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No. 1592789
File: 1658364775519.png (204.9 KB, 1080x471, Screenshot_20220718-013607_2.p…)

No. 1592791
File: 1658364859818.png (67.99 KB, 978x504, 1.png)

Maybe moids go to the washroom to peak at other moids penis' but women don't fucking weirdos.
No. 1592795
File: 1658365062679.png (68.3 KB, 792x681, 2.PNG)

>>1592793this gives me hope for reddit lol
No. 1592806
File: 1658365651228.png (51.66 KB, 2378x390, 59.png)

>>1592793top 4/5 are tranny subreddits
No. 1592821
File: 1658367035525.jpeg (344.67 KB, 750x863, 9AAE39D3-73F2-4D1D-9020-9DE096…)

you are engaging in predatory behavior, and it’s only gonna get worse when you become an adult.
No. 1592840
File: 1658367769137.png (18.58 KB, 1202x744, FYGh6NQWAAAi_4p.png)

Colon with the smart takes yet again
No. 1592843
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No. 1592844
File: 1658368000605.jpeg (202.92 KB, 1078x1551, 1652533983353.jpeg)

No. 1592845
File: 1658368014712.jpg (29.73 KB, 477x416, wtf.jpg) this shit real or just a troon trying to pedal their agendas as all terfs are racist monsters?
No. 1592847
File: 1658368126941.jpeg (Spoiler Image,583.53 KB, 750x1168, 5AFBF3F5-CECC-4006-BEA6-5CFE93…)

that looks so fucked up.
No. 1592848
File: 1658368145429.png (41.28 KB, 607x407, kek.PNG)

No. 1592868
>>1592845Kekk they are so retard. The stars were used to identify the Jews and not the nazis, so he is saying that TERFs are the
victims, I love when they tell on themselves kek
No. 1592878
File: 1658369673903.png (43.9 KB, 807x444, hypocrisy.PNG)

>>1592868so many people were replying to that tweet about how terfs are full of themselves for comparing their plights to jews during the holocaust, yet the troons on r/mtf did it and the only person who commented that it was insensitive was downvoted. No. 1592881
File: 1658369898117.jpeg (441.17 KB, 750x1110, 241DDCD4-AF7F-475A-9D1F-49F413…)

was recommended a video by this troon who at first I thought was a girl with very unfortunate proportions but then I was like…wait a min….
extra kek for all the pics on his page with 5oclock shadow and intense AGP stare
No. 1592882
File: 1658370018116.jpg (79.57 KB, 720x1174, Screenshot_20220721-041839.jpg)

Never seen so many ugly moids in my life. This tweet is a gold mine kek. Pick out your favorite troons, nonnas No. 1592885
File: 1658370394677.jpg (38.07 KB, 720x365, Screenshot_20220721-042319.jpg)

>>1592882Reminder that this account belongs to a 50 year old Japanese man.
No. 1592892
>>1592876>>1592878Kek I am blind. That's rich coming from the very own assholes who like to use intersex people, black people and LGB as a shield when confronted. Also, Reddit being
TERF friendly? That site is like troon HQ. I am so tired of TRAs
No. 1592901
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>>1592882Lmao at the smoothing filter turned up to 11
No. 1592903
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No. 1592905
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No. 1592917
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No. 1592920
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Have you noticed if their identities aren’t references to porn it’s all cartoons or other childrens pop culture media? Why are they so obsessed with the alt girl from Daria or the goth girl from Danny Phantom? It’s so fucking creepy
No. 1592928
File: 1658373403716.jpg (164.1 KB, 1080x1262, Screenshot_2022-07-20-22-13-40…)

I just found this small subreddit where supposedly trans people mock old trannies, and I'm trying to figure out if these are radfems in disguise or if these trannies seriously lack this much self awareness kek
No. 1592937
File: 1658374290463.jpeg (275.22 KB, 750x1013, 98FC7D89-C52E-470E-A54E-A711F2…)

troons thinking misgendering is an insult or an own outside of their cult mentality is so funny. no one gives a shit, no one except you has a dumb gender.
No. 1592939
File: 1658374605726.jpeg (533.51 KB, 750x981, 1AE1CC4B-C17E-4801-8BE5-3DED0B…)

holy wtf is happening here.
No. 1592982
File: 1658379966916.png (34.34 KB, 777x373, barf.png)

>>1592793And this was posted by the coomer scrote giving "UwU Mommy headpats"
They have no self awareness. It's so disgusting.
No. 1592983
File: 1658380137243.png (14.94 KB, 793x186, askmen.png)

>>1592982samefag but kek, hope he ends up joing the 41%
No. 1592990
>>1592878It makes me almost irrationally angry how these retards lump "terfs" together with conservatives and right wing men, as if these groups don't hate each other more than they hate troons.
In what fucking world does Blair White pander to terfs? Has OP ever been on his Twitter?
Whenever they see someone being "transphobic" that person is automatically considered a
terf, no further questions needed. Like dude, what makes you think "Mr. WoundCrotch" is a
terf instead of a run of the mill conservatard?
Also I have to laugh at the idea that REDDIT of all places is getting "
terf"-friendly. These people are fucking nuts. The only sub that is "cis women only" is a rape porn one. Even badwomemsanatomy and twoXchromosomes are "inclusive", making them a parody of themselves. And it STILL isn't enough jfc
No. 1592994
>>1592990I’m not even kidding when I say that a good portion of them probably don’t know that
TERF stands for “trans exclusionary radical feminist”
No. 1593001
File: 1658382103223.png (1.97 MB, 2000x1690, muh good girls.png)

>>1592982okay last one on this, made a mini comp of the ""good girls"" from that post too just for shits and giggles
>>1592990It's definitely because of Dave Chapelle and his identification as a
TERF in The Closer and the controversy that followed. He literally just said something along the lines of "oh J.K. Rowling keeps getting called a
TERF for saying trannies aren't real women but tbh I agree so I guess I'm a
TERF too." Now normies think
TERF = run of the mill transphobic, but it seems tamer and less bigoted because no phobia suffix or something lol. And since both trannies and normies are braindead and don't understand nuance,
TERF is literally anyone that's transphobic. Kind of ike how incel is now just a synonym for scrote/moid/etc. Men who are just fuckboys will be called incels now. Words don't mean anything anymore.
No. 1593037
>>1593001i love being a
terf. it means i
trigger troons just by existing, which makes me feel powerful.
No. 1593050
File: 1658390583594.png (552.2 KB, 798x631, screenshot.PNG)

So stunning and brave!!
No. 1593137
File: 1658403502981.png (321.88 KB, 1170x866, 4176B457-6B40-453A-BDBF-5FFCA1…)

male socialization isn’t a thing guys!! promise!!
No. 1593143
File: 1658403931043.jpg (61.37 KB, 609x560, obligatorystatementrequired.JP…)

The lesbian from last thread got threatened I guess
No. 1593150
File: 1658404459132.png (483.3 KB, 627x677, 4337.png)

>>1593050The amount of open chasers in any of these orgs is hilarious, they don't even try to hide it like right wing freaks. I bet he will troom out expeditiously
Shout out to the MN nonnita that made this neanderthal wearing his sister's panties shit a brick. "give up bitch" KEK
No. 1593184
File: 1658407691634.png (602.83 KB, 1214x1204, 247348864_924309704852961_9118…)

>>1592920>>1593177They used to jerk off to goth women, now they jerk off fantasizing about being a goth woman… or a goth girl since they hardly call themselves women.
The type of woman/girl they try to skinwalk is what they find sexually attractive.
No. 1593191
>>1593183It honestly tickles me when
triggered troids level “
terf” at us as an insult. Why yes, I am a radical feminist who has unreserved contempt for misogynistic scrotes LARPing as women, what an astute observation, have a cookie.
No. 1593197
>>1589988(op is from the previous thread but I had this typed out and didn’t post it all this time, don’t waste your time going back to read it)
>grown women wearing shorts!?Short shorts and crop tops did not originate as teen clothing. It’s a womenswear style that’s always been worn by mothers. If you weren’t such an isolated porn addict you’d also know it’s rather been considered inappropriate for girls to dress revealingly
like adults. That’s where the whole “where are you going dressed like that missy” talk comes from. Hollywood’s sexualised destruction of girlhood and pedo porn brain rot culture actually has people offended by adult semi-nudity now, crazy.
No. 1593201
File: 1658409066330.jpg (154.79 KB, 1152x2048, FYDOTiRXgAAR8jz.jpg)

>>1592882there's something mortifying about a 50 year old man saying "you can have a little estrogen as a treat"
anyway lol, sonic shirt
No. 1593204
File: 1658409318985.jpg (70.1 KB, 640x863, RaMmuLv.jpg)

>>1593137Sigh…it's all so tiresome.
>""radfems"" were involved in gamer gate>by far the most prominent figure in GG was Anita Sarkeesian >pic related No. 1593255
File: 1658413091007.jpg (167.61 KB, 1080x1371, 20220721_143904.jpg)

Theyre stil trying to claim their. Agp boners are just hApPiNeSs when its obvious they are all fully aware its not
No. 1593258
>>1593214So is the insidious nature of TRAs, as the same old raging reddit misogynists. You’d think after all this time or just in pretending to be some sort of feminist he’d review it but he can’t let go of “grr, why isn’t there more porn around?!? Must be the evil women’s fault!”, he doesn’t even see if for the deranged, harmful shit it was. Seems he’s been living in the exact type of echo chamber that’d create a troon. TRAs have seen how well their anti-
TERF system has done for normalising their fetishes and sexual coercion, he’s just throwing his next “sin” at the wall to see how much acceptance he can curry for it now. It so clearly shows how these degenerate men just use pseudo feminism as a tool for the complete opposite. The groomer’s probably hoping those who don’t remember will see it as prudish karens making a fuss and not something of ‘the fappening’ era and the likes.
No. 1593287
>>1593140>>1593204It's been mentioned before, but I honestly think that the obsessive tranny hateboner for J.K. Rowling is just Anita Sarkeesian 2.0
These are spergy men on the Internet driven to frothing madness over a feminist woman saying something factual that they don't want to hear.
No. 1593299
>>1593287No, I think it's very, very different. Anita ,as sperging about muh sexist video games despite not knowing anything about video games and was harassed by gamers, and normies didn't even notice because it was a very niche thing and not everyone is a hardcore gamer who will know or care about, idk, Nintendo censoring their JRPGs on the 3DS and the Wii U. It's a very American thing, the only people outside the US who know about gamergate are huge nerds who are so into video games they speak English as a secons language mostly for the hobby
speaking from personal experience. Meanwhile, JKR is way more famous, normies from many continents who don't even use social media and never, ever read her own posts know about her reputation as a "
terf" thanks to extensive clickbait and slander by trannies, she does her research on what's currently going on with troons and women's rights and was always very supportive of LGBT rights, and more importantly she isn't harassed because of her opinion on some pop culture thing, she's harassed because she's asking for actual, real, living and breathing girls and women to have rights and to be respected and not assaulted or raped in women's bathrooms, changing rooms or shelters. The scopes are so different it's insane to claim they're similar cases.
No. 1593305
>>1593299Nona, are you really going to say that there ISN'T a lot of sexist, objectifying shit in vidya games?
Anita Sarkeesian might be a useless fucking libfem who rolled over and showed her belly for the troon brigade, but she had a point with her Games Vs. Women series.
No. 1593306
File: 1658417188954.jpg (3.91 MB, 3596x2328, 1658413066378908.jpg)

Can't believe this shit is being sold as an inspiring journey of a trans teen.
No. 1593315
File: 1658417662958.png (130.2 KB, 1114x710, okeydoke.PNG)

normal, healthy, female behavior.
No. 1593323
>>1593310And what are the trannies mad at J.K. Rowling for? Giving the mildest criticism of transgenderism and the erasure of the word 'woman'. That was enough to make her so hated online that you can't even mention her name online without some sperg saying what an awful hateful transphobe
TERF bigot bitch she is.
What were the Gamergate moids mad at Anita Sarkeesian for? Giving the mildest criticism of video games and saying, "Hey guys, maybe this female character shouldn't be entering a fighting tournament in high heels and a string bikini? It's a little objectifying, don't you think?" That was enough to make her so hated online that you can't even mention her name online without some sperg popping up to tell you that she's a liar and a fraud and just hates gamers and men.
It's a really apt comparison.
No. 1593338
>>1593336I REALLY don't think anyone outside of American and Western European nerds honestly give a fuck about this 'J.K. Rowing is a
TERF' thing, anon.
Most normies don't even know what a
TERF is.
No. 1593366
File: 1658419824909.jpg (83.69 KB, 600x593, songsaboutfucking.jpg)

>>1592920>>1593240His twitter background is the cover art for this Steve Albini album which is like the dictionary definition of "edgy but 'artsy' scrote music"
No. 1593390
>>1593338I follow a few Japanese artists and I keep seeing more and more of them trooning out and using English terms in their Japanese posts on Twitter though. Some are releasing manga about troon shit too. Same shit for English speaking artists born and raised in South East and East Asia and still living there. I also know a few people from my ethnicity who are extreme TRAs while also complaining about "muh white males" and being very in touch with their cultures and family abroad, so yes, it's spreading everywhere slowly but surely, don't underestimate that shit.
>>1593360>>1593380I know but I can't think of very specific examples. I know about Activision or Blizzard employees stealing breastmilk from their female coworkers in the office's fridges to put beer bottles in the fridged instead for example, I know about Blizzard employees spreading a female employee's nudes in a group chat and harassing her until she committed suicide, but I don't have specific examples like that from Asian companies in mind.
No. 1593400
>>1593255I wish I'd saved every single "worried it's a fetish" and "euphoria boner" screenshot since these threads began 'cause I'd literally have
hundreds of examples I could use to peak people
No. 1593452
>>1593204>I will never accept a feminism (women's rights movement) that doesn't include menThis is like insisting worker's unions are run by the managers and CEOs otherwise it's "exclusionary"
it's a bit obvious including your enemy in your rights movement is going to stall it, at best
No. 1593456
File: 1658424869796.png (235.7 KB, 598x524, Screenshot 61.png)

Not a commie, buts its hilarious seeing western so called leftists get offended over the basic fact that TIMs, TIFs and gender specials would not be accepted in any real commie country and would be shot for being bourgeoisie degenerates
No. 1593531
>>1592843At least it's nice seeing it say MAN and MALE and not woman in a bleak attempt to make it seem like a female did it. And troons can't contend it because if they do it just brings more attention to the case. They can keep denying trans pedophilia is a massive problem for as long as they want because people will always find out the truth in the end. If these people truly cared about saving kids they wouldn't deny it and try to silence
victims, they're just like the molester priests trying to cover up for each other.
>>1592844This guy looks like he's just taking the piss, I truly can't tell which ones are real troons and which ones are… trolls.
No. 1593556
>>1592791Why does it matter if you have a lock on your door mr monty, I've never seen anyone try to break into your house. Having a lock is discrimination, are you saying you don't want
POC and LGB people to enter your house? Remove the lock and let them in you bigoted racist.
What's that mr monty? You're saying you don't mind average
POC or LGB people, but it's still a violation of your privacy and criminals could get in and harm or kill you? Damn that's really bigoted of you to not care about the feelings of the criminal, don't you know their feelings matter more than yours?
No. 1593596
File: 1658433513453.jpg (220.77 KB, 1080x1175, FYL75cxWYAAi3wH.jpg)

>>1593400Youre right, theres literally hundreds of these
No. 1593602
File: 1658433742231.jpeg (232.88 KB, 960x1792, 642A3668-F939-4E10-A652-9CD1B7…)

>>1592882I can't believe nobody else posted this one yet. It's the first one that shows up for me.
No. 1593654
>>1593183Oh I more meant why normies have started flinging
TERF now too, on both sides of the NLOG defenders and lukewarm conservatards who think it just means theyre transphobic
>incel clearly morphed an ideology like a decade ago so the word is used to identify members of that group by their beliefs, behaviour and intentions. Incels were never actually involuntarily celibate, so it’s meaning hasn’t really changed.kek true I wasn't trying to hail it as a
valid word or anything, more that it already had "meaning" and its already deviated from said meaning because of normies… though in retrospect an insufferable personality really is one of the only things that would make you ""involuntarily"" celibate, so you really could just use it as a scrote insult. Was more just comparing how modern (mid 20th century+) words are losing their meaning because of the mental gymnastics internet poisoned braindead people do
No. 1593669
File: 1658438614486.png (182.07 KB, 737x543, yuck.png)

>>1593197>Short shorts and crop tops did not originate as teen clothing. Semi unrelated, but it reminds me picrel that I saw in a tranny subreddit. They wear this having the same thought process as the anon you were replying to, thats it's pornified slutty teen clothes…. yuck
No. 1593703
>>1593684ayrt and
>Yes, most use the excuse of 'missing out' on that stage of lifeI also posted
>>1592982 and yeah it's so obvious that they fetishize literal puberty. They love thinking they're an uwu loli and then once they gynecomastia hits and their crotch starts to smell like red tide they think they're a budding girl going through puberty, all to then blossom into a "young slut" as if that's whatbeing female is inherently about. It's fucking revolting watching them delude themselves that their deteriorating body is just "going from girlhood to womanhood". They justify having a week of being moody and crampy as "just like menstruation!1!1" without considering that they have a literal self-inflicted hormonal imbalance on top of being neurotic in the first place. God I fucking hate them. Tbh even the "normal" ones just cause mild visceral disgust in me, but AGP autists make me rage
No. 1593744
File: 1658443453300.jpg (820.32 KB, 2048x1152, D7439306-6BA7-4B49-AD62-856CFF…)

the transwaman who made the bloodborne playstation 1 demake is so fucking cringe. Just the way he looks like and how he posts on twitter. Not very milky per se but just really cringy.
No. 1593840
>>1593803It's also the
I like going through his page like any of us enjoy seeing these people
No. 1593846
File: 1658449663318.png (61.69 KB, 740x590, ok.png)

went on his twitter and this post is perfectly in line with when he was whining about eebul transphobes making a video mocking him or something, kek
probably got buttmad about some incel bullying him and now needs to set up bait to place blame on eebul TERFS too and also attention or something. No matter what the text screams "as a moid I think this is what women talk like" soooo cringy amirite gals?
No. 1593855
File: 1658450637256.png (455.95 KB, 620x597, justrippedass_letsmakeout.PNG)

>>1593306here lie Zack, crop dusted and smooched by a serial pants pisser, may he rest in peace
No. 1593862
File: 1658451478818.jpeg (346.07 KB, 750x1392, 3AFC2716-2F77-4A3E-80DA-8A9B19…)

waaaaah! my troon boyfriend will kill himself if starbucks doesn’t pay for his designer rot pocket! genocide!
No. 1593864
>>1593861It's the rules to blend and not draw attention to yourself if it is him and yeah just comes off as really manly, I can't pinpoint it myself but just the vibe, I am glad someone else saw the
>famousand rolled their eyes out of their skull too, who cares, especially to then go on to say the site was small, okay yeah sure seems like ya post here lol.
Jeez la wheez some people I tell ya nonna, some people.
No. 1593901
File: 1658453919141.png (260.76 KB, 672x450, oie_22336191nNeutRe.png)

>famous troon>60k followerssure whatever helps you sleep at night steven
No. 1593910
File: 1658455323604.png (672.54 KB, 725x604, lkakstltj.png)

>those overlined lips
No. 1593926
File: 1658456488642.png (1.32 MB, 1014x1161, srsyedfghdrtf.png)

>>1593921I see a lot of Alice/Aly/Allison too
No. 1593927
File: 1658456529552.jpeg (Spoiler Image,577.6 KB, 750x1314, 492BA201-70D7-45DD-97EA-C6AA9C…)

the fuck is wrong with this guy’s nips?
No. 1593929
>>1593927Holy shit that’s disgusting
Apparently HRT makes your nipples huge. Dylan posted a video about it a week or so ago about how his nipple were cute uwu tiny and now pepperoni nipples
No. 1593943
File: 1658457118250.png (535.9 KB, 789x573, traaannssss.png)

No. 1593945
>>1593943One of the saner troons picking up on pedophilic gay men I see.
>EscapeRun lil tranny run!
No. 1593950
>>1593901We know he is lurking but this is unfortunate,
he used to be cute but he looks ridiculous now
No. 1593970
File: 1658459411359.png (65.48 KB, 1656x804, purecoincidence.png)

>>1592806This is genuinely incredible posters on that lesbian sub are 46 times more likely to post on mft than other redditors.
Meanwhile check this out the subreddit for gay men is dominated by users who browse other gay subreddits, meanwhile lesbian and just LGBT subreddits are dominated by users who browse trans ones.
No. 1594006
File: 1658462363880.jpeg (137.05 KB, 640x346, BDCBC82D-E25F-4065-8C43-C93CE5…)

>>1593960The eyes of a sweet, kind and innocent girl.
No. 1594007
File: 1658462395443.jpg (72.37 KB, 600x726, nonono.jpg)

Sorry if this is the wrong thread for this but its little wonder these guys are so emboldened with idiots preaching this BS.
No. 1594026
File: 1658464452004.jpeg (600.61 KB, 750x936, 7666D4B5-D25F-47B5-A3A4-42C2CE…)

3.5 years? ask for a refund, bro.
No. 1594029
File: 1658464871193.jpeg (288.47 KB, 750x1248, E7BBA2A5-DAED-42A1-9EF6-63AE57…)

>>1594026KEK i mean, he does look like a mystical creature, like some kind of hideous ogre or goblin.
No. 1594031
>>1594006These threads feature psychopath eyes so heavily as to suggest troonery is a symptom of sociopathy/psychopathy, especially when you see the same exact expression on troon pedophile mugshots
>>1592843I wonder if they genuinely believe we can't see the derangement. I think humoring/using the right pronouns etc actually makes the psychopathy worse because it feeds into their notion that they are fooling anyone and we can't see the derangement on their faces.
Tricking people is a major part of this type of madness, but since they are so bad at passing they have to use threats and coercion to try and create an ideal scenario where they appear to be fooling everyone and thus fuel their psychopathy further.
I think JKR did some research into all this for her crime novels and that's why she's always been so confidently on the right side of history. She knows the root of all this is plain psychopathy and you obviously do not bow to a psychopath's whims unleas you want to end up cut into a hundred pieces in his bath (reference to this, not a troon but a definite delusional psychopath: journalist who wrote this and got overly involved in this story and spending time with lowlifes, died a couple of years later after emulating their behaviours as 'research' for his book)
No. 1594034
File: 1658465770658.png (221.17 KB, 1195x596, 111.png)

>>1593720>>1593456reminder that the CIA intentionally introduced proto-wokoid rhetoric this into universities to destroy class consciousness.
>According to the spy agency itself, “post-Marxist French theory directly contributed to the CIA’s cultural program of coaxing the left toward the right, while discrediting anti-imperialism and anti-capitalism…” Here the professor was making particular reference to a recently declassified CIA report, authored in 1985, that focuses on the intellectual milieu around Michel Foucault, Jacques Derrida, and Jacques Lacan.>Abundant evidence of course exists of the CIA’s complex cultural interventions into French intellectual affairs — but it is critical to recognise that it was the political shortcomings of communist organizations themselves (i.e., Stalinists) that had the determinant impact on the obscurantist trajectory of left-wing academic ideas. The CIA’s own determined cold warriors were well aware of these problems on the Left, and hence these are exactly the arguments they put forth in 1985 within their then internal document “France: Defection of the Leftist Intellectuals.” This “research report” — referred to within Gabriel Rockhill’s essay — is clear, the CIA sought to examine the changing attitudes of French intellectuals so as to “gauge the probable political impact on the political environment in which policy is made.” So considering the intriguing theoretical focus of this report it is worth dwelling upon some of the arguments presented therein, if only as a starting point for exploring the failures of the most influential parts of the French Left in the aftermath of World War II.essentially the CIA used pretentious intellectuals to stop communist and socialists parties from gaining more influence in he west, so they essentially shilled them, ruining leftism and making it so pretentious that normal people would steer clear from anything related to the left, these morons and those who follow him probably are not ever aware of this(too busy sniffing each other's farts)
No. 1594042
File: 1658466847617.jpg (117.85 KB, 720x692, 20220722_021013.jpg)

>>1594034Massive OT but i started reading the article you quoted and other hyperlinked articles and i found this interesting comment. If it's radical feminism the only thing interfering the CIA's influence on the (western) left, this explains many things (also you may find the link useful, i checked it and it's legit)
No. 1594049
File: 1658467476190.jpg (262.65 KB, 994x1466, clocked.jpg)

>dyke in username
>famous nintendo waifu in username
>the pink/orange lesbian flag
>joke post about hentai [animal] girl
Eeeeyup, immediately clocked. And wow what a surprise, he's "jewish" and he's a twitch streamer! A nice threefer.
No. 1594050
File: 1658467541672.jpg (714.87 KB, 1079x1658, OOFTA.jpg)

>>1594049Here's what this thing looks like kek
No. 1594055
File: 1658468292473.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1980x3334, E7FE0514-2BF1-49E6-B5DB-A2254D…)

i cannot.
No. 1594060
File: 1658468626844.jpeg (1.39 MB, 1587x4981, 4EC25055-C008-473B-AE0B-4388EA…)

>>1594055the delusion is unbelievable.
No. 1594063
>>1594049if any Jewish nonnas have mothers asking when they'll bring home a nice Jewish boy, just say they're all agp transbians and peak her. same goes for any other nonnas really.
apparently there's about 5-14 TiMs vs 2-3 TiFs per 1,000 males/females respectively. ultimately we are looking at a serious shrink in the dating pool because of this wave of mutilation. I'm growing increasingly worried I'll never find a Nigel of my own because of how degenerate and repulsive scrotes are - both trannies and the normal rape apes alike. the troon fad is just exasperating the issue, skewing the gender ratio similar to the effect of the one-child policy in China.
No. 1594067
File: 1658469544267.jpeg (393.92 KB, 750x2272, FFCC258F-682F-4E84-A300-FA9CAA…)

this steve buscemi looking mf is the perviest troon i think i’ve seen on reddit, and that’s saying a lot. his whole profile is pictures of him with his dick out in public and asking how to cook with moob discharge. revolting.
No. 1594071
>>1594056It's less about what they say/what they really believe (except Focault the "ex-marxist") and more how they can deform it. As long is snobby they can manipulate it to create the post-left. None of them are particularly pro libshit either and their deepest consern of troons probably was if they looked underage enough but you see the absolute state of western left here
>>1593456 and it's because the CIA intervention.
No. 1594073
>>1594055>>1594060omg what a fucking idiot putting black lipstick on his lipless mouth. yt trannies are so hideous just look at that that lip to chin ratio kek. I've seen women with no lips but they can pull it off and never look so ridiculous. then again, they're not a middle aged man in a Beetlejuice blouse, party store school girl neon green tutu, and fishnets; pretending to pass and fantasizing about pregnancy.
haha I'm dying at his glasses, hair, and septum piercing kek. ofc he has the lesbian flag too, moids can't resist decorating with flags. I know he's probably just lying about the pregnancy comment altogether, but how much of a chance do you think there is that someone was mocking him when he was whining about his womanly symptoms uwu and he's just too autistic to get the joke?
No. 1594075
File: 1658470466632.jpeg (244.48 KB, 750x1713, B4A65D9B-7AED-430A-A02F-EBC430…)

why would anyone be attracted to this monstrosity?
No. 1594079
>>1594029the way this is written is dripping in typical moid narcissism. you're neither a mystical creature nor a young woman, hon. they're absolutely clocking him and are of course only using female pronouns out of political correctness or fear of being berated/assaulted by a deranged tranny.
if trannyness was so full of drooling men, they wouldn't be constantly whinging about how small their dating pool is. kek at the obligatory reference to danger. as if.
No. 1594082
File: 1658471488998.jpeg (1.18 MB, 2048x5196, 9E9F829D-33DB-4D96-8542-AEAC2D…)

the filters are killing me kek
No. 1594089
File: 1658471652178.jpg (122.57 KB, 720x1414, Screenshot_20220722-082959.jpg)

No. 1594095
File: 1658472230823.jpeg (433.24 KB, 750x2313, 35F8505F-FB77-4F6F-A84D-30D3A6…)

these posts appeared on my feed one right after the other kek. what in the cursed synchronicity.
No. 1594098
>>1593926>this is so fucking wild to me>looks identical, just shaved his facial hair and lightened his hair color a bit>>1593950this smells like a Steve self post trying to be incognito imo
>>1593997some of that fairy gender shit is actually peak-worthy…Tumblr and its xenopronouns/xenogenders/microlabels did so much damage
>>1594095truly one of the worst cases of man hands and arms I've seen on here and that's saying a lot
No. 1594099
File: 1658472919816.jpg (16.46 KB, 400x400, s-l400.jpg)

>>1593927the way the entire moob is areola makes them look like picrel
No. 1594101
File: 1658473259030.webm (7.3 MB, 576x1024, download.webm)
>>1594085dunno, i dont keep up to date with him, i just saw a recent video, he mentions taking estrogen, is that not the same thing? sorry i'm retarded
trigger warning, square headed fridge bodied man talks about his pepperoni nipples and gets 4 million likes No. 1594104
File: 1658473588122.jpeg (207.92 KB, 1170x608, 2744B5BE-1A7D-4F0E-91C5-3E86B1…)

they really just do not get the hint huh
No. 1594146
File: 1658478936481.jpg (179.39 KB, 1200x726, FYLkVWrWYAE88Qo.jpg)

>>1594034>>1594042I know Anna Slatz, but she made a good point about this subject, DerricK Jensen and Lierre Keith also have discussed then in more death, a bunch of pedophile academics(supported by the CIA) started all this
No. 1594178
>>1594149crazy that I couldn't open this in the YouTube app at all by searching until I searched for the specific channel and scrolled all the way down to the original post date.
Tinfoil time.
No. 1594179
File: 1658482120532.png (70.32 KB, 1194x284, he needs to get the chop asap.…)

>>1594067>need a warm vagina to do some cardio in as opposed to what, a vagina with built in air conditioning?
also went to his profile and he posts comments in mother-son incest subs, all of his comments are disgusting rapey coomer troon shit
pic related is one of many vomit inducing things he's said, how do people not see troons like this and peak instantly
No. 1594186
File: 1658482769573.jpg (48.7 KB, 860x1200, 5ae.jpg)

>>1594075>she's totally willing to receive oral pleasureChad Stacy using her beta boyfriend as a clit massager
No. 1594187
File: 1658482776795.png (210.51 KB, 1134x598, defective y chromosoid.png)

>>1594179samefag oh my god his post history is insane, someone needs to make a compilation of it to be used for peaking because what the fuck am I reading
his entire post history is talking about incest with his mom, creeping on women posting selfies and nudes (of course only actual women and no "transwomen", almost like he knows transwomen are men or something), and posting pics with his dick out
I will never understand how can women on reddit see this shit and not think these men are creepy sexpests
No. 1594195
File: 1658483565849.jpg (167.95 KB, 780x1200, 20220722_115228.jpg)

No. 1594198
File: 1658484192801.png (144.65 KB, 1180x432, I am going to a-log.png)

>>1594187sorry last one, I am too disgusted to read any more of his posts
here he is admitting he masturbates in the victorias secret changing rooms and saying that it's totally ok to do that
he needs to go on a sex offender registry
No. 1594200
File: 1658484438322.jpeg (131.64 KB, 1080x808, 20DB6585-2201-4080-BB4E-E1101E…)

again with the cartoons, as it’s obvious any tim older than 25 is a male in womanface.
No. 1594208
File: 1658485838207.png (653.79 KB, 960x719, 27D1C815-6828-4A48-8DE3-4A8681…)

Having eyes is transphobic.
No. 1594219
File: 1658486860473.jpg (42.85 KB, 680x454, fascinating behaviour.jpg)

>>1593901why the fuck does he look manlier as a troon than as a guy?
No. 1594237
File: 1658487753411.png (187.83 KB, 494x501, troons dont like zoom.png)

>>1594187>>1594179>>1594067Oedipus complex, AGP, exhibitionism…give or take 3 months before he appears on a sex offender list
>>1594225They can't blend pass even to themselves, picrel
No. 1594240
>>1594237Ikr so delusional to think they could ever compete with actual women, where do they get off whining about how Manish they are and expect them to be taken seriously?
Their obsession over 'beauty' gives away the agp tendency and I doubt even a single one is comfortable in their own skin. Though I spose if one could pass and acted like a woman I wouldn't know so maybe I should stop posting in this thread before I start wondering too hard about fucking trannies.
No. 1594266
File: 1658490101253.jpeg (61.48 KB, 665x617, C910B139-3F86-4497-8EB0-A70346…)

>>1594067Jan Foster did it better
No. 1594269
File: 1658490224860.png (213.71 KB, 586x458, 9a297b97-e606-579e-83c2-9bd0e4…)

>>1594007>>1594019look at the male proflie on the left lmao
No. 1594270
>>1594261Fair point.
>>1594269Lol my god catering to trannies so hard, when I see a "woman" who looks like that I don't even look for their pride stickers, I tell them they'll never be a woman straight away.
No. 1594275
>>1594256Search “youngest serial killer.” An 8 year old boy started a murder spree and killed three female relatives, one of which was an infant. The family didn’t report the boy to the police because they didn’t want to lose their precious son just because he had a habit of brutally murdering girls.
In 2012 (forgot which country?) more 11 year old boys were charged with sex crimes/rape then all adult women.
No. 1594278
>>1594275>The family didn't report…Ayupp like I said I blame the parents, you wanna go off on literal children do it somewhere else lmfao, this is nonsense blaming children who don't have developed brains and are just sponges for their parents ideology until the around the age of 16.
I'm not saying kids aren't born evil either, some are, take them out back, shoot them and don't tell anyone like a good parent should.
No. 1594290
File: 1658493493423.jpg (101.91 KB, 484x816, Untitled.jpg)

>>1594007at least the replies are saving my sanity. trannies are getting ratioed there.
No. 1594291
>>1594067His profile truly is one of the most disgusting and degenerate things I've ever read in my life, you weren't joking, nona.
Full of mom/son incest shit, the Y chromosome truly is defective. I would be ashamed of birthing a moid like that, and fix that myself.
No. 1594292
File: 1658493713344.jpg (49.51 KB, 750x640, FYNPOZTWAAAxIoE.jpg)

>>1594290some of these are fucking gold lmao
No. 1594294
File: 1658494083861.jpeg (185.88 KB, 634x1310, BAC487FC-4920-4932-BC7D-1BBEE6…)

some hopefuel for you guys
No. 1594295
File: 1658494182055.jpg (55.69 KB, 828x680, FYNbEcAVUAAJwlq.jpg)

more good'uns from that disaster of a "womens"march tweet
No. 1594297
File: 1658494207027.jpg (46.34 KB, 616x680, FYNubKpWAAIt_hs.jpg)

No. 1594298
File: 1658494233030.jpg (108.76 KB, 1170x1065, FYPMO2NUIAAYhFg.jpg)

No. 1594311
File: 1658495353340.jpeg (194.78 KB, 828x629, 9EDD26B7-8E86-4AD6-B5B9-521C22…)

As a black woman im so fucking tired
No. 1594331
>>1594175>where do they get this confidence from, like seriously?male socialization and delusions
>>1593893I hope this guy peaks many handmaidens
No. 1594372
File: 1658501298359.jpeg (1.9 MB, 1284x2407, 409DAC42-AC26-4966-A561-F5C347…)

“most of yall didnt even know i was trans” I promise we can tell. All the comments hyping him up lol
No. 1594383
>>1594333Nta but they run irl botfarms which are hundreds of phones lined up which are automated to scroll, like, interact on the app as if it was a real person. There are videos of this kind of setup. artificial interaction which is registered as real interaction because it comes from a real phone (x hundreds)
I think this explains why shit-tier videos get so much interaction compared to somewhere like Youtube, it's ostensibly the same western audience watching both so why are tiktok stats so high compared to other platforms?
Chinese also use a similar setup of dozens of phones for individual streaming, there are so many streaming platforms in China an individual user will stream on them all at once to reach the widest audience, via this crazy setup of dozens of phones all pointed at them.
So this kind of thing is normal there and might explain why terror troons and other shit content has very high likes/views.
No. 1594445
File: 1658506238882.jpg (42.7 KB, 680x680, FYNMwYhWIAAbE-g.jpg)

No. 1594459
File: 1658507053889.png (1.58 MB, 2100x1500, troonie.png)

>>1594290love it when they're obsessed with hating on JK.
No. 1594485
File: 1658508345009.jpeg (401.4 KB, 1536x2048, D57DDF28-6A2E-4BF4-A893-22E345…)

>>1594007this retard scrote is in the replies replying to everyone and is trying to convince other people that he passes and is as dangerous as an actual woman. the agp smirk doesn’t lie you stupid troon
No. 1594490
File: 1658508628097.jpg (146.89 KB, 643x1199, FYSNbaLWQAI8xzU.jpg)

>>1592784if this was my husband i would kill him and then myself
No. 1594516
>>1594417China literally just cares about money. All this gender identity stuff is being pushed purely by western, capitalist, post modern, liberal culture. The algorithm caters to what is popular and profitable to the app.
Amerifags who blame china for all their problems are patriotic conspiratards. Literally the Chinese just care about maximizing profits. A lot of cheap western and slave labor is outsourced to china and the Chinese literally only care about profit. The west pick the product.
No. 1594531
>>1594516All this woke gender identity politics is coming from western funded pharmaceutical companies and college campuses.
China if it does have a part is literally just paid or indirectly incentivized to create a product.
No. 1594581
File: 1658514490375.jpg (36.87 KB, 601x524, Screenshot 2022-07-22 112251.j…)

A celebrity woman would be crucified if she had bolt-on tits.
No. 1594585
File: 1658514806462.jpg (788.71 KB, 1920x1920, FYO37L0UEAACxR7.jpg)

More from the "they just want to pee" crowd. I especially love the "trans liberation by any means necessary" one. Absolutely the types of people I want to share my gym with.
No. 1594589
File: 1658515447266.png (283.85 KB, 590x505, rugby.png)

another L for trannies in sports. you love to see it
No. 1594591
>>1592791If it is only about peeing, why can't he do it in the men's room?
I love how TRAs constantly drone on about how being a "transwoman" in a male space is a dangerous position, but the
tw who's just as male somehow isn't a danger to women.
No. 1594620
>>1594417> I just cannot understand how a psychotic looking man in a dress talking about his pepperoni nipples can get MILLIONS of likes.It's botted for sure, not that China wants to promote this garbage but somebody does (bought follow/like/views from botfarms as above) so they take the money.
Also more people join tiktok if they think they will get 'famous' on it because the views/likes are so high, then more biometric and every other kind of data can be collated, collected, and sold.
People post a lot of personal information on there as well as face, name, voice etc and data is worth a lot.
Because China's population is so high they don't think 2 million or whatever is a suspiciously high number when botting, this Chinese vlogger I follow on Twitter with 2 mil followers on Youtube has posted to say that in China, this is considered tiny/nothing/unimpressive.
So it makes sense why you see some retarded video on tiktok with a million views or some nobody with 2 mil followers.
On Youtube only the absolute top users have 2 million followers or 1-2 million views per video, this is (mostly) accurate stats from actual western audiences, the western population are not actually large enough to have as many interactions per influencer as you see on TikTok.
It's kinda funny because people are performing/posting for bots and thinking they're famous, most tiktok users are not techy/nerdy so they don't see anything unusual.
No. 1594679
File: 1658520780139.png (804.36 KB, 1000x660, shutterstock_192451649-3874196…)

>>1594230i have bad news for you
No. 1594712
>>1594706I meant bad idea as in it's a massive money drain for starbucks to pay for some of the most expensive (yet completely unnecessary) surgeries to exist, especially when it's the one easy-to-get job all troons flock to
>>1594699You're right about men not understanding women, but men really do not need women to turn them degenerate. If anything it's growing up in a patriarchy telling them they can do whatever they want to women because they're men.
No. 1594722
>>1594679Nta but I always thought those were computergenerated images? Never heard it might be a psy op. Maybe I'm retarded and don't get it, then ignore me
>>1594702Oh that's where they got the colors from. Not surprising, these troons have nothing creative about them
No. 1594725
>>1592994Pretty much. That's why I like to go with Posie Parker's quoting for "
Terf" which is "Tired of explaining reality to fools"
No. 1594817
>>1594811Egoism and Anarchism are autistic and without basic morality or respect. Stirner would call you his property and womens rights a spook.
Stirner died of a fucking bug bite and the only person who showed up to his funeral was the guy who cucked him and caused his wife to leave him and he went because he felt bad. Retarded piece of shit “philosopher”
No. 1594855
File: 1658535449713.jpg (174.55 KB, 1242x1242, FYSXm4HXgAEZ6GX.jpg)

No. 1594857
File: 1658535485341.jpg (189.26 KB, 1242x1242, FYSXqp-WQAAyGZV.jpg)

>>1594855"Lesbian" sex advice
No. 1594858
File: 1658535538552.jpeg (132.72 KB, 726x588, D73022E2-6B71-4131-BA0E-9C5DDE…)

how naive do you have to be to think it’s just the old TIMs who are fetishists? It’s all of them.
No. 1594861
File: 1658535680258.png (431.2 KB, 715x588, 6.png)

>>1594859its not the onion sadly
No. 1594866
File: 1658535849845.png (66 KB, 695x585, wtf.PNG)

>>1594858this is one of the replies on that thread. why are they so obsessed with being teenage girls? why not 50 year old women?
these retards keep saying second puberty like it means anything
No. 1594874
File: 1658536590501.png (42.29 KB, 813x348, kek.PNG)

oh my god this post is so funny to me because they're so close yet so far. not talking about the male terf thing, but the last sentence
>There's just too much of a historical precedence of men using women's rights as
No. 1594897
File: 1658538626126.jpg (151.78 KB, 2048x1536, FYJSIJCVUAA5xFU.jpg)

I had to see this, now so do you
No. 1594905
File: 1658539429644.jpeg (351.57 KB, 750x1218, 194D7F35-DAC9-4C29-AA1D-600613…)

i can’t with their drama and entitlement.
No. 1594906
>>1594874Why the fuck does the obsession only creep them out if it's a male
TERF? Some "allies" cape way too hard for them and it's a hundred times creepier. Also male TERFs where?
>>1594882I guess you're joking but can you not?
No. 1594917
File: 1658540242472.jpeg (409.16 KB, 730x1873, 911C580D-2BD4-44B4-9D28-3E245E…)

>nothing too gross
No. 1594931
File: 1658541085390.jpeg (553.34 KB, 750x1192, 94693FE0-C47D-45EA-B76B-D7481C…)

it doesn’t get more cringey than this.
No. 1594940
File: 1658541434836.jpeg (1.02 MB, 750x1386, 60DF4645-3D6D-471D-B2CF-91A712…)

>dyed hair
>frumpy skirt
why do they all look the same?
No. 1594948
File: 1658541734601.jpeg (522.61 KB, 750x2667, 60FA2E38-9330-4C91-B004-9BF8CB…)

this absolute caveman thinks he will pass one day kek
No. 1594953
>>1594917I suggest a washcloth on a dildo.
>>1594683Accelerationism is the best thing that can happen to failmales. The more dysfunctional they get, the fewer of them will breed. The gene pool would never have been soiled in the first place if they weren't so greedy, selfish, and lazy.
No. 1594966
File: 1658542633042.jpeg (688.39 KB, 750x1221, 529DAF23-D7DC-46E4-8E79-292BB6…)

everything about this outfit is cursed.
No. 1594982
>>>/snow/1594979For what you enable this site to be then stop next time you feel like being lady hitler.
No. 1594994
File: 1658545468392.jpg (488.39 KB, 1503x4581, 077ponzaylc91.jpg)

>>1594983It's ironic to call it that, since the master race isn't sending their best. Photo stolen from boomerhoncringe. Like 98% of troons pictured in these threads are white.
No. 1594998
File: 1658546012009.jpeg (276.72 KB, 750x872, 81A9A8E4-9D8B-4A41-81AC-EEB289…)

it hurts because it’s not a clit, it a butchered piece of your dick.
No. 1595007
File: 1658546816196.jpeg (586.41 KB, 1170x1098, 665CCA58-1FE2-4119-9AB2-E4DB59…)

Idk if this belongs here but I can’t believe it’s not satire
No. 1595029
File: 1658550873985.jpeg (Spoiler Image,764.38 KB, 750x1210, 3705EB0A-A034-4F66-A31B-1CA357…)

the fuck is this meant to look like? Is it supposed to be labia?
No. 1595030
sorry, i forgot.
No. 1595039
File: 1658551939582.jpeg (661.25 KB, 750x1141, 2FDDACEF-FE53-482A-B316-A8413D…)

always with the dumb cat ears.
No. 1595176
File: 1658563878792.png (597.84 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20220723-085756.png)

Why are you so obsessed with getting your dick out in front of women?
No. 1595194
File: 1658565891745.jpeg (40.48 KB, 626x562, 330A877C-B5DB-498E-A264-F03B41…)

>>1594667>>1594149this video and Jensen's overall critique is fine, but I have personal experience seeing him blow up when feminists have told him to stfu. no picrel unfortunately. he is a narc moid like they all are, so take his analysis for what it's worth and reject his attempt at being a head of a personality cult
No. 1595195
File: 1658565902722.webm (8.89 MB, 320x568, cBbQxDBwulgeJPMJ.webm)
This word is overused but this is literal grooming, like why do TIMs have such a desire to gaslight and abuse children
No. 1595203
File: 1658566832363.jpg (1.04 MB, 1080x831, 1658566446288.jpg)

Fucking addicts. This sub is like 1/3 minors. This is like allowing cigarette and alcohol ads in teen magazines. I'm sure the post is full of dangerous misinformation too: No. 1595224
File: 1658571883717.jpg (130.75 KB, 697x788, bitch please.jpg)

>>1595175>the internet warns you about.I mean, he's not wrong, the internet truly is a strange and scary place.
No. 1595276
>>1595195Wrong thread, but if I was a teacher and I had a colleague email me about them wanting to talk to my class about being trans I'd flag them for being a potential groomer. Since troons just love hiding behind and comparing themselves to black people and their struggles, have you ever seen a black teacher going around and explaining to children that they are black? And then smugly making videos on tiktok about it?
I really hope there are teachers actively debunking trans lies in class and that they're just smart enough to not post about it publicly online.
No. 1595282
File: 1658581340157.jpg (51.62 KB, 604x629, FYO30UQXgAARJtA.jpg)

we are witnessing pure delusion
No. 1595294
>>1595282>I have so much sex with womenIf TIMs were not on the top of the oppression ladder this would read like any other incel with their totally believable statements about their sex lives.
I also want to cut off their tongues. Not cute, still a dude.
No. 1595315
>>1595282If trans woman are more women why dont they date eachother then and be "more lesbians". Why are they so obsessed with fucking real women if they are more real than us?
Oh yeah thats right, its all mental illness I almost forgot
No. 1595384
File: 1658594959946.jpg (266.57 KB, 1080x1796, 20220723_184425.jpg)

The handmaiden is being ridiculous considering this IS literally meant to be a male head, to include troons. "Hurrdurr bio women also look like this" doesn't even matter when the intention is for it to be read as a male, just one that has a mental illness that makes him think he's female. It IS dystopian.
No. 1595388
File: 1658595082305.png (1.09 MB, 810x1080, 36512E02-E9B1-4ACD-9C23-199D58…)

The “days of girlhood” retard takes off his costume so he can make money off Mormonism. Uh oh!
No. 1595390
File: 1658595357604.png (1.86 MB, 1080x1350, 929C95BD-4256-48BF-852F-41ABA2…)

No. 1595402
File: 1658596085438.jpg (84.12 KB, 974x1059, alba.jpg)

honestly, i was thinking the same too. it's in the same category as nonnas shaming art of masculine looking women in the art threads. and hooked/big noses are common across races, pic related is alba flores, a spanish/gypsy actress
No. 1595405
File: 1658596397115.jpeg (246.07 KB, 1275x1746, B8BA1FEF-334D-490E-9921-95B87E…)

>>1595384It looks like Tilda Swinton.
No. 1595416
>>1595384As an artfag this reads as male not because of the nose, but the thin lips, craning neck, and lack of difference between the slope of the nose and forehead. Men have more prominent foreheads and worse lip to jaw ratios in general which can be seen here.
The other two faces are also very poorly drawn so I don't think this deserves a debate, we'll just rile each other up like the endless tall vs short argument, but that face does read male to me due to factors other than the nose shape.
No. 1595419
File: 1658597211595.png (12.69 KB, 900x901, png-clipart-2017-women-s-march…)

>>1595412not this nona, but besides everybody missing the point, who is even using this logo? i searched for it and i can only find it on the facebook page of the New Mexico women's march. the red/blue/white logo dominates the search results and i can't find any press about an official logo change.
here's another version almost nobody is using to get mad about
No. 1595421
File: 1658597429275.png (110.33 KB, 500x253, womens-march-washington-logo.p…)

>>1595384This is what the logo looked like before fyi
No. 1595424
>>1595421Samefag, this logo with a symbol representing a male shoehorning himself into it reminds me of how they 'fixed' the gay pride flag to include trannies steamrolling over it, symbolic af
>>1595419Honestly doubt people would use the new one considering how it's obviously worse than the one that shows up in search results, so hopefully people keep using the old one
No. 1595429
File: 1658597981642.png (220.28 KB, 1440x711, telegraph.png)

>>1595419I couldn't find any news stories about it either but did see this,
terf island coming in strong yet again (it's subscriber only unfortunately)
No. 1595432
Sage for blogposting but I have been trying to work this out for a while and it feels like I am going crazy. I am a public school teacher and all of this gender bullshit is getting to be too much. I have a list of complaints that I just really need to get off my chest.
One of my coworkers, let's call him Mr. Econ, came out as a TIM two years ago. It worried me because he doesn't hesitate to share his personal life with his students. I have heard him discussing his divorce and dating life with his students. Additionally, he likes to touch students on the back, waist, and shoulder without their permission. Despite reporting it, nothing has been done. I have no doubt that he is a groomer and nobody is doing anything. It reminds me of the teachers that would sexually harass me when I was there age.
Ever since I started teaching, I have addressed students by their last names. This has worked out wonderfully because it reduces the issue caused by having multiple students with the same first name, and I find the students acted more maturely when addressed in that way. Unfortunately, since Mr. Econ came out, I have experienced some retaliation from students who consider themselves to be trans or non-binary. They claim I am doing it to deliberately avoid using their chosen name, when in reality that is simply a side benefit. Most of them quiet down when I explain that there are six Johns in one class and I am trying to avoid confusion, but some still kick up a fuss and go out of their way to disrupt class because of it.
I have had plenty of time over the summer to select books and exercises that I feel meet the standards that I must follow. I try to have a few classics, such as Othello and The Bell Jar, but also work that isn't typically on the required reading list, like Speak and Meridian. I know I am going to have to deal with some students and parents for not including books written from a sufficiently "queer" perspective, so I have already drawn up documents justifying every book and article I will cover. I do have a handful of books selected if the student can not handle the subject matter of a book, but those are more typical of a standard English syllabus and not an honors course. This way I can avoid students suggesting their own "alternative" reading options.
Despite this, I was feeling great until a couple of weeks ago when we were given permission to start setting up our classrooms and had a few meetings to outline the basics of what we need to keep in mind this school year. I found out Mr. Econ had apparently changed his name over the summer to my first and middle name at the first meeting. Now, my name isn't very common. My mother gave me a poorly feminized version of her father's name, which has never placed in the top 500 names for women. He has also dyed his hair to match mine and took up wearing (very obvious) green circle lenses. I made my discomfort known about this to the administration after our first meeting, but they say there is nothing they can do because that is his legal name now. They completely ignored the new hair and contact lenses. I tried commiserating with some of the other teachers but they just said I should take it as a compliment because it means he obviously looks up to me. How can they not see how creepy it is? I always hated my name. Nobody I met ever got it right and it sounded bad, but I am still mad that he took it, and I also feel ridiculous for being mad. I don't know. Maybe this is the final kick in the ass I needed to change my name like I wanted to in high school and college? I just know that is going to rock the boat and come across as petty to handmaiden coworkers.
The worst part is that this is a rural school system in a conservative area. If they are getting away with this here, what are they getting away with in more "accepting" areas? Thank you for letting me rant.
No. 1595446
File: 1658599241277.jpeg (641.96 KB, 1170x1620, D35B72D9-E509-45E5-949B-878B9B…)

Do they not realize how fucking racist it is to equate black women to men. A woman with higher testosterone levels is still a woman. Hell, TIFs pump themselves full of testosterone and they’re still women.
No. 1595452
>>1595432>I found out Mr. Econ had apparently changed his name over the summer to my first and middle name at the first meeting. >He has also dyed his hair to match mine and took up wearing (very obvious) green circle lenseswtf
>they said I should take it as a compliment mhmm I bet they wouldn't take it as a compliment if he was skinwalking them
No. 1595466
>>1595432That unusal name might help so you can more easily find him on social media and see what he's really up to. A groomer troon is without doubt posting about it online somewhere, and they're all vain enough to post selfies so you can verify it's him. Screenshot anything even slightly suspicious.
Keep making it clear to your colleagues that he makes you uncomfortable, if you say it enough they'll start to see it and agree. Also make it a point to do some anti-groomer education for your classes (maybe even suggest it to the whole school?) and make sure to tell all students that it's not ok for teachers to touch them if they don't want it, even if it's just on the shoulder. Tell them things like "if a teacher at THIS school does this…" etc and sort of imply that one teacher around them might be dodgy. Actually, bring up exactly what he does as signs of grooming, but don't tell them it's about him. "That teacher is a pedo" spreads really fast among students.
No. 1595482
>>1594256>>1594258This is what happened with "Barbie Karshashian," though you can only blame one of the parents. The father was so
abusive to the mother that the child started abusing her too.
I don't want to go back and read all the nasty details of it all, but iirc, the mother herself and her child away from the father, but the child was so
abusive he had to be taken away and put into foster care or something. "Barbie" went on to abuse far more women, often violently. Last I was aware Barbie was in prison, a women's prison of course.
No. 1595484
File: 1658601365654.jpg (154.75 KB, 1170x1614, FYV0PmyWAAAfrhU.jpg)

Imagine having this little self confidence that some strangers words can affect you this much
No. 1595496
>>1595486If you really want to build a case, keep a diary of every inappropriate things he does in school. It's easier to dismiss you just saying that he does x, y, and z then it is to dismiss a document that outlines what he did, who he did it to and when he did it. The diary should just be dry facts no emotions like "on April 4, Students B, C, and G told me he told them that he went on a date with a woman and she was very pretty, and they drunk a lot of wine, and she hasn't responded to his calls"
Oh, if you want to mess with him, start dressing way more masculine (if that's comfortable for you) and do change your name. And when people ask you about it, tell them Mr Troon inspired you to be your true self. Bonus, you can model being a gnc woman to your students.
No. 1595526
>>1595522oppression points and a way to deflect any negative criticism.
blogposting a little but one of my aquaintances trooned out (ftm) and will use that to excuse her lesbophobia and racism under the pretext that she is a "plus-size gay man"
No. 1595530
File: 1658605307480.jpg (71.82 KB, 640x852, 43836.jpg)

>>1595522narcissism is an inherent part of troonery
they skinwalk women because its the easiest pre-made way of gaining attention (the pic related principle)
it's also linked to the coomer impulse of AGP because it makes the target error attraction (i.e. cooming to femininity and the idea of being a hot loli, big titty goth gf, bimbo etc. 24/7) easy to construct as a preset ('become the gf')
No. 1595557
File: 1658607094014.jpg (189.76 KB, 1080x744, Screenshot_20220723-154939_Chr…)

Transwomen make better women, example #723678
No. 1595561
File: 1658607352532.png (4.61 MB, 828x1792, C7078AFC-B4A3-4DFB-94BD-FDC8E7…)

Sure he did…
No. 1595588
File: 1658608822979.jpeg (211.05 KB, 750x453, A330DEAE-F1F6-40CE-837D-A4B92D…)

Whenever I see posts like this it’s always a red flag, this specific cow I’ve been following for a while is always posting about how “dainty and small” they are, low and behold they’re a “trans-girl”. They have also made several posts comparing themselves to loli characters…
No. 1595590
File: 1658608888303.jpeg (690.33 KB, 1536x2048, 5C2E641C-A2B4-4BDC-8AB9-5E36B2…)

>>1595588Here’s what they look like btw, the miku tattoo…so small and dainty indeed
No. 1595596
File: 1658609089875.jpg (79.63 KB, 1018x576, Hatsune-Miku-1018x576.jpg)

>>1595590Oh god is that a Miku tattoo
No. 1595601
File: 1658609490998.jpg (77.11 KB, 495x292, gennys-cis.jpg)

>>1595557I just read the Transsexual Empire by Janice Raymond and this is the same shit they've been saying since the fucking 1970s. Its insane how troon brane is just a constant cycle of woman hating clichés
No. 1595605
File: 1658609716040.jpg (172.18 KB, 1079x1470, 1654466940816.jpg)

>>1595558Lol its always the most unfortunate looking troons who are the most arrogant and misogynistic, the jealously towards real women is very evident.
No. 1595611
>>1595432I'm baffled, nonna, I hope you can help your students, that moid sounds dangerous as fuck.
As the other anons said, changing your name is a good idea, if he changes it again then the skinwalking will be more obvious and getting a haircut is a great idea as well, maybe even changing the color to something new, like with some highlights or something like that.
I feel really bad for those kids, so I don't know if getting a new job would be a good idea, because then the students will be surrounded by enablers letting that disgusting piece of shit moid do whatever he wants because the school will want to be the wokiest of them all.
If it gets unbearable leave, of course, but at least try to show them that they need to keep their guard up.
No. 1595613
File: 1658610281849.jpeg (Spoiler Image,228.63 KB, 750x1094, D9D13552-20C3-4EBA-820B-28A340…)

>>1595590He also has this album that he posts in, I think the title and pictures speak for themselves. He posts all the time but I don’t want to clog up the thread
No. 1595643
File: 1658611938589.jpeg (Spoiler Image,763.4 KB, 750x1206, 24D2AD0A-1E47-4DE9-8E83-C5CAFD…)

an attempt was made.
No. 1595716
File: 1658616724876.png (Spoiler Image,756.76 KB, 1030x1056, cursed.png)

No. 1595726
File: 1658617156200.jpg (98.05 KB, 868x987, 1658358017908761.jpg)

>>1595716literally picrel
No. 1595731
>>1595712the ones that are posted nowadays are okay-looking, they used to be so much worse lol
like actual rotting, melting, bleeding gaping holes leaking with fecal matter
No. 1595808
File: 1658622159314.jpeg (634.68 KB, 828x1200, 8C2AB6BC-37BE-4684-8EB3-5EC52A…)

Projection tbh
No. 1595816
File: 1658622792996.png (2.71 MB, 1542x1638, 1655061753766.png)

>>1595808Love the self own, they know it's an insult to look like them lmao. Not that it matters either way, TERFs do not need to pass as women because they are women.
No. 1595830
File: 1658626109482.jpeg (471.91 KB, 750x3377, B9F9978F-C2C5-449A-85A1-22C266…)

I’m so confused, he looks the same! Did they just punch him in the face and charged him for it?
No. 1595835
File: 1658626647203.jpg (667.74 KB, 1080x3230, 1658535428733212.jpg)

No. 1595873
File: 1658629558783.jpeg (433.56 KB, 828x1339, AB1D9E8B-AA71-4849-8DA1-2F328E…) shit is so retarded. They’re acting like artistic intent isn’t a thing and this
terf got btfo. No one thinks cis women cant have a side profile like this it’s the fact they openly support trannies and changed the logo at around the same time. 36.3k likes.
No. 1595905
>>1595698>>1595819I literally recoiled at the nasty ass hair. That photo is so fucking male from the crusty socks with the hole in the heel to the general grime and moid body. His nips are like
>>1594099 too.
No. 1595919
File: 1658636165188.jpg (1.11 MB, 810x4119, Screenshot_20220724-001035_Boo…)

Because that's what girls do. Grope each other and compare breast sizes, teehee No. 1595922
File: 1658636380899.jpg (175.29 KB, 460x460, game-of-fear1.jpg)

>>1595816Even a computer thought Zoe Quinn is a troon. The middle image is definitely her.
No. 1595929
>>1595919disgusting, these are just pornsick men writing fanfics for each other to get off to
it's like ao3 for misogynistic agp pedos
No. 1595955
File: 1658642890324.jpg (85.75 KB, 640x853, ay7cuq92ded91.jpg)

>>1595925I'm not even a scrote. I just think it's funny that she intertwined her metadata with malevolent trannies so hard that a computer looked at that, her faded manic panic hair, her unwashed mug, #videogamescreator, and threw her selfies in the tranny pile.
>>1595943He was better off just zero effort ugly. Now he's a living, breathing red flag. He really looks like he would ask you to help him move a sofa into the back of a van.
No. 1595974
>>1595873I hate when overzealous retards like this make us look bad. I get that people are really eager to get angry about shit when they're newly peaked, but try to have some self control. No one cares about this charity's stupid logo. It's common sense that a lot of supposedly "feminist" charities are retardpilled and sucking trannydick. Just support the charities that actually help women and ignore the libfem ones.
I wish more GC women knew how to pick the right battles. Women are being raped by men in jail. Neurodivergent teenagers are chopping their breasts off. Gay people in Iran are being forced to transition. These are the things that matter. A shitty charity's logo does not.
No. 1596006
>>1595522I've said this for at least 3 years now, since I've peaked on men (and ofc trannies are men): they
literally have no self awareness
No. 1596043
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No. 1596056
File: 1658660662731.png (15.2 KB, 735x166, untitled - 2022-07-24T070146.2…)

If people are calling them predators for their opinions on children, maybe they should consider that they may be predators.
No. 1596063
File: 1658663584565.png (343.66 KB, 2046x3510, euphoriabonersaffirmyourtruegi…)

Euphoria boners are just your body's way of affirming your true girly self!: No. 1596070
File: 1658664737724.jpg (162.84 KB, 1170x1743, 20220724_135215.jpg)

But still not a fetish
No. 1596074
>>1595974Yeah I’m inclined to agree with this. I mean yes, including a male silhouette in the logo is retardpilled (thanks for the chuckle, nonita) but there are far more pressing issues for us to get rightfully mad about.
>>1596046Are they really feminists though? Are they even gender critical? Just because they hate trannies as much as we do doesn’t make them one of us. It’s like “
terf” being used as a catch-all for anyone who is “transphobic”, people like Matt Walsh, Tucker Carlson and Jordan Peterson aren’t terfs, they just hate troons more than they hate women.
No. 1596082
File: 1658665988436.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1 MB, 955x2232, 9BF65A45-7F2C-423C-B6BA-0FCFB8…)

I love this. It’s not the first time I hear about troons wanting to cut their balls off themselves at home but they rarely go through with it.
No. 1596098
>>1595432Change your name, nonna! If Mr Econ can change his to "feel better in his skin", you can, too! It's your right! On another note, like another anon said, obtain proof whenever possible of anything shady he does. Keep it to yourself until it builds up, and you can actually prove the kind of person he is. I think people are enabling him now, but give it some time and he will show his true colours, then more people will start to be on your side. Also, I don't think "get another job" is good advice, sometimes we have to fight the good fights, not run away from them! Maybe you like your school, also it's not easy to change living places, and you'll have obstacles wherever you go, anyway! Stay strong, and good luck!
No. 1596112
File: 1658669633064.png (725.22 KB, 800x1194, A1AAEA64-60C5-452A-AFF1-A70C8F…)

I will never get over this legendary comic.
No. 1596139
File: 1658674189741.jpg (924.9 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20220724-104335_Red…)

Tranpa tryin to switch teams. Everyone lapping it up ofc.
No. 1596140
File: 1658674229494.jpeg (40.45 KB, 900x900, download.jpeg)

>>1596112The phrase "wolf in sheep's clothing," literally refers to predators that masquerade as their prey. Not exactly the kind of metaphor a TRA would lean into, but then again these are the same people who try to "reclaim" Buffalo Bill as a stunning and brave twans woman, so I guess you can't put anything past them.
No. 1596147
>>1595446I looked into this– the athletes the article talks about technically aren't cis women, they're intersex women with XY sexual development disorders. They weren't aware that they had these conditions before signing up for the Olympics, which is a reflection of the poor state of Medicine in their home countries. It's a very similar situation to what happened with Caster Semenya, another intersex athlete from a sub-Saharan African country. I doubt it's an attempt to cheat – I think the medical resources just aren't there in the developing world to catch these conditions.
The Olympics also didn't "ban" these women– they're just required to take a low dose of hormone blockers, which they refuse to do. They claim it's because the drugs caused them to gain weight, but I think they know the testosterone gives them an advantage and they don't want to give it up.
No. 1596152
>>1595883I’m a blogging too, someone blood related changed their name first and MIDDLE to mine. I felt like pulling my hair, losing my mind. Doesn’t help they are like 50yr old gross man. Pretending to be a women. WITH MY NAME. we do not share a last name, but I’m legally changing my first and middle name. I think it should be illegal to clearly copy someone you knows name. First name isn’t a huge deal, but it’s when you take the middle name too, and start acting and skin walking the person, it gets creepy. like are they gonna kill me and wear my skin creepy. There is NOTHING you can legally do either. Not many people understand how hard it can be.
>>1595432I am so sorry, I know how hard it can be. I know how frustrating it is how everyone around you treats you like YOURE the crazy one. My name is so unusual too, I’ve ever met another person with it. I fear that this is happening in your area too, I have no where to run. I’m from a big liberal city, and been dreaming of moving to a small red state town hoping that will save me from another one trying to take my name and skin walk me. How is this not a form of stalking?!
No. 1596162
>>1592821the irony is that hes a grooming
victim himself if hes only 15 and already deeply entrenched in tim spaces. ive noticed many agps have started moving on to little boys too. especially on discord. theres whole servers dedicated to organizing sexual exploitation of random autistic boys they come across
No. 1596168
File: 1658678628386.png (420.33 KB, 809x778, dumb.png)

>>1595446retards are using this as a gotcha when they "forget" to screenshot the whole thread explaining that these women are intersex.
No. 1596169
File: 1658678825245.png (369.34 KB, 792x958, 12.png)

fat pedo is still trying to be funny on twitter
No. 1596210
File: 1658681595170.jpg (107.11 KB, 828x1114, FYcgde4XgAA2Tqk.jpg)

No they belong in the dumpster
No. 1596213
File: 1658681793550.jpg (178.45 KB, 1242x1242, FYEIDT-XoAApogE.jpg)

No. 1596217
File: 1658681954041.png (36.18 KB, 891x348, pedo.png)

>>1596212How the fuck do they let these pedos do what they want in prison?
No. 1596228
File: 1658682780927.jpg (138.07 KB, 855x1024, FYXp2lvXEAEuOkD.jpg)

No. 1596239
File: 1658683395573.png (390.32 KB, 731x712, 35.png)

and another
No. 1596249
>>1596237>>1596228another cute dude lost to
Toxic Masculinity, he could have been long haired lean fit dude and been so hot, and instead he choose the tranny route
No. 1596253
File: 1658684274059.jpeg (388.46 KB, 1284x950, 62F7931D-094C-4818-A876-FEBFE7…)

>>1596242Here is an article about it. Unrelated to TiMs but related to the prison issue. But why would we want men in women’s prisons again? It’s probably some huge joke to the guards, they get to see women in pain. Sorry for the deleting and reposting I just did. Forgot to link to the post. No. 1596255
File: 1658684621717.jpeg (103.31 KB, 960x540, vaush.jpeg)

>>1596169It's ok Vaush. I dont consider you either sex as your species has neither
No. 1596261
>>1596147>>1596168I don't know why you are dancing around this but Caster and the other athletes are full males. Not any type of woman. They have disorders of sexual development where their testes are undescended and their external genitals are ambiguous or look kind of like vulvas (but are not vulvas because they are male). But they have testicles and they work.
The disorder is called 5-alpha reductase deficiency and it only affects males.
>They weren't aware that they had these conditions before signing up for the Olympics, Doubt. Caster says in several interviews including the one above that he grew up hanging out with boys, which points toward his parent's knowing.
No. 1596263
File: 1658684994966.jpeg (162.76 KB, 378x1946, 1656736650717.jpeg)

>>1596169>>1596255vasuh is a disgusting troon chaser who will troon out himself in less then 5 years
No. 1596266
File: 1658685180671.png (1.55 MB, 2048x1536, 1591135290055.png)

>>1596263Daily reminder Vaush had a troon 'gf' and this is what it looks like. He fucked the missing link
No. 1596320
File: 1658688184941.jpeg (1018.17 KB, 1000x2000, 1656731313495.jpeg)

>>1596266Someone who is just as ugly as him
No. 1596321
File: 1658688243418.jpg (121.85 KB, 1435x1109, FYNTsUxWAAAdvu8.jpg)

No. 1596326
>>1596213jfc why are handmaidens always so aggressive? It pisses me off, not gonna lie. They're more hostile towards terfs than to the men they supposedly hate so much. Weak ass hypocrites.
>>1596169He only cares about this issue because it gives him an opportunity to deflect from the fact that he is a pedo kek. So transparent it's almost embarrassing
No. 1596334
>>1595919Yes women invite other women to feel our breasts in the target changing room. Not like they're employees overlooking the changing rooms for theft or nothing.
This fake story will make a really good kikomi comic
No. 1596338
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No. 1596341
File: 1658688977262.jpeg (678.8 KB, 1242x1169, 20632D22-CD35-48ED-BFCB-CF84B1…)

Oh dear how exhausting.
No. 1596343
File: 1658689040095.png (454.23 KB, 797x1014, 01.png)

I don't want my children to grow up in this kind of world.
No. 1596356
File: 1658689595986.jpg (76.11 KB, 696x507, RrLMkj5.jpg)

>>1596341>must weigh below xyeah, sure, just pull something out of your ass when nothing else works. I just looked this nobody up and apparently he is the creator of that godawful TiF Netflix show, fucking kek. What is a woman Hamish?
No. 1596367
File: 1658690051979.png (36.88 KB, 1065x240, 41.png)

>>1596356>>1596341gayman fetishizes tifs
No. 1596369
File: 1658690276417.jpg (648.97 KB, 2048x1442, FYWVwsMXoAERcx-.jpg)

dublin mural
No. 1596384
File: 1658691437013.jpg (159.17 KB, 926x673, ugly to uglier.jpg)

No. 1596388
File: 1658691638091.jpeg (368.71 KB, 750x969, 4F27264C-37A1-4C46-AE21-F5BFC6…)

Not malicious! Women can be so retarded!
No. 1596391
File: 1658691810273.png (1.22 MB, 1080x1400, Dejshontaye Goddeszholliwould.…)

interesting name
No. 1596395
File: 1658691947323.png (190.7 KB, 805x587, 04.png)

they're just telling on themselves now
No. 1596398
File: 1658692021300.jpg (109.49 KB, 748x1024, FX69XgBVsAErsAm.jpg)

>>1596392he's into roller skating, which a warning sign on its own
No. 1596400
>>1596398Does he do roller derby? I feel like a ton of them do so they have a “
valid” excuse to hurt women.
No. 1596402
File: 1658692097487.png (27.72 KB, 796x324, tranny delusion.png)

>act, think and look like women
>but will never be women
No. 1596412
File: 1658692564362.png (216.86 KB, 1788x650, g42.png)

Just an average day on /tttt/
No. 1596413
>>1596402>I am a unicorn! I am, I amThey recite these things to themselves and then get hit by waves of dysphoria the second they leave their hovel and see any actual woman out-womaning them because they are a man.
This timeline would've been funnier if it was my little pony fans who decided they are horses
>All you need to do to be a horse is feel like one! >all horses are horses>my little pony rights matter>we must be allowed in stables with the horses or it's discrimination>If the horses don't want to fuck me it's violence No. 1596426
File: 1658693032388.jpg (402.19 KB, 1536x2048, FXwEdHGUsAEmEhN.jpg)

60 years old creeper
No. 1596444
File: 1658693877943.png (728.32 KB, 1164x2048, chrome_screenshot_165869378257…)

No. 1596482
File: 1658696484023.jpeg (Spoiler Image,369.34 KB, 750x1956, 91D82907-1283-4BA0-B248-FD4D94…)

just like real vaginas!
No. 1596491
>>1596444"Those bitches! How dare they
checks notes have a club for themselves that excludes me?!"
No. 1596493
File: 1658697241133.jpeg (662.67 KB, 750x1188, 13AC79E3-C596-41E7-B4E0-B4862F…)

tims’ selfies stick out like sore thumbs on the lesbian subs.
No. 1596494
File: 1658697288060.gif (338.43 KB, 538x572, 1647911532776.gif)

nonnie>mfw when they try to pass off a dude with a micropenis as a woman No. 1596496
File: 1658697322898.png (111.2 KB, 946x676, 1601157811517.png)

>>1596487Wtf I just looked this up. How is this guy not in jail
No. 1596502
File: 1658697713971.jpeg (219.72 KB, 750x1286, 5DA61855-623A-48B1-95F8-BB995C…)

>>1596493on the bright side, his wife asked him for a divorce, but unfortunately she and their kid are still trapped in a house with this blobfish looking excuse for a man.
No. 1596506
>>1596412>>1596505I don't like using this term, but the fact a pedo scrote can openly just abuse his kid in front of the whole world and no one seems to CARE, maybe proves we are living in clown world
at around 00:30 is Leiv and Kai
No. 1596537
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No. 1596541
File: 1658700606353.jpg (212.73 KB, 1224x2048, FYI6xhNX0AIb3RW.jpg)

No. 1596564
File: 1658703002629.jpeg (115.34 KB, 1480x780, 69CCEF2C-0A7D-45AD-8538-9CC114…)

>>1594325Holy shit, I just had a galaxy brain idea. China in collaboration with big pharma needs to make sure the American army starts giving free gender affirming care to soldiers. Troons will flock to the military as a result. They will get maimed by surgeons and become essentially useless. Then, when China starts WW3, Americans soldiers will be too concerned with their hormones, pronouns, and rot pockets to do shit. China wins.
No. 1596605
File: 1658704509598.png (864.34 KB, 1700x1250, Capture d’écran 2022-07-25 à 0…)

>>1596564sad news nona, but the chinese are following the same path as the muricans
No. 1596616
File: 1658705029937.jpeg (749.07 KB, 1170x1143, F710F419-B5EF-48E0-88F7-C0C159…)

I didn’t know Jimmy Fallon was into hair metal
No. 1596618
File: 1658705152055.jpeg (366.4 KB, 750x1563, DF81EFF1-4D92-4118-8E00-268C75…)

when the lubrication your rot pocket is producing is just fistula discharge.
No. 1596635
>>1596605honestly makes sense troondom would first me popularized in shanghai, its the most western influenced city in the country. trust me when i say no mainland chinese person thinks trans is
valid. i could see families encouraging the trans of their daughters to get a son though, kek.
No. 1596636
>>1596629Lesbians get trooned out too, you fucking retard. Also, no law-abiding person deserves to have their genitals hacked off. I'd honestly rather die than have someone mutilate my body.
Sick of the polilez speds in this thread acting like homophobia is okay as long as it's not happening to lesbians. I hate men, too, but violent homophobia is never limited to just gay men and bisexuals– it always spreads to gay women eventually, so don't condone any of it.
>>1596632They absolutely do. If there's one thing these threads should teach you, it's that this mental illness can affect males of any level of attractiveness. I've seen horrifically deformed speds, chiseled Adonises, and everything in between. Literally any male can be mentally ill– his appearence has little to no bearing on that.
No. 1596640
File: 1658706498700.png (378.76 KB, 840x542, 1653391520130.png)

>>1596605>>1596564China is full of troomers and enbyscum who are big time brats of party functionaries. The biggest chat host in China, Jin Xing, is a troomer who was a colonel in the People's Army. So you can be jailed for 'gay propaganda' but being a troon popping HRT on WeChat is OK
Anyways, this isn't new. The DDR had such clinics in the 1980s and the USSR experimented in trooming out prisoners. Unifying with West Germany set back troomer 'rights'
No. 1596646
>>1596082yeah, totally sane, mentally sound person there. cutting off your own testicles in your house absolutely does not indicate a serious psychotic break from reality or mental disturbance.
>>1596618>axe wound is wet from bloody fistula>I'm wetter than the natural women I've been withall this moid is doing is admitting he can't get women wet kek not even before he trooned out.
No. 1596655
File: 1658707372275.jpg (295.24 KB, 1908x1146, 55986615-0-image-a-45_16486186…)

it's easy to diagnose lieb scheiber's deal (terminal moiditis and being a pederast scumbag like most moids across history), but what's wrong with megan fox?
genuinely what possesses a woman to do this? or charlize theron, who dresses her african-american unrelated adopted boys in miniskirts and hairbands?
this makes me subscribe to that tinfoil thread
No. 1596698
File: 1658708648318.png (746.17 KB, 720x869, 49.png)

No. 1596707
>>1596640Its mainly because of Magnus Hirschfeld, pioneer in Transsexualism ideology and same faggot who let Lili Elbe in his troon delusion and killed him with his so called "life changing surgeries" (who would ever thought that an transplanting an uterus to a male body could lead him to death hmmmm…)
Also Erwin Gorbandt performed the first 2 “sex change” operations in history (both patients were homosexual men who died after undergoing many, many surgeries in a short period of time). Erwin Gorbandt went on to torture Jewish people in concentration camps a decade later. He conducted the infamous hypothermia experiment. He is listed as one of the infamous Nazi doctors.
No. 1596712
>>1595618i feel like it's the one who is only posting random pictures of ugly troons we don’t know
men hate trans because they are « degenerates », look bad. All they want to do is bully them, they don’t hate them for the same (and
valid) reasons women do
No. 1596713
>>1596707The Nazis actually had a successful troon patient named Hinrich B (Henriette). He was some troon walking around Vienna who kept being jailed for obscenity. They castrated him via his consent in 1940 and (to my insane shock) even allowed him to adopt children while en femme. This case is almost unknown in Germany and completely unknown in the West, I had to read sexology-related books in German to read about this case
I dont know whether the DDR inherited the Nazi or Weimar (Hirschfeld) framework, from what I know they went off a case of some USSR TIF troon from Latvia in the 1970s. Men will always find some way to justify troon bullshit
No. 1596735
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Chad pipeline
No. 1596742
File: 1658711912739.jpeg (47.84 KB, 739x415, 930E457F-CAC2-431F-A505-4A5164…)

>>1596735why does he looks like retarded cartman on the second pic
No. 1596761
File: 1658714259719.jpg (549.71 KB, 828x807, hmm.jpg)

they always have serial killer eyes and chemically damaged hair. bet this one smells too
No. 1596762
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No. 1596763
File: 1658714291916.jpg (111.78 KB, 1024x512, FYcLiWUX0AEX4ta.jpg)

No. 1596799
>>1596655I mean they’re kids, I don’t understand what’s wrong with this it’s just clothing? I thought that was the safest and most respectful option, let people choose what they want and be free to grow in any direction, and accept however a gender wants to present without pressuring them into surgeries or having to claim another sex. I think it would be pretty cool if they were able to safely remain males and dress however, so their self esteem wasn’t tied to an outfit. The outfits are also not sexualized, would be appropriate on girls, and it’s cool that one of the shirts says something about strong girls, which boys never rep.
This isn’t the same thing as that father dressing his son as a female child prostitute and touching him all weird, like at all. Who cares.
No. 1596843
>>1596562is she still accepting new people into her discord? I finally made a discord and I was thinking of joining some
terf-ish servers but I think her invite link expired. If she's not okay to opening the server up again thats okay though but idk how else people find
terf discords, im guessing they get in through twitter groups..?
No. 1596853
File: 1658721758635.png (145.82 KB, 2066x1374, isitnormalforplatonicgirlfrien…)

Another pornsick troonfic. Troon boasts about his married platonic girlfriend coming onto him and asks if this is normal behavior between girl friends. He's in his 40s, btw. And trashes his ex in typical troon fashion in the comment below his Penthouse troon letter.
No. 1596859
File: 1658722104445.png (881.48 KB, 864x911, Screenshot_20220725-000521~2.p…)

>>1596682Megan has been dressing her boys like girls long before MGK.
She probably wanted girls to dress up and make pretty like her.
No. 1596882
File: 1658724556469.png (1.13 MB, 656x842, simulatedsaint.png)

No. 1596953
File: 1658730139489.jpeg (332.48 KB, 1125x1495, ACB31D67-C432-481A-88A8-045E0A…)

>>1596541another twitter transbian being misogynistic after going “uwu i love [anime] girls”
No. 1596971
File: 1658734266699.png (92.38 KB, 706x483, Screenshot 1.png)

>>1596682>>1596799>it’s just clothing?there definitely are normal boys in this world who think skirts just look neat, but this isn't the case with megan's kids, do you really believe that an 8 or 12 year old boy would go out of his way to wear a shit that says "strong girls" and daisy dukes, do you really believe he wore those clothes without any sort of influence from his narc mom
of course this is not as bad liev schreiber(not even close, at least not yet) but you would have to be delusional to think that these boys choose to dress like girls seemingly every day(especially when they were literal toddlers)
also it looks like she's planning to groom her eldest to troondom so she can be brave and stunning mom of transchild
No. 1596981
File: 1658736768055.jpeg (1.26 MB, 971x1924, BF9EC1E9-17AC-48D1-9BE9-BF4979…)

apologises for the god awful quality but why are these troons so obsessed with Emma ellingsen? He was a literal child when he transitioned
No. 1597019
>>1593255This logic is so retarded. If these erections are so innocent, why don't men get them during every positive experience? I don't see grooms popping boners at the alter. Never seen a football player with a hard-on after scoring a touchdown, or a lottery winner with a stiffy while he poses with his winning ticket.
Trannies get "euphoria boners" because they're humiliation fetishists who find dressing up as women to be degrading and therefore titillating. That's also why the get off of being catcalled, and supposedly getting "worse" at math. Women in their eyes are the ultimate subs, so larping as women fulfills their fetish for being degraded.
No. 1597031
>>1597020>>1594712This so hard. Male autists are allowed to run amok and act like retards because society coddles them as ~misunderstood savants~. Meanwhile women with Asperger's are lucky to get a diagnosis before adulthood, and masking behavior is drilled into us by adults who refuse to acknowledge autism in girls as a possibility and instead insist that we're just "sensitive," or "tomboyish." I spent two decades not knowing what the fuck was wrong with me, why are struggled making friends with other girls, why I got bad grades. If I was a boy I would've had the excuse of being autistic from the word go, but as a girl I was left to feel like an inadequate, broken person who sucked at school and relationships by some fault of my own.
It makes me so fucking angry that instead of addressing this horrific injustice against autistic women, our shitty culture is just coercing them into slicing their tits off. God forbid we actually acknowledge these inequities, nope! Let's just obsess over the tranny fad and hopefully that'll distract people.
No. 1597032
>>1596981I feel like all these examples show the same level of ‘passing’. Going for different styles but are all still clearly boys. Whoever made this is is being wilfully obtuse or doesn’t see faces well. Like the giga one is literally a super zoomed in photo with a hood and hair covering their face shape. Any gay kid enamoured with instagram.
Also what kind of cope fantasies are those descriptions. You don’t need to be “hyper fixated on passing” to notice any of them, Honster is on tv getting clocked by the nation (even I watched euphoria before knowing about him and thought his character was cool for being a cross dresser from his intro bike scene alone).
No. 1597058
File: 1658749814763.jpeg (940.23 KB, 1191x941, DEC56E3B-26E1-4802-BE32-814A43…)

“Rate my vibe”
10/10 impressive lipstick application for a sewer rat
No. 1597082
File: 1658751827348.jpeg (831.94 KB, 990x2210, 633DA8FB-96CE-4001-9197-94BEAD…)

Masterpost of men engaging in incestual underwear stealing and masturbation habits. No. 1597108
File: 1658755869069.png (472.64 KB, 1428x710, Screen Shot 2022-07-25 at 9.30…)

>>1597082>I realized that I wanted the same discharge in my pantiesi'm gonna be sick
No. 1597153
File: 1658762717442.jpg (73.17 KB, 614x680, FYeCt75aQAAPnFW.jpg)

Their obsession with periods is so alarming
No. 1597162
File: 1658763730840.png (228.39 KB, 1200x1172, 1200px-MenstrualCycle2_en.svg.…)

>>1597153is he saying this happens to him every month?
No. 1597170
File: 1658765662236.jpg (Spoiler Image,625.25 KB, 810x1894, Screenshot_20220413-015031_Boo…)

>>1596056Same troon. Freedom to express his degeneracy.
No. 1597171
File: 1658765802565.jpg (190.78 KB, 1080x674, Screenshot_20220725-111531_Chr…)

>>1597168Exactly! Like what a complicated medicine schedule you'd have to keep up with just to almost mimic the natural hormone changes. Don't even know if it's possible, but think of women doing IVF who have to do shots all the time just…more. And for what? Nonexistent uterus shedding nonexistent lining. Prolly giving themselves endometriosis on their bladders or smth retarded
No. 1597180
File: 1658767664181.jpeg (831.08 KB, 1170x1903, 10994AEA-0B04-47E1-892B-1A4570…)

>>1592784What happened to gender dysphoria and suicidal and shit
No. 1597190
File: 1658768724490.jpg (791.78 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220725-115432_rif…)

They keep reeing about existing, because they don't exist unless people swallow their disgust and lie to their faces. They have no sense of reality and require people to prop up their delusional agp bullshit- any honest, visceral reaction to their dumbfuckery just crumbles their whole world.
If you walk around looking like you took a break from a serial killer ritual murder, you're going to get treated accordingly. That poor cashier guy isn't obligated to pretend you don't look like an unhinged deviant.
No. 1597244
File: 1658771444322.jpg (279.43 KB, 1080x1977, FYd-8raXgAEZnCb.jpg)

Imagine thinking ALL "cis" (aka real) women are just adored by men all day long, men just throw themselves at their feet on the streets and shower them with love and affection 24/7! They have such incel mindsets and know absolutely nothing about being female
No. 1597262
File: 1658772166095.jpg (132.29 KB, 1076x565, FOBcxA6WUAEXyuu.jpg)

>>1597108>his sisters used pantiesfuck these disgusting creatures. I wish there was some way to dox this creature to warn his poor sister.
No. 1597266
File: 1658772514670.jpg (83.09 KB, 792x1390, very-obese-man-GJ4Y4H.jpg)

>>1597190>400lbsDear lord
No. 1597278
>>1597108Repulsive, stealing your sister's underwear since aged 12, jacking off in it and smelling them
I echo this screaming cat
>>1597262 No. 1597284
File: 1658773462385.jpg (135.29 KB, 988x1025, FYDQgtPUsAAGzpF.jpg)

>>1592882holy shit this tt thread, have some more pics nonnas
No. 1597297
File: 1658774051714.png (85.7 KB, 643x571, FYevGgqXgAMz4vc.png)

No. 1597308
File: 1658774595076.png (12.65 MB, 3276x4096, BBDAD674-6B84-424D-95C6-9BF470…)

Saw these pics from a photoshoot of Jaclyn Moore, that TiM with the dickgirl tattoo. You can tell he thinks he looks like hot shit lmao.
No. 1597316
File: 1658775056493.jpeg (187.65 KB, 1170x437, AAFE3781-84B5-4793-9FAA-186D8A…)

Amazing sticker
No. 1597318
File: 1658775131821.png (1.07 MB, 1081x5625, chrome_screenshot_165877458295…)

Cleaning your stink ditch everyday with lube, urine infections. Just trans things.
No. 1597330
File: 1658776022911.jpg (83.92 KB, 828x787, FYdKTl3UYAAmiDZ.jpg)

So openly misogynistic
No. 1597351
>>1597318Is the "comfortable wetness throughout the day" referring to his ejaculate?
>cheese and fish Guaranteed HSTS misogynist
No. 1597382
File: 1658780344740.jpg (572.45 KB, 1080x1551, Screenshot_20220725-161653_Boo…)

>Stop posting about vaginas!!!
No. 1597418
File: 1658783360503.jpeg (339.48 KB, 1284x678, E1F5F0F0-E5D2-405F-92FB-4AE367…)

>>1597382He is sooooo butthurt lmao. He posted this on one of their shitpost subs.
No. 1597423
File: 1658783656889.jpg (198.03 KB, 1534x606, 41%soon.jpg)

>in woman only server
>they let trannies in
>for the most part people are polite but obviously they don't want become close
>attractive queer woman harassed yesterday because she complimented another bio woman in server saying she's her type
>trannies screeching like banshees and say "That's rude??? why did you have to put down others!!"
>no bio women took offense to this as obviously she's trying to slide in the dms of that girl
>trannies project their insecurities constantly and cry if they don't get enough attention.
>incel to tranny pipeline real as the trannies will actually get sad if women they find attractive in this server don't fawn over them
>They have no issue ignoring the women they don't want to fuck tho in the server
>they constantly bitch about how the world isn't fair to them and people are bullying them in server because nobody wants to suck their girl dick
being nice isn't enough the skinwalking moids crave your appearance and love
No. 1597491
File: 1658787995705.jpg (313.38 KB, 1080x1735, IMG_20220726_001723.jpg)

The state of the xxfitness subreddit
No. 1597562
File: 1658791635265.jpg (97.74 KB, 750x967, FYiOm51WQAIqX-Z.jpg)

If youre in intense pain on HRT you might wanna consult a doctor instead of thinking its your "period" because something is obviously very wrong
No. 1597599
File: 1658793630997.png (703.8 KB, 1257x527, Screenshot Capture (2).png)

>>1597562look at this ogre
No. 1597601
File: 1658793709478.jpg (118.96 KB, 828x988, FYiWDrYXgAI4jpw.jpg)

No. 1597621
File: 1658795217174.jpg (71 KB, 1080x1080, 144835830_458326842194479_6490…)

Grandma just called she wants her wig back
No. 1597645
>>1597491Also like what percentage of ppl are intersex? It doesn't make any sense to discard the two sex classes just because a very small percentage of people might be "both."
Is like saying,"hey, goldendoodles exist. Please don't ever distinguish between poodles and golden retrievers in any meaningful way again."
No. 1597693
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No. 1597709
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No. 1597711
File: 1658801637579.png (71.05 KB, 500x734, Ivy (Cute CatGurl arc) on Twi…)

>peeing uncontrollably is goals
No. 1597727
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No. 1597728
File: 1658803068571.png (1.34 MB, 959x941, 1658564872947.png)

nice chin
No. 1597770
File: 1658805428321.jpeg (129.13 KB, 671x1338, F5547491-A48A-4BDF-AC27-7A981D…)

nice wig
No. 1597771
File: 1658805523550.jpg (130.4 KB, 1080x791, Screenshot_20220723_104904.jpg)

troon making shit up #10000
No. 1597774
File: 1658805557603.jpg (Spoiler Image,156.54 KB, 1080x821, Screenshot_20220723_104610.jpg)

>>1597771the troon below and an an example of what he posts on his twitter
No. 1597782
File: 1658806409281.jpg (164.31 KB, 1170x1444, FXL1JsAXoAEXX-8.jpg)

No. 1597800
File: 1658807870012.jpg (1.29 MB, 810x3817, Screenshot_20220725-235128_Boo…)

More r/LesbianActually troon drama. Appears the sub is slowly becoming a based haven for cryptoterfs kek. No. 1597804
File: 1658808694909.png (1.09 MB, 1101x2048, chrome_screenshot_165878260196…)

Yuck, troons confirmed colourblind.
No. 1597810
>>1597382>>1597382>>1597423Holy shit is this tranny the same as
>>1597420 >>1597418
>>1597382 No. 1597812
File: 1658810426740.jpg (756.48 KB, 938x777, 1658810014614.jpg)

Hasn't it been established that troons themselves are responsible for the recent HRT shortages?
No. 1597821
>>1597812Women: need hrt for medical reasons to maintain their physical health after hysterectomy
Troons: "need" hrt for cummies, hrt actually makes their health worse
No. 1597825
File: 1658811934224.jpeg (Spoiler Image,424.42 KB, 750x932, D3EA89FF-F2EA-4415-946A-76D8E3…)

any guesses?
No. 1597836
File: 1658814650043.png (175.13 KB, 405x403, Fz.png)

>>1597733OT but I just had a realization, Conservatives are to climate change as Libs are to medical/biological science and health. like you have to be a fucking moron to think climate change isn't real AND/OR a kid being on puberty blockers wouldn't fuck up their body
No. 1597895
File: 1658825981185.png (Spoiler Image,2.07 MB, 1639x1709, fucklesbiantinder.png)

Took these two screenshots on Tinder, I'm on the lesbian filter mind you. Spoiler for small dicks in sheer fabric underwear. I reported both profiles and specific pictures about a week ago btw, and came across one of the profile again and it's still uploaded. lovely.
I hate being a dyke in the middle of nowhere, these freaks keep showing up more and more
No. 1597955
File: 1658838367474.gif (5.04 MB, 640x360, 1658130267188.gif)

>>1597812In one small way I am thankful for troomers. Troomers are sort of like a combination of the emperor's new clothes and the curtain being stripped back.
You can sort of grasp what men really feel about women by their conversations with each other (pure hatred), but how much they internalize about women's entire existences on a day to day level or how much they register any human characteristics from us is a mystery until troomers go buffalo bill mode and spill their moid spaghetti all over the place… answer is absolutely NOTHING, ZERO. The comment section is just as misogynistic as any incel shithole.
No. 1597983
File: 1658841259362.png (426.94 KB, 640x651, 6gs8r7pzbqd91.png)

Why is this so funny lmao
No. 1597995
>>1597955The internet, especially in the last five years or so, really opened my eyes to how men actually think. Everything is laid out there in the open. Before, I tended to give them the benefit of the doubt and thought the ones who committed rape and murder were just truly evil people, even outliers in some ways. But then incels and male trannies started spewing every thought they’ve ever had in their dysfunctional moid brains, and even normal scrotes in comments sections will say the most vile things under their real names, with their jobs listed, where their families can see. It’s both a blessing and a curse, because reading those things has made me absolutely hate men. I hope it IS just a curse for them, because so many women are turning their backs on them now. I’ve started to hate handmaidens for seeing these things and still siding with them, like how the fuck can you want to just lay down and sidle up to the people who want to oppress you so badly? Men are fully devoid of any human emotion, I’m convinced of it now.
No. 1597997
File: 1658844437044.jpg (11.78 KB, 204x204, c6571e18dba9d94bfcae1c7742539a…)

>>1597812If being a woman is as simple as proclaiming you are one, they why do they need to take hormones at all?
No. 1597998
File: 1658844740235.png (775.85 KB, 600x800, keks.png)

>>1597983kek'd. based crow speaks the truth.
No. 1598017
File: 1658847212300.png (23.77 KB, 610x306, troonscovid1.png)

>35.6% of troons who have ever had COVID currently have long COVID
No. 1598021
File: 1658847279284.png (21.59 KB, 484x308, covid2.png)

>14% overall compared to 9% of CIS women and 5% CIS men
No. 1598022
File: 1658847304109.png (29.3 KB, 568x213, covid3.png)

A they/them on twitter trying to explain the reasons for this. Lol.
No. 1598090
>>1596878>>1598070I thought Edelgard was considered a
terf icon. Or maybe trannies cling to her because they wanna larp her commie revolution?
No. 1598130
File: 1658856282037.jpg (324.48 KB, 598x2048, 20220726_121853.jpg)

I really hope this is real, it's hilarious kek
No. 1598147
File: 1658857319718.jpeg (3.38 MB, 3456x12100, E0C2CB81-A6E0-42B0-A8F8-B06053…)

and then everyone clapped.
No. 1598215
>>1597942One of things I've been wondering about is the fact they stick to takes like that even though it obviously doesn't work. Every time whoever they arguing with just brings up there's a meaningful difference between different types of women and men who mimic those types of women. Like you literally need a starting point that isn't woman to get to transwoman. In a world that was entirely women they wouldn't exist. Hell, in a world that was entirely men with no women to mimic they still wouldn't exist.
I dunno if it's just a result of the way twitter works where you can block anyone who disagrees with you or what. TRAs never seem to purge bad arguments.
No. 1598241
File: 1658862845735.png (24.02 KB, 655x278, FXyoAVsUcAAVQNl.png)

I wanna die
No. 1598253
I am a woman and if I randomly started lactating I would be terrified. What the fuck kinda brainrot is this jesus fuck.
No. 1598276
>>1597709Sage for blogpost but where I work the ladies bathrooms have a poster for prostate cancer and they ask you to check up on your man and make sure he goes to the doctor. The large text is ‘Does your Man Keep Going All Night’ (meaning to sound like he can fuck for a while as a joke but then talks about frequent urination during the night.). It also has a poster for women to check themselves out as well.
I asked my male co-workers if they have any posters in the mens room for cervical cancer awareness and they don’t have any whatsoever in regards to women.
>being told to look after men and also ourselves It’s all so tiring.
No. 1598281
>>1597800>cis women constantly speaking over transwomen about their experiences>speaking overSir, this is Reddit. No one is speaking. People are upvoting what they enjoy. You and other trannies are clearly not something lesbians enjoy.
This is their "oppression"
No. 1598343
>>1598084>hsts might not be a physical danger to women but i think theyre an extreme danger to men>to menlmao who the fuck cares?
the trad-chans in this thread are so annoying
No. 1598356
File: 1658868688615.png (989.06 KB, 1080x1044, Screenshot_20220726-203102~2.p…)

Some troon wedding between a themlet girl and a MtF, gotta love how the moid didn't even wash his hair for the big day.
No. 1598369
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No. 1598381
File: 1658870847367.jpg (152.89 KB, 849x600, LNvjhSy.jpg)

>>1598369Ugly Sims makeup vibes
No. 1598382
File: 1658871019314.jpg (266.86 KB, 828x1125, FYnnN6mXoBMkkd4.jpg)

Totally not biased article
No. 1598384
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>is this normal
No. 1598400
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>>1598382This is the troon who wrote that article, figures
No. 1598405
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they'll admit it THEMSELVES in self-written articles and get asspats from chasers, bloodthirsty surgeons and handmaidens alike. get me off this planet
No. 1598407
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>>1598405these narcissistic pedophilic faggots i stg
No. 1598419
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Imagine not only getting donated "milk" from a tranny but old 56 and 60 old men donating milk.
No. 1598480
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you're a nobody trannytube, no ones gonna meet with you not matter how many times you toot your own own
No. 1598487
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>family friendly drag event
ain't that an oxymoron
No. 1598492
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ugly to ugly
No. 1598505
>>1598487Tbh, I don’t think this belongs in this thread
>>1598405This is so sad and disgusting. I’m disturbed reading it, and any sane person should be too.
No. 1598520
>>1598419Ugh. I remember reading about single fathers working to induce lactation in themselves bc breastfeading supposedly benefits the baby mentally and physically and iirc part of the reason for it is that proper donor milk has strict vetting requirements so that it doesn't harm a baby. Weird, but I can respect all the effort ig.
So not only are these elderly moids donating their shitty milk (bc you know they aren't taking vitamins) but it might have harmed babies too. Great fucking job, you missed the point of donor milk entirely!
No. 1598533
>>1598147Why do they always claim
terf? How do you know that woman is a feminist? Just bc she's a woman and women are all the same?
No. 1598547
>>1598533Any woman who looks at them the wrong way is a
terf, obviously.
No. 1598554
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this one is a doozy.
No. 1598556
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finally a troon who owns a mirror.
No. 1598559
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he’s never been happier you guise.
No. 1598577
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>>1598561A love doodle from me to you, nona
No. 1598621
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all men lol
No. 1598635
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his face says it all
No. 1598638
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No. 1598650
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No. 1598683
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No. 1598684
>>1598671are you hot? they’re trying to skinwalk you
are you a lesbian? they want to fuck you.
are you not feminine? they think you’re genderqueer.
No. 1598687
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No. 1598708
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>>1598701Performing burlesque supposedly
No. 1598768
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men that fetishize lesbians are valid and if you don’t agree ur evil uwu
No. 1598800
>>1598480I read it in his Mickey Mouse voice
>>1598687Looks diseased like he'd give you gonorrhea just by touching your arm
No. 1598803
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Gramps here wants to take the plunge. He's just so envious of how "cis" women get to feel sexy all the time.
No. 1598834
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>>1594897look at the hyperfeminine blushy uwu TIM thirsting over the big strong man. none of them look like this. no actual woman would ever be drawn in this way. this is the way a porn addict would draw a teenage girl.
No. 1598976
>>1598621I don't really care about troons dating each other and stay in their own spaces. In that case everyone is happy. It's when they become aggressive with lesbians and demand lesbians date them and stop having 'genital preferences', or when they troon out on their wives and kids I feel disgusted. I don't like it when autogynephiles directly try to force biological women to be a part of their fetish.
I went to a sped school and I know a number of autistic incels who have become troons or are dating troons now. They seem genuinely happy and they get to have a satisfying relationship with another person without bothering women who don't want them. It's really just like a male prison and being gay for the stay but they are content with it.
No. 1601282
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nothing new just some cute makeup inspo for u girls from facebook
No. 1601284
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apologies for the samefagging but needed to share these treats too
No. 1605742
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>>1601284>"I don't know if anime cats eating ramen is bi energy but whatever it is definitely goes with bi energy like chocolate and peanut butter"What the fuck does this mean