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No. 531526
previously a punk kid who became a pansexual buddhist lolita lifestyler
>quit because of bullies and LACE drama ( [DL][Archived Copy])>history of self harm, ED and severe anxiety>has a legitimate shopping problem which she justifies by making an ungodly amount of haul videos>broke up with 2-year boyfriend to date their best friend (and her other best friend's ex) whom she 'loved all along' and 'makes her believe in love at first sight' (Who broke up with her)>can't participate in jfashion communities because 'muh rules & restrictions'>creates her OWN japanese street fashion called Party Kei>Went to Japan to prove to herself she wanted to study fashion design>was basically a two week shopping spree>home again and struggling to keep up with making videos>quitting her jobs to follow ~dream~ of being a fashion designer in Japan>still lying about making 'enough money to pay rent' (while asking Louise for $$) and about being supportive to her followers>interviewed by about internet popularity in her basement room>"would call herself lesbian if she wasn't dating someone with a dick">started streaming on younow for money>Colin broke up with her, now dating girls only through tinder>Got a tattoo of her cat after getting told her wand plan was a bad idea and throwing a fit about it>Full time youtuber now>Got into a crappy fashion/design school close to mommy>Currently dating normie girl >Keeps crying about YouTube demonetization because she can't fund her shopping and sugar addiction >Says she's pagan/a witch but won't talk about it because apparently people are touchy about religions>Dumped new girlfriend after several-months-long lesbianism obsession.> Jill told her girlfriend of two months "I'm not attracted to you. I don't want to lead you on". Used her for clickbait and continued to talk about exes all the time in front of her gf and her family. Now posts depression memes >Entered a Kawaii Contest to win another trip to Japan, is a finalist>Got a magical girl tattoo on her thigh and knowingly used copyrighted music in her video. >Quit two of her medications>Currently posting a lot about sex & Drinking>Is going to New York for her bday and is planning a meetup>Party-Kei facebook group empire collapses>Makes a cat house using non pet-safe materials>New York Meet being held by nobody's and on a Monday>charging $60 a pop to be breathed on by the chosen one, Jillian.>Posted Valentine's Day lookbook; mom helps film (including ass-shots) instead of stopping this atrocity>Piss hair has arrived and it's every bit as terrible as you think>Made an itabag and failed to make it tacky like it's supposed to be>"Exposing my Past" video is essentially Louise "bragging" about Jill being so smart>Bought the SugarpillxLTS collab set, whined about broken eyeshadows and got a replacement palette sent to her, still did review with broken palette>Plans on making a dress for her NYC trip/birthday despite her constant lack of completing other sewing projects she has started/planned>Has posted publicly twice about shit mental health and needing to take a break, still refuses to take care of herself properly>Wins Kawaii.i's popularity contest>Keeping the ~sexy~ stint up by flashing her granny knickers in a try on haul>spent birthday with John but "are totes not together">made a self help video with great advice including "going outside" and "buy your very own designer cat">has started getting into drag and drag race, might experiment as a ~bio queen~>Meet up dress is made and is a tacky embodiment of "ANIME MEADOWS">needs a 2 bedroom apartment for university according to Louise>has hit New York and projecting her gayness>>>/pt/108478>>>/snow/93376>>>/snow/25169>>>/snow/154765>>>/snow/215023>>>/snow/258245>>>/snow/271275>>>/snow/285759>>>/snow/303929>>>/snow/318441>>>/snow/338259>>>/snow/358781>>>/snow/375960>>>/snow/393066>>>/snow/408269>>>/snow/428929>>>/snow/445432>>>/snow/455122>>>/snow/477079>>>/snow/490876>>>/snow/515612LINKS
youtube insta:
Cosplay Page No. 531541
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>>531537It was originally the old lady photo but as I was scrolling through the previous thread for a refresher, I was reminded of granny flasher.
No. 531550
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Can we take a moment to appreciate that in just 2 years we’ve had 22 threads about Jill. TWENTY TWO. And in such a short amount of time this jowely, unmotivated, sloppy ass girl has given us such beautiful milk as her LACE video, huge horrible style changes, getting dumped because she’s a shithead, and the lulzy Japan trip. I honestly can’t say I hate her anymore, she has been nothing but a constant stream of fried hair and laughter for me. This post salutes you Jill. Your never ending parade of obvious fuck ups has left this anon with a smile each time a new thread is created. I eagerly await the kawaii.i drama that has yet to unfold and your impeding quarter life crisis.
No. 531555
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>>531550Same anon, I'm genuinely looking forward to her New York meet up vlog, just thinking about her wearing that badly constructed monstrosity of a dress in public makes me content.
In the past it annoyed me that some lazy slob like Jill would probably never face any real worries or troubles because mommy would take care of everything for her, but no matter how much money or 'fame' Jill has at the end of the day she's still just a badly dressed idiot.
No. 531668

>>531602Jill’s original vid got taken down, and so did the reupload (after a few years), but he parody vid of her is still here. It pretty much sums up what she said in the real video.
It was supposed to be about something made by her friend Kate to spread positivity and happiness about Lolitas or whatever after someone got bullied in the bathroom at the con. Kate wanted to spread the word so Jill (and this other Lolita) made videos.
Jill made a 8-11 min video talking about herself saying that she didn’t care what people were saying about her with quotes like
“I know that people say things about me. I knoooow.”
“I have an 20” waist!”
“I get messages daily saying that I helped people.”
She got put on btb several times for acting like a hilarious snobby girl, and promoting Kate’s stupid LACE thing (which she only talked out for a minute or two).
Before LACE no other Lolitas liked her because she would throw items on video, (copying milkyfawn from Deerstalker pictures-not as a joke) would talking about how much she spent and dropped on her purchases as a 13 year old
made a cordination and Lolita on a budget video (despite horrible past coordination and it being heavily speculated that her mom was buying her everything. Later that year she uploaded a “fashion identity”
video saying that she was going to stop wearing Lolita because everything looked the same, etc.
No. 531804
>>531794hello newfriend. unless you're blatantly trolling or spamming a thread, your posts don't get deleted. you just get called out by mods and others for being a whiteknight and derailing or banned if mods deem you dumb enough.
So guys, on a scale of 1 to Japan, how depressed do you think Jills mom is on this trip to NYC?
No. 531814
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Louise updated her cover photo on facebook to her pwecious yellow bff visiting the youtube studios in New York. Do you think Jill actually managed to record any footage here, or just wanted a quick photo op for the "full time yootuberrr" status symbol?
No. 531851
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Catching up on the last thread, and wow, Jill's hairdresser missed all of this pink in her bangs.
No. 531900
>>531794Newfag you must have swallowed a tumor for breakfast because no cares about your invalid opinion. Jill is our source of cheap entertainment, get used to it.
No. 531907
>>531794There's no comparison, she's pathetic 24/7 and we only spend a few moments here.
No. 531935
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She's going to be a mess in ~fashion skool
No. 531938
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Admitting she can't sew????
No. 531968
>>531935even if her mom was criticizing the dress, she does know that critique can be helpful.. right
shes definitely not gonna survive fashion school, kek
No. 532000
>>531994Which she admits are all at amateur level because she is an amateur.
Being the best of a group of unskilled people isn’t a huge victory, but Jill does make it pretty clear she doesn’t see herself as someone who is really talented, just still learning
No. 532001
>>531998No she obviously doesn’t, and is able to learn basics through the internet and books easily, but she’s seems to do well in classroom environments and wants to have a teacher who can show her more complex things/Get actual feedback that isn’t from people online
School will be good for her don’t be such as ass about it
No. 532022
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Since Jill is getting into drag shit, she should know about this Violet Chachki "lewk" she seems to channel daily.
No. 532037
>>531994She wins because she literally begs the judges to be in the novice categories regardless of how many times she wins. She's admitted to this.
Also at least two of her awards, if not more, are based on performance, not skilled construction. And if you've ever seen con masquerades, almost nobody is willing to learn and perform choreography, which Jill does every time. So she almost automatically wins for performance reasons. But the real reason she wins above all, is simply because the two cons she attends are tiny in size AND she's well-acquainted with the judges and staff. Like that one time she won a "participation" award for her sloppy ass Rose Quartz, for literally no reason?? Her cosplay was sub-par and she didn't perform a choreography (because steven universe isn't a mahou shoujo anime uwu) so her participation was entirely forgettable yet she still inexplicably managed to receive an award after the fact (which makes it even more questionable that her award was added post-con).
No. 532042
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No. 532045
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Of course Jill follows this account she's so proud of owning burando~~
No. 532047
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Thus account doesn't even take into account customs and shipping
No. 532050
>>532045this is both tacky and depressing
imagine spending that much money to look like garbage
No. 532056
>>532045This is really fucking absurd to me. What is the point of tallying up what each outfit costs (the reasons we do it here not withstanding)? Her fans must all be poorfags to care about something like this. No judgement about anyone's actual state of finances- but what is the point?
Maybe she runs this herself to impress them. I get having an ootd lookbook or whatever but I'm baffled by the price thing.
triggered and need some Peeps tea and a Lush yeast infection to deal with this.
No. 532062
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Not about Jill but I can't believe Lazy Oaf has the gall to sell a solid black shirt for this much money.
No. 532082
>>532045This account helps with understanding how retarded she is at managing her money. None of these pieces are worth the amount she spent on them and look tacky, cheap, and like one-time wears.
I agree with the anons suspecting she runs this account. Jill looooooves pricedropping
No. 532121
>>532022oh my god im crying
shes even got the yellow hair and purple beret kek
No. 532166
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Thank god these disgusting shoes finally broke. If she can spend up to $500 on a single outfit, she can buy some new fucking shoes.
No. 532169
>>532166If I had a fave pair of shoes that weren’t sold anymore I’d wear them till they broke too so whatever?
She’ll be at the party tomorrow and I believe she planned to wear nicer shoes to it anyways. Probably the sparkle boots.
Those things are cute AF tbh
No. 532173
>>532166Rest in pieces
Those things were so god-awful ugly and moreover completely filthy. She needs to stay away from shoes with light-colored/porous soles that just suck up all the red dirt in her province. So many outfits of hers that were already boderline just fell to looking like absolute trash when you looked down and saw those hideous shoes. I wonder if being in NYC will teach her something about how fashionable people actually look clean-cut and put-together.
No. 532188
>>532045do you guys hate lazy oaf on principle? just wondering
>>532062why not if people will buy it?
>>532181what do you wipe them with? are you saying a brush or a cloth?
No. 532207
>>532135oh my god, thats a bit sad
most people start college at 16, its a legal requirement in the uk
No. 532237
>>532135>>532212I have no idea how community colleges work, so forgive me, but in the UK shitty colleges like the ones mentioned are generally for getting basic skills and a basic qualification to allow you to later apply to a decent university? Honestly I don't see any shame in that since Jill isn't skilled enough to get into a decent uni.
Of course, this is all more of a hypothetical since Jill is lazy as fuck and I doubt she has any plans for further education after she graduates from her home ec class.
No. 532246
>>532240Yeah, I'm from the UK.
What I'm saying is it sounds like the college Jill is set to attend (a community college) is equivalent to a UK college. Most people here go to college so that they can attend a uni later, so I would imagine that Jill has the option to do that if a community college is the Canadian equivalent.
No. 532249
>>532022I love this because it's the ugly dress runway look, but Jill will probably love it unironically.
>>532047How is she not embarrassed to spent this much money and beg for gifts online at the same time? she's gross
No. 532250
>>532188I cant speak for everyone but lazyoaf sells clothes that are extremely basic for an ass ton of money. I understand that they want to give their workers pay for making those but a simple black t shirt is not worth 30 plus shipping.
sage for ot
No. 532262
>>532251Jesus, that's fucking grim if it's the case.
Crazy how she used to have aspirations to do things like going to Bunka (unrealistic, but still) and now she's quite content with going to a shitty little arts and crafts college where the end-of-year show pieces look like something made for a high school theatre class.
No. 532263
>>532001Jill stan take several fucking seats.
That anon is right, you don't need to go to school to learn to sew, she literally wrote she can't sew.
I know absolutely nobody who went to school to learn to sew, they all learned on their own/trial and error/through online/etc. It's a community college that absolutely anyone can go to, wtf does she think she can learn there that she can't on her own? She's just too lazy to do any of the actual research herself and expects it to be handed to her.
" is able to learn basics through the internet and books easily"
Have you seen the most recent shit she has sewn? If she could learn it easily, the very simple patterned dress she made wouldn't looks so awful.
"She seems to do well in classroom environments" ???? Really???? She's a lazy fuck who thinks people who give her constructive criticism are just jealous of her i.e her theatre class phase.
No. 532264
>>532042She could have at least done some work to her mom, they both look rough.
>>532251I don't think it's fair to say the college is shitty, but her expecting to become some fashion designer though basic coursework is what is sad.
No. 532285
>>532282Really? Not that anon, but there's plenty of resources available. Google, books, videos, etc. You could probably ask your mom or grandmom and they will most likely know how to sew things.
It's the same way anyone else learns – trial and error and some other resource
No. 532287
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>>532251>>532262>>532264Yes, Jill's community college is shitty. It isn't any sort of university at all. She will not receive a degree when she graduates, just a diploma.
Look at the admission requirements. You don't even need a proper high school diploma if you have "equivalent experience."
Reading about this school on Wikipedia says over a third of the students are above 35. This isn't a school people go to out of high school. It's something people do just to put on a resume or to feel like they're "going somewhere" with their arts and crafts.
No. 532294
>>532263Honestly I think that Jill seems to expect to take a class on sewing and magically be good at it because she's ~formally trained~, whereas learning how to sew by yourself seems more intimidating and harder work.
Except obviously either way, you need to put a lot of effort in to learn a new skill and expect to be terrible at first. The only reason she's bad at sewing is that she's lazy.
She seems to expect her parents to somehow buy sewing ability for her because she's a spoiled brat.
No. 532306
>>532166NYC is filled with clothing stores and shoe shops like every block. This bitch couldn't buy new shoes instead of whining for pity?? Oh boo hoo, she walked around for 8 hours on broken heels.
No one does that.
No. 532312
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>goes to New York, one of the biggest fashion cities of the world, not to mention a cultural melting pot and overall a cool experience
>spends time there at Target, CVS, and fast food restaurants
No. 532336
>>532001Any decent fashion school will have you prove you can actually sew before accepting you. Her school didn't even make her submit work or a portfolio to get in. There are plenty of ways to learn to sew well enough to get into real fashion school, and she has not done any of them.
Certainly her arts and crafts college will be good for her, then. A school that doesn't have high standards for its 1st year fashion design students certainly fits her type of student.
No. 532415
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No. 532417
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No. 532418
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No. 532493
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>>532417She’s literally going to be wearing the same dress as Jeanette Converse will be wearing, one of the “vendors” to that party…seems appropriate because they’re both middle aged, wrinkly, have the same rainbow vomit fashion, and are failed fashion designers! Twinsies!
No. 532578
>>532493Jill will probably say something like “We’re twins! Hehe!”
But she’ll probably be thinking “How dare she wear MY dress to my event?”
No. 532583
>>532578Is she really that vindictive?? Also that dress is cute AF and idk why y’all are shitting on it like it’s bad. It’s better looking than most western made “kawaii”/Lolita clothing.
Idk but Jill could never make something that cute unless she stole the idea from another designer.
cough rainbow skirt
cough No. 532621
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>>532595She's worn worse dresses. I feel like that's just y'all nitpicking but w/e
I can see them being a bit too poofy but overall the print and design is cute.
No. 532625
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>>532417Jill I hope you're lurking, just go out in the morning and buy a pair of patent heels in any color featured on the dress.
No. 532649
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She’s still whining about the blue hair thing after 2+ years. Pathetic
No. 532654
>>532417No Jillian nooo
Even if her own dress wasn't well-made at least it was unique and hers and I honestly like the general look of it better than the one she's going to wear (those sleeves). I'm so upset lol
In any case she needs to stop thinking those glitter boots go with everything
No. 532659
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>>532418you know Jill, maybe if you had put actual time and effort into your dress you could be proud while wearing it
I bet a bunch of those stupid flowers fell off and that's why she got too embarrassed now lol
No. 532679
>>532415Did she sell every lolita thing she owns? Tea party shoes would be an easy and better solution here. Heck, they'd probably make most of her pink nightmare outfits look slightly better but they're not over the top enough for Jill.
>>532649Back room? That's house siding.
No. 532715
>>532591ntayrt but lazy oaf doesn't even produce their clothes ethically, it's sweatshop made in china (the brand has no ethical information/transparency policy or agreement)
so costing for fabric and labour should be very low, even considering if they do small runs.
No. 532719
>>532621that's a costume for theatre you idiot
>>532618Sure it's good for a child because it's —- childish
>>532715They know their customers are dumb enough to buy their overpriced shit, so they are able to sell a solid black shirt. Take Supreme for example; they sold a brick that they put their logo on for $30 now theyre selling for upwards of $1k
No. 532770
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Her idea of clean…
No. 532771
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No. 532776
>>532770>>532771Fuck, Jill love yourself. This looks like something that was fished by somebody out of a trashcan wtf
>cleanw h e r e?
No. 532787
>>532771You can buy baby pink shoe polish! It makes baby pink shoes look brand new
Plus the Doc Martens was polish that covers scuffs completely
There’s literally not excuse for them to look this bad
No. 532828
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>>532756All their labels say "made in china" even from pieces from 4-5 years ago. If you email them about their ethical policies they will stated they make their clothes in china and "visit twice a year" this means nothing in terms of ethical partnerships as it is a legal requirement. They used to have a little info on their use of Chinese factories on their site, but it has been removed. Companies that have little to no info on transparency are almost certainly unethical.
>>532755I have a few things from Lazy Oaf (and probably would still if the piece was cute enough and unlikely to find the type of design anywhere else) but their quality is incredibly average, on par with things I've had from h&m / ASOS-brand.
However, I do agree with what you're saying overall, a $5 t-shirt is going to be more of a waste than a higher-quality usually higher-priced one. Unfortunately a £25 lazy oaf tee is more on-par with a £10 asos tee. Though obviously nothing wrong with any of these options, if clothing is brought sparingly and looked after carefully.
That's Jill's issue she has no investment in high-quality solid-coloured pieces, there is no regard for quality- just solely design and their is no thought about sustainability of her closet, i.e. will I want this in [x] amount of years? Obviously everyone wants some fun pieces but there is clearly no thought in the cohesion of her wardrobe, colourful =/= cohesive outfit/wardrobe, Jill.
No. 532856
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>>532418>>532417>>532415NYC is a fashion capital you lazy cow. literally just walk around any clothes shop that has your ugly aesthetic buy something new. christ jill is so stupid.
No. 532873
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man she's stumpy
No. 532887
>>532873neither of those shoes match jfc.
that dress makes her look frumpy and even more fat than she is already getting
No. 532888
>>532312dude nothing pisses me off about her more than this. they definitely have the means to spend a little extra on food. if they're in times square and no doubt they're visiting fashion district, go somewhere other than ruby tuesdays? there's so many places to eat, why are you shovelling shit into your droopy jowls that you can get in pei? there's a little korea town right off of herald square but you want American fast food? how ~magical~girl~special~kawaii~ of you
it just shows how sheltered, self absorbed, and uninterstsed in culture other than what she shoves her hammy self into she really is. if she wasn't doing anything at Dylan's candy bar, i doubt she'd give a shit. can't wait to see when she price drops what she gets at Dylan's. will bet she spends more than 100$ on sugary bullshit just to mention it
sage because nyc-er rant.
No. 532900
>>532240>>532237>>532246>>532251I actually don't mean to sound shitty but y'all really need to stop comparing US or UK schools to Canada. Neither of those systems are relevant to Jill. I'm sorry but it's pretty annoying to have anons constantly assume it's all the same, like to the point that one anon actually tried to lie about knowing Jill and claimed to be from pei but hilariously gave themselves away because they assumed Canadian high schools were the same as the US (happened in an early thread).
Quick clarifications:
>Universities are not the same thing as colleges at all, they are legally different>Community colleges are government-owned unlike regular private colleges>Universities are the ONLY institutions that can grant real degrees i.e bachelor's, masters/graduate etc (there are no diploma mills in Canada, so universities are competitive)>Private colleges give 1 year certificates or 2-3 year professional diplomas that prepare students for the workplace (they typically accept anyone who can pay their tuition fees)>Community colleges focus on 1 or 2 year vocational trades, while some programs can be academic (pre-university programs or combined programs with an actual university) depending on government funding. You can also finish high school equivalencies here.Now, fashion programs are available at the university level (Bachelor of Design or Fine Arts) and they're available at private colleges with 2-3 year programs, some are actually quite renowned and I've known at least one student that went on to the Master's program at Central Saint Martins after completing a 3-year diploma at a private college in Canada.
As for Jill's school, the New Brunswick government actually considers it to be a vocational school (it teaches basic crafts for those who struggle with employment and academia), so it's somewhat below a regular community college (such as Holland College that Colin and Louise graduated from). From highest to lowest education: University > College > Community College > Vocational schools. Meaning that, out of all options in the entire country, Jill chose the lowest of the low, when in fact she could have been accepted to university, that's what so frustrating with her laziness and why everyone who understands this shits on her terrible choices.
No. 532904
>>532900This is informative, thanks
>>532883Yeah I agree. Still not worth what she paid for it. I'm really wondering who else is buying this dress.
>>532828Ohhh that makes sense, thanks
No. 532946
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>>532900Also let's do not forget about how below average the final fashion of Jills school is. I think she fits perfectly into it tbh.
No. 532975
>>532900I get what you're saying, and I did literally use the word "equivalent" which obviously isn't right because they're completely different education systems, but my question was basically just "is this the only education it's possible for Jill to get or is she likely to head to another place for further education after graduating".
I get what you mean about Jill going with the shittiest education possible but I find it very hard to believe that she could've been accepted into university. In theory she could've learned how to sew and design to get into one, but as it stands right now I doubt any university would be willing to accept her.
No. 533001
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When fans feel the need to FaceTune your skin kek
No. 533002
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No. 533007
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I follow a Insta account who happened to go to the event, damn does she look rough under these lights
No. 533017
>>533007the most offensive parts are those disgusting sleeves on her sissy ageplay dress and that grimey scrunchie
still sad she didn't wear her handmade dress lol
No. 533038
>>532975She most definitely would have been accepted. Whether or not she would be accepted to Ryerson University (top fashion school in Canada) is one thing, because the strength of her portfolio and final grades would be up against every other high school student in the country that applied and it's a first-choice university. So perhaps not Ryerson.
But there's no question that she would be accepted to the maritime universities in the provinces around where she lives. They have much lower requirement standards, both for portfolios and grade 12 marks. Universities in Nova Scotia regularly accept students with ~70% averages in some programs and I've known people who've been accepted to NSCAD university (fine arts school with fashion/textiles program) based on portfolio potential alone and their academic shortcomings didn't matter at all.
In general, if you've passed all regular high school requirements in Canada, you'll find a university that will accept you somewhere. Definitely not a top 10 or first choice uni if you suck, but you'll find one nonetheless.
For example, here are the admission requirements for UPEI where Jill's dad works. She's definitely eligible.
>Successful completion of Grade 12 examinations in a University Preparatory Program with an overall average of at least 70% No. 533048
>>533045Kek my friend went to AI of Portland she got her BFA the crazy thing is she's pretty talented at sewing and works for Zac Posen. Can't shit on AI too much but it's no Parsons.kek
No. 533055
File: 1521497807624.jpg (335.23 KB, 665x1090, Screenshot_20180319-221538.jpg)

Louise at the event. I actually think her outfit is really cute?
No. 533057
File: 1521497906583.png (1.85 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180319-221730.png)

She went with the glitter boots in the end
No. 533080
File: 1521499240118.png (93.24 KB, 640x551, IMG_9433.PNG)

>>533058>>533064agreed, this pic is from a couple years ago but she's had light blonde hair before and she looks really cute with it even if the bleach job isn't perfect imo. the highlighter yellow is going to be a bitch to remove if she ever wants to go for a light hair color again tho
No. 533082
>>533038I actually applied for Ryerson's fashion program and was waitlisted, and sadly I didn't get in but the portfolio was hard as fuck. It is one part sewing and four parts just creativity; if you don't have an eye for color and interesting design then you won't make it and I think that's where Jill fails because even if she becomes good at sewing her actual choice of putting an outfit together is lacking.
Not to mention the fashion program is extremely elite, they have their own section of Ryerson all to themselves and you need keycards to enter and everything. I feel like Jill would crumble under the scrutiny just like she did in theatre
No. 533086
File: 1521499631350.jpg (497.52 KB, 1080x1213, Screenshot_20180319-224634.jpg)

The piss brows are awful
No. 533087
File: 1521499729831.jpeg (680.34 KB, 750x1201, 2112AECA-5693-43C7-83BF-EBCA11…)

Apperently the designer behind 6% Dokidoki is there?
No. 533095
>>533087Holy shit, wtf
Jill's ego is going to be through the roof over this, I wonder if it's because he heard she was a kawaii leader winner?
I honestly don't understand how this event blew up with all these vendors and the hype around it. Is NYC's jfash community really that thirsty and desperate right now? It's hard for me to understand how jill got so popular outside atlantic canada comms, like since when is she so well-liked in the American/international communities? I feel like I missed something.
No. 533097
File: 1521500342096.jpg (297.37 KB, 1080x1214, Screenshot_20180319-225140.jpg)

>>533095These are an example of the vendors anon it's not a big deal
No. 533105
File: 1521500658683.jpeg (217.02 KB, 750x1092, 9613DC1C-FA2D-42EA-AEA9-F48A9F…)

>>533094>>533095He was in New York for another events it seems, probably stopped by because he was still in the city?
(Also Kera magazine was there, so I’m assuming he was contacted by them about it?)
No. 533116
>>533097jfc, they look like they're melting..
>>533105Thanks, anon. I'm sure he's super amused by the amount of fat americans who think they can pull off japanese fashion.
No. 533121
File: 1521501144537.jpeg (634.37 KB, 750x1023, 7A24C0AD-B80F-4F61-8137-57A4AD…)

>>533105This is the Kera corrispondent with him, so I think he is there with them
No. 533157
File: 1521503387493.jpg (587.45 KB, 1076x1273, Screenshot_20180319-234912.jpg)

She's so frumpy
No. 533209
File: 1521505597934.png (1.01 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180320-002556.png)

No. 533210
File: 1521505643907.png (1.07 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180320-002703.png)

Nomination for next thread pic
No. 533228
>>533209this reminds me of that one terrifying image that used to go around a lot. hopefully someone knows wtf I'm referencing.
No. 533257
File: 1521508185426.jpg (611.22 KB, 1080x1292, Screenshot_20180320-010916.jpg)

No. 533265
File: 1521508499011.png (1.12 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180320-011244.png)

Can you imagine turning up to probably the biggest moment in your 'career' looking like this? You're trying to sell yourself as a cute fashion designer whilst looking like THIS?! if Jill was smart about the event, she could have made some useful connections ect but no she's a fucking mess that has been ourdressed by her retarded fan base
No. 533277
File: 1521509227266.png (1.9 MB, 1080x1080, PicsArt_03-19-06.19.54.png)

Just beautiful
No. 533330
>>533326It looks like water to me, again why would one of her fans want to spike her drink? That could get them in legal trouble especially since Jill’s Mom is right there
She’s not drunk she’s just acting stupid
No. 533332
File: 1521511397006.png (1.07 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180320-020249.png)

No. 533342
Where are you guys finding this stuff to screenshot kek
>>533339I was just about to point that out. It's not downright ugly but I wish I could say I was surprised that all the cunt-fetti club members seem to have / be wearing it
No. 533359
File: 1521512382056.png (2.26 MB, 1080x1064, Screenshot_20180319-191638~2.p…)

She's looking fatter than her fatty fans
No. 533367
File: 1521512703265.jpeg (42.38 KB, 314x427, 1C8DA190-251E-4BD8-BD66-5DEE40…)

>>533277She got a gift that’s why she was making that face.
No. 533371
File: 1521512762047.jpeg (81.71 KB, 370x527, F467D792-D457-4343-8E52-054532…)

Louise looks so irritated.
>>533342Tagged pics on insta
No. 533381
>>532946jesus christ why do they all use that shiny shitty prom dress fabric
>>533057i cant get over how this dress looks like its worth 5 dollars max. its just so ugly, unflattering, and kiddie-like
No. 533388
File: 1521513751276.jpeg (76.91 KB, 750x534, AFBE1C79-ECF5-4866-AA6E-C1F396…)

>>533371Kawaii linebacker strikes again.
No. 533392
File: 1521514087892.jpeg (181.21 KB, 750x1334, 602121D3-85A9-491A-81A7-2CB696…)

Reminds me of that James Charles meme lmao
No. 533415
>>533359Why in the hell is she wearing those red strawberry earrings with that outfit it literally doesn't go with anything??
>>533330idk anon the way she stopped her dance to chug it back through the straw is definitely a drunk girl move. Maybe since her mom is there she's able to drink? Is that a thing?
>>533392>>533405She definitely caked on the powder and foundation today, you could even see it in earlier pics. But hey at least she tried for once! Too bad it's the wrong shade though kek
No. 533442
File: 1521516065457.png (140.41 KB, 1660x390, Screen Shot 2018-03-19 at 11.2…)

not in New York unless you're on your own property
No. 533453
>>533447She's obviously not creative, not at all. She copies others and uses her "mental health" as a valid excuse to not improve, get fatter, lazier and not do better with her looks. Anything remotely creative she has done is obviously a rehash of other styles and things better executed, like her horrid bday dress.
Jill, we know you lurk, so as an advise: look up creativity techniques and exercises. They help. Get books. Read. Don't just watch anime and TV shows. Reading helps you with creativity. And get some color theory book or something because you fucking suck at color combination.
No. 533457
File: 1521517377188.jpg (114.77 KB, 1175x1392, 1521517332313.jpg)

No. 533458
>>533392The girl on the right is way cuter. Kek
Does anybody else find creepy that her mom is following her around at her supposedly big and special party made up for her? Aside of being a cameraman, Jill is an adult responsible of her own life and as a """"celebrity"""" this is like an achievement or something for and having your mom way too close to you like a babysitter just looks creepy, possessive and it seems like her mom just wants to live through her. It just doesn't look professional that your mom follows you around when you're doing this kind of stuff and meeting Sebastian Matsuda and all
saved for especulation
No. 533459
>>533311That's the glass they served water in. But I'm surprised her mom didn't buy her one of the sugary candy drinks they had.
Anyway, the Kawaii Society advertised an open bar, and said open bar ran out of free drinks before the party even began. Apparently there was a pre-party that exhausted the amount of free drinks that the person running the party paid for. Super tacky. Since I mainly went out of curiosity and to try the Dylan's drink/food offerings, that was a bummer. But I guess the ticket price would've been worth it for Pixie's fans to meet her.
Throughout the party there was a neverending line of people waiting to meet Pixie. It honestly seemed shady considering she mentioned not being paid to appear at the party, yet it looked like a full on meet and greet almost the whole night.
The DJ was fun enough, but there came a point when this teenage? girl who advertised herself as "New York's J-Pop Idol" (lol) took the mic to sing and dance to anime songs. And then a girl with a ukelele sang and played while some dude held the mic for her. Ukelele girl's voice was decent but it was not really the place for that kind of performance. Sage for blogspot.
No. 533477
>>533455Really annoyed at the constant Jill white knights tbh. They’re so desperate to defend their trashy queen. Also why do they all type the same?
>>533392Can we FINALLY start calling her fat? Because if anyone still thinks she’s “skinny fat,” they’re delusional.
No. 533493
File: 1521520425057.png (5.68 KB, 501x121, yikeso.png)

Someone I follow on facebook posted this. This whole party seems like a mess.
No. 533498
File: 1521520944845.jpg (362.31 KB, 1405x2000, V31HkAPIXVQfAkxrWqF46aP4qWNwBt…)

these are just like her dress
No. 533507
File: 1521521637473.png (3.11 MB, 750x1334, 3CDB9D15-47C2-4AF4-B839-007748…)

Rough as FUCK.
No. 533508
File: 1521521734774.png (4.67 MB, 750x1334, 37874E1F-529E-40D2-A115-046395…)

this fan’s forehead scared me
No. 533510
>>533459>>533472I've been debating whether or not to say that they shouldn't have even done alcoholic drinks in the first place, but if
>>533504 and
>>533493 is right, then this is a fucking shitshow of an event.
No. 533614
File: 1521536027041.png (1.11 MB, 1050x852, Biancuuuuuuuuuh.png)

>>533584not sure what happened??? I found her instagram and she has a normal, even short forehead but it looks like the panorama effect was going on and stretched it out somehow? god only knows
Also: to fourth panel for video of a seemingly drunk Jill embarrassing herself at the end of the night.
No. 533618
File: 1521536876889.png (545.52 KB, 431x539, fghjkjkpl.PNG)

>tfw your fan wears some forever 21 shit and puts her hair in a bun
>and she still looks better than your fatass in tacky design clothes and shoes
i wonder if when jill gets fans that aren't obese uglies if she feels intimidated. i would, if i was wearing that ugly shit and had piss colored hair instead of blonde.
No. 533635
>>533614Please link the IG or show a pic, they are confetti club peeps (…) so you can post 'em here or the CC thread.
I need assurances nobody is really going around like that
No. 533654
>>533631I fully agree anon, I don't get how anyone can defend that dress. It's probably one of the worst garments I've seen in my entire life.
Just imagine being a professor at a fashion school and one of your students shows up wearing that… thing. How is someone supposed to design clothes for other people when they can't even dress themselves at all?
No. 533679
File: 1521548561861.jpg (31.49 KB, 461x528, 1521548461647.jpg)

>>533677Thought she was trying to look like Diva from Fifth Element
No. 533692
File: 1521549785467.png (1.23 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180320-124130.png)

No. 533694
File: 1521549809334.jpg (901.34 KB, 1080x1162, Screenshot_20180320-124209.jpg)

When her fans make her look skinny kek
No. 533696
File: 1521550111124.png (1.06 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180320-124635.png)

>>533695I forgot the pic oops
No. 533699
File: 1521550190520.jpg (511.64 KB, 1080x1035, Screenshot_20180320-124921.jpg)

Jill looks drunk here
No. 533700
File: 1521550348491.jpg (514.89 KB, 1075x1614, Screenshot_20180320-125038.jpg)

No. 533714
>>533694That fan, even if bigger and with the weird ass shirt styling, looks way better, cleaner and cuter than Jill lol (at least she looks sane)
>>533618Glad to see someone cute and not just landwhales
>>533508For Christ sake this cannot be real oh God who shaves their head like that and then decides to go out, that's humiliating
No. 533718
>>533696I knew it was only a matter of time till Jill met Jeanette they are equally unattractive and share the same vomit inducing aesthetic. Truly amazing. I think Jill truly lost her fucking mind after Colin dumped her like the turd she is. It's also comical how Louise is always lurking in the background leering at other fat weebs at her goofy ass daughter's tacky event. I am convinced she believes Jill is somehow superior to other weebs. It's comical in the sense that all Jill does is plagiarize from others aesthetically and tries to pawn it off as her own.
How she's not even remotely embarrassed by how idiotically Jill dresses in public is beyond my understanding.
No. 533723
>>533699She’s not drunk kek, it’s illegal and would be stupid to post it online
She’s just a child
No. 533727
File: 1521552765818.gif (168.8 KB, 390x290, giphy.gif)

Wew after seeing all these pictures I can understand why Jill is depressed all the time.
Imagine realizing that the only people who look up to you are chubby tweens who all dress in the same ugly pastel Forever21 crap because they don't have an original bone in their body despite ~luving alt fashion so much uwu~.
The few cute looking girls at that party all looked way more toned down/normal than Jill because literally no one can look good in her weird garish color vomit fashion.
What an achievement.
No. 533735
>>533732I can't even recall the last time she wore anything 'kawaii'/from a Japanese brand.
I wonder if she'll pretend to care about J-fashion again on her kawaii.i trip?
No. 533742
>>533738all of Jill's fashion purchases have gotten so boring…
it's either Lazy Oaf shit or H&M, at least her Jfahsion missteps were hilarious
No. 533795
File: 1521558985907.png (1.21 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180320-151531.png)

No. 533797
File: 1521559004094.png (1.35 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180320-151556.png)

No. 533798
File: 1521559115159.jpg (424.53 KB, 1080x758, Screenshot_20180320-151726.jpg)

Louise lurking kek imagine being 20 and needing your mum to be always within arms length distance
No. 533809
>>533733honestly i don't understand why some anons act like it's impossible or unlikely that she'd be able to get a drink. i know she's underage in the state of ny but underage people succeed in going out to bars all the time? it's really not that uncommon.
also doubt that the bar would card her considering she's the main guest of the event
No. 533836
File: 1521561178168.png (1.2 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180320-155222.png)

I hope everyone isn't sick of terrible Jill photos
No. 533838
File: 1521561205129.jpg (431.54 KB, 1080x860, Screenshot_20180320-155208.jpg)

Fans were taking photos with Louise…
No. 533840
File: 1521561326001.png (1.64 MB, 1080x1663, 20180320_125445.png)

Wft is this?
No. 533841
File: 1521561352560.jpg (566.13 KB, 1080x1211, Screenshot_20180320-155522.jpg)

When does collide
No. 533883
File: 1521564290797.jpeg (69.74 KB, 750x723, 2682F79A-AB18-4E4F-A015-E18210…)

Another POV of her weird drunk lip singing.
No. 533904
>>533643Looks like shaved sides and a Mohawk, but with her head shape it doesn't work. Also the fashion is basically pastel 50s/cutesy which makes it look like a nuts widows peak like other Anon said. Don't shave your hair at home kids
She seems happy/unaware in the pixieverse so that's good I guess
No. 534120
File: 1521581079099.jpg (668.08 KB, 1078x1676, Screenshot_20180320-212303.jpg)

Jill has been interacting with this account a lot on Twitter..possible new love interest or she actually has an irl friend that isn't jon
No. 534121
File: 1521581104546.jpeg (204.48 KB, 1024x1024, DYbY-37VAAEP8X0.jpeg)

This is what he looks like
No. 534126
File: 1521581273174.jpg (196.41 KB, 1080x755, Screenshot_20180320-212543.jpg)

I can't be arsed to put all of the screen shots together but here's some
No. 534127
File: 1521581327825.jpg (117.65 KB, 1080x405, Screenshot_20180320-212823.jpg)

No. 534128
File: 1521581395034.jpg (101.38 KB, 1080x359, Screenshot_20180320-212931.jpg)

No. 534132
File: 1521581720452.png (1.03 MB, 640x1136, 1521566959382.png)

No. 534188
>>534174Yeah that's what I was thinking that too, at least it looks like she made an attempt at picking somewhat matching shit? (even though it looks awful no doubt)
I think Jill's scrunchie is just woven into her hair by now and the strawberries seem completely random, so weird
No. 534235
>>533809Hmmm this. Her mom could have even bought drinks for her and just gave them to Jill. My mom used to do this for me sometimes when we were out somewhere like a wedding or something.
I doubt jill was plastered or anything but idk it just seems likely she would have had a drink or two either at the pre-party or the party itself.
(although the pre-party seems smarter because it was less public)
No. 534407
File: 1521596379958.jpeg (79.24 KB, 466x643, 86B8A14B-8B4D-4AD1-B45F-BEB62D…)

No. 534415
>>534412Yeah, her fan had a drink too (in a cup similar to what Louise had).
What do you think it is?
No. 534442
>>534426Jill looks and sounds utterly wasted in this video right after the part where the girl filming writes "Lol I got very drunk" at 1:30.
No wonder they had to drag Sebastian over to her. He must have been horrified realizing he'd fallen into a pit of obese drunken adolescents who can't coordinate for their lives
No. 534627
File: 1521606030451.jpeg (538.43 KB, 647x943, A3858715-B2F9-457C-B5B4-DCEE1E…)

Expected her to post about having fun with all of her fans last night, but no this is Japan 2.0, she really doesn’t care and is pretty ungrateful.
No. 534628
Watch her make a post after lurking here though
No. 534651
File: 1521608285574.png (1.51 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180320-225628.png)

Are we not going to talk about those claws she apparently has right now. I'm not a nail person but… to be kind, they need work
No. 534787
>>534544New thread photo, please.
Also I am actually kinda disappointed at the underage drinking, but I can’t say I’m surprised the whole thing was a shitshow start to finish.
No. 534799
>>532787Are those shoes leather? Shoe polish and cremes are for leather and don't do shit for scuffs on vinyl.
>>532789Fluevog has a line of excellent color cremes.
No. 534834
File: 1521638467059.jpeg (75.23 KB, 696x411, 152365B0-1116-40D9-A5E5-FD8E3E…)

>>534833Also she did sell merch at he meetup.
No. 534840
File: 1521639241069.jpg (194.96 KB, 1080x600, Screenshot_20180321-133331.jpg)

No. 534841
File: 1521639256548.jpg (174.79 KB, 1080x562, Screenshot_20180321-133319.jpg)

No. 534850
>>534727I agree Jill's mom is a piece of work, but it was Jill's party and if anything, the venue (Dylan's candy shop) would have and should have gotten in trouble for letting minors drink.
It's not like Jill was driving home or anything, so no one was really getting hurt. I agree it's tacky, but she has a lot of karma built up that will catch her in the end anyway.
By the way, I am in nyc and there's a snowstorm happening right now. I wonder if Jill's pissed about that?
No. 534860
>>534727lmao anon get that stick out of your ass. it is tacky but wanting to report it to the police is ridiculously petty. and wtf does this have to do with race? i'm not even white, so whatevs. you sound fun at parties.
>>534797it's a weird thing lobbied by MADD.
>>534852what's wrong with using tinder in nyc
>>534856if the business wants to risk breaking the law for extra money, then it's on them. on the other hand, no one is driving in nyc so I really can't see how this is a moral issue at all
No. 534950
File: 1521652435125.png (242.86 KB, 1518x1240, Screenshot_2018-03-21-11-11-29…)

Classy CC
No. 534952
File: 1521652588912.png (261.07 KB, 600x400, 01c.png)

>>534950holy shit I can't stop laughing
her fans sure are kind and respectful of others
No. 534973
>>534961They also had other pins and good from other venders I’m pretty sure
>>534833 this girl shows it in the end of her vlog
No. 534998
File: 1521655958469.jpg (326.72 KB, 637x824, 975662297eac18b6209e0749f43b20…)

im getting major Veruca Salt and Willy Wonka vibes from this photo
No. 535012
>>534914It was a Meetup with her fans, not a job fair.
>>534874No one put a gun to their heads and forced people to drink. Jill is with her mom, and if anyone came to the event by themselves they shouldn't have been drinking anyway. Besides, at most they would have probably been was tipsy, not tripping over yourself drunk.
No. 535026
File: 1521658765413.jpg (573.23 KB, 1080x1670, Screenshot_20180321-185754.jpg)

It really bugs me that pixie won't follow accounts like these, but will follow an account that shows off how much she spends on her clothing. At least pretend to care for your fans aka your income
No. 535028
File: 1521659001595.jpg (327.52 KB, 1080x1064, Screenshot_20180321-190144.jpg)

New photo of her hideous bday dress, featuring a bad photo shop job
No. 535029
File: 1521659026314.png (1002.94 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180321-190205.png)

Nice use of the blur tool jillybean
No. 535061
>>535028Does anyone else think it's a little odd that she's posting more pictures of the dress after not wearing it to her meet up? Especially since she said it was her special dress to wear to that event.
I guess to me it basically feels like admitting "Yeah I know I can make this look decent in photoshopped pictures but it wouldn't have held up in public. uwu"
Just feels like a weirdly disingenuous thing to do for a 'fashion designer' that plans to sell their clothing in the future.
No. 535089
File: 1521663712831.jpg (1014.37 KB, 1080x1646, Screenshot_20180321-202033.jpg)

Sage for old milk that might have already been posted…but imagine your mum taking you to your first shift and then doing a photo shoot
No. 535095
File: 1521663909114.png (1.26 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180321-202433.png)

No. 535127
File: 1521666413176.png (3.55 MB, 1334x750, F954DB47-0820-41B8-890A-CBA25C…)

>>534833Saged because this isn’t Jill but this still is such a good example of how CC snowflakes look insane in a crowd of normal people
No. 535169
File: 1521669626593.png (1.39 MB, 750x1334, ADDC261A-97D5-475D-A790-DA603D…)

She deleted it like 2 seconds afterwards lol
No. 535207
>>535203he founded 6%dokidoki, as well as assisted kyary pamyu pamyu as an art director for a lot of her music videos that got her popular
so he's pretty big in the field that jill is interested in. i doubt he was there to meet jill, probably just gave her the gift bag out of pure fear.
No. 535221
>>535203I imagine that he was told about her 'advertising' his brand on YT before, I mean she does have more subscribers than most other 'J-fash' youtubers + with her winning kawaii.i they probably just thought it would be a smart business move to show up there.
The gift was probably something generic from 6%dokidoki and I really can't imagine that he's personally interested in Jill or her awful style.
No. 535272
>>535203He’s actually one of the biggest names in jfashion and has had exhibitions all over the world. His brand is almost synonymous with “harajuku” style at this point.
To be fair, I think most weebs would murder their own mother to meet him and have KERA report on winning the kawaii leadership thing.
No. 535310
File: 1521677130596.png (280.55 KB, 750x1334, 3ACA9686-06B0-4917-85E5-717BC0…)

No. 535321
File: 1521677545119.png (384.53 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180322-001107.png)

No. 535324
File: 1521677633018.jpg (212.37 KB, 1080x664, Screenshot_20180322-001316.jpg)

She's so defensive
No. 535327
>>535321samefagging but is jill actually losing her mind
we've all heard her talk about her preference for males recently
we also know exactly what her ex girlfriends think lol thanks to deviantart and also their family members
No. 535330
File: 1521677747084.jpg (154.66 KB, 1080x494, Screenshot_20180322-001430.jpg)

Jill is a mess. So she isn't attracted to men, but she prefers peen to pussy? But nope, she's always totes gay
No. 535335
File: 1521678007920.jpg (132.27 KB, 1080x429, Screenshot_20180322-001916.jpg)

I'm p sure it's a farmer account as they just drag all of the main cows
No. 535342
>>535340samefag but @
>>535336 – if we start compiling everything, someone should archive the tumblr videos before we start since I think it'd be very likely for Jill to take them down
No. 535360
>>535345If this were to be sorted into sections, what could we include beyond her being "totes kweer"? Obviously shes a massive cow regardless, but a lot of people would probably dismiss it if it were
too nitpicky.
No. 535386
>>535360You could probably organize it into:
>materialistic>inconsistent/ lazy fashion designer>treats loved ones/ partners like accessories>fake "gay icon">promotes unhealthy behavior (fuels autistic audiences' unhealthy behavior as seen in cc thread)if someone really has a bone to pick they could also make it about how she made her own "jfashion" then didn't commit to it, but I feel like that only really matters to a niche group of people
No. 535399
>>535386>>535360I feel like you'd have to go back and comb through every thread because not even half of it gets added to the thread summaries and honestly the summary has sucked for a long while now.
Obviously the LACE/bullying/Kate-on-lolcow thing is a good place to start since that's the reason for her first thread. Then we have her old deviantart posts/facebook screencaps from back in the day, all the way to mystery girl's sister and Jill's middle school friend from PEI in the last thread. There's a very decent amount of milk but definitely requires digging.
No. 535412
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>>534833I spotted this conventionally cute chick in the background. Surprising.
Were there any lolitas at the meet, or people wearing ACTUAL j-fash? I don't really see any in the video. Nothing that I particularly recognize.
>>535259I feel a bit bad for him, seeing that he was probably filmed without his consent by the girl in
>>534833 and others.
(Reposted because I dropped my image.)
No. 535423
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No. 535478
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>>535423samefag, this is the closest to "biphobia" i could find so (2/2) i guess
No. 535480
>>535272Yeah you sound out of date
>>535287Only lolitas care about AP and Baby
>>535460Washi tape isn't that expensive. How is forgetting a roll of tape that materialistic?
And people are supposed to be grateful for everything they get in a lucky pack? I've definitely been disappointed before
No. 535506
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How's that for materialistic. Goes to New York, the fashion capital, and buys a horde of crappy CVS peeps
No. 535538
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>>535480I see your point about the washi tape! I was more thinking about her daily hauls from Michaels and most of the supplies she buys are bc they’re cutesy and then she doesn’t use them (in her room tour, she keeps forgetting that she has tubes of pink paint and keeps buying more, and has like 12+ of them).. I remembered it because of this comment on the video (pic related).
Also on the lucky pack thing, yes you can be disappointed in the items you get, like if they don’t fit or flatter you. But I was mainly pointing out her reasoning for being disappointed. In her 6%Dokidoki unboxing, she is upset at most of the items for being too “pastel” and “Fairy kei” and just generally bitching about how a lucky pack that she has already seen what most of the bag would look like prior to purchasing didn’t fit her aesthetic. Same with the WC lucky pack, she doesn’t like a lot of the items because they don’t fit her “aesthetic”. In fact, she bought the WC lucky pack two times to double her chances of getting a singular, simple, pink hoodie and admitted that it was only reason she bought two. $200 for two chances for a hoodie? Now THAT’S materialistic and what I had in mind. Sorry for not being clear about these things, I made that list on the fly tbh.
No. 535543
>>535538well said anon. it's not just the one washi tape, it's the fact that we
know that it's just a piece in a huge collection of other forgotten/ discarded craft materials…
No. 535550
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>>535310>>535321I can't believe this is literally Jill
No. 535586
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>>533508Yo that is fucked up. What the fuck.
>>533696Man I hate that boot shape (right side). It looks bad no matter what you do with it. Makes the legs look stumpy no matter who is wearing them, too. They look like they're not finished or something. I hate those boots. Am I autistic?
No. 535589
>>535207Looked up this 6%dokidoki shit. It looks fucking gross.
Kyary is pretty cool, though.
No. 535590
>>534833I don't understand, why did the VIP section have drinks if there were no drinks left at the open bar?
What was the preparty?
No. 535610
>>535590She’s like 5’0 so ankle boots are disgusting on her. I’m about her height as well with a similar body form (my legs are slimmer and toned) and I never ever wear any ankle boots because ur ankles just disappear and make you look stumpy. Some things just
don’t flatter short girls and Jill seems to think she makes an exception. JILL IF YOU’RE LURKING.. INVEST IN LOW TOP SHOES!
No. 535615
>>535538I think the fast fashion stuff would be good to bring up too in a video.
She said that she would completely stop buying fast fashion but then went on to buy more shit from WC, H&M etc. and said that she just simply wouldn't name the brands in her posts anymore. (But then made a whole unboxing for the WC luckybags anyway…)
Clearly shows that she just can't stop buying cheap shit and tries to give off this impression of ~caring so much~ to her followers when she really doesn't give a shit.
No. 535617
>>535615Also samefag but another topic for the video:
Her doing a sponsored video for Zaful and claiming that she had no idea at all they were a scammer, even though you can easily find out if you take a minute to google them.
Also it looks like a bunch of the clothing she got immediately fell apart but she didn't even try to warn her viewers.
No. 535672
tbh all this focus on materialism for the video topics is too basic, her fans will be up in arms about how much of a jealous poor hater the person who made the video is. her fake gayness e.g.
>>535600 is a lot more interesting and hilarious imo, should be a bigger focus.
No. 535695
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Her face is so puffy
No. 535696
>>535672I think another thing worth mentioning is how she glorifies mixing meds and alcohol and generally showcases a sloppy attitude towards meds/therapy/mental health, basically acting like depression meds are candy that you just stop taking if you're happy enough.
It's one thing to do that stuff in private but most of her fans are impressionable tweens and wanna do everything their idol does.
No. 535724
>>535695That hair is definitely an improvement, but that skirt looks a little too tight. This outfit looks "better" than the one she chose for the Meetup. Maybe she thought dress = fancy but honestly that dress is shitty and fugly and her hair looked gross. She needs to go beyond the bun/single pigtail.
No. 535730
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She should go back to blonde and wear her hair down. She looked so much cuter than the piss head and "rainby" vomit.
No. 535731
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She looked so much healthier here. She needs to get the stupid peeps tea and nuggies out of her life.
No. 535736
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>>535695Hey anon if you’re taking caps, try and show which account is posting it and what is in the description.
>>535700Just a photo from New York from her Moms insta
No. 535757
Saged for old milk, but I remember her saying in one of her haul videos that she was "Such a talented art bby" in high school and that she legit did art with crayons. But she, and I quote, "Would make it look so beautiful, would make it look like it could have never been done in crayola mother fucking crayons." I dug up her old art tumblr but all the traditional art seems to be in water colour. Does anyone have any pics of her old crayon art? Because there's no way in hell you can't make crayon look like crayon.
No. 535763
>>535741Lust could be the gross connection between her wanting to appear as sexual (e.g. the "sexy clown" phase) but at the same time mixing in her gross baby talk and toddler outfits. OR you can talk about her using people in her relationships and how uncomfortable she is with being single. I think some issue about her relationships can go under lust. You could even tie in the LGBT wannabe ~uwu so queer~ stuff.
Envy could be Jill always having to be the best at everything. She only surrounds herself with landwhales to make herself appear more attractive, she has to be the authority on everything from j-fashion to magical girls, she needs to be the precure SUPERFAN. She didn't want to post videos of her playing the piano out of fear that people wouldnt think shes as good as she says she is. She doesn't want to know there are people who are better than her out there because she's secretly jealous of them and how they are ruining her chances to be number 1. You could put sewing and stuff here too, though I think it would go great under Sloth as well.
If a video or something was actually made, I think the Seven Deadly Sins theme is kind of entertaining. I liked it in the Ricegum Content Cop so it would work here too
No. 535764
>>535757She never posted her high school art as far as I know. That art pixie tumblr was when she decided to start sharing her work online for the first time.
Unless she has stuff on deviantart that hasn’t been posted yet. I would kill to see her high school portfolio though, because she makes herself sound like the art teacher’s pet protege but I would bet money it’s way below mediocre because she has no concept of basic anatomy, perspective etc
No. 535781
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>>535757Couldn't find anything from her high school days, but I got these 2 which she drew last year. I tried Google and her school website, but found nothing
Also sage for old milk
No. 535788
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>>535764She graduated high school in 2016 I believe, so anything 2016 and prior on her tumblr is her skill at art during high school. Here is a painting she did for a project in art class
No. 535797
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>>532166Rip YZU shoes, they lived a terrible life, heres a picture when they were brand new in their memory
15 November 2016 - 18 March 2018
No. 535804
>>535689this, she talks about being poor all the time like she doesn't know what poor actually means
we've got to bring up the whole "jill needs an entire 2 bed apartment for herself!" thing too because thats fucking ridiculous
No. 535811
>>535807Slightly off topic but I will never forget in one of her Japan vlogs where she showed footage she took in the Japanese pet stores of all the animals being miserable AS FUCK. And then talks about "awww cute! look how cute they are!" Even her own fans were commenting on the video that the animals werent happy…
Unfortunately she edited the controversial part out but Im thankful I got to see it before she did so. It just shows she really doesnt give a shit about animals or morals really. Even though she "love her pure bred cats so so much and volunteers at the local animal shelter uwu~~~"
No. 535813
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>>535757sage for ot but
>hates parties No. 535832
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>>535820Sage; but curry is one of the few foods she ate in Japan that wasn’t just white bread and sugar. It seems like it really is one of her favorite foods
No. 535858
>>535782I actually think her art is cute lol
Also shoutout to Jill for being halfway to a new thread in only 4 days, yikes
No. 535867
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Sage for being a really old pic, but I didn't even recognize this as her at first. She's barely even making the stupid faces she always makes too. It's crazy to see how far she's fallen down the pit of shit life decisions.
No. 535918
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Why would she buy any of this when she lives off of nuggies
No. 535927
>>535918What in the world is she going to use the brushes for? Cleaning? Those things are gonna get nasty and stink fast
>mini gardening tools ????
No. 535981
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>>535930It's like she's speaking right to you
No. 535997
>>535918>getting all of this shit BEFORE moving I know that apparently the only way she can make herself feel better about living alone is by buying a ton of crap, but I feel like she's just imagining some perfect fantasy vision of her life without even knowing what she'll need.
Like do you know any other freaking college student who buys this much crap for their own 2 bedroom apartment before even moving out? This is ridiculous lol.
No. 536010
>>535997Why does a college student need tablecloth weights?
It's not really my business how she spends her money, but what's the point? Does she even have a dining table to put them on at this point? I can think of a million others things she should focus on before tiny junk like that.
No. 536032
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>>535981>her fans wanting to turn heavy tablecloth weights into earrings when there's pretty much unlimited options for actual ice cream cone earrings onlinewhy are they like this
No. 536087
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>>536062She does pretend that she was exceptionally talented at art in high school and repeatedly said that she didn’t want to do an art foundation year and the very reason she chose her current college is because she thought she could skip it. Turns out the college requires her to do it anyways, which is no surprise and she’s an idiot for thinking otherwise. She literally said verbatim: “sorry that I actually know what I’m doing and don’t need a foundation year” when she has no basis of fundamentals. She’s the poster child for the dunning-kruger effect.
There’s a reason for the heavy emphasis on fine arts in fashion design.
No. 536088
>>536062Can you imagine her in design school? What a dumpster fire.
I can see her gluing tinsel to the hem of a pink trash bag dress and claiming it's ~*avant garde*~ pixielocks TM original. Kek
No. 536468
>>535478that twitter probably doesn't know shit about queer history. There was an entire movement reclaiming it and radicalizing it. It's why in academia it's called Queer Studies.
But Jill is just as ignorant and is 1000 times more obnoxious, particularly in her ignorant statements that show she has no fucking clue about anything and can't even figure out her shit since she's apparently can't do a google search
No. 536606
>>536155>>536094It's absurd just thinking about the costs for her to live in fredericton, since it's a small town you would assume it's cheap but her school is downtown. Knowing Jill/Louise they would never settle for "ghetto" looking areas (since jill has called both downtown montreal and halifax ghetto and spooky uwu before). So we know Jill is going for a safe, newly renovated, 2 br apartment downtown near her school since she won't settle for commuting. Oh and it needs to be pet friendly because she's bringing Serena, that's usually an extra 20-40$ a month.
So she's looking at a minimum of 1k-1.5k per month in rent alone. Not including electricity/water/heating bills which will be higher for 2 bdrs. Beyond that, she has car payments/gas, phone/internet/cable bills. Plus the cost of furnishing the entire apartment and possibly needing to buy appliances. Not to mention, the cost of living in the maritimes is quite high, so her constant eating out at starbucks and mcdonalds every day plus regular groceries will easily cost over a thousand a month because Jill knows no self-control.
She mentioned a few months ago that her income was around 2-3k per month from youtube iirc. But her monthly bills alone, not including school fees and tuition, is already around 3k. This bitch isn't going to make it.
According to a "costs of living" calculator, the average family of 4 costs around 3k per month in the same city. So Jill is literally costing as much as 4 people all by herself.
No. 536621
>>536592It's kinda weird to do apartment shopping on your vacation. Especially since she's gotta travel on an airplane with all that shit.
Also why does she need two frying pans???
No. 536645
>>536637i think it's a good thing if parents are able to help their kids through college. slight blog but i had a job and my mom would help me make ends meet because she could afford it and she wanted to help me secure my future.
what's annoying to me is how jill uses her money for completely frivolous, useless things . i would have felt so bad accepting my mother's help knowing i had spent my own money on dumb shit.
No. 536652
>>53659214:54 "Clow wand and a fricking SACKura fricking card"
Isn't it Clow Cards?
No. 536653
>>536592the title though
>pastel & practical!practical as in it will break apart in like a month as it's cheap as hell and you'll just buy another
No. 536655
>>536652please anon, obviously jilly knows about her all time fav show, especially with how well she pronounces the mc's name.
tho tbh i have seen people call it the clow wand, but it's supposed to just be the sealing wand. i guess jill is atleast as ignorant as other weebs so iuno.
No. 536677
>>536645I really think Jill's parents need to make her earn their financial assistance more. Jillybean will basically spend her YT income on all of her frivolous things, is she even paying for college herself?
My parents are very financially secure and they pay all my bills, I probably spend about $2.2k a month (my apt bills alone are about 1700). However, the only reason my parents put me up in such a lux lifestyle is because I got into a very nice college on a full ride and the savings my parents were going to allocate to my education can now be spent more on rewarding me for keeping my GPA up to continue to receive tuition.
Jill's parents will pay tuition and bills for their special little Jillybean to be able to ~keep up with her fashion YouTube uwu~
No. 536683
>>536677I wonder if Jill's program has scholarships or anything. Also are there financial aid programs in Canada (just curious as I'm from the US)?
One thing I think, is that is really is wonderful when parents can help their kids early on when they move out. But at the same time, a responsible parent will help them learn how to take care of financial responsibilities and at least help them understand that realm of adulthood. Even if I was a parent and could help my children with EVERYTHING, I think I'd still be more likely to help them minimally so they could become a good and responsibly member of society. I'm saying this as someone who grew up kind of spoiled - I wish my parents had taken more time to teach me about credit and cars and things I had no clue about until I was out of college. It really helps you succeed if you know about those things.
No. 536696
>>536683Of course, there’s provincial and federal loans, grants, private scholarships etc.
But not for Jill’s craft vocational school. I mean a low income person can always take out a loan for themselves but Jill’s family income is way above the threshold for government assistance and the school is relatively cheap because it’s not a real university or anything. I wouldn’t be surprised if daddy Vessey paid the 3 year tuition in a single cheque since they paid just as much to visit Japan and build their catio. They would have no financial concerns even if Jill was attending an expensive 4 year university.
>>536637Exactly my point. It’s insane that Jill’s solo monthly expenses are equivalent to a standard family of four in the same area. And her parents are not only fine with this, but will actually support these awful decisions.
No. 536701
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>>536652jill cant tell them apart anyway, so it doesnt even matter
No. 536705
>>536677does Jill ever mention her father - the man who foots the bill for lazy, self-indulgent lifestyle - like, ever?
Never any thank you's to him on social media. No I love you's in her videos. No pictures of him.
aside from the xmas gift video… I can't think of a single mention of him from her. Barely any of her brother, either. I guess her mum's the only one who sufficiently fawns and dotes on her to her liking.
No. 536706
>>536695what are you talking about, the vomit mint was her worst color. the green looked so gross and muddy next to the bright rainbow bangs also did you forget her untoned yellow greasy roots? yuck.
her piss yellow hair is at least a solid color now, after going to the salon
No. 536717
>>536013>>536592>>the only time you need them is if you have a balcony, terrace or yard; so I'm not sure if she expects her apartment to have any of those??3:02 "i'm hoping that in the apartment or whatever that i get i will have some sort of balcony"
she does expect to have that
also at 13:07 when Jill was talking about the miniature cart, she couldn't even justify that purchase "do i need this? NO. But i could put soap in it or perhaps….." it was such a long pause, she tried so hard to think of ANYTHING, but couldn't lmao.
No. 536725
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No. 536726
>>536725is she even trying to like… match her outfits anymore?
it's like a randomized outfit in a video game
No. 536727
>>536712Saged for obvious blog post, but I could see that. Maybe with a feathered side bang and some layered curls. I honestly have a list of things Jill could do for improvement.
>Don't let her diet go to shit>Exercise. Seriously, she could do yoga, her skinnyfat phase would've been so cute if she just toned up a little>Get a teeth whitening kit and an eyeshadow blending brush>Stop applying her blush so patchily. (Seriously the placement is fine and is pretty typical in j fashion to place it under the eye. Why does it look so patchy? Her yellow hair highlights the shit out of it.)>Stop dressing like an actual clown. Honestly pastel colors and light neutrals like creams, beiges, and light greys fit her best. >I hate this on most girls, but a shy, not psychotic smile really highlighted her best features, especially since her nasolabial folds or whatever are so deep, and it might make her look not so conceited. >Stop wearing such garish lip colors and maybe settle for a neutral eyeI dunno, I'm a draw fag, I could make it happen.
No. 536730
>>536725oh fk why did she had to buy the lazy oaf bear bag?? doesn't she HATE black? it doesn't match whith any piece of clothing she has and she already own a TON of bags
like this outfit is hideous how is this good promo for the store?
No. 536732
>>536705This, plus the men in the family aren't "cutey-wooty" enough for Jill's video "aesthethic." However is it a bit strange Jill doesn't have just one 'going to X with dad/hanging out with dad' vid. If he's too tired from work to go places with the family I wonder if he wants a divorce after the kids finish college, because it's probably Louise who enables them, and I doubt she contributes much money from her photography since she's always with Jill. I don't think he's abusive like some cows were ridiculously thinking a few threads ago but he may be somewhat emotionally distant from the girls in the family?
An old fashioned whooping while you had the chance woulda set the women straight, Mr. Vessey (kidding… mostly).
No. 536735
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is this because its quinn the cat she hates
No. 536738
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Jill is giving me Petunia pig vibes. Kek
No. 536741
>>536732Nah, Louise and Blair are tight. They're high school sweethearts. I've seen him make facebook posts about Louise and Jill. He definitely loves his family and enables Jill just as much. He spoils her rotten and worries about her based on what he's spilled online in the past. I really just think that Dad is closer with his son who attends the same uni he works at, they're both into cars, mechanics and tech stuff, and Jill has considered her mom a best friend since middle school. They bond over photography and fashion which goes hand in hand.
Giles came out alright and independent, Jill just happens to take advantage of her family. She just has a shit personality.
No. 536795
>>536717Seriously, who is buying mini shopping carts and birthday candles and novelty measuring cups 6 months before leaving for college? Does she know what the word practical means?
Furnishing an apartment can be such an expensive undertaking. Will she want all new furniture to preserve her current room for when she visits home constantly?
As an adult who has worked hard to pay for and furnish my own apartment, it's so frustrating to see someone so lazy and delusional getting to spend endless money to fill her free apartment with rainbow garbage. She is so out of touch with reality.
No. 536830
>>536730i mean, it really depends where you live. i've never had an expensive apartment and yet i've always had some kind of balcony. it's just really common in my city.
rn i'm renting my cheapest apartment to date and i have 2!
No. 536836
>>536732>>536618why the hell do you not have ublock on your browser? get the ublock origin extension and stop giving this retard money
>>536677>>536683this crappy school probably costs less total to go to for 2 years than how much she has spent on random shit for her college apt already
>>536705speaking of her older brother, its still so creepy how much of an uncanny resemblance he has to the drew guy she fawns over on streams, gross af
No. 536870
>>536729just gonna second what another anon said, but I had a really cheap apartment that had a fairly large balcony. if I'd chosen a bottom floor unit for the same price and same indoor area, I'd have had an even larger patio area. lots of bottom floor tenants in my complex had a decent amount of potted plants.
for the most part, in my area, the only apartments that don't have balconies/patios are the ones that are exclusively for very low income people. like, you have to have an assload of kids and/or be committed to making next to no legal money in order to even qualify for one, and even then there's usually waiting lists that are months long.
No. 536873
>>536606i mean, saged but some ""nicer"" (read: overpriced) downtown apartments (at least in halifax, i assume there might be similar in freddie) have some combo of two of heat/electro/water included in the rent. so she might not have as many separate bills as that. but yeah, cost of living in the maritimes is shit.
she will also likely have to pay extra for her laundry though.
No. 536884
I still don't understand why she's not getting a roommate especially if she keeps going on about being lonely and having mental health issues. Being alone in a new situation with nearly total freedom is the absolute last thing she should be doing. Honestly the kitchy junk could attract a roommate who likes that kind of stuff and would want a cutesy furnished apartment. I've seen upperclassmen and grad students use modern decor and furniture as a selling point before and to find people with similar tastes.
>>536875A lot of supposedly dry clean only stuff can be cold water hand washed depending on the fabric and details which she likely knows from being a lolita- nobody has all of their stuff dry cleaned even if it says so.
No. 536887
>>536879Jokes on u guys!!!
she doesn’t wash her clothes.
No. 536916
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No. 536917
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It looks like she's blurred her thighs
No. 536919
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It's sad that she doesn't realise that she could easily afford Gucci if she didn't constantly buy fast fashion.
No. 536920
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In Jill's favourites lol and yet she does nothing to try and fix her mental health kek
No. 536939
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>>536920In the same vein: dating a girl for appx 6 seconds and we still get this ‘im Totally Bi uwu~’ bullshit
No. 536941
>>536884Yep. I'm a lolita and literally handwash all my clothes. She could probably do the same with any lazy oaf pieces she has that need to be dry-cleaned. But I don't really see that happening. I'm with
>>536887 in that mommy washes her clothes and really think some of them rarely if ever get washed.
No. 536970
>>536944 Jill just wants her p
*y licked. That doesn't make her bi. She even said she was a "bottom". I don't get how someone can be "bi sexual" and only wants to receive…
No. 536993
>>536976A pillow princess means anyone who doesn't want to give back in bed, regardless of who they're attracted to. Essentially a lazy lover.
Sage for stupidity.
No. 537024
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No. 537025
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No. 537028
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No. 537030
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No. 537032
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No. 537034
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No. 537036
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No. 537042
>>537034next thread pic
>>537036this looks racist out of context.
No. 537052
>>537036please tell me this is not a photo of her asking to touch her hair like an uncultured racist
>>537028she looks like shes made of pure dough here
No. 537059
>>537034Seconding this for next thread. She looks like the he-man meme or that spiderman boss meme.
>>537024And here she looks like a thumb. Man, she got doughy.
No. 537071
File: 1521858165644.jpeg (561.21 KB, 2048x2048, 5913EA09-02E8-4917-92AF-77BFF8…)

Reposted for chin accuracy.
No. 537072
>>537034I'm laughing so hard please make this the next thread pic/a meme
No. 537080
File: 1521859305942.png (708.62 KB, 730x477, c261a75911aa624bfd8f2379a25ed3…)

samefag but
has she ever done any type of chores in her life? a handheld sweeper is so impractical, as if shes actually going to be bending over to sweep her apartment ever in her life, esp. if she plans on getting a large apt. she just wasted her money on yet another pink thing she wont use (i mean, her current floor is covered in her expensive unwashed clothes)
No. 537097
>>537080not to defend Jill, here, but they're completely practical. I use a little hand whisk to clean up after I've swept properly. A lot easier to get all the dirt that way. imo, anyways.
Although, she doesn't seem to have bought an actual broom, so… maybe she
is planning to just use the hand held sweeper.
No. 537105
File: 1521862684638.png (702.04 KB, 1080x951, Mahou Shoujo Ore trailer.png)

Ah, I see she finally may have seen the light in shamelessly pandering bishounen comedy anime. Though I worry she'll include this in her "Xmonth favies" and call it "pro trans just like me!"
No. 537125
>>537120This is true, you can think of all the uses for this sweeper, but her house will probably be a horrible mess.
I imagine all her wands and decoration is always covered by dust, and I don't even want to think about all the rugs and fabrics she has laying/hanging. I'm getting allergies just by thinking about it.
No. 537220
File: 1521878656245.gif (636.65 KB, 682x628, 1521855168201.gif)

>>537034>>537059>>537143Good job chat, y'all never fail to inspire.
No. 537233
File: 1521881244351.png (220.71 KB, 648x365, peepsjoy.png)

>>537059an uncanny resemblance indeed
No. 537277
>>536970>>536976Plenty of guys who don't give back, it's more about character than sexuality. A guy who wants his dick sucked but doesn't do anything for the woman isn't =gay.
Just selfish. She's not less bi for being a pillow princess. Though I personally doubt she has done anything much with women and it's all for the $views$
No. 537284
>>537233an unappreciated post
I think her makeup in the latest video was a nice improvement?
No. 537312
File: 1521899436251.jpg (99.15 KB, 1259x588, ss (2018-03-24 at 06.50.04).jp…)

genuinely confused how she has such bad wrinkles around her eyes when this bitch is younger than me
No. 537318
>>537036This image is peak "small town white girl".
>>536976According to you, men who like to get blowjobs but don't eat a girl out are gay then? At least sage this.
No. 537326
File: 1521900833295.jpg (178.63 KB, 1080x826, Screenshot_20180324-141227.jpg)

>>537036 this is in her favourites kek
No. 537329
File: 1521901846740.png (506.12 KB, 785x367, wow.png)

18 seconds in and Louise is already looking ready to go back home
No. 537338
>>537025oh maaaan she looks awful when she's next to hot girls instead of the usual landwhale fans. like her looks just screams "AVOID ME! I'M VERY ANNOYING" when she's next to normal girls.
>>537036the girl looks so uncomfortable lmao you can tell jill started touching her hair without asking how obnoxious. everyone probably cringed when this happened, she's always awkward as fuck with normal people
No. 537341
File: 1521903102654.jpg (37.49 KB, 573x579, 1521903026031.jpg)

"In my mind I still feel like he doesn't know who I am. But like, gestures to the pass case But he MUST have!"
No. 537371
>>537360y'know, I always kind of assumed she owned sex toys from her room tour where she made a comment about a drawer she couldn't/wouldn't open.
what a gross fucking thought…
No. 537417
>>537200Anon, please seek help.
>>537386Nasty. Have you seen her shoes? Has she started removing her makeup before sleeping? This bitch is crusty as fuck and probably smells like farts and bad breath.
No. 537487
File: 1521919908218.jpg (95.21 KB, 742x960, Bodice.jpg)

Found her old work log for that doremi costume and honestly, I don't think she made it. I don't think she made any of her costumes until cure whip. Because if she did make it, why could she put a zipper in back then and not now
No. 537490
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No. 537491
>>537487Huh, that is pretty suspect.
Doesn't she have better equipment now too, thus making it easier to do clean work like this?
I guess the only other explanation is that she has really just given up & can't be bothered anymore. I mean that birthday dress was supposed to be a fun project though, just imagine how awful her school work will turn out when she can't just sew whatever she wants and take however long she wants.
No. 537513
File: 1521923076315.jpg (406 KB, 1080x1109, Screenshot_20180324-202345.jpg)

I don't know how accurate this is but
No. 537602
>>537025>>537028>>537024>>537034Honestly I feel bad for her that these are the pictures of the event lmao, she's not very photogenic.
>>536592>expecting to have a balcony and kitchen table in your first apartmentReality is going to hurt, Jilly-bean
No. 537603
>>537599They’re also gross. At least they don’t run a ~rainbows carebares bright pink kawaii uwu~ channel that caters to children.
Mixing sexual themes while dressing/acting immature just makes Jill seem creepy.
No. 537620
>>537513>may not stream every week but monthly insteadwhy? streaming is like the easiest thing she does, plus doesn't she make a ton of money from it?
maybe she finally realized she doesn't do enough interesting stuff in a week to talk about, kek
No. 537648
File: 1521933937001.jpg (67.91 KB, 640x640, zZPoK4C.jpg)

Saw this on Behind the Bows (lolita secrets) today.
No. 537792
>>537743I don’t think Jill has ever found Canadian food (especially fast food) expensive ever. The way she completely dismissed her fan, it was practically a scoff.
I don’t think she realizes how tacky and impolite it is to imply something is affordable to everyone. The same way she doesn’t know regular price dropping is despicable. That’s why she would defend buying $300+ Lolita dresses and suggest that any teen could afford that with a part time job.
No. 537874
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No. 537894
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Hope this hasn't been posted yet but man sometimes her fan art is too accurate
"Can anyone guess who I just did a quick sketch of? <3"
An old toad? Jaken from Inuyasha?
No. 537896
File: 1521968107255.jpg (111.42 KB, 1079x397, Screenshot_20180325-095434.jpg)

It's only a matter of time before she tries out drag
No. 537901
>>537896The concept of bio-queens is so off to me, like what are you doing? It can look cool, but performing hyper-femininity as a cis woman is not subversive and they're not queens.
Not that Jill actually cares about drag outside of RPDR and the usual bandwagoning but y'know
No. 537911
File: 1521972634965.jpeg (114.7 KB, 574x387, CA78CB14-79AB-46EB-BEA3-884DD1…)

Sage for digging up old thread stuff
I was reading one of Jill’s earlier threads and I found this. Even though it’s an old comment, it’s still incredible how Jill, after 2~2.5 years still doesn’t know how to sew or design better and anons are still awaiting the day she gets chewed up at spat out by the fashion industry.
No. 537918
>>537911It's extra depressing because she has in fact gotten worse at sewing and designing, and within those 2.5 years she has only finished… about 4 sewing projects, none of which were even that elaborate.
It's clear that she's lying about being ~so passionate~ about sewing, because if she actually liked it she would, you know, sew.
At this point she might as well claim that she wants to become a professional chef because her butter rice and McTendies skills are at about the same level as her sewing skills.
No. 538008
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>>538000>Wah wah wah, we got stuck on the subway and had to rub elbows with poor people longer than expected.I get being upset that you're stuck on the subway for longer than expected, but she was being excessively overdramatic.
No. 538009
>>537312These deep wrinkles under her eyes seem ‘natural’ and I’m not even here to wk. like I also have those wrinkles since forever.
That doesn’t make her makeup any better though, she looks horrid
No. 538029
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>>538000those eye wrinkles holy shit this is the worst I have ever seen her skin
I really hope she gets her shit together and figures out a proper skin care routine it's not like she can't afford to.
No. 538032
File: 1521992868175.png (1.38 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20180325-124201.png)

Kek. Is it just me or is jills mum trying more and more to be just like her daughter??
No. 538034
>>538029to be fair, the ones under the eyes (like the eye bags) are something she probs can't help. I have protruding eyes similar to Jill and I have a very in depth skincare routine that doesn't help them at all. They're just a thing that comes with the eye shape that I've had my whole life.
The crows feet at the corner that she seems to have though are pretty unfortunate and probably a result of her tugging the skin taut to do eye makeup or something.
No. 538036
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>>538029Was going to post this too. She's seriously looking like a grandma
No. 538041
>>538037No, they aren't.
People are taught that vaginas are icky and gross and all of that shit really early on, and it affects both how guys want to interact with them (seen as either gross to put your face near one or emasculating if you give pleasure and don't receive it) and how girls feel about having one (plenty of women don't let anyone go down on them for fear of being imperfect or "gross" in some way).
Because of this, there are guys that take pride in not going down on women all while expecting women to go down on them. There are even plenty of women who go along with this narrative.
Chalking it up to "they're secretly gay tho!!!" ignores the misogyny in men and misinformation women have about our own damn bodies.
(offtopic) No. 538045
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No. 538048
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No. 538050
>>538045>>538048I love when she goes to different places and vlogs because even her viewers seem to wise up a little during those times.
I suppose when Jillybean is inside her rainbow cave just talking about kiddie cartoons and clothing people don't quite see how she really is, but then as soon as she leaves the house… lol.
No. 538057
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No. 538087
>>538029>>538036she needs to
>wear sunscreen and sunglasses daily even if she's only outside for a few min… hell even if she's just in front of a sunny window>drink more ACTUAL WATER NOT PEEPS TEA or maybe start drinking some unsweet green tea >get an eye cream with some glycolic acid to help lessen those icky wrinklesJill: the brand "the saem" makes an adorable polar bear eye stick with a small amount of glycolic acid in the formulation. I know you lurk. It's like $12 on amazon. do yourself a favor and buy it.
also she should seriously look into getting a retinoid for those surface wrinkles, there's still time to save her face. Even 0.1% adapalene gel (AKA Differin) which is available OTC in the US (not sure about canada but she could just order it on amazon I guess or go get a script for it) would make a big impact on her wrinkles.
No. 538097
>>538087Honestly Jill is such an inspiration for me when it comes to taking care of myself.
It's not even the wrinkles that shock me the most, but rather just how doughy she looks. I mean she never had the greatest bone structure but I've never seen someone age this badly going from 18 to 20, it's scary.
No. 538109
>>538082This, she even bragged about not wearing tights in the Canadian winter. That's not cool.
>>538089When has she ever even looked sexy though, She wore cheap taobao lingerie over an ill-fitted T-Shirt in 2016 too. Homegirl's a mess in slight variations.
No. 538123
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No. 538131
>>538000Stepdad walks by as I watch Jill and her peeps cart.
Me: Look at all that damn junk from a glofified Shoppers (Canadianfag).
Him: Well I mean look at the size of her, not like she can miss much.
Not even that funny but it was the first he had seen her and his first comment.
Oh, Jill.
No. 538132
>>538002I don't think we have peeps where I'm from.
What's the appeal? is it from a cartoon or something or is she literally spending $30 on a single plain looking plushie?
>>538018$38?!! that card holder actually looks terrible! some googly eyes were glued to some material.
how is she so stupid with money?
No. 538138
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>>538132Peeps are just marshmallows shaped like chicks/ rabbits that are covered in dyed sugar. They used to be sold mainly for Easter but now they're a year-round thing. They're not in anything– her obsession is comparable someone purchasing a shit ton of the m&m mascot plushies. Just glorifying a product for the sake of being ~kawaii~ and ~uwu pastel~ (even though peeps are one of the most generic & American things in existence)
No. 538141
>>538138so basically she's an idiot with too much money.
where does she get these obsessions from?
No. 538146
>>538143They also taste like cancer, so there’s that.
>>538057The glitter on the outside corners of her eyes is partially what makes her look so terrible. It’s unflattering and makes her skin look crinkly. Those undereye bags are definitely not natural—light wrinkles are normal, but your undereyes should not be looking like you haven’t slept for months.
No. 538164
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>>538110I misunderstood this as trying to have sex with her, but that's okay I'm disgusted either way.
No. 538186
>>538132If it's handmade, I can get the price of the wallet. Hopefully the leather is locally sourced or handmade as well.
As for the peeps, the one big plushie was like $15, and she had so much shit in her cart, so she likely spent, what, $50-$100 on Peeps plushies and pillows? It makes much more sense to spend money on local artists and than weird Peeps merch that has no value or use besides looking cute.
No. 538188
File: 1522010693331.jpg (133.34 KB, 477x601, ss (2018-03-25 at 01.41.44).jp…)

somewhat jill related but in the artist alley facebook group I'm in, one of the vendors from the event shared her table and pictures with Jill
No. 538191
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No. 538192
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No. 538306
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Possible reach but pixie liked this perhaps she knows her face is fucked kek
No. 538308
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She's such a hypocrite
No. 538346
File: 1522026306343.jpeg (518.05 KB, 750x708, 66AB7928-8910-4B8E-BABB-5757BD…)

>>538254Photo from her moms facebook, while I do think she bought too much stupid shit, she was also gave a lot of stupid shit
No. 538372
>>538346Not even a humblebrag, just a straight brag. Not even a "thank you" or "Jillian's fans are so sweet", just "Look at all the stuff everyone gave my precious daughter they just love her so much and there's even MORE"
Ugh idk, it just comes off as show-offy, just as much as Jill herself does.
No. 538407
>>538000The unnecessary 'fuck' and 'fucking' cussing are so uncomfortable to listen to coming from Jill, for some reason. Maybe it's because she's cussing so much around her mom and she's acting like her mom is her schoolbuddy, and also because it's so unnecessary and dramatic. She's just really annoying and immature in general, it's like listening to a 9th grader tell stories. I hope her video is demonetized already.
>>538346Genuinely am mindblown by just how much some of Jill's fans are starved for her attention. What do they see in a boring, ungrateful, materialistic rainbow goblin? Does anyone have an explanation for this mini cultural phenomenon? Like, they know Jill can afford all this shit on her own and already has a bunch of it (like the pusheen merch and Lush stuff), W H Y give her more? My only guess is her fans have the same lifestyle as her (well-off parents and no responsibilities)
No. 538412
>>538408I can’t sit through her videos. Did she even hit up the Village?
Sage for not contributing
No. 538454
>>538183>>538407Oh come ON, of all the reprehensible things Jill has done (which are numerous, including discussing her dildo collection in front of her underage fans and the constant sex/booze talk), and all the cringey things she's done/said (suppy, lippie, big boy, kissy noises, petting black people, etc etc)… CUSSING (even, gasp, in front of her very own mommy) is such a non-issue.
Or are you guys meaning to tell me no kid ever hears adults cussing? And that your moms are the uptight kind of people to censor you when all you're doing is using fuck to describe various things, as an adult? Seriously this is just such off the rails retarded criticism that has no place on a gossip site, let alone an anon imageboard gossip site. getting icked out about cussing and advocating for that form of censorship is downright laughable.
Back on topic… why is it that Louise doesn't encourage her daughter to eat healthy or take care of herself? I know we all hate Jill but Louise is more than an enabler at this point. She seems like Jill's bitchy beta friend, whereas she considers Jill to be her alpha. Their dynamic is so weird and a tad bit on the creepy side. And it seems like it's been this way for ages, at least that's the impression I got from the video she did with her mom the other month.
No. 538459
>>538454>suppy, lippie, big boy, kissy noises, petting black people, etc etcIsn't "big boy" pretty common slang these days? I never heard people in my circle use it, as I'm pretty sheltered, but I heard it used a couple of times during my college spring break trip with pretty normal people.
I agree about the cursing criticism. Even though she tries to act otherwise, Jill is 19 and it's very normal for people her age and even younger to curse.
No. 538465
>>538454>>538459When I was living under my dad's roof, I was still told to follow his rules, despite being an "adult," which included not cursing. Things like "damn" were less bad, but "fucking" was pretty much uncalled for and trashy. Obviously I said whatever outside of his earshot, but you get what I'm saying.
I don't think it's unusual for parents to police their child's language if they are still living at home. Maybe it's "uptight," but it's not terrible to teach your child that "fucking" isn't polite language around your elders. Maybe I'm old and out of touch.
>She seems like Jill's bitchy beta friend, whereas she considers Jill to be her alpha. LMAO. I almost agree because her mom was trying to tell her not to buy all that Peep crap and she just carried on. Louise almost always has this look of worry or trepidation on her face in these vlogs.
No. 538485
>>538454Why are you so personally
triggered over an observation on her excessive cussing? Jfc, maybe take a step back from this ~imageboard gossip site~ if you're measuring every individual fault Jill has on a scale. Most people don't drop 'fuck' 5 times in a sentence and have some form of decency to not cuss like a sailor on video when they know young fans are watching. Get over it.
No. 538490
>>538485I cuss like a sailor in my daily life, and even I know it's not a huge imposition to watch my tongue when I'm around kids, in a professional setting, blah blah blah.
that Jillian (and her little yes-men)
do see it as utterly unreasonable to expect her to be mindful of her audience/setting, is… juvenile, at best. She's supposed to be an adult, refuses to even kind of act like one, but demands to be treated and respected as one.
I think that's one of the things that bothers me most about her. She's the perfect example of a coddled, spoiled little rich girl who expects everything to be handed to her, and everything to suit her at any given moment.
One day, actual reality will smack her right in the face, and she won't have a fucking clue.
Her mother has done her no fucking favours raising her like this.
No. 538494
>>538490I'm thoroughly convinced Louise is just as shitty as the daughter she has poorly raised. Festering turd of a pair they are.
No. 538508
>>538490Yeah, I agree with this. Even though I would normally be in the camp of “cussing is fine”, Jill is targeting children (hence the lack of issues with monetization/ literal toddlers in her meet up). The fact that she makes the effort to censor herself in every other video, and just happens to slip up on the vlogs for unclear reasons (maybe to be more ~uwu authentic~) comes off as lazy and irresponsible.
However, I do think some anons in this thread are uptight about cussing around Louise. It’s been apparent for a long time that they have a really loose buddy-buddy relationship, and within that context it’s pretty normal that Jill would cuss as much as she would around a normal friend. I think Louise is able to handle that her 20 year old daughter cusses, especially when there’s no parental boundaries.
No. 538515
>>538454The only reason it bothers me is because Jill was the one who made a point about being family friendly in the first place.
She specifically said that she knew there are a lot of kids or moms with their small children watching her content, so she wanted to make sure it was family friendly for them.
Though that only ever applied to her videos (aka it was clear from the beginning that she just cared about making as much money as possible) because she never had a problem cursing and talking about more mature topics on her stream without ever labeling it as NSFW or adult content.
I personally wouldn't want to start up a stream of a 'family friendly' youtuber that my little daughter likes and hear them immediately talk about their dildos.
Anyway, her not even bothering with censoring her stuff anymore and just telling kids to 'close their ears' seems like a huge fuck you to those people that she pretended to care so much about before, that's why people are annoyed with her.
No. 538526
File: 1522055379399.jpeg (92.03 KB, 500x497, 0CCD04D0-2E3D-49BC-ACA9-1EB9D5…)

The good ol day’s right? probably not kek
No. 538529
File: 1522056028315.png (913.61 KB, 1280x720, download.png)

>>538515Yeah two things kids aren't know for loving: clowns and sexy
Even though Jill is clearly only one of those things, a previous anon nailed it with the Miley Cyrus comparison as far as audience shocking goes.
Moreover, about Jill's relationship with louise, I'm surprised no one mentioned Jill skipping 10th grade science class to do shopping at Target, and then her talking about it with her mom in the shot and her mom not saying anything.
(pic is @6:22 of NYC blog after jill calls it a beautiful destination to skip class and her mom smiling but then it drops when she comes back onto the frame, she looks horrified imo and then drifts her gaze away from the camera and to the ground
No. 538531
File: 1522056509826.png (166.61 KB, 597x621, 734928.png)

lmao Jill keeps flip-flopping between "dieting is so scary to me because I'm afraid I'll spiral back into my old ED uwu" and "please send me all your fast food recommendations teheh", plus her one-off times of mentioning strength training or having a fitbit or something? it's kind of hilarious
No. 538580
File: 1522069989172.jpg (798.38 KB, 1200x1200, C-lg8B8XUAcCwiQ.jpg)

>>538545Her early ED days were starving for days/purging and generally avoiding calorie-dense foods (well I have to assume that part).
Now she'll talk about fast food for 10+ mins on stream, even said on the last stream she would do a 'garlic finger' mukbang. We already know she eats burgers/fries regularly on all her trips. Back on pei, she gets a starbucks frap every time she leaves her house and eats mcdonalds at least a few times a week as well. She also mentioned her parents do pizza night at home every friday.
According to her last stream, her favorite foods, aside from nuggies are: garlic fingers (atlantic canada garlic pizza basically), mozza sticks, fries (her favs are Pizza Delight fries). And that doesn't even include all the peeps.
So, yeah, generally safe to say her diet is high-fat, high-refined carbs, high sugar. Bitch is probably constipated 24/7. I don't believe for a second that she logs her food at all, because no one who eats 800-1000 calorie meals in one sitting (like the average pizza or burger combo) can bare to see the evidence of that in their food log, at the end of the day she would be hitting 2.5-3k cals and that would cause her to relapse into purging i'm sure.
I actually do hope she isn't going down the route of binge eating disorder. That would seriously compromise her health at this age.
No. 538584
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>>538580Yeah it looks like the whole app is actually about taking pictures of your food, I can't imagine that she'd just constantly take pictures of garlic fingers and Peeps tea without feeling any remorse?
Though according to her tweet I imagine that all of her entries are just ~half eaten apples and water uwu~.
No. 538601
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Here we fucking go
No. 538602
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No. 538606
The thought is so genuinely funny. She can't do basic every day makeup on herself but she thinks she can jump to level 9000 drag artistry? This delusion is on par with her im-a-lesbian-despite-not-being-a-lesbian shtick.
No. 538616
>>538609I never said she currently binges/purges. Jill herself said she purged regularly and had bulimia for years. She admitted to relapsing previously too. And we know that she eats many calorie-dense foods nowadays and she also said calorie counts
trigger her. I didn't imply she's going through that now, i'm just putting two and two together, and said hopefully she doesn't go down that road for her health's sake.
No. 538625
>>538531doesn't this mean that she just downloaded it since iphone apps are snap-to-grid and there isn't one after it? she only just noticed it was below the younow app
>>538616yes because jill is well known for telling the truth and not making up excuses as to why she got fat
No. 538733
File: 1522090230171.jpg (52.27 KB, 960x640, 29570979_551488955230995_32456…)

More photos from the event
No. 538737
>>538718I was wondering this too, anon. It would be hilarious.
I, for one, welcome Jill's queer femme kawaii drag bioqueen phase with open arms.
No. 538769
>>538526this really isn't terrible for a fairly newbie lolita, especially considering Jill was like 15 or 16 here. I really wish she'd kept up with lolita, but she just had to be this super special unique snowflake and make her own jfashion style. which is so gd ludicrous, a podunk Canadian white girl "creating" a "Japanese" fashion style.
I really think she should get into lolita again, maybe not as her main fashion, but once in a while type of deal. You'd think she'd be all over it, there are so many opportunities to brag about spending ridiculous amounts of money in lolita.
No. 538780
>>538769One thing is completely obvious about Jill, she has an obsessive/addictive personality, everything has to be done in extremes with her. Nothing can ever be casual, relaxed and in moderation. She's always had to label herself as something to feed that attention seeking insecure ego of hers. Lord forbid she can just appreciate a certain style of fashion, anime and things of that nature… But no she has to be the ~*biggest fan that EVER lived*~ of
whatever thing she's trending on for the moment. That is definitely the sign of a manic, desperate and insecure individual with no foundation or sense of self. Top that off with a shopping addiction and avarice in the extreme, she's a wreck. I can't say I feel bad for Jill. I feel bad for all her delusional viewers who can't see how wrong everything is with this woman.
No. 538967
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No. 539002
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Another event pic
No. 539004
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No. 539051
File: 1522114514028.jpg (382.85 KB, 1078x1401, Screenshot_20180327-023415.jpg)

It's almost as if quitting your job when you bearly break 50 k on your videos was a bad idea
No. 539053
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When you drunk tweet so much that you have a reputation kek
No. 539055
File: 1522114670160.jpg (312.7 KB, 1080x1170, Screenshot_20180327-023659.jpg)

No wonder she looked better than usual…it was her photos and not her fans
No. 539114
>>539002That double chin is really coming in
>>539004jowls for weeks
No. 539115
>>538526Why does lolita always look so horrible?
>>538967Is this shopped?
No. 539128
>>539109it was a special event, they just rented out the space.
>>539115Lolita doesnt have to look horrible, she just wasn't doing it well at all.
No. 539145
File: 1522123632713.png (585.7 KB, 720x405, many-heads-of-the-hydrill.png)

I've still gotta do a thing recapping the de-evolution of Jill but here's a thing that probably shouldn't exist.
No. 539230
>>539134Jill didn't rent out the space the kawaii society did, Jill was just the "special guest"
keep up, anon
No. 539273
>>539260It's especially sad and telling that she's trying it without actually going to drag shows. There's a whole culture that existed before drag race and that continues to exist, and a major chunk of drag race history that she hasn't even seen. And yet she's only reaching out to bio queens???
Drag and cosplay have a lot of overlapping skillsets, but she's bad at sewing, bad at wig styling, and awful at makeup. She could work on being a better cosplayer and work on whatever else she thinks she has to offer as entertainment, but no. She has to co-opt a part of a culture she isn't invested in and does nothing to support.
No. 539316
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sage for old pic but this is kinda sad, e-fame does in fact ruin people
No. 539321
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>>539310Not that she is doing it properly but you can actually use them for that, there is an official book that she has never looked at that gives the details of how, sage for the ramblings of a real fan
No. 539388
File: 1522160384773.jpeg (173.34 KB, 640x851, 0C40E799-E049-440B-BA1D-23A380…)

Jill lurks here more and more.
No. 539395
>>539388..what did she expect their answer to be?
"Oh yeah we totes exploit poor oppressed kids and make them work in our shitty sweatshops."?
lol of course they'd construct some reply like this so that she can feel good about herself
No. 539404
>>539388Jill, if you actually cared about the environment you'd stop buying useless plastic shit everytime you leave the house. And let's not forget never wearing most of the stuff she buys, never using most of her make up, and in one of her videos ages ago she talked about donating a bunch of stuff and most donated things end up trashed in third world countries. Also, buying all new things for her apartment instead of getting stuff of craiglist and spray painting it.
But, no, feeling good about her clothes coming in recycable bags is more important. Such an activist. Doubt she even recycles at her own house.
No. 539488
>>539480That’s not looking through rose-colored glasses, that’s just stupidity. They won’t even provide the average wage of their employees in China. Also, it’s probably normal for most companies to visit their factories to make sure the factory is as efficient as possible. These are common sense things.
>>539388Walmart’s bags are recyclable, it doesn’t mean that Walmart has ethical practices. In fact, all shopping bags are recyclable if you count using them as trash bags being recyclable lol. It makes me laugh that she’s my age and this stupid, I would have just never posted the email in the first place tbh.
No. 539518
>>539488> Also, it’s probably normal for most companies to visit their factories to make sure the factory is as efficient as possible. These are common sense things. It's kind of the opposite, actually. Chinese factories are often too "efficient" and will decide without informing you that they're going to switch to different materials, even if you've explained that doing so would be illegal in the country you intend to sell them in and specs aren't subject to change. You only find out once a kid has died or some shit if you don't routinely visit without notice.
Honestly working with factories in China is actual hell and I don't wish it on anyone.
No. 539576
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It's so funny how Jill presents herself on her own Insta when compared to everyone else's photos
No. 539591
>>539388Jill has never annoyed me that much till now, this makes me feel sick. She literally wants to believe they're uwu ethical. She would still buy their shit even if they replied "we love exploiting the blood of poor in china!"
Due to the Modern Slavery Act (2015) companies/brands no matter how small must oversee their supply chain. WOO! for Lazy Oaf for not breaking the law.
Pretty much most plastic packaging is recyclable, the amount of energy it requires and the fact that fat slobs like Jill never do is the issue.
No. 539620
>>539388If she is serious about being an environmentally conscious designer, she needs to familiarise herself with textile sources, production, and processing and their impacts on the environment. Which are made from sustainable crops? Which are made from recycled sources? Which contribute to pollution during manufacture and processing?
The synthetics she likes so much such as acrylic faux fur and microfibers are big polluters. We are just now beginning to realise their impact on the food chain and their ability to impart harmful chemicals to animals and humans when ingested.
No. 539622
>>539617I'm in the states, so I experienced the same thing at a F21 (Don't support them, but I'm putting together a fashion portfolio so I go in as part of seeing whats New and Hip With the Kids) It's like Peppa Pig and Caillou, how they do absolute jack shit for kids and could even hurt them, but because it's uwu cutesy we don't even think about what it's doing to them! These kids are either gonna see the light and end up here or washed up and hopping onto the next Cutesy 'Kawaii' Youtuber with money for brand shit.
Saged for blog post/rant
No. 539637
>>539388Speaking of lurking…
Are these glasses
>>538008 new? Or did she partially follow my suggestion
>>519892 ?
No. 539658
Anyone with half a brain can see that Jill is a hypocrite but is everyone here saying that they seriously don't wear anything from China?
>>539622Why are you ranting about Peppa Pig?
No. 539660
>>539658No, I'm guilty of owning sweatshop clothes although I have made an honest effort in the past year or so to buy from smaller businesses (by small I mean like 1-10 people) who directly state where they source their fabric from and who do all their own labor. It's more expensive, but at least you end up feeling better knowing where your stuff comes from.
>>539638>>539642I think that style of frame suits her pretty well tbh
No. 539665
Also (I'm
>>539660), I think one thing is that Jill's aesthetic isn't very common when it comes to more sustainable clothing options. When I browse stores for some of the ethically sourced clothing I get they're usually relatively simple and meant to be dresses up as you want. I'm sure more ~party-kei~ type brands are out there that aren't shit, but I can't see Jill buying from a place that sells clothing more suited to people who prefer natural fabrics.
No. 539667
>>539665This is true, but the thing about her being a "fashion designer" and claiming she sews so much is she could make the shit herself, and then it could truly be her own fashion.
and since Jill lurks so much, she can take a look over here No. 539717
>>539714Honestly surprised she never mentioned the official
kawaii sailor moon dildos that are shaped like wands
No. 539796
File: 1522199648090.png (1.51 MB, 1008x1202, Screen Shot 2018-03-27 at 9.13…)

How perfect for jill and her budding alcoholism
No. 539800
>>539714>>539717I'm so sorry for this gross speculation but considering that Jill can't own anything purely practical and not kawaii pastel rainby to the point where she doesn't even own black clothes or any plain, staple wardrobe pieces, you just
know she has a drawer of super kawaii pinku weeb dildos just sitting there in gross condition.
No. 539821
>>539665But I imagine there are a lot of indie designers that sell her
aesthetic. She could also buy used clothes, thrift, go to indie markets and fairs. It's not hard.
No. 539898
>>539880I think it may have to do with her just being awful and untalented in general, so when she shows even a small amount of basic skill, it seems a prodigious talent in comparison.
y'know, that weird desire to find something good in any one.
No. 539923
>>539880I think that she's coddled enough and unwilling to pursue any regular careers. Talented or not, I think it's more realistic. If she does it or not I guess technically it is her career atm? If her fashion design and/or hobby art career take off it's not because she's doing something completely unique or good, it's because it's a bright and interesting thing compared to what a lot of people actually wear and she already established a weirdly large customer base.
>>539903 that's what I mean by she needs to learn that stuff, she doesn't seem to have enough social context to get it but a few pointers and an actual production process to curate it and keep it making sense would probably do fine. Not her content though. Her content is just lazy shit and half assed ideas that she doesn't put enough effort into but gives herself too much slack because atleast she got
something out there to look productive. It's definitely superficial, but if it weren't for editing I really don't know how people would get through the messy looking content she produces at all.
No. 539929
>>539821I would imagine Spank! and similar J-fash brands would be perfect. A lot of Spank!'s clothing is re-purposed second hand vintage clothing. There's also other stores on places in Harajuku or even on Etsy that alter vintage clothing into that kitschy and colorful aesthetic she seems to love so much. Places like that are a dime a dozen.
Only thing is that she probably thinks she's too good for wearing anything like that, lol. She used to go on about how much she loved Spank! but she bought 1 or 2 things from them on her Japan trip and you never heard about how much she loves them again. Not a surprise, she doesn't really wear Japanese Fashion anymore, so why would she care about Spank?. Also, she seems like the kind of person who really likes the "prestige" of owning name brand items, even if they aren't ethical at all. It's not hard at all to alter clothing to her aesthetic. Hell, she could actually get off of her ass and actually make things her damn self, which is much more ethical AND would get her ahead in her ~fashun designur~ dreams. She would rather be a lazy hypocrite than to actually act like she gives a damn about the cause she claims to care about.
No. 539932
File: 1522212731030.jpg (Spoiler Image,105.56 KB, 960x960, dildo-sailor-moon-exclusivo-D_…)

Owo perfect for jilly bean
No. 540033
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Such a professional. She sounds almost proud of being a shitty flake
No. 540086
>>540073Oh my god, organza is so cheap and easy to get hold of like everywhere
Why didnt she get any of the flowery lace or something more unique/harder to get/different??
No. 540087
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>>540073>goes to giant fabric store >mainly gets merch from the store so she can prove she went there instead of getting more actual fabric shit holy shit lol true fashion designer
No. 540090
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No. 540098
File: 1522248770621.jpg (113.29 KB, 463x662, popteen.JPG)

>>540073Sorry for a mini sperg, saging for it
How do you go to New York and get such little done?? The only thing that she has done so far that isn't shopping is go to a concert of a main stream artist, and eat regular food that she could get back at home.
I laughed at her desperate attempt to prove how much she loves j fash and speaks Japanese, with her brand dropping (bttsb) and acting as if she knows shit about what is popular Japan. She hasn't bought anything meaningful yet (generic fabric doesn't count), and Popteen is aimed at Japanese junior-senior high schoolers, with normie fashion, makeup, boys, exercise and dating, so she'd have nothing of interest in it. Most get the magazine to pick out clothes, but you need to be capable of reading Kanji and Furigana, neither of what she can do, note that none of the clothes are rainbie uwu as it's aimed at normies. This was the only page that I could find somewhat suitable for Jill
No. 540101
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Cows copying each other
No. 540102
>>540098She cant get anything done because, besides having no motivation, they're constantly taking naps. I cant believe her mom encourages that, she acts just as dramatic as jill, constantly complaining, always needing a nap and a bunch of comfort fast food.
This is what happens when rural folk have never attempted to give themselves a regular walking or exercise routine. Have they never even walked around their own neighborhood after a meal instead of wasting their life away asleep?
I'm sick of every fucking convention vlog or tokyo/nyc vlog being "i just woke up, hehe, i'm tired/anxious
cuts to one or two stores/activities hey guys my feet are dyinggggg, i'm so hungry, i need ativan right now, gonna have a snooze
end of vlog"
No. 540107
>>540073>Couldn't buy anything because would've had to get another suitcaseWhy did she buy kitchenware and not fabric? Why waste the suitcase space on stuff you don't need/could get in your town when she could have got some nice fabric (not that she would have picked out nice fabric) to use so she could actually learn how to be a designer.
Also she walked past the cool fabric shops and only went to Mood, which is basically a Joann's or Hancock's (rest in peace Hancock's). I know her small town must have a poor selection of fabrics and this was a great opportunity for her to get some and she didn't. To be fair to her though she already has a hoard of fabric she doesn't use because of her lack of interest in sewing.
No. 540135
Who wants to do a new summary? I would start like this:
>Previously a "pansexual" lolita lifestyler who quit due to LACE drama and ~muh restrictive rules~
>Known lurker
>Is known to change phases very often, looking worse in every new one
>History of ED, mental illness and self harm
>Her weight continues to balloon as she refuses to eat anything but fast food, mc nuggies and peeps tea
>Spends a lot of (her parents) money in every new phase, including $300 lolita dresses and cheap-looking, ill fitting lazy oaf clothes because "muh designer stuff" and "muh aesthetic"
>Tried to formulate a new "Japanese Street Fashion" (while living in Canada) called Party Kei that she never followed her own rules to
>Gained a lot of landwhale and skincrawler followers who not only copy her mannerisms and buy the exact same clothes and accessories, but also excuse her shitty behavior. They are the Confetti Club, and have their own thread.
>Tries to gain sympathy between her fans no matter how, including:
>Having "mental health days uwu" in wich, like usual, does absolutely nothing
>Doesn't take showers, instead she takes ~special bath bomb baths~ and lays in her own filth
>Pretends to be "queer", says that she would be "a lesbian if she wasn't dating someone with a dick" and has stated multiple times that she has a preference for men in her streams. When someone confronts her about it, she cries "bisexual!!!"
>She also claims to be ethically responsible about her clothing and makeup purchases, but continues to buy unnecessary plastic shit from fast fashion websites and other problematic sellers, all while feeling proud because she uses "a tote bag to shop"
>She feels the need to be the best at everything and the biggest fan of things, but half asses every single thing
>Literal hoarder who keeps buying kid's toys, clothes, bags and decor that she doesn't need and only wears/uses once, all because of her "aesthetic"
>Buys expensive makeup palettes to only use one shadow. She also marks them as "work expenses" and showcases broken makeup even when she was sent a replacement
>Has drama in every single relationship she gets in, from leaving a years old relationship to date their best friend to her latest relationship with a girl who used as clickbait for a "what I got for my GF on Christmas" video
>She dumped said girl because Jill said "she was no longer attracted to her" and kept the Christmas presents for herself
>She says she wants to be a fashion designer but does literally nothing for days and days to achieve that dream and hasn't improved her sewing at all, always coming out with badly sewn trainwrecks
>Wants to go to a fashion design college near home because muh mommy issues but said fashion college is nothing but craft playschool for people who don't know how to sew
>Cannot go anywhere without her mommy and treats her as her "bestie"
>Claims that she needs a two bedroom apartment all for herself when she goes to college because she's a ~full time youtuber~
>Quit her job because of colored hair, is a full time youtuber now
>Cries for demonetization and uses copyrighted music on her vids. Doesn't make enough money from YouTube but she still claims she does while using mommy's money
>Goes on and off meds because "she feels better uwu" and mixes them with alcohol
>Has a current obsession with drinking and getting drunk and mentions it in front of her underage fans on stream and twitter, then says "If you're 11 cover your ears"
>Also mentions her dildos while claiming her content is family friendly
>Baby talks in her videos, says shit like rainby baby backy packy big boy and then cusses or mentions adult stuff
>She also copies other youtubers, their mannerisms and video ideas
>Went to Japan only to shop there, while saying it was a fashion designer trip
>Proceeded to eat Western fast food instead of learning from the culture
>Was elected "kawaii leader" in NHK Kawaii's popularity contest because her fans are crazy enough to vote multiple times a day for her
>Went to New York to meet fans. Said fans paid $60 to be breathed on by her queen. Jill got drunk at the event
Her phases so far:
>Punk kid (influenced by her then current relationship)
>Band groupie
>Theater club
>Pastel goth and general cute clothes
>Semi-decent lolita coords
>Larme Kei
>"Party Kei"
>Decent into Rainbow Vomit
>"Sharpay Evans" and Sexy Clown
>RuPaul Bioqueen (newest addition)
No. 540138
>>540130Sage for samefag but forgot to ad that
>She and her mom think that she is a prodigy child but shows no real talent in any of her hobbies (sewing, cosplay, makeup, fashion, music, drawing and acting)Also someone please ad in her phases
>Pagan "Witch" (muh mahou shoujou aesthetic) -only pretends to play with cristals- No. 540141
>>540111She wanted to buy fabric, but couldn't find the space for literal flat folded pieces of cloth, but could buy a whole shopping cart of peeps merch?
She also said she'd like to come back soon if she could like, are you really going to casually travel internationally to go fabric shopping at a later date instead of making some space for one of the easiest things to pack? And completely skipping over all of the stores of embellishments and notions? She doesn't actually care about sewing, it's so transparent.
No. 540271
>>540073This was so fucking boring. She didn't even try to make it interesting. Does she even want to do youtube anymore? Between it being sooooooo much effort to keep a schedule, needing ~mental health days~ constantly, can't be bothered to stream and now this extremely low effort 6 minute vlog shit.
Imagine being a Jill fan and waiting for exciting NYC vlogs (because she has "soooo much footage!!!!") and you get this garbage. I'm disappointed on behalf of the cuntfetti club.
No. 540297
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>>540073Why is no one talking about this awkward out of place 2 second cut?? Why does she keep doing this weird 'sexual' thing at the moment (she used to never do stuff like this lmao)
No. 540355
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>>540337It was a beautiful textile!
No. 540374
>>540355i love how she had the chance to buy a decent floral fabric but instead decided that her little 'hack' of sewing fake flowers into fabric is good enough.
honestly i KNOW she just looked at this and was intimidated because she doesn't know how to work with a fabric like this and she's too lazy to learn how.
No. 540431
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