File: 1615033744707.png (1.38 MB, 1828x1446, treadpic.png)

No. 1177680
This thread concerns with male-to-female (mtf) snowflake behaviour. This entails individual events, trends, and characters that do not deserve their own thread. Arbitary rules enforced by tranny jannies apply to this thread, this means you might be banned for being too fucking based for your own good. Please don't say mean words to users you suspect are trannies because it makes them cry, seethe and dilate.
Subreddits of note: of course #1:
>>>/snow/867400Thread #2:
>>>/snow/1031751Thread #3:
>>>/snow/1049127Thread #4:
>>>/snow/1049127Thread #5:
>>>/snow/1070574Thread #6:
>>>/snow/1086919Thread #7:
>>>/snow/1098012Thread #8:
>>>/snow/1112471Thread #8:
>>>/snow/1131745Thread #9:
>>>/snow/1144300Thread #10:
>>>/snow/1163786 No. 1177682
File: 1615033967793.png (755.76 KB, 1852x2520, TransmenAreNotMen.png)

I want to start by posting this complilation screenshot from a reddit-post linked in the past thread already. It needs to be preserved.
I know this is technically about trans-men, but the hilarity of what is going on in /r/twoXChromosomes right now compared to this is just chef's kiss
Men can trample over women in either combination: as troon-woman over cis women or as cis-men over troon-men. Either way, the one who is biologically a female gets patronized by the one who is the biological male.
No. 1177687
File: 1615034368968.png (476.5 KB, 1114x1066, terfs.png)

No. 1177695
>>1177687this is so cringe why it's normalized to shit on us like nothing how the fuck they are unable to see the irony??? shit on women but u want to be one,K.
And it's only MtF doing this shit btw because a lot of libfems and FtM are doing the "dont say u hate all men because that includes the transmen" propaganda.
No. 1177696
File: 1615035536028.png (12.17 KB, 880x271, b19f2344-4ef1-5bbe-b90d-6a8768…)

>>1177682So r/TwoX lost 30'000+ Subscribers in just a few days due to the tranny selfie deboacle, it was a mass peaking
This is a great sign, If the libfems of r/TwoX can be peaked then anyone can
No. 1177702
has anyone seen the new #superstraight trend on tiktok?
straight people have started their own sexuality for people who don't want to date trans and the troons are losing it No. 1177703
>>1177702I was about to post about this it's hilarous but is it wrong? Men into transwomen are striaght according to TRA's and women attracted to trans men are also straight.
So instead of going, "They aren't straight", straight people went, "Okay they can have that title, I identify as super straight"
Real talk it's respectful and I can't wait to see people using that flag.
No. 1177708
>>1177704Based, but that color combination is fucking ugly.
>>1177702>what is the thing that identifies a trans woman over a regular woman? Name something. And it can't have anything to do with birthing a child. You can't tell me that people are unattracted to people who are not fertile, because you can't tell.>The only reason people aren't attracted to trans people is because they think they look a certain way and they don't. They look like women.HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. No. And yes, people are attracted to people who are fertile. It's that evil biology that trannies think is not a real science.
No. 1177711
>>1177708Thats the ONLY reason people aren't attracted to trans people? not the fact most have their OG parts and actual straight/gay/bisexual people aka Super Sexuality people don't want that? Or the fact the fake gentials are a hassle for everyone involved?
There's NO other reason?
No. 1177714
File: 1615038279877.jpg (106.59 KB, 1170x1151, Oqm2wIl.jpg)

>>1177704Trans are freaking out about this and even trying to “reclaim” the invented term for themselves. Luckily, “super straights” are not backing down and using TRA tactics right back at them. Supergay, superlesbian and superbi are also popping up. This is awesome.
No. 1177717
File: 1615038399866.png (70.42 KB, 535x345, tra.png)

>>1177687I've never seen a
TERF say it's gross to "fuck a transgirl's ass". That would just read as homophobic and while some individual women might be homophobic in that way, it would generally be frowned upon to say something like that. It's actually the woke people who are the real homophobes saying derogatory stuff about gay men. It's usually the SRS thing the TERFs have a problem with and nobody cared until they started saying theirs was the same thing as a real vagina.
No. 1177718
>>1177714How is people saying they aren't trans attracted "endangering" trans people? It's almost as if trans people can't respect others sexuality if it does not include them and constantly go after people who don't want anything to do with them.
Now if this "Super Straight" shit catches on, they'll look extra silly fucking with people who are saying directly and respectfully, "I am not attracted to you"
They are mad people have lines they cannot cross without looking dumb now.
No. 1177719
File: 1615038741383.png (412.57 KB, 586x602, super.PNG)

>>1177704samefag (>>1177716) I'm just loosing it
No. 1177722
>>1177718Based zoomers.
Tumblr and Twitterfags can't say shit either because LiTeRal MiNoRs.
No. 1177731
File: 1615039842947.png (408.63 KB, 419x463, shsh.PNG)

>>1177726to some yeah, I remember seeing a video of a dude talking about "I'm a sexually attracted to men but i'm emotionally and sexually attracted to women, I'm straight" it's not even the troons doing it, it's flat out bisexual people not wanting the title of being bisexual, openly.
So if you can fuck someone who looks like Picrel and say you are "Straight" because they identify as a "Woman" or fuck/get fucked by transwomen with dicks bigger then your own and be "straight", then straight aint straight no more.
People are saying, "okay you can have it". It's dumb but in a way it makes sense. Trans/weirdos always chase people away and say, "GTFO if you don't like it" so people are doing that.
Now they are throwing a fit.
No. 1177741
File: 1615041450834.jpeg (146.28 KB, 721x1043, 82A6BE1B-5B24-4F3A-846B-A8676E…)

>>1177704kek Twitter is picking up on it…
No. 1177747
File: 1615041873995.jpeg (159.04 KB, 750x627, F739654C-6240-46D7-BBBC-4428A4…)

>>1177719>>1177741Lol I identify as $uperlez from now on.
No. 1177749
File: 1615042095669.png (108.19 KB, 719x940, Screenshot_20210306-194639.png)

>>1177704The shitposting of literal zoomers is
triggering them so fucking much, there having meltdowns across twitter
No. 1177752
>>1177741It’s wild to see the 64+ genders/endless pronouns crowd screech “super straight is not
valid!” “You can’t just make up a new sexuality!”
>>1177749Funny how once again, they only care about trans women being affected. I noticed a disproportionate amount of tiny NB girls getting upset for trans women instead of themselves, despite the fact that trans women never give a shit about them. It’s so twisted.
No. 1177753
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No. 1177756
File: 1615043411450.png (Spoiler Image,894.12 KB, 1379x834, troontits.png)

I wonder if he paid to be disfigured or if the taxpayers did.
No. 1177757
File: 1615043533020.webm (4.24 MB, 540x960, t7K5LenlO1AKvgaK.webm)
This is the boy who started the whole super straight thing, just a zoomer shitposting on tiktok
Apparently people are sending him death threats and gore pics now, and
No. 1177761
File: 1615044027445.png (725.56 KB, 742x1096, thm1.PNG)

Some more Trans History Month (because they totally forgot about Women's History Month on accident, guys!) insanity.
No. 1177764
File: 1615044187335.png (1.24 MB, 724x2129, thm1.png)

>>1177761That was actually the wrong screenshot, this is the actually-crazy one.
No. 1177765
>>1177757Troons in tears that a straight man doesnt wanna fuck them
Troons proving their innnocent victimhood by doxing threads and gore pics
No. 1177771
>>1177761>>1177764Okay this is a troll, the second one and the other screenshot about not being aware of Women’s History Month convinced me. They’re doing a good job though. Facebook boomers will be
triggered and peak.
No. 1177783
>>1177736god dammit. I know the moment Ben Shapiro starts talking about this, it will lose all basis in legitimacy.
>>1177702is this guy retarded? "What is the thing that identifies a trans woman over a regular woman?"
A FUCKING PENIS??? I am losing my fucking mind holy shit.
No. 1177791
>>1177682The whole thread is an amazing read. I just hate that men aren't as easily overtaken and run off by this shit like we women are.
>>1177741I have… never been more proud of zoomers. You go sweet babies go!
>>1177757Goddamn they need to leave people alone. It's deplorable how they treat anyone who disagrees with their cult.
>>1177753Oh my fucking GOD
No. 1177820
>>1177764Ah yes, the male MMA fighter who gets off on cracking female skulls. Don't you feel represented by this stronk and powerful womxn?
This is just the same old "man are better than women" that misogynistic pieces of shit have spouted since the dawn of time in a new package.
No. 1177837
File: 1615051964269.jpg (178.47 KB, 729x1438, G2Epcp5.jpg)

>>1177757This was trending for a while. It started a storm.
No. 1177863
File: 1615055974397.jpeg (Spoiler Image,177.2 KB, 1124x1382, EvzbksSVkAE8OEI.jpeg)

I don't understand how he thought this would work
No. 1177866
File: 1615056316268.jpg (116 KB, 850x1024, nasty mfer.jpg)

>>1177687What a fucking jealous /pol/ reject. lol
No. 1177871
File: 1615056752356.jpg (363.72 KB, 1080x1785, Screenshot_20210306-123554__01…)

nothing to be done about the neanderthal skull but this commie troon on twitter can't even be bothered shave his retarded moustache
No. 1177872
File: 1615057137138.png (608.51 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20210306-205747.png)

>>1177764Martine Rothblatt
Isn't that the troon who created a sexbot copy of his own wife?
No. 1177878
>>1177704>>1177702just came here straight from twitter because all the cis girls are loosing their shit over "trawnwymm" hate because of it lol
>>1177708>color combination is fucking uglythey are apparently based on the pornhub logo
No. 1177889
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why do they always say this? of course we hate them
No. 1177894
File: 1615059816493.jpeg (315.63 KB, 1280x1178, 4A1E1775-23DD-46D5-A7FC-1C3CD6…)

Truly zero self awareness.
No. 1177897
File: 1615060367565.png (103.95 KB, 400x411, 73EAC585-7DEF-4F00-958A-304B05…)

Being resentful of a child getting medical aid for precious puberty. Normal adult woman things.
No. 1177901
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No. 1177907
>>1177897"Early" puberty is usually only treated when the kid is 12 or under and only when it could cause significant problems for the child. If you get it early it can mean that your bones mature faster and your growth is stunted and you end up with a high risk of developing breast cancer.
>>1177904 said, many doctors would rather the patient went through the early puberty and only if they believe significant problems will arise will they step in with blockers which have risks of their own.
No. 1177922
File: 1615062021641.png (791.96 KB, 735x809, ss.PNG)

>>1177901The subreddit is entertaining I wonder if it will get banned or not
No. 1177933
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You love to see it
No. 1177936
>>1177924Yep, they sperg about traditional family and having to have a lot of children, having to be God loving and so on.
They took super straight like "super traditional".
It's ruined, just pol bs and not a satire now, shame.
No. 1177950
File: 1615065189055.jpeg (284.21 KB, 760x1551, 042E3FB2-DE41-4648-9F67-AA6A6C…)

Tale as old as time…
No. 1177956
>>1177889I see that 'just say you hate us and move on' response all the time, and it's literally just
>reee stop making valid points and coherent arguments and say something inflammatory that makes you look bad instead, that way there's no risk of you persuading anyone to agree with youSilencing tactics are #1 with TRAs for a reason, because exposure to logic will peak nearly anyone.
No. 1177959
File: 1615066648470.jpeg (319.52 KB, 640x780, 88CDA973-3DCA-482B-AFDB-E2A108…)

Am I wrong or is this not even a tranny? That picture on the right looks like a photoshopped woman, nothing about the face looks the same.
No. 1177963
>>1177959things that the neanderthal on the left would need to look like the girl on the right:
-hairline lowering (and hairplus)
-nosejob to fix that little snout
-eyebrow lift, eyelid surgery
-eyebrow threading
-jaw surgery, chin implant
-fat transfer
-serious lip fillers
-snapchat filters
i just don't see it for him.
No. 1177969
>>1177959First thing when I saw that in new. Tons of blurs/warps on the right photo. He also posted the same thing not much earlier but it got removed. The title was like "3 Years HRT turned me from a sad bitch to a bad bitch".
I love how all the late bandwagoners are getting downvoted then cry about it in their posts.
No. 1178005
>>1177917>being treated for a condition that can traumatize you for life for […] leaving you unnaturally shortNot to blogpost but at the very least in that specific case doctors don't just give you randomly hormonal treatments, they take a lot of time trying to see what you're exact issue is, where it comes from, if they can give you a treatment that will work and which doses you should take to grow up at a normal, healthy pace. Then every few months for years and until your bones are done fusing they ask you to come back to the hospital to see how effective your treatment is and measure if you need lower or higher doses or medicine, typically it's growth hormone.
I don't know which treatments are used for kids with early puberty or gigantism in my country, but I know they're diagnosed and checked on a regular basis at the hospital as well. This guy saying "cis" kids can just get blockers prescribed immediately is talking out of his ass or his family gave up on him and don't even bother keeping him informed on his sister's health anymore.
No. 1178070
>>1177843It's a little bit diffeent, SS people are appropriating gay-rights rhetoric to fight back against rapey rhetoric used by trans people who can't stand people not dating them. The goal is not necessarily to mock gay people, though. It's to get wokies to stop pestering them, and point out what SSs mistakenly perceive as hypocrisy between the 'some people are gay, deal with it' rhetoric that LGBs spread and 'if I identify as something I'm not, I am that thing and you're a bigot if you say otherwise' rhetoric that Ts spread. But most of them don't realize these are two very different groups.
If normal guys acted like rapey troons they'd say 'you don't want to date me? Well I identify as your ideal guy so suck my dick, bigot'.
Sage for not trans milk
No. 1178086
File: 1615081663058.jpeg (152.08 KB, 750x926, 31D64A3F-C8D9-4494-92E1-A3D56D…)

No. 1178089
>>1178086Autismgender is
valid but being straight isn't. The seethe is delicious. Funny how they're saying "preference is fine" now as if they weren't calling people bigots yesterdays.
No. 1178091
File: 1615082785919.jpeg (536.5 KB, 750x1118, 738AA878-A68A-4147-9253-659CA0…)

>>1178070you guys I think this the beginning of the fall of the online Tramspire… it’s gonna start out with satire, but it could end with mass peaking?
No. 1178094
File: 1615083018957.jpg (338.35 KB, 942x758, superles.jpg)

>>1178091I hope the meme doesn't die out too soon because it brought
victims of Trampspire together
No. 1178099
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Oh, the damage control
No. 1178102
File: 1615083873389.jpg (711.87 KB, 603x1311, urbandictionary2.jpg)

>>1178099Sorry for samefagging but it gets worse kek
No. 1178119
>>1178115KEK the true
victim of tranny propaganda is the cis incels losing his support system. It's true though, all their >tfw no gf threads get filled with >become gf.
No. 1178121
>>1178091It feels like the SS meme is mostly for people who've already peaked and have just been waiting for any chance to be open about how they feel. The fact that it blew up so easily really shows how much people have wanted to speak up.
I'm honestly shocked that reddit didn't nuke it immediately though, it's only a matter of time.
No. 1178128
File: 1615086403888.png (360.55 KB, 589x606, kekekeke.png)

>>1177933Loving the shade on the sub being thrown at 2 xx chromosomes too kek
No. 1178129
>>1178094This is just a dumb meme but idk, it makes me feel optimistic. I wonder how long it will last.
>>1178122Great energy itt tonight.
No. 1178141
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No. 1178142
File: 1615087243196.jpeg (76.55 KB, 567x518, ff.jpeg)

>>1178122This dude lost to a girl one time and cried yet he says shit like this
No. 1178150
>>1178102Oh my fucking god, comparing a meme like superstraight to shake people out of the holds narcissists have on them, to something actually fucking discriminatory and hateful like "all lives matter". They're writing about other peoples genital preference like it's the end of the world, or it matters at all. Women have been fighting, non violently and patiently, since the dawn of time for genitals to not matter or dictate your worth or capabilities in any way, and here these fuckers come.
The first example - Describing the responder as the one with the "working brain", yet saying "that's just an excuse", an excuse for what Sophie? Not wanting to be coerced and threatened into your sexual fantasies? Someone should be "ashamed" of fucking saying no to you??
Second example - conveniently only using "white male" to describe the respondent. They don't even properly disclose he is the "superstraight" person, just that he's a white male. Homie could be supergay, but they wouldn't bully him because a man gets to have a genital preference, or any preference at all.
third definition seems to be legit, amazing how all of these got posted so quickly lol. trans people are fine, but anyone using abuser tactics to try to make you find them attractive on technicalities and shit is just that, an abuser. trans people need to be a fuck of a lot more concerned about these people in their spaces.
No. 1178184
File: 1615091745811.jpg (55.26 KB, 1080x530, 20210307_063504.jpg)

Tranny has shit pain tolerance, but yes, a true woman.
No. 1178214
File: 1615097378595.png (3.84 MB, 2048x2048, CA90D8C8-91D0-4527-AC92-DA8641…)

>>1178142I looked up Fallon Fox on twitter and came across this genius. Laughing hysterically at the idea of this obese man lecturing others about the “risks” of athletic sports as he eats junk food in his bathtub while injecting himself with hormones
No. 1178224
>>1178214"Sports have an inherent risk of physical injury, so why are you whining about us wanting to add an entirely new source of risk??"
Literally what planet is this guy living on where "everyone is in denial" about the physical risks of sports? Everyone knows about how pro athletes can be injured and in recent years I've seen plenty of coverage of overlooked safety issues like CTE in football.
No. 1178228
File: 1615100047320.jpeg (18.69 KB, 572x380, 4AEE44AA-63D1-4C6F-B74D-32DCA0…)

>>1178142The two women he knocked out didnt even know he was a man/ were fighting a man, so how would they talk transphobic shit? What a pathetic excuse to beat up women lmao
No. 1178238
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>>1178102kek…4chan is behind this? I thought it all came from tik tok wtff
this is from rationalwiki No. 1178241
File: 1615104520689.png (260.58 KB, 1518x1079, 1615097106904.png)

No. 1178243
File: 1615104637298.png (47.35 KB, 598x286, Screen Shot 2021-03-07 at 12.0…)

No. 1178245
File: 1615104722898.jpg (126.58 KB, 800x640, q79uksf0ygl61.jpg)

>>1178238The 4chan stuff happened after the TikTok video started going viral, they're probably only behind the black/orange flag and it blowing up on twitter and reddit. To my knowledge, a parody twitter account started around the 3rd and the /pol/ archives start around the 5th.
Funny how troons are calling it a failed prank when it's working exactly how they probably wanted it to. They're also trying to push that it's really nazi 4chan stuff, wouldn't surprise me if r/AgainstHateSubreddits is behind that along with the 4chan trannies.
No. 1178246
File: 1615104739487.png (39.33 KB, 595x191, Screen Shot 2021-03-07 at 12.0…)

At least I can be at peace knowing I never wasted my money on some porn obsessed entitled male lmfao. I feel so much secondhand embarrassment for women who actually do donate to these gofundmes.
No. 1178247
>>1178238>>11782394Chan did not start this, I use both tiktok and 4Chan and this began on tiktok first, before going on twitter
/pol/tards are trying to appropriate it
No. 1178264
File: 1615107807356.jpeg (83.28 KB, 531x577, images.jpeg)

>>1178249That's actually one of the main arguments TRAs use against most gender critical women, that we have the same views as conservative and or Christians
Like this comic, it doesn't refute any of the woman's talking points, just the fact these women share the opinions is enough to dismiss the whole argument
No. 1178270
>>1178221>The T back then was probably intended for extremely passing HSTS.That’s exactly the reason why. They were all gay men and women, who were already part of the community. It made sense at the time.
>>1178122Amazing! The comment section is absolutely brutal too.
>>1178243And their efforts are so successful that nobody wants to fuck them. They sure showed us!
No. 1178272
File: 1615108649665.png (56.93 KB, 135x209, 8331F009-2AEA-4B63-BFDA-319FA0…)

>>1178262This is a repost of the video by the whistleblower: is also currently creating a thread for Steve Akins AKA u/bardfinn.
No. 1178273
File: 1615108690209.png (157.82 KB, 2014x492, Screen Shot 2021-03-07 at 4.15…)

>>1178264Such a retarded take, I agree with conservative christians that murder is wrong, too. Some things are just universal truths, like men cannot become women and women cannot become men.
pic unrel, but yeah man, what's the deal with all the trans romance books being about teens? Could it somehow be connected to the fact that they all want Teen Skipper pussies and take medication with cartoon little girls on them? Or thinking of it another way, maybe it has to do with the fact that heterosexual adult males rarely read romance novels, and that is what troons are.
No. 1178277
File: 1615108907000.png (1.26 MB, 1017x2048, 33y.png)

>>11782753/3 Highlights not mine btw.
No. 1178279
>>1178275Did this motherfucker just insinuate that he's the Tranny Reddit version of MLK? And then he goes on to call
other people narcissist manchildren. Christ.
No. 1178280
File: 1615109450136.jpg (686.6 KB, 1080x1856, Screenshot_20210307-202623__01…)

>>1178264I found a poltard thread to support the narrative funnily enough. Naturally it's laden with the typical aids but you get the point.
No. 1178284
File: 1615110304842.png (22.16 KB, 577x247, 1.PNG)

"Super rights are human rights" Kek.
No. 1178286
>>1178102Kek the amount of tranny seething at work. However it's doing a great job peaking people, dudes just taking their masks off and screaming how "not agreeing to fuck my frankengina is transphobic" into the straight people's faces for once.
>>1178122The best thing I've seen in a while, this is absolutely beautiful. Jesus just listen to that crowd cheer, she's unironically a queen and absolutely beat his ass.
No. 1178290
>>1178094The fact that it took a (straight) male to start this shit to get the issue taken seriously, notice how in the hashtag some troons (or supporters) try to be a little bit understanding over excluding trans people out of our dating pool and "just ask" to not be transphobic outside of that.
>>1178128Oh shit I thought that was an actual troon post without reading I thought it was a hella passing one, of course it's an actual girl kek.
No. 1178299
>>1178297yep that's also what i've been noticing. some posts "cross the line" with memes making fun of TIM's "ugly chopped wieners" and that's what they're looking for to ban the subreddit.
i do hope this sparks a mainstream conversation about their disgusting predatory ways though.
No. 1178305
>>1178297Have you considered that it's the fucking troons themselves who are doing this in order to get it banned?
This might surprise you but troons are all over /pol/ jerking off to catboys in their nazi uniforms.
No. 1178309
File: 1615115341118.png (487.99 KB, 690x787, 1615071596403.png)

Since trannies always use Miku to say shit like "Trans rights", I just found a blessed Miku i'm sure you'll appreciate
No. 1178312
File: 1615115660910.png (1.31 MB, 1590x992, poltardtroon.png)

>>1178308>>1178305>>1178299Here is an example from a troon that is posted in this very thread
>/pol/tards>troonsthey are the same people
>>1178309>>1178310Fuck of with this tranime shit. Anime is for children and menchildren or men who want to fuck children.
No. 1178313
File: 1615115814598.png (112.4 KB, 636x792, Screenshot_20210307-161632.png)

>>1178128One of the comments to her post, really fucking telling
No. 1178314
File: 1615116387066.jpg (143.11 KB, 1280x960, 1566267993043.jpg)

>>1178312>missing the point this hardTroons love anime, therefore intentionally using their favourite characters to mock them adds insult to injury. That's the whole joke of those memes.
No. 1178316
>>1178314Idk about you, but I don't care to "reclaim" anime for straight people. Troons can have it. It's degenerate just like them.
I don't think giving them boners is the epic own you think it is. Plus you posting it here means I have to look at these eye-insulting monstrosities. At least put a spoiler on it.
No. 1178318
File: 1615116744256.jpg (72.2 KB, 640x684, gd4o9fpj3hl61.jpg)

It's sad how true this is.
TERFS trying for years to get troons to leave us alone: nobody cares, nothing changes
Straight man makes one TikTok: the world listens
No. 1178320
>>1178316Are you retarded ? Is an anime drawing really that
triggering to you ? The whole point is to use the shit they love to insult them.
No. 1178324
File: 1615117204293.png (595.46 KB, 720x1139, Screenshot_20210307-163551.png)

Probably the most realistic and accurate troon comic
No. 1178327
>>1178320Yes, this
>>1178310 is eyerape and it's unfunny and it's not gonna do what you think it's gonna do. It's just fucking ugly and embarassing.
No. 1178328
>>1178320Just because they despise anime doesnt mean they find it
triggering or they are "retarded". Something about you cartoon fags and how defensive you get when people dont like your shit is annoying
No. 1178331
>>1178312>>1178316>>1178328Fuck off with your pathetic spergery and infighting thanks.
>>1178318Before 2020 I was discussing our predictions for the 20's and I said that the troons will start attacking straight men and that's when the gears start grinding with fastening speed. Nobody, I mean nobody, ever gives a shit about lesbians but since troons will never stop at making one demographic lick their girldick the will always want more. It's infuriating but it's also the only way out that we have to reclaim womanhood. Now we just have to wish that the /pol/ faggots and white supremacy tranny astroturfers won't fuck it up and make Vice and other outlets write "4chan fascist terfs ganged up to create another hate movement" headlines.
No. 1178332
File: 1615118620061.jpg (121.13 KB, 800x600, Tumblr_l_97460680501794.jpg)

millenials go sperg about gen z humor somewhere else
No. 1178334
>>1177960listen to
>>1177972 anon, graham fucking sucks
No. 1178336
File: 1615119075097.gif (Spoiler Image,3.51 MB, 738x768, TRANIME.gif)

>>1178332superior zoomer humor is so baste, I made you a cool anime pic to own trannies with
No. 1178343
>>1178336I feel like a troon might see that and want to draw this kind of thing because he's mad about TERFs not letting him copyright weeb shit (as if actual girls and women haven't been into anime since forever), but it doesn't work because it can't really offend anyone.
Badly drawn anime is just funny. Anyone can appreciate it. Like, give it up, anime is for the (real) girls. The boys had a nice little summer with catgirls and Hatsune Miku, but that's over and cancelled.
No. 1178348
>>1178238Interestingly enough /pol/ didn't start this.
When the hashtag first started appearing I checked /pol/ and it was full of confused anons asking who started this kek
It was actually tiktok zoomers so props to them for once
No. 1178349
>>1178336Are you really going to derail the thread and fuck up its traction just to seethe about the evil weebs living rent free in your head?
>>1178348I think that's exactly why TRAs are so mad about it. They couldn't blame it on some 4chan conspiracy because everyone saw it on tiktok first so they got exceptionally butthurt. If it was just /pol/tards' doing they wouldn't give it a second thought.
No. 1178355
File: 1615120665056.jpg (128.65 KB, 1080x1021, Screenshot_20210307_133726.jpg)

>>1178348Tiktok threw the first stone!
No. 1178357
File: 1615120704844.png (313.72 KB, 713x669, dp.png)

>>1178349They're trying to push that it's an OC /pol/ operation though, since it's an easy way to discredit them, and most people won't be any wiser.
No. 1178360
File: 1615120798729.png (167.63 KB, 428x755, t.png)

No. 1178361
>>1178360Kek anon this is next thread pic worthy, i love you
>>1178356stfu already your sperging isn't milk either, plus you're encouraging infighting dumbass
No. 1178362
>>1178357That's the same kind of people who say that 4chan is the darkweb or shit like this. All the tiktok kids know where the og is from.
Also, how many people do you guys peaked in the last couple of hours because of that?
No. 1178363
File: 1615121210835.jpeg (220.26 KB, 750x1012, F6D028AB-AE51-4983-8412-F834C4…)

kek based normies
No. 1178369
File: 1615121689142.png (502.63 KB, 964x946, jhbjhjbj.png)

Finally, lmao.
No. 1178370
File: 1615121739230.jpg (36.98 KB, 481x392, br45fqsgfll61.jpg)

I am gonna vom
No. 1178374
>>1178370I think most trannies really underestimate our clocking abilities. They really think they're so passable and look
'just like a woman!' but with a "dirty secret" when they simply put on poorly applied makeup.
No. 1178376
>>1178122This thread is moving fast, but I just had to comment on this
chef’s kiss moment. Fox’s coach getting mad at the ref for “letting her get beat up for 20 seconds in a corner” and the ref dismissing him with a hand wave was beautiful. You’re the coach of a hulking man beast who gets off on cracking women’s skulls. Fox’s beating was merciful. He’d have gladly beaten Evans to a pulp if given the chance
No. 1178377
File: 1615122669862.jpg (108.45 KB, 596x779, Screenshot_11.jpg)

>>1178357hopefully this will gain some traction and not get drowned out by furry art No. 1178378
File: 1615122893133.png (702.5 KB, 1891x864, 5445.png)

>>1178365The wave of unsubscriptions seems to leveled up by now since the normal discussion returned. Superstraight hasn't really been noticed by bigger parties other than the Mangdalene Berns knockoff
No. 1178383
File: 1615123779410.jpeg (571.94 KB, 2152x3456, 5851523E-F221-4408-BBC1-9A3907…)

>>1178378Should get noticeable pretty soon ig
No. 1178394
>>1178377>sent death threats to his motherFucking god, what is wrong with these assholes that they would send death threats to someones mother, that kid didn't even say anything overly hateful to trannies
Jesus Christ I'm actually angry over this
No. 1178399
>>1178369This is fucking amazing, I hope troons start getting purged by twitter algorithm for being hateful against lesbians and gays
>>1178394Yeah, it really boil my blood to think of anything happening to this kid or his mom over this, neither did anything wrong
No. 1178418
File: 1615128471050.jpg (425.92 KB, 1042x1082, Screenshot_2019_Firefox.jpg)

>>1178397>Transformation ThursdayHonestly… I think I'm starting to peak or whatever it's called. I'm so tired of this shit.
No. 1178421
File: 1615129174924.png (288.93 KB, 720x1220, Screenshot_20210307-195652.png)

Troon discovers women gasp masturbate and compared it to his degenerate behavior and fantasies
No. 1178432
File: 1615130019148.png (Spoiler Image,2.33 MB, 1392x1008, cosmo.png)

>>1178421Sex tips from Cosmopolitan are female culture obviously. I mean, do any of you ladies NOT follow these tips?
No. 1178435
File: 1615130404989.jpg (675.88 KB, 972x2299, Screenshot_20210307-084709_Rel…)

It always cracks me up how troons themselves are transphobic by not wanting to fuck each other.
"Just take the girldick uwu"
No. 1178442
>>1178441I think you should try to combine all of them into one!
have a donut reads to put on his dick as you breathe heavily on it, then pull off your bra and reveal lipstick on your nips, then when it comes down to getting it in he will find a pickled tangerine in your vagina!
hot sexy tips by real women!!!
No. 1178485
File: 1615135361500.jpeg (224.14 KB, 441x485, A6E11129-25A3-4739-9E8B-6CB508…)

seems to be a strategy of flexing preggo women to taunt troons.
No. 1178486
File: 1615135455363.jpg (134.1 KB, 1242x1341, tG0ABN9.jpg)

“Somewhere safe…” how melodramatic. All it does is limit troon medicine to legal adults. Picrel No. 1178490
>>1178370Something somethin not a fetish something women actually like being raped blah blah more stupid incel rhetoric.
>>1178486He looks like how I picture that groomer tranny from the planned parenthood anon's story lmao.
No. 1178492
>>1178370“shitty bangs and talking about vulvas”
no transbian, that’s you. Maybe learn how to style your hair and shut the fuck up about your axe wound.
Christ. project harder. lesbians would be more comfortable about letting mtf in there space if they didn’t still have that make mentality of women fucking owing them sex.
i’m so tired. sage for my peaking again.
No. 1178500
File: 1615137413883.png (2.47 MB, 1632x2348, SUPERSTRAIGHT.png) currently filled with
triggered troons telling each other to just ignore the evil #superstraights, while obsessively posting about it
No. 1178507
>>1177837Ah FINALLY they are coming for straight men
This will be the last nail in the coffin
No. 1178508
File: 1615138078887.png (Spoiler Image,447.54 KB, 761x828, no.png)

this guy posts nothing other than pics of his implants, he used to be a gym-chad
No. 1178512
File: 1615138339655.jpg (21.63 KB, 320x666, 9jg3xqvx3ja61.jpg)

>>1178508His body is so male like
No. 1178553
File: 1615143312406.jpeg (585.76 KB, 3459x1948, 7598DAF4-4031-4CA3-9250-3F7C99…)

>>1178508Gymbros are typically very self-obsessed with their body image, doesn’t surprise me when some random beefcake turns into a fetishized female version of themselves because they think their entire life and presence is what should be represented in everyone. It’s either they turn into a “woman” themselves or they date a femboy trap who represents their ultra ego-narc ubermensch ideology for what women should be. Everyone should have their virtuous~ ideals of looking like krusty the clown sephora employee
No. 1178605
>>1178549“little girls are also kinky”
fuck. if i hadn’t already peaked this would have been it. openly admitting to sexualising children
i’m fucking done.
No. 1178615
>>1178397too bad they'll never be able to transform their Y chromosomes into Xs to actually belong in "twoXchromosomes" kek
>>1178421only a man would think that Cosmo sex tips actually represent female sexuality
>>1178453rise to the challenge anon
No. 1178625
>>1178549to think that it's
these fucking people that are the reason I can't get proper treatment from a fucking endocrinologist anymore makes me want to fucking kms
fucking peak'd
(blogging) No. 1178627
>>1178247/pol/ is going to ruin this as per usual - calling it now
>>1178250Allegedly but probably not. The mod Bardfinn is a nutcase, though.
No. 1178631
File: 1615147693233.jpg (20.1 KB, 328x232, transbians.jpg)

>>1178549This response in that thread sums up this whole bullshit "movement" in four words.
No. 1178664
>>1178648i used to see the bit about “little girls are complicated people” quoted around tumblr and shit and tbh it never bothered me, mostly because i was a deviant little motherfucker as a kid and i kinda related even if the wording seemed off.
then you read the whole thing and he’s talking about this as an excuse for why we don’t need to worry about little girls being molested??? and he has the fucking audacity to even say little girls can be perpetrators, like there’s a goddamn child out there who would act out sexually on another without having first been molested by an adult? it’s pure fucking peak. as always, don’t even need to attack them ourselves, they do it all whenever they open their mouths
No. 1178667
File: 1615150536375.jpeg (308.44 KB, 1170x809, 0FBC4264-D6FE-40E5-A0E6-E7CB40…)

No. 1178673
>bioessentialistalso based
No. 1178674
>>1178634I've read Whipping Girl, the Julia Serano one at the very least is real, as is Alok's (I saw it on his IG page last month). It's real, and disgusting. A big piece of advice is to save links and screenshots yourself, TRA's always want sources and proof so it's worth it to archive the things that support your viewpoint.
>>1178667I see gibberish all day about what's transphobic and what's transmisogynistic and never once do I see a discussion about misogyny. They're true and honest women, but for some reason can't have a discussion about old school feminism to save their lives. Curious.
No. 1178676
File: 1615151035940.png (40.23 KB, 603x124, 4E851F89-85F5-4302-9DB4-94CD25…)

Does anyone have the meme (maybe it was a wojack?) of two black characters taking and the guy character is like “I met X and she said that—“ and the black girl interrupts him to correct him like “X pronouns are THEY”, and the other character replies “THEY called you a n*”. Does anyone know what I’m talking about lol
No. 1178679
File: 1615151086050.gif (Spoiler Image,734.33 KB, 450x253, mAUDrbX.gif)

>>1178648hahahahha okay gals this Troon is saying that the scene in the exorcist where the young girl possessed by a demon is forcibly jabbing a crucifix into her vag saying "he Jesus fuck you!"
that's what this guy thinks is the character exploring her sexuality. picrel.
No. 1178683
File: 1615151377624.jpeg (101.98 KB, 1033x913, 984DCDEE-A646-466C-9D3C-67BEDF…)

i know this thread is clogged up with superstraight shit, but the memes are good rn
No. 1178684
File: 1615151517789.jpg (114.18 KB, 1486x1040, 3mq5iybozml61.jpg)

>>1178683After all these years of feminists putting together intelligent, logical arguments and collecting studies/data against trannies just to be completely ignored and silenced, turns out all we really needed was stronger memes.
No. 1178692
File: 1615152324823.jpeg (57.96 KB, 582x131, CD913AD1-D41E-4E11-8363-901350…)

saged bc not really tea, but pickmeisha handmaidens at it again
No. 1178694
File: 1615152371818.jpg (132.78 KB, 780x778, godilate.jpg)

>>1178549the fact that all these men are considered "writers" when they almost certainly got their creative start writing vocaroo pastebin scripts about sniffing their sister's underwear
No. 1178723
I find it disturbing that some of them would compare little girl's issues like
>>1177897 to their own as if they were on the same level, they are treating children as adults while infantlizing themselves and it's repulsive. Young girls are always treated like shit for just existing and acting like young girls and sexualized by adults the moment they are out of the cradle, the last thing they need is to have their struggles minimilized or appropiated by grown men. Why can't they have WOMEN issues? They always want to be a little girl, a pretty, young, horny and sexy teen uwu or at least the idea of what a little girl is to a creepy grown man.
"If a child with a medical condition that can lead to both mental and physical trauma can have hormones NOW why do I, an adult man with a mental illness and a twisted fetish, have to WAIT for mine? We are the same!"
Not sure how someone can make the stretch that this
>>1178679 is a little girl exploring her sexuality, There are scenes in media that represent the demonization of female sexuality and exporation but for some reason this lunatic choose a child self harming and compared it to masturbation?
No. 1178724
File: 1615153910318.jpeg (121.29 KB, 791x249, 6E1DA4A0-3B7C-4B3F-989B-A4E772…)

>>1178706I think you might be right, someone in the thread called them out for posting on /r/teenagers as a “13 yr-old” when they’re actually 20 lmfao
No. 1178736
>>1178709Black women are women. I really don't get how anyone dares say differently. They are our sisters, like yellow/pink/blue/etc. women.
They have XX chromosomes, that means we are sisters, and XY women don't fir there.
This is peak racism and nothing else.
No. 1178743
File: 1615154811964.png (30.07 KB, 534x280, superstaffel.PNG)

>>1178249Tumblr is already pulling a "taking a shower is literally eugenics" with this one kek
No. 1178772
>>1178709this is literally tranny propaganda. I think it's partly bc so many of them have absorbed the racist pathology of 4chan incel "theory" tbh. Just think of all of the sexualized black women in pop culture–and
any tall woman of
anyrace has been called a man or tranny as an insult–there are tranny theories about Melania for the exact same reason as Michelle.
No. 1178794
>>1178708ppl were always dumb. the internet at least gives multiple views vs in the past where all media was basically controlled by singular sources i.e. religious institutions, men, capitalists (mostly merchants)
at least now women can easily connect
anyways, i think this mass peaking only could occur bc trump was elected out + now troons don't have any easy scapegoats
it's beautiful that troons are doing what lgb people have been attempting to do by showing that being lgb is actually normal and good compared to this travesty
No. 1178803
File: 1615160622374.jpeg (556.67 KB, 1104x1902, 02702826-9242-41C1-AC71-854B47…)

Fallon’s youtube vids all have comments disabled.
I think this is a good nickname for all the transletes out there
No. 1178835
File: 1615164934098.jpg (742.32 KB, 1080x1185, TransWomenareMen.jpg)

No. 1178852
File: 1615167753904.jpg (29.57 KB, 707x117, 516516165846.jpg)

Umm….what?! No transwoman has ever given birth ffs
No. 1178864
File: 1615169022786.png (1.77 MB, 1780x1220, binchwut.png)

translate pls
No. 1178879
>>1178723i seriously think the majority of straight/bi male troons are sex offenders, or one decision away from becoming one. (not giving a total pass to the gay ones tho)
I really wasn't somebody to make such bold generalizations before but SO MANY of these fucks are total degenerate porn-ruined freaks.
I know a bunch of gendered people but the only het male Troon in the group just Happened to sexually assault a lesbian. I can't get the idea out of my head now.
No. 1178882
File: 1615171780671.jpg (231 KB, 709x924, IMG_3072.jpg)

KEK oh god
No. 1178892
>>1178743Every time I see the words "dogwhistle" I hit peak
triggering. I'm sick of uneducated militants using it as disingenuous cope.
No. 1178896
File: 1615173293665.png (278.78 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20210307-221315.png)

>>1178605WHY does this obvious pedophile still have a platform? Why hasn't he been exiled from social media and investigated? It makes me seethe how many people advocate for this predator. (Link and picrel)>>1178625I'm so sorry anon.
No. 1178898
File: 1615173704101.png (76.2 KB, 625x605, 1560597789833.png)

>>1178896>TerfsarentfeministsAren't they like the last bastion of real feminism left? The generations before us certainly wouldn't have stood for predators pushing their way into women's spaces regardless of their perceived "
victim status".
No. 1178914
File: 1615176406212.jpeg (60.58 KB, 750x831, 5C71243A-92F8-4429-92DF-31687A…)

>>1178896Guys the person who doesn’t consider fetishism an issue is gonna school us on feminism.
No. 1178917
File: 1615176585150.jpeg (365.17 KB, 750x786, 9E5BF615-C37F-4E6E-8C7A-ADB4DC…)

Hah is this one of you?
No. 1178928
File: 1615177134578.jpg (169.61 KB, 1080x1346, gross.jpg)

Shoddy looks awful
No. 1178941
File: 1615178369384.jpg (1.57 MB, 3264x2448, 1000keks.jpg)

God speed based ausfag
No. 1178951
File: 1615179697456.png (963.28 KB, 1080x1340, IMG_20210308_060106.png)

No. 1178980
File: 1615183432874.png (2.86 MB, 828x1792, 1658B57B-1DED-4528-A6BD-F59B26…)

>>1178357I don’t understand how this is even remotely debatable. The guy who originally posted it did so back in fucking February
No. 1178987
File: 1615184090459.png (349.77 KB, 720x1220, Screenshot_20210308-110907.png)

Okay anons this is serious now, I'm sure some of you know about this already but a group of TRAs and French "Anti-Fascist" activists protested against and attacked a feminist group rally against rape culture and misogyny for the group being Transphobic and Islamaphobic No. 1178988
File: 1615184324744.jpeg (433.76 KB, 1125x1006, E5FC5A40-FE34-4BAB-AE81-7BED3F…)

This male is crazy delusional. Also he identifies as a transbian, naturally. He constantly screeches that it’s impossible to tell the difference between a trans fake neovagina and a real vagina
No. 1178992
File: 1615184885688.jpeg (322.94 KB, 1425x2048, E48907AE-BD73-4284-9556-EE85F5…)

>>1178549I came here to post this same exact thread. A large amount of these people are in academia. I hate it here. Our oppression is not your fetish.
No. 1178993
File: 1615185020660.jpeg (610.53 KB, 1100x733, Ev6f8QIXAAYA1oZ.jpeg)

>>1178987And this is their argument that they use for attacking women's rights activists opposing rape culture and misogyny
>[Thread] TERF, SWERF and Islamophobes, out of our struggles!
>On the occasion of the weekend preceding #8Mars, day of struggle for women's rights, we were present at Place de la République in order to bring our political demands.
>By putting on the agenda the feminist agenda of fight against the institutionalization of Islamophobia but also by imposing a line of rupture with some of the organizations present on the spot.
>Also in terms of ideas, as in the field, we have decided to tackle head-on forms of feminism which draw their theoretical sources from reactionary and civilizationist ideology of identity.
>and reinvent themselves in a form of femo-nationalism that does not question oppressive social structures and feeds oppressions
>Historically, the far right and fascism can be analyzed as a laboratory for the restructuring of capitalism, but also of patriarchy, and of all relations of domination.React, Islamophobic, transphobic slogans, which were once the prerogative of the far-right, are becoming the norm in terms of political argumentation for women who claim a radical feminism such as FEMEN, Stern , the CAPP
>To their reactionary speeches, we oppose popular self-defense. Wherever they are, we will be there to remind them that there is no feminism without sex workers, trans and women who wear the veilThere's no hope
No. 1178996
File: 1615185251076.jpg (Spoiler Image,243.34 KB, 1080x1268, 20210308_083402.jpg)

>>1178988This tranny is trying to tell me that my vagina looks like this mess?
No. 1179008
File: 1615187579125.png (369.31 KB, 720x1106, Screenshot_20210308-121215.png)

>>1179005Well luckily the twitter account seems to be run by decent smart people
No. 1179009
File: 1615187615812.png (161.68 KB, 579x661, twitter.png)

remember girls, you can't just accept us and use our pronouns, you have to be willing to spread our misinformation too! or else youre a big bad transphobe
No. 1179011
File: 1615187888325.gif (1.94 MB, 480x480, 97EBB73C-0F73-46DC-A555-5DD381…)

>>1178932I think this is shoddylynn the dollskill owner or whatever
No. 1179013
File: 1615188208232.jpeg (180.44 KB, 750x1090, B70D8DE6-7BAE-4F5D-991A-6D7392…)

You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me
No. 1179017
>>1179009Based Alabama
>>1179011I'm not sure where that assertion comes from I am confused
No. 1179042
>>1179035Trannies are probably defending Islam because it’s part of the
>uwu getting beat up by scrote and covering my deformed body for daddy dom.Fetish that makes them feel “euphoric” but also because having a minority meat shield helps them get traction, I mean, would the tranny movement have gone anywhere if they only had the constant support of other greasy degenerate men? I doubt it.
But since they’re “supporting” Islam and black women, everyone sees them as the ultimate “goody-two-shoes that can’t do wrong” because, they’re helping others too!1!2!2!12!1 bullshit.
No. 1179049
File: 1615198067652.png (251.25 KB, 720x1438, Screenshot_20210308-150418.png)

>>1179047They are offended that straight men don't consider them women and also #Superlesbians are a thing, like I've seen a lot of radfem pages I follow put #superlesbian on their bio
No. 1179091
>>1178987I have no idea how a anti rape rally or something is islamophobic kek
I know french activists always try to turn any topic into something that criticizes refugees and mostly the Muslim ones but still
Makes 0 sense how someone can pair transphobic and islamophobic in the same sentence about a topic like this
No. 1179100
>>1179091like 4 of the speakers were exmuslim Algerian women who wanted to talk about the misogyny within the Muslim community of France, which is Islamophobic somehow
Honestly ex-Muslim women absolutely need protection, our lives are often in mortal danger even in secular countries
No. 1179120
>>1179112Well the concept of the rally itself isn’t really islamophobic, the ex Muslim women hosting the anti rape rally are ironically more aligned with Islam than the Muslims themselves
No1curr tbh
>>1179100How did this even turn into a discussion about troons though? The self insert of them is comedic lol
No. 1179130
>>1179120>>1179124The feminist groups that organized the rally FEMEN, Stern , the CAPP have gender critical/Islam critical views, so it didn't matter whatever rally these women groups held cause to Antifa these women are basically Nazis
So If these women groups held an Anti-Pedophilia rally then Antifa would still protest against them cause by their logic these women are Nazis and they don't even deserve to be heard
No. 1179135
File: 1615211214819.jpg (Spoiler Image,927.56 KB, 2048x1820, 727821874721.jpg)

just saw this pic and i want to kms
No. 1179136
>>1179130>>1178993ot rant but the people who wrote this should really leave the Antifa flag alone, since they are bordering on identitarian fascism.
t. annoyed antifascist
No. 1179156
>>1179135so natural and undetectable. every vagina has a freakishly large joker smile carved across it and what looks to be a peeled grape in place of a clitoris, so how could lesbians ever know the difference? they're just transphobic. /s
seriously, they have the audacity to talk about "fish markets" in regards to women and then walk around with abominations like this in their pants. rather a fish market than the smell of shit and infection
No. 1179168
>>1179093The retards that never learned how to read will always think that putting
>black trans lives matterIs more than enough activism for black “women” and that It’s
literally saving lives to them.
Trannies are unable to actually support people, anon, it’s all just something to make them seem like they care about other things than coom.
And handmaides are willing to pretend that talking about imaginary hyper-masculine black women is
sooper kind of the trannies that are the
most oppressed group of people that has ever spawned on earth.
No. 1179187
>>1179174Lmao of course. Happy international women's day everyone, but don't forget who the REAL
victims are
No. 1179216
File: 1615218471007.jpg (272.83 KB, 1070x1419, godilate.jpg)

>>1179187it's happening in even the most innocuous settings like the goddamn crochet subreddit. it's a cute crochet uterus, get over it.
No. 1179218
File: 1615218524405.png (53.91 KB, 720x380, Screenshot_20210308-130412.png)

Can handmaidens just give it a rest, transwomen don't give a shit about you
No. 1179236
File: 1615220029748.png (40.96 KB, 720x380, 1615218524405fixed.png)

>>1179218Couldn't help myself.
No. 1179238
File: 1615220183506.jpeg (170.27 KB, 1242x626, 452A2044-A98A-4A93-A8CA-A1F57D…)

No. 1179239
>>1179216What was she supposed to crochet that's inclusive enough for them to deem it acceptable and super heckin
valid? A dick and balls? A bloody dilator?
Just the passive acknowledgement of female anatomy is enough to have them on suicide watch. Funny how trannies come before women who had hysterectomies in their line up of priorities… as if they ever had a uterus to begin with. More women need to tell them to shut the fuck up lol
No. 1179249
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No. 1179256
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happy international women’s day
No. 1179257
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>>1179256samefag i’m so sorry but if this were a real story, this doctor would need their license revoked. being unable to tell the difference between a hole in between a man’s legs and a vagina complete with a cervix?
No. 1179270
>>1179239A bra and sexxy stilettos, anon! Or maybe a pink glittery ladybrain.
I’ve never seen actual women who’ve undergone hysterectomies complain about the depiction of uteruses, or post-menopausal women complain about period talk. It’s always men who are going “eww stop talking about your bodies, gross!”
No. 1179276
>>1179257Don't worry, it is just the fantasy of a man with beard-stubble and linebacker shoulders whose troongina is so mangled that he is deeply bitter about it and tries to get as many other men to mutilate themselves as possible so he feels less alone in his misery.
>>1179135Look at this and tell me that there is in any way a medical professional who wouldn't be able to tell the difference…
The only thing this is difficult to tell apart from is a chicken carcass. 0/10 butchers can tell the difference.
No. 1179277
>>1179216how about honour your mother cause you came from her womb?
but no. mememememe i don’t have one you’re excluding me because i don’t have a fanny that bleeds every month weh.
so much for female solidarity. fucking troons want to take everything from us.
No. 1179279
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I hope this super thing pulls the veil away from these narcissists eyes and they realize that NOBODY else thinks they are as cool, sexy, and groundbreaking as they think they are.
The coping on Twitter Reddit and YouTube is so damn delightful. I’want these sloppily dressed teens who are convinced they ‘make people question their sexuality” get a dose of reality and realize how completely predictable and average they are. Done blogging
No. 1179285
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This 13 year old girl got surgery to remove her breast, absolutely disgusting.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1179290
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Here are some more pictures of her it's a real story, I'm shocked.
No. 1179299
>>1179218>>1179238Absolutely disgusting behavior. Did you get your daily dose of male approval?? They don't give a shit about you.
>>1179257Sure Jan.
>>1179285This needs to be banned EVERYWHERE. She will likely regret this before the age of 18. No one should be encouraging this grooming. No child should be making decisions like this or having the decision made for them. These are lasting consequences of bad choices that they will likely outgrow in the first place.
OT: been following these threads since the very first one. Thank you ladies. Every one of you involved. This thread is a solace, and a comfort, being surrounded by people not falling for this shit. You're all inspiring.
No. 1179313
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>>1179305You're being a bit obsessive. It's just a kid and if you care about these kids at all, you wouldn't spam them all over an imageboard. It's been talked about, now let it rest. Go to Ovarit or whatever if you need to rant about this more.
No. 1179331
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I'm not sure if this is the right place to post, I've been away from this site for a bit but I remember GC discussion was not allowed on /ot/ at the time so thought I'd post here. A bit of a personal cow, I guess, and I'd like you girls' advice
I have a coworker who is mtf. Started working here in the past couple of months, and we are all still working from home; I've never met them irl. They have been basically stalking me and copying my identity. I'm afraid if I speak up about it to HR I will be accused of being transphobic and have my career ruined.
In a group meeting someone else complimented my dress and asked where I got it from so I told them, next meeting the mtf is wearing the same dress and mention that they got it because "it looked so nice on [me]." They even got the same hair cut as me - curtain bangs - and I realize this is a very popular hair style but they asked what hairdresser I went to so they could get their hair cut like mine (I lied and said I cut them myself). There are other instances of this too, and I know this is not inherently wrong nor something HR could act on. I feel like they are trying to become me and it's creepy and honestly insulting.
They have tried to add me on all social media - twitter, ig, facebook, all of which are set to private (which imo is inappropriate for the professional setting we work in), I asked some other coworkers if they added them too and they said no. So it seems to only be me. They view my linkedin page multiple times a week. They asked for my phone number. They have asked me to show my full apartment and bedroom on zoom calls. They have even suggested we meet up in person to "discuss work," even though in person meetings are strictly prohibited by our company for the time being because of COVID. I brought this up and they said something along the lines of "well, the company wouldn't have to know." Also, the few other actual women that work at my company and I have a weekly meeting over lunch to talk; they saw this on my calendar and asked to be invited.
I have no choice but to work closely with this person because our roles at the company are intertwined. We meet at least four days out of the week, virtually ofc, and I'm even more worried for when we go back to the office and I have to physically be around this person. I want to complain to my boss or HR but I have heard about women having their professional lives ruined because they spoke up about things like this. And everyone at my job is of course overly nice and accommodating to them because they're also scared of being accused of something, I actually think they get very preferential treatment.
I guess I'm just asking if anyone has experienced anything similar, and if so, what you did? Or if there's anything I can do short of finding a new job. In my industry there are lots of mtfs so it's probably inescapable at other jobs as well.(blogpost)
No. 1179344
>>1178990>>1178988Astronomical cope.
>>1179257It's bullshit posts like this that encourage "stealth living" that put troons in vulnerable situations like getting killed by violent men who find out they're trans.
>>1179320This is the MTF cow thread, not GC general. The mods are going to sperg out on us if we post unrelated GC stuff.
No. 1179350
>>1179331Wow anon, crazy stuff and I'm sorry you're dealing with this. I haven't experienced harassment from a TIM but I have from regular guys, here's some advice:
Slow down all contact outside of work calls. If he's messaging you, ignore it and reply hours later with vague messages about how busy you are. 'Sorry, I was focusing on work.' 'Sorry, busy day.' The longer you take to reply, the less likely he'll be to keep messaging. DON'T be afraid to be short and cold, even if that upsets him, you can not get in trouble for focusing on your work. Also, keep a record of all conversations in and out of work. If they keep messaging you on your private social medias, you will have grounds to make a report to HR about harassment.
No. 1179363
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happy international women’s day ladies!
No. 1179370
>>1179331Following up what
>>1179361Said, maybe try screen recording your zoom calls as well? In case he chimps out during one, that way you will have video confirmation of what the fucked up bastard is doing.
No. 1179386
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>>1179363>>1179236Gross. Well at least Google played it safe this year and only showed drawn hands/arms. Clever.
No. 1179405
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>>1179386when i first saw this in tiny format it looked awfully a lot like a black hand jerking a dick
No. 1179413
>>1179411Right? Some women have
inverted dicks! How transphobic to exclude women with neovaginas from their activism.
No. 1179415
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uwu what a cutie~!
No. 1179444
>>1179415If I saw someone say happy international women’s day to this on my IG I think I would have to
terf out publicly I wouldn’t be able to hold it in anymore
No. 1179450
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Not sure if this has been posted before but heres more proof they dont know what its like to be a real woman, so why insist they are one?
Reminder this guy said all this in playboy and yet voiced a character in a kids cartoon.
No. 1179457
>>1179450This must be fate, I was just about to post about him, but yeah he played a non binary alien shape shifter in the new She Ra Cartoon, a cartoon watched by mostly children
Like I know Noell Stevenson capes massively for Troons but surely she and the studio could Have done some research
No. 1179465
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>>1179457I'm pretty sure Noelle just plain doesn't care. She had top surgery not long ago, and calls herself the "wife guy and guy wife" to her wife, so she seems well on her way to trooning out too.
No. 1179470
>>1179450He does
not want to be sexually objectified. He wants to be wanted as much as he wishes men/women wanted him as a woman, but clearly never will.
>KIDS should be okay with being sexualized because I wish that were ME! >Except I only think I want to be lusted after like an object with no control over my own body, because as a man I can only think from my own selfish, perverted perspective that focuses solely on my own sexual gratification, literal children and actual women fuck off bc I wanna be the hottest hottie that all the silly boys want, teehee~ No. 1179475
>>1179470even if he did want to it's still from a place of selfish sexist ignorance, the same kind of bullshit if someone said they wanted to experience racism for a fetish. it's insane nobody calls this shit out. it simultaneously belittles what sexism is actually like, as if he would
know or have the empathy to realize how fucked this is in the first place.
No. 1179495
>>1179468I would have chosen the pornhub colours myself as a joke even though I hate it and porn in general, what else could represent straight male preferences better? It's kinda funny imo.
Of course, my interpretation of straight people being front and centre of this whole thing is that it's adding an extra layer of irony and shielding LGB from the backlash a bit. I don't think straight men are the true
victims of transactivism, but I know they still hate the idea of being trapped etc so this like giving them a chance to be allies in their own self serving way.
No. 1179576
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>>1178893>>1179044>>1179053Omg so sorry I did not link-this post was pinned by mods at some point in the r/superstraightphobia as apaprently its a
mic drop on the superstraights being big old meanies but has been unpinned…I guess because a lot of people called out how terrible it is (theres a lot of "comment deleted by moderators" in the thread) heres the link but i posted the whole OP for those who want a good chuckle but dont want to go to reddit No. 1179579
File: 1615241633095.png (212.56 KB, 420x340, Alfrid.png)

>>1179450He looks like that one character in the hobbit. it is so ugly but somehow fitting tho
No. 1179594
>>1178324this is so funny because if someone calls me sir by accident i dont care. most women dont.
I guess the difference is regardless of what anyone says an actual woman will always be biologically female whereas a troon…
No. 1179610
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Transphobia is a mental illness, says totally sane, terminally online, reddit janny Bardfinn. He is trying really hard to make this one take off.
>>1179578He’s probably talking about that one scammer from tiktok. i wonder if he “delivered” the baby yet.
No. 1179611
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No. 1179612
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I hate it here
No. 1179634
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The guy that started Superstraight is back. His account got unlocked, and he also started a new one. He is taking the whole credit for having started the trend. And he also opened a gofundme lmao
No. 1179665
>>1179612Can biological women have just ONE thing? Oh right. We get the misogyny, being made child brides, female genital mutilation, trafficked, raped, murdered, forced pregnancy, forced abortions, stalked, discrimination, on and on and on. Biological women get the absolute worst and troons get high praise. Hell world.
No. 1179733
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kind of old milk but philosophytube’s first video as a twanswoman is super cringe. This was posted in the breadtubers thread, and there was some discussion about how this video is literally just ripping off contrapoint’s video on Justice
No. 1179736
>>1179299Didn't you see the flags? That's a "trans lesbian" lol.
>>1179612Literally NO ONE said anything kek we were all just having a good time and I guess the uterus plushies
triggered them all into a collective chimp out.
>>1179634Legends only
No. 1179781
>>1179755i mean i agree but weren’t people upthread saying he’s like 16 kek
anon’s a prospective cougar
No. 1179850
>>1179798>>1179844I unsubscribed from clue and deleted the app as soon as I got this email
This is bullshit like Nikita dragon talking about her “period and period pain”
Bitch you don’t know any thing about periods.
No. 1179883
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>>1179847They’ve been at it for a while, just look at their instagram. That’s why I use Flo instead. Spot the difference.
No. 1179896
File: 1615267414707.gif (4.17 MB, 320x240, webeenknew.GIF)

>me scrolling thru reddit>sees normies peaking in the comments>nice>me reading peaking stories of men on ovarit>God answered my prayer on Women's Day >>1175905super straighty scrotes saved the day fml
No. 1179903
>>1179898i’m pregnant so i’ve been looking at r/pregnant and i’m so fucking tired of seeing posts like “i’m a ftm and i hate how gendered pregnancy is!!! i’m not a mama, i’m a dad! why are pregnant people gendered???”
i wish they would just get over themselves and realize how ridiculous they’re making themselves out to be.
No. 1179911
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Oh no, our beloved farm of degenerates is under attack by evil bigots! Quick, donate to their go fund me so they can buy more useless toy…I mean arm themselfs for protection.
No. 1179919
>>1179903when I was pregnant and went on the mom fb groups I kept seeing a lot of “FTM” posts and getting confused because it actually means “first time mom” and not “female to male”
it’s like the “women aren’t the only ones who have periods!!!” rhetoric but even worse because mothers are the only ones supposed to be bearing children. It’s not natural or normal for your “dad” to give birth to you.
No. 1179920
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>>1179911Had to look up what this was, turns its just a bunch of troons and fags Larping as survivalists and farmers
No. 1179929
>>1179919i thought it was first time mom until one was talking about taking T while pregnant and a bunch chimed in trying to cash in those sweet sweet ally points. some were
encouraging her to keep taking the hormones. that kid is gonna come out all fucked up, not only psychologically but physically.
No. 1179955
>>1179929>>1179938Women taking testosterone is basically self-induced PCOS which is strongly linked to problem pregnancy.
>Women with PCOS are three times more likely to have a miscarriage, as compared to women who don't have PCOS. They are also more likely to develop preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, and have a larger baby and premature delivery. This could lead to difficulty during delivery or a cesarean delivery.Imagine opting into THREE TIMES higher miscarriage rate because you want to be a mom but you want to keep your scraggly neckbeard more
No. 1179957
>>1179955OH shit sorry for derail, I saw these buff boiz
>>1179920 and thought this was the FtM thread
No. 1179963
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Troon getting doubly mad that not only a lesbian has thanked the superstraight sub, but that a lesbian has the audacity to thank straight people befoer thanking a troon for defending their lesbianism.
And they really are dumb enough to ask what they did to deserve this kek.
No. 1179979
>>1179963>WHAT DID WE DO TO DESERVE THISHmmm, good question. What
did you do to deserve this? Could it be the rape and death threats you send to lesbians when they say they don't want to suck dick? Could it be invading lesbian dating apps? Could it be the constant harrassment? Could it be the fetishization and co-optation of their sexuality? I truly can't figure it out.
No. 1179987
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>>1179963And the comments are also atrocious
No. 1179993
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On twitter.
Hello gay women, did you forget you are just straight with preferences? Here's a nice fella to remind you.
No. 1179997
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>>1179996Blair is the kinda troon who thinks if he just acts like "one of the good ones" he will get a pass. It's really desperate.
Somehow I have even less respect for troons who try to be conservatives cause they have a fetish for turning straight conservative men into chasers than for the loud and proud lefty degenerates.
It just seems super disingenous to openly advocate against your own interests in order to get some simp bucks and a pat on the back because "hey, he kinda passes and he has the same opinions we straight people do!" If you are so based and redpilled you wouldn't still pretend you are a woman.
No. 1180007
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>>1179963I keked a little too hard at this
No. 1180034
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Saw this on /r/Superstraight
Troons really are just incels with rage
No. 1180036
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>>1180034samefag to add this
No. 1180038
>>1180034Male moment. I don’t understand that we as women like to denounce “yes all men” but men are just psychopathic ticking bombs, when they don’t get what they want they turn into a raging, flailing testosterone monster who threatens rape and to kill people but it’s just boys being boys, anon, just let them say abhorrent stuff and get away with it. Female separation needs to happen soon, or picrel will be normalcy in our daily lives
Also, I’m still surprised that the superstraight subreddit is still up, it amazes me how long people can go with their amazing optics.
No. 1180042
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No. 1180044
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No. 1180048
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>>1180042>>1179987>>1180034Now compare with the Top Pinned post r/SuperStraight, which is a donation link to a womens shelter
I suspect one of the mods maybe a radfem
No. 1180054
>>1179987This mental midgetry is so stupid.
Of course they're using fake accounts when they'd just get brigaded and banned if they used their real ones. Thank krishna there are still anonymous imageboards.
No. 1180059
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>natal woman
>married to a troon "woman"
>has a trans child
>thinks babies can be trans
Why do women do this? I consider women like this to be traitors. Completely unhinged.
How the fuck would you, even by your own retarded logic, possibly know if a baby is trans? Do you hold a plushie dick and a plushie uterus infront of them and whichever one the baby reaches for is it's gender identity?
No. 1180075
>>1180059Absolutely are traitors. Makes me sick.
>>1180034Keep showing your pedophilia, troon. Hope this fucker gets banned and investigated. I worry for our kids, I truly do. Not only are they being groomed but also sexually harassed probably on a daily. There's no telling how many kids are subjected to this that don't come out about it.
No. 1180079
>>1180068>>1180059This woman and her troon male partner deserve to be put in prison, this Isn't hyperbole in anyway this is a child's life they and ruining and destroying, the fact this is even allowed to happen Is a crime against the mother goddess and the world, If anyone I knew IRL supported this "trans babies" bullshit I would stop talking to them and cut them out of my life
I am so angry reading this
No. 1180087
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>>1180059>>1180079Samefag, this is the cover of her book, her "Trans daughter" in girls bathing suit at the beach
This is beyond disgusting and pedophilic
No. 1180091
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No. 1180098
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>>1180093wait no more, anon! even YOUR pet can be a troon
No. 1180100
>>1180093I feel that's accurate for 99% of cases(see majority of Trans widow stories) however this is a rare case where the woman exploited her husbands degeneracy to become a woke queer figure and gain fame and notoriety, now if it was just these 2 POS I wouldn't care but they have kids, an 11 year who suffered from depression and bullying at school who they convinced he was trans
This is not right
No. 1180113
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>>1180103Reminds me of this little troon fantasy comic,(though this was made by a FTM though)
No. 1180118
File: 1615306727493.jpg (2.11 MB, 1708x2340, 21-03-09-10-15-47-993_deco.jpg)

Late one day but KEK. The Bratz social media team would dedicate International Women's Day with a Sophie tribute.
No. 1180136
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>>1180113I have tried to make this comic a little more realistic.
No. 1180148
>>1180103Terf and Karen are both just stand-in terms for "roastie".
>>1180113I've seen this exact same fucking scene done a billion times yet I'm pretty sure it has
never happened in real life. It's always the butch protective cis girlfriend and the feminine fragile troon girlfriend dynamic too, happened in that stupid wachowski power fantasy TV show too. Also notice how it's always evil WAHMEN guilty of ~transphobia~ and never men.
No. 1180165
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>>1180157You're right, the primary antagonist in all her comics is always just a "Karen"
No. 1180188
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>>1177960just saw this on twitter
No. 1180206
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Christ that's fucked up. Troons really have no sense of humanity
No. 1180207
>>1180165>>1180113Of course in both the transes are portrayed as just minding their business when the evil
terf/karen stand-in just has to jump in
No. 1180229
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>>1180190They'll just say "oh, you're saying women with perversions aren't women, bigot?", just like they reach for infertile women whenever reproduction comes up. Ignoring that women very rarely are genuinely openly depraved, if it's not a performance for male bucks.
No. 1180232
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No. 1180266
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Name is blocked out for whatever reason, but Reddit user CIA_Grade_LSD coming at ya with rape threats! Totally normal, ladies! Nothing to see here!
No. 1180284
>>1180266cutting off your parents isn't as glamorous or epicly amazing as these retards make it look. trannies will be pushed to do this and then feel even worse than they did before, not understanding why going no contact wasn't the best choice.
when your own kind pushes you to 50%
No. 1180294
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>>1180232Don't worry, straight women are here to save the day! (found on r/"actuallesbians")
No. 1180359
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No. 1180369
>>1180322Not trying to say this did happen, but it sounds like you have shit doctors, because I’ve only had to take a pregnancy test for Accutane (legally required in the US) since telling doctors I was gay.
sage for blogpost, but seriously fuck your doctors.
No. 1180401
>>1180322Fucking this.
No matter how many times I tell my gyno I'm not sexually active, in an amount of years that gets longer each time they ask, I still have to take a pregnancy test
No. 1180407
>>1180202Yeah it happened, a wife was posting on Reddit about her MTF husband who made her give him head after SRS and had a meltdown when the axe wound smelled so bad the wife almost gagged. Then she had to take xanax to be able to handle the smell because he only wanted oral. He also threw a fit during a dilating session and whacked her across the face with the bloodied dilator. The poor woman was still trying to explain it away like "h-he didn't really hit
hit me though!" and that the rotting pus and fluids causing the smell was "just a yeast infection". The posts in question:
>>1172495>>1172503 No. 1180427
File: 1615332376562.png (63.2 KB, 910x338, christ.png)

this subreddit never fails to make me feel ill
cannot imagine being only 24 and dating a 35 year old man AND putting up with this
No. 1180569
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A brave woman walking at a protest march on the 8th!
No. 1180570
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there it goes. we did it reddit we silenced the straight guys and lesbians
No. 1180571
File: 1615345687136.jpeg (Spoiler Image,131.43 KB, 716x1089, EwDC5pJWYAEA1px.jpeg)

>>1180569"Who for a black kiss?" All this show in the same place where women and girls were remembering their friends and relatives who were
victims of male violence
No. 1180579
>>1180165Expectations vs reality, troon comics edition
Expectation: Typical strawmanning of “mean and invalidating” people acting like crazy non-socialized meanies to the cool, collected, and rational self-insert who is also the savior of mankind, also heckin cute, stunning and brave.
Reality: The troon making the comic represents the crazy loon antagonist in every IRL or online interaction, massive lack of self-awareness and projection is at max levels.
No. 1180584
>>1180570i'm fucking pissed. it's one of the subreddit i go to now, it's really, really unfair. there's a lot of subreddits that promotes actual hatred towards a certain group, super straight barely does that and it sucks that whenever i see it discussed in other subreddits, a lot of troons and others tends to create fear and false information to people who aren't aware of its creation.
i hope the other super lesbian subreddit will be okay, since the first one was banned very quickly. but i'm not optimistic. i doubt they'd banned superstraightphobic though and the members are definitely celebrating right now.
No. 1180598
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Fucking kek. Count me in.
No. 1180601
>>1180570It was fun while it lasted and seemed to open some people's eyes to the plight of women and specifically lesbians, so not all is lost.
>>1180589>>1180594Once it's off leddit, it's unfortunately going to be full of /pol/lutants.
No. 1180607
Sage for OT but to me Super Straight represented something important, what leftist online spaces used to be like, before the rise of the degenerate dirtbag left and the troons, libfems and soyboys of breadtube
online leftist spaces were just something else, they were much smaller but they had a more diverse array of people (men and women, gay and straight, black, white, Indian and Hispanic) and we would discuss social issues, what we could do with our limited resources, activism and in those spaces real hateful speech like racism, sexism and any specifics of violence against women would you get banned
Now you compare that with twitter leftism or spaces like r/ChapoTrapHouse and you see nothing more then a much of degenerates spewing hate, talking about cat girl skittles and how much they hate their Chud parents of analyzing random films
The super straight subreddit reminded me so much of those spaces that I used to love
No. 1180626
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the autogynesmile on this
No. 1180644
>>1180639This has gone on too long alright, the entire neo liberal world order wants to defend troons for some pathetic reason, and I can't see this ending anything but poorly
People will reach their breaking points, I know In have
No. 1180693
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>>1180607Same, I'm so fucking tired of the mass degeneracy. That subreddit was a brief and sweet escape. Hopefully the tide will turn in the upcoming months, and this was just the bud of a new trend.
No. 1180705
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>>1180703Funny you should say that.
No. 1180708
>>1180696>>1180704After all the research regarding hormone treatments on women came out big pharma needed a new clientele, trans people filled those shoes perfectly. Get a bunch of mentally ill people depending on your expensive meds for a lifetime and watch the money roll in. It's a huge, huge money maker.
Also Sue Donym's posts got removed from Medium but she detailed it in this one, still found archived: No. 1180712
>>1180696>>1180703imo it's only a matter of time before there is widespread backlash from detrans, not just the rest of us. Men are cutting off their dicks, women are cutting off their boobs, children are having their puberty messed up by hormones, barely any of them pass, they lose their libidos and eventually they are going to realize how badly they (or their parents), and the medical industry, fucked up. I don't know how the ideology itself will be affected, but I think the permanent, physical damage being done to people who will inevitably end up regretting it is going to be a huge problem.
And, of course, we all know who will be blamed in the end - women, gay people and feminism. My only comfort is thinking of straight male AGPs suffering the rest of their lives with a rotting necrotic hole and absolutely nobody wanting to touch it, not even them.
No. 1180714
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>>1180712This makes a lot of sense. Okay I'll be shutting up now in case it's derailing (doubtful because this is highly relevant to the Superstraight debacle). The things we see in this thread alone are incidents of what you say and worse. So I guess it really is a matter of time.
No. 1180716
>>1180693I actually fear we will be be dealing with this for another 4 year in America and when we reach our breaking points I think people will vote in the most extreme right winger they can find, I see a similar change happening thoughout Europe, many have predicted that Macron will lose the next elections and many right wing parties like the Young Finss Party is rising
We will see the end of neo liberalism in our lifetime
No. 1180724
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>>1180696my personal retarded theory? Population growth zero, being pushed by the elites who think they know better for us rabbles' future. SRS, hormone therapy, and puberty blockers being the go-to "treatment" for this mental illness, funny how they all result in some level of infertility.
My less retarded, less coordinated theory? Widespread acceptance of drag coupled with incel-type men feeling "left behind" by modern society, hoping to become the boss bitches, Karens, and loli anime that they so despise/desire. There were always trannies, they just didn't used to be such shit heaps. Back in the oldest of days what they wanted most of all was to just stealth into being women, so they put in effort, acted like normal women of their era, and didn't kick up a lot of fuss. They were always certifiably insane, but now they're empowered and it's gotten REALLY weird.
No. 1180728
>>1180712>>1180716Nta, but I agree with both of you. I can't help but think of it in accelerationist terms and wonder if that's anything, to speed it up to it's logical end. Has there been a lot more women peaking or joining rad spaces?
Sage for not milk
No. 1180734
>>1180570tell me again how trannies are the most oppressed group of people in the world? they literally get whatever they want in record time, as shown by the massive retard shitfit they've had over people simply not wanting to date them. people don't need to explain why they don't want trannies because it's obvious as to why, but they're used to people just bending at the knee for them instantly
as for vulnerable, did we all see the same threats of rape and murder or are we pretending that didn't exist too? annoying ugly mfs, we still don't want you near us and no amount of force or silencing will change it
No. 1180738
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No. 1180748
>>1180708really good read holy shit
if all of these trannies are seemingly unemployed and homeless and e-begging on twitter you really wonder how the fuck they're getting the money to afford this shit
No. 1180806
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A dude on twitter asked for someone to explain how it's "transphobic" to have a preference, so this person goes, "it's not, but if you exclude trans people with the genitals you like it is" so you CANNOT prefer cis genitals on cis people. You have to accept neo-genitals or else you are transphobic.
So these are the choices you have.
1. Force yourself to stay with someone you DO NOT want to be with because you don't want to be seen as transphobic. Just force yourself to see their genitals as the same as "Cis" peoples. Just force yourself to do something you don't want to do and waste your own and their time being fake.
2. Break it off with the person who lied to you about who they were in the first place, because you do not want to date a trans person and only want to date a cis person.
If you pick anything but 1 you are transphobic. So if they don't have a dick there's NO excuse. People say all day it's never okay to feel guilted or shamed into sexual/romantic relationships. That it's wrong, if a person makes you feel that way then you need to leave that person alone. Yet when it's a trans person it does not matter. If they have the genitals you like, despite how they look and work totally different, do it or be transphobic.
No. 1180809
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I just had to appeal these two tweets. Why on earth do people think they are entitled to sex? And that liking certain bodies is KiLlInG Us?
No. 1180816
>>1180724>Back in the oldest of days what they wanted most of all was to just stealth into being women, so they put in effort, acted like normal women of their era, and didn't kick up a lot of fuss.Back in the olden days trannies couldn't get the horse piss unless they were HSTS. If the guy wasn't a girly-looking gay dude who wanted to pass for a normal straight woman, he wasn't getting anywhere. Docs weren't handing out free sex changes to hairy middle-aged scrotes who thought they could become anime catgirl lesbians.
But now that the medical establishment has abandoned all this ""gatekeeping"" and the media is on their side, all the catgirl wannabes are flooding into the community. And since they don't pass and never will, they have to harass and threaten everyone else into pretending to see them as women.
No. 1180830
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>>1180828I like how on many you can actually just see where the penis was inverted like some arts& crafts project. Such natural grace, very convincing.
No. 1180887
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>>1180871>>1180876But how much longer anons? I can't believe that I waste my youth ("the best time of your life!!1") being confronted and surround by this insanity? I was naive to think that tumblr kids will grow out of this bullshit in like 2017, but years later and it got worse? I knew the reddit sub would be deleted sooner or later but you could tell that there is HUGE demand on talking about the troon craze and other things related to that, people are not blind on that anymore - they want answers. I want this garbage to end and I want everything media related (online or offline) to stop telling me how ~fluid~ everything is and that the new normal person has twenty pronouns and that EVERYBODY signed up for supporting this delusion without being asked.
No. 1180894
>>1180728imo literally the best way to mass peak is to encourage trannies to get as bold as possible, particularly with straight people. most normies are only supportive of trannies insofar as they think they are pitiable mentally ill weak fem gay men. theyre doing their best to do indoctrination thru media before getting too bold, but maybe missteps could be coordinated somehow.
>>1180887i feel you anon, its bananas how much worse its gotten. i legit thought it would just peter out. guess its too profitable.
No. 1180904
I’ve been following this thread since the beginning. I’m always at a loss of words, and I don’t know what to write.
>>1180828I can’t wait until their wounds start going septic lol
No. 1180906
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>>1180828It's actually really insulting how they interpret people wanting their partner to have natural, female genitals as "the absence of a penis". A vagina isn't just a hole, but of course I shouldn't expect anything but grade A misogyny from these people.
No. 1180912
>>1180906In my country (Norway) some people wanted saying “pregnant women” to be banned in medical institutions because it’s discriminatory towards troons. Some women spoke up in a news article, and lots of troons, men and retarded biological women started screeching “PRIVILEGED TERFS” as if we’re the villains.
Women, even in Norway, still face extreme amounts of sexism in every section of life, as well as in health care.
We literally can’t have a single thing for ourselves. Can’t wait until men demand to be tested for PCOS, endometriosis, breast cancer and cervical cancer.
No. 1180920
>>1180917And imagine that at some point you will only have trannies as gyno's …
oh btw here in germany they wanted to change the german name of gyno (Frauenarzt/Woman's doctor) into something like "Doctor for people who birth" or something like this.
No. 1180926
>>1180917>>1180912Not to be an ass but men can still get breast cancer. I wonder if troons made themselves more susceptible to it by using horse piss? I bet they'll jump the line, of course.
This thread both breaks my heart and instills me with hope because you WOMEN exist. Thank fuck for that.
No. 1180933
>>1180918This sound absolutely vile but it's true based on my experience: whenever women are dealing with actual women's issues like period pain, pregnancy, gynecological stuff and so on, they tend to jump on the soft
terf topics when you bring them up. Stuff like renaming women's clinics to idek to what they wanna name them as
that shit is also been suggested where I live and it's disgusting everytime women actually remember they go through actual struggles that men give no fucks about yet want to larp as them…they tend to peak. Sounds manipulative but I peaked during my own gynecological struggles I still struggle with and no friend of mine has been able to keep their mouth shut whenever they see this "birth giving person" bullshit. Sorry for blog, I'll take the ban or whatever.
No. 1180952
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>>1180949Oh lord. So women who can’t do anything about getting cancer, is pushed back in line because troons want to take hormones to ruin their bodies? The world is getting more and more bleak, day by day
No. 1180981
>>1180977You need to show your mum this thread tbh. All anons need to do, if they can. All these threads are evidence of how troons really are
Also, I’m happy you stuck to what you believe
No. 1180985
>>1180977I'm sorry to hear this anon, it' always sucks when someone you know personally falls for this crap. You said your cousin is 18 and with how ingrained social media is with the younger generation, there's a good chance that what you said is happening, him being groomed on Discord as well as possibly being influenced by peer group. This shit is spilling everywhere in the Western world.
Seriously with your mom though, depending how close you are, teach her the truth about AGP. It's true that boomer age people, especially women don't really know what AGP is and would do some good to learn just what it is. But I also know some people are stubborn and don't want to listen as well but just saying, sometimes all it takes is the right nudge so people can see the truth even if they don't want to believe it at first.
No. 1180990
>>1180918As someone who did come out on social media in support for Maya Forstater and JK Rowling and coming clean with how I don't believe in Trans ideology only to lose most of my friends in the process, I understand the hesitance anon, I really do. It's been so lonely ever since I lost most of my friends and it's so hard to meet new ones because so many people buy into this trans bullshit. What's worse is when they tried to challenge me on my views and when I actually argued back and got them into a wall, they just coward away but still think they won the argument.
Either way, I don't begrudge other women who are too afraid to speak up in fear of the social out casting that can happen. Thankfully I still have my job but I do work a pretty menial one so I think I'm somewhat lucky there.
No. 1181007
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>>1180888trips of truth
godspeed anon
(ew) No. 1181020
>>1180990I’m not ruining my life fighting against trannies
I’ll just smile politely and try to avoid social contact with them.
No. 1181041
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Troons encouraging each other to lie until the end. I don’t know what I find more reprehensible, that they lie to their partners, or that they sell the idea to others that this is achievable to the average trooner. Just one more surgery. One more wig. And you too can be stealth.
Ironically the more aware of them straight men become, the less they can blend in.
>>1180977It was very brave of you to speak up. That’s discouraging but it’s not so bad since your mom didn’t go nuclear and call you names and such. Think of the first time you heard this stuff, you probably were thinking people were making a big of it too. I know I was. I just drop nuggets here and there and eventually people agree, and reach out. Then we go from there.
No. 1181044
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This lines up with what you guys are saying about boomers not understanding or not caring. More millennials support banning transwomen from womens sports than boomers do, even though boomers, as we know, are more anti-LGB on average.
I'm proud of you fellow millennials. We're waking up. Weird that they left out gen x though.
No. 1181049
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Was going to post this in the Reddit hate thread but figured it was more appropriate here. This has so much irony to it, I'm appalled.
No. 1181062
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No. 1181064
>>1181062What does this word salad even mean? Also
>bi/pan lesbians I’m going to a-log
No. 1181076
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idk if anyone saw but this hit the front page of reddit. it’s long and i just skimmed it but they made an edit saying they removed the first two paragraphs because their source was “transphobic” and “taken out of context.” no redditor, say this shit with your chest. a troon said these things and more. everyone agrees in the replies too, but i guess no one wants to acknowledge a tranny inspired the post
No. 1181078
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>>1181049this is what comes from all that brainlet "sex work is real work" libfem rhetoric, disgusting scrotes raping marginalized women in exchange for money and then lecturing said women for not being woke enough. and then thinking they really showed that woman what's what!
female separatism when
No. 1181088
>>1181049“then i fucked her and she left”
good job champ. fucked a woman you paid to fuck.
troons have no concept of the female experience. this one thinks he won because he fucked a prostitute? even trying to be us they think of us as objects. the reason they’re so up the ass of lesbians is because men can’t believe the AUDACITY that any women would not desire them or need them. i’m so fucking tired.
blog but what peaked me is when i tried to be accepting of troons and they immediately translated my kindness as wanting to fuck. y’know like men. the first thing one told me was that he’d had bottom surgery. it was fucking surreal. nobody wants to know about your fusty scrote-hole.
No. 1181099
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>>1181084I have noticed that a lot of trannies claim to be minors online, despite looking like they are 30 going on 55. They use it as a get-out-of-jail free card, especially when called out on lusting over actual minors. "UHmm… I am 15! checkmate"
No, Steven. You are 39.
No. 1181110
>>1181020Fair enough.
>>1181041>I just drop nuggets here and there and eventually people agree, and reach outHow do you do this anon? I think learning how to do this might come in handy because honestly, it's hard for me to control myself in going in detail about why men cannot be women to people and I think learning how to drop hints would help me in addressing these issues.
No. 1181115
>>1181061Man I miss r/GC, there were so many eye opening stories like this one of how the average person can slip into trans bullshittery. It's still such an injustice that that sub got taken down yet rape porn subs can remain open.
I really wish we could see a revival of GC. I know that we have Ovarit but GC had close to 70,000 members and I just wish we could have another sub that reached that number and more.
No. 1181116
>>1180981>>1180985>>1181041>>1181061Thanks for the words of empathy, anons. I'm not gonna waste my time and effort trying to convince my mom of anything - once she has an idea in her head she'll generally cling to it, no matter if it has merit or not. She smokes weed erryday so she might not even remember our conversation. We've talked since then and she hasn't even mentioned anything trans-related.
I'm more wondering how to interact with my cousin and his mom when the issue comes up at our next family reunion. I'd like to keep a good relationship with both of them… I hope he wises up and detransitions on his own before doing anything drastic like dick removal.
No. 1181138
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this shit is fucking hilarious. These people are so angry holy shit.
No. 1181162
>>1179997you know this is something I have noticed with all these "based", "trutrans" and not like other trannies. Like blair white has been pandering to 4channers/alt-righters and he has been allegedly posting
there and also shilling himself there for years. Also contra is known for constantly watching his kiwi farms thread and 4chan's /tttt/ and also allegedly and probably post on 4chan just like blair. literally all the not like other trannies are the same ones on 4chan saying n*gger talking about how all women are holes no matter what side of the political spectrum they are on.
No. 1181231
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handmaidens reducing people to their genitalia to try and prove troons are women.
even if their dick is flipped and they’ve got bolt ons and let’s fuckin suspend reality beyond the male pattern baldness and fridge body.
they were raised male. i’ll even be decent enough to say trans women have their own struggles and unique experiences. but a man can’t fake that. the solidarity and experiences women share and understand.
also people in the comments really trying to say a neo vag looks, feels and acts like a real vagina. it has no musculature and reeks worse than 8 year old uggs. but sure. exactly the same.
No. 1181238
I truly hope the "neovag self clean" meme takes off so these retards can all catch sepsis.
No. 1181239
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cant wait to see the list of “transphobic beliefs” that make it not ok to want to date cis people.
so far the only reason i’ve seen be okay is wanting to have kids.
No. 1181245
>>1181239how long until having your own biological children is transphobic?
actually, i'm sure they already think it is
No. 1181263
>>1181239everyone who says this shit better open their dating pool to trans. I know of a few female TRA's who think transwomen are women, but don't want to sleep with them and don't want to date men who sleep with them.
I cannot tell you how many black TRA's I know who are like that, "those men are straight, but they not straight men I want"
I know men like this too, they have these unrealistic views, "If they look just like a woman and have a neo-vagina" but the moment you tell them it's not like the real thing they gently back pedal. A lot of people whining about how not dating trans people is transphobic, are people who are saying it's transphobic for others, not for them
No. 1181270
>>1181268Some women have prominent adam's apples too, so you're outta luck with that one too. It probably got to be something like "I'm only attracted to vaginas, but absolutely no body-modifications
uwu". Then again, this also won't work if you yourself have visible tattoos or piercings tho…
No. 1181279
>>1181270It’s easier to go to the old reliable phrase “sorry, I got some emotional issues to deal with and I’m not ready to date anyone as of now” and if they counter attack with
>but i just want some fuck oogaboogaThen tell them “ah, my libido is so dead, that I’m basically asexual right now”.
Unless you meet the mantran in a dating app, then you’re done for.
No. 1181287
>>1181239if it's a hole you can fuck then it's a vagina i guess
further proved by that one troon arguing the asshole is a vagina and feminine or whatever
No. 1181292
>>1181231lol at this logic, a lot of mtfs I have come across expect straight women to have sex with them too because they still have a dick. they're all over dating apps trying to find straight women, too.
they just want to guilt women into having sex with them.
No. 1181334
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I will like to share this lovely image. Before the sub got banned I luckily saved some tabs on that sub. I never use discord before but this looks interesting.
No. 1181345
>>1180738That's an old ass fat guy wanting to be a pubescent teen goth girl.
No. 1181349
>>1180696It's the new world order: trash humanism
This is the goal of it all
Depopulate and fuck up gender
No. 1181365
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Looking for a swimsuit and saw this as the top review on one of them. Trannies love exposing themselves & their fetish to people who literally do not care or want to know.
No. 1181427
>>1180958if you typo’d hussie, i’ve always thought he would troon out eventually kek
him or toby fox
No. 1181454
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seems like the quotes from our stunning queens r a hot topic rn. where’d they come from anyway?
No. 1181486
>>1181062Can't get over "bio-strap", can't think of anything more vile sounding.
>marxistwhy are they almost always marxists/communists? They do realize they'd be the first against the wall if they lived in those societies, right?
>15I guarantee you, he's grooming kids on his discord. 100% guarantee it's happpening/happened
>>1181064simple. Lesbians don't want to date men pretending to be woman.
No. 1181503
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God fuck the neo liberal tranny capeing world order
No. 1181505
>>1181503what the fuck? are you serious?
is donating to women's shelters wrongthink now too?
No. 1181509
>>1181505oh yeah, the mere existence of rape shelters has been
problematic for awhile now
No. 1181512
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>>1181503Absolutely disgusting, I hope the backlash for troons will come soon and hard. Imagine how utterly vile you have to be to take down a fucking charity gofundme because it had to do with Superstraight or more so women in general, meanwhile every goddamn troon and their grandma has a gofundme for literally everything. „Help a traaaaannnss person get away from her
abusive family“, „Help Lily reach 50k For SRS and FFS“. I hate humanity and what it has become, we are literally evolving backwards with this this.
No. 1181523
>>1181231It's genuinely mindblowing that people are 1) so far removed from basic common sense reality and 2) trust the medical-industrial complex and muh doctors to such a degree that they're willing to believe it's possible to surgically create a functionally indistinguishable vagina from a penis without questioning. People understand that boob job boobs are very often clockable, so even if you were the biggest TRA supporter in the world, wouldn't you at least be curious to see how they pull off this medical miracle?
I feel like if TRAs weren't so invested in maintaining this myth they would be sperging all over the place about how hard it is to live with the burden of lifelong dilation and how this is just like women have to deal with menstruation and menopause
No. 1181528
>>1181503what they need to do is pretend to be a tranny looking for funds. You'll never get shut down and people will donate all the money you need, then you just donate that to you charity of choice.
No. 1181535
>>1181524It’s Vancouver, Canada. You can always donate on their website.
It sucks bc I think they are the only shelter in Canada that is biological females only, and they are constantly facing this crap. Even though we have two other shelters in the city that accept trans people…
No. 1181546
>>1181503I expected them to ban the super straight subreddits but to go this far, not one even the worst anti-feminists would do this
I'm actually crying, fuck I'm beyond pissed and I don't know what I can do
No. 1181566
>>1180712on the other hand trannies have left a good evidence that not all women were supportive of them with their
terf witch hunts. we can just point at that and say that we tried!
No. 1181572
>>1181503If this doesn’t make normal people peak I don’t know what will at this point.
Fucking disgusting. The world really did end in 2012 and we’re in hell now huh
No. 1181589
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top kek
No. 1181599
>>1181589the kids are more mature, even making up a system in order to accommodate the big changes in their lives. troon just throw a tantrum because even if he put on a wig and wear make-up, he still less valuable than mommy.
>>1181596holy shet, that's all they comment. i'm shock. they didn't add anything to the conversation and i don't doubt they are supporting the troon's arrangement and behavior but didn't want to be downvoted or argued against by people.
No. 1181608
>>1181365i didn't see the bottom of the pic and thought it was fine, dick tucked away.
then i read the caption.
dear lord.
No. 1181617
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No. 1181618
>>1181134True. I really have some hope for the zoomers after seeing some more of them come out against this madness and I wish them the best because one thing is for sure, we're gonna have another huge wave of detransitioners.
>>1181162Yeah pretty much which is why it's hilarious how they think they are any different than the crazies they usually go after. They're not as loud as them but they're still delusional men living some AGP fantasy.
>>1181238The power above help the poor soul who gets suckered into believing these troon axe wounds self lubricate kek.
No. 1181619
File: 1615456152370.jpeg (205.28 KB, 750x749, D05EA599-F02A-4FD2-9240-72C679…)

Found this on instagram as a reaction to superstraight 💀
No. 1181621
>>1181619People can’t control being born Asian or European, or any race. But people can choose if they want to destroy their bodies with surgery and hormones.
Also lets not fool ourselves, they’d probably think we were transphobic even if we said “I think I prefer cis men/women over trans women”.
No. 1181623
File: 1615456692539.jpg (Spoiler Image,502.84 KB, 3024x4032, 0ckld17.jpg)

No. 1181625
>>1181623i'll give it to him, this just looks like a very very unlucky woman
i wonder why do they do this to themselves, like if you're so unfortunate looking as a man, why make it worse and become even more ugly? they're not going to look like women, just an odd excuse of a human, that has to be even worse for your mental health than just be an awkward man, right?
No. 1181634
>>1181625yeah, the ugliest girl i've ever met looked like this (but somehow worse)… i thought she looked mannish and like an unfortunate old lady.
like…congrats, you look like a repulsive woman…?
No. 1181636
File: 1615458153925.jpeg (471.7 KB, 750x824, 2080F9FC-0309-4287-94B2-4925EC…)

ofc trans women are on top.
No. 1181644
File: 1615460589176.jpg (98.5 KB, 947x952, 1615436266136.jpg)

The memes just write themselves
No. 1181647
>>1181589>Violent deadbeat dad troons out>Forces his kids to call him "Mommy" while the real mother is referred to with her first name despite the troondad barely being in their livesThey never cease to amaze me with their narcissism, like if they absolutely had to do this they could've used a system of "Mommy" and "Mama" or something but no the troon needs to have it all. Well, at least this trans widow has a brain in her head and took away visitations.
>>1181595Yeah honestly I can't see this ending up well, the dad sounds like a fucking lunatic that shouldn't be near kids unsupervised.
>>1181597God forbid she should've misgendered her ex, him being violent and
abusive is nothing compared to being ~misgendered~!
No. 1181662
File: 1615463930986.png (41.52 KB, 952x155, C5E87F08-04A8-4739-8BA5-7A99EC…)

>>1181636ACLU, the organisation that says possessing child pornography is a civil liberty but advocates for the banning - even
burning - of a book which points out that mass-transing of little girls might be
> No. 1181682
>>1181503Showed this to my normie mother along with this
>>1178549 she didn't know what a
TERF was before this and now she is one.
Normies will start to catch on to this shit and peak. Troons will ruin it for themselves and it's the best to just let them drive their car off a cliff at this point. The hubris of men is their ruin and always has been.
No. 1181686
>>1181653They’re just another subcategory of MRAs who whine about women’s shelters and support groups outnumbering men’s shelters and support groups. Absolutely nothing is stopping them from creating more shelters and support groups for themselves but they don’t actually care, they just don’t want women to have them.
>>1181661That number is not only grossly exaggerated but it also doesn’t apply to the white transbians in power. The men who’ve been harassing VRR for over a decade instead of simply checking into one of the other shelters in the
same city (>>1181535) aren’t in any actual danger from others or from themselves and they know it.
No. 1181692
>>1181688Think harder then. Of course it's more likely modern trans people to kill themselves, people born into slavery had less access to suicide methods even if they wanted to. If there were other enslaved people alongside them then they would know that killing themselves would make mistreatment worse for the slaves they left behind, which might be their family.
These groups aren't comparable at all, what's your point?
No. 1181720
>>1181088This is him suggesting he won or just pointing out the futility of the argument? In the previous sentence admits he was ignored and he also acknowledges that is it shameful to hire prostitute.
Why would someone trying to boast make themselves appear so pathetic?
No. 1181722
File: 1615471845034.gif (220.54 KB, 220x220, 38DA53F7-BEB1-429D-B8DD-FCF06D…)

>>1181692> think harder then based
No. 1181725
File: 1615472331297.jpg (150.54 KB, 1080x1083, Screenshot_20210311-151828.jpg)

This just followed me on Twitter I'm scared
No. 1181727
File: 1615472391178.jpg (193.83 KB, 793x2048, 20210311_151941.jpg)

>>1181725He calls himself a model too I can't
No. 1181736
File: 1615473497849.jpeg (535.7 KB, 2224x1463, DF3B1DA3-74B4-490A-AFB3-E58165…)

From 2X. Imagine having to write this disclaimer.
No. 1181748
>>1181688>>1181692the thing is, whether it´s 41, 14, 1.4 or a different number, what do we do with it? What does it even mean?
TRAs picture this narrative of sad fragile delicate bbs who off themselves because "transphobia" but there are so many different possible reasons
>effects of puberty blockers and HRT can cause or worsen depression (think of birth control pills, my fellow egg holders!)>other negative effects of blockers & HRT like ostheoporosis, cognitive disfunction, atrophy of the reproductive system>dilating errday>outcomes of their surgeries: aesthetically disappointing result, medical complications (like necrosis), pain>the smell of their neovagina>can´t coom!!!!>regret because they´re still the same miserable person>regret because they´re not actually trans but traumatized, gnc, homosexual, autistic, …>misgendering by unsuspecting normies (children can be brutal)All of these things have nothing to do with transphobia, even by their standards (though I am not too sure about the last one).
All of these possible reasons are massively downplayed by TRAs, completely denied even.
Also, there might be personality traits which simultaneously make one more likely to become an AGP/a coomer and develope depression.
No. 1181752
File: 1615475248169.jpeg (247.4 KB, 1174x1004, DAEABF30-7C8D-4A4A-87C3-721EB3…)

When they haven’t had diarrhea yet, do they mark their period as late?
No. 1181792
>>1181748THIS. SO MUCH THIS. It gets fucking annoying when these TRAs whinge on about the suicide rates and think it's always because of "transphobia" when that's not true at all. These fucks don't realize that taking artificial hormones does affect the brain and can even worsen depression. And then of course the ones who DO regret their transition but can't turn back the clock and have to live the rest of their days in the body they themselves fucked up, yeah that can totally make them want to off themselves.
Some De-transitioners are even afraid to admit they made a mistake because if they do, the trans cult turns on them and pulls the "You were never one of us" play on them and that can be devastating to these de-transitioners since they mostly hung around in these spaces and fear abandonment so they'll choose to stay quiet about it.
No. 1181793
>>1181589>violently screamed and broke plates Over calling their mom… They should just call their "mom" their abuser and call the other one their actual mom in court lol.
Poor fuckin kids Jesus Christ, for some reason the children always have to be punished in these situations.
No. 1181798
>>1181688Probably because they're all mentally ill to begin with but decide to treat it with makeup and mutilation instead of therapy and medication.
It's a bunch of depressed incels that have been told girls have it easy. The amount of troons who think their life is gonna be perfect when they've got long hair and a spinny skirt is crazy. When reality hits and they realise everything is the same but now they have to dilate, now wonder the suicidal thoughts hit hard.
No. 1181802
Here is a troon who killed himself shortly after this stream about why he is depressed and suicidal
it is pretty much what
>>1181748 said, they had unsuccessful srs, were in constant pain and realized it was just a fetish all along and now they can't coom anymore and are depressed. It is a bit sad, but then again.. good riddance honestly.
No. 1181803
>>1181589Imagine this - you carry your 2 kids to term for 1.5 years and give two long, painful births to girls who will be just as affected, if not more, by the fucked up society we live in. Then their violent biodad troons out and
demands them to call him 'mommy' and you, the person who sacrificed so much for them, simply by your first name, against your kids wishes. All because it hurts his ego. And all the while they'll have to learn to see this waste of fresh air as someone just "deeply troubled by their dysphoria", or someone who can't be held accountable for anything wrong that they do, because they're "oh, so oppressed!"
And she
still has to ask "AITA"?!
I will fucking A-log.
No. 1181805
File: 1615480597051.png (672.42 KB, 964x543, zcq3sruvuhmoryq9udjb.png)

>>1181802This troon btw, is "the first woman" to compete in a league of legend championship.
No. 1181807
>>1181752>My BPD tier mood swings are just hormonal fluctuations caused by my ladyhormones tee hee!Bitches could never handle my endometriosis cramps.
>>1181748I don't even understand why people entertain the 41% meme to begin with, the number was based on a bogus study that counted "self-destructive thoughts" and cutting as "suicide attempts" and didn't take into account all the comorbid mental illnesses within its subjects. I remember seeing a study that young cis lesbians and subsequently FTMs were actually at the highest risk of committing suicide which correlates with the overall high risk of young women in particular.
No. 1181810
File: 1615481129989.jpg (125.78 KB, 750x1334, EwNn7ozVcAIGuxz.jpg)

this is disgusting
No. 1181811
>>1181503This is beyond fucking disgusting. So what happens with the money? Last I checked it was around or over $7,600.
Anyway, heres a link to donate directly, to avoid all the bullshit. No. 1181814
File: 1615481726160.png (607.48 KB, 606x399, 22.PNG)

Does it piss anyone else off how ugly Jim sterling is? Like more so than before? He dresses like a fat Fable 3 Character
No. 1181821
>>1181814yes because a woman this ugly would never be allowed to exist in public like he does. He looks fucking ridiculous.
He's always played the
victim though. I remember 5+ years ago when he wrote a blog on his gaming website bout how his mommy was mean to him so he moved to the US. This is just another way for him to get attention and I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner.
No. 1181825
>>1181802>good riddance honestly.Agreed. This shit is so fucked. Either they have an epiphany that all this shit was a sick minded fetish and 41% or they detrans, but neither decisions come before they have a chance to impose all of their AGP nonsense on others.
>>1181814He dresses like a cheap drag fantasy character because being a woman
is a drag fantasy for him.
No. 1181827
File: 1615482756680.png (396.12 KB, 574x494, ggd.PNG)

>>1181821and he think he's hot shit, all he does is posts these pictures fishing for attention. Like Philosophy Tube I truly think it's 50% for the coom and 50% for the attention.
No. 1181828
File: 1615482818579.png (172.78 KB, 680x344, kskska.png)

>>1181827SA- I thought about this meme, I wish someone would make a troon version of it
No. 1181829
File: 1615482837099.jpeg (353.98 KB, 1242x1705, BE8393B9-2D71-4E13-A953-AB24E5…)

this is from the nonbinary japanese tranny. at least he has the decency to remove himself from the dating/marriage pool by being "aromantic" kek.
No. 1181834
>>1181829I find this funny because he could easily find a gender special chaser whose woke and
POC but like all troons, I bet he chases a certain type of guy and then cries when they turn out to be shitty.
Troons want people who don't want them or don't want them openly and then blame the world.
No. 1181854
>>1181816How dare you insult his Nonbinary Finery like that, anon! It’s what made all those totally lesbian fans of his realise why they’ve been so attracted to him all this time.
>>1181827Coom, attention and the ultimate shield against any and all criticism. TiMs can openly say they want to gang-rape “cis” women and people will say he’s just an oppressed minority punching up. It’s no mystery why misogynistic straight white guys with a platform troon out. If anything, it makes me wonder what they’re trying to sweep under the rug.
No. 1181875
File: 1615485341691.jpeg (301.18 KB, 1125x627, 6E682925-B7F2-4CFD-9DF5-BCDB2C…)

>>1181802Yikes. I just wanted to give some extra context on this. This individual was coerced by their scrote of a manager, Chris Badawi, to get SRS in Thailand of all places. Thailand surgeon (of course) botched the surgery, and as we know, led to suicide. Sometimes TRAs are just as bad, if not worse than the troons themselves. Here’s the article: No. 1181884
>>1181875Oh wow anon, you just made me remember this is the troon that peaked me.
He didn't get coerced by his manager to get SRS, he said he wouldn't play in his league until he got SRS. But since that's a long process in the US and he wanted it nowwwww they went to Thailand and he got a botched surgery.
His KF thread is good:
No. 1181891
>>1181885Agreed. He is definitely not a
victim in this. ReMALia was a AGP who fantasized and roleplayed often about magically transforming into a woman- and rushed into the process in order to live out his coomer fantasies as fast as possible.
The title of being the first female LOL player definitely played a part, but I would attribute more of it to his twisted AGP fantasies that were openly posted and roleplayed on his Discord.
No. 1181904
File: 1615488001190.png (197.57 KB, 960x2048, hahahahaha.png)

Long article so I am only posting a snippet is so ironic. Troon complains that they are no more than a "fetish" to men and that straight men don't want to have public relationships with them.
I think that is why this superstraight movement pisses them off so much. They really think if they just "perform femininity" well enough then straight men will want to date them.
Pssst, a man who fucks a tranny is not and will never be straight.
No. 1181923
File: 1615489529096.jpeg (555.88 KB, 2048x2048, 6C2A185E-A119-458B-9CD9-6392DC…)

>>1181904Never trust a man who claims to pass as a woman, it's always lies and photoshop. Any man who fucks this man is either gay or bi, and any woman they fuck after is put at risk of gay diseases from a man who keeps tranny secrets. What a fucked up and scary world to be in for women, holy shit. Across the board frightening. Look at this thing, I bet he's hulking and violent when angry, thanks to testes.
No. 1181927
File: 1615489937328.png (172.7 KB, 591x764, Screenshot at Mar 11 20-11-38.…)

>>1181725Checked his follow list and he only follows ~queer enbies~ who list their disabilities and (self-)diagnoses on their bio, so which one are you?
No. 1181928
>>1181923I remember there was a troon who had a boyfriend who kept saying he was straight over and over, as SOON as they broke up he ended up with a man. Anybody who thinks troon attracted men don't fuck men who identify as a men are retarded.
The guy from Teen Wolf Tyler Posey, said that before his current "Cis" girlfriend he dated three troons, but every time he talks about his interactions with "cis" men he tries to downplay it, "I never had sex with a "cis man" but I had oral with a "Cis" men"
I remember he "came out' years ago but said it wasn't true. It's not surprising that he also has drug issues and seems super depressed and mentally ill.
Women should stay away from men who date troons imo. Especially the ones with a mouth full of dick but are telling you they are straight. No one here needs to hear it but people out there really think, people like Blaire's boyfriend wouldn't fuck a drag queen JUST because they say they are a man.
No. 1181929
File: 1615490492260.jpg (372.17 KB, 2048x1024, cRaOPH3.jpg)

All Eva characters deserve better than this. Even Mana Sue.
Also it never ceeses to shock me how troons seem unaware how conservative they are when they claim that a teenage boy that isn't a masculine chad or is mentally ill must secretly be a girl on the inside
No. 1181932
File: 1615490676976.png (757.73 KB, 568x1000, hjhj.png)

>>1181810 literally always comes back to "i will have sex with your bf you are intimidated by me"
No. 1181933
File: 1615490795542.jpg (386.6 KB, 1080x1237, IMG_20210311_142312.jpg)

Aha aha. Superlesbian tag is now hidden on IG, superstraight, supergay and superbi still searchable
No. 1181941
File: 1615491209054.png (145.95 KB, 680x344, troons.png)

>>1181828shitty attempt but here ya go anon
No. 1181950
>>1181932never, "I'll take your boyfriend and he'll love me and claim"
It's, "your DL Coomer boyfriend will fuck me, ha ha, aint you mad?"
Like MOST people don't want to be with someone who cheats, it being a troon only adds another level of disgust because he's doing it with a man.
No. 1181983
>>1181972It's funny and sad how people have to play these games JUST to say online, "I don't like trans/ trans don't interact"
I heard someone say they only like women who identify as "Super Women".
No. 1181998
>>1181989I love how negative posts about trans are seen as "
Terf Propganda", Lies and/or can't be had because someone may be transphobic, yet reddit has whole reddits dedicated to hating childern and there's subs just like Lolcow, where they talk about random people & laugh at them.
Like the plastic surgery reddits or instagram vs. reality, but trans topics are off limit.
No. 1182013
File: 1615495238419.png (101.69 KB, 1440x467, Screenshot_20210311-213520~2.p…)

>>1181927so thats german tranny twitter!
pic is his most recent liked tweet, screams agp
No. 1182145
File: 1615501803556.jpg (126.65 KB, 1280x1276, 1613005212741.jpg)

Sage for blogpost but i'm pretty sure a guy i talked to briefly who fetishised me being bi has trooned out now, topkek. he was rly weird and looked a bit like sneakermadirocks but a young version
No. 1182148
>>1180708(original version)
>>1180713(updated version with permanent hosting on substack)
This article has peaked me harder than ever. The part about the treatment of children is genuinely horrifying, it's crazy to see the wide view of it all, from somebody doing their level best to see it from the TRA perspective
No. 1182218
File: 1615509291075.jpeg (9.85 KB, 266x190, wombat.jpeg)

>>1181727Wombat looking ass
No. 1182279
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>>1181932Why am I getting these vibes from that thing?
No. 1182356
File: 1615518601788.jpg (236.25 KB, 1080x1007, 20210312_050917.jpg)

Congrats to Mississippi
No. 1182358
Too bad that would never happen in my hell state
No. 1182392
File: 1615521474298.jpg (381.19 KB, 2543x912, beard.jpg)

I always thought Amina and Salvatore Mucciolo from StudioMucci/tasslefairy were a very cute couple.
now his name is Lavender as he discovered he was a woman through his love of fashion.
No. 1182394
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No. 1182471
>>1182394TL;DR: male security guard ordered troon out of women's bathroom
>It really is such an indignity to have your gender questioned in front of an entire bathroom full of people>It’s also really frightening uwuEverybody is devastated and willing to bend over backwards from now on.
Guards will be trained in letting men walk into women's bathrooms.
OT but that article was so poorly written wtf
No. 1182506
>>1182356Are they actually banned from sports or just from the female teams? Because they could just stick with the male teams were they belong.
This really gets on my nerves along with “they just want to pee”. They can pee! Nobody is stopping them from peeing in the men’s room, the same bathroom they’ve been using their whole lives. It’s usually right next to the women’s room and much less crowded. Nobody is stopping them from peeing!
No. 1182507
File: 1615530423738.png (852.5 KB, 650x920, d798euc-c6405874-a6a2-4fbb-b06…)

>>1181802The pathology of this basketcase. I feel sorry for their family and when they were manipulated by some fuckhead to get SRS done, but crybabying like that because your elderly grandmother didn't want to just hand over $1.5k for bloodwork for what was certainly retarded tranny reasons? Yeah. good riddance. How dare an old woman suggest you work harder than the barest fucking minimum of doing porn. Some of this tranny shit comes from a society that decided shame was no longer to be tolerated in ANY capacity. picrel, it is the loli anime girl (ageless vampire queen of course) that this well-adjusted queen named himself after.
No. 1182520
File: 1615532550176.png (916.22 KB, 1370x1060, daltonmgallaher.png)

Found on the other farms, troon turns out to be a pedo zoophile (unsurprising). Love the juxtaposition of his uwu loli avatar and his potato man face.
steam link - link - No. 1182525
>>1182520Place your bets:
>trans community disowns him, claims he was never really transor
>trans community handwaves his crimes and gets outraged over misgendering instead No. 1182532
File: 1615535432563.jpeg (141.63 KB, 750x604, 14C00C0E-F16F-4A37-8FCE-80053A…)

>>1180570>>1180607sigh.Let the spirit of superstraight survive and strengthen in these dark times.
No. 1182550
>>1182538Estrogen usually makes them unable to get it up, which is why troons with dicks might go off or on/off HRT. Then once their dick is removed, if they're lucky, they're left with a small piece of penis head placed roughly where the clitoris is supposed to be. According to troons some still experience orgasms post op, some don't. However, a small piece of penis head is not a clitoris at all, different anatomy and sensitivity so even if they're still able to coom… how good/intensive can it really be.
Surgeons don't inform their clients properly. Most post op troons don't speak honestly because reporting their bad experience=transphobic lel. It's outrageous how little they really know about GRS and what comes with it
>wouldn’t this scare many away from transitioningI think it does, hence the many cases of men who slap on a SHE/HER patch and a bad wig, then call themselves Lesbians on HER
No. 1182554
File: 1615539157755.png (985.7 KB, 1020x1044, Screen Shot 2021-03-12 at 3.51…)

>>1182550That's all exactly right. Funny how dysphoria ends for many of them when coming is at risk. Even if they can't get it up with E they can still get off, just no penetrative sex. The sort of deviants who troon out don't care about pleasing their (cis female) partner, so that part doesn't matter as long as they can still orgasm.
feedback on how this one presents? like a horny, overindulged Droopy Dog.
No. 1182616
File: 1615544024441.png (601.1 KB, 900x2100, kikomitransgirl.png)

hi i was bored and inspired to make another kikomi comic
No. 1182618
File: 1615544269715.jpeg (222.44 KB, 750x1092, EE7F32F7-6D0E-4360-AEE5-7F38BA…)

>>1182506Good question. Why would they prevent them from playing any sports at all? And if they did, there are sports teams outside of school. Two of the sports I did in HS were co-ed teams unaffiliated with the school. You can still get plenty of enjoyment and exercise out of that. Do they just want women’s sports scholarships?
Re: the bathroom thing…that’s what I don’t get too. Like just pee? Especially if you’re at a place that has like one stall bathroom per gender. Have definitely gone into a men’s bathroom at a bar before bc I just had to go so bad and a dude gave me a weird look and I was just like “sorry, had to fucking pee”. I feel like if you’re a hulking man in a dress using the men’s room you’ll get less weird looks than the one I got that night.
No. 1182619
File: 1615544517430.jpeg (533.74 KB, 828x1292, 3D967392-E78B-456C-9062-65993E…)

No. 1182620
File: 1615544557962.jpeg (177.64 KB, 817x402, C1573B3C-5A34-4014-9245-B1D6E8…)

>>11826192/2 this troons response
No. 1182623
>>1182523I think for some reason kids and teens are really trustworthy of trannies these days and don’t want to get labeled as transphobic, so saying you are trans probably makes it easier to groom them, esp if the kids are already questioning themselves. I mean we’ve seen the Discord chats where older TiMs are grooming younger ones into saying they are eggs or whatever. Anime profile pic + trans label = a nice oppressed person who can do no wrong.
>>1182554Anon please don’t say horny and Droopy Dog in the same sentence ever again.
No. 1182627
>>1182620>doesn't read teh names of twans wahmmen names ZERO murders of stunning and brave folx in the UK
This wiki was probably written by tervens.
No. 1182632
>>1182627Sry for samefagging, I meant to say within the last year of course.
Actually within the last 10 years, there were no trans women murdered in the UK according to this wiki. In 2010 there has been one case.
No. 1182654
File: 1615549630247.png (302.89 KB, 733x893, netflix.png)

There is no way this official Netflix account is not run by a weird lesbian-fetishist troon. single tweet is some creepy shit about lesbians, who the fuck let this troon take the wheel?
No. 1182666
>>1182635actually kinda surprising since they also chose to include a gnc man and a non-transgender woman in their list of transgender murder
>This is a worldwide list of people who were killed for being transgender. >The list does not include suicides, accidental deaths, or premature deaths. DUUHH because suicide, accidental and premature death MEANS SOMETHING DIFFERENT than fucking murder or homicide! Words still MEAN things you know!
No. 1182679
File: 1615553209202.png (190.37 KB, 801x530, superstraightphobic.png)

meanwhile, the superstraigtphobic subreddit is still up really don't understand why people still use reddit, it is absolutely ruined by wokeshits and trannies.
No. 1182706
File: 1615556631374.png (1011.84 KB, 2118x782, degradingholes.png)

No. 1182723
>>1182663ugh I know most of the bands are from the Pacific Northwest and therefore likely already troondoctrinated, but it fucking kills me to see trannies appropriating riot grrrl.
Also, that is def a male running that account. Leather jacket, loose scarf, oral fixation, pizza… lmao so lesbian, they are such idiots.
No. 1182734
>>1182363The harassment at the Vancouver Women’s Shelter peaked my libfem/woke sister. It’s amazing not to have to walk on eggshells about TRAs with her anymore
I love how troons will blame everyone else for peaking normies, but they’re achieving all this by themselves
No. 1182740
File: 1615559489547.png (516.68 KB, 900x2000, 1615067031566.png)

>>1182739Not the drawanon, but here's the first piece of art.
No. 1182776
>>1182620whats funny is everyone is saying NO TRANS WOMEN DIED last year in the UK, but trannies don't care, hearing about women who died by the hands of men
triggers them if it's not about trans women. You'd think they'd be happy and know the number of trans killed so they can bring it up when they don't get their way
No. 1182781
>>1182706oof this makes me so fucking mad.
I wish people would spread this kind of thing.
No. 1182786
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>>1182784i've scrolled past about 15 people whining about her not mentioning transwomen and angry scrotes/pick me's doing, "Whataboutism".
No. 1182796
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No. 1182805
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Literally saying "women are just holes" like any other incel. Trannies are incels.
No. 1182811
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>>1182805His book called "Females" is about how all women are really just empty fuckholes waiting to be filled. I included a review from an actual woman.
No. 1182822
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This zine published in Germany on women's day. on twitter translated a passage. Let's all recognize our privilege to get sexually assaulted, my fellow females.
No. 1182836
>>1182620women are murdered for being women. refusing to fuck men. refusing to acknowledge creeps. literally just because some men just hate us so fucking much.
troons really want to be part of that group? again i’m astounded by their lack of empathy for women being raped and murdered just for existing.
No. 1182837
>>1182811that's so disgusting, holy fuck.
how the fuck do people read that and rate it more than 1 star?
No. 1182852
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the pushback continues, super straight was the beginning of silenced voices being heard
No. 1182867
>>1182849I think they did to cover their obvious pandering because more and more people can't overlook this totally biased bullshit from reddit. "hey, see, we also banned this! Totally equality!! Anyways, let's suck some girlcock"
>>1182852Seeing the amount of regret is truly horrific and it is even worse that they get little or no help when they want to detrans. Once you are in the trans cult, you have damn hard time coming out of this. They are being told that they NEED to stay that way now when they regret it.
Also kek at all troons being like "nononon don't say that you need to stay that way. DetransAwarenessDay is twansphobic!1". Also how funny how some of the woke twitter fags in my tl are silent about this even when they wet themselves over trans shit all the time.
No. 1182879
>>1182836>being raped just for existingYep. After reading this thread, I see that it's part of "being female" that they understand only in a non-real, abstract, absolutely pornified way.
They fap to the idea of it, and they wonder why we would see it as such a bad thing.
No. 1182939
>>1182933well, at least he knows that nobody wants to fuck a piece of shit lol. it really hurts my brain reading bot versions because they throw so many buzzwords around that it makes it barely readable … not that it makes any sense in the first place
>>1182936Guten Abend!
No. 1182948
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>>1182796Ethan Klein is looking rough these days
No. 1182959
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>>1182933we discussed this disgusting zine in our radfem group too. woke liberal german instagram went fucking batshit insane on womens day and every left "politfluencer" posted some shit about how it's transphobic to say womens day and even public television broadcaster zdf posted infographics about what TERFs are on 8. march, i absolutely hate it here. 27 women had to die because of femicide this year already in germany but libfems instead focus on pandering to men who wanna cut their dicks off
No. 1182996
>>1182822>>1182933I've grown to genuinely hate these people.
>>1182959Germany sounds as bad as the US, if not even worse. It's fucked up how hypnotized the west as a whole has gotten with this whole bullshit "movement".
No. 1183003
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The Guardian runs a front page with pictures of women who were killed, alongside Eddie Izzard in the top corner, talking about how he's been "promoted" to she. It's a perfect image of the differences between women and trans"women".
No. 1183004
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>>1182822Lmao he is literally just a useless hole that nobody wants.
No. 1183007
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>>1183003Yeah this one really boiled my piss. Picrel the heading for the article inside.
No. 1183013
>>1182811At this point, nothing will make me call them women. They can put me in fucking prison for all i care.
>>1182796Wow what a pathetic looking creature. Why do they even bother?
No. 1183105
>>1182977nta but thank you.
>>1182933He sounds like someone who never got beaten up. Fucking asshole.
No. 1183171
>>1177680Also nta but tysm
nonny!! This is great.
No. 1183188
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they're always into hypnosis sissification shit. barf
No. 1183429
>>1182959at this point it´s best to reclaim
terf, which I´m glad to see is happening already.
It used to scare me into explaining myself but really, you´re a
terf as soon as you refuse to worship all troons unconditionally. As soon as you even dare to ask questions or lack a good reason as to why you´re not taking the girldique/eat out the penile skin pouch. You´re a woman so you´ll always be in the wrong to these incels and their handmaidens.
Lots of amazing women have been called a
terf. I´m hornored to have something in common with them.
Grüße alle Almanterfs und meine Oma, falls sie das hier liest No. 1183442
File: 1615636737471.jpg (179.08 KB, 960x640, butterkuchen.jpg)

>>1183188I tried to find out what 4/4 sluts with tremple is and only found porn. I hate you.
>>1183429Komm Kuchen essen und über Trannies lästern, meine Lieblingsenkelin!
- Oma
No. 1183491
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Turns out nyabeat (jusagipon) is a mtf.
No. 1183524
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>>1183188motherfucker looks like an underfed, uglier Agent Cooper and wants to troon out. Fucking lol.
No. 1183534
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Does anyone else feel like they’re taunting women? Like god damn they really don’t give a shit about actually integrating in these communities
No. 1183656
>>1182880Cracks me up when corpos pretend to care about human rights.
Pay your employees, Jeff
No. 1183677
File: 1615658324994.jpg (1.06 MB, 3072x4096, EtF_fBxVcAUx41W.jpg)

>>1183442its some shitty game made by another ugly troon who loves anime and calling women "girls" and "sluts"
No. 1183831
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>>1183534The replies are fucking cancerous, jesus.
No. 1183834
>>1183800You most certainly are anon because all troons are like this, even the ones who you think are actually not having some fetish kink. Guarantee if you saw their twitters, you'll find a well of the usual stuff these troons seem to have that's always rooted in some porn whether it's live action porn or animated (hentai).
So this whole "genuine transwoman" thing is just… Naive tbh.
No. 1183845
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>>1183831you love to see it
No. 1183855
>>1183429agree anon. I think the best move is to just accept and embrace the term "
Terf" and stop being afraid to get called it. So many people don't even know what the word really means. It stood for "Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist" but it's a misnomer because "Terfs" don't exclude trans-identified people, they accept trans-identified women ("Transmen") so how are they excluding trans-identified people as a whole?
So really ladies, don't be afraid of the term. Embrace it and have fun with it. There have been so many re-analogies that women have come up with for it.
"Tired of Explaining Reality to Fuckwits"
"Telling Everyone it's Really a Fetish"
Those are a few that I've seen and they actually feel kinda empowering in embracing the term.
No. 1183862
File: 1615673623427.png (3.11 MB, 1536x2048, possible next thread pic.png)

attempt at making the next thread pic.
No. 1183863
File: 1615673728040.jpg (Spoiler Image,40.85 KB, 550x650, MGA2-11-16_Klinefelter.jpg)

>>1183834>>1183835Ntayrt but what about guys with intersex conditions like Klinefelter's? I know someone who has this and their childhood was a constant shitshow of getting bullied by other guys for being uNMaScuLiNe bc they grew moobs and never grew facial hair and had a micropeen. (Same person was also asexual due to low T/atrophy and generally being grossed out by their dick.) I can't blame someone for not wanting to be a man after so many years of dudes being relentlessly shitty to them and telling them they
weren't a man.
I've peaked already bc it seems like 99% of modern-day troons are just pornsick incels who want to live out a bimbofication/sissification/futanari hentai fetish, but idk about ppl like the guy above.
No. 1183869
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>>1182933I always laugh about how insane the US acts when it comes to troons and gender but Germany is embarrassingly similar. I don't want this anymore.
Also: "Schulabrecherin" kek yeah we can tell
No. 1183882
>>1183863This is actually an interesting point and I've wondered about the same thing on multiple occasions. I have a few close friends with naturally occurring hormonal imbalances, one of them being a woman who has a twin brother. There have been some studies on the testosterone levels in twin pregnancies, where it has been shown that the female twins gain higher T levels from the male twin in utero.
esl idk if that phrase made sense She has a very deep voice and a very masculine build and has been struggling with some imo genuine gender dysphoria because of it, aligning herself more with masculinity at times.
In my eyes it has more to do with nonbinary/thord gender identities which I find
valid in these cases, not so much in the performative twitter enby bullshittery. In these cases I also find it sad when they get pushed into trooning through social media instead of exploring their identities in a more personal manner.
sry for blogposting
No. 1183893
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these people are straight up retarded. i really don't have anything else to say, they completely fail to see their own hypocrisy
No. 1183900
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>>1183834idk anon. not to get too OT but there are plenty of trans women who aren't delusional. i mean, i hate men too, but i also recognize many of them can be good allies to us.
No. 1183903
>>1183886>raised his whole life as a manActually this guy was made to wear girl clothes as a kid by his crazy BPD mom who "always wanted a daughter". Not the same thing as female socialization, but still meant that a lot of strangers thought he was a girl and treated him like one.
>does not share the same experiences as womenAgree w/ this. Even someone like this has never had to deal with periods, pregnancy fears, being told they're a slut for expressing mild curiosity about sex, etc.
No. 1183957
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>>1182679Ick, why include asexuals.. They don't want anything to do with that degenerate bullfuckery.
No. 1183961
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troon from lesbian dating app who liked me, how do you politely say i don’t want your ladydick
No. 1183964
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>>1183961Life is so surreal.
No. 1183975
>>1183965I mean, he would just post a gofundme saying he wants to beat up a
Terf that rejected him and he would be at anon’s door in a heartbeat.
No. 1184005
>>1183863Honestly I do feel for men with Klinefelter because they can get treated pretty unfairly by other men but it doesn't change anything. They are still men, they are still male. Just men with a genetic condition and there's nothing wrong with that but that doesn't cancel out their biological reality.
This isn't really a woman's issue because women aren't the ones who harass men with Klinefelter syndrome, it's other men who do that but I think that more men just need to stick up for their fellow man like we women do with each other. They need to stop being so gross to each other and remember that men, just like women come in different shapes and sizes. Of course
toxic masculinity is the root cause of this harassment as well but I'm slowly seeing more men talk about it so it's a start.
No. 1184025
>>1183900"Gender Critical" and "Transwoman" do not go together. No such thing as a "Gender Critical Transwoman/transman". If they really were Gender Critical, they wouldn't be calling themslves "trans" and would be accepting biological reality. In short, these "Transwomen" would just be calling themselves effeminate men but hey don't. Don't be fooled anon, these lot think that if they call themselves Gender Critical or even stupidly, "Radical feminist" they think it will absolve them from being lumped into the delusional men who think they're women category when at the end of the day, that is what they are.
>>1183906All of this.
No. 1184082
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Christ I hate idiots like this.
Virtue signaling for the sake of getting their shit noticed. You saw it with them #BLM stuff, you see it with this too.
No. 1184162
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>>1183862I like it, good job
>>1183863pic related, would you find it healthy for women with PCOS considering transition then? It may be understandable to try and escape the bullying etc by declaring yourself nonbinary or the other sex. But does that mean it´s reasonable and going to make you feel better long term. Does that mean you´re entitled to invade women´s safe spaces?
Of course you feel for men like that. Understandable. No one deserves to be treated like that. But women are not men with low T levels. Men are also not women with high T levels.
>generally being grossed out by their dickWomen are made to feel grossed out by their whole bodies including genitalia all throughout their lives, does that mean it´s reasonable to get a ton of surgery, remove healthy organs
and take pills that fuck up your health?
No. 1184168
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>>1184151NTA but they're probably envisioning someone like Wendy Carlos, who seems like a completely normal person aside from the gender thing. I'm a huge
terf but I also don't blame any man for wanting to be a woman, since women are superior. The issues start when they want to literally be considered women by society. Unfortunately the few 'genuine' ones are massively overshadowed by the remaining cohort of fetishists and perverts.
No. 1184171
>>1184168>wOmEn aRe sUpErIoRugh really cmon
there are literally libfems out there
No. 1184172
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>>1184168I don’t know, he sounds like a pretty typical tranny to me.
No. 1184237
>>1184189This here. As I said before, I do feel for men with Klinefelter but just because they had a shitty upbringing doesn't make them any less of a man or the fact he was still socialized as a man.
What needs to be done is more men need to get their heads out of their asses and stop belittling each other because a few may not live up to the hyper masculine ideal that they push among themselves. And I know this is a total man problem because with women, you never really see us tearing down each other and berating women with conditions like PCOS or suffer from infertility and implying that they are failed women or some shit. That's why I know that on the other end it's a total man's issue and it's not up to us women to fix that.
No. 1184246
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>>1184241I was in your shoes not too long ago. I was also going nuts just thinking about it, but didn't know how to bring it up with my partner and friends.
So instead of straight up saying that I am gender critical and listing my reasons, I would bring up singular things that I found online that trans peopleare saying/doing, for example "have you seen this thing where they call women "people who meanstruate" now? Isnt that crazy?". Most of the normies are bound to agree cause, if their minds are not rotten from the online discourse, they will be able to see how insane that is. Most of the people are naturally gender critical, they may be saying twaw but barely anyone actually believes that. My bf agrees with me that transgenderism is a fetish/mental illness. He has recently started talking to his mates and they all agree too. The superstraight fiasco was great for it, cause you could just casually bring it up in a conversation.
It also really helps that troons themselves are unrepentant degenerates.
No. 1184247
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>>1184168Nah, Walter is as crazy a tranny as anyone else, literally suing someone for writing a silly song with his deadname in it uwu. There literally are no sane, well adjusted trannies.
No. 1184251
>>1184241relatable, the problem is, normies have no idea how bad it really is. Because of how much TRA is pushed and because of how batshit insane the concept of AGP really is. People who have a life will look at YOU weird if you tell them there are grown men who aspire to look like underage loli girls. Who destroy their bodies just to coom and who feel joy from intruding women´s and girls´ safe spaces. Who try to have women wax their ladyballs. Who say little girls are kinky. Who claim to feel emotionally violated by being refused to examinate rape
victims. Who physically assault women in the name of feminism (e.g. that video from you´re kidding on you tube from I think yesterday).
No. 1184260
>>1184241I find the easiest way to peak women is just by asking questions and feigning ignorance. All trans rhetoric eventually hits a wall, you've just got to lead it there. Ask how they know they feel like a woman and, if anybody brings up stereotypical gender things like dolls or skirts, ask if that's how women are defined, ask if transgenderism is body dysmorphia, ask about the surgeries, etc etc.
I never say my opinion really, I just innocently question things until they blue screen.
>>1184222Reclaim the Night was started by a group with a
TERF that believes SRS is mutilation but yeah, stick it to the terfs with your shitty poster! Why have they injected themselves into a movement that exists because of female
victims? Both the initial
victims that spurred the cause (Yorkshire ripper
victims) and the most recent
victim that kicked off this march (Sarah Everard) were females, most likely targeted solely because of that. Let them have their justice.
No. 1184265
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>>1182620Thought I'd look into this.
The ONS didn't have any statistics for trans murder
victims in the UK so unfortunately I couldn't do a like for like comparison as it would have meant their average was 0. To be extra fair to team trans, I used THEIR numbers, which average out to one murder per year with a trans
victim. The number of female
victims per year has not dropped below 160 for a decade.
I also want to point out that the ONS statistics are for England and Wales, so they exclude numbers from parts of the UK and Jersey Islands.
Transrespect estimated 369 trans
victims GLOBALLY between Sep 2017- Oct 2018. Between Apr 2017 and Mar 2018, the ONS estimates 227 female
victims in England and Wales ALONE.
No. 1184271
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even when the trannybucks dry up, they go back to male presenting, 42 year old freak talking to literal children and upset he didnt nice presents like a supposed groomer coomer vtuber friend,
No. 1184272
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>>1184271this is a creep who stole thousands of dollars, lied to so many acquaintances, thrown from so many actual groups of shit, changes between being family friendly then "i just wan play vidja and suck you boys dick"
No. 1184274
File: 1615731527969.jpg (445.26 KB, 960x1280, Ev4VFd3VcAcCX0x.jpg)

devi ever/amber coal/izzimouse/and so many more. long time grift and thief and now found he can lure in kids with his femme voice and ask them to buy him shit.
uses a 6 year old photo to promote his looks. faggot looks like scarecrow had a thinner inbred cousin
No. 1184293
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>>1184288The juxtaposition kills me.
No. 1184386
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la creatura. this is u/AllyWhorefrost on reddit kek
No. 1184431
File: 1615745716975.webm (4.03 MB, 480x852, tumblr_qny1z5JRJv1sspc3a_480.w…)
that buldge on that 'lesbian'
No. 1184435
>>1184162>would you find it healthy for women with PCOS considering transition then?My sister has PCOS, and still enjoys being a woman and looking like one, so no I don't recommend women with PCOS to transition. My tranny friend didn't take female hormones because he wanted to stop getting bullied by other guys (although that did happen), but because he wanted the physical changes estrogen would give him.
My opinion is that other people should be free to do (most) anything that makes them happy in terms of body modification, which includes piercings and tattoos as well as hormones. I think genital surgery is a bad idea in most cases (high risk of complications, etc) and I don't encourage anyone to change their bodies in any way if they're only doing it due to social pressure.
>>1184168> I also don't blame any man for wanting to be a woman, since women are superiorKek, this exactly.
>>1184189>society sets a standard for men and refuses to deviate from itAgree. But shouldn't guys be free to rebel against these standards by taking estrogen and growing boobs? What if they never claim to be women, does that make it OK? Flat-chested women can want bigger breasts purely for aesthetic reasons, can't men feel the same?
No. 1184457
>>1184431the last scene or outfit of that clip made me feel so revolted. It
all feels like mockery. He dresses in the so-called 'empowering''gnc' uniform celebrity women wear to prove to us he's not like other woman? so that it makes him a woke woman?? im too stupid to articulate what i mean but, ugh fuck this, stfu scrote.
No. 1184468
>>1184274Whoa, THAT'S izzimouse?
Keeps coming up in my YT recommendations and I watched out of curiosity once. Vids are cartoon/avatar format…..
Totally thought it was a ftm because it calls itself a "catboi"
No. 1184508
>>1184498Just AllyWhorefrost then
>>1184386Or an AGP-HER profile
No. 1184524
>>1183935this troon really saying they look like angelina jolie.
wew lad
No. 1184528
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This is alarming to me? They went on to say “ standard cis female blood test 150-500 pg/mL.” Can this harm them somehow?
No. 1184618
>>1184528yes, that high of estrogen is insanely destructive to his body. but any dose of estrogen is destructive. they’re creating a hormone imbalance in their body, not transitioning to a woman. their body’s natural levels of hormones is suited for men. they can’t just trick their bodies into thinking it’s a female body and needs the estrogen. their body just starts wrecking all their shit bc it’s not at the right balance. hence why their dick shrinks and they start losing muscle mass and hair.
it’s exactly like steroids and yet one is illegal to take in competitive sports and the other isn’t…