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No. 408269
previously a punk kid who became a pansexual buddhist lolita lifestyler
>quit because of bullies and LACE drama ( [DL][Archived Copy])>history of self harm, ED and severe anxiety>has a legitimate shopping problem which she justifies by making an ungodly amount of haul videos>broke up with 2-year boyfriend to date their best friend (and her other best friend's ex) whom she 'loved all along' and 'makes her believe in love at first sight' (Who broke up with her)>can't participate in jfashion communities because 'muh rules & restrictions'>creates her OWN japanese street fashion called Party Kei>Went to Japan to prove to herself she wanted to study fashion design>was basically a two week shopping spree>home again and struggling to keep up with making videos>quitting her jobs to follow ~dream~ of being a fashion designer in Japan>still lying about making 'enough money to pay rent' (while asking Louise for $$) and about being supportive to her followers>interviewed by about internet popularity in her basement room>"would call herself lesbian if she wasn't dating someone with a dick">started streaming on younow for money>Colin broke up with her, now dating girls only through tinder>Got a tattoo of her cat after getting told her wand plan was a bad idea and throwing a fit about it>Full time youtuber now>Got into a crappy fashion/design school close to mommy>>>/pt/108478>>>/snow/93376>>>/snow/25169>>>/snow/154765>>>/snow/215023>>>/snow/258245>>>/snow/271275>>>/snow/285759>>>/snow/303929>>>/snow/318441>>>/snow/338259>>>/snow/358781>>>/snow/375960>>>/snow/393066LINKS
youtube insta:
Cosplay Page No. 408402
File: 1508795646267.jpeg (78.84 KB, 617x497, 9122D02A-9F88-4ECC-9200-7242D9…)

I can’t wait to see how Jill manages to make this look hideous (I only voted the ugliest option to see what the poll consensus was)
No. 408526
File: 1508806000635.png (266.32 KB, 380x352, 2342340934.png)

>>408402this isn't the same dresser that has glitter on it is it? i'm hoping not since it's already white and pink (maybe she means a different pink though?) if it is knowing her she wont sand the old paint or glitter off it first.
No. 408534
File: 1508807695662.jpeg (192.63 KB, 640x852, 536ECB3B-A4D6-4A11-93B4-FEA93B…)

>>408402She’s already started painting it
No. 408587
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Of course she uses Neptune as the photo…
No. 408622
>>408587Jill holy shit
I don't know why this is
triggering me so much. Maybe because it's a fucking costume? Does wearing a short wig make you less femme suddenly? Are you sure it's not just because you're getting FAT
Sage for sperging
No. 408669
>>408587…it's just cosplay. You don't have to be EXACTLY LIKE THE CHARACTER OMG!!! to do it.
Plenty of straight/cis/femme women crossplay as men, what's the difference.
No. 408699
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>>408698Dropped pic sorry
No. 408746
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Is this her trying to acknowledge us?
No. 408795
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>>408587Haruka wears masculine casual clothes but she's plenty feminine as Sailor Uranus, dunno why Jill thinks this is an unthinkable cosplay for someone femme
No. 408831
>>408587…has she never heard of classic anime like Maria-sama ga Miteru? It's one of the most well known shoujo ai anime and all the characters are quite feminine.
Actually all of the the popular shoujo ai anime I can think of (Yuru Yuri, Strawberry Panic, Yuri Kuma Arashi, Sakura Trick) have very girly lesbian couples. I'm not even gonna get started on TV shows/movies.
Where the fuck is she looking?
No. 408838
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No. 408839
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No. 408840
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No. 408842
File: 1508861298063.jpg (23.8 KB, 584x199, ss (2017-10-24 at 09.07.57).jp…)

No. 408847
>>408843But even then, Utena looks incredibly feminine. No one would ever look at just her design and think "oh, what a butch lesbian!".
I guess like the other anon mentioned, I don't get what her deal is in the first place?
Like it's just a fucking costume, she doesn't have to identify with the character completely or anything.
No. 408929
>>408587Thinly veiled "I'M SO GAYS LOOK AT ME BEING GAY!"
I can buy that Jillian is bisexual/interested in girls but she needs to stop shoving it down people's throats, it's like she lost her fucking mind since the coming out video. Unless it's for comedic effect most people don't mention how totes queer they are on twitter every day.
No. 409048
File: 1508919317631.jpeg (166.59 KB, 640x907, D6819800-B970-4059-89F1-E37D3B…)

Just when I thought Jill was finally learning how to somewhat properly dress herself, she puts on this shit to show off another *~kitschy brand~* item that will end up on her floor after wearing it twice.
No. 409060
>>409056>>409057One of her worst for sure… i wishshe had paired this with some skinny jeands and a tight top or whatever. Her whole body looks bloated and it looks like she has massive shoulders/arms….
but whatever… she‘ll wear this 2-3 times and it will never be seen again.
That always makes me remember her expensive as fuck jeans she bought in japan. Wore them once… now they are rotting in her closet.
No. 409081
>>409056>>409075TBH, I have no fucking idea on how to use that cardigan properly.
I guess it could look pretty on super skinny girls.
No. 409093
>>409081It's a thick/wide crop cardigan so ideally you'd wear it with well fitted clothes that slim the rest of your figure and something high waisted. Jill is a stubby, flabby stump so wearing something that's just going to draw attention to that is a no, no matter how you pair it.
It doesn't help that a wide cardigan like that should look loose around the sides of your torso and she pretty much fills it out, partly because her poor clothing choice underneath but also because of those untoned peeptea pounds she's packing.
Part of me wants to believe she does understand what kind of cuts/clothes would flatter her body type and how to wear them, if only because she does the exact opposite so frequently it feels like it must be some kind of intentional parody.
If only she had the brain capacity to think of something like that, and wasn't just a fumbling retard in an empty calories haze trying desperately to take any form of identity.
It's 5am and I'm phone posting so apologies if my sentences got run on, there.
No. 409131
>>408534The fact that she doesn't even know how to wear a dust mask makes me irrationally annoyed
>>408587How is this an issue? Uranus isn't even that masc and also
crossdressing is a thing No. 409136
>>409134The fuck is she saying at 11:08?
Konnanachi wa??
No. 409154
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>>409134Can't make a video without mentioning the word "gay".
No. 409191
File: 1508950043334.png (115.99 KB, 745x1049, IMG_5539.PNG)

Thought this was relevant
No. 409252
>>409191>>409192Ok, I know Jillian uses her ''lesbianism'' for attention whoring but isn't it still a queer couple if both of them are bissexual?
not that it matters, anyway
No. 409371
File: 1508973393499.jpg (35.06 KB, 410x499, ss (2017-10-25 at 04.15.04).jp…)

>>409134this is going to be the most autistic nitpick on the planet literally no one cares about but it bugs me that she put the cards behind the incorrect wands. The pink Sakura card belongs with the second wand (star one) and the red Clow card belongs with the first wand (the bird one).
No. 409392
File: 1508976243833.gif (1.02 MB, 245x184, Zmqor.gif)

>>408587they've been going out for like two weeks. why is she fronting this hard? lesbian twitter ain't like this at all. also, terrible idea to plan on cosplays and shit with a girl you've been going out for so little time. you have no real idea if you'll still be together by the time the convension comes. but she just wanted an excuse to use cutesy anime reaction pics and say GAYYYY on twitter, she doesn't actually care about the relationship/girl at all to begin with. its transparent.
jill, are you ever yourself? instead of just pushing whatever faux trendy phase you're going through???
inb4 this is another Laineybot situation where she says she's gay but six months later says:
We [Billie and her] never had sex. We kissed like two times and a half. But we were IN LOVE!
also am lesbian, have seen this "i think i want a gf but really …i just want a female friend and instagram pics!" happen multiple times. fuck her.
>>409191i didn't get pixielock threads until this happened. this is peak /snow/flake behaviour.
i'm in a straight relationship… but we have edgy haircuts! so we a queer couple ;) gimmme my tumblr points No. 409395
>>409192y'all think jill saw this thread when she was scrolling her tumblr and went "woops losing my
special girl touch. gotta hook up with a woman now"? wouldn't be surprised. she lurks everywhere.
No. 409426
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No. 409430
>>409395colin broke up w/ her tho, shortly after she posted something along the lines of "Im a total lesbian besides the fact I'm dating Colin, the non binary guy
if she started a relationship w/ another guy after the colin break up that would have been hilarious
No. 409467
File: 1508991210179.png (5.34 MB, 1242x2208, 3309FB70-F364-4056-8D96-1B1F79…)

Pic related, look who’s using #PartyKei
I wonder if it’ll bother Jill that this girl is using her hashtag and looks nothing like any version of Party Kei has been. Or if she’ll just fangirl that Kelly Eden noticed her.
>>409455Thank you!
No. 409513
>>409259Her weird friends definitely spoil her (eg expensive shirt from Jeff etc…) i wonder if that kenzie girl needs validation from Jill. I always only see jill interacting with her internet friends in a cute way (eg sending peachmilky a cute card and so forth )
Being jills friend can‘t be an easy task…
No. 409514
>>409508a relationship can't be het if the people in it aren't het and it's really only monosexual ppl who tend to disagree with that which is the exact gatekeeping i'm talking about
but no point in derailing this thread with queer intracommunity discourse lol i mostly just wanted to clarify that i'm not jill's friend by any means
No. 409519
>>409514Well I mean I was trying to avoid blogging but I'm bi too and I still think she was in a heterosexual relationship with Colin regardless of her own sexuality so I don't think it's just 'monosexual people' disagreeing with you, but I agree it's not really worth derailing over, especially since they're over now anyway
I think calling her straight is definitely gatekeeping though. She's dating a girl, what more do you want? Sure, the relationship seems shallow and purely for show but didn't she use Colin mostly for show too?
No. 409521
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>>409514>a bio female and bio male in a relationship>not actually a relationship between a man and a woman I'm bi, I get you don't stop being bi in a straight/gay relationship relationship. One gay man and one bi man isn't a "bi couple" until they include women. Two bi women isn't a "bisexual" couple unless they're having sex with men as part of the relationship.
Your relationship isn't anything but the people in it, same sex, mixed sex, or both regardless of your orientation. Just like every chicken soup you eat doesn't automatically become chicken + turkey soup because you like both types of poultry.
No. 409523
File: 1509002160153.jpg (102.29 KB, 1300x866, 1482810874154.jpg)

>>409514>a relationship can't be het if the people in it aren't het>mfwJill is probably bi but the entire period of her labelling herself as a lesbian in spite of being in a relationship with someone non-binary (or more likely, a slightly 'gender-non conforming' guy) has activated my salty almonds and it's annoying to shit like this
>>408587A thread full of weebs and even we can't think of a butch lesbian character in anime? I get that Jill is very OTT feminine, but she doesn't even want to compromise her aesthetics just a tad to do a couple cosplay?
I think
>>409519 hit it on the head with:
>Sure, the relationship seems shallow and purely for show but didn't she use Colin mostly for show too?Jill uses her SOs as a prop to elevate her aesthetics. That's what pisses me off.
No. 409526
>>409523So proud of Colin that he escaped her asap. Aswell as Tristan.
I couldn‘t stand living with a girl whose personalit revolves around doing everything for her audience. Every little part of her fucking life is fake.
No. 409527
>>409519>>409521>>409523they were two queer people in a relationship, it's a queer relationship. i don't see how that's het at all
also i'm not defending her relationship with colin lol i think it was a disaster and she definitely was treating them like an accessory
No. 409528
>>409514Thanks for the clarification! I didn’t mean anything offensive by it. You had the same typing style but you weren’t really defending Jill, just beliefs similar to hers. That’s why I wasn’t 100% sure.
Also I didn’t mean to cause a derail so I’m sorry about that.
No. 409545
>>409527The relation type is heterosexual, the people themselves are queer. Sexual identity =/= relationship type. A lot of people in queer relationships get really upset when hetero relationships are described as queer because they don't even come close to facing the same hardships and discrimination as same sex or other types of couples have to deal with.
t. a queer woman in a hetero relationship
No. 409552
>>409437Honestly, she didn't really have a choice.
I feel like even her stupid confetti club would've called her out on it if she suddenly started dating a guy again after her coming out video, so she had to go with a girl.
I still wonder if her and ~mystery girl's~ relationship will go any further than "teheh we carved pumpkins and then we smooched uwu", I agree with the other anon that the whole couple cosplay things seems incredibly rushed and forced.
No. 409592
>>409560The thing she seemed most upset about when Colin broke up with her was that HE was the one breaking up with her. She said that it never happened to her before and that she was constantly in a relationship for the past 6 years or whatever.
Her SOs seemed to always be the only people she really spent time with, so she was probably desperate to have any partner at all in her life.
I think the only reason she was even upset about Colin breaking up with her is because she planned out this whole cushy life where he would be her support/fashion accessory, and now she had to change her plans because of it.
inb4 "I can't go to college after all unless mystery girl moves with me!! :^("
No. 409670
>>409592I think it was an ego thing. She puts herself on a high pedestal. People see it as a power thing to have never been dumped, which I think is gross because breaking someone’s heart isn’t an honor. I think bragging about the whole lesbian thing is her way of coping with it so it seems like she was never taken down a notch.
My breakup theory is that Collin dumped her because she announced all the details of their surgery when they’re very clearly a private and quiet person.
No. 409688
>>409613Did she actually ever say that she loved Utena?
Because all I remember is her review about it saying that it was too "weird and confusing".
I did see someone recommending Yurikuma Arashi to her on twitter before, but she definitely would have made sure to let everyone know she was watching it if she did lol.
No. 409690
>>409439You're definitely reaching hard, anon. Especially the serger one
>>403722, they're not even defending her.
>>409527Two queer people in a heterosexual relationship doesn't mean they're heterosexuals themselves. While there are asshats who think the type of relationship you're in = your sexuality, that's not what we're talking about here.
>>409670I agree tbh, it almost seems like a jab at Colin to say "I only want to date girls anyway so fuck you!!".
Also Jillian just needs to stay fucking single for a while, being so co-dependent that you can't stay single for even 6 months is unhealthy.
No. 409768
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It’s more likely that someone just knows how shitty you are Jill
No. 409770
>>409768Maybe turning your car into the gaymobile made you a target, Jill.
But I know, attention is more important.
No. 409771
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>>409768>immediately laying it out like she's the victim of some horrendous LGBT hate crimejfc Jill, this whole ~queer~ thing is getting out of hand now
No. 409784
>>409768she never goes outside, how did this even happen? she's been "gay" for like two minutes and this already happened… in canada of all places?! i don't buy it. some kid keyed your car because they were bored and that's it. they have no idea of who you are jill, shut up.
>>409191this post really
triggered some tumblr lurkers and they are not sleek at all. no1 cares about your weird theories on how quirky sexuality is. this is a
straight relationship and that's that.
>LOOK AT ME - NEON HAIRCUT !>LOOK AT ME - PURPLE EYEBROWS !>LOOK AT ME - QUIRKY CLOTHES !>LOOK AT ME - CHILD VOCABULARY !oh yeah, this is totally a genuine person we should give a benefit of the doubt to. totally not some attention whore who hops on trends to get attention. not at all! y'all really falling for a certified phony.
No. 409789
>>409785I think some anon said before how it feels like Jill is some alien that doesn't understand how normal humans work, and honestly yeah.
She's so obsessed with constantly just making her identity about one single thing. In the past it was lolita, being punk, her mental illness, being a theater kid, now that she's dropping Party Kei her only character trait is being a lesbian.
Like does she not understand that people are made up of a lot of different interests and personality traits..?
No. 409822
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No. 409823
>>409822lol she has no one but herself to blame
I have no idea about youtube stuff, but wouldn't it help if she just stopped cursing instead of doing the obnoxious ineffective censoring she does now?
No. 409876
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>my baby girl
Does she mean her new gf?
If so isn't it too soon to say such cringey things that suggest closeness, I mean it's been 2 weeks or something. It seems SO forced.
No. 409880
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>>409876They’ve been dating for more then a month at least
No. 409883
>>409864This is my opinion too. Having a loud, OTT looking car like that is gonna point you out as a target for bored asshole kids to scratch up.
It's a shitty thing to do to someone's property but there are just shitty people out there who like to ruin things for everyone else.
I highly doubt it had anything to do with homophobia.
No. 409981
>>409789>I think some anon said before how it feels like Jill is some alien that doesn't understand how normal humans workLol, I like how a couple anons noticed my comment. She just mimics shit she sees in popular youtube videos and thinks that's how normal people act because she has no personality of her own. It's even happening now with this gay facade! She must really think gay people attend pride 24/7 and never stop talking about their sexuality and sexual experiences. Everything she's ever been a part of, she commits to being a stereotype of.
>>409768>immediately assuming it has to do with you being gayMore like someone saw you spent money on a personalized paint job and wanted to ruin your day… It's just like how people key expensive cars just to piss the owners off.
>>409934You would be surprised. I think she actually has in the past, there's a screenshot somewhere in one of the old threads of her calling her mom something weird and inappropriate.
>>40991120 is generous, I recall her posting about working 4 hour shifts and saying 8 hours is too much or smth. I don't think she worked most of the week.
No. 410078
>>410071I'm assuming she means she tried to get the rainbow stripe in more of a pastel rainbow than a normal rainbow so that it looks less like a pride thing so it won't get keyed as some kind of homophobic attack?
It's fucking stupid logic. I'm pretty sure it got keyed because it stands out and they thought it looked dumb, not because someone thought it was some kind of LGBT statement.
No. 410200
>>410069She really doesn’t get the point of what that person just said to her
>they probably didn’t see it as a pride thing>it’s funny! I didn’t even get it as a pride thing but here we are still victimized and attacked! Like any small town anons know some kids are just dickheads cause there’s nothing else to do. I bet the other cars on her street were also targeted. If they carved “fag” in the car then I’d pull the gay card but they didn’t
No. 410245
>>410244her having to get a real job again would be some delicious milk lol
I feel like she keeps shooting herself in the knee with making stupid definite claims and shit
like if she suddenly started dating a guy again now, people would call her out on it
or if she had to get a job again after bragging how she might never have an employer again in her life
like man Jill you're only 19, do yourself a favor and stop broadcasting so much of your life
No. 410465
File: 1509139087978.gif (1.4 MB, 200x200, cheers.gif)

>>409822lol, what does that even mean to someone like her? oh you won't have enough money to do another dollskill haul ? dear, what will we do!?
No. 410615
>>410472This would be a great suggestion if she didn't have such shit taste. There's a reason party kei only attracts trash bags as a fan base.
Also, the second her purchases would begin having guidelines to fit a store she would throw a tantrum, quit, and make a yt video about how oppressed she is (like dying her hair).
She is the epitome of a spoiled brat.
No. 410811
>>410472It's actually an insightful suggestion, I don't know much about the job (although I know what those people do, they basically go to brands and reserve pieces for their own shop, say ASOS will buy this accessory from NewLook and that's why you can find it on ASOS but nowhere else) but you probably needs a degree related to retail and fashion + do some internships in brand names to get a good resume. Basically something impossible for Jill who doesn't seem like the type to work hard and forget about holidays for a few years.
Being a designer seems so hard to be honest, most of my friends who studied it ended up being sellers or seamstresses for other brands. Imo the only way to launch a brand is to save up a decent amount of money and launch a kickstarter. Even then, it won't mean your brand will last, especially if she's set on horrible fluo colors 95% of the population will never buy for casual wear.
No. 410824
>>410819They're facebook friends for sure and mystery girl knows about her youtube account (apparently even before they met), so…
It sounded like the only reason they aren't official yet is because mystery girl hasn't come out to all her family/friends yet?
Either way, Jill comes on way too fucking strong and just seems desperate as hell
No. 410853
>>410840Pure-bred rambling aside, I really liked this. The cats are super and cute and she clearly loves them, a lot more interesting than a haul of random shit.
I looked up the breeds though and apparently ragdolls aren't even hypoallergenic:
> most of the others. Siberians are, but since that's their most recent cat it doesn't even matter. Her mom probably just got used to it and her allergies weren't as bad as she feared.
No. 411099
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No. 411171
File: 1509237026656.png (9.71 MB, 3226x2304, jillian.png)

>>411099she looks like a toe
not the first time she's reminded me of pic related, either
No. 411196
File: 1509239352464.png (97.83 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20171028-180813.png)

Cuz people really care…kek
No. 411198
>>410840At 7:58 she says that at the time one of her cats was really sick, if he died, she didn't want to live anymore.
This girl is such a dramatic child.
No. 411204
>>411196She's so full of shit. This is the same girl that added tons of popular lolita bloggers and bragged about it to her own comm. Jill actively seeked out deerstalkers members (eliot, alanah etc) and others like hello batty, peachie, girlhoot on facebook. She literally posted about her fangirling when deerstalkers crew added her back.
She even went as far as to draw fan art for most of them to guilt them into becoming her social media friends.
She's still constantly sucking up to more popular people on every platform so?
No. 411219
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She’s an introvert guys… not an extrovert. An introvert. Make you remember. Introvert.
No. 411264
>>409131she's such a fucking dumb ass
i don't keep up with her threads, but tbh her as an apparent "queer girl" doing a genderbent/cross dressing cosplay would be sick, and i don't fuck with any of that.
but it would require actual effort and attention to detail to switch a femme to a more mass style so maybe i'm asking way too much
No. 411285
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No. 411307
>>411262No. It’s been proven here by not only anon (see
>>411207) but also Jill herself stated in her room tour that her cat ate the wall tinsel herself and instead of taking it down she block the cat from getting to it (albeit in a half assed attempt)
No. 411336
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>>411334I was pretty shocked when she showed this photo in the latest video, she looked so much cuter and more youthful even though it was only a couple years ago
No. 411345
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>>411320>>411337It always reminds me of pic related.
I know its super nitpicky but i just hate how she can‘t take a selfie without looking like a complete basket case. Its not even that hard: look cute my not raising your eyebrows to the roof and pressing your tongue… done.
No. 411375
>>411285this is cuter than Jill's usual shit
>the silhouette of the dress is, tho uneven, more flattering for her figure>the costume and idea is cute, the colour is bomb and suits her for once>hair colours don't clash too much with outfit>purple brows and lipstick look better than her usual pink shitI guess the crayon ear-ring is a nice idea since it's yellow and a complimentary contrast to purple (like opposite on the colour wheel I mean) but I don't think it fits either way. But hey, a tiny bit more thought than usual!
The eyeshadow is bad and I hate her tattoo.
As a designer she should be able to fix up the dress to fit her, also wear a fitting bra
4.5/10 peeps
No. 411428
>>411262 (who is a different anon not me) who is more knowledgeable on this incident claims Jill changed the story as well
No. 411429
>>411418She's said before she's insecure about her piano playing and worried people will say it's bad, which is interesting because she doesn't seem worried about posting her art or sewing which are both arguably worse than her piano playing skills. But imo it's also good to have hobbies for yourself.
>>411410Her hair is sooo damaged, that bit sticking out before she put in her extensions…yikes Jill. Get yourself a protein treatment or it'll all snap off.
No. 411430
>>411429Yeah I think it's funny too, I think Jill's skill set really is performing/music/theater kinda stuff, yet she's quite awful at basically anything fashion design/art related.
I mean even though a lot of anons found her recent dance cover thing cringey, she seemed pretty high energy and happy during it, I wish she wasn't so set on the whole fashion designer thing.
No. 411434
>>411428I’m that anon.
She’s never changed her story. In the original “cat almost died” video, she never says what the blockage was, just that the cause of the problem was that he had blockage in his stomach. In her room tour video she said that she was worried that they would/had ate the wall tinsel stuff, but never that that was what cause him to get sick. Then In this most recent video she said it was foam that was the blockage. She never changed her story, we just didn’t know all of it
No. 411438
File: 1509295032332.jpeg (394.13 KB, 1861x907, FE5623B0-99BA-4572-B421-D1B7D4…)

Oh fucking hell dude… her make up is a nightmare.
No. 411464
File: 1509298681562.png (1.71 MB, 1192x624, WTf.PNG)

Is anyone gonna talk about how she applies makeup holy fuck..
No. 411466
>>411438How can she say she's looking to sell her mcr gun @ 1:56
Then procede to kiss it? I feel sick. Plus the sound she made was too gross.
No. 411469
File: 1509299280358.png (308.97 KB, 523x495, 1509298681562.png)

>>411467Me too anon. Like I know others said before that those… things above her brows are just shadows from her wrinkles but why are they so dark/dramatic now?
Is it because of the purple eye shadow she puts on her brows? I don't understand
No. 411470
>>411410tfw when she said that she does not want that her earrings clash with the rest of the outfit but after that still ads even more shit to the outfit that makes everything even more clash like this godawful cheap child necklace. And this one site pony-tail looks retarded af.
She could just have the dress + a bit of glittery make-up + the carding and leave it with an simple hairstyle.
Less is more Jill, less is so much more.
No. 411485
>>411469Looks like residue from the eyeshadow that's spread around.
What the fuck is even in this eyeshadow that it's ALWAYS on? Seems like she just doesn't bother using makeup remover on her eyebrows.
No. 411517
>>411479Noah Fence to anon but the highlighter trend is so ugly. I really cannot comprehend how it became a trend ever because it looks bad and dirty.
Sage for personal
No. 411533
>>411532yeah, she could've easily just gotten a purple cardigan and sewn on heart buttons herself lol
I assume most people got that cardigan for the back part and Jill doesn't even care for that
No. 411682
>>411468From the area, some people I’ve seen Jill hang out with are right/alt right, though maybe they hide it from her?
So she’s not super sjw I don’t think, as you said. If she is she has no issue putting it aside for friends at least.
No. 411732
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>>411469It has to just be wrinkles, since you can't see them in this shot, right? I have no idea how it works though, I've been trying and can't get my face to do anything even remotely similar, it's a mystery.
They sure do look bizarre though, it wouldn't be as big of a deal if she wasn't constantly raising her eyebrows like that
No. 411739
File: 1509329886968.jpg (36.81 KB, 500x218, dUxhSA0 - Imgur.jpg)

>>411732Pretty sure it's her corrugator muscle showing through her skin.
It's not super uncommon to have your eyebrow do this sort of thing. Pic related is another example.
No. 411757
File: 1509333187228.png (389.78 KB, 720x395, Screenshot_20171029-221023.png)

Jillian, what the fuck.
No. 411906
>>411881Yeah, she basically said before that she doesn't even wash her face before going to sleep or anything, and then in combination with only ever taking baths every couple days instead of showering… ugh.
She may think that's it's just ~really quirky~, but that's one of the worst things you can do to your skin.
No. 411951
>>411906She should be bathing more frequently, but if she’s not exerting herself then honestly she shouldn’t have a reason to bathe frequently. Also, as a bleach-blonde, I can say that showering frequently is not a good idea. It just dries out the hair more. It’s actually good she’s letting the oils build up, is good for her hair. That’s probably why it hasn’t fallen out yet.
>>411881She’s 19, she shouldn’t be wrinkling yet. The real issue is that she doesn’t have acne or anything. In her mind, she doesn’t think about skincare because there’s not an immediate adverse reaction to not taking off her makeup. Also, I it was mentioned at one point in one of her threads that her eating disorder may have messed with the elasticity in her skin.
Now that I’ve defended Jill, I have to balance it out by saying I think those gray hoop earrings look like fluffy handcuffs you can get around Valentine’s Day at a drugstore.
No. 411978
>>411906When did she say that she only takes baths
every couple of days? I only remember her saying she bathes instead of showering.
Either way it's okay not to shower every single day, especially if you're not working out (which she doesn't seem to) and you're mostly staying indoors. Yes it can be a sign of depression and other mental illnesses, but showering every other day or so is not pathological, no need to freak out.
She should be washing her face daily with all that makeup though, it'll fuck her skin up long term.
>>411951>those gray hoop earrings look like fluffy handcuffsKek. I'm pretty sure they're blue though, and just faded/dingy.
No. 411994
>>411757How the fuck do you even brush your hair with soo much hair on the brush? I know my hair always gets stuck to the brush if there's any hair in it.
Btw, anyone noticed how she's not mentioning her tattoo anymore, let alone showing it? Do you think she's ashamed of it or is it just a coincidence?
Wonder if she's gonna go and re-do it, I know she was talking about it in the beginning…
No. 411995
>>411994She said for sure that she wants to get it fixed and that she's disappointed with the quality after all.
She brought it up a couple times in livestreams but then immediately went "o-oh but I still love it of course!!" lol.
No. 412041
>>411077In one of her videos with the fat goth girl?
They're showing each other pictures of cats if I remembered correctly
No. 412180
>>412149you are correct, it was right after they were thrifting. they were in some cafe of some sorts and showing cat pictures to each other. Jill claimed she forgot his name for a moment, and said hes annoying.
I just rewatched this video like a week ago to check something and that scene stuck in my head for some reason
No. 412207
>>411978> When did she say that she only takes baths every couple of days? I only remember her saying she bathes instead of showering.Thank you, anon. I was reading all this and thinking, wow, where the hell did Jillian say she only takes baths once in a while? I remember the no showering thing, but that does not equal no baths every day.
Than being said, I do hope she baths daily. I come from a culture that showers at least twice a day - morning and night - and washes hair at least twice a week. Neither my skin nor my hair has fallen out, I guarantee. Never understood this "showering every day is bad for you" concept. And in fact knowing that many people don't do it disgusts me. The simple idea of waking up and not showering or going to bed without cleaning the filth of the day is just, ugh.
saged for pointless culture clash
No. 412288
>>412207Lmao I just typed up a whole rant because I thought you said that it’s gross if people don’t wash their hair every day. I still think it’s weird that you shower day AND night, I usually just do my showering/bathing at night.
>>412256Whyyyyyy doesn’t she cover her whole face. She just needs a light-weight foundation, she doesn’t have any skin problems except for her wrinkles. This girl has a bottomless bank account and won’t invest in a better foundation that’s color matched.
No. 412325
>>411951As another bleach-blonde and a former cosmetologist (and also someone that likes a fair bit of the clothes she has worn, not necessarily the outfits she makes with them), while it's good to refrain from washing processed hair every day (especially if it's often-colored hair like hers), she can easily just pull her hair up under a shower cap or something and still bathe/shower everyday, so that's bogus. Also, I feel like because her career of choice relies somewhat heavily on keeping up good appearances, she will have to take care of herself and keep herself and her clothes/outfits as presentable as possible; if she
does do this (since it looks like no one knows for sure if she has said she bathes every couple of days), it's nasty and something of a disservice to the purpose of her current career as a beauty vlogger/future dream of being a fashion designer.
No. 412441
>>412401> Showering twice a day or more is completely excessive, you're stripping your skin of its natural oils and messing with the pH balance, same for hair. No it won't fall off, but eventually your skin stops being able to maintain itself properly. Some people are way too sensitive about this stuff, you don't get grimy from sleeping in clean sheets for a few hours.And you are forgetting about different climates having a different impact on people around the world?
No, it is not excessive to shower twice a day, at least, when you live in the tropics. You sweat like a pig all the time; you sweat sleeping. A lot. Your scalp becomes humid and smelly and some people do wash their hair every day to keep the hair from smelling.
Talk to a dermatologist that works in a tropical country and you will understand that "showering twice a day is bad for the skin" doesn't apply.
Native Americans taught many things to europeans when they went there, and one of the things was to stop running away from water. It won't kill you.
Now stop derailing. This is about Jill, not what people from different areas of the globe think about showering.
No. 412503
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No. 412533
>>412503I know it's been said a bunch of times but I think Jill should really look into getting a part time job again or something.
One of the best things you can do to fight anxiety is to have stability and routine.
The whole demonetisation thing really seems to stress her out, if she had another job again she wouldn't have to worry so much at least.
No. 412563
File: 1509478196261.png (847.87 KB, 540x807, 23140616_533378010333534_43174…)

more clow card shit
No. 412564
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No. 412573
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No. 412575
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No. 412589
File: 1509481250027.jpeg (130.73 KB, 639x808, 3FF0BD4B-A947-4BFD-9BB5-02A987…)

Facebook caps 1/2
No. 412591
File: 1509481305245.jpeg (121.43 KB, 632x643, 0F5D9E81-6D0D-448C-A32D-9B47DB…)

>>412589Facebook caps 2/2
No. 412622
>>412564Is she putting rainbow candles there for our daily reminder that she's gay? And don't know much about alters but pretty sure you don't just throw all your rocks on the table and only light the less pretty candles.
>>412591Why tf is she getting her dick off so hard to crayons? Bitch, if you're an ~artist~ why don't you buy some actual art or sewing supplies to get obsessed over. Surprised those daddy/little fetish people aren't bothering her more.
No. 412645
File: 1509488739513.jpg (30.36 KB, 629x276, spooked.jpg)

>>412441You're missing the point - it is in Canada, which is where Jill lives. In fact, the majority of the world does not live in a tropical climate. Either way this is pointless bickering, but Jill's hygiene is probably fine for her climate and lifestyle.
>>412503She seems to be struggling a lot more lately, constantly vague posting about crying and being upset. Having an unstable source of income and being alone most of the time except for interactions with her parents can't help.
(Tweet she responded to was "Your Halloween costume is “Sexy” plus the thing you're most afraid of")
No. 412664
File: 1509491805138.png (49.41 KB, 750x322, IMG_7779.PNG)

Why is she so creepy to Drew Monson?! Remember on his livestream when she kept calling him "baby boy" and he was visibly uncomfortable? Leave the guy alone Jillian jfc
No. 412680
>>412664I’m all for fans sending their favourite creators fan art and messages about how said creator inspires them and shit like that. But holy hell the way Jill talks to Drew is downright inappropriate and creepy. It’s one thing to say you’ll support a creator no matter what because you love their content, but it’s a completely different thing to condescend them and call them gross names like *~smol bean~* as if they were a kindergartener
Sage for rambling
No. 412685
>>412680The way Jill talks to Drew makes me think of those 40 year old guys that comment on videos of Venus Angelic or something.
It just feels really creepy and weirdly demeaning.
Like sorry but I'm pretty sure Drew doesn't give a fuck if you ~love and care for him~.
No. 412740
File: 1509504384335.jpeg (596.9 KB, 2398x1125, C5B5D8B1-03F8-4CBC-87EE-6634E9…)

Her girlfriend writes poems about her and tags her in them on Instagram
No. 412744
>>412740so that's mystery girl?
>babygirl No. 412746
>>412743Can we drop the “fake lesbian” thing already? It’s not our job to decide who she wants to fuck, and just because she’s dated guys in the past doesn’t mean she’s not allowed to date or care about girls.
Both seem to care a lot about each other, and both seem like they’re willing to take things slow. At then end of the day in streams it’s really her viewers her are asking her to talk more about the girlfriend then she is on her own. Lesbian or not, it really doesn’t fucking matter
No. 412753
>>412746I hate to white knight Jill but I completely agree.
I don't buy that she's suddenly a lesbian after dating mostly guys for most of her life but that doesn't mean she can't like girls.
The ~I'm so gay, guys~ thing she does is fucking annoying but I'm pretty sure even Jill wouldn't bother dating a girl she didn't like just for the sake of earning some LGBT points.
There are plenty of shitty things Jill does to focus on without reaching as hard as believing she's faking being attracted to women
while she's dating a woman.
No. 412756
File: 1509508223862.png (261.46 KB, 500x722, umok.png)

>>412746Hello Jillian. We meet again.
But really, where are the Jill stans crawling out of? You have to be purposely ignoring her social media to not notice how often she posts about how much of a big lesbo lesbian she is, for attention. It's fake af and the #1 reason no one takes her relationships seriously, because it comes off as if she's trying to convince herself of her lesbian-ness. It's the same technique she uses for everything else in her life, like publicly pretending those IC shoes were worth the money despite not being able to wear them for 5 minutes. This is just one step further lol.
>>412740Oh boy, I can't wait until this gal realizes what a narcissistic mess she's gotten herself into. She's already obsessed with Jill a month in. Awkward, and exactly how our fave snowflake likes her relationships to be. We're gonna have some hilarious poems to read after they inevitably break it off.
No. 412758
>>412740This poem is absolute garbage also kek at this girl describing Jill’s voice as “Sickening sweet like honey” more like “gross like dried honey”. Also “she speaks most honestly” fucking top kek
Sage for commentary on the poem
No. 412759
File: 1509508675917.png (416.58 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20171031-234920.png)

Very obvious "rainbow cute girl" is jill….
Poor girl, maybe this is her first ~queer~ relationship so she's just happy to have someone??
No. 412763
>>412740>>412758There is a girl
With processed hair
I've known for 3 months
Her scent is nostalgia
Because she hoards
Care Bears shit
Her mouth noises
And Tumblr slang
Take my breath away
If I use
Flowery language
And press
The enter key
In the middle of my sentence
I, too,
Can pretend I'm deep
With minimal effort
No. 412829
File: 1509521062186.png (60.04 KB, 500x567, B4E297C2-2F91-44CC-9892-3333EF…)

>>412788I know this is probably not bait but pic related is very cheeky. You people are like me, I have a weakness for her mental health problems and y’all have a weakness for her queerness.
Jill only gives a shit about the title and snowflake points. We all know she does not give a shit about her relationships, we have watched two long-term relationships fail because of her narcissistic tendencies. She brags (and likely over exaggerates) on Twitter about her anxiety attacks. She brags about her use of benzos. Her fashion sense looks like the crack baby of Rainbow Dash and Strawberry Shortcake. Clearly, she does shit for attention, so it’s not far off to believe this whole lesbian thing is for attention.
No. 412843
>>412829Just go out in the world and meet some queer people and you'll see that this is true. Hell if you don't want to go out, just find some on twitter or insta. Queer people talk about being queer A LOT. My friends and I yell "fuck I'm gay" at each other daily, we tweet about who we're attracted to, we make jokes about everything that goes wrong to us being a personal affront to our queerness, we reference our sexualities constantly because they are an important part of us that defines who we are and we are very proud of it
Her behaviour is very typical for a young queer person and the anons on here who think it's abnormal or for attention clearly just don't talk with a lot of queer people or queer people don't feel open enough around you to talk about their queerness
No. 412856
>>412740Putting line breaks
into bad prose
does not make it
a poem
>>412756Jill herself probably knows she's not a lesbian but that doesn't mean she's not attracted to women at all. Her actual sexuality is less questionable than the way she portrays it/uses it for attention.
No. 412919
>>412843omg this sounds like a copypasta
You sound really dumb by the way
No. 412922
>>408269>>408269>>408269>>412759She's cute, but I get the impression that she's a fake lesbian too.
Mark my words, people, these bitches will be married to men and knocked up by 27.
No. 412935
>>412843its really shitty and true. I am gay and everyone I ever meet is like this, it gets kinda annoying to me tbh. : )
sage for blog post lol
No. 412942
>>412843Pretty much. All the queer people I follow tweet a lot about being gay. Everyone just seems
triggered because ‘how dare a cow suddenly like girls and talks about it’
No. 412949
>>412851She’s posted on her tumblr since what, 2015? That she was pan. She likely never talked a lot about it before because that wasn’t at all what her videos were about (not Lolita, not fashion, etc).
While I’ll always be sort of suspicious about her posting her “coming out” video when she did, she has said she sort of regretted the video becuse she’s still young and doesn’t know really how she would want to label herself.
Tdlr; she’s always been gay but didn’t talk about it much before because it wouldn’t have made sense for her to do
No. 412954
>>412948lgbtq…Q meaning queer. Stop being
No. 412977
>>412843>>412935Did you people not see
>>412829 ? Because you guys missed the whole freaking point of my post.
Jill does shit for attention. Calling herself a lesbian is very clearly for attention. Bragging about her anxiety attacks is very clearly for attention. Throwing around her use of benzos is very clearly for attention.
Does this mean there’s no validity for any of this? No, we all know that she clearly has some mental problems. And I think it’s safe to say she is pansexual, because she adopted that identity at a young age and continued to carry it around with her up until she was a lesbian with Collin. Y’all keep forgetting this girl is batshit crazy and can’t even live her life without being in a relationship. She has no sense of independence, her relationships are for attention and not for love.
Also, I’m a college student, so I have actually met “queer” people before lol.
No. 413061
>>412948No, the lgbt community and the queer community are the same fucking thing, just because you're not comfortable calling
yourself queer doesn't mean nobody should be. Queer an umbrella term that many people use.
>most other gay peopleNot everyone in this community is gay.
No. 413116
>>413051I do all my art assignments out of crayon but you could never guess because I make them look SO pretty!
I hope this deluded bitch does go to art school so she can receive the biggest reality check and shrink her giant ego.
No. 413117
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No. 413118
>>413051this crayola thing deffo smacks of autism
its a horrible 'aesthetic' too
i can't stop wondering where she keeps all this stuff she buys, literally must have warehouse amounts of plastic crap and clothing she never looks at/wears/uses… where is it all? and she keeps buying more.
ps: what is worse than her 'hee hee hee hee' thing?
No. 413122
>>413119this would be fine if she worked in a crayola store or doing like some working for some crayola promo or something but as just something you chose to wear… its a no from me…
it's just weird to me to walk around as a well known brand unless you're working for them or summin..
No. 413129
>>413117How depressing, McDonald's kei is next.
Too bad you can't make a wal mart uniform kawaii!!
No. 413148
>>413081She's afraid of moving to another city in her country, moving overseas and handling the pressure of a Japanese university would be absolutely impossible for her.
>>413117Minus the socks and bag…it's so gaudy that it kinda works again.
No. 413178
>>413117I kind of like this? Sorry guys ahaha imo It works in that sort of tacky bright fashion way thats popular rn (idk what to call it but brands like unif and lazy oaf, that kind of look) but i doubt jill really thought about that kek
The socks clash too much tho and so does the beret a bit
No. 413449
File: 1509630551545.png (519.88 KB, 532x599, jillian.png)

just the cardigan, shirt and skirt look ok together, but the socks, shoes, beret and hair fucking ruin it
also I would genuinely assume that she had some form of mental retardation if I saw her out like this
No. 413453
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Also just saw this on her twitter, I assume she's talking about her wand tattoo? Looks like she'll go to a different tattoo artist this time
No. 413579
>>413449if she got rid of the socks, and changed her shoes i'd be ok with this.
also i wish she'd stop wearing those glasses. they age her even more than her normal looks do.
No. 413585
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>>413582>>413462I’m pretty sure this is the artist she’s going to this time around
No. 413654
File: 1509648905495.jpg (71.32 KB, 582x593, wand.jpg)

>>413449>pink shoeswhy, Jill? Why? Did you forget the color coordination video you made for lolita?
>>413585The black and white pieces look much better than her colored stuff imo. At least she seems to have experience with what Jillian wants? I hope she doesn't ask the artist to just tattoo her own art on her again, I don't really get why you would pick someone and ask for a completely different style.
No. 413705
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>>413117comment on her crayola outfit and I can't tell if they're joking or not
No. 413760
>>413726I wonder if they saw how dirty and brown the soles are and mistook them for wood, thinking they were some unique kind of RHS… That or everything pastel is lolita.
Just like everything colorful is party kei.
No. 413766
>>413654Yeah, I think the artist's work looks pretty good, but the black and white looks nicer and the coloured pieces aren't quite as vibrant as most pictures of new tattoos I see?
They seem like a weird choice to go with when that's what she wants imo, but at least they this time they look like they're an actual decent artist who won't scratch a wonky cat on her.
No. 413837
File: 1509667729062.png (6.4 MB, 1242x2208, 6743B74B-B6D9-481A-A807-667BF6…)

>>413585I don’t even like tattoos and I think these look really good. Like, I kinda want that rabbit one.
>>413766I think the colored pieces look really good, but like I said I’m not into tattoos so idk how to judge them. Also, can we have a moment of silence of what Jill’s cattoo could have been rather than what looks like a child’s crayon doodle on her arm.
No. 413956
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Mark your calendars folks
No. 413982
File: 1509686241691.jpeg (435.32 KB, 750x1053, E332BCC5-C6D1-496E-ADE9-6C649C…)

I hope it works out for them
No. 413993
>>413982i don't.
remember a few weeks back when she was SO bitter that Collin unfriended her? i bet she's super pissed that he can't see that pic.
No. 414001
File: 1509688198633.jpg (64.71 KB, 960x720, 21317767_10159265906800542_125…)

I cant wait to find out whether this girl is normal or as crazy as Jill
No. 414013
>>413982Is Alyssa completely clueless when it comes to Jill's cunty nature, or does she think it's normal for Jill to have dragged her ex thru social media and post personal information regarding her past and present relationships? The same shit but worse will happen to her when they break up, Jill's inner female superiority complex is going to come out in full force.
We know this girl was aware of Jill and her social media accounts prior to meeting on Tinder. Does she just want attention, maybe? I honestly can't see any normal person genuinely falling in love with this clown, she's so self absorbed, immature, and "simple." I can understand dumb kids loving Jill's obnoxiousness, but with grown adults I just dgi.
My current prediction is they last <7 mos given the current deets.
>>414001This photo reminds me of Collin, who looked normal before dating Jill. Hopefully she doesn't let Jill walk all over her and alter her personality to fit an aesthetic like Collin did.
tl;dr Jill is a toxic person
No. 414022
>>414001>>413982talk about a catfish lol, is she really that fat? There’s nothing wrong with carrying a little extra weight but damn, she looks like a different person in those pics. I know snapchat filters are pretty heavy but how tf did she go from a no chin round face to visible jawline and cheekbones?
For real, is she actually that fat girl in that picture? Because I don’t see anyone in that picture who looks like her Facebook pic except that the fat girl has the same hair color and cut.
No. 414024
>>414022idk she looks the same to me, it's just different angles. you can tell she's chubby from her filtered photos anyway. this doesn't matter because it's just more body positive lesbo points for jill. WHAT REALLY MATTERS IS
>>414016 !!!
No. 414025
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>>414022Yes she is you can check out her facebook yourself via Jills fb.
From her unedited photos I was assuming she might have been a lot older than Jill but it looks like shes about 21. Her fb says she graduated highschool in 2015 so they are roughly the same age.
I dont want to rag on her looks too much because it doesnt have much to do with our beloved flake Jill. However it is worth noting her current style seems to be gothic/edgy/dollskill type fashion. Let us watch if Jill slowly transforms that. Or she might try to go for cute photos of their contrasting styles. We shall see
No. 414156
>>414036She's probably just into anime and weeb shit.
I don't know why you'd assume she'd change Jillian though, based on her IG she's completely crazy about her so I doubt she wants to change her.
What kinds of videos do you think they'll make together? My guess
>Making my gf ~kawaii!!~>Lezbean cosplay uwu>Another pride vlogFor her own benefit I hope she learned from her past relationships though and stops exploiting her SOs for content.
No. 414247
>>414156I don‘t assume it, i said „if we‘re lucky“ trying to imply that it‘s propably not gonna happen haha.
aaaanyway, moving on…
No. 414265
File: 1509724564140.jpeg (134.82 KB, 750x284, 0125260D-C027-495C-9A62-A23BBD…)

Posting this ten minutes before her stream was supposed to start? Does this girl keep any sort of real schedule for herself?
No. 414266
>>414265man she's fucking terrible at managing her social media shit
why do you think she had to move it? is she feeling to sleepy and has to nap? or does she have an important home sense date?
No. 414268
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>>414265Apperently just got her nails done too. For someone who’s so upset about not making money from her YouTube videos she is sure willing to cancel her other way to make money because she’s too busy spending it
No. 414313
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No. 414484
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No. 414504
>>414484going from retard toddler to normal looking woman
is she trolling? she seems to know how to make herself look decent, why does she always pick to look as bad as possible?
No. 414545
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>>414484so the likelihood of jill going to dollskill style is increasing by the day
No. 414738
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The only work of Heidi’s she’s probably even seen is Project Runway but… ok Jill.
No. 414774
>>414001>>414025holy shit her gf is a hippo. i bet you anything jill wouldnt even date a girl thats prettier than her anyway.
that explains why shes so into jill. she probably thinks she hit the jackpot with a "so totally glam youtuber".
No. 414944
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>>414903well it's pretty sad that she looks way better as a chav then
the left pic makes me think of Simple Jack lol
No. 414999
>>414952> 56 to 19More like 56 to 36
At this point it seems like Jill just has an old face, which isn't bad unless you're deperate to make yourself look cute and youthful, then you have a problem. I'm not sure if it's face features, being fat, demented grandma-kei clothing, bad makeup choices, lack of skincare or just very unfortunate combination of all above. In second look her makeup seems way better, yet still I wouldn't guess she's younger than 28, maybe more mature looking 25.
No. 415012
File: 1509809978859.jpg (63.12 KB, 1023x400, jilljill.jpg)

>>414952the basic bitch look looks def better on her than the glittery mess she usually wears.
Jill def would profit if she would have at least some kind of fashion trend which rules she could/should follow because this vid shoes what kind of planless her "style" is damn.
Also her everyday glitter makeup - what a hot mess.
No. 415028
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it literally looks like she has a mullet wig on right here
No. 415034
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No. 415117
>>415059She ignores most questions, it’s so uncomfortable to watch becuse it’s pretty obvious she does that weird “boop” thing when she’s ignoring/avoiding questions.
I didn’t watch much of the stream, but she gave up on her “secret project” callender because it was taking her too long and she wasn’t happy with the art (she really complained about how each drawing took three hours and she would need 27 hours to finish it which is insane considering she just is ~working so hard all the time guys)
No. 415121
>>415117holy shit, are you kidding me lol?
there are a lot of artists that take 20 hours on a single piece of art alone, and they do it because they actually enjoy it
does Jill do anything because she actually likes it? and not just because she wants to make as much money as possible?
No. 415127
>>415123the worst part is that there would probably be enough of her idiot fans that would actually buy that fucking calendar just because they eat up anything Jill does
30 hour really isn't that much? maybe work on the fucking calendar for 3 hours every day instead of napping
No. 415219
>>415117What, is she for real? It's actually probably the only productive thing she's doing right now and she clams to have no time for it? What's taking so much of it anyway? 27 hours is barely more than a day…
No wonder her "art" looks like shit, if she's convinced 3 hours spent on single piece is a long time. How she's hoping to survive in fashion, wait, any type of school? Many classes involves some sort of long-term assigment, which should take way more than 27 hours.
No. 415249
Summery of the first half of today’s stream:
>”my GIRLFRIENDS workplace” official announcement of being a couple
>Still want’s to call her mystery girl
>Compares themselves to Bunny and Dogman (~Pastel version)
>Girlfriend watches her streams
>Jill asked her to be her official girlfriend on halloween with a chocolate bar
>Updated magical girl want collection video is coming up soon
>Complains about it looking cold/bad lighting for a while
>would love to go on tour one day when she’s a “big boy” youtuber
>Gives advice on lesbian relationships
>Had a weekly Japanese tutor for a Summer a few years ago
>Say’s working from home has been awesome
>Plans on buying more Doremi items
>Her tattoo is a combo of Doremi, card capture, and precure items (and is planning on vlogging getting it again)
>tattoo will be on her upper thigh
>Would do video on cosplay tips, but doesn’t want to because she’s a "beginner" but “I’ve won in every contest I’ve done” (Which also is a lie remember Rose Quartz Jill)
>Gets upset when someone asks if she has a giant sailor moon collection behind her because theres “More magical girl show’s the just Sailor moon!!!”
>Starting a “Designer Diaries” series about her steps to becoming a designer (Would be vlogs and sit down videos)
>Hasn’t though about what she wants for Christmas because she “Just keeps buying stuff if I want them”
>Complains about how people “hate every brand” and that people complain about the brands she buys from
>”I do try my best” about if things are curtly free/ethical
>Has been diagnosed with depression and is on medication but “Doesn’t know if it’s the meds or the depression went away”
>Advice on depression: "Get a hobby, love yourself, get a cat”
>Does crystal magic, fire magic, and writes her own spells~
>”People that still don’t know Colin and I broke up blow my mind”
>Fashion helped her with her anxiety
>”I am fierce, colorful, sparkly, and strong”
>Is going to hyper Japan, but has not bought any tickets
“So many questions are repeating” Doesn’t answer them
>"Two of the Jillians ahead of my on celebrity birthday are younger then me!” (Seems to get really upset over people younger then her being more successful)
>Finished 3/12 months for the calendar
>”if I don’t excel at something I will drop it"
>Doesn’t want to do an art project like that until she’s had actual training on drawing/art from her school (Aka that foundation year she was so upset about having to take)
>”No! I don’t like it!” When talking about having to draw for 27 more hours
>Wants to do it, but only drawing one a month over the course of a year
>Took paino levels from ages 4-14
>Stopped once her teacher said she was too high of a level for him to teach her anymore
>Her favorite art supplies are crayola crayons
>Irregular choice sent her a message and she’s doing a video of an upcoming collection
>Mystery girl wants to be in videos, will likely happen sooner rather then later
>Hesitant to have another "super public relationship”
>GF’s hair is blond but brought up dying it pink jills response: “You can just throw that out there because now I’m going to harass you until you dye it pink” (Sign Jill was behind most of Colin's colored hair choices?)
No. 415299
>Mystery girl wants to be in videos, will likely happen sooner rather then laterI get the vibes that this girl wants a small piece of jill's e-fame because it all sounds like she choose Jill because she knew that she would get those kind of things because of her but other than that I'm def here to see this cringe happen lol
also, thank you based anon for your stream summaries!
No. 415317
>>414950Lol, somebody come get their mom. She looks like a 30-some year old who is trying too hard to be Instagram cool.
>>415249>”if I don’t excel at something I will drop it"That's some real winner ideology there. Have fun dropping out of wannabe community college because you don't wanna take the time to practice anything.
No. 415330
File: 1509834188720.png (Spoiler Image,508.87 KB, 739x415, Capture d’écran (669).png)

No. 415331
File: 1509834265522.png (Spoiler Image,508.39 KB, 854x480, Capture d’écran (667).png)

No. 415332
File: 1509834296654.png (Spoiler Image,340.14 KB, 584x439, Capture d’écran (668).png)

No. 415335
File: 1509834391249.jpg (1.31 MB, 1440x2069, Screenshot_20171104-182255.jpg)

Was hoping that shirt would be cute but nope.
No. 415367
>>415317God, if she ends up dropping out of the school, I will be SO livid. She's going to sink (her parents') money into doing all these damn fashion hauls and buying anime shit, she can damn sure afford to use it wisely for getting ready and going to school for this dream of hers, especially if she's going to do Youtube as her "main job". Actually, how much does anyone wanna bet she tries to use her getting money from Youtube as "work experience" if she ever tries to get another job?
>>415335I can't really see the hem of that shirt very well, but it looks like it's an unfinished and uneven edge. If it were more fitted to her and a bit longer, it'd look so much better. Also no, crayons do not make good earrings; if she wants to go for novelty mismatched earrings, she can surely find little charms and beads to string up instead of goddamn crayons. (I would unfortunately take that jacket on the left purely for the sake of it looking 80s, but I wouldn't wear it with more pastels.)
No. 415386
>>412564Boring. At least sacrifice a few chickens in your closet. Not even trying. Get on Bank's level please Jill!!!
I actually like watching Jill's videos with the captions turned on because her voice is hard to listen to - it's not as bad as someone like Lauren Southern or Kanadajin but anyway. I have not been able to watch Jill's video because the lighting is way too bright. Hope she dims it down.
No. 415478
File: 1509840082782.png (528.34 KB, 642x534, 938B86AB-4921-44B1-BE69-FFEB25…)

>>415249Second half of the stream, sorry it took me so long
>Her and GF are planning cosplays> Didn’t like her Rose cosplay>Get’s upset when designers “bash on other designers” on project runway>wants to do a video on her play button, complains that it hasn’t shipped yet>Entering Kawaii Internation with the pic of her in her tennis skirt and plaid shirt (posted earlier)>Wants a crayon tattoo>”I am a white youtuber come fight me” (at around 58 minutes in, In response to someone complaining about white youtubers being racist)>Doesn’t like Melanie Martinez because so many people tell her they look alike>Is a Hufflepuff>”I’m not an age player, I just like crayons”>Dislikes sugar pill eyeshadow >Mystery girl dressed up from Steven Universe for halloween but hasn’t ever watched>Refuses to watch thriller, suspense, or anything horror related at all>Too scared to watch Stranger Things>Loves Utena, claims her video on it was just her trying to explain it to herself and making jokes about “how stupid it was”>likely won’t make anymore slumber party sessions because of the streams>Enjoys doing vlogs but it worried they will be boring (Next vlog is apparently just her being sleepy and not leaving her house again)>Still loves Lolita but wouldn’t wear it again>Calls her fashion bright americanized Fairy Kei>Is not doing vlogmas, thinks she”would die”>Has filmed asmr and would like to do it but her but her mic is too shitty>Dislikes lisa frank and hates that people think’s she likes it. (“Super duper not” party kei)>not going to do instgram live because she’s a partner on younow>Complains she has too much to do and that she can’t nap and is so sad>Doot/random singing tally: 32 (At least) No. 415483
File: 1509840532650.jpeg (741.51 KB, 750x1141, 247C3702-5DA2-4380-BDFB-A9B849…)

No. 415570
>>415478man she's just gonna be responsible for her own downfall… ever since she started doing youtube as her "full time job" all she's done is complain about it
everything is too hard for her
like she could've just kept it as a hobby that brought in some extra income, she never complained this much when she was still working at claires and stuff
No. 415613
>>415597but its not kawaii enough for her uguuuuuughhhhhh
Let's be honest; if she can't be assed enough to do streams like she plans, to work on videos when she should be, to put ACTUAL EFFORT into doing shit, then she sure as hell doesn't have a chance of sticking to this Youtuber job until she has to get an actual decent job to pay for her shit.
No. 415648
File: 1509850961076.jpg (141.04 KB, 1200x1835, gal-beach-kesha.jpg)

>>415483Boxy-kei all the way, Can't wait to see Jill make matching outfits for her and mystery girl. It's like Keisha and spank! had a baby
No. 415688
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>>415335she looks like a hot air balloon in this
No. 415692
File: 1509854353770.png (358.17 KB, 552x543, 1493897789434.png)

>>414950When she complained about getting ready with her normal look to only take it all off for the beginning of the video… girl you could have recorded the normie look first, took it off, and then worn your rainbow shit for the rest of the day
No. 415695
File: 1509854704575.png (2.3 MB, 1524x704, HELP.png)

No. 415707
>>414950“I feel like Im trying to be Spanish.”
No. 415710
File: 1509855578633.png (3 MB, 1816x1880, HELPPP.png)

These are her brushes BEFORE she put product on them dear god
No. 415713
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>>412773That altar….where is her mother / father deity?
No. 415729
>>415712To be fair most famous Spaniards or Latina women in the media are white. I think her limited vocabulary ass meant "sultry". But Jill a bunch of make-up doesn't make you look like a spicy white.
I still enjoyed the video. I like when she does things out of her norm and she looks so much better in normal make-up
No. 415735
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>>415729I am almost 100% sure she’s thinking of a stereotypical chicana
No. 415746
File: 1509859067411.png (546.46 KB, 805x590, pixielocks.png)

She did not design that top or skirt. Annika Victoria designed that top and skirt. She admitted she used her tutorials to make both those things.
No. 415844
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No. 415846
File: 1509873820381.png (130.41 KB, 540x697, Screenshot_2017-11-05-09-20-05…)

At least Jill seems genuinely sorry about it.
No. 415847
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>>415844As much has I hate Jill, they’re really tearing her a new one, even after she apologised and removed the image
No. 415854
>>415844I'm enjoying watching jill get slammed but this fucking retard, you can't own something so obvious and basic as a rainbow skirt are you fucking kidding…
They're both so retarded that Jill should become lesbians with this dumbass instead.
No. 415870
File: 1509878080382.jpg (220.58 KB, 1080x810, Screenshot_20171105-103302.jpg)

The comments on the posts are gold
No. 415877
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No. 415903
File: 1509883001307.jpg (22.04 KB, 288x148, cara.JPG)

>>415844looks like the cara chick calmed down bc she deleted her post and Jill says they both "smoothed things over"
No. 415935
>>415933I can't believe this shithead is going to be in my city in a year. She will fit in with the rest of the special snowflakes who decent into the downtown to only be crushed by the realization that being "Special" does not pay bills and her lack of talent is only get her into a lot of debt.
I really hope I do not run into her but knowing someone like her she will be loud and proud so everyone will notice her.
No. 415958
File: 1509891074626.jpg (840.29 KB, 750x1107, IMG_3800.JPG)

>>415844She just posted this "apology."
Looks like she has her own lolcow tendencies but she's too much of a nobody for anyone to care.
No. 416006
The whole Cara thing is absolute crap. Jill used Annika's tutorial on pleated skirts to make her skirt and Annika's strawberry two piece dress (I assume Jill got too lazy to follow through with the two piece dress part because she couldn't find more matching heart patches. I mean obviously being lazy since the skirt for the dress still isn't hemmed) tutorial for the top. The only design element is that she choose the fabric. At the end of the day its a tshirt and pleated skirt. Its nothing new or special enough to bitch about getting stolen.
>>415933She easily could've done a vlog of her going about her day in 'normal clothes' and talking about how different it is. IBF does pretty entertaining videos like that occasionally and it would be so much more interesting than napping and opening mail.
No. 416116
>>415958"may or may not be selling" ugh omg she is NOT selling it, she doesn't sell any of the clothes she makes. This whole apology is irritating and so "woe is me" when Cara is the one who started the whole damn thing being so over dramatic and sicking her fans on Jill. All the girl did was take a selfie of herself in the skirt, how the fuck does that "turn your stomach"
We actually found someone irritating enough for lolcow to side with Jill for once lol
No. 416222
File: 1509993955407.png (843.45 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20171106-184023.png)

I am convinced that Jill is 40 years old and no one can tell me otherwise
No. 416225
>>416222lol so I assume Jill's mom is the one that took the picture?
and agreed, they both look unfortunate as hell.
her friend kinda looks like a greasy 13 year old and Jill looks like the ~quirky~ aunt.
No. 416289
>>416222Why does she even have bangs?
Baddie Winkle looks younger than Jill
No. 416438
>>415933lol wouldn't most """professional youtubers""" have a video prerecorded?
like it's her job, she knew ahead of time that she wouldn't be around to record a video on the usual day
No. 416451
>>416338>like it get it she was absolutely overreacting and that by itself males her a cowYou answered your own fucking question.
>>416222I keep reading her shirt as "fatt tub" which is pretty accurate.
No. 416458
File: 1510007377305.jpeg (123.93 KB, 627x727, 922F39C7-729B-4344-A0BE-959CEF…)

I found some interesting information on PULL, the credibility is questionable but still insightful (1/3)
No. 416475
>>416458seems like a huge stretch
Jill pretty makes such a big deal out of it whenever she goes to a bar or even drinks one of her kiddy liquors because she's ~so socially anxious uwu~
No. 416529
>>416087"The industry", lol, what industry might that be?
I work in fashion (at an extremely well-known brand in a major US city) and have never heard of her. Saged, but I'd really like to know.
No. 416543
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>>416529You can find some styling she's done for fashion shoots if you search by her name "Cara Bloom". ( Doesn't really mean she's "in the industry" anymore than a play button means that Jillian is a famous youtuber.
She also manages to dress worse than Jill.
No. 416551
>>416458jill tweets her life 24/7 so if she was at parties so often she would ar least tweet about feeling ~socially anxious uwu~ over going out. I think we would know if she was hungover/coming down all the time. She dosnet seem the type to do drugs to me idk
>all her friendskek. she has like 3 friends
No. 416572
>>416570It's all that peeps tea going to her hips.
>>416555Just give it up cara.
No. 416577
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>>415335why let them suffer longer than they have to
No. 416593
>>416006>>416006IRRC JIll stated in a vlog somewhere a while back that she wanted to try making a rainbow pleated skirt, and said "i'm sure i could just look up a tutorial for a basic pleated skirt and change the fabric colours". She doesn't really seem the type to hide where she got an idea from IMO, and seemed genuine when talking about the project -
it really doesn't sound much to me like she outright plagiarised. Definitely siding with jill here.
I think she shouldn't have said that she designed it however (can anyone really "design" a colourful pleated skirt?), i'm surprised this milk didn't spill earlier - i was pretty shocked about that when i saw the original post.
No. 416603
>>416593I'm glad the other anons see how ridiculous this is too because I winced when I saw Jil's apology post too.
I think the milk didn't spill earlier because lolcow was down when it first came up.
Neither of them can call themselves designers for sewing a pleated skirt imo.
If you think a rainbow tennis skirt is an original 'design' and cry and piss yourself when someone else has the same idea, you're a terrible, unoriginal designer.
No. 416628
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Is something else going down?
No. 416636
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Cara was seriously tagging people to go yell at Jill? This is seriously low of someone who wants to consider herself to be a professional designer. What a pair of shit shows
No. 416645
>>416616Some people don't check the site every day, and if they do, they don't necessarily check the cow's social media every day.
>>416636Jill's a shit but Cara has no right to bitch about a few of Jill's rabid followers going after her
of their own accord when she actively sent people to go and tell Jill off for her.
No. 416706
>>416650You said the drama broke two days ago and I was explaining why it might've been slow to reach the site.
That's just a theory I was throwing out there, I wasn't claiming that's definitely why it was slow. What a weird thing to get so pissed off about.
No. 416735
>>416724If I were her I'd burn them and get some pink docs or something.
Since we know you lurk, pls do it Jill
No. 416779
>>416749Honestly it's getting really fucking dull seeing !!!REAL fashion designers!!!/fashion students coming into the thread to humblebrag about how they're more of a designer than a lazy 19 year old.
Like yeah, you're a better designer than Jill, just like practically fucking anyone who puts any real effort into it. Nobody cares, we just want to laugh at Jill and her clown outfits.
No. 416841
>>416458lol does this fucker know anything about Jill? In addition to Jill tweeting her life 24/7, Jill also has ~anxiety~ and would never do a recreational drug. She hates leaving her comfort zone.
No. 416929
>>416865"intense parties at cons"
lol sure
No. 416968
>>416458I'll believe it when I see caps/proof. She got drunk in one of her con vlogs but she barely seems to leave the house. When would she even get drunk? She doesn't seem like a party girl at all.
>if there are drugs at a party why would you be going if you're not using any?!Yikes.
>>416628>Why won't you just take it out privately?!>Subtweets about it instead of approaching or @ mentioning anyone No. 417089
>>416929I'm not sure about the parties DURING cons being wild (they're typically cringe-worthy at best) but the after-parties can be quite the event, especially for larger cons. I don't know if any of Jill's local cons supply the experiences I've had at after-events from things like Anime Expo, Comic-Con, Otakon, etc. but those were pretty large and wild parties.
>>416841I wouldn't say anxiety keeps people from doing rec. drugs. I know tons of friends w/ anxiety who smoke pot, do bars, molly, etc. But Jill? I doubt it. Pot, maybe. Actually, I'd expect pot. Anything more than that and her mom would probably put her out or cut her off from finances.
>>416877Seems like you're trying to glorify users by calling Jill "lame." I wouldn't go in that direction.
>>416458This has gotta be fake. Probably a salty viewer or someone who came across their first board and wants to be known/praised.
>Can't say for sure if she used them, but why would she be going to these parties if she wasn't?First of all, pics or it didn't happen.
This person probably has never attended a party in their life. Most people I hung out with were drinking and smoking pot by 16, molly and coke by 18. I've probably had a handful of drinks so far and have had maybe 3 hits of pot and I'm in my mid 20s. I'm no better than anyone who has done more, but I did my fair share of partying and never felt the need to indulge in drugs & alcohol. Personal choice. Contrary to popular belief, the crowd you associate with isn't always who you are.
>>416577This image makes me cringe. I can smell Jill just from this photo.
No. 417192
>>417162She posts about a simple cooler that she drinks, and she posted herself she goes out to drink like twice a year. And even then she prob drinks two fruity coolers and gets drunk. I do think her closeness with her mom would be what holds her back from doing drugs, I can't imagine jill being able to keep a secret from her and I can't imagine her mom being ok with her precious spoiled child doing drugs. Plus the meds she's on would hopefully hold her back from doing it too. I bet you jill is one of the people that's uncomfortable around the ~big spooky drugs~ and goes home/leaves the room.
Also the idea that if you attend a party you are pressured into doing drugs that you don't wanna do is laughable.
No. 417372
File: 1510081604502.jpeg (284.16 KB, 750x538, 3965E14D-7663-4F8D-9B20-39846B…)

Just like Jill!
No. 417445
>>417430Kek, why are people suddenly assuming Jill is some sort of alcoholic or drinks excessively?
She might have depression, but taking a lot of naps isn't really a clear indicator.
No. 417484
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No. 417505
>>417471I don't wish it upon her, but honestly her sedantary, isolated lifestyle probably
will make it a problem again.
The naps are probably either unrelated, a dietary/lifestyle issue or she just naps out of habit.
No. 417580
needs to retire those shoes. Half of her outfits are ruined because of those shoes.
No. 417609
File: 1510090164077.jpeg (153.36 KB, 1200x1103, 8F8B0DB9-A1A9-4283-B402-0D0567…)

>>417484I‘m on my mobile and still can see her pressing her tongue against her teeth
Also those shoes… i can‘t understand how someone who only cares about their looks like Jill can totally ignore those moldy af shoes… that‘s not cute,jill
No. 417620
File: 1510090472132.png (505.22 KB, 424x640, f8565efecf8b0a10bb4f01534d2e21…)

>>417484That whole outfit is garbage wtf
Can't believe she used to understand decent hair styling, color coordination, and how to look clean and put together
No. 417625
File: 1510090629557.jpg (49.84 KB, 594x596, february.JPG)

>even outfits from earlier this year are beginning to look somewhat goodI was thinking the same thing when I went through her Insta the other ayand saw pics from about a half year ago and everything was actually def better. From this point I'm scared to know what we will expect stylwise in 6 months from now on.
pic from her vday outfit video
No. 417713
File: 1510093714938.jpeg (187.12 KB, 750x493, C4AE29BC-DDB4-4E22-BDC4-162552…)

Just like to promised a giveaway of those Precure candy figures Jill?
No. 417738
File: 1510094499306.png (210.19 KB, 750x1138, IMG_2331.PNG)

Dear god
No. 417770
>>417738I'm sure that would look so much cuter if she wasn't wearing that skirt, but then I see the hairclips and the fuzzy earrings and I'm screaming so hard
>>417740Every day we stray further from God's light…
No. 417802
>>417531Yup i remember before she got her tattoo someone suggested she smoke beforehand to calm her nerves (FYI: bad idea, will make you bleed more whilst getting tattooed) and she seemed very reluctant/unsure in her reply.
This is a good thing, imagine how fucking annoying stoner jill would be lmao
No. 417930
>>417916Nah this was quite a few years after her ana phase. I don't think there are actually (m)any pictures of her while she was anorexic?
But yeah, she had a good weight during her lolita/larme phase, she just looks so dumpy now.
No. 418002
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>>417930I think some are still floating around, a fan insta posted this
No. 418016
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>>417916>>418002That photo is from 2013, which I think was the hight of her ana
Photo comparison from 2011, 2013, and 2015, she was definitely gaining weight from 2014 onwards/recovering
No. 418109
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"ma take this pic of me so i can prove the internet haters wrong about me being uninspired and lazy"
No. 418130
>>418002>>418016I;m still confused how your fashion sense just suddenly takes a nosedive from nowhere. 2015 is a better and refined version of whatever her flavourofthemonth-kei is right now.
With her ana it always seems to have affected her torso and face the heaviest, her legs and arms seem to be the ones closest to healthy. She is barely filling out that dress so she might be basing her ever tiny waist myth off that time in her life and how slow it seemed to recover. Her face is strange, I know it's one of the first to gain back weight but it went from bulbous to round.
No. 418318
>>418192Saying "while they aren't
all snorting coke or anything" sounds more like a comparison than a "well they don't do drugs or anything, but…"
>u mad lolAre you 12 or something lmao
I'm not mad, I just think too many threads have been shit up with useless speculation like this. You sound like you've never been to a party before if you think peer pressure is something super hardcore tbh
No. 418339
>>418318Once again I don't think peer pressure is super hardcore and you inferring that from what I said is reaching so much lmao
Here let me break it down for you since you don't seem to understand what I said
Jill goes to ragers at the cons she goes to. This is much different than the standard drinking she does which she posts all over ig. These parties are kept hush hush as much as possible because of what's going on at them which is why she stays silent about them. There is some drug use at them which is one reason they aren't put all over the internet (but Jill doesn't partake) and there's also a lot of underage drinking (no shit, it's a con) but mainly it's because these parties are put on by an older group of congoers who purposely get younger girls really drunk fast and some of the dudes have taken advantage of these girls but it all gets covered up because the people throwing the parties are involved in cons or are well known in the con community
And it's not fucking speculation because I've been to some of these parties and seen Jill's drunk ass there
No. 418363
>>418339Even if Jill goes to these parties (which is very unlikely) what is the big deal? It is normal for kids her age to be going to ragers. If Jill is super drunk twice a year, good for her then. I'm sure everyone on lolcow does these things.
It's not like she is binge drinking all the time.
You sound super sheltered tbh
>>418130>2015 is a better and refined version of whatever her flavourofthemonth-kei is right now.I agree. I started following her around September 2016? It's so sad how her style has taken a nosedive since then.
No. 418422
>>417738>sarahlikestocolorDDLG bullshit confirmed.
>>418109Honestly, considering how much of a helicopter mom her mother is, I'd buy that she took a pic of her own accord.
The fabric choices worry me greatly though, what is that disgusting green? I hope she's just trying to make a green screen.
>>418339Shut the fuck up or provide some proof anon, repeating it doesn't mean shit.
No. 418524
>The fabric choices worry me greatly thoughHer next style is going to be Muppets kei if that fabric is anything to go by.
Irregular Choice is doing a Muppets collection right now, actually. You'd better start buying those bedazzled grandma shoes, Jill!
No. 418734
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>>415746Just found this, is she going to have a fit on this company too?
>sage for ot No. 418753
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Looks like she's bought more from lazy oaf… they're the ester loves x lazy oaf dungarees
No. 418771
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>>418753So much of lazy oaf's clothing just looks fucking stupid… but I guess that's why Jill loves it so much.
No. 418778
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>>418771How much did she buy, jfc? They're not exactly cheap.
Honestly, I think these are pretty cute though when worn normally, pic related. The styling in their stock photo is weird though.
>socks and sandalsSage for OT
No. 418836
>>418813>just anyone with common sense knows that being queer plays a huge part in your life. Just not the way these people pretend it does.That's what I'm trying to get at anon. It does effect plenty things in your life, but it's not as if it colours every interaction you have with every single person you meet every day - most people aren't obviously lgbt+ and have to make a conscious effort to disclose this to the people around them. Aside from people with like, gay lisps, most people fly under the radar except for in ways they choose to show, and which are oftentimes coded so that only other gay people would pick up on it anyway. It's not like, idk, your sense of humour, how patient you are etc. which are personality traits that are really hard to hide and effect how you interact with the world all the time. Queerness describes nothing about a person's personality, all it tells you about is their preferences.
Jillian looks like she
wants to be discriminated against, and goes out of her way to let straight strangers know how lesbionic she is, as if being targeted is some kind of lgbt+ seal of authenticity. It makes her come across as disingenuous because that's the last thing most gay people want. I'm sure I'm not the only person who thought she was kind of happy about having her car keyed. At least happy she had proof of her super kawaii lesbian fight against the haters! Such a warrior! So brave to face such bigotry!
No. 418909
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NO FUCKING WAY!! How is it fucking possible that Jill manipulated one of her friends into going to the same shitty 'fashion school' as her
No. 418912
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No. 418924
>>418909please check your messages anon
No. 418958
>>418836I mostly agree with you anon - I think it's fine to drop a "Fuck, I'm so gay!" as a joke every once in a while especially with other queer people, but there is an excess.
I don't think Jill actually wants to be discriminated against though, she's just insecure and needs constant affirmation.
No. 419242
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Another flattering piece of art Jill will never acknowledge
No. 419264
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Didn’t put a video out today, but is back home and working on other projects?
No. 419372
>>418909calling it now that halfway through first semester they'll stop being friends
nooo fucking way wendy's going to spend that much close time around jill and not be driven crazy.
No. 419405
>>419372I think you're giving Wendy too much credit here, in Jill's vlogs she seemed even more obnoxious than her.
I'm not sure why people think Jill's friends are just victims of her genius manipulation or something, she's really not that smart or subtle.
No. 420081
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No. 420376
>>420343From what she’s said in her recent videos and online I’d predict she’s making at least $3,000 a month from youtube (she said she used to make that in combination with streams/merch/ect, But now that she gets that much with posting three times a week)
That would be more then enough to live on her own, and it’s very likely she won’t be paying for her school because her family seems like the sort that would be happy to pay it for her.
it’s pretty obvious she makes money through YouTube and it’s stupid to keep saying the “mommys Money” thing, but I wouldn’t doubt at all that she currently doesn’t pay any sort of rent which is what’s making it so easy for her to save up right now (ex. Her saying she could afford to go to Japan again)
No. 420379
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>>420332She has 100% gained weight since she stopped working outside home and is trying to hide it in oversized sweaters
No. 420383
>>420332She looks plus size in the first scene. That cardigan reminds me of that yellow sweater she thrifted and wore a week without taking it off because she's doing the exact same thing.
Confused about why this designer daries if all she does is buy already made stuff for a living space. She'd get more views if she did a DIY. Tons of popular girl youtubers seem to do a school diy at some point and get a shit ton of views. And if this stuff is for her school living space/sewing area I'm confused how she's gonna fit it all in that basement. Seems like it's packed with dirty shoes and clothes she keeps for aesthetic reasons.
No. 420417
>>420401Where are people getting this “She makes minimum wage” thing from anyways?
From her quitting her job video she said six months ago she was making $1,900 a month (Which she called full time working minimual wage) and she’s had a lot of growth on her channel since then/posting a third video a week means she’s making more then that no doubt
No. 420455
>>420418I think it's mostly because she just never cooks/doesn't eat much interesting food
In one of her livestreams she said that she just microwaves rice with butter and eats that everyday lol
No. 420482
>>420418She's recovered tho, so no
I think it's because she's almost shamed, especially if
>>420455 is true.. No wonder she is blowing up lol
No. 420548
>>420332Why would you start shopping around for things for your move 10 months before you move out? Just buy it there lol, it's just extra stuff you have to haul over and she doesn't even know where she's going to live. She's going to end up with a ton of mismatched furniture that doesn't fit her room layout properly.
I like her dynamic with her mom though, they seem to get along really well.
>>420427>>420482Even if you're recovered, a lot of this shit is unconscious and hard to get rid of.
I'm glad she doesn't share every meal, if you're not going to a nice restaurant then who cares?
No. 420587
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>>420564According to socialblade records: In the last six months, starting in April (when she said she first reached $1,900 a month) she had gained around 70,000 subscribers (more then doubled what it was before) and her total views have gone up by around 3 million, with her daily views averaging around 20k, compared to around 10k before.
She’s had a pretty steady climb in total views and in subscribers gained, so yes shes been growing a lot since her Japan Trip, but it does look like it may be a tipping point with her daily views going down since July
No. 420594
>>420587(For reference her Japan videos started in late March, which lines up pretty well with the view/subscriber growth, but it hasn’t stopped with her coming back from Japan/not posting Japan vlogs)
Considering that her views and subscribers have more then doubled since Japan and over the last six months it’s pretty safe to assume she’s making more then the $1,900 she said she was making around then.
No. 420693
>>420687Why? Because her mother likes to joke around? God forbid an adult has a fun personalty. As far as her mother's career, she's a very successful photographer and business woman. Maturity isn't always gauged by how someone acts in their free time.
If Jill had the personality she does now but was successful as heck, she'd just be annoying, but she has proven herself to be immature by her professional choices (putting off school for a young relationship, working retail jobs instead of making efforts to find opportunities to gain experience in her field of choice, engaging in petty drama on on the internet [which is tied to her professional platform], etc.)
No. 420695
>unsaged whiteknighting of a random Jill, the tumblrfag jill fans really do lurk these threads. its not that serious man, take that frustration somewhere else.
Jill's mother spoiled her to the point where she legit thinks like a little girl now. no need to defend her like she saved your life.
No. 420699
>>420695LOL. Hang me at the stake for recognizing that Jill's mother put effort into her professional career and is successful. I've known tons of parents who have spoiled their kids and either the kids grow to appreciate what they have/not take things for granted and grow up learning from their parents success, or they grow up like Jill where they're irresponsible and probably will fall apart at the seams once they're out of the house. It's really not a failure on the parent's part because they typically have good intentions and hope the kids will grow up well but shit goes wrong along the way and they're torn on how to handle it. I've both come from and seen these types of situations. My mom gave me everything I asked for as a kid and still gives me shit and I have to tell her to stop because I'm moved out and can provide for myself, yet my brother leeches off of her and she spends nights crying because sometimes she can't give him what he wants and he'll just stop talking to her. As a parent, that kinda shit sucks. She raised us both the same and one of us just didn't learn a damn thing. I've also been in relationships where out of 2 kids, 1 ended up being a selfish and lazy little shit and the other grew to be a great human being and achieved a lot thanks to all the help from their parents. But yeah, I'm a whiteknighting tumblrfag. /shrug
I really don't care for Jill and I've made that apparent throughout this thread and many others. Sorry that I can pay credit where credit is due and have some level of sympathy for others in shit situations.
No. 420740
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She literally chooses the worst looking girls to feature in her group. There are waaaayy better looking girls in her tag and in that group.
No. 420760
>>420699Calm the fuck down and sage your shit anon, her mom has a job. What a go-getter! If a parent spoils their child rotten then that's on
them, how is she supposed to learn anything with her mom constantly babying her and never telling her no? Jill's behavior is not some sort of weird mistake of nature that her parents had zero control over.
No. 420886
Idk why y'all are arguing about Jill's current income and making up random numbers. Louise wants to make sure Jill brings in AT LEAST the equivalent to full time minimum wage while she's out of school/living at home.
>pei min wage: 11.25$
>40 hrs x 11.25
>900$ before tax on a biweekly basis
(ps for non-canadafags, young people live on minimum wage all over the country, I live in a 2 br apartment in the city, my bf and I both make minimum wage, that's a common situation in your early 20's, it's why most 20-somethings have roommates to afford nicer apartments)
Moving on to what Jill CONFIRMED she makes nowadays (in a stream recently), since she's not shy about it. As another anon mentioned above, she's bringing in 3000$ from youtube alone now, plus extra income from her merch shop and younow partnership, and she also charges somewhere between 600-1200$ per sponsorship (which she doesn't do much atm, but she could smarten up). So she's currently averaging 4k-5k a month. My jaw dropped when I was listening to her talk about it tbh. She also mentions saving half of every paycheque, although who knows if that's true.
With that income, Jill can easily afford the apartment she wants. Although the economy in the maritimes is absolute crap so she'll likely pay outrageous prices for the cost of living and go broke quickly if she isn't strategic. Or if she does end up rooming with Wendy or Mystery Girl even better for her. Only time will tell.
No. 420989
>>420910>>420911We got the info from her streams and videos, you fucking dolts.
I know she's irritating to watch but why bother discussing her antics if you don't even follow her videos? lmao please don't argue if you're not even going to keep up.
>says youtube/adsense average 3k a month now (34:25)>says her sponsorships average 1200$>does 4-5 streams per month averaging at least $150 or more on younow>commission from spreadshirt sales No. 420993
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>>415026Jill seems to be one of those people that confuses having fat on their face for having a baby face. Most women who have a "baby face" tend to have good fat deposition that gives their face a cute, round, appearance, which Jill just doesn't have. Even when she was 13/14 she looked more mature than other girls in her age group. You can have more angular/ defined features and still have a baby face, but most of the girls that have it tend to store fat evenly or along their jaw, not in big lumps on their cheeks.
No. 421009
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i legit didn‘t recognize her at first, she looks like granny wearing a headscarf. so cute.
not gonna bother to watch that shit
No. 421013
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>>421009it‘s her new aesthetics, anon
No. 421050
>>420342I'm guessing she either doesn't want to get called out on bad eating habits. Also, for a while there were a couple of vegan Youtube channels that would make videos trying to "help" anyone who posted about making milkshakes, eating a steak, etc. Some of them even went so far as to point out all the flaws on peoples bodies, so I can imagine as someone who had an eating disorder Jill wouldn't want every aspect of her body and diet to be critiqued.
Also, its pretty clear that Jill doesn't have super healthy eating habits if she's been continuously gaining. She may have gone past intuitive eating to binge eating, or cycles between binging and restricting. Even if she is doing better since recovering, she might still have retained some habits like having one meal a day, snacks instead of normal meals, etc. I don't think that would be something she would want to broadcast to all her subscribers.
No. 421124
>>417505>>417483>>417445>>417471sorry to drag up old posts but
didn't someone once say she was on seroquel? seroquel is used a lot for bipolar and not to armchair, but i can see some mild bipolar traits in her behavior (starting ambitious projects then abandoning or half-assing them when the shine wears off). i take a minimal dosage (25mg) and if i take it during the day, i'll be falling asleep every few hours. drowsiness is MAJOR side effect and it can definitely make you look/sound slurred or hungover sometimes. she'd do better taking it overnight, but if she's on a high enough dosage, that may not matter.
No. 421136
>>421124She said that she takes meds to make her fall asleep more easily every night.
I know that in some cases it's just not an option, but I think generally it would help Jill a lot to just have a regular schedule and to exhaust herself throughout the day.
I'm sure she does suffer from depression/anxiety to some degree, but shit like when Colin broke up with her and she said she "suddenly remembered" her depression makes it seem like it isn't so severe that medication is completely necessary.
No. 421142
>>421124yeah iirc she said she used seroquel in a video of hers and i thought it was really weird.
Seroquel is used a lot for bipolar bc it’s an anti psychotic, but it’s also commonly used for schitzophrenia, and bpd.
It’s not a drug that doctors commonly give out because it has some pretty bad side effects (drowsiness is one of them), and because it stops psychosis which most people don’t have.
I’m on a relatively high dose & was only prescribed it after I was hospitalised due to psychosis (due to bipolar), so i know a bit about it.
Jill has some anxiety & depression but she doesn’t seem very bipolar to me, as she doesn’t seem to have destinct phases.
She does exhibit delusional thinking to some degree and can’t handle criticism very well so maybe she suffers from some sort of psychosis?
wouldn’t be surprised if she had narcissistic personality or bpd.
She definitely should take seroquel at night though.
No. 421145
>>421139the medication she said she takes (seroquel) makes you drowsy so i don’t know if that’s the medication she’s talking about, but if it’s not then she should just take that at night instead.
then again, she could’ve just googled harsh anti depressants and chosen one of those to say that she takes, because i cannot wrap my head around why she would be on an anti psychotic for anxiety and depression.
she also seems the type to brag about how ~edgy~ they are for having mental illnesses so i can’t imagine her not disclosing bipolar at least, since that’s a mood disorder.
No. 421146
>>421142>It’s not a drug that doctors commonly give out because it has some pretty bad side effects (drowsiness is one of them), and because it stops psychosis which most people don’t havethat's not true in my experience. my GP prescribed it to me without going to a psychiatrist first because she had many patients on it and had confidence in the drug. that kind of stuff varies a lot from place to place so unless someone can speak for her area, that's just a shot in the dark.
it could also be a case of her over-dramatizing her feelings to a script-happy doctor; medication sounds like an instant cure and jill is the type to want that instant satisfaction.
also, drowsiness is not a major side effect, lol.
No. 421222
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>>420332You anons are so much braver than I. I always make it 5-7 mins into her vlogs and want to kill myself. Her voice combined with her weird ass mouth noises makes me crazy. I think she is legit retarded at this point.
No. 421232
>>421151Only had it on for background noise so sorry if this isn't a very good summary. These are just the things I managed to zone in on while I had the video running.
>she doesn't want her new relationship to be public like it was when she was with Collen. >Her and mystery girl have officially been dating for a week. >She's gonna share an apartment with Wendy in college>Must be lurking on here because she says something along the lines of "People say I overspend, but I justify it as a business expense">Talked about her tattoo plans. Gonna drive four hours away to get it done.Side note, she says she cosplayed Ruby and Sapphire with an ex and I wanted to know if there are any pictures? Just curious to see what that costume looked like.
No. 421242
>>421222She definitely seems like she has some kind of mental retardation, but then I watch her older videos and she seems like a normal person, so I guess she's just pretending..?
I have no idea why anyone would want to act like some slow toddler… Maybe she just wants people to treat her like a ~gentle baby bean uwu~ so she doesn't have to grow up.
No. 421378
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looks like shes been reading the threads again and is responding in "sassy ebonics"
also why would you make a video about dressing your age and then complain if people bring it up as a topic of conversation? like hello?? dont start arguments or share your POV if youre gonna whine about people sharing their opinion too, jill
No. 421707
>>421393>>421524Awfully similar writing styles… hmmm…
Anyway, do you understand the concept of this website? She is a cow, everything is fair game. We aren’t making fun of her ED, we’re making fun of her monstrous sugary concoctions and the weight that results from it. Also, learn how to sage at No. 421730
>>421693>letting her cat near her fabrics let alone letting them play around near them and even tempting them with toysholy fuck i am so
triggered. how many holes do you think are in one of her cosplays? literally letting your cat dig its claws into your fabric holy shit.
No. 421775
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>>421693Good to see her lazy oaf bear coat going to good use
No. 421793
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Finally got around to watching the stream:
Stream 11/11/2017
>Doing OOTD video with her Bunnyrees
>Planning an updated room tour (As a designer diary video right before she moves)
>Going to move in with Wendy
>Thought she was going insane when her family was gone for the two weeks
>Is level 27 in Animal Crossing Pocket Camp
>”I’m a small medium, but like medium” (Never heard her refer to herself as size medium before)
>Brings up wanting to watch anime reviews again, but says she has too many other videos planned:
>Bunnyree OOTD, Lush/sephora haul, Christmas present shopping vlog, updated magical girl wand collection, updated wardrobe tour, bag and shoe collection, Dear Pixie video, new tattoo vlog (in December) (All but one of these is based around herself spending money/thing’s she’s bought)
>Merch coming soon in the new year, is something she’s going to have to ship out herself. (Its going to be pins)
>Might so a pusheen collection video
>Made a concept design on the tattoo, but the artist is making her own design based on it
>Has to make a video about the tattoo before she get’s it that she’s nervous about (I think it will likely be about self harm because the tattoo will be on her upper thigh and she may have scars there), didn’t want to talk more about it.
>Get’s annoyed that people complain about her messing up the text in her last video because she “Spent sooo long editing it” and that it’s “ALL ANYONE CARES ABOUT”
>Complain’s about fandoms being bad (homosexuals/Dodie’s/Dan and Phil)
>”Can we promise my fandom won’t be that bad”
>Defends undertale fandom, “But every fandom has a lot of porn"
>Says she’s working on another project, seems to be something new but didn’t say much more (Not calendar)
>Doesn’t want to be public about her relationship
>Scarred by how her last breakup went
>Jill was the one who wanted the videos of her and Colin down (He didn’t ask her to take them down)
>Not sure it will work out when she moves because then it would be a LDR (I remember her saying she didn’t think LDR’s would work for her in the past)
>Would like to live in Japan for a couple years (3-5 years)
>Has to be constantly by her phone/laptop “in case something blows up or you need to contact someone"
>Is very stressed out (Thinking that’s likely because of the recent skirt debacle)
>Watched every Bob Ross painting episode
>Her mom and her are going to get matching tattoos (Likely Muse related)
>Watched the Lady Gaga documentary and was “confused about the shade for Madonna”
>Get’s upset multiple times about people still bringing Colin up
>Planning on doing a giveaway again for Christmas, but also for her 50 thousand followers on insta
>Saving the procure figures for the Christmas giveaway
>Plans on living at home for the summers (Doesn’t understand how rent will work?)
>Wants to do a P.O. box highlights video, but doesn’t want people to be sad because she wouldn’t put in anything
>”I feel like a cocky ass cunt whenever I say I receive too much mail, but I do”
>Wanted to make march of her cats but it was too expensive (Maybe plushies)
>Freaks out over betsy Johnson’s Christmas stuff
>”When is Black Friday?”
Oh my gosh this next part (Starts around an hour into the stream):
>”People are like ‘Oh my god like why is she spending so much, like her spending is out of control’ Well I don’t know, people don’t say that, like to me, but I assume that that’s what some people think. And it’s like 'OH MY GOD blablablabla’ and I’m like “no no no this is a business investment, I made $800 dollars back just on that video, it’s fine. That’s fine.”
>Didn’t realize she wasn’t allowed to tell people to click her ads and has done it multiple times but claims it was just a “meme”
>Will probably make a patreon as a “back up plan” in the new year
>Complains so much about demonetization so its “On record”
>Admires people that are vegan but could never be vegan
>”My money hasn’t dropped, it’s actually gone up” even with demonetization because people go back and watch her videos again once they are monetized again
>Was scared for a bit that she would have to go back to claire’s
>Calls Quinn “Fucking annoying, but I’m also fucking annoying”
>Brought up that she only adds friends/people she interacts/people who have sent her cute mail on Facebook then got really uncomfortable with people wanting to send her cute stuff so they could be her Facebook friend
>Might be dying her hair blue (With rainbow bangs)
>Is scared of most dogs
>Hates kids, doesn’t want kids “But I might in the future… I would adopt”
>Started on anti depressions 5 years ago, was in “Such a rock bottom place that I didn’t have any other choice, I don’t really remember it was kind of a blur how terrible it was, but it helped a lot"
>"I’m on seroquel, citalopram, ativan, and birth control”
>Is trying to be more open about it
>”At the time I didn’t know about the side effects like WEIGHT GAIN”
>“I want to go get them adjusted because I don’t like the side effects"
>Doesn’t like to go to her doctor because she “Made fun of” her once
>(The doctor told her, because she was 17, that she wasn’t allowed to bring her mom to the doctors anymore)
>Couldn’t drive at 17
>Got in a yelling fight with a therapist over the clothing she wore (At age 16)
No. 421795
>>421793Summery of my summery:
Jill blames her meds for her wright gain, 100% lurks on here, is only really doing and planning videos that have to do with her spending money, and is going to have Pins as merch and it’s probably starting a Patreon in the new year
No. 421800
>>421793>>"I’m on seroquel, citalopram, ativan, and birth control”oh hey, the seroquel talk wasn't totally unfounded! that 100% explains her napping/low energy/lethargy and maybe even things like the times anons said she sounded hungover.
>>“I want to go get them adjusted because I don’t like the side effects"this screams to me that her mental health issues are not very severe. unless there's some major crap she's very good at hiding (unlikely), weight gain is very manageable and a small price to pay for stability. ymmv but anyone i know with moderate to severe mental illness will weather a lot of shitty but mild side effects (weight gain, drowsiness, lack of sexual interest, nausea) if the medication works.
total speculation, but i feel like she went hypochondriac whining to her mom and her mom threw money at the problem in the form of doctors and medications. i'm the last person to say that mental illness can be cured by taking walks, but a lifestyle change and a bit of cognitive behavioral therapy would do her so good.
No. 421805
>>421693Jill is so fucking nasty and lazy. She said she slept in yesterday’s make up not only until 10 or whenever she wakes up but she ate, THEN WENT BACK TO SLEEP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY then got up and PUT MAKEUP OVER HER PREVIOUS DAY’S MAKE UP. Fucking
triggered, she’s looking more and more haggard by the days
No. 421864
>>421856I was unsure about this as well during the stream and had to double check what she said, but she did say that and that they were her “four babies”
It does seem very extreme, but one is for her anxiety specifically, and the other two are for her depression? (Though I saw somewhere online people asking about using one of them as a sleep aid as well which she does talk about using a sleep aid in other videos)
No. 421908
>>421800>>421856>>421864In most of Canada what she's taking is pretty normal if you even go to a walk in doctor complaining of anxiety or depression or insomnia. I and just about everyone i know has been prescribed the things shes on at one point or another. Remember seeing doctors is free here and the cost of meds is probably largely covered by her father's work insurance.
Ativan is also commonly prescribed for complaints of anxiety. Most likely a "take when needed ie. Panic attacks"
Citroplam is commonly prescribed for depression and anxiety.
Birth control… isn't an anti depressant.
So even though I personally feel she needs none of those things and would be fine with adjusted schedule, diet and exercise, this is honestly normal as fuck in Canada.
No. 421917
>>421693Jill is so lazy it's actually making me mad at this point. If I had 24/7 free time to be an artist and document it I'd be an artist. She has so much shit just sitting in her basement. All that fabric she could use but no, let's take a nap, eat some snacks and make a video logo called "Designer Daries" and put it on a video of furniture shopping. She's been self employed for how long and you can count the number of things she'd made on one hand. Funny how her mom has her own business and probably works hard but instead of learning to work hard she takes it in the form of mommy's money and vlogging about her naps and waiting for the mail man.
>>421793>Bunnyree OOTD, Lush/sephora haul, Christmas present shopping vlog, updated magical girl wand collection, updated wardrobe tour, bag and shoe collection, Dear Pixie video, new tattoo vlog (in December) (All but one of these is based around herself spending money/thing’s she’s bought)When your fans want to see you design things but you have a shopping addiction so fuck em, they only fund you're entire "career"
>Would like to live in Japan for a couple years (3-5 years)Surprising since she keeps buying fast fashion and ignoring jfashion since she got back from Japan. Maybe realized that Japan videos give her more cash to spend
No. 421982
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Bet she got this just for the packaging.
No. 422010
>>421693whenever Jill starts her vlog with "I have a lot of things to do", then it means: going shopping, expecting some packages, showing some stuff, napping and then is the day already over.
but I have to admin that I'm amazed that her skin is so "unproblematic" even when she sleeps in her make-up? It's def gross and I don't want to imagine how her pillow looks like but my face would be already covered in pimples with all that filth?? eww
No. 422033
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>>421982What exactly are those little blobby letters supposed to be spelling out because all I see is "blover?"
No. 422036
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>>422033Jesus fuck, I'm an actual idiot. It's clover. Sorry for forgetting to sage the first post, excuse my stupidity.
No. 422478
>>421693i get so stressed when she sleeps with makeup also how she always says her eyebrows are stained from the products she uses. does she just not wash it off properly?
and i think she would benefit mentally and physically from a skincare routine since her life lacks routine and is likely magnifying her mental health issues.
No. 422626
>>421793I'm laughing about her "fandoms being bad" bit because I'm pretty sure the skirt debacle was exacerbated by her fans harassing Cara during the cool-down (if Cara is to be believed). I don't know about Dan and Phil or whoever Dodie is, but I don't think I've seen anything about Christine's fans being obnoxious, so I doubt Jillian has any room to be talking about bad fandoms when hers' is just as catty and quick to whiteknight her behaviour.
Also, she is definitely on the fast track to failing this Youtube-job-shit if she honestly thinks she can justify all her spending as "business investments". Here soon when she moves for college, she's gonna have to sell some of those business investments to make ends meet and not rely on dear ol' mum and dad for money.
No. 422759
>>421908meds can only do so much. she needs to be seeing a psych to sort out what's going on because medication isn't going to fix everything. i know this from experience lmao.
and as for the shopping problem, it's likely she's using this as a way to cope with her depression. i'm not a professional but it took me two seconds googling "compulsive shopping and depression" and voila
No. 422922
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No. 422928
>>421908being on three psych meds isn't normal in canada wtf are you saying
there's no reason for her to be on seroquel AND celexa if they're both being prescribed for anxiety/depression
No. 422994
>>422928She only takes 1 antidepressant in the mornings along with her birth control.
She uses Ativan in emergency/panic situations (ex: before the costume contest, before parties, during breakup) to avoid anxiety attacks and seroquel she uses as a sleeping aid.
I do think she should revise her meds though. It’s scary how unconcerned Jill and her family are when it comes to psychiatric drugs. To the point where Jill accidentally mixed her Ativan with alcohol which is potentially lethal all because she was never properly informed. Louise needs to keep an eye on that shit.
No. 423109
>>423050if you use a lot of eyeliner and mascara (esp waterproof) then you'll have to use more than one wipe.
>>422994pretty much everyone i know mixes their drugs and liquor tbh. it's definitely not a good thing to do, but it's common. that being said, jill should've been aware that it would mess her up and i can't believe a doctor (even a shitty GP) wouldn't have told her that she shouldn't mix them when they were prescribed.
>>422759this is definitely true. meds help, but you can't be passive when it comes to recovery.
No. 423131
>>423050I recommend garnier micellar water or the wipes, the latter I find at tjmaxx/marshalls for like 2 or 3 dollars a pack. for makeup removal in general, if you have a higher budget, i remember lancome bi-facil being really good. don't use simple micellar water because that shit burned my eyes, ironically.
saged for OT
No. 423239
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No. 423297
>>423239“Quinn is annoying but he’s the only cat here to pose as a background prop for my ~very gay relationship~ ig bragging pics”
She wants to keep this relationship private my ass. It’s creepy af that her gf was aware of her internet persona prior to dating and is now immediately involved with her online following. These girls do not love each other, Jill was just quick to enter into a lesbian affair she could make public and Alyssa is equally motivated by the online exposure and general trendyness this relationship represents. Why else would the very first female she dates be a YouTuber she previously followed and still watches? If she was shy to be out of the closet, as Jill claims, why choose to date someone who will make a spectacle out of you?
No. 423368
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No. 423400
>>423353I’m calling it now, I think this relationship will last 3-6 months tops. After Alyssa’s face reveal (which I predict will be after maybe a month after ~officially dating~ because let’s face it, Jill can’t help herself) I feel like things will start to go down hill because Alyssa and/or Jill will start to lose interest or Alyssa will realise that having all this attention isn’t what she thought it would be. Then Jill will start asking for ass pats because how could any lesbian dump a cute sparkly magical girl like Jill??? Then Alyssa will get threats and maybe, just maybe Alyssa will dish the dirt on what Jill is really like.
Sage for long rambling prediction
No. 423411
>>423400It probably won’t work out because it’ll become long distance when Jill goes to school and she’s already said she didn’t think she could handle a long distance relationship and already seemed a bit iffy about it when talking in her last stream about their relationship.
She’s at such a young age and about to move so I think it’s reasonable for her to be “experimenting” (as gross as that sounds) and hopefully from this relationship and moving out she’ll be able to gain some self identity and not rely on internet stereotypes and shopping to represent herself
No. 423442
God these streams are just a place for her to vent and get ass-pats, toxic as fuck and the echo chamber will make her more smug and up her own ass.
>>421793>Made a concept design on the tattoo, but the artist is making her own design based on itThat's normal Jill. I'm excited for either her getting upset or trying to insist her design was better.
>>423369You made your last relationship a hashtag, your chomping at the bit to prove to your tweeny boppers your a real gay!!!!
No. 423471
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No. 423488
>>423296Seriously. I don't get her obsession with her Maine Coon Moby: imo he's the least cutest cat.
sage for irrelevant cat opinions
No. 423531
>>423488>>423530her cats are freaking adorable but it shits me that she had to get ~pure bread hyper allergic kitties~ because of her mums supposed severe allergy. severe allergy my ass like i'm not a doctor but i assume a severe allergy would mean you can't have ANY like ok you just want to excuse the fact that you shopped for disigner pets instead of adopting abandoned kitties from a shelter
sage for old news and also cats i guess
No. 423533
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>>423531sage for misspelling purebred cat wow i'm fucking dumb
No. 423653
>>423531Not to sound like a broken record since it's been said millions of times before but it reaaally rubs me the wrong way that she talks about her ~purebred cats~ like they're fucking premium brand cats and she couldn't possibly adopt a cat from a shelter like some kind of plebeian.
When you start becoming a brandwhore over living beings, it's maybe time to take it down a notch.
No. 423755
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Remember when these meant something?
No. 423767
>>423755Oh yeah back in the good ol’ days when YouTuber got them for reaching 100,000 subscribers… oh wait
Are you all seriously so salty and in denial about her channel still growing? As shitty as she is, it’s not like she’s dissapearing into obscurity. She’s selling herself well to the right people
No. 423771
>>423767Not a salty anon and also ntayrt, it just seems like her view count isn't consistently growing despite the subscribers. She'll have a hit video where she gets 100k views re: the goth transformation, but the other videos she consistently puts out are usually between 20-30k views, which isn't impressive. Her older videos take almost a full year of maturation before they start hitting past 50k views.
Just my observation.
No. 423788
>>420587Her overall views have been growing steadly, with a dip in total views per month monthly/average daily views starting at the end of the summer which is common for most YouTuber with kids going back to school. Her videos and months on average have been getting more views, and her growth will really depend on if she’s able to take advantage of winter break views (aka why vlogmas is so popular; more viewers on easer to make videos)
She’s been steadily growing in views, which likely is helped by her adding a third video a week, and has posted some pretty popular videos in the last three months (like you pointed out), but 80% of her videos (17 out of 21) in the last month have 30k or higher, up to 48k
That being said; I think her growth is going to stangnate if she doesn’t get her shit togther. She missed a video last week, and has been flip flopping around with her streams for months. If she doesn’t start putting on her content on a better schedule and making more “hit” videos, and take advantage of winter views, then I don’t think she’ll be able to pull up her monthly views from the dip they’re in right now
No. 423836
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No. 423890
>>423769..seriously though, remember when she mocked Colin for wearing a ~normie~ sweater because it's "so boring"?
This new girlfriend seems way more normie than Colin, it seems weird to me that Jill would go for that when she seems so annoyed by anything 'normie'
No. 423923
>>423878I’m honestly still really surpised she quit Claire’s considering she was hardly working to begin with and surely she got an employee discount? I mean she’s buys stuff from there constantly so I don’t understand why she wouldn’t stay working there.
I guess she just saw it as a way to “raise money for Japan”. If people want to quit their job for another job that can sustain them (YouTube) that’s fine but it seems like Jill really only treated retail as “I’ll only work if I need the money for something I want” and I don’t think that’s a healthy mindset at all. What will she do when she has to work retail to pay her bills like rent, food, etc in the (probably far off) future instead of just sucking off mommy’s money? I have no doubt she’d be the type to whine and complain about having to pay to live like the rest of the world.
No. 423925
>>423923I'm pretty sure she said that she got a 50% discount and that she essentially left her Claire's paychecks right in the store because she buys so much stuff from them lol
Whenever she talked about it she sounded like she actually enjoyed working there, I think she was just so obsessed with the ~becoming an independent business woman~ type deal, and having a part time job would've ruined that in her mind or something?
No. 423948
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Mystery girl has Jill's initials in her instagram bio. They're moving fast I guess? lmfao. I get the feeling that both of them are very immature!!!
No. 424047
sage for allergy/cats rant
>>423531you're right - allergies come from a protein that is in the cat's fur, saliva, and urine. sorry for blogpost, but i have severe cat allergies and i've had allergic reactions just from borrowing clothes from (purebred) cat owners.
>>423792you can eventually build up some immunity to allergies (or grow out of allergies, and on the flip side, develop allergies later in life), but likely the fact that your cat is hairless helps a lot, and presumably your cousin doesn't live with you and takes allergy pills before going to your house (that's what i do when i visit my cousins).
>>423855>>423878let's be real, she left her job at claire's because she's lazy and hates leaving the house unless it's to shop or eat.
No. 424068
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No. 424082
>>424068No matter how many times I see Jill's hair, I can't get over how terrible it is. It's bad enough the colors clash, but those roots are an abomination.
Sage for random shit talking
No. 424256
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When did she become such a Swift fan?
No. 424267
>>424256HONEY do your roots. Fucking killing me with this nappy looking hair, do they not have Sally’s Beauty Supply up in Canadaland? Hell I bought myself a L’Oreal Féria bleach kit from a Walmart and did my own damn roots, it’s not that hard lol.
>>424256>>424260I am a major Swift stan and I die a little on the inside every time she brings up Swift, and then I die a little more when y’all bash her for being a Swift stan.
No. 424272
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Sage if this is super old news, but I never have seen this Instagram before and I’ve been following these threads for a long time.
No. 424317
>>424267 You don't know what nappy means if you her hair texture could be nappy and if you think that would be a bad thing . Taylor Swift is a self victimizing sack of trash so swift bashing is well deserved.
Jill is just a normie white suburban girl in an upper middle class neighborhood in Canada. That's why she tries to so hard to look different. She doesn't actually like any of this. No one who is a fan of a show has to force themselves to watch it like she said she did with Sailor Moon and all the other magical girl shows. She isn't actually into fashion which is a part of why she can't even coordinate a basic daily outfit none the less take studying it seriously. She doesn't actually like cosplay which is why she doesn't try to get better at it and why a con is automatically terrible if she doesn't get praised for it . She doesn't actually like anything that she does from her punk phase to lolita to this knock off jfashion "street trend" she calls party kei. She does these things solely for people to call her unique and to get praise. If she does like any of this it is no where near to the extent she says it is. That's why she would rag on Collin for "normie" clothes. She was projecting her own bs onto other people. I mainly lurk so sorry if my post is so long it's just annoying.
No. 424327
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No. 424347
>>424317Her hair is fried from over bleaching it and pretty sure we’ve decided that she rarely washes it. It’s looks disgusting. She most likely bleaches over her hair color (as opposed to using a color-removing shampoo). Maybe nappy wasn’t the right word but it’s pretty close. Her hair looks like a nasty rainbow dash wig dug out of a dumpster behind a Party City store.
Also, the Swift part of my post was meant to be lighthearted, even though apparently it didn’t seem that way.
>>424327whyyyy is she not embarrassed that she broadcasts all her mental problems for her followers to see. Do any of you guys do this? Because I don’t.
No. 424402
>>424347 Nappy still isn't close and it wouldnt be something derogatory and for the sake of not derailing I'm not going to bother to explain why to you.
Jill has damaged hair, period. She needs to dye it back to a natural color that matches her own, cut it, and then keep it under wigs while taking it out from time to time. I don't understand why in the era of lace front wings people still go through all this trouble of doing poor dye jobs and frying their hair instead of just buying a wig. If she spends 100+ on shoes that she only wears once if even she can buy from donalove hair or something.
No. 424474
>>424347What that anon is trying to say is that "nappy" is the word people use to describe the texture a black person's hair. I think the word you're looking for is something like "over-processed"?
I completely agree with you about her hair, though. Rainbow hair seems like a bitch to maintain and Jill is too lazy to even take her makeup off at night, never mind bothering with serious upkeep like that.
No. 424493
>>424477I've lived in several places across the US and us black people have voiced that using it in that manner is revolting and any people who still use it that way are either ignorant or self hating. I have never heard of someone not knowing this. Again, don't derail look the shit up I merely pointed out how stupid that anon sounded. Nappy is in reference to tight curls and due to self hate and racism it's been used to be belittle people which is why you've heard black people use it that way. It's not tumblr or sjw shit its just basic black people things.I'd prefer you don't continue to ask me any more questions and just Google it to not muck up the thread anymore. I don't want to debate about what other black people do or not. I only mentioned they were using it wrong because… they were..because it's a word… with a definition.
>>424474 Yes that's the term "over processed" . Saying nappy makes zero sense because it's a hair texture ,I got a good laugh out of that being used on a white person though. There's a wig company (I think donalove) that does custom wigs so she could get a rainbow one that looks like real hair. Wigs could benefit Jill's outfits too cause not every outfit matches her rainbow hair. She has a enough of a following to get a few free ones so I don't understand why she doesn't bother. Although I doubt she'd take care of them.
No. 424569
>>424477 said, I’ve heard black people use it in a derogatory way. I come from a black community too and I’m from the south. I’ll stop using that word, since apparently in the rest of the U.S. it carries a different meaning. And I get that you’re trying to explain why this term is bad, but your posts come off as overly aggressive and it encourages other people to argue back. You didn’t wanna explain it so don’t get pissy when people are still confused by why it’s bad.
>>424493Back on the subjects of wigs: what I’ve heard from girls that wear lace-front wigs is that they’re really itchy and they aren’t super easy to put on. Jill probably wouldn’t like that. They do definitely look really good and I’ve never been able to tell it’s a wig, even after being told someone’s hair is a lace-front wig. She may have not heard of it because I had never heard of that kind of wig until I graduated high school and moved to a city.
No. 424689
>>424583It's like she tried to be humble, but since she never really is, didn't consider the implication of what she was saying.
>>424581To be fair, Kelly Eden didn't come up with that. I've heard variations of "IT'Z YO GURL" all the way back to 2002. It's just something people say to try to be cool.
No. 424908
>>424569I wasn't pissy I just didn't want to muck up the thread and it's meaning is universal. That's my last response to prevent infighting.
It's normal to make a video on getting a YouTube play button so I don't see anything wrong with that. Some people do it for 20+ minutes. So her video was actually rather short. In fact I've never seen a youtuber not do that or have it take up ten minutes of a long video or something.
No. 424964
>>424556do this shit on the daily where's my platinum play button
>>424269ngl i thought she had in
>>424256 because of how her updo is cut off. you know if she did it'd only be for gay points though, like now she's a PROPER lesbian so she's READY to have her car keyed for being GAY etc etc
No. 425067
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>>425063>>424969This is what she entered
No. 425180
>>425147Im sure she wanted to show off some of the ~very kawaii stuff!!~ that she has in order to weasel in a better chance of winning.
But goddamn I hate those shoes that she's wearing. Those are those crappy jelly shoes that hurt like hell when you wear them, aren't they?
No. 425397
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>>425264>>425307>"prom dress">forgot about that; looks it upgod why have you forsaken up like this
No. 425407
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>>425307Don‘t forget about this nightmare, anon.
No. 425436
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Josie Grosser prom dress vibes
No. 425443
>>425067I don’t hate the background she has, it’s all nicely organised. Jill said she’s purging her room? Do you think she’ll actually do that? Because if her whole room was as neat as that corner it would wouldn't as much as an eyesore.
>>425407Even she admitted this failed
No. 425459
>>425453Those are meant to be
darts!? Holy shit I thought it was just puckering
No. 425486
>>425480Not that anon but I think she remade it as
>>425397 because it fell apart
>>425481I agree.
I think it's because she used the pink fabric in the first one as a long, flowing skirt.
The pink fabric looks to have a LOT of drape but the bodice she tried to make from it looks a little bit more structured and probably would have worked in a slightly thicker fabric.
No. 425489
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Just realised who she reminds me of
No. 425549
>>425397In a stream a while ago she said that she actually really hated how this dress turned out.
I know prom isn't that big of a deal, but it must still be shitty looking back at old pictures and cringing at how ugly your handmade dress was.
Hope this was a lesson to her that maybe sometimes it's better to just buy a nice dress instead of having to prove yourself as a ~designer~ and ending up with some ugly monstrosity.
Just imagine her making her own wedding dress or something lol.
No. 426004
>>425646it was made by a fan and reposted by pixie so she still approves of the content. its essentially the same as posting it herself. go to her facebook fanpage if you want to kiss her asshole, no one cares.
>>425493wendy doesnt even seem like shes into fashion at all or anything related to clothing given how shitty her costume attempts have been. im not surprised jill is following her only friend to college though.
No. 426495
>>426400christmas ornaments usually costs like that? it's looks pretty expensive
(i'm not christian so i don't know)
No. 426508
>>426460I am convinced she does so many haul videos because you can't buy creativity or talent, but you sure as
bleep can buy a shit ton of stupid stuff to make a video on. If she does vlogmas, I'm sure most videos will have her showing off things she has bought, because she doesn't do anything during most days, and certainly not enough to fill a 10 minute video to get that sweet ad money. Like, seriously, what else could she do a video about? She's a talentless and uninteresting fucktard.
I'm so
triggered that she calls all of her things boys. I can, on some level, understand calling your favorite teddy him or her, but your cheap cactus christmas ornament is not a fucking boy. Jesus christ.
No. 426560
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>>426400can someone explain to me why she's buying furnishings for her apartment before she's even moved in? is this normal? it seems like it will be a pain and hugely expensive to transport all that stuff when she leaves. I thought it was more normal to buy things after you move in? Big things like the furniture maybe I can understand so that her apartment isn't totally bare but delicate things like the ornaments…she already shattered one, they're basically knicknacks that she won't need again until december 2018? And she bought pillows and stuff at ikea and this huge yellow shelf…idk I'm just curious is that normal or is she being a dingdong?
No. 426566
>>426404she puts her tripod at the end of her bed so every time she moves the camera shakes.
it drives me crazy
No. 426693
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No. 426717
>>426560I also do not understand at all. She hasn’t even begun searching for apartments in Fredericton. She has no idea which neighbourhood she’ll end up in or what size apartment she’ll need to settle for. She has no idea what her rent, utilities or any appliciances will cost her. Not to mention, if she does end up rooming with Wendy or others, which is likely subject to change, she doesn’t know which furniture pieces her roommates will accept in common areas or what size Jill’s bedroom will be.
Most importantly, learning how to budget for furniture and living necessities takes time. Guaranteed she’ll regret making all her purchases in one go, an entire year before moving out when she’s never even experienced living on her own.
She’ll either need to make several trips between two different provinces that are hours apart or rent a moving truck or pay a moving company to do it all for her. Regardless all those options will cost a fortune.
No. 426748
>>426717Doesn't matter about money to her, it'll all be paid for by mummy and daddy
You know she'll throw a tantrum if she doesn't get the big room/her shit in common room areas
No. 426761
>>426693>"teheh wearing my kawaii rainbow extendies for a big boy tendie dinny date BITCH uwu"I'm sorry, but this last video of hers has really pushed me over the edge. The way she talks is unbearable.
At this point I feel like she's into DDLG but has a mommy kink instead or something, jfc.
No. 426814
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No. 426818
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>>426400don't know if this is a stretch but i find it funny how she's cut off half of her username in this screenshot so that you can see how many likes the picture has. who cares how many likes you get lmao.
No. 426935
>>426760Don't worry, it'll end up that way. The chick she's moving in with hasn't a clue what she's in for. This is going to be an entertaining disaster.
I mean, why is she spending money on furniture? We all know she won't make it a full semester.
Another day in Jill's delusion. Isn't it wonderful when you can buy your way into . . . well, whatever you call this.
Let me assure you, Jill: they're all laughing at you.
No. 427081
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Rewatching old vlogs and oh my god
No. 427165
>>427111nayt, but atheists and other non-christians celebrate christmas because it's not JUST a religious holiday anymore. It started out that way, but has since evolved to become a widely celebrated holiday in western cultures.
Also, it's clear the rest of her family celebrates it, so even if Jill is Pagan, you can't blame her for wanting to celebrate with her family.
That being said, I'm pretty sure Jill is only into paganism for the 'magical' aesthetics and special snowflake status. Has she ever even made a reference to candlemas or whatever?
No. 427290
>>426400I can see Jill being on an episode of Hoarders in about 20 years from now as an obese, unwashed hot mess living in a house filled with all of this crap accumulated since her teens, growing year on year. She seems a little out of control mentally now with this shopping. Like is there an impulse control problem? I can understand being in a store and WANTING to buy everything but you don't have to actually do it. Two or three small tacky Xmas trees you like ? - just pick the one you like most and forget the others. Its part of being and adult too so maybe this is just immaturity coming into play again.
I just don't get where all this crap she buys gets stacked.
Oh and there is deffo something very dark/unpleasant at the small asides Jill regularly makes (including in this video) along the lines of "HA HA IT'S MINE" - she does it quite often this time it was aimed at her mom but there is always a very nasty edge to it when she does it, not the way someone with a kind generous heart would speak or even think. Kinda suggests she has a deep selfish streak going on there. Mom you like the tree? Shall I give you this, or shall I go back and see if I can get one for you? No, its HAHA ITS MINE. Not nice or done in a fun way. Just obs.
No. 427404
>>427398Correct me if i’m wrong, but don’t sweatshops create jobs for thousands of people with struggling families?
In a perfect world everyone would have great jobs, but surely if sweatshop were boycotted all those people would loose their only source of income?
No. 427409
>>427404I mean, obviously it’s terrible, but it’s not as black and white as people make it seem.
Idk please correct me if I’m way off.
No. 427422
>>427398>Ppl told her that Zafful-the place she got a sponsor from was scammy and she said she "had no idea going in"…that's why you should take 5 minutes to google a company before you endorse it
she's so fucking stupid, she really reminds me of foreverkailyn - just accepting any kind of gift/'sponsorship' without ever looking into it
This whole fast fashion shit is ridiculous, it's the exact same thing as the Jefree Star shit. "Hehe I'm still going to use his stuff but just not name the product if anyone asks uwu"
At least this should bring plenty of milk, no way she could ever actually go through with not buying sweatshop stuff anymore
No. 427428
>>427353The biggest highlight for me was her rant on Tana Mongeau. Apparently Tana is currently in a relationship with Bella Thorne, but Bella has a boyfriend and Tana has a crush on a boy. So Jill tweeted Tana telling her if she was queerbaiting then Jill wouldn't support her anymore. And Tana responded rudely so Jill is really upset because someone she loved and supported dismissed her. Then she talked about the whole cara incident (she didn't say anything new that we haven't already talked about). And she started crying on camera because things have been too much for her lately and she's hormonal right now (pms-ing).
Other than that the stream was anime recommendations (Don't recommend anything spooky or sad guys!!! Jill watches anime to make her happy ie typically only watches anime targeted at younger audiences). And more mystery girl talk, just about her wanting to keep their relationship more private.
No. 427429
>>427404The reason they are called sweatshops as opposed to, you know, not being called sweatshops and legitimate labour is because the owners are exploiting the employees but also the knock on effect it has to that society. This is why you tend to find many sweatshops located in 3rd world countries as opposed to single ones in affluent countries. The whole point is to create a community where there is no choice hence why employees have no choice but to work in dangerous conditions for little wages.
Sweatshops being boycotted would not make people lose their income, it would force employers to change their policies because they have invested money into the factories and land they are on, they cant just shut up shop over night thats not how it works. The problem with boycotting is that these days you have to get a lot of people to do it to be effective which is the problem.
No. 427446
>>427434I don't think she actually gives a shit about the sweatshops. It is hurting her aesthetic because all she does is mindless shop then talk about it in front of a camera. I think she either reads these threads or it's the pressure of her fans to actually be a fashion designer instead of hauls every other week. She'll still shop at forever 21, etc but won't tell anyone.
It'd be wonderful if she went all diy, thrift and small designers or actually supported jfashion brands like she claims is so important to her. But let's be real, she sucks at thrifting/doesn't seem interested in it, doesn't work at improving her sewing skills, and buys anything she looks at that can get her another YouTube video.
No. 427466
>>427428This girl has been PMSing for days. If you’re on birth control it doesn’t take that long to start your period. Unless she’s referring to actually being on her period.
>>427398How does she not know that Zaful is sketchy as fuck? Also, I’m amused she fits Zaful’s clothes, aren’t they using “Chinese sizing” (yknow what I mean, even if that’s not the right term) with those clothes? Like I’m an x-small in normal clothes but gotta go for a medium whenever I order from those China-based stores.
>>427446Thrifting is still controversial, because it’s supposedly taking away from people who need to buy clothes from thrift stores. However, I tried thrifting at a goodwill once and that shit’s more expensive then F21 and Walmart so idk, at least thrifting helps the environment. But I agree she should switch to diy-clothes and small designers if she’s gonna be ethically aware like that
No. 427548
>>427466>Thrifting is still controversial, because it’s supposedly taking away from people who need to buy clothes from thrift stores.I don't fully agree with this point. Yeah there may be a problem with people buying up the good vintage and designer label stuff for resell or something, but if you just need a shirt to put on your back there will always be plenty there. Plus thrift stores that are linked to charities use the money made from the stores to fund other programs. the only problem I see is that prices have definitely increased over the years for many places, but I can't fail the charity for wanting to make a buck. If people are really in desperate need there are programs that can help hook them up with clothing for free instead.
Sage for a bit off topic.
No. 427559
>>427553Same here, anon. Coats $25, dresses $15, shoes sometimes around $20. Thrifting prices have really gone up. I'm not sure if it's due to the vintage pickers or what. Private thrift stores, especially church owned and Catholic ones, are the most expensive these days in my area (Philly burbs).
Politely saged for being super off topic.
No. 427566
>>427553Come on. The walmart clearance shirts are either going to be either unfashionable or low quality. That's why they are so cheap.
>>427548I don't think there's anything wrong in flipping items to make a living.
There's more than enough clothes in the world. I'm not even talking about ratty, dirty stuff. There's so many decent, lightly-used clothes that charities either have to throw it away or send things to Africa. I find it hard to believe that too many people shopping at thrift stores is preventing people from being clothed.
I think the problem is that not enough people are thrifting versus needing to buy new clothes all the time.
>>427559At those prices you might as well go to ebay or Plato's Closet.
No. 427577
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>>427566I know it depends on the F21 you’re going in, but the last F21 I went into had tons and tons of skirts, shirts, and shorts for $1, $2, or $3. I know last week they had cami’s for a dollar. It’s like a garage sale, you just gotta look. They also had cute satin bomber jackets for $10. Don’t shop at the front of the store unless you see stuff you really like because that’s the most expensive. Rue 21 also has good sale stuff at that same $1-$3 price and both sell plus size clothing at that size. Aeropostale and its eternal going-out-of-business sale usually has cheap jeans.
Sorry for OT store splurging, just trying to help out anyone who does need cheap but fashionable clothes.
Back to Jill, pic related is a tweet of hers and I don’t get why she always seems offended people think she like’s Lisa frank or unicorns or k-pop. I honestly can see why it’s confusing for her when people think she likes k-pop because she’s really only into Japan and J-fashion (or used to be). But Lisa frank and unicorns—if you don’t want to be recommended things for 6 y/o’s, don’t dress, talk, and act like one.
No. 427690
>>427638This is honestly fucking hilarious to me and one of the things that most clearly shows that Party-Kei is just Jill's own made up bullshit style for whatever she likes at the moment.
She's really into Carebears, MLP, Puppy Surprise, Crayolas, etc. and the tattoo artist she's going to next essentially creates really Lisa Frank looking stuff, yet she just personally doesn't like it so she gets annoyed when people associate it with her style? lol
It's like when she was unboxing that Lucky Pack and she got that pink bear hair clip and she didn't like it, despite having some ugly pink dog hair clip that essentially looked the same
It's a shit style if anyone besides you would have no fucking clue what to consider part of your style
No. 427708
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>>427577how…the fuck…the only reason they're tagging you in kpop is most likely because their performance outfits or album concepts fit your "flavor of the week" party kei. the fact she's going out of her way to dislike stuff that her fans tag her in in an attempt to open her up to new things is just… annoying.
No. 427760
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>>427745Her face looks extra fat now
No. 427761
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>>427745Aren't the bottoms supposed to be loose fitting….
No. 427762
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>>427745Her ~extra speshy shoesies~ have been demoted to being placed with everything else
No. 427827
>>427708ya shes got that close minded quality autistic kids have but she does this stuff to make her fans feel like plebeians. when has she ever been introduced to a new thing by a fan and NOT acted like a superior bitch about it? never.
same reason she quit claires im sure, shes a boss ass queer bitch and customer service is too low for her kek
No. 427954
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No. 427988
>>427954>>427954How dense is she? Being a witch does not automatically make you a Pagan. You have atheist witches and even Christowitches running amok
but I guess it's trendy now to be a witch or whatever now so fuck it, she can make her own niche and call it alien-witchcore with a dash of Eastwick.
No. 427990
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>>427761>>427880I guess Lazy Oaf was the right brand for her
No. 428030
>>427954>"I'M A WITCH"I think we all need to take a step back and realize that this is just a roleplay for the sake of aesthetic to Jill. She thinks having a goofy shrine with a few geodes and owning some pink plastic wands makes her a witch.
If we use Jill logic, then most kids practice the "religion" of Harry Potter because they might own some wands and have a house shrine.
She's ignorant as fuck and only doing this for cool points. I'd mention some of the rituals and traditions she should observe, but I know she lurks here and I don't want her to be spoonfed what she ought to be dedicated enough to read online or in a book.
Jill's gonna find out there's rules, and she won't like it.
No. 428037
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lol one of her fans finally called her out for this
No. 428048
>>428037>Muh reason for not being a WiccanBitch doesn't know you have to herald from a coven descending from Gerald Gardner to actually be a Wiccan
You were trying to be a neo-Wiccan.
Both of which are nothing more than sex cults
Congrats, you tool
No. 428052
>>427954omg she's so persecuted and oppressed guys )))':
>>428037the passive aggressive nicknames jill resorts to calling people who criticize her are one of the most annoying, cunty things about her. she just constantly makes it clear to people she thinks theyre lesser than her by talking that way. i dont think even if they tweeted at her in a polite way that she would respond any differently.
shes in so much denial about her life, its tragic. first she was relying on collin to make the first step in moving out, now shes relying on wendy to be her only friend and roommate at some dinky college in a small town similar to her home town. her inability to challenge herself or grow manifests in like, every single aspect of her life, including fashion, which i think is the point that girl shes arguing with is making. inb4 jill drops out of college after having an anxiety attack over her professor criticizing her horrendous work
No. 428333
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can i get uhhhhhhhh glorification of bipolar disorder. uwu ~big bipolie boy~ uwu
No. 428334
>>427761Why does this bitch have three trees
i mean im late to this topic but WHY does she have three trees
No. 428337
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>could probably make a compilation video of every swear word that was "censored"
On a bigger note, I'm starting to get pissed at just how much Jill complains about the demonetization happening to her videos and just how much she stuffs being a full-time Youtuber into everything. I think I was able to tolerate her more before she started full-time YT-ing before she made it so public.
No. 428343
>>428149Sage for bullshit but can you explain why that anon is ignorant? most of us aren't
speshul snowflayk wikkans and dont know about this shit.
No. 428493
>>428333I hate Jill (and now I hate The Gabby Show) for this post. Before, I was able to at least sympathize with her when it came to mental health. But trivializing bipolar disorder with a fake Marilyn Monroe quote is absolutely disgusting. I’m not bipolar but I know manic episodes are just as dangerous as depressive episodes. Also, I don’t expect anyone to handle me when I go through depressive episodes because that’s selfish, that’s too much responsibility for one person. People’s lives are destroyed because of bipolar disorder and turning it into a meme isn’t cute or helping how serious of a disorder it actually is.
And before anyone says she’s just young and doesn’t understand the seriousness of it, I’m 19 too and I’ve been dealing with mental problems just as long as she has.
Sorry I know I sound tumblr-ish, it just irks me that she thinks this is a joke.
No. 428531
>>428493I totally agree. I suffer from bipolar and it has pretty much destroyed any meaningful relationship I've ever had and pretty much fucked up my entire life.
That post is quite disgusting, it's usually the shit normie girls spout, I thought that ~our sweet social justice Jillie bean uwu~ would have a bit more awareness to not repost stuff like that.
I guess you can't expect much else from someone who only 'remembers' her depression when someone breaks up with her though lol.
No. 428537
>>428493>>428510while i'm generally cool with people joking about or being casual about their mental illnesses (i know i can be like that), you can always tell when someone is faking bipolar when they think being manic is a good thing. i'd say it's definitely the more dangerous state and i've been in a lot of fucked up situations and destroyed a lot of relationships when i was manic.
sage for blog.
No. 428542
>>428539It's really just about people being completely misinformed about it and spreading further misinformation.
Like other anons have said, manic phases are often worse than depressive ones, so making other people believe that it's somehow a good or pleasant thing really sucks for the people that actually suffer from it.
No. 428546
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>>428037if you're gonna out yourself for being a farmer, at least change your icon. fucking kek.
No. 428593
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No. 428605
>>428037I def think this person is from lolcow but i dont really care. I wanted to make a list of everything I could think of that Jill quit because "too many rules"
>Grocery store job, I cant have colored hair!!! Fuck the rules!!>Lolita >"I dont want to go to a college where you have a foundation year. Rules like that shouldnt apply to me!!">Peeps in tea is A-OK! Tea snobs and their rules can go suck it!>Paganism has too many rules, I'll just be a witch but then namedrop paganism like crazyI feel like there are more so feel free to add what you all remember
No. 428632
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>>428624A nasty confection consumed by heifers like Jill.
No. 428643
>>428632this looks disgusting jfc
it's not even cute, why would anyone eat it?
No. 428645
>>428632>Marshmallow and gelatin So they don't dissolve then? Just sit there getting soggy and nasty? Does she eat them afterwards? The thought of that made me retch.
It's revolting, like something you'd come up with as a forfeit or dare not something someone would willingly concoct and drink.
No. 428658
>>428610I was honestly kind of shocked when she added two sugar cubes to her tea which already had sugar/chocolate/marshmallow in it
Like at this point it doesn't even feel like tea anymore
Jill has the taste of a 5 year old in pretty much every regard
No. 428661
>>428647>i think this is what pisses me off most about her, she approaches everything like an annoying middle-aged woman, like the type who likes minions unironically and she's just parroting the idea of what she thinks young, cute, fashionable girls do. omg I agree so hard. It's not as if it's difficult to find kawaii sweets that aren't tacky, awful tasting and terrible for you either. Her equivalent bloggers are showing off things from nice local bakeries or stuff from Laduree. It's like when she got criticsm for being tacky and immature she just dug her heels in and made it "Her thing"
>>428648Kind of wish I hadn't asked now, this is legit making me feel ill.
>>428658>She added two sugar cubesHoly shit it gets worse. No wonder she needs to sleep all the time, she's constantly fucking up her blood sugar.
No. 428724
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From her Christmas haul video about 3 minutes in. That FUCKING pimple just staring me in the face.
Also can someone make the new thread?
No. 428730
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>Jill's Peep-poop tea
I don't even believe she legitimately enjoys it. I think she does it because it's something ~*~yoonique~*~ that nobody else in their right mind would do bc they have tastebuds.
She probably just poses with it, takes a few sips, and dumps the rest in the sink like a proper child.
No. 428740
>>428730that food in the picture actually seems to have the same ingredients that her birthday treats thing this year had…
if she wasn't so scared by 'foreign' food she'd probably be making peep sushi too lol
No. 428783
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And here we see the typical behavior of buying useless shit ~designer daries~ edition. Instead of actually making something let's spend money on the sewing aesthetic bc that requires no work.
No. 428884
>>428783This ~*fashun designer*~ saga will go exactly as it always does for Jill:
She'll show up to class day 1 with all the luxury items money can buy, which will also turn off the other students and will alienate her.
She'll be made to learn (once again, I'm sure) that money can't buy you talent or social power.
A year from now we'll hear all about how "fashion design has too many rules."
Because it's always the
thing, not you, isn't it Jill?
No. 429926
>>428493 oh yeah, i was diagnosed with bipolar when i was 16, she can grasp how serious it is. it’s not something that’s fun and quirky, and manic episodes are actually significantly more dangerous than depressive episodes because you get hyper & can become very agressive or self harm on impulse.
neither types of episodes are particularly great, and mixed episodes are the worst, but manic ones can be more dangerous than depressive ones most of the time
because of their volatility.