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No. 343521

Jillian Vessey, also known as Pixielocks, of late LACE infamy, is a 26-year-old washed-up Youtuber residing in Fredericton, NB, Canada. She is infamous for her DID & Autism LARPs on social media. She trivializes mental health while managing to compartmentalize every single personality flaw of hers, all while hyping up dubious diagnostic impressions that she received from a poorly-trained “therapist” that wasn’t licensed to diagnose patients. She has been poorly received in a variety of online communities, due in part to her egotism & passive-aggression.

She has eagerly accepted her life changing DID diagnostic impression, & started her LARP with a “Congrats on the DID Diagnosis” cake. She has struggled to maintain this LARP for nearly 4 years, all while smoking copious amounts of cannabis, faking epileptic seizures on her TikTok, & getting into petty arguments with 14-ear-olds from the Pretty Cure Twitter fandom. As the popularity of DID LARPing fades, Jill is promptly moving towards an ASD LARP to keep her waning fanbase interested in her boring & passé content slop.

Early Years:
>Began her run on LCF on /snow/ as a “pansexual” personality involved in the Lolita community.
>Well known in the LACE community for causing drama, poorly photoshopping her pictures while denying it, wearing shit coords, & being a notorious NLOL (Not Like Other Lolitas).
>Later left the LACE community after complaining of petty drama & disagreeing with the community’s “restrictive rules" to created her own “fashion style” in rebellion, called “Party Kei.” It was poorly received by the community & she quickly abandoned it altogether.
>Visited Japan with her mother, on trip paid for by her mother. The main purpose of this trip was for Jill to spend money on Japanese plastic crap. Jill refused to eat Japanese food during this trip & instead consisted on American fast-food.
>Originally, her online content consisted of videos covering Lolita fashion & Magical-Girl anime, before switching to covering topics revolving around “mental health positivity,” which included discussions about: her history of self-harm; her struggling with an unspecified eating disorder; & her severe anxiety.
>Infamous for her egotistic personality - she will inflate her skills & knowledge on topics, like fashion, sewing, cartoons, etc., to appear more important than she really is.

Current Relevant Info.:
>Enjoys the attention she receives online & in-person that accompanies her claims of multiple severe mental illnesses. She has been LARPing DID for almost 4 years now after ingratiating herself to the online DID LARPer community for several months prior. In the last year, she’s slowly been shifting her content towards an ASD LARP as the online DID community continues to lose relevance.
>Has never directly confirmed the trauma that led to her development of DID. Originally, she claimed to have been born with a “dissociative-prone personality,” but later retconned this by bread-crumbing tidbits about a supposed childhood history of severe neglect & abuse, which is contrary to everything we’ve seen about her childhood before this.
>Is incredibly thin-skinned & self-conscious; she has a history of over-reacting to any criticism, posting meltdowns on Twitter, & deleting comments that are critical of her choices or behaviours. She is known in several online communities for her passive-aggressive behaviour & weaponizing her following against lesser-known influencers & Twitter personalities.
>Her sexuality has always been a sliding-scale, & she often changes her sexuality to benefit her & ingratiate her to the gendie tenderqweer crowd. She’s gone from pansexual, to queer, to lesbian, to pansexual once again. She has never had a same-sex relationship outside of an old long-distance internet relationship she maintained as a teenager on DeviantArt.
>Has a history of substance abuse. She has been a daily cannabis smoker since moving to Fredericton, & she has been known to binge-drink on occasion. For many years, she was taking prescribed Seroquel to that her mental issues, but recently she has weaned off Seroquel in favour of Wellbutrin.
>Since graduating from community college, she has been trying to launch her own fashion line: “Five Petal Flower,” & although it’s been years, she has yet to launch it.
>Was featured in a professional psychology conference hosted by MacLean in a presentation about DID-fakers. Consequently had a prolonged melt-down on Twitter, threatening legal action against MacLeans. Has called this event “traumatic,” & claims that it inspired her to split more alters.
>Currently she has been unemployed for nearly ~5 years, she adamantly refuses to get a part-time job while clinging to the fantasy that she will become a successful YTber. Her YT channel has been performing very poorly in recent years; most videos struggle to make it past 15k views.
>After years of dating, her Nigel has finally proposed to her.

Meet the Alters:
>Pixie: The collective name of all the alters, but is also used interchangeably with the name Jillian. Is a "genderfluid they/them".
>Jillian: Rainbow emoji. 25, but "age slides" from 4-25. This is actually just herself, but she herself is both an alter & the host. Desperately wants to have autism.
>Jerrick: Snake emoji. 17, formerly 14-16. A recently “fused" alter that used to be Jill's co-host. Fused because his BPD symptoms were “therapized.” Emo TIF. Conveniently held all her BPD traits which have magically disappeared since he's fused. Entire personality was being angry & liking green. Like all the alters, is into drag.
>Veronica: Manicure emoji, formerly flame emoji. 21 year old horny alter. She is a “protector of sexual trauma”. Says she had to become a "fuckable plaything" because she was “raped for months”. Was going to be intersex, but Jill didn't want to deal with the backlash & decided against it.
>Berry: Strawberry emoji. 4-6 year old. Talks & acts like a baby. Is always “co-fronting” in some way. Had her name previously withheld for “safety reasons”. Is for some reason triggered out by positive things like holidays & presents & is "trauma-free".
>Cliffe: Sprout emoji, formerly club emoji. 35 year old old scrote. Her "homosexual assistant". Combo of her dad, sweetie angel therapist, & Ian Bruce. Formerly a mix between her dad & Sasha Velour. Somehow too old for social media, but responsible enough to come out when she does taxes.
>Flora: Cherry blossom emoji. 18 year old fictive. Used to be a fragment, but became a full alter. She is supposed to be Cure Flora & all the pink PreCures. She is a blonde, sweet lolita.
>Jax: Test tube emoji. 19 year old “character salad” that speaks & types with a Brooklyn accent. She's a fictive of Harley Quinn (Batman), Jinx (Arcane), & Spinel (Steven Universe). Apparently was born from watching Arcane while having major trauma. “Hypersexual”.
>Sandwich: Sandwich emoji. Cat alter. Represents how lost she felt moving to a new city. Not much else is currently known about it.
>Amanda: Not much has been said about her. Note that Jillian’s middle name is actually Amanda.
>Ramona: An alter that was only announced after she fused with Jillian. After doing so, Jillian suddenly wanted to start playing the piano again.
>Sunny: Shooting star emoji. 14. Another PreCure fictive for all the yellow ones. She's "energetic" & positive in a way that's "crazy". Basically just Flora, but hyper. Can't "mask".
>Amber: Partly cloudy emoji. 20, but formerly 25. She's edgy & has freckles. Also yellow. Formed at the same time as Sunny in response to the McLean video drama. Supposed to look the most normal.
>Seb: Emoji unknown. 26, "Cool dude." Masculine & a grown-up version of Jerrick but a younger version of cliffe. Came about when Jerrick fused & is supposed to protect Jill from self harm. Struggles with trich & likes cutting hair. Has a romantic relationship with Steve.

Last Thread's Milk:
Selfie of "Seb" (spoiler: its just Jill in a black shirt): >>339831
Pony wall livestream: >>340209
Jill gets a haircut at a salon that is "autism-friendly:" >>340676
Christmas vlog of Jill LARPing stereotypical autism symptoms: >>340837
Hair dying livestream: >>340951
Wrapping presents video with more overt autism bread-crumbing: >>341215
Makes a guest appearance on video about ponies "as someone who's neurodivergent:" >>341299
Jills terrible drag performance as Sailor Mars: >>341903 & >>342371
January stream: >>342392
Video in which Jill claims to be disabled: "I have, on paper, by definition, disabilities" (Note: this is an outright lie that is easy to disprove): >>342911

Jill's social media Links are included in the first comment below.


No. 343523

Social Media & Other Links:
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpi2P_y-wXa7q84C-46U6ZA/featured
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pixieelocks/
Instagram 2: https://www.instagram.com/villainyswells/ (used to be @pixieespam)
Twitter (Main): https://twitter.com/pixieeelocks/
Twitter #2 Now Private (“Jerrick” alter): https://twitter.com/villainyswells
Twitter #3 - Now Private (“Sweetie” alters, previously @xcherrybombica): https://twitter.com/pixie_petals
Twitter #4 - Private ("Seb" alter): https://x.com/theworldwideseb
Bluesky - https://bsky.app/profile/pixielocks.bsky.social
Current Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@multipetalpixie
Second Current Tiktok Now Private: https://www.tiktok.com/@pixieelocks
(Past) TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@pixieelocksCosplay
(Past) Second Tiktok for her alters: https://www.tiktok.com/@pixieeesystem/
Facebook Page #1: https://www.facebook.com/pixielockss/
Facebook Page #2: https://facebook.com/cosplaypixie/
Threads: https://www.threads.net/@pixieelocks
Moonmist Girls Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/moonmistgirls/
Moonmist Girls Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/moonmistgirls/
Old Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/xhellodecemberx/journal/
Old Blog: http://pixie-locks.blogspot.com
Drag Facebook page: https://facebook.com/pixieandvillainy/

Meet the Side Characters:
>Louise Vessey
Jillian’s doting mother. Louise has been an important side character throughout Jill’s history, being the one that originally funded her Lolita lifestyle, Japan trip, shopping hauls, and her move to Fredericton. No matter how much Jill says she had an abusive childhood, from everything we’ve seen about Louise, it’s safe to say that she has done nothing but love and support (both financially and emotionally) her daughter. Louise had cancer when Jill was a teenager, and Jill somehow managed to make this all about herself.
>Stephen (“Stevie”) Clarke
Jill’s long-time boyfriend, and now: fiancé. Stephen (also commonly referred to as “Steven,”) was originally the boyfriend of one of Jill’s close friends. Jill ended up stealing her friend’s man, and the rest is history. He is originally from PEI and graduated from a university there with a degree in Journalism, but later moved to Fredericton to accompany Jill. He has a failed Youtube career, his most noteworthy video being about his intense struggle with porn-addiction. Originally a typical porn-sick moid, he has progressed through the years to become a porn-sick gender-special qweer, with many anons speculating on an eventual Troon-out. He has been known to message underage girls on Twitter to defend Jill against their gossip, and has also issued open invitations for others to age-regress at his & Jill’s home.
>Sofia (“Sof”)
Jill’s “best friend” and long-time cosplay partner. Sof was (and perhaps, still is) a farmer that used Jill’s LC threads to talk shit about her and share intimate milk. She slipped up once while sharing milk, leaving in her profile picture in one of the screen-caps, and farmers quickly connected the dots. After this came to light, Jill quickly found out, either from an admission by Sof, or, simply because Jill lurks these threads quite often herself. Jill quickly forgave Sof, and their friendship resumed, although some farmers noticed that their friendship became more competitive as time went on. Jill frequently tries to upstage Sof, like trying to out-do her at drag performances; or, tries to sabotage Sof, like when Jill walked out on a duo cosplay performance at a local convention leaving Sof to perform alone. Sof got engaged sometime in the last year, and many speculate that perhaps this engagement spurred Jill to badger Stephen about a proposal to outshine Sof.

Previous Threads:
1: >>>/pt/108478
2: >>>/snow/25169
3: >>>/snow/93376
4: >>>/snow/154765
5: >>>/snow/215023
6: >>>/snow/258245 (Japan Trip with Louise)
7: >>>/snow/271275
8: >>>/snow/285759
9: >>>/snow/303929
10: >>>/snow/318441
11: >>>/snow/338259
12: >>>/snow/358781
13: >>>/snow/375960
14: >>>/snow/393066
15: >>>/snow/408269
16: >>>/snow/428929
17: >>>/snow/445432
18: >>>/snow/455122
19: >>>/snow/477079
20: >>>/snow/490876
21: >>>/snow/515612
22: >>>/snow/531526
23: >>>/snow/540457
24: >>>/snow/558614
25: >>>/snow/582890
26: >>>/snow/616989
27: >>>/snow/646275
28: >>>/snow/679806
29: >>>/snow/720365
30: >>>/snow/739688
31: >>>/w/3116
32: >>>/w/33281
33: >>>/w/42916
34: >>>/w/59471
35: >>>/w/74104
36: >>>/w/87679
37: >>>/w/99779
38: >>>/w/111715
39: >>>/w/127283
40: >>>/w/143253 (Fashion Program: End of Year Collection)
41: >>>/w/154731
42: >>>/w/164089
43: >>>/w/176591 (DID Cake Post Mid-Thread)
44: >>>/w/182427 (DID Saga Begins)
45: >>>/w/185184
46: >>>/w/188928
47: >>>/w/192544
48: >>>/w/197246
49: >>>/w/215574
50: >>>/w/223174
51: >>>/w/229290
52: >>>/w/234970
53: >>>/w/241369
54: >>>/w/245171
55: >>>/w/249612
56: >>>/w/252849
57: >>>/w/255155
58: >>>/w/257065
59: >>>/w/260969
60: >>>/w/267937
61: >>>/w/274761
62: >>>/w/285667
63: >>>/w/289660
64: >>>/w/294609
65: >>>/w/300536 (Cosplay Meltdown 2023)
67: >>>/w/303924
68: >>>/w/307737
69: >>>/w/310853
70: >>>/w/313646
71: >>>/w/313646
72: >>>/w/316686
73: >>>/w/319202
74: >>>/w/322787
75: >>>/w/325508 (Proposal)
76: >>>/w/328662
77: >>>/w/336444 (Jerrick is Murdered)
78: >>>/w/339817
79: >>>/w/339817

No. 343524

This is my first time making a cow thread in a while. I thought it was time that Jill's OP got a refresh, so I included more information about her background and tried to streamline her alter list to make it easier to read. The body of the OP was a bit too long, so I had to separate her social links into the first post. I decided to add a brief description of the side characters to Jill's antics, just for reference's sake. I also finally numbered the previous thread list, I'm not sure why it took so long to do that. Shoutout to the anon that made the original #80 that got locked, I stole your milk recap kek.

No. 343525

Thank you for using the thread pic we all voted for

No. 343526

sage for unimportant but Stevie isn't from PEI, he's originally from Thunder Bay. He didn't move to Fredericton to be with Jill, he already lived and worked there. He used to live with Maggie before moving in with Jill.

No. 343528

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Jillian celebrates the cat that she has almost killed by leaving dumb shit on the floor. The "recent pic" is an weird low-quality picture wheres she's leaning and trying her hardest to not look massive. Possibly insecure about having to post old pics of herself and showing the downgrade.
Great thread OP!

No. 343529

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Mama Vessey genes kicking her ass

No. 343530

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No. 343531

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No. 343532

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This is her moms cat and likely not neglected. My bad

No. 343533

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No. 343534

The cat that almost died was Niko, the ragdoll who still lives with her parents. Serena (pictured) lives with her and Stephen, not sure why other anon thinks it's her mum's cat.

No. 343536

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Birthday ebegging from our “technically disabled” queen

No. 343537

God I hope she stays away from Doremi.

No. 343538

She's liked it for a while. She had her name on stuff as Ojamajo BPD for a bit in reference to it.

No. 343539


Sage, but "diagnostic impressions that she received from a poorly-trained “therapist”" isn't 100% true. He recommended her for the test, but it was a couple of other doctors that did it/gave the impression. He was just a counselor.

No. 343540

this is not true. go back and read.

No. 343542

It is true. There was a team involved, and angel therapist was one of those people

No. 343545

"a team involved" usually means your therapist does the testing and then other therapists and/or psychiatrists look over it to avoid bias and spot patterns of lying, etc. A psychiatrist needs to be involved in the team if a diagnosis is to be given, Jill has most likely never met anyone in the team

No. 343546

??? The word team can refer to any group of people working together. The therapist referred her to the "forensics expert" and also went over those results with her.

No. 343548

She literally has it tattooed on her

No. 343554

that's not correct. where are you pulling this bull from? jill was never this specific about the impression.

No. 343556

the "team" is something Jill has brought up before, but it wasn't until quite a long time afterwards and I don't really remember it being brought up by her in this deep detail unless it was in a video, I can't stand her voice so I rely on anon recaps. Before that it was only the angel therapist and this dubious so-called forensic expert. She is so prone to lying and exaggerating she might call those two together a "team of doctors" to make it sound more serious, or she's pulling a Momokun with her team of lawyers kek

No. 343558

She has said it was her angel therapist who went over the diagnostic impression with her, and she said that the forensics expert is the one who interviewed her (she mentioned that this woman could "tell if she was lying"). How do you think the therapist got these results? Use your brain.

No. 343560

Damn Jill has literally never been cute. She has Mr.Bean features when she's skinny and looks like the moon emoji when she's fat. tragic

No. 343561

She's so proud of having the most stereotypical, purely for aesthetics spoiled girl pet, it's so lame. I know her mom is the one who buys from breeders, but I guess she had to learn how to be shallow from someone.

No. 343562

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why is she like this

No. 343564

Emoji guy could literally say sneezing is a trauma response and Jill would reply saying it's dissociation.

No. 343568

The cats are pretty, but their obsession with only getting pure breeds is disgusting imo

No. 343569

>The word team can refer to any group of people working together
yes, but in the context of public mental health care, it most likely means a team in the sense that one or two people do interviews (might switch if specialised in different areas), a few other therapists go over the results, and a psychiatrist is also involved if there is indication of a diagnosis. when you get a report after going through public service, they need to describe the process, and the end of the process is the results being examined by a team, and is described as such on paper. this is most likely what jill has referred to. however, the patient doesn't really physically meet anyone in that team outside of the person/people that did the diagnostic interviews because it's not necessary. it's not even common to meet the psychiatrist who sets the actual diagnosis unless you're going to go on medication for your mental illness

No. 343578

Holy shit I hate this bitch so much, No Jillian catatonia is a response so severe you need emergency psychiatric care. It’s not dissociating and it is not simply freezing because you’re so high you experience executive dysfunction you fat retarded malingerer. The way she treats these terms like they’re all on the same level shows how ignorant she is and its infuriating that nobody calls out her blatant misuses and conflations.

No. 343582

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this, pretty much.

No. 343583

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Current views. I added the Pinkie Pie video again because still getting views.

No. 343584

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Here's the views on her drag short.

No. 343587

i'm surprised she doesn't call it executive dysfunction (since she larps autism and breadcrumbs adhd) instead of full on larping a schizophrenic seizure that lasts for hours or days. i don't get how people who are so terrible at lying and don't even do research get away with their lies. sage for blog, but reminds me of a girl i went to highschool with who constantly faked having a "bad knee" whenever the focus wasn't on her. the origin story of said bad knee and what knee was the bad knee changed all the time. i think people "believed" her out of pity, i wonder if people like steve and louise do too. like they know she's lying for attention but are too cowardly to call her shit out instead of enabling her. but i think her twitter following believe her because most of them are edgy children who are in the "mental illness is cool and makes me quirky and unique" phase which is almost always a cope for being bullied or not having friends

No. 343593

"just" catatonia as if that's something we all experience everyday

No. 343595

This might be an unpopular opinion but I'm going to post it anyway. Nonas like to say Jill isn't disabled, but what the fuck do you call someone who's so dysfunctional in society and separated from reality that they pretend to have an animal crossing world in their head? It doesn't matter if she was just spoiled as a child, actually raped or whatever - fact is she does not function in society.(wrong thread)

No. 343598

Sorry for non contribution but I just have to say that I really like the addition of side character summaries. Good job nona

No. 343601

you don’t need to “call” it anything because she creates her own problems. disabled people don't decide these things for themselves, they're disabled because they don't have a choice and they certainly aren't smiling over it. jill could easily function in society, she just chooses not to because she's a self-obsessed narcissist who wants asspats and a get-out-of-jail-free card for every single thing she does. she's a spoiled brat and privileged enough where she can afford to laze around and smoke weed and tweet all day about her pretend-problems. she's dysfunctional because she chooses to be. there doesn't need to be a label for it. people like her are dysfunctional because they refuse to address the actual problem so they make up distractions. in her case it's the glaring personality disorder she was actually diagnosed with, which clusterbees are infamously hard to treat because they don't see themselves as a problem. her problem is herself, she just wants to be enabled by everyone and could function in society if she tried but she doesn't want that, she wants to be coddled and treated like she's an ill disabled baby. she chose this life and she will die on that hill. she's sick in the head but not in the way she wants to/pretends to be. it's all a distraction and she'll lie and double-down as much as possible over it. there are a lot of people who are like jill who can, and do, "function" in society every day. but honestly "functioning" in society doesn't really mean anything, because there are plenty of disabled people out there who drive and even have a job. jill can drive and can (poorly) dance/perform in drag shows and conventions, she functions when she wants to. she's in an extremely privileged position where she gets to pick and choose how she spends her time and what she does with her life & she's so bored and empty that this is how she chooses to spend that time, unfortunately. by larping/malingering/playing pretend and wrapping her shitty personality in a bow of sparkle emojis and virtue-signaling. she has the time to tweet 24/7, make up alters, talk about herself on videos and streams for hours, and stir up drama but will never actually take the time to better herself

No. 343605

You call them self-obsessed, self-destructive, selfish morons with a personality disorder. Not disabled. Mentally or physically.

No. 343606

That's not what disability is, jesus christ

No. 343607

you call them factitious attention seekers because that's what she is. you said it yourself, she pretends she has an animal crossing island in her head, she doesn't believe it

No. 343610

Not functioning in society =\= disability. She's behind in life and refuses to grow up, she's not disabled. A lot of her problems could be solved with effort, maybe she'll never be a true normie but that doesn't mean she can't put down the joint for a minute and get her shit together. She could live an easy life without all the added mental illness larping, she never needed to larp it in the first place; her life was already low risk and comfortable. Nobody who is actually disabled is giddy about it, disability is something you don't choose in life unless you're "cwazy" like Jilly is.

No. 343614

Losers. They’re called losers.
Failing to launch because you’re from a well off family that pays your cushy townhouse rent isn’t a disability. Neither is covid-era stir craziness. And being mentally ill is a separate category from being disabled.
Jill is a mentally ill spoiled loser and that is a big difference. She wants the accommodations and pity that retards and paralyzed people get, for being a dramatic recluse.

No. 343615

I think she looks nice in this picture but idk why she is wearing a church choir robe

No. 343616

you forgot your
>t. fellow womanchild leech with a personality disorder

No. 343617

Why do all fakers always mimic the same retard face? Like, you can be autistic or neurodivergent and look like everyone else.

No. 343619

Interesting how she gives off "spoiled happy normie girl" in these photos and "unhappy unfulfilled adult with mental illness" in these, I wonder why:

No. 343621

Lmao nona, it's a graduation robe

No. 343632

She doesn't function in society because she chooses not to. When she was in highschool, she a a few jobs, participated in theatre, and did youtube. Her better adjusted fans probably loved her back then. Her videos were even bareable to watch, sometimes even fun if she shared a bit of her real life. But since turning into a malingering cunt, she pretends to have all these serious conditions to make you feel bad for her. She's expecting you to fall for it or assume that something's very wrong with her. Other than being extremely attention seeking she's fine and everyone knows it. She's not disabled or delusional.

No. 343638

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Lil late for that

No. 343644

She could have just stayed a slightly chubby nothingburger weeb who did cosplay on the side and worked for some quirky local business while selling stickers and pins online and getting regular handouts from mommy and daddy. Community college education or not. Like that sounds like an extremely chill, peaceful life. She still could have an ugly ass rainbow townhouse and purebred cats and a creepy loser fiancee. This is 100000% all about attention. Her pathological need for attention is so disgusting and like nothing else I have ever seen.

No. 343647

The cardboard just glued to the toes of the boots always makes me laugh

No. 343656

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No. 343657

smoking too much weed is not a disability kek. jill might be a bpdchan but her life would improve exponentially if she just put the bong down and stopped making up shit for attention on the internet. her sailor mars dance routine may have been silly but it's a far healthier activity for her than pretending to have several different disorders

No. 343658

jill wishes she took things as literally as you do nonna

No. 343661

You and Jillian are vidrel.(non-contribution)

No. 343670

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>Fashion is kinda the last thing on my mind atm
She needs to give up the ghost and just go be a munchie since that's all she gives a shit about anymore.

No. 343671

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No. 343672

>for all my fellow workaholics
>"omg i need this"
fucking kek

No. 343676

>"Fashion is kinda the last thing on my mind atm"
>Fashion school graduate
>Last outfit she made for a show was a rushed mess

If she's not focusing on fashion anymore, (the only thing she actually studied for) what the fuck is she wasting her time on? Besides Patreon and retarded armchair diagnosing ponies on YouTube the fact that she has enough money to sustain herself is embarrassing. She could've kept making ugly dresses to sell, at least that's not as bad as her source of income being killing OC's and acting autistic on camera, that's Chris Chan type shit.

No. 343679

we need an OC battle royale to bet on.

No. 343682

Isn’t one of her goals for the new year to finally launch her shop? The fuck does she mean fashion is the last thing on her mind kek

No. 343683

Bitch you can't even post your content on time and you're literally getting paid to ramble about yourself for a few hours

No. 343684

The fact that she interacted with this and said "fashion is the last thing on my mind right now" literally hours before >>343670 is so funny. What's she working on if it's not fashion? Her shitty YouTube career that was built around her interest in fashion? I bet she's just going to transition to full-time terminally online pegasister, until she yet again gets chased out of the fandom.

No. 343691

>consumption is protest
Kek what is this, the 19th century Russian pampered faux-progressive intelligentsia again? Wearing a froofy outfit and sitting around circlejerking your peers is groundbreaking? Jill is such a joke. She wants to see herself as a tragic victim and a savant and a heroic martyr and charity worker all in one but she’s completely unremarkable and selfish. But sure, wearing your aliexpress sweatshop pastel lingerie top inside your bougie dragon hoard house is so totally revolutionary and will destroy fascism or whatever. Wow, her bravery and magnanimity are unmatched.

No. 343694

I can't imagine what she does all day. If fashion is the last thing on her mind and yet she implies she is such a workaholic when she struggles to get out a video every two weeks then what. The fuck. Is she doing all day. I would love to hear her explain with details and specific time stamps what a day in her life looks like.

No. 343695

she probably spends most of her time doomscrolling on social media, watching cartoons, and searching for new symptoms for her larps kek

No. 343696

smoking weed & browsing/posting on social media sprinkled with pestering steebie in between those two activities
>and searching for new symptoms for her larps kek
100% this kek

No. 343697

I kinda knew this was going to be the answer but I think I'm in denial that one can have such a depressing existence and not do absolutely anything about it.

No. 343698

Depression, for a lot of people.
In her case though I think it's more of an anxiety/fear of change + denial issue. After all, on paper and if you don't kow her, it works: a house, a fiance, a 'job' (it pays the bills somewhat, so so long as she doesn't go into detail about it it works too)
She can get away with it if she needs to be in contact with normies (or more likely, that's what her mom tells people, and leaves it at that.)

No. 343699

i think it's because in her mind everything is going her way. we can always tell when things aren't going her way because she throws tantrums online over it. she's content with the mediocrity because it's easier for her to distract herself with malingering in her rainbow dungeon than for her to realize how much of a loser and a failure she is. it's probably hard for her to see outside of herself and her giant ego and her addictions, and a lot easier for her to be content with living on social media. all she seems to want is attention, so she seeks it online… and that's that. she's a spoiled brat with hugely inflated ego/self-importance and other DID larpers enjoy enabling her too. it's bleak but she literally has all of the means to make her life better, but that would require effort or to have any amount of self-reflection or desire to get better. but because of her bpd she doesn't see a reason to get better, because they don't normally see things that way, but especially so if she's already getting what she wants. she's just really pathetic and empty, so she leads a pathetic and empty life. she has it easy and chooses to pretend she's living life on hardmode every day, it's preposterous and retarded but she has this much free time on her hands to be that desperate and pathetic. if she wasn't such a horrible person i would pity her, but i don't and i hope that this eventually comes back around to bite her in the ass
>on paper and if you don't kow her, it works: a house, a fiance, a 'job'
this is also true. makes it all the more infuriating since she has everything she needs to live a functional, healthy life. she doesn't appear to be struggling financially, she has a support system and a family who would be willing to help her if she wanted to seek it out. but instead she cries ableism every other day, larps being a fashion designer, larps autism, creates a laundry list of conditions and symptoms that she does not have but is so happy to fake and double-down over it at any moment. she's genuinely pathetic, it kind of disgusts me to watch her smug smile knowing what a manipulative bitch she is

No. 343700

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Jillian is live right now with ass-pats only chat on. She always looks so sickly to me but even more so right now. I was wondering why her new haircut looked so familiar to me, then I realized it was the same haircut my grandma had. She really looks like an elderly rainbow granny

No. 343701

Seriously why does her skin look like this? She's 26. She doesn't go outside in the sun, smoke regular cigarettes or drink. Her face looks older than a lot of people in their 30s. I know Louise genetics are bad but this is sad. What the fuck is she doing? Is it the meds?

No. 343702

Terrible diet + weed.

I'm 100% certain she's eating even less healthy food like vegetables since starting to larp autism. At times she hints at it. She saw "food aversion" as a trait and decided that it must be her, so now instead of being an adult and eating healthily she has convinced herself and people around her that she CAN'T eat it due to autism. When she eats a veggie she makes a super big deal out of it "look I'm TRYING something new despite the autism and this being REALLY hard for me" so she can't just casually decide to eat healthy because it would prove she's lying to herself and others.

No. 343703

She used to talk about never washing her makeup off before she would go to sleep. She has no skincare routine. She smokes her weed. She barely drinks water and mostly consumes coffee and energy drinks. She eats like shit. Her skin looks like what I would expect it to.

No. 343706

She WANTS to look bad, it fuels her disability larp

No. 343709

she legit needs to get out of the house for a couple hours each day and actually eat a proper meal. its painfully written all over her pasty vitamin deficient face that she does nothing but sit on her ass all day.

No. 343712

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Got her hair cut yesterday so it's shorter. Her hair is now slivery white with rainbow bangs but made the rainbow colours go too far back. Suppose to be peekaboo colours. New video hopefully going out tomorrow about her hair journey. She's doing fashion shows. I screenshot the transcript about it for the timestamps. Excited to see how this unfolds.

No. 343714

sage for tinfoil but i think she looks a bit bulimic here. bulimia can give you a puffy face. i hope she's not though(tinfoiling)

No. 343715

That's true, but she thinks she looks 'sick' in a kawaii menhera way, when in reality she looks like a 40+ fat unwashed basement dweller. Seriously, why are her eyelids SO dark

No. 343716

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Jill clarifies she's still into fashion.

No. 343717

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Jill still malding over being called a larper.

No. 343718

It's actually sad how terrible she looks now. Her hair has been getting shorter and shorter over the years because she absolutely refuses to learn how to take care of it. I really do think she'll be bald or using a buzzcut within another year or two. It's just going to keep breaking off, and she's going to keep cutting it shorter and shorter until theres nothing left but rainbow bangs. Her profile pictures look nothing like her at this point.

No. 343719

>She's doing fashion shows
Jill will do every damn thing under the sun except sell the actual fashion, holy shit

No. 343721

So can alcohol.

No. 343723

I don't know why she got it cut again. The only reason I can think of is that it got badly damaged only after a month of having her new haircut. She really should get a buzz cut and swear off dyeing and bleaching her hair. Her natural hair color and texture is so pretty and she owns a few wigs that she could use instead. A wig just for dyeing wouldn't be bad either.

No. 343724

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The cope from her "pics" vs her is shameless. Impressive how much she downgraded. She might have been fatter before but never looked worse physically. All from refusing to grow up.
Also coping about being workalcoholic kek she never mentioned this but streamed next day and talked about releasing a new video tomorrow and her amazing brand kek.

No. 343725

i'm so annoyed by this coconut-head looking bitch. bold of her to put that as the stream thumbnail when she looks like she just got done rolling around in the dumpster

No. 343727

the fucking dark circles under her eyes in the bottom left pic holy shit.

No. 343728

The new excuse is "everything going on with the world" now huh. How does it affect her personally? She has this need to be oppressed in every single way all the time, it's ridiculous.

No. 343729

I can't believe how fried her hair is now holy shit. This is definitely the worst its ever looked, even with the heavy editing in her thumbnail you can still see the stiff hairs poking horizontally out from her head. I agree with >>343723, she needs to start from scratch at this point.

No. 343731

Did she purposely augment her bowl cut to look even more retarded?

No. 343732

No, she just got a haircut that requires styling, and we all knew she would never style it. Lots of haircuts look bad unless styled, and this is one of them.

No. 343735

Isn't it funny how she wrote a long dissertation about how difficult it was to cut her hair because autism. When she posted her haircut pics months ago. Then these new haircut ones. Then cut it again for no reason. If she hadn't said anything it would be ignored but she just had to write an essay congratulating herself for a provable non-issue kek.
Insane how she refuses to stop frying her hair and always blames trichotillomania instead too. She always has to double down. Cut that shit off and dye it black dummy.

No. 343736

Honestly I'll be the one to say that I think the hair looks cute, but good fucking god, does her face ever look bad. She looks like she's approaching 40, and I'm not even exaggerating. Ladies, take it from your mid-30s anon: this is what happens when you straight up don't take care of yourself. Self-care isn't bubble baths and candles. It's vegetables and water and sunscreen and vitamin D and exercise, for fucks sake.

No. 343743

>Isn't it funny how she wrote a long dissertation about how difficult it was to cut her hair because autism.
I was just thinking about this too. She can just conveniently pick and choose when and what thing is "soooo autismo-difficult" for her because she has no real struggles

No. 343744

ANOTHER hair change this fast…? She has almost none left now and she keeps leaning into stuff that’s even worse for her hair. Why is she doing any heat styling at all while claiming she’s working on repairing her hair?

No. 343746

She looks like Louise’s sister kek.

No. 343750

I mean, if she really wanted to take care of her hair so it would grow, she’d just wear wigs instead of continuously bleaching it. I guess wigs aren’t special, idk. Or perhaps wearing them is too overstimulating for her ‘tism

No. 343752

Why is it even being called drag. That shit is cosplay.

No. 343754

She looks malnourished but the obesity kind where you know she only eats McDonalds nuggies 24/7

No. 343756

Is it possible they're thinking of rescheduling the wedding to several years later because Jill wants to "reset" her looks by growing her hair out fresh and to get into shape before then?

No. 343758

They might as well never get married then.

No. 343760

well, they probably won't

No. 343762

I can see this happening and Jill eventually growing extremely bitter and hateful because Steeb agreed to put off their wedding for years instead of defying her and pleading to get married sooner. Does anyone else see what I see…?

No. 343770

She’s missing that gravy train of engagement to honeymoon content. She should be making videos of her planning and diy and get some sponsorships with local places.

No. 343778

Can you share the name of whatever drugs you are taking that make you this delusional? What about her quadrupling down on munchie malingering at any given opportunity makes you think she's about to embark on a health and fitness journey and grow her hair out without destroying it with chemicals and heat straightening?

No. 343784

This isn't Twitter, you don't have to be a cunt for no reason, nobody finds it funny. Anyway we all know she won't actually do those things, I don't know what drugs you've been smoking but it's quite obvious to see that "making elaborate promises she won't keep at all" is one of her hallmarks.

No. 343794

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No. 343795

Can't handle female on female sex scenes but will gleefully watch a movie wherein some hulking tranny male strangles an actual woman.

No. 343796

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No. 343797

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No. 343798

Sometimes people see memes they find funny and bring it up to their friends randomly. Uh sorry I meant this is clearly echolalia a symptom of autism she physically cannot control poor thing. So quirky and different us plebs would never understand.

No. 343800

Holy shit. I knew her diet was bad but this looks like beetus in a cup. Of course none of the sodas were diet. Can any nonnas calculate how many calories this would be?

No. 343802

Surely 3 minutes of miku boxing will compensate this! Tranny body building going amazing

No. 343804

It's actually kind of funny that even if this were a trait she could not control, it isn't echolalia. It's more akin to tourette's. Echolalia isn't just saying the same things repeatedly without context, but she doesn't understand that.

No. 343811

a good 500-600 cal

No. 343813

Does she legitimately not realize how weird and annoying this is lol

No. 343815

Her new hair looks cute when she styles it properly but jesus christ does she look malnourished.

No. 343819

Swinging her arms around is going to make her so transmasc

No. 343825

It’s my favorite thing about her. She suddenly started exhibiting this new behavior out of nowhere, does it relentlessly and draws as much attention to it as possible, and it’s all based on a complete misunderstanding of a symptom she googled. When she realizes she’s acting it out wrong will it disappear as suddenly as it started? It’s just so fucking comical.

No. 343830

echolalia is also primarily seen in children (with or without autism). adults can have it, but it typically shows up in conversations, similar to scripting. it's not just randomly spouting lines from movies.

No. 343831

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No. 343834

Crush Orange, Crush Cream Soda, Mountain Dew Baja Blast, Breyer's Vanilla Iced Cream, Whipped Cream, Maraschino Cherry
Unsure: it looks like she did a third of each soda. Her cup holds about 750mL, but of course the iced cream takes up a lot of that, so let's say that she had 450mL of soda in there, then it'd be about 150mL of each soda. It looks like about a cup of iced cream, and then a serving of whipped cream on top with a cherry too.
>150mL of Crush Orange: 81 calories, 21g of sugar.
>150mL of Baja Blast: 69 calories, 16g of sugar.
>150mL of Crush Cream Soda: 72 calories, 19g of sugar.
>1 cup of iced cream: 250 calories, 28g of sugar.
>(Looks like 1/3rd cup) of whipped cream: 40 cals, 2g of sugar
>One maraschino cherry: 7 calories, 2g of sugar.

So, the total would be: appr. 519 calories and 88g of sugar for one serving of her soda float. I didn't have the exact nutrition information for the whipped cream or the cherry, so I just went with generic.

No. 343840

And you know she scarfed that down in one sitting and probably had an additional 1.7k calories of Mac n cheese or some potato/bake dish prior to consuming that.

No. 343844

OMFG this bitch is a total SJW until it's about man being violent to women. Does she know how much harm that fucking movie has become to latinxs? How its main actor (a trans moid) has made racists remarks against his co-star (Zoe Saldana) and its director has literally said that he didnt care to respect the culture and language spoken by "poor and uncultured people"? Classic Jill, celebrating the gay/trans agenda at the expense of minorities… "echolalia" my ass, she's just blantanly ignorant.(sage your shit)

No. 343845

this post baffles me tbh
>iced cream
>it looks like she did a third of each soda
no it doesn't? it looks like she did orange soda, Wendy had Baja Blast and the third cup has strawberry Crush.

No. 343846

Please buy a diary or make friends I promise you no one finds this funny or amusing. You have the easiest most boring life of all time yet you insist on documenting every single second of it.
You are so fucking boring Jillian please. This influencer shit is going nowhere. You are the most unremarkable sjw munchie of all time. Even the wonderland system wouldn't waste peoples time with this.

No. 343847

>genuinely easier for aliens to understand
This assumes aliens understand the meaning of symbols like a smiley face and a love heart. And that bit about red seeming aggressive?? Assuming aliens have the same cultural conditioning about colors that we do (or even that alien brains perceive colors in the same way)?? This would likely be no less opaque to an alien's interpretation than the American flag. I'm mostly being silly nonnies I swear

No. 343849

“i’m a cute quirky autist i swear look at me doing cute quirky autist shit im zooey fucking deschanel in that movie for dickheads”

No. 343851

Jill wishes she had your autism anon

No. 343852

Did you really just write 'latix'? cuz girl

No. 343853

See jillybean? This is what actual autism looks like.

No. 343855

>Iced cream
Yes, Jill did have iced cream. You can see the vanilla-flavoured iced cream in the photo by the Breyers brand. She put the iced cream into the drink to make a soda float. It's a very common drink for diabetics.
>It looks like she did orange soda, Wendy had Baja Blast and the third cup has strawberry Crush.
Firstly, that is not Strawberry Crush. Please cease speaking foolishly. That is Cream Soda Crush. Secondly, if the drink was only Orange Crush, then the colour would not be mixed to that caliber. It is very obvious that she was mixing the different soda-pops to achieve that colour. You can see that there are two different cups with the same colour, hence the three of them had this tri-soda-pop concoction.
Thank you.

No. 343857

nta but she wrote "latinx" which is used instead of writing "latinas or latinos". it's not a woke thing, it's just to differ from neutral or plural use of latino and gendered (male) use of latino

No. 343858

this is 100% a woke thing because it's only used by non-spanish speakers. spanish is so gendered that trying to de-gender a term that's considered neutral like the word "guys" in english makes no sense. it's like trying to say huwoman instead of human because english has gendered nouns that are used neutrally.

No. 343860

What >>343858 said. It started off on tumblr, and latin American people have told terminally online losers to fuck off with that shit a number of times. So: fuck off with that shit.
Jill not infantilising herself for five minutes difficulty: impossible

No. 343861

it's called ice cream not iced cream kek(derailing)

No. 343862

Lmao you must be young as fuck cause any Hispanic person will tell you they never refer to a group of male and female Latinos as latinx . Latino refers to a group of men and women. Thanks Jill for perpetuating this stupid shit.

No. 343863

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No. 343865

if you want moids to be the standard even in english, a language that doesn't set all words as male by default, be my guest(derailing)

No. 343866

Ew that meme is so gross considering Steebie would be popping a boner to the child’s blanket.

No. 343868

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No. 343871

she really is a munchie, jesus fucking christ. she should be the poster child of why self-diagnosing yourself online shouldn't be allowed at all. i wish she said the real reason why there's been a lack of videos lately: she'd just rather sit on her ass… or just say nothing. there's no huge audience waiting with baited breath for another video where she smugly grins & lies and talks about how she perceives herself while high for an hour and a half. i wish she had the courage to delete her entire flop of an existence off the internet instead of regularly embarrassing herself by turning every mundane part of life into a medical symptom as if she spawned out of a tiktok algorithm for bpd women. she's so fucking boring, it's like malingering is all she knows how to do anymore.

kekkkkkk ily nonnies

No. 343872

>claims to have catatonia, which makes it literally impossible to physically move your body
>"just move your body!"
conveniently enough, she suddenly calls it a "freeze" after being flamed in the thread for claiming to have a seizure exclusive to schizophrenia and related disorders. wish she would at least acknowledge her misuse of the word instead of keeping her misinfo up.

No. 343876

sage for double post, but she says to start by doing "small tasks" like laundry or dishes as if she does any "bigger" tasks than that lol. isn't it kind of ableist to assume those are easy tasks (as she is speaking to other people who experience "freezes" and are, by her logic, disabled), when they require moving around from one place to another, lifting things, and getting sensory issues from touching dirty cloth/dishes? and her "job" has her sitting all day, sitting to film, sew (rarely), and edit. what more active tasks could she possibly be doing? she doesn't leave the house, and if she does, she probably drives to the store which also just requires sitting. we know she also sits when chopping vegetables, so standing up and using her arms to do the dishes must be a "big" task for her. i just find it funny to be calling it a small task when they are definitely the most active tasks she will be doing in a day, and also the most sensory difficult ones. she wants to larp being a functional normie and a disabled poor little baby at the same time. it's funny because it's clearly because she wants people who actually struggle to admire her for being functional as well as getting acceptance from normies for being able to do normal tasks that are expected of her, yet she also wants people to feel bad for her for being "disabled". you can't both have your cake and eat it too, jill.

No. 343878

this tumblr socialmediafag bullshit because no one cares irl.
jill's degeneracy is so disgusting.
this is something a terminally online faggot NEET still living in lcovid-era lockdown would actually recommend. this isnt advice this is cry for help because shes too stupid to understand all she needs to do is leave the house, put the phone down and get a job. she needs to stop self diagnosing like a lonely faggot and pathologizing everything.

No. 343879

This should get one of those disinformation banners at the bottom that says “None of this post is medically substantiated. This user is referring to being high on weed”

No. 343895


You're cringe but you have a point. The tranny MC is getting cancelled for pro hitler tweets and the director called spanish a poor people's language. Jill sure does have a track record for liking the most ~problematic~ men. I can't wait until she pisses off some autistic zoomer with actual reach and gets cancelled off the internet completely, instead of just being pushed out of fandoms. It's definitely coming, and they'd have years of dirt if they lurked here. The only thing worse than a self righteous SJW is a faker

No. 343900

I don’t think she actually likes the movie and saw that one clip where they’re in the tranny hospital singing about surgeries. It was shared a lot when the movie got nominated at the Oscar’s because people are pissed.

No. 343904

People made jokes about her not being a workaholic. So the very next day she does a stream, eagerly announces new video tomorrow and how she's doing SOOO much work for her fashion brand that she just hadn't told us about etc. But then it turns out it was jackshit there's nothing of either and suddenly she needs to rest and recover. Lmao be more blatant Jill. Workaholic disproven again.

No. 343915

it's her putting on the "i'm so overstimulated" song and dance she did in the carving pumpkins video. her pumpkin sucked so she gave up and curled up on the couch pretending she had medical symptoms. however, in this case i'm doubtful there was even a pumpkin to begin with kek

No. 343918

Stop smoking high THC weed retard.(sage your shit)

No. 343936

why cant she be a pothead who just watches cartoons, posts memes and takes walks or something, no instead shes a munchies pothead trying to find excuses for her addictions.

No. 343938

She mocks doctors and claims they don't understand her illness like she does and whatever the fuck. Yet she thinks she's so knowledgable she's writing advice as if shes a therapist or some shit. You are such a mental health expert! I hope tiktok and webmd send you your degree soon so you can help others with some new alter who is a psych from McLean or something

No. 343945

I’m imagining an alternate timeline where Jill became a competent adult who went to a real university and got a real degree to become a licensed therapist. How sad that this is how her life ended up instead. Wonder if being chronically online had anything to do with it?

No. 343947

Who the fuck physically freezes as a response to daily stress? If her mental health was as bad as she claims she'd need to be fucking institutionalized. Get a job, Jill.

No. 343949

Wait… Does she think she has a freeze response like a fucking goat or a rabbit or something?? Is she just… Standing still when she has a tantrum or doesn’t get her way? Does Stevie ask her to clean up after herself and she holds her body like she’s playing one of those childhood games where if you move you’re out? Jillian misunderstanding symptoms she’s googled and then acting out the wrong thing is the funniest thing that she could possibly do. This is the best jillybean arc idc

No. 343957

What she's describing sound more like executive dysfunction (difficulty starting tasks, etc) which is a symptom of many conditions, including autism, but it doesn't necessarily have anything to do with trauma so I think she just finds random symptoms, misunderstands them and ends up mixing them up

No. 343958

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No. 343960

This is super common in self-diagnosed ADHD/autism larpers. They use it to excuse all of their bad behaviours and act like criticizing them for it means you're ~ableist~

No. 343967

First of all wonder which mentally disordered friend she is throwing under the bus by saying their unmasked self was too cold and so terrible she's glad they stopped being themselves and started masking around her again.

But also the fact that she's like "my friend went off-mask around me, but it didn't last long" because said mentally disabled friend didn't feel comfortable being themselves around her anymore. Does Jill not realize how bad it makes her sound lmao

No. 343972

>my friend should have to be extra warm and peppy and reassuring because I’m sensitive, so thankfully she stopped this ridiculous phase of being direct and monotone
It’s fine to not be compatible as friends, but this is honestly ridiculous. I’m all for putting in the effort for social niceties for a bunch of reasons, but Jill being this assblasted about a friend finding their natural comfortable self in being more brief and flat-toned is hilarious given that Jill constantly demands to be the most special and catered-to person in the room.
So it’s never about disability or accommodating difference—it’s about that SHE specifically must be allowed to inconvenience others.

No. 343975

>my friend would be COLD!!! AND SHORT WITH ME!!!!
God she is such a useless, retarded BPDemon kek. Every single one of her autism symptoms is just her actual BPD diagnosis. She's such a loser.

No. 343976

you can feel the rage emanating from that tweet kek

No. 343989

This is exactly why nobody fucks with you

No. 343991


Lol she really just admitted that her friend got comfortable not pretending around her but had to pick the act back up if she wanted to still remain in Silly Jilly's social graces. L-oh-L. She can't be more transparent. Also sounds like the autist she's replying to is just talking about themselves because no one who cares about the people around them fakes DiD. The internet is poisonous for normies. Jill and the person she's replying too desperately needed to be bullied in highschool.

No. 343992

How the fuck can you record yourself and just “stop” masking as an autist? Do these people even hear themselves

No. 343997

every time these two interact with each other it is like the two most entitled bitches in the room start talking about how everything needs to cater to them and their entire experience. love jill showing her true colors by throwing her "friend" under the bus because said friend wouldn't kiss her ass every 5 seconds. but if someone said this about her that would be super ableist of course. maybe this is why you have no friends and use social media excessively to pretend like you have friends, jillybean! honestly the more i see both of these two's posts next to each other the more i'm like "it's just narcissists enabling and gassing each other up pretending that it's anything but excessive narcissism"

No. 343998

File: 1738898418381.png (248.97 KB, 720x1276, ok.png)

their interactions are weird.

No. 343999

You guys live in Canada. Jill, just say right wing.
>>343997 this exactly. They also both seem to talk at each other not have an actual conversation. I wonder if they DM each other.

No. 344012

bold to talk shit about your future mother-in-law on an account linked to your actual identity

No. 344013

>Jill: "I have multiple people living in me who are separate beings from me, one is a toddler and one is a cat and one is an intersex horny sexpest, oh and one is a male drag queen…"
>Also Jill: "haha this CRAZY person thinks I have demons living in me! Can you imagine being that stupid and delusional haha"
Maybe Steve is marrying her because she is the other side of the coin to his mom, one of those guys

No. 344014

I think it's partially a middle finger aimed at his mom and partially because he can do his thing while jill does her thing. I don't get the vibe that they're inseparable and truly in love, but they can coexist. What more do you need?

No. 344016

Wait, she ACTUALLY told Steebs mom she has DID? No wonder she never mentions visiting them, they must absolutely hate her attention-seeking ass kek

No. 344017

Shit talking your future mother-in-law on your public influencer Twitter is a bold choice JillyBean. I imagine MIL isn't on Twitter herself but doesn't Steve have siblings around his age? They'd probably follow Jill, especially her main.

>Maybe Steve is marrying her because she is the other side of the coin to his mom, one of those guys

The scrote picked his poison. At least with Jill he can goon to troons uninterrupted, and since she's biologically female and they're getting married, his fundie mother can't wag her fingers at him anymore.

Tbh i get the vibe that steven is too much of a coward to pull a "fuck you, mom". They sleep in separate bedrooms and Jill said it's partially because his parents were uncomfortable with them sharing a bedroom together unmarried. (Even though personally, i think Steve just told Jill this as an excuse so he could have a goon cave). He visits his family separately every holiday too. I think he's just spineless and people like Jill naturally gravitate towards doormats.

No. 344018

If his parents really cared they'd either push for a speedy marriage ceremony or force them to separate. I think she's exaggerating how "fundie" they are.

No. 344021

Unfortunately there are a lot of canadians that are trumpies. Very bizzare. But i do believe Jill is over exaggerating. His parents probably just go to church every sunday and probably have no strong feelings against trump.

No. 344023

documense seems like a TIF who creates DID lore in her head all day to make a fake victim narrative for herself while Jill eats it up. I know Jill will always dance around it but what even IS her DID trauma origin story at this point?

No. 344024

New video of Jill ruining her hair again

No. 344025

She really doesn't understand that other people are not as interested in her hair as she is. It's not important to them and not a single person cares. This kind of behavior is already embarrassing in high school, much less at 25.

No. 344028

I think I despise her hair color content the most because she acts so smug and smart and well informed about it when she’s doing the process all wrong and the results clearly reflect that. She has to be the expert at everything instead of just being humble. If she fucks up it’s because of whatever flavor of disorder she’s using this month. Also like >>344025 mentioned no1 currs.

No. 344029

It drives me a little crazy because she always acts like it's a really big reveal and some blazing hot discussion topic that her fans are just waiting to hear about. She's not a 14 year olds anime character or a big celebrity. The only people that really care are us and that's just to make fun of her. None of her actual fans give a shit if her hair is a slightly different rainbow pattern than before or 1 inch shorter or whatever the fuck she is breathlessly excited about. It's one of the more cringe things she does, and that's saying a lot.

No. 344030

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No. 344031

From all her posts about this, you can tell that Steven has been annoying the fuck out of her with constant talk about Trump like he did during Trump's last term kek.

No. 344032

Knowing how Steven is politically, I can assume that it's 24/7 total fucking breakdown in their house at the moment.

No. 344035

girl legit who cares, all you do is be passive aggressive on twitter and share half baked political opinions that are palattable to the average leftoid gendie, you never do any meaningful activism

No. 344036

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Her tweet advertising the video. She's forever stuck in the mid to late 2010's.

No. 344037

Why do these white canadians "care" so much about politics from other countries when they don't advocate for the marginalized groups in their country? U.S. politics are like a form of entertainment to Steven to gossip about. But politics to Jill are just another way to make herself look sympathetic and smart.

No. 344038

No. 344039

kek it's just like that video of Nikkietutorials where his hair is basically the same colour.
I wonder if she's trying to get Brad Mondo to judge her hair colour techniques? I think he gets a lot of reviews if the person fucks up the dye job.

No. 344040

though a lot of murican politics don't affect us, a lot of what happens in the US does have a bit of a domino effect here. conservatards will look at what trump is doing and be like "THAT RIGHT THERE! WE NEED THAT IN CANADA!" see also: tariffs

No. 344041

Does she not realize what “freaky” means online these days? Or is she intentionally being weird?

No. 344042

Oh my god, shut up, stop screeching. It's so weird when she says something false (Eureka Seven is not extremely niche) and her voice turns into a hysterical roar

No. 344043

File: 1738965064384.jpg (124.44 KB, 720x1653, 1000003443.jpg)

She wouldn't stop putting her hands in her hair after the reveal. It's annoying af and same goes for her saying she got her hair chopped. Bitch it did not get chopped. Always using the most attention grabbing words to describe something very mundane. Dramatic as always.
I also hate how she acts like this is premo content when it just highlights how fucking lazy she is about making videos. Can't wait for her to spam every social media account with the new pics. She's one dimensional.

No. 344045

File: 1738975251180.png (1.35 MB, 1080x1350, rainbow mcdonalds.png)

Does anyone recognize her tshirt? Could it be from the supposed clothing line she's making? Cause its so ugly it vividly reminded me of the time it took her 2 months to paint a few squiggles on her wall and thought it was an achievement.
Exactly! Her life is so uneventful (fully by her own making) that this retarded haircut videos is all she can pump out. Her content has never been this lazy. I hope she loses more subscribers.

No. 344046

If she doesn't stop dying her hair out of boredom she's not going to have any left by her 'totally gonna happen' wedding. Jill, you'll get a lot of clicks if you just shave the coconut head cut off and rock a buzzcut. The male alters and your gay fiance will be happier for it.

No. 344047

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LACE Drama 2

No. 344048

File: 1738978482964.jpeg (733.3 KB, 828x1608, IMG_5793.jpeg)

No. 344049

She really called it KAWAII4GOOD and chose that 2015 sjw art holy shit she's so dated and emberrasing.

No. 344051

E7 was on toonami and YTV kek.

No. 344053

Jill and Shayna are like the youngest people I've seen that are stuck in the 2010s. It's strange to see someone who's not even 30 yet act like some burnout 42 year old who can't let go of their highschool glory days and is stuck in that era. I guess this would be the beginning stage of that sort of thing though. I guess subconsciously Jill knows her best days are behind her and is mentally freezing herself in her 2015 peak to cope with being a loser.

No. 344057

File: 1738986865169.png (678.89 KB, 1080x1179, 1000006454.png)

It's from this video of her buying from an "ethical brand". She must reaaaaally love that shirt to relegate it to a hair dyeing shirt.

No. 344061

File: 1738991818956.png (329.91 KB, 544x634, influencer cute ex bf mommys g…)

Makes me think of 2023 when she would do throwback pics every other month to skinnier prettier her for no reason. I agree, seems to be a cope about holding onto a time where she was not a complete loser.

No. 344063

Can someone call her on her weird auto-pedo tendencies like who posts pictures of themselves as a teen with this frequency? Like maybe this behavior makes sense if you're in your 40s-50s because usually people have teen children around that age and their brains melt when they realized that they peaked in HS. Very weird have to be like "this is baby me look!!! Loooook!!!" For years, like stop pimping out your teen self because you find your current form repulsive. It's beyond catfishing and so demented and crazy, not in a kawiwi way.

Very excited for a milky Grift4Charity era.

No. 344064

File: 1738994582847.jpeg (86.25 KB, 1032x696, IMG_6113.jpeg)

If she wants her hair to grow and be healthy then why is she constantly bleaching, dyeing, and cutting it? She really should just shave it all off and leave it alone for about 3 years. if she wants her hair to look good the wedding.

No. 344065

File: 1738995716252.png (375.1 KB, 544x634, omg guys look at anorexic me a…)

That specific photo was in her early 20s but you're not wrong cause she used to do that a lot too pic related.

No. 344068

Most punchable face ever.

No. 344069

if she doesn't like who she is now it's not like she can't change. she hasn't fucked her life up so badly that she couldn't just simply get offline, drop the bad habits, and work to get healthier. i know she won't do that but it's entirely achievable

No. 344070

I honestly can't wait to see the meltdown when she turns 30, considering she likes to act like she's an old lady already, she really isn't that different to PT in one way or another.

No. 344073

Brad reviewed one of her videos years ago.

No. 344075

Yeah, you'd think if her life was so traumatic she developed DiD she wouldn't want to look at pictures of herself when she was younger and "unsafe" all of the time. People who had to deal with standard school bullying or their parents getting a messy divorce don't even like looking at pictures of themselves during that time because it brings up traumatic memories. Yet Jill just freely and regularly talks about herself from around that age with fondness. Because she's one of those losers who peaked in highschool. Usually there's not a lot of overlap between people with traumatic childhoods and people who peaked while still underaged.

I think Jill's meltdown will be even funnier than PTs. I have a soft spot for PT, the queen had a lot of things working against her. Jill had everything handed to her and all of the opportunities in the world. I genuinely think if PT was raised by Louise she would have ended up as some autistic weeb vlogger with a fairly decent amount of influence in kawaii circles. Louise for all her faults seems to be extremely nurturing to her kids interests. Alternatively, if someone like Jill had PTs apathetic mother she might have actually turned out slightly less annoying. Still an insufferable nobody loser, but she would have been bullied out of some of her more undesirable narc tendencies. Probably wouldn't gain online fame unless she was the butt of the joke, but she absolutely wouldn't be able to do shit like fake DiD.

No. 344077

exactly, she went from being a functional teen/early 20s adult to not being able to do basic things, even though according to her she's much better after going to therapy. Ironically I think that's how she came up with DID, she could point at her past and say "you know that time I used to dress really cute? well I was actually having a response to being sexually abused as a child and that was my whore alter!"

No. 344078

She is pretending to be a CSA victim for internet attention and is using her platform to support perverted men having free access to woman and children's safe spaces. >>344076 My favorite part of her autism larp is 10+ years of video documentation proving she isn't autistic. I wonder if Jedidiah Matthews even bothered looking through her channel before encouraging her DID larp.

No. 344081

I think this is one of my absolute favorite copes of all time; when fatty Patties claim they "struggled" with an ED when they were younger when really it was just probably skipping one meal a day combined with teenage metabolism. Even with skelly shooping she's nowhere near the levels of genuinely unwell anachan. She's literally just "thin" even with her shooping kek. It makes me laugh.

No. 344082

i believe it's less that and more about perpetually living in the past and realizing she got bigger after she moved out from PEI and started living with steven with no mommy helping her eat more vegetables. she's dumb and can't figure out that she could had still been thin and semi relevant if she only kept with the times and evolved in a positive healthy way instead of the boring irrelevant shit she's doing now. somewhere in another universe there's a more mature and thin jill doing content that people actually want to see.

No. 344083

Saturday Stream

No. 344084

I don't get why Jill has blown up so much in the last couple of years. It's not like she is busy and has bills to pay. Is it because of the munchies? Maybe she should just eat a salad once in a while. (Without ranch or whatever the Canadian equivalent is)

No. 344085

She's 26 (later 20's is when metabolism will slow down) and survives off of meat and potato bakes. She does not count calories nor does she meet her macros. She lives an incredibly sedentary life (which is also why she probably struggles with anxiety and depression, because humans are not meant to sit on their ass 24/7), and she's short. She was always meant to be a fatty chan, honestly.

No. 344086

File: 1739046669374.jpg (421.51 KB, 360x1924, 1000003459.jpg)

She's going to redo the cardigan from her graduation collection. I grabbed a couple of screenshots from the transcript generator I use.

No. 344087

Jesus can't this bitch ever let it go and make something new.

No. 344088

Metabolism shit is untrue and an excuse for fatties, stop spreading it. It decreases less than 1% per year in your late 30s and is not a reason or an excuse to blow up 50lbs in a year or two.

No. 344089

File: 1739047435457.jpg (288.17 KB, 360x1257, 1000003470.jpg)

Jill talking about Steve's birthday gifts. Steve also is apparently getting into goth. I didn't screenshot that because it said golf.
Red marks are to differentiate when she was talking about it. Unfortunately this one does not have timestamps. She blabbed a lot in-between. I just grabbed the ones pertaining to the cardigan.

No. 344090

>Steve also is apparently getting into goth
Uh uh. Nope. Noooo thank you. Considering he is a "former" (kek yeah right) porn addict, I have no doubts this is one step closer to him trooning out. I'm starting to think he's more attracted to goth girls. I wonder if he's going to go chasing the dragon eventually (IE if he can't have Maggie, he will become Maggie 2.0).

No. 344091

>gets a cardigan for her boyfriend
>says it has the vibes of one of her alters
So she just got this for Steebie so that Seb can steal it and if Steve complains, Jill will say he's stopping her from being her authentic self and being able to euphoria her gender lmao

No. 344092

File: 1739053049425.gif (5.54 MB, 864x864, what she looked like posting t…)

>Steve also is getting into goth
Translation: Steve wants to fuck a goth woman/tranny he's into and since Jill can't fulfill it he's doing it himself. The "I love Stevie" alter won't be enough cuz it isn't simply her style choices, she's very offputting and fake as a person too. Very unattractive.
KEK you're so right. Looking back at her pictures she looked fine especially since she was a teenager.
You see skellier woman on social media all the time now and no one cares. But she was posting ED disclaimers on completely normal pics.

No. 344093

Her not weaving in the ends on a final graduating collection piece has always baffled me. That piece remains unfinished all these years later.

No. 344095

Lol not everything is about the usa, there's an election coming up in Canada. Plus weird threats about a hostile annexation.

No. 344097

Her not weaving in the ends on a final graduating collection piece has always baffled me. That piece remains unfinished all these years later.

No. 344098

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This hairstyle besides the unibangs looks so cute on women with thin faces and ‘pixie-like’ features (kek) a la Alice from Twilight, it probably would have looked cuter on her as a teen but honestly she looks her best in the 2014 era where she had long extensions and no bangs/put them in a topknot, it makes her face look way more balanced and distracted from her unfortunate nose. All women should know that certain hairstyles work for their face shape/weight she looks actually disease ridden and washed out like a chubby pimply meatcanyon character
picrel, not only is it inspired by the shirt but all of Big Bud’s stores and studios/backdrop are covered in those same types of rainbows too, and look better because she chooses to use that baby shit tangerine because orange it’s ‘kawaii’ enough

No. 344100

The "tangerine" is yellow, but she can never seem to actually make a pastel yellow for anything she paints. She always picks a more sunflower yellow. She's done this for her hairdyes, too. It drives me crazy.

No. 344101

>This hairstyle besides the unibangs looks so cute on women with thin faces and ‘pixie-like’ features (kek)
There are plenty of cute fat women but Jill just isn't it. She doesn't know what to do with her body or face besides pretend like she's still a skinny-ish teen

No. 344102

I for one welcome Steve becoming a goth troongirl coomer in the near future, Jill is so vile that I'm just here for the train wreck now

No. 344103

The biggest change is just when people stop growing taller, then it’s a matter of muscle mass loss over time due to inactivity. Jill is a ham who has never been in shape and never will be so her metabolic rate tanked ages ago (but fatasses like her burn much more by simply existing). It definitely will get worse over time because of her own poor decisions though. Her getting that stupid Miku boxing thing instead of actually working out, and making a bunch of excuses about autism and being trans, says it all.

No. 344104

Goth? No wonder why he blacked out his neck on one of her videos.
I know. But Steve has been speaking about U.S. politics before all of that. My point is that they both of them are privileged and don't acknowledge it like most gendie sjws do. I don't think I've ever seen neither of them even mention anything about transgender issues outside of themselves on small occasion just bc one manipulates others into thinking that she's trans bc alters and the other is a creep with a porn rotted brain.

No. 344114

I have no idea how IF a therapist was able to see all of this and knew all about Jill they would genuinely go about helping her. How would they make her accept and realize she's not got DID or autism etc? It seems impossible

No. 344118

Any decent therapist would fire her for being non-compliant, which is why she settles for hacks like Angel Therapist. She is fully dependent on her image as this poor and most specialest wittle girl larp both as a cope to not realize she is actually not the Main Character™, but also as a way to skirt away from any sort of responsibility. I believe she is aware that if she would try to tone down or quit her entire larp at this point, whatever that is left of her social standing and/or her influencer career would absolutely explode in her face, so instead of taking the consequences she is doubling down into full munchie arc.

No. 344119

Baby angel therapist moved out of the province and made sure we couldn’t see his online presence anymore. I’m sure he regrets it kek.

No. 344120

Most therapists are more live Angel therapists than good therapists. They love to enable people like Jill so they can take her money.

No. 344121

Thing is she still could step away from the munchie shit if she really wanted to. Just focus on what people actually watched. Quietly dial it back and if anyone asks just say you’re hecking doing better, menthol health is so important! Freaking get married in Japan or something big like that. Buy a Lolita wedding dress. She’s a fashion channel right? So do more hauls, make stuff, god knows her fans don’t care about quality.make soap. She literally just needs to lose weight. Just get an addy script you fuck. I know, she’s too lazy etc etc but it’s fixable. Not for long though.

No. 344129

Therapists wouldn't see it unless she told them. It's considered an invasion of privacy to look at clients social media, and the vast majority of therapists won't do it. Now you might think, wouldn't the therapists want to have as much information possible to help their clients? And that would make sense, however, therapy is not a serious profession, it is a money making racket. As long as jill pays the therapist, they are not going to rock the boat.

No. 344133

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Jed was a graduate of a very infamous online "university" called Yorkville. They offer something called a "Masters of Counselling," and I believe that they're the only school that offers this sort of "degree" because it's not actually a real program or real study topic. Yorkville basically a bogus diploma mill, as long as you pay the exuberant fees you will get the degree regardless of your performance. A lot of psychologists won't work with someone that has a Yorkville degree because of the poor reputation that it has. It's basically a school for grifters to make it into the protected practice of psychology in as little time as possible. It is not surprising at all that Jed enabled Jill and didn't give her adequate care, because he was not trained to do so - he bought his degree, he didn't study for it or work for it. You can tell that he's a grifter because now his work focuses on "queer & trans youth," i.e., he's part of the gendie cult and is making bank off of enabling children's delusions.

He moved out of NB to continue his grift and to climb the career ladder. Jed operates a website now, shown in picrel, and has his own private clinical practice. He lives and works in Alberta now, because Alberta is one of two provinces in Canada that allows people with Masters degrees to claim the title of "psychologist." In every other jurisdiction, one needs either a PHD or a PsyD degree (i.e., 4-6 more years of experience than Jed has) to label themselves as a psychologist. He moved out of NB because in NB, his degree only enabled him to use the term "counselor," and counselors make less money than psychologists. Since he has the term "psychologist" in Alberta, and he worked there for more than 2 years, he can now use this title Canada-wide. This is a relative obscure loophole in the legal system that enables "psychologist" to be a protected term, and it's a loophole that many Yorkville graduates are intimately familiar with because it's advertised as one of the "benefits" of their bogus Masters program.

>inb4 derail ban

I'll take it. I just wanted to make a post about Jed because I feel like it's common that anons are confused about him and his credentials. A lot of anons might not be familiar with Canadian psychology practices or laws. It's been a long time since he was the focus in Jill's story, but I think it's important that we know about it him because he basically gave Jill the green-light to start this DID LARP to begin with.

No. 344134

He doesn't list where he did his Bachelor's, but every other school he has attended besides Dalhousie is a diploma mill. Yorkville is a school that offers a 4 year bachelor's in one year if you pay their extremely high tuition fees. Toronto Institute for Contemporary Psychoanalysis is a class anyone can sign up for if you pay their fees, and you get no accreditation. California Southern University is an entirely online diploma mill, as well. Really pathetic how easy it is to get a wall full of plaques that say you have any authority to speak on a topic when all you've done is taken on a large amount of debt.

No. 344135

I can see Jed's practice from my house. I've seem him walking around a few times. Kinda weird seeing someone from the Jillian Extended Universe IRL.

No. 344136

>Really pathetic how easy it is to get a wall full of plaques that say you have any authority to speak on a topic when all you've done is taken on a large amount of debt.
Tbh Jill should do the same thing and she’d be the happiest she could ever be. Though listening to other people isn’t her strong suit. Crazy that he’s worked with vulnerable people like veterans,refugees and trauma victims. he’s just pulling shit out his ass. Someone like that is dangerous and should never be trusted. I notice you cannot review his practice either which is sus.

No. 344143

>he's part of the gendie cult and is making bank off of enabling children's delusions.
I'm gonna be the first to call it: in the future when he gets arrested for his crimes of transitioning innocent children, Jill will be using it as a sob-story just like she used other kids trauma from that pedo piano teacher to get sympathy online. She will do it again.

No. 344149

She'll probably claim the therapist made up all the DID stuff and act like she's a victim even though she's the one who came up with all the alters who coincidentally like all the same things as her and act just like her

No. 344155

Jill would rather drink bleach on livestream rather than deliberately go against popular opinion in her retarded rainby niche cult. If the tranny counselor faces punishment for any possible trooning of children she'd be the first to make some shallow sob story tweet thread about how baby angel therapist-kun is being literally lynched by a literal lynch mob for being a tranny and how it's sooooo not the woke kweerio vibe sis hashtag slay the house boots down (insert wet-eye sad emoji here).

No. 344163

Nah, she'd vague tweet about how he was always too nice to her and form an therapist alter to cope with all of the trauma she was forced to relive.

No. 344165

Can we just admit therapy is a scam? 99% of therapists are part of the gendie cult. Not being part of the gendie cult means that you will get your license revoked especially in a shit hole like Canada. I seriously doubt going to therapy could help Jill.

No. 344167

I live in a different country and continent and a few months ago I saw a rainbow haired girl of the same height and weight as Jill wearing a similar clown outfit (if anyone remembers the candid her mom posted on facebook it looked like that)
Was very amusing even though obviously not her. Canadian local anons must have a surreal time.
>is not surprising at all that Jed enabled Jill and didn't give her adequate care
Always seemed clear to me he was getting to his hour quota, iirc he needed to do x number of hours to advance his career so she helped him get his hours up.
I've read too many stories of absolute shit therapists, imo so many of them are in it for the money only. I'm sure there are good ones but a bad one can do damage. People normalise feeling worse after an appointment, that shouldn't happen, it's a bit of a quack profession from my distant perspective on it. Good if you need literally anyone to talk to but not on any more meaningful level. Also seems predatory with how much they charge to 1. Listen 2. Possibly make you feel worse
People like Jed do not disprove that theory (like how Jill "discovered" she had DID after starting therapy with him and seemed to get observably worse.
(No medfagging but I think we all know what actual disorder she has and it isn't DID)

No. 344168

The ED claims are so if anyone gently suggests losing weight so she feels better (definitely a BMI over 25 on her) she can say they are aboosing and triggering her while frantically gesturing at photos of her looking normal and healthy as "proof" that a normal BMI is in fact disordered.
Seems like the easiest way to improve her health but nobody can even skirt the topic because normal BMI is "anorexic" and eating disordered in her world.
Controlling other people's interactions is key, this is why she crashes out and starts threatening/insulting/accusing anyone who doesn't go along with her bs.

No. 344171

I like the pastel/white but that hair is never gonna grow with this level of bleaching (and the fact she has curly hair but follows 0 curly hair care advice)
Aside she is always so delighted and elated when looking at herself and talking about herself, truly the most genuinely in love with themselves people I've come across.

No. 344175

>she is always so delighted and elated when looking at herself and talking about herself, truly the most genuinely in love with themselves people I've come across.
this is one of the things i really hate about her. her inability to hide how in love she is with herself is insane. it's incredibly blatant and it is also kind of deranged. i also agree, she is one of the most self-obsessed and self-centered people i have ever come across. it's vile. like she can't even hide her narcissism. she loves herself way too much for being such a garbage person. i don't think there's anything wrong with practicing self-love, we all should like ourselves more, but she's just a straight up narcissistic bitch who thinks the world should bend over backwards for her. there's really not much to love. she needs to work on herself, i don't even mean about her appearance, it’s her personality and insides that are rotten.

No. 344184

File: 1739255906037.jpeg (238.5 KB, 1242x1097, IMG_6175.jpeg)

Jill thinks she was underweight as a young teen bc after she hit puberty she visually weighed more than other girls her age. She went from being skinny to average sized. When she was anorexic and bulimic she looked like and weighed as much as an average skinny 13 year old girl. But after Tristian helped her overcome her eating disorder she went back to being average weight. Pictures attached are 6th grade Jill.

No. 344185

Her "scary ed weight" just doesn't even look that low. It can't be that much under 18, which is an arbitrary cutoff that many people have a naturally lower bmi than. She could have easily achieved that look by healthy means and in fact still could. It's just all so dumb.

No. 344187

File: 1739261081999.png (335.31 KB, 854x480, 1512021397060 (1).png)

She used to always emphasize she had anorexia specifically too. When her issue was obviously the bulimia. She was never skelly. She was thin (briefly) at most. If her drs/mom were worried it was because she was purging and it was dangerous. Not the healthy 18 bmi. She had yellow teeth and huge cheeks for quite some time too. Now she usually says "ED" instead.
Her anorexia shit always seemed like one of Jillians many copes and exaggerations.

No. 344188

File: 1739263523884.jpg (264.94 KB, 1440x1263, IMG_20250211_004339_785.jpg)

This is cringe and giving ana competitive behavior. You can be underweight without looking like Eugenia cooney, many of the women in Hollywood you look at and think are "thin and healthy" are not healthy at all and have lost their period at some point, far before withering away to skin and bones. Add into it that every body is different, nobody should be significantly overweight or underweight, but some girls are fine a bit thinner than what is considered ideal bmi, and some girls are fine a bit bigger than that. Both individuals may experience health issues if they get a little too big or a little too small.
Jill is white, you guys are probably comparing her to Kpop spoops. Also that kind of rhetoric of "not even skinny enough to have health complications" contributes to keeping young girls struggling with ED sick for longer because they feel shame that they didn't even reach their skin and bones goal weight before they had to tap out and get help.
She's too big now (or at least she was last time I checked up on this thread) but I don't think it's hard to believe on the left she may have been having issues, pic on the right was probably the healthiest weight for her(sage your shit/whiteknight)

No. 344189

Kek you do realise this is Jill we’re talking about anon? She pulled an “I didn’t eat for 3 days so I could be lovely” she was never a full-blown anorexic.

No. 344190

Calm down whiteknight. This is Jillian. The same person lying about debilitating life long trauma despite being a coddled little shit. She also OPENLY admits to Photoshopping herself skinnier when she had "anorexia". She probably skipped a meal or two, her helicopter mother whisked her to a doctor and she was suddenly cured. I'd bet my left ass cheeks she's never been truly disordered, aside from her raging borderline.

No. 344191

pic of the left is a completely normal weight for a child (at least outside of the us). she has also admitted to photoshopping all her "anorexic" photos. this is jill we're talking about. she has also later claimed it was actually arfid instead, which would leave her completely malnourished.

No. 344193

>Jill is white so she therefore should have been fat as a literal adolescent otherwise she clearly could have been starving to death during the 3 months she went on a crash diet
Kek what a joke. No one cares that she spent a couple months keeping her weight down within a completely normal range for a middle schooler before her attentive loving parent popped her in treatment and she got better. She’s been milking it for anorexia pitypoints for over a decade, it’s a clear indication she’s a munchie who wishes she was as tragic as Eugenia without actually being like that person at all.

No. 344196

She’s been open about her blatant abuse of photoshop back in the day, she was shooping herself smaller as a teen. If her issues were as bad as she claimed she would shill photos of her in the hospital constantly for asspats. She knows she can’t get away with saying she’s ana anymore because she’s too big and throwing up is ewww icky so she went for a grift she has better control of. Most women are familiar with disordered eating so she’s dialed it back beside claiming arfid.

No. 344198

Read, anon. I said that kids being skinny was just as normal as other kids being average weight meaning that Jill was an average weight and not very underweight like she says. You know she exaggerates what she says and made herself look skinner with photoshop. I don't doubt that she needed help since she wouldn't eat for days and threw up. If she ever was underweight, it was probably only by 5 or 10 pounds.

No. 344200

How has this retard avoided a redtext for whiteknighting and sperging for 7 hours, jannies must really be asleep.

No. 344201

Even at her thinnest Jill just looks like a regular scrawny teenager. She probably did have issues with restrictive eating at that age, but i think its more rare for a teenager growing up on the weeb/scene side of the internet to not have any eating disorders.

No. 344203

You're just proving my point, left pic is literally just a normal weight that even adult women have naturally or can achieve with just healthy eating and exercise. And no, not just Asian women. People are a lot fatter than they used to be but this is completely normal and nobody 20-30 years ago would have looked twice at it.
The only thing worse than anachans are the people that think a totally normal weight 30 years ago is dangerous unachievable skelly.
Also the diagnostic criteria for anorexia includes being a certain amount of underweight for a prolonged period of time. Starving yourself for 3 months to be a NORMAL WEIGHT doesn't make you anorexic. 40 years ago this was called a "crash diet" and not a single person cared, now attention seekers like jill get to play sick girl and get doctors fawning over them (after forking over $$$$ in insurance money, of course!)
The only picture of Jill's I've seen that is remotely alarming is the one where she is in the floral dress leaning against the wall and she probably shopped that. All her other "ed" photos are normal photos of a normal thin teenage girl.

No. 344204

the main thing I'm taking from the left pic is that she had jowls back then too, unfortunate genes

No. 344205

What she probably needed was to be told to grow tf up. All this romanticization of ED is what actually hurts neurotic teenage girls.
If you read about the history of anorexia in China and Asian countries, it was actually a completely different disorder with different causes and symptoms. Then western doctors showed up with slick ads and PR of uwu frail sick girls with a predefined set of symptoms, and suddenly modern anorexia takes off in China. It's not organic at all. It's a culture bound illness spread by western doctors. Giving the girls attention and validating that they are totally ill in a very special and troublesome way is probably the worst thing you could do. These illnesses explode the more the media covers them, which is what happened in China. People blame western movies and other media for showing skinny women, but it's actually from the medical field that these diseases spread.
Other cultures usually deal with culture bound illness by telling them to go outside and touch grass. But in our society, these illnesses are prolonged to generate more money and fame for doctors and psychologists. This romanticization is a big draw for girls like jill, who is still fondly and romantically talking about her "ed phase" a decade later, instead of being embarrassed that she cost her parents a lot of money and worry over absolutely nothing.(derailing)

No. 344206

Yeah if anything she has BDD but anorexia is too far. Short-term ED-like behavior isn't anorexia and she's only bragging because it's one of the deadliest mental illnesses

No. 344210

>If you read about the history of anorexia in China and Asian countries, it was actually a completely different disorder with different causes and symptoms. Then western doctors showed up with slick ads and PR of uwu frail sick girls with a predefined set of symptoms, and suddenly modern anorexia takes off in China.
Where can I read about this?(derailing)

No. 344212

anon is full of shit.

No. 344213

She really should just stick with brown for her hair and so just rainbow bangs. It would be best for her hair and also look a lot better

No. 344214

File: 1739307167394.png (25.25 KB, 936x187, ssri retardation.png)

anon is making great points actually, look into how chemical imbalance being the cause of depression was originally approved in north America as a marketing strategy only and never as a medical fact. these days doctors will look you in the face, diagnose your 'chemical imbalance' to sell you wellbutrin or whatever drug du jour and then retards like jill will believe that they will never be cured of a problem they don't have and make no improvements in their life whatsoever besides pounding more pills. western medicine is a fucking joke especially when it comes to mental health https://www.psychiatrictimes.com/view/debunking-two-chemical-imbalance-myths-again(derailing)

No. 344215

File: 1739307278288.jpg (224.73 KB, 720x1617, 1000003487.jpg)

Got the transcript with timestamps to work
>Fashion show which she says she will not name probably keep private happening in very early April
>Not going to be able to purchase everything in the show
>Probably a couple things for purchase
>Very very slow small quantity roll out at first because making everything by hand
>Bought decaf beans for her machine because she's sensitive to caffeine but it's mid
>Modeling someone's piece in the nbcd show so needs a model for hers, it's the strawberry dress she made last year

No. 344216

File: 1739307625686.jpg (180.66 KB, 720x1319, 1000003488.jpg)

>Steve is into card games like blackjack and poker for funsies, been practicing shuffling
>Wants to have a casino theme for birthday with no actual gambling
>Got him Star Wars playing cards and talks weirdly about the cards

No. 344217

File: 1739307972765.png (34.65 KB, 350x260, 1000003484.png)

I just thought this was funny
>Talks about Dash Con 2 being in Toronto
>Poked her mom about it
>Said you (Jill) could drive
>Deadass thinks she would have a 13 hour autism meltdown if she tried to drive from NB to Toronto

No. 344218

>"Mommy, mommy drive me to the internet conventions pluuhhsse!"
>"You could drive yourself…"
KEK It's your fucking mother of course she knows you're not autistic this is so funny her mom didn't humor her at all lmaoo. Why would she share this not realizing it makes her sound even faker kek

No. 344220

You know why. She wants to directly yet indirectly accuse her mom of “ableism” and other bullshit for more sympathy points from literal randos.

No. 344222

File: 1739313850047.jpeg (45.76 KB, 750x393, weed and fake did.jpeg)

Honestly, she only making me like Louise more for cutting her off after the mcr and weed saga shit kek >>339136 probably why she cries when she has to go home

No. 344227

I might be misremembering but I think that she's trying to make it seem like Steve "has" autism now too along with her dad and brother.
Sensitive to caffeine since when? This is the woman that went from tea to coffee to monster energy drinks.
Brown would look so nice. It's too bad that she thinks her natural hair color and hair texture isn't kawaii enough or whatever. Last time she had her natural hair color was in her lolita phase. She really needs a buzz cut. She can use it for gender points.

No. 344232

She was hoping her mom would offer to buy her a flight since "driving would cause an autism meltdown"

No. 344233

File: 1739324800519.png (2.66 MB, 1333x2000, autism cosplay.png)

Her autistic child cosplay is getting soooo much worse. She's fucking disgusting and shameless. She was a normal teenager at 16 >>344065 but aspie at 26 ffs

No. 344234

Nobody likes long drives Jillian (idek how long the drive is since I'm not canadian). Like what does autism have to do with driving I don't get it. Also it's so funny Louise was like bitch drive yourself.

No. 344235

>sitting in a car doing a boring quiet long drive would give me an ENDLESS AUTISM MELTDOWN
>but I NEED to go to a gigantic swarming chaotic hellhole of sound echoes and crowds and lights and smells and objects in an unfamiliar location
Her mom is so right for casually telling her off. Jill is too old to be begging her mom to cover this unnecessary stuff for her like a spoiled brat. Now every demand of hers is framed as a special interest sensory seeking autism self regulation need and if she doesn’t get it she’ll have a 12 year long meltdown and split 4 new anime girl alters!

No. 344236

Drives in canada are like cross country road trips. She's looking an at least 13 hour drive kek. At that point it's just better to fly there.

No. 344237


Flying makes more sense but i imagine Jill spends all her spare Patreon money on weed, wine and monster energy drinks. She's too used to Louise bailing her out, and I'm sure if Jill was actually working hard on her fashion line and didn't have spare fun money, Louise would throw her a few bucks to relax as a reward, but she knows her daughter is just being a lazy mooch.

No. 344238

Yeah she should fly but just look for it herself instead of publicly shading her mom for asking and not wanting to help her set up a flight as an adult woman.

No. 344239

This single most self-satisfied person in the entire world.

No. 344241

god i can't imagine what kind of mindset leads to this. this blatant tryhard larp is unreal, i can't understand why someone would do this pathetic shit. she looks way too pleased with herself

No. 344243

Retard could easily milk this for road trip content but she’s too stupid

No. 344244

>”autism meltdown”
just coming right out and saying it now, huh. perfect example of why self-diagnosis is not and never will be VaLiD, this fat pig is absolutely shameless

No. 344245

File: 1739353099908.png (108.59 KB, 976x657, jills event.png)

This screen cap intrigued me, so I went to the video to watch it and to transcribe what it was that she said. In the first minute of the stream, she awkwardly messes up the stream and she says something like "I'm blaming my DID for this," but it's very very obvious that she just took a bong rip. I thought it was kind of a funny microcosm of one of her major issues: constantly being high; pretending that her high-state is actually her sober-state; and then blaming the issues that arise from drugs on her "DID." Anyway, the transcript for this part:

Time: 32:29 - 34:14
>“Dashcon 2 is happening in Toronto, I think, isn’t that fucking awesome? Wait, when is that? Is that this year? ‘Cuz Devo, Devo just announced a tour. I want to see Devo so bad. You, like, it’s, I, they have one Canadian stop and it’s in Toronto but it’s June, so it’s kind of soon. Girl. What if I could double dip?”
>A commenter asks: “Why would they bring that [Dashcon] back?”
>”For old times’ sake! Maybe they’ll make it viewing only, or, they’ll just put up a big sign that says like ‘this is nasty, go in at your own risk!’”
>Another commenter specifies that Dashcon 2 is happening on 5 July.
>”July 5th? Wait, wait, wait, what if I went to Dashcon 2 and made it a business expense. What if I made the whole trip a business expense? Ouuughhhhhh.”
>Jill grabs her iPad and starts typing: “Devo Tour Toronto”

>”I was, I was, I was poking my mum about it and she was like, she was like, ‘track flights,’ she was like ‘you could drive.’ I deadass think I would have a 13-hour autism meltdown if I tried to drive from New Brunswick to Toronto.”
>Jill switches to a voice that I can only describe as gremlin-like: ”Oh, tickets aren’t even that much - JUNE 30TH! DEVO IS PLAYING IN 30TH AND DASHCON IS JULY 5TH! What if I, what if I, what if I went to Toronto.”
>Jill begins to sing in a forced Indian or Caribbean accent: “I don’t want to go to Toronto, I don’t want to go.”

I was specifically drawn to this part because she mentions making the trip a business expense. It made me wonder what else other recreational activities she files as a business expense for her taxes.

I looked up the Devo concert tickets for Toronto on June 30th to see what she'd be paying, you can look too at: https://www.ticketmaster.ca/devo-50-years-of-deevolution-continued-toronto-ontario-06-30-2025/event/1000623EF3DD71EA

The cheapest ticket I could find was for $101. The highest price was $603. The mean price of a ticket was $462. I thought it was strange that she said the ticket prices "weren't even that much," but then again she could have been talking about the price of plane tickets - so, I searched those up too. The cheapest round-trip flight I could find from Fredericton to Toronto for June 29th - July 5th (the day before the concert to the day after Dashcon 2 concluded) was $883, but that's still pretty expensive too. It'd be even more expensive for the concert and the flight if Steven accompanied her, since it'd double the costs. This isn't accounting for the price of accommodation for a week, which could easily reach over $1000.

The drive from Fredericton to Toronto is pretty far, it's ~1300km, but if she drove it then she'd probably be spending around $350-$400 on gas, which is a lot cheaper than the flights. I don't think Jill has ever driven that far, I think she would be too nervous to do it but instead of just saying that she deflects and claims she can't do it because of her supposed autism. She uses autism, really any mental illness, as an excuse.

>Fashion show which she says she will not name probably keep private happening in very early April
I went to this part of the video, and she says "early April," not "very early April." With this in mind, I'll bet that she's talking about Atlantic Entertainment Expo (atlanticexpo.ca/fredericton-25/). I was searching for other events happening in April, but I couldn't find any relating with fashion or crafting besides this one. The Fredericton show of the Atlantic Expo is happening from 12-13 April. It's basically an expo that caters to the nerd and anime subcultures. There's a lot of local crafters that attend because the expo has 100+ tables for their market, and the first table is offered for free. It wouldn't surprise me if Jill got a table for this event to show off her wares and advertise. She could be involved in a panel too, since last year they had a J-Fashion 101 panel, but there's no schedule for 2025 on their website yet.

In the transcription you uploaded, there's this line: "I'm also walking this piece in the NBCD show." For those that were confused by this, she didn't say "NBCD," she said "NBCCD" AKA the cheap craft college she attended. Their annual show is happening on 17 April at the Fredericton Convention Centre, and she'll be modelling some clothes for one of the school's graduates.

No. 344249

Don't some autistic people struggle with driving but love sensory stimulation? Idk I'm not an expert. A 12 hour drive seems long but isn't there a bus system in Canada she could use? Or why can't she pay for her own flight?

No. 344252

Jill isn't autistic. There is no trans-provincial bus system. She can't pay for a flight on her own because she doesn't have the money for it.

No. 344254

Yea, some autistics struggle with driving which is totally fine. Jill hit a deer once and thinks it’s over for her. When you drive long distances you have to build up your stamina and practice before going. Blog but moving from Canada to the states where I’m not driving crazy distances anymore the change has been noticeable and driving more than 2 hours is hard now.

No. 344255

That's a vast oversimplification used by self-diagnosed social media assholes to justify not aligning with the criteria whatsoever. Someone who would have a "13 hour meltdown" from driving a car (which also shows she doesn't understand what meltdowns are, since for starters they wouldn't last that long and she wouldn't be able to drive during it, it's not just being upset and crying) also wouldn't enjoy a massive multi-day convention. Jill isn't some 80 IQ retard who can't drive without veering off the road and killing herself or flipping out and bashing her head against the steering wheel 2000 times but can be wrangled around to do stimmy hands babbling at some specific thing like light switches. She picks and chooses symptoms at will and crams them into her own boxes. You can't just call anything you don't want to do an autism meltdown and anything you like sensory seeking or a special interest.
Anyway she's a spoiled brat for trying to make her mom look ableist for not helping her go on an expensive trip when Jill's life is already an endless vacation.

No. 344261

>Don't some autistic people struggle with driving but love sensory stimulation?
Kek this is probably what Jill told herself. Traveling to go to a concert and a con within a week would be quite extreme if you're the kind of autist who struggles with basic things

No. 344262


Just to add on to this anon, while there is no bus that goes the full way, there is a train that goes 95% of the way. The train doesn't pass directly through Fredericton, but it passes through a nearby town (she can bus there). Train cost would be a bit over $500 including taxes. Cheaper than a plane, faster than driving.

No. 344264

She should go full Sarah spaceman and take the night train kek.

No. 344269

>left pic is literally just a normal weight that even adult women have naturally or can achieve with just healthy eating and exercise
I feel like maybe in the US it is less easy because their diet is all corn syrup and preservatives, americans often report immediately dropping 20lb in 2 weeks vacation in Europe. So I think this is where the griping and genuinely believing the anorexia grift might come from from anons. In any country where the food is edible it's pretty easy and common to be a normal weight like that, particularly in your teens when 90% of girls look like that.
It's really ridiculous to look at a photo like the left one here >>344188
And believe it is a bonafide ED and not just Jill mentioning/shoehorning her "ED" every time she posts a throwback photo just in case someone dares to say she looks good (or better!) that way

No. 344270

The main issue is just that, the picking and choosing of a disorder's traits and symptoms. She did it with DID, saying the child doesn't front ever while doing adult things like driving, and she does it now with autism. The kind of autist she larps as would be low-functioning and high needs, but she can fuck off to a convention or a concert and be totally fine. It's very transparent now why she doesn't need a diagnostic, because not only can she live in her delusion but she also doesn't plan to pursue therapy that helps her to function. She has been coddled all her life so instead of thinking "hey, maybe I could learn some coping skills for my totes real autism in order to do things like drive myself" she inmediatly asks her mommy for it.

No. 344271

Jill's entire autism schtick is just another way for her to refuse to grow up, she sees people with autism as these disabled babies that can't do anything for themselves so she believes it's the perfect excuse to go "NO! I'M THE BABY!" now that she is expected to be responsible for herself.
She is quick to call others ableist, when she is the most ableist of them all kek I wonder how often she and Louise argues now that she is weaponizing her made-up munchie disorders.

No. 344277

classic peter pan syndrome. i'm surprised she hasn't already had some ageplay kink scandal yet.

No. 344281

I like that Louise is finally showing even a tiny hint of restraint. I want to imagine it being like, "you're an adult, you're 'working full time' as you claim, you're old enough to get married, you're old enough to buy your own fucking plane ticket." For once, just once, I want Louise to say something like that. It would destroy Jill.

No. 344282

Closest thing we got was steebie encouraging someone to age regress at their house.

No. 344284

Well Jillian is very very afraid of aging and thinks any age past 24 is geriatric so it would make her have a full-on breakdown if her mother said something like that

No. 344285


I feel like Jill can't float the $500 because it'd cut too heavily into her weed and chicken nuggy budget for the month. She'd also bitch and complain about the long train ride.

Louise has been gently letting Jill know she's not buying it for a while, but i wonder if she'll ever run out of patience and just tell Jill she's ruining her life for absolutely no reason. I wish Jill would actually come across a person living with the difficulties she pretends to have and see how vastly different their worlds are. But she's so immature and narcissistic all she'd do is take notes to be a better illness larper. It's like she and shayna are at a race to the bottom.

No. 344287

>see how vastly different their worlds are
She would just retweet more posts about how autism and DID are spectrum disorders(sage your shit)

No. 344288

If Jill wants to prove that she's autistic she should have a meltdown like Chris Chan at the dumb pony convention

No. 344289

She already said her fit about not being the most important person at a past con was an autism meltdown even though it was clearly a BPD episode centered around her ego, not her being unable to handle the sensory and executive demands of the con, since she's adored attending them for ages now. But now she can blame her ego combined with normal human feelings of fatigue and wigcap headaches on "autism."

No. 344291

She could also be fixated on certain characteristics of characters like ChrisChan going nuts over sonic having blue arms. She doesn't even have that, it's impressive how she knows nothing about what she wishes she was. Like, she can't even say that autism or even DID are hyperfixations because she just sucks at reading more than 3 lines of text that aren't about her or about her and praising her.

No. 344293

what is the actual validity to this? especially with so many sources claiming otherwise. i still don't believe DID is even a real disorder.

No. 344294

File: 1739510477151.jpeg (474.37 KB, 1592x2048, 1687731739171.jpeg)

Her "meltdown" at the con was 100% because she looked ugly and dumpy and her cosplay wasn't good. She's been supposedly making all her cosplays since early teens. She also attended the cons without sperging. This time not only Sof and her friend cosplayed better lots other people in the con too. She had to physically face she's not even good at the only thing she's supposed to be really good at (sewing/cosplay) and CRIED literally upon realizing it.

No. 344300

If it's about attention for her then she's fucking stupid to cosplay this shit at conventions because there is not a major audience for what characters she is going as. I've seen really good cosplays not receive as much attention as bad yet trendy ones. Not that her attitude still wouldn't be the problem barring that.

No. 344301

She isn't looking for attention from the masses. She wants recognition from the convention that she's the bestest ever. It's why she would sneak her way into lower tier judgings for years. She barely ever spends time on the con floor so how could anyone even see her cosplays?

No. 344302

Her envy issues are so crazy, no wonder Sof also likely (or definitely?) has BPD because any sane person would be utterly sick of a friend like Jill. Imagine having a friend who has to compete with you about everything and when you win first prize she breaks down in tears and makes you reassure her. Not to mention how openly angry Jill was about Sof’s engagement. Despicable honestly but I guess she can blame it on her big neurospicy autism feefees.

No. 344303

>as an autist I just have to be better than the people in my social circle, and I have to get the most asspats, and the people in my social circle must recognize this about me and they must not have a better life than me or I will have an autistic meltdown about it! This is all very normal and typical of autism and not a cluster b personality disorder partly characterized by attention-seeking and jealousy!
I really want a professional to thoroughly study her complete and total lack of self-awareness. This isn't normal kek.

No. 344306

Honestly same applies. Contests are popularity contests.

No. 344317

File: 1739578212767.png (706.45 KB, 720x1301, 1000003534.png)

Happy Valentine's Day, nonnas. Here is Jill's Valentine's Day pictures.

No. 344318

I actually like the way she styled her hair here. She needs to stop with the bowlcut bangs

No. 344319

File: 1739580405937.png (98.33 KB, 720x443, 1000003538.png)

No. 344320


i was going to compliment her hair and then she said this shit, ugh

No. 344321

This looks fucking retarded and bad. Her roots are looking limp and slightly greasy too.

No. 344322

>For some reason the iphone selfies eat harder
Literally everyone knows that iphones boost reds in pictures

No. 344323

Amazing how they managed to choose a pink that's the exact same value as their skin, it looks so weird(integrate)

No. 344332

I wish she would actually larp her autism well so we could have some proper milk. she's such a fucking loser her literal job is to larp being a retard online and she can't even do that correctly.

No. 344335

gendie is it not past your bedtime?
I don't hate it as a concept of makeup look on anyone else in like a fashion editorial or something. She thinks she's giving club kid, but it reads as half assed, look at meeeee praise meeeee for painting my face!

No. 344337

the concept is ok if not a bit lazy the issue is that she could use this for content that's not grating or exposing herself like for example post a video doing this makeup but instead she posts videos about her malingering or her "hyper fixations". she could post content about literally anything and get views but she really does think she should overshare about her self proclaimed disorders instead of posting content people actually want to watch.

No. 344338

I can't help but wonder how it looks from the front kek

No. 344345

File: 1739614186770.png (377.97 KB, 354x585, Screen Shot 2025-02-15 at 4.06…)

This is ugly and uncreative. Same makeup she always does but in red. She simply drew a big flat heart. I'll never get over her describing herself as a full time artist. Aggressively confident about her mid skills at everything

No. 344346

Looks like a rash or a sunburn. The way she’s straining her neck to hide her double chins looks painful.

No. 344347

File: 1739616460023.jpeg (664.59 KB, 828x1518, IMG_5827.jpeg)

Not an original thought in her munchie mind nor a shred of effort. She looks like put some tape on her face and smeared some peptol bismol on it.

No. 344349

Sucks ass and she has the wispy 3 strands of white hair of an old woman
She stopped mentioning Veronica much ages ago when she got out of her nightlife drinking phase didn’t she? She made this whole sob story about how she realized that Veronica existed to shield her from how she was “repeatedly and brutally raped as a child” after previously saying she DIDN’T have trauma typical of DID due to her special brain, scrambling to cover up that it was just her way of saying she liked going out and getting drunk and acting sexy for a couple years there in her early 20s. But how often does Veronica come up now that she’s over it?
It’s like her getting tired of being emo and deciding to LARP as Steve’s idea of an 80s goth guy instead, and now she’s “Sebastian”—because tiktok and Instagram went from boosting MCR revival emo content to goth content as the norm for zoomers. Wouldn’t be surprised if she starts saying Veronica fused because she’s so “healed.”

No. 344350

File: 1739626265221.png (542.46 KB, 720x1024, 1000003542.png)

No. 344351

everyday it becomes more and more obvious that her alters are just based on interests she doesn't want associated with her. She killed Veronica when she got bored of partying, she killed Jerrick when she got bored of emo, and she'll kill Seb when Steve gets bored of goth

No. 344355

She also started the Amber alter (that lasted maybe a month) when she was angry at the McLean video and started the Sunny alter when she wanted to be the most autistic weebiest weeb. It's all just phases to her.

No. 344361

Thank God for the government enforcing taxes making sure Cliffe will never die.

No. 344364

I feel like modding her streams would be incredibly easy. She’s got like 5 fans left.

No. 344368

Cliffe hears "axe the tax" and can barely even sleep at night

No. 344371


Her hair looks cute but that makeup is fucking awful. Almost worse than her clown phase.

Berry the baby alter will outlive everyone because Jill will never stop being a giant pissbaby. Rip Jerrick, you were my favorite.
She created both of those alters because of McLean. The weeb was created because for a moment in Jill's life, she felt shame. But since she's as emotionally mature as her youngest alter, she decided it was all the mean boolies at McLean boolying her for liking anime and cakes or something retarded like that.

No. 344377

Low-key hope people keep asking her this, it would be funny if people kept insisting anything creative she does is clearly NOT Jill kek

No. 344380

File: 1739676363334.jpeg (744.83 KB, 828x1281, IMG_5830.jpeg)

She reposted on instagram and the caption is killing me LMAO

No. 344381

Ayrt, I know both of them were created at that time. I was just pointing out the purposes they served basically, since she seems to use each alter for each fleeting interest she has, or any basic emotions as well. Amber is obviously dead after Jillian no longer has to pretend to be a tough girl who lipsyncs menacingly to the camera and Sunny became her way of larping an obnoxious teenage autistic weeb who loves MLP so she was repurposed.

No. 344384

KEK she's so blatantly seething at the thread. Jillian its not just that its been done already, it's that you did it really badly >>344345 >>344347 KEK

No. 344394

This could be fun for a party or something but this is so lazy for an instagram post from an 'influencer'. Also the eyebrows look like red caterpillars. At least when she does them in pastels it's less obvious.

No. 344409

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No. 344411

what is that metal thing between her legs?

No. 344412

File: 1739747542004.png (691.12 KB, 720x1277, 1000003561.png)

Steve's outfit

No. 344415

am i just retarded or does she make no sense here? she got his neck paint on her forehead from kissing? also i think she's dug herself a hole she didn't realize would happen when she started the DID larp because she must be getting pissed off that every time she does something she likes someone in the replies assumes it's one of her ocs kek. jealousy over the fake people in her head she pretends to be

No. 344418

god he grosses me out so bad, like how projared does

No. 344420

Spoiler that shit nonnie, kek. The bondage top strap is killing me.

No. 344424

onlyfans Jill saga approaching?

No. 344426

>heh… I’m a kinky queer newly-goth bdsm dnd nerd, welcome to my twisted mind…
Truly disgusting. May nothing but woe be upon this entire breed of man for all eternity.

No. 344427

Yumi King ass editing holy. Steven is such a poser he can’t even seal his neck paint. Jesus use makeup spray, translucent powder, or even aqua net for god’s sake. I can imagine how nasty and dirty the walls in rainbow dungeon with cat shit and smeared black makeup.

No. 344432

I said it before and I'll say it again. Jill picks the ugliest men. But Steve wins the ugliest man title and being a pedo with serial killer eyes doesn't help him. It's supposed to be goth night and he didn't even put on any eyeliner.
She's definitely reading the thread. We say that Veronica is dead and then she's acting like her sexy alter is the one who made her get her tits out complete with her purple bracelet.

No. 344434

The neck paint is so cringe.

No. 344435

Probably a glass cuz she’s party girl V. >>344418
You’re onto something because Jared wears bondage gear too.

No. 344437

Imagine larping online that you are soooo autistic and everything is such a sensory nightmare that you can't function in your day-to-day life and then going to a goth night at a bar

Also her hair has never looked worse lmao

No. 344441

Obviously Veronica doesn't have autism kek jk. It's also funny that once again Jill shows that her "brutal" trauma alter exists only as her nightlife OC, ridiculous. Honestly, how many quirky white girls have some "drunk alter ego" that they give a silly nickname? I've literally met a small legion of girls who say their nightclub self has some stupid name or whatever because it's where everyone lets loose and acts stupid and wants to be edgy and sexy. Jill is so retarded she thinks typical sorority girl behavior is proof that she has a condition that lands people on the news

No. 344443

His hairline is farther back in every photo. He has a sixhead at this point. The broccoli cut on a guy pushing 30 is proof that he spends way too much time watching 16 year olds on TikTok.
Just look at her jowls. Shocking.
>at a bar
It's at the Monarch Club, the same "queer friendly" faux-dive bar she goes to for everything.

No. 344444

File: 1739757439543.png (401.17 KB, 931x595, gothnight.png)

I'm pretty sure it was at The Cap

No. 344446

File: 1739761236418.png (181.71 KB, 266x714, 1000003564.png)

Same energy. The black d&d die enamel pin and necklace with an actual die is hilarious.
I gagged thinking about it. Kek at the fact Jill said he was "researching." Should have googled how to seal his paint.
>the same "queer friendly" faux-dive bar she goes to for everything
I wouldn't expect anything less since Jill needs to "feel safe" all the time. These people are so afraid to step outside of their bubble.
Nice find

No. 344454

Omg nonna this is it! I was trying to figure out what his poser goff outfit reminded me of kek

No. 344455

I hope they cast him for a megamind liveaction

No. 344456

I like how Stevies picture is him sitting down and posing. Meanwhile Jills picture of the same night is the weirdest most catfish myspace angle of all time where you cant even tell if shes sitting down or up just this confusing optical illusion that she has big boobs (kek) and her face isn't a huge ugly malnourished blob >>343700
Like yeah they're both ugly. But it's pretty obvious which one cries to herself every night about it kek

No. 344459

File: 1739781776958.png (211.76 KB, 536x400, 1000003566.png)

Wonder what her outfit looked like? Lol at the stupid alter bracelet. Can't even drop it for one night.
He picks the worst hair styles for himself. The mullet was stupid too.
Merton Dingle is another one that comes to mind.

No. 344460

her bracelet says veronica. it's veronica since they're going out kek. she would probably also just agree to whatever fans say because she thinks it seem more legit if her fans can tell who is supposed to be fronting (which is extremely easy with jill because she gave them all different aesthetics and very specific activities to associate them with)

No. 344461

he reminds me of frankenstein's monster. anyone else? also why is he mixing in what looks like a goden necklace with a resin "gem" together with all the silver coloured hardware?

No. 344463

This picture fits Steven perfectly. This character is basically creep and sexual predator like he is. I wonder why Jillian gave up on faggifying him like she did to Tristan and Collin? Is it this his own form of rebelling against her?
There just seems to be a palpable hatred of Jillian that radiates off him in photos and videos they do together. In the early days when she dressed him in the pink fag shit he seemed more into her but now he doesn’t. And Jill’s desperation to try to appeal to him by making a male alter with his interests is evident of that.

No. 344465

lol why does she always speak like a poser

No. 344469

It’s yet another dnd die I think, which is honestly dumb as fuck, like the theme for his poser goth outfit is that he plays the game that nonbinary polyamorous people all play.
He’s so lame I honestly can see why he’s perfect for Jill. Imagine having to tell anyone that you’re dating an adult man who is a failed Youtuber and communist Marvel fan who’s “trying out goth.” I can’t imagine much more humiliating than that. Uhh, he’s a complete failmale but don’t worry, he’s so interesting and great because uhh, he goes by Thembie now and wears plastic bondage harnesses!

No. 344472

The thought of Jill shaking her wrist and bracelets at Steven to show Veronica is fronting so he can internally go "oh la la she wants to fuck later" is making me gag. I hate that Jill lets us know when she's horny by making an alter for it

No. 344473

This picture and tweet is so unnerving. Her eyes are dead and empty, and the way she's acting… This is like such a BPD-coded image it sends chills down my spine. You can just tell she wishes she was younger even though she's only 26, there is something deeply wrong with her in every picture and it's so fucking freaky to see.

No. 344476

If I were autistic and also suffering from a trauma induced disorder where I completely disassociate and turn into a child or teenage boy I'd go to a goth party with my tits hanging out and also post it on social media

No. 344480

Big "I'm in a polycule but my wife has her own boyfriend" vibes.

No. 344481

File: 1739817299208.jpeg (154.32 KB, 500x334, IMG_5422.jpeg)

That’s nasty. It’s giving “thicc goffick gurl” roleplay sex after going to the goth club. >>344446
Isn’t this the episode where the sex pest friends infiltrate the goth club because they think the goth girls are easy? Sometimes life really does imitate art kek.

No. 344496

I wonder how she changes her bracelets when it's a night out. Do you think she brings them all with her or just picks the ones she wants before?
Yikes. Between this and the Twitter bio, it looks like Steve is trying to set up a polycule.

No. 344497

I would say a polycule is the natural next step for a bunch of privileged alt white zoomer/zillenial Canadians who picked up different pronouns to larp oppression, but there's no way in hell Jill's narcissism would allow her FIANCE AND FUTURE THEMSBAND to publicly be involved with other people. And I doubt there are enough tall lanky men who are fucked up and malleable to her tastes in her area or she would have already led the polycule charge.

No. 344500

I mean she already allows him to treat her like shit so it’s a matter of time until she has to suck it up to save their relationship.

No. 344516

File: 1739881769182.jpeg (497.08 KB, 1179x1066, IMG_0218.jpeg)

Jerrick lives?

No. 344519

He has pig eyes, a pig's face, it's revolting. Being attracted to Steebie is basically zoophilia

No. 344522

I love how she asskisses TIFs like nobody's business, like her desperation is genuinely freaky and borderline (kek) pathetic.

No. 344525

Jax and Cliffe also shared that account. I hate that I remembered that.

No. 344526

This is truly the funniest, bleakest shit I have seen in ages. The fucking broccoli cut, the look of absolute smug satisfaction because this lad is FEELING himself with his home made fishnet fingerless gloves and his temu bondage gear. The dice accessories and the fucking neck paint. He’s so, so, so deeply embarrassing. Jillian should be horrified by this but she knows deep down how badly she has ruined her life and her prospects so she degrades herself in a desperate attempt to keep him because it’s the best she’ll ever do. Jillian’s life has been fucked up for a while but this Steven arc is the fucking death blow. She’s truly cooked. The black hole that exists where her personality should have been has finally consumed her. This is the void.

No. 344527

I think you're greatly exaggerating. If I saw him irl I wouldn't look twice and would just dismiss as some random nerd that likes goth stuff. jill is a dysfunctional mess but at least he can hold a job and have an apparent functional lifestyle. he's honestly the best she could get and she knows this.

No. 344528

File: 1739891117219.png (1.91 MB, 2374x1440, tf.png)

nah I stand by it he’s sinister as fuck

No. 344529

he looks sinister but so does she. they're trash made for each other.

No. 344530

To be fair, at least Jill never had a porn addiction.

No. 344531

she wouldn't be able to watch porn unless it was herself starring on it due her latent narcissism.

No. 344533

That's 90% of men though

No. 344534

This isn't /ot/, let's not do this here.

No. 344535

I really don't give a shit to tally up whose a bigger piece of shit. but were on thread number eighty for jill.

No. 344537

He's probably going to ease her into it under the guise of letting "Veronica" explore her sexuality and hope that jill brings the cute goth sluts into the house and things just naturally happen. >>344527
Wasn't he considered something of a catch in their friends circle to the point where she had to steal him? He may just be a catch in the Bumfuckville gothic nerds circle. And he clearly knows it. It's not hard to read how these moids think

No. 344538

Yeah Jill stole Steve from Maggie (dating) the same way Jill stole Colin from her ex-boyfriend Tristian (best friends). But she must've not done that well of a job because when Jill and Steve started dating he was still friends with Maggie. He would hang out with Maggie in the middle of the night and he was going to move in with Maggie instead of Jill even if he was dating her. Jill also ruined her friendship with Tracey by stealing her crush when she had sex with him. Jill has to have everything to herself.

No. 344539

There's just no way they're ever getting married, and there's just no way that a polycule isn't going to happen. We are on the cusp of it all right now. I do believe that Steven loves Jill (and she obviously truly loves him) but I feel like this goth reveal is just the start of their slightly-traditional set-up falling apart before our eyes. In retrospect, I really am so shocked Steven engaged her at all. The polycule timeline was always going to happen, so why get entangled like this?

No. 344542

Don't forget Jill breaking up with Tristan to date Colin a week later and say that she was actually in love with him the whole time, even though she once said it was Tristan's love and support that allowed her to overcome her ED. Jill and Tristan would also go on double dates with Colin and Gillian (his gf at the time that he was dating before he met Jill).

No. 344545

Moids are just like that. the thought process is pretty much just 1. Keep current pussy and 2. Acquire additional pussy. They will regularly lock down the current woman with marriage and babies and then try to start a polycule, have an affair, or get too into porn and troon out. They don't think about how entangled they are, if anything its beneficial to them, at least until they get walked into divorce court. Then it's "unfair"(derailing)

No. 344547

It's just so funny how cults are all the same, and always end up with women memeing themselves into polygamy. The woke cult isn't any different. Stevie probably would have never left his mean oppressive old religion if it guaranteed him a couple of wives.

No. 344559

where is this polycule shit coming from, do we have proof or are anons discussing other anon's opinions as fact.

No. 344560

Just give it time.
I am theorizing it based on the type of politics Steven is obsessed with, the D&D obsession, the new goth conversion, and just his general demeanor. Every poly guy I know fits this mold to a fucking t.

No. 344567

It's just a long running theory based on stuff like him being creepy, weird twitter likes, the ageplay invites to other girls, the queergbt stuff, the new dungeon master dnd bondage joke bio, etc.
I will agree that most spicy straights get into it especially if they start going out to club events known for it. But I do think Jill has such intense jealousy issues that it'd have to be a pretty unique situation for her to approve of it, and she instead prefers to LARP as Steve's 6 different partners including as his gay boyfriend etc. A normal sane person wouldn't agree to it, so I'd think Jill being significantly more self-obsessed than that would work against it–but on the other hand, unhinged trainwrecks like her fall into half-willing polycules all the time, so who knows.
Just as likely they'll be content simply putting on their goth costumes and calling themselves kinksters.

No. 344568

Absolutely not intending to wk but what are you talking about? There are tons of monogamous goths, this is such a weird extrapolation. Going to one event dressed in black doesn't make people polyamorous.
The flaw in this plan is that Jill is 0% attracted to women.

No. 344570

>But I do think Jill has such intense jealousy issues that it'd have to be a pretty unique situation for her to approve of it, and she instead prefers to LARP as Steve's 6 different partners including as his gay boyfriend etc.
This, Jill only started larping DID after dating Steve. And he's now got Jill's approval of dating "multiple people" this way, so why wouldn't he twist it to make it include other real people too?
>The flaw in this plan is that Jill is 0% attracted to women.
But Jill really badly wants to pretend to be into women (so she can be queer), and will likely go great lengths to prove that she is

No. 344573

I don't think Steve could even manipulate her into having her foster a sexual and romantic relationship with other women ala Onision style. Jill is a lying, faking, boyfriend stealing, lazy, weed addicted, alphabet soup kweerio LARPING munchie but I do think she could smell the bullshit emanating off of Steeb as soon as he even brings it up because if there is anything she is truly talented at is lying and bullshitting compulsively. Nobody can out-bullshit Jill, it's that manipulative BPDemon essence inside of her.

No. 344575

File: 1739927289890.mp4 (3.9 MB, 1920x1080, disturbed disgusting vile.mp4)

No. 344583

She doesn't need to go to great lengths to prove she is queer because to her, it's obvious. Think about the pic of her and Colin, where she referred to them as a queer couple because she's "bi" and he's an enby.

No. 344586

My guess would be that he'd convince Jilly bean that she'd always be girl number 1 cause she's got the ring. Jill would love that sense of superiority over another woman.(tinfoiling without proof)

No. 344587

i used to know a girl who was eerily similar to jill who's now in a polycule sex cult, so makes sense. i don't know if jill is sexually fucked up enough to allow it though, which is ironic since she larps csa. weird how she has no trauma responses related to being sexually abused

No. 344589

>But I do think Jill has such intense jealousy issues that it'd have to be a pretty unique situation for her to approve of it
i imagine she'd be pushed into asking sof to open her relationship for her and ruin their friendship, considering she wants wokepoints and is already obsessed with her

No. 344590

Yeah typically hyper sexuality is part of csa trauma.

No. 344594

>Just give it time.
so in other words no fucking proof.

No. 344596

>and he's an enby.
is Colin still identifying as an enby these days? Anyone keep up on him?

No. 344599

Jill has mentioned before she's extremely jealous so I truly don't know where the poly tinfoil is coming from

No. 344600

Yes. He works in webdev, still uses they/them pronouns.

No. 344601

she's also a doormat for her moid, so i could see it happening. i've seen it before, even with women who have said themself they are extremely monogamous(tinfoil)

No. 344602

I agree, there's zero chance she'd be okay with that and even if Steven wanted it she'd manipulate him into feeling bad for even asking. They'd break up before anything poly could happen. UNLESS she managed to find someone else she was interested in first, but so long as Steven is her "favourite person" it's not gonna happen.

No. 344620

File: 1740032188737.jpeg (601.57 KB, 828x1608, IMG_5853.jpeg)

The fashion show is gonna be in PEI

No. 344621

File: 1740032401067.jpeg (785.38 KB, 828x1466, IMG_5854.jpeg)

Her LACE 2.0 kawaii4good is having their first charity stream

No. 344622

LMAO the Marsha edit tacked on

No. 344625

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No. 344626

She probably thinks using "everypony" will make people think she's autistic but most autistic people aren't even that retarded

No. 344627

I’m pretty sure I’ve heard people say Marsha wasn’t trans. Love how they’re having a charity event right in tax season.

No. 344628

Jfashion charity by middle class women for privileged men who can't even dress themselves kek

No. 344629

Is she doing this in PEI to make sure as little people as possible will come in case of disaster?
Always about men, we get it. What about the women who live in poverty? Single moms? Sex trafficking? There's so much misery in the world and yet ever since genderspecials decided that troons have it the worst it's like any other cause ceased to exist altogether.

No. 344631

Kek she’s gonna crash and burn spectacularly. She’s all about quick dopamine fixes and doesn’t have the discipline for anything. She probably felt amazing doing those 10 min ipad scribbles and hasnt done shit. Cosplay meltdown 2.0
Of course this straight woman obsessed with drag race thinks she should do a tranny charity kek. You'd think if she was supposedly a queer woman she would do an event related to that or any women issue. Tranny pandering is so cheap and transparent from a grifter like Jill. I highly doubt she believes in half the shit she spews. She's so disingenuous and fake about everything.

No. 344638

>Is she doing this in PEI to make sure as little people as possible will come in case of disaster?
It’s probably to flex on her former high school classmates and exes.

No. 344639

nta but you're really onto something with this. The bpd shit she does only gets more unhinged with her as time passes.

No. 344640

People on the east coast all know each other so it’s undeniable she’s doing it to “prove something” kek.

No. 344652

File: 1740119287993.jpeg (951.97 KB, 828x1286, IMG_5856.jpeg)

She featured this old ass puckered mess on the post advertising her show. Nothing current or new besides the that cake dress she made last year.

No. 344661

Slight tinfoil, but I wonder if its to 'get back' at her mom, going off of the theory that mommy cut her off, or at least scaled back her help. Staring in ~fashion week~ as a 'sustainable fashion designer', to prove she's launching her brand to get back in mommys good books

No. 344664

Or maybe she's just doing it because she wants to be a fashion designer? That's literally been her plan for years now. Why the tinfoiling about how she's doing it to get back at people or whatever? It's like some of you don't even remember that she used to make fashion content instead of making up characters for the animal crossing world in her head.

No. 344667

you're retarded if you think jill was ever doing any of that fashion shit genuinely. she's the same with everything. it's all a grift to get famous. she's probably only doing this because the "drag" community she joined is gassing her up about her "pieces". she has no real interests outside of getting attention.

No. 344668

She makes like two things a year. What do you mean you she actually wants to be a fashion designer? She’s been putting off launching her “brand” for years and almost failed out of craft school because of her laziness. Nothing about how she’s living says she wants to be a fashion designer. Of all places to have a show of any sort why would she do it in her shitty small town? Who’s gonna be there that matters besides a bunch of hicks? It feels more like she’s itching for the big fish in the small pond feeling again. She wants to be the most speshulest person in town and she can only achieve that in her hometown because she’s a nobody everywhere else.

No. 344669

It's because we remember everything she's done within the past 3 years related to fashion (the bare minimum). Jill isn't a motivated go-getter she's primarily motivated by spite.

No. 344670

My immediate thought was that she's doing it in PEI so that her mother can be the event's main photographer. It would save Jill money and Louise would be able to write it off as a business expense.
2 and a half million people don't "all know each other" kek.
You're right. It's annoying that so many anons in this thread always post while wearing their tinfoil hats. Sometimes the seething hatred of Jill can be too much and it detracts from the milk.

No. 344671

Calling yourself a professional while posting this DIY looking bullshit with that mangled zipper and not even considering how it reflects on the quality of your brand is how I know shes a delusional bippie. People in sweatshop conditions are producing better results without sitting in their comfy womfy autism castle. What about her work would ever qualify for sale in a formal setting that doesn’t let you coast on social media clout. She is gonna crash and burn trying to scale it to any level that lets her actually live off of it because nobody except the blind and retarded would waste money on puckered seams and ill fitting cuts with uneven hems.

No. 344672

She wants to be a fashion designer like a lot of people want to be a rock star. She wants the fame and respect and the glamorous job title but she doesn't want or enjoy doing any of the actual work involved.

No. 344673

>but guys its her dream!!
KEK'd. She's an attention whore who moved out 7 years ago. She has no one to impress where she lives cause she has no friends lol. Doing it back in her hometown is so blatantly for asspats.
Her dream yet this piece is from 6 years ago and the cake dress she used to show of her self harm scars for attention. Green dress looks better made than her cousins wedding dress too. Either she deteriorated or only cares about pieces for herself. Both?

No. 344677

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No. 344681

File: 1740170037785.png (624.34 KB, 1345x850, steeeee.png)

Who wants to bet they're just whining about fucking US politics?

No. 344682

Despite over a decade of Jill's cringe, Steeb is very quickly on the move to dethroning her spot in the cringe Olympics. That patchy neck paint. The cheap aliexpress pants chain and necklace. The fucking SUSPENDERS. Even the beige walls. I can't even stare at this image for more than a few seconds because my face screws up like I ate the world's most sour lemon. Jesus christ. If this was my boyfriend I would verbally abuse him for this cringe shit.

No. 344683

Louise's comment is the cherry on the cake kek
He's really starting to age. Look at those nasolabial lines, the hairline recession, and the thinning of the lips.

No. 344687

Twink death is so wonderful to witness honestly.

No. 344693

god, how in love can you be with yourself while dressing like a 15yo tiktok alt kid in your late 20s. also Louise accidentally implying he's hot kek

No. 344694

File: 1740181341363.gif (2.49 MB, 480x480, face-cringe.gif)

>I can't even stare at this image for more than a few seconds because my face screws up like I ate the world's most sour lemon
I immediately thought of this gif lol. He looks like an absolute manchild.

No. 344695

Lol that's the look we in my days would call a "poser" and laughed out of the venue. There's no "fit" to be found here. It's just basic black clothes on a basic white dude with some added chains and… paint? Rethink everything steben and then come back to us

No. 344696

File: 1740188781346.jpg (Spoiler Image,671.33 KB, 2160x3840, 20250222_024013.jpg)

sage for not jill, but here's one of the girls who commented on steven's ig and who he follows. she doesn't dress in lolita, yet calls herself a lolita. nymph(ette) is related to the book lolita, she has several pics with ddlg themes (like the bottle or the heart shaped lolita glasses) and has her (short) height in her bio. she posts herself with ass and tits out regularly. jill has no self respect and steven has noe shame. i won't bother going through his ig following, but i'll bet there are more ddlg pedo pandering half naked girls in his following list.(derailing)

No. 344698

sage for double posting, but i just realised "mistevious" is just the baby talk way of saying "mysterious" (as well as being a pun on stevie). gross

No. 344699

It's a pun on "mischievous" but mispronounced in the common manner of miss-chee-vee-us.

No. 344700

It's only a combination of Stephen and mysterious. It's not that deep.

No. 344701

This is so fucking lame kek this is what happens when people get pre-packaged identities off social media having never met people who are actually from the scene their Pinterest collages are based off of. It’s a stupid amalgam of a bunch of dumb random crap that he thinks is signaling that he’s a cool kinky queer 80s edgelord but his South Park outfit just makes him look like a spicystraight failed normie with no actual life or interests. It’s a bad costume.

No. 344702

She's drinking from a fucking baby bottle.

No. 344705

Super nitpick, but how could the people running this fashion show look at this shiny dress made out of plastic fabric and be okay with saying she is committed to sustainable and earth friendly practices? She almost exclusively uses nylon, polyester, and acrylic in the few pieces she has created.
I guess it only being like ten pieces since she got out of high school automatically means she's earth friendly? At least it's definitely sloooww fashion kek

No. 344708

the way people keep overanalzing everything this couple does instead of common sense is irritating.

No. 344709

Even Stephen's outfit. Remember, a bunch of them got dressed up to go to a "emo night" at a bar, including Jill and everyone else that night. It's normal to dress up at those events, even if its not your usual style (would be the same for "country music night"). Unless we see him doing this more often, it's just a costume he wore one night. While you could argue about how good he thinks he looks, he isn't emo.

No. 344710

File: 1740243357127.png (47.61 KB, 641x560, jillfakeseizure.png)

Sorry to interrupt the tin foiling with a derail but I just finished Apple Cider Vinegar on Netflix (the girl who fakes brain cancer) and I couldn't stop thinking about Jill the entire time. Everything from wanting to be famous, refusing to show a real diagnosis and even faking a seizure is 100% Jill. Even this interview screams Jill.(derailing)

No. 344712

This is a prime example of why men joke about loving "crazy chicks." Jill's BPD favorite person lovebombing gives Steven the endless stream of asspats and validation that all men want for just existing, leading to hilarious outcomes like picrel. I guarantee she was squeeing over him painting his nails black for the first time and it snowballed from there. Looking like a Robert Smith miscarriage. Sad!

No. 344713

No one fucking cares. Take it to the personal opinion about cows thread, take it to the munchie thread on /snow/, take it to someplace on /m/, but stop shitting up this thread.

No. 344714

Jill's munchenhausen is a topic for this thread retard. She wasn't even that interesting to make fun of until she started faking all these disorders.

No. 344715

sure, but that's not Jill. Should we just post every rando with munchausen's in this thread now?

No. 344716

File: 1740254808874.gif (2.86 MB, 452x500, 1708088707019.gif)

No, and what nonna posted wasn’t really relevant, but it’s always fun to revisit Jill's seizure.

No. 344717

Except he's been doing this for a while now. And it's goth not emo. Lurk more >>344089

No. 344718

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No. 344721

Her outfit is essentially just a pink bra and cheap pink skirt. I want to save all of the ponies from her stupid wall too. Women into collecting vintage mlp put so much love into upkeep and display, this hurts. Also what's with the clothing on the floor in the picture?

No. 344722

her chest looks so flat despite how large she is, if only Jerrick was still around he'd be so happy

No. 344729

File: 1740264249870.png (242.39 KB, 341x606, 1000003593.png)

Pic of Jill during the stream

No. 344731

Nothing much happened in the livestream. Jill kept saying slay and said that the Marsha P Johnson Institute was based. She said that she didn't want to give up one of her items, which she's had since her Japan trip years ago. Her other charity items were an irregular choice coin purse, a little twin stars plush shoulder bag and a plushie.

No. 344732

Did people actually buy stuff?

Not sure why >>344696 got red texted, it's fucking bleak if he's following other auto-pedo head cases on ig casually. That definitely explains Jill's (/"Veronica's") goth club antics and this weird baby sped prostitute get up. >>344718
Eww and of course she loves Oingo Boingo proudly even though Danny Elfman recently got pedo accusations because she can't not bend over backwards to support trash men. So gross.

No. 344733

File: 1740266989104.jpg (164.85 KB, 720x1331, 1000003604.jpg)

Nta, but here's the items nona was writing about.

No. 344734

File: 1740267776686.png (319.4 KB, 568x993, 1000003606.png)

The stuff is going to be put on eBay and have a link posted on the Kawaii4Good insta story once ready. It will last til Wednesday. Also they have a ko-fi now.

No. 344735

She looks 40. That dangly septum makes her nose look long and pointed so she looks extra witchy now.

No. 344736

Cheap shit going for charity. Just because something is from Japan doesn’t mean it’s cool.

No. 344737

File: 1740272870755.jpeg (744.34 KB, 828x1067, 1554304828871.jpeg)

She's had small breasts at every weight and her pushing them for pics like this at 26 is so sad. I'll never understand this cope of shooping breasts and waist she never had pic related. She could show her actual good features. She has big thighs and butt literally why dress/shoop for a body you don't have

No. 344738

she has fat girl boobs now kek

No. 344741

File: 1740279032439.jpg (417.37 KB, 968x1980, 1737405033246.jpg)

imo she doesn't even have that >>344718 she's just pushing them together in >>344409 she just naturally has very little boobs and can't accept it. ill never understand why she doesnt do squats and be happy with her build

No. 344742

I'm not sure it's even from Japan, it looks like western "kawaii" that's always a bit off. Always bothers me how many jfashion fans can't be bothered to buy from the actual country it's from. One of the items is irregular choice which isn't Japanese.

No. 344753

(Reposting bc I'm dumb and didn't look this up beforehand)
Why would people donate to them for them to then donate? They should just have a direct link to donate to the institute. I previously just posted asking if Kofi took a cut, but looking it up, they offer a free option as well as a paid option, so I'm assuming they chose the free option. Either way it's a weird middleman way to get donations to another organization. That's kind of sketchy.

No. 344754

>Why would people donate to them for them to then donate?
So that Jill can write it off on her taxes this year.

No. 344757

This shitty charity seems sketchy and cyber.grl always gave me sketchy vibes especially with her cheapo quality overpriced fashion brand but at least she has some kind of fashion thing going on I guess unlike Jillian. The fact that cybrgrl is collaborating with Jillian kind seems to verify that my hunch about her is true.

No. 344760

Never trust an influencer lead charity. Biggest scam that comes to mind is creator clash where they’re just donating to their friend’s charities and it’s just a big money laundering scheme (as confirmed by a contestant’s wife on KF). Don’t let other people donate your money under their name especially during tax season kek.

No. 344764

Imagine donating children's toys for a charity that gives money to pedophiles. All the while larping as a CSA victim for attention while your themby fiance publicly follows ageplay fetish accounts.

No. 344766

This is really her after going on stimulants and then bragging about her weight loss

No. 344771

What weight loss? She’s still fat. That’s why she posed all awkwardly and shooped to hell and back. I can’t get over with how massive her torso is and how tiny her boobs are.

No. 344772

The sheer jacket is from Galaxxxy.

No. 344776

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No. 344778

Jill's just the average fat girl. Instead of faking she should either just accept being a wide loaf of plain white bread or actually eat less and do some pushups. But, either option would be way too hard for JillyBean.

It's not surprising the cat one won by such a large margin, Jill's really weak at drawing human figures, which is weird for a "fashion design' student. She should pivot into drawing animals and still life stuff tbh. Maybe make some Kawaii stationary or something like that. But, she won't.

No. 344780

People in the threads said for years her "designs" are the only thing she's kinda good at but the animu girls she draws have looked the same for like 10 years.

No. 344783

then fucking post about jill. quit being obtuse.
is it me or do her eyes have more life than now. like this pic this only a couple years old right?

No. 344784

File: 1740370730914.jpg (401.21 KB, 720x1125, 1553453823534.jpg)

It was 2019 so around the time all her friends started dropping like flies, when people still followed her for her influencer weeb shit and not her 24/7 munchie talk, when she started eating her feelings but wasn't a landwhale yet etc. I do reckon there was still hope for her then.

No. 344785

Launching a charity, art prints… she will really do anything but design clothes.

No. 344787

Isn’t the first picture of her two OC’s flora and sunny?

No. 344792

It is, I guess her original plan was making a bunch of yuribait magical girls with her OCs, but her plan has been ruined by people having a silver if good taste and preferring to not see deviantart OCs in a deviantart style.

No. 344794

i suspect that she would never part with a single item of hers for a charity that solely benefits actual women nor would she consider women looking out for other women to be based

No. 344813

I’m watching a xcanadensis video about MLP and one thing I’ve noticed is her mannerisms are similar to how Jill acts now. I know Jill watches her channel but nonnas am I trippin?(derailing)

No. 344820

should we care you were watching a mlp vid of a random youtuber and opining she acts like jill with no real proof?

No. 344822

I think nonna is implying Jill is skinwalking this person

No. 344823

Yeah, that’s what I mean. I was watching her and it just felt “too familiar” ya know?

No. 344824

The performative "autism copycat" medallion is sending me

No. 344826

She's a fucking faker too.

No. 344827

OK But her and Jill talk the exact same way, have the exact same mannerisms. Is this chick also from PEI? Like honestly this is kinda crazy. They seem like sisters.

No. 344830

A lot of zoomers are like that. They all watch the same socially inept ppl on tiktok and absorb the same cringe wacky humor and mannerisms.

No. 344835

i agree which is why its stupid to being up some rando just because some mlp fag was thinking of jill. you could make that argument for every cow here but that stupid and derailing. why is common so fucking lacking and unfounded claims plenty here.

No. 344838

Am I tripping or is her chest weirdly flat in these? Wouldn't surprise me if she wore a binder for her trans personas but she clearly isn't wearing one in the sheer top/bikini pic. She didn't get top surgery right?
I mean she has literally thousands of dolls and toys with extensive knowledge about them, I think if she's faking (never seen her made the claim tho?) she's doing a heck of a lot better job than Jill could ever dream to do

No. 344839

Jillian started mentioning this person a few threads ago when she was starting the pony “autism hyperfixation” larp. Jill consumes this girl’s content and has probably started skinwalking her with the sudden shift into pony shit after getting kicked out of the precure fandom.

No. 344843

Wow so anon might be into something then. Jill does tend to absorb personalities from the content she consumes, like with dissociadid.

No. 344855

She's always had small boobs

No. 344856

That makes a lot of sense. Every time Jill BPD identity hops, she apes people around her in typical BPD fashion.
I’ve noticed a huge uptick in bippies specifically skinwalking autists they see online or IRL the past year or so too, and Jill absolutely wants to mime ASD now by imitating whatever she sees that is associated with autism. Her copying specific people who are weirdly obsessed with MLP checks out.

No. 344858

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Samefag but I should have hit up her twitter. Holy shit kek.

No. 344859

>She didn't get top surgery right?
What kind of top surgery have you seen that leaves people with B or C cups?

No. 344861

breast reduction (not removal) surgery nonna are you dense…

No. 344867

File: 1740594845892.jpeg (1.43 MB, 1242x1841, IMG_6277.jpeg)

Why does she keep making these videos and vague tweets that explain why she hasn't been posting? They're always long drawn out nothing burgers. She only posts like once a month. Twice if her subscribers are lucky. And she words it so vaguely that any concerned fan is going to watch the new video because they're worried about her.

No. 344868

"Work alcholic" she said as she congratulates herself for the bare minimum cause she does jackshit all day lol.
obvious bait but at least "unfounded claims" are obviously shut down only 1 hour after someone claimed they don't

No. 344871

Great, I can't wait to hear that seb killed flora or whatever the fuck
She does more of these explanations nowadays than actual content

No. 344872

>What kind of top surgery have you seen that leaves people with B or C cups?
She straight up looks to be fully flat in >>344729 and to answer your question it's (terrifyingly) very normalized for enby troons to just get "gender affriming" reduction of size, and/or removal of the nipples. And Jill even had her gender changed to enby on her papers iirc?

No. 344873

I don't think so just because you know if she did have a reduction she'd have never shut the fuck up about it. I'd believe the tits in >>344718 and >>344737 are the same size and that she's just wearing one of those padded to the max push-up bras in the earlier pic. I have no idea what is going on with the square lego nipple in >>344729 though

No. 344874

>She straight up looks to be fully flat
She's bending over, not wearing a bra, and a cardigan is covering her chest, of course her tits are lower and not visible. Are we seriously going to tinfoil that she got a mastectomy?

No. 344876

She couldn't even google "masc exercise shit" without tweeting about it. No way she woud do anything without bragging about how queer and not straight she is. Be serious.

No. 344879

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It's still wild to me that she announced she would be posting videos and streaming weekly, then immediately failed just to say that she succeeded "90% in spirit"

No. 344889

why does she bother with attempting a public posting schedule at all? a lot of youtubers do a minimum of one video a month and only post about a new video “tomorrow” if it actually will be uploaded tomorrow. a schedule for streams makes sense but she can’t even reliably do them one time a week. was this whole DID/munchie arc just her looking for an excuse not to work?? she could have easily coasted on youtube stuff and parental support—supportive permissive parents like hers would have cut her a lot of slack as long as they saw her doing the bare minimum. they would definitely have accepted run of the mill anxiety or depression as an excuse for occasional laziness, she didn’t need to publicly imply her family is responsible for her abuse and trauma and sour her relationship with louise

No. 344891

She was literally late to upload a video about getting a haircut. She makes money out of nothing and she still can't be bothered to do it. No wonder she barely got her fake degree. Laziest human ever, good riddance for killing her own career

No. 344892

New video

No. 344893

Oh thank god she posted a new video about herself!

No. 344895

File: 1740680894920.jpeg (470.81 KB, 828x816, IMG_5893.jpeg)

The footage from this video is from late January

No. 344896

>where i've been
implying she was gone?

No. 344897

Watched most of it. The beginning is a really boring thrift shipping montage with soft music. Then she talks about her hair and the two fashion shows she plans to do this year and how that's taking up time. Then at the end, she sits down and says she's upset because of politics and trying to keep it together knowing she might have friends that will have to suddenly leave. She talks about her charity thing and how she feels driven to do something about injustice.

I don't understand the purpose of the fashion shows. Nobody is going to buy her niche internet fashion products from the dinky local fashion shows. For all her time and effort, she might get 1 sale from it. It sounds like she wants a do-over from her college show, which is just silly. Why not just move on? I doubt most of the people in her class care about it anymore. It was years ago! It's a huge waste of time to do these shows. She has no sense of priorities.
She also says she spent a lot of time researching sizing for her brand, but decided to go with standard sizing. Wow,it's like it exists for a reason. Another rabbit hole for her to waste time on instead of actually making anything.

No. 344898

Translation: Steven is making her life hell with politics-induced histrionics. What do they even mean by "friends might have to suddenly leave?" You stupid faggots are in CANADA. God I hate these people.

No. 344899

How many videos has she done in these past few months that is only about why she's been "gone"? It feels like I've seen this title ten times now

No. 344900

I hope her friends do try to leave and find out what all the others find out, which is that there isn't any country that wants jobless trannies with a laundry list of mental diagnoses.

No. 344901

Genuinely what the fuck is she talking about? Does she think they’re going to be invaded so that America can imprison all of Canada’s she/they trust fund kids? Jill is truly surrounded by self-obsessed victim complex enablers who invent their own problems.

No. 344902

She's catfishing so hart in her thumbnails, I would like to know what or who she aspires to look, because it's really familiar but who.

No. 344903

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>"Crisis mode"
Also banks is bangs in picrel.

No. 344904

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I thought this too so i went and checked. She has done a lot of videos like this lately.

No. 344906

These kinds of videos get old fast. If her fans aren't dumb, they'll realize that she's just click baiting them with a vague title after she says that she's not doing well so a worried fan can watch her talk about nothing fur 30 minutes.

No. 344911

"It's not me failing to do my job on schedule, it's the WORLD'S fault. That shit is CRAZY, yo."
Stupid dumb cunt, co-opting "the world's" issues to explain your never-ending failures. Like please go ahead and be specific about how "the world" is affecting you in fucking Fredericton where your rent is paid for by Mommy and you are not wanting for any single thing on this earth, you fucking PIG.

No. 344912

File: 1740703420019.webm (1.11 MB, 480x272, screen-20250228-013915~2.webm)

she claimed her being a passive aggressive asshole to people who question her is just her autistic strong sense of justice symptom kek

No. 344914


Jill's remaining fans are definitely all dumb. But if she keeps making this same boring "where I've been" video every month, her videos won't get pushed in their recommendations and they'll just forget to unsubscribe unless she fucks up and pisses off yet another fanbase and gets "exposed" videos made about her.


>I have this need to just act when there's injustice!

Oh, is that why she had her borderline troon fiance hop into a teenagers DMs and leave a weird ass voice note? I love how justice in her mind is "I don't like it when people are mean to me". This clip alone should make it obvious to anyone with half a brain she's just reading about autism on webMD and using buzzwords she doesn't understand to describe herself as autistic.(integrate)

No. 344916

The "where I've been type" videos are done by most youtubers like… Once or twice ever after being really gone… It's not like a quarterly thing they release. She's retarded. Also
>This is how I'm doing!
>This is how I cut my hair!
>This is how I cut my hair (and some rambling)!
>Actual XMAS video
>This is me pretending to be a sped on Christmas!
>This is me talking about me!
>This is me talking about buying stuff
>Actual Halloween video
>This is how I dye my hair!
>This is how I buy stuff!
>Actual MLP video
>This is how I talk about me online!
>This is how me is me!
>Actual fashion content
>This is how I read reddit posts out loud!

No. 344917

File: 1740708411484.jpg (16.71 KB, 420x236, grb.jpg)

She gives Gypsy Rose Blanchard vibes with the munchie shit and coke bottle glasses

No. 344920

Ahh, so all the self-aggrandizing ethics posturing she’s always done is “justice sensitivity,” okay. Even though she has no follow through and just lies around all day. Shouldn’t she put actual effort into community charity work that isn’t making cute infographics if she actually was so unusually passionate? I mean, she consistently does the most lukewarm normie-tier internet activism, despite all her free time, she’s not out there physically spending hours every week volunteering doing the hard stuff, which quite frankly even the typical retiree or kid on a gap year from school is doing.

No. 344921

“Strong sense of justice” isn’t a symptom of autism. She’s so stupid.

No. 344922

It's one of those "symptoms" that's been making the rounds on social media for a few years without any sort of actual proof to back it up. I'm assuming someone got it from one article or something to begin with, and it just got passed around because all of the fakers latched onto it because they're always keyboardwarrioring anyway

No. 344923

It’s honestly infuriating to watch Jill get comfortable calling herself disabled based on bullshit from the retard app.

No. 344924

Especially since it takes away opportunities and stereotypes people with that disability.

No. 344925

She's such a cunt that she does incriminating things then forgets about it and when people call her out for it (with evidence) she claims they're bullying her. And her fans are stupid enough to believe it because they're easily manipulated so they defend her.

>"You can't be mean to me because I'm a disabled autistic non-binary person with did, bpd, anxiety, depression and an eating disorder!"

I wonder if she'll ever give up the munchie malingerer act and admit that she's nothing but a woman with bpd who needs to disappear from the internet forever.

No. 344926

she would be so much less obnoxious if she had a modicum of self awareness and humility. idk how she’s not embarrassed to to be such a failure to launch munchie larper with all the support she’s had. and maybe she is and this is how she tries to justify it to herself. her, shayna, and heather are like the trifecta of cows who have all the tools to make positive changes and instead just dig their heels in year after year.

No. 344927

File: 1740733982304.png (1.04 MB, 1506x956, sketch.png)

>apparently it would have taken 8 hours to do if she did it in "her regular style"
>went for a sketchy look
>put her model in her sketch
>also made her front and center and also taller for some reason
>one on the left looks like a kawaiified harkonnen
Aside from that the rest seems fine. How much time do you think Jill spends drawing? kek.

No. 344928

>apparently it would have taken 8 hours to do if she did it in "her regular style"
KEK 8 hours. yeah right. some people were never meant to draw, you can tell she's always lacked a single creative bone in her body. that's why she relies on flashy & OTT crap. the hell is going on with these stiff and lifeless poses? belongs in the bad art thread on /m/ kek

No. 344929

it is, but social media misunderstood it as social justice when it's actually "my sister and I are supposed to do this chore every week-end but she's skipping it because she's deathly ill? this is injustice and I will have a meltdown". It's just a consequence of needing things to always be organised the same way, not wanting changes in routine and struggling to have empathy for others. It's very common in autistic children but adults are supposed to have developed empathy somewhere along the way.
It's great for Jill's LARP that autists typically have low empathy and are focused on their own feelings and experience, that's one thing she doesn't have to fake.

No. 344931

>unable to eat
Sure doesn’t look like it, she’s porky as ever.
>not leaving the house
Like usual then. Fuck, just LARP agoraphobia at this point Jillian what’s one more bogus diagnosis

No. 344932

the worst part is she said she took photos of herself doing these basic poses for reference and she still managed to fuck it up

No. 344933

She's supposed to be a creative. She's supposed to have even a basic knowledge of anatomy. She is 26!! These drawings look like they were made by a 12 year old who just got their drawing tablet.

No. 344935

Not very progressive and body positive of her to design the fat girl to be completely covered while everyone else is in revealing clothes, way to uphold beauty standards.

No. 344936

She should have designed a halter dress for the big girl. Her design doesn’t look cohesive.

No. 344937

File: 1740750786841.webp (21.79 KB, 474x280, xxxxxxxxxxxxx.webp)

Sketching is one of the first things you are supposed to learn in fashion school. The proportions are drawn in a very particular way for a reason. Elongating the entire body will make the designs look much more flattering and less detail to the face will draw more attention to the clothes. They are not supposed to look realistic, they are supposed to showcase the design in the best way possible. Like everything else Jill does, she fucks it up and ignores the rules and (shitily) does it her own, lazy way.

No. 344938

Is she saying the far left is NOT a self portrait? It's so clearly her size, build and hair length. Having the black woman be the only one to be essentially naked also seems less woke than she thinks

No. 344940

As delusional as she is, I really think she thinks the second from the right is supposed to be herself. She drew that one in her favorite dress. The one on the far left is way too fat in her mind to be her, she draws herself skinny.

No. 344941

she has been reusing these same mid outfit ideas since 2022 when is it ever going to stop

No. 344942

These designs are so boring and derivative. 2nd and 4th remind me of cheap shit you'd see on the #kawaii tag on Tumblr circa 2014. The 1st looks like a boring dress she'd get from Torrid combined with that granny-square cardigan that took her several months to knit. The 5th is just a rehash of a design she made 3 years ago >>143282 but simplified. I guess the 3rd one was supposed to be her "best" piece, but it's not realistic at all. Who is going to wear a few strips of fabric with a trailing cape? Who is going to expose that much skin? Are the flowers supposed to be fabric or plastic?

No. 344943

The center design is one from her graduating fashion collection. There is a nude colored slip dress worn underneath the dress >>153480 >>154390. I think I remember her mentioning it makes it easy for anyone of any skin tone to wear it, although of course the occasions for when someone could wear that design are very limited anyway (plus we all know there's never going to be another one made)
Don't worry the model isn't going to be anywhere near naked kek
While we're talking about her graduation collection(>>154388 >>154389), the first and last designs are also from that collection.

No. 344944

The reason she's pivoting to the munchie arc is clear, she has the least amount of genuine creativity I have seen from a kawaii/fashion youtuber and that's saying something kek. She doesn't respect fashion at all, that much is incredibly clear now. This reads as very tired and uninspired.

No. 344946

If you have an eating disorder you think about food 24/7. I've seen it called "food noise" and that seems spot on. Whether it's restricting or binging, everything is about food. So when you're sick or can't eat for another reason you will focus on "I'm not eating!!!". It's difficult to explain to someone who's never dealt with any of it. I wish Jill got help for the disorders she actually has instead of larping ones that she wished she had.

No. 344947

I think I spend more time designing and making clothes than Fashion Designer Jill. and it's just a side hobby I don't really spend a lot of time on.
Yes, the "quality" of the videos she posts is extremely low. So many of them are just her doing everyday tasks and talking about herself. She's really lucky she has an audience that will apparently watch her doing almost nothing but this for months on end. But is it really that much effort to produce such videos?

No. 344948

It’s hard to make content when you do nothing but sit at your house getting zonked all day.

No. 344950

File: 1740768569592.png (667.44 KB, 500x1000, crochet.png)

The one second from the left is actually crochet, and looks so shitty IRL. Anyone know if this was also from her college collection? It's so dingy and pilled and those two shades of pink look horrid together. She says in the video she might redo it. The show isn't til April 5th which is in theory plenty of time for someone with no job to crochet a whole dress - let's see if she actually manages it. She's also taking apart the old granny square cardigan to resize it too. Hopefully she weaves in her ends this time. Also, both of those look like they're made with cheap acrylic yarn, so much for her brand's "commitment to earth-friendly practices" kek

No. 344955

she never had an ED.

No. 344957

Yeah she’s just a fat dramatic munchie kek. Every fattie with a victim complex cries to everyone when they miss a few meals because they think it makes them look thin in spirit.

No. 344959

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KEK one of her drawings from 8+ years ago. Only Jill would be a full time artist (self described) who never got better at drawing, designing, making clothes, making cosplays, making content, making anything or learning a new skill in this much time

No. 344969

Everything looked weirdly dull, like it was soaked in cigarette ash.

No. 344972

One dress (gingham pink one) has pit stains. It's one thing to have an article of clothing you personally own and wear have stains but it's disgusting to make someone wear that for a show.

No. 344974

not that it matters, but fashion croquis don't need to be tall and skinny, the way she drew the bodies is fine considering she's "marketing" to plus sized girls anyway. They are meant to be simplistic though. Anyway jill didn't go to a real fashion school so it's not like she would actually be taught this stuff.

No. 344980

Livestream with Seb

No. 344990

File: 1740872395046.png (445.66 KB, 631x489, 1000003648.png)

>"Sensitive" to caffeine >>344215
>Drinking a monster
Kek. Reminds me of the munchie girls who claim to have Coeliac and then show themselves eating a Krispy Kreme donut.

No. 344996

kek she's low energy cause she's high all the time. So she chugs energy drinks thinking its fixing it. Its only going to make her feel more like shit. Its nothing to do with caffeine Jillian please.
All your self inflicted problems would be gone with the most basic adult shit ever eg drinking more water, showering, not eating and getting high all day. etc

No. 344997

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Sof is getting married in three months. I wonder if that's the other reason Jill's into the Miku boxing game?

No. 344998

I was about to say she's going to be seething and "going through some hard times" again. But realized she's already doing that shit so maybe she's known for some time. Would make more sense than her Canadian ass losing her shit over "Trump"

No. 345001

god i rolled my eyes so many times i shouldn't have watched this dumbass
>28:48 protecting my community
>later i forget when: strong sense of justice again
even if this were a real issue for her you can't tell me this bitch would ever go to a protest and throw shit at the police, she'd just hide in her basement.
emdr doesn't work if you don't have trauma, which you don’t. and holy shit she implied that divorce is traumatic. i'm going to alog.
again and again, she'd just feel so much better if she admitted that she's a loser with anxiety. call yourself a crafter instead of a ~fashion designer~ your imposter syndrome will thank you.

No. 345003

>holy shit she implied that divorce is traumatic.
Yeah, if you’re a kid it’s considered traumatic but it also depends on the situation and age. Once again proving how sheltered she is that her parents are still together.

No. 345005

3 months compared to Jill's years put-off marriage. We're going to get some good milk soon.

No. 345006

Divorce can seriously fuck a kid up. It can change how you view relationships for the rest of your life. It probably can be described as trauma.. just not the kind that causes DID lol

No. 345015

EMDR is CBT with extra steps and widely contested as pseudoscience, so again she's paying for a super special therapy that may not actually help her at all.(armchairing)

No. 345024

File: 1740938977697.png (342.49 KB, 1412x976, 853268.png)

>documense seems like a TIF who creates DID lore in her head all day to make a fake victim narrative for herself while Jill eats it up
late, but yes. the documense 'guy' is most likely ftm. picrel is Jill thinking about taking T and wearing men's briefs under documense's trans related posts

No. 345028

She's unironically more friends with this random tif than she has ever been to Sof

No. 345029

Her replies to this woman are narc as fuck kek. She immediately goes off and rants about herself. This is probably how all of her relationships operate and it's no wonder Sof is/was a secret farmer because imagine putting up with that behavior for years. This pseudo friendship will not last, mark my words. Jill's definition of a friend is a validation machine who listens endlessly to her narc delusions and agrees.

No. 345030

Late reply but if that's "autistic" you have a looser standard for what constitutes autism than jill herself.

No. 345032

It's funny how someone can talk about their own life struggles and then Jill will barge in with a post or two talking about herself and her own non issues. This happens so often with Jill.

No. 345035

She truly has no empathy or ability to comfort other people, only to talk about herself

No. 345036

Good thing the people she surrounds herself with also have total non-issues

No. 345039

File: 1740953736851.jpg (133.56 KB, 1080x1164, 1606545984237.jpg)

She was taught from a young age (thanks mommy dearest) that people give her attention and love her when she's "mentally ill". She doesn't know how to interact with others any other way. The diagnoses change but it's always either
>"I'm doing so good… even for someone with autism/did/bpd/eating disorder/etc!" or
>"I'm doing so bad… its for being someone with autism/did/bpd/eating diorder/etc!"
So now she's useless at everything and no one likes her.

No. 345040

Damn Jill considered going on T but decided against it? Bummer, I wanted a bearded lady saga… Oh, well it's never too late, hope she picks the trans phase back up again!

No. 345042

There is zero chance she gave any real thought to going on T. She wants to say it for the qweer brownie points. What effects of T would she even want?

No. 345047

nonnas, i get what you're saying and i won't argue against that but here's what she said:
>next time you're literally aware that you're going through something traumatic, like could be a divorce, a surgery, anything when you're like k i'm going into something that's gonna be traumatic, can't hurt, play a bunch of tetris.
she's not adressing children, and you know she couldn't possibly put herself into the shoes of someone going through serious shit like a violent stalker of an ex-husband. who the fuck would be thinking of tetris at a time like this? only women like her with non-issues who're just sad that their scrote cheated.

No. 345053

Hopefully when her and steeb break up she’ll use her videos and play Tetris to cope. Kek

No. 345054

>What effects of T would she even want?
She'd get her gayish boyfriend to stay with her instead of chasing dick. She'd also get actual real validation from the trans crowd because she would prove that she really is a form of trans and not just using the label like every other gender trender. Also don't forget trans ideology promotes things like T gives you more muscles and can makes losing weight easier, it's also an anti-depressant and energizer. She could still be pushed into it with some luck!

No. 345055

she should have played tetris during the McLean drama instead of traumatically splitting into new OCs

No. 345057

File: 1741024978317.png (908.14 KB, 1086x600, womancave.png)

>>344980 Aight I'll extract the microdrop of milk
>points to the cat laying on a pile of fabrics on the floor, laughs (50:06 goes over to the cat)
>drinking Monster Zero Ultra
>had a 'slumby' last night
>talks about the upcoming one-day market in March she'll be a part of as Five Petal Flower. Not making things for online store yet. She and her mom will vlog the market
>her birthday's on 5th of March. Has "complicated" feelings about it, esp. since she'll be 27
>"I feel like Sunny is probably gonna like front later on and be like 'We didn't do anything for our birthday?!'and I'll have to answer to her"
>loves that their car has remote start
wait what car do they have now? considering that's a pretty new feature
>talks about Miku Fitness Boxing for the rest of the stream
Overall an obnoxious ammount of staring into the camera with mouth open 0/10 do not recommend

No. 345059

>built entire brand around loving birthday parties, now not liking them because she's entered her late 20's and can't pretend she's just a kid figuring things out forever
Shocker. Also what does she mean by that she'll have to "answer to" her OC about not doing anything? The birthday party-kei queen Pinkie Pie herself is skipping her birthday, because of the market?

No. 345060

File: 1741025241484.png (1017.65 KB, 1090x611, sustainablepolyester.png)

also sneak peeks of fabrics she's working with at 38:09 and 39:29

No. 345061

She loves her satins.

No. 345063

Did they even teach her about material choices at her diploma mill?? Maybe her designs and cosplays would look less like dumpy messes if she started using actually decent fabric and not the cheapest and thinnest shit on the market. She really loves her plastic, low quality shit.

No. 345066

>She'd also get actual real validation from the trans crowd because she would prove that she really is a form of trans and not just using the label like every other gender trender
Disagree. The type that would care about trenders in the first place would call her a tucute faker even if she did get on testosterone. Both because the cringe didlarping would reflect badly on the "real" trans, and because she's an easy bar for any trutrans tif trying to feel masculine in comparison.

No. 345067

>Also don't forget trans ideology promotes things like T gives you more muscles and can makes losing weight easier, it's also an anti-depressant and energizer. She could still be pushed into it with some luck!
Kek exercise, medication and a good diet with less weed smoking could also help her achieve that. Taking T is delulu but for someone like Jill, I'm sure there would be a way for TIFs to convince her, since she's already delulu.

No. 345070

does she make mockups of her garments? i don't think she's posted about making a toile ever??

No. 345071

Thank you. I watched a bit of this skipping around heavily and it was just so much of her squawking and making unpleasant repetitive mouthnoises/repeating nonsense whilst clearly convinced she's so funny and quirky, I honestly don't know how even her fans can sit through this stuff.

No. 345077

>The pee pee pocket delivers gender euphoria i fear
She truly has a talent for crafting the worst strings of words

No. 345086

For years now nonnies contest the validity of EMDR. Can we just drop it. The point is always that Jill is a malingerer.
Why would she ever say she has a caffeine sensitivity when that can easily be argued with shit like this? I genuinely don’t understand why she isn’t more careful about her lies kek

No. 345089

File: 1741084261221.gif (6.8 MB, 520x293, 1733166900325.gif)

So she wore the cardigan many times, is now taking it apart and altering it, and is going to sell it. Am I a nitpicky bitch or is that kind of weird? Of course it can be washed, but it better not be priced as new (even if it's reassembled. The granny squares have been worn)
She could have just churned out new squares in the same color and design, that's a two weeks project tops, assembly and smoking weed included.

No. 345091

unrelated to your post but that gif cracks me up because if i saw it without knowing who jill was i would think "what a fake drama queen", but knowing jill and the context behind the gif makes it all the more funnier what she's pretending to get emotional about. she's a massive bpd drama queen and she's so bad at even being slightly convincing. also
>Am I a nitpicky bitch or is that kind of weird?
nah i think it's weird too
>assembly and smoking weed included.

No. 345092

I feel bad for whoever buys it as weed smell can linger on clothing. She needs to douse it in vinegar and air it outside.

No. 345093

I forgot what the context of this was at first and thought it was her reading something funny and starting to laugh about it. She's such a bad actor but you just know she thinks she pulls these things off flawlessly

No. 345094

Someone needs to stop gassing up theatre kids in high school because a lot of them grow up and think they’re good at manipulating people.

No. 345095

File: 1741108819288.png (238.47 KB, 720x974, 1000003666.png)

I want to know what she's been doing all this time besides playing the boxing game. Jill had that cardigan apart for a while and she didn't start the birthday dress yet. Although she has nothing but time, she takes forever to do something because she procrastinates so much and then crams everything at the last minute. I'm also waiting to see what she wants to charges. I agree she should have just made a new cardigan. She could have crocheted the flowers in the squares this time too instead of putting them on top as pointed out numerous times. Too much effort I guess.

No. 345096

File: 1741109481938.jpg (215.3 KB, 720x1532, 1000003671.jpg)

She also posted this inquiry on her xitter. Looks like another DID video in the midst to remind everyone of her totally real not malingering in any way DID.

No. 345104

I cannot imagine a drawing that gets across the concept of traumatic dissociation less than this one does

No. 345107

I like how that drawing is thin and Jill is not. Gee not very woke body posi of her.

No. 345119

>I like how that drawing is thin and Jill is not
I genuinely think if Jill lost weight and became skinny she'd drop the DID larp

No. 345121

Yes. Because she'd have to stop smoking weed to get skinny.

No. 345151

File: 1741214444219.png (451.39 KB, 706x2028, weeeed.png)

she will never stop smoking weed because she wants to own all the "redditors" that criticize her (too scared to say farmers ig). she really believes her DID and smoking weed have totally nothing to do with each other at all, weed can only be a net positive for her.

No. 345158

File: 1741217069540.jpeg (576.2 KB, 828x1494, IMG_5907.jpeg)

It’s her birthday and she’s wearing a wig to hide her grandma hair and shooped her body to look like it did 10 years ago. Body positive queen

No. 345159

KEKKK USING HER CAT T HIDE HER FAT ARMS. This might be the most ridiculous catfishing thinner she's done. The bent angle. THe hiding her gut with her cats gut… The level of insecure is sad - shame she doesn't use it to exercise or eat better!

No. 345161

Can this ugly bitch learn to lay her lace? Why even wear a wig if you'll let it look like shit?

No. 345164

File: 1741220899301.jpg (162.67 KB, 720x1797, 1000003681.jpg)

She's her own worst enemy. I want to throw out all of her yellow foundation and drag her to the nearest store to get a better foundation colour for her skin tone.
What would even motivate her at this point? She wants shortcuts rather than put in the work. I feel like if she had the money, she'd be doing lipo like Mariah and Anna.

No. 345165

Can't believe she finally took lolcow's advice and wore a wig for once. I'm really enjoying how much she isn't enjoying her current haircut.

No. 345168

This photoshoot gives off weird Gypsy Rose energy. Her weird horse teeth, dated and unflattering makeup, and her shitty Party City Deluxe wig just have this vibe that she's a crazy bitch with no self-reflection skills.

No. 345170

File: 1741228779136.jpeg (1.37 MB, 800x2041, IMG_6335.jpeg)

Jill's body in Summer 2015 and Spring 2016 for reference.

No. 345171

I wished she had pursued the music thing more. She got bored of it quickly and it's the only cool thing she can actually do. Good thing she always has an excuse for her failings - if its not DID fucking her sewing career, it's pedo teacher ruining her piano career or autism ruining cosplay cons etc

No. 345174

>undiagnosed autism

No. 345175

she didn't shoop her body, she's just hiding it. you are boosting her confidence when you claim photoshop in every single picture where she's obviously just doing posing tricks

No. 345176

Was about to say the same. She has a stocky build with a lot of mid-section weight so she knows she can look smaller if she just hides her gut

No. 345177

Typical fucking addict. I've met schizophrenics who went into psychosis because of weed and they'll still claim it helps them. I do have sympathy for Jill in that regard. But how does someone go to therapy for years and not realize most of their problems are caused by addiction?

No. 345187

File: 1741291783021.png (289.3 KB, 330x493, Screen Shot 2025-02-02 at 3.33…)

Yeah, she's doing weird angles to seem skinnier (even using the cat for prop lol) but not shooping. Or at least not as outrageously as she used to. Albeit she is catfishing as she always in thumbnails and "selfies"
At the very least we don't get fake anorexic shoops or thiccc shoops anymore i guess >>344737 Which shows even for her it's too obvious to shoop so boldly now cause she's fatter than her pictures in every stream/video/candid we see

No. 345188

Wow Most unfortunate angle I've seen of her until now, she looks like she's in her 50s, no joke.

No. 345189

File: 1741293460632.jpg (284.56 KB, 1730x1032, 2025_03_06_10_25_IMG_7228.JPG)

Are you nonnies blind? The pinstripes are obviously warped to make her leg/torso thinner. The retarded fat girl pose & exploitative animal prop wasn't enough to hide her bulk, she had to shoop it too.

No. 345193

File: 1741301105986.png (625.97 KB, 622x1060, 1000003684.png)

She posted this on her insta as a story. It had music attached so I just made a screenshot of it instead of making it a mp4. I love the fact she always put the cart before the horse.

No. 345194

What small business? She has no small business lol

No. 345197

File: 1741302672459.png (156.01 KB, 720x1119, Song.png)

The lyrics to the song she chose, even if it's an overplayed and common song on tiktok/instagram, make it even funnier to me. Maybe it's just me kek.

No. 345199

I think people are legitimately how fat jill is now. like guys, shes fat.

No. 345201

File: 1741306134010.png (296.08 KB, 720x1294, ptsd.png)

Glad she got over the intense PTSD and autism symptoms that made her life hell despite having the most accommodating stay at home job in the world

No. 345202

Interesting how she keeps sliding inconsistently between saying she can’t speak on autism, saying she IS autistic and disabled, saying it’s self diagnosed, and saying it’s uncertain “(?!)”
She should just say she thinks she may have it or relate to it but it isn’t worth the diagnostic process for her and leave it at that and shut up, instead of jumping at these huge public identity statements all the time, but obviously that’s inevitable with BPD where they get a huge rush from proclaiming their new identity, and the implications set in on and off after.

No. 345206

Some posts here just make me glad I don't know this weirdo in real life kek jesus christ. Just imagine having this drain and utter annoyance in your personal circle. Lord have mercy.

No. 345207

She can be assessed for autism for free in Canada. There is literally zero barrier except a waitlist. There is no reason for it to not be “worth it” for her. Apparently she can’t afford to get herself to a pay to play diagnosis mill but she has no excuse to not see a professional.

No. 345220

File: 1741360771810.png (310.79 KB, 726x1542, 1.png)

whenever smileyfag and jill interact they post the most egregious shit imaginable.
>There are so many reasons why someone may wholeheartedly believe they have DID or OSDD when they do not.

No. 345221

File: 1741360981265.png (419.64 KB, 737x1918, 2.png)

jill talking out of her ass like always.

No. 345222


there's also this one up thread >>343582 complaining about "redditors" again calling her a faker like in >>345151
"can't wait to learn about my little parts" are an unfortunate choice of words for the other person replying. all these fakers are retarded.

No. 345224

She's so disgusting and immature like even if I could pull this shit with my parents, why?

No. 345226

Kek this is as close as we'll ever get to a full admittance of malingering. If anyone has any firsthand personal experience with cluster b's this is basically just their roundabout way of advocating for themselves, because their internal reality is solely focused on themselves and everyone around them are kind of just used as tools to reinforce that internal reality. She either speaks from a point of view she has no experience with to "own" her opposition or she speaks from her own experience. She is literally speaking from her own experience here, and then take note on how she mentions ADHD, a condition that, IIRC, she has said she was either tested for and didn't have or was told by a professional that she likely doesn't have so there won't be testing done (I can't recall which scenario exactly but I swear it was either of those two), therefore indirectly distancing herself from her personal experience of being a malingerer so people don't catch on kek. Every single thing she says is so fucking manipulative it's actually insane just how manipulative she is, it's like her natural state of being. She is a deeply disturbed individual.

No. 345229

Also funny that the McLean conference talked about how DID imitators may imitate it due to cluster B disorders and Jill lost her shit over it, and is now saying the same thing kek.

No. 345230

Adhd forgetfulness is nothing like DID amnesia.Adhd forgetfulness is still associated with memory, meaning that, a person with adhd may forget why they walked into a room BUT they know they needed to walk into that room for a specific reason. Or an adhd person may forget where they put something BUT they know that they put it somewhere.

DID amnesia, however, is forgetting everything associated with a task in it's entirety. Example, someone with DID amnesia episodes may do entire task and when they are out of that episode be confused how that that task was completed because they have no recollection of starting or finishing that task.

No. 345234

wondering if there's a miniscule chance Jill would have ADHD because she must have gone to a hack like always and they maybe tested her as if she was an hyperactive male child, she was tested over 10 years ago. either way it's probably just her BPDfag self justifying why she forgot her keys after the 5th bong rip of the morning.

No. 345242

They look warped in every photo though? Not saying she didn't shoop, but in pics like >>345187 they also don't look fully straight due to camera positions and such
Did she feel triggered by anons reminding everyone she claimed to be a "full time artist" kek
>Interesting how she keeps sliding inconsistently between saying she can’t speak on autism, saying she IS autistic and disabled, saying it’s self diagnosed, and saying it’s uncertain “(?!)”
That screenshot was from december 2023, Jill in 2025 is more consistently directly straight up lying about being autistic

No. 345245

File: 1741375687598.png (110.77 KB, 720x444, chronically ill.png)

>Jill in 2025 is more consistently directly straight up lying about being autistic
She's also getting bolder and preparing everyone for a possible chronic illness self diagnosis.

No. 345247

File: 1741376124356.png (421.44 KB, 720x814, cringe.png)

Posting this too because cringe.
>haha weed and ponies eks dee
Old but that thumbnail freaks me out because it's like she wants to make herself look as autistic as possible. Younger Jill would never pose like that or make that kind of face for a thumbnail.

No. 345248

File: 1741376290877.png (381.36 KB, 720x932, faking.png)

She's never going to stop malingering and looking for excuses. It's like the only thing DID larpers talk about is how much they're for real totally not faking, everything is always legit.

No. 345250

File: 1741378859660.png (400.74 KB, 641x1078, 1000003690.png)

Another insta story post.

No. 345253

My goodness i hate zoomers. Yes let's abolish everything that keeps you safe and comfy making mlp graphics on xitter. I'm sure that will go great for you.

No. 345255

Typical Instagram fake posi quote garbage. Boring and not that milky if I'm honest but it's true that she loves smelling her own farts.

No. 345268

She's not a considerate person, she wants to be a mean cunt whenever her feefees are not considered aka when no one believes in her DID shit.

No. 345271

File: 1741400791326.png (422.52 KB, 720x1225, 1000003692.png)

>Queer joy

No. 345272

So true people should be more considerate of your fake illnesses Jillian, thank God you don't complain about this literally all the time.

No. 345273

The canadensis larp is going strong I see

No. 345274

Oh I so want her to try to get into dolls, it would be so hilarious

No. 345276

So basically these people are coming to grips with the reality that they don't actually have DID

"I accidentally pretended to have a rare trauma disorder because I have ADHD"

No. 345282

I can see monster high being the next fad for her.

No. 345283

she's afraid of aging but she's acting like a facebook boomer now. I don't know any zoomer who posts these lame ass quotes

No. 345284

>Younger Jill would never pose like that or make that kind of face for a thumbnail.
Jill is literally the best way to discourage someone from ever doing weed. Her whole life has become so much shittier since she started smoking it, Jill literally had/have every opportunity in the world to be successful and she chose weed and to pretend to be retarded online instead

No. 345285

Don't forget about her alcoholism. And tbh I'd say what really messed her up was becoming vaguely internet famous as a teenager. She's been chasing that high ever since. If she never got popular from being an Ita Lolita and the lace drama, she'd just be an annoying local special snowflake and not the mess we see today.

No. 345287

Jill is live streaming and working on the cardigan.

No. 345288

File: 1741453573073.jpg (258.94 KB, 766x599, 1874974897893.jpg)

Jesus christ, her hair is seriously short now. It's exactly like I thought was going to happen. She just keeps cutting it shorter and shorter to remove the damage/breakage, but then doesnt fix what's causing it, and then keeps having to cut it again just a few weeks later. She really is going to end up having to just buzz it all off soon-not that there's even much left.

No. 345289

It's a cute cut, but the rainbow bangs now look more retarded than ever.

No. 345290

this hair is so much more humiliating than a buzzcut. i know the only reason she can show her face while looking like this is that she knows she looks completely retarded which is somehow actually what she’s going for right now. fucking specimen.

No. 345291

I guarantee she's going to have short hair for literal years because she won't be able to handle how even uglier it will look awkwardly grown out. This will probably set the stage for more attention seeking because she'll feel like a fat middle aged mom with the short hair and feel hideous which will fuel her retardation.

No. 345292

File: 1741457998520.png (441.67 KB, 665x720, 1000003701.png)

Here's how far she is on the cardigan.

No. 345293

Gift Haul
>Stevie's mom gets her a TJ Max giftcard for every occasion
>got an oversized sweater with Five Petal Flower flocked writing on the back from Oliver
>bought a necklace among other things via a gifted 75 dollar Homesense giftcard
(is that the same as TJ Max? sorry I'm esl)
just pointing out if any nonnas are interested in $$$ ammounts
>gifts from Sof and Oliver
>Beanie Baby Rainbow Dash plushie
>a Pripara button pin
>dice for Seb from Oliver (21:20)
>a box of peeps (is going to make s'mores w them)
>mentions she got so much chocolate for the birthday and is glad her friends helped her eat it all so she has to get more for the peep s'mores
topkek obesity speedrun
>another gift from Sof and Oliver is a house photo frame. Jill started tearing up when she got it because it "looks so much like their inner world house"
>her mom got her a bunch of cutesy "spa bath moment items" like pastel loofahs, a headband
>"You know when your mom comes to visit and then she replaces all the things that are nasty"
>mom also got her Fountain of Youth collagen and retinol bathbombs and a scalp massager
>viewer asks if she's (the viewer) old now if she's turning 27 this year
>"Nooooo you don't have to identify as old if you don't want to"
>more weird age comments
>got the most basic jewelery travel case from mom, claims she didn't know something like that existed
>also got a big egg with a bunny in the middle decor item from mom, oddly super easter-y
>it makes her hungry for a big chocolate egg
>is drinking an energy drink out of a mug
>shows a flower shaped basked she purchased for the upcoming market, mentions she might fill it with Five Petal Flower scrunchies and hair wraps
>"I think knowing how to crochet is my most valuable survival skill"
>talks more about apocalypse hypotheticals. thinks she might split an apocalypse alter and be ok
I skipped through the second half of the stream, she reads chat and talks about the making of the sweater, not much of note I think.

No. 345294

>(is that the same as TJ Max? sorry I'm esl)
Yes, TJ Maxx is the parent company, Homesense is a subsidiary

>thinks she might split an apocalypse alter and be ok

Can she split a useful alter to help her out with her current life???

No. 345295

the last stream was so boring I think I went overboard writing summary of this milkier one, sorry
at 12:27 she mentions she'll grow the low part on the back longer and keep the top short. that kind of haircut requires often cutting for maintenance, wonder how long it'll last until she's tired of that.

No. 345296

I can so tell she is wearing makeup for this stream (she usually looks like a goblin) because she can't handle how shit/boyish she looks with her hair this short. She's going to really struggle because she damages it too much too regularly for it to ever grow out again, RIP your wedding hair Jill.

No. 345297

Huge agree. This is her with caked on makeup. Without it? She looks like Uncle Fester from the Adams Family. She's going to have to delay the marriage for a good year or two to grow it back, and that would be without dying it anymore. Unless of course, this was supposed to be Cliff's wedding all along. Then that would explain why he's gone quiet for so long kek

No. 345299

>another gift from Sof and Oliver is a house photo frame. Jill started tearing up when she got it because it "looks so much like their inner world house"
For fucks sake kek

No. 345300

she kind of reminds me of cherry here. sage for tinfoil but wouldn't surprise me if she skinwalked her to seem more legitmately autistic as nonnas have many times pointed out how cherry actually is and therefore contrasts jill. maybe that's why she's absurdly enough going for the intellectually disabled kind of autism, since cherry is that.

No. 345302

Her hair and makeup look dated. She needs to give up the bleach / dye and grow out her natural color. I wish Jill would evolve her style beyond the ugly pastel rainbow

No. 345303

this retard may be accidentally starting the Post-Rainbow Hair Jill Arc we've been waiting for years. like, she's obviously going to cut more and shave this shit off in a few months right? the rainbow hair will get rid of Jill instead of Jill getting rid of rainbow hair. But it's something!

No. 345304

You could say it’s the end of the rainbow for Jill.

No. 345306

I agree, her style has only regressed in the last decade. I know it's partially by design, but it's sad to see. Not everyone has to "grow out of" dying their hair, but she will be stuck in bowlcut mullet hell forever if can't learn to give it a rest, try darker colors, stop fucking applying heat damage every day on top of fried hair because she's afraid of seeing a hint of a curl, etc. Like it's objectively retarded to not improve upon how you approach your beauty routine as you get older and clinging to teen diy methods and aesthetics is just insane to me. The unwillingness to adapt or grow or change at all in a productive way seeps into every aspect of her life.

No. 345307

She could 100% have her natural hair colour for the majority of her hair and keep her rainbee bangs and still look alt and look way cuter. She could probably even get away with heat styling it since she seems to hate her natural wave/curls if it wasn't bleached to death

No. 345308

OMG NONA YOU ARE PROBABLY RIGHT. She remembered me of cherry too, but couldn't pint point it, I'm with you with in this one.

No. 345316

File: 1741478769757.png (416.43 KB, 720x1333, autismpills.png)

Jill got everything she needed from Cherry so it was time to discard her and move onto the next target to make her larp more legit. Example, user "autismpills" is yet another DID faker into MLP. Nowadays, Jill ignores everything Cherry does even if it's something like drawing her a birthday present >>>/ot/2433430
As long as she hangs in these circles she won't stop the larp.

No. 345320

am i the only one who thinks a pixie cut suits her better than the extensions or bob?

No. 345327

It doesn't look too terrible, what looks bad is it exposes the grotesque ear lobes

No. 345328

I know this is from 5 years ago but she hasn't changed. Someone who has zero health problems, young with an easy life writing this shit. What pain, bitch?
Kinda glad she's toning it down a lot more these days because this is some bullshit.

No. 345329

I've seen tetris recommended for people who have seen something disturbing (like people who moderate facebook or twitter etc) as a way to trick the brain into forgetting it. For an ongoing issue like divorce, which takes years, tetris is not gonna work. She has no idea what real trauma is that she even came up with 'divorce' as an example.

No. 345330

She makes so many references to screaming meltdowns, I wonder how often these actually happen like how much screaming needs to come from a house before the cops show up

No. 345331

It's very possible to have long dyed hair with some effort and care, the hair situation she has now is the kinda shit that happens in the first few years of hairdying. Hasn't she had rainbow hair since she was like 15? 12 years to figure out how to care for dyed hair and not end up with three inches of fried chemical cut hair.

No. 345333

I've also heard about it as anxiety relief, maybe not as in severe anxiety that requires medication, but you know, day to day occurrences.
I like the tomboyish haircut and the way she didn't color her eyebrows this time.

No. 345342

Cutting her hair that short before her wedding is insane. It takes literal years for it to reach a decent length again and you just can't do fun updos with short hair nor does it look as elegant or feminine. Sure she could wear a wig, but then you're in a fake "costume" on your own wedding day. And I know this can come off as some kind of tradsperging but I'm really just looking at it thinking of Jill - she has always been hyperfeminine in her aesthetics (even when "punk" it was female punk and never actually any kind of tomboy aesthetic and she'd pivot back to lolita one minute later) and she's been pining for Steve to marry her for years. She clearly is one of those girls who wants a classic princess wedding moment and her short hair isn't it.

No. 345345

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Sorry but I can't get over the jewelry case "she didn't know existed". How is that possible. What the fuck does she do all day if it's not scrolling. Genuinely what is she doing. What are her prospects.

No. 345346

It’s honestly so weird. The first chop was already kind of shocking and now she’s cut it so many more times with such drastic results. What the hell is she thinking? It’s not actually going to help her achieve growth. It’s so bad and botched I’m starting to really believe that she’s pushing her wedding back because she thinks she can become skinny with fixed hair by then.

No. 345348

It's not insane to have a wedding with short hair anon. I understand it's not going to be the same as the stereotypical princessy hair do but short hair can also look very nice in brides. It's up to her to take care of it and style it properly.

No. 345353

anon. no… it looks like a magic cuts disaster.

No. 345354

>she didn't know existed
She probably knew but wants to act like she doesn't to make herself look naive.

No. 345355

Why doesn't she just shave off all her hair, and wear wigs. I'm sure she has loads left over from her lolita days. It would be much easier for her to larp her oc's then.

No. 345356

Remember when Jill shaved her friend’s head for her wedding? I think that friend should help Jill out now kek.

No. 345358

Yeah but we're talking about Jill. She's going to look like absolute shit for her totally going to happen wedding. Cutting her hair off right now instead of just leaving the hair dye alone was stupid as fuck. If she's cutting her hair because of the damage she's probably trying to grow it back out and the one year mark on growing out your hair is always so awkward. Jill's best bet is getting a wig.

I think this cut suits her face but she looks like a rainby Dana now. Someone needs to stage an intervention for her. Not for the weed and booze, but for the bleach. If you're cutting your hair short due to damage, quit bleaching and dying it. You can make a wig look like real hair on camera and Jill only films once a month. She also doesn't leave the house so she can definitely just let her natural hair grow in.

No. 345359

>It's not insane to have a wedding with short hair anon.
We're not saying that nona, we're saying that Jill specifically can't achieve what we all know she wants for a wedding. All her looks are extreme femininity, we know her looking like a little themby tard boy isn't her actual aesthetic that she'd want for her wedding day

No. 345363

You do have a point but I also think she'll go for the rainby themby autisticmax look on purpose and do something cringe so all her alters have a spot at the wedding. Who knows, it's still too early and her wedding is in several years from now. Maybe by then she'll stop larping.

No. 345366

This is what confuses me too. She's had rainbow hair for what, over 10 years now? and she's always from time to time done videos showing how she does it. Its only been RECENTLY that every single hair dye video she's doing something blatantly wrong, while actually saying herself in the video "I'm probably doing this wrong", and then talking about how she had to go get it fixed and cut more off. She's always talking about the damage, "crunchyness", wanting to fix it herself, and then having to go get help. It's a baffling regression, that's somewhat on purpose? Then she says "Well my hairstylist doesnt mind, and tells me I'm doing great!" but that's clearly because her hairstyle literally profits every time Jill fucks up and has to be seen again.
Yeah, her little rainbow puff updo thing is completely out of the question now. She's literally going to be basically bald for her wedding. Quite unusual for her since she's always been very girly.
It's not insane, but there's 0 chance this will look good at all. She's going to look like a balding tattoo covered fat man at the alter now. It's going to give trailer park trash. She talks about weddings like she's dreamed of this glamourous princess moment her whole entire life, and now that's time she starts frying and cutting all her hair off? Just very odd all around.

No. 345367

I truly don't think she wants that on her wedding day. Larping on twitter and youtube is one thing but having that be her forever-wedding-photos? No way!
Every time she goes to a drag show, cosplay show, kawaii meetup or all that shit she is dressed for the part because her aesthetic is very important to her at the core. At none of those things did another alter go "actually kawaii is cringe, I wanna wear trans boy clothes" or "ooga-booga i'm 4 and don't know how to do drag I wanna play with crayons". Obviously the alters are all fake, but what I'm saying is that Jill didn't claim that happened at any point because again, aesthetics is too important to her to mess it up.

No. 345368

>She's going to look like a balding tattoo covered fat man at the alter now.
that's just Cliffe jk

No. 345371

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I mean let's remember her staged ass "proposal". The bitch who never gets her nails done gets them done, who always wears baggy clothes, etc just so happened to have the girliest dress (who she coincidentally just finished when she never makes shit), full face of makeup , somewhat styled hair and fucking heels. And Stevie wearing the manliest thing his gay ass can wear. It's so stereotypical heterosexual it's a parody. She's a spoiled kid who wants a Barbie wedding, the queer grifting she does on twitter never amounts to anything.

No. 345372

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Kawaii4Good update: donated 400 dollars. The ko-fi had 7 people donate. I'm wondering what future events they have in mind if they even do any more events.
Shocked she went even shorter. Didn't think she ever go this short.
Thanks for the recap.
>Bath bombs
Great, she got bath bombs from her mom. Looking forward to more uti sperging.
>Weird aging comments
She's so afraid of aging. It's honestly scary. Also lol at her acting like the issues she's having are being she's aging. She refuses to take care of herself in any meaningful way so of course it's going to catch up to her. She is absolutely going to have a meltdown when she turns 30. She needs to take a break off of the internet and sort herself out. Too bad she won't because she's too addicted to internet validation.
>Drinking an energy drink out of a mug
>shows a flower shaped basked she purchased for the upcoming market, mentions she might fill it with Five Petal Flower scrunchies and hair wraps
At least we know some of the items she's selling. I look forward to the video footage.
>at 12:27 she mentions she'll grow the low part on the back longer and keep the top short
Is she going for a jellyfish hairstyle or mullet by any chance? Either way you are right that it takes maintenance and Jill is lazy. She also wants results now, now, now.
>The unwillingness to adapt or grow or change at all in a productive way seeps into every aspect of her life.
It's crazy how stubborn she is. She still views all advice as a personal attack.
I hope it's just a hyperbole otherwise I feel for her neighbors.

No. 345374

Never going to understand.

No. 345375

File: 1741559221430.mp4 (16.7 MB, 720x1280, 1000003713.mp4)

Stevie did karaoke in his only goth outfit. He sang a SpongeBob song.

No. 345376

This feels weirdly like watching Elon, the 50 layers of irony and post-irony and “goth” posturing and self-conscious le epic meme tryharding. I really see why him and Jill get along so well

No. 345377

KEK no fucking way he did karaoke at the same gay bar that Jill had her sailor moon drag presentation at.

No. 345378

He is so ugly and embarrassing. If I was getting married to this loser I'd kms.

No. 345379

He has more stage presence than Jill does, was he also a theater kid? Because this is an extremely theater kid performance.

No. 345380

He looks and acts so much like a TIF, its uncanny.

No. 345382


You're right. He does look more comfortable up there than Jill does. Jill tends to look like a nervous high schooler at their first talent show.

No. 345384

Steven mogging Jill in stage presence is not something I was expecting kek. Everyone in her proximity being better than her is very funny.

No. 345390

Nah Jill is way more entertaining to watch, his is just cringe and dull. Jill throwing herself around stage is vastly preferable to whatever this is

No. 345392

It's a testament to how low effort Jillian is at everything. Weeb kid who makes her own clothes but Sophie is a better cosplayer. Theater kid faghag drag race fan but Stevie is a faggot better performer at gay bars. She wants to "be" million things but never commits to them so anyone else mildly into it is a better designer/dancer/artist/piano player/lolita/multilingual KEK she forgot about that one years ago/whatever the fuck.

No. 345395

he has a better stage presence than and can sing ok. everyone seems to better at things than jill. she really should stop being so lazy all day.

No. 345397

after seeing him in person im not convinced that he isn't homosexual

No. 345399

Yeah this is all very indicative of what Jill wants which is why everyone is saying the short hair doesn't make sense because that's clearly not it

No. 345402

Anons praising this shit is so bleak, you can feel his self-consciousness through the screen. This dude is ugly and retarded.

No. 345403

I'm not praising him, he's cringe but he seems less awkward than Jill does on stage. It's a theater kid performance through and through, and Jill can't even manage that.

Yeah, Jill flinging herself around on stage is more fun for us to watch from the safety of our own homes, but for people who made the effort to go to the event and pay to get in, Jill is always the weakest performer. At least with Steven it seems like he at least practiced the song before he performed and isn't just awkwardly winging everything

No. 345404

Waiting for her to unknowingly hit someone in the eye with her whip.

No. 345405

He has the body of a FtM
But at least his stage presence is better than Jills. And that says a lot

No. 345414

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can't even answer a question from the people that give her money.

No. 345415

>He has the body of a FtM
He doesn't he looks like a dude, stop validating his troon feelings

No. 345419

nta but they just mean he looks gay, which he does. and not in the fake queer jill tries to be. he looks really gay.

No. 345422

Saying he looks like a woman isn't calling him gay. He looks like a retarded, ugly, embarrassing male. He's a porn addict so you know he'd love to be called a woman anyway kek.

No. 345423

Yeah this. Steve literally just looks like the porn addicted moid he is.

No. 345424

This is so sad. Is this how they generally have fun? What is this old gym basement location hosting fun events for retards? Also kek at him feeling himself in his silly temu outfit

No. 345427

What kind of bar is this? The shitty decor, looks empty, lights are not dimmed, is this one of these places that do retard accomodations?

No. 345428

its not praising when hes objectively better at his performance than jill was with hers. quite being immature.

No. 345433

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No. 345434

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She posted this on her insta story. The song in the post was Lady GaGa's "Born This Way."

No. 345435

She always talks about herself as if she were a whole fandom people cared about. There is no great pinky pieing of 2024. its just a fat bitch with rainbow hair watching a show and tweeting about it sometimes.

No. 345436

"NEW hyperfixation"? bitch doesn't even know that's not autism, that's adhd at best

No. 345437

it’s the belt thing combined with pants that don’t fit properly. it gives him a sort of illusion of hips as the belt sucks him in and the pants flare out. it’s very unsettling.

No. 345441


Basically, on evenings/nights where there is low "club" traffic, there are events to get people in to make money. Live music, karaoke, etc. During the day, it's sometimes used for community or private events (sans alcohol). Usually hard to tell how busy it is from these videos because the tables are closer to the bar than the stage.
Busier nights still have usual dimmed lights, music, drunks, etc. (but it's a small town, so it's rarely crazy busy in there).

No. 345446

we call it tbe gay bar but it's technically an "all inclusive" bar lol. The open space in front of the stage makes it look sad but karaoke on saturday was actually pretty busy compared to other times I've been. The RHONDA drag shows are usually packed but I don't know if Jill would even go or if she has beef with the MC

No. 345450

well jill if it was going to be a bad performance why bother doing it? did you forget you admitted to barely practicing? this idiot I swear

No. 345455

>if she has beef with the MC

No. 345457

>on purpose
Lmao the cope on this bitch

No. 345464

>"I totally don't care! That's why I quit doing drag every six months"

No. 345466

Probably no Jill-specific context. Drag queens are petty and are constantly infighting. Fredericton is no exception. If you know enough of the drama, you end up having to "choose sides", and not support some queens.

No. 345468

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>talks about the upcoming one-day market in March she'll be a part of as Five Petal Flower
Looks like it's this Saturday which makes sense on why she's been quiet lately.

No. 345471

I can’t believe she’s pretending that selling scrunchies is the same as having a whole ass clothing brand. What could she possibly whip up garment wise worth selling last minute?

Why doesn’t she just get on ozempic

No. 345472

>Why doesn’t she just get on ozempic
Because she needs to pretend to be body positive, so she can only take meds that may incidentally lead to weight loss (like her wellbutrin)

No. 345477

Soph is that you?(hi cow)

No. 345479

I don't think she could afford it either. She has about finances a lot so mommy is not paying her things anymore. I don't think she could justify it to herself.

No. 345483

no u wish im the fredericton cow police

No. 345505

That town has a population of 900 people and she has to drive from out of province to get there. Plus the $50 or whatever fee to cross into PEI.
How is she expecting to make money? There are an insane amount of craft fairs in Fredericton/surrounding area, plus stores that will sell crafts for local artists (including small things like crochet/soap/jewelry). Is she that scared Fredericton farmers will see her?

No. 345508

She's probably on Steebie's insurance. He's management at retail so he should have some and where they live you can put a spouse on insurance if you live together (regardless of marriage status)

No. 345509

I think she doesn't want to actually sell stuff
I knew a girl like this. She had a "brand" that was perpetually under construction. She always had some excuse why the brand couldn't launch. She was waiting on graphics. She needed special shipping materials. She couldn't be on social media until everything was perfect. She couldn't just sell on etsy, she needed a blinged out shop to launch. Etc. Sound familiar?

Meanwhile she half heartedly would do tiny crafts fairs and give stuff away to "advertise", just really low ROI actions. But she never actually launched the brand. This went on for years. I think it was a combination of pleasing her funder (parents, like jill) and fear of failure, but also just laziness.

No. 345510

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>>345468 THIS is the Community Hall?? oh I'm laffin

No. 345512

This looks like where the auditions were held in “Pearl” lol

No. 345514

She always does small insignificant things that she thinks are gigantic or impressive to everyone else when they're not, talk about insecurity and delusions of grandeur.

No. 345515

Reminds me of her writing a lengthy post congratulating herself for cutting her hair kek.

No. 345518

She sabotages herself so hard it really looks like it must be on purpose. Years after she was supposed to launch her brand and she's doing fashion shows and crafts markets in the middle of nowhere. It makes no sense.
Is it really 4 hours? It's she planning to spend money to stay there, or drive to and from the same day? She's going to spend more on gas money then she actually makes…

No. 345520

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It really is middle of nowhere. It's 3+ hours one way (plus I believe a bridge toll), setting up her table, sitting in that one-room sized "hall" for seven hours, selling 6 polyester scrunchies, vlogging the meltdown, packing up and driving 3+ hours home.

No. 345521

She will probably visit her family while she's there

No. 345522

Kek oh lord this reminds of somewhere my grandma would go to sell her cookies with other old ladies.

No. 345525

Ah that makes more sense, I forgot her family's in PEI. I couldn't imagine her out and working for 16 hours kek, even if the sales were slow.

No. 345527

I guarantee we will get at least one "autistic burn out" tweet during or after this pitiful attempt at earning money.

No. 345530

She’ll blend right in with the old ladies with that haircut too. It’s kind of trendy for old ladies to dye their hair bright colors too so she’ll be cool with all the “hip” grannies.

No. 345531

Didn't she JUST bitch about Louise not buying her a plane ticket to get somewhere of a vaguely similar distance? Inb4 she cancels because a six hours round trip would totes cause a super real autistic meltdown

No. 345532

She wanted to go to Toronto and that’s way farther than PEI is round trip

No. 345535

>I think it was a combination of pleasing her funder (parents, like jill) and fear of failure, but also just laziness
My thoughts as well. It's giving off a "look, mommy, I'm trying really, really hard."
The PEI local fashion show she's going to be a part of is April 4-5. I agree she'll stay with her parents until then.

No. 345538

Lmao nonny you're comparing a 3 hour drive to a 14 hour drive. They are not similar distances.

No. 345542

this, 100%. Louise probably shamed her when she had that meltie about not getting the plane ticket or whatever, now she thinks this is showing how she's flourishing and accomplishing things to mommy and daddy. too bad her family still coddles her way too much for her to actually reform or do anything. they'll be enjoying the burden of their fat woman child offspring for years to come.

is her brother getting married or something? I can easily imagine her pushing harder for her troon boyfriend to have done that proposal if she was having to compete with that. hope Louise throws lowkey shade at Jill comparing her life to her brother's accomplishments.

No. 345543

My mistake nonas, for some reason I had it remembered that is was a 5 hour drive, not a 5 hour flight.

I do still wonder what the fall out will be of this. I feel like it will be one of three. She will either find some mysterious reason to cancel OR go and fail so massively that she either has a BPD shit fit and calls it an autistic meltdown, or never speak of it again out of embarassment. Make your bets now folks.

No. 345549

Tinfoiling over here but if I followed it correctly Jill is now doing a 3h drive when previously upset her mom wouldn't do the 14h for her? I'm thinking Jill will orchestrate something will go wrong on the 3h drive, and she will then use it as leverage to shame her mom for making her drive by herself. She will have some sort of mental breakdown or DID/autism/illness of the day incident that she can easily fake and that doesn't result in any actual car damage or risk. "See this is what happens when you coldly and unlovingly force me to do it by myself, I could even have died and it would have been your fault mom"(tinfoiling)

No. 345550

PEI nonnies check in on your deer because Jillybean is coming to town.

Can Jill's fat ass even fit into this hut? You gotta start somewhere ofc but this just looks so.. dingy. If i was a YouTuber who built my following around my aesthetic and hinted at a brand for years, I'd be embarrassed to debut stuff at a venue this tiny. Like someone else said, this looks like the type of venue where old ladies trade their cookies and crochet. Jill's never going to make it as a creative, she needs to pack it up and just get some sort of social media marketing job before she completely loses relevancy/ her name online gets tainted like Onision or illuminatiii.

No. 345553

Doubtful. She does this drive all the time, so it's probably nbd or unusual for her.

Fredericton has a million craft fairs. Plenty of other weeb artists go to these outside convention season. I can think of three girls Jill's age who are doing exactly what she wants to do (not fashion, but art). They show up to a dozen+ events a year in Fredericton alone. There is at least one student who sells fashion at these events (mix of handmade and thrifted).
If she wants to start small-scale, Jill could sell cute stickers or bookmarks to the masses and make enough to pay for a few groceries. So much easier than thinking she is going to sell "fashion". I don't think she realizes crochet will be at half of the tables, and isn't really a sellable skill.

No. 345554

I'm pretty sure the gay bar they already go to literally hosts craft sales sometimes during the day that are open to the general public. I know it's happened before, I know people who sold their art, but has she ever been there? Doubtful

No. 345557

she really went from having an artist alley booth at a con to this…

No. 345558

She isn't selling at craft fairs because she has nothing to sell. I follow a girl who sells at markets and crochets and she makes a few pieces of clothing in a month! She constantly posts herself creating things for her small business. Jill is way too occupied to play disabled on Twitter than to sit down 8 hrs a day and do her job.

No. 345559

I've been to a couple and have never seen her. Would be the perfect place, very low traffic.
This is the weird thing. It was a small con, but still a 3-day con (1600 attendees at the time?). She had someone help (iirc a boyfriend), but now she pretends like it's an impossible task. There are tons of actual autists who are artists at that same event.

No. 345562

>There are tons of actual autists who are artists at that same event.
This! Why is it so daunting to her? Why does she treat autism like she's 5 and can't do things by herself?
>Jill is way too occupied to play disabled on Twitter than to sit down 8 hrs a day and do her job.
I wonder why is it that difficult for her to do what she wants to do? Even making videos is difficult for her nowadays, everything is so low effort
I surely hope not, her family doesn't need this kind of stupid drama in their lives.

No. 345563


As a pothead, I'm pretty sure it's because Jill smokes too much fucking weed. Put the bong down sometimes Jill and you'll find you're more motivated to do things.(no1currs)

No. 345585

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You hit the nail on the head. Jill doesn't actually want to be a fashion designer, she only wants to say she's a fashion designer. Jill is a lazy piece of shit, and she's always been that way. Ever since she was a teenager and pretending that she was the one creating her cosplays and not her grandma. She doesn't want to create clothes, she doesn't want to create a brand, she doesn't want to be successful, because all that requires dedication and work and she's not dedicated nor is she a hard-worker. She just wants the popularity points that derive from the fashion designer title. Her life is: weed and social media. That's it. She is her happiest and most content when she's high as a kite and scrolling Twitter.

She's still making $664.5 every month through her Patreon. It's down from the $745.4 she was making 2 years ago ( >>304314 ), but it's still a good pay for doing nothing. As long as she's making the money that she needs for her weed and her petty consoom purchases, she's not gonna be interested in doing anything else besides smoking weed and scrolling Twitter.

The whole craft fair thing held in St. Nicholas (which has a population of ~200, not 900 as >>345505 said) sounds like it was a suggestion that her mother made. As >>345542 points out, it seems like Louise is the driving force behind a lot of Jill's "fashion career" choices. I think it's more likely that Louise heard about this event, then called Jill up and said "oh, it could be a great opportunity for your business!" and Jill was unable to refuse in fear of disappointing her. It's the same reason why she's doing the fashion show in PEI instead of Fredericton. Why would she travel 350km to a less populated province to promote her brand instead of staying home and promoting it in the variety of crafts fairs and conventions that happen in Fredericton as mentioned in this >>345553 post. It's because Jill doesn't actually WANT to do these things, it's her mum that drags her into doing them because she's still in denial that her daughter is a lazy lardass with a weed addiction.

It's not daunting to her at all. She uses that as an excuse for why she does nothing. She's so keen to LARP these debilitating illnesses because it makes her inaction look more noble. It goes from "Oh, she's still doing nothing?" to "Wow, she's doing something (no matter how small) DESPITE her illness!" She's very aware of the fact that she's wasting her youth and she's made up her mind that she doesn't want to do anything career-wise, but she still needs to keep up appearances and pretend to be interested in all these things so that her audience, friends, and family continue to view her as she wants them to view her.

The bridge toll is $50.25, that payment is good for both times you cross it. She has to travel 350km from Fredericton to Charlottetown. I don't remember what car she has off the top of my head, but every time she visits her parents she's spending at least $300 (more likely around $350-$400) round-trip in travel costs.

No. 345586

Living in Canada must really suck shit if she has to spend 300 dollars every time she visits her parents and there's not even a trans-provincial bus route or train to use. She's a lazy malingering loser but I can understand why she'd get upset at her parents for not offering her a plane ticket kek.

No. 345589

They really shouldn’t have to offer her anything to go take part in some event though anyway since she is a fully grown adult. It’s so spoiled of her to expect it, it really shows where her head is at, which is that she’s essentially a perpetual teenager who has just graduated into her own townhouse. But fundamentally she’s viewing herself as non self sufficient and is coming up with other more socially acceptable excuses to justify why she has stagnated and refused to take the plunge into adult working life and independence.

No. 345590

Driving 14 hours sucks, sorry anon but her parents should just fork over the plane ticket if they want to see her so bad.

No. 345591

Just so that we're clear:

The 14 hour drive is in reference to driving from Fredericton, New Brunswick to Toronto, Ontario to see a band. The drive from Jill's home in Fredericton, NB to her parent's home in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island is 3.5 hours.

No. 345592

Then nevermind kek she should drive to see her parents, now that you corrected it it's really retarded of her to not want to drive three hours to see her parents.

No. 345594

She IS going to see them for the craft sale, since its nearby. No one said she wasn't going to see them. It was mentioned a while ago Jill asked her mom to buy her a plane ticket to Toronto to see a band, which is the thing that isn't happening.

Also, gas/toll to/from Charlottetown isn't $350, especially in a small car. Maybe $150-200 max.
There is a bus between cities. If she chose to take a bus (doubt if she is bringing stock to sell), that's only about $150 round trip. There is a train that hits major cities, but PEI and Fredericton are too out of the way to be connected.

No. 345595

>She's still making $664.5 every month through her Patreon … it's still a good pay for doing nothing

is it? coupled with the rare sponsorship on her videos (let's say that's an even $1000 off all video content since she puts out two videos per month, generously) that's well below minimum wage in Canada, which is $15.60 an hour. this isn't even counting taxes.

No. 345599

>this isn't even counting taxes
That’s why she looks for tax write offs like charity events, “work trips” and makeup.

No. 345601

Do you think they're living like minimum wage workers in that fully furnished townhouse with multiple rooms? In Canada specially? She lives pretty well. Your estimate is lowballing or her mom or boyfriend are paying for her entire life (all fair options).
And that's only what we see. Cannot imagine the amount of money this toddler spends on take out food and weed.

No. 345602

It's good pay for doing nothing. Most people make $0 an hour for doing nothing.
She doesn't pay taxes on the income she derives from her internet presence because it's consistently below the taxable threshold.
Steven is a manager for a local retail joint. He doesn't make great money, but he is the main provider in that household. I doubt Jill brings in more than $1000 a month.

No. 345604

You're probably right and I wonder how younger Steve would feel knowing the rich influencer girl with a loaded family he's dating will be the one living off his money and not the other way around kek.

No. 345608

That's what he always wanted, anon. Steven comes from a religious Christian family that stressed traditional gender roles from a young age. No matter how much he claims to be against these teachings, his rebellion against them is only for show. He actually enjoys being the "man of the house" and he enjoys being the provider because that's the life path that his parents taught him to desire.

No. 345609

She hasn't had a single sponsorship on youtube since October 2023. Her personal earnings have been exclusively adsense and patreon for a year and a half.

No. 345610

File: 1742014021546.png (206.44 KB, 629x1063, 1000003736.png)

More cheesy insta story posting. Can't wait to see the stuff she's selling/fashion show.

No. 345611

least self-aware person ever

No. 345612

Serves her right. I still remember the Sanrio PR fiasco.

No. 345614

She does pay taxes as there’s no minimum income requirement. It’s going to be like 9% where she lives though. With all the things you can write off for “business” you get a fat cheque back.

No. 345620

Have any of the anons that have her private twitter account seen anything new yet? She's so unusually quiet.

No. 345621

File: 1742058976392.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1447x2162, IMG_1263.jpeg)

She hasn’t updated since last November

No. 345625

Jill just did a live stream. >>345468 She's still at home so different one.

No. 345626

seriously? I don't watch her videos but I assumed she was at least getting squarespace ads or something equally bottom of the barrel. that's amazing, she really is drying out.

No. 345628

Kek thanks for checking anon. Wtf is that pony doc? Is it the same one as the one in the video?
In a perfect world she would move on with the times and maybe learn to make better content. So many girls on tiktok and instagram are doing exactly what she wants to do but better and more efficiently, I don't know why can't she just copy them instead of doing mental health alter video #67954.

No. 345631

File: 1742068261267.jpg (113.36 KB, 720x1347, 1000003746.jpg)

Her business cards. I flipped the image so you can read the text on the information side.

No. 345632

1:32 says she might be joining a My Little Pony drag show. No date yet, same host as the Sailor Moon one. More pony sperging
13:33 "Sunny's definitely here"
15:58 mentions she ordered new business cards
16:30 now that she's cutting hair short she sees exactly how much breakage is happening, noticed some part is not growing
19:00 audio warning she keeps messing with the phone and audio gets fucked up bad for 3 minutes until she brushes the mic part with a toothbrush. Is embarassed her phone was that gunky
34:40 "I've said this before, I'm really bad at telling sarcasm now. I don't know whatever person I've become with all of our fusions I'm just like, bad at telling sarcasm. But it also makes like, my delivery on stuff is also so dry that sometimes people can't get it's sarcasm"
36:04 she also ordered some stickers and a vinyl banner for her booth, made from recycled materials. Shows them all at 37:04
39:28 "I was like 'I feel like I'm working as hard as I possibly can and it's still not fast enough'. And then I was like 'Hold on. I think that's why they call it slow fashion. And also why they call it disabled!" laughs
39:52 talks a bit about the market. She'll focus on jewelery and accessories since there's not a big market for bright crap on PEI
41:12 shows a sketch of her booth
42:32 someone in chat asks if she'd be open for (clothing) comissions. In the middle of answering gets distracted by pony shit in chat. Finishes answer, basically no because it'd stress her out too much
45:30 story about her middle school English teacher comissioning her to draw her sons and Jill took 5 months to complete it
46:13 makes an exception for drag queens. Would like to do fancy editorial gowns for drag photoshoots. And another exception for magical girl cosplay
47:50 pony sperging, mentions skipping some episodes because they got too boring or didn't feature Pinkie Pie enough
55:04 shows a clip of xCanadensis. Repeats her words
Mentions she'll get coffee after stream

No. 345636

>>I don't know whatever person I've become with all of our fusions I'm just like, bad at telling sarcasm
So is she trying to claim you can develop autism from alters fusing? Is that her master plan for faking autism with a decade worth of video evidence proving she isn't autistic? Funny since she tried to use autism to explain how she got DID without being abused as a young child.

No. 345637

>She'll focus on jewelery and accessories since there's not a big market for bright crap on PEI
Sustainable plastic low tier shit. The bar couldn't be any lower.

No. 345638

>"I've said this before, I'm really bad at telling sarcasm now. I don't know whatever person I've become with all of our fusions I'm just like, bad at telling sarcasm. But it also makes like, my delivery on stuff is also so dry that sometimes people can't get it's sarcasm"
Are we sure she's not rage baiting at this point? She's being so offensive and make it so easy to hate her

No. 345639

Thanks for summarizing.
>1:32 says she might be joining a My Little Pony drag show. No date yet, same host as the Sailor Moon one.
Lol, yes. I want more drag performances even if she only does one song. Imagine the outfit she'll make.
>16:30 now that she's cutting hair short she sees exactly how much breakage is happening, noticed some part is not growing
Had to watch that part. The hairstylist asked her not to straighten her hair too. She really just needs to stop messing with her hair period.
>34:40 "I've said this before, I'm really bad at telling sarcasm now. I don't know whatever person I've become with all of our fusions I'm just like, bad at telling sarcasm. But it also makes like, my delivery on stuff is also so dry that sometimes people can't get it's sarcasm"
She continues to repeat this despite the glaring amount of evidence. She's just like Anisa.
>39:28 "I was like 'I feel like I'm working as hard as I possibly can and it's still not fast enough'. And then I was like 'Hold on. I think that's why they call it slow fashion. And also why they call it disabled!" laughs
She's such a dipshit. She's never going to grow the fuck up. What a waste.

No. 345640

File: 1742100496445.png (197.32 KB, 518x319, business card.png)

Maybe a nitpick, but from a business standpoint these business cards look so unprofessional. She's had more than half a decade to set up a basic website for her brand, and she still hasn't done it. In 2025 there are so many affordable and simple website builders now that there's no excuse for her to not have a website for this brand. She's using social media to host the brand, but she can't even acquire the same username for both accounts nor display the current icon for X. She doesn't even have an email associated with the brand, it's just her personal email. The tagline "Small batch, slow fashion with a retro kawaii soul" is so stilted, and it's not even capitalized properly.
>retro kawaii soul
It's 2025. Kawaii has been dead for more than a decade. The ship has sailed. Marketing your brand as "kawaii" is so out-of-touch and dated. Who is supposed to be the target demographic for this brand? Young people aren't drawn to "kawaii," old people aren't gonna know what "kawaii" means, so who is it for? Washed up weebs in their late-20s? What is "retro" supposed to signal? In what way is anything that she makes "retro?" Her marketing is so confused that it borders on parody.
>Thoughtfully made in Canada
It's obvious that she threw this on there because of the recent national push to buy Canadian goods in the face of a looming trade war. But, it still doesn't work. She's not gonna be selling all over Canada, she's limited to the Maritimes. If she were smart, she would have wrote "Made in New Brunswick" to capitalize on those around her that focus on buying locally made crafts.

No. 345641

>I've said this before, I'm really bad at telling sarcasm now.
Oh wow, how convenient. Kek
>I don't know whatever person I've become with all of our fusions I'm just like, bad at telling sarcasm
Anons that said she would ditch DID for an autism self diagnosis were right on the money.

No. 345642

>my delivery on stuff is also so dry that sometimes people can't get it's sarcasm
Oh my fucking god.
>"I was like 'I feel like I'm working as hard as I possibly can and it's still not fast enough'. And then I was like 'Hold on. I think that's why they call it slow fashion. And also why they call it disabled!" laughs
Jesus Christ this is preposterous. The fuck is wrong with her? It makes my blood boil the way she casually calls herself disabled. And then she laughs about it. What the hell man.

No. 345643

>But it also makes like, my delivery on stuff is also so dry that sometimes people can't get it's sarcasm
>"People don't find my sarcasm funny so it must be my autism"
Not nitpicky nona, especially the logo looks like a child made it.

No. 345646

File: 1742114577523.jpg (12.01 KB, 400x400, lxXzSU2_.jpg)

I think she's going for an 80s MLP strawberry shortcake inspired thing. I don't completely hate her logo idea, it's a cute idea, but obviously it's not professionally made nor refined. It looks scribbled on, like a draft, unfinished, and the proportions feel wrong, not harmonious. What happened to the old one anyway?
>kawaii is dead
Is it? I still see people use it.
I wonder if she means retro + kawaii as in 90s/80s nostalgia with a kawaii twist, or if she means something like "heisei retro", a popular thing on social media right now.
In any case, none of the designs she made feel kawaii retro for me, whatever she means with that. They didn't feel kawaii retro years ago when she had her graduation show and they're not feeling kawaii retro now. Having something in pink doesn't make it kawaii. Sad to see she didn't come up with anything new that could sell better and instead settled for her old designs that weren't trendy to begin with.

Checked her five petal flower twitter to get her old logo and she hasn't updated it since the 23rd of February, 2021.

No. 345649

Pastel 80s cartoons plus kawaii would be interesting as a concept if it wasn’t already done by Spank! over a decade ago (“fairy kei”) and Jill knows it since she already stole their concept for “party kei” and then did nothing substantial with it.

No. 345650

All of her logos look like they should be rough drafts. She needs to go find a graphic designer on fiver to help her clean up a little but her ego is too big for that.

No. 345652

It doesn’t help her brand name is so long either. Should be like 5 petal and the text on the flower.

No. 345657

it does look like a rough draft. she needs to admit the weed alcohol and energy drinks have done a major number on her work.

No. 345661

File: 1742157663911.webp (112.94 KB, 1600x590, logo.webp)

You're being too kind to this design >>345640 you can make a cutesy retro logo a million ways that shit she posted is a level of draft that's not even something you publish lol

No. 345668

Wasn't it originally 5 petals because of her 5 alters at the time? Insane to think about

No. 345671

She should really just give up on this stupid fashion designer larp and start selling stickers like every other kawaii youtuber in existence.

No. 345681

File: 1742212782009.jpeg (33.55 KB, 554x554, IMG_5779.jpeg)

She should make SOAP and I’m tired of pretending otherwise.(soapfagging)

No. 345682

>34:40 "I've said this before, I'm really bad at telling sarcasm now. I don't know whatever person I've become with all of our fusions I'm just like, bad at telling sarcasm. But it also makes like, my delivery on stuff is also so dry that sometimes people can't get it's sarcasm"
This is such a classic autism malingerer tell. I literally never hear actually autistic people mention not getting sarcasm even though they might have actual trouble with it. Also this goes without saying….. but this is also a symptom of frying your brain into utter retardation with chronic weed usage. Trying to not blogpost but I've struggled with weed and know people who have and you can really tell who's been smoking like a chimney based on how slow and spacy they are in conversation, like it gets very obvious at some point, it will last even if you aren't smoking weed.

No. 345684

I'm so glad to see you again but Jill is far too retarded to handle soap making. She'd fuck up with the lye and kill everyone within 100 feet of her. The poor cats don't deserve to go out that way.

I used to think she made fairly cute graphic designs but these logos are proving me wrong. Maybe 2017 Jill could have made cute stickers and stationary for kawaii rainbow weebs, but 2025 Jill just doesn't have the sauce. It's sad to see someone as young as her regress so hard.

But nonnie! The weed, alcohol and energy drinks are her medicine and they're saving her life. Who knows where she'd be if she wasn't smoking 2 pounds of weed a day?

No. 345687

Nta the soap thing is fun but nowadays I think she's too much of an idiot to be able to pull it off and it would just not work. She has regressed so much that even soap would be too hard for her. And this is not because she has "autism" or "did", she's just not the same person anymore.
This idiot (Jill) really thinks that autism can develop and manifest out of nowhere. She treats DID as if it was some kind of magical condition where parts of your brain fuse like a magical girl or goku and then you develop a new condition because of course, she needs to collect all the diagnoses like yugioh cards. Next time she'll say she fused with another alter and developed chronic illness so now she's extra retarded. Does she not understand how idiotic she sounds? Things don't work that way. "Omg now I don't understand autism!" this is such a clear malingerer lie, it's incredible really. I don't know if weed could truly fry someone's brain this much, but holy shit. It's not like she's doing shrooms or meth.

No. 345689

can't believe we have soap redtexting now kek
I'm convinced the reason she's "fusing into autism" is because it's more probable to have than DID. Which is debated if it even exists by pros, and not believed in by randos. Would probably fly better with her mom too.
Like a nonna said before, "my autism made me believe I had DID" will be a video in the future.

No. 345690

Weed absolutely can fry your brain in a bad way, but it can take a lot of chronic smoking to get to that point. She could absolutely get rid of most of her actual mental and emotional (and even memory problems) if she just stopped fucking smoking. It might take like two weeks to recenter herself but it's not like she's caused herself brain damage. The weed is part of her never-ending cycle of self-sabotage though so she can't give it up, because then she'd have one less excuse for being so retarded.

No. 345693

File: 1742229397444.png (157.81 KB, 720x749, weird.png)

Weird ass response

No. 345696

She had to be on something writing this reply.

No. 345701

Jill seriously says every single autism-imitator BPD stock phrase in the book. Jill has never been monotone in her life yet is now bringing out the “actually I’m so dry and monotone and Vulcan that people can’t tell when I’m serious or joking ugh I’m soooo bad at sarcasm and can’t tell when anyone is joking either” bit, what a joke.

No. 345703

She tries to be a sassy drag queen sometimes but entirely fails it’s making me cringe. She just comes off as sociopathic.

No. 345704

In all honesty, she IS a sociopath. Anyone that is no longer in her life is glad of it. All she does is lie an manipulate. She is not a sincere or safe person.

No. 345706

wtf is this. they didn't need the fucking weird backstory jill. she must be high and/or drunk again

No. 345716

Kek she’s deadnaming her friend Dani.

No. 345717

File: 1742248127217.png (487.43 KB, 720x1007, 1000003763.png)

No. 345718

File: 1742248433101.png (39.52 KB, 720x230, 1000003765.png)

No. 345720

File: 1742248797875.jpeg (269.67 KB, 1137x1500, 1665282601744.jpeg)

>oversharing on a vague tweet cause you have no friends.
Not even an interesting anecdote either

No. 345721

File: 1742249907524.png (397.85 KB, 645x1068, 1000003756.png)

It's strange to me she's posting this garbage on instagram and not on xitter. Especially since she hasn't posted in her private xitter >>345621 in a long time. Wonder what happened?

No. 345722

I don't give a ahit about deadnaming but jill should given how she claims to be kweer, accepting and full of rainbows. kek it never takes long for the facade to drop

No. 345723

>I've struggled with weed and know people who have and you can really tell who's been smoking like a chimney based on how slow and spacy they are in conversation
As someone who has never touched it I'd like to know the signs in more detail so we can see how it fits Jill. Both internal when you strugglef and how you see it in others. Would be nice to have it pointed out more exactly since we know Jill coincidentally started larping DID when she started smoking weed

No. 345725

ntayrt, the biggest signs are paranoia and anxiety, honestly. everyone i know who has truly fried their brain with weed ends up on edge to the point it’s impossible to be around them. they stop leaving their houses and engaging with the world. they also seem to lose some of their social filter and some of their capacity to actually behave normally around other people. they say weird disjointed things and are just really spacey, like they can’t really process what’s going on around them. but the anxiety that borders on paranoia, even delusion, is the biggest sign of someone who has truly damaged their brain with weed imo. you can tell jill is high as balls because she looks high as balls, and imo she’s showing signs of long term damage- the kind that lasts long after you give it up.

No. 345728

I've also seen heavy smokers become more spacey, daydreamy, and they use a bunch of slurred words.
>imo she’s showing signs of long term damage- the kind that lasts long after you give it up.
like what, exactly? I can't believe she's already this far gone when it feels like she started smoking weed not too long ago. Actually, when did she start smoking weed? Like 5 years ago?

No. 345730

>Our jillybean: I hope you heal uwu
>Also jill: randomly mentions the divorce and subsequent departure of a ‘friend’ on her very public persona social media account

The comment is already weird asf and backhanded if she was on a private account, but to do it on her professional social media is some true bippie shit. She is never gonna be able to hide that the only disability she has is being a chronically online cunt with a personality disorder.

No. 345731

A few years is enough to cause cognitive decline/decreased neuroplasticity, but she could get better by becoming sober long term.

No. 345734

When she first got that candy shop i think it was job? With the boss who used to crash out on Twitter with her. I'd guess its been around 5 or 6 years since she first started smoking weed.
Meh, i think if she puts the bong down now she'll be fine. If she continues to smoke at the rate she does now, she'll be fucked in her 30s and 40s. Jill over exaggerates her speech to come off as more autistic nowadays too. She probably just comes off as a standard burnout irl. Imo when the brain damage from weed is more permanent, the person tends to withdraw completely and doesn't talk much anymore. Jill still chronically over shares information for attention so she can't be too paranoid.

No. 345735

When she first got that candy shop i think it was job? With the boss who used to crash out on Twitter with her. I'd guess its been around 5 or 6 years since she first started smoking weed.
Meh, i think if she puts the bong down now she'll be fine. If she continues to smoke at the rate she does now, she'll be fucked in her 30s and 40s. Jill over exaggerates her speech to come off as more autistic nowadays too. She probably just comes off as a standard burnout irl. Imo when the brain damage from weed is more permanent, the person tends to withdraw completely and doesn't talk much anymore. Jill still chronically over shares information for attention so she can't be too paranoid.

No. 345737

Like, imagine being happy because someone that you consider a friend divorced just because it now means there's one less Sam in your friend group. Like, what? Kek, can she only ever think of herself?

No. 345742

i think she thinks it keeps her instagram alive. since she has no original content to post, she reminds people she exists through sharing stuff on her story. my guess is she also thinks these ~positive~ and ~motivational~ posts make her "brand" seem "professional" and positive when she's a negative void

No. 345743

I think she could turn it around, too. I don’t mean that she’s permanently damaged her brain necessarily but it can take months or even years to fully recover from. And I have seen people who never did recover because they triggered a serious mental health issue that became permanent. Maybe Jill would like that tho lol

No. 345749

Her unprofessional boss at Papercakes Pretty taught her how to smoke. She started working there in December 2015/January 2016 after she dramatically got upset about being told that she couldn't have blue hair at Price-Mart. They let her come in with dyed hair since she got the job and then told her that she had to ask them first. Jill refused to dye it her natural color or get a wig because she was acting like they were taking away her identity and quit. Jill's been smoking for 9 or 10 years.

No. 345751

Jill has said in the past she started smoking at 18. Her birthday is in march so she would have been smoking since high school. I wonder if she’s been smoking since she was 17 and is protecting her former boss?

No. 345752

i can't help but feel like she'd brag about it for some reason. omg jerrick is such a baddie he smoked weed when we were 17 etc

No. 345753

>Her unprofessional boss at Papercakes Pretty taught her how to smoke.
Makes me think IF (big if) Jill ever stops being a stoner she'll use her as a scapegoat to blame all of her DID and fake autism problems on her. Like it wasn't Jill's fault, some evil person tricked her into being a drug addict and that led to her really thinking she had DID and autism!

No. 345756

>Jill's been smoking for 9 or 10 years
That's a long time for sure. But was she a casual smoker back then or did she already went all in like she does now? It seems as if only after going to craft college she truly started relying heavily on it, or at least she would mention it way more often in relation to her mental health. Before that I don't really remember much, but I may be misremembering.

No. 345757

She only ever posts shit in relation to herself. All her motivational quotes that she has ever posted are about herself and she only ever applies them to herself. She's transparent like that.

No. 345762

You're being more autistic than Jill here.
Thanks, i couldn't remember when she started that job but i did remember her saying her boss taught her how to smoke weed.

My memory is foggy but she only really started talking about being a stoner during her craft college flop. She might have been the type who only smoked after work/ at night back when she lived with her mom but became a full time stoner once she moved out.

The people who don't come back from being smoked out usually have underlying mental health conditions. Weed can trigger pyschosis in people who are prone to schizophrenic tendencies/have that family history. Idk what Auntie Sam's deal was, but at the very least addiction runs in Jill's family. But yeah, i think Jill will be fine if she quits or reduces the amount she smokes (and drinks)

No. 345766

God I can’t imagine how Louise feels about losing Jill to addiction. She literally saw her sister go through it and I imagine Sam also had loads of potential burned out. Being Canadian means you always have family members with addiction issues. It’s also super common for kids to grow up with addicted parents.

No. 345767

>My memory is foggy but she only really started talking about being a stoner during her craft college flop.
Yeah that's what I was thinking about. I remember her saying she used to smoke with her boss (at work perhaps?) but then she only truly started shilling weed the way she does now when the craft college DID era started. Because she really thinks weed helps her get better.
>Weed can trigger pyschosis in people who are prone to schizophrenic tendencies/have that family history
I hope that never happens to Jill, but she has BPD and that can also have complications I assume. She likes to play "with the voices" right now but she has no idea how bad actual psychotic people can get.
At least Serenity Sam is doing better now and she looks genuinely happy. Jill is doing everything to fail on purpose. She won't get better unless she wants to be better.

No. 345768

>God I can’t imagine how Louise feels about losing Jill to addiction.
It's weed, not fucking heroine. Are you all 12yo?

No. 345771

weed rots your brain over time and can permanently alter your brain. jill is not a casual user. sage for blog but i know a 60 year old who has been smoking since she was in her 20s, and she has lost touch with reality, like she's histrionic and psychotic at the same time, just floating through life while being aggressive, paranoid and devoid of a soul. if jill has been smoking since she was 17 and is 27 now, she's already been smoking for 10 years, of which only a few of them were during a non-formative era. she obviously won't be able to OD, but weed can be detrimental to someone's psyche, especially if the person abusing it is already isolated and emotionally immature.(blogposting)

No. 345775

A lot of lazy burnouts with no goals in life end up falling into weed "addiction". It's literally the most pussy substance to be addicted to, but if smoked consistently it can alter your mood, mental health, and memory. It can be really hard to quit too because it can have the nasty effect of short-term depression and irritability (which only lasts for like a week or so, but goes away if you keep away from it), so if you struggle with mood and anxiety on weed, it can get worse immediately off weed like tenfold. I guarantee Jill is the type who would outright refuse to take a break because she probably becomes a demonic bitch off of it since she's been on it for literal years and years.

No. 345776

Meh, as long as she doesn't get on harder drugs Jill can achieve her full potential. Which imo isn't much. Even at her peak her outfits sucked and she was only ever half decent and making kawaii pins and stickers.
Jill started using weed to cope with her lack of talent when it slapped her in the face at her craft college. I know she started smoking before then, but it definitely kicked up a notch around then and you can tell because her consistency took a nosedive. She can sit around, get high and pretend she's a successful independent fashion designer, and on the rare occasion she actually goes out and makes something the weed and booze make her think it's a masterpiece.

No. 345777

If you can not get high and function at life,then there is no hope for you. There are so many people that are considered burnouts that function and go to work every day. Jill is a poster child for arrested development.

No. 345783

>It's weed, not fucking heroine. Are you all 12yo?
It's not really about the weed, it's about Jill on weed. Weed took her from being a motivated, popular, successful content creator to being an obese lazy womanchild who larps severe mental illness and claims her loving family brutally abused her until she was traumatized for life

No. 345798

jillian could probably function fine if she put the bong down. most of the shit she claims to have wrong with her are just labels she hoards to excuse her negative traits and bad habits. the weed isn't doing her any favors but it's not like she's fried her brain into permanent retardation like luna slater

No. 345799

Jill was only motivated when she was getting smoke consistently blown up her ass from mommy and was convinced she was the most special snowflake to ever fall during Christmas time. Once she got knocked off that high horse, it knocked the wind out of her and she became a full time burnout to cope. The issue isn't so much the weed (although its making everything worse). It's Jill not being able to cope with being average. Average at piano, average artist, below average sewing abilities, bad at coordinating outfits, etc.

No. 345802

It’s pretty sad because she doesn’t have to be GREAT at anything in order to have a thriving small business and nice lifestyle as a small town artist and seamstress. But what she really hates is effort. When you’re a kid, you can just show up to whatever you’re signed up for, do a couple little projects and get big applause, but now she has to structure things herself and actually put in significant hours if she wants to make it to the next step, and she lacks the discipline, fortitude, and ability to simply let herself suffer. It’s so easy for her to lean back on comfort and then cry about her insecurities and depression, but what she needs to thrive as an adult is actually suffering.

No. 345803

>but weed can be detrimental to someone's psyche, especially if the person abusing it is already isolated and emotionally immature.
this is the bill jill fits. she reacts to everything like a teenager, is dumb as fuck and is a complete homebody that covid intensified. the effects of isolation already do a number to the payche, but the shit jill tweets can be so full of paranoia and irrational fears. the way she talks about her fake DID, wannabe autism, and insecurites are just grating. her youtube vids are unnecessarily long from how blasted she is.
jill needs at least a month off this shit, but I would prefer she does it at her parents so they can monitor her.

No. 345804

weed can cause a ton of problems. don't let stonerfags itt keep obfuscating that. here in canada weed is classified as being both psychologically and physically addictive, it just doesn't cause deadly withdrawals and instead is more similar to nicotine withdrawal. i guarantee jill is addicted to weed and doesn't realize it. many people get in a loop where they start getting withdrawal symptoms when they smoke less and then attribute that to sicknesses instead of withdrawal and then just start smoking again. she probably gets irritable when she doesn't smoke and instead of trying to stop, smokes more. jill in general was never very motivated but she made weed her main interest.

No. 345805

I wonder if any of her con outburst crap was partly motivated by either not being able to be blazed out of her mind the whole day, or not able to handle the stimulus and executive demands while high. Probably mostly just her BPD jealousy and attention whoring though.

No. 345806

>You're being more autistic than Jill here.
Not a difficult task
Paranoia is very soothing to BPDfags because they'd rather feel persecuted than feel alone

No. 345807

>motivated, popular, successful content creator
I encourage you to re-read the earliest Jill threads. Jill has never been motivated, nor popular, nor successful. She has always struggled to get >100k views on her videos. Jill has been faking mental illness since she was a teenager, she's been obsessed with attention since then too. Her DID and ASD LARP are the natural evolution of her behaviors.

It feels like some anons in this thread don't wanna say "Jill is a cow" so they come up with XYZ reason why Jill isn't really a cow. "Oh, it's the weed that makes her act like this," or "oh, it's Stephen that makes her act like this," or "oh, its her mom that makes her act like this!" No, it's Jill. The only problem with Jill is herself. Weed isn't the reason why she's faking DID. Weed isn't the reason why she sits at home all day scrolling Twitter. Weed isn't the reason why she's a cow.

No. 345808

Nta but at least back then she did something.

No. 345809

She's still doing things. Her things have always been mediocre and designed to garner attention.

No. 345810

youre misreading and conflating. weed isnt THE reason is like this, its a MAJOR reason why shes insufferable right now. if someone was whiny chronically online attention whore and is a textbook example of Failure to Launch, its gets worse after a drug addiction.

No. 345811

Can we stop being autistic, the weed is not helping her and if you had any actual experience with chronic smoking you'd understand that some of her problems (being a lazy, uncreative loser) is absolutely without a doubt exacerbated by smoking weed. Nobody is actually saying smoking weed everyday is what is causing her munchie arc, just that it PROBABLY gives her side effects that she exaggerates to hell and back just so she doesn't have to get a real job or prove herself like mommy wants, and then she goes and says it DOES help to keep her in a never-ending cycle of being a lazy, uncreative, NEET loser.
Weed is absolutely the reason she sits and scrolls twitter all day, don't be daft.(no1currs)

No. 345812

Going to say, she's whiney and terminally online because she has literally nothing else going on anymore. No school, no collabs, nothing. She's even aged out of getting hauls from her parents.

No. 345813

>Can we stop being autistic, the weed is not helping her
If you're gonna call me autistic at least read what I said. Nowhere did I say the weed was helping her. No1currs that you were a stoner. The weed isn't the reason she sits and scrolls Twitter all day, she chooses to that weed or no weed. It's HER choices.
>its a MAJOR reason why shes insufferable right now
Weed is one of her vices, and it does make her insufferable, but it pales in comparison to the deluge of other insufferable things that she has done for a decade that make her a cow.

No. 345814

If you haven't smoked weed just say that. Weed is absolutely the reason she sits on her ass and does nothing because it's the one drug that is meant to do that to you kek.(derailing)

No. 345815

The weed is just an excuse. Anons don't even know how much she actually smokes. A lot of times people claim she's high in videos, but there's no proof, it's just anon tinfoiling. We have no idea what her actual weed consumption is.
Lots of productive people smoke. Contrary to popular belief, it's not a magic glue yourself to the couch drug. It's very easy to go about your life with moderate or even high weed consumption. People do this all the time for legitimate medical reasons as well as recreation, and you probably never know.
Honestly kind of wish the weed tinfoiling would get banned or redtexted, there's so much of it that's based on nothing. We have absolutely no idea how much she smokes. Her showing off her bong once or twice and anons claiming she's high in videos aren't actually proof of anything. Maybe she smokes every few days. Maybe she uses 10mg every day. Both of those things aren't really a big deal. But we have literally no idea what she does.
What we do know is that she's lazy and has demonstrated her laziness consistently for many years.(derailing)

No. 345817

This is a huge derail. She's a lazy NEET who has access to weed and hates working, it's quite obvious she smokes nearly every day (from a bong). It's hilarious that there are anons so passionately adamant that weed couldn't possibly be a detriment to her mental faculties that they're derailing an entire thread with incredibly reasonable assumptions crying about how weed isn't a problem I don't- I mean, SHE doesn't have a problem with weed!(derailing)

No. 345819

Samefag but Luoise even liked tweets about how Jill shouldn't be smoking and Jill has made passive aggressive tweets about how weed helps her fake autism. She's a druggie in denial.

No. 345820

The weed spergs are the ones who bring it up literally constantly for everything she does. The word weed shows up 100 times in this thread alone, despite the fact she hasn't talked about using weed in weeks. It's all just tinfoil speculation.

No. 345821

The writing is literally on the wall. Claiming weed helps "autism" is a classic bpdemon malingerer tell. I don't know what to tell you.(derailing)

No. 345827

This. Jill's had threads here for years and she only recently openly talked about being a stoner. She was always mediocre at best, she turned to weed to cope. And because it's a drug, it's just making her even worse.

>It’s pretty sad because she doesn’t have to be GREAT at anything in order to have a thriving small business and nice lifestyle as a small town artist and seamstress.

Her ego won't allow her to be just a small town seamstress living a comfortable life. She needs to have a uWu sustainable kawaii brand and be an influencer and a mental health advocate and a professional drag queen and cosplayer and-. She's like a four year old but without their willingness to at least try sometimes. She has big dreams but was ALWAYS unwilling to pursue anything seriously, especially if it's clear she's not a natural talent/the best to ever do it.

Two things can be true at once. Jill's not a failure to launch because of the weed, it's just making a bad situation even worse. If she put the bong down she'd just replace it with pink wine like Shayna, her old friends would call her drunkielocks. She's always been a lazy addict, she's just not hiding her weed addiction because she thinks it makes her cooler.

No. 345841

the weed discussion in the context of "is she a failure-to-launch because of weed" is boring. i DO want to know how much you guys think she smokes in a week, i can't help but think it's less than she lets on/everyone speculates but i don't really have any evidence to substantiate that. outside of tinfoiling is there anyone ITT who does happen to remember her actually mentioning how much she uses? you'd think she'd mention it more(continuing the derail)

No. 345847

If she's claiming it helps her non-existant autism, she's pretty much insinuating that she smokes weed frequently and regularly. Remember that she's a failure to launch NEET with probable BPD, these types love to use excuses to do drugs/alcohol.

No. 345849

She once said weed makes her feel "normal". That sounds like "often". And when she went on a trip to see her family she /had/ to smoke at her parents' house (her mom had set a stool outside the door for Jill to sit on and smoke weed), instead of just holding off until she was back at her own place.

And don't forget she mentioned drinking casually a couple times, then it turned out she drank something every single night (iirc she mentioned it when she said she was going to cut back).

She seems to have addiction issues. Luckily, it's weed, wine, and attention, and nothing more serious, but is most likely more addicted than the average person.

Are farmers reaching? Maybe. There is no way to know for sure. She hopefully has the sense to limit discussion about alcohol/drugs on her public accounts, so we only see glances. But the glances aren't a good sign.

No. 345862

So this has happened already, right? I don't follow any of her accounts, has she made a single post about it? Did she even go or manage to sell anything?

No. 345863

Fredericton has a massive cocaine problem and we have multiple mutual facebook friends that I know are cokeheads. But she didn't seem overly intoxicated at karaoke. Just awkward

No. 345866

Jill did not go to that one. She actually hasn't said much about it besides her saying her mom will be there and it being a day in March. No posts about it either. I still think it will be in PEI based on her saying her mom will be there and the fashion show she's going to attend being there. There's two more craft shows coming up in PEI. One on the 22nd and the other on the 29th. Personally my guess is the 29th only because it's the closer date to the fashion show. I don't think it happened yet, but I will eat crow if proven wrong. I also think the video she's currently working on >>345717 is about DID since she asked people on xitter and on the community post on youtube. I'm so curious to see what's she selling because she's been awfully quiet for awhile besides the occasional tweet and cheesy instagram stories posts. I'm actually shocked she's been this quiet for as long as she has.

No. 345867

I think she's a daily weed smoker i don't mean just before bed or something, i mean she's never sober. Not even for a few hours while working, running errands or doing something fun.(continuing the derail)

No. 345874

Anyone who thinks otherwise is fooling themselves. Jill is 100% an "all day every day" stoner.(continuing the weed derail)

No. 345879

File: 1742604231727.png (112 KB, 1190x496, Screenshot 2025-03-21 at 9.34.…)

She is literally a daily smoker as per her own words, so anyone trying to downplay her usage is straight up wrong

I'll take my ban for posting this but I think it's important that these are her own words. The cookie she's referring to was labelled as 50-100mg dose, and she ate the whole thing in 2 hours, which is way more than the average person would take (most edibles are labelled 5mg per serving, and most people would take maybe 2 or 3 if they're regular users). So her saying she felt a "teeny" high after what is a 3-10x dose of what regular users would take means she is stoned basically always

No. 345882

Yeah but the she says she conked out. She's talking about that thing where you think the weed didn't effect you but then it hits you.

No. 345893

Nta but this doesn't change the context of what anon was saying at all.

No. 345895

can the little bitch reporting comments to the mods talking about jill's obvious over reliance on weed shut the fuck up now, dumb ass shouldve lurked. this comment is now over 2 years old of jill admitting to being a full blown stoner. there have been a couple of threads made since, so we can now digest how badly its affecting her behavior (online and off) and communication skills. and its really bad.
I wonder if steve smokes, or as much as her kek

No. 345896

I think they both smoke but since Steven has a full-time job he can't possibly get high as much as Jill does. I bet she smokes up all the weed and leaves him none sometimes lol. Also, yeah these bans are stupid. It'd be like banning people for talking about Luna's drug use in her thread. The weed is part of why she's such a cow nowadays, even though she was a cow before she started heavily using it.

No. 345897

File: 1742659335319.png (533.67 KB, 720x983, 1000003793.png)

No. 345898

Just by this screenshot you can just sense the narc vibes dripping off her.

No. 345902

Why is the back of her head weirdly edited?

No. 345905

File: 1742666548019.png (441.14 KB, 805x632, flat head syndrome.png)

I think it's gonna be a part of her LARP. She edited herself to have flat-head syndrome, which is usually a sign of parental neglect in early infancy.

No. 345906

Kek nonnie that would be hilarious and horrible.

No. 345907

Conviniently she also erased her double chine

No. 345914

So obsessed with herself its sad. Literally nothing to contribute to the world but taking catfish selfies. She was only able to do a "video essay" cuz she spent most of it making it about herself. So uninterested to anything other than her reflection.

No. 345921

>So uninterested to anything other than her reflection.
i agree with you. it's actually gross how self-obsessed she is. i've met a lot of people like that but she really outdoes herself, it's insane to see how big her ego is where she actually can't even have a single dialogue that doesn't have to do with her. no wonder why all of her relationships with others don't feel real. she'd rather get asspats on social media from literal strangers who are also malingerers so she can continue to be enabled and feel justified in her nasty behavior

No. 345926

that would be hilarious, manifesting it becomes real

No. 345929

Another video on DID.

No. 345930

File: 1742746786781.png (54.39 KB, 720x196, 1000003797.png)

Title of the video.

No. 345931

She's never going to stop the larp.

No. 345932

Kind of a nitpick but wow so many of her small innocuous choices really highlight her narcissism.
>generalized YouTube title
>YOU don't understand DID
>thumbnail is her narc-ass self poorly edited
Absolute zero creativity.

No. 345933

I don't think people realize that neurotypical humans can dissociate or depersonalize.

It does not mean you have mental illness.

Everyone on the internet sees one thing they experienced one time as a symptom of a disorder and they just latch onto the disorder.(integrate)

No. 345934

Here’s a recap part 1:
She looks extremely zonked out almost like she can barely keep her eyes open.
>Wants to talk about DID awareness day which happens to be on her birthday and smiles like a delighted gremlin about it.
Wants video to be informative and helpful for people to use as a resource
People barely responded on Twitter the majority of her responses were from her YouTube community
Brought up she trying something new with her bangs and hopes she looks like Liza Minnelli or non binary Betty boop
>The common sentiment in her community not always knowing who’s fronting.
It seems her audience are primarily other fakers like her.
>Thinks DID is a spectrum and similar to autism.
Essentially makes excuses for how she and other fakers express their symptoms.
>Says DID manifests from trauma endured from ages 6-12. She also says 6-9 but brushes that off by saying depending what study you read.
It’s convenient she misinforms her audience in order to justify her faking.
>she claims to have been going through intensive DID therapy for years so her amnesia from switching isn’t as dramatically prevalent as it used to be.
Calls DID PTSD with DLC.
She says her switches are fluid and aren’t always “grilled cheese” and even mocked switches with the rapid eye blinking seizure shit that she has done on video before.
Hold up she going on a rant complaining about blank stares when mentioning something DID related and wants positive reactions. Isn’t she supposed to be autistic? Why would an autistic person care about this shit.
>still extremely ass blasted about the mcclean presentation and went on another butt hurt rant about it and dropped yet another autism bread loaf by saying her “sense of justice” makes her get in the zone with the rant.
>brought up Veronica putting her in her place saying she’s a whole girl and not just a part. Goes on a rant with the Veronica voice but cuts off because her camera’s memory card ran out of memory.

No. 345935

File: 1742749175086.jpeg (337.39 KB, 828x455, IMG_5977.jpeg)

More whining and random forced spastic movements.
There is so much ranting and justifications for behaviors and reasons why she essentially is getting caught in her own lies. This isn’t a resource for DID like she claims it’s a resource for her mental jillness.

No. 345937

Kek I love that her new gendie bowl-mullet makes her look even more like a stereotypical moron that everyone knows to roll their eyes at and walk away from. “Yeah I’m a disabled autistic traumatized non-binary gay eco-creator with 15 made up genderflux identities!” and is an allistic able-bodied spoiled middle class white woman marrying a man. Kek. She’s flanderized herself into a total cookie cutter joke of a person by spending all her time inside online instead of living an actual life.

No. 345939

The part where she says march is wonderful because it's her internationally celebrated birthday or whatever had my eyes rolling. Video anon if you could post a clip of that I would be grateful, it's the prime example of her narcissism.

No. 345944

She should have aped for that schizo self-diagnosis like she tried for like a week and two liked tweets before promptly discarding for autism and DID just so she can make videos the way she really wants to: screaming and ranting at the camera demanding her lolcow followers to believe her fake schizo delusions kek.

No. 345946

I preferred her fake lesbian phase to this never-ending fake disease phase.

No. 345948

>She says her switches are fluid and aren’t always “grilled cheese” and even mocked switches with the rapid eye blinking seizure shit that she has done on video before.
some tech savy nona should stitch those together kek

No. 345950

>You can develop DiD as a 12 year old.

Man, the DiD larpers of 2020 and earlier would be tearing her apart for this alone

No. 345951

I usually do the recaps, but 31 minutes of this crap? Her hairstyle is fucking atrocious.
>mcclean presentation
She's STILL seething over that? Jesus.

No. 345957

File: 1742772655233.mp4 (8.57 MB, 640x360, 230325.mp4)

"Just let the fakers BE, internet haters!" with a dash of crocodile tears

No. 345960

It's pretty funny she's leaning even harder into DID and nonbinary as both of those things are solidly on their way out now. People are calling DID a "dead fad" and the zoomers i know are telling me that nonbinary is solely a cringe millennial thing now. She bought into all this stuff at the top and is doubling down.

No. 345961

Yeah. The rainbow bangs are the only thing that really sets apart now. Make them green and she's just a copypaste of one million other people on the west coast.

No. 345962

>nonbinary is solely a cringe millennial thing now
I wish this was true, artistic and nerdy spaces are filled with zoomer girls who use they/them or he/him. The girls who would've been fujoshis in the 2000s are tifs now

No. 345963

Wtf kek she has zero hair left except bangs now. Her mega bangs wrap around her whole head.

No. 345966

>"The DID community"
She's so weird. The "DID community" is a basically a gaggle of BPDemons on social media that are addicted to attention. Why does she feel the need to be a moral authority in every "community" that she joins? She really has not changed at all since the lolita days.
>"I know as a person with DID, diagnosed, by paper, by doctors"
If you keep repeating a lie, over and over, it doesn't make it true. It's crazy that she keeps parroting this line when it takes less than 30 minutes to figure out that she's never been diagnosed by doctors. Even the people that gave her the diagnostic impression only had MA, they weren't doctors. It's a layered lie.
>"If you wanna be a little sinful, you can talk to JUST your mum, and gossip, talk to JUST your fiance."
She always slips up somehow. Thanks for letting us know that you only talk shit with Louise and Steven. We already knew you had no other real confidants because your friendships are vapid and fake, but more proof is always great.
>"Getting diagnosed with it in 2011"
I might be misremembering, but isn't that the year that she got diagnosed with either BPD, or the year that she had to go to the hospital for faking an eating disorder? If so, kind of another interesting Freudian slip. Deep down she knows that it's all a BPD delusion.

Also nitpick, how are her under eyes so horrible? She's not even 30 yet and she has the under eyes of a 50 year old Afghanistan veteran.

No. 345968

File: 1742785222859.png (3.42 MB, 1125x2436, IMG_6025.png)

Not even her rainby bangs are unique anymore. There’s other girls that are more successful.

No. 345970

>"The DID community"
That sounds like an oxymoron, so weird. Only fakers could make a community like that. May as well call it a fandom considering everyone in there is either a kinnie or plays the OC game.
>"Getting diagnosed with it in 2011"
Did she say that she got diagnosed for DID in 2011? Wow.

No. 345971

She's so fucking insane, her tone and voice is creepy, condescending and sick at the same time. Anon could you please post this clip too? >>345939

No. 345973

You are a high and you do not have DID and yes I can tell and yes I know.

No. 345975

>"Getting diagnosed with it [DID] was awful!"
Bitch why did you get yourself a cake then and act so happy about it all

No. 345977

Oh my god just shave the hair so you can rebrand already. She's either going to fake a Britney moment or act like she has no choice because of some bullshit reason. It's obvious just shave it already.

No. 345978

Remember when she had to correct Stevie when he said that he's seen the diagnosis papers by saying that there actually aren't physical diagnosis papers? And then now she's saying that her diagnosis is on paper. Cmon

No. 345979

Honestly the most telling bit for me is when she's talking about being vulnerable about her DID in group chats and not getting a response. She talks about it like a general thing, like this is something all "people with DID" agree on and want to say, but phrasing it as "Please just say "Mmhmm" or heart react or ANYTHING" when talking about mentioning her DID/alters in group chats just really indicates to me that she's steaming mad her friends don't always react the way she wants to her delusions or give her enough attention for how special she is. She always tells on herself.

No. 345981

She looks like she's about to say " Do the roar" with that hair. She's got the goblin face and fat body to match too. Jill really needs to go bald at this point.
Jill's clearly a faker bc if she did have DID she wouldn't be making countless videos of nothing burgers to try to prove something when her 10 years of documentation on youtube says otherwise. Her parents should've come out and shut her narc bpdemon ass down publically when she claimed child abuse after bragging about how spoiled she is and how close she is with her parents.

No. 345985

This is so BPDemon of her kek holy shit.
>PLEASE give me positive attention for the fake disorder I'm pretending to have for attention!!!!

No. 345991

>grrr muh evil ableist friends don’t validate me all two hundred thousand thousand times I gleefully mention my OCs and endless daily “struggles” that are all me lying in bed high imagining that I’m walking around in animal crossing!

No. 345995

So utterly revealing. She really is a BPDemon through and through. I bet her friends just can't stand her.

No. 345998

>Jill's clearly a faker bc if she did have DID she wouldn't be making countless videos of nothing burgers to try to prove something when her 10 years of documentation on youtube says otherwise
That's what's puzzling for me, how can she blatantly lie like that? She thinks all her past lolita videos are proof of different alters existing so there's no way to reason with her

No. 346000

File: 1742831921834.mp4 (3.36 MB, 1078x1920, 1000003805.mp4)

Insta story post.
>still extremely ass blasted about the mcclean presentation and went on another butt hurt rant about it and dropped yet another autism bread loaf by saying her “sense of justice” makes her get in the zone with the rant.
She will never get over this because it thoroughly crushed her ego. I wonder if she still sends emails to Matthew or if she just has a hoard of unsent emails.
She'll always be ass blasted by this. It hurt more because she couldn't just write it off as her stalkers or get it retracted by threatening to sue. The top guy stumbled upon her and was disturbed enough to use her as a clip in his presentation. She has learned nothing and it shows.
Need to add it to the clip compilation. Overall this was one of the stupidest things she tried to pull. She's a shit liar.

No. 346004

File: 1742832927036.jpg (152.27 KB, 1080x988, 1000006833.jpg)

And there it is people, she couldn't be more transparent

No. 346005

File: 1742833027084.jpeg (105.45 KB, 892x674, IMG_2303.jpeg)

>sure grandma let’s get you to bed

No. 346007

She really views autism like that huh

No. 346011

>"if you could pick one disorder that is the least bad to have, which one would it be?"
>"oh, it would definitely be the one disorder i don't even have a fake diagnosis for which literally cannot be medicated or treated to the point of remission, unlike all the other disorders i claim!"
lol she's soo transparent. she thinks autism is just fun and quirky. she forgets the part where it's a with-born disability, not just a personality trait that can be changed. why not say anxiety, which can easily be medicated? or her supposed ed which also very much is something you can permanently fix? autism (or did) should be the most debilitating out of all the things she claims. autism is a legit learning disability.

No. 346012

File: 1742844116223.jpeg (1.29 MB, 1125x1804, IMG_6045.jpeg)

When was the last time we got a video where she doesn’t blab about herself?

No. 346013

ok but you're not autistic.

No. 346014

This is so telling. We now have it in words that Jill has her heart set on larping autism over DID, it's her shiny new toy. DID didn't go as planned and she even got called out by professionals during the McLean drama which was very humiliating for her but few people get called out for faking autism on that big of a scale.

No. 346024

So basically
>normal conversation
>"hi guys, this is jerrick posting"
>everyone ignores attention whoring interruption
>"its flora now fronting!!"
>everyone annoyed but won't say anything
>"Can you at least react when we are fronting?????"
>Get so butthurt about this interaction you make a youtube video to complain about it
Lamest bitch of all time
Sperging about her bad fashion lookbooks and hauls was 1000% more entertaining than this shit. It's like she's nothing but her fake illnesses now.

No. 346027

For real. At least her consumerist content was kind of relatable and she had enough coin to buy irregular choice shoes every month so it was interesting for the average person that can't afford to dress alternative or kawaii. She could've made another channel for mental illness talk, or keep it to herself or the Patreon streams. Mentally ill munchies are not a huge demographic, do people outside of lolcow care about her inputs on DID and autism?

No. 346029

>do people outside of lolcow care about her inputs on DID and autism?
it's an assumption, but i assume there's a small demographic of malingerers that rely on this feedback loop of misinformation so their fake illnesses can be validated. at the end of the day everybody's foolishness getting enabled: jill and whatever munchies enjoy hearing about fake medical symptoms on tiktok and youtube. they're the type of people who are on the ready to whip out and add to their laundry list of normal things that most people deal with and call it "symptoms" of some mental or physical disorder
this bitch wishes she had interests or joy in her life. keep trying jillian, maybe the next fake illness will fill that empty void.

No. 346033

This is so funny because it just confirms that (multiple times) Jill has sperged about DID to people irl and they just give her a blank stare (Because that is the appropriate response to this retardation) and she knows that their silence speaks louder than words. The worst thing you can do to a BPD narc is not engage with their bullshit, it pisses them off so much.

No. 346040

She talks about this so much because she thinks its sooo interesting and cant tell no one else cares. Just like the groupchat situation. But yeah the only people who will consume these videos are other munchies and farmers. How many people do you know who will just watch a DID channel for non cow reasons kek.

No. 346048

Her raging cow behavior has made me more wary of content creators who are like "this is my kawaii life uwu" because even if they seem innocuous at first, it just devolves into this narcissistic parasocial bullshit where I guess me the audience is supposed to care about a 30 minute vlog about an unrelatable cushy lifestyle where the biggest problems are easily solved by throwing money around. I'm thinking about one specific dyed hair influencer with a they/them partner who had they been born in an age without the internet would not be able to have a bougie ass existence in one of the most expensive cities in the world smugly eating like 5000 calories a day for content.

No. 346049

next thread pic. more proof jill does not have any real struggles (food, money, bills, etc) and just pretends she has a developmental disability to rationalize being a lazy thin-skinned stoner. its so sick, her obsession with autism, its not a fun thing to have. and those who have it arent wallflowers, they just live and power through struggles like any other human being. I really don't know why jill thinks its ok to be this self-absorbed and to fetishize mental illness, disorders, etc. like bitch youre a human being with emotions, go live in the city or something

No. 346052

I didn't finish the latest video but I think the most telling thing for me was when she complains about how mclean says DID patients are normally ashamed and she says that she had never had any reason to be ashamed and doesn't understand why she should feel ashamed. Those people are ashamed because of the huge affect or had on their life, because they constantly forget stuff, blank out, and act erratically, and can't function. That's why it's embarrassing for them. None of this happens to her, so of course she doesn't understand it.

No. 346063

Going by how bad her videos do nowadays, no, they don't care. She's got her little group of ass lickers and munchies, but she's not willing to commit to the bit and cause DiD drama so no bored normies are going to stumble on her videos and treat her like a Trisha Paytas clone.

So wait, even amongst other DiD fakers she just gets ignored because she's annoying AND boring? Or are these regular group chats she just attempts to derail with her bullshit? Either way, that's hilarious.

Wow Jill, so you'd just abandon your totally real "parts" for the shiney autism diagnosis? Doesn't Sunny brighten up your day? And what of poor sandwich?

No. 346080

She must really regret going for DID. Had she LARPed autism from the start it would have been easier for her. Obviously we would have called her a faker but her fans would have believed it.

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