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No. 1390293
For those unaware about the title, the term "Gender Outlaw" which might seem a tumblr made up term is unironically used in queer academia and women's studies spaces, it was coined 30 years ago by an AGP professor and doughy university goers actually use the term
According to The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies:
>gender outlaws are the quintessential rule‐breakers when it comes to gender conformity. They break rules on how people are supposed to look, how people can act or participate in which spaces, and rules about who can be attracted to whom; all often simply by existing. The refusal to be labelled and identified in accordance with a highly policed, binary system of male and female, as well as refusing to moderate behavior to align with sex‐role stereotyping is common amongst gender outlaws. Historically, being differently gendered publicly or acting outside the dictates of behavior attributed to gender assignation potentially lead to life‐threatening situations; however, the increasingly visible political and social challenge of gender stereotypes and a naturalness gender status quo exemplifies the modern gender outlaw. These challenges rarely mean advocating for a genderless society however, most often encompassing and legitimizing an understanding that there are more than two sex‐aligned genders.
The Term gets applied towards historical figures( e.g Joan of Arc, Elizabeth the first), fictional characters (e.g Cerise Lannister, Jo and Laurie from Little women ) and a self descriptor for pretentious "queer" academics
In a way its responsible for the current "trans and enby" heacanons of many fictional and real figures
No. 1390557
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Was looking at some list of animes and this is the translator of a troon anime (Wandering Boy), fitting. Was he the same dude who forced himself into a lesbian in Japan bar or that was another one?
No. 1390595
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That poor nurse
No. 1390598
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No. 1390630
>>1390598This deserves a spoiler,
nonny. I screamed. It's very scary.
No. 1390636
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Shit like this just proves to me moids are obsessed with gender roles to an absurd degree.
I firmly believe males in general see the social constructs of masculinity and femininity as more real and salient than biological sex. This fixation on supernormal stimuli is what justifies trannyism.
I have thought a lot about male sexuality and how it relates to troonism, and one thing is abundantly clear; males are strict gender conformists. They have designated two classes of people (dominant/submissive, masculine/feminine) and created roles for them. Most of their sexualities are based around this dichotomy.
No. 1390639
>>1390636Your doing the same shit anon, basically troon essentialism, do you think these degenerates existed even a 1000 years ago
the natural state of man and all other species is to survive, as a species we've had to work together to survive other wise we'd face extinction
No. 1390641
>>1390636On top of that men view women in porn categories.
>bimbo>sexy mature MILF>innocent virgin teen>shy nerdy girl>BDSM sloot to be degraded>dominatrix/femdom >not-like-other-girls tomboy/alternative girlThat's pretty much it. You can see this in all media created by men, especially porn and Anime. There are very few deviations from these tropes in characters created by males. That is why all trannies try to embody their favorite porn/anime archetype. We are literally not even people to them.
No. 1390645
>>1390639>Your doing the same shit anonBy studying male behavior and thought patterns? What I'm saying is applicable to all XYs, not the social construct of "masculinity". FTMs don't think like XYs.
> do you think these degenerates existed even a 1000 years ago Certainly yes. Males have been hyperdegenerates and have used gender roles to oppress women and (to a lesser extent) GNC/homosexual men since forever.
>the natural state of man and all other species is to surviveMale sexuality being based around the objectification of their targets (women and "femininity") does not make them any less suitable to breed, in fact designating women as servile fuck-objects and taking away their freedoms is reproductively advantageous to the vast majority of males.
>as a species we've had to work together to survive other wise we'd face extinctionMales work together at the expense of women (patriarchy). From their perspective, we better serve as reproductive chattel than separate human beings to consider.
No. 1390655
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>>1390645>>1390647Did you learn these obviously well researched theories of evolutionary psychology from the fat moron who thought Joan of arc personally was the sole reason for France's victory in 100 years war
cause that's now how any of this works you dumbass, even if your a manhater at least try to be accurate and not rely on the theories of pretentious women's studies majors
You want a book about that's a real pinkpill on violent male behavior, read Demonic Males, cause it has actual research put on it and not what amount to tumblr takes
No. 1390683
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why is it always death threats
No. 1390684
>>1390595can we report this to something???? this is sexual harassment
>>1390627only men. only men who have never been touched because they are repulsive
No. 1390692
>>1390685that's what they were, pretentious upper middle class university educated white and jewish women who sniffed their own farts
They had no understanding of history, religion or scientific evolution
the theories of subhumans will never bring us anywhere
>>1390655>>1390639You come into a
terf thread, clueless and retarded, and dismiss radfem theory as hysterical feminazi ramblings and suggest moid written evopsych books instead.
Just laugh at the tranny pictures and stop trying to fit in. Cringe.
No. 1390728
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>>1390692Oh NVM you're a /pol/yp.
Moids are too narcissistic to assess their own thoughts and behaviors objectively.
It must be hard to come to terms with the fact that icky trannies share the same pattern of thought as you, a "normal" heterosexual male. Time to take the L and accept that the Y chromosome is defective.
No. 1390735
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>>1390692Oh no, anything but the Jewish women!
No. 1390750
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>>1390747I know moids are goddamn clueless when they go to a
terf thread and call someone who disagrees with them a tranny for discussing radfem theory and not evopsych moid bullshit
If only you were smart enough to realize how fucking stupid you were.
No. 1390753
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>>1390557kek no, that's elin mccready
No. 1390757
>>1390752XYs can't even understand radfem theory let alone discuss it without massive amounts of butthurt
I don't know anything about leftypol other than they are political moids fighting some other group of political moids.
No. 1390785
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>>1390750not even the
terf threads are safe from that terrible character.
No. 1390792
>>1390785Not familiar with that character, anon. Who is he?
>>1390595I feel like this person would have been a pleasant, eccentric if he wasn't mentally ill. But I'm so unnerved by this, anon. It's all sorts of warped.
No. 1390799
>>1390750ty for posting this blessed gif nonette
>>1390747i don't think a tranny scrote would post pics of the boys from free! as it's not male gazey or coomerish enough. it's also why you never see mtf troons being fujos despite how "female brained" they claim to be.
>>1390789how do the tallest, manliest looking trannies delude themselves into thinking they'll look like delicate anime girls when they're already ogres to begin with? it takes a special kind of delusion to think they can inject horse piss to look like their waifus when not even feminine gay twink hsts can pass.
No. 1390806
>>1390799He's a male. His hatred for trannies is fueled by his XY hatred for everything deemed to be "feminine". Femininity is the boogeyman of every fucking moid so they all think everyone who disagrees with them is a tranny or a femininist (or some grand conspiracy against them like jews or CIA like world revolves around them, because they have narcisistic delusions).
They don't realize the trannies they hate are just as malebrained and misogynistic as they are.
No. 1390810
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>>1390630>>1390632>>1390634>y-you don’t want lesbian sex with me, anon?Seriously though, one of the ugliest creatures I’ve ever seen
No. 1390848
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>>1390598Holy shit Bruce trooned out
No. 1390899
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have another example of "cute twink turns himself into an ugly woman"
No. 1390989
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>>1390899>>1390952Notice this a lot with TIMs and femboys, even the one's with naturally feminine look garish and somehow clearly masculine when they try to "pass"
No. 1391016
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From a thread on r/MTF titled "what's the least healthiest way you get euphoria" I'm gonna hurl
No. 1391035
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No. 1391063
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>>1390839in my opinion i don't believe femininity or feminine behaviour exists in men, gay men/hsts trying to act out "sassy black girl" is still men putting on an act of what they think sassy females talk like, it's not feminine it looks horrendous, they think women go around calling each other bitchs and being aggressively mean, they will never experience or understand what femininity is.
No. 1391090
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>>1391063Why Nik look like picrel.
No. 1391131
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>>1391063Men acting feminine look unnatural because femininity is a male creation.
No. 1391132
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>>1391114so…they agree it's a fetish lol
No. 1391139
>>1391131i'm not sure how femininity is a male creation, maybe im not understanding what you mean?
but no male told me to like cute things or behave in a soft manner, if anything men have always tried to strip femininity away from us it always felt like in order to be as good as a man you have to be rough like one, men can't create something that doesn't belong to them and they can never achieve, the shit troons and gay guys act out isn't male creation femininity it's mockery
No. 1391169
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no not the trans woomen
No. 1391214
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>>1391169i love watching these fucking idiots attack each other
No. 1391219
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>>1391166Big kek at The Matrix. Who wants to bet there will be endless trans think pieces on the new movie and it’s meaning.
No. 1391220
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>>1391114>>1391132It reminded me of this flowchart, its bizarre really
No. 1391246
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J.K. Rowling demonstrates once again that she no longer gives a fuck.
No. 1391249
>>1391246Based Harry Potter lady strikes again, millions of mentally ill men in dresses genocided by wrongthink.
I fucking love her. Never gave a shit about Harry Potter or anything, only seen the movies, but am inching closer and closer to buying her shit to show this doesn't affect sales so retarded woke corporations stop deplatforming and selling wrongthink like "sex is real and women = adult human female".
No. 1391264
>>1391139"Femininity" as in makeup, dresses, high heels, shaving your legs, plucking your eyebrows, dying your hair, etc. is a male construction. The human female and male body in their natural state look pretty similar (except for, y'know, genitals, body hair, etc.) but we do all sorts of cultural crap to further differentiate males from females. Any many of the painful beauty rituals in western society (boob jobs, labiaplasty, botox, etc.) that are more heavily pushed on women were invented by male/Capitalist doctors for the sake of profits, with no regard for women's comfort or safety.
No. 1391271
>>1390557Nope, like
>>1390753 said the troon who tried to enter a lesbian bar in Tokyo was Elin McCready. Matt "Rachel" Thorn is another piece of work who iirc trapped a Japanese woman in a relationship with children before trooning out and his main profession is being a hurt
victim on Twitter all day long and being totally not like other weebs but a true and honest boomer japanophile.
>>1391246Queen shit. Love this woman.
No. 1391283
>>1391246The official
terf queen stopped giving a fuck, finally. So far which celebrities are seen as terfs, besides JKR and Azealia Banks?
No. 1391296
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>>1391246Please don't disappoint us by groveling to them again, JKR.
No. 1391309
>>1391139Pretty much what
>>1391264 said but also to comment on the point you made where it felt like men were/are trying to strip women away from femininity in order to be seen as acceptable, notice how much a lot of men hate butch appearing women. These women don't care to exude femininity in any way and they get shat on constantly by men because they are breaking the gender norm hoisted onto women to be interested in femininity one way or another. Why do you think men hate the pixie haircut so much? Women love it but men hate it because they think it's too masculine and make women look like they're to be boys when that isn't true, we just think it looks genuinely cute a lot of the time. See what we mean?
No. 1391337
terf queen unironically
No. 1391352
>>1391309i understand what you mean there's a thing amongst troons where they see if women "pass" so even an ogre in a wig has the nerve to dictate what a woman can and can't look like.
the way i was raised as a child is that no one is ever happy if youre tomboyish then youre trying to be a boy, you cant play with boys.
if you wear cute colors, raise your voice a little, scream because something scared you, chew gum, wear a skirt that isn't at your ankles, speak or behave softly then you're doing whoreish behaviour because god forbid some 30 year old pedophilie gets an erection because he heard a 7 year old girl laugh. i guess we all suffer
sry if blog
No. 1391378
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>>1391352Sorry that your family tried to enforce unfair sexist double standards on you
nonnie. Actual biological women don't have to "pass" as women no matter what we do or how we dress, because we just
are women. And that makes troons seethe.
No. 1391380
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all the silicone and hrt finally went to Nikita Dragun's brain and he has been admitted to a psych ward.
No. 1391399
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sorry, i'm giving this troon what he wants by sharing it with other terfs but this whole "hehe i'm a misogynist" thing is so fucked up. DV is on the rise, especially in 2020 with the pandemic, and these men have the nerve to trivialize woman hating like it isn't a worldwide war against women. and of course the audacity to act like we're ridiculous for not finding misogyny jokes made by men funny.
i'm sure that these left wing dudes wouldn't dare to joke around and call themselves a racist because they're scared about a group of racial minorities being upset. why is the same thought process NOT applied to women?
No. 1391415
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Massive cope in picrel. It's so male that they pretend that we secretly want to fuck them
No. 1391424
>>1391419They assume everything terfs and women say is a cover for the opposite truth, like their untrustworthy selves (see: the feminist male who is also a rapist)
Clearly terfs truly think they are attractive worthwhile humans, and this is all a cover.
No. 1391426
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>>1391392@penelopew_ on Twitter, only found him because he was commenting under something tranny related
No. 1391442
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I’m in a liminal spaces themed group on fb that’s currently all up in flames because one of the mods is based and said terf is a slur and all the tra-tards are pissing themselves with rage
No. 1391447
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men are the worst
No. 1391448
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>>1391415They’re soooo sexually obsessed with
terf. Which is literally so rapey. Some of them unironically fantasize about picrel.
>>1391447>>1391442Cry more lol let the mod know they’re right
No. 1391455
>>1391451Exactly. They just throw together vague broken pieces of anecdotes they’ve heard other trannies sperg about online about women who hate them and bam the boogey
terf is born. Can’t decide if we’re pearl clutchinng fundie or hairy dykes.
No. 1391471
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How did this guy get this out of JK rowling tweet? A guy in a dress rapes you he is a rapist right?
No. 1391478
>>1391447I don’t know, Jason almost has a point. I consider
TERF to be a compliment.
>>1391426Gonna start thanking God every day that I’m not this ugly
>>1391415This is accurate because I’ve never seen a cis man in my life. The only way I know how to identify a man is through all the tranny porn I watch. Otherwise I wouldn’t be able to tell that TIMs have a harsh jawline, unkempt hair, “30+ year old trying to dress like a 16 year old e girl” fashion style, or a deep voice.
No. 1391479
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>4 years old
>father thinks he's a troon
some people don't deserve kids
No. 1391486
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>>1391426Kek I didn't know Mac Tonight trooned out.
No. 1391494
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>>1390598Holy fucking shit, what's wrong with this guy's nose?
No. 1391520
>>1391511>>1391426 posted his Twitter username but here's the link one of the ugliest troons I've ever seen.
No. 1391556
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>>1391494idk how you could spend life looking like that chan caricature and also believe you are a woman. I'd surgery and fill that face up if I were him, but as a man.
No. 1391568
>>1391378OT but this picture is really cute and "everyone can like…babies!" made me go awww. babies are very sweet, thanks for reminding us
nonnie. i hope we all have nice little families one day
No. 1391600
>>1391415No Timmy, we clocked you because you're a six-foot-tall baritone with shovels for hands.
I think I've mentioned this before, but normie women can sense that something is "off" about a tranny before eventually clocking them. One of my brother's groomsmen was an MtF and my aunts thought there was something wrong with "her" because of the male voice and fridge body. When they asked about it on the car ride home, my mom told them he was an MtF and they were like "okay that makes sense." She also told them his "deadname" lmao. Gossipy boomers are sometimes unintentionally based kek.
No. 1391607
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>>1391415Reminds me of the time some TRA sent me this(WARNING PORN) as an example of troons passing but I could tell from the thumbnail that it was clearly a TIM who looked like a boy and still undeniably male, its as anon stated
>>1391005 so called "passing trannies" just have young boy faces that look like high school boys in make-up.
No. 1391621
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>>1391494He is fucking horrifying, legit one of the ugliest people I've ever seen in my life and he's supposedly 33?? What the actual fuck. He repulses me on a visceral level, he makes my skin crawl. I feel physically sick looking at him.
No. 1391631
File: 1639373084759.jpg (Spoiler Image,103.9 KB, 1112x614, OFHj36G.jpg)

>>1391520While looking through this ugly tim's twitter, I found another degenerate. This seems really creepy and incest-y to me. Why compare the size to kids? Pedophilic and gross. Tims shouldn't be around elderly women.
No nudity but spoilered
No. 1391666
>>1391664Penelope Violet, perfectly normal female name nothing to see here. I wonder if employers have started to screen women with stupid names to try and avoid awkward interviews with loons, I would probably do so even if it meant cutting out a few cis women with unusual names.
I know they do that shit to try and screen the ""wrong"" race/class so I can see it happening.
No. 1391719
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>>1391661I joined the chatroom linked by Exulansic and they were having a weird abortion debate, mostly by this ICXC NIKA guy
No. 1391726
>>1391399Gosh I wish I was the gender who thought misogyny and joking about how integrated it is on our culture is funny! Too bad I'm a woman and I don't!
>why is the same thought process NOT applied to women?Because they can't claim a race, but they can claim a gender. The anon who mentioned that "male feminist" leftbros can't act as allies to women without eventually demanding their piece of the pie was correct and when they finally troon out it's like they finally let the misogyny monster loose after suppressing it for such a long time.
>>1391415They really think that these "middle-aged, frigid white Karens" they claim all terfs to be are actually watching trans porn and both lusting tranny dick and also being jealous of all the hot 18-year old virginal lesbian femmes troons are apparently scoring left and right. If that isn't projection, I don't know what is.
No. 1391783
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Someone redesigned the Teddy Fresh hoodie with the trans flag colors and added top surgery scars to the bear No. 1391791
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>>1391783Kek, the only comment on that post.
No. 1391811
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My absolute fucking sides.
No. 1391823
>>1391442which group anon i wanna join
>>1391607ewwwwww are dicks normally like… stained? discoloured? like this? diseased
No. 1391834
>>1391811>>1391815>>1391821Ah yes, the based Anne Rice who also was so neurotic over the control of her characters that she hunted down fan fiction writers and threatened them with law suits and doxed them mercilessly if they ever dared to write any kind of fan fiction pieces using Vampire Lestat characters. But she thought troons are fabulous so take that stupidhead
terf rowling!!!!
No. 1391848
>>1391815>>1391834okay as someone who has read her works and used to be a huge fan of Interview with a Vampire, I have to agree with some of what's been said but a lot of this is exaggeration
Claudia(the vampire girl) was portrayed as a tragic figure and there was nothing ever remotely sexual about her, it was more about frustration of always being a child for eternity cause of the petty needs of a bored immortal
I can't disagree with her dumb and pointless hatred against fan-fiction but her characters meant a lot too her, especially Lestat who was based on her dead husband and a lot her craziness came after he had died
No. 1391868
>>1391600I remember this story! Women can always tell but troons are legit male supremacists who can’t listen to female opinions like radfems who candidly tell them that EVERYONE is lying to them. None of them pass. Absolutely none of them. Even the best ones like that Thai tranny pageant winner are clickable by mannerisms because like another anon said, gay men are over the top with catty mean girl “femininity” to a comedic level.
Troons are so dumb to not even consider how much of an L someone’s job or life takes after you say anything. Why wouldn’t we lie to you when our reputations, jobs, and personal lives are at stake and you are obviously a man? I’ve never seen a woman as hideous as troons. They are all absolutely grotesque and ginormous irl. I previously worked behind the scenes with women in women’s basketball and was constantly around extremely tall women—there is such a difference between women who are tall and men. It’s such a joke that they even compare themselves when the tallest woman I’ve met was in no way “clockable” unless you’re absolutely blind. Trannies irl are literal circus freaks and you will just know when you meet them kek.
No. 1391886
>>1391868This. We can always tell. Troons, you are always 100% clockable, it's just that we can't say that openly so we have to just play along for as long as it takes to get away from you.
I know they don't consider this because they're men and incapable of true self reflection but there are SO many different ways to clock even the most "passable" male tranny: height, the size of their head, shoulders, hips or feet. Their voice. Their mannerisms, how they walk, how they talk and gesticulate and express themselves. Their posture. There are just sooo many ways they can be clockable as male and we notice every single one. You will never pass.
No. 1391922
>>1391919two options
>bait lesbians or straight men of younger ages>total cope to make up for being a balding 20-30 something male sex offender it may be both
No. 1391946
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I was scrolling through r/outfits on reddit and it's really telling about how men and women perceive themselves.
90% of the actual women on the sub are conventionally attractive. The rest are usually really apologetic about not having the perfect body and they'll mutter something about 'trying to love themselves' or whatever. They'll be fully aware of when they are not exactly dressing how they would be expected to for their body type and they'll make some apologetic feel good statement about body positivity.
Troons on the other hand don't care how revolting or ridiculous they look. They seem to have this inflated sense of confidence.
They also seem to get more upvotes than less attractive or fat women who still look much more feminine and attractive than any troon.
No. 1391955
>>1391919The revision of history here is crazy. The 'trans gave you your rights' is a modern invention. Look the at photos of stonewall, barely a troon in sight - if any at all. Malcolm Johnson was a gay man, Stormé DeLarverie was a butch lesbian. Fred Sargeant a man who actually organised the first pride was banned from twitter.
The sources that claim troons were pivotal in the gay rights movement all reference themselves (if they have any references at all).
No. 1391977
>>1391296I don't think she will at this point. Last time was to try and stay away from the
TERF label but they gave it to her anyways despite her not being a radfem (and prob still isn't, this should all just be apolitical common sense).
She knows better at this point, they treated her worse than they treat any scrote who actually does worse actions so why not go all out? TRAs support pedos FFS and she's seen first hand knowledge of this and their support of its use, why bother catering to their feelings? They've doxed and threatened her for less. I just think she's too smart to fall for it now that she knows what the whole group is really like vs before when she thought it was a few bad apples
No. 1392009
>>1391855>Men hating pixie cutsI mostly saw this through comments on things like YouTube and various forums. It was back in the early-mid 2010s when the pixie cut was gaining lots of popularity. I remember when I would watch videos of women getting pixie cuts and looking at the comments, a lot of guys would complain about it. I also had some conversations with my male coworkers and out 5, only one didn't mind the pixie cut but the rest said women look better with long hair and don't like it. I will note though that the one who was okay with it was also younger. I'm a millennial and he is a zoomer so I feel like maybe the younger generation are more okay with it?
Either way yeah, that's what I observed in my experience.
No. 1392055
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That liminal fb group I mentioned is dying and being taken over by tra-tards. I hate that they have to jump behind homophobia to try to push their “rights” when really they are the ones opposed to the idea of “same sex attraction” and this whole thing is a weird first world country take on medically invasive conversion therapy
No. 1392060
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>>1392055Yep sure, Connor, “not a boy not a girl”. You look 100% moid to me. I’m sure he’s fine coasting by with his male privilege irl and his enby woketard commie privilege url
No. 1392065
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bro you transitioned into ghislaine maxwell, congrats I guess
No. 1392160
>>1392152Holy shit anon, I was JUST thinking about that story from GG #9. I had a big FLB phase back in the day, and revisiting that story in particular is just so….sad, now. It's so "wheeee we're all free to be ourselves in our magical city where we make our own families," but now all I can see is either a secretly tragic story about a lesbian manipulated into marriage with a man, or a really insulting tale of ~validation~ that's all about some fucking guy's feelings.
I'm glad to hear that about LITTOGW, but I wonder if you've read Necklace of Kisses? It's a Weetzie Bat book that came out 10+ years ago, with a trans woman character that's like….fine, but very FLB hippy-dippy. Although at the same time, that book is also super "Weetzie is middle-aged and reflecting on the very physical realities of adult womanhood," so…I'd honestly fucking love to hear FLB candidly discuss this whole debate. She's so…who she is, but also has such a long history of being very into woo-woo moon-goddess mother-maiden-crone stuff.
No. 1392182
>>1392160I totally forgot Necklace of Kisses. I didn't really care for it so I sold my copy- I wished she'd done more with the anima/ animus stuff (Weetzie was always sort of tomboyish: I think there's a line in the first book about her often being mistaken for a gay man, so it felt like she should have some issues wrt gender roles that were never explored). Anima and animus is basically about coming to terms with the fact that you weren't born the opposite sex, and letting go of the idea of who you would have been had you been born the opposite sex. FLB's interpretation of trans people in that book was something like them being in harmony with their anima or animus, iirc.
The LITTOGW books aren't perfect, the love potion rape plot point that sometimes appears in FLB's books once again rears its ugly head, but it feels a lot more 'classic FLB' than anything she's written in years.
I think the fact that clear-sightedness about the realities of being female coexists with all her woo stuff is what makes her books what they are.
No. 1392198
>>1391955Fred Sargeant should sue Pink News for libel, the sheer volume of inflammatory lies they've shat out about him. Very scary that someone who was actually at Stonewall and organized the first pride parade is being written out of history in favor of Sylvia Rivera, who wasn't even at Stonewall and was in a drug-induced stupor on a nearby park bench.
This is why we need to care at least a little about how trannies are affecting gay men. Usually they're mostly misogynistic and homophobic towards women, but if they're taking on gay men, that means that their hatred of gayness goes beyond women that won't fuck them– they just hate gay people in general unless they can use them for credibility. It also says a lot about trannies' hubris, that they've moved on from "punching down" on women to picking on someone their own size– other scrotes. Unfortunately, change often doesn't happen unless scrotes start experiencing a problem personally, so hopefully this means we're close to a turning point.
No. 1392205
>>1392182Good points, anon. I think I'll check out LITTOGW now. I agree wrt to her clear-sightedness – I'm actually cleaning out old books rn so I have FLB on the brain, lol, but I was really struck by that in another GG9 story, I think it was called Rave? Maybe Raven? It's about a groupie girl told from the perspective of her guy friend who's in love with her, and on the one hand, there's all those old FLB tropes (not a bad thing) – she's so gorgeous, she's so sad, etc. But it's really not all gauzy tragedy – the core of it is how nightmarish the experience of being a groupie really is. Or the titular story – it's so clear these are goofball teen girls who are really going through it.
Aww, you've reminded me how much I love her books. I'm gonna go find Weetzie Bat now, lol.
No. 1392231
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this group is poison now f why do they have to use every chance they get to post ugly af pics of themselves
No. 1392242
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It's a very easy reason, troon. If you were an actual women you'd realize it.
No. 1392251
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>trans women victims
No. 1392298
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>>1392296its a troon so of course they'll defend their own kind.
No. 1392302
File: 1639443526739.png (40.08 KB, 1939x523, Screenshot 2021-12.png)

hey troons, I just ruined my wife's life by coming out to her, ugh she's just going on and on rolls eyes.
No. 1392307
>>1392302I really hope the wife has supportive parents and friends. Being a divorced single mother isn't easy, but it's less soul destroying than staying in a relationship with an AGP. I have seen the light disappear from the eyes of many transwidows.
Ultimately men never leave a marriage. That's why something like 70% of divorces are initiated by women. I only bring this up because as ungrateful as this man acts, as inconvenienced as he acts, he will be nothing without her and he knows it. That's why he's playing along with getting help beyond titty skittles and knee highs.
I only hope the wife realizes her mistake and doesn't get trapped in the sunk cost fallacy. He will keep trying to live out his coomer fantasy with little regard for anything else. To be honest I don't think these AGPs are capable of love.
No. 1392308
>>1392302Don't forget, now he can't take care of his child because sad.
(:() No. 1392309
File: 1639444418687.png (7.81 KB, 1050x93, Screenshot 2021-12-13 at 20-11…)

what a big fat lie
No. 1392311
>>1392251This is some hard deflection from the fact that the criticism that people with penises (men) are statistically inclined to rape and murder, whereas people with vaginas (women) aren't, and that troon statistics are proving to fit alongside those of their birth sex (real) rather than their "gender identity" (bullshit).
>>1392302>she had calmed down and started to be a bit more rationalWhat sickening emotional abuser rhetoric. Just admit that you crushed her spirit and she tried to compromise in desperation, but it wasn't good enough for your narcissistic man ass. She should divorce him and make sure he doesn't get any custody, since he's too "depressed" to parent for the kids he thoughtlessly helped to create.
No. 1392313
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No. 1392316
>>1392309I would just reply to this with "*you're" and then block him kek.
>>1392313And every day, I assume.
No. 1392317
>>1390598sad to see Nigel Thornburry trooning out.
I feel bad for his family.
No. 1392318
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No. 1392353
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No. 1392372
>>1392152>>1392160I think it may have been a factor or her not fully understanding the reality of TIMs, I assume at the time she viewed TIMs like most well meaning liberals do
More or less like gay men who are permanently in their "Drag persona"
No. 1392374
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Remember when talking about rape you can't talk about only women you must include troons as well.
No. 1392377
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No. 1392388
>>1392302oh no, he had to
take care of his son? after his wife was such a meanie to him? that poor poor man for having to parent while he’s sad.
No. 1392394
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>>1392385Only 30% of him trooned out, technically
No. 1392415
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>>1392405Remember that comic that went viral a couple years back, you know the one about the bimbo girl who picks up a book and becomes homely, well that's part of it
"TG" or "TGTF" stands for Turn Me Into A Girl, its a whole fetish about men wanting to be transformed into women or girls
I first discovered this shit on Deviantart in 2011
No. 1392424
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No. 1392435
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Photo of him in the next post
No. 1392437
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No. 1392459
I was so confused by the retard takes like
>>1392353 until I realized the whole outrage is because of the disingenuous title of the article
And of course most people– especially users of Reddit and Twitter– who see the screen cap
>>1391246 will merely glance at the title before posting their hot takes
No. 1392482
>>1392435>>1392437this has to be a troll post right
>44/34/42fucking WHERE
No. 1392500
>>1391815I think the novel Belinda and a teenage seductress from The Mayfair Witches were worse
>The novel explores the relationship between a 44-year-old divorced children's book author and artist, Jeremy Walker, and a 16-year-old runaway who attaches herself to him. Unaware of who Belinda really is, Jeremy falls in love with her and paints her portraits nude. When he discovers Belinda's true identity, things unravel quickly as his career and freedom are threatened, as well as the love he feels for Belinda. The novel narrates the sexual union between Jeremy and Belinda, managing to convey their love for one another through physical action, but without spending pages and pages describing each individual sexual encounter.Mayfair Witches character:
>The Mayfairs are incestuous as a general rule, but Mona is exceptional. Mona's goal is to sleep with every male member of her own family no matter how old or young they are, and she starts successfully pursuing this agenda at 12 or 13. And even when she is older (though she only makes it to 20 before, spoiler, Lestat makes her a vampire) she, according to a blog on her, "To add to her peculiarity, or rather, her desire to appear innocent, for the purpose of disguising her extra-curricular activities, Mona dressed as a young child, with sweet dresses, baby doll shoes, and ribbons in her hair." which just makes things creepier in a DD/lg fetish way. No. 1392501
>>1392374I don't think this troon understands what the asterisk is for
>>1392435Wtf is "AGAB"? Assigned Grandpa at Birth?
No. 1392502
File: 1639471107853.jpg (Spoiler Image,52.27 KB, 150x211, ccid-167942_F001_thumb.jpg)

>>1391621I know this sounds like an insane tinfoil, but i legit think this dude might have a mild form of progeria (or something similar, like werner syndrome). The strangely aged face, large top of head, extremely hook nose, poor teeth, weak jaw, and thin arms with hugely prominent, blue veins. for example, look how similar his weird facial features looks to this 30 year old woman with the syndrome (picrel)
NOT saying he looks like a woman lol this was just the best reference pic of someone with the syndrome i found No. 1392504
>>1392501lmfao that should be what it stands for
guy looks like he came out the womb with a monocle on
No. 1392513
>>1392485>And he posted that in a sub for fashion advice for petite women.Let me guess, a bunch of handmaidens kissing his ass in the comments? I know reddit is pick me central.
He should just get down voted to shit and no comments lol.
No. 1392522
File: 1639475222432.png (228.18 KB, 600x561, eeeeeeeeeeeeeew.png)

Why do the ALWAYS feel the need to put their ugly fucking mug everywhere? Browsing random etsy has become something that needs an eyebleach session immediatly after.
No. 1392525
nonnie. I almost choked on my coffee.
I think I notice now the lips are shooped too. How ugly is this troon if this shit is even shooped???
No. 1392569
File: 1639483110904.jpg (80.71 KB, 540x960, FB_IMG_1639482768966.jpg)

This troon keeps being recommended to me on Facebook. Can clock him from a mile away holy shit they all have that same crazed look
No. 1392582
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>>1392578Honestly based for this even tho the other shit he said is retarded
No. 1392597
>>1392502kek I think you're right.
Imagine getting diagnosed on lolcow
No. 1392609
File: 1639487352848.png (50.52 KB, 538x733, torow.png)

followed this dick-cheesed narc because he is ostensibly running an occult blog, but it's turned into a hate follow because of what a fucking genius he is. He's currently 'nonbinary' but he's going to troon out, I just know it. Then he'll be another man pretending to have a woman's body while thinking a hysterectomy removes the vagina lmfao
No. 1392615
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>>1392609this is what the idiot was replying to. He completely misunderstood what that woman was saying because men like him think that 'ackchually, women are for being sexy and anyone can be sexy!!!'
No. 1392616
>>1392615Why did he capitalize "ontological"?
Katy vibes here kek
No. 1392624
>>1392500And yet people in this thread want to defend her because she wrote their favorite gay vampire books. Embarrassing.
>>1392609>comparing the concept of sex to the concept of ethnicityFrankly, the concept of "being Irish" (or any ethnicity/nationality) is an ill-defined social construct, and being a man or a woman is not. Every human being understands that there is a meaningful difference between sexes, because their bodies are quite literally built to serve different functions. How about this definition for the autists here:
>A female is XX and has a body that is (or has been/implies it could) capable of menstruation, pregnancy, and/or birth, with some variation in cases of (extremely rare) physical mutations of the second chromosome.>A male is XY and has a body that is (or has been/inplies it could) produce semen, with some variation in cases of (still extremely rare) physical mutations of the second chromosome.>The distinction is incredibly important for several reasons, including but not limited to sexual capability, understanding of risk of diseases, understanding of bodily limitations (can one give birth, what donor organs can one recieve, peak physical strength, expected range of body shapes/sizes), understanding of symptoms of diseases in one's body, ability to recieve proper medical care, and understanding of social dynamics (vaginas cannot penetrate or impregnate, penises can penetrate and impregnate, higher T results in more aggression and libido, men's physical dominance over women and ability to penetrate/impregnate often results in a very fast system of oppression and abuse of women). No. 1392625
>>1392616the capitalization thing is a tumblr/twitter meme. The idea is that you're mocking it as if it's A Really Big Deal by turning it into a title or something. He fucked it up because he is semi-retarded, so it doesn't really read
>>1392621My guess is the radfem was a commie and using the terms in that respect. Idk much about communist terminology, but she's basically saying that because women can give birth, women make the people who will work, so it's in the interest of capitalism to control women's bodies, and that=misogyny, which a man can't opt into
No. 1392629
>>1392624I sperged about this in the last thread, but the intersex exception is maddening to me. I have an inherited condition that involves narcolepsy and is about as common as intersex conditions. I cannot imagine claiming that people like me prove that it's normal to fall unconscious out of nowhere and that, in fact, there's no normal way for a human to sleep because sleep patterns are a ~spectrum~
They wouldn't be considered conditions/disorders if they weren't abnormal.
No. 1392638
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>>1392626big hair is visually shrinking his massive head, the overexposure is hiding many sins, and he's expertly shrugging and cutting off half of his shoulders.
It would be clever if he were trying to look like a woman who lives in a parking lot and carries plastic bags full of roadkill to throw at the shadow people, but he's trying to look like picrel lol
No. 1392648
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my god, that weird little moob he's showing off lmaooo
No. 1392733
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Its astonishing isn't it
even the most youthful and "cute" looking males will appear as neanderthals when they try to attempt womanhood
No. 1392742
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>>1391063Men can only be effeminate since feminine is an adjective to describe the female sex. Men invented their own retarded rules/concepts for masculinity and femininity and somewhere along they way we all took their made up definitions of what is masculine and what is feminine when masculine=male feminine=female. That's why troons will always look like the ogre huns they are or at best a pretty gay boy in makeup. They will always be masculine because that is their natural state of being. Even when they are all done up they are masculine. That's why it's called effeminacy, because men can't be feminine but they can perform their own version of it. Sage for OT but it makes me cringe when trannies talk about how feminine they are and how they have their own trAnSfEmIniNitY when theyre simply just effeminate males
No. 1392748
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>>1392712I love how these guys are just neckbeards with long hair, and now feminists have to kiss their asses. Libfems are so fucking deluded. I know from listening to some braindead friends of mine that most of those girls think that "no one would just pretend to be trans because imagine fucking up your body on a whim." I tried to remind them that incels have absolutely no foresight and live for WoW-style instant gratification, and that trooning out is not going to ruin their bodies more than cheetos and the dew would, but that's not gonna fly. No one wants to think about it.
No. 1392778
>>1392624"Member of the female sex. Person whose body developed in the way associated with egg production and birth. Person with at least two out of XX chromosomes, breasts, period, uterus, vagina (no Patrick, an inside-out wiener isn't a vagina) and et cetera."
Trans people can deconstruct all they like, but no one, throughout history, has ever been confused about what the different between men and women was. Even animals can tell between males and females of their species. The vast majority of females have every trait associated with being of the female sex. If a few women are missing some of those traits, does that make it meaningless to talk about? Are we not allowed to talk about rape until every woman alive has been raped? If it's meaningless to talk about being a member of the female sex, how would it possibly be meaningful to talk about being transgender? They'd probably say they're united by the intangible trait of 'identifying as a woman' but there are a number of
terf-orbiting trannies who (claim they) don't believe they're actually the sex they identify as, and just view it as a cope.
Ultimately, intersex people's bodies attempt to develop either in the male way or the female way, but they end up developing differently. I don't think it's always useful to lump every intersex person into 'differently developed male' and 'differently developed female' because they all have their own problems and sometimes their sex can be ambiguous, but it's a fact that no one's body was going for hermaphrodite, and hermaphrodites don't exist outside of transgender perverts' wank-fantasies.
>>1392615Sorry for all the spergy a-logging, but they're so stupid. How are they so stupid. Why do they refuse to engage with what other people say. The commie
terf in question wasn't saying it's a good thing that women are treated as a means of production, she was stating a pretty simple idea that's at the root (ha) of most radical feminism. What even is his argument? That if something is too much of a downer you should ignore it? Why do they all go on about how trannies are constantly committing suicide and getting murdered then?
He's acting like sex is the sole thing people are defined by, like it's their only trait, and race, sexuality, disabilities, hobbies, loves, etc. don't exist. So if you take away everything about the definition of female that isn't essential then there'll be nothing left of women but those essentials, instead of all the wonderful and horrible things that make each person an individual.
No. 1392831
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>>1392513>Let me guess, a bunch of handmaidens kissing his ass in the comments? I know reddit is pick me central.155 upvotes, 3 rewards and 42 comments praising him, here’s one comparing him to a catholic school girl
No. 1392942
>>1392735Was less retarded, anon. She died the other day.
There are a lot of gross things in her books, but newsflash: books aren't real life. I dislike her more for her support of trannies and fanfic copyright nonsense than I do for whatever edgy shit she wrote in her spookybooks.
No. 1392988
File: 1639524133708.jpeg (373.2 KB, 750x838, 5F6B70D6-D63C-4A41-A4D4-32538D…)

tragic. his @ translates to ava the whore by the way
No. 1393034
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why does this sound like a man wrote this.
No. 1393040
>>1393034either a man or an nlog straight/"bi" girl who likes men but wants to be kWeEr
the only people attracted to trannies are people attracted to men. cope.
No. 1393051
File: 1639532407914.png (2.59 MB, 1800x2201, reddit.png)

>>1392437sorry for bad editing but god reddit is so pathetic
No. 1393070
>>1392353>whose bodies they are not allowed to control without permissionWeird how much troons project about imaginary terfs wanting to imaginary control these men's imaginary female bodies when
controlling female bodies has been a main focus of penis-havers since the dawn of civilization.
No. 1393073
File: 1639534661370.jpeg (241.03 KB, 825x1264, BD5B90DF-F62B-4ACA-AE6B-84326B…)

Fucking disgusting. Twitter is a cesspool.
No. 1393092
>>1393087Yes, troons use it for validation purposes only. Outside of that, they care very little. You never see troons get invested in feminine hobbies, like sewing, knitting, flower arranging, dollmaking, gardening, etc. They almost always have very stereotypically male hobbies like gaming, programming, and porn collecting.
Their "femininity" is entirely consumptive. They buy aliexpress anime clothes and pink computer parts, that's about the extent of it.
No. 1393104
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No. 1393108
>>1393029I can't speak to Anne's non-vampire books because I never read them. I believe the other anons and I'm sure they've got their share of cringe, though. However, Claudia seriously isn't sexualized– the tragedy of her character is specifically that she can't be viewed as an adult or have adult relationships because she has the body of a child. Other characters actually get weirded out when she tries to dress like an adult, for instance.
If you want to talk about sexualization of minors, Armand is probably a better example. Before he was turned, he was a teenage apprentice to Marius, an adult vampire who was an artist in the Italian Renaissance. Marius "rescued" Armand from prostitution at twelve years old. They had this weird, one-sided sexual relationship when Armand was like fifteen, which culminated in Marius turning him at seventeen. After Marius disappeared, Armand realized that he would be stuck as a scrawny teenager forever and swore vengeance on anybody who turned a child into a vampire. Thing is, Armand doesn't have any negative feelings towards Marius, and sadly enough he blames himself for "pressuring" Marius into turning him.
>>1392951>>1392962Well, I can't argue with that. So if all of it's okay or none of it is, then my stance is going to be in favor of creative liberty. Also I think it matters that Rice is a woman and King is a man– at least with female writers, there's some chance they aren't just getting off on it.
Is it also hypocritical of me to be more offended by the subject matter when it's drawn rather than written? Maybe it's because artists have to practice drawing something by looking at photos of it, thereby strengthening the connection between drawn and actual CP. However, a writer isn't as reliant on visual references.
Personally it's hard for me to balance my visceral disgust with the subject matter and my deeply held beliefs on freedom of artistic expression. Like if the creation of a piece of media doesn't involving harming or exploiting a real person, I feel like it's fair game. I also don't think media directed exclusively towards adults has an obligation to clearly delineate between right and wrong. Like at that point a person shouldn't need a book to tell them that diddling kids is wrong.
(vampire-themed derail) No. 1393121
File: 1639539100902.jpg (115.86 KB, 1080x965, uxx2wa15vk581.jpg)

No. 1393137
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>>1393108>he is approximately 500 years of age. His outward appearance is that of a beautiful adolescent boy, 5’6, with curly auburn hair, large brown eyes and slender fingersOh my fucking God he's literally the 500 loli vampire trope
No. 1393144
File: 1639544455826.jpg (103.75 KB, 1200x690, D3BC9aHX0AAaU--.jpg)

trannies love anime because it gives them false hope
No. 1393147
File: 1639544711714.jpg (75.18 KB, 680x340, e18ojc5rr9451.jpg)

>>1392424hmm. never heard of a woman raping a tranny but there are endless cases of trannies raping women. weird!
No. 1393175
>>1393143Yep. She was trending on twitter yesterday because of it. Everyone I follow is rambling about how evil she is again.
All the article is saying is that some people think it's important to be able to record crime statistics by sex. Even when I was an ignorant libfem, I still would have argued that was important. Accurate data is important. If we're going to record it when a
VICTIM is trans, we have to do the same thing for the perpetrators.
(Though if they stopped recording
victims separately, troons could finally claim to be
victim to an actual epidemic of violence since women get raped and killed constantly.)
No. 1393181
File: 1639549699534.jpg (80.14 KB, 750x1000, Deanna-Letray.jpg)

this troon's suing police, and he told the only police assault story I've ever doubted. It sounds like a shitty porno script
>He and White then placed LeTray in a “hog-tie” restraint and carried her to Cummings’ patrol car. “We are going to show you that you are a man,” Cummings said, according to the lawsuit.
>“You are going to go to the jail and get strip searched,” the officers allegedly added. “You’re going to love that.”
>“I was thrown in jail simply because of who I am,” LeTray added. “The Watertown Police Department made fun of my gender identity and misgendered me every step of the way. The police forced me to remove my hair, which I consider a part of myself."
No. 1393214
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>>1393144Leave it to coomers to cling to poorly translated phrases with no context.
Hurr durr
>Black Belts can only be male! therefore they're trans!meanwhile, they forget to apply reality
>It's a Battle Girl who grew up and became a Beauty. No. 1393222
>>1393181>The police forced me to remove my hair, which I consider a part of myselffucking LOL
i and many other lazy women shave our heads bald, that doesn't suddenly stop us from being female
jean seberg, mia farrow, and audrey hepburn didn't turn into men
No. 1393260
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Moids live 90% of their life in pre-nut fog and can only see clearly for a few minutes a day.
No. 1393277
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>>1393215Now that I think about it, even back in 2004 Nintendo was pushing TRAism. In the original Japanese version of paper Mario Vivian was a boy who wanted to be seen as a girl. In the USA version she was just a girl.
No. 1393310
>>1393277Modern TRAism (ie, men that feel like women ARE women and are owed surgeries and validation until they feel womanly enough) is a Western invention that only exists outside of the West insofar as it has been exported there; you can't really compare it to anything that comes out of Japan.
Crossdressing or pretending/wanting to be the opposite sex has been a thing in Japanese fiction for eons.
No. 1393316
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No. 1393317
>>1393311Gracie's just a queen. Let him be.
>>1393306>>1393310please sage. (Especially if you're going off-topic.)
No. 1393342
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>>1393316>>1393326Whenever I see these tweets from a cartoon avatar and start to get mad at their bad faith arguments I just imagine the balding 35 year old man in a mini skirt, cat ears and knee highs that wrote it.
>picrel lmao No. 1393350
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>>1393347>>1393316he calls himself a leatherdyke ugh
No. 1393388
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GNC male mentality in 6 ways yet only 1 of which is most likely to troon out. "you can just be gnc!" wouldn't work anymore,
plus AGPs aren't naturally gnc, the irony. Unlike fakebois who troon because lezzing out would fail them
No. 1393435
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this is so funny
No. 1393443
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They are really trying their hardest to censor her
No. 1393474
>>1393448Highly doubt he has a strong opinion either way, he doesn't sit in the internet much. I imagine he can have a well-intentioned, but confused view on the topic. Maybe a bit like Rowling before she went full
terf ("I believe everyone has the right to be happy, I support everyone's rights"). He wasn't subjected to troon degeneracy like farmers ITT and I doubt sjw internet slapfights are his thing. Also most kind people don't want to discriminate against whole groups. At the best I could see him supporting women having their own spaces, language etc. while supporting transsexual individuals in transitioning and living in peace.
No. 1393477
>>1393474>I imagine he can have a well-intentioned, but confused view on the topicHonestly I feel that's the opinion most well meaning liberals have regarding troons, including the harry potter cast
Its why I don't hate them that much, they likely have never seen troon degeneracy or actual so called "
terf" talking points, most just know that "trans" are a group that get discriminated against and probably view them something like gay drag queens
No. 1393492
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>>1393443>You can reclaim the setting for nostalgia when that hateful woman is dead and gone. how troons and troon sympathisers are always wishing women death. You know they literally cannot wait for Rowling to drop dead, just because she wasn't FULLY on board with their agenda when it was harmful to women
Feel like there probably is some choice content in the linked jEsSiE gEnDeR yt channel, but I'm not ready for more bs today>>1393477Sorry for deleting nona, I fully expect most people to think about trans as you say. Honestly, I used to think like that. I would be okay with them if they minded their business and accepted that they are larping. Someone mentioned in the past how racial skinwalkers in the past genuinely supported the issues of people they tried to pass as and it really makes you think that MTF are incapable of doing even that. They should worship women since they have years of experience in being what troons wanna be. But nah, that's male socialization for you
and female one in case of FTMs caping for men — trans and otherwise No. 1393498
>>1393492Once you realize troons have mommy issues it's impossible to unsee where the vitriol towards JKR and women who resist TRAS in general comes from. These people have never had a woman tell them "no."
Men say no all the time. That's why Dawkins is just getting gently "oh honey"d. Because men are expected to be territorial and cruel. But if mommy- I mean JKR doesn't affirm my identity? She's a whore, not a madonna! It's all misogyny, obviously. It's just funny how so many troons I've met have been spoiled senselessly by their mothers while their fathers have been absent or distant.
No. 1393504
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>>1393492I said this before but it gives me whiplash to see the way they’ve retconned this “rowling owns all the rights” thing. Now it’s a bad thing, a symptom of her ego and narcissism. She is a controlling evil witch, overseeing her
terf empire like the eye of sauron. Where before it was seen as a GOOD thing that an author, a female one at that, was finally not totally fucked over her own intellectual property. They actually would be delighted for WB to step in and steal her property and cheer all the ways she is being divorced from her creation.
No. 1393538
>>1393501I didn't take it that way. I've known two guys irl who trooned out, and both of them happened to have deadbeat dads and mothers that spoiled the hell out of them. I think the link might actually be NPD since they both totally had that (one was diagnosed). NPD causes people to feel as if they are both inherently bad and the only thing that matters. It can be brought on by one absent or neglectful parent and one overcompensating one, and historically, fathers don't play good cop as often as mothers.
That family dynamic would also explain the leniency on male celebrities. They expect Daddy to be cruel and disinterested, but Mommy better behave.
No. 1393539
>>1393504What's cute about this is that people are so fucking consumerism brained that they're trying to depict Warner Bros a
victim (and a person).
Pweese WB! We know it's not your fault! Kill da meanie witch!
No. 1393540
>>1393538Most troons I know have doting/overbearing mothers and cold/absent dads. One was raised by his dad and he (the troon) ended up being a pedo but he's kind of protected in the punk scene because he is oppwessed
Sage for OT
No. 1393544
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No. 1393558
>>1393538>NPD causes people to feel as if they are both inherently bad and the only thing that matters.Jesus fuck
nonnie you just explained all of my shitty male friendships.
No. 1393584
>>1393544What does turtled mean
I'm afraid to google
No. 1393733
>>1393435>Is this a gay momentYes, with two degenerate gross men.
>>1393446Like every event that allows troons, it was probably overrun by them.
>>1393544Nasty. The agp is really showing there. This would probably peak most normies.
No. 1393760
>>1393435Hope more TWs fuck each other and leave women alone. But the post is disgusting and insane, whatever satire last time could be possibly real now since troons are coombrained
>is this a gay momentGay with lesbian steps kek, but at least deep down the bloke got it right
>>1393589>dick tuckingIck what? How do these AGPs think they can compress their dick like that? Wait it's good if it causes infertility kek.
>>1393388>poorly drawn wojak>bootleg FNF>tsunderekek we need no male insights on GNC
No. 1393810
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>I chose to be trans my mom didn't force me
Sounds like the poor kid was coached into saying that
No. 1393820
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the webcomic troon from the previous thread is now writing wish-fulfilment straight male characters who want to date his self-insert, and having that 13 YEAR OLD self insert act out his pony-fucking fantasies.
it's fucking disgusting
No. 1393824
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No. 1393827
>>1393817Nonna it was sarcasm
Damn maybe we do need the /s thing
No. 1393878
File: 1639620065637.png (2 MB, 817x2485, Screenshot 2021-12-15 at 20-57…) in this article the troon admits he didn't work as "hard" so that is why he didn't do as well. So what he faked his "loss" for brownie points or the next time he competes he'll win because ""he worked for it""
No. 1393898
>>1393871that bitch clearly doesn't shower so i doubt it's going in any locker rooms
definitely the type to scream at&punch you after talking to himself outside the dive bar though
No. 1393901
>>1393880it used to be really innocent almost kids-targeted content. like a more educational disney's hercules
guess we know that was just a fetish now
No. 1393908
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>>1393820Kek he feels like a bisexual male chaser stand in.
No. 1393919
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lord have mercy
No. 1393949
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these troons think they can breastfeed jesus h christ
No. 1393951
>>1393949iiiiiit's aaaaaa FFFETIIIIIISH
how many time do we have to say jfc
No. 1393963
>>1393949men can actually lactate if the right hormones are strong enough (some bodybuilders lactate), but it sickens me to imagine a troon lactating a baby while their cock throbs
No. 1394011
>>1393949>wants to feel his little one not happening buddy, your body doesn’t have the fucking space and a donated organ won’t help you
and even if it did an implanted egg wouldn’t grow because your endocrine system isn’t female
No. 1394019
>>1394015ikr they’re retarded as hell
‘’i don’t wanna be with my pregnant wife and the kids we have i wanna BE the pregnant wife’’
delusional fuckwad
No. 1394055
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sage for blogpost, but I gotta get this off my chest.
I recently found out that a "friend" of mine trooned out. He was a whiny selfish autistic incel retard who was ugly as sin to boot. He was sure being a girl would solve all his problems in life and would constantly bitch and whine. I tried to explain to him that it wouldn't solve anything and that being a woman is not like his fucking anime, but he never cared. I stayed with him for a year until I got tired of his bullshit and cut off the relationship.
Finding out he trooned out fills me with anger, because I know what a despicable waste of space he is and now he's getting asspats for being such a ~brave and stunning twanswoman uwu~
He is nothing but a shitty pornsick scrote and now he's supposed to be a woman?? It makes me sick. I hope he joins the 49% soon lol
just to illustrate at what point his brain was fried with hentai, he would often wish to become like the girl from that Emergence doujin. He also had severe mommy issues.
No. 1394065
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>>1393598>>1393543>>1393522I wish more people would realize that, while most left leaning online users might despise her, 90% of normies don't even know about the situation and don't give a single shit
No. 1394164
>>1394065They really tell on themselves when they claim that JKR's books were always antisemitic and racist, but they still loved them as kids.
"You see, it was only when she was transphobic, which affects ME, I realised what a hateful, evil person JKR was and always has been, for realsies."
No. 1394165
>>1393810>I chose to be transgenderWhat happened to sexuality and gender
not being a choice? When did that stop being the party line?
No. 1394284
>>1394271They age like men. Old women are still women.
Plus they are misogynists and think women only have value when they are at their youngest and "hottest". If they're roleplaying their favorite misogynistic stereotypes of women, of course they lose all value once they no longer look like highschool boys.
No. 1394334
>>1394282I've seen that theory a long ago. It's based on centaurs being rapey in mythology (even though they aren't in HP), something about Dolores being a nod to Lolita aka a sexual abuse
victim and Umbridge having PTSD from the occurance (having an immediate negative reaction to tongue clicking). It never happened in the story, it's nothing more than an edgy/dark interpretation. Which is fine if that's what you want, but keep your fucked up headcanons to yourself and don't blame the author for your imagination.
If you really want to go there, Riddle's relationship with Ginny is clearly an allegory of an online predator grooming his
victim by letting her vent in a ~safe space~ while telling very little about himself, lavishing with attention, eventually making her do evil shit she's not comfortable with etc. But that's shown in a negative light (except for the Weasley's moronic but realistic reaction) plus requires actually being a girl/woman to recognize, so they will never talk about it. Oh and let's not forget troons being actual groomers pushing questioning teens into their gender cult.
No. 1394341
>>1394334mfw troon groomers are actually Tom Riddle/voldemort in the story, no wonder they have beef with JKR.
I feel sorry for the groomed younger troons, like another guy I saw in the comments who said him liking dolls, pink and Hermione is why he knew he was a girl?!
Kinda shows how sexist our society is right now that "I admire a female character" is apparently an impossible statement for a male to make (and male action figures, and dolls, exist so I never got the dolls = girls thing)
No. 1394392
>>1394364As long as you have your kid socializing with other kids while they're being homeschooled, they won't be too weird. Most parents that homeschool just do it to brainwash their kids with their own religious pyschobable or to hide abuse. Normal parents who homeschool their kids will have them join a community sports team or help them develop social hobbies. Or what the other anon said about group homeschooling kids.
I personally don't think I could manage homeschooling a kid because I hate being home
unless I'm being a pot smoking degenerate, and I'm not patient enough to be home with the same faces 24/7.
No. 1394445
>>1394368Not really. I've seen a few call-outs before, but they never had the same severity. At most, people would say "lol he's homophobic, but you can separate the art from the artist", even though iirc we had evidence he put money into homophobic businesses or programs (I can't fully remember, it has been awhile). No one sent him rape or death threats, they never stalked him, never obsessed over him like they did JKR, and never doxed him. All judgement of him was quiet and petty, as if they thought of their dislike of him as a matter of personal taste. It's clear he never got as much vitriol, even though he's been known to put money and votes into his homophobic takes, which isn't something we have on JKR (she probably "votes TERFy" now, but I doubt she did when she made her initial post on the matter).
No. 1394511
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>Bounty hunter Jinx Ballou is hot on the trail of Blair Marshall, a fugitive who brutally murdered a transgender woman in a public restroom. As a trans woman herself, Jinx is more determined than ever to bring this bigoted killer to justice.
>But at every turn, Jinx's attempts to apprehend Marshall are thwarted by the ruthless transphobic hate group her fugitive controls. A series of high-speed car chases, brutal fights, and unsuccessful takedowns leave Jinx and her team frustrated and empty-handed.
>When an undaunted Jinx presses on, she finds herself in a war of media manipulation, disinformation, and deep-faked videos that paints a target on her back and puts loved ones in grave danger. Will Jinx bring Marshall to justice before more innocent people are killed?
>TERF Wars takes readers on an action-packed thrill ride that dives deep into the issues of identity and intersectionality, oppression and accountability. As one of the only openly transgender authors in crime fiction, Dharma Kelleher delivers a heartfelt tale that will leave readers cheering for more. is one of the funniest things I've read in a long time, I seriously can't stop grinning
No. 1394529
>>1394364Damn this is crazy. Me and other kids I know who were in foster care can tell you its horrible but some of our situations were really that bad that being the system was preferable to being raped or beat or neglected by your caretakers (even though alot of foster families are shitty but my cousin stayed in a group home and liked it there so idk). It's crazy they're a gonna be kids in there like my mom deadnamed me it's totally just as bad as your parents ditching you in a sketchy neighborhood to go do drugs. Wtf these people are really insane. The school staff especially what the fuck brainwashing these children to the max so they can convince them they're somehow being abused and need to be taken away so many wtfs man wtf
Sage for ot
No. 1394602
>>1394590this isn't just an AGP smirk
this is AGP smirk evolved
No. 1394621
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in which a somewhat popular philosophy account run by middle class, white, autogynephilic male academics defends a fellow male who also happens to be a serial rapist. Eli Erlick's
victims–of which there are many (one killed herself)–were almost exclusively
WOC trans identifying females.
the full post No. 1394622
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>>1394621they ended up deleting comments from people calling attention to the serial rapist (and their reply to these comments).
more info on Eli Erlick, the male serial rapist of vulnerable women No. 1394741
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>>1391464Late but she complained several times because of trannies being, well, trannies. She sees them as gay guys and the ultimate time she got banned from twitter was when she posted a huge rant about how trannies getting their "ballsack pussy lips" surgery paid by tax payers during the pandemic is shocking and that money should go to poor Latino farmers instead or something. She never apologizes for being transphobic either and keeps calling mtf guys "gay boys". One of her big sisters is a ftm by the way, and Azealia herself is a bi woman and seems to have several close gay friends so she's most likely complaining about troons because of her personal experience with them irl.
No. 1394749
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and you only cared about womens rights when you became a tranny, see how this can work two ways troon?
No. 1394758
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Handmaiden supreme. I used to think like this too, when I didn’t know how much MTF behaviors over lap with serial killers. Trans wonder woman is coming soon I bet. They’re already talking about a non binary 007.
No. 1394766
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based wife
No. 1394768
>>1394661damn zlibrary has this but not ray kurzweil's book that i need for my homework
what a tragic age we live in
No. 1394769
>>1394758>Trans wonder woman is coming soon I betWasn't there a ww comic about a troon character? I think someone posted this in a previous thread.
Oh and speaking of, apparently troons want to change wonder woman into a troon icon
No. 1394778
>>1394766Not based
How can she still want to reconcile? She has a chance to run away and chooses not to
No. 1394806
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Spoilered for gross moobs
No. 1394815
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>>1394769Yeah there is a trans Amazon in the comics now. Bia is the name of the Greek goddess of force, so I guess it makes sense for such a forced character. Vita Ayala is know for making her new x-men characters into cosplayers, activists, and social media influencers in their spare time kek. Another example of an artist who lets id politics take over their work. I still don’t understand how you can be trans and nonbinary?
No. 1394831
>>1394814south park says all the same things as JKR does about troons and i have never seen anyone complain. JK is one of the few people as rich as those two guys too, so it's literally just because she's female that she gets attacked.
south park even had a whole "
terf" episode where men and troons are mocked for trying to enter women's spaces (board girls)
No. 1394930
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When are troons going to use proper definitions for things, do they even know what menopause is?
No. 1394956
>>1394622I hate how you just KNOW he was not raped based on this comment but ofc no one can call it out. I don't doubt that troons are rapey but he speaks about it so flippantly that if I had to guess, he was probably kissed against his will and now uses that as a token to defend rapists. This is exactly why men accuse women of lying about rape–they have no problem doing it themselves. Men are absolutely sickening and oh so predictable. KAM.
>>1394741As fucking crazy as AB is, she didn't lie here at all. Can't believe that trannies being the most oppressed class is somehow today's "progressive" agenda. If people actually wanted to be progressives and actually contribute to society then they'd care about actual poor people and not upper-middle-class white tech bro coomers who are either spamming extreme political ideologies (bc porn brainrot), jerking off to CP, or both.
>>1394806What was the point in all that when he makes no effort to change his voice at all? That's ignoring how hideous he is as a male trying to look 'female' kek
No. 1394965
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tried to find receipts for trooncartoon's earlier horse-fucking storyline but it seems all the archives were reshuffled with the trans retconning. (old stories are missing or redrawn and rewritten)
No. 1394968
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>>1394965spergalicious detail-adding about his mlp OC
also in a recent post says mc and the pony "aren't dating, but have a will-neigh won't-neigh thing going on"
i prescribe fire.
No. 1394976
>>1394814i hope this isn't too obnoxious of a blog but i found it relevant. so back before i peaked and i was hella tumblry, i was hellbent on defending the twans and i started working with a ftm. they did absolutely nothing to present as male except for wearing a binder sometimes. other times they just didn't wear it. oh and they had short hair. looked like a girl, sounded like a girl, acted like a girl in every way. and even my tumblrina ass would MiSgEnDeR them and call them "she" all the time. even right to their face. even when i was trying really hard not to MiSgEnDeR them.
my point is, unless someone goes out of their way to present as a gender they aren't, then yeah… it's fucking difficult and no one should be expected to just know, or like, ask? it's not natural to ask a stranger their preferred pronouns in the same way you wouldn't just ask everyone you meet their name. it's not logical for conversation or interaction.
and hell, i've had people call me "sir" or think i was a dude by mistake. men get mistaken for women sometimes. it's a thing that happens.
No. 1395004
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Clown world, clown makeup.
Peep the username too
No. 1395063
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They're narcs who hate most women who disagree with them, which are the sane ones. Doesn't matter if they see themselves as women or not kek. (to be fair some are self-hating but generally mtfs are narcs who throw weigh around)
No. 1395064
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>>1394806you can really see that this technique works /so/ well for him here. He has the same handle on IG, you can check it if you want to see his disgusting acne, filters working overtime and makeup applied repeatedly but never removed properly. like
>>1394956 Said though, what's the point of all this to still have a manly voice, hands like a brick layer and still have a male name (double male first name lmfao) on your bio??
No. 1395065
>>1395064most have manly voices but they force it to be "normalized" as girl voice uwu kek
picrel this one passes but have a long face, broad shoulders and weird posture
No. 1395067
>>1394389That's actually cute anon. Hope it catches on with more parents but knowing troons, they'll whine about not feeling included once all the girls leave public school to join private homeschool groups. They're trying already to push all girls schools to include them
>>1394823>women please be openly perverted to validate my fetish in public uwuReopen the asylums for just tims and coomers
>>1395004Imagine scrolling through some makeup sub and you see your middle aged dad with a username of slutstevanie like this
No. 1395068
>>1394511Apparently this is a series
other titles include
>Chaser: A Gritty Action Crime Thriller (Jinx Ballou Bounty Hunter Series Book 1)
>A Broken Woman: A Gritty Action Crime Thriller (Jinx Ballou Bounty Hunter Series Book 3
>Months have past since a bomb robbed bounty hunter Jinx Ballou of the man she loved. Strung out in a drunken haze and alienated from work and loved ones alike, Jinx has lost hope in everything she once held dear.>When an associate recommends her to catch a bail-jumping murder suspect, Jinx pulls herself together to take the job. But this unusual case leaves her conflicted and questioning her values as a bail enforcement agent.>Jinx's fugitive is a fellow transgender woman who was brutally assaulted while still in custody. She's also a member of a women's biker gang that swears she's innocent and will do whatever it takes to keep their fellow biker safe and out of jail.>Vastly outnumbered and outgunned, Jinx's daring attempt to return her fugitive to custody is quickly and brutally thwarted. While she's licking her wounds and rallying for a second attempt, the biker gang makes her a tempting offer: join them in proving her fugitive's innocence and they will pay the bounty themselves.>Will Jinx defy the system to save a wrongly accused murder suspect or compromise her values to salvage what's left of her career?>A Broken Woman is the third thriller in the highly acclaimed and unique Jinx Ballou Bounty Hunter crime fiction series, although each book in the series can be enjoyed as a standalone. No. 1395078
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>>1395064That male mouth and jaw shape is unmistakeable.
No. 1395084
>>1394364>Idekwtf to do… homeschool your kids and warp them or send them to school so other people can warp their minds.Either find a good private school which makes it clear they aren't swayed by current trends (pathetic that any school is) or homeschool.
Teaching kids actual biology and facts in an educational setting is not warping their minds, letting weird strangers groom them is. The kids who went to more normal schools will end up having a much better future once this fad is over since there's less bullshit they'll need to scrub from their brain.
No. 1395103
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hey ladies! you know what do.
this isnt the official title since that one was won by elon crust, but still. No. 1395141
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No. 1395229
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>>1395218As a comicfag I take offense to that, there have been many iterations of Themyscira and Amazons in the DC mythos over the past 80 years
sometimes they kill men on sight, sometimes they just let them be and erase their memories, the New 52 version had them abduct sailors, have sex with them and then kill them so they can get pregnant and keep the Amazon race alive, the girls were raised to be Amazons and the boys were sent to another Island to be raised by Hephaestus(God of the forge) to make enchanted weapons and armor for the Amazons, yeah comics are weird
The whole trans reincarnation thing is just part of the new DC reboot that does every couple decades
No. 1395240
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>>1391426>the nose curling over the lipin 35 years you won't be able to see his mouth
No. 1395267
>>1394796peetz gives major troon vibes but idk if he is motivated to troon out when he can't even clean his poor cat's (RIP timbit) litterbox.
he would be supremely ugly as a tranny though, lol
No. 1395280
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>>1395229>Mild comic book spergingThe Marvel Amazons are OK, but clearly written by a moid who thinks misandry is a very real and very unwarranted prejudice.
The Amazon society depicted in Marvel comics is a very surface level 'villainous matriarchy' written by a man who thinks if women were had the power men do, they'd behave in the same way - keeping men as chattel and such - which makes no sense given how sexual dimorphism and biology works if you think about it for like ten seconds. Also, them being sold out by that gorgon pickme, Delphine, was lame as fuck.
I do like, however, that in their society, it's the legend of Pandoro, not Pandora - the man who opened the box of all the world's evils after Athena told him not to. That seems a lot more realistic, given the entitled nature of your average moid. No. 1395304
>>1392424really opening a debate there with limiting the replies. the same with screenshotting Rowlings tweet but removing all context.
they really do live in an echo chamber. I think they’re realising that screaming
TERF won’t silence women like it used to. sooner or later someone pushes back.
No. 1395356
>>1395267if it increases his coom potential he will find the will to do it
autogynephilia is an addiction
No. 1395377
>>1392424It's funny when they keep calling terfs genital obsessed for several reasons
>homophobic, they imply genital preferences are "wrong" somehow and usually level this accusation specifically at lesbians ((for obvious reasons, since they think calling themselves lesbian is a cheat code to gain access to lesbians and are dismayed when it doesn't work))>The implication that men and women are identical except for genitals actually paints them as the genital fetishists (that's the only difference you can see? Really?) since anyone with a working brain can see there are many more physical differences/sexual dimorphism, especially among the majority of vocal troons, who are caucasianIn summary, men continue to be obsessed with their own dicks above all else
No. 1395511
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>>1395233kek, between this and the guy from the previous with a similar chin we'll soon be able to have a gakuen handsome live-action series.
No. 1395584
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call me vendetta-chan but this dude is fucking gross. is any children's entertainment safe
No. 1395591
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he's a furry pedo
No. 1395603
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>>1394511wtf how many tranny sf books are there?
>Manhunt is both a post-apocalyptic horror story and a fantasy—specifically a trans fantasy, because whomst among us hasn’t dreamed of physically fighting the TERFs?
>Gretchen Felker-Martin introduces us to Fran and Beth, two trans women who hunt men like they’re wild animals, because they pretty much are as they’ve been taken over by a virus that targets testosterone-havers and turns them rabid.
>The TERFs—trans exclusionary radical feminists, for those who are unfamiliar with the term—feel superior because of their biology, sporting XX tattoos and all. Later, Fran and Beth meet Robbie, a transman, all of them dealing with the effects of t-rex (the virus).
>It’s an apocalypse unlike anything you’ve seen before, and Felker-Martin absolutely tears into gender-essentialist thinking with humor and heart. It is at times gruesome, sometimes very sexy, and always focused on the lives of trans and nonbinary people, who are so often left out of narratives like this. To say Manhunt was refreshing would be an understatement. No. 1395605
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>>1395603this is the author btw
No. 1395607
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>>1395584Ew I really hope no actual children read his comic anymore or are groomed by it. Now I get why mtf love animal crossing so much kek.
No. 1395608
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Has this been posted yet? This schizotranny who named himself after Charles Manson was being racist in a Starbucks. No. 1395620
>>1395613ew wtf nearly threw up at this one. nasty unbrushed tongue. all tims seem to have it.
also someone please save that dog, you could just see the fear in the eyes.
No. 1395637
>>1395622It's such a clear shitty justification for writing rape porn. I'm not against writing or producing art that deals with rape, but actively portraying it is something only predatory coomers do. We talked about how American McGee wrote a plot that had to do with sexual abuse very respectfully in the TIF thread– He never showed the rape itself, only mentioned it and its ramifications, ficused on the
victim's experiences with their trauma, never sexualized the female characters (and was actively disgusted by people on his dev team suggesting he do so), and portrayed the rapist as an absolutely irredeemable monster. I myself have stories that I want to write that involve female characters with sexual trauma (1 in 5 women, and all that), but it's all about how it affects them after the fact and how they can recover, rather than showing the act itself. Anyone with any amount of empathy or wit could see how to address this in art without showing the act itself, but it's so obvious that he doesn't actually care and just wants to utilize female trauma for his own coomer fantasies.
No. 1395688
nonnie. My stomach turned. Nightmare fuel
No. 1395740
>>1395697I couldn't hear all of it but he aggresses at a black woman (holding the camera) pantomiming his neck snapping (?) and the cutting of his throat, saying something like "this is what you want right? You hate all white people and this is what you want to see happen to us" meanwhile she is like wtf dude who are you talking to
>>1395729Ot but this is why it took me so long to be able to watch Game of Thrones, I tried a few times but every time there was a new rape scene had to dip out
No. 1395752
>>1395744Sorry for deleting
nonnie wanted to respond to the other post too, but yeah so much gratuitous sex and violence. I don't know how I feel about it overall but I wish I hated it the way I did the first few times I tried to watch it
No. 1395757
>>1395753HBO shows = bare tits as they say, moid paradise
Anyway hope you are having a good day
nonnie <3
No. 1395775
i hope that lady had someone to walk her home. this dude sounds like a murderrapist
No. 1395910
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mrs doubtfire is transphobic now
No. 1395915
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from a subreddit called malepolish
No. 1395932
>>1395605Scrotes say bullshit like this and then act shocked when women don't give a fuck about male-on-male prison rape.
Rape is not sexy to anyone for whom it is a real threat or traumatic experience. This sack of repulsive lard is never going to be raped, that's why he thinks it's so trivial, that it's just a fear women need exposure to in order to "overcome." I'd say that I hope he gets raped, but it's more likely that he'll die alone and his corpse will be found a year later half-eaten by his cat.
No. 1396002
>>1395904Have you ever seen The Accused with Jodie Foster? I'd be interested to hear you guys' take on that rape scene. I thought the movie as a whole was pretty effective since for almost the entirety of the movie you only see how her trauma manifested in her life, and all the bullshit she had to deal with in the aftermath. They don't show the actual rape until the very end. When they show it, what was clear to me is that it was much much worse than what I had imagined actually happened and that the accused men really deserved going to prison for a long time.
Also all the GoT rapes were fucking disgusting and served no purpose.
No. 1396010
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>April Daniels is an American author of the Nemesis superhero trilogy.
>Daniels lived in Ashland, Oregon until she was ten years old, where she was exposed to the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, before her family moved to Los Angeles, California. She was homeless in San Francisco for a time and currently lives in Portland, Oregon. She graduated from the University of California, Santa Cruz with a degree in literature. Daniels is a trans woman. Daniels is also a contributor to The Mary Sue.
>Daniels' first book, Dreadnought, introduces a girl named Danny Tozer who inherits the mantle of her world's foremost superhero — the eponymous Dreadnought — which gives her powers like flight and the feminine body she has wanted ever since she realized she was transgender, and thrusts her into confrontation with a TERF witch and other supervillains. It was a Lambda Literary Award finalist.
No. 1396015
>>1396002Not any of the anons who have replied so far and haven't seen The Accused, (so sorry for useless comment) but I read the wiki for the accused after reading your post and then this article, very interesting interview with the actors. how it says how upset the men were shooting that scene. So much porn is rapey/gang rapey now I think it would have gone differently if this movie was made today. I can't imagine the men would be upset, for example…
No. 1396022
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Blocks your path
No. 1396031
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>>1396022How do anti-fascists go from picrel to this
>>1396022 No. 1396047
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No. 1396064
>>1396047>everyone always told me I passlmfao. They really are all autistics who don't understand when someone is just being nice out of pity or social pressure to tell trannies they are totally stunning and
It's mostly other trannies lying to them too, they all lie to each other about how great they pass because it enforces their own delusion. Like a group of fat women telling each other they can totally rock a crop-top and bikini. Then the reality hits really hard when confronted with someone who won't indulge their delusions and is just being honest.
No. 1396072
Terf would probably wear trousers and no makeup all the time if she wanted to spite a troon because she knows that, if she were to go outside looking like that, everyone would still know that she’s a woman, unlike a troon who wear a face-full of makeup and still gets called ‘Sir’
No. 1396230
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No. 1396287
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I hate trannies so much its unreal
No. 1396322
>>1396316moids: roasties kill my spermies
No. 1396326
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lmao at how they perceive themselves
>>1396230who could that thing possibly be getting married to?? is there more??
No. 1396339
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>>1396326They're more like picrel, THAT'S how we see them kek
No. 1396379
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Woe is me! i have to be a straight white man… unless…
No. 1396550
>>1396379>>1396326>d&d pinwhy are so many trannies into d&d? is it the roleplaying aspect?
Any moid that plays video games where they can play as a woman character, always troon out eventually. They really think irl is a game where you can "customize" yourself into another sex and expect people to play along
No. 1396554
>>1396287>>1396297Can someone explain this to me it's my first time
>>1396230Literally someone's sleep paralysis demon
No. 1396577
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dropped my image whoops
No. 1396679
>>1396577This means absolutely nothing and I love it. I could easily type out why this is actually perfect
TERF rhetoric, but I'll just rest and keep scrolling instead
No. 1396753
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>>1396686Yeah I've seen similar rhetoric on twitter, they want a
terf mommy dom(barf) who will sexually bully them or some shit
If you've looked at some of their erotica you'll know that for some reason its a common fantasy for them, to be "forced feminized" by radical feminists No. 1396795
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>>139678741 percent of them are already there.
No. 1396810
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>>1396784Thank you for sharing the link. Some comments are funny to read
No. 1396833
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Its a fake pic btw
No. 1396834
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No. 1396842
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>>1396287It really shows a person's depravity if they would think of a woman fucking a dog in the first place, but to project that depravity onto women is a whole new level of fucked up
No. 1396844
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>>1396686>>1396836They even make a matriarchy a coomer fantasy
No. 1396903
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This is so funny.
>>1396428all my gay friends are always talking about the dearth of tops in their dating pool. 'No fems' is just to avoid 'bumping pussies' as they put it lmao. No asians is the same issue. They want masculine tops with big dicks. You can be upset about the fact that many people aren't into you for any reason, but demanding that people stop announcing it on their profiles is just going to lead to incompatible hookups.
For ppl looking for straight relationships, if you're a gender-conforming woman and you say you're straight, it's obvious because of how society works the kind of relationship that is. It's not as straightforward with gay relationships because if you're a femme woman who likes femmes, just saying "I'm a lesbian" isn't going to explain that. The freak-out over gay dating preferences must have been started by some real weirdos, because that's how gay dating has worked all throughout history.
No. 1396906
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>“The real thing that makes me joyously happy is that the word is out there now that you can’t pull this with the transgender community,” the 65-year-old East County resident said in a phone interview Wednesday. “Whether you are uncomfortable or not is irrelevant,” she said. “People were uncomfortable with integration back in the 50s and 60s.”Stop fucking comparing this to segregation. Ugh. No. 1396910
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fucking die
No. 1396914
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No. 1396928
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No. 1396929
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how bout you make your kid shit in a box
No. 1396939
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Jesus is it really 1 in 50 male prisoners in the UK? I wish people would actually answer the question this dude is asking tbh
No. 1396955
>>1396928I like that they call him gender non conforming in the middle of the list, which is what it is.
He's not trans nor non binary, even if you subscribe to all the trans bullshit he has no dysphoria (visible facial hair, very typical male name) therefore he isn't trans by their own definition. It is indeed a man in a dress.
No. 1396960
>>1396910Yet some troids insist that circumcision is FGM, so would that not make this poster a bigot too according to tranny dumbass logic?
>>1396929This is just ridiculous. How old is the daughter? Kids pretend to be animals all the time, doesn't mean they want to literally be one. Trannies shouldn't be around children and pushing them into it, especially this furry freak.
No. 1397009
>>1396995If the girl he raped in prison has family I hope they sued both the convicted rapist and the department of corrections depraved enough to place a
convicted rapist with an uninverted penis in the same cell as a developmentally disabled girl. Horrifying read. The US Justice system is an absolute nightmare
No. 1397037
>>1396906comparing segregation to
choosing to go in the wrong bathroom is just about the worst take. black people had no choice. trannies are outraged that their choices aren’t unconditionally supported.
No. 1397114
>>1396795Make it 1 million percent and then maybe we'll talk
>>1396903So what are the reasons
>>1396928I hate this white man's smug fucking face
>>1396939What do they mean by "travellers"? Gypsies?
>>1397009This is so horrifying, I shudder to think what this led to
No. 1397147
>>1396753>forced feminized" by radical feminists This is the opposite of what radfems want, or what anyone wants.
Everyone just want troons to get mental help, stop being retarded coomers and act like normal productive members of society.
No. 1397197
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>>1397148Of course the trannies that found it don't realize they're being made fun of
No. 1397275
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No. 1397414
>>1397380>"I always plunge into happiness when I embrace my beloved and feel her soft skin, how much her breasts have grown, and even the sweet, slightly floral scent that enshrouds her as a result of estrogen."Ah, yes. The natural female odor: Flowers. This is totally a scrote.
>"(…)as if I didn't have to endure homophobic abuse from them" (supposedly coming from a woman in a relationship with a man, who only wants relationships with men)Kek. Either part of this is real and it's a TIM dating another TIM, or he's trying really hard to tie homophobia to "transphobia".
>trans women seem gorgeous and attractive, whereas cis women to me often seem plain and boring1. An ugly woman is still a woman, whereas the mythical attractive troon is still a man. 2. Cope.
>That whole description of "her girlfriend"Actual John Green tier writing. This whole post belongs on one of those "men writing women" pages.
No. 1397431
>>1396753further proof that “
terf” just means roastie femoid bitch to them and they dont give two fucks about muh transmisogyny. Like why would a
terf be into force feminization? Wouldn’t it be force masculinization if they are anti trans?
No. 1397447
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Not a fetish ect
No. 1397515
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Such divine and feminine grace
No. 1397532
>>13975152 HOURS playing with moobs
The fact they’re becoming increasingly comfortable saying these things… Another fucking Jonathan Yaniv
No. 1397536
>>1397380You can tell this is a man writing within the first line.
(clue: women are less predisposed to life-consuming fetishes so even the most coomery pornaddicted girl tends to not be consumed by it to the level they would need to write a 2,000 word reddit post questioning if they're a pervert or not, also women don't favour reddit)
They will never pass, not even in text format. Male brain wins out every time.
No. 1397559
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Tranny complains about how genderspecials trivialize trans struggles, treat transness as a fashion accessory, and intrude on trans spaces while completely failing to see the irony of the situation. Yes, it fucking sucks to have a bunch of posers act like they understand your problems and try speak on your behalf! Maybe you retards should follow your own advice and stop doing this exact shit to women.
Hilariously, a rare troon with self awareness actually notices this (and predictably gets downvoted to hell.) Pretty much all the responses are variations "ackshually, womens' experiences are too varied for them to have any shared struggles," basically implying (as usual) that non-white women have more in common with trannies than they do with white women. As if countries that outlaw abortion, permit spousal rape, or practice FGM give a fuck what race the effected women are.
Women are a marginalized class, and if you were born with a vagina, you experience misogyny no matter what race, sexuality, religion, or nationality you are. To deny otherwise is just male gaslighting at this point.
No. 1397564
File: 1639979626863.png (141.71 KB, 689x666, ackshually women are worse tha…)

>>1397559Samefag, here's an example of the sort of retarded responses that last guy got. This one takes the cake for implying that women are actually the source of the world's problems because… some white women voted for Trump. That's it– apparently women don't have any unifying experiences of misogyny because a handful of us happen to be retards who got indoctrinated into voting for another retard. Nevermind how many white MTFs either voted for Trump or were some shade of alt-right before trooning out! Republican women exist, therefor women must have nothing in common with each other. Fucking brainrot.
You know what this tactic is? It's divide and conquer. Men know they can't take all women on at once, so they try to turn us against each other. Don't fall for it.
No. 1397585
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>>1397187>>1394622autogyniphiles_amonymous deleted two comments calling out the rapist (also b& the users) and deleted their reply acknowledging they know Eli Erlick is a rapist
No. 1397593
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>A Trans Youth Organization
I feel bad for all these kids, probably gaslight by either their own parents or tranny goomers, lost and sad
I wanna protect and help them with their issues
No. 1397596
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>>1397564ew this dude says he's a social worker
No. 1397621
>>1397593They all have the same sad grimacing smile of someone who's been told by the media, their parents, schools, doctors, whoever that mutilating their bodies will solve their emotional, health, or social issues.
Can't wait til the tide turns on this and it's considered the abuse that it is. Whoever is funding this shit must run out of money eventually, there's some rich trannies out there simply buying favour, the same way celebrities have always bought stories and praise about themselves.
No. 1397634
>>1397564Anyone else find it a bit strange how the left hates white women for all being evil racist
TERF conservative lapdogs for white men, but the right hates white women for all supposedly being BBC loving liberal race traitors. Men will always find a socially acceptable way to scapegoat women for every single thing wrong with the world, and it always works. It doesn't matter how incredibly outlandish, specific, or blatantly wrong their reasoning is, it will always be accepted. Because society in general will always prioritize completely fabricated grand conspiracies of an evil council of women somehow tanking entire countries before they place even a grain of accountability on men for how shitty a country or society is, disregarding the fact that pretty much every single country, government, law, and societal prejudice is created and largely perpetuated by men.
Right now, literally all you have to do to blame women for every single negative thing in society is to put "white" and/or "cis" in front of it. Don't get me wrong, I think there are a few
valid criticisms to be made of white women, just like any other gender or race of people, such as the fact they have largely thrown black women under the bus when it comes to feminism since pretty much day one. But I don't think men(regardless of race or sexuality) are really in any place to be making those criticisms.
And "wHiTe WoMeN aRe HiStOrIcAlLy ThE BiGgEsT bLoCkAdE bEtWeEn MiNoRiTiEs AnD ThEiR rIgHtS"? Are you ACTUALLY fucking joking me. Who was kidnapping Africans and forcing them on cramped boats in disgusting conditions during the triangle trade? Who were the ones that sailed to America and slaughtered, raped, and tortured the natives? Who were the landowners buying the slaves? Who were the ones in power legalizing slaves in the first place? Who were the ones who legally mandated segregation? Who were the ones beating, raping, killing, and torturing the slaves? Ah yes, it was the group of people that societally had zero power, could not even vote or own land, and were forced to be nothing more than baby makers and maids. I know white women did have a part in fueling slavery/racism, and I know they weren't innocent in any way, I'm just trying to show how much of an ignorant moid you'd have to be to genuinely think this. To this day it is still white male cops you see wrongfully killing black men. It is white men in power you see doing everything to keep black communities/neighborhoods down. It's mostly white men you see turning racism into a meme, thinking they're Gods at comedy by saying the n word and smearing black paint on their faces. And the amount of times I've seen people use the Emmett Till case to try and prove that "all white women are evvbiilll" is hilarious to me considering the amount of black men that have done equally as horrible things (if not worse) to white women. There's literally hundreds of stories of black men brutally raping, beating, torturing, and murdering white women ( ofc, this is something all races of men do to all races of women, but due to the context of this convo I'm specifying race), simply because they were women, which makes the other examples proving "white woman more evil than white man" even sillier. I'm not trying to minimize those acts of racism, but that retard acts like men don't do that exact same shit to women literally all of the fucking time, including black men. Catcalling, stalking, following, groping, etc.
I'd also like to add that the Emmett Till case is absolutely disgusting and disturbing and I was not trying to turn it into an oppression olympics, I'm just sick and tired of retards pretending to care about his awful death just so they can weaponize it.
No. 1397635
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>>1397593>>1397629clocking the males was easy
No. 1397683
>>1397634good post
>Because society in general will always prioritize completely fabricated grand conspiracies of an evil council of women somehow tanking entire countries before they place even a grain of accountability on men for how shitty a country or society is.This. If I hear another conservative American moid say that women shouldn't vote because they vote mostly liberal in America I'm gonna lose my mind
No. 1397798
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>>1396230That's Gabi Garcia, an actual female.
No. 1397834
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>>1390636Days later, but this is absolutely true. As someone who thought that I was a boy growing up and a man later, I spent a lot of time around boys and men, you girls have no idea just how true this is.
I however disagree with the anons thinking it's a social thing, at some point in the development and certainly by the time they are men, males are just extremely aware of their biological role, which is to fight and die to protect women and children. I think in general a massive amount of issues men have today (and historically to a degree) is due to them not having an outlet to live these natural lives as Mother Nature intended. And they envy us, you can't even imagine how much, not just trannies, regular men too. They understand that the lifegiver is more important than the drone and they either accept being the disposable drone or fantasize constantly about being the treasured lifegiver (that's how we get trannies). It's something that imo should be talked about more, it's at the essence of the whole gender debate, outside of the sex freaks obv. Masculinity is literally their inferiority complex against us and their essentially disposable nature.
No. 1397852
File: 1640026551283.jpeg (316.93 KB, 2048x2048, 12FBB958-EC59-48B6-A76B-B3D9D1…)

>>1397834Everything you said reminds me of this scene.
No. 1397883
File: 1640029629981.jpeg (69.09 KB, 600x760, 27DFD84E-884D-49FA-9F95-965DA6…)

>>1397851if somebody saw me following that account, they'd call me a handmaiden, too. Little do they know…
that being said, the one other person I know IRL who's following that account is 100% a massive handmaiden and fakeboi No. 1397889
sorry in advance for blog, but I just remembered when I first went full GC years ago (back when I gave a shit) and my internet friend trooned out straight after. He was reblogging all this anti-terf stuff, and I messaged him, expecting him to disown me a friend and scream about how I was killing him. I told him my views and how sexist all the ~girl feels~ stuff is, and he agreed with everything I was saying. I thought maybe I'd got through to him or something, but the next day he was reblogging anti-terf 'they're killing us with words!' stuff again, dragging women for saying things a tiny fraction as harsh as I'd said to him. It's all fucking fake. That's the part I hate the most.
The libfems actually DO get triggered by seeing GC women be mean. Women get stressed out seeing other women do 'bad things' so we feverishly try to keep each other in line. Meanwhile, a bunch of hairy troons are sitting around saying 'omg i'm gonna kill muhself', absolutely unaffected by the fights they're starting, just jacking off and pretending to have dysphoria. I can't know this for sure, but my friend's performance was so perfect that I can never trust that any of these losers are actually suffering anymore. Male over-confidence is ridiculous.
No. 1397923
>>1397889There's a reason most transgender people, and those who are extremely sympathetic, used to be drama kids. It makes complete sense.
Anyone have any readings on this? You are all so much more knowledgeable than me. And I know this is undoubtedly a controversial area to research…
No. 1398026
File: 1640043103251.png (366.57 KB, 633x871, okb2Q1p.png)

Why do they like to post dumb random coomer 'compliments' they get? You know it feeds their ego even when they pretend they don't like it.
No. 1398061
File: 1640048855695.jpg (222.01 KB, 1080x1457, Screenshot_20211220-165041~2.j…)

>>1397380repost to hide the commenters identity but they were the only one to call him out smh. and i looked thru every comment
No. 1398094
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No. 1398101
File: 1640053699281.png (15.87 KB, 758x188, making shit up to own the terf…)

No. 1398107
File: 1640054289241.jpg (126.46 KB, 483x535, Untitled.jpg)

troons with anime icons and disgusting coomer bios try not to go on psychotic internet rants challenge (impossible)
No. 1398114
File: 1640054855732.png (36.78 KB, 1144x544, A common fallacy against trans…)

they're comparing troons to fake meat…
No. 1398120
File: 1640055524816.png (21.43 KB, 1103x423, lol.png)

This lesbian is a terf because after I, a complete stranger, educated her about the terf pin she didn't want to stop wearing it hmph
No. 1398139
File: 1640058544107.png (16.25 KB, 849x562, c.png)

>>1398045>>1398026>>1398049I know we're not supposed to mourn the loss of male TIMs but seriously what a waste
he could have been a cute guy and would have had not problem finding female or male partners, but now what's the point
the only men who like him will be chasers who like Vaush and or other "femboys" and he's headed for a miserable and physically painful life when age catches up with him, cause he can't look like a cute underage boy forever
No. 1398144
>>1398120Kek how do they know one is a lipstick lez?
Also if gender is a construct why are lesbians using pink (feminine color)? lol these girls can choose a better color
No. 1398147
TERF" lesbians (aka based lesbians) use the labrys, which is purple. I like it a lot, myself.
No. 1398148
>>1398101Saying "cis men can get endometriosis" is like saying you can get killed on a ride at Disneyland. Yes, it's technically possible, but there have been fewer than ten cases of it recorded in the entirety of medical history. Basically, it's an extremely rare side effect of cirrhosis associated with hepatitis-C where endometrium-like tissue develops on the bladder. I'm not entirely convinced it's even endometriosis, just that it's some other type of tissue disorder for which no better descriptor exists.,with%20a%20history%20of%20cirrhosis.
A single-digit number of men experiencing an endometriosis-like symptom of cirrhosis should not be a justification for claiming that endometriosis isn't a women's issue. It's a horrifically under diagnosed, under treated condition that occurs in women 99.9999% of the time, and that lack of medical attention is clearly the result of systemic misogyny in medicine.
Saying endometriosis isn't a women's issue is like saying it's ableist to tell people to "raise their hands" because "not everybody has hands, you Nazi!11!"
No. 1398157
>>1398147As an artist, I honestly think the labrys is the best pride flag. I love the nods it gives to history (lesbians were branded with the black triangle during the Holocaust, and the labrys had been used by feminists and lesbians as a symbol since the seventies because of its association with the Amazons.) I think it's fucking retarded that people write it off because a gay man designed it– the guy was drawing on imagery established by women, so it's not like all of it was his idea anyway.
This is an autistic aside, but I like that the lesbian character in Deltarune is purple and axe-wielding. Even if it's unintentional, it's a cool touch. As a nice bonus, I feel like most of the game's fans would be assblasted if they knew their precious lesbian monster girl was a walking
TERF flag kek.
No. 1398190
>>1398157I really to hate side with the TRA's here but the dissociation with the Labyrs flag started in the 90's and it was Lesbian activists themselves who wanted to sever association with with black triangle
See the black triangle was used more as general symbol of "undesirable" people who didn't contribute to the Reich
These included homeless people, mental patients, beggars and a lot of Gypsies(In fact it was primarily Gypsies who had this badge put upon them)
the association with Lesbian started out as unique case of things being lost in translation and a long game of telephone, when more details about the Reich's were available, a lot of lesbian activists were horrified of the implications and gradually stopped using with the symbol No. 1398227
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No. 1398281
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No. 1398364
>>1398227The worst part is that guy is probably so proud of himself for being on a real lesbian date!!!
He sounds like a channer with the bragging about watching gore videos and loli anime obsession. How unfortunate to meet someone like that irl.
Public gay spaces (e.g. gay clubs and dating apps/sites) have always been filled with men, straight people and couples looking for unicorns aka hoping for a free threesome experience for themselves (just pay a sexworker ffs), I wonder where actual lesbians can meet now?
I think maybe hobby groups or work? It seems like the dating pool is infested and having a gross channer scrote turn up when you expected another woman seems like a nightmare.
No. 1398477
>>1398452>>1398364Tricking someone into performing a sexual service for free by using dating apps, and misleading them into thinking you are seeking a relationship when what you want (and will attempt to coerce them into) is a professional sexual service worth hundreds: taking advantage of them
Paying someone to do a pre-agreed sexual service with no deception: morally shitty, but at least she gets money from it
Same result except in the second scenario nobody is tricked and the woman gets money, clearly the better way to do things if you insist on living out your porn fantasies at the expense of women.
No. 1398512
File: 1640096116768.jpg (51.83 KB, 675x1200, ECgZh2zWwAUFHVl.jpg)

Rational Wiki's admin ROFLMAO
No. 1398515
>>1398479sounds like a lot of shitty dates I went on with boys when I was a teen. Unfortunately, it sounds pretty believable to me.
>>1398512christ. I was wondering why it seemed very ~irrational~ on some issues lmao
No. 1398517
File: 1640096435574.png (136.81 KB, 453x600, Screenshot (190).png)

TIM "humor"
No. 1398530
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>>1398494I'm no kikomi but something like this?
No. 1398532
File: 1640098569843.png (391.45 KB, 728x610, 1625662472386.png)

>>1398530that's actually better then kikomi-chan but its also some of the most horrifying artwork I've seen, this could give me nightmares
I guess good job
No. 1398544
>>1398477 If you have to offer money to a hungry, vulnerable woman to have sexual access to her, you’re still a rapist.
Coerced sexual relationships are still
abusive. You sound like those dudebros who insist on having their dicks sucked over and over and when she finally gives up and does it so she’ll be left alone, theyll call that consent. “She did it on her own free will!” My ass.
No. 1398554
File: 1640100210420.png (Spoiler Image,1.22 MB, 1827x1364, it's current year when this is…)

>>1398532Some mutated strain of retardation i possess compels me to indulge in the kikomimeme more than a human should
No. 1398561
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>>1398512>>1398139>>1398026What a pointless waste, he could have been a beautiful man and yet he choose to do this to himself
No. 1398569
File: 1640100993288.jpg (52.84 KB, 906x300, Screenshot_20211221_162024.jpg)

>>1398512I checked the rationalwiki entry for "
terf" out of curiosity and look, kikomi made it!
No. 1398581
File: 1640102039626.jpeg (249.49 KB, 1170x1077, D36A6B61-D441-4F2B-8F95-D7C76A…)

I don’t even have words for how laughable this is. It’s a Saw trap suggestions blog basically. I’m literally laughing as I post this, why are they using shinigami eyes??
No. 1398584
File: 1640102402473.jpg (38.95 KB, 637x365, men.jpg)

>>1397834>>1398577Why are you making it so complicated? Men hate us because we can create new humans. They are parasites and they know it. Men being fighters is a lie, physical strength is useless against weapons.
No. 1398630
>>1398605not knowing anything about the angler fish thing you're talking about, I thought the picture was being used as a metaphor for men's parasitic social behavior. Anon didn't say anything about women overpowering men, just that since the invention of weaponry that doesn't require strength to operate, men aren't useful to society as warriors.
Personally, I don't put a lot of stock in gender roles being innate. In a society that didn't glorify male violence, I don't think men would be especially violent. Even diagnosed psychopaths can go their whole lives without assaulting anyone if they were raised in privilege and in social groups that won't tolerate it (eg. the neuroscientist James Fallon). Unfortunately, we don't live in that society. From infancy–no matter how uncomfortable they are with acting out masculinity–men grow up being rewarded for their selfishness, knowing that male violence is celebrated, and believing that women are beneath them.
No. 1398649
>>1398630Humans for the vast majority of our history were hunter gathers, we lived as tribes and we died as tribes, any tribe with an overly aggressive male would be kicked out, even if he managed to survive on his own his genetic lineage would end and It would be as if he never existed, in hunter gathers societies we had to work together as it meant either survival or death, no one could leech off anyone, no could hoard the food for themselves
In the past 10'000 years when agriculture was developed did we adapted further again, our tribal structure developed into communal villages and here just when as before when we were barely men we had to work together to survive
so a male and female nature isn't hardwired for violence or exploitation but hardwired to survive above all else, to not die cause even when we barely monkeys we understood that death meant the end
No. 1398706
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>>1398554>those glovessomebody should draw kikomi wearing hulk hands
No. 1398805
File: 1640120875241.png (20.31 KB, 586x230, s.png)

I don't know how appropriate this post is for this topic but it's infuriating. Comparing someone who says that they were raped and don't want to use the bathroom with TIMs to a hypothetical scenario? (the person who said this shit was a woman btw)
(for context I found this under some post where the university of Oxford had a poster about respecting people who use the "wrong" bathroom)
No. 1398849
File: 1640125777083.png (512.59 KB, 594x655, OK 'InkMasturbator'.png)

Why do trannies always have to make stupid performative activism centered around themselves?
The male ego truly is awful
No. 1398923
File: 1640132990829.png (Spoiler Image,377.54 KB, 500x500, kikomi.png)

>>1398554holy shit so heckin'
valid. You inspired me to draw her too.
No. 1398930
>>1398611nayrt but it's one of my favorite so bad it's good movies:
Ladies and Gentlemen, The Fabulous Stains
No. 1398998
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Found this
Covered the names for safety
No. 1399006
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>>1398998replies (1/3)
the best way to support women is to get mad at them for being mad at the system
No. 1399011
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>>1399009replies (3/3)
real reason they're pissed
No. 1399058
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No. 1399061
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Troons crossing their legs look weird, they can't cross them right either.
No. 1399068
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No. 1399071
File: 1640142923084.png (13.8 KB, 1091x215, Screenshot 2021-12-21 at 22-13…)

Just because you may pee your pants doesn't actually mean women do.
No. 1399094
>>1398923>>1398554these are amazing
>>1398849you know, i think i wouldn't care about troons so much if they weren't so fucking obnoxious about everything. it's always "trans rights!" "misgender me and die!" etc aggro screaming at you and then they dare to say that being trans is nobody else's business. if you weren't desperate for attention and validation and so fucking grating about it maybe people would accept you without you trying to bully them into it.
No. 1399130
>>1399037it's true.
some troons at school tried to use this argument with me and could not BELIEVE that i just don't care. "oh no, my teacher thought i was a dude when he first met me oh nooo" if you're 5'11" and butch and it's cold outside you get called "bro" and within 2 minutes whoever you're talking to realizes you're a woman. no lesbian says she was "misgendered"
No. 1399135
>>1398544You wrote a spergy post about how coercion is bad which suggests you didn't understand my post. Coercion is bad, paying someone is better, if scrotes insist on doing their dumb porn fetishes irl they should absolutely pay for it.
It'd obviously be some western white internet sexworker since the abused and trafficked workers are in the streets, brothels and in porn.
So pornsick scrote hiring a sexworker online is absolutely the better option than surprising some random dating site woman with his unpaid fetishes (as so many do), and it shows how brain damaged you are that you argue against it.
No. 1399151
File: 1640156259389.jpeg (656.91 KB, 1503x1574, 3DA8040C-2BA7-4923-B495-AEF4A0…)

No. 1399173
>>1399151older sister is a
terf in the making if this is real
No. 1399179
>>1399135Anon never defended picking up random lesbians from the bar. They just take issue with your suggestion of hiring a prostitute.
>if scrotes insistThen let them insist. It's not like we're talking about access to clean drinking water or something. It's just a pornsick male fantasy.
No. 1399190
File: 1640163385611.jpeg (595.69 KB, 1425x3125, 23FC6DA5-C6F2-427E-B83E-20DD77…)

Tfw you have to affirm your gender identity via your hair
No. 1399223
File: 1640171020446.jpg (51.07 KB, 680x667, britishaccents.jpg)

Stay safe out there blokes.
No. 1399227
File: 1640171945281.png (673.67 KB, 1054x4208, skinwalkingbrotherwtf.png)

>>1399151I can't get over how troons, big pharma bux, and the gender cult have managed to fool everyone into thinking trans people are made of literal glass so you can't call them out when they use their siblings' or even DEAD female family members' names (which just feels especially cruel)? Like this should just be COMMON SENSE. I'm so fucking SICK of these people oh my god.
Picrel is a post someone in the comments referred to. SAME exact phenomenon. How much do you want to bet that the picrel troon's sister was his "transition goals" and that he was probably jerking off into her panties?
No. 1399241
File: 1640175103604.png (79.19 KB, 675x900, lmao.png)

>>1391607Holy shit i had basically the same thing happen to me when I was arguing with a twitter hon, minus the disgusting porn. He sent me a picture of this person
Check the chad jawline, fat nigger/mutt nose, receding hairline and shitty stringy hair. No fucking way anyone above room temp iq could actually believe this creature is a woman
File: 1640186488818.png (1.59 MB, 1662x1236, Untitled.png)

God this looks so terrible lmao
No. 1399415
>>1399411A few years ago he also made one called "You might be a weeaboo if"
Dude was always a weirdo/coomer
No. 1399417
>>1399151MTFs skinwalking their female relatives, many such cases. Even if it's fake there are multiple similar cases around, wouldn't be the first time a troon stole his niece's or sister's name.
>>1399236Like others said, he literally ripped off this joke from South Park. Why are troons so devoid of creativity?
No. 1399461
File: 1640199886105.jpg (6 KB, 250x250, 12.jpg)

>>1399411It's hilarious that there's a faction within the troon community that doesn't even TRY. Makes me laugh my ass off at the freak.
No. 1399496
>>1399190weird how so many natal women have shaved heads and no one thinks they're men
it's almost like this guy is wrong or something
No. 1399498
>>1399223how is that not racist or misogynist
reddit censors women talking about abuse but keeps this crazy shit up?
No. 1399518
>>1399500This video isn't funny for any of the reasons he intended it to be, but
is hilarious for all the reasons that he didn't intend. He doesn't realize that literally no one cares what brand of genderspecial he is, and that the consequences stay the same regardless. ie He needs to stay out of women's shelters, women's sports, women's bathrooms, women's job/scholarship/award opportunities, women's prisons, respect that lesbians don't (and will never) want his dick and that he is not and cannot ever be a lesbian, not use women for his fetish (especially without consent), accept that he is biologically male, not threaten anyone's safety or career over "transphobia" (especially women's), not indoctrinate children (especially GNC or gay children), and not claim that gender stereotypes as being equal to or more important than sex.
No. 1399527
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>>1399499>>1399323Moid moobs always remind me of Klinefelter’s syndrome. I think exulansic theorized that Jazz may have it because of his abdominal obesity and muscle weakness. Men with Klinefelter’s have a higher chance of having autism too.
No. 1399530
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>>1399011If you have a penis then you were and never will be a woman.
No. 1399539
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being feminine means crossing my legs and playing with my phone teehee~~~
No. 1399564
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No. 1399616
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>>1399564There is some candor in the comments
The thing that peaked me was exactly this, how fucking bitter and hateful trannies are
No. 1399635
>>1399631this is the thing. u can't make an argument about tims facing misogyny without essentially denying misogyny/sex differences in the first place.
transwomen face misogyny as children? all men face misogyny as children.
transwomen are just better at sport and women should accept that? what's the point in separating sport anyway
transwomen have the potential to get periods, lactate, and one day get pregnant? all men have that potential, and therefore repro rights aren't exclusive to women
(non-passing) transwomen are attacked by men in acts of misogyny? all male on male violence can be classed as misogyny
to affirm transwomen as women is to deny the very existence of a patriarchy
No. 1399655
>>1398805Yes, because we all know…um,
checks crime statistics pretty blondes are notorious for beating, raping and murdering women.
>>1399006Troons always project so hard when they claim any cis woman gives a shit about being called a man. Even a masculine woman knows she’s a woman and doesn’t need validation of that fact from others.
>>1399616Damn, a rare self-aware troon. If he could just follow that train of thought to its logical conclusion (that OF COURSE women don’t want to share our intimate spaces with people who resent our bodies and harbor deep bitterness toward our existence) then I guess he’d be a
TERF too kek
No. 1399746
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No. 1399765
File: 1640226599354.jpg (100.47 KB, 720x545, FHOYrvRXEBI6TKV.jpg)

of course troons would
No. 1399766
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No. 1399802
>>1399765just people's nostrils that were unfortunate enough to have to smell piss and possibly even clean it
>>1399766ngl that's scary
No. 1399826
>>1399766Ellen isn't a small woman either, she's 5'10 and seems roughly the size of most men, so for Nikki to completely eclipse her, I mean fuck
he's a big man
No. 1399828
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>>1399527did u know male calicos often have klinefelter's syndrome? now give this king a kiss.
No. 1399851
File: 1640237988558.jpg (246.62 KB, 1500x1000, ashtonkutcher-ellen.jpg)

>>1399826Ellen is about 5'6"-7", Ashton Kutcher is 6'2", the makeup tutorial tranny is 6'3" without heels that you just KNOW he is wearing. It doesn't really matter that he is so tall. It matters that every single part of him is enormous and not womanly in any way.
No. 1399874
>>1390280I was reminded on another forum that should share my stories about dealing with white lesbian trans weMen in my lolita community. I've been in this large and active community since around 2009. anyways long post inc
1. (this year) I had to deal with a girl (who is a minor) crying in the bathroom because one of 30+year old creeps followed her into the stall and asked if she needed help getting undressed (he thinks u need to strip to piss??). Long story short, they dont want to ban him because hes a "woman" and neurOdIverGent. its fucking frustrating. Now in days, ppl do not want to ban them, before it was ban ban ban.
2. Had a guy (who later came out as trans) invite himself over to my house so he could get dressed and give me a ride to the meet. I thought Ok, free ride w/e, I get its nerve wracking to go to a meet alone. Only he didn't have any Lolita clothes and instead came into my bedroom and sat on the floor and cried begging me to let him just "try on my clothes" and to "dress him like a dolly" keep in mind, hes probably 70lb bigger than me and would destroy my very expensive clothes. It was pretty scary actually, I didn't attend any meets for a few years because of that. Eventually he left on his own but I almost called the cops. He was banned when I told the others.
3. Had a 40 year old man (who later came out as trans and thought that was enough for us to unbann him because hes one of the girls now??? FR can't make this up) give his business cards to several girls who were unaged and ask to do "lolita photo shoots with them" two agreed when they showed up he demanded them to wear that virgin killer sweater? if yall remember that thing. These were 16 and 18 year old girls.
Currently, we have around 8 trans women/cross dressers in our group. All are ugly, fat, balding, 7ft tall and try so hard to be "kawaii" its actually disgusting, not to mention they cant fit any pretty clothes so they wear bad quality clothing. We have plently of trans men/non binary AFAB people in the group, theyre all chill and know how to behave and dress themselves at least.
anyways, I'm very sus of men coming into a fashion made for women when it seems like a very large portion of them just are here to try to meet young girls. Id ban them all if I wouldn't get cancelled by the community.
No. 1399886
>>1399874Sorry all that shit happened to you,
nonny. You all should just reboot and start new groups and heavily vet the people you let into it. It's literally the only way to keep men out of our spaces.
No. 1399893
File: 1640245154373.webm (4.91 MB, 576x1024, Matt.webm)
Based barista
No. 1399902
File: 1640248207717.jpeg (494.27 KB, 1242x1277, 93FCCBA8-573A-46BF-94FD-29A88D…)

Not a man lumping women in with lgbs and queerdos for his argument against the gender binary
No. 1399976
File: 1640259613894.jpg (712.54 KB, 2048x1366, FGrRNkgXIAsIC4l.jpg)

my discord bf keeps complaining about cod not being optimized yet so he did some research and saw that's because these trannies are on strike
No. 1400000
File: 1640263706050.jpg (1.63 MB, 3464x3464, PicsArt_12-23-01.41.36.jpg)

Troons are all over Twitter right now desperately coping and trying to "debunk" male socialization.
How? By admitting to having participated in perpetuating misogyny or staying silent and complicit in it, claiming THEMSELVES to have been the greatest victims of that, and then condemning the actual women their misogyny affected. Also equating them being harassed for gender nonconformity/femininity with being misogyny'd.
Hell world, I hate these male narcissists, it just makes me want to a-log so fucking bad.
Sorry for the shitty edit.
No. 1400014
File: 1640265723904.jpg (34.16 KB, 350x708, gizfo3gp6ov01.jpg)

>>1399987It's my malevolent energy that's increasing it by the year
>>1400011It's just picrel but they're are autistic scrotes so they can't enact selflessness/empathy and come up with horrific takes like this
No. 1400041
File: 1640268339590.png (619.49 KB, 720x1203, Screenshot_20211223-160135~2.p…)

Someone tell that Elon Musk to hurry up and build his fucking rocket because I want off this planet right now.
No. 1400047
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No. 1400059
File: 1640269827462.png (778.39 KB, 1201x687, lol2.png)

LMAO nonas. Swedish television hostad a debate about self-ID for 12 year olds (madness). The people debating against were adult and children's psychiatrists and
a detrans woman, the ones for were a doctor, a fakeboi and this stunning transwoman. "Maria Hansson" was originally a homophobic pastor who is now a agp transbian and think children should be put on dangerous puberty blockers because otherwise they'll be sad.
He was speaking in an incomprehensible troll voice next to actual competent adults. Everyone was clearly so done with his shit during the debate. Truly a great spokesman for transactivism.
No. 1400060
File: 1640269875112.png (1.02 MB, 1221x692, lol.png)

>>1400059Look at his face full of mountain troll rage as the female gnc psychiatrist speaks. Kek
No. 1400071
>>1399564Just a very normal tale about a dude who wants to fuck/marry/own his cousin and "mother" their incest child, while wanting to be his cousin and carry their incest child. Nothing wrong with that, #justTIMthings.
>>1399616That one sounded like a self-aware AGP a la Debbie Hayton.
>>1399914Sorry this happened to you.
Just remember that creatures like him have a short half-life these days and won't continue doing this shit to other women because he will most definitely expire after an excruciating fentanyl accident.
No. 1400072
>>1400060ot but the psychiatrist speaking is fashion and career goals holy shit what a legend.
dude directly left is rocking a tight fit too tbh
always extremely funny to me seeing normal/stylish/put together adults next to trannies. im assuming the balding 5head blonde on the end is the fakeboi
No. 1400079
File: 1640271156675.jpg (423.14 KB, 1080x1858, Screenshot_20211223_154903.jpg)

>>1400048handmaidens. every subreddit for women is like this, greasy low effort males get updoots for just existing. there was some serial killer looking middle aged crossdresser with "sissy" in his username who consistently posted on this subreddit and all the comments would be about how stunning and brave he was
No. 1400087
File: 1640271434574.png (1.28 MB, 720x1405, Screenshot_20211223-162412~2.p…)

They're everywhere now. It makes me not want to contribute to online communities.
This may be an unpopular opinion here but I don't even completely hate trans people. However I am seriously creeped out by all these obvious transvestites who are self ID'ing and making zero effort. Look at the giant hairy arms and the man hands on this one.
No. 1400090
>>1400072No that's the angry and fed up detrans woman next to him. The fakeboi was short and had purple hair, you're very surprised to learn this I'm sure.
Amazing contrast with the sane adults, I bet the psychiatrist were thinking "we got a real case here, hooo boy"
They were talking about how mental illness can manifest in joining trends that explains your suffering like thinking you're trans kek
>>1400074I know right, let them speak and it will peak the people.
Video here if you want to watch the troon in action btw No. 1400113
>>1400055unless you mens tifs nona, they get called transgender males/men too
sure it already happens but rarely, minus the hate crime
No. 1400114
File: 1640273023035.jpg (107.56 KB, 1080x597, Screenshot_20211223_162340.jpg)

>>1400087same here, they're just creepy. I was looking though this one's
>>1400041 post history, most of it is pictures of his gyno (which he's really proud of and thinks is a D cup, lol) and questions about boobs or bras, in some trans subs but also female ones like r/abrathatfits. picrel in particular bothered me, imagine you're a woman wanting advice about back pain or something and you have to share your community with these male fetishist talking about their grandmother's "hefty girls". barf
link if you want to suffer too: No. 1400137
>>1400087You'd already be called a
TERF anyway just for expressing those opinions, might as well embrace your TERFiness and let the hate flow through you.
No. 1400139
File: 1640274867987.jpg (210.97 KB, 1056x660, Rollseyes.jpg)

No. 1400147
File: 1640275207970.jpg (351.47 KB, 1080x865, troons are what reminds us of …)

That thread is horrible
No. 1400198
File: 1640281363415.png (116.28 KB, 703x1189, Screenshot_20211223-194143~2.p…)

>>1400114This old pervert is a gift that just keeps on giving.
No. 1400205
File: 1640281599698.jpg (443.81 KB, 768x955, Screenshot_20211223-174530.jpg)

>>WomanHow fucking cucked are the British press?
TERF Island, my ass. No where in this article does it even mention that this was a fucking tranny.
No. 1400211
>>1400151That whiny way he sings 'Won't date a trans girl even though he IDs as bisexual'. Like, if this hypothetical douchebag was so awful, why would you give a fuck if he wouldn't date your troon as, Jeremy?
Fucking cringe.
No. 1400213
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No. 1400231
>>1400021Don’t lose hope,
nonnie. This shit is also peaking people daily. I was a handmaiden myself once and bought the media hype that they were just oppressed minorities who wished to live in peace and needed women as “allies.” Then I actually paid attention to trans discourse and realized how many of them resented us, played Oppression Olympics with us constantly, and exhibited a distinctly
masculine entitlement & aggression toward our bodies. The only way to peak people is to expose them directly to unfiltered troon ideology.
No. 1400248
>>1400213Women's bras are very expensive, can it not be considered transphobic to tell these moids to not even THINK of stretching out their female relatives' bras? We have a damn wage gap along with other countless products that are essential to female existence (not male) and here they are, ruining our clothes and bras, stretching out the bands with their wide ass ribcages.
I beg you nonas, please put locks on your doors and your female relatives' doors as well. Men of all kinds cannot be trusted to not go through our stuff, ruin it, and coom to it.
No. 1400254
File: 1640285865241.png (66.8 KB, 924x542, preggers.PNG)

> Overweight fetishist posts naked pictures online
> chaser asks if he's pregnant
> gets a euphoria boner and then goes to reddit to exclaim about how he just got asked if his amab pot belly is because he's pregnant
No. 1400258
>>1400254it would be so much better for women and transwomen if they were able to accept they will never be "cis". they can have their own spaces, their own culture and community, the ppl who want to fuck trannies rarely want to fuck women anyway.
sadly they get off on being around women, so will never happen. nice to dream tho.
No. 1400261
File: 1640286086476.jpg (Spoiler Image,48.66 KB, 960x320, NSFL yikes.jpg)

>>1400254This is the same guy from reddit, who claims he gets complimented on his "pussy pictures"
> when shaving your man pubes into a line = having a vulva apparentlyHis explanation
> Btw, I've also got complimented on my "pussy" pictures, I've learned to tuck in such way that it looks like my parts have been already rearranged… Those should be obvious, right? Well, many men when they see a female profile, see a "pussy" pic and read it just as I wish they would. I'm not being stealth on that website, my blogs and some pic descriptions make it clear that I'm trans… > But it doesn't seem to bother guys much. :D No. 1400322
>>1400205Aside from the extreme #notourcrimes of this, when will media start using the word
rape since it is not
sex when an adult human male rapes a defenseless animal. Same as
child sex is not a thing, it is also rape. Call it fucking rape. And ID rapists as male even if they call themselves a female name.
Shoutout to the people under Rowling's recent Tweet defending people like this.
No. 1400325
>>1400322Didn't read the last line,
gangraped a dog.
Not our crimes. This pedophile and animal rapist being filed under "female," please.
No. 1400364
File: 1640295865878.jpeg (91.62 KB, 851x828, 1605149215650.jpeg)

>>1400182sage for autism, but godamn, I fucking hate the original song. I've never met any woman who remotely cares about Scott Pilgrim, only scrotes online seem to be obsessed with it.
>inb4 moids go hurrdurr it's a joke song, don't take it seriouslyGod. Scrotes deserve the rope.
No. 1400385
File: 1640296986782.jpg (285.44 KB, 1080x2028, FHQBydwXIAo7lHb.jpg)

>>1400205he's only been "a woman" since 2 months, there's still an article calling him a man raping a dog. how does any judge allow this???
No. 1400398
Where are the tranny killing terfs when we need them
No. 1400428
File: 1640301931726.jpg (119.59 KB, 663x664, FHTwNGwWYAgROO-.jpg)

when i tell you i am in tears
No. 1400465
File: 1640306544730.gif (4.83 MB, 360x360, 925.gif)

how come they are so delusional but also on point, like almost self-aware lol
No. 1400466
File: 1640306557724.jpg (110.64 KB, 1241x1239, FHTuf3bWUAUP4ad.jpg)

kek i knew this was coming
No. 1400484
>>1400231Same, anon. I'm as liberal as it gets (not really. retards exist in every political spectrum) But having one trans friend that was at least non-coomer, normal outside of having mental illness and chill to be around, I hated TERFs. Same as you, I also thought trans women wanted to be left alone and just live a quiet normal life. It wasn't until this thread, reddit and being yelled at by trannies because I didn't think "women's rights" should be changed to "birth givers." That "birth givers" was dehumanizing to cis women and insulting. Of course I get called a
TERF despite being a handmaiden. I can't believe I defended these delusional scrotes. You can't be a feminist while sucking metaphorical girl dick. If you say "I agree, but" then most trannies will have you murdered and raped if they could. I still believe there's people out there that are so mentally ill they transition and fade into obscurity, but you don't hear them screaming "IT'S MA'AM" and coveting a woman's uterus. Many would disagree with me, but according to TRAs I'm a
TERF. It's good just own the label.
No. 1400493
File: 1640309096351.jpeg (Spoiler Image,410.51 KB, 1284x1595, 3FA9964F-7901-4D2E-9467-AB1CB6…)

Why have an elf on a shelf when you can cater to male delusion!!
No. 1400526
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No. 1400568
File: 1640316620924.png (1.03 MB, 1238x1264, Screen Shot 2021-12-23 at 10.2…)

Sage for blogpost but this makes me feel bad for them. Obv the TIM and TIF experiences are vastly different but when I (a woman) detransitioned my dysphoria got a lot better. Almost like accepting who you really are and distancing yourself from online communities of sad delusional people striving for unattainable goals makes you happier. :((:()
No. 1400569
File: 1640316776494.png (97.71 KB, 663x659, aitaouting.png)

Your "sister" is actually a man who's transed his gay away and he's married with another closeted bi/gay man. Your nephews have a sleepover at your house and notice an old family picture. They ask who >she was in the picture.
What would you say? No. 1400578
>>1400569Everyday I wake up and take crazy pills. Seriously, how is that okay?
>yeah, you know your “mom”? He was a dude and then your grandparents told him that he could turn into a woman as long as that meant he wasn’t gay.Those kids will have a really hard time existing because the system failed them and let them stay with a crazy man in a dress.
No. 1400608
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No. 1400651
>>1400568exactly. I had the same experience with an eating disorder. When someone called me thin, I got super focused on it and couldn't think about anything else. When I was a teen tomboy, I used to get a thrill out of people mistaking me for a boy because I felt interesting and unique. Then guys would scrutinize my body to try to figure out if I was really a boy, and it made me even more insecure and tried to hide my femaleness even more. I wasn't trans, but I know what I felt would be diagnosed as dysphoria these days. It's a natural reaction to being over-scrutinized.
>>1400569This is so goddamn depressing. What a weird thing for a kid to have to find out about her mom.
No. 1400680
File: 1640328526939.jpeg (797.97 KB, 1242x1674, E7639A97-D545-4DF5-818E-604CCE…)

tq: “Being a woman ≠ femininity”
Also tq: “worrying about fashion is feminine and thats means im a girl teehee”
No. 1400693
>>1400692The irony in this being that Trixie was dressed as a boy specifically so she wouldn't be harassed by males for being in a male-targeted environment, whereas Timmy was dressed as a girl so he could trick her into liking him by pretending to be her friend and delving into the guarded part of her she saves for fellow girls.
He saw her dressing to avoid harassment and thought "Hey I could use this as my own tool to pry into her private world she only shows to other women".
No. 1400733
File: 1640341173240.jpg (346.48 KB, 1080x2083, Screenshot_20211224_111628.jpg)

of course he was corrected because "biological girl" is terf language now. these are the people who preach about "science" kek
No. 1400743
>>1400738It makes 0 sense for a sexually reproductive species to be completely unaware of biological sex.
How the fuck do you reproduce and survive if you are apparently innately confused about sex differences, and would only ever express a reproductive sexual preference if it were socially engineered??
None of it makes sense. Did humans become gender enlightened at one point and forget the sex binary, and then re-trained themselves to remember sex? That MUST be what they believe, and they definitely think the re-training was by white colonist lmfao
No. 1400757
>>1400750With some liberal schools trying to inject tranny nonsense into the curriculum (like gender stereotypes, "feeling" like you're a different sex, and pronoun crap), what is going to happen to biology classes? Have some schools already abolished it or changed it yet?
Speaking of, troons always complain about terfs "only thinking of genitals", but they're the ones trying to define individuals as uterus-havers and penis-havers.
No. 1400769
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Sage for not being tranny related, but remember nonnies this is the type of libfem who praises trannies for being brave and stunning and better then us cis-women
No. 1400787
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Tranny chasers truly are pathetic and its just comical that they can't admit their own homosexuality
They really think liking a young guy with fake tits doesn't make them male attracted No. 1400802
File: 1640352793467.webm (Spoiler Image,5.57 MB, 1920x1080, male-midget-tim-kek.webm)

LMAO this tranny sent the police to my BF because he smacked him at a night club. and the tranny has been harassing me on fb and insta, i canttt. he's also like "i'm perfect. your mans into me. he fucked me before he slapped me" (ok he fucked you before you both went into the nightclub? lmao. also i was there with him and he drove us to the club. dumb tranny faggot)
also he's been sending me his onlyfans shit. its so fucking funny LMAO(no1curr)
No. 1400804
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>>1400802just kek this delusional fag
No. 1400821
>>1400090ayrt, damn testosterone really fucks your shit up lol. biggest thing that stopped me from transitioning originally was realising id almost certainly go bald really atrociously kek
>>1400198>>1400213unbelievably obvious that everything this mfer types is one-handed
>>1400547males are also much more likely to commit bestiality lol. white males are the most likely demographic in the usa to commit acts of bestiality. its projection as usual, and a reflection of severe pornsickness- dogfucking specifically is not that out of the ordinary, unfortunately, for pimps to demand of their pornstars. men who make this joke instantly flag to me pornsickness and depravity.
>>1400802those implants look like tumours, eughhh
No. 1400834
>>1400802Damn, this dude is a TANK.
Look at the forearm, hands, and torso. He is still unmistakably male.
No. 1400840
File: 1640357511260.webm (1.12 MB, 222x400, yep its a man.webm)
>>1400822you really cant tell,
nonny? because they get ass implants and tits and are midget-sized, that makes them pass? shame on you.
No. 1401031
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No. 1401041
File: 1640374752015.png (541.19 KB, 628x784, same angle in all his pictures…)

when all your info about skinwalking women are from memes and other troons
No. 1401042
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I don't get this. What do they have outside of their gender roles?
No. 1401047
File: 1640375202691.png (734.97 KB, 700x940, tumblr_oo3u4iX7sq1ukk68zo1_r1_…)

Here's a comic too, because why not. (1/2)
No. 1401093
File: 1640379273330.png (2.54 MB, 962x1286, Untitled.png)

On Christmas the faggots on imgur stop posting funny animal gifs and start posting their ugly soymugs. Which is the best time to play a game of "spot the tranny".
No. 1401127
>>1401031>It bugs me how many lesbians have issues with men Ye…ss?? That's the point of a sexuality?? Sexuality doesn't mean "fuck whoever Twitter says I should today to be woke" it's a personal preference and shouldn't be dictated by random strangers.
I wonder how many of these type of posts are written by virgins/people under the age of 18 because the idea of dictating other people's sexuality as an adult seems absurd.
No. 1401175
>>1400958needs to be posted about more on breadtube thread?? i cannot stand this pretentious monotone dumbass-
>pompous, simpering, disingenuous little Scottish faggotyes, but idk is someone even a lolcow if they just make you angry
No. 1401184
>>1401031This is actually like my argument that I plan to use if I ever have a discussion irl about trannies.
I'm tall, so I'm going to declare that my true height is 4'8 because I always felt short all of my life, and my dream is to participate in the Special Olympics.
No. 1411621
File: 1641615879295.png (429.99 KB, 864x596, 2022-01-07 221144.png)

Spanish troon "la jedet" is too tired and sad of being too sexy so he posted some autistic shit on ig crying about it.
this is a chat he published so i'm going to translate it.
him: i'm going to stop being too sexy, i am feeling a little uncomfy lately.
x: i understand.
him:less makeup, less hair, less boobs. ticker and more relax.
x: there's a sex scene in the video , but precisely i dont want it to be sexy instead realist.
him: i don't care about the sex, but i dont think i have to be all time being sexy on the red carpets and photoshoots, i get tired, a sex scene is sex, otherwise it doesnt bother my body.
the worse shit is the comments, they are so vomitive.
No. 1411622
File: 1641615948652.png (498.42 KB, 848x599, 2022-01-07 221234.png)

>>1411621this is the pic that he posted crying btw.