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No. 336444

Jillian Vessey is a DID (Dissociative Personality Disorder)/Autism LARPer who trivializes mental health and compartmentalizes every single bad trait of hers while hyping up a dubious diagnostic impression that she paid copious amounts of money for.
She eagerly accepted her ~life changing~ diagnostic impression with a "Congrats on the DID Diagnosis" celebratory cake, but struggles to maintain the LARP. No one has seen her alters in months and she rarely mentions her DID anymore, preferring to bring up her totes real autism for ponies and other autistic shit.


>Early Years:

>began her lolcow run as a "pansexual" lolita lifestyle who dropped from the community due to LACE and "restrictive rules"
>gained fame for the creation of the J-fashion-inspired "Party Kei" fashion, a fashion she no longer wears nor backs
>known lurker
>formerly covered fashion and magical girl anime in her videos, was a pivotal figure in the LACE drama prior to her transition to the Party Kei years
>has a running track record of inconsistent uploaded despite pushing a "full-time Youtuber" career; used barely-productive incentives for support on Patreon; both have plateaued if not decreased in income entirely following recent events
>previously spent money frivolously (either from YT profit or from parents), like on wasteful plastic or fast fashion, and also claimed to make enough from YT and at the same time complain of demonetization
>has prior history of “severe mental illness” in the forms of a brief stay in a mental hospital in her early teens due to ED and self-harm
>often inflates her skills and knowledge in various subjects, leading to a very narcissistic view of herself

Current relevant info:
>loves the idea of toying with the idea of having multiple mental illnesses; her main target is currently DID due to a diagnostic impression, and claims up to 9 alters right now with very shaky substance as to her alters' creation and the origin of her trauma which caused the DID; she has dropped DID “as much” and now prefers to pretend she has the most severe of all autism— the rainbow autism. she’s also acknowledging her BPD again.
>is still extremely thin-skinned; has history of deleting comments critical to her and has preached getting along with people while also blasting critics and concern in a very rude and passive-aggressive manner; has gotten into pissfights online as of late with users that have spoken out of concern for her or wanting to help or talk in some degree. will put videos on blast.
>her sexuality has been a sliding scale, from pansexual to queer to lesbian to back to currently pansexual (and nonbinary due to alters); current partner is Steven Clarke, who has enabled her delusions and has racked up his own questionable reputation; has a long history of drama with relationships, claiming abuse to some degree in most of them
>formerly had a fashion brand called Five Petal Flower before graduating from her college fashion class, but seems to be no longer active if not just slowly dying; was once into drag as Villany Swells; did two shows, claimed she was being stalked when someone posted a vid to the thread, no one has seen her in drag since and she drags her own makeup from that era as the disaster it was
>has a shaky history of substance misuse regarding her meds; now takes in various degrees of alcohol and weed leading to possible clashes in medication or mental/physical state
>privated her personal twitter due to bullying
>once again heavily filtering/editing pictures
>her friend sof got engaged
>says she is trying to launch fivepetalflower (has been saying this for years)
>got engaged a few months after Sof
>posts only about weddings and my little pony nowadays unless she’s grandstanding about “muh mentaw iwwness”

>Pixie: The collective name of all the alters, but is also used interchangeably with the name Jillian. Is a "genderfluid they/them".
>Jillian: Rainbow emoji. 25, but "age slides" from 4-25. This is actually just herself, but she herself is both an alter and the host. Desperately wants to have autism.
>Jerrick: Snake emoji. 17, formerly 14-16. Emo trans guy. Used to be a co-host. Conveniently holds all her BPD traits. Entire personality is being angry and liking green. Like all the alters, is into drag.
>Veronica: Doing nails emoji, formerly flame emoji. 21 year old horny alter. She is a “protector of sexual trauma”. Says she had to become a "fuckable plaything" because she was “raped for months”. Was going to be intersex, but Jill didn't want to deal with the backlash and decided against it.
>Berry: Strawberry emoji. 4-6 year old. Talks and acts like a baby. Is always “co-fronting” in some way. Had her name previously withheld for “safety reasons”. Is for some reason triggered out by positive things like holidays and presents and is "trauma-free".
>Cliffe: Sprout emoji, formerly club emoji. 35 year old old man. Her "homosexual assistant". Combo of her dad, sweetie angel therapist, and Ian Bruce. Formerly a mix between her dad and Sasha Velour. Somehow too old for social media, but responsible enough to come out when she does taxes.
>Flora: Cherry blossom emoji. 18 year old fictive. Used to be a fragment, but became a full alter. She is supposed to be Cure Flora and all the pink PreCures. She is a blonde, sweet lolita.
>Jax: Test tube emoji. 19 year old “character salad” that speaks and types with a Brooklyn accent. She's a fictive of Harley Quinn (Batman), Jinx (Arcane), and Spinel (Steven Universe). Apparently was born from watching Arcane while having major trauma. “Hypersexual”.
>Sandwich: Sandwich emoji. Cat alter. Represents how lost she felt moving to a new city. Not much else is currently known about it.
>Amanda: Not much has been said about her. Note that Jillian’s middle name is actually Amanda.
>Ramona: An alter that was only announced after she fused with Jillian. After doing so, Jillian suddenly wanted to start playing the piano again.
>Sunny: Shooting star emoji. 14. Another PreCure fictive for all the yellow ones. She's "energetic" and positive in a way that's "crazy". Basically just Flora, but hyper. Can't "mask".
>Amber: Partly cloudy emoji. "20?" Formerly 25. She's edgy and has freckles. Also yellow. Formed at the same time as Sunny in response to the McLean video drama. Supposed to look the most normal.

Last Thread: >>>/w/333002

Last Thread:
>MLP saga really begins
>posts a laughably fake switch video to remind people she has DID >>333151
>Draws MLP fan art, some anons think it’s great and she wasted her life not pursuing graphic design, others know it’s garbage
>10 years on YT celebrated with a collage and a shitty stream because she knows her career is in ashes now
>the most BPD 10 year anniversary stream is just her quizzing people about herself like a narcissist
>ranks her eras recap >>333638
>trivia stream >>333724
>drama video goes around calling her SA into question (for good reason) and she makes a post “please leave me alone” kek >>333879
>anons call the video a self post, so does Jill >>333948
>and then it’s back to pastel wedding vomit like flipping a switch (a real switch too)
>also teased launching her brand for the millionth time since 2019
>a wedding thread was created to quarantine the wedding shit and it went dead after a week
>not milk just the tackiest shoes >>334623
>remembers her MLP larp, streams cleaning her toys and calls it “parallel play”
>stooped so low as to make a AITA video to try and salvage her career
>lolcow went down for 2 weeks and basically nothing happened except more wedding shit
>private pixie teased making her own special DID infographics to be shared to “educate” people >>335259
>she went to j-fashion picnic and looked terrible >>335491
>more MLP livestreams
>posted an actually retarded “candid” clip of herself pretending to be autistic while watching MLP >>335660
>more MLP and anons chiming in to say she’s shit at restoring

Social Media & Other Links:
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpi2P_y-wXa7q84C-46U6ZA/featured
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pixieelocks/
Instagram 2: https://www.instagram.com/villainyswells/ (used to be @pixieespam)
Twitter (Main): https://twitter.com/pixieeelocks/
Twitter #2 (“Jerrick” alter): https://twitter.com/villainyswells
Twitter #3 - Now Private (“Sweetie” alters, previously @xcherrybombica): https://twitter.com/pixie_petals
Current Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@multipetalpixie
Second Current Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@pixieelocks
(Past) TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@pixieelocksCosplay
(Past) Second Tiktok for her alters: https://www.tiktok.com/@pixieeesystem
Facebook Page #1: https://www.facebook.com/pixielockss/
Facebook Page #2: https://facebook.com/cosplaypixie/
Threads: https://www.threads.net/@pixieelocks
Moonmist Girls Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/moonmistgirls/
Moonmist Girls Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/moonmistgirls/
Old Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/xhellodecemberx/journal/
Old Blog: http://pixie-locks.blogspot.com
Drag Facebook page: https://facebook.com/pixieandvillainy/[

No. 336445

No. 336446

hope anons are happy with this, i felt the og gif spoke for itself and was happy to further spread it since she so kindly requested people not to share it

No. 336451

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Did she actually get her pinkie pie video uploaded? In the preview she kind of looked like Pastel_Cutie

No. 336452

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Here’s her board

No. 336453

So how much of this did Miss Severe Pony Autism actually pull from her brain and how much is from the wiki

No. 336454

Jill did a livestream a few days ago. I embedded it for any nonnies wanting to watch it.
As of right now, no she has not uploaded it. Looking at the screenshot, it's going to be around 01:12:47 long give or take since she had to fix it due to content ID claim. This is going to be painful.
That is a scant board. Lol

No. 336458

Jill sticks to schedules like Amberlynn Reid sticks to diets - neither can last longer than a week!

No. 336459

>nothingburger memes
>nothingburger screenshots
>retarded reference to "cupcakes" meme
>retarded random comments
>unnecessary books about drag and kawaii shit, completely unrelated to whatever the fuck she was trying to do
>clearly fabricated composition to show new consoom toy she bought
>one (1) retarded picture she made
Is this really better than just doing arts and crafts? I'm starting to believe she may have never graduated from high-school by the way her own thread has told her how autism works and how she just doesn't have the reading comprehension to just take notes and act, she must've sucked so horribly at acting that it's no wonder how she's such a frustrated waste of space.

No. 336460

This screams that she's trying to go viral for a deep dive style video that was exploding a year-year and a half ago. I don't think the MLP fanbase is the niche to lean into when a fandom like that when is 99% autists, so what new information can she really bring to the table.
Other creators who were successful with the ~unhinged~ deep dive format were established media commentators who went in hilarious depth into IPs that had been forgotten or never gotten that much attention before it turned into a formula. I don't think this is going to be the viral smash she thinks it's going to be. She's so mentally stuck in the 2010s but ironically not in a way that would make her well versed on pony lore. There was a whole Netflix documentary Jillian, what do you think you have to add to the conversation?

No. 336461

Not knocking her getting into ponies because idgaf but MLP friendship is magic was wildly popular when it was airing I even watched a season back then and again Idgaf about ponies. I don’t get why she didn’t get into this YEARS ago. ALBinWonderland which I could’ve swore was an inspiration to her even used to make MLP videos back then. Even the girl that shoeonhead tried to skinwalk was a huge MLP fan back then and made videos and even attended MLP themed cons. These are all women with similar quirky styles and tastes. I don’t get how she discovered this now in 2024 and now that being autistic is en Vogue and not cringey. That is wild to me.

No. 336466

It's amazing how annoying and eyeroll-inducing just this shitty evidence corkboard is and she's not even in frame. I literally let out a sigh reading all this. This video will be for absolutely no one other than Jill, who is most definitely using this entire opportunity to use as proof of her super real and not fake or mimicked autism. Fucking snoozefest.

No. 336467

Yeah, MLP was huge back in the day. It’s like she looked up what people considered autistic back then. I actually was a huge fan shortly after it blew up and the amount of dudes gathered in a anime convention pony panel was crazy lol. I think it’s funny that she used that XCandensis fun fact on her corkboard.

No. 336468

To add onto this, I think the reason Jill is so infuriatingly annoying even though she's so objectively boring is because every decision she makes, every post she makes, every word she uses, every annoying habit she has, is so fucking self-masturbatory. Everything she does is like some sort of ode to a character she has decided she is in that moment, not even talking about Pinkie Pie kinning but like how she decides she has DID and LARPed the sad, downtrodden "broken" traumatized woman she thought would fit her outlandish self-diagnosis, or now how she decides she's autistic and now she's this sort of dweeby, hyper-excitable, dedicated to passing interests sort of woman who now is OBSESSED with MLP and always has been despite her only getting into it because she decided to watch the G4 cartoon like ten years too late and despite the fact that she giggles and teehees about how she's a hashtag Autist, she can only ever have a superficial understanding of whatever the fuck she likes because it's like she only watches 10 second tiktoks from actual autists about it, or just skims the wiki page, and then adds in her own irrelevant experiences to use as proof. This is so anti-autist behavior it almost circles back around to autistic because of how she thinks she's actually getting away with it. She's always so high-strung too, like she's afraid of her self-diagnosis mask slipping. Can't act like a regular person, must teehee like a retarded baby and mention autism every 10 seconds because that's what an autist would do according to Jill's limited understanding.
Every single thing she does is just some sort of way to reap validation for her made-up identity, it's so perverse and weird. I don't think there is a single second of her time spent not thinking about herself.

No. 336470

mlp-fim is trending in china right now too for some reason so it could be tiktok algo influence as well.

No. 336471

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I got this as a recc on youtube the other day, I wonder if this is the latest retarded trend for videos? Idk could just be a coincidence.
>I don’t get why she didn’t get into this YEARS ago.
Because she was on the wrong medication for years, avoiding doctors at all costs and self-medicated with weed. Notice how she's been steadily getting better at making (shitty) content in the past few months? The new meds won't fix her personality but they finally woke her up, way too late for the kawiwi trends she should have jumped on in the past few years tho.(off-topic)

No. 336475

This is so stupid, the board connections don't even make any sense. She didn't even put effort into watching a tutorial on how a conspiracy board or a conceptual map actually work?
And in top of that adding those books only for aesthetic purposes, we can bet she hasn't done more that seeing the pictures, i swear if she's this vapid and stupid she's not capable of reading an actual book.

No. 336478

this is so weak and low effort. she really wishes she had autism, it's sad
>picture of the DSM5
>girl… pls get a psych evaluation
it's a fictional character. her obsession with self diagnosis is fucking creepy. she is so obsessed with diagnosing herself that it's spreading to a character she's projected herself onto. i don't really know about MLP but i thought since rainbow is her whole thing, she'd do or say something about rainbow dash. either way, this shits so tiring

No. 336479

This is so clearly for the aesthetic of caring too deeply. I bet she just printed out all of the pictures right before she sat down to film just so it could be in her background. It's so low effort the type of autistic fuck who enjoys hours long deep dives on childrens cartoons like me wouldn't take it seriously. Everything that could have been said about pinkie pie and BPD/autism has already been said by people smarter and more organized than Jill. It's still funny how she can't relate to rarity, the dedicated fashion designer pony with her own very successful boutique, so she latches on to pinkie pie, the "fun, crazy" one.

No. 336480

>consumes a shit ton of LARPing DID media
>surrounds self with gendies
>starts watching MLP FiM and projects personal experiences onto the wacky horse
Why does this bitch do this shit? She literally cannot stop thinking about herself for even a millisecond. All of the anons itt saying she could totally start over and reboot her internet career is an idiot, the best course of action to correct her life would be to just work a dead-end wagie retail job just like her porn-addicted "huswife". She needs to be around normies and not retarded internet weirdos. Every little thing is just a massive cry for attention. How the fuck do the people in her life even tolerate her. I'd want to blow my brains out if I had to withstand her retardation.

No. 336490

She printed out the cover of the DSM-V instead of scanning the page about BPD or even copying some bullet points from Wikipedia. It’s like a metaphor for her shallowness.

No. 336491

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No. 336492

right, like … the point of the string is supposed to be to connect information pieces. it isnt supposed to be one line like that, it's a large web … if a connects to b and b to c and then c to d but a has nothing connecting it to c or d or even e which is connected to d it isn't a thought board it's just a bunch of shit on a coark board. cool prop, jill, it's absolutely soulless.

No. 336497

>It's still funny how she can't relate to rarity, the dedicated fashion designer pony with her own very successful boutique, so she latches on to pinkie pie, the "fun, crazy" one.
Probably the most honest Jill has ever been about herself tho
I think Jill legit doesn't understand the purpose of the board, she thinks it's just throwing random pieces up for the aesthetic

No. 336498

Brilliant. Early but next tread pic please.

No. 336499

kek it's amazing. i love how your version looks like more effort was put into it than hers does

No. 336502

I probably spent more time finding an image of her making the same fave as drew monsoon than she spent on her entire board

No. 336503

I would change the "girl… get a psych evaluation" for
>girl… stop with the psych evaluations
And the book could be
>how to fake mental illnesses for dummies.

No. 336505

Genuinely, her focusing on how Pinkie chimps out and is a self-obsessed demanding freak in one episode as a lesson for little kids on not being dramatic brats to their friends, instead of relating to Rarity’s whole arc about making it in the fashion world as an up and coming designer, is so funny.
She’s really accepted that her designer dreams are dead and her new life goal is just to be known as a super ill mentally disabled baby who owns a ton of plastic.

No. 336507

It's doubly funny because Rarity's element is generosity, which is something self-centered Jillian is physically incapable of.

No. 336508

But anon, she's said her brand is finally launching soon! Like it was in 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019….

No. 336509

it's funny to me because the only people who shit on rarity are bronies who hate her personality. way to align with freaks who want to fuck animated horses, jilly.

No. 336511

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Update on the Pinkie Pie vid

No. 336512

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No. 336513

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No. 336514

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No. 336515

I kind of hope the video still gets claimed after all of the tweaking kek.

No. 336517

For real. Also if this is her totally real and true autistic special interest just take the L for monetization and upload it as a passion project. Plenty of creators upload videos that can’t be monetized and just hype up their patreon in the video and the description. Isn’t she also a part of the youtube membership program? She should just appreciate getting extra eyes on her videos from any MLP fans. It really just reads as her trying to go viral and make a quick buck.

No. 336519

i'm not a youtube geek so i'm not sure but her video being claimed just means it won't be monetize right ? She makes like 20k views, is it so much money that it's worth multiple editing ?

No. 336520

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Jill updated the description of the pixie_petals account.

No. 336525

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No. 336530

>her video being claimed just means it won't be monetize right ?
Correct, you can see in her screenshots that it says it's NOT a copyright strike and it won't affect her channel. She just can't monetize it

No. 336531

what was it before? did it mention DID and she removed it or something interesting?

No. 336535

Could an anon with access to this account archive it in full and post? I was to read all of her tweets.

No. 336536

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More tweets about Pinkie Pie video
She used to clarify it was an alter side account. She used the term sweetie alters at one point, emojis of alters who used the account, etcetera.
Thankfully there is a nona that has access and posts stuff.

No. 336537

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No. 336538

It makes sense because Jill is a giant woman hating pickme lol. She probably doesn't relate to rarity for the same reasons bronies dislike her.

No. 336539

I hate YouTubers because they can’t make ”passion projects” without whining about monetization.

No. 336540

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No. 336541

Jillybean needs all the money she can scrape together for her totally magical rainbow wedding. But she'd probably do better if she just took the L and asked people to donate to her patreon instead

No. 336542

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Forgot to screenshot this yesterday.

No. 336543

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No. 336544

>five people in one space with DID
Holy fuck this is getting ridiculous if it even exists it's so rare I'm just fucking stunned by these liars

No. 336545

>depersonalization, derealization, dissociative amnesia are overlooked
>omg im not in DID spaces that you for explaining
LMAOOO talking about it as if DID is a subject matter instead of a supposed illness you have. i am so sick of these larpers and hope that anyone who claims DID/system bullshit can be openly mocked online one day

No. 336546

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Took me a second to realize she was talking about her child alters. Weirdo freak womanchild, she can just do coloring books without it being some weird baby larp.

No. 336547

Anon archive her private Twitter and post a link!!! I want to sift through her 8k posts!!!

No. 336548

I guess it was a terminally online gen z wedding and they only invited that kind of person kek

No. 336549

doesn't that mean that the problem is the content violating youtube's standards? like swearing or something?

No. 336550

Ntayrt, from the YouTube help center:
>Content ID is available to copyright owners who meet specific criteria. To be approved, they must own exclusive rights to a substantial body of original material that is frequently uploaded to YouTube.
>Some copyright owners use Content ID, YouTube's automated content identification system, to easily identify and manage their copyright-protected content on YouTube.
I embedded YouTube's video on content id since it is a bit confusing. Some more excerpts from the help center:
>Content ID claims are different from copyright removal requests and copyright strikes.
>Content ID claims affect videos, but usually don't impact your channel or account.
I do agree with >>336517 that all this fuss is just because she wants it to go viral to make easy money. She doesn't give a flying fuck about MLP, she just likes it because it's trending again. Look how she doesn't talk about Bluey anymore. NPC behavior.

No. 336551

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She posted these tweets on her YouTube community page with the description "supremely fucking bummer update." Here is a comment she made under the post.

No. 336552

She's apologizing to her audience for not getting paid for the views? Like girl your audience doesn't care except for the retard troglodytes who think it means the video will get baleeted by youtube. GET. A . REAL. JOB!!!!

No. 336554

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Found this hilarious and sums up your point perfectly.

No. 336555

Of course she failed her brand new posting schedule. She should have planned ahead and made videos to put up on those dates to make sure she follows it but instead her plan is really to make everything last minute huh
almost like DID is a socially spread identity huh
It just means there is a copyrights issue so she can't monetize it because it's the property of someone else. Companies these days know they can't stop memes, discussions and reposts, but if they can be identified they can stop them from earning money from it while they still get the "free advertising" out of it. Typically you can see an automated link at the bottom of the youtube description to the original content (you can see it for yourself by searching up a remix of a popular song).
Sometimes it also means the video will be restricted in certain countries (usually where the copyright holder is from), but not always.

No. 336556

>people focus mainly on alters as identities instead of the other symptoms
>omg teehee I had no idea that OTHER people did that because I don’t read anything from DID posers online!
Kek wtf, the deflection. She knows this describes her to a T and we know she got her whole identity from obsessing over DID faker shit on YouTube and Twitter. Now she’s pretending she got it from out her own ass and is the most legit DID patient ever, as if she hasn’t been running twittard LARP accounts all along to imitate other roleplay imitators.

No. 336557

Transtrender demographics, hilarious that DID fakers show out in the same numbers as genderspecials at some of these places now because they’re the same adolescents whose lives are lived entirely online and they comprise their identities based off internet personas instead of real world experiences and actions, as we have seen with Jill spiraling into more and more ridiculous identity theatrics in her unemployment cave.
Did she even really like this stuff as a kid? She’s SO excited about her “inner children” seeing g3 Minty but a year ago would have had almost zero reaction to ponies, and if she owned a couple retro ponies before it was just casual buys for the general vintage toy aesthetic since that stuff was super big in some jfashion circles like fairy kei and among female anime nerds.

No. 336558

tired and worn down?? rest and recover???? jesus christ

No. 336559

Tired and worn down for lying and smoking so much weed.

No. 336560

Good thing all of her alters now love pinkie pie too. What a real and legitimate disorder.

No. 336561

You would think Jerrick would be absolutely malding and BPD crytyping because Jill likes MLP and Pinkie Pie and it gives him "dysphoria" since he's such a stereotype of a TIF with BPD, but noooo the tranny OC is perfectly happy with the pony shit.

No. 336562

Jerrick is dead at this point. What a shame, he was my favourite

No. 336565

There was a big regional anime con in my area this year that had a panel on DID and the audience was full of DID fakers

No. 336566

>My only option
You could just upload it unmonetized. What an entitled little shit. Hasbro doesn't fuck around, I hope it stays in claim purgatory.

No. 336569

So like… what happens if one of the alters fronts all day and Jilliebean can’t remember her own wedding?

No. 336570

This will never happen because she's already given up the LARP atp but it would be delicious milk.

No. 336571

you can tell how angry she is, it's hilarious. things aren't going her way so she has to do this whole pouty "poor me" song and dance as if she can't just demonitize it if she's so autistic and passionate about it right? how about make another video in the 30 days it takes for the dispute claim to go through. that's plenty of time to work on something else…
the way her fans coddle her and enable her and act like she isn't a constant passive aggressive bpdemon who doesn't care about anything but her own appearance and ego. people are blind

No. 336574

Her fans are the exact same as her, thats why they're constantly patting her on the ass and coddling her like a precious bb. Her more sane fans all jumped ship and shitted up lolcow threads when she first started this DiD nonsense.
I miss cliff, sandwich and the slut alter. I wish she'd at least give us a moody jerrick shaved "the bodies" hair off saga or something. The other DiD fakers at least did interesting stuff with all of the alters, but Jill is too narcissistic and lame to commit.

No. 336575

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She won't. Yeah, it has potential to cause quite a bit of seething if she doesn't get her desired outcome. Has she ever had this much trouble uploading a video before? This obviously is pissing her off. It's not like she can tantrum it away like she usually does to get her way. How many days will she need to take off to recover from this tragedy instead of doing what other nonnies suggested which is work on other videos?
Just not the same without emo boi. Jill never even made him a monster tab bracelet. How sad.
Makes me wonder how insufferable she's being in the rainby dungeon. She hates being denied.

No. 336576

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Objectively dumb is expecting a notoriously strict about their IP company to capitulate and let her make money off of claiming a fictional children’s character had tiktok mental illnesses.

99% of the FIM content on YT is from the official channel, the exception being random clips and episodes that get involuntarily sent to YouTube Kids, which has super strict content and monetization guidelines. Even this massive video with many collaborators and millions of views got the same treatment. She’s completely delusional (per usual) if she thinks she’s going to be the exception.

No. 336577

Kek she is so upset. Ideally she could have just released this video if she actually cared about her fans. It kinda looks bad. It won't even be an enjoyable watching experience for the viewers since she's fucking chopping and screwing it to evade the strike. Even though she's betting on this going viral and trying to be a low rate izzzyzzz, she could have just uploaded it and made more lower effort/smaller videos to try and compensate, even though it's not the same. Just seems lazy. Anything to fuel the tendies and weed addictions. I genuinely feel like she thinks this is her big mealticket.

No. 336578

I really admire her ability to never do any research on anything she does, then go all out swinging in her trend hopping, then get Jerrible when things end up not working out. In these situations maybe she should have a few videos to upload just in case she can't make money off of one video? She's so retarded, just make some crafting tutorials or fuck it do more wedding videos.

No. 336579

I miss Jerrick too. We never got to see a meet the alters video from Jax or Amber.

No. 336580

This context is interesting, thanks for explaining nonna. I can't imagine youtube will want a video on the kids section about how this cartoon character suffered such unfathomable torture and sexual abuse as a foal that it caused her to split personalities.

No. 336581

Idk why Jill thinks cartoons for kids need to have dark themes. Remember when she hoped Wonderful precure would cover animal death?

No. 336582

>"that would be objectively stupid"
Jill it is objectively stupid to make a video in a format you've never used before, to capture an audience you don't have without even researching what changes come with it, and to not have secured paid sponsorships after decades of doing youtube and having it be your job and then to do all this when you've set a new schedule for yourself so you let down your audience by not posting anything because you can't keep what you promise

No. 336583

>objectively dumb
showing her true colors again. maybe you're not that passionate about MLP then? (obviously she isn't, she only cares about herself and is projecting who she thinks she is onto pinkie pie) maybe just admit to yourself that this is just a cash grab attempt? do you actually love what you're doing and making? is there any passion behind this at all? not very autistic of you, jill…
it's funny how she doesn't explain why it's "objectively dumb" (hilarious set of words btw) just says "that's stupid!!!" and writes it off. this shits so funny, i love watching her seethe and be incredibly transparent about who she is
>Makes me wonder how insufferable she's being in the rainby dungeon. She hates being denied.
exactly, i can picture her throwing her tantrums

No. 336584

At this point why does she give a fuck? Is she hurting for money or is she trying to stroke her ego, pick a lane. This attitude is why YouTube is hard to watch overall. God forbid people make videos about stuff they actually like and don’t care if it makes money (cause they have a day job).

No. 336585

It'd actually be the smartest thing to do for her autism larp, but because Jill is retarded and not autistic, she thinks its dumb. YouTubers always start the videos they know won't get monetized off with either a sponsorship (jill could never) or asking people to sub/donate to their patreons to make up for it. I'm sure the leftover confetti club psychos will gladly give Jill their paychecks for her luke-warm, shitty takes. I feel like she's just scared to get ripped apart by pony autists and lolcow because both populations will be able to tell she's just trend hoping and will rip her apart. She already tussled with the precure fandom and lost. Stevie probably wont DM a tranny brony to defend his fiancee's honor, he'll just DM them to flirt.

No. 336586

its actually really easy to gain access to this account. i dont even follow her main but i requested the priv just for fucks sake and she accepted me for some reason. i doubt she even polices whos allowed to follow that account?

No. 336588

it's because she wants shows to portray traumatic things she can claim to have so she can make another alter based off of that media, but she's too pea brained to be able to watch a show intended for adults that might have big and confusing elements like subtext! how will wittle jill– i mean berry - understand such complicated things if not being told through animated kids shows?

No. 336589

i imagine she doesn't actually care if nonnas post things from her priv itt, especially after her saying not to share the video that's thread pic right now. she just privated her acc so she could larp being a victim, but she absolutely loves the attention. i think that's where everything she does stems from. her mom got cancer, and she became a victim and gained sympathy. now being a victim is the only identity she can imagine, because it's what gave her attention all throughout her formative years. she loves attention, she loves having online "bullies" because it makes her a sad, pathetic, poor little victim.

No. 336590

common HPD L

No. 336591

it's true, people like jill love attention whether it's positive or negative and those types of people are truly sad individuals. i actually feel like whenever she's bored and not much is going on she'll purposely try to stir shit up and fabricate drama out of thin air because she wants to see us react in the thread because that's how empty her soul is. it's easy for her to start drama because she always seems to be feuding with people, like the precure fandom who hated her so she sent steebie after one of them, or commenters on her videos where she will try to "clap back" at them and post it on her twitter without censoring their names so she can get asspats by her small army of one-braincell tards and she hopes they'll go after that person. but even when nothings going on it feels like she gets bored and tries to dig shit up, like it was way after that moid made a video covering her and she randomly decided to post a ~statement~ when the thread was quiet for a few days.
it feels really clear that she thrives off of drama and it makes her feel very self-important. she's such a smug bitch, can't stand it. i agree with you about the whole victim thing, she just wants it to look like she's being attacked when she's the aggressor. the whole "please don't share this!" thing was stupid, like she knows there's plenty anons following her priv, if she actually didn't want it posted anywhere else, then she could have just not posted it

No. 336593

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No. 336594

She's 25 years old and still pretending like she needs trigger warnings for adult movies? She's so insufferable, jesus christ.

No. 336596

Actually an excellent point that she’s turning her attention from Precure to MLP right now because her giant ego about being the biggest best Precure fan was bruised by other members in the fandom not liking her, among other things, just like when she dropped lolita. She only really likes things where she can feel like the big fish, which is also why she got repeatedly frustrated with cons because she needs to win everything AND be in charge, and it explains why she didn’t care about MLP when it was actually popular.

No. 336597

she really does love any kind of attention on the internet.
the way she had to reply to my comment abt uploading the video unmonetized (instead of ignoring stuff she disagrees with) confirms the fact shes a whore for attention.
she regularly looks up tweets about her and even scrolls lolcow. she lives for drama and attention and i cant believe im fueling her(cowtipping)

No. 336601

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Meaning"I will continue to smoke a shitton of weed and not monitor my use of alcohol or weed while taking several types of medications and not worry about how it's altering my state of mind."

No. 336602


Yeah, jill is extremely transparent. She probably figures this will be her Big Break video that will get pushed into everyone's algorithm because of the former relevancy of MLP and people liking unnecessary deepdives. I'm curious to see how Jill handles making a video that isn't about all about her. Just her ~theories~ and projecting on to Pinkie Pie. I don't think she'll handle it well and she'll just end up talking about how she finds pinkie pie relatable and therefore pinkie pie has BPD and Autism and also DiD. Just like Jillian.

No. 336604

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More comments. If this monstrosity does get greenlighted, how much you want to bet it barely gets views? I don't foresee it being the hail mary video making Jill oodles of money. She'll never learn which is why she's a lolcow, doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. She's been doing this for 10 years but you would never know it by how she acts.

No. 336605

People who do this as a job are also, yknow, educated enough in their field to know how to avoid this degree of copyright infringement
These brain dead drooling fans need to consider that Jill is a retard and awful at her job

No. 336607

She acts like uploading unmonetized videos is completely unheard of. I sub to plenty of youtubers who have patreon exclusive content because of subject matter or copyright. It's so telling that she won't upload a version on patreon and is now acting like she and Steve are going to starve and be out on the streets if she doesn't monetize one fucking video. It's actually insane, it's like throwing a tantrum that Disney or Taylor Swift won't let you monetize their content. You're not special Jill.

No. 336608

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Pic related. She’s so ridiculous she’s not gonna starve she’s not the sole breadwinner in her household that’s Steven and her mother. Her job is a joke. She doesn’t make enough from views because they’re in the shitter. Her money is from patreon and sponsorships. I can’t believe she’s fooling her idiot fans with this shit. With her views this low she’s probably making less than a $100 a video. Since the adpocalypse YouTubers have had to figure out ways to make decent money with videos and that’s what patreon and sponsors are for. No one is gonna watch this so this isn’t like showing up to work clocking and telling her manager not to pay her. This is more like if she clocked in went home and sat on her ass sucking on her moldy bong and telling her boss she was totes working the whole time.
If she wants to claim YouTube as her job she should know the rules and upload regularly within the those parameters and make extra shit that would copyright strikes on her patreon. So many huge well off creators make plenty from just $5 patreon memberships.

No. 336611

Between her not being being able to monetize her brain dead pinkie pie commentary and her pony toys rusting out the ass I hope she's discouraged enough to drop the autism pony hyperfixation larp.

No. 336612

Sage because I can't find proof but didn't she leave her 'strong kind beautiful' tattoo video un-monetized because she wanted to have the Doremi theme playing and said she loved Toei animation so much she didn't mind?
I read the vid description and flicked through the transcript (cannot bear to watch her atm) but couldn't find anything to confirm this. I'm so sure I remember this tho

No. 336615

God jill is such a pothead. For her to retweet this she has to be really fucking into her weed, so much so that she doesn't care about her public image and sees her weed use as part of her personality. She should just stop the mental (j)illness larps and become a full time weed content creator instead

No. 336616

>"it would be like going into your job and telling the boss not to pay them that day"
It would be more like going into your job and doing chores not on your own list while neglecting the ones that you should have been doing, not finishing it on time because you don't know how this set of chores works and expecting full pay when you didn't do your actual job.
>"nobody would ever do that"
Plenty of people do actually work for free out of kindness or for passion of the event. Plenty of content creators including youtubers also do free live streaming for fun, or have free meetups.

I think at the core Jill is REALLY expecting this video to be a smash hit and to bring in a shit ton of views and new subscribers. She's not just testing the waters but she's fully confident it will generate her a lot of money and attention. Long format videos is not her style though, the only thing Jill is good at is rambling on about me, myself and I. She's not good at making long analytical videos that require actual research so she's not gonna be able to switch her content to this long format style anyway.

No. 336617

Yeah, this is the best possible reason for why it’s so important to her that this isn’t just a pro bono little passion project that keeps up her viewer engagement—she thinks it has a shot at achieving a massive breakthrough for her view count and giving her a decent windfall of cash, unlike her usual recent videos and claims that she’s okay with her very modest view counts.
Whenever Jill makes a big deal publicly about how much she humbly loves and accepts something about herself that’s objectively mid (for instance, being fat) you can be sure she’s seething behind the scenes and desperately running circles to change it.

No. 336618

Why is she acting like she'll go homeless if she doesn't monetize this stupid video? She's never even had a consistent uploading schedule, this was supposed to be the first video in her new schedule. And now she probably thinks her acting like a toddler and throwing a tantrum is justified because "she's autistic"

No. 336619

I'm tinfoiling that she's upped her consoomerism and needs more secondhand pony money.

No. 336621

she's really acting like youtube is what pays for her rent and groceries… kek, please
complete with the crying emoji. i'll never understand her constant need to be the victim. she loves that she has her retarded fans coming in to try and defend her poorly

No. 336622

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Dude there’s so many autism pony videos too. Even one that observes what mental disorder the Maine 6 could have.(derailing)

No. 336625

it's ridiculous how she clings to weed when it's obviously doing her far more harm than good. so many of the problems she claims to have would improve if she just put the bong down. if she doesn't ease up then a decade from now she's gonna be practically fused to her couch

No. 336626


If she doesn't upload this she's gonna lose a chunk of her remaining enablers, the comments seem fairly divided (unless its retarded nonnies cow tipping left and right). She's doing too much complaining and showing her true colors. The longer she drags this out, the longer she'll expose herself as one of those assholes who just make hour long incoherent rants about media they don't understand for cash, and not a True and Honest ponyfag/autist.

No. 336627

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Her delusions of grandeur are at full display. She thinks she has to monetize this because her retard deepdive will go viral. Not only is she 2 years too late but also not good at making videos.
Also compare her to a real undiagnosed autist like Quinton Reviews. He made hours and hours of Icarly because he liked it. His fans asked for more Nickelodeon deep-dives and he went viral without trying. All the hours-long nickelodeon shit he does is claimed and not monetized. In videos he's always plugging his Patreon cause that's how he gets to do his passion projects. You'd think Jill would do the same but her Patreons have been scammed enough. Quinton even spent months on a passion project with his dad about a show they liked and made no money and few views. Just because shes bad with money doesn't mean all YouTubers do things like her

No. 336632

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“Got under my skin for some reason” because even you know you’re only interested for the autism larp.
I could believe she likes MLP but this level of obsession is forced.

No. 336633

>itt we have people applauding Quinton Reviews' dogshit content
This is truly a testament to how hard Jill's youtube "career" has fallen.

No. 336634

Why does she even lie about paying her rent with her youtube money? That shit is not paying rent for a townhouse in the current Canadian economy.

No. 336635

There’s a difference between enjoyment and actual passion, and she’s outright lying about this being a “special interest”—it’s a NEW hobby for her.
Also, what a lying bitch to say she won’t be able to pay her rent or buy food without this video. Poor Jillybean is going to be homeless without this one youtube video! Yeah right.

No. 336636

Jill livestreamed cleaning ponies again.

No. 336638

Seriously, if YouTube was paying for her groceries and rent, then she would make more than one video every blue moon, and if she was really 100% obsessed with shit that wasn't herself she would be able to make content nonstop and it wouldn't make her feel tired.

No. 336640

This actually makes me kind of mad, I live in a place that decided to do the nice hand holding and enabling of drug users and now there are large amounts of people overdosing and dying on the streets in public places. This shit actually does have consequences.(blogging)

No. 336642

Called it in last thread. The 'vintage' in these ponies is just her new excuse to consoom. Wish she'd admit that she just likes pink sparkly shit like a ton of women and stop pretending with the substainability bullshit.

No. 336644

All her videos are always about herself, how she used to be, how she is, what she thinks of x, when she does y. She's giving herself asspats about how amazing shes is everyvideo. All her livestreams are about herself and how quirky she is.
This is one of the few videos where she has to do any effort and shes losing her mind cause she cant make money off it. Like she slaved away and deserves compensation from doing a few google searches for the first time ever.

No. 336647

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Her stimulant-fueled weight loss has really done nothing for her health.

No. 336648

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We're going to get a thrifting vlog soon as she just filmed herself yesterday. However she tries to act like she may get it out tomorrow but needs to film some more, export the data, and edit it so suffice to say it isn't happening. She needs to upload something since her last video flopped hard.
>This is one of the few videos where she has to do any effort and shes losing her mind cause she cant make money off it. Like she slaved away and deserves compensation from doing a few google searches for the first time ever.
Yup and it's funny as hell to watch. The board she threw images on is so fucking lazy but has the audacity to call it her finest work. Imagine thinking a few easy google searches equals a herculean task worth applauding. She's so damn lazy.

No. 336649

The commenter is right and that's why it's bothering Jill. It's actually easy to find people with actual hyper fixations they've had their wholes lives who post videos of it regularly for years to less than 1000 views per video. To claim a new interest is only valuable to post about if she directly earns money from it would make people with actual hyper fixations laugh.
>Also, what a lying bitch to say she won’t be able to pay her rent or buy food without this video.
If that was true it would be stupid of her to gamble on making such a video in the first place. She also should have prepared "emergency" videos to post when she can't finish one in time for her schedule, because not doing so would then literally mean she can't eat that week. It's basic youtubing and she still doesn't know how to do it.

No. 336662

> I actually don’t care about my little pony. I’ve been caught…
> I don’t know why this comment got so under my skin…
She’s upset because after her flippant response she realised how real it sounded and is afraid other people will read the honesty in it.

No. 336666

I legit can’t believe it Jill actually had me a little with the DID thing I just thought having a giant thread dating back to teen years documenting and judging your life would be bound to make anyone go crazy and want to adopt other personalities to hide from the real one that caused people to hate consume her stuff. But the autism Pony larp is really throwing me off! I said it before but MLP was super popular even during the time when she first started YouTube I feel like FIM didn’t start losing momentum in popularity until at least 2018. So to have 10 years to get into pony lore and to only be open about it on the 10th year is just wild. If I was autistic I’d be offended at everyone tryna copy my flow kek. This would make me REEEEEEE

No. 336667

Also the whole wanting to be monetized thing would work if she actually did care to be monetized. I watch a YouTuber named Kenniejd who does deep dives on whatever show she is hyper fixated on a lot of times she says at the beginning of the video she is 9/10 getting demonetized HENCE why she seeks out sponsorships so she doesn’t have to rely on YouTube which is wishy washy about demonetization. In that time she was researching for that video she should’ve been researching brand deals if she desperately needs YouTube to pay her bills. Also doesn’t she have patreon? Isn’t the whole point of YouTubers making Patreon accounts was for instances like these?

No. 336668

>deep dives
>hyper fixated
She's a normie who talks about movies while doing her makeup and laughing at her own jokes every 5 seconds but ok.

No. 336676

thats the term she used okay

No. 336683

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Jill retweeted this tweet as well. Also those comments that were posted here that were responding to her community post are now gone.

No. 336685

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Update on the Pinkie Pie video. She finally edited it enough that it will be released.

No. 336686

Kek, every once in a while people from every social media platform will go to bat for NPD, but ultimately they enjoy diagnosing everybody else with narcissism too much to really give a shit. Very fitting for Jill's brand of activism. Could this be a sign that she's going to diagnose herself with something else and have an edgy phase?

No. 336687

Why do these people always want to diagnose themselves with Cluster B disorders?

No. 336690

Wanted to check in with the comments on her community post and it seemed that she removed every single comment that didn't give her dick a big stroking

No. 336695

Unless she’s exclusively using stills or fan art it’s going to get copyright clapped in some capacity. Can’t wait for the meltdown. How she still has fans that are this sycophantic at this point is nuts.

No. 336696

Are people purposefully misunderstanding the comment?
It's not saying that pixie needs to know 100% of pony lore or some shit. It's just calling out the uselessness of having to monetize her regurgitation of other people already old opinions and her self inserted bs

No. 336697

> Plenty of people do actually work for free out of kindness or for passion of the event. Plenty of content creators including youtubers also do free live streaming for fun, or have free meetups.

Guess know we now why the anime con never mailed her back
"Here's my list of shit I can help you with but imma need $1000"

Fuck you jill kek

No. 336698

I just realized I expect these idiots to think

What am I doing???

No. 336699

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“Criticism is welcome” it never is Jill, Bffr you fight with anyone in your comments section who doesn’t lick the bottom of your shoe.
I’ve never seen someone be so defensive about their “identity”, there’s a reason why people are always calling into question her authenticity

No. 336701

she's out of her damn mind, i hate how passive aggressive she always is. criticism has never once been allowed to her, she's made that very fucking clear. i hate when she posts these things, she's begging her fans to go fight for her

No. 336702

Her identity? How? Is MLP part of her identity now? All she does is use her made up disorders as a shield for any sort of criticism whatsoever. Her only identity is Jillian Vessey, except it's an all consuming void of self obsession. It's completely insane how much she loves herself for absolutely no reason.

No. 336703

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The video that'll change Jillian's life and make all her dreams come true may be posted tomorrow.
Rofl, she's trying to send her brain dead fans after a german fursuit maker. She's 26 years old and still trying to have other people fight these ridiculous battles for her. My god she is so fucking pathetic. She'll never leave her middle school mentality.
Don't think too hard on it. It boils down to brain rotted womanchild flinging words to sound like a victim. Surprised she didn't throw in capitalism as part of her whinging.

No. 336704

She's upset because she was called her literal name and not Their Royal Madame Lady (& Sir) Five Petal Pixie Collective. This bitch is ridiculous. She has never once had someone tell her to shut the fuck up and grow up. Not a single time in her life. Perpetual child.

No. 336706

and she gets her way again, gotta love how the loud annoying bitch who stomps and throws her weight around the most is the one who gets things to go her way. looking forward to the video being a flop, just like the rest of her channel. i bet she edited in those eyebags too
kek too right

No. 336707

Jillian is your literal name. Pixie is a nickname/persona that you made for yourself. Pixie is more feminine of a name than Jillian. You're not non-binary because you had short hair at 13 and think there's alters inside your head who refer to themselves as male. It's just as dumb as her saying that Veronica is non-binary/intersex but is a bimbo stereotype.

No. 336708

>narcissism is a disability therefore they deserve disability rights
>Jill loves this concept

No. 336709

>Pixie is more feminine of a name than Jillian.
Lolwut? Jillian is literally a female name.

No. 336710

>reeee someone called me by my name that I recently admitted I don’t even want to change and that if given the chance I would only change my middle name
>this invalidates muh IDENTITY
Oh my god who the hell cares.

No. 336711

Yeah, but the only men who's go by the name pixie are flamboyantly, flaming gays (which i guess would be a complement for Jill). It's a really feminine nickname, so it's weird that the male alters she allegedly has are also fine with being referred to as the pixie system. Jillian is a female name, but pixie is something a six year old girl demands you call her because she just finished watching the pixie hollow series on Disney Plus.

Her eyebags don't really even look bad. She's trying to pass this video off as so high effort and good, it's definitely going to suck and the bronies and pony autists that are still around will probably rip it apart, especially with all the complaining she did about monetization. Her simple minded fans will yas queen it to death, but i think she's going to chase off any adults with full time jobs who'd be willing to donate to a YouTubers patreon with the way she carried on, plus the fact that the video will most likely suck and be filled to the brim with "i think… Pinkie pie reminds me of me when i-" statements. Instead of you know.. actual genuine pony autism.

No. 336714

I'm the fur covered cringe King from the comment jillie beany weeny didn't like.

I was almost expecting her to send her rabid goons after me but so far nothing has happened yet. Maybe they're busy trying to find my address to do or some shit, who knows.
Not like anything this big toddler can say to me that will make me shit my pants or anything. I'm not scared of someone who encounters a small call out and throws a whiny bitch fit over it.
Doing what you're passionate about without being financially compensated for it is ridiculous and nobody would ever do it? I do that, Jillian. I barely get paid pennies for my work but I'm still doing it after 10 years because I love it. You're not special.
She wants to call ponies her special interest but hasn't even watched the whole show. I've watched the entire thing back to back like 16 times. I'm active in the fandom. We can smell money grabbing counts from a mile away. Nothing she add is new, she has new ideas, she adds no weight to the conversation. The only she adds is old theories, chewed up and spit out just shit her self absorbedness all over it. Her behavior is pathetic.
How do you do YouTube for 10 years and still don't know how to get around monetizing issues. Maybe she isn't that good at her job and should look for something new. Maybe soap.(personalityfagging/cowtipping)

No. 336716

You'd think she would choose a gender neutral name for "the system" like Alex, Sam, Jordan, Dylan, Blair, or Avery. If she wanted to be quirky, she could go with Kai like everyone else. She just wants to call herself non-binary for brownie points and Creepy Steven does the same.

No. 336717

>You'd think she would choose a gender neutral name for "the system" like Alex, Sam, Jordan, Dylan, Blair, or Avery.
Are we really going to nitpick what name she gave her retarded OC personality roster? Are we seriously making fun of her for not being "non-binary" enough? Kek come on now.

No. 336719

It's not cowtipping
I don't tell her she is ridiculous to give you people fodder
She annoys the fuck out of me, nothing more. I have agency over my own actions(ban evasion)

No. 336720

"disrespecting her identity" lmfao
the nerve of this grown ass woman who pretends to be a toddler (and a cat, and an ancient 30 year old man, and a dsd slut, and a transboy…) girl you're disrespecting your own identity more than anyone else ever could

No. 336721

Chat is it disrespectful to someone's identity to call them the name they use to refer to themselves?(learn to sage)

No. 336722

Yes but only if you also imply that starting to like ponies a few months ago doesn't mean it's part of your personality

No. 336723

Ah. The formula. I'll put that in my notes.
Also what name is one supposed to use if jillie doesn't tell you which ones she uses to refer to herself as in that second? Are we all supposed to develop psychic abilities to gage her vibes?(unintegrated, ban evading)

No. 336725

I would assume you're meant to use the name she most recently showed as using for herself when signing something: >>336537

No. 336726

No. 336727

I think she means the fact someone called her Jillian instead of Pixie. Which is ironic because she said Jillian is both an alter and the host, and she doesn't respect her own identity enough to make it real by changing her legal name. She wants to have a special name online, but doesn't want to actually have to use it around normal people. What a pretentious poser.

No. 336728

Tbh it's weird to refer to her with her real name when she doesn't even mention it in her videos and you're not her friend or anything. Youtubers have usernames for a reason

No. 336731

It was obviously intended to be rude, but the funny part is Jill having a total freakout and using therapy/LGBT activist language to describe someone being slightly bitchy to her online, kek.

No. 336732

Cows get called by farmers all sorts of variations their names. Jill/pixie/jillian/jilliebean are all handles, so doesn't matter.

No. 336733

Are we not supposed to call people the names they introduce themselves as???

No. 336735

You must be 18+ to post on this site.

No. 336736


Her name is public information and the commenter waa doing it because everything about Jillian is ridiculous.

No. 336737

She opens herself up to this sort of criticism tbh. Jerrick is supposed to be an edgy teen boy and Cliff is just a regular gay guy and not a flamboyant fem one. Makes no sense for the entire system to have such a feminine name they all go by. What actual edgy 15 year old boy would want to be known as pixie? Jill is so narcissistic she can't even larp correctly because she can't think outside of herself for ten seconds. She's gotta be the most boring DiD larper out there, no wonder her views suck. She's bad at everything she does, it's almost impressive.

No. 336738

Because it's the ultimate sooper oppressed edgelord LARP where they can act out as much as they want and still claim to be uwu misunderstood by everyone.

No. 336739

>Tbh it's weird to refer to her with her real name when she doesn't even mention it in her videos
I don't think it's weird, it's like if pewdiepie would flip someone off for calling him Felix. It's their names, they have longtime fans who know their names and it's the normal way to refer to a person. I actually think it's weirder to refer to an influencer by their username. And Jill is open with her DID host name still being Jillian so she does go by it on the regular

No. 336740

The Pinkie Pie Personality Paradox (Video Essay) is now up.

No. 336741

just tried to watch but the intro is so terrible an unprofessional I can't do it. will be waiting patiently for a nonna to summarize

No. 336742

kek haven’t even watched yet and I’m already laughing, my girl did a soyboy face for the lulz but it doesn’t do anything but make her look mentally challenged. I hope it goes viral just to watch her get btfo by pony spergs. Can’t believe we get to watch her get bullied out of a fandom again for the third time.

No. 336743

How high she was styling that fringe? Still trying to crawl back into lolita community, I see.

No. 336744

god fucking dammit jillian how hard is it to wear wristcuffs correctly is she trying to dress shitty on purpose?

No. 336745

Oh holy fucking fuck those bangs. That looks like an inflated bread roll glued to her head. What is that??

No. 336747

She's trying so hard to act like pinkie pie, also, what a bad start! It takes forever to address the subject and immediately start talking about herself in relation to the video instead of the theme.
And to the Nona who said she's copying izzzyzzz videos, you were right with the styling and tone BUT Jill doesn't appear to understand that izzzyzzz y a lot younger than her and in this case it's cringe and doesn't feel authentic at all.

No. 336748

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>I put a ton of love, passion, time and hard work into it, and I think it's evident when watching
She really, really wants it to go viral.

No. 336749

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And looked who she tagged, lol

No. 336750

KEK like Jenny Nicholson gives a flying fuck about MLP in 2024.

No. 336751

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that massive fringe looks like ryukishi07's badly drawn rika sprite

No. 336752

She's delusional if she thinks that flaming garbage of a vid is going viral. I don't think there's a venn diagram here that big of people who want 1) an MLP video 2) in 2024 3) diagnosing a pony with BPD and autism 4) made by Jill. That's a minuscule audience.

No. 336753

huh what a shit and uninteresting thumbnail, she had so many extra days and still didn't bother to make anything good

No. 336754

>"or should i say hello… everyPONY! short snort laugh please don't leave"
If Jill's targeting actual mlp fans that's a shitty "joke" and makes it seem like she doesn't ever interact with the fandom… because it's an actual normal phrase from the series that people do use a lot for fun. And laughing at it and acting as if it's a bad joke makes it seem like she actually looks down on mlp fans for using it. It's such a bad choice of words. It immediately alienates mlp fans, and makes her seem like she doesn't actually care for the series or the fandom.

No. 336755

As anons have said, Jill is REALLY banking on this bringing in a ton of money for her

No. 336756

I love how completely obviously not autistic Jillian is. Like literally 0 fucking percent, not even remotely autistic, no matter how much she desperately wants to be. WHY? I will never know. But this is not autism. Just pure retardation.

No. 336757

god damn it I really don't wanna watch this shit. And I like stupid video essays! Hell, I even liked mlp for a really long time, AND I like alt fashion, but I still actively don't want to watch this.
The point of this blog is to say I am the perfect demographic for this video and it still looks so unappealing. I don't even wanna hate-watch it out of curiosity it looks that boring and outdated. She missed her chance with this one by a long shot. It's just not gonna go anywhere and when she ultimately fails with this video she worked oh so hard to make, she's gonna have a mental snap and go straight back to traumatized DID content.
We'll get Jerrick and Jax back for sure, or maybe a new variant because of the trauma of working kinda hard on something and it not paying off.

No. 336758

>'intro' is over 6 mins of rambling about how excited she is and how this is a special interest of hers, but she doesn't want to say she's autistic for sure u guys, just 'suspected' (aka covering her ass.)
Can't wait to see a literal nobody who is neither a doctor nor an actual autist to tell us all about autism.

No. 336759

She looks stoned in this thumbnail.

Can someone summarize who and what izzzyzzz is and does? It’d be interesting to have a heads up of who Jills planning to ape in advance.

No. 336760

>>336759 izzyzzz usually makes deepdives on different topics even as silly as charlie the steak, but she's pretty appealing and engaging and clearly does a lot of research into origins and niche facts like in her mlp video. I watched Jill's and she said nothing of value or anything diehard mlp and pinkie pie fans don't already know, but she did keep blurting "heehee don't look at meee" when listing off the criteria for autism which was so annoying.

No. 336761

Videos you can smell.

No. 336762

Has she ever regularly mingled with niche internet "celebrities" of her own caliber? I find it odd how she has consistently begged for attention from youtubers that are leagues above her in terms of subscribers and engagement. She basically tweets incessantly about herself for her retarded followers to give her asspats and validation but she never reaches out to content creators at the same level as her kek. It's quite admirable just how transparent she is in all that she ever does while still insisting on maintaining a facade of authenticity.

No. 336763

I watched the video. She didn't make any sort of argument at all that Pinkie Pie has BPD or autism. She just described how exuberant and joyful Pinkie is. Because as normal people know: traits are not diagnoses. Pinkie had a solemn and restrictive childhood, despite being a hyper and exuberant person. Now that she's on her own, she's able to fully express herself. THE END.

No. 336764

Does obsessively tweeting drew monson count?
She sounds stoned in the video. I'm all for 4/20 activities but if you're trying to establish yourself as a totz cereal deepdive YouTuber, either put the bong down or don't take twenty hits to the face right before you hit the record button.
Super nitpick, but why did she frame the video like this? You can barely even see the poster board wall of proof she made. It's entirely too busy looking for such a long video, even though i know most people watching 1+ plus YouTube videos usually just have it as background noise. Jill can't even autism right, I'm fucking overstimulated 3 minutes in.

No. 336765

I thought she was channeling shayna tbh

No. 336767

i wouldn't call this a summary but here're some bits that caught my attention:
>around 6 mins in, reads criteria for bpd and autism. keeps repeating "don't look at me" as she lists autism symptoms.
this is it nonnas, she's officially turning the wheel towards the autism larp, DID will soon be dubbed a phase that she didn't realize was a phase bc muh autism.
>00:12:00 pinkie pie "isn't the best at social situations" because she throws a party for twilight that she barely knows in ep 1.
so much autism representation already kek
>wait no akshully it isn't because inviting yourself to someone's house isn't autistic
>but still this is an example of her "not understanding social rules"
>00:12:48 unique way of walking. wow. also her party canon is her "comfort object."
>00:15:03 posting a content warning for one of the loudest screetches i've heard from her in a while.
>00:17:05 "it makes me so sad to see people be mean at pinkie pie or roll their eyes at her. it hurts my little heart" kek
>00:17:30 episode deals with themes of jealousy and 'nasty people' and bullying. and also not being ~believed~ when you're being bullied. twilight straight up /victim blames/ pinkie.
(iirc she asks if pinkie pie isn't imagining it, which imo is fair since the bully is a new character she doesn't really know yet) but of course jill would see not being believed 100% immediately as a personal attack.
>00:18:12 "the only way a pony can react when someone is straight-up gaslighting and victim blaming you as twilight sparkle."
>ep 25: "party of one"
>00:22:45 "we see rarity shove her head in the garbage, which is a funny/random reoccuring trope. the fancy/beauty/spa loving pony constantly gets covered in garbage and slime. poor diva."
for the nonnas who asked why she doesn't associate with rarity. she's a diva. but not in the way jill likes apparently.
>pinkie freaks out and becomes paranoid and rages because her friends are lying to her to avoid a party. afterwards she goes through a "mental break" and goes into a "straight-up bpd episode."
>00:26:30 using did linguo. pinkie is still 'spit' on her friends, "not yet in this reality", "she can't access the part of her that believed in these friends right now."
>but no it's bpd because she was just protecting herself. "we often feel things really really intensely, and there's a lot of trauma that leads to why we might react to things in interesting of particular ways."
>00:29:00 her conspiracy board took her all day. kek

i'll stop for now. don't know if i'll finish watching it. i just really want someone to explain to me how she graduated high school with such analytical skills.

No. 336768

you beat me, i was just watching the intro it was already a painful

>this is going to be a video of me basically armchair diagnosing a pony just for funnies just for the sake the game
Jillian, we saw how much this video being monetized was a big deal for you, don’t act like you have nothing to gain from it
>this video is really well researched
later in the vide she talks about watching an icberg video about the show. Her research is watching youtube videos. As someone who’s preparing for a thesis and has to ACTUALLY do a lot of research this is ridiculous
>this is probably the most research i’ve put into like anything
this says a lot about the work she puts on other videos (like the strawberry dress) or her education (fashion school)
>if for see reasons this is your first video of mine
making it obvious she wants to go viral

>an analysis of Miss Pikmina Dian Pie
i just hate it

She takes a while 4 minutes to talk about the show and not herself

No. 336769

Totally makes it obvious what a casual she is and that she’s completely new to the fandom which is laughable given that she’s trying to pose as a pony autist.
>mentions that she has no proof she’s autistic
>still makes the video about that she wants to be autistic and misuses autism-specific terms to refer to her new hobby anyway

No. 336770

At around 8:30 she’s already criticizing the autism diagnostic criteria by saying that only autistic children really have significant difficulty making and maintaining friendships and sharing in others’ interests and feelings because “have you been to a ren faire?” …As if being able to interact within very limited specific social spaces is evidence of autists doing well socially. She needs to just shut up if she doesn’t know what she’s talking about and stop trying to lecture like she has any authority here. Clearly she also doesn’t like that point because she’s always been social.

No. 336771

this, and literally any mention of autism in the summaries so far, show that she has somehow completely misunderstood what autism is. it's actually baffling. i thought she had some sort of idea what autism is, most people have met several autistic people in their life, and she wants to larp it so bad. but i've never seen her categorise what is and isn't autistic before. she has literally no idea what it is. it's like she literally hasn't even bothered googling the criteria or anything scientific about autism. she really got absolutely everything from twitter. it's actually so bad that it wouldn't surprise me she's being such an idiot about it on purpose to have people point out things she has misunderstood so she can use it as even further proof she is autistic. like "omg [crying emoji ×5) i'm so autistic i even misinterpreted the autistic criteria [skull emoji]". sage for tinfoil but what?

No. 336772

Ffs I've been living and breathing MLP since 2010 (because yes, some of us do really have a special interest in it and will call you out on your shit Jillian) and even I couldn't stand to watch more than 6min of that video
She been putting out empty ramblings for like three years at this point, it's a miracle her channel is still alive

No. 336773

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from the thumbnail alone, she’s hitting shayna levels of butthole stoner eyes.

No. 336774

Somehow the thing that annoys me the most is that she's designated the friggin party cannon as Pinkie's super important signature comfort object. If anything it should be her emotional support pet alligator.

No. 336775

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Kek imagine having no idea who she is. Opening this cause you like MLP. And it's a grown ass woman self-diagnosing autism for liking MLP. Keep skipping she's still going. Then you google her and find she has claimed DID, bpd, arfid etc etc etc and know she's full of shit then lol.
But I doubt any of them will listen to her self-masturbatory drivel for longer than 2 seconds.

No. 336777

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Can we go ahead and call the much anticipated autistic pinkie pie video a flop

No. 336778

It's was basically
>pinkie pie
>anyways I think I'm autistic lol

No. 336779

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Apparently this video is suppose to be designed to be good for people who are early into the show or don't know much about it. So make what you will of that.
She reminds me of tuba tuna
Ntayrt, pretty much what I figured. She physically can't make a video without talking about herself. The only thing she's proficient in is talking about herself. What a sad existence.

No. 336781

That's what i thought she'd go with, but they all have pets so it'd fall apart. It'd make more sense to say that fluttershy is the autist becuz ~shy~ like how autism tends to present itself in girls/women, they don't know how to mask yet so they just stay quiet to not give themselves away as ND. So far, Jill seems to be using the symptoms usually presented in boys/men.

And again, ironically it'd probably make more sense to pin autism on Rarity (i do not think she is autistic) since she's the only one without a canon/fanon boyfriend, and her special interest would be fashion which she constantly devotes herself to and knows basically everything about. Her comfort object or whatever would be her scissors, she always has them with her somehow. Plus, her speech pattern is super different from the vernacular of basically every other pony including her little sister. That'd be another autist giveaway. If you wanted to give Pinkie pie a disorder for whatever reason, person adhd or something would probably fit better. Maybe assburgers lol.(derailing)

No. 336782

She thinks autism is when you're too annoying for people to want to be your friend, so clearly it isn't that she's insufferable, just autistic

No. 336788

she's really been fully transparent about who she is during this entire saga. it's truly amazing how much she tells on herself. i already knew this video was going to be just her self-diagnosing through pinkie pie. and of course the obvious hopes that this would go viral so she could make money, because that's all this was about
delusional and pathetic

No. 336789

I just wasted an hour of my life listening to a stoned dumbass roleplay autism and learnt absolutely nothing.
I'm just so tired of people misusing the term 'special interest' (and many other terms). She even says something like it's a big special interest of hers right now which just makes it glaringly obvious that she just latches onto something for a while, makes it her whole personality and then discards it and moves on, just consuming. Special interests aren't cyclical like that.

No. 336790

Also… she has no actual job. She can spend more time on stupid hobbies than other people because she does not do anything all day.

No. 336791

the people she tagged don’t even make media theory videos. Idk who the third one is but the other two just make niche content DEEP DIVES. I feel like she misunderstood the type of video essay she was even making. She’s not doing one of those: unhinged recaps of the entirety of blank. It’s a theory about a pony having a personality disorder. Why would any notable video essayist ever want to acknowledge this.

No. 336792

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The view count so far

No. 336793

Long-form youtube videos like this are not really everyone's taste. Could be a lot of her fans prefer the 20 minutes ones and MLP is also very specific. I don't think everyone that follow her likes MLP or even Pinky Pie as she's the most annoying one in FiM. Unless this gets posted elsewhere by people sharing it, I don't see it organically getting close to her usually numbers.

No. 336794

She wishes she had Jenny Nicholson flavor autism so fucking bad

No. 336799

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same energy

No. 336800

>Apparently this video is suppose to be designed to be good for people who are early into the show or don't know much about it.
So, for herself. Jill is new to the series and she doesn't know much about it.

No. 336801

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No. 336803

If she doesn't get the booming view count she's expecting on this video, there's no way her lazy ass is going to spend the time and energy putting together more long form videos. We've already seen the burgeoning bitch fit over not making money off these things, it's just not going to happen.

No. 336804

>undiagnosed autism is twaumatizing and makes you develop BPD and attachment disorders
kekkkkk never change Pixie
This is the emptiest video essay i've ever listened to. Slow, drawn out phrases to say the same thing over and over. The only real content there is how frequently she does her weird histrionic/munchie voices, it's like her guilty conscience surfaces every now and then in the form of screams or slurred words in a baby voice.

No. 336806

Nothing about this qualifies as a "video essay" it's just an hour of rambling. All she does is pick some moments from random episodes and says "This is like a symptom of autism and bpd!" which any retard under the sun could do. Yeah, the ponies have different personalities, good job pointing that out and just twisting it to inflate your own nEuRoDiVeRgEnT ego

No. 336808

This video definitely won't go viral. Forget about the stupid need to diagnose a fictional children's cartoon pony with BPD and autism for a second and the video is just objectively bad. She rambles on and on. She's boring
the video is edited in a non compelling way for the people who actually actively watch hours long deep dives. She didn't pick a good angle to shoot at and she's wearing too much pink with that obnoxious pink rainbow backdrop, which makes the video hard to look at. Her voice is annoying and she doesn't seem to know much about any of the subjects she's rambling on about. And the worst part for me personally? The absurd amount of joy she seems to have diagnosing pinkie pie with disorders that can drastically decrease a person's quality of life if unchecked. Munchausen's by proxy? More like munchausen's by pony. It's weird. She talks about pinkie pie like a mother gushing over a toddler who just learned how to talk and say 'no'. I don't understand how her fans could sit through an hour of this shit. I don't think this video will do well.

No. 336810

samefag, and because i have nothing to do besides plucking my eyebrows here we go again, apologies in advance for the wall of text.
>00:29:20 talking about 2011 fanfic lore like she was there, before saying she got it from an izzizz video.
>00:31:40 s2 ep18
>another allegory of bpd is spinel from steven universe, they're very similar apparently.
>"many of us need to be found, we need to just get out of the toxic and unhealthy environment we were in and we just need safe, healthy people around us."
what is it with zoomers and 'feeling safe'?? you're not out on the streets, chill.
>she loves "a pink two side diva. that's my favorite kind of diva."
>s3 ep3 pinkie clones herself and then struggles to remember who's the original one.
>00:40:55 "pinkie seems genuinely prone to dissociation and specifically depersonalisation"
>"pinkie goes i'm me, i'm me, or am i? i'm pretty sure i'm me. that makes me emotional as a person with dissociative identity disorder that's really sweet."
>00:45:20 changes outfit, apparently battery died. pinkie pie's family is amish. talks about how pinkie's family isn't nurturing, not giving her loving feelings from a young age. (take that as you will) if poor pinkie is autistic, she wasn't getting the accommodations she needed.
>00:48:10 quotes from someone that "there's no such thing as an untraumatised autistic person." implying that the majority of people with autism have trauma, she says she doesn't necessarily believe that, but the few who don't have trauma are basically lucky they had all the accomodations they needed growing up. ofc the trauma would result in a lot of other mental health issues like bpd, or attachement issues.
>00:49:05 cheese sandwish is just a weirdo, no diagnosis for him.
she says he might be autistic too later.
>00:51:45 s7 ep23
>apparently THE episode that supports her theories
>pinkie goes into paranoia and conspiracy mode because rainbow dash secretely throws away her pies that she can't tell her she hates.
>"she fully splits on rainbow dash"
>"black and white thinking mama, splitting mama" ew
>emphasis on how rainbow is a "bold faced liar" and not you know, a friend who didn't dare say she doesn't like pies not to hurt her friend.
>00:55:25 "if anything is going to trigger and upset a person with bpd maybe continually lying to them to their faces and like gaslighting them hey what's going on here."
you don't know what gaslighting means, stfu.
>"this would be really triggering and upsetting for anyone let alone someone with bpd and autism."
>00:57:45 show portrays chocolate as if it's some sort of substance (this will come up again)
>s8 ep18
>1:02:56 "she was calling that thing (musical instrument pinkie's obsessed with in the episode) the love of her life like she's in deep."
>"she's like me right now with ponies, she's hyperfixating."
>pinkie disappears, her sister comes to pick up her belongings. jill likes that said sister has a "rock special interest." they have "different genres of autism."
oh for the love of god
>pinkie is later found by her friends at a bar, "slinging back icecream like it's alcohol."
>"i was really shocked when i saw this."
>1:06:25 "does pinkie pie have substance abuse issues?" (kek)
>"she's eaten so much chocolate she can't trust her memory" (double kek)
>01:07:21 the girls apologize to pinkie for telling her to stop playing the instrument. "more often we need a super clear cut i was wRONG". a "sorry i was wrong" can go a long way "especially with autistic folks"
>01:08:28 "the pinkness of the pie decreases when you're mean to her"
can we make this a banner
>00:08:50 the 'pinkie sense' is "an abnormal sensory experience in my neurodivergent life?"
>pinkie pie is the only one who can sense some things, break the fourth wall, who has two different personalities and appearances.
we get it she's (you're) special
>00:09:50 she loves that she gets a different representation from the stereotype that's usually portrayed for bpd.
>using what i like to call the (actual) gaslighting donald trump voice: "i just love that she's first and foremost a kind and considerate giving friend who just feels deeply and means very well, and sometimes has inapropriate reactions when she feels threatened. and her friends are willing to work with her on that and that's magical."
bc it's the responsability of her friends and not her to train the bad habits away
>asks to share the video, she'd love it if this reached other pony fans. "it would be so sick if it could hit the algo" aka pls make this go viral
>ends by pimping out her patreon

well, that was long and suffering. btw did the usual summary nonnas leave us? no offense, and i don't mind doing this every once in a while (i am not doing the livestreams though lol) but idk the thread feels different since the blackout.

No. 336811

>btw did the usual summary nonnas leave us?
Jill is boring and we have multiple anons saying this video was a complete snooker, I wouldn't doubt that the usual summary anons just got bored.

No. 336812

Thanks for the confirmation that she legitimately understands actually nothing about autism and gets everything off shallow, meaningless social media memes. It’s at the point it’s genuinely offensive.

No. 336813

she's pivoting from the biggest did larper to the biggest self diagnosed autism larper. i wonder if she will spend the money and time getting diagnosed for it, adult screenings are pretty expensive here.

No. 336814

Speaking of the DID, interesting how she couldn't film her regular videos without taking breaks because she would switch to a different OC or have "seizures" in the middle of it, but that didn't cause any issues whatsoever while filming this long form content video. Especially since it's about a subject that should - according to the rules she set herself - trigger the 6 year old to come out. She supposedly couldn't even film herself talking about the doll house she got for christmas a couple of years ago without turning into her before.

No. 336818

She doesn't really need the diagnostic, she operates in spaces where you can just diagnose yourself and be valid and if someone dares question you then they are ableist. Every time in this video she says she is not diagnosed she says it in very specific and weird ways too.
She is clearly leaving the DID thing behind, her excuse is that haters online bullied her for it so now she is more covert about it but we all know here she wants the autism larp now.

No. 336820

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Nothing too milky but she’s grasping so hard to be recognized by the algorithm to get her channel to stop tanking

No. 336821

>show introduces new and diverse species that become cherished friends of the main cast
I can't with these people I stg. I guess they shouldn't have included them at all to keep these fuckers happy.

Thank you to the anons summarizing this. I can usually watch Jill's vids, but this is too cringe even for me. I was never huge into mlp, but I do like it a lot. I hate how the video starts out with her mocking the source material. She might had well have begun the video with "hey guys, we're looking at a stupid kids shows today, hurr hurr! I love stupid kids shows because I am a real autistic!" How does this woman keep getting worse?

No. 336822

>"she can't access the part of her that believed in these friends right now."
I'm calling it now, using DID terms to describe autism/bpd is how she'll handwave away her "I have DID" phase when she's fully moved into this approaching "I have BPD/autism" phase. If BPDs/Autists switch into different alters too then her showing off her supposed alters for a few years doesn't have to mean she has DID anymore, now it can actually mean she has BPD/autism! Just like how her brief schizophrenia phase included hearing voices which then got neatly folded into her DID LARP when she settled on pretending she had that instead.
Though nonna "splitting" is an actual BPD term, it describes how a person with BPD will suddenly either worship or demonize someone or something with no inbetween, with these states being easily interchangable. Although I wouldn't be surprised if Jill is planning on acting like BPD splitting and DID splitting are the same to let her transition between LARPs soon.

No. 336823

Why are we acting like she doesn't have BPD, it's like the only thing she's actually been diagnosed with and is probably the entire reason she's even on this munchie LARP bullshit.

No. 336824

AYRT I fully agree that she has clearly unmanaged BPD that she should get actual help for. What I mean by her now approaching a BPD phase is that she's currently very into touting her BPD and braying about it publicly whereas previously she tried to explain it away and even implied it was misdiagnosed. When she's tired of this BPD phase she'll move on to some other diagnosis and go back to hiding her correct BPD diagnosis - same if she ends up settling on autism instead of BPD when she's done with this transitional DID/BPD/autism phase.

No. 336825

In what twisted fucking world would this bitch be an authority to speak on racism towards black people, natives and Nepali people?!? What in the world are these people consuming to have such shit takes???

No. 336826

Ayrt, I see where you're coming from now. Honestly though I really don't think she will ever have the courage to own up to her BPD shit, definitely not after retroactively claiming her BPD was just an alter and then coming out with a video saying her BPD has officially retired. There is no way this bitch will ever go back to it. She's headed straight towards autism, but is entertaining BPD without outright saying so because BPD can have overlapping symptoms with autism.

No. 336828

yes that's true but she might be committed enough to do it like she did for DID which is harder to disprove.

No. 336829

her admitting that she hasn’t gotten new comments in over 3 months before this is killing me. Bro are u keeping track of the names of people who comment? Like she rlly only was accessing people in her echo chamber. Most successful channels are dealing with the opposite, people are watching the videos but not subscribing. The only people who consistently watch her are the other people who think they have DID. Her channel is completely dead.

No. 336832

She just acts like her BPD is in remission, which is a possible thing but requires tons of therapy and work she definitely has not done. You can see in the video she talks about the negative traits and then justifies and excuses them, or talks in this patronizing "baby neurodivergent angel" speak she often does.

No. 336833

>ableist hateful losers!!!
she dismisses all criticism towards her as this, it's so stupid. anybody can slap a label on themselves and if you DARE question it you're an ableist hateful loser!! i don't make the rules!
anything to get away with being a narcissistic bitch i guess. still not hiding how desperate she is for the video to go viral, she knows her channel is a failure

No. 336835

She acts like she's a limping, hand-tucked, drooling spastic the way she keeps calling people ableist. I don't know a single actually physically disabled person that whines as much as she does and those people have real jobs.

No. 336836

She will blame the lack of views on YouTube censoring her creativity with the copyright strikes instead of the fact that her video is boring

No. 336837

File: 1728425287875.png (322.07 KB, 622x464, jill when the MLP reference is…)

This "Video Essay" saga in short
>Bingewatches MLP for the first time in a long time (possibly ever) >>335642
>Only the basics >>336779
>Have no friends to talk about the show so she plans on making a video and make money from it instead >>336120
>Watches mlp youtube videos to know what kind of things to say ("research") >>336768
>Have no creativity whatsoever
>"I have autism and bpd. So this pony has autism and bpd."
>Boring video self-inserting the entire time when it's her first video not about herself
>No "essay" just lazily recounting the show and self-diagnosing >>336767
>Demands to monetize her lazy ass rant when these things get claimed all the time. Throws tantrum like she would starve if she doesn't >>336604
>Piggyback successful YouTubers that post nothing like her cause lazy >>336749
>Obsessively refreshing her analytics >>336820
Not really autistic behavior at all. Maybe just a womanchild who watched a show and made a video cause she makes videos for a living. I'd say teenagers making power point presentations of books they didn't read put more effort than this. So long for hyperfixation.

No. 336838

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The cope

No. 336839

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She's such a womanchild. Ten bucks she printed out the comments and keeps them in a folder.
Her sycophants are already blaming Youtube because. She's been doing the same thing for 10 years, no shit she isn't getting views. Her audience grew up and left her because she refused to grow up. What's left of her audience is people exactly like her. I'm tired of has-been YouTubers blaming YouTube when in actuality their time in the limelight is over. Acting like YouTube alone can sustain them forever is such an entitled and childish view.

No. 336842

"ME ME ME! I'M SO GREAT! I'M SO GOOD AT EVERYTHING I DO! I'M SO INTERESTING! ME ME ME ME!" - the most boring person you've ever met

No. 336845

File: 1728432499093.png (1.43 MB, 775x888, taybeepboop.PNG)

>Her sycophants are already blaming Youtube because. She's been doing the same thing for 10 years, no shit she isn't getting views. Her audience grew up and left her because she refused to grow up. What's left of her audience is people exactly like her. I'm tired of has-been YouTubers blaming YouTube when in actuality their time in the limelight is over. Acting like YouTube alone can sustain them forever is such an entitled and childish view.

Jill is a relic of the past and a dime a dozen now. Whenever I see Jill's house I just think of Tay BeepBoop's home and how interesting it is. Same as her fashion. Her outfits aren't interesting nor unique. Ryan's toy Reviews was one of youtube's darlings and now he's almost 13 and his views have dwindled because his audience grew up and left his ass behind. She needs to grow up and get a real job because the gap on her resume is getting bigger by the day.

No. 336847

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Right there are so many rainbow house influencers these days. Compare her to fever dream boutique, she actually sews and upcycles vintage and thrift clothes. She's a bit of a munchie like Jill with her "chronic illness" theatrics but she is actually sustainable and actually makes stuff and sells it. Jill could take notes here but she wants to fake autism instead.

No. 336848

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The worst part is that she didn't even milk it right when she had the chance. She's been living in rainbow hellhole for 5 years and made like 3 videos about it. She's buying shit all the time but her last video was about how she painted a shitty wall for 2 months. She could have made so much content about buying and thrifting quirky shit when it was popular. But she's so lazy and needs to post herself and her 1000000th mental health update.
Like how she has those expensive house spices collecting dust somewhere. She could have made a video all about her quirky vintage kitchen or whatever. But nah just buy more and put it in a corner and forgets about it. Even if she was really good at decorating she would be too lazy to make something out of it.

No. 336849

Jill should do videos of her redecorating her house and giving it a “refresh” then selling old decorations on Depop/sponsored store. There’s your content for the next 6-12 months.

No. 336851

Collection videos could actually be pretty enjoyable from her. Especially if she knows interesting facts like real autists do about stuff they collect. Come on jill, show us your autism! I wanna know who produced every precure wand, what year it was, and a list of every different version that exists and which ones are best and why

No. 336854

Jillian trying to pass off any newly sparked interest is so deeply bdp coded. She just doesn't want to admit it. Yes, Jillian. Your bpd makes it seem like this new thing is your entire being. That's what it does. She is a dolphin jumping from one thing to the next. He "special interests" have been so many loosely related things that she will forget about after 3 months. I thought her most important thing was doremi? No? Oh right it's pretty cure… No Steven universe…no irregular choice…nope it's her own fashion kei…. Nope it's sustainability… Or was it diy furniture stuff? Rainbows? Drag? Was it pripara? Mlp? I've never heard of an autistic person switching their super hyoerfocused special interest so many times in just 10 years. My autism has made me obsessed with one specific anime and one specific band for the past 17 years…(ban evasion)

No. 336855

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Late but she postponed her patreon stream. Guess she was pissed off the video wasn't being accepted. Now she'll bitch about the aLgOrItHm being the issue to why her masterpiece didn't instantly make her viral.
Great summary. Soph and her gf are watching MLP but I don't think fast enough for Jill's liking.

No. 336857

How much of the preview she posted ( >>336120 )did even she stick to? Also nitpick but i just noticed her chrome browser is out of date in her screenshot kek

No. 336858

> She needs to grow up and get a real job because the gap on her resume is getting bigger by the day.

You make a good point. Unless she actually finds a way to make sustainable income through YouTube (ie. ditch any one of her current LARPs - DID/sustainability come to mind), how is she ever going to find work? I mean, it's not entirely out there to assume she's angling for the disability pension, but what is the likelihood of that even happening? It's pretty hard to get approved for disability where I'm from but idk about Canada. And since she'll be getting married, won't that affect her income, if she ever successfully grifted her way into it?

No. 336859

>the ableist freakshow
pretty ableist to use that word, isn't it? jillybean should call out this person for using such ableist language with a dark history. but she won't, because she's being supportive of her.

No. 336861

I think she deleted the frekshow comment. I hope someone called her out or she just wanted to evade getting called out

No. 336865

Have any of the people she tagged here responded to her?

No. 336867

No. 336868

File: 1728479797236.jpeg (1001.79 KB, 1125x1652, IMG_3530.jpeg)

You can’t even get disability if you’re married. It’s also not a lot of money either.

No. 336869

I doubt any of the youtubers she tagged will watch it, at most they will click on it, skim through the entire video by 3 or 4 clicks, then compliment her via twitter. Most likely what will happen is they won't respond because who of average IQ wants to watch some stoned bitch rant about herself and kin a fucking pony.

No. 336873

Im not trying to BP, this is relevant.
Being from the biggest liberal state (cali) and knowing a fully disabled person (needs to be spoonfed and ass wiped) he gets $500 cash and $350 foodstamps and isnt allowed to have over $1000 in his bank at any time.
So if she is at all from a conservative state, if she at all wants to save money, if she at all wants a real and fullfilling life. She will not be going down the disability route. But also, after a physical and mental examination, she will be denied anyway.

No. 336874

She’s from Canada lol. I used to be from a conservative province and got disability. They just pay incredibly poorly and have rules that make zero sense

No. 336876

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Jill's trying to get Jenny's attention. Lol

No. 336879

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No. 336880

Kek has she ever interacted with her before? She has never mentioned being a fan till now that she's larping being a video essayist lol. She's not gonna promo your essay jill. Might as well tag her in your self promo again, its obvious its what you want >>336749
Remember when she would try to self promo in h3h3's live chat and mytoecolds shit? kek get a job

No. 336881

Bitch what morals. Her grandiose morals of being a narcissist leeching off of her mom?

No. 336882

File: 1728504143967.jpg (293.01 KB, 720x905, what_is_going_on.jpg)

sorry couldn't help myself lol

No. 336883

File: 1728506676656.png (306.09 KB, 720x498, 1000002554.png)

She's pinned the video tweet in hopes to get it to gain more traction.

No. 336884

That stupid pin board irritates me because it is purely a prop she made for the video but serves no actual investigative purposes.

No. 336885

File: 1728506880960.png (102 KB, 662x257, 1000002556.png)

At the moment the video is at 10k views after 2 days of being out. Not even at 10% of her subscriber count.

No. 336886

Kek, you can tell she's way too proud about the thumbnail.

No. 336887

File: 1728507740193.jpeg (212.54 KB, 1125x330, IMG_3536.jpeg)

I just wanted to point out that it’s nearly identical to Jenny’s thumbnail.

No. 336890

She is skinwalking Jenny but covered in pink glitter throw up.

No. 336891

The only way that video is going viral is if she gets negative attention like people using it to make fun of her self-diagnosing shit. Video is not good enough to be shared for other reasons. But she has the thinnest skin and would crumble if she got a few mean comments. She should actively not want people to see it lol.

No. 336896

Oh shit i have a friend in canada on disabilty and she is suffering financially.. kek jill is for sure doomed if she expects to do disability then. Makes you wonder if she will even actually get married to steve

No. 336897

File: 1728525912958.jpeg (59.69 KB, 540x405, IMG_2389.jpeg)

They're all copying the meme tho so it's really not that original for either of them

No. 336898

but… but it took her a whole day to make!!

No. 336900

Same composition as Jenny’s
Joker having DID was claimed by his lawyer so he could have an insanity plea. He later admits he committed all the crimes and joker isn’t a separate entity.

No. 336902

>does a single "video essay"
>"I want to Analyze so I can Discourse!"

No. 336905

pretty tacky to copy a youtubers content style and their thumbnail and then go begging for their attention and retweet

No. 336907

So she thinks pinkie pony is bpd but can't recognize her own extreme bpd behavior. If I was Jenny I'd legit be weirded out and scared.

No. 336908

The “(Video Essay)” is sending me, no one really has to clarify that with longer runtime videos. But maybe it’s supposed to be a sign that she’s so autistic that she doesn’t know how to make a youtube caption after 10+ years and just accidentally recreated the same deep dive meme format thumbnail because that’s how autism works.

No. 336909

Looking back at her recent videos it's so funny how she made that "Reddit stories" video because she thought it would get recommended to people, but it's her least watched one. It's almost like making generic content for views doesn't work, and making a video about an actual topic (ponies) will get recommended to people who like that topic. It's common sense

No. 336916

File: 1728568386190.png (486.7 KB, 4096x3239, fnnuohi0u7h71.png)

Very surprised people here don't know picrel is what Jill's is going for, down to the eyebags. I mean fuck soyjaks especially in 2024 but I'd have thought farmers would've been familiar with this one especially as it was everywhere. Questionable choice though as this along with >>336754 it comes off like she's making fun of it

No. 336918

Everyone knows what she’s referencing we just don’t care because even normies use soyjaks.

No. 336922

She isn't even skinwalking her, not everything is a larp of someone else.

No. 336924

File: 1728582430355.png (249.67 KB, 720x1292, 1000002565.png)

Jill talking about having issues with her eyes on her private twitter.

No. 336925

File: 1728583009943.png (248.94 KB, 720x1229, 1000002567.png)

Jill did get an interaction with XCanadensis just not over the tweet she tagged her in. Jilly Bean wants clout badly.

No. 336926

File: 1728583611128.jpeg (266.49 KB, 828x619, IMG_4064.jpeg)

Surprised she didn’t try to relate it to muh trauma like she does with her UTI’s due to Steebie’s dirty dick

No. 336927

Is she actually retarded? I know she munchies every single thing that happens t her but… Yes, obviously it takes some time to adjust to your new prescriptions. Yes you will get headaches. Are you seriously trying to milk this!? Literally just go downstairs and tell your fiance about it why are you attention whoring such a mundane thing

No. 336928

File: 1728584850913.jpg (643.86 KB, 828x1351, 1000002569.jpg)

Odd she didn't pounce on the opportunity. She loves to wedge in how much trauma she's suffered. This is less dramatic than back in November of last year. She got these glasses after getting an eye exam after years of not getting her eyes checked.

No. 336929

Kek, she's trying to hide her extra chins.

No. 336931

You'd think someone with 'sensory issues' wouldn't sleep in their makeup. That crusty eyeliner is making my eyes itch

No. 336933

The internet was a mistake

No. 336935

I think most people know about the meme. But there are a billion other (more relevant) things she could have done, or even plenty of variations of the meme if she had used just 1% of creativity. But Jill didn't choose to copy the meme, she chose to copy Jenny in a super obvious manner. She literally even tagged her and is begging for her to retweet it or praise her, we know she copied Jenny specifically.
>You'd think someone with 'sensory issues' wouldn't sleep in their makeup
didn't jill even at one point claim she basically only wears makeup while filming/for content before she removes it because of her totally real autism sensory issues

No. 336943

File: 1728613192443.jpeg (191.85 KB, 828x680, IMG_4114.jpeg)

Translation: i got too stoned and got the munchies

No. 336944

File: 1728613338876.jpeg (186.08 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_4115.jpeg)

We know, everyone whos ever used the internet for more than 5 minutes knows this outdated meme format. The heavy eye bags are also in this selfie where shes trying to widen her eyes vs squinting them like the meme.

No. 336945

Rofl, agreed and she still hasn't finished it go figure. Remember when she trying to pretend she was working 9-5?. She sucks at sticking to any schedule even if she makes it up.

No. 336947

this looks like that love live kotori meme face.

No. 336949

Couldn't even wait a week before copying the posts telling her to make content about buying and thrifting clothes and quirky decor >>336847 >>336848
If the reddit content farm doesn't work. And the Video Essay shit doesn't work. Surely the farmer complaints will work! Viral in no time!

No. 336950

Maybe she just doesn't find making videos fun and engaging anymore, a normal office job would be better for her so she could be held accountable and get to see real people on a daily basis.

No. 336951

File: 1728630145727.png (90.41 KB, 275x203, jill faking retardness to get …)

KEK imagine jill being told her productivity is low and she says its her lazy alter. They block twitter on her computer and she to give it back cause shes autistic. Never replies to emails cause adhd. In lunch theres no chicken nuggies and she cant cook so she tells everyone she she has multiple eds. When she leaves 2 hours early she says she was manic from her bpd

No. 336953

What do Gen z even mean when they say "dissociating"? I feel like they're just talking about being sleep deprived or having a head rush or something. Can somebody translate zoomer?

No. 336954

for some reason they all think not being able to focus or their attention wandering = dissociation, they use it for everything. i’ve even seen them claim that just being very involved in an activity like reading or playing video games is dissociation.

No. 336955

Okok vibes the square is I but normie me this: how is invoking this meme supposed to be taken? At best it's "wow so interwebz" for real late normies and maybe intended to signal she doesn't take herself too seriously. But like soyjaks aren't flattering and if she's copying Jenny it comes off like she's making fun of her then as Jenny's thumbnail doesn't invoke the meme.

No. 336956

i would also dissociate if i left the house for the first time in a year tbh

No. 336960

It means their attention span is ruined from watching tiktoks and instead of stopping using social media they pretend to have adhd and DID

No. 336965

I 100% believe all of Jill's problems comes from smoking weed 24/7. Guess what happens when you get absolutely blazed multiple days in a row? Anyone want to take a guess here to help Jill out?
Answer: you get fucking BRAIN FOG I can't with this retarded bitch.

No. 336968

her problems source from her mother enabling her psychotic pageantry. it got worse with her internet fame and now that all eyes are on her she is convinced that she is a misunderstood star. she has legit problems and should be going to unit 9, too bad that sector shut down and they are throwing them in hills now to hangout with timoon, etc. fucking jillian dude. she needs actual help.

No. 336969

lol, where does she work? don't tell me its in charlietown

No. 336970

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No. 336971

>if she's copying Jenny it comes off like she's making fun of her then
I don't think it does, to me it comes across as the cheap copy it is. Jill just put pink on it and assumes that's enough of a change. It's a reflection of how shallow her work is.
>I 100% believe all of Jill's problems comes from smoking weed 24/7
The DID phase famously started just after Jill started smoking weed
>"why do i react like a cartoon person"
she's giving me flashbacks to when i was a teen and weebs would be acting out anime irl and insist it was "accidental"

No. 336972

hard agree. zoomers are so terminally online they do not realize the devastating impact it has on their brain. its not adhd, its not did, its not anxiety. its constantly being inundated with texts, pictures, videos and flashy shit on a constant basis to the point their brain is under constant stress. combine that that with her being 24/7 pothead and refusing to Touch Grass (so add some isolation to the mix) shes a mental wreck.
But shes also too stupid and too thin-skinned to want to get these lifestyle changes under control

No. 336973

>also why do I react like a cartoon person
It's really almost insidious how she is constantly performing this autism LARP and making sure people know she's autistic. She can't just do it subtly, no, she has to literally point it out every time. You would think with all her autism research she would know why she's emulating cartoons, since it's a pretty widely recognized symptom in many autistic individuals. But no, she pretends like she has no idea why she pretends to do something so she can build the perception of herself seen through the eyes of others. It is genuinely fucking creepy. It's weird. If I think too deeply about her retarded behaviors I actually get the heebie jeebies. This bitch is so chronically empty. She has nothing at all going on inside of her head or soul. She is utterly devoid of what makes a person a person and it's really quite perverse and a tad sickening.

No. 336974

File: 1728661945540.mp4 (1.87 MB, 1280x720, 1000002594.mp4)

Clip from twitter

No. 336976

File: 1728664780014.jpeg (453.02 KB, 2048x2048, E3DD5462-8057-455A-9165-1D69D3…)

Her go-to hairstyle looks "okay" from the front, but from the side it looks like she's doin' a heckin' racial appropriation. I've never seen anyone style their hair this way before. I wonder how often her shit crashes down like this, she seemed to recognize instantly what the sound meant without having to look to check and then braced for impact. Must be commonplace.(nitpick)

No. 336977

ntayrt but she just has a headband on?

No. 336978

My first thought was that she staged it

No. 336979

She hasn't had a real job since she moved to New Brunswick.

No. 336980

correction nona, she has a headband on AND she's fat

No. 336981

Big reach. Same with >>336976 anon. Something on the shelf shifted and caused a couple things to fall. It happens. She cleared heard it above her and reacted, then played it off for camera as a little joke.

No. 336982

I soooooo hope all of that fucking broke

No. 336983


No. 336984

she probably just moved her foot or something that set off a little earthquake through the floor since she's quite heavy and that was enough to make an item fall and drag other items with it

No. 336985

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No. 336986

>dis makes me angy
>breakie, foodie, AGAINIE.
this is some of her most egregious baby talk yet. Againie is literally the worst and peak Jillianese. I always thought she was age regression adjacent seeing as Steve was the one more into it and she's just a woman child but this seems explicitly like some roleplaying full on age regression shit she slipped in.

No. 336987

interesting how she barely reacts, and speaks in her silly usual voice instead of dissociating or having a panic attack or whatever when sudden noise and a crash of things heading your way would be a common trigger in both ptsd and autism. she handled that really well for someone with ptsd/autism, baby angel therapist must've done an amazing job considering she seems to be cured of reacting to an extremely common trigger!

No. 336988

You cannot be serious nitpicking how she didn't spaz out and start slamming her head into a wall because some plastic fell onto the floor.

No. 336989

yes, when she has to wear her sunflower lanyard to pick up the mail a few metres across her door because of how incredibly disabled she is, i can. it would also be a completely normal, if not expected, reaction for someone with the disorders she claims. yet she "dissociates" because she's filming a thrifting haul.

No. 336990

Okay but we know she's a huge liar so why are we still getting incensed about it? Like are we here to laugh or are we here because we really want to see this bitch commit to her bit and start beating walls? Kek

No. 336992

why are we in this thread, nonna, if not to make fun of the cow and point out her failings? she never displays a symptom even in scenarious her claimed disorders should have, yet she always displays symptoms in random situations where it makes no sense.

No. 336993

i definitely want to see her take the autism larp all out and beat walls. I want her to larp being mentally challenged to make her autism more believeable

No. 336995

>Like are we here to laugh
Yes and it would be incredibly funny if she filmed herself beating the wall or some other thing embarrassing herself. Literally look at the OP image, is not hilariously full of secondhand embarrassment

No. 336996

>yet she always displays symptoms in random situations where it makes no sense
Because she is literally faking it all. What's the point in talking like there is a big conspiracy to prove, she's faking it and we all know. Plus her PTSD is about "female on female rape" (yeah fucking right KEK), and not being molested by her piano teacher. Why would she spaz out from some falling plastic knick knacks? Her fake PTSD isn't from stepping on a landmine in Vietnam kek.
Based I hope she's reading and uploads some Twitter videos of her beating her head with her fists in a autist meltie.

No. 336997

Tardnonny, stop reeeeing. The op was sarcasm

No. 336998

are you new to this thread, nonna? this is what we do here, we point out her hypocrisy and inconsistencies. it's literally what we always do. why the wk? also it's normal for autists to react to loud and sudden sounds, and she claims to have been physically assaulted, so it would be normal to react to fast moving things.

No. 336999

It's not whiteknighting to say that "she's not reacting to falling plastic by shrieking and crying and vomiting, which is the most common symptoms of autism and ptsd (citation needed)" is literally just common sense because she just doesn't have PTSD or autism. To expect her to actually put effort into her LARP is giving angry moralistic newfag behavior, sorry. You cannot tell me the "actual" autists itt would literally scream and cry if some plastic toys fell on them from a height of like 3 feet kek.

No. 337001

not a difficult concept to grasp, nonna. potentially "triggering" situation happens, jill doesn't react. completely normal situation happens, jill overreacts and is "soo twaumatised you guise". no one thinks she actually has the disorders she claims, we are simply pointing out what doesn't make sense about those disorders. nonnas itt post about her "symptoms" or lackthereof all the time. like how she claims autistic sensory issues yet has always been a walking sensory overload. sounds like you're projecting something with this one. it's also not that serious, it was simply a comparison of her two latest tweets.

No. 337002

>sounds like you're projecting
Anon this entire thread has been full of projecting self-diagnosers since her tiktok cake drama kek be serious. The actual powdered milk of the video isn't that she didn't start beating walls because some toys fell on her, it's that she decided to post the video at all to appear cutesy and silly like she's clipping a video from her favorite creator.

No. 337003

oof, average time watched is only a little more than 1/4th of the total video time, embarrassing, however somehow still longer than i expected people to watch her stoned ableist rambling

No. 337005

So she has enough merch from a show she's been into for a couple of months to film an entire collection vid? How sustainable!

No. 337010

Tbh, she herself is her favorite creator, kek.

No. 337013

It is so disturbing just how amused with herself she looks at the end.

No. 337015

What stands out as odd to me is the fact that she does not immediately seem worried for items that involve one of her "special interests". Even a normal collector would likely have more of reaction to their merch potentially being damaged, let alone someone autistically obsessed with it. Perhaps that is reading too much into it but it is what I noticed

No. 337017

COPE! Girl your video has 15k views. Humblebragging with a screenshot of your personal analytics to show "its doing SO good actually!!" is emberassing. Being the top 1 video out of your last 10 videos means little when your channels literally dead lol. Any other youtube would be like "hey thanks for 50k views!" but she can't so she has tu bend over backwards to show how amazing she's doing (she has 200,000 subscribers, she's not).

No. 337020

File: 1728721839120.jpg (443.26 KB, 1079x2257, 1000027388.jpg)

Yea Jill (picrel) you can totally pay your rent with YouTube this month. Or at all. My favorite bit is the 1k subs she earned and then immediately lost. She earns pennies with each video. She can't be this delusional

No. 337027

My thought as well, she doesn’t give a fuck about this junk and that’s why it’s not secure to begin with.

No. 337028

Where are those things even at? A separate shelf rihht on top of her or something? She didn't even lean on the shelves, it looks like steeb or someone let the stuff fall on her from a higher point.

No. 337031

File: 1728742498555.png (707.28 KB, 720x1078, 1000002601.png)

>Wonky brain week

No. 337033

just say you got real fukin stoned and/or drunk and stayed up waaay past your bedtime rotting your brain on twitter

No. 337037

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Jill remembered she's larping having ARFID. Also it's palate not palette, Jillian

No. 337039

> Xitter condemning eating disorders not for being destructive and horrible, but because the ED might be racist

No. 337040

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No. 337041

These are known to be completely wrong, so maybe don't site these lol

No. 337044

Thrifting video up

No. 337045

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No. 337046

The TRAUMA of being told to try to eat something. Holy shit. Some people have war in their countries.

No. 337048

I hate her baby speak so much, it's somehow worse than Lucinda's.

No. 337049

cant believe stealing one of our ideas finally made her leave her house

No. 337050

Jesus just drink water and not smoke for like a day. She looks so bad even with the filters. Compare it with her profile pic. Imagine without…

No. 337056

this is so funny to me because she so clearly doesn't have arfid, like girl what the fuck lmao

No. 337057

can't wait until she steals the soap making idea

No. 337059

you know what ? i do believe she is retarded when i see this picture

No. 337060

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No. 337061

then youve never met a stoner.

No. 337065

She has one single dress that fits her and we will see it! Also her worst "I'M SKINNY I SWEAR I JUST NEED TO BE AT THIS SPECIFIC ANGLE COVERING MY ARM" thumbnail poses

No. 337069

File: 1728795519982.png (2.39 MB, 1554x945, Screen Shot 2024-10-13 at 12.2…)

When I saw this sweater I thought it was so cute and the colors, even with the black, reminded me of fairy kei and spank. She says she's not going to get it because of the black outlines and then says she'll leave it for "another pinkie pie soul." My eyes rolled to back of my head. Of course, the balloons. How silly of me to not realize.

Also, I'm not good at discerning when someone is high, like sometimes it's super obvious when Jill is filming or voicing over high but holy shit. It literally felt like she took a fat bong rip in between every cut of the thrifting portion. No way was she not blasted in the car. And she's driving like that? She definitely films while high to exaggerate the differences in the other portions in her video to really give the DID and oh so unwell impression. She was acting and talking different during the haul portion and I know she just wanted to seem like she's got so much going on, so ill, so disassociatey~. Literally just as mundane as being low energy is turned into something that coaxes concern over her. At some point she says
>Ok, I'm starting to feel my regular vibes come back
Nonnas literally 7 seconds later
>I don't think that the word zonked should mean you're on drugs or high, the word zonked should be able to be used just for when you're feeling zonked. I feel like people with disassociation disorders should be allowed to say zonked and have people understand they're completely sober
KEEEEK. How long until she just starts to hint in her videos that she's high because she just can't help it anymore. Now "zonked" should be DID terminology? When is she going to admit the weed problem kek.

No. 337070

File: 1728796498628.jpeg (462.28 KB, 1170x669, IMG_5402.jpeg)

Somewhat of a recap
>blurs view from window (finally taking notes on safety)…but proceeds to show exactly where she is parked to go to the thrift store
>can’t go to a thrift store she liked because the cashier was talking about “plandemic” conspiracies while ringing her up
>also can’t go to Salvation Army for reasons I assume should be obvious but aren’t to me at least lol
>goes shopping at a hospice boutique and value village, she ends up buying only from the latter
>references alters a few times
>received a picnic basket from Mikan’s brand for her wedding gift after tweeting about it
>15:00 goes from screeching at the beginning of the video to talking like Ariana grande
>thinks 60s stuff and Velcro will return as trends
>thinks people with dissociative disorders should be able to use the term “zonked” and not have it refer exclusively to alcohol/drugs
>bought: oversized fuschia sweater, mint coloured retro-styled belt, heart-shaped candle, yellow floral coaster, candle holder, plant holder wheelbarrow + some ponies that I don’t know enough about to list
>25:00 toys fall on her and she acts lively about it then suddenly talks about the supernatural and flora and then goes back to being bubbly
>talks about ponies for the rest before ending video

I enjoyed the video overall, it seems like buying things and talking about it is just much more her style. Taking lolcows advice is good for you, Jillian!

No. 337071

> She definitely films while high to exaggerate the differences in the other portions in her video to really give the DID and oh so unwell impression. She was acting and talking different during the haul portion and I know she just wanted to seem like she's got so much going on, so ill, so disassociatey~. Literally just as mundane as being low energy is turned into something that coaxes concern over her.
KEK you pretty much just figured out her entire DID grift from top to bottom. If you can see it imagine how obvious it is for her family members and ex friends lol…

No. 337072

When she's showing the sweater, she says "It's a regular size, I didn't steal from plus-size girlies", possibly referencing that plus-size people have a harder time thrifting, but also. Who are you kidding, girl. You ARE plus-sized. This "subtle" dig of being small enough to buy "regular" sizes when you get a sweater that 4 of you could fit in was so grating.

No. 337075

File: 1728802665224.png (929.75 KB, 720x1237, 1718139639198.png)

Her delusional thinking that she's not a plus-size girl anymore is bonkers. She hates her appearance so much while being obsessed with herself. A greek tragedy.

No. 337076

>"steal from plus-size girlies"
does Jill seriously think she's not plus-size? She's not stealing by buying her own size

No. 337079

I hate that crying emoji so fucking much. It was already infuriating in and of itself, but combined with Jillian's posting style it makes me see literal red.

No. 337080

I think the Salvation Army thing because there are a lot of rumours about them being homophobic and cold towards the people they help, but I don't know if that's true.

No. 337081

I think the issue is that Salvation Army donates to some anti-LGBT charities and war efforts, but I heard that like, years ago, so it may no longer be true.

No. 337082

>I don't think that the word zonked should mean you're on drugs or high, the word zonked should be able to be used just for when you're feeling zonked.
bitch really needs to admit shes a fucking stoner and be done with it.

No. 337089

I read the transcript for that timestamp. Jill was saying that Gilda the griffon was mean and deserved everything she got. She also got the episode wrong by saying it was pinkie pie pranking Gilda when it was actually rainbow dash.

No. 337096

File: 1728850001086.png (91.65 KB, 720x762, 1000002615.png)

Steve privatized his twitter

No. 337105

I wonder if he did anything "problematic"…

No. 337109

I hate any sort of troon-theorizing because it feels like you are actively hoping for the person to troon out and thus not that much different from actual trannies.
HOWEVER, I have a feeling that he's now privating it because he's gonna come out in private and come back in a few months with poorly applied eyeshadow, wearing ill-fitting shein e-thot clothes and pumped full of anime bathtub produced estrogen going all "new gender who is this" or something. Seen this pattern too many times.

No. 337119

Would be funny to watch it if he starts skinwalking Jill and her rainbow aesthetic

No. 337122

God damn anon now that you bring this up my tranny-dar is going off because before the wedding too?… there are plenty of stories of men coming out as trans after marriage/kids and considering his porn addiction past and they/them huswife pronoun retardation at the moment I would not be surprised at all if he became a textbook AGP. If this should happen I predict Jill will absolutely LOVE this. I could definitely see the dollar signs and promise of clout shine in her eyes. I wonder if he just decided to private his twitter permanently after all these years for anti lolcow measures.

No. 337126

File: 1728860973972.jpeg (362.57 KB, 1179x1138, IMG_9429.jpeg)

His reason for privating his twitter

No. 337127

It's funny because she looks exactly the same here. Like obviously her hair is freshly cut and she's wearing makeup in the second set of pics, but she looks 100% like the exact same person, just done up and not lol

Same. It makes me want to alog every time I see it

No. 337128

I want to believe it’s for tranny reasons but I think it’s due to the AMERICAN election coming up. No question Canada has its fair share of problems too with more people complaining than ever before.

No. 337130

Thank you. I hate these npcs using y'all
Most likely the answer. He wouldn't be able to argue the way he could before. Lol

No. 337134

Wow, I'm honestly both relieved and surprised that it's for such a reasonable reason. I wonder how many punches Jill's giant peep is gonna get now that her personal attack dog won't be available on twitter anymore kek

No. 337135

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No. 337136

Is 'nothing' an option? Her commentary and essay videos barely get enough views and she thinks people want more?

No. 337138

Forreal, the thrifting video was wayyyyyy more engaging. The pinkie video is so boring if you’re not into mlp and the precure videos are the same level.

No. 337144

it still got monotized, so she probably doesn't care, but does want more people to watch them which is why she is asking for opinions. If she can get their input then it is more likely those people will watch and maybe adjacent friends/content will add her to suggested videos. It's all about the algorithm. MLP:FiM is niche currently because it's outdated. Of course not that many people will see her video when there have already been extensive videos on it from years ago that are way more relevant and don't also only focus on a single character, furthering the niche audience.

No. 337145

Methinks she realized how expensive her wedding is going to be so now she's trying to actually make some youtube profit.

No. 337146

Her fans begged her to stop with the mental illness content for years and now she wants feedback lmao.

No. 337147

it's run by the protestant church and they're very well known for being anti lgbt and anti any religion that isn't theirs. none of this is new information and it hasn't changed in recent years. jill is right to avoid them, they're a shit group that is choosy with who it allows to use their services. also they tend to have worse stuff to thrift than goodwill or the like.

No. 337148

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I expect her to shit out more of these "video essays" just looking at the numbers. She thinks she's struck gold.
Nicely put

No. 337155

> jill is right to avoid them, they're a shit group that is choosy with who it allows to use their services. also they tend to have worse stuff to thrift than goodwill or the like.
Jill doesn't go because she doesn't actually need to because she has enough money to not thrift and she dresses it up in retarded kweer politics. She's a straight woman getting married to a soon-to-be tranny. Don't take the bait. Nothing she does is genuine.

No. 337156

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How long do you think this phase will last? Longer than her DID phase?

No. 337166

Smugly huffing her own farts thinking any of these videos are worth shit. She's so obnoxiously full of herself.

No. 337167

Kinda funny seeing this as it shows some of her old attempts of finding a video style, like the cancel culture videos shitting on fashion companies

No. 337169

the way she worded this like she’s shaming people who didn’t enjoy the video

No. 337171

why is she driving a car if she has DID? what happens when she switches while driving? has this ever been explained?

No. 337172

Kek you would think her deer incident would have made her split a handy safe driving alter. You just know she drives high as a kite kekkkkk. But seriously I would love to see this bitch do her mental gymnastics to answer this question.

No. 337174

She hasn’t addressed it outside of claiming that she once had zero memory of driving around her town and making purchases, and claims the driving and shopping was done by a toddler inside her brain.
It is also interesting how she mentions her alters less and less every video lately and doesn’t say who is “fronting” anymore. Before her MLP phase she used to bring up who was “co-fronting” in like every video.

No. 337176

Tbh a few days ago she only had 10k, so that number isn't bad. Even by one video it's decent enough money.

No. 337182

My favorite thing about the DID LARP is that it's going to be almost impossible for her to walk it back. It also puts her in a difficult position to say why she's able to drive, plan a wedding, and function normally. If she has a super rare disorder with spilt personas caused by mindbreaking severe trauma, then shouldn't she be at least somewhat nonfunctional like schizophrenics? Funny how her DID never prevents her from doing things she wants to do

No. 337183

The best thing she could is just come clean and say she was really influenced by the internet and became terminally online and her bpd let her fall into a weird delusion. Some kid on tiktok did that and it was so refreshing

No. 337184

But then she would have to actually admit that she made a mistake

No. 337185

She would have to put her pride aside and show some humility which she has, so far, never once shown in her entire internet career. She plans to ride the high of her DID/autism LARP delusion for as long as she possibly can.

No. 337193

I’m just glad Jill doesn’t want kids. I don’t really care about her dumbass antics besides being entertained by them and being mildly envious that she gets paid to grift the way she does. If she has a child she will become a truly evil horrorcow.

No. 337194

I'm not taking the bait, I'm just explaining why most people who have the luxury of choice tend to avoid a church based group that has a history of being shit. if Jill was buying from them it would actually be a discussion topic but for once what she says and what she does aligns.

No. 337197

Her buying from the salvation army would be the driest milk in the world and way less milky than her outright discarding her morals on consumption by buying a shitload of secondhand ponies. If you genuinely think the zoomer/millenial still gives a fuck about the salvation army's problematic past and avoids it you are terminally online.

No. 337202

HES ON THE NEWS(context please/this is an imageboard)

No. 337203

File: 1729029443308.jpeg (1.81 MB, 3024x3377, IMG_6736.jpeg)

He was on a 3 minute segment where he was talking about how it's important children under 16 are allowed to change their gender at school on the national news. I was shocked when I saw him I immediately posted sorry for not saging the first post he shocked me though

No. 337205

Okay sorry I'm not helpful okay I am in the middle of nowhere and it took me 10 minutes to get the necessary cellular data to upload the post sorry again I was just shocked

No. 337206

Let us know if Jill shows up at all. I wonder if that's why he locked his twitter, didn't want a load of people on conservative twitter coming after him.

No. 337207

lmao so THAT's why he privated huh

No. 337208

>adult man in a rainbow house with a famously age-regressing partner talking about how children should change their gender
god this comedy horror writes itself

No. 337209

I knew something was suspicious but figured it was just that he lost another Twitter argument to a minor. Nope, he’s probably rightly spooked that people who saw the segment are going to look him up and not just argue with him but also figure out his history of pedophilic tendencies where he encourages his gendie partners to LARP as and identify as little kids. He’s friends with a lolicon pedo too and invited that girl or some other weirdo over to roleplay being a kid at his and Jill’s pre-k roleplay house, right?

No. 337210

File: 1729029976286.jpeg (1.86 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_6724.jpeg)

Samefag it was on Global National evening news broadcast October 15th, around the 20 minute mark (this is with commercials, it was more precisely AFTER the midway point of the 30 minute program.)
Jill didn't show up, but it was filmed in their townhouse. It only lasted 3 minutes but I'm so high I was like "WTF" when his ugly inbred face popped up. The news segment was about a provincial election in NB, and how troons have made it all about them. I'm retarded I was so overcome by fright that I didn't even register half of what he said. But someone should be able to find the clip on the Global News app.

No. 337211

I'm not saying this lightly but he has weirdo groomer vibes written all over him. I don't get anons who whiteknight this ugly faggot, he's 100% a fucking weirdo.

No. 337213

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He posted something on twitter about this back in September. Louise replied with picrel. Didn't screenshot at the time. Lol, figures he's such a limp dick that he hides.

No. 337214

File: 1729030565351.jpeg (1.59 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_6723.jpeg)

Here he is with his gross chipped nails and his inbred Habsburg nose. The news anchor was asking about how in NB, there's a thing where if a child is below 16, teachers have to send a letter home to tell the parents about it, and he was saying it's a big deal and that children under 16 should be able to "come out" as trans without their family aware of it. He had an anecdote about how he came out below the age of 16. As what, I don't know. It's funny because the NB election is mostly focused on energy prices and cost of living, but the troons are trying to make this thing the main focal point.

No. 337215

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Samefag just wanted to add 1 last pic of his ugly face. He's ageing very poorly. He had an unhinged ghoulish energy to him in the segment. I felt bad for the news anchor. She had to go into the Rainbow cannabis dungeon.(nitpicking)

No. 337219

holy shit
i also got that vibe when the screenshots and audio log was posted of him DMing that precure minor on twitter talking like a total freak, gave me the ick. when i read the transcript a nona had wrote (before listening), i genuinely thought it was a parody. but low and behold when i listened to it, it was absolutely confirmed to me: he's a fucking creep.
absolutely 100% the reason. there was definitely something suspicious behind it

No. 337220

>>337215 I hope people look him up after this and see all the pedo stuff he is into. I hope his parents disown him.

No. 337221

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> Rainbow cannabis dungeon
youve perfectly described pixie’s lifestyle anon and the fact theres a strain of weed called rainbow lmfao, can this please be the title for the next thread

No. 337223

File: 1729033208374.png (280.73 KB, 720x626, 1000002638.png)

Yup which is why she's going to keep making these "video essays." Makes sense considering how poorly her other thrown at the wall see if it sticks videos have been doing. I do find it funny as hell she showed the analytics and it showed average viewer watched around 20 minutes of it. Picrel, it is the second video that pops up when you type in mlp video essay. I double checked. So she does have that going for her too.

No. 337224

>what the internet did to MLP?! video
>next to: pinkie pie has BPD and autism! video
It really says it all
Jfc. Has it been uploaded to YouTube yet?

No. 337226

I feel weirded out looking at Steven dressed in all black with chipped nails surrounded by cutesy rainbow stuff talking about a serious and controversial topic like this, especially one involving minors and their education. Seriously why was he chosen to be on TV? Couldn't they interview someone less snowflakey and more professional? How did they find him?
How much hate did he get even before the video premiered on TV? Or is anon's screenshot a rerun?

No. 337228

Crazy that self-admitted porn addict Stevie Clarke was on the news tonight. Sure hope nobody looks into his fiancée’s life.

No. 337231

OH FUCK NO. This guy is a freak. There is just no fucking way I forreal gagged when I noticed.

No. 337232

I know he doesn't have anything to do with the decoration and its entirely Jillian the one with that taste BUT this grossly reminds me of one time when a German self admitted pedo was interviewed in national tv and the contrast of him dressed like a grown office man with his house full of child toys and aesthetics. Just imagine watching the news and not knowing about jillian or that's his wife decoration, ill be absolutely creeped out with the preschooler looking background.

No. 337233

File: 1729043937501.jpeg (318.53 KB, 386x1806, IMG_3898.jpeg)

If Steve was smart he would delete his youtube since he admitted to be being a porn addict on there and with his history of picking age-regressed girlfriends it's easy to see that he's extra creepy and not your average porn-obsessed man.
Jill really has this trend of picking the ugliest guys to go out with and then whipping them so hard that they have to match her aesthetic.
The only one who didn't give off goblin vibes was Colin but he went the non-binary route. At least he didn't change his name to something stupid like Stevie for gender points. Too bad we don't know what Walker looked like.

No. 337234

It's actually quite strange how she uses them all like props.

No. 337236

Guys don't do much in the relationship usually, but when a girl dresses up in a jersey to match the guy, isn't she then the prop? These guys Jill picks at least seem to have fun matching. Most dudes are too chicken shit to even think outside of sweatpants and a wife beater tank.

No. 337237

dead bedroom confirmed by stevies fingernail length. sad

No. 337238

Yep, the clown-with-balloons decor contrasted with his gaunt, soulless look creates an overall vibe of disgusting creep. Perfect advocate for trans-ing children.

No. 337239

File: 1729051444202.mp4 (13.98 MB, 1280x720, 1000002641.mp4)

I just clipped his parts. Part 1

No. 337240

File: 1729051552001.mp4 (9.8 MB, 1280x720, 1000002642.mp4)

Part 2

No. 337242

Is this it? I want to see the whole thing.

No. 337243

I got it off of Global News' own website. Direct link: https://globalnews.ca/video/10813393/new-brunswick-election-lgbtq2-rights-on-the-ballot/

No. 337244

Wait isn't Steve's gender thing new? Since when did he come out as nonbinary at 16? What??

No. 337245

File: 1729059624584.jpg (795.73 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20241016-081328_Chr…)

Finally some good milk, on my birthday no less. Thank you nonna for the present!
>>337240 picrel is so fucking cringe lmao. I have a somewhat kaweewee aesthetic too but you wouldn't catch me dead letting journalists in my home to discuss Serious Business(tm). (Or at all, but that's beside the point.)
Also troons always making politics about them when there are more and more people who can't feed themselves/heat their homes in the winter in first world countries now. They'll never change.

No. 337246

Dang, their house actually executed the rainbow concept really poorly compared to many other homes which have been posted before. It isn’t usually as obvious in Jill’s pictures compared to this candid from the news

No. 337247

It's because she doesn't have any interior design skills. If you look at all her shelves and stuff, there's nothing besides dusty toys.
>Jill's interior design choices:
>Ice cream toy in vase
>Disco ball on vase
>Flower toy
>Fruit stack toy
>Big plastic toy cake
>Pink plastic mirror and rainbow picture.
>Pink clothes hanger toy
>Slices of cake toy
>Rainbow coloured backpack
>Giant Peep plushie with big hole in it
>MLP print-out on fridge
>Hollow plastic flamingo
>Cake plushie
>Flower plushie
>Pink plastic basket filled with toys

When you look at their home, it doesn't look like the home of a couple in their mid-20s. It looks like a child's playroom. It doesn't look homey at all to begin with. There's no pictures of family or friends on the walls, there's no unique souvenirs or art, it's all just toys. She's really stuck in this weird rainbow prison she's built around herself.

No. 337248

that looks like a child lives there, absolutely creepy

No. 337249

It's mind boggling and creepy as FUCK that two child free adults live there. I would not trust them with any kids.

No. 337250

That shot showing the creepy room has to be intentional

I'm sorry but there is no chance in hell this is a straight man.

No. 337251

He's too creepy to be a faggot but I bet he has questionable hentai recommendations.

No. 337252

They're consenting adults, how is it weird? Plus moids often using women as props so good for her

No. 337253

Kek stfu and stop whiteknighting.

No. 337254

It's bizarre because it's not 100% rainby, so instead of making you think that it's just some tacky decoration, it makes you feel like the place is ready to be disassembled after they get caught by the police.
It's just so half-assed, just like everything that Jillian does.

No. 337255

Happy birthday nonny!
>He had an anecdote about how he came out below the age of 16. As what, I don't know.
He came out as fucking what?? A hetero man? And he said he feel less safe holy shit

No. 337256

I'm assuming he meant he "came out" as a nonbeany, which makes his "I don't feel safe" bullshit hilarious because if anything he'd be attacked for looking like a homo and not because he has a retarded made up gendie identity. Except he's never been attacked like a majority of nonbinaries because they all look like pretentious hetero tumblrfaggots most of the time.

No. 337260

like most personality-challenged women, the idea of a relationship is more enticing than actually being in one for jill. a real relationship requires compromise, a few arguments, figureing out each others likes/dislikes and working around that, etc
ive seen jill do any of that. she acts like her bfs are gendie kweer ken dolls to dress up.

No. 337261

>I feel less safe
>Shows suburbia next scene
He's learned a thing or two about being a victim from Jill kek

No. 337263

Professional victim, Stevie Clarke, takes his first daring foray into politics. He'll do great as a snivelling, pathetic leftie. God, these two are perfect for each other.

No. 337264

I cannot believe that faggot who lives in a raiby groomer dungeon who is getting married to a BPDemon munchie who LARPs DID and autism and pretends to be a fucking BABY thinks he's doing literally any service at all to his retarded gendie cult political party. Like bro, you are exactly why nobody with a brain takes you freaks seriously. These people are hilarious and I wish Steebie was more active online because he is just as much of a cow as Jill is.

No. 337266

It’s crazy he’s also voting for the Canadian liberal party. Troons are super selfish because Canada is a mess due to mass immigration, housing crisis, high grocery bills and not forcing companies to have competition. Believe it or not with a conservative govt Canada was still giving away free bottom surgeries and trans healthcare. Before Trudeau came into power my tranny cousin got a free flight, limo ride and live in nurse under the conservative govt.

No. 337268

>It starts with a name, and then it snowballs
Does this retard not listen to what he's saying? That seems exactly why the bill is being proposed: parents should be informed of these escalating changes.

No. 337270

Stevie is exactly the reason people don't want kids changing gender at school. He looks like the kind of guy that gets publicly arrested for touching students.

No. 337275

the socks im crying

No. 337276

if fukin kills me how he sounded like a conservative without realizing it kek

No. 337279

It starts with a name.
Next thing you know you're living in a rainbow dungeon, sleeping in separate bedrooms with a girl who claims she is a toddler and several anime characters.
Probably pretty obvious what Stevie's parents are gonna vote for. He's a cautionary tale.

No. 337280

I forgot how gay and annoying his voice is.
That rainby house manned by Jill with a five year old living inside her doesn't help. He looks creepy and soulless enough on his own.

No. 337282

Considering he doesn't think he's a man because he paints his nails, he may as well be a conservative. I give him like 15 years before he pivots.

No. 337286

This is for the provincial election

He's saying that they're proposing restrictions on being able to choose your name as a first step towards more restrictions against trans people

You don't have to agree with anything he's saying, but at least use critical thinking skills lol

No. 337288

Who gives a fuck about trannies not being able to inject their horse piss hormones and pee in women's restrooms? Those aren't restrictions that's just common sense lol.(derailing)

No. 337290

>>337286 I agree, it would be easier to take these nonnies seriously if they used their brains instead of leaping because of their hate boners. When it comes from an actual educated standpoint, sure but it's rarely the case. They're just like Jill from the other side, just spewing fodder.(unintegrated retard)

No. 337292

Again, it isn't about whether or not you agree with what he's saying, but acting as if he's presenting conservative talking points because anons don't understand what he's saying makes them sound like the tards

No. 337293

>screenshots and audio log was posted of him
i follow the threads on and off so i've definitely not seen this, what thread?

No. 337294

>it would be easier to take these nonnies seriously if they used their brains instead of leaping because of their hate boners.
He's a porn addiction creep with pedo tendencies are we surprised anons hate him?

No. 337295

>They're just like Jill from the other side, just spewing fodder.
Bitch you can't be this tiktokfag-brained and be on the transphobic lolcow website, pick your battles.(derailing/infighting)

No. 337297

no…youre not getting it at all. dude got turned into a soundbite. the media always does this. thats why its fucking funny.
if only jill’s zooted ass made an appearance that wouldve taken the cake. man jill where were you hiding kek

No. 337298

Esl/autistic? Don’t worry! What anonna was saying is that the point he’s trying to make, that it starts with a name, is also a conservative stance. That just as he makes the excuse that it’s important because it’s part of a bigger positive goal (playing pretend) it can also be used by the conservative side to point out a negative goal; it starts with a name but leads to horse piss pills and healthy body parts being amputated needlessly. It’s difficult to understand in text so your best bet is to read everything with a little edge of sarcasm in this thread. Hope that clarified for you and other nonnies who were having trouble.

No. 337303

I kind of hope the conservatives win just so Steeb and Jill can seethe but realistically Jill would only make a few crying/skull emoji tweets then live in her rainby dungeon being gently daddy dommed by Steven the Porn Addict like usual because it's not like she's actually disabled and on disability and has anything to actually worry about aside from an unwanted pregnancy but let's be real it's probably been years since they last had sex so she's privileged in that regard as well.

No. 337306

It looks so dark, cluttered and musty in there read: weed despite living in a good house. At least I hope they cleaned beforehand
Jillian would read that as a compliment since she has an "age regressing alter"
>He came out as fucking what??
A porn addicted man

No. 337307

I wish these two really knew how it is to live in an unsafe place lmfao imagine having it so good that you think it is unsafe to walk outside because someone is using the wrong pronouns or being rude about your self assigned gender. Worst case scenario they just get ignored. Self victimization is a hell of a drug

No. 337308

Agreed, I've seen plenty of people online that like similar colors and kitch decorations as Jill and their houses never look as weird as Jillian's house does. Vidrel is an example and it's not my personal taste but it's way better executed. In any case, the shot must had been intentional. Something about it is unsettling, he looks out of place.

No. 337310

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Late reply but kek this exactly. She was never original to begin with, but nowadays she really is a dime a dozen. Example, someone already beat her to the "let's do a tour of my autistic pastel rainbow maximalist house" thing she has going on (couldn't embed the video because of some weird error, but for the curious: https://www.tiktok.com/@candy.courn/video/7361220179742772522 ). I don't know how people can still watch her if there's way more creators doing similar things out there.

No. 337311

One really has to wonder if Jill's hard pivot into mental jillness was a defense mechanism against being a worse version of so many women you can find online now. She reveled in being arguably the best looking alt fashion girl on that inbred hillbilly island and it's clear as day, but since she's become more and more terminally online with little interaction with the real world she's forced to see people who are leagues above her at her "thing". She's too stubborn to actually hone her skills, so she went for the next easiest thing to set her totally apart from other people in her sphere: munchie LARPing. Many of the people in this sphere are literal children or failures to launch, so Jill gets that quick narc high of being a longtime youtuber with a sort of dedicated fanbase.

No. 337315

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This exactly, the "it snowballs" phrase makes me specifically NOT want to support this ideology at all, because yes, it all starts like that and then it only ends up becoming whatever these two idiots are doing on national television of all places. Also, it's funny to see their house with absolutely zero color correction and the brightness turned all the way up.
Honestly not surprised he decided (out of so many similar snowflakey people) to be the one to talk about this self gratifiying shit (him being nothing but another spicy straight male with painted nails) because of how much he has always wined on Twitter about muh liberal politics lmao. Steven, the hero the people needed, the spokeperson for all liberal matters. He always had an aura of smugness when talking about politics online which has made Jillian's smugness even worse over time in my opinion.
These two really are made for each other. It's impressive how they both enable each other's self gratifying bullshit like this.

No. 337317

>I feel weirded out looking at Steven dressed in all black with chipped nails surrounded by cutesy rainbow stuff
I think his clothes are the last bit of "him" he can have left. He's been dressing all goth like for a while. It's a really stark contrast to Jill's kawaii rainbow hellhole. I think that's maybe why he still dresses so differently - it's a way to keep some individuality in the weird creepy codependency that they're stuck in. Everything else in his life is about Jill: the house, the friends, the decor, the issues. All he really has left to express himself is his clothing choices. It's interesting that even though Jill has said countless times that Steven likes to do those adult LEGO sets, there were no LEGO brick sets anywhere in the bottom half of the house, just random stupid 'cutesy' Dollarama toys. We know a lot about Steven from following Jill for so long - his interests include: sci-fi, gothish alt style, journalism, politics; but none of these are expressed in the house he lives in. If someone walked in, they'd know a lot about Jill and her personality based on what's around, but almost nothing about Steven. I think this could be an example of the narcissistic side of Jill: only her needs matter, only her interests matter, only her problems matter. Not only does she have to be the biggest victim, she has to be the only victim.

No. 337319

Trans and lgbtq+ flag spotted in the fridge, they're a straight couple

No. 337320

Jill and Steeb deserve to rot for their twisted little social clout catching high at the expense of actual gays. How gay, a fake bisexual woman disgusted by pussy and a pornsick man with a broken dick who thinks he's some magic gender anomaly because muh exotic cultures put feminine homos into drag and declared them not-men so ofc it's progressive. How suuuuper homosexual of them! I hope she gets copyright claimed on that sorry excuse for a "video essay" and loses her wedding money.

No. 337322

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Part of me thinks the "wearing all black" thing is either a form of rebellion against all the color and no space for him in that house, and the other part of me thinks this is Jillian's influence on him and maybe she wants him to be the "goth boy contrast" to her "colorful pastel kawaii" self. Like those people that dress like kuromi and mymelody for the same reason. His original style was pretty normie before Jill and the all black clothes make him look creepier than he has ever looked before. Or maybe he's trying to larp as some type of gendie Steve Jobs, who knows.

No. 337324

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He really did, because gender ideology is sexism 2.0 but make it liberal. The snowball shit really is something you would expect some conservative guy to say. "it all starts with a name change, then they take hormones and end up killing themselves!" Is what Steven sounds like.
His creepy stare says it all. What's up with that vase decoration though kek
Just want to say that comparing him to this picture right here >>337315 he really looks so unhealthy and so far gone, the transformation is so strange to witness.

No. 337326

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Posting the full clip for the sake of context and posterity.
I'm trying really hard to see Jill's house with fresh eyes because I'm so used to it, in order to experience some kind of shock that a normal viewer would experience watching this for the first time. So far it's not a good look, especially with all the kid's toys, flags and the pony drawing in the fridge.

No. 337327

Yeah, life's so fucking hard for you, Stevie, the world is so fucking cruel and unsafe for you. The sad thing is that you are too fucking precious, safe, spoiled, and privileged to even have an ounce of awareness about how utterly puerile and stupid you sound. You should be ashamed of yourself for making claims like "I definitely feel unsafe" and with such self satisfied smugness. You pathetic fucking swine.

No. 337328

It shows what sheltered retards they truly are.
>He came out as fucking what??
>A porn addicted man
Lmao, perfect response
>Self victimization is a hell of a drug
It really is
Did Jill make his necklace?

No. 337329

Holy shit, this looks like a household with kids. No wonder he privated his account, this just makes him look like the typical troon groomer normies whisper about. Does anyone think the news crew knew he doesn’t have kids or did they think he is and they were trying to sell the “he’s so wholesome and a family man”? They probably didn’t put a lot of thought into this shot but holy shit, the optics aren’t good.

No. 337331

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I love when he briefly comes back online for a week or so and she tries so hard to get his attention. He’s always trying to avoid her and seemed uncomfortable when she was Skyping him for some fan thing

No. 337332

What exactly did he add? Did they plan to just use him as fodder? They can't possibly think he adds anything of value to this conversation. One thing I know is Jill will ride this for a while. "we're so important and unsaved that the news interviews us!!! See?? See!!!? SO IMPORTANT!!"

No. 337333

I think that they had filmed a longer segment with him, but they were unable to use a lot of the footage for some reason. I think this because: A) the news crew came into the house, instead of just filming on the front step on the sunny day, B) the news anchor had her shoes off, which tells me that when she entered she planned to be inside for a while, and C) it looks like Steven had more to say, but he was clipped by the edit. I think perhaps the news team planned for a longer segment with him, but some of the things he was saying were too controversial or too retarded to air on TV.

No. 337336

yes, it happens alll the time on the news, cutting footage, picking the most soundbite moment and twisting words. and it makes me really fucking wonder why they thought this was a good idea at all kek. you would think with jills youtube experience she would at least have some foresight.
did they speak with both and decided stevie was the most normal of the two? because jill doesnt go outside as we know, unless she went to her mom’s kek

No. 337339

I feel bad for the woman taking off her shoes because that floor is usually very dirty. I wonder if taking off their shoes is a rule that Jill implemented, and why wouldn't she provide others with slippers if that's the case.
Yes, just because a film crew may interview a person for long enough, it doesn't mean they're going to show the whole interview on tv, considering how limited time on air is, segments have to be short. They're not celebrities and they weren't filming a personal documentary, it was a simple interview for tv, I doubt they would show any more than they already did inside that segment, but it does leave me curious.

No. 337340

Taking off your shoes inside is pretty standard in Canada but yes Jill and Steeb need to clean the floors more

No. 337341

>he’s probably rightly spooked that people who saw the segment are going to look him up and not just argue with him but also figure out his history of pedophilic tendencies where he encourages his gendie partners to LARP as and identify as little kids.
Exactly this. He knows fully well it would make him look bad so he's hiding.
Me too nona. I thought he was just "kinda weird" but every time we see something more from him it becomes clear just how incredibly creepy he is. Not saying this to take any blame away from Jill… buuut it's no wonder Jill became truly insane with her DID, weed, gained weight, autism etc only after meeting him. I don't even like Jill but I feel like she should get out of that relationship as soon as possible for her own safety.

No. 337342

It's kind of insane to me that Steve used Jill's house and her rainbow aesthetic and posed as if it's his own style and taste, as if to say that it comes from his "queer gender" taste. If he was left to his own devices it would be a normal basic minimalist male-typical house, paired with him looking like a normal man. Unless he's like the pedos nona mentioned who surrounds themselves with toys for their fetish. Jill's aesthetic rainbow house gives him queer credibility (at the very least it makes people think he must be gay for liking rainbows) even though it's got literally nothing to do with him.

No. 337350

wasn't Jill already making videos about anorexia, BPD and self harm before dating him? He's definitely a pedo porn addict and his enabling doesn't help but it's not like she was normal before dating him

No. 337353

In Canada everyone takes off their shoes in someone's house and I've never even heard of someone providing slippers, yet alone been offered such a thing. Cultural difference/it doesn't mean anything.

No. 337354

its really not insane to think hes not gonna go into specifics in regards to the house decorations for a news segment.

No. 337356

What is going on in this thread lately. No one’s saying he should? They’re pointing out that he didn’t have to let them film inside. That it was a choice he and/or the crew made for whatever reason. The other women was interview outside for her sound bites if that makes it easier for you to understand why some nonnas are amused he decided to let them film in the rainbow weed dungeon.

No. 337358

It's not that unusual for new stations to interview people inside of their houses, its easier for the camera crew to control the sound and lighting inside of a house. Tbh i think him doing the interview inside of the rainbow hellhole makes him less credible to anyone with a half working brain. He's dressed like a fairly normal scrote, hair cut, all black, but standing around what looks like a daycare center. It's creepy , because you can tell he's not into any of it, and it makes you wonder if he's got a weird secret fetish. And then he goes on to talk about how minors should be able to socially transition without it being reported to their parents. Predatory. I bet he said even more shady stuff about how kids should be able to fully transition without their parents knowledge and it got cut out in post because the situation was just too damn weird. Also, i hope they at least cleaned up the cat piss and opened up a window before letting the crew in. Looks like one of those houses that has a "smell" that gets into your clothes if you stay too long.

No. 337359

lmaooooo looking like a straight up pedophile in the rainby house! A perfect illustration of the demented childless troon weirdo talking about kids. What an absolute fucking freak.

No. 337360

Like >>337356 said it's not about the news people not interviewing the creepy pedo looking guy about his house full of toys, it's about the fact that Steve is using Jill's aesthetic to make himself look more queer/trans.

I'm guessing Steve himself submitted a pic of him in the house saying "hey I'm a trans person in a queer relationship! Look at my super queer looking house, if you ever need someone to talk about troonshit i'm right here!!!". He thinks of himself as an intellectual with authority as a queer person despite being a straight white man in a straight white relationship (much like how Jill has openly called herself an autism spokesperson without having autism) so he alerted them to his existence and willingness to participate in queer/trans segments. The news people could then choose to show him either because they are hyper woke and go "yaaass queer house, let's go with that guy" or they could be secretly gc and think "look at this creep, let's use him to show what they're really like". Given that it's Canada they probably genuinely think showing a rainbow house is a good idea that helps troons, not realizing he literally looks like a pedo stereotype.

No. 337361

>He thinks of himself as an intellectual with authority as a queer person despite being a straight white man in a straight white relationship
What does him being white have to do with him being a heterosexual gender kweer coomer? If they were black would they be more "queer"? Kek

No. 337363

Tbh, it's because to twitterfags and people like Jillian and steeb, being white takes away an oppression point from your oppression points card, that's why the lgbqwerty group also has lots of slogans that are race related, like how the average tranny says shit like "um, what about the BLACK trans people??" Because they're as racist as the people they supposedly hate.
I'm amazed by how Jillian or even steeb haven't tried to claim being of some obscure ethnic group.

No. 337364

I think that there's a discreet Pixielocks hate group on Twitter composed of 14-16 year old Precure fans. Sometimes when things on Twitter happen (like when Steven send those weird audio message to that young girl, or now when Steven privated his Twitter) they lurk here to get the scoop or be extra controversial in their posts. I think it'd explain some of the Twitter retardation that pops up in this thread sometimes (like the annoying "queer" rhetoric) and their general inability to read.
This is Steven's second time on a national news segment AFAIK, his first was when he was a journalism student in university. It's interesting to witness the physical change he's underwent between the time of these two interviews. I think he might be selected over other interview candidates because he has former history being interviewed and because he has a bachelors in journalism.
NTYART but I agree with you, Jill really isn't the "victim" in this relationship. I don't think either of them can be described that way. I think they're both stupid immature losers that enable the worst in each other. They both have such low self-esteem and it's palpable in everything we see from either of them. It's frustrating when anons pretend that it's 100% Jill's fault or 100% Steven's fault because they're both to blame for the stupid stuff they do.

No. 337365

kek wat, the question is not where they should film. the question why did steve/jill agree to this at all in the first fucking place. as everyone has said and described, it looks bad no matter what spin the news puts on this. he looks like a weirdo, a maladjusted adult, creep that has no business near children, whatever. eccentric is not even a word that comes to mind. it was gonna look bad no matter what steve says. steve/jill had played hard.
> using Jill's aesthetic
then why the hell didn’t jill speak instead of him. oh right between the two of them, jill is a social retard. i very much doubt this was solely his plan, we know how overbearing jill is about decisions. thats weird phrasing altogether.
oh well milk for us lmao. this couple spends so much time online rotting their brain they forgot how they look to normal people.

No. 337366

Why does he dress like a gay waiter

No. 337368

It's such a bizarre choice for the broadcasters to use him and that other woman to interview. They have no stake in the proposed law, other than being "genderqueer" or whatever. It literally doesn't impact them. They're not students, parents, or teachers. Those are the people who should be featured, not these narcissistic NBs making every issue about how they're so scared to exist in such a transphobic world. Please.
Kek my sides!

No. 337369

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No. 337370

I didn't know he had a journalism degree. Journalism students and journalists are some of the worst people in the world. They're always midwits who unironically believe they're the good guys fighting desperately for whatever retarded belief system got shilled to them as a teenager. Explains a lot about him.

Fun fact, when you see "experts" quoted in media, they are not picked because they are the best or most respected expert or anything like that. There are simply sites where you can sign up and say you are an expert of whatever and willing to be interviewed by the media. Steve, being a journalism student and being aware of this, probably signed up to one of these sites as an expert Queer Guy or DID tardsitter or whatever the fuck and that's why he gets picked. This is also why you can't trust media experts, they are the fame hungry ones that want to play the game, not whoever is really trustworthy and professional.

No. 337371

Kekkkk blocked anons rejoice.

No. 337373

This is true, Jill and Steven make each other worse. If they both dated half rational people they'd both be more normal adjacent than they are now. Steven encourages and feeds into Jills fuckery in the most unhealthy way. And since Jill is so self centered, as long as Steven is still her yes man, she won't tell him to repaint his grody nails for the TV interview or tell him the commie larp is cringe.

No. 337375

>his first was when he was a journalism student in university
Is there a video of this?

No. 337376

off topic but thank you for this tidbit of info. ill remember this every time I read a news article

No. 337378

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We already know that Steve has pedo fetishes. Almost all trannies do. It's vile af that he talks about feeling 'unsafe" considering how so many troons want to rape little girls and have. Extra gross considering how Jill likes to larp as a CSA victim.

No. 337379

Weirdly, Jill isn't talking about the news segment at all. It's not like her to keep something like this quiet when the illusion of grandeur and dopamine hit would make her manic. Either Steve asked her not to post about it because he doesn't want the internet finding all the creepy stuff he is into, or she is jealous and dismissive about it like she is when her mom brought up cancer (only JILL can be the center of attention).

No. 337380

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No. 337381

>What does him being white have to do with him being a heterosexual gender kweer coomer?
Obviously to a normal person nothing, but it's part of woke culture that "straight white cis man" is the root of all evil. Steve is the literal "bad person" stereotype of his own ideology, while he's pretending he is instead in the most oppressed group.
Remember how Jill said she would highlight oppressed black creators, when did she last do that kek

No. 337382

Isn’t it hetero cis white women now? Since they’re capable of committing genocide with words. The real root of Jill’s DID larp.

No. 337384

She wasn't part of it and doesn't care about anything but herself
>Fun fact, when you see "experts" quoted in media, they are not picked because they are the best or most respected expert or anything like that. There are simply sites where you can sign up and say you are an expert of whatever and willing to be interviewed by the media.
What kind of sites are that? Never heard of that before, do you have a name? Steven having studied journalism makes a lot of sense now in the way he expresses himself. Didn't he work at Roblox some time ago though?

No. 337386

Lurk moar. But here's the link: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/prince-edward-island/phone-book-students-journalism-holland-college-1.3853688

It would be good to get a masterpost of what we know about Stephen. He's pretty weird and he gets brought up often enough that it'd be good to compile all the stupid shit he's done since getting together with Jill.(this is an imageboard. post caps)

No. 337390

>i was probably gonna go anyway
Jesus stop lying. You have no friends and tweet every thought to your 2 profiles. You make post after post about yourself to get a few pity likes. You will never leave twitter. It's all you have. Fuck stebie but he legitimately didn't use it and has a job and doesn't care. Of course this vapid womanchild couldn't wait to one-up him like she does to everyone she "loves"

No. 337398

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He looks so… much more normal than usual

No. 337399

I am assuming this is pre-Jill Steven. So he probably was more normal or as normal as a porn addict can be

No. 337402

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He was a decently attractive moid but jill just had to mold him into being Collin and now he's 26 and has no idea who he is. In >>337315 it just seems like a teenager trying to prove he's not into unicorns (or jillians barbie fantasy) anymore

No. 337403

>he's 26 and has no idea who he is
So he's a grown ass adult, what's with this infantilization? He's willingly choosing to be with a womanchild who has no power over him, he's not her victim

No. 337404

>He was a decently attractive moid
nonna… seek help.

No. 337406

it's crazy seeing her without the extra weight

No. 337407

The crazy part is people still used to (rightfully) call her chubby and fat back then. If this Jill saw her current self.. kek. Usually women really come into themselves at 26 and "peak" in their 30s. Jill's one of those women who "peaked" in highschool. Yikes.

No. 337408

(bones rattling)

No. 337409

Nta but she's definitely midsized here, she's not fat in that picture but her physique is obviously from her meat & potatoes & macky cheese diet. She's squat as fuck too, she would honestly get a killer body if she started lifting and doing regular cardio but she's got a fatty land whale soul so ofc that will never happen.

No. 337413

All he did was hit the wall that had extra thick degenerate paint.

No. 337414

I kinda wonder if she's his victim in a way. I think the DID shit is all his doing.

No. 337415

Jill's been overweight since she got out of highschool, she's just obese now because she's gluttonous and lazy.

Imo neither of them are "victims". They just bring out the worst in each other because individually they're both selfish assholes. Jill got the DiD idea on her own, for her its just another niche community for her to flex her expertise in. She's had this same pattern her whole internet career. She sees something she considers interesting and decides she must be the grand authority on it. It'd just be harder for her to be outted as a DiD faker because they're basically all DiD fakers. Notice how in the whole two or so years she's been larping DiD, none of her alters have caused her actual problems? Not even something as simple as getting a tattoo that doesn't match the pixielocks aesthetic. She's not got any furniture or knick knacks alters like Jerrick and Jax would like, she only buys nostalgia kids toys from when Jill was growing up, not toys that a 6 year old in 2024 would want, etc. it's all just a ploy for attention she would have done without Steven's influence. If Steven actually gave a shit about her mental health, though, he'd tell her to knock it off like Louise has been subtly trying to. He's fine with her destroying herself because it makes it easier for him to be a creepy little weirdo i personally suspect he's cheating on her

No. 337419

She looked chubby back then because Miss 20in waist would buy clothes that was too small for her or unflattering. It didn’t help with the copious amounts of photoshop that created a huge contrast to what she really looked like.

No. 337420

> i personally suspect he's cheating on her
This would produce gallons and gallons of milk part of me kind of wishes kek. I do have to admit that the one video where he focuses on the girl sitting next to Jill and doesn't give Jill a second glance is so strange. Plus it's kind of iffy that Jill stopped having friends over or really hanging out with friends. Part of me wonders if Steebie's "former" porn addiction bothers her somewhat and she's kind of insecure about it.

No. 337421

Let’s be real, if he was cheating on her they’d just change their spicy straightness to include being poly.

No. 337422

Not "knowing who you are" can happen at any age, particularly in your 20s. I'd say that your 20s is a very "not knowing who you are" period because not everything is figured out immediately, but alas, I don't care about Steven but living with Jillian also doesn't help his case because she herself doesn't know what she wants and changes who she is at every opportunity. Both of them are inestable and going with the flow in a skewed way, of course they would lose all sense of themselves. They simply made the wrong choice at every turn so they have to live with each other in a miserable way as a consequence. They make each other worse.
>She's not got any furniture or knick knacks alters like Jerrick and Jax would like, she only buys nostalgia kids toys from when Jill was growing up
I wish she recognized that the Jax, Jerrick, and even the Berry thing were just fads and that she was simply being angsty and longing for another time. Then she would had recognized that yes, during the pandemic everyone was thinking about better times and reconnected with old hobbies like pastimes. She's really back to her usual kawiwi aesthetic self and nothing of importance was either gained or lost.

No. 337453

File: 1729380579151.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1136x1693, IMG_3912.jpeg)

Caps from stream:
> Going with Sof to a halloween thing tommorrow as 2008 mlps that she tweeted (calls Sof Magical)
> Jill is going as Scootaloo and her outfit is pieces from her closet/thrfited that she's layering
> Wanted to thrift her other halloween costume and do the ethical thing but says she'll probably have to spend 40 dollars on ebay
> Made the butterfly pendant necklace out of clay, rhinestones, uv resin, and beads from stuff she had around the house.
> Has been anti-orange her whole life but mlp is opening up her mind to other color palettes and "it's slay because she (Scootaloo) lives with her canon lesbian aunt."
> Drafts her flower facing on stream

I was too lazy to cap the rest of the stream I doubt that anything interesting happened. The closet cosplay would be fine if that pink lingerie wasn't over it and if the dress was as bright as the cardigan. Putting lingerie over an outfit for a character from a children's franchise is a choice. if she really wanted light pink that badly she could've used light pink shoes or just the belt.

No. 337455

Her "necklace" looks like a huge turd. She's such a retarded dumb ass. It's clay, it's not rocket science. Making clay jewellery is so incredibly easy I don't know how she managed to fuck it up and make it look so ugly and trashy. I wouldn't care if she didn't spend the last 3 years talking about how she's gonna launch her own clothing brand featuring custom jewellery. Everything about her is so amateur but she presents everything like it's some great accomplishment and wants everyone to pat her big greasy back for it.

No. 337456

>Putting lingerie over an outfit for a character from a children's franchise is a choice.
This is such a reach because that nightie is kind of frumpy and I just thought it was a short dress until I read this part of your comment. I really doubt anyone will spare two glances at her for that.

No. 337457

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I’m so confused because Jill literally types like every other zoomie out there.

No. 337458

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Views on mlp video
At least she's getting out of the house. Not a fan of that necklace she made.

No. 337462

I bet a lot of people are clicking on it because of how hideous she looks in the thumbnail

No. 337465

Continuation of stream caps:
> wants to do a Rarity drag cosplay
> tomorrow's video will be a hair transformation and talking about trichotillamania
> has wedding content planned and wants to hunker down on fpf
> wants to organize her channel better
> won't shut up about the pinkie pie video and is happy that it hit 50k
> gained 1k subs and is happy that people are so nice in the comments
> she pulls out the green version of her prom dress fabric and says that mentions that she went to two proms because she had two different boyfriends and liked her look and makeup for the first prom better (the short pink hair and puffy dress picture with tristian maybe) but says that she made her dress and was proud of it but hated her hair bc she didn't do it and thinks she wants to make do her hair and makeup for the wedding. Says her prom dress was rectangular, lacked volume, and wasn't good.

No. 337466

> Made the butterfly pendant necklace out of clay, rhinestones, uv resin, and beads from stuff she had around the house.

My god the Chris chan tier autism saga is incoming.

No. 337467

>weirdo groomer vibes
Remember when he personally dm'd some young person Jill had beef with and even went so far as to record a voicenote to this stranger

No. 337468

>shot of kids playing in a playground
>cut to creepy looking adult man in colourful home
Subtle work, editor, I like it
They would definitely have filmed a long segment and then clipped whatever part made a good soundbite, I know from that groomer voicenote that he blathers on about nothing a lot so there probably wasn't much more of note

No. 337469

>tomorrow's video will be a hair transformation and talking about trichotillomania
Kek, this ought to be good. I might actually read the transcripts this time.
>won't shut up about the pinkie pie video and is happy that it hit 50k
It's been awhile since she hit that number. She'll be tooting her own horn for a bit. Smug Jill is the funniest to me.

No. 337471

this isn't the worst outfit tbh. maybe i'm biased because i love orange and pink together. or maybe it's because it's not her usual style. doesn't really look like it's gonna fit her though.

No. 337473

Why do all of her clothes look so fucking dingy? Does she not know how to use a washing machine after 5 years of living on her own, as a ~fashion designer~? Would it kill her to splash a little hydrogen peroxide on her rainbow colored clothes on occasion? Or is she just too retarded to figure out flattering lighting after 5 years of living in the rainbow dungeon and like 10 years of being a YouTuber? Jill is one of my favorite cows because like shayna, she can't do anything right.

No. 337475

I agree and I don't think the necklace is that bad considering it's just a halloween costume. I think it won't look as good once she puts it on though because she always makes things look weird and frumpy or she fucks up her makeup somehow. I also love the orange and pink combination, it's very 2000s barbie chic to me and I don't get why she would hate it. Her disdain for the color orange explains why she doesn't have an orange alter though, since Amber is also represented with yellow.
Yeah that layering stuff was a trend in jfashion years ago and I remember normies doing it too.

No. 337476

It's because she has shit lighting and compensates for it by blasting up the vid brightness on youtube.
Apparently she can't do that on stream. You can see it in the news segment as well, they have an open plan first floor, but it looks like a dingy troll cave. It's the same with her pics. Like no wonder she can't match colours, for some reason her house is just a dim mess, her not ever cleaning notwithstanding.

No. 337490

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No. 337493

She should never commit to a schedule or announce release dates. She can't make these deadlines, even if they're pathetically easy because she has nothinge else going on.

No. 337494

File: 1729468036703.png (1.07 MB, 1414x556, transformation.png)

Why redtext kek the caps have been posted 10 times before and it was a spoonfeed request.

Anyway, here's a better graphic of Stephen's slow descent into cannabis-induced idiocy.(take it to /meta/)

No. 337495

yes she does anon. yes she does have something going on: twitter-rotting activities, watching kids anime/cartoons, and weed.

No. 337499

I was going to say i don't understand why a YouTuber and a Fashion designer wouldn't invest in proper lighting, but i remembered she's a lazy stoner who's probably blazed 24/7. Bright lights are probably too much for her delicate little eyes, since she can't put aside 3-4 hours a day to be sober and film. I smoke too but her biggest problem that gets in the way of everything is weed.

I wonder what her beef with the color orange is? I understand normal people don't like every color, but Jill made her brand rainbows. This has potential to be a cute costume but I'm sure it will look a frumpy mess on Jill, because she's frumpy and tacky at her core.

No. 337500

>I wonder what her beef with the color orange is?
Her beef is probably that she can't think of ways to make it kawiwi, because her brain is the size of a peanut and she lacks creativity

No. 337501

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No. 337502

>states in her public MLP video that she doesn’t know for sure if she has autism and isn’t diagnosed so she can’t speak as an authority on it
>posts right after stating that she has autism

No. 337503

How is she still pretending she's a drag artist it's been a year

No. 337505

> Isn't autistic
> Faking DID
> Barely cosplays
> Did one objectively terrible drag performance

Never change, Jillian.

No. 337506

So that confirms these things are her main interests now huh. Depressing

No. 337507

Interesting how she had a long list of "special interests" a while back yet they aren't to be seen on this one huh

No. 337512

She thinkg the MLP shit looks make her look more autistic but it makes it more obvious shes grifting. There are caps of the past 7 years ffs. In her old blogspot, her moms photography shit, her old website intro, her old tumblr, her old facebook, her old youtube vids her old deviantart etc she's never fangirled about mlp this much. Her "huge special interest" starts just when mlp shit gets popular on social media again.

No. 337514

Yep, every autism faker just calls their newest hobby their special interest. At least Precure would be more believable but Jill is such a bippie moron she has to fling herself at MLP and claim it’s her whole identity and that she’s always loved it so much that it consumes her life, even though we all know she barely cared about it, didn’t avidly collect vintage ponies, and hadn’t even seen famous early FIM episodes until very recently.
Jill is also just a consumer with passive media and shopping based hobbies because she’s a lazy unemployed stoner fuck. A huge portion of young people got similar preoccupations over the pandemic due to the same isolation day in and day out and reliance on technology to form their identities.

No. 337515

Sage for non contribution. Found it quite amusing at the 1:30 mark, you'd think a wall like that lined up with all those MLP toys would catch Jill's attention. Kek, not even a glance or a comment in the voice over. So much for muh special interest.

No. 337516

God i miss those times kek i never thought she’d be a bpd munchie in the future

No. 337517

she was faking anorexia during these times too, anon. never forget her awful shoop.

No. 337518

I remember she was hinting at MH being a new “special interest” before deciding on MLP

No. 337519

This made my skin crawl but on further inspection he exudes the same level of creep in all pictures.

No. 337520

He went from porn addicted male creep to genderqueer male zoomer creep

No. 337522

Right. What happened to Strawberry Shortcake, Crayola, and Bluey? She hasn't mentioned these things in months.

No. 337526

I'm sure she still likes them. Most fans of things don't go postal for every thing all at once, you can focus on one interest at a time.

No. 337527

Yeah, no shit. The issue is she claimed those were autistic special interests. That's a different thing from casually liking something and moving on.

No. 337528

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In what world does this say horse. Especially a tomboyish character like scootaloo?

No. 337529

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So much shoop too. I know there are a lot of fart lovers in this thread but she looks like dollar tree Emilia fart.

No. 337530

It might be the posing and lighting and shooping, but honestly I don't hate this? Nothing about this says MLP, much less Scootaloo, but it's cute and more creative than anything she's done in a long while.

No. 337533

it's not even cute. plus she's failing at the thing she's trying to do with it, which is make a casual inspired cosplay. it looks like a bunch of jfash styles threw up on her.

No. 337534

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This is the pony?? I thought it would have a flower band but… why the flowers?

No. 337535

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NTA but I think she was going for an older generation character with the same name. She's holding a G3 pony, picrel is G3 scootaloo.

No. 337539

File: 1729537691452.jpg (196.84 KB, 1000x1000, kotobukiya-my-little-pony-bish…)

without the pony you wouldn't even understand this is a closet cosplay. picrel is the bishoujo figure series of mlp:fim. couldn't they at least draw some inspiration from them? personaly i'd have made the butterfly into a headband at least, so it could be seen better.

No. 337540

File: 1729538063527.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1170x2119, IMG_5798.jpeg)

not milk but very funny reaction from a real MLP fan to jills video

No. 337542

File: 1729538280229.jpeg (214.8 KB, 1314x1966, IMG_3723.jpeg)

Sof’s been buck broken by Jill into being a cosplay accessory. Every time nonnas mention Jill being a friendless loser she dangles sof in front of us. Kek

No. 337543

The headpiece makes her look even more special needs

No. 337545

It's not a FIM closet cosplay though, it's a g3 one.

No. 337546

Don't say that, it's a compliment for her.
She has different shoes in the pictures, just pointing that out because it seems a bit weird to me.

No. 337547

I mean thats a normal reaction to jills bullshit, mlp fan or no. to go into talking about a fictional chracter's mental state is fucking weird altogether, and just pathetic since jill is obviously projecting

No. 337548

Wow, i knew she'd make this into a frumpy dingy mess. Orange parachute pants would have worked better for one, but fashion designer Jill knows best.

No. 337551

>In what world does this say horse.
Her hideous horseface is an asset for this costume choice.
She should have kept on the shoes she had on in the first pic instead of switching to her 5+ year old smelly yellowed-with-time jelly shoes. It's so gross that she's kept so many cat-chewed disfigured grungy old shoes for nearly a decade.
>very time nonnas mention Jill being a friendless loser she dangles sof in front of us. Kek
The funniest part is Sof was the one posting in these threads shit talking her and providing milk. It's a testament to Jill's character: that she has such low self-esteem that she chose to remain "best friends" with Sof after all that.
She ends up always looking frumpy because she doesn't know how to take care of her clothes. Sof looks really well-dressed in comparison to Jill from just ironing her garments and making sure they fit well. Jill looks like she woke up and just put on a bunch of random clothes that were piled up on the floor, and none of her clothes really seem to fit her appropriately. It doesn't make sense either because she went through a college crafting course, she should know how to modify garments to fit her body and compliment her body type.

No. 337553


>The funniest part is Sof was the one posting in these threads shit talking her and providing milk. It's a testament to Jill's character: that she has such low self-esteem that she chose to remain "best friends" with Sof after all that.

Yeah, also says a lot about how Jill will tolerate literal traitors and people who can barely hide how much they can't stand her (Steven ignoring her for the other girl in that one vlog told me all i need to know about their dynamic) all because they kiss her ass and go along with her bullshit. Sof probably grovelled and lied her way back into Jill's good graces but i doubt she left the farms. Hopefully she'll be less retarded this go around. Jill's surrounded by fake people because she's fake as fuck herself.

>She should have kept on the shoes she had on in the first pic instead of switching to her 5+ year old smelly yellowed-with-time jelly shoes

The first pair looks like they might have been too big for her to walk around comfortablely. I can't tell if they have a slight heel or not but something tells me Jill decided for whatever reason they weren't comfortable enough at the last minute.

No. 337554

Does anyone know the thread Sof was revealed in off the top of their head? Otherwise I'll dig. I think it should be marked in future threads since it's referenced so often.

No. 337557

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I wish I could see her weekly bill at the dispensary

No. 337559

Seeing her with darker hair and eyebrows is such an improvement, she looks very good with dark colors and different from her usual retardation. The outfit is meh, just wearing the dress and cardigan without the camisole on top would had looked better but I like the color palette. I hate those socks and those shoes, eugh. Wish she had opted for something else. The flower is alright, cute for a halloween outfit I guess.

No. 337560

Finally! We have some fucking sandwich at last!

No. 337561

>I’m literally pinkie pie, embodiment of joy and energy!
>btw weed does NOT make me high, it makes me NORMAL
>posts every single day about how she can’t do anything because she’s “dissociating”

No. 337563

Mostly for the colors. She doesn't look like she shopped her body.

No. 337565

I simply have to laugh. What is this bitch expecting after living off of weed and energy drinks and barely drinking water or getting her macros in a day? Is she really expecting to perform to the best of her abilities when she eats like fucking shit? Like WHAT is she expecting? Ugh by brain is soooooo sludgey, yeah bitch probably because you were up all night sucking on a bong.

No. 337566

all her problems are self inflicted, self diagnosed, and would be mildly inconvenient for anyone else

No. 337567

its so amusing how she thinks shes a victim of her brain, when shes really facing the consequences of her lifestyle choices.

No. 337568


>Ugh by brain is soooooo sludgey, yeah bitch probably because you were up all night sucking on a bong.

Lets be real, she probably typed this and hit send while hitting the bong.
> Why don't i want to do anything? Hits bong
>I'm sooo dissociatyy today

Rinse repeat.

No. 337570

Jill’s old boss was the ultimate cow tipper because she got her hooked on weed kek. Speaking of her old boss we haven’t had any sort of caps in a while.

No. 337571

stop using words you don't understand.

No. 337572

How is getting her hooked on weed cowtipping kek I doubt she decided to smoke Jill up to add drama to the threads on lolcow dot farm.

No. 337573

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Read the rules, newfag(report and move on)

No. 337574

I understand what you intended to say but cowtipping doesn't mean "someone that interacts with the cow in real life and makes their life worse" the ex boss was simply someone that Jillian decided to listen to, but the ex boss wasn't a farmer and it's not like she did this on purpose to entertain the thread. That's the difference. Cowtipping would be going up to Jillian and showing her screenshots of this thread on purpose to get a reaction out of her

No. 337575


You know, at this point i actually wouldn't be surprised to find out her former boss was a stealth farmer. Everyone Jill likes seems like the same brand of clout chasing crazy.(derailing)

No. 337576

That chick really does not seem like a nice person. She also really seems like the kind to keep friends that she has clear contempt for. I always got this vibe with how she talked to Jillian on social media. I have no doubt that she's lurking at the very least. She just seems like the type.(derailing)

No. 337578

yeah no still retarded to say its cowtipping.

No. 337587

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No. 337589

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last year

No. 337590

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2024 picture

No. 337592

File: 1729736889218.png (179.71 KB, 720x1067, IMG_20241023_202247.png)

pinkie pie video got claimed again

No. 337593

File: 1729736955443.png (246.3 KB, 720x969, IMG_20241023_202302.png)

I don't think she's ever portrayed BPD in a good positive light like, at all

No. 337594

Stevie's haircut looks SO BAD

No. 337595

Oh you know last years photo was rough on her self esteem cause this year she's angled the photo from below instead of forward, is literally leaning like a ballerina instead of standing forward like the first pic and actually did her hair for once in 4 years.
Saying "you got hotter" makes it even more obvious she was planning this retarded photoshoot for weeks in between bongs and never going out

No. 337596

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No. 337597

I was absolutely certain they were about to break up when they took this photo. So, I'll give them that.

No. 337598

She angled it, let her hair down (to not moo face herself again), wore baggy clothes that hide her body better and stretched out her neck to somewhat hide jowels

No. 337599

>I did not write this
Why did you have to clarify Jill? Anyone with eyes can tell you are responding to the comment. It feeds my theory half of the positive comments are from Jill herself to drive up engagement.

No. 337600

His haircut is a tragedy. He looks like a douchey Herman Munster. Also wear clean clothes ffs.

No. 337601

She means that she didn't write the response, it was automatically generated. Shes saying it's creepy how accurate it is to something she would actually say. This is a continuation of her talking about weird ai suggestions like >>337457

No. 337603

Hotter? Steve is giving a creepy smirk like usual but has that ugly broccoli boy haircut to now. At least Jill has her hair down and is wearing a nice outfit.

No. 337604

body language sperging but the difference in their kinesics between this year and the last year is remarkable, they seem stiff and unenthusiastic to be near each other this year despite literally getting engaged. almost posed like they’re in a magazine instead of in love and enjoying their time building a new tradition. their relationship is bizarre from an outsider perspective to say the least

No. 337605

Stevie looking like a 40-year old German techno-industrial musician

No. 337607

To be fair when you're her size that's how you hide it to look better so at least she's doing that "right".
Honestly never realized just how much wearing her hair up ages her in a bad way, she actually looks her real age for once in this photo. Though I guess it could all just be editing too

No. 337608

File: 1729772504446.jpeg (30.26 KB, 294x313, IMG_3937.jpeg)

"Sophia This is always a safe space to age regress"(non-contribution)

No. 337611

ntayrt but thank you because I was confused at first too. tbh I agree with Jill in this case, that is pretty disturbing. I wonder if it's eerily accurate like that for other Youtubers.

No. 337612

I wonder if this is a YouTube specifical ai or if it is a larger part of the ai Google has on their search engine, but revamped for things regarding YouTube. Either way, I have to agree like >>337611 that it's disturbing.

No. 337614

I think part of it is she’s been focused on proving that she lost a massive amount of weight, although she was only really a total blimp for a while, so there’s not much of a difference between the before and after, but in her mind she’s been really proud of how going on stimulants made her become thinner. So her whole pose is just about stretching her entire body out, arm outstretched and posing with the skirt, leg outstretched, trying to avoid double chin and everything. She’s not really thinking about him in the moment because she wanted a skinny looking picture versus the first one where she was just chilling in the moment and therefore looks worse.

No. 337615

I wish she gave her hair a break because it looks super unhealthy though

No. 337616

No. 337618

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No. 337622

The two toned split bangs look so dumb, just pick a color and do highlights Jill. Her hair would also do better if she did a keratine straightening thing rather than applying heat to it all the time.

No. 337624

File: 1729792264558.jpeg (536.91 KB, 1170x906, IMG_5351.jpeg)

Looks like she’s moving over to bluesky

No. 337626

> Says she has had a number of issues for her whole life and that she's been trying to grow her hair since 15.
> Used to say that she was trying to get her hair to grow out from the mohawk but it didn't want to grow past shoulder length for "a plethora" of reasons
> Trich is another part of her diagnoses and runs in her family. Started in 2nd grade, ripped out all of her eyelashes, plucked her eyebrows. In 7th grade she was having a dissociative episode and noticed that a chunk of her eyebrow was missing. Her dad says it happened to his brother.
> Pulling out her hair triggers her dopamine receptors and she does it every day. Has adapted it to remove hair where it needs to be removed.
> Wants to grow her hair and stop ripping the ends out after she was engaged. Her hair is lopsided because she's right handed. Heat styling, Hair dyeing, and Trich has caused her hair not to grow.
> Would like her curly hair if it wasn't at shoulder length because of shrinkage. Mentions Jerrick so he isn't dead.
> Says it too personal to mention talking to your therapist about trich on youtube. Needs to pick a hairdresser and it's hard bc autistic routines.

No. 337627

I'm fucking horrifed. the state of youtube holy shit
her makeup seems cake on, must be to hide the lack of sunlight, weed and shit diet

No. 337628

>At least Jill has her hair down and is wearing a nice outfit.
>a nice outfit.
Jill is wearing CLEAR jelly shoes that are so old and busted that they appear to be rat piss yellow. She's wearing a decade-old pink felt beret that's been flattened with age, with a overstretched machine-washed wool sweater. Her dress is the most hideous of it all. It looks like a curtain you'd find in a mobile home that hasn't been cleaned in 3 decades. It's wrinkled and she hasn't ironed it. It looks gaudy and offensive. I know she's lost some weight this year, but she's always dressing a size too big and her clothes always look baggy and frumpy as a result. None of this would matter if she didn't present herself as a fashion influencer working on launching her own line, or if it wasn't obvious that this post was supposed to be an epic clap-back at the haters and meant to prove everyone wrong about her. Besides her retarded fans, who would want to buy this woman's line if this is her sense of fashion? Compare her to others in her same caliber as an influencer, and she's always the least stylish and worst-dressed of the bunch.

No. 337629

Maybe her hair type just cannot handle the constant bleaching and heat tooling as to why it never seems to grow. Her split ends are screaming. Those extensions are going to yank out her hair even faster. The hair will reach a breaking point and then she'll justify the reason to tone down her hair styling in order to recover it once the length breaks to her ears.

No. 337630

She needs new shoes asap, all of them are busted as fuck. The jelly shoes are so gross and I hate seeing them every time.

No. 337631

Curly hair is very fragile and it’s crazy she hasn’t given up and went for wigs instead. She could shave her head and claim the wigs are a protective hairstyle.

No. 337632

So according to Jill she has a disorder that causes pulling out hair but in all the time she's posted on social media her eyebrows / eyelashes look completely fine? That seems awfully convenient for a compulsive disorder.

No. 337634

New video jillsplaining why she totally has trich? Lasted less than a month without mental illness content. Actually lasted a single vid cause the essay one is about how she totally has autism

No. 337635

She doesn't have trich she just needs an excuse to enable her continuation of destroying her own hair without facing judgment for doing it. She doesn't wanna hear about wearing a wig or giving up the rainby hairstyle to give her head a break.

No. 337636

Meanwhile Shoe0nhead is never seen without a wig. Kek

No. 337647

THIS! I hate the "my hair is bad cause thrich" she doesn't know the shame of having active thrich, as someone who had it for years is INFURIATING that she claim it in every video about her hair, she doesn't have any bald spot in her face or head. Even when I had it somewhat controlled, it was fairly noticeable. BUT NO she cannot have responsibility for anything! Not even her hair being destroyed for constant dyeing.

No. 337649

amen sister. with all of the debilitating illnesses she claims to have, you'd think that a disorder born from anxiety would be visible sometimes.
also people would comment way less on her hair if she would just stfu about it.

No. 337650

Who the hell is even commenting about her hair in the first place kek, this bitch is thinking up discourse to get performative anxious and "wise monk" about.

No. 337655

Maybe she meant lolcow

No. 337656

I don't know, it can fly under the radar. Some people rub their hair in an attempt to control the habit. Still, she should have some temporary bald spots.
>Wants to grow her hair and stop ripping the ends out
Oh ok, so she's not even pulling or rubbing where it can cause bald spots. What a nothingburger kek

No. 337657

I do remember a picture of her bald spots from some years ago. When it comes to pulling out her hair, I do tend to believe her, but I think she's overplaying it and making it bigger than what it is.

No. 337659

steve looks like one of those russian incels with what ever the fuck is on his head

No. 337661

>full time artist
lmao the only think she is full time is a stoner
but for real, when was the last time she made mobey from her "art" ?

No. 337663

Same, I believe her, it’s more just a matter of who the hell cares. She’s so up her own ass talking endlessly about the infinite woes of her onion of mental illnesses, but why should viewers care? People have their own problems. They want to watch fun videos about general topics, media, entertaining activities, travel, shopping. She even made the MLP essay all about herself, but people aren’t clicking on it because they’re enthralled by her super special tragic story, it’s because they want to watch a rant about a fun show while they eat lunch.

No. 337664

It's funny too because it just proves now NOT autistic she is. Jill doesn't care about any topic or have any reap interests other than herself.

No. 337665

Jill's autistic special interest is herself

No. 337666

File: 1729865391594.jpg (190.54 KB, 1080x1057, 1000108600.jpg)

I rest my case

No. 337667

God i live lolcow and how we just screenshot shit that provides such good evidence at the cows lying and scamming kek brilliant nonna!

No. 337668

I don't know why she insists on autism when autistic special interests are like some advanced and intense spergery that she clearly has never once exhibited in her entire life. Not trying to say it would be okay and less cowish but it would be way more understanding if she just LARPed ADHD and that was her main munchie LARP. Blogposting but all of the people with diagnosed ADHD that I have known get super into one subject and then discard it and go onto the next once the dopamine rush wears off. She's obviously just a retarded maladjusted normie but she's even dogshit at LARPing mental illness and developmental disorders. I think this is a giant sign of BPD malingering because this bitch can't even internet diagnose herself and her own behaviors correctly, she reads a list of symptoms and can half-relate to maybe 1 or 2 symptoms and then later warps her personality to fit into the other criteria for speshul SJW brownie points.

No. 337669

Why dies her hair look like a botched mullet? What did she do this time?

No. 337671

Idk she probably had bald spots from malnutrition and dying her hair every week. Because apparently when she was younger she used to dye her hair every week like Ramona flowers. Her words not mine.

No. 337673

File: 1729881159212.png (1.48 MB, 1190x1880, IMG_3807.png)

She’s got the Amanda Bynes mullet.

No. 337674

>now that I'm into ponies it's pony hair
Special interests don't work that way Jillian. If she keeps claiming pony autism the bronies will harass her into oblivion.

No. 337675

The hair around her hairline is fucked because she has it pulled into that ugly bun 90% of the time and the stress from that on her damaged bleached hair means it breaks easily, so it's shorter on the sides. She also has her bangs cut way too wide for her face, and they're all pushed back right now, giving the illusion of a mullet

No. 337676

I’ve never seen her have any bald spots just breakage. The closest she had to a bald spot was her “Mohawk” that was more of a faux hawk because it wasn’t even that short on the sides.
She insists on diy bleaching her own hair and frying the shit out of it instead of paying a professional and getting hair treatments by how over processed it is. People to trich resort to shaving their heads because of how many uneven bald patches are on her hair. The closest thing she does to having trich is putting on extensions that are literally tearing away at her weakass fried bleached follicles.
Doctors have already told her she does not have adhd. So that possibility of that larp was shot down instantly for her. I think she clings to autism because of people constantly lumping it with adhd and the common comorbidity they have with each other.

No. 337681


"hotter" lol, k cow.

No. 337682


where in NB are they living? I want to drive to their house. is it freddy, saint john, or moncton?(cowtipping)

No. 337684

Don't be fucking creepy, ew.
Please do lurk. It's on a thread from some years ago, maybe at the start of the pandemic or a bit before that but she was already living in the rainbow house.

No. 337685

To be honest I would believe the ADHD larp more than I do the autism larp. Maybe back then she got one of those doctors that only know how to diagnose ADHD in male kids and so it went off radar. There's no use in the what ifs though because she really wants to be autistic even though she's not and will not accept anything else for an answer. In any case BPD can be comorbid with ADHD.

No. 337689

Don't drive to her house. You would be stalking her.
The fake mullet and serial killer glasses combo makes her look like she's from a trailer park.

No. 337691

Please don’t feed her bullshit and give her more ideas or validation for conditions she doesn’t have.
It was her angel baby therapist and “forensic” specialist psychiatrist that gave her the infamous DID diagnostic impression that ruled adhd. I’m not 100% which one planted the autism seed in her head though but she claims that some medical professional said she had a possibility of having autism.

No. 337692

>It was her angel baby therapist and “forensic” specialist psychiatrist that gave her the infamous DID diagnostic impression that ruled adhd.
I think the forensic specialist was one of angel therapist's friends, wasn't it? But yeah I would take anything that comes from them with a grain of salt.
>she claims that some medical professional said she had a possibility of having autism.
Kek not yet another "diagnostic impression" lmao. She either got the idea from her thread calling her autistic for years or a combination of twitter and tiktok social media brain rot.

No. 337693

The thing with Jillian is that her thoughts are constantly filled with misdiagnoses that come from all the misinformation she has. She pathologizes every single thing and makes things bigger than they are, then she's like "well I suppose I have x then" and instead of changing her behavior to not do x anymore, she doubles down because she has all these diagnoses that people have given her. There's clearly something going on with her, but it's not DID, and it may not be autism, but she needs to get her shit together.

No. 337694

The fact that she leaves it that vague says a lot. Her therapist saying “uhh maybe I guess it’s possible” when she asks if she’s autistic isn’t an autism diagnosis but she wants to pass it off as credentials to the internet.

No. 337695

Oops typo. I mean ruled out adhd. Her team of quacks killed that larp before it could begin which is kind of funny cause it’s trendy right now. I think her latching on to autism is also another form of fitting in with all the other terminally online munchies. Shes trend hopping with autism and DID. I’m surprised she’s not trying to claim something more speshul and obscure like schizoid personality disorder.

No. 337699

>Needs to pick a hairdresser and it's hard bc autistic routines
More like doesn't want to be told she's a dumbfuck for not giving her hair a rest. It's obvious her hair is screaming at her to stop but poor Jilly Bean needs her hair to be rainby because otherwise she isn't "special." Too bad it really isn't special to have unnatural hair colours anymore. She needs to update her mentality to 2024 and not be stuck in 2016. Certified womanchild.
Good reminder
Add in she constantly uses a straightener too. She never does any proper aftercare so her hair is just begging for mercy at this point.

No. 337704

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Yup she’s really got that pony hair

No. 337705

God the fact she is now full ass claiming she is autistic with no behavior actually matching the criteria, no actual signs just a bunch on tiktok and Instagram bullshit to base her self diagnosis of is…fuck is pisses me off so fucking much. This count should try, how do the youths say now, ropemaxing(a-logging)

No. 337706

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This furthers my theory that she’s only larping pinkie pie because she marries weird Al in the end.

No. 337708

It's funny because she wouldn't be able to have a relationship with a person that could be even slightly more interesting than her.
Just look at how she rambiified him and then how she sucked out all the colors like the clown from the power puff girls, it would kill her if she had a moid that was quirky like weird al kek.
Also, this is another reason why she can't have a relationship with women, if a girl is prettier than her she hates her.

No. 337709

What's Cliffes favourite pony? What does Jax think about all this pony obsessing?
Will Veronica get a MLP mursuit?

No. 337710

It's likely the opposite. She's such a narc she convinced him to dress up as Weird Al to fit her new "i'm pinkie pie!" persona. This probably didn't happen organically and she just loves faking shit like the whole "he proposed and I had no idea!!" saga

No. 337712

>Just look at how she rambiified him and then how she sucked out all the colors like the clown from the power puff girls
The ADHD larp would be more convincing since she constantly forgets shit according to herself and has interests for only a limited time, plus she can't do shit unless they give her Wellbutrin. But her quacks could totally see the DID and not the ADHD? kek yeah sure

No. 337713

She forgets shit because she’s stoned all the time not because of adhd.
When they break up do we think he’ll accuse her of being abusive and controlling? Massive tinfoil but if things fall through he seems like the MRA type who’d claim breaking up because psycho girlfriend.

No. 337717

i could see pixie having dirt on steve because he’s creepy and has probably said/done coomer things

No. 337719

I'm just saying, it would be easier to larp than DID, but her quacks are retarded.

No. 337728

Seriously adhd would actually be somewhat believable, the way she goes from project to project to obsession to obsession and has constant brain fog from weed. She DOESN'T have it, she has BPD, but with her behavior patterns, it makes so much more sense than the autism larp. It would even give her that much coveted ND label she wants so bad. But instead she wants to flail around like a spaz and pretend to be an adult toddler like a creep because she is ableist and ignorant as hell and thinks that is autism.

No. 337729

lurk more

No. 337730

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Found another pic of Jill in the Halloween costume. The event was another Freddy Frills meetup.

No. 337734

They all look so greasy. They have the complexion of corpses. I don't know who the two special needs people in the middle are, but I think just standing next to Sof and Jill made them look ugly by association. The Wegovy candidate with the strawberry and Sof have okay outfits, they aren't nice - but I can at least tell what they were going for. But Jill and the rat teeth moid? They're dressed awful. Jill again went for the "wearing cheap lingerie from Salvation Army over-top other ratty garments" look that she's so fond of, paired with a clashing cardigan, and a weird head garment reminiscent of some sort of Islamic death cult. She looks totally out of place from the other speds. Why is Jill such a big loser that she can't even fit in with fugly speds?

No. 337736

The special needs brigade.

No. 337737

my god this comm is a mess(sage your shit)

No. 337743

They’re all in the same age group I’m assuming but god there are so many lines on Jill’s scrunched up, smug face it ages her so much

No. 337744

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Saturday Live Stream Caps:
- Had to push the stream back a few hours because she went to a rare outting where she went out to the club for a friend's birthday party and thinks she's too old (26) for it now. She was tired and hurting the next day but says that Veronica got to have some fun. I guess Veronica was doing all that clubbing and drinking a few years back and not Jill. Hadn't been going out late or drinking because her bedtime is 10pm so she was "overstimulated".
- Says that Steven surprised her by dressing up as Weird Al.
- "Stevie and I are both They/Them but depending on alters and fronting and crap".
- Talks about how they gave the Joker did and apparently Steve's co-worker asked "Does Pixie know?" I guess she's scared to see it in theaters where she can't pause it because she calls herself a little baby
- "Flight or Fight disrupts your digestive system."
- Wants to get back into fitness but she says she's working on too many things.
- Calls My Little Pony here autistic fixation.
- If the Pinkie Pie video gets 100k she's get a cake and put Pinkie Pie on it.
- Wants to make a Pinkie Pie part 2 video and more long form pony content.

No. 337746

Maybe Veronica will get a giant horse dildo

No. 337751

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Views on videos
Lmao, she's acting like she's geriatric. At least Jill is getting out of the rainby dungeon a lot more lately.
>Wants to get back into fitness but she says she's working on too many things
You can bet she'll always find time for weed though. Why announce this? No one cares.
>If the Pinkie Pie video gets 100k she's get a cake and put Pinkie Pie on it.
>Wants to make a Pinkie Pie part 2 video and more long form pony content.
I want another stupid cake photo shoot. I hope she gets a cupcake for the Pinkie Pie toy just to make it extra funny. To no one's surprise, she's going to lean into the pony content more. It'll be interesting to see how the part 2 video will fare.

No. 337755

Idk how to describe it, but Jill manages to both infantalize herself and make herself like a dying old woman in her 20s. Like she's a lickle toddler uwu baby but also apparently too old for the club. It's fucking weird.

No. 337760

Her fight or flight thing is actually just so fucking offensive. Oversharing blogpost but I am a group home support worker for people with extremely high support needs autism and when we had a resident in "stuck in fight or flight" for months it was a hellish time period where they could not leave their room without physically attacking someone. If she was constantly in fight or flight she would not be going to the club and livestreaming and tweeting and filming videos. It is a literal primal state where the amygdala in your brain is turned off and you act in the simplest way that you need to in order to survive. I cannot stand it when she uses medical terms she's heard someone she's skinwalking say, she truly does not understand anything about what the people with the issues she wishes she had go through.(blogging)

No. 337769

>makes up clubbing ”alter” (OC) during an alcoholic clubbing phase
>completely stops caring
>uhhhh I mean I guess Veronica uhhh probably enjoyed it
>I didn’t have fun though because my new autism made me OVERSTIMULATED
Everything she even made up at the time of her DID LARP obsession doesn’t work because with her BPD she throws out her sense of self every year and now that entire jenga tower of traits is gone and she’s whatever she just read about autism instead (as if spending a year holed up smoking pot alone wouldn’t make a stoned person freaked out in the club).

No. 337771

>Wants to get back into fitness
When, exactly, was she ever into fitness?

No. 337784

Jill's idea of fitness is having an eating disorder. She wants to be skinny again and the only way she was able to achieve that in her earlier life is by starving and purging.

No. 337785

The only way she achieved it was by being a normal sized teenager. She probably skipped a few meals which caused concern for her parents and just ran with the ED title because Jill loves sounding sickly and damaged.

No. 337786

I have two questions, is Jillian a lost cause? And when is she going to fix that peeps plushie ffs(non-contribution)

No. 337800

Felt like he dressed as Daniel Radcliff dressed as Weird Al lol

No. 337811

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Someone fan of hers on twitter did this for her and I just don't get it

No. 337813

>>337811 Not a very woke thing for the pixie system to retweet. there are people in the world without limbs Jillian! Unless Jerricka wrote this then all the alters are fat ableist bitches(integrate)

No. 337815

What about the atheist fans who don't believe in any god or that has trauma related to religion? She's an evil bigot kek.

No. 337816

Jillian the type to complain about being "stalked" and having no privacy but always enables the weirdo parasocial fans

No. 337828

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Boohoo Jill this is literally your job. Suck it up

No. 337835

looks like the poor lighting comments got to her

No. 337836

Oh no touching all that goop sent her into a kawiwi autistic meltdown!

No. 337838

Can she not just put the cat in another room while she's filming?

No. 337841

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kek, blixa?

No. 337842

She's implying wearing kawaii fashion is overstimulating, why would she wear it for 10+ years then? This makes no fucking sense. All of her DID and autism symptoms suddenly appeared when she started using the labels

No. 337844

Not the munchie spoons shit this bitch is crazy. Also why carve pumpkins dressed in kawiwi fashion like ? You're going to have to scoop out the innards, fucking duh. Self-made problems.

No. 337848

Spoons was for people with invisible disabling chronic pain conditions and other painful and tiring physical disabilities, then people started saying it also fits autism, now every self-diagnosed munchie like Jill who would just rather lie on the couch stoned all day than work a single day at Claire’s anymore has taken a term that used to be for people with debilitating pain.

No. 337849

Nobody fucking uses the term "spoons" anymore kek it's become a shorthand way of identifying munchies. The spoons shit in general was retarded and cringe anyway. If someone in the year of 2024 says they're out of "spoons" they're an internet malingerer.

No. 337852

Idgaf about people using the word spoons but there's other less dumb ways to say "I'm tired, I don't have the energy" or "I'm overwhelmed and I need to rest" which sounds way better than having to explain what the fuck is a spoon every time

No. 337856

Maybe don't film the video then? Why does she act like she HAS to do it? If she doesn't like carving pumpkins, and she thinks it's gross, why does she do it? There are lots of other Halloween video ideas that aren't so messy and don't have "goop." It's so annoying when she pretends like she isn't her own boss and in charge of everything she does. I think she only does shit that she hates so she can complain about it later on and make it about her munchiehood. Also if you notice, half her tweet is just complaining about not knowing how to use a camera kek. She's so up her own ass she doesn't realize how retarded she comes off.

No. 337861

If she doesn't want to film videos she may as well get a real job, or get sewing

No. 337863

Imagine how easy your life has to be for this to be the shit you complain about. A lot of YouTubers record from their phones too. She has 3 cameras, lightning, multiple SD cards, a big ass house all by yourself you can record anywhere, etc. She has 0 excuse to make such lazy content.

No. 337865

These are all really basic things that content creators have to deal with every time they film. They plan and prepare for the videos. That's how you don't have a meltdown, Jill. Maybe stop half-assing everything you do and your "mental health" will be better.
Exactly, nona! Or she could've dressed up after doing the messy parts. But again, that would require Jill to use her brain and clearly that's not her strong suit.

No. 337872

but then how is jill supposed to feel special anon?

No. 337873

Maybe Jilly would have more spoons if she wasn’t writing scripts all day instead of dropping the DID larp. If you put a camera on her for a week she’d give up the switching by day two.

No. 337885

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No. 337886

What was the point in having subscribers vote on a theme if neither of them followed it, kek

No. 337887

Yeah, pretty uninspired. Why didn’t Jillybean do a pony etching or one of the precure mascots. She’s so lazy it’s unbelievable. She has all the time in the world and this is it? Just don’t bother.

No. 337888

Ponies don't live in pumpkins, jillie bean

No. 337889

>and/or Precure lol
Kek she must be lurking. She hasn't mentioned precure in so long and it's an obvious tack in.

No. 337890

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How triggered is she going to be when Stevie's pumpkin wins?

No. 337893

I don’t like Steven but I voted for his pumpkin, I mean it looks like it took some effort and it’s halloweeny. She barely tried with the pumpkin house

No. 337894

Weird nitpick. She made a house out of a pumpkin, she's not saying ponies lives in pumpkins

No. 337897

keeeeek his is clearly way better, it's so funny. i like how she knows his is better aesthetically, creatively and it obviously looks like much more time and effort was spent on his, so she has to clarify the
>uhmm guys just so you know the theme was "My Favourite Thing" because autism special interest larp
hers is just a shitty looking house with props poorly glued to it (i laughed at the flags at the top and the poorly matched doorframe to the door) and she's like "it's uhhhh a house for a pony or precure" sure jan. pathetic KEK, absolutely pathetic. it's really bad. it's clear she had no ideas on what to do. like what did she carve? a doorway and some windows and the door looks like shit especially with the botched door frame. it's so bad. she's always been creatively bankrupt but there was zero effort on her part and while i hate to pay steebie a compliment, his is actually really good. i'd be shocked if his doesn't win. i know she'll be mad at him as a result

No. 337898

I don't watch Precure so I know next to nothing about the franchise other than what little things have been discussed in regards to Jill. So my quetion is, what about that pumpkin says Precure? MLP I can sorta get, but…what about it says mahou shoujo? Could anyone fill us non-precure fans in?

No. 337899

Idk why people are praising Steeb for this, they both look like shit.

No. 337900

It’s because Steeb actually carved his and Jill just slapped parts and carved a door. She worries so much about aesthetics that she traps herself in a box and has limited creativity.

No. 337901

Not to defend Jill but she did make flowers and glue baskets and other shit to the pumpkin, I don't know if you've ever carved a pumpkin but Steeb's pumpkin must have literally taken 10-15 minutes if even. All he did was carve a huge hole in it and shave up the teeth. They both look like shit.

No. 337905

>puts in zero effort, does nothing actually on her set theme and complains the whole time
>it was for my AUTISM SPESHUL INTEREST!!!!

No. 337913

They're both pretty shitty but Steve's is more visually interesting. Jill's looks like a 5 year old did it with Mommy's help. For someone who made a name for herself with her "aesthetic" Jill sure is extremely uncreative.

No. 337914

Nothing. Precure are humans (or humanoids) that gain powers, so they could not live in a pumpkin, nor have any of them ever been pumpkin-themed. There are Halloween specials sometimes but that's it. You could connect it to any other TV show that has Halloween specials lol

No. 337915

>and/or precure
So which one is it Jill? Someone with an autistic special interest would know. It's so easy to spot her lies

No. 337916

Kek at her trying to shoe horn mlp and precure to her shitty pumpkin. Even if you don't like Stebies it's obvious Jills is worse. Calling it a "pony cottage" and "happy little home meant for pony or precure" is so pretentious. Her attempt was lazy and uncreative so she had to cop out pretending it was intentional

No. 337920

KEK Jillian so badly wants to be the cute creative, what does this pumpkin even have to do with MLP or Precure? She cannot put effort in anything, even her DID Larp that she’s almost entirely given up on is half assed.

No. 337926

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She just isn't that creative. This was what she did 2 years ago. Anyways any bets on how annoying she's going to be this year when handing out candy? She acted like she couldn't do it without Steeb last year. I expect theatrics because Jill just can't do anything mundanely. She's too special and rainbows shoot out of her ass.

No. 337929

Thanks blogchan, I appreciate the anecdote.
And if Jill were to be confronted it was "jill" that's was in FoF not "Veroniiiicaaa". She's such a vapid husk of a human.

No. 337930

I honestly just don't think Jill is creative on her own. Everything she does is a half baked regurgitation of whatever trend she's into at the time. Her confetti club phase was just a bunch of j-fashion trends lazily slopped together, cosplay is hardly an original thing, all the garments she "designs" can probably be traced back to some trending inspiration in Pinterest. Every time she's had to do something of her own creation, if you can even call it that, it's sloppy, lazy and somehow still unoriginal. For a self proclaimed artist, she really has jack shit to her name.

No. 337931

File: 1730377801528.jpeg (433.41 KB, 1125x939, IMG_3921.jpeg)

Mikan is a huge cow but at least she’s able to make a successful brand despite dropping out of bunka. What’s Jill’s excuse? Oh yeah getting high 24/7 and putting zero effort into anything besides attempting to debunk larp accusers.

No. 337932

Jill has never actually wanted to leave PEI for realsies, you can tell she looooves being the most "attractive" and "famous" (IE average looking and made fun of online) in that retarded hillbilly island. Look at this >>337730 when all the people of her ilk are hideous genderspecials with arguably worse taste than her unoriginal self, why the fuck would she ever leave or actually amount to anything? She gets all her validation from being a loser with no prospects in life kek.

No. 337933

It’s funny that she’s wasting whatever was left of her YouTube fame to make Mlp mental Jillness videos. I at least respect Mikan for not giving up on her fashion dreams and making a semi-successful brand. Jill is a loser compared to cows with the same viewer demographic.

No. 337934

Vina is cute and at least has a brand.(whiteknight)

No. 337935

>Mikan is a huge cow but at least she’s able to make a successful brand despite dropping out of bunka.
Yeah she's an insufferable weeb in a different way but compared to Jill she's successful on some level. I fully think Mikan is living the life Jill wishes she could have lived.

No. 337936

Your post makes it seem like Jill is still in PEI when she isn't - she's in NB now. I get what you mean though. She's white trash through and through. She's never gonna actually get anywhere in life because she'd rather stay in her bubble forever and be comfortable with her small town life. I think at some level Jill knows that she's throwing her life away, but for people like Jill it seems like they'd rather sit back and complain about life than actually do anything to change their lives.

No. 337937

No. 337938

>she's in NB now.
Kek my bad, Canada all blurs together in my eyes. You're so right about her having to be somewhat aware of throwing her life away. The munchie shit is just a cozy excuse for her to be like zomg tfw my life passes before my eyes but I'm too paralyzed with mental illness to do anything!! She has a delusional idea of how life should be, and as long as she keeps that up she will never become self-aware or own up to her bullshit.

No. 337939

And just so we're clear: Fredericton / New Brunswick in general is basically the poorest and most garbage place to live in all of Canada. Suits her well.

No. 337941

You can tell she knew hers was shit as she gave it a special montage and didn’t do the same for stevie. Also the black neck paint is a choice.(sage your shit)

No. 337942

So, last time she carved a tiny smiley face and now she carved a window. Full time artist stuff. Thank god she gets to be unemployed at home all day so she can do these amazing pieces. Tranny fiance clearly didn't care this year and still somehow did better than hers again.

No. 337947

She starts having her "breakdown" about 23 minutes in (i.e. bitching like a kid that doesn't wanna do their homework) if anyone's just interested in the shit show. She's such a child and a sore loser. But don't worry, cause in the next shot it sounds like her precious baby protector Flora comes in to save the day!

No. 337948

HOLY shit she taps out at four fucking hours. This bitch is hilarious I need camera crews to follow her as she's forced to wait tables or cashier at a convenience store for 8 hours. Like bitch just say you need a break? Does she really think most people in the developed world work 4 hours straight without a single break? She is so wildly disconnected from the real world she just constantly amazes.

No. 337949

"I made up a guy in my head and he loves me". So close, Jillian. So close.

No. 337950

But nonna, all the TikTokers are able to finish things within minutes kek.

No. 337952

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Kek, I like the fact the monster can is in the shot.

No. 337953

This really looks sad, like a new level of incompetence, and then she dares to say it's for mlp/precure her totes "special interests" lol

No. 337955


Nice to see what Jake Munro's signature look would be like on someone with a neck though.

No. 337956

Are you referring to the turned-around, silver can on the far left of the screen? You can barely see it lol

No. 337957

No close ups of Steve’s? Also he acts like someone that’s learnt letting her do her thing is the path of least resistance. They really do seem like a couple in a good spot looking for problems. Jill’s single biggest problem is her weed consumption, her fatigue and lack of creativity smacks of burnout behavior.

No. 337958

The sickly sweet voice at the end makes me want to physically retch. She'll probably play it like it was Flora, or some alter bullshit, but it just reminded me of their repugnant age regression bullshit and gives me full body chills

No. 337960

him staring into the camera and gently singing "it's just one of those days" cracked me up kek

No. 337961

He honestly looked genuinely annoyed and was trying to center himself kek.

No. 337962

It was the face of a man who realises he is now going to have days of her acting like this, because he dared have slightly more artistic talent than her. It was an enlightening look into their dynamics for sure, now we know what happens anytime she gets asked to do chores/anything else she doesn't want to do… the "I NEED SOME TIME… I AM OVERSTIMULATED…. IT IS ALL JUST TOO MUCH" flopping to the couch theatrics over nothing.

No. 337963

we know they don't have any chemistry at all but this clip really proves it once again. it seems like 2 coworkers or roommates, there is nothing intimate between them whatsoever

No. 337964

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>Sensory thing

Jill you don't have a chronic illness or autism, you just got tired from fliming for four hours straight. She hardly did any carving for her pumpkin, why did she finish after Steve? If you're tired why not just scrap the video? Anything boring or with Steve in it isn't worth watching.

Between Jill's munchie antics and Steve hangong out with Maggie in the middle of the night years ago I'm surprised that they haven't broken up yet. I was expecting him to cheat since he was supposed to move in with Maggie all those years ago even if they were exes and he was dating Jill at the time. He doesn't seem to be attracted to her so why would he propose to her? All of her boyfriends seemed like they didn't want to be on camera but Steve has had so many red flags.

No. 337965

Also, THIS is the outfit she’s claiming to have gotten overstimulated by? She was clearly just tired and upset at her pumpkin not being great, not having a sensory meltdown from a big sweater.

No. 337966

The "sweet" voice at the end is the creepiest thing. I'm assuming she said Flora started fronting or something. It's gross as hell. Mothers don't even talk to babies in such an over the top fake sweet tone. Jill wants to be seen as autistic but all she can manage is retarded.

No. 337967

Not even Ariana Grande can fake this sweet voice so quickly kek. She went from sounding like a dying grandma to talking super high pitched.

No. 337968

Everyone including Steven is tired of this larp kek. I can't even watch the full clip (and it's not even 2 minutes long), it's just too much. Now imagine living there.

No. 337969

This is just sad.

No. 337970

Nobody's mentioned but holy shit it is actually so painful to watch them on screen together, Steeb looks SO ANNOYED constantly that even though Jill is annoying and retarded I actually kind of feel bad for her. It's actually so embarrassing just how much it seems that he just can't stand her, but it's doubly more pathetic for Jill to whine her way into an engagement with a dude who clearly is repulsed by her.

No. 337971

Yeah it comes across as being frustrated with the pumpkin door and cameras not working. Totally normal to feel that way.

No. 337973

she's been a youtuber for over a decade and she didn't just buy a couple extra pumpkins to carve off camera for issues like this? and she's acting like she HAD to finish this no matter what even though she was tired (how about making videos in advance for once??)
also posting pictures of the completed pumpkins before the video was dumb. if i were just a casual watcher who liked to watch her content sometimes i'd have skipped it. why bother watching if you already saw the end result?

No. 337974

Same I felt that kek

No. 337975

Surely that hideous baby puke mustard yellow wall must be sensory overloady to widdle Jillybean too

No. 337976

forreal I cannot image being in the same room as jill. its already too much behind the safety of my phone, but to hear her whine 24/7, sensor this, dissociating that, waah I'm tired, etc lmao fuck no.
she wants fibromyalgia so bad. she tired af all the time from the weed, energy drinks and zero exercise. she quits at the drop of the hate and makes childish excuses.
just wow. hang in there steve because your not getting a better place than this, your in that cannabis rainbow dungeon for life

No. 337977

Imagine having your number one ambition in life be mental and physical illness. It's all she fucking wants. But what makes that even more sad and pathetic is the fact that she has neither.

I hope her parents are absolutely devastated by the failure they've created. I hope they tell her every day.

No. 337978

She’s clearly very unhealthy. She probably gets out of breathe just cooking because it demands an extended period of activity she’s not used to. That’s what we witnessed in the pumpkin video, Jilly getting exhausted because her fitness levels are basement level. She needs to stop being so goddam lazy and do some physical activity, she could even do it high, she just needs to actually do it!

No. 337980

Any normal adult who got tired, overwhelmed and frustrated by their shitty pumpkin project would have sat down to take a breather and simply cut out the footage of it to keep it professional, but instead she keeps it in and writes up a paragraph on top of her complaints in the video spamming medicalized jargon for why she wanted to lie on the couch for a few minutes in the middle of a big project. Biggest self-absorbed whiner ever.

No. 337981

You know her mother in particular is the biggest fucking enabler on the planet. I bet Louise feels guilty for having cancer and ended up creating this monster by coddling her to death. Genuinely no clue how she can sit back and listen to Jill basically accuse them of being neglectful parents and worse.

No. 337982

What the fuck is on his neck? A faux blackout tattoo? Is that a turtleneck? He looks so goddamn creepy.

No. 337983

Honestly? I think Stevie is a sociopath.(armchairing)

No. 337984

He's a porn addict but it's the same thing pretty much, the emptiness in his eyes is genuinely frightening. I don't think he has autism or whatever, you can see the very offputting transition he went through after dating her, he legit comes off as a fucking freak in sheep's clothing. There is a palpably uncomfortable vibe that comes through the screen when he's in the video, like I would not want to be alone in a room with him.

No. 337985

I wouldn't diagnose him with anything, he's just your average scrote aka weird, porn addicted and fucked up inside.

No. 337986

Totally agree. You can see it in his eyes. It seems like he is always calculating. I honestly believe he is a sociopath and professional victim and manipulator. It's no wonder he shills for the liberal party. I also continue to believe that he manipulated Jill into the currents state of mental Jillness, especially the DID thing in order to exact more woke points.

No. 337987

Sorry for double post, but he is also a gay man pretending to be straight for god knows what fucking purpose. I will never ever be convinced otherwise on this point. Something is up with this fucking freak and it'll come out at some point.(learn 2 delete)

No. 337988

He does not have faggot vibes he has porn induced pseudo bisexual vibes, I think if anything he's into tranny porn because he's so porn addicted but would be repulsed by actual dick in real life. He is definitely not attracted to Jill though kek.

No. 337989

A few things that I want to point out, that make this snippet very creepy for me:
>Dissonance between the overly happy and bright appareance with Jillian's tiredness and Steven's weird black aesthetic
>Jillian acting normal at first, then looking like some type of terminally ill patient on the couch the double chin ain't helping, then talking 'sweet' with the high pitched voice at the end
>Steven's ugly haircut, painted neck, his creepy stare, how annoyed he is at Jillian
>The clear DID/autism larp, with medical jargon thrown in
>Camera just keeps rolling
>We are supposed to accept this as their normalcy
Not even David Lynch or whoever the fuck can create such an unintentionally unsettling atmosphere like this. Happy Halloween I guess.
>I bet Louise feels guilty for having cancer and ended up creating this monster by coddling her to death.
That's fucked up, please no.
>Any normal adult who got tired, overwhelmed and frustrated by their shitty pumpkin project would have sat down to take a breather and simply cut out the footage of it to keep it professional, but instead she keeps it in and writes up a paragraph on top of her complaints in the video spamming medicalized jargon
This is what I found the weirdest and I don't understand what her deal is. Does she think it'll give her attention? Is she trying to prove she's sick? It makes me deeply uncomfortable if I'm honest, what a weird scenario. I wish she cut that out.

No. 337990

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imagine when he finally snaps

No. 337991

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Did anybody catch this weird reply? "I love seeing him grow into his own style!" Like… what? Kek. This dude was all gung ho to skinwalk her rainby aesthetic and now that people can see their chemistry is literally nonexistent he goes the goth eboy route? The blacked out neck? The weird tiktok eboy chain? Does anybody know how Maggie dresses because I really doubt he's not just skinwalking the real object of his desire. That is some crazy troon vibes type shit.

No. 337993

Samefag but Steeb's friends with a ton of goth girls on Facebook kek I wonder which one is his true heart sweet.

No. 337995

in my opinion the light left his eyes after being with jill for so long.

No. 337996

When he called her baby I recoiled. It would be one thing if they weren’t so open about their baby play ddlg shit but with the knowledge that that’s what they get up to and the way she was acting when he said it, my brain refused to take it any other way. They really encourage the worst in each other it seems.

No. 337997

File: 1730494437106.jpeg (760.67 KB, 1125x1113, IMG_3968.jpeg)

Most recent pic of Maggie from 2022

No. 337998

Is her twitter still private?

No. 337999

Funny how Steve "growing into his style" means that he goes as far away from Jills direction as humanly possible huh

No. 338000

She's so much cuter and looks way more accomplished than Jill kek

No. 338001

>Jill’s single biggest problem is her weed consumption, her fatigue and lack of creativity smacks of burnout behavior.
So tired of this discreet WKing that happens ij this thread. To burnout, one has to WORK first. The last time Jill had a job was more than 6 years ago. She doesn't have burnout, she's just a dumb egotistical loser. That's all there is to it. That's why it's so fun to laugh at her. Jill's biggest problem is that she's Jill.
>She probably gets out of breathe just cooking
I'm pretty sure Stephen is the one that does all the cooking. I recall an incident early in the DID larp when Jill purposefully ruined his meal while it was cooking because she didn't want to have it for dinner. Stephen is the one that works, the one that cooks, and I'd be surprised if he wasn't the one that cleans too.
Stephen is definitely over-sheltered and naïve for his age. They both are, but I think Stephen had a lot more potential than Jill that he pissed away. I think they both suffer from severe arrested development and small town syndrome. Stephen seems unsocialized.

No. 338002

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Yup sure looks like it. She even has a new man and left NB which is why we don’t hear of her anymore. Didn’t use this photo because it’s not really an indication of her style.

No. 338004

So sick of reading comprehension being 0% in this thread. If you are esl or a zoomie perhaps ask yourself if you’ve maybe misunderstood something first. A burnout is another term for a pothead/couch locked loser, no white knighting involved. She has no reason to be burnt out because she’s a burnout.

No. 338005

>I recall an incident early in the DID larp when Jill purposefully ruined his meal while it was cooking because she didn't want to have it for dinner.
I missed this, when was this?

No. 338007

that's not a thing anon.

No. 338008

That was when she claimed she blacked out and turned into Jerrick or a small child or something, right?
I think these days it gets overlooked how much of her initial DID LARP was built on incidents where she lashed out at Steve, decided she hated him, and jeopardized their relationship with spiteful stunts and rude behavior, then blamed it on that “Jerrick hates him” etc.

No. 338009

This stuff about the dinner is massively exaggerated/misremembered.
The story is recounted in her DID Q&A vid with Steven ("Multiple Personalities from a Partner's Perspective") - timestamp is 38.50ish).
Jax pops out and adds ginger instead of garlic to the nachos Steven was making. Nothing about her not wanting to eat that for dinner.

Anons need to stop either misremembering or just straight up making shit up, it makes all the other retarded stuff she does seem less credible when we talk about it if the threads are peppered with bullshit.

No. 338010

Having a seriously ill family member growing up is a very common thing with munchausen syndrome. It's a very probably cause for Jill's behavior, even if she isn't full a diagnosed munchie. She associates being sick with getting attention and her bpd makes it 100 times worse. She wants to be a victim despite being one of the most spoiled and privileged people on this website >>337990 The face of a man that wants to invade safe spaces for women and children because it makes his dick hard.

No. 338011

>>338009 but considering Jax isn’t exactly real it’s easy to assume she just ruined it on purpose. It’s not like she just added way too much salt or something on accident(integrate)

No. 338012

>I recall an incident early in the DID larp when Jill purposefully ruined his meal while it was cooking because she didn't want to have it for dinner
Kek wtf? I don't remember that at all, who does that even?
Oh okay. So she just made a retarded mistake, idk who can mix ginger and garlic together though.
Nta but I thought burnout could have different meanings, including the weed one.

No. 338013

>I think these days it gets overlooked how much of her initial DID LARP was built on incidents where she lashed out at Steve, decided she hated him, and jeopardized their relationship with spiteful stunts and rude behavior, then blamed it on that “Jerrick hates him” etc.
I remember this too, the first alter that she revealed was Jerrick and "he" was also born from being hateful towards Steven. I remember something about yelling to Steven and then driving around town to calm down = she started suspecting she had DID or something.

No. 338014

File: 1730511965813.webm (18.83 MB, 1000002734.webm)

Nta, found a clip of it in thread 62. She only messed up the green peppers for it.
I need to reread those threads because it was so easy to miss things.

No. 338016

Both of their voices are grating to listen to in different ways. Jill forces herself to be hyper and is too loud while throwing in medical terms to seem smart. Steven speaks too formally while trying to be funny. They're both so pretentious.

No. 338019

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No. 338020

How did she completely misinterpret this simple tweet just to make it about herself?

No. 338021

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Current views

No. 338023

so that's what her getting "overstimulated" looks like? getting tired and laying on the couch putting on a moody voice? she has no idea what a chronic illness or autism actually is. this bitch would not be able to be in the room with someone with autism who's actually overstimulated. and
>being "on" for the camera
yeah because if the camera was off you would be unleashing your bpdemon on everyone and everything… the creepy voice change at the end. disgusting
>Imagine having your number one ambition in life be mental and physical illness. It's all she fucking wants. But what makes that even more sad and pathetic is the fact that she has neither.
i agree. it's crazy too because she's genuinely negative levels of convincing. it's astonishing. does she even recognize how obvious it is? completely pathetic.
>Does she think it'll give her attention? Is she trying to prove she's sick?
yes and yes. her entire life seems to revolve around trying to show everyone "look how ill i am!" and it's just a performance. it's not a convincing performance but she thinks it is for some reason.
that was my exact thought. he looked annoyed for a brief moment but knows he's on film so he had to do something other than look pissed off

No. 338024

maybe she should stop labeling herself, too

No. 338025

Do people actually like her video essay? Or are they just clicking out of curiosity? I wonder what the dislike ratio and recent comments are like.

No. 338026

I refuse to give her a view and I'm sure she censors comments, but I'd still hazard a guess her looking extremely retarded in the thumbnail makes some people click at least. Also ponyfags in general too, I guess.

No. 338027

Yes it is

It's more embarrassing that they are calling nachos with beef, cheese, and green peppers on them "fancy nachos"

No. 338028

I really hope she dropped or grew out of the ddlg loli shit because I'm dying at the idea of anyone calling this random moid daddy
They both literally say the beef was in the pan and she was tasked with watching the pan of beef. Respectfully, I don't get how you went through the trouble of finding and reposting this clip but missed them repeating this multiple times.

No. 338029

Watch it at 3:41. She put the ginger in with the green pepper. The meat was salvageable but not the green pepper. "The green pepper was ginger-fud and they had to go."

No. 338030

I have never seen a couple with so little chemistry, ever. Married people on the brink of divorce are less awkward than this

No. 338031

>I’m literally the real life pony of happiness and energy and fun and parties!!!!
>does one holiday task
>immediately lies down sighing and complaining about hating it and wanting to quit
I guess being a high energy ray of sunshine just means sitting on her couch watching cartoons?

No. 338037

Is it really so hard to say "hold up let's break for a second." She must do that spiel every time. She kinda gloats when she does it, like I bet she really savored saying the spoons thing.
Exactly nonna. And the fucking paragraph is the funniest thing, because she couldn't just contain her sperging to Steve. She had to double sperg to her own viewers.

No. 338039

I feel like cips like this are part
Of why her views are so bad. Like she puts in these long segments of her "dissociating" or "having no spoons" and it completely erupts the flow of the video and changes the subject the videos supposed to be about. I think she also totally copied this from dissociadid, she also did the "I'm leaving in me dissociating to raise awareness" bs

No. 338043

Does she ever ask herself "so who is this for?" when she keeps shit like this in? Like even if you pretend you want to raise awareness you as a creator still have to ask yourself who would want to see that shit and who would find it appealing.

No. 338046

Yeah even Stephen said they should cut it.

No. 338047

The thing that gets me is that she must know that filming for four hours straight is going to make anyone tired. The fact that she went on for four hours straight is a huge indicator of how she's not truly ill. You really get the feeling this bitch "pushes" herself so she can have a performative little breakdown and indirectly posit Steeb as her mini meltie caretaker. She could handle all the "overstimulation" for four hours? Bitch that's INCREDIBLY normie. Yeah I think if a non autist had some slightly uncomfortable piece of clothing on and made themselves do the same task for four hours straight they, too, would get crabby and tired as fuck and would probably just lay on the fucking couch if they weren't working an actual job. This bitch is such a fucking phony holy shit. She needs to be hospitalized for her BPD because this shit is EGREGIOUS.

No. 338048

it's so fucking weird how he sits there and grins while going along with her delusions as she cackles and behaves insufferably. if she wasn't so self-absorbed and desperate to be the center of attention 24/7 maybe she would notice how strange he is.

No. 338050

>Does she ever ask herself "so who is this for?" when she keeps shit like this in?
I genuinely think it's for us haters on lc to prove she's totes mentally ill uwu and also for any future psychologist in case they check out her channel so there's "documented proof" there about her "having no spoons", "dissociating" etc etc

No. 338053

File: 1730556017598.jpeg (921.77 KB, 1170x1013, IMG_5963.jpeg)

Jill should get a face tat. kek

No. 338054

>if only you knew how bad things really are
next thread pic please kek

No. 338055

She looks way older than most her age. Women tend to age better than men too.

No. 338056

File: 1730557531258.jpeg (1.28 MB, 3464x3464, E578B3B0-A5F7-4D9A-8F77-0E07D3…)

Ntayrt but using context clues, stoner burnout is most likely what she meant.

No. 338058

>It's more embarrassing that they are calling nachos with beef, cheese, and green peppers on them "fancy nachos"
I would check the video myself as well but I really don't want to give her views either. Maybe some brave nonna can check.
Agreed kek. I don't understand how they're still together, Steven could find another house to live and another girlfriend to manipulate pretty easily.

No. 338059

Lmao of course, she can say "omg she's literally me" all she wants but it doesn't really mean anything.
>She had to double sperg to her own viewers.
Tbh saying "she was sperging" is a compliment to her but yes, she wants to show everyone how sicky wicky icky and special she is.
What she did is the least "raising awareness" bit in the history of humankind. All she did is try to prove she's actually totes not okay. Most people who are neuroduvergent or chronically ill don't film this type of stuff for thousands of people to watch, she's being self satisfactory.

No. 338060

I 100% agree, people are there to watch her carving pumpkins, this is why nobody watches her shit, no one cares about her laying in the couch.
I wish she listened to him and cut it out. She didn't raise any awareness, she's just playing it up for the camera, and anyone with two braincells can tell that. Raising awareness doesn't look like that at all.
>You really get the feeling this bitch "pushes" herself so she can have a performative little breakdown and indirectly posit Steeb as her mini meltie caretaker. She could handle all the "overstimulation" for four hours? Bitch that's INCREDIBLY normie.

No. 338061

Most adults, even real autistic ones and ones with physical disabilities, work EIGHT hours straight with a 30 min lunch break. She's just lazy and spoiled, she literally has no schedule or responsibilities to adhere to and still wants to be the biggest victim because the luxury of working on your own projects, filming a pumpkin carving video at home at your own leisure is so hard on poor Jill. >>338053 I see the abdl phase is still going strong. Adults calling it "parallel play" is such an ick and coming from Jill it's nasty. Just call it body doubling.

No. 338062

Anon most working wagie people in the west are granted a 15 minute break for 4-6 hours of work, sometimes just 2 hours.

No. 338067

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always with the DID reminders

No. 338068

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No. 338069

Using your aunt's partner's suicide for social media bait. Real low.

No. 338072

Fucks sake Jill, just RT like a normal person without including your narc thesis about how youre the most troubled and how youre an expert about the topic. Just for once. Please.

No. 338073

Wait, did that happen this year?
It's incredible how "this year we lost someone to suicide" pivoted towards something that is seemingly so narcissistic coming from her

No. 338074

February of this year.

No. 338075

Just for clarity's sake: Louise's sister's partner (not Sam).

No. 338079

Nonnas called it but didn’t think Jill would pull through.
Isn’t that was she does to steeb and her mom?

No. 338080

These tweets in the context of who she is is kind of genuinely hilarious. I have to wonder just how many times she's told him she's going to kill herself to manipulate him.

No. 338082

I don't think it's a coincidence that she ruined the only vegetable portion of the dish

No. 338083

thats fucked up. even more fucked up that shes so terminally online she doesnt even realize how wrong it is to bring it up for online asspats

No. 338085

> doesn’t mean you should force yourself to stay in an unsafe or unhealthy relationship
> these folks just need to be heard and helped

The kind of people that constantly threaten suicide are abusive, even if they legitimately struggle with it. Having a loved one that holds themselves hostage like that is so incredibly cruel. Imagine anytime your partner is mildly frustrated or inconvenienced they threaten to kill themselves because they can’t emotionally regulate and haven’t bothered learning and engaging better coping mechanisms? Imagine your partner putting the onus of regulating them on YOU instead of doing the work themselves. It’s an impossible situation and an unfair one at that.(derailing)

No. 338086

Because she doesn't like vegetables?
I agree, it's one thing to struggle with it and another thing to threaten it. People like this need help, and learning better coping mechanisms will greatly improve their situation. It's not all lost.

No. 338101

This just shows that Jill never grew up from her DeviantArt days. She still suicide baits and acts melodramatic when things don't go her way. Like there is an extreme difference between joking about killing yourself vs threatening to do it in the middle of an argument. One is using humor to cope, the other is just pure manipulation.

No. 338103

Jill's pumpkin is just a straight up copy of the pumpkin Evan and Katelyn did….does she ever have her own ideas?

No. 338104

Because she doesn't like vegetables.

No. 338124

File: 1730758222260.png (338.5 KB, 720x1116, Jillian.png)

She got a PO Box

No. 338126

Another way to skirt her "morals on consumption". I hope someone sends a glitter bomb and animal shit so she could have some epic fake tism melties on twitter, maybe she could bring out some alters. She's so boring and mid.

No. 338127

>"It is best bet" to use Jillian instead of Pixie
It costs like 120 dollars to get your name changed in Canada and you just need to fill out one form. If she's really serious about being ~Pixie~ then she can just use 1/6th of her monthly Patreon money to make that a reality. But we all know she's just a loser egotist that wants to LARP online for asspats.What the fuck is "is best bet" ?? she's so permafried she can't even remember how to use English ugh God I hate her

Why does she need a PO box though? Her days of fame are over. I can't imagine she'll get anything substantial from fans. I'm assuming fan mail was a secondary reason for getting the PO box. She's probably tired of giving out her real address to Chinese shippers on whatever marketplace site she uses.

No. 338128

Maybe she’ll get another giant peep to angrily punch and Jennifer will get some much needed R&R.

No. 338130

I'm so glad PO boxes stopped being so common among "influencers." Or maybe I just don't follow anyone who pulls that shit. Like, best case scenario she has some fans that regularly ask if she has one. If she was humble and had a healthy relationship with consumerism, why invite obsessive weirdos to send a steady stream of likely extremely useless novelty junk? PO box opening content is so dated and it was never interesting when it was more common. It's sad to witness the levels of parasocial insanity that causes people to want to spend hard earned money on a complete stranger who is in a privileged enough position to have a cushy job like content creator.

No. 338131

>I hope someone sends a glitter bomb and animal shit so she could have some epic fake tism melties on twitter
I hope nobody actually does this because it will just make her seem like a victim. She desperately wants attention and will do whatever it takes.