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No. 2312101

Have you found out that if you express anything about a cow inside their thread you get banned or dunked on? Well this is the thread for you!

>Do you want to rant about how much you hate a cow without disrupting the thread?

Go ahead!
>Do you want to sympathize with the cow and talk about how it's not too late to change?
Do it, nona!
>Do you want to blogpost to compare your life to the cow in question?
Here's the place!

Express yourself, have fun!

Post your pessimistic, optimistic, negative, controversial, rude, or relatable takes.

This is not a thread to complain about threads, bans, or mods, do that on /meta/. However, you can complain about the fanbase of the cow or the people who dislike the cow here.

Previous thread:

No. 2312175

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I think pixielocks may actually have autism it's just that her narcissism and theatrics make her over dramatize all the symptoms she reads online for attention

No. 2312183

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Who’s tia is this

No. 2312196

She does not have autism it's glaringly obvious it's some personality disorder.

No. 2312199

I've never thought she was autistic in any way. I have autism and I can immediately know other autists just from the energy that they exude, and I've never gotten that from Jill. She actually strikes me as quite manipulative, something inside me tells me "don't trust her."

I've met so many Bippies in my life because they're naturally attracted to autists because they think that we're easier to manipulate. Maybe some of us are, but not me. Jill strikes me as a classic bippie: that is, she would rather have every other disorder under the sun rather than just admitting she has BPD and going to therapy for that. Other autists can chime in, but have you all noticed that since 2020 soo many bippies or narcs have started pretending to have autism because they're too ashamed to say they have BPD? It's a whole trend.

She was an edgy pre-adolescent, she used to go to loud ass skating rinks to hang out with friends, wore tight restricting clothes for the sake of her subcultures' fashion standards. When she was teenager, she was into theatre and did a bunch of school productions, she was social and had lots of friends, and she was driven by her desire to succeed. She became obsessed with lolita because of her weeb identity and created a pretty successful YT channel at the time, she was even featured on the national news. She hosted and managed fan clubs for her "new style," party kei. She has no trouble with boyfriends, because while she was accomplishing all this she had a string of relationships.

Her background is not congruent with what autism is like or how people experience autism.

She only really started to malinger once she got hooked on cannabis and stopped trying to succeed in life. One of the main symptoms of cannabis abuse is apathy and a lack of drive or willpower. Since getting hooked on weed, she's: faked having seizures on TikTok; started lying about her cushy upbringing; started saying her family neglected her; claiming that she was born with a "natural dissociation-prone personality;" she's faked having DID; and, she's all but abandoned her fashion designer dream. She's faked so much of her life, but this is only a recent trend for her. If you go back and look at her old content like her videos, her blogs, her website (which was later taken down because it contradicts all her claims of neglect and abuse), that material presents a much more honest and humble picture of her life.

Jill wants to succeed, she wants to be popular, she wants to be a fashion designer, but her dependence on drugs and her BPD stops her from achieving what she wants to achieve. Since she's in denial about both of these road blocks, she can't move forward. So, instead of looking forward, she's hyper-focused on the past. She's trying to look for external reasons (really, excuses) for why she isn't where she wants to be in life, instead of just admitting that she's her biggest enemy.

No. 2312200

I think she has both

No. 2312220

I thought i was the only one who saw her as having bpd, she has a lack of sense of self so she fills that hole by larping mental illnesses and multiple identities

No. 2312242

Her BPD was one of the main elements of her pre-Fredericton identity actually. I think her biggest issue is that she's trapped herself in this weird quasi-identity that she no longer feels attached to. She started to believe that the persona she projected online was a real thing, not just a tool she uses to succeed.

This isn't directed at you, but something that I've noticed since the DID-arc began is that a lot of Jillfags don't know a lot about Jill from pre-2019. They don't have the same knowledge about her person or her issues as the anons that were following her since her beginnings on /snow/.

No. 2312264

Anon her BPD is called out by anons all the time what are you even talking about. The anons who think she's autistic are outliers or just baiting.

No. 2312279

Cows are extremely boring nowadays. Maybe I'm too busy and normie to keep dibs on what some weirdo online across the globe does. I just browse /ot/ and talk about random things in my life and occasionally one or two threads in /g/

No. 2312356

>Maybe I'm too busy and normie to keep dibs on what some weirdo online across the globe does.
Nah, they've gotten more boring. I think it's in part because the cow boards are stagnant (and any attempt to introduce new cows seems to get redtexted) and in part because manchild behavior online has completely been normalised, so things that would have been scandalous ten years ago are no longer notable. Heather's thread is still great though.

No. 2312361

I think the types of cows the lolcow gravitates to are quite boring. To me, right now the most interesting ones are on tiktok or on kiwifarms. I think another thing is that anons aren't as willing to dig around for milk. I don't get how the infinifat thread isn't one of the fastest moving threads on /snow/, but i guess it's more to do with the high amount of anachans who use this site.

No. 2312419

I don't know a lot about pixielocks and I thought she was just a random bippie from the UK for some reason but this post made me realize that I've seen her in person and we have mutual friends. What the fuck.

No. 2312421

Kek welcome to the club. She's my favourite cow on this whole site because I've seen her in person a few times, I'm familiar with Fredericton and I've also seen her a few times. It's crazy that you have mutual friends though, no offense to you but her friend group is so weird in itself that I can't imagine being friends with any of them.

No. 2312424

Kek fortunately I don't think they're close friends of hers probably just people she met at pride or the gay bar or something. Nothing fun ever happens in this city so this is riveting for me

No. 2312532

Who are your favs? The problem with TikTok cows is that you need to use TikTok to see them, and the problem with KF is that it's full of humorless low-functioning scrotes.

No. 2312637

>but i guess it's more to do with the high amount of anachans who use this site.
lolcow is rife with fatties

No. 2312931

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People always forget about HPD. Jill and a lot of other cows are so histrionic it hurts.

No. 2313066

I’ve been unable to stop looking at the pic of Dana’s fucked up teeth. Like I really want to understand how or why that happens, it’s been reminding me to floss more often.

No. 2313565

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I hate how spoiled Jill grew up. I know it most than likely contributed to her lazy self absorbed personality but i would be lying if i said i didnt wish i had all the opportunities she had. Her fucking mom used to buy her lolita dresses! meanwhile i had the same wardrobe since i was 14 until i turned 24. Her and Shayna piss me off so badly because they had all the opportunities in the world yet threw them all away.

No. 2313593

Pretending that she had mindshattering abuse and neglect is what really gets me. I heavily lean towards DID being fake but tbe "legit" cases are people who were in child sex abuse ring who were so horrifically raped that they dissociated as young children. I think Jill just hoped and hopes to always allude to her ever changing truama orgin story but never say what it is lmao

No. 2313656

Her mum seriously loves her. An example of this is that we all know Jill had a meltdown about one of her family's cats dying a little while ago: but, did you know that Louise is actually allergic to cats? The only reason she got a cat in the first place is because a friend of hers suggested that a cat might help soothe Jill's anxiety back when she was a teenager. She likes cats now, but imagine dedicating yourself to take allergy pills every day just so that your daughter might feel less anxious. I think Jill spits in her mother's face every time she starts lying about how she was neglected and abused.

No. 2313741

Her mom is a prime example of bad parenting. She should have told Jill no a few more times in her life.

No. 2315354

The radfem /snow/ thread has so much wasted potential. There are a decent amount of milky radfems around but it feels like the only real point of interest in that thread is lesbianvestigating autist nobodies who barely exist outside of tumblr.

No. 2315356

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i remembered Yukapon existed and went to see what she's up to. i wish i didn't. her thread is depressing, especially if you haven't kept up with her at all since her early weeb days.
it's hard to imagine she's making findom only fans BDSM content telling her viewers to goon and pump and empty their wallets. it's so grim, i feel a pit in my stomach. how did she end up like this?

No. 2315359

The thing that gets me is that she is clearly mentally unstable despite being a spoiled and coddled her whole life. How is this even possible? I understand some mental illnesses have genetic components, but there's nothing to indicate that it's the case for her.

No. 2315367

She already had a bad start at 13 with uncontrolled internet access and pedos targeting her. Didn't her mom let pedo bring her to Japan? She was abandoned by parents and abused by pedos, takes huge amounts of mental strength to grow past that and become stable

No. 2315379

i guess i forgot the rest of her story. really sad to see how it turned out

No. 2315527

Fanny has gotten pretty boring, I need some normie who lurks here to make a call out thread on her or something so bad. Just the misogynistic porn won't cut it (since people will say it's just fiction and move on), so it should include things like her racefaking and jerking off to actual FGM victims on sites like motherless. I know this is considered cowtipping and all but I just wanna see her actually receive consequences for her actions. Plus I think it would be funny to see her friends make fools of themselves trying to justify her actions.

No. 2315542

I used to be so envious of her when i was younger. Now i am glad i was piss poor and ugly, her current life is just grim.

No. 2315630

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I wish i could write straight fire schizo posts like PT or Lucinda.

No. 2315663

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>angsty moid alter is back under new name
>''drag'' is back
i feel like jill did this specifically for me as a christmas gift, her jerrick drag king saga was one of my favourite and i was so sad when she offed him. I am more invested than i should in Jill's mental illness OCs

No. 2316458

Lucinda's a munchie. Someone could easily copy what she's doing.

No. 2316470

Most anons in munchie threads are munchies themselves who see themselves as more legitimate than the cows. Same with the ana threads

No. 2316479

Nonna her primary milk was clubbing, taking drugs and hanging out with pedophiles all while underage. It's sadly not surprising at all.

No. 2316745

No. 2317609

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I'm genuinely sad she hasn't been spotted on transanta yet. I hope she found a way to lay low and didn't skip applying for it altogether. She was a queen for scamming them, fuck her TRA classmates

No. 2318658

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Couldn’t post on the thread bc it’d be blog posting but I can’t fathom how nasty and quickly Luna gets her plushies. I’ve been collecting Korilakkuma plushies for almost a decade now and even the ones I’ve had in bed with me since 2018 haven’t gotten anywhere near as dirty as this.

No. 2318737

I like empathchan. Sometimes I want to yell and spit at ugly fatsos too but I restrain myself, so it's entertaining seeing her do it instead.

No. 2318740

Not gonna lie, I think it's funny how she convinced moids to self-harm for her, but then she spends the rest of her time acting like the village's inbred retard and trying to appeal to 4chan scrotes and the secondhand embarrassment is just too strong. plus her thread is really boring

No. 2318743

She's unironically based.

No. 2318745

bro what? I get the fat people hate but she screams the nword at random black people and spits on old women.

No. 2318747

>To me, right now the most interesting ones are on tiktok or on kiwifarms
Agreed. The right-wing moids documented on KF are so hilariously inept and milky, but their threads are plagued by slightly less retarded moids who act like jilted exes towards them.

No. 2318763

at some point in the early days of the "venus wants to leave manaki" saga, i was messing around on youtube and came across an old video of hers. it was from before the living doll and bodyline arcs, it was "cute looks to wear to school" or something like that.
it mostly made me sad for what could have been, and thinking back on it now it's even worse.
and while i remember thinking she actually looked kinda cute, i also remember noticing that even back then there was no light in her eyes.
sometimes i wonder a whole lot about what her mom's villain origin story might have been.
but now, mom's (presumably) in jail and venus is (presumably) locked up in a psych ward, or rolling around her own filth somewhere. and even if they weren't we'll probably never know.

No. 2318851

she most certainly is not. Farmhands check the ip of this post at once.

No. 2318867

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No. 2318896

I think some of Momokuns photos look nice. Im not jealous of her but I can see why scrotes pay for her.

No. 2318902

I fucking love pixys schizo posts so much

No. 2318909

>To me, right now the most interesting ones are on tiktok or on kiwifarms.
Everyone on lolcow shits their pants when someone wants to make a thread on a lolcow from tiktok, it's filled with crazy people getting into drama there nowadays

No. 2318914

The general boomer mentality on LC is really annoying. Tophia for example is a perfect cow, but her thread is dead because everyone here is pushing 35 and refuses to download tiktok while actively paying for access to Shayna's porn or Fanny's substar.

No. 2318924

Tophia is boring. Oh wow a fat mentally ill woman oversharing on tiktok?? There's hundreds of those out there. Even worse now that people actively touch the poop and engage with cows like her. I do agree that threads here are dry as hell but only a couple of kiwi threads are decent and even then are still filled with unnecessary posts.

No. 2318930

You can literally boil down every cow to that. Shayna is a boring oversharing prostitute. Heather is a boring oversharing nobody. Skirby is a boring shooping e-whore. Tophia has way more milk in comparison to nobodies like Shayna or Heather, but nonnas prefer them out of laziness.

No. 2318934

Tbh im not invested in any of their threads but they’re just as boring as Tophia imo

No. 2318959

Does anyone know what happened to Katherine McMahon/The park avenue pinup? I can't even find her threads anymore.

No. 2319015

That self harming TIF cow in the /snow/ FTM thread is the first person on this site that almost made me vomit. I've seen so many stomach churning things from many different cows, but that is the one that made me actually have to put a hand over my mouth. That level of self harm is absolutely fuckinh horrific. I usually read that thread because the TIFs are so much tamer than the TIMs but Jesus Christ. Do not unspoiler that, even if you think you have a strong stomach.

No. 2319060

I second this, all that i could do was shed a tear. what brings a person to this point and shame on everyone who failed her, who suggested that trooning out, the last thing she could possibly need, was the right course for her. i wish i never unspoilered it. please for the love of god do not do the same mistake as we did.

No. 2319157

The breast picture also instantly made me feel sick. Coldness in my Heart / Kelly-tier. I have so many questions about how that even happened. That TIF needs to be locked in an asylum. There's other shtwt cows in the TIF threads including one who cookec and ate her flesh. That one's twitter made me ill. Sometimes I fear I'm too desensitized.

No. 2319192

What was it? I'm morbidly curious but no way in hell am I unspoilering

No. 2319212

Literally an entire knife shoved into her breast that had the top layer of skin cut off. Don't look it up. It actually ruined Christmas for me and I had to drink 4L of wine to cope with what I saw.

No. 2319218

Jerry Peet can have some good writing advice I just wish he wasn't a rapist with a lesbian fetish
Same thing with White Silas (forgot his real name). Thankfully he isn't as crazy as Jerry but Inbred is a very good song and it tears me up sometimes

No. 2319555

>wah Louise isn't a narcissistic mother
>Uses terminology for the dynamic between a narcissistic parent and their children to describe the relationship between Jill and Louise
>Gets mad when Jill uses terminology reserved for autistic people to describe her casual hobbies.

You know what they say about farmers and cows…

No. 2319631

Jesus christ, I hope she got medical treatment after that.

No. 2319632

Holy fuck that's horrifying

No. 2319638

I regretted it instantly I’ve never respoiled a pic so fast in my life. Not even that VILE pedo art in the Fanny thread made me feel as sick as that poor mentally ill woman’s self harm. That’s beyond self harm that’s like. True mutilation. It’s a sad indicator of society that nobody has thought to ACTUALLY help her. But yeah trooning out is the answer. Bleak

No. 2319692

you say that like one is worse than the other

No. 2320578

Dana/her friends for sure whiteknights herself in her thread

No. 2320605

Someone (the person who claimed she's taking accountability for her actions) on her thread just claimed to not personally know her but to have a bunch of irl mutuals with her. Mad sus imo. Especially because it came a few posts after someone claimed she has no milk, her thread will die, and she should never have had her own thread even though Dana is one of the most milky cows on the whole site and is constantly over sharing about her failed poly relationships and awful parenting.

No. 2321274

I don't think Luna has BPD. She is the most consistent cow on this site. Her sense of identity calcified ten years ago and has not changed at all

No. 2321299

I feel like it's one of the schizo newfags from Reddit.

No. 2321301

Whatever you're trying to do is just making you come across as a retard kek

No. 2321350

We can't even say anything negative about a cow anymore without someone replying with shit like this

No. 2321386

Agreed, nona. It's hard not to defend yourself when someone accuses you like that bc then it'd be an infight or derail. I think a lot of anons who say shit like that are autistic and don't realize that some of us can write heated critical posts without actually getting worked up

No. 2321586

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Anybody know what happened to Abby Brown? She was one cow I truly had a soft spot for.

No. 2321626

I miss her so much. Her FB groups are ghost towns but she's still doing her same phase-hopping stunts. She had a brown phase where she only wore brown. This was months ago though and I have no real knowledge of her currently.

No. 2321678

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I checked the FB group and apparently she deactivated her account? There's barely any new posts in the group.

No. 2321782

I agree. Luna is just a self obsessed junkie failure using her mento illness as an excuse. Tons of cows don't have BPD either but we all know accusing people of that is going to be the last thing you're prying from a farmer's cold dead hands. It's as meaningful as calling everyone a bitch or a cunt or whatever at this point.

No. 2321908

It pisses me off when farmhands delete self posting instead of tagging it. Its prime milk when cows sperg in their own thread, dont delete the evidence

No. 2322247

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I am going to start college soon and the only thing that keeps me away from having a mental breakdown over the uncertainty of not knowing if i will do good or not, is knowing that both Terry and PT have college degrees. They are some of the most dysfunctional cows i know of and they still somehow managed to pull it off, so i should do good, right? I still remember when i found out Terry was an engineer, legit thought he was one of those speds on dosability that need a tard wrangler

No. 2322355

your post doesn't even have to be heated to garner that reaction. all it takes is disagreeing with someone, even politely, for them to claim that you're trying to start a fight. some nonnas take cows way too personally

No. 2322550

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You’ll do fine nona, some of the dumbest people I know have a college degree. The school wants you to succeed because it reflects well on them and ensures better funding. Even without that I can tell you write well which is a dying skill. I believe in you.

No. 2323431

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Pixielocks is unironically the cow with the easiest life and upbringing of this entire website. Nonas who get defensive about calling her family rich (they are) are delusional. Also compare her life to most cows. Not poor, no abusive parents, no grooming or assault when young, no batshit abusive ex, no selling nude photos for pennies when they can't pay rent, not filming yourself doing degrading kinks as self-harm i mean money, not even a real mental illness to cry about, not heavy drugs like meth or a life-ruining and body destroying case of alcoholism. Nothing.
ANY cow would trade lives with her immediately.
I root for her so much but anytime I see her I get so sad. I hope she dropped that pig and got bettter meds.

No. 2323440

Its honestly fascinating how god gave her life on a gold platter and she fucked it up for attention. She literally makes up all her problems. I hate her and shayna so much for being so privileged and still choosing to be cows. Also, her brother is cute too bad he's attached to that crazy retard.

No. 2323759

at least shayna is genuinely mentally ill and probably retarded too. the unhinged meltdowns she has make jillian's "overwhelmed" act in the pumpkin video look like nothing

No. 2324259

she isnt retarded shayna just fried her brain with weed at a young age. I remember there was a study about how marihuana use before the age of 25 can make you retarded

No. 2324783

>shayna isn't retarded
>she fried her brain with weed at a young age
>weed usage before age 25 makes you retarded
so wouldn't that make her…retarded? kek

No. 2324945

Is there a version of Lori that isn’t an only thot or raging psycho? I enjoy her aesthetic, filter face and all, but surely someone is doing it better?

No. 2325131

There is a girl I went to high school with, most agree that she is very beautiful. She was very popular, cheerleader, gorgeous hair, she also had a curvy figure, all of the boys liked her. I mean, yeah, she's definitely NOT ugly. I must reiterate maybe like 1 or 2 out of 10 people would call her ugly and then said people would be scrutinized like "bro what thats {insert girl's name here} shes so freaking hot broo" Extremely conventionally attractive, is this girl. just not my type. I just realized she looks like Shayna. Her face is like scrunched up, like she has a downturned nose, and her default looks like something smells, if you know what i mean (Shailene Woodley kind of nose and mouth area) and her nose is bulbous and her eyebrows are arched intensely, she looks kind of evil, imo, but she's not dry skinned. Her face is exactly like Shayna's if Shayna had bigger lips, brown skin, was 5'1", and had a huge ass this would be her doppelganger, maybe it's just cause she has a huge ass that everyone finds her so attractive which is ironic cause Shay's known for her iconic hank hill ass.(off topic)

No. 2325141

also this girl is good at makeup, and 2 of my high school crushes did not like me back, as they liked her. Now she is still considered beautiful we are only 22, but she hasn't let herself go like shay. but im not trying to insult her, she legit looks like a pretty version of shayna btw i do not think Shayna is all that bad to begin with.

No. 2325145

it sounds like you have a psychosexual obsession with both this girl and shayna. shaytards never disappoint with their degree of mental illness.

No. 2325149

I am not into girls.

No. 2325328

i had a dream moo got murdered by ozy or something related to him. we were all sad because we weren't going to be able to laugh at her anymore.

No. 2325415

ive been off snow for about 8 months and I'm honestly shocked by how much the shayna threads have fallen off and slowed down. Who would you nonnettes say is the snow queen these days if not shay?

No. 2325450

Wow, this is a 180 I never expected. I wasn't a regular on that thread, just checked it sometimes specifically because of the "food" she used to make. Idk what her journey was like but damn, she did it, she beat anorexia and graduated from cowdom.

No. 2325461

Sorry i meant she wasnt BORN retarded. Everything bad in her life is her own fault.

No. 2325462

Dana or Heather

No. 2325575

Most Cows here don't have a strong enough personality or dislike-ability to justify multiple threads. I think anons complaining about misogyny have a point in so far that some cows are so cringe fail that they circle back to being a boring cow and probably indeed more of a puppet used to make some people feel better about themselves ( like the e-thots on the e-thots thread that I've personally seen and i think read mentioned here)and rarely they make for a good Milky read or are true "Horror Cow" material Ala Dana Hare. Then again I like the threads discussing trends and shit over the cows, but still.

No. 2325592

Agreed, so many threads are boring as fuck and only get full because of boring nitpicks shitting them up. The e-thots thread is just people zooming in on some twitter whore's photoshopped waists. Half the radfem cows thread is just people posting screenshots of randos having different opinions from them (the most egregious example that comes to mind is someone posting screenshots of a lesbian radblr orbiter nobody had ever heard of calling tifs ugly and reblogging pictures of Ariana Grande, and then accusing everyone who said it wasn't milk of WKing her because calling TIFs ugly is sexist and Ariana is a cow so being a fan of her makes you a cow by extension. There are many more similar examples in that thread of people vendettafagging because they argued with someone on tumblr once and can't get over it, but that's the most stupid one I've seen).
The empathchan thread which I used to love is like this now too. She hasn't been milky in months but her thread keeps getting bumped by people posting unsaged selfies just to make fun of her bad shooping and shein e-girl outfits.
The only threads I keep up with regularly in /snow/ are the Dana and Fanny threads. I've been reading the e-begging thread too lately but it's only active around this time of year because transanta is on which is where 3/4s of the milk comes from.

No. 2325612

I don't think it's pleasant to call Tifs "ugly" but don't care if there called ugly nor aren't bothered by someone thinking they are because I think looks are sorta irrelevant to a point ( ig unpopular opinion on this imageboard but unless it's a moid idc if a woman is downright grotesque and am a personality fag; ugly people are a given, even self induced uglies, but few uglies are milky yknow?) and that thread could be better, but tbh most rad orbiters are nuts so even though I was part of radblr, am still part of a few discords ( slim pickings of where you can be openly "gen crit"/ actually leftist) I wouldn't trek for old ass milk because it's more trouble for what's worth, namely in attracting cow tippers and the cows themselves. Tbh I think that thread was bound to not always be Milky or Great because many here are radblr orbiters or have ties there so you can't rock the boat greatly, even if I stepped back because I think everyone's is mostly hypocritical.

No. 2325647

Yeah, I do agree tbh, that thread was doomed from the start. Lolcow is full of "feminists" who are more catty and hateful towards other women than the average normie woman who has never heard of Dworkin in her entire life. So naturally radblr cows and their orbiters would be attracted to that thread like flies to shit because they're cut from the same cloth as the worst type of farmer.
I don't entirely hate the thread. It has its funny moments, like when heterophobicdyke came here to try and get people to talk shit about a fellow cow she was fighting with, got sussed out immediately, then unsuccessfully tried to petition the thread be shut down in /meta/ whilst wking herself every day and just getting even more crazy because farmers were just making fun of her while the other cow she hated just didn't react to her callouts whatsoever.
Sadly most of the time it's either people derailing to argue about small bits of theory, or else it's people blatantly vendettafagging by trying to get us to gang up on someone they clearly argued with in the past and are hung up over by posting the most uninteresting, mildly unpopular opinions literally nobody else cares about. It's sad because occasionally great cows come along like macroclit and HD but most of the time it's boring to read unless you also have a grudge against random tumblrina #420 to the extent that them being a fan of a globally famous popstar is enough to contribute to cow status.

No. 2326052

This was a weird thing to post and no one here gives a shit about your strange obsession

No. 2326772

Do you think there might have been a chance for PixyTeri if she had never become a weeb or discovered anime? I haven't caught up with her antics since that youtube doc about her came out and I am honestly shocked at this schizotroon arc.

No. 2326813

I don't think so, I feel like her trajectory is more of a result of uncontrolled mental illness and a lack of a support system (I don't think Deb has any clue what to do with her) and if it wasn't anime or troon shit it would have been something else. She clearly has behavioral issues as well, I always saw her weeb and gendershit obsessions more of a way to make herself feel special instead of a cause.

No. 2326880

Agreed, people cry so much about misogyny on here without realizing they're also perpetuating it by holding cows to unrealistic beauty standards and making fun of them for trying to achieve said beauty standards through photoshop. It's definitely behavior that stems from insecurity than intentional misogyny but misogyny nonetheless. You don't see people digging into the appearance of moids and trannies that viciously, now do you?

No. 2326882

>uncontrolled mental illness and a lack of a support system
I honestly don't feel good laughing at cows who match this description, they never stood a chance.

No. 2327015

So many anons wants to hate on cows so badly they make up isses that arent there or hate on completely normal non issue things. Or they are underage/barely of age speds with zero life experience and dont get whats normal or not. Common when it comed to drugs, medical, or legal issues. Like of you have no idea how something works, stop shitting up the thread with your tinfoils that aren't rooted in reality. At least make a quick google search beforehand goddamn

No. 2327093

Some cows are just boring as hell and I don't get the appeal. Sure they're mentally ill and have no other way to cope other than being crazy and dumb online but honestly you can find millions of people akin to that or worse online, they just have less followers. Either way it's not really interesting anymore to see cows post on their Instagram stories about how much crack they smoked. I only can really get into a cow if I hate them or their ideologies, like MTF troon cows for obvious reasons. But discussing mento illness antics is boring to me

No. 2327112

Her brother looks faggy here kek

No. 2327661

When you point it out you become a whiteknight because these shitposters are so thirsty for milk, make up issues where there normally are none, and can't handle being called out.

No. 2327874

I sort of wonder how petty those anons are irl or if they have a parasocial relationship with at least one celebrity/influencer, because they are usually also the ones that tries to use something a (usually former) cow did several years ago as a reason for why they are still a cow despite not producing milk anymore. Either they are super young and don't understand how much people can change in the span of just a few years (can't forget that anon that screeched about how absolutely no one changes all that much between 17 and 22 kek), or they just desperately hang onto it because they hope to manifest some milk through it. I get it, it's boring when your favorite cow grows out of cowdom, but learn when it's time to move on.

No. 2328129

I love gossip, but lets use the worse cow as an example: Taylor R. She's brought up in /meta/ a lot for her thread being too moderated, but looking close it's nitpicking out the wazoo like hair color. Or shoe color. What her kid's room color is. What kind of lazy, bored farmer do you need to be to ppst about this and find it even gossip worthy? Some cows are just not cow worthy anymore. Shayna I'm surprised people still enjoy too. She has nothing, but "new porn dropped" and then anons make fun of her fat stomach when she is folded like a chair and fucked for the seventh time in a week. I've been called a wk for not finding this low bar posting funny, but it's legitimately not funny.

No. 2328185

I think Jill is actually traumatized, in a sense. I used to be frustrated by her claims to twauma like other anons, but actually most BPDfags can't cite a chain of events that made them the way they are (maybe because of shame, maybe because there was no actual breaking point). I don't know how to explain it properly but the severity of a mental health disorder doesn't necessarily match the severity of what someone has endured. Some people are deeply impacted by things that others wouldn't even register as bad, especially if we're talking about childhood experiences. It's very irritating when you come across someone who's very much disordered, mentally fragile, constantly rehashes their horrible childhood when they were obviously coddled. But it happens. Development is unpredictable like that, if you have a sensitive child and the wrong set of events happens at the wrong time it can have disproportionate consequences. On a related note i really think that Jill's BPD is closely related to her feminine socialization. Even if she wasn't BPD she would have suffered from this, perhaps more quietly and with less substance abuse. She reminds me of 50s housewives who are addicted to pills and can't imagine not living for others, not mirroring others, filling the void of their existence with all kinds of petty distractions. She has an incredibly weak self and pretty much all of her antics are downstream of this.

No. 2328201

I feel like she self-groomed herself as a child into this mindset or idea of trauma due to uncontrolled internet access and having a latching personality. Meaning she asborbs other people's trauma or quirks and adds it to her personality bucket list. That would explain the confusion if she actually did think she had DID. Kind of like tricking your mind into make believe so much that it feels like it's real personified voices or people in your head. Roleplay gone too far. People with austism and ADHD do this type of stuff due to their brain activity. I always thought she had one or both of those and not BPD.

No. 2328206

Nta but BPDs do that too. Autists do it because they just mask and don't know how to be human so why not test something out, while BPDs lack identity and need to attach themselves to something, anything

No. 2328208

Even normal traumafags can struggle with it, so I tend to raise a brow whenever anons dismiss some of her claims. Or she could be that type of bpdfag who has trauma but also lies about other aspects, it's kind of grey.

No. 2328211

Maybe it's a mix of it all. Makes me wonder if her hyperactivity is another personality latch because of the characters she likes such as pinky pie then too or if it is ADHD.

No. 2328214

Can I ask how long you've been following Jill? I noticed that you're opinion is usually echoed by people that only started following her after she begun her DID arc.

No. 2328322

I'm still dying on the hill that Jillian is a professional attention whore/victim and would probably easily meet all criteria for HPD if she ever actually sought help from a real professional.

No. 2328373

To be fair, those things are caused by trauma or at least fucked up dysfunctional relationships in childhood. She's definitely a nutty mess, although her trauma claims might be questionable many of them probably are true, too. Or distorted truth but that still counts for me

No. 2328381

Pre-DID saga, i don't remember how many years exactly… I used to think she came across as fragile and that something must have happened to her, even back then
You might be right, it's undeniable her biggest motivator is attention

No. 2328414

She's just an attention whore, thats her diagnosis. Most peoole dont need by trauma to make up bullshit. Shes getting rewarded for he behaviour with attention, so ofcourse its going to escalate. I think growing up so priviliged made her feel out of place on the internet, where everyone is always competing to be the most opressed person so she had to start making up shit to cover the fact she comes from a rich nuclear family with parents that love her. I dont think its deeper than that tbh.

No. 2328417

I wonder, can one overtly tell the difference between someone who's attention seeking due to being spoiled in a rich family and someone's who attention seeking because of trauma? I feel there's a subtle vibe I can intuitively pick up but never put it into words. Now to apply that to her…

No. 2328475

This. I think a lot with Jill is up a little up in the air, it's hard to know someone's full story unless you see it from their perspective. However, Jill is an expert at crying wolf so it's hard to differentiate what could be based on actual trauma or make-believe, especially with her very obvious breadcrumbing whenever she wants to add more lore to herself. I think some anons are good-natured enough to not understand how these types of people exist without having personal encounters with them.
To a-log a bit: When I was a teen/young adult I had a friend was pretty openly bored with her privileged life, and would romanticize trauma and abuse through online roleplaying. She would absolutely REVEL in other people's trauma and pry to get more details, she was almost salivating when a friend's girlfriend opened up about being abused by her mom and how she was trying to find shelter.
Some people are just shitty and are so far removed from real tragedy in their life it just becomes a concept they play around with in their fantasies, and with the current state of social media it's become a competition for who's the most oppressed and interesting personality out there and who gets to claim the soapbox this week.

No. 2329153

I just came here to ask this. I can find what I think is her most recent thread but it hasn't been posted in for 2 months. I didn't follow the thread that closely. Maybe she deleted her social media.

No. 2329377

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I looked up her social media, but it was inactive from Christmas last year until last week when she started posting again. She posted picrel on her story

No. 2329903

Can't believe farmhands actually deleted all of Laurs schizoposts on past threads. All i see are people reacting to green post numbers. They just straight up deleted all the milk, not even screenshots exist.

Not taking this to meta because it's about threads that are a year old atp. But damn I wish I had been there to see it and I wish they hadn't deleted the milk.(take it to meta)

No. 2329939

Because it mightve been a larper and not actually her. Not our first time having that happen.

No. 2329946

Fair point. I'm just dying to know what probably-Laur sounds like deep into a box of wine.

No. 2330907

I wish mods would separate the grimes/elon thread. Grimes is a run of the mill pickme ethot doing pickme ethot things, its boring. Elon on the other hand is one of the richest guys in the world acting like a manchildren sperg on his playpen and its just hilarious to witness. I hate coming in the thread to read about elon and seeing grimesfags talking about how ugly or cheap her perfomance was, like who the fuck cares about that?(take it to meta)

No. 2330931

annoying and stupid as hell

No. 2331028

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whenever he says kawiwi I think of pixielocks yes I know they're completely different things

No. 2331172

Idk why some anons are so shocked or weirded out whenever other anons say they only use the non-cow boards. Maybe I'm used to lots of traffic of mundane discussion and chatter but the cow boards move so slowly that I can't find it in myself to find any of them interesting. I do keep dibs on one though since he's liked by a lot of my sister's teenage friends

No. 2331832

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I'm in a state of shock. She is the horrorcow that keeps on giving. What do you mean she pushed the lawn mower onto another kid??? What do you mean she confirmed that instead of keeping her mouth shut??? What do you mean???? I was so shocked I posted this in the wrong thread at first.

No. 2331835

She makes Shayna looks like a MENSA venus in comparison. I cant think of any other cow thats retarded enough to feed the trolls everytime. Her thread would be dead if she didnt lurk and respond 24/7.

No. 2331845

Not gonna lie, I think the people who obsess over actual successful artists like grimes, nicole dollanganger, lana, MTS, chappell etc. are mostly insanely jealous. They attract that kind of delusional jealous hatred where they'll do something stupid and people will lash out and blow it way out of proportion and pretend they're an evil monster for it, like when PULL would compare e-thots to hitler for crimes like lying about their plastic surgery or photoshopping their pictures. It does make it hard to read the threads when the farmers are more annoying than the cows.
If i can be honest for a second, yeah she's a psycho narc and I worry about the safety of her kid, but that does sound like a horrible and genuinely traumatizing event. Obviously, obviously it's way worse for the girl who was grievously harmed, I'm not comparing it at all, but imagine the survivor's guilt if you made a mistake and hurt someone that badly. I don't know how I'd ever forgive myself or go on living after that.

No. 2331846

KEK this is perfect. But seriously why. Why does she feel the need to respond to everything? like what happened to her to make her have the worst decision making skills of all time

No. 2331854

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I actually can't believe anons who think grimes is more milky than Elon Musk. It blows my mind how anons can think the most embarrassing man on the planet who desperately wants to be seen as cool isn't milky compared to a woman who is a little cringe. Anything grimes does at this current point will never be as milky as her initially becoming a tesla baby mother. I take more pleasure in seeing Elon destroy himself in the pursuit of being seen as the cool billionaire than to give a fuck about what grimes is up to aside from her music, which admittedly is very shit right now, but that doesn't constitute as milk. I don't really have an issue with them having the same thread because Grimes isn't milky enough to have her own thread and anything milky she does is 100% attached to Elon.

No. 2331855

>what happened to her to make her have the worst decision making skills of all time
i guess growing up in a house where running kids over with lawn mowers was common can fuck a person up KEK

No. 2331866

Oh my God Dana is posting in her thread right now having a meltie KEKKKKKK

No. 2331886

It's because grimes is a woman. They want to shit on her appearance in a loop and nothing else.

No. 2331897

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Dana pulling into her own thread right after confirming that she did indeed run another girl over with a a lawn mower as a child to have a melt-down was not how I expected my Friday night to play out.

No. 2331901

Kek this better be the next threadpic

No. 2331912

My opinion is that anons who obsess over nitpicking the looks of other women are solely responsible for how dead the cow boards are and is why kiwifarms have better cows. The cow boards would be so much better if we had some male cows imo, this is making me miss the corpsehusband thread so much.

No. 2331950

Not to mention how much more cow-ish men are in general like hello? Cyraxx? BossmanJack? I need my lolcows to be getting in fights with cops not like photoshopping their waist lol.

No. 2332001

I mean nothing is stopping you from making threads on them

No. 2332012

I think Lillie Jeans eye colour is very pretty, like a gemstone.

No. 2332034

I do kinda feel bad for dana because the lawnmower accident does sound traumatic. However I can't believe she confirmed it in a post on her account with tens of thousands of followers, threatened to get our IP addresses, and then proceeded to freak out in her thread kek what a night


No. 2332053

I don't think birdie is a groomer or a zoophile. I think she was just a retarded kid not getting the help she needed and I hate seeing people drag her for shit she did while still underage. She's not a good person as evidenced by how she made the synnibear grooming situation about her but I don't think she's a predator and I just feel like people need some new person to accuse of being the lowest of the low every week for clout.

No. 2332058

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reading about males being retarded is like reading about the sky being blue. They're already documented on kiwifarms and have hundreds of videos made about them on youtube, why should the only female board that isn't overwhelmed by troons be all about scrotes?
The actual problems imo is lc anons are too focused on nitpicking nothing to find the real milky cows out there, and that potential cows are a lot less brazenly shameless than they used to be because of the current culture of social media
lc has had some amazing cows but most of them have dried up or disappeared, nonnas need to scout for the hidden talent out there

No. 2332087

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I’m gonna add to the Jill dogpile on here and say my peace; I’ve been lurking on lolcow/kiwifarms/PULL since I was in middle-school and it’s mostly been just a sick source of entertainment for me as a chronically online older zoomer. However, no lolcow I’ve seen in my decade long lurker/farmer career has actually gotten under my skin as much as she has and it’s very much personal and petty. For me it’s the CSA larp that really disgusts me. The fact that ( if it is real ) actual cases of DID before the over diagnosing and retardation happen to people who experienced super violent lives before the age of 6. Most of the shit you read on these people is so harrowing and disgusting (99% of the time it is trafficking and/or very violent rape) that’s so demonic I can’t even type it out. I’m not even religious but there’s no other words to use.
So larping THAT while said CSA is being 13 and kissing your e girlfriend and regretting it makes me so aloggy, it’s actually kind of pathetic how upset it makes me.
I’ve met malingers and larpers ALOT as someone who runs in similar spaces as her (weeb shit and art student, theatre kid) and the trauma larp always has hit close to home to me. I’ve met someone who did a similar larp and said that her middle school girlfriend “raped” her when the said rape was them consensually making out and then the larper girl regretted it after. The fact that some women WANT the CSA trauma is so fucking awful to me, again, it makes me aloggy. Like, if I told Jill that I was a true and honest incest victim she’d start fucking drooling and clapping.
Also, the backtracking about how she got the DID after she discovered it happens from repeated trauma before 6 also got me. Spoiler for trauma dump I was raped by my uncle from when I was maybe 3ish up until I was 8 and it fucked me up real good, I ended with drug problems and Ana Chan shit but even that repeated and severe trauma didn’t give me DID. Not to sound retarded again, to have a longing for this kind of upbringing to the point of lying and making up your life around it is, well, demonic to me. It’s an inhuman amount of lust for fake pain for the purpose of others attention and love.
My sentiments are the same as the other Nona’s: it makes you so a-loggy whenever you see someone who was spoiled and loved want to have been hurt and abused, and then proceed to larp it.
Also, I think us true and honest CSA survivors SHOULD dogpile larpers like this and the Jill hate train helps me sleep good at night.

No. 2332225

>why should the only female board that isn't overwhelmed by troons be all about scrotes?
because this is a drama board first and men are milkier than women. Outside of dana i cant think of any other female cow with an active thread thats as milky as scrotes like bossmanjack. Women will never be as unhinged as men, so they make boring cows that are only milked by annoying nlog pickmes that want to rip on how fat they are and shit. Genuinely only dana and chantal are milky, unhinged female cows, and the latter doesnt even have an active thread here for god knows what reason. Kiwifags has amazing cows that do deranged funny shit like get in and out of jail 50 times in a year and lose 50k in 10 mins on gambling, we have shayna.

No. 2332231

>because this is a drama board first and men are milkier than women
it's not even that they're milkier, it's that we don't expect women to be that retarded so it's funny and surprising when it happens. I can't think of any moids I want to see a thread about and it isn't surprising when they do retarded things because they are retarded.

No. 2332245

Women are almost never that retarded though, thats why most threads on snow are about run of the mill boring thots like empathchan, bluebelle, shayna, all of the altright thots. Making fun of men will always be more funny than making fun of women, because they are on average way more retarded and uglier. Old school cows save for a few like pt and kiki were never that milky, you are just nostalgic. Most anons clench to boring, dried cows like venus and taylors out of nostalgia. Those cows were born mostly out of teenage jealousy for weeb girls who actually made it and those anons need to grow up and let them go. Bring in new milk, moid milk thats actually funny and not just nitpicking about how fat some ethot is.

No. 2332253

Other anon was right when she said the users nitpicking lolcows' weights are probably fatter than them.

No. 2332256

so go on kiwifarms where your precious retard males already have constantly updated threads
why do you want lolcow to be a mirror site for shit that already exists

No. 2332272

nta but why are you so against it? We already have moids and troons trying to assimilate into lolcow, just report them and move on. I agree with anon that kiwifarms have milkier cows, both moid and female ones, and would prefer to see what fellow nonnies would say about them instead of kiwifags retarded takes.

No. 2332284

Because i want actual milky threads, not the 52415th thread about some OF girl. Its so weird to be so against bullying males. I wish pull never closed so all the spergs who like spoiled milk and enjoy nitpicking boring milkless cows would stay there. Back in my days an attention whore like empathchan would have gotten her thread locked for obvious selfposting.

No. 2332333

The posters on the radfem cows thread are sometimes milkier than the cows themselves because half of them are people who are either 1) seething because they got into an argument with someone on radblr and are desperately trying to frame mundane posts as milk so we'll talk shit about them or 2) orbiters who came here to gossip about radblr users they dislike but then end up sperging out when we discuss someone they're friends with and clog the thread up with wking. I bet they're the same people who made radfemgossip on tumblr unbearable back in the days before the thread here was made

No. 2332348

I read the thread for the sperging selfposters alone. All of the ''milk'' in that thread is just opinions some anons disagree with. The only real milk was rusty being an ex fujo into one direction mpreg turned fujo hater ''lesbian'', and it barely got any discussion because it was drowned by the sperging.

No. 2332389

honestly i don't care if some of the cows from kf were talked about here. i would just not read it and ignore the threads because its boring.
but it is absolutely retarded to be complaining that lc is full of women having a bitchy gossip about female cows, it smells like newfaggotry bc wtf do you (OP) think lc is? Let women have a place to idly gossip about other women! Do u think lolcow would have the userbase it does if there was nothing but kf cows on here? There would be no farmer opinions to be had, it would literally just be kiwifarms 2
I am extremely pro-bullying males, but my main concern here is scrotes will gather here like flies on shit thinking theyre welcome to insert their useless opinions on everything and shit up every board with porn and gore like they do to every other site they inhabit.
There have been very interesting and hilarious female cows, but you just don't know who they are because you think males being retarded and violent is the only milk.
So instead of complaining about the very nature of the site, just don't look at the threads you don't like, make the threads you want to see and talk about schizophrenic scrotes all day long if you want to kek

No. 2332399

It's too bad nobody thought of making a radfem thread years ago. Radblr was so milky 5+ years ago. Like Adrian/Bearbutch e-begging thousands for IVF and then trying to guilt trip everyone she argued with by bringing up her "dead babies" even though there was never even a zygote, the IVF just didn't take. Or Kelly/OPisaterf lying about being a left wing lesbian, then having an affair with her friend's military husband, talking about it on her blog but avoiding using he/him pronouns so people would think he's a woman, then dragging out all their dirty laundry on tumblr for years afterwards. Or Mithliya/Seba lying about her mother being black to justify calling herself a dark skinned Afro Arab despite having medium skin, then an actual black person posting a pic of her mother which showed that she's not only Arab but actually has much lighter skin than Seba herself (and similarly, people posting Facebook pics of Seba's family's huge fancy house with a giant pool and screenshots of Seba mentioning her parents maid, even though she claimed her family are passionate communists).
It's a shame because if you go digging for most of these things nowadays you'll be lucky to find so much as a Waybackmachine capture of them. At best you'll find anon messages on radfem-gossip referring to the drama. It would have been great to have all the old dramas archived here. Modern radblr cows don't hit the same. The only recent-ish ones I've found interesting are Laura Morris from the first thread, goldstarsappho (but she was only really discussed in the e-beggers thread) and Radicalstoner, but it's impossible to talk about her without HD sperging. 99% of the milk is irrelevant arguments about theory or people vendettafagging because they disagreed with someone's opinion.

No. 2332528

Absolutely agree that nitpicking womens appearances are not milk and is stupid, but I simply do not wish to see men being retarded any more than I already have to. For me, it's more fun to read about women being weirdos online than men doing fucked up shit. For example, Elon is a massive cow but I don't want to see his ugly face or read about the actual consequences he brings on society. I think many anons share this sentiment.

No. 2332998

I relate to some of the batshit insane stuff Shayna says on her ShutUpDolly twitter acc

No. 2333011

People are drawn to what's more familiar to them. Women are familiar with female lolcow antics so theyll be drawn to female lolcows. Autistic men are more drawn to Autistic male lolcows and so on. Someone with no interest in trains will not follow a lolcow in the train enthusiasts community. It's just what it is

No. 2333033

Male lolcows are just depressing in a way that female lolcows usually aren't. I don't really want to discuss the ongoing grooming antics of pedophiles.

Elon does deserve his own thread however. He's milky in a different way. Grimes isn't very interesting anymore outside of her pretty sad custody battle with Musk.

No. 2333039

Worldoftshirts (aka Joshua Block) isn't like that to be fair, he's alarming but he's ultimately just a spergy alcoholic who embarrasses himself in public kek

No. 2333608

I’m glad Dana has gotten popular here. Usually I’ve preferred to follow KF cows but I like the site culture here a lot better, so this is the best of both worlds.

No. 2333630

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Cant believe there are thousands of fans who still refuse to believe corpse husband is fuck ugly just because he said the photos werent of him. Ofc he isnt going to admit he is an ugly fattie kek

No. 2333632

I feel so horrible for one of the girls in the e-girls thread I hate reading her milk. It makes me wish more and more I lived in a moid free society. I can say this about a lot of cows but this one especially because all of her “milk” is primarily her getting abused or taken advantage of by bottom of the barrel moids. If most of the female cows posted lived in a female only society they’d probably just be normal women
Moids are to blame for everything

No. 2333638

dasha is such a woman child, this woman is pushing 40 but still posts like a college student who listens to too much lana and thinks reading foucault makes her esoteric

No. 2333639

Isn't she only 31?

No. 2333641

learn2sage(minimodding and doesn't even understand the rules)

No. 2333644

she's 33 but I'm over her still anachan posting to scrotes with ddlg kinks

No. 2333648

It's /ot/, newfag.

No. 2333673

Re-browsing the Soren thread is always sad. It's always been horrifying but the older I get, the more I ruminate on what could possibly cause a teenage girl to become so obsessed with those things. We will never know but it's like, was it all a delusion caused by personality disorder or was she abused as a child and it caused her to lash out and fall into such a ridiculous fantasy. There's really no way of ever knowing, but I wish she would have had a chance to move on and live a normal life. I don't remember how old she was when she died, but it was all so ridiculous and pointless. Is it really just gross internet brainrot disease that caused her to carve fuckmeat into her arm? What on earth was going on. I used to just look at the situation like "woah that's wild what a psycho" and while it's obviously still the same, I see the pics now and all I see is a young girl and I wonder what really caused such a bizarre spiral. I hate the Soren thread because it's horrocow stuff but it's so fucked uo that it's one of the most captivating rereads

No. 2333676

i genuinely believe she was trafficked or had been assaulted/victimized many times and drug abuse (or drugging), memory gaps, and psychosis made her start believing delusions about her trauma and she started to blur the lines between actual memory and delusions

No. 2333677

I don't think it's that ostentatious but I do believe at some point as a child a man had molested her. As for seeking out and fabricating cp–that's an anomaly for me, and I believe there's also a chance seeing cp fucked her up cognitively and advanced her delusions. It needs to be reminded that her cp descriptions she made up were far worse than anything she could've seen BTW which is alarming and points to some serious mental issues. We know nothing about what happened to her or her sister pre-adoption so yes she easily could've been abused. But there's no way of knowing.

No. 2333681

I re-read it at least every 4 or 5 months. I'm in the camp that she made everything up, I mean like the crazy stories she used to tell, but sometimes I wonder how she was exposed to this stuff to even begin with. For a long time I figured that she had stumbled into a strange groupchat and she was fascinated by what she saw. This is all tinfoil obviously, but I always figured that she had been one of those kids that used Omegle a lot. I'm not sure why I came to this conclusion, but it's just what popped into my head. I think she met an older moid on Omegle, he started grooming her on Kik or Snapchat, he introduced her to these weird pedophile-adjacent groupchats on a more secured messaging platform, and eventually he stopped talking to her or maybe she stopped talking to him. I think after that she just became grotesquely fascinated by what had happened to her, and maybe to cope with that trauma, and she started these crazy blogs and LARPs. I don't think she was ever abused in person, I think whatever happened to her happened all online.

No. 2333686

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Ayrt I agree that she made everything up and always have, but I'm saying I wonder if she was actually sexually abused as a kid at some point and that's what loosened the screws. It's so common and especially since she was adopted it isn't out of the question.

No. 2333687

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I also think maybe the medication cocktail inhibited any self control online and caused the weird fabrications to be more OTT.

No. 2333690

Again, it's tinfoil, but I believe that some of the characters she made up were influenced by a creep that had groomed her and exploited her as a child. I specifically think that the Danny or Sam characters might be influenced by the character that the pedophile initially played to lure in a younger Soren or to begin contact with her. I remember a common tactic they used during the Omegle/Kik heyday was to pretend to be a child around the same age as the victim, and then only much later reveal that they were an adult. I tied this into "Pedophile tells Soren a sob story about the 'child' Soren had been talking to to get closer to Soren" or something like that. Maybe Soren never really understood that this was a ruse. I've also juggled with the idea that Soren was a mid-functioning autist. In a lot of the photos we saw of her, she just has this certain look that I've only ever seen from speds. I don't think she was playing with a full deck of cards.

No. 2333709

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Interesting, I re-read her thread every year or two. Glad I'm not the only one who finds Soren to be fascinating kek. Really strange case. I am personally of the opinion that she had an extreme compulsive lying issue. In my opinion I think it was likely a habit formed for seeking attention due to neglect in her early childhood, and probably bullying from peers as well. I feel like her being adopted has something to do with it, but most adopted kids, including her sister apparently, turn out fine. And she was adopted so early (6 months iirc) so who knows really. However it wouldn't surprise me if she did suffer an incident or multiple of real sexual abuse actually, or some sort of legitimate trauma. It is possible she became addicted to the attention and love she received from confessing her real drama that she continued to escalate it. I think she was incredibly lonely, too, which is why she went to such lengths to create these characters in her story (Sam, the other trans kid she stole some random FTMs pictures for topkek).
I agree that she seems like a legitimate autist which could explain why she lacked so much awareness regarding how obvious her lies were and how they made her look to others. But at the same time, I think she sort of was? It's all just so bizarre. Something that was really interesting to me was her reply to that FTM who's pics she kept stealing for her "Danny" character. It's so strange how she lies and deflects so much. I never could tell if she believed her own shit or not.

No. 2333733

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This remains one of the worst things I've ever seen, contextually

No. 2334803

I've been rereading the Jared/Holly threads and I kinda wish either of them would do something milky again because that whole saga was entertaining. ngl I still wonder how exactly their breakup went down, and I'm surprised Holly never had a meltdown and spilled the details on twitter

No. 2334808

Damn I can’t believe her original thread is like 8 years old now. I was so invested in her and Nemu’s thread.

No. 2334842

I wonder what happened to her

No. 2334844

Unrelated to your post but god I miss how sassy villagers used to be in animal crossing games

No. 2334855

honestly? it's possible she saw cp by accident. when i was a kid online i tried to find sexual material of kids who were around my age. since the internet was far more wild back then it was easy for me to find softcore child porn. i shudder to think back then.
it's possible she was traumatized by these images and embellished a lot of her life. that's also very easy to do online.

No. 2334865

I'm the 2nd and 3rd ayrt. Again, all tinfoil, but this is your "real thoughts on cows" thread kek. Sorry if this post is all over the place, I just had a lot to say. It's interesting talking about Soren.

I never bought into the early childhood abuse thing. Maybe there was a history of mental illness in her birth family, maybe there was already a tiny germ within her, but I think that there was a certain event that triggered her to develop the way that she did. I think this event happened sometime between ages 8-10 and it happened through technology. There's this certain picture that she uploaded, you can see it here >>>/snow/980967 and it's like I just see this dramatic difference in her eyes between the 6th and 9th photos. Maybe I'm looking too much into it, but it's so plain to me that something happened then just by how her eyes look.

I already said what I think happened in my previous posts, but to expand: I think initially, she was on a website that she shouldn't have been on, maybe most likely it was Omegle. She met an older pedophile on that website, which was very common back then, and I think the two started talking on a platform like Kik or Snapchat. I think that he portrayed himself as a much younger child to gain Soren's trust, and that after a while he either exposed her to graphic images of child abuse or he invited her to a groupchat where that was the main topic of discussion. I think that she was too young to really understand the context of what was happening, and too young to really grasp the significance of it, and too afraid to let adults know about what was going on. Whatever happened here influenced her later creative writing projects and her proclivity towards that sort of material. Maybe she sought out more information about sexual abuse material to give herself closure from what happened to her; maybe she sought it out because she was grotesquely intrigued by what she saw, the same way that it's hard to look away from a car accident when you see one. She was definitely familiar with that material just based on her creative writing alone, but I don't think that she was aroused by it or anything, I think it was all just a strange coping mechanism for her.

I think that whatever happened to her was sexual in nature and I think that it happened online. I think that think that this event was what spurred her to become a fakeboi, and maybe her change in attitude was what spurred her parents to first get her into therapy. I think that the therapist that her parents brought her to did something wrong. I think that the therapist let himself be beguiled by Soren and her lies, and the treatment that she received wasn't adequate for the type of issues that she had. I think that her therapist was strong-armed by Soren's parents, specifically her mother, into prescribing more medicine than what might have been needed. I look at photos of Soren and I see that facial bloat commonly associated with antipsychotic medications. I don't think that Soren was "all there" during her adolescence, I think that whatever medications her therapist prescribed kept her in a semi-lucid state, not full on zombie-mode, but emotionally dulled and psychologically stunted.

There is a very interesting post that never really got any replies, this one >>>/snow/112679 , and something that stuck out to me is that her mother is described as being "weird." That comment is very important, and I think it gives a lot of information very discreetly. "Weird" is such a loaded description for a mother to receive. I think that Soren's mother was controlling, but not in the typical hard-ass way, I think that she was controlling in a smothering, melodramatic, sort of bippie way, and that she had high expectations for her children. Maybe she treated them like they were adults a little bit too early. Maybe she responded very poorly to disappointment. I think that Soren might have developed the compulsive lying issue that you mentioned in response to dealing with her mother's attitude. The children that I know that struggle with lying are always the ones that are most afraid of disappointing or upsetting their parents.

Soren was chronically online. I wouldn't be surprised if she spent 10-12 hours a day online. I think that she was very bored, very restless, like a tiger pacing in a cage at the zoo, and so that's why she found the online drama and all that so exciting. I think that she was fully aware that what she was doing was wrong, but she thought that she was above it, that she was somehow smarter than those around her. I think she enjoyed the attention, not because her family was abusive or negligent, but because so much of her time and energy was consumed by the internet. I think that this internet addiction ultimately spawned from being over-protected and coddled as a child; I think that Soren felt restricted in her childhood by her mother's overbearing nature. Her mother struck me as a "mama bear" type, the type that thought her children could do no wrong, that made sure that her children couldn't admit to doing wrong. I mean just look at how she was talking in posts like these >>>/snow/1044237 . I think that Soren couldn't do much when she was young, and that she coped with these limitations by going online and heading into a virtual world that her mother wasn't familiar with, where her mother couldn't dominate her. That whole family seemed to centre around the mother.

In general, I think that Soren's family life is a more important piece to the puzzle than it seems. I always thought that the excessive amount of meaningless objects that Soren had, all her toys and figures and all that bullshit, that always struck me as a weird form of bribery. It's hard to articulate, but it's like her parents gave her everything she wanted because they knew that the family wasn't quite right. It was like a way to say sorry, to say "we still love you even though we control you," in a weird enmeshed family kind of way.

If I'm being completely honest, I don't think Soren is dead either. Part of me believes that she's been institutionalized in a long-term care facility, maybe against her will. I'm not sure why I think this, or why I believe it either, it's just something that I feel. I just remember thinking how strange it was that someone close to Soren's family would post in that final thread; how did they find it, anyway? Were they really lurking here the whole time, were they following all the threads from the shadows since the beginning? I just don't buy that.

No. 2334890

I've seen that theory. The problem is that accidental or no, she then began seeking it out on purpose and posting stills of little girls from actual cp. At the time I thought she just became so obsessed with Kayla Day (ironically a fraud herself) that she started stealing bits of her fake story and mixing it with the movie Terrible Angels and stupid creepypastas. I developed a real visceral disgust after seeing her describe fantasy cp she made up in generous detail, if you go back to like the first thread it's stomach-churning stuff. Then there was the time she said she saw a male family member (? I think) go to change their kids diaper and she was like "oh God he's going to fuck it" which is a fucking crazyyyyy thing to say. She also broke into her elementary school in the middle of the night and took photos of the kids classroom, she was like 21 or 22 right? The problem is that most of us who grew up on the internet in the 2000s have had the misfortune of seeing fucked up shit/accidentally tuned into horrible communities in 4ch without knowing what we were looking at. We didn't start saying crazy shit like that. It has made me think she actually started consuming real cp (and she was using tor.) I don't necessarily think she was sexually aroused by it, but she sure did know about a lot of it before it began doing the rounds on tumblr/ before awareness was spread about the little girls photos. I definitely have a more mature outlook on it 8 years later, but at the time I was like wtf euthanasia. Your theory is certainly plausible, and I make it a point not to speculate on families and sexual abuse unless there are clear and obvious signs, but I know it's possible something happened to her in early childhood. I can't brush that off just because she was a liar–it doesn't matter how loving or wealthy a family is, rich people molest kids too and kids from wealthy families are even less likely to say anything because being alienated from money like that is difficult and complex. Again I'm not speculating something specific or pointing fingers, I'm just not denying it as a possibility. She was doted on and given her every wim, but that doesn't mean she had good parents. It doesn't mean she had bad parents either. I chalk it up as "I guess we'll never know". I've had the thought that she could possibly be alive and got a fresh start but that's just the optimist in me, it doesn't make sense that her own sister would post a tribute on Instagram. I think it's likely she was tired from the mutilation of extreme surgery, having half her arm degloved, using a catheter, dealing with constant infection, and realizing srs wasn't what she thought it would be. She didn't go out with a bang because it's likely one day while in a lot of pain and exhausted from whatever new complications she had, she impulsively decided to take all her pills.

No. 2334905

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I really liked the Dolly Style girls. I didn't mind their obvious weeb look to them and their songs were super catchy IMO. I grew up with that type of Smile.dk lame-animesque type of DDR music anyway, so that's probably why I like it. The song Cherry Gum specifically has a really good bass sound to it in the beginning.

No. 2334912

Nta but I do think Soren is likely dead, she was going through such a severe spiral of self harm for years on end its hard not to see how that couldve ended the way it did. The only other cow that was that bad in terms of bodily damage was Kelly. We already had enough proof that her family and people from her town were aware of the thread that it doesnt strike me as strange that they'd eventually post.

No. 2334915

Plus, I don't think someone like Soren could have committed to faking their death. I feel like she would have eventually come back under an obvious alt if she was still alive.

No. 2335095

This is it to me. I don’t believe she was sexually abused (although sadly given the way girls are commonly preyed on it can’t be ruled out), I believe the characters she created and backstory she made herself was severe autistic fantasy inspired by the kidcore and traumacore sections of tumblr at that time. Unlike kayla day/nicole dollanger/etc she went far enough to 1) actually look at CP and try drugs to have more content to add to her “lore”/fantasy, and 2) had the right mix of autism and personality disorder to begin to believe it and try to involve others in it, even though it was blatantly false. Her parents likely thought it was just schizo delusion and didn’t want to upset her and more or less let her just do what she wanted

No. 2335100

I think most of us that had issues with them were that they and in combination with Yohio's fame really messed things up for the Swedish J-fashion community (the already retarded comments and questions were tuned up to 11 for a while), on top of there circulating videos of the first Dolly Style members making fun of the tween and weeb community they were actively pandering to. But also, from what I've heard how the management treated them, I feel sorry for each and every member through each rotation.

No. 2335110

I like yukapon's music and I think she looks really hot now. I only wish she would put more effort in her outfits and look less like a cheap Amazon OF baby thot

No. 2335180

Dana behaves like a person with BPD I know down to the T:
>filming herself driving
>weird hand movements while filming constantly
>claw fingers
>obsessed with her own face and facial piercings
>calls herself an educator
>claiming up and down she doesn't do drugs and she hates weed
>constantly giving advice she needs to take herself, sharing that advice online as if she's just doing it to help the community
>exhausted male partner who's a porno freak
>talking about dysphoria, taking T, chopping her tits off, but never actually doing it
>having an excuse for literally everything
>needing to prove literally everything
>acting like BPD is only a small part of her when it is screaming out every time she posts a wall-eyed vlog
It's eerie.

No. 2335202

My "For You" on apple music once played one of her songs while I was driving, and I lowkey like it in a guilty pleasure way. I hate the whole sexual thing, but I can't quit singing the song Karaoke.

No. 2335240

Ayrt and I agree completely with this synopsis. I can't rule out that something happened to her in the past and for that I absolutely extend empathy, but it just doesn't seem like the case. I'm more hesitant to throw that theory out now though, in the past I was more harsh. I guess to me now as an actual adult, I see how it started when she was a teenager and that maybe it could've been stopped. Unfortunately, having older doting parents probably aided her demise though I'm not putting blame on them, it would be very tough to help a kid that's insistent on something so dark and disgusting. That said her sisters obit post was so shady, I imagine they put up with a lot.

No. 2335337

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I know she wont but i am praying she sticks to drag queen. Its the best milk. She looks like something out of the mandela catalogue here.

No. 2335356

Was probably some mundane reason like the both of them not really feeling it anymore, which would be too embarrassing for her to post about after the original fiasco.

No. 2335359

im not a jillfag but I'm really surprised she can move like that despite being so fat? She's surprisingly fit for a fat chick

No. 2335368

>she can move like that
what? shes literally just jumping around like a sped left alone at the supermarket without her caregiver. Amberlynn reid unironically has better moves than jill.

No. 2335370

No she isn't she looks like a fat toddler rolling around on stage. She's not immobile fat yet tbh

No. 2335372

I don't mean that she dances WELL I mean that she can move energetically and not be out of breath and on the floor

No. 2335379

Oh, yeah i get it now sorry. You can tell she's more out of shape than the other dancers though, still funny she threw herself on the floor for no reason.

No. 2335432

If you zoom in she's definitely out of breath kek

No. 2335439

The constant infighting and baiting in the pokemon thread is annoying but not surprising considering how many autists are into pokemon(not about a cow or cow thread)

No. 2335467

it's mostly just basic incompatibilty between the childis autists who want to talk about cute critters and the horny autists who waant to talk about npc husbandos

No. 2335556

Does she have confirmed BPD? She's definitely bipolar though and those two seem to have a ton of overlap.

No. 2335666

I wish Star 666/Caitlin and Astrid were more active. they were always very interesting to me. Crazy to think that Amanda Brett and Nika/Jaelle also came from the same thread as them too. IG cows #2 had some bangers in there

No. 2335755

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what are your 2025 cow predictions?

for me
>shayna turns from mostly e-prostitute to actual prostitute and her thread dies
>dana actually files a lolsuit
>dana post reveal
>heather marries private ryan
>jill fiancee brokes up with her
>pt finds a gf

No. 2335785

I'm genuinely surprised that there aren't any active threads on FA activists, I know there is the obesity thread but it's pretty useless. There are so many cows in the FA movement that keeps on mooing and embarrassing themselves, you'd think anons would have a field day. But I guess nitpicking hair quality, shoops and vaginas is more interesting.

No. 2335791

Please make one, i would be super into it.

No. 2335808

Jillfags, when Jill LARPs autism or DID, do you think she consciously knows she's lying? I think that she tries to convince herself that she has DID by watching a bunch of content on Tiktok or Twitter. In her head she creates a victim narrative for herself but farmers calling her a liar enrages her because she really doesn't have any trauma. She keeps her DID trauma backstory vague and would attack anyone who directly asked about it.
I predict Jill will start LARPing EDS, chronic pain, or some other vague symptom disorder popular with munchies

No. 2335812

Which ones should be featured? The ones I have in mind are:
>Corissa and J, especially with their recent scam
>Virgie Tovar
>Jae'lynn Chaney

No. 2335833

You could make a general FA thread and just make small descriptions of all of them.

No. 2335881

Yeah i think she knows she's lying. She looks too smug when she reports on how horribad her DiD is, and usually she drops the plural act if she's excited or mad. She knows she's mentally ill but she also knows she's not actively in psychosis with 11 different rainbow colored OCs to guide her. But i think at times she gets meme'd into believing she's less capable than others because of her mental illness, instead of her weed addiction.

No. 2335923

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I think she believes her lies too much in a way that is similar to kinning or larping. I think deep, deep down she knows it's all a ruse, but for herself, this is all real because she pathologizes things in a way that fit her narrative. Suddenly, wearing green means she's a different person because of course she convinced herself it is. Think of some shaman/witch that believes in magic a little too much and starts channeling spirits through them. You know it's a lie, but some of them take it seriously. DID is basically kinning 2.0 but worse because it steps on mental illness faking territory.

No. 2335953

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Corissa and J are some of my favorite cows, they really have it all. The usual HAES and FA stuff combined with gendie shit, Corissa’s consoom, and an avoidance of soap that really brings it all together. It’s a trainwreck that I can’t look away from.

No. 2335957

>>shayna turns from mostly e-prostitute to actual prostite and her thread dies
isn't this already happening kek

No. 2335966

Don’t forget Corissa blog post about she feels no shame over not being able wipe, and the previous meltdown that triggered her into writing it kek or how she can’t go on walks without worrying about shitting herself

No. 2335974

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I can't stop watching this gif kek. Truly the power of BPD in all force

No. 2335981

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They both have such a (undeserved) high opinion of themselves. It kills me whenever they get any pushback and have a complete breakdown because of it. These women are somehow adults.

No. 2335998


Jared will always have some drama going on. Hes streamed on joystick ffs

No. 2336033

I would never want a cow's life but sometimes I wouldn't mind having some of their delusional self confidence.

No. 2336037

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They all copy her. They all want what she had. But they will never come close.

No. 2336039

You mean Jill's fiance finally comes out as gay

No. 2336043

My god, she only looks good in her head. This is like if a person had to play charades but needed to act out the ramblings of a schizo on their mental breakdown.

No. 2336161

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I'm sad she wasn't spotted on transanta this year. Fuck her tra classmates for snitching on her.

No. 2336194

Either she slipped through the cracks or she's too stupid to figure this out. I was really looking forwards to her post, she was so insane and entertaining. The reveal that most of the disgusting adult baby shit was for a woman was incredible. Truly a cow that could follow in Fatvegfemme's footsteps if she was more online.

No. 2336297

god what i wouldnt pay to see footage of her riding her adult trycicle she scammed from trannies and handmaidens kek

No. 2336306

This is why I actually love her being exposed. What a hysterical thing to imagine kek

No. 2336366

That's where she disappeared to. She cycled off into the sunset to live her truth.

No. 2336373

>Seconding Dana's impending lolsuit
>Lorena rising from the dead
>Fanny having a major fallout with her orbiters and/or getting into trouble irl with her family
>May (from Cluster (B)itches) will have some kind of major life upheaval
>Jill committing an alter massacre
>Venus schizoposting again

No. 2336400

I'm making some bold claims.
>A male right-wing trad cow is gonna try to become a cult leader or a terrorist
>A Redditfag in Dana's thread is going to be exposed for equally milky behaviour and become a new cow
>There's going to be a scandal in the online art community of Creepshart proportions
>There's going to be a post history reveal in the /snow/ radfem thread or jirai kei thread
>Rancefag will come back with a new husbando
>Someone is going to out themselves by sperging after they get posted to the personal cows thread
>Elon is going to fall out with one of his partners and have a disastrous meltdown over it
>Celebricows is going to have a VERY milky year

No. 2336414

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It makes me so angry Fanny got away with everything. She's confirmed to lurk, so she knew exactly what to do to get farmers attention off of her: be boring and uneventful until we all move on to a different cow. Which is exactly what happened. I know being an obese dead-eyed autist virgin with a broken clit and a titchop is in a way punishment enough, but it feels so wrong and disturbing that she's such a revolting pedo and FGM fetishizer and she's faced no consequences for it. I won't encourage cowtipping, but she clearly panicked when farmers started finding Mommy Perret's as well as her sisters socials and it was amazing to see. The fact that the site went down for like two whole weeks right after that and Fanny got to keep jerking it to little girls getting their genitals mutilated without a care in the world and without the threat of her family finding out looming over her head makes me so sick and angry. Everything worked out exactly like she wanted it to and she's been forgotten

No. 2336419

she got mega doxxed so its not like she got scot-free

No. 2336422

Unfortunately people like this rarely suffer consequences because anybody who could potentially "cancel" her are degenerates themselves. And it's not like she has a real job or any real internet fame to lose, just amongst her fellow degenerate coomers

No. 2336449

I dont think amber is GMI this year anons… her getting a feeder gf is her death setence

No. 2336620

No. She's a personality hoarder. She just assimilates it into her personality. She's a copycat that thinks its legit because she doesn't know what her actual self is anymore.

No. 2336684

Patience, nona. I'm sure there are more than a few of us still keeping an eye on her. She will definitely slip up and get too bold again like she did with the incest dad larp. Her brain is too broken by porn addiction to not reveal more of her pedophilic ways, and I have no doubt it will bite her in the ass eventually. The site going down right in the middle of her reckoning was massively frustrating, though, I agree.

No. 2336763

I agree with others that Jill's gonna start dipping her toe in the chronic illness warrior lifestyle (EDS or POTS) and will quietly "fuse" most of her alters. For Dana, I think she's going to pressure Eli about getting married to prove the haydurz wrong and he'll finally leave.

No. 2337202

Jill doing this retarded autism stereotype for a LARP makes me want to alog

No. 2337510

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I do think she convinces herself she has them. Shes always justifying to herself all the symptoms possible. Not any better. She's 26 and should have grown out of roleplaying DID/autism like 16-year-olds during the pandemic. She's done real therapy before. She hates therapists now cause they won't give her 15 diagnoses. Mclean, farmers, YouTubers etc have labeled her faker. She knows her family distanced themselves after the 70th illness. She knows mom thinks weed causes symptoms.
If she was mature she would at least consider the other side of things/possibility. Instead everytime she throws a tantrum shitting and crying and "finds" new symptoms. She's forcing herself to act oblivious at this point. IMO its worse that she actively chooses to believe it when no one else does. Shows how spoiled rotten she is even today

No. 2339001

After 10 years of being on lolcow, no cow has piqued my interest like Dana has. She's a milkier cow than Shayna, really.

No. 2339654

Anons calling jill bpd are crazy. She is just a retarded adult. Stop diangosing her with things she doesn't have. Jill proba ly has ADHD, has all the symtpoms including hyperfocusing and unregulated moods and spastic energy. She even showed signs as a child from posts anons have found. She doesn't have autism, shes not bpd, shes an adhd with a minor in narc. Idk if its because anons have never actually been around real diagnosed people or are diagnosed themselves, but she's 100% not bpd. Anons forget these mental health issues overlap. She wouldn't even make all the markers on the test, let alone the biggest one of feeling god-like. She's a cowardly little bitch.

No. 2339657

iirc bpd is something shes actually professionally diagnosed with

No. 2339659

This post is about to backfire on you

No. 2339661

Shayna died so Dana could be reborn from her ashes and make an even milkier horror/bleak cow. I wish her daughter wasnt involved in all of this.

No. 2339662

So the normal/healthy upbringing and this result is just adhd? That seems ridiculous anon. I've only read her threads from the main page and it's clear there's something fundamentally off about her, that could only be explained by serious abuse or an actual mental deficiency (like literally partially retarded)

No. 2339667

>Stop diagnosing with something she doesn't have!!
>Anyway I diagnose her with ADHD

No. 2339691

But she does have bpd. You don't need to experience trauma to develop it, some people can be predisposed if they innately struggle to deal with negative feelings. We already have proof Jill is like this through previous dramas she had in the lolita community. If anything, Jill would greatly benefit from hyperfocusing, she would finally be able to work on that clothing brand she kept going on about for years but never worked on. It's possible not to be lazy with adhd when it comes to things that generally interest you, i just think you don't have an understanding of what it's like to have it.

No. 2339702

Jill's true mental illness is narcissism resulted from an incredibly caring and loving family. An incredibly privileged individual with unrestricted access to the internet LARPING mental illness trying to win the internet competition about who is the most special snowflake of them all. Psychiatrists will literally diagnose you with anything. Mental health care is a scam .

No. 2339771

Considering how much she bounces around with hobbies/interests, it makes sense. She drops Precure and hyperfocuses on MLP as if it's the only thing she's ever known. Then suddenly she's back being obsessed with drag. Interrupting people like her boyfriend constantly when they talk, or being an uncontrollable baby with her movement. Yeah, again makes sense. She's conflicting this with autism IMO.

Its obvious she doesn't have BPD in my opinion. I didn't say she didn't have some mental illness.

No. 2339773

>Jill doesn't have bpd
>bpd doesn't exist at all
not saying you're the same anon because only a person with bpd would say this and they are always so textbook, they're indistinguishable from each other

No. 2339785

Can't stand grimes but there are some weird ass hons in her thread that try so hard to constantly like claim her as honorary trans and it's odd. Elon is way worse tho.

No. 2339789

I'm a different anon. Not saying that it doesn't exist at all. I just think that mental health care is bad and that Jill is a larper that has grown up in certain communities on the internet and has built her entire identity around being mentally ill. Psychiatrists throw diagnoses around. You could literally just induce symptoms of mental illness on yourself. Go to a professional and claim that you have those symptoms and they will diagnose you.

>I can't stop watching this gif kek. Truly the power of BPD in all force

Someone dancing like a retard in public is the result of BPD? That's just the result of having caring and supportive parents that shelter you from having to face adult responsibility and engaging in a very specific internet rethoric. BPD is a serious mental illness. Cultural norms also shape our behaviors.

No. 2340153

Obviously BPD exists. Jill doesn't have it though. BPD is a cope from nonnas. Jill had lied to get diagnoses before. She hates not having something serious that people care about.

No. 2340154

Idk, BPD.or HPD fit her pretty well. You don't need trauma for BPD to develop, a lot of spoiled rotten retards probably have it. She's clearly mentally ill, just not in the "pity me for all of the things I've gone through to develop this mental illness way". But in the "you're an extremely unpleasant sick fuck and i don't know why else you'd act this way outside of having a personality disorder" way

No. 2340170

You know what else shows signs like BPD? ADHD. Especially the consumption of other personality traits and larping as if you're personality is now different. She's a copycat. She's stick in perpetual roleplay mode. The "noise" in her head is hyperactivity and she thinks its voices and formed it into DID for pity. She's almost a hypochondriac with mental illnesses.

No. 2340278

I hate that fat ball of filth Tuna so fucking much it's incredibly hard not to a-log. Even if I take a break from her threads I still know Pumpkin will continue to be neglected and used as a prop until her little body can't take the neglect anymore and she passes. Not encouraging cowtipping but I hope someone in her life reports the neglect, like a neighbour or landlord or social worker or ANYONE who enters that shit den they call a bedroom and sees the absolute squalor this poor animal lives in. She should be banned for life from owning pets. They're not sentient beings to her, theyre just more plushies for her collection in her eyes.

No. 2340283

Jill has a real bpd diagnosis from many years ago way before the munchie shit. Why do you think you're smarter for diagnosing her with adhd? Are you Jillian acting like she knows more than doctors about illnesses? Lmao

No. 2340286

She and Fanny are prime, wholefat milk (or at least Fanny was before the DFE kek)

No. 2340288

You really think someone with a fake autism diagnosis and fake DID diagnosis wouldn't do what they needed to get that internet popular BPD tumblr gold star diagnosis? Very manic pixie dream girl of her. Oh wait.

No. 2340290

One skimread of May's antics in the cluster (b)itches thread will quickly convince you BPD does exist kek

No. 2340300

File: 1736450148183.jpg (123.51 KB, 1024x683, caroline.jpg)

She's a stacy who refused to go down for a moid

No. 2340301

I have ADHD. I'm sympathetic to the idea of her having ADHD but I think she would have to stop smoking weed before she gets diagnosed. A lot of doctors will want you to stop smoking before you trying to diagnose you.

No. 2340313

Doesn't BPD require trauma too? I don't follow her butt I check her threads occasionally and the way nonas claim she's never had trauma to justify her DID larp but that in reality has BPD confuses me. I don't think she has DID mind you and I think it's possible she's BPD but for that to be true you'd have to admit she went through something traumatic

No. 2340316

>You know what else shows signs like BPD? ADHD
Jesus christ, what even is ADHD anymore

No. 2340329

What exactly does stacy mean to you?

No. 2340347

File: 1736452148963.png (428.58 KB, 860x1075, 1000006822.png)

BPD and ADHD have a lot of overlap. A lot of girls with ADHD are misdiagnosed with ADHD. And you could have both. Jill clearly has a lot of executive dysfunction issues that could potentially come from ADHD. (But I think it's probably her weed addiction)

No. 2340356

People like Jill just want to pathologize every single behavior. They seem to think healthy people never feel sad or irritated, never do anything impulsive, don't feel bad over being rejected, are perfectly ok with loud noises or weird textures always, etc. For things like this to constitute a problem they have to be extreme, so they ham it up and proudly regress as people.

No. 2340369

This is an info-graphic sourced from an Intagram account. It doesn't mean anything. JFC you're using the same logic as Jill and all the other malingerers out there. Get your information from reliable sources, specifically scientific sources, not from random social media accounts run by perma-online losers.

No. 2340393

Are you looking for an academic journal article about the overlap between BPA and ADHD or what? They have some overlapping traits: impulsivity, changing your interests frequently, and emotional instability. Obviously they manifest in different ways but some of the symptoms are similar. Can you explain how this is false?

No. 2340406

>Are you looking for an academic journal article about the overlap between BPA and ADHD or what?
You should be looking for that and sourcing your information from those sorts of mediums.
>Can you explain how this is false?
Yes, but you wouldn't believe me anyway, so what's the point?

No. 2340407

The stupid threads that everyone hates (like the jirai kei and fandom discourse ones) are my guilty pleasures kek

No. 2340412

/w is the ugly, middle stepchild on lolcurr but I think it's a fun, non-serious board. The Stefany Lauren threads have some great hits.

No. 2340416

Here's an example: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s40479-021-00162-w
>Borderline personality disorder (BPD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) revisited – a review-update on common grounds and subtle distinctions
Clearly there is enough common ground that professionals have to write on the differences.
>Overlap in symptom domains particularly in the field of impulsivity and emotional dysregulation in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and borderline personality disorder (BPD) have stimulated further research activities since our last review from 2014.
This is proof that they have enough overlap that experts are interested in researching the difference.(this is an imageboard)

No. 2340419

el oh el

No. 2340421

Did you read the conclusion? lol

No. 2340427

If you think psychiatry isn't scientific then why do you even think BPD or ADHD even exist?>>2340421
The conclusion is that more research needs to be done, not that there's no overlap. But please tell me how there's no overlap.

No. 2340492

No the weed slows you down. It regulates. Its a downer however it can emphasize things like anxiety and depression. This is why I'm pretty sure its ADHD as she has more symptoms than BPD.

No. 2340503

Weed messes up your focus. >>2340301 is right that doctors often won't consider diagnosing patients with ADHD when they are using it. Why is it so important to you to armchair that she has ADHD?

No. 2340505

Pixyteri entering a "mascot horror" phase is the funniest plot twist in a while and it's not even February yet, our queen never stops delivering

No. 2340514

Why are you infighting with my opinion? Move on if you don't like it because I'm going to keep asserting she doesn't have her manic pixie "please think I'm special and don't have a boring mental illness" BPD diagnosis she got before taking weed.

No. 2340515

not even mascot horror, but fucking brainrot like skibidi toilet

No. 2340518

Weed is an extremely common way for adhd people to self medicate, every heavy stoner I know has adhd. Weed makes it easier for people with adhd to focus because it calms the mind, drugs dont work the same way for neurotypicals and neurodivergents.

No. 2340519

>every heavy stoner I know has adhd

No. 2340523

You don't need trauma for BPD. Lots of spoiled brats like her end up with BPD because reality is brutal to special snowflakes.

No. 2340536

Get off of tiktok.

No. 2340558

They don’t exist as biological realities, they exist as social classifications not dissimilar to MBTI personality nonsense

No. 2340754

This. Weed doesn't make you lay flat out dead with ADHD. Same way coffee regulates them too. She's never really a couch potato when shes high, shes still manic and hyper. Exactly how it acts with ADHD. Unless shes trying to crash herself out. Also why her tolerance is high.

No. 2340763

File: 1736476284482.webp (70.81 KB, 709x494, 052422_selfie.webp)

I think Amberlynn Reid is really cute for a deathfat. Like if she were skinny I think she would be very conventionally attractive

No. 2340767

I agree. She would have been very pretty. She might even be able to hold a bmi between 25 and 30 with no issues because she has a fat ass and nice long hair.

Tbh that shit always drives me crazy because I'm ugly even with a sub 25 bmi….

No. 2340770

she knows that, i remember she crying over someone telling her she would be so pretty if she wasnt fat

No. 2340793

That's probably why she has such an easy time dating. I think the attention would seriously get to her head if she went down to even 200lbs.

No. 2340796

didnt she scam 400 out of legos from some of her cowtippers? imagine the amount of damage she could do if she was skinny kek i wish i could hop dymensions to see it

No. 2340800

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I think she would be even more milky if she was skinnier for sure. A damn shame she will never lose weight.

No. 2340841

On this note I don't really understand why people follow amber so diligently. She seems like someone who wants to get better but just keeps succumbing to her food addiction. There are far more milky fatties

No. 2340850

How did we move from attractive, intelligent, or powerful woman to ugly groveling women being “stacies”? She is nothing to aspire to be, valerie solanos beats her in every single way

No. 2340854

Its a joke, anon. Being a stacy means nothing. People that take internet buzzwords so seriously are pathetic.

No. 2340867

>she’s just addicted
Anon the shit she does that isn’t just her stuffing her fat mouth has been covered to death on youtube but I’ll tell you some to save you the watch time
>once went to a restaurant that was close to a vet care facility while her dog was at home in pain from arthritis and claimed there was nothing she could do
>lived with an ex who she purposely let her cat out and while that ex was upset about her missing pet amber took incentive to get a new cat SHE’S always wanted
>recently lost and left her own cat in another state and said she didn’t want help to find her despite being 500lb and it being 50 below outside, all while filming tiktoks and going to bars
>used to live with a minor named casey and took advantage of her mother’s kindness in order to eat all their food and later say casey raped her when it was the other way around
>would abuse her ex that was on medication and forced her to drive her to restaurants and walmart while the ex couldn’t even remember what was happening, ex would try to break up with her but amber would say it’s because shes crazy and on meds so she can’t leave

No. 2340890

You couldn't be any further from the truth anon. If she wanted to get better she wouldn't have made a weightloss channel in which she ended up gaining 300lbs. That within itself is top tier milk to me, idk about you. The thing is, she has sought out professional help, but she refuses to ever actually take their advice. The nail in the coffin for her was the fact that she refuses to accept that she has binge eating disorder for the technicality of the fact that she doesn't gorge on higher than normal amount of calories for her weight in short bursts, which is so fucking annoying. And now she is dating a fucking feeder who enables her terrible eating behaviours. Getting cancer still hasn't made her change her ways. Also, she has bpd, so the usual bpd behaviours constantly exhibit themselves. Imo, she can be pretty boring, but what makes her a lolcow isn't that she does anything shocking in particular, it's simply that she continues to air her business on social media and constantly self sabotages through sheer arrogance and delusion. It's not really the kind of milk that's particularly funny or outrageous, just the type that just makes you shake your head and sigh.

No. 2340892

Normies will call the most male brained pickme women stacies just because they shake their asses on camera, so why the fuck not.

No. 2341024

Sorry its true, almost every addict is either neurodivergent or has trauma and are self medicating. It has nothing to do with tiktok, I used to be a drug addict and run in those circles.

No. 2341038

Love how I saw this as I loaded the page, so just to clarify you are not double posting and I am a different anon, but this is so true. A lot of farmers only know what they see on tv and read on lolcow, but they need to remember that most of this is added for clout or interest/drama. In reality ADHD and other mental illness are handled sometimes with self-medication. Not everything needs to be handled chemically. It would be so easy if Jill had BPD, but I think she is misdiagnosed and has boring ADHD and it's not good enough for. Hence the need to be autistic too. She's so desperate to have something critical that she's gone as far as to pretend to have DID which I still think it's her hyperactive brain and her somehow thinking that means there are voices in her head because of media.

No. 2341297

Nta but with my experience with multiple bippies, Jill abso-fucking-lutely has BPD. There is no fucking question about it. She's a cluster B to a T. It's not used strictly for ADHD but if you have ADHD and also depression, your doctor might prescribe you wellbutrin. Jill was on wellbutrin and that shit did nothing for her at all except make her lose like 5 pounds which is probably the most leading reason why she went on it in the first place. I'm not basing my belief that she has BPD on TV or what other farmers say, I'm basing it on my own personal experience with those demons kek.

No. 2341301

Still genuinely think if more people knew about histrionic personality disorder they'd instantly see it in so many cows. It's a mix of all the worst qualities of NPD and BPD.

No. 2341304

I know Amber and Foodie Beauty are shitty people but most of these "reaction" channels are much worse and have much nastier skeletons in their closet. And it gets to the point you have to ask how moral can you be preaching about some severely mentally ill women with severe eating disorders? You talk shit 24/7 and cry the second one of them returns the same energy. Lot of these channels cowtip too cause they make money triggering these mentally ill people. And I really hate that faggot Jordy and his creep ass parasocial audience.

No. 2341395

Her audience is mostly gays and women with EDs who feel slightly less miserable about themselves when they watch her try to lose weight with a fucked up body, they never have a normal relationship with food. It's not about milk, it's about feeling like less of a "fattie" for maybe 30 seconds. I've had one such orbiter explain her timeline to me and there was nothing of note aside from the feeder saga. It's also irritating to see them try to paint their obsession as compassionate ("we just want her to lose weight so we'll cowtip and make 1000 boring videos about her"). They'd seem less psychopathic if they were honest about why they like watching her

No. 2341400

What, are you surrounded by people who are all diagnosed or are you assuming all these people you know have BPD? You do realize B and T and also typical behaviors in ADHD kids and adults, right? Such as tantrums and hyperactivity? This is why I don't think she had BPD at all. She has way more in common not just mentally but how she physically acts. The theatrics of it all, the constantly needing to munch on something, the obsession with hobbies and then the moving on and then coming back. Anons are retarded to think she doesn't like things because of that, but you hyperfocus and then you come back sometimes years later like she does constantly. Picking out two characteristics and saying it's BPD for a fact is some wishful thinking.

I don't think she truthfully went into the appointment not knowing she wanted to be screened as BPD. She does this with every other mental health thing she has, she hams it up because she want so bad for it to be true and for people to think she has these things. We already know she takes on personality traits like pokemon because she is in constant roleplay hyper mode and needs to be the center of attention. You don't think she never hovered over her computer looking up BPD symptoms and attributing that into how she acts once she's got it in her head she has it? Like DID? Like her autism? She never used to "stim" until she read about it being a thing.

No. 2341403

I used to feel bad for Foodie until I found out she would run over frogs “for fun” with her car. That’s when I realized she is genuinely not a good person.

No. 2341420

NTAYRT but if you aren't familiar with Jill lore just say that and stop fighting over dumb shit. Read her threads on /snow/ and then lurk her /w/ threads and then come back when you know what you're talking about.

No. 2341674

This seems like a bad attempt to ignore the points being made.

No. 2341947

This is grade-a level bait.

No. 2341958

I don't think she has because she was literally fine before the weed in that regard. She didn't need weed to make her YouTube videos, design her mid cosplays or work those jobs she had. She only stopped being able to do anything once she started smoking weed. Diagnosing her with anything while she's both an alcoholic and a pothead is dumb, that's why anons are more comfortable with her bpdemon label, because she got it before the mental jillness larp.

No. 2341962

Addy was fun the first threads but then she started playing it safe and now there's not much milk anymore.

No. 2341964

And you conveniently ignored my point of you being a mega stinky butt. If you didn't have anything to hide, why didn't you refute my claims? Ha, typical anon, so big and stinky but refuses to engage with my superior intellectual argument! If you really weren't a stinky mega butt, you would have received those allegations and refuted them, but instead you chose to conveniently ignore them. Interesting. This is definitely a poor way to ignore my points being made. Do you have any further comments before I speak with the press? At 10AM PST Sunday morning there will be a video conference where this topic is discussed, especially the part where you ignored these points being made, so prepare your statements now for ABC news.(retard)

No. 2341965

>Stop diangosing her with things she doesn't have
>Jill proba ly has ADHD,

No but, from someone that was misdiagnosed with BPD (and I do have ADHD), this does happen often. Not sure if that's the case for Jill though, I had to go get actually tested (my BPD wasn't tested, but a doctor just saw me be angry and said I was BPD) to make sure that I didn't have BPD. And I don't! I don't think Jill would get tested though, she loves being sick.

No. 2341983

i think out of all the cows (at least the ones I’m familiar with I’ve scrolled past some of the methhead threadpics that look somewhat attractive but I think a lot of them shoop too) the one I think has the best natural features/potential is Lillee Jean. Besides her teeth and excess weight I think she has a lot of conventionally attractive features/is not nearly as horrific as nonas itt act like she is. I think it helps too that most of the other cows insist on ‘alternative’ styles and dye their hair unflattering colors and wear cringey/poorly done hair and makeup or are tifs and she just looks like a typical normie you’d see in high school or community college who’s not up to date on current trends

No. 2341986

She's definitely one of the most beautiful people I've ever seen, but anons here have a personal vendetta against her because she got her own lipstick line and she and her mother have a good relationship. She's so talented too, she makes all her own films and podcasts and you can tell she has a fiery drive for success and a genuine passion for creating works of art. I wouldn't be surprised if she makes it big by 2030, I could easily see her acting alongside Timothy Chalamet in Dune Part 4.

No. 2341987

How much did Laur pay you to shill

No. 2341990

What's hilarious is that a lot of the reaction channels that shit on Amber and Chantal for being fat are actually fat themselves. I feel like you shouldn't be allowed to make fun of deathfats unless you yourself have a healthy BMI… Pot meet Kettle

No. 2341991


No. 2341995

kekkk nona

No. 2341999

Why are you being retarded with your replies? It's embarrassing for you, nonna.

No. 2342015

File: 1736570376409.png (32.32 KB, 252x159, 1677629409306.png)

Addy is everything i hate in the modern internet
>pronouns in bio
>ugly and trashy mass produced clothes bought from aliexpress
>makes 'aesthetics' her whole personality
>not a single genuine interest in anything besides consooming
>moralfagging about anime tropes while making her whole personality revolve around consooming shit from loli anime and eroge vns
>nostalgia for the aesthetics of the 00s while simultaneously being against all the edge and freedom from the time
>not a single original thought or style, everything is stolen from something older and turned trashy
>the whole ''internet cyber angle windows xp oldnet'' larp while loving social media and being pro ideologies that restrict free speech and fashion

I want to go back, FUCK. Allowing normalfags easy access to the net was a fucking mistake, just take me back to usenet at this point when only the nerdiest college aged losers would use it.

No. 2342022

>the whole ''internet cyber angle windows xp oldnet'' larp
not only that but her entire life is tiktok/instagram ironic animecore shit every zoomer is doing

No. 2342029

Dana is a disgusting human being but I do feel bad for the state of her teeth. I have a genetic disorder that really affected my tooth and jaw development and my teeth aren't in good shape either. I was born without some of my adult teeth so I just have missing teeth. They aren't as bad as Dana's but I will probably have dentures in the future too. Sometimes I have to take breaks from her thread because even though all the tooth talk is completely true, it makes me feel bad for both of us. Maybe I'm just a pussy though

No. 2342030

Every time I see Dana in a video I’m distracted by her awful tattoos, especially the Disney castle. It’s just the epitome of white trashy woman, so it makes it even funnier to me when she claims she isn’t one.

No. 2342032

You should definitely just avoid that thread imo. Anons can't really avoid talking about it, her teeth all her own fault and she's e-begging for the dental work and probably spending the money on booze, drugs, alcohol and sex toys that will be teeming with stds in the future. Everyone knows a person like you and doesn't think of their teeth that way but simultaneously don't want to feel guilty or bad for making fun of Dana's teeth, since she is literally asking for that (prob has humiliation fetish)

No. 2342037

you are not dana, anon. Dana is a fucking gross dirty addict that pisses on other thots mouths. She doesnt have a condition she's just dirty.

No. 2342054

I'm not super into /pt/ cows anymore, however I have been looking at Luna's thread lately. Why and how is she so dirty nonas? Even when she takes pictures of her nails, her hands have grime and dirt on them. How does she just exist while covered in a layer of grime at all times? Genuinely asking how she got like that.

No. 2342106

Heroin. The answer is heroin

No. 2342112

God I just read all of the soren threads for the first time and i actually cannot believe that any of that happened and there was no coverage on it outside of forums/cow communities. the thread is obviously old and the fact that no one talked about how her parents enabled the shit out of her and gave her unrestricted internet access and fed into all of her delusions, it is so so rare for any tif to have ‘bottom surgery’ (aka peeling the skin off of their entire forearm to make a Frankenstein sleeve that looks nothing like a human penis) and the fact that they had top surgery when they were under 14 is disgusting. Her parents were definitely liberal white saviors who wanted asspats for adopting kids from ‘savage third world countries’ (India obviously has shithole parts but a lot of it is also developed people just assume any country with brown people is fucked) and never ever telling them no. The fact that she was cutting herself and on meth/heroin and overdosed and almost died on it and seemed to be still using up to the surgery and they were seemingly supportive of it just makes me want to cry, not necessarily for Soren as she was as she was definitely a pedophile but for what she could have been, there’s no way her life in India could have been any worse, sure she could have been dirt poor and died of malaria at age 5 or whatever but imo that beats the life she actually had and the pain she inflicted on others. It was also a trip because going through it I recognized some of the names and faces from the tumblr and instagram eras, we had a lot of mutuals + “aesthetics” in common at the time. I was born four years after her so I was like 12-14 during those times and luckily instead of it fucking me up more I was able to grow out of the Nicole Dollanganger and glorifying ‘nymphette’ prostitutes on tumblr and gore/hentai blogs. It’s a small world and it really fucks me up that that could have been me if I was just a little older or had more permissive/liberal nutcase parents as I was a tif (by name/pronouns only thank god) as well.

No. 2342114

I usually do hold a level of sympathy for most cows, excluding the actually vile ones. Having said that, I can't feel bad for Dana. Most cows tend to hold a somewhat "fuck da haturz, I'm a kween, they r just jelluz" mindset, and that seems to be completely lacking in Dana. She is a grown ass adult, obviously affected by what everyone is saying about her and she chooses to actively engage with it every single day. You can tell she reads every lc and reddit post about her. If it upsets you so greatly, do an introspection and log off, retard. It would all literally disappear. I couldn't care less about her teeth, there are plenty of people with jacked teeth irl, people who don't brush their teeth, fat people, people with receding jawlines and keloids from piercings - but that does a cow not make. Her constant readiness to lie and argue for attention on the daily, on the other side, is the milk. Knowing too many women whose mothers were whores, sadly I am inclined to think her daughter will inevitably get molested if she stays in the lifestyle, so maybe that is what truly makes me lack any basic human sympathy and respect for her.

No. 2342117

I don't think Lillee is pretty, but I do think nonas take it too far when they talk about how hideous she is. When she's not making strange facial expressions she looks like any random chubby horse girl.
Her teeth are fixed, which were one of the main things holding her back from looking decent. She's not going to meet her full potential as long as she's so enmeshed with Laur, but hypothetically if she escaped her mother's influence, she'd be able to talk to people in real life and pick up normal facial expressions instead of looking unhinged because she copies them from Disney characters, would probably lose weight just from being able to walk around instead of being cooped up inside unless Laur is with her, and she'd probably notice what other girls her age are wearing and buying trendy clothes instead of dressing like an office secretary in 2008 (in this scenario she'd also be washing her hair regularly, as I assume its current greasiness is just her not being bothered to take care of it properly because she never goes outside for people to see or smell it in the first place).
She could be average or even mildly attractive, but the oppressive dynamic between her and her mother is in the way. I 100% know that the outdated styling choices come from Laur, and Lil's general lack of hygiene and inability to make normal expressions probably stems from being stuck in the attic during her formative years. Her makeup was actually pretty good before Laur pulled her out of school and she was clearly interested in style back then. Maybe in an alternate universe where she stayed in school and developed normally, she actually became the makeup influencer she pretended to be.

No. 2342118

I don't understand why people in the PT thread refuse to believe Pixi has some level of intellectual disability just because she graduated college. Maybe this is just anecdotal but I know a handful of genuinely dumb people who went on to get their BAs in broad liberal arts majors and I'm pretty sure there are accommodations low IQ people can get from their schools.

No. 2342120

You tempted me to read her thread, wish me luck.
Its honestly amazing how shes incapable of not feeding the trolls. She's a great cow because she provides milk non-stop. One of the reasons Fanny's thread is dead is because she stopped responding and providing milk. She wouldnt have 2 threads if she just ignored da haydurs. I hope she doesnt stop and keeps oversharing and responding because now that shayna is dead she became my morning cow to read while i have my coffee.

No. 2342122

I think she has some kind of degenerative disease like schizophrenia. Terry davis used to be normal before the schizo hit in. It can really change a person forever, specially one that was already very mentally ill like sarah.

No. 2342123

File: 1736578986917.jpeg (603.47 KB, 1179x2237, IMG_8995.jpeg)

samefag, but this is the only thing I vaguely remember firsthand from the time because I followed Tayma Martins at the time and apparently am still following her on insta somehow, she was involved in the whole nymphette trauma doll scene but I can’t remember anything abhorrent she did like most other cows and I looked her up and apparently she has a luxury fashion business? Her dresses are all $400+ dollars and looks like they’re all nearly sold out and still have the same pastel/rural aesthetic. Honestly good for her she seems sweet and normal glad that at least some people made it out of that cesspit community. I remember her being upset about that review when the book came out though I think people reassured her when they figured out who wrote it.

No. 2342128

They ignore every single post pointing this out now and they respond to every update with some super obvious retort to the mental shit she says. It's bizarre. She can be like "im OLD and I don't know how this can opener works I think it's broken" and they'll legit respond with something like "ugh how old is she, everyone knows how to use a can opener. She's saying that for attention she just wants people to think she's helpless. Everyone knows how to use a can opener Sarah you're forty for fucksake!!" It's the same thing over and over like bots.

No. 2342135

File: 1736581263494.jpg (248.82 KB, 600x470, dana_touching_grass.jpg)

It's been fascinating watching things develop with her over the past few months, but I'm almost sick of the amount of milk she provides. She really does read and respond to every single comment, which is then posted here or reddit, and then nitpicked in an exhausting cycle. One person even questioned the way she was eating soup, I'm pretty sure it's just because it's a hot food and it'd have burnt her lips kek. She's certainly horrifying on a daily basis and fully deserving of criticism, but I desperately need her to log off for a day (impossible) so her retardation can recharge. Right now she's being overly careful because she's so invested in her own panopticon. There's also the redditors on her thread who don't lurk and lack reading comprehension.

No. 2342143

this. i think when it comes to severe mental illnesses like this even before the unique symptoms (hallucinations/paranoid delusions) there are some people who appear normal and some that obviously have something off with them but not to the point of having a diagnosis especially if you have parents who aren’t proactive about testing/resources. There was obviously something wrong with her even in high school when she looked very normal/cute (in her high schools grad photos especially I think her mom was dressing her) because she was posting shit on the 1st anniversary of 9/11 in 2002 how everyone needs to ‘get over it’ and it was annoying her kek like she was obviously very socially unaware and self-centered from the beginning. There usually is a distinction between mental illness vs mental disability/low IQ but when it comes to undiagnosed/‘mild’ behavior before things get worse it gets kind of muddled. The IQ that qualifies you as officially ‘disabled’ is 75, however the average is 100. Sage for blog but I have family members who have worked both for CPS and schools/one-on-one work for kids and adults with special needs the gap of just even having a slightly below average IQ like 80-85 compared to other functional adults is just huge, but they don’t technically have anything diagnosable and therefore can be taken advantage of/have a bunch of kids and live in filth etc. Obviously there’s a lot of people with normal IQs who are just retarded and make those decisions because they want to and lots of those with below average IQs who have drive and don’t play victim which Sarah obviously is not

No. 2342176

File: 1736587245424.png (417.63 KB, 512x680, Screen Shot 2025-01-11 at 3.16…)

It's so annoying people who follow her pretend she's so ugly. She's a cow sure possibly a narc even but not ugly.
She would unironically be a Stacy if she was skinny. Her eyes are gorgeous and if she actually lost weight she would look amazing. Probably a narc though so maybe it's better that she won't.

No. 2342186

I was diagnosed with ADD as a child and honestly? All of this is bullshit. All these mental health disorders are symptoms of an unnatural society. Of course the human animal is gonna act fucked up in captivity. It's sick to expect normalcy when our adaptive skills are constantly being challenged in ways it never was meant to.

No. 2342189

>On meth/heroin
I think this was a story of hers. It's hard to tell what was real and what wasn't with Soren, but I seriously doubt she actually got access to these drugs.

No. 2342467

Get it recheked, nonna. ADD was a cope. Its ADHD.

No. 2342581

Can't believe Taylor R using a soap dispenser at disneyland is considered milk

No. 2342731

I've never read that thread but everything I hear about it makes it seem so petty

No. 2342737

It's got to be 3 vendettafags AT MOST who are keeping that thread active through pure spite kek. 5 if we're being generous.

No. 2342942

The Empathchan thread is the one of the worst threads in /snow/. It was fun at first but Chloe stopped acting like a lunatic irl and now she's no different than any other e-thot. The thread is only kept alive because one sperg (which has to be either her trying to stir up interest about herself or an obsessed vendettafag) keeps bumping it with boring shit like her posting pictures in ugly Shein outfits and shooping her waist thinner (so identical to everyone in the e-girls thread). Then they argue and insult anyone who tells them it's not milk.
It's a shame because empathchan is the one and only cow that's local to me and she used to be one of the most unhinged cows on the whole site.

No. 2342956

I'm reading new-ish updates on Elaine Miller's kf thread (since the one here is dead). Holy shit, she went downhill. She's part of child grooming groups, follows animal gore and legit zoophilia accounts on twitter, fraternizes with actual admitted provable pedophiles. What the fuck happened??? Well, I know what happened, but jesus christ.

No. 2343089

File: 1736642616150.png (508.99 KB, 587x663, hog.png)

I really think that she is just so unhealthy. I look at her and I can immediately tell she's chronically dehydrated and eats less than 20g of protein per day. The dark circles under her eyes are freaky.

No. 2343095

File: 1736643380039.jpg (71.9 KB, 731x1023, 1411532175492.jpg)

Looking back at Pixyteri's old LJ and tweets, it's pretty obvious she's genuinely schizophrenic and it's not a bid for attention. So many old posts about seeing ghosts, having random pains that feel like spiritual attacks, and persecution delusions out the wazoo. Schizophrenia tends to emerge in later adulthood, after all. I don't know why so many people are unwilling to accept that she's definitely not making this sort of stuff up and she thinks it's real. Can't blame her parents for everything, but the fact that they scream at her that she's just defective and use rewards/punishments with no end goal to get her to "behave" doesn't help her. They refuse to recognize that she needs actual outside help, not punishment, so she's stagnated and hasn't grown since she was 20. I am so worried about what will happen to her when her mom dies.

In retrospect, it also now feels kind of obvious that she'd troon out eventually. She was always extremely misogynistic, but more importantly she was obsessed with male sexual attention/validation and subsequently based her entire idea of womanhood on that. The older she got, the less she felt that she could be sexually appealing to men, and the less she felt like a woman. Combine that with severe mental illness and undiagnosed PCOS/hormonal imbalance, you've got ripe grounds for trooning out. I just miss her old joy so much no matter how crazy she was back then too. She was just beginning to shine..

No. 2343187

PT really did just keep going, didn't she? People were heckling her left and right but she still poopin'.

No. 2343268

The anons posting are literally giving the mods fodder to lock the thread. Then they act pretend grossed out by soap. Farmhand confirmed its like 3 or 4 vendettafags who keep posting all this trash. Taylor hasn't had milk in years and while the baby confinement could've been milky its not. Millions of women do it. Honestly being able to heal for that long. Especially if you split is a godsend. Can't imagine wanting a woman to get up on her feet, bleeding for a month straight, and struggling. Not struggling makes her a cow? God.

No. 2343328

>Farmhand confirmed its like 3 or 4 vendettafags
never happened. Some dubious comment 2-3 years ago about "using the thread like a chatroom" is not "confirming" there are "3 or 4 vendettafags." Do you even know what a vendetta is? Nice infight bait and pearl clutching about pregnant women. Her confinement was years ago now. There's been a long gap between posts in her thread because no one seems to want to get banned. That's still not enough for the anon(s) who are foaming at the mouth to lock the thread. I can't imagine having some personal mission to lock a legacy cow's thread.

No. 2343332

This is one of the 3 vendettafags, using a soap dispenser and recovering from birth when you have a rich husband isnt milk

No. 2343337

You can tell from the instant aggression in the reply. I always wonder WTF did Taylor even do to these vendettafags in the first place? She is the most banal boring normal woman. Calling her a legacy cow is such a stretch. Some tards never moved on from PULL.

No. 2343352

>You can tell from the instant aggression in the reply
Kek I think that's the same anon who just went "NUH-UH!" in /meta/ when someone else complained about Taylor's boring ass thread

No. 2343363

This was address in /meta/ by a farmhand though. It's true.

No. 2343413

NTA, but how is that anons response 'pearl clutching about pregnant women'? She was literally defending Taylor for something normal that the weirdos in her thread were shitting on her for at the time. I've never seen an anon outside of her thread be so mad at Taylor being called milkless kek

No. 2343535

Not going to reply to all the rabid responses to my simple non-aggressive post here, but this is an insane strawman:
>Can't imagine wanting a woman to get up on her feet, bleeding for a month straight, and struggling. Not struggling makes her a cow? God.
No one said anything like this. But moreover it's so irrelevant to the current state of anything. Why try to infight about it?
Then bring a link, don't just claim I'm wrong. I know the one post in meta 2 years ago, where a farmhand mentioned "chatroom" behavior on 1-2 days. That didn't talk about vendettas.

It's been months since I posted anything in any part of /w/ so I'm not any of the anons you hate so much. But I used to like reading some /w/ threads and I think it's stupid that a couple anons have to derail and whine to mods and clog up threads they don't like instead of ignoring them like normal anons. It was more fun when we could disagree without massive abuse of reports to get other anons banned. And that's a comment on the anon(s) who behave like that, not the moderation per se. I miss the chiller atmosphere we had and have no idea why there's this need to lie and campaign for threads to be locked and attack people who have different opinions.

No. 2343668

Lurk meta yourself. Don't be lazy af.

I don't think they know what pearl clutching means. It was an example anyway, not sure why anon is acting like this over it.

No. 2344509

Dana is so ugly, pathetic, gets so many hate comments, and gets even more after replying to nearly every single one and feeding the trolls that I almost feel bad for her until I remember Matt Hare. If she showed genuine remorse for how she treated her husband's victims and gave a sincere apology, I might actually hop off her hate train and cut her some slack. But then again, she also keeps endangering her daughter and exposing her to all kinds of inappropriate perversions. She's such a god awful person I have to keep reminding myself she deserves all the self-inflicted mental torture she's putting herself though by oversharing her extremely cringe life online for all of us to judge

No. 2344527

It's actually kind of fascinating how low IQ she is

No. 2344539

I keep seeing mention of this name but never any thread about them, is this someone in proana or something? A literalwho

No. 2344543

she has a thread in snow, a rising star only on her second thread. She got featured so often on the poly thread she got her own

No. 2344544

/snow/ cow Dana Hare or Sinnabunny, she's enjoyable and milky to read about imo

No. 2344548

Oh sinnabunny, ok. Her name is mentioned here so often suddenly but I felt like I never passed her in snow

No. 2344666

i cannot get enough of Lexity. his thread was only posted TODAY and it's just non-stop milk. i don't remember the last time i was so locked in on a cow and oh god, its just going to snowball from here. he is the definition of trainwreck and i cannot look away.

No. 2344670

I'm actually loving /snow/ lately. It's been a lot of fun.

No. 2344675

Started reading his thread because of this. How do I explain it…he has the eyebrows and eyes of onision

No. 2344680

Dana and Lexity have the potential to revive the cow boards. What a couple trainwrecks.

No. 2344686

2025 is the rebirth of /snow/

No. 2344692

What gets me is that I've been saying for years that the general threads are the #1 problem with /snow/. Both Lexity & Dana were posted a lot in their respective general threads before getting their own threads. It's good to see anons finally digging into the cows that appear constantly in the general threads and milking them. The bar for which cows "deserve" a thread on /snow/ is way too high, and that keeps the board stifled.

No. 2344698

Like other nonnas here, I’m also enjoying how active /snow/ is at the moment, but I feel like farmers don’t really enjoy male lolcows as much as I do. I hate having to go to KF to get my fill… Lexity is promising but not truly my favorite type of cow. I want the Elon Musk thread to be more active, or the twitch general thread because I love political grifters like Hasan Piker and Destiny.

No. 2344703

Be the change you wanna see, nona and steal caps from moidfarms.

No. 2344718

I actually feel bad for dream, people spread and say really nasty shit about him just because he's famous and it's socially acceptable to hate him so I honestly can't really blame him for crashing out, because can you imagine that kind of stress? Literally millions of people hating you publicly, and it's seen as morally WRONG to defend you? I feel like he did a pretty good job of debunking the pedo shit tbh. I'm a complete outsider to this mcyt shit, I've never been a fan of his, but every time I hear about the guy it's people being complete assholes to him/spreading lies/bpdemons getting mad they didn't obsess over him back, him getting upset about this and then having his reaction get vilified. It's easy to say you won't let that type of thing affect you, but as someone who has reached popularity on a much smaller scale in my niche, it really does have an effect on your psyche, especially when it begins to infiltrate your inner circles and you don't know who you can trust anymore. Everything and everyone becomes a potential threat and it's scary.

No. 2344737

i love male cows. they are more funny and cringe. and women cow threads suffer from nitpicking and over-defending where male cow threads have those pathetic anons who want to fuck them, which is hilarious.

No. 2344743

File: 1736749497750.jpg (87.92 KB, 801x1200, 34e63abb6c7ae8d9f53eff5f10f7ad…)

Its funny as fuck to me because he's a fat, useles, ugly moid. The face reveal and how everyone dogpilled him for looking like picrel is one of my favourite moments on the internet. He encouraged his psycho parasocial teenage fans and 100% knew what he was doing. He literally sold an USB with pics of him as a baby. He played with fire and got burnt.

No. 2344747

Nothing is stopping your from posting milk from cows you follow. How can you expect threads to be active if you wont even post yourself?

No. 2344750

this. thank you.

No. 2344822

File: 1736754515799.jpg (52.92 KB, 1269x650, Screenshot 2025-51.jpg)

Holy shit. I had to look up what he looks like now. Your pic really isn't an exaggeration KEKK

No. 2344833

He was extremely arrogant and thought like he was untouchable because he had an army of literal children he could sic onto anybody who even slightly criticized him. I don't feel bad for him at all. Dude had one of the most parasocial fanbases I've seen, very heavily encouraged by himself so that he could exploit them for money and mass harassing anybody who he didn't like/didn't like him. Even when called out for it he acted like he was morally correct for having his fans harass and bully people who didn't like him. All that fame got to his big head and he thought they would still like him even though he doesn't look like their idealized anime dreams (kek) and instead looked like fucking Shane Dawson. If he was just a random popular guy who wasn't known to be a shithead then yeah I'd feel bad for him getting dunked on so hard. He cultivated the fanbase who he would sic onto other people, in the end they turned against him. It's almost poetic

No. 2344836

The Onision phenotype is to be avoided at all costs.

No. 2344838

They're also way more likely to bring their cowness into the real world which is always prime milk. Ethan Ralph going to Portugal and getting beaten up two separate times is peak lolcow history to me

No. 2344859

File: 1736758788957.png (Spoiler Image,559.16 KB, 627x797, liselotte.png)

After all those years of destroying herself with a shitty diet, heavy medications, her weight fluctuating, tattoo / surgery addiction, Charlotte charms still has one of the cutest face to me.

No. 2344863

I thought this was Post Malone. Then I thought it was Selena Gomez's ogreman. Imagine my shock when I realize it's that retarded minecraft youtuber. Men are being walled at the speed of light these days

No. 2344869

>feeling bad for a scrote with grooming allegations and extremely parasocial relationship with his underage fans

No. 2344878

I used to feel this way a bit but you do realise there HAS to be a reason so many people dogpile on him. Sometimes the majority opinion is true because it's the majority opinion, or idk how to word it.

No. 2345099

> I'm a complete outsider to this mcyt shit, I've never been a fan of his
>people being complete assholes to him/spreading lies
How do you know they're lies if you don't follow him and his drama?

No. 2345298

So he went from trollface personified to… whatever this is. That beard isn't doing him any favors.

No. 2345355

I tried to get into this lexity tranny but trans cows just depress me because of the handmaidens. You have literal rapists, pedophiles, narcissists, abusers, etc, being protected by actual XX women tooth and nail, it's just so disheartening. I wonder if this madness is gonna end some day, if these women will finally snap out of their nlog delusion and realize they're just being manipulated by men again. But until then tranny cows aren't for me.

No. 2345390

I still don't understand how they're the "moidfarms" but nonnas are ironically way more moidish… KF seems pretty 50/50 when it comes to having a male and female userbase from what I've seen. I don't think I've ever seen trannies getting called hot and conventionally attractive on KF, can't say the same for LC.

No. 2345426

You're definitely hanging out in more female spaces if you think that. I like KF female spaces (beauty parlor and some other cows that attract women) and use the site frequently but go check out articles and happenings, thunderdome and other OT boards. It's all men and they proudly talk about how much they hate women, how we're useless and only exist to be fucked.

No. 2345435

trans cows seem kinda repetitive to me too, it’s just sort of boring. Like ok, sex pest or full blown rapist, disgusting hygiene, nasty habitat, handmaidens, probably poly, deadbeat or child abuser, agp, etc. There, I described 300 trans cows, now they’re gonna go fight the Persian army and defend Sparta and hopefully all die.

No. 2345440

Dana genuinely frightens me, I grew up with a BPD mother who was constantly embroiled in conflict and it absolutely ruined my childhood. I was ostracized because of her behavior and that was long before social media. At the very least I had my father but tiny human has no one. No one. The thought of a little girl alone in the world surrounded by degenerates who probably molest her makes me want to sob. We live in hell

No. 2345442

It’s so weird coming back to this thread and seeing responses like this. I do post in cow threads, not sure why you assumed I don’t, but it’s obvious that female and trans cows get more attention compared to male cow threads.

No. 2345540

>I don't think I've ever seen trannies getting called hot and conventionally attractive on KF
Really? I don't really look at it these days but tranny sideshows is full of retarded chasers, "femboys", and self hating trannies.

No. 2345644

If taylor r wasnt a "legacy cow" her thread would have been locked for being milkless ages ago

No. 2346100

Agreed. She's one of the most boring cows on here now. I want there to be milk, I really do, but there's only so many times I can read about what amounts to a bitch eating crackers. The vendettafags will never let the fact that Taylor got the kind of life they probably covet go and will continue to falseflag and screech about WKs whenever a farmer isn't as autistic ally invested as they are about her mundane, milkless social media updates.

No. 2346101

I unironically like taylor r

No. 2346127

I remember when kiki's post history was revealed she posted a lot on taylor r's thread. she's stuck in the past so probably still does kek

No. 2346314

they literally used to wk some commie tranny and consider him ''one of the good ones''

No. 2346318

Dana is tackier than Shayna. There, i said it. She makes Shayna look like a high class whore in comparison.

No. 2346322

All the shaytards migrating to Dana's thread en masse are ruining it for me. You can see a clear shift before and after they started shitting up the thread with their usual retardation that used to be reserved for Shayna's boring milk, except it's worse there because Dana has actual milk to be discussed and they hyper focus on the most retarded things instead. And why do they have to mention her and compare her to Dana 24/7 as if they had anything in common other than being bdsm loving ethot cows?
>Dana has a butthole tattoo? Well I give props 2 shay for not having any uglee tats exdee!
Jesus, is she your special interest or something?

No. 2346328

Mald about it, both are ugly whores.

No. 2346329

And you're deeply autistic, go play with your fidget spinner and watch some helluva boss for a bit while the grown ups talk, kay?

No. 2346330

Ironically this sounds like a joke Vizvie would write.

No. 2346339

>growns up talk
since when is gossip some high-class mature activity. You are laughing at a tattoed polyfag addict wallace, not discussing Dostoyevsky.

No. 2346346

so i posted >>2312419 and i realized just now that i saw pixielocks at the fucking mental health center, i saw her in the waiting room. i think we have the same psychiatrist

No. 2346349

Lexity has been the milkiest cow in a long time. Time to eat snacks, drink some wine, and enjoy it!

No. 2346359

>is she your special interest or something?

No. 2346366

but doesn't she live in Frederickton?

No. 2346371

yes that's how i saw her?

No. 2346373

The thread has been absolute shit the past few days. Retards posting old milk, nitpicking, and general lack of reading comprehension has sucked out half the fun. The infight over the bank account joke was insufferable, and saying that you shouldn't post jokes because the thread "moves too fast" is an absolutely brain dead take.
Nitpicking over how nasty dana's porn is, how ugly she is, and her politics are shitting up the thread. Who cares that Dana said some distasteful things in 2011, it's pretty clear that she's a normie millennial center-leftist who just happens to be a porn-obsessed pickme. Tinfoiling that she's secretly a trump supporter is completely unfounded. She rarely even mentions politics, her content is either porn, polyamory, or responding to haters. Shaytards and redditors have spent the day discussing how woke she is, nitpicking her porn and butthole tat, and dredging up milk that was posted months ago.

No. 2346387

but the butthole tattoo is so milky and tacky. I hate the ''no fun allowed'' police that thinks laughing at ugly cows is srss bussiness.

No. 2346394

damn. so she is going to therapy after all, anything else you may want to add?

No. 2346399

this is lolcow chill out and have fun

No. 2346403

>is she your special interest or something?
They keep photos of her nudes in their gallery so probably

No. 2346411

Not a single jirai girl in the jirai thread is interesting. Whining online and editing just doesn't cut it IMO to be a cow anymore.

No. 2346435

There's one idiot who keeps posting whatever they can find as long as they search "jirai" on twitter or find accounts through other girls. They even posted someone underage of 16. If this is the milk we are getting most of the time, maybe this wasn't worth having a thread over.

No. 2346437

There's milk out there but I feel like those into the jirai scene, being in the earlier half of their 20s on average, just really want to be spoonfed, and everyone's always waiting for someone else to fill them in instead of searching for and posting milk themselves. Meruu and Nico tend to be consistently milky, as well as the agere weirdo but I agree a lot of the shoop drama is boring.

No. 2346439

During November the thread was going pretty strong, but then we got flooded with low effort newfags. We just have to be the change we want to see I guess kek.

No. 2347213

I'm honestly shocked by how quickly everyone here moved on and dismissed Luigi's munchie ways. Dare I say… if he were a female the munchie of it all would have been discussed ad nauseam

No. 2347518

There would be nonas nitpicking her appearance kek

No. 2347648

Elon is arguably more milky than grimes and nobody can change my opinion on that

No. 2347876

lol i can already envision the farmers reeeing about Luiga's rodent teeth and dead soulless rat eyes ala shay

No. 2347899

it's hilarious how people here will pretend amberlynn is attractive but call empath fat and ugly. empath is objectively prettier than her while actually having a good body

No. 2347900

The same anons who were moralfagging and reeeing about women being attracted to Luigi would be the first bitches to make fun of his looks if he were a woman too kek. Be real. Most anons would be celebrating her though.

No. 2347903

I miss Venusangelic. She is my favorite weirdo on the interwebs to follow and she has been MIA for months. I really hope she isn't dead, I genuinely like her despite her shenanigans. (expect for her porn crap, I never needed to see that.)

No. 2347905

I have an unironic love and appreciation for classic Queen PT. She seemed happy back then.

No. 2347909

>empath is objectively prettier than her while actually having a good body
Not to hi cow but…

No. 2348004

File: 1736979797323.jpg (638.31 KB, 4096x2304, 1736978846989.jpg)

she looks so cute here and I like her new hair a lot, no I'm not defending her or her actions if you're worried about that

No. 2348010

i know users here love to nitpick, but actually go outside for once. most women are some combination of fat, tatted, or sunburnt. empath looks better than the average woman

No. 2348035

That's bait

No. 2348045

Did you come here from tiktok or tumblr I'm genuinely asking.

No. 2348055

>empath looks better than the average woman
>implying the average woman looks like dana

No. 2348059

>moralfagging about being attracted to luigi
You’re literally attracted to an ancestor of the caveman who rubbed two sticks together and created fire with his unibrow orangutan looking ass

No. 2348060

discounting the pastel vomit which is tryhard and uncoordinated, she's just very facially ugly and fat. the piercings don't help either

No. 2348062

No. 2348337

She looks like an overweight pug wincing in pain after suffering a cardiac event.

She can't even open her eyes for a photograph because she knows if she catches a glimpse of herself she'll need to take 3 rips from her crusty bong to dull the damage to her self-esteem.

She has to always scrunch her face so that she has an excuse as to why she's so fugly - "I was just making a funny face! It's supposed to be weird looking, haha!" She's too afraid to be genuine because she knows that's she's genuinely trash.

Jill has less hair than my 74 year old grandmother. Jill has spent the last decade chemically frying and destroying her hair, and now all that's left is a handful of straw that limply sits on her caveman skull. She should start building her wig collection now in the face of the inevitable.

Her idea of interior design is sticking toys from the 90s onto a wall. Her entire house is filled with toys and useless crap because she's so spiritually empty that consumerism is her saving grace, but ironically that same consumerism is the foundation of her personal prison.

No matter how much she edits her photos, or how she tries to sneakily pose, she'll always be a fat hog-like lady. She can snort all the bupropion she wants, but her jawline is never coming back. Maybe she shouldn't have gone 26 years without trying broccoli. Maybe her diet shouldn't consist of frozen chicken nuggets and Monster energy drinks.

I can't believe anyone could see this picture and think that she looks 'so cute.' All I see is an isolated, unfashionable, drug-addicted, fat loser. She's just mundane, ordinary, banal white-trash.(reddit spacing)

No. 2348344

Holy autism

No. 2348355

Yeah, something Jill will never experience.

No. 2348357

No. 2348453

i miss the onision thread so bad y’all, it’s so boring now and he was my favorite cow. i’m glad he’s been so exposed and functionally permanently cancelled even if the legal cases don’t go anywhere, but god do i miss seeing his sperg outs and lainey’s awkward younows and makeup tutorials. i fear there will never be another cow of his caliber which i know is a good thing in the long run but ugh what freak am i supposed to laugh at now?? it feels like the only cows exhibiting truly cowish behavior anymore are trannies but they piss me off too much to enjoy in the same way.

No. 2348474

I think so too as long as she keeps the top of her head bolumized and not sleek her hair down. It looks terrible on her without some top fluff.

No. 2348483

Flashback randomly to 2017 social media where white people kept putting the letter b in front of everything because of crips vs bloods and it made me feel like I was in an alternate timeline

No. 2348504

Anon, the v is next to the b. It's a mistake. What the fuck are you even talking about?

No. 2348645

It's clearly not Kiki. I don't know why farmers keep saying this. The only people who keep trying to push this narrative half a decade later are the spergs who have gotten half of /w/ closed already. All the good cows are now locked away in dead threads.

I don't even like the idea of "legacy cows". They don't make sense just because they have been around and were milky when the site was still new. The site is ver 10 years old now and these "legacy cows" also don't do anything anymore. They've moved on and these farmers don't like it, so now all we get is complaining about a few strays hairs she should've combed out of the way as if that's somehow funny and not some autistic obsessed retard posting.

No. 2348646

Read the groyper and general right-wing moid threads on kiwifarms if you can ignore the comments from the retarded moid userbase

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