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No. 2312101
Have you found out that if you express anything about a cow inside their thread you get banned or dunked on? Well this is the thread for you!
>Do you want to rant about how much you hate a cow without disrupting the thread? Go ahead!
>Do you want to sympathize with the cow and talk about how it's not too late to change? Do it, nona!
>Do you want to blogpost to compare your life to the cow in question? Here's the place!
Express yourself, have fun!
Post your pessimistic, optimistic, negative, controversial, rude, or relatable takes.
This is not a thread to complain about threads, bans, or mods, do that on /meta/.
However, you can complain about the fanbase of the cow or the people who dislike the cow here.Previous thread:
>>>/ot/2124818 No. 2312175
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I think pixielocks may actually have autism it's just that her narcissism and theatrics make her over dramatize all the symptoms she reads online for attention
No. 2312183
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Who’s tia is this
No. 2312199
>>2312175I've never thought she was autistic in any way. I have autism and I can immediately know other autists just from the energy that they exude, and I've never gotten that from Jill. She actually strikes me as quite manipulative, something inside me tells me "don't trust her."
I've met so many Bippies in my life because they're naturally attracted to autists because they think that we're easier to manipulate. Maybe some of us are, but not me. Jill strikes me as a classic bippie: that is, she would rather have every other disorder under the sun rather than just admitting she has BPD and going to therapy for that. Other autists can chime in, but have you all noticed that since 2020 soo many bippies or narcs have started pretending to have autism because they're too ashamed to say they have BPD? It's a whole trend.
She was an edgy pre-adolescent, she used to go to loud ass skating rinks to hang out with friends, wore tight restricting clothes for the sake of her subcultures' fashion standards. When she was teenager, she was into theatre and did a bunch of school productions, she was social and had lots of friends, and she was driven by her desire to succeed. She became obsessed with lolita because of her weeb identity and created a pretty successful YT channel at the time, she was even featured on the national news. She hosted and managed fan clubs for her "new style," party kei. She has no trouble with boyfriends, because while she was accomplishing all this she had a string of relationships.
Her background is not congruent with what autism is like or how people experience autism.
She only really started to malinger once she got hooked on cannabis and stopped trying to succeed in life. One of the main symptoms of cannabis abuse is apathy and a lack of drive or willpower. Since getting hooked on weed, she's: faked having seizures on TikTok; started lying about her cushy upbringing; started saying her family neglected her; claiming that she was born with a "natural dissociation-prone personality;" she's faked having DID; and, she's all but abandoned her fashion designer dream. She's faked so much of her life, but this is only a recent trend for her. If you go back and look at her old content like her videos, her blogs, her website (which was later taken down because it contradicts all her claims of neglect and abuse), that material presents a much more honest and humble picture of her life.
Jill wants to succeed, she wants to be popular, she wants to be a fashion designer, but her dependence on drugs and her BPD stops her from achieving what she wants to achieve. Since she's in denial about both of these road blocks, she can't move forward. So, instead of looking forward, she's hyper-focused on the past. She's trying to look for external reasons (really, excuses) for why she isn't where she wants to be in life, instead of just admitting that she's her biggest enemy.
No. 2312242
>>2312220Her BPD was one of the main elements of her pre-Fredericton identity actually. I think her biggest issue is that she's trapped herself in this weird quasi-identity that she no longer feels attached to. She started to believe that the persona she projected online was a real thing, not just a tool she uses to succeed.
This isn't directed at you, but something that I've noticed since the DID-arc began is that a lot of Jillfags don't know a lot about Jill from pre-2019. They don't have the same knowledge about her person or her issues as the anons that were following her since her beginnings on /snow/.
No. 2312931
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>>2312196People always forget about HPD. Jill and a lot of other cows are so histrionic it hurts.
No. 2313565
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I hate how spoiled Jill grew up. I know it most than likely contributed to her lazy self absorbed personality but i would be lying if i said i didnt wish i had all the opportunities she had. Her fucking mom used to buy her lolita dresses! meanwhile i had the same wardrobe since i was 14 until i turned 24. Her and Shayna piss me off so badly because they had all the opportunities in the world yet threw them all away.
No. 2315356
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i remembered Yukapon existed and went to see what she's up to. i wish i didn't. her thread is depressing, especially if you haven't kept up with her at all since her early weeb days.
it's hard to imagine she's making findom only fans BDSM content telling her viewers to goon and pump and empty their wallets. it's so grim, i feel a pit in my stomach. how did she end up like this?
No. 2315630
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I wish i could write straight fire schizo posts like PT or Lucinda.
No. 2315663
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>angsty moid alter is back under new name
>''drag'' is back
i feel like jill did this specifically for me as a christmas gift, her jerrick drag king saga was one of my favourite and i was so sad when she offed him. I am more invested than i should in Jill's mental illness OCs
No. 2317609
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I'm genuinely sad she hasn't been spotted on transanta yet. I hope she found a way to lay low and didn't skip applying for it altogether. She was a queen for scamming them, fuck her TRA classmates
No. 2318658
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Couldn’t post on the thread bc it’d be blog posting but I can’t fathom how nasty and quickly Luna gets her plushies. I’ve been collecting Korilakkuma plushies for almost a decade now and even the ones I’ve had in bed with me since 2018 haven’t gotten anywhere near as dirty as this.
No. 2318747
>>2312361>To me, right now the most interesting ones are on tiktok or on kiwifarmsAgreed. The right-wing moids documented on KF are so hilariously inept and milky, but their threads are plagued by
slightly less retarded moids who act like jilted exes towards them.
No. 2320605
>>2320578Someone (the person who claimed she's taking accountability for her actions) on her thread just claimed to not personally know her but to have a bunch of irl mutuals with her. Mad
sus imo. Especially because it came a few posts after someone claimed she has no milk, her thread will die, and she should never have had her own thread even though Dana is one of the most milky cows on the whole site and is constantly over sharing about her failed poly relationships and awful parenting.
No. 2321586
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Anybody know what happened to Abby Brown? She was one cow I truly had a soft spot for.
No. 2321678
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>>2321586I checked the FB group and apparently she deactivated her account? There's barely any new posts in the group.
No. 2322247
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I am going to start college soon and the only thing that keeps me away from having a mental breakdown over the uncertainty of not knowing if i will do good or not, is knowing that both Terry and PT have college degrees. They are some of the most dysfunctional cows i know of and they still somehow managed to pull it off, so i should do good, right? I still remember when i found out Terry was an engineer, legit thought he was one of those speds on dosability that need a tard wrangler
No. 2322550
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>>2322247You’ll do fine nona, some of the dumbest people I know have a college degree. The school wants you to succeed because it reflects well on them and ensures better funding. Even without that I can tell you write well which is a dying skill. I believe in you.
No. 2323431
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Pixielocks is unironically the cow with the easiest life and upbringing of this entire website. Nonas who get defensive about calling her family rich (they are) are delusional. Also compare her life to most cows. Not poor, no
abusive parents, no grooming or assault when young, no batshit
abusive ex, no selling nude photos for pennies when they can't pay rent, not filming yourself doing degrading kinks as self-harm i mean money, not even a real mental illness to cry about, not heavy drugs like meth or a life-ruining and body destroying case of alcoholism. Nothing.
ANY cow would trade lives with her immediately.
>>2321586I root for her so much but anytime I see her I get so sad. I hope she dropped that pig and got bettter meds.
No. 2325131
There is a girl I went to high school with, most agree that she is very beautiful. She was very popular, cheerleader, gorgeous hair, she also had a curvy figure, all of the boys liked her. I mean, yeah, she's definitely NOT ugly. I must reiterate maybe like 1 or 2 out of 10 people would call her ugly and then said people would be scrutinized like "bro what thats {insert girl's name here} shes so freaking hot broo" Extremely conventionally attractive, is this girl. just not my type. I just realized she looks like Shayna. Her face is like scrunched up, like she has a downturned nose, and her default looks like something smells, if you know what i mean (Shailene Woodley kind of nose and mouth area) and her nose is bulbous and her eyebrows are arched intensely, she looks kind of evil, imo, but she's not dry skinned. Her face is exactly like Shayna's if Shayna had bigger lips, brown skin, was 5'1", and had a huge ass this would be her doppelganger, maybe it's just cause she has a huge ass that everyone finds her so attractive which is ironic cause Shay's known for her iconic hank hill ass.(off topic)
No. 2325141
>>2325131also this girl is good at makeup, and 2 of my high school crushes did not like me back, as they liked her. Now she is still considered beautiful we are only 22, but she hasn't let herself go
like shay. but im not trying to insult her, she legit looks like a pretty version of
shayna btw i do not think
Shayna is all that bad to begin with.
No. 2325592
>>2325575Agreed, so many threads are boring as fuck and only get full because of boring nitpicks shitting them up. The e-thots thread is just people zooming in on some twitter whore's photoshopped waists. Half the radfem cows thread is just people posting screenshots of randos having different opinions from them (the most egregious example that comes to mind is someone posting screenshots of a lesbian radblr orbiter nobody had ever heard of calling tifs ugly and reblogging pictures of Ariana Grande, and then accusing everyone who said it wasn't milk of WKing her because calling TIFs ugly is sexist and Ariana is a cow so being a fan of her makes you a cow by extension. There are many more similar examples in that thread of people vendettafagging because they argued with someone on tumblr once and can't get over it, but that's the most stupid one I've seen).
The empathchan thread which I used to love is like this now too. She hasn't been milky in months but her thread keeps getting bumped by people posting unsaged selfies just to make fun of her bad shooping and shein e-girl outfits.
The only threads I keep up with regularly in /snow/ are the Dana and Fanny threads. I've been reading the e-begging thread too lately but it's only active around this time of year because transanta is on which is where 3/4s of the milk comes from.
No. 2325647
>>2325612Yeah, I do agree tbh, that thread was doomed from the start. Lolcow is full of "feminists" who are more catty and hateful towards other women than the average normie woman who has never heard of Dworkin in her entire life. So naturally radblr cows and their orbiters would be attracted to that thread like flies to shit because they're cut from the same cloth as the worst type of farmer.
I don't entirely hate the thread. It has its funny moments, like when heterophobicdyke came here to try and get people to talk shit about a fellow cow she was fighting with, got sussed out immediately, then unsuccessfully tried to petition the thread be shut down in /meta/ whilst wking herself every day and just getting even more crazy because farmers were just making fun of her while the other cow she hated just didn't react to her callouts whatsoever.
Sadly most of the time it's either people derailing to argue about small bits of theory, or else it's people blatantly vendettafagging by trying to get us to gang up on someone they clearly argued with in the past and are hung up over by posting the most uninteresting, mildly unpopular opinions literally nobody else cares about. It's sad because occasionally great cows come along like macroclit and HD but most of the time it's boring to read unless you also have a grudge against random tumblrina #420 to the extent that them being a fan of a globally famous popstar is enough to contribute to cow status.
No. 2328185
I think Jill is actually traumatized, in a sense. I used to be frustrated by her claims to twauma like other anons, but actually most BPDfags can't cite a chain of events that made them the way they are (maybe because of shame, maybe because there was no actual breaking point). I don't know how to explain it properly but the severity of a mental health disorder doesn't necessarily match the severity of what someone has endured. Some people are deeply impacted by things that others wouldn't even register as bad, especially if we're talking about childhood experiences. It's very irritating when you come across someone who's very much disordered, mentally fragile, constantly rehashes their horrible childhood when they were obviously coddled. But it happens. Development is unpredictable like that, if you have a sensitive child and the wrong set of events happens at the wrong time it can have disproportionate consequences. On a related note i really think that Jill's BPD is closely related to her feminine socialization. Even if she wasn't BPD she would have suffered from this, perhaps more quietly and with less substance abuse. She reminds me of 50s housewives who are addicted to pills and can't imagine not living for others, not mirroring others, filling the void of their existence with all kinds of petty distractions. She has an incredibly weak self and pretty much all of her antics are downstream of this.
No. 2328322
>>2328185I'm still dying on the hill that Jillian is a professional attention whore/
victim and would probably easily meet all criteria for HPD if she ever actually sought help from a real professional.
No. 2328381
>>2328214Pre-DID saga, i don't remember how many years exactly… I used to think she came across as fragile and that something must have happened to her, even back then
>>2328373You might be right, it's undeniable her biggest motivator is attention
No. 2328475
>>2328414This. I think a lot with Jill is up a little up in the air, it's hard to know someone's full story unless you see it from their perspective. However, Jill is an expert at crying wolf so it's hard to differentiate what could be based on actual trauma or make-believe, especially with her very obvious breadcrumbing whenever she wants to add more lore to herself. I think some anons are good-natured enough to not understand how these types of people exist without having personal encounters with them.
To a-log a bit: When I was a teen/young adult I had a friend was pretty openly bored with her privileged life, and would romanticize trauma and abuse through online roleplaying. She would absolutely REVEL in other people's trauma and pry to get more details, she was almost salivating when a friend's girlfriend opened up about being abused by her mom and how she was trying to find shelter.
Some people are just shitty and are so far removed from real tragedy in their life it just becomes a concept they play around with in their fantasies, and with the current state of social media it's become a competition for who's the most
oppressed and interesting personality out there and who gets to claim the soapbox this week.
No. 2329377
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>>2329153I looked up her social media, but it was inactive from Christmas last year until last week when she started posting again. She posted picrel on her story
No. 2331028
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whenever he says kawiwi I think of pixielocks yes I know they're completely different things
No. 2331832
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I'm in a state of shock. She is the horrorcow that keeps on giving. What do you mean she pushed the lawn mower onto another kid??? What do you mean she confirmed that instead of keeping her mouth shut??? What do you mean???? I was so shocked I posted this in the wrong thread at first.
No. 2331845
>>2330907Not gonna lie, I think the people who obsess over actual successful artists like grimes, nicole dollanganger, lana, MTS, chappell etc. are mostly insanely jealous. They attract that kind of delusional jealous hatred where they'll do something stupid and people will lash out and blow it way out of proportion and pretend they're an evil monster for it, like when PULL would compare e-thots to hitler for crimes like lying about their plastic surgery or photoshopping their pictures. It does make it hard to read the threads when the farmers are more annoying than the cows.
>>2331832If i can be honest for a second, yeah she's a psycho narc and I worry about the safety of her kid, but that does sound like a horrible and genuinely traumatizing event. Obviously, obviously it's way worse for the girl who was grievously harmed, I'm not comparing it at all, but imagine the survivor's guilt if you made a mistake and hurt someone that badly. I don't know how I'd ever forgive myself or go on living after that.
No. 2331854
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>>2330907I actually can't believe anons who think grimes is more milky than Elon Musk. It blows my mind how anons can think the most embarrassing man on the planet who desperately wants to be seen as cool isn't milky compared to a woman who is a little cringe. Anything grimes does at this current point will never be as milky as her initially becoming a tesla baby mother. I take more pleasure in seeing Elon destroy himself in the pursuit of being seen as the cool billionaire than to give a fuck about what grimes is up to aside from her music, which admittedly is very shit right now, but that doesn't constitute as milk. I don't really have an issue with them having the same thread because Grimes isn't milky enough to have her own thread and anything milky she does is 100% attached to Elon.
No. 2331897
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Dana pulling into her own thread right after confirming that she did indeed run another girl over with a a lawn mower as a child to have a melt-down was not how I expected my Friday night to play out.
No. 2332034
I do kinda feel bad for dana because the lawnmower accident does sound traumatic. However I can't believe she confirmed it in a post on her account with tens of thousands of followers, threatened to get our IP addresses, and then proceeded to freak out in her thread kek what a night
No. 2332058
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>>2331950reading about males being retarded is like reading about the sky being blue. They're already documented on kiwifarms and have hundreds of videos made about them on youtube, why should the only female board that isn't overwhelmed by troons be all about scrotes?
The actual problems imo is lc anons are too focused on nitpicking nothing to find the real milky cows out there, and that potential cows are a lot less brazenly shameless than they used to be because of the current culture of social media
lc has had some amazing cows but most of them have dried up or disappeared, nonnas need to scout for the hidden talent out there
No. 2332087
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I’m gonna add to the Jill dogpile on here and say my peace; I’ve been lurking on lolcow/kiwifarms/PULL since I was in middle-school and it’s mostly been just a sick source of entertainment for me as a chronically online older zoomer. However, no lolcow I’ve seen in my decade long lurker/farmer career has actually gotten under my skin as much as she has and it’s very much personal and petty. For me it’s the CSA larp that really disgusts me. The fact that ( if it is real ) actual cases of DID before the over diagnosing and retardation happen to people who experienced super violent lives before the age of 6. Most of the shit you read on these people is so harrowing and disgusting (99% of the time it is trafficking and/or very violent rape) that’s so demonic I can’t even type it out. I’m not even religious but there’s no other words to use.
So larping THAT while said CSA is being 13 and kissing your e girlfriend and regretting it makes me so aloggy, it’s actually kind of pathetic how upset it makes me.
I’ve met malingers and larpers ALOT as someone who runs in similar spaces as her (weeb shit and art student, theatre kid) and the trauma larp always has hit close to home to me. I’ve met someone who did a similar larp and said that her middle school girlfriend “raped” her when the said rape was them consensually making out and then the larper girl regretted it after. The fact that some women WANT the CSA trauma is so fucking awful to me, again, it makes me aloggy. Like, if I told Jill that I was a true and honest incest victim she’d start fucking drooling and clapping.
Also, the backtracking about how she got the DID after she discovered it happens from repeated trauma before 6 also got me. Spoiler for trauma dump I was raped by my uncle from when I was maybe 3ish up until I was 8 and it fucked me up real good, I ended with drug problems and Ana Chan shit but even that repeated and severe trauma didn’t give me DID. Not to sound retarded again, to have a longing for this kind of upbringing to the point of lying and making up your life around it is, well, demonic to me. It’s an inhuman amount of lust for fake pain for the purpose of others attention and love.
My sentiments are the same as the other Nona’s: it makes you so a-loggy whenever you see someone who was spoiled and loved want to have been hurt and abused, and then proceed to larp it.
Also, I think us true and honest CSA survivors SHOULD dogpile larpers like this and the Jill hate train helps me sleep good at night.
No. 2332256
>>2332225so go on kiwifarms where your precious retard males already have constantly updated threads
why do you want lolcow to be a mirror site for shit that already exists
No. 2332389
>>2332272honestly i don't care if some of the cows from kf were talked about here. i would just not read it and ignore the threads because its boring.
but it is absolutely retarded to be complaining that lc is full of women having a bitchy gossip about female cows, it smells like newfaggotry bc wtf do you (OP) think lc is? Let women have a place to idly gossip about other women! Do u think lolcow would have the userbase it does if there was nothing but kf cows on here? There would be no farmer opinions to be had, it would literally just be kiwifarms 2
I am extremely pro-bullying males, but my main concern here is scrotes will gather here like flies on shit thinking theyre welcome to insert their useless opinions on everything and shit up every board with porn and gore like they do to every other site they inhabit.
There have been very interesting and hilarious female cows, but you just don't know who they are because you think males being retarded and violent is the only milk.
So instead of complaining about the very nature of the site, just don't look at the threads you don't like, make the threads you want to see and talk about schizophrenic scrotes all day long if you want to kek
No. 2332399
>>2332348It's too bad nobody thought of making a radfem thread years ago. Radblr was so milky 5+ years ago. Like Adrian/Bearbutch e-begging thousands for IVF and then trying to guilt trip everyone she argued with by bringing up her "dead babies" even though there was never even a zygote, the IVF just didn't take. Or Kelly/OPisaterf lying about being a left wing lesbian, then having an affair with her friend's military husband, talking about it on her blog but avoiding using he/him pronouns so people would think he's a woman, then dragging out all their dirty laundry on tumblr for years afterwards. Or Mithliya/Seba lying about her mother being black to justify calling herself a dark skinned Afro Arab despite having medium skin, then an actual black person posting a pic of her mother which showed that she's not only Arab but actually has much lighter skin than Seba herself (and similarly, people posting Facebook pics of Seba's family's huge fancy house with a giant pool and screenshots of Seba mentioning her parents maid, even though she claimed her family are passionate communists).
It's a shame because if you go digging for most of these things nowadays you'll be lucky to find so much as a Waybackmachine capture of them. At best you'll find anon messages on radfem-gossip referring to the drama. It would have been great to have all the old dramas archived here. Modern radblr cows don't hit the same. The only recent-ish ones I've found interesting are Laura Morris from the first thread, goldstarsappho (but she was only really discussed in the e-beggers thread) and Radicalstoner, but it's impossible to talk about her without HD sperging. 99% of the milk is irrelevant arguments about theory or people vendettafagging because they disagreed with someone's opinion.
No. 2333033
>>2333011>>2332225Male lolcows are just depressing in a way that female lolcows usually aren't. I don't really want to discuss the ongoing grooming antics of pedophiles.
>>2331854>>2330907Elon does deserve his own thread however. He's milky in a different way. Grimes isn't very interesting anymore outside of her pretty sad custody battle with Musk.
No. 2333630
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Cant believe there are thousands of fans who still refuse to believe corpse husband is fuck ugly just because he said the photos werent of him. Ofc he isnt going to admit he is an ugly fattie kek
No. 2333681
>>2333673I re-read it at least every 4 or 5 months. I'm in the camp that she made everything up, I mean like the crazy stories she used to tell, but sometimes I wonder how she was exposed to this stuff to even begin with. For a long time I figured that she had stumbled into a strange groupchat and she was fascinated by what she saw. This is all tinfoil obviously, but I always figured that she had been one of those kids that used Omegle a lot. I'm not sure why I came to this conclusion, but it's just what popped into my head. I think she met an older moid on Omegle, he started grooming her on Kik or Snapchat, he introduced her to these weird pedophile-adjacent groupchats on a more secured messaging platform, and eventually he stopped talking to her or maybe she stopped talking to him. I think after that she just became grotesquely fascinated by what had happened to her, and maybe to cope with that trauma, and she started these crazy blogs and LARPs. I don't think she was ever abused in person, I think whatever happened to her happened all online.
No. 2333686
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>>2333681Ayrt I agree that she made everything up and always have, but I'm saying I wonder if she was actually sexually abused as a kid at some point and that's what loosened the screws. It's so common and especially since she was adopted it isn't out of the question.
No. 2333687
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>>2333686I also think maybe the medication cocktail inhibited any self control online and caused the weird fabrications to be more OTT.
No. 2333690
>>2333686Again, it's tinfoil, but I believe that some of the characters she made up were influenced by a creep that had groomed her and exploited her as a child. I specifically think that the Danny or Sam characters might be influenced by the character that the pedophile initially played to lure in a younger Soren or to begin contact with her. I remember a common tactic they used during the Omegle/Kik heyday was to pretend to be a child around the same age as the
victim, and then only much later reveal that they were an adult. I tied this into "Pedophile tells Soren a sob story about the 'child' Soren had been talking to to get closer to Soren" or something like that. Maybe Soren never really understood that this was a ruse. I've also juggled with the idea that Soren was a mid-functioning autist. In a lot of the photos we saw of her, she just has this certain look that I've only ever seen from speds. I don't think she was playing with a full deck of cards.
No. 2333709
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>>2333673>>2333681Interesting, I re-read her thread every year or two. Glad I'm not the only one who finds Soren to be fascinating kek. Really strange case. I am personally of the opinion that she had an extreme compulsive lying issue. In my opinion I think it was likely a habit formed for seeking attention due to neglect in her early childhood, and probably bullying from peers as well. I feel like her being adopted has something to do with it, but most adopted kids, including her sister apparently, turn out fine. And she was adopted so early (6 months iirc) so who knows really. However it wouldn't surprise me if she did suffer an incident or multiple of real sexual abuse actually, or some sort of legitimate trauma. It is possible she became addicted to the attention and love she received from confessing her real drama that she continued to escalate it. I think she was incredibly lonely, too, which is why she went to such lengths to create these characters in her story (Sam, the other trans kid she stole some random FTMs pictures for topkek).
>>2333690I agree that she seems like a legitimate autist which could explain why she lacked so much awareness regarding how obvious her lies were and how they made her look to others. But at the same time, I think she sort of was? It's all just so bizarre. Something that was really interesting to me was her reply to that FTM who's pics she kept stealing for her "Danny" character. It's so strange how she lies and deflects so much. I never could tell if she believed her own shit or not.
No. 2333733
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>>2333709>>2333690This remains one of the worst things I've ever seen, contextually
No. 2334855
>>2333673honestly? it's possible she saw cp by accident. when i was a kid online i tried to find sexual material of kids who were around my age. since the internet was far more wild back then it was easy for me to find softcore child porn. i shudder to think back then.
it's possible she was traumatized by these images and embellished a lot of her life. that's also very easy to do online.
No. 2334865
>>2333709I'm the 2nd and 3rd ayrt. Again, all tinfoil, but this is your "real thoughts on cows" thread kek. Sorry if this post is all over the place, I just had a lot to say. It's interesting talking about Soren.
I never bought into the early childhood abuse thing. Maybe there was a history of mental illness in her birth family, maybe there was already a tiny germ within her, but I think that there was a certain event that
triggered her to develop the way that she did. I think this event happened sometime between ages 8-10 and it happened through technology. There's this certain picture that she uploaded, you can see it here
>>>/snow/980967 and it's like I just see this dramatic difference in her eyes between the 6th and 9th photos. Maybe I'm looking too much into it, but it's so plain to me that something happened then just by how her eyes look.
I already said what I think happened in my previous posts, but to expand: I think initially, she was on a website that she shouldn't have been on, maybe most likely it was Omegle. She met an older pedophile on that website, which was very common back then, and I think the two started talking on a platform like Kik or Snapchat. I think that he portrayed himself as a much younger child to gain Soren's trust, and that after a while he either exposed her to graphic images of child abuse or he invited her to a groupchat where that was the main topic of discussion. I think that she was too young to really understand the context of what was happening, and too young to really grasp the significance of it, and too afraid to let adults know about what was going on. Whatever happened here influenced her later creative writing projects and her proclivity towards that sort of material. Maybe she sought out more information about sexual abuse material to give herself closure from what happened to her; maybe she sought it out because she was grotesquely intrigued by what she saw, the same way that it's hard to look away from a car accident when you see one. She was definitely familiar with that material just based on her creative writing alone, but I don't think that she was aroused by it or anything, I think it was all just a strange coping mechanism for her.
I think that whatever happened to her was sexual in nature and I think that it happened online. I think that think that this event was what spurred her to become a fakeboi, and maybe her change in attitude was what spurred her parents to first get her into therapy. I think that the therapist that her parents brought her to did something wrong. I think that the therapist let himself be beguiled by Soren and her lies, and the treatment that she received wasn't adequate for the type of issues that she had. I think that her therapist was strong-armed by Soren's parents, specifically her mother, into prescribing more medicine than what might have been needed. I look at photos of Soren and I see that facial bloat commonly associated with antipsychotic medications. I don't think that Soren was "all there" during her adolescence, I think that whatever medications her therapist prescribed kept her in a semi-lucid state, not full on zombie-mode, but emotionally dulled and psychologically stunted.
There is a very interesting post that never really got any replies, this one
>>>/snow/112679 , and something that stuck out to me is that her mother is described as being "weird." That comment is very important, and I think it gives a lot of information very discreetly. "Weird" is such a loaded description for a mother to receive. I think that Soren's mother was controlling, but not in the typical hard-ass way, I think that she was controlling in a smothering, melodramatic, sort of bippie way, and that she had high expectations for her children. Maybe she treated them like they were adults a little bit too early. Maybe she responded very poorly to disappointment. I think that Soren might have developed the compulsive lying issue that you mentioned in response to dealing with her mother's attitude. The children that I know that struggle with lying are always the ones that are most afraid of disappointing or upsetting their parents.
Soren was chronically online. I wouldn't be surprised if she spent 10-12 hours a day online. I think that she was very bored, very restless, like a tiger pacing in a cage at the zoo, and so that's why she found the online drama and all that so exciting. I think that she was fully aware that what she was doing was wrong, but she thought that she was above it, that she was somehow smarter than those around her. I think she enjoyed the attention, not because her family was
abusive or negligent, but because so much of her time and energy was consumed by the internet. I think that this internet addiction ultimately spawned from being over-protected and coddled as a child; I think that Soren felt restricted in her childhood by her mother's overbearing nature. Her mother struck me as a "mama bear" type, the type that thought her children could do no wrong, that made sure that her children couldn't admit to doing wrong. I mean just look at how she was talking in posts like these
>>>/snow/1044237 . I think that Soren couldn't do much when she was young, and that she coped with these limitations by going online and heading into a virtual world that her mother wasn't familiar with, where her mother couldn't dominate her. That whole family seemed to centre around the mother.
In general, I think that Soren's family life is a more important piece to the puzzle than it seems. I always thought that the excessive amount of meaningless objects that Soren had, all her toys and figures and all that bullshit, that always struck me as a weird form of bribery. It's hard to articulate, but it's like her parents gave her everything she wanted because they knew that the family wasn't quite right. It was like a way to say sorry, to say "we still love you even though we control you," in a weird enmeshed family kind of way.
If I'm being completely honest, I don't think Soren is dead either. Part of me believes that she's been institutionalized in a long-term care facility, maybe against her will. I'm not sure why I think this, or why I believe it either, it's just something that I feel. I just remember thinking how strange it was that someone close to Soren's family would post in that final thread; how did they find it, anyway? Were they really lurking here the whole time, were they following all the threads from the shadows since the beginning? I just don't buy that.
No. 2334890
>>2334855I've seen that theory. The problem is that accidental or no, she then began seeking it out on purpose and posting stills of little girls from actual cp. At the time I thought she just became so obsessed with Kayla Day (ironically a fraud herself) that she started stealing bits of her fake story and mixing it with the movie Terrible Angels and stupid creepypastas. I developed a real visceral disgust after seeing her describe fantasy cp she made up in generous detail, if you go back to like the first thread it's stomach-churning stuff. Then there was the time she said she saw a male family member (? I think) go to change their kids diaper and she was like "oh God he's going to fuck it" which is a fucking crazyyyyy thing to say. She also broke into her elementary school in the middle of the night and took photos of the kids classroom, she was like 21 or 22 right? The problem is that most of us who grew up on the internet in the 2000s have had the misfortune of seeing fucked up shit/accidentally tuned into horrible communities in 4ch without knowing what we were looking at. We didn't start saying crazy shit like that. It has made me think she actually started consuming real cp (and she was using tor.) I don't necessarily think she was sexually aroused by it, but she sure did know about a lot of it before it began doing the rounds on tumblr/ before awareness was spread about the little girls photos. I definitely have a more mature outlook on it 8 years later, but at the time I was like wtf euthanasia. Your theory is certainly plausible, and I make it a point not to speculate on families and sexual abuse unless there are clear and obvious signs, but I know it's possible something happened to her in early childhood. I can't brush that off just because she was a liar–it doesn't matter how loving or wealthy a family is, rich people molest kids too and kids from wealthy families are even less likely to say anything because being alienated from money like that is difficult and complex. Again I'm not speculating something specific or pointing fingers, I'm just not denying it as a possibility. She was doted on and given her every wim, but that doesn't mean she had good parents. It doesn't mean she had bad parents either. I chalk it up as "I guess we'll never know". I've had the thought that she could possibly be alive and got a fresh start but that's just the optimist in me, it doesn't make sense that her own sister would post a tribute on Instagram. I think it's likely she was tired from the mutilation of extreme surgery, having half her arm degloved, using a catheter, dealing with constant infection, and realizing srs wasn't what she thought it would be. She didn't go out with a bang because it's likely one day while in a lot of pain and exhausted from whatever new complications she had, she impulsively decided to take all her pills.
No. 2334905
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I really liked the Dolly Style girls. I didn't mind their obvious weeb look to them and their songs were super catchy IMO. I grew up with that type of lame-animesque type of DDR music anyway, so that's probably why I like it. The song Cherry Gum specifically has a really good bass sound to it in the beginning.
No. 2335337
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I know she wont but i am praying she sticks to drag queen. Its the best milk. She looks like something out of the mandela catalogue here.
No. 2335755
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what are your 2025 cow predictions?
for me
>shayna turns from mostly e-prostitute to actual prostitute and her thread dies
>dana actually files a lolsuit
>dana post reveal
>heather marries private ryan
>jill fiancee brokes up with her
>pt finds a gf
No. 2335808
Jillfags, when Jill LARPs autism or DID, do you think she consciously knows she's lying? I think that she tries to convince herself that she has DID by watching a bunch of content on Tiktok or Twitter. In her head she creates a
victim narrative for herself but farmers calling her a liar enrages her because she really doesn't have any trauma. She keeps her DID trauma backstory vague and would attack anyone who directly asked about it.
>>2335755I predict Jill will start LARPing EDS, chronic pain, or some other vague symptom disorder popular with munchies
No. 2335923
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>>2335808I think she believes her lies too much in a way that is similar to kinning or larping. I think deep, deep down she knows it's all a ruse, but for herself, this is all real because she pathologizes things in a way that fit her narrative. Suddenly, wearing green means she's a different person because of course she convinced herself it is. Think of some shaman/witch that believes in magic a little too much and starts channeling spirits through them. You know it's a lie, but some of them take it seriously. DID is basically kinning 2.0 but worse because it steps on mental illness faking territory.
No. 2335953
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>>2335812Corissa and J are some of my favorite cows, they really have it all. The usual HAES and FA stuff combined with gendie shit, Corissa’s consoom, and an avoidance of soap that really brings it all together. It’s a trainwreck that I can’t look away from.
No. 2335966
>>2335953Don’t forget Corissa blog post about she feels no shame over not being able wipe, and the previous meltdown that
triggered her into writing it kek or how she can’t go on walks without worrying about shitting herself
No. 2335974
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I can't stop watching this gif kek. Truly the power of BPD in all force
No. 2335981
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>>2335966They both have such a (undeserved) high opinion of themselves. It kills me whenever they get any pushback and have a complete breakdown because of it. These women are somehow adults.
No. 2336037
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>>2335974They all copy her. They all want what she had. But they will never come close.
No. 2336161
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I'm sad she wasn't spotted on transanta this year. Fuck her tra classmates for snitching on her.
No. 2336414
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It makes me so angry Fanny got away with everything. She's confirmed to lurk, so she knew exactly what to do to get farmers attention off of her: be boring and uneventful until we all move on to a different cow. Which is exactly what happened. I know being an obese dead-eyed autist virgin with a broken clit and a titchop is in a way punishment enough, but it feels so wrong and disturbing that she's such a revolting pedo and FGM fetishizer and she's faced no consequences for it. I won't encourage cowtipping, but she clearly panicked when farmers started finding Mommy Perret's as well as her sisters socials and it was amazing to see. The fact that the site went down for like two whole weeks right after that and Fanny got to keep jerking it to little girls getting their genitals mutilated without a care in the world and without the threat of her family finding out looming over her head makes me so sick and angry. Everything worked out exactly like she wanted it to and she's been forgotten
No. 2337510
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>>2335808I do think she convinces herself she has them. Shes always justifying to herself all the symptoms possible. Not any better. She's 26 and should have grown out of roleplaying DID/autism like 16-year-olds during the pandemic. She's done real therapy before. She hates therapists now cause they won't give her 15 diagnoses. Mclean, farmers, YouTubers etc have labeled her faker. She knows her family distanced themselves after the 70th illness. She knows mom thinks weed causes symptoms.
If she was mature she would at least consider the other side of things/possibility. Instead everytime she throws a tantrum shitting and crying and "finds" new symptoms. She's forcing herself to act oblivious at this point. IMO its worse that she actively chooses to believe it when no one else does. Shows how spoiled rotten she is even today
No. 2339662
>>2339654So the normal/healthy upbringing and this result is
just adhd? That seems ridiculous anon. I've only read her threads from the main page and it's clear there's something fundamentally off about her, that could only be explained by serious abuse or an actual mental deficiency (like literally partially retarded)
No. 2339771
>>2339662Considering how much she bounces around with hobbies/interests, it makes sense. She drops Precure and hyperfocuses on MLP as if it's the only thing she's ever known. Then suddenly she's back being obsessed with drag. Interrupting people like her boyfriend constantly when they talk, or being an uncontrollable baby with her movement. Yeah, again makes sense. She's conflicting this with autism IMO.
>>2339667Its obvious she doesn't have BPD in my opinion. I didn't say she didn't have some mental illness.
No. 2339789
>>2339773I'm a different anon. Not saying that it doesn't exist at all. I just think that mental health care is bad and that Jill is a larper that has grown up in certain communities on the internet and has built her entire identity around being mentally ill. Psychiatrists throw diagnoses around. You could literally just induce symptoms of mental illness on yourself. Go to a professional and claim that you have those symptoms and they will diagnose you.
>>2335974>I can't stop watching this gif kek. Truly the power of BPD in all forceSomeone dancing like a retard in public is the result of BPD? That's just the result of having caring and supportive parents that shelter you from having to face adult responsibility and engaging in a very specific internet rethoric. BPD is a serious mental illness. Cultural norms also shape our behaviors.
No. 2340300
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She's a stacy who refused to go down for a moid
No. 2340316
>>2340170>You know what else shows signs like BPD? ADHDJesus christ, what even
is ADHD anymore
No. 2340347
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>>2340316BPD and ADHD have a lot of overlap. A lot of girls with ADHD are misdiagnosed with ADHD. And you could have both. Jill clearly has a lot of executive dysfunction issues that could potentially come from ADHD. (But I think it's probably her weed addiction)
No. 2340406
>>2340393>Are you looking for an academic journal article about the overlap between BPA and ADHD or what?You should be looking for that and sourcing your information from those sorts of mediums.
>Can you explain how this is false?Yes, but you wouldn't believe me anyway, so what's the point?
No. 2340416
>>2340406Here's an example:>Borderline personality disorder (BPD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) revisited – a review-update on common grounds and subtle distinctionsClearly there is enough common ground that professionals have to write on the differences.
>Overlap in symptom domains particularly in the field of impulsivity and emotional dysregulation in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and borderline personality disorder (BPD) have stimulated further research activities since our last review from 2014.This is proof that they have enough overlap that experts are interested in researching the difference.
(this is an imageboard) No. 2340427
>>2340419If you think psychiatry isn't scientific then why do you even think BPD or ADHD even exist?>>2340421
The conclusion is that more research needs to be done, not that there's no overlap. But please tell me how there's no overlap.
No. 2340503
>>2340492Weed messes up your focus.
>>2340301 is right that doctors often won't consider diagnosing patients with ADHD when they are using it. Why is it so important to you to armchair that she has ADHD?
No. 2340763
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I think Amberlynn Reid is really cute for a deathfat. Like if she were skinny I think she would be very conventionally attractive
No. 2340767
>>2340763I agree. She would have been very pretty. She might even be able to hold a bmi between 25 and 30 with no issues because she has a fat ass and nice long hair.
Tbh that shit always drives me crazy because I'm ugly even with a sub 25 bmi….
No. 2340800
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>>2340796I think she would be even more milky if she was skinnier for sure. A damn shame she will never lose weight.
No. 2340890
>>2340841You couldn't be any further from the truth anon. If she wanted to get better she wouldn't have made a weightloss channel in which she ended up gaining 300lbs. That within itself is top tier milk to me, idk about you. The thing is, she has sought out professional help, but she refuses to ever actually take their advice. The nail in the coffin for her was the fact that she refuses to accept that she has binge eating disorder for the technicality of the fact that she doesn't gorge on higher than normal amount of calories for her weight in short bursts, which is so fucking annoying. And now she is dating a fucking feeder who enables her terrible eating behaviours. Getting cancer still hasn't made her change her ways. Also, she has bpd, so the usual bpd behaviours constantly exhibit themselves. Imo, she can be pretty boring, but what makes her a lolcow isn't that she does anything shocking in particular, it's simply that she continues to air her business on social media and constantly self sabotages through sheer arrogance and delusion. It's not really the kind of milk that's particularly funny or outrageous, just the type that just makes you shake your head and sigh.
No. 2341304
>>2340841I know Amber and Foodie Beauty are shitty people but most of these "reaction" channels are much worse and have much nastier skeletons in their closet. And it gets to the point you have to ask how moral can you be preaching about some severely mentally ill women with severe eating disorders? You talk shit 24/7 and cry the second one of them returns the same energy. Lot of these channels cowtip too cause they make money
triggering these mentally ill people. And I really hate that faggot Jordy and his creep ass parasocial audience.
No. 2341400
>>2341297What, are you surrounded by people who are all diagnosed or are you assuming all these people you know have BPD? You do realize B and T and also typical behaviors in ADHD kids and adults, right? Such as tantrums and hyperactivity? This is why I don't think she had BPD at all. She has way more in common not just mentally but how she physically acts. The theatrics of it all, the constantly needing to munch on something, the obsession with hobbies and then the moving on and then coming back. Anons are retarded to think she doesn't like things because of that, but you hyperfocus and then you come back sometimes years later like she does constantly. Picking out two characteristics and saying it's BPD for a
fact is some wishful thinking.
I don't think she truthfully went into the appointment not knowing she wanted to be screened as BPD. She does this with every other mental health thing she has, she hams it up because she want so bad for it to be true and for people to think she has these things. We already know she takes on personality traits like pokemon because she is in constant roleplay hyper mode and needs to be the center of attention. You don't think she never hovered over her computer looking up BPD symptoms and attributing that into how she acts once she's got it in her head she has it? Like DID? Like her autism? She never used to "stim" until she read about it being a thing.
No. 2341965
>>2339654>Stop diangosing her with things she doesn't have>Jill proba ly has ADHD,Kekk
No but, from someone that was misdiagnosed with BPD (and I do have ADHD), this does happen often. Not sure if that's the case for Jill though, I had to go get actually tested (my BPD wasn't tested, but a doctor just saw me be angry and said I was BPD) to make sure that I didn't have BPD. And I don't! I don't think Jill would get tested though, she loves being sick.
No. 2342015
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Addy is everything i hate in the modern internet
>pronouns in bio
>ugly and trashy mass produced clothes bought from aliexpress
>makes 'aesthetics' her whole personality
>not a single genuine interest in anything besides consooming
>moralfagging about anime tropes while making her whole personality revolve around consooming shit from loli anime and eroge vns
>nostalgia for the aesthetics of the 00s while simultaneously being against all the edge and freedom from the time
>not a single original thought or style, everything is stolen from something older and turned trashy
>the whole ''internet cyber angle windows xp oldnet'' larp while loving social media and being pro ideologies that restrict free speech and fashion
I want to go back, FUCK. Allowing normalfags easy access to the net was a fucking mistake, just take me back to usenet at this point when only the nerdiest college aged losers would use it.
No. 2342032
>>2342029You should definitely just avoid that thread imo. Anons can't really avoid talking about it, her teeth all her own fault
and she's e-begging for the dental work and probably spending the money on booze, drugs, alcohol and sex toys that will be teeming with stds in the future. Everyone knows a person like you and doesn't think of their teeth that way but simultaneously don't want to feel guilty or bad for making fun of Dana's teeth, since she is literally asking for that (prob has humiliation fetish)
No. 2342114
I usually do hold a level of sympathy for most cows, excluding the actually vile ones. Having said that, I can't feel bad for Dana. Most cows tend to hold a somewhat "fuck da haturz, I'm a kween, they r just jelluz" mindset, and that seems to be completely lacking in Dana. She is a grown ass adult, obviously affected by what everyone is saying about her and she chooses to actively engage with it every single day. You can tell she reads every lc and reddit post about her. If it upsets you so greatly, do an introspection and log off, retard. It would all literally disappear. I couldn't care less about her teeth, there are plenty of people with jacked teeth irl, people who don't brush their teeth, fat people, people with receding jawlines and keloids from piercings - but that does a cow not make. Her constant readiness to lie and argue for attention on the daily, on the other side, is the milk. Knowing too many women whose mothers were whores, sadly I am inclined to think her daughter will inevitably get molested if she stays in the lifestyle, so maybe that is what truly makes me lack any basic human sympathy and respect for her.
No. 2342117
>>2341983I don't think Lillee is pretty, but I do think nonas take it too far when they talk about how hideous she is. When she's not making strange facial expressions she looks like any random chubby horse girl.
Her teeth are fixed, which were one of the main things holding her back from looking decent. She's not going to meet her full potential as long as she's so enmeshed with Laur, but hypothetically if she escaped her mother's influence, she'd be able to talk to people in real life and pick up normal facial expressions instead of looking unhinged because she copies them from Disney characters, would probably lose weight just from being able to walk around instead of being cooped up inside unless Laur is with her, and she'd probably notice what other girls her age are wearing and buying trendy clothes instead of dressing like an office secretary in 2008 (in this scenario she'd also be washing her hair regularly, as I assume its current greasiness is just her not being bothered to take care of it properly because she never goes outside for people to see or smell it in the first place).
She could be average or even mildly attractive, but the oppressive dynamic between her and her mother is in the way. I 100% know that the outdated styling choices come from Laur, and Lil's general lack of hygiene and inability to make normal expressions probably stems from being stuck in the attic during her formative years. Her makeup was actually pretty good before Laur pulled her out of school and she was clearly interested in style back then. Maybe in an alternate universe where she stayed in school and developed normally, she actually became the makeup influencer she pretended to be.
No. 2342120
>>2342112You tempted me to read her thread, wish me luck.
>>2342114Its honestly amazing how shes incapable of not feeding the trolls. She's a great cow because she provides milk non-stop. One of the reasons Fanny's thread is dead is because she stopped responding and providing milk. She wouldnt have 2 threads if she just ignored da haydurs. I hope she doesnt stop and keeps oversharing and responding because now that shayna is dead she became my morning cow to read while i have my coffee.
No. 2342123
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>>2342112samefag, but this is the only thing I vaguely remember firsthand from the time because I followed Tayma Martins at the time and apparently am still following her on insta somehow, she was involved in the whole nymphette trauma doll scene but I can’t remember anything abhorrent she did like most other cows and I looked her up and apparently she has a luxury fashion business? Her dresses are all $400+ dollars and looks like they’re all nearly sold out and still have the same pastel/rural aesthetic. Honestly good for her she seems sweet and normal glad that at least some people made it out of that cesspit community. I remember her being upset about that review when the book came out though I think people reassured her when they figured out who wrote it.
No. 2342135
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>>2342114It's been fascinating watching things develop with her over the past few months, but I'm almost sick of the amount of milk she provides. She really does read and respond to every single comment, which is then posted here or reddit, and then nitpicked in an exhausting cycle. One person even questioned the way she was eating soup, I'm pretty sure it's just because it's a hot food and it'd have burnt her lips kek. She's certainly horrifying on a daily basis and fully deserving of criticism, but I desperately need her to log off for a day (impossible) so her retardation can recharge. Right now she's being overly careful because she's so invested in her own panopticon. There's also the redditors on her thread who don't lurk and lack reading comprehension.
No. 2342143
>>2342122this. i think when it comes to severe mental illnesses like this even before the unique symptoms (hallucinations/paranoid delusions) there are some people who appear normal and some that obviously have something off with them but not to the point of having a diagnosis especially if you have parents who aren’t proactive about testing/resources. There was obviously something wrong with her even in high school when she looked very normal/cute (in her high schools grad photos especially I think her mom was dressing her) because she was posting shit on the 1st anniversary of 9/11 in 2002 how everyone needs to ‘get over it’ and it was annoying her kek like she was obviously very socially unaware and self-centered from the beginning. There usually is a distinction between mental illness vs mental disability/low IQ but when it comes to undiagnosed/‘mild’ behavior before things get worse it gets kind of muddled. The IQ that qualifies you as officially ‘disabled’ is 75, however the average is 100. Sage for blog but I have family members who have worked both for CPS and schools/one-on-one work for kids and adults with special needs the gap of just even having a slightly below average IQ like 80-85 compared to other functional adults is just huge, but they don’t technically have anything diagnosable and therefore can be taken advantage of/have a bunch of kids and live in filth etc. Obviously there’s a lot of people with normal IQs who are just retarded and make those decisions because they want to and lots of those with below average IQs who have drive and don’t play
victim which Sarah obviously is not
No. 2342176
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>>2340763It's so annoying people who follow her pretend she's so ugly. She's a cow sure possibly a narc even but not ugly.
She would unironically be a Stacy if she was skinny. Her eyes are gorgeous and if she actually lost weight she would look amazing. Probably a narc though so maybe it's better that she won't.
No. 2342737
got to be 3 vendettafags AT MOST who are keeping that thread active through pure spite kek. 5 if we're being generous.
No. 2343089
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I really think that she is just so unhealthy. I look at her and I can immediately tell she's chronically dehydrated and eats less than 20g of protein per day. The dark circles under her eyes are freaky.
No. 2343095
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Looking back at Pixyteri's old LJ and tweets, it's pretty obvious she's genuinely schizophrenic and it's not a bid for attention. So many old posts about seeing ghosts, having random pains that feel like spiritual attacks, and persecution delusions out the wazoo. Schizophrenia tends to emerge in later adulthood, after all. I don't know why so many people are unwilling to accept that she's definitely not making this sort of stuff up and she thinks it's real. Can't blame her parents for everything, but the fact that they scream at her that she's just defective and use rewards/punishments with no end goal to get her to "behave" doesn't help her. They refuse to recognize that she needs actual outside help, not punishment, so she's stagnated and hasn't grown since she was 20. I am so worried about what will happen to her when her mom dies.
In retrospect, it also now feels kind of obvious that she'd troon out eventually. She was always extremely misogynistic, but more importantly she was obsessed with male sexual attention/validation and subsequently based her entire idea of womanhood on that. The older she got, the less she felt that she could be sexually appealing to men, and the less she felt like a woman. Combine that with severe mental illness and undiagnosed PCOS/hormonal imbalance, you've got ripe grounds for trooning out. I just miss her old joy so much no matter how crazy she was back then too. She was just beginning to shine..
No. 2343268
>>2342581The anons posting are literally giving the mods fodder to lock the thread. Then they act pretend grossed out by soap. Farmhand confirmed its like 3 or 4 vendettafags who keep posting all this trash. Taylor hasn't had milk in years and while the baby confinement
could've been milky its not. Millions of women do it. Honestly being able to heal for that long. Especially if you
split is a godsend. Can't imagine wanting a woman to get up on her feet, bleeding for a month straight, and struggling. Not struggling makes her a cow? God.
No. 2343535
>>2343413Not going to reply to all the rabid responses to my simple non-aggressive post here, but this is an insane strawman:
>Can't imagine wanting a woman to get up on her feet, bleeding for a month straight, and struggling. Not struggling makes her a cow? God.No one said anything like this. But moreover it's so irrelevant to the current state of anything. Why try to infight about it?
>>2343363Then bring a link, don't just claim I'm wrong. I know the one post in meta 2 years ago, where a farmhand mentioned "chatroom" behavior on 1-2 days. That didn't talk about vendettas.
It's been months since I posted anything in any part of /w/ so I'm not any of the anons you hate so much. But I used to like reading some /w/ threads and I think it's stupid that a couple anons have to derail and whine to mods and clog up threads they don't like instead of ignoring them like normal anons. It was more fun when we could disagree without massive abuse of reports to get other anons banned. And that's a comment on the anon(s) who behave like that, not the moderation per se. I miss the chiller atmosphere we had and have no idea why there's this need to lie and campaign for threads to be locked and attack people who have different opinions.
No. 2343668
>>2343535Lurk meta yourself. Don't be lazy af.
>>2343413I don't think they know what pearl clutching means. It was an example anyway, not sure why anon is acting like this over it.
No. 2344692
>>2344680What gets me is that I've been saying for
years that the general threads are the #1 problem with /snow/. Both Lexity & Dana were posted a lot in their respective general threads before getting their own threads. It's good to see anons finally digging into the cows that appear constantly in the general threads and milking them. The bar for which cows "deserve" a thread on /snow/ is way too high, and that keeps the board stifled.
No. 2344703
>>2344698Be the change you wanna see, nona
and steal caps from moidfarms.
No. 2344743
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>>2344718Its funny as fuck to me because he's a fat, useles, ugly moid. The face reveal and how everyone dogpilled him for looking like picrel is one of my favourite moments on the internet. He encouraged his psycho parasocial teenage fans and 100% knew what he was doing. He literally sold an USB with pics of him as a baby. He played with fire and got burnt.
No. 2344822
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>>2344743Holy shit. I had to look up what he looks like now. Your pic really isn't an exaggeration KEKK
No. 2344859
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After all those years of destroying herself with a shitty diet, heavy medications, her weight fluctuating, tattoo / surgery addiction, Charlotte charms still has one of the cutest face to me.
No. 2345435
>>2345355trans cows seem kinda repetitive to me too, it’s just sort of boring. Like ok, sex pest or full blown rapist, disgusting hygiene, nasty habitat, handmaidens, probably poly, deadbeat or child abuser, agp, etc. There, I described 300 trans cows, now they’re gonna go fight the Persian army and defend Sparta and hopefully all die.
No. 2346100
>>2345644Agreed. She's one of the most boring cows on here now. I
want there to be milk, I really do, but there's only so many times I can read about what amounts to a bitch eating crackers. The vendettafags will never let the fact that Taylor got the kind of life they probably covet go and will continue to falseflag and screech about WKs whenever a farmer isn't as autistic ally invested as they are about her mundane, milkless social media updates.
No. 2346346
so i posted
>>2312419 and i realized just now that i saw pixielocks at the fucking mental health center, i saw her in the waiting room. i think we have the same psychiatrist
No. 2346373
>>2346322The thread has been absolute shit the past few days. Retards posting old milk, nitpicking, and general lack of reading comprehension has sucked out half the fun. The infight over the bank account joke was insufferable, and saying that you shouldn't post jokes because the thread "moves too fast" is an absolutely brain dead take.
Nitpicking over how nasty dana's porn is, how ugly she is, and her politics are shitting up the thread. Who cares that Dana said some distasteful things in 2011, it's pretty clear that she's a normie millennial center-leftist who just happens to be a porn-obsessed pickme. Tinfoiling that she's secretly a trump supporter is completely unfounded. She rarely even mentions politics, her content is either porn, polyamory, or responding to haters. Shaytards and redditors have spent the day discussing how woke she is, nitpicking her porn and butthole tat, and dredging up milk that was posted months ago.
No. 2348004
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she looks so cute here and I like her new hair a lot, no I'm not defending her or her actions if you're worried about that
No. 2348337
>>2348004She looks like an overweight pug wincing in pain after suffering a cardiac event.
She can't even open her eyes for a photograph because she knows if she catches a glimpse of herself she'll need to take 3 rips from her crusty bong to dull the damage to her self-esteem.
She has to always scrunch her face so that she has an excuse as to why she's so fugly - "I was just making a funny face! It's supposed to be weird looking, haha!" She's too afraid to be genuine because she knows that's she's genuinely trash.
Jill has less hair than my 74 year old grandmother. Jill has spent the last decade chemically frying and destroying her hair, and now all that's left is a handful of straw that limply sits on her caveman skull. She should start building her wig collection now in the face of the inevitable.
Her idea of interior design is sticking toys from the 90s onto a wall. Her entire house is filled with toys and useless crap because she's so spiritually empty that consumerism is her saving grace, but ironically that same consumerism is the foundation of her personal prison.
No matter how much she edits her photos, or how she tries to sneakily pose, she'll always be a fat hog-like lady. She can snort all the bupropion she wants, but her jawline is never coming back. Maybe she shouldn't have gone 26 years without trying broccoli. Maybe her diet shouldn't consist of frozen chicken nuggets and Monster energy drinks.
I can't believe anyone could see this picture and think that she looks 'so cute.' All I see is an isolated, unfashionable, drug-addicted, fat loser. She's just mundane, ordinary, banal white-trash.
(reddit spacing) No. 2348645
>>2346127It's clearly not Kiki. I don't know why farmers keep saying this. The only people who keep trying to push this narrative half a decade later are the spergs who have gotten half of /w/ closed already. All the good cows are now locked away in dead threads.
>>2345644I don't even like the idea of "legacy cows". They don't make sense just because they have been around and were milky when the site was still new. The site is ver 10 years old now and these "legacy cows" also don't do anything anymore. They've moved on and these farmers don't like it, so now all we get is complaining about a few strays hairs she should've combed out of the way as if that's somehow funny and not some autistic obsessed retard posting.
No. 2349047
>>2348727No one is really milky in the sense where I've been interested in nitpicking stupid posts like cups and hair because that's all we've gotten since 4 years ago. Most of the cows are boring except for Jill and Venus before Venus got moved. Moo's calves used to be interesting until she isolated everyone and now she's also on /pt/. Her milk is still going strong. If you want something new, your best bet is keeping up with Jill. The jirai thread has people posting 13/14 year olds in middle school and pearl clutching anime figures with tits, so that's not milky. None of the fashion threads have any milk honestly. Not sure why here are 4 different ones.
Lovely Lor used to be fun. You could try that. She loved arguing her expertise which was a good chuckle. Nothing to really hold on to though.
Mostly you'll find a lot of promise of milk in threads, but all you're going to get is nitpicking and really juvenile discussion about the most mundane things in old threads since a few years ago when a lot of the cows started growing up and moving on. Take the Taylor R thread for example. The Tom thing 6 years ago with Mens Club was milky and now we have anons mad an influencer shills merch like an influencer. I'm sorry, nonna. There's just nothing good on a dead board anymore. Not even old threads since the milk is so thin between actual posts.
Next offer is maybe Terry's thread if you like laughing at troons. His normal life is just cringe, but if you go back you can see the slow transformation into him actually wanted to either be a drag queen or be a woman outside of just cosplay. From no prosthetics to just boobs, to tucking, to suddenly full torso suit.
No. 2350622
>>2350053I agree. I think it's pathetic how some anons complain about how they're not allowed to have fun whenever they're called out for their incessant nitpicking, how vapid and empty is your life if your means of fun is nitpicking a stranger's selfie or - even more embarrassingly - PORN?
>>2350152I've made posts in the vent thread a couple of times to vent about how obvious it is that some anons hate other women, and use their favorite cows as a way to justify it, but no matter how much they try to rationalize their hate for other women still shines through in how their choice of words and obsessive nature.
No. 2351147
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>>2348004Damn you know you ugly when even in the honest cow opinion threads someone calls you cute and no one agrees.
>>2340763 even amberlyn reid wrecked her KEKK
No. 2351215
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>>2333673I always thought Soren had a similar experience to picrel that made her that way. Like being abused as a kid and growing a obsession with cp in return
No. 2353230
>>2352907You don't really see any scars on her boobs, what are you talking about? The nipples were clearly replaced because that's how that works. The nerve damage alone does that. Her boobs aren't mangled IMO. They look fine as is and honestly appropriate for her age. She had a lift and reduction, gaining weight doesn't 'ruin' boobs. She was always going to have sag if her boobs got big again, right now she's afraid of them losing volume which has nothing to do with what you're talking about.
I also don't think the plastic surgeon thing was a lie either. Moo has normal looking tits. Probably exaggerating what he said clearly, but a doctor would look at her and unless he's begging for money, she should just put on a bra. They aren't wrinkly and completely devoid of volume as long as she stays fat. That's why she's so heavy into the lipo when she has gotten it. She is scared of losing her tits and thighs [the thighs she tries to pass off as her ass half the time]. If anything Moo should do a BBL.
No. 2353405
>>2353365You mean like
>>2352907 These women are brainwashed like men that or they actually find more fun in being over the top with their nitpicking. Either way, they've gotten boobs being discussed banned in some threads due to this.
No. 2353819
>>2350053>>2350178many of the cows are shallow, vapid, and vain, so insults to their appearance are likely to be taken hurtfully. some cows make money or are otherwise famous for their appearance (or strive to be), and in cases like these said discussion is on-topic criticism; that which you aim to define yourself by invites the most scrutiny. try not to take it personally
(easier said than done of course if you share what's being insulted). what you said is true though too, and furthermore, documenting, discussing, and making fun of a cow's behavior is much preferred than a thread of appearance-based insults.
No. 2355341
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Sometimes I think I'm stupider than Shayna because she can french braid her hair and I can't. KEK I know that's such a stupid way to compare yourself to a cow but she always has the turd braids so it must be easy for her to do and I can never get them right at all. I have to learn how to french braid in 2025 or I'm stupider than Shay confirmed
No. 2355470
>>2355009This shit is SO frustrating. It's barely a lolcow thread it's basically like a tumblrina blogging sphere/PULL-lite in her thread. You can't make fun of the stupid bitch without some retard chiming in to "clarify" and "set the record straight"
>UMMM ACKCHYUALLY SHE COULD VERY WELL REALLY LIKE ANIME AND PONIES YOU NEVER KNOW!!!WHY the fuuuuuuuuuck are you in her lolcow hater thread then??? Holy shit. Mods really need to make some sort of announcement in her thread to let the retarded newfag gendies and self diagnosed autists know that this is a HATE thread and not a fucking heckin'
problematic tumblypoo callout Google doc.
>>2355051The "clarifications" are fucking annoying and a huge derailment. People who aren't from tumblr/tiktok/xitter don't give a single fuck and are simply in her thread to laugh at her and hate her because she's annoying and retarded.
No. 2356952
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>>2356910She only looks good because she has so much fat on her face tbh, if she lost it all she would just be pure jowls, beady eyes, and recessed chin. She’d look just like Shayna does now
No. 2357538
>>2357533Adding to this, a lot of newfags love posing as aggressive "mean girl" type oldfags to blend in and they're the first ones to call others newfags and say shit like "THIS IS LOLCOW WE'RE MEAN HERE, DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOU ARE LOL". They unironically want to turn this site into a
femcel website. Whenever I see anons like that I don't bother replying to them anymore, their bait is way too obvious.
(derailing) No. 2357832
>>2357175Her #1 interest for years was magical girls, and she didn't finish Cardcaptor, didn't like Madoka, didn't understand Utena, and didn't even finish PreCure, the one series she genuinely does seem to enjoy, until a couple of years ago. Yes, she likes some anime and MLP, but she presents herself as the biggest fan of them and an authority on the subject, and that is why people downplay her like of it, because it feels so superficial and obvious why she's doing it.
No. 2357976
>>2357747>>2357538I've seen unintegrated anons use the word
femcel unironically as well. There's some in the friend finder thread for example. But the friend finder thread is newfag central anyway. I'm not saying that the word
femcel is a good word, but that a lot of unintegrated newfags use it.
No. 2358435
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the dichotomy between lcs fat failed trannies "max" graves and fanny ze tranny is so fascinating to me, both troons were discovered by the art salt thread both were keked at and were proven to be ib lurkers but fanny was proven to be a larper and the other to actually know ib and the lolcow culture quite well that she accurately portrays it so well that its hard to believe shes supposedly criticizing "it" ,both are handmaidens but then again one is blindly loyal to the rothole so much she'd let other women be raped just for a troon to glance her way but the other albeit still a handmaiden indirectly points out troon cognitive dissonance and egoism by mere "coincidence" or perhaps intentionally(so much so nonas are convinced shes actually crypto) many nonas still read boths comic but while ones is just pure fetish slop and shit art (remember fanny went to art school and had artists parents) max's art may be shit but you cant deny she can write comics, reading her comics is genuinely interesting unlike fannys goonslop.
No. 2358794
>>2358435KEKKKKKKKKKKK that fanny edit is priceless
>>2358244>I think it's very likely that she simultaneously has endo and some other somatoform disorder. I think so too. She probably has endo (which she exaggerates), some somatization disorder and slight munchie tendencies. Makes sense because these things often go together
No. 2360216
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I was scrolling through my old youtube comments and came across a chain of replies defending venus being called a cringe weeb.
No. 2360768
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>>2360739She isn't autistic. She never had any issues in school or problems growing up, she was popular in school, participated in a lot of extracurricular activities, had lots of friends in different clubs outside of school, acted in school plays: she's never been autistic and she never will be. She only started LARPing autism after it became popular online, specifically on TikTok in the plague years when she spent an inordinate amount of time on that platform.
She suffers from extreme Favourite Child Syndrome. She has always had everything handed to her on a silver platter and she was coddled for her entire life. That's why when she had to move out she completely regressed, because she wasn't used to actually working for herself and doing things on her own without mummy's help. The reason she only ate tendies in Japan is because she has a shit palette from growing up on deep-fried unseasoned boring PEI cuisine. She didn't even try broccoli until she was 25.
>>2360749>Every bippie has autismYou must be trolling kek
No. 2361227
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It's insane how much of this fits Jillian to a T
No. 2361435
>>2361067>>2360739I'd go even further and say… Have you considered she's just fat
AND annoying?
No. 2361468
>>2361424To me, when i go into Shayna's thread, all i see is a dumb bpd-chan who insists on ruining her life and putting herself through humiliation rituals and is desperate to relive her five minutes of fame she had being that cute weed smoking girl on tumblr. Admittedly, i do not frequent her threads much anymore because as you said, she just does the same shit all the time. But once in a blue moon, she will do something that horrifies me like those violent spankings she does for practically nothing but a free flight. There is nothing within me who can see anything mundane about onlyfans people who do extreme content, especially when they come from a life of relative privilege. Mundane to me are cam girls who at most will use a normal sex toy, not beatings and diapers. I think it's because there are certain sex workers who aren't as attention whoring as shayna is and have a clean separation between their personal life and their career, Shayna doesn't have that and also, she never shuts up about her life which right now, only include people as weird and shameless as she is. It will never be anything but outrageous to me that somebody willingly chooses that path in life despite being raised by loving parents and having the resources to pursue a normal and stable life. When i do visit her threads, i am mostly just seeing if she has finally quit sex work and decided to improve her life more than anything, i think that's part of why anons are so obsessed with the idea of her losing money because that would probably the only thing to get her to quit, as well as the fact that her e-begging has become far more rampant.
No. 2361611
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I find it hilarious whenever Jill retweets other cows defending themselves, she does this a surprising amount of times. It makes her look like a lurker.
No. 2361657
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>>2361611Yes! I remember when she would interact with Kelly Eden when her threads were blowing up lol. She's really blatant with it.
It's ironic that Jill called herself a full-time artist when she all she does is tweets all day. Meanwhile Kelly (as much as she sucked) was a legit artist and a room in her house was cooler than Jills entire place. She was also alt and hyper-feminine in the way Jill thinks she looks but doesn't. And Kelly was chronically online too but mostly went away and deleted most of her youtube shit. Jill would never have the balls or willpower to do such thing. Jesus I can't believe Jillian is SO lazy and uncreative I'm complimenting Kelly fucking Eden KEK.
No. 2361975
>>2361611>unironically enjoy hate forumskek as opposed to ironically enjoying hate forums? why are zoomies so irony poisoned. Shes a haydurr herself she's always doing the same thing nonnies do but on twitter and under the guise of something being ''
No. 2362666
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I find momokun pretty boring, but it's never lost on me that she swore up and down that she will only do god honouring cosplay, but now i know what both her holes look like. The most kek worthy part is that she probably makes absolute bank doing full on porn compared to those shitty little cosplay shoots. I hope she is happy with her life.
No. 2363105
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Everyone Jill interacts with on twitter has a more insane aura than she does
No. 2363154
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Shayfags are old news, the new thing is Jillfags making random shit about Jinn-ian. I cannot wait for /jill/
No. 2363768
>>2361657I actually kinda like Kelly and think some of her paintings are nice.
She did occasionally annoying shit yeah but I don't think she was nearly as bad as everyone made her out to be and her vids going over her early weeb stuff were really sweet.
Can't stand her boyfriend though.
No. 2364275
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Kelly Eden's calves ended up being milkier than her. Initially there was schadenfreude in seeing all her friends dumping her. But Stephanie, Dre or Molly are worse. The fellowship of the rainbow was cringe but harmless from Kelly and the calves were deeply untalented and parasitic.
Kellys downfall is being a doormat cause she attracts users like her loser bfs and ex-friends. Lastly, she is the prettiest cow
No. 2364456
>>2360739Eating tendies isn't autism, that's gen Z forgetting how to eat like an adult because a third are failures to launch
No. 2364841
I'm tired of "she's just a tryhard quirky girl" being leveled at any cow with mildly odd interests and looks, like grimes for example. There are obvious tryhards like Jill but women don't
always have different interests to be an NLOG quirky pick-me or whatever meaningless insult is fashionable these days. If a woman jokes about something? Quirky. If a woman shares an interest? Quirky. Seems like it's a failure to imagine women aren't
always motivated by identity formation and navel-gazing, they can actually care about things and for whatever reason some farmers can't even picture that. Similarly, Grimes' behavior doesn't point to BPD, i don't get why her thread is convinced of this. She's a cringey anorexic self-loathing autist with autopedo tendencies. The BPD stuff really sounds like a projection from farmers.
>>2364647Autistic people don't necessarily only eat beige things, doing
one odd thing =/= autism. Jill completely fits the bill of a Gen Z/young Millenial who only eats tendies (failure to launch, wishes to age regress, learned helplessness etc) and she has zero genuine autistic traits.
>>2360749>but most definitely everyone who has bpd has autismBPD and autism couldn't be more distant, at this point you might as well believe her DID larp. One is a condition where aloneness and abandonment are so intolerable they
trigger all kinds of (self) destructive behavior, sometimes escalating to actual delusions and hallucinations. Autistic people tend to need distance and avoid being
too close to others for long periods of time. If you really have to armchair, do it correctly
>>2361012Kek it really explains a lot about her thread
(medfagging) No. 2366184
>>2365904Nah, it is severe. There's an anon that always appears whenever Tom's mentioned and keeps insisting he's never wrong. Not too long ago she announced that he can't possibly park his luxury car beside regular cars lmao. I guess it's the same anon upthread that said poor people in HK get into more accidents so it somehow justifies Tom. If it's not wking then I don't know what is.
Sure, being a pos is not a sin and not really milk, but pointing and calling it out shouldn't warrant such an antagonistic reaction as it got from Tom's fanclub.
No. 2366814
>>2365875check the timestamps when the reeing is intense, there has to be a sock involved. One of the posters basically personalityfags in their posts, too.
Tom is a pervert cow without a chin, he deserves every criticism he gets here.
No. 2366960
>>2365875Imagine reaching that hard to wk an ugly, fat, old scrotoid on lolcow of all places
Mocking moids is fun and should be mandatory kek
I'm not even reading the Taylor R thread since she's very boring and bland imo, but that anon that keeps having a meltdown in /meta/ and here anytime someone posts something in it is so fucking weird. Mods should take a look at their post/report history because I suspect they're at it for quite a long time, and in many weeb/weeb-adjacent threads (Jvloggers, Venus, Belle Delphine, Skirby, Jiraikei…etc)
And they're probably reporting our posts as we speak: "Waah, take that to /meta/! This is not an opinion on cow! Lock the thread !!"
No. 2367132
>>2367055Never went into that thread, I was just referring to the /meta/ complaints, but maybe I'm wrong about that one and it was really shitty.
I'm just weird out about that new batch of anons unable to hide a thread they don't like and stomping their feet until a potential shut down.
Inb4 "B…but muh milk quality!"
Following that logic, Shay thread should be locked too. As long as retards stay in their containment, I don't see the problem, let them have their fun nitpicking Shayna's tits or Jill fake autism for the umpteenth time.
No. 2367514
File: 1737932041756.png (38.6 KB, 1777x154, you're basically caping for ag…)

People in Jill's thread can be bigger cows than Jill sometimes with the fake pearl clutching.
No. 2367744
>>2367549make one, but make sure it isn't shit
>>2367704KEK now i can't unsee this (nor do i want to)
No. 2368803
>>2368342Where do you see anything about appropriation of tranny culture? Jill is a faghag but not one the fags and dragqueens would enjoy hanging out with because she's sensitive.
>>2367514What's pearl clutching about pointing out how Jill doesn't know her target audience doesn't find edgy slut millennial core humor funny? The zoomers that are into that don't like Jill either because she wants people to handle her with kid gloves, and those people typically don't like doing that.
No. 2368864
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This post was surprisingly ignored but the limecrime woman got… skull shaping surgery? Is that as horrifying, unnecessary, and torturous as it sounds? What in the absolute fuck
No. 2368958
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>>2368953Right like what could have possibly been so wrong with her skull that it warranted this? She has bigger problems to worry about
No. 2369035
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Do men really get off to momokun or is she running an elaborate money laundrey scam? are all her followers feeders? WHAT IS THE APPEAL?! its driving me crazy because men will nitpick and destroy pretty women for way less then go and fill momocow's pockets with their onlyfans simp money.
No. 2369379
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Found from the breadtube thread. I like Lindsay Ellis but she was not canceled for the Avatar shit and I hate that it gets echoed everytime she's mentioned. It's the same shit as Jenna Marbles who I loved. They both just wanted to leave youtube, those controversies were barely talked about but using them was the "highest" way to go. And it worked cause now they get treated like martyrs and everyone re-writes history. Someone on reddit tells them that's the reason they left and they don't question it. I also think its because they're women so leaving youtube had to be a big moral standing while moids will say they're bored and dip without a care or reason because they don't need one.
ALSO I can never get over Lindsay having dated ToddInTheShadows. Nonas posting that she's an alcoholic was the first time it made sense to me kek Todd used to be one too. She was waaaaay out of his league. I'd be depressed if she left me too (years ago but still. been following them for a long time obviously)
No. 2369403
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>>2369379Is this something that anyone besides her hc stans would care about though? I find her videos occasionally funny but extremely mind-numbing.
>Nonas posting that she's an alcoholic was the first time it made sense to me kek Todd used to be one too.She's an alcoholic but will also lose control of her faculties around her dorky friends and I can't tell if she's drunk or not. It's the content version of just shitting your pants in public and not caring. It's not funny at all but some of her essay jokes have been (without those people) so this is one of those rare situations where I actually think her friends are a bad influence on her
No. 2369471
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>>2369444>I hate her for popularizing cringe essays that take children's media too seriously.Maybe some people don't like listening to study music or rain sounds as background noise, for them it's pretty good anon
No. 2369479
nonnie Jenna Marbles was pretty active before some people starting sperging and trying to ruin her life about a fish bowl or something. She is obviously a sensitive person and I think that was the final straw for her since you could tell she always tries to be ethical, especially in regards to animals, and people really went crazy on her because of a fucking fish tank
No. 2369675
I think I legitimately hate momokun now, the way she takes a rape
victim video game character and makes fucking horse dildo porn has me sick to my stomach. The way she responds against people who are rightfully disturbed by it and calling them snowflakes, how she says "a woman is more than her trauma" god fuck off. She doesn't realize how low she's gotten to make porn of such a thing, I bet she sleeps at night feeling rightfully hollow but her retardation can't pinpoint why she feels that way. Majority of her body is plastic, her skin loosely hanging onto the misshapen fat underneath, she lies about her studies to become a nurse, and she's a con business woman who doesn't realize she's a captain on a sinking ship. Every bad thing that happens in the future will be my fuel like a vulture watches a dying rodent in the desert, I can't wait.
>>2369578Same with jill, she's been my main inspiration for weight loss. Every time I feel like giving up I look through her thread and remind myself what would happen if I stay inactive.
I actually lost a few pounds so far hehe thanks jill No. 2369704
>>2369694tiktokers sometimes mention lc so we get tards coming from there.
there's also a massive influx of redditfags because of the sinnabunny thread, she has her own snark subreddit where redditors make fun of her. that's why there are so many blogposts, cowtippers, moralfags, and retards armchair diagnosing cows with NPD now.
No. 2369918
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I think Dakota Rose was ahead of her time and a pioneer of sorts.
No. 2370181
>>2369935Yes they are all trivial things compared to the likes of today’s cows like Shayna, Jill and Momokun, but you need to understand that back in the day (late 2000s/ early 2010s) cows were a different breed. The bar for cow-dom was different because cows were generally not as degenerate or horrible than the cows of today. It’s not that cows were necessarily more wholesome back then, it’s that cringe behavior became normalized due to the rise of influencer culture and the worst of humanity became more visible as the internet became ubiquitous. Pixyteri’s worst crimes were being fat, lacking self-awareness and being a shameless weeaboo, which made her lulzy in the /cgl/ days of yore but nowadays obese shameless weebs are a dime a dozen. Dakota is definitely innocuous in hindsight, but her cow status and the fascination surprising her was a product of the circumstances that allowed her to become popular.
>>2369918 mentioned she was truly ahead of her time - influencing as a career was still in its infancy so the idea of some random white girl on the internet getting flown out to Japan was nigh unthinkable. Filters were not common and still in their infancy back then, so Dakota had to manually edit her videos frame by frame in order to keep up her ruse. Her dedication to catfishing plus the human doll persona she cultivated is why the racist remarks stood out, because they reinforced the fakeness of her charade. She is definitely not a cow anymore nor has she done anything remotely milky in ages but she undeniably had her place in cow culture back in the day.
No. 2370185
>>2369918I've said the same, she was crucified for things people do
daily now, even the most active women in her thread use filters. When I mentioned this here awhile ago, someone even claimed she wasn't editing her vids in aftereffects which blew my mind that we've come so full circle that women don't even realize she was editing her yt vids frame by frame all on her own
No. 2370454
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I miss early Lillee Jean orbiters. Tired lady was pretty funny in a schizo way, wonder what she's up to now.
No. 2370470
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harley needs to slow the fuck down i swear i can just click on any vod at any timestamp and have the most milkiest clip waiting for me, he’s so fucking insane and psychopathic and it’s so fascinating seeing someone be this fucking delusional. i’m so invested in watching his life be ruined he is such a fucking cunt asshole prick worst person on earth seriously and it’s all the more amazing because of how fucking obnoxiously retarded and hateable he is. never change
No. 2370743
>>2370181I mean, she and her sister were pretty vile mean girls for awhile. The 180 to "innocent kawiwi girl" was lulzy. I especially enjoyed her fake accent and claims about how she could speak Chinese and Japanese. The DMCA drama was crazy too, her dad called a young teen to threaten her just for posting some lukewarm opinion about Dakota online. I should dig out my old laptop to see if I saved that anywhere. Her family even DMCAed her debut video in Japan! All of that was insanely milky imho.
It's just sad that it all petered out, it was much more fun and wholesome (kek) to watch than cows taking drugs or selling themselves online.
Dakota deserves credit for doing some work to actually learn Japanese. Immersion is a huge help but it's not everything. Venus does too. But both of them had such shitty families that it's not surprising they wanted to get away, and the language studies achieved that more than modeling ever could.
No. 2370783
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>>2369578Amberlynn when i am feeling anxious and want to eat myself to death to feel something. Honestly insane to me she's still alive.
No. 2370815
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>>2369578My inspirations for getting a job are Jillian, the queen, Shayna, and I actually do have a full-time job now, so it really helped! I'm also sticking to eating healthy-ish because I know that having salad at least twice a week and eating normally is always going to be better than eating fast food, I also haven't ordered food in months! Which means I have been able to use my money in other things and I also have been able to save some money too.
No. 2370933
>>2370511>Also, to be fair by current day standards of cow behavior a lot of OG cows (eg Felice Fawn) would not be considered cows.what are you talking about, even by today's standards Felice hits every single hallmark of a cow
>fake name snowflake>lying about family trauma>endless attempts at monetizing her efame and scamming countless followers, begging for luxury goods (like when she kept begging for an iphone and no other smartphone would do)>oversharing relationship drama and degeneracy>shock images for edgelord points (dead baby saga)>endless purple prose about herself>burning bridges with all collaborators despite getting opportunities to be featured in modeling gigs and magazines>getting pets for the aesthetics and neglecting them>extreme levels of photoshop and video editing>launching new websites and projects all the time but never following through on anything>opened new online stores pretending she didn't own them and was just promoting them because she had already abandoned so many shops with unfulfilled orders and never refunding customers>public falling outs with other efamous people and irl friends>sending herself anonymous asks and forgetting to click anon>doing coke and getting wasted on cheap wine live on streamthe list goes on.
No. 2371940
>>2369694The only possibly annoying thing about her is that she continues to engage with her haters by egging them on or embracing her reputation, when most normal people would’ve blocked or ignored them. Honestly, it’s refreshing to see a female Internet personality not kowtow to the SJW teenyboppers. Last time I checked her only crime was…being a fujo and publicly enjoying it? The asianfishing allegations are so ridiculous because any actual Asian can tell her face is not Asian; she just has hooded eyes and black hair. She doesn’t have epicanthic folds and a flat brow bone like most East Asians.
The people in her comments section are more milky than her. It’s ironic how they act so morally superior and holier than thou, yet in the same breath call her a fatass or tell her to kill herself. None of them would dare comment the same things to pickme girls who proudly display their loli figurines and dakimakuras or coomer men.
No. 2372848
>>2372081I am 99% sure that all of those online moralfags are not East Asian themselves. if you’re part of that ethnic group, the idea that wearing douyin style makeup is “asian fishing” is patently retarded because you know makeup doesn’t magically change your bone structure. Asian makeup styles are just more flattering on asian features, but they’re just that - makeup techniques. They’re not some sacred cultural practice nor do they “belong” to a single ethnic group.
Also willing to bet the farmers who keep trying to vendettapost her are newfag migrants from Reddit / TikTok who want lolcor to be their personal army. In the past when people like Momokun or Pixyteri tried to Asian LARP, it was genuinely milky because it was so delusional. PT straight up invented a Japanese dad and said the wind chime in her backyard was proof. When you see legit Asian LARPing it’s hard to get offended because those people so obviously live in la la land.
No. 2375990
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>>2375916I think it's always funny to see someone so obviously edited pretend they're not. Seeing them double down is entertaining cause it's so shameless. Someone like Dakota was very pretty so it kinda blurred the line between real and fake.
But you're right that it's not milky. It is kinda funny though.
No. 2379798
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dasha has one of the most aggressive peasant faces I have seen in my life.
No. 2380397
>>2376204I agree that she's bringing in a lot of money, but she's been flashing it less, which is weird for Moo. Even if she makes tens of thousands a month, she can't seem to stop pouring cash into the most retarded projects imaginable, like her photo studio that nobody fucking uses, and she doesn't understand the concept of savings. I'm sure she's still raking in the cash, but it looks like the overheads are starting to pile up.
My personal tinfoil is that she had to pay a huge backlog of taxes and bills and she's seething over not being able to rent a new moid to fuck her porcine pancakes on camera to make Ozy jealous.
No. 2381028
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>>2358435virgin fetish slop doodler VS gigachad true and honest dood cartoonist
No. 2381039
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>>2379798I swear no one would even know who she is if she had dark hair. She's so plain and bland. The blonde hair + ana chan body does the heavy lifting. She's unremarkable in every way and she should be lucky blonde and skelly is a desirable niche for weirdos.
No. 2381072
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>>2381049Her Sailor Socialism getup was cute. I miss this hair color
No. 2381113
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>>2381072She can't even put the pizza in her mouth to pose for this photo. It's positioned in front of her mouth.
I would have never thought about this generic Russian again if not were LC but she's a full-blown cow so I can't complain.Ova means "egg" to me so "ugly egg". Makes sense to me No. 2383951
File: 1738795621096.jpg (Spoiler Image,80.8 KB, 925x829, GejoPmxWIAA216B.jpg)

I know skirby is looked down on as a cow, considering the people in her thread (well, it's locked now so lol) are usually underaged. But holy shit the way she edits herself is actually crazy to me, like all of her photos look ai generated. I never looked into her as a cow but I saw some shit about her on my TL and like, this is insane to me. She doesn't even just edit herself she also makes everything else look… weird?? This isn't even attractive to me. i really can't tell if she's incredibly mentally ill or she just knows scrotes are dumb enough to believe it. She doesn't deserve her own thread but compared to all of the other shoopers I've seen the degradation and extremity of her shoops are very potent. Are zoomers okay? If you look at her xitter you'll see what I mean
No. 2384041
>>2381039She looks infinitely better here, being ugly and going blond just enhances your ugliness.
>>2383951She's absolutely ridiculous, but was there ever any milk besides her retarded shooping? it gets really repetitive to have multiple threads full of nothing but mocking a cows horrible editing.
No. 2386715
>>2386318Remember when Lolcow wasn't female only and a scrote farmhand doxed everyone who left negative comments on Shoe's thread because he was a huge simp and she still didn't fuck him? Shoe is a cringe magnet.
>>2386632Kek it's really funny to see how her warped backgrounds and insane shoops manage to fool moids. It's funny to laugh at her shoops but she's definitely not milky enough for her own thread.
No. 2386896
>>2386632Tbh most men don't even care if it's photoshop. They will complain about women being fake and still jack off to women like Moo and Skirby because they can get off to the fantasy of what
could be reality when they obviously know it's not. Not to say some men don't argue and try to defend some of them, but for the most part men just get off to the overall photos/videos of these girls. Photoshop or not. They don't care. It's not that she's trying to push the limits, she knows she can get paid for it.
No. 2386980
>>2386826The queen never had a chance, especially with her environment and her mom. The /cgl/ era was her peak of milkiness, everything after was a slow descent until now where she’s just plain sad to watch.
>>2386836She doesn’t do enough now to warrant full-time cow status but you can’t deny her being outed as Sperg-chan was one of the milkiest things to ever happen on this site. Truly a moment to go down in cow history.
No. 2387024
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with the resurgence of homunculus100, it never fails to haunt me how she used to look so normie before trooning out. she could easily pass as some vsco sorority girl obsessing over stanely cups instead of homestuck porn. what a cruel world
No. 2387551
>>2387505I'm too afraid to personally update her thread, the /snow/ mods seem really strict about what qualifies as milk and I don't want to piss them off kek
Someone posted the game in her thread about 2 weeks ago, and anons were discussing her 6 hours ago. That's all the activity her thread has seen so far.
No. 2392563
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>>2389691She converted to Christianity recently so she could quit vaping
No. 2392594
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Not sure where to put this but I checked Soren's pinterest and found two boards that were last updated 2 years ago, which is strange because she supposedly died 4 years ago in 2021
No. 2392680
>>2392605Oh sorry I didn't know. I only knew that people apparently found depop acivity that turned out to be a false alarm anyways. Probably just a dud but was still strange to me
>>2392619Yeah exactly. I know that pinterest sends countless emails of deleted pins that you've saved but this doesn't change your board activity so I wouldn't think that's the case. Besides I don't think her family members would've changed a couple of things on two boards and nothing else, if it was in their possession I'd think they would just delete the account altogether.
No. 2392692
>>2392680We need Anjali to come back and do a tell-all. Or make a viral tiktok series about her insane TIF sister
and overbearing mother. There had to be something going on behind the scenes that is so uncomfortable and crazy that we are not privy to.
No. 2392729
>>2392692Sometimes, desperation for milk makes you look pathetic. Having a sibling so mentally ill that you have to regularly apologize to childhood acquaintances about her including them in a crazy baby rape snuff factory fiction is not content for tiktok. We don't even know the kind of fights or meltdowns she had, if she physically hurt her family in their tantrums, etc. Having your sister
die from her mental illness and also struggling with feelings of relief and guilt for that relief is not some palatable cute bitesize tiktok story. Please come down to reality kek.
No. 2393412
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i think if luna would fully commit to hating men instead of just getting mad at her dad and her "clients" it would be a step in the right direction. of course her life will never improve until she gets off drugs but seeing lurch for the filthy coomer moid he is would be a great start
No. 2396492
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The Dakota saga is such a wild ride. Even a decade ago, I never had any of that exaggerative resentment or anything the PULLtards did, I considered her a product of her environment, but I did browse her threads and only ever commented on the editing side of things because it fascinated me. Ultimately the hate she received was the consequences of her own actions, but I honestly wonder what her headspace is now and if she looks back and cringes or is as delusional as her sister and sees nothing wrong with it all. People were in utter shock at her real appearance and would call her all sorts of things, I'd say it was overboard but when you photoshop yourself into an entirely new entity and appear so often publicly you're kind of inviting it. There was a period where I was convinced her weird baby edits were trolling out of resentment but now I'm not so sure, I wonder if she was either severely mentally ill and in denial or if she really was just trolling her way through life to keep the yen (and a safe distance from her family).
No. 2396604
The year is 2025 and I miss Phoebe Tickner. I wonder if her scrote's family member still posts here.
>>2390336>I wish no cows had kids. When there are kids involved it really takes the humor out of the milk and just makes it depressing.I'm horrified that some of the cows in the cluster B thread have kids. Imagine being raised by a parent whose singular goals in life are to be taken care of in an institutional setting and to gain attention and sympathy. Those poor kids are going to have severe mommy issues.
>>2396072>more than 2/3rds of the comments made in her thread would be entirely different. I see your point, but I wouldn't go
that far. Luna's threads did used to garner more frequent positive comments; it took years for her thread to come to the consensus that she'll never change. Plus attractive cows tend to receive jealousy-motivated vitriol.
No. 2396625
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Where is she
No. 2396684
>>2396604I miss Phoebe too, feels like shit
I hope she went full radfem and got her life together, being offline can only have improved her mental health surely??
No. 2396757
>>2396641There's nothing to talk about in a new thread kek. It'd sit at either 0 posts
or anons infighting about who knows what (like always)
No. 2397320
>>2394055But a lot of her information
is wrong though kek, she's a boring cow but she's not just being boolied for no reason
No. 2398768
>>2398595I don't know how you can stand reading this thread.
It's full to the brim with PULLtards unable to let go and one or two obsessed WKs.
I wish they'd make a snark subreddit and stay there to infight each others and nitpicks as their hearts content, instead of shitting-up /meta/ anytime someone posts something.
Taylor was never a cow in my opinion, even during her "kawaii uguu" Kota skinwalking era. Her unoriginal, boring ass was just doing what a tons of other girls were doing (one of them was called Kittyphina if memory serves ?)
The only funny thing about her is the ugly scrotoid she chose to marry and the weird anon that keeps defending him.
>Noooo ! Reeee!!! You can't make fun of Tom ! He isn't THAT ugly and his sperm is perfect and not old!Nitpicking ! I'm gonna report all of you!!!!
But even making fun of him gets stale after a while. I really don't get the obsession, haters and WKs alike, has about her.
No. 2399100
>>2398768Check it every so often because it doesn't get bumped much. Then again, all the updates currently are some anon thinking it's
abusive to buy a child a piano at the age of 2. Who cares?
No. 2399380
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>>2399236>Nta but its such a reach to call himcall him what fagtard? or are you too retarded from listening to ironlungs streams about her being a virgin despite having a teen daughter and shes totes has a uggu loli voice due to huffing oxygen!, only "adults" are pedo panderers who else do you think it can be? a child isnt, a adult who panders to pedos knowingly does it because they dont care about the real life consequences that may come from it as they get their money even if it comes from a pedo moid, conner may deny all he wants but theres more than enough pedos in his friend group hes no innocent moid whos blind to alicia bringing a teen "who didnt look 18" to a con and still making videos with her and only deleted them after picrel came out. go suck his dick somewhere else
(infighting) No. 2401226
>>2401219Why are you in that thread kek it should have been closed years ago
Honestly most posters on /w/ are just salty old cgl users or babies from TikTok and both types are only there because they're obsessed or jealous with the "cows" who are doing nippon things totally wrong to the way the posters want to do it. There's no milk on /w/, only nitpicking that someone looks fat or outpourings of pointless surprise when well-established idiots say idiotic things
No. 2401232
>>2401226Because it's funny to see the extent anons go to to make them seem like bad parents when they aren't. It really should've been closed a long time ago.
>>2399767 This milk has been beaten to death and it's the only thing anons hold on to besides something in Tokyo almost a decade ago and Taylor thinking she knew what Japanese women were saying. /w/ in general has gone way down hill, yet the bitchfits when people get banned are hilarious because they act like they are doing a saints work by showing how Terry is eating chicken again for the 4th time this week.
No. 2401302
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I miss reading about Nemu, the cow with the puke and radiation fetish that drew it
There must be other types of art horror cows out there but I don't know where to find them or how to get anons to discuss them
No. 2402274
>>2401541lisa yo because i just want to see what it looks like when she talks but also i want to pick her brain a bit kek. then maybe luna, i don't actually care for her threads really but i'm kinda curious what she'd talk about, if she had anything to talk about other than drugs kek
i was imagining it and i genuinely feel like talking to grimes or jill would be insufferable, i'm imagining that one interview that was for aespa, and grimes wouldn't stop talking about herself and AI. i feel like jill would be similar. just only wanting to talk about themselves and nothing else. also
>Maybe D’Angelo Wallace if he countsdon't know he counts but i can see it, i'd imagine he'd be chill to talk to but ever since he was defending that troon macon in one of his videos i kind of hate him but i could imagine him being pretty chill to talk to
No. 2402800
Sometimes Heather weirds me out because behavior-wise, she's a clone of my mother. Constantly chasing a new moid, cheating, whining loudly about nonexistent health issues, job hopping, re-inventing herself constantly, leeching off of others, expecting constant ass-pats, loathing every other woman or girl in a 50 mile radius, ect. I doubt Heather's actually infertile but either way I hope she never, ever has kids. Being raised by someone like that is hellish.
No. 2402824
>>2401541Tbh the only cow i'd care to talk to is a sobered up Venus because i would really love to pick her brain.
>Shoe0nHeadI'd sooner shoot myself in the brain than have a conversation with that pathetic pickme lol.
No. 2403629
>>2403497I hate addy wk because they never seem to understand n1currs that bitch has shit taste and likes ugly coomerslop like sonico, the problem and what makes her a cow is that she puts herself on pedestal and then shits on other weebs with ''
problematic'' taste, like hetalia.
No. 2403911
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>>2403889>>2403891Oh my god?? I was about to say I was tinfoiling LOL. But I think it's Ms. Boucher herself shitting up the grimey thread.
No. 2403974
>>2403968It's truly crazy how long it's been going on, especially reddit where anons have receipts. Even background cast members on reality tv shows learn not to read online gossip about themselves. She creates more gossip by reading and reacting to it, just like any other cow on lc
>she's not above that shit at allThis is the hilarious part, if you tell some random person ~the superstar dj grimes~ spends her time seething over reddit/lc posts and hiring bots/self-posting, they would think you were a crazy hater or something, because she's ~so nice and quirky~
No. 2403978
>>2403537kek nona, you expressed my puzzlement perfectly. I don't frequent that thread but I recognize this circular style of wking.
>>2401541Emilie Autumn is an interesting choice, and I agree. I liked her old music (Enchant and earlier). I'm sure we could find something to talk about. I'm wracking my brain, trying to think of an actually intelligent cow… maybe one of the booktok cows whose brain hasn't completely melted away.
No. 2405345
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>>2405341tophia is the most interesting female cow out there right now but I think that nonas on here don't care about her because they can't go over the typical catty things with her like the do with every cow now. Tophia is just pure autism. i bring her up because she reminds me of Queen. Just a delusional self centered autist
No. 2405803
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brujoari is my favorite cow to read up on because the thread her shit is usually posted in is much more laid back therefore people can actually bring up (or blog) about their own experiences and what not. Like seeing millennials talk about how inaccurate her portrayal of the 2000’s are through long paragraphs is very cozy to me. Even if she’s not that interesting herself it’s just the discussion around her that i find to be cozy. Are there any other cows with that vibe?
No. 2405859
>>2405803I can think of two cows, both dormant though. I like long paragraphs too, nonna.
Farmers bonded nicely in the Stefany Lauren threads until the latest one (but what happened isn't the fault of nonnies imho). I found the information about her cosplay drama and horses interesting.
Aly_realrecover was a great cow despite farmers having concern for her health. There's a nearly complete list of her threads in the /meta/ binge thread. Farmers pretty much universally got along. The humor and camaraderie in those threads was why I kept visiting lc. When her threads ended because she got better, farmers were happy for her.
No. 2406653
File: 1739932374110.png (1.83 MB, 1440x858, Screenshot 2025-02-18 at 9.28.…)

Taylor R is my comfort cow. She's the only one I can follow out of the og jvlogger cows because the others live such depressing or mediocre lives it depresses me. Sharla could have really gotten somewhere in life if she weren't stuck being 19 eternally and put some damn effort into her appearance. Its sad to see her pushing 40 still being a weeb who wears hoodies.
No. 2406669
>>2406653>she could have gotten somewhere Uh she's literally living her best life in Japan doing cool stuff everyday, is happily engaged to another successful YouTuber, has her own career and makes good money from her view revenue, and is meeting up with friends and having fun, after making a lifetime of memories in Japan, something millions of people wish they could do also.
>she's pushing 40 and still wearing hoodiesReally, that's all you have to say? You sound jealous and bitter and catty, weeb-chan. Keep living vicariously through her.
No. 2406682
>>2406660The ones I know of:
>KanadjinBecame an Islamic extremist after that one Muslim guy rejected her. Began teasing a "Saudi Husband" that never existed.
>EatYourKimchiShe ended up leaving him because he was a bald loser that was angry at her for having a chronic pain disorder
>>2406671What else do you expect from the PULLtards kek
No. 2406709
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>>2406669Look, I don't hate Sharla, she seems nice and sane but she had potential and just wasted it. She's been fat for years and has never even attempted to change her style. The pin straight dishwater blonde hair with the slight side part. She looks frozen in time and like 10 years have passed. She's naturally pretty but never put any effort into her looks. She makes the same videos she always made and in a style that died in 2018. Her content is boring. She just never grows or changes. Also, she settled for Chris after failing to snag a Asian dude and having a public divorce. Her lack of growth and development make her depressing to me. It's like she never tires to go higher or further but just chooses to stay in a comfortable middle.
No. 2406717
>>2406709Nta but
>She's naturally pretty but never put any effort into her looks.She has a full face of makeup and her hair is styled in the screenshot you chose. It's crazy to me that a woman being not prettier than she was 10 years ago flags as having failed in life to you.
>had a divorce>didn't get remarried to an Asian>is comfortable with where she is in lifeSeek help, vendetta-chan. I genuinely think you would be happier if you identified what it is about her that stirs up these negative feelings in you and worked on improving your life in those areas.
No. 2406758
>>2406653Sharla and chris weren't even milky to begin with. I watch them and I can't find anything lolcow worthy in videos since the thread closed. What I do enjoy is the anon who leaked their vendetta socials and got caught vendettafagging and still as of a few months ago stalk sola kek the obsession is so cowish.
>childishTo own pokemon, to live in Japan and speaks Japanese? Sharla isn't a weeb like pixy or even wants to be Japanese and isn't even into anime like trash taste. She's such a normie and happens to live in Japan. Even taylor r was more of a "weeb".
No. 2407163
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Addy is so fascinating to me because I'm 5 years older than her and when I was a young teen I lived through this weeb and tumblr phase she aestheticizes.
The interesting part is how she clashes with idolizing really edgy shit while at the same time trying to be modern twitter woke about "problematic content". Alien Nine and Mahou Shoujo Site are relatively niche I'd say, even as an edgy teen who didn't care about content warnings I found them to be too gross for me but she owns figures and got a tattoo.
Content creators like her remind me how many "deep dives" are just easily digestible stories said with a lot of confidence. Catching up with her thread at least made me think about how I like reading horror media because I want to be shocked and think about it, but it's important to not let it swallow you up, let alone aestheticize it.
She wants to be seen as interesting and leans into things uncommon for women like "look at me being a massive consoomer of Sonico content!! Am I not unique?" And a lot of people fall into that trap of adding media tags to yourself like labels, when people are more than that.
No. 2407577
>>2407163I don’t follow her closely but I have a similar background and agree anon. Watching stuff I grew up with and was ostracized for become the new aesthetic is weird and I still haven’t quite sorted out how I feel about it.
>Content creators like her remind me how many "deep dives" are just easily digestible stories said with a lot of confidence.I can’t count the number of times I have enjoyed a channel, series, podcast, whatever until they happen to feature a topic I know autistically too much about. They never do it justice and always get some major point(s) wrong, which has led me to doubt all of the other content they have produced as well. I can never go back to enjoying it after that.
No. 2407697
>>2407108But nonna they
hid their relationship how dare they. Did you not see the coffee mugs? That milk was the most retarded as if people have to announce they are dating. Anons have a really weird obsession.
No. 2410448
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is Dana Hare thread worth binging?
No. 2410468
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>>2409771Not the minority, even their views back this up. I even enjoyed their new york content. They genuinely were very funny, even if it all was in the editing. I miss their old content so much, vape nation, going to a golf course in matching tacky mlp socks as a couple, it was a better time. I do not find their podcasts entertaining at all.
No. 2411989
>>2411173Everyone knows this is bait which is why it's being ignored.
>>2407726>>2411186>>2407108It's always ugly weebs that hoard burando that criticize the style of female "content creators" in Japan. They're seething that it's not them and their six-inch long jaws in lolita and bonnets spinning their parasols and getting tons of ytbux for being in Nippon. Textbook, always is.
No. 2412322
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I kinda relate to the koreanlarping austrian retard because i have a similar unfortunate looking face like her and it really makes me want to get at least a facelift. From uggo to uggo, i understand where her cosmetic surgery addiction comes from.
No. 2412336
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>>2412322i get the feeling that either she or her friends post in that thread because some of the posts there sound so defensive and specific that only a cow defending herself would make. Like do you see that anon through that whole thread going ''she is asian'' and she is ''half-asian'' to defend her beasically becoming transracial. Like even if she is part asian, she is still not the east asian kinf so it's still larping.
Also she looks so scary oml. Her friends need to force-feed her instead of wk-ing her here.
No. 2412347
>>2412322she looked fine actually (her fashion sense sucked sure but she isnt ugly but average) no matter how ugly you maybe her old face is still 10 times better than this
>>2412336 she doesnt look human anymore i would pass to the other street if i saw her now
No. 2412891
>>2412599I'm not a sharla fan, and she's clearly of below average intelligence if she genuinely owned an elon musk poster, but her looks and style are not an issue and it's only ever turboweebs seething over
No. 2413235
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lisayo is legit so fucking scary to me.she gives me the same visceral dread as watching cave diving videos i cant even explain why or how i hope that shit is reversable
No. 2413407
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There's something that is so high quality about the discussions in Jill's threads. It's clear that there is some anons with a background in psychology or are studying the human mind that love talking about Jill. Trying to see her from the outside without knowing the shit she does gives me the impression that she's another quirky influencer but It's really how anons deep dive into her psychology, her thoughts, the reasons behind her behavior is so interesting to me. It's like she's a walking study to these anons, and I think as time goes on the milk will only get more refined because we've now reaching a point where the wall is coming for her. Being told for your entire life that you're the most prettiest and unique girl in the world is going to do a number on her brain when she realizes she's really only a drop in the bucket in the world of influence. I can't wait.
No. 2413561
>>2413407>It's clear that there is some anons with a background in psychology or are studying the human mind that love talking about Jill. Trying to see her from the outside without knowing the shit she does gives me the impression that she's another quirky influencer but It's really how anons deep dive into her psychology, her thoughts, the reasons behind her behavior is so interesting to me.kek nona suddenly i'm regretting the few posts i wrote up deep-diving into her psyche this last couple weeks that i ended up not posting because i was afraid it felt out of nowhere, would get banned for armcharing or would cause some infight kek. i pick her apart often but then i end up not posting it because i don't think anyone cares to read that shit. good to know there's a nona out there who does.
as for the rest of your post i don't think the wall is coming for her because i don't believe in that shit, i just think she will progressively get worse over time because that will be the nature of her unchecked bpd. she's never been special and i think over time less people will be willing to put up with her bullshit which will cause her to spiral more. i don't care about her looks and never did, it's her personality that is absolutely vile that needs to be worked on but due to her past behaviors i doubt she will ever get better and will only continue to double down and get worse
No. 2413582
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I am OP of the lisa yo thread, and although it's undeniably a shit thread, I feel so vindicated calling her fully german right now, kek
No. 2413825
>>2413306I mean, she's already seriously mangled her face beyond repair. She'll never have a normal nose. It's very sad. She was conventionally pretty before she began doing procedures.
Weird to see everyone sperging about how she's not a real blonde - no shit, bleaching was and still is very popular where she's from. I mean, blonde trends were on the level of 2005-2007 UK for all of the 2010s. It only started to change during the pandemic.
>>2413582She's Austrian. They are different countries, you know.
No. 2414110
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feeling pretty bummed out over the recent revelations regarding venus. i know she has spent years making extremely poor choices but it still makes me sick to think that she's been exploited by sex industry moids and had her income stolen by a pimp. everyone who purchased the consent of a visibly unwell woman so sickened by mental illness and drug addiction that she has literally lost all of her teeth deserves to suffer for their crimes
No. 2414392
>>2414204Probably because people saw it all.
>Why don't you go defend Lucinda or other cows?Lucinda has tons of WKs, and she's also a raging munchie
No. 2416596
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Before she did all that to her face, I think Lisa Yo resembled Laura Dern a bit. She wasn't hideous just really, really bad at makeup.
No. 2416964
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/snow/ died as soon as the Shayna thread did. I never realised how slow and milkless it is unless I fancy gawking at troon antics. The only actual cow thread worth it at this point is celebricows, the bar for milk is in hell
No. 2418247
>>2417487The demographics of this site have changed a lot. There used to be a lot more normie women on here, or people who talked about cows related to hobby groups/ subcultures with insider knowledge and experience, which was interesting. Now it’s all self identified
femcels and people from reddit who want to be mean without losing karma
No. 2419959
>>2419648I would make the new thread myself if I wasn’t so ass at linking past milk lol.
I’m also not sure at this point if a new thread would be worthwhile since she’s been MIA for the last few months.
I went a bit deeper into her twitter, which in itself feels like a feat since she retweets so fucking much, and it’s kind of milky. Apparently before the Michigan saga her house in the PR was broken into and robbed while the family was out so she had to move in with her grandparents for a bit. She lost a bunch of her belongings and some of her shit was just completely ruined. This somehow
triggered her to want to get to BMI 8 and she made her mom cancel an upcoming heart surgery she had booked? I never understood how she is so clearly pro-ana/mia with her words but also will act so worried and caring to her fellow EDtwt friends? Is it just fake concern and she wants them to get weight restored so she can be the final bone rattler? Idk she’s so strange even after all these years lol
No. 2420201
>>2418516Kek I was just reading some old posts in /m/ and a bunch of them were like "wow, there's a lot of misandry in X thing, that is
not cool"
No. 2420433
>>2418516it started gitting gud right before the pandemic in all honesty.
>>2420201everytime i read old posts, I'm so glad radfems started shoving their beliefs into this site. the manhate while gossiping about other women makes it feel complete
No. 2421602
Why do so many anons have this seething hatred towards Venus and keep claiming she's such a horrible person? From what I've seen, she's mostly been a victim and the few times she's been the asshole to someone it was either insignificant, or clearly Margo's fault for isolating her and passing her narc tendencies onto Venus. Or it was something done towards Manaki (who cares and why do so many people wk that pedo scrote?) or Ken (again, why does anyone care about that gross pimp).
Obviously, she's a really bad friend and has made awful life choices due to her mental illness and self destructive tendencies. But she's mostly been a victim and people really underplay the long-term trauma being raised and pimped out by Margo had on her, acting like she should just get over it because she live(d) in holy nippon.
I'm guessing most of the seething hatred and a-logging she gets is by ugly weeb anons who are jealous she ever got famous off of being a "kawaii living doll" once upon a time and got to live in japan while they couldn't. But jfc, let it go already. The bitch is toothless, lacks organs, cracked out, no family, she's being pimped and her life is in shambles. How is that not enough to garner your sympathy? I sincerely hope she can heal.
No. 2421828
>>2421602>I'm guessing most of the seething hatred and a-logging she gets is by ugly weeb anons who are jealous she ever got famous off of being a "kawaii living doll" once upon a time and got to live in japan while they couldn't. But jfc, let it go already. The bitch is toothless, lacks organs, cracked out, no family, she's being pimped and her life is in shambles.Hit the nail on the head, nona. Iykyk. A lot of them are former PULLfags with nothing else going for them other than to seethe and alog hard at her. Gives them a reason to get up in the morning and feel better by seeing someone who's more of a mess than they are. They get
triggered so easily by any comment that isn't denouncing her as some sort of evil little shit mastermind who doesn't deserve any help or understanding and yet they also bitch about her not doing anything, then when she tries to do something it's immediately "who does she think she's fooling anyway, she's never going to be anything other than a druggie loser" like… can't have it both ways. Goddamn they need help. I remember when a couple of them admitted they were jealous of the sympathy Penus got because no one ever helped
them when they had it worse, and they got over it just fine!!! (clearly not as evidenced in the thread, though…)
No. 2421848
>>2421617I love the fact that the richest most powerful man in the world is such a fugly autistic loser. His downfall is coming soon, I just know it. Soon Trump will get tired of sharing the spotlight with him and backstab him in some way.
I want to make the next thread OP with more details about Elon’s cowish traits and background, which may help to make the thread feel less like Amerifag general 2.0. Any suggestions?
No. 2422038
>>2421602>>2421828You doesn't seems to know what "a-logging" means.
No one is wishing harm or death upon her and the thread moves very slowly since the reopening (one or two saged posts a day isn't that big of a deal imo)
No. 2422618
>>2422182Proof ?
>>2422361Sorry, I'm ESL and was tired.
No. 2422680
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>>2422182Sorry for the autistic collage but judging by these posts, you seem particularly upset by the very existence of this thread.
I'm not trying to provoke an infight or anything, but you don't have to read it if it affects you that much.
Myself I carefully avoid the Lillee Jean's thread for the same reasons. Laur antics are funny but the fact Lillee has no life of her own is too depressing for me to read.
In fact, she and Venus have a lot in common : crazy alcoholic Momager that took inappropriate pictures of her and let nasty scrotoids runs free on her livestreams and comments, isolated, no friends nor education, on the brink of homelessness…she's a
victim through and through, yet nonnas are particularly nasty and unforgiving towards her, unlike Venus, because she's not conventionally attractive.
Yet I don't throw a tantrum, demanding the thread to be locked, like you do every two day here and on /meta/.
And no, I'm not an a-log/vendetta-fag/discordfag or whatever insult you like to throw around.
Some of us are just retarded oldfags unwilling to go on social medias to keep tabs on a cow and lurk here as a matter of habit and convenience.
Marge was my OG cow and the very reason I ended here in 2015 (God, how I miss the "nudes at the airport/i'm goint to the river" saga ! Maggot's brand of crazy was hilarious to witness as an external observer) so I kept tabs on Venus antics by extension and have a soft spot for her.
I don't hate her and I wish she'll stay offline, get back on her feet and have a nice, private life wherever she'll end up.
No. 2423517
>>2423419I don't know, maybe because you keep using the term a-log improperly ? No one wished harm or death on her, most of the posts are rather nice and sympathetic.
Good job ignoring most of my points though and for being unnecessarily aggressive.
I don't know why I tried to have a reasonable conversation with you, you're obviously mentally unwell and on a mission to get the thread locked. Have fun with that.
No. 2423536
>>2423517I know you admitted to being autistic in your first reply, but this is a whole nother level of mental deficiency and you need to get yourself checked. Never used a-logging incorrectly, multiple people
in Venus' threads, NOT THIS ONE, have wished death upon her. Most people in your screenshot aren't me, this is an anonymous website. This thread will not get locked over a petty argument. Do I need to explain it with airplaines and chicken nuggies or do you understand now, you absolute brainlet? People will be aggressive to you if you're stupid enough to incite it. Try being less obnoxiously autistic next time.
(infighting) No. 2423876
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If nothing else hats off to Aaron Kimberly for being the most passoid tif I've ever seen. Even her voice sounds real. reignites my urge to tif out and be one of those nonbelieving not-like-the-other-troons, good thing it's way too pricy for me to consider it
No. 2425036
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Why does elon want to be liked by basement dwellers so badly? how can such a powerful man be so pathetic jfc
No. 2425718
File: 1740906323545.jpg (Spoiler Image,151.44 KB, 1030x1080, jilltard.jpg)

Her smug ugly fucking face triggers my fight or flight all the time but this thumbnail is just the fucking worst. Most punchable face in the world.
No. 2426732
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>>2423722Luna threads have people who like her art all the time. It's bad, but many farmers (including me) compliment it from time to time. It's repetitive, derivative and the quality varies a lot depending on the drugs she's on, yeah. But it's the only thing Luna does that's almost endearing. Jillians only addiction is edibles and chiken nuggies but doesn't work on her own art (clothes, designs, drawing, cosplay) as much. And when she does it's all too boring to even critique. No aura at all
No. 2427544
>>>/snow/2095146Tiktokkers are so annoying. At least we admit we're a bunch of randos making fun of eccentrics online and let the cows and milk shine on their own. This type of shit is so pretentious and self important. Cleaning up your whole appearance, wearing your nicest shirt, just to talk shit about some weird woman online who botched herself beyond recognition - but ackshually you're not just doing that because that would be bullying and you're too woke to be mean.
You're actually doing good to the world by calling out problematique behavior like racefaking and skin whitening. Spare me.
No. 2429266
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I've always loved her taste and style and i think she looks great in this picture. I still gush over her apartment tour even though i agree she needed more lighting.
No. 2430140
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>>2429804If you check her recent tiktok videos, you can see bruising on her face. There are also stream clips of her physically fighting with Mike and Nick.
>>2430045? She has been admitted to psych wards and rehabs countless times. She's a lying tryhard attention whore yes, but nobody would actively ruin their life anywhere near as much as she has unless they genuinely are severely mentally ill. Being mentally ill and being attention seeking aren't mutually exclusive, in fact they are very much linked. If her lifestyle isn't enough of an indicator to you, just look at her arms. The people who are pretending give themselves little papercuts, not ginormous vertical keloid scars.
No. 2430486
>>2430307Needing attention so much that you humiliate yourself online and brag about letting men abuse you is in itself a mental illness.
>>2429804 again btw, so you won't be confused as to why so many different people are coming itt to talk about her.
I check her thread rarely because it disturbs me but whenever I do I just see a vulnerable girl. I recognize she's not a saint and has created her own situation by doing hard drugs, consuming drawn CP and gore, actively seeking out dangerous men and admitting to asking to be beat up by them. Maybe my feelings on her don't make much sense but I can't see her as anything other than a
victim. Something happened to her that broke her, no matter how small it might have been it had a devastating effect on her. Am I woobifying her? Maybe. Possibly. Probably..
No. 2430579
>>2430486She is a
victim, but she is the type of
victim who will go on to victimise others, or at the very least facilitate in abuse. What she went through as a child is awful, but she's 20 now, there's absolutely no excuse for her continued acceptance towards pedo shit. She said that she would do a OF shoot cosplaying a real 11 year old girl and allowed men who she knew were pedophile groomers into her discord server with minors. I also initally felt very conflicted and bad for her, especially as I can relate to what she went through as a child in many ways, but that stopped after she did this shit. Her behaviour is just deplorable.
No. 2430947

>>2430639She made vidrel talking about it. To summarise -
>Ostracised and bullied by her peers as a child>Started seeking attention online as a replacement>Had sexual interactions with pedophiles online from a very young age>Became hateful of society due to her ostracisation>Fell into right wing extremism and incel shit>Entered an e-relationship with an 20 year old incel at the age of 13>He abused her and made her isolate herself from others for the 5 years they were together>Resulted in her developing a desperate desire for attention and to be known as she had been isolated for so long>Started seeking attention in discord servers towards the end of the relationship >Got addicted to the attention>Decided to become a streamer>Started dating IBL to piggyback off his popularity>Attention she recieved from IP2 felt like the best thing in the world>Eventually they turned on her and started to hate her>Fell into an endless cycle of trying to chase that feeling againI feel like she is leaving out something major though, because imo this still doesn't explain why her behaviour is so extreme. Funnily enough, she also said that Soren is one of her favourote lolcows.
No. 2433009
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On my flight today the pilot’s voice was exactly like Chris Chan. High-pitched, nasal tone, slurring words, even the accent was eerily dead-on. Made me wonder, if Chris had been raised by competent normal parents who worked with him right and didn’t enable his autism, what’s the most competent career you think he would have been able to achieve?
No. 2433019
>>2430140>suicidalBut miss the main vein completely? This just comes off as attention seeking NPD/HPD and less suicidal BPD.
>>2430947In her server she said she was raped by family friends as a child and made fun of for it by her family but that just reads like one of her loli rape doujin plots. She's a known pathological liar so it's hard to know if any of this at all is real.
No. 2433028
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>>2433009good timeline chris could have been manager of the game place. but unironically i could only see him working retail/food service because despite the autism-enabling from everyone in his life, i think chris was pretty retarded either way. also i would be horrified if my pilot sounded like that
No. 2433430
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I find it sad how much Cherry gets ignored by Jill nowadays
No. 2435338
>>2430486can you actually shut the fuck up Dex is nowhere near vulnerable. she is legitimately a bad person. her being a young woman doesn't make her "a vulnerable
victim". she literally will "like" shit of animals getting hurt, she's a full blown racist. if you kept up with her antics even before the drugs you'd know she is a HORRIBLE PERSON like please do not fall for this bullshit JUST BECAUSE she is female. she is not vulnerable AT ALL. she wants to actively make her life worse because she's mentally ill. the stuff you see on here is just surface value. she deserves nothing but what she asks for she is not a
No. 2435522
>>2435338Nta but she can be a bad person and vulnerable at the same time, or at least she was vulnerable at some point in time.
Victim is not synonymous with "perfect person" and life is more nuanced than that.
No. 2435606
>>2435522>>2435560I would believe she possibly was a
victim if she didnt come from a spoiled upper middle class living situation where she got everything she wanted but attention. Now shes just a meth smoker with insane delusions and paranoia coupled with being a compulsive liar
No. 2435618
>>2435606Anon… being spoiled and middle class doesn't mean that you can't still be victimised by pedophiles. It can happen to any young girl, no matter what her background is. Even if nothing physically happened to her, what she claims happened to her online as a child is enough to make her a
No. 2435653
>>2435624What makes you think that she has only been dating pedophiles since she turned 18? Or do you think that because she sought out pedophiles herself, that makes her exempt from being a
No. 2435665
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>>2435653crosspost from her thread, incel member confirmed that kek
No. 2435806
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I love Anisa's tattoo obsession. It amuses the hell out of me that she drops so much money on flash tattoos. She got both her hands and knuckles tattooed yesterday. She unironically got "love wins" on her knuckles. This comes right as her and Ian destroyed their friendship with the Kleins. I'm expecting some good spiraling soon and her possibly fast tracking a face tattoo.
No. 2437921
File: 1741585203834.gif (343.24 KB, 500x359, real thoughts on cows 11.gif)

We're almost on thread number 11! I made a new PicMix for the next thread's picture. I went for a more relaxed theme this time. Less flashing and moving, since I thought the painting should be the focus. Hopefully it's the picture used unless someone has something better!
No. 2437939
>>2437921I love your threadpics! Always nice to see them in the catalog
>>2437884Did they seem to be having fun together? I find their relationship quite odd
No. 2437940
>>2437921I am always in love with your thread pics
No. 2438338
File: 1741624146941.gif (758.77 KB, 500x359, Real Thoughts #11 Remade.gif)

>>2437921I wasn't feeling it so I redid it. I think this one is better.
>>2437938>>2437939>>2437940Thank you all ♥ It means a lot! Much love!
No. 2438406
>>2438396I agree with you. It's okay to be into alt-fashion. The thing is; you can still be unfashionable even in the alt-fashion. When she was into Lolita, her cords were lazy and fugly. Now that she's into dressing "alt," her fits are still lazy and fugly. Jill doesn't even dress alt, she mostly wears her pajamas because she barely leaves the house.
I don't ever see anons in her threads complaining about alt-fashion. Anons complain about her bad sense of style all the time though. Her bad sense of style is independent of the fashion she chooses to indulge in.
>>2437889>jill hatersKek.
>people who count every kilo she has gained over the yearsIt's hard not to count the kilos if you know about her history. I mean just look at the edited slop she used to release back in the mid-2010s.
No. 2438584
>>2436476kek Jillfags are something else.
>>2435399Haven't kept up with her in years but tbh I also like her current haircut. It suits her well and agree it would so much better without the rainbow bangs.
No. 2438801
>>2438407Yeah. I wanted to add that the anons who flipped out over Jill getting prescribed Wellbutrin were pretty cringe. She obviously needs to lose weight, so that was actually a good thing for her dr to try if her dr thought it would benefit her. I'm not caught up on the past few threads, idk if she is still taking it. That reaction to her getting a medication that
might possibly result in a small amount of weight loss came across as envy or some desire for her to stay overweight. I don't have much hope for Jill getting healthier but there's no denying that she is young and would have an easier time losing some weight now vs. in 15y.
No. 2438972
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lexity had great potential but got boring too soon. he's too lazy and retarded to do something actually notable. i wish he tried to start a cult like he said he would