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No. 260969
Jillian Vessey is a DID (Dissociative Personality Disorder) LARPer who trivializes mental health and sugar coats every single bad trait of hers while hyping up a dubious diagnostic impression that she paid copious amounts of bucks for.
She happily accepted her ~life changing~ diagnostic impression (NOT a real diagnosis!) with a "coming out as DID" celebratory cake, but struggled to maintain the LARP. The number of alters keep piling up and she doesn’t seem to stop anytime soon.
>Early Years:>began her lolcow run as a "pansexual" lolita lifestyle who dropped from the community due to LACE and "restrictive rules">gained fame for the creation of the J-fashion-inspired "Party Kei" fashion, a fashion she no longer wears nor backs>known lurker>formerly covered fashion and magical girl anime in her videos, was a pivotal figure in the LACE drama prior to her transition to the Party Kei years>has a running track record of inconsistent uploaded despite pushing a "full-time Youtuber" career; used barely-productive incentives for support on Patreon; both have plateaued if not decreased in income entirely following recent events>previously spent money frivolously (either from YT profit or from parents), like on wasteful plastic or fast fashion, and also claimed to make enough from YT and at the same time complain of demonetization>has prior history of severe mental illness in the forms of ED and self-harm>often inflates her skills and knowledge in various subjects, leading to a very narcissistic view of herself
>Current relevant info:>loves the idea of toying with the idea of having multiple mental illnesses; her main target is currently DID due to a diagnostic impression, and claims up to 9 alters right now with very shaky substance as to her alters' creation and the origin of her trauma which caused the DID; despite this, she has taken root in the DID community and has been involved or tried to insert herself into DID-related videos as an "expert" despite carrying the diagnostic impression for at least a year or more now>is still extremely thin-skinned; has history of deleting comments critical to her and has preached getting along with people while also blasting critics and concern in a very rude and passive-aggressive manner; has gotten into pissfights online as of late with users that have spoken out of concern for her or wanting to help or talk in some degree>her sexuality has been a sliding scale, from pansexual to queer to lesbian to back to currently pansexual (and nonbinary due to alters); current partner is Steven Clarke, who has enabled her delusions and has racked up his own questionable reputation; has a long history of drama with relationships, claiming abuse to some degree in most of them>formerly had a fashion brand called Five Petal Flower before graduating from her college fashion class, but seems to be no longer active if not just slowly dying; has also gotten into drag with a persona known as Villany Swells; has cancelled two drag gigs so far and claims an online person is stalking her due to a publically-filmed video of a drag show being linked in a previous>has a shaky history of substance misuse regarding her meds; now takes in various degrees of alcohol and weed leading to possible clashes in medication or mental/physical state;MEET THE ALTERS:
>Jillian: Actual person, but calls herself an alter for the heck of it. Hates being called “Jilly”. Says she can't hear her "brain folk" when she's experiencing trauma, Jillian is the only one who fronts in those situations, defeating the whole purpose of having alters and having DID.>Jerrick: 13-16 year old emo guy, who has supposedly been around for 12 years, conveniently holds all her bad bpd traits. Signs off with a snake emoji.>Veronica: Horny alter, 20 years old, calls herself a lesbian (even though she’s dating a man), she is a “protector of sexual trauma”, says she had to become a fuckable bimbo because she was “raped for months”. Signs off with a flame emoji.>Berry (Nicknamed “Babby Smalls”): Talks and acts like a baby. Proof that Jillian is into age regression. Is always “co-fronting” in some way. Had its name previously withheld for “safety reasons”. Signs off with a strawberry.>Cliffe: 35 year old old man. Her "homosexual assistant" A mix between her dad and Sasha Velour. Looks like Mr. Bruce. Somehow too old for social media, but responsible enough to come out when she does taxes. The emoji is a club. >Flora: A “fragment” slowly morphing into a real alter, and a carbon copy of cure flora / other positive precure characters. She is a blonde sweet lolita. Sign off emoji is a cherry blossom. >Jax: 19 year old “character salad” that speaks and types with a Brooklyn accent. She's a fictive of Harley Quinn (Batman), Jinx (Arcane), and Spinel (Steven Universe). Apparently was born from watching arcane while having major trauma. Jillian called her “hypersexual”. Signs with a test tube emoji. >sandwich emoji: Cat alter, represents how lost she felt moving to a new city. Not much else is currently known about it.>Amanda: Sneakingly revealed in a vlog. Jillian has bracelets and necklaces with the names of her alters, and this name appeared alongside them in a row of alter names. Note that Jillian’s second name is actually Amanda. Turned out to be the other “far away” age regression alter that uses the piano emoji.**Note: The DID saga officially starts in
>>>/w/176591Last thread
>Jill, a straight woman, is upset when the women she goes on dates with are also straight. >>257576>Some idiot cowtipping Steven >>258055 >Jill shows off a sweater she has crocheted >>258337 >Complaining about the cost of buying a diagnosis >>258363>Extremely cringe tiktok, acting as Jax >>258426 >Oktober patreon livestream, >>258613, with summary >>258637> New video, with summary >>258835> WEBM nonita blesses us with many clips>>259017>>259023>>259036>>260068>>260069>>260071>>260072> Meet the alter video with Flora >>259873, summary >>260060>In summary she is insanely high and cant stop smiling whilst talking about how horrible her life has been>Another hint about her claimed CSA >>260216>Insanely happy toktok about crocheting an "alter switch blanket". says it would be amazing for example to track mood swings for people with bipolar disorded as well. This woman is insane, bbut not in the way she wants to be holy shit. >>260507 No. 260973
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Thanks nonna for the new thread! Wish I'd seen it before bothering to make picrel kek (on my phone so apologies for the potential shit resolution)
No. 260993
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She's so desperate to point out the supposed differences between her alters
No. 261004
>>260994No ISSTD is kinda like APA it's a psychological society but this one specializes on complex trauma and disassociation
they're basically the leading research society for the shit Jill is pretending to have so it's popular for these fakers to invalidate empirical and professional research societies as bogus and prejudiced for the sake of their lies
No. 261033
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No. 261043
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No. 261055
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>>260993What are you talking about? There are so many differences, it's hard to count them all!
No. 261085
>>261055I am fucking begging her to keep her tongue in her mouth, you don't look like a "teehee
wink blep kawaii" anime girl Jill
No. 261088
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It looks like she stopped patrolling the comments on Flora’s video. Except for the obvious “bring back bullying” troll, the negative comments seem like fans that aren’t buying what Jill’s selling
No. 261094
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No. 261097
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>>261094pffffft I was looking at the website (It's as batshit crazy and self-victimizing as expected) and they have a link to
No. 261105
>>261094The implication of that batshit Tweet is essentially that each OC is a person who could, having rights, have their own separate passport, bank account etc. As if trannyshit wasn't already an identity theft/fraud nightmare, why not give rights to your OCs as if they are separate people.
Obviously the host (aka Jill) should have all human rights OBVIOUSLY but it's clear where this is going if you start asking for rights for each alter.
No. 261108
we aren't asking for that's what the trannies said too, initially it was "we know we are our bio sex, but to be respectful, call us by the new one" and then it swung to "trans women are women" and punishment for anyone who says otherwise.
>Allowing and accepting that plurals may be visible, openly plural, and not face repercussions for existing. >The ability to be visible and open, without people automatically assuming we’re dangerous or shying away from us. >Abolish the talking-to-self stigma. Talking to oneself is not "crazy" — many folk do it, singular and plural. It's entirely valid and not in itself a sign of a dangerous person or a predictor of violenceSame shit where they demand we ignore our base intincts to get away from crazies because it's "aboos" to not be humored by strangers every second of the day.
No. 261161
>>261108>Abolish the talking-to-self stigma. Talking to oneself is not "crazy" — many folk do it, singular and plural. It's entirely valid and not in itself a sign of a dangerous person or a predictor of violenceThis is dumb because there's a huge difference between talking to yourself and looking unhinged and talking to yourself in a "fuck I forgot to do this or that" or "this one or this one?". I talk to myself but I would never feel comfortable near someone like Jillian, who goes out dressed up like a fucking clown, smelling like weed, booze or both, and saying shit like
>fuel fuel fuel fuel>stim stim stim stim >EEEELY MEEELY MEEEENYLike yeah no, that's not how it works.
No. 261163
>>261094Sooo imaginary friends need to "have rights" now?
>Sound like… laughing at every rights movement for wanting rightsOf course, after Women's right, Gay rights,
POC rights… making people pretend your OC is real is absolutely on the same level!
I'm losing braincells.
No. 261164
>>261108So the right to determine how people feel about you? I wish these people would get it through their heads that I’m allowed to think and feel and form my own goddam opinions about others. It’s pretty clear this is just another narcissistic ploy to be allowed to gaslight and mistreat strangers.
You’re free to think you’re 37 different people but I’m free to think you’re a potential threat if you exhibit unhinged behavior because guess what? If the person doesn’t turn out to be a benign multi person special I could die!!! You’re feelings are not more important than my safety.
God what is it with people like jill and this women (and troons). If we’re making rules for each other then my rule is you’re both exhausting and should shut up because your very existence is causing MY mental illness to flair up and it upsets me when everyone doesn’t conform their behavior to my whims.
No. 261170
Also, petition to please add the key words “self-reported” in this part of the OP text:
>has prior history of severe mental illness in the forms of ED and self-harm No. 261175
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>>261088I was looking at the comments and this shows up. There's something wrong with Youtube's likes currently.
No. 261177
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According to this website "tens of millions" of people have DID, the disorder which professionals are still debating exists
No. 261187
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>>261177I guess you're referring to the site? I went to browse through it and I have to say it's quite amusing. There are dozens of long winded pages full of schizophrenic crap.
Most telling is this disclaimer on a page titled "Respectful Skepticm" (, if you don't readily accept everything anyone says as real you should stop reading!
No. 261198
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>>261097Here's how the creator of this website describes her DID, she's somehow more batshit then jill
No. 261204
>>261198nonnas, a public service announcement (because this error is everywhere)
an empress reigns
she sits on a saddle and holds the reins
rein it in (horse metaphor)
reign forever (royalty)
men need reins on their genitals
women should reign over them
No. 261219
>>261094>>261105They really do treat it as an extension of the nonbinary/trans identity is everything mentality. Their rights to make uwu social media accounts are being threatened, oh no! Not validating every single oh so quirky part of your personality at all times as a special identity is literal violence, how scary!
>>261198Some of them are really out to lunch, if you haven't seen the ones who claim to have been through MKUltra programming or satanic ritual abuse on tiktok then you're in for a treat. They sometimes tack on that these super secret rituals and experiments done on them to give them DID also happened to give them other trendy disorders like tourettes. There are also some, like one of the accounts Jill beefed with earlier, who believe people can and do intentionally abuse children specifically to create DID systems.
No. 261273
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No. 261281
>>261273You know someone isn't actually severely mentally disordered when they make excuses for others who are romantisizing(faking) rare disorders that fuck up anyone who has the disorders social life, family/close relationships, education, decision-making abilities,ability to hold a job, etc etc etc.
Idk how to black out text but I'm one of those who's literal entire life (everything I mentioned above) was negatively affected or completely ruined and continues to and I don't even have DID, just other disorders/illnesses. A person simple cannot be happy in life when they have severe disorders similar or not to DID. My life was "officially" ruined by the age of 20 for me, so seeing people like Pixielocks act like ANY disorder is fun, quirky, and awesome, is sickening. She IS faking.
No. 261284
>>261273“Single centric”, such oppression, much bigotry.
How disingenuous. You are one mind you absolute grifter. If your brain is injured and you can’t feel it, your brain is still injured. Just because your brain is sick/damaged doesn’t mean what it is telling you is true! People have nails sticking out of their heads that have entered their brains and think they’re fine! Should we just let them live like that? People get concussions and think they’re fine, should we just leave them alone and hope for the best?
They’re simultaneously so sick and damaged that they’ve split into children, animals, cartoon characters and a wet chicken nugget but that’s ok guys! That’s just how some peoples brains work and we should totes accommodate that! Instead of, idk, recognizing that their brains are damaged and they should be treated not left to continue larping as their edgy teen drama fantasy.
No. 261290
>>261282Can you imagine? "Oh, we should totally encourage severly depressed people to just go deeper into thinking that they should kill themselves, encouraging recovery is ableist!" lol
maybe we should also accept warped self-image of anorexics, "let them be themselves!"
so stupid
No. 261299
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No. 261303
>>261287She's not anti meds. She used to brag about her meds
If I'm correct she's still taking whatever medications along with weed. It's why she's so delusioned and defensive if anyone even suggests that weed is making her mental illness worse
Which it very much fucking is
No. 261307
>>261273There’s a difference between encouraging differentiation in order to work through each alter’s trauma in a way that won’t overwhelm the other parts in the brain, and completely denying that you aren’t all part of the same person. I’m in the tiny minority here and believe DID is possible in rare occasions (Jill still doesn’t have it though) but I also believe that fighting for “alter autonomy” is a huge red flag that they’re either faking, or have some other type of disorder that makes them think they have DID. Alters aren’t the only symptom of DID, it comes with debilitating PTSD symptoms, and anyone with
actual DID would want help dealing with their trauma disorder instead of shouting from the rooftops that their alters should be recognized as autonomous individuals. They don’t even realize that by advocating for “alters’ rights” they’re telling everyone they want to
worsen their amnesia and blackouts so that the other alters can fully front and live fulfilled lives. I can’t think of any traumatized person that would want to completely give up control of their body and wake up hours if not days later having no idea what they’ve done.
TL;DR Focusing on giving your alters separate lives instead of focusing on treating trauma and recognizing that “their” trauma is also “your” trauma = massive red flag
No. 261308
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>>261303Nope, she went off her meds in December because weed was supposedly working so much better for her.
No. 261309
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I made this based on
>>260280 comment
because I thought it fit the clown format. Feel free to steal the template
No. 261356
>>261348She was taking Ativan and drinking alcohol with it. From a harm reduction standpoint, weed is definitely the lesser of two evils considering how she was abusing her Ativan. Now this is of course considering her DID is a fucking larp. If she actually had DID, weed would be a stupid idea no matter what. B
Though I would be surprised if she wasn’t on another medication. Kinda weird for a doc to prescribe JUST a benzo without an SSRI or something.
No. 261369
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So close to self awareness, yet so far
No. 261371
>>261363I’m not someone who knows about that stuff but I do know our Jilly. There is no way if they had suspected Bipolar and she was taking it as an anti psychotic that she wouldn’t have bragged about it. Especially when she had that moment where she was flirting with larping being schizophrenic and saying she hears voices. That wouldn’t make sense if she was already medicated for that in a roundabout way. Do any DID knowledge anons know if an anti psychotic would affect DID. If so then it would conflict the claim she has shown signs all this time if she was on the medication for over ten years. I bet if it does do something the DID rights nutbags she is aligned with would think being prescribed it is
abusive and an attack on them from evil singlet doctors! kek.
No. 261377
>>261371I’d almost forgotten about the “auditory hallucinations”/schizophrenia breadcrumbs. If anyone ever makes a video on her DID faking they should make sure to bring that up as well.
>>261374They should! It’s annoying how harmonious her system is. Even Jerrick who was supposed to be the persecutor (/villain(y)) has been retconned into a poor woobie who only lashes out in justified self defence and needs to be protected uwu. This whole LARP would be so much more entertaining and attract more views (hint hint) if there was more conflict between the alters. If Jill wants to rebrand as a DID YouTuber the least she could do is make it entertaining, since anyone with half a brain cell can tell it’s all fake anyway.
No. 261400
>>261371I’m fairly certain Jill hasn’t been on anything other than weed since not long after she moved out of home. She’s never mentioned having to go to a GP to renew prescriptions etc and I think she mentioned not being on seroquel anymore ages ago. She’s fully unmedicated, whilst abusing weed and alcohol and wonders why she’s gone so down hill the last few years.
>>261383Shock therapy these days isn’t what it used to be, it’s mild electro-stymulus iirc. Plus Jill hasn’t seen a therapist since her uwu Angel packed up and ran for the hills
No. 261422
>>261400Funny tho that she mentioned a new therapist who apparently didn't vibe with her bullshit and now it's been radio silence
She really did just manage to find the only weak minded idiot to give her that fake diagnosis and now she's got no other options since he left the field (I still think it had something to do with Jill considering he deleted all his cringe poems I'll bet he was worried how the attention would affect his career)
No. 261455
>>261389So weird to LARP as a 12 year old girl who says
>I'm a cis-girl but I don't really know my sexuality yetIdk how we feel about an adult man LARPing as a 12 year old girl who is gonna discover their sexuality
No. 261474
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No. 261477
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No. 261496
>>261309 Bless you this is amazing. The thread pic is incredible too.
>>261389 "12-year-old "cis girl" alter" I swear to god all troons are pedophiles. I wish some hero would just blast their brain out before they start molesting little girls (if he hasn't already). Jill is such a disgusting pig. She PRETENDS to have experienced CSA while actively and publicly supporting pedophiles. I hate her so much.
No. 261601
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No. 261608
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She’s so insecure lol
No. 261610
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No. 261644
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>>261609this edit is your fault
No. 261649
>>261371Antipsychotics can be used to treat DID symptoms, since symptoms can include rapid switching between mania and deep depression
Basically any combination of antidepressants, antianxiety, antipsychotics, stimulants, and nonstimulants can be used to treat it.
No. 261723
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she has to make everything about DID check out those tags
No. 261732
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Her face with the bored faced in the background makes it for me.
No. 261735
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Samefag but it was an all ages costume contest drag show (she didn’t win) with no alcohol served, $5 entry fee. Somehow it makes her dramatic DID flopping around even more hilarious. Think of the children my dude, not appropriate.
No. 261737
>>261732>>261735She was mad that
nonnie filmed her last time and she couldn’t control how people perceived her performance online. This time it’s secret and even then she still looks BAD.
No. 261764
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The fact that she was rolling around “suggestively” and thumping her hips on the floor with kids like four feet away (she posted a where you can see them, someone please upload) is insane to me
No. 261811
>>261764tag yourself
I'm the dude(?) in the chicken hat.
No. 261827
>>261826Next thread pic
I love it nonna
No. 261844
>>261764No lie, this makes me dread ever getting as fat as her.
Her entire range of motion in her hips goes completely unnoticed because her torso is so thick.
She's got an increased risk of heart disease just by being that thick at the midsection.
No. 261856
>>261737Idk why she was so upset,
nonny did a better job that Stevie did recording her performance. Stevie just set up the tripod and called it a day so there was a good chunk of time where Jill wasn’t even on camera.
Nonny here actually bothered to move the camera so you could see the full act when she left the stage to interact with the audience. Instead of calling
nonny a stalker, Jill should hire them as her cameraman
No. 261860
>>261198>>261273>>261299>>261338 jfc i take a break off lolcow for a few days to see even more DID insanity. Jills actions are disgusting enough, these other people need a swift kick in the ribs. Fuck these idiots
>>261723>>261732>>261735>>261764 KEKKKKKKK
No. 261861
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Cant believe the other photos Jill posted aren't here yet
No. 261862
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>>261861 literally wtf is this
No. 261863
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>>261862 I dont have tiktok so someone else has to post the performance
No. 261866
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>>261864 I was thinking of various chris chan meltdowns tbh but that works too
No. 261872
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No. 261876
File: 1666895331182.webm (18.71 MB, 576x1024, download-1.WEBM)
>>261872I had to compress the video
No. 261878
>>261872>muh safety reasonsInteresting she specified to whoever's running this: "Oh, please don't advertise me. I'm being stalked and harassed uwu." but didn't mention this to the organizers of that one performance she flaked on, especially considering the time frame between her first performance a
nonny recorded and that college one. Methinks someone just needed to bullshit skipping to smoke.
No. 261880
>>261876 this is so cringey lmao
>>261872 "safety reasons" then says where exactly she was. Smart move Jillian
No. 261922
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No. 261924
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No. 261926
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No. 261938
so her Jerr character is cool with wearing short skirts with her cooch hanging out?
>>261876its the half committed using her knee to help her stand up in dead silence for me at 1:06
a screenshot of her taking the tips for doing her tiktok routine live with a patreon logo covering the audience's faces would be a great picture
No. 261945
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>>261876Oh dear, why are all her outfits so painful looking? Guess you can't be a skinny emo boy in size fitting clothes
No. 261947
>>261922watch out recording
nonnie jill is gonna get you banned from all the clubs!! somehow
No. 261968
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>>261954I don’t think so, the sleeves look like they have wider stripes
No. 261971
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No. 261984
>>261976That's why it's ridiculous. The
nonnie that went did not interact with her and filmed a
public show. Jilly has no name or anything besides the
fact there was nothing illegal that took place. If we apply Jilly's stupid logic then she shouldn't have been filming part of the MCR concert. This is an anonymous internet forum board used to laugh at people who deem themselves larger than life and who
willingly post their own dirty laundry online. Jill uses social media as both her personal diary and hugbox. Jill wants everyone to only interact with her the way she wants. I do hope she pulls an onision and fakes a restraining order. That would be hysterical. Also easier to larp about getting someone banned than trying to go down the restraining order route.
No. 262018
>>261947being permanently banned from ever having to bear witness to drag is a blessing
>>261978She already mentioned doing a "halloween drag event" a while back IIRC and there were only two in Fredericton at the time. Literally anyone could have just gone to both of them and found her there
No. 262047
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>>261872Found some mama Vessey comments on her
drag gig tiktok.
No. 262072
>>262047Every fiber of my being wishes we lived in a timeline where her mom was actively attending the shows and revealed to be the one taking videos and posting them here
I know that would be impossible, but my god what a perfect twist it'd be
No. 262094
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>>261764Green monster squeezed herself into barely any clothes, put on ugly makeup, and is making a such bigger embarrassment out of herself as usual that the fatties behind her look amused. With horrified children present.
>>261872Looks like one of those pageant kids with extra babyfat being abused and exploited by their parents so their middle aged moms can live vicariously though them. Here comes Honey Boo Boo.
>>261982I’m not sure if the scars are keloids, or not but jill did post a photo of her thigh pre-tattoo.
No. 262097
File: 1666943852573.jpg (197.38 KB, 720x1664, Event.jpg)

>>261735Insta post of the event
No. 262100
>>261928Kek take a shot every time she has to pull her skirt back down nonnas, this mess warrants hard liquor.
Honestly though, this whole “drag” saga wouldn’t be half as obnoxious if was just open about doing it for fun and as a way to get out and perform in the way she used to when she did the anime con routines. It’s still cringy, but I can’t fault someone for enjoying themselves, and it also serves as some exercise. What makes it all so off putting is that she genuinely regards herself as a professional drag performer when she’s done all of two (2) open sign on shows. Just have a hobby like a normal person Jillian you dickhead
No. 262103
>>262100This exactly ! Drag Shows are just her doing anime con tier performances cosplaying her ocs. It's perfect for her : way less work (she never put as much work in one of her her drag outfit as in any of her cosplay) and it adds ~queerness to her characters
>>262097If the alter performing is suppose to be 14, shouldn't she only participante in all ages drag shows ?
No. 262104
>>262103No, because she’s a legal adult with a single brain and should keep this shit away from kids. Whether or not she uses her adult faculties or an ounce of mature judgement is one thing, but the fact is, she
should know better than gyrating around on the ground in her adult body sans safety shorts.
No. 262108
>>262094Showing her hand for scale is such a blatant attempt at
trigger bait. It’s funny though because we know her five foot ass has small hands. For ten years and saying it’s sooooo severe that’s a pretty small surface area.
>>262105Blog but I have a cat scratch scar that looks like these and it wasn’t that bad a wound, some people just scar easily even when the wound isn’t bad. It’s kind of hard to judge when we don’t know how easily she scars but they definitely aren’t keloid.
No. 262115
>>262094Oh. Didn't even see this picture before making my rage comment earlier, and now I'm just amused, lol. So "severe" to have an average amount of self harm cuts in one single, small location. I have to think about all the people I've met with scars all over their body (mostly tummy/rib, entire arms, entire thighs, boobs/upper chest area) from cutting, burning with matches or a lighter, stabbing themselves, purposefully getting their self-harm wounds infected as like a secondary/prolonged form of self harm (hope that makes sense), etc. Jillian has almost the most tame, mild self harm scars I've seen, apart from one guy I knew in highschool who "cut" his arms for attention (it was more like scratches). I hate how Jillian makes everything soooo severe and traumatic, when it's just mild or average. Pathetic and attention-seeking behaviour.
No. 262120
>>262094It's unnerving how she smiles while showing her self harm scars. I know some people smile by reflex but in her case I can't help but think that she seriously enjoys anything that makes her look like a
No. 262129
>>261971She's such a notorious liar that I can't even believe she's broken bones.
If getting a tattoo over scars is more painful then the self harm that caused them then that is weak as fuck
No. 262146
>>262116The pearl clutching over Jillian’s “drag” performance is getting out of hand. Trust me, kids are exposed to worse shit at the beach.
Jill’s lying narcissistic trauma faking LARP is why she deserves no sympathy, not her bad dancing and visible undies.
No. 262154
>>262146Context and nuance count for something
nonnie. Most people don’t go to the beach with the intention of performing sexually for minors… drags meant to be provocative and sexual, any adult (parents, performers and organizers) thinking it’s something fun and entertaining for children are warped and participating in grooming. Why can’t they hold a dance competition? Why not a talent show or performance competition, why’s it always have to be adult centered performances?
It’s fucking creepy and I’m disappointed in jill for getting swept up in this shit but not surprised. Safe guarding exists for a reason and it’s not because of prudes it’s because once you let predators and pedos in they are very difficult to remove and pinpoint if adults flashing their genitals and humping the floor is the norm.
No. 262186
>>262180I mean, let's not forget that this is the bitch who also stated that the worst thing she has ever experienced is her cat almost dying from swallowing a tinsel.
Trust me, I have not and will not forget.
No. 262213
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Just pokemon music and changing curtain and part of the stage lime green.
No. 262236
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>>262097Went back a few threads because I remembered Sof hosted the event at UNB.
No. 262237
>>262236I noticed it seemed to be mostly the same group of people as at the previous show but it’s the same venue too?
What venue was her first performance at again? IIRC sof was there too. Also IIRC film-anon mentioned there being minors in the audience there as well and the MC making inappropriate sexual jokes. I’ll go digging when I have time.
No. 262244
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>>262237Different venture but Sof is present at it.
No. 262258
>>262101>Pixie's scars are weak as fuckfuck off, weirdo. What a weird nitpick. They look bad enough for normies, they aren't little scratches that she can pass off as "my wibble kitty scratched me :((("
Also no1curr for your mental hospital blog
No. 262287
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No. 262326
>>262323My bad then anon I read your statement as the people "minimizing" her cutting as a trauma competition
I agree with you, Jill is definitely trying to flex her trauma which means we have ever right to eviscerate her bullshit and lies all we want, she made it fair game
No. 262364
File: 1667025748904.png (20.99 KB, 740x170, lol.PNG)

"Evil" doctors who don't want to give jillybean an actual diagnosis
Fuck off
No. 262370
>>262364the hold the world evil has on jill lmao.
she has really black and white thinking about stuff, like her saying cheating should be a crime w/o taking a sec to go into the nuances of the reasons why people might cheat on their partners. im sure there are people in med school who are just in it for the money and prestige but saying theyre evil is just a little bit silly. it paints people out to he cartoon supervillains when in reality, most people are just people who are capable of both good and bad.
No. 262401
>>262370Sage for blog but to be fair, the only childhood friend of mine that went to med school is close to what I’d describe as evil. Very racist and homophobic (and not just the kind of racist who drops the n word, but the kind who truly believes white ppl are biologically superior - and not just someone who says faggot but someone who thinks gay people are inherently sinful and disgusting), thinks addicts are scum and thinks the same about poor people. Just an all around garbage person who is excited to wield power and authority over the less fortunate.
The reason we stopped hanging out as kids was because that bitch “accidentally” hit me in the face with a baseball bat. Then she laughed her ass off when she saw she’d given me a fat lip, and told me she wasn’t sorry. Fuckin psycho.
(blogging) No. 262444
>>262431Hahaha wasn't her first job she said upthread was horrid and she left in tears for how awful they were literally just because they told her she couldn't have her hair dyed an unusual color, too?
S p o i l e d
No. 262487
>>262397It's so disgusting that Jill uses people as props in her life. Everything is just for her
carefully crated aesthetic. She is disingenuous and pathetic. The whole drag queen bs is obnoxious because the way I'm seeing everything, Jill is too damn lazy to set up times at these so you think you can drag events. Seeing the same group for the most part attend these events plus Ruby has been hosting quite a few. Wondering if they were being vigilant for anyone filming during Jill's lip sync dance.
No. 262515
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No. 262538
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No. 262579
>>262522Literally this. MultiplicityandMe is a qualified psychologist working for the NHS because her DID (whether you believe it or not) drove her to study and help others in similar situations.
>>262556This is part of what pisses me off. There’s nothing wrong with her wanting to get into drag, but for the level she pretends to be, you’d think she’d be taking dance classes, doing routines for tik tok/YouTube etc etc. But no, she just occasionally dresses up now and then and calls it a day
No. 262582
File: 1667112782817.jpg (Spoiler Image,332.36 KB, 720x1016, 1546442613024.jpg)

>>262289(Spoiler image contains photo of Jill's self-harm scars posted to one of her old Instagram accounts.) We're talking about the girl who carved "DARLING" into her skin. Obviously self-harm is mentally unwell behaviour, but I believe it can be manifestation of certain attention-seeking behaviours.
No. 262591
>>262556>>262571In the first drag show video she made, she talked about having choreographing dance sessions a few times with friends "who are actual dance choreographers and teachers by profession" as well as "her friends having access to a dance studio all the time". But it's easier to just wing it than practice especially since her friends are hosting these shows.
>>262579>This is part of what pisses me off. There’s nothing wrong with her wanting to get into drag, but for the level she pretends to be, you’d think she’d be taking dance classes, doing routines for tik tok/YouTube etc etc. But no, she just occasionally dresses up now and then and calls it a dayShe just wants her instant gratification and tiktok gives it to her without her having to work hard or leave the house.
No. 262601
>>262591she’s barely even dressing up. she’s just cosplaying her OC. her makeup is sloppy and boring and her outfits are dated. and not in a fun retro way. she lacks the creativity and imagination and doesn’t care enough to put effort in. she’s got no gimmick, she just copied trixie mattel’s eyeliner style (poorly) and called it a day.
sage for sperging.
No. 262638
>>262605Autist here too, yes that's way too many. It's literally just normal level fan interests of popular things. You can tell it's clearly a lie as we've barely seen her talk about these things and we autists frankly don't know when or how to shut up about our special interests. Even when I make concious effort to not talk about my own special interest I always end up doing it anyway becuase it's on my mind pretty much all the time and my autism makes me shit at remembering social codes. Thinking that template is "
valid" in any way is ableist bs to make quirky people able to appropriate a developmental disorder.
No. 262648
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>>262644just because you know there are more than one magical girl series and can recognize the different series doesn't mean you're autistic. that's like calling someone autistic for knowing that there are both trees and flowers in this picture while normies just see "PLANTS"
No. 262720
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>>261057She loves to incorporate the triple chin into her "drag" "performances."
No. 262723
>>262702>>262719i feel like i remember her,
one time showing a shirt that had tweety bird on it years ago. i cannot for the life of me remember what video it was or why she was showing it off but it was just the one time. it was a shirt that her mother bought her when she was a child but outside of that there is no other mention
No. 262724
>>262719what is the interest
No. 262736
>>262515"Oliver James" is the fakeboy Sofia Mehlitz is dating just for anyone who doesn't know or didn't catch it
>>262700but Peeps and Crayola (which she has explicitly stated were spins before) are nowhere to be seen. Ok Jill
No. 262756
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No. 262772
>>262626Oddly enough, I retired from LC a couple years ago. Before returning I remember thinking, damn, I was so unfairly critical of Jill - at the end of the day she's just a spoiled chubby chick and I'm jealous of her easy lifestyle and loving fanbase.
Buuut then I checked up on her thread and learned about her DID larp and was like, fuck this dumb lying bitch, wow. So it's really fucking weird that you're posting this given the stunts she's been pulling for the past year complete with throwing her loving family under the bus with her DID claims.
No. 262777
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No. 262783
>>262551 can second this as an actually autistic person, not every interest is a special interest and that waters the term down so hard
>>262605 yup, pretty much as i said above too^ been diagnosed since i was 3 and i have very few special interests
; everything else i like is simply just an interest like any other fuckin person
>>262628 over consumption is the better word. People getting "liking something and just consuming every bit of that thing there is" and special interests mixed up
>>262719>>262725 also seconding; one of my special interests is literally pokemon and that goes as far back as my memory goes (I have older siblings who introduced me young) but thats wildly different compared to what jill is trying to claim here
No. 262785
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No. 262795
>>262401Another sage for blog but I had a similar situation pop up. My ex best friend was pre-med but she was incredibly racist. I cut her off saying that she didn't believe in "miscegenation" (her words, obviously).
At the time I cut her off she had been rejected by all the medical schools she had been accepted to but I think it's very well in the realm of possibility that she could have been accepted since then. Not going to soapbox here about how she was evil, but clearly it would suck to be black if you were her patient. I'm pretty sure there's tons of very racist doctors who manage to get through the med school system.
(learn2sage) No. 262803
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Jill when she doesn’t get her way.
No. 262809
>>262777>>262785>>262784It never seems like she's actually connecting with anyone on twitter, just yelling out information about herself or her made up disorders. Even when people are asking for advice she ties it back to herself and offers nothing. I can't wait for when the kids swing the opposite way and consider it
triggering to bring up your mental health all the time
No. 262813
>>262808which is odd considering how she was trying to make it seem like her DID was the worst and she was dissociating and having memory loss all the time. her characters have never appeared when they need to according to the rules of DID, she plans events like the drag stuff and says they'll "come out" for it, she has the little alter come out for shopping and fun activities, Jerr comes out for edgy tiktok and twitter rants. But its never a problem since Jill is always around the corner.
I just rewatched the "Car crash storytime" to confirm this, but at 12:29 she literally says "I was like, who do I switch into, who's going to help me.. I need someone.. but I end up just handling it on my own as Jill.."
pause, realizing that doesn't sound right "with a lot of umm, co-consciousness and help from Cliff"
absolutely not how DID supposedly works. It's a trauma response developed by the body, not a fucking character select screen.
No. 262816
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>>262766>>262756its not just being lazy, she literally copied the pumpkin thing from this viral tumblr post lol. its a tweet but it was huge in tumblr like 4 or 5 years ago. and we know shes is chronically online and loves tumblr shit so shes seen it. at least tranny stevie did his own thing
No. 262823
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>>262591Yeah, but then she got permission from other performers to just wing it and decided she was over preparing by actually choreographing a routine. She seemed really relieved and I think it might be because she doesn’t know how to choreograph. She’s done three “gigs” and all three songs have ended with her laying on the floor. She doesn’t know how to choreograph in an end pose, so she just defaults to “dying” on the floor. She has dancer friends, she could just ask for lessons. There’s nothing wrong with not knowing how to do something, it’s when you bluff your way through pretending to be an expert that it becomes a problem
No. 262832
File: 1667191249616.webm (9.81 MB, 1280x720, JillCarCrash.webm)
>>262813>>262815Happy Mischief Night
No. 262835
>>262832damn girl you're fast thanks!
the "yet" at the end is so odd. Like she's keeping a new alter in the air in case she changes her mind. Compared to the rest of the video, this section is spoken in a very disjointed way and her eye contact is all over the place. There's something really awkward about the way she grasps the air with her fist when she says "co-consciousness". I realize its old milk now, but this clip is pretty damning in terms of ruining her did credibility. I just want to lay all of her reports out as of yet. So far she's reported that she didn't suffer from child abuse and was born with did, then changed her mind and said she did (and has changed the timeline of her biggest trauma iirc because the older gf wasn't big enough to make sense), is always co-conscious, but blacks out when
triggered but NEVER while driving, and she can plan her switches during a traumatic endorphin-raising event. What are the odds?
No. 262841
>>262835She never claimed to have been born with DID. She was parroting a dissociaDID video where Chloe said something along the lines of some people where born with a ‘natural predisposition for dissociation’ (or something idk) which then after trauma played into the development of DID. I forget exactly what it was, but it was some psuedo-psych bullshit. Jill repeated that on Twitter without the full context, and nonnies refuse to stop repeating something that didn’t happen. The same thing happened with the ‘brain scan’ nonsense that Jill never even said but people just imagined and latched onto.
I swear to god some of you lot are more retarded that Jill is
No. 262854
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>>262841Nta but here's the tiktok and she says it around the 2:30 mark. I got it from this thread:
>>194370 No. 262873
>>262841 You genuinely believe she made up the "born with dissociation" thing as an innocent pipeline into a new "I'm just a dreamy person" identity and not her DID identity she's been working on for like a year now? Half the larp is her dissociation ie. blacking out, not knowing who's fronting. Which is caused by trauma. If you aren't a sperg you should be able to read between the lines. I remembered this
>>262854 tiktok because it was the first we heard of her being supposedly born with a disorder that requires trauma. If you're getting that worked up over what is essentially the difference between dissociation disorder and did you should take a break. If someone is wildly off base just correct them and move on. iirc the brain scan thing anons we're saying happened months ago though I think its time to let it go.
No. 262891
>>262887Ngl some of the anons itt are retarded as hell kek. Can't read, powerleveling all over the place…
no one cares that you or your little brother is autistic or if you know people in med school it's rough in here sometimes.
No. 262893
>>262891It's like
>>262841 said… if that anon didn't point out the mistake, people would keep repeating the dehydration thing even though it never happened
No. 262912
>>262904On god you just came for people over reading skill and correlated it to fan fiction
in agreement with Jill like it's not actually a complicated issue of politics and culture and economics and government nice privilege you got there
No. 262923
>>262916Canada loves ketchup too. We put that shit on mac n cheese and have the exclusive chip flavour.
>>262891yeah it's annoying as fuck. It's probably long time fans that aren't integrated yet.
No. 262936
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>>262896>>262916The ketchup claim apparently goes way back, I found this in thread #38.
No. 262949
>>262943britbong comes flailing in to correct youNot actually british but I live here, french fries are the very skinny mcdonalds/bk chips which you might dip in mayo or ketchup. You would not put vinegar on french fries usually, people would think you are crazy, you only dip them in sauce. You would not really use anything other than bbq sauce, mayo, ketchup.
However thick
chips like fresh fish and chips variety, you can put pretty much anything on. That is all about gluttony, so cheese, vinegar, any topping really. I haven't eaten these for ages but there will be options for something to be chucked over them usually.
(derailing) No. 262956
>>262955>>262912Samefag but also
>on godLeave
No. 262970
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It's almost like twitter is a dumpster fire for enabling attention seeking. People can see when you're lying through a video and opt out.
new video coming later today
No. 262971
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>>262738I think it's more of a BPD thing, Jill has mentioned it herself
>>260212>>262816Her pumpkin is supposed to resemble a Jellycat plushie picrel, learn2read
No. 262997
>>262996Her voice has never been more unbearable in all these years. God this video is awful.
Stevie is adorable though.
No. 263009
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OT but why is that ichigo person so desperate to be uwu noticed by jillybean?? I genuinely can't tell if they're trolling her or serious. I don't know which would be sadder
No. 263019
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>>262996Cries about getting stalked yet includes footage of local signage. I assume any deranged person could easily find what pumpkin patch she went to just based on existing info. Jill's problem is that her need for attention outweighs her (seemingly non-existant) internet safety knowledge.
No. 263025
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>>263001i fucking laughed out loud, thx anon
No. 263049
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>>263009She was Jillian for Halloween (+ some gore makeup? Idk why). Almost all her most recent media tweets and I'm sure regular tweets too are about jill.
Creators in the past have had issues with "super fans" and IMO this behavior is concerning.
If I was Jill and holding an event I wouldn't be worried about lolcow users filming me, I'd be worried about this girl showing up.
No. 263052
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No. 263064
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>"I was like, who do I switch into, who's going to help me.. I need someone.. but I end up just handling it on my own as Jill.." pause, realizing that doesn't sound right "with a lot of umm, co-consciousness and help from Cliff"
No. 263140
>>263049She makes a video about supposed stalkers on lolcow famrs, yet endorses this fucker to literally larp as her for halloween?
It's quite incredible.
No. 263145
>>263019TBF does it even really matter if we knew where the pumpkin farm is? It's not like she said she goes there every weekend or something, like we know she's been to Monarch, that nightclub I forget the name of, and Mimi's but no one is loitering around there for days waiting for the sight of her. All of us very clearly knew she went to NBCCD but out of her three(?) years of being there not ONE person went to her campus, where she would have 100% been there every single day, which just goes to prove no one gives a fuck about her that much to
stalk her. It's such a boring obviously fake larp but what's new
No. 263161
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No. 263187
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who is he announcing this to lmao
No. 263213
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Today on Reddit.
No. 263246
>>262997Steve is gross and creepy. Gives off pedo ageplay vibes in his taste of childish immature equally creepy woman. What grown man calls himself something as childish and demeaning as Stevie? What grown man says that calling him by his birth name Steve instead of silly Stevie transphobic? One that is attracted to woman like Jill and also can’t be taken seriously whatsoever. You have horrible taste.
>>263049This crosses boundaries and is disturbing, but it’s not like Jillian cares. She would be careful with the parasocial relationships with her fans and her lack of internet safety. Actual celebrities such as Chirstina Grimmie and Selena have been murdered by crazed fans when they had security around them in public places and had taken precautions likely due to stalking.
No. 263260
>>263187"I may have seemed a wee bit off, but trust me it's not because of my terrible, stressful relationship with a literal monster, nor is it the fact that I'm an insufferable, genderconfused nonce whose life choices are catching up with me more and more every day
… nope, it's definitely my appendix, guise."
No. 263276
File: 1667344562030.png (1.72 MB, 1440x1554, fan1.png)

>>263269>>263049This girl's Tweets are like 50% about pixie, lots of stuff like this. She's autistic so it's safe to say pixie is her special interest for real since she posts about her every day, does similar makeup etc.
No. 263277
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>>263276There's so much more than this if you scroll her account but these give you the idea
No. 263294
>>263290The uploader posted this in the thread before.
Glad to see she updated the thumbnail, the new one is much better
No. 263319
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>>263318literally took me 2 seconds to find the tweet on his twitter, and this has definitely been posted in the threads before.
No. 263320
>>263318Be careful you’re gonna
trigger learn2read anon.
It’s quite a few threads back and is there but not in the mood to spoonfeed
No. 263325
>>263319DDLG and agere is
problematic and creepy sure, but it’s not the same as pedophilia. Really wish people would stop watering down the term because there are plenty of actual pedos out there grooming kids and watching CP and all matter of horrific shit. Liking an adult woman acting like a little kid is fucking creepy and degenerate but it’s not pedophilia.
No. 263383
>>263371LMAO I genuinely forgot that she went to fashion school when she said, "I could be her but I'm not"
So pitiful that she got an entire degree in sewing and she doesn't even have the motivation to do it.
No. 263606
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No. 263618
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No. 263630
>>263594See here
>>263366 and sage your shit
No. 263649
>>263619Kek I can't watch the damn video cause I'm only ever on this thread on mobile so thank for you giving me such incredible detail of her awkward failure
She's not the natural drag queen she wants to be. I'm not big on the drag community, but everyone should know practice goes into literally every performance hobby. She keeps saying she doesn't plan shit for her routines. Girl, we can tell.
No. 263753
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i’m excited to see this trainwreck but i still wish she would focus on her meet the alters videos.
No. 263807
>>263753>Big juicy videoWhy is she like this? It will be such a disaster and I fully expect bad theatrics.
>Be respectful pleaseKek
>>263763He's just a prop for her to use,
nonnie. His silly mental health issue is far lower than Jill experiencing/living with DID. Remember she went through
life and death type of trauma.
No. 263821
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>>261876She doesn't even know how to get up from the ground gracefully. She looks like a crackhead. Narcissism is a hell of a drug.
No. 263824
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>>263821the bar also looks dirty and so cheap. She basically looks like a cheap drug addicted whore. Theres nothing hot or entretaining about her, her body is built like a fridge and she's fucking ugly, and doesn't know how to move, and fumbles around in such a rough, random way. crazy ass.
No. 263903
>>263852>I think the thing that is most hilarious is that she kicked up such a fuss about anons not coming to the show to film her and how she was *~so in fear for her life~* only for us to still laugh at her shitty performance and the audience to be completely dead pan.The audience is better than me because I'd be laughing. Can you imagine seeing that live and upfront? Her clearly ill-fitting outfit, the skirt tugging, panty shots, rolling on the ground, and overall attitude is just too much. I'll be honest, the anon who recorded only allowed us to see the disaster faster. It was still going to be a disaster, but it was nice to see it before Jillian uploaded it. I do have a sneaking suspicion that Jill's friends made sure no one else filmed her performance. Would not surprise me if they were aggressively making sure only the right person was filming.
>>263856>At this point it seems like she avoids having a routine on purpose or do any type of practicing that doesn't involve filming shitty ass tiktoks (aka, no preparation whatsoever) because she thinks she's so good and perfect at what she does that she's just going to "wing it" every time. She whined about being "over preparded" on twitter until another performer said they just improvised. Jill has
barely done any shows and doesn't have a feel for a performance or know how to engage her audience. It's fine she'll live in her delusional world while drinking powerade because of how demanding her performance was.
>She's delusional, unaware, stupid… she's not even embarrassed or flustered looking at this footage, she's just proudly showing herself to the world like the retard woman she is. This is the true definition of a cow, she wants all the attention she can get lmao. If I did this shit IRL I would simply delete the footage and kms because I would be dying at how bad I would look flailing my arms and moping the floor with my fat rolls as the public just quietly stares in disbelief.Her need for attention will always blind her to the truth. Why she's in the predicaments she's in. She is never the problem, everyone else is.
No. 263935
>>263912Nothing. She's using the term loosely otherwise she'd be just dressing up and doing lip sync battles with her friends. She can't be average or normal, she has to be special. She's late to the trend and thought by adding her super special ***~DID~*** she'd standout and be instantly famous. As you can see that's going well.
>Winds me up as well that she wears her binder as some kind of gender symbol or something.In her head, it makes her not like the other girls and more queer. I can't imagine trying to dance or exercise in one. It has to be uncomfortable.
No. 264087
>>264032If she swapped the binder for a corset she could probably give herself some form of "hourglass" figure. I don't think she's a straight fridge, more like a sloppy pear shape or something.
>>263921Like everyone else says, it cuts your motivation. Probably also gives her serious munchies, and after she eats she probably gets tired and takes a 7hr nap. By the time she's sobered up it's probably 2am and she can't do anything outside of smoke more and watch Netflix till she falls asleep again. Rinse repeat for years. She's going to hit 30 and not know wtf happened.
No. 264089
>>263742 is a fridge, not a pear.
No. 264148
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She stirs cream into her coffee while the Drew Monson song plays.
No. 264215
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>>264169Listening to the same artist every night or day is pretty normal for music stans but drew isn't really a music artist is he? They are like joke youtube songs or something?
She also was a patreon but he has paused his patreon, he earns like 5k a month on there so his patreon superfans must be insufferable to not just log on and take that easy money
No. 264219
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No. 264256
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you are not trans Jill
No. 264265
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No. 264295
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No. 264311
>>264298Miss Functional Multiplicity should know that new alters isn’t a good thing. It’s not a surprise new friend or a method of practicing mindfulness, it means her serious disorder is worsening. I hate to sound so cynical, but is her long term plan just to declare herself
even more mentally ill every time her views drop? Her pattern of teasing out new alters really suggests that actually is her career plan
No. 264318
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>>264312Used both the YT Dislike Button and Show Dislike app. She's too far up her own butt to see clearly. She's allergic to any criticism and if you dare say something that borders on negative, she thinks you're her enemy. I don't know how anyone can be around her because she reeks of toxicity. She gets engagement on twitter but I figure people watch her because she's a train wreck. Her vendetta video failed hard.
No. 264323
>>264227It’s not such an unreasonable question when you consider that this is all an obvious social contagion and grift.
>>264267The real question is if she’s caught him ‘borrowing’ Veronica or Berry’s clothes yet.
No. 264328
>>264297nitpick but how tf is her shirt so hairy.
i have 2 fluffy cats myself and i never get anywhere close to this much cat hair stuck to me. does she never wash this shirt or something
No. 264331
>>264221Sure, I more meant she has less to do in that area so it’s even lazier that she is doing so little when it comes to hair and outfit.
>>264308She Hasn’t given us Amanda properly yet.
>>264311This is what these grifters do, you have to remain sick to keep up the grift and those audiences love new characters. DissacociaDID puts some of her characters behind a paywall, no joke you essentially have to pay to unlock the fucking character. When alters become boring just like a show they then write them out by having them fuse to someone. I think Jill needs to slow down because she isn’t even good at larping the ones she already has and adding more isn’t going to help her bad acting skills. I think she sees people like dissacociaDID who have more alters than her and she wants more but those people have been on the grift much longer. Also I believe dissacociaDID has changed who the host is before which how is that possible to start with and do we think Jill calling herself an alter means she isn’t the host. I vote sandwich for host kek.
No. 264339
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No. 264349
>>264340>>264342Has Jerrick actually performed as a drag queen? I thought Jill or Jax switch in every time there’s to be a performance. Honestly the whole drag thing feels really incongruous with the surly emo 14-16 year old boy thing. Boys that age (or girls identifying as boys that age) would practically all think that whatever is happening in
>>263824 is cringe and gay (derogatory). It would make more sense to have a female alter or flamboyant gay male alter do drag and have Jerrick just be an angry housebound troll telling people to suck his ass on Twitter. I don’t think she’ll get rid of Jerrick entirely because she needs the aforementioned “literally an asexual neurodivergent minor” troll as a scapegoat for her angry outbursts but it wouldn’t surprise me if she drops the drag aspect of that alter and gives it to another, like Jax. Unfortunately she’s pigeonholed herself with the colour scheme.
No. 264405
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No. 264414
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>>264408Never forget. I wonder if she'll get another cake to celebrate her
No. 264422
>>264419We're supposed to be the rats,
nonnie. Personally, I love rats.
No. 264430
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>>264405Some more comments, kek
No. 264484
>>264405For someone who supposedly doesn’t care since she’s living her truth, she sure does spend a lot of time obsessing on who may or may not like or believe her. Between the passive aggressive content on tiktok and twitter, her constantly deleting YouTube comments she disagrees with when a new video goes up, and creating more DID content (that isn’t popular with her fans) just to prove to the “haters” she really does have it, her whole life revolves around those who aren’t her fans. Think how much further along in her career she’d be if she
actually didn’t care and focused on churning out content that catered to her fans instead
No. 264531
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>>264239 I can't believe people ask so casually if Steve is a babysitter/caregiver. When did all this pedo/adult baby shit become acceptable in society. Sick fuckers.
>>264496 Jill would hate that. I remember when her mom mentioned her chemo tattoo Jill was visibly upset, and not as in "oh poor mom" but in a "I'm uncomfortable when I'm not the center of attention" way. That, along with being insanely privileged and spoiled, has to be the source of her munchies.
No. 264538
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>>264535I don't get it either but NPD and BPD isn't uncommon with the munchies.
No. 264540
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No. 264541
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No. 264544
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>>261968>>261945>>261922sage for ~opinion posting but honestly if jill would just stop attention whoring and stick to focusing her energy on creating fiber art or something, she could probably find success. in my opinion she does have actual talent for crafting things (sewing not so much but her crochet work and some of her jewelry is cute and she could definitely continue to improve upon those skills) and a decent aesthetic sensibility about her. i say this as a former follower of jills (stopped around the whole "im FINALLY going to JAPAN uwu" thing years ago) but she could honestly make all the negative stuff in her life go away if she would just get it together
No. 264547
nonnie, she doesn't have the history of abuse for BPD (speaking from experience) but munchausen or NPD fit quite well…
No. 264589
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No. 264591
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No. 264596
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>>264564Yet somehow she still has people shilling out money every month to see her do nothing.
No. 264617
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No. 264620
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No. 264621
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No. 264637
>>264619here's a brief summary for you all:
>would've gotten the pom pom jacket video out today, but had a "switchy panic attack extraordinaire">is thankful her job is flexible, but feels bad because she promo'd it already>her dad bought her a rainbow fidget toy, she plays with it throughout the video>Steve loves Spongebob, they watch the Christmas episode every year>during her diagnosis, they said she can't be ADHD because she didn't have it during her childhood, but as an adult she exhibits signs of ADHD. they supported her pursuing an autism diagnosis.>says there's a lot of overlap between ADHD and autism symptoms. also says ADHD and DID have a lot of overlap (like forgetfulness).>Jerr has taught her to get over her fear of scary movies/shows>feels vulnerable to have Steve edit her videos (doesn't outright say it, but alludes to it being because of her dissociating while filming and he has to edit it out)>talks about big blue house, stranger things, muppets, i did not find this interesting so i tuned most of it out>heard that Dan Howell's tour uses a clip of her and her mom at MCR. she submitted her clip to him on twitter as a memory that keeps her living.>says she can't stop saying cringe stuff like slayyy, pwn noobs, and bruh>had a tiktok clip of her seeing a glass gem rainbow corn at the pumpkin patch, but didn't post it because she says bruh too much.>slowly feels like she's integrating with a fragment. feels crazy deja vu. feels like she's been holding the hand of her 12-14 year old self. feels like she's seeing her life for the first time. feels like she has to reintroduce herself to her house, her partner, her cats. she attributes this to why she started saying bruh a lot.>her mom found journals from 7th grade that felt like it opened a drawer and the contents are now spilled and there's a new puzzle piece clicking in. feels warm but bizarre. doesn't know if part or fragment yet.>the journals had 2 distinct handwriting styles. she would see writings crossed out by each other.>shows some drawings from when she was 5, at 29 min mark if anyone wants to see. >doesn't want to rush launching her brand. wants to collab with Berry and have her draw stuff to put on textiles.>wants to do a year of advanced studio practice at her fashion school>doing their Halloween celebration later because her friends were at a convention>has so many screenshots of people being horrible to her on her phone>shows pics of the miss piggy and kermit costumes that they're going to wear>says that she learned during a school lecture that the word craft has been snubbed due to sexism >has had 4 coffees today but says it feels like it's not enough. one time during her college days, she was so busy she doordashed 4 burger king coffees. they were terrible.>gonna keep her Halloween pumpkins out til they rot>says she rewatches her own live streams and laughs at her own jokes.>wants to do a Christmas wrapping video this year. didnt have the presents ready in time last year.>circling back to the fidget toy, she went with her dad to a toy store because they also carry pen ink. she carried the fidget toy around the store and he asked her if she wanted anything. she said she wanted the toy but it was impractical because it was $26. he said he would be happy to get it for her and bought it. she says it's technically a baby toy.>took her a year to finish her sweater she's wearing because she didn't want to attach the sleeves>will swap out her days of the week bracelets for photos/tiktoks if they don't match her outfit.>says she doesn't know what she would do without dollarama (very ethical jill!) No. 264652
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>>264637>wants to collab with Berry and have her draw stuff to put on textiles.collab of the century
No. 264660
>>264617>long ass thread of DID larping zoomers being too sensitive for therapy Jesus Christ kek that was a relatively short but wild ride. Therapy is supposed to make you uncomfortable (obviously there are exceptions, like when a therapist is genuinely
abusive) and they press on things they know are close to root causes of behaviors. It’s so annoying to see these kids denouncing the practice because they aren’t being coddled. Sage for slight sperg/OT
No. 264662
>>264637Good news kids you don’t need therapy or medication to cure this crippling extreme mental illness just read your teen diary and say bruh a lot and your brain will just fix itself somehow. Also are evals different in Canada because where I am from if they are evaluating you for one thing they don’t bring up a bunch of other things and they definitely don’t speculate. That’s unprofessional. Four coffees a day when she is clearly tired because of weed, Jill heart attack era when.
>>264641Christ she is so fragile. She was being treated for an ED, sometimes the cause of an ED in someone the age she was is not being able to emotionally handle puberty and becoming someone with an adult body. It’s a question the therapist needed to be asking. Have any of the glass skin idiots replying even actually been to therapy it’s not supposed to be a fun day out.
No. 264724
>>264589god i saw her comment on a will wood community post a month or so ago and had to double take. of course she's grabbing and running with the main character for her bullshit "evil alter" aesthetic. cant wait to see her dr sunshine is dead / I/me/myself follow up "alter video". "persecutor-core" shut up. just call yourself fucking insane at this point honey, it'll embarrass you less.
sorry for the ranting. I hate the trend of latching onto songs for the edgy aesthetic and then dragging the artist into the bullshit they're used in, and being a will wood fan in this instance I'm almost ashamed to be lumped with the same group of people like jill.
No. 264741
>>264089I was going off pictures of when she had a definable figure. It looked to me like her lower body is naturally thicker than her upper body, but since she sits on her ass and eats like shit, you can't tell anymore. Idk once you gain a certain amount of weight it all just looks like fridge unless you're extremely curvy.
>>264093I imagine she didn't want to be constrained by a corset and padding because she was going to flop about on the floor for 3 minutes straight, but why wear a binder for that shit? You're not meant to work out in them and if Jill was actually active I'd be concerned she's hurting herself. Why not wear a black sports bra instead?
>>264239>Does Stevie take on different roles in ur sickest baby pedo larp Jillie?The state of society. Is this not a giant red flag? I'm just imagining her randomly switching to berry or some shit during foreplay,
luckily for my sanity, she's taking so this will never happen how tf is he expected to proceed? Do they just stop and he hands her a coloring book or are they true degenerates?
No. 264743
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>>264618 "I have DID and she was trying to force a switch" jill you never even had DID to begin with, you insufferable cunt. Also a therapist questioning your phone case to try and break the ice if a patient won't talk right away isn't weird, the 2 year old comment about fuckin sanrio maybe didn't need to be there but nothing else about that was wrong. Also kek at the "many many therapists" comment, can't admit she just shops for them
No. 264751
>>264741She's developing pcos body.
You can't go your whole life being lazy and eating like shit just because you got away with it as a teenager. At some point that catches up with you and you face serious health consequences.
But it's all just "my brain hates me" too her and there is nothing wrong with her body.
No. 264781
>>264767Weird, I thought it would be the opposite. Going into a big city and wearing the clothes you feel self conscious of wearing at home. But then again, she's a little rich girl living in a white bread world, so it all makes sense. "Big" fish, little pond. But somehow it's on an even easier mode than usual. No wonder she's been spiraling out since she went to college. Her main character syndrome couldn't take not being the most talented and special in the room, especially since she didn't go to some prestigious design school where it'd make sense. She wasn't even big fish in a regular small pond. Just her neighborhood.
>>264652There's a joke about child labor in there somewhere
No. 264806
>>264743>Also kek at the "many many therapists" comment, can't admit she just shops for themThis. How come we only ever hear about the meanie one and angel therapist? If she's had one or two more in between, that's normal tier for most people, it takes a little while to find someone you find comfortable with but who will really be able to help you.
Also I'm really sorry to blog but this bitch doesn't know what a real shit therapist looks like. I was once told by one to stop my meds, only to end up with horrible withdrawal symptoms. Could barely leave my bed to barf and shit my guts out and never felt more suicidal in my life. Then the asshole had the nerve to tell me it had to be a illness when I immediately started feeling better after taking my meds again. THAT'S a shit therapist Jill.
No. 264809
>>260969>264619>>264637At 7:02 She says "The people at my diagnostic interview being like, you dont have ADHD because you didn't have it in childhood, but you exhibit almost all of the symptoms now. I was like -weird squeal sound- and they were like yeah um if you want to pursue that autism eval um I didn't I would support that I was like okay" It was a little hard to quote Pixie since she was squealing a lot. But, thats not how that works??? Adults can be diagnosed with ADHD and similar to Autism where people can be diagnosed with it later on in life because they didn't "seem" to have it as children due to masking or just the signs being missed so I highly doubt that would be told to her.
But the reason I'm commenting is something weird that Summary Anon didn't mention.
When talking about that Dan Howell guy using her clip at 18:10 she does this head twitch and says "Woah earring in the coffee earring in the coffee" while grabbing her earring. Then does this pffh things with her lips and says "Bone sticking out what bones sticking out" Then goes right back into talking normal. She hadn't been drinking coffee before the weird twitch or anything. No one said anything in the stream's chat about it.
Now Bones sticking out bones sticking out she had also said while she was talking about stranger things at 13:30 she had said "The last season of Stranger Things was really like like bones stickig out bones sticking out um and at first it was like okay-" I thought she was describing season 4 but when I found the clip of her weird coffee twitch thing she does the same bones quote. I haven't watched much of season 4 of stranger things so I dont know if she was describing it or if it has something do with that weird twitch she does later on in the stream
What do you guys think that was about? I know she talked about maybe getting an autistic diagnosis, so maybe its her trying to sprinkle in autistic signs. But it seemed more like she was trying to fake tourette tics over autism.
This is my first time ever commenting so I hope I do this right. Normally I'm just a lurker but no one seems to be talking about this and I was curious on what you guys think
No. 264836
>>264637I don't think she has ADHD, autism, DID, or anything like that. I think she just continuously tries to find external reasons for her behaviours rather than just admitting that all this shit is her fault. If a person smokes weed everyday, refuses to get a job, refuses to engage with age-appropriate materials, refuses to separate from the parents, refuses to introspect - that's just being a lazy loser. A lot of people like Jill like to play with the idea of having ADHD because they don't realize having an attention span is a like a muscle that one has to exercise. When was the last time Jill read a book? When was the last time Jill did anything that required constant attention for long periods of time? Same thing with people who LARP autism; they want to blame their bad social skills and shit social life on a developmental disorder instead of just admitting the reason their social skills are so bad is because they were losers in high school and never grew out of that mindset. Jill you're 25… you should be hosting dinner parties, having BBQs, going to day-spas, saving up for friend-vacations… Yet she prefers to engage with teenagers on Twitter because she's afraid of being an adult. She's so fortunate and so lucky in so many aspects - especially the financial aspect, but she chooses to focus on the negative in her life always. It's pathetic.
No. 264837
>>264836That's literally all there is to it. I do think she has BPD though. But everything else?
I'm gonna say it: bitch needs to clean her room.
No. 264843
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No. 264876
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>>264843I was going to say it looked like a diy rug but the diy rugs look better.
Hers looks unfinished it still has so much mesh showing through
No. 264880
>>264810I’m so frustrated, she came
this close to actually constructing it correctly, why did she have to decide against lining it? Her logic for keeping it unlined doesn’t even hold up, a light cotton lining wouldn’t have made a noticeable difference in temperature (plus drag costumes are hot no matter what) and even if it was lined she’d still be able to reattach anything that came off from the outside. The unfinished inside looks like the back of one of those plastic “make your own rug” kits, and that’s gonna be on full display when she takes it on and off during performances. I’m actually disappointed. The jacket definitely isn’t to my taste, but if she had actually finished it properly she probably
could have used that as a sample to get into a fiber arts show. She always takes shortcuts for instant gratification and doesn’t think anyone will notice. People scouting artists/designers notice.
No. 264883
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>>264874Yeah, not to blog but living with an autist who constantly makes noises isn't pleasant at all. Jill doesn't realize people who do this have an intellectual disability, like they don't even realize they're doing it, it's not some cute character trait
No. 264894
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No. 264897
>>264836Yup. This:
>>264618 is her BPD on full display. Imagine demonizing your
middle school counselor for being normie, and for what? Internet attention.
No. 264910
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No. 264961
>>264895>mental illness affects every aspect of my life down to the way I pissShe's really out here saying she
pees autistically. What the fuck?
No. 264964
>>264814Aspergers as a term and concept is being phased out and is no longer a diagnosis in a lot of countries, it’s all just ASD (autism spectrum disorder now) so if she gets diagnosed it will probably just say ASD.
>>264883As an autist who goes on tik tok now and then I can tell you she is doing this because autism tik tok learned what Echolalia is. It has been appearing in a bunch of those omg do you do this that means you have autism tik toks. That’s all she is doing, mimicking the fun quirky shit people put in these tik toks. If you want me to believe you Jilly start hitting yourself in the head when you meltdown.
No. 264966
Not every autistic person also has an intellectual disability. Stimming doesn’t only occur in intellectually disabled autistic folks. Stimming can be biting your nails until they bleed or hitting yourself when you’re upset or singing the same lyric throughout the day.
Autistic folks without intellectual disabilities are often better at realizing when their behaviors are not socially acceptable, so we hide and control those behaviors. Just because you don’t see them all the time doesn’t mean they’re not there.
Not supporting Jill, just clearing shit up because there’s a lot of autism sperging by non-autistics in this thread.
No. 264967
>>264966>Not every autistic person also has an intellectual disabilityNever said that.
>Autistic folks without intellectual disabilities are often better at realizing when their behaviors are not socially acceptable, so we hide and control those behaviors. Then if Jill had autism she wouldn't be stimming on video, because she has no intellectual disability. That's my point.
No. 264968
>>264865Yeah if we take Jills words at face value she is making her parents look like absolute shit, worst parent of the year level of bad.
>>264961This really is troon level of appropriation
>>264964Anon just meant aspergers as in "the high functioning end". The american woke autists are dead set on the term "aspergers" being a nazi term only used by nazis so she wouldn't want that label anyway kek it's still a
valid diagnosis in several european countries though
No. 264976
>>264972Yeah when she said 30 hours I thought eh doesn't sound that bad if you're not pressed for time (which we know she isn't) then she said 3 months?? I mean, it doesn't really matter how long it took if she just worked on it every now and then, but she makes it sound like she slaved away working on it, when it's just a bunch of tassels tied to mesh fabric.
And I kekked when she said she could see it in a gallery. How delusional is she.
No. 264977
>>264833Autism is a spectrum; its not a race to check of all the boxes and not every sped will stim
Which is why it makes all the fakers who are just copying one another so obvious, tiktok only has one kind of autism
No. 264988
>>264968I’m the anon who mentioned Aspergers and yes, I meant on the high functioning end. I get that autism is a spectrum, but having worked with autistic kids quite a bit while also being diagnosed with Aspergers (before they phased out the term), I hate that kids who are definitely would have previously been diagnosed with Aspergers call themselves autistic all over the place when most people think of intellectually disabled, low functioning individuals when they hear that. Instead of saying ASD or on the spectrum, they deliberately make it sound worse than it is. There’s a big difference between someone who can’t function in society and will never live on their own and someone who struggles a bit with social interactions and doesn’t want to make an effort to be a productive member of society like Jill.
To be clear, I don’t think Jill is anywhere on the ASD spectrum, but if she was, she would be very much on the high functioning side of things and the fake symptoms she’s trying to show would not affect her. It’s like she forgot she’s been online for years and never exhibited and if these behaviors until she decided she wanted to be too mentally I’ll to work.
No. 264998
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No. 265090
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No. 265169
>>264976>And I kekked when she said she could see it in a gallery. How delusional is she.In Jill's mind, she has the fame and prestige of big fashion designers. The industry just haven't given her the
appropriate attention yet. She is still clinging to her middle school years of delusions.
>>265101Jill wants to have it both ways. She has loving parents yet went through this
life and death type trauma without them knowing despite being involved in her life. It's so stupid especially because she's willing to hurt her own parents' reputation/lives for online validation from teenagers. Her parents also give me a headache because why in hell's name would you allow your daughter to spread malicious lies about you and still expects you to pay for things? I guess they are really okay with Jillian being a horrid bully, tantrum throwing, liar, mental illness larper, stoner, lump of a person. I'd be so proud to have a daughter that readily throws me under the bus even though I gave her (in her own words too) a charmed life.
No. 265275
>>265274"Admitting" it wouldn't make a real professional rule it out tho considering a self diagnosis for anything in the brain is incredibly unreliable
The key isn't that she told a medical professional she didn't have it and that's how she couldn't have it, but that she wants to be right concerning all of her self-diagnosis because that's just Twitter culture. If a professional ended up diagnosing her with it, she'd either lie and claim she never said she didn't have it or just wouldn't say anything about it to keep her up perfect streak of claiming mental illnesses
No. 265363
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No. 265377
>>264811She is not subtle at all. Like whatever happened to all the hallucinations she was claiming to have when she was shopping for a schizophrenic diagnosis.
>>265097 she has always been weirdly supportive of pedos. Which is funny since she is pretending to be a CSA
victim. It creeps me the fuck out.
No. 265450
>>265427Slight blogpost but, my totally real and not self-diagnosed DID allows me to blame whatever stupid shit I did a few years back on my made up OCs- I mean headmates. Oops, meant my 'alters'. Don't call me out for my larp being inconsistent and retarded, that's just ableist
and transphobic. I may not be trans in any way shape or form, hell my boyfriend has a higher probability of trooning out compared to me especially with the amount of time he spends on discord, but two of my alters are literally male so that obviously makes me male by extension. Did I also mention I have a hypersexual alter that's genderfluid? But lmao she only really takes dick because I'd never be with a woman- I mean, I prefer men over women when it comes to my 'bisexuality' uwu.
No. 265464
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No. 265482
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No. 265491
>>265486I imagine her replying to it in her most bpd tone being like
"Omg I know right I totes agree very ucky" and making herself out to be a perfect do good representation of DID and a
victim at the same time
No. 265500
>>265495Will wood has allegations of grooming going around.
Speaking of creeps Jill also still loves Shane dawson
No. 265547
>>265538Good for her. It has to be someone in that circle to point out the inconsistencies and inaccuracies, otherwise Jill can use “the evil people are fake claiming me!” cover. Go for it Bobo, Jill
is fetishizing severe mental illness and deserves to be called out
No. 265588
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What is with Jill's obsession with flashing?
No. 265607
>>265466They think it's just a cool funny and edgy symbol to wear everywhere, the red banner is the new swastika that retards wear either not knowing what they mean or thinking they're changing the meaning of the symbol by woobifying it in the most obnoxious ways,
>>265464like turning them into pastel kawaii uwu magical girl banners. Some of them are just retarded and believe in stupid shit tho, not the case of Jilly and Steeb, since they're the exact opposite of being communists or being into kawaii stuff and magical girls.
No. 265646
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No. 265648
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No. 265656
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No. 265657
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No. 265658
>>265648Stevie replying to Vangelina kinda backs up anon's theory
>>265625 that Jill and her made up in DMs and there will be no video, no wonder Jill has been looking so smug
No. 265675
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More pathetic lies from the queen of lying.
No. 265684
nonnie from a few threads ago got with Jill’s brother.
No. 265692
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No. 265694
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Jill posts about being assaulted in her old bedroom at her parents house two minutes after posting her drag improvement photos
No. 265698
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No. 265699
>>265692because all SA
victims would choose to sleep in the bed they were assaulted in and then make a tweet about how they are in the bed they were assaulted in. Awesome Jill. That’s just awesome. If this was all real why go out of your way to
trigger yourself?
No. 265718
>>265692>>265699She's using the same unilaterally debunked recovered memories theory that batshit conspiracy theorists use to claim that they were kidnapped by public figures to create an excuse for why she's suddenly uwu traumatized after living an incredibly comfortable life. If she had actually been assaulted in her childhood bedroom then sleeping there would have caused at the very least a 'fight, freeze, or flight' response immediately afterwards and well beyond because emotional responses to aversive stimuli are largely unconscious even if explicit memory isn't stored, e.g. if someone grows up in a culture where dogs are considered unclean then they will sidestep a pile of dog hair without any sort of memory associated with it or thought to why they're doing it.
And if she were having a PTSD episode she could surely tell her parents that she's uncomfortable given that she fucking allows them to read her posts anyway. She's so infuriatingly full of shit.
No. 265728
>>265719But remember
nonny!!! Jill doesn’t have to tell you about her trauma to validate it!!! Only Jill is allowed to vaguely allude to the trauma she endured for pity points and ass pats
No. 265730
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>>265692> Awe :( we had a major ptsd flashbacksame energy as pic rel
No. 265737
>>265720I think her mom may be getting upset, but is afraid to say too much because Jill will go apeshit. Look at how badly she reacted to being told to either get working or move home?
Jill is either going to crash and burn and end up having to move back into mommy’s basement, or she’s going to force Steve to go work and support her ass while she sits at home getting stoned, which if he has any self respect, he will tell her to fuck off. She seems completely unwilling to do anything to help herself and would rather sit around tweeting while expecting everyone else to pay the bills. I’d love it if her parents told her to fuck off and stopped giving her anything and refused to let her live at home so she could experience some real trauma. I doubt they ever will though.
No. 265740
>>265737It could he things have been rocky since the MCR concert and this tweet was a way to get her mom to back off. Sort of a not-so-subtle “if you don’t keep supporting me in my townhouse, you’ll be responsible for constantly
triggering my SA ptsd”. That’s just my tinfoil
No. 265747
>>265741Does he work? I was under the impression that he just lives in the townhouse for free, fucking around with her. Even if he does work to pay for his own stuff, I doubt it’s enough to pay the rent and all bills and Jill’s copious amounts of weed. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have had a breakdown when Louise told her to start paying her way or move home because Steve could just do it.
Correct me if I’m wrong though.
No. 265756
>>265747He works, Jill said in her stalking video that someone had apparently contacted Steve’s retail job even though none of us knew he had one. But he also did some roblox-adjacent internship, as well as teaching(iirc?) some sort of program recently. I can’t be bothered looking up the details, but he’s been working in the whole time in some capacity, nonnies just ran with the narrative that he was living off Jill.
Also we never actually got confirmation that her mum told her to get a job, though it does seem like it was probably something along those lines
No. 265757
>>265740It's possible. She tweets things like this everytime she goes back home. Maybe every time her and her parents argue she guilt trips them into paying for her shit. Which is a little funny since her parents completely changed her room so a lot of the major visual
triggers don't even exist anymore.
Also if Uma was around the time Jill started her pastel-punk phase her house's rainbow vomit walls would be more of a
trigger than a bed.
No. 265760
>>265692why does she live tweet her breakdowns through Evanescence lyrics
But for real out of everything she does I do not understand her rationale for live feeding her supposed trauma flashbacks through vague poems and then goes back a few days later to remind everyone how terrible it was. She's been doing this since her deviantart days and its crazy she hasn't figured out thats not a normal thing to do and would not be recommended by any good therapist. Especially when your persona is a part of your career. She is one of the weirdest cows to me because she was fairly normal in her early youtube days- and nothing has happened to her since then that would've make her go psycho like she pretends to be. We would've known, since she overshares everything. The blatant lying at her age with her parents backing up her ddlg/trans larp is so creepy. I would be so embarrassed if my parents or friends saw me doing this shit.
No. 265773
>>265699Maybe her
abusive neglectful mom made her sleep in the room she was assaulted in
No. 265791
>>265348Sorry but my tism couldn’t ignore this.
Very interesting because between 50-70% of autistics have ADHD has a comorbid condition… weird thing for her to share considering how she reaaaaaally thinks she’s autistic.
No. 265827
>>260969>>265810"borderline does preclude her from getting an adhd diagnosis"
People can have BPD and ADHD I dont think Pixie has either. But a similar google can tell you that you're wrong about claiming someone with BPD cant be diagnosed with ADHD
Here's an actual article about it>>265810 No. 265855
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No. 265862
>>265857kek is that supposed to be cliffe? how do adults in their 30s tweet
>pouting selfie and weirdly formal greetingfuckin nailed it good job kid.
No. 265901
>>265891Good point, I didn’t think of that because my glasses don’t distort my eyes in photos because they’re only a low prescription.
In that case, Jill just get prescription glasses for your alters and save on contacts, why do you have to do everything the hard way
No. 265907
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>>265855I am on my hands and knees begging you to save your damn hair
No. 265933
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>>265855Am I at a motherfuckin' churches? What is this extra crispy monstrosity that is this bitch's hair??
>>265907I for one am excited foe the buzzcut arc, who knows we might even get another alter or
gasp Cliffe gets actual screentime.
No. 265946
>>265810I know what comorbid means, as I have both ADHD and autism, and this is not false information.
Google it yourself.
No. 265965
>>265961can we all shut the fuck up and get back to the topic at hand or take this to OT?
- t. ADHD with BPD
No. 265984
>>265907Her hair is beyond “use conditioner” to save it lol. She needs to shave it all off and go natural. Having dyed hair isn’t spechul anymore.
>>265874Even Holly Conrad has been styling herself better recently kek.
No. 266006
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>>265994If she had a buzz cut she could do that thing where you paint designs on the hair. Think about it Jill you could do all kinds of different designs and change it frequently and it would be far more androgynous than the long hair thus better for the male alters.
No. 266017
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another excuse to not work. looks like we won’t have anything new to laugh at for a while.
No. 266032
>>266006She doesn’t want to be actually androgynous. Her weird narc standard of beauty for herself is being ultra feminine. Her ftm alter is mostly in drag and in girly edgy clothes unless she puts on the gypsy rose beanie to be lazy.
She’s trying so hard to shoehorn all the lgbtbbq labels since she just a spicy straight that wants to feel special. Internet culture has rotted her brain so much she’s feels it’s everything in her world despite it being completely meaningless to normies outside of the computer.
No. 266051
>>266045You’re right, here
>>264617she says she uses a Nikon D5500 and Final Cut to film and edit both her YouTube and TikTok videos.
No. 266064
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>>266015Now shut the fuck up about it. The bottom line is that regardless of if they can be comorbid or not, Jill clearly doesn't have ADHD and her doctors agree with that.
No. 266108
>>266032Montreal trip proved that when the waiter gave her a key to the male bathroom. Had to giggle at her "unbothered" response in both her tweet and video.
>She’s trying so hard to shoehorn all the lgbtbbq labels since she just a spicy straight that wants to feel special.I don't get her fixation on labels and thinking more labels means special. I tend to see it as a warning sign for a very self-centered attention seeking individual especially with the excessive use of lgbtq labels. She's so insecure of being seen as anything but special. Too bad her personality is as rotten as garbage which seeps through her rainbow exterior.
>>266078>Also if she was serious about being a drag queen she’d see this is a great opportunity to practice by making makeup videos or even just practicing her dancing by doing tiktok dance videos.Those could help motivate her and fine tune her performances. She should be trying to get into more events other than just ones her friends are hosting. Talking to club owners, other drag queens, establishing a good reputation, and building up networks. Too bad she's far too lazy despite her insistence this is her "job". It's embarrassing yet she has no shame.
No. 266164
>>266162It would make sense, especially if she's dropping her therapy considering the whole point of therapy would be getting rid of her fake ass DID trauma response
It pisses me off that all these DID fakers go with the narrative that they're somehow happy and cohabitating as a multiplicity when the whole fucking rub of DID is
not having a harmonious group of people in your head that just sit in a fake ass mind palace and talk about memes but that you can't hold down a stable career, relationships, and even general well-being
No. 266171
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lol she didn’t even have a backup of any of her files. what did she do to her computer to fuck it up this bad?
No. 266174
>>266171She has an iMac, why the heck was she traveling with it in the first place?! Have you never heard of a usb/external hard drive Jillian?
>>266162I don’t really get why everyone here seems to think that moving back with her parents is/was ever on the cards or that it would do anything to help her. Her parents are the ones that spoilt her all her life and shaped her into the entitled brat she is, moving back with them wouldn’t automatically make her get her act into gear. I also doubt that her parents want her to move home either, why would they
No. 266203
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No. 266222
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No. 266224
>>266221Lol what did she do to this damn thing if it's a 30% did she sit on it
>>266222Awesome creepy old alter likes to cuddle that doesn't sound at all like a red flag
No. 266237
>>266222I’m sorry but I’m getting really weirded out by this tweeting back and forth to herself bit. I’ve followed other people with DID, and I haven’t seen anyone do this. The only thing that even comes close is when DissociaDID duets herself on tiktok, but that feels less narcissistic somehow. Maybe because the alters are more distinct or because tiktok duets are normal? But Jill’s tweeting is like she’s taken the idea of “have a text chat app or notebook for improved system communication!” and turned it into publicly tweeting herself to fawn over her alters and explain her edgy vague tweets when they don’t get enough attention the first time around.
>>266226Isn’t Cliffe supposed to be a combination of her father and some Tim Gunn-esque drag queen out of drag? I can see Jill saying he’s huggable with the dad component, but some random person thinking he looks cuddly is pretty creepy…
No. 266240
>>266226More like she’s making up an excuse to get out of having to upload anything. Maybe she wants a new computer too but if that were the only thing she wouldn’t have to say that all her work disappeared
*just* as she was about to hand in the assignment. And no backups, of course. Naturally.
>>266237Sasha Velour. Who imo seems extremely non-huggable but maybe that’s just me.