File: 1651531930659.jpg (239.38 KB, 723x1024, 1651443028917.jpg)

No. 1518047
File: 1651532716106.jpeg (310.22 KB, 810x2812, 406D40FC-5116-4142-930D-1A3A85…)

It’s always the most stereotypical coomer shit.
No. 1518100
File: 1651536877450.jpg (115.19 KB, 828x1340, FRxtIChXIAAC6lx.jpg)

The coomer avatar fantasy vs
No. 1518111
File: 1651537290771.jpeg (122.64 KB, 828x650, 888748BB-4849-4EA0-8BE8-DD7050…)

this troon male admitted he tried to rape a woman and yet thinks he can comment on womens issues
here he is purposely misinterpreting the fact women are different than men because of the fact they have a uterus/different biology
No. 1518122
File: 1651537832342.jpeg (42.56 KB, 828x215, 79FC6A22-EF5C-4470-9792-3C7951…)

>>1518111samefag his twitter is filled with his gross male takes on everything, I hate how rapist scrotes like him think they are entitled to womens spaces and have a say in womens rights issues
No. 1518124
>>1518055>butt stuffYou can just tell its a scrote by the phrase "butt stuff". They're hardwired to try and make anal seem cutesy and fun when reality it's someone sticking their dick into the dirtiest part of a humans body kek. They instead try and groom our with the term "butt stuff" because "anal" means painful, disgusting, rough sex with the part of your body that produces fecal matter while "butts" is usually soft and cute albiet silly word.
/end my sperg rant I just hate when moids pretending to be a woman or not sugar coat their absolutely degenerate thoughts
No. 1518126
>>1518111Why would that reply bother the OP who made the post? Why do they think they can guilt trip us for stating facts? I don’t care about male opinions or emotions, and especially ones that don’t deal with the realities of womanhood while they try to wear our skin. They really think crying crocodile tears while shouting “
terf” or “bigot” at women who have better things to do is going to matter.
No. 1518196
File: 1651544034323.jpg (78.04 KB, 590x500, i hate them.jpg)

>>1518191It's already happening. These showed up not long ago under RoeVWade.
No. 1518222
File: 1651546903051.jpeg (125.77 KB, 828x603, 91ADC8A4-1C5A-403E-A4BA-270F0D…)

he is truly insufferable
context: infamous ratio tranny tried to ratio some tweet about roe v wade being overturned and is now assblasted people are annoyed at him for it
No. 1518260
File: 1651551006733.jpg (500.41 KB, 1076x1873, Screenshot_20220502-230538_Red…)

So apparently these people can take up money from hospital charity funds, which are intended for people who need life saving medicine/surgery but can't pay for it, so that they can transition?
Congratulations! You just took money from a cancer kid to flip your dick inside out!
No. 1518271 so I can embed the link
This was a hilarious watch. The voice KEK. Also, him realizing he’s a “woman” bc he was shaving his legs is… something!
No. 1518289
File: 1651555064558.png (40.54 KB, 844x493, no.PNG)

Apparently Princess Peach is a queer icon among gay males and trannies.
No. 1518295
File: 1651555990731.webm (5.27 MB, 480x852, nightmare fuel.webm)
No. 1518297
File: 1651556758733.jpg (443.42 KB, 1536x2048, 20220503_074519.jpg)

No. 1518298
File: 1651557009179.jpg (58.68 KB, 680x680, FRtAxmyXIAADmB3.jpg)

bradley be manning
No. 1518330
>>1518271is it me or do these gays/troons who make these videos either look for things that aren't there or use word salads that barely make sense. Also him trying to sing with his voice cracking lmao.
>>1518127>that one guy I think was on Barcroft who really did get massive tits and made it his entire personality.this guy is one of the most cursed troons that I have ever seen. It's almost like a parody but it's simple pornsickness.
No. 1518350
File: 1651565117772.jpg (178.59 KB, 743x1183, me me me me meeeeeeee.jpg)

they really have to make everything about them. bonus coathanger joke, of course a moid would love to profit from exploiting women in need…
No. 1518357
>>1518350it's obviously a joke but how does this nobhead not see that the jokes he's making is misogynistic as fuck? 'hurr women gonna need coat hangers to peform their illegal abortions now, gonna buy a bunch so I can exploit that' like….?
No. 1518384
File: 1651570407102.png (23.07 KB, 334x332, 233.png)

this is the same kind of teen boy who used try to do the shonen anime "Tch" sound of contempt and mumble about his power level when he got called a gay nerd. now they've all grown out scraggly bangs and call themselves lucy/sophie/emily.
No. 1518393
File: 1651572088114.jpg (128.23 KB, 720x1008, Screenshot_20220503-085113.jpg)

Ooga booga middle aged women enjoying themselves Reeeee neckbeard mad
No. 1518395
File: 1651572136954.jpg (32.03 KB, 432x432, 20220503_085104.jpg)

No. 1518397
File: 1651572443530.jpg (233.08 KB, 1170x1937, FRN47BjXwAEv5j6.jpg)

No. 1518398
File: 1651572605747.png (92.67 KB, 220x288, ylf.png)

>>1518393did not follow instructions
No. 1518400
>>1518395Off-brand Christ Pratt is very angry women won't have his babies.
>>1518393Yes, rich people thing like… having lunch? When most techbro troons are the biggest consumers existent currently.
No. 1518401
File: 1651572844999.png (24.71 KB, 329x242, 977.png)

>>1518393lmao the comments on the original post suck shit but there are a few women there being funnier than men and lifting my spirits
No. 1518403
>>1518390I second this, keffals spews enough misogynistic shit to warrant a thread on his own tbh
>>1518397a clear example of a man with an exhibition fetish
No. 1518404
File: 1651573674936.png (38.82 KB, 599x256, 783hgddghh.png)

>they call me an evil, manipulative, psychopathic, greedy fetishist
>for 'existing'
checks out
No. 1518409
File: 1651574391746.jpg (467.19 KB, 2731x4096, FQPxHeZWQAkEB9J.jpg)

lmao sorry if this was posted in the last thread but that little belt is straining to contain the aptly named Mr. Tube
No. 1518417
>>1518124This is so true anon.
>>1518032He looks like what he is: A young boy who didn't get to develop properly but instead got a bunch of plastic surgery and now has aged weirdly. Disturbing.
No. 1518425
File: 1651576446068.png (21.3 KB, 737x222, abortion.png)

mtf troons will see women's rights being stripped away and think "hmm, how can i make this all about me?"
No. 1518437
>>1518330I looked this guy up, ofcourse he has an onlyfans too, all about his tits.
Is there any troon who DOESNT have an OF?? Its so transparent it hurts that its all just a coomer fetish
No. 1518448
File: 1651579201925.jpeg (985.71 KB, 4032x3022, C0A595DB-4D18-4FEE-9CBD-52CC11…)

>>1518101It’s no a reality. He has to take the fake breast form off first.
Are you all dumb, I didn’t even have to zoom in to know it was one. Surgery isn’t magic.
No. 1518454
>>1518448Literally no one said the breasts were real or plastic surgery? We are all making fun of how ugly he is, and how different he looks from his vtuber avater.
Sounds like youre the dumb one
No. 1518458
File: 1651580899521.jpg (217.16 KB, 1241x1865, 8Dir27v.jpg)

God this is grim. Where does this statistic that most women can’t orgasm from penetrative sex come from? Moids who are terrible in the sack? 1/2
No. 1518459
File: 1651580940521.jpg (245.05 KB, 1241x2010, KpwnTFF.jpg)

No. 1518463
File: 1651581600343.png (364.75 KB, 734x798, TransDana1996.png)

literally no one is catcalling you but okay
No. 1518480
File: 1651583542663.png (72.16 KB, 596x592, birthing bodies.png)

are the normies finally waking up to TRA misogyny?
No. 1518500
File: 1651584914730.png (872.41 KB, 974x1204, shrekslostson.png)

>>1518480Saying "birthing bodies" is so fucking demeaning, it's literally reducing women down to their reproductive abilities. Ironically, even the tifs/enbys trying to get away from female sterotypes are also included in this phrase, had she just said "women" they could have larped on and pretended it didn't include them. Nope Aiden, chopping off you tits didn't make people stop seeing you as anything but a birthing body! Does she also call men "inseminating bodies"?
Well that was a bit spergy so have an ugly troon to laugh at nonitas
No. 1518523
File: 1651587845046.jpg (435.86 KB, 1459x1089, image.jpg)

No. 1518556
>>1518404Oh no cry harder.
>>1518448>>1518460I didn’t notice it at first and in truth the fake tits look not much different from the bolt on the guy in that vid has. Some of them do get ridiculous surgeries, no need to call women in here stupid for not seeing a thin line at his neck.
No. 1518595
File: 1651594224409.jpeg (1.13 MB, 2828x2828, D76787AC-B1B5-4192-BAC1-1B91F3…)

Stumbled across this troon on Facebook commenting about Johnny Depp and whining about being abused by women. Even when they pretend to be women they can’t stop with the mens rights bullshit. I got a good laugh out of his profile pictures though, he has like 30 and each one is funnier than the last.
No. 1518702
File: 1651607072815.png (93.21 KB, 1232x414, B4E4F064-7D73-49F7-BD89-DBD3EC…)

Question. What have they ever done for women? Why do they expect us to bend over backwards for them when they mock us, threaten to rape and kill us, etc.?
No. 1518707
File: 1651607416245.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1437x1477, 0FA0C9BA-B619-4EAB-9451-B3F925…)

Here is a fun little story of a MTF getting upset that a female client didn’t want him as a masseuse. There are three parts so give me a second to get them here.
No. 1518711
File: 1651607517909.jpeg (652.61 KB, 739x1339, 3C7DEC8A-38FD-49BA-AD2A-13FFC1…)

>>1518708The woman’s email. Nothing here said is transphobic. She sounds afraid and wounded and this narc of a man can go fuck himself.
No. 1518715
>>1518702The answer is absolutely nothing. Not to mention trannies are such a small percentage of the population whereas Roe affects every woman and girl in the country. Of course it's all hands on deck, stupid scrote.
>>1518711He doubles down in the comments too that she's transphobic. Surprisingly, most of the comments are actually telling him he's being a selfish asshole about it and defending the woman.
No. 1518721
File: 1651608216915.jpg (369.73 KB, 1170x1870, FRyXO9nUYAEzFp1.jpg)

Australian Museum let a troon in fetish gear play in a children's Lego pit. A woman would be confronted by angry moms and kicked out of the building in less than 5 seconds. No. 1518751
File: 1651609652823.jpeg (760.11 KB, 1284x2377, 303119E5-6171-49AA-B6CD-EB994F…)

>>1518711Loving this guys logic and reasoning. He shouldn’t be working with people at all
No. 1518780
>>1518754I also think a lot of trans people have suffered abuse as children so probably do actually empathise with this woman's trauma response. a lot of them are still kids and i hope they snap out of the trans cult and get real help before they fuck their lives up for good.
then a hefty portion of the rest are entitled narcissists (like the guy in the post) and AGPs (who would actually enjoy the woman being scared, probably)
but misogyny is at the heart of all of it.
No. 1518790
File: 1651612538619.jpg (308.74 KB, 1381x813, Screenshot_20220503-163430_Twi…)

I never really browse these threads but anons, i just cant keep acting like this is fine. Our rights are literally being stripped away due to something that is based in misogyny and this is what theyre concerned about. This is some "all lives matter" type of shit
No. 1518800
File: 1651613179799.jpg (870.37 KB, 2168x2100, history checks out.jpg)

Saw the post, checked the profile, kek
No. 1518812
>>1518754I've met a few (relatively) normal troons, the old-school kind who transitioned in the 90s. They all had
abusive fathers and seem to have reacted to it by becoming violently misandrist and trooning out in an "I reject everything to do with maleness including certain features of my own body" sort of way. In a sense I can't blame them for trying to NOPE out of
toxic male culture.
But I've also met plenty of narcissistic AGP freaks too, which is why I'm here.
No. 1518831
File: 1651615567251.png (33.65 KB, 749x472, Commander Stephanie Sterling o…)

How do I make this about MEEE
No. 1518840
File: 1651616449489.png (15.16 KB, 1115x165, The supreme court abortion ban…)

No. 1518849
File: 1651617083710.png (188.27 KB, 1160x1012, tco.png)

they've caught on
No. 1518857
File: 1651617586106.jpeg (677.35 KB, 828x1421, D53CAB4A-D275-49BD-A014-56268C…)

good old male socialization, and the poor girl is too scared to bring it up to him bc she doesn’t want to hurt his feelings uwu
>>1518840queen this has been posted like three times already in this very thread
No. 1518865
File: 1651618557105.png (7.86 KB, 626x143, c697ddb9f363b4a34bc0d6feb09f40…)

>>1518800Someone forgot to take their meds and now the big evil
terf island bullies are coming to discuss taking away the ability to ID yourself into a new sex
No. 1518871
File: 1651619533988.jpg (214.71 KB, 1812x2048, FR1lyZ4XwAAVEbK.jpg)

TRAs are just constantly threatening suicide, more than any other group of people, even depressed teenagers dont manipulate people this hard with suicide bait.
Maybe trannies commit suicide alot (which btw isnt as much as they claim, that 41% is a lie) because they dont get their actual mental illnesses fixed instead of just being told theyre stunning and brave for wearing a wig and panties
No. 1518885
File: 1651620372486.png (322.28 KB, 1486x1252, Screen Shot 2022-05-03 at 6.25…)

>>1518032This was a pleasant surprise (scared to read the comments tho)
No. 1518887
>>1518831Must be nice that despite the fact that people dislike him, he still feels safe enough to move/live there. I can't go for a walk,
anywhere alone at night because I'm scared of being overpowered and raped and/or kidnapped, much less moving anywhere my heart desires.
No. 1518916
File: 1651622328630.png (211.83 KB, 426x440, laurales100gecs.png)

Laughing at how male "Laura Les" from 100gecs looks at coachella. They didn't even use the usual highpitched voice filters because this troon thinks his voices passes as female now (it doesn't kek). Anyways, what a shitshow.
No. 1518967
File: 1651626671902.png (27.2 KB, 587x226, reeeee.PNG)

Just came here to absolutely seethe about trannies trying to make this abortion situation about them. And all the handmaidens saying shit like 'people with a uterus' and that this is about human rights and not women's rights.
No. 1518985
>>1518967>And all the handmaidens saying shit like 'people with a uterus' and that this is about human rights and not women's do i even combat this without immediately exposing myself as a
terf? would just mentioning that the old dudes in congress 1000% passed the bill with women in mind help?
No. 1519054
File: 1651632078946.jpg (337.63 KB, 1344x2048, jakki__CO-1520842315027271680-…)

when you wear your skirt half way up your torso to hide your male body
No. 1519089
File: 1651635321665.webm (4.51 MB, 576x1024, erininthemornovarit.webm)
Anthony, bedside feminist kek
No. 1519091
>>1519089partnering where exactly anthony? your hommies' linking with pedophiles, murderers and big pharma is so big i can't see it.
also it's my first time seeing him with his mouth open lol looks like he would stop me on the streets to talk about tractors
No. 1519102
File: 1651637593825.png (289.59 KB, 1164x645, yikes.PNG)

i know there are tranny kids books but this pic related is especially bad since it's written by a psych who only deals with trans kids. it's literally indoctrination. from her website:
"My passion and specialty is working with transgender and gender nonbinary (TGNB) children ages 2+, with more focused expertise working with transfeminine youth ages 8–12."
2 year olds aren't even potty trained, but yet they can tell mommy they're a boy?
No. 1519109
File: 1651638826070.jpg (395.37 KB, 720x2011, carolinecarter1.jpg)

>>1519102california is scary
No. 1519136
File: 1651643528430.jpg (159.61 KB, 1080x1678, Screenshot_20220504-002208_Boo…)

No. 1519156
>>1519136He doesn't say if he previously said male or female, for all we know people discriminated against him thinking he was female but now that they know he's actually male they want him
But they're more likely right, they're a diversity hire to make the company look woke, it clearly has nothing to do with his skill level or personality
No. 1519157
>>1519146>>1519151Are you the troon that got posted? Why are youso mad?
The troon is literally wearing the skirt up to his moobs to hide the fact that he ain't a woman kek! Stay on twitter and remember ywnbaw!
No. 1519166
File: 1651648779327.jpeg (Spoiler Image,695.47 KB, 1908x4032, kTKx9dR.jpeg)

Anyway, here's a picture of an ugly ballsack pocket.
No. 1519173
>>1519109Wait so this is a moid who made a program specifically aimed at giving opportunity to vulnerable young girls… yeah no there’s absolutely no fucking way that he’s doing this out of the goodness of his own heart.
Between billionaire money and politicians pushing this crap in schools, men like these, and the number of kweer elementary school teachers I see on tiktok and twitter, I can’t help but wonder if the fight is already over. They are indoctrinating kids whether it be through education, media, or peer socialization. It’s not just TiMs but mainly enby narcissists that I see online who brag about teaching their students pronouns and making them say the pledge to a rainbow flag. Does anyone know why so many elementary school teachers are genderspecial narcissists? Is it because America underpays teachers so much that the only people who really derive anything positive from it are pedophiles?
No. 1519177
File: 1651649746853.jpeg (100.05 KB, 828x296, D60C1CF6-F02E-4275-AFA9-D0958B…)

“infertile”… sir you are a whole ass male with a fetish
No. 1519180
>>1519151lol seethe more. it's easy to clock male anatomy, doesn't require a penis inspection to see that person is a male (in spite of what YOU might be used to)
>>1519177So fucking offensive to actual women who can't conceive jfc
No. 1519189
File: 1651652157015.jpg (861.47 KB, 1484x1280, FR2dXyfWYAESp67.jpg)

Twitter just shows me troons in my area at this point.
No. 1519211
>>1519188Kek came to say the same but you already did my sweet nonita
Even if there WASNT a whole cock and balls hanging out of the skirt, the skirt is way too high. If he bends over even a bit his wholeass is hanging out. I guess that's part of his fetish.
Also notice the tranny calling us all kinds of misogynistic slurs, especially "dry". Your dick is showing sir, please go away.
No. 1519214
>>1519213but then they would have to acknowledge that TIMs include those perverts and open the discussion about why we might not want to share spaces with men who are perverts and exhibitionists, literally getting off on our discomfort.
>>1519194It’s a good strategy nona
No. 1519215
>>1519194This. You can start peaking handmaidens by saying things like "well straight white cis men who crossdress as women for a sexual fetish are really gross and bad for women AND trans people, right?" and it gives them mental permission to start questioning some aspects of the trans community.
Later show an example (from some likely place like twitter or tiktok etc) lead with "ugh look at this gross straight man pretending to be a trans woman just for a fetish, he's just trying to hurt women and make trans people look bad". They can't argue against it when you're pointing to it as transphobia lol Eventually when you send more they'll start realizing there are lots of AGP men "pretending to be trans", which means not all who claim to be trans are
valid. And slowly they'll peak more from there.
If anyone ever questions why you keep looking for "fake trans people" just say you're just so tired of their fetish/transphobia hurting real trans people kek
No. 1519235
>>1519173the person in
>>1519109 seems to be a handmaiden woman. she got education (and probably grew up) in a wokey town so she probably truly believes calling herself a femxle and indoctrinating kids to deny facts flat-earthners style is good.
No. 1519238
File: 1651661966679.png (56.66 KB, 737x519, au_natalie.png)

"gender euphoria makes me want to masturbate. is this normal?"
No. 1519239
>>1519194There's a completely revolting mega-autistic AGP that most of my friends know (huge fake breastplate, teen girl fashions, ugly cheap wigs, only hits on lesbians, takes off his female costume when men are around) and he's been peaking the women around him. I even know a few HSTS who really hate this scrote for making them all look like deranged LARPers, lol.
I've also had good luck at peaking my female friends on the topic of fakebois/FtMs. I'm a butch lesbian so nobody is surprised that I have strong opinions about how wearing jeans and shaving your head doesn't make you a man, Sharon.
No. 1519247
>>1519238Damn, I've noticed that there have been a lot more posts like that lately. I'm wondering if there's a
TERF psyop going on to expose how all trannies 'validate' the fact that it's a fetish, a bit like the reddit user u/terfsbeware was doing.
No. 1519251
>>1518800Just saw this poster pop up in a couple of lefty groups I'm in. I can't bear to be in these groups anymore because it's honestly just a free pass for people to be misogynistic creeps. It's ok to hope a woman gets raped and murdered if she is a
TERF and it's normal to think women's groups are "hate groups" akin to nazis. Even Extinction Rebellion shared that poster. They literally don't give a shit about women's rights. So fed up nonas.
No. 1519258
File: 1651665499495.png (55.09 KB, 738x527, MagmaDog02.png)

"trans or fetish?" if you sick freaks have to keep asking, then it's probably a fetish.
No. 1519259
File: 1651665527197.png (104.8 KB, 1729x490, Untitled.png)

No. 1519265
>>1519137Hahahah holy shit I'm
this close to trying this. It's
valid when you are a biotrans woman assigned cis at birth
No. 1519267
File: 1651666987706.png (1.18 MB, 1080x2819, grosssssssss.png)

i'm gonna PUKE
No. 1519282
File: 1651668743864.jpeg (342.09 KB, 1170x662, D3AAF0B4-5F37-45F3-B725-E95509…)

No. 1519284
File: 1651668780518.png (686.54 KB, 640x853, lol.png)

No. 1519286
File: 1651668866380.jpeg (224.84 KB, 1170x1083, DFAF4FAB-17A1-4811-BDBA-7A949F…)

>>1519285dropped my pic, couldn’t delete for some reason
No. 1519290
File: 1651669206352.jpeg (67.7 KB, 475x362, CEE88BB5-F0A4-491A-BFFC-97F715…)

>>1519286What the fuck does he even want? Jesus Christ, trannies are fucking obnoxious.
No. 1519338
File: 1651675210838.jpeg (215.24 KB, 960x981, 97B2E1B4-7263-4007-A23D-DF5766…)

Dave Chappelle got tackled on stage by some dude last night. Not sure what the motive was but people think it has to do with troons. No. 1519342
File: 1651675687205.jpeg (198 KB, 1170x1877, 5B0BD329-0F6F-4391-AD16-21AAC7…)

Males calling themselves "lezzies" really activates my almonds
No. 1519346
File: 1651676012326.jpeg (Spoiler Image,307.6 KB, 1472x2048, 0C0BD532-A7C3-4D13-958E-937FD7…)

>>1519338The attacker after Dave’s bodyguards took care of him. Note the nail polish.
No. 1519360
File: 1651676894881.jpg (527.53 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_2022-05-04-18-04-07…)

Someone linked some /tttt/ threads about KF on KF. I'm sure there's threads about both farms on there constantly but I don't step my foot in that anime fetish hole lol. Still pretty funny, the projection. No. 1519393
>>1519185I'll never say it enough. "Serious" enbies are all autistic girls with puberty trauma.
>>1519194It won't always work. If there's one or a couple smarter trannies anywhere in their sphere of influence, they'll just go #notalltroons.
AGPs try to get into the lolita fashion community all the time and it peaks nobody.
Even when I was a enby I did it all the time. But because I had normal behaving trannies (all TIFs. surprising isn't it, women keeping the whole damn movement together and getting treated like shit by men in return as always) around me that I didn't want to throw under the bus it didn't peak me at all.
We need to find a way to make it more obvious that they are the controlling entity of the movement. Also saying pretty much anything about fetishes is considered a "
terf dogwhistle" now.
I think that when the global situation worsens, the maladaptive troons will stand out and peak almost everyone, but it's just sad we have to get there.
No. 1519417
>>1519408Anon no offense but this is the most naive thing I have read all week.
>they are really kind and younger and well intentionedThese same bearded men are most likely sniffing their little sisters panties and cooming over lesbians being forced to take their girl dick.
No. 1519432
File: 1651681727016.png (Spoiler Image,517.55 KB, 596x760, livulose.png)

Has this edgy incel been posted here yet?
No. 1519439
File: 1651682102797.jpg (1018.57 KB, 1000x2399, cringe.jpg)

>>1519432I can't tell if this meant to be a TIM raping a girl or a girl pegging a "femboy", cause TIMs do love their cringy goth feminization fantasies
No. 1519442
File: 1651682346855.jpg (145.25 KB, 1080x908, Screenshot_20220504-093733_Twi…)

>>1519432Jesus christ this guy is insane. He also appears to be porn addicted and only 18. The zoomers are not okay
No. 1519443
File: 1651682382772.png (89.07 KB, 609x464, livulosetweet.png)

>>1519439not sure about the original art but his intention = TIM raping a girl. he even says "real women". his edgy jokes just serve to prove how insane this whole thing is though.
No. 1519449
File: 1651682834873.png (2.42 MB, 1084x1222, delusion is magic.png)

No. 1519453
File: 1651682992425.png (3.06 MB, 2500x1884, womens day.png)

>>1519449His entire post history is quite something. Hes also on every single social media platform and posts endlessly about video games. He will post the same selfie on 7 different subs, his womens day selfie made it onto many.
No. 1519473
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I hate how they have convinced everyone that they are they are these poor defenseless creatures. These are dangerous men. Will the handmaidens ever wake up?
No. 1519478
>>1519440You don't have to treat them badly to think trans women aren't women.
You can be polite to them at work and still think they're men. the reason we believe that trans women are men isn't because we hate them, it's because trans women are men, regardless of our feelings or theirs for that matter. Nice or not, they're just men.
stay safe nona.
No. 1519491
>>1519408Don’t feel bad for them. If they knew you’re a
terf, they’d get your ass fired in a second. They wouldn’t have any compassion for you, so why waste yours on them.
No. 1519500
File: 1651685384646.jpeg (96.5 KB, 675x900, FJ1zbRbWUAgoD_K.jpeg)

>>1519443This man is in the replies
"the best porn genre is any kind where a cis woman is being dominated and clearly hates it"
No. 1519523
>>1519267>gender nonspecific memeImplying this could refer to TIFs as well as TIMs when we all know this is entirely a TIM phenomenon. Even Gaydens who transition (in part) because of yaoi don’t talk about “euphoria wetness” or whatever, it’s always euphoria boners. Does egg_irl even have TIF posters? Every screenshot I’ve ever seen from there has been full on AGP though it may not be a representative sample.
>>1519393It peaked me, but I don’t know of anyone else who has. Most of the others still chant TWAW and insist that the
many sissies and AGPs we’ve had to deal with over the years were fakers and one-offs who totally aren’t part of a pattern, no
sir MA’AM! Nothing to see here! Even the ones who’d fully legally transitioned were actually fake trans, but also nobody ever pretends to be trans for nefarious reasons, that is a
terf dogwhistle. Sure so-and-so sexually harassed a bunch of us but you know who’s
really hurt by that? Trans people! So we’ll never speak of this again. Until it happens again and we’ll all pretend to have selective amnesia and be totally shocked. Anyway how about them macarons?
I don’t really believe I’m the only one who’s peaked. At one point it was common knowledge that our mods’ main job was keeping out creepy men, and one ex-mod mentioned having to deny join requests from obvious fetishistic crossdressers on at least a weekly basis. Now we all have to pretend that this never happens and that the fetishists are just a terven boogeyman. Surely others must have noticed the blatant gaslighting? I guess everyone’s afraid to speak out because nobody wants to be ostracised and the TRAs in these parts are pretty rabid.
No. 1519570
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>>1519268this is from is old account leftylemongirl but his @ is cropped, I'll post another with it in too
No. 1519573
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>>1519570here's another of his posts
No. 1519599
>>1519570Gotta love how this puts the onus on the (female)
victim to protect herself from her moid attacker so that he can “live with himself”
Maybe you shouldn’t be able to live with yourself and you should 41% already, rapist pig
No. 1519623
>>1519613"TERFs" is basically a way of them hating and aiming violence towards women in a way that is celebrated. if they were truly concerned about their physical safety they would be calling out the men who are the biggest threat to them but they never do.
much like the men who called women "WITCH!" and felt entitled to kill them as "protection" against their evil powers. the more they act like we're something to be feared, the more justified their violence towards us becomes.
No. 1519769
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Glad someone already called him out on his disgusting pornsickness
No. 1519802
File: 1651703655693.jpg (2.23 MB, 4480x2752, Francisco_de_Goya_-_La_casa_de…)

>>1519780Trans twitter has the very same aura as tttt. It always reeks of degeneracy and severe mental illness. Policing others' sexuality, constantly posting about porn, treating the slightest disagreement as an existential threat, ignoring any nuance, claiming to be the purveyors of truth when their own movement can't agree on whether you need dysphoria to be a tranny, thinking pills will magically change your sex, hand-waving all the sexual predators in their community, making schizo rants about how JKR is literally killing trannies, thinking abortion "isn't a woman's issue" when being born a woman is the reason gaydens and enbies might need one in the first place…
It's too numerous to list, honestly.
No. 1519837
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>>1519282>waah waaaaah ME ME MEIt's not about you you retarded troon holy fuck
No. 1519882
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No. 1519920
I was wondering if you guys could help me find a book that was mentioned in a twitter controversy a while back (I can't remember if it was a jk Rowling controversy, lindsay ellis controversy, or a contrapoints controversy).
It was about a MtF who, despite fully visually "passing" as a woman still feels like shit when around women because he never fully grasps what they are talking about/thinking. According to the tweets complaining about it, the moral of the book is that the guy is just going through the motions of what society wants women to be, not actually being a woman.
Twitter was tearing the book apart so at the time, like the good little ally I was, I dismissed the book, despite the fact thst the premise seemed true to me and really got me thinking.
It was only recently that I was able to admit to myself that I don't see MtF people as women, admit that I am annoyed with everyone saying I must be nonbinary just because i am a woman who doesn't want/like kids, and admit that talking about ways trans people have hurt me isn't transphobia. If you don't know the exact book any others you think might help me would be nice!
No. 1519991
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>>1519395holy shit jessie gender is in the comments of this vid LMFAO
No. 1520036
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No. 1520041
File: 1651719325538.webm (6.69 MB, 720x1280, -AXPAvpbcKTShmnD.webm)
did he just compared an axe wound surgery to an abortion???
No. 1520043
>>1520041Uhhh yeah. He did. Wtf.
>I know if these roles were reversed (…) y'all would be there for me and I'm gonna be there for you in anyway that I canName one thing troons have done for feminism in the last fifty years.
No. 1520066
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Do y'all have this problem? I don't.
No. 1520070
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what did canada do to deserve this?
No. 1520071
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No. 1520088
>>1520070Canada has been lax forever on gay rights laws and TRAs took this as a chance to push their agenda even harder. it's awful
>>1520071WHy am i not surprised it's another black man attacking an asian with another hate crime in NYC? this shit is getting harder to here living in the city. now a black tranny…great
No. 1520093
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>>1520070When they did this
No. 1520099
>>1520070rape and kill Native American children about 100 years after America did and 50 years after everyone agreed it was a mistake
Whitoids being trannies makes complete sense
No. 1520122
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No. 1520156
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>>1520122moids are closer to male monkeys than they are to human females
No. 1520236
>>1520071We’re at a point where I’m grateful he’s being called a transwoman rather than just a woman. Most mainstream publications will only acknowledge their trans status when they’re the
victims of something but when they’re perpetrators it’s
>Woman In Diaper Kills Family With Machete>>1520099I guess the entire country is like a haunted burial mound.
No. 1520252
>>1520041An abortion is not a axewound. Fuck off. And yet if you object to anything he said, even a polite 'maybe dont compare the two' you're a
TERF REEEE burn the witch
No. 1520253
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look at this troon, also that profile name is so fucking blatant
No. 1520256
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trannies face the wall
No. 1520257
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No. 1520273
>>1520093Did they define men in the same way? I'm a eurofag but if that was a thing here I might actually have changed my gender legally on paper just to take the piss out of it. Civil disobedience kind of thing. In the late 70s when being gay was somehow still listed as an "illness" in my country people called in "sick" to work saying they were "too gay today" to work, until they had to redefine it to not being an illness kek
Sometimes you gotta fight crazy with crazy.
No. 1520295
File: 1651739339301.jpg (11.76 KB, 300x294, httpsmemedukaan.comimagesPolis…)

>lesbian nazi back in the day
Oh yeah let's forget about all the women who were sent to camps over being a lesbian, just like everyone likes to forget about black triangle women, even on fucking remembrance day.
No. 1520319
>>1520041They're complete opposites.
Dick amputation srs: Always a choice made by the male himself. Made purely for aesthetic reasons. Does not fix any kind of physical health problem and is done on healthy bodies. Hopefully has a placebo effect to improve his mental health. Only ever affects male bodies, who oppress females because of their bodies. Is often done because of a sexual fetish, which many AGPs openly admit to.
Abortion: Can be an active choice, or to prevent health complications and literal death for both the woman and the fetus or baby. Is medically necessary, is never done for aesthetic reasons. Only ever affect female bodies, who are oppressed by men. No woman ever WANTS to have an abortion, they NEED it.
No. 1520335
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Sucking dick to own your TERFy ex: No. 1520440
File: 1651750979983.jpg (64.82 KB, 828x606, FR9DZyUWQAMhmBe.jpg)

Its not the HRT, its not because youre "turning into a woman" you stupid moid, its your porn sickness making you dumb and only thinking about your fetish. Fuck off
No. 1520441
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>>1520440I'm gonna fucking a-log man
No. 1520453
>>1520440>my looks>tv shows>boy bandsFuckin none of these people have ever had a close relationship with a woman, and their idea of what a woman is, is entirely formed by 90s romcoms written by sexist men.
>>1520449I kinda hope that's true since that would be them doling out their own karma every time they take their titty skittles. 1 IQ point reduced per skittle.
It's also possible these guys were dumb as fuck to start with and simply stopped trying now they can pretend to be a dumb bimbo.
Regardless of the reason, it's so offensive of these men to repeatedly suggest estrogen makes you dumber, since it suggests overall that women are less intelligent, despite the lumbering, raping, murdering violent apes of the world in fact being the ones laced with testosterone.
No. 1520459
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>>1520446>finndarMade me chuckle
No. 1520483
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No. 1520495
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Troons clean your fucking rooms challenge. Also imagine taking a picture at this angle and being like “yeah this seems fine to post online”.
No. 1520497
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This larp is one of the ones I hate the most.
No. 1520498
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Projection. Have we seen a single one who hasn’t been secretly (or outwardly) pedophilic?
No. 1520499
>>1520138it's complicated, but the most cogent argument is that struggling minorities in any culture often turn on each other. It starts with economic difficulties, the idea that a group is receiving preferential treatment+benefits+opportunities, and becomes associated with race. Then even when removed from the original situation (eg. black people expressing animosity toward wealthy asians who are not receiving more or any benefits) the animosity remains.
You'll notice many working class people tend to 'hate immigrants'. This is a fear born of having to share resources when there are ostensibly not enough to go around. Conservative politicians play to that fear by trashing immigrants. Liberal politicians play to that fear by fearmongering about racism (for example, in San Francisco, it was reported that anti-Asian hate crimes had increased by 567% from 2020 to 2021. The % is huge because of the low numbers. 31 of the 60 total attacks were by one white guy who was mainly trashing storefronts.) This misdirection is useful for politicians because they don't want to address the economic oppression that caused the tension between working class groups in the first place.
The majority of troons are middle class men in male dominated careers, so I think the media reporting Jeffers's assaulting people as stemming from being trans is misleading when he is clearly an impoverished mentally ill homeless person. Troons are mostly chickenshit dandies who wouldn't get in a fight if there was a million dollars on the line. They express violence as all soft-bellied rich boys do (mostly on the internet to strangers and by being a parasite IRL).
I have a theory that AGP is a strategy for men to comfort themselves when confronted with women not loving them like Mommy. Mothers love unconditionally, as if the child is an extension of herself. A child is eventually meant to incorporate that love into his self-esteem and realize affection is earned, but if he never learns empathy, he'll just assume he's entitled to it. A man dressing up like a woman who ~loves sex and would be really, really nice to him and give him head pats and never EVER ask him to stop gaming~ is inventing a woman who loves nothing else but the man in the dress, unconditionally.
No. 1520552
>>1520517I didn't understand why people couldn't accept the sex isn't gender idea either until a non-fanatical troon who was sort of a friend of mine once told me that he was happy to admit he was male, but calling himself a 'male woman' sounded really bizarre. And it does, right? The truth is, male adults are men.
There are men who want, for whatever reason, to be seen as women. That's all the ground I'm willing to concede. I'd say 'men who live as women' but they've proved they have no idea how we live and no interest in finding out because it's not always sexy.
No. 1520553
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Is it bad that I don’t give a shit about their access to HRT? Reproductive healthcare for women is way important than “titty skittles” imo. I do care about HRT for menopausal women. TRAs keep trying to say this stuff about trans HRT under the guise of bodily autonomy and how taking away abortion will have a bigger impact on bodily autonomy in general but no one is going to take away their ability to mutilate themselves because it brings in so much dough. They might prevent it from happening to minors, but adults are fair game. People care way more about these pornsick men than low income women who have trouble accessing abortion.
No. 1520555
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>>1520553Btw, does anyone actually have any stats on how much money PP makes from abortion vs trans shit? I would have to assume at the rate the trans stuff has grown it would have surpassed anything else PP offers, esp w the informed consent model.
No. 1520595
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No. 1520671
>>1520645I’m sure this creeps a father, he might do it on the same Chanel but it might be on another one where he talks about jk Rowling and has a big strop. I think it was to do with the crimes of grindlewald franchise when it came out they wouldn’t show the relationship with dumbledoor and he actually made a good point (a stopped clock and all that) where he talks about LGB people and says “it’s okay if you didn’t envision us in your world, but don’t invite us in and then refuse to aknowledge us” or something to that effect. It made sense at the time but since then Jo’s unveiled herself as a
terf and friends with lesbians so it was proberbly more of a studio decision after all of the drama.
Anyway at some point he shows the books and talks about how he has some hell read to his kid one day but I can’t remember if the kid is real or imaginary though kek.
No. 1520682
>>1520671Sorry if this ends up being a double post but Vera (reviewing the sex doll… that he asked for consent from…) this is the channel and likely the video in referenced in my last post. I watched a few of his videos back in my handmaiden days and thought he had some kind of point. I’m not sitting though it all again but his channel is “council of geeks” if anyone needs to look him up.
Anyway just another Troon making content both aimed at young people with the nice little sideline into his perverse sissification content.
No. 1520696
>>1519247Terfsbeware was also pedophilic, misogynistic, an incel, racist, and homophobic, which proved that all those prejudices/bigotries are overlooked and coddled in the supposed liberal side of the trans community.
That only thing terfsbeware wasn’t was a Nazi. It’d be very telling if someone made a neo nazi troon acc and flew under the radar in MtF and trans subreddits. Ik of Nazi troons on Twitter so it’s not like they don’t exist.
No. 1520790
>>1520555"kinda fucked up how much money it gets through abortions"
kinda fucked up how a troon thinks it's somehow immoral that a healthcare center conducts mass abortions, as if they shouldn't be a part of society. he's not even right—most of the money is made from STD interventions. i hope he commits die.
No. 1520845
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No. 1520862
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No. 1520863
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>>1520862The doctor is saying the odds of this happening is a 0.1 percent, but this is not the first nor the second nor the third tranny ive seen this happen to online, so i can only imagine how many it happens to who doesnt write about it on twitter or reddit
No. 1521009
>>1520930>>1520933I think what he was trying to say is that gf claimed he was only attracted to himself, and he fucked a man to prove otherwise.
However, he described himself doing the sexy act, and did not describe the man. The man was a floating penis. The AGP sucking dick was what the AGP got off to. So gf was right, in other words. lmao.
And yeah, the 'projection' part is insane. They think women have AGP. The self-esteem thing I think probably means that she acted very uncomfortable with him cheating on her with other troons over voice chat or something, and she said it hurt her self-esteem. A lot of women confuse disgust for insecurity. One of my friends found her bfs porn and told me how insecure it made her feel. After I grilled her a little (friendly grilling) it was obvious to me that the porn was really disturbing, and she didn't feel insecure, she was sickened, and was ashamed of herself for feeling that way about her bf.
If you turn anger on yourself it kills your confidence. All the women who stay with troons seem to believe they deserve to be used like dolls by man-children. it breaks my heart.
No. 1521028
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AGP is alive and well ladies. of course there were scrotes in the comments saying it’s totally normal and that AGP isn’t real. “Women get turned on when they feel sexy too!” Not the same thing dumbass
No. 1521045
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I find it so weird when attractive men troon out. Like you're throwing that away for the coom
No. 1521046
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No. 1521054
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Whatever happened to that crypto-terf tumblr blog called something like "listen to trans women" or something that would just post terrible tranny tweets but pretend to be genuine? Or did it ever exist? Either way, we need more blogs like that.
No. 1521065
File: 1651791729006.jpeg (989.5 KB, 1170x1801, 4A18C57D-67B0-4E5A-B81F-BD8B25…)

Why are there so many troons in engineering/compsci? I haven’t encountered any in uni (thank god) but I fear the day I actually have to enter the workforce. As if regular moids aren’t a pain to deal with already. Sage for blogpost.
No. 1521067
>>1519136My old workplace made a couple diversity hires, two white tims, maybe doxing myself, but the were named Alexia and Violet lmao. awful considering many
woc and people with real disabilities applied, like the people whos input and experiences would actually be very informative. helping us better access different pops or w/e. but no they just wanted more white men just ones that wear skirts. theyre really no different than the ones who wear suits, only our companty makes sure they're in every photo op. i hated sharing a bathroom with them, they would always try to talk to me about "girl things".
No. 1521075
>>1521045as someone attracted to GNC males, these threads are the most depressing
so many of them could have been so attractive if they had just been feminine males and stayed natural (the ones that aren't fat with obvious autistic face, that is)
No. 1521189
>>1521045It's weird, but a decent percentage were not at all the "virgin with rage" type before and looked kind of good. Then they became an ersatz "woman", a second rate person whose ugliness keeps perpetuating because they keep clammering to a state they physiologically cannot achieve. And with so many of them they could have just done non-masculine things instead of gaslighting others on sex and fucking up their endocrine system. A lot of them lose muscle mass and end up disheveled blobs in order to "pass".
It's freaky, what kind of state do you need to be in wherein an ugly and uncanny caricature of the opposite sex is prefferable to a body so many incels seethe over?
No. 1521208
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totally happened
No. 1521209
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No. 1521212
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Troons out there with the wildest and borderline pedophiliac takes as always
No. 1521239
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No. 1521241
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No. 1521250
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>forced to delete an article referring to the troon rapist as male
No. 1521252
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>>1521215can't stop won't stop
No. 1521307
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How dumb are these people?
No. 1521320
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michelle visage had the "little girls are kinky" guy on her podcast. disgusting.
No. 1521321
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>the ultimate rule breaker
yeah that doesn't sound creepy at all given what we know about him
No. 1521364
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scrote is wearing his fetish shit outside where kids can see. neighbor tells him to stop politely and he starts doing it even more. is shocked when the cops tell him to cut it out.
No. 1521400
>>1521065I honestly can't wait for one appearing at my job. How fun will it be to be all snarky and mean to him! And since men in general are less into handmaidenery I could be open about it with coworkers and we could all have fun together.
>>1521208Good gas station dude, keep it up.
>>1521392Nah, astrology is a genuine and complex field. The 'signs' people have is actually the position of the sun when they were born. When doing astrology properly, you look at the whole sky. If someone is a leo but let's say has moon in cancer and mercury in capricorn, then according to astrology that could match your description. If anything trans ideology would be the horoscopes in magazines men popularized in the 90s - useless and not based in anything.
No. 1521422
>>1521212He says this like those kids didn’t find that furry inflation porn on 4chan derivatives in the first place. That or they find it on Google Images and it links them to those imageboards.
>>1521332The only ‘spike’ is in their own oversensitivity and entitlement. Maybe twenty or thirty years ago ‘transphobia’ would be a HSTS getting beaten up by a group of homophobic men but in 2022 ‘transphobia’ is when women talk about their own reproductive health using the correct medical terminology or when a lesbian won’t fuck him. They will continue to move the goalposts until women being out in public will be considered a transphobic attack on them. I’ve already seen several posts in that vein about pregnant women daring to be visibly pregnant near a TIM.
No. 1521423
>>1521400>astrology is a genuine and complex fieldthis is the same mindset that lead to people believing people can be born in the wrong body, pseudoscience is harmful and makes you think meaningless coincidences are related. Not much difference in saying "this man is slightly feminine, he must have a female brain" as to say "you must have these exact personality traits, because stars"
>>1521252But they're not groomers!! They just want to pee!!! I really hope someone somewhere is keeping tracks and making real studies on crimes committed by transwomen, they're extremely disproportionate for such a small group. Statistically transwomen may be a higher risk to women and children than even "cis" men.
No. 1521424
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>>1521241r/egg_irl moderator. Where 1/3 the demographic is underage if we go by its sister sub r/traa. The grooming is the most despicable thing I've learned about Anthony so far.
No. 1521425
>>1521096I always wondered about the mental state of the female partners as it happpens. I don't get it at all. I understand people will excuse bad behaviour sometimes, but this is outrageous.
What level of excuses you need to even begin to support such a transgression? If you like men and you're not even ni or interested, why stick around?
I said this because I listen to horror stories in wich the coomer began transtining and even growing boobs and some stay for some reason… If my parter would ever, even considered talking about sometimes barely related to trans stuff I'M OUT.
No. 1521442
its 3% of funding goes to AB/VAS support at PP
No. 1521463
>>1521364I mean tbh if a man is wearing a dress outside thats like an actual renessaince fair dress, calling cops would be the butthole move since it's just a dress and those are quite modest dresses. But since it's a scrote it's probably a "sexy oktoberfest girl" costume bought from party city or w/e where his dick hangs out.
I have so much respect for men who just love dresses and wear them in public just because but sadly most men make it a weird fetishistic spectacle and it disgusts me sm, especially cause I'm into frilly cute (very modest) fashion and wanna wear it without being clumped in with them
No. 1521465
File: 1651831846692.jpeg (39.87 KB, 800x450, Barbie Kardashian.jpeg)

>>1521250Picrel as reminder of his Joker face, since no news websites are using it. Or mentioning that he is a man, or even trans. Apparently videos on him have been blocked too. I don't get it.
His real name is Gabriel Alejandro Gentile and he isn't underage so I see no reason to suppress this information.
No. 1521468
File: 1651832953878.jpeg (320.52 KB, 1242x1375, C2EE658F-9FCF-4566-A026-7DFB73…)

am i the only one who finds it really weird and gross to use someone else in your “joke”, ultimately tricking people into thinking they’ve transitioned, and then tagging said person in the thread and saying the troon side of twitter wants you to wear a dress and be a lady because why not! if i was famous and someone had used a picture of me in their creepy transition timeline post to try and be funny i’d be absolutely mortified
No. 1521478
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No. 1521492
File: 1651837978350.jpeg (422.22 KB, 1294x1536, A2DC7FC9-093F-43E4-B73E-D85C55…)

In the past year, sex crimes committed by women has increased by 38% in Australia. Wonder what caused this? Such a mystery.
No. 1521532
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No. 1521536
File: 1651843865884.jpeg (1.34 MB, 1504x2015, 5713D0A0-F178-47B9-A61E-A4129D…)

>>1521532trooning out is an escape for
abusive men to get away with being
abusive men
No. 1521545
>>1521425Yeah the moment he mentioned it I would be going to stay with family while I got my bearings straight AND taking all of my clothes and underwear with me that day so that he doesn’t steal or wear them.
>>1521241Okay. When I was younger I was involved in several RP groups and 100% of the chars I played were male because it was easier to not be called out as female and have some of the inevitable creeps in the group take notice. I don’t think that makes me a male. It reminds me of gaming and like other anon said. Men who play female characters will do it so they can stare at the character or get off on pretending to be a woman in online spaces, while many women who choose to play men are doing it to be left alone. Can’t count the number of times one hears “gg dude” while playing a male char as a woman vs “show tits” while playing a female char in general. Troons probably get validated by that. To most women it’s demeaning and scary.
No. 1521547
File: 1651844954032.jpeg (422.22 KB, 1210x1490, A0DED57E-BA96-459E-B405-DE7F0C…)

how do they look in the mirror and not see the blatant man staring back
No. 1521553
>>1521551this is it. this is the best reply in LC history.
nonnie, i applaud you for murdering my sides.
No. 1521560
File: 1651846031516.png (151.85 KB, 1409x865, transgirllesbian.png)

"actuallesbians" at it again
No. 1521567
File: 1651846686990.jpg (2.37 MB, 4096x3276, GridArt_20220506_101405583.jpg)

Only took about two swipes before coming across one of the ugliest troons I have seen. Homeboy needs braces desperately.
No. 1521569
File: 1651846729251.jpeg (73.88 KB, 1000x476, image.jpeg)

TFW the abortion rights protest is about you
No. 1521572
File: 1651846866467.jpeg (400.89 KB, 640x811, 45F6B27F-B187-470E-824B-49077A…)

i can’t believe a woman actually made this comic
No. 1521574
File: 1651846998211.jpeg (282 KB, 1284x870, 757A3C14-D117-44C3-917F-0175F8…)

>>1521571Right. They know what a woman is. It’s just like the example that often comes up of the porn subreddits that say “cis women only” in the sidebar. Men are extremely aware of who counts as a woman when it’s time to involve their dicks.
No. 1521576
File: 1651847213333.jpg (6.33 MB, 4096x6146, GridArt_20220506_102518762.jpg)

So I'm supposed to consider all of these specimens women? I can only imagine their twitter or tumblr pages.
No. 1521583
>>1521575They think terfs enable conservatives
Because if you're against trannies obviously you support Nazis
Despite, y'know, all the fucking edgy unironic 4chan/twitter Nazi trannies out there
No. 1521604
File: 1651848876688.jpeg (77.24 KB, 618x241, A49A18CE-D054-45F9-BE62-CB6A75…)

>>1520862>0.1%ahahah okay
No. 1521605
>>1521561Ok this is infuriating, especially as I have endometriosis and have been in unbearable agony from it this week.
But notice the points. He gets upvoted more for this misogynistic, dimissive, delusional and factually incorrect take than the women discussing things they should be able to discuss in a fucking lesbian group. JFC i hate these moids.
>>1521571Exactly. He wants a "real lesbian" to soothe his ego but can't say it.
No. 1521611
File: 1651850145753.png (2.07 MB, 1231x1528, 098A018D-10E9-45A2-B367-EA9E26…)

>>1521572I don’t get how is it that radfems are to blame, like, let’s look at this picture with trannies marching against abortions, was it full of radfems? I honestly mostly see aidens, then again, male trannies consider aidens as sub-human as normal women, so they probably think they’re not “tru-trans”
No. 1521614
File: 1651850888631.png (49.18 KB, 624x175, montgomerie.png)

>>1521572And retards like montgomerie who are trying to get evidence of conservative or christian women who are gender critical but also against abortion (lol) so they can say that gender critical (extending to radfems) don't care about women's rights at all. As if women's rights aren't the whole reason we're opposed to them. Very very dumb.
No. 1521621
>>1521463samesies, I hate being caught between "I don't care if men wear dresses" and "he's leaving critical details out of this story I just know it."
if he lived in a place where people really acted this way over a man literally just wearing a dress in his own garden, he'd be afraid enough for his safety that he wouldn't antagonize them like this. Men are dumb but they typically have the same self-preservation instinct any other animal does.
No. 1521627
File: 1651852514300.png (26.38 KB, 591x281, ugh.PNG)

>>1521575>>1521572>>1521614Conservatives have been taking advantage of women not knowing where to go for a while. That famous detrans cow has been tradpandering for a while, this cow over here calls herself a "reactionary feminist", there was that leftcows adjacent "radfemhitler" who was also a RW calling herself a radfem, etc.
We can say they're not real feminists all we want but they're still going around in large numbers associating their conservative bullshit with being gender critical, and GC women are kinda having to choose between tolerating this shit in exchange for a wider reach and being completely isolated and unheard. I think it's a stupid idea and we'd be better off isolated and trying to reason with the woke left than putting our weight behind people who would like women to not be allowed their own bank accounts, but… it is a thing that's happening.
No. 1521726
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>>1521560Kind of relevant.
No. 1521733
File: 1651860475816.jpeg (503.39 KB, 1170x1658, 40E6E1C7-AD92-4F4B-87A0-7DEEEE…)

The cope. Imagine having to wake up and tell yourself this every day instead of just existing effortlessly as a woman.
No. 1521734
File: 1651860557356.png (236.88 KB, 828x465, C904F322-9ED6-4BE2-A6E6-4B7AA2…)

And violence against women or grooming children? What of those?
No. 1521756
>>1521726lmao what a way to wake up from the delusion
i'm sure everyone is telling him some bs about "internalized transphobia" but i bet he still feels it deep inside of him, the realization that it's true - no one can escape their sex and trans women are men, and always have been.
No. 1521757
>>1521734Havent you gotten the memo,
nonnie?! us women are just floating uteruses meant to pleasure the greater sexes, trans “women” and moids!!! crimes against us dont matter when a trans gorilla—I mean, “WOMAN”, gets mistende red despite having his dick hanging out of his tutu!!
No. 1521812
File: 1651865339797.png (Spoiler Image,1.06 MB, 1232x740, troonhands.png)

went digging for troon hands… this is pretty sus, just saying. Save the pic.
No. 1521813
File: 1651865397707.jpeg (486.6 KB, 1170x1227, 8A74AB4E-CD4E-4B95-BD2A-25BB79…)

I love defunct game journalism websites kek
No. 1521826
File: 1651866935101.jpeg (Spoiler Image,172.42 KB, 892x1790, 478B086D-9583-4F75-9B09-23ABE6…)

don’t unspoiler
No. 1521852
File: 1651868232537.jpg (245.81 KB, 1080x1801, TheresWally_2.jpg)

>>1521812Eww wtf, no I won't. Fucking gross, is this a self post in hopes to make evil terves to look at your genitals?
No. 1521895
File: 1651871468436.jpeg (40.01 KB, 400x400, AC76122D-09E9-4964-AA86-A8F96D…)

No. 1521902
File: 1651872536352.jpg (60.6 KB, 1280x720, tranny.jpg)

>>1521901KEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK it's true too
No. 1521938
File: 1651876346773.png (122.81 KB, 926x622, 1911DB72-1ECE-4588-90B9-DA9EA2…)

Idk how lesbians stay on this subreddit anymore. Between this and the head pat posts it seems like one of the most male spaces on reddit. No. 1521939
File: 1651876413753.jpeg (203.05 KB, 2160x676, FCA0F79C-50C2-4890-B489-4164EB…)

>>1521938Now I wonder why that could be.
No. 1521940
>>1521938I'm surprised that yahwol's response got so many upvotes
>>1521939didn't they do a poll recently and it was like 70% of users
No. 1521941
File: 1651876939987.png (92.91 KB, 645x970, 64201576-B86C-4E97-8FC5-16AD3C…)

>>1521905nobody here is going to be your anti abortion based conservative tradwife
No. 1521943
>>1521878Pre surgery there's a sexual organ to enjoy so you can at least enjoy straight sex with a dude who hopefully associates femininity with sexually caring for their partner unlike most straight men (aka ideally more during sex than just piv). Post op there's nothing there except their disgusting hole. There's nothing enjoyable about going down on a wound, and it can't taste like a real pussy either so at best it's like going down on a weird anus. You can't have mutually enjoyable lesbian sex with what they have post op and if they start using a strap then you're still better off with a real woman because they can give more than just the strap. And if you like dick you'll probably prefer a man who actually has one because dildos aren't a substitute for the feel of a dick, and the tranny likely won't be skilled enough with a dildo like a lesbian or bisexual is considering lack of experience and ability to relate to make up for the switch. Also I just realised that double ended dildos are probably off the list too seeing as their hole needs to be treated like glass and one wrong move from their partner could probably screw things up. Not to mention their insides may never be able to fit conventional dildos anyways.
My theory is that most Tims turn into starfished pillow princesses expecting their partner to do all the work post surgery and think it's a
valid lesbian experience. Most straight men can't think of anything beyond penetrating their partners exclusively during sex (except maybe hitting their partners) so what will they do when their penis is gone? Going down on a girl is still "foreplay" to them so they turn to the only other lesbian sex thing porn taught them aside from strap-ons which is the pillow princess role for if they just want to cum (and of course the girl cums from massaging the other one's tits right? /s).
The better alternative to a Tim is either a real woman or a bisexual man if you want dick. M/F bi4bi you're probably more likely to find a guy into mutually fun bedroom activities than the tranny who thinks pegging validates his womanhood or something.
On the other hand I find TIF's are overall less delusional about the surgeries and are significantly more likely to just cut their tits off and stop there. They usually at most exclusively top and don't want you going down on them (which can be a bit of a turn off imo but if you're someone who enjoys that it's cool) but most just act like butches so they're significantly less dysfunctional in the bedroom overall. The arm penis is nasty to me and basically non functional but at worst you're still with a woman who was used to life without one and can pleasure you regardless of what she has down there (if it can be used to penetrate you then it at least should feel right enough I guess vs the useless hole).
No. 1521946
File: 1651877203036.jpeg (161.55 KB, 1195x574, 2EEBF5E3-B6E4-4DD8-B426-84A1C6…)

Another MTF weighing in on an issue that doesn’t concern them. I find it fascinating how many people have such a big problem with semantics. They would get equally mad if the conversation was around “female” or “afab” rights even though you would think those descriptors would be okay. Anyway, it’s so annoying seeing people argue over words instead of the actual issue at hand here. No. 1521947
File: 1651877229435.png (132.8 KB, 1728x677, coom.png)

No. 1522000
File: 1651883075224.jpeg (850.22 KB, 1170x1789, F965A6D4-981E-4DD7-B7E8-DD238B…)

should have just shot him right there kek
No. 1522002
File: 1651884018024.jpeg (150.72 KB, 828x649, EA8FEE74-2213-49A8-A835-01F673…)

Ah yes because abortion laws will affect troons more than actual woman
No. 1522026
File: 1651886715221.jpg (23.48 KB, 401x500, 51pc9unwSoL._AC_.jpg)

>>1522000Leslie Nielsen coming back from the grave to arrest troons. Based and nonniepilled.
No. 1522116
File: 1651897032659.png (13.01 KB, 656x97, kek.PNG)

>>1522110Found this absolute gem in the comments section. Also what abuse? They came to his house because he's a truant, not to arrest him for being trans. I don't know the full story but I assume the cops came by the house to talk to the parents and the parents were probably like 'yo dog idk you go talk to him'. The fact that he kept streaming with the cops just standing there is so fucking cringe too.
No. 1522143
>>1521424I did some rough math off of that last graph, so it appears that approx 81% of users are white. I expect that number might be higher bc many race fakers are white so it might actually be around 82-83%. If the last graph is a count of responses then only ~370 people completed that question which is kind of small in comparison to the entire sub. I wonder if that's the same for the country question, as a wide geographical distribution like that over 370 participants is hardly a normal distribution.
Considering how narcissistic troons are I'm a bit shocked by only 370 in total. Like troons wouldn't be suuuuuper excited to fill out a bunch of shit about themselves. I assume that troons know how the majority is largely white straight men and thus filling out a demographic survey would be incriminating for the group always namedropping black and indigenous trans women.
If someone wants to produce an actual survey with decent responses from troons that gets rid of potential nonresponse bias, my personal suggestion is deception. You can try disguising it as a study with some troons are
victims narrative like ~shame and euphoria boners uwu~ or something trivial such as media consumption or fashion and makeup which would be 'fun' to them. You just throw the demographic questions in there like surveys normally do, then report back to
terf circles with your demographic findings and disregard everything else kek.
No. 1522160
File: 1651899561227.png (23.23 KB, 607x270, terrible-worldliness.png)

>>1521947lmao the reply this guy left on some other troons botched dick
No. 1522194
>>1522186Holy shit it's grew that much in such a short time?
A pornsick guy I know has been getting worse with his coom addiction, and has started ""joking"" about trooning out. God, it would be a cherry on top of his crusty sperm sock cake. He's also been developing pseudobisexual tendencies, like gushing over a male celebrity lmao
No. 1522202
File: 1651905574386.jpg (108.67 KB, 564x986, 4d376f970f0124fb8ffc64fb3a5921…)

i hope this hasnt been posted on here already but i was scrolling through instagram and this popped up…this looks like something out of a horror story
No. 1522221
File: 1651908379263.png (Spoiler Image,1.76 MB, 1262x1566, sweetmanmadehorrors.png)

"Already talked to the doctor, got the "this will heal in the coming weeks/months" talk and directions to keep it dry and cool. Mostly looking for reassurance and tips from others, because those holes at the bottom look…super gnarly and scary"
Gnarly and scary indeed.
No. 1522224
File: 1651909359507.jpg (51.05 KB, 855x854, 1644628672421.jpg)

>>1521947>when i'm horny i buy sexy lingerieof course
No. 1522226
File: 1651909713855.jpg (469.26 KB, 971x2788, Screenshot_20220506-194239_Red…)

Thankfully the twanphobic wongtink was wemoved uguuuu
No. 1522234
>>1522221What’s hilarious is a fourth degree vaginal tear doesn’t look as horrendous as these axe wounds. I just don’t understand the why and hope the off themselves when they see their failure of a hole.
If you haven’t been pregnant, don’t look it up or it may put you off. It heals, goes back to normal, it’s fine. Personal experience.
No. 1522256
File: 1651918658447.jpg (469.69 KB, 1080x1355, IMG_20220507_121441.jpg)

>>1522226Someone crossposted OP's post on other subs too to discuss since it got locked. The discussion is of the expected quality
>lesbians can have genital pref as long as it involves neovaginas>also if you happen to be attracted to women who call themselves men, you're invalidating and hella problematic No. 1522311
File: 1651931782655.jpg (57.59 KB, 712x532, howistrannyformed.JPG)

No. 1522313
>>1521425Unfortunately it's difficult to just up and leave someone and they guilt trip you with the "I understand if it's difficult for you" whilst knowing full well that leaving them would be suicide on the partner's fault and they may very well be ostracized/cut off from most of their friends. This sounds specific because this happened to a gay friend. He broke up with his bf and most people sided with the troon. He currently only really has 2 friends including myself.
tldr; pre-op trans will literally lie to get you to date them knowing that you wont be able to get out
No. 1522317
File: 1651932402515.png (466.7 KB, 594x633, yas.png)

oily london finally trooned out kek
No. 1522324
File: 1651933027498.jpeg (249.4 KB, 867x1300, A6F95FEB-BDC6-4D2A-AF28-60FBF8…)

>>1522317Dude looks like a bloated corpse
No. 1522391
>>1522254I am
>>1522340 and I went back to watch the video now that I had a second. Despite not agreeing with Angela's beliefs (which I'm not sure she understands everything going on as she didn't know what "
TERF" meant and seemed to be of the position that "trans people just want to live like everyone else, etc."), I have to respect the fact that she was coming back at the TRA bullies who were stalking her shit to find her friendship with this guy from four fucking years ago. She even said she was baited by this person who came at her and that she isn't a performing monkey who's job is to placate them at all times. I honestly wonder if her opinion would change if she knew more about their
abusive tactics, since she experienced a little bit of it first hand. Anyway, the video was not nearly as abrasive towards TERFs or supportive of TRAs as I expected, which I guess I should have expected anyway, because she tends to be vocal about things that annoy her. Her thoughts felt a bit all over the place though, you can tell she doesn't want to deal with the bullshit while also not wanting to step on toes.
No. 1522393
File: 1651940509571.png (266.24 KB, 2478x1108, i n v a l i d.png)

He has tried painting his toenails and wearing socks but that didn't activate "girl mode". Something must be wrong.
No. 1522395
File: 1651940546454.png (Spoiler Image,1.96 MB, 1732x1710, botchedaf.png)

Another coomer can't coom anymore. I call that a win for humanity.
No. 1522404
>>1522393>W.I.P. Woman In Progress flairvomit-inducing
>don't know what woman means to meBut apparently it just means wearing skirts and sundresses over programmer socks
No. 1522410
>>1522404Doesn't know what it means to him but he DEFINITELY is one…
These AGPs who have a fetish of looking like an anime bimbo and never will but are allowed into women's spaces anyway because their deranged fantasies are
No. 1522437
>>1522405There is a big difference between allowing people to do something and throwing them a fucking parade for doing it. When a woman gets a boob job, a few moids in her life will be happy, the people who love her will be sad she mutilated herself, and overall, people move on with their lives. It doesn’t give her a permanent pass to act like a psycho.
Obviously trans people (and all people) should be allowed to do what they want with their bodies, and we, in turn, should be allowed to trust our (correct) instincts, avoid them like the dangerous creeps they are, and keep them tf out of our bathrooms.
I could call myself a fucking butterfly, the problem would be if the government started enforcing my “right to butterfly status” or some shit.
No. 1522454
>>1522405Tbh I just think that there should be
- hormones/surgery should be banned for anyone under 18
- Up the requirements for HRT perscriptions. Give patients, especially young people, thurough mental evaluations, train doctors to look for signs of autism, hitory of sexual abuse, evidence the patient is gay and raised in a homophobic environment, or fetish-based motivations for transitioning.
- Use therapy as the main treatment for gender dysphoria
- no legal recognition of gender changes/no gender ID laws, so TiMs go to men's prisons, and are kept out of women's washrooms/changing rooms, etc.
In the end if people really wanna mutilate their bodies you can't stop them, I generally think people should be able to do what they want. But there should be way higher standards on who is allowed treatment and TiMs should not be grouped in with women.
No. 1522473
File: 1651945568767.png (7.84 MB, 3024x4032, Mário de Sá-Carneiro.png)

'To be a woman' by Mário de Sá-Carneiro (1916)
No. 1522481
File: 1651946209621.jpg (294.12 KB, 1080x1484, Screenshot_20220507-125652.jpg)

>>1522473Him in his fedora
Makes me wonder about the blonde man and fat little boy comment
No. 1522500
>>1522483>>1522487Reminds me of that speech PhilosophyTroon had when he came out. Dude was trying to make it some inspirational moment for UK trannies and couldn't resist talking about how NHS not prioritizing them in surgeries and hrt over actual women was this big act of systemic oppression.
Yet to see one of them who wasn't a coomer and a narcissist.
No. 1522512
File: 1651949505264.jpg (244.61 KB, 720x884, 20220507_200658.jpg)

I'm afraid to read the article because I don't want to know the details, but we really need people to understand that there is very obviously a direct correlation between trans people and pedophilia
No. 1522516
>>1522186AYRT, thanks. Like
>>1522194 says, it's crazy how much the sub grew in such a short amount of time. It's not exactly proof against the theory that troonism is peer influenced.
No. 1522557
>>1522540Yep. Liberal media and handmaidens have consistently supported their true scottsman bullshit. Always sounds like "One bad apple isn't representative! Okay, three isn't a problem. Alright, maybe there's more but that's not me! You have to let the Trojan Horse in, you fucking bigot! I'm not trying to rape and kill you right now so clearly there's mostly good apples! Be thankful I am a good one and be patient with the bad ones. We are so wounded and oppressed already!"
Nah. Gulag. All of them.
No. 1522600
File: 1651956958357.png (58.28 KB, 723x98, peakening.png)

>>1522303Trans"women" being men and men being degenerates means these stories just keep coming, the TRAs are dropping like flies.
Aside, hope he rots in there, sick fuck.
No. 1522642
File: 1651962256329.jpg (267.56 KB, 1242x1945, h1gw7ZA.jpg)

>Don’t know how well received this will be
Like troons don’t receive tons of ~uwu~ validation for shit makeup
No. 1522649
File: 1651963117306.jpg (3.64 MB, 4096x4096, Skinwalker.jpg)

Spotted in the wild. Trooned out after a kid, many such cases kek
No. 1522673
File: 1651965870071.jpeg (112.02 KB, 544x584, A57F80AB-8CE5-41BC-AEC4-A6989D…)

This man is so ugly why does he always make such a gross dead fish face in his selfies
No. 1522684
File: 1651967070534.jpeg (795.84 KB, 1536x2048, 90565508-3424-49C2-86D0-7E0CB1…)

why is he wearing a nightgown for 7 year olds
No. 1522709
File: 1651969812010.jpeg (113.69 KB, 828x1030, D3D5291A-0278-42EA-A3F6-97A3F5…)

Man who can’t get his fetish validated at school is worse off than the millions of girls worldwide who don’t even have access to or are prevented from education. Yeah. Okay. Can they not empathize with women and girls for just one fucking second?
No. 1522710
File: 1651969852757.webm (Spoiler Image,2.17 MB, 407x720, save.webm)

Troon walking in an airport, nearly naked, with children present.
When will it end?
His Facebook page: No. 1522723
File: 1651970732502.jpg (272.56 KB, 720x1239, 20220507_194325.jpg)

Women is when you use makeup
No. 1522728
>>1522723this totally happened.
Why do trans act like woke culture and shame culture isn’t a thing rn? If someone said that in my city, you’d get so many dirty looks maybe even assaulted
No. 1522730
File: 1651971109128.jpeg (4.01 MB, 4032x3024, CC4A54DB-3C36-48F1-AB90-BE7227…)

Nonnies look what Free Comic book day has available.
No. 1522754
File: 1651973929563.jpeg (46.99 KB, 534x650, 5A572836-FE61-4BE6-BC28-83AD26…)

Has anyone else noticed Hunter hasn’t been in anything other than Euphoria? His career is a complete dead end. He’s already looking manlier and his voice is getting deeper. In a few years when it’s not as trendy he’s not going to be getting any roles.
No. 1522778
>>1522760Because he’s a good looking gnc handsome guy. He looks retardedly masculine.
>>1522758Eh. Marvel movies seem to be on their way out too. Culture comes in ebbs and flows, the pendulum is about to swing.
No. 1522791
File: 1651978879042.jpeg (65.21 KB, 640x769, fwt64cv164t41.jpeg)

>>1522783He could play Daniel Johns from Silverchair
No. 1522825
File: 1651985438364.png (412.22 KB, 1874x1294, whaaaaawhaaaaa.png)

I want unnecessary plastic surgery for free, but my stupid job that will pay for my ax wound surgery doesn't cover the miracles I would need to start looking like a woman, I'm so helpless and oppressed!
No. 1522868
File: 1651995353797.jpg (113.9 KB, 1357x655, aQajsPu.jpg)

>>1522760its astonishing just how masculine he looks next to his boyfriend, despite being on hormones since he was a kid and his face plastered with make-up, his neanderthal features such as his naturally wide shoulders, man jaw and thick neck stand in contrast to his soft circle-faced bf who looks like a TIF next to him
No. 1522869
File: 1651995374301.png (715.78 KB, 870x1280, 1651994459867.png)

>>1522868and here's the two of them standing next to each other
No. 1522877
File: 1651997013024.jpg (70.43 KB, 752x466, eG25ibQ.jpg)

Came from the altcow thread because this comment under a video made me mad. There's so much retardedness in this single comment.
>"biological" women
Is there no such thing as a born-woman according to you, retard-chan? Why are these sick TIMs trying so hard to look like women (cosmetic surgery, implants, etc.) and "pass", then?
>they don poor cosplays of feminists
How is a feminist supposed to dress? Are you saying non-conforming women aren't feminists? reminds me of the JKR dinner where scrotes were mocking the other women for being too "old" and "manly".
>reduce women to their genitals (which is the opposite of what feminism tries to do)
Well, the discussion of sex organs is important when it comes to women's rights. Just look at what is happening to Roe v. Wade. Now women will lose their right to control their own uterus.
No. 1522897
File: 1652002728915.jpg (59.64 KB, 540x734, tumblr_4a6eeedc476ae245ea384f7…)

Hi any trannies lurking!
Just came to say I "respect your pronouns" publically, and put a fake smile on my face in your presence. But that's purely for protecting myself. I do not want to lose my job or worse thanks to some looneys. I smile and nod like a good little handmaiden, but inside I fucking hate your guts and have no delusions that your "gender identity" is rooted in reality whatsoever.
No. 1522919
>>1522809Ot but
nonny,it's IMDB, my sides
No. 1522939
>>1522877Angela is currently back peddling on calling the gay guy a
terf because she didn’t do any reaseach or watch his video on why he’s not a fan of troons. Mainly because everyone keeps forcing him to say he’s not gay, that he is trans since he likes dressing feminine and that hd needs to date troons.
That whole comment section under Angela’s video is full of troons and hand maids. You won’t see a single comment in support of a gay man standing up for his sexuality. I feel sorry for the gays and lesbians
No. 1522947
File: 1652014797585.png (266.46 KB, 738x939, Ojdidntdoit617.png)

the troons on r/MtF are having their daily discussion about crossdressing boners and this one grown-ass man admits to ejaculating while trying on a quinceañera dress. they're all pedophilic freaks.
No. 1522967
>>1522947it's perfectly normal to coom wearing dresses intended for 15 year old girls, because i, a total sex pest and porn addict, do it too!
they really have no clue how their degeneracy is being received outside of their misogynist cult do they
No. 1522982
File: 1652020746204.jpg (166.98 KB, 1080x753, Screenshot_20220508-103555_Boo…)

>>1522947Pepperidge Farms remembers when this behavior was rightfully called transvestic fetishism. No. 1522986
>>1522825The fucking entitlement is unreal with these people.
>>1522947This actually makes me want to throw up. Absolutely disgusting.
No. 1523003
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No. 1523018
File: 1652024994378.png (153.99 KB, 1196x1358, C8FC18D1-D81D-4B9F-B219-770387…)

No. 1523039
>>1523018>euphoria for being womenYeah I have a boner 24/7 for being female. Of course. Also I am just so ecstatic to be female because that's how existing as your sex works.
Troons keep changing what 'euphoria' means to them. It seems apparent that many of them acknowledge that euphoria is the same thing as sexual arousal. I guess this is a covert way of saying all women are sluts. Males are retarded, what else is new
No. 1523042
>>1523018It's another "women enjoying femininity or their own biological existence is the exact same thing as me getting turned on thinking of being a woman in itself. My sexual pleasure is a woman's sexual pleasure" episode. I guess it makes sense if you're a moid who can't even conceive that other people's self-expression isn't either the exact same as yours, or a mild variation of it
If this cope were true, 95% of women would be into bimbo hypno shit, lobby for free breast implants, try to buy other women's worn clothes to get off to/cultivate specifically sexual obsessions with things like pantyhose and fondly remember cooming from putting on a birthday dress or going bra shopping for the first time when they were younger or something. These people wouldn't need their own spaces to describe their "gender euphoria", because "cis" women would already have discussed it openly, over and over again in chick flicks, journals, wattpad fics, personal blogs, romance novels, etc. They're different from us and they know it, but they're so addicted to this LARP. I pity anyone who'd actually believe it
No. 1523083
>>1522897>>1522913>>1523076The fact that these troons don't understand how women socialize is a very key sign they are men.
No one thinks they are women, it's just not the baldness but the massive body and angled sharp features that give it away. They can have surgery all they want they will still look like a deformed serial killer who is very clearly a man.
No one I know likes trannies, we say their pronouns but mock how they act and look because they are just doing black faces of women. I have no idea why woman's face is accepted when women have been historically oppressed by these fetish freaks. The fact they even call actual women men shows how braindead and sexist they are. They are most sexist and racist group, more points to why people mock them.
No. 1523102
>>1523003XY in the front
XY in the back
No. 1523103
>>1522337>confused afHe got addicted to surgeries just like Rodrigo Alves. You can only do so much surgery and still look masc, so they said fuck it I'll be a girl then. Endless surgical opportunities - bigger and bigger lips, boob jobs until their titties nearly explode.
Most of all, they're gay men. Fags aren't attracted to fake looking botched men. But straight guys fucking love a botched bimbo tranny with huge plastic tits.
No. 1523104
File: 1652031375207.jpeg (476.19 KB, 1536x2048, C2BCF87D-869D-452A-BC5C-3CE30A…)

Thank god I don’t live in Chicago
No. 1523110
File: 1652032335963.jpeg (278.03 KB, 1080x898, 7C01628B-2636-4CFA-B0DD-DF1FEA…)

>>1522947He really just draped the other dress over the toilet. No respect.
No. 1523121
File: 1652033162963.jpg (47.24 KB, 642x589, reazh.JPG)

>>1523119it's not his first time, he has tried on several wedding dresses without the intention to ever buying them, hope they clean those dresses after him.
No. 1523140
File: 1652035802441.png (163.98 KB, 2354x480, coomer.png)

Maybe stop living out your fetish 24/7, put some pants on, and contribute to society?
No. 1523143
>>1523018Time I have orgasmed because I put a dress on: 0
Times I have felt elated because someone "affirmed my gender" by sexually harassing or assaulting me, calling me by female pronouns, so on and so forth: 0
No, fam, women aren't AGPs
No. 1523159
File: 1652037118352.jpg (226.53 KB, 940x788, fem_mb-1522881506024345601-img…)

If you ever wanna peak anyone about troons use this infograph.
No. 1523163
File: 1652037201792.jpg (216.12 KB, 971x1688, men can change womens language…)

No. 1523167
File: 1652037309936.png (1.79 MB, 990x1238, James Rose (@jamesissmiling) I…)

>>1523163picture from his instagram btw
No. 1523168
File: 1652037317731.jpeg (1.45 MB, 1170x2033, B13BF47E-68E5-404A-9514-9C0BD0…)

Why can't he just be infertile and not procreate .. ew
Idk if he gives other reasons for freezing his sperm I can't stand seeing his face long enough to watch the entire video.
No. 1523174
File: 1652037756317.png (340.14 KB, 748x1052, only becomes a feminist after …)

colin finally got the attention he ordered.
No. 1523181
>>1523175Samefag, wait a fuckin-
>women's rights>reproductive rights Like they're the same thing!!! Like the only thing women fought for was the right to abortion??? That's the extent of our rights. It means the same thing. Thank you, sentient mask.
No. 1523182
File: 1652037916903.jpg (173.54 KB, 1170x1170, jk_rowling-1523251575724331011…)

No. 1523189
File: 1652038802536.jpeg (586.37 KB, 828x1147, 6AFA310C-BB96-4A5C-BAA2-F4F7D5…)

>until it was gone
…who’s gonna tell him?
No. 1523198
File: 1652039261302.png (257.05 KB, 749x784, Males Of Reddit on Twitter.png)

No. 1523201
File: 1652039284756.jpg (102.53 KB, 1024x542, FRxXhkUWYAMTHUL.jpg)

No. 1523204
>>1523075i think they're misremembering an article cuz no, no one does that, but lots of magazines (used to) suggest to women to use mirrors to examine their own anatomy for various reasons.
even gay men don't masturbate in the mirror afaik. this is purely a skin-walking fetish.
No. 1523211
File: 1652040190621.jpeg (610.73 KB, 1170x1085, 536B692F-A03F-44CE-A774-E1AEFA…)

Haha rape joke funny laugh
No. 1523217
>>1523207And yet if you speak up about them invading our spaces you’re in the wrong. I’m sorry. I deserve basic dignity and the ability to enter a female space without a penis being next to me.
>>1523211And this is “winning” how? It’s always the aspects of being a woman that we hate the most that they get off on, that give them “gender euphoria”. Getting harassed while playing games isn’t fun, this is why a lot of girls choose to play male characters and not speak in voice chats. It’s demeaning and hateful.
No. 1523228
File: 1652042020213.jpeg (901.85 KB, 1284x1711, FA2E6667-73F2-423A-99B8-0F0A81…)

>>1523211some comments I saw on that post
No. 1523233
File: 1652042475243.jpg (110.42 KB, 997x1024, FSOKUQxXMAAZ0e3.jpg)

X to doubt
No. 1523249
>>1523127I've been sooo close, but depression won't let my log into reddit, hope someone else will do what needs to be done>>1523163how about a very late abortion for him? If I ever hear the phrase "with uterus" again, I might kill someone.
>>1523174kek, she told him to kindly fuck off by "let journalists ask the questions", love her way of wording things.
No. 1523262
File: 1652044718392.jpeg (198.02 KB, 1284x419, 738C5371-9464-475B-9B29-C37A48…)

>>1523248I doubt that’s what he was talking about considering he said a “woman’s magazine”, but thanks nonetheless. Just looking through it, this study seems so pointless because a woman enjoying her sexuality as a woman is in no way relevant to how a man would imagine what he thinks being a woman is like. If I pleasure myself does it mean I’m getting off to being a woman? It just doesn’t make sense, this term should not even apply to women anyway bc it’s a male phenomenon. I do wonder if autoadrophilia is a real thing too though, because I’ve heard some lesbians and bi women speak about their attraction to women in such a way that they imagine themselves penetrating a woman or thinking about their partner in a more “male gaze” kind of way, but then I don’t know if that’s just some sort of internalized misogyny or just how female sexuality can work with relation to other women or what. That’s also a bit different anyway because it’s more about what you’re fantasizing about doing to another person instead of being turned on by yourself as the opposite sex (although it seems like I’ve seen FtMs have this sort of fetish too about being men like the MtFs do with women). Sorry for going off on a tangent here. I’m trying to make sense of any of this. I just don’t see how it’s possible to have a sexual fetish for being a certain sex when you exist as that sex. I welcome any other thoughts on it so maybe I’ll understand it more and I hope I didn’t come off as offensive with the bi/lesbian part, seeing as I’m bi and am going on my own experience and some of what I’ve heard from others. I don’t know if it’s a weird sentiment or not to be honest.
No. 1523267
File: 1652045018537.jpeg (365.52 KB, 1284x1086, 026833EE-8EE5-49D0-9F42-92ED01…)

How is stating reality erasing them? They still exist no matter how much I wish they wouldn’t.
No. 1523268
File: 1652045238869.png (336.47 KB, 538x455, screenshot.png)

>>1523177>>1523185kek I just saw this on Tumblr. you're not alone nona
No. 1523276
>>1523267so, where I come from, there lived a transwoman, she was kind, she was shy, she would never have used a women's toilet because she knew, that everyone could tell that she was born a man. But she transitioned before the time of social media and I guess she hates everything those transwomen today stand for. So yes, if you are born a man, you will stay a man, if you want to live as a woman, that's okay for me, but if it's just a fetish and you tell everyone about orgasming into women clothes or how you want to rape us or speak out death threats, you can kindly be removed from the face of the earth. We have enough stupid, aggressiv humans, no one needs you.
No. 1523284
File: 1652046793171.jpeg (536.07 KB, 1170x1315, EFFDBBA5-DBFA-42FF-B956-245F16…)

>>1523211reaching levels of handmaiden that shouldn’t be possible
No. 1523289
>>1523110he's doing this in wedding dresses too, so damn disgusting.
no offense but how did the store owners not say anything? this should've been considered sexual harassment. this is a hairy ass moid, grabbing dresses meant for 15-year-old girls, and changing into them with the door wide open. i guess trans shit has a strong hold, but he just looks like a regular male.
No. 1523291
>>1523167checked out his insta and i mean, he was quite goodlooking before. why troon out? hes unnecessarily ruining himself. idgaf if ugly incels troon out and fuck other incels. but why destroy your privilege? being a goodlooking man is the top of the hierarchy in this patriarchial society.
also sorry english isnt my first language
No. 1523307
File: 1652048342812.png (16.89 KB, 748x197, Sall Grover (@salltweets) _ Tw…)

>>1523268creepy eyes and fake ass smile
what a combo
No. 1523311
>>1523289he said in one reddit post that he was trying it in different stores and only one allowed him to try on the quinceanera dresses, so, if someone would find that store and tell them, what happend, maybe he and other troons would never been welcomed again.
>>1523291see it like this, he is really mentally unwell and with this behaviour he saves us from ever having to date him.
No. 1523320
>>1523262Yeah, females can experience arousal at the thought of themselves being attractive, but studies have already detailed how this innately differs from how male autogynephiles experience arousal at the thought of being female or perceived as female.
The difference is apparent enough in the physical reality backing it, but even more so when you see how autogynephiles encourage and enact their fetish through things like sissy hypnosis porn and transvestitism-focused exhibitionism, neither of which are remotely common female behaviors. The amount of women who would become aroused and jerk off in a public dressing room while trying on dresses is almost zero, and yet troons do so in droves.
No. 1523328
>>1522916You can nona! Do like this without spaces # < 3
Admin said this heart was okay ♥
No. 1523334
File: 1652050949925.png (16.65 KB, 453x189, uh ok.PNG)

Kek AGPs only wish their families would say the first few. Not in their wildest dreams
No. 1523341
>>1523319I respect her pronouns because she never did anything harmful or tried to force her pronouns in anyone's face, if I would like to live as a plant, people should let me, as long as I don't do any harm and most people know that they never will be anything like a real woman/plant/cat/tree, it's all about your behaviour and all those guys shown here don't deserve any form of kindness.
>>1523324kek, would be nice, but no, Germany
No. 1523342
>>1523182Imagine thinking "women should be female" is an extremist misogynistic patriarchal idea
I want off this planet
No. 1523346
File: 1652052739516.jpg (113.82 KB, 750x1334, FB_IMG_1652052628602.jpg)

a tranny murdered his brother and TIF boyfriend in my area, they were apparently local cosplayers. now he's on the run, but it's gonna be a lot harder to find him because all the articles refuse to point out he's a TIM and keep calling him she, do the comments on facebook are all confused who they should be looking for. No. 1523351
>>1523346sage for addition but I'll correct myself and say that the headlines, rather than the articles, don't mention he's trans, which is all facebook reads. the one I linked mentioned his and his girlfriend's "gender-affirming" surgeries.
I found his IG (@redradruby) and it's just tongue-out photos and close ups of his "post-HRT" ass. pure degeneracy into outright murder.
No. 1523356
File: 1652053563311.gif (15.24 KB, 40x40, LlamaThumb.gif)

>>1523345>>1523339>>1523320>>1523262>>1523252you're playing into tranny nonsense when you even give legitimacy to the idea that women are capable of experiencing autogynephilia. By definition, autogynephilia can only be experienced by males.
The troons who say 'cis women experience autogynephilia!' are being dishonest, as trannies always are to some degree, by even saying that.
No. 1523359
>>1523341Every man larping as a woman is hurting and disrespecting women, even the nice ones. They’re all contributing to the oppression of women by denying us meaningful and accurate language to describe our material reality, pushing our boundaries, exposing us to rape, flashing, and voyeurism in our own spaces, censoring and deplatforming feminists, denying us the freedom of assembling and association without our oppressors, taking female athletes’ places and scholarships, and so on. Also, you’re not being kind for enabling someone’s delusions, you’re just a liar. It’s a lose-lose situation.
No. 1523369
File: 1652055784812.jpeg (161.06 KB, 1170x1074, 02228F28-229E-4DC8-8709-A0CF35…)

>>1522317I have to give him props for his trolling efforts. This dude is a walking cluster b nightmare lol
No. 1523373
File: 1652056445859.jpg (570.45 KB, 870x1047, absoluteautism.jpg) fucking wish this guy had killed himself. Also, best quote from the troon: ""I love streaming. It's honestly one of the only things in life that I really enjoy. And they're trying to put me into foster care where I can't even do that. I was already adopted once, I don't need to be adopted again. I just need to be able to go to school. I'm just worried I'll get abused."
No. 1523384
>>1523189What the fuck Lance Hart is trooning out?
God he and Charlotte need a thread badly. They are both so disgusting
No. 1523387
>>1522110Ah fuck I posted
>>1523373 , damn it I'm too late
No. 1523395
>>1523389he's adopted kek. he's 16, i think at 17 you can drop out with a guardian's permission. clearly he doesn't want to go to school and wants to be a useless coomer.
>>1523391that's stupid. i'm sure there's women using the staff room.
we know he just wanted to be a creep and wank in the girl's bathroom. or bother girls for period products.
No. 1523426
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No. 1523428
File: 1652062507907.png (54.52 KB, 478x570, FSQ0tYxXwAISrKu.png)

No. 1523442
File: 1652063995683.jpg (116.28 KB, 750x923, FRJz54MWQAAy3r1.jpg)

No. 1523444
File: 1652064189780.jpg (167.17 KB, 828x1792, 5xi51jtmaby81.jpg)

No. 1523457
File: 1652064777543.png (25.59 KB, 748x247, Ladye Voss Blessed Queene of L…)

No. 1523474
>>1523444this is disgusting and makes me sick. there is no way a 3-year-old would know that fake eyelashes and tube tops make him "girlier". someone is grooming this boy to act this way.
>>1523457once again, a moid feels threatened by a child and their mother, because he will no longer be the sole center of attention. thus, the father troons out to become the "mom" and get all the attention and praise. sucks so many women are subject to their husbands trooning out after giving birth.
No. 1523502
File: 1652066199867.png (63.8 KB, 769x896, Erin Reed on Twitter.png)

anthony bringing his child to a protest when he has no idea what its for or even means and its dangerous.
No. 1523528
File: 1652067510611.png (Spoiler Image,580.48 KB, 760x1345, diapersed.png)

the f
No. 1523555
File: 1652070458385.jpg (870.56 KB, 810x3234, Screenshot_20220509-001118_Chr…)

Troon has a meltdown over well-intentioned people still perceiving him as a man: pics: No. 1523561
File: 1652070994974.jpeg (Spoiler Image,779.92 KB, 1170x1770, 8CDDBF9D-4488-4963-887F-185A0A…)

At least I’ll give HSTSs credit for photo-editing. Still couldn’t do anything about that ugly mug though kek.
No. 1523585
File: 1652072119309.png (147.82 KB, 240x320, 1652071919639.png)

>>1522874its cause he's kinda short, circle faced and can't grow a full beard, a lot of hispanic men have a similar look, similar to asian men a lot of real hispanic men tend to get head cannoned transed by TIFs these days cause of these features
No. 1523600
"but that includes trans women!"
Yes. What is it you're not getting?
No. 1523606
File: 1652073429328.webm (775.88 KB, 400x220, Technically_shes_not_wrong_ujq…)
>>1523474>>1523444I have a kid whose about the same age as him, he thinks the cat is his older sister, his worldview is filled with wonder, even up till 7 kids can't fully comprehend much of the world, kids are just so innocent and simple minded that you can convince them to believe anything and so any shithead parents who takes advantage of childlike wonder to push whatever agenda they want for them is beyond sick
No. 1523691
File: 1652081333889.jpg (463.83 KB, 1080x1654, Screenshot_20220509-032326_Chr…)

>>1523457Oh look! Yet another one who trooned out circa their partner's pregnancy/childbirth.
No. 1523703
File: 1652084001008.jpeg (584.08 KB, 750x1098, 2AD5A1C2-C470-4CE8-A60D-6C025B…)

I’m so sick of seeing these fetishists clog up my feed when i am innocently browsing fashion subreddits
No. 1523719
File: 1652087088167.png (25.99 KB, 657x415, 1 1.PNG)

>>1523713>>1523705>>1523715Probably is a trannie that is crying on discord about people hating on them so they think posting CP will make people like them as their heroism justiced. They are probably some pea brain ugly moid that no one wants. They are just going to troon out and incel on a female board because they know they will never be with us or one of us.
No. 1523723
File: 1652087672135.png (214.88 KB, 1402x560, bunter trannies.png)

>>1523719>>1523705seems like the raid is coming from bunker trannies, apparently we deserve it for our transphobia and bigotry
No. 1523727
>>1523723Love how they expose themselves for the degenerate moids they are by spamming cp of all things and thinking there is any
valid reason to do so. Look inward and question why your own kind has cp to begin with, degen troon scum.
No. 1523728
>>1523727literally, could have spammed neo vaginas or shit and that would be morally better. It would be annoying but they are not giving themself a criminal record.
Fun fact: vpns don't hide your ip as good as you think they would, most vpn services will hand over your ip if you are posting this shit. hahaha
No. 1523731
>>1523705Based on anecdotal experience, I refuse to believe anyone who complains about TERFs isn't a tranny or a tranny enabler. I'm 99.99% convinced all straight guys hate trannies and if they hide it, it's because of social pressure.
>all MALE trans identified people are pedophilesI wouldn't be surprised at all. Every single tranny I've ever talked to was a massive pervert already, if not outright obsessed with sex.
>>1523723How unsurprising.
No. 1523733
>>1523723Thanks to lolcow, I now know that being a
TERF and misgendering is worse than spreading child porn and raping people. Thanks, trannies?
No. 1523736
>>1523730to them yes, completely unironically, if you told them the child being abused was a possible
terf they would condone it even more, but in the end they just use the excuse of “owning the terves” to show their true colors because they are all pedophiles
No. 1523737
File: 1652088500673.jpg (49.94 KB, 540x605, tumblr_c45a0ed351b24fb78d7b60e…)

>>1523736reposting because of relevancy
No. 1523742
>nonnies suprised people whose entire lifestyle revolves around grooming others would even think of posting cpIt's like y'all don't even read this thread
Also hot take: All gays are the same
>>1523738>how good and sane every woman on here is compared to themHmmm… I was going to object but I don't recall a girl here ever being exposed for being a child predator… so you might be right… but on the other hand you have anas who will groom girls to become like them and you always hear here and there in the news how it's always a woman the one in charge of human trafficking… anyway, nobody here could argue the world wouldn't be better if literally all troons disappear overnight.
No. 1523743
File: 1652088889700.png (49.65 KB, 1014x515, bunter trannies_2.png)

>>1523723>>1523725seems like they aren't even the least bit sorry about it
>>1523738they justify that as well
No. 1523744
>>1523743it's all men who want 72 wives, they want to think of themselves as not similar to shitty groups but no they are still men that are shitty
go figure
No. 1523746
File: 1652089107909.png (232.31 KB, 1136x1313, bunter trannies_3.png)

Seeing this in real time is wild, I have never actually seen anyone justifying spamming cp and yet here they are
No. 1523752
File: 1652089678704.jpeg (30.44 KB, 275x271, 05C8BB4B-A807-4FBE-9E1B-D64838…)

you stupid troons, posting cheese pizza won’t make you any less of a man, in fact it simply proves you ARE a man because only a degenerate male-brained pervert would deliberately save that shit and delude themselves into thinking that posting it here will do anything other than confirm to us you’re all depraved freaks. congrats, you should do everyone a favor and kill yourself!
No. 1523771
File: 1652091828551.png (343.71 KB, 1385x1366, bunter trannies_4.png)

>>1523746>last i checked it was women and right-wingers with the child abuse epidemicsI don't even how to respond to that
No. 1523803
File: 1652094740463.jpg (113.58 KB, 768x719, 1625132817070.jpg)

Aww, the angwy trannies have to spam cp to forget that fact that this is their fate
No. 1523808
>>1523723feeling like a retard but what site is that?
also bump
No. 1523823
>>1523752Please don't get mad at me, I'm just trying to life a veil because it can happen to anyone. This isn't a us vs. scrotes issue at its core.
>you feel the need to go "acshually women are pedos too!!!!How is shining light on that a bad thing? People that refuse to believe women can be pedos are precisely the reason why so many children being sexually abused in kindergartens goes unnoticed, because moms, caretakers, sisters think "a woman wouldn't do this".
>I don't see you going to those trannies and yelling them that your bff was raped by his fatherBecause they're men? They already think (know) men are pedos…? I'm no expert but I doubt any male anywhere is in denial about this like you are.
No. 1523827
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>>1523723Are they retarded? The chud image they use to represent us is literally a man with coloured hair, exactly what trannies are. They are literally posting the memes made about them and pretending it represents other people.
No. 1523834
>>1523823Nta, but
>Shining a light on itPeople aren't retarded, you're not shining a light on anything, you're just white knighting the sex currently spamming cp. Just stop.
No. 1523836
>>1523828To be fair, I think it's possible it would make sense if I was even remotely as mentally ill as a tranny.
>>1523829All men are confirmed as pedos the second they come out as queer. You can't be the latter without the former.
No. 1523842
>>1523834>if you don't agree women can't be pedo you are a trannie pedo wkFuck off retard, if you actually care about children at all you know I'm right. This has nothing to do with trannies posting CP, I replied to anon writing
>only a degenerate male-brained pervert would deliberately save that shitWhich is objectively and verifiably untrue and (ironically) you'd have to be a pedo apologist to pretend otherwise which is exactly my point… anyone who unironically believes that girls can't be pedos is a massive moron and deserves to be poisoned ASAP just like trannies do
Your post is so fucking idiotic I'd argue you're a scrote pretending to be a woman to bandwagon
No. 1523843
>>1523771The whole spamming cp thing that happens on here by trannies has had a positive effect. It has over time driven me to be outwardly troonphobic, secure in the knowledge that all trannies are paedophile coomers. Because of this I have been more menacing (read: not retarded and refusing to play pretend, which is menacing in the trannies eyes). For example, I now invite my boyfriend to the bathrooms when I see troons in them, and claim he is gender fluid and deserves to be there so he uses his intimidation against the weak failed male, inform other women on the nature of troons using caps of times like now to prove my point, loudly speak in ways that would
trigger trannies such as how about I saw a pervert man go into the womens restroom/showers, and have been refusing the general retard pretend act all round. Remember troons, it all happens because of you.
No. 1523848
>>1523842No one denies women can be pedos, just that it is rare compared to men who are the vast majority, especially if they have a pre-existing paraphilia like trannies. You're just
triggered and have shit reading comprehension.
No. 1523850
>>1523844You are when you disagree with me
>>1523845I have literally never written or implied "not all men" and you saying that makes you a bigger retard than I could ever aspire to be and proves my point ten times over
No. 1523852
>>1523848>No one denies women can be pedosSeveral people already did
>You're just triggeredTrue but due to the above
No. 1523858
>>1523853>only men can be pedo>not true women can be too>"not all men"You are even more retarded than the tranny you accuse me to be (projection on your part for sure)
>>1523854Would you like me to screenshot their posts and highlight it for you? And will you admit you're wrong and apologize once I do? Say you will and I'll do it
(infighting) No. 1523872
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>>1523771this is the funniest reply btw
No. 1523876
>>1523869>am i tinfoiling way too hardI for one absolutely believe in falseflags so there's a chance you might be onto something.
>>1523872>get us fried from our jobs>friedIf only.
No. 1523890
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No. 1523901
File: 1652098071837.png (210.08 KB, 1376x1743, bunter_trannies_5.png)

because we are /pol/tards we deserve being spammed with cp
No. 1523913
>>1523901don't need a live action retard feed nonners, this thread is for the specific breed of failed males called gynephiles, not the whole family tree of y chromosomed apes.
>>1523904 Based mom
No. 1523969
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Almost like men with a penis should shut up or something because you’ll never be a woman?
No. 1523977
>>1523969>roe vs wade outrage made more women hate tranniesA silver lining?
>>1523975Seems so but better wait a bit longer.
>>1523976I already replied what I meant to another post.
No. 1523981
>>1523976It’s probably because her dad is a man,
nonnie. They don’t like being portrayed in a bad light.
No. 1523982
>>1523957>>1523976>>1523981Oops, just realized I replied to the wrong post earlier. I said it backfired because he replied
>>1523911 and I just didn't have the energy to argue.
No. 1523985
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>> I know you’re losing your rights but I feel hurt when things aren’t about me???
No. 1523987
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No. 1523990
File: 1652103237830.png (356.19 KB, 2086x1220, C1309CCC-1F78-424C-9187-728111…)

So a straight man then? No lesbians don’t like that dude.
No. 1523996
>>1523992Omg you just reminded me that my dad did that once too when I was saying I hate men after being stalked and raped. Fucking hell.
I think the thing that gets me about men being fragile little stupid babies like this is - why would you take offense to OTHER MEN being called rapists and murderers if they actually are? If you're not personally a rapist and a murderer, why would the high stats offend you personally? You don't know those men. Shouldn't they be glad they're not one of them?
No. 1523997
>>1523985Why would any man want a womb when they see the shit women have to go through right now? They act like this is fun and “euphoria” inducing for us instead of a waking nightmare.
>>1523987How are these comebacks in any way? I am not the one playing pretend. These are pretty accurate in how childish they are though, given that these moids are just playing dress up and tend to have a fetish for acting like kids.
>>1523990Once again, man can have genital preference, woman cannot. It’s fine for him to prefer “pussy” (hate that word and when men say it) instead of “girl”dick, but sorry lesbians, there’s only one option on the menu right now and it’s troon penis.
No. 1524015
>>1523997>Why would any man want a wombPregnancy fetish
>>1523987>I'm still more man than youSo they know they're men
No. 1524053
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>>1524037This one was excellent
No. 1524058
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>>1524037As is this one. I was trying to find that hilarious breakfast club edit that one
nonnie made but couldn’t but it’s for sure in previous threads
No. 1524072
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This is one reason there is so much backlash against trans ideology I think. With the L and G, most people just wanted to have normal lives, be accepted without being put on a major pedestal, etc. The most important thing was just being able to love who you love and have the right to get married. But these narcissists aren’t like that. They want to have THE most attention, be THE most oppressed, etc. People notice this. If gay rights are pushed back like so many people are saying they might be, it’s 90% on the backs of troons. Acceptance of gays and lesbians was becoming more mainstream because people who were against it were being more “live and let live” about it. But now the troons have infected everything and latched onto the LGB just to bring it crumbling down. I’m sure the acceptance of the community in general is ruined because of them, so much hard work just annihilated in a few years.
No. 1524074
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>>1524037lest we forget that they are okay with spamming cp and see nothing wrong with it
No. 1524126
>>1524072They have such a narcissistic way of thinking. If they didn't they wouldn't be in this dissonance:
1) Claim sex is arbitrary, being born male is not mutually exclusive with being a woman, pointing out somebody's (obviously) not passing is transphobic, not liking dicks is transphobic and invalidating to poor troons, gender is the most important thing even though you cannot define it. Claim you are actually a true and honest woman and should be seen and treated exactly as a cis woman.
2) Constantly scream about being trans. Constantly point out that you are different. Cling to the label that directly tells everybody you are in fact a man. You're a "woman", but also deserve special treatment for not being one. Never shut up about how hard it is to be trans. Stay in a place of perpetual victimhood and require external validation at every moment.
Which is it?
No. 1524174
>>1524150>>1524168also the term mostly gets used by pedo advocates and unironic dog fuckers
>>1524170its supposed to be a "feminist chud" basically calls a bunch of fat dumb feminist bigots, but it ends up looking like a troon, kek
No. 1524176
>>1524168Samefagging to add, we know that male troons don’t understand female socialization at all when it comes to regular old interactions, but what’s even further is the fact that they don’t understand how many women have had to deal with narc men who are just like them. I don’t know a single woman who hasn’t dealt with a controlling or
abusive man in some capacity, but troons seem to think women are just submissive little things who are given to bowing down and making life easier for everyone or praising them. Women who have had to deal with
abusive men know the tactics. The gaslighting, the name calling, the physical threats. This is why so many of us just don’t care anymore, because we’ve seen it all before and now it’s just on a larger, more blatant scale and we’re tired of it. I’m sure people in the past said that women advocating for their rights were on the wrong side of history too, because hatred of women is the root from which all of this stems. The desire to control us, to conquer our bodies and sexualities. It’s nothing new.
No. 1524219
>>1522110Lucas "keffals" was milking the shit out of this for tranny pity points. Wrote that the school didn't want him using the female restroom so they didn't let him come (?). Some tweets are saying he was expelled which makes the truancy arrest part make no sense. I also read somewhere that the kid was allowed to use the faculty restroom or something so it seems this is more of a case of a 16yo being retarded and having an excuse to play Minecraft instead of going to school.
I imagine the troons want to doctor this story to make it appear incredibly shocking, but it's two coppers slowly opening a door and standing. I don't see the abuse part at all. The fact that there are people commenting this is """"fascism"""" is hilarious.