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No. 271275
>previously a punk kid who became a pansexual buddhist lolita lifestyler>quit because of bullies and LACE drama (>history of self harm, ED and severe anxiety>has a legitimate shopping problem which prevents her from saving for her japan trip, expects fans to donate to her patreon to fund the trip>broke up with 2-year boyfriend to date their best friend (and her other best friend's ex) whom she 'loved all along' and 'makes her believe in love at first sight'>can't participate in jfashion communities because 'muh rules & restrictions' >creates her OWN japanese street fashion called Party Kei>UPDATE: Finally going to Japan. Stay tuned.>>>/pt/108478>>>/snow/93376>>>/snow/25169>>>/snow/154765>>>/snow/215023>>>/snow/258245LINKS
No. 271280
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>>271275Last few days in Japan
hoping she begged other jvloggers for collabs
No. 271281
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No. 271343
>>271275You had like alot of lulzy photos to choose for this new thread and you go and pick an old one
No. 271362
>>271282I'm surprised Jill hasn't asked her mom to stop posting embarrassing things about her
>>271343Agreed, can we not with these old ass pics of Jill?
No. 271481
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No. 271482
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No. 271483
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No. 271484
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No. 271485
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>>271280the non-edited version is on her moms facebook haha
No. 271497
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No. 271499
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No. 271500
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No. 271511
>>271510if you're not into collectible shit like this you would be surprised how much it can cost.
Some "rare" anime figures produced from certain shows can go for thousands, even semi recent/popular show ones.
No. 271514
>>271484Pizza, really? She just comes across as spoiled and childish, dragging her mom to get only Western food and never trying anything new.
Sage for repeating whats already been said to death.
No. 271526
>>271482I was wondering when she would go there, it's right up her alley after all. Since it's a lot of vintage items it can be hit-or-miss but maybe she'll pick some cute items from there like a pastel sweater cuter than her current most-worn sweater.
I wonder what her shoe size is also because she could certainly get a cute new pair of shoes in Japan too as long as she's not outside their standard size range.
No. 271565
>>271553How hard is it to find western-style sushi in japan though? I know in the west we have like chicken teriyaki rolls and sushi w/ yam and egg and lots of other veggies, but in japan isn't fresh fish more popular and the other stuff harder to find? like i know vegan places in the west who do yummy yam/avocado/spicy rolls but i find it hard to believe that japanese sushi would come anywhere close to that but idk.
either way its insane since fresh raw fish is fucking delicious. but have they even tried any other foods like ramen or yakitori or tonkatsu or udon or soba? or curry? all that shit is like entry level wtf is wrong with them
No. 271592
>>271576Canadian dollars, it's over 4k.
>>271554I don't understand why Jillian can't do things alone either? Tokyo is a pretty safe place, even if she doesn't want to ride the train herself, if she stayed to one area eg. Harajuku/shibuya/ikebukuro then she'd be fine long enough for her mom to go to a Japanese restaurant that isn't all kawaii novelty parfait crap. Then again, she took her mom to a fucking maid cafe so I wouldn't be surprised if she really can't cope being alone.
No. 271594
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>>271493I found an old pic and turns out she's always had this problem. holy shit how do her shoes get this bad??? this is disgusting
No. 271647
>>271500I think it's totally fine if people don't like visiting museums, but it pisses me off that she thinks it's overpriced (museums are always struggling and their tickets are pretty much the only way they're able to support themselves) and lame. Of course it depends on what shows are happening, but the Mori is really well-curated.
I feel like her mom wanted to go and Jillian was dragged there and bitter because she just wanted to keep shopping.
No. 271657
>>271485You know, Jill always looks so happy, but it's pretty easy to be happy when literally everything is going exactly your way.
I'd love to see/hear Jill be told she can't do something she wanted to do. I bet she'd throw a massive screaming tantrum like a 2 year old.
No. 271676
>>271484 Louise was bitching about the price too. Despite the fact that Jill is wasting so much money on plastic crap and ill-fitting clothes $18 bucks is where they draw the line I guess…
No. 271709
>>271705>>271647>>271500>>271484It IS obe of the tallest buildings in Japan with an amazing view, the price included the observatory AND an entire museum, doesn't seem overpriced to me.
I just got back from staying in the second tallest building in Japan and the entrance fee for JUST the observatory was ¥1000 which is over $10 CAD.
No. 271746
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No. 271829
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Her hair color is fading so fast… :/
INB4, I have a feeling she's going to dye it again when she goes back home
No. 271861
>>271580Funnily enough Sharla's a vegan. Being vegan would be no better for Jill I imagine, if all she eats is tween food.
I really can't see Jill leaving her island again after this. For an 18-year-old, she seems to have no sense of adventure or wonder.
>>271499The poster who said "where did you get those beautiful shoes…" please tell me it's one of you trolling. I'm thinking we should place an anonymous call to Canadian customs to have them confiscated on her return, for everyone's sake.
No. 271950
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No. 271952
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No. 272036
>>271731This don't look small. She can even use this socks with it…
The pink muddy ones look big AF, though.
No. 272098
>>271713It's all part of her thoughtful and detailed travel plan that she had been making for months, anon.
>>271696I think she's mentioned having anxiety before (or maybe I'm just snowflake stereotyping), but I can't help but doubt it. I know people with intense anxiety who have traveled by themselves, including visiting Tokyo, and usually they plan things out way more than they need to as a way to cope. She didn't plan much of anything and is basically using her mother as a crutch. It seems more like laziness and narrow-mindedness to me. And I do feel bad for Sharla because that would be pretty awkward
No. 272106
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So her day consisted of eating British pub food, this doughnut, and shopping at 109 again.
This trip is just sad.
No. 272119
>>272106what a waste of a Japanese culture experience..
it's proving that she's only going to buy a shit ton of kawaii bs
No. 272121
>>272106How many days are left? I'm pulling my hair at how awfully she's wasting this trip. All she's doing is buy things you could find at a thrift store in america/DIY and eat garbage daily (and nothing that is particularly japanese).
Inb4 "you're a jealous hater!!!!!" I'm going to Japan soon myself so I feel in my own skin all that money going down the drain without having experienced anything outside of a mall tour.
Most of her pictures, taken out of context, make me feel like she just visited the US.
No. 272128
>>272121dont worry anon, i don't think anyones going to call u a jealous hater…what ur saying is the truth.. she's wasting her trip.
I've been saving to go simply to experience the food there alone… and she's out here eating food you can just get at home!! It's so so sad… so sad indeed…
No. 272133
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>>272121One more day
The video she posted on her Instagram was her saying she wouldn't be able to put a video up this Saturday as well because it wasn't uploading, meaning she wasn't able to prerecord even two videos. Come on Jill YouTube is one of your jobs isn't it? Start getting your shit togther
No. 272162
>>272133I actually refuse to believe that they've been there for two weeks and done nothing but meander around Harajuku, eat pink stuff, and shop. No culture. No Japanese cuisine. No history. Not even any proper tourist-y destinations. Fuck, she's spent big bucks on this to do fuck all and I can barely afford a train trip through my own country to visit an art gallery.
Sage because I'm angry and want to strangle her with my bare hands.
No. 272195
>>272154We have to say this because there are whiteknights up the ass in this thread, why so salty, anon? since she flew to Japan we can't discuss anything without anons ramming into each other.
Btw, what happened to her Bunka visit?
No. 272406
>>272098She has mentioned it before as well as panic attacks over confrontation (why she quit her first job) but really she could've planned things better (and I mean actual planning not just pretty stickers that cost a shitload of money) She's talked about this trip for years and honestly it looks like she planned it terribly, she clearly can't go and do anything by herself and that's because the only things she 'planned' were what shops she was going to go to. She obviously expected to spend several days just on Takeshita St and 109, and when she got there she probably realised that those places weren't as great as the internet makes them out to be, because they were only that great 5 or 10 years ago. It's like when Lor went to Yoyogi and expected everyone to be dressed up. Jill probably thought she was super organised with her itinerary but that didn't take into account anything but the shopping she wanted to do and as a result of that she had to lean on her mom for everything, even going to meet up with Sharla.
>>271952This actually looks pretty nice on her, as long as she doesn't wear it with the stupid pompom top and whatever tf she has on her head. If she bought simpler pieces like this and coordinated simpler outfits with a few colourful accessories like the 6% dokidoki necklace her style would be miles better.
No. 272588
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her followers are delusional retards
lol @ the one implying culottes aren't already trendy in the US, weebs are so dumb
No. 272658
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I feel bad for Louise. She wants to see more of Tokyo on a gorgeous spring day, but instead she has to go to a Hello Kitty indoor theme park with her adult daughter.
No. 272685
>>272658This is the worst planned trip ever. Jillian and her mother are so tacky and uncultured.
PT should have gone to nipponland. I never really had a strong disgust with Jillian until i lurked her pathetic trip.
No. 272691
>>272676Sounds like Sanrio puroland, disney would be a decent way to spend the last day especially if the weather is nice but clearly it isn't weeb enough for Jillian.
Did they even see the Tokyo tower or skytree?
No. 272774
>>272204Punyus also sells normal sizes.
Last time I was in Japan I was there for less time than her and I managed to fit in Osaka, and waste a day getting tattooed. Of course I did the weeby shopping thing but doing that for two weeks while eating garbage food??? Jesus Christ.
No. 272776
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more useless garbage for the hoard
No. 272781
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Someone in the last thread mentioned that Jill once said her favorite food was curry and look at what they're eating today
At least it's not a burger lol
No. 272788
>>272781Something about them eating Indian(?) food in Japan makes me laugh.
>>272782Same. That dress does her absolutely no favors. She looks like a burlap sack.
No. 272832
>>271275I don't really follow this girl but when I saw the OP I thought it was someone else from the photo.
It's scary how cute and sweet she looked in Lolita. A lot of girls look terrible in lolita imo (not a big fan of the style personally), but she really pulled it off.
Even though she's young, somehow her current style reminds me of a crazy old bag lady. The contact lenses in the OP look amazing on her but now….her style is just so hideous…Don't people usually become
better at dressing themselves with age? I mean…it's like she purposely went for the ugliest shit around ugh
>>271950 >>271952
No. 272835
>>272816To be fair, she could have seafood allergies so is avoiding traditional Japanese food and doesn't know Japanese well-enough to explain this at a restaurant, or doesn't want to be bothered.
When my mom visited me in Japan, we had to go from restaurant to restaurant asking if there was fish product in broth/sauce etc. Most places put fish sauce, oil, flakes etc in almost everything and my mom is deathly allergic. Soooo we mainly ate "family" restaurant food, Italian, and Indian.
It's also possible she just doesn't like Japanese food. It'd be a little weird, but she doesn't
have to like it.
No. 272842
>>272835japanese food is so varied that it's almost impossible to not like something from it. even if you don't want to be eating raw fish, there are gyoza, curries or stews, omurice, ramen, okonomiyaki, soba, udon, katsudon, onigiri, etc
hell even trying japanese versions of things (teryaki burgers, pizza with mayo, spaghetti, etc) would be a more rewarding experience than just eating the same food you eat every single day
no one would be shitting on her if she ate some western food and some japanese food. but literally the closest thing to japanese food that she ate was an indian curry on her last day in japan
also her mom posted on her facebook saying the reason they were eating the food they were is because jill "isn't adventurous with food" so it's definitely not an allergy
No. 272860
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They're at the theater to watch the PreCure movie which neither of them will understand and her mom won't even be able to put into context and Jill will only enjoy because it's pink and sparkly
Perfect representation of this entire trip
No. 272883
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No. 272884
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No. 272892
>>272876You're right but that's naan in that pic, yeah? They're clearly eating Indian curry–while delicious, is totally different from Japanese curry like you said.
It's just bizarre that they spent all this money and don't even want to try being a little adventurous or opportunistic with local cuisine. When will they have the chance to eat Japanese food IN JAPAN again?
No. 272893
>>272884>chopsticks in Japan>oddLol
What's odder is she isn't using her fingers to pick up hot chips
No. 272912
>>272892Japanese people eat naan with curry too lol
Some anons here are just as ignorant as jill, i swear. If you don't consider japanese curry japanese, then the same would go for gyoza and ramen that y'all keep telling jill to eat since those foods come from China. Japanese curry has existed for even longer in Japan than ramen and gyoza for Christ's sake. Those two haven't even been in Japan for 100 years.
>>272893Pretty sure she was saying it's odd that a british pub is the one place that exclusively serves with chopsticks. Also japanese people rarely eat with their fingers. So not odd.
>>272884>first sign of st patricks day I've seen hereAsia's largest irish festival (I love ireland festival) was literally yesterday and today in yoyogi park, a stone's throw from harajuku, is she retarded?
No. 272944
>>272860It's gonna give Louise 90ish minutes to reflect on their trip and her daughter's life so far, with any luck.
>>272918A very nice looking naan bread, as someone else pointed out.
No. 272956
>>272912The ireland festival even had paul costelloe, world famous fashion designer, there doing a fashion show, and miss world ireland and Japan.
You'd think that would be something that would interest Jill since she wants to go into fashion, and it was basically right across the street from takeshita, but I guess it's not tacky and gaudy enough for her.
No. 272958
>>272951Gyoza only came to Japan in the 1940's during ww2 and the whole invasion of China by Japan.
Ramen was sometime in the late 19th, early 20th century
Curry was mid 19th century.
Not going to argue about something here anymore you can easily fact check elsewhere.
No. 272960
I love indian food but jfc, that's the last meal they picked for their trip? I get it's curry and all but come on.
>>272860It's their last day and Louise said she wanted to do sight-seeing because the weather was beautiful but instead they're spending it inside a dark cinema room watching cartoons they can't understand… I feel bad for this woman but damn. She doesn't know how to put her foot down. This is why Jillian has no empathy.
Those anons that said she had no reason to go to Japan way back in the other thread were so right. Nothing interests her about Japan as a country other than clothing she could get online and one single anime.
No. 272983
>>272975She's been justifying the obsession and cost of this trip because it's a "youtube expense" that generates revenue for her. Or because she wanted to visit Bunka in person but it seems like that didn't happen.
If you've been planning for 2-3 years, spend around 10k CAN (in total, I assume), 5-7 videos won't bring in that much profit.
She's always talked about how ~weeb/fashion~ hauls or going to cons/cosplaying is a "smart strategic decision" because she profits for her "brand". Seeing her talk about her branding is incredibly cringy, like she thinks she's some cult of personality.
The Japan trip is ultimately a flop if she doesn't push out 2 weeks worth of videos at least. That was literally the only reason she flew to the other side of the world.
No. 273015
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No. 273031
>>273015>>"people are going to be so MAD"Hi, Jill. We all know your followers suck your ass dry, so you're definitely talking to us!
>>273017I think she's obsessed enough with proving the haydurs wrong that she would do things just to spite this thread, so I'd believe it.
The dirty pink boots especially, I think any mom would tell her daughter to not wear that ugly shit outside, but here Jill is making sure they're seen in every pic. You have to be literally retarded to not see how ugly/hobo-ish they are and how much they take away from her outfits.
No. 273034
>>273015people: we wanna see what you did in japan!
jill: posts haul videos of the plastic shit she bought
No. 273042
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>>272781>>272782It's this swankiss dress.
God she knows how to pick the most ugly looking crap.
No. 273045
>>272835she doesn't have a seafood allergy, her mom already said she's just a picky child
she had tendies instead of katsudon. indian curry instead of japanese curry. bitch is just uncultured af.
No. 273066
>>273046can you and everyone else shut up about indian and japanese curry already, no one cares
>>273042she doesn't care about how it looks as long as its peenk
No. 273094
>>273090stop getting offended and derailing forevernipponcurry-chan
>>273087does she even have a regular posting schedule? ive never noticed
im excited for the vlogs tbh
No. 273095
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The ended up skipping out on puroland
No. 273143
>>272997I pointed that since the beginning of the thread
Whoever made it was stupid af
No. 273209
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No. 273212
>>273180she uses sparks dye which is literally on amazon for 6 bucks, so please, tell me about how she's using dyes no one can get
it's poorly dyed. the root melt is badly done. it was missing spots when it was first dyed
No. 273221
>>273212The stylist used Sparks? Not pravana or wella or some actual good brand?
Jill's fault she went to a shitty stylist then, but doesn't mean that paying for professional haircolor isn't worth it.
No. 273225
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I always wondered why jill doesn't wear circle lenses for the kawaii uwu aesthetic, then I remembered she has +8.0 prescription and circle lenses don't even come in positive prescriptions. Make me wonder if the OP pic is her wearing plano lenses that she can't even see out of purely for ~aesthetic~
No. 273245
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>>273211This. The dirt there stains everything it touches. Hell, they even dye shirts with it. Pic related.
No. 273250
>>273211if you live in a dirty area then it should be obvious to you that you need to clean your shit more often, unless you're just a slob and give no fucks about how you present yourself
I'm assuming the latter applies to jill
No. 273283
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I honestly got curious after seeing OP image on what she would look like with her old style of hair and make up and while my attempt wasn't all that serious, I like the way she looks way more??
I even added bad pink streaks similar to Sharla's since she ~has~ to have unnaturally colored hair but I still think it's an improvement to the rainbow barf currently on her head.
No. 273286
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No. 273300
>>273297she should have sealed them with a few coats of protector before ever wearing them, cleaned them frequently, and reapplied the protector every so often
there's no real way to salvage them now, but this would have helped slow the process
No. 273303
>>273286shes an idiot- ive traveled thru canada and had to announce how much ive purchased at customs and you fucking lie you idiot. ive def spent more than the allotted amount. nobody is honest regarding that shit jesus use your brain.
also they really care more if shes bringing over food, fruit, or live animals. if you lie on just merchandise nobody gives a shit
No. 273313
>>273303i think you're overthinking anon, she def made this post to humblebrag about spending 3000 dollars on plastic like
>>273310 said
No. 273346
>>273342She's basically crying because she has to grow up?
Cry more Jill, your life is going to be super easy coming from such an upper middle class family.
No. 273347
>>273342Long Story Short of Her Video-
Last day in Japan, sad and says how she just graduated hs and has a job.
Next thing is to move out and start her own business.
Jill is sad that Japan was all she was looking forward to.
Boohoo hoo Jill. All you did was shop in Japan and "aestheticize" your instagram.
No. 273357
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No. 273360
>>273342Holy shit, she's such a woman-child.
Maybe she's realized that 3k she spent in Japan on toys and ill-fitting, childish clothing could've gone towards her moving-out fund. Realistically, she will put more shirt designs in her shop or something and beg her followers for money again. She's also been using the same excuse of "HURR I JUST GRADUATED FROM HIGH SCHOOL AND NEED A MENTAL BREAK" for an entire year now and will probably continue to for as long as she can to avoid getting things going.
>>273357How do they not have elevators? Are they just too clueless to find one?
No. 273372
>>273342How can she be so sad about leaving a country that she treated solely as a big shopping mall and photo op? Maybe if she did anything interesting on this trip and if she actually had any ambition to move out,start a business etc. I'd sympathise with her but she does realise most people her age are in their second year of college now right? Most of them work hard for years and look forward to graduating when she can't even be assed to put together a portfolio and apply to a school. She's so out of touch with other people her age that have motivation and career goals outside working dead end jobs. The only goals that probably she's ever had in her life is to buy shit and brag about it. She's never shown any passion or ambition for anything else so I really don't feel sorry for her, she's pathetic.
>>273360>She's also been using the same excuse of "HURR I JUST GRADUATED FROM HIGH SCHOOL AND NEED A MENTAL BREAK" for an entire year now and will probably continue to for as long as she can to avoid getting things going.This, I'm not sure if I buy the whole excuse about her saving to move out, you think for a second her parents wouldn't fund everything at least until she gets herself settled? She graduated over a year ago and clearly is too comfortable living in her parent's basement to even think about moving out. She's said a few times she's in no rush to even apply to schools or work on a portfolio and she's made it pretty clear that she's happy just working dead end retail for as long as she can keep buying tacky shit. She keeps pushing this "poor starving artist" persona as an excuse to not do anything with her life so I really don't feel sorry for her that the her crappy looking trip/2 week shopping spree was the only thing she had to look forward to and now it's over.
>>273357Do they not know of airport shuttles? Can they not hail a taxi? You'd think with all their expensive shitty planner obsessions they'd have planned how to get to the airport, how clueless can they possibly be?
No. 273380
>>273342>It's really weird traveling at this point in my life because I just graduated high schoolWell, no, actually, that's pretty normal. What's weird is laying around your parents house working McJobs and being in no hurry to grow up a year after graduating.
But at least she's talking about moving out and going to college. Not sure what she has to "save up" for tho. Just…go to college and live on campus, and crash at your folks' home during breaks, like any other normal person your age.
No. 273384
>>273357What…? I'll always just taken trains to the airport and i have fairly big luggage. Almost every(if not every) station I've been to has elevators.. Or at least escalators.. And you don't call a cab they're everywhere just find one lol. But seriously taking a cab to the airport is going to be like $100+ it's more than an hours drive on a holiday where it's going to be busy af…
>>273209Her mom's just as much of an immature baby as jill. Yeah it sucks, but you KNOW roaming is expensive so don't friggin use it unless you absolutely need it and are accepting of the cost. $700 in ny are they retarded? Why didn't they just buy the package in the first place. I can just imagine her as one of those annoying bitchy "can i speak to the manager" mom customers
No. 273403
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No. 273409
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Thinking about moving to Japan. Oh Jill, when will you grow up
No. 273470
>>273342oh my god she's INSUFFERABLE
like i feel kind of sad for her because she clearly just has….nothing in her life, but she's not doing anything about it either. she has so much access to so many opportunities and she's not taking advantage of any of it.
>just graduated high schoolgurl that was a year ago
>japan was the next big thing in my lifeall you did was shop?? it wasn't a cultural experience
>starting my businessuh, what.
>nothing to look forward tocollege is exciting! moving out is exciting! why are you such a stunted adult baby jill!! open your damn eyes!!
No. 273477
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Hey Jill, when you finally decide to stop sucking Jeffery star off NYX has a better bright colored pallet with more colors that costs way less
No. 273514
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No. 273530
>>273473>>273462The largest irish festival in Asia was in the park across the street from takeshita (yoyogi park) where they were staying. There was even irish flags all up and down the street in Harakuku.
It was this past weekend. Apparently walking for 10 minutes is hard for them.
No. 273535
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I feel her reply was aimed at us about her gross nails.
No. 273591
>>273409Legitimate question, why is she a weeaboo??
I get why Pixyteri is a weeaboo. She clearly was into every single japanese otaku thing there could be, and even Japan as a country. But I don't get why Jillian is. Her trip was a complete waste, she doesn't watch anime outside of Pretty Cure and other magical girl anime for the "aesthetic", she has no interest in anything else at all from Japan and before her trip she got her clothes from western brands, not japanese ones.
Her ~party kei aesthetic~ is also very western. It's like fairy-kei and spank, fashions that made their brand inspired by accessories and shows for little western girls of the 80s and 90s. Nothing restrictively japanese about that.
Jill's interest in Japan is so shallow. It's all for aesthetic and shit. I think she's probably jealous of Peach Milky after hanging out with her, but PM has more subs (and YT income) because she was already into cosplay and trying to copy Kota prior to moving to Japan.
tl;dr our queen truly was way more deserving of going to Japan than any of those shallow youtube girls lol poor PT
No. 273605
>>273342These faux ~adult~ stress meltdowns is exactly what I've been waiting to see. Now that she's spent 8-10k of family money (and her "own") on a gigantic shopping spree instead her first year or two of school. Or even funding herself an apartment or studio if she's serious about opening a business.
I don't feel bad one bit because I've been following Jill since she was 15 and she's always been the same materialistic, unappreciative, arrogant and attention mongering. She's lost tons of supporters over the years, but back then everyone justified her behaviour because of her age and said she'd grow up eventually. Kek.
If you were to seriously add up all the useless weeb merch and gifts Louise or Jill have bought over the last 3 years since she's started her blog. It definitely comes up to a few grand per year. I don't think Jill has ever been told no to something in her life.
No. 273641
File: 1490020356639.gif (616.07 KB, 500x336, eyerollgif.gif) is seriously the most spoiled bitch on earth. She's crying because she 'saved up' so much for Japan and now life will be boring and underwhelming?? What about getting a great job and career you live, making new friends and traveling to conventions and events/concerts together?
I'm so confused by her 'sadness' here. Also, her chapped lips are
triggering me.
No. 273688
>>273591I don't know if she is or isn't a weeaboo, but having a shallow interest or understanding about Japan is a common weeb trait.
>>273605I feel like she falls into that category of people who overspend on useless things and the when it comes to important things like tuition, or renting an apartment, or starting a business they claim they can't afford it. Maybe because they don't actually want to do any of those things. That kind of behavior really does indicate a lack of delayed gratification though, and I'll bet when she's older she'll have a mountain of credit card debt.
No. 273745
>>273744Manon Marguerite, Choom and Jo are all way cuter and more original than Jill. Besides 6% though, I don't even know any other shop girls from abroad?
Clearly I've never been to Japan though, can some anons enlighten me how common it is to actually get a retail gig as a foreigner?
No. 273781
>>273409she could probably get a job as shop staff somewhere tbh.
>inb4 "she's too fat"I've seen shop staff at ~kawaii~ popular brands that are fatter than her.
Plus with her youtube and insta that's a plus for them
No. 273882
>>273648>>273653"too ghetto"? "bad part of town"??? do those even exist in canada? I remember during her halcon vlog she was walking down the street saying that but the area looked completely normal. I wouldn't doubt that she's scared of brown people from her sheltered island life or something lulz
>>273717It's also kind of obvious Jill's a spoilt brat who runs freely in her basement because her father is a professor, yet neither of her parents tried to push her into education… not only would she be able to get her gen eds done, but it would also be at a reduced cost. Instead this idiot thinks her high school education was so tough that she deserves a year+ long break from school. She has no interest in learning new things or bettering herself at all, even with a father in the business.
>>273725I don't think Jill is fat yet, she makes herself look extremely stubby by wearing oversized dirty-looking clothing and is short so any weight gain will make her look chubby extremely fast.
>>273879I'm sure every other Japan local does the same stuff. It's not the comparable to visiting as a tourist
No. 273888
>>273409>>273730Didn't she say at one point, that she bailed on applying to a school in Toronto because she couldn't cope with the thought of being "so far from home?" (Or maybe it was Montreal, can't remember anymore.) The thought of being in another province was too big a leap for her.
If she can't deal with moving 1K miles inside her own country, how could she possibly think she can handle living on the other side of the earth in a place with a very different culture, where she doesn't speak the language?
No. 273892
>>273648Yeah that 100% wasn't a bad part of Halifax. It was the busiest bar/restaurant/entertainment street here. Very well populated and safe.
Hell, we barely have "bad" areas in Halifax. One or two sure, but if you keep to yourself and aren't involved in criminal activity there's very little risk of harm.
No. 273916
>>273892That street behind the convention center in Halifax is filled with a few bars/pubs. Downtown Montreal near the college is also full of 18+ venues, the strip clubs probably freaked her out. It seems Jill just isn't used to seeing bars basically.
>>273882According to government stats, 5 million Canadians live in poverty. So yes there are what would be considered "ghettos" for those under the poverty line. But that is super irrelevant to the thread, because I doubt Jill has ever passed through, let alone stayed in any rough area ever.
>>273863I think the 2 year anniversary of the LACE video is soon as well anon
No. 273932
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They're officially back in Canada. I'm so ready to see her vlogs
No. 274012
>>273932I have never been more excited to see an annoying FB status in my life.
Watch it take weeks for Jill to put out some Japan vlogs tho, since shes SO DEPRESSEDDDDD about leaving and having to adult
No. 274133
>>274119Ever lived there anon? Pei is cool for about 2 weeks for a holiday, but I imagine it'd get pretty boring after 20 years. The entire island is basically just a giant tourist trap.
I can somewhat see where she's coming from about the mild depression of going back home. I always get that isolated, trapped feeling after coming back from tokyo after spending months there to my small Canadian town that doesn't even have a mall.
No. 274143
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So patiently waiting for Jill to resurface from her Japan trip. I was looking through who she follows on instagram. And I'm pretty sure I found that she follows Gillian, Colin's ex girlfriend. And that Gillian follows jill back?
No. 274144
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No. 274145
>>274143They used to be best friends, so were Colin and Tristan. From my understanding the four of them used to go on double dates and stuff then those two went their own way. That's why her whole story about how she got with Colin is '
problematic' and she doesn't talk about it much.
No. 274232
>>274218Tristan is about to graduate with his bachelor's degree and already has experience working for the PEI government. He's been dating some normie from his university for a while now.
I honestly think Tristan was so good for Jill and would of helped her go far with her career (especially with his huge family trust fund). I don't think Jill valued his intelligence, which is really too bad because Colin doesn't seem like the brightest guy out there.
No. 274310
>>273932"a real bed"
yeah that's not patronizing at all japanese futons aren't real beds
>>273384i feel the exact same way with each new obnoxious louise facebook status. like i used to feel bad for her being dragged around by her spoiled giant babychild, but now i realise she's EXACTLY the fucking can i speak to a manager baby boomer type who thinks they're entitled to every little thing being perfect. a sad peek into jill's future tbh
>>273478the 3k humblebrag really got to me too holy shit. i would usually disagree with your 'no excuse to not go to college' thing since a LOT of my peers in the same art profession as me are already ahead of me because of their talent despite having not gone to college, so especially for an art job that jill would want, college isn't super dire. but she has nothing going on in her life, has all the goddamn time in the world to prepare, make a great portfolio and apply literally wherever she wants because you KNOW mommy and daddy would pay her entire tuition, which is a rare treat these days. the fact that she has that chance and is sitting on her ass wasting it kind of pisses me off, like if not college at least SOME kind of goal. a trade, an internship, hell anything at this point is better but she literally aspires to work RETAIL in glorious nippon. i can't with this thread sometimes, i need a tylenol
No. 274426
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random bunka students ft. Jillian. Just think if she would get in (which is impossible) and had to actually do stuff, she'd hate it since there would be no one giving her asspats for doing the bare minimum
No. 274443
>>274426Man Jill looks like such a toddler next to everyone else.
Even though I personally don't care for some of the styles all of those students look well put together and like they actually know shit about fashion at least.
I will never get over Jill's disgusting plastic tiara & her sticking actual gift wrapping ribbon on her 'outfit'… Really makes her look kinda special needs.
No. 274471
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Jill is working tomorrow, hopefully she will get the first vlog up tonight or will have it set up to go up tomorrow.
Feel like reality is going to hit her hard when she goes back into work and realizes her Japan shopping spree is really over
No. 274498
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Hasn't she been home for a while now??
No. 274538
>>274471It kind of weirded me out to see Jillian described as a 'teenager'. I mean she technically is but… most 'teenagers' her age are in college, doing shit, and yeah sometimes waking up early because they have to work a job or internship or go to a 9 AM class, not because they're jetlagged from a trip where they spent all the money they saved up from working at freakin' Claires.
You're not gonna be a teen much longer girl. Get your shit together before you turn into all the other mid-to-late-20s lolcows with no real job, no friends, and no future.
No. 274576
>>274426I know this seems like stereotyping, but Japanese people generally have a strong work ethic. Even when they do things outside of the "normal" track (school straight to a company job) they put in a lot of effort. I don't know if Jillian could survive in that type of environment when the fashion industry as a whole is already pretty cutthroat and you have to work yourself to the bone or be lucky enough to have the connections and financial backing.
I just get the sense that her fashion design dream is almost fake, because she can barely hem a scrap of clothing and puts in minimal effort. It's just a tired answer for when people asks her what she wants to do or her plans for the future.
No. 274579
>>27453818-19 has always been considered adult in Canada though so that makes it so much weirder for her to say than an American mother by comparison.
She's your adult daughter, Louise. Hint: you can no longer claim her as a dependent on your family taxes.
No. 274593
>>274395She's from Canada so could get working holiday visa. But need to know Japanese (especially keigo) and be thin and attractive to be shop staff.
>>274399Need to be pretty fluent in Japanese to go to a Japanese university lol
No. 274597
>>274576Yeah I agree, it really does seem fake.
I don't understand how she can keep claiming that it's her dream to become a fashion designer but yet does absolutely nothing to work towards it.
Having your own business means that you got to have a ton of self-discipline and that your work can easily take over your whole life.
Jill can't even manage her little youtube account and upload shit on time, I could never see her having her own fashion label lol
No. 274642
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Moving to Japan is officially the plan
No. 274655
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No. 274674
>>274655Lol this bitch. I like how she wore what she did like she was hoping to get snapped there lmao
I wonder if she tried to get snapped at 6℅ and left disappointed because she didn't
No. 274739
>>274708Yeah, it all depends on where you want to live in Tokyo and how you budget your money. You can usually find a fairly decent apartment for $600 - $700 and food is inexpensive if you buy things seasonally.
Jillian has never had to pay for her own rent, utilities, groceries, healthcare, etc before though, so I'm sure everything will seem expensive compared to her living situation now.
Even if her parents continued to financially support her, she still seems like she would be incapable of surviving there. Imagine her having to go to the ward office, or figuring out how to sort trash, or opening a Japanese bank account. She would melt down
No. 274767
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No. 274787
>>274767i will forever judge jill for being so obsessed with aesthetic and brandname and shit that her and her equally materialistic mother bought 3 purebred persian cats instead of adopting or something
lol she would probs not love animals that dont fit her aesthetic
No. 274800
>>274674Kind of surprised she didn't considering Sebastian has a major hard on for foreigners.
He probably wasn't there tho and hopefully he has enough sense to stay far away from Jill if he ever crosses her path.
No. 274993
>>274946She got all her cats from the same breeder. Rescued? How exactly? You think there's just expensive pure bred cats wandering around stray in PEI? lol idk what kind of stray/abandoned cats are around where you live anon.
I thought they brought home a fourth cat this summer? or maybe they were just considering or babysitting? I think the Vesseys make a yearly trip to the breeder to check out the cats, that's how they ~spontaneously~ brought home serena
>>274767 No. 274994
>>274993>I think the Vesseys make a yearly trip to the breeder to check out the catsMy god that'd be the most disgusting thing.
But after all you couldn't expect them to go to a shelter if they wanted to see some animals. The chances of seeing an animal with traces of having had a shitty life are too high, how could they live after witnessing such horror.
No. 275010
>>275000because Jill just wanted the purebreds because theyre kawaii uguu, probably. And what
>>275003 said. For me, its a personal opinion/judgment factor that people who buy designer cats are soulless brand whores usually, and in this case its totally true.
4 designer cats. Goes along with jills hoarding tend(ies)encies
No. 275016
>>275000Cats and dogs actually aren't meant to be purebred. Naturally different breeds reproduce together. When forced to inbreed in the same breed over and over in time it causes more health issues in the animals.
It's gross and bougie and makes me sad for the poor animals.
No. 275066
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So she needs three days to recover from a vacation.
Like mother, like daughter.
No. 275085
>>275016>>275003>>275010Oh I actually had no idea, I thought it was good to buy from pure bread breeders and shif…. huh, lolcow teaching me shit!
saged for derailing
No. 275100
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Let's get back on track
No. 275105
>>275066jfc was there ANYTHING about this Tokyo fiasco that Louise enjoyed/didn't just complain about?
honestly they make it sound like this whole trip was just a hardship they had to endure
No. 275110
>>275106she's always been slow at uploading on time
>>275100Is this a postcard from jill in japan?
No. 275121
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>>275110It's from Jill yeah
No. 275179
>>275176kids in shelters aren't there because they were bred to be sold and they won't be killed if nobody takes them tho
nice try
No. 275190
>>275176>>275186This isn't a contest. Just because orphans are suffering and have shitty lives most of the time, it doesn't make it okay to do unethical choices regarding pets.
Some people are fucking dense, smh.
At least in Jillian's case they have the money to pay for the vet bills that inevitably come with this race of cats. It makes me sad there are still people so ignorant as to buy from breeders though.
No. 275193
>>275176Mainly because people want to bring their own offspring into the world. The most natural urge.
But also because many kids in homes tend to actually be retarded or have suffered extreme abuse. Not everybody is equipped to deal with it.
Animals are just.. that. Animals. Don't even compare the too.
Also I'm someone who has bought pedigree cats over shelter cats.. I just think your argument is weak tbh.
No. 275222
>>275193let's be realistic, when a shelter kills off cats, yes it is sad and unethical. but it doesn't affect society nearly as much as the amount of orphaned kids growing up in the foster system. you even said yourself, animals are just animals.
personally i reserve my anger towards people who abandon animals, like felice fawn or little lotte, for example.
i don't think i'd ever do what jillian and her mom do, but at the same time it's ultimately their choice and they aren't abusing their own cats. is it shitty? yeah. but so is taking a trip to japan that costs thousands of dollars and wasting it by just shopping in harajuku and stuffing your face with donuts.
No. 275247
>>275233>"double-yew see"it's pronounced "double see" but good to know it's your new favourite store lol
>mentions that people are saying takeshitadori isn't what it used to belurking hardcore
>"cheeky kuma"STOP
>feet are screaming after being out for an afternoonhow are you this much of a joke
>too anxious to try japanese foodok jill have fun moving to japan
No. 275248
>>275233Her mother being in the video made me cringe.
"Shopping and doing that tourist stuff" no Jill, cultural activities and sight-seeing are actual tourist stuff. What you're doing is treating Japan like a mall…
She visited Claire's, my god.
Her commentary on food and the old takeshita dori… she definitely lurks. I don't think anyone told her any of these things on instagram.
No. 275250
>>275233>7/11 haul>excitingDoes she not have asian supermarkets at home?
Why does she always look so smug?
Why doesn't she edit her videos and add a face filter to them to hide wrinkles?
Why did she barely buy anything except for cheap Claire's garbage? If this was a shopping trip, she failed at that too. So many cute clothes and she missed out on them in exchange for cheap plastic crap and illfitting garbage.
>>275228Not that anon, but can you stop? This thread isn't about your hateboner.
No. 275253
>>275250Does she not have asian supermarkets at home?
no lol she lives in the middle of nowhere
No. 275263
>>275233The way she talks in the voiceover… why? The super high soft kawaii voice is just cringe on most people but she's so obnoxious that it's worse.
>cheeseburger storyWtf was the point of adding that? Surely for someone who did so much planning she'd know it wasn't normal to ask for things like that? How the hell is she going to cope living in Japan?
>>275250>Why did she barely buy anything except for cheap Claire's garbage? If this was a shopping trip, she failed at that too. So many cute clothes and she missed out on them in exchange for cheap plastic crap and illfitting garbage.Because her fashion sense is shitty, she even said she only went to one store in Laforet. Even if they weren't her typical tacky clown weeaboo kei, I find it strange that she didn't go to the Laduree makeup store or to see any of the lolita shops even if she isn't into it anymore. Hell she didn't even look at Vivienne Westwood who for some reason is really popular in Harajuku fashion, pretty much all of the famous Japanese girls that wear alternative fashion have her bags and stuff. Did she really just ignore anything that wasn't her "aesthetic" and just make a beeline for all the tacky polyester crap that you could get on aliexpress or taobao?
No. 275274
>>275233The way she says takeshita
triggers me.
>>275233OK I have to ask since I havent heard of this and Im usually on top of merch shit coming out of japan.
Does anyone know who that Doremi compact that is on preorder is by? I didnt know they were coming out with a new one that wasnt like the tiny gacha ones
No. 275292
>>275233why did she change her voice for this vid, sounds more annoying and nasally than usual.
lol @ the japanese girls walking past her giving her looks
>>plain cheeseburgerdisgusting
>>"i know people tell me to be adventurous with food but its day 1 and i am so anxious!"here is another example of jill putting things off forever and making excuses, like how she needed a year long break from school
this vlog was boring as fuck. all she looked at was merchandise. this experience is the equivalent of going to toys r us and filming the aisles.
>>275263>>Did she really just ignore anything that wasn't her "aesthetic" and just make a beeline for all the tacky polyester crap that you could get on aliexpress or taobao?yes
>>275267its just basic ass chibi art anyone can do tho
No. 275313
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speaking softly does not a high voice make, jill. come off it.
No. 275317
>>275313Tracy Martel hahaha wtf
Sage cuz that funni
No. 275367
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Sorry but I had to.
No. 275400
>>275382Who's Ina?
What's a cringe fest- my joke or Ina??
(I thought you guys would appreciate "boots w/ the dirt." And "cheeky little baby" is me mocking Jill.)
No. 275439
>>275438she probably fell asleep weird on the plane or something
chill lol
No. 275471
just making sure.
No. 275491
>>275464>>275468Just saying, here in Tokyo there's a bunch of western brands that sell pants. E.g. I almost always buy jeans from American Eagle. Don't listen to expats who are too stupid to use google and/or are on their weeb high horse and only want "100% Nihonese!!". If you're in Tokyo you literally have no reason to complain about not being able to find something.
sage for OT sperging
No. 275494
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No. 275541
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>>275233Aside from Jillian's cheap Lisa Frank aesthetic, her voice is like nails on a chalkboard and she always inserts these random ~quirky~ words and makes stupid expressions. It's something only a mother could love.
No. 275579
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Her mom posted more pictures
No. 275580
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>>275579Kawaii shopping desu
No. 275584
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>>275583And saved the best for last
No. 275585
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>>275584Possibly her worst outfit
No. 275597
>>275581I would 10/10 think the mom was bringing her mentally handicapped downy child to see this if I saw them like that holy fuck
+%1000 for the cup
I just
I can't
No. 275607
>>275597Fuuuuuck I can't get over it
How does she not see how special needs she looks?
I'm blown away
No. 275614
>>274993Sage for OT, but purebred cats and dogs in rescue shelters are more common than you might think. They're usually surrendered because either they have elderly owners who pass away (or are no longer physically able to provide proper care) and nobody in their family can take them in, or they're just adopted by a family who figured out too late that they weren't prepared for the responsibility or had allergies. (Siamese cats, for example, are often abandoned because people don't realize how loud they can be.)
Idk about PEI since it's a smaller province, but there are lots of rescue organizations that specialize in specific breeds. I live in Manitoba and we have several here.
No. 275616
>>275581The fishnets are so unfortunate…
>>275585She made that bag right? Because there's no way someone would buy something with such horrible handwriting.
No. 275622
>>275616No its an expensive betsey Johnson bag, probably was a few hundred dollars but still looks like shit.
>>275585This outfit is so bad. It's unflattering enough between her stumpy legs, the cheap looking dress and the clown shoes but her ugly beige bra that you can see the whole top of the cups really is the icing on the cake.
I'm convinced her fans only see this shit and praise her because they think she's special needs. There's really no other explanation. She looks like such a mess.
No. 275624
>>275583did Louise caption everything as "all the Japanese people wanted pictures with my celebrity daughter Jill!"?
>>275585The thought of Jill and her mom creeping around at night doing a photoshoot in a skimpy nightgown skeeves me out. Why the fuck did she lower the straps on that thing so everyone can see her bra? She looks like a halloween prostitute costume, literally.
>>275589And sitting in front of said literal child so her bulbous head and updo probably blocked the screen a bit. Poor kid.
I expect Jill to upload a story time video soon about her past anorexia or w/e for more hugbox comments because we've been talking about her weight so much here
No. 275721
>>275585If she was 50 pounds lighter
Changed the bag
Wore heels to make her legs look longer
Ditched the denim jacket for something fluffy
Styled her hair nicer
Then maybe this would look cute.
No. 275756
>>275228>>275228Nah I love them like children. Why I would spend so much money on something only to mistreat them is beyond me.. people buy pets because they like how they look all the time. Like how people buy anything. And there's nothing wrong with it. You sound like an absolute psycho.
Furthermore, in the uk animals aren't really uneccesarily euthanised in shelters so nothing is dying because I wanted a cat that didn't shed hair. Not to even mention the ridiculous adoption procedure. No thanks
No. 275806
>>275795That was in her "~love ur body~" video. She said that she was, during the summer, working out forty minutes three days a week which really wouldn't be enough to lose weight, but doesn't work out now that she's working. I doubt she's actively moving or lifting at work so I really don't think she'd be burning off any of her marshmallows there.
Strangely enough in her what's in my bag video she showed that she was keeping a food journal but I doubt she understands enough about nutrition in order for it to be of any use.
No. 275825
>>275795>>275796>>275806I have actually been appalled to find out how little Jillian walks around or does any kind of moderate exercise. I remember she bragged about her drive to papercakes being 99 seconds or something, but the equivalent walking distance would of killed her I guess.
Her parents and boyfriends drove her everywhere before, she used to take the school bus, now she has her own car because she "works", which entails standing still behind a cash register and unloading small boxes of accessories or candy.
A home gym or a food journal can't help someone that doesn't see a problem with letting their limbs go to waste. The vessey girls have no idea how pampered and out-of-touch they sound when they complain about leg/neck/back pains from an afternoon shopping spree.
inb4 rural kids need to drive bla bla bla idc if u live in nyc or on a farm, any excuse to put your healthy body to waste is a bad one
No. 275839
>>275233She makes so many gross mouth movements it churns my stomach.
Lol@half the video being of her talking in her room. Also she looked a mess, how can she not realize how stupid she looked? Bet everyone who saw her thought she was a fat challenged foreigner.
No. 275852
>>275758Then I will be frank. I don't want to pay £200+ and go through intrusive home checks etc for just an ordinary moggy of mysterious genetic and home background. I could also probably get from any randomer who's had their cat escape and get knocked up. (For free) Don't get me wrong, I love all cats, fostered for a charity once. but I'm not going to pretend I don't like certain breeds. Both how they look and for a good idea of their personality and traits.
Doesn't make me some psychotic animal abuser.
No. 275868
>>275852Omg are we STILL on this fucking topic?
No one cares about ur pets ITT
Pretty sure there's already a pet thread somewhere so take it there omg
No. 275936
>>275931I things she bought both in Japan.
The rainbow shoes are apparently "too small" for her but she bought them anyway. She'll probably never wear them again. Not sure about the Pom Pom flats, maybe they're also too small for her.
No. 275937
>>275934I posted
>>275936Oops I totally forgot that she bought a pair for walking in Japan. I guess they're just not as "kawaii" to her as her ugly platforms.
No. 275942
>>275937Oh, musta missed that.
i don't get how anyone can go on vaca to a city where you plan to do nothing but walk around & shop and plan it for 3 billion years, and then just take the one pair most uncomfortable gross shoe that exists in the entire world.
No. 275947
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i don't think her weight matters at this point, with the ugly clothes she wears, even if she lost weight nothing can save that awful "fashion style" of her…
It should be named Clown Kei tbh
Also her mom, so much for a professional and taking such awful photos, she should make Jillian look good, a nice photographer can do magic, but here you see awful illumination and not even a color fix
No. 275958
>>275947Not to mention wearing her hair in that bun really does nothing for her… her face looks so round, she should've tilted her head downward or toward the camera so she doesn't look like a bald man in this photo. she should get back those bangs, her face needs a frame, probably should grow her hair a little and ditch the bright pink. A light blonde like in op actually looks really good on her and will still match all her clothing.
However if she does that however will she prove she's ~unique~
No. 275963
>>275947She looks like a hooker or a drug addict regardless of size, jesus christ. That cheap ebay nightgown thing needs to go.
I also don't understand why she spent all that money on getting her hair rainbow colored for Japan when she wore it up for most of the trip in that ugly grandma bun… her hair looks fully pink in every picture because that's the color of her roots.
No. 276007
>>275942People have told you this before but I'll say it again: you don't need to write "anon" in the name field. Just leave it empty. Please.
sage for useless bitching
No. 276100
>>275585Transgender hooker granny kei
Truly a visionary
No. 276222
File: 1490324065526.png (386.6 KB, 461x485, q5eiFUU.png)

>"muh supportive friend kate sent me a personalized japan guide!!!!!"
>stays in 5 mile radius from her apartment the entire trip eating tendies and ice cream
No. 276308
>>276297The same reason why people pay hundreds of dollars to look retarded in lolita or larme
No. 276364
>>276222Kate must be a really lonely person out in pittsburgh or wherever. Still clinging to a teenager across the border when she's in her mid-20's and married?
We've known for years that she self-posts to stir the pot, we have confirmation that she lurks and likely posts in this exact thread. I don't see how she can pull the wool over anyone's eyes.
I guess this is why cadney and the toronto comm were so seduced by her. She's just sooooooo nice and generous y'all. Can't look past just how ~sweet~ she is.
No. 276373
>>276368kate only started lace because '4chan bullies' basically and she was then caught self-posting, essentially bullying herself.
When anons offered proof to cadney and jill of this incident, they buried their heads in the sand. Even when kate is 'laying low to avoid drama' she's stupid enough to accidentally screencap herself lurking/posting in this thread. This is after she claimed she had no idea what lolcow is. The basis of their friendship is a lie, LACE was a lie.
I still find it creepy for a married woman in her 20's to become best friends with a 17 year old. I get that e-famous people want to have cliques, Jill clings to every efamous person she can, but I get so weirded out by kate, it almost makes me feel bad for jill.
No. 276440
>>276298>>276222Why do I feel like this arrived only after she was back from Japan and didn't use it at all?
If it came before I'm sure Jill would have posted it, or included in a vlog or something.
No. 276444
>>276373I'm behind in Kate drama. How was it proven she lurks? Does she still have a thread here?
Sage for OT
No. 276450
>>276440yeah that's what I was thinking too.
Maybe it's already in preparation for Jill moving to Japan kek
No. 276470
except jill is too good for fast food, she went to an actual restaurant and ordered a plain cheeseburger instead
No. 276510
>>276364>I guess this is why cadney and the toronto comm were so seduced by her.Because they're famewhores too.
Anyone who I've ever seen drift to Kate despite knowing what she's done is because they want to climb the social rank and be e-famous.
No. 276585
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>>276538It's a character called Pisuke/Piske that belongs to the Japanese illustrator Kanahei.
If you search for Pisuke on amiami you can find some merch there!
No. 276689
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>>276222>ur the peep to my hot chocoJesus, this girl is a walking parody of herself. Does she even realize how ridiculous that sounds?
No. 276708
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No. 276709
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No. 276712
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No. 276713
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No. 276714
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>In the line up at Shibuya 109 for the reopening of the store Swankiss. — at SHIBUYA109.
No. 276715
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No. 276737
>>276713fugly sweater, and she looks like shes in her mid-30s.
>>276714girls lining up seem so cute and normal, she looks awful
No. 276820
>>276712One of the precure anons here. They gave her a miracle light.
multiple keks. Salty and pitiful included.
I've known grown up fans to go see the movies and ask for one of these but rejected, these are limited to children.
amazing Jill, I wonder how that situation played out.
No. 276821
>>276820they probably thought what
>>275597 said kek
No. 276930
>>274144She and ElleJay both do the same ~uwu kawaii positivity embrace yourself~ act. I'm not surprised at all.
>>274655Ew she looks so nasty and greasy.
No. 277004
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Nice to see her followers are better at this than her
No. 277010
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>>277006Pic related is the reply she gave when someone asked her why she didn't try any Japanese food.
Jill saying that eating at restaurants is such a 'major major' anxiety for her makes it sounds like she hasn't healthily recovered tbh
No. 277011
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>>276709>Pic related She has no jaw definition kek it just goes from neck to head somehow. Fix your posture, mongoloid.
No. 277038
>>277017Her pronunciation for a lot of Japanese places seems off. Like, I don't actively practice or study Japanese and just glean information from weeb sources and I know how to say "takeshita dori".
(saged for weeby faggotry)
No. 277049
>>277006>>277010a lot of people who have eating disorders at young ages don't ever fully "recover" because your brain goes through a lot of hard wiring during that time and will basically make those connections for the rest of your life
and tbh if my 13-14 year old daughter was sick enough that she had to go in the hospital for not eating, i probably wouldn't care that she over ate a bit once she got out
No. 277050
>>277038I think the problem is that she's taking Japanese words and splitting up the syllables as if they were English.
Shibuya becomes "shib-oo-ya" for her, rather than "shi-bu-ya." Takeshita dori becomes "tak-uh-sheet-ah-dor-ee" rather than "ta-ke-shi-ta-do-ri."
No. 277053
>>277014Is she just uploading her vlogs on Wednesday's and Saturday's then? Because that'll be six weeks of just her Japan vlogs then, so I hope she figures out she should start mixing some regular videos in there too because not everyone is going to want to watch her shop for 3-15 minutes twice a week
Also why didn't she just combine this day with the next one? Like I get that you want to make as much money as possible off your poor viewers Jill but a three minute long vlog is just stupid
No. 277058
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>Jill trying to imply she didn't shop every day except one when her mom got to choose what they did
No. 277065
>>277010I don't understand the logic behind this. She says she struggles with eating at restaurants, but ate out at restaurants the entire time and even said the ordering itself was really fun. So what's the difference between a traditional Japanese restaurant and a TGI Fridays if the ordering process is the same? She can't just admit she doesn't want to try Japanese food?
>>277014I know other people have mentioned this, but her pronunciation is so horrible. Combined with her already annoying voice and it makes this video nearly unwatchable for me
No. 277071
>>276715 I get that swankiss and all these nippon brands are cute like i am envious of how much money she threw away on these stores blahblah but just because you
can wear it doesnt mean you
Shes supposedly an aspiring designer but shes still such a weeb that as long as its brand and pink she will wear it even when it literally looks like trash on her and is basicaly a waste of a dress…
I also wonder how much she will actually wear these clothes back in canada, weve seen how alot of her haul clothes just never surface again on her social media in any outfit.
But yeah Jill learn to pick clothes thay flatter you plZ
No. 277085
>>277081nearly every restaurant in tokyo, especially in the main areas, has an english menu and staff who speak english. two out of the three people i went with knew two words of japanese (sumimasen and arigato) and had 0 problem ever ordering or asking about anything. it's not about "new foods" - beef is the same thing whether it's steak or suteki - it's about not caring about japanese culture beyond their pop culture and pretty girly anime things.
don't defend her, anon, it's all about her shit childish taste and genuine lack of interest in japan as anything but irl taobao.
No. 277134
She's put up a video of the wands she bought, even though she's planning on doing a whole video on them. also posted it on both her spam and regular insta like girl choose one you have that spam account for a reason)
No. 277136
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>>277134Apperently she also bought the wrong thing? I know nothing about these toys but if she did that's pretty sad considering what a big "fan" she is
No. 277143
>>277134omg I'm not even into collecting plastic shit but it bothers me so much how she displays all her toys.
Isn't there some better way, get some stands for them or a showcase or something so they won't be at a constant risk of falling over?
Idk how you can be so careless with stuff that you spend hundreds of dollars on…
No. 277186
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No. 277187
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>>277053She's going to milk this trip for all its worth
No. 277198
>>277187In fairness what else does she have to vlog about, working OT on the semi-annual Inventory count at Claire's? She might as well get her (mom's) money's worth.
>>277136Welp that is just embarrassing. She has only one animu on this earth she watches and is supposedly obsessed with, and she's been out-weebed by a rando insta follower.
No. 277263
>>2770143 minutes of her filming shitty footage inside 109 when she's not supposed to, what's even the point? They're so short and boring, I get she wants to space out the trip and get more adsense but doesn't youtube have the thing where you make more money from longer videos anyway? She really should combine the days if they're all boring and shitty like this, she could probably make 1 or 2 big vlogs because all this is doing is making her trip look even more boring and vapid if that's even possible.
>>277132Same, I highly doubt she's so anxious about eating new foods because of nutritional value/calories if all she ate was junk food which clearly gave her no anxiety. People with past eating disorders who are conscious about the stuff they eat whether anxious or not don't go to a foreign country just to eat parfait marshmallow crap. I'd understand more if she only cooked in her apartment or something but suddenly her food anxiety goes away to eat huge fatass parfaits and marshmallow pizza? I don't buy it. Even her mom said "Jill is not adventurous" probably meaning that she just doesn't want to try any Japanese food that isn't kawaii uguu. Also for someone that did ~soooo much planning~ surely she'd research restaurant menus if it's something that makes her anxious? It just doesn't add up at all.
No. 277270
>>277263what makes her anxious is stepping outside of her bubble that she's created for herself of acting like and being treated like a child
she can't eat new foods, can't go to a movie on her own, can't navigate the train, can't be bothered to research things
she said she put so much effort into her google docs but i'm guessing 10% of that was actual research and planning and the other 90% was making it cute and pink
No. 277275
>>277014A word comes to mind: mediocre.
I can't imagine spending thousands to go to a foreign country just to shop and eat "safe" foods.
No. 277299
>>277136IM screaming this is perfect omg.
Can't stand fake fans jfc.
No. 277332
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>>277186one of the comments on this post lol
super productive?? ok then
No. 277484
>>276714>>276713Haha, she's truly the headmaster of the "ConfeYeti" club.
Also that dye job already looks rekt and it hasn't even been a full month since she got it done. The roots growing in makes the pink look greasy, and the hair colors look like they're bleeding into each other. She probably uses cheap shampoo/conditioner and it's causing the fade faster.
No. 277539
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>>277484>confeyeti clubyou fucking kill me anon
No. 277540
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>>277143I would never display them how she does. It killed me when she even admitted that her sweets poron wand kept falling over and knocking all the wands over… like fucking christ girl. She doesnt treat any of her valuables well.
I've personally found finding ways to display wands a little tricky but its not impossible. Pic related is my own inspo for when I get my wands out of storage.
Semi on topic but it really irks me how she doesnt buy ANY weeb shit online. She only buys it from conventions or irl in japan… like girl cons are scalpy as fuck or sell bootlegs (which she's bought lel). And spending thousands of dollars to search nippon itself for toys… just search y auctions and use an ss
No. 277816
>>277803it really shows just how little she did there
it's sad
No. 277831
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No. 277836
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No. 277839
>>277830Polite sage for OT
if anyone wants to order from them offers international shipping via tenso They carry both wego and wc
No. 277841
>>277839this is the official online store for those places. anywhere in japan technically offers international shipping through tenso lmao it's a shopping service
what is your point here
No. 277850
>>277849I stopped after I realized it was 30 minutes long.
There's no need for this to be that long.
(unless there is. I don't know since I only got to minute 5ish. I'm highly doubting it, though)
No. 277851
>>276708I like the swankiss bathrobe dress tbh and have an odd weak spot for the style but I'd personally never touch that dress because it will obviously look unflattering on short / non-tiny-sized women of a certain body type. I know she is not exactly obsessing over perfect outfit constellations but the whole outfit is too pink, noisy and pale, washes her out. Something that sounds impossible for rainbow-chan. Worst point though is the poor fit of the dress all around. Either way, if she coined her own freaking style, she needs to step up her game and not throw on *~whatever, I lyke eet, so much funnn~*
>>277830What a gorgeous yeti
No. 277854
>>277830Laughing my head off because
The earrings are from WEGO
Pretty sure Paris kids is 326 yen
Candy stripper isn't even in Harajuku
Most of the stuff she bought is ugly and she hardly bought any of the cute stuff for sale in Harajuku right now
No. 277860
>>2778303 minutes in girl get to the fucking point, she can't possibly make 3 more 35 minute videos about all the plastic polyester shit she bought. Did she even buy that much or is she just rambling about random shit and constantly name dropping brands no one besides 12 year old weebs care for? I only got to 5 minutes in and had to stop.
>passive aggressive money rantSure Jill, I'll bite, maybe you did save up for this trip and whatnot instead of just wasting your mom's money but making her sleep on the floor for 2 weeks and follow you around to all your 5 year old precure crap whilst not letting her do anything remotely cultural or interesting that isn't ~uwu harajoookoo mahou shoujou~ doesn't make you look much better.
No. 277886
>>277830just finished watching the video and she rambles way to much. Just show the outfit I don't need a 2 minute story with each piece
>>275585also the fact this dress was $100 makes me really question her choices.
No. 277889
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>>277831She looks like a middle aged aunt
I don't get it. She doesn't do drugs and she's not eating a cubic metre of sweets like saxy. So what's the cause?
No. 277890
>>277830Goddamn, I fucking hate her intro and that shitty music that she puts in every single video of hers.
>pronouncing Shibuya like "shee-bee-yah">claiming she was saving for 3 years for this basic ass shopping trip>Not knowing how to style any of the clothes she got>"cuffies" to refer to cuffs of pants>afraid she wouldn't fit anything in Japan>fugly granny glassesChrist I couldn't even make it through the whole thing, she's so fucking grating
No. 277924
>>277830>>"I'm just just a rich kid being spoiled by her mum to go on a shopping trip"Hi Jill, can you make a video justifying all the garbage you bought next?
How will it positively affect your adult future?
Stopped watching after her defensive rant about not being spoilt. She makes it soooooooooo obvious she cares more about lolcow than her actual fans who provide her with a hugbox and shower her with compliments daily. Guess she doesn't appreciate all the tweens who buy her shitty t-shirts and praise her because she only replies to us!
>>277913That elastic band skirt she got: maybe she bought a smaller size because she's delusional?
No. 277963
>>277956It needs that weeb train ride, too, wait a sec.
She's trying to shake off the haters by making her vids drag on forever. Only her most neurotic fans will prevail
No. 277970
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She looks like a mentally retarded child starved for attention.
No. 277971
>>277850The haul is 35 minutes long. The actual VLOGS are 3 and 8 minutes. Just what the fuck.
All that justifying in the beginning stating exactly what she is (spoiled by her mother)… lurking again.
No. 278017
>>277840She cant stop lurking lol.
Please jill, I think you'd find it a lot less stressful if you stopped coming here.
No. 278056
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This one probably better for an OP
No. 278068
>>277741Jill has no interest in properly displaying anything because she's not a real fan. If she were, she would want to make sure these expensive props were stored and displayed safely.
She just likes Magical Girls for the "aesthetic".
No. 278088
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Noooo omg this wasnt $100 like another anon said, it is 17000 yen. Which is $200 canadian for us poor canadian-fags.
No. 278149
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>>278088And she bought this justifying it with "it's a bit cheaper than AP!! It will replace the super expensive AP dresses!!"
For the detail and quality put into one thing and the other, the price difference is not as big as she makes it, regardless of if you like lolita or not. She sounds bitter talking about AP too. I literally thought that nightie was some shiny ebay shit in
>>275585It's ironic to hear her talk how she now realizes how expensive clothing is since she left lolita when the shit she buys now is even more overpriced
No. 278164
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>>278149In the video she mentions drained cherry was her favorite and she really admired it. Not the one you posted (I believe wrapping cherry is the name of that one?)
Either way any cherry all over print would have been cuter than that over priced aliexpress shit she bought. Plus I feel an all over cherry print would be easier to tone down and wear in a non-lolita way. I dont know why shes so adamant about ridding everything lolita brand from her life.
No. 278167
>>278149This, like at least those AP is good quality and not made by some little kid in China. Their designs are all original and extremely detailed and thus worth the price, but justifying buying that crappy nightie dress for $200 as if it's comparable is just a bit deluded. Surely she can see it's all cheap fast fashion crap that's only going to last a few wears if it doesn't go out of style quicker. Trends go in and out of lolita and other subcultures but at least you can sell lolita stuff, no one is going to want her stretched out swankiss.
>It's ironic to hear her talk how she now realizes how expensive clothing is since she left lolita when the shit she buys now is even more overpricedThis, she doesn't realise just because something is cheaper doesn't exactly make it worth the price. With pretty much everything in her haul, either the quality was lacking or it just looks plain shitty and tacky (usually both) Especially because her style is worse, she just gravitates towards the cheap quality tacky pieces and spends thousands on them instead of buying higher quality nicer pieces that probably cost more but would last her forever. Maybe it's because she can't commit to anything and has puts herself in some sort of ~super unique harajoookoo~ box (instead of like
>>278125 said, just being a normal human being that wears other things outside of her "style") she doesn't see the point in buying nice things. She'd rather just buy a shitton of cheap ugly crap because she knows after trying to be a lifestyle lolita, she's fickle as hell and only gets validation from owning lots of stuff that falls into one "style", unlike normal people that can like different things instead of shoving themselves in a box to attract efame and having no actual sense of identity.
No. 278171
>>277830I made it through the entire video by the grace of God. By the end the music started to become ominous, especially when she would randomly zoom in on her face for no particular reason.
And a part of my heart died when she said she doesn't wash her makeup off at night. Hopefully she's exaggerating, but she would never have the patience to maintain a Korean skincare routine like she mentioned
No. 278181
& her teeth are seriously yellow.
No. 278249
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Looks like Jill collaborated with an etsy shop owner for a photoshoot?
Not surprised the shop instagram account hasn't posted any of Jill's pics (yet?), those overgrown nails are gross
No. 278308
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>>278301Oh hell no lmao she could easily fit AP. Especially their newer stuff from the past few years, they've become quite plus size friendly (asian plus size not american plus size)
And that drained cherry dress she talked about I have no doubt could fit her if she got the half shirring or quarter shirring cut. She might even be able to fit the OP but I'm not 100% on that one. If she could though its a very toned down cut that she could incorporate into her daily "party kei" style.
No. 278542
>>277540I love magical girls a lot but I can't bring myself as of yet to buy proplicas when I get much more enjoyment with figures especially when they hold their respective weapons. I also don't have the space to display them.
It's more than obvious that Jill's lack of knowledge on magical girls makes for many laughs.
>>277136 but it's a little concerning that she ties it so heavily to her identity. When you do that with something you're not very emotionally invested in you're in for some problems. If you talk to a lot of older moonies their experiences alone outweigh anything that Jill feels for Precure.
Get some Himitsu no Akko-chan items or some Saint Tail or whatever. Oh, but because they're old not that popular and not Precure or Sailor Moon they're not worth it. A new Clow Book released a couple months ago and you bought dealer trash.
Some collectors have yet to go to Japan but boast better, informed collections because they know their shit and where to look. The internet is your friend.
No. 278543
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>>276712it like she never grew out of making the face
14 year olds make in selfies
No. 278587
>>278542this 100%
I'm sure there's many of us who's attachment to magical girl culture is highly significant in our lives due to various experiences with certain series, especially those who are old enough to be fans from 20-30 years ago. I'm in the same age range as jill so I understand that a lot of classic series began before I was born, but even growing up on the dubbed series in the early 2000's is special to a lot of people.
Jill admitted that she didn't watch sailor moon or cardcaptors growing up. She's not even half way through either series. I think she mentioned all this in the 'top 10 anime' video or one of the hauls. She literally said that she stumbled across anime on tumblr one day and just decided it was her thing. She also said that she watches some shows only AFTER buying merch because she feels guilty that she bought it????
idgaf how bitter or pretentious this sounds: jill is the ultimate fake fan/geek girl. The only reason this matters is because SHE'S BASED HER ENTIRE LIFE ON THIS SHIT.
No. 278613
>>278581Yeah, this is what I meant but
>>278586Damn you're right, sorry. She really likes oversharing, doesn't she.
No. 278618
>>278587Totally agree. But
>SHE'S BASED HER ENTIRE LIFE ON THIS SHIT.More like she's basing her entire life on this shit right now because it's her current phase. Can't wait for her to find something else and then make a video in a few years talking about how cringe that was.
No. 278629
>>278587>>278542As someone who is into anime but not magical girls, I find it so bizarre that she's based her whole identity around them when she barely even watches the shows? I know she's shallow and only ever cares about "aesthetic" so it's not hard to believe but it's so strange how she throws away thousands on merch for show she hasn't even seen. Also her saying she watches shows only because she bought the merch beforehand really bothers me. It's like her weird cheeseburger analogy or whatever it was for her justifying going to Japan and being into Jfashion, she's literally the kind of 'poser' she looks down on.
When I think about it, none of her interests in fashion, anime etc. have been more than shallow and superficial and driven by efame/bragging rights. Even when she talks about playing the piano she goes on about how it was the first thing she realised she was good at and people respected her for it, and to see other people playing it makes her really insecure because SHE has to be the best at it. Same with her lolita phase, she went on and on about being ~100% lolita lifestyler~ and how much brand she owned and then when she left the fashion at the first signs of hate, it shows that she never really had that much interest and love for the fashion in the first place, yet she let it become her entire life.
Usually I'm not that bothered by people that go through different interests and make it their life, but for Jillian it's so bizarre because she doesn't seem to have a real interest for any of those things and she shuns all of her past interests, she can't just be a normal person who likes lots of different things or even someone who is really dedicated to one thing, because the only thing that keeps her going is internet attention/materialism/the chance to be elitist and prove she's better at lolita or magical girls or whatever. She's a "fake fan" of almost everything she's into and she lets it become her entire identity, then when she gets sick of it or someone doesn't praise her she feels so lost because she has no sense of self other than whatever phase she's going through. I don't know if I should feel sad for her because she has no friends or any other sense of joy in her life or if I should just be embarrassed for her tbh.
No. 278630
>>278542I feel this 100%. Just because she splashes
ridiculous cash on items that are not worth it at all (The Precure figures and a chunk of her magical girl toys)does not make her a dedicated fan, just a dumb one. This isn't like old Moonies importing old weapons through seedy old japanese auctions that may or may not show up, it's a dumb teen flogging cash to show off in front of what seems to be children. It's for aesthetic and for her to brag about.
No. 278816
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>>277985i can't tell because most of those girls are just wearing coats.
japanese fashion is a whole new level of cringe tho. it is very pedophilic and seems only to appeal to mentally retarded children. seriously wf is up with this shit? i would rather die than be caught up in public with this
No. 278820
>>278816It's just popular over there for a lot of women's fashion to be cutesy and childish whereas in the west, women's fashion is all about looking like a Kardashian.
There's nothing pedophilic about it, you just sound mad.
No. 278848
>>278571>I wonder if she even thought about bringing souveniers for anyone but herself.I thought the same thing, we haven't seen Colin since, just pics of her laying in her bed and shit. I think she would've tried to use this opportunity to show how "generous" she is or smth (didn't she do this before in some way? I could be getting my cows confused).
Maybe she will find some scraps she no longer wants and put together a souvenir video now after reading this thread
>>278819>>278820Not the anon you are replying to, but even if you don't think their fashion is "pedophilic," their pop culture certainly has a lot of pedo shit in it that many people are aware of. What other country releases the same amount of pedo-esque anime, school girl porn, etc? This is kind of OT but they probably meant that alongside those things, dressing in school uniforms or wearing plushies outside of school age can be creepy, because it's all originating from the same culture. Before the glorious nippon worshiping anons come for me: no, I'm not saying that's all there is to Japanese culture.
I hope Jill will transform from an autistic child style to autistic cheap prostitute style ie
>>275947 , it suits her raunchy personality more
No. 278919
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>>278848Yes, clearly, Japan is the only country to have this sort of issue.
No. 278952
>>278919>>278857I'm well aware the US also has the schoolgirl thing, but the US doesn't have a flood of pedo anime/manga every season, nor do we have shit like anime elementary schooler piss flavor snow cones for NEETS. There's definitely a huge difference. Sage for going OT.
So anons, on a similar note, any guesses on what Jill's next personality/style will be? DDLG, maybe? Adult baby? She's already begun her regression by shopping at Claire's and eating finger foods
No. 278989
>>278952This has been mentioned by others before, but she just seems way too asexual for that.
I guess the benefit of ~inventing your own street style~ is that she doesn't have to be consistent, evidenced by how party kei was just a bootleg fairy kei with more face glitter when it started and now it's whatever the fuck she's been wearing in Japan. She could be country lolita/Anne of Greengables-core next week but still claim it's party kei.
No. 279235
>>279226That's exactly the trip she was planning prior to leaving lolita, which is why I don't understand her not visiting any brands shops that were such a huge part of her life for years, like AP and Emily Temple Cute, or even Closet Child just to take everything in.
She's also had coords with Katie, Ank Rouge, Hyphen BonBon etc when she still wore actual jfashion so I don't get why she said she could only shop at places that matched her party kei aesthetic?
I would be so bummed to miss out on experiencing those shops if I only had a one time opportunity. Why did she close off all these options like she was trying to suffer and spoil her own trip?
No. 279400
>>279235I feel like she has this idea that she is breaking fashion rules and like lolita has too many rules. But she really isn't that creative with her outfits. She could still style lolita pieces different ways. I just remember she made that video about cats tea party and how much she wanted it and this whole big deal about getting it. And not even long after she decided to change her WHOLE style.
She's just conforming to her own new shitty style
No. 279561
>>279474she had multiple dreams about going to shibuya 109 and finding stores there, along with going to AP and the like to find dresses
and then… nothing
No. 279584
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She used to be cute..
No. 279585
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classic milk
No. 279598
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>>279584Soooo cute!
Hmm that checkered soft pink swankiss dress outfit didn't exactly scream Party Kei either..
No. 279631
>>279605do you suppose Jill taught Louise how to use this board then before posting that
tbh I don't think any parent would go post a legal threat on a forum unless they're complete idiots, …. which in this case may be true
No. 279638
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>choker turned the wrong way
>children's hair bows
>plastic play pretend bead necklace
>fake glasses (why the fuck would you want to wear glasses when you purposely bought contacts to avoid them)
>has not worn her $200 dye job hair down since
>literal plastic that'll turn green in her ears
>fugly sweater
No. 279656
>>279604wtf that was proven to be some american anon who didn't even spell their last name correctly
are farmers really so desperate for milk that you'll repeatedly take the bait of trolls who don't even try? just stick to jill's obvious snowflakey traits, she's bad enough jfc
No. 279665
>>279657whatever it's all right there
>>>/pt/108478 just don't bring it into this thread and shit everything up
No. 279669
>>279638it was a $300 dye job anon. Also those ugly fake grandma glasses that her and all the Jvloggers wear are awful.
>>279584She actually suits the soft pastel flowy jfashion styles. They're summery and girly, now whatever she wears is shitty neon clown rubbish. I remember seeing old pictures where she was like 15 and thin and she looked so good in fairy kei. When she first created 'party kei' it just looked like fairy kei with party motifs but now like
>>278989 said, making your own style means she can just wear anything and claim it's that style. I don't know why she's so desperate to label herself even, normal people just wear what they like but Jillian can't even go to AP because it's not party kei enough, even though she literally dreamed about it for years and they still have loads of stuff she'd be into especially the overpriced plastic jewellery I thought she'd be all over.
No. 279686
I just Googled "jillian vessey" for the first time and wow, I had never seen all of her original photos. With how saturated her google image results are for her given name, she could have EASILY, and I mean EASILY, copped an internship with no experience or even–if she was really crafty–a brand consultant gig for one of the major Italian and NYC design houses who are right now getting really interested in that era of blogger. In particular Moschino, Marc Jacobs, Alexander Wang, Alessandro Michele's Gucci.
These companies are right now snapping up ingenue former lookbook stars by the boatload. It's these girls' "slightly off" eyes that they're looking for: slightly too over the top, slightly too alternative, but above all, AUTHENTIC because they're crazy children living totally enmeshed in environmental cocoons who are "outsiders" to the industry. Tavi Gevinson was the first major, public example, and then all these brands started looking for their own Tavis.
It's a gig that rarely involves publicity, like, she obviously would not have been hired to be a shopgirl at any of these boutiques (MAYBE Moschino.) But getting the in is the hardest part and she would have had that in the bag. If she had been smart at all.
Obviously that opportunity is 100% totally and completely done with but this is so weird to think about ..
No. 279704
>>279686lol no
>>279690yes she did and her hairdresser used $6 hairdye so that's why
No. 279720
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so this is a cosplay jill wants to do
No. 279730
>>279686I wish I had the PS skills to photoshop Jillian into a scene from The Devil Wears Prada.
But most of the interns you're referring to work really hard and constantly attend networking events, reach out to companies, create sample collections, and try to find whatever fashion-relevant work they can find.
Jillian lives in in her parent's basement, works at Claire's, hasn't made any attempt to learn the craft she wants to do for the rest of her life, and has only networked with nobodies (in terms of fashion). And I could never imagine her in the position of a starving artist (most fashion interns are unpaid and struggle unless their parent's have money), so she would probably give up in a month. Idk, this whole thing was a stretch.
No. 279733
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>>279729animaritimes facebook group
No. 279736
>>279714It actually doesn't though. CSA goes underreported and underprosecuted in JP. Not saying Western countries don't have a problem, but at least they deal with it.
>>279720Can't wait to see how horrible she looks in this. She's way too old looking and fat to cosplay a little girl.
No. 279920
>>279828She outright replied to a comment saying she budgeted 1000$ per location. By location i'm guessing she means harajuku, shibuya and akihabara? That explains why she spent 3000$ in total (in her mind).
Still she has the nerve to claim that she slaved for this trip but Louise paid for all accommodations, food, transit, tourist spots, all extra hidden fees. Even if Jill does get stuck with that 700$ phone bill, Louise will still pay it like she does every month. Just like how she paid for jill's car etc. I can't stand that she still lives in a 7-bedroom house, not paying any bills, and constantly plays the
hardworking starving anxious stressed artist card, like I really cannot feel bad when she complains about paying for gas, all things considered.
No. 280012
>>277830>If I bought all the things she recommended, how would I put gas in my car when I got homejfc yeah you would be livin on the streets
(If she bought all the things she was recommended she would probably look like less of a hot mess)
No. 280026
>>279638Is this a trend or something? Wearing chokers backwards, I mean. I see a lot of girls come into my store wearing their chokers like this. At first I assumed they just didn't pay attention to their chokers but I've seen them purposely adjusting them.
>>280000she was in japan for two weeks and couldn't take 2 hours out of her shopping trip to get her nails done????????
No. 280029
>>280000>show means a lot to her because it preaches friendship>she has no friendsKek
>Gets excited at a tiny boring park at ~8 minutes>"Cheeky pond">teehee trees!! :DLiterally special needs.
>Bought a lot at the precure store because she knew she'll never be here againWhat about being such a hard worker and having ambitions of living in Japan?? Jfc she's not even 20. No wonder she doesn't try in life if she thinks the only way she'll ever live her dreams is thanks to her mom paying it all. In a sense maybe she realizes she'll need to get off her ass and get out in the big scary world in order to go back there, and knows it's too much for her. It's sad.
No. 280048
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we are all louise
No. 280058
>>280000>A 20 minute ride sounds "really scary". She loved this CHEEKY park but didn't want to go to an actual Japanese garden.SIGH.
One of the things she bought is literally one of those cheap kiddy hair styling/makeup sets for children. She got it for a srcunchie that looks plain pink. 20$ for a cup… can't wait to see the live show cringe
No. 280127
>>279736Not saying Stacey Dooley's BBC documentary on CSA in Japan was completely unbiased and a perfect representation, but it was interesting enough and some of the stats/situations surprised me.
Sage for irrelevant discussion.
No. 280225
>>280221In her video she was talking about that forum like she finally found people who were "as big of fans as her", so elitist.
Not to mention, while some people draw fanart, write fanfics and theories, or just discuss the show, somehow her chosen way to show her love for it is brag about how much shit she bought and blog about how her "genderqueer" "partner" would enjoy an androgynous character and shit. It always has to be about her.
She joined a little after we discussed how she sounded like a fake fan so maybe it was for that, but the "I need people to brag to!" was a reason too.
No. 280362
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more like the anniversary of the time I almost killed my cat
No. 280382
>>280377it almost died
No. 280393
>>280382from what tho? purebred issues? swallowing one of jill's plastic things?
i wonder why she would post this
No. 280396
>>280221>>280225Yeah, that seemed weird to me too. I mean, I was always under the impression that she enjoyed drawing (as lazy and sloppy as her art is) so why doesn't she ever post any fanart if the series is soooo special to her? I haven't watched it personally so I'm not the best judge, but it really does seem like she's more into the aesthetic than the actual characters and story.
I suppose it's easier to buy your way into a community than putting any actual effort into art and/or discussion.
No. 280429
>>280393Its in her room tour video. That holographic streamer back drop she has in her room? Yeah her cats were eating it. Its essentially the same thing as the cat eating tinsel which we all know is a big no-no.
What really bugs me further though is that SHE KEPT IT AND LEFT IT UP. Her solution was just to put pillows on the floor in front of it… Which imo the cats if they really wanted to could still access it. She could just cut off the ends a few feet from the ground , its not like that part shows in videos anyways.
No. 280438
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Pixie comforts Cathy Cat on the demise of KERA and the GLB. I know people here love to slag on Cathy, but I love her. I don't really get the relationship between her and Pixie tho. Like, does she really need to be telling her not to "worry her pretty little head?"
Jill baby, Cathy is actually living this life–living off YouTube money, living in Japan, speaking Japanese (along with German and English–she speaks it better than you I'm afraid), and actually dressing the fashion. She goes on the walks every month. She's really actually living this, not Instagramming about how someday maybe she might possibly get around to it. She's also older and a college graduate. I'm really not sure what advice you think you're giving her here.
No. 280485
>>280429Wow…. she values her dollar store decorations more than her cats. Really though, what a fucking irresponsible retard.
>>280448Imo jill gives off a major "not like other girls" vibe, my theory is no one her age wanted to be her friend because shes petty and thinks shes more mature than she is
No. 280555
>>280514I haven't kept up with her Precure fandom forum posts (can you even look through her post history? I rely on screencaps in this thread, tbqh), but it's really fucking weird to have hundreds of dollars of merch of something and not invest emotional work in fandom content, especially if you're an artist of some sort.
But who knows–I'll give her the benefit of the doubt and assume she writes fanfics on an another handle or something.
No. 280624
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>>280438There was also this comment and I honestly can't understand how she might contribute keeping j-fashion alive when she literally went to Forever 21 in Japan
No. 280700
>>280684the fact that she traveled to this gamazing country being afraid of fucking everything but her bank account makes me so fucking angry.
where's her curiosity? this isn't normal
No. 280716
>>280701She spent a lot of time shopping. I honestly wouldn't care about it but she brorught her mom. She has not shown anything she got for her mom.
I live in Japan and I would be so thrilled if my mom could visit.
No. 280724
>>280448>>280624Yeah, Cathy is older, and more accomplished. In weeb terms, Jill, she's your senpai, so show a little respect. Your two weeks spent shopping at the Japanese versions of everything in your local mall does not put you on the same level as someone living there and living the actual lifestyle. You're being cheeky–and here I'm using the word the way it's supposed to be.
It's like Jill is that annoying girlfriend-of-the-guitar-player type who suddenly thinks she's part of the band. Hmm…I could see her as a reverse-Yoko-Ono to some poor schmuck if she ever does move to Japan.
No. 280728
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She reposted this to her spam account for extra pats on the back
No. 280733
>>280728Didn't it get proven that she watches plenty of these videos about drama especially with the whole jefree and Kat thing? Lol
Also Jill you have name dropped yoytubers but mostly in a whiny way like "I wish I had the same following as them"
I wonder if this is about lor's newest video
No. 280736
>>280728If I had to guess I think this is in response to Lor "throwing shade" at 'living dolls' such as venus and that indie ita designer etc
Some people are amused by it and Jill obviously had to throw in her two cents
No. 280774
>>280514Yeah, I know. Sorry if it came off like you need to produce fanart to be a fan of something. I just meant that I find it odd how she has both a deviantArt (although she seems to have to deleted all her content?) and a tumblr dedicated to her drawings, but no Precure content to be found. I understand wanting to work on her own original ideas, but it's not like she hasn't uploaded other fan stuff and she's always drawing magical girls anyways.
Basically like
>>280555 said, usually when people want to join some sort of community/fandom they express themselves through more personal, emotional means if the thing means a lot to them. The only times I think I've ever heard Jillian talk about specific characters is when she's showing off her toys, and it's always very matter-or-a-fact. For example: "this is X character's item, it was really expensive and hard to find" vs "this one is very special to me because it belongs to X character and I relate to them a lot." (granted, I didn't look through all her posts and videos before typing this, so I could be somewhat biased in how I'm remembering everything.)
No. 280900
>>273409I'm going to give Jillian some actual advice about moving to Japan as someone who is currently in the process of trying to do so.
>Step 1: Go to university. It doesn't matter what your major is but this is non-negotiable to get a work visa in Japan (other than a working holiday visa but that's a one-off for a limited time and you have to find your own job and place to live). Sure you could go the visa husbando route like kanadajin3 but you're not as stupid as her so you could probably earn a visa yourself.
>Step 2: Learn Japanese, sure some people get by without it but you really should try if you're serious about living in Japan. It isn't difficult to learn the basics at least. If your university doesn't offer classes you can study it yourself. Grab a couple of Genki textbooks, make a cute video about your study routine.
>Step 3 (optional): Look into study abroad programs at your university. This would give you some experience being independent and living in Japan without being thrown in the deep end. Some programs have classes in English (though you'd be surprised how quickly you get used to immersion programs). You could also look into doing a summer intensive program at a private language school in Japan but I'm not sure about the cost of this.
>Step 4: Look into teaching English in Japan after you graduate. This is how most foreigners move to Japan, not by working retail. You don't need any experience for this but you do need a bachelor's degree. You can ask your Jvlogger friends for advice.My last piece of advice is to actually read about what life in Japan is like, which is a lot different than just a two week holiday in Tokyo. If you're prepared this will lessen the culture shock and you'll have a better time. Oh and you WILL have to try Japanese food at some point.
No. 280906
>>280801Name-dropping youtubers isbad if it's for drama! Of course it's OK to use it to kiss ass though, and watch drama videos anyways :)
And use a story about how you won't forgive a conservative woman for acting out in your store because she isn't immediately converted to your narrative
No. 280918
>>280900No offense but most weebs
know what moving to Japan entails. Information for wannabe expats is very much abundant nowadays. It's the simple fact that they
know how much hard work it is and the lifestyle changes are much too demanding for most. Jillian knows she's eligible for a 12-month working holiday visa or that she needs sponsorship for a work visa which also requires a degree.
She was hardcore about moving to Japan back when she was dating Tristan, and they would often joke about the struggles of planning the move. But she realized long ago that she was too lazy to make any of it happen and that's why she stopped saying she was ~totally going to bunka~
I think that's why going back to Canada was so depressing for her, the trip re-ignited her past dreams of living there but now she has to deal with the realization that it's ~too hard~ all over again.
No. 280921
>>280728She's saying this crap but then she's trying to promo on Cathy's crying vlog and trying to shove her video in a sad time for lolitas for the clicks.
She's going to act like a harajuku expert and claim that it's so thriving when all she's interested in supporting is western tacky shit from the 90s.
No. 280950
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>>280728LOL Jill you're still watching them though
No. 280964
>>280961Lor is actually pretty chill, I like her videos. And she represents the fashion well, isn't cringey about it.
Unless there's milk on her I've never heard or st.
No. 281005
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>>280737I seriously get vibes that Jill is jealous of how close Lor and Albi are
No. 281029
>>281005god this picture is everything that is wrong with jill's look
- unflattering hair colour, cut, and style (and she's wearing a keychain in her hair)
- squeezing herself into too small clothing
- putting everything she owns together at once because she has no fashion rules
- shit eating grin
No. 281048
>>281005You know what, that makes a lot of sense. And just reminded me how awkward it was with her mom filming her meeting Alb.
Jill, try making some real friends instead of your mom or efamous people or anyone who can benefit you. I think you're just salty that people like lor are well liked for being true to themselves. (And can actually enjoy something without approval from the internet a la Lolita fashion and your obsession with being a lifestyler)
No. 281060
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No. 281086
>>281060I like the look minus the glasses and overkill background.
She went for a better expression but looks constipated
No. 281090
>>281060I just feel like with this look it's almost like she's bordering on some strange line between cute fairykei/larme and some kind of weird rainbow tumblr grandma? It seems like she's trying to recreate the kind of ott larme/swankiss shopgirl style makeup? If her hair colour wasn't such a mess and she wasn't wearing the shitty jvlogger glasses this look would actually be good by her standards. It'd also look better without the million rainbow hairties and the clashing pinks and purples between her hair/makeup/outfit but this is Jillian, I'm just surprised she didn't flood the outfit with cheap unmatching 99ct store accessories or straight up paper decorations like she usually does.
If she had her natural hair colour she'd probably look really nice, the long hair is so much more flattering on her even if it is terrible cheap extensions that look like they came off one of her ponies or puppy surprise toys. I don't understand for the life of me why she keeps cutting her hair short, is it snapping off or something from how fried it is? She looks so much cuter with long hair.
No. 281099
>>281083She has to get those cheeky bandwagon views, anon.
Also, I like how every time a topic is brought up she makes it about herself. She complained about people who don't appreciate Harajuku taking pictures of her "100,00 times." Nice humblebrag.
Bonus: Take a shot every time she says Harajuku wrong and end up under the table.
No. 281109
>>281083LOL @ 3:30 when she says she got her photo taken so many times in Japan that it actually annoyed her… Please Jill, get over yourself.
I can only imagine anyone taking photos of her to add to their embarrassing gaijin collections
No. 281110
>>281105she always looks better with long hair
this hairstyle isn't perfect but it's way better than the bun or the half bun half down shit she normally does
No. 281127
>>281099literally EVERYTHING becomes about her
like when she immediately adopted LACE and made the video announcement before Kate?? Or when she bitched about anime matsuri being a reason to leave lolita but she's never even been to a con outside her part of the country?
Why does she feel the need to interject herself into issues that are happening on the other side of the world and why isn't she self-aware enough to realize her opinion lacks any value..
No. 281128
>>281083"This kind of affects my livelihood"
oh fuck off Jill
No. 281138
>>281083Literally everything about this is bad, she's really in no place to be talking like she's some kind of authority or prominent figure on this. She's just talking out of her ass and making it all about her, as usual. Also the way she says fairy kei or decora infuriates me. They're words borrowed from English ffs, just say them normally!
>humblebragging about other tourists taking photos of her and how annoying it apparently wasEverything this girl says and does is for attention. She'd probably be upset if people didn't take photos of her. Also is she forgetting that she's just another gaijin too?, even if she's wearing her stretched out swankiss, she does add to the statistic of 'harajuku being clogged up by white tourists' that she complains about. No one besides her deluded fanbase would ever take her seriously as a Japanese fashion enthusiast,or someone who really loves the fashion.
>"harajuku dying" articles all coming out 2 weeks before her Japan tripwhat the hell? People have been saying this stuff for years. It has nothing to do with "our generation" being more introverted and not going out, they're still attention whoring on the internet. Just because she's the kind of person that buys stuff just to haul and have her mom take her photos doesn't mean everyone else has no friends to go out with wearing the fashion. What a bizarre justification, in all the years that these articles have been around and prominent jfashion figures have defended the subculture people being introverted has never been a reason. Jillian, that's literally just you. Stop talking out of your ass and making it all about yourself for once.
She's probably never even read half of these articles. The whole "harajuku dying" premise is based on the fact the subculture is declining in favour of fast fashion and globalisation instead of people supporting smaller jfashion brands. She conveniently left that out even though it's literally the biggest reason. Before this Japan trip she pretty much exclusively brought stuff from american apparel, forever 21, unif, dollskill etc. Nothing supporting the Harajuku fashion movement or subculture in the slightest, even when she went to harajuku she bought stuff from forever 21 that she knew they sold back home. Does she not realise that she's literally part of the problem? Or is she just that deluded?
No. 281140
>>281083"I've only heard things from english speakers"
When the news were released, a lot of japanese girls were freaking out or going "lolita is not dead" trying to reassure each other on twitter. The weeaboo mentality of always thinking it's filthy gaijin that are making a big deal over this and in Japan everything's dandy.
Jill's video feels so souless but people will flock towards it for damage control and treat j-fashion wearers who are concerned as nutcases. Everyone needs a little bit of delusion in their life. Small instagram based trends like Peco fashion are going to cease as soon as she grows and the Peco persona is over. Girls who wear that kind of fashion are fanatics hopping on every cute trend, kind of like Jillian herself. They're going to dump that as soon as something else that's fresh comes up.
No. 281142
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>>281005Latina fag here, but this photo of Jill reminds me of La Cuatro from Sabado Gigante (Giant Saturday)
No. 281146
>>281142don't insult an icon by comparing her to a nobody like jill
No. 281157
>>281083As someone who's followed Jill since before her youtube days, I gotta say i'm bitter that her follower count is larger than Lor and Peachie who were around for years before her.
Jill's video already doubled lor's today and her comment sections have an impressive amount of engagement. Where do her subscribers even come from? I know the jfashion community doesn't care much for jillian so I don't get it.
No. 281162
>>281157Because it's not the true jfashion community who watches her. Just weeby teens and preteens who connect with her shit style because they don't know any better.
And the there's those vicariously living through her and her outrageous hauls
No. 281171
>>281157>>281160Just goes to show how undedicated she is to all of this. She brought up the point of "styles move on, fashion changes!" but also moaned about tourists. Tourists she's helping create with these videos, "making" her own j-fashion because I hate rules!!! and separating herself to a normie clusterfuck.
She just cares she won't have a couple of hashtags to promote her hauls with anymore.
No. 281342
File: 1490930001668.jpg (163.19 KB, 929x441, ss (2017-03-30 at 08.12.01).jp…)

I swear shes just doing this to piss us off lol
No. 281371
>>281364Fruits has been out of print for a very long time.
However, nobody thought GLB or KERA have been out of print, anon. Gothic & Lolita Bible has been decently popular even recently, but not as popular as KERA; most people buy it for the stickers, gifts, and sewing patterns (but Otome no Sewing has replaced that niche now.) KERA is extremely popular in the West and scans are posted pretty much religiously, especially during release seasons.
No. 281372
>>281342I don't understand people who like to collect anime figures/props at all. To me it seems like useless consumerism of the worst kind. I do think people can do whatever they want with their money.
But this here is clearly $3000 or more of useless plastic figures, and Jill makes minimum wage. This is so wasteful, it's crazy.
No. 281377
>>281371Fruits was discontinued in February so not that long ago. I also thought it was already finished way before that but I guess not.
I also knew kera was still in print but I had no idea that the glb was still making new issues. I'm not a Lolita. Guess I'm just nobody.
No. 281411
>>281140If Jill just did some quick googling she could have easily found some narrative of what the Japanese are thinking. And yes they are surprised and saddened by the announcement. I dug up a topic here about it if anyways interested (I posted it to cgl too so you might have already seen it) dont speak or write japanese at all and I was able to find it. If I can do it I'm sure jill would be capable too.
No. 281567
>>281342This collection is so shameful and you can tell it's worth nothing to her.
Otherwise it would not have grown so large in such a small time period. Her first major wand purchase was at Animaritimes summer 2015, she vlogged it and did a haul. It's only been 1 1/2 years? Do you know how long it takes most normal people to build a collection of that size?
It's exactly like when she collected a huge lolita wardrobe and all her dream dresses within 12 months and then sold them all.
She obsesses with being seen as "hardcore" meaning she'll spend all her paycheques proving that and later realizes these are just passive interests, whether or not she admits it. How many more useless items can fit on that shelf? If these items truly held so much meaning to her then she'd cherish each one or few at a time and wouldn't continuously be looking for bigger better.
And it's already been mentioned ITT that she hasn't even watched half the series she collects from.
>>281372Most people work full time and have apartments/homes of their own. Owning a few figures or props that have value isn't so weird in the grand scheme of things.
Minimum wage in PEI is 11$ so yeah she probably makes closer to 12$? Doesn't justify anything though. The more you earn, the more you should save.
No. 281633
>>281567she's been collecting wands since before then. prior to animaritime 2015, she owned the princess perfume, princess rod, flower tact, and crescent moon wand
also i'm pretty sure she's seen all of the precure seasons with the exception of one, and she's watched all of doremi. she's seen some of sailor moon and most of cardcaptor sakura iirc
seems pretty standard to be tbh
No. 281638
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Found a little gem
Jill loves lying for attention
No. 281640
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>>281638She apperently was thinking of cosplaying from tokyo Mew Mew without watching any of it. Such a pure fan Jill
No. 281687
>>281646I love how this was in 2013 and 4 years later all her wands STILL fall down from time to time.
She hasn't been able to figure out how to properly display her shit in four fucking years.
No. 281693
>>281640>Heartcatch was 70% fillerHoly kek. Fucking precure in general is 90% monster of the week and/or victim of the week woth no plot advancement.
Who the fuck watches Precure for the plot…
No. 281740
>>281640Couldn't she just read Cardcaptor Sakura if she hates filler that much? (along with any other anime that has a manga)
Though all this is almost 4 years ago so i'm sure (hoping) she knows this.
Sageing for no real contribution
No. 281765
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Saw this on FB and immediately thought of Jillians nasty ass tea lmao
No. 281859
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>>281060Sorry Jill, you'll never be as kawaii as Hikapu
No. 281865
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>"you can always come to me"
>doesnt respond to anyone in the comments ever
No. 282079
File: 1491018121070.jpg (17.9 KB, 240x240, 1430349081062.jpg)

>>281640Card captor Sakura is an anime series i was huge fan of and grew up with. I'd be salty as fuck if this cow cosplayed Sakura and had no idea anything about the deep relationships of the characters or story.
No. 282096
>>281693>I have no clue why I thought I had to watch all 52 or so episodes.Kek. Gotta get justify those expensive plastic baubles somehow…
(Seriously though, I think most of us here already knew or at least suspected she was just into it for the aesthetic/material aspect, not FRIENDSHIP and GIRL POWER like she claims.)
Raising the ordinary to extraordinary
Sometimes the right thing for one person is the wrong thing for someone else
No. 282121
>>280919At least they have something to contribute to the thread, unlike you.
>>281060Ditch the granny glasses and it's a 10/10 look.
No. 282125
>>281372People have different interests, unless it's taking over their lives (but that's another story).
Sage for samefagging.
#1 Supporter of: Yaoi and all things slashy & perverted.
No. 282150
>>281638Holy fuck
What basic social interaction was she depraved of in her formativw years to not grasp such simple concepts? How does she lack social/self awareness to this extent?
No. 282151
It's fucking creepy as hell that Jill's been keeping up this charade of liking mahou shoujo shows just to justify her merch purchases. Sure, of course people would bitch about how it's still pretty weird that she would invest so much money in something she doesn't care for beyond an aesthetic reason.
But this freak show of her pretending to like something that spans over years is disturbing. Her determination to keep up a lie over something so menial is sort of insane.
No. 282239
>>282226no, she's just 14/15 in those messages. she's just acting like a kid because that's what she was
jill has a lot of stuff you can mock her for. being 14 and wanting to be unique is a pretty common feeling and it's ridiculous to try to drag her for wanting to feel special at some of her first anime cons ever
No. 282245
>>282238fuck i was almost impressed with her for a second when i saw this
i wonder if she gets enough comments telling her they're glad she's getting rid of her horrendous wardrobe she'll actually do it lol
No. 282255
>>282238She looks so much better here but… april fools! back to looking like clown vomit. Honk honk
That comment telling her she can do both, don't you dare say such a thing, party kei is totes who she really is!
No. 282292
>>282238Lolita suits slightly chub girls so well because it fits all the frumpiness underneath. Also, why doesn't she keep doing her makeup like this? It's just a shame.
>>282291>ALl I could think of was "good luck getting any money out of that".Right. Selling craploads of mall junk isn't going to give her enough money to jumpstart a new lolita wardrobe. She should know that.
No. 282369
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>>282238>that would be like my lying to my aduence >on a photo that was literally her lying to her aduence
"Behind every brilliant mind there lies a Monster..."
No. 282371
File: 1491084129527.png (80.54 KB, 745x472, IMG_0384.PNG)

Lors comments on her post
No. 282376
>>282371holy shit I love that lor finally addressed her directly
she made a video a year ago about "not being a lifestyle lolita" and not restricting yourself to one fashion. I always suspected that rubbed Jill the wrong way (and may have also been a reference to her)
plus their opposing videos on the death of harajuku this week, without so much as commenting on each other's vids lol
No. 282387
>>282376Kek, this is so good. I love Lor, I've met her a few times and she's a genuine person with her shit together that just so happens to wear frills - rather than Pixie who bases her entire identity on her dumb clothes and has no drive to actually accomplish anything in life (aside from spending her min-wage money on PreCure plastic garbage)
+++ Ehlers-Danlos/Hypermobility Syndrome +++ autistic and proud +++ PC gaming
No. 282397
>>282371the other comment is obnoxious tho
it's a joke lor relax
No. 282401
>>282238This seems so fucking tryhard. GAIZ LOLITA SUX LOLOLOLOL
Bitch you literally obsessed over the shit and forced your family, friends and loved ones to get you those expensive ass dresses, only to sell the shit when the community saw you for what you really were. Absolutely pathetic.
No. 282407
So is she just not uploading anything today? Does she even have a schedule anymore ?
Raising the ordinary to extraordinary
Sometimes the right thing for one person is the wrong thing for someone else
No. 282443
File: 1491092689286.png (117.4 KB, 620x647, IMG_2562.PNG)

Idk, sometimes Lor can come off a bit pretentious. I'm not a Jill fan by ANY means, I think she's tacky and narcisstic as fuck, but as if she would need permission from Lor to go back to Lolita if she wanted. Sometimes it seems like Lor thinks she's this huge authority of Lolita and comes off really pretentious.
No. 282448
>>282429Haaah, that back peddling.
>>282434fucking this.
No. 282458
So I think I realized the reason Jill hates lolita now so so much.
So remember how she quit her job over her blue hair? She said something along the lines of "I couldnt keep going back to work for these people, I would just keep getting upset every time at work thinking of what happened"
I think a similar effect happened in lolita when she found out not all lolitas are lovelies. When she got that bitter taste in her mouth from the community she couldnt bear to be a part of it anymore because of her incredibly thin skin. Just shows she never had a true passion for the fashion and one little bad experience can ruin an entire hobby for her
No. 282464
>>280624With this comment on current J-fashions (or even the entire movement) death spiralling and her switch to fast fashion brands in mind, no wonder Lor got upset. I can understand people thinking Lor and other people participating in J-fashion subcultures are overreacting, but like… Watching a community die out and entire brands/designers closing down is pretty serious for followers and people whose livelihoods depend on people not succumbing to cheap, fast fashion.
Isn't Jill intending to become a fashion student, as well? Surely a fashion that was a cornerstone of her life for some time should mean much more to her, even from an academic standpoint.
No. 282466
>>282464She made a video about the "death of Harajuku" and then made this joke. It seems distasteful. She's using lolita fashion as a joke for YT views and an IG prank.
I'd let the April Fools joke go if she didn't have the nerve to make a monetised video to cash in on it as well. I can see where Lor is coming from. Jill made the joke in bad taste because yesterday she was making a video about saving J-Fash or whatever,it seems disingenuous to defend Jfash one day and make it the butt of a joke the next.
No. 282478
File: 1491098747278.png (191.87 KB, 749x1101, IMG_0391.PNG)

She took the photo down and still hasn't got a video up for today.
Jill get your shit togther
"Behind every brilliant mind there lies a Monster..."
No. 282488
what is talking about with the whole "people not appreciating japanese fashion flooding harajuku" thing? how does she know if these people are into fashion or not? not everyone who is into street fashion wears it 24/7. even then, god forbid people are in a part of a city for something other than fashion or shopping.
i dunno. these videos give me a weird vibe. japan is just another country. stop romanticizing it. i've been there, it's cool and all, but it's not all CRAZY WEIRD FASHION ALL THE TIME HOW QUIRKY. i wonder if these girls are so upset because they feel like their little niche is dwindling down. i enjoy japanese fashion as well but i'm not crying about the trends changing. i'm still able to buy the clothes i like and watch the brands i like via tumblr and insta. the communities are still thriving in the west. like, moreso than ever. get over it. when AP closes down, maybe we can freak out.
also lol at the GLB being too expensive to ship overseas, okay jill.
No. 282492
File: 1491101238835.png (78.82 KB, 1077x593, IMG_0394.PNG)

If this is right, then it looks like maker did drop her despite what she said about staying with them. Don't know when that happened but this might be the reason she doesn't have a video up
No. 282537
>>282488>what is talking about with the whole "people not appreciating japanese fashion flooding harajuku" thing? how does she know if these people are into fashion or not?She worded it stupidly but there is a problem with people coming just to gawk at "lol weird fashion nipponese" and Harajuku is becoming pretty gentrified with fast fashion stores that tourists can get back in their own countries. She takes it to an extreme though with how omg so many people tried to sneak her picture!! I doubt it happened nearly as much as she claims.
And many Japanese brands have actually closed down, so the idea that AP and other brands like it is not that far fetched of an idea. The writing is on the wall for a lot of places. However, something else will rise up in its place. I find that westerners into jfashion are way more… I don't know if traditionalist is the word, but a lot of them resist change so it's no surprise that the changing nature of Harajuku and Japanese street fashion as a whole is alarming to them.
Of course Jillian's video doesn't even touch on any of the nuances of this discussion, it's just a way for her to win brownie points with he very jfashion followers she has left and brag about how many times people took her picture and brag once again about where she shopped.
No. 282571
>>28223>>282238The jokes on you Jill, you looked 100000 times better in Lolita!
Always reach for the stars, because even if you miss you'll be miles away from me with your motivational bullshit.
No. 282599
>>282441This is just embarrassing.
The Lolita comm is autistic weeb women paying to look like they're shitting in a diaper under their dresses.
Who are you when no one is watching?
No. 282611
>>282599>>282598>two comments in succession shitting on lolitas with the easiest baitokay Horse Rose Zebra-manatee
>>282537oh, i somehow didn't put two and two together. i guess it was wishful thinking on my part that these tourists would somehow stop into smaller shops and maybe buy a thing or two, which in turn helps keep them running.
AP is still churning out prints and doing a lot of rereleases, but i get you. i've always thought the reasoning behind the influx of rereleases and MTOs was guaranteed $$$.
the picture stuff is just lol, especially her comment about how "the japanese should know better."
No. 282644
>>282608>>282611It isn't b8, friend.
The fact of the matter is that Jill is a grown woman buying over a thousand dollars worth of plastic toy wands, dressing in a way that makes her look literal special needs, and still living with her parents with no real expenses.
Lolita is a pretentious, sad subculture, and the melodrama attached to it is as cow as anything I've seen on this board.
It's never hurt me, but I'm a self-aware human being that isn't living in a fantasyland of burando. Get a grip dude. Weebs are megacringe and that goes unjustifiable lmao.
You can keep the rewards, I'd just as soon stay sick - The Cramps, "Bikini Girls With Machine Guns"
No. 282646
>>282645Was she drinking alone…?
Also that sound like such a ~ party ~ night, kek. What a loser.
No. 282649
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>>282644Stop derailing with your shitty bait. Milk or GTFO
No. 282674
>>282644You're acting like she's in her 30's when in reality she's still a teen, and so many people don't have their shit together when they're that age. Maybe she'll learn and grow up eventually or maybe she won't, but you're sperging so hard right now.
Show me on the dolly where the mean lolitas hurt you…
No. 282705
>>282693holy fuck
this is so cringey. I honestly didn't expect this level of autism in one video but here we are
No. 282711
>>282693God she acts three in this video…. cringing the whole time. The way her mother speaks to her like she's special needs.
What is she saying at 3:28? something about "because I'm not a poser", she's freaking out so much in this video and with all the sound, I can't hear shit.
>Mom are you having fun? pretend high pitched mom voice to indulge kidsLouise, let your daughter grow up.
Also, it was all tired parents and toddlers at the show, as expected
No. 282732
>>282693Her on the gondola thing at the beginning OMGGGG.
Her mum was all "look Jill, look rollercoaster, look at this" and Jill was like "no no no no no not aesthetic, very fright"
No. 282809
>>282693so, is she the only adult there to see the show? and the only person dressed up?
No. 282894
>>282693when her mum is saying "let's go on the rollercoaster jill, come on we're in japan!" and jill whines about only wanting to go to the precure store… cringe
shes against trying everything outside of the little bubble shes created for herself. she is actually convincing me she's an autist with the way she latches onto things and throws fits when something changes. her poor mum sounded like she wanted to try new things while there too.
during the precure performance it looks like jill is faking being as excited as possible, which wouldnt be surprising at all with how much she lies about being a fan etc.
>"those are cartoons right?>"NO MUM EYEROLL THOSE ARE THE REAL PEOPLE"and this is only 3 mins in the video… fuck
No. 282921
>>282693literally the actual kids at the show werent as spergy and cringe as Jill. I'm not sure if she's a little or just legit special needs. Her mom is cute though, I feel sorry for her having to cater to Jill's shitty interests instead of getting to do the things she wants bc Jill has to watch some show for kids and stuff her face with marshmallow pizza
>>282820I find Sophie annoying to watch so I just skimmed this video and wow Jillian looks awful, please ditch the old lady glasses and that shitty gold/yellow glitter while you're at it. I can't believed she joked about going back to lolita, does she not see how much better she looks in it? She looks like a joke constantly now.
>>282902Her mom went to meet Sharla and they went to a restaurant or something (on her mom's fb) but who knows if she stuck around when they went shopping and filmed their collabs.
No. 282965
>>282921oh, yeah, it looks like you can see louise in
>>282949. i don't know why she wouldn't take that time to so something for herself. you can take a bullet train to kyoto for relatively cheap, or even see some museums or something. her daughter is an adult and can handle herself to shop.
No. 282970
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>>282693fucking jill looks so old! her eyes wtf girl what do you do???… also that show was so cheap and cringy looking, targeted for kids obviously
man this girl is kinda retarded
>>282949that girl sharla looks relly haggard and talks like a lazy man ew
No. 282981
File: 1491187715663.png (96.32 KB, 233x186, SyYlYPJ.png)

>when mommy indulges you with a $3000 shopping trip/photoshoot/efriend collab AND you get your chicken nuggies
No. 283005
File: 1491190272832.png (200.3 KB, 319x376, Screenshot 2017-04-02 23.27.35…)

i accidentally paused it on this.
No. 283013
File: 1491191679528.png (872.65 KB, 816x677, Animal Farm.png)

>>282949Thought this was worthy enough to pause on. Made a banner out of it, too.
No. 283138
>>282949kek read the comments on this video
Sharla didn't buy anything and is making excuses. It's clearly not her style, that's why she didn't buy a thing. All the jvloggers look like a kawaii version of the instagram baddie and Pixie would wear anything tacky from the 80s as long as it's overpriced.
Jill's simply not someone who will age well, she got bad genes. I don't think it's anything she is doing, though she could help by doing skincare. She is young so I'd stick to contouring the jowls and using much more concealer. Her eyebrows age her too, she has a granny eyebrow shape, I wonder how her natural eyebrows look like… a softer arch and a matching color to her hair would do her well
No. 283241
>>283101>>282978Her mom filming jill's vlog the entire time is bizarre as hell that's for sure
Sharla makes her living from vlogging with all her popular friends who also sustain themselves independently via vlogging
Then here comes pixie an actual child who can't even hold up her own damn camera
No. 283301
>>283291she's not autistic, special needs, or a little or anything like that
she's just a spoiled child who hasn't been forced to grow up at all
No. 283311
>>283013I love this picture so much.
Sometimes I wonder if Jillian knows she looks like this or if she has a different image of herself. A lot of people see themselves differently, so maybe she has a skewed perspective or a lack of self-awareness. I mean, most people would look around them at that live show and realize they were the only adult and how strange the whole thing was, but it doesn't even occur to her
No. 283387
>>283101It's not that unusual for a "here I am shopping/eating/walking around with another YTer" kind of collab which is what these turned out to be (not surprising since they're easy). A more involved collab would have been more like "I give Sharla a makeover." But that takes more planning and prep.
These videos are still weird. The beginning of Sharla's made it sound like, "yeah, so, this internet creeper that I just met bugged me to do one of these so, whatever, I figured just by looking at her she'll like pastel crap so I told her we'll go look at pastel crap."
No. 283534
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She hit 60k.
No. 283741
>>282949Does Jill know how to act like a normal human being for like, 2 mins when shes on camera? Every time Sharla pointed the camera at her she couldnt stop doing ~omg kawaii uguu~ poses and weird expressions.
Also LOL at Jill's mom being awkwardly edited out a lot of the time, if people didn't know Jill's channel poor Louise would just look like some old creeper.
No. 283750
>>283741It is pretty awkward how Louise was edited out. I thought she was Jill's "bestie," but it seemed more like Jill was embarrassed to have her mom hang out with them. It didn't look like Louise was camera shy or anything in Jill's vlogs, so…
You'd think Sharla and Louise would get along better too, like
>>283138 said Jill and Sharla had nothing in common and Sharla looked like she was just helping a poor weeb peasant around nippon the entire time for good karma
No. 284144
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No. 284200
>>284143It's never enough for her to just date someone is it? She has to turn them into a prop. Colin is whipped as fuck and actually used to look good before she pressured him into dying his hair pastel to fit her style.
Also funny how on that Pretty Cure forum she raved about how great the new androgynous character would be for her "partner", not that Colin actually does like the character–or that he even shows any real interest in the series whatsoever. She's projecting her own desires onto him.
No. 284212
>>284144Fucking amazing anon, 10/10
Also I can't get over the sheer fear/confusion Jill expresses about the Japanese subway and train system. They're painfully easy to figure out, the most difficult part is usually finding an exit in the really big stations (at least in my own experience of being a confused dumb Gaijin in glorious Nippon)
No. 284213
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No. 284214
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No. 284229
>>284200Jill treats everyone like props.
Colin, excuse me, "Coco" is there to be her perfect kawaii uuguu "partner" that she can treat like a doll.
>>284214This is so weird and creepy
No. 284248
File: 1491332413815.png (147.57 KB, 1044x566, Screen Shot 2017-04-04 at 3.56…)

>>284234i'm guessing the fact that her hairstylist recently "dramatically increased" her pricing for colouring hair means she didn't go back
which i don't understand at all since her stylist did a mediocre job at best
No. 284249
>>284234I'd hope at home because it looks awful… not that it didn't look awful when she paid for it.
I honestly think Jill is one of those people who completely lacks social awareness of what they look like and instead try to emulate what they imagine being cool on a whim… no regard to what the reality is. It's painfully cringy, reminds me of being 12 and thinking wearing L cosupree to school was a good idea kek… except she's not 12….
No. 284255
>>284213>jankyDoes she even know what that word means?
Pretty amused though, I was thinking it looked janky too.
No. 284263
>>284214Coco is a pets' name
Jill has no respect for others tbh
No. 284312
File: 1491340245084.png (533.71 KB, 700x700, futurefashiondesigner.png)

"some things for a new project!!!"
she sure is talented at copying other people/brands/tumblr trends
No. 284340
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Trip summarised
No. 284390
File: 1491344716681.png (215.04 KB, 700x700, C1549A51-A842-4DFA-8919-624040…)

>>284250This is the stylist's own hair… my rule of thumb is if the stylist's hair looks like shit then the service will be shit. Jillian, do your damn research.
Sorry for being a bit off topic.
No. 284484
>>284464This is actually the saddest part about jill for me.
I often plan a lot of projects and never finish them or randomly gain interest in a new thing. So I can understand that part. But Jill is SO set on being a designer as part of her personality trait and has been for awhile. Thankfully one thing Ive stuck with is doing Artist Alleys and making jewelry and its been successful. I dont understand how she doesnt want to achieve more with her sewing or crafting. Its feels so awesome and rewarding to finish a new design or sell things to people who are excited about them.
I guess its not the instant gratification shes looking for though
No. 284489
File: 1491350954930.jpg (822.97 KB, 1024x770, 98cc17a69fb1ab12-image2.jpg)

>>284390I just looked them up and nooooo.
what am I looking at
the website for anyone interested No. 284532
>>284501>>284505My sweet summer children, you don't need knowledge of asymmetrical bangs to figure these are in fact asymmetrical bangs lol
The cut isn't very flattering for her face, the round asm bangs don't fit her face shape and her hair is too thin to pull off asymmetrical length but I could forgive that if she had like chocolate brown hair or so and not this mess of a dye job
No. 284957
File: 1491402801773.png (1.29 MB, 768x922, pastel-pusheen-sticker-sheet_1…)

>>284312The crepe one could be good for merchandise if she made it more clean and polished, lined and colored it well. It's a decent start since Japan/kawaii-inspired merchandise with sweets and cutesy things like that on them are often popular, pic related. The bottom right design of hers is awful though, really preteen level and shouldn't have been posted online.
No. 285068
Looking back two threads ago at when Louise first posted about booking the Airbnb anon made some epic predictions, most of which actually happened. lol.
>>222684my predictions for this trip:
>Jill drags her mother to every gimmicky restaurant in Tokyo a-la the barbie place Venus & Taylor went to>only eat ramen, pocky, sushi, Japan special mcdonalds, green tea starbucks drinks >Tokyo Disney trip>they don't go anywhere outside of shopping areas in Tokyo and Akihabara for the entire 2 weeks>Jill spends all her money on more plastic anime shit, children's plushies, tacky clothes, etc that she will grow out of within months and makes her mum pay for food/trips>have to buy another suitcase to fit the nippon hoard in >she ditches her spreadshirt site until the next time she can convince her tween fans to give her money>posts one low-effort vlog on youtube afterwards.>>222695Gonna add to this
>goes to Precure store and is a squealing mess >is loud on trains>hunts down TokyoFashion>makes a rant about Harajuku not having what she wants>Says everything rolling r'sShe might visit some other stores but she isn't the biggest fans of any other anime like Precure. The new season is releasing soon though so it'll be prme time for her to buy all the shit can.
>>222772Other things she will do
>Ghibli museum>maid cafe since she was in one once>purikura with her mom>her mom will make them have a photoshoot somewhereI am now realizing that she's going to have to take her mom into all of the anime shops that she's going to go to. Embarrassing.
>>222775I see her spending hundreds of dollars at Kiddyland.
No. 285227
>>285145Yeah, only bringing it up because I went to a similar pricey salon a few weeks ago to get my hair dyed, and my stylist warned me. That because my ends were pretty fried and the bleaching would weaken the virgin hair, the dyed toner he had put in would likely fade relatively quick. And it did after the second week.
Despite playing by all the rules ie. avoid overwashing, no hot water, buying specialty shampoo/conditioner.
Our hair just sucks.
No. 285233
>>284390I'm assuming this "stylist" does hair in her garage and gets her product from Sally's? Seriously her hair looks like something a novice could do, I would never pay someone to do something like that to me. For at home it's whatever, I guess, way too green and uneven though.
polite sage for bs post
No. 285328
How could anyone hate her? She's so cute!

No. 285392
>>285384they look more like notebook doodles than anything, and not from a 19 yo like another anon mentioned.
i assume her art classes in high school were either garbage or she retained nothing
No. 285443
>>285068Your predicted trip sounded better than her actual trip kek, no sushi or even Disneyland
I kinda wish she did purikura with mom LOL
No. 285564 is she bought $300 CAD irregular choice shoes and then they showed up and had a $100 customs fee and now she wants to send them back.
At the start she also claimed she is "usually very careful with my money"
No. 285565
File: 1491489300100.jpg (86.36 KB, 700x700, 4107-12c_2_1.jpg)

And by her description in the video I assume these were the shoes she bought. I have no idea what color though
No. 285569
>>285564"we all buy a lot of things"
????? what fucking planet is PEI
the rest of canada does not encourage young adults to live at home in order to be "very careful" saving their allowance so they can afford 300$ shoes on top of other 3000$ purchases two weeks prior
it's too early in the morning for me to handle her stupidity, sorry anons
No. 285571
>>285564aw poor baby jill has to send back $400 shoes
her life really is terrible… :(
No. 285576
File: 1491491281222.png (406.27 KB, 497x506, Screen Shot 2017-04-06 at 4.06…)

this is an improvement ngl
No. 285578
She can spend 300 dollars on gummy bear shoes and 3000 dollars in japan and is super careful with money, but can't spend 400 dollars on gummy bear shoes because she's 'finally decided to go to college'
Oh boy, can't wait for her to change her persona to that of a "broke college student"
No. 285637
>>285564they're going to charge her a restocking fee for turning away the shoes for customs reasons. she's going to end up paying partially for them either way. also PEI customs charge 34% iirc for luxury goods so i don't know why she's surprised
>>285629no one cares about you so stop blogging
No. 285708
>>285564Didn't this girl used to wear lolita and brag about all the AP she bought every minute? Surely she should be well aware of what the customs fee would be for importing expensive novelty shoes from England, especially since she's bought shoes from that shop before. You can't seriously expect me to believe that this charge was such a surprise for her and she didn't think about it when buying such impractical shoes.
She's definitely not good with money, it took her 3 years to save up for Japan bc she kept buying lolita dresses and then the expensive tacky shit she buys now not to mention the amount of times she got scammed at cons. Girl has no clue about money. If she suddenly wants to go to college, good for her but it's not like her parents would ever let her struggle financially if she decided to get up off her ass and do something instead of fuelling her shitty shopping addiction.