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No. 197246
Jillian Vessey is a DID (Dissociative Personality Disorder) LARPer who trivializes mental health and sugar coats things while hyping up a fake/manipulated diagnosis that she paid for.
She accepted her ~life changing~ diagnosis with a smile and celebrated with a "coming out as DID" cake, and struggles to maintain the LARP after only two weeks.
>Began her lolcow run as a "pansexual" lolita lifestyler who quit due to LACE drama and ~muh restrictive rules~>Is most well known as creator of the Party-Kei style, a weeaboo style she no longer personally wears, she now looks like an overweight clown.>Known lurker.>History of ED, mental illness, and self-harm.>Has a youtube channel with an inconsistent schedule that went from doing fashion related videos to mostly "mental illness" content, alienating her fans. General info:
>Loves toying with the idea of multiple mental illnesses, will google all of them and see which criteria she fills in the most / makes her look more special.>Frivolously spends money (including the money she receives from her parents) on “ethical” -take it with a grain of salt- shit, including clothes, makeup and junk shit for her trends.>Claims she makes enough money from Youtube despite complaining about demonetization on her videos; will often post/tell the cost of items to show off how much she had spent. >Is an extreme narcissist; regularly thinks of herself to be the best/have superior skills in many aspects like fandom and fashion designing despite her skills, knowledge, and results of projects proving otherwise>Refuses to get a real job and relies on video monetization and Patreon donations to keep her afloat despite offering poor incentives for supporting her. Heavily pushes her "full-time Youtuber" title even though she fails to keep up a consistent upload schedule and keep solid engaging content beyond hauls and bullshit vlogs full of ramblings. Continues to post mental health related content, alienating her previous fans.>Opts for "self-care" rather than working on her videos and other projects; defines self-care as doing nothing but taking baths with Lush bathbombs and laying in bed all day. She will take meds without even verifying she needs them or not, or stop them without futher medical advice.>Thinks having a counselor = actual therapy. Continues to fake all kinds of symptoms and illnesses to prove she’s sick, making her into a full-blown munchie. Believes her own lies so much that she thinks she’s knowledgeable enough to advise others on the matter.>Claims to be ethically responsible about her purchases, yet still buys in ridiculous amounts from overseas and doesn’t care if the items come from problematic sites and sellers>Extremely thin-skinned and defensive of herself, will either delete comments, videos, or tweets under fire or act passive-aggressive in tweets and videos likely alluding to criticism and what she has seen in her threads.>Has kept a total of five past relationships in her life, all ending in drama; tends to use partners as accessories when beneficial to her image, even claiming her mayor trauma comes from a short lived DeviantArt ex-girlfriend.>Formerly referred to herself as pansexual, then queer, then claimed to be “too into dick to be a lesbian” while dating a woman; currently lives inside her rainbow house with her boyfriend Stephen Clarke. Now both Stephen and Jillian identify as nonbinary and pansexual. It is worth mentioning one of her exes also became nonbinary and pansexual shortly after dating her.>Relies too much on other people, including her mother, her partners, and other content creators (in a creepy way).>Claims to be family-friendly, but makes poor attempts to censor herself, has made sexual innuendo in her videos and social media despite knowing she has a largely underage audience.>Jill started her own brand, 5 petal flower. She isn’t personally selling anything yet, but plans to sell badly put together Lazy Oaf knock offs. Had a collaboration with a small brand that mostly resells chinese aliexpress items.>Nearly killed her cat by having tinsel on the ground where cat can eat it. Still keeps tinsel up where the same cat can reach it for years after the fact. She doesn’t seem to clean her space full of cat fur and shit either.>She tries to prove she’s mentally ill in any way possible, including always mentioning her stims, dissociation, posting edgy lyrics, and pretending she can only eat one type of food. Currently saving up for her sutism diagnosis, but it's over $3000>After frivolously celebrating her “life changing” dissociative identity disorder diagnosis with a cake, she swears there’s 5 different alters living inside her head with 2 others being “fragments”. So far we have: >Jerrick: 13-16 year old emo guy, who has supposedly been around for 12 years, conveniently holds all her bad bpd traits, signs with a snake emoji>Veronica: Horny alter, 20 years old, is new to social media, signs with a flame emoji>currently unnamed 6 year old alter who is always “co-fronting”, talks like a baby, signs with the strawberry emoji>Cliffe: 35 year old old man. Her "homosexual assistant" Kind of like her dad and Sasha Velour. Looks like Mr. Bruce. Certifiably too old for social media, but his emoji is a club. >Flora: just a "fragment" who is not just a carbon copy of cure flora, but is all the positive cures, and is a blonde sweet lolita. Sign off emoji is a cherry blossom. >Sandwich emoji. Also a fragment. Is a cat! Represents how lost she felt moving to a new city.Stamps from the last thread:
>>192554 Stevie gives jilly permission to buy spice houses. They're expensive.
>>192631 being skeptical of DID is the same as being a republican or a homophobe
>>192632 brings up old Facebook statuses for jerrick proof,
>>192700 her followers eat it up like candy
>>192699 claims compressed squares of "food" could be the greatest or worst thing for people with autism
>>192885 >>192886 she uses a precure jar to store her weed in
>>192975 she reveals that sandwich emoji is a cat and let's slip that her old man alter is called cliffe. The video can be found here
>>193041, the transcript starts here
>>193058. It's mostly autism fishing, showing childhood photos and mentioning her dad's behavior. Talks about her inner world.
>>193254 she cries because people are harassing traumatized and disabled people, neither of which she is
>>193384 she's cutting back on drinking
>>193436 feeling emo at night is because she's jerrick. Nothing to do with her shit sleep schedule, substance abuse, nutrient defiencies and lack of life goals.
>>193531 working on alter intros
>>193612 put a finger down: inner world edition
>>193630 don't forget she's doing emdr
>>193631 she projects her fetish on charlie/penguinz0, asking if he's into age regression because he has an "agere tent". it's a dog bed. Discourse ensues.
>>193807 Jill would never fake DID, she has too much to lose
>>193857 saving up for her $3800CAD autism diagnosis
>>193929 she's making changes to her coping skills. Crafts instead of alcohol, cooking big meals from scratch, and uh, lots of weed of course. She then posts that it's so much better to live in the present and not numb your pain.
>>193939>>194149 >>194233 Twitter yards call her out re: agere tent
>>194351 >>194369 she was born with an innate ability to dissociate since birth
>>194441 claims CSA
>>194815 shares her experience with emdr
>>194978 Cliffe officially drops, he's her "homosexual assistant"
>>195002>>195263 Jill dares a Twitter user to make a funny joke. Twitter user responds with a rare photo of Jillian wearing dreads.
>>195275 OK jerrick is racist
>>195345 photo of Jill touching a black girl's hair resurfaces
>>195383 starts trying to cover her racist track by suggesting a fundraiser
>>195507 Racism apology video drops
Thread turns to a shit thanks to race anons baiting and sperging
>>195685 Jill decides it's the best time to take a social media break, she manages to control all her alters from interacting on social media for nine whole days, until she liked a picture of some kawaii black art.
>>197200 just in time for the new thread Jill revives her tiktok with some sweaty tiktok dances. Anons note a nip slip.
Last thread:
>>192544Social Media & Other Links:
Youtube: 2: 2: Page: Second Tiktok for her alters:
Facebook Page: Girls Instagram: Girls Facebook Page: Deviantart: Blog: No. 197347
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you open your front door and see this weed goblin staring at you, what do you do?
No. 197358
>>197257steve will def troon out in the first half of '22. I can totally see it happen really soon-ish bc this would be perfect for jill to distract from whatever shitfest she has going on for her and she could just label all haters a "
No. 197363
>>197347kek, its giving actual cannibal shia lebouf vibes.
her double chin was SO present the entire video. the shape of her body is really consistent with low quality calorically dense food and zero physical activity. it sits mostly on her stomach and arms and consistent with catabolic fat gain. shes not even eating protein. its going to take so long for her to try and get in a healthy place again, this kind of fat between the organs takes the LONGEST to get rid of. i feel bad for her honestly
No. 197400
>>197347What's sad about this is that you can tell that she's sucking in. It could be end of day bloat or she just binged but she's sucking in her gut and still looks rotund.
>>197395She's pro final-fusion and is doing EMDR therapy which according to her can "randomly
trigger fusion". She's setting bread crumbs for outs. We call her an idiot but she's much more sinister than we give her credit for. She actually knows how to manipulate people that are willing to hear her out. This whole DID saga is proof of that.
No. 197425
>>197395I'm calling a couple years in the future she'll claim that her therapist was the one who put all these ideas in her head just to make herself out to be the
victim.. again
No. 197427
>>197419Considering the lesbian saga I fully anticipate she’ll just come out and say they all fused or died in her inner mindscape or whatever the fuck. Her audience is other TikTok larpers, so they aren’t going to care outside of the drama they can use it for. She’ll just move on to the next outrageous claim in an attempt to stay relevant/get attention.
She’s really selling herself short by stagnating like this. Wish she’d do some actual work to improve her whole situation, from her mental and physical health to her preoccupation with TikTok and being online. There’s a reason touch grass gets tossed around so much, it’s a legitimately healthier and easier option to this terminally online mentality.
No. 197443
>>197427it would actually be refreshing to see a pixielocks "getting my life back together" self wellness arc where she eats healthier, loses weight, and grows up & out of the terminal online brain. i think something like this would help her regain some of the audience thats unsubbed these last few years, tbh.
go ahead and have that idea for free, jill, since we know you're lurking lately.
No. 197462
>>197448fair point,
nonnie. tbf i think all of us have a tiny shred of hope for jill's redemption. but so far it's all just rolled downhill, so who knows.
No. 197469
>>197448I honestly hope she drops this act. It's harming her a lot.
I think DID is just an excuse for her to experiment with different style outside her stablished online persona but she also needs ass pats. She needs to mature and stop playing with identities and just be herself, her true self outside the internet.
No. 197517
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Sage for long sperg/tinfoil, but I’ve been wondering how Jill’s little hamster wheel brain must be spinning over DissociaDID suddenly coming back. Jill hasn’t even gotten to her first meet the alters video, and here’s Chloe again, with a podcast and a new partner/future scapegoat plucked green from tiktok (who btw, clearly chugged DD’s koolaid before popping up out of nowhere ~10/2020).
Jill got most of what she “knows” about DID from Chloe, and visibly tried to kiss ass and get attention in every comment section possible right before DD’s fall/when Jill first started flirting with dissociation shitposting. I have a hard time imagining her doing that again after all that’s come out against Chloe, but I can’t remember if Jill ever publicly denounced DD or sided with twitter “systems” who called her out in any way. Jill certainly isn’t a misinformation warrior or anything though, so I wouldn’t be surprised if her fixation with DD never waned privately. I’m sure she’s calculating how to handle the topic when it inevitably comes to her twitter feed, directly and indirectly. It’s obvious Jill was angling to become the biggest name in the Youtube DIDfluenzer niche with Chloe/DD disgraced and out of the way, and I’m sure she wasn’t expecting Chloe to start posting content where she actually talks about her trauma.
This is all just sperging up to my personal tinfoil- I bet Jill is using some of this time “offline” to analyze those (shit) podcasts, lurk their reddits and see what kind of feedback they’re getting, crowdsourcing trauma details being vomited everywhere from small tiktokkers, editing her backstory and recalibrating her plan for her DID content. Both DD & BraiDID have public tiktoks with details on their childhood trauma at this point, plus what’s in the podcasts. Jill has got to feel the pressure now that the DID community tune of “you don’t owe anyone your trauma history” has changed and people are now dumping sob stories like it was always part of the game. If she wants to keep up with the genre (let’s just call it what it is), she’s eventually going to have to come up with at least ONE early childhood detail wild enough to plausibly outweigh her 1. well documented & consistent positive attachment to a primary caregiver, 2. the fact that she has never wanted for a single fucking thing, definitely not survival essentials, and 3. that she has never disclosed anything worthy of a single ACE point (adverse childhood experiences scale- look it up if you care, I’m done).
No. 197603
>>197601Lurk harder,
nonnie. Was posted last thread:
>>196616 No. 197630
>>197625-She is going to be working with Barcroft TV again but for their series where they make alternative people normal looking. She's really excited about it but didn't give a timeline as I think she just accepted the email.
-Steve had a friend bleach his hair, so trooning a little day by day.
-Might consider getting a P.O Box soon
-She is a hitter when she gets agitated, had to tell her therapist because it could happen with EMDR
-Her first session wasn't that hard, she only cried a tiny bit and was effective. Steve made a joke about her abuser (wtf) and she laughed along with it.
-She knows EMDR could cause integration, or cause trauma memory loss (sounds like a crock of shit)
Thats all I remember of note
No. 197636
>>197630This tard bitch
hits when she's agitated? What? You can tell she wants that sweet, sweet autism diagnoses, jesus christ.
No. 197647
>>197629Steve didn't gain any weight nor did lose any weight. If the story is true and he actually doesn't wear the ring because it doesn't fit then it most likely means Jill bought both the rings without consulting Steve.
>>197630>Working with barcroft again for series where they make alt people normalI'm ready for that shit show. Do you think that they're going to make her feel like shit since she ballooned up since her last "doc"?
>Is a hitter when agitated More fuel for my "Jillian is actually the abuser" Tin foil.
No. 197685
>>197612Around 10 min mark, she mentions "Steebie" and a friend bleached 'their' hair blonde and are trying to get it to white. Said it's "Super long and it's gonna be so pretty"
Because of the retarded genderspecial "they/them" pronouns, it's hard to tell who she meant is bleaching their long hair, but if she meant Steve…troon saga very soon.
No. 197747
>>197612It's odd how she can have a full hour livestream with a chat that has people that could inadvertently
trigger her to "switch" with their questions. It's almost as if it's all an act.
>>197718>"She made fun of my little twin star sticker… She said that I was constantly stuck in this performative manor and that I wasn't communicating my feelings or showing emotion." >looks at the camera like a cartoon villain, "Anyway. We hate her." This new DID saga from Jill makes me want to a-log so bad!
No. 197748
>>197629>confirms suspicions jill wants engagementholy fuck, I don't know if I should laugh or be concerned, why marry that piece of shit?
Best case scenario he's cheating on her and this is why he doesnt wear it
No. 197755
>>197629Thanks for the writeup, the stuff about rings is rather telling.
Man isn't gonna marry her right now during her nosedive DID saga and the extra 50lb she gained since they got together, but considering his gender identity and sexuality is extremely suspect, plus no actual sexual chemistry between them, even when she was cuter and saner a few years ago he still wasn't gonna. He's been leading her on it sounds like.
I wonder if she's like Kaya/
Toxic Tears and will suddenly have a major life improvement when she loses the male (it will happen eventually) since he just seems like a leech, and living with someone like that couldn't be helping her condition.
Enablers who don't genuinely care about you are the worst people to have around when you're highly sensitive+prone to mental illness.
No. 197758
>>197685Steve is a ‘they’ now, and he’s been growing out his hair, so she was likely referring to his hair
> She knows EMDR could cause integration, or cause trauma memory loss She’s 100% laying the breadcrumbs to give herself an out if she needs to. Her recovery will cause her to ‘forget her trauma’ (literally not how that works) and she’ll intergrate.
My prediction is that she’ll ‘reintergrate’ her alters into being part of her own personality (shocking!) so that she can dress in black etc and say ‘oh look I was feeling very Jerrick today’
No. 197775
Wait, she's already back? How long was her hiatus, shorter than a week?
>>197629 "She's a witch"… Any therapist that affirms someone is any Paranormal being, must be insane or not real, so I'll totally go for the theory that that statement is part of her pathological liar persona rather an schizo saga
No. 197778
>>197629alright nonnas i didnt have time to finish the recap last night but im back.
>ordered beads off etsy to make a necklace, said "me and the little one have been having a lot of fun!" >"i thought the rainbow thing was a phase…but it has proven not to be" (??)>it will be her 3rd vday with stoobie>going to attempt to have a party for her birthday, inviting 12 people. (so much for 'staying safe' eh jill?)>looking to open a new PO box>"our house is so messy, stuff is everywhere, cause we keep partying and cant keep it clean">someone mentions making ampersand jewelry and jill loses her shit for 5 minutes saying shes DEFINITELY getting a tat of it and wants steebio to get her ampersand necklace>tells story about stickers the cat eating pipecleaners , then stickers walks in and starts eating pipecleaners on the live>reccommends hot topic and spencers for people to get ear plugs, how sustainable >admits shes wearing a 1x skirt (not sure if its the same for other nonnies but in my area a 1X is one size above an XL)>same thing other nonna said, she admits to being a "hitter" >says the one and only EMDR session made a big difference. says she can only afford going once every other week>"honestly i didnt think i have any trauma…but i realize i have YEARS worth of EMDR stuff to work thru!!">commented on a tiktok of someone who got diagnosed at 16 with autism and was complaining about waiting so long to get the diagnosis to tell them 16 is not old at all and they're lucky to be diagnosed that early ….kek>talks about someone who had DID, integrated, then got diagnosed with autism and 'split' again. "its soooo valuable to watch." she says. (anticipating this is how jill will extend the larp, tbh)>as the other nonna said, the 42:10 hate on the old therapist is fucking hilarious and everyone should watch jill be furious that she wasnt coddled and the therapist was spot on>talks about almost looking the therapist up lately because she wanted to "send emails to those who have wronged me">barcroft tv plug, she's clearly excited to be in the spotlight and get more attention>talks about wanting to be on SBSK, special books for special kids. (I nearly spat out my water hearing this. its a youtube channel where this sweet wholesome man goes around and talks with SEVERELY disabled children and adults, and treats them very sweetly. Jill things she can be on SBSK?!? jesus christ, how full of yourself do you have to BE jill. let the severely disabled children have their own spotlight you narc hungry bitch.)>blah blah precure, apparently theres a sandwich precure and she said "same!" 4 sandwich alter>says her little alter looks like her when she was 6, all other alters dont really look like her>says she switches in dreams but can barely explain it coherently, says when she screams at her family in dreams its jerrick (is jerrick the scapegoat for anything violent she doesnt want to take accountability for?)>"steve makes fun of us for being so capitalistic">something about thinking her seraquil was wrongly given to her (for sleep) and asking her therapist if she should go off her anti-psychotic drug>admits to not going to a physical doctor (non mental health doctor) in so long since her doctor is in PEI >talks about possibly delaying her next stream since its the day after her birthday and she wants to have a "cheeky sip" aka get drunk No. 197804
>>197752>"She literally chose insulting me to make me break out of this friendly (starts talking in a high pitched passive voice as an example of her uwu soft demeanor)"maybe because she knew you were full of rage underneath and knew you were showing up to therapy everyday to pretend to be a nice quiet girl with "poor me" disorders. A therapist isn't there to listen to you like a friend is, she's a paid specialist. Jill didn't want someone revealing that her problem doesn't stem from trauma- just a plain old deep seeded need for attention because she was hurt the world didn't idolize her like her family does. Even her story about wanting a mausoleum in her honor shows her visions of grandiose growing up. She saw herself as an unappreciated starving artist but didn't see the irony in the fact she's never created anything new.
This just in Jill, most people aren't coddled by their family and they get on just fine.
No. 197813
>>197778>talks about almost looking the therapist up lately because she wanted to "send emails to those who have wronged me"what the fuck is this retarded shit. She's
abusive and crazy.
No. 197827
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>>197778>talks about wanting to be on SBSK, special books for special kids. (I nearly spat out my water hearing this. its a youtube channel where this sweet wholesome man goes around and talks with SEVERELY disabled children and adults, and treats them very sweetly. Jill things she can be on SBSK?!? jesus christ, how full of yourself do you have to BE jill. let the severely disabled children have their own spotlight you narc hungry bitch.)hahahahahaha JESUS CHRIST JILL
No. 197854
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>>197852She really reminds me of this episode of south park where this guy becomes an alcoholic and starts behaving like if he was the sickest person on the world and it's clearly very very inappropriate.
No. 197861
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sage for autism, i made Jill in south park studio kek(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 197867
>>197861It's somehow still too flattering
She's so ugly these days even a tubby mismatched south park character looks good in contrast
No. 197874
>>197870Because a therapist's literal job is to help you with your mental health. If she was putting on the typical Pixielocks™ show, I'm glad someone was professional enough to break her own behavior down for her.
Somehow I really doubt whatever bougie therapist she went to was rude in their delivery since spoiled rich people are thin skinned as hell and don't pay out of the ass for therapy where their whole character is insulted. They pay for Adderall and benzos and to be told they're wonderful but maybe can work on something they were talking about until next week. She's full of shit.
No. 197876
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>>197861You inspired me
nonnie. Let’s party!
(do not post fanart) No. 197882
>>197870The thing is she was seeing the therapist for her ED. They have to discuss the way you dress and present. If she was presenting more childlike than her age they have to discuss that. Some people actually are
triggered into an ED because they can’t handle the body changes that puberty causes and want to go back and idolise the child body they used to have. You have to talk about that stuff and Jill was likely being offended and evasive which is how a lot of people respond and a good therapist should try and work through that, it doesn’t work without transparency from the patient. Also she was a teenager, no doubt she fobbed her off in an aggressive combative bratty way.
No. 197895
nonny this is great, I wanted to include the booze but I could only pick one food item
No. 197908
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Furthering why she might actually have marriage fever.
She caught the bouquet at her friends wedding it seems…
No. 197918
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What a manipulative cunt. She retweeted the pictures she liked at the beginning of her twitter break so she has a black creator to promote as soon as she gets back. Instead of finding new black creators or art work to promote.
No. 197920
>>197910Is it normal I don't believe she's being ''studying'' about everything she talked about this video? Like it's hard for me to understand why she even make that video for begin with.
I'm sad to see her go down like that… Like the downfall she's drivring herself to looks fucking scary. Can she open her eyes and just go back to normal or take another normal way to live lol?
No. 197921
>>197910I've never actually watched her videos before, skipped through parts, got to the retarded dramatic "I'm not being like HERE'S EVERY PERSON OF COLOR I FOLLOW HURR" but hooooly fuck she's more obnoxious than I ever could have imagined
How the fuck do people watch her. I wanna give you exfan anons the benefit of the doubt and assume her og videos weren't as bad but weeew
All I wanted to know was why clown make up was now raycist based on this anon's
>>197912 comment but yknow I think I'm better off not finding out
Transcript anons who suffer this shit, you da reel MVPs
No. 197932
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>>197908Steebie better run, she's looking at him like the last tendie.
>>197910Summary please she's too insufferable to me to watch at this point.
No. 197942
>>197908she looks so special needs lmao
Steven I hope you don't marry her and let her return to her mother's house because clearly marriage would be really bad for her mental health.
No. 197951
>>197932>Summary please she's too insufferable to me to watch at this point.doing this for u , nonna
>thanks people who commented of people who recommended stuff, even tho most of her comments were people saying "im black and i accept your apology uwu">total week and a half off social media, says she's been watching documentaries and speakers the whole time so she can make reparations and be more anti-racist, esp about dreads and locsits funny to compare this to her livestream where she said she was watching documentaries and tiktoks, and then in her vid she says shes watching documentaries and speakers, kek. Dont wanna admit your research is via tiktok, huh jillybean?
>made a list of stuff shes interested in and how it related to race (clowning, drag, weed, AAVE)>says she's removing AAVE from her vocabularythis made no sense to me, nothing says segregation like 'ah yes let me continue to distance myself from something '
>goes off about clowns, says the origins of clowning are racist without telling anyone what the origins are and where clown tropes come from sry for blog: a quick google shows the origins of clowning is from ancient greece, ancient egypt, and ancient rome. couldnt find too much on how clowning is particularly racist aside from american segregation and black face , but actually clowns are more of a performative class commentary more than anything because clowns are usually the symbols of inverse society (the rich are poor, the poor are rich, happy faces are sad, sad faces are happy, exaggerated mannerisms, exaggerated features , etc)
>seems to suggest that 'where you should draw the line' should be determined by others in the comments and not by her, i think she was trying to position this as an open narrative but honestly just comes off to me as her way of not making any strong moral statements or judgements>says clowning is a powerful form of reclamation for black people>"natural hair is not just hair when you get denied a job or kicked out of school for it">weed: watched a panel about it, "we need to push forward to make it equal for everyone, and to make reparations" again she doesn't say anything of substance about the % of black people who are jailed over marijuana use over white, she just uses these large, sweeping statements to be super generic
>said she made a black owned biz playlist but never followed through enough, says she's going to make a segment like featured confetti club member where she calls out black creators >"my feeds are pretty diverse">says she didnt want to plug any black creators right now to give them the flood of attention following her apology >address picture of her petting the black girls hair, says that she was patting her head for comfort at the kawaii society meetup and at the time and said she should have touched her shoulder instead to be more sensitive, bc touching her hair was a microagression>talks about watching hair touching ted talks>didnt monetize vid, asks if she should monetize the next video, said she will definitely monetize the video after that since it will be 'unrelated' but says she wants to donate the adsense to a charity or gofundmeoverall, wasn't awful but shes just so damn vague and pandering and generic that i feel like it was clear she didnt do any research at all, just looked up buzzwords or watched tiktoks about racism and pulled the headlines without reading the origins or context. to me, just seemed like another jill ploy to nicely wrap up her scandal for her ass kissing audience to think shes doing more than she needs.
No. 197974
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From 30 mins ago
No. 197989
>>197974her tiktoks make me cringe harder than anything else she does… she has no camera presence and can't lipsync for shit. her eyes look dead and kek at the awkward pause when the timer ended.
i usually don't like when nonas overexaggerate and call someone "DEATHFAT!!1" who is just average/chubby but damn she is looking really really super overweight and unhealthy and it's obvious she's trying to hide it with angles/arching her back and it's just not working
No. 197996
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there's a piano emoji in her bio now… new fragment/alter?
No. 197999
>>197974The shittily applied wig, the wrong colored eyebrows, the eyelash that almost falls off. She has the same standards for
ocs alters as she does her cosplays.
>>197996I will be disgusted if it's a "factive" of her piano teacher that never touched her. Also is she going to claim that she split because of what happened? She didn't even receive hate, all of the messages were just "I'm disappointed that she did this" there are people who get actual death threats when twitter finds out they had a racist past. If she thinks that's traumatic no wonder she doesn't want to disclose what caused her "DID".
No. 198014
>>197973If anything the whiteface clown with bright red hair, red nose and drunken behaviour is a caricature of the Irish. Isn’t her mother English? Yikes, Jill. Time for another apology video!
>>197991Veronica better figure it out soon if she’s going to start an OF to offset the decline in views and patreon earnings.
>>197999I want to say that Jill wouldn’t sink so low as to create a factive of the piano teacher but the past year has shown that she’ll do
anything for attention, so who knows. Maybe she’ll backpedal on him not assaulting her and claim those memories were repressed.
No. 198023
File: 1645266300724.jpg (435.99 KB, 1500x1500, iuEK2FUYNQ.jpg)

>>198018If anything this type of clown is like whiteface, white people mocking other white people isn't racism, it's the root of caricature.
No. 198037
File: 1645283801368.jpeg (412.94 KB, 1170x1249, 122DC4B5-E408-4051-9592-7B1546…)

i feel like jill always exaggerates how bad her “ED” was.
No. 198040
>>198037nitpick but what is she even on about here? ah yes, stretch marks from losing weigh. stretch marks which are caused by the skin stretching due to accesses weigh and tension. definitely a thing that happens to skin during rapid weight loss.
they might become more noticeable cause the skin isn’t taut anymore but they aren’t caused by it?
No. 198049
File: 1645289562448.jpeg (200.31 KB, 827x1518, 9E01F6B9-589F-4D6B-830F-043349…)

Same fag, forgot the screenshot whoops
No. 198068
File: 1645306072020.jpeg (343.43 KB, 1092x1095, 0AE4E4FE-9CDA-4213-AB1C-9BC433…)

>>197939I got you,
nonnie. Be careful, he’s about to call you a slur.
(do not post fanart ) No. 198078
>>198074Not to wk but considering Jill’s wardrobe, this is probably the least offensive thing she could have chosen.
It’s not even that particularly bright.
No. 198092
>>198040Yeah, they only become noticeable once the skin relaxes but we’re formed with the stretch. I’ve seen people use it as an excuse to not lose weight.
Also, Jill is not losing any weight. I think she’s just trying to preemptively stop people from commenting on them once it gets warmer and she exposes more skin
No. 198109
File: 1645334441465.jpeg (327.17 KB, 827x1518, 224A0C6E-C16E-4C50-A1A1-66DFE1…)

Oh fuck me, she’s starting a podcast
No. 198157
>>198109jfc she wore dreads once at like 14 and has to host "
poc creators" on her platforms every month now? how are these wokies even alive lmao
No. 198159
File: 1645374829860.jpeg (267.46 KB, 1241x1529, B10995C3-D3EB-49FF-9127-906969…)

Oh no, what disaster is she planning now.
No. 198160
>>198159Do you nonnies think this whole DID saga was just so she could get to be on shows like this? She probably goes total retard in her messages to these people.
>Hello, lovely angel [HEAVY EMOJI USE], we are the Pixie system! [HEAVY EMOJI USE], and if you feature us on your show, you'd be doing the DID community a wonderful thing by showing your support by having a wonderful little [EMOJI FOR THE BABY ALTER] system such as us on your show!Was this her plan all along?
No. 198162
>>198157That's what I was thinking, too. The demands are ridiculous on this side of twitter to redeem herself. I'm sure there are people who are
still unhappy. I thought her 2nd video, while silly, was surprisingly graceful.
No. 198163
>>198138>I have to imagine it’s her and SteveStevie is the exact type of boring male to start a podcast, I bet it will be 90% him talking and her giggling and making approving noises.
>>198157While I don't think it's necessary for her to do this, if this is what was needed for Pixie to 1. Stop the terrible drag/clown looks and 2. Be pleasant to people online, I think it's a good thing
>>198159All I can think about is how fat she'll look, they always film people in the most unflattering ways and include any embarrassing moments too
No. 198179
>>198157>>198162Yep, just keep glossing over her n word use and pretending that's normal, non-racist behavior. If she felt comfortable joking about in online in 2017, she's probably felt comfortable and entitled to use it before and since. Her apology is performative bullshit, but it's equally bullshit to act like she literally did nothing wrong that would warrant some kind of statement given her platform and the supposedly "woke" sjw image she has built of herself.
>>198177How she gets away with not switching while on stream now or any time in her previous
years of streams is wild to me. Her fans really are a cult when they go back to past videos or whatever trying to validate her LARP like "oooh, that must have been Jer for a minute there!"
No. 198184
File: 1645392223197.jpeg (266.83 KB, 828x729, 4C82B247-B625-4ED5-95FB-B5DA76…)

I’d rather die than have Jill educate me on DID
No. 198234
This ban is worth it idc anymore lolcow went to dumb wokie shit ages ago:
>>198179I highly doubt you're ethnically black and if you are, I feel for any black person whose mistakenly associated with your retardation… but you're still, without a doubt, unmistakably, a stupid fucking nigger. I hope you go about each day more
triggered than the last and stub each of your toes.
Take me away, mods. I'm ready
>>198161If it's one one those shows that also changes her hair, I bet she'll use it as an excuse to keep it natural after.
She'll give some lame excuse like "to give her hair some rest" or smth. It's totally not because even she knows she's too lazy to do the actual upkeep of having coloured hair and that she looks like a slob all of the time.
Until she gets bored/needs attention again ofc. Which is when the raiinbee uwu hair will be back with some cringe content to boot.
No. 198376
nonny this is brilliant but don’t give her any ideas kek
No. 198392
File: 1645558279794.jpeg (28.93 KB, 219x320, 5AB7B16C-3EAD-431A-BD8F-9FAC2A…)

just posted.., what’s up with the darkness on her eyelid here?
No. 198421
>>198420I am team her magic new therapy has given her false memories that she is a
victim of her ex piano teacher. The alter just has to have a relation to that putting all the pieces together.
No. 198428
>>198426im dying for sandwich to front
im also just so confused to all hell at how you supposedly can switch into an animal and BE an animal, despite being human and never having lived as anything besides human. just adds more bizarre and nonsensical richness to the larp
No. 198432
>>198431dear god the intersex thing is such fuckery. its the same thing as pretending to have a down syndrome alter bc its chromosomal.
the wonderland system is like 16, right? for some reason for all the cringe tiktok teens i think theyll phase out of it. jill is about to be 24. such fucking immature behavior
No. 198438
>>198436Nayrt but look up social learning theory and behaviourism in general. School of thought that every behaviour is learnt.
Sage for offtopic
No. 198440
>>198436No problem nonna, it's called cultivation theory and there's lots of articles and studies on it. you can also read a book called "The Saturated self" by Ken Gergen.
>"he warned of an Orwellian world where technology might saturate human beings to the point of “multiphrenia,” a fragmented version of the self that is pulled in so many directions the individual would be lost."There's also a really old philosopher called guy debord who wrote "the society of the spectacle" and its honestly a very hard read but talks about our selfhood being more and more devalued as society evolves.
No. 198441
>>198436NTAYRT, + sage for OT's an article specifically about consumer behavior/consumption i found interesting during my search about other anon's statement.
No. 198442
>>198431who is keeping a tally of the larp dissonance?
>jill can have a cat alter despite never being a cat>jill can have a trans/intersex alter despite never been trans nor having any chromosomal issue>jill can have alters that are older than she has lived>jills cliffe alter is only 35 and 'doesnt know much about social media' despite the majority of 35-yo millennials being totally digitally fluent having lived through more of the digital age >if cliffe was truly a 35 year old millenial he would be cheugy. like, harry potter fan and "derp" cheugy. however 'he' basically is gen-z trendy and uses gen z behavior and language >cliffe was the 'most recent' alter but is also the 'protector' which is supposed to be the first alter formed>jill used to 'switch without realizing' during appointments into a 15 year old jerrick but apparently can still drive fine despite jerrick being 15>says she cant control switches but then suddenly can control them for 'serious' situations like the nword scandaljust off the top of my head, but there's plenty more.
No. 198446
File: 1645575249033.png (205.64 KB, 390x448, iouggugi.png)

Can someone please post this webm? she looks like a fat and retarded version of melanie martinez. That collar looks like ageplay shit.
No. 198467
>>198442>jills cliffe alter is only 35 and 'doesnt know much about social media' Isn't Veronica meant to be slightly older and also computer illiterate?
She thinks anyone older than 25 is like an old person struggling with a touchscreen.
Ironically most old people now are computer literate since they need to use apps for health and banking etc, so maybe her alters are just morons?
No. 198474
>>198467Veronica is ""21"".
>Isn't Veronica meant to be slightly older and also computer illiterate? She thinks anyone older than 25 is like an old person struggling with a touchscreen.>Ironically most old people now are computer literate since they need to use apps for health and banking etc, so maybe her alters are just morons?Nah, Jill's just a terminally online moron. She has the mentality of a 6 year old when it comes to age. Everyone older than her is considered old. Kek.
No. 198478
>>198446I wonder if she would seethe if you compared her to Melanie since she still thinks Melanie is a horrible abuser.
>>198474>She has the mentally of a 6 year old. She would find that validating. she would be so proud that her little "alter" is constantly co-con.
No. 198488
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Wait what is this shit on her twitter now
No. 198489
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>>198488She’s really deep into autism and DID saga it’s tragic
No. 198495
>>198491Please don't start this shit again, take it to celebricows where it belongs.
>>198489It's happening, if she gets sick of playacting DID she'll hang onto the autism thing because it's a much easier LARP to just say she "had a meltdown at the grocery store" and buy more rubber toys. Mental illness fun without all the hassel of pretending to be anyone!
No. 198505
>>198478It's so transparent when some wacko like her shits on Melanie Martinez but then she does creepy shit herself. It's so obvious Jillian ageplays and the whole "I have a 6 year old inside me" is fucking disgusting.
She doesn't want to be her age it seems, she always wants to be younger with these alters. I wonder if she feels like time is running out and that she's a failure. There's so many implications to this, this is why she wants to relive her 6 year old self and her 13 year old self (and even a 21 year old alternate version of herself) but in a weird twisted way. Jillian, it is time to grow up and do something with your life. Your "I'm mentally ill" card won't work forever.
No. 198508
>>198488If I had a dollar for every privileged white girl desperate for attention online starting to larp as autistic I'd be rich.
- immediate "this is what it's like to live with autism" video full of false information
- suddenly has a bunch of tics, but they're all conveniently cute and quirky
- "fave stim toys" video while pretending she stims
- suddenly pretends to not understand sarcasm/idioms and uses that excuse to be a bitch to comments she disagrees with
- suddenly has sensory issues, but they're all conveniently minor
- denying accountability for past mistakes because "muh autism plz feel sowwy 4 me"
No. 198515
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No. 198517
File: 1645646418902.jpg (199.14 KB, 720x903, Picsart_22-02-23_20-57-16-377.…)

People here often say that she looks like Gipsy Rose but to me she's much more like Dee Dee tbh
>munchaussen queen
>creepy obsession with girly/kiddy stuff
No. 198528
>>198508The ridiculous part is that even if she did get her coveted autism diagnosis, it’s not like it changes literally anything? She’s still very clearly able to function, so the level of her “autism” is obviously pretty mild.
But no, she’ll immediately start acting like she’s never understood social cues or been able to handle textures and shit, even though her entire brand is built on wearing shit purely for aesthetic over comfort
No. 198542
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>>198515She is insufferable.
No. 198568
>>198488Omg Jill, having different interests doesn't mean you have DID. Being retarded, doesn't make you autistic.
I can't with this womanchild, I had hope I have to admit, but is now totally gone.
No. 198576
>>198528>The ridiculous part is that even if she did get her coveted autism diagnosis, it’s not like it changes literally anythingI'm sure she'll get the diagnosis she wants since she spends 100% of her time researching and practicing whatever behaviors are needed to pass the "test" (truly pathetic) but she specifically ""needs"" an autism diagnosis as a loophole to escape the fact she did not have any C-PTSD which is a requirement for DID, she intends to claim she had arrested development and her (self-caused) minor dating traumas and general BPD drama as a tween/teen were the "source" of her trauma and why she "started" "splitting"
The fact she clearly had normal development and is larping all of this will be ignored by the quacks, she never should have got the DID diagnosis and all the evidence she's faking is clearly displayed online, so I'm sure these doctors can be bought off and an autism diagnosis is small fry compared to signing off a healthy young woman with multiple personalities.
She focuses on Jerrick but since people are supposed to split due to trauma, this doesn't explain her 6 year old child alter, but she can just reabsorb/meld or whatever if it starts messing with her narrative.
But her options are autism diagnosis and claim of prolonged/delayed development (very false, evidenced by her own damn self posting her life online since she was a teen, autistic kids don't have the teenagehood she had, among all the other non-autistic behaviors she has documented)
Her other option is to fake an abuse story possibly with the easy scapegoat of the piano teacher or some other half-remembered figure from the past. But this could get her into a lot of legal trouble by pinning false accusations on real people, so the fake autism is the best case scenario.
Her life is really a trainwreck of her own making.
No. 198592
>>198576slightly ot but this reminds me of that art thief kenna girl who moved to japan and got a "severe autism" diagnosis despite her very obviously not being autistic at all, she started making videos visibly faking autism and people really did start to coddle her over it, so it's not impossible jills audience buys this shit and she'll be the new DID/autism representative while actual sufferers go unnoticed and ignored
starting to think going to therapy should require you to give the therapist access to all of your social media. if you're comfortable telling thousands of strangers online then you have no reason to hide it from the therapist, right?
No. 198598
>>198592>>198596kenna shows a lot of autistic traits, most of the shit pulltards made fun of are symptoms, her obsession with disney, only eating the same food over and over specially in her japan trip, the obsessively color graded instagram, even her apology disaster was quite autistic.
The only narcissistic thing about her is always thinking shes right which also common for autists and pretty notorious on Chris chan for example.
Also very telling she stopped being milky when she started getting therapy focused on autism after her diagnosis.
No. 198619
>>198576Even if she were to pin abuse to the piano teacher (which there wasn't any) she still would've been too old and the situation would not be severe and sustained long enough for her to develop DID from it anyways.
She's clearly just digging a deeper hole for herself, if even this thread knows more about how DID supposedly should work than she does
No. 198652
>>198651The people on social media who succeed at those kind of ventures work their goddamn asses off. You don't get something for nothing. Jill did NOT stand a chance, even if she tried. This girl has shown exactly 0 work ethic. Her current LARP / strategy is the best she's got.
Watch out, Steevie. Marry this chick and you seal your fate. She knows precisely what she is doing.
No. 198697
>>198693those jobs, craft class and a giant gap of unemployment. Congrats, Jill!
>>198652She'll leech off of Steebie and say she's too "disabled" to work kek.
No. 198733
>>198720She was working both of them at the same time. Its the only thing I'll give her credit for is that she didn't sit on her ass for
most of her gap years.
No. 198741
>>198669>People with etsy accounts and less than half her following make bank if they advertise themselves correctly. You can make money selling products with
no following but I've seen people with a couple k who are making good products/meeting demand who sell out instantly and make a living wage annually.
Even artists I follow who do like ten days work a year still sell out instantly and sell prints and stuff and make a few thousand a year.
Even a couple thousand of enthused fans is enough to make a decent annual wage, or even with 0 followers and good stock a store can make money. She sold those shitty cronchy collab dresses for $150 each or whatever they were shortly before the DID saga, so she knows she could continue on that path.
Jill's problem has been well documented in this thread but she basically has a terrible personality and lives off attention like oxygen, trying to have a successful, respected career was never the plan.
No. 198742
>>198598oh shit sorry for massive autist sperging but my time to shine as i was a pulltard lurker at the time, kenna did show some very mild symptoms such as… liking disney and wearing her socks inside out and being "quirky". She wrote herself she got diagnosed as "level 2" autistic (out of 3) which means it's a lot more severe than what used to be called aspergers, and bad enough that she would need substantial amounts of assistance at most/all times. She quickly and silently removed that text after people pointed it out and refused to ever talk about it. She would not have been able to get a diagnosis that severe without either straight up lying and faking it, or having a grossly incompetent person evaluate her. A person who is THAT autistic can't even mask enough to seem normal, they simply don't have the mental capacity for it.
Every other symptom claim of hers was VERY easily disproven by just looking at her past posts. I'm sorry to the anon(s) who related to her, but she was faking it all the whole time. And that's the danger of jill faking these illnesses too. There are actual autists, sufferers of DID, or trauma trying their best to advocate for their own rights, and along comes these attention hungry fakers to steal all of their representation through cute or pretty imagery and people just eat it up and leave the actual sufferers voiceless yet again.
(derailing) No. 198790
>>198742Kenna is a 26 year old virgin who self admitedly is only attracted to cartoon characters and only leaves her house to watch disney movies and take photo.
Sure she probably fumbled her autism diagnosis reveal in traditional Kenna fashion but its impossible to ignore that she has always been a sperg, she has had her phases but her symptoms were always consistent, she couldnt have possibly faked almost a decade of disney obsession. If plenty of girls with autism say Kenna clearly has autism why is it so hard to believe it?
No. 198825
>>198824Jill can wave goodbye to the idea of going to Japan for the 25th anniversary.
I can't even imagine her going if she could. She'd probably forget to vlog, need a chaperone, and get too sad realising A. she cant buy non sustainable things and B. the stuff she can buy, she is too fat to fit into. It'd be soul destroying for her.
No. 198854
>>198821I honestly don’t think she has a plan for how she’ll sustain herself going forward, because I think that’s exactly her issue. She’s so terrified of having to put herself out there into the adult world and do the things she’s built up for years (a fashion career) and having to be full self sufficient and self responsible that she’s created a safety blanket of excuses for why she doesn’t have to. She
severely needs a decent therapist and the self awareness to address her attachment issues towards her childhood and refusal to grow up. The thought of having to be an adult is so upsetting to her that she’s literally created a reality in which she can be a teenager again when she wants to. I have no doubt that she’s full convinced herself that her coping mechanisms are more than just that. It’s honestly really tragic to watch, because she could be thriving
Sage for sad sperg
No. 198862
>>198790this is relevant for jill as well as kenna but a normal ass person can NOT diagnose themselves OR another person accurately. Doesn't matter if you watched 50 youtube videos and 100 tiktoks, you can not diagnose an extremely specific developmental disorder unless you are medically trained for exactly that. this kenna girl liked disney for years? so every boy who grew up loving football and eating hamburgers into adulthood is also an autist now? how is that logic not retarded? autism was previously used the same way kids now call themselves non-binary to feel special, were none of you ever on tumblr lmao
A bunch of autist kids online recognizing themselves in someone isn't proof that a person is autistic, like have you seen their autist headcanons, are all of those correct now too? hamilton was an autist, shrek was an autist your mom is an autist. this is literally why jill thinks she's got DID now, and will probably larp as an autist too in the near future
sage for literal autist sperg
No. 198886
File: 1645916853324.jpeg (48.66 KB, 750x250, 34113413-8CFB-47A3-996C-185D81…)

probably not but i’m half-hoping this is the troonouncement
No. 198888
>>198862Everytime I come on here it's some loser getting angry that people they don't know got an autism diagnosis.
Who cares!!!! Also claiming a medical professional needs to diagnose you when Jill literally supposedly has diagnosed DID from a medical professional is the cognitive dissonance I would expect from y'all. It literally proves that medical professionals are still incompetent!
You could have literally just came on here and said you are against self diagnosis, shut the fuck up and left it at that. But instead you decided to virtually sick the dick of "medical professionals" in the guise of acting like you care about actual autist.
No. 198895
>>198821She wont be able to get disability money if she makes enough from youtube, they get really anal about any extra income so you if you "make too much" you dont get anything. It isnt even that much, its maybe like 1k a month so barely livable. Also she would loose it anyways if she did get married so long term its the worst position to be in.
Her ideal situation would be to have Stevie make money enough for her to not care about income and then have fun online acting these different characters. If he leaves her she is fucked.
No. 198900
File: 1645924374524.jpeg (177.13 KB, 768x1024, AD6319BC-F901-4E61-AD6C-5E42EF…)

throwback to this already tacky little display not ageing well at all
sage for old milk
No. 198932
>>198888>claiming a medical professional needs to diagnose you when Jill literally supposedly has diagnosed DID from a medical professional is the cognitive dissonance I would expect from y'all. Honestly seeing that Jill and others get diagnosed with DID when they are so clearly just regular degular mentally ill people with depression or BPD or whatever did reduce my faith in their legitimacy, however the anons talking about self-diagnosing and diagnosing others are right too.
Firstly not everyone is in a rational enough position to self-diagnose (say, a person who's having a panic attack and googling the symptoms) and diagnosing someone else who you don't know personally is obviously not possible.
Seeing small clips that person curated themselves tells you none of what happens in the other hours of the day, how they react to things or how they interactwith people are all telling.
Ideally a rational, calm person could self-diagnose something, but considering the loony bin of people we've been seeing online over the years I think self-diagnosis is not recommended and definitely not diagnosing others who you don't know. There's way too many conflicting factors such as social contagion and attention-seeking which come into play especially with influencers.
No. 198959
>>198895I’m sure she would prefer for Steebie to support her but if he
troons out and leaves her she could always move back in with her parents and live off them. A few years ago I would’ve said this would be too embarrassing for her to aim for but it would actually be very appropriate for her current trajectory. What’s more stereotypically (male) autistic than living in your mom’s basement?
No. 198961
>>198934AYRT, Agreed.
>>198937I don't think you read it right, I don't believe she has DID but as established, she paid for the diagnosis, however that doesn't mean self-diagnosing suddenly becomes a better choice, it just means there are plenty of quacks you can buy off. A specialist still knows more than Mary on her iphone, that's just a fact. Jill is still fake as fuck though.
No. 198963
File: 1645986077882.jpeg (204.73 KB, 827x1480, A3CD19D4-0344-4577-B3FA-F54E0C…)

Saved for extreme lack of milk. This was the ‘important tweet’. He’d replied under the first one a originally saying “I’ll reply to this in exactly a year”
It would’ve been mildly clever if he hadn’t get the need to hype up his dumb joke before hand
No. 199010
File: 1646025666750.jpeg (163.74 KB, 582x456, FC0BF8D9-E4A6-4A0F-BB81-3B84FD…)

surely she must have noticed how crunchy her pfp on tiktok is right now, her mother would be ashamed Jilly
No. 199105
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No. 199107
File: 1646106724540.jpg (265.81 KB, 1080x783, Hmmmmm.jpg)

>>199105I looked up what a "sexual protector" is and uh… what lmao. So she has an ethot alter that tries to instigate sexual abuse to feel more "in control" of a situation… so theoretically her ethot alter could be subjecting her retarded baby alter to sexual shit/trying to instigate sexual abuse while the baby alter could be co-conning? Interesting. This is all fake of course but it's funny seeing the stupid shit she spews.
No. 199119
>>199105"Apparently normal parts (ANP) are the rational, present-oriented, and grounded parts of the individual that handle daily life or, in the case of dissociative identity disorder (DID) and so multiple ANP, aspects of daily life."
"Emotional parts (EP) are the parts of the personality that represent the dissociation or that contain the traumatic materials (memories of the trauma, internalized beliefs and perceptions, learned responses, etc). EP are often drawn forth by reminders of the trauma and may not experience much of everyday life. Because of this, they might be far less developed than ANP."
anp seems to mean the ones that 'act normal' and ep mean the ones that are just strong emotional reactions. which even by this dumb logic doesn't make any stupid sense. how is the co-host, which would mean out most of the time, sort of 'running the show' in terms of jill's life, how would he be an EP? how would the protectors (isn't that, within the context of DID roleplay bullshit, alters that come out to protect from things? to be the one that experiences and remembers the abuse and deals with those situations?).. for this to make even a lick of sense, EVEN within the context of the retarded fake mental illness roleplay she's doing, she would have to actively be in the
abusive situation.
how can one woman be so fake-confident while so so clearly an idiot??
No. 199120
>>199118 NTAYRT but it's easy shit to Google. DIDtards love to post about it like it's the only hobby they have.
jillian doesn't even follow the lore of her larp, it's kind of hilarious how bad it is. if i didn't know better, i'd think shes a troll
No. 199129
>>199105It also makes no sense for Veronica to be an ANP. “Sexual protectors” are EPs because they’re the ones that hold all the sexual trauma and are created to front when dealing with a sexually
abusive situation. Sexual protectors being EPs is like DID 101. Once she reads all this and sees how much she got wrong, she’ll backtrack and say something like this was just her best guess, but now her therapist has relabeled them.
No. 199140
>>199136>>199129Are these terms from well researched peer reviewed information or just shit being said online on a site with a .org? A lot of this DID stuff online seems to be sourced incorrectly by the larpers and repurposed to mean something else entirely. Not to mention the grifters coming out of the woodwork with their desire to raise awareness and just support these poor misunderstood marginalized people and oh if you want to donate here’s their cashapp.
What Jill and others are doing reminds me so much of tumblr culture. Everything that
triggers them is in their bio and there are special terms for certain
triggers (and by
triggers I mean vague discomfort or normal shit no one wants to see like gore). There are otherkins who have rules of engagement and no they really ARE that character from that anime. It just seems like the escalation of individual exceptionalism, and they must be exceptional because look at how many people engage with their online persona! So their online persona must be who they are because that’s who people like? But who they are irl isn’t like that at all so they must be two people right!? She and many others need to get off the fucking internet in a social capacity and get a life in the real world.
No. 199165
File: 1646162117241.png (91.64 KB, 802x780, cowcrossover.png)

There's this popular youtuber called Schmoxd that just today at 1am uploaded some videos about joining the NFT craze. His other videos are all about being artsy, crafty, and resorceful, so there's obviously some backlash in his comments going on at the moment.
Enter Pixie the "sustainability queen", being hypocrital as ever. I laughed at this comment
>there is no point in trying to justify yourself to people like pixie. she knows it all, she knows whats best for the environment, and if you hold a different opinion, she'll disagree and completely downplay everything you say to make herself feel better.Also, Schmoxd at some point mentions how he feels like he's having dissociative identity disorder as of late and Jillibean didn't mention it, wild. Here's the vid for anyone interested. I just find it very retarded and hypocrital how she wants to police others when her sustainability act is far from perfect.
No. 199167
File: 1646162359423.png (250.2 KB, 596x396, vegbege.png)

I'm going to take the emoji ban just to once and for all post this shit here
>Here’s and up-to-date list of the symbols my selves and I use to show who’s typing online 🥰💖
>🌈 Jillian | 23, she/they
>🐍 Jerrick | 14-16, he/him
>🔥 Veronica | 21, she/her
>♣️ Cliffe | 35, he/him
>🍓 [Little, name currently withheld] 4-6, she/her
>🌸 Flora | 18, she/her
This is the list of alters (please mods don't delete, this is crucial to the cow's milk). Also she updated her info to "we are pixie".
No. 199168
File: 1646162459041.png (15.45 KB, 590x120, efbgefgefe.png)

>>199165I hope people on youtube call her out for how hypocrital she is.
No. 199174
>>199168>>199165Here’s a thought jilly, why not feature some starving artists on your channel and promote them to your audience base? Or do some of them not deserve it because white content creators don’t bring in those sweet woke points?
She has money and access to money so why isn’t everything she owns bespoke and created by solo artisans? It would be slow going getting all the custom pieces but a lot more sustainable, a lot more supportive to the creative community. Instead she has to comment and try to drag them down to make herself look better.
No. 199188
File: 1646178663999.png (23.09 KB, 792x164, efbgefgefe.png)

>sorry bud I'm unsubscribing
No. 199189
File: 1646178874541.png (11.1 KB, 724x90, efbgefgefe.png)

>>199188also, tranny followers coming in
No. 199220
File: 1646191315788.jpeg (667.6 KB, 1170x1536, A4D4CF20-F7DF-4679-B16E-26D812…)

Uh oh “jerrick” is at it again
No. 199225
>>199188I think he’s deleted her comment kek
As much as I actually agree with her regarding NFTs, she can fuck right off with the hypocrites bs. She’s still a hyper consumer, she just doesn’t have the disposable income she once had because she’s actually got bills now.
Not to mention she’s hardly one to talk when she very recently let Steve promote fucking Soviet communism of all things in a video
No. 199234
>>199220from the way this is worded it just sounds like Jill got in an argument for either cutting or excessive consumption of her vices.
>I'm not trying to hurt the body. i am a person who is hurting, in this body. nice 2012 tumblr post Jilly. Hold your self accountable instead and discuss how you use weed and drinking as unhealthy coping mechanisms to your therapist.
No. 199261
>>199256Go take your nft shilling elsewhere, crypto is just the stockmarket on speed, it's not the future any more than being trans or DID is the future.
Jill just copypasted an opinion from somewhere (Stevie?) because since when did she have opinions about art and tech. Her opinion is out of date anyway as it has now surmised the incredible amount of art and music theft with crypto and creators who support it are considered fools. Her opinion is from 2021 sometime when the general public were more concerned about the environment.
Also nft shills are the worst, they will bombard anyone mentioning it with abuse in their thousands, so much to hate about this shit kek sustainability is merely one of the problems with this.
No. 199295
File: 1646257348213.png (167.65 KB, 1080x502, Screenshot_20220302-144134-787…)

Jillian what the fuck are you talking about?
No. 199297
>>199188The guy in the video uses Solana, which is carbon neutral. It doesn't use proof of work but proof of stake, it's almost exactly the same as uploading an image to twitter in terms of energy usage.
NFTs are fucking stupid, but not as stupid as Jill.
No. 199308
>>199271It doesn’t
mean anything. It just means that OP spends too much time circle jerking with the other crypto bros on r/wallstreetbets
No. 199344
File: 1646318099548.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1284x1188, ADBB5A4D-2C65-44DD-93A0-D7AE35…)

Sage bc no milk but I saw someone on tumblr post this cake and it made me think of Jill. Is this just what the kids are doing these days? I wonder if she’d make another cake for her own autism dgx she’s working towards.
No. 199352
File: 1646326224418.jpeg (390.71 KB, 828x1040, 58E9EBF0-E785-4507-896A-1F6C14…)

I’ll believe it when I see it, Jill
No. 199368
>>199352Fuck me
nonnie. I'm surprised if we see the first alter video before summer.
No. 199371
>>199352>A new era is coming!!!I hope your DID rebranding fails you fucking narcissistic retard. I hope everyone unsubscribes to you and then they cancel you for misinformation, and then you end up in a dumb "what happened to pixielocks" video made by a retarded zoomer with fortnite clips in the background. You had everything to succeed even if you found out that you're useless at sewing, you had a clear YouTube branding and you had the views and you just had to put some effort into making interesting videos. But you opted for the most retarded path ever, you truly think you can be a voice for the mentally ill but this is SO OBVIOUS that you're doing it for the money and bragging rights. I hope you fade it into obscurity and never come back. All you have in your sad little life is your narc outbursts, your weed highs, and Steve's cock that gives you constant UTIs. It's not too late to go back Jilly, you are young. But my best bet is you will continue well into your 30s until you realize you are an obese, brain damaged, substance addicted, attention craving, saggy and balding sad and lonely womanchild.
No. 199437
>>199393One of the problems with this whole thing is that repetition can
trigger a tic. It doesn’t happen every time but if someone with Tourette’s hears or sees something over and over they can develop a tic from that. Tourette’s actually falls under the OCD umbrella which is in the DSM 5. Another issue that people like Jill have caused is the huge rise in fake service dogs which is incredibly dangerous for real disabled people who’s service dogs can save their lives, that might sound like an exaggeration but it’s really not. It may sound extreme but what is a fun larp for this privileged rich coddled mommy’s girl is contributing to extreme problems for real disabled people and she is inciting more young people to join in with her. This is more dangerous when she has a platform with a lot of kids. If you see this Jill you can still stop before you spiral further and have blood on your hands.
No. 199440
>>199427it's this article'm still reeling from it and how little people are discussing it considering how batshit it sounds. But we should probably stop derailing.
No. 199441
File: 1646389035836.jpeg (1.2 MB, 1452x1576, 5AC638E0-A21D-452D-9039-CD37A8…)

I didn’t see anyone post this yet but it’s a tik tok also posted on Twitter talking about her stupid emotion wheel. Her demeanour the whole way through is so telling, she is so excited and just relishing talking about how ill she is. She is just so excited to tell the world about her “laundry list of issues”. It’s actually unhinged. She talks about how Jerricks default in all situations is to want to commit suicide and the way she talks about it and how the little wheel stops it makes it clear she has never had real ideations.
No. 199447
>>199441> Jerricks default in all situations is towant to commit suicide and the way she talks
about it and how the little wheel stops it
makes it clear she has never had real
Fuck me, did I die and wake up in 2012 Tumblr?
No. 199448
>>199386Check out r/BIID on reddit.
I fucking hope it becomes the new trend.
No. 199450
File: 1646406555881.png (12.75 KB, 693x135, Screenshot (381).png)

>>199448 samefag. It's amazing
No. 199452
>>199448The real joke is that BIID is more
valid than Jillian because those people are legitimately broken in the head and do get voluntary amputation or force situations where it is necessary. Nothing Jill does has any real world consequences for her and she lives a privileged comfortable life while saying all this nonsense.
No. 199463
>>199441She says that people could use her wheel but again she doesn't specify that it's made for her to process negative emotions. She implies it but she needs to tell her audience straight up if she's going to try to be a mental health guru.
>>199448It won't because there are along term consequences to that illness. At least with faking things like BPD or DID when you self harm (like in Jill's case) you get shallow scars so when people see them they think your a tragic heroine. BIID is too extreme to fake for clout since if you willingly tell people you want to become crippled they'll bombard you calling you abelist or whatever.
No. 199489
File: 1646437309631.jpeg (262.1 KB, 828x610, B462B478-1B7A-44FA-B7A2-2C7825…)

No. 199490
File: 1646437458202.jpeg (639.16 KB, 828x1470, CB565646-C695-4A2A-93DF-0FA39F…)

Also Jill posted a (most likely drunk) dancing video
No. 199512
File: 1646444094940.webm (1.57 MB, 540x960, dance.webm)
>>199490Here's the webm for anyone who doesn't wanna go to tiktok
No. 199513
File: 1646444626527.webm (13.13 MB, 540x960, amnesia.webm)
And after
>>199512 she posted another video an hour ago about "DID symptoms that have negatively impacted her life", specifically amnesia. Basically she uses her DID to justify being a shitty, flaky friend that forgets about plans and ignores messages. She says that the reason why she's so open about her DID on social media is so she can let people know that it's not her fault for ignoring them.
It's so blatantly obvious she wanted these diagnoses to use as a shield to protect her from any adult responsibilities. But we all knew that from the start.
No. 199537
>>199513This is such a bullshit excuse, she is constantly on social media. Posting at least once each day to twitter and replying to her friends on there in an instant.
Jill you just have anxiety. Not major, just regular.
No. 199566
>>199525It's normal to not talk to friends for months when you are a normal adult with responsibilities. Jill sits on her ass all day doing nothing, she has no excuse. I get being anxious sucks but you have to deal with it head on. It's not like she's working 40-60 hrs a week, raising kids, taking care of elderly parents, doing rigorous studying / school work, or anything else the average adult has to deal with. She sits on her ass, shoving her face, not making videos, and not talking to friends. Just her and Steebie sitting in their rainbow vomit house all day, doing nothing for the world. It's no wonder she's depressed and anxious, it only gets harder to get back into the real world with real people the longer she lives like this.
No. 199579
File: 1646505840769.jpeg (234.82 KB, 828x521, EBC82534-810C-49EE-A48F-2DE5D9…)

For anon’s who were right about DID just being something she turns on and off when it’s convenient for her, look no further than this post. Of course she is 1# DID influencer advocate until in gets in the way of her birthday party that is all about her and not other DID larpers
No. 199617
File: 1646529044210.jpeg (654.74 KB, 828x1215, 27B774C7-A622-4F90-8060-93CD7E…)

Calling it now she’s going to called the vlog “my first birthday with DID” or something like that
No. 199623
File: 1646532375936.webm (1006.69 KB, 1280x720, twitter_20220305_165020.webm)
This bitch made a jeopardy game about herself for her friends to play.
No. 199635
thank you anon I am DEAD
No. 199637
File: 1646538414540.png (195.05 KB, 450x293, Screen Shot 2022-03-05 at 10.4…)

>>199623The categories kek
No. 199640
>>199637>>199623How narcissistic. Kek.
Does She watch Friends? It feels like she took inspiration from the apartment bet episode. Can't choose between pixie system or mental health as my favorite category. I'd have to see the questions.
No. 199656
>>199637how delusional, self centered, attention whoring and narcissist must you be to make a fucking thing like this. Imagine being her friend, must be a nightmare. Constantly having to walk on eggshells, having her as the center of attention all times, having to clap whenever she does shit like this, and feeling like a personal army of followers to a washed out nobody. Not to say, this is so boring. She already talks about herself all the time, can she at least entretain her guests in a way that DOESN'T involve her or her interests, like, constantly? Honestly I feel bad for her friends. They are not only weak and dumb to befriend a narcissistic lovebombing bitch like Jillian, but they have to pull up with her constant mental illness larp. People like her are destined to end up alone.
No. 199657
File: 1646554838778.png (17.79 KB, 1161x89, 121.png)

Damn… almost a decade later and nothing has changed (from the cgl archive)
No. 199658
File: 1646555363894.png (615.39 KB, 566x620, 1430924772868.png)

>>199657Kek, found this. Some things truly never change. Once a narcissist, forever a narcissist.
>>>/pt/94398 No. 199659
File: 1646556471676.jpeg (735.11 KB, 1232x1226, 1646389035836 (1).jpeg)

>>199658kek, some things truly neverchange.
No. 199661
File: 1646557778221.jpeg (23.16 KB, 206x275, 1636746879058.jpeg)

Going back to the thread with the DID reveal shook me. This bitch really said
>My full psych eval is DID, PTSD, GAD, BPD and EDNOS
with a fucking smiley heart emoji BARF!
Please someone add this info to the OP, I think it is important to keep track of this but it isn't mentioned for some reason
No. 199664
>>193612can't believe none of you nonnies actually have mentioned how many areas this bitch has in her "inner world"
>Meeting area, living room, office room, garden, hiden locked area, and each alter has their roomthis should be added to the OP description as well.
No. 199675
File: 1646566528134.png (101.89 KB, 1280x454, quiiiizzz.png)

>>199623>>199637I did it nonnies… it took me a while but I finally did it. Here's the faithful recreation to Jillian's fun and totally not self centered jeopardy game (kek). You can play it here No. 199679
>>199637Narcissism off the charts yet that is one thing she is not diagnosed with
>>199671Agreed entirely, I'd be busy forever after that shit
No. 199696
>>199691Turn back now
nonnie, it’s not too late
No. 199744
Y'all know Stevie is also a girl's name right? The impending troon saga is probably why he switched to that from Steve.
>>199675>>199705NGL I had a hearty kek. I don't think this is any more autistic than making a new thread.
No. 199754
File: 1646653073770.jpeg (591.45 KB, 828x1219, AFA6A386-5E75-4E98-AC8F-7F2622…)

No. 199757
>>199754Is this guy the same artist, who Pixie had that odd shirt from? She told in the post, that the artist has schizophrenia.
Guess she's forming a new social circle around mental health for her rebranding effort.
No. 199759
>>199751Nonna, the fact that Steve made the quiz only makes it
slightly less self obsessed, it doesn’t make it less cringe. It also cements the fact that Jill’s entire personality revolves around her mental illnesses and being online. Her only discernible interest besides herself even to people in her real life is the fact that she likes one anime
No. 199768
>>199764What’s he going to do? Say no? She’s mentally ill and it’s her birthday, have a heart
Though it is easy to see the social pressure that might have been used to get him there, it wouldn’t be a surprise if he went in the hopes of promoting his own TikTok mental health content. At this point the people watching jill are clearly consumers of mental health entertainers so it’s possible this was a case of creator crossover for all their fans and for them each to gain new fans from each other’s pool.
As an aside; what the fuck!? Just thinking about it, these people are getting views for being mentally ill! They’re content creators and the content they promote is literal mental illness. No wonder kids are falling into this head first, any kid who feels like they don’t belong or is still struggling to work out who they are see this shit and the validation these people get and realize it’s an easy performance to replicate or that it perfectly reflects them so they must also suffer from the same things. They see no nuance with how actual sufferers experience the world vs how they experience the world, they just see the performances posted to social media.
No. 199805
File: 1646689721388.jpg (336.87 KB, 1080x1398, IMG_20220307_213056.jpg)

Checked up on the Jill call out vid and it's not going to happen kek.
No. 199816
>>199759This, it means Steven is such a "yes man" to Jill, that he HAD TO make a fucking game night all about her. It's fucking stupid whatever angle you look at it from.
>Her only discernible interest besides herself even to people in her real life is the fact that she likes one animeKek this
No. 199821
>>199776This kinda angers me, honestly. Narcissists always use others, specially those who are mentally ill, for their own benefit. It always has to be about them even when others have it worse.
And I'm just trying to put myself in this man's shoes. He seems genuine in this picture, but Jillian doesn't.
No. 199850
File: 1646711106801.jpeg (350.86 KB, 828x1112, 60B45B91-1078-4862-A311-B59A46…)

no way
No. 199854
>>199850So, in the end, she got what she always wanted, and the only thing she was looking for.
A godammn interview about her mental illness.
No. 199862
>>199850She's finally about to live her dream. After she had enough jfashion television appearances she lost interest. Her deepest dream is to have her very own tlc show. I bet she's fucking cumming being asked to be THE DID retard who gets to be THE FACE of DID after she was too poorly dressed the be the face of white harajuku after a Japanese designer told her that her designs suck (sorry old faggery)
School theater wasn't enough attention
YouTube wasn't enough
Twitter still isn't enough
And she's to disconnected with the teens to get any attention on tiktok
What's going to happen when being on tv isn't enough
No. 199929
File: 1646753222217.png (1.24 MB, 1654x1776, Screen Shot 2022-03-08 at 10.2…)

>>199805still combing through all 200 odd pages of this, mostly just a retelling of our threads minus the parts where we make hilarious edits. so far this screenshot of the DMs from the girl from jills "explanation of this bullshit? [heart emote]" tweet is the most interesting.
just goes to show jill is actually truly vile on the inside, and is so so so keen to be rude and then claim being
victim bc of trauma. the manipulation is so obvious too… "we could have been friends" its giving very much gabbie hanna gaslighting vibes
No. 199931
>>199862I’m sure she probably thinks it’s her shot to DID stardom, but it won’t be. MultiplicityandMe had two docos about them and Jess is actually tolerable to watch and still isn’t all that we’ll known. Though I guess to be fair, Jess said that she turned down further tv stuff because she didn’t want it becoming a whole thing. Jillian Fame Junkie Vessey probably won’t be quite so humble.
It will be hilarious to see her approach it though. I’m betting she’ll have ‘Jillian fronting as a “system rep”’ the whole time with the others being conveniently ‘co-conscious’ to avoid actually having to act like someone else since she can barely even manage it in a tik tok.
No. 199938
>>199933it was after jill's did announcement, the person tweeted asking if all jill's content would be mental health related. jill flipped out at them on the villany swells account.
do any of my nonnas have the "explanation of this bullshit" tweet thread screencap? the one in the file is way too blurry to read. otherwise it was pages 128-130 in the doc.
No. 199954
File: 1646755369010.png (877.02 KB, 548x1136, 1.png)

Kek, my sides. No one wants to see a fat retard dancing Jillian.
No. 199958
File: 1646755704053.png (19.66 KB, 544x116, 1.png)

more emoji retardation. (this "IT'S JILLIAN FLORA AND THE LITTLE" sounds like a cope. Just say it's you retard, there's no "we")
No. 199959
File: 1646755913674.png (188.87 KB, 528x492, 1.png)

No. 199961
File: 1646756334868.png (18.21 KB, 542x114, 1.png)

Perhaps felt called out much? it's almost like her brain is trying to make some sense about it.
No. 199963
File: 1646756505626.png (852.29 KB, 1038x538, 1.png)

Why is she this retarded about precure holy shit
No. 199968
>>199929The fact she says "we could have been friends" on the spurious basis they are both in their 20s and "anti-diet" whatever the fuck that means, and then when the girl says something positive back Jill replies "nice try"
She's so clearly manipulative and narcissistic even in such a short conversation. I'm sure she DM'd this girl too hence the bailing on the video despite doing so much preparation.
No. 199969
File: 1646757096810.png (294.28 KB, 360x650, 1.png)

kek I think her mom knows how obese she's getting
No. 199971
File: 1646757153680.jpg (96.53 KB, 737x767, soontobetroon.JPG)

Going through Steve's likes on twitter and there is so much tranny shit he liked …
No. 199973
File: 1646757199513.jpg (73.43 KB, 728x773, soontobetroon2.JPG)

>>199971how he sees his own future I guess.
No. 199977
File: 1646757419549.webm (10.52 MB, 540x960, - Ty to the small …)
>child parts and fatigue
That title alone is creepy
>our child was just out, this is jillian again
Kek Jilly of course someone would be fatigued at having to pretend to be a retarded baby playing on the floor with toy houses
anyways click to play. She's going hard on those filters.
No. 199980
File: 1646757795697.webm (2.39 MB, 576x1024, superretard.webm)
>>199974Oh god, ugh. You were absolutely right (click to play). Jillian and Steven are just a couple of jesters. Fucking gross, she even tagged it as age regression. Also talking to your cats in a sweet way isn't even age regression, wtf?
No. 199982
File: 1646757858113.webm (3.09 MB, 576x1024, - Stevie got Lego …)
>Stevie got Lego Batman for their birthday >:) He deserves a little icecream treat
why does this look like a child posted it
No. 199984
>>199981Because she obviously wanted to screenshot it for twitter kek.
Living with her must be a nightmare, I bet her house is musty and reeks of cat shit.
No. 199993
File: 1646758577328.png (96.82 KB, 352x196, 1.png)

>>199989Kek you're so right. Do they just constantly spill bong water on top of it or?
No. 200000
File: 1646758906049.png (72.99 KB, 295x287, imagen_2022-03-08_095759.png)

>200000 GET
I love you nonnies, no more big chungus.
No. 200005
File: 1646759152816.jpg (216.23 KB, 1056x1913, 20220308_120325.jpg)

>>199990Wrong Sarah Fraser. Taken from the CBC website.
No. 200006
File: 1646759175429.png (1.41 MB, 1544x929, before the abuse.png)

>>199993This table has received more abuse than Jill ever has.
The photo is from the house tour, barely three years ago…
No. 200011
ok nonnas i read through all 268 pages
more or less just narrative using our threads as proof. if you've been following the threads for a while, you're probably familiar with 99% of the document already. the only new and exclusive content was the dm's from
>>199929 , the rest is screencaps of lolcow or twitter.
overall, i think this person did a fine job at phrasing this and it probably would have made a lot of people who know of jill/like her to have second thoughts, it's pretty good in terms of describing the larp, and its organized fine for the most part. i think the most interesting speculation was how she phrased the bit about parasocial relationships as its touched on in these threads but seeing all of her parasocial behavior put together was pretty impressive. it starts at page 102.
IMO there could have been a few things that would make it better:
>more to show the hypocrisy about jill claiming autism since that is one of the most blatantly offensive bits of her larp>more on the uma relationship and the deviantart proof that uma was probably not as abusive as jill makes her out to be>queerbaiting and her fake gayness>jill's 'sustainability' personality >jill's lack of fashion content for the last year/two yearsoverall 3/10 read, but good on that person for finally putting all jill's shit together and releasing it. i think a video would have still been better, though.
>>199941 nonna i was busy reading a novel's worth of jill larp cancer, relax
No. 200034
>>199959Is Steven secretly a farmer? He made the perfect next thread pic for us.
>>199964It wasn't even "some people" it was only one black kawaii creator that she liked the posts so she could retweet them when she came back.
>>199977Bitch that's the weed!
No. 200035
>>200034He's most definitely a channer, the channer to troon timeline is well documented.
>>200000What happened here or am I being dumb? Are you just celebrating the postcount?
No. 200038
>>200035Steven is more like a redditor tbh
also, "gets" are post milestones, hence the
>200000 No. 200062
File: 1646793507661.jpg (26.66 KB, 442x225, Screenshot 2022-03-08 193805.j…)

>>200053I mean, this says it all pretty much.
No. 200077
>>199977I love how she poses these super specific and
totally real symptoms of DID as a question knowing damn well no one could possibly relate to it unless they were also competing for most mentally ill with most rare symptoms of all time. Just say you need to talk about yourself to meet your narc quota for the hour and move on.
No. 200156
>>200137Holy shit. I thought she was like 27 or something. Its sad shes so young and decided being an autist online is what she wants to do. I dont have much empathy tho. Her mom always spoiled her with japan trips. I dont get why she wants to be a
victim this badly. Is it just internet culture on twitter?
No. 200241
File: 1646861736634.png (325.59 KB, 544x596, 1.png)

Her entire twitter is just
she's seriously so stunted.
No. 200243
File: 1646861817011.png (24.41 KB, 554x216, 3.png)

Also, big oof. Save this screenshot for later.
No. 200244
>>200243She sounds like she's whiteknighting herself from her own second account, I wonder if she sockpuppets support for herself from fake accounts or has done so in the past, since it sounds more like someone else posting about her rather than her usual REEING.
"throwing away all credibility" is a very self aware statement for someone who acts the way she does.
No. 200303
>>200290Not to mention it’s also just straight up unhealthy? I know the weed fags can’t conceive that it’s but to smoke because ‘it’s not cigarettes!!1!’ but like, smoking everyday is terrible for your lungs. Ultimately people can do whatever they want, but the fact that she’s actively promoting self medicating and smoking to a young audience just because she’s a mess of an adult is gross.
As someone else said above, if it wasn’t about getting high she would use cbd, she just thinks that being an edgy stoner chick makes her interesting
No. 200519
File: 1647019169791.png (30.95 KB, 576x248, disgay.png)

This will never be not amusing to me. Also, checking her Jerrica account proves she's into more than one thing other than precure. Why doesn't she admit she has other tastes other than things that have to do with magical girls? It's okay to grow up.
No. 200520
File: 1647019273389.png (21.95 KB, 566x182, disgay.png)

Also, reintegration saga soon?
No. 200629
File: 1647064053479.webm (6.7 MB, 540x960, 1184a6659779ec8c59257dadd48dd8…)
Webm version of Jerrica on tiktok talking about who in the system is and isn't attracted to Steebie
No. 200631
File: 1647064294658.webm (12.76 MB, 540x960, e1da18d9fe21cb6f2461bd0c801d3f…)
Talking about doing drag soon not related to Pixielocks and wanting to take it "super seriously"
No. 200632
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High asf dancing to MCR
No. 200648
>>200631Why does she keep emphasizing it's not about money? 1. Only rich people say that shit 2. Is she covering her ass when inevitably no one is interested and showers her with tips?
>>200632Has she ever mentioned being into MCR before now or is this just trying to fit in on tiktok?
No. 200726
>>200631She really didn't bother keeping up the voice in this one, she goes back to her normal way of speaking multiple times
>>200646Missed that detail, gross
No. 200753
>>199992wait, did she say she dissociated while shaving her friend's head? ive been following the thread and I don't remember seeing that?
sage for ot
(fail sage manifestation ) No. 200775
>>200730except when she has to follow through with social events or promises then suddenly she has no control over who’s fronting.
it’s totally not because she gets mild/moderate anxiety leading up to something then gets baked out of her mind so she can get out of it. no no, it’s real DID because >muh memory loss.
No. 200788
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new video dropping tomorrow complete with new crispy DID branding. Likely going to be the birthday vlog.
No. 200824
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>>200629Someone post the transcrip to this, I'm not strong enough to click on this cringe shit.
>>200632Lol baldie
She should just understand that her overly positive kawaii persona was a phase and return to her more punk-ish but colorful quirky girl roots. That makes her very happy. The positive kawaii persona is over, but she really got herself inside a box that doesn't fit anymore and can't escape for some reason. Or, she could like both things at the same time without having to pretend to be different people. She's just a dumb case of "the internet made me do it".
No. 200825
>>200646This. Fucking gross, both are over the age of doing this cringe shit
>>200629Is she going to become poly now that stewie is about to troon out? If he starts to inject estrogen his dick is going to fall out. Will she be able to cope, or will Stewie finally live his gay fantasy, and someone else will move in with them?
No. 200837
>>200629 Can she please at least get more beanies?
I’m sorry but if I were a 14 year old boy with access to adult money & an adult body who has amnesia - you can bet I’m buying cuter beanies than this raggedy ass chenille knit mess. Come on. Get Jerrick a Neat Dude or Teddy Fresh beanie or even just go on Etsy. So many cute embroidered beanies on Etsy.
Commit or GTFO, Jill. For crying out loud.
No. 200845
>>200844>acknowledge things that aren't working>only logical conclusion is unfettered retardationThis. This is super sad. This is what happens when someone has 0 self awareness and is self obsessed. + internet brainrot + weed & alcohol brainrot.
Something must have gone wrong because she just quitted her dreams of having a brand and being happy and traded it for a weird, fake life. It all started when she moved out.
No. 200854
>>200808>I don’t see why anyone would date her. She doesn’t work, doesn’t cook, doesn’t clean, needs actively looked after, have to do her work for her and work your own job while she rots at home smoking weed and napping.Not to mention having to humor her OCs, her "little," her mad rambling, mood swings, suicide threats and so on. I think the main reason he hangs around is she's a good beard and tolerates the troon/coomer shit he inevitably does.
>>200847Her comments are always so enthusiastic and positive, you can really wrap anything in bright colors, smile while saying it and people will take it well
No. 200855
>>200847She mentions having more than 1 little now (3:55), weird.
Why wouldn't she just make a video with all her ''alters'' in rather than one video about each one, plus starting with ''jillian'' is so boring. We all know about her.
No. 200861
>>200847At 23:10 she mentions her mother sending her a video from when she was 14 and her mother asks 'is this jerrick'.
She then moves on (24:00) to complain that of course she never would post about her trauma on her channels and social media so people don't know the full picture. She mentions the trauma is about being assaulted.
No. 200868
>>200847 Summary 1/3
-Intro is more live action esque, uses stickers and little pipecleaner flowers (cute but I do enjoy crafty aesthetics) still painfully saturated colours, I wonder if it’ll change tones/colours for each alter (could have been an easy larp detail)
-Her make up is think supposed to be a heart shape? (looks very drag/clown inspired to me) Her hair is up in a weird semi-side ponytail and she has various hair clips in it, she’s wearing her myviolet collab dress
-The flower ring on her right hand looks like it’s cutting off the circulation ot her finger
-“A very special jill centric.. episode I was going to say episode of my tv show”
-Claim’s we’ve known “Me as Jillian, as pixie as like this this part.. As Jill.. so this is a refresher”
-Created her own list of questions that all her ‘system’ has agreed to answer; so bets on as to what they say
-Going to give each ‘person’ (so no fragments??) their own video as introducing everyone it would be like “40 minutes long” as this video is just shy of 30, need to draw it out to make some more cash then?
-Also claims doing one big video would be stressful (when she could do individual videos and edit together parts to one big one)
-My name is pixie, I’ve been doing youtube and online fashion blogging for 7-8 years
-claims she’s been sharing about her mental health all throughout the years, okay bitch where? The like two bpd videos and then self harm one, in what 7 years??
-saids self harm/ed was part of her bpd, which she says she’s still diagnosed with, and then last year got the “Actual accurate primary “DID diagnosis (no hint of her saying it’s a diagnostic impression anymore)
-Relieved to share full authentic self and not just ‘one part’ (does this bitch really not know how people mask for like going to shops vs friends vs parents)
-Pixie is the collective name, Jillian is the host, talks about passive influence ( a step before co-fronting) in past videos
-Will stagger alter videos between other uploads (predicting a birthday vlog then jerrick video)
-2:38 is when the questions actually start
No. 200870
>>200847Summary: 2/3
-Name? Jillian
Age? 24 same as body
Height: 5ft 1in 154.9cm
Pronouns/gender shit: she/they nonbinary (mostly because of her ‘experience through DID, despite saying she’s a fem part)
-System Role: Host, sometimes caretaker, says she needs to be ‘emotionally protected’ als does caring for ‘our main little’ (possible little fragment, is it the cat???)
-Are you and ANP, EP, or both? (anp-apparently normal part, ep-emotional part) Jill says both; explains an ANP can hold a retail job a normal conversation where an EP is stuck in trauma
-says she’s both and doesn’t know it’s it cause she’s 23 (assuming this was filmed before her birthday) and had fusions she didn’t know of cause she ‘found all this out
-When about did you split? States “I was born” and says she agrees with the structural theory of dissociation, which is basically saying everyone is born unintegrated (which is why babies flip from crying to happy etc) and then integrate over time/as development progresses, trauma stops those ego states/parts from forming together “I’m definitely not here to educate or be some source of educational knowledge” says she’s trying to understand how she splits
-Do you remember much of your life before your diagnosis/system? “Didn’t think about how I (jill) would feel answering these questions. Of course I remember my life before diagnosis, that was in november” asks her therapist and the psych giving her the diagnosis if it’s a “normal amount of memory loss” says she has a good grasp on “what her life has been up to that point, but there are big holes in it”
-What do you look like in the innerworld? @7:24 she shows an illustration of her in the ‘innerworld’ the pic on jer’s twitter is his ‘innerworld’ self
-Nicknames for you, internal and external? Jillybean, for a while pixie was her nickname
-As previous anon’s said at around 8:30 Jill describes how hard it is to ‘be pixie’ which reads to me exactly like imposter syndrome, except she couldn’t have something everyone else had so bam, DID; she does say she was always trying to be the ‘most’ and it make sense with how she’s constantly trying to be the ‘most’ mentall unstable, the most bright/obnoxious, the most stoned etc (does make me wonder if she had a clearer idea of post college life, would this have even happened/?)
-What are your interests? Fashion design, magical girl anime, kawaii culture, harajuku culture, j fashion, tattoos retro nostalgic stuff like polly pocket, alternative/body mod culture, musicals, (confirms Jer’s video will follow) cats, states precure is it’s own interest (hints at ‘special interest)
-Hobbies? Sewing, crafting, crochet, art in general, going to thrift sores a ‘responsible’ amount (looks like someone can’t kill that shopping addiction) her partner and snuggling him, playing super smash (does that horrible tongue thing to emphasize how off brand it is for her)
-Fav Music? Said it varies widely over the system, but there are venn diagrams for system mates, Muse (hints at special interest) says she discovered it through twilight
-Clothing Style? “That’s what the whole channel is about” (Fashion collection when?) Kawaii/harajuku inspired but trying to be more ‘ethical’ just say you can’t fit into any of their clothes and go
-Fav Social Media accounts? Drew monsoon and emilia fart, vlogbrothers
-Q&A ends; talks about how she’s not sure if her other parts can handle the length, that they might need naps, and it’ll be a team building challenge
-Oh god dammit she asked for fucking twitter q&a’s
No. 200873
>>200847Summary: 3/3
Twitter Q&A
-Jer’s post about asking twitter q/a will be up after this video
-What was your reaction to not being singular? Talks about when it was first ‘on the table’ felts sick, scared, disbelief, didn’t settle in for a couple days, thought PTSD with intense dissociation, fear ‘oh shit’ moment
-Will your fashion brand be influenced by other alters or is it Jill specific? Will be Jills style but might do a collab with “little one’s art (4/6yr old)” to make it into a textile for a collection, Jer has done drag concepts (it’s fucking dead my dude aint no one touching that shit again)
-Have other alters been present in pre-diagnosis videos? Pre answered on twitter, but stated Little and flora peeking through on the japan vlogs and Kawaii I, states she was watching the kawaii.i episode before it went up and got same ‘gut sinking feeling’ (as her reaction to not benign singular) about that she was embarrassed about people seeing her “not acting like herself” states it was blended “flora helping out”
-“That’s why personality is so abrasive and annoying” drinks oj “to that” (it's a mostly empty glass wouldn’t put it past her to have mixed some white wine into that)
-Too mortified to go back and look at anything herself for evidence (how convenient)
-as other anon said, mom sent a video asking if it was Jer, and Jill said “probably” she’s too scared to watch it
-Says that because she’s had a youtube channel for so long ‘people expect that I would have posted about trauma’ makes the whole “just because you don’t see my assault happen on a live stream doesn’t mean its not real’ thing
-Commented how she’s not ‘forcing her system’ to answer everything (How much you want to be if it takes long enough she drops the whole larp and we never get more alter vids)
-Outro: updated with even more painful colours, the music seems a little softer though, and has her five petal flower rotating in the center (do we have bets on which alters theyre for?)
No. 200880
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>>200847expectations vs reality
No. 200896
>>200847Right off the bat… how does she know this is her “final” diagnosis?
She was misdiagnosed before apparently? So by her logic, this could also be an incorrect diagnosis.
The brain doesn’t even fully form until 26….
No. 200899
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>>200880>>200889I feel like I've been too generous still
No. 200901
>>200894Yeah I’m also pretty enraged about that, because that’s some unscientific bullshit.
Not to mention babies are growing every single day; I can’t imagine the discomfort of being a baby & not understanding it.
It’s just such absolute buffoonery, she’s taking advantage of how ignorant her viewers are.
No. 200910
>>200880>Jill in her head: Hourglass, busty, Barbie face, healthy rainbow hair, cute subtle makeup.>Jill in real life: Pearshaped, small tits, bloated face, crispy color block hair, drag beat. Is there a reverse BDD? maybe Jill can add that to her list of mental illnesses.
Also, kind of OT but why doesn't Jill become an illustrator? Her art isn't too horrible and I imagine her family has enough connections that she could work with a children's book author.
No. 200924
>>200899Idk I think it looks a lot like her. Good job
No. 200938
>>200926She has mediocre skill, but I've seen illustrators with worse skills. She could really go for illustration if she practiced more and became better OR simplified her style. I like her intro cards a lot, for example.
However, like you said… her narcissism and moodyness would never let her have a career in this field. I wish she got better.
No. 200943
>>200936How do I describe this? Most of the people who are genuinely invested are children and those who grew up with it as children. A friend of mine I know has watched it since she was 3 and genuinely likes it. The 13/14 year olds who like it are also real fans too, but that’s because they only like the most simplistic forms of the genre. That being said, while they do watch it they don’t necessarily define themselves by it.
But all the influencers, twitter accounts and such, are very often
toxic people. You can tell because it seems to be their only interest, and talk about new stuff as fast as they can. That fake “pixie little alter” twitter account from a couple months ago was run by one of those girls.
No. 200945
>>200941Alright anon just be careful (also weird that people would let you watch porn in a mental ward, I'm anti porn and I don't see the need)
Btw, if you click on the numbers you can directly adress a post.
No. 200949
>>200936Answering your question again cause I got sidetracked, men aren’t really into magical girls. In terms of fan service, or waifu able characters there really aren’t any. Most of the genre also tends to be on the lighter side, which isn’t something male anime fans flock to. Most male anime fans I know have only seen Madoka and maybe Magical Girl Site. Not much tends to really happen in most precure episodes, it’s on the boring side of the genre, so if I were to pick something lighthearted I might go for Sailor Moon or Cardcaptor Sakura instead.
TLDR: Not enough waifus for most of the male anime audience.
No. 200950
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>>200949Anon… I agree with all your points except this:
There's a lot of weird male anime fans into precure. They just never blend with the female fans. You can go any day to /a/ and search precure in the catalog, and shit like this will pop up
No. 200952
>>200935Honestly, I really feel for you here. I watched her since 2017 and it’s painful to watch her mock serious illnesses. I’m autistic myself, and tbh she’s making a fool of us too. My breaking point was when I saw her in the comments of a swell entertainment video, saying the inedible food cubes would be great for autistic people, as if we need to eat what’s basically baby food. Autism isn’t fun special interests, figit toys and hand flapping. It’s spending your whole life alienated from your peers, having family treat you like you’re embarrassing, or being scolded, or even harassed, over misunderstandings. I honestly can’t even imagine what severe ptsd must be like, and how painful those symptoms must be. Pixie has lived a perfectly normal life, and now she wants the benefit of our illnesses without understanding how it destroys our whole lives. I am so sorry to hear about your experience, and hopefully I’m not being insensitive talking about myself, but I wish you the best in your situation.
No. 200958
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>>200954this is what they think about her (could had been worse)
No. 200967
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jill replying to another fashion designer, implying she’s still planning to focus on fashion later? (‘soupy’ means she doesn’t know who’s ‘fronting’)
No. 200970
>>200847"Me me me me me me me me me me me
Me me me me me me me me me me
Me me me me me me
Lookatme lookatme lookatme lookatme LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME FUCKING LOOK AT ME"
No. 200977
>>200906You know I don’t know shit about weed but that sounds like a really astute observation anon. This dumb bitch really giving away her scam without realizing it.
What I do know about weed is it can cause psychosis and depersonalization and if she’s taking really strong shit especially high on the THC she can induce the symptoms she wants. Mix that in with booze and seroquel and we got some munchie tier faking concocting skills
Man I hope she never has children. I can just imagine her mixing up a mess of things to poison a child with for some sweet sweet attention.
No. 200979
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>>200958>now she's kinda like some One Piece character. The character in question.
>>200967It's weird how she has to make it about her self before she gives praise. It's never just "I'm excited for you." it's always "I can't wait to wear this," or "my mental illness stops me from doing that but good for you."
No. 201013
>>200998I’ve been keeping up with all her videos, and I agree.
Her voice was higher pitched, and she seemed like she was forcing herself to be this persona. It is very strange.
No. 201028
>>201013I found it really telling when she briefly mentioned the pressure she felt having to fit into the ‘pixie’ persona she’d built. These are the kind of things she needs to be addressing in therapy instead of inventing reasons for why she’s struggling to cope with finding her identity and footing as an adult. Being an adult is fucking tough sometimes Jill, it’s okay to feel that. Especially if you’re prone to depressive episodes. But you’re only digging yourself a bigger and bigger hole to climb back out of by constantly finding new crutches to lean on.
She genuinely makes me feel sad nowadays, it’s like watching a car crash in slow motion
No. 201061
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No. 201069
>>201061God damnit I wish she would just fucking eat healthy, go outside and excerice. No shit she has mental illness to the extreme of developing mental disability like symptoms. If she would go to a real doctor instead of her bestie witch counseler she could be getting real help.
Why doesn't she realise when you make yourself live like a feral child you start to turn into one.
I really hate Stebie for condoning this and not seeking help for her because she definitely can't on her own.
Post pandemic prediction. She's going to go out more, eat healthier and get sunlight. Steve's going to transition and Jill's going to break up with them for enabling her. but it's actually because she's jealous of Steve for actually being trans when she wishes she was for attention.
Go off to another partner and engage in her next bpd episode.
What do you predict? She'll move onto seeking tiktok fame? Bio queen era or even worse fake transitioning saying the DID was just a cope for her being trans all along and she integrated by becoming Jerick so she can infiltrate another minority community and become a drag queen.
10 year prediction she gets sick of being white goes to Korea for monolid surgery and injects melanin to become ultra minority
No. 201085
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No. 201095
>>200847I couldn't even go past 30 seconds, this is a new low. Her high pitched voice and mannerisms are so forced and fake. She's aware that this is all a sham.
I think Jill is mentally ill but not in the way she wants to be.
She wants to be mentally ill in a 'get out of jail free card/get all the twitter likes and internet attention' kind of way.
She also wants to be a 'mental health influencer' which, if you think about it, is absolutely fucked that that is a 'thing'? Dystopian even. She's following people who are just like 'hehe im just a widdle mentaly ill babey but in a like super cool internet points way lol uwu not in a life ruining way'. Absolute insanity
No. 201097
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Stop being a fucking ageplayer, Jillian Vessey.
No. 201098
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gross cult-like shit.
No. 201099
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>>201097more ageplayer shit
No. 201100
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>if you have trauma just watch a movie LOLLLL
you can't make this shit up
No. 201101
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jillian "I LIKE GORE LOL XD" vessey
No. 201129
>>201097This feels like the autism larp; I'm so Little and mentally disabled and #actuallyautistic I can't even tie my own shoes, I need velcro ones uguu.
>>201101 FUCKING LOL
No. 201140
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god shut the fuck uuuupppp how narcissistic do you have to BE to larp having some extreme trauma when you've been nothing but a spoiled pampered bitch
No. 201165
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No. 201168
>>201165She only made jerrick asexual because she doesn't want to deal with the convoluted hoops she would have to deal with if she lets it slip that Jerrick "fronts" when her and Steven have sex. She's always posting sexually suggestive things on the Jerrick account which I've met people who are sex repulsed and they do not like sexual humor.
Also is this a soft launch to her only fans saga? Will Veronica become a cam girl?
No. 201169
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The implication that she’s going to have Stevie read her board books before bed?? I’m sorry this is too far. I can understand buying plushies, that’s pretty normal. I can even understand the Little Critters toys for decor. But board books for babies? Why post this online? And how can she think it’s appropriate to be all hyper sexual “Veronica” one minute and “board book bedtime” the next?
No. 201171
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>>201169okay but why he has sunflower lanyard in the same tiktok? I swear everything is an aesthetic for her
No. 201176
>>201174I was definitely at least reading small chapter books at that age, or picture books with more words.
Junie B. Jones would be a better choice.
No. 201177
>>201069>Steve's going to transition and Jill's going to break up with them for enabling her.Why would she break up with an enabler? That’s the only kind of person she ever wants to be around. If anything, Steve’s going to break up with her and join an “anarchocommunist” t4t polycule.
>>201115>>201122This. I’m convinced that the main reason for her mental illness and neurodivergence LARPing is because she doesn’t want to be criticised for being a coddled womanbaby who does nothing all day. I don’t think she’s worried about money or housing because she can always move back into her mom’s basement. When she still thought of herself as an independent #bossbabe that would have been embarrassing, but for a growing collection of marginalised personalities sharing one traumatised, autistic body it seems like a pretty reasonable thing to do. All she needs is a physical illness or disability (is fibromyalgia still trendy?) and she’s got a munchie bingo.
No. 201186
>>201175Right, it's completely inconsistent with the larp and just screams ddlg shit
>>201177I think it's the opposite and that if he goes full ma'am she will never leave him because it is too convenient for her image to be with a "woman"
No. 201202
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I fucking laughed my ass off at the comments in the alter video. Jill responded to this person explaining how long she had her alters. But the funny part is the fact that her own fans think she looks like Emelia Fart kek. The morbidly obease crazy woman in drag makeup
No. 201205
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>>201202Not much longer for our girl
No. 201226
>>201171I hate sunflower lanyard people - not people who genuinely have non obvious disabilities/illnesses - but people who’s whole personality is having a sunflower lanyard to excuse everything they do. As
>>201174 said people either have them because they’re ‘mask exemption’ karens or because they want to flag they’re so sick and disabled. People I know who would genuinely benefit from the scheme don’t wear them because they don’t want people to think that of them. It definitely is a uk thing and i would be surprised if it’s properly spread to jill’s shitty part of canada. Fat fucking disability larping mong.
No. 201244
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Jillian, like any other teen, has been mix and matching different styles since early on based on her interests. A lot of teen go through these changes of style and fashion as they grow up. The problem is, Jillian always did it in a way that it became her whole personality because not much else was going on for her. But even then, you knew it was just Jillian trying something new every few months. Nowadays she's trying really hard to fracture herself into different niches, something that isn't really necessary. I'd say she does have mental problems of the "I'm trying to figure myself out" kind (aka, growing up and not knowing shit about the world because you lived in a bubble… Not DID), and since her most popular persona is one that she always faked (the overly positive rainbow girl persona) and the one that always got the most attention, she now doesn't want to let go of it, even if her entire being is asking for her to move on and stop clinging to things that don't work for her, and perhaps never worked. She needs to realize it's okay to let go and move on.
Her inability to see that she's now a full fledged adult, one with many interests and likes, just like any other adult, will be the end of her. But she doesn't want to grow up, she doesn't want to face reality, she wants to forever be 6, 14, 21. Jillian needs to face reality and understand doing adult-like stuff (adulting, if you will) is completely normal and something she will continue to do until the end of time (not just something a 35 year old does). She has taxes to pay and a career to build. She can't throw everything away in the name of a fantasy. Her childish desires will end up affecting her more than what she's facing currently. She could end up unfilled, homeless, regretful that she kept playing a fragmented character in the past. Or even worse, married to an enabling troon. Stop living a lie Jill, wake up from the fantasy.
No. 201248
>>201202Honestly, it amuses me how pixielocks has any fans left. She's ugly, fat, obnoxious, and content-wise, she's past her prime. There's so many other new alternative fashion influencers for zoomers and it is time for her to retire and focus on whatever else that doesn't entail being mentally ill. Just look at her TikToks, she's barely reeling any attention in.
>>201171Ugh. Why does she want to be disabled THIS bad? This is gross and offensive. She's just a stupid piece of suburban shit, everything was handed to her.
No. 201253
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>>201241Glad you enjoy them as much as I do anon. Here’s a compilation of comments under the alter video.
>DIDfags comparing alters to a harem anime >Fan self diagnoses BPD because of Jill>Fan saying that Jill acts like a sperg at conventions kek >Fans missing non-DID content>Fan sees that Jill is overacting No. 201270
>>201244This picture puzzles me because, she's wearing dark colors with green hair (something that apparently "only jerric" does) but she's clearly femenine and comfortable with her body. She's seriously so dumb.
>>201254I'm not entirely sure that DID is real either, and if it is, I doubt babies just "come out like that" like she says. I'm pretty sure DID is a very rare type of extreme PTSD that occurs in childhood, but wackos and """professionals""" out there make a career out of diagnosing it to whoever pays (aka jillian). The way they treat DID is like any other weird fandom, but in this case it is based on assumptions of a mental illness based on movies and tv. It's weird.
No. 201276
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This is what happens when you base your entire persona on social media validation.
You end up acting like a clown, and looking like a clown.
Her mental health is seriously decaying. Just not in the way she wants. Wonder if she'll get better or worse. Or pretend she's doing okay while looking worse.
No. 201277
>>201254>And the sickest part, she’s getting a CHILD high and drunk (unnamed little)!?Kek. You know she fucks while pretending to be a child, too.
Seriously, what's wrong in that rainbow house? Steven went from a redditor type of stupid guy to a troon, and Jillian went from someone who does stuff to doing jack shit all day while getting high. This just proves they're both immature and bad for each other. Jillian, return to your mother's house.
No. 201278
>>201254IIRC she’s said that the little girl alter is lured out by the presence of toys and other kid stuff. If 1) this was in any way real and 2) Jill wanted to be internally consistent and responsible she would be ‘baby-proofing’ her life so that the child is never tempted to front in unsafe or inappropriate situations. She would be strictly separating her adult activities like driving, smoking, drinking and sex from anything that could
trigger the child to come out. No listening to cutesy kids music in the car. No watching kids shows while smoking or drinking. No sexual activity in any room with toys in it.
Instead her entire home is like a Technicolor playhouse and she supposedly ‘loses time’ playing with Legos and dollhouses in the same room she passes out drunk. Steve tucks her in and reads her toddler books in the same bed they presumably have sex in. Does she at least lock up or hide the booze and bong like you would if you were living with a real child? I bet she doesn’t, for the same reason that nobody is questioning her: nobody truly believes this shit is real. Not her, not Steve, not her counselor, not her fans.
No. 201282

>>201254My personal tinfoil is this:
Jillian was crumbling down thanks to pressure of being a public person + new home at a new town + school. So, Steven found out a shitty counselor and the counselor insisted that there was some "trauma" that she wasn't aware of. Jill being Jill, she blamed it on Uma. I get it, your first heartbreak is always one of the worst. But she was really grasping for any excuse of trauma in her comfortable life.
Then, because of an increment in her weed and alcohol usage to "wind down" from school stress, she started dissociating. Jillian, who started to use tiktok at that time, related it to DID instead of you know… substance abuse. Then, her counselor gave her the "diagnostic impression". The rest is history.
As much as I think someone should really put in the work to get better, specially if you have BPD (I have been there) it is naive to think all counselors have the best intentions in mind when it comes to their costumers. Jillian should work in her violent impulses, her fear of abandonment, her inability to be alone with herself. She should work on the "scary" or "uncomfortable" parts of BPD instead of sugarcoating them, making them positive, or trying to escape/coping with weed and alcohol. I know there's a lot of stigma related to it, but as you continue getting better and more in control of your symptoms, your life and relationships will improve, to the point of remission. That's what she needs. To face reality. To be vulnerable with herself. It's like she's trying to come up with all these new things and new diagnosis and ways to distract herself instead of truly touching on the real issues. She is making more issues.
Plus, honestly, Steven isn't mature. And loving someone doesn't mean that you're good for them. Steven is enabling Jillian too much and that's making her worse. She needs to go back home.
No. 201289
>>201282I think you mades some good points but I disagree about going home. I would say her (very loving and normal) parents are huge enablers and would not not help her get better- I think she needs to be on her own for a bit and completely cut off social media. She seems to have plenty of friends that I'm sure she would be okay.
I get the feeling she can't be alone with her thoughts which is why she's always around people/ on social media garnering attention through her characters. I think she needs to move to a bigger city, get a new therapist, and get inspired to actually do something creative worth her time. She needs to stop obsessing over consuming everything. Get off tiktok, stop collecting personalities and mini hobbies. Stop trying to be the number one fan of everything. Even sustainability was an excuse to just consume, figuratively speaking.
No. 201301
What saddens me is that, I feel like at some points, we know her better than her actual fans. We care about her wellbeing more than her actual fans. We give her actual advice. She just loves praise and attention from her enablers way too much. I feel sad for this girl. She will never mature and become a fulfilled individual this way, she needs to put the work. She rather sulk and rot away in her delusions I guess. I knew she was never smart, but man, looking at her is like a car crash waiting to happen.
>>201297Agreed. I don't think she's deeply creative either, but she knows how to work around stuff. I wish she realized it, she doesn't have to sew, she can print tshirts and like, customize them a little. I always loved her intros, there's something inside her that she never explores because she's always focused on things that don't work for her. That art youtuber who got into NFTS and she was dissing on his youtube comments? That's a good example of how as a youtuber she could do artsy crafty stuff for a living (his name is schmoxd, and before the nft shit, he actually did cool stuff and had a loyal fanbase). She really needs to re-invent herself.
No. 201326
>>201177What I was saying with the enabling thing. That's going to be her excuse. claiming he's the reason for everything like.
"I wasn't this way until I met you"
"You never tried to help me you only tried to make me sick"
"I need to blame you for this embarrassing phase because I'm actually an autistic trans child."
hold up diegnostic impression paper. With impression crossed out in crayon you used me so that also makes you pedo, ableist, transphobic homophobic garbage"
"I'm going to imply you did some really fucked up things to me for the rest of my life and develope another truama identity (just like with Uma) because I can't actually call you out because you didn't do anything and you have way more evidence against me. Even though I'm literally neurodivergent and it wasn't even me it was my spinel- I mean Jerick alter protecting me.
Sorry I hope I don't get banned for rp but this is how the breakups going go.
Clear up for everyone one who thought I was being serious about the enabler shit.
No. 201342
>>201321honestly no one needs a lanyard unless it's for holding a keycard for their home/office/school kek. Jill literally stays inside most of the time it's literally so pointless.
sage for no contribution
No. 201344
>>201342i can't tell if you're actually retarded or you just somehow skimmed the several anons talking about why she has this
specific patterned lanyard. yes she doesn't leave the house but it's not about leaving the house to her, it's about the disabled LARP
No. 201353
>>201325I mean there aren’t really meds specifically for BPD. I believe she was on pretty standard meds that could be taken for bipolar, if I remember. Though what doctor puts a teen on Seroquel (I think she was on this at one point) for self harm and BPD… I’m not sure. I always thought she was very heavily medicated at an early age. Not a psych though, just a layman.
Weed can make you feel dissociative for sure, so it’s possible she thinks she’s experiencing symptoms of depersonalization/derealization from weed.
No. 201360
>>201359You can have bpd without trauma. I don’t understand why Bpd chans are always seething in this thread about how Jill can’t possibly have their special disorder because of how horrible she is. Jill isn’t a spokesperson for Bpd and just because she shares a diagnosis with you doesn’t mean that you’re remotely the same person as her.
As awful as living with Bpd is it’s pretty mild compared to other disorders because it’s one of few that can actually be cured.
No. 201364
>>201359I mean I definitely agree that women are more likely to be misdiagnosed with BPD, but to say it doesn’t exist at all isn’t something I agree with.
I think I read somewhere most folks diagnosed with ASPD are men. So maybe just as a whole we need to not restrict certain diagnoses to certain genders.
No. 201378
>>201359Have you even met someone with BPD?
It's NOTHING like PTSD, what are you on about? PTSD isn't even a personality disorder, armchair-chan.
No. 201382
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No. 201419
>>201359You clearly have never been near anyone who has bpd, nor have it yourself. She exhibits some patterns of it, and she was actually diagnosed with it. Unlike DID, which is total bullcrap.
>>201360>I don’t understand why Bpd chans are always seething in this thread about how Jill can’t possibly have their special disorder because of how horrible she isKek, dw, I actually believe Jill has it, that and narcissitic tendencies. It's better to accept that someone has BPD and can work through it than deny it or sugar coat it. Sadly most bpdchans just victimize themselves and continue doing the shit they do. Being aware of your shit is the first step.
No. 201422
>>201382I really don't understand any sentence of this. It's like word salad.
So the "primary protector" aka the 35 year old formed when Jillian started living outside mommy's house? Jillian… that's just maturing/having more responsability. You're stupid.
No. 201462
>>201451>The primary protector is basically your first alterFor someone who I believe actually has DID, Britney Spears (many big stars probably do too) due to all the shit she's gone through, this is the case. There's a clip of her switching during an interview and saying hi to "strong Britney" who takes over for her.
Jillian never needed a strong protector alter so of course she doesn't have one, it's tumblr OCs all the way down.
No. 201468
>>201462wait… What? Britney Spears has DID? sources?
>>201451Veronica can't be the protector, it just doesn't make sense.
>>201436It's very telling how the "protector" is the guy who has responsabilities etc because she thinks those are boring or whatever. And even more telling this "alter" formed when she moved out of her mommy's house… kek. Imagine if all of us got alters for moving out of our parent's house, to a house that was rented by with parent's moneys. She's dumb.
No. 201469
>>201406This is the nitpickiest shit I swear to fucking god.
YoUr pOsTs ArE oBvIoUs. Maybe you should lurk less?
No. 201471
>>201165The sole reason why she doesn't want to make social media for the other alters is because she can't manage that many accounts, let alone that many personas. What is the 35 year old going to tweet about? finances? kek. She doesn't like anything that a 35 year old would. She's 100% a zoomer bitch. She would not know how to act like a 35 year old other than "paying taxes" or whatever.
Also, """Veronica""" getting a twitter account is just an excuse for her to be a whore and post nudes online. She's dying to do that, she's dying to be a hoe, but since she will blame all on """Veronica""" she will not be held accountable. Sigh.
No. 201519
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>>201508from an old tread. It seems like she might still be taking her antidepressants but she completely stopped her anti anxiety meds which is a horrible idea because THC has been shown to increase paranoia and other anxiety based mental disorders. So unless she's smoking a strand that's mostly CBD she's fucking her life up. (even more so since she drinks heavily while on antidepressants.)
No. 201522
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>>201520I’ve wondered before if she got into psychedelics besides just alcohol and weed if she’d be capable of reaching Amanda Baggs level of fake retardation
No. 201598
>>201595sorry, nonna, you're right. i got their names confused
>>201558ok sorry lol. either way, veronica is also a new alter. at least i remember that clearly
No. 201614
>>201605This helps highlight too how bad it is what Jill is doing, people with these serious conditions go through so much and have their lives fucked up. She has been on easy street her whole life and now wants to take these peoples real pain and play act as some tragic heroine. To me this really shows how lacking in empathy she is, she doesn’t see the people she is hurting only her self.
>>201558The New Years thing really is an example of how she lies about having none of the negative BPD traits, how many friend groups have come and gone. Remember moonmist, remember Maggie, where are they now. Further to this addiction and struggles with alcohol and hypersexuality and risky sexual behaviour are huge BPD issues, she is playing with fire. Knowing she is diagnosed with something that pre disposes her to addiction Steve and her family are really failing her. “She doesn’t think it’s a problem” - how many addicts would tell you that.
No. 201626
>>201623Yep. She has been so sheltered that she has no idea how a conflicted sense of self caused by trauma actually manifests in a personality, either because she has never even really been exposed to someone with such inner turmoil…or (more likely) is such a childish narc that she has never bothered to get to know someone who has it well enough to gain any insight/empathy regarding it. Her whole act is a copy of other poorly researched and executed acts, so she doesn't understand which parts are integral or why.
Honestly her whole "system" together seems to function more cohesively and with less confusion than the singular mental state of non-DID cptsd survivors. How anyone is accepting that she has formed alters in recent years in the first place is beyond me. The worst thing she has ever been through is this thread.
No. 201629
>>201626She did say that Jerrica is her prosecutor or whatever though (I'm guessing because she thinks having depressing thoughts and cutting = something emos do, and totes not related to her crazy clown rainbow fake posi aesthetic) so she invented that alter to take all the blame on her ~edgy dark thoughts~.
>Honestly her whole "system" together seems to function more cohesively and with less confusion than the singular mental state of non-DID cptsd survivors.Yeah, it's not even half a year since she got her diagnostic impression and all her alters are so cohesive and well behaved. Where's the point in this then
>How anyone is accepting that she has formed alters in recent years in the first place is beyond me.Kek, that's the pro of having a woke gendie self diagnosing audience
No. 201677
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I really want to see her birthday volg, I want to hear/see her “switch” on camera
No. 201719
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So Jill was on a roll liking all these tweets about someone in the DID community~* who *looked like* but did not actually say the n-word. I'm surprised she supports shit like this considering the finger was pointed at her literally a month ago. These munchies zoomers are so hilariously
>>201576Ot but I really don't think Britney has DID but she has a lot of the hallmarks of schizophrenia–which I think a lot of misdiagnosed DID is. The rest of the time it's people like Jill aiming to get the "cool kid" diagnosis to "join the community."
No. 201754
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The way these people keep the act going by saying people accusing them of faking is enough trauma to make even more alters is crazy.
No. 201758
>>201750a lot of men who do drag get bigger lips, bigger butts etc everything to look more androgynous even if they don't transition
>>201684I doubt she'll do shows, she's too dumb for that. She just loves pretending to be a drag queen and dressing like one.
No. 201773
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>>201754If meanies on the internet bothers a poor mentally ill person sooooo much, they either need to log off or stop broadcasting their (supposed) mental illness and just pretend to be a normal person.
No. 201774
>>201754So by this logic was she also causing Trisha Paytas trauma?
I genuinely can't wrap my head around this double standard where everybody was ready to call out Trisha, but Pixie is defended and exempt from any criticism despite doing essentially the same thing insofar as her framing of serious mental health issues.
No. 201787
>>201773Lmao, and if her DID is supposedly so bad and debilitating, why doesn't she then avoid things that could "
trigger her splitting"? She said she could handle gore just fine the other day. And last time I checked that's worse than saying "lol you're a faker". You would think seeing blood and guts would be more damaging.
But anyways, no extreme mentally ill person with 3+ identities inside should be allowed near a computer. But her priviledged ass is, because gasp… it's not real.
No. 201790
>>201768It's even more stupid because shit like her mom having cancer at some point never affected her at all. It's always "MEMEMEME LOOK AT ME"
>>201769>Remember the good old days when Jill said she didn't actually have any traumaKek. Good thing we have all her contradictions archived.
Her "uwu positive" persona is falling apart so hard and rapidly. She's starting to become mean and idiotic even on the internet.
No. 201791
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>troonie is into smash bros
why am I not surprised
No. 201792
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>>201791he's also really gay. Liking media is not a personality stewie.
No. 201798
>>201791>>201792maybe stevie is the real autistic one
(dont ban me im not armchairing)
No. 201799
nah he's your average retarded redditor scrote into libtard politics and capeshit. He's not even good looking.
No. 201861
>>201754If your mental state was genuinely so fragile that any kind of negative comments or opinions literally causes a further fracture in your psyche, maybe don’t plaster your illness online for people to ‘target’???
I’ve never understood these people who lost their
triggers and shit as if it’s not giving the internet a detailed list of exactly how to push their buttons
No. 201934
>>201900>It’s not something the person themselves is the one to declare they have>The whole point of the condition is as a defence mechanism, they don’t draw attention to themselves.This. Remember that the first way to tell someone is faking it is how overly enthusiastic and vocal they are about it. Jillian's larp is bullshit. I wish someone knocked out the larp out of her head.
>the ideas about what that is are a lot simpler than this crazy elaborate stuff Jill is making upExactly. I don't think real people with DID just make up whole universes inside their head to talk to their ocs. It's a defence mechanism. It comes out of nowhere unsolicited. There's no lore, there's no rooms or houses, it's a terrible condition. Think of flight vs fight but you act like a different person because that's what your brain learnt to do.
>what is accepted as real DID is a covert condition.I guess her reasoning here is "OMG visibility!!!!! MY DID IS REAL". Which is very stupid. I wish all DID larpers got their mouth glued shut and their twitter/tiktok accounts forcefully deleted. How no one is questioning these retards is beyond me.
No. 201941
>>201934Exactly, even the whole concept of the ‘inner world’ bs that these larpers go on about would be a reaction to extreme abuse/neglect, your real (child) life is so awful that you create a fake world inside your head to escape to with ‘people’ there to keep you safe.
I know DID is debated, but in the case of someone who experienced long term, repeated abuse, it would make sense for them to dissociate so much from their own lives, and then essentially grow up so disconnected from yourself that you experience things as the different mental states.
How can Jill even begin to claim that she experienced long term and repeated SEVERE abuse as a child? Because that’s what she constantly skips over, it’s not just one incident as a child you can tick off the list and then another when you’re a tween to seal the deal. She’s actively putting herself in the same category as kids who suffered through years of sexual and physical abuse, usually by their caregiver, so that they had literally no sage place outside of their own head. How does Louise feel about that claim I wonder.
Sage for DID rant
No. 201966
>>201941At least dissacociaDID has stories that are fucked up about trauma she went through like one story about being kidnapped and gang raped. Whether her stories are true or not they are at least
valid reasons to have an extreme trauma disorder. Jill is so coddled and lived such a good life she can’t even make something up like that.