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No. 867424
File: 1568224271820.png (616.25 KB, 863x760, librarygirl.PNG)

>library girl
what the fuck is a "library girl"?
No. 867426
File: 1568224508076.png (24.33 KB, 433x381, manicpixielibrarygirl.PNG)

>>867424this profile is cringy.
>ashly lunaof course.
(no sage because i sage'd my first post accidentally)
No. 867435
File: 1568226644623.jpg (51.22 KB, 610x540, 1529500945558.jpg)

>>867434They do actually, more people are concerned about a white "woman" appropriating asian pop culture and pretending to be an authority on weeb news than about the stereotypical lolicon behaviour.
No. 867479
File: 1568239022755.jpeg (84.54 KB, 750x325, A596D67D-9E8E-4713-8A00-E6095B…)

I've been thinking about this post (made by an mtf, obviously) for a while now and it just makes me rage because if an ftm talked about doing the same thing to an mtf there would be outrage/the ftm labelled as predatory but mtfs can do no wrong
No. 867501
File: 1568245029157.jpeg (328.73 KB, 744x1780, 3DE9078F-64AB-42C9-A5C2-2B554C…)

Oh my god, who the fuck is this bridge troll trying to fool?
I guess even other troons can sniff out this kind of bullshit, since he managed to get downvoted on that circlejerk of a subreddit.
No. 867515
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No. 867586
>>867435He got shit for that too from the "fiction is reality" crowd.
Legally changing his middle name to a ship name AFTER he'd already done the first legal name change, and all for a fucking "best shipper" contest, basically made this dude fair game even for the woke crowd.
No. 867732
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>>867681ironically, it was merged with pink pill and rad fem in one thread and now the infighting is all there is, that thread will end up locked down too.
No. 867743
File: 1568310077343.jpg (510 KB, 1288x2048, ugh.jpg)

found this one recently. twitter is guysmiley22
non binary trans lesbian, in a relationship with someone who looks like a real woman.
does not shave its arms or legs or make any real attempt to pass, other than wear womens clothes
No. 867744
File: 1568310276464.jpeg (733.94 KB, 1125x1165, 21C8E9F6-396D-4459-BC83-2DCAEF…)

>>867743>relationship with someone who looks like a real woman.Nooooo
No. 867878
File: 1568325164610.jpg (326.31 KB, 1968x1968, fcZXqgW.jpg)

>>867743what timeline are we living in anons lmaooo
"Someone told me I look like Rachel McAdams from the notebook.. Do I really pass..?"
No. 867942
File: 1568332617344.png (251.91 KB, 320x816, P5_Futaba_Sakura.png)

>>867424Is it just me or does he looks like he's trying to dress up as Futaba Sakura?
No. 867946
File: 1568333035949.jpg (22.34 KB, 303x349, pep.JPG)

>>867744I'd been wondering what happened to Brian Peppers.
No. 868084
>>867743ha, this is a personal cow of mine. his gf is an actual woman, a youtuber from a movie critic channel(the princess and the scrivener)
all this guy does is post about being disfigured, trans, or anything else he can pity himself for. and his shitty music that is about, yeah, being trans and disfigured.
No. 868857
File: 1568530596530.png (932.29 KB, 896x804, 4.PNG)

Damn, getting rid of the beard did this guy NO favors. In the first picture he looks like a somewhat eccentric but otherwise normal guy. In the second two, he looks like Gollum in an ugly dress.
How can people watch this happen to their friends and family and not think it's a mental illness? Even the rare troons that "pass" looked way better as their birth gender.
No. 868859
>>868857If being a troon isn't seen as an illness, then being an ana-chan HAS to be, just look at those nasty arms…unless he claims its a part of his womanhood. If a real woman looked like this, she would be ridiculed by men. But a male…obviously an amazing brave feat or something. I'm not actually sure how much I can say with the weird merging/unmerging of pinkpill and gender crit shit? Sorry for offending any tranny mods, I hope they let us know which ones mod what boards.
No. 868894
>>868860there is absolutely a tranny on the mod team and has been for a while. He's been reeing about shit for a while and is commonly talked about on /soc/. I'm surprised it took this long for them to nuke the threads.
Tranny mod was even over in meta sperging out saying radfems "aren't wanted here by anyone" kek
No. 868911
>>868894I also saw a post about this in /meta/, so I searched terms like "mod on lolcow", "lolcow farm", "tranny mod", on /soc/'s archive on archiveofsins, but there's nothing about a tranny mod on this site.
Can you please explain more, or link to specific threads you've seen in /soc/ about him? What's his nickname, and where is his confirmed link to Lolcow?
No. 868921
>>868911When I applied for mod/cleaner in 2015 a guy messaged me on Facebook that had no connection to me whatsoever, it’s also common knowledge that shoeonhead succed up to him/other guy when she was on lolcow’s team
If he’s not a tranny we have a male admin/mod
No. 868924
>>868921That's pretty creepy. Do you remember his name or what exactly he said?
I've heard that our original admin, who was male, still had some control over the site even after he stepped down. I wouldn't be surprised if he still does, I think his name was Ian
No. 868932
>>868924Nope I didn’t care to keep track of whoever he was but he looked like your average imageboard male user and since then I’ve nuked all accounts connected to anything I’ve posted/applied here.
It’s not surprising that he’s still around
>>868927He still controls lolcow.
No. 868976
>>868973 (very much OT, sorry) we should have a thread for people who date people with hardcore disabilities or deformities.. as
>>868942 said we are build to not be attracted to these kind of things. There must be some harcore fetish going on there. Not to speak that in this case the guy is also a tranny.
I can think of at least two women on youtube that date men who are so disabled they can't do anything for themselves, making the women their 24/7 caregivers.
No. 868984
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>>868973blargh! spoiler that shit! good for them but tbh i don't want to see them flaunting their fetish life.
No. 869352
File: 1568637205322.png (1.55 MB, 1344x835, stevenlye.png)

>>868828>decent personThat's a funny way to describe a former neo-nazi who now tries to pass off his sissy fetish as feminism. Being "not like other troons" doesn't make him not a trainwreck, lol.
No. 869375
File: 1568642377258.png (330.79 KB, 586x533, -17- Charlie Craggs --Charlie-…)

Not sure if many here are familiar with the background of lily madigan
>pushed a woman out of her job as labour's officer for womens rights
>had a previous twitter account where he made "jokes" about raping women
>constantly plays victim and keeps changing his identidy for ~uwu~ points
>is now e-begging like the rest of them
Pretty sure hes been mentioned here before
No. 869378
>>869375If he wants to be popular with girls he should start identifying as a Hanson member instead.
But seriously, it's horrifying that this rapey young man took a woman's place as women's officer. How did that happen?
No. 869407
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"I'd fuck me, i'd fuck me hard"
Goodbyee hooorses… ♪
No. 869411
File: 1568648854371.png (578.01 KB, 698x613, 1567460767206.png)

>>869408Because all communists are intrinsically retarded and you have to be an even more special brand of delusional dissociative individual to be a first world communist. So troons by default share all the symptoms. Nevermind that anything lgbt was haram in communist countries and in the actual soviet union that idiot would have been put to the wall or sent to a labour camp to cure his faggotry.
No. 869413
>>869359>>868976>>869030something y'all might be Interested in
my cousin is 6'3 and a big burly guy but he has various intellectual disabilities and basically has the mind of a 7 year old and lives with his mother, he works a series of odd jobs to support himself and his mother and is a hard worker but still could never live on his own and needs someone to take of him
currently he has a girlfriend(she is his first and only girlfriend)
you really have to wonder what would make someone want to be in a relationship like that where your partner is on the same mental level as a child
(no1curr) No. 869437
File: 1568653130663.png (79.71 KB, 535x359, rfic6edah2s01.png)

>>869411this isn't true, anon. Being gay was legalized in soviet Russia. The idea being there were bigger things to worry about that who was fucking who.
Now for an actual answer that isn't just reeeeing: the communist manifesto is pretty clear that being female is a class. Classes can't be opted into and out of, if they could the bourgs could just say "we're proles" and the entire thing crumbles in on itself. The communist manifesto preaches material feminism, which is pretty close to second wave feminism, hence why you see these boomer commie groups popping up time from time denouncing trannys. identity politics are seen as divisive. You can't organize the proles if they're splitting off into "ok but I'm a tranny so i'm extra special and oppressed" groups. Communist politics would support men wearing dresses etc, but not them being women as you can't just decide what class you're in.
Communist politics are the complete anti-thesis of tranny politics. You can easily send any commie tranny into a tail spin by showing the the attached quote from Engels.
No. 869500
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>>868932>He still controls lolcow.Source? Admin stated just 5 days ago in meta that LC is run by females only.
No. 869569
>>869437>>869438So, to shorten it up:
Because all communists are intrinsically retarded and you have to be an even more special brand of delusional dissociative individual to be a first world communist
No. 869578
>>869514> Or one of the admins has suddenly decided they hate anything that sounds remotely feminist, after being fine with this for the last two years. Something has changedI'm the only admin, everyone else is a farmhand or janitor with limited privileges. I carefully verify any new staff members and do have close irl friends as mods (I'm going to be honest here). I've already timestamped myself to verify I'm not a male.
I'm not affiliated with OG admin or Ian in any way, and I'm aware of his various transgressions (flirting with mods, shoeonhead). When sencha handed over the site I made sure there wasn't any way for anyone to remotely access the server through the front or backend.
No. 869584
File: 1568692485269.jpg (Spoiler Image,58.23 KB, 841x863, bambicult_1.jpg)

After seeing bambi sleep mentioned on /ot/ and reddit I dug a little deeper and found their discord server.
If you don't know what bambi sleep is it's basically sissy hypnosis. Apparently this is a thing men actively seek out. A common reported side effect of listening to the audio is apparently blacking out and waking up like this.
Spoilered for obvious reasons, open at your own risk.
No. 869586
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No. 869587
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No. 869588
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No doubt some underages have discovered this server, and they even admit this shit is addicting.
No. 869589
File: 1568692844376.jpg (29.45 KB, 845x474, bambicult_5.jpg)

troons dressing in their mothers clothing to further their deviant fetishes
No. 869619
File: 1568708513483.jpeg (621.45 KB, 605x1847, 3C11E9BD-4E2B-4D27-8895-B37FB5…)

black toon ebegging. what’s new
No. 869647
>>869584>>869586>>869587>>869588>>869589Are people trying to meme this as like, a cult or a creepypasta thing? It's very standard. Hypno is just a quasi-BDSM roleplay fetish that "forces" guys to things they "don't want to do" (AKA gives them an excuse to live out fetishes that are normally embarrassing). The files themselves have 0 power, it's all men projecting their own libido onto them.
As far as crazy Discord tranny shenanigans go, I have a feeling we're never going to top Aeromatic trying to build a harem of 13-year-old boys and forcing them to cut themselves and take HRT and shit
No. 869919
There has been a case of a woman managing to get pregnant after hysterectomy thanks to womb transplantation, but she had all the other necessary bits too (ovaries, fallopian tubes, vagina, natural hormone production).
No. 869973
File: 1568779484186.png (1.66 MB, 960x882, 028CC1F1-515E-4C86-A31E-9044DB…)

Imagine being this dudes wife or child. Ugh
No. 869998
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>>869619Same old same old.
No. 869999
File: 1568788323930.jpg (914.15 KB, 2819x2658, 1522568202040.jpg)

>>869647they have taken over r9k and lgbt pretty much. Its gaslighting that has proved very efective with autistic weebs. I tinfoil it as a coordinated psy ops targeting them specifically.
No. 870001
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>>869584I don't think the audio does anything, these people suffer from dissociative disorders, they are simply using excuses to
trigger their episodes. I can't believe trained professionals see autistic troons going into fugue states where they masturbate furiously while pretending to be someone else and the psychiatrist goes "uhm, i guess you are a really a woman, go get hormones and fuck your body up"
No. 870009
File: 1568793057418.gif (270.38 KB, 250x282, delightful.gif)

>>869647>>869999>the function of the estrogen is to tell cells to become femalePffpf this shit is just hilarious to me. How can someone not look at this collage of anime recolors and misinformation and
not laugh?
No. 870014
File: 1568794270709.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.82 MB, 3000x8500, 1567283310844.jpg)

>>870012Yes, r9k and discord groups are full of the same creeps.
No. 870016
>>867501That hair is nice ngl.
>>867942Not all mtfs are gamers, but a lot of speed runners are mtf's
What I'm saying is, I wouldn't be surprised
No. 870020
File: 1568796314991.png (51.93 KB, 850x435, Risks-Associated-with-Hormone-…)

>>870009Even when the hormone treatment is being closely followed by a Doctor the health risk is pretty high, i can imagine it is exponentially higher for lunatics self medicating. Even the "lesser" side effects are fucked up mood swings and deppression, just imagine treating a mentally ill people with chemicals that make emotional imbalances way worse, the 43% statistic makes sense and its almost a miracle is not 100%.
This actually reminds me of that time anons shared infographics on 4chan on how to make crystals and it turned out to be a recipe for mustard gas and some idiot kids ended up in the hospital. Any day these kids self medicating with hormones can develop a blood clot and die in the spot without even seeing it coming.
Everyone on the internet should already know you don't make live altering decisions based on a random collage you found on an anonymous chinese cartoon forum
No. 870036
>>870016That is a wig and he’s wearing it crooked.
Don’t let them fool you, tranners have no redeeming features.
No. 870080
>>870036kek they always buy $20 amazon wigs and wear them outside and it kills me. Can you imagine how bad that shiny plastic shit looks in real life under natural light? Especially after a couple wears.
They always have so much confidence whilst leaving the house like no self-respecting woman would. it's so male.
No. 870397
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No. 884509
>>881166>>881223Unfortunately, Sammy's back to trooning out. He doesn't come off as much of a cow, just a very standard MtF who's a little slow in the head.
As an aside, the person who's second from the top left in the OP pic isn't trans, whoever made the image was trying to fuck with him.
No. 886492
File: 1572399804431.png (137.86 KB, 385x455, Chambers1.png)

Finally found exactly the place to post about this.
I don't know where to begin, but as of like, 4-5 months ago I started catching some of Chambers (Now goes by Carren) on my feed on twitter. I followed their boyfriend, and they got retweeted, I think.
I enjoy getting exposed to this type of shit natrually, so I followed them on twitter, and it's been hard watching them just interact.
I don't know if it's just someone being a spazz, but regardless it's strange. If I'm validated, and this is worth milking, let me know, eh? I'll post a couple of snapshots, and if there's interest I'll dredge up more.
No. 886494
File: 1572399905989.png (12.77 KB, 647x129, Chambers2.png)

>>886492Just don't go harassing them, I just want to people with Chambers with others, and my circle of friends is sick of it.
No. 886496
File: 1572400015597.png (28.25 KB, 643x276, ChambersDouble.png)

>>886494*People watch
My bad.
going back through, there's a loads of just game clips, but something about how they act just makes me wanna watch.
No. 886910
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>>886506I didn't want 'misgendering' to get filed under 'hate autism'.
It feels strange because he's not even that much different from most shitposters on twitter, he just sad posts about running out of estrogen a lot.
No. 890407
>>890021LOL the mobility chair, the weird monowheel thing + the cat ears and the daughter on the skateboard. When 'the decline of the west' rolls right up on you….
Even the title of the video - "My dads big cans…." and the deviant art style work she's doing on that cintiq.
It's so obvious to everyone that this is a gross fetish and a total degradation of femininity, most people just don't have the courage to express this publicly.
No. 890782
File: 1573245925617.jpg (183.75 KB, 720x1018, 1573106280298.jpg)

Found today on /fit/
No. 891300
>>869619lul this is the same dude that gets pissed at japanese people "misgendering" him and uses being trans as an excuse for why he keeps losing his job. newsflash maybe get the fuck out of nippon if it
triggers you so bad and you cant keep a job for more than 2 months
No. 896469
>>869437lmao nigga where are you getting your info from
I was born IN the soviet union in the late 70s, we did not fucking legalize being gay and I clearly remember people getting severely bashed for it behind schools and public bathrooms for years.
It was, and still is, seen as a mental illness here in russia.
(derail, blog) No. 898412
>>869437I'm pretty sure homosexuality being decriminalised was basically a case of a whole heap of old Tsarist laws being overturned or re-written after the revolution which just so happened to include homosexuality, presumably amongst other things. Either way, it was explicitly re-criminalised under Stalin in the 30s.
>>896469Yeah, as far as I know the ban from the 30s lasted into the 90s.
No. 900065
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No. 900066
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No. 900131
File: 1575224720410.jpg (112.92 KB, 725x1200, ugh.jpg) "butch trans dyke" has been a guilty pleasure of mine for a while, ever since i saw him post his copy of Stone Butch Blues.
he also once posted about how he scared some woman when he entered the women's room. and, you know the drill, of course he's a communist who only dates other MtFs
No. 900150
>>900131Oh god I ran in similar circles with this dude a couple years back before I peaked. Never got close because I was good friends with a girl he bullied (for lack of a better term?) Completely forgot about him.
Don't have milk to add but the only dating mtfs is new-ish. A few years ago he pretty much only dated punk-y "cis/nb" women with like Chelsea cuts. (as long as they called themselves dykes! of course!)
No. 900155
>>900131w-wait… he's pretending to be a butch lesbian? WHAT?! also the fucking misogynist "I'm not smart". He's literally LARPing as a masculine woman holy shit. the only thing that makes him "pass" is the fucking sports bra. i cannot believe this KEK.
>>900150the troon he's dating now has a Chelsea cut lmao
No. 900169
>>900150yea, the reason i found him was cause a few people i used to follow kept liking his selfies. even back then, i was like "ehhh i don't think so.."
he's absolutely Peak material
No. 900573
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>>900131samefag, but posted this picture of his car and I wanna barf
No. 900830
File: 1575345719211.jpeg (471.71 KB, 750x959, E8A81DFC-54E4-424C-819F-67DD05…)

These guys calling themselves dykes is so gross
No. 926363
File: 1580496770669.png (514.62 KB, 727x734, screenshotAtUploadCC_158049550…)

imagine doing this much work and just end up looking like a underage boy in drag (at best)
No. 926667
File: 1580556548035.png (154.26 KB, 435x429, Screen Shot 2020-02-01 at 11.2…)

My exes (then male) friend always creeped me out and I didnt know why. Now i know why. I dgaf if someone wants to transition but he's already so creepy and it strongly comes over like "she's" trying to get closer to women.
No. 926668
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>>926667also I am pretty much 100 per cent sure it's a fetish thing:
No. 926678
File: 1580558737877.jpg (18.55 KB, 480x240, nikita-dragun-without-makeup-1…)

>>926676there's a study on the link between sexual coercive thoughts and autogynophilia
>>926363Reminds me of nikita with the underlying masculine face
No. 926711
>>926676First they force themselves on females, then they become the female that they want. God forbid they work on becoming a decent man and attracting consenting partners..
Meanwhile ftms are those little girls that were abused
No. 939827
File: 1583171232530.jpeg (Spoiler Image,308.32 KB, 1536x2048, EP_TMcPXUAA5xMU.jpeg)

Used to follow this guy on Tumblr years ago, I'm now convinced hrt melts the brain as he became a degenerate furry.
No. 939829
File: 1583171343196.png (383.86 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200213-095940.png)

>>939827And as usual, it's definitely not a fetish, no sir!
No. 939843
>>939839Most males don't have a lot of empathy in general
Source: zoosadism leaks, history, pedo statistics, rape statistics etc etc
No. 939894
File: 1583180148502.jpg (384.55 KB, 1080x1655, Screenshot_20200302-210857__01…)

Have you guys seen this specimen that mutilated himself? He had his moment in the limelight a while ago, but his botched bottom surgery was the focal point back then. Still feel as if this horrifying detail was overlooked and underappreciated milk.
Sage for old milk.
No. 946009
>>939951It's unfortunately real, I've seen the pictures (I think on an old GC thread)
Either him or someone else who really did this and put 'em in a jar.
I've always thought lopping off dick 'n balls is utter madness, it's mutilation pure and simple. I have no idea why it's been encouraged in recent years.
No. 947527
File: 1584648905520.png (3.48 MB, 1068x2048, 121C765A-3212-4B30-85F0-2191B8…)

This one always makes me laugh. "Alice" is a 24 year old "butch trans lesbian" who, amazingly, looks more like someone's 53 year old barbecue dad. Also got cancelled on tumblr recently (url is peteseeger) for having a weird creeper fetish for black women.
No. 947580
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>>947527End my fucking life
No. 947585
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>>947527>>947580OK wow he seems to be milky
No. 947648
File: 1584666279548.jpeg (842.38 KB, 1242x1548, E33ED27C-64EB-4E14-A582-FFCF07…)

>>947527This is like the final boss of maintaining the delusion that whoever says they're a woman is a woman.
No. 947898
>>947787Ironic because he's an uwu twans commie, of course.
Also kinda shitty Pete Seeger's name is now tied to an ugly tub of fuck with a lesbian fetish.
No. 947994
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>>947787I was thinking grown up Martin Prince.
No. 948138
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No. 948223
File: 1584813663003.jpg (559.87 KB, 1080x1813, Screenshot_20200321-184859__01…)

>>946009>>939951>>939907I fucking wish it was a troll. This is some of the most recent milk. Plenty of things to unpack here but too much for one post.
Stupidstories in reddit.
No. 948248
>>948223Oh my fucking god this is fucking disgusting, why did the doctors perform this surgery? I guess if they didn't he and other trannies would kick up a storm and cancel the clinic or whatever
But holy hell i cannot imagine putting my fingers in my vagina and feeling HAIR. Fuck. Gross.
And the alternate of taking your fucking colon is horrendous too.
And still these dimwits are willing go through this procedure even with all these horror stories on the internet.
Also this fucking disgusting hairy monstrosity should never be referred to as a vagina.
No. 948258
>>948251This is just so sad to read. These people are so depressed and mentally ill that they look for validation in communities that egg on their mental illness until they have permanent life altering surgeries to feel whole when in reality they need therapy.
The hair inside of the SRS post makes my skin crawl but in such a sad way. I cant imagine living like that but tbh I dont think its because doctors are afraid of being called transphobic especially here in the US. They make a lot of money with hormone pills and surgeries it's probably a lucrative market to mutilate someone who believes their penis should be a vagina. Society let's them get away with it because transphobia.
I know these are a small portion of horror stories but even the regular process of dilating sounds like torture. Theres so much that can go wrong during an SRS I dont even know how medical professionals cant just admit "it's too dangerous to perform these operations because the risk of permanently mutilating you is way higher than the reward and science just doesnt know how to make a penis into a functioning vagina yet." These doctors are like butchers.
No. 948295
>>948258How do you dilate it?
It's fucking horrible that more people don't understand how bad this can be
No. 948300
>>948251He just seems to have a mutilation fetish, like it can't look
that bad (and yes I've seen photos of these things) and the focus on self-surgery seems like this guy just wants to die while operating on himself.
No. 948305
>>948251They basically use medical dildos of varying sizes, and are meant to leave them in there for a certain time every day to keep the area from closing.
People who get this surgery seem to be consistently surprised to find that a vagina is more than simply a hole, and is impossible to replicate with current technology.
No. 948327
File: 1584831105164.jpeg (Spoiler Image,547.08 KB, 750x1267, 4BE8F1D8-35C9-4148-8ACA-4900E4…)

>>948251Oh my fuuuuck he actually posted a picture of his botched, hairy neovagina on reddit for validation.
Please don’t open that spoiler if you don’t want to ruin your day like I did.
No. 948338
File: 1584832884258.jpg (Spoiler Image,189.83 KB, 1080x815, Screenshot_20200321_232045.jpg)

>>948332I'm guessing here cos it looks incredibly hairy
No. 948380
File: 1584841112012.jpg (Spoiler Image,580.05 KB, 2208x2944, Z2McnzQ.jpg)

>>948332they put the hole where your gooch would be since they don't naturally have a gap in their pelvic floor
No. 948554
File: 1584892783292.jpeg (155.66 KB, 899x1280, ERv3XMFUEAEOC29.jpeg)

Furry transbian, and he's one of those that goes "God I'm so cute/hot", is there anybody more narcissistic than troons?
No. 949293
>>948292Ah, a tale as old as time: a delusional troon thinks he's being banged by "straight" men because he's just like a cis woman, when in reality it's because he's a niche fetish that revolves around being a vaguely female shaped monstrosity but with male genitalia. This isn't the first occurrence of the "my chasers suddenly lost interest in me after bottom surgery, wtf they said they love me for my identity???" effect.
Is this where the whole "terfs reduce women to vaginas" cope comes from?
No. 949417
File: 1585134166419.png (678.98 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200325-115056.png)

This one made me so angry:
>"Hi there, My name is Julie and I'm an out and proud bi trans woman. For the past six or so years I've been out, and for around four to five of those years I've been on HRT. I've so far been incredibly fortunate to be pretty happy with my body and face overall. I don't feel any need for GRS, nor FFS, so in those respects I've lucked out in regards to both HRT and my own personal desires. However I definitely feel I've been missing something for a while now: Namely noticeable breast growth that has left me satisfied. I know it seems like not much to some in regards to one's own medical journey as a trans woman, but the biggest source of my dysphoria right now are my breasts. I wish I was happier with them, and that I didn't feel the pressures of society to conform in such a way. That sadly just isn't the case, though. I'm not exaggerating that breast augmentation would change my life for the better. This has slowly morphed from a want to a need. I also wish I didn't need to turn to crowdfunding for this endeavour, but after consulting with several practices and my doctor who helps take care of my trans-related medical needs, it looks like the procedure would cost approximately $6,000 AUD. This is a lot of money, especially right now since I am still studying and currently working only a retail job. Medicare here doesn't cover cosmetic surgery like this, even if it's for gender affirming purposes. For around this amount I would be covered for any further consultations, the surgery itself at a private clinic, pre-op and post-op care, as well as routine check-ups after the procedure. As well as that, I am looking to begin my profession as a public school teacher this year, and now would be the best opportunity to start looking into breast augmentation. It seems strange that larger breasts would help me in this regard, but so far during internships I've been clocked and misgendered by students and some staff at a few schools, with my chest size being one specific example of what they noticed. This had led to incredibly awkward and embarassing encounters, which have further required meetings and private discussions amongst fellow teachers and head staff members. These instances were terribly frustrating and left me sobbing for days afterwards. I want to do my best to prevent this being a persistent problem in the future, especially if/when parents/carers of my future students become involved. I'm looking to start teaching in the next few months so I would love somehow to get the surgery this year as well. I'm also finishing my studies so if at some point my employment drastically improves, and I begin to earn more money then I'll be more than willing to adjust the fundraising goal. Any other leftover funds will also be used to help others looking to get their trans-related surgeries. I know times are tough for so many people out there, but I'll be so grateful and thankful for any little bit people can donate, or for people just sharing this. Thank you xo"
This is the best proof that this is a fetish, guy is perfectly content with keeping his dick (aka he knows he'll lose his sex drive if he cuts it off), but he wants to get DDs installed because all women have big boobs I guess. There are thousands of women around the world who live perfectly well with small breasts, and they never get misgendered, because newsflash, they are still women. If it causes such huge problems in his day-to-day life, why can't he just wear prosthetic breasts, it's cheaper and less invasive (and men don't have enough breast tissue to receive real implants anyway). Listening to his voice, I don't think him being flat is the main factor in him being clocked though.
No. 950187
File: 1585307316191.png (Spoiler Image,1023.9 KB, 981x931, poor poor kid.png)

So I came across the video on youtube posted here
>>889579And decided out of morbid curiousity to check out their insta and…yikes. If people doubted in anyway this was a fetish then this should settle it. I do feel sorry for his kid despite her saying shes fine with it. I know people have strange fetishes but why would anyone pay for this persons nudes? I can see why certain lesbian and gay people are trying to distance themselves from people like this.
No. 950272
File: 1585345722673.png (278.68 KB, 518x438, kf.png)

No. 950376
File: 1585366041485.jpg (185.69 KB, 800x1361, disgustang.jpg)

>>950272>>950187I'm screaming bc I was just recommended this on yt and I practically raced here to tell you guys and he's already posted
>transbian>cat ear headband in pink>obscene, bolt-on 2,200CC shelf titties "I sometimes wonder if I want to go bigger!">his bald spot (I literally gasped at 1:32)>refers to his balls as "those girls">severely disabled girlfriend that he "caretakes" for – "nobody wants to assume that we're a couple…people looking at us like, 'how did this happen?'" kek. He' has also orbited her since high school.>his poor poor daughter - "she and I…..we're so similar!">"with all of the information available now on the internet, I'd probably do this a lot sooner"I like how they shoehorned the daughter in – "My Dad's Big Boobs and Me!," – but it was mostly only about how his sexual proclivities have shaped every facet of her life her life and personality. Cool cool cool cool
No. 950496
File: 1585403817703.png (Spoiler Image,2.37 MB, 1502x1144, fuckno.png)

This thread pushed me into a rabbit hole I wish I never went into.'t fucking open the spoilered image without being 100% sure you can stomach anything.
I can't help but feel bad for these people. I get an anxiety attack just thinking about what I just saw.
No. 950508
>>950496Is this website just about one person's surgery?
This is absolutely horrifying. I'm scared to look past photos of what I take it to be as the first surgery. Did the labia get infected and the penis came back out? omg…
I hovered over the spoiler for maybe 2 seconds and I can't go back to look.
No. 950525
>>950376Glad im not the only one-yt recommendations are weird and that how I came across it and posted it here
>>950187and yep the video title was misleading like you say I guess they didnt want to get accused of painting him as a creepy fetishiser kek.
No. 950581
>>950496why is it always mtfs rushing into surgery who end up with shit results like this? i never hear as much about ftm horror stories and complications as i do with mtfs
in fact, most of the ftms ive heard of/talked to don't even want bottom surgery because of how shit the results are and would rather just be flat-chested with a vagina. i don't understand how even with dysphoria someone would turn their genitals into something like that.
No. 950615
File: 1585427822821.png (179.9 KB, 929x740, Screen Shot 2020-03-28 at 10.2…)

These people really think they can make themselves new vaginas that are better than the real deal
No. 950658
>>950615Suicides are higher after srs because of these shallow statements ("I want perfection") and the outcomes almost always being this
>>950496. It's fucked up
No. 950738
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No. 950899
File: 1585498770094.jpeg (Spoiler Image,248.33 KB, 720x480, B79E8248-2F9E-4587-8293-9751F6…)

>>950876looks like a plush toy penis lmao
No. 950955
File: 1585511789556.jpg (Spoiler Image,111.49 KB, 1536x1219, bruh1.jpg)

>>950899When your arm looks like it was attacked by a shark just so you can have a non-functioning penis
No. 951054
File: 1585524997506.jpg (Spoiler Image,676.96 KB, 1080x2240, Screenshot_20200329-213228.jpg)

No. 951066
File: 1585527276110.jpg (Spoiler Image,230.46 KB, 800x800, (7)136982_edit.jpg)

>>950899This is what the same phalloplasty looks like "healed." it literally looks like a rubber balloon or something
No. 951158
>>951066It looks better than the initial frankenstein pic but you can clearly see where the skin was taken on the thigh. And that mock penis raises so many questions. Does it always stay that big? How do you wear any kind of pants? What are the insides made from, and how does that affect the urethra and vaginal functions? Do I even want to know?
I recall seeing another horrible bottom surgery pic possibly on this site. It literally was shaped like a meat tube. Is this really better than a packer or strap on?
No. 951192
>>951189If you’re talking about
>>951066 , this is after it has healed. There are no signs of inflammation like redness and you can see that the scars are healed. That person is actually stuck with that for life.
No. 951196
>>951158It always stays that big because ofc neophalluses don't work like real dicks, they cannot get engorged with blood in a state of arousal. They need a pump-like contraption installed in the "balls" that pumps the "penis" full of air so it can remain "erect" for intercourse. I also would not be surprised if they choose it so big because of autoandrophilia.
Oh, and in most of the cases, the neophallus is actually not properly irrigated in blood (because that's what happens when you graft some piece of flesh where it doesn't belong), so it necrotizes and it falls off.
No. 951220
>>950496My vagina actually hurts from looking at these holy fuck
Who ever thought that this was a good idea of treating a mental illness?
No. 951320
File: 1585593867837.png (943.12 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200117-121625.png)

Let's go back to posting ugly/creepy MtFs, shall we?
No. 951323
>>950496Anon. What in the actual fuck. I went through the thread in reverse chronological order and thought the frankendicks were horrific but this… what the fuck is this? what are the…stringy things? what… oh my god my pussy hurts.
>>951320Drew Monson is that you?
No. 951362
File: 1585600017445.jpg (Spoiler Image,473.84 KB, 718x1377, 2020-03-30_16.21.31.jpg)

What's with all the mtfs in an exclusive female gw subreddit? Even if they aren't showing off dicks or bulges you can always tell by the weird shaped moobs or how some cross their legs in a certain way to hide their dicks (still looks obvious). Gross.
No. 953341
File: 1585867887696.jpeg (182.25 KB, 810x960, 7D7E07EF-8EDD-4029-9D4E-31C4DF…)

>>952130There's also the fact that Nikkie is still man-sized in person. For reference, Ellen is 5'7".
No. 953701
File: 1585933752173.jpeg (438.9 KB, 1152x2048, 4DAD6317-A4D9-462B-8FDA-0ACA82…)

Adult male wearing childish dressess and posting photos with his colouring books and plush toys on his public facebook. Is there anything worse than adult male larping as a little girl?
No. 954576
File: 1586089733328.png (1.74 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200405-125955.png)

No. 955136
>>954789Yes, if you go online you can find plenty of studies from Blanchard and his collegues from the 1980s and 90s
Here are the comparisions:
Gender dysphoric = gay, very short in stature, dysphoria started either in childhood or adolescence, more likely to be part of an ethnic minority, tend to be more ''convincing'' due to short height, natural femininity, and lower body weight
Autogynephiliac = heterosexual or pseudo-bisexual, very tall, ''dysphoria'' started in adulthood,
No. 955137
>>955136Samefag but I accidentally hit ''send'' too soon
Autogynephiliacs also are more likely to be white and tend to look less ''convincing'' as women
No. 955554
File: 1586286836294.jpg (Spoiler Image,84.83 KB, 981x720, 87813759_1238566719669389_6680…)

>>955552he also has a instagram
No. 955839
File: 1586345259677.png (234.65 KB, 553x685, 1492905236450.png)

what a nightmarish thread
>>889580>>955554i dont understand how these """people""" dont feel shame for parading around in public showing their sick fetish to everyone.
No. 956840
File: 1586541853883.jpg (138.36 KB, 1080x1440, sheher.jpg)

No. 957001
File: 1586570056483.jpg (264.21 KB, 1080x1186, 20200410_214938.jpg)

This is what a woman looks like apparently. He actually wears this godawful makeup at his job
No. 957083
>>957035How high are you? That grammar is fucking atrocious.
Not that anon, but at least they seem like they know what makeup is, unlike a lot of people posted in this thread. Still needs to wipe off most of that eye makeup and shave though.
No. 957411
File: 1586667528681.png (644.01 KB, 711x482, Screenshot_2020-04-11 r transp…)

>>955552Looks like a man with a muscle growing fetish.
No. 957943
File: 1586769951771.jpeg (426.15 KB, 828x1051, 31B3D3C7-4DEC-4AF4-9F0B-5A6FD8…)

Just stumbled upon this post about a ”badass” mtf who literally cut off his own balls. This is what trans cult brain poison does to you.
No. 958041
File: 1586789265531.jpeg (58.83 KB, 512x1024, EVetpKEXQAAxSAZ.jpeg)

This guy's selfies are all the same, always this vacant dead fish stare and some extremely shitty make up and pose. He's not even on hormones, he just decided he was a woman because he has a transformation fetish (it's so obvious when you see his art). He's also a huge attention whore, he walks around in pseudo goth bling and craves normies' reactions. Oh, and he's a self proclaimed commie yet he recently blew 100+£ on a fucking cap from Japan, he imported something incredibly useless while postal services are overloaded amidst the current crisis.
No. 958116
>>958101It's this guy I purposefully did not post his art because I don't think it's that bad, technically very good but very samey, always muscle bound sharp teethed pseudo demons, even when he "redesigns" characters from big franchises (and then he has the gall to say he should totally be hired to design monsters for Final Fantasy and WH40k kek).
No. 959173
File: 1586951990637.png (207.9 KB, 449x471, 1579131855134.png)

I hope you guys follow the Kevin Gibes thread on KF (, this guy is a fucking goldmine of troon fuckery, almost to the point of parody. If you want to peak trans some normies or libfems, show them the thread, they won't even be able to claim "no true tranny!1" since he cut off his dick.
No. 959252
File: 1586965306945.jpeg (121.47 KB, 806x561, A3CC713D-8263-4F9A-AB4E-A2C0FD…)

some instathot/twitter famous trans woman posted this tweet.. it’s such a cope i don’t even feel offended by it.. i just feel sorry for these people that they’re desperately trying to delude themselves and others into believing this .. we’ve all seen the surgery pics and what happens when regular dilation isn’t adhered to
No. 959258
>>959252Real vagina:
>Can give birth>Self-cleaning>A muscular organ>G-spotTIM "vagina"
>A wound>Smells like fecal matter>Can't give birthBiggest cope ever.
No. 959262
File: 1586966232615.jpg (486.86 KB, 1080x1747, Screenshot_20200415_165317.jpg)

This makes 0 sense
No. 959696
>>959173I had to read that thread in small doses. For the uninitiated, here is a list of that guy’s fetishes that he has openly shared(from KF):
"Trans lesbians"
"Gay stubble" facial hair
Steven Universe
My Little Pony
Harry Potter (yes, really)
Lilo and Stich
Transformers (yes, really)
Star Wars
Daddy/little fetish
Diapers (and soiling)
HIV/AIDs "pozzing"
Dilation (yes, really)
Animal genitals
Oviposition (DO NOT LOOK THIS UP)
Pony play
Urine drinking
Findom (not a typo)
Mind control
"Muskslut" (?)
Eating his neovagina's discharge
Mouthnipples (???)
Forced feminization
Forced feminization on a woman (???)
Roller Coasters
Prolapsed anuses
Pool toys
Star Trek>>959262What’s so wrong with being gay? Nothing to be ashamed about, right? It blows my mind how these “straight” guys are so offended, even to point of rage, that they might be grouped in with yucky bad gay men. Like it’s equivalent to the label of murderer or pedophile. Look at that man’s sad widdle face. Awwwww!
No. 960268
File: 1587086447004.jpg (20.28 KB, 757x87, gross.jpg)

"It's not a fetish"
No. 960384
Idk where else I can vent, but here is what I recently noticed.
There are several gamedevs in twitter, who got my attention. At first I was happy to see women in this community, as I am a woman too and I want to become a gamedev myself, so I started following them. Plus they seemed to be posting some useful stuff. But by looking closer I noticed some things.
1) their tweets are sooo very girly! in fact, everything about them is way too girly. nauseatingly girly. glitters, poneys, pink colour, even their code is different shades of pink (like bitch, the fuck, why), the cringiest stickers on their stuff, uwu~~ exclamation points everywhere! flower and rainbow emoji x10! no girl older than 13 I know/seen on the internet, even the most feminine sweet lolita doesn't behave on the internet that way since, idk, 2009. it's like a caricature of a girl. people talk like this on their lewd patreon pages, not the main fucking blog while posting some code screens ffs
2) they are huge lesbians omg such a yuri girl u guyz! almost too lesbian to function, where iz my anime gf~~
3) no indication of them being trans in their twitter bio
4) almost no effort in looking girly except some shitty filters and long hair or some shit like that. but it matters less to me than all this cringy ~totally girly behavior~~~~uwu
It just reeks of a typical nerd who has no idea what a woman is aside from anime and 4chan. I'm sure that their male coworkers find no harm in them, and female coworkers must be very tired of this bullshit. Never met these people I'm describing in person, but I already feel frustrated. Can't help it, but when I see over the top pink uwu baby pwincess trans girl lesbian in their late 20s, I see a fetishist, no matter what useful info they might have.
No. 960397
>>959252>gorilla gripSuch cope. The nightmare gashes that trannies have do not have the natural muscles that women’s vaginas have. Women’s vaginal muscles is what helps them “grip” during intercourse. I can’t find it, but there was this screenshot of a reddit post where a guy wrote about his experience fucking a neovag.
>>959274>the round face>obvious short stature>barely-there stubble>the earrings>the tryhard tough-guy stanceClocked her as soon as I saw the picture kek.
No. 960583
File: 1587145943683.png (55.22 KB, 150x332, sketch1587145596853.png)

Am I a pretty girl yet, Hank?
No. 960760
File: 1587162736130.jpg (181.13 KB, 1000x1000, pjimage.jpg)

>>960664Oh crap, I wasn't talking about him in particular, but now that I saw his twitter - yes, this is what I meant.
I mean look at this shit. No amount of useful stuff they sometimes post can justify this bullshit.
No. 961076
File: 1587198899453.jpeg (174.52 KB, 750x1026, 580F5DF5-5395-4514-A93B-077B35…)

“Even in 2011 you had strong lesbian vibes”
No offense but if one of these dudes ever called themselves a dyke in front of me I’d spit on them
No. 961093
>>960760>"lesbian", game developer, yuri enthusiast, tranny angleWhat my nightmares are made out of
>>960664All of this. What especially kills me about this whole transbian farce is that them being horny and rapey towards women is perfectly acceptable because they're ~lesbians experiencing gender euphoria~.
>>959252Agreed. I can't bring myself to be offended by these desperate copes anymore. They might have their sycophants tell them what a stunning and brave, more woman than an actual women they are but deep inside they would feel unsafe sharing a dressing room with them, lesbians or men would not touch their rotten inverted penis and no amount of medical intervention will ever give them a functional womb and a self-cleaning, natural vagina or remove the effects of testosterone and genetics have had on their bodies. They can spend tens of thousands of dollars on surgeries and hormones and yell "trans women are women" but they will always be men or "transwomen" at best in the eyes of our society, never "women".
No. 961118
File: 1587202056378.jpg (330.25 KB, 1060x1248, Screenshot_20200417-025021_Chr…)

Saw this on /lgbt/ kek
No. 961130
File: 1587203621481.png (490.23 KB, 668x769, 1587156241426.png)

No. 961162
File: 1587213881134.jpg (174.53 KB, 701x230, sep8hpmoviesrankedbyhair4 (1).…)

>>961076He looks like a Goblet of Fire actor on both pics.
No. 961163
File: 1587213986499.png (637.36 KB, 660x924, the absolute delusion.PNG)

Weird how being an "nb lesbian" is just being a straight man
No. 961164
File: 1587214033663.png (1.15 MB, 694x932, pls.PNG)

>>961163Full pic, the "lesbian" is the one on the right of course
No. 961249
This tranny journalist wrote an article about how he loves the capitalistic sexism of being forced to pay more for the "women's" version of razors because he just feels so much more like a real woman when using household objects that are girly and pink.
>"The problem, I suppose, is that I like being an assimilationist. I like it when people just assume I’m a woman without a second glance. I like it when I don’t have to explain myself. I like that if I go to buy a pink razor that’s more expensive than a men’s razor now, I never feel I have to come up with an excuse for why I might be buying it.
>This makes me feel more affirmed as an individual, but it also makes me feel like a shitty member of the trans community. The larger political project of dismantling the terrible structures of the capitalist patriarchy continues apace, and here I am cooing over my friend giving me a bracelet that spells out my name in Morse code. (Want to win a trans girl’s heart? Give her jewelry that involves her name somehow. You’ll have a friend for life.)"Seriously, I visit Vox for news all the time and I hate seeing an article titled "A Feminist Reading of [Movie]" only to look at the author line and see it's written by this man.
No. 965024
File: 1587818517573.png (493.1 KB, 382x812, qt.png)

No. 965462
File: 1587887136374.png (Spoiler Image,769.08 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200418-150807.png)

No. 965519
File: 1587901579935.png (550.55 KB, 906x713, insane dprk troon.PNG)

>>867400I found this one this morning and it's insane. Meet @SeraJadeAtSFDK:
North Korea stan, old bio was "A very sad girl who's a little less sad with @NatalieRevolts in her life", apparently also a convert muslim, from the picture?? and a traumatized sex worker. Username is "no name" in Korean.
All NoName does is post the same pictures-with-political-text-over-them to prove that North Korea is amazing and perfect. But most insane is the fake-woke thread NoName made to explain why North Korea is namba one to them.
No. 965523
File: 1587901734497.png (1.39 MB, 905x1091, insane dprk troon 2.PNG)

NoName went into prostitution because of financial difficulties, was severely traumatized from the whole thing, saw that North Korea allegedly handled the comfort women issue better than Japan (why would they disrespect the ultimate
victims of the big bad capitalist Japanese? lol) and decided that North Korea was tru utopia 4eva.
That account is too political to be truly entertaining to most, imo, but this glimpse into their deranged mind is entertaining enough.
No. 965723
File: 1587937313284.gif (623.59 KB, 220x220, mfw.gif)

>>965090I lost it. Anon. Jesus.
No. 970774
File: 1588935088288.png (Spoiler Image,521.12 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200508-124127.png)

I'm calling the cops if I ever come across this specimen.
No. 971690
File: 1589078458903.jpg (Spoiler Image,223.79 KB, 1024x948, 1571669703353.jpg)

I'd bet money half these fucks identity as trans
No. 972755
File: 1589273814145.png (1.7 MB, 1080x1736, Screenshot_20200512-034856(1).…)

Didn't want to bump the American weeb thread for this cow's delusions, so I'm posting his antics here.
No. 972778
File: 1589280641184.jpeg (93.72 KB, 880x480, D1388626-5A0A-43E2-A6C5-26C4CD…)

>>972755Lmao. Belle Delphine does not have a small, creepy autogynesmile.
No. 972790
File: 1589282406625.jpg (490.03 KB, 1536x2048, ew.jpg)

EeveeA gives me uncanny vibes and he is one of my personal OW lolcows.
Also, isn't that weird that one of the first biological woman (thankfully no trannies in OWL were found) in OWL was named Eevee, while there's also a troon named EeveeA? Was he trying to copycat her or is it just me, being overlyparanoid because I've seen so many trannies copycatting women?
No. 973293
File: 1589364971359.jpg (338.59 KB, 720x1246, 20200513_121614.jpg)

>>973191Last time I saw floculenccy on soc media was a year ago, and god, checking on him now was a huge mistake. Disgusting.
This tweet is a summary to his account.
No. 973776
>>973721I've never been too deep into twitch/twitter OW community, so I don't know why many people seem to be hating redshell (though he has massive following)? I only know him for playing Lucio n that's pmuch all. Is that because of eeveeA?
I checked redshells twitter and he seems to be a normal person who is being openly (or ~brutally~) honest about things.
I really hate it how a lot of annoying mtfs tend to speak for others even though all they do is think about themselves. So dumb. Seen it happening many times, thats one of the most stupid things they do to get attention.
No. 975077
>>972790>one of my personal OW lolcows>flocculencySaaaame, anons. Them and Violet (aka jinxuwu or whatever he used to go by).
I watched Flocc play before and was really unimpressed. Haven't watched the others, just heard them and seen their play through other streamers who grouped.
No. 975084
File: 1589665781628.jpg (90.9 KB, 922x518, iD1iz6G.jpg) For video of him actually speaking (not posted by the tranny)
So this tranny FerociouslySteph is apparently on Twitch's "safety advisory council" and is brigading against VOICE CHAT in video games. Here's an article:>FerociouslySteph, however, thinks in-game voice chat should be removed, as it is unfair.>FerociouslySteph explained: "the only way to have a level playing field for the highest level of play is to not have voice chat… to not have people give up their linguistic profiles."Linguistic profiles kek
The steps of logic written in the article are purely correlation, not causation.
victim complex at its finest, and as a woman gamer who uses voice chat (and yes I receive harassment from time to time, but so do "cis" men), I dislike him roping actual women into his tirade.
No. 975125
>>975121Samefag but it appears he has admitted to eating grass while larping as a deer on stream., and this mess.
No. 975220
>>975159I'm so glad I unsubscribed from cr1tikal recently so I didn't have to find this out firsthand… what a shame.
>>975198His face clocks him too, or did for me. Everything he presents himself with clocks him too (anime avatar, check; shitty danger hair in current year, check).
No. 976084
File: 1589872799155.png (266.39 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200515-182630.png)

Nobody cared about gender anymore in the west until your ilk came along. You are the ones who decided you were a certain gender because you behave a certain way, destroy your bodies with unnecessary products and surgery, came up with the pronouns shit, are incredibly hostile to anyone daring to criticize your ideology… Please don't include us normal people in your cult of retardation.
No. 976179
File: 1589899316177.png (1.34 MB, 728x1126, 01.PNG)

Kinda unrelated to the current milk/drama but among a friend's circle that is super QIA+ friendly that's probably the only legit trans in the group yet they overfilter their face.
(the rest is just nb and transmasc bs, there's also another dude but he's nb using female pronouns idk if that's worth posting, but he's the biggest cow of the circle)
No. 978980
File: 1590436891835.jpg (66.94 KB, 587x550, 123.JPG)

idk if it was already talked about but I stumbled on this trans VA, not only the voice sounds awkward but he also got the role of the nb "magical girl" from that inclusive visual novel. It's ironic that he is actually decent when he voices male characters (at 27 sec mark) : No. 979138
File: 1590467236645.jpeg (Spoiler Image,280.49 KB, 960x1280, 830E6000-1606-4896-BA68-D2316F…)

i was lurking reddit threads and saw this picture of a mtf surgery… what man would do this to themselves? why would you mutilate yourself like this?
No. 979206
>>979138ohhhh fuck that's bad. The raw parts seriously just look like sliced off dick and balls. I honestly feel so bad for this person, and I resent trans activism for fooling mentally unhealthy people into thinking they could ever have functional genitals of the opposite sex through surgery.
truly can't believe that MtFs are arguing for uterus transplants to males when it's obvious that surgeons can't even get the appearance of a vulva correct.
No. 979212
>>979138That's so bloody looking, it reminds me of that genital mutilating scene in the movie Antichrist.
I could only peek at this for a split second.
No. 979220
File: 1590493819374.png (388.88 KB, 1034x1604, Screenshot_20200526-064642(1).…)

>>975253He doesn't want voice mods, it's too much work for him. This guy seriously goes on rants about voice chat in video games being the worst thing on earth so often. Yeah, definitely because you care about women being harassed not the fact everyone can tell you're male right away.
No. 979331
>>979138Saddest thing is that it's not even the worst axe wound I've ever seen, at least it doesn't look necrotized and I don't see any pus (yet).
They still go through this surgery because they've fallen for the "even gynecologists can't tell the difference!1" meme, TRAs lie all the time about the real results of the operation, never mentioning that it's just a wound that will never heal and not a real vagina. Lots of trans people believe they'll finally be free from dysphoria after bottom surgery, except nothing changes, they are still the same person minus their genitals. Lots of people end up regretting having the surgery, but you will never see anybody, activists or surgeons, mentioning it.
No. 979387
>>979331It makes me wonder about where they find surgeons to do this stuff. Do they provide actual before and after pictures before the patient agrees to surgery? Granted, they could cherry pick the best ones, but more people should research the negative side affects, just like any other surgery. And, it's probably a case of "you get what you pay for".
Top surgery/implants is one thing. Those could leave scars but complications look to be less common. Science just isn't there yet to even fully replicate the LOOK, let alone feel or function.
No. 979546
>>974952testosterone closes growth plates, males typically stop growing in their early 20s when it peaks the highest. that's my best theory
sage for tinfoil and no milk
No. 979781
>>979767Ntayrt but there was a subreddit called r/Neovaginadisasters where people posted the bad results of their surgeries, often to advise against going to a certain surgeon or even because they regretted it. It was taken down for "hate speech".
I don't go to any subreddit though, all the surgery pics I've seen were from tranny threads on kiwi farms, they are very good at finding this.
No. 980081
File: 1590623333657.jpg (25.99 KB, 816x532, HnJBKGf.jpg)

>>979951Oh kek. Of course. There was a brief time when role queue in Overwatch came out and ranks were reset. Had a game against Flocc and Kephrii. I didn't know who Flocc was at the time. I watched the replay and holy hell was his Mercy play so mediocre and lazy. But anyway I'm not surprised he seemed to be duoing with someone skeezy like Kephrii.
Pic related from the twitlonger imgur dump.
No. 980170
> trans woman okay, go about your business
> trans woman wearing diapers 24/7 and pretending they're a (female) babymaybe they need to be on a list… No. 980193
File: 1590643007448.png (261.54 KB, 539x579, tumblr_9500e44e7bacfade36ca756…)

No. 980197
>>980193oh, honey no
but most FTMs look about 14.
No. 980577
File: 1590715405215.png (464.55 KB, 576x625, Screen Shot 2020-05-29 at 02.1…)

>>980193this one's a goldmine
No. 980627
>>978980It baffles me that this person thinks these voices sound different enough to be different characters even. It all sounds like one gay man. In varying degrees of almost mocking how he thinks women sound.
I'll never get how they get so delusional. It's insane to me.
No. 980696
>>979331They lie because misery loves company, if they mutilated their genitals irreversibly they feel better knowing someone else did too. That's why they're so eager to get others to go under the knife as well.
>>979387Even if the surgeon is obviously full of it they delude themselves to think that the rotten axe wound fate won't happen to them and that it's just an unfortunate mishap, almost never happens and it's actually very rare for the surgery to go wrong and it all looks and feels just like a real vagina and yada yada. Cognitive dissonance is one hell of a drug. Surgeons can barely recreate a vagina on a natal woman with a birth defect, how the hell would they be able to turn a dick and balls into one?
>>979951What fucking kills me is the usage of feminine pronouns here. Watch some neckbeard fuck try to use this case as a proof how "women can be predatory too!!!!!!".
>>980264lmfao, every time.
>>980282>do they genuinely believe itNo. They don't. If they did they wouldn't constantly post "god I'm such a hot trans individual terfs can choke on my girl dick uwu" selfie captions.
No. 980763
>>980613Have anyone noticed that he also has a NSFW Twitter where he posts his shit for attention? Was a major red flag.
Inb4 he pretends that he commited suicide because of how manipulative this jerk is.
No. 981004
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No. 981039
File: 1590804958128.jpg (319.6 KB, 540x1052, stunningandbrave.jpg)

>>980577You might not like it, but this is what peak lesbian looks like.
No. 981467
>>981148That's literally all of them, especially the older ones. I'm disgusted by body hair in general which a lot of women are, but we're gonna pretend these female-brained people were content with being covered with inches of hair, sprouting from their face and body for decades, and only now have issue with it.
I give a pass for gender noncoforming guys who were trying to look feminine already, but that's a small percentage of trans people right now.
No. 981468
File: 1590912348195.jpg (55.92 KB, 1280x720, iuDRH5R5JA.jpg)

>>981312A lot of eggs in this picture.
No. 981564
File: 1590937844133.jpg (107.58 KB, 720x710, 20200531_171135.jpg)

Floccuencyy the long-time Overwatch pedo AGP wrote about new accusations: related is one of the replies. I am glad people are not buying his shit.
No. 985330
File: 1591740157478.jpeg (245.3 KB, 750x841, 0FEBEA56-2007-4969-BE30-E4B25E…)

Why don’t trannies accept Chris chan ?
No. 985396
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No. 985424
File: 1591754489857.jpeg (Spoiler Image,101.16 KB, 750x1334, received_828013611016670.jpeg)

Related: "great wall of vagina" the art piece (made by a male) that cast womens vaginas also included the twans meat holes. Imagine thinking you belong here in our oppression also imagine thinking this looks like a pussy
No. 985425
File: 1591754568868.jpeg (Spoiler Image,101.91 KB, 750x1334, received_601447347114978.jpeg)

Samefag coming with more EXCELLENTLY done twans vaggies
No. 985426
File: 1591754643072.jpeg (Spoiler Image,106.56 KB, 750x1334, received_217342749531620.jpeg)

Final great wall of clockable post
No. 985465
>>985424>>985425>>985426This pisses me off because I thought that art project was supposed to help women feel that their
natural bodies are normal when they are constantly mocked. A surgically inverted dick is not a vagina. I didn’t know the artist was a man, but now that this happened it’s not even surprising.
No. 985568
File: 1591796362860.png (93.54 KB, 665x626, 1574184941208.png)

>>985396I don't usually cringe to people doing weird shit online, but oh god I didn't expect THIS level of embarassment.
No. 985862
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No. 986172
File: 1591913475563.png (16.02 KB, 487x207, 77.PNG)

Is this allowed here?
No. 986230
>>986221Not only that, if you read her full article, she really feels for trans women and say they should be protected and relate to their domestic violence stats.
JK Rowling was herself a DV
victim. People forget that she was dirt poor at some point, that’s why she can relate to vulnerable women.
Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson can spout Transwomen are women all they want, they’re never going to be followed home by a crazy one or have to stop by a random isolated bathroom to use the toilets with no bodyguards. How the fuck can they relate? They’re never going to lose on a college fund because some Troon ran faster. Nothing trans people do affects them.
All she said was that it’s fucked to not just say women instead of people who menstruate and now you’d think she’s literally killing people with her bare hands.
What’s funny is that her tweet didn’t really involve trans women in particular but rather trans men, but Dan went straight for the trans women are women bullshit. Once again, women even as FTM are forgotten for men’s massive egos kek
No. 986263
>>986172Owning the feminists by threatening suicide.
As someone who lives with an unstable asshole who threatens suicide for attention all the time, this shit infuriates me. Classic abuser behavior, but somehow we're supposed to feel sorry for them and coddle them.
No. 986396
File: 1591953250772.png (444.2 KB, 611x562, Screenshot_2020-06-12 J K Rowl…)

>>986382She didn't. She tweeted this and followed it up with some very reasonable tweets stating that she respects trans people but recognizing the reality of biological sex is important. Then after the inevitable shitstorm from troons and media brainwashed retards she posted this essay elaborating on her views (which was weirdly buried in search results by news articles calling her transphobic when I tried to find it). think HP is cringe and I'm no stan for JK but the essay is good, and more relevantly, expresses empathy for trans people in a very genuine seeming manner. It also summarizes the events that led to this point, as she's had run ins with the twitter troons before and had already gotten the label of TERF in many parts of the leftardsphere.
>>986230All the HP actors rushing to denounce her are so embarrassing and pathetic. Imagine putting your woke Hollywood actor image above treating the woman who you owe your fucking career to with basic respect.
No. 986488
>>981892Lol, reminds me of that one Seinfeld episode. "You've gotta see the bay-by!"
>>980908Is hairgrowth inside a neovag actually a common side effect? I know another anon posted screenshots from a subreddit but I assumed that was just a freakier freak accident.
No. 986843
I don't know how, but I came across this absolute nutjob on youtube, and I feel like he might be milky
>spergs about Blaire White for not being a "real trans">spergs about a creepy child molesting TIM who is a cow himself, see>spergs about trans trenders>spergs about "medical science of transsexualism">is a self established kiwi farmer, so there might be a chance that he lurks here too>seems to think he passes and brags about "make-up skills"Basically he's a TIM who makes weird rant videos about other TIMs who he doesn't think are trans enough. He doesn't have too much of an internet presence, but I thought his youtube is worth checking out for it's weirdness
No. 986858
>>986843I will never not find it funny how basic ass Blaire gets them riled out, I wonder if troons explode into tears when they see actual women walking around in zero make up, t-shirts and sweatpants that blow Blaire and them out the water.
It always cracks me the fuck up.
No. 987713
File: 1592240962317.jpg (409.08 KB, 1528x1910, b1efc10.jpg)

Gotta love that literal 0 effort put in passing, besides taking hormones. r/transtimelines is a shit fest.
No. 987717
File: 1592241409273.jpg (498.05 KB, 2880x3600, e5a47d7.jpg)

>>987713Double post but. My sides are in orbit - this is what 3.5 years of HRT looks like. The delisional levels are astronomical lmao why even post this
No. 987755
File: 1592244760854.png (1.73 MB, 1912x750, Screen Shot 2020-06-15 at 1.10…)

I don't understand why a lot of these trans men/women go from average looking to the bottom tier horrifying. Majority will never pass as a women.
>>987713It is a shit fest. I feel like a lot of the comments are fetishizing this people. Many all gas them up but majority DO NOT pass
No. 987788
>>987775There is such cognitive dissonance in demanding ultimate acceptance, yet considering a cis lesbians preference for other cis lesbians unacceptable - nobody EVER owes you a romantic / sexual relationship.
There have been a lot of instances of a mtf behaving inappropriately in a public female space and I will fight as long as I am alive to not have my future daughter look at penises in the changing room.
Sorry I've gone off a bit, I cannot express these opinions in company, simply because I dont want to be labelled a bigot and a terf
No. 987804
>>987717Lmfao with those momokun levels of filter.
>I pass right?Kek
No. 987815
File: 1592253961865.png (614.26 KB, 500x667, 1590960816800.png)

This is the dude who made the 2 hour long "Steven Universe is garbage" video, he is a creep who fetishises lesbians while larping as one, and who is obsessed by his ex by constantly accusing her of abuse (when all signs point to him being an abusive piece of shit).
No. 987823
>>987815Lily Orchard, or Jerry Peet. Surprised this one hasn't been posted sooner
Especially with the Gardevoir waifu self insert comic
No. 988118
File: 1592318228048.jpg (40.53 KB, 640x427, su471fy8rb451.jpg)

>>987713god this subreddit is making me so mad, all these former neckbeards putting on maid dresses and making the WORST uwu selfie faces… literal cesspool of AGP. i just love how their conclusion that being a woman means dressing up as a sexy fucktoy and them badly trying to do that is exactly makes them these absurd troon caricatures that they are
No. 988153
>>988052Full round face, weak chin, huge thighs. Also the way the bag strap is positioned makes it look like there's a small boob there. Agree with
>>988120, just looks like any nerdy unattractive girl.
No. 988326
>>987815Dont get it why anons try to say he passed when his face is obviously manly jf u remove makeup along w hands.
Damn, had no idea this guy was a troon. Watched only one vid of his n i thought its just his waifu-persona avatar
No. 988823
File: 1592466923949.jpeg (1.8 MB, 1242x1553, CB783FFB-D67E-4964-8BBF-45F3CF…)

interesting that his rebuttal to these perfectly reasonable points is to… post his bearded man face in gaudy lipstick and assume a caricaturistic woman-pose? nice one.
No. 989094
>>989055can you at least attempt to make it seem like you have looked at their 'massive platform' before making a generalization on their politics that can be disproven with just one read of one of their captions?
i'll shit on folks in this thread all day but i've actually held a conversation with alok v menon and they're nowhere near as bad as they're made out to be online. they use their platform all the fucking time to call out the men and sexism that puts them under attack as someone who wears feminine clothing. hell, the majority of the posts alok does in this fashion where they call out screenshots of hate comments are ones that highlight specifically the comments coming from men making physical threats to them.
i feel like alok is millions of years more genuine than any other genderspecial that has a large social media following, and actually shares a good message of being aware of the socialization of the world around us and how we're treated simply based on perception.
i also had the instinctual reaction upon first seeing them to go "wtf not again" especially since they associate with cloutchasers like that op-ed writer from the NY times, but upon actually reading what they write, and listening to what they say and speak on with the intention of actually listening to learn something, they suprisingly have some valuable things to say.
No. 989388
>>989094Alok earned the ire of feminists by stating "little girls can be kinky" and insisting we ought not view girls as something that needs to be protected from "corruption" because girls have the capacity to be sexually curious, fucked up, or desire things that are not healthy.
To justify that shouldn't exclude males from spaces where little girls are vulnerable.
Which is exactly the kind of shit pedophiles love to say.
No. 989564
>>989184regardless of your own personal beliefs on gender, non-binary gender ideology, or alok, I call people what they wish to be referred to, especially when it comes to name title and pronouns. It's a basic respect thing and I don't see any point in arguing over it, for or against.
>>989388holy shit really? is there a screenshot or previous thread mention? for obvious reasons i'd rather not google search that phrase but that's fucked.
>>989419you're not wrong. i can definitely understand the sense of entitlement you get from them.
No. 989582
File: 1592590746483.jpg (147.56 KB, 600x960, darkmatter.jpg)

>>989564>>989388This is from kiwifarms. I couldn't find a screenshot that included the date it was posted.
Also, regardless of how genuine he may be relative to other genderspecials, personally I'm suspicious of anyone advocating so publicly for the legitimacy of nonbinary identity because I think the concept itself is irrational and harmful and serves to further enforce gender and blaming women for their own oppression. I do not accept the premise that you can opt out of the realities of your sex. He's a cow enough to me for this reason alone.
No. 989599
File: 1592593125320.png (471.35 KB, 1440x720, Screenshot_20200618-223457.png)

Why do they always dress like teenage girls
No. 989773
>>989599Oh my fucking lord, I wanted to make the obligatory Buffalo Bill reference at first glance but that would be an insult to Bill tbh.
And of course this creature is on tiktok, trying to groom teenagers I presume. Can’t imagine he’s having too much of a success with that face, luckily.
No. 989925
File: 1592632146560.png (1.55 MB, 750x1334, 767ED68A-A00E-40EB-93CA-32588C…)

Found this AGP on tiktok hell be making an onlyfans soon anyways this reminds me of the music video for snuff by slipknot
No. 989928
File: 1592632818021.png (1.33 MB, 750x1334, D4DAB5B7-97E5-4EB3-B3E0-69BCC5…)

>>989926>>9899253/3!he doesn’t actually look too mannish just more like a very ugly girl
No. 989938
>>989928I’m beyond willing to talk shit about most mtfs appearances but if you honestly think this makes for an ugly girl, I think you’re delusional.
Some mtfs are hot actually. It doesn’t change that naked they probably look like hell, but she has a good face.
What’s funny here is the obvious AGP that she straight up admits to.
No. 989946
>>986519>>986504>>986488>>986866Really late reply, I just wanted to say that they don't ALL have hair inside them. This thread made me go down a rabbit hole and I learned that you're supposed to get several rounds of electrolysis over at least a year because of how hair follicle life cycles work. Too few sessions or not spacing them out over a long enough time frame risks leaving dormant hairs to grow later. It seems like it's a pretty intensive (also expensive) pre-surgery step that some people aren't educated about or they rush the process.
Not trying to wk, it just worries me when I see people trying to speak out against harmful TRA use inaccurate information/misconceptions bc it opens them up to be picked apart by troons. People should know about the reality of neovaginas, I'm dismayed to admit I fell for the "THERES NO PERCEIVABLE DIFFERENCE" meme for far too long.
No. 990025
>>990017They have to do their intra-group housecleaning. Gays only got accepted by the mainstream society when they distanced themselves from all the degenerates within their movement. Only when wholesome gays cleaned out the degenerates, they started gaining their right to marry.
Normal transgenders should do the same for themselves and clean out the AGP freaks, and many are starting to realize it. Nobody from outside their group can do it for them.
No. 990048
>>989938Looks are subjective. I'm not that Anon, but to me he DOES look like a weird look unattractive woman.
He isn't "hot", even in his super filtered, super made up picture he looks like a trans woman not a real woman.
No one is "delusional" to think differently then you on someone's apperence.
>>989946Well whats worst? Telling people it's just like the real thing? Not telling them the possible nasty side effects or even telling them some of the horrible shit that happens is normal?
Because one side is trying to sugar coat a very serious lifechanging irreversiable surgery, while the other side is telling them very real and possible side effects.
I'd rather a troon think they'll have a very hairy Neo Vag and not get one, or make sure that they check for it, then them figure out on their own or think it's normal, then shill other troons to get the same surgery.
No. 991251
File: 1592804617161.jpg (623.74 KB, 1242x1505, oTND1Nl.jpg)

>>988823>>989094The caption under his picture should have been posted. Feminism is patriarchy if men are not centered, everyone! He is an absolute asshole and the comment section is nothing but ass-kissing and groveling from brainwashed women. There doesn’t seem to be a single negative or critical comment. Isn’t it funny how he can gather heaps of praise and hundreds of comments calling him “beautiful”, but he cries that no one wants to date him? Thousands of potential suitors, all woke and intersectional, and yet “TERFs” and cis-heteronormativity society are to blame…
No. 991317
>>989599They dress like the children they want to molest. Typical AGP behaviour.
At least the ones that are just sad over being male wear clothes actual women would be caught dead in.
No. 992132
File: 1592883278408.jpeg (144.73 KB, 601x980, C4069462-5714-42FF-BBBD-C135B6…)

the narcissism of it all…
No. 992452
>>992181It was a pretty big flaw in the feminist movement that's been exploited to perfection.
It was already picking up steam over 20 years ago thanks to the internet. Ex: Michfest being infiltrated by autist transwomen.
No. 993661
File: 1593012397318.png (973.52 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200624-171532.png)

I've posted this guy several times by now, but I can't help laughing as I see his male features becoming more prominent the older he gets. He is super condescending towards us dumb cis people, but at least we don't need horse piss hormones to be functional and we don't bully people into playing into our delusions. Let's not even get into the degenerate shit he's into.
(and slapping on black makeup and pseudo occult jewelry does not make you goth)
No. 995578
>>971690Oh man, okay, samefagging/OT from
>>995562, and outing myself as an obvious commie, but I was in groups with multiple people in this photo. I won't name names, but two people in the photo are very trans-skeptical and refuse to engage in discourse surrounding trannies.
And one person in the photo, the second pic from the left on the top of the poorly painted hammer and sickle on a red hat holding a book, is a tranny that identified as an "objectiphile" and their object they claimed to be dating was TETRIS. They were in a relationship with Tetris. They had handmade tetris pieces and used to post about masturbating with them, carried them everywhere and would try to visit as many tetris arcade machines as possible. Super bizarre stuff. Trannies all have autism.
No. 995741
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No. 995839
File: 1593144009574.jpg (7.89 KB, 343x147, images.jpg)

>>995832You're thinking of a completely different muslim troon: one doesn't defend the DPRK as far as I know, just a typical fake "marxist" tranny.
No. 995944
File: 1593158695353.jpeg (638.38 KB, 1125x1522, A8F69816-32AC-40BD-AD78-FADF4D…)

how delusional are these freaks? because a lesbian would totally say a gaping wound leaking sweat, bacteria, blood, pus, and dead skin tastes better than a vagina. Lmfao
No. 996005
File: 1593172424990.jpg (Spoiler Image,503.33 KB, 1080x1439, Screenshot_20200626-125116_Chr…)

>>995944So, this is the wound in question.
Honestly, those women are just nice, what the fuck were they supposed to say? "Holy shit, what's wrong with your genitals"?
The same way you wouldn't laugh at a tiny penis (to their face)
No. 997187
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No. 998912
File: 1593480300949.png (201.67 KB, 479x530, thispeople.PNG)

Has this been posted? it gave me a good chuckle.
No. 1000524
>>1000491Those fucked up bangs can't hide that big ass forehead
>>1000509I think it's suppose to be grits, but nah…. That shit don't look right…
No. 1000527
File: 1593630278881.png (5.46 MB, 1538x2048, D7980B8A-3BF4-44C8-A2DD-7435F3…)

No. 1000534
File: 1593630604666.png (239.49 KB, 1280x960, a0416f77-b5e7-4a95-863d-7458fc…)

>>1000491Lmao aren't those bangs recognized as 'terf bangs' or something?
No. 1000575
>>1000569I guess they’re easy to make fun of and libfems are useful idiots so they went from “feminist bangs” to “
wrong kind of feminist bangs”.
No. 1000587
>>998912Right… oh god, this is so much to unpack.
I don't even know what to say. Women are tired of having to be pretty. That's the entire premise of our gender we hope to escape. Can trans women take over for us in the 'being pretty' department? Because I really don't give a shit.
Side note, I see a lot of child-like hair pins, and on the other end of the spectrum, a lot of BDSM gear. Convince me that this isn't a fetish. I'll wait.
No. 1000676
>>1000587Wish washing my hair once a week and wearing a bra was all it took for the world at large to say I'm pretty. Instead us cissies have a lifetime of fear, mistrust, and self-loathing to endure.
Hey at least cis sex workers aren't killed indiscriminately like trans ones…right?
Just like this person is presenting as both an S/M aficionado and an overgrown suspended adolescent, MTFs want to have their cake and eat it too. They want to be
victims and perpetrators alike.
No. 1001423
>>1001397You're right. I was trying to think back if I could remember anything more specific that it spread from but I think it was just a popular tumblr post that got reposted and ripped off 1000 times. So many tumblr screenshots get endlessly rehashed on IG FB and Twitter.
Literally the only reason it caught on with people was that it came about as that hairstyle was transitioning from being trendy to being hated and associating it with "TERFs" was just a catty insult. Basically a tumblrified and PC-approved way to say "haha those ugly feminists".
No. 1001658
File: 1593810696868.jpg (Spoiler Image,54.8 KB, 533x258, 1-s2.0-S2405857218300858-gr5.j…)

I was googling to see what a "neovagina" would look like and I honestly wanted to cry, don't open spoiler if you're aquemish or eating.
No. 1001731
File: 1593816910219.jpg (135.88 KB, 720x720, ebrietas_4209.jpg)

>>1001658First thing that came to my mind, but I feel bad for comparing Ebrietas to this abomination lol.
No. 1001772
>>1001710I've seen unaware men who've never seen one and assume that a "Designer" pussy is tighter and wetter, But I don't think I've ever heard of a neo-vagina chaser.
Or anyone big upping them other then transwomen/fake lesbians.
It's actually funny how much "dick" is valued by these "Women" and their partners and how getting a "Vagina" chases the chasers off.
No. 1002039
File: 1593856175953.png (521.69 KB, 592x389, no way.PNG)

who are these people trying to fool?
from r/transitiontimelines
i seriously don't get how someone can do this to themselfes, they literally end up looking like child predators or goblins, that's honestly sad.
No. 1002043
File: 1593858354169.jpg (28.18 KB, 236x284, woman.jpg)

>>1002039In the online trans hugbox the less you pass the more asspats you get. It's how the FTMs with beards happily wear dresses and get fat and grow moobs with scars. It's a group delusion.
No. 1002108
File: 1593878122948.jpg (Spoiler Image,36.6 KB, 639x918, 756874.JPG)

No. 1002169
File: 1593889853612.png (2.21 MB, 1125x2436, 4C6285E9-8F43-494B-93B3-8435E4…)

not sure if this was posted here before, but i just rediscovered it and it pissed me off even more. notice how the term dick still applies to cis men but cos women don’t get to keep vagina.
No. 1002919
>>1002169so…. vulva = external genitalia = dick?
terfdick > girlstrapless
No. 1002945
>>1002169I'm honestly glad we got this pep talk so now we can talk like normal people whenever we go out.
>so tell me, do you have a DICK, A FRONT HOLE, A VAGINA or ARE YOU STRAPLESS? It's such a great ice breaker, i can't wait to use it.
No. 1003521
File: 1594119677101.png (613.51 KB, 567x680, EcToqZqU4AI9H8p.png)

just saw this on twitter. trans people are cringe
No. 1003808
File: 1594173882353.png (1.42 MB, 2480x2660, wtf.png)

kek, stumbled upon this random retard
No. 1003827
>>1003824When AGPs imagine themselves as the opposite sex it's ALWAYS the sort of woman they want to fuck. Old, ugly women are just invisible to them so it doesn't even cross their mind that they might be one if they transition.
They just can't cope with reality because the only way they feel fulfilled is through a fetish, and they're so used to asspats they know they can effectively fish for compliments from women.
No. 1003926
File: 1594212575941.jpg (801.98 KB, 1080x2312, Screenshot_20200708_142819_com…)

Be proud ladies
No. 1003939
File: 1594215599390.jpeg (129.84 KB, 749x1005, AB0B8D40-37B1-4DD6-A5F9-56E905…)

Lucky men.
No. 1003950
File: 1594218916731.jpeg (68.84 KB, 629x851, 0C691215-BE95-43BC-8E8F-609D3A…)

>>1003940It’s not a fetish though!!
No. 1004006
File: 1594224410052.jpeg (93.53 KB, 733x960, 0819B3B6-5A8D-4222-8A1E-783D0C…)

>>1003950Someone said it in another thread but it still holds true, troons have the most fascinating capability to be both the most grotesque and yet still, the most narcissistic creatures on Earth.
No. 1004716
File: 1594307604398.jpg (124.39 KB, 645x737, 01.JPG)

Found this youtuber complaining getting ask about his gender when he changed his profile picture (seen in the screenshot), went to see his twitter and saw this. AGP confirmed.
No. 1004718
File: 1594307789173.jpg (52.26 KB, 591x647, 02.JPG)

>>1004716Usually the people complaining about why people fixate about their gender are the ones making a big deal about gender first.
No. 1004797
File: 1594318689304.jpg (83.42 KB, 633x1032, EcfS5izXQAAtmcl.jpg)

you'll never guess what happened mext
No. 1004865
File: 1594328990393.png (13.91 KB, 475x187, jjj.PNG)

I love how all the comments are going, "Cissies can't take a joke! You guys say this to us all the time!"
It's funny how the most senstive people in the world, who can't be critcized or joked about, joke about & criticize everyone else.
This person is a ugly troll, but it's always funny to see the trannies showing their hate for women.
Then handmaidens going, "this is correct"
This person's account is just them saying things like this and they seem to get a lot of likes.
No. 1004871
File: 1594329389774.jpg (368.14 KB, 1080x1260, Screenshot_20200709_231611.jpg)

Can't tell if bait but lmfao
No. 1004876
File: 1594330547975.png (316.6 KB, 1080x673, 1591463292975.png)

>>1004865Just tweet the same crap back at them and watch them lose their shit like they always do. You are correct on everything you say.
No. 1004903
File: 1594334470876.png (222.09 KB, 340x568, mtf in a nutshell.png)

>>950187>>950272Jesus christ this dude reminds me of those oldschool deviantart freaks who had the same weird fetishes (inflation, feminization etc.) except but this time they're celebrated as being part of the LGBT community. The mainstream entertainment industry pushing this, and enabling (broadcasting) their weirdo behavior eerily reminds me of how trolls used to bait Chris-chan into doing whatever weird shit (like posting videos of him fucking the sex doll).
I would feel bad for them if they weren't acting like smug (coping) assholes.
No. 1004917
>>1004798 if they (middle class white males) want to be women so badly wouldn't that make them white """"women""" too? or does being a tranny make that part irrelevant
they WISH they could be a karen at 45 but instead they're stuck looking like fetish-y fags with tit jobs FUCK i hate trannies so much
No. 1005040
File: 1594358662491.jpeg (49.03 KB, 540x540, 4C330FEC-AE24-40F7-80E1-C8FC05…)

>>1004871Post like this just make that tranny insecurity more apparent. It’s just so tiresome.
No. 1005653
File: 1594513167363.jpeg (176.66 KB, 828x902, 9F2D1962-F7BD-42F3-A6BE-5F3017…)

Okay, this tweet fucking SENT me. “If you ever want to know if a man is misogynistic, ask him what he thinks about a man’s body”
You can’t even make this shit up.
No. 1005656
File: 1594513357564.jpeg (152.96 KB, 828x1115, F229FE7E-316B-49BC-8A16-806688…)

>>1005653Oh yeah and let every man who’s jerked off to “chicks with dicks” know that means he sees them as women and definitely not a taboo fetish.
No. 1005780
File: 1594535030818.jpeg (190.31 KB, 828x898, 46B71024-3CBF-4C45-9840-3E10D5…)

Sorry samefag from earlier but this guy is always so milky (he has a thread on KF too). They spend all day every day screeching that AGPs are just a TERF boogeyman then they let the mask slip for a second and outright admit it’s a fetish
No. 1005873
>>1005656Oh Kevin Gibes from Kiwifarms.
You know trans people are the only people I've seen go low enough to use PORN to prove they are women or people are attracted to them.
That says alot about them.
No. 1006065
>>1004797>>1004798FYI sam pritchard is a sex pest who has been accused by multiple women of creepy sexual shit and he "came out" as trans right after the stuff started to circulate again.
also he immediately posted screenshots of himself buying "programmer socks" after he came out.
and now trans people are on twitter saying "um, how dare you try to invalidate samantha's transition with accusations of sexual assault and harassment! did you know that rape accusations are actually used as a tool to oppress trans people?"
No. 1006429
File: 1594668387829.png (563.2 KB, 1008x698, Screenshot 2020-07-10 at 19.05…)

>>1005780More gross shit from this creep-
No. 1006430
File: 1594668557515.png (162.66 KB, 1016x806, Screenshot 2020-07-10 at 19.02…)

>>1006429Damnit, I got the wrong screenshot, this what he looks like (it's still gross shit) but here's the gross tweets about him "airing" out his 100% real vagina. The same vagina he said is NO different from a cis one.
He's in a "poly" relationship has been waiting for his "Nerves" in his "vagina" to wake up since I believe Feburary. He's constantly having shit fall off his "Vagina"
And he makes the most disgusting horny tweets you can think of, but he can't even have fucking sex because his "vagina" hasn't healed.
No. 1006438
File: 1594670554994.png (1.94 MB, 1146x1534, 8190371B-3E91-4D97-9726-DC3178…)

>>1006429Lol anon you gotta post the whole picture so everyone can see the absolute horror in full.
No. 1006462
File: 1594674055437.jpg (250.33 KB, 810x2439, Screenshot_20200212-164733_Twi…)

here's him talking about eating DISCHARGE FROM HIS "Pussy" aka unhealed Neo-vagina
No. 1006463
File: 1594674138960.png (Spoiler Image,540 KB, 909x757, kevkevrotpocket.png)

here's a sneak peak of his amazing vagina, he has a thread on Kiwi Farms, he's really fucking gross.
No. 1006612
File: 1594691543993.png (179.87 KB, 750x1334, EEE5698C-B10E-460D-B390-D4D163…)

Imagine marrying a guy and having kids only for him to troon out and
>shemakes comments about my period like I should be grateful for my cramps >I caught her jerking off to porn in my underwear and bra>she says I’m pansexual>we have a teenage daughterWhat a nightmare, the poor kids probably get teased for their creepy man lady dad. And that poor lady didn’t know what she was getting into when she married this AGP No. 1006644
>>1006612am i the only one getting upset about the "they are now a woman, you are straight" comments as if this person went from a man to looking like Beyonce or some shit? Truth is her husband probably looks like a man in a wig, but he's acting fucking crazy.
they act like the issue is her husband is a "Women" now, Not that the dude probably looks like a man badly trying to be a woman and is acting fucking crazy.
it's blowing my mind to see them go, "Well she's a woman now" no, it's a mentally ill selfish man.
The issue isn't op's sexuality, it's this fucking selfish retard man.
it's kind of like how gay men go, "NO GAY MAN IS ATTRACTED TO
TW" because they assume every transwomen LOOKS like a woman.
No. Her husband is not a woman.
No. 1006711
>>1006462There uhhh shouldn't be cleanup
I like how polite and deadpan this conversation is..
No. 1006716
>>1006612I found an admittedly really pretty trans woman on Instagram, suddenlysamantha, and the story about established marriage and kids, then sudden transition, multiple surgeries with their savings, wife support from the sidelines but ultimately needing to split is the same.
If the trans wife is genetically blessed enough to pass well, it literally is being suddenly married to another woman and having to question if you want to be visibly gay now. Like forced outing and then you're the bad guy for wanting to divorce.
No. 1006763
>>1006462This is so fucking gross, he is tasting the shit coming out a wound!
also women don't ejaculate so what cleanup
No. 1007157
File: 1594769841926.png (562.13 KB, 572x733, Screen Shot 2020-07-15 at 00.3…)

This specimen, until earlier this year, was known as Rodrigo the Human Ken Doll. Your garden variety type plastic surgery addict forever chasing the next facelift, implant, filler etc. He must have run out of things to have done as a man. Definitely not a fetish, guys.
No. 1007186
>>1007157I mean his case is not a fetish, just plain BDD.
Most doctors didn't want to operate on him anymore, but now on the guise of gender affirming surgery he can get more plastic surgery.
No. 1007189
>>1006612>(what am I supposed to do?)No pity for her. Acting like there is literally no other alternative in life than to pay for your husband to get his dick chopped off. Really, you can't imagine doing
anything else? You get what you deserve.
No. 1007254
File: 1594776409306.jpg (39.43 KB, 512x960, 101796414_250773486348245_6795…)

>>985862Came across an alt version jesus christ
No. 1007306
File: 1594781045346.png (114.37 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_20200715-044036.png)

>>1007298The kids really get the worst of it. This is a post from the same thread. At least this child got away from the madness, but it's still left a great negative impact. Deep resentment is just oozing from their words.
No. 1007432
>>1007298>>1007306Troops are the most selfish and entitled creatures I’ve ever seen.
I don’t care wether you’re trans, dress as a Lolita or do porn, when you have kids (esp young kids) it’s your responsibility to not cause them any issues at school or in public.
Nothing would stop those men from just wearing plain sneakers, ponytails and hats when picking up their kids and doing the cross dressing bullshit at home or swinger clubs.
My heart really breaks for all those kids with stupid MTF dad because they usually dress like stupid hoes under the pretence of reliving their teenager years. Horrendous
No. 1007709
File: 1594838606235.jpg (89.03 KB, 611x771, 0307kevviediapers.jpg)

Kevin update, more gross shit from 100% woman Kevin.(from Kiwifarms)
No. 1007710
File: 1594838649382.jpg (57.95 KB, 608x546, 0807kevviediapers.jpg)

>>1007709This shit makes me sick
No. 1007711
File: 1594838678980.jpg (Spoiler Image,62.75 KB, 608x594, 0607kevviediapers.jpg)

No. 1008080
File: 1594890633187.png (157 KB, 977x389, Screen Shot 2020-07-16 at 10.0…)

Transsalamander/Kathryn/Kevin is also one of those who find glee in "cracking eggs" aka convincing often confused and mentally ill men they must be trans. This from the Other Farms -
No. 1008095
File: 1594894130945.png (629.15 KB, 1080x803, Screenshot_20200716-050446(1).…)

God, these fucking protests and riots are like playgrounds for troons. This dude is purposely bringing along his emotional support dog to hang out in front of government buildings to get pissed of at law enforcement and rage whenever one of them calls him "sir" while he's trying to rant to one of them about something that happened for 5 seconds a few days ago. What's even more sad is the dog recently got PTSD from being in the vicinity of tear gas.
No. 1008274
File: 1594920291784.png (262.15 KB, 1027x1772, Screenshot_2020-07-16-11-33-36…)

i hate these deviants
No. 1008443
File: 1594934627338.jpeg (506.54 KB, 1483x2108, B3661EB0-B69A-4312-B415-C153CD…)

Though you guys would like this BIG BRAIN take a friend of mine shared on fb
No. 1008457
>>1008443If I had a friend that shared that, they'd be an ex-friend real quick. That's a smooth brain hot take.
>>1007904time to place bets on how long it takes to get a major infection
No. 1008519
>>1008457Well part of his neovagina had to be cut off already, another part won't heal (dehiscence) and he's complaining he can't get the bigger dilators in so presumably has slacked off on doing that regularly.
It's just like a real one!!
No. 1008706
File: 1594975581693.png (67.4 KB, 1451x235, Screenshot (169).png)

>>1006065And yet he seems to have fans even here…
>>1008629I miss when very mentally ill people were just thrown in a loony bin lol
No. 1009722
>>1008443It's really interesting that this person singled out Gay and Lesbian, but not Straight.
Makes you think.
>>1009029Legitimately though, conversion therapy.
No. 1009811
File: 1595168428576.jpg (854.3 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20200719_101453.jpg)

Travis here decided to reach out to me to pay for his transition funds.
I clicked out of curiosity and it turns out he's asking for 30,000 dollars! That money could pay for my student debt entirely!!!
And to what all does this 30k cover?
>With the funds raised, I plan to use them for my goal to move forward with facial feminization surgery, laser hair removal, tracheal shave, breast augmentation, and finally male to female reassignment surgery. A portion of the funds will also go towards my transportation and housing after the surgery is over while I heal. I hope to move out of my current city due to my feelings of isolation, alienation, and desire for connectivity with people who are like me.
I hate e-begging but I loathe e-begging from troons.
"Pwease pay for all of my things,, pwease"
Can we talk about the phrase "facial feminization surgery"???
No. 1009817
File: 1595169720817.jpg (847.06 KB, 1079x1661, SmartSelect_20200719-104128_In…)

>>950955Imagine ruining your own blood flow for a fake peepee
No. 1009850
>>1009839Look at Kylie Jenner or any female in the media. Constantly men AND women pick apart what women choose to do with their bodies, but then they'll look at people like Nikita or Blaire & over hype them to hell and back, knowing if they were women, they'd just be called out 20 times more on their plastic looks.
When I used to lurk some gossip sites i noticed how people over did their praise. Someone who'd be average or "Plastic" looking suddenly are "Stunning' and "Goregous" if they are trans.
Meanwhile, even women who DONT get work done are getting nitpicked to death.
No. 1010162
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No. 1010196
File: 1595245910472.jpg (79.97 KB, 600x959, IDCPaskingforit1.jpg)

>>1009935There's vintage Tumblr user idislikecispeople who pretends to be a trans woman while being 100% a real woman, she probably ebegged at some point. Check her KF thread for more informations No. 1010501
File: 1595300807372.png (5.4 MB, 2124x2800, snow white.png)

>Being a grown man so validated by a professional cosplayer from a children's cartoon calling you a princess that you cry
>Trying to do dainty, coquettish poses but instead looking incredibly stiff
>Giving yourself a hunchback a la Charlotte Clymer to try to look smaller; still towering over an actual woman
>Not noticing the clear discomfort in Snow White's eyes and body language
Saged for being old and not especially milky, I just came across this and it seemed like a quintessential out of touch MtF.
No. 1010532
>>1010196She was also the woman who coined both the cursed terms “Truscum” and “Tucute”.
>>1010501Holy crap! I hadn’t even maximized the blurry little thumbnail on my phone and I could already see the startlingly male outline. Literally a bro wearing a bra. So nice to see that womanhood is simply sticking on some boobies on an ape and twirling like a princess.
No. 1010638
File: 1595337711666.jpg (899.45 KB, 2220x1080, Screenshot_20200721-085304_You…)

These two are still together, but his Twitter is private now. Still amazes me, she seems like a pretty nice, average person who does reviews but decided to date a mong.
No. 1010832
File: 1595373596629.jpg (Spoiler Image,5.77 MB, 4096x4096, CollageMaker_20200721_19140462…)

I hate this troon artists so much.
He only draws women with multiple flaws, like it's a fetish.
Super hairy, veiny/sagging breasts and no ass at all. Too many freckles. Sometimes he'll throw in a dick.
Its very clear to me when there's a troon that tends to dislike women and draws them in the most horrid way, because all of his drawings of men look 100% fine. He doesn't flaw them in every single way possible at once.
No. 1010872
File: 1595380320014.jpg (125.31 KB, 500x333, unnamed.jpg)

>>1000534the only people i have ever seen have these bangs are ugly tumblrinas
No. 1010874
File: 1595380457658.jpg (230.04 KB, 464x650, porpentine_graememitchell.jpg)

i just want to vent about how every time i get excited seeing a "female" game developer online it's a mtf 99% of the time and it depresses me. why are there so few biological women making video games?
this one almost fooled me with a game of theirs until i went to their twitter and saw disgusting fetishy autogyno posts
No. 1010877
File: 1595380873062.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.74 MB, 4096x4096, CollageMaker_20200721_21192827…)

>>1010849Nah, I actually wouldn't have an issue with it in that case.
But this is a troon thread. And I'm speaking on my issue with mtf artists that fantasize about being the imperfect woman for god knows what reason, then slap it all together in one drawing and top it off with a dick. This, to me and in my opinion, is the same as bimbofication just in the opposite direction.
"uwu I want a self conscious goirl who has low self-esteem because of her body so she'll be desperate for some sick. Then I'm gonna give her a dick."
I don't have an issue with those features lol. I have some of them and am attracted to women with some of them.
No. 1011000
File: 1595416008476.jpeg (810.8 KB, 1242x1086, 5FA249DF-D4D0-4748-9673-7B050B…)

the self-drag lmao
No. 1011032
>>1011026More fat, less hair (unfortunately uneven hairline btw), a LOT more lifeless in the eyes which is honestly a big deal.
I agree with
>>1011014 that he was cute before.
Is this guy even trying to present as female? Looks like he just got chubby and got a buzzcut. What has he "come a long way" toward?
Honestly it just makes me feel like there's some kind of problem here. I don't even think a simply-AGP would think this has "come a long way" to presumably "passing".
No. 1011207
File: 1595453218989.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1163x1560, 17D01213-81B6-4909-A2F2-05603D…)

>>1011032here's a selfie where he's trying a little harder (I guess?). his tumblr bio says he's a "transexual stone butch dyke"
No. 1011410
File: 1595485607882.png (6.74 MB, 1242x2208, E02B4613-D00B-4754-B6E9-E62290…)

This dude has been posting in a pretty niche makeup group I’m in. The group is known for being overly inclusive and it’s both hilarious and sad seeing all the positive comments from actual real women.
No. 1011412
File: 1595485731631.jpeg (747.43 KB, 2457x3072, D1B9816F-34D4-4D34-8054-8A298B…)

look at this shit
No. 1011462
>>1011412I swear there’s something in male genetic code that just makes them selfie illiterate. They’re downright physically unable to take a decent, flattering selfie. It must be the (unjustifiably) higher levels of self confidence and narcissism males tend to have.
Males (and therefore all these troons too) almost always see themselves as so much more attractive and amazing than they actually are, while women tend to be the opposite. Yet we’re stereotyped as being vain and full of ourselves all the time if a woman even shows the SLIGHTEST flicker of self confidence. Troons can go around with party city wigs, chin pubes and a beer belly though and call themselves sexy, hot, beautiful, “better than cis women” etc and nobody bats an eye though. Proof even their “supporters” don’t see them as woman, since they don’t hold them to the same standards they hold women to. If a woman acted like that she’d be torn apart and called a narcissist bitch and people would point out her flaws to try to “bring her down a notch” “you’re not that hot”
No. 1011554
>>1010708>>1010849>you women are so shallow!>if a woman did this you wouldn't hate it!Quit with that moralfagging, troons won't fuck you (unless you're an animuh gurl or an 18yo model kek)
>>1011462>I swear there’s something in male genetic code that just makes them selfie illiterate. No, they definitely could if they put in just a tiny amount of effort. But the male brain tells them that everything they do is a gift of god to women anyway, so why not post every shit you take?
No. 1011609
File: 1595522498276.jpg (357.61 KB, 1036x665, 1580781084540.jpg)

Throwback to the time racist discord ~anime girls~ brigaded the animecore thread on /w/
No. 1011767
File: 1595541034199.png (33.04 KB, 577x155, Capture.PNG)

>>1011609Kek, that was great, especially when tweeted picrel in response.
Didn't his friend come in the thread a few times? The first time claiming to be a girl, and the second time saying "(whatever his name was) here, ask me anything" and the only response was someone asking him to leave the thread.
No. 1011813
File: 1595549130787.jpeg (135.65 KB, 828x644, 2EFCBBFB-FCAA-4498-84D6-D49AE2…)

No. 1011855
>>1011852Hey anon, you reply to posts by clicking their post number.
Also put sage in the email field.
No. 1011856
File: 1595556595137.jpg (Spoiler Image,50.94 KB, 640x582, DyZLWibl.jpg)

This Troon is all over reddit getting asspats for being a little smol bean despite the fact that he still looks male. He constantly obsesses over the fact that he is 5'3 and his height is mentioned all over reddit and all over his social media pages. He has wonky bolt on tits that look botched and no one seems to have the courage to tell him. Of course he is a 'lesbian'. No woman would make being 5'3 part of her identity (well, maybe if you are shuwu on head but even she doesn't have it as part of every bio on social media). I Googled this man and he's a complete fucking train wreck.
No. 1011860
File: 1595557125121.jpg (510.88 KB, 1080x1512, Screenshot_20200724_051713.jpg)

This is exactly what he looked like before, a pudgy neckbeard. I just can't get over how bad the tits are. He calls himself jillison flook or jordan and is a 'lesbian top'.
No. 1011880
>>989582man this is such a bad fucking take
the sex scenes in the exorcist are there because the narrative HIGHLY IMPLIES that burke dennings raped reagan and that her behaviour is a religious pathologization of the truama of sexually abused children
and this fucking moron is like
"oh …? that scene where reagan physically mutilates her own genitals with a cross and then violently sexually assualts her mother and then impersonates the voice of burke dennings (her rapist) is totally about female empowerment"
i'm so fucking exhausted of these clowns
No. 1011882
File: 1595560285719.jpeg (47.72 KB, 1200x1200, 852928A6-357B-47DE-AED5-89DAA8…)

>>1011856Holy shit.. that boob job is tragic yet he doesn’t even bother wearing a bra.. Pic related.
No. 1011931
File: 1595567597188.jpg (9.8 KB, 250x200, fb9ffb7273b2aa4b56ccb71888b864…)

>>1011856"hey yo doc gimme those chameleon bolt ons"
No. 1011998
File: 1595590272100.jpeg (71.51 KB, 615x634, andy.jpeg)

>>1011410literally looks like andy from little britain
No. 1012014
>>1011998"I wanna vagina."
"Now, are you really sure, Andy? They can't just sew 'em back on you know."
No. 1012067
File: 1595602871179.jpg (665.27 KB, 1028x1827, 20200724_080025.jpg)

>>1004897Back with a relevant screenshot yay
No. 1012089
File: 1595607476885.jpg (86.46 KB, 949x960, 59911623_871414096556195_64816…)

>>1010881girls, I'm screaming. didn't expect to find pics of the troon that used to come into my work absolutely stuffed with padding. I worked near a mental hospital and assumed this particular troon was probably a literal schizo from the hospital because he looked so goddamn crazy with all the stuffing. looked up the Twitter and he's just your average degenerate furfag tranny. I think that says a lot.
No. 1012091
File: 1595607804337.jpg (79.66 KB, 540x720, 60290331_871414066556198_71578…)

samefagging cause I can't stitch these on my phone and no laptop but … he would come into a heavily trafficked public place stuffed like picrel but almost twice as much stuffing than that usually. asked me autistic questions where he seemed really agitated, would sit nearby and deathglare me. just assumed he was literally retarded but now I wonder if it was tranny envy, I'm pretty feminine both in body and dress sense so maybe he wanted to vore me into his titty stuffing…
No. 1012092
File: 1595608065740.jpeg (135.54 KB, 828x1792, 1E1231E1-8F8C-48C2-9FF0-510C20…)

>>1012091he HAS to be a tard of some kind. the absolute lack of self awareness regarding…anything and retarded facial expressions in every single selfie give it away. the "death stare" was probably envy/admiration expressed by a sped.
No. 1012099
File: 1595609268772.png (64.23 KB, 174x267, same.png)

>>1012092I'm with this woman.
No. 1012146
>>1012145Even glitterandlazers looks way better than that freak. She may be super morbidly obese but at least she matches her outfits together and has some sense of style. On top of it all she looks like an actual woman.
Any woman looks better than these freaks. It's too much of an insult to any woman to compare them to a Troon.
No. 1012161
File: 1595619916372.jpg (149.73 KB, 720x689, DeepFryer_20200724_143936.jpg)

>mfw i make eye contact with other coworkers when he strolls inthe lymphedema legs are what had me confused about him. I couldn't tell if he had some kind of condition or if he was really stuffing his clothes like it appeared - because who would want those legs?
started to suspect he was a troon when he came in more overstuffed than usual and wearing cat ears.
but there was definitely a time where I wondered if he was just a hirsute homeless woman carrying all her belongings in a strange way or…something. it was just that bizarre.
>>1012104>>1012092I have no words, just pure, primal guffawing
No. 1012270
File: 1595635875149.png (1.42 MB, 1080x1662, Screenshot_20200714-112947~2.p…)

I stumbled across this instagram account that collects the most uncanny valley troons and idk what's worse nightmare fuel, the troons or the molester looking middle aged chasers in the comments
No. 1012301
>>1012091Finally I can use my "this one is transfat" joke!
Honestly though, there's padding your bust and hips, and then there's this….person…. trying to look like the third Slaton Sister.
No. 1012303
> cat ears signdefinitely an AGP thing, they want to be a cute uwu anime girl
with possible inflation or feeder fetish on top
No. 1012321
>>1012285I love these. Whenever you get in a agrument with a TRA, especially the "NO gay men are attracted to transwomen, it's not gay or bisexual!!" They'll post a picture of a bunch of transwomen every single one is like this.
Super edited or angled, you know the person looks nothing like this in real life and regardless they still look like a tranny.
it's just that generic tranny look that all transwomen who try really hard get. Like nikita, Blaire or Eden, you just know they are a tranny not even because they look all like men, it's because they look like a creation.
Regardless they LOVE using transwomen like this to prove that transwomen are everywhere!
No. 1014733
File: 1596111347308.png (423.42 KB, 591x444, troonery.PNG)

What the fuck is this shit?
No. 1015152
File: 1596205593901.png (142.96 KB, 1113x194, ebeg.PNG)

>>1009811UPDATE: This fucking attention seeking troon just updated his GoFundMe from the original 30k to SEVENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS when he realized he could make a living off of e-begging.
What the fuck.
No. 1015329
>>1015152it's fucked up how troon go fund mes meet absolutely massive goals within days. meanwhile you see a third world girl trying to start a college fund and it caps at 700 dollars. we live in such a materialistic and vapid age where funding an ELECTIVE titty surgery gets more clout than funding education.
"oh but ill kill myself if i dont get ffs"
No. 1016477
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No. 1016545
File: 1596436269007.png (120.84 KB, 524x654, Screenshot_20200802-232922.png)

Ok bud
No. 1016621
File: 1596448322358.png (96.06 KB, 439x830, Screenshot (198).png)

Now with the new Mulan movie coming out I constantly see such hot takes: "Becca" living in 21st century Murica thinks his mom wanting him to get a gf and telling his fat ass he looks handsome with short hair is totally the same as a girl in ancient China escaping arranged marriage by dressing up as a man… "dishonor his family" my ass, what kind of honor?
Can grown men please just leave stuff for little girls alone? I guess only damsels in distress are reserved for cis woman, anybody who's even remotely strong simply must be a man.
No. 1016622
File: 1596448476983.jpg (641.06 KB, 1728x1905, Ealbzx4UcAA31y4.jpg)

>>1016621Obligatory pic of his pancake moobs
No. 1016625
>>1014733This has to be a joke, I actually laughed out loud reading this and keep cracking up again and again. It's like someone making fun of obsessed troons, I could literally see someone posting this in the #AskDanielRadcliffe hashtag or something.
>>1016007>>1016222Holy shit lmfao my sides
No. 1016650
File: 1596459177924.png (2.15 MB, 750x1334, 3248D03E-67FB-481F-9DF7-6E6D7D…)

Somewhat related: troons and tiktok thots mad because some lesbian girl posted that she doesn’t like dick and everyone got mad
She deleted the video but her apology video s areup No. 1016666
File: 1596462245704.jpeg (587.7 KB, 828x974, ACFB64F5-60AE-482D-83FA-EBBBEC…)

>>1016658Horrible music duo, if you want to call it music. The lead singer is a MTF in a relationship with a FTM
No. 1016816
>>1016650Kek at that post going, "who told her transwomen would want her anyway?"
Like they have SO much options and like ANY woman who says she's a lesbian in 2020 in ANY space isn't getting harassed by troons and men.
Lesbians aren't the ones saying people are homophobic for not dating them, but you people are.
and whats up with the quotation marks? A dick is a dick, only men have dicks. It kills me how they act like their way of thinking is so common and everyone agrees.
One minute the world is super transphobic and the next? "Kek at this bitch for calling a dick "Male genitalia"
No. 1016893
File: 1596491955717.jpg (654.36 KB, 1932x2576, 192e0e25-258a-453d-8b56-689f34…)

why do troons wear huge bras that dont fit them?
No. 1016917
>>1016666Why is it that troons always have to do that dopey, brain dead, over excited face?
It's fucking obvious to anyone that isn't an idiot that these are mysoginists impersonating women from their own perspective.
No. 1016919
>>1016622>>1016477Again with that vacant, gormless, gleeful stare.
They are like a sad parody of the women depicted in porn, Hollywood and anime.
No. 1016923
>>1016723The whole saga with Rowling is just plain upsetting.
It's as if women fought for their rights so actual perverts are shamed and socially ostracized and face legal consequences for their actions. Now they can get around what women have fought for by just telling everyone they are a woman and actual women have to submit and obey or they are cancelled. TRAs have just sent us back centuries in terms of women's rights and they are calling it 'progress'.
No. 1016935
File: 1596499158244.png (1.73 MB, 750x1334, CFF6CAF4-35FF-4536-A4D1-3E6F7B…)

>>1016650>it’s not conversion therapy!! Then what is it? Why do they take “I don’t like penis” as invalidating their identity? It’s 100% a fetish
No. 1017126
File: 1596522910255.jpeg (53.68 KB, 1125x521, 75E2912E-5359-4592-81A1-B17DAF…)

I hate troons. Most women view queefs as an embarrasing and unpleasant, but of course men have to fetishise every facet of being a woman.
No. 1017181
>>1017126This is so fucking hilarious. Queefs are 'validating'? I feel like the word '
valid' has lost it's meaning.
No. 1017480
File: 1596569735388.png (74.48 KB, 730x682, Disgusting.png)

>>959173This disgusting waste of space retweeted this. Let me unpack how many layers of disgusting this is.
Firstly, Kevin is a "Little" a grown ugly man who wears diapers and gets off to that shit.
So a disgusting man who says his little age is "three", is retweeting about disgusting men wanting to have BABIES suck on their tits.
GROWN MEN who are larping as women, want to have babies suck their milkless tits IN PUBLIC.
This is the type of shit TRA's are supporting rather they want to say so or not.These people are 100% transgender ( i don't believe in trans trenders because according to them anyone who says they are a woman IS One) are saying shit like this.
It's a fetish and these idiots want to involve fucking BABIES and do it in public.
No. 1017825
>>1017480How. Just HOW?
I will accept trans women as women, but nothing currently available in medical science will make a trans woman able to breastfeed. Sometimes men (and trans women) get lactation, it's usually as a side effect from medications and is nothing like the breastmilk new mothers produce.
If this is just a "validation" thing, then ffs they're just using the poor baby as a prop and that's not fair as the kid has no say in it.
No. 1018085
File: 1596661079966.jpg (137.31 KB, 579x1145, tumblr_oi3263Mf4T1ukmij6o1_128…)

yes-redhead78 on tumblr during """pregnancy""".
No. 1018103
>>1017134you know the majority of communists outside of north america are disgusted by troons right
fuck off zionist shill
No. 1018708
File: 1596758524386.jpg (Spoiler Image,216.78 KB, 3216x1808, kevvv.jpg)

>>1017486His sex photos just got leaked to his kiwifarms thread. Pic related is one of them
No. 1019153
File: 1596820429332.png (169.09 KB, 203x393, Screen Shot 2020-08-07 at 18.1…)

> definitely not a fetish though
Non-EU anons, look up Rodrigo Alves. He was known for being a plastic surgery addict, then when he ran out of things to butcher he went for frankenboobs and said he'd been a woman all along.
No. 1019185
File: 1596824424297.jpg (49.2 KB, 615x923, 0_Kelly-Jenkins.jpg)

>>1019153>>1019178Same fag, i just realised that this was that human ken doll guy. I guess he needed more attention from the media. I hate that the media is being so sensitive to his "new identity". He was clearly bored with looking like a male or felt being a woman would grant him more opportunities. Idk about him being a run of a mill autogynophile, but it seems more attention based rather than sexually driven.
No. 1019203
File: 1596825378253.jpg (217.56 KB, 716x511, Screenshot_20200807-133518_Goo…)

>>1019185What a fucking shame, he was a good looking man before all the surgery. God, what a disgusting industry.
No. 1019221
>>1019185SO true, these plastic surgery addicts are hilarious Botched fodder and mocked relentlessly by mainstream types until they're gender-bending, then they're beautiful and brave, with their outside finally matching their inside.
Meanwhile if a natal woman turned herself into this bimbo monstrosity everyone would laugh and decry her warped vanity.
No. 1019228
>>1017961In addition to that, the cocktail of hormones required to get a man to lactate also ends up in the breast milk. New mothers are encouraged to pump and discard the milk after taking most kinds of hormonal birth control, like Plan B. But if the new “mom” is Brave and Stunning then who cares about the baby’s health? A man’s feelings are on the line!
>>1019185Whenever an obviously disturbed man transitions everyone acts like his past behaviour was just a symptom of his transness, and it’s completely taboo to say that the transition is just an escalation of the pattern of behaviour. Whether it’s plastic surgery addiction or sexual misconduct, coming out as trans automatically justifies everything and makes them above criticism.
No. 1019464
File: 1596846869595.jpg (79.59 KB, 614x728, 0708kevviesex.jpg)

So kevin >>1018708(the tard laying down with his mouth open), got fucked in his "vagina"
The fact this dude who NEVER shuts up about his manmade man hole, could'nt even pretend that the shit was heavenly says a lot.
He basically stuck his dick inside of a wound. Also why is it that the most ugly and unpassing troons get the snip?
I used to assume that ones who attempt to look female would want the snip, but a lot of the time a lot of them have penises, yet it's always dudes who look like dudes with long hair cross dressing who chop their dicks off.
No. 1019466
File: 1596847036929.jpg (44.79 KB, 611x388, 0708kevviesex2.jpg)

>>1019464I'd also like to add this dude claims he's in a poly relationship,besides him briefly mentioning in the past that he sucked a troon off, he NEVER talks about sex with them.
he lives with multiple troons that he's dating, yet he's lost his "virginity" to a troon that had to travel to fuck him & MULTIPLE other troons.
No. 1020846
File: 1597084296697.jpeg (540.18 KB, 1242x830, B642278D-E88A-4827-8184-78E8E0…)

extreme psychological warfare
i dread to think what this person looks like
No. 1021018
File: 1597107110421.jpeg (147.24 KB, 828x691, 840DAAAF-5DB5-4DF8-B259-CF92C1…)

The absolute pinnacle of womanhood
No. 1021305
File: 1597167580151.png (564.17 KB, 681x675, Annotation 2020-08-11 001829.p…)

troons who use the female filter on faceapp are really just telling on themselves. that jaw tho
No. 1021306
File: 1597167623196.png (779.18 KB, 677x673, y.png)

he claims this is an actual picture of him from high school kek
No. 1021345
File: 1597170989851.jpeg (70.09 KB, 728x728, F86C5DBE-044B-4F20-B140-3B5880…)

Does anyone know who this tragedy is, there are other pictures of him on the internet but I cannot find them?
No. 1021356
File: 1597172560545.png (533.46 KB, 780x509, Screen-Shot-2018-10-25-at-10.2…)

very interesting how, somehow, the wachowski brothers both decided to "come out" as trans lesbians around the same time.
what are the odds.
No. 1021360
>>1021359yes, they made "bound" which was about two edgy lesbians
sucks because i absolutely love the matrix series
No. 1021375
File: 1597176445126.jpg (420.39 KB, 2048x1539, EUUDsh6UMAEJeg0.jpg)

>>1021018Lol I always see this guy and his boyfriend @NeurologNyx on other troons' feeds (like KF's poster boy Kevin), they look like twins, it's almost creepy. Also, having futa in your handle, I thought futanari was one of those horribly transphobic taboo words.
No. 1021387
File: 1597177963235.png (49.93 KB, 595x434, womendontexistt.PNG)

women dont exist kek
No. 1021396
>>1021387This little fag is one of the most obnoxious ones…
Somebody reply with "flat earther" and you couldn't be more accurate, that's exactly what they sound like. Even worse, people distinguish between "woman" and "man" since literally 1000s of years, you can't just suddenly claim that this is ackshually not real.
No. 1021398
File: 1597179282685.png (70.35 KB, 879x503, Screenshot.png)

Tranny: wants to kill women
People's reaction: 1500 likes and "uwu hope you're alright babe, did this evil wammen threaten you?"
No. 1021401
File: 1597179522375.png (294.56 KB, 361x356, fishfacetranny.PNG)

i'd hate women (and especially my mother) if i looked like this too
No. 1021405
File: 1597180008283.jpeg (150.08 KB, 750x832, C5191299-6D0B-4115-A01B-C34487…)

sage for samefag, but another classic.
No. 1021408
File: 1597180288046.png (15.02 KB, 590x105, fauxgina.PNG)

>>1021403you're welcome, he's just so milky i couldn't help myself.
here's another one. women and female biology don't exist but he wants a necrotch!
No. 1021409
File: 1597180329937.png (172.73 KB, 886x723, 212.png)

>>1021405Should've posted the whole thing anon.
She is literally mad because
she didn't have the "privilege" of going through female puberty…
No. 1021413
>>1021401this tranny is miserable, I go from thinking they are trolling to be honest to trolling again, but then I read the comments and see a bunch of shemales/ugly chasers unironically agreeing what with this person is saying.
You can tell this tranny has no life outside of twitter.I would not be surpised if this was a parody account.
No. 1021420
>>1021419>>1021409Why does looks matter? If transwomen are women and should be treated as "Women", then basically this fish faced shemale is saying that trannies who pass better are better then trannies who don't.
They are all stunning and brave. Also, I wish they would let go of all transwomen who had their puberty "blocked" going through a female one and looking more like a woman.
Newsflash, the fact there's transwomen who DO go through puberty who look better and more like a woman then those who don't proves that.
Shit, there's cross dressers and drag queens who look more like women then early transers.
You telling me someone who looks like a boy, who stops his puberty, will suddenly pass perfectly for a female? NO.
Some men can pull of looking like a "women" better because they have the right features and bodies for it.
How many asian trannies or thialand transwomen go through puberty and look more like a woman then 98% of these american trannies?
they need to stop pretending, some people can pass better because they have the right set up and even then, the most passing tranny is still a man so who cares.
No. 1021425
>>1021398"black transwomen are dying! Stop killing us!!! Hold up, let me send out my 3,000th daily tweet about radfems and terfs, but we are DYING!"
Funny how transwomen focus so much on the group they claim they want to be apart of, yet they have more anger and hate towards us then the men who are apperently killing them daily.
Really makes you think
No. 1021463
>>1021405I feel like this person took POC talking points (which are literally historically proven and
valid) and is just inventing an oppression using other people's
real oppression as a framework. What a piece of shit.
No. 1021486
File: 1597186920559.gif (1.47 MB, 270x480, D46728C4-2690-4C27-9BF5-271469…)

Speaking of brave black transwominnz another tiktok troon shoeing off his identity totally not his fetish uwu No. 1021492
>>1021405This is literally the equivalent of advocating for giving women mastectomies and to mutilate our genitalia to prevent sexual assault el oh el.
>>1021425The actual black trans women who are in danger probably have no idea what radfems are, they're mostly focused on being mad at men who clock them. To be fair they also go after women thinking were competing with them.
No. 1021518
>>1021463it's popular for transwomen to use racism/POC to try to make people give a damn about transphobia. Have you been hearing the, "It's racists to say transwomen are men, because POC women have masculine features as well" or them saying "biological sex" is white supremacy?
They racist as fuck. l
No. 1021523
File: 1597190937498.png (191.68 KB, 524x573, Screenshot_20200811-170739.png)

No. 1021577
>>1021552Totally my bad. I actually saw this, lost the link, then had to dig it back up for myself…
>>1021558Thanks anon!
No. 1021580
>>1021576they're still men with mental illnesses, though. They're not more
No. 1021588
>>1021356One of them was trans for a good few years before the other (Lily I think? the one with the cyberpunk hair). I've read the thing that
>>>/snow/1021359 linked previously and it's screamingly obvious that it's a fetishistic thing for both "sisters".
No. 1021591
>>1021576it's kind of hard to tell when 90% of them online are like this then when you run into ome in real life they are ALSO like this.
Even the ones who pass well or attempt to pass (like Nikita) act the same as a "trender" or AGP.
I mean in this very thread we have a AGP who chopped his dick off. Then they are telling people it's wrong to "gatekeep" who is trans.
So I go by their rules. If Blaire White is a woman then so is Jessica Yaniv, does not matter if it's fetishitic or not.
They say transwomen are women no matter what, so they are transwomen.
Now they have to deal with the real and "fake" trans people who join the community.
So many transwomen just want to be seen as sex objects, anime girls or bad thots, it's hard to take it serious.
No. 1021608
>>1021587Someone with a mental illness that makes them think they're supposed to be a potted plant isn't more "
valid" than someone who has a fetish for turning into a potted plant because they watched potted plant porn. They are both sick, neither are potted plants (and the mentally ill person isn't any closer to being one), and neither will ever be one.
No. 1021615
>>1021609>blaire white>a model trans woman and I respect her tbhlol blaire is a cow. read his thread. he shits on other trannies because it makes him feel more special and garners favor like what you've written - "oh, blaire isn't one of the bad ones".
and he isn't some
>>1021608>>1021611agreed. both need help. one just has a more… sympathetic reason for needing help. this is literally like those people who want to be amputated, except they're wanting to amputate other parts of their body and tbh damage their body a lot more than a "normal" amputation would.
BOTH need help and neither is ok to just go ahead with it.
>>1021612exactly this, thank you. you said it better than i did probably.
No. 1021651
>>1021587Stfu nigga there’s no such thing as a real and ~
valid~ trans woman. They are literally either troomers or gay men who decided to take their drag queenliness to the next level.
No. 1021662
>>1021375It’s transphobic when they’re clear-headed enough to realise it makes them look like perverts but
valid and
empowering when they’re so deep into the fetishistic fantasy that they stop caring what they look like to normal people.
>>1021518>>1021522>If women are okay with sharing their bathrooms with black women then they should accept men in their bathrooms too!is a popular one for the bathroom debate. It’s funny to see white wokesters parrot this one without realising how fucking racist it is.
No. 1021680
File: 1597225789382.jpeg (188.94 KB, 742x872, 6A4E9A4D-57C2-41E3-958D-DC7F7A…)

I love reddit :)
No. 1021757
File: 1597241767852.gif (702.42 KB, 400x160, frodo-ultimatedigust.gif)

>>1019514>>1019464 Men truly are the sickest creatures.
No. 1021811
File: 1597248130669.png (74.18 KB, 596x673, thatfuckingretardAGAIN.PNG)

retard keeps being retarded
No. 1021839
>>1021811I wish he'd shut up. People don't see you as women because you aren't women.
This person was just whining about trannies who ruin their bodies early "passing" better, but now he's on some other bullshit?
What a woman is or looks like should not have to change because men want to pretend to be women. Funny how a man is still a man, but women?
We have to change how we look at EVERYTHING because men now want to be women.
Only trannies and TRA's care about their crazy ramblings and make this person think their thinking is more common & correct then it actually is.
No. 1021842
>>1021811>>1021387i don't understand a word of what these says but i remember he made a tweet about something sex work related (bc he cams of course) and some woman (who respected his gender identity and called him a woman on top of that) replied something about how it wasn't self-respectful to do sw. then he QRTd a side-to-side comparison of him vs her pfp captioned like "omg i'm older than you and you look like shit, meanwhile i look like this" and it got thousands of likes because libfem and tranny twitter love to tear apart real women's appearances, even if it was completely unrelated to the post.
it wasn't even an ugly woman, just a normal blonde woman who didn't look like a cartoon like he does. i can't find the posts anymore, it might have been deleted, but what i remember matches his profile. wish he'd get suspended tbh
No. 1021891
File: 1597257021747.png (36.96 KB, 584x319, thatfishfacetrannyagain.PNG)

"dumb slut girl"
it's a fetish.
No. 1021944
>>1021811The Olympic level gymnastics required to say anything except the truth of "I'm a girl because I like pink and sex and am stupid and want to wear frilly things" are genuinely fascinating to watch. I'm kind of amazed the discourse even still bothers to nod towards "woman aren't just pastel barbie moms in waiting" enough that someone like this feels compelled to dissemble.
Blah blah no one knows what a woman is, it's a nebulous feeling too complex to describe, except me, I know what it is because I am it because I say so but definitely nobody who actually needs to take birth control pills knows what it is, and I'm not one of them but not for any reason that matters because I'm actually also totally them, and if you imply otherwise you're wrong
No. 1022060
>>1022027If he looks this bad with filters over his face imagine how busted he is without. Built like a lego. This is the asshole talking all this shit? Someone who looks like a little boy, in a padded bra? No wonder he's so fucking angry all the time.
Then he had to nerve to say someone's jealous? Of fucking what?
No. 1022068
>>1022065thats always the case, the most passing trans voice I ever heard was Bailey Jay's when someone posted him talking about how dudes are gay if they watch his tranny porn.
They all just sound like gay men, but I've heard some gay men have more feminine voices. Just like I know cross dressers and drag queens who look more like women then these trannies.
No. 1022160
File: 1597295955923.png (3.02 MB, 750x1334, 8D657029-3E9E-4BB3-B436-F7B6C2…)

His upper lip/philtrum situation looks super FAS-y. Looks like he has invisible bdsm nose hooks lifting his nose/lip up In a pig-like fashion. So gross and uncanny. He literally looks retarded.
Ugly face, ugly body, ugly personality. Fucking glad he posts about hating his fridge body. Good. Ugly, insecure, abusive male trying to bring down women
No. 1022161
File: 1597296541516.png (834.77 KB, 753x772, dsfdsftu56457532.PNG)

>>1022160>>1022027Has he had work done to his face? It always looks swollen.
He's so strange looking and reminds me of those creepy silicone masks that male fetishists wear to look female.
No. 1022176
File: 1597299818962.png (856.28 KB, 750x1334, 0B79F67F-1990-45CB-9C43-50515C…)

>>1022160he always does this weird-lip-pucker-thing to give the illusion he actually has woman shaped lips
No. 1022181
File: 1597301436541.jpg (662.7 KB, 1796x2048, EfGSxTzVoAIAwRA[1].jpg)

>>1022027he knows his shoulders are massive so he pulls them back so far
No. 1022221
File: 1597312982055.png (181.96 KB, 802x698, assasaa.png)

This sounds stupid but reading about dudes (especially trannies) obsession with breasts creeps me out so fucking much, it's insane. I cannot imagine being like this, having porn govern your psyche so much. I know I shouldn't really let it get to me but damn, it is making me hate my body. I already hate having bigger breasts so I try to wear the most baggy clothes to hide them and knowing there are deranged men out there, what if I have to interact with one never knowing how unhinged they are, what kind of thoughts they are having of me? It's kinda scary to me. Fucking Ed Gein shit honestly. This cap is from KF btw.
No. 1022262
>>1022221There’s just so much to unpack here.
>somebody fucked tranny>tranny thinks porn is the same as therapy>implying women can’t be flat and feminine at the same time>i-it’s not a f-fetish j-just a coping mechanism >proceeds to talk about degrading roleplays with a bunch of gore>it’s basically therapy!>it’s okay to be a depraved piece of shit! Just don’t let it overflow!I kind of wish I could see a picture of this tranny because I’m pretty sure it must be some sort of skelly pizza face.
No. 1022284
>>1022226it’s shoop and that’s not not a her, it’s a gay dude who woke up one morning and decided to disappoint his family.
>>1022176>>1022250You can tell in this pic where he overlines his lips and eyes
>>1021405>the damage done by cis people>hormone therapy, feminization surgeryHow about the damage those pills do to your body and mutilating your genitals just so you can regret it later on.
I hope Sofie is one of the 41% who offshimself , and this is coming from someone who sorta sympathizes with the gay men who troon out
No. 1022313
>>1021756Why do trannies always project onto anime and video game girls*?
No. 1022314
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>>1021811thanks for telling me about my hormones and biology and what's okay for a woman, male
No. 1022328
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>>1022221So are we not going to talk about the fact that this guy who says he was into BDSM when he "was younger" is currently
only 18? Jesus Christ, minors are doing BDSM.
No. 1022331
File: 1597325340602.jpg (1.37 MB, 1440x1898, Screenshot_2020-08-13-18-28-44…)

>>1022262This is what he looks like. Censored it out of kindness.
No. 1022352
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No. 1022360
>>1022351this was already posted anon
>>1022352surely he deserves his own thread, definitely milky enough imo
No. 1022411
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Some notable mentions
No. 1022413
File: 1597336246730.jpg (222.6 KB, 1080x1192, Screenshot_20200814-020813__01…)

>Promote communism>Be antithesis to communism>Be incapable of recognising the irony
>The only good male's are ones delusional enough to damage their bodies in the pursuit of vanityI refuse to acknowledge this creature as anything more than a fictitious character created for comedic purposes.
No. 1022435
File: 1597337988077.jpg (Spoiler Image,38.18 KB, 518x926, ew.JPG)

>>867400Why the fuck did he have to present his sex toy for everyone to see on his cum-stained bed. It's so perfectly laid out and centered, you know he meant it to be seen.
Fucking repulsive. No. 1022465
File: 1597342405258.png (394.34 KB, 394x395, mmmm.PNG)

is this his boyfriend? I also find it crazy how much he and ALL transwomen brag about their looks. This person makes like 20 tweets a day and I think they have a second account thats just full of them talking about how attractive they are, their boyfriend and weird sex shit.
I said this earlier, but in pictures their face looks swollen and weird, I can only imagine how bad it looks IRL. This person is obnoxious and I don't think they deserve a thread because he's the type to love this kind of attention
No. 1022469
>>1022435Because he has nothing else to offer but sex talk, tweets, sex talk, filtered pictures and sex talk.
Like most men they want everyone to know they are freaky and want to let people know about their fetishes.
I'd be surpised if he didn't have sex toys on his bed, he has no personality other then being trans.
No. 1022480
>>1022465He would love to have a thread for himself, it’s pretty obvious how he’s so desperate to create some sort of outrage in order to become famous, creating a thread about him would be giving him more shit to talk about and he would go
>oi me gud, the evil anon-e-mooses are attacking troons people and they created a thread about my!And everyone and their mother would gobble it up.
No. 1022492
>>1022068It's because drag queens, for all their annoying bullshit, understand that they aren't actually women and know that they need to put a LOT of time into trying to ape our appearance and mannerisms.
Meanwhile trannies are just rushing to their next cum session, so they slap on a stupid wig and some lipstick so they can ejaculate. Barest minimum effort, because it is all just about getting off. No performance, no art, its just a few more steps beyond having a few manyvids tabs open and sending dick pics.
No. 1022515
>>1022196look at the left hip it looks like there was a thin chunk cut of off him, it's ridiculous. also see
>>1022027 for his real fridge body.
No. 1022851
File: 1597417061620.jpeg (148.1 KB, 1440x1799, 8F815D65-4577-4410-BBE4-E63282…)

>>1022185>>1021345Yeah. He has had ffs now
No. 1023682
File: 1597569960400.jpeg (231.08 KB, 750x941, 83ECF3C5-D277-4346-A881-0177A3…)

BREAKING: Men realize that women don't feel safe around them even if they identify as kweer No. 1023688
>>1023682very typical male thing to write "
act uncomfortable" instead of just being uncomfortable. complete lack of empathy with women and thinking all emotions are just to inconvenience them. like the guys who think crying is manipulative
No. 1023972
File: 1597622390179.png (621.43 KB, 828x1792, BB5C84C2-F4D1-482A-B53F-89BDD0…)

Since she had been mentioned with Ow shit before. EeveeA went for a Dallas fiuel player that got axed for calling a girl a whore:
No one in OWL cares about them
No. 1024963
File: 1597730095692.jpg (5.79 MB, 3264x2448, Capture.jpg)

thought i'd share this bimbo looking nightmare. seeing him next to his poor wife who is naturally beautiful and curvy makes it all the more jarring.
No. 1024977
>>1024963seeing women next to troons badly trying to be women is always striking.
I remember when people kept claiming that Saweetie and Summer Walker looked JUST like Nikita Dragoon in the pictures togeather going, "See? you can't tell transwomen and cis women apart, women look like women".
Yet when you watch a video where it's not filtered or photoshopped you can 100% tell whose the actual woman.
The husband would look a lot better if he stopped trying to be a bad bitch, he looks way older then her and i bet they both are fucking other people tbh, seems more like a situation to get attention online then it is a relationship.
No. 1025223
File: 1597772052522.jpeg (97.26 KB, 267x400, 225BDF3A-8F3F-4A88-BE82-FA436C…)

>>1025191no idea. he didn’t troon out until fairly recently, like in the past few years but even before she was out of his league. they used to be a “husband and wife drag duo” in the NYC club kid scene and his shtick was that he was a straight male drag queen. maybe she’s scared she’ll get cancelled if she dumps him now that he’s a bloated over-fillered tranny with bolt ons kek.
No. 1025817
File: 1597868344538.png (513.38 KB, 1200x630, Trace in Hustlers_2.png)

>>1024977Reminds me of Trace Lysette in Hustlers. I was shocked during the backstage scenes–there are definitely still shots from the red carpet and etc where I'd say Lysette passes, but the minute he enters the frame in that movie, I was shocked at how clear it is that he's male. Especially when everyone else in the scene is a woman, and they're all wear tiny stripper clothes….like, he's got serious surgery, Hollywood makeup, all that, and it's still so clear in motion.
No. 1026527
>>1023682Holy shit.
I looked this person up and they are exactly like my ex boyfriend. Apparently their cis ex girlfriend flew out to see them, got drunk, and tried to have sex with their girlfriend (male) and because they felt bad about breaking up with someone after they flew out to see them, that makes said person who flew out a rapist! He then proceeds to say that because he was too cowardly to tell his significant other who was visiting him he wasn't interested in kissing, that means she raped him.
First off, I find it hilarious that these sorts of males claim to be women, but when faced but even mild sexual pressure in the context of a relationship, they crumble and cry. Real women are actually raped (in fact, his girlfriend says he raped her, and he probably did) and he is upset about his drunk girlfriend smooching him.
Secondly, I can't get over how similar this is to my ex and how flabbergasting this is for me. My ex was still closetted when we were dating, but it fits perfect. I also flew out to see a man who then threw a fit, came out as trans, dumped me when I was in a foreign country for Christmas with no funds to escape staying at his parents' house for the remainder of the month, stole my panties to masturbate in, called me borderline, convinced me I was borderline, told his pickme fujoshi friends about how I was raped as a child (Something I kept secret up until that point), got them to call me up and harass me, and then told people I abused him because I'm such a mean borderline who picks on trannies.
How could my case be so similar to this man's ex (couldn't find a username but her name is Ariel)? What does this say about troon mentality? He keeps complaining that transwomen are always seen as predatory, hoping to wokescold people into ignoring the fact he is a transbian creep who likely raped this poor Ariel girl and is now sending a tranny lynchmob after her.
Also this freak, just like my ex, has the typical male obsession with porn and being a sub or whatever.
No. 1026533
>>1026527The reason that women feel uncomfortable around him is probably just instinctive intuition. Sometimes you can just
feel when a guy is creepy or dangerous.
No. 1026634
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No. 1026657
File: 1598028567246.jpg (130.76 KB, 700x338, prank.jpg)

>>1024963I'm a bit late to this but I can not get over how much he resembles a blow up sex doll. It's insulting that to them being a woman means being an inanimate sex object that exists for the pleasure of men.
No. 1026868
File: 1598059710516.png (250.71 KB, 524x456, Screenshot_20200821-180939.png)

Why are they like this
No. 1027010
File: 1598089684678.jpg (434.56 KB, 856x919, 6c673201020663f2a453011ed1c323…)

I don't know if anyone here is familiar with secretgamergrrl on twitter ( he pops up a lot because he's constantly interacting with other trannies.
Well anyway kiwifarms got hold of his picture today. This is the same guy that claimed nurses couldn't tell her was male and sexually assaulted him trying to find out kek
No. 1027011
File: 1598089719959.png (382.61 KB, 588x611, ffewfwf.png)

>>1027010Here he is claiming the tranny that beat up the woman in London was actually beat up by her instead kek
No. 1027058
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>>1021558Old milk, but I enjoyed this surprise cow crossover when I checked out the tweet
No. 1027069
File: 1598108357346.jpg (183.02 KB, 1039x1040, Profile_-_Roz.jpg)

>>1027010only female he resembles
No. 1027281
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>>1027069obviously you're just blind anon. That's a beautiful and natural woman if ever a doctor did see one.
No. 1027283
File: 1598131531522.jpg (946.68 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200823-002201_Ins…)

Why did nikita dragun choose to look like a tea stained wisdom tooth? Would've made an ok troon but had to take the fetishy look
No. 1029532
File: 1598538798973.webm (4.58 MB, 960x720, tumblr_qfcofvbu8c1twgjgp (1).w…)
when autism strikes
No. 1029687
File: 1598564418434.jpg (Spoiler Image,821.37 KB, 922x2591, 1598556386652.jpg)

No. 1029744
>>1029532Lol Never experienced such intense adult punching with a trans flag hanging on the wall like nazi trailer trash, all within a nasty Luna-esque baby nursery.
>>1029687I have no hope…
No. 1029783
File: 1598579266373.jpeg (376.24 KB, 750x720, B747D0AC-CF0C-4FBA-8DB1-55A899…)

>>1029687Jesus Christ, how horrifying
No. 1029991
File: 1598620534455.png (539.43 KB, 1080x1363, Screenshot_20200828-145955~2.p…)

The juxtaposition of the profile pic and the drawing is beautiful, it's almost poetic at representing troons' delusions when it comes to their appearances.
No. 1030220
File: 1598649920504.png (14.42 KB, 589x106, tumblr_925558f3b1c0e03a066d628…)

He knows
No. 1030506
File: 1598695641059.png (428.43 KB, 584x438, nedladdning (3).png)

this facebook-famous guy in his 30s whos always cycling through "poly-circles" with girls in their late teens keeps showing up in my friends comments sections
No. 1030522
File: 1598701961237.jpg (32.24 KB, 321x407, 456.JPG)

No. 1031214
File: 1598837197377.png (663.82 KB, 808x600, pauly.png)

Has "Farrah Flawless" aka "Pauly Unstoppable" been talked about here yet? I like to check up on his ig a couple times a year for some hearty keks and to see if he's still alive. Currently he's selling jewelry made from his estrogen bottles. He also just got a boob job funded through internet panhandling.
No. 1031217
>>867400I can't recall if Pauly has ever been mentioned here but he has a pretty interesting thread on KF.
I wonder how his "cancer" is doing.
No. 1031379
File: 1598887366527.jpeg (670.76 KB, 1125x1829, B5FDA8CD-FF4A-4FD2-83DF-B11678…)

Idk if I should’ve put this in the bg thread, but damn I’d be pissed to be outed as a tranny chaser.
No. 1031405
>>1031379Wait, wasn’t the boyfriend hired?
Am I missing the milk?
I felt so bad for his ex girlfriend who posted the “break up with your gf I’m bored” cap on Instagram. Nikita’s minions were ripping her apart with the “basic white girl” comments. She’s (his ex gf) a fairly pretty girl in fact and most importantly she actually looks like a woman without filters and heavy makeup.
No. 1031415
>>1031405People assumed so, and he explained it in an Instagram live as well as “it was business and we had fun hangin out”. I get it tho if I was a “straight” supermodel I’d try to save face too lol.
Then again Nikita could be bullshitting.
No. 1031421
>>1031415His ex went back to him, which may support the hire a boyfriend theory. If he actually was troon chasing and tried to get back together with his ex after the break up, I don’t think she could stomach it.
In any case I feel bad for his gf. She has received bad publicity and got bullied by nikita’s minions.
No. 1031433
>>1031405He was hired. Her biggest misstep was her trying to paint this love story of “I hired him at first, but then we caught feelings” because she was paying him the entire time. With his statement I definitely got the vibe that he might have hooked up with Nikita but it was the byproduct of all the drinking and partying, and Nikita’s management team organizing meetings so he would have to stay the night at her apartment.
I still don’t think he’s a chaser, even if he did fuck Nikita. He’s dating Daisy Keech now so his type is obviously silicone Barbie bimbo, which Nikita is close enough to minus the dick.
No. 1031435
>>1031433He may have thought Nikita was a actual woman (his type) came at him, found out he was trans, then decided that it was a come up.
He does not come off as a chaser, I'm also not sure if Nikita even has a dick or not, but if he does it's probably tiny and does not work, which chasers normally don't like anyway.
Nikita is just upset he's moved on to what he actually likes WOMEN.
No. 1031464
>>867400pauly hasn't bothered training his voice at all, which you think would be one of the first things he would work out before trooning out.
6 year anni coming up on his botched stink ditch.
No. 1031603
>>1031214With Farrah/Pauly I always think it's just another way to change their body. Getting the full ink suit and extreme piercings can only go so far. What's the next step? Boobs.
Just like Rodrigo/Jessica Alves the plastic surgery addict.
No. 1031725
File: 1598947534051.jpg (62.25 KB, 752x639, malefragility.JPG)

Fished this one from KF
No. 1031738
File: 1598951972994.png (5 KB, 524x49, komisch.PNG)

>>1031736american word soup…probably tried to feminize his birth name
No. 1086310
File: 1605808316931.jpg (28.55 KB, 512x512, aHR0cHM6Ly.jpg)

>>867515Nigga has a neck like Cannibal Corpse singer.
No. 1360193
File: 1635849759690.jpg (122.29 KB, 828x1327, 2021laura_les_fillers.jpg)

This is laura les of 100gecs. I think she got fillers or something?? I would ask on a fan place for them but their fans will just get angry that I'm commenting on the appearance of a troon instead of saying "she's so cute!!!"
No. 1360194
File: 1635849814770.png (616.78 KB, 652x816, lllll.png)

>>1360193here's a before pic for comparison (she covers her face with her hand and or a mask in 90% of pics)
No. 1360195
File: 1635849926110.webm (739.25 KB, 640x640, laurales_output.webm)
>>1360193>>1360194also heres something horrifying, enjoy!
No. 1500597
File: 1649878847800.jpeg (326.93 KB, 750x864, D3D9F48D-3292-41A2-B5D3-D99892…)

>>867400trans incel thinks they go through more than women
>incel> and transhating women and trying to be one is crazy