File: 1629735382384.jpg (212.55 KB, 1000x1000, stillaman.jpg)

No. 1306974
>>1306967It's their cope.
I want to see women do drag shows where they exaggerate men's features such as a beer belly and male pattern baldness
No. 1306975
File: 1629743491378.jpeg (126.17 KB, 750x397, 12FF25A5-EF34-48E0-A8C5-EA0652…)

>>1306962Imagine thinking misandry matters kek.
No. 1306978
File: 1629744088383.png (337.17 KB, 748x544, Three Women having a good time…)

No. 1306985
>>1306903can someone archive these threads?
>>>/meta/25695 says the site might go down and since there are quite a few threads i think it's worth archiving these just in case (also the gender critical threads)
No. 1306989
File: 1629745412278.png (508.38 KB, 800x1200, Meet this.png)

>>1306924This is currently what's happening.
Regular Men with no agendas
>Don't want trannies anywhere near their mothers, daughters,sisters, wives.>Have nothing to lose in this argument.>Want to help out.>Will kill a tranny if they offend any woman close them.>Get attacked by troons , radfems, handmaidens and everything in between.Simps
>Will pick whatever side gets them laid. Closeted ones will support troons.Men with Agendas.
>Using radical feminism to profit.>Using the entire women vs trannies argument to further push their extremely regressive anti-sex arguments.>Always trying to infantilize women. ie; "you didn't make your own choice, a man made it for you.">Women are lining up to follow these men like a cult.>Are heavily misogynistic, yet are only allying with women because how dare a man in a wig get away with abusing women when he, a guy not in a wig ,'dr Just be careful who you're throwing your alliance to these days especially when you can smell the motives (usually $$$$ and views).
No. 1307002
File: 1629746484697.jpeg (Spoiler Image,405.88 KB, 828x772, 2954EFAE-ED0D-42E2-BC29-0077E1…)

Lmao someone edited and already edited photo and attempted to remove even more of the male features
No. 1307031
File: 1629749864625.bmp (410.43 KB, 625x224, transcult.bmp)

What does this have to do with gays or blacks? This is your brain on gender ideology folks kek.
No. 1307034
File: 1629750155873.bmp (368.78 KB, 619x203, transcult.bmp)

This person's whole twitter is a goldmine of troonacy and poor arguements.
No. 1307037
File: 1629750210498.jpg (52.78 KB, 479x358, OG_Drag.jpg)

>>1306974that's what Drag originally drag was for anon, early drag was performed by both gay men and lesbians to mock the gender norms, big bearded gay men would wear ridiculous dresses and lesbians would dress like "suave gentleman" and other masculine characters, Drag was their way of mocking the whole concept of what gendered clothing even was, but somewhere along the line gay men started to play more into this, dressing more and more proactive and thus drag became less of a political statement and more of a fetish
No. 1307038
>>1306985Hoping LC doesn’t kick the bucket, there’s nowhere else to talk about this stuff at the same capacity…
>>1307002This should become a Twitter trend kek
No. 1307065
File: 1629752440132.jpg (22.64 KB, 480x480, tumblr_cb37237df435bcaedf6ad4c…)

I don't know whether to laugh or Cringe
No. 1307104
>>1306890They would all hate each other regardless of whether they are radfems or not. As for radfems specifically, Korean radfems blame historic Chinese influences like Confucianism for making Korea so misogynistic (but from my experience the average Chinese man isn’t as sexist as a Korean man because of communism), and they will blame modern Japanese influences like idols like idols/otaku/porn for making Korean men worse (I personally can’t decide if Korean or Japanese men are more sexist, I guess they are sexist in different ways with Japanese men being passive-aggressive and manipulative while Korean men are loud and obvious).
I have seen some solidarity from the sane ones because they priortize female liberation and they know that their styles of radical feminism are far more similar to each other than to South Asians or Eastern Europeans. Eastern European radfems have a reputation for being a little nutty because they are semi-Western but they make the best comics. Every time I see a funny ass image or comic made by a radfem it turns out she’s from somewhere like Russia.
No. 1307106
>>1306975>>1306977Women need to stop living in denial. It's not that women are "pure", women are normal. The majority of men live entirely for their dicks, at the expense of everybody else in their lives. Like this guy
>>1306978Can you even imagine how much (deserved) hate a middle-aged woman would get if she abandoned her children to closet crossplay bishounen all day and to go fuck ugly idiots at a cartoon convention?
No. 1307128
File: 1629758372362.jpg (5.93 MB, 3520x13978, kek.jpg)

Known pedophile Zinnia Jones getting ratio'd by /pol after grooming tweet. Same happened to >>1306817
No. 1307139
File: 1629759361731.jpg (113.24 KB, 675x1200, DjqXWq_W4AA3Hqe.jpg)

>>1306989>Men with Agendas.>Using radical feminism to profit.>Women are lining up to follow these men like a cult.>Are heavily misogynisticWhat radfems are following misogynists? I can only think of a few women making nice comments about Joshua Moon because he helped to expose Yaniv, and maybe Megan Murphy simping for Benjamin Boyce (which most radfems seem to have been critical of).
Feels more like it's misogynists simping for radfems kek.
>you will never spend a year undercover larping in an attempt to make the opposite sex agree with your politics No. 1307150
>>1306008From the last thread, my god, I despise "Emma" Handy. I was not expecting to see this troon posted here.
I have wanted to post about him and other MTG troons for a long time because they are all gigantic cows, but I wasn't sure of the interest since there are not very many actual women who are active in the MTG community. In any case, Emma and his troon friend Autumn Burchett (aka Autumn Birdshit), in picrel, both have a huge amount of influence in what goes on with this game to the point where they caused a lesbian artist, Terese Nielsen, to lose her 20+ year long career with Wizards over pure slander about being transphobic. Her (now ex) wife was open about being a
terf, and this middle aged artist was merely guilty by association.
Also I can't find the cap anymore, but Emma had the audacity to claim "she" was the first woman to win a particular type of tournament (don't remember which format). Like I really cannot emphasize how few women play in general never mind competitively, it's insulting for him to make that claim.
P.S. Emma, don't you DARE insult Makoto like that.
No. 1307152
File: 1629761036456.jpeg (161.58 KB, 1200x675, O7gjfoI.jpeg)

>>1307150samefag. The image is part of the harassment campaign against the lesbian artist. For context, land cards are usually so cheap that stores will give them away for free (or like 20 for $1). The lands in the picture, done by Terese, are extremely valuable because one, they're rare, and two, she is one of the most beloved artists who has ever done work for Wizards. The Forest she did is worth $600, and the Island is a crazy $1400!
The troon on the right in the previous post, ruined these cards in the name of "trans rights" and used them in a high profile tournament. He effectively destroyed about $2000 worth of collectibles. IMHO if he really cared about trans rights he would have auctioned them off and donated the money, but no, instead he does the most scrote thing imaginable by destroying them instead and literally erasing the name of a lesbian artist.
No. 1307158
File: 1629761425771.jpg (767.07 KB, 1920x1080, KYiNox9.jpg)

>>1307150samefag again, sorry, not sure why the image didn't upload. Emma Handy on the left, Autumn Burchett on the right.
No. 1307168
>>1307076Marlene Dietrich, I believe.
>>1307160Agreed, either it's all okay or none of it is okay. You can't pick and choose which troon is personally destabilizing women's rights, lol.
No. 1307171
>>1306828LOL I'm seconding
>>1306833Please, anon!
No. 1307192
File: 1629763751267.jpeg (133.19 KB, 1200x1200,…)

>>1307160Miranda Yardley is another (picrel). there was a crossdressing dude who's name I forgot who the UK feminists I followed on fb loved, until women started pointing out he often sported hardons in his increasingly voyeuristic photos
No. 1307212
>>1306962I love how the kikomi comics make them suddenly "not get it" because it's a gender identity they don't agree with. How the tables have turned kek
Afab trans girls are
valid according to trans propaganda since you can't know someone's gender better than themselves and your physical sex doesn't reflect your gender sooo… stop being transphobic to kikomi, she's
No. 1307213
>>1307203I never said he was but I guess it wasn’t clear in my post. The problem with Glinner is that he constantly speaks over women in discussions, he cares more about being anti-trans than actual gender criticism (which is why he didn’t care about people saying that marketing gendered toys to children was bad), and the fact that he is one of the “faces” of the “GC community” in the UK seriously pisses me off.
I don’t care if he’s an ally, he’s still a man. GC women really need to elevate the voices of other women instead of orbiting around male figures. The problem with many women who self-identify as “feminist” is that they do not see men as the enemy, they think patriarchy is the enemy but they seem unable to realize that men ARE the patriarchy. Though it is definitely much worse in straight women compared to lesbians, female socialization makes women crave male approval regardless of their sexual orientation.
No. 1307229
>>1307212Kikomi is so fucking
VALID. Imagine all their experiences being weird fetish shit to mimic out of context? Just like "omg I couldn't open a jar." "I just had a dumb gurl moment and misspelled my reddit title!!! teehee" If they can pretend to have periods, Kikomi can shave her hair!
No. 1307240
>>1307152So he basically destroyed $2000 of his
own property to "own the TERFs"?
No. 1307260
File: 1629770205554.jpeg (150.24 KB, 827x1515, 62335E82-B8B7-4BED-BC31-36F4F3…)

>>1307251We’ll what do you know. The “author”. How does one report this for false information?
No. 1307264
>>1307251Just more proof that Wikipedia isn't a "
valid source". It's too bad a lot of people are convinced it is a "neutral", "factual" and use it as the first source for all their information. I wish they would realize that it just another outlet for spreading misinformation and propaganda.
No. 1307266
>>1307264How can one report false information? This is so insulting to the
victims of this incident
No. 1307273
File: 1629770880415.jpg (133.71 KB, 828x1056, E9bPyl8X0AI8Sfp.jpg)

Trooning out is a 'get out of male free' card and humiliation kink.
No. 1307275
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No. 1307280
File: 1629771431031.jpg (117.28 KB, 750x1012, 867746.jpg)

Is he trying to be the spermoid version of Valerie Solanas? Sorry but you won't ever be close because you are male.
No. 1307284
File: 1629772022931.jpeg (913.62 KB, 960x1347, AA8277C1-B20D-49F7-8DAB-4D6F73…)

They really are all the same
No. 1307285
File: 1629772088785.jpeg (764.48 KB, 960x1224, FED4CE35-9150-44A1-8F32-688549…)

>>1307284That hairline will never happen.
No. 1307288
>>1307279so fucked up, people don’t understand women at all and this just convinced me.
kinda related but being on these thread have like opened my eyes to how ugly people are, visually. kek
No. 1307305
File: 1629773482875.png (50.2 KB, 689x260, 23312.PNG)

>>1306613I always thought it was strange that East Asian radfems hate otaku and idol culture but then on Western radfem spaces you get picrel.
>>1307280Woke moids really let their misogyny out as soon as they 'cis' in front of 'women'.
No. 1307309
File: 1629773752980.png (289.28 KB, 569x621, unknown.png)

>>1307284lol perfect match
No. 1307315
File: 1629774846018.jpg (89.98 KB, 640x657, E9efq7iX0Awd6qt.jpg)

No. 1307323
File: 1629776369523.png (9.23 KB, 497x56, 863123.PNG)

>neo-pagan>gamer>digital artist>anarcho-communist>calls himself "gwennie-chan" on discord>studying japanese>supports free love>has panic disorders and social anxiety >works in tech industry>bad eyesightHe also has TWO userboxes about boobs like a typical maleoid, pic related.
No. 1307326
File: 1629776531589.png (7.97 KB, 250x119, why.PNG)

>>1307323He truly does embody every single stereotype.
No. 1307365
File: 1629783299894.png (651.28 KB, 825x1034, Screenshot_20210824-013244.png)

is this troon blind? apparently he has a job interview for a receptionist position at a salon. imagine walking into a salon and this greets you
No. 1307367
>>1307280I can see why Troons would latch on to Solanas, in her Scum Manifesto she stated that after the feminist revolution where women somehow over power all men in the world, defeat the entire world's milarites and beat them in war(That part was just so fucking Cringy btw, it came across as something out of a bullied nerd's journal) all the remaining men in he world who declared themselves as filth below women, would be forced to live as Transvestites and Drag Queens, which is the pretty much the Ideal AGP fantasy dream
Also in her unpublished play(which she Shot Warhol over, cause he accidently lost it) there's a sympatric Transvestite prostitute character whose considered a fellow woman and at the end of the play the Transvestite celebrates with the other primary female characters when a woman murders her young son
I'm surprised there aren't more trannies who like that Loser
No. 1307386
File: 1629788593934.jpg (95.76 KB, 640x841, 4WJ8kwJ.jpg)

>>1307371>>1307373nope, it was done on the cards themselves, Birdshit clarified that at some point and also had to remove them from his deck. Also hilarious that he clarified that it wasn't the judges who made him do it, most of them are also troons.
There was some other pro tour scrote (assuredly a chaser) who did the same thing to 4x original Force of Will cards (also with art by Terese), worth about $100 each at the time. He made a video of himself scribbling out the art with sharpie and blabbling on about how he doesn't support Nazis. So yea, 100% scrote move.
No. 1307401
File: 1629792027068.png (158.72 KB, 368x487, afabrights.png)

afab trans girl rights are human rights uwu
No. 1307423
>>1307251Wikipedia is terrible. There are people fighting on the talk page for “woman” about trans-inclusivity because of course they world. There are TiMs all over Wikipedia pages about female biology and feminism but almost none on male pages. On the page for “biological essentialism”, there’s a nonsensical transgender “definition”. They also ban you from “deadnaming” any tranny. On the “Charlotte Clymer” article people were trying to add the stuff about the dude’s misogyny and creepiness but it was reverted because they considered it “not notable” and “transphobic”. It was an old article that called him “Charles Clymer” so it was considered “deadnaming”. Men can erase all their past bad behaviour by trooning out and LARPing as women.
>>1307401This is glorious.
>>1307412NTAYRT but “weeababes” is a fucking stupid ass name. Don’t know why anybody would willingly label themselves a “weeaboo” unless they were a retard.
No. 1307429
>>1307425I don't know, it's like
>>1307269 says. I guess we can raise awareness on the issue through social media. I have tried editing some articles that push tranny propaganda before but they were immediately reverted since troons are terminally online. I would get permabanned if I kept at it.
No. 1307430
File: 1629800032333.png (10.92 KB, 799x67, grull.png)

>>1307386Gruul sure seems like a very mtf friendly archetype.
No. 1307432
>>1307386Terese Nielsen is a
terf? I knew she was a lesbian but now she is mega based. I love her art
No. 1307441
File: 1629801957164.png (74.24 KB, 552x518, 1212155.PNG)

>>1307437I could never put together why I hated men in women's spaces. Why are we accepting these men like nothing?
It's like women actively accepting drag queens as if they are not mocking women in their behavior and looks.
No. 1307443
File: 1629803947951.jpg (249.81 KB, 1078x1566, Transcel.jpg)

If you only want someone with a real penis or vagina you are now ~mentally ill~
No. 1307451
>>1307425>What can we even do?Could push for transracial bs using the same tactics and arguments as transgenders do, then maybe normies will finally have enough and start fighting back against this shit.
Example, putting a pic of Oli London in and arguing that anyone who objects to mentions of transkoreans in the article is a transphobic trerf (transracial exclusionary radical feminist) who doesn't believe in human rights.
No. 1307454
>>1307451You will need to provide "scientific articles" to back up your transracialism claims. Troons have already bullied academia into agreeing with them over everything so now scientists
can't disagree with them or they will actually lose their jobs..
No. 1307464
>>1307441It's rightwing BS that straight people make up because they believe it's actually women who are the
abusive ones in relationships so two women is doubly
No. 1307493
>>1307305she doesn't even play to video games
>>1307365what is wrong with his hair
No. 1307504
>>1307443Damn, males really think of their dicks as tools and not as a functioning part of their bodies.
Porn induced brain rot.
No. 1307523
File: 1629817925353.jpeg (212.59 KB, 958x776, 372D5732-8EC2-47B1-AE88-BF43FB…)

shamelessly stolen from r/tumblrinaction
No. 1307532
>>1307529Only acting retarded. Good job some normie passing by this and see some poor old lady's pills being stolen. They don't even know what
terf means so all they see is elder abuse.
No. 1307536
>>1307523>year's supply of estradiolWhy would a woman have estradiol? Especially a year's supply of it? This dude is a bad writer, absolutely nothing to keep up suspension of disbelief.
>"she has a trans son">immediately talks about the theoretical son's genitalsKek what if the son were a child? Also, I thought assuming anything about a stranger's genitals was a horrible transphobic hatecrime?
No. 1307564
>>1307432Based for that, yes. But let's not forget that her retarded ass publicly liking qanon, trump thinktank, and white supremacist tweets was why wizards cut ties. Not the radfem tweets. Troons like to gloss over all that and pretend she got cut because of being an evil '
terf' which isn't what happened.
No. 1307581
File: 1629825130908.jpeg (281.71 KB, 828x630, 4A6777E3-946A-4936-8477-991118…)

>>1307523Still looks like a scrote but with long hair
No. 1307582
File: 1629825444719.jpeg (1.51 MB, 4032x4030, 6451F02E-1786-4E3D-B528-354560…)

>>1307581Best bet is..
This tranny going to kill themselve. MTF suicide rate is high once they realize they’ll never be a real women or accepted.
No. 1307588
>>1307584If it doesn't look like something a preteen on social media or porn actress in the 'barely legal' tag would wear, how else are they supposed to coom while pretending to be the little girls they are attracted to?
Disgusting skinwalkers. I just hope and pray they don't act on their pedo fantasies with girls and keep to their fellow troonsbians.
No. 1307594
File: 1629826641755.png (226.24 KB, 840x1144, hhhhhhhh.png)

>>1307585it is not. someone posted them to imgur No. 1307603
>>1307597you're welcome
but moids don't like kikomi because she is a mirror of themselves. if people think kikomi is ridiculous for stuffing her socks, what stops people thinking troons are ridiculous for padding their hips? if kikomi is ridiculous for simulating genital surgeries, if she is clueless and out of her mind by claiming she can transition into a transwoman and so on and so on, does that mean regular troons are ridiculous too?
laughing at kikomi is not allowed because that could mean you laugh at them too>>1307597
No. 1307610
File: 1629828480199.png (952.22 KB, 919x1169, y chromosome.png)

>>1307280>>1307367Solanas would've called them defective moids trying to fix their defective nature (m->f), which is what they are. Pathetic men trying to run away from themselves.
No. 1307623
File: 1629829382939.jpg (68.94 KB, 979x819, Tay2-300x251.jpg)

>>1307582Omfg the dress is too small it cuts off mid torso. Big man.
No. 1307629
File: 1629829866742.png (1.09 MB, 1440x2084, 67493847.png)

Dude's posing like a WWE wrestler
No. 1307631
File: 1629830031055.jpeg (103.08 KB, 600x600, not troons.jpeg)

>>1307584It's called skinwalking. Moids who had no interest in goth culture, British tumblr a la 2012 girls, or the new TikTok alts. They are attracted to those girls or they see how much attention they get. I always get "Creep" by Radiohead playing in my head when I look at these troons trying to become an obvious female archetype.
No. 1307663
File: 1629831972570.webm (1.86 MB, 640x352, heroes.webm)
Found another one of these clips that are supposed to make you feel sad for troons but are actully based.
No. 1307670
File: 1629832329718.jpg (413.73 KB, 1638x2048, 20210824_210957.jpg)

>>1307443Stacy Cay is so retarded, half his posts are low quality bait and the rest is sperging that nobody wants him and then turning it around to say he's so hot and he's a volcel.
Pics of him do make me kek tho. So painfully male
No. 1307687
File: 1629833698944.png (32.9 KB, 620x235, what.png)

i wish this was a troll but its not
No. 1307692
File: 1629834332713.jpeg (16.1 KB, 750x273, CFF2F7C1-1A66-4765-9C03-1F1DF7…)

whoops dropped image
No. 1307710
>>1307412Yes, both are normie, but there's a bit more to it than that. Online communities for both SM and AC are almost exclusively women and girls and have been for decades. Men have a much wider variety of franchises that they have communities for, women have far fewer so these two in particular tend to stand out. Unlike predominantly scrote dominated communities which often make it a contest of who's the better fan or been into it longer or fighting over dumb shit, these communities for women function on a whole different level as most "older" women into them are happy that there is continued interest by younger generations who help keep these fandoms alive.
After seeing what happened with My Little Pony and the rampant infiltration of that community from moids, troons, moidtroonfurries, and other degenerates, I am not surprised at all that some terfs are a bit more protective about SM and AC seeing as these communities are essentially women's spaces where typical troon behaviour is absolutely unwelcome (not to mention highly inappropiate considering how young some are in said communities).
No. 1307781
>>1307670>volcelHe wants to be a troon tradwife so bad. He would look a million times better as a man.
>that picembarrassing. he is mentally il, there's no other explanation.
No. 1307800
>>1307710You make some good points nonita, moids have a tendency to make every aspect of their interests into sexually deviant fetishes
>>1307723Bury the fucker alive
No. 1307807
>>1307629>C cupswhere
>>1307683stop this is killing me. i love how the soundtrack accidentally implies that the moids redirecting the trannies to the mens room are heroes
No. 1307821
>>1307663kek I actually like it even better than
>>1307683 just because he calls to authority and still gets confronted with reality. Are these supposed to be like anti-trans bullying campaign ads?
No. 1307865
>>1307723>Her attorney said Hari was already living a "double life" sentence.
>"Thus, as she formed a ragtag group of freedom fighters or militia men and spoke of missions to Cuba and Venezuela, Ms. Hari secretly looked up 'sex change,' 'transgender surgery' and 'post-op transgender' on the internet," Elkins said. "As she purchased military fatigues for their 'missions,' she also purchased dresses and female clothing for a planned trip to Bangkok, Thailand, for male-to-female surgery. She was living a double life."
>It was the stress of this double life, the public defender argued, that drove Hari to attack the Islamic Center in Bloomington, Minnesota, on Aug. 5, 2017, and that her client holds no ill will toward the Islamic faith.How the fuck does "stress" from wanting to get pussy surgery in Thailand cause you to bomb a mosque?
No. 1307867
>>1307663my poor sides, the video itself is nice but the music makes it art (and the slow mo, wtf, this must be made by a
No. 1308039
File: 1629874735113.png (9.23 KB, 259x123, image_2021-08-25_165855.png)

>>1307692the replies are hilarious
No. 1308073
File: 1629885655342.png (662.55 KB, 811x811, anmaki-Blue-Poison-(Arknights)…)

How long until she is claimed as theirs?
No. 1308077
>>1307529>I claimed to have stolen pills from an elderly woman to own the terfs, they'll look so dumb and bigoted when they fall for it!!Kek what the fuck kind of 4D chess is this strategy? It was mostly fellow trannies who seemed to believe and encourage it, and how is faking a crime supposed to be a good look? My dumb ladybrain just can't comprehend
>>1307554I don't know the details but I do know for a fact that they start losing the form and volume of their estrogen moobs if they don't take hormones regularly so it lines up.
No. 1308100
File: 1629891939587.jpg (206.82 KB, 1064x884, What_could_help.jpg)

I know some of you think attractive men trooning out is "tragic" but I think it is hilarious. They don't even have the excuse of being mentally ill incels, they are literally chosing to be coomers over being normies. Peak pornsickness.
No. 1308109
File: 1629893402032.png (461.84 KB, 986x400, autismo.png)

He can't even be bothered to shave, what makes him think he can keep a necro hole clean and dilate 3x a day?
No. 1308111
File: 1629893544762.jpeg (371.77 KB, 1125x825, 2C3E1AFE-157B-4A37-891E-06FA34…)

As a woman who likes to play video games and is good at it, this makes me very angry.
No. 1308120
>>1307810>>1307842sorry my loves i am retarded
>>1307865allegedly on his way to get a thai axe wound installed and couldnt even shave his goat beard… what a world
>>1308100this is tragic for me bc i would fucking kill for those gainz and hes throwing it away for freudian death drive coom. still hilarious tho
No. 1308121
File: 1629894363584.jpg (464.28 KB, 1440x1262, Screenshot_20210825-132325.jpg)

>>1308111Imagine being so dim you don't know how to play a literal kids game. Kekekek just shows how mentally challenged these troons are.
Who is still playing Minecraft after 14? Autistic moids? No. 1308122
File: 1629894394533.png (1.2 MB, 3520x1086, seethe.png)

They seethe so hard about normal straight couples, kek. "I-I don't wanna be like those stupid normies anyways!" Incel cope.
No. 1308135
>>1308118I‘m a female gamer playing in an all men’s group and no one ever felt the need to explain something if I don’t ask for it. Whenever I tell a man I like video games they assume I know how to play video games. That guy just didn’t know how to play the game because it was his first time, so his friends explained it to him. But of course everything in his live has to be about him being a girl(tm).
Please just let this stupid gurl gamer stereotype die so I can play video games in peace.
No. 1308138
>>1308122The irony of this moid saying they look like pedophiles.
>modest potato sack dressSeems like someone is bitter about having to dress like a fetish or they won't get any attention that they can lie to themselves about being love. While these women are probably happy and secure, this mood constantly switches between chasers who constantly abandon their walking fleshlight for the next mentally ill moid hole they can get their undercover gay hands on. Cope, seethe, fucking d i a l a t e
No. 1308150
>>1308122I love how dumb his roasts are, there's not much he can really say about a group of normally dressed, completely average looking people, so he starts going into weird projections. The man walking around in a tiny ass skirt, whining about straight men not wanting to fuck them, comes off more like a predator then some middle-aged men..dressed like middle-aged men.
Also, I love that Coom Brain, "They're more into the girls in porn then their wives!"
because of course a tranny thinks sexual attraction is EVERYTHING, thats why he's so upset when men he tricks with his photoshopped pictures don't want to fuck him, "You were sexually attracted to me! That means you must like me better than cis girls! You should date and fuck me!!!"
No. 1308156
File: 1629897352123.webm (4.29 MB, 576x1024, v09044g40000c4e289rc77u6cqvcuo…)
Queen from previous thread responded to the greasy troglodyte troon. Then he has the nerve to respond back. Like you are B E Y O N D ugly as shit shut up and take the L.
No. 1308158
File: 1629897501735.webm (2.77 MB, 576x1024, IMG_4886.webm)
He's trying to act like he was sarcastic the whole time but then hides half his face kek. These troons are on suicide watch and we need to bully them more.
No. 1308160
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>radfems and terfs are a minority
>most women accept troons
No. 1308165
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>>1308122Love this autistic seething
No. 1308168
>>1308162Okay but I don't want to use their terms lol. We shouldn't have to throw away words like woman and female just because a bunch of men like to appropriate them.
>>1308125Kek the speed at which this moid was banned.
No. 1308175
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>>1308158responding in the typical "enlightened gentleman" moid fashion isn't helping his case. also what's wrong with her side part? let's talk about his entire male face and body, no amount of hormones or surgeries will be able to alter that into resembling anything female kek.
No. 1308221
>>1308160Whats the real is truth is women who are around troon shit
pretend to accept troons. When it comes to dating them or dating men who dated them then the story is different.
It's so easy to go, "yeah transwomen are women" and be on twitter putting on a cape.
Men don't even try and men not "accepting troons", can lead to death, harm and harassment of them, but they don't want to talk about that.
There's more women who accept troons rather it's real or fake, then there's non-troon men who do.
Even gay men can be pretty anti-troon.
No. 1308233
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From r/egg_irl
No. 1308238
>>1304591>>1308039wow, suddenly moids 'get it' when it can be applied to their 'plight'
>It's not really about that, it's about wanting the full experience and feeling lesser because you are missing a part of it.>That's flippant and callous towards people that are debilitated by something they never chose.>REEE, I AM THE MOST OPPRESSED TRANS GIRL AND I WILL LITERALLY CONSIDER UNALIVING IF MY CHOICES AREN'T CATERED TO!! No. 1308251
>>1308233god how fucking vile and gross, poor girl having to deal with some gross guy doing that to her. I hope it's fake.
How the fuck to they even justify this gross shit to each other?
No. 1308328
>>1306903>>1307629It’s so funny that these moids think 42/larger bra numbers mean “big ole milkers”
42 is the band size, you stupid men. You can be flat chested and be a 42.
No. 1308335
>>1308122If this is how he publicly talks about his family to 8000+ followers, no wonder why they won't talk to him. It's not because he's trans, it's because he's an asshole.
His sour grapes attitude is palpable as well. The odd fixation on his sister and the clothing, you know from that alone that he would steal stuff from her closet and is mad that it doesn't look as good on him. He is angry at their smiles, their happiness, because he knows that he is miserable inside and can only muster the hollow soulless AGP grin in false attempts at joy. The accusations of pedophilia are a self reflection of the monster he is himself, and the disdain for watches shows that he cannot muster the thought of going a few hours without access to the degenerate porn on his phone.
No. 1308339
>>1308310Because they default to porn to validate straight men's attraction to them. Troons love bringing up how men who claim they are straight "love shemale porn" according to pornhub and how it's "Soooo popular".
A lot of them think, men's sexual attraction towards them means more then sexual attraction, they think a "Straight" dude jerking it to two men fucking (except one has boobs and long hair) means, that he'll date, love and marry a troon.
So I assume they think men jerking it to pornstars, means more than sexual attraction.
at least thats how I see it.
No. 1308378
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>>1308162That wouldn't work for very long.
There are transwomen who claim to be biologically female. Some of them will claim any term that women claim for ourselves, because not being able to handle being distinct from us is part of their pathology. They're already denying the reality of biological sex, so it would only be a matter of time before they started saying either they are cis, or there's no such thing as a female, to gain access to 'cis female only' spaces.
The idea is also bad on a philosophical level because they say being cis is being happy with your assigned gender. Saying you're cis treats gender as a part of a person's psyche that they express, and not a hierarchy that is imposed on people, and posits that certain things like pink and blue are inherently masculine or feminine. Identifying as a cis woman is promoting these arguments, and saying you're fine with being treated worse than men, and in fact you aren't being treated worse at all, because how you're treated is consistent with your inherent unchangeable self.
No. 1308432
File: 1629922372390.jpg (125.2 KB, 1067x1200, EJRdtJ5UUAADZJW.jpg)

>>1308235>pervert is literally using images from an asian pedo porn cartoon>reeeeeeeeeeeeee fuck whyte ppl and their degeneracyI will never forgive japan for their chomo toons that are turning men into creepy transcels.
No. 1308458
File: 1629924916495.jpg (800.09 KB, 1365x2048, gettyimages-1234540647-2048x20…)

>potato sack dresseswhat is it with trannies and feeling the need to show so much skin to borderline hooker apparel?
So for every event you're going to have you ass out? The photo clearly looks like some family/friend gathering. Even women who love to show of their bodies know there's a time and place, they aren't constantly showing skin.
Meanwhile they dress like this and genuinely think they look great.
No. 1308478
File: 1629926794145.png (Spoiler Image,1.14 MB, 1080x1862, blairewhite.png)

>>1308465He looks like the typical HSTS attention seeking faggot. Even /tttt/tards acknowledge he's a hulking hon.
why do fags think that dressing like a slut to funerals, work, and nursing homes will attract normal str8 men? No. 1308479
File: 1629926983251.jpg (1.14 MB, 1365x2048, gettyimages-1234540435-2048x20…)

>>1308464I've learned after seeing Robbie in person he instinctively does it in photos to make it look like he has hips. Because obviously if you buckle your knees you'll have wide hips, it's that ez.
>>1308465He never did, not even before the fillers.I know there's a few gifs floating of the way he walks but it's fucking hilarious. Completely paralleled shoulders while jutting out his hips like he's a paraplegic taking his first steps.
Of course in his mind he thinks it's the perfect model walk. Giving Naomi a run for her money.
Sage cause this isn't robbies thread but he's always the first person I think of whenever they complain about how cis women dress. That an the killstar obsessed trannies.
No. 1308480
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>>1308462Nta anon but all western countries are white, although not all white countries are western.
No. 1308487
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>>1308458he legit looks like this
No. 1308492
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You nonnies think troons have ever heard of satire or are they too autistic to be able to tell what it is?
No. 1308500
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>>1307260the sheer autism
No. 1308502
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>>1308458You think that’s bad? This one makes me cringe.
No. 1308514
File: 1629930288991.jpg (71.71 KB, 625x565, 64facbb6eeee65cefad26e5e75cbda…)

>>1308503It's the guilt by association fallacy. You share one view with conservatives, therefore you must share ALL attributes with them. It's basically like saying
>You wear pants?>Well Hitler wore pants too!>You must be a Nazi. No. 1308515
>>1308432Japanese cultural imperialism is spreading otaku shit into other countries. It’s no coincidence that Japan spends billions of dollars on its “Cool Japan” soft power promotion in South Korea and China since it knows those countries hate it the most. It’s been ruining the feminist activism in those countries with all their hypersexual anime girls, horrific pornography, and idol culture. Then South Korea started to run with the shitty idol culture thing to make K-Pop.
The West but especially the US is to blame for the tranny shit. The way it runs smear campaigns about non-Western countries being “transphobic” is wild to me. They call Chimamanda a “
TERF” or say that lesbian bars in Japan letting trans men in but not trans women is “cisnormativiry”.
No. 1308516
>>1308500>This user has two childrenFucking horrifying
>This user is not a biological parentOh nevermind, so they're either his step kids or some minors he's grooming by calling himself their "glitter" parent.
No. 1308518
>>1308514Slightly off topic but I am getting annoyed with the amount of conservative women calling themselves
terf and radfem when they're obviously just conservative.
No. 1308541
>>1308178They're little bit frumpy, but not distastefully so. The red v-neck that girl in the middle is wearing is actually pretty cute. Honestly it speaks volumes that these women still look attractive in somewhat unflattering clothes. Maybe that's why this troon is seething so hard– he probably can't even manage to be physically appealing in literal fetish gear.
Honestly the thing that jumped out to me in this picture is how frumpy the
men are. They're worse than the dresses. The guy with the glasses is okay, but everyone else looks so boring and doughy. Maybe they have good personalities lmao. If these are the guys related to this troon, there's no way he passes himself.
No. 1308547
>>1308541I don't think they're frumpy. I wouldn't even say they're unflattering (at least most of them), just casual. What's weird is that they're all wearing the same kind of dress with similar color tones. Like they went out of their way to be matching.
Most men dress like trash. Even when they "dress up" it's terrible. Better off if they came in a t shirt and jeans.
The saltiness is what's hilarious. Just because the outfits are boring doesn't mean they're unhappy at all. I bet they're at a rib place right now enjoying convo and not feeling lonely because some cis guy doesn't like dick.
No. 1308551
>>1308478Man ass is not ever attractive tbh
>>1308548Went to university in Portland, can confirm daily troon sightings. Pure insanity.
No. 1308559
>>1308555I guess because the shows they're generally into (love live, zombieland, etc) tend to have little to no political messages and more just exist in a vacuum of yurishit, so they're more easily able to project their political views onto the characters.
It's the same shit as alt righters who use touhou characters even though touhou has nothing to do with alt right shit.
saged for anime political sperg
No. 1308564
>>1308531what's the difference between gc and radfem? is it that radfem focuses more on women's issues and gc more just on the fact that trannies aren't
valid? because to my knowledge people mostly just use those terms interchangeably and don't really separate the two because a lot of GC people use radfem arguments and vice versa
No. 1308573
>>1308555I don't really know about the first one, but white supremacists tend to like Japan because
>yellow fever (hapa future and they don't feel threatened by Asian males lol)>low crime rates>"Nihonjin are so clean, honorable and polite!">homogeneous population (muh ethnostate)>casual racism and xenophobia>severe sexism, pedoshit>muh anime and vidya>honorary aryanBoth of the groups tend to be Americans, no? Japan is one of those countries that is respected and appreciated over there, and multiple generations have grown up consuming Japanese media and products so I guess it's that. It's a non-western developed country with a lot of western influence so it's exotic but comfortable (can't think of the right word for it rn) at the same time.
>>1308560That's not surprising, they are after all a colony of the U.S lol.
No. 1308583
>>1308564GC is mostly criticism of trannies and you don't have to be a radfem. A lot of GC people are conservative and male. Radfem on the other hand is a feminist perspective that is leftist and the movement prides itself on female-exclusivity. I've seen a lot of GC people being pro-porn or religious, that's a complete no-go for radfems.
GC first originated on the old radfem community on Tumblr (back when grrrlfever was still active) to express doubt about the validity of transgender identities, the "science" behind "gendered brains" that was coming out at the time, and theorizing how gender socialization affected behavior. So of course a lot of GC people appropriate radfem arguments when most of the theory comes from radfems.
Radfems see gender as the roles, stereotypes, and bevahiors imposed on the two sexes to create a hierarchy where males dominate females in patriarchy. From my experience, a lot of actual radfems don't like GC people because of all the conservatives and males in the community, as well as the strong focus on just trannies as a problem rather than the social construction of gender itself. They also don't think mere "criticism" of gender is useful, they have long advocated for gender abolition.
Many GC people will say they support the right for trans people to exist and transition as long as they do not erase biological women. Radfems say transgender people's very existence is the result of patriarchy and that trans people reinforce gender so in their ideal world nobody would be trans.
No. 1308593
>>1308564A lot of GC people believe dysphoria is a genuine medical condition with some inborn basis. A lot of GC people flock around their token good troons like Miranda Yardley and even Blaire White.
Radfems see transgenderism as pure socialization and do not believe there is such a thing as a "good troon" because transgenderism itself is considered to be misogynistic.
>>1308590Radical feminism doesn't need to "take off". If it caught on then it would be immediately diluted and reworked to cater towards males in some way. Radical movement are always restricted to a minority of people but their theories can be helpful for more mainstream movements.
No. 1308596
>>1308593>A lot of GC people flock around their token good troons like Miranda Yardley and even Blaire White.They tend to respect preferred pronouns if they like the troon too. They just don't think trans women are the same thing as women. This is extremely transphobic and "
TERF rhetoric" according to TRAs though.
No. 1308610
>>1308158>>1308160>Radical feminism will never do anything significantIt's making moids like you go on sperg rants and show your asses. I think that's pretty significant.
I hope these freaks keep peaking women and girls, I used to be a dumb follower too.
No. 1308613
File: 1629938280303.jpeg (747.44 KB, 2828x2828, C6553BE3-58F1-497D-A091-C9F930…)

>”are they in good condition? unused?”
>If I didn’t know it was in a trans context I would have clicked report for harassment
>I know it’s just jokes and all but…
Jesus fucking Christ.
No. 1308619
File: 1629938934835.png (18.89 KB, 1253x74, 32311.PNG)

>>1307251Kek, thanks to whichever one of you anons edited this. It's too bad the troon immediately reverted it. If we have multiple people making changes to it then I do not believe he can revert all those changes in a single day without it being considered edit warring.
No. 1308638
File: 1629941199397.png (267.25 KB, 575x420, blanchard.png)

>>1308462japan is responsible for the moe industry of idealized girls that makes men think life is easier and better as a girl (example, giant moe fan digibro turning trans), along with a massive amount of futanari porn. cope seethe and dilate that you can't blame it all on the west, dumbass cunt.
No. 1308661
File: 1629943575378.jpg (49.34 KB, 1080x375, Screenshot_20210825_200339.jpg)

men reminding us once again that they don't understand the female body
No. 1308662
>>1308659A lot of normie Japanese think all trannies as HSTS but there's been a huge uptick of AGP troons in Japan and there are even non-binaries now.
>>1308660I've always thought about that. I don't really want kids but if I ever fell pregnant I would abort any male fetus. There is absolutely no reason for women to birth moids. They create their own monsters.
No. 1308675
>>1308122Self-made freakshows demonizing their whole normal-looking families will never not get a laugh and eyeroll from me. As if the internet hasn't seen 25+ years of this same stupid shit from goths, punks, scene kids, furries, gay/bi teens, weebs, cosplayers, etc… It's the most cliche thing ever. Imagine raising a moid to have a nice, productive life for almost 20 years, only to find out that the only thing he wants to do in life is acting out porn 24/7, and he criticizes you and your daughters for not dressing like hookers.
>>1308662>if I ever fell pregnant I would abort any male fetus.Same. There's about a 99% chance the father would cheat, have a midlife crisis, troon out, divorce, get jealous/resentful of his baby, regardless of gender, and then the son would just end up another empty shell cumbrain.
No. 1308677
>>1308638Transgenderism was a thing way before the moe industry and trans activism was inevitable after homos got their so called human rights, tard-chan. You can't keep blaming non-Western countries for your errors, faggot. Plus, the only reason Japan got so much fucking soft power is because of Amerimutts, so get fucked.
>>1308432Also there's non-Western countries that are white so why is this bitch so bothered. Mayoids are so weird for no reason at all, maybe you do deserve woke shit.
No. 1308689
>>1308668You're right. Moids will blame this whole thing on women.
Men's problems are always the fault of women according to men.
No. 1308697
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>>1308638>giant moe fan digibro turning transI can't believe so many people didn't seem him trooning out as just him living his fetish even more deeply.
No. 1308721
>>1308661>zero Tlol sure
I hope he enjoys his depression and decreased bone mass.
>>1308696It's nothing magical, a regular blood test can do that. You go to a doctor, request a blood panel to check specific hormone levels. The doctor can either send the request (takes a blood sample and sends it to a lab) or you go to a lab of your choosing with the doc's referral.
t. has PCOS and takes blood tests once or twice a year
No. 1308727
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>>1308722I don't know if he's still doing this because I haven't kept up with his twitter in a while but he also drew shitty loli guro and called it hornyposting
No. 1308728
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Kek a AFAB woman is invading male spaces at Drag Race UK. I hope she wins.
No. 1308730
>>1308728For a second I thought that was Kim Chi.
If she doesn't win, I hope she's trendy with the kids like Gottmik was/is.
No. 1308750
File: 1629957704097.png (313.25 KB, 1070x1330, 898898.png)

Saw this MtF sperg reblogged on my dash.
This is so funny to me, because the OP keeps racebaiting by bringing up white women specifically and lumping everyone else into "marginalized groups", ultimately to defend (mostly) also white men with fetishes and mental disorders.
It's all "White femininity is a violent tool", but when it's the very inventors of that construct attempting to embody it for their own gain, suddenly they're blind and we all just need to validate the heckin awesome trans gals and let them show their girldicks to children.
No. 1308760
>>1308753Because TRA shit has taken over most of the site, and I'm not about to make it so I
only see GC or radfem content because I have multiple interests.
No. 1308761
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>>1308756I believe middle to upper class straight white women are more likely to support troons, like picrel. The reason why some "Karen" like JK Rowling doesn't is because she lived most of her life in poverty (she published Harry Potter at age 32 while being a single mother living on welfare) and experienced DV from her
abusive ex-husband.
No. 1308792
>>1308750He should go to lipstickalley lmfao. Ngl it’s entertaining to watch white fetishistic men try to build a coalition with
WOC as if they too are oppressed for being autogyephilic creeps. Philosophy tube tried it but it didn’t go so well, white moids know they have to claim oppression to infiltrate women’s spaces and bodies.
No. 1308809
>>1308792Watching moids desperately try to "how do you do, fellow women?" to nonwhite women, especially black women is so funny. I love LSA because that shit doesn't fly there. Especially vetted forums where you have to show some sort of proof, any troons trying to get a sliver of the coveted "race card" get the boot so fucking fast and it makes them
rage. It's the single one thing they absolutely can't larp as and they hate it.
No. 1308815
>>1308638I'm not American nor Asian and I can guarantee you that America's soft power is infinitely worse and way more direct when it comes to spreading troon ideology shit all over the planet.
You know, between a country that produces cutesy TV shows with cutesy female characters that appeal to teenage boys and young male adults because they're dumb, cute and fun, and a country that produces live action TV shows and documentaries about "female" characters who are actually trans faggots preaching about muh representation to the point where young people in other countries on other continents exclusively use Anglicism and untranslated English words in the middle of other local languages to talk about their gender identity, I think the second one is the worst one.
No. 1308818
>>1308485there's a shitton of non-white liberals, who happen to be WESTERNERS
Who are you talking about? People whose ancestors come from non-western countries? Because otherwise you wouldn't say that ''not all westerners are white'', which is false. I hope you don't think a 2nd generation nigerian living in the UK is by default a westerner. Not even the small communities of gypsies that have been living in Europe for centuries are western.
>>1308235 >fucking bastards>>1308462>dumbass cunt>>1308485>God I fucking hate autists like you.Are you… a kid?
>>1308626>Latin America not WesternIt's not
>But Papua New guinea somehow isYeah, I can't agree with that either.
>Japan not SinicJapan is very distinct from other Asian countries.
>"African" as its own categoryWhy not?
>Orthodox and Islamic are categories but not Protestant or CatholicI don't think the Islamic category needs explanation at all. The Orthodox category is obviously a good term for ex URSS countries who share this religion. Religion's presence in Catholic and Protestant countries is much more weak than in Orthodox countries and they all belong in the ''American side'' of the Cold War, so they share some influence with the USA.
>Israel is IslamicYou mean occupied Palestine? Yes, it's Islamic.
>>1308672I would have put a dark blue/light blue stripe pattern in some countries like Poland.
>>1308752I wanted a high resolution map and this one is really cool to click at. I don't agree 100% with it.
No. 1308821
>>1308760I just use Dashboard filtering "transgender" and associated tags and slang. It's still not perfect (I miss out on mtfuji posts but still see troons e-beg sometimes) but I don't have to see a lot of it.
>>1308763>>1308765A lot of Tumblr users virtue signal regardless of what they post, especially if they're personal blogs run by women who are literally harassed by troons randomly messaging them if they're part of the cult. I'm okay with having acquaintances who don't necessarily agree with me on every issue, but I've found that these women tend to be unaware of how extreme trans rhetoric really is and can be gently nudged towards radfem takes.
No. 1308836
>>1308818>Japan is very distinct from other Asian countries.Kek, yeah, because Japan somehow isn't "Sinic" but Korea is and somehow even parts of Malaysia are.
>Why not?Africa is the most geographically and ethnically diverse continent by far. No way you can just throw half of Africa into a generic "African" category.
>Philippines is Western>>1308821I pretty much stopped using Tumblr completely because of troons. I know some people can ignore it but it annoys me too much to see how little people care about women's rights in favor of men in wigs.
(derail) No. 1308869
>>1308836>Kek, yeah, because Japan somehow isn't "Sinic" but Korea is and somehow even parts of Malaysia are. I took this map because I thought thatt it separated groups of countries in a interesting relation to what I consider to be ''the West''(with some mistakes, specially in SEA). There were so many maps including Eastern Europe and South America that I chose this one. I believe Japan is in a different situation to the concept of ''westerner'' than any other Asian country (probably due WWII).
>Africa is the most geographically and ethnically diverse continent by far. No way you can just throw half of Africa into a generic "African" category.Again, this map is useful in terms of proximity or distance of countries to the values of the West. Africa may be all the ethnically diverse you want (Asia and South America are seen as more geografically diverse by some) but within countries are similarly culturally far from any other subgroup the map showed.
>>Philippines is WesternYeah, I wouldn't label it like this either. I didn't make the map.
>>1308837This is a cultural map, not a languages map. I understand language plays a secondary role on this but that was never my point. If you still don't understand why I picked up this map just read the first part of this post. It doesn't matter if Japan's religion or language are closer to another group more than other of the same group are, culturally speaking the West's influence on Japan exists in a way any other Asian country has never experienced (maybe SKorea is reaching another similar point). Don't you agree with that?
>>1308839>Not by default, but 2nd Gen British BME university-educated (and online) people are very woke. It's almost an illness by itself…
>They're obsessed with importing BLM from the US, even though it's a non-issue in the UK.A 2nd Gen Somali friend wrote her dissertation on troons…That's something I've been thinking about, some of these people are globalist puppets and of course they love the most globalist country in the world and its so called culture.
>>1308860Don't have it as fresh as you, kiddo.
(derailing) No. 1308878
>>1308750Why do white men constantly compare themselves to black women to explain transgenderism? And aren't any black women offended by this assertion? White men have a very long and brutal history of abusing black women specifically.
>>1308869>This is a cultural map, not a languages map. No, it's Huntington's 'Clash of Civilizations' map. It's more about political science, it discusses which countries would ally with each other or have influence over the others. Inglehart–Welzel's map is an actual cultural map. And how is language not a part of culture?
(derailing) No. 1308880
File: 1629982388392.png (235.99 KB, 1157x559, Clash.png)

>>1308875Yes, it's a cultural map, not a language map, so I don't see why you brought to the discussion any comment on Japan's language, don't ignore what I'm saying and reply ''no'' because you feel the need to disagree with me. I haven't read Huntington's book (I never said I had, I have explained why I have picked the map but I guess you ignored that part) but it seems clear to me that he has in mind culture very much during that book (pic related).
>And how is language not a part of culture?See :
>>1308869>I understand language plays a secondary role on this but that was never my point. Can't you read?
No. 1308891
>>1308352This is intellectually lazy. On a surface level, it's all they care about, and it's what they THINK they care about, but if you actually study the behavior and actions of incels/4chan coomers/degenerate porn addicts, their obsession with sex and porn leaves them hollow, broken, and on suicide watch. Human beings require love and affection to be fulfilled, and that's why parasocial relationships between coomers and onlyfans girls has skyrocketed.
So while troons can gloat about how they can "steal cis women's husbands", they know they will never be loved or cared for in a genuine way beyond surface level. That's what makes them so bitter. They will always be broken, failed human beings, neither male nor female, just an abomination who will never experience love.
No. 1308900
Yeah, I was thinking of strictly having low T but didn't cross my mind that one effect of estradiol on TIMs. Thanks for the correction!
No. 1308970
>>1308122I honestly feel nearly sorry for him. It's so painfully obvious how much he actually wishes to be a part of his family/friend group again.
The entire thing is so comically ott, when you begin reading you think he's gonna end with something like "god I wish that was me!!!"
No. 1308980
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God, women on ovarit are so fucking cucked. Imagine reporting a guy for rightfully laughing at a misogynistic moid who's actively fighting against women's rights and defining womanhood as a humiliation fetish. At the end she was so afraid of being "unkind". we're never gonna win at this rate.
No. 1308995
>>1308980I know this is a projection and autistic but if she didn't help him I could see this post on reddit from the troons prospective-
>>"I was at the pharmacy, I'm 6 months on HRT, I don't pass very well, but it was my first time out in clothes that fit my gender.I was wearing a wig (pink in pigtails),my favorite thigh high boots, a mini skirt and my jacket with the trans flag on it (i posted about it on r / trannnnns).
I got into line, I felt EVERYONE'S EYES ON ME. Especially the cis men that were there. I was so nervous that I dropped all my money on the floor, the cashier a cis man had a dirty smirk on his face, looking me up and down. The men behind the cis woman in line, started laughing and whistling.
I knew my skirt was too small for me to bend over properly, The men knew that as well. At that moment I knew what a cis woman went through, How it felt to be seen as a piece of meat.I felt nervous, scared and I hate to admit it but, eurphoric. So I glanced at the cis woman, my face red.
Hopefully, as a woman as well,she'd see my distress and help me pick up my change. But she didn't.
She stared away from me as the men giggled and waited for me to bend over, I did and they brust into laughter. I know it's wrong but all I could think was, "Is this sisterhood?" If I was visably Cis would that woman behaved differently? I ended up writing a complaint about the cashier and I made sure I added a bit about how I felt his actions were sexually motivated.
Yes, I don't look Cis but I would never sit and let another woman, trans or cis, be treated so unkindly and do nothing about it! Of course I'm the most upset about how the men behaved, but i'm betrayed on a deeper level by how the Cis woman behaved as well!"
No. 1309008
>>1308980>risking someone else's job just to whiteknight a troon>50 upvotesPathetic.
When will these "peaked" libfems learn that the only thing that works on AGPs is shame?
No. 1309015
Both of the intersex men in question are completely, unambiguously male, they just have malformed genitals. Men are men, no matter how broken they are or how they claim to "feel". Have you been drinking libfem tard juice or something?
No. 1309057
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>>1308554Another potential TIM serial killer. Remember this guy? he has his own place now, and is friends with this TiF, both haven't posted on their instas since at least feb. I hope she's ok No. 1309059
File: 1630000670233.png (2.12 MB, 1850x1197, psycho.png)

yes those are face tattoos
No. 1309078
>>1309015 not
>>1309014 but in this case, I wouldn't call her anywhere close to a troon. The doctors who determined her as a girl saw she had a vagina and went with it.
Dick- man
vag- woman
"Semenya is an intersex woman, assigned female at birth, with XY chromosomes and naturally elevated testosterone levels. Following her victory at the 2009 World Championships, she was made to undergo sex testing, and cleared to return to competition the following year."
during they found
IAAF asked that she complete a gender test (which included inspections of her external and internal genitalia), and just hours before she easily won another race in Berlin, her results were leaked to the press: Although she had a vagina, she didn’t have ovaries or a uterus, and her body produced three times the testosterone as the average woman. The Time magazine headline read: "Could This Women's World Champ Be a Man?"
There are women born without a uterus and often have to undergo utures transplant if they wants to have a kid. "Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser (MRKH) syndrome is a disorder that occurs in females and mainly affects the reproductive system. This condition causes the vagina and uterus to be underdeveloped or absent, although external genitalia are normal."
Intersex shouldn't be lumped in with troons at all. she was suffering identy issues growing up as being told she was a female and not intersex No. 1309080
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so oppressed
No. 1309098
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>>1309008Ovarit and even the old r/GC comment was still full of women/mothers empathetic to a fault, and the general public will always feel pity because they rarely see the accumulated degeneracy ITT. Hell, if you ever check the transwidows on Mumsnet, those women are still not allowed to generalize that middle-aged men with AGP might not be "true trans" or their comments get deleted.
No. 1309105
>>1308980Shit like this disgusts me and really makes my internalised misogyny flare up
Do you really care about being "kind" or are you just so afraid of reality shattering your saintly good girl self-image that you'd rather develop cognitive dissonance than be honest?
No. 1309139
>>1309133Not helping the troon and reporting the cashier isn't being "violent". Taking the high road means not joining the men in their laughing and jeering. What are you, a TiM who thinks any woman not bending over backwards for men in mini skirts is a violent
No. 1309141
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No. 1309142
>>1308995>>1308980Am I missing something? Mini skirts are not this deep. Just bend your knees, rather than your torso. You can even just get on your knees if needed.
Or, wear shorts under the skirt before you go out. What is wrong with troons?
>>1308998This lmao
No. 1309144
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No. 1309155
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sissy porn is just an unhealthy coping mechanism for trans women, it's not a fetish at all. Disgusting perverted freaks. We are wiping out years of hard fought women's rights for this??? No. 1309157
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Idk if personal cows are allowed, but an old friend from school that I lost touch with (but still follow on social media) trooned out this past year. He checks all of the boxes - fading 'pink' hair, receding hairline, wearing cheap 2012-era-tumblr outfits, and constantly posting about 'tiddies'/'big titty goth gf' memes and being a 'lesbian'. This was the most recent thing he reposted, these guys aren't even trying to hide their coomer fetishes
No. 1309158
>>1309130I don't see what Hijras have to do with anything I just said since they're in another country, in another continent and iirc they kidnap normal boys as well. Anyway
>You think village births are delivered by doctors?For all I know the village was next to a bigger city and the parents drove there so the mother could give birth. And in hospitals midwives take care of mothers during births but pregnant women and mothers see obstetricians and gynecologists on top of that when necessary, and these people ARE doctors. And again, I was just guessing.
>You think midwives don't have experience do know what a normal baby looks like? Midwives in village visit the mother and baby for weeks post-birth.This doesn't mean shit, if they see a seemingly healthy baby with what looks like a slightly deformed but functioning vagina and vulva they're not gonna go further than that unless they run blood tests. I'm pretty sure doing this right after a baby is born is more common in first world countries than in African countries based on what I know about the African country where most of my family is from, which isn't South Africa. Since you seem to know more than me, do midwives who deliver babies at home and not in hospital typically run this kind of tests on newborns then in SA? Or do they just check the baby and mother to make sure they're generally healthy and the baby is fed properly and that's it?
>Or mother's, who've birthed previous children, or their mothers who've also countless experience.This, again, doesn't mean shit. Sure, mothers and grandmothers can give valuable advice to expectant mothers when it comes to feeding and raising a baby and their own health during and after pregnancy but intersex conditions are rare and not obvious to people who aren't doctors and aren't equipped to run medical tests depending on the intersex disorders. There are legit people who are supposedly educated about that shit at school all over the planet who think that being intersex means being an actual hermaphrodite, you'd trust some random grandma on that?
(derailing) No. 1309162
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>>1309155They've been telling us, lmao.
No. 1309169
>>1309161HSTS's second favorite insult besides "i'll take yo man" is saying they look more like a woman than we do, they "pass" better than we do or even saying a Cis woman looks like a man.
I legit do think some trans think that women need to "Pass" as women, aka whatever stereotype that troon sees as "looking like a woman".
You know those troons with inches deep make up, surgeries etc. probably think women who walk outside with sweats and a bun don't "pass" as well as they do as a woman.
No. 1309318
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the amount of men larping as women in my local yikyak sphere made me delete the app again lol
real women don’t have to worry about random appendages poking out at people through our retarded girly underwear. maybe boxers and an actual pair of pants would keep you off the registry hun
No. 1309375
>>1309248>women genuinely feel tugged emotionally by people who would never feel the same way about themI hope that some day soon women will have a decisive realization, and start being honest to girls about men and teen boy's true intentions and lack of emotional capacity. We're already in a position where many underage teenage boys are as twisted and perverted as 50 year old serial killers of the past. E.G.
>>1309057What a fucking disaster. We're going to see rates of child abuse, adult sex crimes, and serial killer shit shoot sky high. Maybe this just has to happen for women to realize that men aren't just like women.
No. 1309376
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>>1309057this picture of him next to what looks like a rabbit in a tiny ass cage makes me want to a-log. poor little bunny.
No. 1309380
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>i get why cuddles are a thing now
do moids seriously not like cuddling? seems pretty cold and inhuman to be honest
No. 1309386
>>1309057This is some Buffalo Bill type shit. TiMs always think women are jealous of them but they are actually the ones who are jealous of women and often violently so. No woman wants to look like a TiM but TiMs want to look like women and constantly project their own insecurities onto them.
Also kek @ the TiF who actually lives with him. The anons from the previous threads who said TiMs are more stereotypically masculine than the average man and TiFs are more stereotypically feminine than the average woman were right.
Not surprised that this fucker loves programming and computer science.
No. 1309404
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This is what lesbians do, right?
No. 1309425
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>>1309376A rabbit enclosure is supposed to be 2.5 by 3 feet
bare minimum for the smallest breeds. This is appalling. It looks like that rabbit can barely turn around on there. There's no separation between it and the substrate, so it's just wallowing around in its own shit, too. Rabbit cages also should have a ground-level exit so they can leave the cages without being picked up and risk having their fragile spines broken from a fall.
Trannies are narcissists who don't love anything but themselves. I'm not shocked that they're horrible at caring for animals. I'm sure he poses with the rabbit for his ~uwu girly~ pictures before shoving it back in a puny cage in the bathroom. Being a good pet owner doesn't make him coom, so of course he's not going to do it.
No. 1309432
>>1309057fuck that shrink for not calling 911 and getting this guy locked up, what the fuck
>>1309376jesus fucking christ can't these turd touchers clean up before they take photos? at the very least they could put the toilet seat down, disgusting
No. 1309455
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>male intactivist rage factoring into this for some reason
No. 1309500
>>1309169TIMs will never succeed in pushing female gender stereotypes because they will never be women. No one would clock a TIM wearing a hoodie and jeans, but the ones who wear skirts and small tops look the most male because the clothing is designed for female bodies, not 6'2 moids with gorilla arms. No woman will ever look at a TIM and say "omg I want to look like that" no matter what the handmaidens tell these men. They talk shit about them behind their backs. Waiting for a clothing line catered to troons to open because they definitely need it. Also bonus women don't have to buy cum encrusted clothing because a tranny trapervert decided to fap in the changing room.
>>1307670 >>1307582 No. 1309508
>>1309490I have no idea who Digibro is and with the way you describe him I'd say that's a pretty good thing, and I don't even like moe shit, but I've seen too many straight male weebs who are obsessed with completely normal cutesy but mainstream stuff like K-on, that Gatchaman Crowds anime with that one character here
>>1308638 I only watched 3 episodes, I couldn't stand this shit it was so fucking boring or magical girls anime targeting a female audience. You missed my point, these shows are normal, they just attract people who are already total weirdos to begin with. It's not because of Japan as a whole if deranged nerds become troons, or at least not JUST because of Japanese pop culture.
Meanwhile you have Western, mostly American shit actively promoting this shit to insecure gender non-conforming teenagers. The key word here is "actively", in case you didn't notice. I'd say shit like Euphoria and its trans character is more damaging than shit like Gatchaman Crowd and its crossdressing cartoon character.
No. 1309509
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>>1309159His comics are generally popular among redditors and sometimes they legitimately make me wonder if he's one of them kek
No. 1309521
>>1309155That second comment kek
>the moment I started LARPing that I'm actually a girl, my sissy fetish diedYour fetish didn't die, it progressed to the next stage.
>>1309141If I wanted to analyze it with the best intentions, I could interpret that they mean the wish "to be born pretty" is something uglier women might feel because society focuses so much on women's looks, because "passing" is not something even ugly women worry about. And a bunch of "eggs" actually don't transition because they know they wouldn't ever make a good looking crossdresser. Except women do not opt into this bullshit and for men it only reveals that for them "being female" is just being an attractive young woman who gets attention.
No. 1309574
File: 1630069020042.webm (4.82 MB, 320x568, uDPX9l0thXxa50kO.webm)
"I am non-binary. I hope everyone knows that, "We need to protect women and children" has been used against marginalized people for most of human history.
These comments upset ME, because it's anti-trans, of course, but also it strikes me as anti your own daughters. Anti young people, anti women. If you are a young person, if you are a daughter, if you are a woman, Would you do me a favor?
Please let all the men in your life know that you can take care of yourself.
Let them know you don't need "protecting" and that you especially don't want "protection" if it means erasing trans people from public life."
No. 1309580
>>1309574>Let them know you don't need "protecting" and that you especially don't want "protection" if it means erasing trans people from public life."Nah, we're good. I wish they'd actually be decent guard dogs that stopped these guys from entering women's restrooms like
>>1307683, but I doubt they ever care unless you actually walk in on their daughter.
This guy wrote a best-seller book and gets all kinds of media apparences, he's such a grifter.
No. 1309581
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No. 1309584
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>>1309582This just in "Cis" women are never discrimated agaisnt becasue we are women. We don't deserve our spaces like gays/transwomen we aren't oppressed enough.
No. 1309587
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>>1309581this is what caused the troons to spazz out.
No. 1309590
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>>1309581and this Sally person is the founder/CEO of the app.
No. 1309622
>>1309574As long as men continue to rape, murder, and abuse women, women (obviously excluding TIMs, because they are male) do need protections against them. I can't live life as a "girlboss" and do everything men can do, because I simply would not be treated the same as a male, and would most likely end up taken advantage of or harmed. You know what "protection" women can give themselves, though? Female-only spaces, emphasis on
female. You and your fellow coomers inserting yourselves into our spaces is a threat to us, and proves that as long as men exist, women are not safe from them, at least without males policing each other.
No. 1309625
>>1309622>I can't live life as a "girlboss" and do everything men can do, because I simply would not be treated the same as a male, and would most likely end up taken advantage of or harmed. This. The narrative of women just having to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and start being independent #girlbosses is being intentionally dishonest about the possibilities women have doing this. Just like you can't identify out of oppression and become a non-woman, you can't just decide to not be a
victim of intergenerational trauma and worldwide sexism. It's just the fact and not meant to act as a perpetual
victim but encourage to pinpoint the problem and organize as women.
No. 1309633
>>1309625There's not much I hate more than this narrative trannies push that women would be completely safe and fine trusting them the same way women trust other women, and that it's somehow oblivious or uninformed to say "no, actually, we're in danger in ways you're not". I don't cate how much "dysphoria" it brings to go "boymode", it's a safety and privilege women don't have, and can never have. If it hurts to hear "women are oppressed for their biology (having female organs and DNA)", that's not women's fault, you're just getting hurt by the truth. I'm never going to trust a male like I would a female, I'm never going to tell a male that he's an "exception", I'm never going to tell a male that he isn't a threat to me, or that I don't need protection and safety away from males, or that any other woman doesn't, either. Believing I'm in the wrong for that is what's
truly oblivious and uninformed, usually willingly so.
No. 1309656
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>>1309155one of the commenters is u/gooner_filth, a proud AGP. "gooner" is term for a porn addicted male enthusiastic about his own degeneracy. see r/GoonerCaves for some of the most cursed moid shit ever. I hate Reddit.
No. 1309664
>>1309057wtaf, this is fucking terrifying and psychotic. i can't believe moids get this sort of shit validated (and apparently it's frequently enough to feel confident in posting a novella about their deranged emotions.)
gee, I wonder why women can be hesitant about opening up spaces to people like this.
No. 1309726
File: 1630091641367.jpg (Spoiler Image,187.53 KB, 844x865, 1605452774681.jpg)

can any femanon here please share what she thinks about neo penises like pic related?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1309746
This might be off topic but i'm watching a Ben Boyce video where an UWU femboy dragged his dad into an interview and the whole time they avoid the porn question.
He is 17 or 18 now, and came out as a bisexual in middle school and says he was the only one open about it in his school as if that's a good thing. Obviously this kid got unlimited internet access at a young age and started to watch porn.
Then Boyce asks if he used Reddit when he explored his trans identity and the he says no, he
only watched trans Youtubers. He likes to do "his research" and he has an analytical mind and intellect due to his autism (kek, the dad gushes about his superior intelligence the whole time as if that's relevant)
This boy obviously has a uwu femboy twitter or Reddit account where he shows his asshole to pedos, it's so obvious. The reason why I say femboy is because he is not liberal, he's right wing.
Also major kek to the answer he gave when Ben asked about what kind of GNC clothes he liked: earrings and painted nails. What about dress go spinny, cat ears, and uwu thigh highs? Also doesn't say anything about hentai or anime, just that he likes colourful clothes because his superior autistic head makes him "see more colors than the average person" ahhahhahaha
I'm dragging this boy and his father because they come across as MRAs, blaming the girls he was friends with in school because they gave him the cold shoulder (probably because he did something creepy, but again, they never touch on that far in the interview). He "internalized" misandry at a young age becasue there was so much of it around him and that made him not want to be a boy anymore.
Lastly, his dad sounds proud that his son "moved on" from this trans stuff and that it was just a phase… lol, your son is a coomer and a crossdresser and became that at a very young age, it's over. You will realize this when you catch him in lingerie some day. HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE) No. 1309797
File: 1630096491266.jpeg (133.17 KB, 641x797, D7873114-FBA2-4E60-9F9E-3E7A41…)

>English comedian Nish Kumar calls out Ricky Gervais for transphobia
>“All he is, is just the same as every other rich white dude comedian who gets too successful, runs out of ideas, and so just shits on the latest minority group. In the 1970s that was my fucking family, it’s Black and minority ethnic people, in the 80s it was gay people.
>“Trans people are just the latest to get it in the neck from comedians who can’t be bothered to try at their jobs anymore. I cannot stand there and watch another dogshit comedian go, ‘Oooh if a woman can identify as a man, maybe I’ll identify as a chair’ – why don’t you identify as a good comedian you hack motherfuckers!”Thoughts?
(ban evasion) No. 1309818
>>1309797So he goes, "rich white" as if Dave Chappelle doesn't exist and as if thats not a more recent example, but I guess that's "punching down" to call out a black "cis" man.
>>1309801Nope, we've talked about it at length, theres hardcore Male TRA's who always fit into these boxes, They are chasers, about to troon or like Haasan Piker super woke and want to be on the "right side of things".
You always see Male TRA's who have a certain kind of audience pretend they'll totally date/sleep with a transgirl, oh they are so much hotter/better then women, but they never do. They'll just say anything for a coin and to be woke.
No. 1309830
>>1309812Maybe because chapelle is American while Ricky gervais is also English so it makes more sense…
>>1309813Very popular English comedian, makes regularly appearances on Tv and game shows
>>1309816To be fair the conservatives seem to make the most noise against trans people…
>>1309825You’re kind of changing the subject there and racism has been a big problem in Britain, especially in the 1980s
(ban evasion) No. 1309844
>>1309825I agree with you, so many of the voices talking about
POC oppression are actually the children of the wealthy, I know because I grew up with these people. (I’m not white but I’ve lived a life of privilege compared to my working class friends.) It’s obnoxious because there are genuine problems caused by racism like severe poverty in many communities, but these jokers use it to fucking grift. He should be the one to find some new jokes honestly.
Also the same dudes don’t even notice when their female relatives wait on them hand and foot or are mistreated for being women. I love a lot of aspects of my culture—the art, the history, the literature, the language etc—but only men can so loudly defend “traditional ethnic culture is always better than whitey” without reservation because they reap all the benefits. He’s certainly never been banned from touching anything in the kitchen on his periods, but he goes out there to yell about trans women’s rights. Motherfucker.
No. 1309859
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At least these VRchat redditors are self aware.
No. 1309889
>>1309603The "girls" he's referring to are other MtFs.
The only actual female people on Grindr are delusional FtMs, which MtFs typically avoid unless they were together pre-transition.
No. 1309949
>>1309923The drag race fan types are hilarious because they talk about gay men’s bodies the way drag queens talk about women’s bodies and suddenly even gay man who defends that shit is clutching his pearls.
Like I think those women are quite homophobic as well, but it’s a bit like… all the men who have gotten defensive when I’ve said I don’t love it when drag queens say bitch and dyke or make fun of the tragic deaths of female celebrities are suddenly on about how you can’t say this or that. (Once saw a drag Queen do a shot to Anna Nicole Smith’s sobriety ugh.)
No. 1309955
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What point is this tranny even trying to make?
No. 1309964
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>>1309376what the fuck!! one, that poor rabbit. the cage is way too small and it should not be that close to the toilet, it's obvious he doesn't close the lid when flushing.
two, that is a fucking box of kotex click tampons on the back of the toilet. he has absolutely no mention of a partner, nevermind a female partner. this troon is a period fetishist.
No. 1309965
>>1309955Tranny thinks anyone makes exceptions when they say "men are a danger to women". You are XY, you have higher testosterone, you likely have a penis,
you are male, and are a threat to women. I don't care if mouds feel unsafe around other moids, they're on even ground; equal peak physical strength, equal social power, and neither can get pregnant. TIMs are not oppressed by other men the same way women are, and they never will be.
No. 1309977
>>1309967i swear most of them only troon out not because they actually think they're gay men trapped in women's bodies, but because it's now "
problematic" to consume yaoi as a woman. it's funny seeing how unrepentant fujo women make pooners seethe.
No. 1309990
>>1309977I think some of them do become delusional enough to believe they are "gay men trapped in women's bodies" and wish they had a male body because they are fearful of male sexuality directed to them as women, and they have a lot of internalized misogyny since they view male as the default sex.
All straight TiFs I know are romance obsessed. They want an "equal" relationship (heterosexual relationships have inherent power imbalances) and they also feel like they strongly relate to the fictional gay male characters. However, this is only because most of the gay fiction they read was written by straight women for other straight women.
It's like TiMs who claim to have discovered their identities from watching lesbian porn and come out as "trans lesbians" because of it. Lesbian porn is directed by straight men for other straight men. If you are so obsessed with and compelled by lesbian porn because you feel like it speaks to you in a way that nothing else does…then it's just more proof you are a straight man. Not a lesbian.
>>1309987Many gay men do hate M/M stuff written by straight women, but the people who are the most vocal and complain about it non-stop are "gay trans men". This is because fanfiction and romance fiction in general are female-dominated interests.
No. 1310011
>>1309574Holy fug
These things will do anything to not be called male, but can't stop telling women what to do, how to do it, and what's best for them
No. 1310020
>>1309574>saying women and children must be protected is "anti-trans"Yup, more proof that TRAs are MRAs. I do think "protect women and children" is too passive of a statement though because it doesn't label the perpetrator - men.
It's like how I am not a big fan of the phrase "violence against women". So, violence is just happening against the women randomly? Why don't we call it "male violence against women" to be clear? Name the problem.
>>1310019Anon, you must be delusional if you think 'Myspace bisexuality' isn't something that happens. People absolutely do adopt different identities to seem more "interesting".
No. 1310027
>>1310023You're right, but most people thinking of "boys" are thinking of prepubescent kids. Not to say that child on child bigotry and assault doesn't exist, but it's generally a lot tamer and less genuinely criminal than with post-pubescent males. I have heard of sexual assault between literal children, but it's an outlier; there is room for discussion on kids going through puberty (9-14 years old) and teenagers (14-19 years old), though. Talking about the crimes of men is generally easier than of boys, though, because we can guarantee an adult can be held responsible for his actions, and people will likely stop taking you seriously altogether if you even
imply a child can do anything wrong, especially something as heinous as sexual crimes.
No. 1310038
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>>1310023It's not just men. It's all males.
No. 1310044
>>1310038>Ten year old boys>Eight year old boyWho wants to bet the sudden rise in prepubescent boys committing sex acts, including sexual assault and rape, is related to their access to the internet? I don't think children should be able to access the internet at all, except heavily monitored for research purposes,
especially boys. It would've saved me and a lot of other girls from grooming and high sexual exposure, and boys are just getting trained to be little sociopaths using porn, shock-content, and male-on-male encouragement of negative behaviors, such as misogyny and racism.
No. 1310054
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I am currently at university studying IT and this type of stuff makes makes me seriously question if I should ever get into the tech industry.
No. 1310056
>>1310050I've met a number of scrotes who were addicted tobporn alread between the ages of 11 and 15 years old. Some so much that they were presduring girls for nudes and specific sex acts before they even turned 16, mostly girls who were younger than them.
>>1310054>"STOP HIRING AFABS">literally saying to stop hiring women in STEMStop living, scrote.
No. 1310057
>>1310044100% true. Boys just can't handle unrestricted internet access. This one started attacking girls on the street at only 14. of the Slaton sisters got molested by her future husband when he was a teen and she was prepubescent.
>>1310023Pretty much. When TRAs first started attacking women's shelters years ago, there were sob stories about how big meanie shelters were splitting up or turning away families with teenage sons. They acted all indignant that anybody could ever be wary of an innocent uwu teenage boy, and treat him like an adult man. But the #1 reason women with children end up at shelters in an
abusive husband/boyfriend/babbydaddy. Moids learn to abuse from their fathers. Moids don't learn to be empathetic people from the experience, they just act out the abuse on the next smaller
victim they can find. So shoving angry teenage boys into a shelter full of little kids is the worst possible thing to do.
No. 1310086
>>1310054>this type of stuff makes makes me seriously question if I should ever get into the tech industry.Depends where you live. I'm in a shithole country (Brazil), so the field over here is okay… "okay" as in women can get hired for an IT job, but have to bend over backwards to show they're not retarded while mouthbreathing moids can fuck up whenever they like and still keep their job. However, most bosses are men or upper class women who are too conservative and/or religious to allow unhinged degenerates tarnish the image of their business(es).
IT in the US is obviously infested with TIMs, but I haven't heard of such horrors (programmer socks autists or AGP CEOs) all over Western Europe… yet.
No. 1310092
>>1309986Lol I wasn’t into it as a teen and people told me it was homophobic and I didn’t like yuri either, so I figured I was maybe uncomfortable with gay people before I realised later that the actual problem was that I was deep in the closet as a lesbian.
That said nothing is funnier to me than the men who say they realised they were women because they liked yuri/“cute girls doing cute things” type anime. I’m sure they exist but I’ve never met someone who is super into yuri “as a lesbian” who wasn’t just a dude or like a straight person calling herself queer lel.
No. 1310093
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>>1309797>screeches about rich white men being evil>simps for rich white men in dressesbuck broken
No. 1310097
>>1309986Shit noni you just made me discover something about myself
>>1310086Yay fellow South American! IT in Argentina is more left leaning but luckily we don't have a lot of troons in general. Like using dating apps is actually a thing you can do as a lesbian here. Last year when Tinder made passport free I couldn't believe how many dead-eyed, bearded, balding transbians with pink or blue hair there were in Europe and North America.
No. 1310100
>>1310092If I'm being honest, manga tags are really difficult to sift through, but I'd say the best lesbian content is between "josei" and "shoujo ai", rather than "yuri". But I do like the odd thing here and there that is considered to have "yuri"; never moeshit without any plot, depth, or substance, though. It's really hard to come across something of substance, because selling to straight men (~48% population) has more of a market than selling to lesbians (~1% of the population). Super not into yaoi, though, but I fell into the group of people who did. From what I've read here, though, I'm the odd one out.
I can confirm to you, though, moids (especially transbians) have terrible taste in manga, and worse taste in lesbian representation. No. 1310116
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I know Reddit is low hanging fruit, but on r/flexinglesbians you can really tell when it’s dudes doing fetish shit because of how their muscles develop.
>>1310100You’re not alone!
This should prob go in the manga thread on /m/ but it’s so hard to find series with adult women and a little plot but not too much that it stops being escapist. Recently I’ve liked: Mojito by noftB, Hitogoto Desu kara! by Yuni, and Collectors by Nishi Uko.
No. 1310150
>>1310054Working in tech is what caused me to peak.
I started out black-box testing and eventually worked my way up to dev manager and had to compete against 3 separate troons for 2 separate promotions over the years. I was/am constantly working under a microscope and being second-guessed, but every troon I've ever worked with (at least a dozen now) just got to skate by like every other moid. Even the most competent women in tech can expect to have retarded moids with far less experience looking over their shoulders and mansplaining shit to them unsolicited.
No. 1310154
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>>1310150same but game dev
No. 1310163
>>1310056You're right about pressuring girls into sex acts. My sister is 14, and already some nasty little scrote shit head told her that he wasn't happy with her as a person because she wasn't willing to perform sex acts on him. I think he is also about 13 or 14. This scrote has also posted himself having sex with another girl on his own snapchat story.
I know that he is obviously one of the more extreme cases of what we're talking about, but "boys" are just as much of a threat to women than any man. Saged for blogging
No. 1310177
>>1310097Hi! Yeah, it's the same thing here for lesbians as well. Most trannies in Brazil are gay men so they don't pester us at all.
>>1310116He shitposts all over that sub. It's ironic he's the only one posting full body pics wearing short dresses and skirts, while the actual women are wearing gym attire and posting cropped pictures. lol
No. 1310198
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From the new Bella Fiori video on the torture murder of Rick Aston. This is Paul Reid Luckman, a man who assisted in the abduction and torture of a 13 year old boy who was then buried in the Australian outback while still gurgling his own blood. The two men were soldiers and upon investigation were found with a stash of bondage porn, satanism literature, masochism related items, and essays about abducting young men at knifepoint to outback areas and torturing them to death.
This one trooned out, received a reduced sentence and was set free in 1999, and for some reason gets his she/her pronouns respected despite being the same person who mauled a child in one of Australias most notorious true crime cases.
Saged because it's not new but I wanted to ask- why is it that these people get their pronouns respected? Even recent articles refer to this demon as a woman
No. 1310213
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>>1310198>both of them receive life imprisonment>one is fed hormones by a quack>gets released just because grilWtf. Is it normal for 100% guilty lifers in Australia suddenly get their sentence flipped like that?
Anyways, picrel, someone vouching for him. Just bros looking out for bros.
No. 1310214
>>1309584weird how men only spaces are still completely normal.
>>1309797if only nish would stop sperging about trannys and oppression for 1 second he’d be decently funny comedian.
No. 1310227
>>1310198>why is it that these people get their pronouns respected? Even recent articles refer to this demon as a womanIt's not that they necessarily "respect" the tranny's pronouns, journalists are forced to comply with style guides. In some countries, trans rights activists had successfully campaigned for media companies to use preferred pronouns for all transgender people in publications. If a journalist does not use the preferred pronouns for a transgender individual then they can face strong criticism and/or legal trouble. US influence in Australia is making it increasingly trans-friendly and feminists who stand up against this are constantly attacked.
>>1310221It's an Australian Aboriginal world, probably derived from the word 'Coombah'.
No. 1310256
>>1310209>>1310213Tax payers had to pay for his troon out. Kind of sick that in a weird little way, the murdered boys parents pay the taxes to the state that funded the penis chop that allowed this prick to go free. Sickening system. And this was in 19-fucking-99 before all this woke horseshit so I just cant fathom how the system allowed this
>>1310227Ayrt, but that's kind of what I mean. Not the journalists themselves being forced to respect their pronounce for fear of backlash, but the people who actually start backlash by demanding this ugly pedo murderous scrote gets his pronouns respected. They really do protect their own
No. 1310258
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Christ I hope this is fake
No. 1310267
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I want to be die.
No. 1310269
>>1310258"Teehee I'm dating my dad's friend, such a bitch(female) move :3c"
No female would ever do that :|
Troonies acting out female Hollywood tropes and stereotypes but never acting like an actual woman kek
He's got more curves that the tranny
No. 1310274
>>1310268“non-men” fucks me up so much.
like there’s only men and everything else. it’s bad enough being a lesbian and called a
terf cause i don’t want cock near me but now we’re being completely erased to make room for genderspecials.
then they have the gall to dowry out because “nb isn’t just woman-lite” pick one
No. 1310280
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>>1310268I tried reading that thread and my brain is melting, words don't mean anything anymore. If you like pink pixiecut only while having green short hair, you're an enby4enby, but you're also a lesbian, what do these words MEAN
No. 1310317
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These comics were drawn by a some NB ally libfem but I see them posted a lot on Tranny spaces
No. 1310321
>>1309574>>1309580That's literally thing scrotes provide for society, to "protect" us from other scrotes, even in the matriarchal cultures this was the role men were assigned
if you can't do that, then fucking kill yourself
No. 1310346
>>1310328In this case, yeah, it is. Women grow up to pretty much hate themselves and here we have a delusional 1% trying to achieve what we have naturally.
Sorry, but I feel zero sympathy for members of a community that willingly entrench themselves into a world of lies and think we're nothing but a costume. The lobby is real, but it takes two to tango.
No. 1310348
>>1310337He doesn't strike me as a straight AGP, homosexual men do transition just to escape the stigma of being a "lesser man" and hope that it opens up the straight dating market. I think a lot of them also want to avoid "twink death", ie. becoming a balding middle-aged guy in the gay dating scene. I can't really blame naive young people from falling
victim when you get medical twitter saying "a penis and a vagina are basically the same, just inverted".
No. 1310351
>Will spend the rest of his days mutilated, mangled, and falling apart both literally a figuratively due to his brutal castration and dependence on cross-sex hormones>Probably still hates his sister for being a normal straight woman who gets normal male attention, all he gets are handmaiden pity-stares and chaser glares>Will never actually become the straight women he wants to be, likely candidate for the 41%"death"
>Would've been a healthy, normal gay man allowed to grow out of his dysphoria >Probably wouldn't hate his sister after getting over his teenage angst since he'd be able to have relationships with other normal men who actually like him>Would've had far better mental and physical health, functional sex organs, and no need to LARP as the opposite sex for the rest of his life No. 1310360
>>1310352>you're wasting energy feeling sorry for these guys I feel sorry for people in North Korea who worship their leader like a God, too. Even if they're incredibly naïve and dumb for believing it; you can't blame someone blasted with propaganda from all sides all of their lives to eventually give in to the propaganda.
Many of our countries are getting close to the amount of propaganda for troon worship as NK has for dear leader. If we were required to have pictures of moids in our bedrooms; the facsimile would be complete.
No. 1310392
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>>1310374>Well troons are all over "female-centered" social media nowadays, and you're not allowed to remove itreminds me of this
>3 Gay men>2 Drag Queens>2 TIMs>1 Woman No. 1310400
>>1309967A lot of them missed the memo about fujo content being created by women and catering to female interests, and as the vast majority of them are unironically autistic they believe this is genuinely how men act and are and it's how they should be in order to enjoy a fulfilling relationship dynamic and be a charismatic character even if most of them being fully aware of how awful real life scrotes are. It's not a mirror of narcissistic AGPs fetishizing lesbian relationships for cooming as the motivation lies more in "I want to be respected as an equal in a relationship and by my peers" than "I want to be a worshipped and have a mommy bangmaid wipe my ass while I larp as a sexualized little girl".
tl;dr: Many female characters are badly written and female celebrities are only given the trait of "being attractive" based on how well they perform femininity and literally everything about women is sexualized for male gaze instead of allowing them to explore their own needs.
No. 1310405
>>1310400Sage for OT, while this may be true in certain extents the way Fujoshis push aside actually well devolved female characters, healthy heterosexual romances, all for the sake of a random m/m ship of two characters that barely interacted is telling
Its just a degenerate fetish and pretending its anything more then a dumb fetish is asinine
No. 1310432
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>>1310422he's also massive, Ellen isn't a small woman btw she's around 5'7
No. 1310433
>>1310258Just another real women proud to sleep with her dad's friends. Completely normal.
>>1310306Just another real woman having to penetrate herself with friends in the room cause that's sisterhood~ But if you shift enough guys won't be grossed out in photo of the croissant.
No. 1310435
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>>1310432He's 1.9m. There are so many funny photos of him next to people.
No. 1310440
>>1310268>lesbian can only mean nonmen who like nonmenSaid no
terf ever
>>1310435Kek that giant head
No. 1310470
>>1310317Fun fact: The blobfish actually doesn't look anything like its most recognizable form when in its natural habitat. The form we see is actually extremely wounded from being pulled up from a high-pressure environment to a low-pressure environment. This genderspecial is kinning a melted avulsion wound
victim that couldn't survive a second in our environment. I suppose it's nothing, if not accurate.
No. 1310471
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someone give this psychiatrist a raise
No. 1310531
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>>1310306White men love playing
victim, they larp as a woman and say they’re oppressed and actual women eat it up and defend these degenerates. Johnny is right it’s an open wound
No. 1310534
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>>1310306misogynistic men who think they’re better than women being brainwashed into cutting off their dick and willingly getting a disgusting open wound is truly the gift that keeps on giving.
No. 1310560
>>1310360I agree. Reading the comments under that HSTS botched troongina video some young tranny was asking a question if he would need dilating for the rest of his life and being profusely apologetic about asking "such an invasive question". These people don't just wake up one day and decide to believe into the gender bullshit, it's a long grooming progress conducted by a cult that snuffs out all critical voices and refuses to discuss any negative consequences the mutilating surgeries or popping synthetic hormones would have.
I know we here are all familiar with rot pockets oozing fecal matter but a lot of them just don't know what the surgery entails and even money-hungry medical professionals are assuring them that it's just like the real thing. When you're mentally ill and being taken advantage of like that, being told that if you just get dick inversion or remove your breasts all your inexplicable sadness and feeling of emptiness will disappear, there's a good chance you start believing it at some point. We're all vulnerable to manipulation, especially at young age when we simply don't know any better and there's nobody telling us otherwise.
No. 1310576
>>1310534>women being brainwashed into cutting off their dick wtf are you even saying retard? also you would be surprised how many of these men arent misogynistic but simply transphobiv, because its mental illness.
kys retarded foid
(male) No. 1310600
>>1310531>after one year it healssaying for a second that this is true.
imagine living in constant pain for a year. i’m sure that’s great for your mental health when the wound is already self inflicted.
No. 1310667
>>1310651Joe Lycett also tweeted recently in support of transpeople because of an article the Guardian(?) recently put out that I think ties to some show on the BBC.
>>1310663I have mainly only seen him on Mock the Week and he was enjoyable. I'm a Burgerfag so most of my consumption is whatever I find on YT. And yeah, Jimmy does seem to just be doing shows. I loved his stuff when I was in college… and also find him as one of my weirder crushes (but that's very OT for this thread lol)
No. 1310685
>>1310642I know it's wrong but in general I think most male comedians are coomers. 90% of men don't start putting on capes unless they are directly sexually and mentally involved in these kinds of topics.
Yet they'll all shit on women because nobody cares about making jokes about us, only the "Women" who happen to be born male.
No. 1310702
>>1310306Craziest comment:
>Think we take for granted not having to go through so much surgery. Yeah anons, maybe we should check our non-surgery, natural pussy privilege.
These handmaidens are so retarded, they act as if troons make up like half of the population when in reality they're irrelevant (or at least should be…)
No. 1310766
>>1310738God, why is Japan such shit? I will never understand weebs who suck off glorious nippon with an autistic fevor.
>>possession of hardcore CP only banned in 2014, creating softcore CP featuring real 6 year olds still legalHow in God's name did they get away with that, much less rationalize it as a good thing?
No. 1310772
>>1310760Trans men are women,
nonnie. Bad bait.
No. 1310786
>>1310766It's because Japan is the Asian country that has the closest relationship to the West and the world lives under a Western hegemony. Japan is always glorified and has its serious faults excused. Lmao, no wonder Korean radfems consider Japanese pop culture to be cancer.
Yes, softcore CP is still legal in Japan, they usually get junior idols (girls under the age of 15) to pose in skimpy bikinis and cat ears. They sell videos of them half naked (a lot of closeups on their crotch) or their photos get put on merchandise (like trading cards) that is usually collected by men who are more than 4 times their age. Japan only banned possession of hardcore CP in 2014 after a bunch of Western countries pressured it into doing so. Of course, "simulated CP" like lolishota animation and comics are still allowed.
There's also the practise of making really nasty sex toys. If you love a particular Japanese porn star then you can buy a "cloned onahole" which are masturbation aids for men produced based on a particular woman’s vagina and vulva (designed with molds or 3D models taken directly from the women’s body). This allows the consumer to pretend he is having sex with the porn star. The most fucked up thing about this is that they also make cloned onaholes based on the vaginas of young girls. You can pick a "13 year old girl onahole" or a "5 year old girl onahole".
The Japanese sex industry also invented anatomically-correct child sex dolls (sometimes based on real children) and they are spreading across the world. The sexualisation of young girls and youth in general is extreme in Japan.
No. 1310796
>>1310786Samefagging but here's the image cover for a "softcore chidol DVD" from Yahoo! Auctions in Japan. It's not explicitly sexual but it's weird and gross: used to be an English-language forum that would share chidol images. I believe it was called "Lolita Empire" but it was shut down because it was hosted on a Western country's server and viewed as distribution of CP. If it was happening in Japan it would be viewed as perfectly fine though.
No. 1310817
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>>1310760Online "radical feminism" in the West is mostly dysfunctional group therapy. Find local collectives that tackle real issues and avoid the chronically online ones.
Sage for ot.
Anyways, here's a dude in a midlife crisis.
No. 1310833
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>>1310830>China actually still scores better than either Japan or South Korea on gender qualityNo it doesn't kek, get out of here China shill
No. 1310854
>>1310833Anon, you do know that according to this criteria, Peru is considered to be more progressive about women's rights than the USA..
As a Peruvian, this is completely laughable.
(derailing) No. 1310857
>>1310833>>1310830Also during Deng's reforms gender equality was being improved, but took a rapid plunge in 2013 when the current chairman Xi Jinping the Pooh came into power. He's an insecure incel obsessed with sexist confucian beliefs who's been even criticized by party officials for his excessive misogyny and who declared feminism a political movement that has to be cracked down and erased. Remember that he is practically a dictator who can make things happen the moment he wants them to, not some random boomer politician spouting shit is a fascist authoritarian state and claiming it's some feminist wonderland surpassing South Korea and Japan (who are misogynist in their own right but nowhere near as bad as China) is ridiculous, almost all countries besides Taiwan in Asia are ripe with sexism but at least be truthful about this shit
>>1310850okay well even on GII scale Japan is ranked 17th while China is 39th so I guess if that works out better for you then fine by me kek
(derailing) No. 1310883
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It's interesting how some trannies think AGP is real while others vehemently deny it exists. It seems like most trannies believe they have intersex brains. Anons, what is your take on the causes of transgenderism. Do you believe it is something that is biological or the result of socialization? I used to believe in the transmed arguments that gender dysphoria was the result of brain intersexuality but the more I looked into it, the more it didn't make sense to me. Why is it only your brain that is intersex? It still doesn't change all the other genes in your body. So every cell in your body is male, except for the cells in your brain? You have a female brain trapped in a male body?
>>1310865My god, quit your off-topic sperging.
No. 1310886
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I hate it when they try to suggest that women also suffer from autogynephilia like these men in wigs do.
No. 1310897
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No. 1310901
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>>1310897They really think women are jealous of them?
No. 1310920
>>1310883It's a socialization problem. Hedonism and envy for some, trauma for others.
The whole body is "sexed", is not just the brain. The
lady brain argument has been rehashed so many times by old school misogynists and woke misogynists that I feel like we're slowly regressing to the 1800s.
The intersex argument is another can of worms tho, TRAs have been trying to take over intersex activism since the 90s. It's just a genetic anomaly, those individuals are still male or female (albeit with a fucked karyotype).
>>1310897Why can't troons never do their eyebrows? It makes their cavemen browridge even more obvious.
No. 1310922
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>ever do their eyebrowsOnly gay and non-autistic ones that bother with it.
No. 1310961
>>1310864>Though I have zero doubts Taiwan is very sexist too.It is. Taiwanese men are notorious cheaters who expect women to do all the housework and Taiwanese society is obsessed with encouraging women to be sexycute, childlike, and speaking in what they call a "dolly voice" because of the pervasive Japanese influence on the culture. There's other issues like human trafficking women to be sex slaves. If anywhere in East Asia is going to be embracing transgenderism like a retard then it's going to be Taiwan because it wants to be like their former colonizer, the Dutch lmao. I feel like the least sexist place in Asia is Singapore but it has issues too and nowhere in the world is free of sexism, not even some country like Iceland.
>>1310945Well, troons who exclusively date men are gay while the troons who exclusively date women are straight, and gay men generally put more effort into their appearance than straight men. Men always screech about women having unrealistic expectations but men actually care about the appearance of their partners far more than women do. Gay men desire hot men and want to look attractive to other men. On the other hand, I have seen so many beautiful women date men who look like moldy feet. Straight men know they don't have to look good and a woman might still fall for him because of his money or personality. Women are socialized to always look for the good in men or have low expectations of them.
No. 1310975
>>1310971When she mentioned Judith Butler I got mad lol.
>>1310973Wealth doesn’t have much to do with gender equality, sometimes it makes the sexism worse because capitalism. The cultures closest to “egalitarianism” between the sexes are some South African hunter-gatherer tribes.
No. 1310989

>>1310971>>1310973>>1310975sage for OT but Same shit happens in South Asia but its even worse, I posted this in the previous thread but it needs repeating, feminism isn't a thing here, 95% of people have never even heard of the term, the only "feminists" in my country come from the minority bourgeoisie class and they can't truly commit to feminism, they can't ever truly perform any meaningful feminist activism, we can't criticize religion outright(considered a form of blasphemy and the punishment is a literal death penalty) can't criticize any religious figures(cause again blasphemy and death penalty) and can't organize any protests or gatherings cause some local Islamists will throw stones at us and beat us with sticks(worst part is that its usually Islamist women who are ordered to beat feminists up)
so the feminists in Pakistan and India live in an online and social bubble, where they are completely removed from Pakistani society and horrors, they talk about western woke talking points, queer theory, Judith Butler and even aspects of Critical race theory but try to apply towards Pakistani and Indian societies(it just never works well)
eventually you end up with shit like this
No. 1310998
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>>1310997that's the thing, most "third genders" people are just gay men, they were pushed out of society cause of the hierarchical nature of Indian society, in Indian society if your a street sweeper and you will always be a street sweeper and your children will be street sweepers, cause that's the way gods intended it be
If you try to challenge that system then you can be punished and get designated an even lower caste
No. 1311006
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>troon feels down, cries about not being born a woman
>women feel empathy and try to explain him that being born female isn't just sparkles and ponies
>explain the pain, embarassment and missed opportunities involved with having a period
>explain how girls get sexually harassed for growing breasts since childhood
>troon doesn't listen to a thing they say and hears "LA LA LA I have this a you don't"
>says being sexually traumatized for being born female is some first world privilege in his comparison
The transcels are at it again…
No. 1311027
>>1311006From the comments:
"She sounds like ftm in denial"
"They sound trans"
"Sounds like you´re talking to an egg"
"I mean is she…not a she? Sounds eggy to me but okay"
I hate them.
No. 1311032
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>>1310325>>1310328It's because they constantly brag about getting a "designer vagina" and that a vagina just a hole and an inside out dick (something doctors actually thought was true until like 50 years ago). It's hilarious and gratifying to watch them talk about how much they are suffering because they wanted to perpetuate an extremely misogynist Aristotelian view of women's anatomy. And it's usually this surgery that makes them realize that they will never be women. I have read Neovagina regret posts on Reddit (the ones who don't get removed). One even said he was going to Europe to get Euthanised because he couldn't live with the pain. I always say this: the biggest TERFs are the surgeons who perform these surgeries. They castrate (which makes their AGP go away) and botch them so they live with pain for the rest of their lives.
No. 1311040
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Reminder that this is what they thought vaginas looked like in 1600's, literally an inside out dick, because they refused to do proper autopsies on women. It wasnt until 2005 that scientists did a complete MRI of the clitoris is shamefully stolen from KF but it's important that women know that the medical industry DONT GIVE A FUCK about women. That's why they refuse to warn TIFs about how dangerous testosterone is on the female body, and that they have significantly higher risk of suffering terrible side effects and develop medical conditions/dying from testosterone than MTF's ever will on estrogen.
No. 1311051
>>1310899nta but the only thing even remotely biological I recall was that there were some soft indications that hormones during pregnancy might influence the child’s tendency to later develop mental disorders like dysmorphia/ autism/etc if I recall it correctly.
The “brain scans” are just proving the opposite, i.e. that there are no gendered brains. TRAs are basically cherrypicking and freely interpreting bits from stuff like the mentioned above to make it fit their narrative and present it as ‘fact’. Most of them cite all those studies and get all “the science is on our side blah blah” about it without even reading them thoroughly, which is sad and absolutely unscientific. That a shitload of those studies actually contradicts with their esoteric takes is kind of hilarious if not for the dumb reality that most people don’t bother to read them.
No. 1311054
>>1311027This is why I can't be friends with them, I know they'll try to groom well meaning people
men and women
No. 1311056
>>1310886I don't think women are capable of being AGP. My understanding of AGP is when men get aroused by fantasizing about being women and that the sexual part is a submission thing because a moid understanding of femininity is being "submissive and breedable". Basically, an AGP thinks being a woman in a sexual context is the same as being a 24/7 sub.
To me, or at least to my understanding, women can't be AGP in the same way women wouldn't be interested in creepy sissy fetish shit. We don't see femininity as something that should be humiliating like an AGP sees it, we don't equate womanhood with sex.
Am I missing something important to that argument troons make? Imo they're taking the experience of finding a shirt I think makes me look really nice and making it about finding a shirt that turns me on because I feel nice in it
No. 1311062
>>1311056TL;DR- Men are fetishising women's existances.
And women are so totes autogynaphiles cuz we like to spread our legs in front of a mirror and admire our glorious vaginas, lol! I bet that's what AGP think we do.
No. 1311067
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this just in: the future is exclusively for retards
No. 1311073
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He's been on Hormones since he was a child, has had numerous surgeries and is used as an example of how "feminine" Transwomen can be and yet he still looks like a donkey in make up
why do even bother if this is the best they can do
No. 1311087
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>>1311073I was watching some clips of euphoria and everytime he comes up I can only hyper fixate on his Male-ness. The only time where he looks androgynous and could barely pass for female is in low lighting and very heavy makeup.
No. 1311096
>>1311067This tweet is copypasta material. Humanity goes on by men and women having kids, even if you rebrand all heteros into queer.
>>1311071It's funny they think they will be the future on a timeline where even in the current day are becoming virtual avatars and pretty primitive sex robots are becoming their biggest competitors.
No. 1311099
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No. 1311101
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Is this… Is this true? Or is OP just a fucking liar
No. 1311105
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>>1311101apparently it's possible
No. 1311119
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>>1310306It’s equal parts hilarious and frightening how little these people actually understand a woman’s anatomy. “Just grow a bush to hide your rot pocket” yeah okay, jan.
No. 1311122
>>1311067I legit feel like troons/femboys and even some regular gay men think that one day "Cis women" will go outta style and everyone will be gender special, but the "transwomen" will be the ones who are most desired because straight men/lesbians stop having the "wrong think" and tried girl dick/neo-hole & know that that's the true way.
No one will be "straight" except men into transwomen, all women will be special gendered, all men will remain men and all lesbians will remain lesbian, but they'll just prefer the new brand of woman.
Plus, these people naturally think every
POC is a TRA, so nothing will change for us. Because apparently the majority of us think men can be women, except the ones brain washed by WS, but they'll be fixxed as well!
No. 1311129
>>1311101I am so confused. Why would you need to induce lactation? It's not like women lactate all the time, so you dont need to produce "milk" all the time to "pass better". What is the point???
The only possible explanation is that it is a fetish.
No. 1311142
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On today's episode of Facebook is cancer :
No. 1311153
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>>1310961China had a famous talk show host/dancer named Jin Xing (picrel). He’s a self hating gay man who had many connections through the military so he was the first person to get gender reassignment surgery in the country. He’s incredibly trad and misogynistic though, he once had a show where parents would matchmake children because family knows best.
This all annoys the shit out of me because while I think Chinese society is misogynistic, many young Chinese women believe in having personal independence. It’s why a lot of them just straight up are refusing to get married to the overprotected mammas boys that are the majority of Chinese men. I’m guessing that’s slowly going to go away and I hate it.
No. 1311156
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>>1311153Also Sixth Tone—a state funded more progressive English language outlet think AJ+—recently published this article about the “”plight””” of Chinese nonbinary people lmao. The language doesn’t even have gendered pronouns when it’s spoken AND being a bit more gender non-conforming isn’t unusual lmfao so they have to resort to ugly outfits like picrel.
Shits really bad for gay Chinese people though and the only person I know who’s doing the NB stuff is a gay man. But then the lesbians I know unfortunately quietly end up marrying men, whether it’s gay men they’re friends with or conversion therapy-img themselves.
No. 1311157
>>1311143My favorite thing is to watch troons melt when men tell them to BTFO. They have respect for other men more (for example, people understand "straight men" not wanting penis, so if they deny a troon with a dick, it's not "transphobic", but with lesbians? They gotta take whatever and NEVER talk about not liking dick) because other men are equal to them and can beat their ass.
They can't intimadate or guilt men into believing they are women, not even the men they fuck/have relations with. With women? They can and have a mixture of female/male TRA's who will work with them to make sure that TERFS aka women, get with the program or expereince their male rage. HSTS are especially Pick He's. They'll deal with all kinds of shit from DL Chaser scrotes, being treated like a dirty secret, but have all this anger and hate towards any woman who doesn't think they are a woman or don't want to date men behind them.
No. 1311159
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>>1311156Also here’s an article from an absolute retarded fakeboi who went to China and can’t tell the difference between a woman with short hair and a man so she thinks it’s somehow proof that Chinese culture is trans or something. Like neither of the people in the picture are gay? No. 1311164
>>1311098illegal on paper yes, in practice its enshrined in society even the Muslims take part in caste based discrimination
Caste is 100% still a thing in South Asia and won't die off a long while now
No. 1311177
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this whole video kek. know it's bad when the most normal looking one is Jessie Gender. The bar is non existent for troons.
No. 1311180
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forgot about the host
No. 1311198
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i thought this was a joke but nah, this troon legit got his chin done and this is the before and his "reveal" of his new face.
No. 1311207
>>1311153Maybe China shouldn't have thrown away all their baby girls in the actual garbage. Now all the celebrated sons are incels and women have their choice of the richest and most handsome men. Even then they're refusing to marry. It's hilarious. Maybe the neovag can help some of their entitled sons get a neowife! Scrote society reaping what they sow.
>>1311142>>1311177Fake ass bitches. I bet they were bullies to other girls growing up too. Or judge female celebrities for gaining 10 lbs. Or maybe they're terfs and hoping to get this result:
>>1311177 >>1311180
Combined with male privilege and absurd self confidence because of minimal effort, you get this level of hideous. They're delusional. Women are nitpicked to death. Dark mustache hair, ungroomed eyebrows, wearing a decade old style, gaining too much weight, losing too much weight, putting make up wrong, lack of skincare, smell and everything under the sun. These people are mentally regressed, dressing in mommy's clothes. I can't ever take this shit seriously. I prefer Blaire to this because at least it's a lot of effort. Makes it less of a game.
No. 1311223
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what is it about MTF hair that makes it so disgusting looking? I don't think it's just hygiene. I seriously think it's a side effect from anti-androgens. There was a guy that trooned out and he had nice hair before and now he looks like a homeless drug addict. Same with
>>1311180 No. 1311225
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>>1311207> Now all the celebrated sons are incels and women have their choice of the richest and most handsome men. Even then they're refusing to marry.I mean because the rich guys are all trash ass spoiled men too. There was a recent case where an e-girl had to reject this “billionaire bachelor” publicly online because he wouldn’t stop stalking her. Idk if she’s actually a lesbian or just said that so he would leave her alone, but truly I felt bad for her since he’s the son of one of the richest men in the country and clearly just thought he could have anything he wanted. No. 1311226
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Reddit summarized in picrel
>post a video to r/publicfreakout of troon being an entitled destructive retard in an uber
>all "misgendering" comments downvoted to hell
>top comments are moids complaining about how trashy women are
Bonus: troon eating chik fil a kek
No. 1311231
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No. 1311244
File: 1630257685202.jpg (288.73 KB, 810x1957, 20210829_095756.jpg)

another random troon in a random subreddit, but he's admitting it's crossdressing. none of the 'moms' are suggesting that the upside-down pear look could be improved, but instead just telling him he's unbelievably beautiful.
No. 1311276
>>1311244the black hands and white mask lmfao
>>1311262yes bitch and what about it?
No. 1311319
>>1311226Post a link next time, I was curious so I looked it up: how the driver asks the guy to wear a mask and the guy starts yelling at him and accidentally spitting bits of food on the driver, so he's proving the driver's point.
No. 1311333
>>1311309>why do they always go for one side shaven haircut?They wanna look like women they're attracted to.
Notice how most of those guys didn't have an alternative look before trooning out.
No. 1311368
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>>1310280Fascinating, so many words are being used, yet nothing has been said.
No. 1311428
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Of course the answer is "no". I am glad these women realise that TiM can't be "gender critical radfems" but the fact that this question has to be asked at all when it would have been treated as an absolute joke by 2010 Tumblr radfems is insane. No. 1311446
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>>1311428Some of the responses make me roll my eyes. Others like picrel are based though.
No. 1311464
>>1310989I knew about transgender ideology spreading into India because of the brilliant documentary 'Dysphoric: Fleeing Womanhood Like A House on Fire'. It mostly discusses how transgenderism has affected women and girls, as well as how transgenderism from the West has infiltrated developing countries like India. The documentary consists of four parts and all of it can be found on YouTube.
I really recommend giving it a watch if you haven't. And if you can, please like the video on YouTube or give it a positive rating on social cataloging sites (IMDb, Letterboxd, etc.) because it has been subject to review bombing by TRAs.
No. 1311494
>>1310823>Trans rights are absolutely not a big thing in Japan and Gender X shit is just as much of a meme as nonbinary in the west. There's literally a self ID debate occurring in Japan right now, retard. Just look up #NoToSelfIDJP on Twitter. The anon didn't say it was a "big thing in Japan", they said it was "becoming big". Which it absolutely is. Loads of Japanese TRAs were praising Laurel Hubbard and trying to push for self ID before the Olympics happened. The US-backed HRW is always writing up reports to try to persuade the Japanese government to embrace this shit too:
Uno Ishigami who is the woman featured in this video
>>1311455 is one of Japan's few radical feminists who has been fighting back against this. She started a petition to block Self ID laws.
No. 1311501
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>>1311497>None of this is surprising to me because I’ve seen how vicious Japanese transgender activists can be on social media. They even try to assert that radical feminists are fascists rightwing Nazis just like their Western counterparts do.
No. 1311527
>>1311494Western media is always crying about Japan being misogynistic but then it's also crying about Japan being "transphobic". You can't support women's rights if you also support trans rights.
I have noticed there is radio silence from Western media when women's rights and trans rights collide in Japan. Japan is infamous for its female only passenger cars because sexual assault in Japan is rampant. There have been some proposals to turn them into "multipurpose cars for LGBT people" which is really just an excuse to allow trannies in. Women can't have anything for themselves.
No. 1311541
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>>1311485I didn't know about this app. I had a look at the reviews and they were exactly as I expected.
No. 1311549
>>1311539Japan is deeply patriarchal and so even a lot of the "progressives" in Japan still carry misogynistic sentiments with them. Trans rights activism is just men's right activism after all. People will support trans rights and pretend it is progressive but it ultimately benefits men again. Transgenderism is perhaps the most successful countermovement against feminism thus far and I am fearful of how it is spreading out across the world.
>about changing the gendered train carsIt doesn't even just stop at the female passenger cars, there have also been proposals in Japan to eliminate the installation of women's toilets in small-to-medium offices so women will be forced to use gender neutral toilets. No. 1311617
>>1311477>zero for PolandDisgusting
>>1311485Where's giggle mentioned? Downloading the app, btw
No. 1311621
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>>1311617Giggle is one of the businesses that signed the declaration. You can see them in the "Businesses" section of the page. It was really easy for me to find GC/RF women in my local area using the app (it seems like everyone is at least GC on it) but it depends a lot on your location too. I know some people who can't get any results might have to just use the international setting.
No. 1311628
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>>1311549>>1311500>>1311494I really encourage anons who can translate it (Google chrome browser did it quite well for me) to read this article by a professor of labor in Japan concerning the possibility of eliminating single sex bathrooms in the work place! No. 1311629
File: 1630309947156.jpg (61.33 KB, 1080x283, Screenshot_20210829-203915_Tik…)

Found this comment on multiple, completely unrelated tiktok videos. Peep the username.
No. 1311665
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>>1311644top notch suggestion
No. 1311690
>>1311067"the future isn't female, it's trans"
at least they admit troons aren't really female kek
for real though, by saying this they're implying natives, gay ppl etc AREN'T female? wow how progressive to imply female = bad and not enough
No. 1311709
>>1311120he got
triggered. hope it's chronic nerve pain
No. 1311717
>>1311702>>1311073>>1311713Hollywood being with infested pedophiles who take advantage of children! that's just dumb conspiracy theory anon
seriously though, how was a scene like this even allowed to be filmed and why didn't any rational adult object to this
No. 1311733
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>>1311501ah yes, the famous rightwing nazi radical feminists in japan
No. 1311752
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tiny bit of positivity, based knitters NOT trooning their male toddlers who want to play dressup
No. 1311774
>>1311734It’s getting so fucked. When my cousin told me her 9 yo twin sons had found porn I was taken aback bc I was naive about how early it was happening now.
>>1311752>>1311753This is really positive to see! Ty for sharing something that doesn’t make me want to commit sudoku.
No. 1311790
>>1311774I remember watching Rick and Morty and how multiple times they tried to completely normalize the Idea that a teenage boy watching massive amounts of pronogrpahy is totally normal and shouldn't be judged
out media is being made by degenerates and coomenrs who don't even pretend to have moral values
No. 1311801
>>1311799Yeah me aswell. I'm in early twenties and I discovered porn and sex when I was 7. I didnt even know what i was looking at, but I was just so curious about it that I kept searching for it and watching it. I was also very good at covering my tracks, so my parents had no idea I was exposed to it.
Makes me think about all the kids with unrestricted internet access stumbling upon hardcore porn and tranny corners (like reddit) and being so easy to mold and adapting this dogma.
No. 1311804
>>1311773Ok, but is gender indoctrination in school an actual thing, except for isolated cases? Right-wing idiots keep crying about it where I'm from and I know for sure it isn't a thing that happens. This kind of stuff is usually comes from the parents. And this doesn't even seem to be the case here, not like the parent is saying the kid is a girl because he likes a dress.
>>1311799>>1311801Don't forget when they meme some fetish, so it is everywhere, it is ok for children and teenagers to know about BDSM or some shit if it is a meme lol, nothing weird here
No. 1311833
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>>1311372Reddit jannies deleting comments calling an
abusive disgusting man a man, but allowing racist comments stay up. Ahh, it's Reddit all right. Home of the virtue signalling fetishistic misogynistic racist coomers in skirts and programmer socks.
No. 1311842
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Literally just schlubby guy in a wig, also kek at him trying to show off his supposedly "thick ass"
No. 1311858
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>>1311820he gives me off brand bjorn andresen
No. 1311898
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It's funny when libfems almost get it. I'm sure a few trannies and/or chaser bros were involved in these character designs.
No. 1311917
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Our boy Kevin has lost a lot of hair since the last time I checked in on the tranch.
No. 1311995
>>1311917He needs to level up to combover bangs, this
>>1311898 style isn't doing him any favours.
No. 1312022
>>1311898eh there's girls who have that cut who aren't trans/enby morons, like old pics of zoetica ebb.
autogynephilic game devs seem to mostly give their characters feminine hairstyles, such as revolution 60 and celeste.
No. 1312036
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went from gay man to lesbian kek
No. 1312053

>>1311804No, this stuff is definitely being pushed in schools on a large scale level. This video was put out a few months ago by the White House. Notice how the majority of younger speakers are minorities and that half of the adults who speak are AGP men, most with positions of power in government.
In poor cities, the schools are so absurdly underfunded that they will not be able to say no to this. The article (nothing trans related) is about a young woman's struggles to get through the school system, but it also goes into a lot of detail of what inner city public schools are like.>That’s $7,400 per year for Savannah. And $41,000 per year for her father, a convicted child rapist.comparing the funding that students get versus what inmates get annually via taxpayer dollar
An absolute fuckton of kids rely on their schools for food and there is no way in hell that any admin board is going to risk what happens from a literal food riot if they say no to this. They will accept because they have to, even if they disagree with it.
No. 1312089
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>>1312022Shit Celeste too??? Every fucking video game that gets recommended to me as “made by a woman who really understands X emotion as a woman” turns out to have just been made by a man. If only they promoted the games made by actual women with this level of fervour.
No. 1312091
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>>1312089I have to laugh. Love “women in gaming.”
No. 1312093
>>1312053If you Ameriburgers keep this up you're gonna have a established eunuch class by 2025. Anybody here who's read about Chinese history knows what I'm talking about.
The main difference is that they will be the pornsick version: Twice as worse (violent and more scheming), harder to get rid of.
No. 1312106
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>>1312099Not meaning to derail the thread but everything about it looks hideous and the red-haired one in particular looks like a random deviantart OC
No. 1312122
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>>1312096Big “I want to become an anime girl” energy.
No. 1312128
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>>1312122His girlfriend kek.
No. 1312133
>>1312059I read an anon say once that if they give them the death penalty, they'll start to kill their
victims after raping them.
Still doesn't explain why the already murderous ones don't get the rope, though.
No. 1312170
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Been reading about female comic artists and it made me realize how often women draw themselves accurately or even more "plain" than they actually look, whereas these cringeass troons always draw themselves like tiny animu girls. Pure cum in the brain
No. 1312184
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I hope more normie gays speak out against this. He's the author for The Boy in the Striped Pajamas.
No. 1312191
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>>1312154Here's a school photo. Semenya is on the left. The school he attended was very rural, so I seriously doubt he would have been allowed to wear a boy's uniform if the school administration considered him a female. He has testes, a pseudovagina and XY chromosomes. Semenya is a man with weird looking genitals.
No. 1312201
>>1312190Lmfao he looks like shit
>>1312182He doesn't pass he hardly has photos on the internet and those that exist are touched up, we can know what he would normally look like from this video
>>1312190 as his "gf" looks the same as he does in their photos together.
No. 1312221
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>>1312181There's definitely an overlap.
No. 1312270
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>>1312089The main char has a trans flag but idk anything else about it
No. 1312309
>>1312302Yes, but that's also a major grooming tactic. Convincing mentally ill people that their condition's symptoms are
actually just manifestations of gender dysphoria or generally being trans is an extremely
toxic way trannies take advantage of people with anxiety, depression, autism, and BPD, to name a few major examples. It's the same thing as when cults try to convince distressed people that all their troubles can be washed away in a few easy steps.
No. 1312311
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Based DataLounge.
No. 1312332
>>1312304I've been trying to look up information on how tall she is, because I could have sworn there was a mention of her height somewhere in game, but literally all that comes up is articles and Reddit posts about how she's trans. The only two pages that give an exact height are an rp page that lists her at about 157cm, and a post trying to use her height to calculate jump distance on r/GameTheory that estimated her height as about 177cm because "that's the average height for males in Canada" (kek at how it didn't gain traction, or even comments), but then rounded down to 172cm "because she's short". What people consider to be a short woman is
much smaller than what people consider a short man, so Madeline would have to have some sort of medical condition to be considered a short woman, if she were a TIM. Anyway, the lack of information makes me wonder if height mentions were there, but got scrubbed after the troon-out. I could be misremembering the content, but content scrubs do seem to be common practice for TRAs.
No. 1312355
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The surgeons that indulge these kids are borderline evil…
Now that most of the ones that have been groomed into transitioning actually got a chance to go through with it and see the results, I'm sure we're gonna start seeing many more lamenting on how much they regret this shit lmao
No. 1312376
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>>1312170This troon is smug as fuck, like he’s created a whole new identity online based of anime/hentai and actually thinks he’s cute. The beady autism eyes kek. I think these men suffer from psychosis and they don’t know what’s real and fake. Ai tech like the FaceApp also supports their delusions, look at how many troons it’s responsible for.
No. 1312405
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No. 1312416
>>1312107it's basically the same thing, I swear there was a former 'nonbinary' youtuber who made a video about how celeste made them realize they were trans. I think it was eric taxxon but I'm not finding the vid. at this point I'm suspicious of any male fan of that game.
>>1312270someone should mod it into a radfem flag and say the game is a metaphor for a woman reaching peak trans and coming out as a
terf kek, I bet it would cause massive seething
No. 1312417
>>1312405He legit thinks this is wholesome and not creepy, gross and even sad. Since he was 8 he's fixated on a specific little girl so hard he now pretends to BE her in his 30s.
If anyone came up to me and told me they always wanted to be me, and a child version of me at that, to the point of changing their name and legal gender I'd get a fucking restraining order because that is creepy as fuck.
No. 1312418
>>1312416It would be a more accurate to the narrative, since Madeline's struggle against Badeline is distinctly about trying to push down negative feelings because they're difficult for
her to accept and cope with, as opposed to the trans narrative of "pushing down your true, good self that you love, because of society disliking it". I fully accept the Madeline is a
TERF narrative.
No. 1312419
>>1312355Of course he has a onlyfans. He looks so depressed with bolt ons.
No. 1312425
>>1312405not sure if pedo or autistic male who was not taught basic boundaries.
No. 1312432
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>>1312355>8 grand>give my boobs the effect I wantThis is the """effect""" he's going for
No. 1312434
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>>1312432kek those hobbit feet, he should add foot binding to his to-do list
No. 1312445
>>1312440>>1312434These troons need to stop. He edits his shoulders and arms when he got gorilla arms, lineback shoulders and a proper man chest. Imagine seeing his pics on a dating app, you decide to meet up, and you see
>>1312432 no neck neanderthal walking towards you when you expected a petite blonde girl.
No. 1312531
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>>1312529>>1311636Speaking of fetishizing motherhood, imagine appropriating pregnancy and motherhood for your humiliation fetish
No. 1312551
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The tweet
No. 1312553
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the ass-kissing in this thread makes me want to a-log
No. 1312554
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>>1312551The tweeter is the one with the circle tattoo on his moob. The other dude is his "girlfriend" a deadbeat father who owes back child support but is buying his clown trans girlfriend shit & spoiling "Her".
No. 1312555
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>>1312553the freckles look about as real as the gap
No. 1312557
>>1312542I don't think its any thing against their mothers regarding this specific fetish, Janice Raymond talked about this, see AGP men(and also "submissive" men) are pure misogynists, they truly believe everything a woman does or that is associated with women is the humiliation and they get off on that, so every single action of LARP they do as "transwomen" is degrading for them and they love it
and giving birth which is something only women can do is for them the ultimate humiliation
No. 1312575
>>1312551>>1312560>>1312563Maybe, just maybe, people are saying no one should have sex in public, and no one should expose their kinks (especially the weird ones) in public. These dudes really thought they were making a point with "b-but it's homophobia", when I'd wager a good portion of the "TERFs" complaining are lesbians and bi women. Pride was intended to show that gay people weren't degenerate and were normal people, and lesbians in particular have been rightfully policing degeneracy in public spaces since gay rights started. No one likes coomers, especially coomers who are so far gone that they jack off to animals and people eating each other whole, and it's a good thing they don't like them.
PS, I'm literally a lesbian. Pussy is great, dick is gross, and public sex and fetishism is retarded and should result in tbe death penalty. Seethe.>>1312561This is the MTF thread.
No. 1312626
>>1312623Drag queens are mostly misogynistic, making fun of women
Troons are mentally ill and porn/kink addicted
Both are shit but not the same
No. 1312628
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Wow, 1/3 of transwomen are "lesbians", a total surprise looking at all the trans subs and the ones they've taken over
No. 1312648
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A case from over 20 years ago but it feels like this could have happened just yesterday
>The woman testifies that she was hit in the face after she heard one of the other women in the restroom say, "There's a man in here.">Patrick Hagan is a man who likes to wear women's clothing.>He is also a man who wears a black belt in tae kwon do.>That unlikely combination, according to courtroom testimony on Wednesday, produced a crushing blow to Cheryl Partsch's face, knocking her out, loosening four teeth and sending her to surgery.>The 6-foot-3, 280-pound Hagan is on trial this week, accused of battering Partsch because she questioned his presence in the ladies' room at a Port Richey bar frequented by cross-dressers.>Partsch, 40, took the stand Wednesday to tell of her evening at BT's. She went there in November 1997 with her daughter, who knew one of the participants in a weekend drag show.>Partsch said she went to the ladies' room and talked briefly with her daughter's friend, Joseph Podolski, who goes by "Jo-Jo.">"We were talking about hair color," said Partsch.>Partsch said she heard one of the other women in the restroom say: "There's a man in here.">She turned to look and was met with a flying fist, she said.>Partsch said the punch from Hagan, who wore a taupe blouse and flower-print skirt to court Wednesday, came so fast she didn't even know what happened.>"Everyone was screaming at me," Partsch testified. "I looked in the mirror and I had a big fat lip. I had blood all over me."
>The blow was powerful enough to cost Partsch $16,000 in medical bills, the prosecution says.>Partsch remembers waking up on the floor of the bathroom and hearing the voices of paramedics.>"I thought I was dead," she said.>Partsch, of Hudson, testified that she sometimes suffers headaches so severe that she has them treated at the hospital.>The contrast between Hagan's martial arts training and his feminine side is merely one of several oddities in this trial.
>During opening statements, defense lawyer Robert Attridge portrayed Hagan's punch as one thrown in self-defense. Partsch had several drinks before arriving at BT's, Attridge told the jury, and joined other bar patrons in taunting Hagan in the ladies' room.>Partsch kicked in the door to the stall Hagan used, Attridge said, scaring Hagan badly enough that he felt the need to defend himself.>Jurors heard testimony from one witness who contradicted himself on whether Partsch kicked the door. Partsch denies it.>Assistant State Attorney Scott Andringa questioned the self-defense argument, noting that Partsch is several inches shorter and more than 100 pounds lighter than Hagan.>"When he put his weight behind that punch," Andringa said, "that's all it took." No. 1312671
>>1312648>>1312651This. If this new story were published today Patrick would have been presented as a stunning and brave woman using self-defense against an intolerant bigot
No. 1312776
>>1312628too ugly to fuck - 6%
will fuck anything - 20%
straight - 29%
will fuck anything - 16%
will fuck anything - 6%
self-hating gays - 19%
pedos and animal abusers - 6%
No. 1312779
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top right is a cow 100%. he's a mentalhead who trooned out for the sole purpose of becoming <that> alternative girl he once knew and has been fixated on for years.
No. 1312787
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>transitions into uwu alt girl
>wants to have a "hot trans girl summer"
>lets every man on Grinder fuck him
>complains about becoming a cumbucket
Gay men are hypersexual and are known to engage in hookup culture, what's the suprise in this? You are not a girl, and will never be. The men who fuck you use you for sex, they do not want to date "femme" troons seriously nor do they want to have a relationship, unless they are GAMPs.
No. 1312795
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Please leave, we don't want creepy troons in our changing rooms malding listening to women talk.
No. 1312797
>>1312628I wish a had a client that automatically blocked anyone with "sapphic" in their name. Anecdotally I've never heard a normal lesbian use that term, only TIMs and straight women claiming to be ~kweer~. Honestly Sappho would be fucking insulted that a bunch of maladjusted sicko men are using her name like this.
As an aside, Sappho was attracted to both men
and women.
No. 1312807
File: 1630441962196.webm (7.2 MB, 320x568, double show duty this week! if…)
same guy (Aki), is this supposed to be appealing? these men are so pathetic and ugly, holy shit.
No. 1312817
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>>1312432reminds me of this "fashion designer" troon who just steals art and sells it
No. 1312831
>>1312795>Moid tries on women's swimsuit(s)>Doesn't even have the decency to wear underwear underneath it>Full cock and ball exposure to the material>Inb4 he left trace amounts of semen on several swimsuitsHe should just die.
>>1312807Kek he's trying so hard to be a cute alt girl, but his movements seem so rigid and forced. Those movements only work when they're genuine and subtle, like someone feeling the rhythm, but he exaggerates each shift in hopes of being cuter. Dude looks like a rhino trying to emulate a butterfly.
No. 1312904
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>>1312896I guess it's an FtM.
No. 1312911
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>>1312896>>1312904Looks white to me. Also like a TIF, but it's hard to tell since the hands are huge and the faces are covered. Huge fujo as well, take to the FTM thread, she's a huge retard.
No. 1312971
>>1312648good news is that he was convicted and sentenced to 2 and a half years. should’ve been more but at least the jury realized that a 100 lb woman posed no threat to this hulk.
bad news is that he undoubtedly got special treatment and is probably going by a different name, making sure that women around him have no idea that he beats on them.
No. 1313036
>>1312797not to derail but no
>As an aside, Sappho was attracted to both men and women.she was not lol
No. 1313038
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>>1312787He admits he will never have a real relationship, but wat>>1311156
ch how he still wants another man to act like a woman for him. Men are basically all like this. It's just funny to see one demand another dude step up and pretend to be his girlfriend. This is why men hate the FDS sub so much, they don't want women to wake up to the fact that most men hate having to maintain a relationship, but they still want an ego boost from a devoted woman.
>>1312106It's like John set out to do absolutely every single thing wrong with this game. And even though he's in theory a gay troon, you can still see how not just his taste in women, but EVERYTHING is frozen circa 1997-2000.
>>1311156I hate how the American/BBC media is so obsessed with making everything offensively ugly, even foreign countries know to twist their PR material to be fucking ugly to appeal to these idiots.
>>1311917His face looks like a country biscuit.
No. 1313051
Y'all do realize with this psuedo bi shit ur saying homosexuality can be a fucking fetish. Fuck y'all. I'm lesbian and it ain't a fetish. Some bi people ID as straight or like to larp as a hetero doing gay shit still see doesn't make it less gay
>>1313024>>1313019>>1313020You're all retarded. Ya some straights do experiment or might be confused and "try out" being gay but if u actively engage in it and like it youre fuckin gay/bi
Would you say bi chicks who ID as lesbian are just lesbians with a fetish for heterosexuality. And I know what AGP is. Straight and bi men have it. I know "gold star" transbians. They don't want any dick. If a dude wants dick he's bi at least. Stop trying to say people's orientation can be a fucking fetish. WEIRD ASS HANDMAID BITCHES
(infighting) No. 1313083
>>1313065That retard obviously doesn't understand what sexual orientation means. People can have sex with those they are not sexually attracted to for a variety of reasons. She just thinks these men are "closet bisexuals" instead of it being another manifestation of the already crazy and complex paraphilia of autogynephilia.
>>1313075I've read a lot of AGP memoirs where they start off identifying as transbians but they gradually shift to identifying as "bisexual" as they "live as women". They often picture themselves as the woman in the porn they watch getting fucked by faceless males. They aren't attracted to the other men themselves, they're attracted to the "humiliation" that a man can give to a woman - whether it be social, emotional, or sexual. Its all about doing things that will make them feel "more like a woman" (what they imagine women to be like). Womanhood is a role they associate with submission and objectification. There's also the fetishization of bisexual women so being a "slutty bi woman" makes them seem more "sexy". I remember when a porn company polled people to make a virtual influencer. The virtual dream woman they came up with was a 25-year-old, 5’5”, Eurasian bisexual woman named “Shy Yume.”
No. 1313090
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No. 1313116
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I am still mourning this loss.
No. 1313120
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This is the funniest one.
No. 1313128
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Words have no meaning any more huh?
No. 1313131
I think the part people aren't getting here is that narcissists are literally incapable of feeling love for other people. They're not attracted to anyone but themselves, and they are aroused not by the bodies of others but by being "validated" or pretending to be a kinky/submissive/whatever woman. They're attracted to anybody who enables their fantasy.
That's what pseudobisexuality is. Dick, vagina, doesn't matter– they get off on people enabling their fantasy. That's why it's not gay, because being gay requires that you be attracted to people other than yourself.
>>1313052There was no label for being exclusively into one sex back then. Also, how the fuck do you know if she was "coerced by the patriarchy" into writing poems about men? Use Occam's Razor you sped, it's likely she was just attracted to both sexes. Bisexual women exist, cry about it.
No. 1313132
>>1313116He unironically looks scary as a woman, like he could crush my skull if he wanted to. I don't usually have this intense of a reaction to people unless they look more clownish like Yaniv or Gibes, but this man straight up
triggers the same instinct that coming face to face with a gorilla must have.
No. 1313134
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From Galileo's Middle Finger: Heretics, Activists, and the Search for Justice in Science by Alice Dreger
>At its core, Galileo’s Middle Finger is about what happens when science and dogma collide — specifically, what happens when science makes a claim that doesn’t fit into an activist community’s accepted worldview. And many of Dreger’s most interesting, explosive examples of this phenomenon involve liberals, not conservatives, fighting tooth and nail against open scientific inquiry.
>Dreger also recounts her earlier investigation into the controversy surrounding J. Michael Bailey, a Northwestern University psychologist and researcher of human sexuality and former chair of that university’s psychology department. In 2003, Bailey released The Man Who Would Be Queen: The Science of Gender-Bending and Transsexualism, a book in which he relates the stories of several transgender women and promotes the theories of Ray Blanchard, a Canadian sex researcher with a long history of working with patients who were born anatomically male but hoped to undergo gender reassignment.
>In his book, Bailey explains that Blanchard believed his patients who had transitioned, or who were hoping to, fit into two rather different categories. Some were “transkids” (a non-clinical term Dreger, not Bailey, uses): folks who were born as boys but had been very effeminate by societal standards since childhood, and who were attracted to men once they hit puberty. In these cases, Blanchard posited, access to sex and intimate companionship might have been one component of what eventually pushed them to start presenting as female. As Dreger explains, the fact that transkids come across so effeminate “means that their sexual opportunities are often limited while they are presenting themselves as men. Straight men aren’t interested in having sex with them because they’re male, and gay men often aren’t sexually attracted to them because most gay men are sexually attracted to masculinity, not femininity, and these guys are really femme.” Transitioning, then, gives transkids an opportunity to have the relationships with men they’d like to — because they’re effeminate, they can pass as women whom straight men find themselves attracted to.
>The second, more controversial type of male-to-female transitioner posited by Blanchard consisted of folks with so-called autogynephilia. These individuals have usually presented as male for most of their lives and are attracted to women, but they discover along the way that they are sexually aroused by the idea of being a woman. They tend to transition later in life, often after having married women and started families.
>There’s also a really important cultural component to Blanchard’s theory, as Dreger writes:
>Blanchard’s taxonomy of male-to-female transexuals recognized the importance of sexual orientation in the gendered self-identities of both those who begin as homosexual males and those who experience amour de soi en femme [the French phrase for “love of oneself as a woman”]. However, he didn’t see sexual orientation as the only thing a male factors in when deciding whether to transition. He recognized that in one environment — say, an urban gay neighborhood like Chicago’s Boystown — an ultrafemme gay man might find reasonable physical safety, employment, and sexual satisfaction simply by living as an ultrafemme gay man. But in a very different environment — say, a homophobic ethnic enclave in Chicago — he might find life survivable only via complete transition to womanhood. Whether a transkid grows up to become a gay man or a transgender woman would depend on the individual’s interaction with the surrounding cultural environment. Similarly, an autogynephilic man might not elect transition if his cultural milieu would make his post-transition life much harder.
>There is, to say the least, a huge amount going on here. But what’s key to keep in mind is that some transgender people and activists hold very dear the idea that they have simply been born in the wrong type of body, that transitioning allows them to effectively fix a mistake that nature made. The notion that there might be a cultural component to the decision to transition, or that sexuality, rather than a hardwired gender identity, could be a factor, complicates this gender-identity-only narrative. It also brings sexuality back into a conversation that some trans activists have been trying to make solely about gender identity — roughly parallel to the way some gay-rights activists sweep conversations about actual gay sexuality under the rug, preferring to focus on idealized, unthreatening-to-heterosexuals portrayals of committed gay relationships between clean-cut, taxpaying adults.
>But as Dreger explains, Bailey, being someone with a penchant for poking mischievously at political correctness, wasn’t too concerned about the political dimension of what he was arguing in his book. From a scientific perspective, he explicitly viewed the idea that “everybody is truly and easily assignable to one of two gender identities” as an oversimplification; part of his motivation for writing The Man Who Would Be Queen was to try to blow it up, to argue that transsexuality is more complicated than that. So it shouldn’t be surprising that some trans activists and allies didn’t appreciate the book’s argument — and they obviously have every right to disagree with Bailey and Blanchard’s views. What is surprising is just how big an explosion The Man Who Would Be Queen sparked, and how underhanded the campaign against Bailey subsequently got.
A tranny TRA called Andrea James would later stalk and harass Bailey and also posted photos of Bailey's young children online, particularly calling his young daughter a "cock-starved exhibitionist." and later went on to produce, star in, and make a film about a reworked, all-transgender cast version of the Vagina Monologues one year later.
No. 1313139
>>1313137Yeah, that's her. Like Blanchard and Bailey, she also supports the identities of troons. She just thinks they should admit to being homosexual or autogynephilic.
She also said this bullshit:
>I want to emphasize that I think both of these developmental paths are perfectly legitimate ways to become women, and regardless of how someone becomes a woman, if she identifies as such, we owe her the respect of recognizing her identity and addressing her appropriately. No. 1313141
>>1313139Imagine being able to see the moid psychology behind trooning out but still declaring them stunning and brave
valid women. Either they said that much in hopes of not immediately getting excommunicated, or they're all expert mental gymnasts.
No. 1313171
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>>1313170He tells on himself.
No. 1313179
>>1313131asking for proof that a woman was coerced by the patriarchy is pretty retarded because it happens to women constantly
>>1313154this is so hilarious, i never would have guessed jamjars would have become such a train wreck.
>>1313171i lowkey feel bad for him but why does he seem so oblivious to homophobia? so many hsts are like this. your “true self” isn’t a woman, you just couldn’t fit into the gendered expectations of a man and you thought becoming a woman would correct the “mismatch” between your sexuality and body goddamn
No. 1313194
>>1313189let’s play the game of ‘dyke mad that she can’t get bisexual pussy’ or ‘tranny moid mad that the only thing he can get is bisexual pussy’!
it’s absurd how this thread always comes back to ‘wamen bad’ somehow, despite being solely about moids. almost like there’s probably a billion trannies swarming here and thinking they’re being lowkey when they choose the favourite thing for the mad dykes on this website to shit on (i.e. straight and bisexual women) at the most random opportunities. also, what does it say about these two userbases when the only people constantly bringing up the same topic as an off-topic ‘gotcha’ across the website are trannies and dykes?
No. 1313228
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>>1313139The hell is wrong with Dreger? They are not "perfectly legitimate ways to become women" because no man can ever become a woman (yet she claims to be rational and scientific). It's also offensive for the oppressor class to appropriate the identity of the oppressed.
Encouraging homosexuals to transition is just conversion therapy and validating the identity of autogynephiles is extremely dangerous to women. Transgenderism should simply not exist.
No. 1313232
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>>1313134Bailey is one of many psychologists who have tried to ring the alarm about these sexual deviants. There are other psychologists as well, not just Bailey and Blanchard, but they either don't talk about it and if they do they get harassment and abuse from TRAs.
>What Many Transgender Activists Don't Want You to Know: and why you should know it anyway (2007)
>Currently the predominant cultural understanding of male-to-female transsexualism is that all male-to-female (MtF) transsexuals are, essentially, women trapped in men's bodies. This understanding has little scientific basis, however, and is inconsistent with clinical observations. Ray Blanchard has shown that there are two distinct subtypes of MtF transsexuals. Members of one subtype, homosexual transsexuals, are best understood as a type of homosexual male. The other subtype, autogynephilic transsexuals, are motivated by the erotic desire to become women. The persistence of the predominant cultural understanding, while explicable, is damaging to science and to many transsexuals.Pic related works with sex offenders and has observed AGP as a common paraphilia. Official stats on troon sexual predators also supports this. More people need to know about this shit, they are allowing perverted men into women and girl's changing rooms and bathrooms, prisons and shelters, if anything these men are way more dangerous than your average male. Their whole identity is a sexual paraphilia and they get validation externally, meaning they will rape, trick, abuse others to satisfy their sick fantasies.