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No. 343521

Jillian Vessey, also known as Pixielocks, of late LACE infamy, is a 26-year-old washed-up Youtuber residing in Fredericton, NB, Canada. She is infamous for her DID & Autism LARPs on social media. She trivializes mental health while managing to compartmentalize every single personality flaw of hers, all while hyping up dubious diagnostic impressions that she received from a poorly-trained “therapist” that wasn’t licensed to diagnose patients. She has been poorly received in a variety of online communities, due in part to her egotism & passive-aggression.

She has eagerly accepted her life changing DID diagnostic impression, & started her LARP with a “Congrats on the DID Diagnosis” cake. She has struggled to maintain this LARP for nearly 4 years, all while smoking copious amounts of cannabis, faking epileptic seizures on her TikTok, & getting into petty arguments with 14-ear-olds from the Pretty Cure Twitter fandom. As the popularity of DID LARPing fades, Jill is promptly moving towards an ASD LARP to keep her waning fanbase interested in her boring & passé content slop.

Early Years:
>Began her run on LCF on /snow/ as a “pansexual” personality involved in the Lolita community.
>Well known in the LACE community for causing drama, poorly photoshopping her pictures while denying it, wearing shit coords, & being a notorious NLOL (Not Like Other Lolitas).
>Later left the LACE community after complaining of petty drama & disagreeing with the community’s “restrictive rules" to created her own “fashion style” in rebellion, called “Party Kei.” It was poorly received by the community & she quickly abandoned it altogether.
>Visited Japan with her mother, on trip paid for by her mother. The main purpose of this trip was for Jill to spend money on Japanese plastic crap. Jill refused to eat Japanese food during this trip & instead consisted on American fast-food.
>Originally, her online content consisted of videos covering Lolita fashion & Magical-Girl anime, before switching to covering topics revolving around “mental health positivity,” which included discussions about: her history of self-harm; her struggling with an unspecified eating disorder; & her severe anxiety.
>Infamous for her egotistic personality - she will inflate her skills & knowledge on topics, like fashion, sewing, cartoons, etc., to appear more important than she really is.

Current Relevant Info.:
>Enjoys the attention she receives online & in-person that accompanies her claims of multiple severe mental illnesses. She has been LARPing DID for almost 4 years now after ingratiating herself to the online DID LARPer community for several months prior. In the last year, she’s slowly been shifting her content towards an ASD LARP as the online DID community continues to lose relevance.
>Has never directly confirmed the trauma that led to her development of DID. Originally, she claimed to have been born with a “dissociative-prone personality,” but later retconned this by bread-crumbing tidbits about a supposed childhood history of severe neglect & abuse, which is contrary to everything we’ve seen about her childhood before this.
>Is incredibly thin-skinned & self-conscious; she has a history of over-reacting to any criticism, posting meltdowns on Twitter, & deleting comments that are critical of her choices or behaviours. She is known in several online communities for her passive-aggressive behaviour & weaponizing her following against lesser-known influencers & Twitter personalities.
>Her sexuality has always been a sliding-scale, & she often changes her sexuality to benefit her & ingratiate her to the gendie tenderqweer crowd. She’s gone from pansexual, to queer, to lesbian, to pansexual once again. She has never had a same-sex relationship outside of an old long-distance internet relationship she maintained as a teenager on DeviantArt.
>Has a history of substance abuse. She has been a daily cannabis smoker since moving to Fredericton, & she has been known to binge-drink on occasion. For many years, she was taking prescribed Seroquel to that her mental issues, but recently she has weaned off Seroquel in favour of Wellbutrin.
>Since graduating from community college, she has been trying to launch her own fashion line: “Five Petal Flower,” & although it’s been years, she has yet to launch it.
>Was featured in a professional psychology conference hosted by MacLean in a presentation about DID-fakers. Consequently had a prolonged melt-down on Twitter, threatening legal action against MacLeans. Has called this event “traumatic,” & claims that it inspired her to split more alters.
>Currently she has been unemployed for nearly ~5 years, she adamantly refuses to get a part-time job while clinging to the fantasy that she will become a successful YTber. Her YT channel has been performing very poorly in recent years; most videos struggle to make it past 15k views.
>After years of dating, her Nigel has finally proposed to her.

Meet the Alters:
>Pixie: The collective name of all the alters, but is also used interchangeably with the name Jillian. Is a "genderfluid they/them".
>Jillian: Rainbow emoji. 25, but "age slides" from 4-25. This is actually just herself, but she herself is both an alter & the host. Desperately wants to have autism.
>Jerrick: Snake emoji. 17, formerly 14-16. A recently “fused" alter that used to be Jill's co-host. Fused because his BPD symptoms were “therapized.” Emo TIF. Conveniently held all her BPD traits which have magically disappeared since he's fused. Entire personality was being angry & liking green. Like all the alters, is into drag.
>Veronica: Manicure emoji, formerly flame emoji. 21 year old horny alter. She is a “protector of sexual trauma”. Says she had to become a "fuckable plaything" because she was “raped for months”. Was going to be intersex, but Jill didn't want to deal with the backlash & decided against it.
>Berry: Strawberry emoji. 4-6 year old. Talks & acts like a baby. Is always “co-fronting” in some way. Had her name previously withheld for “safety reasons”. Is for some reason triggered out by positive things like holidays & presents & is "trauma-free".
>Cliffe: Sprout emoji, formerly club emoji. 35 year old old scrote. Her "homosexual assistant". Combo of her dad, sweetie angel therapist, & Ian Bruce. Formerly a mix between her dad & Sasha Velour. Somehow too old for social media, but responsible enough to come out when she does taxes.
>Flora: Cherry blossom emoji. 18 year old fictive. Used to be a fragment, but became a full alter. She is supposed to be Cure Flora & all the pink PreCures. She is a blonde, sweet lolita.
>Jax: Test tube emoji. 19 year old “character salad” that speaks & types with a Brooklyn accent. She's a fictive of Harley Quinn (Batman), Jinx (Arcane), & Spinel (Steven Universe). Apparently was born from watching Arcane while having major trauma. “Hypersexual”.
>Sandwich: Sandwich emoji. Cat alter. Represents how lost she felt moving to a new city. Not much else is currently known about it.
>Amanda: Not much has been said about her. Note that Jillian’s middle name is actually Amanda.
>Ramona: An alter that was only announced after she fused with Jillian. After doing so, Jillian suddenly wanted to start playing the piano again.
>Sunny: Shooting star emoji. 14. Another PreCure fictive for all the yellow ones. She's "energetic" & positive in a way that's "crazy". Basically just Flora, but hyper. Can't "mask".
>Amber: Partly cloudy emoji. 20, but formerly 25. She's edgy & has freckles. Also yellow. Formed at the same time as Sunny in response to the McLean video drama. Supposed to look the most normal.
>Seb: Emoji unknown. 26, "Cool dude." Masculine & a grown-up version of Jerrick but a younger version of cliffe. Came about when Jerrick fused & is supposed to protect Jill from self harm. Struggles with trich & likes cutting hair. Has a romantic relationship with Steve.

Last Thread's Milk:
Selfie of "Seb" (spoiler: its just Jill in a black shirt): >>339831
Pony wall livestream: >>340209
Jill gets a haircut at a salon that is "autism-friendly:" >>340676
Christmas vlog of Jill LARPing stereotypical autism symptoms: >>340837
Hair dying livestream: >>340951
Wrapping presents video with more overt autism bread-crumbing: >>341215
Makes a guest appearance on video about ponies "as someone who's neurodivergent:" >>341299
Jills terrible drag performance as Sailor Mars: >>341903 & >>342371
January stream: >>342392
Video in which Jill claims to be disabled: "I have, on paper, by definition, disabilities" (Note: this is an outright lie that is easy to disprove): >>342911

Jill's social media Links are included in the first comment below.


No. 343523

Social Media & Other Links:
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpi2P_y-wXa7q84C-46U6ZA/featured
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pixieelocks/
Instagram 2: https://www.instagram.com/villainyswells/ (used to be @pixieespam)
Twitter (Main): https://twitter.com/pixieeelocks/
Twitter #2 Now Private (“Jerrick” alter): https://twitter.com/villainyswells
Twitter #3 - Now Private (“Sweetie” alters, previously @xcherrybombica): https://twitter.com/pixie_petals
Twitter #4 - Private ("Seb" alter): https://x.com/theworldwideseb
Bluesky - https://bsky.app/profile/pixielocks.bsky.social
Current Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@multipetalpixie
Second Current Tiktok Now Private: https://www.tiktok.com/@pixieelocks
(Past) TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@pixieelocksCosplay
(Past) Second Tiktok for her alters: https://www.tiktok.com/@pixieeesystem/
Facebook Page #1: https://www.facebook.com/pixielockss/
Facebook Page #2: https://facebook.com/cosplaypixie/
Threads: https://www.threads.net/@pixieelocks
Moonmist Girls Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/moonmistgirls/
Moonmist Girls Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/moonmistgirls/
Old Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/xhellodecemberx/journal/
Old Blog: http://pixie-locks.blogspot.com
Drag Facebook page: https://facebook.com/pixieandvillainy/

Meet the Side Characters:
>Louise Vessey
Jillian’s doting mother. Louise has been an important side character throughout Jill’s history, being the one that originally funded her Lolita lifestyle, Japan trip, shopping hauls, and her move to Fredericton. No matter how much Jill says she had an abusive childhood, from everything we’ve seen about Louise, it’s safe to say that she has done nothing but love and support (both financially and emotionally) her daughter. Louise had cancer when Jill was a teenager, and Jill somehow managed to make this all about herself.
>Stephen (“Stevie”) Clarke
Jill’s long-time boyfriend, and now: fiancé. Stephen (also commonly referred to as “Steven,”) was originally the boyfriend of one of Jill’s close friends. Jill ended up stealing her friend’s man, and the rest is history. He is originally from PEI and graduated from a university there with a degree in Journalism, but later moved to Fredericton to accompany Jill. He has a failed Youtube career, his most noteworthy video being about his intense struggle with porn-addiction. Originally a typical porn-sick moid, he has progressed through the years to become a porn-sick gender-special qweer, with many anons speculating on an eventual Troon-out. He has been known to message underage girls on Twitter to defend Jill against their gossip, and has also issued open invitations for others to age-regress at his & Jill’s home.
>Sofia (“Sof”)
Jill’s “best friend” and long-time cosplay partner. Sof was (and perhaps, still is) a farmer that used Jill’s LC threads to talk shit about her and share intimate milk. She slipped up once while sharing milk, leaving in her profile picture in one of the screen-caps, and farmers quickly connected the dots. After this came to light, Jill quickly found out, either from an admission by Sof, or, simply because Jill lurks these threads quite often herself. Jill quickly forgave Sof, and their friendship resumed, although some farmers noticed that their friendship became more competitive as time went on. Jill frequently tries to upstage Sof, like trying to out-do her at drag performances; or, tries to sabotage Sof, like when Jill walked out on a duo cosplay performance at a local convention leaving Sof to perform alone. Sof got engaged sometime in the last year, and many speculate that perhaps this engagement spurred Jill to badger Stephen about a proposal to outshine Sof.

Previous Threads:
1: >>>/pt/108478
2: >>>/snow/25169
3: >>>/snow/93376
4: >>>/snow/154765
5: >>>/snow/215023
6: >>>/snow/258245 (Japan Trip with Louise)
7: >>>/snow/271275
8: >>>/snow/285759
9: >>>/snow/303929
10: >>>/snow/318441
11: >>>/snow/338259
12: >>>/snow/358781
13: >>>/snow/375960
14: >>>/snow/393066
15: >>>/snow/408269
16: >>>/snow/428929
17: >>>/snow/445432
18: >>>/snow/455122
19: >>>/snow/477079
20: >>>/snow/490876
21: >>>/snow/515612
22: >>>/snow/531526
23: >>>/snow/540457
24: >>>/snow/558614
25: >>>/snow/582890
26: >>>/snow/616989
27: >>>/snow/646275
28: >>>/snow/679806
29: >>>/snow/720365
30: >>>/snow/739688
31: >>>/w/3116
32: >>>/w/33281
33: >>>/w/42916
34: >>>/w/59471
35: >>>/w/74104
36: >>>/w/87679
37: >>>/w/99779
38: >>>/w/111715
39: >>>/w/127283
40: >>>/w/143253 (Fashion Program: End of Year Collection)
41: >>>/w/154731
42: >>>/w/164089
43: >>>/w/176591 (DID Cake Post Mid-Thread)
44: >>>/w/182427 (DID Saga Begins)
45: >>>/w/185184
46: >>>/w/188928
47: >>>/w/192544
48: >>>/w/197246
49: >>>/w/215574
50: >>>/w/223174
51: >>>/w/229290
52: >>>/w/234970
53: >>>/w/241369
54: >>>/w/245171
55: >>>/w/249612
56: >>>/w/252849
57: >>>/w/255155
58: >>>/w/257065
59: >>>/w/260969
60: >>>/w/267937
61: >>>/w/274761
62: >>>/w/285667
63: >>>/w/289660
64: >>>/w/294609
65: >>>/w/300536 (Cosplay Meltdown 2023)
67: >>>/w/303924
68: >>>/w/307737
69: >>>/w/310853
70: >>>/w/313646
71: >>>/w/313646
72: >>>/w/316686
73: >>>/w/319202
74: >>>/w/322787
75: >>>/w/325508 (Proposal)
76: >>>/w/328662
77: >>>/w/336444 (Jerrick is Murdered)
78: >>>/w/339817
79: >>>/w/339817

No. 343524

This is my first time making a cow thread in a while. I thought it was time that Jill's OP got a refresh, so I included more information about her background and tried to streamline her alter list to make it easier to read. The body of the OP was a bit too long, so I had to separate her social links into the first post. I decided to add a brief description of the side characters to Jill's antics, just for reference's sake. I also finally numbered the previous thread list, I'm not sure why it took so long to do that. Shoutout to the anon that made the original #80 that got locked, I stole your milk recap kek.

No. 343525

Thank you for using the thread pic we all voted for

No. 343526

sage for unimportant but Stevie isn't from PEI, he's originally from Thunder Bay. He didn't move to Fredericton to be with Jill, he already lived and worked there. He used to live with Maggie before moving in with Jill.

No. 343528

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Jillian celebrates the cat that she has almost killed by leaving dumb shit on the floor. The "recent pic" is an weird low-quality picture wheres she's leaning and trying her hardest to not look massive. Possibly insecure about having to post old pics of herself and showing the downgrade.
Great thread OP!

No. 343529

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Mama Vessey genes kicking her ass

No. 343530

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No. 343531

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No. 343532

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This is her moms cat and likely not neglected. My bad

No. 343533

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No. 343534

The cat that almost died was Niko, the ragdoll who still lives with her parents. Serena (pictured) lives with her and Stephen, not sure why other anon thinks it's her mum's cat.

No. 343536

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Birthday ebegging from our “technically disabled” queen

No. 343537

God I hope she stays away from Doremi.

No. 343538

She's liked it for a while. She had her name on stuff as Ojamajo BPD for a bit in reference to it.

No. 343539


Sage, but "diagnostic impressions that she received from a poorly-trained “therapist”" isn't 100% true. He recommended her for the test, but it was a couple of other doctors that did it/gave the impression. He was just a counselor.

No. 343540

this is not true. go back and read.

No. 343542

It is true. There was a team involved, and angel therapist was one of those people

No. 343545

"a team involved" usually means your therapist does the testing and then other therapists and/or psychiatrists look over it to avoid bias and spot patterns of lying, etc. A psychiatrist needs to be involved in the team if a diagnosis is to be given, Jill has most likely never met anyone in the team

No. 343546

??? The word team can refer to any group of people working together. The therapist referred her to the "forensics expert" and also went over those results with her.

No. 343548

She literally has it tattooed on her

No. 343554

that's not correct. where are you pulling this bull from? jill was never this specific about the impression.

No. 343556

the "team" is something Jill has brought up before, but it wasn't until quite a long time afterwards and I don't really remember it being brought up by her in this deep detail unless it was in a video, I can't stand her voice so I rely on anon recaps. Before that it was only the angel therapist and this dubious so-called forensic expert. She is so prone to lying and exaggerating she might call those two together a "team of doctors" to make it sound more serious, or she's pulling a Momokun with her team of lawyers kek

No. 343558

She has said it was her angel therapist who went over the diagnostic impression with her, and she said that the forensics expert is the one who interviewed her (she mentioned that this woman could "tell if she was lying"). How do you think the therapist got these results? Use your brain.

No. 343560

Damn Jill has literally never been cute. She has Mr.Bean features when she's skinny and looks like the moon emoji when she's fat. tragic

No. 343561

She's so proud of having the most stereotypical, purely for aesthetics spoiled girl pet, it's so lame. I know her mom is the one who buys from breeders, but I guess she had to learn how to be shallow from someone.

No. 343562

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why is she like this

No. 343564

Emoji guy could literally say sneezing is a trauma response and Jill would reply saying it's dissociation.

No. 343568

The cats are pretty, but their obsession with only getting pure breeds is disgusting imo

No. 343569

>The word team can refer to any group of people working together
yes, but in the context of public mental health care, it most likely means a team in the sense that one or two people do interviews (might switch if specialised in different areas), a few other therapists go over the results, and a psychiatrist is also involved if there is indication of a diagnosis. when you get a report after going through public service, they need to describe the process, and the end of the process is the results being examined by a team, and is described as such on paper. this is most likely what jill has referred to. however, the patient doesn't really physically meet anyone in that team outside of the person/people that did the diagnostic interviews because it's not necessary. it's not even common to meet the psychiatrist who sets the actual diagnosis unless you're going to go on medication for your mental illness

No. 343578

Holy shit I hate this bitch so much, No Jillian catatonia is a response so severe you need emergency psychiatric care. It’s not dissociating and it is not simply freezing because you’re so high you experience executive dysfunction you fat retarded malingerer. The way she treats these terms like they’re all on the same level shows how ignorant she is and its infuriating that nobody calls out her blatant misuses and conflations.

No. 343582

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this, pretty much.

No. 343583

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Current views. I added the Pinkie Pie video again because still getting views.

No. 343584

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Here's the views on her drag short.

No. 343587

i'm surprised she doesn't call it executive dysfunction (since she larps autism and breadcrumbs adhd) instead of full on larping a schizophrenic seizure that lasts for hours or days. i don't get how people who are so terrible at lying and don't even do research get away with their lies. sage for blog, but reminds me of a girl i went to highschool with who constantly faked having a "bad knee" whenever the focus wasn't on her. the origin story of said bad knee and what knee was the bad knee changed all the time. i think people "believed" her out of pity, i wonder if people like steve and louise do too. like they know she's lying for attention but are too cowardly to call her shit out instead of enabling her. but i think her twitter following believe her because most of them are edgy children who are in the "mental illness is cool and makes me quirky and unique" phase which is almost always a cope for being bullied or not having friends

No. 343593

"just" catatonia as if that's something we all experience everyday

No. 343595

This might be an unpopular opinion but I'm going to post it anyway. Nonas like to say Jill isn't disabled, but what the fuck do you call someone who's so dysfunctional in society and separated from reality that they pretend to have an animal crossing world in their head? It doesn't matter if she was just spoiled as a child, actually raped or whatever - fact is she does not function in society.(wrong thread)

No. 343598

Sorry for non contribution but I just have to say that I really like the addition of side character summaries. Good job nona

No. 343601

you don’t need to “call” it anything because she creates her own problems. disabled people don't decide these things for themselves, they're disabled because they don't have a choice and they certainly aren't smiling over it. jill could easily function in society, she just chooses not to because she's a self-obsessed narcissist who wants asspats and a get-out-of-jail-free card for every single thing she does. she's a spoiled brat and privileged enough where she can afford to laze around and smoke weed and tweet all day about her pretend-problems. she's dysfunctional because she chooses to be. there doesn't need to be a label for it. people like her are dysfunctional because they refuse to address the actual problem so they make up distractions. in her case it's the glaring personality disorder she was actually diagnosed with, which clusterbees are infamously hard to treat because they don't see themselves as a problem. her problem is herself, she just wants to be enabled by everyone and could function in society if she tried but she doesn't want that, she wants to be coddled and treated like she's an ill disabled baby. she chose this life and she will die on that hill. she's sick in the head but not in the way she wants to/pretends to be. it's all a distraction and she'll lie and double-down as much as possible over it. there are a lot of people who are like jill who can, and do, "function" in society every day. but honestly "functioning" in society doesn't really mean anything, because there are plenty of disabled people out there who drive and even have a job. jill can drive and can (poorly) dance/perform in drag shows and conventions, she functions when she wants to. she's in an extremely privileged position where she gets to pick and choose how she spends her time and what she does with her life & she's so bored and empty that this is how she chooses to spend that time, unfortunately. by larping/malingering/playing pretend and wrapping her shitty personality in a bow of sparkle emojis and virtue-signaling. she has the time to tweet 24/7, make up alters, talk about herself on videos and streams for hours, and stir up drama but will never actually take the time to better herself

No. 343605

You call them self-obsessed, self-destructive, selfish morons with a personality disorder. Not disabled. Mentally or physically.

No. 343606

That's not what disability is, jesus christ

No. 343607

you call them factitious attention seekers because that's what she is. you said it yourself, she pretends she has an animal crossing island in her head, she doesn't believe it

No. 343610

Not functioning in society =\= disability. She's behind in life and refuses to grow up, she's not disabled. A lot of her problems could be solved with effort, maybe she'll never be a true normie but that doesn't mean she can't put down the joint for a minute and get her shit together. She could live an easy life without all the added mental illness larping, she never needed to larp it in the first place; her life was already low risk and comfortable. Nobody who is actually disabled is giddy about it, disability is something you don't choose in life unless you're "cwazy" like Jilly is.

No. 343614

Losers. They’re called losers.
Failing to launch because you’re from a well off family that pays your cushy townhouse rent isn’t a disability. Neither is covid-era stir craziness. And being mentally ill is a separate category from being disabled.
Jill is a mentally ill spoiled loser and that is a big difference. She wants the accommodations and pity that retards and paralyzed people get, for being a dramatic recluse.

No. 343615

I think she looks nice in this picture but idk why she is wearing a church choir robe

No. 343616

you forgot your
>t. fellow womanchild leech with a personality disorder

No. 343617

Why do all fakers always mimic the same retard face? Like, you can be autistic or neurodivergent and look like everyone else.

No. 343619

Interesting how she gives off "spoiled happy normie girl" in these photos and "unhappy unfulfilled adult with mental illness" in these, I wonder why:

No. 343621

Lmao nona, it's a graduation robe

No. 343632

She doesn't function in society because she chooses not to. When she was in highschool, she a a few jobs, participated in theatre, and did youtube. Her better adjusted fans probably loved her back then. Her videos were even bareable to watch, sometimes even fun if she shared a bit of her real life. But since turning into a malingering cunt, she pretends to have all these serious conditions to make you feel bad for her. She's expecting you to fall for it or assume that something's very wrong with her. Other than being extremely attention seeking she's fine and everyone knows it. She's not disabled or delusional.

No. 343638

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Lil late for that

No. 343644

She could have just stayed a slightly chubby nothingburger weeb who did cosplay on the side and worked for some quirky local business while selling stickers and pins online and getting regular handouts from mommy and daddy. Community college education or not. Like that sounds like an extremely chill, peaceful life. She still could have an ugly ass rainbow townhouse and purebred cats and a creepy loser fiancee. This is 100000% all about attention. Her pathological need for attention is so disgusting and like nothing else I have ever seen.

No. 343647

The cardboard just glued to the toes of the boots always makes me laugh

No. 343656

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No. 343657

smoking too much weed is not a disability kek. jill might be a bpdchan but her life would improve exponentially if she just put the bong down and stopped making up shit for attention on the internet. her sailor mars dance routine may have been silly but it's a far healthier activity for her than pretending to have several different disorders

No. 343658

jill wishes she took things as literally as you do nonna

No. 343661

You and Jillian are vidrel.(non-contribution)

No. 343670

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>Fashion is kinda the last thing on my mind atm
She needs to give up the ghost and just go be a munchie since that's all she gives a shit about anymore.

No. 343671

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No. 343672

>for all my fellow workaholics
>"omg i need this"
fucking kek

No. 343676

>"Fashion is kinda the last thing on my mind atm"
>Fashion school graduate
>Last outfit she made for a show was a rushed mess

If she's not focusing on fashion anymore, (the only thing she actually studied for) what the fuck is she wasting her time on? Besides Patreon and retarded armchair diagnosing ponies on YouTube the fact that she has enough money to sustain herself is embarrassing. She could've kept making ugly dresses to sell, at least that's not as bad as her source of income being killing OC's and acting autistic on camera, that's Chris Chan type shit.

No. 343679

we need an OC battle royale to bet on.

No. 343682

Isn’t one of her goals for the new year to finally launch her shop? The fuck does she mean fashion is the last thing on her mind kek

No. 343683

Bitch you can't even post your content on time and you're literally getting paid to ramble about yourself for a few hours

No. 343684

The fact that she interacted with this and said "fashion is the last thing on my mind right now" literally hours before >>343670 is so funny. What's she working on if it's not fashion? Her shitty YouTube career that was built around her interest in fashion? I bet she's just going to transition to full-time terminally online pegasister, until she yet again gets chased out of the fandom.

No. 343691

>consumption is protest
Kek what is this, the 19th century Russian pampered faux-progressive intelligentsia again? Wearing a froofy outfit and sitting around circlejerking your peers is groundbreaking? Jill is such a joke. She wants to see herself as a tragic victim and a savant and a heroic martyr and charity worker all in one but she’s completely unremarkable and selfish. But sure, wearing your aliexpress sweatshop pastel lingerie top inside your bougie dragon hoard house is so totally revolutionary and will destroy fascism or whatever. Wow, her bravery and magnanimity are unmatched.

No. 343694

I can't imagine what she does all day. If fashion is the last thing on her mind and yet she implies she is such a workaholic when she struggles to get out a video every two weeks then what. The fuck. Is she doing all day. I would love to hear her explain with details and specific time stamps what a day in her life looks like.

No. 343695

she probably spends most of her time doomscrolling on social media, watching cartoons, and searching for new symptoms for her larps kek

No. 343696

smoking weed & browsing/posting on social media sprinkled with pestering steebie in between those two activities
>and searching for new symptoms for her larps kek
100% this kek

No. 343697

I kinda knew this was going to be the answer but I think I'm in denial that one can have such a depressing existence and not do absolutely anything about it.

No. 343698

Depression, for a lot of people.
In her case though I think it's more of an anxiety/fear of change + denial issue. After all, on paper and if you don't kow her, it works: a house, a fiance, a 'job' (it pays the bills somewhat, so so long as she doesn't go into detail about it it works too)
She can get away with it if she needs to be in contact with normies (or more likely, that's what her mom tells people, and leaves it at that.)

No. 343699

i think it's because in her mind everything is going her way. we can always tell when things aren't going her way because she throws tantrums online over it. she's content with the mediocrity because it's easier for her to distract herself with malingering in her rainbow dungeon than for her to realize how much of a loser and a failure she is. it's probably hard for her to see outside of herself and her giant ego and her addictions, and a lot easier for her to be content with living on social media. all she seems to want is attention, so she seeks it online… and that's that. she's a spoiled brat with hugely inflated ego/self-importance and other DID larpers enjoy enabling her too. it's bleak but she literally has all of the means to make her life better, but that would require effort or to have any amount of self-reflection or desire to get better. but because of her bpd she doesn't see a reason to get better, because they don't normally see things that way, but especially so if she's already getting what she wants. she's just really pathetic and empty, so she leads a pathetic and empty life. she has it easy and chooses to pretend she's living life on hardmode every day, it's preposterous and retarded but she has this much free time on her hands to be that desperate and pathetic. if she wasn't such a horrible person i would pity her, but i don't and i hope that this eventually comes back around to bite her in the ass
>on paper and if you don't kow her, it works: a house, a fiance, a 'job'
this is also true. makes it all the more infuriating since she has everything she needs to live a functional, healthy life. she doesn't appear to be struggling financially, she has a support system and a family who would be willing to help her if she wanted to seek it out. but instead she cries ableism every other day, larps being a fashion designer, larps autism, creates a laundry list of conditions and symptoms that she does not have but is so happy to fake and double-down over it at any moment. she's genuinely pathetic, it kind of disgusts me to watch her smug smile knowing what a manipulative bitch she is

No. 343700

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Jillian is live right now with ass-pats only chat on. She always looks so sickly to me but even more so right now. I was wondering why her new haircut looked so familiar to me, then I realized it was the same haircut my grandma had. She really looks like an elderly rainbow granny

No. 343701

Seriously why does her skin look like this? She's 26. She doesn't go outside in the sun, smoke regular cigarettes or drink. Her face looks older than a lot of people in their 30s. I know Louise genetics are bad but this is sad. What the fuck is she doing? Is it the meds?

No. 343702

Terrible diet + weed.

I'm 100% certain she's eating even less healthy food like vegetables since starting to larp autism. At times she hints at it. She saw "food aversion" as a trait and decided that it must be her, so now instead of being an adult and eating healthily she has convinced herself and people around her that she CAN'T eat it due to autism. When she eats a veggie she makes a super big deal out of it "look I'm TRYING something new despite the autism and this being REALLY hard for me" so she can't just casually decide to eat healthy because it would prove she's lying to herself and others.

No. 343703

She used to talk about never washing her makeup off before she would go to sleep. She has no skincare routine. She smokes her weed. She barely drinks water and mostly consumes coffee and energy drinks. She eats like shit. Her skin looks like what I would expect it to.

No. 343706

She WANTS to look bad, it fuels her disability larp

No. 343709

she legit needs to get out of the house for a couple hours each day and actually eat a proper meal. its painfully written all over her pasty vitamin deficient face that she does nothing but sit on her ass all day.

No. 343712

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Got her hair cut yesterday so it's shorter. Her hair is now slivery white with rainbow bangs but made the rainbow colours go too far back. Suppose to be peekaboo colours. New video hopefully going out tomorrow about her hair journey. She's doing fashion shows. I screenshot the transcript about it for the timestamps. Excited to see how this unfolds.

No. 343714

sage for tinfoil but i think she looks a bit bulimic here. bulimia can give you a puffy face. i hope she's not though(tinfoiling)

No. 343715

That's true, but she thinks she looks 'sick' in a kawaii menhera way, when in reality she looks like a 40+ fat unwashed basement dweller. Seriously, why are her eyelids SO dark

No. 343716

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Jill clarifies she's still into fashion.

No. 343717

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Jill still malding over being called a larper.

No. 343718

It's actually sad how terrible she looks now. Her hair has been getting shorter and shorter over the years because she absolutely refuses to learn how to take care of it. I really do think she'll be bald or using a buzzcut within another year or two. It's just going to keep breaking off, and she's going to keep cutting it shorter and shorter until theres nothing left but rainbow bangs. Her profile pictures look nothing like her at this point.

No. 343719

>She's doing fashion shows
Jill will do every damn thing under the sun except sell the actual fashion, holy shit

No. 343721

So can alcohol.

No. 343723

I don't know why she got it cut again. The only reason I can think of is that it got badly damaged only after a month of having her new haircut. She really should get a buzz cut and swear off dyeing and bleaching her hair. Her natural hair color and texture is so pretty and she owns a few wigs that she could use instead. A wig just for dyeing wouldn't be bad either.

No. 343724

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The cope from her "pics" vs her is shameless. Impressive how much she downgraded. She might have been fatter before but never looked worse physically. All from refusing to grow up.
Also coping about being workalcoholic kek she never mentioned this but streamed next day and talked about releasing a new video tomorrow and her amazing brand kek.

No. 343725

i'm so annoyed by this coconut-head looking bitch. bold of her to put that as the stream thumbnail when she looks like she just got done rolling around in the dumpster

No. 343727

the fucking dark circles under her eyes in the bottom left pic holy shit.

No. 343728

The new excuse is "everything going on with the world" now huh. How does it affect her personally? She has this need to be oppressed in every single way all the time, it's ridiculous.

No. 343729

I can't believe how fried her hair is now holy shit. This is definitely the worst its ever looked, even with the heavy editing in her thumbnail you can still see the stiff hairs poking horizontally out from her head. I agree with >>343723, she needs to start from scratch at this point.

No. 343731

Did she purposely augment her bowl cut to look even more retarded?

No. 343732

No, she just got a haircut that requires styling, and we all knew she would never style it. Lots of haircuts look bad unless styled, and this is one of them.

No. 343735

Isn't it funny how she wrote a long dissertation about how difficult it was to cut her hair because autism. When she posted her haircut pics months ago. Then these new haircut ones. Then cut it again for no reason. If she hadn't said anything it would be ignored but she just had to write an essay congratulating herself for a provable non-issue kek.
Insane how she refuses to stop frying her hair and always blames trichotillomania instead too. She always has to double down. Cut that shit off and dye it black dummy.

No. 343736

Honestly I'll be the one to say that I think the hair looks cute, but good fucking god, does her face ever look bad. She looks like she's approaching 40, and I'm not even exaggerating. Ladies, take it from your mid-30s anon: this is what happens when you straight up don't take care of yourself. Self-care isn't bubble baths and candles. It's vegetables and water and sunscreen and vitamin D and exercise, for fucks sake.

No. 343743

>Isn't it funny how she wrote a long dissertation about how difficult it was to cut her hair because autism.
I was just thinking about this too. She can just conveniently pick and choose when and what thing is "soooo autismo-difficult" for her because she has no real struggles

No. 343744

ANOTHER hair change this fast…? She has almost none left now and she keeps leaning into stuff that’s even worse for her hair. Why is she doing any heat styling at all while claiming she’s working on repairing her hair?

No. 343746

She looks like Louise’s sister kek.

No. 343750

I mean, if she really wanted to take care of her hair so it would grow, she’d just wear wigs instead of continuously bleaching it. I guess wigs aren’t special, idk. Or perhaps wearing them is too overstimulating for her ‘tism

No. 343752

Why is it even being called drag. That shit is cosplay.

No. 343754

She looks malnourished but the obesity kind where you know she only eats McDonalds nuggies 24/7

No. 343756

Is it possible they're thinking of rescheduling the wedding to several years later because Jill wants to "reset" her looks by growing her hair out fresh and to get into shape before then?

No. 343758

They might as well never get married then.

No. 343760

well, they probably won't

No. 343762

I can see this happening and Jill eventually growing extremely bitter and hateful because Steeb agreed to put off their wedding for years instead of defying her and pleading to get married sooner. Does anyone else see what I see…?

No. 343770

She’s missing that gravy train of engagement to honeymoon content. She should be making videos of her planning and diy and get some sponsorships with local places.

No. 343778

Can you share the name of whatever drugs you are taking that make you this delusional? What about her quadrupling down on munchie malingering at any given opportunity makes you think she's about to embark on a health and fitness journey and grow her hair out without destroying it with chemicals and heat straightening?

No. 343784

This isn't Twitter, you don't have to be a cunt for no reason, nobody finds it funny. Anyway we all know she won't actually do those things, I don't know what drugs you've been smoking but it's quite obvious to see that "making elaborate promises she won't keep at all" is one of her hallmarks.

No. 343794

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No. 343795

Can't handle female on female sex scenes but will gleefully watch a movie wherein some hulking tranny male strangles an actual woman.

No. 343796

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No. 343797

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No. 343798

Sometimes people see memes they find funny and bring it up to their friends randomly. Uh sorry I meant this is clearly echolalia a symptom of autism she physically cannot control poor thing. So quirky and different us plebs would never understand.

No. 343800

Holy shit. I knew her diet was bad but this looks like beetus in a cup. Of course none of the sodas were diet. Can any nonnas calculate how many calories this would be?

No. 343802

Surely 3 minutes of miku boxing will compensate this! Tranny body building going amazing

No. 343804

It's actually kind of funny that even if this were a trait she could not control, it isn't echolalia. It's more akin to tourette's. Echolalia isn't just saying the same things repeatedly without context, but she doesn't understand that.

No. 343811

a good 500-600 cal

No. 343813

Does she legitimately not realize how weird and annoying this is lol

No. 343815

Her new hair looks cute when she styles it properly but jesus christ does she look malnourished.

No. 343819

Swinging her arms around is going to make her so transmasc

No. 343825

It’s my favorite thing about her. She suddenly started exhibiting this new behavior out of nowhere, does it relentlessly and draws as much attention to it as possible, and it’s all based on a complete misunderstanding of a symptom she googled. When she realizes she’s acting it out wrong will it disappear as suddenly as it started? It’s just so fucking comical.

No. 343830

echolalia is also primarily seen in children (with or without autism). adults can have it, but it typically shows up in conversations, similar to scripting. it's not just randomly spouting lines from movies.

No. 343831

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No. 343834

Crush Orange, Crush Cream Soda, Mountain Dew Baja Blast, Breyer's Vanilla Iced Cream, Whipped Cream, Maraschino Cherry
Unsure: it looks like she did a third of each soda. Her cup holds about 750mL, but of course the iced cream takes up a lot of that, so let's say that she had 450mL of soda in there, then it'd be about 150mL of each soda. It looks like about a cup of iced cream, and then a serving of whipped cream on top with a cherry too.
>150mL of Crush Orange: 81 calories, 21g of sugar.
>150mL of Baja Blast: 69 calories, 16g of sugar.
>150mL of Crush Cream Soda: 72 calories, 19g of sugar.
>1 cup of iced cream: 250 calories, 28g of sugar.
>(Looks like 1/3rd cup) of whipped cream: 40 cals, 2g of sugar
>One maraschino cherry: 7 calories, 2g of sugar.

So, the total would be: appr. 519 calories and 88g of sugar for one serving of her soda float. I didn't have the exact nutrition information for the whipped cream or the cherry, so I just went with generic.

No. 343840

And you know she scarfed that down in one sitting and probably had an additional 1.7k calories of Mac n cheese or some potato/bake dish prior to consuming that.

No. 343844

OMFG this bitch is a total SJW until it's about man being violent to women. Does she know how much harm that fucking movie has become to latinxs? How its main actor (a trans moid) has made racists remarks against his co-star (Zoe Saldana) and its director has literally said that he didnt care to respect the culture and language spoken by "poor and uncultured people"? Classic Jill, celebrating the gay/trans agenda at the expense of minorities… "echolalia" my ass, she's just blantanly ignorant.(sage your shit)

No. 343845

this post baffles me tbh
>iced cream
>it looks like she did a third of each soda
no it doesn't? it looks like she did orange soda, Wendy had Baja Blast and the third cup has strawberry Crush.

No. 343846

Please buy a diary or make friends I promise you no one finds this funny or amusing. You have the easiest most boring life of all time yet you insist on documenting every single second of it.
You are so fucking boring Jillian please. This influencer shit is going nowhere. You are the most unremarkable sjw munchie of all time. Even the wonderland system wouldn't waste peoples time with this.

No. 343847

>genuinely easier for aliens to understand
This assumes aliens understand the meaning of symbols like a smiley face and a love heart. And that bit about red seeming aggressive?? Assuming aliens have the same cultural conditioning about colors that we do (or even that alien brains perceive colors in the same way)?? This would likely be no less opaque to an alien's interpretation than the American flag. I'm mostly being silly nonnies I swear

No. 343849

“i’m a cute quirky autist i swear look at me doing cute quirky autist shit im zooey fucking deschanel in that movie for dickheads”

No. 343851

Jill wishes she had your autism anon

No. 343852

Did you really just write 'latix'? cuz girl

No. 343853

See jillybean? This is what actual autism looks like.

No. 343855

>Iced cream
Yes, Jill did have iced cream. You can see the vanilla-flavoured iced cream in the photo by the Breyers brand. She put the iced cream into the drink to make a soda float. It's a very common drink for diabetics.
>It looks like she did orange soda, Wendy had Baja Blast and the third cup has strawberry Crush.
Firstly, that is not Strawberry Crush. Please cease speaking foolishly. That is Cream Soda Crush. Secondly, if the drink was only Orange Crush, then the colour would not be mixed to that caliber. It is very obvious that she was mixing the different soda-pops to achieve that colour. You can see that there are two different cups with the same colour, hence the three of them had this tri-soda-pop concoction.
Thank you.

No. 343857

nta but she wrote "latinx" which is used instead of writing "latinas or latinos". it's not a woke thing, it's just to differ from neutral or plural use of latino and gendered (male) use of latino

No. 343858

this is 100% a woke thing because it's only used by non-spanish speakers. spanish is so gendered that trying to de-gender a term that's considered neutral like the word "guys" in english makes no sense. it's like trying to say huwoman instead of human because english has gendered nouns that are used neutrally.

No. 343860

What >>343858 said. It started off on tumblr, and latin American people have told terminally online losers to fuck off with that shit a number of times. So: fuck off with that shit.
Jill not infantilising herself for five minutes difficulty: impossible

No. 343861

it's called ice cream not iced cream kek(derailing)

No. 343862

Lmao you must be young as fuck cause any Hispanic person will tell you they never refer to a group of male and female Latinos as latinx . Latino refers to a group of men and women. Thanks Jill for perpetuating this stupid shit.

No. 343863

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No. 343865

if you want moids to be the standard even in english, a language that doesn't set all words as male by default, be my guest(derailing)

No. 343866

Ew that meme is so gross considering Steebie would be popping a boner to the child’s blanket.

No. 343868

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No. 343871

she really is a munchie, jesus fucking christ. she should be the poster child of why self-diagnosing yourself online shouldn't be allowed at all. i wish she said the real reason why there's been a lack of videos lately: she'd just rather sit on her ass… or just say nothing. there's no huge audience waiting with baited breath for another video where she smugly grins & lies and talks about how she perceives herself while high for an hour and a half. i wish she had the courage to delete her entire flop of an existence off the internet instead of regularly embarrassing herself by turning every mundane part of life into a medical symptom as if she spawned out of a tiktok algorithm for bpd women. she's so fucking boring, it's like malingering is all she knows how to do anymore.

kekkkkkk ily nonnies

No. 343872

>claims to have catatonia, which makes it literally impossible to physically move your body
>"just move your body!"
conveniently enough, she suddenly calls it a "freeze" after being flamed in the thread for claiming to have a seizure exclusive to schizophrenia and related disorders. wish she would at least acknowledge her misuse of the word instead of keeping her misinfo up.

No. 343876

sage for double post, but she says to start by doing "small tasks" like laundry or dishes as if she does any "bigger" tasks than that lol. isn't it kind of ableist to assume those are easy tasks (as she is speaking to other people who experience "freezes" and are, by her logic, disabled), when they require moving around from one place to another, lifting things, and getting sensory issues from touching dirty cloth/dishes? and her "job" has her sitting all day, sitting to film, sew (rarely), and edit. what more active tasks could she possibly be doing? she doesn't leave the house, and if she does, she probably drives to the store which also just requires sitting. we know she also sits when chopping vegetables, so standing up and using her arms to do the dishes must be a "big" task for her. i just find it funny to be calling it a small task when they are definitely the most active tasks she will be doing in a day, and also the most sensory difficult ones. she wants to larp being a functional normie and a disabled poor little baby at the same time. it's funny because it's clearly because she wants people who actually struggle to admire her for being functional as well as getting acceptance from normies for being able to do normal tasks that are expected of her, yet she also wants people to feel bad for her for being "disabled". you can't both have your cake and eat it too, jill.

No. 343878

this tumblr socialmediafag bullshit because no one cares irl.
jill's degeneracy is so disgusting.
this is something a terminally online faggot NEET still living in lcovid-era lockdown would actually recommend. this isnt advice this is cry for help because shes too stupid to understand all she needs to do is leave the house, put the phone down and get a job. she needs to stop self diagnosing like a lonely faggot and pathologizing everything.

No. 343879

This should get one of those disinformation banners at the bottom that says “None of this post is medically substantiated. This user is referring to being high on weed”

No. 343895


You're cringe but you have a point. The tranny MC is getting cancelled for pro hitler tweets and the director called spanish a poor people's language. Jill sure does have a track record for liking the most ~problematic~ men. I can't wait until she pisses off some autistic zoomer with actual reach and gets cancelled off the internet completely, instead of just being pushed out of fandoms. It's definitely coming, and they'd have years of dirt if they lurked here. The only thing worse than a self righteous SJW is a faker

No. 343900

I don’t think she actually likes the movie and saw that one clip where they’re in the tranny hospital singing about surgeries. It was shared a lot when the movie got nominated at the Oscar’s because people are pissed.

No. 343904

People made jokes about her not being a workaholic. So the very next day she does a stream, eagerly announces new video tomorrow and how she's doing SOOO much work for her fashion brand that she just hadn't told us about etc. But then it turns out it was jackshit there's nothing of either and suddenly she needs to rest and recover. Lmao be more blatant Jill. Workaholic disproven again.

No. 343915

it's her putting on the "i'm so overstimulated" song and dance she did in the carving pumpkins video. her pumpkin sucked so she gave up and curled up on the couch pretending she had medical symptoms. however, in this case i'm doubtful there was even a pumpkin to begin with kek

No. 343918

Stop smoking high THC weed retard.(sage your shit)

No. 343936

why cant she be a pothead who just watches cartoons, posts memes and takes walks or something, no instead shes a munchies pothead trying to find excuses for her addictions.

No. 343938

She mocks doctors and claims they don't understand her illness like she does and whatever the fuck. Yet she thinks she's so knowledgable she's writing advice as if shes a therapist or some shit. You are such a mental health expert! I hope tiktok and webmd send you your degree soon so you can help others with some new alter who is a psych from McLean or something

No. 343945

I’m imagining an alternate timeline where Jill became a competent adult who went to a real university and got a real degree to become a licensed therapist. How sad that this is how her life ended up instead. Wonder if being chronically online had anything to do with it?

No. 343947

Who the fuck physically freezes as a response to daily stress? If her mental health was as bad as she claims she'd need to be fucking institutionalized. Get a job, Jill.

No. 343949

Wait… Does she think she has a freeze response like a fucking goat or a rabbit or something?? Is she just… Standing still when she has a tantrum or doesn’t get her way? Does Stevie ask her to clean up after herself and she holds her body like she’s playing one of those childhood games where if you move you’re out? Jillian misunderstanding symptoms she’s googled and then acting out the wrong thing is the funniest thing that she could possibly do. This is the best jillybean arc idc

No. 343957

What she's describing sound more like executive dysfunction (difficulty starting tasks, etc) which is a symptom of many conditions, including autism, but it doesn't necessarily have anything to do with trauma so I think she just finds random symptoms, misunderstands them and ends up mixing them up

No. 343958

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No. 343960

This is super common in self-diagnosed ADHD/autism larpers. They use it to excuse all of their bad behaviours and act like criticizing them for it means you're ~ableist~

No. 343967

First of all wonder which mentally disordered friend she is throwing under the bus by saying their unmasked self was too cold and so terrible she's glad they stopped being themselves and started masking around her again.

But also the fact that she's like "my friend went off-mask around me, but it didn't last long" because said mentally disabled friend didn't feel comfortable being themselves around her anymore. Does Jill not realize how bad it makes her sound lmao

No. 343972

>my friend should have to be extra warm and peppy and reassuring because I’m sensitive, so thankfully she stopped this ridiculous phase of being direct and monotone
It’s fine to not be compatible as friends, but this is honestly ridiculous. I’m all for putting in the effort for social niceties for a bunch of reasons, but Jill being this assblasted about a friend finding their natural comfortable self in being more brief and flat-toned is hilarious given that Jill constantly demands to be the most special and catered-to person in the room.
So it’s never about disability or accommodating difference—it’s about that SHE specifically must be allowed to inconvenience others.

No. 343975

>my friend would be COLD!!! AND SHORT WITH ME!!!!
God she is such a useless, retarded BPDemon kek. Every single one of her autism symptoms is just her actual BPD diagnosis. She's such a loser.

No. 343976

you can feel the rage emanating from that tweet kek

No. 343989

This is exactly why nobody fucks with you

No. 343991


Lol she really just admitted that her friend got comfortable not pretending around her but had to pick the act back up if she wanted to still remain in Silly Jilly's social graces. L-oh-L. She can't be more transparent. Also sounds like the autist she's replying to is just talking about themselves because no one who cares about the people around them fakes DiD. The internet is poisonous for normies. Jill and the person she's replying too desperately needed to be bullied in highschool.

No. 343992

How the fuck can you record yourself and just “stop” masking as an autist? Do these people even hear themselves

No. 343997

every time these two interact with each other it is like the two most entitled bitches in the room start talking about how everything needs to cater to them and their entire experience. love jill showing her true colors by throwing her "friend" under the bus because said friend wouldn't kiss her ass every 5 seconds. but if someone said this about her that would be super ableist of course. maybe this is why you have no friends and use social media excessively to pretend like you have friends, jillybean! honestly the more i see both of these two's posts next to each other the more i'm like "it's just narcissists enabling and gassing each other up pretending that it's anything but excessive narcissism"

No. 343998

File: 1738898418381.png (248.97 KB, 720x1276, ok.png)

their interactions are weird.

No. 343999

You guys live in Canada. Jill, just say right wing.
>>343997 this exactly. They also both seem to talk at each other not have an actual conversation. I wonder if they DM each other.

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