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No. 255155
Jillian Vessey is a DID (Dissociative Personality Disorder) LARPer who trivializes mental health and sugar coats every single bad trait of hers while hyping up a dubious diagnostic impression that she paid copious amounts of bucks for.
She happily accepted her ~life changing~ diagnostic impression (NOT a real diagnosis!) with a "coming out as DID" celebratory cake, but struggled to maintain the LARP after only two weeks. The number of alters keep piling up and she doesn’t seem to stop anytime soon.
>Began her lolcow run as a "pansexual" lolita lifestyler who rage-quitted due to LACE drama and ~muh restrictive rules~>Is most well known as the creator of the Confetti Club, a group of skinwalking fans that wear “Party-Kei” style, a weeaboo fashion she invented and no longer personally wears. She currently looks like an overweight clown.>Known lurker.>Extremely sensitive.>Terminally online.>History of ED, mental illness, and self-harm.>Very notorious attention whore. Always overstates her abilities in a delusional way and barely puts any effort. >Runs a youtube channel with an inconsistent schedule that went from doing fashion related videos to mostly "mental illness" content, alienating most of her fans.>Has multiple inconsistencies in her DID story and lore. Will change or forget key details about her trauma origin story or her alters. She also tends to deny the bad parts of her mental illnesses.>Started deliberately age regressing while smoking weed not too long ago. Cannot put the weed down.General info:
>Loves toying with the idea of having multiple mental illnesses, will google all of them and see which criteria she fills in the most / makes her look more special. Thus, results in obvious faking.>Frivolously spends money (including the money she receives from her parents) on “ethical” -take it with a grain of salt- items, including clothes, makeup and other shit for any new trend she gets into. Nevertheless, she still is a big consumer of plastic crap and will cut corners whenever possible.>Claims she makes enough money from Youtube despite complaining about demonetization on her videos; will often post/tell the cost of things to show off how much she had spent (as a brag). >Is an extreme narcissist; regularly thinks of herself to be the best/have superior skills in many aspects like fandom and fashion designing despite her skills, knowledge, and results of projects proving otherwise. She’s also a massive attention whore and very self-centered, never listens to others and only cares about her own faked struggles. Disregards any criticism as “hate”.>Refuses to get a real job and relies on video monetization and Patreon donations to keep her afloat despite offering poor incentives for supporting her. Heavily pushes her "full-time Youtuber" title even though she fails to keep up a consistent upload schedule and keep solid engaging content beyond hauls and bullshit vlogs full of ramblings. Continues to post mental health related content, and her fans are steadily unfollowing her.>Opts for "self-care" rather than working on her videos and other projects; defines self-care as doing nothing but taking baths with Lush bathbombs and laying in bed all day. She will take meds without even verifying she needs them or not, or stop them without further medical advice. Other questionable “self-care” and “mental health” content has been noted.>Thinks having an enabling counselor = actual therapy. Said counselor quitted and moved provinces only 1 year after treating her and giving her the DID diagnostic impression. Jillian continues to lie and fake all kinds of symptoms to prove she’s sick, slowly transforming into a full-blown munchie. Believes her own lies on the matter so much so that she thinks she’s knowledgeable enough to advise others on the matter.>Extremely thin-skinned and defensive of herself, will either delete comments, videos, or tweets that dare question her and act passive-aggressive about it on Twitter. Will also e-bully anyone she doesn’t like or goes against her ideas.>Has kept a total of five past relationships in her life, all ending in drama; tends to use partners as accessories when beneficial to her image. Somehow, all her male exes end up looking like the current aesthetic she’s into at the moment of dating. >Has claimed that her DeviantArt Ex-girlfriend she kept in amicable contact with for a while right after breaking up “abused her for months”. Said claim has been proven false.>She now claims every abuser of hers has been female, even though she has heavily mistreated her past two girlfriends. She broke off with her most recent ex girlfriend, Mystery Girl, around Christmas 2018, because she “was no longer attracted to her”. She kept the Christmas presents that she would otherwise would had given her, to herself.>Her previous friendships almost always have end up in drama. Rumors of her sleeping with the guy that one of her ex-friends liked at a New Year’s party have circulated. Besides that, she has also said in a video that she stripped in front of Steven and his ex-girlfriend Maggie at some point in a get-together. Even her fans found this weird.>Formerly identified as pansexual, then queer, then claimed to be “too into dick to be a lesbian” while dating a woman; currently lives inside her rainbow house with her boyfriend Stephen Clarke. Now both Steven and Jillian identify as nonbinary and pansexual. It is worth mentioning one of her exes also became nonbinary and pansexual shortly after dating her. Steven is currently hinting to a very obvious MTF transition despite having a christian family, which will prove beneficial to Jill, since she wants to roleplay being a lesbian very bad.>Steven Clarke, Jillian’s current boyfriend, enables all of Jillian delusions and pushes age regression onto others, not only Jill. He is porn addicted and extremely terminally online. >Relies too much on other people, including her mother and her partners. Will interact with content creators she likes in a creepy, harassing way. >Claims to be family-friendly, but makes poor attempts to censor herself, has made sexual innuendo in her videos and social media despite knowing she has a largely underage audience. Recently started tagging posts with the age regression hashtag.>Her “angel therapist”, Jedediah M, was a Jillian’s therapist despite only having 1 year of previous counseling experience. Note that Steven was the one to contact Jed for Jillian’s therapy. He’s a “male witch” and a “drag queen” in his spare time, hence why Jillian got so obsessed with him. He moved provinces just a year after treating her, which made Jillian “grieve like someone dear to her died” for weeks, very unhealthy and unprofessional of any therapist. >Jilly started her own brand, 5 petal flower, months before graduating from her glorified Canadian craft school. She plans to sell badly put together Lazy Oaf knock offs despite her work being labeled as “inconsistent” by her teachers because she was mostly distracted with stim toys found on her sewing table. The only work she has produced so far was a collaboration with a small brand that mostly resells chinese aliexpress items and a very cheap and ugly looking bridal dress for her cousin.>Very irresponsible pet owner. Nearly killed her cat by having tinsel hanging around on the floor, the cat almost choking to death. She still keeps this choking hazard where the same cat can reach it for years after the incident. Never seems to clean her pet’s space, you can see cat shit and cat fur all over her house in her videos and selfies. >She tries to prove she’s mentally ill in any way possible, including always mentioning her stims, dissociation, posting edgy lyrics, wearing a t-shirt that reminds her of suicidal ideation, and pretending she can only eat one type of food. Pretends she “never lies”, “doesn’t understand sarcasm” and other autism/neurodivergent LARPing on Twitter. She wants to be mentally ill very bad and will often spread misinformation about it on her socials.>Uses her alters to hold at least one of her personality traits or past times instead of realizing she can be a normal and full-fledged adult woman with hobbies and emotions. Will defend using emojis to sign off as each alter, to the point of harassing others off platforms if they don’t agree with her usage. She also talks in third person to herself while pretending to be an alter on her DMs, twitter, and on picture captions, calling herself “handsome” or “pretty”.>Will claim as many labels as possible, some of them are: Queer, lesbian, nonbinary, FTM, pansexual, emo, rainbow, intersex, fashion designer, magical girl, full time youtuber, neurodivergent, autistic, BPD, DID system, witch, kawaii, drag queen. In reality, she’s just a spoiled dumb girl.>Has been consuming a lot of alcohol and weed in a questionable way, anons wonder if her dissociation is merely caused by substance abuse. She bragged about the liquor store knowing who she is. She pushes weed as a magical cure-it-all for adults and children on her twitter full of underage fans.>Ran over a deer on July 2022 and while originally saying she had no trauma from it, milked the accident dry for pity points, calling it a “near death experience” and claiming “multiple ptsd symptoms” from it. Her boyfriend Steven really pushed the idea of creating another alter to deal out of the situation, but nothing came out of that.>Recently got into bio drag queening, changed her twitter description days before her first performance even went live. Danced like a crazy woman to a Steven Universe and a MCR song on her first performance. She’s now fully accepting the drag queen label with a lot of self-importance and yet again overstating her abilities with barely any experience.>Has cancelled 2 Drag Queen “gigs” so far. But still posts on tiktok saying she’s a valid drag queen.MEET THE ALTERS:
>Jillian: Actual person, but calls herself an alter for the heck of it. Hates being called “Jilly”. Says she can't hear her "brain folk" when she's experiencing trauma, Jillian is the only one who fronts in those situations, defeating the whole purpose of having alters and having DID.>Jerrick: 13-16 year old emo guy, who has supposedly been around for 12 years, conveniently holds all her bad bpd traits. Signs off with a snake emoji.>Veronica: Horny alter, 20 years old, calls herself a lesbian (even though she’s dating a man), she is a “protector of sexual trauma”, says she had to become a fuckable bimbo because she was “raped for months”. Signs off with a flame emoji.>Berry (Nicknamed “Babby Smalls”): Talks and acts like a baby. Proof that Jillian is into age regression. Is always “co-fronting” in some way. Had its name previously withheld for “safety reasons”. Signs off with a strawberry.>Cliffe: 35 year old old man. Her "homosexual assistant" A mix between her dad and Sasha Velour. Looks like Mr. Bruce. Somehow too old for social media, but responsible enough to come out when she does taxes. The emoji is a club. >Flora: A “fragment” slowly morphing into a real alter, and a carbon copy of cure flora / other positive precure characters. She is a blonde sweet lolita. Sign off emoji is a cherry blossom. >Jax: 19 year old “character salad” that speaks and types with a Brooklyn accent. She's a fictive of Harley Quinn (Batman), Jinx (Arcane), and Spinel (Steven Universe). Apparently was born from watching arcane while having major trauma. Jillian called her “hypersexual”. Signs with a test tube emoji. >sandwich emoji: Cat alter, represents how lost she felt moving to a new city. Not much else is currently known about it.>Amanda: Sneakingly revealed in a vlog. Jillian has bracelets and necklaces with the names of her alters, and this name appeared alongside them in a row of alter names. Note that Jillian’s second name is actually Amanda. Turned out to be the other “far away” age regression alter that uses the piano emoji.**Note: The DID saga officially starts in
>>252859 "I only match people's energy/tone"
>>252861 salt
>>252865 more salt
>>252876 video screenshot talking about the thread
>>252887 rages at a youtube comment
>>252905 twitter user says "I thought you said you checked the site once?"
>>252914 "um I haven't looked in a long time"
>>252936 >muh memory gaps make me hard to remember uwu
>>252935 looks smug and happy about making her own gossip video
>>252954 changed her youtube channel description to include things about her "diagnosis"
>>252956 bad ratio
>>252958 comments on her video
>>252966 cousin commented
>>252973 going at it on twitter
>>253022 "I'm glad you understand now!!! TT-TT"
>>253037 acts like rainbow and sunshine yet again
>>253054 social blade
>>253089 results of youtube when searching her username (drama related)
>>253134 advertises the video on tiktok
>>253146 "Feeling a lot of love uwu"
>>253268 "Hope you find a warm sunshine day uwu"
>>253286 Says her life has only been sunshine and rainbows
>>253369 "If the event removed you because they were worried how come no one announced you wouldn't be there?"
>>253570 views on her lolcow video not looking good
>>253642 narc wants a tv show kek
>>253649 more ideas she won't do
>>253744 villiany drag tiktok
>>253749 "I'm going to be the prettiest girl at the party" tiktok
>>253781 "In the middle of a BPD episode" tiktok (calls herself the devil)
>>253810 cow crossover
>>253933 funny comment
>>254048 schizophrenia bread crumbs
>>254107 Vangelina asks her what points being made about her are false
>>254310 autism bread crumbs
>>254312 she loves internet drama
>>254323 audience is mainly female (what else did you expect retard)
>>254345 "can you please not u_u" said to Vangelina
>>254347 again talking about psychologists diagnosing her
>>254348 pixielocks pretends to not see the Vangelina DMs
>>254418 Diagnostic Impression (again)
>>254439 close up
>>254451 more autism bread crumbs
>>254467 she's written like Jillian Pixie Vessey
>>254503 bpd is so quirky guys uwu
>>254509 reminder she's a bad person
>>254512 keeps saying her autism diagnosis is encouraged by experts
>>254530 Trying to profit off of traumatized people's pain is so immoral (hypocrite)
>>254544 All I've ever wanted was to be left alone.
>>254656 says her child alter doesn't let her cook or some shit
>>254662 ABLAZE makes a video on her
>>254672 Said video is here
>>254687 "This is not the gotcha you think it is"
>>254691 Comment on the Ablaze video
>>254693 and more comments on the Ablaze video
>>254695 More Jillian Hypocrisy
>>254733 more "stimming"
>>254889 Some weird ass discussion about Jillian's feet (too long didn't check: Jillian might be posting defending herself on here)
>>254899 same shit
>>254922 More importantly: Her writing matches the picture's writing>>254924 see above
>>254936 Weird coincidence: she likes censoring her own feet (but it's fine on lolcow?)
>>254964 Feet analyst ???????? spergery
>>255001 Vangelina gets backlash and rude comments from Jill, Vangelina says: I'm met with these tweets and emotionally manipulative DMs"
>>255002 Jillian says Vangelina skov suck my ass challenge, between other things
>>255004 see above
>>255005 More Jillian being nasty (must check)
>>255018 Jillian says she will release DMs, Vangelina will release them first
>>255024 Livestream with Vangelina happens
>>255025 Meanwhile Steven doesn't curr
>>255026 Funny Maggie tweet
>>255041 Someone says they went to school with Steven
>>255039 Vangelina shares the DMs: part 1
>>255040 part 2
>>255044 Someone said she's a trainwreck irl
>>255048 part 3
>>255052 part 4
>>255060 part 5
>>255061 part 6
>>255071 part 7
>>255073 part 8
>>255080 Another DID faker girl that Jill befriended last year was on the livestream
>>255084 part 9
>>255085 part 10
>>255096 DID girl doesn't like Jill's larp
Social Media & Other Links:
Youtube: 2: (used to be @pixieespam)
Twitter (Main): #2 (“Jerrick” alter): #3 (“Veronica” alter): Tiktok: Current Tiktok: TikTok: Second Tiktok for her alters: Page #1: Page #2: Girls Instagram: Girls Facebook Page: Deviantart: Blog:
http://pixie-locks.blogspot.comDrag Facebook page: No. 255161
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>>255159Well, Jill is online, sooo
Maybe she contacted her
No. 255171
>>255170Vangelina said that she's cover stuff she can back up with Jill's own words. I believe her twitter has enough material to make these contradictions.
The milkmas is upon us.
No. 255175
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a milkmas miracle
No. 255178
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Most recent comments on jills lolcow video that are the most liked (and not deleted yet)
No. 255181
>>255180she didn't, Alyssa is female, they're confusing it with Steven's troon antics
>>255179she hasn't done that, that person is just retarded
No. 255210
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posting this here too, all the DMs between Jilly and Vangelina
No. 255212
>>255191Maybe the commenter read about Jill basically outing mystery girl to her parents before dumping her and interpreted “outing” as a trans thing rather than a gay thing because everything revolves around trans now.
Either way Jill is 100% straight and only into dick.
No. 255219
>>255210I wonder what parts of this we would've seen had Jill posted them. I doubt she'd post the whole thing.
Does anyone else feel like the reasons why she deleted the tweets at vangelina is so she can claim they're faked as well? Curious what her motivation was for deleting them.
She just has the best oppertunity of her life to correct these things. She could've showed her diagnosis to vangelina with the request the image not be shared (she seems reasonable, I doubt she would've broken trust on this). She could've discussed falsehoods, corrected what really happened on things. It's so telling she refuses to.
No. 255221
>>255219Ngl I wonder if Jill just fucked up and thought she was posting in circles on her villainy account because it's very obvious and public. Judging by the screencaps those tweets were up for at least 20 hours, I usually screencap drama from twitter but I wasn't online yesterday and nobody else screencapped them and posted them on lolcow.
Vangelina said she didn't contact Jill after that, so Jill probably realized she fucked up hard when she saw this.
No. 255244
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Yeah, the schizo tranny is back to shitpost lol.
Report, ignore, Jill is just pretending Vangelina didn't post screencaps so we'll have to wait for milk
No. 255252
>>255210I think Jill is starting to realize she’s backed herself into a corner. She either has to go hard on the DID, which would mean giving up her cushy life to keep her lie going and live at home with her parents, or she has to pull back on the lie, figure out a way to get out of it and make new content. Even if she doesn’t admit to the lie and just kind of stops talking about it, the skeptics will still keep saying she lied.
If she was smart she’d get off the internet completely for a month or 2, figure out a rebranding, work on herself (or say she did) and say that she worked with a therapist and realized she doesn’t actually have DID, it was due to her BPD/weed or whatever it is. Apologize and promise to work on her mental health while pivoting her content to other stuff. But she won’t do that because she’s afraid to admit she lied.
No. 255258
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we're getting close nonnies. I still have to input past jesus comments.
No. 255266
>>255244 Jill you only care cause now they are special snowflakes and with fat characters.
>>255222 My money is in she will claim ignorance. Probability is going to say, this was so traumatic that she black out and one of her alters was just defending her.
No. 255282
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Happy milkmas everyone!
No. 255285
>>255282Based work
nonnie, the only decent post in the last hour
No. 255296
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>>255258>>255262Ok now we're even closer than before. Same as last time. Jesus on left, Jill on right.
No. 255297
>>255221This is a habit for her, she sees red and flies off the handle then when she has calmed down she realises oh shit this isn’t what I should have posted. I bet she will blame it on Jerrick being a traumatised minor who can’t be held accountable and say she Jillian the sweet angel talked him down and convinced him to delete.
>>255254“I’m defensive” but those tweets are Jerrick. Once again losing track of who is supposed to have said what.
No. 255314
>>255298I think that her blaming Veronica for being drama hungry would still be taking too much personal responsibility by Jill’s standards. She invented Jerrick as an asshole bully outlet but then justifies it as him only being mean to people who deserve it and anyway he’s scawed and a minor who needs to be protected uwu. Veronica is a bitch who loves drama but she’s part of Jill and Jill can’t possibly do anything wrong, not
really, so surely Veronica only loves harmless drama and I bet she’s a total sweetie deep down! Even the alters she uses to deflect criticism for bad behaviour need to be shielded from criticism. Because the alters are Jill, and Jill can’t take criticism. It’s hilariously transparent and someone should write it up into a case study.
>>255306Denial, then hinting at a hidden evil farmer alter, then justifying the farmer alter, then denial again. I’m hoping she’ll throw Steve under the bus (it’s what he deserves) but I’m not betting on it.
No. 255326
>>255210Reminder that when Vangelina said that she was at her brother's birthday, Jillybean posted the
>"Suck my ass challenge"Tweet, and then she proceeded to go full retard by saying that she wasn't being aggressive, just defensive. How does that even make sense? Like girl, just admit you went full retard and that now that you dug your hole, you will have to stay in there.
I just can't believe how stupid is this fat cow, she must've been high as a kite when she was talking with Vangelina or some shit, because anyone with half a brain could've noticed that it wasn't the right time to be so fucking stupid and aggressive, like come on, it was the perfect opportunity to be a kawiwi rainbii retard and post "stimming" videos or uwu I'm so anxious I'm "stimming" tweets or some shit.
Jesus fuck how is this retard alive?
No. 255328
>>255321It's this subhuman creature >>255259
and I don't know if we need a warning image for those who can't recognize his posts by this point.
No. 255365
>>255359Don't let them see your weakness,
No. 255378
>Mom help I'm so switchy and blacking out call the cyberpolice>>255375Jill always sticks her tongue out in her videos so it will be easy to compare even if she uses a filter
No. 255382
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>>255244Am i missing some fucking context here, jilly why are you interested in children?
Considering shes a fan of Trixie here are the words of an actual drag queen
No. 255405
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milkmas is happening and the thread is getting clogged up by anons trying to analyze someone’s dirty feet
No. 255416
>>255403What I don't understand is how the users on here don't comprehend that an individual local to her may be using this website and be actually stalking her irl.
The lolcow user who video taped her was stalking because they use this site and weren't there as a supporter.
None of you know for sure if she's actually being stalked by this individual or not.
No. 255433
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Lmao of course jill doesn't understand how someone could go to a family event and not be on their phone. Reminds of when she went to her cousins wedding and made 50 tiktoks
No. 255436
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Just shooting you guys a reminder of a whiteknight who still fawns over Jill on twitter and responded to her Vangelina tweets yesterday, she used to come here to defend her. See this thread: >>>>187748
No. 255444
>>255433She's totally scared for her life, but devastated that vangelina isn't paying attention to her 24/7 and responding immediately to her texts kek. Another inconsistency to chalk up in her switch log.
>>255435She doesn't have a career. You said her stalker was trying to end her career. There is no stalker. She's an unemployed loser who thinks a diagnostic impression will protect her from growing up and getting a job. The stalker story is just another excuse to never be responsible and play agere with Steve all day and you wks gobbled it up.
No. 255457
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Seems she knows about the dms being shared
No. 255460
>>255457v. didnt provoke her this time though lol her aggression was purely a result of her bpd rage from not having her dms answered immediately. nice job deleting those tweets though to frame yourself as the
victim again jillian
No. 255473
>>255457>KEEP THIS IN MIND MY FRIENDS TT-TTkek, seething much?
>>255464thanks farmhands!
No. 255478
>>255476They is a pretty strong label.
In fact, going by 'they' describes your politics. It puts you in the uber-woke-PC-liberal box. And people either treat you with kid gloves because they know that anyone who goes by they is gonna have a strong reaction to being misgendered. Or people straight up avoid you.
No. 255485
>>255481Oh LMAO it's Mattel rec-conning Frankie Stein into being they/them.
When Monster High came out she was a she and she was the DAUGHTER of Frankenstein.
No. 255488
>>255486Some months ago anon, read her past threads
>>255476She's so easily
triggered holy fuck
No. 255489
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No. 255490
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>>255477>I dress this way so little kids come up to meWhat the fuck? She says that as she starts undressing. Is she insane? this isn't okay to say, feels pedo groomer-ish
No. 255496
>>255481She can keep THEY/THEM SPICY STRAIGHT Frankie. Abbey Bominable is our
terf queen
No. 255497
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>>255484>>255486It's in the thread "The DiD Saga Begins". Here's a tweet taken from that thread.
No. 255500
>>255499Yes and lolcow made Abbey our
terf icon because the actress from the live action move looked visibly disgusted when Frankie announced her pronouns
No. 255502
>>255494That's how Jill operates. She really doesn't give a damn as long as she continues to get free shit. Her version of being an ally is all lip service and asspats. But don't you
dare call her out!
No. 255504
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>>255490reminder she once undressed to "get her target" or whatever with steven and this feels oddly similar and gross
No. 255509
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>>255457She also pinned this video to the top of her Twitter (used to be her alters iconography). She's trying to do damage control and bracing for the worst
No. 255511
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>>255509She also “liked” these after already previously tweeting/retweeting them KEK
No. 255519
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Sorry for the continued screenshot sperg but she just keeps doing it? What does she think this will accomplish? Vangelina didn’t even bring up her DID. I watched it on 2x speed and skipped through the faff, but she straight up was tweeting as Jerrick while blubbering to Vangelina in the DMs.
No. 255552
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>>255546>>255550>>255551Our one true queen forever
No. 255560
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Pixie is now raging on twitter
No. 255565
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Ok so post them Jill. If she's a bad lolcow user show us proof.
No. 255572
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No. 255578
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No. 255585
>>255578same fag, the page didn't refresh fast enough.
but she is literally lying??? Were they were public on her account? she just fucked up
No. 255587
>>255575I want to point out here that first of all, she didn't see any issue with these tweets until they were leaked. Her tweets were ok until we knew about it / vangelina did. Only after that was it deemed wrong.
Secondly as we've predicted for months she's blaming her bad behaviour on jerrick & claims she isn't responsible for it.
Also, as an anon suspected, she is using Twitter circle to bitch about people privately.
No. 255591
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She's pissed.
No. 255594
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Can someone archive this or combine all the dms into one screenshot?
No. 255597
File: 1665098925872.jpeg (802.92 KB, 1170x1858, 5363ECD0-2C04-44F7-87FB-FCF8F8…)

No. 255598
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No. 255599
File: 1665099007786.jpeg (967.17 KB, 1170x2009, EA9F0358-F9F8-4EA1-92EA-F58E8F…)

No. 255601
File: 1665099084916.jpeg (782.4 KB, 1170x1780, 2565C5E6-B8A3-4F9D-BA50-A4D898…)

No. 255603
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No. 255605
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No. 255607
File: 1665099301446.webm (5.79 MB, 396x858, pixie_vang_dms.webm)
Full video Pixie posted on twitter of her entire DM history with Vangelina. Tweet caption:
"My entire DM history with Vangelina Skov. In March 2021, she began asking to interview me about rumours and criticism about me for a video on her channel. She gradually becomes more and more aggressive and upset as I politely decline, and repeat, it’s for my health and safety." No. 255610
>>255601Sheesh why is jillybean projecting so hard? Vangelina shared the DMs, there's nothing else to see.
Like, the only one that got aggressive was the vessel, I think Vangelina just knew what she had to deal with and made sure to write the texts as formal and dry as possible.
>>255605Also KEK
>inb4 she posts some stupid ass tiktok of her dancing and flashing everyone again or "stimming" which would include her "stim stim stim stim stim stim stim" chant. No. 255612
File: 1665099554770.jpeg (774.42 KB, 1131x1815, 564BF033-304E-412E-8DC2-FEDFBB…)

>>255608Trying hard to keep up with this mess sorry if I'm missing anything important.
No. 255617
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No. 255623
File: 1665099872013.png (463.09 KB, 803x1389, IMG_0499.png)

No. 255625
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No. 255629
File: 1665100036954.png (388.62 KB, 1080x1846, Screenshot_20221006-194531~2.p…)

No. 255632
File: 1665100090197.png (245.75 KB, 828x823, IMG_0501.png)

No. 255634
>>255629'you will come to realise this was a huge mistake'
HAHAHAHA this is banner worthy
No. 255636
File: 1665100141020.jpeg (615.07 KB, 1170x1146, B1C5A31E-776A-4274-8228-7A5900…)

No. 255642
File: 1665100211387.jpg (49.56 KB, 665x374, e438b3a9-592c-42b8-8d0c-addcb2…)

she's talking about herself
No. 255644
File: 1665100285270.jpeg (419.3 KB, 1170x676, A2E2D5AB-6E1F-438F-AADD-423BB2…)

No. 255646
File: 1665100346391.gif (86.83 KB, 200x150, michael-jackson-popcorn.gif)

>>255560>>255565>>255578>>255603>>255612>>255623>>255625>>255632>>255636 this is so beautiful to watch in real time, god bless vangelina. Jills true worst nightmare she said herself is coming true: cancelled on twitter kek
No. 255648
File: 1665100379721.jpeg (729.37 KB, 1170x1465, FA4E3B02-57EA-4FEA-A0A4-A22D8A…)

No. 255649
File: 1665100409620.jpeg (338.79 KB, 1170x967, 0185DDE5-FC8D-4EB2-80D4-647801…)

steve is also going to share his thoughts on the situation, apparently
No. 255652
File: 1665100506584.png (38.91 KB, 735x297, Capture.PNG)

>>255648she keeps liking her own tweets lol or is it one of her alters liking?
No. 255659
File: 1665100758784.webm (3.42 MB, 1920x1080, Veronica.webm)
No. 255660
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No. 255667
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No. 255668
File: 1665101035041.jpg (224.57 KB, 720x1199, IMG_20221007_020150.jpg)

No. 255669
>>255575What happened to the whole “system accountability” thing? That wasn’t an apology, that was a list of excuses. You can’t just throw one alter under the bus and say “but
I would never do that”, you have to take responsibility and say “we screwed up, we’re sorry”.
>>255597I really wish she would stop using “I’m traumatized” as a shield. There are so many people in the world that are traumatized and have trauma disorders, but that doesn’t mean they’re immune to criticism. Idk what Vangelina’s accusation was and apparently she was wrong, but at this point it’s not about Vangelina, this response has become a pattern for Jill. Anytime anyone disagrees or criticizes her, she goes immediately to “you’re harassing a traumatized person” to shut the conversation down and make the other person look bad. Trauma isn’t a get out of jail free card, and unless someone is
triggering your specific trauma there’s literally no reason to bring it up.
No. 255670
>>255660jill in your own words its 'self-defence'. i guess its okay for you to spew vitriolic bullshit at everyone who dares to challenge you but the second someone does the same theyre threatening you, huh
>>255664even if she isnt lying its still a really bad look to be actively shit talking someone on your twitter account when youre trying to have a polite discussion with them to resolve issues via dms. jill really couldve apologised for that, said that they can agree to disagree, block and move tf on. all this has GUARANTEED that v. will make a video on her which is apparently the opposite of what she wants. absolutely braindead =
No. 255671
File: 1665101071003.jpg (312.14 KB, 1080x1417, Screenshot_20221006_200358_Twi…)

Also including the first response cause it's exactly what we said here regarding "ableist language" lmfao
No. 255675
>>255565>>255210>>255560So interesting how she keeps calling it
my lolcow and
my lolcow forums like she feels ownership over it. I guess having threads for so many years makes you just accept it as part of your life.
She is lying yet again here, how is Van asking for her side of the story, completely fair thing for Van to do, and anons have mentioned they were Twitter mutuals too - "harassing" her? Van has been fair so far and made no implication the video will be one-sided, so she's jumping the gun to assume it will be, and go on the defensive before it's even published.
Pinning her lolcow video
>>255509 also suggests she did make it as a pre-emptive defense.
No. 255680
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No. 255682
honestly though this might be the milkiest thing to happen all year. sometimes i marvel at the fact that for years jills thread was mostly anons complaining about her ranbow bangs. look how far we've come
No. 255685
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No. 255689
File: 1665102145991.webm (3.03 MB, 1280x720, Intersex.webm)
>>255497Veronica video time stamp 3:55 - 4:39.
No. 255693
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No. 255694
File: 1665102532079.jpeg (15.93 KB, 300x168, download (1).jpeg)

>>255680These are grown ass fucking adults. Gross. It's also hilarious to read all of this while remembering this
No. 255695
File: 1665102551253.png (511.17 KB, 1000x1500, the-narcissists-prayer.png)

Nothing highlights her unchecked Narcissistic Personality Disorder more than these past few days. Picrel
No. 255696
File: 1665102627755.png (112.37 KB, 1319x1054, cc.png)

i watched the stream live and saw quite a few people popping into to chat saying that they're fans of Jill and wondering what she did to warrant Vangelina discussing her and if she had been "cancelled"
my dumb ass didn't think to cap until the very end of the stream so I only caught two chat messages, but even in the comments of the stream recap it looks like more and more of Jill's fans are wising up to her bullshit
>>255642>throw an absolute raging hissy fit all over twitter when there's the smallest amount of repercussionfuck off!!! the projection!!!!
No. 255697
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mama vessey is still supporting her after her twitter breakdown
No. 255701
>>255697Jill insinuating this is a dangerous situation as a vague self harm threat
Her mom: xoxoxo KEK
No. 255703
File: 1665103156197.jpg (226.78 KB, 1000x731, 1000_F_206125428_zqMPG9unT32gt…)

Ladies start baking those cookies Milkmas! Came early this year.
No. 255706
File: 1665103337613.jpg (2.33 MB, 3582x2802, 20221006_204105.jpg)

>>255703 god i should throw these out but ive had these in my fridge for awhile, perfect for jilly milkmas tho
No. 255708
File: 1665103544708.jpeg (398.31 KB, 828x1187, F43278A8-916E-4013-995F-61867E…)

Changed her pinned tweet again
No. 255719
File: 1665104301874.gif (1.85 MB, 360x270, giphy.gif)

>>255712 “Dont worry Jillybean I’ll call the cyber police right away!”
No. 255721
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jill noticed her friend in the live stream and blocked her lol
No. 255728
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>>255712I don't understand how Louise is okay with her daughter claiming severe abuse and CSA online for all to see. If she believed her, wouldn't she go to the police? If she doesn't believe her, doesn't it make her look bad? If Jill were to meet actual abused children living in the system, would she still insist she is the most twamatized?
No. 255729
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Writing her own fucking fantasy
No. 255731
File: 1665105556998.png (1.79 MB, 1125x2436, 1665052055802.png)

Sage for redundancy but these are Jerrick's Tweets from the last thread, reposted since Jill has now invented a story where there is a mole in the group who shared the Tweets - Probably blaming Boba when she didn't do anything afaik - which Jill claims were on circle mode and were leaked. If something is shared only to Circles it will display that under the Tweet, these were posted publicly
No. 255732
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No. 255739
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This one made me kek
No. 255740
File: 1665106297776.png (Spoiler Image,117.74 KB, 1134x495, 1664828353206 (2).png)

>>255736Samefag, here is what it would look like if it was posted to Circles (unrelated image saved from another cow thread, just note the very clear labels under the Tweets)
No. 255741
File: 1665106320495.jpg (312.37 KB, 1200x675, neurocover.jpg)

>>255739 i swear someone already made a jill/jerrick edit of this but if not pls make it happen
No. 255743
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>>255737Jilly you need a reality check. Like bitch just log off and your problems are solved. Terminally online behavior
No. 255745
>>255720I feel the same way as you nona, it's actually baffling how her followers don't seem to notice or call her out on her hypocrisy. When Jill is
toxic she's just "matching their energy" (even though her rudeness has been completely unprovoked many times) but when someone says something even vaguely critical about her it's actual bullying and SO dangerous and serious you guys.
No. 255750
>>255721I feel bad for Bobo. She seems to have thought she actually had a friend in Jill. The tweets were always public, but Jill can never be in the wrong so Bobo takes the fall and Jill gets to be the
victim who was betrayed. She could have blamed amnesia with Jerrick fronting, she didn’t have to throw an unrelated person under the bus. That’s a pretty crappy thing to do imo
No. 255752
>>255739jill teach your minor alter some internet safety so he'll stfu venting stupid shit online challenge
also >parasite on the community
remind us again how you're not a bully lol
No. 255754
>>255739It wasn't me that used childish insults at that bully, it was my teenage alter!
She will do anything except taking responsibility for her own words.
No. 255763
>>255071She actually has a cult, huh. Keep it in our community, you mean your cult. Feels like a leader that does not want someone from the outside to help their brainwashed followers. They can only hear the truth from her bible because she is the higher being and they should worship her and if not
>>255721 you get marginalized.
No. 255764
>>255326That's not right, Jill didn't know Vangelina was busy with her brother's birthday when she posted that tweet
At 13:03 (wrt Vangelina's timezone), Jill posted "Vangelina skov suck my ass challenge"
>>255002At 14:23 is when Vangelina replied to her saying that it's her brother's birthday
>>255210 No. 255769
File: 1665107869438.jpeg (270.43 KB, 828x807, 210CE54E-B085-4E36-B915-8CB08B…)

Whoever he’s retweeting had been going at it for hours. Cow tipping?
No. 255776
File: 1665108205698.jpeg (324.6 KB, 1143x938, 6FF47CCE-CEF6-49C3-9427-610B1E…)

oh shit, steve is making a video about the drama?
No. 255777
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>>255776he’s been reading the threads too, truly a milky day.
No. 255780
File: 1665108499848.png (2.32 MB, 1038x1500, projection 101.png)

No. 255791
>>255784Vangelina said that Jill stripped in front of Steve when he was still with Maggie because “she knows how to get what she wants” or something. Which Jill admitted to. But to try to make herself seem like a
victim she called this Vangelina accusing her of SA. Which she did not.
I could see Steve saying something like “she’s acting like you sexually assaulted me or something” and Jill taking that as an actual thing that happened. They’re both idiots.
No. 255792
File: 1665109152459.webm (8.55 MB, 1280x720, YouCut_20221006_190109894.webm)
>>255659Video from her "meet my boyfriend" Valentine's day special that's also kind of damning. An innocent person wouldn't feel the need to control the narrative.
No. 255804
>>255798As above
>>255731These were public Tweets and Jill just threw Bobo under the bus for?? reasons, girl is innocent
No. 255806
File: 1665110712602.webm (6.53 MB, 1280x720, Veronica_9.webm)
Veronica video time stamp: 20:30 - 22:06. This is the part mentioning being a fuckable plaything.
No. 255809
>>255807Take a cookie nonna
>>255706 cause this is not over yet.
No. 255814
File: 1665111506701.png (948.7 KB, 958x958, 4DE3E03A-2CEE-4DEA-BAA1-471681…)

anons, the cookies are ready
No. 255815
File: 1665111520548.jpeg (443.47 KB, 1170x931, B8188D9D-FB41-4842-8196-BC4D9A…)

This is her excuse for deleting the seizure tiktok
Also hi Stevie.
No. 255816
File: 1665111593326.jpeg (65.43 KB, 480x640, 8lb_can_condensed_milk~3.jpeg)

>>255715>>255807>>255809>>255706I brought drinks for everyone, cheers!
8Lb can kekk No. 255846
File: 1665114345768.png (140.33 KB, 1309x774, cc2.png)

>>255696some more former fans' comments
No. 255848
File: 1665114516341.webm (7.43 MB, 1280x720, Veronica_Jill_Stevie_Strip.web…)
>>255659Longer version time stamp 7:52 - 9:20. Found a better program to use.
No. 255860
>>255625Hey Jill guess what you're childish and a liar
>>255591Seething because she can't control the narrative huh
>>255648>>255578>>255603>>255612>>255642Oh my fucking god the lying and the projection from Jill is too much. It's so funny and there's so much milk flowing that I can't even say shit about this individually… Jillian makes herself look like such an unhinged narcissistic and manipulative loser, she's screaming to the void and plain bullying Vangelina but she won't bulge this time.
No. 255867
File: 1665118894268.png (398.48 KB, 1125x2436, FA6B697A-FC51-4828-AF53-20523D…)

Patreon pt2
No. 255889
>>255598Why does she scroll down so fast at some points kek. She is so fucking suspicious.
>>255601>making things up <3 <3 <3 <3PURE PROJECTION! she's fucking making things up by the second!
No. 255893
>>255601Ahahhahaha, holy shit the sheer bitchyness in these tweets
I would like to point out that in the screenshots vangelina shared THERE WAS NO INDICATOR OF CIRCLES
My prediction that she fucked up and made it public was right, god she must be such a bitch in her circles
No. 255895
File: 1665125346151.jpg (207.05 KB, 1080x1170, 20221007_074807.jpg)

Does jill really not understand that not everyone is on the internet 24/7? Like damn let the girl have some breakfast without going on her phone
No. 255896
File: 1665125367407.png (20.69 KB, 560x288, bruh.png)

>lolcow is the ninth circle of hell.
No. 255897
File: 1665125462382.png (23.25 KB, 552x308, bruh.png)

>>255896Jillian retweeted this
No. 255901
From the way this Vangelina is structuring her channel it seems she is trying to go for a more of a joe rogan-esque sit, discuss, and explain your side of the drama. Not an unexpected change. No where in her discourse with Jill does she come off as unhinged or manic. She did take the bait a little, should never have fed the trolls.
Jill on the other hand…. takes her boyfriends word on a video she never watched and goes on a tangent. Sets up camp in her hugbox bitching to her fan base about how she's being bullied. Laments for HOURS how she wants to be left alone. While not just putting her phone down.
So what if Vangelina came here to gather info. We gather summaries and keep recipts, we are a journalist or researchers dream (if you only read thread summaries). She is not the first and will not be the last. Other, larger, channels have gone here to collect info and have cited what they got.
I adore breaking it to Jill, that one super annoying tripfsg, and all of her hugbox hambeasts. Guess what, so as long is there is proof that mods are trying to actively quell doxxing/illegal activity, feds ain't gonna do shit.
No. 255904
File: 1665127151340.png (35.07 KB, 596x408, firefox_sIdCh1Jw6g.png)

Also this made us find out Steebie's true face, a lurker that enables Jill and feeds her fake drama. Meanwhile
No. 255910
>>255905She tried to control the narrative, didn't work. Vangelina makes a nice target so she doesn't have to look at herself or Steve. Naw, this bitch wants to dip her toes into drama. Wants to talk about people she never met, but nope the fuck out when people side eye her? She fails at doing polite drag once and now thinks she can drag people?
So who all thinks she posts here?
No. 255911
>>255907Instead of going after bobo because she didn’t use circles properly she needs to spend that energy figuring out who in her real life did the stuff with Steve’s job because it was nowhere on the thread.
>>255776On that point though, Steve is making a video which will no doubt be monetised and he is the one feeding Jill info and incorrect info. I’m feeling very suspicious of him. He tried to use Jill to launch his YouTube career before and flopped and now he is going to capitalise off this. Jill is flying way off the handle like way more than normal and who knows how he is feeding the info or embellished it.
No. 255915
File: 1665129798341.webm (18.35 MB, 1280x720, Untitled.webm)
Extremely late but here's a clip after the infamous diagnostic impressions sheet in Jill's DID video. Talks about the other diagnoses. Time stamp 22:17 - 24:39.
No. 255918
>>255917All people with a sizable following do it consciously or not I think. Hers is hella malicious though.
I just more hate the rules for thee but not for me stance she has.
No. 255924
File: 1665134639504.jpeg (86.07 KB, 750x413, 77611781-DE43-455D-93F3-27CC2B…)

They're so close to getting it (hint: that's exactly what your precious Jilly does)
No. 255928
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>>255925Note how it being "controlled for drug abuse" is self-reported.
No. 255929
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>>255925I hope this is legible.
No. 255932
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>>255915I'm confused. She says one of her diagnoses was BPD as well, through the MID. Then she says that she was also tested for attention-seeking disorder and whatnot, and insinuates she doesn't have it. But this says that you can't be diagnosed with BPD through the MID, but rather that it diagnoses the attention seeking behaviour and other factors she listed… Am I just misunderstanding something or does her "BPD" diagnoses from the MID imply that she actually does have attention seeking behaviour etc?
No. 255935
nonny, when Jilly bullies and harasses people online and makes call-out videos it's Jerrika and Veronica. Completely different people, with their own outfits and make-up. Jill can do no wrong.
No. 255938
>>255856It's bullying because Vangelina admits that she doesn't give a fuck about Jillybean, just like everyone else.
Seriously, Jillian just thinks that everything is about her, even someone's private life. I think that the worst thing that could ever happen to her is see that the farms aren't talking about her, that's why she's being such a bitch.
If she was a normal person she could just admit that she's malding because steeb is cheating on her with the pedo Maggie and that she can't handle the idea of getting a job.
No. 255945
>>255911Steve is such a shit stirrer.
Jill (as Veronica):
>I stripped down in front of my friend’s boyfriend.Vangelina:
>So Jill said in a video that she stripped down in front of her friend’s boyfriend.Steve (to Jill):
>She basically accused you of sexually assaulting me!Jill:
>Omg how dare she accuse me of sexually assaulting him!Steve:
>How dare she accuse her of sexually assaulting me! I am very disturbed and angry now!That’s assuming Jill didn’t just lie about Steve telling her the contents of the video, of course. But considering how Steve coached her to be
more anxious in the aftermath of her car crash (You don’t have an alter to help you through this! Remember to put on your protective lanyard before the big scary police arrive!) I wouldn’t put it past him to wind Jill up on purpose.
No. 255946
>>255932Sage for medfag but the newest version of the MID has sections to screen for BPD, attention seeking/malingering/factitious, and a few other things like somatic disorders.
If she took the MID, her results were probably above normal for DID, but she could have studied it to answer low enough on the BPD & malingering sections not to get the automatic flag to rule those out before continuing with the diagnostic process. OR, she didn’t study enough about the sections and that’s why she holds the document the way she does/hasn’t shown MID results.
No. 255957
File: 1665148518518.jpg (440.84 KB, 1439x1325, Screenshot_20221007-141350_Twi…)

No. 255964
>>255956Lmfao a girl just showed how bitchy your gf was to her on twitter and you make a whole THIS NEEDS TO STOP ;_; drama video
I wonder if he enjoys this or if jill made him
No. 255967
File: 1665149412207.jpeg (12.31 KB, 477x220, D754027F-BA92-4B91-B426-697EC5…)

>>255956How stupid do you have to be to put false information in the first second of a video? She only uploaded a cut down version of the stream she did showing the Dms
No. 255971
>>255967 as if these two bozos dont sit on the couch and watch drama controversy videos. “I loveeee drama”- Jill
Sorry it was your gf this time, that’s what happens when you pull ridiculous stunts like the two of you have.
No. 255972
>>255956I seriously want to know how Jill can say that Vangelina’s video would bring her real harm and danger, yet her own and Steebie’s don’t? She’s so insufferable, she brought the whole thing on herself by being snarky on her side acc while crying and babying herself on main, yet she always manages to cry
victim. This whole thread is literally just receipts of her own shitty actions, not made up rumours. Any tinfoils are clearly marked as such and none of it leaves the thread (by farmers hands at least). Her smug cunt face makes me sick, she really thinks she’s a winner. Can’t wait for Vangelina’s proper video. Jill’s done so much advertising for her free of charge now, it’s bound to blow up kek
No. 255973
>>255967Some of us kept giving Steve the benefit of doubt, but he's just as full of shit as jill is kek
He deserves the rainbow clown draining his paycheck while she sits at home smoking weed
No. 255975
File: 1665150072900.gif (786.13 KB, 220x231, tenor.gif)

>>255956KEK boi toy steve looked in the basement until he made a video defending his queen. White Knight steve’s video has no value is just “people say bad things about us!! So therefore it is not true you are just harassing and abusing us waaa”. No mention of any of the archive tweets shit her Nuggiequeen said. This video didn’t help anyone, Steve, it only damaged your change of ever getting a following of your own.
No. 255980
File: 1665150772507.png (107.36 KB, 874x328, ICHIGO.png)

>>255680i recognize this creep from browsing Mama Vessey's likes. girl, touch a lawn.
No. 255982
File: 1665150900525.jpeg (689.33 KB, 1125x1395, CA0E92EB-DBE6-451B-A6B6-62E929…)

this just in: all farmers are the same people. Ngl I don’t even know who Christine Chandler is, I used to be a Jill fan and I found the threads because PULL died and I wanted to keep up on the Ostrengas. Back then the biggest criticism of Jill was that she was materialistic and had yellow teeth. Everything that’s come out since has been because Jill’s narc-ing so hard that her façade busted— that’s all her own doing.
No. 255987
>>255947According to Jill’s deluded followers you’re just meant to intuit that it was meant to be private and ignore it.
It’s like these morons have never heard the lesson of “if you have nothing nice to say then don’t say anything”, this is why! Because someone might overhear you or in your rage induced tantrum you might post it with the wrong privacy settings! Your intention on the matter doesn’t change the action you picked. No fucking accountability from these clowns, they really don’t understand the whole actions have consequences.
No. 255991
>>255970Im watching it and taking notes. I would like to download it in case he deletes it, but i dont know the best way to reupload when its such a large video file. Please Summon the
nonnie who reuploaded Jills videos to the other farms
No. 255992
File: 1665151637179.png (18.79 KB, 1232x154, firefox_auI69OoBUC.png)

>>255904Seems like someone is mad about the Maggie stuff lol
No. 255995
File: 1665151860603.jpeg (104.32 KB, 734x805, 5A530438-5A9D-47B9-ABAB-483F38…)

Am i the only one that doesn’t get his response?
No. 255998
File: 1665151939132.png (38.74 KB, 809x270, kuva.png)

No. 255999
>>255993When Jill does it and her fans make hateful memes: it's a joke
When Vangelina says "grow up": it's traumatizing and life threatening, you are literally bullying her
No. 256001
File: 1665152055930.png (26.38 KB, 811x269, 221007_My_Side_of_the_Story_-_…)

No. 256002
File: 1665152094750.png (101.91 KB, 780x595, kuva.png)

No. 256006
>>255964It's not a good move for him, drawing attention to all his creepy internet habits.
>>255985 They ALL love and defend male rapists, especially if the rapist puts on a dress.
No. 256007
File: 1665152343367.png (67.53 KB, 785x333, kuva.png)

This about DissociaDID and Team Pinyata scandal from a year ago. TLDR; Team Pinyata drew fetish CP and it became public. This was revealed on Kiwifarms and as so is "invalid", even though it's their account and they archived everything about it in the original website.
I can't fathom the reasoning, that some information is "invalid" or just "evil", because it comes from some forum. If the info has sources and has been archived it's much more based in reality, than other rumors flying around.
No. 256014
>>255997They just lie and lie and say whatever to fit their narrative
>>255995Meanwhile the actual person who did it is laughing their ass off bc they've gotten away with it bc these two are busy blaming lolcow
No. 256019
File: 1665152812208.jpg (124.47 KB, 1080x957, 20221007_152623.jpg)

Stevie is becoming as cunty as jill
No. 256020
File: 1665152880917.jpg (158.99 KB, 1080x1115, 20221007_152721.jpg)

Samefag, Stevie is really losing it
No. 256021
File: 1665152905204.png (687.17 KB, 1260x701, notahomosexual.png)

>2:06 current job is hes a freelancing camera operator
>3:45 was made aware of lolcow early in the relationship but Jill asked him not to read. Claims he didnt until just now these past days
>4:20 he says the situation is so serious and that even jill is downplaying it. "thats understandable since she hasnt looked at it"
>4:57 i am not a homosexual
He is saying that this is one of the very harmful things we are doing since it is bi erasure, my sides >pure bigotry and hatred
>9:00 is extremely upset that he is just friends with maggie and not fucking around
>he is upset that we call him Steven, says that it seems like a deliberate choice to be transphobic.
yes, thats the point moid
>13:40 shows a cap where some nonnie wants to know the GENERAL area where she lives, because the rent seems so cheap and the nonnie wants a bargain. steven claims this is extremely serious and threathening
>he has to inform employers about the forum because nonnies will break the rules of this forum to cowtip by contacting his employers
>16:00 and onwards is just triggered about twansphobia
>17:00 says there is a diagnosis that is not the impression and that it exists, farmers lie soo much by talking about the impression she showed instead of this mythical actual diagnosis that she has never showed
>21:00 says he is not trooning out but if he would want to in the future then why would that be an issue
>26:00 here he uses no more screenshots. says the ones he showed is more than enough to proof how serious and harmful this is.
so obviously the only threath is that we call him a troon. Thats legitematly what he sees as the big issue.
In summary moids will moid, this video is not so fun since he is only focusing on himself and being triggered about the nonnies being a little bit rude by not calling him stevie. He also seems to think we call him a troon because he is non-binary and not because he will absolutely troon out soon kek
No. 256027
File: 1665153122526.png (673.19 KB, 1271x714, whereshelives.png)

>>256021If i remember this screenshot is from at least 4-5 threads ago. So he has gone through thousands of posts yet this is the one post he could find to show how farmers are a serious threath to their safety. The
nonnie even went italics to stress how she obiously is not asking for their adress, since that is against the rules of this forum.
No. 256029
>>256007Also to add to this alog the fact someone browses these forums doesn't make them a literal satan. These forums exist, so people can talk about stuff they aren't allowed to say in public, because their comments are cencored, like in every Jillian's video ever.
Just because you disagree with the narrative of a creator doesn't mean you're far right extreme nazi operator, who kills trans children daily.
Steven made the comment at the end of his video, that we're these dangerous terrorists, while no harm has happened to them. Not a thing.
No. 256030
>>256029I hope lipstick alley dunks on Jill one day. That would be glorious if Jill started huffing and puffing over the web’s biggest forum used by
POC. She couldn’t do shit or else she’d be seen as a racist.
No. 256035
File: 1665154221415.jpeg (666.74 KB, 828x1532, D2F26F46-6F56-43A9-B8EE-50CCF6…)

Couldn’t help but to heartily kek at this comment left on Jill’s video. This girl must be extremely dense or blind as a bat, Jill has NEVER taken criticism on well or been open to it, this has been evident even back in her Lolita days when people said she couldn’t coord her expensive Angelic pretty pieces together. Oh what I would’ve given to see the narc rage Jill displayed when people at her college had to give her feedback on her shitty collection
No. 256039
>>255998Why does Steve take offence to someone telling Jill to mature? Does he like
childish women? Little sus
No. 256040
>>256012>This same situation was also used by people to suggest that I had been assaulted by PixieWhich people? Where? I don’t remember this at all. At most some anons called it sexual harassment, not assault.
>>256013Jill is a spoiled brat who would’ve been an asshole either way, but I fully believe that Steven is making her worse. Emotionally
abusive men generally target women who are already unstable.
No. 256050
File: 1665155959452.jpeg (76.49 KB, 500x560, E68B0F59-E4DA-433D-B5F8-6EFA00…)

>>256043So what he means is
>This same situation was also used by Jill and me to suggest that I had been assaulted by JillMakes perfect sense.
No. 256057
>>256021“don’t call me steve it’s transphobic”
meanwhile multiple videos on pixie’s channel still has steve in the title
No. 256059
>>256021>4:20 he says the situation is so serious and that even jill is downplaying it.Might I add he said "I think even Pixie is in denial of the severity in many occasions". This dude is trying to make Jill more upset and convince her she doesn't have a strong grasp of her own reality. Not a good look after the whole " You don't have an alter to deal with the car crash!!" Were you rewriting the history of your gf's coping mechanisms when she supposedly doesn't have a strong grasp on reality, given she has a super serious dissociation disorder? Couldn't that have sent her on a spiral and caused her to develop another alter, worsening her supposed condition?
Also god damn he loves to hear himself talk, the longwinded pauses while he racks his brain for another convoluted way to say he's big mad. Dude watched too many "we need to talk" videos and was so eager to make his own. Love how he used Jill as a clickbait and then talked about himself for most of it kek. I don't buy for a second he doesn't want a piece of the views- the phony black intro with white text to make it seem way more dramatic than it is, all it was missing was the SVU "these are their stories DUH DUH" sound bite. The irony of him saying he's a professional video editor while he makes a 40 min video of him denying he's gay. Stevie, the cats out the bag I think your parents know. No surprise he and Maggie weren't intimate kek maybe shouldn't have included that.
>19:08 (in regards to his gingerbread commie house) "Yeah that was a joke. If you don't like that joke, if it offends you, not much I can do about that." back at you, troony. See how it works both ways? See how it isn't sooper harmful and dangerous to laugh at something ridiculous? Your gf is not going to die because we make fun of her stupid larp. It's a clownery of real people with real trauma.
No. 256060
File: 1665156766321.png (159.03 KB, 1605x1017, Capture.PNG)

No. 256062
File: 1665156800731.jpeg (109.85 KB, 828x850, F2754FD2-DCC0-4596-B7F7-182DB3…)

Both their behaviors are so shitty I can’t find the words. They’re being passive aggressive and use sarcasm to come at people who slightly disagree without regarding that those people (and I don’t wanna sound like a special snowflake) could very well be actually autistic and don’t understand why they’re met with such weird responses to their normal questions/ criticisms. Also it can always be that English isn’t someone’s first language (shocking).
No. 256064
>>256062 (Samefag)
>>256060This is exactly what I mean. Why is he so weirdly keen on how the comment is worded?
No. 256068
>>256067 like she keeps saying all she wants is for people to leave her alone but in no way have her actions reflected that
No. 256069
File: 1665157257583.png (428.61 KB, 603x745, firefox_lii89wWtqe.png)

>>256067At this point I hope some other drama youtuber that's looking for fresh new topics latches onto this
like, it's an open secret those channels get ideas from each other which is why everyone covered creepshow art
By attacking vangelina and setting her fans on her she is looking horrible
No. 256070
>>255995>fat chanceIt literally was never discussed here, and still hasn't been, it's 100% someone from his irl.
But he wants to spin a
victim narrative just like Jill's "leaked" completely public Tweets. Literally fabricating enemies so they can feel special. He's just as bad as Jill fr
No. 256078
>>256069Also samefagging, but they're shooting themselves so hard in the foot by relating the lolcow things to vangelina. Anyone who watches the videos alone will be confused by Steve and Jill talking about stalking and sexual assault when Vangelina didn't say jack shit. Also lmao at them skipping the racism controversy.
>>256075Really makes you think, turns out the smartest person in this whole situation is some real life former friend of Jill who is laughing their ass off and has the sense to stay silent and troll her from a distance.
No. 256079
ladies, we're alt right because we make fun of a spoiled micro influencer !
No. 256080
>>256067 Steve making a video defneding Jill feels like that Jessica Soares situation (those not familiar she got called out online and had a livestream and her bf Tristan at the time just spoke for her, shes got a thread but its been pretty dry)
>>256075 honestly this. Ive been looking at and participating in Jills threads since 2019(?) and I never even knew steves workplaces until now, that 100% wouldve been said here
No. 256084
File: 1665158321567.png (49.45 KB, 1141x423, firefox_i8oj901LuH.png)

>>256002He responded some more to various comments, I found this one funny. He should have used one of the various fanarts kind anons have provided lol
No. 256085
>>256021Goddamit that cap is pure comedy. I know its a dead end to try and understand troon logic, but
>"I am not a homosexual […] They percisted in calling me gay, in the context of being a homosexual not just broadly queer. Specifically that im only attracted to men"He understand that homosexual means same sex attracted means he would be attracted to men since he is, a man. But when farmers call him a man, that is harmful.
>"Anyone with a fucking brain would understand why that is harmful. Its just engaging in bi or pan erasure">"People on the forum […] Going off the basis of oh he is associating with his ex, must be cheating">Implying the harmful nature of lolcow comes from farmers as a group saying Steven is only attracted to men>Implying farmers are saying he is having sex with a woman >Pick one Steven No. 256096
>>256094Apparently "Stevie" is his new name, but famers mostly call him Steeebie jokingly so no idea
Maybe we should start calling him Stephen
No. 256101
>>256098>>256092Lolcow has never prevented Jill from getting a job or seeking actual help, nobody is stopping her from growing up and moving on with her life but she doesn't want to.
I hope they screencap threatening telling her to stop being a stoner and start making soap, lmfao.
No. 256104
>>256092i really agree with this sentiment. i just felt listening to him talk and reading all of hi defensive comments. clearly he thinks the world of jill but it also makes him look pathetic that he won't reflect and take a minute to look at the bigger picture instead of nitpicking all of the little nastier comments people make here. there's a bigger problem going on and its not us calling him steve sometimes.
my fingers kept hovering over my keyboard to comment something to help wake him up but i think any effort to make him think any harder would genuinely go to waste. i can only wish someone would believe in me this hard
No. 256111
>>256078Honestly like maybe you are in danger Steve but it’s not from us, you are being an idiot focusing on us when if the workplace thing is true it’s someone you know. You are too view and cash hungry to actually identify the danger, you even said yourself that Jill has irl enemies. Maybe start looking where you posted about your job and look at your friends list. It’s a good thing we aren’t actually doxxing stalkers because this pair are coddled idiots with zero real world preservation skills.
>>256083Here is the thing with the stripping story, it’s not consensual unless you gave prior consent. Giving consent after the fact does not negate how fucked it is to just strip in front of someone spontaneously in Jill’s own words “to get her own way”. It’s a key point of consent that you have to give it before.
No. 256112
>>256029No dude exactly. I’m sure there are anons in this thread who aren’t even outwardly transphobic they are just here to keep up with jill, maybe they were former fans… that’s not the fucking issue tho. Steven doesn’t care, because obviously, we must all be hateful bigots who want people to die. It’s like jill does understand there lightheartedness of gossiping and drama…. at the end of the day that’s all lolcow is. We are not kiwi farms, this is a female exclusive space to discuss a variety of topics. There’s threads on here that are not even related to cows. But people like jill and steve only see this as an alt right
terf website.
No. 256114
>>256084>Apologies for not also including a picture of a cow?Well, Jill is in the thumbnail so it's fine kek
Anyways wow, so much to catch up after returning home from work. What a ride.
No. 256115
lol oh my fucking god, calling us Alt-Right, right wing, extremists. Stevie, you can't be serious, you fucking idiot.
Let me be clear: you are the kind of person that I fucking hate. Conservative does NOT equal evil. This video has shown your level of intelligence and it doesn't look good. Talking about ideology and lolcow, my god, is this your first day, for real? You could not represent the regressive left more. Wow, wow, wow. My fucking god. I am dying over here.
No. 256127
File: 1665161198554.png (21.41 KB, 598x184, firefox_0RbRJyOEW0.png)

Get a job, Jillian
No. 256132
File: 1665162785148.jpeg (809.54 KB, 1170x1860, C5757616-E3D6-4AD1-9FAF-542C83…)

Making fun of vangelina for liking her own post even tho Jill did that all day yesterday
No. 256137
File: 1665163353377.png (22.19 KB, 601x181, firefox_rtkI8KKAQX.png)

Is she gaslighting everyone to believe those tweets were in her circles when there is no usual indication of the circle feature and more people saw them?
No. 256138
>>256135Also friends of friends with her. Not sure why she thinks all lolcow people don't know her and are just haters.
>>256137I don't get how she rationalizes this. If someone was in her circle, why didn't they post any of her circle posts before? And if they suddenly decided to leak them, surely they'd know she'd remove them once she found out, so they should've screenshot & posted all her circle history. Doesn't make any sense. They clearly weren't circle tweets.
No. 256143
File: 1665163707274.jpeg (681.4 KB, 960x1411, B79E710D-5001-4175-9FC8-B6D4C3…)

Holy shit Sillypoo is going to make an animation on Jill kek.
No. 256149
>>256148And just to add on to that: that's how all hardcore libtards are. Babies. Pure fucking babies.
So how's that for alt-right for you, Steebie?
No. 256172
>>256170She's counting on her supporters taking shit as facts without bothering to fact check first, she just wants them to do that based on
her words and not the posts here.
No. 256174
>>256152tbf it seems like from what's been said in this thread and what steve has said that they can't trust everyone in their real lives either
but also yes it was just her fucking up
No. 256181
File: 1665166278134.jpg (180.92 KB, 1080x1268, 20221007_190921.jpg)

>private investigator
Jill, Steve and their fans are the type to call 911 over minor inconveniences
No. 256191
File: 1665167007848.jpeg (509.91 KB, 3087x1737, BC07215B-8590-42FF-9E80-BF378B…)

I love the divide that Jilly has made within her own fan base kek. Vangelina hasn’t even made her video yet Jillybean— this was all you on your own
No. 256196
File: 1665167990545.png (1.34 MB, 1060x592, ablaz_jill.PNG)

OT but how come Jill allows Ablaze to get away with featuring her in his content several times but attacks Vangelina in a very vicious way for merely considering featuring her in her content. Another example of Jill's "man=good, woman=bad" bs. Or is it because Vangelina is smaller than her and Ablaze is twice as big.
No. 256197
>>256067 like she keeps saying all she wants is for people to leave her alone but in no way have her actions reflected that
yes… it would seem like she only picks "weaker" (re: smaller audiences) targets? THAT SOUNDS LIKE BULLYING JILLY BEAN
No. 256198
>>255806If this story was true, and she's alluding to sexual assault or rape around the age of 11 or 12, I can see a legit claim for sexual trauma.
But at the same time, I had weird sexual shit happen to me at that age and I don't have DID, BPD, Depression, Autism or PTSD.
No. 256202
File: 1665169018979.png (416.1 KB, 599x530, jilltoro.png)

>>256186sage for autism but here's a gift for you
nonny No. 256211
Tbh Steebie can pretend he cares about Jill. Because that's what I'm getting out of this. If he's lying to her and exaggerating what is actually being said on here and on Vangelina's channel he's manipulating her. He's keeping her around because she's a doormat to his words.
No. 256217
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No. 256220
File: 1665171651041.png (36.63 KB, 857x263, dislikes.png)

The likes/dislikes ratio on Steven's video.
No. 256224
File: 1665172015624.jpg (680.69 KB, 3087x1586, OMG LMAO.jpg)

>>256132Topkek at the people in the replies not having her shit
No. 256230
File: 1665173441294.png (Spoiler Image,64.76 KB, 932x572, 7F64505E-70FB-417C-8FAB-A4E170…)

>>255731I didn’t see anyone point this out and not sure if it’s necessary, but I noticed that the retweet button is greyed out on circle tweets. So even if the blerb wasn’t showing for whatever reason, I’d assume the rt button would still be greyed out, but it isn’t. The Jerrick tweets are completely normal.
Picrel pulled from google. It’s the same in
>>255740 but I wanted a clearer example.
What’s the point of even lying about this, I don’t understand.
No. 256243
>>256230>what's the point of even lying about this?Jill wants the sympathy of her audience to be the poor uwu
victim in that complained about vangelina in a "safe space". Her brain dead followers are eating it up since the don't have friends to be in circles with.
No. 256244
File: 1665177255536.jpg (201.38 KB, 720x1386, Screenshot_20221007-140837_Chr…)

No. 256246
>>256244Lol Pixie's biggest insult to someone is that they aren't 'special'.
Projecting some fears there.
No. 256248
File: 1665177500580.png (319.74 KB, 546x289, cathair.PNG)

>>256245that shirt won't be black for much longer. the matted white cat hair is taking over
No. 256254
>>256249Okay, what's with her and the calls?? First off, an autist would rather stab herself in a boob than call someone, so that's not very neurodivergent of her, specially since she's trying to play the "uwu I'm soooo sensitive and I have to stim all of the time owo"
Second, a call is worse because it can be easily recorded and used against her, and she couldn't pretend it was photoshop or some shit.
She fucked up, she's so retarded, by text is so easy to just take your time and respond whatever you want, you don't have to worry about people waiting for you for too long and whatnot, you can organize your thoughts better, hell, you can ask someone else to write something if you're not sure of what to say.
My guess is that she wanted to call Van so she could talk about random shit and tell her nothing about what is going on, or it's just easier for her to manipulate people because she was ready to use her theater kid skills to pretend she was totally crying and afraid.
No. 256256
File: 1665178469022.png (40.25 KB, 589x326, firefox_1etkN3Jl9e.png)

Oh my god, these spicy straights. Steve is referring to Jillian as "they/them"
No. 256262
>>256256I'm so tired of this
I have a diagnostic impression. Both Jill and Stephen act like it's the "gotcha she really does have it". Stop twisting words to fool people. Let me put this bluntly: when you act like everyone around you is a
bad guy and start monologuing how you're the hero, it's time to have a serious look at yourself. You're letting
fantasy blend with
reality and it's getting hard to differentiate the two. This is all happening because
you couldn't learn to take criticism and mommy can't fix it. This all feels like a crappy soap opera, just needs the overly dramatic pauses and music.
No. 256263
>>256261Just looked up the list of symptoms for BPD, and this one really lines up with someone's drive or delusion to fake DID.
- Rapid changes in self-identity and self-image that include shifting goals and values, and seeing yourself as bad or as if you don't exist at all
No. 256265
File: 1665180271884.jpg (876.83 KB, 1816x2028, 20221007_170217.jpg)

anyone want this piece of shit
No. 256267
but for real if you're serious i collect pins LOL No. 256269
>>256264Nta, but don't forget that professionals have to be careful. There's a thing called scope of practice. You cannot overstep your boundaries. For example, a audiologist
cannot diagnose a person with an ear infection. It is considered beyond their scope. The audiologist would need to
refer the person to a doctor. So in a diagnostic impressions it would probably read something along the line of flat tymps, air conductive hearing loss, ear discharge, red around the tympanic membrane, and needs to be referred to doctor. Anything claiming "yes this is in a ear infection" would get the audiologist in legal trouble.
No. 256272
>>256270KEK oh what fun we've had these past two days, girls
glad to have you, ex club members.
No. 256276
>>256245pffffffffft Jill literally threatened and bullied Vangelina that she was going to "release the DMs" even though there was nothing incriminating in them. Forced her to make a video in self-defense before Jill made up more lies. And then used her own bullying to play the
victim. What a bad person.
>>256265 These are going to be rare artifacts, the best ironic collector items.
>>256271 Jeb was likely an enabler.
No. 256279
>>255599Jesus christ, that user hasn't said anything out of line at all, it's as if the moment anyone chooses to doubt her plausibility they are instantly disregarded.
>>255603>>255680>>255739>>255685How backwards can her supporting fans be after watching this unfold? Jillian has the most coddling mother and fanbase ever, Louise should be stepping in instead of sending virtual hugs and kisses and letting her daughter be defended by a bunch of children. Especially the user bringing up Jerricks age, how easily influenced are these people, Jerrick is basically an imaginary friend not a real functioning teenager.
No. 256281
File: 1665182559103.jpeg (1.51 MB, 1242x1371, 5D634665-0074-46EF-B8E0-57ACD2…)

>>256265fixed it for you!!!!!!! uwu
File: 1665186567732.jpg (93.07 KB, 720x840, Screenshot_20221007-164446.jpg)

>>255732Continuing on from this tweet. Kek
No. 256352
>>256348samefag, and she's also making tiktoks blatantly teasing V for not being "special". fuck. off. you do NOT feel like you're in danger. nobody has the mental capacity to film themselves further provoking the person that is allegedly bullying them if they
genuinely felt like that person could hurt them.
No. 256364
>>256245You know someone is NOT winning when they make a stupid video like this kek
>>256361my thoughts exactly
No. 256377
File: 1665189209290.jpg (4.48 MB, 2048x4096, Pixiebrown_abbylocks.jpg)

Bringing this back.
She has a personality identity disorder.. it's borderline personality disorder.
No. 256413
File: 1665192140465.png (556.29 KB, 651x784, cake.png)

>>256409I'll bake a cake!
No. 256466
File: 1665200504391.jpg (9.98 KB, 270x275, 1599852981752.jpg)

No. 256469
File: 1665201200090.webm (3.62 MB, 1280x720, DiDimpressions_diagnosis.webm)
My Side of the Story time stamp: 16:16 - 17:16. The clip is Stevie claiming he was there during the whole process and that a diagnosis exists; also a diagnostic impressions inform the diagnosis which is then given by a psychologist.
No. 256489
File: 1665220313108.png (Spoiler Image,275.07 KB, 1118x1049, anasofiacostalc.png)

>>256271This is who I believe gave her the diagnostic impression, not Jed. Jill liked photos of specificially her on the fb page (not posting because I don't want to put this lady's face in the thread without knowing if she did anything bad). She's the "forensic specialist" Jill talked about, who is "literally trained to tell if people are lying", as she seems to love repeating. She specializes in normie shit, PTSD, and bariatic EDs. No mention of dissociative disorders.
No. 256493
>>255967his constant facial expression histrionics remind me strongly of bobbyburns. the blinking and furrowed brow to seem genuine and introspective, lmao.
he's as much of an attention whore as jill is and maybe even dumber.
>>256117good comment. the fact he no problem outright admits jill has IRL enemies shows the breadth of his reasoning skills lmao
>>256245middle school shit omg
>>256492surprised. i'm starting to think jill isn't the one using him as an attack dog, but he's concerned about the cheating rumors. i thought she was being a clown online while he was solely focused his homosexual interests and pursuits, and i was wrong. but her bossy controlling tendencies + his relative absence lent credit to this misconception
No. 256497
File: 1665230911656.jpg (208.22 KB, 1080x824, Screenshot_20221007_221227_Chr…)

No. 256498
File: 1665230955106.jpeg (343.52 KB, 1125x645, 803677A4-27AF-4498-A98D-F28C12…)

Jerricka liking this extremely cold take. Jill, someone else cheating on their wife is not trauma. You do not know what trauma is, otherwise you wouldn’t constantly be making desperate efforts to claim mundane things as traumatic/co-opting other people’s trauma. Go outside.
No. 256508
File: 1665236607946.jpg (121.5 KB, 715x472, Screenshot_20221008-103612_Twi…)

>>256498I mean she thinks cheating should be illegal. Which explains why she would think that's traumatic and also why she would get so riled up if someone super vaguely implied she cheated. I personally think this tweet is insane and really shows how she cannot stop and think about what that would even entail.
No. 256511
>>256489It's never going to matter because she's never going to back down from this. The "DID community" is a shit-show, on paper it's a condition that is, by definition, impossible to self-diagnose. It also takes on average about a decade to diagnose. Of course this will change as more research comes forward, but odds are (if we go off of current understandings of the condition in a clinical-sense) that 90% of the creators we see claiming DID are at best misinformed and at worst completely making it up.
The people who buy Jill's charade are the same people who think that you cannot criticize the mentally ill no matter what and believe in self-diagnosis for all conditions (which is proven to be dangerous). They're not interested in proof of anything because all that matters is Jill's word.
No. 256514
Samefagging because I have more to say but don't want to wall of text.
To any of Jill's defenders who come on here and actually want to use critical thinking skills - while you are not responsible for being mentally ill, you do have responsibility in dealing with it. Of course there is nuance and exceptions, but none of these apply to Jill who is not experiencing psychosis or homeless with no support system. Part of being mentally ill is, hard as it may be, finding a way to deal with it so that you can take care of yourself but also not be a nightmare to those around you - and part of that is forming a support system, whether it be clinicians, family, or friends, who will not coddle you - but will actually hold you accountable. Coddling people like Jill actually harms her in the long run, it's not an uwu so caring and kind thing to do. Like normal human beings, mentally ill people actually do need to be introspective and care about others.
No. 256517
File: 1665241522624.jpg (71.66 KB, 720x373, 1665241427291.jpg)

Kek happy for her
No. 256520
File: 1665242818988.png (13.35 KB, 552x232, ableist.png)

No. 256525
File: 1665243233075.jpeg (61.66 KB, 750x677, 805AD321-94B2-42C2-89AC-62E05A…)

She just posted this, it’s clearly edited tho lmaoo
No. 256532
File: 1665243795394.jpg (400.49 KB, 1080x1496, IMG_20221008_174246.jpg)

Oh my god she is so vindicative when she's wrong
No. 256533
>>256532LMFAO she's so retarded.
>You are evil>I will never forgive youBitchhhh do you not have anything better to do? Gosh she must be so exhausting to be around
No. 256535
>>256530Bless you ty
>>256532Jill is a disaster and that message reads like someone shopped it for her as ordered
No. 256542
>>256530not wk’ing because jill definitely didn’t post post to circles but maybe the circles text looks different on mobile (jill’s screenshot) compared to desktop (the example)?
but the green circle icon and even the likes area looks pixellated as fuck so i feel like she’s shooped this together
No. 256548
File: 1665244568480.png (41.31 KB, 597x431, firefox_3yLO1oKBnV.png)

>>256542>>256545Here's an artist I follow
"Only people in…" is missing
No. 256550
>>256532Holy shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
as much as she accuses us of photoshopping her twitter, she's the one actually doing it… How come it took her this fucking long to upload this? answer: it's fake. I can't believe she's doing this shit
Like, I'm in awe. Worst thing is that her WKs and defenders will eat this shit up
No. 256551
>>256548Oh no, this is very specific, but I went to check these same tweets on the app and on the smallest zoom on my screen
THEN it doesn't add "only people in…"
But that begs the question, who out of Jill's inner circle was the big baddie traitor? And how did anons ITT claim to see those tweets?
No. 256552
>>256551Also sorry for samefagging but notice how she's only posting one tweet
>>256532And that's the tweet where she wasn't a total bitch. Usually you would post the whole thread with circles on to show it's not photoshopped.
No. 256553
>>256524>BPD is treatable Unfortunately little pieces of shit like her that love faking illnesses and use trauma as a shield for accountability don't think this is true. They still talk about the myth that BPD has no remission or treatment. So they never work on their own bullshit.
I have seen many such cases unfortunately, specially from people who also claim mythical stuff like DID. I have BPD myself and have worked on it to the point that I've had to take time for myself to truly get to the point of it, and it has cost me some years of my life to truly try and heal the root(s) of it. What people like Jillian do is not cute, they don't think about the consequences of not working on their own bullshit, they don't think about others and how their BPD impacts both their close relationships and themselves, it's all about "me, me, me". I don't believe one bit she's actually put in the work.
No. 256554
File: 1665245214716.jpg (284.32 KB, 1080x1444, IMG_20221008_180435.jpg)

>>256548>>256551For people who want proof, mobile app version on small screen. Jill is still a two faced bitch.
No. 256555
File: 1665245246758.jpg (393.22 KB, 1496x677, Circles_Exposure1.JPG)

>>256548>>256532So I made crude tests in Photoshop searching for artifacts in these images, which would show signs of editing in post.
Here's Jill's friends' screenshot.
No. 256557
File: 1665245284187.jpg (1.01 MB, 2235x2436, Circles_Exposure2.JPG)

>>256555Here's the one
Nonnie posted before.
No. 256558
File: 1665245390105.jpg (342.33 KB, 1187x431, Circles_Exposure3.JPG)

>>256555>>256557>>256548And here's another nonnies example taken from their circle. There's a clear difference between these images in how the circle part is shown.
I'm still doubting, if Twitter has different UI depending on your internet browser, which could explain this change, but it still feels fishy looking at the Jill's screencap.
No. 256559
File: 1665245748901.jpg (146.02 KB, 697x1827, FeYHtA6X0AEjCpp.jpg)

>>256557>>256555Hol' up
I have the solution
"I think I convinced her to drop it" was not part of the "leaked" tweets
Check all the ones Vangelina screencapped. This wasn't there.
Theory: Jill made a new circle tweet after that for proof
No. 256561
File: 1665245955355.jpg (185.81 KB, 720x1195, Screenshot_20221008-091343_Chr…)

No. 256569
File: 1665246342367.jpg (315.31 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20221008-131826_Twi…)

I mean whoever screencapped the tweets if they were in the circle could have deleted the "circles" container from the html and then screencapped. Its how people make fake screencaps without signs of editing. It's just weird that someone in a circle of like 4 people and is supposedly a close friend would do that to begin with?
No. 256570
>>256559I’m confused how she’s claiming that a friend leaked the tweets when they were literally posted on her account publicly? Or is she fully just attempting to gaslight people into thinking that any screenshot proof was her friend leaking it? Who posted the screenshots when they were leaked then? Or were they sent directly to Vangelina and she posted them? The mental gymnastics are wearing me out.
Also, OT because old, but I finally bothered to watch her lolcow video and part that I didn’t see anyone point out, she straight up says that two hours after her Twitter bullying that girl about subliminals, the organizers contacted her to drop her from the gig. She also says that the lady organising it didn’t know her, so she most likely saw Jill’s Twitter exchange and decided she didn’t want her to represent the event. Possibly she even googled her and found the thread and used it as a reason. Though I doubt it was even brought up at all, she just got dropped for being a cunt on Twitter
No. 256572
File: 1665246611477.jpg (315.72 KB, 720x1150, Screenshot_20221008-131859_Twi…)

>>256571From this video posted
No. 256575
File: 1665246804842.png (84.46 KB, 231x369, firefox_LwEEELCRR0.png)

She shared her friend and whiteknight's tweets too in that video lol
Sof, papercakes (Chelsea) and bees are the 3 women in the circle currently (no steebie)
No. 256576
>>256572Wait, does the video include any of the tweets in
>>256557 ?? Why is she trying so hard just to prove the fact that Jerrick has a twitter circle rather than the tweets being in the circle?
No. 256578
File: 1665246899338.jpg (185.91 KB, 720x1278, Screenshot_20221008-093211_Chr…)

No. 256579
>>256572ME ME ME POOR ME
holy shit jillian shut the fuck up nobody cares who leaked what, the only thing to see here is that you were a cunt, as per usual.
No. 256581
File: 1665246990866.png (264.42 KB, 492x922, firefox_dih89gBiCR.png)

>>256576She deleted some tweets
No. 256582
File: 1665247077319.webm (2.77 MB, 396x858, twitter_20221008_103124.webm)
>>256532Jillian definitely ruined all of her friendships because her friends weren't kissing her ass. She talks about how she's shit responding to messages (which is a relationship killer) but she paints her friends as ablelist assholes for her not learning and accommodating to be a better friend for
them. And now she blocked and is trying to isolate Bobo for being in a chat not praising/defending and remaining impartial? Like Jill does realize that isolation is a form of bulling, right?
>>256572Anyway here's the video of her scrolling. Is there a way to edit htm in apps?
No. 256584
>>256580Mossy/bees is
>>255436Fixed link to old thread:
>>187748 No. 256588
File: 1665247983551.png (148.8 KB, 1360x552, copypasta.PNG)

>>256555its so easy to edit tweets without photo editing though
No. 256604
>>256532Absolutely spectacular
>accuses lolcow of faking screenshots>every screenshot here is real>fakes her own screenshotsIt looks like she wrote replies or reposted in circles, but the original Tweets were public. No circles label and the retweet option is available.
>>255731The original screenshot looks completely legit to me where the video she scrolls through not only doesn't show these alleged "circle" Tweets at all, the formatting is also off, it lacks the "only" part of the label as other anons have pointed out.
No. 256606
File: 1665250108454.jpeg (Spoiler Image,59.18 KB, 1500x500, C309C74A-2D4F-497A-8454-E5C914…)

Idk if this is a stretch but in this screenshot that vangelina made her header you can see 5 likes but pixie claimed their twitter circle only had 4 people… unless they liked their own tweet
No. 256612
>>256606it has 5 likes therefore it was publicly posted. She's faking her own shit, she's a full manipulative faking liar in all senses of the word
>>256609>she really could've just ignored all of this and let her minions do the work for her and seemed like the super positive angel she wants to be, but go off jill dig your own grave further you chronically online creepShe has done that before. If you see any video posted here criticising her, you'll see Steven and Jillian sending her fans to defend her. Proof is in past threads. Somehow she got super butthurt this time so she handled it (badly) herself. This is seriously, honestly, not a good look for her public image. How is she going to recover? By lying even more?
No. 256613
>>256606why did you spoiler this kek this didn't need a spoiler
>>256598>>256570Please webm anon post this for posterity:
>the organizers contacted her to drop her from the gig. No. 256622
File: 1665252049959.png (4.66 MB, 2497x1386, 1665177255536.png)

Prepping the new thread pic. What else should I add?
No. 256632
File: 1665252669882.png (1.34 MB, 828x1792, D4F59F1C-BB05-4095-A472-EE13AE…)

>>256630Samefag sorry forgot the pic it’s literally 3am
No. 256642
off topic I'm sorry- but I quickly looked up Inabber to see his other videos and they are all clearly clickbait drama videos, often on random people who went viral and not just celebrities. Why was it so evil for Van to discuss Jill, knowing she had Dissociadid's back? Not to mention she's calmer and less dramatic that iNabber. You can't convince me she doesn't have a bone to pick with women.
>>256622 Just my two cents I think a gif of Jill saying "I LOVEE drama" in her Veronica video would be perfect.
No. 256647
>>256645Ok you're right I'll delete it but other nonnies have mentioned it too
>>256644True that, I haven't caught up with the thread. At least 6 people have seen that tweet considering the person screenshotting didn't like it. I definitely don't think it was in circles
No. 256651
>>256640It’s from her most recent video where she’s addressing the forums
Also, why would the organizers not have shown her the email by the time she filmed her video a week later? It’s supposedly from a stalker that was enough of a threat for the organizers to be concerned for everyone’s safety, but they just didn’t send it to her? The one piece of concrete evidence she has against an irl stalker that could’ve actually made it a police issue just, didn’t get forwarded on? Like?? In what world is that logical Jill
No. 256652
>>256632Can you post the previous transcript before this? where she talks about the little "debate"
Because it honestly sounds like the organizers saw the shit she posted on twitter, realized she was on the event's banner, and decided to tell her not to come for being rude. With "we're concerned for your safety" I think it means "we're concerned about you acting out on stage"
No. 256657
File: 1665254580828.png (5.64 MB, 2414x2734, 1665177255536.png)

more suggestions for the next thread pic? I think there's a little more space left.
No. 256659
>>256658Yeah, it's interesting how she never denied the "suck my ass", but she removed her from her video and deleted the tweet
She has guilt, she understands emotions and she is aware doing that behind vangelina's back while sweet talking her was bad. I'm surprised she didn't fully lean into the angle of "It was Jerrick and that's just how Jerrick is", instead she said it's ok for HER to act like that
No. 256666
>>256659I don't think she's guilty, just trying to cover her ass and hasnt apologized for the suck my ass comment because that's what she actually thinks and has no remorse. There's no way she feels any empathy towards Skov.
>>256578>>256508Why does it feel like she's super manic with the drama? It's like she has more energy than usual. It's even in the way she tweets. Jeez who knew she needed to cause some shit storm so her brain could get some dopamine from it all.
I think the attention and ass kissing she's getting is giving her life. No. 256678
File: 1665256265667.webm (15.01 MB, 1280x720, TwitterSpat.webm)
Lolcow Slander Needs to be Addressed time stamp: 8:39 - 10:35. This happened on Jerrick's twitter.
>Jill claims this girl "was coming for us and spreading a bunch of like heavy claims how we do not really have DiD and it's just weed or if I stop smoking weed like I'm delusional"
>Rants on psychologists who diagnosed her trained in forensics. It's a lady according to Jill
>Jill claims the girl is harassing her on tiktok
>Jill makes fun of the girl being into subliminals
>"Because I'm a witch I shouldn't bash subliminal videos"
>"Subliminal Youtube videos are not a part of any organized religion or protected practice. Me or parts of me believing in witchcraft has nothing to do with someone who is watching Youtube hypnosis videos to grow her hair"
>"I thought it was a bit silly and I'm speaking from Jill and Jerr here very co-con"
No. 256680
File: 1665256709164.webm (1.01 MB, 1280x720, Restrainingorder.webm)
Lolcow Slander Needs to be Addressed time stamp: 5:17 - 5:24. Restraining order.