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No. 1501656
File: 1649964102174.jpeg (115.14 KB, 804x759, 92BBB561-5593-4AEF-9525-5A4DC6…)

Out of curiosity I searched social media to see what trannies thought of riot grrrl and of course they hate it. It drives men crazy that there’s a scene they know deep down they can never be apart of.
No. 1501661
File: 1649964252108.jpeg (155.38 KB, 828x893, C8E082E8-C979-4CFB-BCF8-9C6F06…)

>>1501656Maybe riot grrrl was transmisogynist (appropriative term) because men in indie music scenes are all predators and rapists who try to escape accountability by trooning out? It’s so funny how male they sound here, me me me me.
No. 1501667
>>1501663Weird because aren't goblins racist according to twitter bs?
No. 1501678
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>>1501661I googled and the only thing I can find is a tweet from Hanna saying she supports trans rights. Wtf are they talking about? Just because she was part of a woman's movement that they weren't?
No. 1501679
File: 1649965381065.png (195.84 KB, 252x461, Screen Shot 2022-04-14 at 3.42…)'m so tired of seeing this guy talk about his journey to 'girlhood'… in this one he gives an out of touch talk about how expensive it is to be a girl because of makeup, hair, clothes, and nails… because that is simply what all girls spend their money on. "maybe women should be paid more so they can pay for their nails and hair!"
No. 1501680
File: 1649965528380.jpg (Spoiler Image,257.68 KB, 2118x1646, llb08i9udht81.jpg)

Another atrocious axe wound.
No. 1501682
>>1501656is Hanna a crypto-
TERF? If so, I'm surprised. She always came off as a lib fem LARPing as a rad fem to me.
No. 1501685
File: 1649966232155.png (361.3 KB, 564x664, wtf.png)

"In 2005, he told his prison psychiatrist, Dr. Marina Moshkovich, that he wanted to murder the Associate Administrator Michelle Ricci by breaking her neck, hitting her in the head, beating her up, and choking her.
He had also grabbed his psychiatrist by the hair and attempted to beat her. He was served with a disciplinary report for threatening another person and for assault, and for fifteen other offenses which were ultimately either dismissed or for which he was found not guilty.
During this same year, Cerf began to identify as a woman."
No. 1501686
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Why do they struggle so much with the concept of sexuality? I know men have sex with inanimate objects and animals but… you now what, never mind.
No. 1501689
File: 1649966416607.jpg (71.74 KB, 362x475, 613FVHV9A1L.jpg)

Speaking of 90s figures though, I was looking up the old indie comic Hothead Paisan Homicidal Lesbian Terrorist, and the writer/artist Dianna DiMassa had some choice words about trannies all the way back in 2004 in an issue of Bitch Magazine. I can hardly believe Bitch printed it, they'd never touch DiMassa with a 100 foot pole now.
>Excerpt from Diane DiMassa InterviewBitch magazine, Summer 2004 (Issue #25)
>[About a musical based on DiMassa's cartoon, Hothead Paisan beingpremiered at Michigan Womyn's Music Festival, which excludes
transsexual women:]
>Bitch: What about the MTFs?
>DiMassa: Oh, they're very angry. Okay. It started out with, "We knewyou were such a supporter of the transgender community because you drew
[the ambiguously gendered Hothead character] Daphne, and how could you
let this happen?" and on and on and on. Then it turned into the rumor:
"I heard you're putting on a Hothead play that excludes Daphne!"
>So, you know, it's a widening fire. But, as Susan has explained to me,Michigan's official policy is that Michigan is a space for women-born
women who have experienced what it's like to grow up female in our
patriarchal society. And just by saying that, they recognize that there
are different types of women.
>Now–should I say this on the record? It's just fucking typical that aman-born lesbian can't get the concept of not being allowed somewhere.
"How dare you! I must be allowed in there."
>Unfortunately, this is going to get interpreted that I am antitranny,and that's not the case. Daphne has become sort of the transgender hero
character. But I never used that word. I never said which way she was
going. I never said if she was MTF or FTM. At one point, I was going to
announce that she was transitioning from butch to femme. I wanted the
point to be: Why do you have to know what she is in order to know how
you feel about her?
>[Animal] wants to start another festival that's inclusive of everyone.Because her stance is the same thing: Michigan is for what it's for,
and instead of wasting your energy prostesting, go start one. So she's
working on that. No. 1501744
File: 1649972287278.jpg (Spoiler Image,770.57 KB, 2208x2944, z3f77ndgbdt81.jpg)

elephant ballsack looking ass.
No. 1501756
>>1501750Eww, oh god I think you're right.
How he looked at that and decided he should post it online instead of going to a doctor or washing himself.
No. 1501795
File: 1649977493848.jpg (787.6 KB, 2560x1862, ungabungatroonlogic.jpg)

Saw these in the last couple of threads and I genuinely don't understand the way they always play these switcharoo games. All of a sudden SJW bangs are terf bangs, then pansexual is supposedly transphobic and everyone should use bisexual instead even though THEY invented pansexuality specifically to include genderspecials and shit. It always happens, always. It's literally just gaslighting and DARVO, they change the narrative at the drop of a hat to fit their bullshit. It's so tiring, but at least at the end of the day, no matter how much they cry about "advanced biology", gametes are gametes. I genuinely despise troons.
No. 1501807
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>>1501679His face is nightmare inducing. He literally looks like an Oblivion vampire
No. 1501824
>>1501795Why do they never link sources for their claims? What anthropologist is saying that it's difficult to figure out what the gender of a skeleton is?
>>1501818Mine was per/ve kek
No. 1501831
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No. 1501833
>>1501806it isn't even just the pelvis being bigger and ribcage being smaller, women have longer torsos to make room for pregnancy. we are fundamentally built differently and any anatomy teacher worth their salt would know that.
I remember seeing posts on tumblr of tifs being
triggered because they took an art course and the teacher taught them anatomy correctly kek
No. 1501847
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>>1501706Lesbians have been fighting troons since the 70s. See Robin Morgan's keynote speech at West Coast Lesbian Conference in 1973.
Women, and particularly lesbians, are denied our history. We are never told what our foremothers did to fight for their righth and have to reinvent the feminist wheel every generation.
Lesbianism and Feminism: Synonyms or Contradictions?
Keynote speech No. 1501866
>>1501847Time is a fucking flat circle.
>>1501862>recently came out in favour of the Detrans AllianceI didn't know this, good for her. I love the cover of Seemann she and Apocalyptica did. Also the song Der Spinner kicks ass.
No. 1501894
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Don't know what's worse: Referring to women as non men or straight men claiming to be lesbians.
No. 1501910
>>1501862NINA IS A
No. 1501947
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No. 1501958
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>no we don’t
No. 1501959
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Bleeding from your man made axe wound isn’t a period….
No. 1501973
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Seeing trannoids and handmaidens lose their shit over jk Rowling on twitter never gets old kek
No. 1501974
>>1501947HE'S the
victim but his girlfriend (who's rightfully afraid of angry men) being scared of him is the bad guy. Amazing. Also 'admitted' is the wrong word to use here.
No. 1501985
>>1501947he really verbally abused her,
triggered her to the point that she had to say something to stop him and then HE came to reddit to find sympathy bc of how SHE reacted because it hurt HIM. like shut the fuck up, all you had to do was not be
abusive and she wouldnt have said anything, but that was too hard you had to bellow at her. disgusting and male.
No. 1502035
>>1501996yeah it’s like they expect us to be offended/scared when they call us transphobes or terfs but like… yeah that’s the whole point?
someone has to question this insanity, i honestly don’t understand how they don’t see how misogynistic and homophobic the whole movement is
No. 1502036
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reposting bc I’m stupid and didn’t realize there was a new thread
this whole exchange is so incredibly disgusting to look at I hate these men and the way they sexualize everything about our experiences so fucking much jfc
No. 1502049
>>1502040 is a nice resource sometimes
But wondering if there's a list somewhere else too
No. 1502054
>>1502050This kind of argument comes from people who see female puberty and female bodies as a variation of male, their default. Not going through male puberty doesn't mean you've gone through female puberty. Women are not altered men.
Now personally, I don't care about TIMs who have been socially indoctrinated as women at a very young age, because they are less likely to be raging violent. That doesn't make them a woman though, because woman isn't a social class. It's a biology reality determined well before birth.
No. 1502059
>>1502050Sorry to break it to you, but sex is determined at 13 weeks in utero for both sexes. The following things are lies/myths about the female body:
-that male infants "start off female". See above.
-that female genataila is underdeveloped male genataila. Or that a vagina is an inside out penis. This is literally ancient medical misogyny.
No. 1502062
>>1502053Thank you for your response. I also feel that they cannot be treated as a woman growing up. They will always be seen as a male first by a person, then that person will either be informed or be very obviously aware of the fact that who they saw is trying to present as female and will affect their behaviours accordingly, even subconsciously.
>>1502054> This kind of argument comes from people who see female puberty and female bodies as a variation of male, their default. Interesting you say this as the person I was discussing this with is male.
> Women are not altered men.Good point. I imagine some people may argue it’s the opposite? That seeing as all babies begin life in the womb as female, then develop male characteristics it would make more sense that men are altered women.
> Now personally, I don't care about TIMs who have been socially indoctrinated as women at a very young age, because they are less likely to be raging violent.Is this true? It sounds like it could be the perfect breeding grounds for jealousy or resentment. Man has mommy, loves everything that mommy does for him, appreciates mommy, idolises her and wants to become mommy so bad but realises that no matter how many times he cooks the dinner or washes clothes he’ll never have the one defining thing that makes a mommy a mommy, her womb. Couldn’t that realisation just lead to extreme women hate?
I’m rambling like a retard but amongst all the strong feelings I have for this stuff. There’s still such small details that annoy the shit out of me. Like how I’m told I wouldn’t clock a troon that comes into my bathroom so why should I care that he’s there? That’s not the point. The point is he could be a danger to me as he’s male and I’m female. Then in response to that I’m told well what about intersex people? What if they genuinely pass as female physically but have gonads. If you let them into your bathroom then why can’t a trans woman come in if they’ve had the surgery to remove gonads? It’s tiresome because I find myself having trouble explaining it properly without tripping into someone’s gotcha moment. I need books on this to read lmao. I’m not new to disliking trannies in my spaces or whatever but I’m not realising I’m new to how to properly explain myself and my position instead of transwomen are men so they’re dangerous get out of my loo.
No. 1502063
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>>1501831>even without hormones I have a very womanly bodythere is nothing womanly about this scrote
No. 1502067
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>>1502059Ayrt, I can’t find anything on this I just keep getting articles explaining that no matter the chromosomal starting stage, the baby starts as female?
No. 1502082
>>1502050The problem with males is genetic, biological. They have male biology which formed over a billion years, reinforcing their awful behavior. Fundamentally that can't be changed. "Socializing" men doesn't do shit. Little pre-pubescent boys rape. Men are still violent and impulsive and lack empathy despite all the efforts wasted on teaching them not to. We don't have to tell women not to rape and murder, and they don't. It's got nothing to do with how we are raised.
The best men can be are whipped dogs, smart enough to at least know their dangerous impulses will get them punished, so they suppress their urges. But, getting rid of the urge? You will need to edit their genes. Actually fixing males will call for radical efforts neither women nor men will ever accept. Because men are selfish and don't want to change and women humanize men and boys and see them as """humans""" who deserve """rights""".
No. 1502099
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These they/them teenagers on TikTok are fucking retarded I hate this bullshit so much. Women are raped, murdered and abused daily simply for being women, but lets focus on a few trannies being misgendered. Yes I am sure you’re very oppressed, random white girl who calls themselves a “non-binary boyfriend” kek
No. 1502100
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>>1502099That's some mental gymnastics.
No. 1502118
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>>1501795this kills the tranny. to say nothing of the simple skull differences. as the reply said, artificial hormones only affect fat deposits
No. 1502122
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No. 1502128
>>1502100I hope anyone who believes this shit honestly rots in hell. Women are murdered for standing up for themselves in relationships, daring to walk alone at night or simply just existing as a woman in a country that vilifies them no matter what they do. The statistics on murder rates for trannies literally don't and will never compare to this.
Trannies also have the bonus of just taking off their shitty makeup and ill-fitting clothes and they will almost always be able to integrate in male spaces again and reap the privilege that has. So no, they're the ones who are privileged. God they're such fucking
victims aren't they?
No. 1502149
>>1502050>"Imagine a male transitioning so young that they don’t go through male puberty or male social conditioning […]""Male social conditioning" (gendered socialization) begins at birth. Even before that, even. It has been found that expecting parents will interpret their babies' kicks in the womb differently depending on the sex of the baby if they know it. The cries of days-, sometimes hours-old infants will be interpreted different depending on whether they are boys or girls, with parents and company finding a girl's cries to mean she's "fussy" and a boy's meaning he is hungry, or tired, in general giving more humanity and understanding to a male infant than to a female one. Months-old girl toddlers will be made to wear impractical dresses restricting their movements, hair clips that pull and pinch their tiny thin fine hairs and hurt them. One-year-old male toddlers will have learned to refuse to take girls' "no" as an answer, and force them to kiss them, hug them, or play with them even as the girl toddlers push them away.
No male doesn't "go through […] male social conditioning". Every single male, from the day he is born and even before his very birth if his parents got to learn, will see his needs and wants prioritized at the expense of his female counterparts. Whoever asked you this idiotic question is either a moron, an idiot, a brainlet, an imbecile who's never opened a social science book in their life, or in bad faith, all of which makes them look fucking stupid.
No. 1502158
>>1501985Exactly. There's no doubt in my mind that he's
abusive. Notice how much he downplayed his anger, calling it visible frustration instead and talking about how his wife handled women who were "more expressive" better than him. How much you wanna bet that by more expressive, he just means they were crying or perhaps speaking louder than him? That's not the same as speaking angrily or doing that thing men do in arguments where they puff themselves up and get all up in your face as a way to physically intimidate you into backing down. I hate that so much because they'll still turn around and say they technically never hit you or threatened you with violence, but the threat was implicit. I certainly can't do the same with a man in an argument unless he's under 5ft
>>1502054>>1502059Thank you! That's something that's bothered me for so long when they try to talk about trans "vaginas". A vagina is a set of muscular walls, it is its own distinct organ with multiple purposes connected to the uturus and onto the fallopian tubes and so on. Our reproductive organs are part of an elaborate system that is distinct and unique to the female body. A vagina is not simply the absence of a penis, like narcissistic men would have you believe
No. 1502172
>>1502099They drum complete lies into each other with these baseless mantras. Transgender people literally do not face unique oppression and are not killed ‘for being trans’. The only scenarios they reference are incredibly rare acts of homophobia and violent responses to deceit (where the ‘gender identity’ of the
victim is irrelevant to the crime). “Transphobia” is literally defined by disagreement with transgender ideology. That is not a form of oppression. Not even one transgender person has ever been murdered by a
terf, their supposed biggest oppressors. Transwomen, however, regularly rape and kill both ‘cis women’ and ‘trans men’ (as well as cis men). They do personally target women
for being women whilst essentially never being targeted for their own ‘identities’.
No. 1502192
>>1502172It's funny how they always go on about facing violence from TERFs but the truth is that I have never seen a single
TERF ever rape, or even attack a troon unless the latter was in self defense. Yet if you look on Twitter it's full of trannies talking about raping, punching, sending letter bombs to or outright killing TERFs as if we are anywhere equivalent to Nazis. Now let me think where else do we see that method of violence against women…oh yeah, by males. Kek. They out themselves every damn time.
No. 1502197
>>1502086No. I am tired of always hearing this shitty "rebuttal" whenever someone brings up the fact that men are violent, impulsive monkeys by nature. This in no way excuses their behavior, it explains the origins of it. If anything pretending that males just learned to think and behave the way they do sets a worse precedent AND implies women responsible for taming them (if they know what's good for them). You aren't keeping moids on a leash by "civilizing" them, you're bashing your head against a wall and wondering why your pet monkey can't recite Shakespeare. While the monkey threatens to beat and rape you, of course.
As for updated take, lol, no. If anything it's the opposite. However males are stupid as fuck and insist "fembrained" means liking pink and glitter instead of how women are inclined to think through billions of years of selective pressure. It's something that can't just be isolated and exchanged between the sexes. Ironically trannies themselves are incredibly malebrained (paraphilic, autistic, narcisistic, novelty-seeking).
No. 1502199
>>1502050I can almost smell smegma through this post.
> do you feel that if a male child felt that they understood enough about gender and sexI don't even get this part. If a boy understood how sex and gender works then they wouldn't even think about transitioning, they would know it's bs.
> have as close as they can to the female experience growing up, And this too. What is this 'female growing up experience'? Is there something universal about 'female growing up experience' that doesn't have to do with being female? Would love to hear.
> could be seen as a valid member of women?No, because 'women' is not a club you can join. A 'women' is a plural of 'woman' which means 'adult female human'. Which by defition a boy cannot become.
> Do you think it’s impossible due to male secondary sex characteristics presenting too strong despite hormone blockers?It's impossible due to him being a male not a female.
He can be the biggest weakling looking like Kendall Jenner and he will still be a boy, still be a man.
Also male aggression is not a social conditioning issue. Male aggression is a biological problem. Or not even a problem, just what they are. All across species the male individual is the aggressor. The female body creates life and so the female chromosomes get passed no matter what. The mutated Y chromosome on the other hand has to act as a parasite on the female. If you have a male that is so nice he doesn't want to inflict pain on the female so he decides to not get her pregnant the Y chromosome doesn't get passed. If you have a male that inflicts rape on all females then the Y gets passed. That's how evolution works. All species are like that. Of course males do eventually evolve some empathy and restraint because that's what's the best for successfully passing the Y.
Men can be socialized to not kill people and to be decent humans for the sake of society but they have evolved differently from how women did.
No. 1502203
>>1502198Males do not give a shit about other maladaptive males. They only kill other moids when they feel personally threatened by them.
Why would an selfish, opportunistic, average male have any reason to kill and AGP? AGPs only threaten women. In fact if males do see a troon harassing women and invading women's spaces, they either laugh, look the other way, or encourage it because moids hate the idea of women having boundaries. They'd only maybe start caring if some AGP was trying to rape their mom or sister but most women who are close to/stuck with AGPs are baby-trapped pickmes with no support group to fall back on anyways.
No. 1502210
>>1502205Funny enough it's because they are get off to the idea of being victimized. Either because they're straight up narcs, think it's validating their womanhood to be the
victim, or if it in some way arouses them.
No. 1502219
File: 1650036274070.png (323.38 KB, 726x506, agpfuckery.png)

I wish every single nona here would read this post about agp: we can do a bingo whenever all the shit they sexualize shows up in these threads.
No. 1502223
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Suuuure, nobody knows
No. 1502225
File: 1650036969117.jpg (642.91 KB, 1080x1777, Screenshot_20220415-111654_Fac…)

An old* friend of mine re-posted this on Facebook this morning. Unhinged. I guarantee he's a chaser.
No. 1502247
File: 1650038394310.png (301.8 KB, 720x514, moreagpfuckery.png)

>>1502242The second category want to pretend it isn't a thing so they can fool others into being part of their sexual roleplay and gain access to women's spaces.
Note that playing women's sports is part of the fetish.
No. 1502249
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>>1502219I was going to read the whole book but I'm not sure if I'm numb enough
No. 1502250
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Was looking for different videos, but this came up as suggested and. Woof
No. 1502251
File: 1650038866292.jpg (70.28 KB, 1024x706, FQUoZTrXwAEeRRD.jpg)

Translation: If Elon Musk buys the rights to twitter, I worry I no longer will be able to keep my TRA cult nonsense going where we mass report anyone who says that women want rights.
Honestly, do you guys think Musk buying twitter is going to change anything at all?
No. 1502264
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>>1502247>>1502260Amazing that they can wax poetic about the supposed smell of the women’s locker room and think it doesn’t make them seem like this creep. Silence of the Lambs was truly ahead of its time with depicting male degeneracy. No wonder they hate it so much
No. 1502276
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>who else do you hate gays? men? Half the population?
No. 1502293
>>1502291They aren't entirely
victims. Males have been disgusting sex demons before porn. Porn just seems to accelerate the decent into degeneracy. Plenty of moids younger than 12 who have never seen porn in their lives rape girls.
No. 1502297
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>gets surgery
>still looks like a man but now half alien
No. 1502329
>>1502306I don't think he shaved his jaw because the mandible ending looks the same in the before. The camera angle being different (compare neck sizes) and the before having no filter is where the emaciated look comes from.
Brow, forehead botox, nose job and that creepy chin implant. Still a man. A man with few thousands down the drain.
No. 1502334
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No. 1502350
>>1502331They dont think they're more vulnerable, it's a fragility larp. They love the idea of being
victims in order to manipulate and get off.
No. 1502375
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It's amazing to me that they can say shit like this and be completely blind to the irony of it.
No. 1502383
File: 1650047758966.jpeg (459.45 KB, 750x880, E41F9F6A-6CFC-41F5-A8C8-680C40…)

>>1502223Everyone can tell he’s a man kek
No. 1502385
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The absolute delusion.
No. 1502393
File: 1650048661129.jpeg (139.54 KB, 1200x800, 53CF52A0-16DB-4FCB-A27B-C779ED…)

>>1502385Probably would make a better Ghirahim
No. 1502395
File: 1650048884829.png (6.65 MB, 2645x2992, Princesa_Zelda_BotW.png)

>>1502385Bitch where? Do you see these hips?
No. 1502410
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"Penile preservation vaginoplasty" is a thing, apparently. The moid has a hole in his bladder as a result, but it's all worth it because now he has a brand new hole where his balls used to be.
"I have enjoyed receiving sex a couple times now, although not with a flesh penis, and it's very tender. I've also topped a couple times. Erections are actually easier to get now that I'm not on spiro, but the trade-off is that I need to use deodorant again". WTF. No. 1502416
File: 1650049858632.jpg (32.5 KB, 640x484, d2d.jpg)

>>1502410I'm not a doctor but this looks like it's literally begging for a fistula
No. 1502434
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No. 1502483
>>1502434Maggots…? It's fucking disgusting.
>>1502410I laughed so hard, why do those moids are so stupid?
No. 1502488
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This just in nonnas: when you have bad period pains, just wish your vagina away. It's that simple!
No. 1502500
>>1502488kek how does anyone read this sperging and go
so valid and brave… my first thought is how did he type this out from a psych ward? i thought phones aren't allowed over there. he- he's in a psych ward…. r-right?
No. 1502506
>>1502496I will become a biblical angel but with vaginas in place of eyes, the
terf final boss
No. 1502532
>>1502375Sophie from Mars
Women are from Venus
You'll always be male
Because you have a penis
No. 1502533
>>1502525This made me laugh bc the TiFs have tried their best to claim Link as one of them. So would that be an insult or compliment to a TiM?
>>1502511I used to think I had to shave my entire body to be palatable tbh, especially in HS/college. It’s fucked that I thought that when I was around 15 or so. Sounds stupid, but letting it grow back has been empowering in a way.
No. 1502558
File: 1650060416032.png (1.5 MB, 1080x1474, 1650060309314.png)

>>1502517I'm too lazy to draw it but here's a shitty edit instead lol
No. 1502576
she is beautiful
No. 1502585
File: 1650063543823.jpg (110.39 KB, 720x1480, FQa2Vk8XoAM6PZC.jpg)

No. 1502589
>>1502585"or bones start to be a problem"
This world is full of retards and they're on twitter
No. 1502604
>>1502602Don’t you just love it when your brain has been denied its natural progression and they expect you to make an important decision that may or may not ruin your life,
nonnie? Lovely stuff
No. 1502612
>>1502603I wish I could give you an informed opinion nona, but I still have hope that some men will eventualy unlearn their primitive aggressive behaviour. Sadly it's a fight in which we need to be involved.
>>1502607gtfo clown, these "feminist thoughts" are part
of everything
No. 1502632
>>1502603I am thinking about how they are killing each other and themselves
Maybe, if they will try harder, the most aggressive ones will extinct eventually
Sadly, that’s not how evolution works, but we are living in a techno world, so maybe it will be looked down upon eventually
No. 1502670
>>1502328They’re strong enough to defend themselves, regardless of what estrogen myths and fetish fantasies they want to believe in, they will always be men who are strong enough to fight against other men.
It’s funny how they always talk shit about women but then they want women to do the job that trannies themselves should be doing if they gave a fuck about anything else other than cooming and being violent towards women.
It’s almost as if men have always been pushing their issues on us, blaming us for their own problems, and when they notice that a wig, shitty makeup and tight dresses with heels isn’t enough, they wonder why women did this to them, instead of wonder why they themselves did this to themselves.
No. 1502676
File: 1650072939267.png (23.25 KB, 748x200, response.png)

>>1502334only a scrote could think this up
No. 1502689
File: 1650074213518.png (373.73 KB, 750x937, 12.png)

why are people letting ugly troons take over womanhood again?
No. 1502725
>>1502580Literally just another example of the simulacra that pop up in late capitalism. Images precede reality. The “form” (superficial female characteristics) becomes more real and important than the reality (actual females that have those characteristics as part of their reproductive role).
You can’t have a vagina, you can’t conceive and birth a child, but you can obtain an imitation of one and simply outsource the gestation and birthing to some unseen impoverished rent-a-womb. You can’t breastfeed and nourish a child, but you can grow flabby imitations of them on your male chest using artificial hormones and say they make you a woman. Actual biology is banished, it’s all imagery and products aimed at disconnected imitation.
And most of them call themselves communists. They are walking billboards for desperate consumerist mindrot.
No. 1502749
File: 1650076237962.png (671.3 KB, 754x989, on Twitter.png)

so are puberty blockers harmful or not?
No. 1502766
File: 1650078611452.jpeg (53.42 KB, 744x514, CCAD24DB-C023-4652-8129-EDCBE0…)

i hope this picture amuses you as much as it did me,
No. 1502770
>>1502350That's the part that's most disgusting. Women have to bitterly accept the physical advantages many moids have over us and these psychos just use it as a coom fantasy. And because it's always a competition with moids, they absolutely have to be more oppressed. They hate the idea of not being seen the same as how they, themselves, see women, weak and vulnerable. To be MORE vulnerable means they are MORE WOMAN, but they are happy to speak out on their defenselessness because any troon, when provoked by a
TERF will proudly go into moid mode and brag about how easily they could kick their teeth in. If they were real women, they wouldn't go around asking for women to act aggressive toward a scrote rant that involves physical violence. And to use their favorite comparison, Black women don't go around calling out white women for not defending them in front of racist white men because they are mentally sound enough to know you don't get in between a man and his hate when you're out gunned.
No. 1502776
File: 1650079690809.png (490.09 KB, 449x401, 1426455836186.png)

>>1502766I had the heartiest kek anon, thank you
No. 1502815
>>1502752Black (and other non-white women) I am so goddamn thankful you open your mouths against these freaks, even though they will just make racist attacks against you. Woke white people are so confused who is the Correct person to agree with (of course they always pick the white man in a dress despite saying #blm #acab in their bio lol)
>>1502766Nice to see someone so proud of their scottish heritage by wearing a kilt casually!
No. 1502835
File: 1650087417026.jpg (256.26 KB, 590x900, Screenshot_20220416-063340.jpg)

Seems like Sophie recovered quickly from the nervous breakdown he suffered over two women taking his picture and laughing at him the other day.
No. 1502844
File: 1650088387415.jpg (154.17 KB, 911x988, E8OVVWdXoAM-fXX.jpg)

>>1502836whenever you think one of these freaks might "pass" it's always extremely specific lightning, angles, tons of makeup and avoiding being next to a woman. Just being close to one makes it painfully aparent for everyone that it's just another pornaddicted man.
No. 1502904
File: 1650096926846.jpg (262.93 KB, 1080x1411, Screenshot_20220416-100947_Chr…)

When r/gamingcirclejerk becomes an actual circlejerk instead of satirising it. Circlejerking who virtue signals the most.
The comments made me lose braincells. No. 1502912
File: 1650098322247.jpg (69.07 KB, 1080x503, Screenshot_20220416_103819.jpg)

>>1502904doublepost but kek do they realize how racist they sound
No. 1502948
File: 1650108588739.png (258.37 KB, 637x575, sad gay sounds.png)

ell oh ell
No. 1502949
File: 1650108717613.png (454.55 KB, 596x720, 74565564645645645.png)

When even an absolutely deranged person says its too much, you know how far it has gone
No. 1502951
File: 1650109317131.jpg (227.86 KB, 1169x2048, 2U8bgxe.jpg)

I’m so tired of this Neanderthal posting his ugly mug in makeup subs for oppression karma
No. 1502963
File: 1650110729514.jpg (173.67 KB, 1040x2048, wa4dVhI.jpg)

No. 1502966
File: 1650111144908.jpg (401.6 KB, 1080x1537, Screenshot_20220416-080317_Ins…)

Well, this is what I woke up to this morning. A tranny getting a female inmate pregnant.
No. 1502979
File: 1650113778750.jpg (285.31 KB, 1080x1594, Screenshot_20220416-085508_Ins…)

Might just 41% myself over this shit. I hate this world. I fucking hate trannies and I'm sick of them being protected.
No. 1502986
File: 1650114803745.jpg (153.43 KB, 1152x1768, FQdiMAGXEAIVl56.jpg)

Only a troon would wear something like this to a FUNERAL. Everything is about them, theyre even above sympathy for their dead friends and/or relatives
No. 1502991
>>1502966edna mahan is a joke. you're kidding right on her yt covered that and another article on how they transferred a trans serial killer with a blood fetish there
>>1502986actual question: why do they do hrt? if after 1.5 months this is how they look.. why?
No. 1503004
File: 1650117506205.jpeg (33.54 KB, 400x400, 93C5992D-EDBA-4BAC-8F7F-E012BF…)

Stumbled across this one, he is Secretary for a local Labour Party branch. Apparently he was featured on glinners blog for making some kind of anti terf video. He’s 60 years old
No. 1503006
File: 1650117823313.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.63 MB, 4096x2302, GridArt_20220416_100326503.jpg)

Spoiler only because this face is going to haunt my dreams tonight and probably yours
No. 1503014
>>1502585To all my anons out there with bone diseases. stfu, these kids without hormones blockers are the true
victims. not like real bone diseases and issues are excruciating or anything
No. 1503028
>>1502099This child should just watch one season of forensic files. Majority of cases are women or little girls, killed by men. So please, what was that about women having nothing to worry about? what about the countless amount of girls that loose their virginity before reaching ten years old? I’m just so sick of people online and irl saying women have no problems, and trans women are the real
victims these days. Once again women being repressed. Women can’t speak their mind. Women must obey.
No. 1503037
>>1501947How to be the
victim when you scare someone from having a angry outburst?
be trans
No. 1503050
>>1502988Nonnie I bet it looks great on you. Don’t fret and keep wearing it.
>>1503004That is one ugly man, damn
No. 1503057
File: 1650123740814.jpeg (770.36 KB, 750x1196, E2BA2F9A-46F7-43A0-A49B-C15765…)

Posted in r/MakeupAddiction lol
No. 1503071
File: 1650124603887.jpeg (813.82 KB, 1125x1041, 64473006-693C-45E3-A403-9B30D2…)

>>1503057Honestly, I’m at a loss for words
No. 1503104
>>1503000That'd be like shining the hubcaps when the engine is broken.
The guy's eyebrows are the least of his fucking worries.
No. 1503111
File: 1650126945965.jpg (741.12 KB, 1080x3496, Screenshot_20220416_183424.jpg)

>where are the feminists
>hello we're right here
>covers ears lalalala can't hear you
I hate these people as much as trannies tbh
No. 1503123
File: 1650128320568.jpeg (378.64 KB, 1536x2048, FQdiSfNWUAolZrw.jpeg)

>>1502860Lucky you, anon.
Sophie just bought a new dress.
No. 1503127
File: 1650128766985.png (142.09 KB, 500x281, 17C89334-F207-46D3-94DD-2BC658…)

>>1503000He is trying to look like an anime girl. Fucking nasty
No. 1503145
File: 1650129955911.jpeg (366.38 KB, 1536x2048, FQdiSF3WYAgW9bE.jpeg)

>>1503138Did you say 'moobs', anon?
No. 1503190
File: 1650133944277.jpg (489.62 KB, 1440x1080, Collage_20220416_203015.jpg)

actually so offensive lol I can't believe there are lesbians who are ok with this
No. 1503193
>>1503180The whole thing about AGP not existing is such obvious fucking bullshit.
We know sissy porn exists. We know men who coom over the idea of feminization, dressing like a woman and acting like an uwu porno slut.
We also know that trans women exist - men who identify as women and wear clothing typically associated with women, while demanding that they be referred to and treated as such.
Why is it so outlandish and ridiculous to suggest that there may well be overlap between these two groups? It seems fucking obvious, no?
No. 1503208
File: 1650135515571.jpg (525.94 KB, 1024x2048, EOukwYnWkAETSFX.jpg)

>>1503190i cant even feel angry at this one kek. this is just pathetic. if he wasnt getting any before he started identifying as stunning and brave then he sure as hell isnt getting any now.
this picture is so funny. he literally just looks like every other crusty moid on public transit and he thinks he has the right to say shit when it comes to lesbians. even that fat fuck tumblr "trans butch" peteseeger looks like he tries harder than this guy does, now thats sad
No. 1503217
File: 1650136693204.jpeg (Spoiler Image,178.52 KB, 750x1001, 37610AF4-93F3-4416-90E6-347DEF…)

>>1503190Imagine this everyday joe coming up to you in a lesbian bar to say he’s one of you. I would laugh my head off.
>>1503180Reminds me of Jaclyn Moore’s “dickgirl” tat. They really can’t hide the fetish at all can they.
No. 1503247
File: 1650140581628.png (121.46 KB, 1144x586, Untitled.png)

idgaf about being 'misgendered'
No. 1503249
>>1502488>>1502963[sorry this is so long]
None of this would be as big as it is if men could control their ‘womb envy’ or whatever in general. No matter which angle they get to trannyism from, it’s always an obsession with controlling femininity. Women can actually, genuinely love males and not want to embody them, if not as a protective disguise. It’s basically a rite of passage to realise and accept that you’re not the birthing/gestation sex but realistically it seems they don’t get over it, even their reactions to menstruation always felt dodgy. Patriarchal resentment of women always falls back onto “if I let you do this too, you’d have everything, that’s not fair”, so many cultural double standards are justified that way. Loads of non-trannies express this warm elation and excitement at the prospect of sex change being available even if they aren’t crazed enough to get it. It’s hidden as curiosity but you can see it’s more than just that, especially when the same types aren’t as interested in more complex or accessible futurism like cloning
(because it could eliminate them I guess, but it’s funny how they’re trying to get closer to women when real science is bringing women closer to independent procreation). They’ve gone and made yet another self soothing religion to comfort themselves. Digging a hole out between your legs is totally a vagina and not indication of mental illness. Yep, sure.
No. 1503254
File: 1650141289901.jpg (44.34 KB, 535x580, FireShot Webpage Screenshot #3…)

A lil humour for y'all
No. 1503266
File: 1650142171027.png (86.86 KB, 1882x401, tttt finds out that women are …)

its on the tip of their tongue that women are scared of creeps like them. maybe someone give these morons a nudge. i cant cause im banned.
No. 1503268
>>1502749The fact the "woke" thing to believe in 2022 is that gender nonconforming and gay children should be medically sterilised continues to baffle me.
Medical sterilisation being the punishment for homosexuality famously endured by Alan Turing, leading to his suicide.
Yet people are emotionally manipulated into thinking chemical castration and surgical mutilation
avoids suicide. It seems obvious that the self destruction of the body by chemical and surgical means will not lead to happiness.
No. 1503270
You will never be a woman and this could be the next thread pic
No. 1503276
>>1503247I’ve never heard a
terf use the justification that someone has “male energy” as a reason to “misgender” them. If they must know, the main reason we do is because, well, they’re fucking male. Don’t need an aura to tell me that.
No. 1503278
>>15032491. The 'real science' doesn't give a shit about women. IVF clinics are a thing because porn and a sitting lifestyle makes sperm all weird and useless and men need help. All the up-coming futurism stuff will also help men, stop deluding yourself women will get anything. It has been 20 years since they got a mouse pregnant without sperm and this year we got a rat parthenogenesis. There's your progress on helping women.
2. The post says to not derail the thread with essays on feminist theory so stop.
3. Post this stuff to 2X because it could lead to an actual interesting conversation.
No. 1503298
File: 1650146029191.jpeg (62.27 KB, 735x717, 9E413CE1-403C-414E-B426-4D996D…)

(Blogpost) Just found out the only other “woman” in my online hobby group that I’ve been following for years is a fat agp troon. These fuckers are so insidious about how they trick people.
No. 1503315
File: 1650151578765.jpeg (Spoiler Image,354.41 KB, 1536x2048, 8E1A48A3-68CF-4327-8ED2-B48FC4…)

for the love of god don’t unspoiler
No. 1503316
File: 1650151691065.png (1.92 MB, 1550x1514, Captura de Pantalla 2022-04-16…)

Being male, that's what you're doing wrong. And dressing like a housewife from an 80's sitcom.
No. 1503319
File: 1650151935321.png (74.83 KB, 1184x654, E098F1B8-9A2E-4EE3-BBBA-7F8169…)

This post is so true.
No. 1503337
>>1503266it's hilarious when raging agps complain about women being scared of them and acting awkward around them, i have seen it some times and the complainer always is some absolutely deranged looking or in some cases has history of violent behavior and they can't understand why women would feel antsy around them.
they expect women to basically be some sort of full time friendship escorts for them
No. 1503363
File: 1650155663066.png (4.6 MB, 1401x4747, butch.png)

from /r/MTFbutch
No. 1503385
File: 1650157685489.png (47.48 KB, 1157x455, lol.png)

No. 1503416
File: 1650159782923.png (65.62 KB, 1117x529, Am I possibly trans if imagini…)

prime example of every single troon's thought process
No. 1503424
>>1502962Yep, you can do sex selection before it’s even a fetus by checking the chromosomes of the embryo.
The tweet is wrong because it mixes up undifferentiated genitals with “female” ones which says a lot about the troon view of women overall. I guess AGPs also like to get off to the idea that they were briefly “female” as a fetus.
TRAs don’t understand biology so they think “fetuses will almost always develop as female without the specific actions of the SRY gene” means that they’re actually just female underneath it all uwu
And then scream at people about “high school biology”
No. 1503448
File: 1650162664037.png (Spoiler Image,1.28 MB, 1354x1110, Screen Shot 2022-04-16 at 10.2…)

No. 1503460
File: 1650164202184.png (2.44 MB, 1920x1080, 1650163989531.png)

>>1503393Except Brendan Fraser was actually hot, unlike contra. George of the jungle and all his little animal friends are
TERF allies
No. 1503463
File: 1650164369999.gif (Spoiler Image,175.58 KB, 540x450, tumblr_a26a56b9c75633b9d060921…)

>>1503460Based female gaze(ish) movie
No. 1503466
File: 1650165125543.png (184.86 KB, 1296x534, 76543234567890k.png)

I feel like there must be an easy solution to this person's problem. How about stop dating a narcissistic enuch? That seems reasonable enough.
No. 1503519
File: 1650178481751.jpg (43.23 KB, 578x128, Screenshot_20220417-075033.jpg)

Nah, m8, I'm pretty sure it's because you do things like
>>1503518 No. 1503534
File: 1650181326895.jpg (611.67 KB, 810x2683, Screenshot_20220417-033511_Boo…)

Unbelievable! I've really seen it all at this point. Woman gets talked over by troons and even gets called a transmasc egg for simply stating that being a woman isn't all fun and games and life on easy mode. To say that incels and trannies are one an the same is an understatement: No. 1503538
File: 1650181576043.png (Spoiler Image,2.51 MB, 2200x15750, yuricels.png)

>>1503534The tl;dr. Spoilered for length.
No. 1503540
File: 1650181695584.png (697.92 KB, 1210x1376, MV.png)

>>1502122is his thing latex sexbots? lmao everytime he's posted that's the vibe I get. does anyone anyone else think he slightly resembles michelle visage now (picrel)
No. 1503570
File: 1650188892123.png (871.67 KB, 1080x894, Screenshot_20220415-224839~2.p…)

No. 1503590
File: 1650192090288.jpeg (845.25 KB, 1242x3663, 9B748737-455D-48CB-8371-E8C8C8…)

>>1503466Haha anon I went to check up on this once comments started to come in. These are just some, it’s either someone making it about themselves, not all troons, or women have shit sex drives too.
No. 1503593
>>1503534None of that is universal. Average women really don't exist to them. They say 'woman' and imagine 18 year old insta model with huge tits. Clear skin, big tits, great clothes, nice smell, people being kind to you, being sporty and agile, being able to cry in front of people without getting called hysterical or condescended. I wish I was living in the fairytale he's imagining.
>cry when you wantZoomer and millenial men cry all the time, maybe in some villages you're not expected to if you're a manly men but it's laughable when privileged redditors complain about it. If you asked them if they were ever shamed for crying, 100% they'd say no. Yeah no shit being a crybaby isn't attractive in men, it's also not attractive in women ffs.
No. 1503598
File: 1650193971665.jpg (135.21 KB, 1078x1453, FQfXpzYXMAsQoi9.jpg)

JK is on their mind 24/7 but they claim she is obsessed with them
No. 1503602
File: 1650194532506.png (128.45 KB, 2046x1280, lookingandrowontlastforeveront…)

>>1503385It's such a predatory culture. How they prey on each others insecurities: No. 1503649
File: 1650200841683.png (139.63 KB, 1578x538, swEZ4k9.png)

No. 1503655
>>1503534>all anime cliches (not real women)>comments are about their bodies only>tiddy>smell nice>clear skinLiterally we are not humans to them, just desirable bodies. I hope the handmaiden community is dwindling because this is who they are.
I saw a comment in the previous thread where someone pointed out troons don't even stan irl females (e.g. celebs and singers) the way gay men do. Bears some thinking about; gay men can be a fan of a woman non-sexually and admire them. I have
never seen a troon admire a real woman in a nonsexual way. It's only ever anime shit, porn or other troons.
No. 1503669
>>1503534>pretty clothesA lot of pretty clothes don't fit me right
>cry when u wantI have to hide when I cry because people don't react well to it
>people kinderIs that why I've been always bullied and people try to take advantage of me
>TiddyI have a flat chest
>Smell niceYes, because I shower and sometimes wear perfume
>do girl thingsMost of my hobbies are more masculine (shooter videogames, action movies, metal music)
>clear skinI have horrible skin even after trying many things
>agility, resistance to heatCan't relate, I prefer cold weather
These are the same ugly ass incels that cry about how stacy has it soooo much easier, because they're stuck in their basement watching porn and have never interacted with a woman after dropping out of school
No. 1503690
File: 1650204549554.png (Spoiler Image,127.17 KB, 1024x1024, 6F97105D-4E66-4499-B497-EA6930…)

>>1503466>clitWhat clit? That remnant of the penis they tried to make a little nub with? Reminder to every troon that lurks here. You’ll never have what we have.
No. 1503693
File: 1650204679236.jpg (140.91 KB, 1338x1600, 98e3f736638aedb2709cb631ba8d25…)

I had a thought nonnies and I feel like I need to express it.
Many men will claim that trannyism is a result of (radical) feminism, with the implication being that granting rights and dignity to women is a slippery slope to granting rights and dignity to men who call themselves women.
I actually agree that feminism and women's emancipation has led to a major swell in trannyism but not for the same reason. What is actually happening is that a sizable population of men are now left behind by women. Freed women, who are no longer forced to tolerate cohabitation with and dependency on a man for her own survival and wellbeing. With what is essentially incel affirmative action being phased out, leftover men are forced to find ways to cope with their isolation. Their lack of a dependable domestic servant and vessel for their gene propagation has led them to the bitter realization that they are irrelevant and of low value. So, they cope. I have seen numerous different ways in which they cope. Obviously the bitter misogynistic incels, the MGTOWS, the MRAS, the PUAs, the hedonistic reclusive porn addicts, the alt-rightists and, the misanthropic wanna-be spree shooters, and yes, the MTFs. All desperately resisting their irrelevance, all finding analogs to replace what a woman used to be forced to provide for them. These trannies really do become the gf, as they are so upfront with admitting. If a man does not have access to a women or women, he will go to strange lengths to get something close. Even if it means controlling himself as "a woman".
I think this is why there is such a overlap between incels, misogynists, e-nazis, and trannies. They are all just failedmales frantically searching for ways to soothe the anguish of their own failure with women, their failure as a living organism who desperately wishes to propagate itself but can't. I deserve access womb because women are my inferiors and should obey my commands, I deserve access to a womb because I am (X race) and my race needs to be preserved, I deserve access to a womb because I'm an "alpha" and play by the rules of game theory… and the final throw when these other copes produce 0 results… I will create my own womb to own, even if it's a wound where my male genitals used to be.
I predict the troon/incel issue is only going to ghet worse before it ever gets better. There will likely be no change in policy to the benefit of women which keeps us safe and trannies out of our spaces. It is a "socially acceptable" (by other men) outlet for a growing amount of failed XYs. Male refuse. They are the living byproduct resulting from allowing women the right to say no and lead their own lives. Troons will only start disappearing as they die off and take their failed tranny genes with them, and less and less are there to replace them as less and less incels have the ability to pass down their inferior genes. It's a state of growth and correction which patriarchy has been postponing for many, many generations. It's like we have a giant backlog of shitty men who are all coming to the same wall around the same time. It's men's fault, really, but as always they continue to blame us.
No. 1503703
>>1503538I will never get over the audacity of men to claim they're just as oppressed as women because women suspect them of being rapists and abusers… meanwhile women actually get raped and abused.
I would LOVE for people to be afraid of me in public. I would love to not be afraid of moids.
No. 1503707
File: 1650205651993.jpg (162.2 KB, 1280x1280, 1ye0y2bwwxt81.jpg)

imagine spending all that money and still looking the same
No. 1503726
File: 1650207122045.jpg (100.95 KB, 879x960, FQjM_cvXoAYc404.jpg)

This HAS to be a parody
No. 1503730
>>1503726Is it bad the thing in the picture the horrifies me most is the plastic spoon in tea.
You know this moid is too fucking lazy to wash utensils so he has plastic ones he can throw out after every use. Not too inclusive of the climate….
No. 1503737
File: 1650207606111.png (32.24 KB, 1113x373, cervical cancer lol.png)

No. 1503755
File: 1650208725030.png (181.94 KB, 2270x654, C579C9EA-F8E9-4E4A-8C3B-560390…)

>>1503649Oh yeah. This was posted in the last thread as well as his follow up post, which was this.
No. 1503772
File: 1650211056096.jpg (244.31 KB, 1080x1532, 20220417_115635.jpg)

He looks like a deranged bird.
No. 1503783
File: 1650212512431.jpg (188.98 KB, 1170x1862, FQjh9ThXwAEf6it.jpg)

No. 1503787
>>1503593i wonder how they would like to be a chubby 38 year old brunette with bad skin who has never been catcalled except for one time on halloween and that one time was really scary because the guy kept walking after me
they think woman is just some outfit that gets you attention
No. 1503832
File: 1650216690140.jpeg (Spoiler Image,158.51 KB, 760x670, 3211F287-4357-4658-BF5B-94C272…)

>>1503649>I don’t know what to do now!Consider the following:
No. 1503835
File: 1650216980600.jpg (145.78 KB, 720x872, 20220417_123353.jpg)

Love it when trannies take characters and troon them out, selina looking like a whole ass sex offender lol
No. 1503844
File: 1650218347577.jpg (198.58 KB, 995x1504, IMG_20220417_191128.jpg)

So nobody is posting about how the AI art thingy is being cancelled for it's absolutely based depiction of reality?
No. 1503884
File: 1650221658742.jpeg (757.92 KB, 1242x1826, D32D950B-79DA-41B7-AAA8-D311F0…)

You’re less of a woman if you’re tall, flat chested or have wide shoulders. Good to know.
No. 1503890
File: 1650222349849.jpeg (27.16 KB, 425x401, B97ABBE7-07E7-43D9-AEAF-601B66…)

>>1503884These fuckers are like these toys for babies, they only accept the shapes that their peanut brains know of, other than that will never fit in their minds and will make them breakdown.
No. 1503894
>>1503882The thing about this is that it
is accurate. AI art generators work by looking at thousands of images associated with the words given to it, THIS is a chimera of every single image associated with articles/selfies/anything at all associated with troon developers. The average fat ugly agp
No. 1503895
File: 1650222840022.jpg (59.98 KB, 679x613, FQjO7kVXIAAFzWs.jpg)

Such a womanly reaction
No. 1503909
File: 1650224088648.png (74.9 KB, 1172x436, CTK_womanmadeherselfblind.png)

Slightly ot but relevant, the big youtuber CinnamonToastKen just posted a video about the woman who blinded herself and every single argument against her also works against trans people. Some comments are even mentioning it, people are peaking kek
No. 1503911
File: 1650224244639.jpeg (235.4 KB, 1284x1854, 69CC1B06-CB85-4BC7-AEF6-95EC92…)

fuck them kids
No. 1503918
File: 1650224516339.jpeg (642.88 KB, 1170x1416, 6E00EAE1-70BB-4535-8CB1-727A26…)

neither lesbians nor straight women want your crusty “girl”dick
No. 1503925
>>1503918i read that as -
moid thinks women are predators just like men, thinking lesbians want to fuck straight women in the same way they want to fuck lesbians just revealing why he trooned out. am i wrong?
No. 1503936
File: 1650225576144.jpeg (498.82 KB, 828x1320, 25218B67-BAA8-4BE3-B2D5-2188F0…)

TRAs are fucking dense.
No. 1503942
>>1503884>I really struggle with my appearanceSo did every woman growing up for the reason of MEN forcing their beauty standards on us for decades! And look, he's still fucking doing it!!
>even if they were cis womenThey 100% are cis and what is he saying? If you don't fit men's ideal beauty standards then you're a troon? God help me
No. 1503945
File: 1650226008631.jpg (122.47 KB, 1125x1129, 20220417_220542.jpg)

kek I'd never seen that picture of felker martin
No. 1503952
File: 1650226546655.jpeg (36.41 KB, 810x539, 7DAEC52A-C6FE-445E-BE7C-0E6539…)

>>Two women have fallen pregnant in prison after having sex with a transgender inmate.
>>The pair are being held at Edna Mahan Correctional Facility in Clinton, New Jersey which houses 800 people, including 27 trans women.
>>In a letter sent to US radio station, NJ 105.5, an inmate at the institution claimed that one of the women was five months pregnant.
>>The letter also says that the prisoners had a history of sex acts in public areas and had to be separated from each other as a result, the Mirror reports.
>>It's understood that Demi Minor, who helps run a website called Justice 4 Demi from the facility, was responsible for the pregnancies.
>>A woman said to be the mother of one of the children also wrote a blog on the website called ''Freedom, Love, Pregnancy and Trauma.'
>>She said that she found “love in a hopeless place" - a Rihanna song quote - and that she is a 31-year-old and serving a life sentence.
>> "Although Edna Mahan breeds a 'pervasive culture of rape,' I WAS NOT RAPED, nor was I forced to do anything that I did not want to do. Despite it not being permitted I fell in love and had consensual sex with a woman who is trans.”
When your mom is a tranny chaser doing life in prison and your “dad” Demitrius is a brave, stunning, trans activist from the women’s prison.
No. 1503958
>>1503951Chris chan looking motherfucker
>>1503952>tranny chaserto be fair that looks 100% like a man. it's not like he's crossdressing or wearing makeup in prison either
No. 1503965
>>1503928The only difference between this and
>>1503895Is the hair colour
No. 1503966
>>1503655>omg thicc thighs!! thick thighs save lives!! THIGHS!! women aren't humans to them.
>>1503755you can't report someone for posting a screencap of a PUBLIC REDDIT POST. also a troon once again saying they have it harder than women: 'compared to some of the shit people have said to me'. i'm sure these radfems are saying they hope you get raped, like troons do all the time.
No. 1503967
File: 1650227063350.png (2.26 MB, 1560x1634, 8765432123456789087654.png)

No. 1503997
>>1503989Also no woman wants to hear that they make trannies feel better. They're so obsessed with their 'gender dysmorphia' but they don't even realize that body dysmorphia is a very real thing that a lot of women struggle with. Specifically because of beauty standards set by men?? They can seethe over pregnant women making them feeling
dysmorphic or whatever but don't stop to consider that the fucked up stereotypes of women they subscribe to can be
triggering for actual women.
No. 1504000
File: 1650229213845.jpeg (207.35 KB, 828x792, 8B9BF4FF-4D64-48BC-B461-CF54E6…)

they are dangerously close to self awareness
No. 1504009
File: 1650229860100.jpeg (809.43 KB, 828x1140, BB3F6A54-3F6B-472F-9848-AB0909…)

>>1503155lmao they don’t know shit about skincare bc they were raised as men and men are scared of taking care of themselves for some reason.
That comment reminded me of sateen, was anyone else into them? they stopped making music and now do only fans but their whole image has always been about how they’re “lesbians” but only ever appeal to what men find attractive because one of them is very obviously a man
No. 1504035
File: 1650232516403.jpg (854.31 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20220417-114554_Red…)

A skullet that would make Kikomi envious.
No. 1504050
File: 1650234095861.jpeg (363.42 KB, 1080x2243, 7DF3077D-88F8-495D-8511-291719…)

>>1504035This Reddit is a goldmine. These pictures seriously make me sick. Love how the world thinks women need to stroke their overly inflated egos.
No. 1504051
File: 1650234125782.jpg (54.95 KB, 750x575, FQh20jfWUAAMk-9.jpg)

Sure buddy
No. 1504057
>>1504050those HANDS
>>1504051does stuff like that even happen anymore? seems like something a boomer would come up with.
No. 1504073
File: 1650235568462.jpg (1.83 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20220409-181557_Red…)

>>1504050r/TransLater is proof in itself AGP motivates these older troons. I've been following the sub for years, and 98% of the posts are from TIMs. Where's the 30+ transmasc representation? Really makes you think.
No. 1504080
File: 1650235877128.png (477.54 KB, 689x752, 7654345678.png)

No. 1504086
File: 1650236502708.png (Spoiler Image,730.63 KB, 750x1334, A00BB86D-F8D5-42C1-ACC2-174753…)

So many of these delusional troons claim HRT makes them grow breasts. I’m not sure what’s happening because some of them clearly look larger.
No. 1504091
File: 1650236769328.jpeg (Spoiler Image,181.56 KB, 745x1027, A25847B0-52A6-4183-858E-3562CC…)

I guess if they just want bigger man tits then be my guest
>>1504086 No. 1504105
File: 1650237577262.jpg (356.16 KB, 1284x1939, FQkhDtCWQAU0fDN.jpg)

No. 1504110
File: 1650237790670.jpeg (485.3 KB, 828x1090, D32E0DB9-ACB2-468F-B539-D1E642…)

>>1503928LMAO this is so much fun
No. 1504128
File: 1650239555273.png (571.25 KB, 1168x1426, Untitled.png)

sure jan
No. 1504147
>>1504057I know this isn't really the point, but yeah, unfortunately some moids really do act like that. In my experience, they're (perhaps ironically) higher-earning individuals with some sort of ego.
Of course, any moid who would hit on a troon is not leaving their coom den to go to a bar, kek.
No. 1504148
>>1504143Kids just want to be special and being 'trans' is the most special a normal kid can be. Parents also want a special kid so they can get updoots for being such a
supportive and loving parent. Kids see other kids getting special treatment and want to be special too. Also we're resetting gender norms and if any boy has feminine interests he's actually
No. 1504157
File: 1650241566951.png (Spoiler Image,1.18 MB, 1158x1560, 843231w24556.png)

The doctor has "porn" in his name KEK
No. 1504161
File: 1650242308946.png (138.78 KB, 1702x492, dilate12345678.png)

what are you gonna do, bastard? dilate about it.
No. 1504184
>>1504104I pissed many of them off by saying their pet trannies were more insane than any autistic Jimin/Jiminself/Fae/Faeself kid with obnoxious clothes on Twitter. At least the child will grow out of it, Susan Buck Angel will spend eternity sperging about how she's an adult human female but not a woman, which literally means adult human female.
>>1504157Looks like a deflated ballsack.
No. 1504194
>>1504051Troon : so validated uwu
Actual woman : fuck I hope that guy doesn’t follow me hope and rape me
They don’t get that what they find validating is actually stuff that women find major red flags for their own safety
No. 1504221
File: 1650247417555.png (21.46 KB, 748x281, Audrey Arcana (Curly girl arc)…)

>>1504051So it didn't actually happen to him? Troons really do like making up stories that happen to them when in real life women actually have to experience this.
No. 1504226
>>1504105share the comments or link to the post nonna. I'm curious about the comments.
No. 1504228
File: 1650248119269.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1170x1793, 95521E47-CA3F-4F83-B08F-5F20EE…)

>wasn’t offensive
Haha women getting paid less is funny and not at all misogynistic. also OT but didn’t playboy publish nudes of a 13 year old girl in the 80s?
No. 1504237
File: 1650248707258.jpeg (86.71 KB, 379x640, CAF0EBE5-8884-49BE-A4CB-E66E75…)

wishing you a bloated, frizzy-haired, immediately clockable Pesach
Stephanie Skora
>transbian>”stone” lesbian aka can’t get laid>more obsessed with being Jewish than being trans>more obsessed with being anti-Zionist than being Jewish>writes the “girl I guess voter guide” for progressive votersIG: @stephanieskora
Twit: @stephanie_skora No. 1504239
>>1504228Playboy had 10 year old Brooke Shields pose naked for a photoshoot in 1975, weird how no one mentions it at all, and Brooke was trying to get rid of the images and was basically told they were artistic photos and nothing was sexual about them.
>>1504229I think handmaidens just worship cock in general, they don't go half as hard defending tifs than they do for tims.
No. 1504241
>>1504237This stupid fucking moid. You can't be hard femme and wearing a dad sweater. And are femmes ever stone?
Every time I feel a bit of sympathy for them, one of them reminds me why they are horrible.
No. 1504256
File: 1650250652283.png (241.58 KB, 1749x978, Untitled.png)

nooo, you can't just refuse to date trannies!
No. 1504261
File: 1650251563000.jpg (980.25 KB, 2066x1710, timsbasedwifeleaveshimandtakes…)

No. 1504285
>>1504266 for real, do reddit troons realize that irl adults reject each other for multiple reasons? Both dumb and
valid, and sometimes for no reason at all. Even if they ""have everything""" to like each other, sometimes adults just don't want a partner. They sound so hard like a parody of a teenarger from a bad coming-of-age movie, peaking aside is so hard to feel sorry for them when they act like that, that is why normies run away from them once the facade is gone. No one wants to deal with an adult who behaves like a teen.
No. 1504299
File: 1650257324885.png (26.22 KB, 599x208, good.PNG)

>>1504296Just looked him up and found this gem. Wow an 8 year old boy wasn't allowed to play girls soccer, how oppressed.
No. 1504304
>>1504261More military TIMs. This woman gave up her life to follow him around wherever he was stationed, sacrificing her ability to have a real career and financial independence, and he troons out anyway.
Never date a man who's actively on tour, ladies
No. 1504315
File: 1650261147420.jpeg (775.3 KB, 1510x968, 92581771-659E-4A0E-998A-9CF216…)

parent is worried about their son who was on hormone blockers at young age which has ruined his life.
No. 1504330
File: 1650264069422.png (37.65 KB, 676x366, delusional.PNG)

>>1504320Their baby isn't even a year old yet and while she's dealing with the stress of raising a baby, her husband is buying women's clothes on Amazon. Pic related is the top response, Reddit has such a boner for accusing women of being 'controlling'. Like if you don't let your boyfriend beat it to porn you're just insecure and controlling. Also a hearty kek at 'My life outside the house is amazing and I’m happy. It’s making my wife miserable.' Yeah because her husband trooned out and she is stuck in a miserable marriage. They've been married for THIRTY EIGHT YEARS and he just now decided to transition. His poor wife invested her youth into someone who betrayed her. I'd rather just get cheated on tbh.
No. 1504332
File: 1650264178189.png (829.47 KB, 660x688, hag.PNG)

>>1504330Went on his profile and found this gem.
No. 1504348
File: 1650267981488.jpg (54.33 KB, 680x629, FQh7QrpXwAAz04-.jpg)

I think it will be the other way around, TRAs will realize how fucking embarrassing this whole trans era was
No. 1504349
File: 1650267985078.jpg (506.74 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20220418-094521_Chr…)

>>1504256I love how this comments oozes with misogyny even though the OP's crush never said a word about thinking women are inferior.
No. 1504362
File: 1650269875973.png (1.9 MB, 1152x2368, godspeed_you_troon_emperor.png)

As a fan I was so disappointed then I remembered this band is Canadian
No. 1504364
File: 1650270024993.jpg (2.69 MB, 3464x3464, Picsart_22-04-18_10-18-42-414.…)

>>1504039TIM author who wrote a novel about killing and having sex with terfs
No. 1504365
File: 1650270061339.jpg (5 MB, 4096x7278, Polish_20220418_101919367.jpg)

What a narcissist. How much malebrained can you get than thinking you're so cute and amazing looking when you look like an unwashed hippie scrote. Moids overestimate their looks so much
No. 1504367
File: 1650270394831.jpg (3.26 MB, 4096x7278, Polish_20220418_102516756.jpg)

>>1504366But of course he's also a fucking perv who gets 'panty euphoria', no actual dysphoria and identifies as a femme butch even though he has a gay boyfriend and all of his friends are male.
Really goes to show how male socialisation never makes them insecure about their looks because no woman would ever dare to call herself very good looking again and again if she looked like him.
No. 1504399
File: 1650276781640.jpg (4.63 MB, 4096x7278, Polish_20220418_120818107.jpg)

R/MTF is really full of bizzare people. These are his 'timeline' photos, the faceapped one he tries to pass as 'makeup professionally done'.
He was posting about how he put some gym bro in his place by showing him an old video of himself jacked. Dick-measuring of muscles, how very feminine.
No. 1504401
File: 1650277595890.jpg (304.61 KB, 1080x1256, Screenshot_20220418-122344_Chr…)

>>1504399He had a micro dick and concluded that because he is a failed man, he might as well try being a woman. Fucking sexist.
No. 1504407
>>1504216I'm glad they can provide raction gifs for our amusement before 41'ing tbh.
Thank you for this info nonnnerz
No. 1504413
File: 1650282205130.jpeg (173.92 KB, 750x1007, 1C55BDC7-A120-432B-A828-9E3CFD…)

>>1503911The update lmaooo
No. 1504415
>>1504414This is really upsetting to thing about. Most TRAs-turned-
TERF women I've met only had their eyes opened after something horrible happening to them involving a troon (or otherwise genderspecial). I wish it didn't take something like rape, violence, or worse, for women to see the truth
No. 1504421
>>1504415>>1504414The handmaiden to
terf pipeline is real and the only one I approve of.
No. 1504428
File: 1650284848666.jpg (67.3 KB, 607x574, FQn9ZClX0Ass84l.jpg)

No the reason your breasts look different than womens is because you do not have any lobes or ducts for PRODUCING MILK like women do. Your breasts are 100% fat, the only reason you get "breasts" is because the hormones you take make you gain weight in those places. Getting puberty blockers would not make your breasts look any different
No. 1504451
>>1504349Oh good thing troons don’t see women as walking vaginas with less autonomy than men. We all know their minds aren’t porn-addled at all.
>>1504365Why don’t they ever realize that people are staring because they are a man in a dress? There might be some chasers, but most people are looking at them like one would at a freakshow, trying to figure out wtf they are or if they’re mentally ill and might snap on someone at any moment.
No. 1504453
File: 1650289867702.png (183.7 KB, 973x911, 61A7D340-E273-47F4-9661-4C0B05…)

This woman defining shit is driving me up the wall. If there was equal outrage about “what is a man” it might bother me less, but jfc. At least the bot is based.
No. 1504458
>>1504428>legitimately damaging“It’s not exactly to my tastes” dressed up as oppression.
>going through puberty too late/when they’re supposed toOh the goddamn irony! So now there’s an issue with the timing of child development? It doesn’t matter when the concern is girls’ lifelong bone and brain health, only when it’ll help boys get their favourite boobies. Fucking disgusting.
No. 1504464
>>1504453They really want to claim that “woman” literally means
nothing but at the same time should qualify them for subsidised plastic surgery and alterations to government data? Hm.
No. 1504470
>>1504465Or maybe dyslexia, idk. I mess up acronyms all the time.
It makes sense though. All the people I know with BPD have identity issues and/or are non-binary. There is a lack of sense of self at the core so it's not a surprise they are more likely to troon out, in search of an identity.
No. 1504478
>>1504475exactly this.
imagine eroding the rights of women and girls just because you are insecure about your individual identity.
the fact that their egos are being put above our physical rights and safety (and you know, biology, science, reality) is so worrying and very telling.
No. 1504479
File: 1650291874160.png (56.43 KB, 896x330, 2E80832F-AEE1-4CB5-9BEB-400554…)

>>1504364Misogynistic and racist as hell. I’m not even black, but if he knew a modicum of the reproductive medical horror black women have gone through in US history alone, he would have had more sense than to write something like this. How can they hate women SO much while still claiming to be one?
No. 1504483
>>1504435Thank you
No. 1504501
File: 1650295037361.jpg (167.49 KB, 592x476, Screenshot_20220418-161218.jpg)

Tee hee, gender is just a fun funny game that people play for fun, folx!
No. 1504502
>>1504479He knows his audience, 99% of transwomen will feel cathartic release reading such a scene. None of the stomach pit sickness it’d give us but they’ll probably post some weak willed “it’s not okay~” on Twitter and be done with it. They maintain TiF allegiance with their naive “we’ll trade organs uwu” but this really summarises their whole political standpoint. I hope this book becomes popular so women can finally wake up and see how their precious
dickgirls feel about oppression and feminism.
No. 1504522
File: 1650296230111.jpg (57.74 KB, 565x174, Screenshot_20220418-161256.jpg)

You hear that, TERFs? You making fun of my grotesque appearance and retarded beliefs is actually just you simping for me!
No. 1504534
File: 1650297113358.jpg (434.76 KB, 1536x2048, 20220418_175032.jpg)

>>1504522kek loop at the size of his head
No. 1504540
>>1504482Some girls do, I had giant tits by the time I was 13 or so, started growing them at 9. Which isn't actually the funtimes troons think it is since it means sexual harassment by moids and other bullshit starts before you're even in middle school.
Strongly suspect a lot of girls who chop their tits off developed early.
No. 1504549
>>1504540same, i got boobs at age 10/11 and boys teased me and prodded them. i fucking hated puberty and think a lot of us can relate to feeling uncomfortable in our own skin around that time. I wish more kids were taught this is normal and doesn't mean you're in the "wrong body" ffs.
I wonder if teaching that to kids now would be considered transphobic? Or invalidating gender dysphoria? Ugh.
No. 1504560
File: 1650299698804.jpg (100.92 KB, 879x1200, fqrqczbrp8u81.jpg)

>>1504540Same. I also developed horrific strech marks on them that very much made me want to cut them off. Thankfully they faded, but being that age and having tits whith bright red scars all over was fucking AWFUL.
No. 1504571
>>1504516>>1504519>>1504527Exactly. I don’t understand why the world at large has such a blind spot when it comes to misogyny, even amongst people who would otherwise be considered “woke”. They still have yet to explain why transracialism is bullshit but transgenderism isn’t. Lol even my computer has the red misspell squiggle under transracialism but not transgenderism.
What other axis of oppression allows the oppressor class to freely opt into and out of the role of the oppressed class? In any other scenario it would be seen as the ridiculous exercise of power and privilege that it is. Though the oppressed class can’t actually opt out of that role because TIFs are still subjected to misogyny. Just listen to the way men (both cis men and transwomen) talk about them. Do they think the little girls forced to stay in period huts or undergo fgm can just identify their way out of that? They can’t just take their femaleness off like a costume whenever they want. You can bet if things got even worse for women in real material ways that would negatively impact troons’ lives, they’d go back into “boymode” immediately. We can’t do that.
Trannies are no different than some rich guy larping as poor or rachel dolezal. Just men colonizing womanhood and proving that their wants are always prioritized over ours. Of course they would see gender as a fun little game and not a hierarchal structure built on the oppression of the female sex
No. 1504589
File: 1650302481713.png (142.64 KB, 1080x1791, transwomanVScisman.png)

oh damn it's almost like they're all the same…
No. 1504620
File: 1650305099349.png (407.95 KB, 1474x1508, 78bbbb87027531098.png)

Is his therapist trolling him?
No. 1504632
File: 1650306867433.jpeg (111.21 KB, 1242x188, D6B3655D-1CC3-4D51-A3B9-8B4180…)

>>1504435This study shows that transgenders who receive mental health care share the same level of criminality as their birth sex.
The new bill that British parliament scrapped was going to put a stop to any transgendered people having mandatory mental health screenings, therapy or care in young adults and above. They must have looked at this data or similar data (if it exists) and thought nah fuck that.
I think the only good takeaway I see from this is that no matter how fucked up or perverse you are to consider troonery, mental health care can help, somewhat. This study as far as I’m aware doesn’t place MtF and FtM into separate categories apart from in picrel when discussing violent tendencies in men. Refreshing to see a study not deny the natural violent tendencies in men tbh.
No. 1504674
File: 1650311631252.jpeg (484.29 KB, 750x1270, 4357B590-0B98-4D46-8A39-D6CA2E…)

No idea if you guys are familiar with the sub r/gothstyle but its a goldmine for cringy autogynephiles. Heres but a few
No. 1504677
File: 1650312043953.jpeg (876.32 KB, 750x1266, 05D79A2F-A308-46E8-B304-F24F7E…)

>>1504676What is it with trannies and wanting to be “goth” and “lesbian”? Its an epidemic
No. 1504685
File: 1650312476854.jpg (29.49 KB, 451x648, FC3ZjTsX0AcrXmP.jpg)

>>1504676Private Pyle done trooned out
No. 1504733
File: 1650316901434.jpeg (664.63 KB, 750x1267, E65DCC9B-A9E6-4040-8FF7-1E9926…)

More from r/gothstyle
No. 1504734
File: 1650316901672.jpg (375.78 KB, 1080x1817, 20220419_002048.jpg)

They really do think they should be horny 247? What the fuck
No. 1504735
File: 1650316975459.webm (1.56 MB, 608x1080, 1650316482654.webm)
>>1504675Nothing to add other than I recognize this transvestite kek.
No. 1504746
File: 1650318746118.png (66.78 KB, 740x773, harry potter.PNG)

Two trans kids and a tranny husband???
No. 1504749
File: 1650319077333.png (52.66 KB, 687x687, pain.PNG)

No. 1504753
File: 1650319392098.png (37.03 KB, 576x930, part 1.PNG)

Poor woman jesus
No. 1504760
File: 1650319702217.jpg (85.61 KB, 757x657, c42.jpg)

>>1504562please no, anon. kek
No. 1504781
File: 1650322344494.jpeg (1.24 MB, 3464x3464, 97D204D0-ED71-40C9-8AE5-D094D4…)

women can’t have anything
No. 1504782
>>1504755>>1504753>>1504779all of this actually reminded me of Gary Heidnik. All his
victims were black young women.
No. 1504785
File: 1650322507550.png (808.83 KB, 475x1159, 5572E2BA-74B2-472B-9B78-CB3CC8…)

So here’s this troon who decided to harass Lolitas online and get himself involved in shit stirring lolita boards on 4chan /Cgl and lolcow
>>>/w/185931Got exposed for dating minors and being a massive creep in the lolita community.
No. 1504797
File: 1650323257570.png (665.41 KB, 1146x1094, BCF50D57-793A-4FBB-9BF3-872435…)

>>1504785>>1504789He won’t stop posting about how he wants to fuck his cousin and being “women”
No. 1504805
File: 1650323692400.jpeg (413.01 KB, 1284x1015, FD450CB5-0D5D-4BCC-B949-3F6311…)

>>1504793Couldn’t roll my eyes harder at this comment.
No. 1504807
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I didn't realize that this dude has such a weird body. He also said recently that he's auditioning to play the role of a teenage girl on some tv show, ugh he's so delusional and annoying.
No. 1504814
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No. 1504821
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The uggo
>>1504785And what he posts
>>1504818 No. 1504827
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>>1504821>>1504815Lacemarket mods already on to him for harassing sellers and being extremely
abusive on the platform with others.
No. 1504863
>>1504856I'm glad she got out but what's with
WOC dating racist white guys? The racist white guy to troon pipeline is all too common.
No. 1504865
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>>1504807This troon just gives me the same vibes as the crazy aunt from Sleepaway Camp. Funny how this movie is also about forcibly trooning out a little boy cause she wanted a girl kek.
No. 1504887
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i hate scrotes
No. 1504893
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No. 1504905
>>1504800>it’s safe to assume she’s not being abusedAre you a moid? How is it ever “safe to assume” that? The behavior described in her post is
abusive, her post history is filled with this old perverted racist moid’s abuse, and she herself identifies the relationship as
abusive. But you have no sympathy because she uses a silly TV trope to describe herself? Jesus christ.
No. 1504918
>>1504905For real. I don’t know if that anon understands how
abusive relationships work. You don’t have to have kids or be married to be in one, and age-wise he does hold some power over her. Men like that can and will isolate you from friends and family so that you don’t have a support network and it’s harder to leave. The girl was probably saying the MPDG thing as tongue-in-cheek anyway, and even if she wasn’t, who cares. He sounds
abusive and predatory as hell. People will excuse men for anything to insult the most minor shit a woman says or does.
No. 1504921
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>>1504362Ho no. I just remembered that I blocked this euro weirdo who was part of a post rock band, when I was checking on his activity on the game he was larping as a loli in a place called "little spaces" or something like that.
He seem well put togheter at first, but when I saw that I had to get rid of him…
No. 1505001
>>1504800If anything the way that she describes herself means she's a bit naive and took the (white) queer koolaid, but that doesn't mean she deserves to be in an
abusive relationship jesus, also
abusive relationships doesn't need to be like a true crimen podcast to he actually
No. 1505009
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"SPOKANE SISSY" on YouTube uses pictures of his children for his fantasy stories about them having sex with teenage boys.
Here's the article where I heard about him: report him or do whatever you can to stop this man! He's a disgusting pervert.
No. 1505038
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>hulking, masculine subhuman enters womens bathroom and attacks little girl
jkr continues to reach levels of based previously unheard of
No. 1505066
>>1505059Transfem = TIMs (Non-binary or binary identifying)
Transmasc = TIFs (Non-binary or binary identifying)
No. 1505154
>>1504917>finger condomsWhat…
Anyways I’m str8 and I cut and file the shit out of my nails because I do not want any dirt under there whatsoever.
No. 1505158
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My apologies if I missed this being shared. These tranny threads move so damn fast. Based Dream Police: No. 1505163
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I saw this on AliExpress
No. 1505184
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>>1505154There is another way
nonnie No. 1505186
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>>1505177You will never be a woman, Mr. Matthews. Detention.
No. 1505197
>>1504365i just realized that there are so many dimensions to as to why i hate trannies talking about catcalling/staring:
1. they are obviously male and get stares because they are deranged males in dresses yet twist it like they get the same stares women get
2. they chose this and knew exactly that that‘s what‘s gonna happen because they look like clowns
3. yet they complain about it like it‘s not validating to their sexist gender identity and giving them euphoria boners
4. they have a fucking choice to not get stared at, women don‘t
5. they have a clear physical advantage over women which makes them able to intimidate or hit most men who stare at them, women can‘t
so in conclusion, they act like they are the most oppressed demographic, yet have every chance to not get stared at and it‘s not even in a sexual way anyway, it‘s because they are ugly ass men. but since it validates them and they hate women, they have no incentive to do anything against male violence. all they do is write their delusional reddit posts to announce to everyone that since men stare at them, they are a real woman. i fucking hate trannies.
No. 1505230
>>1505158"The pressure on women to have babies is the root of transphobia"
Men pressure women to be nothing but babymakers and then cry about how it oppresses men
We really need to remind people that being trans (of any kind) is a mental illness. No healthy sane person thinks they are something they physically aren't. Or indeed think they are not what they physically are.
No. 1505269
File: 1650354528830.jpg (103.27 KB, 596x289, Screenshot_20220419-084405.jpg)

Imagine you're at a party, having a nice time, goofing off, when all of a sudden this gigantic fridge bodied moid with pink hair takes his shirt off and starts jiggling his pasty white moobs, expecting everybody to be amused and delighted.
No. 1505275
>>1504797>incest>weeb babytalk>names "cousin" after Inuyasha character, most likely>EvangelionThis post inflicted psychic damage upon me
>>1504882Was just thinking that kek, why pair a gay guy obsessed with Shinji with a girl who hates them both? Though this is a troon, who knows what kind of shit goes through their minds
No. 1505293
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>I just figured my vagina is prolapsed. I was born a woman, I just need surgery.
No. 1505309
>>1504793Reading through that reddit reminded me how severe this epidemic is. There are multiple posts a day! So many men are trooning out and it's so sad to see the state of some women, wanting to be nice and supportive to moids who don't give a fuck about their girlfriends, and it hurts them but they still feel like they need to be nice. It makes me feel grateful for my transhating moid.
and this
>>1504399i just can't wrap my mind about this gymbro. How do you go from this to that? Is that some kind of brain damage happening? How is he not ashamed? Do men really need to be
toxic to eachother to prevent this? Because i don't see another way. At least when i was growing up men bullying other men kept them in check so they wouldn't get stupid ideas like this.
No. 1505313
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No. 1505329
>>1504677Skinwalk women they can never have.
>>1505317Wtf is biology uwu
No. 1505347
>>1505346everyone's different
nonny some people want to date
No. 1505351
>>1505346Why do you care if they date
Not everyone wants to live their fulfilled life with 30 cats
No. 1505352
>>1505350sure, because rape and social pressure doesn't exist, and we're all animals who can't control their urges.
>>1505351idc. the noona i was replying to said she can't do much about her planning a family and i just made a correction saying she can. it's not like someone forces dating on her against her will, it's her choice.
No. 1505353
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kek I know it's a reference to 80s fashion but this new promo pic just looks as if the whole Rammstein trooned out. Unironically love the song though.
No. 1505363
>>1505158KEK they can never silence the
terf in their minds
No. 1505376
>>1505319We need more Goths Without Genders.
Like Doctors Without Borders.
No. 1505383
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Just saw this comic. I might be okay with tucutes now lol
No. 1505384
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No. 1505387
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>>1505384I’d found this other image on this trannies fb page. He’s an “onlyfans model” and has amassed quite the following. I worry for all the kids he’s grooming
No. 1505398
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this moid has been posting every day on a fb group seething because he's only mass peaking all the women in there instead of calling handmaidens to defend his agp ass. they're incel racist males after all.
No. 1505401
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>>1505398didn't tims also suffered from having to perform femininity? now they're more of a "woman" because they shave themselves? this is the good old "feminists are ugly and hairy women" rhetoric from the fucking suffragette movement. repacked misoginy
No. 1505403
>>1505383i knew some trans people from before the great awokening and they were mostly fine, but i think that was just because they didn't have the
most victimest status yet and had to make a point to show they weren't insane or predators. they were still massive attention whores.
No. 1505413
>>1505313How is he more woman than a woman would ever be? I don’t get it.
>>1505346Not wanting to derail at all, what does 4B mean? I tried googling and couldn’t find anything. Just looking to have a jumping off place.
No. 1505418
>>1503774Honestly no one. I had a troll tranny account that was purposefully terrible in MtF communities as an experiment and I never got harassed by radfems except for ones concerned for the wellbeing of people in my stories. The only harassment I'd get was from moids and it was obvious (though I understand scrotes are genuinely too retarded to tell).
Meanwhile troons would upvote en masse and give gold on my incel takes like women have it so much easier and
terf bitches deserve to be (graphically violent verb here). I can confirm that being a troon online is an echochamber and the only people who will harass you from outside are few and far between and typically not radfems but alt-right moids.
No. 1505424
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Troons are their own and each other's worst enemies, kek. Probably a LARP, but still funny
No. 1505435
>>1505413Google 4b Korea and you should find plenty about it,
No. 1505468
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This is the author of that horrible trans book
No. 1505471
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>>1505469Ofocurse now he is crying because people are calling him out for it
No. 1505500
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>>1505471damn, I wonder why anyone would think this upstanding young man would be a child predator. For those that don't know, aggy is a tranny with a few threads here that draws copious amounts of 'art' of little boys crossdressing, pissing themselves, masturbating, and being coerced into incest
No. 1505502
>>1505374Yup they are quite bad really often. I do like the idea and support them, but some of the shit there, ehhh
>>1505353Anyone crying TWANSPHOBIA over this pic yet?
No. 1505519
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>>1505516>there's a lack of older women who've actually done the marriage & kids thing to give realistic advice.I also appreciate fds for being 'radfem lite' but as far as age/experience goes, I thought it was exposed for hosting mostly 30-40 yos. picrel is the subreddit overlap No. 1505521
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>>1505502Surprisingly not really, and not even over the lyrics much, aside of a few absolutely retarded opinions along the lines of "criticizing plastic surgery is bad because some people like it!"
No. 1505527
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i never exited out of a twitch stream so fast
No. 1505535
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There's a reddit thread going on right now where some dork is offering to come up with names for troons based on things they like. The replies are very predictable but I will never not cringe at these grown ass creeps talking to each other like retarded children.
This is so far off from what women are actually like that I can't even be mad anymore, I just ugly laugh at these idiots. No. 1505537
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No. 1505615
>>1505165Ayrt. My decision to distance myself from the goth scene was mostly due to direct sexual harassment, and partially due to the troon issue (which actually also contributed to the sexual harassment). Goth has stopped being about music and dressing black. Goth is a out being LGBT constantly all the time, it's about being a sex positive kink person posting about BDSM to people who didn't ask, and it's about trying your hardest to dodge perverts who think every goth woman is happy to be a part of their fetish. You can't go anywhere online or offline without fucking Lillith 6'2 with "her" massive skull thinking you're automatically her lesbian wet dream just because you've decided to wear fishnets that day. They're cancelling all goth music that isn't woke (so basically no goth music allowed in the goth scene) and if you say anything then you're going to be BTFO by retards.
You think normie woke is bad? Well, goths have had like a 10+ year head start on all this shit. Consider for a moment why shitlibs are stereotypically goth or punk looking
No. 1505637
>>1505621 you mean he's a sexual degenerate?
Normie Rammstein fans wouldn't take it well if he'd ever troon out
No. 1505651
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They just keep outdoing themselves in being both disgusting and so very wrong
No. 1505725
>>1505709I tend to disagree. Sometimes it’s better for you when things don’t work out, especially if it gets you out of a negative situation. This is why people think something like divorce is bad, for instance, instead of seeing it in a way that maybe both people need to move on and do different things in life. Maybe they weren’t right for each other, maybe marriage just wasn’t for them. If anything, it’s an opportunity for growth, and there are plenty of older men and women who just have fun dating around after feeling tied down in a bad marriage. Expand your horizons
nonnie. Would you really tell a lady who is 60 and wants to date after her husband dies that she shouldn’t because “there’s no one worth dating at that age”? There are plenty of people who make it work, expand your horizons.
No. 1505743
>>1505510I did my best to find some English resources for you
nonnie but unfortunately there's barely anything since it's so rooted in Korean culture. If you do speak Korean the YouTube channel 혼삶비결 Solodarity should be a good starting point. Other search terms that could help are #nomarriage and escape the corset but these are likely to yield mostly news articles as well.
No. 1505763
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What do they mean by clit? Isn't it just a piece of their dick tip? To this day I have no idea how frankenginas work kek
No. 1505777
>>1505424Not to defend the other troon here but this is actually so evil holy shit. They say "we're women just like you" but it's pretty scrote like to drug someone with physically/chemically altering drugs simply bc they're happier or better looking than you.
It's just like that one 4chan post that was from a tranny hon teacher who outed a student who was on blockers and "passed". Tbh it's funny how these scrotes regularly claim and operate under the stereotype that women are ~soooo catty~ (insert ugly gay male Regina George caricature here) but they're the ones outright poisoning and outing each other as trans. Just shows that the #1 male argument tactic is always PROJECTION.
No. 1505795
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How does this make sense at fucking all? What TERFs are out here grabbing men's penises? That's more handmaiden sex positivity no boundaries retardation. The retards really took TERF and ran with it.
No. 1505797
>>1505534FDS says to never be dependent on a man's money. And don't date broke dudes, never build up a man. Date dudes who have money, but always have your own money so you can bounce if you have to.
I swear to god, people keep repeating this bs, and it's clear they never spent any time there or did and didn't pay any attention to anything that went against their preconceptions.
No. 1505818
>>1505795Yeah no radfem would ever in their right mind sexually harass someone because it goes against radfem beliefs in general. If they do, they aren’t aligned with radical feminism. TRA moids have really just started using “
TERF” to refer to any woman at all. People don’t even understand what the acronym means anymore.
No. 1505819
>>1505709kek, I'm in my 30s and I will rather die unmarried (don't care about a marriage after all) than have a relationship with another bpd guy or a baby guy I have to do all the things for.
Depressing is, if you find yourself being 50, having lived in a relationship you hated for the last 30 years and not being able to break out of it because you are lazy, stuck or stupid.
No. 1505895
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Blizzard gamedevs during the new World of Warcraft expansion reveal
No. 1505900
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>>1505824>>1505849Umm very normal woman behavior, actually. You may not like it, but this is peak female empowerment.
No. 1505904
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This gotta be a joke. I can never tell whos a troll and whos an absolute deranged person with no empathy
No. 1505953
>>1505914Estrogen? Yes. Don't know about testerone.
There are troons who make bootleg estrogen and sell it so I'm sure there are other people out there selling it.
No. 1506009
>>1505709One in three marriages end in divorce where I'm from… And if you aren't married in your 30s because someone cheated on you, how does that make
you not worth being with?
No. 1506025
>>1505875Ah, so you missed the radfems vs fdsers dustup that resulted in the Great Radfem Purge of 2021.
There was this whole thing where the people who run it went all jihad on the radfems (and WGTOW, Pinkpillers, blackpilled feminists) who were hanging out in the subreddit and banned a ton of them because radfems were posting things like "wearing make up is not feminist" and wgtow's were like "all dudes are rapists. women separatism 4ever!"
FDS mods aren't libfem or radfem. They pull in the things from feminism that they can use to support their philosophy of not dating dusties.
No. 1506060
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Not sure who the Ari one is but Erin is looking ROUGH. I can’t believe he genuinely thinks he passes.
No. 1506073
>>1505269Sophie just called flashing his moobs a "secret impressive talent that you're supposed to pretend to be embarrassed of at first and then show off". He really is from Mars is he thinks women would ever consider their tits a party trick. Autistic AGP behavior. I hope he actually does ask this and everyone shuts him tf down because I guarantee no one enjoys that like he claims and he needs a dose of reality.
Side note but it irks me that so many troons show off their moobs on social media without getting flagged. If you were a woman, then you'd be getting censored. Funny how that only affects one group of women, huh? All of them either have OnlyFans because they view womanhood as equal to objectification or they just post their unfortunate bodies for free nonstop because they're literally such straight moids that they can't stop thinking about boobs for five seconds and love being their own porn material.
No. 1506090
>>1506083When I was younger I used to think 70% of men were acceptable. Maybe that was true before porn sickness became widespread but now that number is something like 10% of men are acceptable. And that's just "acceptable."
To be completely honest I think most men are just "off" compared to most women. Most women just tolerate that offness because they've been brainwashed into thinking dick is the most important thing in the world.
No. 1506109
>>1506073This puts me in mind of those attention seeking girls on Big Brother and other reality TV shows, who whop them out at their earliest opportunity.
Any woman who'd be so willing to get her tits out as a party trick would be called a slag and looked down upon, but it's just silly fun and games when a tranny does it.
No. 1506148
>>1506090>To be completely honest I think most men are just "off" compared to most women.There are so many double standards of behaviour where all manner of weird things are considered ok for a man to do, but not a woman.
Case in point, apparently ditching your family for spinny skirt and moobs is a fine thing to do, but a woman who divorced for legitimate reasons, like withstanding abuse or neglect, is a monster.
No. 1506185
>>1505709You should rethink what you're saying here.
Imagine being a young woman, getting mixed up with a moid who promised her everything but over the course of a decade wore her down little by little until she finally gathers the strength to realize her true worth and break free. She spends the next year working on herself. Then she re-enters the dating scene feeling more empowered than ever then encounters dumbasses like you who say she is single because she's abnormal.
No. 1506188
>>1506067No offense but you sound incredibly inexperienced. I'm 36, divorced, and have met plenty of others in my situation.. men and women.. with their shit together, good people, and still looking for love. Are you saying that you only have one shot at love and it must happen in your 20s? That's insane. My widowed 95 year old gma met a lovely man in her old folks home a few years back and he loved the shit out of her until the day he died.
You have no idea what you're saying.
No. 1506189
>>1506185>>1506171>>1506188Unless you are planning on only dating guys in their 20s who can be immature the vast majority of 30 year old scrotes have tons of baggage and have hit the wall.
>My widowed 95 year old gma met a lovely man in her old folks home a few years back and he loved the shit out of her until the day he died.lmao no
No. 1506234
>>1505895 he is skinwalking her. bruh no no no
They always do it with women they know irl
No. 1506242
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No. 1506255
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I was looking at school uniforms across the world and came across this.
Those overly manly legs and hands are hard to miss.
The shiny fake wig.
The massive man-cave feet compared to the other girls
No. 1506264
>>1506260>>1506261>>1506262Thank god I'm actually retarded and it's not real. I gotta watch it.
Thank you nonnies lmao
No. 1506397
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>>1506388>>1506389Trannies are absolutely unhinged jfc
No. 1506432
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I find it fascinating how the argument this is presenting is the religious argument that separates humans from other animals, that being that humans have a "soul", which is generally defined by our higher cognition, or similar comparisons. I thought the parallels to religion were reaching, but then stuff like this pops up and makes me hesitate. It becomes more and more of a cult.
No. 1506446
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>>1506432 >"big mommy liza" >Cartoon catgirl avatar with huge emphasis on tits and tran flag >Socialism shill >Describes self as mommy and shitposter >What appears to be a vore joke on the cover photo How do they keep up with the cognitive dissonance of thinking of themselves as women while being this male. Does it just shatter their mind eventually (hopeful scenario)
No. 1506553
>>1506447is okay
nonny I like them too, I just don't openly support them
No. 1506574
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No. 1506575
>>1506574How did he know she was trans? I thought you couldn't tell.
No. 1506606
>>1506575It's only real women that are cancelled and harassed for recognizing the differences and saying the differences exist. Trannies are allowed to notice the differences.
See also, the accepted gospel being that 'trans women are women', even while trannies screech for increased representation in media - because they know real women don't represent them. That even they do not recognize themselves as women.
Narcissists set rules that they expect others to obey. They never play by them themselves.
No. 1506644
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I fucking hate them.
No. 1506654
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No. 1506701
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the trannies have started their own religion kek
No. 1506705
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No. 1506723
>>1506705>>1506707They’re so vile and disgusting. I cannot believe they think they’re members of an oppressed class when they literally get off on
abusive things that are done to a legitimate one. I wish them all a very painful die.
No. 1506735
>>1506701I have a bigger issue with the teenager threating to kill themself if something out of there control happens. why not like just move? Irl I’ve head these same tactics from many teens recently. The difference from when I was in highschool is wild. Back then my friends or classmates would just off themselves, and you didn’t find out until they were dead. Now it’s mom dad do this or I’ll kill myself. Mom dad I’m trans now, do everything I say or I’ll kill myself. The amount of young teens hoping on this trend, and pretend to be a
victim bc mommy and daddy don’t like you dressing up.
there are children with addict parents, kids with dead parents, children being raped. All these suburban white kids wanting to have trauma so badly, when real traumatic events would destroy them.
No. 1506749
>>1506705THIS IS NOT UNCOMMON. mtf I know irl just had this conversation with me the other day. they are very misogynistic. Constantly comparing themself to cis women, and how they pass and are more attractive then then. They use me as a blue print. (By blueprint I mean BLUEPRINT style, laugh, texting style, anythin and everything) Constantly saying “I’m almost as weak as you” “I’m basically as skinny as you” LIKE BITCH IM UNHEALTHY, most women look different then me. Women aren't weak, men are weak. They said that when they get cat called they feel all good inside, even said they want to be SA/raped too. saying it would prove they are more women. How does someone sexually assaulting you make you anymore women? It’s just disgusting. Not something women should have to go thro. The worst is when they make jokes, “kill all cis” “trans women do it best” stupid shit like that. idgaf you can give a good handjob, I’m trying to eat my lunch stop talking about sex. They even grab my breast and ass, saying it’s just a joke we’re just girls. Ask me to take off my top to compare boobs. Says there boobs are just as nice as mine, or as big. like no they aren't honey, you wouldn’t even know bc you haven’t seen them. there breast don’t even look like breast… just fat. always getting undressed for no reason, I ask why and wtf they are doing? “Oh I’m just changing we are girls” Then WHY DONT YOU CHANGE SOMEONEWHWRE ELSE. I don’t want to see you naked. sorry for vent it’s been hard.
No. 1506871
>>1506819>I'm gonna start another IUD discussion to make him feel ostracized kek.Just be careful he’s not one of those that gets off on it (when I had mine put in I cried my eyes out it hurt
SO much) they get off on our pain. They also get off on being around uwu girly problems. They get off on your fertility and periods. They get off on trips to the gynocologist.
Gotta sus if he’s infiltrating because he wants masturbation fodder of being around girly things or if he’s infiltrating because he wants to talk over you and nOt aLL wOmEn HaVe vAgInAs you.
No. 1507230
File: 1650494226079.jpg (97.63 KB, 651x734, misandry.JPG)

Mask off moment. They still identify 100% with other men. They know they are men and the hatred of men angers them. They just want to erase 'female' as a category and undo any progress we've made. Women can't be the targets of oppression if there is no category consistently understood to be 'women'. Just trans women, the other trans people, and everyone else who better stay in line or else. But trust the experts, misandry is to blame!
Retweeted by a male 'transbian' who confessed to raping and abusing several cis ex-girlfriends who told their stories on twitter, then he rebranded twice. Still followed by a bunch of the 'breadtube' idiots, Vaush fan boy.
( previously: GwenNoFear and Materialist Wife now CH4R10T_TV , sometimes goes by Gwen or Lauren or Cherry )
No. 1507241
>>1506644That tweet pissed me off so fucking bad. Women with body dysmorphia don't get insurance-covered plastic surgery. Not ever. Even though their pain is just as real and harmful to their lives. They're told to work through it emotionally and cope, or pay for it out of pocket. Nobody gives one single fuck.
It's heartbreaking because this whole conversation started because women are noticing how TIM's faces are being changed by "facial FEMINIZATION surgery" and feeling insecure. Because these surgeries all enforce sexist ideas about what a woman should look like. They all try to get as close to an anime waifu as possible.
It's hurting real girls and women to watch this called "becoming female". And make no mistake - they believe they are changing sex. They are saying that openly more often now. They regret the sex vs gender framing. From now on it's "yes you can change your sex". They believe shaving a few inches off their skulls is making them more female. Of course this overall message led to some insane conversation about actual women having "ffs". Of course narcissistic trans people made that all about themselves. Of course.
No. 1507348
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I was watching a yt doc and I see this mf, isn't this the "Erin" moid? Idk if this has been posted yet lol
No. 1507459
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I hate these faggots so much
No. 1507663
>>1506749Are you at the same school/work? Tell authorities about the sexual and verbal harassment and then tell everyone you know. Maybe check if they do it to any other females too, or if you have witnesses that would help too. You don't even have to be blatantly "transphobic" (people will think that for themselves anyway) this is about getting a dangerous male away.
This mf literally said he is in favour of rape AND he is already physically sexually harassing you while calling you weak. You need to get him kicked out asap, he is dangerous.
No. 1507760
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>>1506255lmao reminds me of kelly. why is this character, who bases about 80% of the humor being that it's a giant hulking man pretending to be a girl, so much more believable and likeable than most troons? id hang out with kelly any day.
No. 1510332
>>1507459Looks like the OP is a TiM.
The person responding seems to be a TiF (cause she's on testosterone, "been off T for maybe a week").
Both fail hard at understanding female sexuality.
Men don't understand women's bodies because a lot of them just don't care about women, or giving pleasure to women.
Some women don't understand their own bodies because they've been conditioned to please men. It's sad to hear from a woman that
"not all women experience pleasure during sex".
Very sad. But it explains their lower libido. If sex (to them) is all about pleasing their man, and they don't even get to "get off". Then it's only natural they're not going to enjoy it much. Or want it.
Hence the ill informed stereotype that women would have lower sex drives than men.
No one questions why this is: because of the shitty way men treat women (during sex, and before, and after..).