File: 1646362849294.jpg (1.29 MB, 1242x1444, kfkfnsd.jpg)

No. 1457307
File: 1646364219206.png (355.1 KB, 524x782, image468.png)

No. 1457309
File: 1646364309090.jpg (37.52 KB, 720x556, i was happy.jpg)

>>1457298oh my god these threads move so fast these days
at any rate, have this. nothing shocking but if I had a dollar for every time i've seen them say this
No. 1457315
>>1457313yah he is a gay gender fluid non binary snowflake.
So gotta give him some created for not going full in on the larp I guess.
No. 1457316
File: 1646364892613.png (48.24 KB, 689x437, 567456.png)

No. 1457327
File: 1646365518630.png (295.95 KB, 740x626, said breasts.png)

>>1457233>>1457253this is what it looks like apparently after the Boob job.
Honestly I'm not even sure what they look like tbh. I feel sorry for his work mate having to put up with his shitty behavior making a joke out of how obsessive he is about tits.
I imagine that eye roll was her suppressing her true feelings on the matter and she is just being polite playing along with his creepy behavior. Because she doesn't want to deal with a troon chimp out and get called transphobic for voicing her discomfort.
No. 1457333
File: 1646366331480.png (336.31 KB, 619x559, Erin, Trail Mom on Twitter (2)…)

>>1457332oof I paused at the wrong time.
No. 1457337
File: 1646366892539.jpg (262.59 KB, 1152x2048, FM6pgCCVUAIPeW3.jpg)

our fav Jasman gave us this pukey pic
No. 1457348
File: 1646367543970.png (34.36 KB, 720x403, Peony Campbell.png)

here's an interesting thread related to letting troons into women's prisons No. 1457370
File: 1646369267221.png (4.06 MB, 1792x828, 9F610956-903D-4F8B-B7C8-578DF3…) remember Gen Zed? It was an animated show from like seven years ago starring a tranny that immediately got cancelled due to backlash. The pilot is so funny
No. 1457372
File: 1646369544149.jpeg (276.55 KB, 1792x758, 4C41154F-263D-4449-98D8-22A81B…)

I love this so much. Lia is going to compete in the next Olympics and China and Russia will correctly protest how idiotic the United States is. Let America die.
No. 1457378
>>1457370I kind of vaguely remember this. What exactly was the backlash about?
>>1457372My sympathy for your autism anon
No. 1457389
File: 1646370700689.jpg (85.74 KB, 1221x648, trooningout.jpg)

>>1457337they are so clearly chubby, ugly, unwanted males who try to larp as female so that they aren't invisible. sad!
No. 1457390
File: 1646370717224.jpg (139.96 KB, 924x546, DSMtroon.jpg)

I'm disappointed but but surprised by these changes to the DSM-5. The invention of the concept of gender has ruined so much, gotta love how the material reality of being a female human being is now the same as a man saying being female is his "experienced gender".
No. 1457391
>>1457309>(flattered then) disgusted, uncomfortable, guilty for the attentionErr so uh um… troons think we like male attention from strangers but feel guilty about it? Like Christian guilt kek?
No we just don't want strangers trying to solicit us you absolute moron. (aimed at troon, not you anon)
No. 1457400
>>1457395no, zoomer, it did not come from deadpool 2.
>>1457372When his team start to break it to him that he's gonna have to throw the race at the olympics, our only hope is that in the moment he'll be too autistic to follow through.
No. 1457407
File: 1646373756744.jpeg (1.22 MB, 2967x2472, 3533526C-56BF-4CFE-9B6F-CB8140…)

his entire family knows and is ashamed of him, his father can hardly talk about his own son, and still he insists on wearing a wig and a dress. how selfish these troons are to play out their sick fantasies when not a single sane minded person believes any of it. plus his ‘gf’ (another troon) is disgusting too, goddamn.
I had to post him to show it’s not just kiwifarms laughing at him
No. 1457411
>>1457407*some guy
He needs to know real women are laughing at him. I’m in my 20s. It’s not just middle aged British ladies sir.
No. 1457422
File: 1646376175544.png (553.02 KB, 757x1046, tumblr_md8oetBTWC1ro3irro1_128…)

>>1457371Scott Pilgrim didn't just influence all the blue haired Ramona clones (though tbh it's probably from even earlier than this)
No. 1457430
>>1457422it happened way earlier than that
nonny like Titan A.E
No. 1457438
>>1457371Because Asian women with no hairstreak in pop culture are just submissive, exoticized fuckmeat but a rebellious hairstreak automatically gives them "personality".
No idea where it originates though xox
No. 1457454
>>1457447no he deletes posts that can lead to dox, has a pretty clean internet presence due to him partaking in 4chan-esque internet trolling which he brings up on occasion. A lot of his early transition pics got lost when he got IP banned from his old account for harassment for the lol's.
Also spends a lot of time in self deprecating "humor" pages troons frequent so he def got that self hatred impostor syndrome bubbling underneath the surface imo.
miod is a stereotype just like most of the troons we see here.
Thou his job seems to have pretty good insurance/pay cause he is getting surgery's pretty often for how early he is in his transition.
No. 1457459
File: 1646382826737.png (94.55 KB, 735x729, use to be an obese neckbeard i…)

>>1457456well considering he use to be an obese neckbeard sperg… maybe the normal passing interactions he is getting now that he has some confidence makes him think it's positive and he totally passes or something.
No. 1457467
>>1457348I think the reason people are especially hesitant to believe men would pretend to be women (over, let's say, a cop or handicapped) is that being a woman is so dehumanizing that few men would ever think to stoop so low.
It really says a lot about our SOCIETY tbh
No. 1457474
I got this from the 12th thread but bought it forward for those who might not have seen it. It’s a really good documentary over four parts, highly reccomend and I think it’s got a lot of good, innocent, peaking material in it.
>>1457372It makes me absolutely sick this he-man is competing on the womens team and stealing that oppertunity away from a woman. Foul. I kinda want the man beast to win by a landslide and break world records so the other countries will complain to the Olympic committee. If he looses they’ll use that as justification to have scrotum havers in womens sports.
No. 1457503
File: 1646393197710.png (52.28 KB, 598x296, 7432E1F4-4472-4AAC-B07D-7FB891…)

Another good argument for those battling handmaidens (as a follow on from me posting the coloniser quote yesterday).
No. 1457517
File: 1646394711940.jpg (400.6 KB, 564x762, RDT_20220304_12320421957827282…)

egg_irl traumatizes me
No. 1457518
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No. 1457535
>>1457459>I used to be criticized for talking too much>People find it charming and cute when I talk a lot nowThe audacity of this fanfic! Imagine how annoying a moid has to be to get called out and told to STFU. Now imagine that moid feeling smug and manic from muh gender euphoria. I feel so sorry for his co-workers. They can't say anything but "stunning and brave!" to him or they'll get a call from HR.
Why do these moids think EVERY negative characteristic they have will flip to a positive when they get surgery and pretend to be a catgirl Friends character at work?
No. 1457539
File: 1646400856236.png (Spoiler Image,119.51 KB, 926x762, ewwwwwww.PNG)

this freak got euphoria from having his haemhorroids checked
noice how he sexualises women's pain!!! disgosten
No. 1457561
>>1457300TIL I'm not a woman because I talk with my hands and use big bites to eat.
Also, does this guy think women sway their hips when they walk because heels? No, it happens because we have wider hips and a low center of gravity (something these freaks will never have)
No. 1457582
File: 1646407318984.jpg (75.36 KB, 640x852, 96spfeoajdl81.jpg)

Creepy dad who took that whore-wannabe selfie with his daughter just posted a selfie to MTFSelfieTrain. God, what a fucking narcissist. In the post he refers to himself as '40 mtf Mom'. So creepy.
No. 1457590
File: 1646407855415.jpg (624.2 KB, 810x1683, Screenshot_20211213-225842_Boo…)

>>1457582He's a fashion model. Not kidding.
No. 1457592
File: 1646408013027.jpg (1.11 MB, 810x3280, Screenshot_20211120-005228_Boo…)

>>1457590>>1457582Digging for the pic where he's standing amongst the models
No. 1457593
File: 1646408201031.jpg (8.51 MB, 960x12821, Screenshot_20220225-011623_Boo…)

>>1457591You're in for a real treat if you've just discovered r/TransLater, anon. Collage of the sub I took last week.
No. 1457622
File: 1646410367333.png (461.39 KB, 835x612, vain troon.png)

>>1457590technically he paid to "model" for small business and designers thru a fashion and modelling school.
The modeling gig at NYFW he is bragging about is part of the course he paid for. basically the same as those scam modeling agencies for kids you find in malls that con parents out of money to make their kids feel special, but for vain adults that need the ego boost and wanna waste money.
>>1457592And Ms fashion global is another vain money scam pageant.
No. 1457623
File: 1646410378785.png (1.16 MB, 1656x1150, Screenshot 2022-03-04 at 15.28…)

Taken from r/MTFSelfieTrain. I feel like this is most troons. They want to look like Bubbles from the PowerPuffGirls but always wind up looking and sounding like Him.
No. 1457635
File: 1646411570051.png (642.1 KB, 735x793, vain troon among fellows.png)

>>1457622on a follow up note, he seems to be involved in other seedy competitions masquerading as fashion shows as well. This is another one he paid to be part of.
This is the third such one he has been part of recently. Called Victoria Henley's Magnifique. No. 1457650
File: 1646412344952.png (950.08 KB, 1104x1104, Screen Shot 2022-03-04 at 11.4…)

a troon unironically drew this.
No. 1457657
File: 1646412875678.jpg (518.33 KB, 2316x3088, vain troon vein arms.jpg)

>>1457622I think an annoying thing while going thru his post history is his triple posting of every pic.
This guy is so desperate for attention and validation it's on a whole other level. I bet he is even annoying the reddit troons at this point.
No. 1457674
File: 1646413501759.jpeg (85.11 KB, 1024x716, 949FB34D-12FF-4388-BD29-10BAE0…)

>>1457590the way his boob job sits on his chest reminds me of a rennesaince statue done by some gay dude who'd never seen a tittie before in real life, lol.
No. 1457679
File: 1646413670177.jpg (772.06 KB, 810x2062, Screenshot_20220304-114327_Boo…)

This pic kek. Looks like a fucking armadillo linebacker.
>>1457622Thanks for sharing this. The scam model agencies didn't even cross my mind. Literally Robert in "The Model" episode of Everybody Loves Raymond: No. 1457682
File: 1646413762306.png (690.03 KB, 742x1218, vain troon squat and pee.png)

>>1457622I didn't know having to squat and pee outside was such a huge milestone for a girl… imagine going out to go take a piss out in the park behind a bush then taking a photo of yourself afterwards so you can tell reddit.
~ItS N0t A FeTIsH~
No. 1457688
File: 1646413986266.jpeg (73.17 KB, 581x1121, BBF23C6C-CB73-4FDF-ADDB-30BF38…)

A moment of silence for this stunning and brave eyelash strip
No. 1457691
File: 1646414069173.jpeg (90.49 KB, 750x936, B26270E8-2700-4CEF-9FCE-F09F5E…)

Excuse me, Sir, if your going to dress up as a woman at least put glue on your falsies.
No. 1457704
>>1457674thing is he did know how to draw woman correctly and there are sketches he did of female nudes. He was just obsessed with muscles. so gay was most decently a factor imo.
No. 1457715
File: 1646416013398.jpg (817.3 KB, 810x1695, Screenshot_20210804-004316_Boo…)

Those veins
No. 1457722
>>1457715just let it sink in that he went out in PUBLIC wearing that cheaper hooker top.
Imagine if a real 39 woman did that.
Do you think he wears slutty clothes to pick up his daughter from school too?
No. 1457728
To that """models""" credit, he could pass as an ugly woman in pictures (pretty sure the illusion would break in video/irl), but no way in HELL would he be able to be a legitimate model. He should keep those hands out of pics though, they ain't very dainty
>>1457704Nonny baby we can tell when you sage without you telling, the poster name changes to an url link. I understand you fear the wrath of the jannies but you don't have to tell every time, just so you know! I would put a heart symbol here but I would get banned rip
No. 1457729
>>1457390Shit like this is why I'm never going back to therapy lol when I went in 2017 they tried to tell me I was trans (I used to try to pee while standing up after I was sexually abused as a kid) because it's easier to tell women to just identify out of their oppression than to help them overcome trauma surrounding their bodies
Sage for blog
No. 1457771
>>1457739If it makes you feel better
nonny, we believe you
No. 1457838
File: 1646422978277.jpg (170.21 KB, 750x893, Amiyah-Scott.jpg)

>>1457623All troons have dead eyes. The AGP have a more Kubrick serial killer look while HSTS look possessed or empty inside. Even the "pretty" ones have dead eyes.
No. 1457864
>>1457836Are u autistic anon? I'm telling you what troons and other gender specials say about non white societies. That the gender binary is white supremacy and that before the white man came none of knew what a man or woman was. Again. This. Is. What. Troons. Say. About. Gender. Ideology. So. That. Way. If. You. Try . To. Tell. Them. Being. Trans. Or. NB. Isn't. Real. They. Can. Call. U. Racist. Because. Only. White. Man. Believe. In . 2. Genders.
Do you understand now dumbass?
No. 1457876
File: 1646424386439.jpg (517.47 KB, 2749x2062, GettyImages-959988486.jpg)

I feel like troons have shot themselves in the foot with constantly being in the media because even HSTS don't pass as well to me like in the past. I feel like it has to do with getting use to seeing them that I can tell something is off faster. Especially when next to real women. I know this isn't the TIF thread but even TIFs (the ones that are roided out and hit the gym, not the fujo softbois) are starting to pass less to me. No matter how beefy they get the neck/shoulder area always look weird asf and they have unmistakably soft eyes, while TIMs have soulless ones
No. 1457897
>>1457559It makes me lose complete faith in humanity that no one's in the comments being like 'not everything has to be about TIMs' it's like we can't even talk about our generic female experiences without hons going 'OMG YOU
TERF POS'. I feel like I'm going to need to become one of those people that celebrate vagina and menstrual art and whatever just to troll these fucking morons. Strangely enough all these TIMs are making me feel so proud to be an actual woman
No. 1457913
>>1457830The thing is about that whole two spirit third gender etc thing is that it’s them doing exactly what they say pisses them off.
Firstly, two spirit only existed in SOME Native American tribes - not all. It was when they had a very effeminate man who would be sent to live in the womens quarters. Instead of going to battle etc he’d be making quilts etc. What the men in those roles made was more valuable than what the women made because he’s a fucking man. It also meant they had someone keeping an eye on the women because women can’t exist without supervision. They were literally demoted to the womens tribes. Bare in mind that women who displayed masculine behaviour had no such special labels either.
Let’s be clear that people in those tribes knew exactly what gender/ sex those men were prior to any colonisation. They knew what roles they were meant to fulfil and exactly what to do when someone didn’t fulfil that. They didn’t pick up baby’s and be like “you are the magical two spirit one! To the ladies camp with you” it wasn’t a feeling that they had or any of that nonsense, it was a patriarchal society doing what patriarchal societies do.
These freaks essentially rewrite their history, change it to suit themselves and peddle the idea that these past tribes were so enlightened that they didn’t understand biological sex. The attitude they have about the whole two spirit thing is condescending, insulting and fucking racist. It is literally cultural appropriation.
No. 1458023
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>>1457739Same nona… don't really know what to say other than you're not the only one
No. 1458053
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No. 1458072
File: 1646439337423.png (3.15 MB, 2284x2404, image23904.png)

my favorite activity is sifting through comments like this and then seeing the man behind them
No. 1458077
File: 1646439522341.webm (5.93 MB, 1026x572, sorana_xxxx.webm)
I stumbled upon the Twitch stream of a mentally ill, 40 year old Japanese man.
No. 1458083
File: 1646440006048.jpg (26.06 KB, 736x326, 9438573498534.jpg)

>>1457422it was cool once.
No. 1458131
>>1458116Mate your on a womens board. Also no one wants the trannies around.
>>1458080Avoid the creep at all costs. Are you at risk of loosing your friend group?
No. 1458147
File: 1646444491443.jpg (952.48 KB, 1440x1440, 1646314671714.jpg)

Nonnies can we get more ugly trannies please before the thread gets derailed
No. 1458156
>>1458109fictionalized pedophilia as the other anon said. I think of it as a cope for the fact that so many of those autistic assholes never really mature mentally and fixate their sexual attraction of age groups they feel would be on their same level of maturity due to it being easier to manipulate and relate to children.
And since they have enough common scene to not get them selves thrown in jail for child rape they larp as little girls with each other because they feel its their "true selves".
It's to play out their debasing sexual fantasy with each other and act as the mentally retarded children they are deep inside.
No. 1458165
>>1458080you're not actually asking a question, so no idea what advice you want tbh.
Scorn the fucker. He is a pedo rapist. And now he is making a mockery of womanhood to escape social prosecution. If he has gone to another town/school go on a crusade ah la anon and spread the info and proof that he is a rapist to his new school. He is a predator and the sooner he 41%'s the better. I know it's a bit sociopathic but I'm sick how these predators get away with this shit then get protection and let into woman's spaces.
Might not be the answer you where looking for, but it's the one I have.
No. 1458180
>>1458076He definitely doesn't actually take care of his daughters. He's probably a narc abuser and uses his children as pawns to abuse his ex-wife with. The fact he obsessed over how "attractive" they are and is jealous of them is so fucking gross and not at all how a loving parent would feel.
Plus he's a fucking liar. He seriously thinks anyone believes men are harassing him and propositioning him for sex even in "man mode" because he's "just so feminine uwu". Give me a break
No. 1458184
>>1458131Most of the friends in the group have grey walled him and the rest just do their best to avoid realizing the implications of it all. I just think that saying something would cause more problems because I don't want him to go awol.
>>1458165I phrased it weird. I needed advice on how to cope with the revelation, but the best thing to do is to rip the bandaid off and know that whatever friend I had in him is dead and all that is left is a pedotranny. Unfortunately, I have no proof
crossing my fingers and hopes he tries tricking a straight guy into sex No. 1458202
File: 1646448828580.jpg (789.27 KB, 810x2373, Screenshot_20220304-214256_Boo…)

Just moms helping their sons buy bras and breastforms. Totally normal!: No. 1458217
>>1458212Not necessarily, women get pelvic floor damage from (for example) childbirth. Also depending on the individual some people just have more sensitive bladders (reactive to coffee, alcohol, soda etc), diabetics notoriously pee more etc
I’ve definitely peed in the woods on multiple occasions.
>>1458204 okay so aside from wearing a one piece and growing his hair out… HOW has he transitioned?
No. 1458220
File: 1646450526216.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1170x1737, A7CF4C92-30B5-470A-BAEE-E7FD5E…)

The agp smirk on him as she’s forcing a smile. If you told me this was a hostage photo I would believe it.
No. 1458221
>>1458217Fair enough
nonny! I suppose I should just count my blessings.
No. 1458235
>>1458212if you drink a shitload of coffee every day you pee way more than the average person
t. french woman who takes coffee on hikes
No. 1458241
File: 1646452229877.png (292.98 KB, 1491x896, javisgeneral.png)

Javis/Yurii "MABTW" Strikes again, always uses Astolfo as the benchmark for troons. Posting it here to show he's no different from the mtfs he claim to trash.
No. 1458272
File: 1646454641372.png (59.94 KB, 671x641, period.png)

this troon thinks the blood leaking from his neovag is a period kek
No. 1458279
File: 1646455781078.png (491.99 KB, 634x642, waited till baby 2 till he dec…)

Married with kids troons piss me off the most tbh. I feel so sorry for their wives.
Imagine you marry a man have his children and then bam! One day they decided they need to be true to them selves and larp as woman. Like you married the man as a hetro female and now you need to pretend your a lesbian?
This troon waited till his wife was postpartum after having her body torn apart for a second time to have his kid. During the months of the first year of recover, the months of sleepless nights and feeding while your body is trying to recover and your dealing with hormones fucking with your head as they revert back to normal levels. During all of that she had to process him coming out as trans, destroying the promise of what that marriage was meant to be. Something she has literally paid in her blood and bone making those children.
So most likely only went along with it because she was in survival mode and desperate to keep her family together no matter the sacrifice.
The entitled asshole he is likely doesn't care, cause woman are just expected to sacrifice for their families without question.
He wants what he wants and he doesn't care how it might affect others. It's just such a fucking miod thing to do.
I hate them.
No. 1458282
File: 1646455951938.jpg (19.81 KB, 728x98, a.jpg)

>>1458272Pretty sure it's a troll, it's also claiming it birthed a child
No. 1458286
File: 1646456226634.jpeg (296.86 KB, 1242x1838, 9A248F19-A187-4849-86E7-BA6169…)

his “When I Tell You” tweets always gave me the impression he has some gross fetish for wanting to fuck himself (they’re referencing a movie he made about his present self (troon) going back in time to tell his past self (just some guy) he’s trans). anyway this last tweet absolutely confirmed that for me. as if he wasn’t vile and disgusting enough, jfc
No. 1458330
File: 1646460903095.jpg (135.86 KB, 1025x760, top model.jpg)

>>1457728>(pretty sure the illusion would break in video/irl)Nice intuition. No. 1458350
File: 1646463355772.png (522.14 KB, 751x500, 43342324234.PNG)

No. 1458351
>>1458184No proof of what? That he's a rapist?
You know he's a troon - that should be enough for you to cut ties.
No. 1458352
>>1458235hi fellow coffee and wilderness nona!
tbh i can't squat for shit because of wrecked knees so i just take an empty bottle with a wide neck. does the job.
No. 1458355
File: 1646464503076.jpeg (90.58 KB, 998x576, S03E01-3aM4g8XA-subtitled.jpeg)

>>1458327Why would you wish that on a woman!?
Personally I'm hoping for a ball-out.
No. 1458356
i'm stoned as balls and entering dgaf mode
No. 1458357
File: 1646464600546.png (645.97 KB, 737x819, Been doing drag since the 90s …)

>>1458072okay I started having a bit of a snoop as well cause he looked interesting.
This guy is 53 with 3 daughters, two of whom are gay. One of the reasons he hasn't been open socially as trans so far is because he is scared at how his daughters will react. So I wonder if the two lesbian daughters have openly confined to him their discomfort with trans forcing their way into lesbian spaces tbh.
He came out as gay in his 30s or even earlier it seems. He started visiting and preforming in Drag shows in New Orleans in his 30's during the 90s.
So all his bragging about doing hair and makeup and what not was most likely fueled by his ego tied to drag at the time imo. And the bragging about cooking and cleaning, that's a functioning thing ANY partner should do in a relationship. It doesn't make him maternal. Seriously the stuff he listed is shit any parent should be doing, but of course when a miod does it it's ~special~ the insufferable pieces of shit. Only time a miod takes pride in their parenthood its usually just to feed their own ego. And what ever real effort they put in, you can bet your ass its just performative if they feel the need to brag about.
Miod most likely had a midlife crisis and started hoeing around at drag clubs and neglecting his wife. He was naturally low T to the point of it being a problem with his genetics before all this shit so it was most likely a thankless loveless marriage so no wonder the woman was disconnected. And what do you do you?! …paint the woman as a sociopath. And he sure as hell didn't care for them full time after the divorce cause he was off gallabanting around the country with a string of boyfriends.
I'm getting strong narcissist vibes from him. He makes a point to attest to his intellect for having studied at university in something or other in relation to politics and having written 2 books.
Oh and the men hitting on him is most likely in relation to him being opening gay imo. He is just painting it that way to get ~larp~ points from other troons.
Picrel last drag show he went to, you think with the YEARS of experience with drag he would be a bit better at it.
No. 1458364
>>1458362yah I am pretty trash at typing im afraid. The letters get jumbled pretty often, unless auto correct tells me I sometimes don't notice. hell sometimes im missing whole words from my sentences. It annoys most people I chat with online your not alone, but it's something I can't shake off unless I re read the sentence like 8 billion times to try and find my mistakes. sorry it upsets me to. I've been making an effort to clean it up as much as I can usually I fuck up "the" alot by letter order and I get so much shit for it in instant messaging groups cause people think I'm trying to be quirky typing "teh" all the time.
If it was something I could easily fix I would of by now, it drives me crazy to.
saged for the blogpost
(blogpost) No. 1458366
>>1458350not to tinfoil or anything
But we don't care Andrew, we already know your a freak in a dress that takes photo in bathrooms. Try doing something interesting an we might start talking about you again.
You don't have to selfpost.
No. 1458406
File: 1646478503402.jpg (290.51 KB, 1080x1562, tumblr_20181bc38295911dadedc26…)

I hope I can dumb some memes here and that it isn't derailing
No. 1458419
File: 1646479492878.png (Spoiler Image,479.35 KB, 744x1186, wasn't aware girls peed on the…)

why does this guy think peeing on your butt is how girls pee normally?
also post surgery gore warning, click if you dare.
No. 1458429
>>1458419When some girls shave their pubic area fully the pee can spray a bit depending on how you sit. I’ve never peed on my butt though.
He’s proberbly pissing in his diaper and loving it
No. 1458431
>>1458419I mean the "vulva" area is probably one of the best I have seen tbh. Everything around is just horror though.
I am a strong supporter of vaginoplasty, as it takes the rape stick and horndog hormones away from them [passive-agressive smiley]
No. 1458432
File: 1646482689909.png (Spoiler Image,536.85 KB, 748x1106, beautiful and womanly.png)

Spoiler gore warning Post Op surgery.
>>1458423you think that's bad! look at this one around the same time frame post op. wound opening… and the comments say its looks lovely and womanly…
>>1458429yah I've had a misdirected stream on occasion but its never traveled anywhere my butt. Like wouldn't it need to go fucking backwards to do that? Was he trying to piss lying down or something?
>>1458426his photo shopping is just as bad. look at his arm kek. There is also a post in relation to his boobs he made where the photoshop on them is so misshapen it's laughable.
No. 1458438
File: 1646483474570.jpg (Spoiler Image,373.19 KB, 752x666, 1622003536232.jpg)

>>1458431>"oh that can't be the best incock possible it looks like shit">looks up mtf surgery >picrely-yeah that's a great one nona, relativity is a virtue
No. 1458449
File: 1646484751922.png (Spoiler Image,515.94 KB, 750x1146, it only gets worse.png)

This was 4 days before that gore pic. lots changes in four days I guess. Spoiler post-op gore.
>>1458434>>1458437doctors call it wound dehiscence. Apparently it is very common especially on the outer areas where he is splitting open. It posses a huge infection risk thou so he should def see a GP to get a referral back to a surgeon so they can stitch up up closed again or something. Cause looks like way too many stitches ruptured to be safe.
Personally I think its cause he used too big of a dilator, and over dilated by accident.
The self harm these moids go thru astounds me sometimes.
>>1458446sorry I forgot to click it before I posted. Was meaning to.
No. 1458492
>>1458432I've literally never seen any kind of surgery where the results are consistently this horrific, is it due to the fact they have to constantly keep it from healing shut like
>>1458449 said? The pressure of the dilation causes the whole thing to rupture?
No. 1458520
>>1458492well with that one I posted (the case of wound dehiscence) it's caused by the skin tension and the wound being pulled constantly, so they need to be super meticulous in the closure and the troon needs to be super on top of hygiene post op otherwise it can tear easier in that area. And just general movement I guess if it's got so much skin tension being put on it for where it is. Hence why wound dehiscence is common in most cases to varying degrees.
That being said I only briefly googled it, I've never looked too deeply into the technical bullshit of getting an inverted dick. I just browsed the sub for the horror show and thought I might share.
No. 1458530
>>1458492genitals have several functions (pleasure, sex, urination) so they are very complex
if you mess with something that complex you're bound to run into trouble
No. 1458544
File: 1646497166448.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1673x3349, F3C329E1-88F5-4A1F-9A00-E0378A…)

happened to stumble across ANOTHER troon admitting he jerks off in front of the mirror.
but it’s not a fetish guise!!1!!one!1!!
No. 1458555
File: 1646497884839.png (14.73 KB, 739x179, lifeshardbutnotme.png)

quite possibly the stupidest question i've ever found on trans reddit
No. 1458583
>>1458492Jazz Jennings had a rupture in the parking lot on the way out of hospital. The whole thing was caught on camera.
Her parents are going to hell.
No. 1458586
>>1458555everytime I hear the stupid cutesy nicknames they use I wanna heave.
I remember before hearing that you should teach your children the anatomical names for their body (penis, vagina, vulva etc) because 1. we grow to be so ashamed of our bodies and afraid to use those words and 2. it apparently puts pedo's right off to hear a little kid use the correct name and makes adults take them more seriously when they report the abuse.
if youve ever stumbled across the erotica these creeps write they always use stupid cutesy names for the parts of childrens bodies.
Knowing how many of these fetishists are pedofiles just re-enforces to me that the reason they're so desperate to control the language around womens bodies is to silence the sexual abuse of women and children.
No. 1458644
>>1457539So basically from the story he's a weirdo who doesn't even care about shaving, he probably destroyed his own ass with dildoes (because if you have a normal condition like hemorrhoids,why wouldn't just say it?) and because of this he's a sexually desperate coomer who now gets turn on when an overworked, tired, sleep deprived doctor has to stick his finger in someone's ass, yet again on the ER room.
This isn't even bottom barrel, the barrel is gone you're a sexual bottom feeder.
No. 1458655
File: 1646508441422.jpeg (715.9 KB, 1170x1156, F7AAE45A-2004-4625-ABFA-76239D…)

>terfs consume a lot of trans porn
Ignoring that radical feminism is anti-porn, but if I would watch a video and a troon showed up I would close the fucking video so fast. If it was the hottest real woman ever doing my exact "kinks" but she was having a trans rights text in the title or something I would not be turned on, just seething lul.
I know there are many examples of like, homophobic lawmakers turning out to partake in 20 man gay orgies, but man, I don't know. I feel like the denial of being aroused by something manifesting as hate only applies to moids. I could be wrong though.
No. 1458682
File: 1646510938706.jpg (554.71 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20220305-150611_Boo…)

>>1458672>>1458665>>1458662>>1458656>>1458655They unironically made a sub with this theme a few years ago. Still produces some occasional milk. No. 1458703
>>1458700Good point. I'd love to see any cases of that
Well, I mean except the whole of the farms hating men but majority still fucking them kek
I know it's not the same I'm just memeing No. 1458723
>>1458682Only in their wildest dreams is being a
terf a fetish.
Honestly they need to give their brains a day off from porn and sex. Doesn’t it bore them?
No. 1458749
File: 1646518212821.jpeg (319.75 KB, 827x1350, 0029A6E3-EA30-48CA-A799-96A39B…)

Lia is not going to throw it like the weightlifting tranny, he’s genuinely too entitled and stupid to do anything but go for gold
No. 1458763
File: 1646519569754.jpeg (132.02 KB, 828x1031, AFCFE5C1-F86E-42EC-8350-6F0CE9…)

They’re actually retrofitting womens bathrooms with urinals for these fucking people.
No. 1458768
File: 1646519824689.webm (1.64 MB, 534x534, 1646207047495.webm)
No. 1458794
>>1458053not actually a
terf myself, i'm more truscum (although no1curr) but i seriously think MTFs in womens sports is assinine. Women sports are for females and they should have their own tranner category and leave women alone.
No. 1458824
>>1458821kek maybe she's a babyTERF. I feel like the truscum to
TERF pipeline is a real one.
No. 1458874
File: 1646527131823.png (335.98 KB, 635x655, the apple shaped man turns int…)

>>1458682it took me a bit to wrap my head around what that pic was saying.
So let me get it right, they think we gain sexual arousal from clocking troons? Or they think we get off sexually on rebutting their stupid arguments they try to use to defend there delusions?
It's such a convoluted line of thought honestly. Only a moid could jack it off to something as weird as clocking people.
on an unrelated note, maybe this guy just feels so good now cause he managed to lose weight. picrel
No. 1458886
File: 1646528131834.jpg (46.29 KB, 750x514, FNH10lbX0AQrBws.jpg)

I know this might just be a joke. But look at the likes and retweets. JK rowling is truly the new Hitler to these people
No. 1458896
File: 1646528578897.png (531.66 KB, 1196x906, 4B80BF63-951E-47D7-BC23-4E472D…)

I’m leaving this here
No. 1458898
File: 1646528616843.png (59.44 KB, 162x145, soyman.png)

>>1458886soyboy moment
they always look like this
No. 1458904
File: 1646529161341.png (25.91 KB, 744x259, Erin, Trail Mom on Twitter (2)…)

>gets fake vagina and surgery to still look manly
>the only thing it attracts is other trannies
No. 1458908
File: 1646529642719.png (25.31 KB, 1116x280, My gym class has swimming on M…)

No. 1458915
File: 1646530730063.png (33.65 KB, 756x437, troon swimmer.png)

youtube kept taking down the video about the troon swimmer No. 1458933
>>1458921He was married to a adult female who gave birth to his child, wanted to get his jollies by dressing up as a woman and divorced her. Now he's going around dating other mtf's and forcing his child to call him 'mom'
in other words
a trans tale as old as time
No. 1458934
File: 1646532237610.png (313.54 KB, 758x1412, intersex is as common as redhe…)

>>1458908tbf that original_A person does seem to be an actual girl. She seems to be a highschool girl coming to grips with her budding sexuality and jumped on the woke train which tbf lots of young lesbians do when they first come out.
give it a few years for the realities of troons forcing their way into lesbian spaces to set in and she will change her tune me thinks.
That bella troon is a new account which so far has been posting only about an upcoming gym class and how they are gonna have to change with other girls in like multiple subs. So either its a young moid who is actually concerned and made this reddit just to vent OR its a role play.
either way it either boils down to an irl larp or an online larp kek.
Thou I did find their post about a comment they took offence to on a school group or something. And found the intersex is as common as red heads argument interesting.
No. 1458936
File: 1646532320430.jpg (Spoiler Image,192.56 KB, 708x1220, FNHDvVHXwAMVhrO.jpg)

if i had to see it you do too
No. 1458963
File: 1646535616658.png (86.25 KB, 380x513, Maud-zoom-380x513.png)

>>1458449here's maud belanger, the young butcher.
No. 1458991
File: 1646539134943.png (603.95 KB, 620x727, Screenshot 2022-03-06 .png)

Lost a few seconds trying to figure out who was Lilith, the bird or the troon. I stalked his twitter ( and you could easily play bingo: anime, weapons, monster trinks, and lady dimitrescu.
No. 1458996
>>1458860You can do it, you just gotta:
1) Talk to your kids about trannies first and warn them that troons are degens, perves, failed males, abuse
victims or attention whores, in kid appropriate ways.
2) Tell them gender disphoria exists and is usually caused by under lying issues best treated with therapy, trans is the last resort treatment. Assholes trans kids because they are morons.
2) Watch their internet like hawks. Don't give them a smartphone, install key loggers, spy software, etc.
3) Make sure they see media, meet people who are masculine women and feminine men.
4) Read detranstioner stories and every reason they give for transing in the first place, make sure your kids hear about it first from you e.g. butch lesbians exist, puberty sucks for a lot of people, transing won't end all your problems and make you born again.
5) Talk to them about porn. Find child friendly ways to warn them about the dangers of porn.
Etc, etc.
Basically, you have got to stay a couple of steps ahead of the grooming rhetoric/tactics.
No. 1458997
File: 1646540499654.png (154.02 KB, 1714x872, redheads vs intersex.png)

>>1458934Okay since that "redheads are as common as intersex people" comment interested me, I looked into it. So nonnies if anyone brings up that lovely intersex argument up please call them out on their bullshit for me. ty
Cause it's complete bullshit.
The estimates are closer to 0.228% than the red heads being around 1%-2%.
source links if anyone else found it interesting: No. 1459008
File: 1646541389589.png (5.83 MB, 2369x1973, 87A53D1C-96B3-4C4F-AC28-9E32F7…)

So they literally KNOW they "act" (are) men but the second an actual women voices any of these concerns we're being a bigoted terf?
No. 1459015
File: 1646541909135.jpg (1.32 MB, 3072x2330, IMG_20220305_232249.jpg)

All Games done Quick events are basically run by trannies at this point
No. 1459049
File: 1646545336455.jpg (407.22 KB, 720x1190, 20220306_004122.jpg)

Guess the replies
No. 1459053
>>1459044not everyone can hold their pee in as well as you
nonnie. So that plan might not pan out.
Woman are more likely to have incontinence issues and pelvic floor damage/weakness due to birth trauma and pregnancy related issues.
I do wonder if MtF troons have pelvic floor damage as well considering how invasive SRS is. ??? I tried looking it up but I couldn't find anything.
Well pregnancy related incontinence is more from the 9 months weight /pressure on the area and the hormones having a long term effect so maybe it different.
No. 1459066
>>1459060Imagine having to do some research about some random bitches that, honestly, are so rare that nobody gives a fuck about, because some retards get mad on their behalf.
And before someone brings up race or screenshots this to show other gender cult members how ebil are the ““lolcow incels”” it can’t be applied to race, which is different from cultures, ignorant retards.
No. 1459069
File: 1646546520629.jpeg (726.6 KB, 2945x1401, 5E71F7E7-D39B-48EA-AB52-AD5BA1…)

>>1459049They really piss their pants crying over the Y chromosome thing, I’m so glad it’s completely irreversible and it will always be the little truth that they are, and forever will be, men.
No. 1459071
>>1459069Let me guess how trans literature goes
>want to coom>create coom fantasy>coomThere’s also the
>want to coom>create violent fantasy in which women get raped/murdered>coom No. 1459091
File: 1646548102501.png (919.91 KB, 751x1149, Amanda.png)

yes one of his tattoos is a pacifier
No. 1459093
File: 1646548271856.jpeg (1.33 MB, 2521x2711, 118F53B2-CE3D-465E-AD62-5E5B4B…)

Imagine getting mad at actual women because they choose to dye their hair/wear extensions and look pretty but you’re just a fat, gross man with a penis who claims to be a she/her because they want to larp as a lesbian, and yet still after all the mental gymnastics, no one wants to kiss you
No. 1459103
>>1459093but the person signing it is a brunette?? like can anyone see blonde hair extensions in that pic? Is he just being a retard about some of the people in the background dying their hair blonde? Stinks of incel "REEE STACEYS!!!1!" malding rage tbh.
Just say "I hate white woman" instead.
I literally had to google the fourteen words reference. Is it a more well known thing in America or something? Or is it something only pol tards and white supremacists know off the top of their heads? Whats the bet he was a pol tard or something before he trooned out, why else does he know white supremacist slogans?
No. 1459110
File: 1646549753809.png (24.29 KB, 751x255, Brianna Wu on Twitter.png)

>>1459069wow I'm suprised it's trannywu writing this.
No. 1459122
File: 1646550715293.jpg (Spoiler Image,329.52 KB, 1320x2048, FMfaGyuWQAMHwpv.jpg)

im sorry
No. 1459142
>>1459126People say it's trauma but I honestly doubt it. Most military men aren't traumatized or put in any dire situations to begin with.
Transexualism and AGP are actually VERY "masculine"/male sexual expressions. The obsession with objectification and submission, power dynamics, performing a "role" and fixating on surface level attributes over genuine human connection/romance… It's all so very MALE.
What else is also very MALE? Military service. Simulated tribal warfare. Another expression of how very XY patterned their thoughts and behaviors are.
Despite larping as women, trannies are so very MALE. This trips up a lot of people, especially other males, because they judge these men at face value. Femininity as we know it is a male construct to begin with. Just because they forced it on women doesn't mean it's not birthed from THEIR sexual psyche. Dressing up as the construct you created of your own sexual desires. How is that not incredibly male?
No. 1459149
>>1459142To add this is why so many troons gravitate towards so many male-brained hobbies. Military service (tribal warfare), programming (autistic XY brain), video games (simulated violence, often combined with autistic obsession like speedrunning).
They are just so… Male. And I do mean male. Not just "masculine" as it's defined, that's just another social construct to keep their racket over women going. XY behavior. The brain of a sperm ejector that has been forged over billions of years.
No. 1459157
>>1459142it's the same things with tifs
they'll claim that things like reading yaoi (a genre written by women for women) proves they were men all along when it actually proves the opposite
No. 1459163
>>1459149>To add this is why so many troons gravitate towards so many male-brained hobbies. Military service (tribal warfare), programming (autistic XY brain), video games (simulated violence, often combined with autistic obsession like speedrunning)Warhammer, too.
Get a load of this moid and his frog voice, gigantic hands and stubby, fat sausage fingers.
No. 1459165
>>1459162Butthurt "not all" troon.
Yes there are some women with low empathy and only care about cooming but they are an infinitesimally small minority of women. It's a very male pattern of thought and behavior. It doesn't go away when they put on a dress.
No. 1459168
File: 1646554926887.png (1.24 MB, 2500x2500, KJB.png)

>>1459093>>1459096PhilosophyTube is good friends with this infamous sissy "Muslim" transcel. He does a podcast with them (picrel). Really says everything about Olly's character.
No. 1459175
File: 1646555759497.jpg (173.56 KB, 1353x617, ugly troon lying.jpg)

This troons really thinks XXY is a female intersex condition. It's literally the Y chromosome that makes you male, the only females with a Y chromosome have one that is suppressed by their inability to produce testosterone. Unless you have that, take the L and accept you're a gross moid, I know it's hard to be a walking abortion but stop lying. Kleinfelder moids are tall ugly neckbeards with moobs, small dicks, balls and low IQ. Literally the anthetesis to a female.
No. 1459180
>>1459163I don't know if Dana Howl is an improvement in the online Warhammer scene, but before him there was 'Alexandra' with his channel 'Girl Painting', who always gave me the shivers even back then, with his ridiculous squeaky approximation of what he thought a woman sounded like.
At least Alexandra had the decency to never show his face on camera.
No. 1459183
>>1459181no they just ~disappeared~
The story is about a group of woman working try try and bring the man back cause of LOVE.
Personally I would fund research for reproductive research/services and sign up to a lesbian dating site. No moids sounds like a dream come true.
No. 1459187
>>1459183I kind of want to read it, because I like to support anything that makes trannies upset.
But is the author a troon, too? I'm not giving my money to a troon.
No. 1459191
File: 1646558269872.png (12.35 KB, 602x124, trans people totally exist.PNG)

>>1459187She's an enby. She backtracked in her response and implied that there is tranny character(s).
No. 1459194
>>1459191was reading someone's comment on AFAB non binary pansexual are copes chicks in woke culture use to try and avoid troon dick. kek
maybe she secretly does dislike troons.
No. 1459197
File: 1646559519028.jpg (522.21 KB, 810x2309, Screenshot_20220306-042456_Boo…)

>I only like girls, but vagina kinda grosses me out.>Ye! I'm also like, double gay. I'm a chick with a dick who only likes fellow chicks with dicks.Totally not a paraphilia! No. 1459199
File: 1646559639334.jpg (1.13 MB, 1440x1912, Screenshot_20220306-042942_Chr…)

>>1459197Chaser's deleted comment about wanting a threesome with a troon:
>My wife and I are bi curious and have been considering threesomes or maybe even foursomes so we can explore our sexuality.>Recently it hit me after seeing a very attractive trans woman, how awesome our threesome would be if it was with someone like her. The idea of a beautiful woman with a cock joining us in bed so we could all spend the day pleasing each other shined above all other possibilities. Because she is a woman, the things that don’t interest me with men are not an issue, there is pretty much nothing sexually I wouldn’t eagerly do with a pretty trans girl.>I talked to my wife about this and she really liked the idea too. So now I’m doing my homework to learn everything I can so we do things right and try to come correctly. No. 1459201
File: 1646559685372.jpg (265.49 KB, 433x2352, image (3).jpg)

The study is about how mothers who gave birth to sons retain parts of their child's DNA in their bodies. But this moid thinks it means most women have a Y chromosome lmfao
No. 1459206
>>1458936I swear surgeons are the true terfs
"Haha you are fine don't worry just keep dilating tranny"
No. 1459222
File: 1646562505613.jpg (221.58 KB, 1089x948, srethsr.JPG)

>>1459163Kek every time someone mentions Dana Howl in my bfs WH group chat he posts Danas dick pic. Dunno the level of arousal he has for him but I hope not very high
>>1459180Jesus christ this moid is even worse
I hate how other WH Youtuber moids have these troons girlcocks balls deep in their asses, always looking to virtue signal about their shemale fetish
Looking for a tranny flag space marine from google to illustrate, WHY IS THERE SO MANY
No. 1459226
>>1459196oh you just reminded me I did see some stats on that when I was looking up wound dehiscence!
If anyone wanted to read: (warning graphic photos of SRS surgery) those of the TLDR camp, I'll surmise the related points.
>2.3% rate of rectal injury with a 0.6% overall rate of rectoneovaginal fistula. >1.1% rate of intraoperative urethral injury and a 1.7% rate of postoperative urethroneovaginal fistula.
>In other studies rectual injury is bumped up to 4.5% and Urethral injury reported rates of 1.1% to 3.6%.…well the uncontrolled pissing and pooping leaks def add to their otherwise rather lacking hygiene stereotypes.
And for the lazy troons that don't dilate enough their neovagina shortens at a rate of 12% in some studies. They should really listen to all that go dilate tranny advice we give them.
No. 1459246
>>1459049Sorry for OT but if anyone wants this concept but about lesbians, there's a silly manga called Renai Idenshi XX with focus on how romance works in a post-male society. It's not the best exploration of this concept, but it's fun and was written by two fujos.
iirc there's also an american comic with this concept that is troon inclusive. I randomly picked it up at a bookstore once and was very confused when they casually revealed one of the characters was supposed to be a trans woman because it just didn't make sense at all. It had a very tumblresque soft art style and it wasn't very good. I can't find it when googling about it, I just keep getting that Y The Last Man or whatever. Anyway, the concept isn't new, the twitter rage machine baits troons once again.
No. 1459268
File: 1646569821973.png (695.71 KB, 728x839, reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.png)

harry potter woman bad
No. 1459280
File: 1646571726499.jpg (718.26 KB, 828x1589, 1646571294117.jpg)

>>1459268Just came here to post that kek.
No. 1459286
>>1459280tbf he is only 15, hopefully he grows out of it and doesn't get groomed online to the point of no return.
I feel sorry for his mum having to deal with that shit.
No. 1459301
File: 1646577045757.png (1.54 MB, 1267x442, clocked.png)

saged for off topic but since miniatures were mentioned
i saw this and i thought of female elves dressed normaly alongside a troon dressed fetishistically
No. 1459333
File: 1646582513780.jpg (31.01 KB, 588x584, mad-donna.jpg)

>>1459301LMAO what the hell is that pink haired beast is
I love old GW female models, they are so telling of the fact that a male sculpted them kek. No wonder troons are all over the SoB faction No. 1459336
>>1459071Didn’t one of them write a book about
terf villains and going on a rampage to kill them? Lol
No. 1459349
>>1458915Fuck, the speech the mother gave is heartbreaking when she almost starts to cry for being so frustrated at the situation her daughter is in
Linehan's article; speech is embedded)
No. 1459351
File: 1646584022717.jpeg (232.15 KB, 750x1073, E21DBCA3-55B7-4C7C-872E-1618B0…)

Just dropping some images I found on instagram. This isn’t Tranny exclusive but it made me feel sick. Men are degenerates. They absolutely want in to the womens changing rooms for access to kids and the self ID laws that passed have just given them oppertunity.
Also idk if anyone wants to hear it but my ex was a registered sex offender and I was treated awfully by him the police etc. He hits a lot of the markers for someone who will Troon out eventually.
No. 1459353
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No. 1459360
File: 1646584146939.jpeg (285.76 KB, 750x934, 696509C0-DEF5-47EB-9AA4-18A00A…)

No. 1459361
File: 1646584170968.jpeg (148.78 KB, 750x841, 60F4CF9F-FF01-408E-986D-2F77B3…)

No. 1459362
File: 1646584211442.jpeg (131.67 KB, 748x535, 5EAE2FEA-4154-4A46-92FF-EB733D…)

No. 1459388
File: 1646586434289.jpg (236.55 KB, 999x2048, FNG3y3-WUAIH88o.jpg)

>>1459360Just had a peek. Looks like bait. Account is suspended.
>>1459361Horrifyingly legit, on the other hand.
No. 1459394
File: 1646587013153.png (693.65 KB, 720x1136, Screenshot_20220306-111305~2.p…)

Able bodied Ukrainian men thinking they are more vulnerable than women n children because they wear wigs n get fucked in the ass. Aren't there foreigners not allowed to leave the Ukraine right now? And these pathetic attention whores want us to pity them because they are too cowardly to fight for their own country? No I'm not saying war is God but it blows my mind how men act like we should be protecting them in times of war when they are the ones starting all these wars.
No. 1459395
File: 1646587162164.png (546.44 KB, 720x1287, Screenshot_20220306-111311~2.p…)

>>1459394*I'm not saying war is good
The comments are filled w people arguing so thankfully more people are seeing how attention seeking n narcissistic this whole movement is. And trannies n handmaidens trying to educate ppl in the comments just seems to make it worse imo less ppl are gonna care about them till it's like before where theyre seen as a niche sex thing for freaks n weirdos
No. 1459401
File: 1646587503252.png (34.05 KB, 743x435, dr e zje on Twitter.png)

No. 1459405
File: 1646587624937.png (31.29 KB, 751x348, jakkï on Twitter.png)

No. 1459441
File: 1646590509326.png (499.65 KB, 743x580, Libs of Tik Tok ( libsoftiktok…)

>>1459191I like that a few replies to this post was like unfortunately she's an enby…basically acting like a
terf lmao.
No. 1459448
File: 1646591184003.webm (1.88 MB, 720x1280, mslyraharte02.webm)
>>1459361>>1459388I swear this troonatic looks familiar.
No. 1459461
Nooo I am making a course work about beer research, and I came across troonism even in that - apparently hops have estrogen properties
>This review provides insight into the unusual hop phytoestrogens andshows numerous health benefits associated with their wide spectrum of biological activities including
estrogenic, anticancer, neuropreventive, antinflamatory, and antimicrobial properties, which were
intensively studied, and potential applications of these compounds such as, as an alternative to
hormone replacement therapy (HRT). to trannies hatelurking, chew hops I guess
No. 1459477
File: 1646593728482.png (250.12 KB, 1314x600, teehee no thoughts head empty.…)

No. 1459484
File: 1646594328305.png (390.07 KB, 1170x754, PRINCESS WAND.png)

Sorry, another crosspost from the other farms
(I would bet this user is troll tho, it's too on the nose)
No. 1459499
File: 1646595984713.jpeg (155.57 KB, 1365x760, 615B2598-1EFA-4A32-AD48-C1D27B…)

Got this from an older thread but it was just too kek worthy to not share
No. 1459514
>>1459477they think women don't have thoughts now?
i hope this moid gets the chop and takes himself out of the gene pool
No. 1459523
>>1458896Oh boy, a new identity to appropriate.
Why weren't they all claiming to be Yemeni last year? I guess white people looking Ukrainian is easier.
No. 1459567
File: 1646600601852.png (57.88 KB, 750x548, dumb troons.png)

jk is is the news again
No. 1459571
>>1459499Every single person has a different emotion and it's hilarious.
Black hoodie: getaloadofthisshit.jpeg
Checkered tie: sensiblechuckle.gif
Blue tie: zoned out trying to ignore the beast to his left
Brunette with glasses: repressed disgust
Burgundy dress: trying not to look down
Pig in lipstick: the missing link
Striped tie: ifonlyyouknewhowbadthingsreallyare.jpeg
Buns and glasses: visible disgust
No. 1459576
>>1459361you know i 100% feel as if this tweet was made as a bit of dark humor (same with all those 'rape/punch a
terf xD' '
terf gf xD' jokes), but i also feel trannies fail to realize "joking" about the very real crimes males commit against females daily isn't very stunning or brave. so crazy
No. 1459597
>>1459477This is honestly one of the most retarded troon posts I have ever seen. Imagine being so pornsick you think being a woman is just being an inanimate blowup doll with no thoughts
>>1459567They're really proving the article right with comments like this, the article itself mentions how these freaks were threatening to put a pipebomb in her mailbox
No. 1459610
>>1459579She is such a mood oh my god I love her
>>1459571Please make this into an image
No. 1459615
File: 1646603703379.jpeg (853.58 KB, 960x1456, 6FE0724F-8489-423E-8124-85CCD8…)

A simple man in regular clothes look.
No. 1459739
>>1459222not to fucking sperg about 40k but there are no female space marines and there is a lot of emphasis on the fraternity of the chapters.
also mutants are considered a lower caste and are either put to slave work or just put to death.
not surprised to see troons into 40K cause it’s an autistic af hobby but the eternal war goes on because humanity is corrupt and indoctrinated into blind belief.
troons would be fuckin executed in the 40k verse.
again sorry to sperg but it’s bad enough seeing trannies trying to claim the battle sisters. cant have shit.
No. 1459755
>>1459745You’re right. I haven’t been able to get an acc on ovarit. They fact that it’s so private ( not saying it shouldn’t be, I love that it’s a safe space in that way)
Where have peoples web curiosity gone? Even the millennials? TF adjust have common sense, look for sources and proof instead of taking things at face value, bada bing bada boom your browsing is 100% more interesting and less consoomery
No. 1459761
>>1459395If there's nobody left in the neighbourhood how are they in any danger of being attacked for being trans? Also people are kinda busy elsewhere? Imagine still thinking you are the
victim when a literal war is going on.
No. 1459763
>>1459755I’m glad it’s not just me who hasn’t been able to get a code for ovarit. I DMd them on Twitter ages ago but I’m not active on there much
Why arnt women excited by the prospect of a girls group behind locked doors? The troons have even got under mumsnets skin. There’s literally nowhere safe from these freaks
For a lot of them I think they’re going to have to be directly hurt or upset by a moid in a dress to peak.
No. 1459765
File: 1646613833049.jpg (115.45 KB, 791x800, 1555617284465.jpg)

>>1459755The longer I live, the more I think one of the defining traits of normie-dom is the active desire to
not be challenged, while consooming as much as possible.
No. 1459769
File: 1646614392906.png (231.71 KB, 583x813, FHtkVcuXIAkwGgV.png)

So Tom Scott deleted his video with Jill Bearup because she was outed as a transphobe?
I'm sick of these weasely men not standing up for women.
It's frustrating that it's culturally impossible for anyone to have a terfy world view outside of the hyper republican sphere without getting skewered alive.
No. 1459775
File: 1646614685532.png (443.35 KB, 594x694, troon flag.png)

No. 1459792
File: 1646615276437.jpeg (432.86 KB, 960x1235, 0076FC3C-D987-4AC7-915F-6A2982…)

No. 1459812
>>1459360Even a woman with small breasts would understand that having natural breasts so large they cause back pain would be undesirable and that making a joke about being envious would be in poor taste at that moment.
I would expect nothing less from a tran who feels they would be welcome at a womens support group though. No sense of decency, or empathy, and the male entitlement to make it all about them.
No. 1459822
>>1459394I read an article earlier about a children's home for handicapped children being bombed and the kids who are medically complex having to spend days in a bomb shelter without beds and the nursing staff trying to find a way to leave to another country.
But no, let's worry about the adults. Let's give all the media space to the adults who suddenly regret their decisons.
No. 1459828
>>1459721>>1459745>>1459755>>1459763>>1459769>>1459780>>1459791I feel the same way. I'm so far left politically I'm basically a socialist so my '
terf' views are not in alignment with my social circles at all. Only my closets friends know how I really feel.
I just wish there was a safe space for women to voice their concerns in literally wanting a safe space…if the sports issue doesn't peak everybody I don't know what it will take…sage for blogging but where else are we supposed to say this stuff
No. 1459833
File: 1646618140632.png (Spoiler Image,327.47 KB, 642x1097, facebook tranny.PNG)

was looking for jobs in my area and stumbled across this monstrosity, how do they think this is acceptable in a Facebook job group?
No. 1459834
File: 1646618166506.jpg (Spoiler Image,632.09 KB, 1212x1616, facebook tranny 1.jpg)

No. 1459835
File: 1646618220681.jpg (Spoiler Image,965.54 KB, 1212x1338, facebook tranny 2.jpg)

No. 1459838
>>1459833KEK that's so gross, i feel bad for you
nonnie bc you live near this thing
No. 1459847
>>1459828I'm the same as you
nonny. My closest friends are the one's i'm most scared of finding out that i'm not as trans-friendly as they think. This thread is a welcome respite.
No. 1459855
>>1459846the 2x board is dead. i wish it wasn't. for some reason nonnas don't want to go over there for discussion. there was a good male analysis thread that was popular on OT, but got locked. when it was moved to 2x, it hasn't been the same.
>>1459852yeah, you could get along and have many other similar views to them, but as soon as you say that you don't agree with everything trannies say or do, they drop you immediately. just that 1 thing makes you "unredeemable" in their eyes. it's ridiculous.
No. 1459872
>>1459859I had an ex that trooned out and I peaked after that. I tried to remain friends with him, but his views got crazier and I had to cut him off. What first peaked me was him claiming to have periods. This made me mad because I was hospitalized due to nearly bleeding to death as a tween. I still have issues. Hearing him complain about "cramps" made me angry, and him equating his "period" to mine was pathetic. He knew my history and problems and didn't think it was insensitive at all to say he "had a period too".
The skinwalking is unsettling. Seeing them try to imitate you in every way is really creepy. Had it happen to me and it made me question myself. And they begin trooning (especially if they start HRT), they start saying annoying things like "wow my skin is as soft as yours now!" or "my body hair is as thin as yours now!". Constantly comparing themselves to you, when you know you're nowhere alike and not the same at all. I'm glad that I peaked. It's alienated me from other people, but I would not go back to being a TRA that chooses to ignore things for the sake of "being accepting".
No. 1459903
File: 1646624093147.jpg (374.59 KB, 2056x2500, Artemisia-Gentileschi-Judith-B…)

>>1459579>>1459499>>1459883alas I have no talent. but I would like to imagine the hairbun lady and the troon staring in this painting. "Judith Slaying Holofernes" by Artemisia Gentileschi.
Are their any other nonnas in this thread that would have a better choice? As I haven't studied in the field so I feel like I'm missing some other great paintings that would work well.
No. 1459910
>>1459895I’m not all too sure why troons have this much power either, when they used to be seen as weirdos.
One, troons have managed to make people think that “transphobia” is equal to racism or some other actual discrimination.
>Trannies just want to live! They’re just people like everyone else!Except they’re not just “trying to live”. If they actually stayed in their own lane, whatever. But they’re trying to infiltrate women’s bathrooms (not just to pee, we’ve seen plenty of evidence of them harassing girls about their periods or whipping out their dicks for selfies). Stealing scholarships from women and girls because they want to infiltrate women’s sports. It goes on and on. If you don’t support their delusions, you’re somehow as hateful as a nazi.
Two, people walk eggshells around trannies because like any other man, you don’t know what they will do. Trannies are unhinged and are braver because they think they can get away with anything, and usually they do. Some women walk around eggshells around them because if they don’t, they’ll get yelled at and attacked. Again, there’s plenty of evidence, and lots of videos showing trannies chimping out.
The handmaidens don’t help, but I think it’s other men that need to start actively putting these trannies in their place. Men are either too passive about the tranny issue (because it’s not affecting them) or they’re for trannies because they like the havoc they cause women.
No. 1459914
File: 1646625037010.png (9.21 KB, 1070x105, How do trans women here cope w…)

its just not periods or pregnancy troons will never be able to relate to woman
No. 1459925
File: 1646625696370.png (253.92 KB, 992x986, Screenshot ).png)

>you think trans women are prevented men
proceeds to act like prevented men with their forced feminization fantasy
No. 1459929
>>1459914this always irritated me about troons too. they say that they’ve “always been women” and that “people with penises are women too” (barf), but then they whine about missing out on periods and pregnancy. And then get mad at the women that say they don’t like their periods and don’t want them, because “but trans women wish for them!”. Yeah I think those trannies would kill themselves if they actually had a period.
also…just to turn this around on them…he’s saying periods and pregnancy are womanhood. But don’t fakebois get periods and pregnancy too?? bigots! These trannies always contradict themselves and their ideologies
No. 1459936
File: 1646626545501.png (5.15 KB, 1050x48, dumb.png)

>>1459929>But don’t fakebois get periods and pregnancy too?? bigots! These trannies always contradict themselves and their ideologiesthat's the funny part! I was never a male I'm a woman! But ftm can get pregnant but they're supposedly men! This is why troons claiming they were never male is really funny to me.
And they don't even know what a period is, this genius thinks our cramps come from the intestines.
No. 1459944
File: 1646627131020.png (24.88 KB, 1071x256, cope.png)

Is it weird that troons always say they want to be able to get pregnant but they never say they want to be a mother? or talk about motherhood?
No. 1459961
>>1459944>nasty mess it creates if you forget about ityeah women totally forget we get periods, we're just so dumb and have no thoughts
>ungrateful little shitsays the pervert pretending to be a woman after his mother wasted her life raising him
No. 1459962
>>1459944>nasty smellKek, males projecting their lack of hygiene even on hypothetical women never gets old, just like a femboy.
Anyways, I’ve noticed that too, they want to get pregnant so they can lactate and give birth, but that’s about it. If guys could get pregnant like how trannies wish they could, it would be a mess because they would just abandon the kids after they reach the orgasm they wanted and the props aren’t as fun as they were before.
No. 1459974
File: 1646629381122.jpeg (502.29 KB, 2048x1536, A7B5DC31-6374-4AE5-86AF-E4A2F6…)

I peak transed my roomate with this
No. 1459983
>>1459828God yes, I'm so lonely. I have a pretty big friend group is the thing, but none of them know – except my guy friends, b/c so many of them basically feel the same way, but also don't care that much? Like when I've brought it up they're like "oh yeah obviously [nb friend] is female and we literally never think of her otherwise, and duh [trans woman we know] is creepy, yeah it tracks that shit sucks for lesbians rn," but it's not like…something that weighs on them. No one is badgering them, none of this really matters or affects them. I guess I'm glad I can vent to them, but they don't actually get it. I wish like hell I had irl female friends I could talk to about this.
I've been thinking of getting involved in irl women's stuff in the hopes of meeting some normies – I'd like to do some real world stuff in general, but I also feel like seeking out the kind of women who give their time to shelters, libraries, etc are more likely to be divorced from this shit. I just want anyone to talk to who doesn't make me feel insane.
No. 1459985
>>1459944>devastates your biological equilibriumYes, it devastates it. Unlike suppressing your natural testosterone and taking cross sex hormones.
No. 1460014
File: 1646633829533.jpg (100.34 KB, 1600x1200, jk-rowling-tweet-16394585994x3…)

>>1459773You better believe the troons had a problem with it, without a hint of self awareness
No. 1460021
>>1459944People need to realize that trannyism is a sexual fetish and they use external validation to get off: women, men, babies, children, animals. If we ignore them as a society and set boundaries, they have no where to go but to crossdress in private in their own homes. But since we let these sexual predators free access to women, girls and children and let them talk about their fetish so openly without judgement, are we really surprised more and more men are coming out the woodwork as "trans"? Of course men, who are by nature predatory, would take advantage of this opportunity. Trannies thrive in a society where womens voices are suppressed, men are allowed to talk over us about our needs and safety, this is why most of them are pedos because they do the same to children. A tranny is a sexual predator.
No. 1460063
>>1460029>>1460030Any woman by default is more feminine than any man, including butch lesbians compared to camp gay men.
Some troon out because they're effeminate or gay to avoid homophobia, but the majority aren't even a tiny bit feminine and are simply just predatory and pornsick. As you can see in these threads a lot of troons genuinely think they're hotter/better at being women than actual women. They really just want attention (mostly sexual, but also in general), and to be able to sexually prey on women and children as they please. In some cases to prey on men too if they're gay, but they'll happily throw women under the bus to do so.
No. 1460070
File: 1646644170606.jpg (594.7 KB, 810x2068, Screenshot_20220307-040409_Boo…)

Today in egg_irl autismo:
clean shaved=eggy/outy/passing behavior: No. 1460074
>>1459222The idea of pro-trans space marines being so popular in online leftie circles is so weird to me.
Space Marines are canonically fascist, genocidal hypocrites. Like, that isn't even subtext, it's TEXT. You really think they're going to be cool with your trans flag and girldick, 'Zoey'?
No. 1460078
File: 1646645329444.jpg (235.24 KB, 581x752, Screenshot_20220307-092610.jpg)

>>1459739There was a tranny at my local Games Workshop who got outed as a pedo. He's banned for life from every one of their stores now.
No. 1460081
File: 1646645813119.jpeg (681.08 KB, 1969x2811, 1E7D0F99-DB37-41A4-A441-2FC9D8…)

i hope he goes full mental illness and gets his disgusting amhole :) it’s truly what he deserves(:))
No. 1460082
>>1460072Just be indifferent,
nonnie, if he goes full retard like
>hey anon, I’m trans, did you notice? I’m trans nowJust congratulate him and that’s it, don’t encourage him and don’t try to reason with him, let him get his dick chopped off on his own.
No. 1460094
>>1458272i know its been a couple of days but i can not stop staring at this account. they claim to be married and a mother who birthed a child with a uterus transplant and also a teenager. i assumed they were trolling but theyre in this whole circle of people who claim to be “tma” trans women with no pics of themselves whatsoever and get into arguments and make willfully ignorant statements they assume everyone will go along with. it’s the weirdest shit, and probably a larp (as with what happened with puppychan and others trying to leech off of ‘tma’ coddling) but it’s driving me fucking insane that no one else is catching on to it.
sage for offtopic sperg, sorry
No. 1460100
File: 1646653814731.png (27.68 KB, 739x368, stunning and brave.png)

No. 1460114
>>1460078Oh god, the one in your pic?
>>1460081I'll probably get banned for this but I find it sad that women who try to discuss dreepy trannies in the very few places where we can, and then get banned for a fucking smiley
No. 1460120
File: 1646656920249.jpg (140.6 KB, 1280x668, tumblr_93257d71fca16bc477fbba8…)

>>1460100I have never in my fucking life had a "female nightie". I always sleep in disgusting joggers with holes in them probably from my
toxic ass gas, and a dirty t-shirt I blow my nose in. Still, I am and look more like a woman any tranny ever will even with all the cosmetics and surgeries this planet has to offer kek
No. 1460125
File: 1646657575184.jpeg (183.31 KB, 1010x947, FMz0CyYXsAArr3Y.jpeg)

Laurelai Bailey, troon rapist and pedophile, has been outed as the moderator of the Reddit community r/rape, where rape survivors share their stories and support each other. Laurelai is also:
>moderator of r/Contrapoints>former hacker associated with Anonymous>snitched on Julian Assange>pimped out his wife to his Army friends before becoming a troon degenerate>creator of Shinigami Eyes, a browser extension that highlights anti-trans websites and groups with different colors>infiltrates communities under false identities Other usernames used by Laurelai:
>/u/EphraelStern on Reddit>@hypnotransgirl and @BimboPolitic on Twitter>suspected to be Laura Izaguirre >>>/snow/1188043 No. 1460129
>>1460127He was
forced to penetrate her?
No. 1460140
File: 1646659100104.jpg (126.31 KB, 1000x1000, Laurelai-Bailey.jpg)

>>1460125I do have some respect for the trans people who call out these freaks. To be honest, I would not have nearly as much vitriol for their community as a whole if they weeded out the rapist pedo criminals more often. Instead those people are in charge the most.
What a demure laydee
No. 1460142
File: 1646659190601.png (28.36 KB, 736x426, IS THIS NORMAL.png)

i hate when TIFs validate these ugly creepy men
No. 1460145
File: 1646659344506.jpeg (490.39 KB, 1411x2126, FEB7F953-BC1F-4F03-B2EA-AB6220…)

he thinks this is passable
No. 1460168
>>1460142normal for someone with autogynephilia, sure
>>1460145Giant male forehead, he doesn't pass even with a mask covering half his face
>>1460140>if they weeded out the rapist pedo criminals more often. Instead those people are in charge the most.This, how are women supposed to feel comfortable having our spaces invaded by a community when the loudest voices are rapist/pedos/pervert/openly wishing death upon women? The only positive of this is the trans movement will be a lot shorter than people think, if you make rapists, perverts and woman-haters your spokespeople most normal people will be repulsed or afraid. If you make people
defend convicted rapists as part of supporting your community most people will recoil. They did this to themselves by having absolutely no standards for their community.
No. 1460175
>>1460168I have honestly never at any point in my entire online life seen a single trans person out another trans predator, only defended them and their actions no matter how heinous. (Until the post above which may have been by a trans person?)At best they stay silent and pretend they didn't see anything because it's bad press.
I swear being trans is just a fucking religion, and now they're trying to cover up just like the child molesting priests.
No. 1460184
>>1460125>>/snow/1188043This is so sinister but like, completely unsurprising. It’s not even one of those extensions that censor photos or change specific words to jokes, its “C’mon everybody! Let’s let some random guy we don’t know decide who we can and cannot interact with online”. Most people wouldn’t make something like that, it’s the exact type of controlling hubris an abuser would exercise. Worst of all and likely the main point is most people with Shinigami Eyes etc installed are young women.
This is the cumulation of sheltering and exalting the opinions of a bunch of dudes while simultaneously demonising “terfs”, literal feminists, the group of women with their best interests at heart
and yes I know not everybody is on the ball, but the incentive is there. It’s the same story every time.
You just know the accounts of their
victims are blocked.
No. 1460187
>>1459477I've read shit like this (aboit women not having inner monologue) many times on reddit before. Do these moids seriously not have any woman around? Their mother? They could just ask.
It's not a gender thing, it's literally a brain condition one can have (that for example makes reading difficult). Even if they don't have a woman around, they could just use Google.
No. 1460199
File: 1646663619893.png (2.32 MB, 1024x1788, cult.png)

>>1460175i posted in the previous thread
>>1450973 about being peaked by my reformed friend at uni who had been tricked into thinking he was TIF as a teen but thankfuly saw sense
I spoke to him about this once and he said this is how the troon community deals with any criticism, they close ranks and attack anyone who speaks out against the community even when it is
valid, he said it is a literal cult and he is was so glad to be out with no long term damage
No. 1460207
>>1460202i know its not quite equivalent as there is no 'leader'
but i would say the 'leader' is the movement a whole
No. 1460209
>>1460194most tims i see on /r/detrans are hsts
i think many of them realize that they're not attracting the straight men they wanted to attract and are instead only able to get with chasers
No. 1460211
>>1460194i can send my former TIM friend a fb message and see what he says then post his message here
it may be a while before he responds to my fb message though
but from what hes said before there is a chance but sadly it is slim
No. 1460220
File: 1646666005990.jpg (1.22 MB, 810x3174, Screenshot_20220307-100954_Boo…)

Just gross.
No. 1460226
>>1460112Please note, that this didn't happen until the majority of troons were rich, straight, middle aged, white men. They have all kinds of access to the halls of power that actual minority and groups with mental illness don't have. And white men cater to white men and everybody else generally falls in line when rich white men start speaking.
Like you can bet if furries were a bunch of rich, old, white dudes, then we would be seeing all this shit about them.
No. 1460233
File: 1646667255686.jpg (598.24 KB, 810x2029, Screenshot_20220307-102724_Boo…)

We're reaching absurd levels of gender autism. You should assume someone playing a game as a female character is a woman. Same with a clean shaved man.
>>1460070 No. 1460235
>>1460202There are leaders, not of the tranny cult on its own, but there’s always someone charismatic enough to be considered a leader for a community of trannies.
It can be an influencer, or just some random retard from a big group of “friends”, what matters is that someone with enough presence to command a hoard of losers is the one who gives out the ideas and sets up the rules to follow.
No. 1460236
>>1460194>>1460205Some of them do detransition. But not a lot. And it's usually because of negative consequences or because tehy have a moment of clarity, realize being a troon solved none of their problems and then don't repress that moment of clarity.
I would lurk on r/detrans and read stories of male detransitioners to find out what the commonalities are and if they apply to your friend.
But even if it does, it's probably not likely as male troons are driven by porn and misogyny which are things that males are very unlikely to face head on, put in the necessary effort to deal with and give them up.
No. 1460244
>>1460211>>1460216ok so i got a response
he said it is like an opium addiction and should be viewed in the same way
most will not want to acknowledge any problem that they have and will not want to get better
they may fight against any attempt at help
depending how deep someone is, they may be too far gone
there is a sunken cost fallacy, some people may have gone to far to come back
if someone has had their genitals removed they know there is no going back, they can't bear the idea that they may have made a mistake
troon comunities are like echo chambers and if a person cant get away from them there is very little chance at helping them
he says the only really way to get someone out of it is to help them realise how unhealthy and delusional it is
they have to be made to understand the simple truth they will never ever be a woman they will just be a mutilated man
also to help them realise their life has not really improved in anway and that no matter how accepting some people seem all they really think how much of a freak you are, how their stomachs turn when they see you
he said something very interesting that he feels that it is like opium addiction or alcoholism as in 'once an addict always an addict'
he said the he has known of people who 'quit' only to fall back into it
No. 1460247
File: 1646668263907.jpg (197.48 KB, 1242x1209, IMG-9208.jpg)

No. 1460249
File: 1646668438060.png (317.79 KB, 1433x421, fgdsfg.png)

>>1459925>>1460135If you think that's bad wait till you read this from the same account, this guy openly admits he's grooming a rape
victim into coming out as "sissy" and then come out as trans, as a way to deal with his trauma
like jesus christ this is fucked up
No. 1460253
>>1459859I'm in the exact same situation as you
No. 1460270
>>1460259troons keep doing this over and over again and no one is allowed to point it out
everyone is just supposed to pretend like it's just a coincidence that it's always one of them and i find it so frustrating
No. 1460274
File: 1646669932065.jpeg (719.14 KB, 1170x1545, 7A006259-51D4-4DAA-A2AB-8E3B47…)

I am so tired
No. 1460298
File: 1646671212678.png (243.43 KB, 467x688, poor twans wimmin.png)

No. 1460313
>>1460298Maybe I live under a rock, but I rarely if ever see MtF trannies get attacked by police in public. If anything more police need to step in when trannies are flashing children and women in spas, or physically attacking “terfs”.
The only time I remember a tranny getting “attacked” is in that hilarious video where police and paramedics try saving a flailing, yelling troon from their anime mobile.
No. 1460337
>>1460298So, since everyone hates trannies and wants them dead… why not create their own spaces so neither the ebil
Terf women Karen’s with children, nor other men attacks them? They have the money to ask for bathrooms for themselves in which no “cis” person can enter, they can push for that, and tbh, I would support it, they need to stay in their own spaces so they stop fucking with normal people.
No. 1460355
>>1460247Is this a crypto
terf group?
No. 1460377
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It must have been so much more awesome to be in the feminist movement 20 or even 10 years ago when it was really just women uplifting other women, just lovely femmes and butches all there for each other without these retarded coomers colonizing our womenhood and invading the safe spaces we all fought so hard for. I hate the trannies and their pornsick delusions so much. I hate that everyone caters to their delusions and entitled attitudes so much. How the fuck has this happened??
No. 1460388
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>>1460377>>1460386I can't fully give a accurate picture of just feminist spaces as I never was involved in those groups but I can give my perspective of what what leftist online spaces used to be like just over a decade ago, before the rise of the degenerate dirtbag left and the troons, the soyboys of breadtube and even libfems of twitter
online leftist spaces were much smaller(like by a lot) but they had a more diverse array of people (men and women, gay and straight, black, white, Indian and Hispanic) and we would discuss social issues, what we could do with our limited resources, local activism and in those spaces real hateful speech like racism, sexism and any specifics of violence against women would get you banned
Now you compare that with twitter leftism or spaces like r/ChapoTrapHouse, leftypol and breadtube comment sections and you see nothing more then a much of degenerates spewing bullshit, talking about cat girl skittles and how much they hate their Chud parents or over analyzing random films
its depressing really what happened in just a decade
No. 1460395
>>1460388i still don't understand how and why it happened
why are moids doing this to themselves
No. 1460402
>>1460395again those spaces were small especially compared to today, there were four online social movements that changed the demographics of online leftism
the rise of chapotraphouse, tumblr(later twitter) snark feminism, breadtube and the dirtbag left
these four all contributed to the various aspects in leftistm we had today, they had actual real world impact in a way
No. 1460409
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when using the wrong body wash gives you dysphoria lmao
No. 1460413
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>>1459222Sage for being really late to the 40k autism party, but Snipe and Wib have been getting increasingly insufferable to watch ever since they started putting smug, performative, pickme shit in their videos, like pic related from their Squats video.
No. 1460414
>>1460409who gives a shit about bodywash
get some bar soap kek
No. 1460417
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>I was thinking about having a vagina and having cum leaking out of it and down my inner thigh and butt.
but it's not a fetish and it's offensive when you say it is
No. 1460421
>>1460417the way he STILL manages to blame his wife by saying she’s ‘too jealous’. here’s hoping he gets his totally heckin
valid sterilisation by cutting his dick off and the whole thing gets horribly infected!
No. 1460422
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>>1460413Off topic in the MTF thread, but Snipe suddenly identifying as a she/they nonbinary is the biggest, most embarrassing cope for her having fucking ballooned in weight over the past few years. In their earlier videos, she was spergy, but kind of a qt3.14. Now, she's piled it on. Bitch looks like Kathy Burke.
I bet she's a nightmare to put up with, but I don't feel sorry for Wib. He's the archetypal nerdy beta male and is probably getting cucked by Longfang, either knowingly or unknowingly.
No. 1460423
>>1460417also love how he describes his wife as "too jealous" for him to be non-monogamous, like she's "
problematic" for not wanting her partner to go out and fuck someone else. I hope she gets away soon.
No. 1460437
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the urge to a-log grows stronger
No. 1460439
>>1460428Troons constantly bring up how manly and hairy
WoC are, like "If black women are considered women, then men can be women too", so I don't think they are actively erasing them.
No. 1460460
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cry harder
No. 1460462
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>>1460415>>1460430No, some of them do have "for Men" or "$Brand$ Men" on the bottle. In my country, the bodywash section of the store is divided into the male and female side.
Body wash for men - the bottles are blocky and are in dark colors and they are made by companies that make cologne and other male type products and or have "Men" on the bottle.
Body wash for women - bottles are smaller and white or other light or pastel color and curved in various ways.
No. 1460474
>>1460458OP here. I think from experience and what I see is so many loud troons and handmaidens screaming “trans rights” “transphobia” yet you don’t get that energy for actual
WoC struggles Shows how entitled men are and will always be. Sorry for the rant nonnies I’m just so tired of women spaces being erased
No. 1460476
>>1460409Has he never heard of Suave Ocean Breeze? Also most body washes (unlike lots of hair products) aren't really gendered, and I don't think any men would bat an eye at wanting to smell like coconut or pear or whatever.
>>1460259Dog walking fiasco?
No. 1460524
>>1459872noo, ive had this happen to me too. its awful because you cant even tell most of your friends with out being called a
terf. youre not alone, and you have every right to cut that creep off.
No. 1460538
>>1459944I love how they complain about coochie smell as if its a flex. Like i doubt any woman let you and your 5'oclock girl beard get close enough to her vagina to take a whiff. meanwhile theyre getting fuck in the ass or better yet they get bottom surgery and get fucked in the smegma chamber. we all know they have abysmal hygiene and the only other people who will want them are other men who cant get the real thing.
Fucking shut up and dilate.
No. 1460548
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>>1460538This reminds me of the trannies that keep being euphoric(tm) over their cocks smelling like vaginas on hrt - is the smell ACTUALLY that different? Presumed you wash your genitals.
As someone with experience sniffing both dicks and vagooters (yes I have SEX aren't I cool huh later virgins), they have very similar smells. Some days I go to pee and think that huh, my thing smells a bit like a dick / sperm today, despite having no contact with one. Trannies seem to have an obsession with the smell though?
No. 1460552
>>1460409When your soap is misgendering you…
>>1460417We get it, you want to be dripping in cum, I'm sure someone online will take you. Imagine the gall to post online complaining that your soon to be trans-widow can't cum on you in the fashion you desire and is "too jealous" to be poly. ffs.
No. 1460584
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as if any woman would want to be with you after pretending to be a lesbian
No. 1460585
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Women dumb amiright
No. 1460588
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>>1460585I would like to strangle that fucking moid
t. an engineer with no math chromosomes
No. 1460633
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>>1460630I rant about it to him and he agrees, he had a fucking weirdo MtF boss that got promoted just for woke points. He does become a bit fed up with how much I am invested in my seething though. Also, he said he has (does?) consumed shemale porn so, idk, have to stay vigilant
No. 1460660
nonny, me too
No. 1460673
>>1460630My girlfriend thinks troons are insane and that transgenderism is bullshit but chooses to ignore them with the "live and let live" sort of mindset. She hates it when I go on by
TERF spiels because she doesn't really want to be consumed by the disgust. Can't blame her but on the other hand it's sometimes disheartening.
No. 1460674
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>>1459936I know I'm a bit late. But the troons comment on "cramps from the intestines is a period" was interesting in the stupidity of it all.
Troons that push the period narrative of having periods list their symptom (many of which are just symptoms of hormonal imbalance from too much estrogen) but a big emphasis seems to be on gut cramping. So I looked into sex hormones impacts into IBS. And it makes me wonder if they are just experiencing "female presenting" IBS tbh.
But honestly even that gives them to much validity and I would be likely to suggest it's actually fueled by their "maleness" since male sex hormones help mediate a lot of the issues and with them suppressing their own T it most likely has caused them to actually feel shit they didn't know was a thing to begin with.
If anyone else would like to chime in I'll source some links and let you guys come to your own conclusions.
Sex hormones in the modulation of irritable bowel syndrome:
Gastrointestinal symptoms before and during menses in healthy women: thinking about trying to explain it a bit more in depth in relation to MtF HRT vs hormone function in the the menstrual cycle.
Cause the fact that they say "period" when they are popping estrogen pills daily and our period is when our levels of estrogen crash to that nearly average for a male is laughable. And their is no way in high heaven or hell that they get Dysmenorrhea like we do because that would suggest they have a womb.
>>1459872So to all the nonnies that have spergy troons in their life saying they are having periods and cramps to teehee, tell they you are talking about Dysmenorrhea not PMS and that true clinical pms symptoms are not that common and suggested to be due to certain people having estrogen sensitivity OR estrogen dominance if they are effected by things like POCs. Maybe they are just having those symptoms cause just like the woman that have estrogen sensitivities/estrogen dominance their body reacts badly to having to much estrogen as well.
No. 1460682
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>>1459206Most see that its beneficial for the troon to die from complications. Keep in mind these surgeons will often coerce and encourage sexual reassignment surgery because it makes them a lot of money (along with shady hollywood organizations that fund them). I've been seeing this sort of pattern play out in the past several years when troonism was getting started. Then when the troon dies from either 41% or septic shock, they'll be able to avoid lawsuits and jail time.
It gets heinous when surgeons outright encourage reassignment surgery to teenagers under 18, then are forced to live with the consequences.
No. 1460692
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Rowling being based again.
No. 1460711
>>1460692all hail the queen of
terf island
No. 1460724
>>1460674If it’s “only the bleeding symptom” (it’s really much more than that happening, but anyway), they should chop off their dicks and bleed out.
I argued with that troon about how it’s impossible because for one, periods have a drop in estrogen, and he’s getting a consistent supply of it. He just called me a
terf. They don’t want to look at biology and have no refutes when they are told the truth. I really don’t understand why it is so offensive to troons to tell them that they aren’t getting periods when it’s fact.
No. 1460729
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Has anyone noticed the surge of troons volunteering for Ukraine? Pretty sure Russia is demolishing Ukrainian forces so that means they’re gonna die or immediately starve and cry in the frozen forest?
No. 1460761
>>1460754This is "Lady Feral" or the MMA troon who was ex-SpecOps.
>>1460758This is the Tenacious Unicorn Ranch or Tran-Ranch guys that have a Kiwifarms thread.
It's just /pol/ men trying to bait out Redditors. It's funny but don't take it as actual news on Ukrainian volunteers.
No. 1460771
>>1460754yes it is anon
>>1460762>>1460758this is a picture from this summer of the tranchers. they have a kf thread are both extremely autistic and gullible which means they will troll each other in the most dedicated ways for ages
No. 1460772
>>1460692Fuck yes Rowling, our fourth wave feminism queen
>>1460765Literally this. I've been a lifelong fan but at this point with libfems and trannies equating enjoying Harry Potter to being a
TERF regardless of if one is or isnt, might as well enjoy our new way of signaling to each other that we love Harry Potter and also hate troons. lol imagine HP merch being the only way we can stealth signal to one another, what a world
No. 1460796
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Yet another episode in "twans giwls totally have pewiods uwu"
Ah yes, the monthly hot flashes and chocolate cravings
No. 1460799
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>>1460796And apparently now even men not on HRT get periods
No. 1460802
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No. 1460803
>>1460796 They ping pong in between
"A period does not define a woman. Post-menopausal women don't get periods, and trans women don't get periods." (Lol obviously very similar cases)
And "wait actually transwomen definitely get periods from HRT therefore they are women"
No. 1460804
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Just girly things, teehee!
Yes, the poster is a tranny. I am so surprised
No. 1460811
favorite thing is when there's a post, either made by a tranny or actual woman (though usually a tranny) and there'll be a massive thread of two or more trannies straight up roleplaying with each other.
> pats head you're such a good girl, aren't you> FACE REDDENS IN EMBARRASSMENT y-yes mistress uwuIt's so fucking funny. I've never once seen an actual woman in those stupid threads. Of course it's just pornsick weaboo scrotes.
No. 1460814
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No. 1460815
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>>1460804Of course they're anime schoolgirls. Would any actual lesbian post stuff like this? I'm convinced r/actuallesbians is 75% tims.
No. 1460825
>>1460674>So to all the nonnies that have spergy troons in their life saying they are having periods and cramps to teehee, tell they you are talking about Dysmenorrhea not PMS and that true clinical pms symptoms are not that common and suggested to be due to certain people having estrogen sensitivity OR estrogen dominance if they are effected by things like POCs. Maybe they are just having those symptoms cause just like the woman that have estrogen sensitivities/estrogen dominance their body reacts badly to having to much estrogen as well.Nope, don't say any of this. Troons say all kids of crazy shit and taking it seriously only encourages them. Even if you disprove it, they will move the goalpost and come back with some more crazy shit.
Just repeat "No uterus, no period" to whatever nonsense they come up with.
No. 1460831
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>>1460819The 4chan-to-trans pipeline is real
No. 1460847
>>1459721really sick of retarded burger anons reeing about "freedom of speech". How was 4chan a bastion of freedom of speech? moot regularly banned discussion of people he personally didn't like, boxy being the most famous. WT Snacks would ban you because he didn't like your opinion on anime. There has never, and will never be a true "free speech" space, because you need to censor SOME speech for it to be tolerable. The line has to be drawn somewhere, the issue is men control where that line is drawn and tims are men.
The problem isn't a freedom of speech one, it's certain companies having a monopoly on online spaces when it's become almost expected of people to be on social media. No private company can infringe on your freedom of speech, moron.
No. 1460858
>>1460840If men defended people they were attracted to they wouldn't be misogynists.
He's defending men. He's a chaser degenerate and misogynist.
No. 1460860
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>>1460847>>1460851also samefag its funny im not even a burger , they've tainted my brain with their politics and i feel gross now. Anyway enough of my non milk, got this sorting by new on my partner is trans
>it isnt a trans thingreally because 100% of troons i've met attention whore online
No. 1460874
>>1460869Yeah in this day of period trackers and same-day Amazon orders who the fuck just forgets their period is due and forgoes protection?
Oh, right, the women in these troons heads.
No. 1460879
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No. 1460881
>>1460879Brave tran or based troll?
I know a couple of TIFs and they smell like BO because the testosterone really amps it up.
No. 1460882
>>1460630Fully agrees with me, in fact, that's what lead us to getting together. We were in a friend group and a tranny joined. We both were obviously silent every time they tried to pull the 'trans rights!' group cheer. Finally one night after they left, he carefully insinuated that trans "issues" were "sometimes concerning". So I bust the door wide open and blatantly listed off how they were delusional, predatory, and pornsick, and every point I was making he'd add into it and even link sources he knew of to backup what we were saying. He works in the medical field, so to him it bothers him a lot how he has to be careful lest he say the "wrong" facts and offend them whilst just trying to do his job. Still refers to trannies as their true sex to me. Together a year now.
>>1460840Why would you intentionally date a pornsick loser? The types who do that always end up actually trying dick. Whether they're with you at the time or not. "terfy" things are always in regards to womens rights. So what you're saying is he doesnt like when you try to speak about real issues that effect real women, because he'd rather prioritize and feel sorry for other men instead. Pornsick fellow scrote worshipping male. You can do way better than that.
No. 1460909
>>1460210Ugh, yes, that's exactly it. God, this really ties into something that always throws me wrt to women vs. TIMs – the older you get as a woman, the more you realize a lot of womanhood is actually just work. Like, the makeup and pink is part of it, but once you're an adult, it's mostly…work. The hard, necessary, unglamorous work no one wants to do that has to get done, that no TIMs ever identify as the reason they transition – no one's ever like "oh I knew I was a woman because I always went to bed last b/c the dishes still had to get done and I was really good at swallowing my resentment," even though that's really a bigger part of womanhood than heels or sexiness. And this fight against woman-hating gender bs is just more of that: work that is really fucking hard and lonely and thankless. But it has to get done. People will make fun of you and hate you and make gross jokes about you for decades (p sure I first learned about Dworkin this way) but it still has to get done. Damn.
No. 1460928
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>>1460796>>1460799He's a bedwetter kek.
No. 1460938
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>>1460395The dominant theory in certain leftist spaces goes something like picrel. Of course you can find more nuance on the subject but this gets it across.. the ruling class will resort to anything to keep people from becoming class conscious.
No. 1460946
>>1460943lol they do look very simular.
But its most likely white moids looking like other white moids. I can tell apart some male news presenters because of that.
No. 1460951
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>>1460417Getting fisted in your neopussy. Goals! r/traaNSFW needs to make a comeback.
No. 1460952
>>1460939It's OK. Sadly I've noticed there's quite a bit of misogyny on that sub.. and too many rightoids and rightoid dick suckers imo.
Lately I prefer hanging around r/fourthwavewomen
No. 1460961
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>>1460437Take solace in this, anon.
No. 1460968
>>1460692lp bringing up rowling having been abused is disgusting
rowling was a
victim of domestic violence, it's not comparable to getting a bad book review
No. 1461021
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>>1461003OT but there have been cases of androgen insensitivity XY people being able to get pregnant.
Because Müllerian regression does not fully complete in approximately one third of all cases, resulting in Müllerian "remnants".
But yah they don't look extra female. I found an interesting news article on one who had a tiny womb remnant taht was intact enough they managed to grow it with HRT and used IVF to get them pregnant.
"The woman born a MAN and told she would never conceive cradles twin girls with her husband" is definitely the grey area when it comes to gender imo. But I hate that trannys try to use these people just trying to live their life as some validation to their delusions.
No. 1461029
>>1460806No woman without a uterus/other condition that causes a lack of periods has ever insisted they totally do have a period and pms mood swings.
If anything they only ever express begin sad over not being able to have biological children, which unlike a troon they didn't choose to do to themselves in most cases. Women also don't say a woman not having a period makes her not/less of a woman either, that's just a hypothetical scenario troons make up as some sort of "some cis women don't have periods either!!!!!" gotcha moment. We fucking know all women don't have periods, literally no one doesn't consider a post menopausal woman a woman.
No. 1461044
>>1460585This just seems like proof that cross sex hormones may cause actual brain damage and a lower IQ. A male/female body literally isn't made to handle cross sex hormones, that's why it causes a myriad of side effects, of course some of them troons want (like growing moobs) but most of them are just damaging to their bodies. If a significant amount of men report estrogen makes their brain work worse then maybe it really does cause brain damage.
If a person isn't a fully mature adult (at least 25+, the brain isn't done developing until then) and they take hormones that are unnatural for their body they are almost guaranteed to have caused some brain damage. I definitely remember reading about teens being put on puberty blockers (which are hormones) resulted in them having a permanent drop in IQ later on in life.
In the same vein, if we trust that these troons are honest it seems estrogen causes some men to get some sort of IBS or intestinal issues, which they then wrongly assume is a "period". I'm sure some of them aren't lying about the symptoms and the estrogen really is significantly damaging their bodies and minds, causing both mental and physical pain. Obviously unrelated to actually having a period, and they should seek medical help because something is clearly wrong.
No. 1461082
>>1459395Just saw a video. Women are sending their children somewhere safe and taking up arms to protect the country.
What's the excuse now troons?
No. 1461093
>>1461044I think there is also an issue in the suppressing of their natural testosterone levels when it comes to the cramps and gut pain they speak of. Evidence indicates a protective role of androgens in pain modulation and anti-inflammatory properties of testosterone that may inhibit the development of visceral hyperalgesia. Cause when they suppress their testosterone levels and the estrogen acts as an antiandrogen they lose the mediating effects.
And the funny thing is when you dope the male with extra estrogen they don't receive the same benefits in pain management that a woman does from elevated estrogen. Get wrecked trannys, you can take the hormones but it still has a uniquely male way of working in the body in the long run.
The study in relation to this point was preformed on rats where they gave them artificial kidney stones and dosed them with sex hormones to see the effect on visceral pain.
> supraphysiological levels of estradiol, but not of testosterone, are only analgesic in females. Some troons fucking with their natural hormones give themselves chronic pain and even thou they are taking elevated amounts of estrogen their shitty male bodies won't give them the analgesic effect a woman would have from it. Get wrecked.
No. 1461098
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>>1460081this weeks stint of internet infamy has caused Andrew to…
1. accept that he is bisexual
2. have mental breakdowns about his dick in the shower and before sex with his fuck buddy he flew to Seattle to visit.
At least this guys is the same age range so hopefully Andrew can do some emotional maturing if they do develop a long term relationship and not slide deeper into psychosis. And honestly the psychosis is here and ready to party it seems.
No. 1461104
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i'm fascinated by the sheer amount of troons who claim to have DID. this one describes himself as an immortal fae/faer transexual plural system, among other things.
No. 1461122
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>>1459610lovingly mashed together in pixlr, here you go nona
No. 1461124
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>>1461122samefagging to say i have a better version now
No. 1461150
>>1461144Wow he's fucking insane
>>1461145What? What happened?
No. 1461152
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me when I'm a normal woman and definitely not a male pervert with a misogyny fetish
No. 1461173
>>1460072Completely ignore any mentions he makes of being trans, or his "new identity". Don't play along if he tries to pull any girl talk. Minimize engagement. Grey rock.
Completely ignore if you are able to.
No. 1461185
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>>1461124I'll post my shitty edit too then.
i love her expression so god damn much.
No. 1461201
>>1461186I’m sorry you have to go through that, nonna. I won’t sperg about it, but the same happened to me. It’s so strange that they will try to copy you in every way, including hobbies and interests. They have no identity of their own, so they try to take over someone else’s. Actual skinwalkers.
Is there an explanation for this, anons? It was my ex that skinwalked me, so in that case I think he just picked the closest, most desired by him, woman to imitate. But skinwaking seems extremely common by family members and relatives too. I really, really don’t want to think it’s because troons view their sisters or cousins as material. Makes me sick.
No. 1461223
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Trannies going to die in Ukraine lmao
No. 1461231
>>1461012Both stink and have abysmal hygiene because of long hours of terminal online activity causing them to forget bathing and not keep track of their time. Some TIFs delibrately do the smell thing but most are just as subconsciously reckless about hygiene
>>1460407Which turns out catastrophic because buffalo bill
No. 1461239
>>1461233i trooned out at age 12-13 and was a full-blown tra for 2 years until i got tired of how crazy everyone was and desisted
then i started thinking about what a disaster it would have been if i had had access to puberty blockers/hormones/surgery at that age and realized how fucked up it all is
No. 1461254
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No. 1461265
>>1459791yeah it's been shown that men in general talk more. women talk more "in the home" only. article doesn't mention one of the most obvious reasons for the perception that women talk more, which is that if women talk AT ALL men consider it "too much"
No. 1461267
>>1461233being a teeneager online in the 2010s I knew and knew of many girls my age who had trans/non-binary phases and grew out of them after a couple years. So since I knew from personal experience that this happens to teenage girls and that it's usually correlated with other psychological problems, I started having doubts about orthodox gender ideology when I heard of the controversy surrounding Irreversible Damage.
This was late 2019 and at this point I was still a libfem and unironic contrapoints viewer, I watched his videos on terfs and autogynephilia and didn't think anything of them. Then in 2020 out of sheer boredom I started browsing 4chan and I realized that agp is real and that everything the "terfs" in those videos and on here were saying was true. the end
No. 1461291
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I'm so stressed for that
nonny with her face showing oh my god lol. You're pwetty btw tho
>>1461233>be a peak NLOG because grew up in image boards>first bf has quite the alt-right views, mine were more left/green but that was "cringe" according to him, think he is right>he has a crossdress/femdom/sissy fetish from a young age>steals his mothers underwear, borrows her dildo, orders sex toys as age 16>tries to get me to peg and dominate him (a 6'6/200cm massive dude), I never want to because it makes me sick>say I can't deal with it, he promises to stop, never does>the sex toys, clothes and breast plates just keep multiplying over the years>find his "girl pics" he posted to 4chan in a SHARED DRIVE because he's a moron>ultimately break up, over many reasons, me thinking I'm a lesbian being a primary reason>I start dating a woman, my political views soften/I become more leftist again, and btw I actually do end up pegging her kek>be generally supportive of trannies, always have a disgust in the back of my mind because of the ex and shit I have seen online on image boards>some people in the lgbt friend group she has troon out, clear "uncomfotable with womanhood" type lesbians (who also read yaoi? idk man)>stumble upon chris chan, kiwi farms and one of the gamer gate tranny historics>same time casually following more terf blogs on tumblr>get into a fight with friends because I made a TiF enby cry because I said no hormones for kids>people find from my hobby tumblr read my personal tumblr and brand me a terf for reblogging from radfem urls (thought the posts are not related to trannies)>get "cancelled", not welcome in any hobby spaces with my name without any chance to explain myself>instead of re-educating myself I only grow more angry and immerse myself fully into radblr for a while consoooomed by hate>the first ex is upset now I'm a mean terfie werfie, says it's extremist nazi group waah, also that he was always a leftist (despite voting for the nationalist party when we were younger) Sorry for the novel, but it was not a single even that peaked me, but a sum of minor things. I ended up from a 13-year old who thought I was a boy, to ultra feminine NLOG euphoric "anti-SJW/feminazi", to left-centrist to same but enlightened
terf. In my younger days I thought "all feminism is cringe haha!!", but I'm glad I found out there are many types of feminists.
No. 1461292
>>1461021i'm convinced posts like this are made by trannies trying to blend in and sow doubt in the people here minds.
She has a womb. That has fuck all to do with gender, it's BIOLOGICAL. She BIOLOGICALLY has a womb. There's no grey area at all. The only reason she was able to have kids was a complete fluke in that she had the remnants of a womb. That doesn't cast "gender into a grey area". wtf
No. 1461297
>>1461233I used to be an anti-feminist mra pickme. I read 4chan, redpill, and consumed various youtube channels dedicated to the subject. I liked shoeonhead lmao. I seriously hated women, but maintained that I was being logical about it. My sexism was acceptable because it "made sense". Trannies however, did not. I already said this on the other board, but the sexism inherent to trans ideology is so blatant that it works as a litmus test for who actually has compassion for women. Their idea of womanhood is so comical, so exaggerated, so textbook sexism, that I just simply could not entertain it. Even to my brainwashed pickme woman hating brain, I could see that this was wrong. I was already used to seeking out unpopular opinions, so it wasn't much of a leap to get here. What was unexpected, however, was that I would be exposed to actual feminist ideas. Not the "big red has a public tantrum let's laugh at her for the thousandth time!" shit, but actual well reasoned arguments from a female perspective. It turns out you (we) have some legitimate fucking grievances. It made the mra talking points look downright childish in comparison. So in a fucked up way I have to thank the trans movement for being so fucking obnoxious and the world for being so fucking sexist for accepting them in the first place that I was finally forcefully shoved into the arms of reason.
No. 1461299
>>1461233This thread peaked me, and so did recent tranny events. If TRAs stopped moving the goalposts and coming up with more asinine crap, I may have still been a supporter. I think a lot of people are in the same boat.
>”Trans women have periods!” Trannies think periods are a fun game and so frivolously throw around “period”, when women suffer complications and die from menstruation all the time.>”Uterus-havers”, “womb havers”, forms forcing you to choose pronouns.>Wi spa mess. Women and girls have every right not to see a dick in the bathroom or changing room. “poor twans that just wanted to pee”, “who cares about transphobe feelings! trans need to feel safe!”. But what about those women and girls that don’t want to look at a penis? That won’t feel safe with one around? >Trans women in sports. Arguing about this with an ex tranny friend did not help. The swimmer and the wrestler look like hulking men, and yet I was still supposed to call them “women”. Bullshit.>That most problems could easily be fixed by making trans-specific spaces (trans bathrooms, trans sport teams), yet troons refuse this solution. It seemed selfish to me to deny such a simple solution, and at that point I knew it wasn’t just about “being who they are”. I actually used to hate and avoid this thread, but when I kept getting into arguments with a troon friend, I started reading this thread more and eventually peaked. I felt less alone about the logical thoughts that were claimed as “terfy”, and realized the craziness of trans.
No. 1461304
>>1461233peaked sex work'd before peak transing. saw what prostitution did to a family member and never could jump on that train. the funny thing is that when it came to the trans stuff, even in the past i've always said the most "terfy" shit but then added "trans women are women". like i see my comments from 4 years ago on online discussions and i would be like:
"women are oppressed for their ability to reproduce and its been that way since the agricultural revolution. women's bodies are the source of their oppression. this includes trans women too."
like i just would add trans women to sound woke but looking back it made no fucking sense because it would directly conflict with my views on feminism. im so glad i have a brain now. i really just said shit to say shit. my words had no meaning behind them other than signaling i was a good ally. sorry for blogpost but i just find it funny to look at my old self because really nothing has changed about my worldview besides me growing a spine
No. 1461308
>>1459905ok even if you weren't a troon it's hypocritical and weird to get that tattoo, pretty sure JK Rowling OBE (that's fucking right, troons) shared the beliefs of her protagonists that fought against the wizard nazis? and the wizard nazis for sure would have killed trannies. i mean, they were all right with killing babies.
i don't get why a harry potter fan would get that symbol. it's not really like getting Hail Hydra or the mark of Tzeentch or some other nerd shit, it's a pretty straightforward allegory/insert of real-life supremacist death squads.
No. 1461309
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>>1461297This is so accurate. And I also loved shoeonhead lmao. But yeah this is almost exactly what happened to me too t.
>>1461291I also watched a lot of "SJW cringe compilation ben shapiro fucking owns them!!" type videos, because I have always loved weirdos on the internet. Seeking out more about the tranny weirdos led me to radical feminism. So like, thanks to the euphoric Shapiros and Petersons I guess
No. 1461315
>>1461233Unfortunately for a while I drank the kool-aid, thinking it made me a good ally. What happened was a series of events.
>A real life friend transes, and I talk about it on MSN back I the day with an online friend. He asks how does someone feel like a woman, genuinely curious. I have no real answer, and the convo sticks with me for years, even during my good girl ally phase.>North Carolina bathroom bill happens. The completely disproportionate response to the state by fake woke companies and celebrities gives me a bit of pause.>The first big one is Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie saying women and TiMs are different because transwomen have different experiences and are raised male, so they receive male privilege, at least in their youth. I find myself completely agreeing. Cue disproportionate response from people online.>being deep in Tumblr culture, yet still tihnking all their nonbinary and genderqueer shit was dumb. Often talking about that with online friends. See female artists I followed, usually lesbian, troon out.>the rise of Jonathan Yaniv>hanging out here and reading what people say>Magdalen Burns videosI'm kind of embarassed I played the part of good ally for so long, especially at my age. I kind of envy women who sad they never got fooled by his horseshit. I wish I could say the same. But I'm here now, and I'm never going back. Fuck this absolute shit movement.
No. 1461323
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Celebrating International Women's Day the only way they know how.
No. 1461338
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>>1460692I dont know what's going on but this is such a stacy moment from JKR.
No. 1461341
>>1461233Tbh, I have no concern in adults doing this to themselves. What genuinely hurts my soul is the kids who are autists, and to the autists on the thread (who shared traumatic accounts of how puberty affected them), it would make sense from a trying to have some control over ordinary body changes through puberty perspective. Otherwise, it's just repackaged misogyny and sexism at this point. To the moidview that women are dumb, and the overt sexual fantasy element. I was formerly a live a let live "handmaiden" until I truly read up on the genuine concerns that so called "TERFS" have.
For me personally, it was the trans women have periods too and then being allowed to perform alongside women in athletic sport. Also to blogpost but this is coming from a 5ft 10" woman who has been overtly masculinised my whole life just for this reason, but has personally never felt s "man" for it, this thread has been a huge step towards greater self confidence. Thank you to all anons truly.
No. 1461343
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>>1461233>be autistic>2017-2018, used to go a lot to Reddit and Tumblr, but thankfully never trooned out>2019>make a TiM friend on tumblr due to sharing the same interests in anime as you, as time passes you slowly drift away due to your changing interests>use twitter at around this time, but you always wondered why everyone was transgender in there, you stopped liking twitter by next year anyway>join into another community with a lot of people in 2020, you meet someone that becomes your closest friend soon>she was a “femcel”, but by June called herself a ‘demigirl’ and had fully trooned out by the end of the year>by the next year 90% of the people who you met in that community trooned or at least enbied out>by now you spent most of your time on imageboards>2021>you start questioning if you’re ‘non binary’>you also find out about detrans>you get yourself deeper and deeper into the detrans movement, and slowly but surely decide that being GNC is best>by know you’re starting to be anti-trans, but still feel that there could be some exceptions>you also get into a new fandom at this time>2022>you start browsing the ftm threads on lolcow and quickly gather a special hatred towards straight, especially fujo TiFs due to just how feminine they are not only compared to you, but just in general>once you ran out of old ftm threads to binge you started reading this general as wellTiMs might be some of the worst, but to be honest, the ones that made me truly peak were TiFs. I’ve become so good at clocking them from actual males it’s disgusting.
No. 1461354
>>1461308Maybe they just fucking like it. It doesn't have to be so 'deep'. This is the problem with gen z, everything is a weird purity crusade where if you enjoy something '
problematic' fictionally you apparently must like the IRL 'equivalent'. lol give me a fuckin break.
No. 1461361
>>1461346I was going to ask what fandom, but then I realized. All. It's all of them.
>>1461358Yep. He did not actually troon out yet though, he has the self awareness to see he would get laughed off the country. But he unironically watches sissy hypno videos, so. We will see.
No. 1461366
>>1461361>I was going to ask what fandom, but then I realized. All. It's all of them.Exactly. I could say what it is, but I fear I’d be exposing my true powerlevel given that it’s not a huge fandom.
>>1461363Don’t worry, I’m working on it, it’s the reason why I even browse these threads. MtF femininity is extremely artificial to me, and if anything I might have achieved the final stage of peaking today as I browsed through r/TransLater and felt utter disgust at what I saw on the first post, without needing to even scroll further.
No. 1461382
>>1461381Yeah I've been reading feminism stuff in general more often too. Honestly, the pinkpill/
TERF/rad fem threads on here were a blessing when they lasted. At least we're allowed to hve the hidden board back.
No. 1461415
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Hello, Based Department?
No. 1461420
>>1461415JK Rowling going from having "middle aged woman moments" according to her PR when she liked
TERF Tweets to out and loud gender critical is the best plot twist of the last five years.
No. 1461442
>>1461233>be leftist zillennial with crippling insecurity and NLOG syndrome>talk with other self-hating female friend about possibly being trans men at 15, but set that aside for a while>start IDing as nonbinary at 18/19, lowkey terf but only halfway there>"gender is a social construct so i'm just not going to be anything at all except for myself">all my friends (online, have no friends irl) are female they/thems or she/theys, not in contact with many male troons though>one in my class is absolutely awful and speaks only about trans bullshit in our English theory class>start going to lolcow around the same time i troon out, get sucked in>gets fee-fees hurt by farmers pointing out NLOGism and inherent misogyny of trans movement as well as general retardation of troons and enbies>plants seed in head, just tell myself I'll avoid those parts and read the drama without getting upset about being trans-identified>eventually stops IDing as enby after a couple of years, realizes gender is a social construct but also I'm a female and that doesn't dictate my personality>stop talking to my online woke friends and get a life irl, focus on studies and work, still browsing lolcow consistently>gender critical threads on lolcow get banned, I go to r/GC because it's mid-lockdown and I'm finally ready to start diving into GC feminism for real>r/GC gets banned>I go full radfem, move to radblr, Spinster, Discord, Ovarit>former self-hating female friend now a danger haired they/them freak and I'm a crypto marxist feminist finding irl radfem groups and going to marches whenever I think I'm not going to get doxxed by doing so No. 1461447
>>1461292No, being too rabidly anti-trans to the point of blind zealotry is not a good look either. Doubt is fine, this is not a cult with a prescribed belief doctrine. Some posters here would rather label an odd looking XX woman a tranny (which has happened multiple times in previous threads) than let a real tranny slide and admit that passing is possible.
A lot of people peaked when they saw how cultish TRA spaces are, accusing anything not 110% rabidly supportive as "terfs trying to blend in and sow doubt in people's minds". Please don't do the same here too.
No. 1461457
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Ladies and girls.the shitshow begins
No. 1461463
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>>1459499next thread picture please
No. 1461477
>>1461292no I'm just the sperg that goes into too much detail when I find something interesting. And since it's a rare condition I looked into cause I wanted to know if they looked extra feminine like another anon suggest. They don't.
I considered true intersex to be a grey area because they posses both sex charatistics. But I think its a total cope out that troons try and argue their delusions with the intersex argument because of how rare and how much its a genetic fuck up.
The only reason this XY person presents as female and was able to utilise HRT treatments to conceive is because they where unable to process and make use of male sex hormones from before they where born. If they had been they would be 100% male.
No. 1461481
>>1461233you and me booth, nona. I mostly date women, and I was going through some stuff with my sexuality and wanted to try something else. I became a
terf after I willingly tried to date a trans woman after dating a man who turned out to be NB and started hormones'. Both where absolutely horrible experiences, they ended up both being very autist, sex pests and their white TIM friends were worse.
I know several TIMS because im LGBT (aro/ace) and frequent places they like to hang out. None of them pass and they all hit on my very hard because I'm a cis woman and they all want pussy because no one with a pussy will touch them. They're all super white, racist redditors who make fetish porn. No joke, ALL OF THEM. They're all men playing women, and even my 2010 tumblr brain had to wake up to the truth. I dont know any that are normal and have normal hobbies. Its all warhammer, furry porn, programming and cars.
Though I Have no problem with TIFs, all the ones I know are cool and some pass well. Women just make better people than men I guess.
No. 1461496
>>1461233I was very into fandoms back during my tumblr days and while I tried to "respect" trans people, but I always had a nagging feeling about it not being coherent. I got fed up with retards trying to argue that Naoto from P4 and Chihiro from Dangan Ronpa were trans because I thought they were very relatable as gender non-conforming characters. Then I saw more and more fakebois saying stupid shit like "I knew I was always a boy because I never wore skirts as a kid and I'm into girls" which seemed even more stupid to me because to me that just meant they were masculine lesbians. And since I was always a tomboy and I was raised by mentally ill and religious parents I realized that I'd probably be asked by my then mutuals if I'm some kind of neogender. And guess what happened at some point? They actually started asking if I were not some kind of asexual nb for saying I don't like doing my eyebrows. Then I started seeing everyone trying to police everyone's language, even trying to force anyone ESL like me to remember neopronouns and inconsistent definitions of a bunch of normal words like "biological", or "woman".
I did some research and found more and more info on AGPs trying to argue they're real women thanks to tumblrinaction and kiwifarms even though they're both shitholes, but I'd say by then I already peaked.
No. 1461505
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I think we can already procreate without men. Dolly the sheep didn't have a father and we have even fuse two eggs to make embryos in mice. The problem is men control the military and most infrastructure, and would resist being extincted.
No. 1461517
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>>1461463This fucking mongrel looks exactly like the mom's dildo borrowing boyfriend I had
>>1461291I'm so glad there's so many terfs here, especially the ones that got out of the gender cult. You are all strong and I love you nonas. Happy women's day!
No. 1461521
>>1461233I followed some tranny activists when I was
Like…17 or so, and seeing them mercilessly bully teenagers when they’re in their late 20s - 40s, along with their sexually deviant furry diaper shenanigans, sowed the seeds. I never even discussed it with anyone irl I was just silently hate following trannies. Then i ended up on this site for other reasons and came here.
No. 1461535
>>1461361used to be a fandomfag and every time I go on Twitter drunk to laugh at my old friends' profiles, they have BLM ACAB and pronouns in the descrip/nickname
>>1461493>get pulled into the she/they to enby pipelineit's strange that it's evolved so quickly but back when I identified as NB, "she/they" wasn't even really a thing like it is now. and that was only in 2016 or so
No. 1461575
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A comb-over that only a moid could have
No. 1461579
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based based based based based
No. 1461580
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man i fucking hate today and how much they focus on trannies… also the fact that they keep saying happy women's day when we have nothing to celebrate
anyway, more proof they define a person's worth by how fuckable they think they are, nothing new here
No. 1461582
>>1461562Radfem circles can be really close to that too at times, especially when you gave just peaked. I stopped reading radblr because it got too much (the negative reality of women constantly on my mind actually made me feel worse irl). Now I just laugh at trannies here.
Just something for anons to think about
No. 1461584
>>1461233googling srs was what set me off.
up to that point i blindly agreed with positive trans sentiments because i myself was part of the lgbt (and i saw them as my neighbors or whatever). but after i googled srs and learned what it truly entailed, and dug even deeper into the troon hole and understood that there is no way to define woman outside of being female that DOESN'T rely on something i deem harmful (stereotypes, brain science, etc.) i peaked hard as hell. asking myself questions like
>when do i feel like a woman? what does that mean?honestly helped me.
No. 1461592
>>1461589Jesus christ wtf, that's awful anon
Some gay men are creepily obsessed with women to begin with though. See: drag, celebrity worship, fashion/makeup/hairstyling top artists being gay men…
No. 1461598
>>1461579this woman is so unfathomably based
terven harry potter fan community fucking when nonnas?
No. 1461600
>>1461567well I'm talking about it in comparison to other conditions that might be considered intersex that I think are clinically not so.
XY complete androgen intensity > Late-onset CAH
I feel like we are arguing over semantics here, and in reality most of our beliefs in relation to this would possible over lap. tbh
No. 1461607
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genuinely perplexed why a ‘cis’ lesbian would ever choose to live with one of these freaks, you couldn’t pay me enough to share a living space with a troon
No. 1461635
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>>1461611it's a deleted ig post
No. 1461639
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I went to check Reddit, and naturally this was one of the first things I saw in the female hair loss subreddit. A place for women to deal with a very real, and very sad and not talked about subject, and this moid comes in for asspats.
No. 1461641
>>1461233Honestly there were a lot of little things but the biggest was one question, not a particularly original or unique one, that I was asked by my dad.
>What makes Rachel Dolezal different from Caitlyn Jenner?(Obviously this happened the two of them were in the news). Maybe the TRAs have come up with some clever defense since then, but at the time all I could do was sputter and indignantly cry, "It's just not the same!" I was never able to answer that question, and the fact that I couldn't stuck with me.
OT but can you imagine how hilarious a genuine transracial movement would be?
No. 1461644
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Fuck women who believe basic biology, and happy international women's day to all handmaidens and twanswimmen
No. 1461649
>>1461233I always thought of troons as just crossdressers when I was young, mostly gay men as well. I didn't think about it much until I was in my teens on tumblr and I was reintroduced to trans as people who feel like they are in the wrong body and are in an immense amount of emotional pain. Because of that, I was sympathetic and I didn't see how it would negatively impact me in anyway at the time. What started to make me uncomfortable was seeing the progression from people that would do everything they could to look, act like and be treated as the gender they felt they were, to "anyone who says they are trans is trans" and them not wanting surgeries, it didn't make sense to me as all. "You don't have to have dysphoria to be trans" at this point I still was on their side, I just thought these people were the minority and they were the problem making the community look bad. I again didn't think about it too much and I don't remember exactly what peaked me (It was my first posy here, it was in the rant or vent thread and I got banned and told to go to asharas garden or however you spell it kek) but it was surrounding the whole genital preference thing, it felt like things got real rapey real fast. If im being honest, as much as I hate troons now, if they had stayed doing everything they could to pass and didn't demand spaces, sex and validation from women I probably wouldn't care either way. Even when I was an sjw I though that women deserved their spaces and transwomen deserved their spaces but those spaces were better off being separate.
No. 1461656
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The death treats in qts are so fucked up. Another proof that they are just violent moids.
No. 1461669
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>>1461659This, she is completely civil in everything she says, far moreso than those that are upset with her. She's literally never even said she hates trans people but everyone's just running with it.
No. 1461671
>>1461564blog, since yall asking.
I dont date anymore, I was mostly dating to try to be "normal" which was why I was dating a variety because I thought its worth a shot, last ditch effort. I forced myself to date and fuck people I wasnt into long enough, never was into dating, romance, sex whatever. I'm 27 now, and I doubt thats going to change. So I'm aro/ace, deal with it I guess lmao I have a partner now, a chick, we're good friends, we're going to buy a condo this year.
No. 1461675
>>1461567samefagging from previous reply
>>1461600 I know I'm being spergy and doubt you will find this as interesting as I do. But your comment on "a person that makes eggs and sperm" was really interesting. I think your getting Intersex and True hermaphroditism (Ovotestis) mixed up.
And I can understand why you think no human can do that cause it's like SUPER fucking rare. There are only 2 known cases of a person being able to create both types of sex cells. Cause it's like a rare sub group in an already rare subgroup of people.
>only twice was spermatogenesis reported while the ovarian portion often appeared normal. cause it's starting to get OT quite a bit and I just wanted to talk about questionable tranny talking points in relation to intersex and weird genetic mishaps that are interesting. Like these extreme cases are so rare genetically the idea that troons use intersex as a form of validation is stupid when most of them(if not all of them) are just pervert moids getting off on the larp.
No. 1461694
>>1461457>>1461478Because they'll get more attention. Asspats and anger talking about this. Or there's a Troon on the team, I legit just screenshotted this and checked to see if it was posted. The first thing that has made me real life mad in a while on here. It's a big fucking joke. And so many women are playing along. All the amazing women, the amazing things our bodies do, but the only time idiots care about female bodies is when they can trick women into the "emopwerment" of selling their nudes/porn for $3.
Notice, they want people to help troons get out of sex work and talk about how much they die and how they get there, yet they want actual women to get into it as young as possible. Then package it in "empowerment package".
Let's help men get out but women in. Let's not talk about Vaginas and women's bodies, likes talk about dicks and fake vagina.
No. 1461722
>>1461691blog again/.
We're just really close, but just not in sexual or romantic ways. She asked me to be her partner like 7 years into us being friends because we want to be in each other lives more and be in a more serious relationship. We made a commitment to each other, we share everything including a mortgage soon lol civil partnership is in the cards.
I have other friends ofc that I'm close with but not that close to the point that I want to be with them forever. I'm like, not mad if people call us friends, because we are. I dont think its that weird to want to share a life with your best friend, I think more people would do it if it was socially acceptable.
No. 1461733
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>>1461580CallMeJessIGuess claims to be more attractive than a
TERF but here we see, that was a lie
No. 1461747
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>>1461698I googled "trans slug proof" cause I wanted to chuckle but I could only find that author from he handmaidens tales being a sperg and a slug being named after a trans activist.
Seems like it's uneducated handmaidens (is that where the term handmaidens came from?) spouting bullshit and occasionally being used as a mascot of sorts for some troons. No. 1461759
>>1461698>>1461747there are several animals that change sex as they age, or they are
triggered into it due to low populations of the opposite sex. it's not "transitioning"
No. 1461769
>>1461759>there are several animals that change sex as they age, or they are triggered into it due to low populations of the opposite sex. it's not "transitioning"uh? I know never said it was. I was just hoping to find more slug references to laugh at and couldn't find any. Did lead into an interesting article about Margaret Atwood thou.
Seems like the following year people dog piled her for being a
terf as well. Whats the story with that?
is there some kinda lore I'm missing out on here?
No. 1461775
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>>1461759There are also side-blotched lizards where males come in three varieties. Orange males are dominant and guard large territories with a harem of females. Blue males are monogamous and only guard one female. And then there are yellow males who don't guard any territory or females at all, instead they look like females themselves, which allows them to sneak into the female-only harem without being attacked. There they fuck the females and sneak out before anyone notices.
No. 1461776
>>1461021that article's title is clickbait, she was not "born a man", she was born visually female, raised female, and only found out she was XY as a teenager. CAIS women are women because their bodies literally can't process the cues coming from the Y chromosome. It might as well not even be there.
The bottom line is, if you developed male AT ANY POINT, you cannot get pregnant. CAIS women
never develop as male.
No. 1461778
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I've seen so many trans claiming women's day on Twitter, and the before/follow up post always includes a picture in a mini skirt, or one of "cleavage". I didn't even know we had a women's day and I've been alive for at least 30 years. Might as well just pretend it's another tranny day. I hate this world.
No. 1461806
>>1461776yes your correct in a lot of these points. But they are also never able to have genetic children of their own because they have testes instead of ovaries.
For them to genetically reproduce they would have to find a way to make HRT work for them to actually grow their testes to produce sperm. The reason they have female presenting organs is simply because their testes never developed enough to start producing AMH to signal for the Müllerian duct to regress properly.
Honestly the intersex stuff can get very convoluted with all the genetic abnormalities that can be expressed, it's all very interesting but getting caught up in a circlejerk about it is a bit counterproductive.
The point of the matter are they are rare and should not be used to invalidate the norm of humans functioning in a gender binary. imo
No. 1461820
>>1461803>But women who were born infertile or had their ovaries removed don't stop being womenCorrect.
>so why would CAIS people stop being men?Because they have a vagina and are phenotypically female? You're really saying a woman who lived as a girl her whole life, with no masculinized features, who only finds out she has a Y chromosome in her late teens (happens frequently) is a man? We'll have to agree to disagree.
No. 1461824
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insufferable shit eating smirk.
I'm glad his neovag looks like that. It's the vagina he deserves.
No. 1461830
>>1461627op here.
r/nametheproblem (the problem is men)
r/femaledatingstrategy (not radfem but anti moid and based on troons)
r/tumblerinaction (not radfemish, actually sexist and racist, mostly commented on the threads about troon degeneracy)
r/scrambled_eggs_irl (sub for detransiton memes)
No. 1461834
>>1461598I wish lol. Blog af but my parents were ass and This woman practically raised me through her books, now it feels like she had my back all along lmao.
>>1461233I haven’t even read all of these replies, but it seems like the insufferable sjw to
terf pipeline is just as real as the nazi to femboy/trans one, the difference is most misguided teen sjws had actual empathy for their causes, troonism and nazism is about being as selfish as you can. I’m proud of all you ex enbies that became terven sisters
No. 1461835
>>1461820Yeah, biologically it was meant to be a male embryo that failed to fully develop. But I do think that they should be treated as women socially because it's just more sensible.
What about people like Caster Semenya, though? Also phenotypically female with a vagina and internal testes, lived as a girl her entire life, but in this case no androgen insensitivity, so during puberty some masculinisation happened. Is that a man or a woman?
No. 1461854
>>1461233>Call rape crisis number while feeling suicidal after being raped by a trans woman last year>get connected to male dispatcher>"Honestly I would prefer to speak to a woman right now" I say, a bit in shock"He responds "I am a woman"
I hung up and felt so much rage I wasn't even suicidal anymore. How fucking dare these people.
No. 1461857
>>1461854and you know he was only working there to jerk off to the stories later. So many women have made the mistake of confiding about their rapes to a male, only to realize they were getting off on the details. Men are incapable of empathizing with female rape
victims, their ape brains just go awooga.
No. 1461861
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On a female focused sub. A dreadful post about trans inclusionary feminism and of course retard can’t help but throw out violent rapey responses to being rejected
No. 1461863
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>>1461233Had the exact same experience of being a TRA with an underlying disgust towards transwomen as you, it was actually uncanny reading this lol. I peaked from being active on leftypol discord servers as a 16 yr old girl (I’m an adult now don’t worry) and seeing several consecutive troon-outs and the immediate perverted behavior that followed
No. 1461876
>>1461800trannies have been trying since ~2000 to use intersex people as a gotcha to declare sex is an irrelevant classifier and we should classify by goofy gender feelings.
there was some tweet by the creator of some intersex organization talking about how they set up a meeting but seemed to only want to use them not help them but i can't find it.
No. 1461886
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holy shit (troon relevant part at the end)
No. 1461922
>>1459477>>1459486>>1461044This happens to women taking testosterone, too. Cognitive decline and early-onset dementia is noted in both male and female trans people taking cross-sex hormones. Even when post-hysto women take HRT it can hasten the onset of dementia. Taking exogenous hormones rots your brain.
Trans males just think it's turning them into a ditzy girlbrain, though.
No. 1461938
nonny! A kiss for u
No. 1461946
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>When I was much younger, I was a raging anti-feminist because I resented that I couldn’t be included in womanhood.
You don't say!
No. 1461951
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I'm fucking crying lmao
No. 1461967
>>1461580Of course men value anything vaguely feminine/womanly in terms of fuckability.
Like imagine if a woman made moral judgements this way. God they're so retarded, little coom goblins who shouldn't have rights.
No. 1461974
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>>1461233>sjw tranny bathroom defense force coalition member>best friend irl since age 4 trooned out (ftm)>be completely supportive>she starts trying to get in my panties and acts like a disgusting fuccboi>turn her down, she never talks to me again>still sjw anyway because 'that sucked, but theyre not all bad'
>years later, current day 1 year ago>join online group>meet a nice young girl, takes me back to how me and old friend used to be dorky little tomboys back in the day>"im not a tomboy though, im a man. ive signed up to start taking T an everything">bewildered, ask her if shes sure she wants to be a man>"no i dont want a penis, but i like wearing guy clothes and dont have girly hobbies. my MtF friends gave me the idea since (they said) im wasting being a girl anyway">horrified, ask for other reasons>"well if i stay a girl, ill be called a lesbian and lesbians get called terfs. i dont want to lose my friends..">no idea what a terf is but dig deeper anyway>she admits she was sexually assaulted as a child too>shes a lesbian traumatized of penis but cant tell anyone without being labeled a 'terf', so shes opted to take T and ID as male instead>feel intense confused rage>shes going to end up freakshow experiment statistic/fuccboi wannabe all to avoid being called a """terf""" >cave in and start checking lolcow MtF/FtM threads>eyes thrown wide openA lot of great useful information posted in both threads. I've saved a ton to someday show her. In the meantime I've separated her from the main group and added her to a small one peaking all of them little by little every few days with some facts from here so thanks!
No. 1461976
>>1461580What these troons don't get is that women would really really REALLY like this to be true, we do not want to be touched by any of them ever. If they only ever fucked each other and stayed out of our spaces and lives there wouldn't be a problem.
But they constantly harass and belittle women, as proved by these very statements. Even when they are genuinely deluded enough to think that they are "really and truly women" they still imply their own standards of fuckability for women is the only thing worthy of celebrating… on international women's day. I have never seen and can not imagine any woman genuinely saying "happy women's day, i wouldn't fuck any of you ugly girls and i'm hotter than all of you anyway". It's truly bizarre that they think attacking women for their perceived fuckability on women's day isn't obviously grossly misogynistic.
No. 1461985
>>1461233>be gnc girl who always deeply hated how sexism gets pushed onto us everywhere, puberty was harsh and I developed an unhealthy relationship with my body which I saw as a neutral vessel that doesn’t have much connection with myself>begin living a fairly active live, going out a lot doing lots of leftist irl activism stuff like making workshops squatting getting beat up by cops acab etc the whole deal>get sexually harassed A LOT over time, begin to hate my body again disassociating when looking in mirror not seeing myself, don’t want to be sexualized anymore, begin to only dress in neutral clothes feeling hurt when someone calls or treats me as a woman >think the troon symbol is a perfect display of anarcho-egalitarianism, since ‘everyone’s the same break gender roles’, sympathize with the concept without knowing anything about it, probably because of of own body issues and muh egalitarianism while spouting nowadays considered extremely terfy stuff like: ‘being a woman is only tied to biology everything else is sexist shit’ all the time wishing people (men) would treat me as a human instead of a ‘woman’>get in touch with troon ideology due to it trending in leftosphere, read a book by some troon author and the arguments in there were so ridiculous and sexist it made me suspicious of the whole stuff, begin looking more into the whole topic and holy shit how can anyone claiming to be against sexism support this shit? All explanations I see are mental gymnastic copes that often go hand in hand with all the other ‘sjw’ twitter rethorics, sex werk glorification + trivialization etc>mentally ill long-time friend troons out and fullfills all the worst stereotypes>everytime this topic comes up in my surroundings I’m really feeling tired of this shit, try not to indulge in the discussions too much but can’t resist when I hear takes like the born in the wrong body bullshit because that shit really crosses the line No. 1462000
>>1461984I believe XY CAIS woman are taller than the average woman generally. And since they lack ovaries to support a natural estrogen development and regulation they also have worse bone mineral density. So it could be factor of underlining traits that are not hormone dependent (I'm still unsure on that since the Y chromosome is pretty tiny; its mostly proteins stuff and the male SYR related stuff).
Or the look could be just the androgynous aspect of it since they have a very poor supply of both sex hormones. So their female traits wouldn't come in as strongly compared to a average XX female unless they had HRT.
No. 1462014
>>1461481Aro/ace is
valid anon. Im asexual & bi. Sex disgusts me
No. 1462015
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If your feminism isn't inclusive of nappy-wearing perverts roleplaying as little girls… No. 1462019
>>1462015They are a really cringe high school kid, most likely a junior imo. I hope he grows up and stops his slide into perversion and disappointing his parents. He legit had a break down about cough syrup with his other retarded high school friends trying to get high.
Each day I'm getting closer and closer to thinking kids should be banned from the internet for their own good.
No. 1462034
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>>1462033I forgot to attach the image
No. 1462043
>>1461233>teen years spent terminally online>disconnected from my body and thinking it's dysphoria, thinking I want to be a boy, binding at 14/15>find tumblr 2010>world view broadens, finds out about trans stuff and gender fandom>aroace genderfluid transmasc time, thinking I want bottom surgery >low self esteem and no interest in living, make up for being a waste of space by being an sjw on tumblr>continue this for a few years>be sent to therapy at 17, some repressed trauma shit comes up>realizing the disconnection from body was caused by trauma, no more hating my genitals or boobs>no longer thinking I might be trans>still hate everything feminine so genderfluid they/them it is>continue being a handmaiden and sjw>tucute vs truscum discourse, realize I'm apparently on the wrong side of the divide>all kinds of discourse on tumblr (self diagnosing, multiple personalities/otherkin etc) make me rethink what kind of group I'm aligning with>after some thinking, no longer a tumblr sjw>trans and gender issues still feel very personal so still a handmaiden, TWAW and fuck terfs/swerfs are my favourite phrases, hating JKR is cool and sex work is work>start seeing how tra is becoming basically men's rights activism>try to hate self for daring to even think about questioning the brave and stunning trans women>decide to go hateread latest lolcow MTF thread (#3) to see how unhinged and gross the terfs are>end up actually thinking about things critically for once>peaklmao hopefully it's not too incoherent
>>1461733he's really nailing the Lenin's corpse look!
No. 1462054
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Once again, they get what the fuck they deserve. Love to see it.
No. 1462058
nonny, I feel sickly fortunate that I’m not up to three yet. wtf do they do this
No. 1462065
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>>1461824>>1461819You nonnas finally made me look at this degenerate's Twitter
No. 1462071
>>1462066I just hope none of the mentally ill assholes make good on their threats of violence on her.
None of what she has said is bad, I hate that she is being vilified and threatened and most of the popular media is on board with it.
hell world.
No. 1462076
>>1461934Sex is binary in that there are only two gametes, eggs and sperm. Nothing else. There is no third option, no intermediate option.
And remember, the majority of the time you are arguing with troons or handmaidens the arguments are bullshit. Don't get drawn into a long argument addressing every lame ass objection that they come up with because they don't really believe it.
State your position over and over again to whatever nonsense they say.
There is quote from Jean-Paul Satre about how people who hate jews argue that pretty much describes troons, TRAS, handmaidens.
“Never believe that [TRAs] are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The [TRAs] have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.”
No. 1462084
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nonas i have to admit it’s become a sort of game for me to log onto twitter and try to find the ugliest or creepiest troon to laugh and recoil at. it’s almost fun up until the moment of realization that these are real men who exist and actually go into female bathrooms looking like this.
No. 1462085
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>>1462065imagine getting horny about having your dick flayed and shoved inside you and all sewn up like that is some gorey mockery of a vagina…
No. 1462089
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So tired of seeing posts like this. As if it’s cute and quirky to cut off you balls or tits and prance around like the mentally ill creature you are.
No. 1462094
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>>1462089I love hate-lurking tumblr trannies. Here's a fun post. Do you see that, nonnies? Now you can casually misgender TIMs by calling them buddy! Kek free ammunition.
No. 1462095
>>1461233Had multiple
abusive trans friends. I was just the dumb cis woman so people completely ignored my pain. Three TIFs that managed to socially isolate me in retaliation, both high borderline behavior including things such as: wishing they had breast cancer to "get free top surgery", feeling entitled to people's time and energy constantly, lying about abuse and rape to get their way, lying about me cutting them off for said behavior, grooming children, scamming people with art they commissioned/begged for and never paid for, using everyone and anyone they could for free rides to conventions and shitty merch. TIM friend I had got violent at a party I held and claimed transhobia when everyone was terrified of a 275lb male storming around throwing shit and yelling. All of the TIMs I wasn't entirely close with online or through friends were
abusive, controlling, sex addicted perverts.
And again. I was harassed for not putting up with this behavior, forced out of a few social circles even though I am better off without them. Eventually I put two and two together and realized it wasn't coincidence, and even friendly trans people I knew were deeply broken and just took it out on themselves instead of others (eating disorders, CSA histories, cutting, dangerous drug use and sex addictions)
I may pity some of them but I will never, ever trust any of these people again or give them my love or energy. Just feel stupid that it took so long.
No. 1462097
>>1461233>always socially awkward, possibly autistic girl that didn’t quite fit in anywhere, wasn’t particularly sporty or feminine or anything, mostly read & wrote & kept to myself>knew I liked girls from a very young age which lead to female friendships where they’d do things like kiss me/experiment but nothing more for various reasons, I’d have weird longing for what I couldn’t have and a need for validation >molested at a young age by an older male family friend, definitely also messed me up and gave me a need for validation/made it harder to connect to people & caused undiagnosed mental illnesses >left high school when I was 15 bc i just didn’t vibe with the high school setting and didn’t want to stay 2 extra years when I could finish it online faster>missed most normal high school socialization, was instead terminally on tumblr fandom/roleplay spaces >became super sjw/woke because tumblr, was a writer/created a lot of OCs and wanted to write unique characters uwu but at the time if you tried to write a trans character without being trans you’d be cancelled so in order to explore the concept of being non-binary in my OCs/writing I started using they/them pronouns>fell deeper into trans shit & other toxic communities while I was 16-19, was groomed, tried underage sex work because tumblr glorified the fuck out of it, ended up on Twitter where I met my TIM ex, J>in retrospect I was in love with/obsessed with one of his female friends, B, who was very beautiful but bitchy and inaccessible so I knew I had no chance and kind of resented her. she was close with J though, and J hit on her all the time publicly and she’d respond sometimes, which made me jealous. I guess in my head I thought getting with J would somehow get me closer to him or get her attention or something, or maybe the proximity to her made J seem cool, idk>started talking to J (TIM ex) when I was 17 and he was in mid-twenties. he was popular in woke spaces for being a “trans woman” and posting about a ton of political shit, this was right around the 2016 election in the US so it was peak leftist American politics in general. he also posted about his “girldick” on occasion though, and retweeted/posted a bunch of horny stuff on his main account (like a woman does)>started oversexualizing myself even more to appeal to him, pathetic relationship where I had to beg him to be with me & then he treated me like shit the whole time >we dated long distance on & off for like 2 years, I humored his pronouns the whole time but stopped really believing he was trans a couple months into really knowing him >online: purple haired anime girl avatar, no selfies, self deprecating but nothing compared to… irl: 300+ pound nasty man beast who lives with his parents (and yells at them constantly) and literally eats nothing but pizza and burgies >at first he claims he wants to transition one day, his parents just won’t accept him and he feels fat/ugly. understandable. I try to help him lose weight & offer to do things like his makeup or go shopping for/with him for feminine clothes. he refuses. >literally doesn’t want to do anything to be a “woman” other than claiming he’s a woman online and watching tranny porn. I realize it’s not right but feel trapped because we have an ~emotional attachment~ aka he’s been abusing me. typical straight relationship with typical moid behavior but both of us call it a lesbian relationship because I wanted so badly to be dating a woman but didn’t know how & he was a pornsick gross moid who wanted woke points for “being a woman”>he proposes to me with a shitty Aliexpress ring while we’re watching tv in bed, I don’t respond and promptly start cheating on him when I got home from that visit >cheat on him and string him along for a while, eventually break up and he FREAKS OUT and sends a long ass text about how I forced him to be in a relationship in the first place etc >start dating a normal human being and realize how fucking crazy J was, start browsing lolcow around 2017-2018 for onision drama, the whole laineybot gender shit peaked me on TIFs/non-binary garbage >eventually start reading the MTF threads and voila, peaked. i avoid interacting with moids/troons as a whole wherever I can at this point & I’ve limited my social media presence/interaction, mostly staying on discord or imageboards where I can talk to women that I share experiences/views with. No. 1462136
>>1461233>be me>terminal weeb and fujo since early teens>mostly watches shonen or anime with mostly males both bc im a fujo but also bc im weirded out by the way women are portrayed in these shows>don't even know what trannies are but thinks of myself as a gay man trapped in a woman's body because i like men, have an andro face, very gnc personality and interests, but a hyper feminine body>get into cosplay at 14-15, ofc being a fujo i want to cosplay boys>i look for ways to hide my curves and learn about binders and TiFs>seems reasonable, i wish i was a hot guy too, would save me a lot of trouble and humiliation>hate my curvy body even more bc all i want is not to me molested in public, be androgynous and "pass" in cosplay>so autistic about cosplay i feel like shit bc i can't successfully "pass" as male, but i don't want to live every day as a man and go through the trouble of getting hormones so i immediately desist>2014>get into huge tumblr fight with scoutgender bc she insisted scout was trans, nonbinary and otherkin>mental image of trannies permanently fucked bc imagine your first encounter with one is scoutgender of all people>research tranny stuff, binary trans seem reasonable and i start believing in truscum stuff, but nonbinary is totally incomprehensible to me>2016>realize im attracted to androgynous men and women>all my androgynous fave characters get transed by fandom>don't understand why im so mad about mettaton being portrayed as a TiF when i claim to be a trans ally>nonbinary becomes more popular and a lot of female friends adopt the label despite doing nothing to look more androgynous, i still don't understand but i close my eyes and endure>2018>gets called out by antis in a fandom i was in for having "problematic ships">a TiF mutual gets closer to me after this bc she's a proshipper>at that point im so done with antis (which are all trannies) that i start id-ing as proshipper too>we get along quite decently and become friends>she's very pushy and has major weird kinks, keeps talking about being abused as a child and makes me extremely uncomfortable>she starts retweeting stuff about JKR and TERFs>i didn't even know what the fuck terfs are but she's constantly in my dms telling me to delete posts about feminism because they have been written by radical feminists>she's completely brainwashed by the proshipper cult and believes everyone who doesn't like reading about rape or incest is a terf>i realize proshippers are all trannies and weirdos too. why is liking yaoi so complicated nowadays lmao>she insinuates im a tranny because i only liked/cosplayed male characters and liked yaoi>one time she busts my balls about sex segregated gyms after i complained about being molested while working out>at that point i tell her to fuck off and never talk to me again, she was archiving my posts and linking them back to me to prove i said problematic stuff (it was literally bottom of the barrel basic feminism)>i start researching gender out of pure spite>find out a lot of people share my thoughts about nonbinary meaning nothing and enforcing sexist stereotypes>i hate enbies but i still support truscums and believe in TWAW, watch hontra and a lot of breadtube>i make a throwaway twt account to follow terfs>learn about TiMs, AGP, trans children, the way pharmaceutical companies are lobbying to hook trannies on medication for all their lives>proud transphobe since then trannies are truly their worst enemy. i live my life as an unapologetic woman with unconventional interests and although im crypto i won't take shit from trannies anymore and i will call them out on their misogyny. im proud of myself for having so many body image issues but never once changing my pronouns or believing in that enby crap. ive never been on imageboards and my internet presence has always been limited to the most fandom-y social networks, but holy shit ive peaked even more since being here. im so glad there's so many crypto terves who are fed up with these freaks. sorry for blogging, ily
No. 1462157
>>1461984You’re basing it off one example. Most CAIS women look like normal women, that woman just has a manly face, like some women naturally do (me included lol). CAIS women tend to be taller NOT because of testosterone— they can’t process it— but because at puberty in normal kids, the burst of hormones (either testosterone or estrogen) signals the bones to stop growing an end the growth spurt phase. In CAIS they don’t absorb testosterone, and don’t naturally have enough estrogen, so this never gets
triggered and they continue growing like a child with an infinite growth spurt. If you don’t know what you’re talking about don’t spread your misunderstandings as fact.
No. 1462168
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Living in his own delusion
No. 1462172
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I had to see it so do you guys.
No. 1462209
>>1461233>be me>have PTSD and dissociation disorder>have always "wanted to be a boy">have always been conventionally attractive and creeped on by men, starting at age 12>i didn't want to be a boy, i was a lesbian who wanted men to leave me alone and stop molesting me and belittling me>try to ignore feelings of "dysphoria">go on FTM tranny reddit at age 22 to vent about feelings of disconnection, ask if i'm trans>get affirmed>girl friend they/them encourages me because she cares more about looking woke than having honest talks about my "dysphoria" - the modern hysteria diagnosis for the thinking man>"woah maybe i am trans">get a gender therapist to unpack feelings cuz I still feel weird, and I'm tired of feeling far away from myself>this might be the cure i've been looking for>blind trust in doctors>male therapist doesn't question me being a lesbian or history of trauma>get T prescription after 2 sessions>start T within the year>have doubts>the day i'm having doubts, a man follows me for several blocks while jerking off>"damn at least when i'm a man won't need to deal with this">continue on T for a year and a half cuz fuck that>the changes snap me out of dissociation - which people kept calling dysphoria - and i begin to feel ACTUAL dysphoria over facial hair and my ruined singing voice and lose sensation in my clitoris cuz of rapid growth>develop health issues, bad stomach pains, and brain fog>start to read actual medical literature and realize that me being on T is going to needlessly shorten my life. my doctors told me health risks would be that of a cis man's, which can't be true>i am just fucking nuking my female body with cross sex hormones and becoming a lifetime medical patient>understand the reality of things like mastectomy and hysto, and the likelihood of complications>check out some fake dicks on r/phallo and am so grossed out by them, they're just UTI machines with no erogenous feeling>stop T, read on detrans, see other women who feel the same as me: the history of trauma, homosexuality, everything >I avoided r/detrans because I was told it was full of evil terfs (i even had shinigami eyes installed for a time cuz I didn't want to be accused of wrongthink kek)>read a lot of radicial feminists over the summer, like Dworkin & Gines, & finally feel a connection to feminism>free of libfem shit, which has never felt right to me, especially in regards to sex work & TiMS in women's sports>the cult like bullying tactics of TRAs and blind faith in "gendered souls/brains" finally peak me, of all things, because I dislike the quasi-religious bent to TRA shit>go off T>start reading lolcow tranny threads>now living life as a masculine man hating lesbian and giving no fucksbeware lurkers. it could happen to you
No. 1462222
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No. 1462223
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I cannot with these RuPaul's Drag Race contestants.
Don't know if someone has posted about this yet. After there already being two "trans" contestants on season 14 of RPDR (Kerri Colby and Kornbread Jeté), a couple weeks ago TWO MORE came out as trans (Bosco and Jasmine Kennedie) and last friday (when new episodes air), Willow Pill also posted on his socials that he's trans making it 5 "trans" queens out of 14.
Willow Pill suffers of cystinosis which is a disease that affects her eyes, throat, muscles for example and for which he takes a huge amount of pills everyday. The IQ is so low that he wants to fuck his body up more by taking hormones.
I can't stand these MTFs doing it for the trend, because they "feel female" and because they are jealous of women's beauty and characteristics.
An article Entertainment Weekly did about Willow:
No. 1462229
>>1462224>I had surgery to make my face a bit more feminine (why i've been looking so cunt)for some reason it won't let me post a pic of his face but i guess it's for the best
No. 1462248
>>1461233I always thought it was weird as fuck but I started attempting to be supportive because I didn’t want to be viewed as a bad person (since this was the height of pro tranny shit) and I didn’t want people with mental health issues to suffer (as someone with depression), I changed my mind completely and went fully into the radfem zone when I started browsing here.
I never went full troon larp like some of my radfem friends did for a while at least, I more just went into the ‘you need dysphoria to be trans’ camp.
No. 1462259
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>>1462224RPDR hate-watcher here, Willow was my favorite this season…
>I had surgery to make my face a bit more feminine (why I've been looking so cunt)>I want to cry more, have softer skin and a fatter assBut now I hate him. What a fucking sexist moron. Enjoy deteriorating on that ~low dose estrogen~
And he doesn't look feminine at all, he looks like an 8 year old boy with a congenital condition, picrel. But hey, at least that means the troons will embrace him so they can live out their pedo fantasies.
No. 1462282
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Found on a post listing gifs of black butch women talking about society, and how it often treated them like men (e.g. them being denied entrance into female bathrooms, being treated like black men who often make people scared, etc.). The blog is deactivated so I can't figure out their reasoning but…what the fuck are they talking about? Terfs are responsible for GNC women being harassed?
No. 1462295
>>1462259Doesn't he have some sort of genetic disease? A liver disease of some sort
Im no doctor but I cant imagine having a genetic organ disease would function well with tons of hormones, so im guessing he isnt gonna go on it
No. 1462323
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No. 1462328
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>>1462325I am not friends with the people doing it but yeah they are so delusional and mentally ill that they believe it would be wrong to spread a photo of his face because he only posts selfies on private. They truly don't see that if their friend dies they will be partly to blame for not trying to help, even after a trail of his blood was discovered along with his belongings. Picrel is the ONLY photo being shared. They even put "CW: ABDUCTION" on the poster and every post about it. Nothing feels real anymore.
No. 1462361
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Druggie stripper handmaiden who was only clean for a few months before getting knocked up by her fugly bf bc of their "breeding kink" gets all pissy when commenter asks how it's possible she got pregnant if she's actually a lesbian. Picture of the self proclaimed "other mother" on the right.
Genuinely feel so sad for this child :( The moid's captioning is beyond worrisome.
No. 1462371
>>1462367>our comradelol
I bet that is shared so much because it is the PERFECT one to virtue signal with. This is the mysterious "black trans women" wokies always always bring up.
If it's real it's fucked up they do not show his face.
No. 1462373
>>1462359Very glad to know I'm not the only one in that circle.
>>1462363I didn't censor the photo kek his friends who made the poster blurred his face. I cropped the text out but otherwise it's unaltered. That is the full (and only) image that they are using to spread that their friend is missing/abducted. I have 1 friend who is friends with the troon so not a misread but I wanted to clarify that I'm not friends with the cult members kek
No. 1462374
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>>1462371Them sharing this without posting his face just reads like they don’t actually want to find him. All the posts I have seen link to his profile and this is his totally helpful stand alone pfp because of course it is
No. 1462380
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Some handmaiden made a post with one of his selfies
No. 1462398
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>>1462392Turns out they did finally start spreading photos of him a few hours ago on Twitter. But they still waited over 24 hours to do so. If these trannies cared about their friend they wouldn't have hidden his face.
No. 1462424
>>1459769Hilariously, Lindsay was eaten alive by the cancel beast she had a hand in making because she called Raya a ATLA clone. Shortly after this tweet she deleted her twitter and posted a woe is me cringe fest on her patreon blaming white cis men and talking about shitting blood for days. I know this is old milk, but Lindsay is one of those prominent libfems that shits on JKR and anyone who dares to question the TRAs so I always love sharing what ended up happening to her. Pure schadenfreude.
She is the epitome of "can dish it out but can't take it."
No. 1462432
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they must be so pleased to have a fat pedo chaser on their side kek
No. 1462488
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Someone who I've known a long time posted this yesterday and I had mo idea she was such a pro tranny handmaiden. It's so disappointing.