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No. 318441
>previously a punk kid who became a pansexual buddhist lolita lifestyler>quit because of bullies and LACE drama (>history of self harm, ED and severe anxiety>has a legitimate shopping problem which she justifies by making an ungodly amount of haul videos>broke up with 2-year boyfriend to date their best friend (and her other best friend's ex) whom she 'loved all along' and 'makes her believe in love at first sight'>can't participate in jfashion communities because 'muh rules & restrictions' >creates her OWN japanese street fashion called Party Kei>Went to Japan to prove to herself she wanted to study fashion design>was basically a two week shopping spree>home again and struggling to keep up with making videos>quitting her jobs to follow ~dream~ of being a fashion designer in Japan>>>/pt/108478>>>/snow/93376>>>/snow/25169>>>/snow/154765>>>/snow/215023>>>/snow/258245>>>/snow/271275>>>/snow/285759>>>/snow/303929LINKS
No. 318665
>>318253Are people here really complaining Jill doesn't want to reproduce? I'd think you'd be celebrating her finally making a sensible decision.
Anyway, it's little wonder she can't conceive of how to pay for a kid. See
>>318320 No. 318675
File: 1495433715105.png (Spoiler Image,354.21 KB, 838x535, 1495286427546.png)

Reposting this from last thread because its still fucking hilarious. Look at her face. Just look at it.
No. 318886
File: 1495465586230.png (351.56 KB, 500x645, tumblr_okb3cb7aBL1v1aqh4o1_500…)

from a while back, but this still cracks me up
>"dislikes: parties"
>creates a style called Party Kei
I mean Party Kei really has jack shit to do with actual parties, but why not just give it a different name??
No. 318988
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No. 319005
>>318886"dislikes: parties"
she…. bases her entire aesthetic off something she hates?
No. 319013
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No. 319018
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>>318988I'm about 100% sure Jill is going to try and push herself into this project and call it her own
No. 319021
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>>319020Uneven bangs and awful make up, jill get it togther this is gross.
No. 319029
>>319013her fringe looks like those fake hair clips to fake a fringe. It does not look like its part her natural hair at all.
>witchIs she hopping on the wiccan bandwagon that used to be a thing??
No. 319048
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Crying at how cute she used to be.
No. 319053
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>I can't afford to go to a big school, I'm just a poor art student
>parents literally getting patios for their cats
How fun would it be to be as dense as Jill is?
No. 319060
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No. 319082
>>319053Can we just take a moment to remember the size of their home?
>First floor is usual living room/dining room etc.>Master bedroom, Giles bedroom and Jill's (old) bedroom upstairs>Blair's office>Louise's office>Louise's home studio>Home Gym>Jill's current bedroom (basement)>Garage (which seems to also be the crafts room where they keep a 3D printer)Considering that Louise is basically a housewife since she's a low-tier photographer that works from home, she seems to often invest money into interior makeovers for different rooms. IIRC some photos she flaunted on facebook were posted in past threads.
>>318320 Jill's ~poor artist~ persona is another desperate attempt to be ~relatable~ when in reality it's not any more genuine than her new witch bullshit
No. 319109
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No. 319122
>>319109Why would you put such busy items on such a busy blending background?
Did she suffer extra fucking brain damage post lolita cords?
I don't even like lolita, but you can tell she managed to apply make up half decently and put matchong cords together…. maybe the anorexia really did eat her brain and the current chub is clogging it…
She's already naturally incredibly unfortunate looking, yet she does everything in her power to highlight her worst features and speed up her ageing
No. 319132
>>319122but it's not kawaii unless she also show's off her cute floral aliexpress bedsheets.
i think the real issue is that lolita is easy once you know how to do it, it's just about color matching, buying all the same series and wearing a wig. it takes little effort to look passable and even vamp up a simple boring outfit.
her new ~style~ is just a frankenstein of pre-existing japanese styles (fairy kei, pop kei, mahou kei) and done in a really tumblr way (fat white girl). it looks terrible cause she has no one to guide her how to make it look good cause -she- created it. that's also why everyone following it looks like a hot mess, the style is a hot mess by default, and the people following it are all the same person as her. special snowflake, bad at dressing herself, half-assed weeaboos.
No. 319139
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She's now claiming they will have a full group? So either Colin have in and is going to Hal con or she found someone to replace them
No. 319140
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>look how much money I spend on plastic instead of an education just a poor artist bean without a budget
No. 319144
yes, wasting tons of money on plastic crap definitely makes you way more of a hardcore magical girl fan than people who actually watch/read series lol
>us millennials don't have enough money to raise kids!! :( No. 319152
File: 1495484690904.png (17.29 KB, 512x231, ss (2017-05-22 at 01.24.36).pn…)

No. 319155
>>319152>Support myself I didn't realize buying tacky shit she can't fit into and plastic toys were common human necessities
Unless you're paying rent, food etc you are not supporting yourself. Fuck off with your shit.
No. 319166
>>319152I wonder if she'll be able to maintain channel growth once all her Japan videos are up. She's already had a hard time getting her prefilmed footage uploaded on schedule, so once she runs out I imagine she's going to struggle a bit (Especially because she wont be able to use the ~in Japan~ buzzword to get more weeb viewers)
She's really going to have to be making more diverse and new content in order to not just be stale with hauls.
No. 319191
>>319172Jill is the white girl tumblrites reference when they complain about white appropriation.
And they're not wrong.
No. 319231
>>318886Was this recent?
>>319144To be fair, those who actually watch/read magical girl series do have that justification if they buy merchandise. Jill, on the other hand…
No. 319330
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>>319013You will never be Kammie!! Sorry Jill!!
No. 319387
File: 1495501729675.png (77.73 KB, 750x940, IMG_1600.PNG)

Because all you eat is shit
No. 319395
>>319387obsessive amounts of sugar and processed meats aren't food Jill, eat a vegetable.
Also fun fact the more weight you gain the less responsive your stomach nerves are so it takes much more to be full;
waiting until she becomes obese and becomes one of those self righteous plus size fashion bloggers.
No. 319411
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No. 319556
File: 1495516219983.jpg (249.47 KB, 2000x1333, 17218323_1292549000798619_5470…)

I don't think jill is all that unattractive, she has a (potentially) pretty face.
She just needs to start taking care of her skin, get rid of the lost hi-five member look and fix her diet.
maybe a personality transplant would help though.
No. 319675
>>319387wtf, is she for real? it's absolutely because of her shit diet and probably also dehydration, I can't imagine her drinking enough water throughout the day.
I understand that Jill wouldn't have enough common sense to assume that it's because of all the candy and snack shit she's eating, but even if she just took half a minute to google it she would see what the most common causes are.
how can this bitch talk about ~self care uwu~ but not even know the fundamentals of taking care of your body??
No. 319683
Normally I couldn't care less if a cow acknowledges this site, but Jill I hope you're reading right now because no one should be oblivious to being that much of a retard.
Lmao I can imagine her going to the Dr, getting asked her eating habits and trying to downplay all the sugary carbohydrate loaded shit. Implicating she ate one healthy thing once and still doesn't feel full!!!!
What a chubby little chuckle fuck.
No. 319690
>>319058Canada doesnt work like that. Colleges and unis here mean actually different things as well, colleges usually are hands on and unis are usually text based. The only reason for her to get a degree and go to uni if if the school had a coop program with an arts school anyways.
Also our schools are not that expensive compared to US prices. I think my tuition was about 7k a year. Colleges are cheaper too. So when she says she would be able to support herself fine when she goes to school she is saying she makes a few grand from youtube.
No. 319707
>>319690That's not exactly correct. You can find similar programs at colleges or universities but the value of your education differs. A school can't claim to be uni status without being properly accredited and the average is about 10k per year.
>college: certificate/diploma>uni: accredited degreeYou can try to transfer college credits towards a uni degree but otherwise they're a dead-end to continuing education. There's many universities that are exclusively art schools though (ocad, emily carr etc)? The best fashion school in the country is Ryerson University where they offer both bachelors and masters of design. If Jill took her career seriously, that's the school she would shoot for. A four year uni degree would shape her up and give her a taste of the actual industry with placements etc but she wants the easiest way out. I wouldn't even consider her certificate from that no-name college to be valid education. It's no different than taking private lessons on weekends.
A person without student loans would need to work full time minimum wage for personal bills, let alone student fees. That would mean 40 hrs x 11.25 = 1800$ a month (before tax). Somehow I doubt she makes that much off yt every month. If her parents cut her off, she could not live independently without a job irl.
No. 319741
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For someone who's mostly attracted to the same sex you sure haven't had any serious relationships like that
No. 319750
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This one cat of there's reminds me so much of jill
No. 319757
>>319741I don't get how she has the nerve to call herself gay when she's had three consecutive straight long term relationships
Sucking face once with another snowflake at 13 years old doesn't define her orientation. Walker and Tristan weren't even effeminate iirc. Why is she such a liar.
No. 319761
>>319758Oh please, Jillian is another one of those kids wanting to be "queer" for points.
Although lets be honest, the only person Jill could ever love is herself.
No. 319767
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No. 319768
>>319764That doesn't even make sense.
>>319767Is she talking about her $400 gummy shoes? No surprise there.
No. 319773
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>>319771Ahh. They look tacky, IMO.
No. 319774
>>319767>can't find them anywheref21 has them right now.
>>319768If you mean it doesn't make sense for Jill to claim she's gay despite having 3 boyfriends for the last 6 years of her life, then yeah I agree.
No. 319780
>>319767God her followers are retards
Jill 'looking everywhere' means she dropped by walmart and didn't see them
She googled this as much as she googled the basic nutritional reasoning behind her shit diet causing constant hunger.
Retard just wanted everyone to know what new thing she plans to spend her cash on
No. 319782
>>319773My mom used to have shoes like that for me when I was a fuckin four year old?
Why do these people want to bring fashion from the bad part of the 90s back?
No. 319786
>>319780Youre completely spot on. Casual fb statuses or posts in related groups are always thinly veiled humblebrags for shit she wants to purchase, especially if it's expensive she'll repeatedly mention the price ughhhh.
Nobody's taught her that she needs to stop flaunting her disposable income and showing off expensive purchases every other day. She should know better as an adult, this shit is getting really embarrassing.
No. 319821
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>>319797Ready for this group to implode on itself
No. 319874
>>319788anon please don't come in here to baww about bisexuals and jill, you're obviously not part of this thread normally.
No. 319889
>>319741This family sounds really dysfunctional if Jill is posting about who she 'lusts after' on her family/friends facebook and calls her mom pet names. What the fuck, anons. Louise and her dad have obviously never told Jill to be careful online if she was posting her full name everywhere as a tween.
>>319757There are probably no lesbians/bi girls with such shit taste that they would date Jill on PEI. Also Jill comes off as someone who's 'not like other girls' which is why she doesn't seem to have any girl friendships outside of the internet, they all probably go running when they see her bitchy princess type personality.
>>319797I wish her fans wouldn't backpedal last minute or apologize to her when calling her out. These people are all passive aggressive twats and deserve criticism.
No. 319892
>>319741I feel like she probably misread it and wanted to say D1.
On the other hand, though, wtf? You have to have equal preference to be bi? This can fuck off
No. 319917
File: 1495565324647.jpg (75.15 KB, 960x292, IMG_1618.JPG)

Jill is no longer the banner image, the fall has begun
No. 319929
>>319926>>319922What exactly is party-kei? None of her definitions seem to stick. If she were going for a child's birthday party feel, wouldn't there be more cake/pinata/gift iconography? That's really on the nose but that's all I can think of that would make something like a child's party.
That or like that Melanie Martinez Pity Party video, but that's just pedo-shit.
No. 319948
>>319944i more meant the disgusting special snowflake age-play pedoshit aspect of melanie.
they do both dress like total idiots but jill isn't a gross ageplayer, she just wants to be a kawaii deco japanese waif.
No. 319956
i can see how the idea would apply to ageplay since it's such a loose idea and associated with similar elements fairy kei has, but melanie is legit pedo-bait ageplay "lollituh" shit. jill is annoying, but not famous, melanie makes me wanna punch her in her mouth.
No. 319961
>>319953 girl is definitely an age player. She's the third girl in the new banner
>>319917She's also a huge efame wannabe and has a 30 year old canadian sugar daddy
No. 319966
>>319961Oh she's the one that constantly posts the same coords on COF.
She is an age player, she's admitted it.
No. 320006
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>>320004kek jill watch your group crash and burn
No. 320027
>>320004fuck you jillian
i used to think you were cute
No. 320070
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>>319750nina beana bo'nina banana fofana osama bin laden brown
No. 320090
File: 1495578829570.jpg (99.53 KB, 1000x1000, KYRA MULTI GLITTER ORCHID #2.j…)

>>320063it's especially weird since juju still makes jelly shoes and has pastel ones that jill would probably love
she honestly couldn't have even googled this and she's saying she looked everywhere and yet everyone is attacking some girl who is esl and was trying to clarify jill's message… wtf
No. 320265
File: 1495590276957.jpg (418.09 KB, 607x922, iCIR9zg.jpg)

wholesome pure babbu plant witch community that totally doesn't gang bully teenage girls uwu
No. 320416
>>320408oh sorry
afaik in canada you can only get reduced tuition at a school your parent works at
No. 320623
>>320526imo it was acceptable for that girl to let Jill know she looked fucking stupid. Jill literally said she "can't find them anywhere???" when googling shows that not only are they still around but thy are still being sold by well-known brands Jill would buy from without needing "advice". If anyone else had asked this there would be at least one person who would point out their laziness in not being able to google it themselves.
Jill and the other girls getting so defensive coming up with whatever they can to make the girl in the wrong was nasty and nothing like Jill's touted *~*positivity to everyone!!1! no bullying uwu*~
No. 320639
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Have her nails ever been this unusually large? Or is it just genetics and poor maintenance?
No. 320656
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Sorry, just can't unsee it.
No. 320694
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>>320682there you go, anon.
No. 320697
>>320683she's never shared the amount of hours she worked on average, even when she would brag about ~durrr three jobs~ which makes me think she just likes to flaunt having multiple employers to look like a hard worker, but they're just laid back retail/cash jobs.
Whenever I discuss jobs with other people, they'll often casually mention working 15/25/40 hours etc especially if they work more than one at a time (i.e I had a roommate who worked 60+ hours between two jobs).
Maybe a weird nitpick but to me it appears she works minimally yet wants to give off the impression of having a relentless work ethic.
No. 320727
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>>320718I have too much fun doing this lmao
No. 320746
>>320613Other than the mismatched scrunchies and random pink choker, her outfit is kinda cute. the blue on her sweater, earrings, and one of the scrunchies mostly match. Her hair color is pretty loud and looks weird against the pastels but the style is okay as well. She's doing a bit of a better job at putting stuff together it seems.
Also her nails are naked and look significantly less gross than her usual acrylic bubble fingers
No. 320925
>>320613>Dildo commentHi Jill
Also I can't be the only person that finds her remark about keeping things in the box so she can sell them later
I get where she's coming from but I mean it is jill after all
All she cares about is money
No. 320945
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unfortunate looking
No. 320962
>>320945Guess she got her mom to drive her out all the way to halifax to find new jelly shoes.
That's the third time in two months she's left her island purely for shopping purposes.
No. 320982
>>320945I can't help but think she reads these threads and wants to get our approval. Isn't this photo all that was recently discussed what she should change? The bangs, simple clothes, she also ditched her gross fake nails.
Sure she looks more socially acceptable now but it makes me cringe even more to see how much everything about her is influenced by fishing for compliments. Jill has no style and no personality traits other than being spoiled and annoying.
No. 321106
File: 1495678170385.jpg (605.79 KB, 2400x1611, IMG_1666.JPG)

>person makes a post about making their own magical girl wands
>Jill responds with buying them being a good choice
Jill not everything is directly related to your shopping habits
No. 321126
File: 1495680131691.png (540.95 KB, 543x394, b7c9741a89b3c7859a8a5ae9073557…)

ngl I think jill's look in her newest video is pretty cute, though it might be the fact that she has her bangs down.
No. 321173
>>320945>>320951I agree, it's simple and not all over the place.
>>321024>>321028Nail Anon here. I suppose I overlooked them a little too much, since this is the first time I've seen them without the polish. They don't look bad at all, at least in the video afaik.
No. 321174
>>321106you'd think with jill being 'so passionate' about art/design/fashion, she would support creating accessories/toys instead of spending ridiculous amounts of money on worthless plastic trash.
>>321161>>320978>>320999hi jill, nice ellipses!
No. 321248
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>>321227Jill is totally missing the point of fan collections like shrines or itabags. Shrines are an aspect of fandom or otaku culture and they can be expensive, but they're an extension of showing your devotion to a character or series.
For Jill, the collection reflects what she thinks is pretty and brag-worthy about because of the items' worth. It's like she's incapable of getting emotionally involved in something if it doesn't earn her a label like "super rich" or "super fan", or something. There was that one FB post where she talks about how she thought being a fan was defined by watching all the episodes of something, and then she described going through some magical girl series like it was a chore. Like, wtf? You can't tell you like something enough to call yourself a fan? You have to go through weird-ass procedures like collecting shiny things?
I thought that post was really telling of her mindset.
No. 321273
>>321227Somewhat true. In my opinion, if you're a fan of a certain show and see merchandise from it, you should just buy the DVDs or anything with the characters you like. As long as they don't overlap each other, I don't see the harm in it. Saging for OT.
No. 321293
>>321106Isn't 'Addison Kaye' the same girl Jill was shitting on for calling her out earlier? And now Jill's trying to discourage her from being creative just because she doesn't have ever a single original or interesting thought.
Let's be real, magical girl wands may be hard to find in the states and precious to real fans, but Jill is talking about them like they're some family jewels or some shit.
(P.S. Shoutout to Annika Victoria in that post, I'd love a thread on her but she isn't much of a cow, just kind of an SJW?)
sage for slight ot
No. 321442
>>321227I can understand it to an extent. I collect up old 80's horror things, but part of the joy that comes from that is finding items from when the movies came out, and never buying online but the hunts through flea markets and second hand stores looking for the stuff. My collection is super important to me but it's considered a hobby, not "HEY GUYS LOOK SEE I'M A REAL FAN"
Sage for blog post.
No. 321497
>>321486 I understand your sentiment.
But at the same time, she has a lot of actual talents and opportunities. She has both the means and opportunity to make what she claims to be her dream a reality.
One venue I am dissapointed she doesn't follow is her musical abilities. I know putting out music you've done is hard, it does make you vulnerable but I think it would be a lot more constructive then her current way of making videos.
No. 321629
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>>321464stop trying to make poppy happen, it's not going to happen
No. 321650
>>321293Yeah anna dosent have much milk, I know she is a strong feminist/sjw, ethical shopping (makes her own clothes, no highstreet sweatshop stuff) etc thats it. Shes also a spoonie, but theres not enough to warrent a thread I think
I do get a bit salty when she shits on certain trends and just complains about them and how ~silly~ they are (cat bra, cut out jeans etc) when she dresses kind of quirky herself but thats just me kek
Sage for of
No. 321665
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I wonder how Jill feels knowing these are the sorts of people her videos attract
No. 321673
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She brought a swim suit.
No. 321681
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>>321677idk what you're talking about anon, I think Jill would look great in either one of these
No. 321689
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No. 321719
File: 1495756698054.png (692.05 KB, 988x605, hjdhkgd.png) just found this account cuz they left a comment on Jill's latest IG post…
No. 321742
>>321712You may be in denial, louise, but you are just saying that because you are her mom
Sometimes I think louise is in extreme denial about how much of a failure jill is, so to avoid blaming herself forces herself to act like she loves the smell of jills peeps enjeweled poo. If she keeps pretending Jill isn't a retard she never has to feel at fault
No. 321773
>>321719I saw that yesterday, bizarre tbh. I wonder if Jill runs the account (lol), I have a feeling she is self-obsessed enough to do that.
>>321742I don't think Louise feels that Jill is a failure, I think she is genuinely proud of Jill because she's a 'mini me' of her (her own words IIRC), combined with wanting to be the 'cool mom'
No. 321789
>>321673That brand name couldn't be more accurate.
>>321681These actually look really pretty.
No. 321816
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more super cute empty calories!!
No. 321826
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>>321680I think so. I dont think there would be enough fabric on the two piece for this photo
No. 321862
No. 322035
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old milk but, saw this comment on alb's video where shes talking to a literal 5 year old about magical girls and the child mentions glitter force; way to be elitist and smug on a child jill
sage for old shit
No. 322066
>>322035>current season is about witchesIs this why she is a "witch" now?
Like heck I wanted to be a witch when I was younger but you can't just
be a witch and do magic and shit, it is a subset of wiccanism and comes with its own set of beliefs and stuff.
No. 322168
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A thread on /cgl/ about magical girls is talking about Jill's shit as well
No. 322171
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Jill confirmed for never making sewing videos. Who's excited for years of more hauls
No. 322192
>>322171>don't wanna like, give away my secrets hahaI admit I get salty over this kind of shit
But Jill has no special secrets, she's at most looked up a few online tutorials for basic sewing and goes with that to put together a few badly made pieces
No. 322195
>>322168 Link?
>>322192Like what glue she uses
No. 322203
>>322171riiiiiight that's totally why, not because she specifically can't handle concrit when it comes to things like her drawings, musical skills etc
most artists have yt channels that revolve around their actual art, meanwhile jill calls herself an artist yet her channel is about buying pastel shit, she's the definition of a hack.
also sick of her pretending to have a "fashion" channel like no, has she ever watched actual successful fashion youtubers? their content is very specific types of videos whereas jill talks to a fancy camera in her parent's basement and exaggerates her abilities/future plans instead of producing creative videos or acting on any of her dreams.
No. 322210
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It's happening
No. 322240
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>>322228Seems like it? Sounds like she's going with a cat, but at this point it really seems like she's getting a tattoo just for the sake of getting one.
(Also I hope she's ready to have a permanent reminder of this cat on her skin after it does pass away)
No. 322270
>>322171I might not know much about fashion design so I might be talking out of my ass when I say this, but
>I don't want to give away my secretsisn't the part that distinguishes fashion designers from each other the creative process? Not the sewing bit? I'm pretty certain any technique can be learned, skilled people can guess how you did something just by looking at it, but the creative process cannot be replicated. You cannot copy someone else's thoughts before they leave their head. I don't understand what kind of ~secrets~ she's referring to here. Sage for no contribution.
No. 322276
>>322272tbh this is kinda embarrassing but I am the OP of that cgl thread and didn't think it would noteworthy enough to bring back to the farm but I literally just used her collection pic because it's a good example of what I was describing in the thread. It was just meant to be a bit of salt, not dramu but I guess other anons were amused.
sage for derailing
No. 322283
File: 1495824726601.gif (2.48 MB, 250x156, SdYgmAE.gif)

>>322276Just stop posting
No. 322286
File: 1495825046331.png (103.93 KB, 750x657, IMG_1671.PNG)

>>322272Oops, sorry that you saw it Jill, been on /cgl/ for a while now haven't you
No. 322627
>>322580thanks for the blog and non humble brag post anon, do you want your own snow thread?
>>322582super secret special design tip #1: sewing slightly squiggly lines """on purpose"""
No. 322691
>>322580Next time sage your humblebrag blogpost, but i do agree with this. Jill is like every 8 year old who decides they're going to be a
fashun designuh because they made an outfit or a barbie doll once, but she's never shown any desire to put the actual work into it or any evidence that she has talent for it. All we have ever seen her sew are a few shitty cosplays, her horribly constructed prom dress, and that one disgusting pompom outfit. She bought all of those fabrics for her "portfolio" weeks ago and we haven't seen a scrap of progress. Not even a sketch.
No. 322802
>>322709She still has an entire year to apply for her 2 year certificate cop out. She's waiting for colin to graduate next summer because she can't live alone. Still unbelievable that she wants to skip the foundation year seeing as her artwork skills could use it.
Her dad should have really pushed for her to attend an arts university instead but it doesn't seem like her family ever provides good advice.
No. 322857
File: 1495897997570.png (118.04 KB, 750x772, IMG_1701.PNG)

No. 322860
>>322859I don't see any eyebags. Slightly puffy lower lids, but unless she shooped them out…
No. 322862
File: 1495898847281.png (153.98 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1283.PNG)

No. 322873
File: 1495901081127.png (53.59 KB, 750x437, IMG_1702.PNG)

>>322862She's finally going to do it
No. 322896
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No. 322912
File: 1495905532753.jpg (449.86 KB, 2396x1236, IMG_1713.JPG)

No. 322913
>>322897God, her arms look double the size of her body.
This guide would be lovely if Jill herself stuck to it. '90's slumber party' is not at all what I get from party kei.
No. 322916
>>322900Well I was right about the "all the fabrics"
None of this is helpful in the slightest.
No. 322926
File: 1495906953955.jpg (518.86 KB, 2400x1800, IMG_1717.JPG)

No. 322934
>>322929So, an overall summary of her Japan vlogs:
1 - Harajuku (shopping)
2 - Shibuya 109 (shopping)
3 - Precure Store (shopping)
4 - Precure amusement park (amusement park for actual children)
5 - Akihabara (shopping)
6 - Thrifting in Harajuku ft. Sharla (shopping)
7 - Sunshine City & Milky Way Cafe (window shopping & parfait eating)
8 - Kawaii Monster Cafe ft. Peachy (bizarre parfait eating)
9 - Nakano - ('sightseeing' & shopping)
10 - Swankiss event (shopping)
to be fair the 2 cafes she did videos on were at least something unique to Japan, but she managed to make both of them look uninteresting as fuck
the Nakano one also included the one sight seeing moment that her mom forced her too, but overall… yeah
I've honestly never seen anyone make Japan look this boring
No. 322950
File: 1495909815843.png (48.48 KB, 153x114, d47d8dad576f29771438f86af16f6b…)

same louise
No. 322952
File: 1495909924363.png (66.6 KB, 750x598, IMG_1718.PNG)

No. 322960
>>322957That's what I was thinking before, the only time I've napped that much in my life was when I was depressed as shit.
Don't wanna make assumptions about Jill's mental health, I mean all the napping could just be a result of her atrocious diet too lol
No. 322982
>>322885It's pretty disappointing. To be honest, I was actually looking forward to the footage from swankiss. And no one seemed to have a problem with her having her camera out, so it doesn't seem to be a case of having little footage because she had to sneak her camera in or something. Seriously Jill. We saw more of your fucking airbnb than anything else on this trip.
But kek at how much cuter literally every other girl was in there. Not even just the staff, literally everyone.
No. 323007
>>322982honestly i really wanted to see it too, shes not even good at talking about fashion despite saying she cares so much. when she opened up the adorable messages from the shop staff and didn't even try to read them it was seriously so soul crushing, like i would've killed to have a cute hikapu note or some shit. and when she went into fucking punyus and was trying on those pants i was like "thats a new look for jill cool shes branching out" and she made a stupid fucking face like HUHU THESE R CHEEKY WACKY!!! UWU i wanted shut off the fucking video and reevaluated how i can be so upset by one persons actions
sage for retardation i just wish she behaved like an actual person who cares about the shit she claims to care about and stop being an immature 'cheeky fucko uwu'
No. 323008
>>323000i don't have any classes over the summer so i might tbh
i wanna make one that spans over few of her videos but i was too lazy to download them all
No. 323010
File: 1495914952403.jpg (521.99 KB, 1350x2400, IMG_1721.JPG)

No. 323018
>>322998bless anon
please make a compilation of people giving jill weird looks in japan omg
No. 323026
>>322970Go to an arcade. Go to a restaurant. Go to a kabuki show. Go to a bar. Go to a festival. Explore the local area. Go see some live music. Go to a themed cafe.
Also a lot of stores in Japan are open until 9pm so…
No. 323048
File: 1495919125761.png (166.71 KB, 750x949, IMG_1814.PNG)

It's a balloon on a bubble wand…..
This is who Jill is inspiring
No. 323052
File: 1495919254915.png (211.27 KB, 750x1180, IMG_1815.PNG)

I joined the group only to see this posted..
No. 323161
File: 1495927975163.png (175.93 KB, 750x1070, IMG_1724.PNG)

Pixie facts got a fact wrong confirmed for not real fan
No. 323234
>>322857y'all… imagine taking a picture like that and thinking you look good… lmao.
everyone in the party kei group is taking crazy pills.
No. 323256
>i don't wanna like… give away my secrets!!! tee hee!oh god, she's ten years old. she thinks waaaay too highly of herself. she might have like… two or three tricks that she has learned by herself and that's it.
she reminds me of something someone told me, along the lines of "people who brag about their ideas usually don't have many of them". like she's bragging about all her "secrets" because she thinks they are a big deal. but really someone like Annika probably knows ten times more and doesn't worry about "giving away her secrets". jill thinks she's sooo special.
No. 323259
File: 1495937589444.png (1.88 MB, 1400x881, dfghjkl.PNG)

Sometimes I like to hurt myself by looking through the insta partykei tag. Here are a few standouts
No. 323260
File: 1495937605007.png (1.3 MB, 1205x895, dfghjkljkhjgh.PNG)

No. 323261
File: 1495937616092.png (1.82 MB, 1215x878, fdghjk.PNG)

No. 323262
File: 1495937626398.png (1.57 MB, 1398x874, fghdjksfdjkas.PNG)

No. 323263
File: 1495937661238.png (1.84 MB, 1387x894, vdghdsjksdghfdj.PNG)

Last one. I bet Jill gets a power trip knowing she actually looks a million times better than a portion of her fans
No. 323268
>>322948She says that bright colours and fur are staples of party kei too!
Don't you just want to constantly think of her furry, pink, big juicy ring, anon?
No. 323270
>>323262not an outfit to improve self esteem in
>>323263the autism is unbearable
No. 323275
>>323263I like this outfit, the pinks match and the lavenders match and the necklace is ugly but at least its coordinated; remove the person and i'm into this outfit tbh
Sage for no contribution
No. 323289
>>323261that haircut and makeup choices are so baaaaaad for her. and if this shit looks bad in her insta pics, i can't even imagine how shitty she looks in real life.
>>323260now this one… i don't think theres any hope for this one. too many bad choices at once…
No. 323411
>>323338It is a Japanese name though
This is the kanji she uses 直美. If it was the western 'Naomi' then it would be writte in katakana.
Sage for no cobtribution
No. 323451
>>323338Naomi is a Japanese name though. It's one of the first Japanese names I heard about. I hate it when people try to act superior to call out cows on their shit and get basic facts wrong.
>>323436I agree. This post is cringe.
No. 323474
File: 1495979592277.png (364.97 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170528-065204.png)

No. 323476
File: 1495979978814.jpg (552.59 KB, 1080x1920, 17-05-28-06-59-18-851_deco.jpg)

No. 323484
>>323481To be fair the only episode I've ever seen was San Junipero, but my friends who watched other ones (and therefore recc'd me the episode) said that was the happiest episode.I can't remember anything "
triggering" about it, unless Jill is scared of lesbians, has been in a bad car crash, or is scared of having to think and not having plot handed to her like it does in children's anime.
No. 323524
>>323484I'm also thinking she's referencing her lesbian "relationship" … but didn't she say she was mostly gay within the last week? Why would that be
triggering then?
No. 323542
>>322912>please use gender neutral pronouns
>muh pronounsgod, I hate these
triggered by everything bitches. It's like they wake up and look for reasons to be offended.
No. 323553
File: 1495985013656.jpg (371.78 KB, 2400x1594, IMG_1731.JPG)

She has completely changed her tattoo plans, which is probably for the best
No. 323556
File: 1495985170941.gif (459.06 KB, 256x144, 1430279386869.gif)

>>323553She's so fucking irritating. As someone who has worked with a lot of artists in the last 15 years, there is nothing you can do. You deal with it. You want a tattoo? You deal wit the pain and aftercare/healing that comes with it. Everyone has different levels of pain tolerance as well. I can see Jill as one of those annoying bitches who will wriggle and squeal as she is getting inked, frustrating the poor artist who has the displeasure of working on her flabby body.
No. 323560
>>323026"I'm in one of the largest, most international cities in the world, staying in one of the most cosmopolitan areas of that city, and there's NOTHING TO DO!" And this is coming from someone who lives in East Bumblefuck, Canada?
>>323482It's a shame she isn't, because she could benefit from a strong DD telling her when to sleep, when to get up, what to eat, how to dress herself, and when to keep her mouth shut. Her own parents failed at this; a good DD/lg relationship might be the only thing to save her.
No. 323568
>>323560That is true, ddlg is the fetish for overgrown babies who don't know to take care of themselves.
Also white supremacists! :D
No. 323677
>>323650>>323476I'm going to guess her tragic back story is because she wants/wanted to date a girl but can't because she feels the need to stay with Colin?
Like what even?
No. 323802
File: 1496008421062.jpg (147.44 KB, 1080x1349, 18646586_1344787565605325_6145…)

ngl she looks kind of cute but very un-Jill
No. 323805
File: 1496008452830.png (135.62 KB, 750x865, IMG_1736.PNG)

No. 323918
>>323650I just finished the episode and it was honestly boring to me. What the fuck
triggered her? Good hair? Decent fashion?
No. 323923
>>323805The last time I got a tattoo, I had to sign a release form and they photo copied my ID. I'm pretty sure one of the terms if not to be drunk, high or on drugs when getting inked. It's bullshit misinformation like this that really pisses me off.
Buck up, Jill, or don't get the tattoo at all. It will hurt regardless.
No. 324004
>>323920what's wrong with being on painkillers during that? wouldn't it be a good idea to at least take some tylenol
i wouldn't suggest weed for Jill because she has never done it before and she would probably freak out or something.
No. 324006
>>323998I've had a similar experience anon but Jill doesn't really seem the type of person to be severely distraught by the loss of a family member, friend, etc. She honestly comes off as so self absorbed that she'd use the misfortune of someone close to her to garner sympathy from her fans. She complains about everything and never stops talking about her life; I feel like if something like that had happened, it almost certainly would have been posted on her tumblr or deviantart or something or we would have heard about it?
Maybe I'm being too harsh but she gives me serious selfish uncaring bitch vibes.
No. 324014
>>324006what the hell lmao
we all dislike jill here but saying that she wouldn't care if someone close to her died? that's a mighty big assumption there buddy
No. 324027
>>324004maybe a light painkiller(otc)- but you don't want to something to happen and you don't realize
It's probably reason they don't want you to drink, they're all mind altering depresses drugs
No. 324062
>>324020Sorry to insult your shit taste, anon.
>>324022At the very least she obviously cares about people on a superficial level. The tinsel thing is telling tho, she's irresponsible as fuck and my guess would be she values looks over anything (like functionality), I mean… just look at her eating and shopping habits. She'd rather keep the tinsel up and have the cats around for pics than take it down for their safety.
No. 324085
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No. 324115
File: 1496026329415.png (1.98 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1743.PNG)

>>324085This is terrifying
No. 324167
>>323802Hairstyle and the bow look cute, but that's pretty much it.
>>324062>Sorry to insult your shit taste, Anon.People can like whatever they want to (Jill and her ilk are an exception when it's done in excess, but still). Taste is subjective.
No. 324308
>>324306If it isn't that severe, they won't really care, plus dentists aren't orthodontists. They want your teeth to be healthy and may not care too much about how straight they look or feel the need to refer you to an orthodontist if it isn't extreme.
Retainers are generally worn after braces treatment ends, and the bite is usually corrected/adjusted during treatment with rubber bands. It may be different in different parts of the world. Do we know if Jill ever had braces? Or what the norm is like in Canada and PEI for teeth correction?
No. 324309
>>324029>>324032>>324081>>324027It's both. Being under the influence means you can't legally "consent" meaning the tattoo artist could get in trouble if they tattoo you and blood thinning = more bleeding while you are getting the tattoo done = harder for the tattoo artist to do their job.
Tattoos don't really "hurt" in the way she's probably expecting. bite down on your candy necklace for the first few pokes, Jill.
No. 324342
>>324321diff anon but i'm someone who wears my retainer religiously to bed every night (even when im blackout drunk the night before ill find my retainer in.) but then again i'm someone who paid for my braces out of pocket so diff priorities I guess.
Sage for bringing irl onto board, Sage for no contribution
No. 324420
>>324372My Lolita friends and I still hated her when she released this video. This was after her "Lolita on a budget" vid where she tried to give financial advice and took it down because people called her out on being a spoiled 16 year old barely out of her ita phase.
Again her humble bragging about her privilege in this vid rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. Not going to rewatch, but iirc her message is along the lines of "If Lolita is hard for you or outside criticism upsets you, then you should re-evaluate your fashion choices. But I can be a Lolita because everyone in rural Canada is raised to be polite and only throw compliments my way tehe plus my mommy loves me"
It actually makes sense then when you realize years later she mentioned being publicly mocked in a Forever 21 and said she'd never experienced that in the past. Not to mention how fast she quit the fashion when she realized not every Lolita would worship the ground she walks on. Any type of opposition is traumatic to her I guess.
No. 324449
>>324430Why are you so bitter and defensive about an earrings comment on an anonymous imageboard?
>>324420As she gets older it seems like she gets more and more sensitive. I can imagine her becoming a total recluse if she got laughed at in public one more time, if only she'd take her own tough guy internet advice and grow thicker skin.
No. 324469
>>324376This. 8 out of 10 times, the posts are just salty for being salty.
>>324383>>324385>>324395Thanks for proving Anon's point.
No. 324528
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No. 324802
File: 1496102008311.png (640.89 KB, 498x651, h4pC4Gl.png)

No. 324820
>>324809We can't see her shoes, and the fact that she essentially only has one piece of clothing on (besides the white tshirt) really helps. She can't mismatch clothing if it's just one piece.
But the bow doesn't match, the bag is off, and I can't see what necklace she has on, so it's hard to tell if that really works up close. Not to mention those granny glasses.
No. 324850
>>324802I will say this is an interesting picture and a step above from the shitty selfies she usually posts.
The whimsy color composition from the tulips actually flow with the type of hair and child romper she's wearing.
No. 324885
>>324881Photoshop. Just like how she shooped the flowers.
Looks like she pushed in her arms and waist in a bit, and then gave her neck some length while adjusting the face shape.
Not that I'm saying it's bad, this is literally the only cute picture I've seen of her in months. If she's gotta shoop to make it work, then fine.
No. 325009
Jill posted a cat video again ( ), imagine hearing this shit all day
No. 325025
>>324881shes also sucking her gut in hardcore, but yeah like other anon said shooping.
not surprised though pixie has been shooping herself thinner since her lolita/gal crossover days
No. 325701
File: 1496195237858.jpg (108.69 KB, 700x996, b197709302b6cc61c58e54dd16220b…)

Really surprised jill hasn't gravitated towards these yet. Like they completely go with her aesthetic
No. 325966
File: 1496212838346.jpeg (67.91 KB, 562x822, image.jpeg)

>>324802Realized the inspo
No. 326438
>>326370She most likely did that because she didn't want to do more editing like a true lazy shitty youtuber.
Also maybe to weed out hate mail.
No. 326522
File: 1496275962932.png (523.3 KB, 499x648, u8cM4X4.png)

now that jill's got a PO box, her fans are taking the liberty to use it like a dump and send her their kawaii scraps
No. 326575
File: 1496279423373.jpeg (18.48 KB, 339x149, image.jpeg)

When Jill made this face, it reminded me of this.
No. 326695
>>326438And yet she still managed to flash at least one return address up on the screen in a way that was readable. Considering her fans are guaranteed to be minors (and super young ones at that), this seems rather irresponsible.
Meanwhile why did she even bother with a PO herself? The whole world knows her name, her mom's name, and her mom's business which is in their house. She could have saved herself the CA$162 - CA$779/year.
No. 326847
>>326117>"Thank you for fighting for trans and women's rights!"Was this sent to the wrong YouTuber? Sure Jill mentions being pro-trans but feminism/lgbtq rights have never been her fortay by any means, she's just a product of her generation.
Do we all get asspats and fan mail for not living in the 20th century anymore?
She couldn't have been any less interested in those vintage pins as well. Guaranteed we won't see her wear them since they're not pastel.
No. 326882
>>326847I thought those pins were super sweet and a really nice lil something. She's fully expecting people to send her year-round birthday presents and seeing her excitement over bigger/more ~kawaii~ gifts over something that someone was nice enough to find and send her really pissed me off.
She's an ungrateful bitch. At least pretend to like the gifts. You know the sender is watching. Just pretend your great-aunt Gretel has given you your fourteenth hankie in a row for Christmas and pretend to fucking adore it for the sake of making them happy.
No. 326901
File: 1496324815813.png (129.9 KB, 750x959, IMG_8727.PNG)

Going through Jill's followers kek
No. 326960
File: 1496332553540.png (638.24 KB, 460x778, 1495541630017.png)

So apparently she or someone that looks a lot like her went to a lolita meetup dressed like this.
No. 326985
>>326975How so? Just found this on /cgl/ comm thread
They got the same hair and terrible fashion sense
No. 326990
>>322970I know this is halfway up the thread but this is the saddest thing I ever saw. All my Japanese friends complained about how early pubs, clubs, bars, and karaoke close in the UK and how there's nowhere you can go to hang out after midnight like arcades or whatever.
I guess you need actual friends to enjoy social things like this though.
No. 326994
>>326983>>326985She hasn't been posted in the last two comm threads, and that second photo is from btb
Take your lolita vendetta somewhere else
No. 327061
>>322970top fucking kek calling commercial catalogs "zines" which are diy craft things for poor artists to show off their work, she will use any terminology that she thinks sounds cool jfc
>>326117It's really embarrassing for her to claim she was a ~tru punk living the lyfe~ when she was actually 13/14 and Louise would not let her go out on the town to shows every night before school and Jill is known to be
triggered by drugs or anything remotely "hardcore".
For years she said her punk bf was abusive/unhealthy relationship and he apparently forced his music interests on her. Then when his roommates called the cops over animal abuse, Jill and Louise were both quick to defend him saying he was a sweet guy that never showed that type of
problematic behaviour. I wonder if he ever actually got arrested/charged, I know he was on the run for awhile.
I was mutuals with Jill around that time in her life and I hate how her version of events always change when she talks about that period. Sometimes her punk phase is super traumatic that she's too ashamed to discuss because evil friends/bf and then out of nowhere it changes to her being proud because it made her the most special snowflake. Her boyfriend was obviously more edgelord/4chan type and Jill's slow transition to sjw for attention's sake is likely much more obvious if you knew or followed her five years ago. Surely she still has edgy posts on her fb like when she would proclaim herself more authentic than other alternative girls because reasons. I always thought she'd end up competing with other fb-popular scene girls but I guess everyone transitioned to ~kawaii~ anyways. Either way I think her intentions are transparent.
Idc if her fans want to believe she's a pure social justice angel but honestly 2012 Jill would
trigger 2017 Jill so hard, she really embodied different values at the time.
sage for huge rant/blogpost, fickle people are my pet peeve.
No. 327759
File: 1496428015005.png (170.68 KB, 494x635, ChxyNYC.png)

is she announcing collin's personal life to the world to prove she cares about him or…
No. 327792
>>327776I assume it's because of his jaw, I don't remember exactly what the issue is but I think it was mentioned before that it was something he's insecure about
When you watch videos of them together you can see that it's messed up in some way
No. 327827
>>327776I thought it was a castration or tranny reference
No. 327905
File: 1496439307829.jpg (43.87 KB, 892x960, 18765965_1844046205609366_1647…)

So this is what she's getting tattooed on her. The stars are going to be way too small, and the eyes are probably too small for as much detail as she wants. Not to mention the bow is uneven.
No. 327915
>>327905that shit is ugly.
i'm scared of trashing it tho, because i don't want her throwing another tantrum about it. like, if you want ugly shit tattooed on you, JUST DO IT JILL!! its milkier for us that way!!
No. 327918
File: 1496440376790.jpg (12.02 KB, 238x183, tumblr_onpckm5xC71tcyivfo1_250…)

>>326117when she would start talking in tumblr language like: "you're special uwu! you can do it! i love u <3 ur so talented and specialll! boop boop boop! you're amazzzing", that's when i wanted to fucking die.
No. 327979
File: 1496446933451.png (40.23 KB, 490x600, 6d736c7c349db7c6a5ec9877b77f5e…)

>>327905I feel like she tried going for an Esther Kim kinda aesthetic, but Jill really doesn't have enough foundations in art to pull off such an illustrative style…
I draw quite a lot and would never want to have my own art as a tattoo, I'd be too afraid of suddenly seeing flaws in the future and not being able to fix them. Jill must have quite some confidence in her art lol
No. 328077
>>327905eugh you can just tell that it's not going to come out very well, even with some adjustments from whoever tattoos her
I still want her to go through with it just so she can realize how bad it looks later
No. 328091
File: 1496458588310.png (100.62 KB, 750x445, IMG_1807.PNG)

>>327759Not only that, but went into detail about what could be a private health matter on a public page that is completely unrelated
No. 328092
File: 1496458620562.png (126.5 KB, 750x1037, IMG_1802.PNG)

>>328091Then of course she also posted it on facebook
No. 328093
File: 1496458690010.png (86.93 KB, 745x541, IMG_1803.PNG)

>>328092which she then followed up with this less then an hour later
No. 328095
File: 1496458724605.png (47.15 KB, 750x341, IMG_1805.PNG)

>>328093And now the night after his surgery she's out drinking
No. 328096
File: 1496458746364.png (164.66 KB, 750x1097, IMG_1804.PNG)

>>328095With her "best friend"
No. 328097
File: 1496458777467.png (90.49 KB, 750x904, IMG_1806.PNG)

>>328096Whose profile pic she is now currently in
No. 328124
>>328114don't be a fucking child about it, it's not a complex surgery, it's one day in the hospital, and 6 weeks of recovery until they take out the rods.
I will admit though, that she should be in the hospital with them until they're out, cause that's a really nice gesture.
No. 328161
>>328091>>328097lol you can tell she's hoping to hop onto the next dick in secrecy while keeping collin around, he's gonna be useless now though that he's in recovery and can't move his jaw
i hope johnathan and collin run away and be gay together elsewhere
No. 328297
>>328096that tongue thing she does is absolutely revolting
why does she do it?? is she copying it from somewhere? it
triggers me every time
No. 328336
>>328124Yeah but still… i think it kinda sucks. Imagine collin checking his feed and seeing how jill is out and about having a jolly good time. She's not supposed to mourne but at least not be a jerk… idk.
Als i'd be pissed about it being postet all over the internet. Come on, that was uncalled for.
Jeeez that poor guy…
No. 328385
>>328377John has been her gay best friend for a while though, at least for as long as she's been dating Colin. Although yes, Colin was best friends with Tristan (and Jill?) and dated Gillian (Jill's only female friend in high school) so she doesn't seem to care about ruining friendships nor dating people with odd sexual identities.
If anything, I think the breakup with Tristan happened around the same time Colin came out as nb. Jill dropped her straight relationship like a hot potato when she realized she could be in ~queer~ relationship with Colin.
John could easily turn out to be bisexual instead of 100% gay if we're going with the theory that they will develop a romance but tbh I highly doubt that because he seems a lot more confident in his orientation than Jill or Colin.
No. 328553
>>328096>>328097you know how, sometimes you'll sees two ugly people together? and it turns out the uggos are just best friends or something. and you think to yourself "they should just date each other…save everyone the time". but they never end up dating, because both uggos think that they are better looking than each other?
cause that's the feeling these pictures give me.
sure, she's dating collin right now but i don't think its gonna last. once they move in together she's gonna scare him away.
No. 328891
File: 1496589567504.jpg (31.25 KB, 488x386, pixsneeze.JPG)

disgusting sneeze with the high pitched WHEW
No. 328979
>>328968Probably because she thought that Larme revolved around the brand Swankiss. Swankiss has some pretty over the top clothing and it seemed like Larme was going in that direction at first. Now it's a bit more toned down and has a lot more rules because a community has evolved, referring to the FB page.
She posted her Larme makeup video when the style was starting to break into the "mainstream". Nothing was really solidified. Not to mention all hell broke loose when she posted that video because she used craft glitter around her eyes.
No. 329028
File: 1496599649194.png (948.58 KB, 1136x640, IMG_2133.PNG)

>>329016Girl really needs to tone her arms (if not everything).
Pic related isn't the best quality (thanks, mobile), but you can see her shadowy stubble.
No. 329033
File: 1496600631405.png (1.52 MB, 1342x926, Screen Shot 2017-06-04 at 1.11…)

Jill's accent coupled with her 1st-grade vocabulary is headache inducing.
>Shiboooooyah haul. Shibooyah? Shibuya? It's a mystery
>Swimmy suit
>Jacki (as in jacket)
>Beep bop boop
>Coli (as in color)
>Poki dots
How will she ever be able to present her clothing brand if she describes clothes as "situations" and "thingies"?
No. 329101
>>329029lol yahh explains the trauma she felt out of fear of not fitting in brand…
bye JILL
No. 329102
>>328979um swankiss is still pretty larme since half their stuff is always featured in every single issue
not all their stuff is so ott like the ugly shit jill picked bc it was probs the only bs she fit into
No. 329130
>>329029No, but a lot of walking and maybe some weight lifting could do her good. Sage for OT.
>>329119>>329122Maybe it is just shadow. I dunno, I'm no body hair expert.
No. 329149
File: 1496614971731.jpg (439.44 KB, 2400x2400, IMG_1834.JPG)

>Jill not responding to partners "I like you"
>basically saying if he didn't call himself nonbinary she wouldn't like him
No. 329173
>>329170yeah i guess non binary just confuses me like it means you choose to say youre not male or female right? but you still are. shes not including men in who shes attracted to but colin is a guy hes just saying hes nb
sage for just a pointless comment im making anyway
No. 329199
>>329173she isn't attracted to men. that's what she's saying
i'm not going to debate the existence of nb people on here
No. 329225
>>329149What a fucking liar
Jill not only were you seriously dating men for 4 years before but according to your own story you were long attracted to Colin before being nb (still "male"). Now she's suddenly excluding men and that's suppose to make her officially gay?
I understand if she doesn't like dick or hetero intercourse (there's plenty of straight girls in relationships who work around their fear or repulsion of penis) but she's lying if shes claiming to be incapable of hetero romance or attraction to males. Romance and sexuality are separate entities, I don't know or care if she can have sex with men but she sure as hell can be romantic towards them.
Tbh her personal life is none of our business but she doesn't seem to understand that she's publicly throwing her last 3 partners under the bus, despite these people being the closest friends she's ever had who did right by her as males in a hetero dynamic. Why are trendy labels more important than actual people. The entire basis of pan sexuality is that one is capable of seeing beyond the surface of gender and loving their partners based on attractive values/morals/behaviour. Had Tristan been a girl would she have left just the same for a nb person? Doesn't seem likely.
No. 329227
>>329225people can change lmao calm down
>there's plenty of straight girls in relationships who work around their fear or repulsion of penissounds a lot like compulsory heterosexuality
No. 329240
>>329236asexuality isn't "fear or repulsion of penis" lol
you have no idea what you're on about
No. 329310
File: 1496632595446.jpg (71.23 KB, 600x450, 1N0UjV3.jpg)

>>329148youre forgetting that she weaseled her way into a relationship with collin by going through tristan for years, his best friend at the time. im sure shes capable of doing it again even if its reaching. the thought is pretty funny tbh
>>329225>Why are trendy labels more important than actual people.its hilarious how you could say this about her mindset for everything
>>329268pic related
No. 329319
>>329240For a hetero asexual woman, yeah, asexuality can involve "fear or repulsion of penis"
Personally, I'm ace in a hetero relatioship. I still love and am attratrated to my partner, but i don't have any sex drive at all. We have sex because I know he wants it, and it makes me happy to make him happy, but I really couldn't care less about it one way or the other. But not all ace people are like me and some are straight up repulsed by sex and wont do it for any reason ever.
Sage for blogpost.
No. 329322
>>329225i know right???
she must have seen her gay friends making status about pride month and thought "omg i'm soooooo gay too i deserve praise too!". its transparent as fuck. jill is the defintion of a follower, her personality/sexuality/likes in general always change in order to get more attention.
No. 329337
>>329319i'm also ace thanks you don't need to explain my orientation to me
i'm well aware there are sex-repulsed aces, but asexuality isn't "fear or repulsion of penis". there are sex-repulsed non-aces too
>>329320sure is biphobia in here
>>329318I get the feeling she's totally over Colin…
Orientation sounds like she's leaning far more towards being into women but not ready to fully admit (or isn't snowflakey enough)…and the post smacks of not liking dick.. so I guess fair game:
1. Lesbians.
2. Femme guys who don't like hetero sex.
3. Tomboy girls (no dick).
Spent too much time thinking about this on a Monday morning - wtf is my life.
No. 329457
>>329337>>329240>>329351Ok all knowing anon sorry that multiple ace and pansexual anons have shared opinions on Jill's transparent bandwagon and you're jaded enough to think we're all the same ignorant person talking out of our ass. You may think you're the ~queerest of them all~ but we understand our sexuality tyvm and I don't think this thread is projecting biphobia.
Jill herself said she's confused and that's the discussion at hand. She's contemplating her orientation or sexual identity and going about it in a poor manner the same way she approaches her other awful life choices. If you've been following her for years, you'd know she's notorious for trend hoping and it consumes her entire life.
>>329318lmao yeah she did, It appears so cruel she could have at least posted a heart emoji or something.
No. 329622
File: 1496689283651.jpeg (58.43 KB, 587x661, image.jpeg)

No. 329641
>>329622man she… really isn't good at dressing herself
it's pretty sad that she claims to be so into fashion and is still this shit at coordinating
I guess that's what happens when you think that any kind of fashion besides pink plastic garbage is ~soooo boring~ and you create your own style just so you don't have to follow any basics lol
No. 329652
>>329622She really does look like a little granny, ya'll… Not even in an endearing way. Those glasses. She just has no sense of style
(not that I'm some fucking fashion aficionado, I hope I don't sound arrogant. That's not at all my intention). None of the outfits I've seen her wear have any "cohesion." It looks like she just haphazardly slaps things together with very little forethought. It's all these crazy, bold statement pieces that, I think, could work on their (if paired with something more subdued perhaps), but look awful when they're paired with one another.
Sage for ramble. I don't even know if what I'm trying to say makes sense lol.
No. 329673
File: 1496694332499.png (149.78 KB, 1332x539, IMG_1849.PNG)

No. 329675
>>329673Some of these look straight up age playing. Like not even being snarky or anything. I wouldn't be surprised to see this in some creepy video. Only reason I even come to these threads is because I like to check out her outfits to laugh at and I'm never disappointed.
Maybe she could start a popular age player fashion site. She would get laughed in her face by trying to sell this as anything else.
No. 329678
>>329673wait aren't these for a lookbook? why already post them as pictures? there's no need to see her awkwardly posing in some shitty video then
also how is she still so bad at photoshopping
No. 329680
>>329673i actually quite like that checked dress with the petticoat under and the denim jacket, kill me.
the rest look baaaad though, also why does she keep wearing a shirt under that silk cherry dress?? it looks so bad like that
No. 329774
>>329673looks like some sort of trailer trash prostitute in #3, then mentally ill/grannyish/abdl in all the rest
>>329765party kei is whatever jill wants it to be at any moment in time
No. 329778
>>329169As a lesbian I agree. Wouldn't date her. I'm into alt fash girls especially colorful ones but it's a no from me.
She's the epitome of bishit. She's a straight girl who claims to be bi because she "kissed a girl once xD" or because it's the cool thing to be. That and she's just unattractive personality wise. (not into her face/body either)
No. 329820
>>319741No Jill, finding anime girls cute and having a middle school relationship with
one girl is not the same as being wlw/a lesbian
Like…. even Colin, debates on gender aside seems even present more androgynous leaning than feminine (and seeming to only present femme when Jill dresses Colin up).
No. 329832
>>320953She mentioned ita bags as a concept/wanting to make a proper one in one of her japan vlogs, The precure store one.
The bag she referred to in the video was different than the one in this photo though. The japan vlog one was a hot mess and didn't even really look like an itabag.
No. 329850
>>329673these aren't great but they aren't awful.
i might wear the first one but with cute socks and shoes, then again i am a little
No. 329930
>>329906The shoes+accessory choices seem to be the number one killer for some potentially decent (for Jill) outfits.
She has a fuck ton of shoes but matches those ugly rainbow ones to every outfit.
Shoes should match your clothes, Jill, not your hair.
No. 329995
>>329673Urg she is still using that damn dog toy as a 'bag
Her outfits are so terrible. I don't get what these anons see when they suggest the outfits are decent. JUST BECAUSE IT IS GOOD FOR JILL DOESN'T MEAN IT ISN'T TERRIBLE
Don't lower your standards for Jill just because she is usually worse.
No. 330001
>>329673is2g Jill needs to buy a pair of shoes that are easy to coordinate, all of these shoes are fugly af, seriously Jill just buy a pair of black or white shoes you can walk in.
though white shoes would be brown in like a week, maybe she should get some white docs? those are pretty easy to keep clean though jill doesnt seem like the kinda person who would even consider polishing their shoes
No. 330101
>>330093I think it's safe to say a lot of Japanese (and to an extent other Asian) fashion has a more "cute" aesthetic than the more mature looks popular in modern Western fashion. That doesn't mean it looks bad or is ageplay related.
Everyone's entitled to their opinion but cute clothing style does not equal ageplay. You can like pink and hearts and lace and ruffles and not be into weird ageplay shit. It's ridiculous that women who want to be feminine in a different way than what is common for everyone else be thrown in the same category as a literal fetish.
Jill's personal style is a lot different and doesn't really apply here though; she just dresses herself poorly. Even in more normie clothes from Western brands she was dressing herself poorly. Even in her younger punk/alt phases she wasn't very good at coordinating things but she was likely given a pass because it was A) miles better than what she looks like now and B)she was younger and still experimenting and wasn't expected to fully grasp the basic rules of styling, etc.
No. 330145
>>329673The rainbow hair clashes with the soft pastel look shes going for IMO.
The first skirt is cute but looks a bit too tight on her. The purple sweater doesn't work well with her hair and the puppy surprise is plain ugly & tasteless. The cherry dress is still cheap looking. Theres so many better slip dresses to choose from. I actually like the fourth look but the rainbow hair doesn't suit the color scheme or the overall feel of the clothes. I like the pink salopette skirt but the sweater is bulky and unflattering, compared to the white shirt in the first pictures
If she really likes her rainbow hair, I think she'd benefit from incorporating more neutrals into her wardrobe but I doubt that will happen anytime soon.
No. 330146
>>318441Iwent to Tokyo for 2 weeks recently and I can't believe the only thing she did was to eat sugary garbage and buy the most obnoxious clothes possible
I can tell from experience that japanese fashion in general is so much prettier… it's like she found all of the ugly stuff from every store and bought it
besides, I saw a lot of precure merchandise and everything looked like cheap plastic for little girls (and really expensive plastic may I say) and I was like "I can't believe that girl spent so much money on trash"
Seriously tho, so many pretty things to buy there and she picks the worst…
No. 330323
>>330316I think Jill's biggest problem is how much she dislikes 'boring' clothes.
It seems like she has no interest in spending any money on staple pieces or neutrals or basics, so she only ever gets attention grabbing main pieces and then tries to combine those together…
No. 330572
>>330479I do think non-binary is a thing, but I don't think Jill is non-binary.
I think shes only going to try and claim it to be a transtrender but otherwise it doesnt make much sense for jill to be nonbinary as she is a cis female who dresses in a hyper feminine way.
as hideous as it may be No. 330576
>>330572One might argue that expressing femininity is a way that is atypical (like 'cutesy' Jfash and alt stuff over 'sexy' mainstream stuff) could be considered non-binary or something. Kind of like how lolita fashion being extra girly and frilly is for some people a feminist statement.
Buuuut we all know Jill just wants brightly colored garbage for attention because she thrives on it and is calling herself non-binary is just timely form of attention seeking during pride month.
Can't wait till February of next year when Jill finds an excuse to consider herself black for attention.
No. 330592
>>330583I wasn't saying that it inherently IS, just that some could interpret it that way. Most people probably don't try to make any special gender statements with their clothes.
Jill obviously isn't attempting to say anything with her clothes but 'hey, look at me!' in the trashiest way possible, and clearly isn't actually nonbinary.
Being an SJW is trendy and genders are a trend now too for some and that's all she cares about, as evidenced by her past support of Jefree Star, her 'support small japanese fashion brands' blubber despite buying crap fast fashion stuff and her claiming to be queer in any way despite being a straight cis female interested in only dudes.
No. 330747
File: 1496844497240.jpg (206.38 KB, 640x1136, IMG_2551.JPG)

Found in the party kei tag ugh
No. 330750
File: 1496844675759.png (741.44 KB, 640x1136, IMG_2544.PNG)

Also found in the party kei tag. She actually looks somewhat cute. imagine if Jill saw her kek
No. 330810
>>330792I hate that DDLG has ruined cute clothing and aesthetics, but this is the most "Little" thing I've seen to date.
I don't hate littles, I just hate that they're fucking everywhere.
No. 330819
>>328974>>328979iirc she briefly tried to get into it, made a bunch of shit coords and a video and basically got shat on by the whole community. She can't into criticism and will drop anything she gets criticised on heavily enough, see: Lolita phase.
Happy though because I love larme and she can stay the fuck out of my jfashions.
No. 330822
>>330784why do her lookbooks just get worse each time?
how does Jill manage to simultaneously look like a granny and a toddler?
honestly all these outfits look like she didn't even try and slapped them together solely to show of all the shit she got in Japan, but then again she wore pretty much all of these before too. so she must actually think these are good??
No. 330827
>>330784all i see is a cheap imitation kammie clone.
take those glasses off damnit.
No. 330828
>>330825haha that's amazing
so she made it in one day but says that if she only made lookbooks she'd probably only upload once a month?
is it that exhausting that she needs to rest for an entire month in between these? lol
No. 330837
File: 1496853008751.gif (608.38 KB, 300x100, jill.gif)

I can't recall that this has been made into a banner.
No. 330848
>>330784that hip and shoulder dance she does makes me wanna punch the screen every time kek
>>330837perfect anon
No. 330849
>>330842>>330844man this is actually painful to think about.
there are so many cute shops in Tokyo. and $3000 is quite a bit of money… she could've both so much cute stuff with that.
No. 330903
File: 1496859910788.jpeg (47.03 KB, 629x348, image.jpeg)

>>330822"-How old are you?"
">Idk, between 5 and 65."
"-What? Send me a pic."
No. 330918
>>330914shit, thanks for pointing this out omg
Don't even dare to ask myself why I got this wrong lmao.
No. 331082
>>330810yeah, honestly people who have been into ddlg since before it was so trendy feel the same way
it used to be a lifestyle that helped people who had been abused as a child and now it's the only kind of relationship to have
No. 331293
>>329673Those Pom-Pom shoes are
triggering me. Everyone looks fat wearing those shoes.
No. 331549
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No. 331550
File: 1496964532861.png (66.44 KB, 506x535, ss (2017-06-08 at 04.28.32).pn…)

No. 331704
File: 1496978336613.jpg (14.96 KB, 295x254, pixieface.jpg)

No. 333275
File: 1497079934863.jpg (64.12 KB, 619x400, IMG_1083.JPG)

>>331938Because she's a cool mum anon
No. 333398
>>333386jfc my eyes
i know saying this wont help but if she wants rainbow bangs she should have the rest of her hair blonde or something she does not have the face for all this colour
No. 333402
File: 1497113075734.png (281.64 KB, 640x1136, IMG_4419.PNG)

New banner of pixie kek
No. 334064
File: 1497223366898.png (123.1 KB, 275x280, Screen Shot 2017-06-11 at 1.42…)

oldie but a goodie
dahm what a butterface
No. 334207
>>334127well Id say he's more in a shape than his significant other, and he looks tall next to Jill
but she is 5 ft
No. 334219
>>334068I am curious to see what his jaw will look like now that they've put the knife to it
maybe he'll regain some self confidence/self respect, snap out of things and realize anyone could do better than jill
No. 334282
>>333866jill is just doing a crash grab video because she knows that most of the "confetti club/party facebook group" are overweight or obese. its not that deep.
damn anon, at least sage your shit. onision is vegan and he still looks and eats like shit, it doesn't matter. i don't come to jill threads to learn about
your vegan lifestyle and what you eat. go to your blog
>>334278thank you for your contribution to the pixielocks thread.
No. 334283
>>334282he isn't though, he lacks the discipline for it. He is just vegetarian.
Sage for obvious reasons
No. 334514
File: 1497297110765.png (152.63 KB, 739x865, IMG_4393.PNG)

Sweet Jesus
No. 334516
>>334514She looks like that girl in your workplace that that wears retro dresses and tightly curled bangs with thick make up to hide her age.
Your 19 Jill? Not 27.
No. 334543
File: 1497299965549.jpg (95.48 KB, 656x720, IMG_6252.JPG)

The swimsuit finally makes its debut.
No. 334563
>>334514>>334543Why couldn't she just buy one decent fannypack instead of two trashy ones.
Not to say fannypacks aren't trashy in and of itself but it could've been done better.
No. 334583
>>334514Her face looks so scary in these pics and the lookbook pics
>>334543Idk about the rest of you anons, but that skirt is tacky af and looks like a slooty high school cheerleader halloweenwear
No. 334668
>>334514Not too bad, but she should definitely lose the overalls, fanny pack, and those shoes.
>>334543Same as above (or maybe slightly better than), but take away the fanny pack once again.
>>334516Not defending anybody, but there's nothing really wrong with retro clothing and accessories. You just have to coordinate it with good taste depending on your age and interests. In Jill's case, it's way too much; the flashy sequins and pastels totally clash.
No. 334846
>>334768Adding color doesn't warp anything. It just…adds…color…
>>334692There's warping for sure, but there's also physical distortion in the siding on that house. It's hard to tell one from the other without having PS on this computer to overlay the images.
I'm mostly put off by what a terrible job she did with basic colorizing on that background, she missed so many patches.
No. 334853
>>334684what are you talking about, anon?
they match her dark beady eyes
No. 334877
File: 1497341079630.png (366 KB, 439x648, asdfsfg.png)

Does anyone else find it irritating how she can't even edit the backgrounds in her pictures well enough to not have these blurry spots of color?
Then again, who really expects Jill to do anything properly.
sage for stupid nitpicking but this has been irking me since I first saw it in that picture with the colored tiles and pink ground.
No. 335400
>>334543I actually hope she keeps that rainbow dye that way for a bit.
That fanny pack, though.
No. 335472
File: 1497451489087.jpg (730.47 KB, 1067x1583, Screenshot_20170614-094343.jpg)

>>335398Maybe she was too lazy to follow the rules?
No. 335617
If this is true Jill is an idiot. She's a youtuber, you pay to go to conventions and meet fans. Even if you believe it is "enough" to not bother signing up for a table this year, you come across accessible/ Isn't she a starving artist too? Unless she's so up herself she's expecting an invitation now?
No. 335714
>>335705It's either clearly a made up lie for when she's too lazy to edit and post on time, or a result of her general laziness and refusal and do simple things like backup her files.
She has never been very intelligent; that much is clear based on her inability to clothe herself properly.
No. 335885
>>335882Jill, if you can't be bothered to wash your hair for a video there's this thing called dry shampoo.
Also this didn't need to be 10 minutes long.
No. 335889
File: 1497542059688.png (354.38 KB, 362x380, ew.PNG)

jill going for that "im 12 years old" look
No. 335903
>>335617She was invited as a guest two years ago when she also won the masquerade. Last year she only won a small award from the costume contest and you can tell how disappointed she was. So clearly she does expect special treatment from this con. I've also mentioned this in previous threads, but I suspect the reason she's decided to move to Fredericton is because of her little circle of cosplay friends, which is the only group of people she really knows anywhere in the country.
That being said, the reason she will never again be invited as a guest to any con is because her content is no longer niche or geeky enough. As a lolita, small cons could afford her because she belonged to a certain demographic of con goers, this would entice local lolita/jfashion groups to attend, but her current style isn't representative of anything for convention folk, so why bother?
Case in point: Lovely Lor has only half the amount of subs as Jill but gets sponsorships and event invitations on the regular because her content is entirely Lolita.
Alb in Wonderland was a guest at Hal Con, which is a convention that Jill's friends actually run (they even gave her a bullshit participation award because they didn't want to snub her despite her shitty costume entry). Alb might seem like a general/lifestyle youtuber but she's specifically a cartoon illustrator by trade. Hal Con can justify her invitation because she represents female illustrators that successfully work within the industry.
Jill has nothing going for her because fashion design is not a selling point for the niche she wants to be apart of.
No. 335904
File: 1497545419619.png (271.59 KB, 507x292, lmao.png)

>>335881>praises fanny packs and their usefulness to high heavens>doesn't put her phone in the fanny pack>>335886She can't. Her hair is fried to fuck so it probably breaks off at the ends. Growing it longer would demand taking a break from the constant bleach and rainbow dyes and we know that's not happening.
No. 335915
File: 1497547314478.gif (1.89 MB, 260x342, Jun-15-2017 13-20-25.gif)

No. 335917
>>335915Thank you anon, I was hoping someone would gif that awful dancing. Could you possibly make a gif of that dance move from around 6:46 too?
If feel like this is some prime banner material kek
No. 335919
File: 1497547913855.png (67.1 KB, 200x231, HDT2IcN.png)

those soulless demon eyes haunt me…
No. 335923
>>335915>>335921Homegirl dances like she's a plant
Why are her feet firmly planted on the ground lol
No. 335980
>>335960Uh, yes it is, unless the convention was recently bought out.
Its been run by the same core group of volunteers for years and Jillian is Facebook friends with a lot of them. Even the costume contest is frequently hosted by the same few girls from the Lolita community who have encouraged and supported Jill from the start. Don't want to mention names but the con scene really hasn't changed since 2011 and Jill has been kissing up to them since at least 2013, if not earlier.
No. 336549
File: 1497630974423.png (386.36 KB, 550x541, Screen Shot 2017-06-16 at 5.35…)

Did Jill just get fat so she could preach what everyone already knows?
No. 336555
>>336537God damn it girl. I find your taste is shit sometimes but at least you have sewing skills, why would you lower yourself to talk like assholes like jill.
>>336549Lol she's trying so hard to be a tumblr artist.
No. 336561
>>336549Hilarious that jill forcefully includes stretchmarks/fat rolls in her drawings now after she was torn to shreds on tumblr by plus size blogs. A few blogs sloppily redrew her art to be fatter and this really doesn't look much better.
She would really benefit from taking that foundation visual arts. Her skills are not on par with foundation art students. I wonder how her fashion portfolio is coming along and how quickly she'll be rejected from school just like her artist alley table.
No. 336563
File: 1497634591469.png (8.74 KB, 61x65, s29GeNw.png)

>>336549the face of pain, suffering…
No. 336616
>>336537>>336555I'm sure annika hasn't gone down the rabbit hole yet on 'jill is a shallow, shallow person' that we've all gone through
she has plenty of other things to worry about like getting her doctorates in microbiology and dealing w/ her chronic illlness
No. 336862
File: 1497678805284.png (79.95 KB, 1050x276, Screen Shot 2017-06-17 at 2.52…)

Jill and Louise took one of their cats to meet with the director of a Japanese TV show about cats who is coming to PEI
>They were impressed with Jillian too!
Glad that she took up as much time as the cat during the audition
No. 337373
File: 1497761788002.jpg (68.06 KB, 720x960, 19030388_1858809627466357_4752…)

No. 337408
>>337401How else would people see how cute and quirky she is, anon!
Honestly, that tongue thing and pretty much everything else makes her face look extremely punchable.
No. 337556
I'm wondering if Jill likes to dress the way she does, why doesn't she go to to music festivals more often? Saw tons of girls dressed like her when I wen to a large one last week
Take something like this
>>334514, switch the long-sleeved shirt for a shirt one and switch the shoes and she would definitely fit in. Plus the fanny pack would be useful
No. 337560
>>337556she's boring and fairly straight edge that's why
she's probably never even smoked weed
No. 337698
>>337556shit, you're right anon! i never put those two and two together.
those ugly fannypacks are literally just for festivals nowadays. and the whole bun thing she does, the forever 21 everywhere, etc.
>>329673 i've seen people wear the style 3,4,5 and 6 before (just in normal people colors of course). she does look just like a version of your typical festival chick but the only difference is that she's in pink.
its so strange that this weirdo shut-in buys all that trendy clothes. when she literally never does anything. how sad.
No. 337766
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trying to be a pretend lesbian again
No. 337770
>>337698There's literally already a group of festival chicks with the name 'Confetti Crowd' who always wear rainbow/glitter combos. They're all over insta. Honestly just look through any big festival tag you'll find tons of wacky hair colors, cheap 90s accessories, abuse of color patterns, holographic trends etc
She really should just face the fact that she's not ~kawaii~ and move on from her jfashion shtick.
No. 337786
>>329149Sorry for bringing up an old subject, offtop and blog, but I don't understand this and I hope that maybe someone could explain to me how being attracted
to women, non-binary people but not men even works? I'm not trying to be mean, I genuinely have no idea and I'm
curious, because there is no way to tell that someone is non-binary unless they tell you that they are. For example:
Jill meets a person and it's a person who looks like a guy (even if this person looks like a feminine guy or androgynous
guy it's still a person who can identify as man), so she can't be attracted to them. But then this person tells her
about being non-binary and she suddenly is able to be attracted to them? Like… it's still the same person. It doesn't
make any sense to me. Can someone maybe please explain?
No. 337789
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>>337766I'm nitpicking I know but lmao she drew the character wrong. It's a helmet on YD's head. Not hair.
No. 337833
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>>337770I really think that Jill's biggest issue with her style is that it falls into this awkward area between western "rainbow party chic" and Fairy Kei fashion. I'm not a fan of either of those styles, but when you look at these pictures at least you instantly recognize what kind of 'group'/fashion they belong to, and they look pretty put together at least.
Whereas Jill does this really awkward mix between more 'mature' western brand and then the full on kawaii shit, and as a result she just looks like a weird toddler granny.
Well, to Jill this probably just means that she's 'unique' and 'totally has her own style uwu'.
No. 338125
>>338097Not that anon, but NB guys seem to be a lot more, um… sensitive? Submissive? I don't know, but they're probably a lot nicer/more considerate and generally better to be around than 99% of straight guys (and even most gay guys).
So… it seems like Jill's only interested in guys who're bottoms.
Lel. Same. No. 338132
>>337807wow you are a special snowflake like jill lmao
>>338125so putting a special snowflake label on yourself means that you are a nice person?
also what kind of fucking circles are you running around where you are running around tons of NB guys?
just because you and Jillian are autists who get
triggered when guys aren't complete pushovers doesn't mean you're not just special snowflakes.
No. 338233
>>338132>special snowflake>special snowflake>special snowflakesettle down, Tomi.
>>338188It seems like atleast half of those are from the same person.
No. 338590
>>338570>>338589New thread is at
>>338259Don't know why OP didn't link it here.