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No. 1506692
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>>1506682Did anybody post this yet? Second craziest thing after reading that Joan of Arc was persecuted because she was a non-binary (no joke).
No. 1506755
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>>1506709DAMN i thought this was the FtM thread
No. 1506809
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walking HR nightmare
No. 1506837
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No. 1506856
File: 1650475048219.jpg (Spoiler Image,722.81 KB, 3024x4032, 357uls9k1nu81.jpg)

Is that pus inside the hole? Ew.
No. 1506894
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>>1506837aw man don't worry, i'm sure you've gotten plenty of the common mtf estrogen changes such as being irreversibly and permanently sterilized (you never wanted a biological family anyway, right?), having thinner skin and hair, which also ages you a lot so you'll look 20 years wiser! Oh and i'm sure your liver has been damaged, your muscles and bones are weaker and your cholesterol may be fucked up too! Plenty of typical mtf changes!
No. 1506976
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Context is an article of a 60 year old man finding out he’s intersex after what was suppose to be a hernia turns out was an ovary, Fallopian tubes, and a cervix.
Anyways that very last comment just got to me. Handmaidens are something else.
No. 1506985
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>straight men
No. 1507004
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No. 1507014
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i just miss kikomi
No. 1507016
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Was going to see We’re All Going to the Worlds Fair because I saw it advertised as a horror about being a teenage girl on the internet and from a fresh new female voice in horror. Without fail it’s a tranny. Women don’t get anything in horror.
No. 1507053
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Such a feminine crime!
No. 1507065
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You guys I fucking can’t with this. Do they really think if a woman is pre-pubescent, in menopause, or has a sexual development disorder she doesn’t experience sex-based oppression? No. 1507067
File: 1650484896709.jpeg (360.76 KB, 1284x634, 2E6FADBC-D62E-429D-A69A-91225F…)

>>1507065Yes. Women. Not men in woman-face.
No. 1507084
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Answer: Its a fetish. The end.
No. 1507091
File: 1650486667053.png (32.81 KB, 618x336, puberty.PNG)

We've reached the "your child's natural puberty is violent disfigurement" stage of trans hysteria.
Especially funny comment coming from this particular man who has the most hideous hack job I've ever seen called a 'neovagina'. Looks like an actual axe wound long after healing. He would show it off on an alt account between having melt downs about how ugly it is. All while indulging in his misogynistic bimbo fantasies about being a worthless slut, of course!
No. 1507101
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Phoney science.
No. 1507106
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>>1507101samefag, cropped out the likes on this one. Im not even going to read the article.
No. 1507127
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This dirtbag left podcast tranny gives me the fucking creeps
No. 1507129
File: 1650488791751.jpg (83.29 KB, 547x779, doesnthappen.JPG)

like how can they say it doesnt happen when we have countless images and stories of people straight up saying its transphobic to not want to suck a mtf's cock. And its mostly targeted toward women too so seeing it from the opposite gender is interesting but again its still just denied to happen to gay men
No. 1507149
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Not a fetish™
No. 1507164
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No. 1507176
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No. 1507185
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No. 1507191
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No. 1507196
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He's non binary but it felt like he fit here, especially with recent chat about trans violence against women
No. 1507200
>>1507016Nona maybe it would be actually scary? Cause when troons try to act feminine it’s scary, when they think they’re being one of the girls their eyes bulge while they smile strangely wide it’s horrifying, and when they poorly imitate how they think a girl moves it’s terrifying. Maybe his crazy disconnected from reality brain might actually produce some really eerie shit that he didn’t intend to be considered the real horror presented in the film. It’s kinda like when cryptids, ghosts or aliens try to imitate, possess or study human beings and do it all wrong because there’s an earthly disconnect that we know in our brains
triggers something that isn’t right and doesn’t look right.
Pirate it though.
No. 1507201
>>1507196Funny how I always hear people shitting on J.K. Rowling over Fantastic Beasts, but not a peep about this violent moid who is similarly connected with the project.
And by 'funny' I mean 'depressingly fucking obvious and completely unsurprising'.
No. 1507223
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nightmare fuel
No. 1507225
>>1507065We have answered this question many, many, times. You just refuse to listen to us because tuning women out is how men are socialized.
The moment someone is born with a vagina, she is treated differently. Hell, the moment a baby is identified as female in the womb, she's treated differently. From that point on, she's socialized differently, and is subject to more restrictions on her behavior and ambitions, which varies depending on where she lives. Even in "first world" countries like the United States, girls are raised with implicit biases that negatively effect their performance in subjects like math and hard sciences. Because women are socialized to be conciliatory, we struggle to succeed in competitive work environments that favor male dog-eat-dog socialization. This is part of why even traditionally "feminine" professions like fashion and culinary arts are still overwhelmingly male, the other part being that in most cultures, women don't have the luxury of dedicating themselves 100% to their careers like men do. Even career women who don't get pregnant or have kids still get saddled with the majority of "domestic" tasks like caring for elderly relatives, housework, etc. This isn't because we have "lady brains" or whatever crap trannies are pushing– it's because that's how patriarchal cultures raise people born with vaginas. That's why FtMs are such doormats and MtFs are so aggressive, why the wealthiest trannies were all born male, why MtFs are more visible in media, why all the famous tranny athletes are MtFs, etc. It's all thanks to male privilege and socialization, which doesn't go away no matter how much horse piss you take or surgery you get.
And all of that is before you even get into reproductive rights. Sex-based oppression is caused by sex, but its mechanisms do not always directly pertain to reproduction. Males don't have to deal with FGM (don't you dare try to compare sawing a girl's whole vulva off to circumcision you fucking MRAs), having their reproductive rights stolen away, being forced to carry their rapist's baby to term, getting misdiagnosed on everything because doctors historically only studied male symptoms, being child brides, etc. I could go on forever.
TL;DR: of course you don't believe in sex-based oppression– as a male, you aren't just exempt from it, you enforce it.
No. 1507233
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yes this thing writes for a tech magazine and loves cisbian bdsm porn how could you tell
No. 1507259
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God, where to even start with this shit? I LOVE the fact that they suddenly care about a woman being in the wrong-sex space now that it's convenient for them. This woman is how ALL female inmates feel when they're forced to share facilities with males. It doesn't matter if they have bolt-ons or horomes.
And in any case, if trannies weren't constantly trying to force themselves into womens' prisons, this wouldn't have happened in the first place. You're are the reason why this retarded prison viewed this woman's medication as a red flag.
What the hell is this logic, anyway? A shitty, racist doctor wasn't following procedure, therefore prisons shouldn't be sex-segregated? Are we just going to conveniently ignore the fact that the majority of trannies in prison are sex offenders? This is literally the only case I've ever heard of where a cis woman was mistaken for a tranny and put in a men's prison. However, there are many, MANY cases of women being raped in prison by trannies.
Also yeah, I do like hurting trans people, because they're selfish narcissists who hurt their family members, friends, spouses, lovers, etc. Every time I read a story about a tranny going mask-off right after his wife gets pregnant, I want to hurt you assholes all the more. Seethe.
No. 1507263
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So much mind gymnastics to guilt people into fucking you
No. 1507265
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I wanna a-log so hard right now, shit like this doesn't fucking happen.
No. 1507314
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No. 1507327
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Aren't troons like I played with dolls and liked pink at 5 years old IM TRANS!!!
So which is it?
No. 1507340
File: 1650500936295.jpg (635.44 KB, 1350x2048, FQkpAaYVkAErmUh.jpg)

where's those hrt curves you claim to have had dude
No. 1507341
File: 1650501033256.png (1.24 MB, 1497x1575, spot the difference.png)

both ugly men with moobs
No. 1507356
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this lovely creature hits so many checkboxes: 26, autistic, senior software engineer at faangs, making 500k a year but still begging for attention on reddit thinking he's cute with that dry-ass musty hair
No. 1507369
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They’ve figured out death and rape threats show the world who they really are.
They’re finding ways to tone it down while still being utterly male brained and threatening
No. 1507405
>>1507374according to his reddit profile he skipped college and landed a higher up role at microsoft than he should have really young
you can scroll through his posts and watch the journey from teehee I'm just an enby ruined by latin machismo culture to cOoL tRanS gUrL
No. 1507420
That’s hilarious, glad others don’t like it either it was so stupid and unnecessary and will just be used for shits and giggles
No. 1507426
>>1507424it’s just embarrassing
they both have tits too if you’re on apple
is it a butch woman or ftm or never mind i’m not catering to the madness lmao
No. 1507472
File: 1650511511984.png (Spoiler Image,834.35 KB, 1296x957, nsfl.png)

y'all remember the disgusting public restroom nudist?
No. 1507474
>>1507065sounds to me like they're agreeing that they never experience misogyny if the only form they're aware of is lack of reproductive rights kek they're not even educated on our struggle but they try to co-opt it anyway
unless I'm reading this wrong and the point was something along the lines of "trans women face all the same misogyny as women except reproductive harm so we're equal to infertile women uwu" which is like no ??
No. 1507503
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>>1507200NTA but they're talking about the director of the movie, the main character is played by an actual teen girl. I really wanted to see it too though, it's scored by Alex G and the trailer seemed kind of creepypasta/ ARG inspired without being cringe. so much for the not being cringe part lol
No. 1507510
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No. 1507538
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these days handmaidens piss me off almost as much as the troons do. it’s one thing to see men embarrass themselves, at least i can laugh at them, but when a woman does it…. it’s just sad
No. 1507609
>>1507541yes nonna; and the baby girls being subjected to female genital mutilation, the little girls being sold off into sex slavery, all the girls abducted, abused, and murdered at the hands of men every single day, etc.
so glad to hear this troon has cleared up that those atrocities have nothing to do with patriarchal sex-based oppression whatsoever. us silly women, what could we ever know about sexism and oppression? let's all shut up and let the man talk over us since our lived experiences don't mean shit.
No. 1507666
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No. 1507670
>>1507666What the fuck, that doesn't even make sense.
He just wants an excuse to leave his wife.
No. 1507696
>>1507666this sounds like the wife is making it up as an excuse to leave him as soon as he starts transitioning kek "the third doctor said the same thing, you just can't start hrt or i could die"
>>1507686based kikomi anon
No. 1507697
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No. 1507733
>>1507583>>1507605>>1507201Not to spoil anything but the movie is explicitly super gay in a way that's plot relevant, especially for a high budget, mainstream Hollywood movie, and people on the bird app are complaining that it doesn't count because she's a
TERF and some lines were removed from the movie in some homophobic Asian countries, as if she had any control over that. They're the same people who stan Nicki Minaj for her shit music or wife beater actors and directors so you just know their opinions are worthless.
No. 1507739
>>1507727I think he’s trying to say:
“Cis women are being sexual harassers, they think it’s okay. TERFs told them that their “cis womanly innocence” allows them to “feminise” patriarchal behaviour”.
Essentially, more word salad where they toss together buzz words. It’s TERFs fault that some women are so pornified that they think they have a free pass to sexually assault men. More evidence that some people have zero idea what radical feminist ideas are.
Like… you’ve groomed women to be overly sexual and be sExUaLly LibErAtEd and now you don’t like it. He’d be twice as pissed if a man grabbed his crotch because they’re all homophobic too. But any reason to throw another shoe in the
terf direction.
No. 1507745
>>1507733Wait, I forgot to add, but I often see people saying they don't want to watch FB3 because they don't want to support JKR the
terf, but they're also disappointed that Johnny Depp was replaced by a much better actor. So they're not ok with a woman saying men shouldn't be in women's shelters, changing rooms, restrooms, etc. because they could abuse vulnerable women, but they're ok with a drug addict who's accused of beating his wife? Hey, actually that's consistent.
No. 1507756
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I think we are getting a full blown troon arc from Oli London
No. 1507757
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i believe they call that "doping"
No. 1507767
File: 1650547329819.png (60.94 KB, 993x557, troon church.png)

yesterday someone in r/mtf posted about starting a trans-friendly religion. looks like they've got their own subreddit now. a church for chopping up mentally ill minors- what could possibly go wrong?
No. 1507806
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>>1507538Oh wow, she must be the spokesperson for every woman and troon on earth. And I’m sure this brave and stunning man she is defending experiences all the same sex-based oppression as women who can’t get pregnant, who are exactly like him of course. Because we all know women who are infertile or have had hysterectomies are basically men.
No. 1507814
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>>1507767Oh yeah, here are the tenets of the religion, which I’m sure don’t apply to anyone who doesn’t share their belief system, as with most religions. I don’t think these would fly if a lesbian
terf wanted to join.
No. 1507887
>>1507767>>1507814iirc, they're starting the religion so they could say that certain anti trans stuff is against their religion in order to get it overturned.
>The inherent right to receive affirming medical careThe government will never recognize this kek
No. 1507899
>>1507756it's funny that the troons and handmaidens seething over his "not
valid" existence still have no choice but to accept him as a
valid transwoman
No. 1507906
>>1506986trannies hate bisexuals because bisexuals remind them they will always be seen as what they actually are - men. note, though, how this HSTS is all nice about it because the tweet is in reference to male bisexuals, whereas the AGPs who talk about those nasty evil bisexuals not ‘validating’ them are usually verbally
abusive because the
victims are bisexual women.
No. 1507921
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>>1507756It's only a matter of time. Reminds me of this guy
No. 1507943
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Excuse the weird crop this isnt my screenshot
But imagine trying to justify putting on your sisters bra and panties and blaming HER for being weird??
No. 1507958
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No. 1507960
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this one looks dead inside. I’ll give him 3 months max til he joins the 41%
No. 1507962
>>1507943These perverts despise us so much. It's why they're foaming at the mouth over any chance to violently and sexually threaten alleged TERFs over the most minor things.
I'm glad his poor sister is going to live abroad so she can get away from this freak who thinks he has the right to wear her underwear.
No. 1507985
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No. 1507990
>>1507933She's like that Farrah guy, the one who used to have a big dick and black out eyes? He was really into body mods but gay. Eventually he chopped his dick off.
It's just the next step for these people addicted to surgery/body mods. Everyone should eventually expect every one of these types to end up troons. They think attempting to change your gender is the biggest body mod of them all. Until they get bored and tried to reverse everything.
I feel like she's going to get her boobs removed and may actually even try to get a fake dick, then when that doesn't scratch the itch, she'll try to reverse everything.
No. 1508032
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No. 1508059
File: 1650571417171.jpeg (399.18 KB, 1536x2048, 90CB63AA-985A-44C8-B036-F095A5…)

early signs of male pattern baldness detected
No. 1508083
File: 1650573405733.png (240.57 KB, 1730x1636, Untitled.png)

Dream on, $100,000 and you'll still look like a hideous ogre in drag.
No. 1508092
File: 1650574096682.jpeg (551.45 KB, 1170x1496, 5C18B78A-10B9-4493-BD98-92C928…)

Literally no butch/GNC woman I’ve known ever thought this kind of shit. You’re just a crazy tranny.
No. 1508112
>>1507752They're actually complaining that it's not gay enough because of a misunderstanding about how China censored the movie and because if it's only implied in the last book instead of explicit to begin with it's not enough and doesn't count, especially since it's now obvious in a movie released 15 years after the infamous interview. Here's the thing though: these people most likely never read the books and only watched the movies so they missed a lot of information and subtext, JKR isn't gonna make China change their homophobic laws all by herself just because of her new movie, and I'm 100% sure China only removed 6 seconds and 2 lines from the movie and left all the subtext because it's impossible to remove all the subtext when the two main actors look at each other like they're about to make out as soon as they're on-screen together, and most importantly they don't get that you can be an LGB ally and not give a fuck about trannies. I've seen actual gay and bi guys (only guys obviously) saying they're boycotting everything HP in support of trannies because I guess they relate way more to fellow fags who just happen to wear dressed than to actual women, obviously.
>>1507875In that case, I'll give you a comparison: you know how Disney will say they're finally introducing their first LGBT representation in their new movie every year and it's a pointless background character holding hands with a same sex character for 2 seconds in a crowd very far away from the camera at best? And troons complain about it not being proper gay rep? FB3 is actually what everyone has been asking for but since it's JKR who's doing this they're still complaining ans saying it doesn't count kek
No. 1508116
>>1508105Wrong about him making himself look bad or that people will stop defending him? Idk man it'll be hard to defend someone who texts his buddy that he wants to fuck his wife's burnt corpse to make sure she's dead.
In regards to JK Rowling, I bet trannies are gonna melt down when there are only two gender options in the new game kek.
No. 1508121
>>1508116>In regards to JK Rowling, I bet trannies are gonna melt down when there are only two gender options in the new game kek.People say she had nothing to do with the game, but I don't believe. I don't think JKR would allow a bunch of rando game devs to do whatever they wanted with her world.
I bet she at least reviewed what they did to make sure it didn't conflict with her vision. But it would be incredibly hilarious if it came out she was directly involved in writing the plot, helping with character/world design, etc.
No. 1508123
File: 1650575623948.png (Spoiler Image,237.09 KB, 723x753, Screenshot (65).png)

>>1508116spoilered for ot, pls don't ban me kek
>Idk man it'll be hard to defend someone who texts his buddy that he wants to fuck his wife's burnt corpse to make sure she's dead.oh yes they do No. 1508124
File: 1650575650265.png (Spoiler Image,1.83 MB, 1310x1582, QOLNHVSWER34.png)

How can you have such a fragile ego while looking like this?
No. 1508140
>>1508125Thanks for answering for me, but don't forget
the entire restaurant scene with Grindelwald asking Dumbledore if that's where he has his "regular haunts" or whatever he calls it, Dumbledore says no and Grindelwald gets all giddy and flirts with him and shit because his ex basically said he hasn't been hooking up with other guys ever since they broke up. Then there's a rumor from a trustworthy source about a deleted scene still at the restaurant, Grindelwald whispers something in his ear and kisses Dumbledore's neck before shit talking him and leaving. But yeah, I laughed so hard when Dumbledore compared their relationship to his little brother getting his gf pregnant, you can't get more blatant than that. And Grindelwald looked so lost after being friendzoned at the end. tldr; I've read explicit fics and R18 BL manga that were less gay than that shit.
No. 1508154
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>>1507933She looks like she modeled herself after the art of Dennis Reynolds
So not a man but definitely a coomer
No. 1508218
File: 1650582445022.png (413.92 KB, 1600x1368, OPQMNTRD1209.png)

Oh, the schadenfreude.
No. 1508238
>>1508226It’s sad and hilarious that trooning out with SRS consigns a man to a life of being a dickless butt-boy - and our tax dollars are paying for it! 20 years from now, when being trans is no longer trendy (and it’s back to being seen as the mental illness that it is), our society will have an entire class of beta males (at least the ones who don’t end up in the 41%).
Troonism is the commodification (and global exportation of) the culture spawned on Tumblr.
No. 1508240
File: 1650584115523.jpeg (657.74 KB, 3065x2742, CAD08B95-EEB6-48B6-A48E-9C15DB…)

>>1508032This is what he looks like, kek as if anyone couldn’t tell even with all of the clown makeup
No. 1508310
>>1508229because men's idea of pussy is as limited as thinking it's just some magic hole. they didn't care about women's pleasure at all as men so they remain ignorant about all the nerve endings, erogenous zones, and sensitivities associated with the vulva and vaginal muscles.
>>1507985oh and because of the deliberate spread of disinformation like this. not only are online echo chambers peer pressuring and manipulating vulnerable, mentally unstable men into castrating themselves, money-hungry doctors are also overselling their medical capabilities. I honestly am tinfoiling if there are AGP trolls or something who get off on convincing other moids to mutilate themselves with SRS.
No. 1508329
File: 1650592618618.png (1.6 MB, 1420x1644, F039L2134DSA.png)

Today in psychotic first world problems.
No. 1508364
File: 1650595802835.jpeg (215.43 KB, 1125x686, 9DF27C0B-294C-4E7A-86E3-064A3B…)

What the flying fuck
No. 1508366
Oh, you know.
Sick fuck.
No. 1508370
>>1508092 if I am correct these tweets are a continuation of other tweets I came across in the wild about how women who were bookish or nerdy as kids don't fall under the definition of tomboy and are "stealing" from them which is hilarious considering this is a male. You were not a "tomboy" troon. You were just a regular lad.
Being a GNC woman on the nerdier side and still being segregated from other girls when I was a kid because of that (third world-chan where gender roles are super strict) I need to lift a prayer not to a-log on this piece of shit. The ones that try to appropriate being GNC have my blood boil the worst like those fucking tran "butches"
No. 1508382
>>1508310Didn't 4chan have a grooming circle purely to persuade incels there to take hormones run by AGPs? I remember old milk about that, I think on KF, but only vaguely. It was on boards where vulnerable isolated autistic males would lurk like /pol/, /a/, /v/, etc with the whole "become the gf" rhetoric and they had a whole discord server to coordinate making or derailing threads for that.
Either way considering the shit that gets reposted from /tttt/ I thought this was a given. They're sick.
No. 1508385
>>1508364this is how it starts, eventually they'll be trying to lobby for women in comas, late stage cancer, etc to get their wombs harvested for peak AGP roleplay
and I can already envision all the thinkpieces about the virtues of giving your womb up
No. 1508393
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>>1508387This deranged shit.
No. 1508406
File: 1650597869249.jpg (546.61 KB, 1590x1981, 9fb83fbb-56f8-5823-ac32-e05d63…)

>trans women have the same breast tissue as cis gals
No. 1508409
File: 1650598178398.jpeg (916.72 KB, 1125x1777, 26F5A23E-E3A8-4E32-86A9-62A8EE…)

>>1508397There are posts all over r/TransDIY about this Otokonoko Pharmaceuticals. It seems so sketchy to me, imagine being such a desperate LARPer you inject yourself with something which provenance you hardly know anything about. Picrel is their packaging.
No. 1508418
File: 1650598813971.jpg (592.37 KB, 810x1867, Screenshot_20220421-233856_Boo…)

>>1508406He almost gets it kek.
No. 1508426
File: 1650599263970.jpg (414.84 KB, 1536x2048, EvtCRatWQAM_UUh.jpg)

>>1508409Well at least somebody found a way to potentially grift troons while looking like a good guy. Just slap anime girls on it and it's a-ok. From what I've gathered this seller had been banned by PayPal three times so now they only accept crypto and bank transfers (and yes the person running it is a troon who supposedly has a medical degree).
Picrel is the top of the box. Barf.
No. 1508428
>>1508409holy fuck, I had no idea it was so widely used all I knew was the packaging, brand name and the website being sketchy as fuck. Trannies really will do anything, health or risk of death be damned, for the coom and then cry and whine and think of medical malpractice suits when it backfires and their integrity is compromised.
>>1508418How did we let a bunch of malignant narcissist attention whores get so much power? It's mind numbing. If a substantial percentage of normies feel this way and treat them like the liability they are because they're mentally unstable, to the point trannies themselves notice the shift in attitude, why the fuck does no one stand their ground against them when so many of them are obviously delusional? Why is the pendulum taking so long to swing back? Absolute hell world
No. 1508434
>>1508428>How did we let a bunch of malignant narcissist attention whores get so much power?I think that's just what anyone who wants power is.
>why the fuck does no one stand their ground against them when so many of them are obviously delusional? Why is the pendulum taking so long to swing back?$$$$$$$$$
No. 1508435
>>1508431These are old pics,
nonnie. People online already found them and cracked down on them. I think it was some Brazilian chem student.
No. 1508439
>>1508393funny that this is using pictures of women, and not men. they know that they'll always look male, and can't find photo examples of their own moid sex that fit their "aesthetic".
>eat more semenit's hard to tell if this is serious or a troll. he's telling moids to drink their semen.
No. 1508442
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No. 1508468
File: 1650603557578.jpg (176.6 KB, 1080x1524, IMG_20220421_235633.jpg)

His face is so punchable
No. 1508477
File: 1650604427561.jpg (335.18 KB, 1080x1311, Screenshot_20220422-151005__01…)

Has anyone else seen that smug gaggle of Melbourne troons that are peddling mental illness to impressionable young normies @babifairy @Ajclementine @grace.hylandd? All they do is perpetuate misinformation and exclusively hang with other troons whilst looking rich and satisfying their exhibitionist fetish on their young audience every chance they get. Especially Aj if you watch his reels he can't stop talking about his axe wound, boyfriend, or his axe wound and boyfriend in conjunction. Aside from that the level of delusional retards surrounding this group is astounding, and the amount of endorsement they receive from mainstream brands is even scary (they threw one of the trannies on tv for ass pats just because his dad was on home and away years ago kek).
No. 1508479
File: 1650604494257.jpg (75.36 KB, 1080x320, Screenshot_20220422-143224__01…)

>>1508477Samefag but their entire comment sections are filled with absolute gems like this
No. 1508487
File: 1650604840618.webm (1.32 MB, 608x1080, Spirited_Stick_5093.webm)
>>1508124Congrats on sounding completely unintelligible.
No. 1508489
>>1508486Me too
nonnie, me too
No. 1508513
File: 1650606926582.webm (357.3 KB, 720x980, Bussy.webm)
>>1508500Brothels have always existed here as far as I'm aware, not sure if they were previously turning a blind eye or what
Speaking of Melbourne troonery
>Hello non-binary teen audience I am in fact a tranny with a totally hetero boyfriend who I am of course sexually active with!!! No. 1508585
File: 1650613758930.png (82.97 KB, 1480x392, Screenshot 2022-04-22.png)

Apparently on May 11 there's going to be a shitshow on troon subreddits.
No. 1508605
File: 1650617366913.png (94.39 KB, 720x805, FQ7e5iOWQAA9POM.png)

Sometimes I see terf accounts on twitter post things like this as an example of TRAs insanity, but this is so obviously troll bait
No. 1508608
File: 1650618009835.jpg (55.2 KB, 750x742, EFgfYtCXYAMHTVs.jpg)

>>1508406>Kinda like a middle aged man's torso with new boobs that grew off itHoly kek im dying I deceased this killed me
No. 1508614
File: 1650619281441.jpg (267.15 KB, 1440x2362, FQ6LN86XMAMULFM.jpg)

A post on trans reddit getting removed for being negative. Not cult like at all, not being allowed to show anything negative or wrong with the movement or the things you do within it
No. 1508619
File: 1650620995477.jpg (98.33 KB, 596x264, 20220422_103913.jpg)

If this moid had even an ounce of self-awareness, he'd realise that they're trying to groom young people into a cult that has retarded ideas about the world, too, although their ideas are arguably worse, because believing in an imaginary man in the sky doesn't require you to irreversibly mutilate your body chasing an impossible goal.
Also, look at those names. We make fun of how obvious and stereotypical names chosen by fakebois are, and we're hateful bigots mocking a vulnerable group, but this stunning and brave trans woman does it and it's fine? Hmm.
No. 1508621
File: 1650621088091.jpg (334.03 KB, 1112x1346, reddit moment.jpg)

Sage because this is a bit different, but jesus christ, gender shit is everywhere
No. 1508633
File: 1650622994496.jpeg (362.88 KB, 1242x1731, 6373B38F-A307-464C-A76E-52A906…)

Can’t help but feel like his tweet implies that he’s mad at Elon because the transgender agenda is indeed heavily pushed by spam bots/bot accounts… and if Elon were to remove them, the platform would no longer be their comfy echo chamber and conversations would return to something more realistic? Huh, that’s interesting.
No. 1508642
File: 1650625642056.jpg (306.89 KB, 1080x1850, FQH7bk8aQAIzxu-.jpg)

No. 1508669
File: 1650630642930.png (43.04 KB, 738x432, violet-kangaroo.png)

a furry mtf wants his coworkers to address him by "it/its" pronouns. most people are already a bit weirded out by troons and this is only going to make them flat-out hate him, kek.
No. 1508683
>>1508614I honestly never really understood what "
toxic positivity" meant until I saw troon communities. They don't just hate terfs and gender criticals, they hate their own kin unless they shut up about their problems and pretend everything is fine and dandy all the time.
This troon talking about complications could save another troons life, but they'd rather see their own dead than admit to being flawed.
No. 1508711
File: 1650637826971.jpeg (406.01 KB, 1125x1033, A60B8E47-6932-4D60-8093-EF2DE0…)

AGPs are such freaks, ffs.
No. 1508714
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No. 1508730
>>1508669I would never honor such a stupid request. You’re asking the entire company to bend over backward for you for the literally most eye-rolling thing in the world. I hope he was directed to HR who informed him that is is not reasonable at all.
>>1508711>>1508714Jesus fuck it means you’re a pervert. Not rocket science.
>>1508718Don’t forget choosing to play as male in games that are online so we don’t have to deal with their harassment and advances.
No. 1508734
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No. 1508739
File: 1650639730377.jpg (92.08 KB, 1080x453, Screenshot_2022-04-22-07-58-30…)

>>1508605Why censor his username?'m not 100 percent convinced this person is a troll. This sounds like something a TIM would say.
No. 1508776
File: 1650642922195.png (1.53 MB, 1062x1654, Screenshot_2022-04-22-10-49-45…)

>>1508734Yes and of course he follows Aggy.
No. 1508778
>>1508406holy cope, has he never been to a beach and seen all the women with actual real "distinctly female" boobs?
>44Cslol there's no way. I think a big problem with reddit troons in particular is that they use the r/abrathatfits sizing system which gives a significantly bigger cup size and smaller band size than classic measurements. So their C cup is what most people consider an A cup
No. 1508792
File: 1650645733424.jpeg (41.2 KB, 400x400, F6E952E5-7044-4C0E-B4D5-193F20…)

saw mlp/w4k crossover fanart and i immediately knew what the artist looked like
No. 1508796
File: 1650646257025.jpeg (348.97 KB, 1124x1706, 9460BBE7-5431-4017-8240-4156CA…)

If I were the sister, I’d be so revolted to see my tubbie trannie brother wearing my heels
No. 1508803
File: 1650647209332.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1170x1946, 58FABD13-F30F-47D1-9D4E-4E42BA…)

(a-log) you’re lucky i’m not your sister because i would have killed you by now(a-log)
No. 1508809
File: 1650647804022.jpeg (308.37 KB, 828x836, 6376D691-4657-4674-999E-78FD4B…)

>>1508805I think they mean this guy, the one they made the biopic abt a few years ago iirc.
No. 1508829
File: 1650650405736.png (3.78 MB, 1947x1907, rlewis2.png)

Undercover Troon breaks woman's homerun record in College Softball?
I'm bad to clocking troons, but I think Lewis is. What do you guys think.
I came across this article about Lewis breaking Northwestern's University home run Record for the softball team (softball teams are all female in US colleges) and this person just looks like a man, but it could be an unfortunate looking woman. This person's looks plus breaking a record in women's sports just scream troon to me.
Plus, the team's roster, linked below, says Lewis' batting average in high school as freshman and sophomore was .546! The wiki article below says no female college softball player has ever broken .500.
idk how to internet stalk people to find more info on this person.
Rachel Lewis is hitting softballs out of the park and into the record books Lewis Roster Record Division I softball career .400 batting average list No. 1508830
File: 1650650462129.jpg (90.62 KB, 600x469, elbrd.jpg)

>>1508809Yes, exactly, this is what I meant!
No. 1508842
File: 1650651596454.jpeg (820.33 KB, 1170x1240, AB29E842-A971-49CC-8831-048BF8…)

this is so embarrassing lmfao
No. 1508852
File: 1650652103240.jpg (582.63 KB, 1536x2048, DBAt6RWVoAAugk4.jpeg.jpg)

>>1508829She's probably just a lesbian, anon. Also it's extremely easy to find info about her online, but it's all wholly irrelevant since she's clearly a woman. I wish this tinfoiling about whether or not someone is a tranny would stop once and for all. It's insulting and embarrassing. Oh and her voice is clearly female so maybe that answers all your questions. No. 1508875
>>1508844>>1508858So, I guess none of you have heard of Stephanie Barrett? Trans woman who, at age 37, took up woman's archery and in four years, he equaled the Canadian womans record at the World Cup. None of the articles about him mentioned he was a troon and just acted like he was a woman. It didn't come out in the mainstream until kf doxed him as a troon and then Glinner picked it up. I said I was bad at spotting troons and internet stalkery, which is why I was asking. Also, Christine Mcconell, total troon, proof dug up by kf. Would I have pegged either of them as trannies? Nope.
So don't be acting like some troons don't try to go stealth and that no media will cooperate with them.
tl;dr fuck both of ya'll No. 1508898
File: 1650656817159.jpeg (794.82 KB, 1536x2048, FE7411E3-40B7-4F24-9166-675CF9…)

out of all the trash i had to spot first why did it have to be a vibrator
No. 1508899
File: 1650656887442.jpeg (Spoiler Image,409.55 KB, 1536x2048, EAE54E72-7D03-4E02-AE9B-223877…)

>>1508898same photoshoot. that tapestry ew.
No. 1508900
File: 1650656961607.jpg (Spoiler Image,316.81 KB, 1112x2048, a7DX8w2.jpg)

NSFW frankenhole. At least this one knows it’s bad
No. 1508901
File: 1650657006332.jpg (Spoiler Image,185.13 KB, 1121x2048, NGsoui9.jpg)

Samefag forgot to attach the from view NSFW
No. 1508937
>>1508901Idk why he’s complaining, this is actually one of the better ones I’ve seen. There’s no pus or necrotic tissue.
>>1508406It’s so weird that he thinks wearing a padded/push-up bra is “cheating,” because it implies having boobs is some kind of competition.
No. 1508938
File: 1650659880777.png (423.48 KB, 851x1486,…)

Poor woman
No. 1508958
>>1508938Honestly I hate to
victim blame or whatever but she's a retard for marrying a man she already knew was a sissy porn addict. She had plenty of chances to back out and should have gotten the marriage annulled when he started wearing her lingerie. Instead she indulged in it and let him impregnate her. I feel very sorry for the child though.
No. 1508961
File: 1650661295820.png (4.28 MB, 2386x1411, Picsart_22-04-22_17-00-11-888.…)

yeah ok sir…
No. 1508975
File: 1650662206964.png (59.23 KB, 738x527, sex and gender.png)

i know they've been doing this for a while, but here's another example of a troon conflating sex with gender. but "nobody's saying this!!!"
No. 1508988
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No. 1508992
File: 1650663181972.jpg (119.12 KB, 960x1280, 20220422_143237.jpg)

>>1508842I had to block this specimen because some artists I follow are mutuals with him. Each selfie he posts is radiating with unwashed perversion.
No. 1509032
File: 1650667131338.jpg (180.99 KB, 1200x1123, 5e6415027719dimage.jpg)

>>1508938this reads exactly like one of those abuse cycle charts (picrel). especially when the scrote turned around and pretended to not be into his fetish anymore up until he knocked her up and fully trapped her.
that situation is genuinely horrifying. I hope the woman finds help and leaves safely with her kid.
No. 1509038
File: 1650667940257.png (84.42 KB, 1169x537, 1.png)

based lil sisters
No. 1509042
>>1509038>I don't even look like a boy anymoreEven children can tell you're a man.
>What can I actually do about this?Nothing.
No. 1509044
>>1509042even a
child's imagination cannot see him as a woman kek
No. 1509102
File: 1650675568315.jpg (377.17 KB, 720x1424, 194710_Chrome.jpg)

I wonder what could have caused this? Hmmm…
No. 1509108
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>>1508938They're a cancer. The troon brigade.
No. 1509131
File: 1650678699146.webm (1.25 MB, 576x1024, download.webm)
No. 1509134
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>>1509099this was posted by @madisonwerner on IG and it's him and @dylanmulvaney in the pics.
thank god we have these men to teach us about the unique struggles of womanhood!!!
No. 1509161
File: 1650681987010.jpg (35.02 KB, 736x229, KEK.JPG)

>>1508418this is so accurate KEK
No. 1509167
File: 1650682418695.png (2.88 MB, 1014x1606, BRAVESTUNNINGWOMYN.png)

When ur more brave than stunning.
No. 1509184
File: 1650684193815.png (261.92 KB, 2046x2830, lesbianchasers.png)

Lesbian "chasers." Could they cope any harder: No. 1509197
File: 1650686407396.png (38.94 KB, 1212x154, Screenshot 2022-04-22 at 20-55…)

>>1509184Even when larping as women TIMs won't stop using mra talking points
No. 1509209
File: 1650687196886.jpg (303.63 KB, 1080x2144, Screenshot_2022-04-23-12-07-06…)

>>1509131Those comments - I wish all women were as transphobic as black women lol. Anyway I found this tranny in the comments trying to insult women by telling them they have "hand-me-down gender"
No. 1509219
File: 1650688820622.png (5.45 KB, 488x100, Sin título.png)

>>1509209>I wish all women were as transphobic as black women lol.We are, but then our fight is called "white feminism" (I'm not even white myself) by leftist retards.
No. 1509254
File: 1650694948572.png (174.81 KB, 2240x860, ofvohvf.png)

transed male prisioner identifies as a baby
No. 1509260
File: 1650695801372.png (109.3 KB, 2046x1140, lesbianchasers02.png)

>>1509184Part 2: Men pretending to be lesbians to chase TIMs kek.
No. 1509270
File: 1650696672278.jpeg (63.9 KB, 735x435, 783669F9-422D-47DB-A53B-D4ECD8…)

Could you imagine the media storm that would happen if it came out this dude was a diddler
No. 1509289
File: 1650700368638.png (67.67 KB, 486x401, keffalsisaman.png)

genuinely love when he/troons tweet shit like this because it continues to peak all the real girls
No. 1509291
>>1509222I was literally just wondering this. When I tried to look it was all about trans
victims. I imagine no one is allowed to speak about the reverse (except JK, based).
No. 1509305
File: 1650704019942.png (102.66 KB, 661x387, chud phrenology.png)

>>1509289why does this man resemble the chud meme so faithfully
No. 1509306
>>1509203"Getting fucked like a woman" is just being penetrated without an orgasm, not sure why they want that so bad /s
I'm so tired nonnies. Glad you're here to talk sense with because I'd go insane otherwise.
No. 1509308
File: 1650705118554.jpeg (179.54 KB, 1536x2048, FQygIxpUcAIU250.jpeg)

No. 1509330
File: 1650710962523.webm (6.44 MB, 1080x602, Screen_Recording_20220423-0338…)
Tranny accidentally turns off filter.
No. 1509337
File: 1650711341051.webm (9.15 MB, 576x1024, download.webm)
>>1509131based reply from the lady. Tranny is backtracking hard, he never specified artificial wombs. It was very clear what he was trying to say. And hysterectomies have many side effects. Also kek at the i was pretending to be retarded to catch you transphobe!!1.
No. 1509346
File: 1650712585701.jpeg (86.31 KB, 1080x629, FQtAemeXoAciHA1.jpeg)

recently there's lots of discussion about "what's a woman?" on german twitter and most troons and handmaidens just straight up call you nazi instead of terf which is pretty much the worst label you could get and obviously totally silences women.
i feel like most euro countries who look up to the us immediately jumped to mra and tranny rights before even talking about normal feminism
No. 1509355
>>1509346That happened here in Eastern Europe. Like it made you extremely unpopular to call yourself a feminist here 20 years ago and it still can be a controversial thing, not to mention gay rights. But troons are the real
victims because they can't falsify their sex on their documents leading back to their birth certificate.
No. 1509357
File: 1650713230599.png (69.8 KB, 779x294, Screenshot 2022-04-23 12.19.49…)

There's a focus-grouped 'black trans girl' character in the Netflix Heartstopper series, despite the setting being a UK secondary school outside of any major metropolitan area. The actor doesn't pass at all. Funnier yet is the insistence of Autostraddle moid Drew Gregory that it would have been 'revolutionary' for him to have a 'cis lesbian' love interest. Who's going to tell them that no amount of 'media representation' will convince lesbians to fuck males kek
No. 1509381
>>1509368>>1509346Because troons as generally extremely wealthy males and with the violent ape brains to silence others have enough financial and cultural clout to make it happen anywhere. And many scumbags all over the world sympathize with their plight.
Any incel with an axe to grind against women can become a troon and be allowed to do whatever.
No. 1509400
>>1508773Probably this
>>1508752 but ironic if it's because of Lilith because she's the ultimate
TERF. She fought with Adam on equal terms and insisted on being his equal where neither would relent. She got so sick of the insufferable moid she left paradise just so she didn't have to deal with the scrote and was cursed to eat her own children because fuck dem kids.
No. 1509422
File: 1650724681183.png (684.79 KB, 971x928, Screenshot 2022-04-23 .png)

No. 1509429
File: 1650725351251.jpg (138.77 KB, 1080x838, FQ-samMXwAEF9Tp.jpg)

How mature
No. 1509433
File: 1650725578819.jpg (112.01 KB, 1080x1144, FQ-sa6HX0AcBIFX.jpg)

>>1509429Here this moid is in all his beautiful stunning
valid glory
No. 1509451
File: 1650727937633.png (11.54 KB, 766x236, Broke and tired (@OpheliaRisen…)

>>1509429>born 1996he looks like he's in his 40's
No. 1509453
File: 1650728075335.png (21.26 KB, 760x160, Broke and tired (@OpheliaRisen…)

What does feeling like a girl entail and how would they know what being a girl feels like?
No. 1509455
File: 1650728260657.png (66.9 KB, 811x818, Erin Reed on Twitter.png)

Anthony you were married to a actual women before you trooned out
No. 1509459
File: 1650728778663.png (36.17 KB, 748x329, Quote Tweets _ Twitter.png)

a doctor of nonsense
No. 1509463
File: 1650729564866.jpg (102.34 KB, 1079x1267, FQxgp6IWQAkCRlS.jpg)

No. 1509468
File: 1650729837133.png (60.24 KB, 845x411, not my nigel.png)

>>1509386>>1509461>>1509443forgive me if this is the joke and it's gone over my head or if it's just a coincidence he is called Nigel. see picrel
No. 1509481
>>1509463>project them from harmwtf? I'm not a personal bodyguard. Like troons are fucking better than everyone else. Above the rules of biology and general social interaction.
>>trans, non-binary and gender questioning studentsSo what's the point of calling it a women's bathroom? If trans men and women and enbies and gender-undefined/confused people can enter doesn't it just it a tranny sanctuary (a tranctuary if you will). I bet that sign is not on the mens bathroom.
>plymouthSo much for what trannies call
terf island kek
No. 1509486
>>1508112>if it's only implied in the last book instead of explicit to begin with it's not enough and doesn't countPeople keep ignoring that until 2003, when Order of the Phoenix was published, “promotion of homosexuality” in media was
legally prohibited in the UK as per Section 28. I don’t know if JKR personally would have gotten in legal trouble as an author but if she’d portrayed Dumbledore as gay in the earlier books that would have gotten the Harry Potter series
banned from schools.
No. 1509496
File: 1650732507677.jpg (126.13 KB, 720x931, IMG_20220422_150959_460~2.jpg)

>>1509475>>1509469you will let this feminine dainty girl barge into the women's bathroom screeching "omgaaaaawsh the girl's room is so much nicer than ours - i mean men's - yaaas queen do you need a tampon??" and you will like it.
No. 1509501
File: 1650733042183.png (20.13 KB, 1087x196, Since prostate is moved in fro…)

No. 1509504
File: 1650733231499.jpg (Spoiler Image,27.78 KB, 320x427, qp404fdqptu81.jpg)

why is it so dark compared to the rest of his body?
No. 1509510
>>1509337Every single one of his videos is him seething over "cis" women. Every. single. one.
I give it 2 years before he kills himself
No. 1509515
>>1509504Sometimes a man’s precious jewels are darker than the rest of his skin. This ranges from barely noticeable to very noticeable. It’s normal and happens with women too. Although given the fact that the man in question had his balls removed and his dick inverted in a sad attempt to replicate the appearance of a vulva, it could be bruising. Or necrosis. Or something else terrible.
t. I’ve seen genitals
No. 1509525
File: 1650734512475.jpg (1.26 MB, 1688x2251, 44z3cw9l0bv81.jpg)

r/mtfashion is a goldmine of atrociousness kek
No. 1509532
File: 1650734758423.png (632.45 KB, 465x955, sfgn.png)

No. 1509534
File: 1650734842426.png (608.34 KB, 419x700, xfgn.png)

This one got me HOWLING
No. 1509536
File: 1650734917916.jpg (1.45 MB, 1080x2190, aznn3vtxx1q81.jpg)

There's something very unnerving about this
No. 1509543
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>>1509536looks like those cheap halloween masks
No. 1509546
>>1509522I thought so but then it seemed like other people didn't get it. i'm retarded
>>1509524thanks nonna <3
No. 1509564
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>>1509525No woman would ever wear a casual androgynous outfit like that with the tallest stiletto heels. Like why
No. 1509581
>>1508975This nonsense will never stop until people realize all trans people are simply mentally ill and "being trans" has no basis in any physical reality.
They started by saying they were "mentally" female and that made them women, too.
They now claim that their sex is biologically female so they are women too, and they are more oppressed than real women. In fact they are oppressed BY real women!
They will literally not stop until they have fully replaced women and only males are
valid women, but we still have to be in their spaces so they can continue to abuse and oppress us as they see fit.
No. 1509584
File: 1650740209312.png (25.52 KB, 1096x245, STransphobes apparently mappin…)

the informed consent map Anthony did, (erin the tranny mom) is being review bombed by Gc's No. 1509587
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>20 year old
No. 1509594
>>1509131These perverts will never have uteruses, no matter how much they push that "science will get there eventually" because it's physically fucking impossible. They genuinely think they can just jam a uterus up a rot pocket and it will magically function. You will never be a women and you will never be a mother. Cope, seethe, dilate.
>>1509337This is such a pathetic, transparent back track because he was rightfully called out for being a misogynistic pos.
>>1509215Newfags fuck off. It's like you guys can't read for shit.
No. 1509599
File: 1650741631759.png (60.1 KB, 892x464, rjdrtyj.PNG) released a video 2 hours ago about making new covers for HP books, the troons are already seething lmaoo
No. 1509613
>>1509486>>1509499I'm not British but I've read about it specifically in the context of whether it was possible to make him gay explicitly in the books and from what I understand it would have been possible BUT the books wouldn't be available in libraries and schools which would have been counterproductive given that they're kids books, and then YA. But I never saw anyone mention any possible fines for JKR or the publishing company.
Dumbledore is pretty flamboyant in the books anyway and again, given how his old friends and brother talk about him in the last book during the wedding and in the last part, it's definitely there, just not obvious. Then there's the fact that we almost only see Harry's point of view anyway. It's people who only watched the movies and are media illiterate that think it's a retcon. You know, the type in literature classes in high school who wouldn't even understand the most basic metaphors in very easy assignments and who have no idea how novels, series and movies' scripts are written and how sometimes you have ideas that don't make it in the final product for a shit ton of reasons.
No. 1509622
File: 1650743344423.jpeg (161.9 KB, 1170x333, 4F7C74D6-28EE-4716-BB5D-D22B33…)

help i just wanted a tutor
No. 1509630
>>1509599The amount of comments that say “you had me at destroyed my HP books” is retarded. No one cares you purchased a book, given the author money, just so you could destroy them.
Guess all the porn and hormones really does destroy male intelligence
No. 1509633
>>1509630Destroying something you already paid for is dumb as fuck and doesn't prove anything. Kind of reminds me of this one anime girl who the author revealed wasn't a
virgin and tons of anime coomers destroyed all their figures/books/DVDs of the series.
No. 1509634
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No. 1509638
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>>1509631Samefag but here are some particularly annoying and disingenuous comments from the video. Talking in circles and using philosophical hypotheticals for a material issue. Postmodernism was a mistake
No. 1509645
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>>1509642Are you trying to say this isnt a petite little anime girl, transphobe??
No. 1509657
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Another lesbian event with a troon
No. 1509663
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>>1509638>what is a woman>why are you asking, are you some kind of a BIGOT?? RRREEEEThe trans movement is so exhausting and requires you to jump through so many fucking gymnastic loops constantly oh my god
No. 1509667
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No. 1509678
kryten in the front, hank hill in the back
No. 1509686
>>1509324Because she didn't want to get in a fight where he ends up screaming at her. Males can get shockingly loud when they want to and it is legitimately terrifying. She's an abuse
victim and it's common to stay in situations like that.
No. 1509701
>>1509631I love how if I just ignore this shit and say "an adult female" when asked what "woman" means, it stops mattering. That's all anyone has to do. Ignore the crazies, deliberately switch off when they try to talk at you, constantly forget their pronoun nonsense after a day or two and don't participate in their delusions one way or another. Society has gone wrong in listening to them, because none of this was ever concrete or well thought-out. It's just personal confusion being made into everyone else's problem coupled with emotional panhandling, but getting mad at them now only adds legitimacy to the whole thing. Obsessive people who fixate on something as fluid as "gender identity" all day shouldn't be taken seriously, the same way you don't give excessive thought to someone who has a hyperfixation on Sonic. Only other autists and dedicated caretakers actually pay attention. As an uninvolved person, you don't entertain them in depth, and you don't scold them. You just smile, say "Very nice, dear" or "Wow, that's awesome" and put them in a room with some clay, an all-ages game and kinetic sand they can play with. Simple as
No. 1509719
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>>1509638womanhood is a meme
No. 1509776
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>>1509719Biological women are a myth. Womanhood is a joke. We are all pawns, controlled by something greater: Trannies, the DNA of the soul.
No. 1509784
File: 1650753427523.png (600.1 KB, 1077x1303, Screenshot_20220423-183517.png)

Jessie Gender accidentally made a memeable image of himself. Also, holy shit, I didn't realise his body was that muscular.
No. 1509835
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I hate TIFs just as much as TIMs. They literally shit every female group with their retardation and groveling to males. All the replies are like, “I, MTF, wouldn’t want to attend this group. they should change the name and purpose so that I could”. It’s NOT FOR YOU. This is how resources for women get smaller and smaller.
No. 1509867
File: 1650759517631.png (500.52 KB, 1809x2125, Untitled.png)

Troon starts skinwalking his friend, threatens suicide when she doesn't want to move in with him.
No. 1509879
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terf in the comments section
No. 1509881
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Additional dumb tranny that can't ratio a woman on a video catering to trannies
No. 1509901
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>>1509879The poster of the video owning himself by saying he doesn't know why he wants to be seen as a woman.
No. 1509904
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>>1509357i actually thought the actor passed somewhat decently in the show (probably because he was wearing a baggy school uniform and coat for most of his scenes. also his voice was quite feminine sounding) but i saw some photos of him outside of the show and he looks like the man he is
No. 1509905
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his friend is right tho
No. 1509908
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>>1509904more natural looking make up makes him look less male ironically enough
No. 1509920
>>1509914I would cape like a pathetic handmaiden on social media for troons. When I would argue with people I'd say "They know they were born biologically male! It's a matter of how they want to be treated socially and the gender norms they want to represent!" Not only was that retarded if true, troons DO NOT THINK THAT. Gotta kek that when I was a handmaiden, I would have been called a
TERF anyways. I would have been confused as hell if a tranny came in and said "WE ARE BIOLOGICALLY FEMALE" and gave me female brain shit. I would have deserved the wake up call.
No. 1509930
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ratio troon deleted this tweet
No. 1509931
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They cannot be this stupid.
No. 1509936
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>>1509525What an exhibitionistic creep!
No. 1509978
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No. 1509983
>>1509919>>1509941If not being biologically female, aka really a woman and not a man playing pretend, means the trans identifying man does not get what he wants (like the opportunity to more easily perv on women undressing and vulnrable ala the bathroom issue), then they claim they are biologically female. It is not they believe it to be true, but believe people recognising the difference between them and real women means they do not get what they want, which is why the rules on what is troonsphobic constantly changes, they still don't get what they want (like lesbians fucking them), so they think it is because they still have something that people note means they are different from real women, so this must be denied or claimed that they too have it just like real women. It is not about belief but what they want. This is why the changed from claiming sex and gender are different, to claiming they are the same. Recognising sex and gender as different things (even though I believe they are the same, sex and gender are used commonly interchangably and when people mean the troon version of gender they actually mean sex based stereotypes and cultural expectations unrelated to biological sex) means they could be denied access to sex-segregated spaces like bathrooms and sports.
No. 1509993
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>>1509905>>1509941I'm constantly baffled by the absurd lengths these fucking weirdos go to in order to maintain their delusions
No. 1510000
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Holy fuck I hate this woman. She’s Lindsay Ellis’ replacement and comes from a wealthy Chinese family.
No. 1510010
>>1510000Wow, fuck off. Yeah it's totally not because this troon was a mentally fucked individual who had problems that he wasn't getting properly treated for. Like seriously, offing yourself over a video game that you don't even have to play or a book series you don't even have to read.
I hate sounding like an ass but I can't stand the manipulation of these people.
No. 1510017
>>1510011He raped his mom with his
princess wand which is definitely not a penis.
No. 1510026
File: 1650771635580.png (258.25 KB, 795x758, egg irl accidentally.PNG)

so… they admit it? surgery and hormones do not make you the opposite gender?
No. 1510029
>>1510000>heSo it was a teenage girl, who they are now using as an excuse to shill the
internet comments are violence meme because heaven forbid someone remind them of science and biology for a moment. They create a boogeyman of
TERF haters when they're the only people perpetually threatening violence. Funny how transmen are only wheeled out when it suits their narrative, most of the time all the screeching is by and about transwomen (aka men) while the transmen keep to themselves.
No. 1510030
File: 1650771845160.png (1.96 MB, 1051x1881, 1650771137324~3.png)

>>1510000Right because JK Rowling tweeting the mildest criticisms of troons ever makes her liable for a mentally ill teenager's suicide. Not the people allegedly harassing this kid for sperging about a Harry Potter video game of all things, not the family for not getting them adequate mental health assistance, not the government/healthcare system for making it near impossible for the parents to actually get their kid the therapy they need instead of having their delusions affirmed, not the actual individual for making the final decision to end their own life…no it's a children's book author whom this person has never met or spoken to who had some controversial opinions on the internet.
They keep trying to pin anti-trans violence on TERFs but the only deaths they link to us are self-inflicted. It's always a woman's fault somehow
No. 1510035
>>1507302I see Zach Drennen still dropping troon selfies onto Twitter.
We need to stop calling him Ari. His name is Zach.
No. 1510036
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>>1510000I forgot to post this one that happened after people called her out.
No. 1510073
>>1510036>"I'm not saying HP and JK Rowling are directly responsible for this"so what's the second tweet in
>>1510000 meant to imply lmao
No. 1510153
>>1510036>people that get state-funded non-essential surgeries and healthcare are the MOST vulnerable groupWho in their right mind actually thinks this? They wouldn't win even in the mental illness
victim olympics.
No. 1510159
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>>1510000ah xiran jay zhao, the woman who believes that homophobia didn't exist in china before white people came along, she also did a collab vidoe with wealthy SEA diaspora where they also argued that homophobia and transphobia didn't exist in south east asia before european colonization
No. 1510162
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"I'm a lesbian man" they call these guys guyddykes in the article. clown world
No. 1510171
>>1509983This, plus the moving goalposts and keeping everyone on their toes is part of the narcissistic abuse they’re perpetuating on society. They want to be able to yell at people for perceived slights and play the misunderstood
victim which is only possible as long as the people around them, no matter how well-meaning, are unsure of the current narrative. They need conflict or else they get bored.
No. 1510191
>>1510185reading comprehension please.
but yeah cyberbullied to death please just click the little x to close in future, kids. don't be a lowtax.
No. 1510199
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>>1510000>>1510159another TRA libfem breadtuber that I personally despise with a passion is khadija mbowe, every video about black women she has to bring up troons, and how their treated just as bad as black women and rejecting troons from women spaces enforces white colonialism, she also seems to blame the abuse black men do against black women also on white supremacy, also lastly she tries way to hard to come across as a american black auntie with an exaggerated aave accent despite being canadian and the daughter of middle class gambian doctors,
No. 1510202
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>>1510199Umm she's a THEY sweaty don't be twansphobic!!! Ugh can't believe I subscribed to her at one point good god
This posted yet?
No. 1510204
>>1510036This cow is straight up lying, trans people aren't very vulnerable at all. Trans people is one of the least likely group to get murdered with only about 300 trans people murdered a year, in the entire world. And most of those are prostitutes in dangerous countries.
Trans identified males are over-represented in prison for sexual crimes against women and children, which suggests they are the perpetrators of such crimes at a higher rate since they're supposedly such a small group.
Long time studies show only about 0.6% of trans people commit suicide, it is extremely rare. There are plenty of other groups more likely to die by suicide, for example autistics, bipolar people, addicts, and people with good ol' depression - which is very common even for normies, so that makes normies a more vulnerable group than trans people.
The state often cover their non-vital aesthetic placebo surgeries, even though they are some of the most complex expensive surgeries in the world, and that's just because trans people demand the surgeries, the surgeries actually do more harm than good for them.
The only thing that makes trans people vulnerable is that they are fucking mentally ill and refuse to accept it and seek help, which makes them as vulnerable as other mentally ill people.
No. 1510206
>>1510202So transbians and gaydens aren't
valid then? kek
No. 1510207
>>1510201I feel like this should be more widely spoken about. It's a detail that, in my eyes, is absolutely fucking damning.
Of course their lady brains don't urge them to keep up with contemporary women's fashions, because they're nerds still wishing they could be the emo and scene girls they thirsted over growing up.
No. 1510209
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No. 1510210
>>1509784"Mom, can I watch ContraPoints?"
"No, we have ContraPoints at home."
No. 1510215
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>>1510199her self description
>"I'm queer, I'm non binary, I'm dark skin, I'm American and Canadian with a muslim background who is now more spiritual"and picrel is her ex-boyfriend who appeared in one of her videos, I expected a mediocre looking white guy he is even more hilarious
No. 1510217
>>1510206Gaydens are women too nona. Yeah, transbians aint
valid kek
No. 1510221
>>1510202Conflating sexuality and gender is conversion therapy, this is conversion therapy.
Being sexually attracted to males is not the essence of being female.
This erases gay men, see first line.
No. 1510275
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No. 1510276
File: 1650806908776.png (1.28 MB, 1178x2048, 1649333818916.png)

>>1510275God the most repulsive troons thread on KF has me in stitches
No. 1510281
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>>1510202Their pfp is of Marc Almond, the gay lead singer of Soft Cell (just find it funny given what they said). I guess he is a woman too. Sad they used that particular picture of him, always thought it was really pretty. Maybe he would have trooned out if he’d been born later.
No. 1510303
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No. 1510307
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Totally normal parenting
No. 1510313
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based club manager
No. 1510319
>>1510307"Mom I want sexy girly panties that have pocket that hides the penis"
>Mom silently turns around and orders it from some degen fetish siteYep sounds like it really happened.
No. 1510335
File: 1650815729094.webm (2.58 MB, 576x1024, troon with ounce of brain.webm)
smart tim. an axewound is more disgusting than a shriveled up cock.
No. 1510340
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A chance to mature?? Its literally doing the opposite
No. 1510355
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No. 1510356
File: 1650818359873.jpg (231.01 KB, 720x2335, results.jpg)

>>1510355results for female and male (!) categories
No. 1510363
File: 1650818761795.jpg (193.54 KB, 1017x533, fnhum-11-00528-t001.jpg)

>>1510350yes. this is a boy who was placed on puberty blockers. his iq decreased from 80 to 71.
No. 1510365
>>15103607th. and he would only have a 30sec difference to 1st place. compare it to 2nd place in the
women category where she is over a minute behind.
No. 1510371
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>>1510275it's the ugly troon version of this pic.
No. 1510376
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Current hottest post on all of trans reddit right now: No. 1510378
>>1510366I don't think there's a lot of info, which makes their cries of "it's saving trans kids!!" very stupid. Long term use of Lupron has been shown to cause brittle bones.a An important research to do imo, should be the mental effects. Puberty is clearly noy just about physical sexual maturity, but a big change to the CNS and endocrine system.There's no way a pill would be just like hitting the pause button on increased testosterone. I'm definitely no neurologist, but the whole procedure looks like stunting cognitive growth, only done with intent.
Thing is, there's been documented therapy of dysphoria using Pimozide, so why should this not be an option? If one is fine with kids getting pills with questionable side effects, why aren't troons championing for antipsychotics?
No. 1510384
File: 1650820780014.jpg (104.81 KB, 1062x1070, FRFiQeLVEAARwCX.jpg)

Yes because youre men and men are generally way more aggressive than women. What a self-own
No. 1510400
>>1510193I don't mind Geno's monotone voice because out of everyone who I've seen who covered Chris Chan, he goes over most things in a concise and digestible way.
>>1510385Right I had a feeling and I understand it. The videos may be annoying with the misgendering but they are great insights that give the full unbridled reality of what Chris actually is and how like I mentioned in my other post, embodies the truth about Autogynephelia with no filter.
No. 1510405
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No. 1510421
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Most people ITT would call this delusion but I think he is telling the truth and that most trannies are just literal disabled autistic retards
No. 1510447
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>>1510405Went to this guy's history, he also posts about how he's afraid to lose weight to lose his "curves" gained by estrogen. You're just chubby, my dude.
No. 1510459
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They’re determined to say that GC and staunch conservatives are the same people. Idiots. No. 1510475
File: 1650828609077.jpeg (639.67 KB, 1125x1216, 96B5266F-C5CE-4D51-907C-D62E8F…)

Based friends made tranny cry
No. 1510478
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>>1509496GIRLhood!! I’m just a LITTLE GIRL!!
How are you feeling, UK nonas? Protect your little cousins and sisters, please
No. 1510505
File: 1650830379601.jpeg (189.99 KB, 828x1091, 6CB72641-0DA8-441C-A212-0F8C52…)

TiM showing his true, lovecraftian abomination form
No. 1510508
File: 1650830561985.png (4.98 MB, 828x1792, B6C820F2-26D7-4B18-81E6-9F85F2…)

absolutely fucking revolting
No. 1510524
File: 1650831109561.png (Spoiler Image,427.54 KB, 684x587, blackholesun.png)

>>1510519totally. or like someone from Soungarden's Black Hole Sun video
No. 1510539
File: 1650832016744.jpeg (344.13 KB, 1638x2048, 9D1A92C4-70E2-4C5C-821A-23020C…)

spot the male
No. 1510542
>>1510505looked at his post history and it's nasty, him posting boner pics and saying he puts his dick into the pool jets at his apartments pool
he's also obsessed with his fake boobs and talks about them a lot
typical disgusting coomer troon moid
No. 1510546
>>1510542samefag he also talked about masturbating in a public bathroom (likely a womens bathroom of course) because seeing himself in a dress gave him a boner
but it's totally not a fetish or anything! it's just his gender euphoria!
No. 1510560
>>1510552>transphobic hawkStay mad and suck more troon dick.
>>1510539Notice how he's the only one hiding his hands.
No. 1510562
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>>1510560>Stay mad and suck more troon dick.?? what
No. 1510563
>>1510478So GPs don’t get extra for anything else? Just prescribing for troons. It’s almost like we’re encouraging them..
Also do they not even need the gender clinic anymore? Can GPs just become uwu tranny supporter and fling all the hormones at them?
No. 1510570
File: 1650833487934.png (648.9 KB, 756x551, kek.PNG)

whoever dresses him must fucking hate him lol. zendaya is such a goddess and just makes him look even more like a man.
No. 1510576
>>1510570I guess theres nothing the person who dresses him can do. There are no curves to put on a nice dress, they're stuck with trying to hide the maleness but it only draws more attention to it the harder they try.
>>1510561This is so fucking gross.
No. 1510588
File: 1650834731219.jpg (22.27 KB, 564x562, 1647598165664.jpg)

>>1510567>>1510580It was supposed to be funny joke rrreeee, I didn't use the word "transphobia" genuinely
I just think that when Honters perfectly ok pics (NOT
>>1510570 good god, fire the stylist) get autistically microanalyzed it kind of dilutes the criticisms against genuine fucking creatures like
>>1510508 . Like I can imagine troons from /tttt/ lurking and screencapping these posts as "evidence" of the awful terfs keeping womanhood in an impossibly raycist high standard!1 There's so many worse photos of Hunter to mock imo
No. 1510597
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>>1510589apparently so, although it seems it takes multiple surgery sessions with recovery time in between
No. 1510599
>>1510590Thank you nonna, the cat loves you too I know it
I am pretty autistic too, getting this upset over nonnas not getting my joke!
No. 1510610
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>>1510505>>1510561pic related a collage of his nasty posts
he is a masturbation addict and agp who got large fake breasts so he can masturbate to himself in the mirror
No. 1510615
File: 1650836326431.png (426.15 KB, 1780x836, y chromosoid moment.png)

>>1510610another one - lost his job because he jacks off like 30 times a day
No. 1510646
>>1510609ayrt I don't see how those opinions contradict each other. I don't think hunter passes but if he did i still wouldn't acknowledge him as a woman. I see how it could be unclear but I don't think it was fairly obvious what I meant.
>>1510604I was more responding to the point nonna was saying about troons screencapping it but that's a good point. I don't think everyone in the thread is on board with that though.
No. 1510647
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Gender not clear but could be a moid
No. 1510674
File: 1650840323369.jpeg (420.2 KB, 1170x968, 1C2EA23C-74C1-4C6F-BE29-87D99F…)

why are the first ones to defend rape scenes always troons
No. 1510678
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No. 1510705
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>>1510610that fucking filename sent me. god bless you
nonny No. 1510708
>>1510588People pointing out troon knees are hardly the worst thing said in this thread. If people were going to point out how bad terfs are, they'd show posts saying things like 41% and axewound and rot pocket. Laughing about ugly tranny legs doesn't take away from any of the points made in this thread. This isn't a forum for strictly serious debate, this is a gossip image board. If anyone on lolcow still thinks trannies are
valid, they should probably stop laughing at all the girls with EDs and other mental illnesses.
No. 1510724
File: 1650845249703.jpeg (192.77 KB, 828x1715, 55FBCB9B-D565-4EA3-8F5A-E4085D…)

>>1510615"wahhh, some girlies on an anonymous gossip forum are making fun of me and now im cooming in my own sadness wahhh"
No. 1510737
>>1510724gets in trouble with the law for exposing himself in public yet has the gall to cry harassment
I really hope
>>1510716 is right and this is all some weird larp
No. 1510763
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No. 1510765
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what's crazy is this troon thinks he looks like a woman.
No. 1510794
>>1510647>>1510648Does anyone know if the parents would actually be able to take legal action in this case? They must, right? I can’t see how buying a minor prescription drugs, without a prescription for either the kid or yourself, would be legal. Wonder what “public place” this fucking pedo met this kid at. What a nightmare for the parents. Imagine dropping your kid off at the mall or a park and this shit happens right under your nose. I’m extremely skeptical of the “abuse” they’re even claiming to suffer. Trannies consider even the mildest of criticisms to be
abusive, though I guess they are somewhat negligent for not knowing that all this shit was going on. I hope they rip him a new one in court. This is disgusting grooming and anyone with any sense can see that.
Androcur is a steroidal antiandrogen - basically it reduces testosterone production. It’s typically injected, but there is an oral form that needs to be taken daily. It carries risks particularly related to blood clotting, liver issues, and increased depressive symptoms. It’s not safe to just stop taking cold turkey. Estrofem is estradiol, which is what would be commonly known as HRT. It’s typically taken orally on a daily basis and also carries risks - the most prominent being blood clotting and other cardiovascular issues.
I would be livid if I were this kid’s parents. Not only is this sick freak clearly trying to groom my child into a sexual relationship, he’s also providing him with illegal strong medications that may have very dangerous side effects. This dude belongs in prison, getting his ass beat and ostracized with all the other chomos
No. 1510801
>>1510794I don’t know but I feel like there will be a lot of caping for this groomer because schools have been able to trans kids behind their parents backs.
All I know is if I was this kids mother, I’d skin this Troon alive in a place no one would hear their screams and bury them alive.
But I’m on the wrong side of history so yknow
No. 1510804
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No. 1510806
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No. 1510817
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>>1510806The man looks straight up like Danny DeVito in picrel, but ofc he thinks he is cute. We hit another level of delusional.
No. 1510819
>>1510806My beloved Haru, how could this happen to her.
>>1510811Aren't the trannies in One Piece really offensive?
No. 1510820
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>>1510819I deleted the post you're responding to because I misunderstood the tweet and therefore my post made no sense. I'll repost.
Oda can't knock Rowling off of the top 10 authors of all time since he's already ahead of her and he's 9th and she's 10th, and she was never the best selling living author to begin with anyway.
No. 1510824
>>1510819Also to respond to your question, I've seen as much from screenshots but I don't know details as I'm not a One Piece fan.
Maybe someone more into One Piece can give a better answer.
No. 1510825
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>>1510811>>1510820Writes for The Chaser…can’t make this shit up lol. Of course he’s from Melbourne
No. 1510847
>>1510820Funny how this post is implying that Oda's views on trannies are any more flattering than JK's.
>>1510838I don't have any issue with Oda and I know that the post is lying, but "Man stealing the place of a woman" isn't the average male troon's goal?
No. 1510866
File: 1650858997073.png (1.74 MB, 1841x1012, trans beach day.png)

>>1510852The man that wrote one-piece and depicts troomers like this No. 1510882
>>1510820This is incorrect, first of all, any manga or comics belong to another category and are not defined as books. The second thing you should note is, one piece in itself has more book volumes than Rowling, hence why pushing this idea of manga with actual literature books is silly and doesn't actually make sense. This guy also didn't bother to read one piece either so go figure.
Manga is smaller book with around 200 pages
Harry Potter is a big book with around 223 and more as the series progress
IF this guy is going to act logical, he should have some logic that manga is another art form and is not counted as a traditional book just like any other American comic book because of how short the story is per volume, it is more art drive, and of course, it is mass production to keep people buying more volumes.
No. 1510964
>>1510818I only heard about these people recently, the parents run a family youtube channel. the dad came out as non-binary and then then months later the kid came out as trans. maybe their views were waning. the dad is a total narc tbh. anyone who puts their childrens lives online for all to see is automatically a bad person. those poor kids.
>>1510829nta but I didn't know that about johnathan likely being a closet case. he makes my skin crawl.
No. 1510973
>>1510647"to the best of my knowledge, nothing i've done has been illegal"
Sir you literally deal drugs to a minor
No. 1510980
File: 1650872428547.jpeg (445.08 KB, 2043x2048, B8AF3D77-24C9-40F9-B250-8378BC…)

>going out looking like this and expecting everyone to believe you’re a woman
No. 1510995
>>1510980ah yes the "
terf" bangs look
No. 1510996
File: 1650874371497.png (38.02 KB, 1966x244, desiringtobethebiggestslutever…)

>Does anyone else on here have a desire to be the biggest slut ever?Omg!, the comments kek: No. 1511043
File: 1650881210850.jpg (151.41 KB, 1286x723, FRLni3NWYAEXp7s.jpg)

No. 1511047
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No. 1511048
File: 1650881514655.png (73.65 KB, 604x627, Untitled.png)

Everything has to be about them
No. 1511062
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>>1510806Like a poor man's Linda, but with the same self-aggrandising.
No. 1511067
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>>1510844>>1510199>>1510234>>1510188The whole "white people brought homophobia and transphobia!!!" thing seems mostly to be coping mechanism for woke SEA/East asians, especially on twitter kek. Trying to blame their country's "bigotry" on the evil white colonizers
Progressivism is the most eurocentric ideology out there, progressives no matter their skin colour always have to paint their pet causes to fit with euro progressive self hate, so hating "white colonizers" might seem like a nationalist sentiment for these people but it really isn't, they're stuck in their imagined cold war and so non-white progressive nominally hate the west because western progressive nominally hate the west. And of course if they can find native parallels to western prog narratives on feminism/racism w/e, that's the holy grail, so instead of cis-white male privilege in american, its cis-hindu privilege in India or chinese privilege in singapore
anyways, here's her "epic" own against the TERFs
No. 1511070
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>>1511067she also has a fan-casting description about her dumb novel on her own website
No. 1511079
File: 1650885553327.jpg (88.26 KB, 733x1070, FRLzrj-XwAIx6Ve.jpg)

If you dont agree with me, youre not even a human being and you should die
No. 1511080
File: 1650885710020.jpg (124.13 KB, 1170x1004, FRIAEiuXIAAW8Xj.jpg)

When did a terf EVER hurt a trans woman?? Why do they keep claiming terfs are out to literally murdering them, when no such thing ever happens? For dramatic effect? Because theyre moids who constantly think of violence and murder?
No. 1511088
>>1511080You'd think they would at least try to use an actual real example since TERFs are LITERALLY KILLING HUNDREDS OF TRANSWOMEN EVERYDAY WITH VIOLENT MISGENDERING AND DEADNAMING!!!!!
Like,it's true.. I killed a transwoman yesterday.. the police is now at my door.. they found the weapon of crime (my voice for violent misgendering that turned the troon into a crisp when he spontaneously combusted into flames as he got angry with me) and I am being conducted to the police car now, sorry can't say no more, need to call my lawyer, wish me luck.
No. 1511092
>>1511080TransWomen Kill Women
>orphanmakerGood god, imagine your only parent being an MtF.
No. 1511097
>>1511096It’s simple,
nonnie. You just be a woman, and then you’re also a slut! Hope I cleared it up.
No. 1511101
File: 1650888320785.jpg (1.59 MB, 1100x5546, pt2022_04_25_14_04_59.jpg)

>>1511006Some of the most scrotebrained comments.
No. 1511102
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>>1511006>>1511101Kek at this tranny being peaked
No. 1511139
File: 1650892906610.png (498.44 KB, 572x672, warfield.png)

Damn I didn't know about this case. Just looked it up and apparently he pleaded not-guilty by insanity but the court is STILL waiting for a doctor's confirmation.
No. 1511141
>>1511009nta i have never heard the term 'sjw bangs' but ive seen '
terf bangs' on the internet for at least a decade
No. 1511144
>>1511141same, ages ago now but that is actually where I first learned about the word '
terf' from kek. thanks for helping me peak, random cringey buzzfeed headline.
No. 1511145
>>1511144>>1511141funny cause it's been referred to as both even though SJWs and TERFs are like on opposing sides now kek
both sides bad haircuts, almost poetic
(no digs at nonas with a cute fringe/bangs I promise I love terfs)
No. 1511157
File: 1650894537045.jpg (56.46 KB, 650x401, hsts_agp_youth.jpg)

>>1511148>>1511149>>1511151"breeding sows" wow way to tell on yourself there, Sir
why are they obsessed with insemination and lactation? is it really oedipal? I want to be the madonna, and the whore, and everything I will never be. I'm starting to agree with nonas that think it's a must-conquer-all perpetual dick measuring coom contest with these xy degenerates. I'm going to survive with my intact womb, blissfly biologically a woman and childfree, and watch them 41% themselves into oblivion but not before they literally castrate themselves first.
not to a-log but this is literally a war. I'm terrified for women and girls and children in general being
victims/casualties in this horrifying dystopian experiment.
we're lucky they're a joke, the levity helps with the horror.
No. 1511169
>>1511148Once again a man shows that he doesn't understand female bodies lol
He literally thinks a female body is nothing but an incubator, he is on the same level as extremely conservatie men.
No. 1511178
File: 1650895463295.png (29.95 KB, 735x335, RedactedPilot.png)

they really go out of their way to sound like braindead coomers huh
No. 1511183
>>1511175ew, what's the point of breastfeeding when he couldn't produce milk. disgusting shit going on and even worse when they couldn't even bother to do the simplest things just for a birth certificate. they're the reason why gender and sex are differentiated and yet couldn't be bothered to just admit that the child was born with either female or male sex organs.
her sex organs are the reason why she even has the baby in the first place and even said vagina so nonchalantly but chokes up when it's the baby's turn.
No. 1511184
>>1511180Absolutely, this is the first hurdle they would fall at. But even if somehow that was resolved, it would still be a million other complications and impossibilities.
They just want that they can't have, cos they're men.
No. 1511196
File: 1650896891174.jpg (64.36 KB, 828x581, FRHa2iVXIAANgAl.jpg)

Imagine being able to say disgustingly creepy shit like this and not be cancelled, being trans is really a go free card
No. 1511203
File: 1650897244750.jpg (568.91 KB, 1080x1080, PCIMG_2022-04-25_10-30-26.JPG)

I joined a fantasy writing group, saw this Phil Collins-esque creature and immediately left. We really can't have anything nice.
No. 1511206
>>1511196Literally cannot wait for this fucking moid to be called out. Manifesting Keffals pedo/groomer allegations, it’s only a matter of time. These cunts don’t use the word “woman” other than for calling themselves “totally
valid women uwu”, why always talking about having sex with “girls” so much?
No. 1511217
>>1511196As a literal sperg this made me feel sick. He is literally preying on disabled girls. I'm sure he played it out as a joke if he ever got called out over it, but what's so funny about it then?
He is admitting he knows this vulneable group of girls exist and that he has thought of tactics to get them to have sex with him. He thinks it's funny to joke and brag about it. I hate men like him, they make me feel unsafe for having a shitty autist brain.
No. 1511218
>>1510833im at their major art school kek its so bad here i want to kill myself every day
nonny. considering some terfiti just for the shitstorm it would cause kek
No. 1511224
File: 1650898980793.png (71.01 KB, 767x261, screenshot.png)

>>1511196Pretty sure this is a TIM larping as an autistic girl, defending another TIM. Would have thought that anyone socialised as a girl, autistic or not, would find this creepy af.
No. 1511225
>>1511149>>1511151> pregnant men will improve women’s rights Mildly unrelated but a society that gives women rights as a byproduct of men’s still hates women. And since the ideology that grants tranny rights views women as undeserving oppressors, they can never do anything for women. Even in their fantasy universe, they’d argue “Women are built for pregnancy, it’s harder on trannies so they’re entitled to longer maternity leave” etc. Besides, everyone knows men only want pregnancy for human trafficking, that’s the whole top at bottom of bioethical laws etc.
>“iT WILL hApPeN! The only thing in the way is bioethics!”My guy, you think a necrotic wound between your legs is an organ. You don’t actually have a vagina, no flesh, no system, no muscles. Will the “cervix” also be another random puncture? A septic hole at the end of the tunnel. Your real organs are too big, torso too short, pelvis the wrong shape. Gene therapy isn’t at all what you think it is, even theoretically. Mammals are not such physically malleable organisms. By the time you can even desire transition, it’s too late, ~bioethics be damned, it’s not the barrier you think it is.
>”Intersex Women Are Men!”Someone born with a uterus of their own flesh and not even internal testes like with CAIS, is not even slightly appropriate to reference for tranny science. They have nothing to do with you. Fetishes do not make dyadic people intersex. How can you connect an organ to hairy external flesh tissue and expect it to work?
>”TeRfs will be pissed!”Explosive levels of womb envy cope and projection. I am tickled and highly entertained. They’re not scientists, just ideological clowns. You’d have an easier time turning someones blood into wine.
No. 1511236
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>>1511221You should mention that they sewed male rats to female rats so the males would have the blood supply of the females while they tried this insane male pregnancy experiment.
No. 1511247
File: 1650900171435.jpg (54.5 KB, 642x680, FRMuHBpX0AAtjoa.jpg)

I dont believe for a second that half the people pressed no
No. 1511249
>>1511247Yeah no. They’d probably press it with glee. They’re way too self-interested to care about other people. If the question said “a
terf dies” instead, it’d be at 100%.
No. 1511267
>>1511067Terfs literally believe that gender is a social construct. If anything, it's her fellow TRAs that would get mad at her calling it anything other than an innate identity.
Sidenote but wtf is up with her voice? I never thought there was an autism voice (like gay voice) but I heard her speak and that's immediately what I thought. I guess it could just be nerdy girl voice, but I swear I've never heard a woman who talks like that not give off these vibes. Is it the weird froggy pitch? The over-enunciation? How her face always looks stretched and strained when she's trying to make expressions? The fact that she always talks so loud, bordering on yelling even when alone filming with a mic? I can't quite put my finger on it but it's grating as hell and immediately makes me take her less seriously
No. 1511274
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A handmaiden I follow shared this on her story. She loves Harry Potter but has come to despise J. K. for being the based woman she is, kek. As I don’t have twitter, I didn’t bother to look further into it.
No. 1511307
>>1509936God I fucking hate males. I worked retail next to a park and men would come in drunk with their shirts off. I’ve seen enough hairy moons to last me a lifetime. They’re so fucking repulsive. One stood close to me and started rubbing his “chest”.
sage cause male sperg
No. 1511309
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With the amount of troons infesting classic, this doesn't surprise and yet still disappoints me.
No. 1511323
File: 1650905484916.jpeg (415.98 KB, 828x899, 4EB26FEF-38AB-4E7F-AB90-ECC68B…)

aw poor guy didn’t feel comfy being a straight male they’re just so oppressed
No. 1511336
>>1511225If men could get pregnant there would be so many unregistered, unknown children in secret basement sex dungeons all across the world. All they'd have to do is neet for a few months and give birth in secret to their own child sex slave.
With trannies this is almost certainly the outcome.
No. 1511337
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>>1511051>>1511047my reaction as well
No. 1511342
>>1511309What a retarded change. Don’t troons realize how many times women are lumped in with men in phrases? We’ve had to deal with that, but I guess the trannies are too sensitive to anything that could vaguely remind them of their status as male.
>>1511324For real, everyone behind a female character seems to be a they/them moid or a tim tranny. It’s funny when you see photos of them irl vs the character. Not to mention all the damn asskissing handmaidens in that game.
>>1511047Ugh imagine the stench. I assume he’s going to do this in the women’s restroom, but I wouldn’t put it past a troon to dilate in the break room.
No. 1511350
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>>1511174literally what xenofeminists believe, that when men can become women and experience what it's like, women's rights will improve.
"A sense of the world’s volatility and artificiality seems to have faded from contemporary queer and feminist politics, in favour of a plural but static constellation of gender identities, in whose bleak light equations of the good and the natural are stubbornly restored. While having (perhaps) admirably expanded thresholds of ‘tolerance’, too often we are told to seek solace in unfreedom, staking claims on being ‘born’ this way, as if offering an excuse with nature’s blessing. All the while, the heteronormative centre chugs on. XF challenges this centrifugal referent, knowing full well that sex and gender are exemplary of the fulcrum between norm and fact, between freedom and compulsion. To tilt the fulcrum in the direction of nature is a defensive concession at best, and a retreat from what makes trans and queer politics more than just a lobby: that it is an arduous assertion of freedom against an order that seemed immutable. Like every myth of the given, a stable foundation is fabulated for a real world of chaos, violence, and doubt. The ‘given’ is sequestered into the private realm as a certainty, whilst retreating on fronts of public consequences. When the possibility of transition became real and known, the tomb under Nature’s shrine cracked, and new histories–bristling with futures–escaped the old order of ‘sex’. The disciplinary grid of gender is in no small part an attempt to mend that shattered foundation, and tame the lives that escaped it. The time has now come to tear down this shrine entirely, and not bow down before it in a piteous apology for what little autonomy has been won."
"Xenofeminism is gender-abolitionist. ‘Gender abolitionism’ is not code for the eradication of what are currently considered ‘gendered’ traits from the human population. Under patriarchy, such a project could only spell disaster–the notion of what is ‘gendered’ sticks disproportionately to the feminine. But even if this balance were redressed, we have no interest in seeing the sexuate diversity of the world reduced. Let a hundred sexes bloom! ‘Gender abolitionism’ is shorthand for the ambition to construct a society where traits currently assembled under the rubric of gender, no longer furnish a grid for the asymmetric operation of power. ‘Race abolitionism’ expands into a similar formula–that the struggle must continue until currently racialized characteristics are no more a basis of discrimination than than the color of one’s eyes. Ultimately, every emancipatory abolitionism must incline towards the horizon of class abolitionism, since it is in capitalism where we encounter oppression in its transparent, denaturalized form: you’re not exploited or oppressed because you are a wage labourer or poor; you are a labourer or poor because you are exploited."
"Our lot is cast with technoscience, where nothing is so sacred that it cannot be reengineered and transformed so as to widen our aperture of freedom, extending to gender and the human. To say that nothing is sacred, that nothing is transcendent or protected from the will to know, to tinker and to hack, is to say that nothing is supernatural. ‘Nature’–understood here, as the unbounded arena of science–is all there is. And so, in tearing down melancholy and illusion; the unambitious and the non-scaleable; the libidinized puritanism of certain online cultures, and Nature as an un-remakeable given, we find that our normative anti-naturalism has pushed us towards an unflinching ontological naturalism. There is nothing, we claim, that cannot be studied scientifically and manipulated technologically."
No. 1511365
>>1511350Have these “xenofeminists” ever conversed with a scrote?
Also putting your faith in science & technology to abolish gender is really fucking naive but I’ll leave that there.
No. 1511366
File: 1650908644570.jpeg (378.19 KB, 1284x949, 28D7E4D3-D06A-449A-8302-8094D9…)

Do you guys ever watch these? I have in the past and got this rec for this new one. It looks like a joke image, I can’t believe this.
No. 1511367
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No. 1511368
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>>1511366Watched it for a second and I feel bad for him because he wrote “faggot” all over himself and whatnot and was talking about his upbringing and his parents ignorance. Still can’t get over the fact that this is what passes for a “woman” now though.
No. 1511414
File: 1650911518907.gif (2.65 MB, 304x200, confusion.gif)

>>1511067I have so many questions. What the fuck is wrong with her hair? Why is her dress so ugly? Is that really how
TERF is supposed to be pronounced? Why is she yelling? How old is she, because she gives "how do you do fellow kids" vibe from that video? Why is she dancing like a paraplegic geriatric with a stick up her ass? Does she know that TERFs see gender as a social construct because what truly matters and exists is sex?
No. 1511424
>>1511367It's not because you repeat it that it's true kek. I hate twitter so much.
>>1511421I don't know at all who these uninspired 4th gen Asian-American YA writers are, they all behave and look the exact same way, so I don't know. I'm just reacting to the video but I don't have more context than that.
No. 1511428
>>1511323Guarantee the reason he felt guilty and predatory for being attracted to women as a man is probably because he was acting creepy and indulging in violent and misogynistic fantasies about them. He only feels better doing it “as a woman” because he can use his identity as a get out of jail free card. Basically “how can my actions toward and fantasies about women be
problematic if I’m a woman too?”
Lesbians often struggle with feeling creepy about their attraction to women because of the predatory lesbian trope. It’s not based in reality though. Sure, lesbians are capable of being predatory just like anyone else. But I’ve found that it’s a very small minority that actually are. Most lesbians I know are extremely respectful, even to the point of being excessively polite and seemingly sexless because they’re afraid of being labeled with this. Most straight men I know aren’t worried about this at all even though their actions are objectively predatory. The way male sexuality is at its core and the way it’s framed societally is based around whittling down women’s boundaries and fetishizing our submission and degradation.
Even on the off chance that this guy had totally healthy attraction to women and respected their boundaries (which I’m extremely doubtful of given the fact that he’s able to fetishize us to the point of trying to become a woman), he’s probably aware that the vast majority of men don’t have anything close to a healthy sexual attraction towards women.
It’s just another stupid MRA/incel talking point about how they’re just too scared to even interact with us anymore because they’ll be seen as predators. Nope…that only happens if what you’re doing is creepy or sexist. No normal woman is gonna see you behaving normally around other women and call you a rapist for it. Pretty simple solution - if you wouldn’t say what you’re about to say or do what you’re about to do to a man, then why are you doing it to a woman? If you wouldn’t do it to a man for fear of being seen as creepy or gay, then you probably shouldn’t do it to a woman. Especially in a profess context. Obviously flirting with someone at a bar or something like that would be a little different but these guys are talking about not wanting to work with women at all because of this “fear”
No. 1511435
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>>1511067>>1511414>>1511421she's an upper class second gen Chinese living in Canada, her parents are old money and also she is a they/them
her wikipedia page is also fucking hilarious
>Xiran Jay Zhao is a Chinese-born Canadian author, internet personality, and cosplayer. Their[a] debut novel, Iron Widow, became a No. 1 New York Times Best Seller and won the 2021 BSFA Award for Best Book for Younger Readers.>Zhao immigrated to British Columbia from a small town in China in grade five.[2] They are of Hui heritage on their father's side.[3] They would imagine stories growing up, but did not put any on paper until they were encouraged to at an anime convention when they were 15. They majored in health sciences with a focus on biochemical disease research at Simon Fraser University, graduating in 2020. They worked at a co-op before deciding an office job was not for them.[4]>>1511424 No. 1511453
>>1511435Kek did she write this herself? Such an ass-kissing article for a mediocre genderspecial YA novelist.
>>1511450MY QUEEN
No. 1511461
>>1511450Good for JK for always being a based
terf. Also, man.. the 90s were a simpler time when lesbians were lesbians and we didnt have to march for the T degenerates. I miss when it was just LBG and A for allies (usually parents of gay children.)
No. 1511464
File: 1650917756516.jpeg (326.64 KB, 750x747, 6F3D04E3-4A29-49FB-919F-7442A8…)

This is the best thing I’ve ever fucking seen
No. 1511466
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It gets funnier
No. 1511492
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No. 1511497
>>1511492Is this real
It cannot be
How can someone be so un self aware oh my god I'm losing it
No. 1511504
>>1511492sorry for being an idiot, but what does ratio mean in this context?
I'm kinda new to the trans threads on here, what I read on here during my occasional lurking to see surgery results and ugly people has peaked me
No. 1511511
>>1511463You're correct. She's too big to fail among normies. The HP franchise will always be popular no matter what because it became popular enough to be self-sustaining. JKR really didn't need to write scripts for new movies, the fantastic beasts, because the original books, their adaptation movies and the merchandises that exist since the first movie keep selling over and over again. Its reputation is good enough that there is now no more need for marketing and ads for the series, except for the upcoming movies. It's the exact same reason why Disney doesn't give a shit about creativity anymore when releasing the exact same superheroes movies and animated musicals, and the same reason why Game Freak doesn't make any particular efforts to make amazing mainline Pokemon video games, these IPs are self-sustaining and get new fans through word of mouth. JKR has integrity and cares about her creation so she keeps working on HP projects, but she doesn't need to give a fuck anymore about what a very tiny little part of her fanbase thinks of her because even if hundreds of thousands people think she's a
problematic terf, several million people out there don't know, don't care, agree with her and just want to watch her movies or read her books for fun. I guess if she were younger and thus started the HP series now she would have been in some deep shit but that's too late to try and ruin her reputation.
No. 1511528
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>>1511323Just came across this one. Similar story.
No. 1511546
File: 1650924432135.jpg (577.25 KB, 1080x1080, PhotoCollage_1650925269021.jpg)

Spotted this on my tl. "Anne" has a very interesting head shape and visible adams apple for a """saphic""" lesbian """"""woman"""""""
No. 1511550
File: 1650924674547.jpg (54.83 KB, 1080x629, FRN1mYxXEAA-Ms4.jpg)

Well, delete your twitter then
No. 1511578
>>1511466I love her! Ill buy the game ill buy the books watch all the movies heck if she started a twitch id be her biggest simp. She really is the queen of based
terf island.
No. 1511580
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No. 1511602
>>1511453I was thinking the same thing, a "#1 bestselling author" with character headcanons on her website? Sooo professional
>>1511474Isn't Mastodon that pedo site? Idk if anyone followed the Aggy thread but I remember him posting his kiddie fiddler art there
No. 1511610
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No. 1511613
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the tranny meltdown on Twitter right now is absolutely beautiful , i hope they all run away with their penises tucked between their legs kek
No. 1511654
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>>1511613Follow-up just because it’s so fucking funny. Must suck to have your comfy echo chamber pulled out from under your feet. Now he has to face reality not just in the mirror but even on his precious bird app I wonder how long he can endure until he 41%.
No. 1511655
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>>1511613I hope all the troons commit sudoku
No. 1511670
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No. 1511679
File: 1650932717278.png (31.42 KB, 748x427, Stacy Cay on Twitter.png)

this dude thinks he looks any better than blaire lmao
no you both still look like dudes
No. 1511683
File: 1650933002800.jpg (Spoiler Image,3.42 MB, 972x9351, Screenshot_20220426-012537_Red…)

Spoilered for length.
Lesbian handmaiden I relate to (went out with a
TW before I peaked) is guilting herself for not being attracted to men.
Link: No. 1511687
File: 1650933203416.png (139.19 KB, 806x1363, Commander Stephanie Sterling o…)

No. 1511727
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No. 1511902
File: 1650951491554.png (Spoiler Image,8.37 MB, 1170x2532, 680E6770-DC08-4D50-9C5C-ADBF58…)

>>1507084 this fag posts in the Mille Bobbie brown turning 18 subreddit and had a fucking child. castrate him immediately.
No. 1512177
>>1511504Originally, it meant the ratio of comments/quote tweets (probably negative feedback) to likes/retweets (positive feedback). If you had more of the former than the latter, it probably means you said some dumb shit.
However, recently when it got a lot more popular, it means if your reply/quote tweet saying "ratio" gets more likes than the original post, giving it more legitimacy.
Basically, a way of smug validation for extremely online people.
No. 1512455
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Neither can anyone else, "Stacy".
His shoulders are so comparatively huge that it looks edited but I swear it's not.
No. 1517548
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