File: 1652719746106.jpeg (39.62 KB, 720x538, 1652646253943.jpeg)

No. 1530826
File: 1652721681641.webm (4.32 MB, 576x1024, video.webm)
Thanks op, incredible choice of threadpic.
Christening the new thread with another video of this freak. If he means gay as in "homosexual male" and not "lesbian" then yes, he looks super gay.
No. 1530833
File: 1652721979673.jpg (141.03 KB, 1080x1277, FS00IEeWYAEk7GV.jpg)

How do these people come up with these conclusions?? JK is now a secret holocaust denier because we dont like her
No. 1530864
File: 1652724120571.png (253.07 KB, 714x764, FS5bR4KXwAIvOm1.png)

No. 1530911
File: 1652727343544.png (224.38 KB, 1216x1510, bjyvkrve29a81.png)

>>1530908For anyone wondering what a "boymoder" is
No. 1530913
>>1530908I am re-reading this and sorry for my misspelling. It gets hard to have correct grammar sometimes when you’re angry. And yes ty nona
>>1530911 for clarifying for those who don’t know.
No. 1530940
File: 1652728711263.jpeg (105.08 KB, 452x219, CF55E44B-971A-4550-8346-5B6D1B…)

Do tranners ever make video essays about women’s pain? Many female breadtubers have spent hours going on about the poor tranners, yet tranners only ever seem to talk about (MTF only) trans issues. Hontra made an essay about incels and men as a whole before ever focusing on women. They don’t give a shit.
No. 1530968
File: 1652731366310.jpg (88.09 KB, 1038x847, fat-guy.jpg)

>>1530811i don't know who this guy is but he is very obviously violent and dangerous just by looking at him. compare to the normal non troon gross fat guy in picrel - clearly not a murderer.
No. 1530971
File: 1652731597073.png (663.09 KB, 1080x1166, 8789787877897898.png)

No. 1530976
File: 1652731968022.png (219.89 KB, 668x492, 987090978097070.png)

No. 1530995
File: 1652733402637.jpg (Spoiler Image,183.02 KB, 1047x576, FS5-fhaWIAI0hR-.jpg)

how much do you want to bet he's getting a "euphoria boner" from doing this?
No. 1531002
File: 1652733613583.jpeg (428.78 KB, 1170x1937, 8B847DC1-E03B-43B8-B535-78C65E…)

>>1530881“trans people are more attractive than cis women” yeah ok buddy
No. 1531013
File: 1652734213885.webm (9.01 MB, 576x1024, wedding.webm)
>>1530826I found the account of his enby wife from last thread. They look like smelly renaissance fair attendees kek.
No. 1531020
>>1531014but risking a child's health is soo gender affirming!
i hate trannies so fucking much
No. 1531028
>>1530908I've read hundreds of AGP sob stories. The only time anyone is ever mean to them is when they are in 'boymode' growing up and scrotes call them faggots, molest them or beat them, believing them to be gays, which leads the AGP scrote to be outraged (not at men, but at gays). And even in most of those stories, they were the aggressors/bullies. When they're in full 'I've written a letter to daddy' ass regalia no one (except women of course) challenges them, just like Stefonknee and Chris-chan. And when they are challenged (by women and occasionally TIFs), they bring out the knuckle dusters, the axes, the AR-15s and go on a rampage
At the wispa it was a scrawny whiny soy scrote videotaping Black/Asian women to set them up and defending that AGP freaks honor with his life.
It really proves 'transphobia' is only ever meaningful or dangerous when its misogyny/homophobia and has NO substance whatsoever outside of misogyny/homophobia. Hence why no AGP has ever been killed. Even the Lili Elbe one in nazifying Germany 100 years ago got killed by having a frankenstein transplant
No. 1531039
File: 1652735815658.jpeg (98.11 KB, 960x525, 632917C1-AFA6-4B0F-BED9-2D5DBF…)

No. 1531110
File: 1652745856242.png (46.54 KB, 737x319, AdmiralFisticuffs.png)

here's the troon breastfeeding post with the username uncensored
No. 1531188
>>1531184seconded, who is this guy and what the fuck is going on?
it reminds me of the weird beckhams "deeply kissing your sons is normal" but taken up a few pedo notches
No. 1531197
File: 1652748472183.jpeg (197.33 KB, 777x1222, 51AF1BC4-FEA3-470E-B52B-63E979…)

>>1531188Liev Schriber, famous actor and pedo
No. 1531218
File: 1652749853188.jpeg (137.34 KB, 634x951, 429065B100000578-0-image-a-11_…)

>>1531197Jesus what the fuck, here is his son dressed as Harley Quinn at 8 years old, not even at Halloween, but going to Comic-con…where loads of creeps will inevitably be there and looking forward to ogling women dressed as Harley Quinn. Weird as fuck, whether they're a boy or a girl tbh. Wonder what Naomi Watts thinks.
No. 1531250
File: 1652752824307.jpg (246.32 KB, 1520x1364, 27912875_1521613187950864_3456…)

>>1530976How do they determine womanhood, if they're more womanly than actual women?
No. 1531327
File: 1652762068407.png (540.4 KB, 650x550, 1558239848336.png)

I was watching this cute video about a women-only capsule hotel in Japan and OF FUCKING COURSE trannies are asking if they'd be allowed to go. The channel said you can go if your passport says female and one troon responded with 'Omg thank you so much for asking if trans women could stay here as well! They really need safe spaces like this.' AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA it's not a woman-only space if men are there!!
No. 1531340
File: 1652763656451.png (11 KB, 640x118, baseddesu.PNG)

>>1531335finally found her comments
No. 1531368
File: 1652766373028.png (795.62 KB, 860x1616, tr.png)

handmaidens just stop
No. 1531399
File: 1652769663811.png (2.07 MB, 1170x2532, E4046DA2-18E8-46DB-915E-946689…)

picrel is agp bi??? troon. genuine question: what makes the onlyfans thot troons pass so much better then the run of the mill Reddit troon?? (even tho picrels voice is incredibly faggy and outs him KEK)
No. 1531400
>>1531013god her fucking voice cracks lmao she sounds like a teenage boy
it will never not bother me to see this kind of people “reclaiming” queer as if they’re not literally just a straight couple
No. 1531416
>>1531368This bothered me even before I peaked. I was in a large alt fashion community with a few legitimately cannot-function-as-adults mentally handicapped women in it, and even they didn’t get this fawning praise when they’d post. But if some man who lives alone and is able to hold down a normal job posts wearing children's accessories and an ill-fitting top everyone falls over themselves telling him what a pretty pretty princess he is. They aren’t treating him like this just because they think he’s retarded but because they know he’s a man.
>>1531197>>1531218Cue everyone in Hollywood going “Well how could we have known?!” if this kid ever comes out about being abused.
>>1531386Well there was that guy who forced that lesbian bar to either shut down or accept TIMs (I don’t remember). They like to accuse everyone else of colonialism but have no problem forcing their own ideology on non-Western countries and communities.
No. 1531426
File: 1652774441756.png (163.56 KB, 640x634, tumblr_a138838f3be0f8b4898ecff…)

>>1531219AND YOU
Fuckers this is an image board
No. 1531427
File: 1652774638527.jpeg (61.54 KB, 736x487, 1643128989846.jpeg)

It's so funny trannies come here to "own the terfs!!" and prove themselves to be so fucking male time and time again. Imagine having even your memes be porn, how fucking coombrained do you have to be? Would you EVER see a meme a like that posted by a woman?
No. 1531428
>>1531423Also notice how all the women in his unfunny porn collection are cis? They know exactly who is a woman and who is not when it comes to sexual degradation and then they try to make out like we are insane for thinking they are dangerous to have in our spaces.
All trannies are nonces and rapists and all “””cis””” men who support them are also nonces and rapists.
No. 1531430
>>1531427If sex work is real work and not degrading at all, and trannies are real and honest women, then how come all the women in those memes are very obviously cis? They know what they’re doing. I can’t believe they think they are woke. This is just a woke way of whipping your dick out to women in public and calling them sluts.
Being male is a mental disability and id pity them if they weren’t so vile.
No. 1531432
>>1531428Ugh, why can't they just fuck each other in their open wounds and circle jerk each other until they join 41. They wanna act like there is no difference then if you are lesbian then you can fuck another tranny lesbian by that fault logic.
Men can't handle no being told, it's why they threaten and try to punish people. They commit mot violence after all, a dress and lipstick doesn't change they are violent.
No. 1531436
File: 1652775168962.jpg (52.41 KB, 500x455, 1643129533332.jpg)

>>1531428>>1531430Also notice it's spelled "TERfS", f in lowercase implying we are not feminists - also implying that pic IS feminist? Good lord the coom in their brain is preventing normal brain functions istg
No. 1531438
File: 1652775332247.png (794.55 KB, 1500x1284, 1647013024489.png)

Another classic for the trannies lurking
No. 1531441
File: 1652775802042.jpeg (502.66 KB, 2048x1536, C8F55E70-C3EB-40DA-8B8A-5303CB…)

>>1531438Are these “far right talking points”?
No. 1531446
>>1530888Troons get so mad over getting called groomers, but they do absolutely nothing to advocate against grooming of children, trans or not. They'd rather kids get hurt by trans people than admitting that those bad trans people even exists, because "it makes all trans people look bad".
Troons also seem to think grooming only means "directly sexually exploiting children", they don't understand that encouraging kids to take hormones that will sterilize them for life IS grooming. Telling kids their parents don't love them for not being ok with them medically transitioning at 12 years old, telling them to keep secrets from their parents and to not trust them, it's all grooming tactics. It would be grooming even if it wasn't for trans reasons. And the hormones they encourage kids to take behind their parents backs are taken for sexually aesthetic reasons, it's literally to stunt the development of secondary sexual characteristics to look more attractive.
The grooming is older trans men and women seeking out teen boys to tell them to get boob jobs and get a neo-vagina just so they can later be penetrated by penises.
It's them telling the teen girls to amputate their breasts and to take anabolic steroids, and to have their clitoris removed in favour of a skin roll. It's them saying their parents, teachers and everyone else is lying to them about sex and gender, and only trans people are enlightened and can bring them salvation. It's all grooming.
No. 1531459
File: 1652780590089.jpeg (765.31 KB, 3749x1577, E31FB7B5-736F-4549-B093-4689DD…)

>>1531418The one about Netflix nonna? I feel like the second one in pic related is a little dig at THAT side of twitter too. I’m not a fan of bezos but it’s always good to see someone oppose the cult.
No. 1531461
File: 1652780685382.jpg (263.86 KB, 750x741, 1652733944684.jpg)

Dunno if this or celebricows thread is better, but anyway here is Laverne Cocks Barbie LMAO, they did him DIRTY
No. 1531464
File: 1652781443950.jpeg (20.14 KB, 439x480, 1650852053173.jpeg)

No. 1531465
File: 1652781554149.jpg (333.23 KB, 1556x1156, bn74m.jpg)

Know who you are posting with kek
No. 1531467
File: 1652781663969.png (137.08 KB, 737x867, ill_breakfast4697.png)

a post-op troon is complaining about being "friendzoned" by men when he reveals his trans status kek
No. 1531469
File: 1652781965008.png (1.13 MB, 780x778, 1652118130264.png)

>>1531466I know, it's immaculate!
>>1531467>is exactly the same as a cis womanhahahah, except being full ass MAN
No. 1531487
>>1531467I almost feel sad for the hsts, they're so deep in delusions and denial. They've been fed so so many lies for so long. It really is like watching a cult. They could have been living as happy healthy gay men by now, but they turned themselves into lifelong hospital patients instead.
The irony is because the trans crowd is so vocal and in your face telling everyone to learn more about trans people, they also accidentally make the woke people who supported them actually learn more about trans people and how unlike their wanted sex they really are. Before transwomen could get away with saying "neo vaginas are exactly the same as real vaginas" but now with them posting pics, people learning about the surgeries and how they have to dilate forever and douche with vinegar etc… people are starting to see how different they really are even in woke crowds.
No. 1531511
>>1531487I have sympathy for the kids groomed into transition, it’s sad really because in a perfect world it wouldn’t matter if a young boy wanted to dress “feminine” they would just wear what they want. What fucked up society to the point that gender non-conformity had to be medicalised? I hate the way TERFs are accused of upholding the binary, because every
TERF I know would be fine with men dressing in women’s clothes (in the same way women buy men’s) as long as it’s for fashion and not fetishisation. It’s so backwards, the ones upholding the male/female binary are the TRAs. You shouldn’t have to mutilate yourself just because you like “feminine” or “masculine” things. If men focussed on dismantling their patriarchal views that belittle and sexualise femininity, rather than doubling down on the “pink=girl” “I’m a woman because I love cock” view, gendered spaces wouldn’t even be needed. We only need these spaces because men made the world unsafe for us.
No. 1531513
File: 1652788403771.jpeg (897.36 KB, 2830x2042, 73661CD4-9238-4E6B-8C65-7F5CFA…)

>>1531467this is the dude and also his only other post. he’s a divorcee, no surprise there kek
No. 1531521
File: 1652789240127.jpg (596.26 KB, 952x1838, handmaiden.jpg)

handmaiden tells her troon roommate she wouldn't sleep with him and he attacks her and breaks her wrist. of course some of the comments are saying it's "expected" for not "validating" the scrote.
No. 1531523
>>1531521What an
abusive rapist incel. He attacked her because she rejected him and broke her wrist. Literally DV but it's okay because it's a tranny. This has to be fake right? I really hope so, but considering how troons act, adding on the recent Manchester chimp out and violence, it's probably real.
No. 1531524
>>1531521Holy shit, a male breaks her wrist for not wanting to fuck him and she's still being a good little handmaiden. I trust leddit is tellking her she's in the wrong of course.
>questioning if I should go full lesbian actuallyGirl it doesn't work like that good lord
No. 1531528
File: 1652790406539.png (356.9 KB, 917x900, zy7yd09g2zs61.png)

is this how they really see themselves, such massive cope
No. 1531529
File: 1652790534541.jpg (23.72 KB, 540x540, tumblr_3d744bc2fdcc439abf5b99f…)

>>1530881>Being a cis girl would mean I never experienced genital mutilation (circumcision)Jesus fucking Christ I hate men so goddamn much
No. 1531536
File: 1652791061354.jpg (204.16 KB, 1080x1656, FS6EEtKWAAAEdYW.jpg)

Massive cope, TRA are the ones loosing momentum and theyre already being incredibly hateful and violent
Oh and more nazi talk, why are they so obsessed with nazis. Legit no GCs are ever mentioning anything about nazis
No. 1531541
>>1531536Sure, the nazis are on our side, as seen in
>>1529799 >>1529779
No. 1531548
File: 1652792355636.png (717.93 KB, 988x1196, D6D73356-153D-4061-B794-7EDC51…)

>>1531508I’ve got you. Here is one of this posts to a womens fashion subreddit.
No. 1531549
File: 1652792394986.png (Spoiler Image,320.05 KB, 1366x768, A42A62BF-F016-4434-BB9A-E40F21…)

>>1531548And proof of his weird fucking fetish.
No. 1531554
>>1531528>ok whateverIf they really thought this we wouldn’t have to witness their chronic chimpouts in tweets and videos online. Massive cope.
>>1531536If anything I think GC has been gaining momentum. I’ve seen more and more people get peaked by TRA violence and inability to handle calm delivery of opposing opinions. The more they take off the mask, the worse it gets for them. The pendulum is going to swing, and they we will all be screwed over because they label us as right wing nazis so often, they don’t understand that most TERFs are left of center just like they claim to be. Every GC woman I have ever spoken to has made it abundantly clear that she has always considered herself liberal but now in the wake of this feels politically homeless because the left has completely turned on women.
No. 1531562
>>1531400Right?? I guess they are queer in the original sense of the word, meaning they're fucking weird.
>>1531536There may be a subset of trad crazies who SAY they're radfems, but actual feminism and conservatism are fundamentally incompatible. Just saying a group of people are Nazis doesn't make it true.
No. 1531572
File: 1652795395443.jpg (188.89 KB, 1080x1335, FS9t2BfWYAA90jg.jpg)

Imagine living your life in so much bitter delusion
No. 1531580
File: 1652796311360.jpg (98.14 KB, 418x1199, FS43rZoXEAEuqvA.jpg)

Only a moid would have this insane feeling of entitlement and delusion. Nobody gets a medal for "putting in this much effort" online, you dont get to be a super famous e-model just for trying hard, regardless of your gender identity. Do these scrotes really think women get flocks of fans loving them simply for existing? They dont know anything about being a woman at all, our beauty standards are insane and ugly women do not get credit for "effort"
Grow up and take a shower once in a while
No. 1531581
File: 1652796360231.jpeg (271.59 KB, 1273x553, B8228758-59F5-4D37-B276-83178B…)

>>1531578Oh my god they are the ones who always talk about “feeling” female. They are the ones who engage in magical thinking. They don’t live in reality!
No. 1531588
File: 1652796692254.jpeg (532.54 KB, 1284x1120, A93D3561-2627-431F-83E0-0F59C2…)

>>1531580This is the same one who posted this the other day.
No. 1531594
>>1531580> I look like an ugly man in a dress At least he is aware
>>1531588Inshallah he 41% soon, I feel it kek
No. 1531613
File: 1652798668325.png (475.57 KB, 870x820, CDD80808-7895-4137-85C5-44D6C3…)

>>1530995The deleted comments show they do not give a shit about the baby, they don’t give a shit that women have had to be very careful about what goes into their bodies during pregnancy and breastfeeding. They do not care. It’s all me me me me! My validation! My fetish!
No. 1531617
>>1531572It's always a REAL WOMAN SUMMER when you're born a real female!
Seethe tranny, seethe!
No. 1531618
File: 1652799080528.jpg (322.96 KB, 810x1483, Screenshot_20220517-052717_Boo…)

Troons being troons
No. 1531623
File: 1652799268909.jpg (82.13 KB, 700x533, before-after-cosplay-japan-10-…)

No one calls this a transwoman because this is still a regular moid. Ironically why don't a tranny put in so much work and dedication and leave the pigpen?
>>1531585Isn't chimerism a thing though? For the non-coom ones
No. 1531640
>>1531638This. Why is it almost always the whites? Even Russians troon at a higher rate than latinos/africans/other races
But most of the time it's the American whites who troon the most because woke and Biden.
No. 1531641
>>1531632Maybe stricter family roles? It’s one thing to cosplay as a trap at a convention where you know your parents won’t be able to say anything versus completely destroying traditional values that were set for you and might ruin how your family sees you. But even in a lot of Asian countries men are still coomers, they just hide it better.
>>1531640I blame it on the fact that white men are deluded into thinking they’re oppressed because for the first time in their lives they’ve been told to sit down and shut up and they can’t handle it.
No. 1531652
File: 1652800925477.webm (1.86 MB, 576x1024, cursed.webm)
fucking ew.
(Captioned @TERFs, because of course it was)
No. 1531665
>>1531593, fucking kek
>>1531630>males with XXNonas don't worry that's what the trannies use as an excuse
>>1531659>from completing the daughter-whore-mother tropes bingoThey just had to mishmash every female stereotype until it becomes unrealistic and doesn't make sense, it just makes them look like a clown
No. 1531685
File: 1652802761238.jpg (73.2 KB, 600x539, 1598553404983.jpg)

>>1531652This HAS to be satire lmaoo
No. 1531688
File: 1652802983212.webm (12.13 MB, 576x1024, cope.webm)
This is just cope after cope.
No. 1531691
>>1531563 100% this. Once troonacy liberalism falls put of fashion it
wouldnt turn again to feminism. If anything everything indicates that conservative politics will do a big comeback. And mark my words, all the big troon celebrities saying that "trans laws and body autonomy rights are tighly intertwined" right now would be the newly detransed far right influencers of tomorrow, who would say that because trans laws and womans rights are tighly intertwined, we should get rid of them all together.
No. 1531699
File: 1652804055465.jpg (292.43 KB, 1080x1489, FSxNAM4WIAA39ra.jpg)

Even after such a long healing period their wound wants to close up. Has anybody heard of anyone who had their bottom surgery for many years and it actually working out for them? Are they actually able to have penetrative sex without depth issues or extreme discomfort or pain?
No. 1531712
File: 1652804710943.jpg (2.85 MB, 1100x7635, pt2022_05_17_18_22_28.jpg)

>>1531580Went through his posts. He is a promiscuous gay, started watching anime and became weeb and both of his parents disowned him after he came out as trans.
He seems pretty troubled, maybe autistic?
No. 1531739
>>1531652I can smell both of them.
>>1531688>"So the next time cis people want to be in trans people's business…">"Don't.">"That's i- Just don't. Just shut up."Same could be said about them barging into women's business all XY-like, lol.
No. 1531772
File: 1652809523457.jpg (743.95 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220517-101516_Red…)

>>1530971Late but I checked this guy's reddit. Jesus christ… everything is so thinly veiled
No. 1531777
File: 1652809657580.jpeg (192.03 KB, 750x732, AB4D0FE2-0BF8-46EC-9813-DAFAA8…) imgur pictures of him abusing his daughter are still live but I’m not posting them here.
No. 1531793
File: 1652810186670.jpg (139.46 KB, 674x1199, FSyerGKaQAAiPEU.jpg)

No. 1531800
File: 1652810456063.jpg (44.74 KB, 800x554, bv7s0ivn9qb51.jpg)

>>1531793that is terryifing, he looks like he has had a face transplant
No. 1531803
File: 1652810661760.jpeg (184.66 KB, 1061x746, 3A08AE47-E5A8-4105-9EC8-F1B216…)

>>1531777Just a little bit of information about the drug he’s using to produce his discharge and that he’s feeding to his daughter.
No. 1531814
File: 1652811290796.jpeg (338.18 KB, 720x1262, 2CB05B70-46F1-4415-AE4D-F9C261…)

He does just describe it as a protocol he was given not that the doctor gave him the protocol so I’m going out on a limb and assuming he got this advice from another trans person. Because they seem to largely swap stupid information.
If he was under the guidance of a doctor he wouldn’t have needed to import a drug from oversees
No. 1531819
>>1531803eurofag here. this drug is sold here under the name motilium and is used to treat vomitting, indigestion and constipation. the only thing it did to the moid is gave him a good shit for the day. the discharge itself is prob more
toxic than the drug
No. 1531820
File: 1652811529269.webm (4.01 MB, 576x1024, f805f4139267fee448c8b4390e4dad…)
>>1531636>still call themselves menWhy are there so many troons in thailand?
No. 1531826
File: 1652812327848.jpeg (222.15 KB, 1170x1860, 7C8EE816-AE80-458F-B2C5-BD271A…)

Imagine being this fucking stupid
No. 1531830
>>1531826Lol they have to literally lie to get "
terf L posts"
No. 1531832
File: 1652813153920.jpeg (264.98 KB, 1284x617, F62DC6DD-819D-4B83-B61D-1F0896…)

>>1531769Okay, my apologies. If this was an incident I haven’t been able to find it again, but it might have been one of these cases I was thinking of. The first one is about a TiF’s baby dying in stillbirth and then blaming it on the hospital for treating her as a man. The second also blames the doctors and nurses for doing the wrong things despite the female patients self-reporting as men. I know this doesn’t necessarily belong in this thread, just answering anon’s question and I apologize for not giving the right info in my initial post. It’s mind-blowing they would mark M instead of F on hospital paperwork though and then expect the staff to just read their minds. No. 1531842
File: 1652814189365.png (1.41 MB, 1294x1680, 897654erdfghj.png)

Put some pants on, son. That's not a dress, looks more like a long top.
No. 1531857
>>1531826Ah yes, radfems are notorious for being pro rape
Fucking hell they don't even try lmao
No. 1531860
File: 1652815196616.jpeg (Spoiler Image,257.69 KB, 1089x2048, 0C27DCC2-7206-4A65-B026-23D3F9…)

Burn down Reddit
No. 1531872
i literally get so angry and upset seeing this thread, especially because of posts like
>>1531860 i hate troons so much i literally want to throw up
No. 1531878
File: 1652816103901.webm (3.85 MB, 576x1024, day in the life.webm)
There were a bunch of comments about how awful his code looked, can any programmer anons confirm?
No. 1531880
File: 1652816131224.webm (1.26 MB, 576x1024, sway.webm)
>>1531878He also posted this kek
No. 1531889
File: 1652817260934.jpeg (38.63 KB, 622x613, FO0xuuiXoAcIZar.jpeg)

>>1531860Just let me off this fucking clown planet. The fact doctors and nurses and social workers and shit see nothing wrong with this, I just can't. I can't believe it. Pregnant and lactating women supposedly have to be so goddamn particular with everything they consume and yet these larping AGP fuckers can fill up on God only knows what and pump their drug laced moob dribble into the system of a fucking newborn and it's ok??? I'm fucking done.
No. 1531908
File: 1652818409795.jpg (396.27 KB, 720x1520, Screenshot_20220517-212454_Twi…)

Yeah it's almost like troons are notorious groomers with an alarmingly high number of map rights supporters, number or people on the sex offender registry, and carbon copies of strawberryaggy (aka out and proud pedophiles)
No. 1531916
File: 1652819208859.jpeg (142.56 KB, 885x1065, 6FE52956-27BE-4639-B5A8-619ABA…)

kek look at this brave and stunning hon
No. 1531946
nonnie most of the time if you see a scrote trying to flex with something coding related, you can bet he shows you terrible entry level code. I've seen moids try to do that so often, that it made me believe it's just the flavor of autism this field attracts
this one may be a joke like one nonna said, but larping as an edgy hacker is not that uncommon among untalented scrotes, it's their favorite power fantasy, especially when they think there's nobody to call them out on it
No. 1531963
>>1531485they're good song lyrics, may i use them in a song
a song about being a woman
No. 1531967
File: 1652824649941.webm (1.9 MB, 576x1024, actuallesbians.webm)
And do what??? Why should anyone care about your dumbass relationship?
No. 1531976
>>1531878>>1531903I'm also inclined to believe it's satire. Aside from the already-mentioned issues with the code itself, he's "coding" in
Notepad. Nobody does this. There are special text editors ("IDEs") for programming; that's the black window with green text at the start of the video.
No. 1531981
>>1531826They’re starting to say the quiet part out loud. I knew feminism was going to become a bad word again like it was in 2015. All of these zoomer troons were raised on GamerGate, 4chan, and the alt right. Pretty soon the most inclusive libfem talking points are going to be called
TERF. When the news of Roe v Wade got overturned there was a very loud incel reaction from them of “These fucking foids don’t know how good they have it, shut up.”
No. 1531988
>>1531618This almost makes me miss the insanely misogynistic moid media of the 2000’s decade, all those mainstream boner comedies, “the man show” and “manswers” and maxim, etc.
Not that I didn’t hate all that sweaty scrote coomer bullshit back then, but at least moids used to be able to obsess over boobs without thinking it made them women. At least they were honest about just being horny dudes who wanted to look at boobs instead of pretending it was some deeply personal identity thing for them that everyone else needs to solemnly respect.
No. 1531998
>>1531988It’s the mass-marketing of everyone being
valid victims. Now rapists are allowed to feel self pity. People are more narcissistic and attention starved than they were 15 or 20 years ago. The moid cries out as he hurts you.
No. 1532006
File: 1652826958017.jpeg (63.43 KB, 700x457, dmdressgarden.jpeg)

>>1531580why can't he be a boy in a dress? he looks fine, just be goth. be a nice man in a dress, like martin gore. or a douchey man in a dress, like martin gore.
No. 1532020
File: 1652828119724.jpg (70.31 KB, 680x680, TROONS.jpg)

>>1532012Here is the trannys wife and enabler
She works at No. 1532026
File: 1652828540785.png (39.77 KB, 1009x550, yikes.PNG)

>>1530807Wait she actually became an attorney because her troon husband was too retarded to figure out a legal name change form? KEK
No. 1532035
File: 1652829284338.png (1.47 MB, 916x664, Capture.PNG)

No. 1532041
File: 1652829803461.jpeg (64.05 KB, 704x354, 21CB186D-9B42-4378-B915-59E620…)

Same picture.
No. 1532045
File: 1652829937670.jpeg (797.45 KB, 1170x1111, 71759F3A-76C3-4215-987E-422745…)

This makes me sound like a /pol/fag but it needs to be said: there is something dangerously wrong with the American education system.
No. 1532058
File: 1652830744154.jpeg (Spoiler Image,443.49 KB, 1536x2048, 985F599C-57DA-456C-ABE7-EC0955…)

Why is he wearing a bra if he doesn’t have breasts?
No. 1532070
File: 1652831637843.webm (3.66 MB, 576x1024, somepervert.webm)
What a fucking creep.
No. 1532148
File: 1652836374068.jpeg (350.53 KB, 1170x1110, 575618A7-516D-4392-AF0C-BEB32F…)

Not this moid making everything about him again
No. 1532155
File: 1652836820840.jpg (112.28 KB, 1204x634, Get-off-in-Thailand-Sex-touris…)

>>1531820Chasers gonna chase.
When a guy says he's been to Thailand, without a wife or girlfriend - - My mind automatically assumes he's there to either.
A) Fuck ladyboys.
B) Fuck everything they can, including children.
C) Become a Ladyboy.
No. 1532159
File: 1652837329917.png (39.09 KB, 1286x472, Breastfeeding for Trans_Non-Bi…)

is this a legit org?
No. 1532160
File: 1652837355290.png (20.23 KB, 1065x204, FYI Breastfeeding if AMAB is c…)

>>1532159from this reddit post
No. 1532173
File: 1652838007433.png (3.63 MB, 2041x3770, About Us - The Lactation Netwo…)

>>1532159>>1532160Wait none of these people are doctors or certified anything. These troons are literally using a website made up of lawyers and people who graduated from dental and broadcasting school(I googled some of these names)
I wish I had a reddit account, I'd post this.
No. 1532176
File: 1652838303643.png (19.41 KB, 1076x205, My sister is transphobic.png)

No. 1532181
File: 1652838939101.png (54.16 KB, 312x532, Screenshot 2022-05-17 at 21-55…)

>>1532160Comments already instajannied. OP's bio, lmao
No. 1532188
File: 1652839427895.png (171.69 KB, 1946x1178, hierarchy-of-evidence2.png)

>>1532159>case studyIt's always case studies or surveys that are linked for evidence in pro-trans "science". The absolute lowest form of scientific credibility
No. 1532206
File: 1652840711111.jpg (110.66 KB, 678x1200, FS40FgdWIAIGnsO.jpg)

No. 1532209
File: 1652840817693.jpeg (236.34 KB, 828x888, 6090CE22-1B51-40D6-AAC8-17C056…)

more troonfeeding man
No. 1532213
>>1531826I'm so sorry Andrea Dworkin sweety, you don't deserve this omg
Moids shut up challenge fr
No. 1532215
File: 1652841476152.png (222.19 KB, 990x443, anthony erin reed mugshot.png)

Anthony the tranny mom is a convicted felon holy kek. This is why his wife left him and he trooned out.
No. 1532221
>>1532173They're all clearly female aside from the two obvious scrotes. TRA's never fail to amaze. Part of me is hoping they stole these headshots from other websites.
>>1532215Holy shit where did you find this? If I had a Twitter I would make it my banner kek.
No. 1532262
File: 1652846183335.jpeg (168.03 KB, 750x804, A930C514-9E60-4167-8B76-47354A…)

>>1532261Oh wait yes, actually
No. 1532266
>>1532262Hope you have your settings to private on linkedin or he will see y’all saw his profile
>>1532261chong koster hire drug dealing felons?
No. 1532268
File: 1652847399144.png (39.31 KB, 1612x216, candk.png)

>>1532266they probably didn't see his record because of his convenient new identity. ah manufacturing consent, something trannies are excellent at.
No. 1532309
>>1532307Shit, that's good looking out. I had no idea, so glad I don't have an account.
>>1532215Nothing has improved my day like this has. The guffaw I let out was window shattering
No. 1532313
File: 1652852964662.jpeg (485.75 KB, 828x1427, E3DC9178-A1AA-4BB4-9032-CC5D22…)

Saw this today and this slightly gives me hope especially in the comments. Ofc lots of troons didn’t understand that the man is straight so doesn’t want to be with a ftm, but a lot of people were defending his sexuality. Now if we could only get this reaction on mtf scrotes
No. 1532321
File: 1652854700072.jpg (460.57 KB, 1080x1223, 1635932181366.jpg)

So this is the magic power of hrt huh? cause all I see is his hair getting thinner
No. 1532323
>>1532321he worked on his serial killer face too nona
covid really took a toll on moids..
No. 1532339
>>1531988I understand exactly what you mean. You should check out the book Female Chauvinist Pigs, by the way. It touches on a lot of the culture of that era, and how third wave/lib fem types clung to it in efforts to be "one of the guys". It even has a chapter about women trying to opt out of womanhood and calling themselves men or genderfluid and all that garbage. We tend to blame so much of NLOG/handmaidenry/nonbinary shit on Tumblr and social media, but it goes back further than that.
sage for ot
No. 1532354
File: 1652863854487.png (Spoiler Image,333.76 KB, 861x877, e50e25d918f4d1bd2d1d92fe47e098…)

An older but classic story
No. 1532364
>>1531868Don't worry nona. I'm very much involved in the punk scene and a bit in the goth scene. I used to have a lot of troon friends. I slowly quit talking to all of them when I peaked, but I remain friendly if they text me or say hi at a show, so they don't completely fuck up my life.
I did stay friends with my nb best friend though. I'm just hoping she grows out of it one day.
No. 1532366
File: 1652866826832.png (Spoiler Image,1.18 MB, 1118x982, 123564.png)

always funny to see these guys flip flop like this on their "trans women are real women!! there's literally no difference!!! you cis cunts are just jealous that trans women are stealing all of ur men!!!" rhetoric.
his voice is actually indiscernible from a standard gay man too(moid)
No. 1532393
File: 1652871570630.png (109.59 KB, 815x841, okgretch.png)

the false equivalency of it all
No. 1532396
File: 1652872320641.png (650.24 KB, 796x531, rough.png)

>>1532393every time I see this troon I think it's gabe newell
No. 1532403
File: 1652873033759.png (146.3 KB, 434x598, hrt_effects_example.png)

>>1532321he looks worse after HRT, which is very predictable
No. 1532426
File: 1652876189286.jpg (2.62 MB, 3464x3464, Picsart_22-05-09_15-27-28-017.…)

No. 1532444
File: 1652877850361.png (298.63 KB, 1182x454, 001.png)

>>1532435>Matt Walsh>Only moid I'll ever listen toYou're beyond retarded
No. 1532446
>>1532441>>1532442Didn't really know, thanks nonnies, I just followed the antitrans stuff.
Anyway, anything that could shine some light on how hypocrite and harmful the movement is is good.
I don't follow many social media to know the antics. Sorry for my retardation, still I want to know the aftermaths and the effects on his movies.
No. 1532447
>>1531632Because they don't need to pass, in the eyes of the woke.
For the woke people, you just need to identify, so you just have to claim that you're a woman, put on blue eyeshadow and you're done, free pity points.
No. 1532448
File: 1652878167862.jpeg (40.88 KB, 743x489, Reece Sheridan.jpeg)

>>1531842Looks like a Reece Sheridan disguise
No. 1532462
File: 1652879718057.jpeg (143.84 KB, 1284x1152, xy.jpeg)

>>1532457Sage for detrans milk but yeah. The GC right is already saying that feminazis caused the trans problem.
No. 1532471
File: 1652880398838.jpeg (39.77 KB, 828x286, 781C464B-7A29-42C1-865E-4165A7…)

>>1532012A bit late, but can the white men choosing to do this to themselves not compare themselves to black people for one fucking day? It’s just tonedeaf as hell.
No. 1532474
File: 1652880610464.jpeg (443.64 KB, 1284x963, F4DE69F2-9A8F-4B81-8AF9-0607C8…)

>>1532012>>1532471I don’t think this article he wrote a while back has been posted itt (possibly many threads back given the date of the article) but omg jfc. No. 1532480
>>1532479samefag, that user is a based
terf from what i have seen so far
No. 1532488
File: 1652882116797.jpg (107.71 KB, 540x792, 1.jpg)

I haven't been following the threads lately and I just skimmed the previous one so sorry if these have been posted. Oli is fucking insane but he is also kinda based
No. 1532492
File: 1652882339044.webm (7.89 MB, 576x1024, tumblr_rbu4k3Ubfr1y5h3up.webm)
>>1532491And these two weirdos met each other. Very cursed energy
No. 1532496
>>1532494By trans logic he does cause EVERYONE who says they're a woman is a woman.
Just a thought though: what if I said I am
terf gender and calling me out for being a
terf would be transphobic and invalidating my gender expression?
No. 1532498
>>1532496Then troons would tell you that your gender isn't
valid because they say so and then they'd threaten to rape and kill you
No. 1532501
File: 1652883080618.jpeg (919.64 KB, 1700x2178, BAF26896-DC49-445A-A4D8-078A52…)

>>1532479the troons have found the post. it you felt disgust seeing a man “breastfeeding” a baby you aren’t a feminist, according to one of these men. incredible stuff happening on twitter as per usual.
No. 1532504
File: 1652883464141.png (240.72 KB, 1500x1000, 7600A030-F531-4544-A4A8-BB0C93…)

>>1532501God they are so fucking stupid and enraging. They are not female, they need to give it up and realize that their bodies are not designed for this shit. The fact that they’re way more concerned for the pervert of a man doing this than for the well-being of the baby tells me all I need to know. And since he had no problem uploading this for the world to see for his own sick validation, it wouldn’t surprise me if he is getting sexual pleasure from this like
>>1532474 did. I don’t know what goes through their mind when they see pictures like this. Moob discharge is not fucking mother’s milk!
No. 1532510
File: 1652883929507.jpeg (642.46 KB, 2048x2048, 6DCCE6EA-5F3E-4ED3-B96E-516646…)

>>1532501Wow, and just yesterday I was vomiting over picrel. Sorry for bad crops, the overall info isn't necessary so I cropped just the alarming parts. I wish I had a gun and lived in America, that's all. America has 4.23% of the total global population but ~40% of all trannies. What causes all the degeneracy? "Freedom" but no money or land? Did some politician pour porn into the drinking water? I dream of a world clean, nonnies.
No. 1532515
File: 1652884365658.jpeg (435.62 KB, 1039x1008, A1889C03-748D-4018-8AAF-BCC238…)

>>1532514Libtard breastfeeding websites lie about the hormones not being passed in breastmilk. Fucking scary, so I can see why troons and handmaidens also gloss over that shit.
No. 1532524
>>1532501Gross comparison with adoptive mothers. No one is disgusted by a woman inducing lactation to feed a kid that might not be related to her, we're disgusted by men inducing "lactation" and feeding any kids with gross fluids, even if said kids are related to those perverts. "Terfs fail basic biology", fucking retard. This shit is not milk, it has no nutritional value, it's full of drugs.
Brestfeeding isn't just a tool for bonding with children, men can bond with them any other way but they simply refuse to take care of their kids because it is still a labourious activity that won't give them their immediate dose of dopamine and requires caring for someone else other than yourself. They really show us their concern with children's well being, but what can you expect from spoiled men that deny biological reality. They just want to appropriate any experiences that are exclusively female, this shit is so transparent. Can't wait to see it when the pendulum swings back, my only fear is we will be blamed for that, as always.
No. 1532535
>>1532474There is absolutely nothing arousing when nursing your infant. Especially at first when you're still bleeding from birth, your nipples hurt every time your newborn latches, every feed causes contractions and you're exhausted from it all.
Trannies telling on themselves again as useless perverted moids. It's terrifying that they feel empowered enough to be blatant pedophiles with no shame.
No. 1532545
>>1532536>>1532527women are the ones producing far more oxytocin than men, during breastfeeding AND sex. yet you don't see women talking about how horny breastfeeding made them. that man forcing his poor daughter to lick his nipple discharge has heard about the bond it creates between child and mother which is because of oxytocin and he immediately thinks that it's something sexual. men will never experience that bond. no amount of hormones can make them. after all nature is the biggest
terf kek
No. 1532546
File: 1652887430843.jpeg (192.81 KB, 1920x1080, CA8E6FAB-49AE-4DB0-BC34-837F5E…)

This she/they will be the student speaker at my university’s graduation ceremony this Friday. I’m sure the 20,000 or so people attending the graduation ceremony will be just riveted to hear about the thesis he wrote on troon mental health.
No. 1532548
File: 1652887794000.jpg (131.19 KB, 720x749, oli.jpg)

>>1532491KEK at the jyp edits. i need one with his lying down selfie.
oli is based. he and that dylan are so comparable. both were failed entertainers but one decided to become a troll of the woke crowd and the other makes a joke out of girls and women.
No. 1532580
>>1532548Lmao I can't believe how based this guy is now with his trolling and pointing out woke crowd hypocrisy
We love a brave and stunning Korean transwoman kek
No. 1532582
File: 1652891515604.png (456.97 KB, 596x811, clockable.png)

found this from following the freaks in some jeffrey marsh replies
No. 1532603
File: 1652892521369.jpg (99.07 KB, 720x753, q.jpg)

>>1532582another covid offspring
No. 1532605
File: 1652892572911.jpeg (1.16 MB, 783x2064, 39A6777B-AA9C-48E4-8894-7F1E52…)

Wtf is this thing
No. 1532619
File: 1652893484816.jpeg (353.57 KB, 810x2069, 592ECE5A-EB4A-4114-88DA-A21CBC…)

boo hoo
No. 1532620
File: 1652893541812.jpeg (336.9 KB, 785x1958, BAE4497C-D298-4982-937D-63FC12…)

It’s funny when they get out of their echo chambers especially when they see the whole of Reddit doesn’t even actually agree with them.
No. 1532658
File: 1652896659857.webm (3.36 MB, 576x1024, bad shit.webm)
"Girls with wands"
I almost feel like I should censor this, wtf?
No. 1532661
File: 1652896826967.jpg (65.1 KB, 1125x1125, kekw.jpg)

>>1531878>writing the most basic fucking thing in notepad and overexplaining it so he seems cool and techywhat an absolute joke
No. 1532702
File: 1652899219715.png (119.68 KB, 1010x449, AITA1.png)

No. 1532706
>>1532488A real Korean
terf king, we stan.
No. 1532723
>>1532705>>1532709This is such a nightmare fuel
>20 years married>he troons out after being married for 20 fucking yearsI would just murder him, I don’t care, it’s such a fucking waste of time, imagine living with someone for 20 fucking
years and then this motherfucker just decides to troon out. Men are a waste of space.
No. 1532724
File: 1652900337099.jpg (1019.73 KB, 1385x1600, 22-05-18-20-54-57-514_deco.jpg)

Anyone know his male name? This collage isnt perfect but when these pedophiles are out here with face on display its good to Keep track of them. But i Wonder, the article is from 2017? Does he have two kids or are the pictures old as well?
No. 1532730
File: 1652901347782.png (415.47 KB, 694x688, taylor may silverman.png)

female pro skateboarder taylor may silverman is speaking out against mtf troons in women's sports. TRAs are big mad, of course.
No. 1532762
File: 1652904013245.jpg (27.12 KB, 248x344, thousdand nut stare.jpg)

>>1532321you know he's AGP when he shows off that thousand nut stare in picrel
No. 1532835
File: 1652909023601.png (6.23 MB, 1606x2497, a-typical-male.png)

>>1531368>Handmaid: You're gorgeous btw! Loving the outfit where'd you get that top???>TIM: Amazon.Late but the troon's complete lack of enthusiasm and reciprocity is hilarious to me because it's so typically male. It's a perfect example of male vs. female socialization. Not every woman or girl knows how to take a compliment, but most of us will at least say thank you if not pay a compliment back in return.
I've noticed this a lot with troons - a woman will say something nice about them and they'll respond dully, same as most men do.
No. 1532837
>>1532709I just can't believe how accepted this has become. She is heavily pregnant, stressed and now has to think about this shit. Fucking hell I hate these selfish men so much.
They clearly get so jealous that they're not the centre of their wife's attention anymore and find ways to change that.
No. 1532876
>>1532354As a person who dealt with a family member who had an amputated leg and took care of it, this is revolting. The fact these people see nothing wrong with self multilation and making others suffer as well is beyond me.
They have no idea how hard life gets after losing a part of your body, we should remove the licenses of every doctor performing any kind of unecessary amputations.
No. 1532891
File: 1652913060751.png (369.45 KB, 1280x612, pretending to pretend.png)

>pretending to pretend to be a man
No. 1532892
>>1532733Very true. Although the bitchy stereotypes we have, we're very attuned to other people's insecurities and bend over backwards trying to help. I see so many women do this I wonder how the hell women are seen as bitches to each other. Moids never progress past high school I guess.
>>1531878Anons, I was
triggered by this earlier. I saw a grade school girl wearing a white skirt, knee highs and tucked in shirt. Of course the skirt was way longer, but it convinced me AGPs are pedophiles. I was on the fence but I'm convinced now. The girl looked cute, but in a casual, comfortable plain outfit sort of way. The fact that these freaks think it's their ticket to "womanhood" is beyond deranged. I hope they all get the chop. Euthanize them.
No. 1532895
>>1532893"want to be
someone's woman"
he wants to be an object. women = objects to him.
No. 1532903
>>1532891>they’re treating me as supervisor without the titleOh, you mean they’re listening to you, following your ideas and conversation topics and not completely dismissing everything you say because you are male?
>a year of hormones have sapped my strength!Ah another one who suddenly can’t open a jar of pickles. Such a weak frail little woman.
No. 1532904
File: 1652913918179.jpg (509.77 KB, 495x542, EHQbZ9D.jpg)

FaceApp is a curse. So many ugly ass moids think about transing after trying this shit.
No. 1532924
File: 1652915351021.png (409.79 KB, 628x601, nz stabbing.png)

Another Reduxx share. A TIM stabbed his ex girlfriend and 2 others in an NZ Indian restaurant.
No. 1532938
File: 1652916037589.jpeg (160.77 KB, 750x1061, 66D51C2D-B7F2-464F-8E3F-EE00C9…)

This has to be satire
No. 1532949
File: 1652917618378.jpeg (296.88 KB, 1168x1798, 20A1CC80-F19C-4D1A-877F-A382F1…)

>>1532730Her comments are so fucked. There’s so many people telling her to kill herself and that she sucks a skating blah blah. This one dumb bitch(picrel) has posted on
every single one of her pictures to join the 27 club. I hope she doesn’t quit skating or give in to the bullshit.
No. 1532959
File: 1652918398004.png (464.04 KB, 574x785, C284DACE-42FC-4E9C-A978-6AFC05…)

I wonder if he ever got this excited about cooking before the womanface.
No. 1532961
File: 1652918479297.png (79.15 KB, 1080x801, Looking for advice please no e…)

>i have exhausted all my outlets for porn and now I want to transition into a woman to get my release!
No. 1532978
File: 1652919135302.jpg (707.79 KB, 1080x1376, Screenshot_2022-05-18-17-11-48…)

>>1532835you are 100% correct. mtf troons are male, and as such, are completely incapable of responding to compliments the same way a female would. giving and receiving compliments is something that comes naturally to most women, particularly when giving and receiving them from each other. it's lost on trannies though. they claim that our acceptance is a matter of life or death for them, but i think they actually prefer us when we're "mean" to them; they couldn't claim to be oppressed if we all told them how beautiful and
valid they are; their oppression is what gives them a free pass to invade our spaces and cross our boundaries, which is what they actually want. but at the same time, they can point to handmaids and claim that terfs are the real issue; that most women support them and terfs are the vocal minority. they don't care about our acceptance though,
terf or not. just like most males, they're skeptical when we compliment them or try to be kind… they think we're insincere and have an agenda. that's why they're so blasé when we try to build them up.
one of the many things that caused me to peak was realizing that tims have no desire to assimilate. no amount of emotional labor would ever convince them that they're woman'ing wrong. troons expect us to accommodate them, even when it's contrary to our best interests and our very nature. classic male psychology
No. 1532981
File: 1652919267955.png (164.35 KB, 1026x746, Screenshot.png)

No. 1533008
File: 1652920376395.png (1.21 MB, 1080x1620, Screenshot_2022-05-18-19-25-58…)

Every single post this troon makes is about his tights and he always includes a close-up of his feet and it's so obviously a fetish it baffles me that other people don't see it and ban him. And he always wears ugly ass Shein clothes. I absolutely hate these type of "fetish in disguise" posts and EVERY troon does it.
No. 1533030
File: 1652921490789.jpeg (1.05 MB, 2867x1268, 5E46FD33-D30E-4C11-ADE8-70D274…)

>>1532981was bored so had a look at his other posts, sorry it’s a lot of text to read but this dude is a 21 year old virgin who has been on HRT for like 4 months and he’s already contemplating suicide kek. but then he’s also thinking about duping a real girl into fucking him so he can experience “sex with both types of genitals” (spoiler: he’ll never know what sex with a vagina/clit is like). i almost feel sorry for him, his brain is completely screwed. there’s nothing wrong with him being a virgin at 21 but there’s something very wrong with the rest of him.
No. 1533046
File: 1652922078226.jpeg (387.41 KB, 1170x1241, A474DA72-4AEA-4E52-9A12-4876AA…)

Saw this innocuous looking post but then I saw OP’s icon. I thought all the troons migrated to Twitter already.
No. 1533087
>>1532845Is it weird that I like his voice? I think he realized that when he chopped his dick off and lost his sex drive along with everything else, he realized it was a scam and deeper. That he's just a gay man and he was tricked by the hug box.
I wish him the best, he seems well spoken and I hope he can pick up whats left and start over. Keep telling his story. He seems like he was in a fog and he finally cleared it out somewhat. I hope he has just as much support going out as he had going in.
No. 1533097
File: 1652926223145.png (106.97 KB, 1015x360, mtf.png)

They've been together 10 years? Fucking hell. That poor woman.
No. 1533125
File: 1652928676182.png (Spoiler Image,217.43 KB, 500x509, Screenshot 2022-05-18 at 22-47…)

>>1533097Like clockwork kek
No. 1533146
>>1533097Aka i got bored of my wife and kids and i got no hobbies so imma go abandon them and live out my fetish
>>1533125Case in point. He's uploading nasty pics while he's still with his wife.
No. 1533179
File: 1652933690310.jpeg (188.93 KB, 1242x768, 1BB6BE98-B777-4FDC-8437-D72B02…)

the replies to this tweet/article are pretty amusing incase any nonna needs a good laugh, also it’s cool how the proof really does go right down to our bones, even for a female that was alive roughly 50,000 years ago. No. 1533182
File: 1652934218705.jpeg (257.99 KB, 828x861, D99E32D7-DEE6-4989-9DE0-558C3C…)

>>1532970checked out the thread and found this kek
No. 1533216
File: 1652937365566.jpeg (232.2 KB, 828x1055, 76CA27B4-731A-4354-8277-46F511…)

They don’t even hide it.
No. 1533231
File: 1652940190348.jpg (1.1 MB, 810x2008, Screenshot_20220519-015655_Boo…)

When you venture outside your NEET cave for the first time in months.
No. 1533233
>>1533231>aRe TrAnS LeSbIaNs WelCoMe hErEIt enrages me when they say this because they try to come across as sweet and shy and polite but NOBODY is allowed to tell them no, they KNOW nobody has the guts to and if they do they will be banned. They don’t Care if they’re actually wanted or not and they already know they’re welcome!
He deserves a guillotine what a disgusting sod.
No. 1533237
File: 1652940813489.jpg (190.28 KB, 720x1011, moidactually.jpg)

>>1533231why ask when you posted this almost a year ago and got compliments? attention seeking ass
No. 1533250
File: 1652942471544.jpeg (50.09 KB, 827x262, D2963B72-37A7-433E-9865-1E60A1…)

love how he's able to tell who real women are when it comes to them defending amber heard
idk much about this particular troon but every time I see a tweet from him it's usually misogynistic and/or unfunny scrote humor - incel/4channer to troon pipeline I assume
No. 1533256
>>1533250Nta but why do people compare real people to fictional characters.
Walter White isn't real.
>incel/4channer to troon pipeline I assume.More on topic, it's scary how accurate that pipeline is. I always wonder when I see them in the wild (not often but have seen some).
No. 1533317
File: 1652952024988.png (357.81 KB, 760x1196, Screenshot_20220519-021953.png)

Rip to this sub lol damn
No. 1533319
File: 1652952730228.png (407.04 KB, 760x1331, Screenshot_20220519-023137.png)

Lesbians can't have a single subreddit without it being filled with this shit I'm so tired
No. 1533324
>>1533317this person has read something smart, then something dumb, understood neither and now just repeats random keywords thinking it means something
>>1533319my goal in life is to earn enough money to create a women-only hidden network and leave internet to those apes. they seem to be having fun in their echo-chambers anyway
No. 1533352
File: 1652959202383.jpg (119.33 KB, 594x392, tumblr_29fc3ae1f9ca02143a48c72…)

Ah, like clockwork. I just posted
>>1533315 lmao.
No. 1533364
File: 1652962183247.jpg (91.36 KB, 738x437, delusion.JPG)

I'm sure it was his butt that caused the men to stare in the restroom. Can't wait for the follow-up post where he claims the women in the restroom are all jealous because they keep staring at him, kek.
No. 1533394
File: 1652965232147.jpg (53.47 KB, 350x498, 2b69476cf7ec03d473c2367ea66c62…)

>>1533317i feel like i'm living in clown world when i read about men trying to re-write history. yes, gender non-conformity has existed in lesbian spaces for a long time. transness is whole other issue that has NOT. only in recent years with men barging in and demanding acceptance lest there be consequences has "transness" been forced into lesbian spaces. a woman like picrel is of course a common sight, but nowadays the gender argument has gotten so convoluted and stupid in a way that DOES NOT EXIST in gay male spaces that it's fucking exhausting. just leave us alone.
No. 1533398
File: 1652965502148.jpg (109.64 KB, 731x782, Untitled.jpg)

>>15333102 posts in and this is the most male thing ive ever seen. what a grim subreddit.
No. 1533403
File: 1652965888654.png (39.28 KB, 713x136, bleak.png)

>>1533310up-top a (really cute) gnc girl, below… well.
No. 1533408
File: 1652966098372.png (695.9 KB, 418x830, hidethepainharold.png)

No. 1533411
>>1533331Yikes. Most moids don’t even “take care” of women, it’s the other way around. Women are expected to play therapist, childrear, cook, work, and do all the chores.
I’m sure he could find some
abusive gay scrote to treat him like ‘property’ though, without having to transition. But I guess that doesn’t fulfill the humiliation sissification fetish and roping in ‘straight’ guys.
No. 1533414
File: 1652966561596.jpeg (520.91 KB, 791x598, 702435C6-5C10-4BD1-A2A5-9B85D0…)

so i think i stumbled onto the worst account i've ever found in my life. reading this makes me feel absolutely insane. this is a male who is claiming to literally BE PREGNANT, and claims they had a uterus transplant done. in reality, their FTM partner is the one who is actually pregnant. this actually makes me sick to my stomach. it's a male literally stealing a females pregnancy away from her. sorry for image quality not being the best i had to do this collage in a shitty app. the rest of the account is full of equally delusional shit.
No. 1533418
File: 1652967226475.png (91.27 KB, 800x402, Capture d’écran 2022-05-19 à…)

>>1532970idk something like a XX chromosome
No. 1533423
File: 1652968111172.jpeg (149.21 KB, 1080x673, 09214925-BDE2-466B-85C3-F0B27B…)

>>1533418Problem solved, all XX plus all catagories on the right get to compete. Testing has been available for this for a while now!
No. 1533427
File: 1652968786828.png (161.97 KB, 1739x898, partneristrans.png)

No. 1533441
File: 1652970390113.jpeg (80.84 KB, 437x220, CFEACCAA-2D1D-49F7-8475-C0332A…)

>>1532970A woman is literally adult human female, fucking cope, seethe, dilate
No. 1533460
>>1530826male laughs are repulsive, disgusting, jarring to hear. it should be illegal for men to laugh or vocalise at all.
>>1532045the sooner serious leftists understand that there is complete ideological institutional capture in the service of capitalist and consumerist interests the better. tangent but i cant help but roll my eyes at the people wondering where child services is for tranny moobfeeding csa cases- they're cheering it on.
No. 1533468
File: 1652973468834.jpg (381.93 KB, 1060x1288, Screenshot_20220519-111611_Bum…)

Bumble never fails to disappoint
No. 1533469
File: 1652973603609.jpg (18.02 KB, 500x441, 1607797726395.jpg)

No. 1533472
File: 1652973884255.png (447.37 KB, 458x748, beer belly.png)

>>1533414documenting his beer belly lol
No. 1533483
File: 1652974775628.webm (3.22 MB, 576x1024, itsafetish.webm)
Transformation fetishism but make it uvu ~wholesome~
No. 1533491
Anyway, this is a gossip forum, you come here to share the gossip. Also, the links get archived when you post them.
No. 1533513
File: 1652976549397.png (77.9 KB, 987x289, 0.png)

No. 1533514
File: 1652976624667.png (662.31 KB, 1955x1329, Responses.png)

>>1533513I love it when FtMs come to the realisation that gender socialisation does in fact matter. Hope this wakes some of them up.
No. 1533518
File: 1652977382614.webm (5.17 MB, 960x540, gendertransformation freaks.we…)
>>1533483this subreddit is filled with shit like that first one i saw was the cartoon getting a boner as he transformed kek
No. 1533537
File: 1652978842550.png (448.12 KB, 925x522, aclu.png)

So shocking to me that this was ever allowed in the first place, let alone allowed to continue, considering how many women have been raped (and in some cases became pregnant). FFS No. 1533547
File: 1652979603809.png (1.39 MB, 1635x1562, Screenshot 2022-05-19 095450.p…)

theyre all fucking like this im going to go insane
No. 1533572
File: 1652981528696.jpeg (334.74 KB, 1170x1031, 63FFAFD7-F46E-4266-A4B4-E9A7BE…)

“Men are delusional” says the man who claims to be a lesbian
No. 1533574
File: 1652981597972.jpg (74.1 KB, 1086x724, 13920305_10210577150933488_138…)

I knew this asian guy at university when I was studying in Australia and often times he'd make really inappropriate jokes. One of our mutual friends send me this medium post that he made in 2017 where he basically said that his girlfriend raped him because she was made that he raped her. Just absolutely abhorrent gaslighting.
Of course, this guy has completely trooned out now - he was always an attention whore. These people always drive me crazy because on the face of it the insanity to rape someone and then accuse them of being a rapist is only matched by putting on a dress and pretending to be a woman. No. 1533579
File: 1652981692667.png (151.15 KB, 760x681, Screenshot_20220519-103407.png)

They're literally the ones making it difficult when it's not lol
No. 1533580
>>1533574I got so mad thinking about this that I didn't link his creepy medium article!
No. 1533586
File: 1652981983207.png (70.84 KB, 451x588, katelyn.png)

>>1533537Old article but I wish the level of outrage for TIMs in men's prison was applied to women being imprisoned with men, often violent rapists.
Also nice combover "Katelyn"
No. 1533596
>>1533561go full
TERF mode
nonnie if no one knows ur real name / identity. silence is not worth these degenerates molesting babies.
No. 1533607
>>1533579Trannies: everyone hates us for no reason boohoo I was born this way
Also trannies: we're only trannies because people hate us, it's society's fault
make up your mind retards
No. 1533615
File: 1652984566345.webm (1.01 MB, 576x1024, nominal.naomi.webm)
Transbians truly are all copies of one another. It's almost creepy how pervasive it is.
No. 1533628
File: 1652986002512.png (1018.87 KB, 900x900, IfDPENd_7ApCSAzldhHB-1nw0jQejp…)

>>1533609the voice is convincing but cmon, this is his channel icon
No. 1533632
File: 1652986324472.jpeg (603.44 KB, 1170x1746, B6DF5F5F-3125-4AA7-A5A5-CFBD3F…)

BBLs are now gender affirming healthcare
No. 1533633
File: 1652986480881.png (53.92 KB, 1000x222, Narcissism.png)

Jesus, can you losers not make everything about yourselves for one fucking moment?
No. 1533643
>>1533633also they
can have children ffs. men can raise children so what he is basically whining about is not having the physiological autogynephilia of being pregnant so he can coom more.
so unfair! waaahh wah wah.
No. 1533652
>>1533632Ok, then let the government cover women's surgeries. All of them. Gender affirming healthcare for all
In truth, women with actual health issues should have the government cover surgery costs. It's insane that these people think dick inversion surgery is more important than literal life or death situations
No. 1533660
File: 1652988297036.png (252.04 KB, 2382x1292, 23456789876.png)

This is insanely creepy. Women don't go to the bathroom waiting for the chance to hand out tampons and makeup remover to women they don't know. Moids are so stupid, just pee in a bush and stay away from us.
No. 1533664
>>1533642idk, he sounds extremely similar to a couple of male friends I had as a teenager who were very effeminate sounding. to the point where they both were bullied every time they opened their mouths. so maybe I just have an extra attuned ear for that sort of thing, but I'm not so sure.
I think the only passable mtf voice is The Sphere Hunter on yt. he just sounds like a deep voiced woman
because he doesn't do the typical ~uwu girly~ affectations that so many troons do
No. 1533687
File: 1652990117811.jpg (49.41 KB, 1280x720, youagree.jpg)

>>1533632So you agree? You think 'gender affirming surgeries' are shallow, cosmetic and mostly futile attempts to fit an ideal that you don't naturally? And so they don't fall into the realm of life-saving vital healthcare? And is it just maybe true that anyone trying to look like 'an entirely different person' through surgeries could benefit greatly from therapies aimed at healing their troubled relationship with their body?
This dumbass needs to think before he tweets.
No. 1533691
File: 1652990702896.jpeg (492.26 KB, 828x1150, A2384F16-6ED3-4549-AC0D-72504F…)

fat “women”
No. 1533703
>>1533701jfc I hope its not as bad as USA
>>1531588This is actually sad, kinda pity him. That life is full of drugs and despair. Many of the old transgenders were prostitutes for necessity and he is doing it for…laser hair removal. We truly live in a narc society.
No. 1533710
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No. 1533716
File: 1652993391338.webm (2.2 MB, 576x1024, that is a straight man.webm)
Why are they so obsessed with liking girls "in a gay way"? Gaydens do the exact same thing. Being into lesbian porn/yaoi is peak heterosexual behaviour.
No. 1533740
File: 1652997241453.png (80.55 KB, 509x463, whatthefuckkk.png)

>>1531860Idk if this is an "actual" doctor, but it seems legit with what medical jargon I know to be true. Unethical, child abuse, lies about him seeing a "lactation consultant" and all that. This is a FEMALE infant as well. I feel…even more disgusted than ever. No. 1533760
File: 1652999891987.png (405.2 KB, 2712x1236, 12345678423430.png)

Troons have no business being upset that tik tok attention whores are identifying as something they're not, rendering the words they use to describe themselves meaningless. Take a look at in the mirror, hon, you too are a mockery of what you want to be.
No. 1533761
>>1533726in Germany, if your health insurance shall pay your breast surgery, for example if they are too big and damaging your back, you have to go to 200 doctors and 50 psychologist and get told that you should try to strengthen you abs or go on a diet before they even consider helping you. While, when you are mtf or ftm, you go to your gp, he will refer you to a psychologist, who will write you a note after a few sittings and you will get that shit paid. Same if you want to get sterilised as a woman, mostly every doctor you find will tell you you have to get a child before or be at least 35 or older, some won't do it at all. Men just go there and it's a deal. Sry, if I sound bitter, but if you pay for health insurance yourself and won't even get your glasses covered (which you need to see) while a troon will get his hormones (he doesn't need at all) paid for, it leads to you being salty.
No. 1533768
File: 1653000646614.png (125.25 KB, 734x766, FTD88lLXsAIqFMj.png)

The more you read of this, the worse it gets
No. 1533772
>>1533760kek it’s finally happened.
“define woman” bullshit has been flipped on them.
>how do we define who is and isn’t trans. i love to see it.
No. 1533773
File: 1653001346025.png (412.48 KB, 924x502, DM.png)

>previously under investigation for child molestation
No. 1533779
File: 1653001954163.jpg (517.28 KB, 1080x1772, Screenshot_20220519-190714_Chr…)

>>1533572>>1526352>>1527383This cow crossover is great.
No. 1533783
>>1531574It's a double dose of not being able to accept any accountability. It's not successful, generous men having meltdowns about what feminists say. The number of men who engage in manipulation and covert abuse is off the fucking charts, while women fuck themselves over by taking it all at face value. Just look at all the sad sack millennials who got engaged with a gumball machine ring, never actually got married, and do 40 hours of housewife shit a week after working a 9-5 job, just to prove that they aren't "gold diggers".
>>1531580It shows that he never lurks female coms, because itas get roasted all the time for pairing limp unstyled hair and janky everyday accessories with a $300 dress and $200 shoes.
>>1531548There are few things more male than a grown ass adult living in squalor and posting photos of it on the internet. I can sort of give teenagers a pass on it, since they generally are blind to messes
due to having a half-formed brain.
>>1532084It's not a particularly hot take among women old enough to have children and be divorced. Most men can't form new bonds to anyone outside their birth birth family.
No. 1533784
File: 1653002329996.png (196.2 KB, 947x642, reddit_asktransgender.png)

It's because most people aren't fucking stupid. Hope that helps!
No. 1533799
File: 1653003346439.jpg (666.8 KB, 1080x1754, Screenshot_20220519-192804_Chr…)

>>1533572>>1533779Joan is in the back. Imagine doing lewd things with that special needs autogynesmirk in the center. Prison gay on estrogen kek.
No. 1533809
>>1533784>trans people are no better than delusional perverts who you entertain out of pity and disgusti cant argue with that one kek
i read this guys post history and hes a hsts, so i guess thats where the grievances towards being perceived as preying on woman comes from. i hate hsts just as much as agps though because they will still actively go out of their way to defend the hulking transbians. dumb
No. 1533810
>>1533784He’s probably
triggered because the shoe fits. Most TIMs are AGPs and raging misogynists, and the ones in prison have all been convicted for rape, murder, and pedophilia.
>thinking of kmsDon’t threaten us with a good time.
No. 1533820
File: 1653004534900.jpg (485.24 KB, 1080x1573, 195411_Twitter.jpg)

what in the mental gymnastics
No. 1533826
>>1533820>biological advantage in jeopardyI don't think anyone has ever said that?
The issue with the jeopardy tranny was people thinking that a moid was "the highest-winning female contestant". A spot meant for a woman was taken by an ugly hulking fetishist.
>bone density the deciding factorwell there's more than that but you know trannies, they pick and choose for their flawed arguments.
No. 1533833
File: 1653005497382.png (174.17 KB, 1742x822, 8.png)

ywnbaw tranny creep
No. 1533836
>>1533833ew, what the actual fuck. serial killer behavior. and somehow they still claim that they arent incels?
>She is everything I want to be and more. She's Swedish/Japanese and speaks both fluentlyweeb detected
No. 1533839
File: 1653006040118.jpg (936.78 KB, 3024x4032, 93o3wezujf091.jpg)

>>1533768Easy, he's obviously autistic and also deeply disturbed. I noticed a trend with a lot of them, they're insanely obsessed with videogames, notice how he has every console imaginable, for a lot of them it goes beyond hobbie, it's a lifestyle.
Also it's not the first time ABDL comes to the picture with these creeps. A lot of autistic people wear diapers even during puberty. I believe their sexual development and incontinence got mixed up somehow and here we are, plagued by a bunch of retarded gamers wearing diapers trying to chop their dicks off. Lovely.
No. 1533846
File: 1653006464345.jpeg (77.25 KB, 1241x1241, EvKaeBHWYAIRIm6.jpeg)

>>1533609Kinda related? But the same thing happened to me but with a comedian. I thought Patti harrison was a based
terf because of these tweets but I quickly found out he's a Tim
No. 1533903
>>1533820>>1533826Men can have a biological advantage in Jeopardy because being able to answer questions first relies on timing/reflexes and fast-twitch muscle fibres. You can be more knowledgeable than your opponent and have faster, more accurate and detailed recall, while also being more able to put together answers based on context clues, and still lose if you can't consistently ring in faster than the other players.
Psychology also plays a role because of the betting aspect (women are more likely to wager conservatively and doubt their own abilities).
No. 1533926
File: 1653015192877.webm (4.39 MB, 576x1024, tiktok.webm)
Does he really think he needs to out himself to be clocked kek
No. 1533945
File: 1653018011134.jpeg (Spoiler Image,56.24 KB, 620x639, 9EE1238E-19FB-4D7E-9597-027AAB…)

>“But this never happens!!!!”
No. 1533952
File: 1653018851032.png (943.15 KB, 2066x2180, jamiexpassion01.png)

>>1533768Crinkly gay sounds!
No. 1533971
File: 1653020729145.jpg (53.15 KB, 1280x720, lol.jpg)

>>1533743lol at how he depicts himself as tan when he is pasty white
No. 1533981
>>1533947samefagging to apologize for forgetting my sage, too late to delete now
>>1533948>>1533954>>1533956it doesn't make it any less disgusting and is absolutely not ok, i just wish gc women were more precise because whenever troons see this kind of thing they jump in like sharks with "THEY'RE INSIDE A STALL!!!". just list all these other things instead of the one thing that is not going to happen
No. 1534000
File: 1653025111947.jpeg (479.25 KB, 2331x892, FDA51A79-DCBA-42BC-8758-C2A3E2…)

I really like the difference in top posts on both the mtf and ftm reddits.
No. 1534005
File: 1653025618136.jpeg (275.8 KB, 1242x652, 7BC388CD-82EF-41B8-A94D-52B679…)

Oh girl I know what you mean I just feel so good about myself when men around me look at my breasts.
No. 1534025
>>1533743 saw the whole vídeo yes i'm that bored. Yeah countrapoints is being a gifter?, must be a day that ends on Y. "She's only here for economic reasons!!" specifically he's on YouTube to fuel his opioid addictions and lavish lifestyle, you're welcome troon. Contra is shallow and greedy but god, this troon is incredibly sensitive. Idk how an adult can even tolerate the idea of being treated so softly as he advocates, must be the autism. All that i leared in that vídeo is that contra is leaving all the crumbs for a detrans saga once being trans stops being economically profitable which also i already suspected kek. I was also struck by the hatred he has for contra, at some point it even sounded like legit misogyny. Maybe that was the dreaded transmisogyny all along, when an agp reach a confy lifestyle and two or three cis handmaidens who validates him fellow agp seethe and dilate and start treating him like they treat woman: nitpicking and infantilizing his acts, taking everything in bad faith, accusing him of being an evil bigot and for that he should be lynched on spot and appealing to his emotions (and that is the funniest part because he's trying to make a junkie feel bad lmao), ect. Obviously is not the same, a woman who said the same things as contra would be doxed in less than a month by the same public who cherish him, but agps truly hate each other more than anyone hates them uh.
No. 1534033
File: 1653030938058.jpeg (387.12 KB, 519x982, 05DB0EBC-B5D5-4826-B294-4BB101…)

>>1533888All I see is him in a wig.
No. 1534038
>>1534025I see I see, thanks nonita! Sounds like jealous agp diaper crinkling tbh. Seems like truly the cure for the tranny menace is giving them platforms to embarass themselves and fight each other. I'm an evil
terf and I wholeheartedly support giving as much visibility to trannies as possible!
>>1534033Lmaoo noo cannot unsee
No. 1534042
>>1533833I am genuinely concerned for that woman, being around this unhinged freak.
Good reminder that part of their fetish is to punish women for being what they can never be.
No. 1534043
File: 1653036769169.png (136.69 KB, 2046x1210, cuttingoffeveryone.png)

Some of you regulars might recognize the username: No. 1534047
>>1533953>feminine diapersu wot
completely ignoring the fact that girls mature much faster than boys - who are allowed to act like children their whole fucking lives
No. 1534049
File: 1653038735266.png (6.72 KB, 500x80, Screenshot 2022-05-20 at 05-23…)

>>1534005You don't say! The comments are entertaining: No. 1534065
File: 1653043373182.jpg (400.85 KB, 640x790, RDT_20220520_13311340212218255…)

….He is flexing on being so fat he has moobs lmfao
Also, never in my life I have felt jealous of a girl having bigger boobs than me - if anything, I feel sorry for their back and/or for them to feel like they had to get implants. No one I know has some tit size competitions, wtf? They really do think women live in some porn film, do they?
No. 1534073
File: 1653044059477.png (45.37 KB, 738x362, age regression.png)

oh shut the fuck up. your childhood wasn't stolen from you- you just want an excuse to shit in a diaper.
No. 1534105
File: 1653048341849.jpg (132.01 KB, 1600x800, FTJ6CJ3VIAAEI7F.jpg)

Moid wins surfing comp over actual female surfers with ease. I hope more trannies enter these things because its peaking people so fast
No. 1534106
File: 1653048346303.jpg (90.18 KB, 720x1115, Screenshot_20220520-054427.jpg)

No. 1534108
File: 1653049147401.jpg (112.7 KB, 628x1200, FTJOZInUAAAc6Ls.jpg)

No. 1534119
>>1534108>drools like a cis woman's vaginaWtf are other women's vaginas "drooling"? Is there something wrong with me?
Or is this just tranny retardation as always
No. 1534120
File: 1653050746332.jpeg (412.03 KB, 1371x1428, 7ACFE493-595B-4537-9BD2-DDEAA8…)

another day another scrote talking absolute nonsense on twitter. at least he’s had his balls removed and can no longer reproduce though, I fully support that idea
No. 1534147
File: 1653054711735.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1125x1750, FBA31700-1C49-422D-B92A-755C33…)

I’m four seasons into a DnD podcast with a DM who seemed like a pretty normal guy (Mark “Sherlock” Hulmes) but then he mentioned having an alt account where he “plays around with gender”. Alarm bells started ringing in my head so I looked it up and surprise, he’s an AGP. He’s not openly identifying as a transwoman yet but it’s probably only a matter of time.
Do I really have to vet every single nerdy man I come across just to make sure they’re not pornsick perverts who fetishise women’s oppression?
No. 1534149
File: 1653054804592.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1125x1567, 1D860EDE-A9B9-4197-A93C-A26AD7…)

>>1534147Gods grant me the confidence of a mediocre white man
No. 1534165
File: 1653055796371.jpg (126.86 KB, 1080x854, FTM_-roWUAEpBTs.jpg)

No. 1534166
>>1533833Notice how he says
>"the way SHE inflicts so much pain on me by making me feel ugly, and masculine send me into a fucking rage"He literally blames HER for his own mental problems, even though she has literally done nothing. HE is doing all of this to HIMSELF, it's HIS own fucking brain hurting him. This woman is innocent, and his mascluine rage-filled brain wants to hurt and punish her… for simply existing as a woman. And the ONLY reason he wants to do this is literally because he is trans.The transness is what's giving him violent thoughts.
Never ever trust troons, they are a danger to women.
No. 1534173
>>1533833Moids would ruin a woman’s body if they had the opportunity to ever be in one. It’s so stupid how they think that exchanging bodies could do anything when they don’t even take care of their own body, it’s such a lazy bastard cope, it’s irritating how they want all of their retardation to get cured with quick and easy solutions like a 5 minutes crafts video when they wouldn’t even handle the first minute because they’re idiotic and have no patience.
Moids like these need to get over it already and 41, speedrun life, faggot.
No. 1534177
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sounds like social contagion
No. 1534183
>>1534177Why do they bother asking this shit when the comments literally always tell them they’re
valid and it’s not a fetish
No. 1534195
>girls have more time to grow up.Nevermind that the moment girls are born we are conditioned to adapt around male degeneracy. We are told to be patient with men and boys in the context of anything and everything.
A degenerate decides to rape a woman? "He's just a boy don't ruin his life" or "we're leaving boys behind". Fuck that, fuck this.
Troons always love speaking about girlhood and womanhood as if misogynistic societies haven't sheltered them from it. Every girl born after a boy is always more mentally mature precisely because we are forced to be.
I'm gonna A-log ffs, fuck troons who think they know shit about what happens to women.
No. 1534204
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No. 1534207
File: 1653060164510.webm (2.17 MB, 576x1024, idgi.webm)
What does this even MEAN?
No. 1534218
>>1534211nonna i feel you. i’m so sick of seeing the word “trans” in an article headline and then going on to read just the most insane, disgusting stories. it makes me want to check out of civilization completely. it’s getting worse/more frequent but at least it’s peaking more and more people, these threads run so fast now compared to before.
i’m just holding out hope that maybe one day everything will be (mostly) back to normal
No. 1534232
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No. 1534233
>>1534207What a retarded take. Women who get BBLs or BAs aren't having their 'gender' affirmed. Those surgeries are choices people make for a plethora of reasons. A chin implant or a nose job aren't even remotely close to as useless as getting a rotpocket or a flesh pipe attached to your body.
Hell recontructive surgeries are still cosmetic. Getting so called gender affirming surgeries usually entails destroying or removing fully functional tissue. Cosmetic and reconstructive is about letting people change their bodies beyond a purely functional basis.
This level of mental illness is one that only the most immoral of doctors would operate on. Just like the sick fuck who operated on Jazz Jennings.
We really do live in a shitshow of a timeline.
No. 1534237
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"I literally want to wear her"
Imagine being able to say something so deranged and not be cancelled for it, Buffalo bill ass
No. 1534239
>>1534208Literally all that happens when women are wary of men is male feelings get hurt. Sure it helps women survive but it’s not like women are actual people whose lives matter amirite? Literally all it does for
real people (men) is that it makes them sad. God, why can’t cis women just empathise with TIMs?
>>1534214I was about to check out his other campaign but nope.
Perverts ruin everything.
No. 1534245
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Literally an example of privilege lmao
No. 1534249
>>1534207So, like, he admits that the gender shit is a cope and they're just trying to escape their ugliness? Lol there's no other reason to equate other people's cosmetic surgery based on aesthetic appeal to what you're insisting is "life-saving gender-affirming" BS
It really gets me how TERFs literally don't even have to say anything. Just let the trannies keep talking and they expose themselves 100% of the time
No. 1534265
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Here's some dumb shit I found browsing r/ traa.
This is skinwalker behaviour.
No. 1534267
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No. 1534298
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Lmao he is part of the reason the glass ceiling exists. No. 1534300
>>1534298you're right he literally is the glass ceiling, he's the man stopping women from suceeding so he can take their place.
but hopefully they mean it literally and glass shards rain down over him from the rocks he threw himself
No. 1534325
File: 1653071760174.png (30.55 KB, 1336x162, Anti-Science Sexism Obsessed T…)

>>1534269They're so anti-science and love to spread fake facts, they're literally on the same level as anti-vaxers. They don't give a single fuck about reality, they will spread whatever lie is most comfortable to them in the moment and don't care who else gets hurt in the process.
I suggest we call them ASSOT. Anti-Science Sexism Obsessed Trans.
Anti-Science: for the constant and blatant unscientific lies they spread for their own gains
Sexism Obsessed: because they're obsessed with and their lives revolve around sex and gender stereotypes (mostly ones that harm women)
Trans(gender/sexual, if you prefer): the former 2 points are directly realted to them identifying as trans
An ASSOT can be a tim, a tif, or more broadly used to refer to a handmaiden or person who also supports and spreads these lies.
No. 1534338
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No. 1534346
>>1534237appreciate the self-awarness
>>1534338i hate this world. i want to have a society with only women in it. moids like him get fed to animals.
No. 1534349
File: 1653073535217.jpeg (74.95 KB, 624x338, A5A42EB1-4C78-40CF-BFC7-A595B9…)

The man who wants to skin a woman and delights in the thought of her suffering apparently works with kids. Can we get some 4channers to dox him or something? This is terrifying.
No. 1534368
File: 1653075696021.jpg (632.06 KB, 1080x2802, FTOXYCFWYAI-kgo.jpg)

Petition to have autistic men off the internet forever
No. 1534416
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>>1533609Ahh he got you too huh anon? Don't feel bad, I was fooled as well and I actually brought him up in the second to last thread sharing my grievance.
Doesn't it suck that there are hardly any deep-dive anime & video game content creators that are women and rougly 98-99% of them are troon men? I still remember being upset when I learned "Suzy" aka Sphere Hunter was a man but tbf, I was n the middle of my peak trans moment so that's why his hit me hard lol.
No. 1534426
File: 1653080380147.jpeg (189.05 KB, 828x1792, 47F7AAD1-A049-40BA-8E1A-9F4983…)

That facetune is doing absolutely nothing for him kek
No. 1534431
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No. 1534438
>>1534424The incel scrotedom will rear its ugly head soon enough. A lot of these guys were into GamerGate and have dropped the TER part of
TERF. It’s going back to muh feminazi incel bashing and we’ll see if TRAs still defend it.
We are probably months away from a troon mass shooter targeting a womens only space. The media circus will be amazing.
No. 1534458
>>1534444>men can't shut up about themselvesfollowed by psychotic laughter
did he just have a self-aware moment there?
No. 1534495
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>>1534444The last thing you see before you die
No. 1534538
>>1534501so true
men don't scare me, but trannies… that's a whole nother story. i can trust men in a variety of situations, but trans women scare the shit out of me. they're the most dangerous demographic cuz they're either pedos or murderers or some other flavor of perverted. they're sick moids by definition.
No. 1534571
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Lol they have got to be kidding with this shit.
No. 1534576
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No. 1534578
File: 1653091001933.png (317.84 KB, 610x658, Screen Shot 2022-05-21 at 09.5…)

Election time, better roll out the trannies
No. 1534624
File: 1653094453223.jpeg (709.81 KB, 1170x1237, CE66A640-2150-4D93-930D-3C3666…)

Troons are so delusional it’s insane. Btw every female software developer I know is a cryptoterf.
No. 1534640
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Like clockwork.
No. 1534728
>>1534424Honestly I feel like you're right. Whenever women speak out against this and try to wake people up, hardly anyone listens to us. "Be kind" they stupidly say. "Not all trans" they say.
It's to a point where it's probably better ot just let nature take its course and let these people rot. Fine, poison yourself with wrong sex hormones and face physical complications from your delusional-based surgeries, it's your funeral (or hospital bed).
>>1534438I don't want to see women get killed by these mentally fucked scrotes but unfortunately you're right. It's not a matter of "if", it's "when" because we already have these fucks being put into women only prisons and are raping and assaulting women in there. All it's gonna take is one scrote who thinks he'l be able to get away with violence towards women and even if it means he'll get arrested, he's hoping he'll be placed in a woman only prison and that thought will be enough to make him gun down or rundown women and hopefully this will finally wake up more people, especially women.
No. 1534729
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>>1534640>>1534644>It's all a bit complicated…It really isn't kek
No. 1534759
File: 1653103548273.jpg (Spoiler Image,37.47 KB, 640x481, scary-rat-teeth.jpg)

>>1534495Exactly the same.
No. 1534792
>>1534608The dems wield abortion access like a weapon to keep US women voting for them no matter how much they fuck you over in every other way. Why would they give away their best bargaining chip?
>>1534728I’m reaching this point too, but I’m also very worried about the pendulum swinging in the other direction and everything getting blamed on feminists. The least we can do is maintain a strong paper trail that we’ve been fighting against this and warning people the whole time.
No. 1534804
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Normies are probably gonna interpret that as “HURT GIRLS” which coincidentally happens to be the true goal of the tra movement.
No. 1534851
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No. 1534864
File: 1653116512390.png (46 KB, 998x430, humilitation level 900.png)

OP admits earlier in the post that they're understanding of their father misgendering them, only to manipulate his mother with the whole "senile/dementia" thing later on when his father embarrasses him. Don't blame others for your bad choices, you vile mongrel.
They can't stop playing dressup in their sister's underwear for one moment to see just how much no one even cares about what identity they'll be picking out of a hat that day, and how disgusted everyone is with them for having to put up with it. Maybe if they'd actually look in the mirror objectively for once and step outside of their make-believe world they've created around themselves, they'd see that putting lipstick on a pig really doesn't change the fact that it's STILL A PIG. Or a man in this case. Same difference, he's probably fat.
No. 1534874
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No. 1534933
File: 1653129917517.jpeg (160.84 KB, 828x761, 5FE8F90B-464E-4E0C-B6C1-8CAB6D…)

some nonnas earlier were talking about that hazel troon that makes anime videos and I found an old podcast he was in with his real voice, he's 100% using a voice changer for his new vids
podcast: if you listen for a few mins he introduces himself by his old twitter alias nik clay
also pic is from his old twitter and you can tell he's male without all the makeup and filters to hide behind kek
No. 1534963
>>1534624>>1534730But he gave them stereotypical female/male traits kek
Troon gf:
>known for raging>brat = childish, entitled and mean>only wants to receive in sexLesbian gf:
>anxious but tries hard to mask it>sweet>only gives in sex>romantic No. 1534967
File: 1653136689204.jpg (89.36 KB, 1033x935, FTRIN3lXwAAknUh.jpg)

How long until a moids delusions causes a baby serious harm?
No. 1534969
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imagine fundamentally destroying your body and mutilating your genitals, cause you coomed to too much much trap hentai
No. 1534974
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>>1534967Male and female breasts are structurally identical, this biologist said so. You can see exactly how identical they are here
>>1532504 !
No. 1534984
>>1534851Guy In Real Life
We know. Now old school gaming misogyny finally makes sense.
No. 1534989
>>1534644>>1534729damn, I hate those guys. I had a little chat with my brother about what normal dicks do and what not and normal dicks don't get an erection about everything they see. Also, it's not like you are the slave of your dick, you can control that shit, as if every man who sees boobs will get an erection about it. And I believe my brother tells me the truth, he isn't hiding anything from me, but maybe those guys are normal and he is an exception, what makes me think that the world is a horrible place.
Honestly, I like the idea of me being unbelievable rich, still, I don't get wet thinking about it, even though I'm very excited about that idea.
No. 1534993
File: 1653140045314.png (1.1 MB, 936x1728, trasnu2.png)

>>1531528Sorry for the shitty editing, but I had to fix it.
No. 1535000
>>1534967TBAB! Trans birds have been successfully and safely flying unaided for decades. 100% of aircraft engineers agree. I posted it to the internet and that makes it true!
>>1534971It’s galactorrhea with extra hormones. Even if the pedophiles doing this are supplementing with formula, the infants are still being starved because 1) suckling itself is extremely strenuous for the infant and if what they’re drinking isn’t very calorie-rich then they’re actually losing calories by suckling and 2) their stomachs are
tiny. New mothers are told not to give their infants water or tea because that will starve them.
No. 1535016
>>1534995>>1535005We talked about this in a recent thread, but one of the first things he said to her when they started dating was that he has a fetish for fat women and women even fatter than her.
I think he just lacks any kind of self-awareness and she's desperate for affection.
No. 1535017
File: 1653143346515.png (3.19 MB, 1280x1707, catgirldick.png)

tumblr user "catgirldick" is just as repulsive as you'd expect him to be.
No. 1535031
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No. 1535045
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Just admit that you aren't special and go. Gendershit is peak hyper individualism, istg.
No. 1535072
File: 1653147372330.webm (1.83 MB, 576x1024, closeted.webm)
>>1534365It's real. He actually
is a metal musician too.
Having browsed his tiktok a bit he seems like he could have been an interesting guy had he not fallen down the trans rabbit hole, especially for an 18 year old. Vidrel isn't proof of that, it's just milk lol. For his own sake I hope he doesn't take things any further than this low effort shit he's got going on atm.
No. 1535098
>>1533664>e sounds extremely similar to a couple of male friends I had as a teenager who were very effeminate sounding. to the point where they both were bullied every time they opened their mouths. so maybe I just have an extra attuned ear for that sort of thing, but I'm not so sure. Same here anon. I associated with a few of the effeminate gay guys in my high school and they have a certain kind of voice that you just can recognize and I notice that a lot of HSTS troons just sound flamers. Like even Blaire White, I've heard people say he has a "passable" voice and I'm like "how?" He sounds like a flamboyant gay man.
>The Sphere Hunter's voiceAgreed. Despite his looks where he clearly looks like a man when he's not photoshoping his pics, I can admit that his voice is "passable" and I think it's because of exactly what you said, he's not trying to make his voice sound high pitch.
No. 1535121
>>1535115Honestly anon, I don't know if I'd call it "internalized misogyny" but I do think it's sad. I've felt the way I do about the term when I hit my peak trans 5 years ago so it could be different mindsets but I personally don't think women should feel bad about ourselves when we're not wearing makeup, have our hair perfectly done, and you know, just looking dolled up.
I mean men can roll out of bed and you don't hear them saying that they feel gross or anything like that. It should be the same for us too. It's nice to get dressed up but don't let it define yourself is what I'm meaning.
No. 1535144
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>>1534431>>1534437This person is part of an entire community on Twitter made up of trannies who call themselves "dolls" (submissives) and "witches" (doms). Think if Soren was a white TiM obsessed with Madoka Magica instead of Kingdom Hearts. I found out about them through looking at stwawbwewyaggy's comments on his "pro-MAP" posts before he deleted/got suspended
No. 1535160
>>1535135I think you're right. It's rare but I have seen feminine men wear dresses and not make a big deal out of it, they just like to wear dresses.
I think part of the problem that leads some of these gay crossdressers to think that way may come from the men who fetshize them and try to make them feel like they aren't men because of how they like to do dress or something like that.
>>1535140Eh i don't like to think that way because that would be like me saying "normal masculine women" don't get super boyish looking hair while wearing makeup. Maybe I like to keep open minded but I'm sure there are gay men out there who just like to wear dresses because they like them and not because they're beating off to it lol I like to take a more observant approach when gauging whether the guy has a fetish or not.
No. 1535161
the people you post about in these threads are clearly vile, creepy, disturbing to say the least. these men have untreated mental illness and/or uncontrolled perversions
but jesus are you people mentally ill in your own ways. look how much traffic this general gets compared to most of this site
i can't help but realising for most of you on this site - laughing at the assortment of sick freaks, both these trannies and the other lolcows on this site, is a coping mechanism a lot of you rely on because you all have low self image and need to witness something you see as worse than or beneath yourselves
for others, you clearly have a mix of TERF and/or far right views which lead you here on a more ideologically driven basis. i suspect those of you in that category are either autistic or hate the fact that you can at one point had urges to want to be a boy. looking at some other threads, some posters here openly admit to having a tranny phase
if it wasn't obvious i'm trans myself, male attracted, MtF, post-op, started transition in my teens, now in my mid 20s. obviously i came here because im mentally ill and hate myself and someone (female) linked it to me.
i'll never be a woman sure i know this which is why despite transitioning and passing better than most (although passing really is impossible…) i still cut daily, feel suicidal every day, drink to oblivion, feel physically sick at the thought of going outside, why i came here
thanks for reinforcing how i see myself and how i think society sees people like me. sometimes i wish i could just be a gay boy but it's too late for that now ive had surgery and i dont think dysphoria would allow it long term without roping. being a tranny fucking sucks.
i just wonder what you people think should happen to me like me? like do you think transition should be illegal? should there be some kind of treatment for us? just a bullet in the head? just a question but i dont expect most of you to actually care what happens to troons lol especial AMAB ones
anyway uhh go ahead and ban me now janny tyvm(male)
No. 1535168
>>1535161fucking therapy, idiot. instead of chopping off an organ, why didn't you go to therapy and uncover the obvious childhood trauma and misogyny you have? now your only option to upkeep a wound you inflicted on yourself. nice job.
i'll take the ban for taking the bait now.
No. 1535176
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No. 1535177
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>>1535176And this is the same person because ofcourse it is
No. 1535178
>>1534995I wonder how the short haired woman feels about those lard planets LARPing lesbians (as she's a lesbian right?)
>>1535017Next thread pic pls (>>1534993 is excellent as well, but a real life picture is always better)
No. 1535199
>>1535176They think this is really some fun little game instead of something that affects womens rights and access to scholarships and whatnot. Like we had to work to even get our own sports leagues.
>>1535177>r/twoxchromosomesEvery fucking time. Everything is meaningless. I remember when that sub was actually for talking about womens experiences and issues.
No. 1535221
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>>1534416ot but the way the tits are drawn here is such a fucking pet peeve of mine ugh male moment
>>1534424gender accelerationists unite
>>1535170okay but tim literally passes. picrel
No. 1535226
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>>1535221they could be a beautiful queer couple
No. 1535257
File: 1653157926123.jpeg (558.41 KB, 2330x1478, 7CB50A99-1B5C-4508-A13E-536D55…)

this is the most retarded thing i’ve ever seen, plus the fucking anime characters? every damn time.
No. 1535259
>>1535235i don't get panty liners tbh. expensive, small and paper thin so won't protect all that much…
>>1535249and he doesn't mention having the dick surgery so i'm not sure how pads help exactly.. diapers or those thick panties seem more fitting
No. 1535265
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>>1535257these men are so desperate to have even a slither of what we have naturally, and yet they are so quick to disregard us and the parts of us they are so jealous of
No. 1535271
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>>1535257Oh, I personally cannot wait! I hope they rape, impregnate and murder each other and leave us alone. Oh, it won't happen, they need to harvest the uteri from women. And need us to be their human fleshlights, since they know a dick inside out isn't like in the animes
No. 1535275
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No. 1535325
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No. 1535352
>>1535325Well, I'm glad that forcing people to use female pronouns makes him feel gross, so why is he trooning out then? To be a permanent
No. 1535365
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>>1535170kek underrated comment
nonnie. PS picrel, Tim making a dig at John Mulaney for having the audacity to allow the "anti trans weirdo" Dave Chappelle open for him.
No. 1535367
>>1535363i know the delivery is not the best but what he says isnt wrong and thought the lyric,
>The man who self identifies as a woman has but a man's grasp of womanhood, that is to say next to nothingis 100% spot on
No. 1535372
>>1535349 is repetitive and cringe, because
>>1535351 is a total bop and has good peaking fuel
No. 1535387
File: 1653163640568.jpg (1.2 MB, 2811x2132, a mess.jpg)

his patreon podcast failed, so he has to try it again that fucking faggot
No. 1535415
>>1535257I wouldn’t mind this whole mutilation if they managed to create their own organs to use and experiment with, or if they used animal organs to do this, but they would end up harvesting the organs of women that can’t say no to this, which of course gives these moids a huge boner.
I guess once that starts happening, and lots of troons start getting their rot chambers installed, they will seethe at women for daring to have been born with functioning organs that can be forcibly removed from them. And it will be somehow our fault because reasons I guess.
And even if the surgery were to be ridiculously expensive and dangerous, they would try to do it anyways, they’re just so mentally ill that they need to hear about their next upcoming invasive procedure to be happy.
No. 1535450
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>>1535265>>1535257sage for blogpost, I wanna confess that troons have made me feel more pride in my womanhood then any sort of female empowerment rhetoric, they need surgeries and expensive hormones for just a pale imitation of what we have naturally, but still there are things that they will never have, never even compered, they cannot create life like we can, you know what men can create, the can create some program code and think their so creative and wonderful. but they don't know what it's like to really create something; to create a life; to feel it growing inside you and make a human being, that's something no man in this world will ever grasp
No. 1535466
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>>1535462yes, I did, Sarah Connor is a radfem icon
No. 1535479
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I know this is probably just an attempt to make the terfs mad, but i legit think some of them think exactly like this
No. 1535482
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>>1535275See I feel this is what I feel wrong with the post-modern idea about how masculinity and femininity are binary constructs that anyone can expresses, the thing is male femininity is different then female femininity, butch lesbians who transition into men often say they get perceived as effeminate men, similarly no man can ever even pass as a regular woman, let alone a beautiful woman, like that one TIM in the new doctor who, he is absolutely beautiful as a man but looks disgusting and mannish when trying o present as a woman
No. 1535486
>>1535265I had a friend when I was little that was born with a problem, couldn't poop properly because it had some issue with the rectum being malformed or something, this kid weared diapers everywhere.
I hate when ignorant moids disregard anatomy as an exchangeable lego part, such as gender, even outside gender issues, medical complications who were not self inflicted can completely fuck your entire existence regardless.
No. 1535512
>>1534207No, we don't. Females doing a tummy tuck, breast lifting in their 40's it's not the same to chopping off your genitals a taking cancer inducing drugs for years. Also the post-op risk are not even remotely close to each other.
To make it dumb clear: you're trying to make a car out of a boat in their case (troons)
While we try to repaint a car or do some damage assesstment without turning the car into another machine (cis women).
No. 1535516
>>1535512Also women are pressured into doing that by society. Women dont get surgery cause they for some reason dont feel like women. Women get surgery cause we are told that looking like our age when we are over 25 lessens our value as women.
Troons get their surgeries for fetish reasons. It's not the same.
No. 1535519
File: 1653171461734.jpg (218.85 KB, 1170x2532, kf4h96er4v091.jpg)

What is this outfit? Looks like some shitty armor from some of those mass produced Korean MORPG's or some mod for Skyrim.
No. 1535535
>>1535521I'm not. My organs possibly helping out a woman, causing more likely complications in men, and my uterus killing, or at least causing agony to, a deluded tranny trying to get it inserted into him is the most feminist thing I can do.
But for real though saving a life is more important to me than tranny surgery shit which will not even likely happen very soon any way.
No. 1535541
File: 1653173734264.jpg (536.37 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20220521-184757_Boo…)

This made me laugh kek
No. 1535560
>>1535555As gently as possible: Don't be a fucking idiot. What exactly makes you think it's possible or "becoming a reality"? Trannies LARPing and insisting on it on Twitter? If you'll believe that, might as well believe in mouthfeel, gender euphoria and that
>>1534437 is "the closest thing" to
>>1534431 kek
No. 1535563
File: 1653175059230.png (34.21 KB, 728x293, FR9xLa8WYAAm3fy.png)

ALOT of woke people I see uses walking canes, even when very young. Why are there so many disabled people in the woke tranny community? Just too much free time to internet?