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No. 1363337
File: 1636248820905.jpg (783.71 KB, 1080x7066, Screenshot_20211106-183221.jpg)

This is deep.
No. 1363373
File: 1636251938981.png (410.39 KB, 778x829, oooooh my goooood.png)

I found this tranny while scrolling on TikTok live because I was bored. All of my lives are of trannies, I found this one account who was live and has a daughter and wife. Goes by "muddy" instead of mommy and apparently the daughter made that up herself.
why is the url @oliviashinehorn_official as if he needed to differentiate himself from the 0 other olivia shinehorns out there
No. 1363374
File: 1636251957433.png (695.56 KB, 570x741, download.png)

>>1363337thank god his wife left but why does this still read as so manipulative? is it because of the whiny tone?
troons really think they're like gay people who have no choice except being trans is a choice. it's your own fault that porn habits and your misogyny resulting in a lack of meaningful interaction with women got you to this point. given how many of them are married i'm genuinely shocked how many men can be married to us and yet have no idea that women are just humans and not some caricature of an 'other' whose life is easier or more fun. it feels actually insulting that they try to choose to opt into female existence simply because of patriarchal constructs like makeup and fashion.
i saw an anon claim in the last thread that 'womanface' is an offensive and made up term. womanface is an actual phenomenon, only we don't have an actual word for it so i will apologize as the term does for now borrow from 'blackface'. frankly it is hard to swallow when 'womanface' is literally on tv as we speak; rupaul's drag race is costume-ized womanface with a largely female audience who copes by saying "yaassss queen slay so fishy!!!" without thinking any deeper of how gay men have benefitted from patriarchal concepts of feminity for decades. troons do the same womanface except it's full-time which fools nobody. ultimately i'd sum it up as: womanface places all of female value on looks to an extreme and also stresses that women are of lesser intelligence, women are sexually submissive or sexually available to men by default, and women are catty or hysterical–for the last one, think of the mean girls of any teen movie or TV show and how simple-minded yet vindictive they are. this goes back to the concept of the "womens sphere" (seen in sexist ads like picrel) that simplify female existence into being too stupid to understand things beyond fashion, cleaning, and cooking while also devaluing the labor of a woman who cleans and cooks for her husband as "silly female things".
>>1356577 this picture from the last thread is a great example of what troons really believe of our existence. idk how old anons here are but when you get into professional environments, female discrimination is so obvious. i'm in male-dominated academia and as a woman it's really hard to be taken seriously because men do subconsciously think of women like the extreme caricatures which results in them believing that our work and contributions are of lesser value.
No. 1363399
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No. 1363401
File: 1636255096535.png (329.92 KB, 720x592, ljfehdnnmjx71.png)

>>1363393>honeymoonwhat a good time to confess your metal illness
No. 1363408
File: 1636255913111.png (26.72 KB, 994x422, Screenshot 2021-11-06 at 23-30…)

No. 1363410
>>1363401>if your feminism doesn't center MEN, then it's trash and so are you>There is literally not a woman on this planet who experiences worse oppression than menI'll be sure to tell female
victims of assault, abuse, rape, and FGM that. I'll even get out my ouija board and contact
victims of femicide, including
victims of female infanticide. They need to know that their suffering is nothing compared to the hurt feefees of a man being told he doesn't control reality or other people's perception of it. /s Obviously. This dude is an actual full on misogynistic demon.
No. 1363411
>>1363393>But on their honeymoon, Rayna finally plucked up the courage to tell Jae how she was feelingI mean, I guess it's better that he told her before knocking her up, but waiting until their honeymoon to admit to her that he's a troon is still fucked. He obviously knew he was a degenerate long before they tied the knot, but the fact he waited until they were legally bound to one another to divulge that info is telling.
>Why don't we take this opportunity to test the waters, see how you feel presenting as female? The waiter comes up and says, 'good evening, ladies,' and the LOOK on her face said it allBless his wife's heart. She's clearly doing her best. She looked so happy and optimistic in their wedding photos… now she looks like a
victim of Stockholm syndrome.
No. 1363412
File: 1636256189841.jpg (52.88 KB, 642x495, Screenshot_20211106-203345.jpg)

>>1363399Kek this has been posted numerous times, but it always gets me.
No. 1363413
>>1363399This HAS to be a photoshop. Please? Please tell me it's a photoshop!
I mean aside from 'hilariously non passing troon', that is not appropriate career-related wear. Just look at what the others are wearing, it's suits for the men and muted business casual for the women. If it isn't photoshop, it's autism.
No. 1363420
File: 1636256903949.png (27.63 KB, 978x441, cope.png)

future troon trying to justify his fetish by saying women get it too, (which is not what the article mentioned in his post is saying at all)
No. 1363427
File: 1636258341362.png (153.73 KB, 500x582, 85EE05A9-2CCA-4A0E-9646-B5861D…)

No. 1363437
>>1363420>I have had such feelings since I was a child.So he's either lying or was molested.
>>1363431Boobs aren't mentioned anywhere in the post you replied to, and men don't fixate on women for their boobs, they fixate on women because they are women and can presumably get pregnant and have children. Many men fetishize breasts, but don't be fooled. It's the uterus they're after.
No. 1363455
>>1363427>Waking up as a (beautiful, young) is literally every guy's dream>(beautiful, young)I think waking up as a beautiful person
at all is everyone's dream. That's the biggest tell that it's a fetish for trannies, they don't want to be
women, they specifically want to be young, beautiful bimbos. If women as a class weren't associated with beauty, there wouldn't be so many men insisting they were "born in the wrong body." You also wouldn't have as many delusional narcissists who think that taking horse piss suddenly turns them into the sexiest people alive.
Beautiful people are so absurdly privileged. I'm average-looking, but I would give anything to be a conventionally attractive person of either sex, if only because our shallow culture rewards beautiful people with an overall higher quality of life. (Look it up, they're more likely to get raises, loans, promotions, etc.)
No. 1363470
>>1363427This man definitely thinks dating men and getting pregnant are fun things and not the traumatic crapshoots they are for many women. This type of guy would definitely rope it once the reality of being considered a subclass of humans who are good to sexually harass, rape, disrespect and underpay/not pay at all (gendered servitude) settled in. No man club to pat him on the back and rain money on him, the literal only thing we get is comparative beauty and not all women feel the benefits of that.
Give up absolutely everything for beauty (which mostly serves to ensure you can't go anywhere alone, get mocked constantly by men and pickme women simply for being female, and any man you are alone in a room with will attempt to rape you?) sign me up!!
No. 1363477
>>1363393He should have done the glowup with nice hair and makeup without also becoming a woman with tits, why can't these men just be gender non conforming.
>>1363401If your dog's rights movement doesn't center zebras dressed up as dogs then it isn't a dog's rights movement. Zebras dressed up as dogs are more oppressed than dogs.
(someone needs to make some TERFy children's picture books like this to help hammer the point home)
No. 1363493
>>1363470>any man you are alone in a room with will attempt to rape you?)I don't know on what twisted society you live in, to the point that
any man would prefer to rape beautiful woman instead of courting them to long-term relationship or marriage
No. 1363500
>>1363337He Tells Her
He tells her he's a woman too
He has a lady brain
He tells her his identity
and hers, they are the same
He tells her not to talk about
her body, it's not fair
her body is her privilege
his own, a cross to bear
He tells her that she cannot talk
or otherwise allude
to what her female body does
its nasty to exclude
He says respect diversity
except he would prefer
that she would not point out the ways
that he's diverse from her
He tells her that biology
does not impact her life
she should still bear his children
but she should call him 'wife'
He says that words must all evolve
she must learn to make do
And now that woman is his word
he's taking female too
He tells her that a woman is whatever he decides
He will not put it into words
she must not ask, he chides
He tells her he is more oppressed
than she has ever been
He says she must agree with him
or else she's being mean
She searches for the words she needs
to talk about herself
The billions who exist like her
Their lives, their rights, their health
Whatever word she chooses now
He finds a way to spin it
The conversation carries on
But she's no longer in it
No. 1363526
File: 1636275938344.png (137.91 KB, 237x323, sawdefghjk.png)

>>1363502his fucking wall art
No. 1363581
File: 1636287195969.png (699.1 KB, 752x550, karen ranney.png)

>>1363374>troons really think they're like gay people who have no choice except being trans is a choice.It's a mix of male entitlement ("i can be a woman too lol"), male retardation (enjoying "girl stuff", either what women do or cultural stereotypes = woman); psychologists & psychiatrists feeding the idea of sexual inversion and ~magical female essence~ to this day.
>>1363408I wonder if we will ever have data on how many heterosexual men trooned out in the Anglosphere or elsewhere. It's not a new phenomenon but it's growing…
Picrel, transwidow - or grass widow, as she calls herself - who'd experienced this in the 90s.
>“My husband says his male persona is dead,” she explained. “I call myself a grass widow because it’s as if I don’t have a grave to mourn at — only a patch of grass.” No. 1363584
>>13635711 in 3 (30-35%) of men would rape if they knew they’d get away with it. (Source. Plus, second source 11 years later showing the same percentage: Kilpatrick)
1 in 6 or 7 (14-16%) reported cases will ever see the inside of a courtroom. This was a figure given to me by my own sexual assault attorney back in 2012. I took his word for it, especially after all the research I did coupled with my own experience with the police, as well as experiences like this.
1 in 16 (6.5%) men are rapists. 2002 Lisak study, although other studies show as high as nearly 15%, or 1 in 7 men.
Only 27% whose assault met the legal definition of rape consider themselves rape
victims, so great is the minimization and normalization of sexual assault in our society. (
Listen, I know you’re trying to give the benefit of the doubt. I'm not saying females should be scared of men, or ALL men are rapists. However, the dichotomies men have constantly reiterated against females, that females are less intelligent, more emotional, etc.. Females have more empathy. Men act on aggression. Females are graduating more as of now and getting higher grades in western countries. I know you handmaidens and scrotes like to dignify nonnies words on here, however staistics prove otherwise. 10 countries have full rights for females. dont believe “ALL MEN BAD”, however, and im not sure if youre the same
nonnie in these other threads who call females “jaded” for having aggression to how theyve been treated, or demonizing women for pointing out the flaw in this system and how it treats females, as most of them dont have as much chances as men. We dont. We tried giving empathy to men, however, these same men who claimed they were on our side demonized us. Its us fending for ourselves. Trad men, liberal men, they only like females if they commodify themselves for the views they align with.
No. 1363588
>>1363582Because (some) lawmakers didn't want it happening to their female relatives but it's not like men truly give a shit.
You should look at DV and rape stats in your country (perpetrators and convictions).
No. 1363611
>>1363555I would say the same, there's parents and a brother. Both of us read manga from childhood so it got interesting when both of us has reached puberty
>but if they could skip all that without getting in trouble they would do it.Well, there's something like friendship with benefits
>I've been around men saying the most vile shit to women, discussing how they would rape them if they could.I will classify it as fighting words(directed to woman), virgin delusion, or just them bullshitting around. Because most of the time, like 99.99%, nothing happened beside catcall. Those boys that talked like that while you're around probably made such hyperbolic statement just to get reactions from you.
Let's say, government suddenly declare that raping women is no longer a crime for a week. On the first and second day, many men would rape women. By the third day, most of men would have enough of it and play games instead of continuing their rape saga because there's no more thrill from doing it. And by the 8th day, the government will be overthrown
No. 1363626
>>1363615Sorry. Didn't spend much time writing it. I'm a terrible fiction writer
>>1363616That's why I assumed the government was overthrown in the 8th day as most men didn't like their female relatives getting raped. Afterall, only few of them are serial rapist
>>1363621Are you ok?
No. 1363630
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Is it just me or do they always have this mouth?
No. 1363637
File: 1636297060870.jpg (20.52 KB, 450x600, IMG_20211105_064649.jpg)

>>1363335I would kill to know what their voice sounds like. I need to know what the sound is
No. 1363639
File: 1636297147263.jpg (89.65 KB, 720x960, IMG_20211105_064616.jpg)

>>1363637I'm obsessed. I need to know why they do this wide leg pose, what is it? What does it mean? What is being conveyed when they do this?
No. 1363641
File: 1636297334089.jpg (83.54 KB, 576x960, IMG_20211105_064620.jpg)

Why do they always dress like middle aged escorts in early 2000s documentaries about Las Vegas? That's another thing I need to know
No. 1363642
>>1363641Is this a mask or his real face? I'm not sure which scenario is more frightening
I don't want this in my restroom or on this earth tbh
No. 1363643
File: 1636297554573.png (608.48 KB, 637x636, unknown (1).png)

I have never seen a more robust skull shape
No. 1363644
File: 1636297583562.jpeg (624.79 KB, 1170x1558, 204ACF8D-A6D3-4EA9-91C2-8E61F1…)

they’re so delusional
No. 1363647
File: 1636297727302.jpg (137.29 KB, 720x960, IMG_20211105_064631.jpg)

>>1363642This is in fact flesh on a skull. Not a mask in sight
No. 1363655
File: 1636298840986.png (37.18 KB, 986x995, 1518268357258.png)

>>1363635No, maybe? Sorry for the retarded fictional story
No. 1363674
File: 1636302116246.jpg (101.01 KB, 1024x576, creature.jpg)

>>1363644"No, u wanna fuck ME" - the post.
Because nothing is sexier than a balding narc hon with an egg shaped head and bolt ons sitting high on his chest.
>>1363652He's just pretending to be oblivious, dude is a transbian and the general public perception on trannies is that they're all broken gay men.
Women being coerced into having sex with men like him is on his best interests.
No. 1363690
File: 1636303872240.jpeg (131.65 KB, 495x584, 675FBA2B-777E-44AE-962F-5F30BD…)

>>1363639It’s the one they do on those shitty movie posters for moid movies.
No. 1363749
>>1363733Most prostitutes are women because men are monsters and rapists who love forcing women into prostitution and making their lives hell.
You realize that prostitution only exists because men want it and because they enjoy raping helpless women, right?
No. 1363806
>>1363561It's a scrote obviously kek, I hate how misogynistic men are to think that women are so simple-minded and easy to emulate when the reality is that they get outed so quick here when attempting to pass as a woman. Stop trying to blend in among us, you all fucking fail and it's a waste of your time.
Now contrast their poor portrayal of women to the likes of u/terfsbeware and other female trolls that are able to pass as males flawlessly and even have men insisting that a woman couldn't have been behind their trolls. Men are so simple-minded and easy to LARP as online, even down to the degenerate sexual and violent behaviors and their shitty justifications (entitlement) surrounding it.
No. 1363832
File: 1636314456492.png (1.59 MB, 1200x1784, 253252962_646931823358177_6859…)

looking more like a haggard alice cooper or noel fielding to me kek…. (excuse if this has been posted before i haven't been keeping up)
No. 1363843
>>1363835> And you seem to be really bad at statistics. > Way to show that you failed basic math in high school.These arguments are legitimately
triggering kek, it's typical moid speak. Most people who do stats irl don't speak like this.
No. 1363859
File: 1636315771445.jpg (692.98 KB, 2672x3274, gwzrE3A.jpg)

Men are disgusting, more news at 11
No. 1363882
File: 1636317553124.webm (4.49 MB, 404x270, creep.webm)
>>1363859Remember: it's only the terminally online who are weird. If there's more of them showing up IRL it's no big deal because, uh, blablabla being progressive and the good transwimin out there said so~
No. 1363892
had to be canned laughter. This is so fucked up.
No. 1363904
>>1363859>>1363882This is so sickening and needs to be added to any peaking compilation out there. Women just like us, yeah fucking right.
Actually I was thinking about starting a youtube with material like the stuff that gets posted here to inform people on what troons are actually like. Do you ladies think some sort of troon antics compilation video series would have a chance to take off or would youtube fire up so fast on account of hate speech to protect troons as patriarchal society currently does?
No. 1363910
>>1363904>or would youtube fire up so fast on account of hate speech to protect troons100%
>as patriarchal society currently doesgo away
No. 1363929
File: 1636320783694.png (42.51 KB, 799x107, hailey_the_femboyish.png)

>>1363893>>1363896This commenter's post history is fucked up even by reddit troon standards
No. 1363939
>>1363502I finally summoned up the enthusiasm to actually watch this pompous moid.
I almost fell backwards off my chair laughing when he said that he can go outside and pass as a woman.
Nigga, you don't even pass on the Internet. You don't even fucking pass in the idealised 'cartoon succubus' artwork of yourself you use as your avatar. I can only imagine what an awkward, hulking fucking ogre you must appear IRL to normal people.
Demon Mama, you look like a man, you act like a man, then you open your massive, grotesque, jabbering fucking mouth and start lecturing everyone in earshot and remove all fucking doubt. You will never be a woman.
No. 1363960
>>1363951Where The F
* Are These Children's Mothers?
You're the mothers, right? The moms? The mums? I need the mothers on my side. I'm on the side of the breeders. I'm on the side of the children. Fuck feelings. I care about the emotional and physical well-being of the future generations, not some spoiled little f
of the easiest, stupidest, path of least resistance society that has ever existed's bulls delusions.
I'm not here to play back and forth games with the actually faggots who with the wedge of their actually and your weak, well-meaning, nice, feminine, kindness and your ignorance of the smell of sulfur on the monster before you have rolled a Trojan Horse full of literal baby-f
*ing God Damned pedophile monsters into your Ivory Towers, your Kindergartens, your locker rooms, your Olympics, your prisons, everywhere you sought to stand in public. Fuck these people.
This was done to hurt you, to make a mockery of you, to hold you down. This was done by men who hate women more than any other men who have ever walked the Earth, the worst men that have ever existed, trans women, men so worthless they can't even admit the most obvious thing about themselves that is obvious to the dogs and rats who can smell their manhood and should be obvious to every mother on Earth.
Wake the f
up, b*, before they slice up even one more child in public.
Trans women are vile, weak, disgusting, whiny, fake-
victim masturbators who should be ashamed of themselves. They threatened suicide and you rolled over. You disgust me too. There is but one noble response to a man who tries to use the threat of violence against himself to manipulate a woman's emotions. f
do it then!
No woman should ever pity a weak man. Tear your f
ing blinders off, b*, what the f
* is wrong with you? Your pity rewards weak men for their weakness. You have sacrificed your children's futures on the altar of that pity.
I have looked thousands of adult men in the eyes and have not met one man, not once, who believed that trans women are women. Soldiers. Bull Riders. Artists. Dope Smokers. Lawyers. Men. No one believes that trans women are women. Trans women know they are men. They are forcing you to pretend to believe that they are women to rape your minds and the minds of your children. They are like Big Brother before them twisting your language so that you don't have the words to make sense of reality. This is power, b
**. This is the shape of power. These men run your world now because you refused to speak Truth to power.
Trans women are men. Say it. Own it. Know it. Hold the f
ing line, b*. Michfest held the line. When Michfest fell, so fell Western Civilization!
This is a pedophile cult. It's been here the whole time. You gave these people too much power so they became a pedophile cult. The lesbians tried to warn you but no one listens to the lesbians. I broke Max Hardcore's nose, b
*, and drank at his house and shared his cameraman. Max Hardcore, a whorebreaker, who still slings fake dick, has more integrity than the whole of Western Civilization who would rather stroke their cocks and their phones while the world burns than speak truth to power. Say what you want about me I never fed no kids. I would send my daughter to learn what a golden shower is from Max Hardcore before I let these satanic tranny freaks "educate" her about her body and her soul.
You have abdicated your responsibility as a mother. You have sold your children for the trance of the endless scroll, for cheap validation, for Candy Crush b
* you stupid fing cow how could you, because you're too cowed to draw a line. Enough is Enough. Your horrifying addiction is making you stupid and weak and your children are suffering because of it. You are no different than a heroin addict who ties the cord for her child to shoot up with her.
Trans women are men.
Trans women are evil.
Trans women are rapists.
Trans women are predators.
Trans women are men who have surrendered to their shadow. That's what it means to be evil. I should f
*ing know. The men beneath these vile personas can still be redeemed, so long as the soul walks the Earth, it can be redeemed. The trans women cannot. There is no such thing as a trans woman. There is no such thing as gender identity. This is a sick fetish.
Trans women are a lie. They know and I know and if you can't see it you're not paying attention. Their fetish is lying to you, jerking off all over everything you care about, pissing into your children's developing minds, and making you shut up and take it. Weak men are the natural prey of whores. I see right through them. I read their dark hearts. Some of them are vile sadists and some are just worthless bootlickers but every single one of them is evil.
Trans women are evil pedophiles who have twisted the minds of your people so badly with annoying, ugly, stupid language, that your children are mutilating their bodies to please them. These people understand attention. Attention is the currency of your horrifying society. Teenage girls want attention more than anything else on Earth. They have been offered a choice between mincing TikTok whore and navel-gazing spoiled rotten weak pathetic fake man
victims because you sold them out for the smartphone. Trans women and the shadow lords of the Algorithm control this attention. They are pedophiles, predators, monsters, shadow beasts, the literal devil. These men hate women. They are jealous panty wearing sick masturbating f
s who have infiltrated every level of your society with one goal: Degrade Women. Piss on the faces of your mothers, your daughters, the women who fought to get here. Piss on your right to say no. Cut your breasts off. Sew your pussies shut. Take the word mother how the f dare you let the actually fa
take the word mother from you.
Where the f
are your balls, b*? Where are the mother bears?
I know what a woman is, b
*, and I know what a man is, I know what a mother is, and I know what a child is, and I sure as f know what a pedophile is. A pedophile is someone who sacrifices the souls of children to feed his shadow self. A pedophile f
s kids. A pedophile believes the validation of his monstrous sexual fetish is worth the reap of thousands upon thousands of your little girls and your little boys, your daughters, your sons, your babies, generations of your children, bred now for it, their minds warped from birth, their deep animal truths denied. These tranny freaks are experimenting on your children and cutting them apart in full view of the public and you stand by and let it happen because you are worried they will call you out for being afraid of them. You are worried they will take away your social media. Fuck Social Media. It did this. Burn it to the fing ground and hold these f
*ing monsters accountable!
The evil trannies are 1% of the population. They control The Matrix. They do not control real life.
Call me transphobic. I'm transphobic. You should be too. The trans ideology is bulls
* on its face, a lie built to suborn these soulless pedophiles in their public grooming of your children. This is a pedophile cult. This is the real pedophile cult that has been staring you in the face the whole time laughing, masturbating, the naked Emperor stroking his cock while you try to find some new nice words to explain gently to him in NewSpeak that you would like him to stop and that he is naked. NewSpeak doesn't have those words!
He won't stop. He hates you. Enough is Enough. Speak English, b
*. Fuck your NewSpeak. I piss on your NewSpeak. No woman should ever let another word of this vile mockery of English that is NewSpeak pass her lips ever again! You know which words I mean. Don't say them. Don't write them. The truth is beautiful. NewSpeak is not. Hold the line. Let the pedophile monsters keep their NewSpeak. Speak English, as all men still do, once the pussies leave the room. Fuck your pronoun dance. Fuck your obfuscation while the blood truth stares you in the face. Do you think the Marines speak NewSpeak? Do you think the tuna boat fisherman ask for my pronouns? Grow up. A dog knows what a b* is. I walk with the dogs. This dead whore is the last man left in America. Take the culture back or the dogs will be all that survives of Western Civilization.
This is your Great Replacement, b
*. These people castrate your kids. They sold them to Big Pharma to be castrated while you cheer them on for living their "truth." The f? How do you sleep at night? Self-mutilation has never been and will never be a cure for mental illness. Self-mutilation is a sign of extreme psychological distress. This is your next Opiate crisis. End this before it gets worse. Stand up to the cult. Every f
ing teenage girl experiences "dysphoria." The cure is acceptance and spiritual growth, a fing gym routine, hobbies, goals, control over the desires, the intellect trained to guard the heart, compassion but never pity not bulls
*, personas, lies, a lifetime commitment to pharmaceuticals, hack job surgeries that construct a vile funhouse mirror effigy of the opposite sex from the bodies honed by millions of years of evolution that you have allowed the worst people in your society to "educate" your daughters about.
I have walked the world and watched this cancer stretch across it. They are making money from this soul reap, not just the evil pedophiles, but the even darker evil of the truly soulless money men who stand by and let it happen because they love money so much. The power structure knows this is horrible, they just don't care. Your children who agree to be mutilated for the attention of the cult are weak. The f
do the money men care about a bunch of stupid mentally damaged children with endless scroll addictions? They f kids too. They have eyes like mine that truck no pity. You are sheep to them. They are laughing all the way to the bank. That's why you're not allowed to speak up. Money. Big Pharma. Look at this "science". The Sacklers had "science" too. Look at these people, the paragons of this paradigm, these mutilated side-show freaks, fake ass whiny
victims holding you down in fear, these freak doctors chopping up your babies, do these people seem happy to you? Do they seem wise? You trusted your children to the smartphone and this is what it did to you!
I committed voter fraud for Joe Biden because I didn't want to watch that s
-filled sack of s where once stood a man s
all over himself in public every day, filtered through the voices of every last human soul in America who could talk about nothing else that whole time but the color and shape of his s. Joe Biden put a pedophile monster in charge of Health and Human Services so that the process of trapping your children with that lifetime commitment to pharmaceuticals can be honed ever further into the path of least resistance. Joe Biden knows that's a man and he knows that's a pedophile and he knows that's the agenda. No one did anything. Fuck these people.
Your children's teachers are either in this pedophile cult or the usual well-meaning weak man pitying feminine fools that suborn evil because they're too stupid to see it. Your children's teachers allow them to start their horrifying lifetime addiction to cross-sex hormones and the feeding of their shadow selves behind your back, twelve-year-old girls, experiencing the normal rhythms of the experience of being twelve-year-old girls, are encouraged to mutilate their growing bodies to please these pedophiles because it gets attention. Pedophiles f
children. These pedophiles are fing your children in public every day. f
their minds. f
their bodies. Often, these tortured man-women, who have been so sadistically brought up, with no real men in their lives, their fathers having sold their balls to the endless scroll, their mothers so weak and broken themselves by this stupid garbage that they go along with it. I have seen it. The parents mean well, they're just idiots. Because she is bred from stupid weak people and trained by shadow monsters, the traumatized child
victim of the cult can't spot a predator, and they bear children to these monsters!
Then, the monsters f
the children too just like the pedophile cult of The South did. The shape of power is always a pedophile cult. Ask that finger sucking b* of a whore-breaker Maxwell. Do you remember that video with the trans couple trying to breastfeed a baby with the disgusting weak whiny fake
victim piece of s
man not worth the air he breathes crying about how no one respects him as a mother as he tries to squeeze the hormone-induced weepings of his man titties into a baby's mouth? Find me that video. Watch that video, and tell me that's not a worthless masturbating pedophile fing a baby while the traumatized child your garbage society has groomed to let pump his seed into her fertile womb coddles his weakness and lets it happen. How can you stand for this? Where the f
* is child services? Where are that baby's grandparents? How can you let this happen in public and say nothing? What do you think that baby's future looks like?
I thought pedos got the wall?
I thought chomos got the rope?
That's a f
*ing child molester. So is Bruce Jenner. He told you he gets off to wearing his own daughters' clothes and you stood by and did nothing. Tear your blinders off! This is not acceptable. You do not have to accept this.
Speak truth to power. Trans women are men. They know they are men. If these men can't slit the throats of these vile personas in public, admit what they have done, take off the dress, look with abject shame upon the affront to God and nature they have wrought in the service of their masturbatory fantasies, apologize for the children they have hurt with their lies and their drugs and their grooming, apologize for the incarcerated women they have fed to rapist monsters, apologize for the lesbian spaces they have desecrated, and devote the rest of their lives to repairing the damage they have done, if you left it up to me, I'd execute every last one of them personally.
Cancel the ever living f
* out of this. Cancel this so hard that no man dare walk the path of the trans woman in public ever again! Enough is enough. Lynch Kaitlyn! Lynch the "Sisters" Wachowski! Lynch Laurel Hubbard! Lynch Fallon Fox! Make these men stand up as the men you all know they are and hold them accountable for their shame. Your fear of the truth has shoveled thousands of children down the hole in Buffalo Bill's basement so he can harvest them for their skins. Enough is Enough.
Pedos get the wall? Chomos get the rope? Where the f
are the Marines? Where the f is the Army? Where are the Farmers with Pitchforks? Where are the Cowboys? Where are the Indians? Where the f
are the men? Where the f are the mothers? How can you stand for this? If my grandfather and all his brothers who stood up to Hitler were still here they would rip the still-beating hearts from every last one of these pedophile monsters in public the same way they have raped your kids. So would every man who walked the Earth before your culture decided to accept masturbation as healthy and not the soul-draining creative energy wasting evil pathetic act of a man not worth his balls.
Break your smartphones. Break the Internet. Make these people pay. Afraid of Trannies? They should be afraid of you! Take the red pill, b
*, before it's too late. Everyone's queer. Queer is utterly meaningless at this point, a box of nothing your children stuff themselves into to be cool with no connection left to the rebellion for which it once stood. "Identity" is sin. All lies are sin. I fought for the right to love whom I loved. I did not fight for the right to lie in public and have no one call me out, naval gaze about my own bulls while the world buns, or desecrate the sacrifice that has been done in my name as an American to whine about victimhood. No one deserves these rights.
Kill this ideology. No mercy. No quarter. Wipe the stain of Newspeak from the Ivory Tower forever. They should be ashamed of themselves, the actually faggots. Take back womanhood from the fetishists. Own the truth. Clear eyes, b
**. Once more into the breach.
I've already been canceled. I can speak the truth. Dead whores tell no lies. I care not for fame nor money. I have no smartphone. I truck no pity. I crawled on my belly through the darkness for this. I walked back into the Matrix to get you out. Only God can forgive me. I'm not here for forgiveness. I'm here to take the language back from the forked tongue of NewSpeak and save your daughters. Are you with me, or are you with the actually faggots and the evil pedophiles and the damaged, spoiled children who have been trained by the two worse forces of evil that I have ever seen: The Matrix and the evil trannies that the Matrix breeds? Do you believe in Free Speech and atonement and the wisdom of the fallen or do you believe that no one who sins should ever speak again?
The monsters named me The Cotton Ceiling. To break me and others like me they raped and groomed and tortured and sliced up and desecrated and "educated" your daughters because not a single solitary State in all of Western Civilization had to the balls or the brains or the heart to say no to these freaks. What the f
is wrong with you? Are you going to let them take me down with some lazy memes while you s out your s
opinions about s you know nothing about and masturbate your outrage into your phone and do nothing or are you going to take off your goddam polite society blinders and look this monster in the eyes? I'm The Cotton Ceiling, b
*. I'm the only one who said NO. They took down Michfest. They can't take down Lily Cade. She's already dead. I'm the bullet, b*, if you let me be. Who else has the balls, the brains, the voice, and the pitiless eyes to fight these monsters? I'm a f
ing soldier. You ready? I'm ready. We can't fight this within the Matrix. No more back and forth message board internet bulls. This ends now. Stop arguing on the Internet with the bootlicking footsoldiers of the men who are f
ing your children and stand the f up.
Peak trans, b
**. Let's go. Let's see their Cotton Ceiling and raise them The Wall!
Are you going to let these monsters piss on motherhood and f
* your kids or are you going to stand up for the Truth?
No. 1363996
File: 1636325070123.png (275.7 KB, 750x1363, cadeapology.png)

>>1363951A lesbian pornstar who was interviewed in that BBC article about the cotton ceiling. TIMs are discarding the whole article as fake because she was a sex pest who assaulted three (or more) women in porn parties. is her apology. On the second link I guess they confirmed it was really her.
Then she posted that autistic manifesto and the BBC removed her contribution from the article. What a mess…
No. 1364004
>>1363999Yeah, it was.
But if you were/are an autistic coomer who'd raped people in bathroom stalls, the last thing you should do is go on the BBC News and talk about other autistic coomers raping people. Doesn't matter if you're right, it's TERRIBLE optics and TIMs are the ones who have the upper hand.
Also, Caroline Lowbridge's livelihood was already on the line of fire just for publishing that article, that dumbass made things worse for her.
No. 1364042
>>1363910>go awaykek
triggered tradfem or moid, cope
No. 1364114
File: 1636336472080.jpeg (387.02 KB, 1170x2172, 5BA6FD12-A0CA-476A-ABEC-F33585…)

Sick of seeing this big headed troon on Instagram. No woman or girl wants their period. Stop glorifying wanting a period, ffs. It’s such a mockery, “yay blood clot, mood swings, and cramps.” Ok hotdog wound.
No. 1364118
>>1364114Honestly I didn't get my period for 3 years because I was sick and while it was happening I kind of missed it - but only because I knew how much damage not having them anymore was doing. I was happy getting it back.
When I got them again it got old by the second day
No. 1364127
>>1363859Lmao I hope someone who was friends with him on Facebook before he trooned out takes him to task on this.
Also, I'm sick of retards who can't distinguish between "free speech" and "saying whatever I want with no social consequences." Free speech is just when the government doesn't interfere with your expression. People criticizing you online for saying something retarded is
not an infringement on your right to free speech.
No. 1364156
>>1363904Youtube would just ban you. /pol/cels seem to use without getting banned so maybe try that.
No. 1364170
File: 1636341087183.png (69.97 KB, 589x657, preggo.png)

You WILL accept the pregnant man
You WILL NOT ask where the uterus came from
You WILL NOT mention that men aren't born with them.
No. 1364175
>>1364127Criticism and commentary is another form of free speech. When something like happened, it's pretty much guaranteed you will be banned for naughty opinions
No. 1364178
>>1364114one time i saw a retard on twitter say its transphobic and ungrateful to say you hate your period
>>1364170kek i’’m not even mad because of how absurd this is
No. 1364231
File: 1636348366068.jpg (175.01 KB, 1053x621, Screenshot_202.jpg)

No. 1364238
>>1364170people are gonna abuse the shit out of this, whether it’s for nonbinaries or aidens it doesn’t matter
regular people don’t give a shit or either know biology refuses to take part in fantasies so they’ll use it as a fat dude
No. 1364251
>>1364231He literally looks like he has Habsburg jaw
The delusion
No. 1364256
File: 1636350588803.jpeg (79.34 KB, 640x462, 1633172925234.jpeg)

>>13642543 out of 3 fetish
>fujoshi No. 1364313
>>1363584Thanks anon, a great reminder to
kys myself never be left alone with a man. One of my friends was also brutally raped by her coworker she trusted and thought was a good man so you can never be too sure. One in three and even 1 in 16 is too risky of a gamble.
>>1363667Fucking christ I hope this guy doesn't actually have kids but after so many r/transwidow posts I don't even know anymore.
No. 1364323
>>1364146The fact she's a porn star but is also a, well we need a new word because
terf doesn't cover it - must have broken the brains of the "porn is feminism" lefties
>listen to women>listen to sexworkers>sex work is work>sex work and general debasement is empowering>trans rights are rights>lily throwing a spoke into the worksShe sounds utterly deranged but I think it proves two points: sex work is terrible for your mental health, and any woman who has excessive exposure to men can see through their bullshit while also being angrily repulsed by them. Twitter complained a lot while avoiding reposting the whole thing in case it was "
triggering" but it isn't
triggering at all. It simply lays those two facts out clearly, and by effect paints porn as bad (it is) and men as awful (they are) because those two things had to be true to produce that rant.
No. 1364349
>>1364323When people say "sex work is real work" i've started asking them if they'd be ok with blowjobs for their manager being added to their daily duties or be fired. When they say no, it should be a choice etc etc, I remind them that the company they work for can change their job requirements at any point and if they can't meet the new requirements they will be fired and unable to claim unemployment. This is what is going on with the covid jabs. Not being vaccinated is seen as you not being able to fulfill job requirements and that's why you can't claim benefits. You made an active choice to not do something the company is requiring of you.
If these dumb moids and pickmes don't think every shitty manager or owner would be adding sexual requirements for their employess, or adding them on a whim when they hire someone they find attractive, they are retarded. If sex work is work there should be no issue with it being added to any job.
No. 1364393
>>1364376It's true. FTMs are on the very bottom rung of the LGBT community, absolutely nobody gives a shit about them and their only purpose in the trans movement is to serve as a weaponized ammunition for MTFs whenever they need to prove a point about how "not all who menstruate are women so fuck your
terf rhetoric" to deny factual biology. There's a reason why FTM suicide rates are way higher than any other LGBT profile's while MTFs actually have the lowest one. Even the people I know who are really into the trans narrative make fun of delusional Aidens who have zero masculinity to them yet show nothing but overcompensating appreciation for the trashiest hons when it comes to MTFs. You really can't identify out of being a subject for misogyny and sexism, it will follow you no matter what pronouns you pick up.
No. 1364418
File: 1636378538639.jpg (22.92 KB, 680x261, FDoWmU5WUAMwXQM.jpg)

>>1364041Hmm, I wonder why.
No. 1364507
File: 1636389614457.jpeg (746.74 KB, 1242x1684, 10F1476F-DF9F-4036-9EAA-D9DD3E…)

>>1364416/lgbt/ is nothing but men hating on women's appearances and jerking themselves off over being better at being women than actual women
No. 1364535
File: 1636392563058.jpg (Spoiler Image,208.09 KB, 900x1200, enormous hands.jpg)

lmfao, look at those GIGANTIC hands.(spoiler this shit, dumbass)
No. 1364573
>>1364535no sage, clearly a biofem, stop taking the bait
also kek at gigantic hands.jpg
No. 1364602
>>1364573his facial expression has always pissed me off
>>1364555>>1364571>>1364557>>1364535its literally just a heavily edited picture. if you look up ones of taftaj where hes not posing like that, he legit just looks like adude with tits
No. 1364641
>>1364535This should have included his handle like
>>1364602 did. It's a moid, ladies, you just have Asian face blindness. TBH his stomach gave it away to me.
No. 1364682
>>1363733And? Equating rapists (i.e. men who commit violence) with "whores" (i.e. women & children designated for men to commit violence on) is some absolute shit-for-brains scrote logic regardless of how the numbers break down.
>>1364231If an actual woman looked half as haggard and masculine as this troon, she'd be mocked and bullied off the internet for describing herself as "attractive." The utter audacity of moids.
No. 1364700
File: 1636404566715.png (531.62 KB, 1070x644, Untitled.png)

The audacity of this man.
No. 1364751
>>1364700Scrotes are incapable of appreciating female characters outside of the concept of coom. SJWs are also incapable of viewing fiction without politicizing it. Leave it to a tranny to watch literally any TV show or movie and contrive some way to make it about himself.
Also damn he's skinwalking Hontra so hard, even down to the retarded costumes and ugly neon gels. Making a two hour long narcissist screed about something a retard on Reddit has already said in a three sentence post is the antithesis of intellectualism. If brevity is the sole of wit, breadtubers are the sole of retardation.
No. 1364757
>>1364507The cope is reaching critical mass. Those women are beautiful and all clearly cis, no reasonable person is going to mistake them for trannies. Especially the bottom one, who has an hourglass figure and tapered, feminine legs.
>>1364737I haven't seen the show, but I'm amazed that scrotes contrived a way to sexualize the idea of a woman being good at chess despite struggling with alcoholism. They sexualize even the most inane, boring things we do, it's repulsive.
No. 1364763
File: 1636409941427.png (9.22 MB, 1170x2532, 80BFF073-70C1-4E0D-ABE0-3FC5CC…)

Have we spoken about this tiktok troon yet?
Insists that no one can tell whether he’s male or female but the face and fake pitched up voice are dead giveaways
No. 1364788
>>1364763sadly i'm zoomer enough to know this is from a video where they weakly denied being trans and instead latched onto looking like a GNC woman and a
this is a man
No. 1364789
File: 1636413333205.png (236.37 KB, 638x667, Screen Shot 2021-11-08 at 3.12…)

i guess this is how greaselord 4chan trannies cope about being hideous, testosterone riddled ogres.
No. 1364792
>>1363630whats wrong with the mouth…? mine looks like that
t. not a tranny
No. 1364808
>>1364789This didn't happen but if it did…
Creepy, instantly clockable tranny approaches wearing coder socks, spinny skirt, and transbian pin:
>"I've never seen another trans person here you must be new, hi!!"Normal looking cis girl:
>"Wha…Ohhh sorry I'm not trans but have a good one."End of interaction. When you know you're a woman, a stranger misgendering you doesn't cause dysphoria. Why don't trannies understand this?
No. 1364825
File: 1636417626490.jpg (82.69 KB, 930x490, nazi.jpg)

>>1364700>muh terfs are fascistscope seethe dilate and project
trans identified men are so in love with nazi ideology that it's literally a common relatable thing to them. this was drawn by an aiden who hates terfs, it speaks volumes that even a handmaiden like her realizes how fucked up tims are.
also aren't radfems anti-porn? so lily cade is really part of the libfem-to-fascist pipeline.
>>1364767I wouldn't call for a lynching of trans people but I would absolutely call for a lynching of youtube grifters kek.
No. 1364839
>>1364789the look on their face isn't because they've been "stabbed" it's because they think "this creep is an idiot who can't tell men and women apart"
sorry for linking to a video by a loser like amazing atheist but that tran channer reminds me of this schizo kek No. 1364878
File: 1636423295668.png (33.79 KB, 991x532, Screenshot 2021-11-08 at 20-57…)

What's wrong with these fucking people?
The social worker prescribing therapy but the child just wants results right away so the social worker is like LOL OK. wtf?
No. 1364880
File: 1636423994233.png (2.15 MB, 1189x2115, 1636423860529.png)

This old chaser posted this on fb and I cant stop laughing at the replies.
No. 1364927
File: 1636429258223.png (46.19 KB, 963x680, Screenshot 2021-11-08 at 22-38…)

>She was also wearing leggings
this totally happened
No. 1364928
>>1364878> my GOD. The comments on this post are all insane (though I'm not sure what I expected). Every comment is pro-puberty blockers what the actual fuck.
>"Blockers are considered fully reversible, pubery isnt.">"Puberty blockers are 100% a good option for a 12 year old. They just delay puberty, so they give the kid a chance to pick what puberty they want to go through.">"Puberty blockers are very safe from everything i have ever heard. There is little risk of jumping the gun. Because you can just stop taking them and puberty restarts. Conversely, puberty is harder to reverse."This guy is going to ruin his daughter's life and is getting praised for it.
No. 1364933
>>1364928>Puberty blockers are very safeTell that to the people who took them for precocious puberty and now have numerous bone problems as adults. There is no such thing as a drug with zero side effects.
Also OP (who I really hope doesn't listen to all the retards responding to him) established several times that his daughter flits between interests and goes through a lot of phases. It's clearly part of a larger pattern for her and not something he should be enabling.
No. 1364945
>>1364789When will they get it through their thick skulls that normal people don't give a fuck about being misgendered? Only lunatics who rely on others to enable their delusions care about it.
One of my friends has been mistaken for a troon before, and she just shrugs it off. She's used to people commenting on her height (6'1") and probably just views it as part of that. If a 4tranner called a woman a tranny, she'd probably just write it off as him being a faceblind autist. Terminally online trannies aren't exactly gifted when it comes to social grace.
No. 1364949
File: 1636431724405.jpg (12.4 KB, 268x305, Lady~2.jpg)

>>1364763Is he trying to cosplay Lady Tottington?
No. 1364955
File: 1636432227794.jpeg (436.84 KB, 1379x1103, 393FBE20-0916-49EC-AFC1-B25D05…)

hey guise
No. 1364966
>>1364927Funny thing about that last part, shopping for clothes and "older TERFs" .. I was in a Macy's dressing room on a busy Friday night at the mall recently. I was in the stall so didn't see anything but there was a bunch of teenage girls being loud and silly. They all sudden went silent and one of them said "this section is for girls only, men aren't allowed in here" and I heard the unmistakable hon voice say "no I'm definitely a girl" .. anyways they stayed silent for awhile and one of them eventually said "well it's not cool for you to be in here" ..
Anyways I know that kinda reads like r/thathappened, but it did and it made me happy. Just goes to show it isn't just "older TERFs" that have a problem with them, as they'd like to think.
No. 1364969
File: 1636434709674.jpeg (87.58 KB, 724x1024, FDrP0a8WEAAqpXS.jpeg)

>>1364966That's good to hear, younger girls really need to stand up for themselves when it comes to troons in their spaces. And speaking of bathrooms..
No. 1364970
File: 1636434753020.jpeg (Spoiler Image,137.21 KB, 746x1024, FDrP0a9XoAMsrIB.jpeg)

>>1364969Guess what this weirdo looks like.
No. 1365019
>>1364828>This is supposed to be psychological warfare?It was /pol/ plan to submit photo of real women to trans subreddit and claim they achieve it after few years of transitioning. Unironically, the plan succeed in achieving one of its goal, making the standard higher. Now, trannies themselves see biological woman as their goal and they will writhe in agony as they are unable to achieve the standard and lowering the bar would make the point of transitioning invalid. No amount of hugposts can fix this
I can't stop laughing while writing this post. They will judge their transitioning as a failure
No. 1365050
File: 1636450471943.jpeg (373.8 KB, 1170x2532, DBE290AD-08EA-4846-B30D-2AB47B…)

>>1364982Here he is with what looks like no makeup. Rather unfortunate looking. B-b-but you don’t know he’s trans! He could be cis!!!!!
No. 1365054
File: 1636450812983.jpeg (384.03 KB, 1170x1983, 52F25CA6-B1DA-4514-935F-F934CB…)

>>1364763I was assuming he was about 18 or something but uh… born in 1987 and writes shitty self published novels
No. 1365062
File: 1636451462063.jpeg (75.99 KB, 533x800, 56FA56AD-3B58-4A4E-A302-0DE155…)

There’s also a cringe modelling profile with such gems as this No. 1365074
>>1365054Wow, his filters must be working overtime to smooth out his skin.
>>1365064I think it was a deliberate attempt to sound like a "bimbo".
No. 1365075
>>1365062I covered his face to see if he would look female without it there, since it's such a major clock. Then I covered his face
and his legs. He was still clockable as a torso, arm, and hair.
No. 1365096
File: 1636461909090.jpg (471.06 KB, 1786x962, 1636373868152.jpg)

>>1364507Did you guys know that /qa/ got whiped by jannies because of /lgbt/ raid?
Lol imagine getting so
triggered by an MS paint edit that you nuke and entire board and install a surveillance state through unsalaried wagies. Proves that trannies are most certainly NOT mentally or emotionally unstable.
No. 1365112
>>>/snow/1362111 Lurk more and learn to sage.
No. 1365121
File: 1636466173676.png (33.79 KB, 593x169, 1636257756668.png)

Shut this site down
No. 1365133
File: 1636468052286.jpeg (119.24 KB, 311x414, 7EE61CE9-CBC8-4C1A-89D3-41C50D…)

Look at how fucking massive Jazz has gotten holy shit?
No. 1365161
>>1365133I don’t really feel that bad for him, isn’t his family/him supposed to be rich? He could get a professional therapist and a personal trainer even if he’s a tranny, and he must have his male metabolism too.
I don’t feel bad for any tranny that prefers pumping his body full of hormones, get surgery and play pretend 24/7, at some point they must figure out that something is wrong with their lifestyle. He’s 21 years old, a whole ass adult, I think it would be a good time to start cutting people off and doing what he really wants to do with his life.
No. 1365162
>>1365138It's weird, though. His stomach looks like an obese woman's (if a bit male beer gutty) but his face doesn't hold fat like most fat people. It's extremely uncanny.
>>1365161Isn't this the kid that was groomed his whole life? He's one of the few TIMs I can spare some empathy for. He's also one of the best examples we have for how this ideology is mutilating gay children.
No. 1365186
File: 1636473299755.jpg (123.52 KB, 940x453, lgbt.jpg)

>>1365096/lgbt/ is now /troon/, only 20 threads or so are about LGB. /qa/ soyduel and chud was devised by bunkerchan troon. But /troon/ are trying to blame /pol/ for it (pic) despite soyduelers came from multiple boards as they vent by shitposting.
4chan jannies are pampering thin skinned troon and mods are enabling this behavior. And this won't be the last privilege they received from the site administration
No. 1365188
>>1365145Which only underlines to the idiots who supported his self-mutilation that there was a bigger issue and just watch, it's gonna get worse for him as he continues to age to age like the man he is and reality sets in that everyone around him lied to him about his "woman-ness".
>>1365162>Isn't this the kid that was groomed his whole life? He's one of the few TIMs I can spare some empathy for. He's also one of the best examples we have for how this ideology is mutilating gay children.From what I remember of his tv show, his parents came off very homophobic mainly because of how his grandparents were since they were from a bygone era. Like they didn't want a gay son, especially his father who I remember saying that he wanted a son he could play sports. I'm trying to remember if he commented on his son's interest in dolls, I have to re-watch it again but yeah, it's clear that outside of his sister who seemed to genuinely care about him, everyone else was enabler of his delusion, his sister was the only one who kinda questioned him.
No. 1365199
File: 1636474072334.png (1.08 MB, 1591x640, 1550092746530.png)

>>1365161>>1365169>>1365180His parents are 100% complicit in causing his mental illness. There's a word for it, MSbP. Related thread
>>>/snow/387658 No. 1365233
>>1365202But /new/ happened. I wish the post was a joke or falseflag. But I know they're
coomer so their brain are fried and can't think clearly. So, they probably will demand even bigger retaliation from the admin and never learn what's humility. Imagine when they nuked /pol/ because of the troon and hundreds of slide thread were made every hour indefinitely
No. 1365250
File: 1636478085825.jpeg (46.74 KB, 960x882, FDZ74rTXsAEuZeA.jpeg)

>>1363647Who is this? I need to see more. Does anyone know their name? Reverse search shows nothing
>>1363639>>1363641 No. 1365253
>>1365196Worst thing is that he isnt even gay, he is interested in women, which made his mom freak.
Kid was trooned for no reason
No. 1365260
File: 1636478974085.png (370.61 KB, 778x980, what the fuck.png)

Spotted in the wild on Amazon… I just fucking KNEW from the review. Then I saw the picture.
No. 1365273
>>1365133I have so much pity for him, you'd honestly have to be especially cruel not to feel sorry for what happened to him since literally none of it was his own fault. Groomed into troondom since he was a baby, implanted with bullshit false memories by his homophobic stage mom about him giving full ass speeches about deep gender identity issues at 2 years old and pushed to humiliate himself on TV, laying his most intimate details for everyone to gawk at like he was a modern time freak circus starting from how he had no friends, ate his lunch in the bathroom and can never have an orgasm or sex life due to the puberty blockers. Imagine having just turned 18 and your issues with your micropenis having been broadcast to the whole world and afterwards the results of your botched colon dick inversion surgery become a meme.
It's a horrifying thought and I don't understand how people don't see his case as child abuse. If I was him I would probably cope with eating too. I wouldn't be surprised if he went full gypsy rose someday.
No. 1365292
>>1364789>it’s like going on a random stabbing spreelate af reply but i don’t know if this is showing troons are obsessed with hurting women. or explains how they think getting sir’ed is violence.
words are violence but only agains me
terf nazi bigot!
No. 1365299
File: 1636481801512.png (239.98 KB, 478x301, 1575854074.png)

>>1365288He liked football since the age of 2 he was banned from playing against girls at the age of 8, his mom encouraged his troon behaviour we ALL know this but what I'm talking about is that I believe he said he's a girl because he wanted an easy win, he himself admits to being faster.
No. 1365335
File: 1636484198738.webm (1.36 MB, 1125x600, 1584320970278.webm)
>>1365273I feel sorry for him. But he got almost a decade to figure out that he's gay or straight man with feminine hobby from the internet, book, and social interaction. Unless everything got filtered by his mother
>literally /tv/ cow No. 1365339
File: 1636484611957.jpg (Spoiler Image,129.5 KB, 800x939, 1591091976292.jpg)

>>1365326Different anon, but here's the meme
No. 1365361
>>1365343Uuuuh you talk creepy but I'll answer you any, yes like any normal person I grew up around boys, I've seen 3 types of behaviour, the first and most typical is they won't play with girls because girls are "stupid", the second will play with you because they like you, the last likes winning and tends to be the favourite child so they will pick a person who will pretend lose against them or is generally worse at the game.
>you must be one of those dumb bitches that think child on child sexual abuse isn't real tooI was just talking about how Jazz is a narcissist and knows he's faster than a girl and I was told "muh he was a child youh femcel", obviously I'm the only sane one here who understands that even a child is capable of evil and understands to an extent what is wrong and what is right, there are psychos who killed animals and hid women's underwear under their beds when they were just children why do you find it so shocking to believe that a boy simply wants to play and win and will lie to get what he wants.
No. 1365412
>>1365335This is a pretty ungenerous take, anon.
Some people who are inducted into cults as children aren't able to leave them until they're adults. Sometimes well into adulthood. Sometimes they never can leave for good. The way they groomed him from a child reeks of cult tactics. It's kind of absurd to think he could break out of it. His entire support network consists of Yes Men who exist to validate and affirm transhood, even if he has doubts about it. They speak off a script. It's bizarre.
I think he must sense something is wrong with the homophobic gender theory/conversion therapy he was groomed into. Probably why he binge eats. I saw on TLC that he is on a lot of different pills too, and anti-depressants. Probably sinking in he will be a lifetime medical patient. A fucked endocrine system for life. Blood clots, stroke. No sexual function. No penis. Increased risk of obesity, like all castratos. Learning that the trans ideology of gender based attraction versus sex based is a farce. Even bisexual people, who like both sexes, will have a hard time parsing trans genitals (even ones that aren't destroyed by puberty blockers and surgeries.) It's all a fucking lie. It's a deck of cards that comes undone when you do some actual critical thinking, and realize that dysphoria is not born from a "naturally occurring gendered soul" but a collection of co-morbidities; sometimes these comorbidities are so extreme that an adult may choose to transition, but almost always they can be managed better through therapy and feeling accepted.
Of course, this isn't profitable. Surgeons, the medical industry, they've been making a pretty penny for years now. In the news, I see some trans surgeons speaking out about the affirmative model - like rats off a sinking ship. Something big is finally coming. Can't ignore detransitioners forever. Or the stats that show surgeons and hormones don't meaningfully improve mental health. Who would've thought a problem in the mind can't be cured by modifying the body, without therapeutic intervention? Even the butcher who did Jazz, the transwoman who made comments about being a pornographer while looking at Jazz's genitals on TV, has been in the media lately calling it out… It is truly fucking ghoulish.
Not to mention he was on "puberty blockers." Mankind's constant search for eternal youth or whatever. You cannot really block or pause a puberty, or aging. Your body will continue to do shit, the real gag is it tried to do the shit without the appropriate chemical/hormonal signifiers that occur during pubery. Good bye bone density. Stunted cognitive growth (that is then expected to make reasonable decisions about irreversible medical procedures at an already young age.) Undeveloped genitals. He was chemically castrated and then physically castrated before he was even able to understand his sexuality, what sexual pleasure is, how sex and attraction impacts relationships. Disgusting.
It's fucking disturbing. I've kept an eye on him for awhile and could talk at length about the things I've seen within his family dynamics, even just on the carefully edited TV show. I don't blame him at all. Once he started socially transition, especially associating it with good things for his family, he was goddamn doomed.
If there's a hell I hope there's room for these fucking doctors. They should all be disbarred. They know it's wrong too but like war criminals they will attest in court that "I was only following orders." Fucking WPATH.
No. 1365426
>>1365186Oh, so that's the reason for the higher amounts of trannyposting. Still pretending that every troonphobe is a stinky basement-dwelling
terf or some seething polchud kek, all because papa janny stomped a few soyjaks?
No. 1365442
>>1365426That's a possibility. There's incentive for everyone to shit the catalog, to
trigger the trannies or creating a fake distress which means mods would further loosen their grip on jannies leash regarding ban.
No. 1365459
>>1365440People always say that to
victims of abuse to blame them, like age has anything to do with it when that’s all you’ve known on levels so deep they are in your unconscious and has reprogrammed your nervous system. It is an extremely long term thing and resources still don’t exist for this, just some trauma care to help you maintain. Disability isn’t something you grow out of and as we age it usually gets worse, especially with lack of support like that.
No. 1365475

>>1365418True. I suppose I was speaking from my experience as a butch lesbian.
Lots of homosexuals cross dress and shit like that as children. My belief is that is narcissistic mother saw him doing "effeminate" things and thought it = him being gay. She was quick to get ahead of what could be a great shame for the family by converting him into a straight "woman." Bonus points for the TV show latching onto her and blowing smoke up her ass.
Joke's on her if he is indeed heterosexual. If there is a joke in this situation. Maybe he's bi. Who can really say. He seems like a broken person.
Interestingly, there was one episode where they did "past life regression" on him. Who needs real therapy. During the past life, he said he remembered being a "gay man" and his family didn't accept him. He cried during it. Seems like projecting to me. Lots to think about.
Here is the video. Comments are turned off, of course. Can't have any dissent. It's around 3:10.
No. 1365493
>>1365412I hope this post will be satisfactory.
What you said is true. People born into cult have harder time to be aware of the cult-ish behavior compared to people who join a cult after they're teenager or adult.
There's possibility that this was planned even before his first visit to psychiatrist at age of 5. But he was on normal school until grade 7
>Jazz was home schooled since 7th grade because the school system wouldn't let Jazz play on the female soccer team and change in the female locker room., the parents might told him to not become friend with the rest of the boys or even make a shortlist of approved friends. Maybe the parents also coerced the teachers to sterilize any kind of topics that might plant doubts on him like reproductive biology.
Supposedly, his peers should have make comments and disregard his pronouns etc.
Maybe his parents also cut him off the internet or any kind of communication ever since he transition.
Suicide of his fellow troon should have been the final straw.
I am entirely aware of huge incentive for medical industry to encourage people to take unnecessary medical procedure and medications, including troon surgeries and HRT+ "anti-puberty". Because his live is televised, we could see what the doctors explained about medical procedures/medication and possibilities of complications, side effects. The possibility of jazz being unaware of his condition is blown away as the doctor said that his dick is too small to be made as neo-vagina by penile inversion. Although, this doesn't erase concern that he might be unaware of such possibility when he was younger.
Why aren't he hurt by occasional harsh remarks from his family? Sometime I doubt his sentience, Sometime I don't.
His case should be studied to make better safeguards against child grooming, even by their own parents.
Trans activist, lawmaker, pharma, doctors are all complicit in the crime against kids or even adults who can't consent
No. 1365497
>>1365224I have worn bike shorts and a loose T-shirt to the pool anon.
It’s not weird at all.
No. 1365522
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could you all post more troons and sperg less
No. 1365575
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>>1365062Legit thought it was a leatherface costume
No. 1365597
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No. 1365614
terf zoomers
No. 1365615
>>1365605See for yourself'm checking it out, so far not a lot
They keep mentioning a trans man should go change in there to make the girls uncomfortable, but honestly I would give zero fucks lol Aidens aren't scary
No. 1365645
File: 1636508292769.jpeg (121 KB, 1606x996, 2FDF514B-3819-43C9-89E4-32753D…)

I know some troon thought this was insanely clever and funny, but failed to see the irony. On some level, they still see themselves filling the male role. I bet the troon that created this is probably still crying about the BBC article about TIMs harassing and pressuring lesbians into having sex with them, too.
No. 1365698
>>1365616They're both equally crazy, but when women go crazy, they catfish their exes, start camming, or hoard animals. When men go crazy, they rape their grandma or shoot up a school.
There's nothing threatening about a TIF, they're just pathetic and annoying.
No. 1365802
>>1365597>>1365615God I hate ftms so much. The ultimate level of pick-me sellouts.
>it’s reducing us to our genitals!Yeah that’s literally what a bathroom is retard.
No. 1365813
File: 1636523146130.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.25 MB, 1149x1727, 91F5A493-CDF1-42DF-9301-50A4F4…)

Why are troons all obsessed with sailor moon? It’s gross and creepy
No. 1365817
>>1365133Jesus, he put that weight on fast. Remember that his situation– fully supportive parents, blockers and HRT at preteen-age, and surgery at eighteen– is the dream scenario for trannies. He's got everything troons say they want, yet here he is, miserable and obese (most likely due to disordered eating.)
I have a pro-trans, libfem friend in medical residency, and even she's opposed to SRS because it doesn't lower the patient's risk for suicide. Suicide is the main thing we're trying to prevent with troons, so why the hell are we performing a dangerous procedure that doesn't appreciably reduce their suicide risk?
Jazz never needed hormones or surgery. He needed normal parents instead of the MBP narcissists he got. He needed a normal childhood where he wasn't being carted all over talk shows. He needed a mother who wasn't a shameless homophobe.
No. 1365827
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An anon posted these freaks in the previous thread
who are these people, I feel something more fucked up is happening in this family
No. 1365839
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>>1365813disgusting. the y chromosome is a genetical defect.
No. 1365840
>>1365418I'm the anon you were responding to and
>>1365427 and
>>1365475 petty much said what I was gonna say. I didn't mean that Jazz was homosexual, I meant that his mother (and his father to a degree) were homophobic in the sense that when they saw Jazz exhibiting feminine traits, they were assuming that he would turn out homosexual and really didn't want to potentially have a gay son and how this more than likely fueled their desire to try to trans the gay away.
No. 1365846
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>>1364763I hate this moid so much, racism and sexism under the guise of being morally right and the
victim! Women with pcos and ethnic women do not look like men, freak. You are just male. The way he thinks people are seething over “not being able to tell” is hilarious.
No. 1365848
File: 1636527829190.jpg (215.77 KB, 698x1106, 20211109_235046.jpg)

Troon with no colon still wanting to get a ditch even though he apparently will have a ditch "with no depth" Can't wait to see how his life is with no ability to coom
No. 1365849
File: 1636527914528.jpg (Spoiler Image,78.82 KB, 703x806, 20211109_235151.jpg)

>>1365848Samefag, he's also posted his moobs on a different tranny subreddit. You really just cannot tell the difference!
No. 1365859
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that joke is supposed to be funny because it's said by men who think lesbians = porn, not people. It didn't "turn out" you were stating a fact. It turned out that that kind of pornsick ignorance became socially acceptable
No. 1365865
>>1365846I can't hate him, his act is so pathetic and at the same time it's absolutely great peak material. I hope he continues schooling the kids on why racism and sexism is the pinnacle of progress lmao
>>1365849HRT magic gave him a validating eunuch chest.
No. 1365880
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No. 1365895
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>>1365880Why are you censoring their names?
No. 1365905
>>1365824Has anyone ever considered Usagi/Serena to be great female representation? Sailor Moon as a show has some good female characters, but Sailor Moon the character was just a whiny, naive girl.
More related: wouldn't surprise me if that's why troons relate to Sailor Moon (the character) so much. She's a ditzy blonde they can project their "bimbo" fantasies on.
No. 1365913
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can a kind nona please link or reply with a screenshot of a "study" that I saw in a previous thread (within the last 5-7) that I can't seem to find now; it showed that as of like 2020 70% (or rather the majority) of trans "women" identified as lesbians aka straight men
No. 1365931
File: 1636543913911.jpeg (961.14 KB, 924x2145, D0436813-5411-4F9B-9BD6-79F67E…)

/lgbt/ is just a neverending cascade of delusional misogyny
No. 1365936
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>>1365913You mean this? Also, shout out to anons who post stats and journal excerpts
No. 1365971
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36 inches of depth? Like… 3 feet? Wtf and how even
No. 1365986
File: 1636551996770.jpg (27.42 KB, 600x863, 462.jpg)

>>1365971That is like taller than most tables, that is about the height of a king penguin, is the neovagina non-linear like an intestine?
No. 1365988
>>1365971>>1365986It's a mistake.
Also that guy is an extremely miserable and sourly person. He's diagnosed with PTSD and autism and can't contain his bitchiness and disgust for everyone around him even on the show.
No. 1366016
>>1365971It's straight out of hentai kek. There's a trope where a woman oral cavity are surgically altered to be connected with womb (like second birth canal).
So, they can be made pregnant from oral sex. Overflowing cum could gushed through mouth. Even impaled by stick similar to medieval torture method. Because it's fiction, it's still tolerable. But it's super gross if made to reality
If someone request for example, I will post the link
No. 1366018
File: 1636554887103.jpg (414.89 KB, 718x1127, RDT_20211110_15030811678117479…)

They're so fucking obvious, how do haindmaidens NOT see them for what they actually are (pedo coomers)?
No. 1366047
>>1366036Sorry, but it's less absurd than neo-vagina that got folded like intestine
No. 1366057
>>1366029Right? Never in my life have I even considered how much depth my vagina has, let alone discuss it with other women like they do with one another. I guess if your partner is hung it might be more of an issue but it’s fucking bizarre.
>>1365990I’m dying anon
No. 1366088
>>1366016Um wtf, nothing about that is tolerable
nonny>>1366057No guy on earth is 36 inches hung lol
No. 1366106
>>1366066Because life imitates art. And their obsession with depth undoubtedly come from hentai.
Knowing is half the battle
>probably a tranny hate-reading about other trannies.You definitely has reasonable suspicion. You may take everything I said with a grain of salt, but I'm not a troon.
People who are trying to detrans may have my sympathy because they're trying to get out of a cult. But those who has ever try to convinced someone that they're trans or supportive of trans movement are evil
No. 1366123
>>1366110Watch troons use this as yet another opportunity to dunk on cis women in the imaginary battle they’re fighting with us in their heads. “Oh yeah? You
terf bitches are just jealous you don’t have a 36 INCH VAGINA made out of colon tissue!”
No. 1366150
>>1365936I don't
think this was the one but thank you regardless for posting it!
No. 1366168
File: 1636567088384.png (Spoiler Image,899.72 KB, 1125x1600, The World of Moral Reversal - …)

>>1366150Maybe I'll do another check
>>1366110KEK. Also check this out
No. 1366242
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Yeah, because your lady brain somehow makes you want to ingest something that tastes and smells like toilet cleaner and filthy sea water. Amirite girls?
I have never met a woman who genuinely wants to have a man's ahem, 'stuff' in her mouth. Most women I have met barely tolerate it at most, a lot won't do it at all.
No. 1366246
>>1366242Seconding what you said anon. I don't know any women who like to swallow or even have that nastiness in their mouth.
Sage for blog post but once I was giving a guy I was dating head & he finished in my mouth without warning even after I told him I dont fuck with that. I ended up being so mad I spit his cum back in his face lol.
No. 1366247
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>>1366242I think men want to suck dick and drink cum more than women actually do.
No. 1366256
>>1366246>>1366242I used to not really mind giving head until I got a bit older and saw how men weaponize the act and are always mentioning it when saying misogynist and hateful things about a woman.
I refuse to do it now because of that association.
No. 1366294
>>1364969sage for blog
I grew up with a single dad so I had to use men's public restrooms for years
I've also had jobs that involved cleaning the washrooms
Women can be gross in the washroom too but men? I don't even wanna talk about the shit (literal and figurative) that I've seen
No. 1366331
>>1366327Yeah the issue is them implying that "girl brain" = "cum guzzling slut teehee"
Like sure some girls like swallowing but this is so reductive it's laughable
No. 1366352
>>1366242>I wouldn't mind sucking a guy or girl's dickA guy's dick, then.
>>1366247Three days lol. So much repressed homosexuality in these guys.
>I'm a woman now so I can suck dick to my heart's contentRepression logic.
No. 1366353
>>1366110>OH YEAH BABY! BET YOU NEVER HAD A DEEP ONE LIKE THIS! Mhhh hmmm… tell me you love how DEEP it is! You like that? You like how it just feel sooooooooo deep? Like a bottomless pit swallowing up your dick?! TELL ME I GOT THE DEEPEST YOU EVER HAD! HHNNNNGH!my sides jesus christ
>>1365813What's actually ironic is that if these fucks actually did watch Sailor Moon (the uncut, undubbed original version at least) or much less read the manga they would absolutely hate it. It's actually quite dramatic, zero sexualization, mostly female power fantasies, talking about how shit men are and friends growing up together.
No. 1366391
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No. 1366648
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>instantly clock this guy's heavily faceturned selfie on r/lesbients
>came out in his late 20's after being with his gf for 11 years
>calls himself a lesbian named Natasha now
>calls his mother a bitch and cut off his entire family after transition
Looks like he transitioned into his gf. I wonder why these women stay
No. 1366652
>>1366587>I don't understand how 4chan can be so edgy and this big bad scary internet monster, yet they have a section of their site walled off just for troons.I solely blame lefties and commies who think they have to support troon just because conservatives have been hating the idea of crossdressing male entering female bathroom/ locker room decades ago. I don't deny the existence of leftist who raise the same concern, but they long ago have been labeled as far-right
As long as the owner doesn't acknowledge the bias in the moderation hierarchy, the pandering will continue.
No. 1366684
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Check out this article, every other show with gender-noncomforming character (not trans, for example in Blue Period the guy wears a skirt and uses male speech, it's not treated as a joke, he just prefers to wear feminine clothes sometimes) is labelled as "transphobic". Yet an anime with 14yo child bride getting sold off, with her whole personality being that she looks like she is 9, has no mention of pedophila or
trigger warning. This is your brain on libfem ideology. Pathethic. Those women should be ashamed of themselves. No. 1366699
>>1366165I like his smooth, considered, and well evidenced takedown of the transgender ideology of "giving hormones and puberty blockers to kids willy nilly is totally fine and has no side effects". He's bang on about it being a psychological problem, rather than a born into the wrong body problem, and I liked how he basically proved that being born into the wrong body is impossible.
Watching this video would be an excellent way for parents to understand what gender dysphoria in young children is like and why it so often goes away either on its own or with therapy and support.
Emphasis on the young children part, he doesn't talk about the autistic moids who troon out due to overdosing on cooming, but thats a good thing, if you shock the system by exposing all the bullshit at once it can lead to denial
No. 1366717
File: 1636631045015.jpg (741.88 KB, 2048x1536, FDsBorXX0AkcQhd.jpg)

London has a new trans-flag crossing. LMFAO, imagine being british!
No. 1366720
>>1366718i'm a britbong and
terf island twitter is doing everything we can to call out Camden council for this bullshit. visually impaired people are at risk of being run over so trannies can feel validated.
No. 1366724
>>1366717a British
nonnie needs to take a pail of crimson paint out there for me
No. 1366726
File: 1636631893811.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1242x1757, 66BB2083-D422-421F-827A-813E7D…)

>Give birth to daughter
>Your husband does
>Your eldest son dies
>You have 2 daughters, your youngest daughter becomes a man and after the male deaths, the family inheritance passes to the frankenson
>The eldest daughter is completely ignored of all inheritancy
Somehow this is a trans problem and trans people are denied rights due to this secret court case that took wealth and property from an actual woman, 2 actual women. The daughters of the man who died.
B-but muh trans rights. Bitch what the fuck. This is about actual women being denied what is passed to them through bereavement. Not about trannies.
No. 1366727
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Wonder if someone will get cancelled for cultural appropriation…
No. 1366728
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>>1366721Two stunning and brave hons and a pornified Asa Akira clone. True wimmin.
No. 1366734
>>1366652Samefag here, I went to chat with other 4chan /pol/acks friends. From the conversation I had with them, ever since they started enforcing ban for "hostile attacks" (shortly after they finished latest round of jannies recruitment) posters were banned for OT, troll post, avatarfagging despite it wasn't the case.
Troon repetitive posts and threads on /pol/ doesn't get deleted. Legit user got banned by jannies interpretation
>>1366680Yes, there's LGB people. But when you compare with, any other sexual orientations are outnumbered by troon threads by 1:8. It was 1:1 7 years ago.
No. 1366743
File: 1636634199068.jpg (978.53 KB, 1076x2002, TikTokTran.jpg)

>>1366682Nona, that's a man. He thinks he's being clever but he's not. Like
>>1366714 said that's a tranny voice if I ever heard one. Also that hair color/texture is definitely not natural whatever that freak is.
No. 1366746
>>1366717Sage but this is DEFINITELY going to get people run over, it's a traffic-light controlled crossing (pedestrians need to press a button and wait for the green man) but the stripes make it look like a zebra crossing (pedestrians can cross whenever, cars need to stop whenever someone reaches the crossing)
So ppl will misinterpret the signs - there will 100% be accidents. As a bonus, this is quite a busy part of London as far as road traffic goes, traffic is fast-moving and comes from multiple directions, it can take over 5 mins to cross some roads in this area at rush hour, and there are crossings all over the roads here so they'll all just meld together in the pedestrian's mind. One of the worst places to implement this. I think there will be lawsuits
No. 1366751
>>1366717I just realised
it's not just one crossing all the crossings in that pictured area are painted the same way. The area of road to traverse is quite small but that isn't gonna stop people being hit by cars at an increased rate due to the confusing road markings.
No. 1366757
>>1366680 a > compare their ~movement~ to gay pride
"A major focus of the report is on how West Berlin’s paedophile organisations demanded decriminalisation of adult-child sex as part of the gay community’s battle for its rights. The paedophiles’ motto: “Solidarity with a minority of the minority.”
The contacts were uncomfortable for some, archives show, but others viewed accepting paedophilia as part of the rejection of conventional sexual norms.
A 1981 gay travel guide to West Berlin names bars where visitors could buy “fresh meat, offered here, clean and tasty, to take away”.
Paedosexual literature was sold in gay bookstores in the 1990s and, in 1997, a city Aids centre sublet rooms to a paedophilia working group.
In 1991 Berlin’s Gay Museum exhibited “collages and poems by a boy-lover who, on account of these passions, was suspended from his position”. The artist in question was a pastor who abused and flogged boys."
Results of a german government study that came out this year:
No. 1366766
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>>1366717look at this absolute fucking turtle. what a stupid looking dolt
No. 1366778
>>1366746>>1366751This is sick. We should stop government from installing
dangerous, unsuitable, or sometime unnecessary road fixture. Are government trying to emulate "walk in her shoes" campaign by imposing insecurities, discomfort and 51% chance of accident/near miss on drivers and pedestrians that trannies experienced on regular basis? Cults shouldn't be supported or encouraged
No. 1366788
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The avatar to real picture comparisons never fail to make me laugh
No. 1366803
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>>1366717If only there was some sort of design that could be colorful enough to catch everyone’s attention, without making the crossing a hazard for the disabled and the old people, but that could also be used to represent an actually oppressed group of people. Wouldn’t that be neat?
No. 1366807
>>1366760He just described men.
>>1366771The scene at 1:47 is great, this is how they act in female spaces except more inappropriate.
No. 1366813
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>>1366684This is the same site that published an article "analyzing" about genderswap hentai. They're troon infested in and out
No. 1366818
>>1366669I can only hope for the sake of children that one day this kind of abuse can be recognized by society for what it is, these parents should be charged for what they did tbh
>>1366805nayrt and yeah there's no indication she's a troon, but I can see how someone would make the mistake with her overall pornsickness and coomer avatar. Not someone worth getting offended on behalf of
No. 1366833
>>1366680Gay rights activist Harvey Milk fucked a 16 year old boy named Jack Galen McKinley when he was 33.
Funny to see how desperately they try to wipe his wikipedia site of this since the navy is naming a ship after him lol
No. 1366857
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>>1366833 Great to see more LGBTQ inclusiveness in military
No. 1366861
>>1366722NTA yes, but they are brain-dead libfems staning troons to the point of not only publishing, but also defending trash like
>>1366813. Your post isn't even their worst take, as you can see. The website has been created in 2014 or so, btw. Mentioning this since someone earlier assumed it was created a long time ago by actual women and troons took over. Nah, it was always like this. #transwomenarewomen
No. 1366862
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>>1366857There's no women in the picture
No. 1366869
somestimes i browse r/mypartneristrans just to suffer and peak again i guess
"she" is always a moid btw
>There are times she gets turned on and we have sex, but its always me doing things to her until she is done. Then we stop and no attention is given to me.
>I'm trying to explore different alternatives to hormonal birth control as it is effecting my body in ways that I don't feel comfortable with.>it's not an option right now for either of us to get a vasectomywants to be a women but doesn't want to give up his ability to get somebody preggers despite his wife struggling…
>I’ve been going to a therapist, to a psychiatrist, taking medication, ive been working on myself, saving money, going back to work>We’d decided on trying to start a family in three years.doing her best to plan their future and then he just decides to become a girl…girl is so young, she needs to run
this got me extra mad: we talked about this often before, so many women also never had an uwu "girlhood" yet have to suck it up because we're adults now, yet moids just get to do whatever they want. course it's easy for "her" to make girl friends when the entire first world caters to troons
No. 1366895
>>1366718>>1366720yeah i know >defending trannies
but are guide dogs THAT confused by differently coloured crosswalks?
No. 1366909
File: 1636651012649.png (418.6 KB, 808x1688, psyOp_makeThemClockThemselves.…)

kek this article made me laugh so hard it's written like it's some
terf psyop
The tim writing this described the character like some anons on here do when clocking a troon
>While the bio never explicitly states this person is trans, their square jaw, huge hands, broad shoulders, and masculine, poorly painted face are all supposed to show that the person is trans.He also described troons as being terminally online and giving the evil
terf cult ammo by sperging on twitter every time something happens, which also got a good chuckle out of me
I snipped out most of the relevant stuff but here's the article No. 1366914
File: 1636651113955.png (34.53 KB, 505x391, manifesto.png)

This tranny is pretending to be a black ex terf on tumblr and says all women who hate men or dont want to fuck them are fascists.
No. 1366915
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>>1366914This is what he looks like.
No. 1366924
>>1366909>the first of these woman is an old, shrivelled up pruneI can excuse misogyny, but I draw the line at suspected twansphobia
>>1366918Stop it, that molerat is cute
No. 1366933
>>1366805>>1366818NTA But why do you think this person
isn't a troon?
No. 1366934
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No. 1366955
>>1366945I'm under 25, unmarried, gay, and broke. Most other "TERFs" I've seen or met have been LGB, non-white, middle class (or lower), GNC, former "sex workers", under 40, or some combination of a few of those. They just want to act like we're all oppressive upper middle class, white, heterosexual women ("Karens") because it sounds better, but it's just not true. Like
>>1366948 said, it's just women who acknowledge the material reality of sex. It just so happens a lot of the women who have the most reason to do that have been particularly harmed and/or outcasted by the patriarchy.
No. 1366967
>>1366955>gay genderqueer sexworkerscringe
Go back to twitter, you're not a
TERF because a tranny called you one
No. 1367046
>>1366909 Self description of the author Stacey Henley:
"I like to think I’m a pretty nice person. I’m not great at small talk, so most people think I’m quiet, although I’m very outspoken and confident when I have something to say. I’m pleasant without being friendly, basically, and I’ll respond politely, but don’t expect me to walk up to strangers to chat about the weather. But I wasn’t always this way. I used to be a little bit nasty. I didn’t bully kids at school with wedgies or swirlies, and the weirdo in me has always had an affinity with the outsider, but I could be mean when I wanted to be, which I frequently did. I had a quick wit and I got laughs if I said something funny about somebody else, even if it was punching down, which again, it frequently was. I was a bitch. I had the interests, the friends, and the body of a boy, but I was a mean girl." lol
No. 1367091
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I saw a highly rated post on one of the "off my chest" sub reddits where the OP claimed to be intersex "with a completely female body and internal female organs, but with a male private showing". I was intrigued, but after opening the thread and reading through some of the top comments where he explained how he "menstruates" through his urethra, painfully (in his own words), I'm certain this is some sort of bizarre troon LARP. Digging through his comment history I've found a lot of contradictions, like saying in one post that he was raised as a girl, and saying in another that his parents don't accept him as transgender. There's also lots of jumping back and forth between calling himself intersex and transgender, and lots of commenting on other troon reddit posts with words of affirmation about how he looked just like they did before starting HRT and how it worked wonders for him, despite also claiming to have outwardly appeared totally female for his entire life. He also just doesn't seem to know enough about this extremely rare (one in 8 million, according to him) condition that he claims to have to answer any questions about it.
I did some more digging and found his personal blog. I've compiled some choice quotes and images…
No. 1367140
>>1367046The stereotypes are getting out of control
It's like instead of getting rid of them lefties now are trying to create even more
No. 1367141
>>1366933>>1367036Dunno about her not
acting like one with the uwu thicc thighs anime gf thing, but she neither looks nor sounds a lot like one. She's probably just a pickme.
No. 1367143
>>1365133Highlights: 0:37 1:05 1:39 1:54
What an absolute freak show, this is just sad
No. 1367166
>>1367157her brother is a gay chaser who like black troons, I bet ALL of them have dicks as well.
They all look miserable and mentally ill. From Jazz gaining so much weight and his head not growing at all. To the obviously gay twin dating troons.
No. 1367177
>>1367166 SA- Looking at the brothers IG it's a mixture of pandering, crazy looking faces/eyes and rainbows.I don't know what to make of him, he clearly loves attention, he's clearly gay and he's clearly drank so much woke juice that he's retarded. Does the other brother act this way?I see him trooning out soon.I also saw Laverene Cox in his comments, It'd be something if they ended up dating. Also apparently he said he would'nt have sex with a trans person unless they had surgery & twitter trans got mad, i didn't watch the whole clip but thats what the Kiwi thread is saying.
IDK, I still think he's either super gay or super into pandering for his sister that he feels he HAS to do these things.
No. 1367197
>>1367166I think it's a storyline they made up to spice the show up and push the trans agenda.
>>1367143He has the face of a 12 year old, then his body is all fucked up. How does he clean his neovagina and dilate when he's that fat?
No. 1367207
>>1366895yes; they're dogs
to be more fair, some of them have lines painted in the incorrect direction, and color coding is important to guide training, also dogs don't perceive as many colors as we do
No. 1367259
File: 1636678056344.jpeg (53.31 KB, 620x400, williams.jpeg)

they never know how to pose
No. 1367263
>>1367252Crazy to think at the end of the day, after all of the suffering this person has gone through they're not even an attractive looking person. TIMs change the law and groom minors to take puberty blockers because they think if only they had they'd be smoking hot women and here's the biggest example of that not being the case.
Which brings to to another thought I have about men in general. They seem to underestimate how much work it is to be an attractive woman. They unironically believe attractive women wake up perfect and are perfectly confident every single day because of their attractiveness. The reality is that while I've seen my very attractive female friends get many perks, they also are terrified of being seen without makeup and constantly feel like they're under a microscope. They spend an extra time getting ready in the morning making sure their makeup is perfect and that they're always attractive. meanwhile TIMs are hard pressed to use anything but a 2 in 1 shampoo and conditioner on their rats nests.
No. 1367266
>>1367077sorry you went through that anon. that kind of experience must really cement just how different men and women are and are treated based on those differences.
>>1367093this is one of the more unhinged and obvious intersex larps ive seen. great find anon. also his husband looks FAS kek
No. 1367274
>>1367268he literally is one
No. 1367284
>>1367259>>1367268yeah I can't remember this guy's name but he broke into women's homes and took photos wearing the
victim's underwear
I don't think he was ever identified as trans
No. 1367377
File: 1636690535108.png (717.39 KB, 1217x645, 1636690489583.png)

I don't throw much effort anyway, just copy here and there. Add another 2-3 layer, paint over, erase here and there.
No. 1367381
>>1367217that's a terrifying face
out of curiosity, how did jazz get into harvard? is he particularly smart? legacy? or did he just pull a "woe is me, i am trans" personal essay and harvard saw $$$ in having him on campus?
No. 1367387
File: 1636691634689.webm (2.51 MB, 1408x788, 1515654327224.webm)
>>1366110Uh oh, found this webm
No. 1367389
>>1367381>>1367386Jazz was
supposed to join Harvard in 2020, then the pandemic came up and he was going to do online classes, but his dear old ma stopped him from doing even that.
All he did after the surgeries was TRA propaganda interviews, filming I Am Jazz s03, posting some TikTok with his siblings and eating himself to death.
No. 1367414
>>1366798We don't sass Myrtle Snow ITT.
I've definitely seen people with this hair colour, my friend's kid being one of them, but the texture seems odd like it's naturally curly and he's brushed it out which is odd because troons and haircare don't really mix.
No. 1367418
>>1367387That is creepy and sad
>>1367414Fuck Balenciaga
No. 1367428
>>1366909If the "shrivelled up prune" can be quite obviously an elf or fae of some kind (per that illustratioN) then why can't the other prostitute be part-giant or something?
This sounds like ~internalised transphobia~ from the OP!
No. 1367432
>>1366833Jimmy Page fucked a 14 year old girl, but no one's trying to claim that all rock stars are pedophiles, or that you're Literally Hitler for naming things after Led Zeppelin songs. Gandhi brutally abused his wife and the world still upholds him as an exemplar of morality.
This isn't a defense of Milk– the point I'm making here is that we need to stop idolizing and deifying celebrities, because they're just as capable of shitty behavior as anyone else. It's also possible to be two things at once– an important advocate for marginalized people
and a creep. That's a phenomenon that's unfortunately very common with male politicians of all races and sexualities.
No. 1367439
>>1367432 "no one's trying to claim that all rock stars are pedophiles"
Triggered? Nobody claimed all homosexuals are pedophiles either but the whole gay movement claims they never had anything to do with that and that child molesters and pedophiles just try to invade their movement while in reality they were there from the start.
Another example germany:
>>1366757 No. 1367445
File: 1636698781198.jpg (70.99 KB, 1038x1600, c8307879-79ef-41a6-8c87-b13b8f…)

There was a drag queen being introduced to children on snapchat one day. The kids looked so uncomfortable and scared. Why did they need to meet a drag queen? The kids ages ranged a bit but the youngest looked like a first grader at best. Why was this necessary?
No. 1367451
File: 1636700028739.png (24.01 KB, 645x265, twitter.png)

This AngryAria person is a trans identified man, someone pointed out that he groomed kids with an incest manga called Met My Sis On A Dating Site. He claimed it was for queer rights.
No. 1367452
>>1367439I swear there's a tradthot who keeps returning to these threads and seething about gay people any time someone mentions pedophiles. Ironically, it's like a
trigger word for their thinly veiled (or outright) homophobia.
No. 1367458
>>1367452I think the owner of kiwifarms has taken content from this general several times and credited it while streaming, he holds this view of gay men so it could be his fanboys coming here and posting that stuff.
Not saying there aren't gay men who are pedos, but pedophilia seems to be just as common in hetero men.
No. 1367462
>>1367458Exactly, and they are naming navy ships after hetero pedos all the time. For that one Harvey Milk movie with Sean Penn there are dozends who glorify hetero pedo idols.
I dare these tradhots to challenge Kevin Spacey, his accusers all die very suddenly lol Looking forward to his new movie, he's such a good actor
No. 1367466
>>1367452This thread has lurking /pol/faggots who lose their ability to control their sperg whenever someone mentions pedos or gay people. It's the same with """da joos""", not one thread can go by without them having a meltdown about (((them))) controlling the world with globohomo schemes. Moids and moid-minded can't be subtle if they tried.
>>1367458The overwhelming majority of all cases of child sexual abuse is male perpetrator on female
victim. Straight men just need to do the "well what about gay pedos" whataboutism cope to either feel less guilty about it or to justify their own pedo thoughts.
No. 1367471
>Nobody claimed all homosexuals are pedophiles either
Except plenty of people do. At least once or twice every tranny thread, like clockwork another /pol/fag or polilez spergs about how gay men are pedophiles.
No one ever bitches about this sort of shit when something gets named after a straight celebrity or historical figure, and it's a retarded double standard. So many things are named after Thomas Jefferson, who raped and impregnated one of his teenage slaves (and didn't even free their children in his will.) Elvis Presley dated a fifteen year old girl when he was forty, yet people are more concerned with the fact that the dude died taking a dump. Jimmy Page dated a fourteen year old girl while he was married, but no one complained when he got knighted.
I'll tell you why: when it's a straight white man, people are willing to say, "oh, well the good he did outweighs the bad." But suddenly when it's a gay person, their flaws are irreconcilable. If you're going to go after Milk, you better also be willing to take on all the straight men who pull the same shit. But you won't, because you just want an excuse to lump gay people in with troons and pedophiles.
No. 1367473
>>1367466What we need to know about child sexual abuse (CSA):
🔹At least 1 out of 4 girls and 1 out of 6 boys will be sexually abused before they reach age 18. More recent figures suggest rates are actually closer to 1 out of 3 girls and 1 out of 5 boys.
🔹Over 90% of CSA survivors know the perpetrator in some way. 68% are abused by a family member.
🔹Boys (48.5%) and girls (51.2%) are abused at nearly the same rate.
🔸Learn more about being a survivor of childhood sexual abuse from @rainn and @1in6org
No. 1367479
>>1367470Fucking based. Where's all the moral outrage for the thousands of female children raped each year? The tendency men and trads have to fixate exclusively on male CSA
victims is proof that they only care about rape
victims when they can be weaponized against some group they don't like. They get all up in arms about rape when the
victims are male, or when the perpetrators are black, brown or gay. But when girls are targeted by plain ol' white men? Crickets, because they can't use that to their advantage.
People need to care about CSA regardless of who it happens to and who perpetrates it. This bullshit of ignoring certain survivors when it's inconvenient needs to fucking stop.
No. 1367488
When someone is talking shit and people have had enough of it and don't want to hear them speak No. 1367518
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No. 1367528
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>>1367473>>1367473What exactly is this "same rate" statistic based on? All other data says that girls are around 4 times more likely to be sexually abused. Female CSA
victims are also more likely to have long-lasting trauma which would indicate that they experience more severe forms of abuse. In Asia and Africa boys are abused at the same rate but that's not because every adult male is gay there, it's because of strict sex segregation and perverted pedo males only having better access to male adolescents than female ones. Being a pedophile isn't about gender, it's about having power over a defenceless child.
No. 1367532
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>>1367471Fun fact: The german Harvey Milk, Rosa von Praunheim has always been into crossdressing No. 1367566
>>1367499Metokur is pathetic, remember that time he threw a half hour mantrum because a pedophilic my little pony rape comic got banned from tumblr? by how offended he was by this pedo horsesex shit being banned the dude probably jacks it to loli himself. Brony coomers and weebs like him are more likely to slip and slide into pedophilia than your ordinary gay dude.
No. 1367600
File: 1636720467027.png (52.44 KB, 936x560, 1556596101889.png)

>>1367590>irredeemableYeah. Most of them have ephebophilic tendency, while few of them have pedophilic urge. After reaching puberty, it they started to feeling attraction to female of their age who begun developing secondary sexual traits. And it never change for the rest of their life.
No. 1367640
>>1367627See this is how I know you’re a scrote, every female on this thread knows exactly what “annoyed and harassed” means. Other anon is right, stop derailing. This is a
terf thread, no one cares about your loli obsession or your fake pedo graphs here
No. 1367690
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A lot of kids want to become caterpillars, wolves, bears, superheroes, trains… but their parents don't encourage their delusion and give them hormones and surgery to turn them into a caterpillar. Maybe that's why.
Tho I am glad this person realizes that turning a human into a caterpillar is comparable to turning a man into a woman.
No. 1367692
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No. 1367708
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No. 1367711
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>>1367708Meant to post this first as the original post
No. 1367715
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can't say i agree with this one, yikes
No. 1367717
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No. 1367719
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>>1367715and of course the comments are reinforcing the delusion
No. 1367751
File: 1636744356289.png (315.2 KB, 473x1224, trooniform.png)

literally just got this ad on a guitar chords website what the fuck and i know i'm not searching up lacy fucking underwear for men WHAT THE HELL …. anyways a moid troon would wear this unironically
No. 1367795
File: 1636749272489.webm (2.2 MB, 576x1024, f753af4c4cf1c2170e4f20427502e0…)
please for the love of goddess stop derailing. where are the mods lol
anyway here's the ultimate, depressing example of why transgenderism is a wholly conservative, homophobic ideology. makes me laugh when trannies and TRAs call terves bioessentialists as if this video isn't the epitome of the word
No. 1367804
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Totally real lesbian is mad that his compatriots' uwu headpats uwu ERP is getting downvoted on /r/actuallesbians No. 1367806
>>1367492Most pedophiles don't have a gender preference, they're attracted to children in general because they're "pure" and easy to control. It's a power fantasy.
There's also a subset of sex offenders that aren't attracted to children but rape them anyway because they're psychopaths who want to hurt people.
No. 1367811
>>1367529Anon literally just explained why the studies you cited don't fit your argument. One of your article is outdated when it comes to psychiatry in general, and the other doesn't even say what you think it says. She's not trying to cancel whoever authored the studies you drooling retard.
Also, scrotes aren't allowed here. Don't you have some porn to jerk off to or a pointless war to die in?
No. 1367864
>>1367854same, and fuck this moid
>>1367381 for shitting on her appearance. troids and/or regular scrotes are seriously lost.
No. 1367877
>>1367665they don't have to use the japanese pedo name for it, but weebs gonna weeb
>>1367874only if you got a boner from it
No. 1367896
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>>1367876I think this person had something to do with it
No. 1367920
>>1367711So tired of this thinly veiled misogyny. Just say you hate women.
>>1367896What, so we’re just a “category” now? So what “category” are men broken up into? Oh right, just men.
No. 1367926
File: 1636764000001.png (Spoiler Image,648.89 KB, 706x682, Untitled.png)

i wish i had never stumbled upon the the transgender surgery subreddit. i can handle all the gore on 4chan but those posts on there made me sick to my stomach
then there's all the selfies with a bunch of comments saying how good they look
No. 1367938
>>1367874Yes you must be an afab trans girl
No. 1367980
>>1367608>gays' unwavering support for trannies toohmm I dunno if thats actually true though, obviously any internet famous gay guy has had to pay lip service to the tranny cause, but I haven't seen any organic support for trans women or men from large numbers of gay men like there have been from handmaidens/women who've just been shown the propaganda.
There has been a bit of seething every now and then about how gay men just straight up refuse to date trans men, although not a whole lot mostly because nobody takes TIW's seriously.
Obviously that doesn't make gay men an ally to real women or anything, they are still men and oftentimes can be more misogynistic than straight men.
No. 1368023
>>1367980If it weren't for HSTS's nobody would've pitied the troons and accepted twaw. Confused gay men in wigs is literally what got the trans movement going I highly doubt people would've taken a transbian serious back then. Hence why poor confused gay boys were/are the face of it.
Can u faghags stop wk ur precious gays. They don't even fw lesbians. What TF could a gay man even have to gain from being kind to women? We don't hold positions of power like that. many of these fools hate us as much as their straight/bi bros. I never seen gay dudes fight for us or speak up for us like we do them. And can the homophobic tradthots fuck off too. All men r trash. As a whole they are more likely to be pedos. Quit arguing about whether fags or straight/bisexual scrotes rape more. Because they all more likely than any woman to do so anyways.
No. 1368032
File: 1636780551987.gif (1.13 MB, 500x500, 1631251091011.gif)

>Aaahhhh I'm burning in hell!
No. 1368067
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>>1367926Of course there’s a fursuit head in the bg
No. 1368147
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No. 1368149
File: 1636806729914.webm (7.57 MB, 640x360, videoplayback-1-1 (1).webm)
PhilosophyTube / Abigail Thorn groomed this 18 year old and now he made this tranny speech No. 1368163
>>1367948Lol Null makes fun of trannies every stream and openly talks about how much he despises them. Cat Party is also not a tranny, he's married.
Idk where this "Kiwifarms mods are all trannies" rumor comes from, but nobody has yet been able to point out any mod who is actually a tranny. Cause it's just not true.
No. 1368234
>>1367877>>1368167That would be reinventing a wheel. What's the point in calling the style something else when the proper term will still be commonly used. No point whitewashing the name of the subculture, if someone cares they can read up on why it's called like this even though it has nothing to do with "nymphettes" or pandering to men.
Imageboard is a translation, that's different than basically a loanword.
No. 1368252
File: 1636821916631.png (174.64 KB, 480x269, A488606B-4965-4D40-A0ED-DE8D1D…)

Does anyone have a source for the poll that showed the percentage of MTF who identify as “lesbian”?
No. 1368320
>>1368163>N-null might be a degenerate homophobe scam artist looking for a conservathot bride but at least he's a based tranny hater!!!!!kiwifaggots need to leave
>>1368252It was posted upthread
nonny >>1365936 No. 1368363
File: 1636841001699.jpeg (207.52 KB, 1170x1538, 95CF4EE2-5E07-4187-8495-456C27…)

>>1368320Thanks nona. I’m blind apparently.
Searched up the original survey.
No. 1368378
File: 1636842556835.jpeg (508.23 KB, 1125x1678, 2E643058-603E-4EAD-A573-A1EC81…)

Found an Instagram meme account run by a mtf non-binary tranny. Apparently he really fucking hates "theyfabs" (female non-binary people) and he starts shit about it all the time. Funny how sex is again relevant when it comes to hating women.
No. 1368379
File: 1636842601458.jpeg (702.82 KB, 1125x1900, BEEA18A7-8153-4781-8252-90E9A0…)

>>1368378Him bitching about people getting mad at him saying "theyfabs do not interact"
No. 1368409
File: 1636846583103.jpg (5.59 KB, 300x168, gFRiSkh.jpg)

>>1367459Church of the Nonbinaries Desmond Is Amazing deleted the video, surprise surprise
No. 1368414
>>1368409I'm surprised their channel isn't being bridaded by trannies
But I feel like any minute now it will
No. 1368498
>>1368134>>1368147>>1368148There's a separate thread for drag queens you retard. Stop shitting up this thread with your "the gheyz are all pedos11!1" nonsense, multiple anons have explained why that's a crock of shit. Desmond was mainly groomed by his psychotic stage mom, much like Jazz.
Why do you guys only care about CSA when boys are being targeted? Oh yeah, you don't. You just want an excuse to hate gay people and you don't give a fuck about kids getting molested.
No. 1368512
>>1368498>>1368147 Yeah drag has nothing to do with this transpocalypse, exposing kids to this shit has nothing to do with grooming them into transgenderism.
>>1368134 Let's defend these degenerates and shit on
TERF women who actually fight this.
Obviously you didn't watch this interview with this former professional LGBTQ activist who woke up since she clearly explains this point.
Way more important to throw a hissy fit. Reality denying political correctnes fags like you let this garbage thrive but the others are "retards" hahaha
No. 1368526
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>>1368134I for my part care about all sexual violence no matter who is victimized or who perpetrates it
No. 1368531
>>1368528The 119K transwomen population generates a 9/10th of male sexual offending inmates, the higher figure half the sexual offending of male prisoners but… crucially this calculation shows that female sexual offending is 100th of male sexual offending inmates.
A long-term follow-up Swedish study (2011) of ‘transsexuals’ after Sex Reassignment surgery suggests that transwomen (without male genitalia = after sex-reassignment surgery) had the same pattern of criminality as the bio-logically male control. While transmen have a slightly elevated incidence of offending but only when compared to the far lower female pattern offending of other bio-logical females.
No. 1368535
>>1368528What is the second column in the transwomen (BBC Fol) section? The
half male
I understand the first column, there are 125 transwomen in prison, 60 for sexual offences, and thus this means per population they have a little bit higher sexual offending rate. But I don't know what the second column's info about population is from, is it a different sources estimate?
No. 1368546
>>1368535The range of estimations of how many there are:
"Using HMGovt figures for trans people 200–500K (approximation 2/3 transwomen): by the 133K figure transwomen sexually offend more than bio-logical males, by the 333K transwomen sexually offend at half of male sexually offending rates but female women at 1/100th of male sexual offending."
No. 1368573
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>>1368483If he gets SRS he will literally be old greg, mangina and all
No. 1368574
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>>1368149Philosophy Tube is doing subliminal Sissy-Hypno to his audience confirmed
No. 1368654
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those eyes
No. 1368656
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also fucking kek
No. 1368665
>>1368483uuhgh not this guy, he’s body dysmorphia incarnate. How can you look at him doing this after he amputated some of his fingers and be like: yep that’s
valid? He probably really thinks he’s an alien or some retarded shit like that. This is what too much acid+BD enablement does to you
No. 1368691
>>1368688why do you know what balls smell like?
>>1368690I hope he dies of an infection
No. 1368698
>>1368690The srs tightness cope, it being so small you can't even dilate it defeats the purpose of pleasant sex*
like the backside will be more comfortable than a closing wound so what's the point of srs? Just keep doing anal and keep your dick.
*Not that you'd get the truth from a chaser but I suspect it's not pleasant for either party
No. 1368738
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And then everyone clapped Trans fantasy again, I don't know how anyone can believe this shit
No. 1368748
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"TW are better than the real thing"
No. 1368762
>>1368757But don't you know that:
Transphobia leads to hating gay men which leads to hating lesbian women which leads to misogyny in general, it's a slippery slope.
No. 1368765
>>1368748Bussy-buttplug, turn your ass into a fleshlight!
I love pragmatic solutions
No. 1368766
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>that fucking tattoo
No. 1368780
>>1368757NAMBLA freaks were not romantically attracted to children, they were sex pests who wanted to abuse minors because of them chasing the taboo high. Plenty of Epstein-like high society pedophile rings have female participants who aren't lesbians but like the power they get from exploiting young girls for their pleasure. No different from today's TRAs who are straight men acting like they're part of LGB to get free pass to take advantage of young groomed trans youth. Various perverts who are just different flavours of straight men have always tried breaking into mainstream acceptance via the LGB movement, it has happened many times and will happen many times more.
As a curious detail, lesbian activist Beth Kelly supported NAMBLA because "lesbians do it too", there are always lesbians who lick male degenerate boots just like there are lesbians who actively fight against the cause. I'm a cryptoterf because all my lesbian friends support TWAW even behind closed doors, even my own girlfriend thinks they're just battered gay men.
No. 1368796
>>1368512I'm not going to watch your retarded alt-right video if you're going to willfully ignore all the actual research on pedophiles anons have posted. For the millionth time, most pedophiles don't give a fuck about the gender of the kid they target because it's a fetish about control.
Polilez who hate other gay people are not the same thing as TERFs. Trannies are often homophobes themselves. If you want to sperg about how much you hate fags, go to Kiwifarms.
No. 1368810
>>1368757The argument isn't over which is worse, learn to read. Tradanon was trying to argue that there's an inherent link between the LGBT and pedophilia. The rest of us are trying to say the same thing you are, which is that it's a male problem, not a gay problem. There's nothing about being gay that makes a scrote any more or less predatory, so it's retarded to target gay scrotes specifically when the problem is with men in general.
There's also no reason for TERFs to align themselves against gay men, since plenty of them are against tranny nonsense as well. Also, the unfortunate fact of the matter is that if we want trannies out of the movement, we'll have to enlist the help of some gay scrotes.
No. 1368813
>>1368614>it serves absolutely no purpose to alienate allies over secondary dramaHave you considered the ones being alienated by the misogyny of male "allies", and the ones being alienated by the homophobia of "feminist" women, are the people they're supposed to be allies to? It isn't alienating allies to say their misogyny, homophobia and tranny rights enthusiasm make it so they're not really allies.
It's so sketchy to blame women and lesbians for causing drama just for speaking up against more powerful groups. Straight men are the biggest threat to women but that doesn't mean we have to shut up in the name of solidarity whenever someone with a dick you like is in the wrong, or when you're in the wrong for excusing them "for the greater good". Seriously pushing into Not My Nigel territory.
No. 1368816
>>1368810NTA and newsflash, lesbians care about politics and feminism. Political lesbian means "straight or bisexual woman who is attracted to men but identifies as a lesbian for political reasons", not "lesbian who has an interest in politics that affect her because she is a lesbian".
>Polilez who hate other gay people are not the same thing as TERFs.Gay men hate on lesbians constantly and are super into tranny rights activist lingo like
TERF, despite lesbians telling them about the collon ceiling. They'd simply rather save face in their LGBT circles. What does that make them? Oh, right, lesbophobes. And the point is it's understandable why women and especially lesbians would take issue with misogyny and lesbophobia even from so-called allies. This is not in any way polilez.
No. 1368821
>>1368796"➢ WHOSE BODY IS IT
Watch long-form interviews with radical women from across the globe on the topics of feminism, trans ideology, female erasure & women's health outside the medical paradigm.
→ "Alt-right" confirmed No. 1368831
File: 1636916946011.jpg (362.62 KB, 2000x2000, 257359221_285936623542383_1034…)

This children's book by the pedo labelle has gotten 2k out of 12k on kickstarter already. Literally trying to brainswash kids to think that biology isn't real by adding an ebul terf in it. Bleak.
No. 1368837
File: 1636917322388.jpeg (212.35 KB, 1080x818, F22F25C4-EB9F-46EC-B115-C50B64…)

God this makes me want to a-log. Frustrating to deal with excruciating cramps all morning only to log on to fb to see some retarded moid share this propaganda. And by their “logic” if periods are not gender specific then why the fuck do all of us have to deal with pink tax?
No. 1368864
>>1368810That's internalized misogyny, why would women need the help of gay men?
No. 1368897
>>1368869I would be so fucking terrified for my life if I saw this guy on the opposite team lol .
>>1368831A “terfy kid”? So they are going to start inciting violence against little girls now? Disgraceful, pedophilic monsters. Hideous “art” as well, looks deviantArt tier .
No. 1368923
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you are that ugly.
No. 1368942
>>1368831>terfy kid>that atrocious artNo such thing as a Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist
kid, living shitstain that came up with this book idea.
No. 1368947
>>1368837If you're bleeding out of your dick please call a doctor, for such caring and considerate individuals (
sounds of TRAs threatening to rape and kill TERFs can be heard dimly in the background) you sure don't care about people receiving incorrect health care, or not even seeking health care due to misinformation.
No. 1368986
>>1368780Lol u sound like a faggot coping. So lesbians DIDNT kick NAMBLA out? Because one pedo dyke bitch said hey we do it too. Got it.
God u faghags are retarded. It's like youre competing with tradthots to see who can be the most pathetic pickme for men
Stop trying to be like oh they're not pedos they're just sex pests no faggot people who wanna sexually abuse kids are fucking chomos. It doesn't matter if it's a male pedo creeping on boys or girls or a female pedo creeping on boys or girls no matter how they identify they are fucking pedos. Fucking weirdo
(calm down) No. 1368996
>>1368795They really think a vagina is just a hole. I'd say it was all misogyny (90% of it probably is) but they also seem to think they can have their penis and balls chopped off without consequence so it's also a lack of intelligence in general.
Same for TIFs. They really think a surgeon, a mere human and not millions of years of evolution, can perfectly replicate a penis. I'd sooner see science successfully replicating a penis over a vagina due to vaginas being so complex with their self cleaning and such but even a functional penis is never going to happen.
No. 1369006
>>1368915What a dumb Twitter fad. LGBTQ ideology is mainstream and in many countries in the law.
So what does that mean if you just try to "Get the L Out"? Lesbians moving out of society and going off grid? If you start peddeling back with "Trans" acceptance in the hetero population now the backlash will hit all of "LGBTQ". Troonism is here to stay, you can just laugh about them
No. 1369010
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>>1369002yeah, that's him, he does the "assigned male" comic about trooning kids out.
he didn't get cancelled unfortunately. TRAs flocked around to defend him despite some of his diaper fetish drawings being traced from actual kids. trannies can really get away with anything
No. 1369029
>>1368690Talking is a full workout for this person i wonder how many calories he burnes fidgeting around like this. Or is that Adderal, i get kinda seasick just watching that.
And full blown Stockolm syndrome, "it's just my body healing badly" not "i got tricked into letting them mutilate me for thousands of dollars", it's sad
No. 1369033
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>>1368665He lost the self mutilation race to this guy.
"Gabriel Archaniol, better known as Adam Curly Kale, is a 32-year-old body modification enthusiast from Kaliningrad, Russia. He's risen to infamy in the media because of his heavily tattooed body—which is almost entirely shaded in with black ink. However, the Russian tattoo exhibitionist recently went through an even bigger transformation—this time going under the knife to become what Archaniol refers to as "nullo. "People from the 'nullo' community don't want to have body parts like nipples, a belly button or genitals which determine if you're a man or a woman," explains Archaniol.Archaniol identifies as agamic or asexual, however, he's quick to point out some of the misconceptions that come with his sexual orientation. Despite being asexual, he still has a normal sex drive and is in a relationship with a transgender woman named Veronica Carol Blades. Blades is also a body modification enthusiast, who has had several ribs removed, her eyeballs tattooed and is planning for many more surgeries in the near future."
Relationship goals lol
No. 1369044
>>1369015You hear trannies like this one
>>1368690 try to claim their vaginas will be custom and better but reality will always be like this
>>1369015>my clit fell offI can see gen z will probably end up even more fucked up and gen alpha will be hard conservatives setting the clock way back because they've witnessed the fucked up shit that millennials and gen zers have done to themselves. for troons to have employment and housing opportunities has risen but for gender neutral bathrooms and mtf to play with girls, acceptance hia dropping fast
No. 1369051
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>>1369033This is his "girlfriend"
No. 1369059
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>>1369051Spoilered because it's too sexy
No. 1369062
>>1369033"Nullo community"
The world has ended and we are in hell
No. 1369076
>>1369065Yeah, theres another gay dude who was into body mods who trooned out, he looks terrible now, and they treat trooning as another level body modification. I think his boyfriend broke it off and ended up with a woman, the dude got his penis chopped and his face is black just like this guy.
At least with these two, it's two gay boys dating eachother. Maybe the troon has a penis so he can bang the "nullo" in the butt. Or whatever, IDK.
I notice gay men into body mods seem to go that extra mile.
No. 1369082
>>1369065As long as somebody doesn't use up medical resources from actually sick people or ruins other peoples life and just persues it as a personal fetish i don't care about people trooning out.
It's the gender ideology that tries to make identity delusions obligatory reality for all of society that is
problematic, especially pushing children down this road.
No. 1369100
>>1369027At least
they know how to sage, tard-rage-chan.
No. 1369108
>>1369045>body parts like [nipples], [a belly button] or [genitals which determine if you're a man or a woman]the "which determine if you're a man or a woman" part refers only to "genitals",
No. 1369153
>>1367217I can't shake the irie feeling that one of these Dr. Frankensteins
has a collection of childrens genitals just like Dr. Mengele collected eyes
No. 1369177
>>1369160 If you have sex cause "it feels good" you're not "asexual" but "autophile" or "autosexual" using a living sex toy. Procreation or letting somebody masturbate with your body to do them a favor are the only reasons a real "asexual" person would engage in sexual activities as a choir or this term makes no sense.
This nullo guy just has some paraphilias, obviously a castration fetish is one of them
No. 1369184
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Imagine what hunter schaeffer will look like in five years
No. 1369187
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>>1368831He hasn't make public appearance for years, right?
No. 1369194
>>1369167>Makes videoes about yuri and incest anime>Username is just a cutesy girl's name with no surname or unique alias>That voiceHe confirmed he was a tranny on his Twitter too iirc.
Honestly anyone online using a "normal" girl's first name-only as a handle rather than something cool/made up/Japanese-sounding or even their full name is 95% likely to be a man.
No. 1369196
>>1368996yeah i agree nonna
but sometimes idk why some people/tims think that in the future women will be eradicated bc they say tech will be so advanced you won’t even need women to make babies, making eggs from sperm and artificial wombs will make women ‘’obsolete’’
being the nervous nona i am idk if it’s true but i surely hope not
millions of years of evolution just erased in like 20-50 years?? idk
No. 1369201
>>1369196From what I've seen, tech and science has shown female bodies are more capable of producing a replacement for the opposite sex's functions than male bodies are. There's the possibility of creating sperm cells using stem cells, but the process of carrying and birthing a baby is a lot more complicated and taxing than producing sperm and inseminating. I sincerely doubt science and tech will replace women, at least not any time soon. Even if it did, I fail to see how men who only value women for their reproductive capabilities no longer wanting women would be a bad thing. But we all know, even if there were perfect 1 to 1 ovary robots, those scrotes still wouldn't be happy after they realize they don't have control over a real woman.
>>1369199>implying asexuality as a concept is just as harmful as gender shitI don't see then ingesting
toxic "medicines" or amputating healthy body parts. They're annoying at worst.
No. 1369205
>>1369201i agree with the last bit but
i think i wouldn’t be as bothered if it was intended for women who wanna carry babies full term but can’t/helping them out, but ofc the idea is being made perverse by the sideline troons saying motherhood won’t be exclusive to women anymore
it feels like another creepy attack or something
all i can do is hope it doesn’t happen
No. 1369208
>>1369201The anon I replied to was spewing dumb split attraction model bullshit which is the reason the "lesbians can sleep with men and still be lesbian" discourse is trending on social media. It's probably not as serious as I'm making it out to be but you're right, the asexuals are annoying as fuck and I got
triggered lol.
No. 1369211
>>1369205Honestly, they still would be miserable failsons with that technology. It would just increase their unhappiness, realizing they didn't actually want it. None of them actually want to be pregnant or have kids, they just want control and self-assurance, and they can never have either.
>>1369208TBH I think the split attraction model works, buy
only for explaining asexual individual's relationship with romance, nothing else. Even if it could be used outside of that group, such an individual could never be defined as a lesbian. Only women exclusively attracted to women can be lesbians. I think this is more of an issue with Twitter queerio snowflake types than the actual asexual identity. I can see how it's more appealing to just avoid the group as a whole, though, since most people with "ace" in their biography are attention seeking bihet teen girls, and moids trying to market themselves as less coomerish than they actually are. The genuine ones are a lot rarer and more boring.
No. 1369235
>>1369167This one looks like a troon.
Lady Decade is a good video game essayist who happens to be a woman.'s also Erin Plays Bobdunga Show's super crucial to look at the creator's featured channels, you'll find quite a few if you haven't discovered these creators already. Good luck on your search, anon!
No. 1369246
>>1369167>>1369235adding on to this list
Pushing up roses, was a fairly decent game/tv review channel but she's taken a long hiatus as of now be Tamed, she does mostly horror and atmospheric game reviews one ManlyBadassHero is sadly a male but he reviews mostly obscure Indie horror games and plays them to complementation, his commentary is just right, where its not annoying but just pleasant enough that you don't feel scared No. 1369301
File: 1636984378843.jpeg (214.1 KB, 828x993, BE80F528-C8C4-4C47-84D4-0AB037…)

Men are so fucking entitled and handmaidens are foolish for not recognizing this for what it is
No. 1369329
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No. 1369334
>>1369174exactly this. people who need or even want to be spoonfed takes and opinions from ~game reviewers~ are on another level of stupidity. video games are not deep in any way, no one making long ass youtube commentary on them deserve to be taken seriously.
>>1369167just watch documentaries on some actually interesting topic instead anon
No. 1369375
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based family
No. 1369382
>>1369186Oh wow. Well thanks. Yeah I figured as much because the voice didn't sound like an ordinary woman's voice.
>>1369194Ah okay, I must've skimmed past it then, I was looking at his "media" content to see if I could find a picture of him and I didn't think of scrolling through his tweets. Thanks for the heads up.
>>1369235>>1369246Thanks anon! I've actually heard of Pushing Up Roses, I used to watch her back in the day when she reviewed games before moving on to reviewing tv shows. I also know Cannot Be Tamed, she's alright but not one of my favorites, I find the way she explains things a little dry but she's still good in her own right. I'll definitely check out the other ones you suggested, thanks!
No. 1369433
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I can't get over how high he hiked up his shorts to give the illusion of a waist.
No. 1369478
>>1369472they already are
nonnie, they're part of the y2k trend (and just for women)
No. 1369504
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Anyone else find it hilarous that people seem to have stopped caring about tims? Its like the WiSpa and Loudoun rape situation peaked everyone, and people are aware that its a fetisch and these men are just gross perverts. The BBC didnt even care about Lily Cade's anti-troon sperging. They are still seething over it and saying people want them to be genocided, and literally no one cares lol. I think if more and more real life situations where trannys act like the violent and perverted men they are, people will believe that over a tranny crying about oppression behind a VR-anime girl avatar.
No. 1369515
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seeing as this is from tumblr, I'm between deciding if this is an incredibly deranged female or a typical male
No. 1369622
>>1365905Usagi is one of my favorite anime characters of all time, but I can understand why people hate her.
You'd be surprised how many of these people haven't actually seen/read sailor moon, and only seem to attach themselves to it because of the aesthetic and fake captioned posts..
No. 1369661
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No. 1369683
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>>1369309This is a comic by the TIM voicing the character
No. 1369694
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>>1369683>>1369684and this is him IRL, just look at that womanly form
No. 1369701
>>1369699I think it's just how he's posed in the photo, he has a very stick male figure
If you saw him walking it would be clear he had a male figure
No. 1369708
>>1369701It's between the camera trickery/editing, and the fact that he is dressed like a somewhat normal human being. Also, he has a full head of hair that doesn't look sopping wet with grease. Still very clockable, but way less so than the average filthy pigman creatures in cosplay that normally get posted here. He'll look
way worse in five to ten years, though.
No. 1369728
File: 1637038927391.jpg (90.66 KB, 435x810, tumblr_0e3b5a4bcbd388c1e0ac057…)

Reminder this is what most "Sissy" fetishists who post feminization shit like
>>1368574 >>1368579 look like IRL
No. 1369738
File: 1637040078947.jpg (66.44 KB, 750x932, 5115y6tp0zq31[2].jpg)

>>1369733he's pretty okay looking probably because it looks like he didn't get any work done. he has a natural baby face.
he looks like he's cosplaying dr frank n furter here
No. 1369767
File: 1637046440514.jpeg (75.54 KB, 636x382, ww.jpeg)

>>1369757>>1369738This reminds of Walt Heyer a MTF detransitioner, his case was really one in a million see he didn't have the usual AGP TIM story nor was was he an HSST, he had crossdressing forced upon him, he was beaten by his
abusive father and was secretly actually sexually abused by his uncle
>I started my transgender journey as a 4-year-old boy when my grandmother repeatedly, over several years, cross-dressed me in a full-length purple dress she made especially for me and told me how pretty I was as a girl. This planted the seed of gender confusion and led to my transitioning at age 42 to transgender female. >Eventually, my parents found out, and my unsupervised visits to Grandma’s house ended. I thought my secret was safe, but my teenage uncle heard about it and felt I was fair game for taunting and sexual abuse. I wasn’t even 10 years old.>I lived as “Laura” for eight years, but, as I now know, transitioning doesn’t fix the underlying ailments.>Studies show that most people who want to live as the opposite sex have other psychological issues, such as depression or anxiety. In my case, I was diagnosed at age 40 with gender dysphoria and at age 50 with psychological issues due to childhood trauma.He probably passed better then 99% of TIMs cause he didn't try to look I sexist depiction of a woman and genuinely seemed to believe that being a woman would cure him of his untreated trauma
No. 1369798
>>1369738Them trying to look more "sexy" is always their downfall, he honestly passes ok here
>>1369694In that he looks like an average woman without makeup and a more masculine frame, but the one with fishnet top and lipstick is 100% rocky horror vibes
>>1369738It should be stated I actually prefer the second as I like gnc men, but the first more natural look is much more appropriate if he wants to appear as a woman.
No. 1369811
>>1369767i'm sure the doctors and psychiatrists he visited pushed him to dress up, just like grandma did to him, as they felt this would rid of the dysphoria. i don't know much about him, but did he take hormones as well?
>>1369757he's definitely using the makeup in the way that it's intended. the hilarious part is the fact that the male bone structure pops right out with all that bronzer.
No. 1369815
>>1369683If this would happen to me in his situation I would feel ashamed of enjoying this instead of making a fucking comic about it trying to rationalize misogyny but yeah go off.
>a life of ‚invalidation‘guess that’s what happens to you if you’re chasing delusions you moron. Would be no big deal if he just would accept the fact that he’s a feminine looking man. Everyone who buys into the esoteric bullshit that comes with troonery is either completely insane, under pressure or lost in wishful thinking. This shit should have never become as big as it is today. Do the people not read the studies that come with the opinion articles they cite?
No. 1369817
>>1369811>i don't know much about him, but did he take hormones as well?He did, even had the surgery, I think the physical and sexual abuse and his untreated trauma played a bigger role in his decision to transition
Honestly I don't consider him anything near most TIMs, his case as I said really was one in a million and so can't be used as an example of comparison
No. 1369821
>>1369812This will continue until the morale improves.
Maybe we should do some voice training to match with their baritone voice like kikomi
No. 1369846
File: 1637076198065.png (37.5 KB, 592x720, 2912 - bant 4chan clothes flag…)

>happy trans awareness day
No. 1369870
>>1369825It's a good suggestion. However, I'm not exactly conforming to gender roles in real life. But I don't think it's enough for me to identify as GNC.
Maybe we could develop a psychological condition/habit where a person unconsciously try to sounding like/mimicking tone, pitch, and grammars from the talking opponents. When the TiM display visible microagression, the person should explain the condition and how said person developed it from watching tiktok videos.
Maybe we could tell a sob story about a childhood friend who has high frequency hearing loss. And, both of your friend and you has to lower the pitch for effective communication. So, it can't be helped when you hear TiM's voice, you unconsciously lower your pitch.
No. 1370006
File: 1637096155810.png (144.22 KB, 747x1070, asdfghj.png)

This post is almost self aware lmfao. It's almost like cross dressing males are treated the same because the issue is gender non-conformity hmmm really makes you think.
No. 1370032
File: 1637099799684.jpg (92.57 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>1369694To anyone who thinks he passes, look at picrel. He looks more like a dude in a hair band than a woman.
Typical scrote-controlled industry, giving a job to a man in a dress and bragging about "advancing women in animation." Like most troons, most of his comics revolve around being a tranny because they're incapable of thinking about anything else.
No. 1370043
File: 1637100797930.jpg (33.08 KB, 1024x571, _52108423_robert_sheehan2.jpg)

>>1370032He looks like a more ugly version of Robert Sheehan.
No. 1370052
>>1370006I saw on tv literally a few minutes ago about a transexual sex worker who was chased and murdered by… Guess… Other transexual sex workers.
If it was in America I bet they still would blame the terfs somehow lol
No. 1370108
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>>1370107As a musicfag i was so, so disappointed, wtf they are literally everywhere
No. 1370122
>>1370108He's a creep.
I remember a while ago he made a tweet crying about how ebil terfs traumatized him and he now feels guilty about feeling aroused at himself as a woman.
The tweet seems to have misteriously disappeared.
No. 1370198
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>>1369644I work at target and there's a whole section about how not using the "correct" pronouns is harassment. Also, we sell a fucking tranny nutcracker. Pic related
No. 1370218
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i don’t know if any other nonitas here use letterboxd but if you do you’ve probably come across a review by this TIM “nathaxnee”. I never thought much of him until i saw that he wrote a 5 paragraph long screed about the new Chapelle special. Anyways i was intrigued and he left a link to his youtube channel in one of his reviews and he looks like THIS
No. 1370295
nonny, it's a metaphor for bottom surgery and actually it's empowering!!
No. 1370323
>>1369857>>1369864apparently its Transgender Awareness Week(cause of course it is) November 20th is International Transgender Day of Remembrance, March 31st is International Transgender Day of Visibility, July 14th is International Non-Binary People's Day(which also includes trannies) and of course all the other LGBT holidays will center around trannies as well
fuck this hell earth
No. 1370405
>>1370107kek he transed after being called out for defending rapists like laurelai bailey's probably using it as a 'get out of jail free' card, since now woke idiots can't call him a sexist man.
tbf this chick needs to learn that someone screenshotting things you shared publicly isn't blackmail.
also didn't someone accuse him of discord grooming and sharing animal porn with minors?
No. 1370423
>>1370389Part of their new guidelines is that there be "no presumption of advantage" when evaluating whether TIMs can play women's sports. Even the tranny they quoted in the article thinks that's absurd:
>“On average, transgender women are taller, bigger and stronger than cisgender women and these are advantages in many sports,” Harper told the Los Angeles Blade.Fucking clown world. Can't wait for China and Russia to roll up in 2022 with teams composed entirely of "trans women" and sweep all the medals.
No. 1370450
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>>1370218letterboxd trannys are something else. Go read the reviews on silence of the lambs and any Sciamma movie. Absolutely the most pretentious and unfunny people on a site already full of pretentious and unfunny people. I saw this guy writing a black swan review and I just instantly knew it was a troon. Confirmed just by one look at their faves.
No. 1370474
>>1370471Jesus anon
the actors at the top should be changed to names that troons love calling themselves
No. 1370482
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A personal cow became handmaiden to her troon husband and now they are getting a divorce because he was cheating and wants to be in a poly relationship, surprise surprise. But I went on a deep dive into his fb and apparently he gave himself a black eye going spinny spinny kek
No. 1370487
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I don't understand why he just doesn't kill himself instead of pretending to be a loli rapper. If I were him I would just die hoping to wake up in the afterlife as a little girl. He goes to bars and raps his juggalo wigger songs and does cringe anime analysis videos that no one watches. What an embarrassing turd.
No. 1370492
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No. 1370495
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look at this thing trying to give itself a waist lol
No. 1370499
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Seriously everyone should be doing this, doesn't matter if the troons cry about -phobia
No. 1370506
>>1370500I wonder the same about girls ''in love'' with femenine plastic kpop singers, where's the physical appeal there? Are these guys troon potential? list has over nine korean idols and they're all gay men or TiMs.
No. 1370518
>>1370347I always dread that shit. I just want to celebrate my female friends and family and see stories about inspiring women but instead everyone is posting about TiMs needing to feel included.
>>1370420The monkey’s paw curls lol. Maybe it would be enough to wake men up since they’re so driven by cooming.
No. 1370523
>>1370517God, what an insufferable sped. Using big werds that aren't even big wrong will never stop being grating to me.
>muh traumaI don't believe anyone who says this. They lie about this to shield themselves from criticism.
No. 1370536
>>1370495What the fuck are those shoes? In what world would any woman be caught wearing those
let alone in that dress ?
No. 1370549
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>>1370536most troons are incels that never had a sense of style in the first place anon.
No. 1370575
>>1370544They have no idea of how economy works,
nonnie, all they know is that someone gives them money to buy stupid shit while they sit their asses on their beds to post some dumbass takes and drink the dumbest koolaid that anyone throws at them.
No. 1370602
>>1370514Well, David Bowie could pull off the androgynous look, and wore GNC outfits because he actually had delicate features compared to the MEGA-HONS we see today. Also, the femboys and troons who opt for female clothing are going for the ultra-feminine anime cosplay look (maid outfits, skirts, thigh highs) which is not logical since the women and girls depicted in anime have exaggerated female features which make the clothing (which are already skimpy) look good, even the tomboys look very feminine (very narrow shoulders, big breasts (or small), hips, long shapely legs with thick thighs, small waist). There's just too much wrong going on for this to even work. Western, white neanderthal men in ultra-feminine anime girl outfits meant for small (Asian) women… It's so wrong, and that's why people make fun of them. Bowie was out of the box fashion-wise for sure, but he wasn't this delusional.
No. 1370624
>>1364114i get him on my tiktok fyp all the time
he's definitely agp. constantly mentioning his "designer pussy" and shit like that and no one's catching up on it in his comments. no one finds it weird
No. 1370757
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My parents were watching the latest episode of Jeopardy and, I noticed that the only "female" contestant looked incredibly male. I asked my mom about it, and she recounted that his blurb said he was a software engineer from California. Jeopardy always kind of felt like it oriented its questions to be male oriented to me, but I guess they can go mask-off now that trannies count as "women" in diversity quotas. Based contestant-recording website refers to him as "he-she" and he/him, though. No. 1370824
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>>1370450>herofc they love that movie, holy shit was that movie horrible
No. 1370828
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>>1370500I somewhat agree, I think men and women should were clothes based on what looks good on them and not arbitrary standards of what a man/woman is supposed to wear, that said most female clothing looks awful on men and most male clothing looks "meh" oh women
only a handful of female fashion can actually look appealing on men
No. 1370835
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This sounds so creepy.
No. 1370843
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>>Due to being transgender, he-She had to listen to people’s hatred many times, he has also been bullied by some students of his school.>>It won a winning amount of $31,600 on its first day.Pretty sure a bot write the site, but still it's pretty based.
No. 1370846
nonnie, I can't keep reading this. The confusion in the words has me in horrible fits of laughter that I can't explain to anyone I live with.
No. 1370852
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Based frenchies
And how the heck would you even pronounce iel?
No. 1370856
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No. 1370858
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>>1370856a true biological woman
No. 1370885
>>1370852I presume /i:/-/el/, which sounds retarded.
>>1370872I'm incredibly jealous.
No. 1370932
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Kikomi is making waves on Twitter KEK. I really hope she isn’t a tranny psy op but this shit is so fucking funny to me. Biotrans is actually recognized by Twitter now I think hahahah.
No. 1370936
>>1370843based sf. I love the way the bot gives up with the pronouns completely at the end and starts using "it" kek
>>1370852Do you know what based means? Because this i the total opposite of that. It's fucking pathetic we're changing languages for 0.1% of the population. Nothing based about that shit.
No. 1370946
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>>1370932godspeed kikomi-chans of the world, never thought some comic i drew out of spite in 15 minutes would inspire people so.
No. 1370974
>>1370945i’m not trying to racebait or something but the only males i’ve seen who are capable of looking androgynous and pulling off the femboy look are the odd few east asian men but it’s very rare.
east asian men i feel like are more likely to pass when transitioning too
No. 1370981
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>>1370974Lol no
There are way more asian agps then there used to be.
No. 1370984
>>1370872Yesterday I saw someone saying that they feel like a man masquerading as a woman because she's… tall. She's a girl, dresses girly, but because she's tall she doesn't think she's a woman
And I thought, what the fuck is wrong with this person's brain. How is that not misogyny.
No. 1371016
>>1370856Half of these boil down to "women not letting us into their spaces or fucking us." Also
>unfair accusation that trans women are perpetuating sexist notions of womanhood centered on the male gazeImmediately followed by this picture of him doing ahegao shit
>>1370858 is wild