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No. 241369
Jillian Vessey is a DID (Dissociative Personality Disorder) LARPer who trivializes mental health and sugar coats every single bad trait of hers while hyping up a fake/manipulated diagnostic impression that she paid copious amounts of bucks for.
She accepted her ~life changing~ “diagnosis” with a smile and celebrated with a "coming out as DID" cake, and struggles to maintain the LARP after only two weeks. The number of alters keep pilling up and she doesn’t seem to stop anytime soon.
>Began her lolcow run as a "pansexual" lolita lifestyler who rage-quitted due to LACE drama and ~muh restrictive rules~>Is most well known as the creator of the Confetti Club, a group of skinwalking fans that wear “Party-Kei” style, a weeaboo fashion she invented and no longer personally wears. She currently looks like an overweight clown.>Known lurker.>Extremely sensitive.>History of ED, mental illness, and self-harm.>Very notorious attention whore. Always overstates her abilities in a delusional way and barely puts any effort. >Runs a youtube channel with an inconsistent schedule that went from doing fashion related videos to mostly "mental illness" content, alienating most of her fans.>Has multiple inconsistencies in her DID story and lore. Will change or forget key details about her trauma origin story or her alters. She also tends to deny the bad parts of her mental illnesses.General info:
>Loves toying with the idea of having multiple mental illnesses, will google all of them and see which criteria she fills in the most / makes her look more special. Thus, results in obvious faking.>Frivolously spends money (including the money she receives from her parents) on “ethical” -take it with a grain of salt- items, including clothes, makeup and other shit for any new trend she gets into. Nevertheless, she still is a big consumer of plastic crap and will cut corners whenever possible.>Claims she makes enough money from Youtube despite complaining about demonetization on her videos; will often post/tell the cost of things to show off how much she had spent (as a brag). >Is an extreme narcissist; regularly thinks of herself to be the best/have superior skills in many aspects like fandom and fashion designing despite her skills, knowledge, and results of projects proving otherwise. She’s also a massive attention whore and very self-centered, never listens to others and only cares about her own faked struggles. Disregards any criticism as “hate”.>Refuses to get a real job and relies on video monetization and Patreon donations to keep her afloat despite offering poor incentives for supporting her. Heavily pushes her "full-time Youtuber" title even though she fails to keep up a consistent upload schedule and keep solid engaging content beyond hauls and bullshit vlogs full of ramblings. Continues to post mental health related content, and her fans are steadily unfollowing her.>Opts for "self-care" rather than working on her videos and other projects; defines self-care as doing nothing but taking baths with Lush bathbombs and laying in bed all day. She will take meds without even verifying she needs them or not, or stop them without further medical advice. Other questionable “self-care” and “mental health” content has been noted.>Thinks having an enabling counselor = actual therapy. Said counselor quitted and moved provinces only 1 year after treating her and givng her the DID diagnostic impression. Jillian continues to lie and fake all kinds of symptoms to prove she’s sick, slowly transforming nto a full-blown munchie. Believes her own lies on the matter so much so that she thinks she’s knowledgeable enough to advise others on the matter.>Extremely thin-skinned and defensive of herself, will either delete comments, videos, or tweets that dare question her and act passive-aggressive about it on Twitter. Will also e-bully anyone she doesn’t like or goes against her ideas.>Has kept a total of five past relationships in her life, all ending in drama; tends to use partners as accessories when beneficial to her image. Somehow, all her male exes end up looking like the current aesthetic she’s into at the moment of dating. >Has claimed that her DeviantArt Ex-girlfriend she kept in amicable contact with for a while after breaking up “abused her for months”. Said claim has been proven false.>She now claims every abuser of hers has been female, even though she has heavily mistreated her past two girlfriends. She broke off with her most recent ex girlfriend, Mystery Girl, around Christmas 2018, because she “was no longer attracted to her”. She kept the Christmas presents that she would otherwise would had given her, to herself.>Her previous friendships almost always have end up in drama. Rumors of her sleeping with the guy that one of her ex-friends liked at a New Year’s party have circulated. Besides that, she has also said in a video that she stripped in front of Steven and his ex-girlfriend Maggie at some point in a get-together. Even her fans found this weird.>Formerly identified as pansexual, then queer, then claimed to be “too into dick to be a lesbian” while dating a woman; currently lives inside her rainbow house with her boyfriend Stephen Clarke. Now both Stephen and Jillian identify as nonbinary and pansexual. It is worth mentioning one of her exes also became nonbinary and pansexual shortly after dating her. Steven is currently hinting to a very obvious MTF transition despite having a christian family, which will prove beneficial to Jill, since she wants to roleplay being a lesbian very bad.>Relies too much on other people, including her mother and her partners. Will interact with content creators she likes in a creepy, harassing way. >Claims to be family-friendly, but makes poor attempts to censor herself, has made sexual innuendo in her videos and social media despite knowing she has a largely underage audience. Recently started tagging posts with the age regression hashtag. >Jilly started her own brand, 5 petal flower, months before graduating from her glorified canadian craft school. She plans to sell badly put together Lazy Oaf knock offs despite her work being labeled as “inconsistent” by her teachers because she was mostly distracted with stim toys found on her sewing table. The only work she has produced so far was a collaboration with a small brand that mostly resells chinese aliexpress items and a cheap looking bridal dress for her cousin.>Very irresponsible pet owner. Nearly killed her cat by having tinsel hanging around on the floor, the cat almost choking to death. She still keeps this choking hazard where the same cat can reach it for years after the incident. Never seems to clean her pet’s space, you can see cat shit and cat fur all over her house in her videos and selfies. >She tries to prove she’s mentally ill in any way possible, including always mentioning her stims, dissociation, posting edgy lyrics, wearing a t-shirt that reminds her of suicidal ideation, and pretending she can only eat one type of food. Pretends she “never lies”, “doesn’t understand sarcasm” and other autism/neurodivergent LARPing on Twitter. She wants to be mentally ill very bad and will often spread misinformation about it on her socials.>Uses her alters to hold at least one of her personality traits or past times instead of realizing she can be a normal and full-fledged adult woman with hobbies and emotions. Will defend using emojis to sign off as each alter, to the point of harassing others off platforms if they don’t agree with her usage. She also talks in third person to herself while pretending to be an alter on her DMs, twitter, and on picture captions, calling herself “handsome” or “pretty”.>Will claim as many labels as possible, some of them are: Queer, lesbian, nonbinary, FTM, pansexual, emo, rainbow, intersex, fashion designer, magical girl, full time youtuber, neurodivergent, autistic, BPD, DID system, witch, kawaii, drag queen. In reality, she’s just a spoiled dumb girl.>Has been consuming a lot of alcohol and weed in a questionable way, anons wonder if her dissociation is merely caused by substance abuse. She bragged about the liquor store knowing who she is. She pushes weed as a magical cure-it-all for adults and children on her twitter full of underage fans.>Recently got into bio drag queening, changed her twitter description days before her first performance even went live. Danced like a crazy woman to a Steven Universe and a MCR song on her first performance. She’s now fully accepting the drag queen label with a lot of self-importance and yet again overstating her abilities with barely any experience.>Ran over a deer on July 2022 and while originally saying she had no trauma from it, milked the accident dry for pity points, calling it a “near death experience” and claiming “multiple ptsd symptoms” from it. Might create another alter from the whole experience.MEET THE ALTERS:
>Jillian: Actual person, but calls herself an alter for the heck of it. Hates being called “Jilly”.>Jerrick: 13-16 year old emo guy, who has supposedly been around for 12 years, conveniently holds all her bad bpd traits. Signs off with a snake emoji.>Veronica: Horny alter, 20 years old, calls herself a lesbian (even though she’s dating a man), she is a “protector of sexual trauma”, says she had to become a fuckable bimbo because she was “raped for months”. Signs off with a flame emoji.>Berry (Nicknamed “Babby Smalls”: Talks and acts like a baby. Proof that Jillian is into age regression. Is always “co-fronting” in some way. Had its name previously withheld for “safety reasons”. Signs off with a strawberry.>Cliffe: 35 year old old man. Her "homosexual assistant" Kind of like her dad and Sasha Velour. Looks like Mr. Bruce. Somehow too old for social media, but his emoji is a club. >Flora: A “fragment” slowly morphing into a real alter, and a carbon copy of cure flora / other positive precure characters. She is a blonde sweet lolita. Sign off emoji is a cherry blossom. >Jax: 19 year old girl who speaks and types with a Brooklyn accent. She's a fictive of Harley Quinn (Batman), Jinx (Arcane), and Spinel (Steven Universe). She called it “a character salad”. Apparently was born from watching arcane while having major trauma. Signs with a test tube emoji. >sandwich emoji: Cat alter, represents how lost she felt moving to a new city. Not much else is currently known about it.>piano emoji: ??? silently added to her tiktok bio.>another age regression alter: ??? mentioned to be “far away” but present inside her head. **Note: The DID saga officially starts in
>>235115 "doesn't like to bring her DID much" in front of her parents
>>235443 Maggie still visits Steven when Jillian isn't looking
>>235445 Maggie alledgedly vagueposting about Jillian
>>235446 Maggie alledgedly vagueposting about Jillian
>>235510 Maggie alledgedly vagueposting about Jillian
>>235573 Maggie alledgedly vagueposting about Jillian
>>235595 Maggie alledgedly vagueposting about Jillian
>>235596 Maggie alledgedly vagueposting about Jillian
>>235744 Maggie is a lolicon
>>235766 Maggie has the same pajamas as Jill
>>235799 Maggie talks about that time that she was posted to lolcow
>>235808 The pic in question
>>235824 Jillian says she's feeling catatonic but then Steven comes to the rescue with… Smash Bros?
>>236077 Asks someone for recorded video evidence in a condensending way
>>236135 Tells the Will Wood they/them
victim: "I hope he presses charges against you"
>>236326 Still fixated on her past self
>>236449 Made "fronting indicator" drawings for her OCs
>>236482 Says something about finding "the right kind of friends" after what Maggie posted
>>236493 Likes the term "multiple personalities"
>>236496 Being a meanie on twitter
>>236507 BPD put a finger down
>>236530 She makes countless disgusted faces at the put a finger down video
>>236596 She responds to sof (the girl who gets invited to her house to 'safely ageplay')
>>236627 The full drawing with her OCs looking shitty as ever
>>236764 Says the reason Jax exists is because she watched arcane while experiencing major trauma
>>236765 Makes up DID terms
>>236829 Says she's the main character (because of a Will Wood song)
>>236869 Interacts with Drew Monson again
>>236892 Louise interacts with the Jerrick twitter
>>236922 Jax is a "character salad"
>>236927 Louise does not follow the Veronica account
>>236931 Disgusting tiktok saying she's an evil main character
>>236932 Another disgusting tiktok about having 5 mental illnesses and being on the spectrum
>>236933 Yet another disgusting tiktok about being mentally ill
>>236940 I am the main character and you have to like me>>236992 Comparison, then and now
>>237007 Says she has undiagnosed autism but "doesn't like to talk about it" (lies)
>>237026 Weird tweet (hinting at lurking?)
>>237155 Retweets some shit about autism
>>237367 STILL fixated on her past photos, trying to prove the existence of any alter however she can
>>237522 Long term fan calls her out
>>237713 August patreon livestream
>>237826 Car pic
>>237853 August patreon livestream summary
>>237970 Her fans enable her larp
>>238164 Calls her OC a "teenage dirtbag"
>>238322 Some shit about her joy being restored with cheese after the accident
>>238357 Talks about her "brother's evil ex" with her mom
>>238358 Cries with Drew Monson tweet
>>238383 New pic with the pink dress looking like it's going to burst to shreds
>>238393 More interactions with sof
>>238400 Sof was a featured confetti club thread skinwalker
>>238546 Jillian armchairing someone else on her twitter kek
>>238559 New drag logo
>>238576 Something about the new car and trauma
>>238577 Makes the old pixiespam account into her new villainy drag account
>>238589 Dream car is a whole VMW ban
>>238595 Still calls herself 'freelance fashion designer'
>>238613 Eats mc and cheese that 'Flora' prepared, calls it witchery
>>238696 Acts like a source of knowledge on twitter
>>238712 Car accident video
>>238796 Steve comes chime in with "trauma is subjetive"
>>238797 Someone says she has more trauma than her, they fight on twitter
>>238846 Retweets a "people who don't have DID don't know who's faking" post
>>238883 Louise comments on the car crash video
>>238884 Jilly pretending to have an ED
>>238906 Her "alter" calls her "crunchy"
>>238971 Steven orders her to use the flower lanyard
>>239079 Steven's parents buy them a car
>>239114 Shuts others up before they can finish their conversation
>>239115 Same as above
>>239149 Acts ~shocked~ abotu a filter turning her house green
>>239162 Disgusting tongue face directed at her mother
>>239163 More disgusting faces
>>239461 Acts "sad" in front of a window for tiktok
>>239465 Something about having trauma all year
>>239466 Retweets "I still remember, I still hate you"
>>239515 A fan notes her instagram content changed, she goes nuts>>239637 "Flora is an angel, I only met her this year"
>>239638 She's "unable to eat"
>>239642 Can't go to Sof's drag queen performance
>>239665 Extremely stupid autism larp, says "stim stim stim" multiple times>>239666 The shit ain't even aligned
>>239741 Her "worst nightmare" includes being called out on twitter
>>239816 Her cousin says they're both autistic
>>239855 There's some places in her hometown she avoids
>>239909 Thrift video
>>239931 Likes "cute pastel cozy nursery vibes"
>>239955 Says she's anxious about wasting her potential
>>240278 Says she will continue her brand when she's less insane
>>240281 Veronica "sexy" larp
>>240293 Futanari-ish retweet about hormones
>>240369 Steven interacts with young people on twitter
>>240599 Thrift video dislike ratio
>>240606 Veronica video dislike ratio>>240621 Playing with Lego while being blazed as fuck… again
>>241020 Has been having panic attacks all day
>>241021 Posts an "uwu" crying picture (punchable face)
>>241066 Possible future physical condition larp?
>>241248 "Suicidal" shenanigans
>>241272 Has anxiety because angel therapist left
>>241277 ^^^Comments
>>241302 Retarded tiktok kek
>>241319 She has the zoomies
>>241350 Has been "gradually been able to hear her folk's voices again" (aka her OCs)
>>241356 Had to cancel her drag gig
Social Media & Other Links:
Youtube: 2: (Main): #2 (“Jerrick” alter): #3 (“Veronica” alter): Tiktok: Current Tiktok: TikTok: Second Tiktok for her alters: Page #1: Page #2: Girls Instagram: Girls Facebook Page: Deviantart: Blog:
http://pixie-locks.blogspot.comDrag Facebook page: No. 241374
>>241356I just think it's hilarious how she has to be the literal main character even when she's supposed to share her brain with 5 people that are there to serve her so she doesn't have to think about her "trauma" -whatever it is-.
She's such a narc that even the donut steels living in her brain are as disposable as the people irl.
No. 241384
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Moving back in with her parents saga?
No. 241391
>>241384Maybe moving to where her
OuO~angel therapist~ is going and harassing him to continue her "treatment"
I love playing speculation bingo
No. 241401
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>>241399>>241386>>241394Reposting it again for those who didn't see it
No. 241402
>>241401Gonna say it again– this exposes her fake DID in neon lights. The point of it as a coping mechanism is so an alternative can check out when
triggered and others take its place so the trauma doesn't touch the one who was traumatized. She played herself.
>>241389Second this. Whatever's left of her fan base doesn't care for the DID shtick. The did is only performing well on tiktok and Twitter, but not YT where she really gets her money. She needs the cash and her fake DID is keeping it.
No. 241405
>>241399Jill just doesn't understand the difference between a panic attack vs and anxiety attack. Persistent anxiety for days is an anxiety attack a panic attack that spans for
days would require hospitalization.
Stoner anons, would cutting weed cold turkey cause something like this or is she just greening out?
No. 241407
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>>241401just a reminder this isn't the first time she acknowledges these threads. There's no way she isn't saying the "cute and quirky" shit beause of us. I've seen those exact same words here multiple times.
No. 241421
>>241419 I also am which is why I mentioned the CHS, can't think of anything else.
No. 241429
>>241399Steve works right so he probably isn’t around all day so she is probably just texting him all day whining but is fine then just has to be weak and oh I was so unwell all day when he gets home. She got better just in time for the weekend and him probably being home all day because he has off work kek.
>>241414Why does she talk about her drag as if she has been booked and it’s a “gig”. Once again here we see volunteers, she doesn’t have gigs or bookings she is just rocking up at a drag open mic equivalent. She always misrepresents shit like this.
No. 241443
>>241401This is what she
says, but she still recorded TikToks and smoked weed so…
No. 241444
>>241422I guess, but calling this withdrawal compared to what other addicts go thru kinda undermines the seriousness of something like benzo, opioid, or alcohol withdrawal.
The worst thing that happened to me when I took a weed break is more vivid dreams.
No. 241445
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>>241444NTA but yeah, benzo withdrawal is really fucking nasty (reminder that Jordan Peterson put himself into a coma in russia to rush through his xanax withdrawal symptoms)
I don't remember if Jill ever said which meds she's taking, but she should still be on some medication + weed + alcohol
No. 241446
>>241369>She has the zoomiesLove this part in the recap. Thank you for the laugh. Kek
>>241399I think she's over doing it with both weed and alcohol (possibly something else too?), and her body can't cope with the amounts. She could be stressed over finding another
"angel therapist" because let's face it, the last guy made her secure in her larp. It doesn't sound like he ever challenged her. She has to be steaming that he quit. Her easy ride ended leaving her to scramble to find another sucker.
No. 241447
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Ok I looked up mentions of meds on her twitter for archive purposes. I don't watch her streams, so someone add info if she ever mentioned stuff.
>as of March 2022 she still takes medication
>wanted to quit seroquil in 2018 but is still taking it
>is on a mix of medications, probably includes something against anxiety
>it is not recommended to consume alcohol and smoke weed while being on these medications
>Seroquel (Seroquil) is used in the treatment of schizophrenia, a mental disorder marked by delusions (false beliefs), hallucinations, disrupted thinking, and loss of contact with reality. Seroquel (Seroquil) is also used for the short-term treatment of mania associated with bipolar disorder (manic depression).
No. 241459
>>241451Yeah my understanding is ideally certain antipsychotics are used short term due to their possible long-term effects.
Seroquel I think was one of the meds my friend was put on to stabilize her when she had a psychotic episode. I always thought it was a bit strange to put a non-psychotic child (Pixie) on it, but I’m not a doctor so…
No. 241479
>>241400Yeah I was actually assaulted and just froze and couldn't move or anything and I didn't understand why I "let it happen" for a long time and blames myself and didn't tell anyone. Her post makes me livid she has no idea what it's like.And no, being upset that you had to pretend to be gay for woke points doesn't count.
>>241445 Dumb cunt, I am currently in a horrible withdrawal from Effexor.. have been for months but I still have to go to fucking work and do shit because that is what being an adult is! Grow up Jill.
No. 241483
>>241401She really needs to get a job or some kind of routine. I feel like all her 'symptoms' would go away if she wasn't lounging around the house all day.
Blog but being mentally ill it's important to surround yourself with normal people who are stable that can support you & actually encourage you to get better rather than wallowing in self pity
No. 241497
>>241494As someone who was on seroquel as well, I wanna say she has way too much energy to make me think she's on it. That shit is also meant for schizophrenia, it
sedates you, there's no fucking way she's bouncing around like this and being as high energy as we've seen if she's on even a low dose of that
No. 241506
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>>241499I am trying to find the thread when she said this but am struggling. Anyway, I remember she said that during a warm season and because their neighbours complained about the smell of weed iirc and that the neighbours had a baby. She was claiming at the start of the DID saga how weed helps with her "autism" and she also had rants how weed is helpful for adults with anxiety, but notice how here
>>241447 she's talking about meds in March of this year (unless she just means birth control).
Fun fact: the person who got Jill into weed
No. 241527
>>241414Tinfoil but I feel like this was because she was filmed. "
If I never tweeted no one would know so at least I wasn't on a big poster hyping anyone up" and her name was on posters advertising the event. It just feels weirdly specific to point out
No. 241558
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>>231244 two threads ago. I was trying to track it down myself, and I found the hyperlink result via google, but clicking it gives a 404
No. 241559
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>>241558Oh shit you're right lmao
No. 241563
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>>241412not sage cause honestly I think it's important. spoilered because of file size to keep things legible.
reposting cause my dumb ass forgot to spoiler after saying it would be OTL
No. 241570
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>>241552Huh, the photos of Jed on his husband's photography insta are also gone.
Too bad the internet is forever.Also, I could be wrong but I thought he went by they/them. If that's correct, Jill wokely misgendered him in her tweets.
No. 241584
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>>241583too late lol I made it a rainbow ty tho
No. 241592
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No. 241599
>>241591I made this more to catalogue the parts of her that show the DID to be false as requested by an earlier anon. If I were to cover
everything it would take longer than an hour
No. 241607
>>241401She fundamentally doesn't understand the disorder she supposedly has, your alters are
specifically there to help you with trauma and were generated by trauma yet she claims she is only Jill during traumatic things and needs to be in a more regular state to have access to her OCs
Idk how she even got the diagnostic impression but since Jed is running scared
>>241570 >>241559 I guess he knows it's bullshit
No. 241608
>>241605If it is it's gonna be a
Toxic Tears (breakup glowup) and be the best thing that's happened to her for a while, the way he humors her is disgusting and clearly is making it worse
No. 241612
>>241607Well thats on him. Let everyone know that Jedediah Mattews is a fraud and no one should get therapy from him. That's right,
Jedediah Mattews is not professional and should not be trusted.
No. 241616
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>>241611>>241611His handle is @VeryMistevieous, Maggie is on private so you can't see what she's saying so it's pretty uneventful but he is replying since the 15th which is when Jill started posted about waking up with panic sickness
No. 241617
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>>241616Yeah idk man, he's interacting a lot with her. Also
>calls himself gay No. 241623
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Rock back and forth? She's really hinting at autism. Also, why would you even say that?
No. 241627
>>241623This is quite pathetic. Real autists are, not only ashamed of rocking back and forth, but we also don't notice that we do it until someone points it out or it's so hard that we have to stop on our own.
She's trying so hard that whoever gives her the next diagnoses that she searches for like she's searching for some plastic shit in an Etsy shop, should get their license removed and shamed forever.
I'm just so annoyed, she really thinks that someone just wakes ups and thinks "oh heckerino hecking hecks! I'm an autist!!!".
No. 241629
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more posting about her totes real ED and retweeting some cryptic shit about how she’s sorry she’s alive
No. 241631
>>241629Why is she acting like she’s got a sooper scawwy ED by not having an appetite during anxious episodes?
Yeah, no shit you won’t want to eat if your body feels like you’re fearing for your life, everyone I’ve met who has anxiety has that issue. Anything to make herself seem sicker than she is.
No. 241637
>>241634>I'm going to punch a wallI bet she's physically
>Many fear because it's green uwuWhy is she this self obsessed?
No. 241638
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>>241634Jerrick is not the combat one,
Jax is.
No. 241646
>>241617Interestingly he doesn't Tweet that often so your picrel is comparatively a lot.
I don't think anything happened with stevie, she's still in his bio.
Since jed deleted some stuff perhaps he got scared and cut contact with Jill, at the end of the old thread she mentioned giving him a "parting gift"
>>241277 maybe she hoped they would stay in contact but he was shit scared about his career considering how Jill has nosedived since beginning therapy with him, and how obviously atrocious his "therapy" was in conclusion. So that's my educated guess wrt the panic attacks. No Jill single ladies saga for us yet.
No. 241656
>>241277Is it normal/common for people to be this attached to their therapist?
I mean yeah, sure, if my therapist left that would be destabalising, but "grieving like someone died"?
That seems off to me, you are just a costumer receiving a service after all.
No. 241702
>>241676My tinfoil is that going to Japan was the catalyst and then the arts n crafts school fully broke her.
I think when she went to Japan she thought she was PEERS to the 6% people and other Japanese Fashion makers and being there and probably seeing that these people have to run an actual business and coming up with ideas shook her. She only knew how to buy shit and she almost doubled down (If I remember properly people were annoyed that basically all she did in japan was shop and show off her hauls)
then she was like 'ok FINE I can totally be a big name kawaii fashion designer EASY. I'm a popular youtuber and kawaii ambassador!!' and then she got to her arts and crafts school and was the worst person even there and it made her realize that she wasnt as great as she was in her mind.
For anyone else it would perfect set up with just a little bit of drive and actual want to learn how to make clothes (hell I've seen people without any form of fashion degree that own and run successful indie fashion lines) and she could have been EASILY successful and raking in MAD cash now cause little weebs will buy any trash and she could have even still did the DID larp and had different drops or each OC of hers
No. 241706
>>241702Imo you're giving too much credit to her self awareness
I genuinely think she just thought she could cruise control and more opportunities would be handed to her like they'd been before. This is supported by her changing stuff now that her numbers are finally reflecting a decrease. She thought she could get everything sponges to her and it's just not happening
No. 241707
>>241629God I want to a-log so bad. You do not have anorexia you dumb obese clown. You have never been underweight and are rapidly gaining weight. Each time I look at you, you have gotten fatter. The only reason you think you were ever anorexic is because you're so fat that a healthy weight seems deathly thin to you.
>>241706This. She most likely didn't realize how hard she would've had to work and thought her original fans would stay with her forever no matter what bullshit she pulled.
No. 241716
>>241702The japan travel was truly her peak. It's fucking sad.
Like, all she needs to do to get back on her feet is quit the DID larp, stop posting everything on twitter, stop fishing for pity points, and dedicate herself to textile art and performance art. She needs to do actual research outside drag queens, mental illness, and twitter. There's still some things she can do with her life that can make her go to japan again.
No. 241720
>>241714>I genuinely think it's not too late and she still has a chance to redeem herselfi think its too late. and i think alot of other nonas here would agree. shes gone too far, offended too many people. what's she going to do, apologize for faking DID? apologize for sensationalizing and glamorizing autism? THAT's not gonna go well.
she's become a walking hypocrite, and imo, thats the best way to lose an audience. look at just these last two years: she pretends to be sustainable meanwhile her house is 80% plastic. she claims to be a positive queen yet is openly being rude/mean to people under the guise of 'being jerrick.' she is a straight woman that benefits and exists in society in the same way any other straight woman would but has collected all the titles including lesbian, gay, intersex, nonbinary, trans, queer, etc. she claims her childhood was so uwu hard and difficult!! yet had it better than probably 90% of the nonas in here and better than 98% of people on earth. she can do all the things she could before she was diagnosed (drive, buy stuff, feed herself, clean, make videos, have social relationships) but chooses to wear a sunflower lanyard which is meant for people who are seriously disabled.
its all the larp and no truth. that's not the way you redeem yourself. i've watched this thread report on jill as she's built herself this image stacking one jenga block on top of another single block at a time. and now she's shocked its all about to fall?
she's not disabled, but she surely is stupid.
No. 241723
>>241721>her hair wasn't even braided!kek
>>241720She needs to take a step back and do some soul searching, something which she has AMPLE TIME TO DO. Not only is she still really young, she has the bare minimum amount of responsibilities.
She needs to get out of these mental illness and SJW hugboxes that are very very clearly making things worse and work on actual self improvement and personal development. It would probably also help her to volunteer or have some sort of responsibility outside of youtube.
It's frustrating that she has thread after thread of people offering her good advice, that actually have some hope in her, and she continues down this destructive path.
No. 241727
>>241720One the topic of a comeback for Jilly, if she wants to megaboost her career in one easy video
"I faked having DID" is sure to net at least 500k, or she could go for "My Therapist groomed me into thinking I had DID" if she wants the innocent route
No. 241731
>>241725>>241720 She’ll never admit to any wrongdoing, she’s never at fault always the
victim even if she has to play extreme mental gymnastics, so it instantly makes it impossible for any redemption.
She’s too much of a narc and will just keep digger herself deeper
No. 241743
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>Faking too well
Jilly, you genuinely suck at acting. Go cry into your soggy tendies.
No. 241746
>>241720>>241725Agreed. If she stopped larping mental illnesses, it wouldn't automatically redeem her. Blaming other people for her choices and crying
victim isn't change. She's done that how many times. She doesn't want to actually
change her behavior and with her track record, I highly doubt she'll ever want to. She'll just continue to cycle through what's trendy whether she has an audience or not. It doesn't really matter as long as she has a hugbox and enablers.
No. 241754
>>241743er anon, i think it's trying to say people fake
being well, as in pretending not to be sick when they are. it sounds like just the kind of dumb shit a therapist would think is profound and smart, while butchering the english language.
No. 241764
File: 1661126413682.png (928.02 KB, 530x788, art.png)

Jillian has to come to a breaking point and understand perhaps life isn't what she thought it would be. That's okay, we all go through that in our 20's. You need to say goodbye to certain goals to be able to account for new ones. Life never remains static, we're always changing. Having new goals is normal, it's part of growing up. She needs to break up with steven and do textile art like others have said here.
No. 241767
File: 1661127190227.webm (989.13 KB, 540x960, 7448308263.webm)
>TLDW: Jilly is dressed up as Jerrick types in "Jerrick Villainy Swells" to create a picture via ai.
No. 241771
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No. 241772
File: 1661127852702.png (292.34 KB, 352x488, 3036809367834.png)

>>241771>>241767how far appart were this tweet and this tiktok posted? she looks miserable
No. 241794
>>241702>it made her realize that she wasnt as great as she was in her mindI think was aware of that before. At one point she was talking about wanting to attend Bunka, then bigger fashion schools in Canada. All of those require a portfolio, though, and despite taking a gap year after high school she had nothing really to show for it. I think she settled for the local craft school not just because it was close by but also because it did not have any admission requirements. They wouldn’t reject her and were very unlikely to fail her, unlike a prestigious and competitive institution like Bunka. Deep down Jill knows she doesn’t have it in her to be a successful fashion designer but rather than admit she doesn’t have the drive, creativity or interest she blames her mediocrity on outside forces. It’s frustrating to watch because she has
everything going for her. If anyone’s been enabled from birth to reach their full potential, it’s her. I think she realises this and is too embarrassed to admit her full potential is less than impressive, so she self-sabotages and pretends that a combination of (conveniently trendy) trauma, mental illness and developmental disorders beyond her control are keeping her down.
>>241713As annoying as she is, I sincerely hope she gets out of this relationship before Groomvie troons out fully and she gets stuck in a DDLG polycule with another transbian or one of her own skinwalkers. I also agree that she’s probably a farmer. Veronica loves gossip, remember? I’m not sure she can stomach regularly reading her own thread, but there’s no way she’s not reading other threads on /w/ or /snow/.
No. 241824
>>241798Lanugage barrier aside, Bunka wasnt the only school on her consideration though, I remember from a video wayyy back she was talking about considering US schools like Parsons (where project runway was originally filmed) and Pratt (Betsey Johnson is a notable alum) being on her radar. They're both in NYC where she's visited before
The thing is both these schools require rigorous portfolio/application processes/foundation years, so again, she just got lazy and chose laziness over passion. NYC would have been the PLACE to capitalize on her kawaii aesthetic and grow professionally. but it didn't happen. i think what bothers me the most is that she likes to pretend she has the fashion credentials of a parsons/pratt designer when she has the fine arts equivalent of a defunded & run down community college
No. 241826
>>241824>laziness over passion. Not a hard choice when Jill had 0 passion.
Sometimes the anons in Jill's threads make me wonder if they've ever even followed her. All the ones saying she had/has potential and should do xyz for a brand or fashion or whatever… She never had any interest or talent in any of those things, she just liked the attention for pretending she did. She had her family and peers egg her on and inflate her ego and she made a fake identity out of it.
Her new mental illness larp is the same thing. Those of you who cheer on her fashion designer crap are akin to some future anon looking back at the current Jill and saying she should become a therapist because "she had so much potential/interest in mental illness uwu".. it's so detached from reality
No. 241856
>>241800Everyone starts somewhere anon. I've seen textile artists that started just how she did. It's a matter of putting in the work, and she enjoys crocheting. I know we all hate her but it's not like I want her to be miserable or homeless.
>>241815Idk, maybe I don't like thinking like a doomer and believe most women, specially someone like Jill, can be redeemed. I think she's misguided and enabled to no end. If she faced reality she could change. She has done a lot of questionable shit but nothing too bad like killing, stealing, or rape. There's still a chance for her.
No. 241859
>>241826>Sometimes the anons in Jill's threads make me wonder if they've ever even followed her. All the ones saying she had/has potential and should do xyz for a brand or fashion or whatever…I've been in these threads since 2015, she's the only cow I've constantly follow. I've alogged her, berated her, and been extremely mean to her through the years. She frustrates me. I don't like what she does most of the time either, I am hyper critical of this bitch. But I can also recognize she has done some interesting things, far apart as they are. I like her current intro a lot. I liked when she made the confetti club pins. I see some interest in her in certain things but she never follows through. That's the most annoying part. I don't think she's a designer or a seamstress, and her drawings are completely shit, but there's a niche for her, definitely. I think she needs to throw away her enabling lifestyle, perhaps adversity is what she needs to find her true passion. It's only a matter of time, we'll see if she finds it or continues going nowhere.
No. 241861
>>241737I should've said basic straight girl not normie kek that's basically what I meant.
>>241807I want every cow who isn't a pedo/rapist to cure their brainrot and eventually become a productive member of society.
No. 241863
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No. 241866
>>241863Top Tweet: positive, sounds like progress
Bottom Tweet: everything kawaii or childish I like can be attributed to my child alter ego which I made up in the last year
So close but so far
No. 241873
>>241872(same anon here)
I agree, she's faking it for sure, my point is she does not realize it. She thinks it's all real. I honestly think she's not smart enough to fake it for clout. If she faked it, the characters would be consistent, but they're not. because she's making it up in the process while thinking she's discovering something about her new diagnosis
No. 241874
>>241873I can see why you think that, but I don't agree. It's 100% of her own design, all the way down. Jill's a retard but she's not a total idiot. She knows precisely what she's doing. That's why I hate her so much. She does it all so knowingly, and she firmly believes that she's getting away with it. Never forget that she has BPD, first and foremost. Every last bit of this can be traced back to that.
She knows what she's doing. Do NOT fall for it.
No. 241897
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No. 241904
>>241903Berry is her 4-6 year old alter. The one she dubbed
"baby smalls".
No. 241915
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No. 241916
>>241914Does she mean she's done with faking mental illness? Hahaha, who am I kidding
>>241915This feels like an indirect nod to her reading here lately and taking all the people saying how she hit rock bottom to heart
No. 241935
File: 1661210156233.jpeg (579.23 KB, 1170x1250, 925D896C-800D-42AB-AE37-545BC7…)

i do not believe her at all. 25lbs would be noticeable, but she’s still fat as fuck
No. 241936
>>241935Kek at the
"happier in my skin now". Wonder why, Jilly Willy?
No. 241939
tw for a website of all things and then following it up with a cute lil emoji. Even the callouts must be kawaii
No. 241951
>>241889Please sage your shit you've made like 7 non-saged white-knight posts.
>>241947Everything is just so egoistic. "I'm a pisces so that's all the signs in one so I'm actually the coolest!!!" bruh is this grade school?
>>241803Who tf is caring about Jilly bean? I come to this thread to laugh at her and talk shit with the funny nonnas not watch her get better. I actively hopes she becomes more stupid and posts even dumber stuff to hate on her.
No. 241956
>>241951>Please sage your shit you've made like 7 non-saged white-knight posts.New Fags pleas know what words mean. That post wasn't WKing stop calling every annoying non-contribution a WK.
>>241943>In my close relationships must have seemed super inconsistent and hypocritical. There it is. Jill knows that she was always a shit person in all her relationships so she wanted an excuse to make her friends the bad guys for not putting up with her.
No. 241970
>>241958she "claims" to have had the name since 2020 in a tweet earlier on
>>241898anyway, i honestly believe her on this one alone because of her stupid surface level obsession with fruits mainly strawberries. in 2020 she had them everywhere and its just another oc name ripped off of something she thinks is cute or whatever just like the rest of her mary sue ass alters
No. 241978
>>241727She could probably kick off a profitable career as a right-wing grifter with the 'tiktok/the libs/SJWs/woke snowflakes brainwashed me into thinking I was mentally ill and traumatized' angle too.
In seriousness, though, it's hard to see how she can recover from this long-term. She'll likely call the DID saga off eventually with the 'my alters have integrated' plot device and continue to spread minsinfo about the next trendy medical condition as other anons have predicted, but she's chosen to become an embarrassment to everyone who isn't a fickle tiktok zoomer and ruined her chances of having a sustainable public presence or serious industry career. Her best chance to have even a modestly successful life at this point imo is to delete tiktok, remove all her other content from the last couple years, get her parents to hire one of those shady 'protect my reputation' firms to sanitize search results for her name to the best of their ability, and apply for shitty entry-level fashion or entertainment jobs. Never, ever going to happen though
>>241775idk, she looks almost like a normal person here.
>>241807>Otherwise why would you care if the cow gets better.Seeing a loser turn their life around, however unlikely that is for most cows (i.e. completely unlikely), is a much better story than one where they stagnate, even if the milk runs dry. Plenty of other cows in the pasture.
No. 241991
>>241966Amazing how easily "three suicides" becomes "maaaaybe one?"
The suicide count thing started as a joke on kf because it was so outlandish. Now people believe it unironically.
No. 241995
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>>241988I can't tell if she's lost or gained? She always dresses for camera angles so it's hard to gauge.
No. 242001
>>241991Lmao, sorry for not being a diehard kf scrote with enough official death certificates on hand to please you but you have to be retarded to believe they haven't contributed to cows who needed real help committing suicide as well as murder.
I do agree that it's cringe that Jill and the OP of the tweet didn't provide evidence but just remember that kf is full of schizoposters who deny the holocaust so you need to take their opinions with a grain of salt.
inb4 "why do u care moralfag much? just enjoy their suffering"
No. 242008
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No. 242022
>>241915Every time I start to forget how shitty she is she does something to sink even lower than I thought possible. For those not aware, “catboy collector” Keffals is a Canadian child groomer who runs discords for socially isolated kids and admits to helping them illegally access hormones behind their parents’ backs and without medical supervision. He recently wiped his grooming discord after law enforcement came to his house.
If Jill and “come age regress at our house” Steve are reading these threads and are even remotely concerned about potential grooming accusations they should stay
very far away from this person.
No. 242024
File: 1661242501148.png (127.89 KB, 250x392, Keffalsthegroomer.png)

>>242022Nta but adding that the discord was named "The Catboy Ranch" and he sent out collars to his favorite catboys.
>>241989She's all about labels whether she truly falls under those labels or not. She was probably mad that she got the EDNOS/OSFED diagnosis and not the coveted
anorexia diagnosis. She's so transparent.
No. 242037
>>241977Yeah, until they aren't there any more. I don't know how old her parents are but at some point they are going to start getting older and one day they'll be unable to support her. It feels wild to think about Jillybean in her 40s or 50s but I have to wonder if she'll continue to be an unproductive member of the society clinging onto her teenage years or if she'll come up with something new to play pretend. How severe Munchausen's is she going to develop? Or could she be rehabilitated enough to be a more "normie" flavour of BPD narc that keeps BPD narcing away? Will there be a professional Karen arc?
I just see her future as pretty bleak instead of the rainbow clown colours. She doesn't have education she could use to get an actual job and unless she could get a nepotism job offer idk where the fuck is she going to be employed at. So maybe she'll get into social welfare benefits for her totes real disabilities, or go the e-begging route, or OF, or all of the above…
No. 242064
>>242012Sage but not really.
There was near/byuu who blamed kf for his suicide, who has more pretty much been proven to have faked his death to make kf look bad.
There was some troon that killed herself and whose friends blamed kf even though the troon specifically cited lack of support from friends in her suicide note and whose thread had been dead for some time
Then there's Julie terryberry who did have an active thread which could have contributed to her decline into suicide.
There were also a couple of failed mass shooters who casually posted on the site but they were universally mocked and condemned.
No. 242094
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No. 242143
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No. 242145
>>242104She could have been nice and said something like “I do see a lot of Pisces traits in myself! But DID actually isn’t related to the personality, it’s a trauma disorder like PTSD
insert eight emojis here”. As soon as Jill got her diagnostic impression she declared herself an authority on DID and has been policing/harassing people for any tiny “misrepresentation”, the fact that she’s letting something this egregious slide is infuriatingly hypocritical.
idk maybe this one’s getting to me because I like astrology and ABSOLUTELY DESPISE people who use it to (mis)diagnose mental/physical illness>>241935>it was partially healthy life changes, and partially mental health strugglesDoes she think losing your appetite due to anxiety or depression counts as an ED? I’m confused why she put a
trigger warning for disordered eating when the reason for her weight loss isn’t ED related?
No. 242152
>>242145>I’m confused why she put a trigger warning for disordered eating when the reason for her weight loss isn’t ED related?It's because she doesn't have an ED and therefore doesn't know what actually
triggers one
No. 242154
>>242143no no please what is she doing don’t give gabbie hannah any ideas. Gabbie hannah actively harassed a rape
victim who used to be her friend as well as essentially defending said rapist. Not very woke to sympathize with her jillian, especially considering all your sexual “trauma”
No. 242170
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>>242167She has to type that bit for herself I think.
Also, lol at this bitch indirectly calling Pixie a bitch on Twitter.
No. 242173
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Jill has come so far from her lolita days.
No. 242177
>>242143Do you think anyone is going to call out her recent trend of armchairing? She's been doing it a lot since being "diagnosed". She's been so snappy and has been talking like a farmer a lot more lately, it's kinda uncanny.
>>242176>>>/Snow/1271136 That's Gabi's thread.
No. 242180
File: 1661317330973.png (16.92 KB, 489x106, kek.PNG)

>>242143Wanted to see what the tiktok was all about and she's already trying to weasel her way in kek
No. 242181
>>242177I think she might be trying to bpd start things on the internet. its been more obvious what she's doing since posting the tiktok about how bpd stops her from feeling like the person whos wrong in an argument or something along those line I cant find it right now.
she's baiting twitter to start arguments for attention
but its her alters and definitely not her and if you yell at her your actually yelling at her child alter
No. 242187
>>242182Because Jill has Cliff, the adult alter, who cam sassily tell Gabbie Hanna that she's BPD-cha- Whoops! I meant DIDfag and that her mental breakdowns are all just the result of someone else trying to take control. Which is
exactly the kind of ideas you should be feeding to someone with a fragile grasp on reality and identity issues. 100%.
Jillian Vessey: Mental Health expert and totally not "priveleged white girl" personified.
>>242181>>242178It could be a mix of both her BPDness and the threads getting to her. She definitely wants to just lash out at anons ITT but, the anonimity means she can't just block everyone when they upset her. Anon tinfoils definitely have some weight of truth to them, if they're weighing on her that bad kek. And admitting she posts on "Muh ebil transphobic chan board" even if it's to fight against the haters would be social suicide amongst her circles.
No. 242191
>>242096Funnily enough that's not actually the angle they're going for here. There is a community of weirdos (95% moids, most of them trannies) who tweet about being nonhuman (e.g. dolls, robots, angels) and having multiple identities completely unrelated to DID. Look up "empty spaces" on Twitter if you want to watch them worldbuilding in the wild.
Just be warned it is all thinly veiled fetish content. You can really tell these guys are turned on by the self-objectification. I doubt Jill actually knows anything about this community so it's kind of funny to see her align with them.
No. 242194
>>242180>>242143Jilly, shut the ever loving fuck up. You
do not have her best interest at heart. You are a fat straight white woman who failed at her craft school to learn something and now larps mental illnesses to shield criticism/use as peter pan syndrome. Go sit in the corner with the dunce hat on 'cause that's where you belong with all your
mental illness advice and hot takes.
>>242177>Do you think anyone is going to call out her recent trend of armchairing? She's been doing it a lot since being "diagnosed". She's been so snappy and has been talking like a farmer a lot more lately, it's kinda uncanny. Ntayrt, I think she's gotten bolder because she's been
diagnosed TM. She uses whatever she can as a shield to deflect. She thinks she's teflon. The alters for the most part are just there to cast blame or use as sympathy. I think she will piss off the wrong person because let's face it, it's Jilly we're talking about. She pretends she's smart and a mastermind, but she truly is a clown.
No. 242199
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>>242180Audio was deleted and none of these are worth screen recording but tldr she says DID isn’t real.
And yet Jil is reaching out to this dumbass? When is she going to write a “cancel” post next and think this is targeted towards her LARP?
No. 242206
>>242103It fits perfectly with her previous claim that she’s a “naturally dissociate-y” person. She’s been grasping at straws for an explanation and will roll with whatever seems to work at the time, until too many people call her out on her bullshit and she pivots to another explanation. She’s naturally dissociate-y (because she’s a pisces!) which means she doesn’t need any trauma to develop DID. She’s just a very sensitive person so experiences that wouldn’t register as trauma to anyone else can be highly traumatic to her. She has delayed brain development (“autism”) which means that trauma at age 13 can cause a disorder that’s only supposed to develop in people who experienced trauma at a much younger age. Oh but also, she was repeatedly raped for months in elementary school. But also she’s a pisces!
I agree with other anons that she’s manipulative and calculating but also stupid, which means she’s extremely transparent to anyone who’s even a little bit smarter she is. Like a toddler.
>>242180>hello clearly mentally unstable efamous person pls confide in me, a complete stranger!>(PS if u feel the need to agere n sesh ur always welcome in our rainbow house UwU)>>242191Where does Jill keep finding all these unhinged fetish trannies to interact with? I miss the confetti club. They may all have been autistic womanchildren but at least they weren’t grooming kids or live action erotic RPing as sexbots or whatever the fuck.
No. 242220
>>242170She really doesn't understand a single mental health or clinical term that she uses. "When I'm in fight or flight"? That's not a consistent state of being, it's an acute reaction to a dangerous or extremely stressful situation.
It's like when she acts as if it is physically possible to have panic attacks that last for days (they are exhausting, your body cannot do that for hours at a time, let alone days). I know it's no secret that she just latches on to every and any new term that she hears on twitter, but God is it infuriating. She's too small and niche of a creator to ever face any real kind of call-out, but man does she deserve one.
No. 242248
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>none of my business
lol, this is the first time I hear you say that, Jill
No. 242273
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No. 242274
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>>242273Jill pls what were you just doing a few hours ago
No. 242275
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No. 242276
>>>/snow/1624426 in the Gabbie Hanna thread suggested you might be interested in
>>>/snow/1624424 and
>>>/snow/1624436 No. 242284
File: 1661370423460.png (2.76 MB, 828x1792, 1661369287203.png)

Cross-posting from the gabbie hannah thread… ms "none of my business" vessey here still interacting (aka self inserting) with the drama
No. 242285
>>242284>>242274didn't she say "none of my business"? wow, stay on your lane jill
>>242273I hope she means herself with "people who pretend to be your friend but make digs at you every chance they get". Funny that she's ugly and alone now while all her previous friends are thriving.
No. 242287
>>242274>>242273>>242248>>242284I feel like jillian is this close _ to entering the youtube dramaosphere, like, she continues behaving like a washed up mini Trisha clone and acting like a know-it-all, but it seems like no one is truly paying attention to her, I wonder why, she's genuine recepy for disaster.
Is this premeditated? Will she continue to be a washed out nobody that self inserts into everything or will someone pick up on the crazyness and she'll make a career out of drama? Time will only tell. This is juicy as fuck so I hope she continues this path of attention whoring.
No. 242298
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>>242289Not sure if this is a cowtipper but somebody did ask her
No. 242322
>>242314it itself
is misgendering though…
No. 242329
>>242327Samefag but I searched her name on twitter and it's full of people screeching that she's being transphobic
based and racist right now. She's being brave by openly supporting her so heavily
No. 242331
File: 1661383824424.png (129.12 KB, 836x1204, 3049770340734.png)

1.She's excited to go to the MCR concert
2.Would like to bump into the fan that constantly makes supportive memes about her (they've been interacting a lot recently)
3."Jerrick" will get to pick the outfit (that's not how DID works retard)
4.Mommy is going too, she calls it "bonding time"
No. 242333
File: 1661384392370.webm (1.23 MB, 540x960, SnapTik_7134767007966235910.we…)
oh wow, so much anxiety guyse
No. 242334
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>>242333"haha thanks guys"
No. 242335
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posting this too for posterity.
No. 242340
File: 1661386531520.jpg (182.67 KB, 720x1399, Screenshot_20220824-171529_Chr…)

No. 242344
>>242343Flora is the precure sweet lolita alter
Berry is the baby alter
No. 242360
File: 1661394619680.png (381.99 KB, 536x498, 331313111313.png)

>>242343>>242344>>242346>>242347>>242354>>242350here's the stupid chart she made to clear any confusion lmao
No. 242364
File: 1661396007885.png (396.1 KB, 948x464, 331313111313.png)

>>241369Just a reminder that her @pixieespam account is now @villainyswells (the link is wrong) No. 242365
File: 1661396181131.png (18.92 KB, 320x250, 331313111313.png)

>>242364also pressuring fans to "catch up" on her content
No. 242391
File: 1661413333413.jpg (278.99 KB, 1080x1415, IMG_20220825_094129.jpg)

Nothing special but Steve is just tweeting about politics to nobody on twitter.
No. 242404
>>242310it's hilarious how the gendies played themselves like this, they originally said they/them was a neutral way to refer to someone but now it has become a "third" gender on its own, so we could argue they're misgendering someone by using they/them as a neutral for a normie he/she person. so they're all transphobic by their own rules
but much like jill they never seem to care that they're massive hypocrites
No. 242408
>>242364"reclaiming my personhood" - what? jerrica is not a person, just a part of jill, and you would think that playing into delusions is a big no no if you want to be better and integrate that part - because making it more 'real' will just separate her from learning healthy coping skills (assuming she believes did is real, but i think this is just another proof she is bad at her own lore/mental issues larp). Is she telling on herself or this is just another twitter/tumblr term?
Like, come on, you can make this 'project' without did, she even started jerrick bs as experimenting with non-kawaii stuff.
No. 242433
>>242419She just needs to pretend it never happened like Trisha.
Holy shit,Jill is a poor man's trashier Trisha.
No. 242441
>>242433Being a poor man's trashier Trisha would be a compliment to her. It's so transparent after her going after Trisha and admitting to consuming her content that she's one of the people Jill idolized and decided to model herself after. Same with how she started doing those intentionally ugly weird looks to be more like Emily fart or whatever that gross things name is, trying to cope with her new self disgust at feeling fat and unattractive lmao.
It's all so basic
No. 242468
File: 1661447364964.jpeg (459.93 KB, 1500x1001, 1659197222119.jpeg)

>>242433I don't like Trisha, but at least her cars and house were things she bought with her own money. She's a hoarder and has been in debt a lot. But she has gone a lot further than one would think for fake crying on camera. Jill is not even smart about her fake trauma/lies like Trisha is. Jills parents have bought her everything and shes sheltered and can't commit to anything. Her internet persona started (and mostly continues) out of her mom buying her expensive garbage to show off and lies. Even with the easiest job ever she's always bleeding out subscribers and going on hiatus.
if you're not going to contribute anything good to society at least be entertaining. but jill can't, everything has always been served in a silver platter for her. if her parents ever wise up and cut her off she is done. this influencer shit is not going anywhere for her.
No. 242469
File: 1661447637423.gif (984.4 KB, 245x145, tumblr_inline_nudmu33tqa1tndig…)

>>242468how I imagine jill during christmas
No. 242475
>>242408I know reclaiming a personhood is usually used with
victims of sexual assault as a means to feel in control of their body. This just sounds like Jill is once again co-opting a term to make it mean what waver the fuck she wants it to.
>>242468Yeah at least Trisha showed he BPD traits. Jill just tells us that she's mentally ill and we have to take her word for it.
No. 242477
>>242475>I know reclaiming a personhood is usually used with victims of sexual assault as a means to feel in control of their body. This just sounds like Jill is once again co-opting a term to make it mean what waver the fuck she wants it to.This, she probably thinks "reclaiming her personhood" means turning her stupid alter OC into a real person.
>>242474>I've never been much of a tea drinker>Did she not previously shill David's Tea and talk about tea all the time along with putting those awful peeps in it for photos? What a weird thing to retcon into one of your "alters"She was either lying or she's truly retconning everything into an alter trait.
No. 242496
File: 1661463304456.png (350.25 KB, 749x615, uwuNEWtrwama.png)

collage anon here. sage for olderish milk but checked in on jilly's life threatening car video. definitely seems like she added some comment filters to this one but a few snuck through the cracks, kek.
No. 242503
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No. 242504
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No. 242512
>>242503this is
unhealthy. i know it's been said to death, but this therapist relationship was literally codependent and this is not how you talk about a professional relationship. my doctor literally was the first person to help me with my chronic pain in 27 years. when she retired, i congratulated her. she's my doctor. not my friend. maybe if jill had real friends in a healthy place or if she had learned a single coping skill in a year and a half she wouldn't feel this way. imagine how she'll spiral when she deals with real death. good lord. the whole "i've never experienced real problems" of it all is just… sad.
No. 242529
File: 1661470151701.jpeg (106.79 KB, 1284x683, 57A7301B-5FCF-4DB3-92FC-8FDBD7…)

Saw her complaining about losing followers.
No. 242538
File: 1661472175225.jpeg (426.08 KB, 1242x911, 1585062751594.jpeg)

>>242503she always needs to one-up people, I cannot imagine being friends with her. she has never lost someone dear to her which is a good thing obviously and she should be glad. but instead, she has to compare minor life changes to fucking grieving someone's death? how would she even know? is this like the rape and childhood abuse that appeared only when convenient? jill i promise trying to copy others' issues (and one-uping them which is worse) does not make you interesting. it's very transparent when you do it
No. 242556
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Dumb retweet but made me laugh.
No. 242561
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No. 242569
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>>242561Kek what a self own
No. 242570
File: 1661485105747.png (380.17 KB, 370x492, hm.png)

>>242569extremely good next thread pic material
No. 242571
File: 1661485150995.png (126.75 KB, 348x256, hm.png)

also she's making that stupid face again
No. 242579
File: 1661488287228.jpeg (909.3 KB, 1170x1213, E71D82E4-DE95-4C10-8DC8-AFA832…)

Saw her comment under one of Gabbie Hanna’s manic tiktoks where Gabbie’s talking about “mom and dad” as a result of religious delusions
No. 242583
>>242582Samefag I didn't mean to type fat I think it was subconscious while seeing
>>242571 as I typed KEK.
No. 242590
>>242579>are mom and dad alters?What the actual fuck. You stupid loser, stop pushing your disgusting degeneracy onto others.
What do the comments say btw?
No. 242592
File: 1661490964257.webm (7.49 MB, 576x1024, SnapTik_7135927735976840490.we…)
>>242579I feel obligated to post one of Gabbie Hannah's tiktok videos to just explain how fucked up what Jillian just said is.
Jillian is basically enjoying the drama, tinfoiling about the "possible mental illness" of someone who is clearly not in in their senses right now. She looks distressed and basically saying nonsense. But here comes Jillian, the self inserting gossip bitch, to armchair someone who is clearly in dire need of help, because Jilly thinks she's the mental health advocate know-it-all, and she's enjoying the shitshow. There's no need to comment her shit on this video, there's no need to spew out her ill-intentioned venom, her comment reads as manipulative, Gabbie Hannah will not fuck you Jill. And with that, I mean that Gabbie Hannah will not read your comment and decide she suddenly has DID. She has other pressing matters to tend to. You rubbing your DID larp onto a vulnerable person is not "helping". You're fucking unhinged. You are just another piece of shit in the sea of comments fueling the shitshow. If you wanted to help, you wouldn't create more drama, you wouldn't had said shit, you would had stayed quiet, your comment is so fucking unwarranted, knowing you're a washed out micro e-celeb, you come off as drama hungry. Rot in hell.
anyways, click to play.
No. 242595
>>242583>>242582kek don't worry, your post came out funny
>>242592this is seriously really bad, given the context.
No. 242631
>>242628“Normal” I don’t know, growing up living with relatives and having extended family who would also mail all of us kids gifts, as well as the adults giving gifts to each other, there were some times where underneath our tree was absolutely piled higher than this. We weren’t rich but not poor either. Even these days, my extended family sends me quite a few gifts, and sends checks in the mails for holidays etc., none of us are rich just lower middle class or dead-on middle.
If you didn’t have as many gifts it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re poor anyway, some people just get really into the gift giving holidays and others don’t, my family went all out with decorations/gifts/food for every holiday
No. 242634
>>242579Does she think that because she diagnosed herself with an obscenely rare mental illness (one that affects only 1.5% of the GLOBAL population), she is now qualified to push that fake diagnosis onto others?
I think Gabbie Hanna is a shitty person, but Jill's response just goes to further prove that she sees mental illness as nothing but a spectacle. "I consume so much mental illness content!" Bitch, where? From 15 year olds on Tik Tok?
She's a disgusting person, I don't want to wish bad on her, but I honestly do hope her online antics get her torn to shreds.
No. 242640
>>242579I seriously hate how she thinks she's a therapist now, this whole diagnosing people and talking to people like they're children is gross.
Like Jill, just because you read a lot about menthol illnesses doesn't mean you're a certified psychiatrist, I hope she keeps poking the hornets' nest so she can get that sweet negative attention she craves.
No. 242642
>>242592It just seems like she's on a meth bender.
>>242628>>242629This is stale ass milk and no one cares that your family doesn't consoom as much as the Vesseys.
No. 242652
>>242642Yeah, there is a reason why Jill is so materialistic, self-centered and into instant gratification - and she never faced other treatment from her family and fans.
>>242640I think what I mentioned above plus all that 'mental health expert' comments will be her downfall - before that she was in smaller communities but now she is more bold with her statements and she seems to be unaware how judgemental and ready to cancel people are nowadays. Which is funny, because she in basically living on sm. And with all her 'personalities' she finally can state some opinions she would not dare before, but even did and cute emojis can be a shield only for so long - she is not as big as she thinks she is (when it comes to being an expert or big figure in the community, lol).
No. 242658
>>242579God, she makes me livid. She really treats mental illness like it's an exciting game to her, then leaps at the chance to pull in others who never consented to playing.
Do the replies say anything significant? Apologies for asking to be spoonfed, I was curious but after scrolling through the comments a few times I still couldn't find hers.
No. 242696
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No. 242720
>>242714Samefag, sorry, dropped my sage.
Slight blog but my life is not great and I still live at home, but oh boy am I glad my worst period ever was being a shut-in, and not this.
No. 242731
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No. 242734
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No. 242840
File: 1661557542785.jpg (178.48 KB, 718x1399, Screenshot_20220826-164523_Chr…)

No. 242864
>>242696Who is she even talking about though? She’s said similar things in the past as if there’s a specific person that’s harassing her, when looking at her replies and shit that’s not true. I think she just conflates every person that ever criticizes her into being 1-2 people across multiple accounts, even though it’s not.
Also it’s fine if you’re an ass kisser that replies to everything she says (cough her Drew monson obsession) but if you’re not fawning over her you’re creepy and obsessed. Never mind that she had someone literally make an account pretending to be her child alter, as well as other “DID”fags claim to have interjects of her
No. 242869
>>242802I think Jill has a lot of problems with empathy as well or stepping outside of her own worldview. Her BPD makes everything white and black, but she also projects that outwards onto others.
She's always seemed like the type of person who wont express their own opinion A lot of bs that Jill pulls is just because she FEELS hurt, so she wants others to feel hurt with her and she knows she can accomplish this with rude tweets, nasty replies, etc..
No. 242871
>>242864It is much easier to claim all the hate is 1-2 people than it is to take a step back and realize one's mistake.
>>242858>>242845Jill claims "Jerrick" developed during her early adolescence. I infer that she's harkening back to a period pre-kawaii days. I always wondered HOW she found her threads before, and I figured it was because she was googling her name. In hindsight, I believe now that she was browsing boards (and other 'seedy' internet locations) since before becoming a public figure and THAT's how she realized she was even featured on here.
No. 242889
>>242879Oh god not this shit again. Please no more infighting about this. Jill is not a representation for your bpd. She can have bpd and be a worthless narcissistic bpd piece of shit while you’re an ok person with bpd. I have bpd and am aware Jill not having legitimate trauma as the catalyst for her bpd is not equivalent to my or anyone else with bpd and actual trauma as a causation for it.
It’s so annoying that none of you have the ability to separate yourselves from your hobby of observing cows. Just cause a cow has a trait you have it doesn’t mean the criticism towards them applies to you.
No. 242899
>>242889Weird projection that I must have BPD and be an offended BPD-chan because I think it's asinine to think that the a coddled bitch with no trauma doesn't have a disorder based on
checks notes having trauma.
>>242885She was "actually diagnosed" and then did what as far as treatment goes? Is the narrative in a couple of years going to be "uhh, akshually she was diagnosed with DID so…" It's relatively easy for an alt presenting narcissistic female weirdo to get a BPD diagnosis, it's way over diagnosed in young women.
No. 242909
>>242899You're never gonna get through to them. It's pretty obvious to anyone whose ever interacted with a PDfag that Jillybean doesn't have a PD, and was always obvious since the very start of these threads, but this new generation thinks that having bowel movement counts as a mental illness.
>>242905You didn't even use the term spoonfed right. Do you know where you are?
No. 242926
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>>242696Literally what videos… Jill isn’t nearly relevant enough to get call out videos (luckily for her)
No. 242955
>>242898Is it? I thought it was purely emotional or was an offset of depression + anxiety + personality problems
Source? Asking genuinely
No. 242959
>>242937>Don't worry anon us who interacted with an actual bpd person know that jillybean doesn't make the cutI interact with my
abusive mentally ill brother all the fucking time and Jilly definitely has BPD. She's been revealing more BPD signs recently that are clear as day. She might not be one extreme case, she might not be making /your/ life hell. But there's no denying she has a PD.
I bet both of you were part of the retards who pushed the "jillian has autism not bpd!!!" narrative years ago.
No. 242966
>>242964>No1curr about your true & honest traumaI said I have none though, did you read my post?
>If you're gonna be this much of a sperg over reasonable skepticism then this clearly isn't the site for you.If you're gonna be this much of a sperg over reasonable criticism of your post by multiple anons disproving you then this clearly isn't the site for you.
No. 242970
>>242965Yeah, and I got PTSD from pissing on my leg when I was three. Not everyone who disagrees with you is the same anon kek
>>242966>I said I had none thoughYeah, only blogposting about your ~super genuine~ BPD. Again, no1curr
>>242968That's not what blogposting means, you mongoloid. JFC this thread really
is overrun by twitards
No. 242976
File: 1661621377973.jpeg (94.56 KB, 297x340, 1659960055376.jpeg)

>>242970>>242943>>242936>>242933>>242936>Gets banned for being an absolute retard>Mentions twitter across multiple posts in the same way and tone, making the ban evading obvious>Tries to be edgy to blend in but sticks out>On top of that blogposts about pissing themselvesDamn. Sorry that you're retarded anon.
No. 242981
File: 1661621881043.jpg (28.12 KB, 275x146, 1661621605427.jpg)

Can we go back to talking about milk now?
I feel like Jillian is this close ( ) to actually being called out and thus would explain why this is her biggest nightmare kek. Either that, or she's implying that the racist callout she got wasn't only "traumatizing" but also had no base in reality. Anyways what a retarded white knight comment to make kek
No. 242984
>>242982>>242978>>242976>>242973>>242972>>242971>>242970>>242968>>242966>>242965>>242964>>242963This thread is milkless and the constant infighting proves it. Just STFU already, god damn.
>>242981She's never gonna get called out, at least not in any major way. She's not as popular as she once was and she's a dime a dozen in a sea of neon colored obese illness LARPers. She doesn't have the weird factor of Lillee Jean for big creators to want to make content about her. It will just be a relentless cycle of minor call-out posts and whiteknighting until she becomes irrelevant.
No. 242992
File: 1661625182904.jpeg (437.75 KB, 828x1166, 2D4B2334-43BE-4C53-8F36-A23DB9…)

speaking of this (altho this feels like theres no way someone copied her ugly ass tattoos) what happened to that tattoo contest she did
No. 242999
File: 1661628174487.png (430.38 KB, 378x578, tattoo.png)

>>242992Remember when a fan got a tattoo of "Jill". Lol.
No. 243006
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>>242992she actually tweeted about this same thing in 2020 when someone got a cat tattoo inspired by her. it looks like the person she responded to deleted their tweet though, so i don’t have a screenshot of it
No. 243007
File: 1661629372084.jpg (1.01 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20220827-154012_Tik…)

>>242992>>242997Just so happened to find the culprit on my FYP (pigeonscribble is not the person in the screenshot, that person isn't tagged)
No. 243012
File: 1661630204990.jpeg (155.43 KB, 750x989, BC54D130-2376-426D-B934-AF5230…)

>>243006this isn't an original design concept though. google image "cat in heart tattoo." most of them are done better than hers, and there are even nearly identical color ones that also don't look great
No. 243013
>>243007>>243006None of it is original. Both are inspired by vintage valentines day cards. There could be arguments made but there are enough counter arguments that it's not worth seething over… especially not for two years.
>>243009she never did. She kept pushing it back because of different reasons but I think one of them is because she didn't want to pay the winners and one of the winners was a farmer IIRCC.
No. 243021
File: 1661632857256.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1170x1833, F9E516EF-F5C6-41AD-8A2C-D67A23…)

is she trying to claim that her lolita phase was just flora all along
No. 243030
File: 1661636366596.gif (3.42 MB, 200x200, 04f.gif)

>>243025Cliff on January 15th
No. 243033
>>243021Everything is just an aesthetic to her. All her characters have the same personality as her but dress differently. All of them are retarded in the same ways she is. Maybe Cliffe is the only one who is truly different since he's actually responsible.
No. 243085
>>243021>>243023I can see her saying the slogan "throw kindness around like confetti" was something Flora came up with.
>>243033>All her characters have the same personality as her but dress differently. All of them are retarded in the same ways she is. She's trying(?) to cobble her OCs together with her past to trick her audience into believing she has true and honest
"DID TM" all along. Problem is she's got to remember a lot of
specific lies and as we've seen, she contradicts herself or forgets. It's easier to make all her OCs like the same stuff as her because it's easier for
her to remember. She wants to rip one cosplay off and throw on another with little to no effort. She's very lazy and just wants that instant gratification.
No. 243087
>>243021No she's not bpd trend hoping like everyone with bpd does. It's her alter durer. Just like how when she was a child that was just her child alter.
But also the fact that she has tweeted childhood photos as proof of her child alter
And another alter for being a young teenager
And another one for older teenage self
And she's already ready for her 30s with her grown man alter.
This bitch is living her whole life at once wtf
No. 243089
>>2430218 years ago today she was still ugly and fat
And somehow she spend the past 8 years getting even fatter and uglier
No. 243095
>>243087Don’t forget Veronica, the freshly 21 year old drunken party girl who tries to sleep with her friends’ boyfriends!
I’d love to see her morph into a bald, technologically-illiterate man when she’s 35 but somehow I don’t think that’s going to happen. She should create a morbidly obese munchie with a walker instead.
No. 243101
File: 1661673770368.png (Spoiler Image,583.09 KB, 758x446, lol.png)

>>243096>>243086>>243033The situation with Jillian and her original characters is so fucking sad when you think about it. She had to search for 5+ different special snowflake traits within herself, only to find the most superficial shit like… wearing green? liking anime? And make """alters""" out of them. Lmaooo. And then, when she feels like the most unique and kawiwi for having so many ~different and awesome~ character traits, you turn around and see 100+ people that already are doing everything she considered so important about herself that she had to break it into poorly digested parts… and they're doing it way better than she ever has. Prettier girls with more clout that she ever will have. It didn't take me long to find these examples on instagram, either. She's old news, a washed out mini micro celeb that enjoyed a few years of relevancy only to be replaced by more competent and cuter girls who are better at her own game. The attractive alt girl, the kawaii underground fashion designer, the clowncore performer… everyone else is doing it and she's being left behind, just to be another crazy bitch on the internet that smoked herself into irrelevancy. She never stood a chance, she's nothing, she's going nowhere, she's not doing anything at all. Pitiful, really.
No. 243114
>>243108I have said it before but she is leaving nothing for Jill. Emo and liking muse is Jerrick, roller skating is Jinx, Lolita and liking flowers and plants is flora, crayola toys and peeps is Berry, drag is Cliffe, liking gossip and dressing sexy sometimes is Veronica, cats is sandwich. So wtf does Jilly
Iike? Sewing? Is that the sole thing she has left for herself and she doesn’t even do it. She has made her actual self the blandest part and it’s tragic. When she magically integrates when she gets bored is she just going to say they are now all her interests because she absorbed these totally real and completely separate people.
No. 243126
>>243123Her patreon income peaked at around $1.7k I think.
>>243120I guess she get support from her parents, because the views from her youtube are super low compared to the times when she had 150k+ views for each of her vids. Maybe troony steevy brings a bit money in with his job or his parents. I really don't know what her endgame is, bc I feel like she is too lazy to launch a OF account as some anons imagined in the past.
No. 243141
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>>243094>>243106are you fucking joking or are you 500lb? jesus christ you amerifats think a bmi of 25 in thin.
No. 243143
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>>243021"flora" from the same year
No. 243146
File: 1661694804498.png (302.67 KB, 598x590, firefox_dajPIGCpLJ.png)

Zoomers, please don't reveal your location online to thousands of followers.
No. 243155
>>243149anon can we please stop pretending there’s no fat people in Europe, we’ve all seen your mother.
>>243146Is she going by herself? what if the baby fronts and gets trampled in the crowd? Or Clifford fronts and has an insatiable desire to do taxes and leaves the concert?
No. 243173
>>243141Most people don't think saying someone isn't fat means that they're thin, or vice versa. And if you're the european anon, acting like this isn't a normal/mid-sized white european is kind of laughable. If she went to most places in europe, she wouldn't have stood out as "fat."
Sorry for contributing to pointless derailing but this is such a stupid take.
No. 243189
>>243143She looks so much like her mom when she's thin
>>243184Think he bought it with her credit card iirc
No. 243190
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>>243184Hey, good point. I forgot about this. They also met through MCR
No. 243211
>>243147She has a double chin.
What kind of not fat person has a double chin.
No. 243217
File: 1661710980222.jpg (32.03 KB, 400x400, 20220828_142244.jpg)

Very much flora vibes (sarcasm)
No. 243218
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>>243217She sent me down a 2014 rabbit whole with her flora throw back
No. 243233
>>243225I don't want to start another argument but it's honestly her PD. A lot of people who have personality disorders feel like they're different people whenever they experience extreme emotions. Either because they want to absolve themselves of feeling guilty for treating others like shit or they just don't understand that other people can and do experience big emotions they just know how to deal with it and regulate it in a healthy way.
It just seems like Jill sees her past phases as proof that she was a different person instead of different phases of life that naturally occurs for everyone.
No. 243237
>>243233I really like this take. It really explains why she likely truely does believe she has did. I'm sure this is what her demon therapist told her that sent her into the week long manic attack.
Especially after she said she was going to get her bpd reevaluated since she thought she didn't have it anymore
No. 243239
>>243211She's always had shit fat distribution.
>>243141>>243218This was the perfect size for her to do her "body posi" ED recovery larp shit. She was chubby enough so fatties wouldnt reee about "thin privilege" and wasn't obese so she wouldn't scare off most ed recovery people.
No. 243241
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No. 243276
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No. 243285
>>243265BPD and NPD have so many overlapping symptoms it's frankly bizarre to me how adamant some nonas are that it MUST be BPD and not the more obvious cluster B disorder that has her name written all over it. NPD isn't caused by trauma necessarily and is often caused by excessive praise during childhood, but that doesn't sound like our jillybean's experience at all!
Not to armchair or restart the stupid infighting, it's just weird that diagnosis can't even be discussed without the BPD sperg squad jumping out.
No. 243296
>>243294You just don't
get it. If other people have a similar tattoo to Jill… then that makes Jill's not as special… and if she isn't special how will she get the most praise possible? That's the whole point of a tattoo, right? Jill's mindset …
No. 243318
>>243285I think everyone goes with BPD since that’s the only actual diagnosis she has. Could it be wrong? Sure, but I don’t care enough to pick out the finer details. Like you said, they all kinda overlap.
>>243278Wow. She couldn’t even compliment the drawing? Or say one positive thing? Jill doesn’t own that design, it’s been around forever and is honestly pretty generic for a tattoo. She basically has the cutesy tattoo version of a basic red rose tattoo and is demanding that everyone check with her before getting a rose tattoo to make sure the petals aren’t shaped like hers. It’s freaking ridiculous
No. 243320
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>Muse has been a special interest of mine since I was 9
No. 243326
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>>243303 do want it as a tattoo, its been in the works for a while. the most interesting thing though is that jerrick's twitter follows this person's twitter
No. 243329
>>243313They seem insanely autistic or they are a farmer.
Or both.
No. 243330
>>243320>Since I was nineLiterally not true? Who is she kidding
Also she looks high in this screenshot
No. 243333
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jerrick cares about precure/whatever children's anime theyre talking about??
No. 243367
>>243364Ntayrt, maybe she's trying to manifest weight loss without doing any work. On a more serious note, I think she
lost a couple of pounds and now because she lost a couple of pounds she is the expert of losing weight. In her own head she looks different.
No. 243369
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Saged just in case, but why is no one talking about the fact that there are seven comments on that tiktok and EVERY SINGLE ONE is from her mom?????
No. 243372
>>243367I can believe she lost a few pounds from flailing around in anticipation of her drag debut. Her lifestyle is so sedentary that 20 minutes of exercise a day could make a noticeable difference.
>>243369This is embarrassing on multiple levels.
No. 243400
>>243285Wtf is up with the speds constantly pushing that BPD is only caused by ~trauma~ just go back to tiktok
Jill continuously shows how everything is extreme for her, how she just sees everything in black & white, and the lack of self perception especially when it comes to her wrongdoings, literally THE poster child for BPD
No. 243416
>>243327grown men with little girl anime avatars need to be shot in the head.
>>243369 This explains Jill so much. Imagine growing up with your mom putting you on a pedestal like this and making you think you are the greatest and most special and wonderful thing ever. Complete narcissist.
No. 243418
>>243400Stop your BPD sperging. I literally said there was an overlap of symptoms so you go on to list…. symptoms that overlap?
I'm a grown ass adult who does not use TikTok and has actually lived with people with PDs. You are a stranger on the internet claiming that this munchie absolutely must have this PD because she was ACTUALLY DIAGNOSED and you JUST KNOW and everyone who disagrees must be from that app for kids you don't like.
Please touch grass if you can't deal with someone having a different opinion than you while completely unironically ranting about black and white thinking.
No. 243433
>>243421I think it’s probably to do with their difference in gender playing into how her brother prefers to be treated. sage for blog but my mum loves me and my brother the same amount, and because she loves us she also knows how both of us prefer to be shown it. My brother is less touchy-feely and doesn’t want to go clothes shopping, but my mum knows he likes going to the cinema or out to eat etc. I imagine Louise would probably be the same if one of her children wasn’t an insane narc who sucks both the air and all of the attention from a room.
The fact that he also doesn’t have social media that he blasts every single interaction with her in a highly performative manner also helps to create the seemingly big discrepancy.
No. 243436
File: 1661788197319.jpg (Spoiler Image,245.27 KB, 828x522, BPD 1.jpg)

>>243233>>243318She teased her diagnosis three years ago in thread 33. She came out in a video about it in thread 34. A video still live on YouTube and green texted in thread 34. The reason we say she has BPD is because she was formally diagnosed and arm chairing is against the rules can we please stop now?
No. 243461
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i feel like the only reason she’s responding to this question is because she wants people to stop speculating that her mommy and daddy still pay for everything
No. 243463
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i wonder why she’s reviewing it on tik tok instead of youtube, i guess it’s less effort? she hasn’t posted anything on youtube for a couple weeks though
No. 243475
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>>243463Ironically that's what the tweet she's responding to here
>>243461 is talking about. She only makes YouTube videos is she has an ad set for it but anything that's not an ad she tosses it on TikTok. The least she could do is start a shorts channel on YouTube if she still wants it to be her primary source of income.
No. 243484
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No. 243492
>>243421He's older than her right? I imagine the mom feels like he's the more mature one who needs less attention and ass kissing. If Jill wasn't such an insane attention whore I think Louise would have treated her more normally. The cancer that she dealt with imo amplified all of the
toxic parts of their relationship, because they both got scared she'd die, and because Jill is an attention whore.
No. 243502
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“found family” like her real family is inadequate somehow lol
No. 243514
>>243484OT but inabber is the ugliest moid I've ever seen, everytime I see his face I get angry KEK
>>243498This thread is getting to her more than it used to I think.
No. 243515
>>243502>Has a loving, supportive family as evidenced in detail by her own content spanning years>"grateful to be surrounded by good people finally. found family"like I get you can compare friends to family but
usually when people use these phrases they are people with unsupportive or
abusive families who found family from their close friends. There really isn't a day that goes by where Jillian doesn't imply some suffering, ailment, social exclusion, etc which she doesn't actually have for sympathy
No. 243560
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No. 243581
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No. 243597
>>243581She’s worried about getting made fun of for the msi not called out for being
problematic? Even though the singer has statutory charges she’s not keeping up with being woke and emo very well
No. 243603
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>>243597>>243598Most likely just knows MSI because Gerard married Lindsay.
No. 243607
>>243603Shit song selection on her part for MSI I'm judging
Fr tho the fact that she seems to just latch onto controversial shit (will with grooming allegations, Shane Dawson, GH) it's like she's attracted to people as bad as her
No. 243616
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>>243607Honestly surprised she didn't pick "Mastermind" for her edgy teen boy song list. It was such a favorite song to use in AMVs, especially using Death Note. I mean
she is the main character after all.
No. 243627
>>243502>"very grateful to be surrounded by good people finally.">father vessey drives 2 hours to pick jill up no questions asked after car crash, drives her 2 hrs to fredericton, then drives 4 hours home at 9pm getting home around 2am, without complaining, paying $100cad in bridge tolls to leave and return to PEI the same dayyeah, found family, huh jill? that's fucking insulting to your father.
>>243536one of my fave reaction images, omega kek
No. 243628
>>243626Just give it a couple years until she starts ageplaying for real and it will be disgusting
>>243627>"very grateful to be surrounded by good people finally."Yeah… isn't she like, literally going to see MCR with her mommy too? the disrespect man…
No. 243631
>>243627>>243628Oh nonnies, can't you see? She
expects her parents to jump when she calls and beckons. They
have to love her. She doesn't care about
their feelings.
No. 243633
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I can’t imagine being this insufferable when she could go to their website and find an answer there and if she needed to know something more specific could have sent a DM
No. 243646
>>243643I have to agree because she makes herself out to be some sort of sustainability guru when she her whole personality is purchasing a new aesthetic every 4 years. Everyone else has to try super hard but no one can question how she can be low waste while maintaining a "fashun lifestyle" channel.
>>243644 like anon said its obnoxious to put small companies on the spot publicly meanwhile she did a clothing haul from that dropshipping website like 3 months ago
No. 243649
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>Top 3 favorite movies
>1)Original Muppet Movie
>2)Steven Universe Movie
>Nervous laughter followed by why would anyone lie about that
>3)High School Musical II
>Omg they are all musicals!
No. 243650
>>243648nta but I think anon was referring to how much it would cost to drive vs fly
>>243647Notice how she stans for
problematic males, yet is only ever seen negging fellow females, especially those intersecting with her kawaii aesthetic
No. 243667
>>243666ewwwww god
I bet she read somewhere that cleveage make your tiktok views bigger and there you go
No. 243668
>>243623She literally can't be a fan of GH unless she's also a rape apologist, or actively choose to not believe the rape
victim and calling her a liar. Or the last option, she thinks it's bad but doesn't care because getting attention and money is worth more to her. Jill is more fucked up than I thought she was.
No. 243706
>>243684Yeah I’ve genuinely only heard people say things like that when they’ve come from an
abusive home or have no contact with their bio families due to be disowned for coming out etc
No. 243764
>>243723This. For those who don't know, this is a Neg:
"Slang. to imply that (someone or something) is not good enough; to insult with a backhanded compliment or with qualified approval, especially as a ploy to lower the self-esteem of a person or cheapen an object before showing romantic interest or making an offer:
He negged me for my weight while insisting that curvy ladies can be sexy too."
This is not the first time she does it, specially to mutuals that happen to be women.
No. 243766
>>243764She always does weird shit to women, then claims women have done her badly in her life. Girl, maybe you're the problem here…
And then when she goes on about how she has ~new found family and amazing friends~ all I can think of they must be meek and manipulable enough so Jillian can neg them and they don't fight back.
No. 243773
>>243766I really wish for once a brand would do some sort of snarky catty comeback at her, but it wouldn't look good for the brand and there's nothing you can really say without implying you
do do whatever she's accusing you of
No. 243783
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this is supposed to be jerrick? this proves that she feels like she cant like multiple things without it being a personality. if we go with her larp that is 1000% pixie from the makeup alone, but its "jerrick" because theyre going to see mcr? jesus
No. 243800
>>243773>but it wouldn't look good for the brandNah it would be cool and it would make me support their brand more.
This is my ideal scenario:
>Is is sustainable? (Passive aggressive emoji uwu)>Yes! We are a sustainable brand. Have you started on yours yet? uwu?Kek. Seriously though she's not the one to talk here.
No. 243859
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this looks exhausting jeeez
No. 243865
>>243845I never heard of the retard-lanyard till Jill made one. And I myself and most of my friends all have some form of physical or mental disability and none of us even need one
It's so stupid almost like the fake service dog documents people were using when you don't need to carry around paperwork for your service dog and actual disabled people were getting kicked out of stores because abled people wanted to bring there dogs grocery shopping.
am I going to need a landyard too so when I'm out in public and can't fight the urge to pick my skin and rip my eyebrows out people will know I'm
differently abled and not just a meth addict
No. 243871
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No. 243875
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No. 243878
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No. 243891
>>243871"me when I age regress"
So she gets drunk and then age regresses?
No. 243894
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No. 243950
>>243865They don’t really mean anything anymore in the UK at least because there is no proof or barrier to buying one you can’t just buy it. So during the pandemic they were purchased en masse by anti mask people to “prove” they are mask exempt because they are totes disabled. Now everyone just thinks it means mask exemption and now masks are no longer mandatory people who wear them get harassed because “you don’t need that anymore, we don’t have to wear masks”. Legitimate people are moving on to other more official ones that require you to submit proof of disability and the card is specific to the person it’s not just a vague “I have
insert thing” situation. Basically they have become meaningless because people who didn’t need them all bought and wore them.
>>243874Is this the weirdest autism breadcrumb yet, ear problems are a super common comorbidity and this isn’t something she has made a point about complaining about before. I wonder if she will also claim the comorbid G.I issues and blame her weight stuff on it.
No. 243961
>>242992This is super stale milk and a bit of a tinfoil, but this "Don't steal my totes original tattoos that I already stole from Google" reminds me of Simply Kenna, who had the same issue just before being diagnosed with autism. I remember her saying that she didn't understand how they weren't "original" if she traced them herself and all that "can't understand subjective meanings because
autism" discourse that Jill already has used with the moving mountains or some crap like that.
Breadcrumbs? TOTALLY
No. 243992
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Leonardo Dicaprio played a more convincing retard than Jilly ever could.
No. 244020
File: 1661962037976.png (38.59 KB, 598x310, firefox_ZhRXSlRqfI.png)

Jill, you are a fucking retard.
No. 244051
>>244020I think they ment fetal alcohol syndrome
Because yes you do look like you gave a syndrome jill
No. 244061
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No. 244066
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No. 244072
>>244067No way I thought she was mtf lmaoo. I think he really was being “phobic”
based waiter
No. 244073
>>244066I figure this poor french man was probably rushing around trying to do his job at the restaurant and just absent-mindedly grabbed the wrong bathroom key to hand to her before running off to do more busywork… But to Jill (narcissist) all things are about her.
>>244067Nobody in there right mind would see her and think man; I don't know how paranoid someone has to be that receiving the key to the bathroom would set off such an anxious social media ramble (incl. body checks). She's just so stupid.
No. 244099
>>244061I thought she was anti police and if you are actually as mentally I’ll as she claims the police can be dangerous because they can’t understand your behaviour. Also the tweet below, wasn’t she just whining about money issues and being stressed about them? And now she is off on her trip and sending some rando money as well?
>>244036Not that anon but also autistic, you don’t really get “treatment” per say. The best you can do is learn things that help you minimise stuff so for example wearing noise cancelling headphones, sunglasses etc. There is no treatment for autism (its developmental not an illness) it’s just about identifying and managing your needs.
No. 244114
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She packed her whole ass bong for what a two day trip? Just bring a joint or two holy shit?
No. 244126
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No. 244131
>>244127She literally drinks meal replacement drinks. It why she hasn't lost any weight despite claiming to not be eating
Meal replacement confirmed by anon who went to her drag show. Jill Said she felt sick and didn't have an appetite yet sat in the back sipping on an Ensure or something
No. 244135
>>244114>packed a bongAnon this is a complete nit-pic but that's a pipe.
It's shitty that she can't even enjoy a trip with her mom without smoking. It's just proof that she's pycholoically addicted to weed. She's probably at the point that she can't function with out smoking because she thinks she needs it.
>>244131Damn that munchie mentality coming in strong. Why the fuck is she drinking ensures? That's probably why she's not losing any weight. She keeps drinking ensures then eating regular meals or drinking more than what's recommended in a day since there's a lot of sugars in those meal replacement drinks.
No. 244142
>>244126I know it's Jill we're talking about, and maybe it's because I'm a relatively newfag (been catching up on her threads for a few weeks) but holy shit, how delusional do you have to be to think people will believe claims of week-long panic attacks??
I used to follow her very casualy before the DID LARP, and I guess I'm still not used to the level of bullshit she manages to come up with kek
No. 244144
>>243916dunno why you got redtexted for the sad smiley, it was clearly satirical
>>244131carrying on the tRuE aNoReXiC larp by drinking ensures kekkk
No. 244153
>>244069>Is this it? Did Jill truly reach kikomi-chan level and become a FTMTF?KEK my thoughts exactly. This is what she wanted all along.
>>244073The quebec french man was probably being rude and thinking she's ugly therefore a tranny man.
No. 244157
>>244146ensures and supplement drinks are different from diet shakes, they’re meant for people who don’t have an appetite for normal food due to being elderly or terminally ill. They don’t want people like that to lose any more weight than they probably will do they’re very calorie dense. Jill does not need them because she is fat and is in no danger of falling into the medically underweight category because she didn’t eat regular meals for the day.
t. home health worker
No. 244158
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this whiny bitch really left a review over the bathroom key. She has no idea why she was given the men’s key, maybe the women’s bathroom was being used. what a cunt.
No. 244197
>>244066Thank you Jilly for the hearty laugh. I love the fact that you needed a key to enter it meaning it doesn't matter who enters the bathroom because
you can lock it. Were you
traumatized by the urinal in the bathroom? Oh Jilly Billy, you remind me of all the old ladies who use to get offended that I would ask them to use the other locked restroom because I was cleaning the one without the urinal.
So brave and stunning, never change Jilly. No. 244201
>>244195he does have that
paul dano charm
No. 244212
>>244201his face also reminds me of mike bailey aka sid from skins. (fanfiction ahead) i wonder how bad things will get for Jill when her brother eventually starts a family with his techbro salary. God knows the Bean wouldn't be able to handle her brother having an object of attention that would almost certainly be prettier, thinner, and less retarded than she is. or even worse, a child.
imagine a world where your little sister cries, pretends to be 5 years old, and gorges herself on butter mac and cheese when you tell her she's gonna be an aunt. Jillian Vessey, mental health advocate, psychiatric outpatient resident, 300lb wine aunt and drug addict. i predict a padded-cell era for Jillian when Louise gets her first grandkid. she might even get cut off
No. 244223
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No. 244230
>>244223What was the third job? I only remember Claire's and her old crazy boss in a kawiwi shop or something along those lines.
Either way, she was just busy playing with colorful plastic as per usual.
No. 244235
>>244158It's funny because he might actually genuinely have been trying to be inclusive (it's probably not be the first time a funky dressed girl comes in and demands to be called a man, gender specials are easy to spot) but Jill is such a perpetual
victim that she assumes it was done to attack her to the point she publicly shames him and the establishment.
No. 244237
>>244158>>244235Exactly he could have been trying to be inclusive or he could have ~sensed~ that jerrick was fronting. Also why would JERRICK be upset about going to the men’s room because he is a totally
valid he/him teenage boy so why would he leave a bad review for getting the key to the right bathroom. Oh yeah… because this is all fake as fuck and Jillian is a perpetual
victim and jerrick isn’t real
No. 244243
File: 1662021499696.jpg (330.27 KB, 1664x931, IMG_20220901_103745.jpg)

Such a rich youtuber, paying for her townhouse and bills
Even if she was getting a million views, her uploads are so infrequent nowadays.
No. 244247
>>244238Yeah I thought jerrick was gonna front for this trip? "jerrick" would be happy to be seen as a man, but fuck that I guess
No. 244264
>>244242Yeah, I think the one I was talking about with the crazy boss was the lunch box one actually, so that's three.
>>244243Even if she's in the highter figures that's still pretty bad. I wouldn't even bother at this point.
>>244258The reason he's not fronting is because he's still busy trying to make sense of her expenses, huddled in his little corner of her inner world kek
No. 244271
File: 1662040661688.jpeg (906.82 KB, 960x961, CA2F635F-4E25-44F6-A0B9-1A6D03…)

>>244195>>244201>>244212Here’s his most recent pic for any nonna that wants to marry into the Vessey family.
No. 244308
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>>244271I’m so grossed out by the fact that both men she regularly spergs over on twitter (Will Wood and that mytoecold guy) bear such a striking resemblance her own brother
No. 244309
File: 1662052615453.jpg (301 KB, 664x1005, 1662052472095.jpg)

>>244271Looking at her brother (Giles?) Really makes me think… Would Jillian be normal in this moment if it wasn't for her obsession with anime and jfashion? They look so similar and she still had a similar "look" to her stare to him until she started smoking too much weed. All the shine in her eyes is gone.
No. 244317
>>244271It's probably better for him that he didn't have smother's attention like Jill.
Lots of golden children like Jill end up with failure to launch just like Jill, while the other kids at least get a chance to develop emotionally.
No. 244331
>>244158Kek. Jill's a true and
valid trans person till dudes irl call her a man. Let's be real though, what she's trying to say is that she's pissed some waiter thought she was ugly. Get fucked lmao.
No. 244350
>>244309Plenty of people are very into anime and jfashion and live perfectly normal lives and function in society. Jill's issues aren't her interests and hobbies, the issue is her.
Even being indulged by her mom the way that she isn't wouldn't automatically lead to her being a grown woman living off of mommy and daddy's money, most people who are coddled want independence and will put in the effort to get it. She wants attention and asspats without any effort, that's the problem.
No. 244357
File: 1662060475441.png (217.69 KB, 310x407, drew.PNG)

>>244271What the fuck. He looks just like her e-crush drew monson, picrel. I never really saw it from all the old pictures but it's so striking in the newer ones
No. 244400
File: 1662071355960.jpeg (938.08 KB, 1170x1584, 4C2B6E51-6FEE-472A-BE98-29339E…)

i’m probably reaching, but i find it odd that she brings up not being attracted to her sibling-like alter once anons pointed out that her brother looks like her crushes
No. 244411
(repost bc i forgot sage)
>>244398her leg tattoo says "strong, kind, and beautiful" and she said it was her mantra or whatever. i could never think of a description more opposite of who she actually is
No. 244414
File: 1662073530428.jpeg (662.45 KB, 828x1100, 08F910E1-23A8-4F55-9424-E536D4…)

sorry for double posting but also heres a photo she posted today. not super important but i find it interesting how she posts way more photos of herself when with her mom then she does with steevie, this is her 2nd photo in one day
No. 244422
>>244414She looks cute and happy here, dare I say momma vessey humors her in a good? way and her
toxic troon humors her in a harmful way. Her male, 26 year old drag queen "witch" therapist was also of the
toxic humor variety.
I think momma vessey genuinely wants to see her thrive, where the troon/drag males have some obvious jealousy and misogyny issues of their own, and probably quietly kek at her downfall
move back in with yr mom jill No. 244432
>>244402Anon her obsession with dudes that look like her brother started before she was dating Steve. Jill's just a weirdo.
>>244414She looks cute here but her color block hair still looks horrible. I wish she put a little more effort on the coloring by having it blend or at least stick to one color.hell she can do the popular e-girl thing and dye it half pink and half green.
No. 244476
>>244470The bar is in hell but honestly I'm fairly certain most of the regulars in this thread these days are just exfans who want her to live up to the past idea of her they stan. Look at how many anons try to absolve this fat bitch from any accountability by blaming literally anyone around her for her downfall, as if we don't have years of documentation of her being the issue and she doesn't just surround herself with enablers. It's no different from the ones who think she'd be good at fashion design when she's clearly had no real talent or passion for it and her mom/grandma sewed all her old shit people say 'showed promise'.
Lots of posters ITT are just super fangirly and delusional.
No. 244490
>>244212Beautiful. Her mom will be holding her new granddaughter and Jill will throw herself on the ground like a toddler screaming "No I'm the baby!". Or maybe even pretend to have an autistic meltdown.
>>244268More derailing but I had a relative with a traumatic brain injury who needed tons of calories a day to help with healing and the hospital gave him ensures. Fingers crossed for a BIID/transabled phase from Jill. She's already a munchie but she could become shielded from criticism with an "authentic" disorder .
No. 244512
>>244500Exactly this, imagine having a boyfriend who, after hearing you've been in a carcrash sincerely advises you to put on your retard lanyard that you don't actually need, and tells you "he knows you don't have an alter for this situation" like he is humoring her
hard and not in a way that could ever lead to recovery. Jill is very much Just Like This but the people around her do contribute.
It's very clear to connect redditor troon stevie and her drag queen witch therapist as her main sources of attention and support over the last year = them being, at least partly, at fault for what we've seen happen.
No. 244553
File: 1662158199702.png (173.02 KB, 594x412, hm.png)

she's still defending keffals
No. 244554
File: 1662158273189.png (16.06 KB, 608x108, hm.png)

She's honestly not wrong here but why is she saying this on her jerrick spam acccount?
No. 244577
>>244554This tweet sounds like it's from 2018
Who even talks like this anymore
>Raging incel>Touched a woman No. 244615
File: 1662171481262.png (721.37 KB, 882x808, Screen Shot 2022-09-02 at 9.17…)

i cant upload the video myself bc im commuting rn but the gif potential from this video is priceless
No. 244616
File: 1662171781714.webm (3.14 MB, 720x1280, 53533868166.webm)
>>244615Nta, here's the video.
No. 244623
>>244616It's so odd to see her outside of the rainbow nightmare house. What a waste that her house is so trashed that she can't take zoomed out shots like this.
I can't imagine being so spoiled as to have a parent fly out and get what looks like a really spacious nice hotel room so that I can dress like an emo clown and go to a concert. As an adult. It baffles me how in denial of how cushy and privileged her life is. Like so much so that she has to fake mental illness because she has no actual hardships whatsoever.
No. 244625
>>244616is she really going to a concert in her gross green wig?
>>244620>>244621I didn't realize she was wearing a binder. I thought her boobs were just that small.
No. 244628
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>>244616what is even the point of wearing a binder if you're gonna style it like an ig baddie crop top. like even as a ~dysphoria tool~ it serves no theoretical function in her outfit and that shit isn't even comfortable in terms of big titty compression for back problems. worms for brains.
No. 244632
>>244616This is the worst she's ever looked.
I'm also pretty certain she's wearing fishnet leggings as a top, probably because normal fishnet shirts didnt fit her. It looks like she just cut a big hole in the crotch.
They're also still way too small. It's hurting my waist just looking at how much they're digging into hers No. 244634
File: 1662177015462.webm (1.25 MB, 576x1024, «spiritual experience» .webm)
Jillian has decided to top herself.
No. 244638
File: 1662177914016.png (669.41 KB, 716x520, dafak.png)

>>244629I'm glad I wasn't the only one who noticed, her hair is super thin. She's legit balding
>>244634uhmmmm not a good look.
No. 244639
File: 1662177966415.png (217.97 KB, 360x448, uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhm.png)

>>244634no wonder she gets confused for a tranny
No. 244641
>>244554“She’s honestly not wrong”
nonny Hollywood thrives on writing the worst possible shit to make women look bad. Shehulk fucking twerks in it. Are you retarded? I’m sensing twitterfag energy. That being said, the show was made for midwit women like Jillian. The “never seen or touched a woman” is such an unfunny “clap back”, moids will complain about everything but the show is objectively bad kek
No. 244644
File: 1662179097040.gif (7.46 MB, 400x400, NO BITCHES.gif)

>>244634this had to be done
No. 244645
Idk, I don't use twitter and I don't like capeshit, I don't watch any of that dumb consumerist shit made by disney. Sorry, I just dislike moids.
No. 244646
>>244634Is this show still going on, or is this like the exit music? If the show is still going on, shouldn’t she wait until afterwards to show her tearstained makeup since she’s such a
huge MCR fan and wouldn’t want to miss a second of the show?
No. 244651
>>244648You must not be watching the same show cause Jill's reasons are bullshit and some of the moids have it right disney has been decimating another profitable franchise with these shitty shows stop defending the cow's brain dead opinions
"Touched a girl" that ain't even it I've touched plenty of girls
and grass and I still agree with a lot of the moids about that show it's a spit in the face for anyone that likes shehulk
No. 244676
>>244616oh fuck, maybe something
is wrong with her
No. 244715
File: 1662218486730.png (356.69 KB, 606x445, firefox_PZEAlLwncg.png)

Jerrick who? Lol at this slip up
No. 244752
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>>244616Love the body shape. She needs to wear looser-fitting clothing, imagine how all of that skin-tight elastic felt by the end of the night.
No. 244756
>>244755It's still up
nonnie but I'm not on my main PC now, otherwise I would have bothered downloading and converting it
No. 244763
>>244762I am sure Louise is in deep, deep denial about the situation. Probably able to justify this all as just another phase her artistic and quirky daughter is into. Sorry for blog but I know for sure if I tried to pull this kind of act with my parents, they would NOT even for one second entertain it. I am certain that Jillian has literally never, ever, ever heard the word "no" come out of her mom's mouth.
I'm sure - and I say this sincerely - that Louise thinks she's doing the right thing across the board: being ultra supportive and accepting of her daughter. And that's great! But she created a fucking monster due entirely to this style of parenting.
People: your kids actually do need to be told "no." You CAN'T just hand your kids everything, and tell them that they are the most special creatures ever to grace this planet. There has got to be a balance, or Jillian is what happens. No different than goddamn Violet Beauregarde.
No. 244779
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No. 244782
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>>244616>Mostly was Jill lol obviFunny how often
Jerrick gets sidelined.
No. 244784
>>244782jer only counts as a personality when she's angry at someone (aka when he's 'fronting') otherwise he's just an aesthetic
it's almost like it's too convienient for her kek
No. 244787
File: 1662238720870.png (203.58 KB, 824x1001, sicko mode.png)

The cow that keeps on giving
If any nonna is good with editing, please add Jill's best hits (tweets, pics, etc) into the gifts tyvm
No. 244793
>>244782Drag queen gig where "jerrick" was supposed to come out: "it's mostly jill!!!"
MCR concert where "jerrick" was supposed to go see his favorite band: "it's jerrick yet again!!"
Who is she kidding??
No. 244802
File: 1662244298577.jpeg (249.41 KB, 828x891, 5EDB8435-7C7A-4229-B37E-921091…)

kek, coming from the girl who was like "tone indicators!!" and then proceeded to never use them
No. 244803
File: 1662245641614.jpg (114.09 KB, 720x568, 1662245649272.jpg)

Did she bring her mom to the concert…?
No. 244819
>>244803Yeah, her mom was at the concert. That’s her next to Jill in
>>244715, if you go watch the actual video she shows her mom’s face fully. I guess it was a mother/daughter bonding thing?
No. 244833
File: 1662254509878.png (17.81 KB, 628x212, jill.png)

shes acting way too smug about it
No. 244834
File: 1662254827654.png (61.26 KB, 614x744, 034683286923689234.png)

She's self inserting YET AGAIN onto some twitter drama. This time it has to do with precure usernames.
No. 244847
File: 1662257422141.webm (1.52 MB, 1280x720, «14 year old little me is glow…)
>>244715>>244756For the archives.
No. 244851
>>244833I feel like the reason she cares so much about this is she's hoping lolcow will be next.
>>244834It's funny because she's said she hasn't even seen all of the precure series and repeatedly gets basic shit wrong. Also LOL at calling a character a mary sue when they're all the exact same
>Silly ditsy girl>Cool tomboy >Cool mature girl No. 244895
File: 1662269322729.png (36.39 KB, 612x504, 22222.png)

the reason why jillian said what she said about she hulk wasn't because she actually cares, but because steven can't fucking SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT IT on twitter. He has made multiple tweets about it, besides the fucking cringe "socialist comrade" ones. God he's such a fucking disgusting redditor, if Jillian was smarter (she fucking isn't) she would dump this piece of shit.
No. 244899
>>244896Y'know what, maybe Jillypoo really does have autism. Purely on the basis that reading Steven's tard takes sent me into some kind of sperg rage where I'm internally screaming about how stupid that is and thinking something like 'why would Ben Shapiro give a single flying fuck about that? Why would there be any reaction at all?'
And if that's all it took to give me autism, Jilly must have some next level 'tism from listening to him on a daily basis. The anons blaming her downward spiral on him might really be on to something - I too may now need a special lanyard from the effects of witnessing his tweets.
No. 244901
File: 1662273340600.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.99 MB, 3264x1836, this image will appear in my n…)

>>244847I can't, she looks like fucking Smile Dog
No. 244902
File: 1662273359441.jpg (11.43 KB, 467x102, Screenshot 2022-09-04 003608.j…)

Awe . . . did mamma locks try and convince you to get a job? Decline to refer to you by your OCs? Must be so hard for you.
No. 244905
File: 1662274424165.jpeg (525.01 KB, 1170x1596, C1656CDF-42FB-4232-AF74-6FBC0E…)

God she is so annoying
No. 244908
File: 1662275466648.png (12.53 KB, 494x94, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…)

>if u think my tweets r unhinged u should see my drafts
post them, coward.
No. 244909
>>244902>>244905Wonder what ruined her mood after seeing MCR? You'd think she'd be posting non-stop about seeing them and her
spiritual experience, gag me.
>>244908Mmm, so edgy and passive aggressive. She's a yippy little dog. All bark and no bite. Seethe.
No. 244954
>>244913>Mommy dreariest probably told her that she's worried that Jill's life is becoming directionlessNever in a million years, I would bet that Jill's mom has never criticized her once.
>>244915Manifesting, is she even home yet? It could be anything, remember she just had a "4 day panic attack" and "barely ate for weeks" because her angel drag queen witch therapist moved locations.
No. 244971
File: 1662300197154.jpg (125.24 KB, 1282x592, Tumblr_l_997786252687029.jpg)

>>244968 samefag an idea came to me if any nonnas want to add to this
No. 244989
File: 1662306757434.jpg (545.8 KB, 2000x2000, pixie.jpg)

I present you - Multipetal Pixie.
No. 244994
File: 1662307307902.jpg (303.14 KB, 1080x1644, IMG_20220904_180200.jpg)

>>244968An hour after you posted that, lol
No. 244995
File: 1662307333880.jpg (306.85 KB, 1080x1522, IMG_20220904_180241.jpg)

Also Jill gets ignored
No. 245018
File: 1662315888576.jpeg (153.61 KB, 828x412, 5B6799B8-76D1-43EF-B655-F342C1…)

The drama of it all
No. 245028
>>245026yeah I personally believe she just vaguetweet overexaggerates shit to make it seem like she's more "mentally unwell".
at best it's probably something like she's feeling the emotional rollercoaster "come down" after having the "high" of the concert and due to her complete lack of normal social/coping skills she considers it a big deal. maybe the ugly ass tiktoks or whatever videos those were earlier set in and she's feeling the kickback of her own low self esteem - it's pretty clear she's internally very self hating about how she looks right now
No. 245036
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No. 245039
File: 1662320694363.png (14.57 KB, 380x218, wut.png)

>Mommy daughter poo time
No. 245055
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No. 245056
File: 1662326273138.jpeg (586.72 KB, 1170x2080, 32475A80-4D05-41F0-954E-84152E…)

God she must want that autism diagnosis so bad. I bet she's just itching for the day she gets to take her own photos with an autism cake.
No. 245070
File: 1662330042454.jpg (175.9 KB, 720x1392, Screenshot_20220904-151910_Chr…)

>>245057Slap fight continues
No. 245084
File: 1662331390159.jpeg (94.11 KB, 1008x1024, FWcGPpzWAAAqlLL~2.jpeg)

>>245079b-b-b-but you marked "girl" as OK on the gender preference form!! For four different alters!
No. 245090
>>245088Dying to know what the
trigger was!
No. 245091
>>245084Sage your shit but I think Jill meant it more along the lines of 'I consider 'girl' to be a rude form of address use my name.'
>>245060Jill and her mom's dynamic is so fucked up that Jill would rather project and pick random fights with nobodies on twitter than set boundaries with her mom or whatever.
>>245056Incredibly demented that there are a sect of idiots out there so ignorant, vapid, & lazy that they make a club out of an autism disorder diagnosis. You can tell if any of these freaks actually saw someone with severe autism in public they'd be afraid and gawk. It's pathetic.
No. 245092
File: 1662334092601.png (48.64 KB, 632x247, Screen Shot 2022-09-04 at 7.28…)

She liked this tweet. Sort of a reach but it seems like she's still pissy that a lot of her old friends dropped her once she decided smoking weed and doing agere with Steven was better than having a social life.
No. 245093
What won't she do for attention. Starting twitter fights about songs and months old tweets
>>245091Ntayrt but she definitely means the girl thing in a don't 'misgender' me way, she's done it before
No. 245096
>>245092Ok this is making me think she's raging about drama happening in her twitter Circles, since they just introduced that feature and everyone she knows is a weeb drama queen.
Replies to circle posts aren't visible to people outside of the circle so we won't be able to see what's posted. For example Stevie could be writing
heart emoji heart emoji miss u under Maggie's circle posts and we wouldn't see it
No. 245099
>>245087Jillian is being a bitch on main, once again. But spread positivity guyyyysss!!
>>245085Kek. Remember she said her mental health was "better than ever" not too long ago? Yeah, that's not the case at all it seems.
No. 245100
>>245093>Starting twitter fights about songs and months old tweets and precure usernames too kek
>>245092Man, if I was friends with someone and they didn't reply to me in like, a week or two, I would drop that friend. It's simply not fun.
>>245093>don't misgender meKek, she's literally female and wears femenine clothing. There's no "misgendering" here so idk what she's expecting others to do. Also lmao didn't she get mad about being handed the male bathroom key days ago??? so how are people supposed to address her?
No. 245110
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No. 245118
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No. 245119
File: 1662343048710.jpg (182.56 KB, 720x1401, Screenshot_20220904-185309_Chr…)

No. 245120
File: 1662343230334.jpg (164.84 KB, 716x1271, Screenshot_20220904-185944_Chr…)

She switched to Jerrick's twitter.
No. 245128
>>245056Congrats on your autism will never cease to make me chuckle.
>>245119Imagine spending time with your enabling mom, seeing your fav band, and throwing tantrums on twitter the same weekend/
No. 245134
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Seriously, what has her off the rails?
No. 245143
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No. 245149
>bashes gossip forums>>245111>complains about:>stealing other's trauma>copying system structure from shit she saw on google>chronic victim>thrist trapping>faking videos>being cringeShe's obviously taking this so fucking personal kek I can't
No. 245153
>>245120There she goes. She can't win an argument so now she's bragging about shit on twitter again. I guess her ego was bruised so she needed to pretend to be superior about shit.
>>245121What the actual fuck lmao
>>245122I believe this too. At least I'm hoping Louise did talk about it with her.
No. 245154
>>245134Wow the edge Jilly, careful
Also the best revenge is actually quitting weed and working on your personal projects. Which you aren't doing, because your life is sad and pathetic.
>>245143This shit is so BPD I can't
>>245148It's so weird, it's like she switched both accounts. She's not using the Jerrick account to vent and bitch as promised kek she said fuck it we ball and she's just destroying her reputation even more lmao.
No. 245166
>>245118>actively become abusersGirl it was a fucking
subtweet, sit the fuck down. More evidence she's never experienced twauma in her cushy uwu rainby life: she really thinks a single completely chill tweet not even @-ing anyone is "active abuse". Damn this has me heated. Spoiled beyond imagination.