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No. 154731
Previous thread:
>Began her lolcow run as a "pansexual" lolita lifestyler who quit due to LACE drama and ~muh restrictive rules~>Is most well known as creator of the Party-Kei style, a style she no longer personally wears>Known lurker>History of ED, mental illness, and self-harm General info:
>Frivolously spends her parents' or her own money on once-worn clothes, makeup and junk shit for her trends; claims she makes enough from Youtube despite previously complaining about demonetization on her videos; will often post/tell the cost of items to show off how much she had spent; now relies on video monetization and Patreon donations to keep her afloat despite offering poor incentives for supporting her>Is an extreme narcissist; regularly claims herself to be the best/have superior skills in many aspects like fandom and fashion designing despite her skills, knowledge, and results of projects proving otherwise>Heavily pushes her "full-time Youtuber" title even though she fails to keep up a consistent upload schedule and keep solid engaging content beyond hauls and bullshit vlogs of her ramblings>Opts for "self-care" rather than working on her videos and other projects; defines self-care as doing nothing but taking baths with Lush bathbombs and laying in bed all day>Claims to be ethically responsible about her purchases, yet still buys in ridiculous amounts from problematic sites and sellers>Extremely thin-skinned and defensive of herself, will either delete comments or posts under fire or act passive-aggressive in tweets and videos likely alluding to what she has seen in the threads>Has been highly dependent on her mother, friends, or partner in social events and blows minor issues way out of proportion>Has kept a total of five past relationships in her life, all ending in drama; tends to use partners as accessories when beneficial to her image>Formerly referred to herself as queer rather than bi, lesbian, or pansexual; currently with her live-in partner Stephen Clarke and both came out as bisexual, but now Stephen is nonbinary and pansexual - the same fate as one of her other exes who became nonbinary after dating her…>Claims to be family-friendly, but makes poor attempts to censor herself, has made sexual innuendo despite knowing she has a largely underage audience; will often remove or put herself from/on said medications regardless of whether she needs them or not>Jill started her own brand, 5 petal flower. She isn’t selling anything yet, but plans to sell bad Lazy Oaf knock offs>Nearly killed her cat by having tinsel on the ground where cat can eat it. Still keeps tinsel up where the same cat can reach it for years after the fact.>She won’t stfu about her stims and super scary ‘restrictive’ eating disorder In the last thread…
>Keeps on posting provocative photos and videos on her social media>Weight is still ballooning, despite not being imprisoned in her home anymore. She is still desperately trying to convince everyone that she loves her rolls and that she has massive jugs, but fails again and again.>Calls out multiple small accounts on twitter to her followers for bullshit reasons (Reasons: Negative comments on her posts, ‘copying’ her designs>Complains about there being too many white people in LOTR to her newly queerified partner, whilst they are being forced to watch hours of Precure which only has one barely dark skinned cure in the history of the show.>Guessed she was going to get into drag, this was confirmed on a patreon livestream and she is going to start after she graduates. Also shows interest in designing for drag queens, particularly her old school friend @denimpussy on twitter>Adds flashbacks to her ever growing list of symptoms >Makes bee pee dee awareness cards for May, the colour choices are so bad they could destroy an 17th century peasants eyesight in less than 10 seconds>Drops phone in toilet whilst filming her ass for tiktok, she gets a new iphone 11 that she boasts is secondhand but its from Jump+ so it was at least $600. >Complains about people helping with her fashion shoot on her social media, doesn’t realise this is incredibly rude. Posts pic of her crying along side to get asspats >Doesn’t brush her cats, or vacuum her dirty ass stairs>Butchers friends hair whilst having a corona party at her house>Hints constantly that she thinks she has DID by consuming vast amounts of DID content and not shutting up about it>Models for her friends fashion shoot, looks like a DDLG egg>Her photos for her graduating line at fashion school come out, lighting is terrible, set is half assed, dresses are not finished and/ or messy. Final verdict, concept had some potential but there was a lack of skill and time management 4/10 TL;DR: She hides the fact that she is unhappy with her body, doesn’t think before she tweets, is a hypocrite and a mental illness whore, and shows some potential in design but keeps on fucking up.
Old Threads:
>>>/pt/108478>>>/snow/25169>>>/snow/93376>>>/snow/154765>>>/snow/215023>>>/snow/258245>>>/snow/271275>>>/snow/285759>>>/snow/303929>>>/snow/318441>>>/snow/338259>>>/snow/358781>>>/snow/375960>>>/snow/393066>>>/snow/408269>>>/snow/428929>>>/snow/445432>>>/snow/455122>>>/snow/477079>>>/snow/490876>>>/snow/515612>>>/snow/531526>>>/snow/540457>>>/snow/558614>>>/snow/582890>>>/snow/616989>>>/snow/646275>>>/snow/679806>>>/snow/720365>>>/snow/739688>>>/w/3116>>>/w/33281>>>/w/42916>>>/w/59471>>>/w/74104>>>/w/87679>>>/w/99779>>>/w/127283>>>/w/143253 Social Media & Other Links:
Youtube: 2: Page: Facebook Page: Girls Instagram: Girls Facebook Page: Deviantart: Blog: No. 154741
Her twitter: it's missing from the OP)
No. 154743
her tiktok:
(also missing from the OP)
No. 154744
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>>154743Goddamn her tiktok is horrible.
No. 154754
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Her shoes look fucking disgusting in the shot.
No. 154775
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Her fans are unhinged
No. 154782
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The comments are so funny, lmaooo.
No. 154790
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>>154788You were right anon.
No. 154817
>>154790I never want to see her mattress cover, ew.
Also you don't need cranberry pills, just piss after stevie puts his gender absent wingwang in you and you're as good as gravy.
No. 154824
>>154790She needs to stop attempting humor, even her fan base was confused by how obscure the reference was
>>154810You know she did not make that in a day. But i would be something cute in her shop, she can makes different colored ones and over time she can learn to make them quickly.
No. 154861
>>154782…So she just takes cranberry pills everyday as a UTI prevention? Is this bitch wiping back to front or not getting up to pee after her ~*partner*~ unleashed their non-gender-specific sexual fluids inside her non-gender-specific genitalia??
Like who TF is just constantly on the verge of contracting a UTI.
No. 154893
>>154790Her humor is
>haha sex XDDDDand
>obscure references she expects people to automatically knowshe's a fucking retarded sperg
No. 154897
>>154861some people can be more prone to them, but if you know you tend to get them often then you shouldn't be dumb enough to stop any sort of preventative action
but she should probably also just see a doctor
No. 154949
File: 1623100443783.png (458.4 KB, 726x710, Ohfuck.png)

I really hope by 'we' she means her and steve. She said in her patreon update a few days ago that she has some new scary mental health issues that she is going to pay a specialist to diagnose, the waiting list is about a year and she doesn't want to tell the internet/ patreon until she has had it properly checked out first.
No. 155007
>>155004oh shit anon ur right, totally forgot about that LOL. of course shes gonna get a uti when she sits in uwu kawiwi sparkly colorful lush bath water for hours.
>>154990my money is on the fact she's embarassed by it and doesnt want her audience who looks up to her as this end all be all of sewing to know her collection is shit and NOT what she showed off. showing every single aspect of her idea on youtube was her downfall, if she didnt show off the sketches and talk about them in detail no one would've known a look was missing, the fence was missing, the crochet jacket isnt finished, ect. i bet she knows she'll have to answer for all that if she makes a vid on it so she's putting it off. or you know, ~muh mental illness~
No. 155073
>>155002Those were attention selfharm scars, if you look back to the way she dressed when she was younger she would wear nothing but long socks and shorts/skirts even during the winter. She always wanted people to see her scars/cuts so she can either cry if they made fun of her for them or feel validated if any one showed concern.
Maybe her new "scawwy" diagnosis is her having HPD and her therapist might actually be good at his job. Though one can only hope.
No. 155091
>>155004wtf no way, where does she say this.
baths gross me out, does she really sit in there for hours
No. 155092
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It really seems like every time anyone so much as mentions their own mental health issues in her general vicinity she needs to flaunt her own diagnoses to one-up them
No. 155106
>>155092Ohh she's a
bimbo too now, she snuck that one in. No you're not a bimbo Jill, you're a rapidly ageing average looking white girl.
The fact she one-ups people on their problems is extremely gross, she even did this to a disabled person an anon screenshot from her Youtube comments section recently. It's not a fucking competition.
No. 155131
>>155092god this is SO PATHETIC. I can't believe she has the NEED to one-up anyone who talks about their misery. No, she has to be the one who suffers the most. Typical narcissist behaivor. Fuck her.
Also, about being a """"bimbo""""… bitch you would require to be just an ounce of attractive first LMAO not with your fatty ham self. Plus, wanting to be a "bimbo", lord… what a trend hopper. That shit is so fucking pathetic, wanting to be a """bimbo""" who does nothing all day is disgusting as fuck.
No. 155132
>>155092Who's betting one of her alters will be a "hot bimbo", the other one an "uguuu uwu babyyyy" and the other one a "queer drag queen"?
This has been mentioned before but she's too sexual and stupid on her twitter considering she has a lot of underage retards following her.
No. 155135
>>154790>>155092Not separating this personal bullshit from her business or professional persona is going to bite her in the ass later, but I guess she just never cared to begin with. Brands don't need to know if you're a """dumb bimbo""" or have an UTI.
She's putting way too much faith on her stupid seamstress job working out. But once she starts flaking on orders and everyone sees how shitty her garments are, things will crumble down for her, you can't live from your fans forever if you keep delivering shitty stuff with disgusting ass customer service. And then she'll get catathonic or whatever she claims to be. But she doesn't care. Mama Louise will provide I guess.
No. 155137
>>155092>bisexualTreats girls like shit, so no
>bimboThe only bimbo thing about her is the fact she's retarded
>BPDOr maybe just a narcissist?
>structural dissociationMore like you cry when your tendies get cold
>and other questionable issuesTrue, lying is a fucking issue
>living life to the fullestDoesn't seem like it
No. 155204
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Very classy Jill.
No. 155216
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New tiktok video about her tattoos, its actually not bad and she looks so much better without the rainbow eyebrows. Hair is cute too, still wish the pink eyebrow matched the pink in her hair but I guess beggars can't be choosers.
No. 155262
>>154856She’s actually reasonably talented at piano, it’s been brought up a few times
>>154876They don’t do anything, they’re a waste of money
>>154949Fuck I can’t wait a whole year for the DID saga… imagine if she hints about it for that long and then gets told it’s bullishit though, that would be pretty funny
>>155028She has most definitely gotten her tips from Dissociadid, I hope she screws up as badly as Chloe has and also gets childhood friends something forward to rip her “abuse” story apart
>>155092“she/her bimbo” just feels like she’s mocking the “she/they” part kek
>>155135I think she knows she’s never going to have to worry about money because of mommy and daddy which is why she’s like this
>>155195She broke up with mystery girl because she “never found her attractive” or something along those lines, it’s in the older threads
She’s never been attracted to women, it’s all just for operation points
>>155258The point being made is that she is a crusty nasty person who likely doesn’t look after herself so she shouldn’t be surprised she has a UTI
No. 155309
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>>155216Wow I hadn’t realised how poorly these tattoos were done then healed yikes, the rainbow valley rainbow has parts where the lines have fully disappeared, the ojamajo wand, look at that line work on the centre piece, the clow card again has horrendous line work, the precure one they have Voldemort faces and the tattoo is poorly done. She really needs a new artist because this is very shoddy work, the fallout on the rainbow could in part be her fault but there is so much artist error going on here.
No. 155313
File: 1623328818841.webm (11.53 MB, 576x1024, 99576348765.webm)
>>155309all of her tattoos are so faded
No. 155318
>>155313Jill you have three tattoos not a leg sleeve.
Ink fallout is fairly normal espcially over scarred skin. But it doesnt look like she cares for her tattoos at all. They look like they healed poorly. Loss of colour vibrancy again normal. But theres products you can use to make tattoos colour stand out for pictures.
The fading could be a mix of sun damage and lack of care for her tattoos. Also a bit on the artist. Surprised jill hasnt gotten them touched up. Majorty of artists do free touch ups since there can be issues with healing.
No. 155427
File: 1623357718234.jpg (1.78 MB, 2560x1920, 21-06-10-16-41-19-028_deco.jpg)

the artist is talented which is what confuses me, she has a ton of great healed tattoos so I don't know if she just got unlucky with Jill's healing or what it is
No. 155452
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She's really pushing the "I HAVE TWAMA" narrative isn't she?
No. 155516
>>155491Tbf i also got recommended to do emdr after a very minor occurrence that shook me
Sage for blog
No. 155524
>>155491no it isn't. it's becoming a more common treatment in many places.
not that everyone benefits from it, but it's not reserved for extreme cases anymore.
No. 155543
>>155534This. She’s super stoked to be “mwentally ill” and “neurodivergent” because that means she’s always got an excuse and gets all this super special attention/consideration.
Why would she want to get better? Being mentally ill is her brand.
No. 155546
>>155534Ah yes nothing can make you better like a religious author who has zero qualifications in psychology or similar.
You do realise majorty of medical treatments dont have a 100% success rate right? That's like saying youve got cancer thats treatable but you wont do chemo because it doesn't have a 100% success rate.
Its not like shit like that video would work on jill anyway. She's a narcissist
No. 155579
>>155546I don't feel like having a discussion over this, but LH is a very good author, being religious does not make her lesser than any other author.
I put her as an example, because there are so many other alternatives to getting better than going through so many fake diagnosis like Jillian does. Come on, she doesn't have dissociation. I think she does need actual therapy but not for what she thinks she does.
No. 155601
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Seeing things like this makes me understand better why people like Pixie exist
No. 155644
>>155636like last time she uploaded, i'll be doing a summary of anything that's vaguely notable for anyone with better things to do than watch her squawk at the camera for 20 minuets about a japanese children's show.
0:54 "it has been one of my main, major hyperfixations that has stuck with me since grade 8" has she finally settled on saying she as ADHD on top of everything else?? i've only ever seen hyperfixation used as the "adhd equivalent" of an autistic special interest because the disorders are similar but different.
2:30 she's crocheting something and put an under-boob window on it because it "makes them look good"
7:41 [about a previous precure series she didn't like as much] "you know, reductive. it felt like they made a mixture of past characters that we've already seen." wow, jill, the 17th rehashing of a children's show, repetitive?
8:48 WOW… claiming it to be her "hyperfixation" of the past decade and she can't even keep straight which one she's talking about. she even has notes.
16:03 "the little baby shrimp girl, i love her, let's be real, i kin her, let's be real. she's sweet she's small she's playing with little rocks." man. the way kinning has gone from mentally ill teens on tumblr to something people readily and publicly announce sure is something. her identifying with ( i assume not in the ''i was this anime character in a past life'' way) a literal baby from a kid's show doesn't bode well for her either having a little alter or somthing akin to that.
16:58 "i love when precure uses a relatable human theme in their plot" jill. it's a kid's show. for children. it's going to have topical themes that children will need to learn how to deal with, like procrastination[the relatable human theme in question]. and ANY kind of character based plot will have "relatable human themes". that's the entire point of storytelling.
19:11 "-i like dangon ronpa, too," being on tiktok really has been rotting her brain faster than ever. just because it's popular with this round of 14 year old cosplayers doesn't mean you need to be into it, too.
19:27 "i don't know if i'm going to cosplay any of them, honestly, i've been having a bit of a weird relationship to cosplay" / "maybe when we eventually get a thick precure or a mildly mildly slightly different sized precure, perhaps that is the day i will cosplay." this, to me, deppens my suspicion that she's not at all happy with her weight. there are plenty of cosplayers who aren't as thin as the character they're dressing up as, and if she actually cared about the actual intent behind body positivity, she would be able to see that fat people only being 'able' to cosplay fat characters is counterproductive. but jilly willy, you're more likely to loose weight than a japanese children's show is to have a child anywhere even near the size of you.
20:27 she plugs her tiktok. cringe lol
No. 155651
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No. 155673
>>155659I think steve will jump on the troo troontrain
It would validate Jill's "bisexuality" and give her content for like a year. They will only break up if Steve gets bottom surgery.
No. 155687
File: 1623581578958.png (688.4 KB, 1343x515, sperg inclusivity.PNG)

Sorry if it's been posted before, this is on her school's website.
>inclusive and judgement-free communityLove how Jill is the poster child for hugboxing. No. 155688
>>155684 noticed this too kek she chose pics that wouldn't
trigger any gender dysphoria for him
No. 155698
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What a thirst trap. Her eyebrows look like she drew them on with a crayon.
No. 155700
>>155698Thirst trap for WHO? Jowl fetishists?
>>155694Don't they have fucking graphic designers who could have made that area t-shirt colored or something. Awful
No. 155701
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>>155696Speaking of his youtube channel- looks like it didn’t really take off. Jill should have shilled it a little, I thought the point of people with already established youtubers as partners making channels was so they could ride their coattails. Check those stats kek
No. 155734
>>155216came here as she’s popped up on my tiktok page for the first time in months, the fake voice was insufferable. surprised to learn she’s somewhat regretting the magical girl wand tat and how obtuse it is now looking back.
>>155309from the looks of it she’s didn’t do any upkeep past maybe the first few days. Knowing how much the woman insists on baths w/ who knows what added in, the skin got irritated and effected the healing.
No. 155760
>>155654I can guarantee she hasn't played it, mystery VNs generally require a fair amount of undivided attention from the player for the gameplay aspect of…solving mysteries.
Danganronpa isn't even a scary series, it's about on the level of other mystery VNs like Umineko and Chaos;Child.
This is so annoying as a fan of DR and mystery VNs in general, half of the kids on tiktok and pixielocks just read wiki summaries.
No. 155767
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No. 155823
File: 1623711436870.jpeg (109.44 KB, 750x763, B853E360-21DF-45E4-BF0D-EFF2CD…)

0 likes and 0 retweets…..huh i wonder why
No. 155881
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No. 155928
File: 1623779747129.jpg (1010.09 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210615-135516_Tik…)

Omfg I thought this was a cute lesbian. But then I saw Jill in the next shot and realized it was her tiktok jfc.
No. 155933
>>155920some anachans look at fat people's pages as fatspo ie. motivation to not eat because they dont wanna look like
that I could totally see someone having that reaction from looking at jill
No. 155938
File: 1623781758016.jpeg (95.04 KB, 750x685, 603FE1FA-1E02-40AA-A91B-EB6B58…)

>>155937dont you know, anon? her pronouns are under construction!
No. 155945
File: 1623783033622.jpeg (88.66 KB, 750x279, 2EAEACA6-DEBB-4E5B-B52F-2B79B2…)

New bio updated with her new pronouns so I guess we can use it/its pronouns for Jill now kek
No. 155956
>>155885Literally exactly what went through her head when posting that
>>155928This looks weirdly tragic, a random patch of grass by the side of the road with no flowers or plants anywhere to be seen and her incel looking like he's on the edge of a nervous breakdown
>>155945Please can everyone refer to her only as
he from now on and call her bluff.
No. 155978
>>155938Saying her pronouns are “under construction” is super gross. I’m nitpicking this because it feels very
problematic for some reason?? Understandable if no one has thinks that sounds weird.
(Goback2tiktok) No. 156014
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>>155928There's nothing bi or ~queer~ about a straight relationship, Jilly.
No. 156016
>>156014Not to wk but just because your relationship is straight (or gay) you still can be bi, queer, pan or whatever.
In Jill's case it's still queer airing though but generally a bisexual in a straight relationship is still very
valid. They don't turn magically GA or straight as soon as they fall in love
(Goback2tiktok) No. 156018
>>156016>going on lolcow to get validity pointsSince it's the Jill thread we must consider
1. Gay relationship 1, the girl Jill dated on DeviantArt as a teenager and has been the source of much vagueposted "trauma" ergo she found it traumatizing to date another girl
2. Gay relationship 2, the girl who Jill used for clickbait videos including a video about gifts she never actually gave the girl. Girl comes out to her parents before swiftly being dumped with, iirc, no actual sexual interaction occurring between them, and Jill citing no attraction
That's it, that's what Jill is touting as her extreem gayness every day of her life, while jumping from one long term relationship with a dick-haver to another.
No. 156046
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No. 156093
>>156057That really seems like what all this shit is about doesn’t it. Any pronouns are fine because one of her alters is a guy, she prefers pixie because boss bitch babe alter is jill.
Is her college completed? Maybe she’s waiting until she’s graduated, that way she doesn’t have to be seen out in public failing to keep up these stupid alter fronts or whatever.
Come on Jillian just release the DID vid already!
No. 156109
File: 1623878106709.png (61.3 KB, 597x756, f.png)

>>155920i went to dig it out and i think this is what she was talking about and its actually kind of sad that is just some anachan fakeboi being dense that she considers "hate"
No. 156117
File: 1623887962127.jpeg (122.63 KB, 750x602, 7DC901D8-27E8-425F-AF7D-05B618…)

>>156046if you have no preference, why even bother coming out? she literally just wants the oppression points and to be a part of another fucking club.
No. 156167
>>156117It’s fucking ridiculous. I can’t stand those cunts with ridiculous pronouns in their bios but saying “She/they” or “whatever pronoun” is basically trying to pass off as part of the queer/trans gang while fully knowing that nobody will use He, or any other pronoun. At best “they”.
It’s all so performative. Even her followers are not as dumb to use “Oh I watched Pixie’s video, his editing was nice” because everybody will be confused. So it’s still going to be She/her and she knows it full well.
No. 156177
>>156117To be fair, people explicitly asked her to list her pronouns aka “come out”. Jill being Jill of course she doesn’t want to be written off as just another boring she/her cissie and probably went for “uhh any pronouns” so she doesn’t have to commit herself to something she doesn’t feel comfortable with. Anyone who lists multiple pronouns knows that the vast majority of people are going to default to the ones that feel the most natural, which in most cases are the ones that match your sex.
>>156169If the DID tinfoiling turns out to be correct, I’m sure that’s a bonus for her.
No. 156240
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>>156117she doesnt even actually care what name she's called. its pointless.
No. 156275
File: 1623960341299.jpeg (62.61 KB, 1242x246, F1420C82-2A18-46D3-977B-CA8A7A…)

>>156267realised I’m still in the confetti club group when I saw this post and people are already referring to her as “him” lmao
No. 156288
File: 1623966038378.gif (361.99 KB, 220x140, tenor.gif)

>>156275so steebie and her the bi couple don't have a gender/sex anymore bc they dress in weird pastel clothes?
No. 156298
File: 1623972216465.png (309.3 KB, 796x488, befgbbbvg.png)

All hail our he/him king lmao
No. 156319
File: 1623988303970.jpeg (75.15 KB, 750x492, E20206CB-8F11-4448-8E43-D166A0…)

are we also entering the poly pixielocks era, where steve somehow becomes an even bigger cuck than before?
No. 156333
File: 1624006309554.png (151.79 KB, 508x412, jyhntj.png)

No. 156334
File: 1624006612022.png (301.7 KB, 540x454, jyhntj.png)

does she read her thread?
No. 156573
File: 1624131993108.png (3.77 MB, 750x1334, 2E7020FE-E978-47E8-B5D7-E2CC48…)

cant believe we're literally in the catatonic-DID-trans-nunbinary-drag-stoner-poly-thot pixielocks era. onlyfans when?
No. 156574
File: 1624132449985.jpeg (130.11 KB, 750x801, F9436BB9-3D9F-4439-AD5B-0DD4D4…)

>>156573the sad part is, this is a marked improvement from her usual mucky rainbow brows.
No. 156581
>>156573she really looks like Divine in all the worst ways possible.
I know she's trying to be sexy making her face like that but she just look special needs.
No. 156722
>>156705>are middleschoolers who are still figuring that stuff out,While you hit the nail on the head here that she comes across like a middleschooler, especially in pic related
>>156573figuring that stuff out is a retarded attitude, we don't all need to assess our genders to decide if they're "right" - you can dress gender nonconforming or be gay without needing to have permanent damaging surgery or medical intervention to "fix" you. Put down the Twitter juice.
No. 156732
>>156705I was thinking about why it feels performative and stupid. It comes down to what
>>156702 said. No one would ever fail to see Jill as a ciswoman. So if she truly is "any pronouns" (kek), why even bother announcing that on every platform? If she just wanted to say she doesn't care what pronouns are used, she could have just added it to her bio & been done with it. But there's a big difference between an understated bio line ("any pronouns" or "I don't have any preferred pronouns") and making extra tweets, tiktoks, whatever to announce her preferred special needs name + her pronoun revelation. Well, it's Pride month and her relationship still doesn't look very qweer despite the rainbow aesthetic. So this is a way to keep the focus on herself and set up her DID reveal.
She's never once suggested feeling like something other than a woman. Except when she larps as a child.
No. 156843
File: 1624333653634.webm (5.55 MB, 720x1280, hyvoxcSloZWyd407.webm)
>>156573I'm posting the whole video because it is hilarious. God those faces.
No. 156844
File: 1624333802767.png (14.27 KB, 546x102, uhhdhd.png)

I hope her mom helps her out of her retardation and not enable it down even more
No. 156859
File: 1624341108411.jpg (50.66 KB, 1000x750, qTBC1A5.jpg)

Stop it nonnies! You're gonna start a trans arc!
No. 156886
File: 1624370737338.png (42.45 KB, 549x227, Screen Shot 2021-06-22 at 15.0…)

I mean if I'm reading this correctly, Steve is lasering off his ball hair to become less manly, then why wouldn't Jillian hop on the trans/ non binary train as well? Do the old switcharoo but still be a straight couple kek. I wish I show what tweet they replied to but its from a private account so doubt anyone here can see it.
No. 156957
File: 1624400048398.gif (597.4 KB, 500x328, e89.gif)

>>156843god that fucking tongue, ENOUGH
No. 156995
File: 1624415999910.png (475.22 KB, 750x742, imagen_2021-06-22_213945.png)

>>156900We reffer to stevie as she and jillian as he, yes.
No. 157022
>>156886How does Steebie's no discernable income having kept twink homebody ass have the money for multiple sessions of laser hair removal?
>>156901It would be a dream come true for him to turn a gay boyfriend into a gf for MY LESBIAN GIRLFRIEND, MY LONG TERM LIVE IN LESBIAN LOVER clickbait.
No. 157076
>>157061don’t misgender him anon
>>156914that heart nose/highlight stripe in white eyeliner is how every shitty female drag queen starts off and they always think they’re so unique with it
>>156574shave them jillian it’s not like you can get any uglier
No. 157124
File: 1624517602314.png (334.32 KB, 534x376, wrferf.png)

1. he definetely reads his thread
2. what's the difference between colourpop and wetnwild anyways? why bash one and not the other. It's basically the same shit.
No. 157181
File: 1624574261062.png (1.53 MB, 1080x1106, Screenshot_20210624-163639-695…)

The absolute regret and pain in mama Vessy's eyes.
No. 157211
>>157181Mom has the same expression a lot of us probably have while reading this thread. Pixie has gone off the deep end lately, what with larping as a drag queen DID they/them (as of last week) so she probably doesn't know what to make of him. Sorta
incredulous laughing is what I'm getting from that expression.
No. 157275
>>1572678 minute mark “were not just putting this as a fun quirky thing in our bio” suuure..
has she been formally diagnosed? you either are or you aren’t. she talks about it like she’s talking about clothes or something to collect.
No. 157278
>>157267So he just wants to be let in the big boi autists club without the autism.
This seems eerily similar to when he said he was mostly a lesbian, he wanted the lesbian title so bad even though he was dating a nonbinary person who had a dick.
No. 157279
File: 1624644347436.png (357.37 KB, 668x522, PIXIE.png)

the yellow eyeshadow in her nose and the crusty, creasing around the nose..
No. 157307
File: 1624653378008.jpeg (324.89 KB, 741x729, 1A71DF42-DCF8-4179-B199-3A953B…)

couldn’t bring myself to watch this shitshow which is saying something because I’ve seen every one of his vids since high school but here are some extremely autistic comments from the first hour. saged because idk if comments by fans count as milk.
No. 157339
File: 1624666779179.jpeg (116.57 KB, 640x1136, 9905E9D1-5F51-491E-B4F3-6F30EB…)

grabs from the few comments I saw having some common fucking sense.
I wish he would get dragged for this because it literally was not only a dogshit video, but he fr did blatantly spread misinformation. How are the tiktards not all over him?
No. 157353
File: 1624684270883.jpeg (37.74 KB, 640x480, images (1).jpeg)

>>157332No lol
>>157330personality disorders are not neurodivergency, shes spreading missinformation to excuse having the neurodiverse label on her profile. Selfish, self centered and actually stupid bordering on harmful.
No. 157396
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No. 157410
>>157405That’s her goal though, to muddy the water on terminology so she can continue to benefit from it. She wants to feel so special, so bad she doesn’t give a shit who she throws under the bus because all she gives a shit about is herself.
She barely posts on her socials; what is she even doing any more? Does she do anything for Patreon? She’s falling (fallen) out of relevance and desperately grasping at whatever she can to make herself stand out again. Instead of pushing herself outside of her comfort zone and developing actually interests and a personality, she’s decided to shield herself from criticism by claiming all these neurodivergent and mental illness tags.
It’s ok to be just jill.
No. 157412
File: 1624731186822.png (491.37 KB, 1078x1539, Screenshot_2021-06-24-06-10-58…)

Which gender will Munchielocks choose.
No. 157413
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No. 157417
File: 1624732963304.png (6.79 KB, 400x222, 91CABDD2-F01C-4032-ABC4-FC82B1…)

It's funny how she conveniently leaves out the parts of Judy Singer's blogposts that don't benefit her personal agenda.
No. 157418
File: 1624733022666.png (1.89 MB, 1612x1284, twt.png)

>>157416yeah it's private the tweets are still up and neurodivergent is still in her bio rn i wonder if she genuinely realized her mistake or just didn't like the comments
No. 157425
File: 1624734132628.png (307.76 KB, 674x1200, 34D88D98-7F62-4291-A40F-74D00D…)

>>157417I wonder how much of the blog post she actually read. This kind of misusage of the word is something Judy consistently writes about, and how much it's hurt the movement as a whole.
No. 157430
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No. 157431
File: 1624737966733.jpeg (410.01 KB, 828x1064, EBA29B0C-AD73-4886-9C2F-F5F761…)

also posted under her community tab
No. 157441
>>157417She's cherry picking words and phrases to spread missinformaiton. Extremely PATHETIC, years of study and papers on autism and adhd by many reputable doctors just thrown away by this rainbie womanchild. All the actual neurodivergent people who through the years were subject to isolation, experimentation, and pain: disregarded and thrown into the trash. All because she wants to make a WORD her entire personality. Just cast away all the actual neurodiverse people because here comes Jillian to tell you that whatever she pulls out of her ass is true.
She's so obnoxious, she has actual 0 personality of her own so she needs to fucking steal it away from other people. First she was skinwalking kawaii girls, then skinwalking youtubers, then skinwalking drag queens. But actually skinwalking neurodiverse people? Wew.
All she is is a NARCISSIST. Wanting this much attention and stealing identities from others to accomodate your own damn lard ass is a sign of a NARCISSIST.
No. 157476
>>157469She's stupid and has 0 self awareness. She wears clown makeup practically every fucking day and no one has told her that it looks stupid, crusty, ugly and unprofessional. If someone did ever tell her that she would be like "my style is not the problem!!!" or something.
>makes her look "crazy and different and quirky."Because she is crazy. At the makeup makes it obvious and well adjusted people can tell her to fuck off.
No. 157477
>>157430>>157431Very telling how she's sorry for the "confusing" presentation of her information and is careful not to directly apologize to the many people with actual autism, adhd, etc. who voiced hurt in the comments over her appropriating the term from them.
Clearly she made this video to justify and garner support for labeling herself as neurodivergent and if she were to apologize to them she'd have to admit fault and stop using it as her own identity.
No. 157490
>>157431It's not privated, it's deleted. I can't find it under my history neither can I open the link in my browser when I start typing and it suggests me her video.
Fucking liar.
No. 157498
>>157490When you open the link of the video, which is still up in Twitter, it literally says "This video is private"
Check your facts before calling someone a fucking liar… No. 157503
File: 1624798386133.png (314.14 KB, 593x451, jillybean.png)

Is this supposed to be one of his "alters" or something? The account was made this month so I'm guessing he made the account himself?
No. 157510
File: 1624799203432.gif (3.71 MB, 420x236, 71a136bfd98c90fdfabb3481622aae…)

This guy really pulls all this shit out of his ass in order to make people forget about the trainwreck of a fashun kek. What a mess.
Troon saga will start in 3…2…1…
No. 157519
File: 1624800539330.jpg (388.49 KB, 1080x1896, 20210627_232811.jpg)

Some comments are just so…
No. 157521
File: 1624801277198.jpeg (333.32 KB, 828x792, 9E78FADE-836E-4471-A9BF-2A504B…)

>>157515fucking kek grab the popcorn ladies
No. 157522
>>157520I beleive DID is real but its way rarer than people who larp it on the internet. For it to occur you need to have went through some real fucked up stuff as a child. Switching alters is uncontrollable but can have
Jill is just making it up for attention once again hurting another community that has hard a rough time. Due to so many people larping it.
No. 157523
>>157503Is this because Jill thinks you need to be only one thing (e.g. pastel rainby) and if you like more than one style it needs to become a whole other personality? This is just the style she had as a teenager. Prof pic I thought
was an old teenage pixc at first.
Also obvious effort to distract from her attempt to recategorize bpd and DID as "neurodivergent"
>wah you critiqued me so now I switched personalities changes clothes and makes faces at the cameraShe's insufferable.
No. 157526
>>157520You can see some clips of celebrities like Britney spears switch alters in interviews inadvertently (probably search DID britney on Youtube or similar to see), it's definitely the result of extremely fucked up things happening to you/a coping strategy as this anon said
>>157522 This is 100% Jill simply attention seeking online as usual. She has gone through nothing that requires protective "alternative" personalities to escape to.
No. 157532
>>157503So she is putting this into motion earlier presumably because of the video and the criticism but the thing is….this also does not make you neurodivergent Jill.
>>157520The idea is that something so bad happens that your underdeveloped child brain just can’t cope with it so compartmentalises so that the host can survive, it can only happen whilst your brain is still developing they estimate nine as the oldest you can be for it to happen. People like Jill and social media want to make out that the personalities are always all completely different people who dress and act completely differently, have different gender and like completely different things, that’s rare within DID, usually the difference between the personalities is pretty subtle and more like oh blah blah is a little weird today not blah blah is an entirely different person
No. 157543
>>157538I don’t think it’s usual to put the pronouns in bio like that with a drag persona, usually you would say in the bio that it is a drag persona, this is more like she is larping being trans which generally drag performers make sure to keep the distinction clear
>>157503It’s very funny that she is so painfully a cis het woman and this is as far as she could push her uwu masculinity, hairy armpits and a beanie. She didn’t even contour her face more masculine and has her normal eyeliner on. Using that old picture as well does she think that wearing black is masculine.
No. 157547
>>157544my guess is shes pretending it's another person, like she's larping as this edgy drag king alter ego. imo she wants us to know it's still her but she's roleplaying as this character she's made up with a new account and everything.
complete cringe regardless
No. 157553
>>157520The thing is, DID is a serious condition and the switch is something that people can't help to do because they feel threatened.
What these like Jillian claim to have is more akin to having a different wardrove and act different willingly according to situation.
No. 157568
>>157514Is she going to spread some bullshit saying that this is the exact moment she split because the stress of being fake gay was too much to handle, So that's why she used an old photo?
>>157555The video did gain traction, it's just that the comment section wasn't filled with the ass pats that she wanted.
No. 157569
File: 1624820155110.jpeg (128.89 KB, 640x429, 06DDCA28-A913-4BDD-AD02-CD7A17…)

Whichever of you dumbasses is tipping need to knock it off.
No. 157570
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Is it normal to follow yourself on alternative accounts?
No. 157582
File: 1624825896693.png (278.86 KB, 1194x1010, Screen Shot 2021-06-27 at 4.30…)

apparently trichitollomania is why she's ND lmao
No. 157593
>>157584I feel like even claiming something like dyslexia or similar learning disabiliy would be a more
valid claim for ‘neurodivergency’ than trich - she didn’t even mention her trich in her video did she?
No. 157609
>>157598I'm honestly not sure, I'm going back through research to see if OCD is part of it and why>>157598
Yeah mb I don't know where I got the information OCD was included but that's not mentioned as far as I can see. Although Judy Singer does talk about narcissism (and 2 other similar antisocial conditions)because of its genetic components
No. 157612
>>157609careful, anon. she will claim dyslexia if she sees this
>>157592>>157596with jillybean being so desperate to squeeze herself into the neurodivergent label, i can't see why she hasn't pursued the autism or add streams. i feel that there is a chance she is on the spectrum, because she has a few traits. honestly, it's like the one thing she is more likely to have than any of the disorders she has picked for herself so far. or alternatively it seems like it's so easy to get diagnosed with add (or anything, really) if you find the right shrink. with all the information how add/adhd exhibits differently in girls and is so easy to be overlooked, and how many symptoms just seems like normal things, i can see how easy it would be for eager jill to stretch and mold facts to qualify for a diagnosis. or she could just accept the label of narcissism. that would give her so many brownie points and let her become the one of a kind educator she wants to be. there are so many ways to actually get there, but jill always picks the worst possible path to achieve anything.
No. 157623
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No. 157625
>>157535>I always thought it was fake bc of youtubers and the tiktokers cringy switch videos so that’s my Ignorance sorry. It could exist, but there's no consensus, the research on it is very shoddy, and if it does then it's extremely rare and the result of severe long-term abuse.
>Why take advantage of already weaker communities?Pretending to have a disability or mental illness is the easiest way to opt out of being part of a 'privileged' class next to claiming to be ''''nonbinary'''''''''; also, you should read up on how to use lolcow.
>>157536Jill may not be "neurodivergent", but she certainly has chronic internet poisoning. She's desperately trying to gain social capital.
No. 157628
>>157625Claiming neurodivergency is a way of protecting herself from criticism.
When a normal person does something cringy they get bullied and mocked (rightfully so usually)
But when an autistic person is cringy it's okay they're autistic and doing their best.
She does it so people don't criticize her because if they do that's ableism.
She's an awful person and no amount of self diegnosing and baby talk will change it. Its so much worse to fake disability. And bpd curable and not neurodivergency and having a single symptom of ocd isn't having the whole disorder.
No. 157648
File: 1624861655415.png (497.81 KB, 664x454, Screenshot 2021-06-28 at 07.26…)

look after your fucking dirty cats jill
No. 157656
File: 1624867452043.gif (1.56 MB, 366x274, giphy.gif)

No. 157659
>>157648That's just the color of the cat's paw fur,
No. 157668
>>157620>Don't gatekeep the word neurodivergent u mean autists uwubitch what
>>157658Tbf either will be milky as fuck, but I'm hoping for a drag king DID character, it would be the milkiest thing since her ~lesbian witch~ saga. I hope she gets tattoos to represent all of her head frens~ which she'll have to cover every time she decides to switch between them
No. 157707
File: 1624911845753.jpeg (172.36 KB, 750x876, DB498455-0D5D-4929-B724-B81D2C…)

>>157508she's literally insinuated that she has alters multiple times….its pretty blatant at this point.
No. 157719
File: 1624917605604.jpeg (222.38 KB, 750x1195, 68A03ECB-A18F-4053-9485-7F0F6E…)

So wait is her structural dissociation (or whatever) the start of her DID diagnoses?
Just noticing the systwt hashtag associated with this stuff.
No. 157720
File: 1624917925754.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1169x1924, EBDDB95F-4CD0-4B7B-ACE7-A50F91…)

Showing how cakey you are maybe isn't the best way to say on a makeup company's PR list
No. 157721
>>157707As someone who is currently experience true, honest-to-god life-altering trauma (loss of two siblings at once) and the subsequent PTSD . . . and still living my life and working and generally getting along just fine
I have never wanted to physical beat someone more in my entire life.
Saged for my fuckin' blog posting.
( No. 157739
>>157721You can't cure fake illness. Of course your doing better you actually went through something.
The only illness she has is being unbearable and no amount of therapy or medication will change that.
No. 157765
File: 1624932784349.png (Spoiler Image,1.52 MB, 750x1334, 92A588B2-F00E-484C-B8A3-B19F66…)

Remember when she was sent kuromi pr and she was so upset? I think it's because it wasn't rainby
No. 157767
>>157765Kek probably.
I know nobody can be an 100% ethical consumer and you need to choose your battles and make sacrifices based on your values, but the hypocrisy here just reeks of self-serving performative activism. Especially since she was railing against an accessible cruelty free makeup brand.
No. 157801
>>157707Any bets on who her alters are going to be? We have an emo (?) kid so far, if that's not her drag king persona.
Personally that Chloe chick (DissociaDID) has everybody beat with that 40yr old anorexic Vietnamese male alter. I'm not sure what direction Pixie's going to go in. Probably an extremely inappropriate one!
No. 157807
File: 1624958486062.jpg (477.12 KB, 2896x2896, 20210629_052044.jpg)

I love how she zoomed in on her own mustache. This is from IG.
No. 157809
>>157792she wishes
shes literally just annoying. if she had a real job and stopped posting shed be normal.
No. 157812
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No. 157849
File: 1624984767436.jpeg (451.71 KB, 1170x1374, A48D1208-3662-476F-BEB4-14E9B9…)

looks like he bought a binder
No. 157850
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No. 157853
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No. 157870
File: 1624994691035.png (222.92 KB, 2235x575, chart_updated.png)

>>157849not sure how many other trans people frequent this thread but jillian got a large… which is the same size i wear, (as someone who's fairly skinny and 171 cm) so if it's at all too small and it's being worn at all regularly there's a good chance it'll wreck his wribs lol. honestly surprised it's not using transtape because then he could open-chest bind but that's not something you can just put on for a photo shoot and then shrug out of, you have to wear it for a couple days or the adhesive can rip your skin. it's wearing transness like a costume and a joke and this plus the neurodivegency video….. i really hope a "call out" is on the way. (img attached is the size chart from gc2b)
No. 157890
File: 1625001146407.jpeg (231.15 KB, 826x1345, 9D76C816-3E76-40C7-A660-045C20…)

For those of you who guessed she made this alt acc to just wear black and not lose her audience, you are 100% correct
No. 157947
>>157930no1curr troonchan, go talk about cutting your tits somewhere else
>>157931She's obviously never going to fully transition lmao she loves "looking hot" like in all those awful pictures she has been taking recently
No. 157978
>>157931NTA but Ghill is larping being a transman so I don't think it's creepy to suggest she might take the larp further. Binding is specific transman/nb behavior and often leads to surgery depending on how seriously they take it. Anon offered some good insight imo and doesn't deserve y'all jumping on them. They clearly suggest that she
won't have surgery and that this is a bad idea with the "enjoy the saggy tits" line, it's not like anon is cheering Jill on here.
No. 157990
File: 1625048872452.jpg (187.12 KB, 1080x822, IMG_20210630_112205.jpg)

Her reply is so badly worded but Jesus, does she not realise that her partner having a fucked up sleeping pattern is not good and Steve is probably trying to avoid her sweaty lard ass from rolling over and crushing him while he sleeps?
No. 158007
File: 1625058484976.jpg (26.67 KB, 500x360, 521f2c4c4537b127014ee66d73c53c…)

>>158004I know most of the posters ITT have autism so understanding humor can be a hard for you but, indulging in Jill's genderspecial bullshit isn't funny and reeks of twitterfaggotry.
No. 158016
File: 1625062498497.jpg (102.15 KB, 598x260, jill.jpg)

No. 158021
>>158017Honestly we probably
triggered Xer into making that boy account with "he/him" in the bio to prove how unbothered Xhe is with the many new pronouns we bestowed upon Xer.
No. 158022
>>158017same anon, it's become a mental challenge to read through this thread.
Anons, it was funny for a while, now it's just retarded
No. 158025
>>157931they literally insinuated the opposite, obviously everyone knows that Jill’s not going to chop off her tits, that’s why binding is going to be so harmful, it’s gonna stretch and deform her breast tissue and they’re going to sag prematurely, which is going to cause more body image issues than she had to begin with
>>158007there’s a difference between indulging in someone’s preferences and mocking them, you shouldn’t be calling other anons autistic if you can’t even pick up on that
No. 158028
>>158025> that’s why binding is going to be so harmful, it’s gonna stretch and deform her breast tissue and they’re going to sag prematurely, which is going to cause more body image issues than she had to begin with well, play stupid games and win stupid prices!
It's theri choice to do everything for the woke pity points, so he gonna live with the consequences. Designer shit ain't worked out, so now he needs something new to flex. Idiot could just stick to the fashion gimmick and roll with it, make good cash out of the confetti cunts with merch and keep their mouth shut.
No. 158071
>>158017Right, using her genderspecial language is not the insult to her or
triggering her like anons think it is because Jill has terminal twitter brain and doesn't see retarded pronouns as a negative thing like anons do. If anything it probably flatters her delusions and makes the thread harder to read every time Steve is brought up because it's unclear who is being spoken about
No. 158280
>>158242I think she will pull some sensory issue thing once xe realises her hog body doesn't fit in it "i'm still
valid though!!", he will exclaim
No. 158326
What is the purpose of everyone using he/they/xe/whatever for her? You’re literally doing what she wants and validating her, I don’t get the humor in that
>>158280This like likely, then she will probably claim that it’s a BPD symptom when it’s clearly autism like everything else
That or she will complain about her uwu head mates not agreeing to it and causing drama in the system
>>158297 “Vessey Vessel” kek
No. 158354
File: 1625214485071.jpeg (333.23 KB, 828x758, 39005A89-E950-4FEF-8FAD-DE1D2E…)

So you agree? BPD is curable and not the life long mental illness you made it out to be in one of your videos
No. 158365
>>158358>Jill isn't coming to lolcow for gender validationNo, but she does lurk her thread.
>>158358>it's about intention and (lack of) respectIf anons wanted to show a lack of respect, they'd refer to Jill as what she is: a biological woman. Anons dead name and refer to tranny cows as their actual gender, I don't see why Jill has to be the exception for an overplayed joke.
>Jill's not gonna come to lolcow for gender validaton either way lmaoNo, but she still lurks her thread. Feel like it'd hit the point home better if anons didn't let the space prince have her way and just refer to her as she is.
No. 158423
>>158365>If anons wanted to show a lack of respect, they'd refer to Jill as what she is: a biological woman. agreed
>>158358>Jill isn't going to come for lolcow for validationThe problem with this is that she's stupid, retarded and lurks her thread. You would be suprised how a tard tends to react to these things.
No. 158459
File: 1625269949524.jpg (203.26 KB, 1080x892, Screenshot_20210703-015206_Eco…)

She always starts off this way… Lord
No. 158477
File: 1625277155638.jpg (Spoiler Image,142.9 KB, 1000x1500, iu (2).jpg)

>>158476I'm so sorry to this lady for posting her, but I just saw this pic of future Jill when checking my spelling
No. 158482
>>158459Whoever said I was off the mark suggesting she might have her tits off… there you go.
I thought she totally loved her boobs so much? She went through that “will she won’t she” onlyfans thing and wouldn’t shut up about her boobs for a bit, plus all those underwear pics? Pretty out there to start claiming gender dysphoria after that show.
No. 158490
File: 1625281936152.jpg (362.04 KB, 1199x1799, laurence-final.jpg)

>>158477here's a more near-future pic of jill when he starts taking T
(saw it a few days ago and literally thought it was an actual pic of jill for a minute)
No. 158528
>>157620I just rewatched this, completely blanked out that there was a skillshare sponser at the end when I first watched it. Made me think, can a sponser request you take down a racy video if they don't want to be associated with it? It did take her a while to take the video down if she didn't like the responses herself.
I don't know if skillshare review their sponsered content but if they did maybe they didnt expect the backlash either and just believed Jill would know her audience better than she does. Only when it started to go up shit Creek did they email her.
(Poss old milk, poss tinfoiling?)
No. 158543
File: 1625311031627.jpg (139.33 KB, 597x419, jill.jpg)

No. 158545
>>158497It’s odd that she is so chronically online and totes in the LGBT+ community but also hasn’t seen the push for “nonbinary people don’t owe you androgyny”, with her whole thing before about how she is
valid as a femme gay you would think she would be all about the nonbinary people can present very femme if they want thing, thinking she needs to dress up like a boy and make a show like this is ironically making her look more cis het because she is actually seeing gender as very clear cut and binary like she even has a girl Twitter and a boy Twitter now
No. 158580
File: 1625336743772.png (114.3 KB, 1080x425, Screenshot_20210703-122328~2.p…)

Alright time to pack it up ladies she's starting to feel ~uwu validated~
No. 158618
>>158614She's happy because she doesn't have any real childhood trauma and is larping it so well that no one is questioning it and licking her ring clean about it.
No one with real childhood trauma smiles about it, it's nothing to be proud of.
No. 158657
>>158614Whenever I think of real children who go through years and years of trauma and abuse and have severe consecuences due to how they were treated as they were raised… and then I see this tard… I wonder, why…? Just why. Why would she do this if it isn't for attention?
She needs to leave the computer for a minute and go outside and realize how stupid she sounds.
Seriously… I wish she could have some sort of reality check.
But she does not care. She could see that, while it doesn't take much for someone to get trauma, she has no real problems other than wanting attention. She needs this attention and praise and she will stomp over any other real
victim and cast the spotlight to herself. She does not care for others, she has no empathy, and she pretends to be charming and full of love while being vile inside…
She's a narcissist.
No. 158681
File: 1625393958008.jpg (135.31 KB, 608x440, jilltweet1.jpg)

No. 158682
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No. 158683
File: 1625394184456.jpg (71.78 KB, 588x203, jilltweet3.jpg)

No. 158745
File: 1625441060008.webm (2.7 MB, 720x1280, jillian.webm)
>>158704She's just riding the woke train at this point
Also this is her promised "UWU ICKY BPD" tiktok she promised
No. 158750
>>158745The disorder is literally characterized by relationship dysfunction as like one of it's hugest symptoms. She liiiives to spread disinformation in order to claim disorders she does not suffer from and it's beyond mind boggling at this point.
Like is she trying to prove she has BPD by BPDing and gaslighting her audience into thinking people who have it are uwu misunderstood beans, pls be kind
No. 158755
File: 1625447481659.png (231.39 KB, 540x554, creep.png)

this interaction between her and that one DID youtuber is creeping me out so much.
No. 158770
>>158745the irony in someone with BPD denying being manipulative, like a manipulative person would be like "yeah you got me, manipulator no 1 here!!"
Also what's the point in doing a video like this? It's denying every bad trait of your disorder that you SHOULD acknowledge and work on to improve, but instead you deny that they even exist? "I totally have BPD, I just don't have any of the icky symptoms tehe i'm still
valid uwu"
No. 158821
>>158813Weird how every cow does this, anons have noticed Eevee nicole will also shittalk every ex friend and paint herself the
victim. You can't just stop a friendship naturally; they have to be evil incarnate and hurting the poor npd lolcow so nobody questions it.
No. 159002
>>158878She is claiming to be so ~inclusive~ yet everything she posts is so hard to look at, watching the
tickle tock I missed half of the text because white on light pink background is fucking impossible to see.
No. 159028
File: 1625565016400.png (607.58 KB, 720x1021, imagen_2021-07-06_044950.png)

She always wanted to be "queer" but she never could be part of it. She had to fake having DID and have a fakeboi persona to feel queer enough.
No. 159042
>>159028The fact she thinks queerness means mental illness and dressing in black is another issue, a lot of projection from her youth where the alt style made her feel special and different.
She wants to hold onto that without any of the actual difficulties involved in her various larps
>neurodivergent but not adhd or autistic (though anons think she is autistic so that's debatable)>Severe mental illnesses and personality disorders without any of the nasty bits! I just want the label>Queer/gayness without any actual icky same sex intercourse, just keep claiming your cis hetero relationship is somehow queer and maybe it will stick>Larping transgenderism>larping drag queen/kings>larping DID as an excuse to do the above without getting canceled No. 159083
>>159028It's really creepy that she makes her boyfriends exact clones of each other. I thought this was Steve until I looked closer.
>>159042She should just accept being
problematic. People are starting to not give a shit for influencers using mental illness as an excuse of doing shitty things. So she's walking a very thin line that'll get her cancelled if she teeters too much.
No. 159158
>>159028I remember everyone shitting on how she looked here when she posted this photo, when now this is an incredible look compared to how she dresses herself now. Not even considering weight, just in how she acts and dresses. God only knows what she’s going to look like in another couple of years. I truly keep believing she can’t can’t get any worse and then she does.
It’s honestly depressing going through things like her old blogspot and comparing how she was then to now. Her mother must be devastated.
No. 159164
File: 1625647669380.jpeg (112.46 KB, 750x259, 9CE3A79D-B308-4349-B028-90DAB5…)

Didn’t Jillian go to Britain for a sims 4 event sponsored and paid for by EA? Kek
No. 159207
>>159164He already has the sims 4 & even has 2 videos still up so i really don’t understand why he’s asking??
Just feels like another silly lie to get ppl to talk to him
No. 159292
>>159291one, learn to sage,
two, her "fashion show" was months ago (see the previous thread),
and three, probably not. she's just burying them to try and get people to forget her failures.
No. 159333
File: 1625694379137.jpeg (84.06 KB, 750x819, DF94336E-715C-4149-BF97-E50693…)

the full tweet said "as in dating or hallucinations"
so i guess she's seeing hallucinations now too, allegedly.
No. 159354
>>159333She's absolutely infuriating. I know it goes without saying, but the fact that she's pretending to have hallucinations as if it's a cute and quirky thing really serves as a window into what her 'mental health advocacy' schtick is actually about. It truly is all about her having something flashy to wave around, regardless of whether or not she's hurting or demeaning people who actually suffer with those conditions.
Not to armchair too much, but I get the impression that because she's had everything handed to her pretty much her entire life she's now trying to live in her own narrative where people can see her as some sort of hero overcoming adversity. Nothing she has accomplished or possesses is impressive because she's barely had to work for any of it (at least that's how it seems from an outside perspective) and on some level I think she knows that.
No. 159372
>>159333Fucking, what does that mean jill? She’s so insufferable, making vague tweets fishing for sympathy and attention.
Who gives a shit about all the people legitimately going through it, poor darling jill needs to tell us all why she’s so confuzzled and not like those other scawy people with mental illness uwu she only has the nice symptoms none of that fake scary stuff that ruins years of peoples lives… oh and her super special kind is completely unmanageable so be nice you guys
No. 159414
>>159354> I get the impression that because she's had everything handed to her pretty much her entire life she's now trying to live in her own narrative where people can see her as some sort of hero overcoming adversityLike extreme White Guilt syndrome? Maybe she could direct that energy into helping disenfranchized people instead of trying to gain imaginary
victim points by accruing as many mental illnesses as she can get her witch-therapist to agree she has.
No. 159462
File: 1625745194913.jpeg (158.33 KB, 828x571, 7BC03A80-F315-4435-8557-F8E8AA…)

Please oh please let this be her announcing that she has DID
No. 159472
File: 1625749494382.jpeg (855.92 KB, 1242x1134, F1D2FACA-6DF9-40D3-94CB-8F289A…)

Welp, she’s tagging her “drag king” persona as if he’s an entirely separate entity. Here we fucking go.
You could have just used the bookmark function or just retweeted onto “his” account but no, everything has to be a public spectacle.
No. 159475
>>159462Oh my god this is totally her announcing that she has DID
>>159291This is something I think of a lot lol. She was SOOOOOO EXCITED to show us her shitty job, yet no video about her clothes or anything. What a sad day to be "fashion designer" Jillian Vessey.
No. 159478
>>159354>she's now trying to live in her own narrative where people can see her as some sort of hero overcoming adversityof course, she always has been the
victim in every situation even when she does wrong. Having "mental illnesses" gives her pity points from people.
No. 159491
File: 1625756120571.jpeg (775.8 KB, 1170x1393, B0666849-45E2-4FBE-A7E0-D11C80…)

her new video seems to be called “new face, name, pronouns”. sadly, it doesn’t seem like we’re getting a DID announcement yet.
No. 159516
>>159509Just scroll her account, this girl is like what Jill wants to be, kawaii, goth and creative but without being an absolute walking disaster like Jill. Her being retarded in the replies while having such a similar prof makes me wonder if she wanted this girl's attention, it's like if you ran a cornershop selling candles and Jill appeared in full "drag" makeup telling you about her alters, you'd question why she was there in the first place. Could be a coincidence, but just from using lolcow for years, cows tend to stalk/be obsessed with the
"you, but better" type of girl, so it's simply an informed (and unevidenced) guess.
No. 159520
File: 1625764246698.jpg (559.19 KB, 1536x2048, E5vwD2dVEAMoL7f.jpg)

>>159516Sc since this is an imageboard: effortlessly being what Jill tries to be:
No. 159521
File: 1625764465000.png (1.93 MB, 1008x1543, 764272.png)

>>159520Then the similar profs.
No. 159561
>>159491She says that like she didn't personally apply to be verified. Does she not realize that most people know twitter's new process for verification?
>>159516That seems like a stretch since there's a lot of girls on Jill's following list that fit the description of "you, but better".
No. 159562
File: 1625773089202.jpeg (940.87 KB, 1170x1620, 6273BD3D-C584-4884-B643-B40151…)

why is she making such a big deal out of changing her eyebrows
No. 159596
>>159580idk how your reading comprehension is but I'm saying
Jill likely wishes she was this girl, not the other way around, see Jill's weird comment here:
>>159472I doubt this girl knows or cares who the clown in her comments is.
No. 159617
>>159612Glad you agree at least that Jill wants to be the alt girls she follows.
This prof pic is rather similar though don't you think?
>>159521The left arm is even in the exact same place+head tilt exact same+pink flower background.
Not a big deal but worth noting imo.
No. 159700
>>159491I didn't think that her makeup could get any worse, but this Chinese forum never ceases to amaze me.
Her retardation knows no bounds; why isn't she shaving her eyebrows if this is her new look? It would make sense to have a clean slate if this is how she's going to do her makeup from now on. Her attempt at covering them is shite.
No. 159740
File: 1625848102447.jpeg (161.3 KB, 1575x1025, C4240837-E8CA-4E6B-97A4-80D419…)

Y’all… when I say that I could not have rolled my eyes harder…
No. 159742
File: 1625848231668.png (973.83 KB, 1198x1192, 2021-07-09_18.27.42.png)

>>159740was about to post this kek.
"THEY are a graduated designer"
no jill, she's barely even a hobbyist
No. 159761
>>159749Everyone who legally changes their name generally does change their last name too e.g. deadnames are usually both. It makes no sense to be uncomfortable with one but not the other; but this is just more attention seeking from Jill and is in fact meaningless.
Idk if the retarded wks here are from camp Jill but I miss when there weren't room temperature IQ people in this thread. Go back to where you came from with your pathetic wks for this piece of shit person. Look at who you're defending, her main hobby is appropriating actual mental illnesses and disorders like a person collecting badges. She causes actual harm by spreading misinformation about disorders thay affect people's whole lives. She is even currently larping being DID and trans. Find better people to support.
No. 159768
>>159761Damn anon, jill really makes you mad huh? Chill out.
Also no not everyone changes their last name when changing their given name. Let’s all agree jills an attention seeking idiot who really should’ve just reformatted her name to Jillian ‘Pixie’ Vessey and been done with it, but she wants to be super special and woke uwu so she’s “trans” and changing her name to “pixie”, you know instead of just using it as a goddam nickname! which is exactly what it is, just a nickname, why else add (Jillian) on the end like that.
No. 159770
>>159768She's on thread #41 here so maybe, just maybe it's not a case of her
"making me (solely me, one anon) mad"
I never even contributed to these threads until recently, but she's going downhill rapidly.
You sound like a fan who comes here for petty bitching but acts uwu in her replies.
No. 159777
>>159761Just because some one is pointing out discrepancies in your argument it doesn't mean that they're WKing Jill. You shouldn't be on this site if everything feels like a personal attack to you.
>>159768Yeah if she was going with the whole song and dance of being trans it wouldn't make sense for her to put her real first name. She just wants to be called a cute nickname (that she hates since she wanted to change her channel name). It's weird that she doesn't seem to realize that nicknames can be what ever and don't
have to be tied to her channel name.
No. 159783
>>159779Stay longer.
Jill isn’t actually trans. Jill didn’t actually change her name. The only hint of dairy regarding her stupid name shit is that she once wanted to dissociate from the name pixie and that she’s larping as possibly trans.
Just because you embarrassed yourself doesn’t mean other anons are white knights. If anything it seems like you’re trying to derail the conversation away from the cringe that is Jillian thinking wanting to be called pixie makes her non binary or some shit. It’s a nickname.
No. 159786
>>159783I've been here longer than you, likely.
And I've seen all the petty disagreements, intentional misreadings and
muh no milk before in other threads, (Belle and Nicole being prime candidates) - it's unfortunate because this thread used to be enjoyably free of (at best) PULLtard behavior like this where you want to write 1000 words on why you dislike the cow but what they did is ok, actually, and here's why
No. 159797
>>159790>please stop derailingI'm not the anons getting
triggered by a few lines of text (the original post that spawned this inane subthread is
>>159745 ) who think every throwaway thought on an anonymous gossip board is an "argument" that needs defending. If you don't want to shit up the thread, let people post whatever (as long as it's not a criminal accusation or whatever) without questioning it like we're in debate class and every opinion on a cow needs a supporting essay and slideshow of evidence. That's whiteknighting and it's pretty obvious when it's over something so ridiculously innocuous as that tagged post.
No. 159811
>>159761Trans people don’t change their surnames, that’s ridiculous. Not that Jillian is trans regardless. If she was she wouldn’t do
this “any pronouns” bullshit and have her actual name in parentheses at the end.
>>159777A nickname that she’s stated she despises in the past, so it’s weird how suddenly it has to be her totally real chosen name now.
I can’t get over her eyebrows, they look ridiculous.
No. 159849
File: 1625891977506.png (159.32 KB, 1196x712, Screen Shot 2021-07-10 at 12.3…)

it's official
No. 159850
>>159849"any pronouns"
Convenient of Jillian to choose vague, transient labels with no fixed meaning so she has no specific rules to adhere to, I suppose it's an improvement on trying to rewrite the meaning of labels to suit herself.
No. 159859
>>159849doesn't genderfluid fall under the nonbinary category? as in literally anything that isn't your birth sex. does she think it's somehow still binary because she picks whatever gender she feels like on a given hour?
I know jillybean is dumb but you think she would at least know about the genderspecial terms she takes on. Just further proves how much this is made up for attention.
No. 159888
>>159849Wears beanie and oversized t-shirt onceJill: yeah I would say I'm gender fluid.
Also, what happened to the rhetoric that "clothes have no gender" when every privileged white girl who throws on pants claim they are NB/GF/GNC
I wonder does Jill know that you can be femme presenting and still be considered GF
No. 159889
>>159888Yeah, I feel like nobody is allowed to be a girl who likes masculine clothes anymore or a guy who likes femme. Thinking that liking certain clothes means you must be the gender that conforms to those clothes is really fucking
toxic and scummy.
No. 159931
>>159887Poor Steve having to come out as wearing pink sometimes and getting pegged. Real groundbreaking stuff.
>>159895I feel bad that she doesn't realize you can have different styles in your wardrobe. Not every person is 100% this or that, literally everyone dresses a little different every day. God forbid you have rainbow hair and black pants…
No. 159947
>>159894>>159895I guarantee she’s tweeting about it specifically on that account because she thinks that DIYing a thrifted jacket makes her ~*~punk~*~.
At least she’s customising clothing though, even though she didn’t need to take a craft school sewing class for that.
No. 159956
>>159887That’s on Steve for dating a narc.
>>159895The name and look says drag king but the tweets and interaction say DID alter. This is bizarre.
>>159897How you not seen Steve’s YouTube channel? Major cringelord incel vibes.
>>159939Pointing out anon was wrong isn’t exactly whiteknighting kek
No. 159960
File: 1625950631127.jpeg (1.74 MB, 1170x1468, C878F409-EF7D-4083-8A7A-5FD09A…)

Jill's looking rough. No new makeup here, though.
No. 160063
>>159969>I'd be a lesbian if I didn't like dickHow long ago did she say this again? Because that would be considered awfully
problematic these days.
No. 160171
File: 1626029545371.jpg (130.08 KB, 550x427, jillfb.jpg)

Jill changed her name on fb
No. 160179
File: 1626031102593.jpg (272.83 KB, 1074x720, Screenshot_20210711-200806_Fac…)

Sorry to interrupt discussions of the new video but came across a bunch of pictures of Jill at Emily's wedding (the girls whose head she shaved).
(censored the 2 other bridesmaids as they have no public relation to jill)
No. 160181
File: 1626031244611.jpg (516.76 KB, 1074x1618, Screenshot_20210711-200924_Fac…)

>>160179Samefag. There's a lot more but don't want to shit up the thread
No. 160194
File: 1626033357820.jpg (29.56 KB, 481x361, d1429f3d0f1ca8720f2e406a32ba85…)

>>160165Who wore it better?
No. 160202
>>160180Cant believe she went to a wedding with faded hair that is just put into a messy bun, with no styling…wearing a walmart dress and a ugly neon bra.
>>160179 Only positive is that I think her brows are not rainbow here. She easily could have gotten a cheap "nice" dress from the mall.
No. 160227
File: 1626036858002.png (460.72 KB, 1200x630, andy_snapshot_1-e1489153236821…)

>>160224She looks like a 90s cgi character
No. 160231
>>160165I can't be the only anon who finds it gross that she said that one day she just woke up and was cured of anorexia. Jill, you learned that wanarexia was hard to maintain and didn't get you the pity points you wanted.
Her rambling just reeks of narc.
No. 160237
>>160234samefag but I'm like half-way through the video and she needs to keep her tongue in her mouth. The whole ahhh
sticks tongue out shit is cringey as heck
No. 160239
File: 1626039206970.png (1.29 MB, 1119x952, asdasd.png)

>>160165Guys, this video is making me genuinely uncomfortable, she's clearly going very crazy very fast. She acts like a different person.
For example when she talks about her therapy around the 16.40 timestamp she's incoherent, and her voice changes, kinda like how Britney Spears talks on her instagram.
She used to be quirky before, but at least she was charming, now she just seems like she needs actual medical help. She says she's doing better, but it might be she's just saying that because the people "helping" her are just as crazy as her.
No. 160241
>>160239calm down anon, she's perfectly fine she's just copying every DID larper for pity points. Actual DID individuals don't conveniently 'switch' on camera.
Also sage your retarded takes
No. 160254
File: 1626044609370.png (1.96 MB, 1270x1772, King Daddy Sir.png)

>>160250>Likes to be called King, Daddy, SirHad to make this immediately
No. 160256
>>160250>still struggles with "wishing she didn't even have a body to be perceived" I don't believe this from anyone who dresses like a cross-section of an everlasting gobstopper
>didn't realise "as an afab person" she was allowed to do dragWomen, not allowed to do something that makes fun of women. Got it.
No. 160261
File: 1626047976165.jpg (533.85 KB, 1067x1600, 195313935_10226503285793026_81…)

No. 160262
File: 1626048022440.jpg (171.99 KB, 1600x1067, 196370562_10226503199950880_45…)

No. 160264
>>160216I'm guessing she has no formal shoes. Couldn't even be bothered to buy some for the wedding
>>160261god look how yellow they are
No. 160265
File: 1626048072907.jpg (248.81 KB, 1600x1067, 195615066_10226503222151435_86…)

No. 160268
>>160239Now that you mention it I remember that her voice has always changed from normal to high pitched, and she said she was going to address that hinting at DID but now it turns out her DID alter is masculine? wut.
I think her medication, bad therapy and online presence is frying her brain
No. 160273
>>160250>half the time feels like she's "the hottest bitch on earth"And half the time she hates herself I guess.
Narcissist bitch.
No. 160288
>>160285You know your therapist is bad when your mental health nosedives
after starting therapy and now you think you have multiple personalities. I think she believes you are only allowed one mood and one style, and in the instance you have differing moods or styles they must represent trapped souls within your psyche, rather than normal psychological variation.
No. 160355
>>160180Holy shit they both look so much better here… no clown hair and makeup and Steve not wearing the incel looking shit with greasy hair
Like neither of them look good but those little changes make such a difference in Jillian especially
>>160239 She’s just pretending to be ~multiple people~, there’s nothing actually wrong with her
>>160250I do wonder if she genuinely believes she went through some crazy trauma she can’t remember or if it’s all a complete lie? Knowing she likes to be called daddy is highly distressing, I know we’ve all questioned DDLG but I didn’t think it would go this way round
>>160268All of the DID youtubers have several alters in many fun flavours
>>160288Half of the DID people online seem to be actually autistic and confused that they can feel different things without it being a different personality, I swear all DID cases can be divided into autistic, BPD and narcs
No. 160357
File: 1626083251088.jpg (59.36 KB, 642x960, 1466293435582.jpg)

Major newfag to the Jill series so I went back to the first three threads to sleuth for pictures of her skinny and OOF
So I'm not the most well versed in her drama and she was never spoopy but I think the "uwu I had an eating disorder" thing can be somewhat substantiated by her gaining weight what seemed very rapidly. Granted she was quite young and that sort of thing is common. I was surprised though! I really thought she was a chronically chonky wannarexic I guess she wasn't once upon a time. Chonky that is.
Aside from that all I learned is that she has money and is Canadian.
I'll take my leave now.
No. 160362
File: 1626085220242.png (11.79 MB, 4851x1796, d4weney-51ef2b0f-bf17-4ed9-b24…)

>>160357 Jill claims to have had a super scary anorexic body, but this has been dismissed by the stats she gave us. She was never even underweight for age. Here is an example of her 'low weight'
No. 160394
File: 1626104347917.png (524.28 KB, 569x360, definitely not shooped.PNG)

>>160363What ever do you mean anon, she was literally wasting away with her totally real Auschwitz Eugenia Cooney skelly body!!!
No. 160529
File: 1626130237788.png (16.62 KB, 596x156, why.png)

If she knows that clothes are just clothes why does she larp?
No. 160536
File: 1626131896632.jpg (705.03 KB, 1900x1077, Screenshot_20210712-161237_You…)

>>160239>>160224>>160165Petition to make moon/moons it's new pronouns
No. 160558
>>160529She's self aware to the point that she's recognizing that she doesn't have to wear clown clothes 24/7 but she craves attention too much that she just can't do it normally so she does clown drag make-up.
How does she not recognize that all of her actions reek of HPD and general self loathing? Even her BoDy DiSmOrPhIa just come off as she got fat, didn't get the mommy mikers she wanted so now she's a sad boy because she got ugly tits from rapid weight gain.
No. 160561
File: 1626139897913.jpg (4.5 MB, 3416x1920, sexybaby_alter.jpg)

No. 160574
>>160570Anons like to joke about him being secretly gay, but no gay man would be able to have intercourse with this woman, strap-on or not:
>>160180He's a straight incel-y type softboy imo. I now think her therapist is playing a big part in her current mental downfall, the early clue was the therapist making a big mistake on the first meetings by getting her to spill all her traumas at once, that alone will retraumatize the patient. Add on to that how he humors her munchausen, is a "witch" and it sounds like also a drag queen
>>160516I think he has a big part to play here. If it was Stevie's fault we would have seen all this shit happen ages ago.
Also, I think the stress of actually having to do some work to finish her fashion design projects took a mental toll which she has not allowed herself to cool off from by taking a break. She still hasn't posted a video with her final pieces in it, kinda seems like she has some resentment about it.
No. 160626
>>160574I think Steve is a very incel-redpill-type of guy and might even be into making jill worse because she has gained so much weight and become crazier while living with him. If he likes it on the ass he might not be completely straight either, but I'm not sure how much that plays into it.
I honestly don't trust that motherfucker. He was the one who pushed this "witch" therapist onto her.
No. 160628
>>160574Maybe steven is closer and closer to leaving her for a real man and in a desperate attempt she's trying to become one kek.
>kinda seems like she has some resentment about itOf course she does, and she's getting very bad mental health issues from all the pressure. Plus being online all the time, she was bound to get some type of mental problem from people who push the troon agenda.
I wish she broke up with Steven and got back to her mom's. She was much healthy back then even if she was a coddled mess, at least she woulnd't be mentally struggling as she is right now.
No. 160703
>>160651She needs attention in any way or form she can get.
>>160647Her mom is to blame on why this monster is the way she is, yes. Louise probably say Jill as her favorite and wanted to keep her all for herself so this is why Jillian is such a stunted idiot.
Honesly Jill should just forget about boys for a while and go back to her mom's place and get into a healthier mindset because it feels like Jillian is just alone with her delusions that Steven, her therapist and the internet feeds her. I wish Louise would step in.
No. 160705
>>160703Right, she's in a feedback loop and is probably the personal lolcow of Steven, her therapist, anyone who humors her. The internet hugbox who watch a video of someone losing their mind and write under it that they're "finding themselves" and share similar deranged thoughts.
She does harm with her munchie behavior and misinformation but the path she's headed on is not a good one. She'll be an obese, tattooed, deranged rambling weirdo before 30 unless there's an in intervention. She is taking her latest mental breakdown "new name, pronouns, makeup" as a reinvention when it's clearly something far worse - like at the point you think you need to compartmentalize "dressing in black" as an alternate personality is when you need to go live off-grid in the mountains for a while. This is your brain on uwu internet wokeism.
No. 160731
File: 1626209601857.jpg (1.07 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210713-165300_Tik…)

This doesnt even look like Pixie!!!
No. 160734
>>160731It could be that half her face is covered but dare I say that she actually looks cute here?
But of course she has to ruin it by making it a attention grab post about her BPD and the fact that she's at her therapist's office.
No. 160748
File: 1626217071650.jpg (34.09 KB, 878x226, xomment.JPG)

>>160731I forgot neo-pronouns existed,,,, yikes,,,fairy-kin saga?
No. 160793
File: 1626231045604.webm (1.73 MB, 576x1024, theerapy.webm)
>>160731Here's the vid if anyone is interested
No. 160794
File: 1626231167465.png (299.08 KB, 346x472, pixie.png)

>>160793This is legit the best she has looked in such a good while. The hair on the sides, natural eyebrows and those glasses look very good on her. If she only kept this look instead of whatever the hell she's doing right now…
No. 160833
>>160250I still lol everytime she insist she is ~sO QuEeR!!~ when she's in a whole ass heterosexual straight relationship lmao. She wants to insert herself in the fag community so bad because it's another defense shield she can use against haydurs to deflect any criticism by calling them "homophobic."
She's definitely that girl in middleschool who starts a bunch of rumors about herself that she's bi because it's cool and mature and hawt
No. 160922
>>160812Her mannerisms are weird, but the lack of clown makeup and change in hairstyle is much better looking. idk why every single time a cow finally does something that doesnt look the worst, people have to start screeching about how they're still the ugliest person in the world. She's no looker still, but does she look as bad right there as she's looked the whole rest of the thread? no. Which is exactly why we'll never see this look from her again I'm sure. Not snowflakey and bpd looking enough.
>>160805I've personally felt like for a while now that she might not even actually have a therapist anymore. She just talks to herself in her head and then comes to twitter to go, "yes my CERTIFIED therapist JUST diagnosed me with this new thing now which I've placed in my bio!!"
The timing is just always strange like that. She starts doing weird bread-crumb buildups to something, just so happens to have a "huge therapy session!!" about it, and then the next day or so updates her bio and makes a whole video about how she too has the most currently popular problems. I'm almost willing to bet that by christmas she'll claim to have tourette tics which is also very popular to pretend to have right now. She's probably still practicing how to get it just right as I type.
No. 160929
>>160925I think it has always been a male therapist, he sounds like he humors the munchausen and then scribbles some notes on a notepad to pretend he is having a breakthrough in managing her condition (not tinfoil, she described something similar in a Tweet posted ITT)
She gets worse, he gets paid, all is well.*
*All is not well
No. 160930
File: 1626294799620.png (324.54 KB, 1440x1657, cash cash money.png)

>>160929Samefag, repost for relevance. He sounds like such a quack.
No. 160933
File: 1626295951199.png (1.14 MB, 1402x1885, therapist timeline.png)

>>160930Samefag, I made a roughly chronological therapist Tweet timeline from searching username+therapist and username+session. These have all already been posted ITT, but it's relevant to see them again now we can see how "useful" he has been so far.
Before therapy: female, one personality, semi-normal looking
After therapy: trans, DID, clown makeup
No. 160950
File: 1626302479774.jpeg (123.75 KB, 750x673, 109B7718-5A63-4107-A000-E7585B…)

ah yes, because being in denial of your womanhood just because you dont feel like wearing bright colors and makeup is totally smashing the patriarchy. makes cents
No. 160951
File: 1626302501882.jpeg (74.8 KB, 750x478, BC42DD2D-A8EB-4050-834F-7079D1…)

No. 161019
File: 1626335912403.jpg (376.06 KB, 1080x879, 20210715_035803.jpg)

I like how he/she/they are liking their own posts.(emoji use)
No. 161060
>>160922I wasn't screeching. Like at all. I don't see the need to gas people up for looking the way they do when they wake up in the morning. Like WOW SO FRESH FACED, IVE NEVER SEEN HER LOOK BETTER type comments are pretty fucking useless as she's never going to give up her clown appearance and her looking like a normal human being without face paint is not surprising.
>>160933Sounds fake as hell. Is hallucinating a therapist a symptom of anything?
>>161019The fact that 2k people are following and entertaining this mess makes me want to give up on humanity.
No. 161139
>>161131At 2:35 did she really say that they smashed at 7 am or am I dumb?
Why would announce that you had sex on your vlog?
No. 161142
File: 1626381243967.jpeg (436.6 KB, 1242x1311, 0A80B3B2-82E6-4257-A765-8D1889…)

>>161131She responded to someone in the comments of this video asking when she will put out a video about her collection.
No. 161144
File: 1626381663255.gif (13.88 MB, 520x293, descargar (2).gif)

>>161143why would you do this to yourself
No. 161146
>>161143Wow. Haven’t seen jill without makeup for a very long time…
> oh no> has the same face shape as me> same coloring as me> time to kms What is this make up? Biased but she’d look so much nicer if she just toned it the fuck down. She should just do the exact opposite of this clown makeup.
No. 161148
File: 1626383271772.png (831.37 KB, 1080x1271, Screenshot_20210715-150556-264…)

The wording on this made me think she was calling drag queens mental illness.
No. 161154
File: 1626385111396.jpg (601.99 KB, 1113x1079, Screenshot_20210715-223726_You…)

>going to a J-Fashion meetupNot a crumb of J-Fashion on dis bitch
No. 161159
>>161156She'd admitting that mental illness is her whole personality, like who watches "mental illness content" like it was a hobby? It genuinely is a hobby for her.
(Also clearly never heard of headphones, so I guess Stevie has to hear everything she's watching/listening to all day too)
No. 161168
File: 1626390046978.jpeg (326.2 KB, 828x1088, 7280B46A-1146-48BE-B824-EE8595…)

She’s definitely reading the farms
No. 161170
File: 1626390283011.jpeg (246.29 KB, 1474x828, E6B448A2-5911-4A4C-9944-1BC045…)

>>161131Got legit special needs vibes when she was filming herself at the park
No. 161177
File: 1626392997017.jpeg (170.05 KB, 1169x638, BE2832AF-33C7-46B4-92D8-5E7ECE…)

>>161144I guess she’s added that very annoying expression to her arsenal, just in case the weird tongue out thing and the raised eyebrows Mr Bean expression weren’t enough.
No. 161182
>>161168Seems a bit touchy, maybe they just mean she's loud and boorish and they prefer when she's asleep, people say similar about babies and toddlers and, well
The fact she leapt straight to
intentional misgendering they want me dead like way to overreact
No. 161184
>>161182I just can't get over her being like "use any pronouns! UwU" then being pissed someone uses
any pronouns, especially the one you would assume she uses. Also, she's being super nasty in her comment section. Chill out, Jill.
No. 161189
>>161168Wow I didn't even realize that she called it a hate comment. She's really hamming up the "people hate me" train when this doesn't even read as hate/wishing death on her.
Her nitpicking it just proves that she's lurking the thread again and she probably wants to call out the shit we post but can't without people calling her out for mistaking her as a farmer.
No. 161200
File: 1626402270557.png (54.43 KB, 1324x254, Screen Shot 2021-07-15 at 10.2…)

>>161131in the comments, wonder when she is gonna address it, if ever.
No. 161213
>>161212The first one is an unrelated-to-Jill tumblr screenshot, no?
The second one is still not cowtipping, that Youtube video the commenter refers to got a ton of negative comments from Youtube users, it wasn't just us for a change
No. 161222
File: 1626424744650.png (42.56 KB, 603x623, Untitled.png)

>>161190yeah she should have specified: "call me absolutely any pronouns besides she/her because those are too boring & accurate so they will offend me!! uwu"
>>161172her autism larp is just fucking bizarre to me. because first off, why the fuck would you want to larp as an autist? I get that she wants attention badly and needs to feel like the most special snowflake at all times, but why not just stick to the BPD larp instead? autism isn't exactly the most glamorous or 'cute' thing.
also not to blogpost but if she's gonna claim to suffer from ASD sensory issues she should really try harder to make it seem believable.
picrel are some common sensory issues for autistic women. just from my own experience and talking to other women with ASD, a lot of us find stuff like hair extensions, fake eyelashes, heavy makeup, tight fitting clothes etc. unbearable.
of course these issues are different for everyone, but her entire lifestyle is a fucking sensory overload.
she slaps on her fucking clown makeup while squeezing herself into ill fitting clothes while filming herself with extremely bright lights on, lives in an oversaturated overstuffed house, all media she consumes is obnoxious screechy shit, the list goes on.
she's gonna cling to the "strong aversions to types of foods" but that's just her looking for an excuse for her shit diet, besides that her life would be absolute torture for any person with actual sensory issues.
No. 161228
File: 1626426659136.jpg (340.8 KB, 1080x1212, IMG_20210716_100931.jpg)

>>161222She makes it seem as if the act of taking off your bra when you get back home is a spechul act that only she does. But from what I've seen she only parades as an autist without the label because there a shit ton of buzzwords and phrases to mix into her daily garble.
No. 161254
File: 1626436204045.jpg (139.8 KB, 720x734, 20210716_061510.jpg)

No. 161265
>>161254jesus christ jill what's with the rude attitude lately?
both the recent tweet about the youtube comment and these comments really come across poorly, like she's so overly defensive and inflammatory here for no real reason
No. 161276
File: 1626440706810.jpg (205 KB, 1175x847, comments.jpg)

>>161254I was looking through the comments to see why she posted this and the comment she replied to (+ that one other reply) are the only people who even pointed this out…
With how strong her reaction was, I assumed there would've been more discussion about it, but all the other comments on the video are just praising her with no criticism whatsoever.
Guess that person hit a nerve, such a strong reaction lmao.
No. 161334
>>161254As if she couldn't just lose weight to wear the shit she wants.
And tbh most jfash looks like shit on obese people.
No. 161336
File: 1626450692601.jpeg (754.83 KB, 1170x1409, 8EE7AD5A-2E9E-4871-B3E3-FD752F…)

jill, spacing out isn’t dissociating.
No. 161348
>>161344a baby drag ____ just means that you are new to drag
other anons have suspected her of being in ddlg in the past and also the fact she said she likes being called daddy might mean she already practices it with steven.
No. 161357
>>161336Is this another DID bread crumb? Is structural dissociation code for DID? She has in her black aesthetic twitter that she’s “probably dissociating”, does that mean when she’s wearing black and larping as a dude she’s doing it because she’s dissociating?
And once again Jillian Vessey parades her mental illness like just a fun little badge of uwu, don’t be mean gals, she’s probably dissociating. Be kind!
No. 161373
File: 1626457291351.jpeg (299.29 KB, 1170x782, 99B4832D-ECDA-4530-BF28-93EF49…)

when will she drop this larp
No. 161381
>>161373in the past I was just annoyed by her but at this point I feel disgust
did she recently experience some serious brain damage? whats the sudden obsession with being neurodivergent?
people who are actually neurodivergent do not feel the need to constantly bring it up or ever refer to what they do as "intense nd activity"
she is such a fucking weirdo
No. 161385
File: 1626458390929.png (545.52 KB, 989x570, Screenshot 2021-07-16 at 18.56…)

>>161373Jill you are an average woman in a hetrosexual relationship with an average man, you are not ~queer uwu~ because you have coloured hair and shit makeup
No. 161443
File: 1626475278821.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1170x1506, EE7D9650-8516-4B47-BE01-41FC07…)

No. 161525
>>161443THIS is her attempt at looking like a man? This isn't drag at all, it's so embarrassing.
One thing I've always wondered is if she knows her insane behavior online will turn away most future employers. I don't see how she can get a job unless she gets into some disability job agency (if they have that in Canada)
No. 161827
File: 1626554434415.png (126.13 KB, 1560x484, Screen Shot 2021-07-17.png)

God, this new baby edge lord persona is so embarrassing! Black, or edgy style clothes don't equal goth. LOL For someone who claims to be so into fashion, she sure doesn't truly know, or understand different styles & fashion. Like with the J-fash thing…
No. 161869
>>161827this is a nitpick but I feel like someone who is trying to get into a certain fashion should at least know that the common word for a new goth isn't a "baby goth" but a baby bat.
other than that, I agree with the other anons she really doesn't know wtf fashion is
No. 161881
>>157780it's because literally everyone with adhd and autism can tell that she doesn't have either of them; she's just narcissistic.
as someone who suffers, she could never pull it off because people are right that she is just self centered and privileged no matter how many pronoun changes or random diagnoses that she tries to put on herself. she just trying to win the oppression olympics
No. 162145
So does she specifically like being called daddy/king/sir just because she listened to this song?
>>160950>>160250>loves being called king, daddy and sir>>161850I assume this is also why she suddenly tries to adapt this ~tough baddie~ persona?
Her mind is so simplistic…
wearing a black t-shirt + beanie = "I'm a goth man!!"
wearing anything bright = "it's J-fashion just because I say so!!"
No. 162262
File: 1626625132619.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1170x1539, D340F83F-257A-42C1-9460-93A85D…)

No. 162272
>>162262>>161827This give me the vibe that she's trying to hop into another fashion community most likely for asspats
probably the weird "faking DID,enby,transmasc, wears kink gear and edgy clothing and constently try to be the voice of social issues with no knowledge of them" on TikTok, seems to be one big circlejerk of teenagers patting eachother on the back for nothing which makes it perfect for Jill kek
No. 162285
File: 1626629590876.jpg (415.78 KB, 1080x1443, Screenshot_20210718_182658.jpg)

sage for old post, but I just seen her collection and no shit she doesn't want to share it or make a video about it, looks like something you'd find in a carnival shop with the "kawaii Japan fashion costume for kids" tag on it
No. 162322
File: 1626637382224.png (521.92 KB, 576x865, imagen_2021-07-18_144218.png)

>>162262Jillian you can be into Muse and punk clothes without using he/him pronouns. sharing these, I don't think they have been shared yet? there's a lot of pictures here
No. 162327
File: 1626637642023.png (588.24 KB, 432x640, shit.png)

>>162322My awesome daughter / My favorite model
By Louise Vessey
"Jillian and I have always been super close, so knowing we were going not allowed to visit one another for months was quite difficult! We would video message with facebook and synch up and watch shows together which was great but it just doesn't beat being together in the same space!
She is one of my favourite things to talk, er brag about!"
"I'm so proud of my BBG (I will always call her my baby girl!). She's faced her fears, moved out on her own, is following her dreams and is doing really well! She's always loved fashion as you will see from some of these images, so it made perfect sense for her to pursue and study Fashion Design at NBCCD. Hard to believe she is now going into her third year this September already. She supports herself with her youtube channel, Pixielocks where she vlogs, talks about fashion, school, mental health and much more. She has quite a following, who she calls 'The Confetti Club'. Her style is very colourful and happy! I have always loved photographing her of course! She brought along a few outfits for a 'lookbook' video, so I helped take some photos and video for her. We drove to various gorgeous places on PEI to find backgrounds and also went to our family cottage for a couple of nights."
No. 162328
File: 1626637811859.png (283.44 KB, 448x646, oihnfviep.png)

>>162327Interesting picture
No. 162330
File: 1626637955625.png (603.93 KB, 470x650, grftvbgvgt.png)

>>162328This picture makes me think of an alternate timeline where Jillian is just a cute but quirky normal white girl.
No. 162332
File: 1626638279359.png (20.84 KB, 702x152, rpvjrfjpo.png)

Googling her I also found this random comment from 5 years ago
How time flies. No. 162351
File: 1626643112178.jpg (952.82 KB, 1085x895, eesh.jpg)

>>162322he mother really did her dirty with they layout of those pics, it's like the further you scroll the bigger she gets
No. 162408
File: 1626651777396.jpeg (274.54 KB, 1100x1226, 7F7229D5-5CCD-489A-897A-FF47D8…)

>>162322Looks like Mama Vessey can’t do ~fashun~ (photography) either. But she’s totally not mad about it or anything (insert passive aggressive emoji here)
No. 162415
>>162328>>162330This makes me wonder and I want you nonnies to chime in - do you think she will ever have her just normal but quirky white girl life? Or is she forever doomed to the kawiwi rainybow DID life? She looks great here, even in
>>162262 she's noticeably better than when she's in all pink/rainbow.
No. 162417
File: 1626654659054.jpeg (21.16 KB, 476x317, 1539276655878.jpeg)

>>162262jill is giving me major gypsy rose vibes in her beanie and glasses
No. 162421
File: 1626657342774.png (453.22 KB, 426x600, sfvsfvvs.png)

>>162417Oh boy I have the perfect picture for you.
No. 162422
>>162415I really doubt it will come anytime soon, sadly. I wish she could understand she can get attention just by being a quirky but normal alt white girl, but no, she must crank everything up to eleven. It doesn't help how much woke shit both twitter and her "therapist" are feeding her.
I think mama vessey just coddled jillian so much that she grew into a quite vulnerable adult who is easy to influence so much. She copies every other mannerism and she can't think for herself. She has no personality other than watching youtube and tv shows. All her info is obtained from the internet. She can't keep a hobby or style for long enough without halfassing it (sewing comes to mind), and she craves attention. So she latches onto anything she can that gives her the attention she wants. In her mind, anything normal = not cool enough for her, so she has to get these new identities every time. Like her emo-punk phase, her lolita phase, her jfashion/party-kei phase, etc and now this weird convination of a lot of trendy things that get obnoxious levels of attention on the internet (she grew up on the internet after all). She fills the void in her soul with attention and so she must fit into her DID-dragqueen-sexy-rainbow-BPD-alternative-neopronoun-queer-witch "newfound" persona. I think she just is a white girl going insane because of external pressure. She needs to get her shit together. But she won't.
No. 162423
File: 1626657726836.png (20.29 KB, 276x154, bgvebeetgb.png)

>>162408>I'm not mad about it :)Like mother like daughter. I think she might even be a case of narcissistic mother. Which explains both why Jillian is narcissistic, but also why she's quite useless. Narcissistic mothers are quite bad.
No. 162427
File: 1626658393544.png (200.78 KB, 1036x530, ruogfowrhih.png)

I think this gives insight a little more on jillian's mother and grandmother in a way.
No. 162429
File: 1626658787643.png (31.86 KB, 568x304, vbgfvbbfb.png)

she's going to make a tiktok for herself when she wants to dress in black
No. 162434
File: 1626659437357.jpeg (2.16 MB, 2048x1289, 0BB935D5-9F1A-47E2-AA71-D6A43E…)

No. 162457
File: 1626673333029.png (5.19 MB, 2588x1464, wfhwohfhowf.png)

>>162451How Jillian thinks she looks as a "man" vs how she would actually look like kek
No. 162459
File: 1626674035163.png (29.04 KB, 590x320, shit.png)

thanks for oversharing
No. 162462
>>162459Get Stevie to wash his dick, hope this helps
(Jokes aside I've read anons who had persistent UTIs which magically disappeares when they broke up with that specific boyfriend)
No. 162464
>>162455>>162456Her obsession with Drew Monson now makes me even more uncomfortable than it did before.
>>162459Her wording is weird wouldn't it just be a flare up? If it's been for a whole week why hasn't she gone to get antibiotics? All of this is just weird online girl over sharing to seem relatable.
No. 162523
>>162451It’s quite funny that you had no idea when you consider their family dynamic and her behaviour, he is older than she is and she has only mentioned him like twice offhandedly
>>162456She has never mentioned his channel before which is a bit odd considering YouTube is her job and she is terminally online you would think they would talk about it if it was a shared interest and she would maybe mention it to shout him out
No. 162683
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No. 162684
File: 1626753150521.png (40.7 KB, 738x352, Screenshot 2021-07-19 205214.p…)

No. 162691
>>162683Jill saw the MTF thread and thought
yes! Sexual violence is my brand now So excited for where this could lead, perhaps tagging JK Rowling with threats to bomb her house, or call her a whore and a cunt 40 times? What a wonderful group to align yourself with: aggressive reactionary trans activists who write offensive and threatening comments to strangers.
No. 162701
>>162683>>162684What the fuck, even trannies arent taking her shit
Whats up with that person saying "take out the trans flag we dont accept you" like wtf. Thats a cult.
No. 162723
File: 1626769173295.png (329.03 KB, 1440x1337, callout video when.png)

>>162722Just putting this here in case anyone needs it later for the callout video Jillian sorely needs.
No. 162725
File: 1626769445813.png (392.08 KB, 1440x1926, sexual violence directed at te…)

>>162723A nice clear shot of that lovely comment by Jillian
No. 162726
File: 1626769837070.png (329.55 KB, 1440x1291, Jill needs an intervention.png)

>>162725Her two most recent comments, just putting this here. The second one is an obvious teenager/child troll account. Jillian, the fully grown adult who rents a home with her boyfriend and has a large social media following is now hopping online on her second """drag""" account to
checks notes troll teenagers on Twitter and threaten sexual violence.
No. 162730
>>162726This is Jillian. She isn't the posi-vibes rainbows kaweewee girl. She has always wanted to be snarky and "edgy:, but that doesn't pay the bills for her. She doesn't have the quick wit for it. So she pretends to have DID and bammo, this fail troll is born.
Now to see if her fanbase actually stands by their supposed morals and admonishes her, or they "yasss queen, slay that minor child!!"…going to place bets on the latter.
No. 162740
>>162726>>162730wow our neurodivergent nonbinary disassociating king is slaying!!
I bet all her fans are gonna defend her being rude just because she's speedrunning the oppression olympics on this larp account right now.
guess that's the way to get away with being an asshole on the internet now, just make a second account for you uwu baby enby mentally ill persona and then everyone will praise you for being so empowered.
No. 162743
>>162726Does she think acting as
toxic as the other twitter troons makes her seem more masculine as well? Because it doesn't. Like
>>162730 says, she just wants to compartmentalize all her behaviors that don't match her kaweewee image into different personas or "personalities" because she can't handle her main fanbase seeing her as being a bitch while also still being "herself"
No. 162745
>>162723Thank you, sis. I'm working on the video, yet need one more thing to publish it to prove a point. Can't be too precise about it, but I love what a shitfest she has become.
Also thanks for the anon posting the DID video!
No. 162750
>>162684no mercy for herself then as she's literally an abelist for spreading misinformation to her massive following, which is harmful to nd people and she did it for clout and money. Can't get much more scummy than that
but i do love that she's revealing her true bitchy self in public kek
No. 162760
Gosh, I used to watch her videos a few years ago when she was just starting out. I stopped once I was no longer interested in her fashion style and I really only watched her since she introduced me to Pretty Cure.
I knew she had a lolcow page for a while, but I stopped reading around page 31 I think? I just came back and I can't believe it.. I really hoped she would get some help or make some better decisions, I can't believe that she's still like this. The fact that she promotes "self care" constantly while wrecking her body with the diet she herself advertises, still living off of peeps and sugary garbage..
My biggest problem with her has always been her dedicating herself to various children's TV series and claiming they saved her life, after previously claiming she didn't care for them, then parmenently cementing that pointless lie with a tattoo. What is the point of this? And the fact that she still does it, I just don't understand. You can watch cute anime, that's fine. If it helps you in times of need, that's great, good for you! But trying 4o convince others of this just so you look cute..? I often doubt if she's mentally ill in any of the ways she describes herself, she's clearly a textbook narcissist though.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 162777
>>162684So this is her angle, just a new shield she can pick up whenever she wants to be vile but have an excuse.
“No guys, I’m still super posi positive, be kind Jillian. It’s just well villainy is a man so I have to engage in violent misogyny when I use that account! It’s part of the aesthetic.” She just throws on these labels any time she needs to excuse her behavior huh?
No. 162783
>>162768I forgot, what gifts were the winners supposed to get?
Also, didn't she announce the winners quite a while back? Like almost a year now?
No. 162804
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when cows collide… people made fun of jillian for only eating chicken tendies when she was skinny too.
No. 162809
File: 1626797055346.jpg (356.77 KB, 1500x2000, 1588890902096.jpg)

>>162783I think it is 1 1/2 years old old.
She promised the first three the following prizes:
The first person has not seen the money and the other two got nothing as well. Maybe she thinks people are gping to forget?
No. 162812
>>162809oof I really wish someone would hold her responsible for this
I know, no cow tipping and all that, but it is shitty for her to just get away with this
No. 162816
>>162812Except she said it to a transphobe/
terf and the general consensus of the internet seems to be that they deserve as much sexually violent misogyny directed at them no matter their age! I’m sure she’ll be lauded as so brave uwu
No. 162822
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>>162821Fuck forgot to sage. My bad. Also dropped pic
No. 162836
>>162835that's old enough not to use the n word. We held kiki and kota responsible for their actions at this age, and rightly so. Jillian has never even tried to apologize for any of her offensive language or larps.
I'll give her a pass on tard, because … well
No. 162849
File: 1626812455205.png (80.53 KB, 685x498, 1546739453143-1.png)

>>162822reposting this for those who may not have seen it.
Saged for old milk.
>>162835sorry anon but this one is too funny not to share and she's being such a cunt right now lol
No. 162859
File: 1626816486923.png (133.18 KB, 794x927, transparent.png)

Still desperate for that DID label huh
No. 162860
>>162849Even though it's old I do think this should be included in any potential callout video. Like how are you gonna be offended when someone calls you "she" but you think it's ok to call people "nigs" and "nigga" as a pasty white girl?
As a fellow pasty white I have never, ever used that word in any context.
No. 162861
>>162859These DID people are so blatantly just elaborate roleplayers. Just like the trans shit, they insist on everyone joining in with their delusion because
my mental healthJillian appears to think she can have an evil alter ego like fucking Jekyll and Hyde and she isn't responsible for what the alter ego does.
No. 162869
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Her "villany swells" account follows the three biggest DID youtube accounts and also the person that diagnosed M&M. Creepy
No. 162905
File: 1626828791356.jpg (13.08 KB, 391x200, Screenshot_20210721-014753_Chr…)

I wonder if the inevitable coming out with self diagnosed DID video will positively or negatively impact her channel. She's been losing subscribers all year long according to social blade and her views are comparatively low to last year as well despite her updating about as consistently as she did last year give or take a couple gaps.
No. 162934
>>162911To be completely frank, I'm just waiting for the day she says that "getting bullied on lolcow" was her biggest trauma. Like, come on, the excuse is there. So then she can say that's why she's soooo mean and edgy or whatever.
Honestly? she should had shown her true colors earlier, ironic I know.
No. 162947
>>162911She gets out of having to work on the negative parts by claiming she doesn’t
have the negative parts, just the uwu quirky parts and the parts that make her a
victim. I wouldn’t be surprised if most of her therapy sessions revolve around “self-acceptance”, externalising blame for her problems and minimising feelings of guilt. This can help people who normally internalise and blame themselves for everything but when applied to someone with narc tendencies it just makes them worse.
No. 163080
>>162934Sage for ancient milk, but honestly I'm more expecting that the LACE ordeal had a huge impact.
I'm shocked that her and Kate are still friends after that, Kate, as an adult, basically pushed a teenager into the front of CGL when it was at its most drama hungry and she was absolutely TORN apart.
I had completely forgotten about it until recently but I do feel some pity that she got involved in that whole situation.
No. 163087
>>163055Is this her child persona again? She once again sounds like a completely different person. So grating.
Also, how does she keeps thinking her shite "styling" isn't anything but vomit-enducing? She throws a few nonmatching, disgusting unwashed looking blankets and plushies, and a fucking pink pissbucket together to make …what? A corner which I could only describe as a rancid fever dream of an 80 yo foot fungus.
No. 163093
>>163055Yeah Jillian, you ARE lucky to have your parents and absolutely zero trauma in your little princess existence, and you should be ashamed of your fucking self for larping as someone who has trauma.
You are my most hated person on the entire internet for being the most spoiled, lucky, precious, untraumatized piece of shit in the whole entire world and pretending to be mentally ill and traumatized.
No. 163121
File: 1626909907882.jpeg (1.27 MB, 1622x913, 4C82AF21-BD54-4CD7-80D8-EE3881…)

the confetti club picture this week kek.
jill wishes she could have body definition like that
No. 163123
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>>163055>>161200This has got to be one of y'all?
Is she deleting comments now?
When she did her sponsor I thought she was naked jfc
No. 163134
>>163123Just checked and yea, the only semi-negative comment there rn is one mentioning how high her voice is so she is definitely going through and deleting them
>>163064Gross of her to call herself a drag queen… someone plz call the bitch out on Twitter or something already. She's cosplaying as a dude who dresses like a chick when she's literally just an average feminine cis girl. Wouldn't actual drag queens be offended by that shit?
File: 1626914445162.png (129.87 KB, 207x255, ew.png)

Onlyfans saga when?
No. 163151
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Is this how she bends up for stewie? She even put porny music during this segment.
No. 163152
File: 1626914968687.gif (9.21 MB, 520x293, obobiubo.gif)

I swear to god this is bordering on creepy clown fetish territory and I'm scared.
>the way she shows her feet
>the random cleavage
>"do youuuuu want to have a slumbie?"
>the porn music
>everything is dirty
>high pitched ass voice
I'm uncomfortable.
No. 163156
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Is she becoming a schizo?
No. 163160
File: 1626916209992.gif (10.74 MB, 520x293, rgvbdv.gif)

a brief shitty summary (someone please expand upon this)
>She mentions that the happiest day in her life was when she went to japan with her mom and when she was picked as a kawaii leader.
>She says that her new town is witch heavy, and that she uses her card captor sakura cards to symbolize things, and that "a little trance with friends never hurted"
>has weird drag queen mannerism
>says that the rainbow aesthetic will never go away for her, it's her "core aesthetic", calls it "party kei rainbow kawaii brights pastels BINGBING BANG BONG" it's the core of the "pixieverse"
>then she says that she has another substyle, the "villainy swells" aesthetic and that she doesn't want to be a "baby goth" anymore
>she told her parents about her "gender brain stuff" a year ago, cut out to the blog post that louise made a year ago and still called Jillian her daughter lmao
>then she plays with toys as she shows her boobs
No. 163162
A summery, sorry it might be long
>talks about witchcraft, says her withcraft practice is focused around people she knows and that's why she doesn't talk about it. Says she might post "alter refresh" vids on ticktock
>is asked about celebrity crushes, stevie says a star wars character, pixie says "in the past I would've said certain characters but perhaps I will not say those certain characters now"
> says she learned everything she wanted to learn at fashion school, says her current therapist is awesome and a perfect fit for her
>might launch a music career at 27 "but also needs to stop trying to do it all. International pop drag queen fashion designer kawaii influencers sensation, teehee!"
>asked about interests, says shes intensely interested in mental health and every disorder, constantly watching mental health content, a main interest
>everyone in her fashion class graduated, "doesn't happen every year because it's not easy"
>getting more retro influences, very into drag fashion
>will tone down the decoration at her next house but it will have the same general aesthetic
>wants to do a try on vid of newish clothing, buys a new piece once a month
>still says her favorite day ever was going to the precure show, most proud moment this past year was after a particular therapy session
>says communication is important when living with a partner, says she not good at it. "Maybe you haven't parented yourself before, dishes and sweeping and dusting and garbage is like,, no joke"
>as an example of a house debacle "dude, you let the towls get all mildew-y again" and "dyed your jacket in the sink and didn't rinse the dye out"
Oh god, this is really bad
No. 163187
>>163171More like:
He/him gay male drag queen
Sexual violence he/him who wears black
ABDL baby
Rainby UwU girl
>>163186Don't be silly anon, she's manifesting!
No. 163200
File: 1626941951973.png (677.61 KB, 780x574, Eyebruhs.png)

>>163190>>163194I agree, the eyemakeup is a cute concept, really glad she doesn't have that harsh eyeliner on as it just made her eyes look so small hiding probably her best feature. Edited the eyebrows shittily but it gets the point across, like she could keep the spock look by shaving the tail end.
>>163199Maybe the egg is a Pink flamingos/drag race reference. Kek
No. 163212
File: 1626948493982.jpg (278.55 KB, 1080x1527, Screenshot_20210722-120456_Twi…)

she deleted her tweet and "apologized"
No. 163213
>>163212Jillian telling a child to suck her cock: "oops apologies", not to said child but to the person calling her out on it
loving the fact that even the furry pfp with a trans flag in their name is telling her off for not being trans lmao
No. 163264
File: 1626972356312.png (3.37 MB, 750x1334, 4149B9A3-F2D4-4BA7-8C7B-559E08…)

for those who have been wondering about it, the shopmyviolet collab is coming soon.
No. 163265
File: 1626972382417.jpeg (746.96 KB, 750x1059, C95BE6FB-9F5F-4299-BCB5-D2CB38…)

No. 163275
>>163260looked back and it was 2018 lol I've been following for too long
she said she wanted to be less kawaii and more sexy instead of feeling like a clown, wanted to be a sexy clown instead of a birthday clown
No. 163301
>>163267I read the shit that you posted for better or worse but trust me if this new therapist of yours truly helped you become a better person you wouldn't be a "trans nonbinary individual".
Besides that I think you're kinda right that this therapist Jillian has might just be focusing on validating her, treating her like a friend, and putting her in a
victim mentality. I don't even know how these types of therapists exist. This shouldn't be a common issue.
No. 163321
>>163267People are roasting you but this sounds
exactly like what's happening to Jillian. She's clearly getting significantly worse in multiple easily proven or measured ways, so this post could almost be written by Jill from the future.
No. 163410
File: 1626999427962.png (1.82 MB, 1080x1056, jill.png)

>>163323>>163289>>163244Ok here it is, anyone making the next thread pic please include this collage.
No. 163412
File: 1626999508682.png (446.27 KB, 594x634, uhoh.png)

Will she start injecting soon?
No. 163420
File: 1626999735879.png (494.88 KB, 900x572, gte4ggtgt4e.png)

I swear to god her fans encourage her to do so much stupid shit, same with
>>163412Also she goes by she/they/he now.
No. 163451
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No. 163472
>>163212I'm starting to wonder how many of Jill's followers are genuine fans of her content vs. how many are there to hate watch her/are farmers. It seems like she's riding a constant fine line of getting canceled lately so I wonder what's going to be the post that drives her over the edge.
>>163457I think that this is just a sample/preview. Petty sure Jill just sent them sketches and the company is the ones who did most of the heavy lifting.
No. 163528
>>163450Jill: I love my curvy body!!!
Also Jill: I'm a boy now
buys a binderDefinitely related.
No. 163638
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No. 163646
>>163638Oh so the pictures she uploaded were of a sample that the store sent to her. She didn't make it herself.
Also this is very ugly, I don't understand who would wear this if not for her disgusting unhinged fans.
No. 163774
File: 1627097903551.png (127.08 KB, 175x440, imagen_2021-07-23_223827.png)

>>163758I don't think that belt is functional at all
This dress is the worst shit ever. Compare it to this dress with a similar and functional belt by moschino.
No. 163775
File: 1627098731840.png (359.26 KB, 1590x566, Screen Shot 2021-07-24 at 12.4…)

Sweet little story?? This song is about a schizophrenic who attacked their father… I think La Dispute's storytelling is over his head. What's next thinking King Park is about a picnic?
No. 163792
>>163666Unprofessional shoot, she isn't selling me the dress at all.
>>163775>heJillian is a woman.
That said, she probably thinks that the schizophrenia story = """relatable"""
No. 163797
>>163783>>163682I'm genuinely curious, is this some way for her to cope with the weight gain?
Like instead of just trying to work out it's easier for her to just go the opposite direction and purposefully make herself look as unattractive as possible?
I think her natural face looks OK but like the other anon said she highlights all of her worst features with this clown makeup, not like it would look good on anyone anyway.
I get that she wants attention but people who are just attractive/good looking get a lot of that lol.
The only explanation I have is that for her it's easier to dress up as a 'drag' clown and get attention that way instead of making a genuine effort to dress well or try to look nice.
No. 163800
File: 1627112763623.png (59.63 KB, 797x1173, ew.png)

>>163791She's been told for years that her foundation is too orange, Jill I know you hate k von d but she will have your shade. Jesus christ.
No. 163805
File: 1627115993371.png (206.5 KB, 465x630, Screen Shot 2021-07-24 at 10.3…)

>>163804Nope shes still going on about dissociation. Ans yeah, she started this project in December. You can see the dress in older photos with her half finished college collection, I think its two threads back.
No. 163845
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Depop shopping I see
No. 163851
File: 1627140166744.jpg (1.18 MB, 1800x2354, iuC845WYUF.jpg)

>>163850I finally realized what Jill's new look reminds me of
No. 163861
>>163850honestly, I know we only got a sneak peak of one dress, but for something that took six months, I expected a little more? I know she was in school at the same time, but she didn’t even finish her final project, so I’m surprised we only got one item in this collaboration.
It also looks the exact same as all of her other pieces, so I really don’t get the delay.
No. 163867
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The dress is up. Can't wait to see what the Confetti Cult do with it. No. 163868
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Item description also confirmation Jill is a size Large.
No. 163877
>>163868It sounds like they only had the L so they made up that it was a "relaxed" fit and got them to both wear it, and then call it "oversized" when there is nothing in the design that lends to that. It would have been better to say it runs a bit large please size down if the L fits a XL person and is too big on a L sized person.
The L based on their chart is 38-40 bust, 30-32 waist and 40-42 hips. M is 36-38, 28-30 and 38-40.
No. 163878
>>163872 L
38-40 30-32 40-42
No. 163879
File: 1627147551635.jpg (17.78 KB, 316x316, Rooms_of_the_House.jpg)

>>163794LOL La Dispute isn't even edgy. There just a post-hardcore band mixed with some screamo, and spoken word, telling stories. She should just stick to MCR, or whatever dumb shit edge lords, and scene kids claim to be "~xxeMo~xx"
No. 163881
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>>163850omg the hearts on her face makeup i'm surprised that she hasn't ever gotten into emilie autumn romanticizing and glamorizing mental illness and all
No. 163886
File: 1627149158615.jpeg (91.9 KB, 439x750, D71A6B7F-4069-4CF7-92B0-CFAA60…)

is it just me, or does the dress look so much better on this girl? it still looks like bad quality but moderately cute.
No. 163891
File: 1627150338631.jpg (193.52 KB, 1200x1800, DSC_1450_1200x.jpg)

>>163886This person looks enough like Jill that I can't see a difference, the other model on the website looks a lot better than Jill though, she's beautiful
$120 for a one-layer short cotton dress without a print tho
No. 163894
>>163879anon just because you're a fan doesn't mean La Dispute is not edgy, they're architects of modern day emo since most of the "stories" deal with morbid themes like murder.
>>163885it also helps that it's more fitted on the other model. Jill keeps making shapeless clothes because her self-esteem is going to shit but she doesn't realize that well fitting garments make everything look better.
No. 163897
>>163885Probably because Jillian has no style and decides to do clown makeup with it and make stupid faces
It’s def better looking on the other models. Jill ruins everything kek
No. 163905
>>163903This is classic Jill she's a judgemental hardcore sustainable queen until colorpop does kawaii animal crossing collection or function of beauty offer to sponsor her or she gets to collab with an online store pedalling aliexpress shit.
All of this is so hilarious when you recall her publicly angrily sperging at wet n wild for sending her PR in some based selfless gesture for the environment