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No. 1086919
This thread concerns with male-to-female (mtf) snowflake behaviour. This entails individual events, trends, and characters that do not deserve their own thread. Rules of /snow/ apply on this thread, thus blogging about your hate of mtf with no context and autistic spergfests are banned. This means this is a thread for mtf related milk without the autistic ragefests and fights over disagreements over terms. Calling others handmaidens or scrotes is infighting. Taking your autism to other threads is leaving the containment zone, do not do this.
You may discuss gender critical subjects if it relates to milk. Once again, while your autistic tangents are milky to read, they're not actual milk.
Subreddits of note: thread highlights:
- Reddit user LaurenRossy gets SRS, says vagina is great, has stealth sex with a man, complains about feeling used, talks about how they regret SRS, posts questions on how to fix their vagina letting out putrid smells and other medical issues
- Literallysofie continues to hate cis people, is banned from tiktok
- Anon posts timeline of a MTFs SRS that includes rotting flesh
- Man’s is upset as his wife for not wanting to be a cute lesbian couple, wife is told she’s transphobic and horrible for not wanting to peg him
- An entire subreddit exists to “hypnotize” people into being sexy, bimbo bambies – filled entirely with trans people LARPing
- Trans twitter users upset over Twitter being harsher on sexualizing children, says it targets trans people
People of note: (Popular twitter/tiktok user, tiktok is banned and attacks tiktok for being transphobic, says cis women are disgusting, attacks women , says transphobic people deserve to be hurt, transphobic to not want to date trans people) (Attacked twitter for banning people for being trans, regularly attacks cis people, is wildly sexist towards women) (Attacks women, regularly talks about beating and killing women, claims terfs deserve death) (Attacks women, says cis people are jealous of trans people, says cis women will never be good as trans women, sexist) (Talks about going ‘stealth’ with men aka not disclosing they are trans before sex, posts multiple threads talking about their perfect neovagina then saying they regret it, talks about their neovagina rotting and letting out putrid smells)
Other honorable mentions: Reddit users AdeniaQuinn, whatsupwithMer, tututrap | Twitter users: fayekinley2, ProfessorGutian, Emmy_Zje, newtboob, degeneration
Thread #1:
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>>>/snow/1070574 No. 1086941
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>>1086919I noticed that a lot of troons with AGP smiles display horse teeth, what's causing that ?
No. 1086945
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>what if it's just a fetish
No. 1086990
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Clit ? Girl orgasm ? What in the hell is he talking about.
No. 1087001
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I'm still traumatized after anon showed the mutilated neo vaginas. And I know that anon is gonna have much more in store for us. I don't even know how that anon was able to find those pictures.
No. 1087003
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>>1087001This one's pretty epic
No. 1087009
File: 1605880233940.png (54.55 KB, 600x577, The Lies.png)

Whats funny is if a gyno told the truth they'd be transphobic, what can they say? I bet every neo-vagina is the best one they've seen and "We couldn't tell the difference!" You're telling me if someone who looks like the folks in this thread walked in they wouldn't be able to tell it's a man? Even before they saw the Neo-vag?
I've seen men say they do not feel the same or look the same.
Trans women constantly say it's all the same and no one would know.
No. 1087012
File: 1605880605965.png (640.48 KB, 1559x1133, 1600235064758.png)

>>1087009Like this guy walks in and you know they either have a dick or a neo-vagina
>>1087010I don't know, everytime I look I get told some bullshit about them having a vagina/being a woman and needing one. I haven't looked long but I can't really find any information thats not TRA shit, so basically they are wasting time and taking up space for people who have actual vaginas.
No. 1087022
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Why don’t they even try?
No. 1087024
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No. 1087026
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This wouldn't be so funny if it wasn't a tranny I know
No. 1087041
File: 1605884206294.png (Spoiler Image,403.57 KB, 689x387, degueulasse.PNG)

Bare with me anons. I don't know why I went on this rabbithole. But looking at the neovaginas posted I thought that "They look so horrible because they are probably fresh from surgery". I thought that if I want to see how that would possibly look like when healed would be to search porn of post op trannies (Cuz where else would you find people confident enough to show their open wounds?) And well… To my surprise in almost all the porn the neovagina is partially hidden. Up until that one vid where I saw a neovagina fully "healed". Either way it looks nothing like the real thing. I can't believe I've had to go through porn to find that, you can laugh at me for that kek.
No. 1087047
>>1087041There’s like… no labia and no clitoris. Or if they’re there they don’t look anything like any real ones I’ve seen. The skin looks weird and waxy like it’s been melted. Also you can literally very easily see the scar all the way around it.
Seriously how do men fall for trannies “stealthing” tho? Do they secretly know, but act like they don’t because they’re kinda interested in trying tranny sex but don’t want to admit it? Are they like completely wasted and doing it in a dark room?
I don’t get how it would be possible to miss the signs. I know men tend to be kinda dumb about noticing photoshop and troons.. like they just see tits and ignore everything else, but are they really THAT dumb?
No. 1087051
>>1087047Wasted and in a dark room I assume.. Also men are REALLY and I mean REALLY bad at seeing the obvious signs of a tranny. My male friends have legit asked me if a bunch of 6ft5 drag queens were "real women".
That's why they think they pass. Cause men are totally oblivious.
No. 1087053
>>1087047I think they just don't care. Like
>>1087044 said, to men a hole is a hole.
>>1087041 also can we please talk about what the fuck is wrong with these hands? Why do they look like that?
No. 1087054
>>1087022>we only have the ability to exist in public because our transcestors resisted cross-dressing legislation and persisted through criminalizationSetting aside the fact that these practices and people they want to claim were inserted in cultures so completely different from our own the equivalence is only very superficially
valid, it's really disgusting (and downright scary if you're a woman) how much the trans movement is responsible for the conservative/traditional shift that social liberal left-wing thought is going through now. Ancestor worship of that sort is basically alt-right.
No. 1087055
File: 1605886384734.png (61.36 KB, 720x639, Screenshot_20201120-094803.png)

woah i wonder why people accuse you wonderful gals of having a fetish.
No. 1087077
>>1087047A lot of men will fuck anything and if something looks vaguely like a woman, I do think for some men it never crosses their mind, "this is a man" especially if they see a hole.
Some people never see a trans woman, some only see ones who look like straight up men in drag, but then there's twinky ones who some men may be tricked by or the very high quality troons, or ones who wear a bunch of make up and some men see "tits', make up, long hair and think "Woman".
I don't believe a lot of men are tricked as often but I do believe some men are just dumb and/or horny enough they don't see obvious signs.
No. 1087082
>>1087047Men don't 'fall' for stealthing they are just willing to fuck pretty much anything. The excuse that they were tricked by superior neo-vag is a cope for when they get called out as tranny fuckers.
Most guys will have sex with anything, there are toothless morbidity obese women who have sex with random men regularly, men have no standards when they are horny enough only sad women and troons think that access to sex with shitty men is a prized thing.
A few threads ago there was a thread linked from reddit with guys who have sex with troons and every 'straight' guy mentioned that they noticed something off about the axe wound they were attempting to get into but where drunk or horny enough to not care.
No. 1087107
File: 1605892362360.jpg (319.92 KB, 1536x2048, EmTludXXEAAa1Zl.jpg)

Welp someone I kinda know trooned out this year, caption not in screenshot:
>Hot how I feel 100x more legit as a trans gal since I have long hair even if the length doesn't (shouldn't?) change anything
>But I think it doesn't help to see that 99% of transwomen have long hair, so yes I feel legit but I shouldn't think it like that because I know it's not true
saging for no actual milk tho
No. 1087122
File: 1605894531340.jpg (648.01 KB, 1194x1086, remembruce.jpg)

…Worst year on record! kek
How many white mara's and sophie's will stake their claim to oppression on the backs of these "mostly black and latin" victims.
No. 1087126
>>1087122Every three days a women is MURDERED by her husband.
Where are they? Where do they support their cisters?
No. 1087141
>>1087126Tranny fee fees come first, even when it comes to female specific oppression.
Does anyone have the screenshot of that tranny complaining that "cis" women aren't campaigning for his right to have an uterus too? Tranny sees oppression towards women, and tranny ignores it and thinks about himself before anyone else.
No. 1087148
>>1087122lmao anon please dont tell me sophie is a stereotypical tranny name, thats my name ;-;
i feel bad for all the cis alices and lilys out there
No. 1087153
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>>1087121do you want that bonus
No. 1087171
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>>1087166That's a good point, the trannies I know irl don't pass in the slightest and look so blatantly like men, people would probably just think they're cis men rather than TiMs. Pic rel is one of them
No. 1087179
>>1087161I think it's a mix of the iconic ultra feminine sex symbol Sophia Lauren and that its spelling almost sounds 'soft'.
Then there's the UK techno artist Sophie.
Sorry for that the your name is desirable to trubs
No. 1087212
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>>1086948>>1086945The whole MtF community is a result of individuals lacking self-fulfillment in life/feeling unsatisfied with the way they are, coupled with the lack of insight of WHAT they exactly want or need. And add the unlimited amount of porn on the web, you get a cult based off the fetishes they've built up over time.
I wouldn't have a problem with these people if they weren't so predatory, trying to get emotionally vulnerable people (especially teenagers going through puberty) to get into a lifestyle that is hardly recoverable from. But you can't even fucking do that anymore because psychopaths must be permitted to hurt others.
No. 1087286
>>1087122This is sad and nobody deserves this, but I don't see how 350 deaths globally in a year is considered massively significant to them, but when somebody tells them statistics about transgender criminals they're "outliers" and "not real trans people".
When there was a debate about MTFs in prison wanting to share spaces with female prisoners, somebody submitted a FOI to the UK prison system in 2018 and it came out 48% of transgender prisoners were serving time for sexual offences and 18% of cisgender people were serving time for sexual offences. Yet if people bring that up, it's transphobic? Either use statistics or don't, don't pick and choose the ones you like.
No. 1087291
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>>1087261>>1087009Who the hell is continually telling them it’s the same? Is it the doctors trying to take their money or their own circle jerk? Because all of the neovaginas I have seen are horrifying.
No. 1087292
>>1087261I cant imagine what a gyno would do. If the neovag even gets on the table, Im sure soon as the doctor sees it they wouldnt even waste their time. The troon doesnt need contraception, or need the overian tubes or uterus to be checked out….
Im sure theyre not qualified to even look at their crotch wounds.
The only time they would likely see it would be in photos at a lecture or study, no reason to see one in person
No. 1087294
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>>1087286Source for this is BBC's FOI request to the MOJ and the source for the 18% of cis prisoners is the UK government's quarterly statistics publication.
No. 1087302
>>1087292The fact that people with neovagines want to even see a gyno shows how stupid they are when it comes to anatomy. These people are trained in BIOLOGICAL VAGINAS. They're specialists when it comes to things like female cancers, vaginal walls, uterine issues, cervix problems…none of which these people have! No matter how these people feel about their neo vag, it straight up does not look or act in the same way. The gyno's specialist training is unnecessary in the situation, they'd do better seeing a doctor that specialises in plastics, urology or colorectal surgery.
They're all going to die young because they're so focused on being feminine that they will literally delay their own medical care and stand in their own way just to feel validated by a doctor who won't even remember their name in the sea of patients they treat.
No. 1087341
File: 1605907273867.png (369.88 KB, 596x757, 0BA79F21-8F7B-4B4E-BFA9-A0526B…)

why do so many trannies look like doris from shrek kek (also the irony of the shirt why can they never take their own fucking advice)
No. 1087349
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Happy Trans Day of Remembrance
No. 1087350
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old but gold
No. 1087359
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>>1087197Eli Erlick the rapist had short hair, and so did Zinnia Jones when he first started blowing up online
>>1087350There are more layers to this than can be described, and all of them are fucking hilarious
No. 1087376
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Mentally ill tranny 1/2
No. 1087380
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>>1087376Mentally ill tranny 2/2
No. 1087390
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Saw people sperging over this thread on twitter. I hate how polite they are. If they were talking to a woman doctor she'd be getting rape threats.
ITT hack doctor suggests he won't recommend transition for AGPs. Pic related is the sensible concern that that would alienate all of them. No. 1087392
>>1086662medfag sperg here but metaplasia doesn't mean you're going to miraculously develop glandular tissue?? what's likely happening is the 'metaplasia' is the skin inside is getting angry and becoming stratified squamous aka it can slough off when it's inevitably assaulted
the mucus is probably just a slurry of sweat and dead skin cells
No. 1087395
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he's still on it
No. 1087425
File: 1605911944601.png (768.11 KB, 999x609, tranny speedrun meme.png)

>>1087414He is/was a speedrunner
No. 1087427
File: 1605912066782.jpeg (106.08 KB, 415x583, 1973D5C5-BA32-4719-BD92-7CEAA8…)

>>1087376he looks like a faceapp morph of this with jared fogle.
his stream of consciousness tweets read like the inner monologue of some sort of primitive hominin ancestor who somehow survived extinction and got psyopped into a sissy fetish.
the fact that all of the tweets in the screencap you posted have minimal likes with no replies makes it seem like he's mostly alone in a world he can't comprehend.
the last surviving neanderthal tweeting from an empty observation room in some government facility… the scientists let him believe that he is a large breasted speed running cute gf so that he doesn't hurt himself and compromise their research.
as he rocks back and forth, perched over in the empty sterile room he soothes the confusion of his neutered existence through his broken repetitive tweets of "boob" and "girl".
No. 1087507
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>>1087484why does his neck make me think of this?
No. 1087509
>>1087441i skipped through the majority of this just to see the train wreck that was the outfits and his fucking hairy navel and beer gut are hanging out of the pants in almost all of these outfits. troons squeezing themselves into women’s clothing is hilarious. pants meant to be at or above a regular woman’s navel are literally hanging underneath this troon’s gut.
you know he’d get torn apart if he were an actual woman but since he’s got a pecker he’s
stunning and
No. 1087533
>>1087441> this purse is sooooo CUTE!> i'm dying. my butt looks sooo good!you can't convince me that these aren't just ugly ass men LARPing as the giggling braindead bimbos they assume women are
his blatantly male pelvis is doing nothing for his walk kek he looks so awkward and clunky. women have a natural sway in their hips that can't be faked by men since the anatomy is different. the fact that it's super clockable and there isn't anything they can do to stop it is hilarious. cucked by a pelvis. the doughy hairy gut hanging over small croptops doesn't help either. i'd think this was a parody if i didn't know for a fact that they actually act this retarded
No. 1087608
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>>1087350What is it with troons and demanding artists uwu-ify themselves? It's jarring to see a cute/pretty girl in a commissioned art actually be a literal hulking tranny. The 'short' goblin is 5'10" and the tall dainty 'flower' is 6'2".
Do they actually see themselves this way or are they that deluded?
No. 1087626
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>>1087484Serving Kim Day vibes
No. 1087641
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This thread is kinda funny. He’s right about that last part at least, most people are “supportive” or too scared to speak out against it all because they’re scared of literally being threatened or doxxed or losing their job over it. More proof they’re definitely still men, as women don’t hold that kind of power to best people into submission like this.
This reminds me, wasn’t there a black GC woman on twitter or something who got doxxed and a troon actually showed up at her house and was threatening Her? I definitely remember something like this happening but can’t seem to find anything about it now.
>>1087082Huh yeah I guess this is probably three logical explanation thanks anons who replied.
Just dumb to me how when women bring up unrealistic beauty standards men are always like
>but we’re BIOLOGICALLY programmed to be attracted to FERTILE WOMEN we can’t help being naturally drawn to wide hips, small waist, big boobs, long shiny hair, etc etc because they’re signs of fertility But then they will literally fuck a fridge body troon with none of that.
Male hormones must be a hell of a drug.
No. 1087661
>>1087441>>1087484Honestly this wasn't as bad since he's a gay guy; I'm used to seeing this twinkish misogynistic behavior. It's when they explicitly attribute brainless 'bimbo' shit to all women that I'm really pissed off (aka 90% Reddit transbians' post histories, the other 10% is selfies/picrew generated characters that no one gaf about).
His male torso is obvious but Trevor Moran definitely has the money to get a BBL and other fat transfers done. Knowing how vain he is (and was as a gay male) I would be shocked if he didn't eventually get a ton of work done. He doesn't look like he's had any of the surgeries yet but they're definitely going to happen.
No. 1087673
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Offended by everything.
No. 1087674
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>>1087395Chris has been sperging out for 2 days now. If they didn’t reply to your first tweet give up.
No. 1087676
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No. 1087677
File: 1605941398573.jpeg (499.53 KB, 828x1059, 1AC07D03-A056-4CC7-A0E4-91DC29…)

Our lovely trans salamander retweeted this of course. Violence against trans people = death sentence. Violence against anyone else = justified
No. 1087684
File: 1605942425811.jpeg (301.11 KB, 1125x1273, 9F89BF0D-C4E1-4570-AF90-FF384F…)

This was on a post about a troon asking when/if they can take their hormones vaginally once they make one, since that’s what cis women do to protect their liver.
>when I put hot sauce on it
No. 1087686
File: 1605942556255.jpeg (189.31 KB, 1125x761, BB4C0A0D-DE3B-4E41-9922-383246…)

Also found this one amusing
No. 1087704
>>1087689Why do research when you have a hugbox telling you how amazing theirs went and it's just like the real thing! I also think the doctors are not honest because they don't give a fuck.
What can they do but chop off this dudes dick and make the best of it they can. Even Lesbian TRA's play more into the, "it's just like mines, I noticed no difference! You'll have no issue finding a partner" bullshit.
Everyone is actively lying, streching the truth, shilling and treating these people like toddlers not grown men.
Women get get judged for botched work and if it harms our help everyone's like, "thats sad but she should'nt be trying to get this or that done"
With trans women it's a tragedy and they were JUST trying to get the perfect cis vagina!
No. 1087786
File: 1605962916614.jpeg (215.3 KB, 750x1090, 60585FB4-3DC1-4B8F-AF7E-0C82FB…)

are you fucking kidding me
No. 1087793
>>1087704>>1087484That dude makes Kim look like a supermodel.
There are very few women genuinely as ugly as AGP troons. That's a big part of why they hate us.
Why the fuck is his stomach folding in on itself like that? That's the worst I have ever seen a pair of high rise pants fit anyone and high rise pants are supposed to be universally flattering.
If he has that problem couldn't he at least choose something with more stretch in the waist? He looks like a $5 troon hooker.
No. 1087817
>>1087793Those pants are actually mid rise, not high rise. High rise comes up past the navel and sits just below the ribs where a woman's natural waist would be.
He actually didn't look as bad in genuine high rise.
No. 1087831
>>1087786I’m guessing they’re either referring to the fact that most of the selfies on r/transpassing and subs like that have been face tuned and photoshopped for like 2 hours, OR their image of “feminine” is wearing thigh highs and fetish clothing like maid outfits and frilly pink floral toddler clothes.
Either that or they’re delusional and coping HARD, which is probably more likely I guess
No. 1087885
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No. 1087905
>>1087153why, what lovely mutton chops, ma'am.
trannies are peak retardation, he looks deranged
No. 1087911
File: 1605977239720.jpeg (151.06 KB, 1125x342, 9A92E150-6743-4567-97F5-24E406…)

He’s right. It’s not the same at all. A “masculine” woman being misgendered is upsetting because her identity is being questioned and her femininity is stripped from her. A troon being misgendered is just a reminder that if they’re going to play dress up they should try harder. Actual women shouldn’t have to get surgeries to feel validated in their natural identity.
No. 1087977
>>1087786Crazy how you can't compliment trans women without
attempting to put down women.
People call women beautiful all the time they don't go,"Wow that woman is so much better looking then trans women!"
I don't know why shit like this makes me mad, it's just that it's so fucking fake/false. Just say you like feminized men with tits and go.
Most the trannies you are talking too aren't even the
okay looking ones, you are more likely talking to an middle aged man in sissy gear.
No. 1088043
>>1087786This is a cope if I ever saw one, lmao.
>reliable hormones instead of natural onesLiterally the funniest shit I've read.
No. 1088104
>>1088048if he trans out he's going to look old as hell.
Like he looks like a soccer mom
No. 1088174
>>1087786I dunno if this is a zoomer thing or not, but the same thing happens when gay men put on makeup and comments usually are
>omg he's literally prettier than me!! and i'm a woman!it's so cringe..
No. 1088223
File: 1606000155438.jpg (Spoiler Image,311.51 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20201121-180656_Twi…)

(Spoiler for dick) the laugh he does is so uncanny
No. 1088258
File: 1606003948381.jpeg (412.43 KB, 1819x1818, 0D2F03B9-948A-43A3-85CC-ADEFB1…)

Update on Lauren’s neovag: it still smells putrid, and he’s regretting getting the surgery.
Also bonus wtf reply chain from some other troon who got his “clit” INSIDE his “vagina”(????)
No. 1088268
File: 1606004542002.jpeg (83.3 KB, 600x516, 7F4D1B7E-56C1-42F5-8407-084B5E…)

>>1087674Is that a “Muslim” tranny in the first tweet? With a headscarf on?
What is the world coming to
No. 1088275
File: 1606005019168.jpg (551.86 KB, 1296x792, best of makenzie.jpg)

Meet Makenzie. There's not much novel here, just an extremely depressed 29 year old NEET with AGP who lives with his parents and uses Facebook as his personal diary/echo chamber. He hates cis women, FTMs, troons who've had the dick chop, and drag queens, but most of all he hates himself for not being a kawaii anime waifu. If he'd spent half the effort he spends complaining on applying for jobs or college, or going to actual therapy, maybe he'd feel better about his life.
No. 1088363
File: 1606009077346.jpeg (Spoiler Image,178.9 KB, 1080x1920, 984C3424-C3EF-4F58-B373-B48B0A…)

>>1088223late but grainy Polaroid underneath grandpa’s porno mags of the asian ladyboys he fucked back in ‘nam material
at least he had the decency to censor the dick in this one
No. 1088375
>>1088363Disgusting lmao.
Those nipples are so unnatural looking.
No. 1088394
File: 1606011684872.png (831.27 KB, 600x1800, is_this_real.png)

>>1087041is it me or troons with neo vags arent as popular as troons with dicks?
No. 1088414
File: 1606013187637.jpeg (517.9 KB, 1192x967, 49D2EECD-F84F-4E17-A3B3-246EB1…)

>>1088363I let out a fucking belch from seeing that
No. 1088577
File: 1606040170096.jpg (Spoiler Image,11.71 KB, 262x325, 6745b1b2-3c88-4d4d-b155-a7d7a0…)

Jesus. I'm on a swingers site and I've just seen this. Apparently the owner of it still has part of the penis inside her vagina and I'm starting to realise why not all ftm get bottom surgery.
No. 1088590
File: 1606044059390.jpg (Spoiler Image,5.32 KB, 299x315, 20191213_201957.jpg)

Rotting neo clit
No. 1088591
File: 1606044089986.jpeg (Spoiler Image,146.75 KB, 1163x1782, received_449962508988758.jpeg)

No. 1088592
File: 1606044134079.jpg (Spoiler Image,518.73 KB, 2448x1632, 1606042896780.jpg)

Yep definitely a real vagina
No. 1088593
File: 1606044189223.jpg (Spoiler Image,332.53 KB, 1893x2048, 1606043113978.jpg)

This one is just balls with a slit
No. 1088594
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No. 1088595
File: 1606044294176.jpg (Spoiler Image,115.68 KB, 900x1600, 1606043266064.jpg)

The highlighted spot is apparently pleasurable to touch
No. 1088596
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No. 1088604
>>1088394They’re telling on themselves by assuming the
abusive parent is MtF, rather than that they’re FtM and the kid is respecting pronouns. Deep down everyone knows men are the ones doing this shit, not women.
No. 1088607
File: 1606046029504.jpeg (28.27 KB, 600x483, 874.jpeg)

>>1088598Anon, I hate you. I can't drink my choccy milk because of how disgusted I am now.
No. 1088609
>>1088596>>1088577I was about to say "hey these don't even look too bad" until I looked further down where the hole's supposed to be
they're all bad
No. 1088610
File: 1606046373552.jpeg (Spoiler Image,566.31 KB, 2048x2048, 3526B84B-37E3-4ADC-A6AB-B8CBC5…)

>>1088394They’ll literally tell people to go die, get raped, make fun of their kids, call them all sorts of horrible, vile shit, but for some reason pronouns are so sacred and have to be respected even if you disrespect the shit out of everything else about a person. It’s ok to say you’re glad somebody got raped but calling somebody “he” is TOO FAR BRO..
>>1088594>>1088593>>1088577>>1087041Ever notice how they ALWAYS have the porny “innie” vulva look? They always, always get those tiny little tucked in labia that are barely there, and even their clitoral is never even visible. Most women’s vulvas have some more labia and clitoral hood visible and everything isn’t perfectly smooth and parallel and symmetrical like this. Labia look more “ruffled” and asymmetrical generally not like a literal “slit”
Image is left side: real vulvas and right side: 1 year post op (so nobody can argue “swelling” as the reason they look like that) mtf “vulvas”
No. 1088625
>>1088610> Ever notice how they ALWAYS have the porny “innie” vulva look?Oh yes. But they wouldn’t know what a ‘real’ woman’s vagina looks like, because their vision of the woman they want to be is shaped by porn. Not saying you’re not a real woman if you have small labia, but the reality is that a majority of women don’t have the neat tucked in look.
And honestly I believe that scrotes are so stupid they probably do think a neovag looks even better than a real vag with ‘meat curtains’ (god I hate that term) because all men think the fucking same, and mtf are the representation of what men really think of us.
No. 1088644
File: 1606051110936.jpeg (33.91 KB, 645x729, 253B4388-D0FA-4021-9B0B-7F007E…)

>>1087171“you may compliment me”
God forbid a woman actually have this level of ego or confidence.
/ot/ and blog but I’m so happy I found these threads because trans people have always made me so uncomfortable but because of societal pressure I always kind of accepted them and tried to sympathize with them. I didn’t know what AGPs were, and I wasn’t really exposed to any critical thinking whatsoever regarding the LGBTQ “community”.
No. 1088715
>>1088644Same here, Anon. It just feels like it’s a lot of men avoiding the whole “check your privilege” notion that happened.
A school board released a note home about Halloween to my coworker’s kid that banned cross dressing and dressing up as other cultures, then a follow up note saying trans people expressing their real gender isn’t a form of parody and leave those kids alone. MtF is the biggest form of objectivity of women that I have seen in a long time. It had a ridiculous table on it that said we can’t understand gender expression. Guess even school is encouraging deviancy.
No. 1088718
>>1088646remember when troons tried posting real vaginas on r/neovaginadisasters but got caught immediately every time? good times
the tranny recoils in pain at the female vulva
No. 1088726
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This is considered a good result
No. 1088745
File: 1606066390922.jpeg (11.27 KB, 342x147, téléchargement.jpeg)

>>1088726I've seen my fair share of nurglesque axe wounds on here and KF so I thought I was desensitized, but this one feels like I'm staring at some unfathomable abomination.
No. 1088788
>>1088268The Islamic Republic of Iran has the 2nd highest number of transexuals in the world. Ayatollah Khomeini issued a fatwah in the 60s saying it was cool to be trans and everyone since has agreed with him.
You can't be a gay man in Iran, but you can be born in the wrong body and the government will help you out.
No. 1088797
>>1088753I've once saw a chaser refer to trans women with Neo-vaginas, small dicks and/or non working dicks as "Useless Trannies".
Even their biggest "fans" think they are useless without a dick and/or a working one.
I just wish that the neo-vaginers would leave lesbians alone and focus on the straight men they claim that love them so much, excpet those "Straight" men want cocks more it seems.
It makes zero sense to me to get a neo-vagina for sexual reasons, it feels like it's purely for validation.
Nobody really wants them, even those dudes who hate women and start to date Troons don't even go for the ones post op.
No. 1088802
>>1088788I never knew this. I bet somewhere there' a troon talking about how amazing it is for them ignoring the fact that they are gay men being forced to be trans, so they can be gay in peace.
Just like troons do with Thailand.
No. 1088823
File: 1606072142975.jpg (Spoiler Image,464.58 KB, 1575x2176, 1597987618857.jpg)

>>1088726The thing that always gets me about neovags is that the actual hole is below everything? Like how do you look at that and not notice something is off? Pic from an older thread but it just really goes to show trannies don't know anything about female anatomy. No woman's vagina, literally NONE, has a gaping hole under the end of their labia.
No. 1088859
File: 1606074776200.png (267.71 KB, 1853x426, cc.PNG)

>tfw women on are also complaining about trannies
Insane of the AGP never leave women alone.
No. 1088865
File: 1606075424538.jpg (Spoiler Image,140.93 KB, 982x726, file-20181106-74763-t94fws.jpg)

>>1088823It looks like the labia are wrapped over each other like a kimono. There's one bit that I'm sure is going to pop out in the second photo. All the other drooling abscesses barely raised my eyebrows but this is really troubling me.
>>1088726All neovaginas remind me of the horrifying early attempts at plastic surgery on WWI soldiers, like it's better than an open exploded wound but you know in your heart that flesh is not supposed to do that.
No. 1089084
>>1088835LOL implying scrotes would be able to tell these are not real vaginas, especially the ones shown on
>>1088610 image, as long as they resemble what they watch daily in porn they'll prefer these than the real ones on the right. It will be funny if you post them though bc I'm curious if I'm right.
No. 1089159
>>1087003>>1087041>>1088591>>1088823Can someone please explain to me why these axe wounds always appear to have at least one extra hole? Is it supposed to be a urethra? What happens in the surgical process that the urethra gets so mangled and oversized?
The absolute body horror of it all. These people need to be institutionalized
No. 1089205
>>1088788Lol apparently they’re allowed in female Muslim spaces and female mosques
Imagine being a woman in Iran forced to subject to patriarchy and now you’re supposed to be the same as a mutilated gay man
Sicko muzzie men will take advantage of this no doubt once it reaches communities outside of Iran, Paki/Afghanistan and Indonesia
No. 1089328
I don't personally give a shit about neovags etc, people can do what they like with their own bodies… but it does bug me that MTFs do not actually try very hard to behave like women, or like they even LIKE other women, for all that they're supposedly working sooooo hard at passing.
MTFs love to come into female-centric spaces and make everything about themselves. They have to make every fucking conversation about themselves, transitioning, being trans, and how they're the most speshul group of victims to ever be martyred. What you seldom see from them: actual female behaviour, like taking other people into consideration, being selfless/caring, literally not being the center of attention every moment of the day, giving others space, realising not everything has to be about you, and yes, doing meta work.
They just want to be told that they're pretty and special and get asspats and attention for just existing - exactly like MEN DO. It'd be hilarisad if it wasn't so aggravating.
No. 1089366
File: 1606134985819.png (377.53 KB, 461x532, hair.PNG)

Why can't the troon at 100 gecs take care of his hair ?
No. 1089374
File: 1606136585002.jpg (228.7 KB, 1572x1068, 1289785.jpg)

>>1089373Doesn't seem like he's the type to worry about passing, in all the pics of him you can clearly see he's a male
No. 1089378
File: 1606137237504.jpg (Spoiler Image,412.07 KB, 1707x2560, sHOgci-tcsOSZo5GOSnTJkAURxFiMv…)

>>1089376anon the shit you make me find, jesus christ.
No. 1089379
File: 1606137252286.jpeg (277.91 KB, 750x1010, E0A30CF0-2458-4676-BB37-4A1083…)

>>1089328It's kind of a meme but, socialization really plays a huge role here. So many of these AGPs (and even HSTSs) were raised to expect the world on a silver platter. Ftms tend to be more accommodating (though younger ones act more entitled), but the whole community caters to men. It's sad as hell.
No. 1089380
File: 1606137258289.png (26.83 KB, 718x555, 424.PNG)

>>1089378samefag but kek at the replies
No. 1089384
File: 1606137542085.png (Spoiler Image,457.29 KB, 667x609, klj.PNG)

>>1089376samefag yet again but first time i've ever seen someone mention the depth of a vagina, and of course it has to be a man with a neovagina. It's like the penis lenght shit but reversed this is hilarious
No. 1089397
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No. 1089462
>>1089424I always assumed they had the Barbie doll puss because doctors probably don’t have the ability to give them proper labia, now I am curious if it actually is by choice. Never considered that before.
This is men we are talking about so I wouldn’t be surprised.
No. 1089485
File: 1606148612390.png (246.37 KB, 1080x1711, Screenshot_20201123-171121~2.p…)

Saw this post on KF and it really sums up the cognitive dissonance about the troon community and how self centered they are. I also came across the list of all the "trans
victims lost to transphobia this year", and most of them are prostitutes in South American countries (so gay men) killed by johns, homeless people fighting with each other or even random
victims of petty crime. Some of the crimes are fucked up, I'm not denying it and they didn't deserve to die like that, but do we actually have to remember the drunk schmucks who died by their own mistakes? (link to the list if anyone wants to check
No. 1089549
File: 1606154520665.gif (984.67 KB, 625x353, 40EE237E-17C9-4C8C-9BAE-A8EEAC…)

Every single day on Instagram or Tumblr, I see GoFundMes, collectives, and general donation posts for trannies for everything from homelessness to surgery to “being able to eat even though they’re obese as fuck.” Literally every day, multiple posts. It’s so disgusting the way they shamelessly beg for money while screaming at women on the internet and sitting in their own filth due to mental illness. It’s also funny, though, because I know that the people boosting aren’t actually donating shit kek. Why are all of these losers jobless and poor?
No. 1089602
>>1089378Oh my god, that's a Hank Hill ass in the front.
>>1089485No anon you don't understand, the white middle class 20-50 year old troons are the most vulnerable demographic we could have! Why, unlike cis karen womb carrier women every time they step outside (i.e. once a month) they have a very realistic chance of being murdered!
No. 1089616
File: 1606159149847.jpg (37.95 KB, 1080x983, FB_IMG_1606159041945.jpg)

Content: this is a MtF troon that literally looks like a big bulky man in a dress. I clocked him immediately, are people really this dense?
No. 1089618
File: 1606159343595.png (469.63 KB, 512x512, 5RLa0ojp.png)

>>1089616^ samefag but he is also a senator, here's a closeup of his profile. check out that AGP smile
No. 1089628
>>1089618It's always the expression that gives them away, bulky women exist, but very few make the shiteating smug expressions men do.
Disproving the concept of
ladybrain since they can't even smile right.
No. 1089673
I do find it weird how MTFs act like they're some sort of Woman+ - like, if you think you are a girl/woman, act the fucking part! But no, intersectional feminism only needs to apply when it benefits them - Dicksnip McGee cannot be expected to not put down cis women, or to support cis women and their rights, they only need to be vocal about wanting asspats for being speshul.
This whole business of "designer vaginas" is fucking gross. Call it your pussy or whatever, I don't care, but implying it's somehow better than the real thing is disgusting and disturbing, especially when cis women get shamed about "roasties" and "brown taints" so much that most hate their genitalia and think it's ugly to the point of labioplasty. I've yet to see one (1) MTF motherfucker say a peep about Female Genital Mutilation, either, which should be right up their alley logically, what with the wokeness and fEmInInItY and whatever… but the only thing that matters to them is getting someone else to pay for their plastic surgery.
They don't want to be "one of the girls", they want to be The Most Special Perfect Girl. It's such a male-brained, shitty, entitled approach, and the self-absorption is fucking exhausting.
No. 1089681
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>>1089616This kind of senator?
No. 1089697
File: 1606163597273.png (348.87 KB, 1434x1872, Screen Shot 2020-11-23 at 2.30…)

More posting from reddit toon posted earlier in the thread
No. 1089700
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more gems in the commets
No. 1089701
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No. 1089708
>>1089673You don't even have to go as far as the DesignerHole to see their socialization in action. Just look at the crying and gofundmes for things like hair removal and facial feminization surgery. Real women don't get to have their PCOS moustaches lasered for free, they just live with the mockery and shame.
>>1089701If that's actually a woman, way to live up to the socialization too. Anything to make men feel better, even self debasement for mutilated sex freaks. I'm so fucking tired anons
No. 1089716
>>1089700>>1089701>>1089697The one that tried to paint "smegma" as something that women get too, kek. I'm glad someone attempted to call him out about his porn fantasy, but of course she backed down. I hate how all of these women are coddling him for being gross/outing themselves for their own nasty downstairs.
>blame the guy and not my poor hygieneHe's clearly familiar with the stereotype of trannies not showering and still says this kek.
No. 1089718
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>>1089701Someone gave him "head" and didn't smell the horrible smell he knows he has?
He spends all day making up lies. Bringing up his "vagina" every five mintues.
No. 1089720
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No. 1089731
>>1089720"oh em gee, I keep picking up men who want to fuck trannies and having casual sex with them, why won't they date me????"
fucking kek, you'd think they'd be over the moon to be "passing" so well that straight men pump and dump them just like every other woman they use
No. 1089750
File: 1606165876157.jpeg (38.95 KB, 226x300, 2EB87EBE-8099-4BE8-9056-6E72D1…)

If you compare Bianca Devins’ death to Gwen Arujo(transgender) they’re both kind of similar. But one is considered a hate crime and the other one is barely considered a tragedy because she was “asking for it”
Both of them
>teenagers>led on/ were intimate with multiple men>went out to concert/party>MySpace/egirl kind of style.>died at the hands of one of their manwhores The story is indeed tragic and this dude didn’t deserve to die, he was just confused and gay. But what pisses me off is how if the story were about a girl being murdered after a night of partying, everyone would talk about how it were her fault. I bet there 100s of teenage girls who get murdered every year and nobody bats an eye. This was considered a hate crime and we had to learn about it in class a few years ago. No. 1089832
>>1089735nailed it anon. isn't it so ironic how troon females are painted as the oppressed
victims yet their entire identity rests on stereotypes and gross fetishization of women?
No. 1089877
>>1089616No way that’s real.
No-one outside of insane trannies would call an adult a “boy or girl”
Also lol at the pfp with the horrible makeup
No. 1089891
File: 1606175017106.png (228.01 KB, 750x1334, E48D0C62-9B36-4720-BC65-0C62BC…)

>>1089113>>1089154Either they’re reading here or one of you posted this lmao. Funny how all the trannies are downvoting them tho and insisting real vulvas are all the same colour as your thigh or whatever. I mean you can literally see they’re not in pictures like
>>1088610Men make fun of women for years for “brown pussies” or “roast beef curtains” and in some places “pink pussies” are prized yet when they try to be us suddenly
>sorry.. I can’t see.. vulvas are all thigh flesh toned..Tho these are probably gays or incels/shitty-in-bed dudes who never gave head to any women anyway to notice what a vulva looks like.
No. 1090026
File: 1606185062469.jpeg (704.76 KB, 1125x1504, 17C5043B-7053-4840-AAEE-2149C8…)

from a thread of a guy moaning about how when he casually confessed that he yearns to be able to have a PERIOD, his female friend reacted somewhat negatively.
cue two of these psychopaths saying that women talking about how being female isn’t fun because of you know, all of the rape and assault, have no standing to even mention it when they start fetishizing female trauma.
seething with rage i am
No. 1090040
>>1090026> …Which is absolutely horrible but what about meeeeeeee > ur rapes don’t matter i wanted to play with dolls Trannies are so fucking self entitled. Even
>>1089750 case pisses me off (they didn’t deserve to die but) lying to someone so they will validate you and be sexually intimate with you knowing what you’re doing full well is going to fuck the guy up mentally but
> what about me and my sexual gratification> what about me and my sexual fetish> what about me and my safe space> what about me not being the most vulnerable type of real woman that should take over feminism and women’s sport and everything elseIthink this is one way you can spot these men aren’t real women, they don’t give a fuck about anyone but themselves and there’s no nurturing, selfless or caring qualities about them.
No. 1090117
>>1090056Always the same things.
Being coddled and wrapped in fancy pretty princess dresses because girls love it when it’s hard to play. They tend to sincerely believe that girlhood involves a fair old bit of quasi lesbianism if you’ve ever seen a Troon talk about a slumber party before. They think it’s all giggling and secret sharing and physically affectionate hanging out, practicing kissing and discussing boys.
If it’s a sleepover movie trope, they believe it’s normal female childhood. They want anything and everything they have sexualised about little girls to now be about them.
No. 1090130
>>1090026>wasn't relevant at all to my wishDo you want a fucking girl's childhood or not because that's very fucking relevant. I am not a
victim of CSA but so many women (and men, you doofus) have been and it's kinda a massive issue. This is incel "girls have it easier than boys" logic taken to its furthest extreme.
No. 1090138
>>1090026God, they really have no fucking idea what it's like to be us, do they? Like, I wasn't assaulted as a kid, but 1. I know how common it is, especially because I (like a lot of women I think) have had friends/relatives who have confided in me the way we don't in men, or outright warned me about a dude in our midst, and 2. I know this shit exists on a continuum because none of us escape it. No one touched me, but the first time I was catcalled was a guy yelling at me to suck his dick when I was 8. But how do you explain knowing those things are connected to some pornsick mtf jackass? God, the worst, rapiest dude I used to know is a "femme bruja trans witch" now. Their egos are fucking ironclad.
No. 1090146
File: 1606202440559.jpeg (Spoiler Image,423.63 KB, 750x1070, 0A916986-555F-43BE-AA48-5B144D…)

neovags either look extremely painful or downright bizarre
No. 1090152
>>1090146The “labia” that fade into the weird giant barbie-smooth ridge where a clitoris would be in a woman has me cackling.
This is the best looking fake vagina I’ve seen and it’s still a hilarious failure on every level.
No. 1090174
>>1090146I don’t get it.. If you look at any female vulva you can pretty easily pick out the anatomical structures: labia majora, Minora, clitoral hood, (urethra, vagina and clitoris if you spread the labia open) not much more difficult than pointing them out on an illustrated diagram.
But on neovaginas I can literally never tell where anything is.. what is the labia here? What is clitoris or clitoral hood, what hole is supposed to be the vagina and which is the urethra?? I haven’t seen one neovag posted on here where I could identify anything clearly except maybe the labia SOMETIMES… I’m sure there’s a joke in here somewhere about men not knowing where the clitoris is.
No. 1090287
File: 1606229393329.png (Spoiler Image,3.49 MB, 750x1334, 5E198B54-3854-4F21-B47F-572AA9…)

Imagine being about to go down on somebody and this is what you see.. combined with the smell of rotting flesh.
No. 1090291
File: 1606229625769.jpeg (179.54 KB, 750x1003, D09B67F1-B857-42B0-9FE7-E69A4D…)

>>1090287Heavy cope in the replies…
Is it normal to compare vulvas with your friends tho? Can’t say I’ve done that. Maybe I’m missing out on a girly sleepover experience….
No. 1090304
>>1090291imagine finding out that your “best friend” is saying that your natural god given vagina looks like… this
i’d actually throw hands like hate crime or not
No. 1090356
>>1090338They're just making it up.
Even if you had the kind of friendship with your friends when you were naked in front of each other, you wouldn't have detailed knowledge of their vulva. A woman stood buck naked wouldn't show you that much unless she spread her legs and her lips, especially since real vaginas sit between the legs and not underneath the bellybutton like these neovags do.
They're just delusional and trying to cope by lying to themselves and each other.
No. 1090426
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No. 1090432
>>1090426Yes using the fashion gender will REALLY make people be more accepting of trans shit. Not even the normal, "Hey i'm going by she/her now I'm trans"
I didn't even know non-binaries were considered "trans" for a long time anyway, most people don't know they are or what that is.
No. 1090468
>>1090115/incoming rant
> they legitimately think we’re paranoid and exaggerating about the dangers in our daily livesThis is my frustration with all men. They claim that we're crazy when it's literally their own fault that women have to live in fear. Yes, all of them. "B-b-but I'm not a rapist" they say– well if you actually want to make yourself useful Jake, set other men straight instead of being complicit and be an advocate for women when no one will listen to us. None of them do though. And they know that they could do this but society doesn't expect any advocacy from men on behalf of women so that's why they don't give a shit–they don't have to. Better yet, ALL men benefit from women's fear of male predators because it lowers the bar of the treatment that we expect from them.
Sorry anon for the rant but this point just makes me remember how men are the absolute scum of this earth and the reason why I'll be happy when humanity burns. I hope they keep mutilating themselves, just not on my tax dollars. :)
No. 1090494
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>>1090426>in partnership with soylul you don't say
No. 1090524
>>1090480I sense an incoming regret. It’s funny because the more Blair tries to pass the more obviously trans they look.
It’s like there are only 2 categories of MTF
> Blatant cock in a frock> Uncanny Valley Tranny No. 1090530
>>1090509Probably because in your case they’re trying to decide between young woman or teen boy, and it’s common to refer to young women as girls. Mr senator looks like a hulking adult man or (if I take my glasses off and squint really hard) an ugly middle aged woman. If the conversation is real then it’s more likely the person is jokingly invoking Professor Oak/similar memes to make fun of the man in a dress.
Honestly I think many people take “omg they questioned my sex” interactions way too seriously, when most of the time people are just making fun of or insulting them.
No. 1090896
File: 1606264011162.png (110.78 KB, 626x494, penni.png)

From vtuber thread on /w/. Mtf vtuber named Penelope Smith befriended minors and then made them roleplay sissification, often including sexual scenarios. Below is a part of the allegation made by their ex, who was 16 at a time. Penni was at least 21.
"and then there were sexual messages. i don't want to sound mean and i don't mean any of this in a bad way. back then, i knew penni before her transition. during my time with her, she often had "imaginary scenarios" that would help her not feel dysphoric. it was a way for her to cope. some of these imaginary scenarios included nsfw ones. i felt a bit uncomfortable with them but because they would "help" her through her dysphoria i thought that maybe if i do them, she'd feel better. i don't remember letting them go for too long, but i do remember them happening. there were mentions of touching //things// here and there. i've seen callouts of people mentioning her calling herself a "succubus"; this is something i think i remember happening with me too. in the accounts i've seen and read so far, i've seen people mention how she has a way with interacting with people, often doing things like sending messages like
smooches/hugs you as well as the coping mechanism. i've had this happen to me too. because i was young back then, i just thought she was being playful, so i kind of shrugged them off as "cutesy roleplaying." hell even after we broke up she was still like that. these were the only sexual things i ever remember with her. i don't know how bad it was for others she engaged with."
Take a look at the other allegations and then the apology. Plenty of people forgave that behavior because Penni claimed it was a "coping mechanism to deal with gender dysphoria".
"If anyone remembers Steph from twitch drama fame then you basically have this person. I remember I went to her streams a lot before she started VTUBING officially and always noticed her getting so defensive over certain words and would publically shame people for saying them. Like 'trap' she would get so
triggered over that word so much so that she made a big stink and posted it on all her social medias and shit.
Recently in the last few months, she was outted as a child predator. Many others came forth with their own experiences. To which she responded to the main post with an absolutely shitty apology."
No. 1090919
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No. 1090940
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>>1090426unfortunately that's an edited version kek
No. 1090952
>>1090919We really have reached South Park tier levels of insanity.
They could have at least put that he was a trans woman instead of plainly calling him a woman, like no one would ever think otherwise. That would be just slightly less insane.
No. 1090958
>>1090338I don't think I have seen a friend's genitals since I was a pre pubescent child.
They always have this strange idea that women are always getting naked in front of each other, where the hell does it come from?
No. 1090974
>>1090965Neo vaginas aren't self cleaning. They have to be douched regularly otherwise yes, they do build up gunk, fluff and debris.
There was a thread on reddit not too long ago reminding women that they shouldn't douche and lots of troons got angry.
No. 1090987
>>1090962Women go to the bathroom together but I assumed in separate stalls.
I haven't seen a friend actually sit on the toilet since I was a small child.
The idea of a platonic friend watching me on the toilet as an adult is creepy, honestly.
Sorry anon but if you do that you are weird.
No. 1091003
>>1090993Yeah I have seen drunk women piss together in the street even. I used to live next to a club.
Drunk people don't really count.
Troons however think women all perpetually walk around naked together. I remember Yaniv complaining that he didn't see 'tits and pussy' in the gym.
No. 1091031
>>1091026Not that kinda crowd and location(s), it's just easier for girls to go into one disabled stall than queue up for the other ones when they're at that level of drunkeness.
My friends would do it too sometimes, I'm a prude though so I would never.
No. 1091068
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>>1090896Can't believe he isn't a nonce /s
No. 1091160
>>1091101Why discourage him? The sad thing is, he probably already was on reddit and it's probably already planted in his head by the troons, it's tighter and better than the real thing.
Trust me, a lot of men interested in troon sex, are already watching tranny porn and already know exactly what they want.
If he's on reddit chances are he's probably in some post and pre op trannie's dm's pretending like he's "Curious" to see if it's the same, knowing he just wants to fuck a feminized male.
sounds like you are dating Vaush before he gave in.
No. 1091199
>>1090987>>1091118Seconding this
I’ve seen alll my friends pee outside before sometimes right next to me while and I’m acting as a look out but I’ve never seen their junk I’d be really uncomfortable with that.
No. 1091200
>>1090974Funny I never see trans men telling men not to talk about dick and ball care because, "all men don't have dick and balls"
I don't see trans women telling men not to connect, dick and ball care to "Men care".
Funny they don't say, "Hey just say "Cis" women shouldn't douche" they say, "Don't talk about that shit at all!"
So fuck that women outnumber troons and young girls may be looking for information on douching, who cares about them?
trans women need to be the focus because they gotta douche. It makes zero sense.
No. 1091210
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I went to check on Rossy and this is the advice he's being given.
IDK if this person is trolling or what, but what a disgusting person. I doubt this is real but imagine giving a group of people you claim to care about This kind of advice.
Then again this is the same group, that will have troons with horrible results still recommending neo-vaginas, so…it makes sense.
No. 1091258
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can someone tell me why it looks like this
No. 1091279
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bet the ex-wife doesn't have that much chest hair. imagine being so fucking stupid not being able to properly shoop or shave
No. 1091309
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>>1091258It has over 200 upvotes on r/transgender_surgeries and they're are calling it a good result….
No. 1091373
File: 1606322132760.png (Spoiler Image,1.34 MB, 1364x1294, wgsbf.png)

No. 1091418
>>1091406his voice is awful
and his foundation doesn't match his skin at all
nice hair tho
No. 1091437
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>>1091406Every time I see trans like this, I just know they look like James Charles in drag in person.
not that either look all that bad, but at least some troons try.
No. 1091444
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>>1091437and I clicked the video and I was right, a very pretty looking man but obviously trans and they look older.
Also why did they keep turning their head from side to side like that?
Pretty person though. People need to stop falling for these perfectly posed thumbnails, everyone's doing it & it's sad when there's nothing wrong with their face without the tricks.
No. 1091467
>>1091455Nope. There's a lot of stuff I'm not fond of (over the top lip fillers for example) and regardless of if someone's trans or not I just dislike it but at the same time I just don't care enough to point it out to anyone else except maybe my bf, it's not like it's any of my business. Believe me, I've called more than enough transwomen ugly, I mean just look at some (most) of the people posted in this thread.
>>1091406 just isn't one of them in my opinion.
inb4 >why are you here then
not to nitpick.
No. 1091474
>>1091467I 10000% agree that he looks better and puts more effort than any other tranny in this thread, but the bar is below sea level, so that's not saying much. He is pretty even with that being said.
>>1091465True, and he still loves himself enough to be a man. I love gnc people, men and women, who stay themselves even when they go all fuckin out like James does.
No. 1091494
>>1091160 He’s very sweet person and was very kind to me, so nah I don’t want to play him like that. Actually I’m pretty sure our convo peak trooned him on pornsick trannybians, so there’s that at least.
When I said reddit tier, I meant he worked on the original reddit infrastructure like ten years ago and was part of the tech Steve Jobs entrepreneur culture, not the bread tube of today, he doesn’t actually use social media or post on reddit, so a lot of info I dumped was a shock.
No. 1091519
>>1091437Anon are you telling me that’s
not James Charles?
>>1091470Turns out womanhood really is all about learning to do your makeup well.
No. 1091531
>>1091451>>1091409stop affirming their delusion. just because they're able to so their makeup, get FFS/pene removal surgery doesn't make them any more of a woman than yaniv or blaire. he's not cute, he's in a fantasy world and it makes no sense to coddle that just because he's really good at making himself look like a cute girl. everyone calling him cute is getting baited by makeup, voice training, and surgery kek
don't forget their entire identity rests on male interpretations of what women think, act, and dress like, even down to what our vag's look like. degenerancy doesn't begin to describe them.
No. 1091590
>>1091575Oh duh, you're right, I just misread. Thanks anon! I suppose the question stands in another way, as in how is he familiar with neovags enough to pique curiousity, but maybe it's just something men think about? Idk. I don't live in that mind kek.
>>1091582Fair mistakes as it kind of does kek. It's either a full IG thot beat or blue lipstick and wavy eyeliner with a 5 o'clock shadow.
No. 1091755
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No. 1091896
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No. 1091934
>>1091406>>1091444Long ring finger (a long index finger compared to the ring finger is a common biological female trait, with males it's a long ring finger vs the index), large hard looking straight across clavicles (women's do not jutt out like this and are v-shaped and softer looking in aappearance), brow bone, big ears, square block chin (bio women's chins come to a point and are more rounded, softer looking in comparison), big thick neck to support that large male skull, and fierce concentrated male gaze seen in the eyes.
Still has that bio male skull, skeletal structure, harsh male features and male energy, still looks like a guy. Nice try troon but it's a fail.
No. 1091955
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Trannies btfo by their own selfies. The cope in this thread kek No. 1091960
File: 1606370681449.jpg (44.31 KB, 526x502, 127962425_10208443450359502_30…)

unironic and found in the wild
No. 1092016
>>1091925Practically all female TRAs I know are really into flamboyant gay men and I’m sure they see transwomen as an extension of this. They surround themselves (online) by sassy HSTS who “do femininity better than cis women” and usually by the time they run into a crusty AGP they’re too deep into YAAAS KWEEN TWAW culture to extricate themselves. Even they realise that saying “wait no not that one, that’s just a perverted straight man” would be very unwoke. They clearly see a difference, though. In my experience it’s rare for women to cape as hard for obvious AGPs, and the few that do tend to hate other women as much as the AGPs do. One so-called nonbinary sapphic femme I know wields unwashed furry transbians like a weapon, inviting them to events they have no business being at and noting down anyone who seems uncomfortable for later cancelling. Even the other handmaidens hate her.
>>1092002>passes so well even the most notorious terfs can’t clock himlmao which HTST made this? Replace with
>likeable or seemingly harmless enough that even the occasional terf respects his pronounsand you’ll have something more accurate. Most of these types have a lot of overlap, though.
No. 1092036
File: 1606382152280.jpg (517.52 KB, 1080x1239, you'll never be us die mad.jpg)

I checked our stunning and brave nonbinary transfemme icon alokvmenon's Instagram, and among posts about how women don't exist and biological sex is racist, I noticed how he singles out "trans exclusionary feminists" here for apparently no reason.
Liberal troons like Alok hate "transphobic" women so much because they can't accept that a woman could possibly not be on their side. Our mere existence contradicts their retarded, entirely identity politics based worldview and they can't stand it.
It's especially funny how Alok has several posts about how gender is a social construct and female gender roles were made to keep women submissive to men (though from this he somehow draws the conclusion that biological sex isn't real), but gets infuriated when women actually break that socialization to stand up for themselves against men like him.
No. 1092037
>>1092036Here they comparing WOC to trans shit, here they go ignoring the fact that men think trans women aren't women more then women, even the ones who are fucking them.
Women address men all the fucking time, trans women address women and ignore the fact that men are more likely to be "transphobic" then any woman and them being "transphobic"aka "homophobic" can cause trans women their lives or harm.
also, why do they always seem to think WOC are with trans shit?
No. 1092044
>>1092036I didn’t know xy/xx chromosomes were invented in the 19th century woah shit sucks man
Fuck all your female specific medical conditions and needs they don’t exist-!
No. 1092064
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>>1092052pretty much "ideas about biological sex have been used in the past to justify misogyny, therefore making any distinction between the sexes today is misogynist". So this is a man telling women that not accepting men as women is misogyny. His whole Instagram is like this
No. 1092066
File: 1606388768024.png (49.33 KB, 602x581, 1606321061519.png)

grown men telling us what we can and cannot say, but they can say whatever the fuck they want about us.
No. 1092083
>>1092036tfw misogyny was invented in the 19th century
damn i wish i lived as a woman in the middle ages mustve been wack haha
No. 1092096
>>1092046Ngl I’m enjoying the mental image of pre-Victorian human cultures as essentially Discworld dwarfs, awkward courtships included. Beards for everyone!
>>1092064This is the misogynist version of “I’m colourblind, I don’t see race” Surely if we all stick our fingers in our ears and pretend not to recognise marginalised groups, discrimination will magically disappear.
No. 1092120
>>1092066i can't believe this "trans women get periods" bullshit got so widespread as it is
aren't people tired of playing dumb on this level
No. 1092160
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Congratulations you got fatter?
No. 1092176
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Flo is the least woke of all the popular apps I’ve used. Their entire description on the store is about “women’s health” and “female reproductive system”, which are no-no words. Just noticed they changed their bio on instagram, went from “women” to “people” lol There’s always some TIM or handmaided complaining about them not being inclusive. I’m just waiting for their “not only women menstruate” post lmao
No. 1092200
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found a cesspit of trannies and handmaidens out in the wild - they were sharing nicknames for their hrt and what a surprise, of course they sexualize their medication. i don‘t think ftms call their testosterone shots dick juice or something disgusting like that. one even claimed to have a period kek. and every woman in the thread just hyped them up and said that they wish they could try titty skittles and how happy they are that there are no transphobes in the comments (as if they didn‘t all get banned)
No. 1092205
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>>1092200also this made me mad as fuck
No. 1092233
>>1092205 Arguments like this will end up discouraging people from believing them. Because the average man and woman simply won't comply with stuff like this.
No. 1092282
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>>1092261I agree, I think that anon needs to spend less time on kpop/ incel plastic surgery forums. ESP the chin/jawline thing sounds beyond ridiculous. I know so many men with weak/recessed chins or jawlines, that doesn’t make them women lmao, or vice versus most fashion models have strong bone structure because it photographs better. Most people can innately clock trannys because the facial proportions are subtly different for natal m vs f and no amount of hormones can really fix that, not facial features.
No. 1092291
File: 1606419055036.png (537.65 KB, 1200x814, Flexiblebillowyfittedgiraffe_1…)

please be a joke please be a joke please be a joke
No. 1092293
>>1092291This is one of those things that could be 100% mockery or 100% real.
Highly predatory if it's real.
No. 1092295
>>1092291this is so obviously a joke, they would never make the transwoman look like such a man lmao
i believe the actual artist is @SpecialNewsUnit on twitter and they make similar posts
No. 1092392
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Once again proving to the world that they just want to larp as anime girls.
No. 1092410
>>1092066I'm absolutely loving how women have to put "content warning: menstruation" to their posts about menses in order to avoid hurting tranny dysphoria feelings but male troons can talk all about their imaginary bullshit periods and people will just cheer for more. Not.
>>1092291I swear if they hadn't made the man look like a caricature with the 5-o-clock shadow and balding head and all I would 100% believe this is true. The amount of "I need to interact with young girls because I never got to experience spinny skirts and sexy sleepovers at 12" shit they spew already crossed this line.
No. 1092421
File: 1606433003512.png (14.67 MB, 9681x3613, ddvsjbs-20550101-6645-40c2-b57…)

I wonder how many troons are just into transformation fetish ?
No. 1092448
File: 1606434659775.jpeg (184.65 KB, 750x682, 14EF8E06-F30D-4246-93D3-E1BDDB…)

I don’t know why but the thought of hair growing inside a neovagina is making me want to vomit. I never even considered this being a thing.
No. 1092453
>>1092448It's an occurrence well known enough to be a meme about hairballs etc.
Basically the skin used to construct the inside of the neovagina didn't go through proper electrolysis and now it's growing strands of body hair inside, tangling with all the fluids into small unholy dreads causing infection. Spoilered for the weak of heart.
No. 1092460
>>1092448electrolysis isn’t even for sure permanent. maybe 90%. some people don’t even respond to it and some get horrible infections and scarring from it.
that’s why some of these doctors try to do the intestines option (where they basically cut off a piece of their small (citation need) intestine to create the “vagina”) because it gives the same depth and there’s no pubes in there.
No. 1092495
It's just mind boggling how many people support this delusional bs. A biological male/female, will never be transformed into an equivalent state of their biological opposite sex. It's just genital mutilation, but therapists and psychologists are being forced to shill for their mental illness.
No. 1092516
File: 1606443122091.jpg (291.09 KB, 1080x779, MaleandFemaleskulls.jpg)

>>1092261>>1092282These are biological sex bone structure and skull facts unfortunately, picrel. And a woman may happen to have one or two of these traits which is perhaps uncommon, but she will NOT have ALL of them. A biologcal male however will tick all items I highlighted in the list I provided in my previous post.
Also, I am not schizo so stop armchairing me. Why don't you do some research and find out for yourself.
No. 1092561
>>1092384don’t be rude to vinny, he doesn’t deserve that
on topic, i’m genuinelystill so baffled how some of these men honestly expect to be called women. a woman doesn’t shave her legs and she’s disgusting and doesn’t care about her appearances. these men come out with full beards and chest hair yet they’re “strong and powerful and beautiful women”. and when they’re called out for looking like men they screech like they’re being murdered, yet the “evil terfs” are snowflakes for not wanting men in women’s spaces?
No. 1092562
File: 1606452233820.jpeg (Spoiler Image,140.09 KB, 1024x768, 632EC219-35AB-45A9-8322-7D8C7C…)

>>1091258These degenerate faggots should just embrace their faggotry and go the nullo route instead of spending thousands of dollars on a rotting flesh hole
No. 1092571
File: 1606453016030.png (3.2 MB, 2697x1664, ponett.png)

Old milk, but I was reminded of Ponett/Bobby Schroeder, the creator of an mlp fangame called Super Lesbian Horse Rpg that he's currently reskinning with trans lesbian ocs to make into an original work. He's an artist I love this little illustration of his self perception vs. what he actually looks like.
No. 1092573
File: 1606454203849.png (818.99 KB, 1021x578, trrooooon.png)

>>1091444without makeup he looks like a man and a pretty low quality one
No. 1092610
I'm sorry but what? Is this a genuine fetish thing? I just don't even know whats going on anymore
No. 1092621
>>1092601Heavy makeup, fake eyelashes, fake nails, fake hair, fake lips, fake breasts, fake asses, shapewear, body hair removal and heavily edited pictures. If all of these things weren’t so normalised then there’s no way transwomen would be accepted even among libfems. They need all of those things to signal that they’re “women”. An unmodded transwoman surrounded by women in their natural state will stand out like the man he is, and a fully modded transwoman in the same group will stand out like a freakshow. They need women to cover themselves in the same fake shit so that they can blend in.
>>1092612Libfems and TRAs aren’t going to outright say that women who don’t shave are disgusting, but they celebrate women who think that not wanting to shave makes them non-women. Every single enby and fakeboi I know started in that direction because they didn’t like to be sexualised and were fed up with compulsory hair removal. That’s the same sentiment of “women have to shave and like it”, just with extra steps.
No. 1092637
>>1092573>>1092580Damn I at least thought a pretty man was under that make up,A pretty older looking man but i guess I was wrong.
I guess props for showing his real face in a thumbnail, I bet you chasers and women are in the comments like, "oh my god you look better then
most cis women without make up! Oh my god you look better then me without make up!"
No. 1092645
>>1092606nta but the current online message for girls is "be pretty and then get followers and maybe become an onlyfans sex worker"
I agree instilling a message to study is vital, but it'll be hard to reject the peer pressure of "looking pretty is the only thing that matters."
But, I don't know how long this will last. It's likely in as soon as five years things will swing in another direction and this won't be something we need to worry about. Surely seeing all the influencers and sex workers careers tank as soon as they "age out" will make it obvious it's a shitty plan and to do something else.
No. 1092652
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Lol what is this
>male bodies were just objectively better assets for society. >so what advantages does estrogen give you>>1092573Kek. Peak FAS face. Small eye openings, smooth philtrum, thin upper lip. Guess we know why he’s fucked in the head
No. 1092661
>>1092652ah yes, our primitve medieval society, where hard field labour is required to feed our families.
Not being a misogynic ass should be a requirement to transition…
No. 1092664
>>1092652Considering most Strong Muscular Men won't even bother to take out a bag of rubbish unless someone nags them for hours if not days, and then acts all martyred about it, I seriously question where this idiotic mindset comes from. This is such a common MALE headspace, and it has so laughably little to do with actual lived reality. Strong Muscular Men my arse; most people know not to depend on boys and men for maintaining even basic personal hygiene, let alone being Helpfully Available With Their Big Strong Muscles kek
It really is all just a gender essentialist fantasy for these types. They just swap out hyper masc delusion to hyper femme delusion, but at no point are they ever either Gaston or Belle (to use so-obvious-that-kids-get-it stereotypes) despite what they would like to believe.
No. 1092668
>>1092652It's almost like biology plays a role in reproduction, and hormonal differences aren't just to get tits and soft skin….hmmmm.
Also I wonder how many of these troons actually worked strength-based jobs. Suspiciously the sportsmen that troon out aren't the topliners, because they'd actually have to be worried of using their competitive edge.
No. 1092672
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>>1092668Theres a suspiciously large number of them posting on the Mtf subreddit (pic related) concerned about losing their muscles/strength and asking advice on how to keep their strength. Kinda funny they want to be tiny delicate anime girls but Still be super strong. They want to keep their male privileges but also be the same as 100% real biological women
Guess they’re scared of not being able to throat punch TERFs or intimidate women in public bathrooms. Or they just want to LARP as being victimized and vulnerable and scared of being attacked by a males and unable to fight back, and don’t ACTUALLY want to be vulnerable to attacks by males like real women. Troons love to act so weak and scared and defenseless when, if no weapons were involved, 99% of them would have a decent chance against a male attacker and 99% of women wouldn’t.
No. 1092675
>>1092668I actually know quite a few women in strength based industries (truckers/longshoremen/warehouse workers) and none are no where near looking manly.
Actual strong women may look a little bit more girthy, but womanly strength looks different to man strength. You can still tell a female longshoremen from a male a mile away. Our bodies and movements are just different.
I hate that troons pride themselves on being able to beat down natal women because they KNOW they were born different yet insist they are the same. They’re so damn agro while natural born strong women tend to be chill af.
They make death threats on “terfs” and assert their domination on natural women. They’re exactly like us….until their natural masculine strength gives them the ability to scare is into submission. Just like a MAN would do.
No. 1092716
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Sleep Paralysis Demon
No. 1092801
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>>1086919Why isn't this on the notable subreddit list? No. 1092830
>>1092802Absolutely mind boggling. Is he looking to stick his dick in an
actual lesbian for the ~validation uwu~ or is he just a homosexual male in denial?
No. 1092859
>>1092830I just had to stop to wrap my mind around this for a moment.
>A homosexual male identifying as a lesbian woman wants to fuck other lesbian women by which he means other homosexual men identifying as womanMy god, why add this many steps to be gay? I always imagine that people in denial like this grew up in some super strict evangelist christian household being beaten with a bible every day for wearing a pink shirt or something. It's tragic.
No. 1092897
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>>1092802It never fails, everytime i go to their reddits to see the obvious male behind the post, It's full of shit like this.
he does not want to attract chasers (aka straight/bisexual women or trans women aka gay men who want dick) but all he posts about is lesbians who prefer dick?
I thought it was chasing to prefer trans women with certain set ups?
Which one is it? You don't want to date people who want dick but you post dumb ass memes about "lesbians" who prefer dick?
No. 1092905
>>1092801I can actually live and let live when they are only involving each other. It mostly angers me when they have to involve women in their fetish, especially the ones who have wives and children or get off on involving themselves in women's spaces and force them to play along with it.
If a group of men want to play sissy dress up together and pretend to be lesbians I don't have as much of a problem. They key word however is pretend. Society lets them think it's reality and not just a fantasy they have.
No. 1092908
>>1092905Honestly this, but I do hate when they bring their gay shit to lesbian spaces. It must suck to be a lesbian and have to deal with these retards talking about actual gay sex in spaces that are for lesbians.
Women can't say they don't like dick or talk about periods because it makes them sad, but they can screech about their dicks and gay sex & if women have a issue they need to get over their "genital fetish".
No. 1092911
>>1092789A so called masculine bodied woman is the result of poor genetics, improper development and messed up hormones from poor nutrition and other factors. Lol i'm starting to think you're a troon because you sound more and more like it after each reply. Would explain the defensiveness and personal offence taken as I outlined the physical characteristics of the legit bio woman, you must feel invalidated.
Not an autist either, what other armchairing diagnosis have you got for me? Go on, spoil me anon.
No. 1092922
>>1092789>>1092789Honestly this sounds more and more like a tranny cope.
>no anon I know plenty of women who look 100% like men and have identical bone structure despite biological evidence suggesting otherwise!!! ur just an autist chill a bit lol Even the most manliest women I've ever seen are always recognizable as female. They will never have a full on male skeleton. That's why troons get facial feminization surgeries and shave literal bone to imitate women.
No. 1092927
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No. 1092937
>>1092922Trans apologists have such a ridiculous view of sex and gender.
It's as if they don't know what they objectively mean. They think pretty and stereotypically feminine equals woman and the latter equals man.
You can be a pretty, feminine man and a less attractive or masculine woman. It doesn't matter if you are a man who is prettier than most women and looks wonderful in a dress, you are still male and nothing will make you a woman. Biological sex and the reality of it doesn't change because of those mannerisms.
No. 1092953
>>1092942That's nonsense. No woman is going to look like a man because of veganism. No woman is going to virilize by becoming vegan. A woman who is vegan will still be on a scale where she has a typical female biology.
Veganism will not increase testosterone enough at the very least to make a woman grow a beard, become sterile or develop muscles like a male.
Certain vitamin deficiencies can make a woman become sterile but eating certain food groups or avoiding them alone will not. Sterility and masculinization are also not mutually exclusive.
You know absolutely nothing about endocrinology.
No. 1092955
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>>1092940Can we stop posting this boy?
No. 1092958
>>1092562So on Twitter a week or so ago there a link to a sideshow of a man doing this TO HIMSELF like literally taking selfies with his severed cock and proudly showing off his ken doll anatomy in things etc after. Not trans, just no genitals. STILL FUCKING INSANE to do it to yourself obviously
Don't have the link
No. 1092969
>>1092942What do you consider a 'masculine body shape'?
You know that women with a healthy endocrine systems can have a range of body shapes, right? The stereotypical hourglass figure actually only accounts for around 8% of white women, apple shape accounts of 14% and the pear accounts for 34%. The rectangular body shape is actually the most common and for Asian women and many Latin American ethnic groups pears and hourglasses are the least common and apples and rectangles are the most common.
There is a wide range of what is considered normal and typical.
No. 1092970
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>>1092929If a diet is poor enough growing up (anorexia, famine) the body may fail to start puberty or complete it. So, yes can look "masculinzed" or "boyish". I had a French teacher who was only anorexic during early adolescence, and as an adult she's 5ft, flat chest, with no waist definition or broad hips. Her 2 sisters are 5'3, and curvy, like their mother. She was told by doctors it was due to this period. However, I had an anorexic friend whose puberty was delayed, but once she resumed eating her body caught up. Audrey Hepburn suffered a short bout of extreme starvation during the war, and her body shows it.
No. 1092980
>>1092970What you are presenting is not masculinization. What you are presenting is hormonal deficiency and in some cases even a lack of puberty as a result of malnutrition.
Maybe in your subjective opinion your 'French teacher looked like a boy' but that has nothing to do with female virlization.
No. 1092985
>>1092982'Being straight up and down with smaller hips' is a very common and typical female body type. It's not caused by 'more testosterone'.
And no a vegan diet will not cause a woman with predominanly lower fat distribution to suddenly develop a different fat distribution.
Mtfs who use testosterone actually keep their lower fat distribution if that's what they had prior to taking testosterone. You can clearly see that in the fake Boi thread.
The fat cells already in your body will not change location because of diet. You may develop more of them in other places but a vegan diet will not be enough to influence this.
Age and menopause also makes women develop slightly more visceral fat although their bodies don't become 'masculinized'.
No. 1093009
>>1092980>Maybe in your subjective opinion your 'French teacher looked like a boy' but that has nothing to do with female virlization.It was medical opinion (something do with tanner stages) and she spoke openly about it, including her infertility. I'm not being snarky. Starvation results in a body lacking sufficient feminizing hormones at a critical time of growth and can make women appear BOYish. Pre-pubertal males & females don't differ much.
Endocrine disorders cause a female body to virilize, ie look manly.
>>1092985>Being straight up and down with smaller hips' is a very common and typical female body type. It's not caused by 'more testosterone'Higher levels of circulating androgens can make a female body mannish, ie. narrow, boxy hips. Adult pelvis size is partly genetic, partly environmental (circulating hormones).
And I disagree, a woman with all three (literal flat chest, no waist, no hips) is not common. Many women can be slightly boxy, but their hips still flare out, there's breast development… they don't look like troons.
There's lots of subtle feminine parts to an adult female's body too, like a curved lower back. Hepburn looks stunted, her contemporaries noticed and commented on it.
No. 1093065
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Are we seriously gonna debate women's bodies on a thread about making fun of troons ? What are we trying to prove here?
No. 1093119
>>1092969woman: XX
men: XY
No. 1093157
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Anyway can we get back to making fun of troons instead of this boring sperging?
No. 1093249
>>1093157>stealthing a doctorThese idiots really think they'll get away with this? And if the doctor asks what prompted a radical hysterectomy and the complete removal of uterus, fallopian tubes and cervix? If you have unexplained pelvic or abdominal pain at any point and the doctor wants to check the hysterectomy closure? When you're examined and missing female parts that can not be replicated by surgery? What then?
>I'd rather have prostate cancerChoosing cancer over a very quick medical examination? Couldn't be me!
No. 1093275
>>1093044I don't know what this negative obsession with veganism is.
As long as people eat adequate calories and supplement b12 they will generally be fine.
A lot of people will use veganism as a disguise for their disordered eating and the fact that they don't eat enough calories.
Veganism in itself does not cause people to 'waste away'.
No. 1093288
>>1093278Meat eaters are just as 'preachy and smug' about people who don't eat meat. I hate red meat and my diet is mostly vegetarian down to personal taste alone and people give me a difficult time constantly,although I never make a scene about it and I don't care what other people eat.
Still I don't see what this has to do with troons or this thread.
(autism) No. 1093303
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>>1093283>>1093288anyway troons ugly
No. 1093345
>>1093157They’ll be retraining and re-educating gynos into checking prostates soon, since it’s now a female organ.
>>1093292So is the uterus, yet ftm are encouraged to get hysterectomies.
No. 1093351
>>1093288>>1093283>>1093275>>1093278I don’t know how anons were getting banned left and right in the last thread but you retards are still going on about veganism.
>>1093157I just realized isn’t this transphobic? Prostates aren’t only for men, and prostrate checks aren’t only for men. They’re for prostate-bodied people.
But seriously troons freak out if you DARE mention “women” and mammogram/period/Pap smear/pregnancy etc in the same sentence, and they believe penises can be feminine and vaginas csn be masculine but they can’t perform the same mental gymnastics and make prostates girly?
No. 1093374
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The delectable Ms Robin Hosking (not a dox, all social media has their full name). Looked creepy as a man, as a woman goes to fullon serial killer. Some very lazy investigating shows this one still runs a mens group for a disability charity kek
No. 1093379
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>>1093044Yeah, picrel really passes more than a troon. Absolutely genderless. You retards should actually research nutrition before you try to talk about it. Veganism isn't a "diet" anyway.
No. 1093496
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>rants on and on to girlfriend about how beautiful some other “girl” (read: troon) is
>she’s so pretty she makes my chest hurt
>girlfriend gets quiet and seems upset
>keep talking
>Finally finish gushing over another “girl” and then backpedal to try to save your own ass
>apologize but girlfriend doesn’t reply because she’s weirded out/upset and also hanging out with her sister
>panic from your “trauma” and sperg out, spamming her crying and being manipulative and start “beating yourself up” (unsure if verbally/physically) to make her reply
>she finally replies because you’re being an absolute retard
>Somehow deflect all responsibility and blame everything on “because of who I fucking am and the bullshit we have to deal with as trans women”
Pic is the brave and stunning woman in question
No. 1093499
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These men really couldn’t give less of a shit about women’s health and safety. I hate these people so much.
>>1093496He looks so creepy and unstable. Being in a relationship with him sounds like a nightmare.
No. 1093507
>>1093499did it occur to him that the huge amounts artificial hormones trans people pump into their bodies are the reason
why they’re not allowed to donate?
No. 1093585
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No. 1093592
>>1093499>>1093507To be fair it’s not about the hormones it’s just the blood ban from the aids era, they fall under MSM(men who have sex with men).
The larger lgbt community has been decrying it for years especially after pulse cause at this point it is pretty homophobic since they test every single donor no matter what anyways but this dude wouldn’t know that because Reddit trannys don’t know anything about actual gay people or the shit they deal with
No. 1093596
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Cursed image.
No. 1093614
>>1093592This is ot but MSM are statistically much more likely to have STIs than any other demographic and if the infection is very recent it won’t show up on tests, but can still infect the vulnerable patient who receives the blood.
>>1093605On the bright side, guys like this will help more people peak.
No. 1093628
>>1093609eeee why the fuck did you point that out, anon. my eyes cannot unsee.
>>1093605Don’t do so well competing against other males so let’s move in to a women’s domain with less job competition and more experience due to other women having time out to have babies, then use MTF earned oppression points and be number 1!!!
No. 1093686
>>1093496Their writings and Reddit posts read like Patrick Bateman in American Psycho. Everytime.
"My skincare is my identity while real women make me SICK".
From beginning "uwu me me Me's" to the final "… That i must suffer simply existing as a transwoman"
No. 1093698
>>1093693I assume for the same reason chess is sex-segregated. Female chessmasters still fall behind male ones, even if they can beat lower classes.
For gaming it probably also involves problems as housing and inner-group relationships, since gaming teams spend a lot of time together, often are housed together, and are very often teenage guys, so I assume no woman can really work well under those conditions. But sometimes women do make it into lineups, they're not excluded. And all-female teams seem to underperform, but for what reasons, do not ask me. They usually just get marketed for being girls so they can sell a bunch of merch to thirsty e-sportsfags and then they fail all their tournaments, but there isn't really anything stopping them from finding 5 competent female players for mixed tournaments.
No. 1093700
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A hot serving of crazy, fresh off the Tumblr presses. We're basically at the point where enjoying anything outside of fifties gender roles makes you a tranny.
No. 1093704
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>>1093605Apparently they elected this pervert over a black woman, too. Also the woman he called "garbage" was Rosario Dawson, a latina actress. Wow, so woke!
>>1093701Silly anon, sexual harassment is a-okay as long as you're a tranny.
>>1093693>>1093698Also, systemic misogyny results in socialization that discourages women from competitive and technically-minded endeavors. We've spent thirty years telling little girls that video games are "boy toys" and that they're inherently bad at them. It's not surprising that a demographic is going to be worse at something when its culture is constantly reinforcing the idea that they suck at it.
No. 1093707
>>1093700So many people say that might be nonbinary/trans because gender as a feeling is something that can't be normally grasped or reasoned with, and treating it as something that is inborn is a relatively new concept. So when someone asks "do you feel like a woman/man?", people don't even fucking know what you mean, and can easily be confused, especially if they're young.
And I especially like when they talk about pronouns as a part of gender-feelings, not realizing that there are languages that have no gender (outside of innately gendered words like grandma or father), so you wouldn't even ever know what they consider you unless you straight up ask "do you think I'm a boy or a girl?". So how do we have trannies here?
No. 1093710
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>>1093700Just in case it wasn't clear, samefag for alternate version.
No. 1093723
>>1093596you’d think he would have just… i don’t know, watched a tutorial on tucking or something or an episode of drag race before going out like this.
but then i remember this is a fetish of his that he’s dragging everybody else into.
No. 1093729
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>>1093605Femboys, gay men, cosplayers, all have a better capability to dress as women than this mongoloid. It's honestly not that hard to dress feminine if you dress for your body shape (read: soy male).
>tfw you've been bullied for being ugly your whole life>become fashion conscious and put a lot of time finding outfits that make you look good both by your own standards and society's>see men in poorly fitting clothes that accentuate their bulges and male bone structure being held up as icons of feminine beauty>see these same men get picked over actual women>mfw No. 1093730
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>>1092036Is… is he implying that black women can't give birth…? His logic seems to be that biological sex revolves around pregnancy, and is therefore racist?
No. 1093731
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>>1093722They also think that male directors*writers making shows about cute girls is a documentary on girlhood.
Headpats in anime in general are also a pretty fucking condescending thing, yet is always treated with adoration or thinly veiled enjoyment from the receiver.
No. 1093734
>>1093710Boner is my go-to word to replace gender euphoria. Btw, where did the gender euphoria meme start? It's the most unscientific concept ever, I can only imagine it coming from some TRA in Twitter.
>>1093730Troons have this weird theory that non white women are on their side in the gender war, it's in those moments that they inadvertently reveal their racism with their comparisons, I've seen shit like "black women are not traditionally feminine and kinda look like men, they are closer to trans women than cis white women". They should check LSA to see what black women really think of them lol.
No. 1093736
>>1093653Never forget that "speedrunning for women" event which was like 70% troons. The group photo was posted in one of these threads iirc and I'm not shitting, it was maybe a handful of natural women in a sea of hons. Despicable.
>>1093698> And all-female teams seem to underperform, but for what reasons, do not ask me. They usually just get marketed for being girls so they can sell a bunch of merch to thirsty e-sportsfags and then they fail all their tournaments, but there isn't really anything stopping them from finding 5 competent female players for mixed tournaments.I'm going to sound super petty but as a woman working in tech the people chosen to represent by marketing teams etc. are always very people pleasing, pretty women whose assets lie in their looks more than their talent and skill because that's what's being valued more with female members put in front of the camera. Male representatives can be as hideous looking as ever if they're talented enough. When you compare the group photos of female and male e-sports teams you can see a clear difference between how they look. Not at all saying that looks correlate with how talented you are, just that team members are picked according to their marketability instead of how they perform.
No. 1093751
>>1093741I wish I had the balls(kek) to get an engineering degree. But the biggest technical university in our country has such a fucking
toxic incel culture and overblown sense of self-importance that I was scared. I probably would've quit it anyway for that reason. And they're always asking "why are there so many STEM-programs and conferences for high school girls and not boys???".
No. 1093752
>>1093734The term "gender euphoria" was coined by minor cow Faust the Disease Guy. I can't remember her most recent Tumblr URL, but here's an old KF post about her. recently as this spring, Faust was still shitting up edgy aesthetic Tumblr even as she nears 30 years-old. AFAIK these days she is not very interesting or lulzy, just publicly horny and embarrassing.
No. 1093804
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I know this is very autistic, but I went on the rabbithole of searching steamgroups that are girl only, through that I found a GamerGirl steam group which was full of troons and horny people. I decided to search for a troon steam group just to have a good laugh and… I can totally see the trend of cute animegirls/picrews and the ones that are confident enough to show their face and socials are ugly kek.
No. 1093819
>>1093741There have been studies showing that when girls are reminded of their sex before a test, they perform poorly compared to when there is no such reminder. I’m sure that being in a competition as one of only a handful of women and constantly being reminded of your femaleness has the same effect. Girls also tend to do better in all-girl schools compared to mixed sex schools.
Of course MtFs don’t have this problem because they know they’re not real women, and many of them are narcissists anyway.
No. 1093846
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Every trans comic
No. 1093938
>>1093741Also, when it comes to video games/esports, most video games are male power fantasies. Women aren’t as interested in roleplaying as Macho McShootyman. There are more female gamers nowadays because game designers have realize we are an untapped market and have started making games that are more story-focused and have compelling/interesting female characters that aren’t just decoration. It’s why so many more women play Overwatch vs Call of Duty, or League of Legends Vs Starcraft, even though those are similar types of games. So yeah, socialized misogyny, and women not being recognized as a target audience for video games (until recently) because of said socialized misogyny.
There is nothing inherent to women that makes us naturally less good at video games any more than there’s anything that inherently makes men less good at sewing or cooking.
No. 1093942
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>>1093934The trannies have invaded all of 'cis' women's spaces and turned them into tranny spaces. And they need to have their own 'trans spaces' too, just for them. They need to have everything to themselves, because anything 'exclusionary' is 'twanzphobia' kek
No. 1093953
>>1093942This image is perfect!
Whose the artist? I need it on muh clothes
No. 1093955
cool article for anyone interested——n-n-not like this is a GC general or anything, h-h-hahaha!
sweats>>1093944NTA but why is that? I feel like the ability to be represented as a female character is a crucial aspect in these patterns. though perhaps anon is being a little reductive
No. 1093958
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>>1092658They just love telling on themselves about how batshit this is kek
> sexually into: futons, purple, plants No. 1093959
>>1093955A grew up playing games from the 90s and most of the feminist rhetoric from 2010s regarding games was full of shit. It's like saying you watched Star Wars, Christian Bale movies or whoever keeps putting explosions, AVP, and saying you have an extensive knowledge of film to say this and this entire medium that's existed since the 60s is just misogynist / male power fantasy.
Still remember some femshit documentary implying a game is sexist because the player character was beating up a female NPC like you would any other. Or when a female character was switched to trans by the development team to avoid 'violence against women' lol.
No. 1093979
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>>1093734>>1093710Kek. I had saved this and was going to post it and bring up the fact that “euphoria” just sounds like a euphemism for “raging erection”
No. 1093980
>>1093938Anon I think you might need to do a bit more research on that.There were plenty of women into video games before it’s just that men ,as you know ,push them out of the spaces or parents thought of vidya as more of a male thing. Also plenty of women like shooter games.
COF is for faggot scrotes for sure though.
No. 1093987
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Has this drama bee posted before? Tranny gamer girl shit going down. No. 1093990
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>>1093987Gamer girl meetup
No. 1094010
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>>1093987Her mods will also be clearing comments from her server that refer to biological sex, so that's fun
No. 1094011
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>>1094003Its from Frame Fatales, a female-runner focused speedrunning event. an article on it, and started looking up random names of runners and the first one turned out to be a pedo, no shocker kek.
No. 1094013
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Literally nothing is ever enough for them.
About the Pokimane drama.
No. 1094014
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>>1094008A woman only event being overun by trooners again and again and again and again. God.
No. 1094059
>>1094026More reasons to get sterilized.
I am so full of hatred towards men claiming they are better women than born ones I swear I'll never reproduce just to shut their fucking mouths. I'm furious
No. 1094218
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speedrunner indeed
No. 1094306
>>1094286Jfl, screenshots?
Really though, at that point just have gender neutral bathrooms, the kind that don't have stalls. Easier for everyone.
No. 1094321
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Replies on a post about how “cis women” are the most transphobic of all.
Like gee, I have no idea why women would be giving the most push back over people literally trying to erase female/women, and paving the way for literally any man to enter any private female space at any moment because he “feels” like a woman, even if he’s literally a 6’6” balding guy with a beard, or the fact they’re reducing a biological reality to a “feeling” at all, and promoting sexist ideas and stereotypes about women. Also calling us misogynistic terms that make us sound like livestock instead of “women”
Making being female a “feeling” implies we’re just choosing to be women instead of being born into it and unable to change it, and we are just “choosing” to experience misogyny and rape and domestic violence and FGM and less pay and other forms of discrimination.
And it could literally take away our rights and protections related to pregnancy and breastfeeding and equality in the workplace because if men can also do those things we can no longer sue or report it to HR for sexist discrimination.
Yeah no idea why women would hate that the most, and why men would be indifferent.
Also kek at that first reply
>it seems to get worse the prettier they know you are
No. 1094328
>>1094321kek at
>cis men do not care as long as you do not flirt with themWell yes, if you just left us the fuck alone we would not care either, but you're literally dangerous to us.
No. 1094332
>>1093942I'd honestly prefer this idea of tranny groups and spaces only, so they don't have to intrude ours. But in reality they have that AND dictate women spaces so were's the win?
>>1094321Your post hit the nail and as anon
>>1094328 said, why can't they connect the dot together and make the effort to think WHY cis women view them like that, but tranny gotta give a narcissic explaination. That they are never the problem and they simplify the issue to a problem of acceptance.
No. 1094339
>>1094337>>1094321Also, these transbiens (i'm sure they are) don't even deal with men anyway, so of course these weirdos who want so badly to be in female spaces would think we are the worst.
But HSTS barely speak about men unless they are whining about DL men hiding them or they half way call out men for harming/killing them, but they always bring up women in those rants anyway.
No. 1094348
>>1093990I die every time I see that one dude on the far left with the granny skirt, programming socks and tranny sneakers. It's like he's just "Women's event and I got my skirt on, what you gonna do?".
>>1094321They're not even hiding it anymore, they can just blurt out that they hate women and recite the incel ideology with slight modifications. "We're oppressed by AFABs because they want a space for themselves and their sole existence is
triggering to our spinny skirt fantasies by making us feel inadequate" is just another form of "We hate women because they aren't putting out whenever we want them to". It's all about being enraged by the fact that women have some amount of autonomy and the freedom to not be completely colonized by men.
>>1094328This. I don't understand how they lack this much self awareness.
>I mean cis men give us a break because we're not bothering them or pose any kind of threat to their existence but these goddamn cis bitches keep giving us a hard time for forcing our dicks on them and forcibly entering spaces meant to be restricted to women and their unique experiences and biological reality! What's up with that?!! No. 1094349
File: 1606647433123.png (67.72 KB, 639x1315, HLyxr5QROq4.png)

>into computery and sciency stuff
This field is cursed beyond repair
No. 1094351
>>1094349>super mentally illyou don't say
also that infini-chin is horrifying
No. 1094353
>>1094349they look like brothers who'd be casted in a early 2000 teen nick show playing awkward nerd brothers.
It's crazy how these gender specials can never have normal relationships, it's always some open weirdo shit.
No. 1094354
>>1094349>super mentally illAt least they admit it. I hope their cats are well taken care of, even if they're creeps.
>>1094352I wouldn't even be surprised if they actually are brothers. Wachowski shit.
No. 1094363
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>>1094321>>1094337I went into yoshiyakanon’s post history for fun and their entire Post/comment history consists of them invading other groups spaces, saying how much they hate FTMs, & women, and whining about how MTFs are oppressed. screenshot)He especially loves to complain about how transgender people (mostly FTMs) who went through hormone therapy/puberty blockers/surgery at early ages (teens/preteens) SHOULDN’T be allowed to speak out against how horrible the system is and how it’s too easy for young, minors whose brains aren’t even completely developed to make such drastic changes to their bodies. Apparently they’re not allowed to talk about something they literally experienced. That’s “gatekeeping” according to him, and not being allowed to transition is more dangerous so they should shut the fuck up. He has dozens of posts about this.
(Right screenshot)Their most recent comments are on this post in a FTM subreddit (so yeah, troons can’t even stop themselves from invading FTM spaces either) and OP (a FTM) made a pretty based post about how despite being FTM, their experiences as a female matter and they experienced sexism, rape, sexual abuse, sexual harassment, etc because they’re female and don’t want to erase that. But yoshiyakanon has to reply and sperg about how TERFy that thinking is and how it hurts MTF ppl and how they’re so oppressed. On a post about a female talking about some of the most private and painful moments of her life. Tone. Deaf.
No. 1094378
>>1094364i know i should be pissed a guy has taken yet another space reserved for a woman but
that photo is just making me realize that dua lipa looks like a man
No. 1094381
File: 1606654468830.jpeg (420.39 KB, 2048x1539, EUUDsh6UMAEJeg0.jpeg)

>>1094349Troonbians couples always look like they are related, either because their gross hygiene and lifestyle make them seem inbred, or the more dominant one in the relationship remodels the other one into a clone of his.
>>1094362Despite all claiming to be ancoms, troons are some of the most materialistic people, even excluding the hormones they are always buying a shitton of cheap AliExpress clothing, expensive monster dildos and video game paraphernalia, and they mostly get it from Amazon while crowing about eating the rich.
No. 1094406
>>1094356They believe that under communism they would be allowed to indulge in full of hedonism and get their titty skittles, surgeries and injections free of charge with nothing expected in return when in reality they would be assigned to a productive job and not at all allowed to live off others' money.
>>1094362>Even though buying plastic surgeries to destroy your body just so you can participate in buying all the clothing and makeup marketed at women is as capitalist as it gets.It's fascinating how they don't see this. They're living peak consumerism with their plastic surgery/clothing/hair/whatever fantasies and eating up the big pharma fed pills but still hang that communism flag on their wall.
No. 1094438
File: 1606663234132.jpg (319.56 KB, 1079x1190, Screenshot_20201129-101533_Sam…)

>>1094341>my husband managed to scare a woman out of the bathroom knowing she was already uncomfortable>what a legendAh, reddit. Never change.
No. 1094447
>>1094363This is what happens when hons are exposed to cherrypicked top 1% people like Kim Petras, they become bitter and angry that they had to wait until 30 to get on hormones and surgeries and now want to allow literal children access to these life altering procedures to live through the new generation of trans kids. They legitimately believe that they'll magically turn into 100% women when put on blockers and HRT at 12 even though someone like Jazz still looks like a prepubescent boy and it's been proven to cause severe health problems like osteoporosis and blood clots in the long run, not to mention making SRS practically impossible due to there not being enough material to work with.
>>1094438Ah yes, scaring already insecure women is worth at least a million updoots. Have some virtual reddit gold you epic trollmeister.
No. 1094461
>>1094444Yeah but hey claimed to never had had any atrophy.
What I have learned just now though is that vaginal atrophy is treated by… taking estrogen LMAO apparently this creates a lot of dysphoria. The whole thing is a circle at this point.
No. 1094483
File: 1606670315243.png (46.69 KB, 754x371, EnibApLWEAEYKWT.png)

Imagine being this much of a sad sack
No. 1094502
File: 1606672070738.png (571.16 KB, 632x651, 567.PNG)

Is he implying that lesbians are just a personality trait/fashion choice and not a sexuality?
No. 1094503
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No. 1094506
File: 1606672396950.png (27.45 KB, 696x124, irony.png)

>>1094341>Wheelchair-chan capes for troons>Troon invades women's space>"Stunning and brave!!11!">Women frightened of troon use Wheelchair-chan's bathroom>"REEEEE women invading my space!!!1"Hmm, it's almost like people shouldn't use facilities intended for those with different physiology in the first place.
No. 1094525
File: 1606674248833.jpg (56.25 KB, 1024x576, creepy-rena-0___0-higurashi-no…)

>>1094517how do i unread that
No. 1094557
File: 1606676488339.png (847.03 KB, 750x1334, image0 (15).png)

People that argue that hormone blockers are harmless are insane.
No. 1094602
File: 1606679524060.jpeg (49.46 KB, 1872x147, 7EF870F9-9B63-4209-9064-9C7597…)

>>1094557Saw this one in that other thread kek
No. 1094607
>>1094341Yes this is it! I remembered wrong and thought the guy himself posted about it.
>>1094506This. Plus she doesn’t have to share a bathroom with him so it’s easy for her to police the women who do. IME disability bathrooms tend to be completely separate rooms; would she feel the same way if the disability bathroom were just another flimsy stall in the main women’s bathroom?
No. 1094677
>>1094341slight blogpost but
i am so terrified of ending up in a situation like this one day,
I am really scared and uncomfortable around men due to being sexually abused as child,
while I am don't consider myself transphobic, i'm sure that not even the most hardcore neo lib trans ally woman would escape the fear of being around an amab person alone in a bathroom,
and the scariest part is that every woman who would have her ptsd
triggered by an encounter like that would be attacked and accused of transphobia or worse, get an aggressive reaction from the person which would further
trigger her, even if it was one of those 'haha i lowered my voice to be scary' kind of things
(blogpost) No. 1094745
>>1094557guess they can always be a bottom, welp
call me an r-tard if i’m wrong but if someone did start hormones at a young age would they even have enough skin to create a neovageen? like would it not be the size of a belly button if there’s nothing much to erm… invert?
No. 1094752
>>1094745They have to use intestinal tissue. Look into Jazz Jennings. Terrible what that kid's been put through.
Especially the complete lack of sex drive, sensation, or sense of sexuality.
The Dr literally said jazz had a micro penis.
No. 1094845
>>1094535I wish. I work for Walgreens, its a two stall bathroom. I am used to seeing blood, needles, shit smears, but never encountered the person making said mess until 15 years with the company.
Sorry for blog posting.
No. 1094981
File: 1606714726747.jpg (496.91 KB, 1079x1617, 9582875i2r.jpg)

Stumbling upon this person because they have a covid tweet that went viral. The "single mom" moniker was the first thing that struck me. Couldn't just say single parent, they have to co opt their ex's title. You know, the person who actually birthed the child.
Then you see that they have a gofundme for divorce fees alleging that his wife is fighting for custody because he came out as trans. People donated a ton of money based on what this guy is claiming. Its disturbing that the internet takes this at face value and the mother has to compete with someone with a 100k lawyer fund.
When's the last time you saw a battered woman get donations like this? Tired of so many trans people shamelessly grifting.
You can also see this person recently got facial surgery. Makes me wonder if they used some of the gofundme for their trans shit. A fool and his money are soon parted
No. 1094991
File: 1606715482121.jpg (561.97 KB, 2048x2048, Enw-5vUXYAETfzM.jpg)

>>1094981>the mother has to compete with someone with a 100k lawyer fundI doubt it, anon. Like you said, he probably spent most of that money on cosmetic surgery. Also, he raised 40k, not 100k (which is still bullshit, but I digress.) The dipshit really did pay several thousand dollars just for an uneven brow lift and a sewed-on hairline, kek. It amazes me that he went to all the trouble for a brow lift but can't even be assed to tweeze them.
No. 1095003
File: 1606716708299.png (592.92 KB, 738x690, terfs wish.png)

>>1094981>>1094991OMG, this guy has been one of my personal lolcows for months. he's constantly harping on about being a single "mom" and how totally well he passes IRL
"terfs wish they dressed like me" in midwestern church maam hand-me-downs? cool story, bro
No. 1095005
File: 1606716877805.png (55.73 KB, 733x552, selfawarewolves.png)

>>1095003>no growing up with people telling me what my version of femininity should bewow.. sounds almost like.. male privilege??
No. 1095028
File: 1606721077109.jpg (43.06 KB, 828x411, 20201130_002304.jpg)

>>1095003I'm starting to see why.
I feel for his ex having to put up with his shit
No. 1095072
>>1095003Yes because the only issues Terfs (women) have with you is you are attractive?
I've seen men in halloween costumes for jokes look better then this. The fact that troons and women like this show how deep the hate goes for women & how they think the only issue is, "Women be jelly of bitches who look better then them".
I hope they know this guy thinks he looks better and is better then ALL women, not just "terfs' if you cross him he'll be bragging about how he's a better person, better looking and you are a bitter "terf" whose jelly.
No. 1095073
>>1095070Sadly i feel he'll make a tweet about how the "transphobic" courts gave his child to the "transphobic mother" and start spearding lies, that his TRA friends will believe.
They'll probably try to ruin her life, because they don't give a fuck about the child's well being or relationship with his actual mom, only that a poor trans woman claims he's being mistreated.
No. 1095114
File: 1606737826563.png (1.72 MB, 1080x1772, Screenshot_20201130-195833.png)

>>1095028Guess he got visitation rights. Side note, why can't these assholes ever learn how to smile? Do they think smiling is gendered the same way they think laughing is gendered? They'd probably pass better if they learned to smile properly
No. 1095119
File: 1606738894155.png (142.48 KB, 1448x1041, WholesomeRedditorsWhenTerfUnti…)

Wholesome epic redditors when they see a TERF(derailing)
No. 1095136
File: 1606741911799.jpeg (238.34 KB, 750x1334, DB57577E-9CD0-4E3A-AEC3-4E2FB2…)

found this gem while lurking at the divorced trannies likes. dude literally looks the same to before his ffs, and thinks he is hot shit kek. still looking awful and not that much different even if the swelling went down. that punchable agp smile tho
No. 1095138
>>1094480>>1094482not the first anon but she's absolutely right wth, games were marketed to men and we had to wait for the 2010s to see women included in player target documents on big titles (and not mobile match-3 games)
i don't know why you don't want to acknowledge that games being marketed to men is the reason gamer spaces are so shit even today
No. 1095155
File: 1606743919136.jpg (135.14 KB, 914x960, EXU3KEKUwAAkZ9R.jpg)

These edits really are ridiculous
No. 1095158
File: 1606744634605.jpg (598.33 KB, 1073x1549, 1606739444966.jpg)

I'm gonna puke
No. 1095159
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No. 1095169
File: 1606745471977.jpeg (237.59 KB, 1280x720, 25403B3F-BBA5-403A-B9B1-C2FB62…)

>>1095155They’re meant to be, I find them hilarious. Here’s one for us. ♥
No. 1095170
File: 1606745481751.png (37.21 KB, 877x271, incel.png)

>>1094363Why am I not surprised he posts on r/MensLib.
No. 1095172
>>1095145Pretty much. We are too nice, which is why leftist spaces are being taken over by woke pickmes and the various scrotes they are coddling.
They are always seething at women, and this terf testeria is a perfect guise to spew incelloid and pickme rage.
No. 1095231
>>1095145Basically this. They get mad at women because they know we're socialized to be too empathetic and understanding. And then they pin all the legitimately homophobic and misogynistic altright 4chanlets' "41% yourself dilate department" comments as being those made by female terves.
>>1095169kek I wish I had the balls to put this as my social media header
No. 1095249
>>1095005So fucking tone deaf. I hate these assholes.
>>1095028He is absolutely deranged. I feel so bad for his ex and his son. Imagine this being your father and having to go through this bullshit.
No. 1095277
>>1095269In my country a HSTS trans woman was killed by some male acquaintance (possibly boyfriend or just a drinking buddy, idk) and the police reported the
victim as a male because that was his juridical gender listed in his legal documents and the local troon groups went nuts over police brutality misgendering a stunning and beautiful trans woman even though it was never made clear if he was just a crossdresser. And of course this was another proof of the transphobic violence trans people experience even though the guy was involved in drug bullshit and the porn industry and most likely got killed over an argument about drugs.
No. 1095306
File: 1606756745638.png (86.82 KB, 585x634, 1605906263157.png)

>>1095301Samefag but of that giant block of straight seethe, this is the most relevant bit. The absolute state of denial.
>so yeah my labia mniora isn't very pronounced, but what's there I suppose did come from skin that needed electrolysis>thus, children should be put on blockersIgnoring the fact that children on blockers have massive issues with SRS due to lack of material to work with (see: Jazz), he's on lethal levels of copium. Acknowledges his am hole doesn't look like a real vagina, has fucking hair in it, but insists it and all neovags are the same as the real thing?
>I actually don't know if a trans girl who avoided her testosterone-based puberty would grow hair there with an estrogen-based pubertyHe doesn't even know if estrogen would allow pubic hair to grow on labia. That is really all you need to know about troons.
No. 1095313
>>1095301The fact they really think their stink pocket even approximates or will ever approximate a vulva and vagina speaks to their mental illness.
But the most delusional trannies are still the ones who think they will get a working uterus and gestate a fetus within their lifetimes.
No. 1095318
>>1095313He actually says
>my labia minoraThat's not what you've got dude. At least they won't breed.
No. 1095324
File: 1606757781431.jpeg (631.19 KB, 1522x2048, 5E60961B-1C91-4FF2-B755-072910…)

>>1095169NTA but here is another
No. 1095344
>>1095337This shit sends me. Most of these trans women would be clocked at hello, a GYNO would assume if Kevin rotton mouthed ass walked in that he was a trans woman with either a dick or a neo-vagina.
A gyno isn't expecting a fucking man with his dick split to come to them, so if they assume someone is a woman it's because they WORK WITH WOMEN. But the moment those my little pony pus stained panties comes off the doctors knows.
No. 1095377
>>1095005okay I get it if this is not something someone childless would even think of, but this person does have a kid so this just amplifies the selfishness
with covid this year, tons of kids are literally missing out on their actually childhoods right now, including their own child! and this asshole has the audacity to bitch about how they didn't get the perfect one they wanted? kids in good homes missing out aside, what about all the other kids who are experiencing more domestic abuse this year as well? or the ones who experience it covid or not and always miss out?
so fucking out of touch
No. 1095421
File: 1606766186264.jpeg (154.89 KB, 1280x960, FCE0730E-2D02-4E1E-91AE-BD9484…)

>>1095324i love terf memes, this one is my favorite
No. 1095428
>>1095119> Fuck off, TERF. Take your FDS propaganda elsewhere.So I guess FemaleDatingStrategy = TERF now? Looks like it's only a matter of time until the tranny employee who got GC banned with zero warning takes down FemaleDatingStrategy as well.
>>1095142I wish we could do the same but women are unfortunately held to much higher standards. If a straight male tells a tranny to kill himself then women crawl from every corner of the earth to defend him–the same cannot be said for women.
>>1095324MERF is a more accurate term for us and I wish it would catch on.
No. 1095453
File: 1606768198003.jpeg (357.91 KB, 750x749, BD6CFCEC-228C-4CA7-B212-A96C01…)

Move the cringe TERF shit to another thread no-one cares
No. 1095462
File: 1606768739583.png (22.73 KB, 552x522, ddd.PNG)

tiny poem to bring a smile to our faces
No. 1095467
>>1095466“Everyone i don’t like is a tranny” is like the TERF version of “everyone i don’t like is a TERF”
TERFs are just as delusional as trannys.
No. 1095475
>>1095467>TERFs are just as delusional as tranniesWe don't attempt to pass a balding combover as long, luscious woman hair or, you know, invert our genitals.
I will say that I saw something that said, "all TERFs and TRAs do is accuse each other of being in cults," and that's pretty funny.
No. 1095479
File: 1606769899089.png (532.54 KB, 1112x1365, EoC-ZB5UYAIWrdT.png)

Vulva owners… We're nothing more than that.
No. 1095481
File: 1606769955240.jpg (422.58 KB, 1080x1752, Screenshot_20201130_205714.jpg)

>>1086919>>1095476>>1095476Found this weird mtf adult baby on Facebook. He posts such weird and delusional stuff and seems a total munchie too. Not sure whether to post more but he is a wild ride
No. 1095490
>>1095479Makes it sound like a pet or something wtf
“Heterosexual vulva owners”
How fragile can people get to the point everything has to be 10 times more confusing than it should
No. 1095500
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>>1095383The ones who pretend males can breastfeed absolutely should be put down. That is 100% sexual abuse of an infant. A baby needs milk. Not horse piss pus. If you just search trans and breastfeeding on Twitter, it’s clear that this specific delusion is spreading like wildfire.
No. 1095504
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No. 1095513
>>1095479>Vulva ownersMy god what the fuck.
Also by their logic isn't it transphobic to say "heterosexual vulva owners" because she could be dating a stunning and brave trans lesbian who has a girldick and all that shit?
No. 1095558
File: 1606774567981.jpeg (17.82 KB, 194x259, 4C5EED57-B6DD-4811-81B5-C3C5B7…)

Sage because rant but what kills me, and literally makes me laugh out loud is the fact that troons screech about needing “safe spaces!!” because everyone hates them. HEY guess what! Being a woman is terrifying, we have to live in constant fear of being attacked, raped, kidnapped, and we have little to no “safe spaces” to hide. NEWSFLASH, welcome to the fucking club, you want to feel like a woman so badly, dude, you’ve got it.
But do these troons ever advocate for “women’s safety”? No, because they don’t actually give a fuck about women. It’s just men yelling “me me me”, once again, invading women’s space and making it all about them. It’s been said once and I’ll say it again, why are men like this
No. 1095597
File: 1606777326879.jpg (365.92 KB, 1186x2898, spider tran.jpg)

Have this one from kf too
No. 1095643
>>1095344We know its made up because weve yet to see ANY posts about how their insurance denied them for being trans and how the gyno didnt even stick anything inside them to pretend to look but they still had to oay out of pocket to get on the table.
"Wow this neovagina looks so real! This visits on me"
No. 1095786
File: 1606792256096.jpeg (344.21 KB, 1169x1985, 2E563235-A7AA-4790-944F-42AAD9…)

Finding these comments in the wild is great; this was the only comment on this article posted to Facebook. Surprised the page didn’t delete it but it’s nice seeing men make these comments.
But we natural women are the only transphobes.
No. 1095795
File: 1606792814222.jpeg (214.18 KB, 750x527, 896F0D13-8532-40C7-B6FF-98A4B6…)

>>1095301>all vaginas are gross>even gynecologists can‘t tell the differenceinteresting statements coming from the ultimate expert on vaginas: someone who never saw a real vagina, only fucks other men in their asses and isn‘t even capable of figuring his own rotting flesh tunnel out kek
No. 1095797
File: 1606793035879.jpeg (92.69 KB, 1242x752, 9EC6C989-3C4E-4C8A-BF00-D747ED…)

Stole from the other farms.
No. 1095800
>>1095721Kek seems Korea is the last place standing where lesbian bars are still for lesbians. Just last year they ran out the first larper to sign up at the oldest historical women’s university, maybe the’ll hold on for a while still.
Wonder when the women’s colleges in the U.S will be renamed. The seven sisters isn’t very inclusive to the enbys and tifs. maybe “the seven non-men”?
No. 1095850
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Tranny cake.
No. 1095853
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No. 1095854
File: 1606800881849.jpeg (99.04 KB, 750x526, 72F86FA3-A38F-4630-925F-E597AC…)

There seriously needs to be some reigning in and like making actual rules and standards and setting boundaries and definitions here. I think the way Japan does it is actually pretty fair and generous tbh. You can legally change your gender, but you’re required to be:
> over 22 years old, unmarried, undergoing sex reassignment surgery, sterilization, and have no minor children.(So the foreign troon in Japan who freaked out doesn’t even fit the criteria since he’s married to a Japanese woman if I recall correctly. )
Apparently ~7,000 people have done this since the law was put into place almost 20 years ago. A far cry from America where it seems like 7,000 troons are born every day.
These requirements should be like the BARE MINIMUM. No more trooning out kids, no more shitty dads trooning out on their wives and kids, no more greasy, pornsick dudes doing literally nothing to even try to pass, or dudes with dicks and balls forcing lesbians to fuck them. There’s still some things like prisons and sports which would still be big issues though.
Meanwhile in America: (pic related)
Apparently in some places you literally don’t need any proof of any surgery or hormone treatment. Nothing from a therapist or doctor. Just need to write a “self statement” to literally change your sex on your BIRTH CERTIFICATE.
No. 1095867
File: 1606802216519.jpeg (28.8 KB, 750x365, EBF42256-B3AF-4594-A184-9E980F…)

> 23organizations belonging to major female universities in Seoul, including Sook-Myung Women's University, Deok-Sung Women's University, Dong-Duk Women's University, Seoul Women's University, Sung-Shin Women's University, and Ewha Woman’s University, issued statements opposing the admission of transgender students. They expressed concern that deciding whether to enter the school or not based on individual claims, not biological sex, could have severe side effects. Based.
I recommend reading this other article which goes more in depth to the objections presented by the organizations. Although the translation is not that great. No. 1095876
>>1095867Thanks for the links, anon
>Third, security standards become ambiguous. Up until recently, there have been several cases in which men break into women's universities and commit criminal acts. In 2018, a man was found to have entered Dong-Duk Women's University naked and left nude photos and videos, which led to a prison term. Last year at Sung-Shin Women's University, a man in his 50s consecutively assaulted a group of female students without any motive. For this reason, many women's university students are demanding the designation of no-man zones to ensure safetyAbsolutely based.
No. 1095885
File: 1606805605810.jpeg (685.9 KB, 1242x1680, 73CC9FE6-1259-4090-834B-7B9015…)

Didn’t know where to put this but good lord the irony.
No. 1095919
File: 1606809719920.jpg (53.23 KB, 416x611, 058c821b4353b1a55bd3c2e7a6ec66…)

>>1095853I wish I could be so delusional that I see myself and others as literal anime characters IRL, seems like a blessed life. They really seem to think they look like picrel when "doing girly things" instead of the greasy-haired, rotting-teethed beasts they are.
No. 1095926
>>1095301Kevin is misunderstanding the real problem here. It doesn't matter what the neovagina is like– the issue is the chauvinistic pervert it's part of. You can't undo male socialization.
Also, there are pictures of his wound on KF– saying his "labia minora" aren't "pronounced" is an understatement. There's nothing even resembling labia minora; it basically just looks like a bunch of scar tissue. I also didn't see anything resembling a clitoris or a clitoral hood, either. I've had the misfortune of seeing a lot of neo "vaginas" (even results considered "good") and I've yet to see one with labia minora and a clitoris resembling a normal woman's.
>>1095337This is exactly what I was thinking. Even if the rot pocket has a perfect exterior appearance and the troon passes in terms of the rest of his appearance (which are both highly unlikely) a gynecologist is immediately going to know something's amiss when there's no cervix and it's full of hair. Assuming this isn't just a meme that troons fabricated entirely, the gynecologists are clearly just lying to them to be nice. Telling a troon their stink ditch looks like crap is a great way to lose your job, after all.
No. 1095932
>>1095919I wish I could look at cute anime like this (not weird ass hentai) still and it not be fetishized by troons. Like it’s a legitimate work of art that they would just boil down into uwu I need head pats
Sage bc no one cares
No. 1095947
File: 1606812533178.jpeg (3.51 MB, 4032x2266, 620E7E73-48D9-4173-9E42-24BEA0…)

>When you got all your information about what it’s like to be a woman from “basic white girl” memes. This guy’s post history is WILD btw. I scrolled back like 20 posts and was still on “1 day ago.” He’s unhinged and posts a minimum of 20 posts a day, mostly selfies with captions about how “cute” he is. He also apparently has a 5+ year relationship with a Chinese immigrant woman and hasn’t told her he’s started taking HRT or anything and calls her
abusive for like being pissed at him for acting differently recently when she literally left everything and came from across the world for him and he’s secretly trooning out and posting nudes online. No. 1095956
File: 1606813966513.jpeg (4.24 MB, 3024x4030, 33D89E40-9878-435E-B933-D58AB8…)

>>1095947Some more caps.
Kek at the top right. The only “curves” is his dick bulge that he’s displaying for some reason.
No. 1095989
>>1095479Just call us Handmaidens already.
[visible disgust]
No. 1096003
File: 1606821328963.jpg (Spoiler Image,3.24 MB, 4032x2268, 20200806_080541.jpg)

>>1095926>>1095306The delusion.
His hole doesn't look like vagina in the slightest. It's just a vertical slit with no anatomy.
Pic is tranny porn so beware.
No. 1096015
File: 1606824029294.png (9.08 KB, 626x134, kek.PNG)

>>1094341What a nightmare of a thread
>I find it odd the women are so unified in making a statement like thisAs if they needed to coordinate general avoidance of the bathroom with the man in it lmao
No. 1096017
File: 1606824449155.jpg (335.49 KB, 1440x1483, image0 (18).jpg)

>>1095614>Fucking based lmfao. Any more of these? Can't find any.There's this one too.
No. 1096018
>>1096003Hahahaha! I’ve already seen it but I can never get over how simultaneously alien and painful it looks. And Hailey’s dick doesn’t even look human anymore.
For anyone who dares to click the spoiler, this is the “totally indistinguishable from cis” neovagina of Kevin “Kathryn” Gibes from this rant
>>1095301 No. 1096021
File: 1606825500875.png (21.41 KB, 748x237, DYDc2zDYJM4.png)

Are they for real ? Now we have to ask for pronouns every 5 minutes ?
No. 1096026
>>1096021That’s a famous parody account.
If you believe a word from it you are educationally subnormal.
No. 1096027
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This looks incredibly sad, it's like an art representation of how neovags look sad
No. 1096028
>>1096021If this isn't sarcasm, this idiot needs help.
Never put your hang ups on others.
No. 1096079
File: 1606833268651.jpeg (197.78 KB, 1080x1338, 042BDD94-01F2-4BE0-80FB-016DB7…)

>>1095986The kpop terfs are the funniest ones cause troons don’t know what to make of them.
>>1095956The 1.2 weeks? That’s not even enough time to have metabolized the estrogen lmao i can tell this is a transformation/bimbofication tranny
No. 1096080
>>1095956The comments on that
abusive relationship post are such bullshit. Like this woman moved to an entirely new country for YOU and now you’re doing this to HER. I’m sure you act like a completely innocent angel when you fight and don’t threaten suicide or anything either like every other mentally ill tranny. She has every right to be upset. I can’t believe no one calls him out on this. God I despise these narcissists.
No. 1096198
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>>1095786From that article, look at the size of his hands
No. 1096291
>>1096252Literally says they played with dolls, trans out because they were a gay man, who liked a straight boy, then got his dick snipped.
The most retarded and on the nose shit I've read in a while.
Every trans who becomes famous has the same story, they are all gay men who cut their dick off and then want childern, while being overly sexualized and look different every picture you see them in.
No. 1096466
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>>1096421Even middle schoolers aren't this desperate.
No. 1096688
>heterosexual vulva ownersLol they just contradicted their own wokeness.
What if said vulva owner identifies as a man? Wouldn't they be a homosexual vulva owner in that case?
No. 1096696
>>1096003Pretty gross. Tho it makes me wonder what this is like? I think all of us here can agree that clitoral orgasms > all, but penetrative sex is still nice.. when it hits the right spot and it's like having an itch scratched. I can't imagine these ppl with "neovaginas" get anything close to that, but it still makes me wonder. Do they just have so much delusional built up around it they can pretend so hard it actually feels good? lol
I also feel like I would be worried about something tearing open damaging the skin/wound there with actual penetration.
No. 1096896
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Lol troon think no one has heard of Ellen Page
No. 1097027
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They're so fucking transparent (no pun intended.) Woman wearing pants? Must actually be a man!
No. 1097028
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Lily is having a bad day
No. 1097059
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Congrats UK
>fuck feminists
The mask is slipping lol
This does help women, but keep seething, troon.
No. 1097071
>>1097059I really don't get why they can't just go to "gender-affirming" therapy until they're 18 if they feel suicidal. I'm sure plenty of therapists would agree to pep talk you into what a brave womyn/transmasc you are, as long as someone's paying. Why does it need to be drugs and surgeries instantly?
At least it's nice to see some rationality from the UK which has been a hotspot from trans issues. It's so funny that the tranny discourse has been taking root and overtaking feminism even here in Eastern Europe, even though the actual women are still in such a shitty place compared to the West and North.
No. 1097092
>>1097071Exactly. Like if you’re suicidal that’s a whole different issue you need therapy for. Do they think the cure for suicide is just to give suicidal people whatever they want? Buying stuff or drinking or getting rich or getting a new job or finding a boyfriend or whatever suicidal people think will make them happy doesn’t magically cure their depression.
If you’re suicidal and “transitioning” cures your depression you weren’t actually depressed you were just a whiny manipulative brat saying anything to get what you wanted. “Getting what you want” doesn’t make people not suicidal or you wouldn’t have millionaires with lots of power and everything they could possibly want killing themselves.
No. 1097111
>>1097091>one even said that trans people are more likely to be victims of sexual assault “if that helped”Literally speechless. Like I could write a whole rant about this but it would just be going in circles, everything that's been said has been said already and everyone knows it. I'm so sorry that this happened to you anon and I hope you scalp that motherfucker in court.
Literally a big reason why I'm a closeted lesbian is that because straight women aren't expected to be attracted to AGP transbians so I don't have to deal with their shit (plus I'm butch thus unattractive to them). Sucks but it's a survival tactic.
No. 1097112
File: 1606906559095.jpg (45.82 KB, 400x252, tmp1097109561375981569.jpg)

>>1092573kek sorry if I'm bringing up old posts, but I was reading back and noticed something uncanny…
to add to the diagram, far set eyes are also a symptom.
No. 1097115
>>1097092Reminds me of the troon I used to follow.
>Whines about "gatekeeping doctors" who keep him from starting transitioning because of his long history of mental illness and depression>WAHH THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND I'M DEPRESSED BECAUSE I'M TRANS AND NOT GETTING TO TRANSITION>He finally gets the green light from another doctor >Like 5-6 years later post-transitioning he's still depressed and suicidal, even more so than before only now with (or because of?) the mangled bodyDetransitioners usually say that even if you're pleased with the results, on average after 6-7 years the euphoria from transitioning starts to fade and you begin to realize what you have done. Then your options are to either accept it and live as you are while regretting it or try your best to detransition depending on how much damage you have done to your body. I can't wait until ~2025 when everyone who trooned out in waves in 2016-2018 start waking up.
No. 1097125
File: 1606908164043.jpeg (311.9 KB, 828x1200, AC3F75A0-0631-41B6-9731-D71657…)

i love this post so much lmao. these people are so close yet so far to self-awareness that they can’t even mock a post made by a trans widow without it actually being a totally valid post.
“WHY would she only JUST now come out after YEARS of living as a married man?” they mock this great and age old question instead of just answering it for the poor woman.
like every other line is a reasonable reaction for a long suffering devoted wife to have and they act like she’s an evil TERF. the woman built her life and future around this cockroach and he’s left her high and dry to fuel his porn-addled ego and mutilate himself in the name of fetishism.
No. 1097133
It’s like your implying trans women aren’t real women.
Above is the regressive left position. women should be locked & trapped with male rapists because it’s the principle that counts according to them.
No. 1097135
File: 1606910530871.jpeg (715.92 KB, 750x918, 3ABD6ECC-A235-47FA-B3AE-F94F12…)

>>1097133Might as well post some content for accidental bump (posts should really be saged by default)
do They really think that the average person knows/cares who Ellen Page is?
Caitlyn Jenner is probably most famous for his appearance in South Park than anything else
No. 1097153
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I think this got steamrolled by the hormone blockers and Ellen Page news, but Lush UK donated money to a non-trans women’s organization and now all the trans are seething
No. 1097154
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>>1097153they were actively supporting tranny bullshit on the outside and even selling items specifically to raise money for trannies. I wonder what changed internally kek No. 1097157
>>1097143>>1097144No argument, pathetic.
>>1097152I agree anon, that friend is an asshole because part of being a friend is respecting your friend's issues. But what I asked was what does that fea rmake you and whether or not it's reasonable or unreasonable and
No. 1097161
>>1097130did you just tell a rape
victim they’re like a racist??
what the fuck
No. 1097165
>>1097149There's no such thing as a real Trans person. you're all mentally ill.
>>1097157Scrote fuck off. 3 women a day are murdered in the US by men, women are allowed to be wary of them without being a
victim of a violent crime like op.
(hi scrote) No. 1097166
File: 1606914044422.jpeg (85.16 KB, 750x735, 44C9B741-876F-40A5-88EC-72B100…)

>>1097130>>1097157Anon, being raped in the first place is
problematic and unreasonable.
I dont see whats wrong with avoiding a certain group especially since she carries away not only physical but also mental trauma. If you dislike spiders do you want to be put near a tarantula day one? Give her some time to work up what has happened.
Not to mention her trust has been broken, thats not only hard to regain but also very disappointing. Her fear is reasonable.
>>1097091I am sorry for what has happened. Hard time coming for you now, wishing you the best of luck and nerves of steel.
No. 1097173
>>1097165>Hey scroteAlso literal /pol/ talking points, down to the letter
>>1097166You are very reasonable anon, I appreciate it. I absolutely agree with you, it takes time to work through trauma and that is exactly why I made the initial post, to point out is is a reaction to trauma and something to work on (for her own peace of mind, not for the trannies) instead of something to treat as reasonable and just live with.
No. 1097176
>>1097130let’s take your race argument into consideration because it’s been a big issue in the US recently since the murder of George Floyd and BLM protests. black people in the US have become increasingly less trusting of the police, and for good reason - they are often the
victims of extreme violence and murder by an increasingly militarized police force because of their race. would you call a black person living in such conditions “unreasonable and
problematic” for wanting to avoid run-ins with the law due to their specific status? women by and large are subjected to violence, murder, and rape on a daily basis around the world and 99% of the time it is at the hands of men. how is it unreasonable to acknowledge the source of the problem and seek to avoid it?
No. 1097179
>>1097149you're a woman.
>>1097157you're a retard.
No. 1097181
>>1097176The around the world argument is comparing apples and oranges. Women in the Congo are not having the same life and living under the same threats and dangers as a woman in Sweden.
Being weary of men since violent criminals are over 90% men perfectly reasonable, but weary and literally not wanting to be around them is simply not the same thing, the second is a result of trauma.
The police argument I really don't think I can answer in good standing, since I am not an American and have heard narratives from your point of view but also others that present a very different situation. Also the police is a state actor, not random people, it's quite different, especially since I dislike state interference.
>>1097179>more no argument No. 1097185
>>1097183I am the only one along with
>>1097166 that gives enough of a fuck about her to tell her that this is not a normal reaction and she needs care and therapy. I don't give a shit about trannies, I said so above, my warning is for her own sake.
No. 1097196
>>1097194>Men of [insert race here] aren’t dressing up as women with the express purpose of gaining access to women in safe spaces they would not otherwise have access toTrue
>and aren’t disproportionally incarcerated for sexual offencesOh boy, I am not touching that.
No. 1097202
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No. 1097205
>>1097202My personal theory is that's because of two reasons
1) Because a lot of them were/are 4channers
2) Because they want to fuck men and know that plenty of men will literally fuck anything so no reason to burn those bridges
No. 1097214
>>1097202omg the term TIM is so fucking cringe.
Just say tranny people will know what your talking about
No. 1097218
>>1097214NTA TiM seemed to just be the accepted form to refer to trannies even on Reddit and other places, even if it's newspeak itself. Now of course just yelling TERF at someone will awaken the mods, even if you avoid using any slurs or "
problematic" terminology.
No. 1097251
File: 1606927534049.png (11.91 KB, 542x159, Capture.PNG)

>>1097059In the comments on this post - now they are just openly saying "fuck detransitioners". Narcissists really can't help exposing themselves constantly.
No. 1097257
>>1097251Does he think the terves were previously prescribing puberty blockers and are now withholding them to hurt trans feelings? It’s still going to be prescribed by medical professionals, except it won’t be as easy to (force them to) prescribe them to little children anymore.
>fuck detransitionersIt always angers cultists when people leave their cult.
No. 1097304
File: 1606932099156.png (24.08 KB, 592x183, 1606862279389.png)

I love how this "lesbian" suddenly has a crush on "elliot" page because he's a trans man, this dude has shown no interest in anyone with a natural vagina since his ex & him broke up years ago.
He's constantly gushed how he's only attracted to trans women but suddenly, he's into a "man"? What a retard.
No. 1097346
>>1097300remember when AHS had that character *~~Liz Taylor~~* and somehow we were supposed to think he was a good person despite the fact the guy left his wife and kids out of nowhere and just stayed at this shitty ass hotel wearing horrible clothes and terrible makeup pretending he’s Elizabeth Taylor.
and we were supposed to feel bad for this dude lmao because oh no he had to wait until he was on a business trip to jerk off in lingerie.
No. 1097370
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The Ellen Page shit really has people out showing they whole asses on Twitter
No. 1097371
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No. 1097372
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Keep in mind these were in response to a black feminist saying it was fucked up that another feminist was assaulted at an event
No. 1097378
>>1097372funny they start going on about being transphobic is racists because plenty of black women (and especially black men, even the ones fucking troons) aren't with trans shit AT ALL.
Keep talking about how it's the "Same as racism" and keeps connecting trans shit to black women/black people and see how many MORE black terfs you make.
No. 1097380
>>1097378SA- So many black women peaked because they noticed how trans people brought up black people, especially black women when trying to defend trans women.
Also, they don't care about violence towards women, the other day a blue mark troon was telling a woman to get over being attacked because people get attacked every day for talking shit.
But when trans women get attacked no matter WHAT they are doing it's a crime against humanity, these people don't care about women who aren't sucking their dicks.
No. 1097385
>>1097378All these caps were in response to a black woman, who is currently drowning in people harassing and threatening her for saying shit that's honestly nowhere near as bad as shit I've heard fundies and others conservatives says.
It's like they always have time laser focus on TERFs for the death and rape threats but as others mentioned completely ignore the conservatives that are the actual policy makers and people murdering muh black latincks trans women. Wonder why that is…
No. 1097391
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Just stumbled upon a MtF meme.
No. 1097402
>>1097370>>1097371>>1097372They're just so excited to threaten and harass women without consequence. Disgusting. I hope OP just laments on how much she loves being a natal woman, it'll drive them insane.
>>1097378>Keep talking about how it's the "Same as racism" and keeps connecting trans shit to black women/black people and see how many MORE black terfs you make.Apologies for co-opting this point, but this shit is what peak transed me as well, and I'm not black. Seriously, the more they show how much they hate women and are blatantly racist, the more TERFs they'll create. Women that love women are not stupid. They don't give a shit about "indigenous" women or women of color in the slightest, nor their cultures. 2 Spirit isn't the same as non-binary, and certainly not the same as inverting your penis and wearing Chinese maid costumes, no matter how much they try to colonize (to use their own word) the concept.
No. 1097411
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>>1097380>>1097402black TERFs are based
No. 1097418
>>1097411KEK love to see it.
>Y-you don't spweak f for all bwack pp people, TE–> gunshots But honestly, seeing them called out by people they claim to support gives me life. Athletic women, yes, especially black athletic women are compared to men all the time. That's not transphobia, that's racism and misogynoir, if anything. How are you gonna take a black women's issue and turn it into a trans issue, the tone deafness and brainwashing by men in dresses. Don't fall for it, girls!
No. 1097425
>>1097372>>1097402Pretty sad that the person who parroted that "twanphobia and racism are the same!!1" talking point is a black woman. Does she realize that she's obliquely implying that black women have more in common with white men in dresses than they do with other women?
Those are some impressive gymnastics she goes through to be able to say that being a TERF is also somehow racist. Okay, let's say that NAs invented trooning out (they didn't.) Wouldn't that make it "cultural appropriation" for non-indigenous people to transition?
>>1097411Man, what a nice palette cleanser after seeing the handmaiden I just talked about. You go, Tiffany.
No. 1097431
>>1097411Women get harassed for their appearance.
Trans most affected.
No. 1097501
>>1097304>which Elliot Pagethis just sounds like virtue signaling, everyone knows who. but "i wont deadname" is more important to say unnecessarily I guess.
>UA always belonged to us queers…Umbrella Academy? The fuck? Fuck this dude. Absolute delusion. Nothing about that show is queer minus Klaus (and Klaus's character is done well and not as a "token gay" imo, and makes sense considering the amount of characters and focus on the diversity of them).
If it's some different UA he means, then sorry for the sperg.
Saying shit like "belongs to us" leaves such a sour taste in everyone's mouths. Imagine people saying that shit belongs to straights, or WORSE YET, LESBIANS…
Oh wait, look what happened to Goldfinger bar in Japan. Sigh.
>>1097343I felt like that anon was talking about guys who were just into some degree of feminization and drag, but still a fetish nonetheless. Less damaging to a whole family than trooning out and damaging the children as well. But both situations are shitty for the wife (and kids).
>>1097346Yep. And then over the course of the season (season 5, Hotel, in case people are unaware), he got convinced, mainly by Lady Gaga's character (the only season she played in), that he is a woman. She even gave him the name Liz Taylor.
Naturally, the trans community ended up raging because a CIS MAN was playing a troon and how dare he/AHS! Even that kind of representation (which was done in a favorable manner toward the troon) was not good enough for them.
No. 1097505
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>>1097411Nope, definitely can't tell which ones is trans god it's almost impossible. My eyes have rolled into the very back of my skull.
No. 1097563
>>1097091Sorry for your pain anon, I hope that fucker gets locked up in a MENS prison for a very long time.
> Blogpost kind of?I can imagine my friends saying some shit like this, it's like trans can do no fucking wrong to handmaidens I'm fed up with it.
No. 1097564
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No. 1097574
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Just saw this on this video and wanted to comment on it lol was around 2012 and made by some dude. Now imagine if it was made today, the outrage it would cause lmao
Unless it was made by some twans wimmin. If "my tranny porno fantasy" was made by a brave and stunning twans wimmen then it would be regarded as high art and inclusive kek
No. 1097582
>>1097130It's not the same because race doesn't allow men access to women's spaces, encourage extreme fetishisation or shame the
victim for having a sexual preference (i.e questioning why lesbians don't want to have sex with penises in the first place).
A more apt comparison would be if you were raped by (gender) and then subsequently not comfortable with that (gender), which is actually a very common and widely accepted response to sexual trauma. Women raped by men and traumatised by the experience enough to avoid men are encouraged to seek therapy but it's not considered politically incorrect or unfair. Had anon said she was uncomfortable with anybody with a penis, would you consider that strange? Why is it worse that she is uncomfortable with people with penises who are granted access to female spaces, especially those which can be isolated and private, such as bathrooms?
No. 1097588
>>1097411What critiques do terfs use that apply to black women? The big one I see is that trans women are taking places and entering spaces meant for females. Black women are entitled to these spaces, so how can the critiques apply to them?
This is thinly veiled "Black women are masculine and comparable to men" racist propaganda and I'm glad she called it out.
No. 1097603
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male pattern baldness and facial hair, wow much sapphic very lesbian
No. 1097649
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>>1097498godammit i’m glad you said this, the more i read it the less sense it made lmao and it was pissing me off. i too would like to see a bot or generator for these woke nonsense catechisms
No. 1097652
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>>1097059Another post on the same subject. They think that trooning children is on the same level as women’s access to abortion. And not only does he call cis women disgusting but also claims he passes as one. Ha ok…
No. 1097729
>>1097652Kids under 16: not allowed to get tattoos, drink, smoke, or join the army. But there's an entire community of people who think they can be trusted to say, "I'm in the wrong body (wtf) and the only way to deal with this is to permanently alter it with expensive hormones that will fuck me up for the rest of my life."
They're kids! Their brains are partially formed child-brains! They cannot
physically comprehend actions/consequences due to their brains being undeveloped. Dear god, what insanity!
No. 1097811
>>1097673It's just an example of sour grapes. They try to pass and look revolting, then they say 'non-passing trans girls are
valid! I don't want to look like inferior cissies anyway!'
No. 1097886
>>1097501I recently learned that much of the aggro between Marvin Gaye and his father was that his father would go out crossdressing in public. Poor Marvin!
also "Liz Taylor" was one of the only vaguely sympathetic characters in that season and from a critical viewpoint i thought they handled it sensitively. Ryan Murphy's cast trans actors in other projects too so I doubt he'd have cast the dude he did without consideration.
No. 1097944
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No. 1097947
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God I hope this is a troll bc if not this is such a vile human.
No. 1097952
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>>1097947This. Fucking. Sentence. As far as I know parents are supposed to be able to sacrifice comfort if it means it's good for the child. Mothers are ready to give up on so many things to make sure her kids are raised in the most stable conditions. And there we have this joke-of-a-father putting "pronouns ans muh gender identity" as far more important than HIS DAUGTHERS well-being. Wow.
No. 1097953
File: 1606994164531.png (59.81 KB, 467x292, Screenshot 2020-12-03 111218.p…)

just found in the wild under one of my friends posts and christ, why is everything such a fucking fetish to these people
No. 1097954
>>1097944>Lesbian polyculeYou mean a group of pseudo-bisexual men in programming socks fucking each other because literally no one else will? That's not lesbianism, it's mental illness.
>>1097947Assuming this isn't just creative writing, the girl should really look at other options, like extended family or the boyfriend:s parents. What kind of psychotic narcissist restricts their adult daughter's use of social media? Not only that, but he's making her jump through all those hoops in addition to having her pay rent. A literal stranger would be a better roommate.
No. 1097955
>>1097947No boys over? what
Is he jealous of her or something
No. 1097958
>>1097652Access to abortion prevents women from having to raise children in poor conditions like poverty or domestic abuse. There's ample evidence to support that children benefit from it. Blockers are an experimental procedure with little research on their long term affects. If minors can't consent to sex, how the fuck would they be able to consent to permanently altering their sex organs? It's not hypocrisy to defend something that benefits kids and oppose something that endangers them.
I get the sneaking suspicion that the chauvinist who posted this is anti-choice.
No. 1097975
>>1097958Funny how they assume that TERFs are all white right wing bigots, yet a post blaming feminists and being anti-choice is being upvoted on a trans subreddit.
Ignore all the fucking men involved, it's just "Cis" women campaiging this right?
They don't care about trans childern, they only care about more trans people being created. They'd rather detransers DIE then speak out about their expereinces and their bodies.
These people claim they are all about people being in the right body, yet when a woman says she's not in the right body after fucking it up with hormones/puberty blockers, she's a horrible person?
They bring up stats to prove how bad trans people have it but never do a damn thing to fix it. Fuck these people.
No. 1097994
>>1097947Somebody commented
>That sucks that you have to deal with her. It must be worse knowing that you took part in making her exist. I went back in his post history and it's a nightmare. Apparently she was accepting at first but later turned into a terf. If my mom died and my dad did this, I'd probably kill myself.
>She’s mad at me for being trans. Thinks I’m a pervert.>I just wish she’d call me something other than dad or daddy.>My TERF daughter is homeless and I don’t care>I didn’t steal her clothes. I put it on quickly. Her mother would do the same, they shared shirts.>She refused to stop saying things like “daddy”Another hot take
>There are women’s only hospitals but agree. Terfs love to bring up possible “trauma” but that’s something they need to work on, it’s not OUR fault they’re triggered/feel uncomfortable by being around penises. Some women have them. It’s like not wanting to be around a black woman>A trans woman! In a woman’s only shower! Whatever will these ladies do >Why does someone having a penis matter so much to these creeps?And people answer stuff like
>It's definitely scary that she's being radicalized>It seems like they're sucking her into a cult One sane person
>What the hell? This is your DAUGHTER? She is HOMELESS? And you are here posting on a sub about fetishist TERFs What the fuck No. 1097998
File: 1607001561834.png (315.99 KB, 600x600, download20191001233400.png)

>>1097994I unironically hope that the dad goes to jail. He's traumatising his daughter. He is a creep. He is unhealthy. He is a danger to society and women.
No. 1098002
>>1097998Yup, he obviously doesn't get it but he destroyed her life. He said he came out as trans after his wife died and that was in 2017, meaning the girl was under 20 when she lost her mother and 21 when her father decided that instead of supporting her she must stop calling him "dad". It's not surprising that she's staying with shady guys and is likely a neet.
He also writes typical tranny stuff like "I was never a man. Suck my dick"
No. 1098004
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>>1097947I also found this earlier post. It doesn't add to much but you can clearly see he didn't care about her daugther when she was homeless.
No. 1098005
>>1097968According to the article I read on the Keira Bell case, the judges were appalled at the lack of followup done for the kids who were prescribed blockers and HRT. It was difficult for either side to say anything about the long term effects of childhood HRT on mental well-being because the data wasn’t there; the clinic hadn’t bothered to collect it. These kids are written scripts that change their bodies forever and then tossed out into the world with barely any support.
Surely if you’re truly convinced that your practices are improving the lives of children you’d check up on them and collect data to prove the efficacy of your methods. It’s like they know they’re being shady and want the plausible deniability that comes with lack of data.
No. 1098006
>>1097994>>>There are women’s only hospitals but agree. Terfs love to bring up possible “trauma” but that’s something they need to work on, it’s not OUR fault they’re triggered/feel uncomfortable by being around penises. Some women have them. It’s like not wanting to be around a black womanOh yes, because not wanting to be around "women" with penises is like not wanting to be around black women. Makes 100% sense.
>>It seems like they're sucking her into a cult Yes the cult of common sense, the same cult most people are in when their dad decides he's a woman, steals her clothes and calls her father "daddy" after doing it her whole fucking life. Why do they assume everyone around them is on their sides except for the evil terfs aka women?
( No. 1098027
>>1097952Plus the fact that he let her be homeless before after she already lost her mother, and doesn't care that she was unsafe where she was living because his validation is more important.
>>1097994Reading this and knowing her mocks her trauma around dicks and wore her clothes gives me an awful sinking feeling.
No. 1098033
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>>1097994What's worse is that I knew someone deep in TRA enough to actually support this brave goddess
No. 1101285
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>>1086919I hate this fat dyke with her smelly ass
No. 1103751
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>>1091437James Charles or Blaire White (without the makeup and filters). It's because they are effeminate gay men, not creepy fetishistic straight men. On average, these Effeminate gay men are gonna look better than the AGP. It Doesn't make them any more of a woman though, they are still men, delusional men. Just men who know their way around a makeup brush and a nice smoothing filter on their camera (yes you can record videos with it on) goes a long way but ultimately doesn't change reality.
>>1091444The reason for them turning their head is to make them look more "female passing". It's the whole putting your best angle forward and it counts double with these men because one turn and boom, the illusion is destroyed.
>>1091470This. Men can be cute. We're seeing proof of it in this thread lol.
No. 1103764
>>1092037They think this because black women are seen as not as desirable or feminine as other women and to these trans-identified men, they think that is something that a black woman can automatically relate with since men don't think they are women.
Little do they know that no one actually thinks Black women are men and Black women actually are some of the first to speak up against trans bullshit. There's a website called LipStick Alley and you should see some of the things that a lot of these women think about the trans stuff, especially during the Laverne Cox thing when he blamed black women for DL (Down-low / Closeted) men.
No. 1104217
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I know one mtf from work,thats who the left is based off of
the right is every single one Ive had the displeasure of meeting via reddit and discord