looks like such stereotypical AGP troon here
No. 1624427
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Kek this shit is hilarious. Apparently just by identifying as a female you get boobs and your eyelashes get longer! (Even though men have naturally longer lashes because they're hairier). Definitely not mental illness/delusion
No. 1624470
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i died laughing at this, posted to r/femalefashion and he didn't manage to hit either requirement! not female, not fashionable. kek
No. 1624480
>>1624450I know you meant well
nonnie but listen to
>>1624457 No. 1624501
>>1624457This, honestly.
>>1624450"Not all men" doesn't help anyone. The only purpose it serves is to shut women up when they voice legitimate complaints. No one actually thinks literally all men. Obviously humans are varied, but there are alarming behavioral trends consistent among males from every place and time on earth and we have the right to speak about it. Think about any other situation in which you feel something is wrong, and then imagine people constantly pointing out the tiny exception in response, the exception that has no effect on you or the people you love who are continually being hurt by the overwhelming majority. When you not all men you're just stroking your own ego and telling those who have suffered or who want to prevent others from suffering to shut up. It isn't noble or intelligent in the slightest.
No. 1624548
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>>1624286>>1624307MCR drunk the koolaid and one of the members (who types like a retarded teen btw) wants to sell binders as merch. wouldn't be surprised if he or some other members turned out to be groomers
No. 1624551
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I fell down a rabbit hole. Wanted to see how much increase there actually is for trans prevelance since it seems to be spreading like wildfire. Looked at subreddit subscriber stats for r/trans and r/mtf too. This is a screenshot for r/trans. Not labeled but I will post link, label was at top. I understand the user base of reddit as a whole has exploded, but this is exponential… No. 1624619
File: 1661370409111.png (70.99 KB, 1039x313, 1643658007770.png)

>>1624605>>1624576They said that the owner of the mega was a tranny hater
No. 1624620
>>1623939Man, Lucas is one smug fuck. The farms go down periodically all the time. I can't wait for more people to find out about this degenerate.
The dude sharing the degenerate's tweet is some tranny that works for google and I believe has some history of trying to combat kf before. Also has a partner that gets off on pretending to be a snake.
No. 1624621
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>>1623793I’ve seen some people say he was molested in the foster home and wanted revenge against the foster parent for “letting it happen”. If it’s at troon with hypothetical trauma, than murder is justified? Insanity. Also this crazy ass comment under the post when people were asking “If he identified as a woman, why was he still using his penis to impregnate female inmates?”
No. 1624643
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>>1624400He looks so bad. Totally serving Hollywood sellout pedophile energy.
No. 1624663
>>1624286I'm sorry
nonnie but gerard way trooning out has been in the cards since he said he was nonbinary. Its pretty much inevitable. It's giving washed up desperate has been. I think he's grappling with the fact that he's old and ugly now and wants relevance again
No. 1624724
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>>1624323Me @ Null and KF
No. 1624796
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because this clearly wasn't done by a troon desperate to get KF shut down.
No. 1624801
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Some of them are turning against Keffals too for something. Does anyone know about this Jai person? No. 1624803
>>1624799Also, in keffals' case specifically they have (had) documented evidence of him trying to groom minors, with bathtub hrt sellers and his weird fart fetish.
Probably of other troons too, but I don't lurk KiwiFarms very much
No. 1624808
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No. 1624810
>>1624286Literally came here just to say this kek. I’m seeing losers on twitter using “they/them” pronouns for him because he apparently once said he uses “he/they”, and isn’t this one of the first steps? I will be so letdown if he lets this shit taint his mind. Once upon a time I would have loved to see him in a dress like this but these days I can’t help but associate it with tranny shit so it just makes me cringe. I hope Lindsey is a baby
terf or something, please keep your husband in reality.
No. 1624816
>>1621961i know this is old but fuck the other day i saw an article by a tran talking about how animal crossing helped them explore their gender identity and it literally made me want to punch somebody
can’t they just let us have ONE thing without making it weird as fuck
No. 1624854
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No. 1624857
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This is obviously sarcasicm but the smugness of this idiot pisses me off and makes me laugh. He's lurking the kiwifarms thread waiting for a "cute" remark to make, or he truly thinks he looks bad ass? Kendall acts like how I'd imagine Shayna would act if she got popular on Twitter and went against lolcow.
No. 1624859
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You look like a pig. Oink
No. 1624862
>>1624859god grant me the confidence yadda yadda
seriously wtf is that … everything
No. 1624863
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>>1624857Can't help but get manic vibes from Lucas.
No. 1624881
File: 1661391131103.jpg (485.81 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20220824-223113_Twi…)

Man I like Jenny Nicholson but since following her I get all troons on my tl
No. 1624904
File: 1661393269362.jpg (933.64 KB, 1196x991, KS57575.jpg)

>>1624322>>1624302troons and their handmaidens are so delicate, this is their idea of "transphobic" tweets?
No. 1624919
File: 1661394097345.png (389.63 KB, 511x578, lol.png)

guess he has a death wish
No. 1624927
File: 1661395000345.jpg (1.73 MB, 1440x3104, Screenshot_20220824-222023_Chr…)

Woke dad: Help me, troons! My wife became a feminist (the bad kind).
Troons: You must leave her and seek custody of the kids: No. 1624931
>>1624904I'm so fucking tired of the modern left and their assumption that they can lie about businesses and organizations all day long. I hope more places start calling an attorney the second these scrotes start shit.
>>1624801That unintentional admission that their side is full of violent psychos and would happily murder another person for posting on fucking kiwi farms.
No. 1624940
>>1624819do you really think a black person can stand kiwifarms ? they use n
**rs every minutes, even null does
No. 1624951
File: 1661396844015.jpg (235.67 KB, 1170x1158, 1651366821347.jpg)

>>1624940It's the internet
nonnie people call people names, it probably doesn't offend them.
No. 1624952
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No. 1624958
File: 1661397318370.jpg (450.29 KB, 2052x2048, FZZVdplXEAMD7dC.jpg)

>r*ddit isn't grooming your children
No. 1624959
File: 1661397513262.gif (13.97 KB, 352x34, D1D6E376-CEB4-4EDE-B95F-76E654…)

>>1624881>>1624881A tranny can’t even be a superhero because that actually requires you to be able to hide your actual identity
No. 1624966
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Lol, being shit at sport still doesn't give you a right to play on women's teams. 1/2
No. 1624967
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No. 1624973
File: 1661398334579.jpg (556.19 KB, 2736x3648, W0Xolr4.jpg)

No. 1624987
File: 1661399445738.png (24.74 KB, 1091x379, dumb.png)

Trans women are just like women who went through cancer and needed to get a mastectomy and can't give birth, teehee
No. 1624989
>>1624927>she changed during those 6 months, become much more opinionated on things>I told her to stop since her opinions in public will affect METhat alone shows why he is so mad about his wife being a
TERF, along with the typical woke pandering moid, that's it. He is mad because he can't manipulate the wife and she is not the docile handmaiden she was and is more afraid of his reputation than listening to his wife and her
valid arguments.
I hope the wife leaves him tho, it must suck having a cultist trying to suck you back in and make you drink the kool aid
No. 1624990
>>1624881>you can do amazing things with your bodyAh yes, like stuff silicon into your chest, bloat up from estrogen, leak all kinds of colors from your atrocity vagina…
Meanwhile actual women can grow other human beings in their organs, push them out, and sustain them for months using just their bodies. Seethe about it.
No. 1624998
>>1624987Your sister is female no matter how many surgeries she gets, and you are male no matter how many you have. Not a hard concept to understand.
Also there's a big difference between being a cancer patient and being a delusional, LARPing misogynist.
No. 1625002
File: 1661400658599.jpg (10.94 KB, 243x207, agape-kittyfox.jpg)

>>1624985an amputee with a fetish. thumbnail because the troons are having their weekly temper tantrum at KF. actual deviantart profile contains troon nudity, no snake cosplay.
No. 1625004
>>1624994According to TRAs, gender and sex are social constructs, but race is an immutable hereditary trait. Also 0.0001% of the population being intersex means that there are more than two sexes, but when it comes to race, everybody is either white or
POC, with biracial people being
POC so long as they're not "white passing."
No. 1625013
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No. 1625027
>>1624663He's never come out as nonbinary. That comment was from almost a decade ago when people were still fighting about "they" as a singular, neutral pronoun. They guy was trying to be nice and empathetic, and the current crop of gender cultists run with it. No one who is friends with him irl calls him anything but he.
Also, the cheerleader outfit is just a stage costume. He's worn a fucking clown suit on this tour, suits covered in fake blood, slathered himself in dirt/grime makeup. You sound like twitter retards making it some statement of identity, instead of some dude who has always been gnc and theatrical doing something weird on stage.
Also, the binder thing was his poor dumbass bandmate buckling to all the MTFs begging him for a merch binder, because The Used did it. It's been months, and it still hasn't actually appeared, so his "I'm researching it and looking into it" could have just been to get them off his back until they were distracted by the tour.
Ugh, this is dumb. I've just been holding my tongue through to many fucking idiot gender morons' takes on twitter.
No. 1625034
File: 1661402092262.jpeg (399.44 KB, 750x749, FD0F8DAA-8CCF-40AD-AD97-D0410B…)

Why are trannies obsessed with black lipstick? It draws attention to their thin male lips and five o clock shadow. Is it because they think it looks cute or is it a skinwalking thing? The e-girl hearts on the cheek make me think it's a skinwalker.
No. 1625055
File: 1661403322479.png (Spoiler Image,2.66 MB, 2066x4740, triforcehero1998.png)

>>1624987The handmaiden who made the transwomen are like infertile women and breast cancer survivors comment is a feeder whose boyfriend just trooned out kek.
No. 1625072
>>1625052Nothing. But he hasn’t. Guy was on stage tonight in normal jeans and a tshirt. A stage costume doesn't amount to trooning out to anyone but gender tards. Men and women are allowed to just be GNC. The guy isn't MTF or an NB. He's just a GNC musician who fucks around on stage and tries to be nice to his retard fans by empathizing with them.
It would be nice if we didn't do the same "gender non-conformity means you're trans" bullshit as the gender morons.
No. 1625086
>>1625064Not a scrote, this is just the only place I can talk about this without being crucified for twansphobia.
>>1625028I do freelance work in a career that's overrun with trannies. I don't want to lose connections or be blacklisted by anyone.
No. 1625088
>>1625077You really should not let random scrote possibly trooning out affect you this much nonna
>>1625075KF is a nest of misogynist incels too so I would not shed a tear if it went down
No. 1625097
>>1625055So he didn't even care enough about her to marry her, but she still wrecked her own body for him, put herself at greater cancer risk while her own sister has had midlife cancer, all so he could know that she can't escape. And now he's going to leave her soon, anyway. 100% brilliant person to be handing out advice to anyone.
>>1625034We need to go back 15 years to the understanding that black lipstick doesn't look good IRL.
No. 1625126
File: 1661408172565.jpeg (245.08 KB, 750x1036, 7A4280B7-ADBC-43B5-BAE8-814B45…)

if you have to watch a video to come up with a counter argument for your entire identity then how could you possibly be secure in it? you can't even justify yourself in your own words. get triggered again, tranny.
No. 1625128
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No. 1625130
File: 1661408973926.jpeg (597.38 KB, 750x1091, A5CB1BAC-565A-45D5-9BC9-65FF41…)

skinwalking inception
No. 1625131
File: 1661409153020.jpeg (Spoiler Image,267.29 KB, 750x1019, BEB030D0-6467-4EF5-9F3C-E5E525…)

Picrel is definitely one of the most revolting tranny accounts I’ve seen
No. 1625132
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>>1625126Yet another one with a wife
No. 1625140
>>1623144I know a friend's ex who did this, abused her then wanted to play video games and Jack off all day so she booted him and he made a GFM for his "
toxic living environment" when his family offered to let him stay for free. guess being told to man up is too hard for them
No. 1625144
File: 1661411752644.jpg (1.44 MB, 1493x1186, tiddypills.jpg)

>biological woman
No. 1625145
File: 1661411775589.jpg (226 KB, 1200x882, FTUc6C2XoAEo-zb.jpg)

feat. troon with actual biological woman kek
No. 1625170
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No. 1625174
>>1625173TME: trans misogyny exempt, aka transmen/non binary TIFs
m-spec: male spectrum, aka bi and gay men
monosexual: anyone who isn't bi/pan i guess
No. 1625175
>>1625144>>1625145went through his twitter and he has pics of his manly fridge body with the troon flag in the caption kek
he's also a super autismo moid obsessed with mtg and star wars and posted about how he was anti-feminist growing up and got yelled at by his mom for it
what a loser
No. 1625176
>>1625173TME means Transmisogyny exempt, which means anyone who arent a troonswoman (because yes, in the gender hierarchy, the troonswoman suffer the most and deserve everything for whatever reason) opposite is TMA (transmisogyny affected) is males suffering from misogyny (its just the new AFAB/AMAB, since they decided that it is too oldschool for them)
Monosexual means a person who is in a relationship with one partner, i mean, a normal relationship. the opposite is polysexual/polyamourous, which means someone who is in a relationship with more than 1 partners.
No. 1625177
>>1625170Maybe someone simply does not want to interact with your stupid fucking penis and the violent misogynist person attached to it
Literally every woman on earth, lesbian or not, understands that feeling and boundary. Weird how trans mtf can’t learn that simple law that no means no, almost like they are not at all “women trapped in male bodies”
No. 1625189
>>1625170what does "suicide baits a trans person" mean
terfs threaten to kill themselves in front of a tranny a lot?
No. 1625225
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>>1625170Here's a lot of whining about lesbians. It's so common in men to have mantrums when a certain group of women don't want to fuck them. Trannoids do this bc lesbians don't want their dicks and incels do this when young & pretty women don't want their dicks. The entitlement is atrocious.
No. 1625245
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>>1625008Troons’ brains are sex-typical. It is same-sex attraction that’s associated with sex-atypical brain structure. No. 1625250
>>1624551covid really lead to this becoming popular because men were too bored
>>1624881troons are delusional druggies, who get plastic surgery, not superheros. What is going on in their mind?
>>1624927we all know that she will get the kids kek. They are so delusional to think that something like that is a reason to get the custody
No. 1625257
> I am doing my best to respond to her needs, which I never cared before and she should appreciate it and fall in love with me but she doesn't and I am too exhausted because for the first time in life I am actually doing things for her and not me. And now I am looking up how to guilt and brainwash my wife into staying by doing couple therapies>>1625149this.
No. 1625262
File: 1661430072950.jpg (175.73 KB, 800x575, IMG_20220825_133806.jpg)

… the troons won. Kiwifarms was complete shit but it was one of the last bastions of free speech where you could actually criticise people like Keffals or the trans community. So I guess we're next(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1625268
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No. 1625272
>>1625270In light of this I will continue to be a crypto
terf. It's extremely dangerous to out yourself because of these psychotic, degenerate men. I have even more respect for the brave women who can somehow manage to fight back.
No. 1625273
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No. 1625275
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No. 1625304
File: 1661432321972.jpg (81.27 KB, 727x590, keffals.jpg)

No. 1625317
File: 1661433057845.jpg (96.64 KB, 576x747, troonisaslur.jpg)

I have no hope
No. 1625327
nonnie, 41%. They are all going to die eventually either of an heroing or STDS or their gash wounds infecting and rotting, they also live such miserable lives that's why they hate women so much, because we are happy.
No. 1625336
>>1625170first of all, bingo!
second, terfs are definitely not the ones that coined the fucking non-men loving non-men definition, why are they putting that stupid shit on us
No. 1625337
>>1622234trans-identified females exist..
Can we get less retarded sperging about men and more posts about troons? Enough of this site is dedicated to the former
(sage) No. 1625338
>>1625170>This source is wrong because it's oldGCs use lots of old sources? The better argument would be that we're over reliant on them, but that requires actually knowing the first thing about us. We also acknowledge that feminists don't always agree with each other. That's why "libfem" and "radfem" are used as distinguishing terms.
>Pretends to also care about bisexual and [gay men's] labelsGay men are fending for themselves just fine, and they get away with standing up to troons way more often than we do. When we post about them, that's specifically what we're saying. We're not feigning concern. Bisexuals are generally unaffected by the trans fad for a variety of reasons (trannies don't find it as "validating" to date bisexuals, for one.)
>Comphet is a transphobic term coined by a TERFIt was coined by Adrienne Rich, who died before the term "
TERF" even existed. Also it's used by plenty of normie queer academics.
>Uses "invalid" unironicallyAs someone who's been in these spaces for several years, I only ever hear "
valid" and "invalid" used mockingly.
>Lesbians are only attracted to one gender, but also non-binary peopleGCs don't believe in gender bullshit. Lesbians are attracted to female people. That includes "afabs" who call themselves non-binary.
>Ruining the sanctity of lesbianismI've never heard it phrased this way in my entire life. The problem isn't that lesbians are losing their "sanctity," whatever the fuck that means. Lesbian bars and lesbian gathering places online are literally vanishing because they've been taken over by spicy straights and trannies. Lesbians often give up these spaces willingly because they're terrified of being branded with the "
TERF" scarlet letter.
>Lesbians are more oppressed than bisexualsIt's not a fucking competition, but yeah, lesbians generally have it worse because they don't have the fallback of marrying a guy. It's not rocket science.
>Only people who fit the label of "non-men loving non-men" are lesbiansWhat TERFs is this guy talking to? We hate the "non-men" crap and oppose it entirely. Lesbians are females exclusively attracted to other females. That's the definition we use.
>Radfems kicked bisexuals out of the communityIf radfems actually had the power to kick people out of the community, this whole debate about trannies wouldn't be happening in the first place.
No. 1625347
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>>1624952Nice. More and more women are speaking out against this fucking cult. Link to the video is here: No. 1625375
>>1625356If people think kiwi goes down Keffals/Troon squad won't focus on lolcow next they are crazy. The flat out LIES I see people blatantly making about KF with thousands of likes, using the deaths of people, also are all the "
victims" of kiwifarms Trans? I can swear one was an abused woman who was groomed by a grown ass man and was very mentally ill. I always hear they are killing Trans people but they forget the woman they claimed was killed by Kiwifarms, which makes this even more retarded. I could go on Twitter and say, "Josh moon punched me in the mouth yesterday!!" And they'd 100% believe it. I don't like that scrote but yes, if Keffels get Kiwifarms down every single space will get the same attention. However, I do think Keffals is going to fuck up, he's seriously dumb. He loves the clout and attention. It just makes me.sick how much sympathy they get. Then that scrote who literally gives play by plays, of gore/shock tapes also made a video defending Keefals and claiming he was in danger.
No. 1625382
>>1625375The following people have supposedly killed themselves because of harassment from Kiwifarms
By now confirmed to have faked his death, the US reports every single death of American citizens that happens overseas and the Japanese are VERY diligent about paperwork. His death was not among the reported US citizen who died within the alleged time period. His husband in the US never received his "remains", instead his co-worker presented a cookie-jar on twitter saying it had his ashes in them. That's all the "proof" they had for his death. Japanese Kiwis never saw his death mentioned in local newspapers who regularly report on suicides. Confirmed fake.
Chloe Segal:
Was a trans woman whose Kiwifarms thread was inactive and had not posted in for 8 months at the time he killed himself. He had BPD and was kicked out by his fellow troon roommates to be homeless living on the street because he was so
toxic. Before he set himself on fire he held a long speech about how there are not enough resources for the mentally ill in the US and how mistreated mentally ill people are, also he was very upset about how he was treated by his own troon community from which he received no help during the time he was homeless. Kiwifarms was never mentioned by him.
Julie Terryberry:
A mentally ill girl who was in an
abusive relationship with a man who was 10 years older than her (started when she was 17 and he was 27). He beat and cut her regularly and called it "BDSM". Her family was extremely poor and
abusive to her, she had several untreated mental health issues. Her boyfriend threatened to leave her and she said she would kill herself if he did. He left and she killed herself. Again, nothing to do with Kiwifarms (who actually tried to get her help several times).
No. 1625452
File: 1661443687832.png (373.64 KB, 810x1077, Screenshots_2022-08-24-22-51-3…)

why do i have a feeling this woman's husband's gonna troon out?
No. 1625462
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No. 1625483
>>1625462this is retarded
>immutable factproof? why do they like coming up with shit like this? their math is like "if woman is oppressed and tranny is oppressed then trans whamen is ultra oppressed!1" I can't stand these motherfuckers. I hate how they think a regular woman is somehow oppressing a they/them man who wears nail polish
No. 1625526
>>1625026its billie
>>1624496gerard is a fatty. he always had wide face and chubby cheeks and was mildly obese as a child so its not a good indication of hrt use in this case. i still believe hes probably gonna troon out anytime soon tho.
No. 1625558
>>1625332Honestly I am convinced that all of the people that ignore what is going on and mindlessly allow their corporations to support trans shit is actually just sexually into it (mostly male GAMPs that are directors and producers). How did CTV cover keffals yet never mention the fact he was targeted bc people don’t want him to advertise underground estrogen to kids? Why does no one mention the effects of puberty blockers on mainstream news when they speak about “anti trans protesters” and why they might be angry?
It’s because these men think it is the best way to get their prepubescent sissies.
No. 1625571
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No. 1625591
>>1625571Imagine the absolute shitstorm the troon would have raised if a female partner did the same thing as this guy. Even when enabling each others gender-bender fantasies, men really do treat each other differently.
Women are the only ones who are not allowed to have boundaries, huh? Chasers can, because they are straight uwu.
No. 1625657
File: 1661456857752.jpg (671.24 KB, 1125x839, IMG_3061 2.jpg)

Following the emo boys/Gerard Way chat, I saw this posted by a trans-enby type on Twitter today now i want to burn down a Hot Topic
No. 1625666
File: 1661457335657.png (73.58 KB, 570x800, chad.png)

lol incel
T. Stacey
No. 1625670
File: 1661457544670.jpg (354.22 KB, 1219x2048, Rh3QN61.jpg)

At least this one is self-aware
No. 1625681
File: 1661457980265.jpg (129.78 KB, 640x635, tumblr_15dc87c02a105f5b01f1d05…)

they are all clones of the same person with the same tired insults
No. 1625771
File: 1661462711773.jpg (283.85 KB, 2000x1333, Jamie-Clayton-Hellraiser-b3852…)

Not really milk and sorry if this is derailing but I just found out Jamie Clayton is playing Pinhead and I have never been so confused over a casting choice…. Just how?
No. 1625816
File: 1661466453379.jpeg (691.66 KB, 1242x3616, F38EEBCF-E9A0-441F-A7FE-E96B52…)

God almighty how I wish I had a massive folder made up of smaller folders of the following;
>troons in womens bathrooms doing degen shit
>troons being misogynists
>troons saying they feel dumber, vapid, brain foggy, basic, after taking girl pills
>troons shouting at women during speeches
And other such ridiculous shit. We’ve seen it all nonnas I wish I had stuff like this on hand for when handmaidens or delulu moids talk like this.
No. 1625830
File: 1661468146016.jpg (387 KB, 1440x2089, 20220825_175453.jpg)

Posts you instantly know were made by a TIM
No. 1625856
File: 1661470501024.png (357 KB, 1080x2095, Screenshot_20220825-192709-506…)

Always with the fuckin BOUNCING! Every time!
No. 1625857
>>16258161. Create the folders
2. Start scrolling through the past troon threads here
3. Save everything that meets the criteria
4. Congrats. You now have folders with documentation of the following:
troons in womens bathrooms doing degen shit
troons being misogynists
troons saying they feel dumber, vapid, brain foggy, basic, after taking girl pills
troons shouting at women during speeches
No. 1625891
File: 1661474314884.png (205.91 KB, 466x638, do they though.png)

Self awareness?
No. 1625915
Couldn't find an article in English. Another man troons out to try to go to a woman prison and get a lesser sentence.>Ex MMA fighter>Lied to his girlfriend about being on the sex offender registry for violent sex crime>Would rape gf while holding a knife to her throat>Says he was a violent rapist because of his ~gender disphoria~2021 article about him No. 1625919
File: 1661478841377.jpg (28.53 KB, 320x320, 866995df879f1304e4481aab488d39…)

>>1623749>secretgamergirlOh yeah this guy's a beardo, Zoe Queen simp named Jake Alley but he posts on twitter as a woman. He likes to go AS A WOMAN…nah, shave your beard my dude.
No. 1625927
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What does this even mean
No. 1625937
File: 1661480172498.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1170x1885, 778B9BA2-FF16-474D-869C-C4B426…)

Maybe next time don’t post a picture of yourself when advertising a movie
No. 1625947
File: 1661481489615.jpeg (1.42 MB, 1147x1840, FC54B976-9615-4601-85AB-949E03…)

Lord grant me the confidence of a hideous male
No. 1625954
File: 1661482499173.jpg (311.91 KB, 943x1323, Screenshot_20220825-223919_Chr…)

Troon sperging out
Most likely and mtf based on the fact he called me a "little girl with no power". Fucking freaks.
No. 1625956
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Part two
No. 1625962
File: 1661482917416.jpeg (157.95 KB, 1170x305, CE7826A1-08CB-4947-BEAC-57F493…)

Misogynist perverts in academia what’s new
No. 1625971
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No. 1625984
>>1625409It's not just them. Someone on fat Acceptance instagram reposted something by someone who claimed the "death fat pool" was monetised and users gambled in bitcoin over who would die!
I think a lot of these people who make shit up for shock and pearlclutching rely on the people they talk to never actually going there themselves.
No. 1626060
>>1625971kek, does he not know women have a g-spot? The cope.
>>1626034It's still pretty easy to find under his porn name and the company he worked for tbh. It's as you would expect though.
Weird black hole for "entry", what is quite obviously the severed end of his urinary tract (quite literally looks like a stoma) and a sad discolored and shriveled up looking "clit" along with the usual tell-tale thick scars running up the "labia". He must be fucking dudes in the dark is all I'm saying.
No. 1626092
The confidence these men have astonishes me. Most of them are genuinely uglier and scarier to look at than any actual woman I have ever seen and that includes deformed women and women who weigh 500lbs. The majority of less conventionally attractive women hide from the camera and if they don't they are usually at best body neutral and are often just trying to share other aspects of their lives. When women are ugly their self esteem is usually low to the point where a lot of them seclude themselves and refuse to date (even if men's standards are low and they could get an average sctote if they tried).
It's as if these troons are actually not women. They don't behave anything like women.
I did watch a video about autogynephilia and apparently these men see an artefact and not themselves when they look in the mirror or at media of themselves.
I'm going to warn people this scrote is a chaser and a bit of a creep but what he says about AGPs is 100% correct.
He's talking here about why AGPs often have no sense of style and why they look so odd and often outdated. 2 embed) No. 1626097
>>1625959Even still, people think someone who regularly gets posted on the "dark web" is normal and innocent? They don't stop to think why the average e-celeb troon doesn't get posted about so extensively there?
My male pro-troon friend didn't believe me when I told him keffals used to do porn, y'all think it would help people to see what he's really like if more people knew about it? It was the first thing he did right before and after surgery, clearly a sexual fetish and not just someone "trying to be themselves".
No. 1626129
>>1625868>>1626100>>1626106Slav anon here, we can use some russian cloud services like Yandex and or a social network No one will ever care about complaints there.
Here's an example of a similar themed group with my favorite post ever btw, check out them screenshots: No. 1626166
File: 1661510745971.png (353.21 KB, 742x854, troons.png)

Keffals troon army is still trying to go after Null's mother because they just need to find a woman to harass somehow. This article has her place of work and home address in it, which is against twitter TOS but of course it doesn't matter if it's troons doing the doxing.
(Apparently I posted this in the wrong thread first, my bad)
No. 1626172
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>>1626166this reminds me of how the kid who coined the term superstraight mom was also harassed by the TRA's, they review bombed her shop and the kid had to admit that he was sorry cause he wanted the death threats against his mom to stop
No. 1626178
>>1625368Troons can have the internet t b h.
Its not like they have anything else. The internet will basically revert to what it originally was.
A place for balding pornsick neckbeard fatasses masturbating to furry porn, only now its a place for balding pornsick neckbeard fatasses wearing grandma's flower dress and masturbating to furry porn.
No. 1626182
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>>1626180Being pansexual is twansphobic now apparently too… kek
No. 1626184
>>1626174It means "attracted to all genders".
Often used by spicy straights who don't want to miss out on a theoretical hot person of the opposite sex who uses fancy pronouns
No. 1626196
>>1626189Well "pan" literally means "everything" and "bi" means both.
You sound like a
triggered troon btw.
No. 1626200
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>>1626199Being overly agressive online is a total troon trait, because its a autistic scrote trait.
That's why troons always keep trying to escalate things by either insulting people, threatening them with violence or being passive agressive.
Sorta like what you're doing here.
Like doesn't even matter if there's a wig and lipstick on it and a "xXx_real_nerd_girl" screenname, the behavioral pattern of male nerds will always shine through.
(go outside and touch some grass) No. 1626207
>>1626200>>1626202You are both retarded, and that anon was rightfully hostile because
>>1626174 was acting like a mong and refused to sage. This is an imageboard, not a safe space. Go back to Reddit/Ovarit
No. 1626209
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>>1626207>shuuuduup bitch you made a mistake on the internet goooshFound a pre-transition photo of you.
(infighting) No. 1626230
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If these are your enemies you know you have done everything right.
No. 1626237
File: 1661519014052.png (318.36 KB, 343x1189, Screenshot 2022-08-26 09.01.37…)

>>1626225Josh posting screeds of righteous anger on Telegram. I was really annoyed though to see him say "grooming little
boys", I mean he hosts the tranny threads, should know better and know that the grooming of
girls is actually a more urgent problem. Maybe he needs to read the Littman paper and Abigail Shrier, maybe I am making a mountain out of a molehill here. TiFs are so much more often the
victims, TiMs are louder of course and make better "lolcows" for that fact, but I felt like it was a telling omission
No. 1626245
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Did you guys see this? Reddit mod actually doing something worthwhile? Deleted and reposting to add link. No. 1626250
File: 1661520078180.jpeg (159.58 KB, 1100x1260, 55FF1E7F-117F-4A4B-A2C6-EFDC1D…)

No. 1626251
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>>1626245kek at the complaining
No. 1626268
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>>1626261It's from back in June when JKR retweeted a detrans male's thread about how he was fucked up by gender surgery. No. 1626273
>>1624643I really hope this is just fun dressing up "ha ha look how silly I look like" but the 2020s seems to be a never ending circus ride
>>1624307Wasn't the appeal of MCR and similar bands was the huge "FUCK YOU" energy they gave off what is this spinless shit. "people called me a girl because I put on nail polish and eyeliner welp guess I'm a girl and not actually a boy" so fucking cowardly. I hate this movement.
>>1624398Even the way the post is addressed gives off strong reddit moid vibes
No. 1626287
File: 1661524709875.jpeg (371.24 KB, 750x875, 87102F8D-C475-434E-81E5-A5B713…)

I know I’m preaching to the choir here but have you ever thought about how they see catcalling, titty jiggling and being sexually desired by males (or by themselves I guess) as “gender affirming” but they would never think of how women see them?
That it would be gender affirming that a woman is not scared and instead comfortable around them and would include them in her space?
They see being in a women’s space simply as a right they deserve and never think about WHY women don’t feel comfortable around them, other than their surface level transphobia screeching.
No. 1626294
>>1624557Since when does 4chan attract this type of self-righteous behavior? I would expect that from twitter/tumblrinas but 4chan?
I will never get used to the cultural shift that happened online.
No. 1626301
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Jesus, he is such a diva. They ordered some pizzas to his house so he had to make up all this shit about a fake swatting. "They want me dead" Keffals nobody cares about you enough to want to kill you. Why are they all obsessed with being murdered?
No. 1626305
>>1626301It probably gives them “euphoria” since women are murdered so often. We already know how badly TiMs want to be cat called and raped. They want to be the ultimate
No. 1626306
File: 1661525833174.jpg (20.53 KB, 548x197, I don't know who he is but I'm…)

bold of him to tweet this after using @keffalsbackup to tweet while @keffals was on a 12-hour time out.
that's under twitter's ban evasion policy, not that they'd enforce it on a popular troon.
No. 1626307
File: 1661525843804.png (40.22 KB, 605x264, 076.png)

>>1626301Everyone would forget Keffals exists if he stopped bringing attention to himself. He is actually loving this, this is the most important he has felt in his entire life. Trannies have no reason to live other than to fuel their persecution and
victim complexes while they themselves are the real oppressors.
No. 1626317
>>1626291You’re right. Women are servants, scapegoats and punching bags to males, I wonder how anyone defending tims but hating “men” doesnt see that they treat us the exact same way.
victim complex in this one is insane
>>1626305They want to be at the very top of the oppression hierarchy, that’s why they compare themselves to Jews all the time.
No. 1626320
>>1626287What women's hobbies are wearing dresses and skirts and heels. Even women who are into fashion are into
fashion. They make it so obvious it's a fetish. It's disgusting, it's me think of all the things we do and go through as women that they fetishizes because it gets their rocks off.
Hunter was too honest when they said their womanhood was all about being consumed and used by a man. That's how they see women.
No. 1626336
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I refuse to believe a neo vagina is tighter than a real vagina, literally all pictures shown of neo vags the hole is fucking gaping open all the time. I think theyre confusing the fact the wound is trying to close on itself and they only have 2-4 inches of depth theyre trying to pry open with dilators daily.
Not to mention the fact it cant get wet and theres poopoo bacteria in there
No. 1626343
File: 1661527125595.jpg (159.04 KB, 1124x417, neovagina.jpg)

>>1626336Someone who actually had sex with a troonhole described it as a "very deep bellybutton", so I guess it is tighter in the way that a bellybutton is tighter than a vagina because it can't stretch and has no muscles surrounding it. It's also prone to ripping and bleeding plus it is completely smooth on the inside and doesn't have the natural ridges that a vagina has. I really doubt it is anywhere close to pleasurable for either party involved. Also imagine the smell, blergh.
No. 1626348
>>1626344I like kf but if something alternative and female/
TERF-oriented comes out of this I will not be sad. Those spaces on KF don't really benefit that much from the inhabitants of the other spaces on KF who have little to add other than "let's all chuck the trannies into the gas chambers" and the like. On the other hand what Josh is going through may (and is certainly meant to) scare people off trying to create such a space but needs must and I am sure someone will step up, maybe from this side of the internet.
No. 1626351
>>1626237>>1626330>>1626348wrt trans/gender stuff there was always discussion about "wow someone should make a website or content that peaks the normies" but that never came to fruition. Seeing KF going down like this is annoying but maybe I'm too much of a morally uptight person so I won't exactly be sad.
It's not exactly easy to tell someone "look ignore the fundamentally fucked up nature of KF but look at all of this TQ shit and the censorship on some of the biggest and most influential websites in order to protect the TQ image!" I really do feel like I'm going insane at times because of it. Any relatively normie safe space is getting banned.
No. 1626378
>>1626343haha stupid fucking coomers getting what they deserve. hope the scrote is genuinely traumatized but knowing xy chromosome he'll probably find a way to jack off to his own "trauma" or troon out himself.
41% is too low lets jack those numbers up baybeee
No. 1626403
>>1626359I feel like you're skeptical enough to start asking questions then it's a good website but in the eyes of the general public it's no different than a nutjob news website. I'm so glad that there are some huge news websites tackling this in the first place especially the few articles put out by the Economist and BBC were really good to get some people thinking
>>1626375I feel the opposite actually the "haha look at this weirdo" does nothing to me and I wouldn't be surprised if others just find the archiving to be more than obsessive. Someone deliberately saying "transitioning doesn't even help alleviate dysphoria here are studies about it and why are you transitioning if you don't have dysphoria" plus general discussions that revealed the sexist nature of movement did a lot more to peak me, that's kind of what I want in an ideal world. There isn't even a youtube channel for that King Critical is very dry and I feel like I'm linking someone to a flat earther community.
No. 1626405
>>1626389>>1626390Keffals and co are a bunch of losers and probably left traces of the DDOS all over the place. The police would have to investigate the DDOS on KF though, and in this environment, that's not going to happen.
What may happen is that the FBI or whoever investigates the SWAT on Greene, and that may lead back to the people who DDOSed KF.
No. 1626412
>>1626390Some 14yo kid said he did it but it was most likely a joke to seem edgy. The autists at kf doxed him for it.
No. 1626420
File: 1661532349404.png (2.4 MB, 1000x1364, Untitled.png)

This is Liz Fong Jones' snake tranny partner btw, he walks around with his arms tied behind his back to pretend to be a snake.
No. 1626425
>>1626372Highly fucking doubt it. I'm one of those women on the fence in the sense that I'm sick and tired of the pretend games being showed down your throat but a lot of anti troon sites just end up going too themselves and giving that feeling of "maybe we ARE assholes".
Ive been compared to a murderer by one tranny and told I need to "train" myself by another for saying my brain registered people as their sex but id use pronouns to be nice. Plus general internet troon behavior and never-ending "im submissive and weak- I must be a woman" transition stories. So its refreshing as hell to see a place where people dont by into this shit one bit (I'm here cuz kiwifarms is down and I need my troon mocking fix), but then it always devolves into things that either feel incredibly cruel (like stories where a tranny didnt do anything but got migendered and cried. doing a terrible of making the tranny unsympathetic) or just contradictory. Like people both wanting to ban hrt for kids (100% agree) but also discrediting trannies based on physical characteristics they got from going through natural puberty. One of those caused the other….
The path two peak trans for people on the fence isnt contradictory takes or bullying screenshots where tranny is innocent.
It's showcasing all the times trannies make you frustrated as hell.
No. 1626426
>>1626403ayrt I agree with you basically but the thing is the hook to get people reading: if there was (say) terfchan then it will attract terfs to read it and trannies to fuck with it, but a gossip site that is just about weirdos which in the discussions of said weirdos brings up the important talking points about trannies, that is helpful in peaking people like in my experience I was browsing KF looking at tumblr cringe mostly and found the tranny thread which interspersed with finding and making fun of weird trannies cotains a lot of good
TERF/GC discussion. It peaked me so that's just my experience but I think it is useful.
No. 1626431
>>1626405The SWATting of MTG is probably not Keffals or his troon army. It is probably related to Ethan Ralph or more likely Nick Fuentes and America First (who are associated with Ethan Ralph.) The SWATting was done in the name of a KF jannie for the Ethan Ralph board and I'm sure he hates trannies as much as anyone but he's not really involved in tranny stuff, but he is involved in alogging those particular right-wing speds on KF, and there has been a LOT of swatting going back and forth in that community. There is some discussion about it on kf and here: (offshoot of the old 8/cow/ board) although it is pretty impenetrable (not to mention a nasty and nsfw scrote board) if you don't know the back story.
No. 1626432
File: 1661532918679.png (176.43 KB, 700x900, leave him alone.png)

>>1625927Why are twitter troons so insufferable
No. 1626434
>>1626416Almost everyone here browses KF at least a little.
>>1626422 is right though in the sense that KF is full of nasty scrotes and Josh is a nasty scrote himself. I follow a few cows that are best or only covered on KF though and really there are different spaces with different people and different behaviors within KF. The environment could be called "
toxic" and LCF generally does a better job of covering girlcows than BP, but there is a place for it and unfortunately there is currently not an alternative for some discussions and a place that allows doxing.
No. 1626440
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Serious question, though: perhaps not really the right place but a few people have mentioned ITT wanting a place to archive receipts. I have some server space, is it something that people would use and actually find useful?
No. 1626441
File: 1661533523304.jpg (246.86 KB, 972x1967, 20220826_190551.jpg)

It doesnt matter how supportive you are, they will always hate you
No. 1626447
File: 1661533742700.png (131.01 KB, 782x726, Untitled.png)

Keffals is right now calling for his audience to mass-flag Null's stream for transphobia.
No. 1626459
>>1626445I think he already has a
terf-gf tbh, just keeps it under wraps. Anons on /g/ have talked about how they tried to reach out to Null and got rejected so I don't think he is looking for a gf by pandering to us.
No. 1626479
File: 1661535096619.png (243.37 KB, 400x401, Untitled.png)

I really want to punch this smug AGP smirking face.
No. 1626487
File: 1661535364769.jpg (39.67 KB, 711x714, annoying.jpg)

>>1626484I'm simping today and there is nothing you can do to stop me.
(derailing ) No. 1626488
>>1626479Classic tranny playing
victim card, everysingle one i met do this shit. Men's feelings matter over anything what insane time period
No. 1626499
>>1626494He literally played this clip
>>1625347 on stream today and agreed with everything she said and went on a whole rant about how men will never understand what it's like to be a woman because they are not socialized female and don't know how much harder it is for women to speak up because we are weaker/smaller than men and have to fear violence from hulking men. I don't think you watch his streams, his points go much further than "trannies are gross" like other conservitards. When he did a stream on Shoe0nhead he even scolded his audience for making empty-egg carton jokes just because she is 30. I honestly find him to be a very tolerable scrote.
(on-going derailing about the self-posting scrote) No. 1626505
File: 1661536567800.png (1.35 MB, 810x1621, Screenshots_2022-08-27-01-49-0…)

greasy ponytail ✓
cheap choker ✓
tying top to show midriff ✓
aliexpress cosplay skirt ✓
dirty shoes ✓
"girly" pose ✓
No. 1626510
>>1626505the brow bone
nonnie, the brow bone
No. 1626514
>>1626507I didn't say he was the same person as in he hasn't grown as a person but I don't think his core attitudes towards women are all that different, he's just learned to modulate his tone and behavior especially on the stream. If you know him primarily from the stream and not from day-to-day interations with him on KF or watching what he posts there. I have for like (damn) 6 or 7 years now. He is the same kid grown up and while I agree that his takes on troons are good and I'm glad he is making them also it is a sort of man-to-the-rescue attitude that gets my goat too. The main quality I respect in Josh is that he just won't give up in the face of adversity. But he is still who he is: a seethingly woman-hating incel who wants to cater to women from time to time. I would not trust Josh for 2 minutes in a dark alley and I would not trust Josh to take over this site (as he has tried repeatedly to do inboxing our various admins over time) and so on and so forth. Simp for MATI Stream Josh if you must but know who Josh actually is as represented by the many years of forum posts he has made.
>>1626508I agree, I watch various characters I don't like because of the content, it is fine to do, but nonnies should not get delusions in their head about Josh being the protector of women that he likes to cast himself as (and when you break down that there's a hint of patriarchy too.)
No. 1626520
>>1626512Agreed, anon.
>>1623737If an anon could photoshop josh and keffals onto this I'd support it!
No. 1626533
>>1626522Even in his streams he can't hide his true nature. Most recently if you watched the stream where he talked about people giving Andy Warski shit for his ex gf's abortion, Null is extremely uncomfortable the whole time and clearly agrees abortion is murder.
Null is funny on stream, and sometimes parrots based takes but he is an XY at the end of the day, and a fat incel.
No. 1626535
File: 1661539382083.jpg (185.74 KB, 834x2048, FbG3KYUUcAk-kiP.jpg)

The fuck is this shit?
No. 1626542
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>>1626520quick attempt
>>1626552>men being disgusting and flippant about abortion makes me anti-abortionYeah that totally makes sense and isn't retarded at all. It is after all, a man's choice and a man's body right????
Fuck off
No. 1626589
>>1626440Yes since they keep gaslighting us. Cute cat picture
No. 1626593
>>1626582Let me clarify to help
>> caps and new info related directly to Null and Keffals >> embed links to new milk and live streams Not Milk:
>> High jacking the next thread pic like a retard for your self posting agenda. >> Simping for Null the same way the trad thots did Matt Walsh. This thread is for laughing and pointing at the trannies. Not your personal journal for your mentally ill crushes.
(derailing) No. 1626596
>>1626256It’s bc your not a women unless you have the biggest jiggliest titties. You should know this.
This is sarcasm