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No. 455122
previously a punk kid who became a pansexual buddhist lolita lifestyler
>quit because of bullies and LACE drama (>history of self harm, ED and severe anxiety>has a legitimate shopping problem which she justifies by making an ungodly amount of haul videos>broke up with 2-year boyfriend to date their best friend (and her other best friend's ex) whom she 'loved all along' and 'makes her believe in love at first sight' (Who broke up with her)>can't participate in jfashion communities because 'muh rules & restrictions'>creates her OWN japanese street fashion called Party Kei>Went to Japan to prove to herself she wanted to study fashion design>was basically a two week shopping spree>home again and struggling to keep up with making videos>quitting her jobs to follow ~dream~ of being a fashion designer in Japan>still lying about making 'enough money to pay rent' (while asking Louise for $$) and about being supportive to her followers>interviewed by about internet popularity in her basement room>"would call herself lesbian if she wasn't dating someone with a dick">started streaming on younow for money>Colin broke up with her, now dating girls only through tinder>Got a tattoo of her cat after getting told her wand plan was a bad idea and throwing a fit about it>Full time youtuber now>Got into a crappy fashion/design school close to mommy>Currently dating normie girl >Keeps crying about YouTube demonetization because she can't fund her shopping and sugar addiction >Says she's pagan/a witch but won't talk about it because apparently people are touchy about religions>Dumped new girlfriend after several-months-long lesbianism obsession.> Jill told her girlfriend of two months "I'm not attracted to you. I don't want to lead you on". Used her for clickbait and continued to talk about exes all the time in front of her gf and her family. Now posts depression memes >Entered a Kawaii Contest to win another trip to Japan, is a finalist>Got a magical girl tattoo on her thigh and knowingly used copyrighted music in her video. >>>/pt/108478>>>/snow/93376>>>/snow/25169>>>/snow/154765>>>/snow/215023>>>/snow/258245>>>/snow/271275>>>/snow/285759>>>/snow/303929>>>/snow/318441>>>/snow/338259>>>/snow/358781>>>/snow/375960>>>/snow/393066>>>/snow/408269>>>/snow/428929>>>>>>/snow/445432LINKS
youtube insta:
Cosplay Page No. 455155
>>455136The first shirt looks nice compared to her always buying oversized Lazy Oaf but I know she'll kill it and coord it terrible.
Kek at the Japanese book. Wasn't she claiming to already know a lot of Japanese? That's like a basic book everyone buys when they start.
If her parents know she wants to be a fashion desginer, why didn't they buy her anything for it? My parents might not know much about art but they still try to buy me sketchbooks or other art things for Christmas. Do Jill's parents know she doesn't take it seriously? What type of parent would rather fuel their child's materialistic hoard instead of helping them be more creative? That's sad.
No. 455172
>>455136Continuing the Christmas haul discussion. For those who don't want to sit through this for 20 minutes, she got:
Lazy Oaf x Estherlovesyou shirt
Lazy Oaf heart socks
Pink sparkly boots
Ragged Priest rainbow shirt
Current Mood yellow raincoat-material skirt (ugly as shit)
Rainbow leather skirt (also ugly as shit)
Irregular Choice gold unicorn tote
Irregular Choice coin purse with little cakes on it. Inside it was:
- Lip smacker gloss
- Two pairs of ice cream earrings
Betsy Johnson necklace with cheap looking crystals on the bottom
25th anniversary totally hair Barbie
Genki 1 Japanese textbook
Too Faced Boss Lady Beauty Agenda (she used the blushes as eyeshadow for the video)
Lush gift box (with bath bomb and bubble bar I think)
Precure stocking with snacks and keychain
Precure Bag (also with snacks)
Piano Christmas ornament
Green sewing machine clock
Schoenhut pink toy piano
Personally, I think she got a lot of stuff. What do you guys think?
No. 455174
>>455172I also think she got a lot of stuff.
Maybe it's just because my family isn't that into Christmas but even as a kid I never got that many gifts.
Also her mom is ridiculously generous and dedicated, I hope Jill shows her how much she appreciates her.
No. 455180
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Sage for irrelevance but I feel like I can park my car in those nostrils
No. 455183
>>455172ily for summing the haul up, that's a lot of tacky shit right there
>Genki 1 Japanese textbookseriously, beginners stuff right there
No. 455190
>>455136I can't wait to see those skirts on her
Every day her style becomes more ~wacky 50 year old with a midlife crisis~ like
No. 455202
>>455172Thanks for tabulating this. I thought people were ripping hard on Jill for getting a lot of stuff but this is really absurd, even for an upper middle class family. She easily got $500 in gifts, maybe closer to $1000.
Was this all from her mom and dad, or did other family members or friends give her stuff too?
>>455175I think this is a good point
No. 455206
>>455197I was just about to say this. The only gift that could be considered remotely useful was maybe the planner, but everything else was typical plastic kiddy garbage and decorations. I get it, it's Christmas and sometimes it's fun to get a couple of cute little trinkets, but this is not the kind of shit a 19 year old girl about to go to college should be getting. Especially since she already has enough cheap Claire's shit and neon clothing to last a lifetime.
Sage for being a total sperg.
No. 455222
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Some more gorgeous fan art that she will never acknowledge exists because it shines light on what she actually looks like instead of a rainbow baby anime character uwu
No. 455226
Same anon who wrote
>>455172. It's slow at work and I'm curious so I tabulated the prices of everything. Not counting precure stuff since it was a PO box thing.
>Lazy Oaf Shirt ($40)>Socks($16)>Boots($50)>Ragged Priest shirt ($65)>Yellow skirt ($30)>Rainbow skirt ($40)>IC tote($3)>IC coin purse ($35)>Gloss($1)>Earrings ($15 total)>BJ necklace (guessing $25)>Scrunchies (Guessing $3)>Barbie ($25)>Genki($50, since it's brand new)>Too Faced ($44)>Lush ($20)>Ornament (guessing $10)>Clock ($54)>Piano($120)Total: $646 (USD)
The stuff I guessed on is more conservative so realistically this might be worth around $700.
No. 455227
>>455172Absolutely ridiculous amount of gifts for a young adult from their parents. It's the price plus the amount that tips it for me; If she'd gotten one expensive designer item and the rest of the cheap tat that would be way more reasonable, but the got seven or eight really expensive things.
It's clear louise loves the fuck out of Jill which is really sweet, but she should really evaluate her parenting choices. She's making her into a womanchild who's never going to be able to take care of herself. And not to mention the less you get the more appreciative you are for the things you have.
>>455197Also this, only practical things are Genki and the planner. She wont even use genki though.
>>455221> :PDon't emoji in text it's a banable offence. If you want to react use a reaction image. Clue is in the name imageboard.
No. 455230
>>455227here, assumed the lazy oaf/IC shit was way more expensive. Thanks for figuring this out anon. Doesn't look nearly as bad as I assumed - thought it was gonna be way closer to 800-1000 dollary doos.
No. 455255
>>455172Hey, thanks for taking the time to watch and type out this list; it saves me a view.
>>455202 For some perspective:
my parents make about $240,000 a year (before tax) and we live in a metropolitan area. My sibling and I typically receive ~$800 in gifts for Christmas. I'm not sure if Jill receiving $700 worth of stuff is really that much of a stretch or absurd for an upper middle class family. I'm more annoyed at the actual nature of the gifts themselves; it really seems like her parents don't care that she's going to inevitably be a 40-year-old-womanchild living in their basement.
No. 455277
>>455234Shipping and taxes are both very high in Canada. And 645 USD is 800 CAD. If we include taxes alone it's 920 CAD, shipping on top of that would have pushed it over 1000 CAD.
That's no small amount of money. Just because the Canadian dollar is currently worth less than USD doesn't mean the expense is any less real. A few years ago when the dollar was stronger, the Vesseys would have paid roughly the equivalent to US dollars. Now a few years later, they're dishing out a few extra hundred just to shop online with poor conversion.
If you remember the 3000$ shopping spree Jill had in Japan for her birthday this year (no less than 3 months after their previous Christmas expenses), it's not hard to see the Vesseys have no problem splurging thousands for whatever occasions they please. Nor do they care about bragging openly to the public, as Louise does in this article showing off their 8000$ catio built this past summer: No. 455278
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I mean I thought the piano was a lot smaller than it actually is. She also did list somega ways she could use it (making transition music for YT, the cats stool, and a little shelf). Honestly, using it as a shelf is a waste but theh gift itself was.
No. 455294
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No. 455309
>>455172It seems like everything was from her mom? Maybe her Dad and brother pitched in, but she didn't mention it. Also nothing from her friends?
I don't really care about the amount because her mom can obviously afford it but some of the stuff seems pretty random, like the ragged priest shirt (cut doesn't suit her style at all, so it's just pricey PJs), or the textbook. I also thought it was a bit tacky that she let her mom buy that for her, since she would know that her mom goes overboard with gifts.
The toy piano is cute though, ngl. Seems fun.
No. 455322
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No. 455333
>>455136Has anyone ever thought that Jill is actually grateful for what she receives? She seems spoiled and all but maybe she's so excited to get things and also so used to it that she has become desensitized or her excitement causes her to forget to say thank you, etc.?
Last year or the year before she was much more humble about it and warned she wasn't trying to brag, etc. And this year she just dives right into the gifts and all which makes sense but I can't help but marvel at how much she's changed for the worst.
>>455322>>455326learn to sage
No. 455339
>>455336nayrt but while I don't think lolcow is the only reason, she definitely used to lurk here and would even comment on things we were talking about here in her videos that no one brought up in her comments section or social media.
Either way, at least she tries to improve her shit.
No. 455694
>>455638It's a mix of bitter poorfags and richfags who get offended at the implication they're spoiled because they get a similar amount of things as Jill, basically. Everyone trying their hardest to frame their own life and experience as normal and anything outside of that is weird.
We could start prefacing things with
>In my experience/opinion>From my perspectivebut where's the fun in being reasonable and clear?
No. 455707
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im surprised she didnt break the chair
No. 455751
>>455744It sucks to be a millennial in a lot of places. Many are disillusioned with adulthood because it's nothing like they were told it'd be like, and so they latch onto childhood nostalgia as an escapist coping mechanism.
It doesn't make much sense with Jill, though. It makes more sense when it's poor/lower middle class kids that are stuck in their parents' homes against their wishes and against their parents wishes. Jill hasn't been deprived and it seems like her mom is super supportive and sweet so her focus on the childlike stuff is extra odd. I honestly wonder if Jill was molested as a child, or if her dad is a huge mean asshole off camera.
(??????) No. 455883
>>455791sage this shit but also
>superheroestons of older men (as in, currently 50+)proudly display their love of comics, etc
older women maybe don't display it the same way but they definitely enjoy buying girly toys, etc for their young daughters
a lot of older women i know get excited to buy children presents because they get to look at all the barbies, etc
No. 455910
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Jill’s New Years outfit actually looks decent. And by decent, I mean decent compared to her other outfits. And I’m glad she’s finally matching those pewter fluffy earrings with the correct shade of gray.
>>455163Idk why the fuck she just doesn’t pick up a purple shampoo. It’s so simple and easy to use. Jill, if you’re reading this, please just wash your blonde hair with purple shampoo next time. Let it sit there for a few minutes. Please save us the agony of seeing your roots.
No. 455935
I get the feeling that for someone as spoiled as Jill is (which she confirms that she is
very spoiled in the Christmas haul), I wonder if part of Louise's (and her dad's, idk his name) treatment of Jill comes from her previous self-harm issues. I don't recall if it's been mentioned that Jill has ever been suicidal (I know the self-harm scars have come up but I mean actual intent of suicide), but it wouldn't surprise me that Louise dotes on Jill to try and make sure that she's happy and feels loved and doesn't need to consider something like self-harm or suicide every again. Sage because it's probably reaching very far, but it's just a thought.
>>455910As much as I like glittery things, I feel like those boots are super impractical for Jill, and that she's gonna treat them like the Irregular Choice shoes she has (if not utterly shit them up like the other pink boots she has). The outfit looks good, not too sure about that fanny pack, but I worry about those boots.
No. 455975
>>455910iirc a shopgirl in japan gave her purple shampoo for her brassy ass hair and she didn't have a clue what it was for. At this point I really don't think her hair can be salvaged though, she just needs to shave it all off and start anew.
>>455935>>455940I think it's probably the combination of Jill's self harm/ED and Louise having had cancer in the past. Louise is probably just glad she's gotten to see Jill grow up so she spoils her. It sounds okay in theory to spoil her for that reason, but Jill's own shopping addiction and dependency on material items is what isn't healthy.
Honestly I wouldn't be so bothered by the amount she buys if she didn't have an obvious problem and was seeking professional help for her issues as opposed to acting as if peeps tea and uwu pink bath bombs are the cure for her depression when she obviously still has issues.
No. 455977
>>455968Like this anon said
>>455971It's just chanboard slang. Whatever you are, you append -fag to the end of it. Poorfags, richfags, britfag, newfag. Don't out yourself as a newfag by getting offended by normal imageboard terms.
No. 455984
>>455971>>455977i'm aware of of imageboard lingo, and i'm not offended, i just think that person sounded like a cunt in the way they used it.
why get offended because i called someone a cunt while simultaneously telling me to stop being a "offended" that's backwards anons get your head out of your asses!
No. 456082
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I was lurking through her spam instagram and I found this pic with Colin. I know this is a stretch but I feel like she was taking better care of herself when they were together and once that ended she has really been spiraling downward.
No. 456085
>>456082Sage for reaching.
I think part of the reason she spiralled so hard after Colin dumped her is because the loss of control of that relationship reminded her of reasons why she ended up with an ED. It's also why I think she jumped ship hard with Alyssa. She can't take not being in control.
No. 456172
>>456123Yeah, I think she actually loved him and I'd feel sympathy if she actually showed any kind of self-reflection
But no, obviously the only reason anyone would ever leave her is because she's just SO ambitious, who wouldn't be intimidated by such a strong and independent woman uwu
At least Colin was going to college while also having a job, Jill was the one spending all her time in her basement doing jackshit
No. 456176
>>456082I think she was pretty devastated when Colin broke up with her, but instead of trying to be better she got with MG as a rebound, and it turned into a huge dumpster fire.
Tinfoil - maybe Colin called her out on her saying that she'd be "gay if she wasn't dating someone with a dick", the "Coco", and generally referring to their relationship as though it was a lesbian one. Whether Colin was nb or not, that seems pretty irritating/hurtful, and maybe she tried to prove something by dating a girl.
No. 456186
>>455744>>455791>>455751You guys need to loosen up, you can like pink miniature shit, toys and super hero movies (which aren't even primarily for kids), and not be mentally regressed or a victim of abuse. What are adults supposed to like, art cinema, knitting and classic literature?
I do think Jill partially uses her aesthetic and fun fun rainbie time uwu to distract herself from adult responsibilities, but her being babied and enabled by her mom and now her ~Confetti Club~ is the more pressing issue. If she wasn't living at home making YouTube videos in her basement bedroom and afraid to actually get out there and start a career, her buying plushie backpacks and bunny dungarees would hardly be an issue.
No. 456283
>>456186I asked a fucking question because her specific style and attitude is shit I see everywhere now. Nowhere did my post mention mental illness. You need to take your own advice and stop getting defensive just because you probably also like the same shit.
It was a question. Go plug your ketchup hole with one of your teddies.
No. 456288
>>456283Haha I've never heard this phrase and must know- which hole is the ketchup hole?!
Obvious sage
No. 456301
>>455751This is the most fucked up thing I've read in a Jill thread. I know anons tend to speculate for no good reason but what the actual fuck?
Jill's dad is a really sweet person, supportive of his family, wants the best for his kids and wife etc.
Nothing extremely ~dark~ happened in Jill's life. She simply had a hard time in middle school and we know all the factors that caused her depression based on what she shared online during those years and what she's revealed more recently.
No. 456373
>>456283nayrt but I think I get what you mean anon, the so kawaii delicate smol princess uwu kinda shit?
I think it's the female equivalent of Chris Chan-esque manchildren living in a basement and playing with legos every day. Being an adult can be hard and some womanchildren don't want to exert the effort.
Not to generalise but it's also quite common among women who suffer/suffered from eating disorders like Jill.
No. 456399
>>456301Honestly, what got me the most about that post is the farmhand's note on it. Lost my shit.
>>456373And yeah, that is exactly what I mean. That one friggin' anon acted as if I was the person saying that anybody who likes something from their childhood still is damaged goods. That wasn't the case. I've just noticed with people such as Jill, Kelly Eden to an extent, etc that there is this weird disconnect from reality. They're on the same level as all of those SoCal internet celebrities who are famous for literally doing nothing besides going to Disneyland everyday and trying to upstage the cast members with their tacky Disneybounds a la Traci Hines, Amber Arden, and others. Its just odd to me because not only are these people so deeply entrenched in the lifestyle and defensive of it, but they try to push this idea that they're very different from others when they aren't. They're just adults defining themselves by clothing and hobbies which is something you'd expect from like, a teenager.
I do agree with an anon from earlier itt that Jill is musically inclined and focusing on that would likely do wonders for her.
No. 456424
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Wish have copied her designs again so she’s throwing a shit fit on Facebook
No. 456442
>>456424Momma Pixie? Gross, what the hell.
It reminds me of how Adella's fantards used to speak of her.
No. 456466
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No. 456470
>>456283>ketchup holeKek.
I quoted multiple people, and the third anon mentioned mental illness. Didn't attack you, no need to get upset.
>>456424>Momma PixieHer fanbase is something else. Being ripped off is shitty though, even if it's a wonky design.
No. 456475
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Remember the go fund me that Jillian shared a while back for her friend? Well said friend is now doing a new cosplay. So much for needing money. She took those donations and ran.
No. 456511
>>455136lol it seems like she'll flat out ignore all comments asking her where mystery girl's gifts are.. yet she promotes her clickbait "what i got my gf" video at the beginning, she hasn't changed the title or clarified their breakup.
She's shady as fuck profiting off the fact that her audience still assumes she's in a lesbian relationship.
No. 456524
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>>456439she still hasn't worked on that video where she was gonna give advice/respond to people's worries or whatever
I mean I wouldn't want advice from a fucking 19 year old basement dweller either, but she constantly acts like she's some ~sweet momma uwu~ and then can't even be bothered to help out her kiddie fans
also she posted a link to the page for her pins now, the description is pretty cringey No. 456537
>>456532Her entire Japan trip tbh.
Pretty much every part of it was hilarious and I love that even some of her fans complained about her just shopping and eating American fast food for 2 weeks straight.
Also I'm really glad Colin got out of that relationship.
No. 456554
Just the constant influx of every single thing that makes Jill boring and mediocre from her fake love of jfashion to her oversugary sweets to her clearly lying about her level of Japanese to the tendies and fries for every meal to her constantly relying on her mom for everything
The Japan trip was beautiful
I'll raise a glass for the MG breakup as a runner up
No. 456623
>>456532I'm really glad that she finally decided to tell her audience about her mental health history without just briefly joking about it-it explained a lot of her behavior and made her seem more like a actual person (no matter how hard being a person is)
I'm also really glad that she decided to sew some pieces this year (even though she didn't document through video) and that she shared her musical talent with us (she would really benefit from YouTube if she made more advice/issues, piano, and sewing vlogs-that would be very refreshing).
No. 456675
>>456623Ha, I bet it's the last that she ever sews. In her Christmas video she talks about how excited she is to start collecting sewing machine and sewing themed items. That is totally going to eclipse any actual sewing.
I don't think Jill actually wants to be a fashion designer. She wants to be a shopper trend-following consumer. She should go into retail buying and merchandising, and do it professionally.
No. 456748
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Are we still doubting her being drunkielocks?
No. 456750
>>456532The MG scandal is the best thing I've seen since finding this place earlier this year and honestly it makes me so glad that I found y'all early on after finding her on Youtube.
Here's to 2018 and the new shit she'll bring up. And also here's to her continuing to hold the record for most threads made in a year: if I counted right, she's had 13 since December 16 last year which is… I don't wanna say it's amazing but
No. 456869
>>456748This is a pretty normal amount of alcohol to consume for someone her age. Do people seriously consider everyone who binge drinks occasionally to be an alcoholic?
I don't think it's a good idea to put this up given the number of her fans who are children.
No. 456889
>>456869ain't like jill gives a damn, shes posted openly about drinking and being on her meds so it's not like she's anymore responsible now than she has been before.
and before anyone starts up again with the "it's not that bad!!!111" argument about mixing meds with alcohol, the main problem is that her fanbase is filled with impressionable kids that can get the wrong idea if they're so inclined to use jill as a "role model" and copy her fashion and behavior. for someone who tries to be kid-friendly, jill's far from being a good role model if she can't even be smart enough to just refrain from advertising when she does drink
No. 456890
>>456748>>456869Having one or two drinks is normal, but you don't need that much alcohol-we all know Jill doesn't have that many friends.
I bet Jill will say something like "It's going to be my last time will all my friends in a while!!! It's a super special occasion!!!"
No. 456944
>>456748This is tame for a NYE party tho? And she is an adult and can post whatever she wants on her social media BUT that doesn't excuse the fact that
>she's mixing with her meds>has a lot of underage fans >Is competing to be a Kawaii ambassador>has a foul taste in alcoholbut I hope she doesn't stop. The more she fucks up, the more milk we have
No. 456950
>>456949tracey is at least 17 or 18 because she's starting university next fall
they're all going to a party at a guy named lucas's house. it will be hush hush for the most part since there will be underage drinking
No. 457001
>>456949Oh, come on. This is a bit ridiculous, isn't it? How uptight were you anons that you never did some underage drinking? The age gap between her and Jill isn't even that vast.
I dislike Jill but it's ridiculous how uppity and "oh cows need to be saints!" we get sometime. In most places in the world 16 or 17 is the legal drinking age, even. It's not some giant outlier happening.
Jill has lots of reasons to hate her, this is just beyond ridiculous now…
No. 457038
>>456748Maybe it's a cultural thing, but I don't think it's that much for few people. There's like one bottle of vodka, champagne and rest are some sort of drinks, which I have no idea how strong they are. Besides that, we had it confirmed that Jill is done after couple of drinks, so it's not likely she's drinking much of that (I wouldn't too - half of that looks sickly sweet, bleh).
While it's definitely unresposible to mix meds with alcohol, is 17yo drinking really such a big deal? I can't imagine being invited to a party where everyone are having something alcoholic and you're stuck with juice, because you're year or two younger. Most of people at that age drink anyway.
No. 457077
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everything about her appearance is a complete mess
also she's just talking about booze/drinking age on her livestream now lol
No. 457102
>>456890>Having one or two drinks is normal, but you don't need that much alcoholNo one needs alcohol. It's better to never drink it. But are people on this board so sheltered they've never had a hard night of partying? Wtf.
I don't get the Drunkielocks meme. I have a really tame boring life, and it seems like Jill's is even more boring than mine. Not anything worth batting an eyelash over. It's normal for people Jill's age to experiment with alcohol and other substances. I would only be worried if she showed actual signs of alcoholism.
>>456889I think it's only bad because she has so many young fans. If her fanbase was older then I wouldn't give a shit. Is this posted on a public account or her private one? Still not really a classy thing to put on a private one.
>>457001I agree. I think one reason Jill gets so many threads is because of really uppity people who feel the need to nitpick everything she does.
No. 457128
>>457116I agree with
>>457122, a lot of enamel pins go for so much. I don't understand why. I don't collect enamel pins, and if I did, I'd rather just go to aliexpress for some, but a lot of people are willing to pay that price.
No. 457178
>>457128I know this is OT I'm sorry.
But with indie enamel pins, you're paying an artist for the design. Aliexpress ones are ugly as sin, and you don't know what kind of mistakes will be on them. Also, I think people charge that much because they have to buy a huge batch of them and then sell them to make their money back. I think $10 in reasonable for that. Some people charge $15-$20 which is ludicrous.
All that said, I think Jill's look like aliexpress quality and style and I wouldn't pay $5 for it. I doubt she has high standards for quality control either.
No. 457180
>>457178I don't see much difference between the aliexpress pins and the non ones.
What does Jill have to do with quality control? I'm assuming she outsources the pin making to another company.
No. 457204
>>457193same, it was laugh after laugh with that trip, and her vlogs were… sad
im hoping she goes again. and we all know shes not touching her genki book she got for christmas, kek
No. 457213
>>456976you can't just skip taking ssris for 24 hours lol you'll start to go through withdrawal and it can majorly fuck up your day
>>457104yeah the only person who probably won't be there that jill's close with is kenzie because she hates drunk people
>>457178the ones on aliexpress and the ones in cons are the same quality lol they're both using companies in china. aliexpress just orders much larger quantities and doesn't need the same profit on each item to sustain themselves
No. 457224
>>456890I suppose you guys don’t party often but that isn’t a lot. Half are coolers, they likely will have the sparkling for the countdown. The only issue is how many shots they want to do but likely they don’t plan on finishing those bottles.
Jill is also not responsible for the actions of her younger friends if they drink. If they are underage drinking it is something they been doing without Jill who lives hours away anyways.
I much rather comment on the poor selection of drinks.
No. 457240
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Throwback to Japan Jill
No. 457250
>>457224I'm not one to defend this bitch but I agree, that isn't a lot, especially when split among friends. Seems reasonable. Then again, I don't drink.
Wtf is that bright red shit though?
No. 457268
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>>457240Also, let's do not forget all the iconic j-fashion looks. Here my personal fave.
>>457253ngl, I'm really, really curious how the entire fashion college thing will turn out. No matter if she actually moves out or not, it will be lulzy af.
No. 457273
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>>457268All I see is this.
No. 457283
>>457206I've drunk on antidepressants before and so do other people. I don't think it's great but it's not the end of the world.
>>457224They are teens, what do you expect?
>>457268I do like the swankiss skirt a lot.
No. 457301
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Are we again on the subject of drinking with meds? The answer is don’t fucking do it cmon guys. Alcohol on its own is whatever, but mixing the two can end up really fucked for someone who doesn’t actually know what the hell they are doing. It says on the bottle of meds do not consume with alcohol! Maybe I’m an old bag that’s seen too many friends and acquaintances get fucked over health wise because they were so non chalant about this subject, but it really disturbs me Jill promotes this lifestyle BECAUSE people/kids look up to her and want to emulate her. Enjoy your shitty liver Jillian.
No. 457304
>>456511I don't remember if this has been speculated before, so sage just in case
But what if Jill told her fan base that she will not talk about MG or her relationships or other personal info anymore BECAUSE she knew she was gonna break up with MG, and when her fans would start asking about her again, she would have a reason not to talk about it to keep up the illusion that she still has a girlfriend?
No. 457371
>>457268I feel like next year should be pretty lulzy.
Either she'll go to Japan again or go to London, either should be great.
And then for the college thing her going would be amazing, but I'd also love for her to find more excuses on why she can't/try to justify being a basement dweller more.
Then at some point she'll probably have to explain to her fanbase that she broke up with her girlfriend and maybe there will even be a new partner? I can't imagine her seriously being able to not share that on social media.
No. 457399
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>>457347Here's some funny screencaps.
No. 457411
>>455509I'm 23, but thanks for being a condescending dick because you're butthurt about your lack of presents. My parents choose to spend that much in gifts for both my sibling (21) and I because they have the money to do so. While it is probably not "normal" to receive that much money's worth of presents, it certainly is the norm to receive gifts at
all ages; I don't know a single person– poor or rich– who doesn't receive presents from their family. Jill's situation is not average in the sense that she receives a
lot of presents, and most people cannot afford to drop $700 on a stack of gifts under the tree. However, your situation is the one that sounds abnormal, just like
>>455609 stated.
>>457077These earrings are just…. wow. Her hair… wow. I truly do try to ignore her appearance, but it's getting incredibly hard when part of her appeal (uh, appeal to her followers, I guess) is how she looks and dresses. It's kind of tragic because she has the financial means to look quirky in an aesthetically pleasing way, but she chooses not to. Some of the Lazy Oaf shit she got for Christmas is really cute imo, but paired with that makeup and hair?
>>457001I think her threads are filled with some strange nitpicking. I understand that there anons come from all different backgrounds, but damn. Who actually care about underage drinking? Even if you didn't do it, does it really bother you that much…?
No. 457434
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Kek I had to make a comparison of her before and after.
Left is her Japan haul, right is her latest video.
No. 457438
>>457433lmao this really cracked me up anon
please draw the one where her cat is slapping her too
No. 457439
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I'm sorry that this took me so long, but she took forever to open the three packages she got because she opened them at the beginning of the stream.
>Has to drive four hours to go to Halifax.
>Can almost take baths with her new tattoo.
>Going to get her old one touched up when she gets to Halifax.
>Her dad stopped by with a cat.
>Might start a playlist on her yt of the streams bc mail.
>Has a video to upload on "more serious things" (year in review??) but doesn't want to upload it because she won't be home and will get different feedback. Will be up by Tuesday or Wednesday.
>Jill's mom also stopped by with her granny to tell her to say goodbye and Louise told Jill to have a good trip and to drive safe.
>Bought $108 worth of alcohol yesterday because she's in charge of getting all of it for her friends.
>Some concerned person told her "Be careful with alcohol", and she said "I'm not dumb," then laughed.
>Mentioned one person in her last vlog commented "You know your audience is young. Think of the children." and she got so mad "…I can see my analytics. I have very few fans percentage wise that are under 18. Even if so, I'm not like gettin' down in the club. It's just me-in the drive though talking about memes being extra silly with my friend…Like, I'm not like we-I'm not like doing anything- I'm not like stealing a…street sign. Which I may have done five years ago with my friends, it was traumatic. I'm not like, in the club. I'm not like literally fricking. It's me talking about memes. That made me so mad. I hate people who like..alcohol shame. Oh my GOD, I'm a real person. Surprise! I'm a real person.""I'm not problematic, I just enjoy a sip or two sometimes-I'm of age." "I took a picture of my alcohol haul and put it on my private Facebook. I thought about putting it on my instagram but I didn't because I know that people would would be like "THINK OF THE CHILDREN."
> She went on about "alcohol shaming" for a about 10 minutes. "You have to be 13 to be on YouTube, and if you're 13 you should know that alcohol is a thing. I just want to have a good time with my friends. I'm such a introvert..and I never get out and I never see my friends. But when I do, I have to drive four hours to see my friend group and I'm doing it today because I love them and wE'RE GOING TO GET A LITTLE BIT FUCKING SMASHED (?????)" "(speaking about drinking ages-18/19 in most places but 21 in America.) 21 is dumb. Why can you vote but you can't drink alcohol? I get that people can be reckless. Be safe. Get a designated driver. Life is hard, go have fun. You guys know I'm responsible.""A have a lot of straight edge friends too, as long as you don't go shaming all your friends for having a fun night."
>I've never been to a gay bar. I hope there's gay bars in Fredericton.
No. 457447
>>457439man she got pretty
triggered about that alcohol stuff lol
>I've never been to a gay bar.I was really sure that she went to one before?
and I can't wait to see the more serious video, wonder if she'll talk about relationship stuff
thank you anon for taking notes! bless
No. 457506
>>457439I get that she's being defensive about drinking, but why is she trying to act like she doesn't have a lot of younger fans? I'd assume YouTube analytics aren't going to say much about children viewing because many of them either don't have accounts and would be watching on their parent's, or they'd just lie about their age when creating an account.
It's just ridiculous that she's making it seem like kids don't watch YouTube when there are entire channels dedicated to children's programming and people watch youtube with small children all the time.
And she's seriously trying to say that kids don't make up a large portion of her fanbase when her entire channel is a Care Bear wrapped in a Lisa Frank poster? WTF
No. 457568
>>457411I totally agree with you. I think as bizarre as Jill and her life is, some anons have even more odd lives and assume their is the only normal life.
>>457506I agree that Jill isn't responsible for talking about her alcohol because she has younger fans but she's not drunkielocks like some anons (anon?) think she is. If another cow with a different audience posted it then I wouldn't give a shit.
No. 457584
>>4575463-4 people could easily share 1-2 bottles of champagne and maybe a couple small bottles of liquor/liqueur for shots and/or mixed drinks. That'd be a very acceptable amount of booze and honestly I wouldn't even think twice if she posted that.
But she posted ALL of that as though it will all be consumed in one night by a small handful of young people. It's just weird and irresponsible and immature. And as others have said she has shit taste in booze.
Am I the only one who is surprised that Jill doesn't consume moderately expensive champagne on the reg? I feel like if she ever discovers Moet & Chandon Ice Imperial and/or Tattinger Prestige Brut Rose (cause it's pink like her aesthetic) she will quickly become and alchy with an expensive habit.
No. 457610
>>I've never been to a gay bar. I hope there's gay bars in didn't her ex gf's sister literally told us about Jill going to a gay bar with her ex gf? why lie about that? is she trying to subtly make it seem like what the sis told us was a lie?
or worse…. she's trying to milk it to make a video later called "VLOG: FIRST TIME AT A GAY BAR! WITH ALLIES! LGBT+ PRIDE!" when its all bs. wouldn't put it past her
No. 457752
>>457038Think it might be that Americans take underage drinking really seriously because it can actually get you into legal trouble, where as a lot of other countries views it as a rite of passage and harmless teenage naughtyness. Can't count how many times I had alcohol taken off me as an underage teenager by police with no consequences other than not having that alcohol anymore.
The smirnoff ice stuff in the picture is an alcopop, routinely called children's alcohol over here and it's widely accepted that no one of age drinks them, if you order it in a bar you'll get laughed at and jokingly id'd If you look of age, if not they will seriously ID you. They basically only exist for parents to sneakily order/buy for their kids.
>>457224Agree, post got lost because of the down time yesterday but I actually looked up all the alcohol in the pic and imo it's not even enough to get two people decently drunk over the course of an entire evening. You couldn't finish the sour puss stuff because it's a liqueur, the champagne isn't even a full size bottle, and the shoulder bottles only have ~10 shots each in them. Everything else is ~5% or less and tiny.
I was originally gonna say that she budgeted poorly and should have got more bang for her buck. Smirnoff ice is a pointless, overpriced purchase for an adult.
No. 457758
>>457753Over the course of an entire evening or house party? No, in my opinion it's absolutely not. It's only five double drinks, I'd personally easily drink that and a couple of pints of beer or cider on a normal night out. That's not even counting the fact it's NYE and they want to get fucking smashed as Jill put it.
It's fine if you do think that's enough anon, I'm not gonna try and argue it any further, as I said that's just my opinion and I come from a country with a heavy binge drinking culture.
No. 457770
>>457180Idk, the only pins I've seen on aliexpress are super generic, ugly looking pins. They look really poorly made in their own stock photos. Whereas you can get really unique, well designed pins from indie artists.
As for quality control, usually if there is mistake in manufacturing, the pins won't be sold at full price by the artist selling them. They'll be sold as "seconds" pins for a discount. I can't imagine Jill actually checking for that kind of thing.
No. 457790
>>457758Yeah, I'm looking at that pic and it's like what my group of friends would get when we were 16 and someone's parent's were away. Two mickeys, some coolers, a six pack, a small bottle of prosecco, and the only full sized bottle is the sour puss. Which lbr, people take a couple shots of that and don't touch it again lol.
While I think Jill is playing with fire by drinking while on meds, this is really not that much for a party. Especially for NYE. I will say though, if this is just for pregaming and they end up going out too, I could see them getting wasted and messy. Which I hope she films or posts about because that would be hilarious imo.
No. 457828
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>>457801S/O to art anon who is helping disperse the infighting. Also, that looks like the cat from “Sagwa the Simese Cat.”
I stole pic related from Jill’s twitter and her fans are weird af, this looks like something somebody would have made here lol. Except with peeps instead of loops.
No. 457897
>>457801thank you anon! that crayola is a nice touch too lol
>>457828and yeah I have to agree about these weird edits, some of them use really gross faces that Jill pulled before, it seems more like parody stuff then fan stuff? I guess that's just the weird humor of her fanbase
No. 457973
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“The choo choo”
No. 458027
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I cant wait for the end result kek
No. 458054
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No. 458090
>>457752Thanks for clarification on Jill's beverage choices. Btw, in my region this kind of alcohol is called "lady's drink" - something you'd drink with your bestie to get a bit tipsy, but it's impossible to get drunk on it, mostly due to overly sweet taste.
I still can't get over the fact how much of it has more sugar than alcohol yet anons here are reacting as if they have few full bottles of vodka per person. Jill's overreaction on her stream is much more interesting, why getting so defensive on her drinking habits? I wonder if it's reaction to 'drunkielocks' thing resurfacing here from time to time.
No. 458133
>>457882you do realise she’s just calling her nina beana because it rhymes and also uwu smol bean uwu
she’s not calling her nina bonina
No. 458175
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It looks better than the original, I'll say that. Was the artist who did the Doremi tattoo the same one that did the cat one the first time around?
No. 458178
>>458175Yes, it's def an improvement. The pic itself isn't a great one, but the black lines make a huge difference so it look less like a patchy disaster.
>Was the artist who did the Doremi tattoo the same one that did the cat one the first time around?No, the cat tattoo was done by a dude. No. 458180
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They changed the color of the cat completely? It definitely looks better.
No. 458184
>>458175>lil angleI would not let this lady tattoo words onto me lol.
>>458180Weird, maybe Jill changed her mind about which cat she liked. I thought Neko was the black and white cat anyway.
No. 458220
>>458175Imagine that she could have actually saved time and money by listening to what people said and got black lines to begin with instead of being snarky and condescending about it only to end up with a blown out mess because ~kawaii aesthetic~.
Fucking stupid cunt.
No. 458229
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She literally looks like a character from the movie Trolls
No. 458230
>>458214It's a community college that holds little relevance I guess, so I don't think they'll care?
If they do it'll be funny though
No. 458324
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>>458175Side by side comparison.
No. 458623
>>458324It looks good
right now, but knowing how filthy Jill is and how badly she takes care of her tattoos, it's gonna end up looking like crap anyways.
No. 458845
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No. 458907
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Very off topic but holy shit her fan base is a mess. The party kei Facebook community is one big fucking laugh. These are the people jilly bean spawns.
No. 458926
>>458907Fuck off, this is clearly a joke.
>>458845Cannot wait to see the drama this potentially spawns. Will we see the return of Emily here?
No. 458945
>>458324I can‘t help but think she gave her former tattooartist wrong directions as to how to do her first tattoo. Like his work can only be as good as she lets him to do it. I imagine her forcing him to do the blue outlines eventhough he might has recommended her not to.
The new tattoo lookks cute but i think if she had listened to other people and maybe her former artist she could have had a nice one from the beginning
No. 458947
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This is quite OT but whenever I see AP's Drained Cherry on the lolita secondhand market now I have to think of Jill.
It still annoys me that she bought a $170 dress she barely wears because supposedly it was both cheaper and more wearable than a lolita dress, yet she's only worn it a handful of times and you can get DC for cheaper.
Also annoyed that she claims Candy Stripper is one of her favorite brands when in her Japan haul video she was essentially like "Yikes they are just too expensive, I don't like clothing THAT much!".
Sorry I guess I'm just still bitter that she has no problem dropping hundreds of dollars on frumpy clothing she barely wears when she looked so much cuter in the past.
She keeps calling herself ~super femme~ or whatever but honestly she looks so dirty and grimey all the time now that it looks like she's going back to a "punk" style rather than some cute/feminine Japanese style.
/rant over
No. 458964
>>458936I'm pretty sure this specific girl is joking anon… it's obvious it looks like she was washing off makeup and took a pic. With that amount of glitter though, it was probably really shitty beforehand.
This was a probably an improvement tbh.
No. 459021
>>458947I also don't get it, she just seems to hate lolita for whatever reason and is looking for something Japansese to leap on instead. Has she even bought anything from Candy Stripper since her Japan trip?
My personal theory is that she looked cuter in past only because her brand obsession saved her from looking like trainwreck in lolita. It's rather strict fashion and she was owning mostly Japanese brand pieces - one may like the fashion or not, but it doesn't change te fact that those pieces are generaly rather well-made. Also she limited herself to hime-sweet, which makes fucking up an outfit rather hard (still, her coords weren't anything special as far as I remember). Her current style, which is basicaly whatever she likes at the moment, only highlights how clueless she is when it comes to dressing yourself with somewhat aesthetic result in mind.
No. 459037
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No. 459068
>>459037she's actually wearing something she bought and didn't completely forget about it in her black hole of a closet?
i'm stunned
No. 459076
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Somewhat OT, but I was searching for an older Jill photo when I found this. It was one of the first sketches she posted to illustrate her idea of what party kei should look like.
Something to reflect on, now that 2017 is over?
No. 459086
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>>459076The closest she ever got to dressing 'party kei' according to her blogspot sketches was during her fairy kei or "larme" (lmao) phases. What she's wearing now is like some kind of weeb's attempt at basic bitch instagram baddie fashion, but calling it that isn't special and kawaii enough so she continues to slap that label on it.
No. 459087
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>>459076>>459021There have been several times now where Jill described her current style as "aomoji kei", but I don't think she really knows what that means.
She doesn't read any of the Japanese magazines that aomoji stems from, nor does she ever buy from Japanese brands anymore.
Just because something is loud and bright doesn't mean it's ~totally harajuku uwu~.
I agree that the only reason she looked decent in lolita was because it's a fashion with rather strict guidelines on how to put together an outfit, as soon as she left it became apparent that she knows jack shit.
Pic related is "aomoji kei", even if you don't like the fashion there's still a visible difference between someone who knows what they're doing and Jill's clusterfuck fashion.
She should really pursue some other kind of career, there's no hope for her as a fashion designer.
No. 459645
>>457758jill’s alcohol tolerance is much lower than average because she’s an idiot who mixes seroquel and alcohol though.
she’s a completely lightweight and drinking 10 shots could potentially land her in the hospital.
No. 459707
>>459646man you're right anon, anyone who saw her with her friends would instantly just assume that Jill's wearing a shitty costume too lol
No. 459744
>>459719The fact that the intros are all so formulaic, repetitive, and identical at least shows that she put a little bit of effort into her 'brand'.
People mention that she should work on her brand a lot and even though she dresses hideously most of the time and is kind of a douche and spoiled and annoying, she at least got that part right.
No. 460228
>>459087those are cute as fuck, poor Jill thinks she looks like that omg? The model is cute and coordinates everything so pretty, Jill just throws pastel shit into the wall and hopes her ugly mug looks decent
>>457268 its so strange seeir her style done right wow.
No. 460562
>>460558Oh jeez, what lies and victim complexes has she gotten herself into this year?
I'll make a summary.
No. 460573
>>460558lol so she still doesn't even clarify that she broke up with Alyssa? Good job Jill
also she looks like an ageplay tranny in this video
No. 460596
>>460558>Went to Japan, bc she saved for it and left the day after her birthday and went with her mom. She stayed for two weeks, her fav day was seeing the precure liveshow. It was the "one of the happiest days of her life". >Keeps a list of the happiest and saddest days of her life.>Collab with Sharla and PeachMilky, took puricura??>Turned 19.>Guest livestreamed with Drew Monson, her fav youtuber ever.>Hit 100k subs and ytplaybutton, 50k on Insta and spaminsta.>On yt trending page twice for her "Ytplaybutton (#37)" and "What I got my gf for Christmas(#18)" vids. Didn't help the views.>Got into college, she can't wait. Wendy's also going. Some of her fans are there. Scared to move out but also really excited.>Joined younow, has diagnosed anxiety disorders. Livestreaming is terrifying and cries after talking about moving out, break ups, and sad things. Loves streaming and really proud of herself for doing it. (This vid went up today instead of Saturday because Jill had to drive to Halifax "to see my friends INCLUDING Wendy.") Wants to start opening her mail in livestreams and start a unlisted playlist.>Got her first and second tattoo. Was really scared to get her first tattoo. Her second tattoo was the most pain she had ever felt in her life. Made her vid about her personal life, mental health, struggles with anorexia, bulimia, self harm, and sexual harassment. It was terrifying, almost didn't do it it's hard to stop where you need to be public with private things. There was a bunch of positive comments. Needed a explanation so she can talk about eds, recovering, and body positivity. (End of the positives)>Trump became president and the world crumbled.>Went through a incredibly hard/messy breakup. Didn't want to make a whole vid on it because as he was "super suffering" and won't talk about her relationships at all and will set a boundary bc it's hard to have broken up and have people asking/talking about the ex. Makes it hard to heal and move on, if you're in a new relationship it's hard to explain. Unless Jill is in a really serious relationship (which she was in her ex), she's not going to talk about it bc she needs to protect her love life. Only decided to recently make it private, so if someone's asking about an ex in the comments she'll sick her fans on people.>Quit 2/3 jobs. Quit Claire's and Freaklunchbox, working as a full time youtube now.(End of list)
Good job on still using your exes as clickbait and exploiting them for views Jill.
No. 460602
>>460592When she was 13 she was in a "very unhealthy power divided relationship" with her 16 year old girlfriend.
On her twitter Jill retreated something about how silence doesn't equal consent, so something happened.
No. 460613
>>459087This is quite cute!
Yeah it's what bothers me about her being in that Kawaii comp, she says she loves jfashion and Japan but doesn't really support the brands anymore. Like very little of what she wears is from Japan. Just mostly Lazy Oaf.
No. 460622
>>460616I love how she went on about how staying in Japan for longer would have been too expensive, if she had just spent a $1000 less on shopping she could've easily stayed for longer and actually seen more of the country
yeah I know that she doesn't give a shit about Japan as a country, but it's crazy when you rewatch her Japan hauls and you realize how much clothing she bought that she hasn't worn since, what a waste of money
No. 460658
>>460633It still feels really dishonest that she didn't just openly say it.
In the video she said that it's fine to talk about past relationships. She doesn't have a problem talking about ~how much pain she went through uwu~ when Colin broke up with her.
Jill knows herself that it looks quite shitty that she broke up with her lesbian girlfriend so quickly. I'm sure if Alyssa broke up with Jill, Jill would've milked it for pity points.
No. 460695
>>460694perfectly showcases the mentality of her fanbase
I really hope Jill will go through with going to college, the idea of ~confetti club members~ being there is hilarious
No. 460730
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>>460717seriously, she could've just cleared it up now once and for all, she wouldn't even have had to give a reason
she has no right to get so pissed at people asking about an ex when she's so shady about it
hope people continue bugging her about MG
No. 460762
why didn't she just say that she and MG were broken up too? This is bullshit lmao, she doesn't even have to go into detail, just say that you're not together and won't talk about future relationships.
>>460633Most people won't see that, although at least she doesn't deny it.
No. 460766
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>>460558this video just cemented that she never saw MG as a real relationship
she played up the ~gay rainby bby uwu~ shit so much even though she probably had no romantic or sexual attraction towards Alyssa
her just glossing over the 'girlfriend' so quickly makes it even more suspect
it's hilarious how she keeps retweeting this shit about "evil straight girls pretending to be lesbians for attention" or whatever, but she did the exact same thing
(not saying that Jill isn't bi, but the MG thing was obviously just a sham)
No. 460886
>>460558>>460596Anyone else think its weird quitting jobs was in the negative section when 1.) She made a video about being glad Youtube was her full time job and she gets to be her own boss 2.) She didn't have to quit if she didn't want to. It's not like she got fired or wasn't allowed colored hair 2.0, it was her own decision that she made because she wanted to Youtube full time.
Also it's not like she was working to death. She did, what, like eight hours a week at claire's and she gets to set her own schedule for Youtube. It's not like she was also balancing schoolwork with her part time jobs. Maybe if she didn't sleep 15+ hours a day she'd have more time to actually do stuff.
Like, she quit to do full time Youtube and she's still only churning out two videos a week that aren't any better in quality than in the past. She might as well have kept her jobs. Her real jobs.
No. 461098
>>460630>>460651>>460658most of the comments i've seen regarding MG have been people assuming the break-up in the video title is about MG and saying "thats okay! we understand it's hard!". i mean obviously now that the whole emily thing happened, there's no need for jill to really talk about it because one google session can reveal everything to the fans, so making a vague reference to the break-up between them (especially in a way that it can vaguely reference the older break-ups) is just enough to quell most of the fanbase. anyone that's super curious will surely look elsewhere for an answer if they cant get it from jill.
but still, it is shitty to not outright say it, because as we've seen she's tried to be "secretive" about it, but still did cheeky photos, the christmas haul video, and referenced her plenty enough that everybody knew about MG's existence. it doesn't make much sense to just cut off the flow of info with a vague hint and leave everyone wondering like "oh well, that's that i guess", and yet still go around hinting at it being a pretty major thing but acting like "nay guys im totally ok!". but now if she does slip back into posting cheeky photos, people can call her out for once again being hypocritical as she usually is
No. 461652
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I know people are free to do what they want, but it really triggers me that her mostly under aged fans spend money sending her stuff. Most of the comments on this is shit like 'you deserve it all!!'
No. 461660
File: 1515084208589.jpeg (106.97 KB, 749x741, 13825092-2F55-45D4-AF73-32E4CE…)

I can’t wait for her to finally upload that NYE vlog.
No. 461768
>>461738Maybe I'm in the minority here but I think it'd be even shittier to send back packages, I'd feel very unappreciated if someone sent me back a gift. I think people get encouraged to send her bigger packages when they see her get excited about shit like the precure bag or the crayola fabric, but it's not like she has an amazon wishlist up either.
>>461660What a bunch of average-looking people.
No. 461775
File: 1515091962919.jpg (87.57 KB, 720x732, _20180104_185156.JPG)

"peepers peeled" ew
What brand is WC? Cause she's been ass licking JP brands more than usual lately, she posted about Bubbles and responded to someone about BtSSB.
The Baby thing isn't exactly milky but I feel like responding to someone about it, which she usually wouldn't do, shows she's suddenly trying to look interested in brands again.
(I reposted because I didn't crop the image)
No. 461879
>>461784Yeah she had a cutsew, cardigan, parasol etc.
Little accent bits that she needed to complete her brand whore image basically. All her main pieces were AP though.
No. 461913
>>461825Aah, my bad. Yeah, she should at least send people a letter or a card back. It's not like she gets an unmanagable amount of mail.
>>461775>>461775WC is with WEGO. It's the brand that did the Esther Loves You collab where she got the plush bunny backpack.
Their style is really casual and more sporty, I don't know if that's even her thing? Her look is all over the place.
No. 461922
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>>458180Sage for old but it's supposed to be her cat Neko, who is a dark brownish greyish color. I have no idea what the fuck she was thinking with that initial color.
No. 462254
File: 1515119047335.jpg (174.12 KB, 631x1023, Collage 2018-01-04…)

watching her fans be so uninformed and being passive aggressive to each other is interesting considering she is all uwu positivity
No. 462418
>>460558I'll be honest, I don't know a thing about the YouNow live stream but the way she's presenting it makes me think they're two completely different people with clashing content… so it would be weird (especially for each of their fanbase) for this live stream to be spontaneous. So it had to have been planned, right? In which case, why the fuck was Jill taking a bath when she knew she had to meet her "favorite youtuber EVAR ouo".
Or maybe it was spontaneous and really poorly thought out? Either way, getting really weird vibes from it
And did she really collab with two different Youtubers then say
>I'll link them if I remember wtf Jill. Sage for nitpicking but does that not come off as super bitchy to anyone else?
No. 462605
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Sage for non contribution but this made me think of Jill
No. 462657
>>462575ill be honest and say I was a pretty big fan of Jill when I first checked out this thread. I honestly wanted to get another view of her as a person and after reading through all of this I still want to like her but man it's so hard LOL
sage for blogpost
No. 462702
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No. 462708
>>462703Yeah, I mean she was too lazy to actually draw 12 pictures for a calendar, so simplistic stuff like pins seems more fitting for her
She said that she would open up her clothing store this year, I really wonder how that will go
No. 462753
File: 1515178213579.png (22.2 KB, 640x161, IMG_7563.PNG)

God dammit, even my friends are on board with her bullshit. That's one thing that sucks about having friends in J fashion, they either worship pixie or despise her. Too many of them worship her.
No. 462826
>>462694Im an AA artist and have made pins before. Just wanted to do a rough breakdown of her profits for the pins if anyones interested.
If she went direct to a factory in China she probably paid somewhere about $190 - $240 USD for the 100 pins. This includes shipping, mold fee, everything.
I'm not sure what the cost is like to use a middleman service, so it could have potentially been more if she used somewhere like MadeByCooper or Zap but I dont know how much extra it is to use them.
Then she would have the cost of the backing cards but they dont really look like stellar quality, she probably got cheap staples ones made up. Idk maybe like 20-30 bucks for the 100 cards.
So on the higher estimate lets say,
$240 + $30 = $270 / 100 = $2.7 per pin
She sold the pins at $10 right? I cant quite recall but thats usually standard.
$10 x 100 = $1000 - $270
= $730 USD profit
$730 USD = $905 CAD
As a side note. If she has the same pins recreated, the cost is decreased. Part of the initial cost is a mold fee you pay your factory. But once the mold is created you dont have to pay that anymore.
No. 462856
File: 1515186559629.jpeg (582.22 KB, 750x857, E46D9365-63C9-4403-8CDF-0A5D1B…)

We don’t be need another update on one of your collections Jill.
No. 462858
>>462856she showed pretty much all of these in hauls or unboxings anyway, why bother?
her taste in shoes is awful and them being all nasty makes it even worse
No. 462872
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No. 462949
>>462753Pins are just really popular right now, and the design doesn't look like "merch", so I kinda get why people want them. Like those generic "<whatever> Club" designs everybody does.
>>462927She said she is in around +9/+10 dpt or something, her eyesight seems to be absolutely awful though.
No. 462981
>>462825Google it. Almost every single source will tell you not to drink. You just gave yourself a large open wound. Alcohol thins your blood and will cause it to have a harder time clotting, so you'll bleed more. It also will affect your general healing since your body is going to dedicate resources to your liver while you're drinking and then dealing with your hangover in the morning.
So yeah, it absolutely matters.
No. 463011
File: 1515197302741.jpeg (56.07 KB, 640x640, C3410C66-C016-46DC-B632-A2797A…)

I don't follow her or her thread, but I can't get over how much she looks like a rainbow ForeverKailyn in the thread pic. How unfortunate.
No. 463071
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Is she gonna cosplay a trap?
No. 463076
File: 1515200970016.png (24.4 KB, 596x83, Screen shot 2018-01-05 at 8.28…)

Samefag, she also reordered pins already
No. 463126
File: 1515203848094.jpeg (84.98 KB, 225x242, 2F2B13D4-1626-4F35-9A4E-B6128A…)

>>462856Jill you’ve had so many opportunities and months to clean these. Please just clean them already holy shit. How can you put yourself out to do a shoe haul video and still not clean the damn things?
No. 463130
>>463076This should give everyone an idea of how much money she really has. Assuming she went with a Chinese manufacturer, she just threw down 2-3 thousand USD on reordering pins, and if she went with a middleman like Acornpress or Cooper or whatever, probably 4-5 thousand USD. These costs have to be paid upfront, so she has that money lying around.
No wonder she goes on so many useless shopping sprees.
No. 463181
>>463168She likely chose to sell her items in USD so that the exchange rate benefits her and gives her more CAD (plus it's a pretty common currency among her fans, stronger than CAD, her YouTube checks come in USD so she's already used to benefiting from those currency differences a bit).
She technically might not be making more money in value if she paid the costs in CAD and whatnot depending on how all the currency stuff works, but it's very possible for her to have made that much. Jill spends a lot but could have cash saved up since she first mentioned pins a long time ago and was concerned with pricing and production of them; she was probably limiting the first release to get an idea of demand and then ordered more accordingly to suit the people who got charged after the sold out plus fans who wanted more.
No. 463200
File: 1515208692040.png (944.61 KB, 1366x768, ok.png)

>>463126I swear these fucking boots are going to be the death of me. PLEASE for the love of god just…………….throw the damn things out.
No. 463248
File: 1515213960257.jpg (45.53 KB, 343x429, unnamed.jpg)

I started following Jill because of lolita. I quitted Lolita myself so I followed her again because I thought she was kind of trendy with the rainbows and whatnot. I really love rainbows and I like street fashion, but recently Jill started to seem a little… Off. She looks so dirty, specially with that badly damaged green hair. She talks like she's into DDLG, and even if it's okay to have some childish hobbies, her obsession with being the number one fan of a a children's anime is a little uneasy, like she hasn't accepted that it's time to grow up. Her face used to look cuter without those weird eyebrows. I never bought the whole "party kei" thing and saw it as just a silly thing, but her style is less and less cohesive with every new picture she uploads even if she has enough clothes to post so many amazing outfits, yet she doesn't coordinate colors well and she ends looking like a tacky mentally ill person… I'm so sad. She makes me feel sad to see a person spiral down like this. The Alyssa thing is so disgusting too, even more because she never posted pics with her like she was a joke.
I want the old Jill back. Or I want to see her go so down until there's no return.
Sage because blogpost
No. 463292
File: 1515219545712.jpeg (319.91 KB, 1242x1524, 820DFB76-F04C-483C-81DD-88C488…)

Jesus does she even talk to anyone that’s not a try-hard kawaii ~speshul~ person. The April chick really needs a thread of her own too
No. 463316
>>463078They all know she's terrible and probably gave her last pick.
Probably didn't want her Jill'ing them and try to make them ugly to make her look better.
No. 463357
>>463076I'm really interested to see how many more pins she will sell. I was looking through comments on her instagram and there were quite a few of her fans disappointed they didn't get one. I definitely don't think ordering 1,000 right off the bat was a good idea, but it's Jill so common sense doesn't really exist.
>>463126Don't forget her dirty ass go-go boot things she always used to wear but the white bottoms were literally stained shit colored because she never cleaned them. I get that it's winter there and boots get gross but at least don't fucking wear them on camera for everyone to see. Jill is so fucking gross.
No. 463416
>>463402this also probably explains why she has shit on madoka magica before, tho that can also be because its not kawaii enough for jill's standards.
>>462969honestly im sure part of her buying all the precure merch (and everything else, let's be honest) is also so she can show them all off while wearing the ~super kawaii special handmade~ cosplays she can't be arsed to make properly.
No. 463452
>>463438I think my favourite sentence from what i've seen when skipping through thus far is:
'I like confusing people on the street even more on whether or not i'm a 6 year old or a 25 year old'
No. 463462
>>463438"i'm trying to downsize believe it or not"
jill you're keeping shoes that do not fit because they are your "prized possession"
No. 463470
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No. 463481
>>463476It's funny that just now is the first time she considers "stretching them out" (I highly doubt that would work on shoes like that) even though she bought them almost a year ago.
Would she even notice if half of her shoes suddenly went missing? She doesn't wear most of them.
It's so weird for a 19 year old girl to be hoarding all these tacky expensive shoes she never wears.
No. 463499
>>463492Don't worry you didn't miss anything, she just opened mail and had to leave 45 minis because the stream was acting weird.
The things worth mentioning:
>"I'm sure that I'm bi, I like both men and women.">Not going to make the vid about New Year's resolutions because it's "too personal".>Tried to censor herself on stream because of underage fanbase.>Mentioned watching the Your Name movie with "someone".>NYE vlog will be up tomorrow if she edits it. No. 463501
>>463438Her last wardrobe video was pretty much useless and you couldn't see anything, so I guess at least this is better.
But like…
>"I don't wear it out a lot">"I don't actually use this anymore">"I'm too scared to put this anywhere">"I don't use this for a lot">"I wish I wore this more"Granted I'm kinda leaning towards minimalism and I know a lot of average people are like Jill with a closet full of shit they never wear, but I've only ever seen her use a fraction of these things at all, and most of them only once or twice, even as a fashion blogger, just resell it or or donate it if you're done with it instead of hoarding it. The amount of ill-fitting, uncomfortable shoes she has is also kinda depressing considering she has a super common women's shoe size.
No. 463588
>>463438How does she not have a single pair of practical shoes? I can't imagine living anywhere in Canada and not having a decent pair of snow boots. Hell, even cheap rubber rain boots would be fine.
But I guess it doesn't matter when you sit in your basement kindergarten-cave all day and never go outside.
No. 463622
>>463588She has other shows I think, she talked about working at the candy store in sneakers so I’m guessing she has snowboots that aren’t kawaii.
She insists on these wretched shoes though, I get having shoes for different seasons/best but? Where are they being used?
No. 463637
File: 1515272196843.png (3.34 MB, 1125x2436, 6F75AB1B-9583-48DB-9B58-9CFC23…)

>>462856Okay I’m gonna sound extremely snotty, but stay with me.
Irregular Choice is not a real high-end brand. They are on the same tier as Coach and Michael Kors, designer for middle-class people. You can get Irregular Choice on Zulilly for the same price as shoes from Payless. Had she bought from a real quirky designer brand, like Moschino, then maybe she’d come off as having a little more class through the stuff she buys.
So Jill, just because you buy the most expensive shit a brand has, it doesn’t mean you’re better than anyone else.
For those of you who are
triggered by my rant, just keep in mind that this is meant for people like Jill who think they’re so uppity and cute for buying the most expensive thing that a brand has when said brand isn’t that great
No. 463639
>>463633why did you sage in every section?
>>463470Jill produces so much grease each day, if she wasn't on birth control(?) or didn't have good skin genetics she would be so pimply. Please Jill wash your face everyday and get a skincare routine, your future fast aging self will thank you.
No. 463676
>>463438>preaches about plastic bags>knowingly hoards bags that can't even hold a phone and shoes that don't fitShe does realise that the clothing industry is one of the biggest sources of pollution and carbon emissions in the world, right? If she really gave a fuck about the environment she wouldn't buy half this stuff she doesn't use period. She obviously doesn't take care of anything she owns especially for someone that apparently takes a lot of pride in having expensive stuff (even if 90% of it is overpriced for what it is and isn't actually high quality) and apparently now cares about the planet. Has she ever heard the phrase "Buy less, choose well and make it last?" All she cares about is brand names.
At least it looks like she at least got rid of those filthy 80s boots that she got so dirty the white platforms turned shit brown. Those were really disgusting.
No. 463698
>>463512She did drop off a bunch of donations in one of her vlogs so it's not inconceivable, she just needs to…not buy twice the amount immediately.
>>463637I don't think she actually thinks they're high-end, the shoes weren't more expensive than any of their other stuff, she just paid a ton of shipping and customs fees to get them to 400 CAD total. And they don't even fit her lmao.
No. 463862
File: 1515289723275.png (830.15 KB, 921x563, pins.png)

>how much work this is for one person
>im getting retail flashbacks
you're putting fucking pins into card stock. you can watch tv while doing it, you can lay in bed while doing it. it's a simple, repetitive task.
how is she going to ever do fashion design if even this is making her complain on social media? how does jill expect to draft, pattern, do a mockup, cut, pin, sew, USE HER SERGER when even this is too much "for one person" to her?
no wonder she quit her job. sticking a pin into a piece of paper is too hard for her.
No. 463917
File: 1515297745733.jpeg (1.32 MB, 1125x1773, 5F8A0C66-BB65-45B2-82A3-71BA4C…)

>>463726>>463858>>463859>>463860I just picked Moschino specifically because I know they did a MLP collab recently, they’ve done a PPG collab, and those shows come to mind when I think of “kawaii 80’s baby” or whatever Jill is trying to be.
My whole point though, is that for someone who’s obsessed with brands, there are better, higher tier brands to pick from than the ones Jill picks. Jill constantly drops the prices of shit and it’s like, do you really think you’re that special? That you’re better than everyone else because you overpaid for something I could have gotten from Zulilly or some other discount store for much cheaper? Step up Jill. Learn to shop savvy if you’re gonna buy from those brands, your fan base might actually appreciate it.
>>462856Jill has tagged more brands since then, how interesting.
No. 463926
>>463917>Learn to shop savvy if you’re gonna buy from those brands, your fan base might actually appreciate it.Do you even know whose Jill's fanbase actually is? It's mostly preteens and teens. Why the fuck would they care if Jill is buying high-end fashion?
If I had Jill's disposable income, I would buy Irregular Choice over designer shoes
>>463893Don't quite a bit of people buy toys for their rooms? Google "fairy kei" rooms. Are all of those people adult babies? (Not saying that Jill's room is as well-executed)
No. 464066
File: 1515317082840.jpg (138.78 KB, 1080x770, IMG_20180107_222423.jpg)

This video is from only a year ago. She doesn't look great, but compared to now she looks amazing in the thumbnail lmao.
No. 464081
>>464021As a former everyday fairy kei wearer who does still appreciate the fashion, I'm gonna say that it's pretty reasonable for normies or even others jfashion wearers to see fairy kei as kind of adult babyish, especially since there are plenty of brands that have used pacifiers and other baby shower-y motifs in the past. And truth be told it's kind of what turns me off from the fashion at times.
That being said I don't agree with this bullshit that you need to not wear pastel it bright colors as an adult, even in excess. And the thing that comes across as fucking adult baby about Jill is her manner of speaking and attitude (the fact that she looks like a toddler got into mummy's makeup kit doesn't help either)
Sage for slight blog post
No. 464093
>>463483not trying to whiteknight but she did say it's NOT so hard
she was for once reasonable with that one
No. 464108
>>464066It will never stop to amaze me how Jill manages to make her past looks look decent in comparison to her current fashion choices.
I remember people disliking this look
>>463248back then, but now I have to say that it looks actually somehow cute, compared to this
>>463470 current mess.
Makes me wonder what kind of disaster we will expect in 6 months down the road.
No. 464113
>>463917What? Jill isn't actually into high end items, and her fans are on average 12-15 years old with no cash. She just likes tacky rainbow shit.
>>463862Yeah, shit Jill, who would have thought that it takes some time to package up over 100 orders? Just put on a movie and get it done.
>>464108Ngl I thought that pic of her with the glasses was cute when she posted it too, her pink hair with rainbow bangs phase was not that bad. Those silly string looking extensions and toxic green roots she's sporting now are next level.
No. 464132
>>464113Jill looks a 100 times cuter when she has bangs and long hair that she wears down, but she never has her hair like that
I seriously don't get why she always has to do that stupid top bun and pinning her bangs away, it's like she's trying to sabotage herself
I'm not sure if the color can even get any worse than the faded rainbow + snot green combination she has right now
No. 464163
>>464092She has a large fanbase so she could probably resell the items to them. I thought about getting a WC lucky bag but it doesn't seem like there is a huge secondhand market for WC items in North America.
>>464051Whatever, normie. This board was originally for cgl drama, but ok.
No. 464363
>>464299Anon, Grow up. You sound majorly ignorant and immature arguing over the internet with complete strangers over nothing and making assumptions about their style of dress. Get off the internet and go back to school.
No. 464487
File: 1515365782329.png (75.66 KB, 750x631, IMG_5199.PNG)

her fans seem so pleasant
No. 464523
>>464487>my white assNo one cares about your race, Amy.
Also why would you comment "STFU" with no context and then freak out when people think you're being hateful, jfc.
No. 465070
File: 1515430832190.jpeg (219.7 KB, 738x1017, 442645DE-F78A-4B22-9645-5C06E6…)

Why do people think this is ok to post? Almost threw up
No. 465131
File: 1515436822979.png (465.5 KB, 640x1136, B74682BB-80AB-457E-ACFB-8D68EC…)

Oh for fucks sake
No. 465245
File: 1515445717293.png (643.49 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180108-130816.png)

No. 465248
File: 1515445827292.png (346.4 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180108-130940.png)

These comments make me want to die
No. 465266
>>465245holy shit, how lazy and spoiled can you be??
my 70 year old grandma gets more shit done in a day than Jill does in a week, this is depressing
No. 465277
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No. 465279
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No. 465280
>>465254Not to whiteknight her self-importance, but no there isn't. The closest jfashion/lolita/cosplay/weeb community is in Halifax, Nova Scotia, which is a four hour drive one way from PEI.
There's also that tiny con in Fredericton, New Brunswick, where Jill plans to move this year. But even then I think the entire "jfashion comm" there are already Jill's "friends".
No. 465289
>>465285editing a video AND packaging pins?? :(
how would anyone be able to handle that much stress?
seriously though how the fuck does she imagine the work of a fashion designer to be?
if you watch a documentary about any renown designer it becomes clear that they dedicate their entire life to their work
it's even worse because she immediately wants to have her own brand and shit, good luck with that
No. 465327
>>465245>>465248if she cant put forth the effort to put her nose to the grindstone and get them all done without complaining, how the fuck does she think she'll be able to make it in fashion school?
>>465279that sounds incredibly unsafe, but milk incoming maybe??
No. 465363
File: 1515453678831.png (2.44 MB, 1419x1972, 20180108_231646.png)

Looks like she didn't collapse from all of that "hard work"… it is such a small pile, especially to us retail workers who have to do up little packages like this for online orders daily, and in much bigger quantities.
No. 465369
File: 1515453967748.jpg (153.5 KB, 1080x678, Screenshot_20180108-232411.jpg)

A boxing day haul is probs coming up
No. 465703
File: 1515473350246.png (371.31 KB, 580x482, 25436.png)

There's one donation on this gofundme, and it's not from jill! what a surprise. much love and support for her fans amirite??
No. 465745
>>465676how much do we want to bet that she didnt talk to a doctor about this and was basically like "nah, im a big girl, i know what im doing"
>>465677>>465710i think someone found their house address from something relating to her mom way back in one of the earlier threads
No. 465774
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No. 465775
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No. 465899
>>465745We know her address because Louise's business studio is in their basement, right next to Jill's bedroom. Her studio address is on her social media.
If anyone remotely close to PEI was going to stalk Jill it would have happened by now. These threads have existed for almost 3 years and even Jill was aware her address was posted here when it first happened.
I guess that's one advantage of living on an island in butt-fuck-nowhere. They're so isolated, it really doesn't matter if we know what their house and yard looks like, since it's an 18 hour drive from central canada.
That being said, if she lived more central, in Ontario or Quebec, I would guarantee the Vesseys would have severe privacy issues given how much they reveal online about their wealth. They're basically asking for a crazy obsessed fan to show up in Jill's driveway or just straight up get robbed.
No. 466126
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No. 466132
File: 1515523005609.jpg (524.3 KB, 1080x1481, Screenshot_20180109-183501.jpg)

New thread pic kek I dont understand why she uploads such awful photos of herself
No. 466140
>>466132her makeup/brows look like that meme where you mirror someone's face bilaterally.
No. 466146
>>466092ok i'll make one for general embarrassing fashion. any suggestions for a thread pic? id rather not use anyones face whos not a cow
saged for ot
No. 466158
>>466152oops i forgot to sage.
i'd make one but i'm on my phone. jill's partee kay group is a fucking goldmine for this stuff tho.
No. 466184
File: 1515527002893.png (103.87 KB, 640x843, IMG_2177.PNG)

Jill posted about her moms cat-instagram
This photo is so unflattering
No. 466189
>>466184She must of been maybe 15 here? I think this is when they first got Neko.
I secretly love her mom's cat instagram lol but I love cat IGs and YT channels in general.
No. 466195
>>466184>>466184Tbh she looks so much better in that photo then she does currently. The turquoise/blue looks a lot better than the moldy spaghetti she has on her greasy head now.
She may have even bathed in that photo hah
No. 466198
>>466148You are absolutely wrong. These are not actual facts that apply to everyone. I take citalopram and I've been on a handful of others before being prescribed this and this one has helped me better than the others had and when I do forget to take it enough times that it's out of my system (which I stupidly have done) my anxiety and depression became worse again.
I'm sure that is the case for some but not in all cases. I know a few people who are on the same drug and it has made a world of difference for them.
No. 466229
>>466198Did I say anywhere that it actually does nothing? No. I said that there's a lot of debate about it within the medical community at the moment. and although it's nice that you found a medication that works for you I don't really care about your medical history, neither does anyone else unless you have an actual point to make other than how your medication effects you. If it works differently for everyone why do we need a rundown of your personal history specifically?
All I was trying to say in my original post was that it isn't the massive potentially deadly deal people are making it out to be and is perfectly safe - in terms of dangerous withdrawal effects, not in recurrence of previous symptoms the medication treats - for her to stop taking some of the medication we know she is prescribed cold turkey.
>>466204Citalopram is not prozac though, so your comment has nothing to do with anything I said.
No. 466244
>>466240Oops nvm, didn't see the embarrassing outfits thread thing
No. 466287
>>466132I usually think the people saying she looks old are full of shit, but god damn. She looks like a mom having an identity crisis.
>>466184How is it unflattering?
No. 466293
>>466292thanks fam.
is it bad that i think she almost looks the same?
No. 466310
>>466300I honestly don't know how she would manage to look worse than she does right now
I suppose my worst case scenario would be if she suddenly went full DDLG but I don't think that will happen
No. 466332
>>466310She could keep damaging her hair to the point it starts breaking off.
Or would that be an improvement?
No. 466342
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>>465363i thought she was shipping out maxi pads to her fans
No. 466383
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No. 466510
trying to desperately keep the conversation goingJill: Mmmm yeah
No. 466522
>>466298Not salty anon, dw about me.
Just wanted anons to stop acting like she's doing something deadly and awful and is gonna make a bunch of kids think it's okay to suddenly quit their medications and die.
No. 466528
>>466522When did that happen though? Quitting your medication without consulting a dr
can be very dangerous purely based on the psychological effects, but no one claimed she was going to drop dead or influence her kid followers to go off their meds.
No. 466544
>>466528Well, for one we don't know whether she is in contact with her doctor or not, her post on it was pretty vague and short. She could well be doing everything properly as she's supposed to.
Yeah fair I guess I was jumping the gun with the last part but that's what the alcohol discussion in the last thread turned into; lots of ~think of her impressionable young followers~ The discussion hadn't gone in that direction yet but was probably headed that way. Just wanted to interject and say it's not actually that big a deal if it's that medication she's coming off. A phonecall with your doc would be sufficient to get proper instructions on how to quit citalopram, it's considered a pretty safe drug.
Anyway gonna drop this now because it's probably annoying other anons and it feels like I'm wking a bit.
No. 466592
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No. 466605
>>466592I was going to say that if her hair was just a solid color or some non offensive combination of two natural tones, this could be cute.
Except then I saw those fucking shoes. We know from her shoe collection she has some variant of plain red, clear, or white shoes. They could have even been clear pink jellies to match the clear pink plastic earrings. But she picks the ice cream shoes.
Sage for raging but ffs how do you fuck up coording a matching set with only two colors to choose from?
No. 466656
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>>466544I’ve been holding my tongue because I don’t want to contribute to the derailing but you’re starting to piss me off.
>there is no controversy surrounding whether citalopram works>citalopram is an SSRI>SSRI’s are dangerous to suddenly quit cold turkey because of the horrible psychological side effects.>SSRI’s are still painful and unenjoyable to come off of when you’ve been taking them for years like Jill.>you can’t actually die suddenly like quitting alcohol cold turkey, but the side effects are still very real and very severe.>you have to be really stupid if you actually think the side effects aren’t serious.>side effects from just tapering include brain zaps, increased depression, increased anxiety, headaches, increased suicidal thoughts, and more.>You can’t fucking blogpost about your housemate obviously not needing citalopram and then bitch at another anon for saying “Hey this actually works for me!”>we’re allowed to say “think of the children!” Because her fan base is clearly very fucking stupid and will probably do all the stupid shit she does.>the only “”””controversy”””” surrounding citalopram Lexapro is more effective than Celexa at the same dose.Pls actually do a quick google search and use a little common sense before derailing our thread so the rest of us don’t feel so compelled to call you out.
No. 466661
>>466658no one even really commented one her weight aside from one anon calling her bloated, which isn't really weight related in the first place
Jill did say before that she wants to lose weight again though
No. 466728
>>466592rompers are not at all suited to pear shapes or people with chubby thighs (no shade - i don't wear them for the same reason). sage for blog, but every guy i've ever explained rompers to ends up calling them baby or children's clothes. it's just funny to me because of all the age playing accusations jill gets.
obviously her hair looks awful, like it has for the last year. i don't understand her taste level at all. i'm getting like molly soda vibes from how gross and unclean she always looks.
>>466656no one cares. we don't know if jill is doing this alone or under doctor supervision anyways.
No. 466734
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>>466728well I mean there are enough ways to make rompers look mature and stylish, but I agree they can quickly look wrongif you don't style them well
the combination of pigtails and those heels & tattoos really just makes her look like a washed-up age player, it's depressing to think that she's only 19
No. 466735
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Reddit is for normies, where’s our credit for giving her a lolcow thread?
No. 466740
>>466734oh i definitely think a lot of women pull off rompers without looking like awkward children, just that the all-in-one trend reminds people who don't care about fashion of toddlers' clothing.
i always forget that jill is only 19. she's looks so rough, i always assume she's in her mid or late 20s. at 18-22 most people can look at least decent without putting a whole lot of effort into it. jill especially has no excuse because it's not like she has a lot of stress or responsibilities.
>>466735lmao i can't wait for the cringe communities to come across their sub.
No. 466798
>>466740saged but why exactly do farmers think Jill looks old/haggard for her age? like what is a 19 year old expected to look like?
only asking because i've seen jill irl, we're in the same age group and she looks no different than all other late teens/early 20s? I don't see what sets her apart.
same for when farmers call her fat, I know her height and size compared to mine or others our age, so I know she's actually relatively small, unless she's grown a few inches and put on the pounds recently but I see no evidence of that, considering that anons have been calling Jill a fat eyesore since she was 16/17 while she was apparently underweight lol.
like I hate many characteristics of her personality but if jill is fat and old looking than.. I guess that's just the standard for most young adults from our area? i'm really curious as to how you guys perceive her as a degenerate looking whale through the internet.. meanwhile do all of your classmates and coworkers drink the blood of virgins to look youthful? where are these utopias of beauty that anons seem to be from?
No. 466808
>>466798it's totally possible that it might be an area thing. i grew up in toronto and generally younger people look sort of fresher, and a lot of them are in pretty good shape or at least thin. but maybe that's just the crowd i always hung around (sorostitute types and mean korean girls)? i notice a difference in how people look even just going north an hour so maybe it's a city thing. the fact that jill always looks dirty and has shitty makeup doesn't help.
otoh, maybe she's just not a photogenic person either. you're saying irl she looks normal, but does she look the same in her pics/vids?
jill obviously wasn't fat back when she was doing lolita. i think she's prob at the high end of healthy right now, which is what i consider chubby. she's certainly not fit, and her all sugar diet doesn't help. that's probably adding to the perception that she looks older than she is - she just doesn't come across as a healthy young woman.
No. 466809
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Jill has potential to look youthful and actually her size, but choses not to
No. 466816
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>>466804 this proves my point imo
No. 466825
>>466818It makes sense that she's insecure and edits photos, she used to have an ED and she has serious identity issues.
The problem is that she wants to jump on the SJW 'everyone's body is perfect uwu' bandwagon yet will constantly talk about being a small, a small medium, the waist thing, etc. recently. People likely find her weird humblebrags about her size or forced overly positive comments on her body annoying and wish she'd either just lose weight and get healthy or shut up about it.
It's this weird false sense of confidence or clinging to things like her clothing size to feel comfortable because she knows she isn't happy with her body and has only very recently been able to admit it, and only shamefully in streams that a huge part of her fanbase doesn't even watch.
No. 466856
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Jesus Christ! The party kei community is a fucking mess. Someone could post a picture all in black with a single fucking bow on their head and these fuckers would eat it up.
No. 466913
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>>466798Jill looks old because she uses too many bright/clashing colors with her (harsh) makeup, hair, and clothes. She also looks old because she does things that old people would do (too much blush+ugly fake glasses. Lack of bangs doesn’t help.) or she wears things that look too costume-like (That Peter Pan collar dress isn’t ugly because it’s a Peter Pan collar dress. It’s ugly because of the colors, oversized print and the oversized collar/sleeves. A simple pastel Peter Pan collar dress is fine. That Pom Pom shirt is just atrocious, it looks like a 5 year old’s arts and crafts project.)
I also think the chub in her face makes her look a bit older, if Jill just did natural hair color (like light/mid brown), simple makeup with one focal point, and simple yet “femenine”/cute clothing, she would look her age. She’s like the rainbow version of harsh/dramatic insta makeup (which makes everyone look older). She has so much potential to look ok.
No. 466957
>>466913Jill doesn't have youthful features to begin with, her makeup, hair, and weight gain don't help either.
>>466856>The party kei community is a fucking mess.When wasn't it a mess? kek
No. 467067
>>466798She looks old and haggard because she doesn't take care of herself. She uses makeup produces, but no skincare products. She already has serious wrinkles at the age of 19. Her makeup ages her too because its too heavy, busy, and doesn't suit her.
She is definitely fat. While she's not obese, she is overweight, and it shows heavily in her face. She has jowls, which add to the aging factor.
The short answer is that she takes no care of herself, and has been aging like left out milk for years. It's years of poor maintenance that's been showing up recently.
No. 467256
>>467116Autsy thing or not, it'd be fun to see someone do the style properly and see how she and her fandom reacts. Shit, I'd make an outfit too if I had the ability to.
>>466913If she would just not color her eyebrows with hyper-pigmented eyeshadow, she would look 10x better. Arguably her beauty guru looks better than anything she's done makeup-wise before.
>>466809Tbf the goth look does not suit her. She'd be better off taking up a normie look.
>>466735Oh god, her reach is spreading.
No. 467268
>>467116>>467154>>467256Huh? People have posted good coords/sewing or are better looking than her… she ignores them…
I don't know if she still 'features' people from her group, but I remember there being some laughs at how she only features uggo/bad people and completely ignored the actually decent or good looking ones.
She cries at the idea of not being 'the best' waiting in line to submit her shitty cosplay to a beginners contest, you think she would let people better than her be recognized? Fuck no. There's a reason she leeches onto really uggo friends, too. Though maybe a large part of that is that the people in her area/range that are interested in alt-fashion are abnormal uggos, who tf knows.
No. 467302
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>>467268Like this, for example
No. 467489
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>>467116“If Party Kei followed the guidelines” moodboard.
No. 467496
>>467489even if Party-kei looked decent, and even if Jill actually wore any Japanese brands putting "kei" in the name ruins it tbh
I as an European wouldn't say that I suddenly created a new American street style, even if I wore exclusively American brands
(your collage actually looks pretty cute anon, I'm just still salty about Jill thinking she created ~her own original Japanese style uwu~)
No. 467502
>>467496the idea that she, a Canadian can create a street style is dumb enough, but thinking you can create a street style at all is stupid. street styles emerge from being reported on, in magazines. especially in japan, most of the styles are fabricated names that magazines coin, most people don't call themselves mahou kei one day and fairy kei without magical girl items, it's all fairy kei, and some people wouldn't even call themselves that.
she always talks about how
her street fashion has no rigid guidelines, but she doesn't realize that creating a "street fashion" is what imparts the guidelines.
No. 467503
>>467502*can create a Japanese street style
No. 467506
>>467502Yeah, I totally agree
I think Jill saw styles like Peco-kei and thought "I want that too! uwu" but even in that case magazines were the ones that coined the name, Peco just wore a style she liked and other people were inspired by it
Imo it's self-absorbed enough to say that you 'created' a style, but it's even more stupid to say that it's a foreign one when a) you aren't from that country and b) you don't even wear any of the fashion brands from that country
No. 467507
>>467489This just looks like Larme. Since she claims she wants it to be like a 90s slumber party kind of vibe it would probably be brights, plastic hair accessories and scrunchies, PJ fabrics like satin, slip dresses, glitter, the whole lot.
Like the other anons have said though, you can't create a street fashion, usually people choose to pick something up and then you coin a name for it eventually, and especially JP street styles are often centered around certain brands.
I think it's even stupid to try and put rules/guidelines on your own personal aesthetic, especially since she said she felt restricted by lolita. Like, just do what you want then?
No. 467513
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>>467410yeah agreed
pic related isn't the most amazing picture ever but I think she looked quite cute there and a huge part of it is that her brows actually look rather straight and relaxed
the natural hair color and light make up help a lot too, the clashing colors she always uses are just so obnoxious
No. 467524
>>467513It's hard to even believe this is the same person lmao
Really shows how haggard she's made herself these days
No. 467738
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Inadvertently found this when I was looking for something else, but looks like she wants to wear Jill's skin. Her username, even.
No. 467917
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>>467494>>467496>>467507 You anons are missing the fact that pic related is what Jill said party kei was when she "created" the style. So going off of that, >>467489's collage is accurate.
The in your face, neon colored hobo mess she wears now is nothing like what she herself said party kei was supposed to be.
No. 467930
>>467919What are you talking about? Several of the things in anon's collage are directly in jill's drawing. The sleep masks, the ribbons in the hair, the puffy shoes, the top with ribbons.
Jill's "original party kei style" was only ever a shitty ripoff of cult party/fairy kei with some larme touches tossed in.
No. 467978
>>467947Saged for jfashion sperging but no. It's the styling and accessories that set these styles apart, not the colors. Pic related shows decora, fairy kei, and spank!, all in the same color scheme. Decora is all about piling on the accessories in crazy amounts, fairy kei is soft and floaty and feminine, and spank is more sporty/fun/funky. The color scheme is not what sets these styles apart.
Jill's style, the way she originally described it, is a mishmash of elements from larme and fairy kei, but not different enough from either one to be a style on its own. Having slightly more yellow in it does not make it unique.
No. 468089
>>467738At least she doesn't look grimey like our dear Jill, I guess.
>>468028I will never not laugh at these age exaggerations. I wonder if Jill gets pissed when she reads them.
No. 468102
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No. 468206
>>468102I just want to believe that she just does a shitty job at her makeup and it excessively creases, instead of believing that she has horrible wrinkles at the age of 19. If you ignore the deep wrinkles, she actually looks cute, but once you look at her cheeks, chin, and forehead, she morphs like a 40 year old woman. Like, the only thing she has going for her is that she doesn’t have crow’s feet.
The whole “no crow’s feet” thing is why I kinda believe it’s just shitty makeup. The skin is super sensitive around the eyes, so if those were real wrinkles wouldn’t she have crow’s feet too?
No. 468213
>>468206She does have naturally deep nasolabial folds, but they'd be less noticeable if she didn't pull her lips so far back for photos.
The forehead ones are just from her constantly raising her eyebrows, I think. Again, if she didn't pull her eyebrows halfway up her forehead, I think they'd be much less intense.
She really just needs to work on a slight smile with a relaxed face to do for photos. She'd look 5 years younger instantly.
No. 468392
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SAId no one ever
No. 468404
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>>468392in response to this
they did her a favor tbh, I can't imagine the 2 lucky packs would've been that different
No. 468440
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Is the gay agenda starting to fade
No. 468469
>>468452Fake news. He made edgy jokes years ago that were edited to make him look bad. The video was taken down because that is defamation.
Most youtubers are defending him unless you are Onision who hate watches.
No. 468600
>>468537>>468538Anon was suggesting Jill's "gay agenda" is fading because she liked these tweets after Drew tweeted that he regretted saying he was bicurious/thought boys were cute.
Jill is obviously down with that since she just proposed to him a few days ago..
No. 468810
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Whoever she picks for her little "promoting small kawaii people" videos will probably already be popular or have shit taste too. I'd also be super embarrassed if Jill tried to make money off talking about me in a video since about half the people in jfashion know she's a joke.
Also, why hasn't she made a designer dairies video in months? We know why but she looks shitty to her fans who keep asking for sewing videos and she just seemed to abandon the whole series.
No. 468960
>>468452>>468459>>468469I think my only hangup and nitpick about the situation was- on a stream Jill was talking about the Melanie Martinez incident and Jill said she wouldn't know how to react if someone she was a big fan of, and she used Shane as a direct example, did something extremely
problematic. And she said that she would go offline for awhile and not mention it until she could emotionally process what had happened. Which I guess is a pretty mature, mature for Jill, way to handle the situation. And she didn't do that. She immediately ran to twitter.
No. 468978
>>468969Her talking gets more irrating every time even if it isn't all baby talk. Most of it she won't wear and she already had dozens of bags she doesn't use. Waste of money as predicted but now she gets to show off her bunny items for aesehtic.
>"All the rage right now on the streets"Sure, Jill. Keep trying hard to be included in latest jfashion just because you're in a Japanese contest.
No. 468981
>>468969oh my god her hair
I don't know if the roots are just giving it such an illusion, or the smallness of my current screen, but it looks drenched in grease
I usually have a pretty good stomach for such things but fuck, I gagged. How hard would it have been to even just rub a little dry shampoo into that? Or wash the bits outside of the bun in the fucking sink prior to filming/applying make up/whatever. The worst part is knowing that her hair is so fucking fried from over processing, that it must take something fucking extra for it to even produce/hold that much grease
sorry in advance if she just, by some grace of god, put some disgusting amount of product in it or something, and the greasiness is an illusion, but fuck
No. 468989
>>468983>She looks so bad in her current live stream that it's laughable she ended things with mystery girl cos 'she wasn't attracted to her'This is something Jill handled horribly, but ultimately I can't rip on her for. Ending things for a lack of attraction was the best thing to do. And her lack of attraction may not have been physical, some people just don't end up jiving the way they hoped. Personally, I still believe she's only pseudo-attracted to girls (in her mind - if at all) and is, fully, completely, 100% straight. So of course she's gonna end up 'not attracted' to one. Even if in some hypothetical scenario she was sincerely into chicks, there was no way she was gonna end up with the rebound girl with her break up/feelings from a long term relationship still so fresh.
What I do agree to rip on her for is for leading MG on so heavily, breaking things off with little consideration for her/trying to make things seem like nothing was wrong, and not making it clear in her responses to fans that they did break up. (There's a difference between simplified clarification and maintaining privacy). Etc.
And, of course, she still looks like fucking cowcrap regardless of that relationshit. Kek
No. 468992
>>468969>idk what to coord with this thoughThe dungarees you're wearing right now, or literally any pink bottom or jean, just because a shirt is black doesn't make it awkward to work with. She
triggered me far too much with her attitude in this video jc
No. 469051
>>468978“Baccy paccy”
“Liddle blankie”
No. 469055
>>469045ダブル シー ジャパン
incase anyone was wondering. i guess she doesn't like puns.
No. 469072
>>468969"Backy Packy". Gag. And she makes her own sound effects, god I'd forgotten how cringy she is.
Right, I got to the why did you kiss me top. Why is she such a drama queen? She says she doesn't want to talk about private things but is constantly hinting at crap and then gets pissed when her viewers ask her about it.
Did she just say "one night stand bag"
No. 469097
>>468992Yeah that stuff made her sound pretty autistic, I mean she used to wear black and pastel stuff together all the time in the past, so why is she doing this stupid "teheh I only know how to wear pink and rainbys uwu" shit?
Also how does she ever expect to be a fashion designer with this attitude? Does she not ever plan on producing black/neutral garments or something? Will be a great and wearable brand for sure.
No. 469100
>>468990that was weird af, especially since she said it's her 2018 mood
has she already been seeing someone else now or what?
No. 469135
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“This is really cute, but it’s blaacck.”
No. 469165
>>469134based on what we can see her knowledge of fashion history in general is pretty depressing. It seems like she doesn't truly care for learning (as also seen in the Japan Vlogs…) and is oviously much more focused on spending $$$ on stuff she will never use… It'll be interesting to see how college goes for her, maybe merchandising/buying would be more suitable for her than designing.
>>469135this was so irritating! She knew the possibilities and still spent over $100 on gamble items
No. 469202
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>>469196yeah especially since… Jillian used to do this?
I mean granted they're not the most amazing outfits but they're a lot nicer than what she wears now, so like what the hell happened?
No. 469208
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Why can't she wear black? I see no problem with being colorful and still throw some black in. She just wants to live in her baby sugary rainbow fantasy. What a joke
No. 469245
>>469244again with spit noises @ 1:38… how can she not think to edit this stuff out?
sage for same fagging
No. 469246
>>469208She wouldn't even get black outlines on her first tattoo and we all know how that turned out. When people told her she'd need an outline on the upside down wand she wanted a while ago she threw a shitfit about that too. She wants to be a fashion designer so surely she should know not everything can be kawaii uwu pastel.
>>469202She'd seriously look a lot better if she started to mix in black and other neutrals with the rainbow vomit she wears now. These outfits aren't mindblowingly great but she at least seems to understand colour coordination and balance, did she just forget it all when she left lolita?
I could maybe believe that the 13/14 year old girl in those photos that painted her jacket to say fashion monster was really inspired by harajuku/jfashion and wanted to design clothes for a living. But the 19 year old baby talking slob with fried hair that hoards tacky american fast fashion, and settles for a shitty craft college instead of applying to a single proper fashion school in order to be close to mommy, no way. What happened to her?
No. 469258
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tbh I can understand why she doesn't wear black (at least in her videos)
No. 469260
>>468969Maybe I'm just becoming Jill-resistant, but this was the most grating video of hers I've ever watched. Just the way she reacted to the black items, pouting and "buuh, I can't wear this cuz it's not pink!!".
Fucking get over yourself, you can't wear a black sweater? Black goes with everything. It's not like she explicitly didn't like it, like that strawberry milk jumper. Why did you buy a lucky pack if you only want items in one color, she could have just ordered them from the WC store and paid about the same, why spend 100 bucks + shipping + customs fee just to get a tote and a small "blankie".
No. 469265
>>469260that blanket is going to be covered in cat fur in no time, I'm sure her cats already have enough shit to lay around on?
but yeah I guess she totally needed that tote for all her one night stands :^)
No. 469298
>>469258Or she could, and ask her mom to apply the proper aperture, ISO, etc.
But that's not super uwu kawaii desu ~
No. 469365
>>469258>tfw you've been making video for years but still have you camera on auto exposureIt's not that hard. But she's usually too lazy to film cut-aways too and just zooms in on the lens so I guess manual exposure is too much work.
>>469359To be fair, the embroidery was pretty patchy.
No. 469395
>>469388I think it was the Christmas haul where she was sperging out about the navy stripes on that one dress or shirt or something
she said that she might actually start integrating more dark colors
I mean just listen to the fishnet thing in this video, she says it's good they're black and that they're versatile but then she goes back to "but it's not pink : (" anyway
No. 469619
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Holy shit get your nails done.
No. 469705
>>468650SSRI’s are well known to make you fat and lazy. Look what happened to Charms.
Jill still has a chance to lose 60lbs, cut off all her nasty fried hair and regrow it, dump this shit style and get those tattoos removed.
I’m honestly hoping for the timeline shift that she gets hot af and Colin comes begging back. Otherwise she’s full speed to disgusting tumblr sjw people make memes out of.
No. 469709
>>469705>Colin comes begging back Never gonna happen, no matter how hot she gets (as if). Colin broke up with her not because she became a disgusting slob (I mean, possibly partially), but obviously because of basic personality differences/respect issues. We may not have been privy to enough details to know the full truth, but you don't end a long term relationship like that over some less drastic appearances changes (beyond extreme maybe, like morbid obesity or full blown anorexia). The fact that they don't even talk now, even a basic good bye/good terms ending, really says a lot imo. I think he grew disgusted/distanced of her /as a person/ and there's no rekindling the spark, no matter what she changes. Once you see someone's base self in that negative light, it sticks. At best they could become friends again if they were both willing, but that's almost never worth it, and that deffo wouldn't come just from her becoming decent looking.
I'm not rooting for her, at all. She isn't someone who became how they are from a series of unfortunate events. She works against herself and everyone who offers advice the whole way. Her mother enabling her doesn't help, but at the end of the day they're her own choices. Sure, I won't be bitter towards her or anything if she fixes her shit, but she has A LOT of growing to do before anything like that is even remotely possible. With the path she's taking, unless she has some kind of life-changing-epiphany and forces structure into her day to day life, she's still going to be a cow well into her 30s. Her basic life skills are completely shot, and she has no basis to recognize/fix it, being so self absorbed and taking the 'easy' route for everything. She also has a very classicly 'small town' narrow view of the world, I really can't imagine her ever leaving her bubble. I think your
>Otherwise she’s full speed to disgusting tumblr sjw people make memes out of.Is the most likely outcome, lmao. Not even SJW, just full speed disgusting tumblr-tier joke to the rest of the world.
She's gonna go through some mid twenties life crisis when she realizes she can't leach off her family forever and has accomplished absolutely nothing note worthy towards a career. Reality gonna hit her hard, I'm grabbing popcorn years in advance
No. 469765
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>>469721She mentioned in her self harm vid or around that time that her lowest weight during ED was ~90 and her current weight after recovery is ~120. I completely believe it given her height and having seen her irl a few times throughout the years.
So if she lost 60 lbs, then she would weigh 60 lbs, which is beyond unreasonable lol.
>pic related: this must be close to her lowest No. 469783
>>469217>>469773If you re-read the post, you might realize the issue isn't drinking. It's the constant bragging and the fact she publicly takes pride in it.
Sure I know tons of college students who spend years looking like unsocialized retards because their entire identity becomes about partying/drugs/alcohol. It's still pathetic. If you engage in drugs and alcohol occasionally, fine who cares. When it becomes something you cling to as a main topic of discussion on your streams with underage fans, that's whole other ordeal.
No. 469877
>>468969Wanted a generic pink hoodie when she already owns a hoodie
>>466816 just like it
No. 469890
>>469705>Jill still has a chance to lose 60lbsAnon you are an ana-chan
>>469680Even with lesbians?
>>469776I agree
No. 469903
>>469135I don't think I've been this frustrated with Jill before. She bought it knowing most likely that she'd get something black, but feeling like she'd totally get everything pink because she's so special.
Also with what the other anons said, she gets so upset when people bring up Colin yet made a big deal out of that "why did you kiss me" top? It literally doesn't mean anything, it's just Japanese designers putting random English to have a Western appeal. Get over it, Jill.
No. 470029
>>469942What I don't get is that if it's a one night stand why would you even bring a bag like that? Like you're not gonna take that to the club, and if it's a tinder hookup you'd look like an absolute weirdo bringing so much stuff with you lol why does she always have to make everything sexual in like the weirdest ways? Didn't she say her channel is super duper family friendly? Why even make comments like that??
>>469619Omg those are gonna break her entire nail off ugh nasty.
Did anyone else cringe when she got the eye booger off her cat and jammed her entire nail into the cat's eye ball? You could tell the cat was so uncomfortable afterwards, poor thing.
No. 470440
>>470437>sexuallywhich isn't related to gender, it's 2018
anyway, i'm not gonna try to sway how you feel, but can we not derail w/ gender discourse, thanks.
No. 470497
>>468969late but how can a person not have and wear black clothing? does jill not get that she can pair black with all her bright clothes to make decent looking outfits?
>>469942lots of people have little emergency bags they take out/bring with them when they stay the night at someone's place. it's not really gross. (definitely not family friendly though).
>>469976she addressed this on twitter once saying she's a bottom. honestly MG escaped just in time.
>>470288>>470349lesbians like pussy. go back to tumblr. let's not all derail this thread arguing with idiots. (i know i'm being a hypocrite here)
No. 470574
>>468969Alright first off she needs to fix the damn lighting in her room or fix her camera settings, it's looking too bright at times and makes that yellow shelf and her pale skin painful to look at.
>says hat has a stain, but thats her being picky>refused to use a black tulle skirt because it's black>likes shirts with things over the nipples, but feels uncomfortable wearing them>likes the ichigo milk shirt but doesnt like that it's black>rates the lovely girl LG shirt a 2 because it's black>the whole "why did you kiss me" shirt thing was unnecessary. jill, your bitter bitch self is showing>there it is, the "one-night stand" comment… and it's made about the bunny bag all this came from. only you, jill. good luck actually having a one-night stand while carrying that bag>>470029>>470036Between this and her shitty swear-censoring, I'm not surprised that she keeps getting demonitized
>>470497But those are little bags, though. This is a massive bag with a cartoon bunny on it.
>>47054313:22 in the video
No. 470736
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>>468969Forgot to post this
No. 470761
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>>468969i decided to look into the SS she used because i hadn't heard much about them and their fee for picking up an item in real life is 5550 yen. jill paid over 60 bucks canadian for them to pick up this shit for her and she didn't even like half of it
what a waste of money
No. 470774
File: 1516024949450.jpeg (296.58 KB, 750x534, B6F20E96-0A14-491F-9085-423B32…)

Can she’s stop pretending like she loves CCS when it’s just for aesthetic purposes.
No. 470775
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No. 470874
File: 1516033845253.png (589.91 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180115-162952.png)

Taken from her Twitter, I can't believe this is happening.
No. 470884
>>470574oh for sure, they're like little pouches you can throw in your purse, but the concept of a ons bag isn't gross.
>>470874i hope she wins so we can get more milk out of this. she should collab with kelly eden.
No. 470894
>>470874she assumes she's in first place because of this but it doesn't necessarily mean that
we can pray
No. 470899
>>470894It does though? They said "Top 5" and have them ranked.
Kawaii Leader is bs anyway, it would be hilarious if she won and had to be on TV.
No. 470942
>>470874eh was to be expected, I mean most of her fans are 12 years old so of course they have the time and are actually invested enough in this shit to support their idol ~mama pixie uwu~
hope she wins, I mean this is the same girl who's too fucking sleepy to record and publish 2 youtube videos a week even though it's her full time job and who spent her entire trip to Japan eating American fast food
her suddenly acting like she's still sooo interested in J-fashion and dropping Japanese words every video has been cringey enough, can't wait to see her complain about all of this 'hard' work of being a Kawaii Leader
No. 470964
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No. 470968
>>470964lol does Jill ever work out?
I mean if she honestly wants to lose weight she should just cut out the sugar tea, starbucks and mcdonalds and she'd already be off a lot better
No. 471016
>>470736God the way she fucking howled and made sounds with her mouth just because some shirt had a stupid quote pissed me off so damn much. That gif looks like it could turn into a banner.
>>470874I hope she wins and changes her ways. Maybe it will finally give her motivation to lose weight, clean herself better, dye her hair a better color, learn to style herself a little better, be a better person and not the garbage human she's turning out to be. I doubt that will happen, but hey at least there will be milk.
No. 471094
File: 1516047050405.jpg (785.84 KB, 1054x1056, Screenshot_20180115-200824.jpg)

I found this in the party kei tag kek I love how Jill's fans are copying her fried hair aswell as her clothing
No. 471095
File: 1516047147265.jpg (972.5 KB, 1062x1471, Screenshot_20180115-201128.jpg)

So kawaii kek
No. 471148
>>471094>>471095This is honestly so cringey, oh my fucking god. It's so scary to me that there are people out there who actually like the way Jill looks and want to replicate her look. Yikes.
saged for ot
No. 471149
>>470961FUCKING THIS. Ugh, it'll be such a sad day for the jfashion community.
>>470968She said in her latest video that she's working out for the next month and a half? Don't know if she was just joking but she plans on wearing the tees from the lucky pack for her work outs.
I think it's pathetic that she doesn't plan to keep on track when there's permanently a home gym right next to her bedroom lmao.
No. 471379
>>471094>when this fat faced clone doesn't have a double chin, but jill doeshow the fuck does this shit even work
what awful fucking genetics jill must have
No. 471585
>>471094 >>471095
dear god….pls just get a wig or something why do you hate yourselves so much you have to fry your hair along with uwu pixie mama?
i hope they can find their own identity cause copying jill is not a good route
No. 471652
>>471152>>471016That ain't happening, no matter how much we pray for it. Winning would feed her ego to the point of no return, and she's already narcissistic to the point that she never faults herself for anything even when we all know she's a walking shit-stick. Milky or not, she doesn't need an ego boost, she needs it kicked down several notches.
>>471149>>471152Implying she'd even try to keep up with it. I can see her abusing the "it's a rest day!" excuse a lot.
No. 471766
>>469765are you sure she's 5'0? not 5'3 or something like that? i swear i heard someone say she was taller than that in a thread.
i'm 5'0 and its not uncommon for girls where i live to be 5'0 or 5'2. in the pic you posted she does look underweight but not by much (not saying its okay, but i know girls my height &its not that rare for them to be that size). when i was 140 i looked pretty much just like Jill does currently, and jill is probably messing with angles and shit. not trying to be a dick here, but i don't think you know what healthyvsunhealthy looks like in someone that short tbh. not gonna post pics ofc but heres a gallery of 5'0 woman who are 130 and 140 just so anons gets the picture or check mybodygallery too if you like. she's 130 or 140 for sure. she's not obese but she's def not fit, that's all
No. 472291
>>472282holy shit this is putting me to sleep
I'm surprised it's only 17 minutes, it feels like this is an hour long video
No. 472454
>>472282Imo it's kinda weird that she only saved a pin for John and not Kenzie (her other "best friend" according to her) at least? Idk, when I have a zine or any kind of make I usually keep a whole bunch and will give them to any good friend who would like one.
I thought it was very decent that she offered free pins to the people whose orders were cancelled, but she shouldn't have listed all of them in the first place, what if one gets lost or damaged?
No. 472477
File: 1516130766238.png (198.64 KB, 450x384, jejoijijij.png)

this kind of blue/mint actually suits her skintone. now if she could only stop with the rainbow bangs, she'd look 100% cuter. also unpopular opinion but i like this hairstyle a lot. she looks way better without bangs in her face
No. 472623
>>472477I think she'd look 1000x better with blunt across bangs (and as agreed by everyone, solid color)
Ugh, the way her mouth looks in that photo bugs me so much. I see that while she's talking all the time. Does she have a bit of an overbite?
also holy fuck, jill, step away from the highlighter, you look greasy af
get some fucking powder make up or something ew
No. 472845
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I assume the reason we aren't getting a nye video is because of drunkielocks
No. 472867
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No. 472944
>>472867Doesn’t she realize even ~lesbians~ can use birth control???? Like it does so much more for you than antibabypillen…
Also her saying she doesn’t need her antidepressants because she’s happy now….. …. I’m at a loss for words at that entire tweet
No. 473021
>>472845This kind of shit makes me glad my first time drinking was a good time and something I can actually remember.
>>472867>>472868>>472898Can't say I'm surprised, given she's just irresponsible enough to lead on MG well into the most relationship-stressing holidays of the year and still use her as clickbait like she's a high and mighty internet star. But she'd be better off staying on it if she's gonna be sexually active and, if someone's previous stream summary was correct
>>463499 , she's really bi which means she's well within reasonable bounds to get pregnant through her own stupidity. (yes I know condoms exist, but lets be real anyone who has sex with Jill has to be lacking smarts themselves)
No. 473034
>>472998wtf no it's not. there are different kinds and many are actually beneficial
-endo anon who needs birth control or she will be bedridden for 2 days straight.
No. 473055
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>>472867i could be wrong, but didn't anons here say that she couldn't drink a lot while being on meds bc it could fuck her up? could it be that she's giving up her meds so she can keep drinking and partying or is that unlikely? because her quitting meds because "i'm happy now!!!" seems more unlikely. she seriously relapses about how much she misses collin every moth.
>"i'm queer [i'm bi at most but it doesn't sound tumblr enough for me] i don't need it like 50% of the time!">bragging about not being on birth control when you're bi so it doesn't even work and you know it.she wants to be gay/lesbian so bad. even when she was with collin she wanted those GAY UWU points. its not gonna happen jill. stay single and move on. you like hanging at gay bars and you think girls are cute, that's all. fucking bragging about
being so gay that you don't even need to be on birth control anymore AS IF you're not gonna end up with some dickhead in less than 6 months smh.
No. 473113
>>473071Most foods cause cancer now? Wow ok. Also there's the risk of blood clots and other things on birth control. I wouldn't call it "toxic as hell" but it is not the same thing as eating food you dingus.
Anyway, how long does everyone think it'll take before Jill's imminent breakdown? How long does it take to feel the effects of quitting these meds?
No. 473155
>>473113When I ran out of my scrip for Citalopram and Methotrimeprazine, it took me about 3 days before I felt like a complete train wreck. Physically and mentally.
Years back when I went off of Seroquel, it took roughly the same amount of time. It ended up with me being Section 1'd to the hospital's psych ward) (in New Brunswick, though it doesn't matter, so…
Hopefully she won't be a stupid twit about it, and do it properly.
No. 473226
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No. 473313
>>472867>has been with guys for most of her life>"well technically I don't need it 50% of the time!! uwu"uh so either she's desperate for those queer acceptance points to a pathetic degree or she thinks quitting birth control will help her lose weight or some shit
she constantly goes on about how well she's off and then she doesn't have money for something actually important?
I mean yeah sure like other anons said it's fine if she wants to go quit birth control but her reasoning for it is just incredibly stupid
No. 473328
>>473327I wouldn't have too. Last thing you know and he wants to rework it himself. The horror.
Seriously the original thing was a mess.
No. 473537
>>473527Considering Jillian's dad is a university professor, I would assume he has good insurance. I'm not entirely sure but from my experience with insurance, parents can claim you as a dependent up until 21 OR older than that if you are still a student or completely financially dependent upon them.
So, since Jillian has a job and isn't in school, I'm assuming she wouldn't qualify for her dad's insurance coverage anymore.
I could be wrong, but in my experience this has been the case.
As well, in terms of cost it depends on the type of BC and whether or not you opt for the brand name or generic version.
However, PEI does have a generic drug program available if you don't have private insurance. From their website, "The Prince Edward Island Generic Drug Program is for Islanders under the age of 65 who do not have insurance. The program limits out-of-pocket costs for eligible generic prescription drugs to a maximum cost of $19.95."
So, if Jillian took advantage of this, her BC would never cost more than $19.95 a month.
Sage for blog post.
No. 473570
File: 1516215478306.png (28.81 KB, 575x154, tweet.png)

lol so the literal translation of this is "having Jon sleep over makes me forget all about Colin~ uwu" right?
No. 473629
>>473390Its a mood stabiliser in the sense that it helps people with bipolar, not like an antidepressant
Its not prescribed for depression ever, could she be bipolar?? Would make sense of the crazy spending and stuff
No. 473635
>>473631I wonder if its undiagnosed
Tbh in my experience physiatrists put all sad kids on seroquel for some reason
No. 473654
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I wonder if YouTube’s new policies will effect her
No. 473658
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I found this interesting kek
No. 473668
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I fail to see how constantly napping and consuming is out of her comfort zone but okay
No. 473823
>>473818yeah agreed, none of them have anything special about them
also lol at how she isn't even subscribed to the Heather chick herself
No. 473831
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>>472867First off, you're not queer Jill, so fucking STOP.
Second, many women (and lesbians, what a shocker) use birth control for other reasons, including controlling acne and stopping the massive pains and cramps from having a period. I hate this ignorant bitch.
No. 473834
>>473806She puts minimum effort into her youtube yet she wants to talk about people who hussle and work hard?
>>473818Wouldn't expect it any other way. She also picked at least 2 people who follow her too.
And I hate that Heather Sparkles girl. She tries too hard to be fairy kei and still isn't because she thinks pink hair and spending $100+ on a sweater worth 10 makes her relevent to Jfashion. But she does seem to sit at home all day and add every irrelevant thing she does to her social media so I can see why Jill would support her.
No. 473976
File: 1516239525270.png (1.66 MB, 1080x1818, 20180117_203721.png)

Gay bricks ok
No. 474023
>>473976>>474004i agree, it seems just like the pink colorful version of whats in style rn. its still not my taste, but its definitely palatable and a good style for jill.
the backpack does bother me tho, it looks so deflated? at least throw some stuff in it before taking the pic so it looks like its actually being used
No. 474076
File: 1516244279876.png (1.35 MB, 1080x1528, IMG_20180117_205511.png)

One of the girls she recommended can't change photo expressions due to her stereotypical bad British teeth filling her mouth lol.
No. 474081
>>474076something i will never understand about farmers is that they always seem to belittle and demean people who are not even the topic of discussion
i swear i hate this thread sometimes
No. 474083
>>473668god shes so two faced, not sure if it was posted here but she commented "youre digging your own grave" or something like that on the podcast of ethan saying the n word and talked about how she was unstanning, yet now here she is buying their merch
also speaking of the n word she's still following pewdiepie on twitter
>>472867another example of being two faced, its funny how she talks about being a trans ally yet she constantly talks in a way that shows she thinks genitalia=gender, when in reality she could still consider herself 'queer' while dating a trans woman who you'd need bc/condoms to have sex with
i mean yeah her ex was cis but like jill if youre trying to appeal to the queer tumblr crowd you should stop saying stuff like this
No. 474085
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>>472867wtf this is so awful. Also depending on her dose it could take her over a year to down dose and "get off" seroquel
No. 474191
>>473976neckless goblin inspo
a completely inappropriate outfit considering the temperatures lately, i live in the northern us and its been in the single digits here, no way shes not immensely uncomfortable.
No. 474193
>>473527>>473537like the other anon said, it depends on your parents' insurance. my mom is a government employee and i can be covered under her insurance so long as i'm a full-time student and up until i'm 24.
jill isn't in school so she gets nothing aside from whatever her provincial health care plan covers. things like prescription meds/dental/oral surgery aren't covered under the health care act. she's probably just too lazy to remember to take all those meds consistently so she figured she might as well go off birth control and came up with a bs reason for it.
No. 474244
>>473976rest in pieces glitter boots, we hardly knew ye
>>473654oh god if only, but im sure she'd either double down on making videos or open a patreon account to bullshit more viewers into donating to to make money
>>474196implying anything jill is wearing is "fine" to wear anywhere
No. 474253
>only 50% of the timethis…doesn't make sense to me. her logic would make sense if she had decided she was a lesbian because then yes in theory she wouldn't need birth control since she wouldn't be at risk for pregnancy (unless she took it for other medical reasons) but if she's still willing to mess around with dudes "50%" of the time then wouldn't she still need it??? is she going to stop taking it when she's with a girl and then start taking it again when she's with a guy? is she just gonna rely on things like condoms? why stop taking it just because you sometimes date girls?
that just seems stupid
No. 474408
>>473654I interpreted this as "must have 4000 hours of content published within the last 12 months" which would make it pretty much impossible to stay monetized.
Is this meant to be 4000 hours of VIEWS within 12 months activates a channel's demonetization?
>>474191>>474005What are you guys talking about? lol this is perfectly standard Canadian winter wear for younger women. Those kinds of boots (in black obviously) is what many girls wear despite heavy snow and it has been absolutely freezing in recent weeks, to the point that news articles were pointing out some Canadian cities were colder than Antarctica and Mars. If anything, I've seen that Lazy Oaf coat in person and I know it's not warm enough for her to be outside for any extended amount of time in the current weather. Farmers nitpick the weirdest shit.
No. 474413
>>474408>>474196>>474191I live on PEI, and the temperatures have been fluctuating a LOT lately. We don't know exactly when Jillian took that photo, but to give a bit of reference last Saturday went all the way up to 17°C, then turned bitterly cold, and today it's -3°C (which isn't very cold for Canadians, she could wear that outfit and feel fine).
It's not as if she was doing any walking or winter activities in that outfit and boots…we all know she's too lazy for that. Being in the car and making a quick dash in and out of Michael's you could wear a damn hoodie and sneakers honestly.
No. 474470
>>474430seriously though; she drops enough money on make up to get fucking VIB Rouge status, seems to spend at least a couple hundreds on clothing a month but is too cheap to go to a fucking hairdresser??
the last time she went was last March before her Nippon trip and even then it was just some tumblr special snowflake who gave her a shitty rainbow dye job and probably didn't even trim her hair
how can you invest so much time and money in fashion and make up but be so lazy when it comes to your hair? this is beyond my comprehension
No. 474562
>>473976this HAS to be the worst I've seen her hair. this is the most disgusting I've ever seen anyone's hair look, actually. it actually made me gag.
PLEASE wash your fucking hair, Jill.
No. 475252
>>473668I'm surprised h3h3 isn't too
problematic for her. Hasn't she dumped makeup brands for having ~problematique~ founders, or am I thinking of another cow?
(teddy fresh is hila klein's brand, ethan/h3h3's wife)
No. 475367
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guess she's visiting NYC
also that whole Drew thing is getting pretty creepy
No. 475376
>>475252>implying Jill actually cares and doesn't just front for her audiencelel
But they're really not that
problematic as far as their niche goes, except for Ethan's edgelord moments.
No. 475431
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No. 475437
File: 1516380139940.png (1.9 MB, 1622x952, Screen Shot 2018-01-19 at 12.4…)

Why doesn't her nail tech shape her nail beds at all? Her ring finger is so wonky.
No. 475446
>>475437Holy shit they are so bad and talk about bubbly/thick!!??
I'm fairly certain the only reason Jillian goes to Papercakes Pretty is because she's also the "I love cute things/full on tumblr retard" type.
There are PLENTY of other nail techs on the island who offer higher quality services but I guess Jillian doesn't want to step out of her UWU ~KAWAII~ comfort zone where she can play Animal Crossing with her fucking nose.
No. 475458
>>475437these are awful. i have been getting gel extensions for 2 years and i would slap my tech if they looked like this. and why the fuck did she get vday nails NOW? she's going to have to get them redone in 2 weeks so she's not even going to have them, unless she's gross and doesn't get a fill. i know they're not extensions but they'll grow out and look gross and lift and she'll probably just pick them off.
aside from the obvious technical issues the design itself is not good.
No. 475461
File: 1516383130963.png (1.18 MB, 856x790, yikes.png)

>>473976is this the first time she's worn these jeans since she got them??
No. 475464
>>475461I was thinking the same and I guess yes, bc I can't recall seeing her wearing them since the tokyo trip.
And looking at those two pics just shows how disgusting her hair is damn Jill love yourself.
>can't believe that it will be almost one year since we witnessed this disaster of a trip. No. 475466
shit you're right! i didn't realize she hadn't changed them(not sure why, we know she'd have posted about it, and they're not super visible in videos. man that must look awful.
No. 475475
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>>475367she's starting to remind me of that thing fuccbois do, like "teheh I'm just kidding I don't want you to actually marry me Drew I'm just so quirky uwu" but if he suddenly said he actually wanted to she'd be all over that shit lol
No. 475493
File: 1516386414091.jpg (7.56 MB, 4317x4317, pixlr_20180119182513418.jpg)

Sage for ot. But does anyone think drew monson looks like her brother? I find it kinda creepy.
No. 475521
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No. 475529
>>475493That's fucked up anon, how could you
>>475461Throwback to that one time Jill's hair got dyed by a professional and didn't look terrible
No. 475545
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>>473976sage for bad shoop but without the stickers and hair, this wouldn't be near as bad imo.
No. 475659
>>475531can we fucking stop with this seroquel shit already
YES, you had to taper down for BIPOLAR, which means you had a way higher dose. it's not a big deal in the babby sleep issue dose, jesus christ. jill doesn't have bipolar, end discussion
let's move on already
No. 475803
>>475784I used to be a fan of Jillian's, but when she made it known she was a fan of Tana Mongeau I jumped ship.
Anyone who sees Tana as anything other than the flaming pile of shit she is, is just as bad.
No. 475851
>>475806I don't know, I think it's a pretty good comparison, kek. At least the little girl is cuter than Jill. This
is lolcow, my friend.
No. 475894
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>>475376I honestly don't mind h3h3 but like the other anon said, ethan is an edgelord and sometimes gets uncomfortably close to genuine racism when he tries hard to be anti-SJW/anti-PC. I'm just honestly really surprised no one has bugged her about it, I'd genuinely be interested in seeing her defend the idubbbz podcast… he was so excited to repeat "n
ggerfggot" over and over that even Ian got uncomfortable.
It's like seeing a vegan wear leather. Nobody really gives a shit at the end of the day, but it might be milky to see her try and defend or excuse it kek. I'd try it but that's probably cow tipping, it has to happen organically.
No. 475994
>>475981lmao thats so fucking weird
what the fuck
why would you post something like this of yourself
unless its a ss but still what the fuck why is it like that
its like shes a 90 y/o woman who had a stroke and that part of her face is now paralyzed and cant hold itself up, but forgot to smooth that bit out with photoshop
No. 476098
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lol @ her realizing Jon is her only friend around
No. 476168
>>476151looking at her wardrobe like this really shows how incohesive it is
she has every pastel/bright rainbow color but then basically no neutrals, of course all her outfits will turn out horrible
but I guess it's more important that it looks like a kawaii rainbe in her room uwu
No. 476187
>>476184yeah idk man, I mean she has the same problem with shoes which isn't even related to her weight
she just never takes her measurements and just kinda seems to guess?
I'm not sure why she's still so bad at this even after ordering clothing online for years lol
No. 476194
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>wanna do look books with this
>Afraid to wear it because it feels so delicate
But that looks like a nightie?
No. 476203
>>476151I don't have many light clothes, but she has so many things with stains on them…be more careful with your things or learn how to use a tide pen.
She also really needs some neutrals, some whites and greys would make a big difference.
No. 476238
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I stumbled upon a more pleasant version of Jill. They have the same Puppy surprise, Betsy Johnson bag, tattoo style, and probably other things. Surprised she's not in Jill's creators video, don't know if she has milk or something.
No. 476245
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>>476151"one outfit I've been planning to do a photoshoot with here" how does she consistently come up with such awful outfits oh my god
No. 476262
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Spotted in the new Facebook group that Jill created… Someone needs to stop her fans
No. 476269
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Oh my god Confetti Club is worse than Party Kei
No. 476271
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No. 476272
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No. 476277
their wedding, they could get married wearing each other's skin if they wanted to. Why do you even care
No. 476289
>>476184>>476187She's never had to seriously budget so she's never impulse bought something and then had real world consequences. She doesn't have to be careful about what she buys because it doesn't matter if she fucks up, and the rush of spending money on something she ~ totally needs guys~ is what she's actually after. Not whatever she's buying. You learn to be careful really quickly after fucking up a big purchase that you had to scrimp and save to afford. Louise is always bailing her out even when she does fuck up, like with the irregular choice shoes, so she never learns.
You can tell how little she cares for the material goods she has. She constantly lets her clothes and shoes get ruined. She doesn't appreciate them because she's spoiled.
No. 476291
>>476277It was just a personal opinion somebody was making anon, chill.
I think it could have been done better to look more appealing. Hey, maybe the venue was decorated in a really nice and cool way, but the bride and groom just look kind of sloppy.
No. 476305
>>476300just take shit to the bad outfit thread on /ot/
they're not milky, just average fugly uwu nonbinary 'lolitas are lovelies' types of tumblr weebs.
No. 476322
>>476273He's wearing a pixel tie and she's holding a pokeball bouquet, I don't think they were going for traditional.
>>476275It's worse because this skirt seems to be her
only piece with black in it.
No. 476324
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>>475493i dont know which one is which
No. 476349
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I found this jem on insta
No. 476400
>>475496Glad I'm not the only one who sees it. I don't think she realizes that her brother looks him lol
>>476324The top two are drew monson and the bottom ones are her brother.
>>476151Watching this video made me realise she doesn't even have thaaat much clothes it's just how fast she gets rid of them. Nothing she has is going to be in her collection very long until she decides to change her "aesthetic".
No. 476444
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No. 476509
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>>476444Why does she look like Amy Poehler in Mean Girls got attacked by someone wielding every color of Manic Panic
No. 476689
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>>476611>>476537hollo confotto clob
ot os poxie
No. 476714
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just skipping through the new video this caught my eye - are those large gaps in the shoulder/pit area supposed to be like that? it also looks like a bunch of the thread on the right is pulled out.
No. 476817
>>476151If she hated being a lolita so much, why is she doing a Jan 2018 wardrobe post.
She's like a downsey bootleg lolita.
No. 476912
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The #partykei tag is so lulzy
No. 476944
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pic related is ugly as sin imo but without the jacket at least it matches, something even jill can't do
No. 476969
>>476151anyone else notice how she mentioned the Lary thing on the shirt
"everyone keeps saying it looks like lary instead of lazy!"
>everybody as in lolcow kek No. 477024
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No. 481736
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From confetti club
Do jill’s fans actually think she’s knows how to sew a lining? Yeesh.