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No. 249612
Jillian Vessey is a DID (Dissociative Personality Disorder) LARPer who trivializes mental health and sugar coats every single bad trait of hers while hyping up a dubious diagnostic impression that she paid copious amounts of bucks for.
She happily accepted her ~life changing~ diagnostic impression (NOT a real diagnosis!) with a "coming out as DID" celebratory cake, but struggled to maintain the LARP after only two weeks. The number of alters keep piling up and she doesn’t seem to stop anytime soon.
>Began her lolcow run as a "pansexual" lolita lifestyler who rage-quitted due to LACE drama and ~muh restrictive rules~>Is most well known as the creator of the Confetti Club, a group of skinwalking fans that wear “Party-Kei” style, a weeaboo fashion she invented and no longer personally wears. She currently looks like an overweight clown.>Known lurker.>Extremely sensitive.>Terminally online.>History of ED, mental illness, and self-harm.>Very notorious attention whore. Always overstates her abilities in a delusional way and barely puts any effort. >Runs a youtube channel with an inconsistent schedule that went from doing fashion related videos to mostly "mental illness" content, alienating most of her fans.>Has multiple inconsistencies in her DID story and lore. Will change or forget key details about her trauma origin story or her alters. She also tends to deny the bad parts of her mental illnesses.>Started deliberately age regressing while smoking weed not too long ago. Cannot put the weed down.General info:
>Loves toying with the idea of having multiple mental illnesses, will google all of them and see which criteria she fills in the most / makes her look more special. Thus, results in obvious faking.>Frivolously spends money (including the money she receives from her parents) on “ethical” -take it with a grain of salt- items, including clothes, makeup and other shit for any new trend she gets into. Nevertheless, she still is a big consumer of plastic crap and will cut corners whenever possible.>Claims she makes enough money from Youtube despite complaining about demonetization on her videos; will often post/tell the cost of things to show off how much she had spent (as a brag). >Is an extreme narcissist; regularly thinks of herself to be the best/have superior skills in many aspects like fandom and fashion designing despite her skills, knowledge, and results of projects proving otherwise. She’s also a massive attention whore and very self-centered, never listens to others and only cares about her own faked struggles. Disregards any criticism as “hate”.>Refuses to get a real job and relies on video monetization and Patreon donations to keep her afloat despite offering poor incentives for supporting her. Heavily pushes her "full-time Youtuber" title even though she fails to keep up a consistent upload schedule and keep solid engaging content beyond hauls and bullshit vlogs full of ramblings. Continues to post mental health related content, and her fans are steadily unfollowing her.>Opts for "self-care" rather than working on her videos and other projects; defines self-care as doing nothing but taking baths with Lush bathbombs and laying in bed all day. She will take meds without even verifying she needs them or not, or stop them without further medical advice. Other questionable “self-care” and “mental health” content has been noted.>Thinks having an enabling counselor = actual therapy. Said counselor quitted and moved provinces only 1 year after treating her and givng her the DID diagnostic impression. Jillian continues to lie and fake all kinds of symptoms to prove she’s sick, slowly transforming nto a full-blown munchie. Believes her own lies on the matter so much so that she thinks she’s knowledgeable enough to advise others on the matter.>Extremely thin-skinned and defensive of herself, will either delete comments, videos, or tweets that dare question her and act passive-aggressive about it on Twitter. Will also e-bully anyone she doesn’t like or goes against her ideas.>Has kept a total of five past relationships in her life, all ending in drama; tends to use partners as accessories when beneficial to her image. Somehow, all her male exes end up looking like the current aesthetic she’s into at the moment of dating. >Has claimed that her DeviantArt Ex-girlfriend she kept in amicable contact with for a while right after breaking up “abused her for months”. Said claim has been proven false.>She now claims every abuser of hers has been female, even though she has heavily mistreated her past two girlfriends. She broke off with her most recent ex girlfriend, Mystery Girl, around Christmas 2018, because she “was no longer attracted to her”. She kept the Christmas presents that she would otherwise would had given her, to herself.>Her previous friendships almost always have end up in drama. Rumors of her sleeping with the guy that one of her ex-friends liked at a New Year’s party have circulated. Besides that, she has also said in a video that she stripped in front of Steven and his ex-girlfriend Maggie at some point in a get-together. Even her fans found this weird.>Formerly identified as pansexual, then queer, then claimed to be “too into dick to be a lesbian” while dating a woman; currently lives inside her rainbow house with her boyfriend Stephen Clarke. Now both Steven and Jillian identify as nonbinary and pansexual. It is worth mentioning one of her exes also became nonbinary and pansexual shortly after dating her. Steven is currently hinting to a very obvious MTF transition despite having a christian family, which will prove beneficial to Jill, since she wants to roleplay being a lesbian very bad.>Steven Clarke, Jillian’s current boyfriend, enables all of Jillian delusions and pushes age regression onto others, not only Jill. He is porn addicted and extremely terminally online. >Relies too much on other people, including her mother and her partners. Will interact with content creators she likes in a creepy, harassing way. >Claims to be family-friendly, but makes poor attempts to censor herself, has made sexual innuendo in her videos and social media despite knowing she has a largely underage audience. Recently started tagging posts with the age regression hashtag.>Her “angel therapist”, Jedediah M, gave Jillian a DID diagnostic impression despite being allegedly underqualified at the time and only having 1 year of previous counseling experience. Note that Steven was the one to contact Jed for Jillian’s therapy. He’s a “male witch” and a “drag queen” in his spare time, hence why Jillian got so obsessed with him. He moved provinces just a year after treating her, which made Jillian “grieve like someone dear to her died” for weeks, very unhealthy and unprofessional of any therapist. >Jilly started her own brand, 5 petal flower, months before graduating from her glorified Canadian craft school. She plans to sell badly put together Lazy Oaf knock offs despite her work being labeled as “inconsistent” by her teachers because she was mostly distracted with stim toys found on her sewing table. The only work she has produced so far was a collaboration with a small brand that mostly resells chinese aliexpress items and a very cheap and ugly looking bridal dress for her cousin.>Very irresponsible pet owner. Nearly killed her cat by having tinsel hanging around on the floor, the cat almost choking to death. She still keeps this choking hazard where the same cat can reach it for years after the incident. Never seems to clean her pet’s space, you can see cat shit and cat fur all over her house in her videos and selfies. >She tries to prove she’s mentally ill in any way possible, including always mentioning her stims, dissociation, posting edgy lyrics, wearing a t-shirt that reminds her of suicidal ideation, and pretending she can only eat one type of food. Pretends she “never lies”, “doesn’t understand sarcasm” and other autism/neurodivergent LARPing on Twitter. She wants to be mentally ill very bad and will often spread misinformation about it on her socials.>Uses her alters to hold at least one of her personality traits or past times instead of realizing she can be a normal and full-fledged adult woman with hobbies and emotions. Will defend using emojis to sign off as each alter, to the point of harassing others off platforms if they don’t agree with her usage. She also talks in third person to herself while pretending to be an alter on her DMs, twitter, and on picture captions, calling herself “handsome” or “pretty”.>Will claim as many labels as possible, some of them are: Queer, lesbian, nonbinary, FTM, pansexual, emo, rainbow, intersex, fashion designer, magical girl, full time youtuber, neurodivergent, autistic, BPD, DID system, witch, kawaii, drag queen. In reality, she’s just a spoiled dumb girl.>Has been consuming a lot of alcohol and weed in a questionable way, anons wonder if her dissociation is merely caused by substance abuse. She bragged about the liquor store knowing who she is. She pushes weed as a magical cure-it-all for adults and children on her twitter full of underage fans.>Recently got into bio drag queening, changed her twitter description days before her first performance even went live. Danced like a crazy woman to a Steven Universe and a MCR song on her first performance. She’s now fully accepting the drag queen label with a lot of self-importance and yet again overstating her abilities with barely any experience. >Ran over a deer on July 2022 and while originally saying she had no trauma from it, milked the accident dry for pity points, calling it a “near death experience” and claiming “multiple ptsd symptoms” from it. Her boyfriend Steven really pushed the idea of creating another alter to deal out of the situation, but nothing came out of that.MEET THE ALTERS:
>Jillian: Actual person, but calls herself an alter for the heck of it. Hates being called “Jilly”. Says she can't hear her "brain folk" when she's experiencing trauma, Jillian is the only one who fronts in those situations, defeating the whole purpose of having alters and having DID.>Jerrick: 13-16 year old emo guy, who has supposedly been around for 12 years, conveniently holds all her bad bpd traits. Signs off with a snake emoji.>Veronica: Horny alter, 20 years old, calls herself a lesbian (even though she’s dating a man), she is a “protector of sexual trauma”, says she had to become a fuckable bimbo because she was “raped for months”. Signs off with a flame emoji.>Berry (Nicknamed “Babby Smalls”): Talks and acts like a baby. Proof that Jillian is into age regression. Is always “co-fronting” in some way. Had its name previously withheld for “safety reasons”. Signs off with a strawberry.>Cliffe: 35 year old old man. Her "homosexual assistant" A mix between her dad and Sasha Velour. Looks like Mr. Bruce. Somehow too old for social media, but responsible enough to come out when she does taxes. The emoji is a club. >Flora: A “fragment” slowly morphing into a real alter, and a carbon copy of cure flora / other positive precure characters. She is a blonde sweet lolita. Sign off emoji is a cherry blossom. >Jax: 19 year old “character salad” that speaks and types with a Brooklyn accent. She's a fictive of Harley Quinn (Batman), Jinx (Arcane), and Spinel (Steven Universe). Apparently was born from watching arcane while having major trauma. Signs with a test tube emoji. >sandwich emoji: Cat alter, represents how lost she felt moving to a new city. Not much else is currently known about it.>piano emoji: ??? silently added to her tiktok bio.>another age regression alter: ??? mentioned to be “far away” but present inside her head.>Amanda: Sneakingly revealed in a vlog. Jillian has bracelets and necklaces with the names of her alters, and this name appeared alongside them in a row of alter names. Note that Jillian’s second name is actually Amanda.**Note: The DID saga officially starts in
>>>/w/176591Last thread stamps:
>>245176 Jedediah info
>>245202 Jillian is cleaning her house and hating landlords
>>245261 Shitty as fuck outfit wearing a binder as a top
>>245289 Shitty tweet
>>245299 Funny meme
>>245301 Angry because colourpop is going to make a HP collab
>>245311 "these ratios make me happy"
>>245302 Rainbow pic
>>245360 Being creepy to Drew Monson
>>245394 Full MCR night outfit
>>245421 Something about a DID tattoo
>>245454 She hangs around trannies
>>245553 She's deeply mentally unwell
>>245563 "looking for a sign"
>>245766 Mom blog (disappointed at Jill?)
>>245581 Talks about weight
>>245605 Can’t understand she’s not even a good drag queen
>>245618 Spergs about JKR
>>245625 Calls out a black feminist
>>245626 Something about the cat alter affecting her physically kek
>>245636 Steven talks about scooters
>>245641 The girl Jillian called out is more relevant than her
>>245693 Still very unwell kek
>>245747 Fake possi shit
>>245774 Mom blog about Jillian
>>245863 The picture of Jillian touching a black girl's hair resurfaces
>>245917 Giving depression advice to impressionable teens
>>245975 Steve keeps interating with Maggie
>>245988 Precure drama, Jillian gets blocked
>>246026 More about the precure drama
>>246060 Interaction with her ex boss Chelsea
>>246087 She's featured in the iNabber video about Gabbie Hannah>>246090 iNabber video, timestamp 56:11>>246099 She talks about herself and DID on the video, she looks happy
>>246121 Legos + strawberry emoji, again
>>246130 Self inserts into more precure drama
>>246340 Vangelina will make a video on Jill, probably>>246342 Jill likes a tweet that says "stop using dissociating when you mean zoning out" (and doesn't get the irony)
>>246355 DID is cleaning cheese off the walls
>>246368 Jillian has nothing to say about a drag queen (trixie) being gross and sexualizing minors, semi-brushes it off
>>246370 Context
>>246377 Summary of the iNabber video>>246386 "I'm the barbie fashion designer NPC of my dreams"
>>246391 "Life keeps kicking my ass"
>>246450 Plans to sell calendars
>>246553 This is how Jillian contacted iNabber
>>246564 Contect of why she did it
>>246620 Jillian interacts with Yukapon
>>246652 "omg I haven't watched precure in weeks, this isn't good for my mental health"
>>246659 Some cringe Flora larp
>>246664 Jillian in her natural hair
>>246665 same as above (video)
>>246754 Jillian fakes a seizure while pretending to dissociate>>246755 Video of the now deleted fake seizure/dissociation (notice she angled the camera in a certain way on purpose)>>246797 She liked a comment hinting at her having a seizure>>246898 "I've had to unstan a lot of people" (doesn't seem like it bitch)
>>246910 Gif of her faking the seizure>>247019 And more fake possi shit
>>247186 Talk about her autism badge starts here
>>247189 Info about the autism / disability badge
>>247213 Jillian's "accomodations" acording to her sunflower lanyard>>247216 Info about the accomodations
>>247258 Jillian being creepy to another DID youtuber (enemy of fissociadid)
>>247518 Video about the cousin's wedding dress>>247595 Original dress ideas drawn by Jillian
>>247596 The design she went with
>>247597 Materials she didn't use
>>247599 Emails between her and her cousin
>>247600 Patterns
>>247601 Details
>>247603 Cousin's pics
>>247604 >>247605
>>247606 >>247607 More details
>>247636 This is what the cousin originally requested
>>247659 Expectation vs reality
>>247674 Jillian liked a tweet about being the family gossip
>>247734 September patreon livestream
>>247760 Some stupid tiktok with stupid pictures of herself
>>247761 Ugly outfit (looks like a cancer patient)
>>247767 >>247779 She took out the top part of one of her dresses for her college final show and now it's using it herself (who would had thought)
>>247796 Picture of her and her cousin
>>247797 ddgl-ish pictures of Maggie
>>247813 Meme template
>>247936 Work from one of her ex classmates
>>247953 More details on the dress
>>248002 Proof Jillian was skinwalking Kumamiki all along (japanese fashion designer)
>>248272 Jillian looking like a creepy clown with creepy clown music
>>248426 Jillian and Chelsea (her ex boss) dogpile on bullying some random person
>>248487 Full exchange
>>248563 **I'm so extra fucked up. I hate it. Just only ever full of rage and hatred and harmful urges"
>>248843 Vents about not being able to edit the vlog she made
>>248846 and more of that
>>248897 Quote from her patreon livestream
>>248903 And now she loves editing her vlog again
>>248987 The roblox job Steven had was misleading
>>248989 Early life of Jill (written by herself)
>>249003 "I pay rent now"
>>249009 Steven also had a summer job teaching children filmography
>>249194 She likes the name "Malibu Barbie" kek
>>249239 Says "you reek of priviledge" to someone saying "you can't gatekeep a neurological condition"
>>249243 Twitter doesn't like her replies kek
>>249253 Montreal vlog
>>249267 She looks like Shaynus here
>>249272 She had to include the "male bathroom key" drama, of course
>>249283 >>249287 Gets into more twitter fights
>>249312 Sneaky new alter drop: Amanda
>>249405 Turns out Amanda is her middle name as well
>>249543 Her parents can't afford to live in PEI anymore, are planning to build a new house in FrederictonSocial Media & Other Links:
Youtube: 2: (used to be @pixieespam)
Twitter (Main): #2 (“Jerrick” alter): #3 (“Veronica” alter): Tiktok: Current Tiktok: TikTok: Second Tiktok for her alters: Page #1: Page #2: Girls Instagram: Girls Facebook Page: Deviantart: Blog:
http://pixie-locks.blogspot.comDrag Facebook page: No. 249614
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>lolcow goes down
>immediately this bitch feels better
No. 249617
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No. 249618
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>confetti club babies
That's a very fucked up unsupervised childhood then
No. 249619
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No. 249620
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No. 249621
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Also very important:
She's planning to legally change her gender to X gender
No. 249622
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Also had a "nail date" with her "best friend in love" Steven
No. 249623
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>>249622deets (featuring sof)
No. 249624
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Posting this too because kek this is really hypocrital (stanning Disney who is literally pro-genocide)
No. 249625
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Also posting this from last thread since it got full very quickly: Jillian's recent tantrums probably have to do with the idea that her parents will have to move from PEI to Fredericton and will maybe build a house there.
No. 249626
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No. 249627
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"precure and drag help me with my mental health"
No. 249628
>>249622I'm going to overlook his hands because men can't take care of themselves for shit but why would you take a pic on this gross ass table to put on social media.
>>249624kek Jill no corporation ever gives a fuck, they only care about money, you should relate to that.
No. 249629
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>>249612here's the png version of the OP pic if anyone wants it.
No. 249632
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No. 249633
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No. 249634
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No. 249637
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No. 249641
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>>249636This is so ridiculous, I really hope that the idiot that gave her the diagnostic impression changes his name and is always ashamed of what he did. This is just insulting.
>>249637That's kind of sorta what it fucking is? Do these people really think that dissociation is doing some voice warm ups before changing their outfits and experiencing or badly acting some emotion?
No. 249649
>>249636to: my angels
from: steven
So steven gave her this notebook so she knew whenever "an alter was fronting"? Wow, talk about being a groomer enabler moid.
No. 249650
>>249624doesn’t Disney famously hate lgbt?
>>249622Please troon out Steebie.
>>249630Momma Momma! Look I’m getting my life together!!! I’m going to make money off of shorts!!
No. 249651
>>249650>doesn’t Disney famously hate lgbt?Yep, a lot of their "pro lgbt" shit gets modified for China's viewing pleasure
>Momma Momma! Look I’m getting my life together!!! I’m going to make money off of shorts!!KEK the absolute state of Jillian
No. 249652
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No. 249654
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No. 249655
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No. 249659
>>249630Silly Jilly, YouTube doesn’t care about creators either. moistcritical (charlie) made a vid about the coryxkenshin situation along with other YouTubers who stream and made it apparent that YouTube is a unfair platform even for its most successful creators as it lacks transparency and the policy team is shite. i thought jerrick loved charlie- I am surprised he didn’t say anything about the YouTube issue.
>>249636Jill, if you struggle with dissociation so hard that you have a rainbow of several personalities in your head and are having seizure like movements… it’s time to put down the camera, booze, weed, dick, and costume changes. get thee to multiple real board certified doctors who can help you who specialize in DID. how is it that she’s had did since she was 3 years old, but her parents, brother, friends, classmates and boyfriends never noticed that she was having scary and alarming symptoms such as seeming to have seizures, not remembering interactions whatsoever, and acting extremely out of character. of course only Stevie seemed to notice and gave her a bad inexperienced unprofessional enabling therapist along with this journal to track her switches instead of getting her actual help for her real or imagined disorders. no surprise that her family probably wants to move in with her to look after her- her suspicions boyfriend definitely isn’t helping.
No. 249666
>>249625Didn’t get to reply last thread, but I don’t read this as being about her parents. I think it’s more likely that since Jill and Steve both “work” from home and she’s not in uni any more that they looked at moving back to PEI but can’t afford it.
iirc Jill’s dad is a professor/teacher at a uni, they would likely already be half way through the mortgage on their house. I think Jill is just talking about her and Steve building a place in future, as if she’s actually got the moment to do so because she loves to live above her means
No. 249669
>>249637Stop smoking weed, Jill.
>>249643>>249648The cat can hold a pen, draw wiggles exactly as a human would and understands the concept of tracking alter switches.
Jill is so boring and uncreative. None of this makes sense anyway, so she could at least have some fun with it. Why wiggles? Get yourself a bunch of different rubber stamps (they can match the emojis!) and when sandwich fronts it can smash its “paw” onto the ink pad and leave “paw prints” all over the page or something. These are supposed to be wildly different personalities, so why would they all agree to do this exactly according to Jillian’s aesthetic? She could make this somewhat entertaining but decides to do this instead.
>>249663They put a trans character in the background of I think an episode of some spin-off series, so now they’re alphabet soup icons I guess?
No. 249671
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Comment under a TikTok she made about her name necklace
No. 249675
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Steebie follows the horsefucker pedo Vaush
No. 249681
>>249671Is that the age at which she took piano lessons?
>>249675“The age of consent is a capitalist construct” Vaush? Holy shit Jill please dump Steve immediately. She sucks, but he’s shaping up to be a horrorcow in his own right.
On that note, maybe Steve’s the one who has been in contact with Amanda…
No. 249682
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>>249671I think Amanda is supposed the CSA goldmine she wants to prove her DID. Since she’s a little and nonverbal and has the piano emoji I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s gonna appropriate the stories of the young girls who were victimized by this monster. Jed probably woke up some “memories” with their EDMR sessions. If piano man gets convicted adding another made up story wouldn’t even mess with jilly’s conscience.
I’m gonna assume the meltdown probably revealed that implication to her mother who had asked in the past about their interactions and Jill probably told the truth that nothing happened but has now completely changed her story which probably made Louise skeptical of this larp in the first place.
Anyway this is just a tinfoil
No. 249695
>>249543Why people think her parents are moving anywhere? This is one of rare times she refers herself as "we" like proper DID larper.
She wants to move BACK to the island now tho?
No. 249697
>>249695So her parents will buy her groceries kek
>>249625And yeah imo it's not about her parents, with the lifestyle they have it's 99% sure they own their own house. It must be Jilly and her marriage fantasies at work again, thinking about buying a house as the next logical step.
Slight blog but where I live people from the city (who typically have more money) who want to live closer to nature tend to come here en masse and so automatically prices rise. Meanwhile people who've lived here their whole lives and want to stay close to their families can't afford to buy because they don't make as much. Idk anything about PEI but it's probably a similar situation, since it seems rather rural? No sympathy for Jillian tho because like hell she'll ever be able to buy a house with her lifestyle.
No. 249703
>>249682This tinfoil makes sense to me. Not only is she reinventing her past from a time when she lived with and was probably closely watched by her parents, but (if our conjecture is right) she’s accusing a real person who Louise would’ve known of a criminal act. This is much more serious than “I was playing pretend gay with another teenager and didn’t like when she tried to kiss me”. Even if the man in question is a scumbag who belongs in jail either way, this is more than imaginative little Jilly going through another one of her phases. If she did have this conversation with her mom then I’m sure that hearing how far Jill is willing to go in rewriting the past gave Louise quite a shock.
>>249694Yes, she’s said that all of her abusers have been female. However it would be easy for her to claim that the memories of abuse by the piano teacher were repressed all this time and so she wasn’t aware of them. She must realise that no one is buying her other abuse stories as being the origin of DID so now she’s grasping for something new.
No. 249704
>>249621Wtf is even x gender and why is this a real thing you can do in canada?
>>249622his nails are fucking ugly and the table looks nasty
No. 249742
>>249735She did say that, but nonnas are speculating because Jill is nothing if not a revisionist when it comes to her own history. Personally I doubt she’ll ever go as far as actually claiming anything happened with the teacher, and will rather just leave the breadcrumbs to speak for themselves. She’s dumb, but SURELY her parents are the kind to be immediately in contact with the police if she ever outright claimed anything happened.
Jill, for the love of god, just fucking leave that alone, the actual
victims don’t need your half truths and contradicting stories muddying up their right to justice from their abuser.
No. 249753
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>>249671this is old milk, but i was looking through old threads and saw that jill mentioned that trauma needs to happen between ages 6-9 to develop DID. Conveniently, the Amanda alter is aged 7-9 and is represented by a piano emoji. I think all the nonnies saying she’s going to turn around and say her piano teacher assaulted her are correct. It fits perfectly with her larp and if anyone questions her, she can point to all the other people he assaulted as proof.
No. 249777
>>249753>people with autism don't develop their brain at the same pace as a neurotypical childSorry, but, is she literally calling autistic people "slow"?…
This information isn't even correct right?
No. 249784
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Just posting these again in case she really deletes them or anything
No. 249785
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No. 249787
>>249782I am usually on the
victim's side, but I completely agree.
1. Jill has already said she wasn't aware of the CSA going on
2. Said herself he didn't do anything to her but to another child
In this case, if she claimed she just surpressed the memories it would be horribly insulting to the actual
No. 249807
>>249675Isn't Vash hated by left tubers because he's a misogynist that uses flowery leftist language to be a huge asshole and creep towards women?
>>249785Her explanation makes me want to a-log so bad. Why for once in her life can't she be empathetic towards some one else and not make the situation about herself? Knowing her she's going to co-opt that "neurodivergent people talk about themselves to express empathy" rhetoric going around to cover up how she's a huge narc.
No. 249821
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>>249815Anon… there's literally a news article about the teacher posted on earlier threads, he got 6 years in prision doubting the actual
victim and don't think of cowtipping that gross man ever again
No. 249826
>>249787the hard part is that there is no reason for anyone to think she's lying on this. he's a real p3do, and it's a really easy way for her to lie, despite the fact that she said nothing happened to her.
it does feel like she's ramping up to say he is the trauma she suppressed.
No. 249834
Sage for blogposting but am in therapy for BPD and dissociate often.
My husband of 6 years sure as hell notices..
Jillian is full of shit.
Anyone close to her (esp. her mother) would have noticed and had her in therapy years ago..
And add to that..
Personality disorders aren't the quirky traits she makes them out to be.
They are messy. Ruin your life and everyone else's close to you.
She has no fucking idea.
Off topic, it's good to be back nonnies!
(learn2integrate) No. 249837
>>249813Hold your fucking horses and let's not act as if Jill already said it. Let's see how the situation develops, we're just here to watch and either be grossed out or amused by what stupid shit she does.
>>249828Her mom is subscribed to her youtube channel where she posted the Veronica video where she says she had to "become a fucktoy for someone in middle school". Like, that's fucking disturbing for a parent to hear when you know it didn't happen.
No. 249840
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Jill watched Bakemonogatari. No, they do not "staple each other's flesh" in the show, the main girl threatens the loser MC and staples his cheek once, there is no gore in the episode but Jill is especially uwu soft.
(She should instead criticize the lolicon and incest in that anime).
No. 249841
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Also her boss got a tiktok and seems quite cowish herself. Kinda surprised Jill sucks up to her so much compared to others on twitter.
No. 249842
>>249771I've been reading "Playing Sick?", a lot of it sounds straight up like Jill (always creating crises that increase in severity whenever people start to question her, try to hold her accountable or give her less attention). There's a huge overlap between BPD and Factitious Disorder, according to the author. Some chapters go over DID fakers and even touch on munching by internet, and this was published in 2004. Not meaning to medfag, it's just a really interesting read. For anons who ask if she really believes her bullshit, basically people with FD know they're lying, but they don't understand why they do it or how to stop. They also don't necessarily want to stop, because they enjoy what they get out of it (manipulation, control and attention/sympathy). Even if people disagree about the BPD, we can all agree she's faking this shit and it's dumb because FD is an actual diagnosis, she could get treated for it if she wanted.
Quote from the book: "Since borderline and factitious disorder patients find that pain reminds them that they are real, pain has the effect of organizing them. They immediately become patients and there is no more ambiguity about the role they are to fulfill and who they are." No. 249847
>>249840>they were stapling each other's fleshKekkkk wtf? No they don't. Why is she so ~scared~ of an anime like this which is very run of the mill anime with dumb anime tropes yet she said she looked at gore on Jerrick's account some months ago? and then she said she wasn't as squeamish anymore?
Jeez it's like not every anime has to be kawaii uguuu~uwu like her kiddie anime precure trash. She's making it sound more gorey than it is, this ain't fucking Higurashi lmao. Not everything has to pander to her… and yes Bakemonogatari sucks.
>where is the fuwa fuwariProof that she doesn't care about shit if it isn't digested pink glittery shit that goes along with her aesthetic. What an over reaction
No. 249861
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>>249841Same girl who had a breakdown the other day (jill comforted her on Twitter) because some guy at a yard sale earned more than her?
No. 249872
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the fuck
No. 249884
>>249876She thinks she's entitled to more money. She doesn't think it's
fair therefore wants to cancel the agreement.
>>249878Sure you did. Most likely just talked nicely to the cops. I hate how these dumbasses try to act tough on the internet. Stop acting like an edgy 12 year old.
No. 249908
>>249903I don’t even understand how she could be getting mad. She says they’re making thousands and she should get a cut. Go sell something then, it’s not her shit they’re selling.
>>249887It’s embarrassing how little sense it makes. What’s worse is that’s supposed to help that girl out who didn’t even want a paper and pen method, and yet Jill shows her the most inefficient solution possible. Classic “me me me” shit. I’m convinced she made that journal 5 seconds before posting it.
No. 249913
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>>249908She tried to sell too but no one wanted it
No. 249943
>>249861>>249867>>249872And is this who Jillian admires? an unhinged boymom?
Ok, so like… Jillian encourages this person, and even told her to "get someone's ass" when she started fighting some random wageslave on social media. I feel like Jillian and Chelsea have more in common than she thinks
No. 249945
>>249916kek anon I thought the same
>>249926Reminds me so much of Jill.
No. 249949
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>>249948More police calling in her head
No. 249953
>>249949Why the fuck is she doing this shit? "His name is Dan and he's gay". Prejudice much? Why is she willingly sharing the name of someone like this? He wasn't in the wrong, she is being an ass.
"he's gay"… and what about it? Wow what a lgbt ally, Jillian must be proud of her.
No. 249954
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>>249949Here's the ugly prints she sold. She also makes some very round and thick press on nails (reminds me of shayna's hotdog nails with the color choices too).
But anyway, I followed Jill before DID saga and I am surprised she interacts with her like that. As in, she loves the beef this woman has with others and supports her on twitter, while usually Jill is quick to drop anyone who doesn't fawn over her and is busy sucking up to youtubers. There's also the part about turning her into a stoner, yikes.
No. 249956
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>>249955Chill, it's not a huge derail. She came up because Jill constantly interacts with her bitchy tweets and got her into weed. I don't think she'll be brought up much again unless they do some stupid shit together.
No. 249957
>>249826Part of me is like "surely even Jill wouldn't use other people's horrible trauma for internet points" but then I remember she is pretending to have DID and autism… I think she would sink that low. I really hope she won't do it.
>it's a really easy way for her to lieTrue, but she has in the past said nothing happened, and she was stupid enough to recently post the "autism makes the need for childhood trauma for DID null right???" so she again outed herself as not having had any trauma at that age.
No. 249958
>>249828I think one day if Jill goes too far with her larp her parents (and/or brother?) will have to publicly call out her lies. Her mom already seems less willing to play along and it probably hurts to see her daughter lie and steal the spaces of actual
victims of trauma, DID, autism etc when she knows it's not true.
No. 249993
>>249976I screencapped the whole fiasco in case she goes private again lol
Won't post it here to not clog Jill's thread up of course,but this woman has no online presence so I don't think she'd ever get a thread
No. 250028
>>250021She really does, then does the retarded "um, his name's dan and he's a gay paralegal… wink wink nudge nudge. Be a real shame if anyone did anything him."
>>250026Assuming this isn't bait, you don't get to start shit with people then proceed to instigate just because you had them pay 100 for a space to sell their shit and they ended up making more than that, regardless if they're male or female.
No. 250030
>>250028>>250021glad to see other anons dug into this woman's past. I checked and I think that area was doing an "x mile yard sale" or sömething. I forgot how long it was. That must be why he asked to use the lawn.
She chimped out because of jealousy and muh vague chronic illnesd made her unable to stand out there. Apparently none of the boys or ppl in her family would help sell. She called the lawn "trashed" afterwards when it looked the same as during the sale.
She got a tiktok, maybe a thread is worth it
No. 250066
>>250017>that kind of clientele>yard saleJust sounds like she has bpd and felt like flipping at someone, random people turned up at my yard sale! How could I have predicted this!
People who make everything a huge drama are so tiresome, no surprise Jill gets along with her
No. 250073
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Nitpick but I can’t be the only one that cringes at people who unironically use the word “haters”
No. 250076
>>250026Men are nasty but in this case it is really clear she got butthurt because the guy was making more money than her, so she acted like an asshole
Like, ok, men suck but she's a priviledged nlog special snowflake boymom
No. 250080
>>250073But she doesn't block haters.
People have replied to her posts with gore and she won't even block them
She wants the harrassment to feel victimized
No. 250083
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All these disabilies and she wants the uwu smol autist diegnosis.
Jilly bean you can't just pick and choose what's wrong with you. Or you can I guess… It's what your built your entire platform on
No. 250090
>>250086How did you get that out of what I'm saying. I'm not talking about autism. I'm talking about Jill trying to prove her special age regression and late developed DID is because of her
undiegnosed autism when like other anons said have nothing to do with autism and it's other disabilities that have to do with delayeved development. But she won't fake having those disorders because they aren't quirky and trendy like autism
No. 250112
>>250101I'm from the area and this is how most of the women are. To me this is so normal it baffles me how it's being considered milky enough for a thread.
Small towns are full of this kind of petty milk. There's threads dedicated to minicows you all could take the conversation there
No. 250128
>>250109what a tard
I mean even if you don't want to take meds (take some meds Jilly) if your anxiety gets worse you'd think to check if whatever else you're taking can have an impact on it. Why is she so against common sense
No. 250136
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>>250128she used to take ativan, but stopped it because of her weed use?
No. 250143
>>250136Tinfoil but, if the BPD bitch is "muh chronically ill" and got jill on weed, but could she have been the one to give jill the push she needed to start "muh mental illness" larp. Steve just added to the problem with bringing in "muh angel baby therapist" and it snowball'd into the Jill we have today.
I also couldn't post my other tinfoil of Mama Vessey wanting to move closer to Jill for awhile now. It might've been planned earlier in the year after she got concerned with Jill's posts on SM but only just now told her her plans of moving closer to keep an eye on her/provide a support network for her and now Jill's throwing a temper tantrum on twitter because smother's gonna be checking in on her a lot more.
No. 250152
>>250136“don’t ever get high, just normal”
oh, jill. certainly not with your erratic behavior. if you’re smoking weed, it has THC in it which makes people high. if you were taking CBD pills however, you wouldn’t get high.
so many stoners seem to lack critical thinking it has to be the loss of brain rot from the weed and internet.
No. 250194
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oh god… steven is a discord tranny
No. 250198
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jilly's reply to chelsea with the ratatouille meme
>"Confirmed love u and would never do this psycho shit"
No. 250199
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No. 250203
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also… jillian she asked for bands, not retarded people on the internet
>>250199poor cat
No. 250208
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> I love these moments tbh. I love my parts too but it’s nice to be me
can't see what tweet she's replying to, someone with twitter please help
No. 250210
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also this is what she has to say about the shitty DID journal
>"thank u!!! We are super visual the way we learn and interpret info so everything has to be colour coded and abstract lol"
I think she's lurking
No. 250218
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Did anyone else see this fake stim crap she put on tiktok?
No. 250223
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No. 250275
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still shopping for a diagnosis, jill? you're not on the spectrum. you just have a personality disorder. maybe start by treating the issues you actually have (cough weed habit cough) instead of fishing for new ones every year
No. 250300
>>250194Hope there's no discord kittens in that group. Already bad enough they both are age players and
lol come over to our house to age regress, we have weed.
>>250218So autistic Jilly. I can't believe she does this shit with a straight face. So fucking gross.
No. 250312
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No. 250316
>>250275She's such a mess. She only wants to be autistic to validate her DID because people are questioning the explicit need of childhood trauma needed to develop it. But for autism to validate the DID she still has to make things up about autism, like how autism somehow magically negates the need for childhood trauma in DID (because she sees autists as mentally being children). But since that isn't true she would then have to adopt a third condition that affects the autism in such a way that it allows for her made up lie to seem true.
Not to encourage armchairing, but could Jill actually have munchasen or does she actually think she has these conditions? I really can't tell.
No. 250322
>>250313yeah that's the only positive thing is this whole mess isn't it?
>>250317fucking KEK
No. 250334
>>250320Funny you mention that because the designer for that dress is Chrissa Sparkles had a midlife crisis and divorced her long time husband to make overpriced sweatshop produced pastel “Instagram baddie” clothes now. She’s pretty milky now trying to claim her Filipina heritage despite being white passing as hell and never mentioning it in the past. She makes cringey thirst trap posts flaunts a fugly new stick man bf after spending years of building her entire brand of being cutesy and “kawaii”and forcing her former husband into that lifestyle as well.
I wonder if our beloved jilly will lean more into Veronica and enter her thot phase too?
No. 250336
>>250235Saying that she’s milking it for content is too generous, in my opinion. She
invented it for content.
>>250283catboy ranch
>>250316She’s far too calculated for me to accept that she actually believes she has DID. She became interested in it via YT influencers, actively sought out a newbie counsellor who ‘specialised’ in trauma despite having no real experience with it and therefore would be far more likely to validate her LARP, started leaving breadcrumbs on social media like a year before her so-called diagnosis, posted a diagnostic impression as if it were a real diagnosis and never followed up on getting properly diagnosed, invents new alters to go along with social media trends, experiences zero actual real life repercussions, etc. I could go on forever. If she truly believed she had DID with young children and even a cat alter then she’d give up on driving for her own safety, especially after she supposedly blacked out and Berry went to the store by car and bought crayons and juice boxes all by herself. If Jill believed this was a real thing that happened then it would have freaked her the hell out but instead she posted it to social media as a funny anecdote. She knows she’s full of shit. So do Steve and Louise, or else they would’ve taken away her car keys or even had her committed for her own safety.
As for autism, I think she’s bullshitting for the same reasons but there is also a chance that she doesn’t see it as a real thing and therefore doesn’t understand why she shouldn’t be able to claim it for herself. One of those “well aren’t all of us a little bit autistic, really?” people, but Jillified so she has to be The Best at it.
No. 250340
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>>250218This bothers me so much, but it's funny as well, like how come she suddenly stims when she's excited? We didn't see anything like that in the videos for the MCR concert, nor when she has done hauls in the past or when she was on that trip in Japan.
And how convenient, she mildly flaps her hands like she's trying to imitate this comic. I just think it's hilarious because unless she got a super special autism that only shows up when you're over 21 years old, someone would've noticed her flapping her hands and bouncing, specially because she at least got right the whole dressing up like a fucking sped.
No. 250348
nonny thanks for the update sounds milky
No. 250349
>>250340The one thing autism larpers can never seem to get right is that it’s supposed to be a spectrum, they see all the behaviors and treat it like a checklist desperately trying to fit into all the boxes.
The fact they somehow all do the handflapping is ridiculous
No. 250362
>>250357I'm pretty sure that most of the anons in here were her fans
not me though so they don't see themselves as haters. I don't hate her, I just think she's weird as fuck and that's funny.
No. 250363
>>250362yeah, most of us don't actually HATE her, but c'mon. from her point of view, we are her "haters" and it's perfectly
valid that she should think so.
No. 250373
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She really thinks she can make big money on youtube but vlog channels are completely out of fashion and she's not a fashion influencer or art youtuber.
Youtube has completely changed in the last 10 years and the big channels hire professionals for voiceovers, editing and filming.
No. 250375
>>250137Hello fellow Alberta anon. I feel the same - I feel like I legitimately know this woman. Puts up such a tough and aggressive front, constantly on the attack, gets off on being that way, yet can't understand why she isn't succeeding at her absolute hack-job "business."
Like bitch, we can all see you're nothing more than an out of control BPD bitch with PCOS. It gets less and less cute and quirky the older you get. God, I seriously dislike that woman.
No. 250384
>>250194>getting a call on discordHe is
so a troomer
No. 250388
>>250387NTA but he is lol
Fat, neckbeard, glasses, stay at home dad
No. 250411
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>>250402also top kek that jill thinks she's being suppressed. no one wants to watch her larp. just look at her socialblade. she's tanking and it's all her doing. god forbid she take accountability though. it must be someone else's fault.
No. 250421
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No. 250425
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No. 250428
>>250421Imagine being so privileged that you complain about inflation and the cost of living crisis when you don’t work and have a tantrum when your mom tells you to start paying your bills or move home.
Jill needs to get off the internet, find a real job and get mental help for her ridiculous need to feel important. Of course she’s too narcissistic to do so. I hope Louise pulls the plug on paying her bills and she has to move home.
No. 250433
>>250411There's definitely youtubers who can make it big in a niche and gain a following (like those random sheep shearing and farm animal care channels people find relaxing). But the question is: how entertaining is your content and can viewers take something away from it?
Jill acts like she already made it big, and confetti club convinced her that people want to see everything about her, but her screeching isn't pleasant to listen to and her creations are ugly so she doesn't draw in new people. On the other hand, she, like many of the cows here, doesn't want to let go of her 200k sub identity instead of realizing most people already left.
No. 250439
>>250433She never made it big, but she did have a fair amount of followers and probably could have done YouTube and patreon as her job if she had kept up the content that got her those followers: kawaii fashion and lifestyle stuff. It was still self indulgent and lulzy, but it was what her fans liked and was pleasant and mindless enough that you could put it on for background noise. But instead of sticking to what worked, she decided to start this DID larp as an excuse not to work. All her content became about DID, which alienated a lot of her followers and was no longer inoffensive to listen to in the background because her voice got much more screechy.
If she just grew out of the kawaii stuff, that’s fine, but she needed to either pivot in a different but similar enough direction and KEEP WORKING to retain her following and find new fans, or leave it all behind and get a regular job. Instead she thought she could just smoke weed all day and mommy would pay for her to live with Steve while doing fuck all.
No. 250442
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>>250334>Chrissa Sparklestbh I just looked at her shop and I was expecting worse considering the ugly sprinkle dress she made + the mention of insta baddie shit lol. I was expecting some ugly spandex tops with corny messages on them but this isn't so bad, just very forever21 tier. Spoilering for unrelated
No. 250454
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No. 250465
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No. 250470
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>>250465>>250467Unfortunately this seems like a cow tipper; however, you are correct her overly aggro behavior will bite her in the ass.
No. 250481
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No. 250496
>>250485>appetite lossShe's been saying she's been loosing her appetite recently though. I doubt it but this just gives her more excuses to use weed
Does weed even help with anxiety at all like she claims?
No. 250503
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>>250498>>250499If you use the youtube app you can go by the down button in the title. It'll expand the description and show the transcript button. On desktop it's under the three dots by the save button.
No. 250505
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Looked up "structional dissociative identity disorder" and found this. Is this why Jill picked the age ranges for both Berry and Amanda? I got the screenshot from did-research dot org/origin/structural_dissociation/
No. 250506
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>>250505This was under "Tertiary Structural Dissociation" on that website.
No. 250508
>>250505damn this shit is bunk, sounds like some coke fueled freudian bullshit.
>>250506also you know she read all of this and is using it like a character guide to having DID. i really believe she sees this like the plays she did in highschool, shes just studying a "character" and becoming them.
No. 250532
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i don’t believe this at all. she genuinely told the psychologist that she smokes weed every single day and they still diagnosed her with DID? no way
No. 250535
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>>250532Well, she didn't get diagnosed
No. 250542
>>250470Not everyone who criticizes Jill is a farmer ffs, everyone here agrees that she’s a garbage person and needs calling out, but the second any one does someone flips their lid. It’s not cowtipping if they’re not mentioning the thread to her.
>>250532>specifically make sure it’s not caused by substance abuseAnd how did they do that when you were already a daily smoker by the time you started seeing a doctor Jill? Nor did you have to stop for any period to test it, because she absolutely would’ve cried about that for days and how hard it was. Your weed use is medicinal in the same way an alcoholic uses booze to cope with their problems. People can use whatever substances they like, but when it gets to the point that you’re using any substance daily, that’s beyond recreational and getting into addiction. I 100% believe that the parts of Jill’s mental health that she explains away with DID that aren’t just for attention are caused by weed psychosis and a heightening of her pre existing anxiety. Not to start another weed sperg, but lasting altered mental side effects are
so common in weed usage, but barely anyone talks about it
No. 250543
>>250532wouldn't they need to see her sober and not using/getting high to tell whats actually going on!? i'm pretty sure if you're currently going through
abusive situations and a drug addiction/alcohol addiction it isn't even appropriate for a doctor to diagnosis a life changing disorder like that, because those circumstances could skew the results. i swear most of her "symptoms" are from her drug and alcohol abuse. she's no different from luna. canada's mental health system seems like an absolute joke.
No. 250552
>>250512Yeah psychology as a field is full of so much bullshit, I wouldn't take it very seriously.
Source: have a psychology degree sadly
No. 250583
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am i slow? since when has she had PTSD in her list on her profile? gotta catch 'em all i guess lmao
No. 250596
>>250591Her clinging onto that diagnostic impression for her dear life is so amusing for reasons we have gone over several times, but also the fact that even a diagnosis can be wrong, I was diagnosed with depression for over ten years before my issues were recognised as bipolar disorder and I got the correct diagnosis. But I guess a diagnostic impression is a whole lot more than what the self-diagnosing generation usually gets so maybe in their eyes an impression is equal to an actual diagnosis.
However I wonder if being able to slap a diagnosis (real or imagined) in your bio really is the end goal to this group, like I never see any desire to get any treatment or getting better. Especially all DID content is essentially "lol watch me switch on camera I captured it totally by accident [proceeds to have a demonic possession so bad not even the shittiest horror movie production would accept it]" or "meet the alters", there is no coping mechanisms, no helpful resources, nothing you'd expect people with so severe mental disorder would share with others to help them. Obviously this just serves to emphasise how everyone's faking the disorder but honestly you'd expect a bit more variety. And no Jill, sharing your squiggly lines for three days does not count as "help".
No. 250602
>>250600As a well-written anon has said before: this is all just a means for Jill to defer having to grow up, face reality, hold down a regular job, remain a perpetual
victim, and have an automatic means of being "quirky" "unique" and "individual."
Which essentially still all boils down to - it's her way of having to not be a grown up.
She wants a excuse for why she hasn't / isn't succeeding in her chosen profession. She wants a way to get success easily, and being "mentally ill" these days is a way to get attention and carried through life. She knows this. She sees this. And how could she not?
She wants attention. She does not want to do the work. She doesn't want to work. It all boils down to not wanting to work, not wanting to do the work, but get all the attention and money for it. It's a tale as old as time.
Jill is a liar, through and through. A cheap, lazy, pathological liar.
No. 250608
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No. 250609
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No. 250612
>>249645Canada ruined the lives of women running salons because a proven child predator troon wanted to fuck them over for attention if they didn't play with his dick.
>>250547 She is terrified of her fans finding her thread and all the logs and proof that show how much of a nasty liar she is.
No. 250615
>>250613holy shit jill is so fucking nasty
spread kindness like confetti ig
No. 250617
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No. 250636
>>250635Where does she get off telling anyone on Earth this?
Jillian Vessey - get off the fucking internet, read a book, and go the fuck outside. You are not mentally ill, but you sure are fucking retarded.
No. 250637
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>>250635She loves bullying people
No. 250638
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>>250635>Please read a bookJill you own like 6 books, most of which you haven't read and admitting buying because you liked the colors. Shut the fuck up.
No. 250643
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>>250532How long until Jill claims her smoking is a stim?
No. 250651
>>250650She's just mad that we called her dumb, lazy, and retarded today.
The truth hurts, doesn't it? Go cry about, Jillian. You still aren't a fashion designer. You're never going to be a fashion designer.
No. 250656
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>>250639She's high off her own farts
No. 250658
>>250656Jill is piiisssssssed. "Entertainment" is code for "I'm really fucking angry and my face is red from rage."
She ain't fooling anyone. Jill, You're having a tantrum someone tried to tell you something about mental health that doesn't fit your narrative.
No. 250659
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No. 250668
>>250662lol that's just the thing though.
These are not adults.
These are overgrown children playing house.
No. 250683
>>250617>literal team of proffesionalsKEKKKK NO you idiot it was only a fucking faggot who ""diagnosed"" you, you fucking stupid cow
Also she watches youtube all fucking day too, why is she pretending to be better? retarded piece of shit
No. 250685
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>>250624>this uWell this you you fucking obese twat
No. 250692
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This was posted before her unhinged bullying behavior, I thought it was funny.
No. 250696
>>250642That's the problem with people with a PD, specially BPD and NPD, once their ego gets threatened they get batshit insane
>>250643you know she will
>>250646I actually hope she continues to make herself look deranged so more people can see what type of asshole she is
>>250647This. This isn't the first time she makes fun of another mentally ill person on her twitter.
>>250648She's very right here. "this is very much a reason" no it isn't.
No. 250698
>>250695Yeah they’re mentally fucked and are legitimately retarded. I don’t know of any woman that does this shit to their face that isn’t at least slightly off
>>250694Because her fans all victimize themselves too and LARP as mentally ill (or are legitimately just fucked up, broken people—remember the confetti club thread?) so as long as Jill is attacking the “common enemy” they think it’s totally fine to be the complete opposite of her stupid tattoo and uwu kindness persona
No. 250699
>>250686She really does come across as someone who enjoys being a bully. She probably thinks she has enough
victim labels that she’s untouchable. Wonder how many threads Jill contributes to or if it’s just this one because she’s such a narcissist.
No. 250700
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>>250635>read a real bookBitch you literally read this shit + the internet for resources for your mental illness larp
No. 250704
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>>250532I'm excited for the Cannabis-induced psychosis saga.
No. 250709
>>250626Because she wants to feel superior even though she's scared as fuck of ageing
>>250628And her shit is public too, but she keeps complaining about "haters"
No. 250724
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Glad to see Jill is still a pathetic fuck even when lolcow shuts down for a few days. Its hilarious she takes the most stereotypical traits of autism and suddenly she magically has them too, and as always using DID as a shield from her true bullshit. Even trying to steal people's traumatic stories like the piano teacher and act like it was her own despite evidence she's put out herself over the years; alongside making everything part of an aesthetic. Fucking freak
No. 250727
>>250724This is soooo fucking cringe… she has never been asexual lmao she talks about sex with steven all the fucking time
>>250725>literal pseudoscienceEMDR is pseudoscience too
No. 250730
>>250728She never told her to disregard the professionals, just that her diagnostic impression was questionable since she uses weed. She's spinning the narrative to her favor
Also, who says that girl hasn't received therapy or help by professionals either?
No. 250736
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>>250728Her whole "diagnostic impression" is like:
>she fluidly pitched her tone in the interviewThis is something she sought, she literally used the incompetence of Jedediah Mattew's poor quality as a therapist to self report these issues and then have him say "yes, the IMPRESSION is that she thinks she has DID", not that she actually has it. If she wanted a real diagnosis she should had run an actual test beyond pitching her voice in multiple ways in a rapid manner. All she needed was a printed paper full of her lies so she could rub it in to others and pretend she was "diagnosed". She's fucking sick in the head
No. 250737
>>250734>jill even went to her tiktok and basically went HEY I UNBLOCKED YOU AND I TALKED SHIT TEEHEE! pathetic lolthis is so fucking disgusting seriously, she's asking for trouble herself and creating unnecessary drama beyond a simple observation that other person had.
>>250736Seriously this is sinister as fuck
No. 250741
>>250724>I've been aromantic my entire existence. >>has been in romantic relationships since she was at a socially acceptable age to date. If any of her alphabet soup followers catch on to this discrepancy where she's conflating asexuality with aromantic she might actually start to bleed followers since they tend to be really anal about labels and flags.
>>250736>fluidly pitched her toneShe didn't even try for accents or different vocal patterns? Just tone? I'm amazed they even humored the interview she should have been laughed out of the office as soon as a different "alter" "fronted".
No. 250750
>>250736It's funny because it's literally just self reported case history shit.
Jillian Amanda Vessey reported these symptoms, not her creep bf, parents, her schools, or previous therapists/recent former therapist just her. This is shit you include when writing up reports along with what
you the professional saw and what the results of the testing done. She is malingering plain and simple just like people who think they can out smart a full audiological eval to get disability by faking hearing loss.
>>250741>She didn't even try for accents or different vocal patterns? Just tone?Jill can not act. She is similar to Charlie Sheen because they both can only play themselves. Also would have loved to see her body language and gestures used in this one woman play she did for Jedediah.
No. 250757
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No. 250758
>>250755she's going to call her a
terf and do a smear campaign or some shit
No. 250769
>>250764I actually believe this too. It all started when Louise sneakingly took an unflattering picture of her daughter in the catio smoking weed some time ago. Then the pink table thing, I bet she did it so she wouldn't make the catio or the house smell like shit anymore. I know Jillian is probably too fucking stupid to understand because her mom was pretending to be nice but it's clear as day Mommy Louise isn't happy about her daughter anymore.
Also, the catio is quite literally something Louise built as a space for herself and the cats, she even got in the news for that. My bet is she wants to keep it pristine.
No. 250781
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Honestly since Jillian is failing at life so hard she should just make and sell kawaii soaps like every other "creative" failure with well off parents out there.
No. 250782
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No. 250784
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No. 250789
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>>250770This really just highlights how unreasonably privileged and spoiled Jill is. This house is huge. Her parents are comfortable enough to do indulgent little projects like this. Her mom used to casually buy her lolita dresses and financially backed every single aesthetic phase Jill had down to the room decor for her whole life. Just…wow.
Poor Serena. Girl was truly living her best life and then had to go live in a rainbow nightmare trash house with literal shit on the walls.
No. 250792
>>250789You can also see her mom spent $8000 on the catio… there's no way they weren't paying the full rent or at least a big chunk of it for her. Tbh, the catio is pretty cool, if I had that type of money I would do it too, so my hypotetical cats could go outside and I could chill with them, it's not a bad thing at all. Jillian calling others priviledged and claiming oppression points is, however, extremely bad. It's actually hypocrital.
>>250790It isn't kek, it's just her acting like a stupid attention whoring bitch like always
No. 250795
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Jillian is a spoiled brat with no redemtion qualities. Just saw a video about a Gabbie Hannah album that I remember Jillian liking and then saw these comments. The whole album is literally about her being angry at other people for being upset with her when she does shitty things and implies it's all their fault. This is the type of music she actively listens to, the bullying she's been doing recently + pretending to be a victim + main character syndrome + other stupid shit things she likes proves what kind of person she is. She's probably like "omg that's literally meeee" and this is why she pushed the DID shit onto Gabbie Hannah too, it was pure narcissistic delusion and projection. This is why Jillian stans terrible people and lashes out at anyone who questions her but then pretends to be uwusweet and cute and mentally ill so no one can do shit to her.
No. 250798
>>250789a little OT and I know it gets brought up often in this thread, but comments like this just remind me of how young and broke some of you are. This is a normal-ass suburban house. Not some huge mansion. 8k for a vanity project after your adult kids are off to school isn't that big of a deal either. If it was a screened off porch and not called a catio, no one would question the cost.
Jill is spoiled as fuck, no doubt, but this isn't exactly the lap of high class luxury.
No. 250801
>>250798 >>250800
maybe i’m a poorfag but their family is definitely not “normal” or average income. i don’t know anyone who got as spoilt as jill irl except people i would definitely class as well off. she was getting bought branded lolita dresses and spenny trips to japan as a teenager, and it’s almost certain her mom is footing the bill for her townhouse.
jill is spoilt yes but it’s 100% rich people shit to pay for and support your adult daughter through a dead-end foundation degree and pot habits.
not to mention all the designer purebred cats kek.
No. 250802
>>250798Anon that's the home of a six-figure making dad and a stay at home mom that has a small business she does on the side that's just a glorified hobby. That's not average, that's an idealized hallmark movie life since the average north American family has both parents working fulltime jobs. Jill is spoiled in a higher income sense because she had the expendable money from her family to fall back on at all times. Only now she's getting a wake up call since her parents are probably only
just now are facing financial struggles since the pandemic affected everyone.
No. 250804
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Jillian stop making yourself ugly for attention challenge
>>250747>the fact that she's not pursuing a full diagnosis tells us she knows how fake her DI was and she knows she can't get away with a full diagnosisagreed with this
No. 250808
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>>250806taken from this webm
>>249617 No. 250809
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>where is my mind
so dramatic
No. 250810
>>250736Kek at the fact it's all female pronouns.
No. 250812
>>250805I’m with you, I’m pretty sure if Jill’s dad lost his job she would pitch and absolute fit online about possibly losing her childhood home. I think her mom just saw how she was spending all her time smoking weed and getting in fights on twitter and not releasing any videos (even if she hadn’t been making enough from videos to fully support herself, at least it would have shown some ambition), and told her that she either needed to pay at least part of her bills or move home. So Jill made that video about her cousins dress.
I hope her mom sticks to it and makes her move home if she can’t support herself. Of course, now she’s lost a lot of her followers so she might have to get a real job.
Do you nonnies think she’ll suck it up and get a real job to keep her rainby castle? Or will she double down on DID and move home
No. 250816
>>250812She won't get a job she'll just go down the same path as every other munchie and claim she's too disabled. Of course she'll never get on disability though because she doesn't actually have DID. I would love to see a grifter jill saga, though.
Help a disabled mentally ill queer system stay off the streets?
No. 250824
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>>250809I can't stop laughing at the weird tongue part when she opens her eyes
I can hear the gif
No. 250825
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No. 250832
>>250617I find it to be rather hilarious she’s trying to roast this girl for watching YouTube all day. As if YouTube isn’t Jill’s main source of failing income. She’s so bothered over this girl she’s literally reaching in her shit filled diaper and flinging turds to see what sticks.
>>250825Get a load of this retard. This is like having “empath” in your bio.
No. 250836
>>250829"heyyyy i know you're actually genuinely struggling and i've never personally felt that, but have you considered … imagining this not happening? owo you're welcome! uwuwu"
>>250833it's like she tweets fake positivity after exorcising and releasing her demons on some random twitter/tiktok user who's (correctly) calling her out as cleanup after the disaster (that she caused)
No. 250838
>>250812She’d move home before getting a normal job, but I doubt Steve would be allowed to move into her parents’ basement with her. Would she rather leave him and live comfortably with her parents or stay and grift on the internet for the rest of her life? We joke about Veronica opening an OF but she’d never be able to pay the bills with that.
Best case scenario she dumps Steve, moves back in with her parents, stops smoking weed, quits social media and gets a real job. Those would be the most sensible things to do, which probably means she’ll do the exact opposite.
No. 250852
>>250769It’s funny but cats and dogs can actually get stoned from second hand weed smoke and react in a variety of ways just like people so I would keep her the fuck away too, poor cats don’t need a bad trip. She was also leaving the bong on the ground, a cat could easily get too close to the bowl or knock it over and get bong water everywhere. Given her general poor hygiene when it comes to herself and her home I would bet she doesn’t clean her bong or replace the water often. Louise also probably doesn’t want to be breathing in second hand smoke either, she is literally a cancer survivor. As someone who also smokes I would never do it in someone’s space like that around them or their pets, she should have taken herself to the shed in the first place. She is so inconsiderate of others.
>>250838I have said it before but the thing with the OF is who would buy that? Her fan base isn’t going to buy it and what normal person would want to see her content. She would have to make fetish content to get noticed and even then that’s a niche audience. So even if she tries the OF route it won’t be successful it would just be delaying the inevitable. The majority of her audience for that would be this thread and one anon will take the hit and the rest of us will see it for free. Lots of people just assume oh I will get my ass out on OF and rake in the cash but the market is oversaturated with thousands of girls who are hotter and have a nicer aesthetic than her.
No. 250856
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>>250852Tbh I kinda want to see the onlyfans saga happening so I can point and laugh at her. That or she could end up selling kawaii soaps kek, though I doubt she's smart enough to even figure that out, all her shit is super low effort.
No. 250857
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>>249619sorry but what the fuck
No. 250860
>>250617But she doesn't have diagnosis, she has diagnostic impression. Lying bitch.
>>250629Yeah, mentally ill in angry and ugly bipolar way.
>>250632Mentally 14 yo bully, I see she has not changed one bit since her theater kid meltdowns over not getting lead role.
>>250635So when is last time she read a book? Or did literally anything outside of twitter/tikkytok/sperging online basically.
>>250637Bully, hope you can take what you dish. Remember this jillybean when you get "harassed" next time.
>>250724Your aestethics are ugly as hell jill, end it.
>>250728Quite the leap from getting told u gotta get tested for drugs before diagnosis to this. Bipolar bitch overhauling past couple of hours kek.
No. 250861
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She'll be raging again tomorrow.
No. 250867
>>250784move per word…
she played piano and did theater, but this just confirms she has no rhythm.
No. 250870
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>>250857why does she look like a bald inflatable doll?
No. 250872
>>250866I bet she’s trying to cover Steve’s ass from twitter brainrot pedo accusations. Jerrick is totally for reals a minor but don’t worry there’s nothing
problematic between him and Steve, Jerrick is akchually asexual! Meanwhile they‘re into age regression but that’s fine because it’s Jill doing it and she’s an adult, or some other insane troll logic.
She may also be using Jerrick’s asexuality to have an excuse to get away from Steve if he’s being pushy and she’s not in the mood. It’s hard to imagine Steve taking that seriously, but who knows what their dynamic is like behind closed doors. I bet it’ll come up if they ever break up, though.
>>250870No kinkshaming, anon!
No. 250873
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From the tiktok of her smacking her lips to Demi Lovato - 29
I don’t remember what she said in the past about Demi either but kek sounds like she forgot to be triggered by something she pretended to care about
No. 250882
>>250881Slow your roll honey could be different anons don't infight over that
I doubt she would go to any sort of actual crafting "job" considering she couldn't even be arsed to get a fashion line she was all set up with contacts for running
No. 250887
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>>250864She’s trolling and has made a pixielocks reference in her videos lol.
No. 250895
>>250695i think the person making the claim is someone in her comments, but the stumpy eyebrow girl is telling them their wrong
could be wrong because i didn't watch the video, but going off the bit of caption on the video seems that way
sage for completely irrelevant
No. 250902
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Fair warning there's an idiot cow tipping.
No. 250915
>>250869Noooo… so she's saying she has the 'tism and even a mild trauma would be DID worthy? Shut up. That legit made me cackle.
So riddle me this, how can she claim autism yet say she has a sarcastic sense of humor?
This bitch needs a reality check job.
No. 250946
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No. 250953
>>250873I think the commenter was referring to the song being about Demi’s relationship with Wilmer Valderama, it’s about how he was 29 and she was 17 (iirc) and basically about the shitty power dynamic of relationship like that. Given that Jill is a supposed
victim of CSA it’s not unreasonable that she would’ve claimed to be
triggered by something like that, which she clearly forgot to think about before using the song
No. 250958
>>250947Sorry but how the fuck is this stimming?
Also why is she stimming if she's not even autistic. Is this the proof she'll handle to the evaluator?
No. 250975
>>250963stimming differs greatly from person to person also, it's not a one size fits all thing. i have no idea why people want adhd and autism to be trendy and cool. it's sometimes debilitating and makes simple things impossible. but people treat it like it just gives you some quirky personality traits. jill has never
ever seemed like she's had any issues with
anything people with autism or adhd have. on that note, she was clearly never passionate about any of her hobbies or interests, they were just a new grift and she got tired of them when they didn't net her enough money. that's what this DID autism saga is, a new grift and it's so disgusting.
No. 250977
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>>250782>>250964It looks like jill bailed and got sof a spot in the show instead
No. 250983
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her mom when she realizes Jill couldn't draw on a mustache and flail around a stage for 5 minutes after being asked to get a job
No. 250987
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>>250977She's been awfully quiet about it in general. She didn't mention it until a fan pointed it out. I wonder why she bailed on this one?
>>250982Ntayrt, talking about a furby someone customized. The person who customized it tagged her. Picrel
No. 250995
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From fb
No. 251022
>>250997Nah if you check her recent tweets she was asking drag performers how they prepare for gigs (it was posted here too)
Last time she performed she kept making tweets about how she's been exercising and about her routine, this time- nothing
So Jilly didn't feel like creating a routine and bailed
No. 251033
>>251022yeah I think she just doesn't give a fuck and she's just doing this for clout. I don't think she's genuinely passionate for anything, not even this. If she actually cared she would had made something up and practiced, but she bailed so hard even though she was on the cover.
What fucks me up the most though, is that she instead just smoked weed and age regressed. I feel like this is a big indication on what is actually happening with her life. Just smoking weed and nothing else.
I hope future events don't consider her anymore since she's this irresponsible.
No. 251044
>>251042is this just her BPD then? not knowing her identity? man i don’t get it. i also had a thing when i went through my stupid goth/emo phase in high school where i wanted to be some specific thing and tick off little boxes and compartmentalize everything, and fully embrace the lifestyle or whatever, but most people have that! and most grow out of that quick because you realize it limits you greatly with expression and it is constricting and not satisfying at all.
but for jill it almost feels like some kind of compulsion, she really wants to guide this narrative of her life and she really sees it as like chapters where she went through these phases, but she really wants it defined and categorized and it is really really crazy. she said when she gets depressed she will just linger in it and listen to music and that’s really stupid. introspection is good in doses but you need to get out of your own fucking head sometimes otherwise you’ll drive yourself insane.
No. 251056
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I wonder if it has to do with her mom? Louise commented on her last two cat tiktoks with Stickers.
>>251051>>251053She also pretended not to understand idioms. Move mountains one comes to mind.
No. 251070
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No. 251075
>>251072Yeah I did confuse it. I'm sure she just had an unwarranted freak out like that freak @papercakes
My god the histrionics. Though it does look like PEI got whammed.
No. 251077
>>251072>>251061Hello, another other NB fag. Who has spent time in Fredericton. Hurricanes are so typical it's nothing to worry about. Unless your close to the river then worry about flooding or any weak trees falling over. It's nothing even comparable to tornados in the USA though.
I think Jill was hoping the storm would be bad enough it would be cancelled and didn't bother to prepare
No. 251102
>>251022>Last time she performed she kept making tweets about how she's been exercising and about her routine, this time- nothingYeah she was just on Twitter arguing with people, I think she was having too much fun trolling to do the show
>>251096>silly shy airheads I've…literally never heard of this description of autistic people.
They aren't seen as shy so much as aggressively antisocial and inward-looking, often experts in a particular area, not great at verbal communication. These traits are rewarded or expected from men, but as women are expected to be the friendly mediator and carers, being inward-looking and intensely focused on your interests is seen as highly unwanted. I have no idea where you got
silly shy airhead but that is neither the common opinion nor reflective of autistic people's personalities.
No. 251105
>>251096 what the actual fuck is this bullshit? nobody thinks autistic women are 'silly shy airheads'
airheads? how many actually autistic people have you met? jesus christ
anyway, jillybean isn't autistic, end of story
No. 251112
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No. 251113
>>251096What the fuck are you talking about anon? No one thinks autistic women are ditzy airheads. Autistic women either mask well so they can integrate socially or they're so obviously autistic that people stay away from them.
>>251112Wow such a caring friend Jill. Such a great friend would put horrible intrusive thoughts of a tree caving in their friends roof while they sleep as a means to show that they cared. Can't wait for the end of the year where Jill wins her "greatest friend award"!
No. 251117
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also video is coming soon, nonas
No. 251118
>>251112Girl going through an emergency:
>I'm fine! I have barely any cellphone signal but I'm ok.Obese clown named Jillian coming smoking weed and eating tendies in the safety of her house:
No. 251125
File: 1664063587626.jpg (82.67 KB, 720x603, Screenshot_20220924-165048_Chr…)

No. 251133
File: 1664064745695.jpeg (1.72 MB, 1170x2283, 149C4CEA-F37B-4924-A2D0-C1FC81…)

Not even worth posting the full tiktok but here's this
No. 251139
File: 1664066061276.jpg (178.7 KB, 720x1278, Screenshot_20220924-172749_Chr…)

Jill being Jill
No. 251149
>>251139yes jillian get yourself to look uglier with each piercing
>>251133you're the villain in someone else's story
KEKKKKKKK GOD the audacity of saying this with a smile kek. Fucking bullying ass bitch
No. 251152
File: 1664071707015.png (314.63 KB, 376x664, just fucked up.png)

just fucked up. Bully.
No. 251155
File: 1664073635731.jpg (76.29 KB, 720x652, Screenshot_20220924-193849_Chr…)

>>251152Ofc her go to is that it's
No. 251192
>>251191samefag, sorry
>Jill might not be comfortable having her mom see more, even though deep down she probably really wants to*really wants to post porny pics
thought I'd clarify my wording just in case lol
No. 251221
>>251153>>251217Found the
triggered tranny, sorry a rich successful woman made a popular franchise and then went on to publicly agree that sex pest males are sex pests
No. 251233
nonny, you
triggered the Harry Potter Adults.
No. 251259
File: 1664145015502.jpg (210.63 KB, 720x1303, Screenshot_20220925-151955_Chr…)

Bails on a drag performance but uses the title Drag Queen while making tiktoks in her rainby dungeon. This was posted today on her Pixieelocks account. Congrats to the nonnies who called it.
No. 251275
>>251274Yep, she's so fucking lazy.
Can't bother to get her ass up and make a routine that actually entretains people?
>omg tiktok drag queens are valid too!Can't sew for shit and ruins her cousin's wedding dress, becoming the gossip of the entire family?
>omg I'm such a barbie fashion designer!Bullies people on twitter saying it is super fun to do so?
>only kind people with good intentions will prevail uwuShe's seriously so two faced it's unreal
No. 251277
File: 1664150441252.gif (5.61 MB, 314x198, idiot.gif)

>>251259In hindsight, I think her ""first drag performance"" was probably just an excuse so she could call herself an official drag queen (even though she already called herself a drag queen like a week before the event even happened). Just like how she thinks a diagnostic impression is enough to claim DID and just how she thinks barely passing arts and crafts college is enough to be a fashion designer.
It's funny. I look at this and all I can think of is "wow this self obsessed retard really contacted a venue to showcase her disgusting attention whoring insanity dance in front of people". Like, really take away the "drag queen" out of it (because she's not even a drag queen) and this ""performance"" is just a fucking psycho gendietard dancing to steven universe flailing her arms around kek. Irresponsible, not entretaining, and low effort shit. Just another one of her validation addicted antics, if this shit happened in the middle of a street no one would clap and they would probably call the police saying "there's a crazy woman dressed as a killer clown loose in town".
No. 251279
>>251259Maybe your drag would be “
valid” if you actually FUCKING SHOWED UP TO THE SHOW?? WHAT. i don’t even understand what she means with all drag is
valid. It sounds like She just wants to still have a cool niche label without actually engaging in the theatrical aspects of drag i guess?.. hm she really just loves/craves labels but what else is new kek
No. 251291
File: 1664156498364.jpg (25.22 KB, 695x225, Screenshot_20220925-175439_Chr…)

Saw this and laughed, thought I'd share.
>>251274I honestly think this was what she wanted in the first place. She can do her half ass
drag queen look, roll around a little on the floor, then pat herself on the back while smoking weed.
>>251277She likes twisting words to fit
her narrative. It worked before when she was a teen so in her mind it'll still work. Too bad her lies are so flimsy and easy to cross reference thanks to her filming herself since a teen.
>>251279Collecting labels is her aesthetic. She likes the attention labels bring her as well as can shove in people's faces when she bullies them. Evident by the recent drama and her screeching "you're bullying a mentally unwell person". She's revolting, shameless, and disgusting. She's an attention junkie and just hops on whatever will give her fix. I don't think she actually cares for performing.
No. 251296
>>251259Imagine being one of the people who booked her or approved her or whatever for this drag performance, she doesn't show up, probably just ghosted them entirely after posting two days before about how she was
too practiced and ready for it, and then posts on tiktok the next day about being a drag queen.
No. 251316
File: 1664167446813.png (1.18 MB, 1126x574, ugh.png)

>>251260>gay men doing drag queen stuff as a mean of self expression in an homophobic society? SOMETHING IS CLEARLY WRONG!!!!!!The fact she's saying this with a steven universe song in the background, is also… ugh. So much for being an "lgbt+" ally.
I wonder what an actual gay man would say.
No. 251319
File: 1664167733515.png (284.57 KB, 372x376, ugh.png)

>>251316I wonder if she actually thought this tiktok through or forgot she has bailed on a performance twice. The drag queens won't be happy about this one, imagine having a priviledged straight girl calling herself a drag queen when you have been grinding for work for years.
No. 251321
File: 1664168378915.gif (7.95 MB, 288x512, ugh.gif)

>>251316posting this as a gif for posterity
>>251320For me it's the fact that she comes off as homophobic by saying "gay men being drag queens?
that's not the best example, something is clearly wrong!" with such a cheerful kiddie song in the background. Like… gay men being labeled as "wrong", wow, soooo progressive Jillian. It's so fucking stupid too since she did this tiktok just to justify herself as a "real drag queen".
I'm not surprised since she larps being a lesbian and says a man and a woman dating = "queer couple". I'm legit starting to think she might actually be homophobic behind closed doors and only co-opted the lgbt shit for clout points and rainbow aesthetic.
Her faces too… ugh. Disgusting
No. 251327
>>251320Yeah heaven forbid that gay men are allowed to have their own community spaces without ‘spicy straight’ white women coopting and fetishizing it.
I personally know a couple of women in the drag scene, but all of them are primarily back up dancers in drag shows and occasionally get into ‘drag’ costume to preform. The difference being that they acknowledge that drag is a male space and that they’re able to join in but not take over. Jill is doing her classic tried and through method of dipping her toe into a subculture and then proclaiming herself the be all and end all of it
No. 251328
>>251323>Can you imagine if she did this for dreadlocksFound the retarded white woman who only sucks black dick.
Go back to Twitter to try and win woke points
(racebait) No. 251330
File: 1664170803663.png (80.27 KB, 172x199, shit.png)

>>251316>this is not the best example-And a retarded ugly and fat womanchild acting stupid isn't the best example either. God that tongue in the second pic is gross
No. 251332
File: 1664171101274.gif (5.13 MB, 252x197, L.gif)

>>251319Ah yes, Jillian Vessey, clearly the epitome of everything Drag has to offer, policing yet again what is right and what is wrong, just like every other community she forcefully shoved herself in, she's now speaking as a voice of knowledge for everyone involved, because her career as a drag queen has obviously been so succesful and noteworthy with only 1 dumb performance and 2 cancelled shows. Take a hint Jilly.
No. 251341
File: 1664172090433.jpg (50.1 KB, 720x334, Screenshot_20220925-225435_Chr…)

>>251291Kek, think she'll ignore or rage until the person deletes the comment? She hasn't said squat about ghosting the gig.
No. 251344
File: 1664172660234.jpeg (191.9 KB, 1125x615, 4C68EEF7-2C2F-4E1D-AFA2-018197…)

>Nooo only men are allowed to dress up as grotesque misogynistic caricatures of women! How dare this roastie stinkditch fish encroach on this sacred art!
That said, I can’t wait for her to piss off the actual gay male queens because they tend to be catty as fuck. It will be interesting to see how she’ll react; will she cry about being bullied as with every remotely critical comment from (presumably) female ex-fans, or will she roll over and try to appease them? When she was made aware of the fact that a drag queen she likes makes pedophillic jokes she just responded with “ugh, Trixie”. These men can do no wrong in her eyes.
From what we’ve seen of the local drag scene in this thread, though, it looks like it’s all women in bad outfits so I’m not sure how much she really stands out.
I went to check if she still follows Trixie Mattel and failed, but I found this instead. Also she follows at least one soap maker (@BlueWaveSoaps) so there’s hope for soap anon yet.
No. 251346
File: 1664173481391.jpeg (49.88 KB, 828x437, 612847A4-EA59-4EBE-BB6C-A08654…)

>>251344She’s still following him on Instagram
No. 251347
>>251345I’m all for gay men having their own spaces but if you make that space revolve around mocking an exploited class, you don’t get to cry appropriation when members of that exploited class show up and want to join the fun. Most gay men I know loathe drag, anyway.
>>251346Thanks, anon! The app wouldn’t let me search in her following list so I had to scroll through hundreds of accounts to find anything. It’s almost entirely drag queens and “DID systems”/mental illness activists at this point.
No. 251358
File: 1664176185091.jpg (200.53 KB, 720x1414, Screenshot_20220926-000411_Chr…)

>>251353>>251348Still there on her Pixieelocks account.
No. 251359
File: 1664176692148.png (637.36 KB, 1080x866, Screenshot_20220926-011543-360…)

>>251344>>251346She still follows him on Twitter too.
No. 251375
>>251319Good god that MOUTH. I hate hate hate people who make that expression.
Someone shoop this pic with a fishing hook pulling on her lip kek
No. 251378
File: 1664188863121.jpeg (184.01 KB, 827x1389, C9A58933-21F6-476F-ABE9-C7A080…)

>>251376The person got blocked kek. Wanted to look up Jill’s Twitter and this came up
No. 251387
File: 1664191657696.jpg (862.03 KB, 1079x3041, Screenshot_20220926_072632_Twi…)

>>251378 omg apologies samefag from
>>251384 but I just checked that girls twitter to see if there were any interactions (person only has 2 followers hmmm)
No. 251398
>>251378>Moodybabybat>Hello Kitty pfp Everytime the cowtipper is a cow. Every time a
nonnie accidentally show profile pic in cap its a cow. Every time i wonder if every farmer is a cow then what am i
No. 251403
File: 1664197651489.jpeg (90.34 KB, 828x606, 7E1D51FA-9128-4F2F-AD65-F8708F…)

>>251392Samefag. Forgot to attach screencap
No. 251471
>>251430>>251465>>251413>>251387>>251376please learn to integrate, only posts that are fresh milk should be unsaged.
>>251378this reeks of cowtipping since they screenshotted their response 3min after posting, then held onto the screenshot until they got blocked & ran to twitter later that day. the thread had been focusing on jill not being at the show the last few days. it's not coincidence imo.
for our new nonas in the thread, we don't cowtip here. jill wants you to a-log so she can say "muh bullies!!!" but we simply watch from afar and report on the trainwreck. we're not instigators and we are not some legion. the cows fall from grace themselves, don't push them. stay patient and grab popcorn for the show.
No. 251476
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No. 251480
File: 1664221904458.jpg (199.6 KB, 720x1278, Screenshot_20220926-123404_Chr…)

No. 251483
>>251476content warning: choking
heart emoji GIRL. I’m literally at my wits end.
No. 251496
>>251476She's been so angry lately on twitter that I can't help but feel like this "choking" is supposed to scare her haters
Also she keeps talking about flopping and flop era I'm so tired of this coping. No "slay" is coming. Your fandom is dead and so is your career.
No. 251511
File: 1664233060142.jpg (206.43 KB, 720x1294, Screenshot_20220926-155521_Chr…)

No. 251512
>>251496I agree, the choking feels… Odd.
>>251488Yeah idk what part of her post is "sanriocore"
No. 251522
>>251520my art was also used as a banner for an older thread and now when you look up my name online people can find this thread and i don't want to be associated with it :(
reporting for copyright reasons isn't possible? because i was never asked for use of my art
No. 251530
>>251522I guess in the future don’t draw art of
toxic people.
Also leave the name field blank and put “sage” in the email field. You are bumping the thread and therefore drawing even more attention to yourself.
No. 251545
>>251543hon nobody here is going to listen to you. as somebody already stated, there's rules instated that your art is not getting taken down here. there's nothing any of us can do so you're just arguing with the wall at this point, and also blocking up the thread. please get out before you get permabanned and then you
really won't be able to do shit
No. 251548
File: 1664237244389.jpeg (904.2 KB, 1170x1263, 62EBADFE-11AD-492C-AD9B-4676E9…)

>>251544>>251546Oops dropped pic
No. 251567
File: 1664237932836.jpeg (634.4 KB, 960x1027, A9FF2559-DA39-4661-AA9C-DEB288…)

Ewwww you even made a PowerPoint on Jillian.
No. 251569
File: 1664238092255.jpg (479.77 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20220926-201855_Twi…)

Gorl you sicker than Jill get help and learn yo love your itty bitty titties you were born with
No. 251571
>>251567This is really sad. Jillian is a truly awful person, borderline
abusive, and not someone you should look up to.
No. 251573
>>251571Jill spends every day being a
toxic narcissist online and attacking people, how could she be an idol for anyone. Plenty of kawaii girls to follow online these days, literally thousands of better options, why pick Jill.
No. 251574
File: 1664238552929.png (780.23 KB, 787x552, F52CC754-C7DE-4EFC-968A-97AB86…)

>>251567>>251572Yup seems like it kek
No. 251575
File: 1664238725137.jpg (243.96 KB, 720x1543, Twitter.jpg)

>>251573Cute kawaii girls aren't on the pipeline to starring in the fakeboi thread that's why this degen is aiming closer to home. She considers herself a "cool green guy" like Jillybean
No. 251576
File: 1664238969181.jpeg (463.59 KB, 1536x2048, 8BE0C5C0-9F84-4638-8166-6FADFC…)

>>251575Is she skinwalking Jillybean?
No. 251590
File: 1664241112378.jpeg (565.35 KB, 1170x1524, 9DCA9F8D-DD80-49F6-A593-A85A91…)

No. 251594
File: 1664242061132.jpg (184.35 KB, 720x1403, Screenshot_20220926-182516.jpg)

No. 251598
File: 1664243219094.jpg (84.71 KB, 720x787, Screenshot_20220926-184507.jpg)

No. 251605
File: 1664245199900.jpg (19.85 KB, 275x199, 1658558631860.jpg)

>>251479Maritei I know you lurk lolcow and I know you irl and I'll remember you sucking Jill's dick next time I see you. Most embarrassing behaviour I swear.
(hi cow) No. 251612
>>251610You're being way too sweet to this person kek. But I do agree, learning to take criticism (specially harsh ones) is good and helps you get better at life and at art. In some weeks no one will curr about your ugly drawing anymore, it's actually worse when you make a big deal about it than just take it and own it.
If only Jillian knew how to take criticism though…
No. 251622
>>251320Your gay best friend could benefit from shutting up and joining a gym instead of getting mad at autistic girls caking on garish makeup to film tiktoks. Boo boo their “space” is being ~enroached~ on. Jill is entirely too logged in but being outraged or threatened by her tiktok larping is just pathetic. They are rarely every
actually in any gay spaces, they aren’t walking into their no-load refused cumpdumps, and if they see one of these in real life they have the option to literally just walk away. God I’m tired of gays bawing about women like they’re threatening. Go lift weights and play Pokémon.
No. 251652
>>251630Anonitas I'm a real psychologist and here's an info dump from the BDSM-5 standards on Jillociative Identity Disorder(JID):
>can switch to any number of made up alters at any point, but only when it's convenient for the Jill>Has extreme black outs from switching all the time, but they are invisible to everyone else around>all alters have their own aesthetic, the more distinctly visibly different they are from each other the better>the Jill may appropriate and use other mental disorders such as autism, age play and eating disorders, often for the use of making up new alters to switch to>doesn't need childhood trauma to develop alters, because autism makes the need for it null. However the Jill itself doesn't have autism but merely appropriates it, so presumably other people's autism is what nullified it.>WOJ - Weed Onset Jillphoria: a form of identity euphoria the Jill feels through the recreational use of weed, is often the first sign of JID>Can develop any new kind of symptom at any point, but only ones that can't be proven wrong and that aren't icky>All alters merge into the original Jill in really stressful situations or when neededPlease stay educated and don't be ableist.
No. 251653
>>251621We were wondering if she still followed Trixie because she was made aware of him sexualising little girls:
>>246370 >>246368White man in misogynist clown costume sexualises female children
>Jill: “ugghh Trixieee”>keeps following himAfrican woman artist calls attention to the fact that female African children are mutilated based on their sex, not their ‘gender identity’
>Jill: “uhhh GROSS why was I even following you??”>immediately unfollows No. 251661
File: 1664274607949.png (1.43 MB, 1284x2778, B0499DC5-ACBC-4828-9F15-F3833C…)

Jill was posted on fakedisordercringe subreddit again. The account that says they know Steve looks to be a highschool kid based off some of their posts lol
No. 251662
>>251638No it doesn’t, excuse me for not defending the homosexual need to pretend women are boogeymen
enroaching on their precious spaces when they literally could just not watch this sort of outrage fodder.
No. 251664
>>251652my sides
nonnie, thank you for your wisdom
No. 251684
File: 1664287690351.jpg (240.65 KB, 1080x963, Screenshot_20220927-070716__01…)

This person clearly just follows troonie on Twitter and doesn't actually know him.
No. 251685
>>251661post more of their reactions
Also that tiktok video in your pic… was it ever posted here?
No. 251706
File: 1664292253254.jpg (156.12 KB, 1080x611, IMG_20220927_172401.jpg)

Jillybean lovin the drama
No. 251707
File: 1664292341874.jpg (356.84 KB, 1080x1579, IMG_20220927_171359.jpg)

>>251706Offtopic but context for the curious, Jill loves following youtube milk
No. 251733
>>251706No one:
Jillian: Well we should hear the cheating man’s opinion on all this ! I gotta hear his statement first before i decide if the photo evidence is true.
(it’s giving gabbie hannah saying she needed to talk to curtis lepore to “hear his side”) Jill really gives me the vibes of someone who acts like a pro
victim advocate but whenever a man she likes gets exposed it’s “ok i want his statement too tho” Jillian i know you have a innate hatred for women because you believe you got raped by a girl, but you need to realize literally all men have the ability to be gross little cheating/predatory weasels from the get go no matter the situation. Yes that includes some guy who makes music you like, or some random comfort youtuber of yours.
No. 251773
File: 1664307509928.jpeg (107.17 KB, 750x879, 2E2287A2-4939-4E0C-9414-BDAD3A…)

this is not a normal reaction to this, jill
No. 251774
File: 1664307556797.jpeg (70.04 KB, 750x340, F0780C8A-FD5C-4ADF-AA71-EB105F…)

pretty sure he got fired for having an intimate relationship with his employee, dumbass
No. 251785
>>251783He doesn't even make content
>>251782If my doctor got fired for cheating on her husband, I'd be really pissed off. Personal life and jobs should be separate, but this guy was a "celeb" who built his character on loving his wife and then just used her as a prop, he deserved it but Jill is a hypocrite because she took her shirt off in front of Steve when he was dating Maggie.
No. 251789
>>251774Intetestingly strong views on cheating considering Stevie has maggie visit while you're away, (evidenced by Maggie posting photos of Jill's cat on her own Twitter) still has her doorkey (evidenced by a recent Tweet reply of his) and replies to her Tweets more than yours, very interesting indeed
I'm like 80% certain many of her recent breakdowns and subtweets were about whatever Stevie is up to
No. 251796
>>251774>I love justice!Really now? What about all your crimes, Jilly? You still haven't given a statement on ghosting your drag performance except delete and block anyone who mentions it. Shut up you creepy fatass rainbow colored nightmare abomination.
>>251785>Personal life and jobs should be separate, but this guy was a "celeb" who built his character on loving his wife and then just used her as a prop, he deserved it but Jill is a hypocrite because she took her shirt off in front of Steve when he was dating Maggie.I agree with you. Also didn't Jill mention the whole ordeal on her meet the alter veronica edition?
No. 251811
File: 1664325149762.jpg (163.4 KB, 720x1294, Screenshot_20220927-172607_Chr…)

No. 251819
“Thank ya”
Jax is literally just a Brooklyn accent but that person must feel really smart for figuring out who jill is roleplaying
I’ve also never seen her chin look like this it’s insane compared to her retarded jerrick drag face, wonder if it just the high angle or if she’s really starting to abuse filters
No. 251821
>>251811can she actually dye her hair this color please
>>251819God it's so stereotypical and cringe. I don't think she has been near Brooklyn ever in her life, yet somehow thinks she can replicate their accent… kek wtf.
No. 251823
File: 1664327207510.jpeg (Spoiler Image,114.67 KB, 1400x1400, 68ECD014-094E-4D03-9E20-E867F8…)

>>251811wtf is going on with her chin? is this a bad filter or just not her angle
No. 251828
>>251819She put the phial emoji in the description.
>>251826None of it truly is but Jill doesn't understand what makes an accent an accent and how that's different from a dialect. She could learn, but that would take actual effort which Jill doesn't want to do. Kek
No. 251829
File: 1664330033678.png (113.85 KB, 596x596, dreadieelockss .png)

>>251814her racist alter is back!
No. 251834
>>251811Well she looks way better, even if it’s just a filter and good clothing. Jax is more “Emo” and Alternative than Jerrick is supposed to be. Jerrick looks like a TikTok e-boy from 2018 even though he formed when Jill was a Punk and the mislabeling doesn’t bother him. The fliter and dark clothing does the heavy lifting.. but she looks her age here. makes her superficially tolerable. It would be nice to see her in darker hair colors and muted clothing so she doesn’t look 35-45 years old.
>>251706Jill!! that’s so so so Polygamy-Phobic and Monogamy-Normative!!! what is Veronica gonna say when you don’t support her being a lesbian Bimbo who’s into casual sex, flirting, and “Knows what she wants and how to get it”. that’s Polygamy-Erasure!! Be progressive and feminist! calling it now that she’s upset with Stevie interacting with Maggie but says that they have a Open-Relationship to cope on having her boyfriend stolen from her.
No. 251835
File: 1664334473371.png (511.43 KB, 447x943, image_2022-09-27_220751964.png)

>>251834>Jerrick looks like a TikTok e-boy from 2018not even that tbh kek, she looks 45 dressing like this
No. 251836
File: 1664334819890.jpeg (190.82 KB, 737x588, 1662545691845.jpeg)

>>251829omg! this is totally such a Jax moment!
No. 251852
>>251840It’s a combination of MultiplicityandMe and FivePetalFlower, her brand that never was, because she realised that she couldn’t stick to just five alters.
I wonder what idea came first, the flower brand or the DID larp.
No. 251862
>>251681>pmsSo male of you
>>251829Is it really applicable when she can’t be bi more than 15 in this photo and obviously had no idea of any implications
No. 251890
>>251863it's a shitpost, don't get so
No. 251909
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No. 251910
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>>251909She's got issues, I would just crop my feet out
No. 251916
>>251913Or just wear socks or slippers
It's so weird how she's self conscious about it, but picks the worst solution that draws more attention to it
No. 251920
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No. 251923
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No. 251925
File: 1664388427432.jpg (163.8 KB, 720x1375, Screenshot_20220928-110545_Chr…)

No. 251934
>>251925She changed her twitter display name from
Jerrick (Usually) to now
Jerr & Jax. Also hypersexual 19 year old, nice Jilly Billy.
No. 251959
File: 1664393599578.jpg (72.95 KB, 828x1303, ioxfguosrb981.jpg)

This feels like a dissociadid skinwalk, Chloe did the "has a sex repulsed and a super slutty alter" LARP
No. 251971
>>251946This whole time I have been anticipating her using her alters as a free pass to cheat. He can’t blame Jill if she says veronica did it without saying he doesn’t believe the larp. If he did that I think she would go nuclear, she would be a huge
victim in her eyes.
No. 251972
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No. 251976
File: 1664397741773.jpeg (878.23 KB, 1170x1298, 5FCD2CD7-73D3-4553-97F4-96429F…)

>>251925Not very queer of you, jax
No. 251979
>>251972Definitely not the weed, booze, and shit diet
>>251946>She said it herself that she needs "dick". She's probably dying to have sex with another guy but loves the internet points of being in a spicy straight relationship too much to give it upManifesting a chill, normal chad who has a thing for rainbow crazy girls to whisk her away from her degenerate troon.
No. 251989
>>251972>my neuroplasticityThat's not what neuroplasticity is, retard.
Why does she rush to twitter every time she "switches"?
No. 252001
>>251959Jill’s been ski walking Chloe from the start, dissociDID used to have a hyper-sexual bimbo alter, a ‘co-host’ guy alter that was just her in a beanie, a cutesy child alter, at least one ‘non-verbal’ child alters who carried trauma, and a middle aged man alter, among others.
The only difference is that Jill learnt from Chloe’s mistakes and ditched the different ethnicity alters because I imagine even she’s not dumb enough to think that’d fly on Twitter
No. 252031
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>>252006>>252017Nta and nothing wrong with having sex toys, but it is definetely NOT okay to talk about them to minors, she always inserts some random weird sex talk even though elementary schoolers follow her.
No. 252033
>>251863Ayrt it was a joke
I've never posted about her dreads before she just is wearing the same style and black and white filter as the video. I was implying that there's still a little racism and appropriation inside of her as a joke
No. 252050
>>252006>>252017NTA but a wholeass drawer full of dildos is weird, at that point you're collecting dildos/a consoomer for them
She must probably hate she can't talk about adult things because she gave herself the uwu magical girl sustainable brand and had her parents know her social media, because she loves her bongs and dildos
No. 252064
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>>252040Nta but thought I grab the description so other nonnies can read it.
No. 252070
>>252066Sof used to be in the confetti club and look what happened to her. Though I think the ones who really go off the rails already had a screw loose, Jill’s influence probably isn’t helping.
>>252067Veronica dildo haul and review channel, anyone?
No. 252128
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No. 252131
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No. 252150
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No. 252175
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No. 252185
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The Waluigi chin again..
No. 252193
>>252175At least here she looks like a person instead of a freak show, but the typed 'accent' makes it fucking pathetic. Come on Jill you were almost onto something…
Also I wish she'd drop the light eyes/freckles filter. Not humble-bragging or anything since I hate my freckles, but it straight up gives me uncanny valley vibes. It just looks so unnatural and yet it reminds me of me at 8 y/o. Urgh.
No. 252230
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No. 252238
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No. 252257
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>>Funny. But not funny "haha". Funny weird.
That's everything I can think of.
No. 252262
>>252254Words are just
aesthetics now therefore meaningless.
No. 252280
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>>252230>Filmed and edited videosI hope she filmed for the meet my alter
Flora video. Her
Flora voice and mannerisms get me cackling. Also wonder if she'll "address" bailing on the drag gig in a video or just continue memory hole it. People are still asking.
No. 252290
>>252231Didn't jill say storms are a
trigger and she switches more? It's funny how harmless storms make her switch and not trees falling on her family's house. As long as she isn't there It's not important
No. 252292
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>>252290She's "
triggered" by the thunder. She mentions this in her June stream
>>217739 No. 252342
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Jill is the most spoiled brat I think I've ever encountered.
No. 252343
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No. 252344
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No. 252367
>>252343>posting a video explaining why tomorrowSo nonnas, what's your bet? Week long panic attack? Dissociation? Imo she's gonna go with the thunder
triggers, hasn't used that one in a while.
No. 252372
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>>252343She deleted the comments including her own about addressing the gig. Kek
No. 252403
>>252343Even if she didn't just bail and had a
valid reason (let's assume an emergency) it's still exteremly shitty of her to instead of giving ANY kind of explaination and apology in a timely manner before the show or as soon as she was able to afterwards, to start deleting comments and blocking people for asking about it and to then use the situation and put it in a monetized video so she can make money off of the people who were disappointed and just wanted an explaination.
For an emergency to have happened in such a way so that she wouldn't have been able to go and still not have had time to tell anyone, it would have had to be just a few hours before the show right? Assuming she wasn't passed out from drug overuse or something she should have been able to send a single tweet letting her followers know she wouldn't be there.
No. 252410
>>252403Yeah it really doesn’t matter what her reasons are. The fact that she’s blocking people, deleting comments and didn’t address it in any way is just shitty and there’s no
valid excuse for that
No. 252426
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I just went to check if she said anything about the gig on twitter and lol
No. 252430
>>252370Speaking of Amanda she never answered those other questions. She teased it twice on purpose clearly baiting people to ask and then only gave that one vague comment on Amanda’s age and that she is nonverbal. Did she chicken out or something because it seems odd to bait it so hard then radio silence.
>>252403Even if she was physically unable to post why didn’t Steve post something. If I was having an emergency and was unable to make an event or update people involved my partner would step in for that. You don’t have to give details either just a quick “hey this is Steve, Jill is unwell and cannot attend. She is very sorry for letting you down.” Common courtesy isn’t hard and your adult partner should help you with shit.
No. 252449
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No. 252472
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ban me if you must. i understand. but i had to post this. louise herself liked my post saying dissociation and THC don't mix.
No. 252473
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>>252472it's actually her
No. 252475
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No. 252480
>>252475Jerrick: I hate it when Jill calls me small and uwu
jerrick: I am smol
So which is it are you Jill or not?
No. 252481
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>>252472Why did Louise like this post?
No. 252501
>>252481Saying how much weight u’ve lost followed with a sparkle emoji?? How can anyone take this seriously let alone her whining about how difficult this is for her
nvm that when will she stop posting about losing weight when she clearly isn’t and she should know it isnt helpful to anyone espc those with an ed
No. 252506
>>252491i imagine that weed usage is probably one of the few things that her mum explicitly doesnt support coming from jill. we all know she spoils jillian but yes i can imagine she draws the line at drug use around her, but because jill is so used to getting her way shes probably been getting really
triggered over it
No. 252508
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No. 252536
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>>252472bless you for the milk, have a good van if you get one. maybe she’s also starting to question the larp, and the weed addiction is the first crack in mama vesseys view of her daughter.
No. 252588
>>252472lol nonnies, we were right about louise putting her foot down about the weed. honestly though i don’t know what jill expected, being open about drug use with accepting parents will have them respect your honesty to an extent, but when you are claiming such an intense mental disorder of course they’re going to be concerned about you taking a drug that’s associated with schizo activity.
weed isn’t “addictive” in a physical sense but it’s definitely habit forming, jill just needs to occupy her time with literally anything productive and she could kick smoking daily. there isn’t anything wrong with the odd social smoke, but just like alcohol if you are smoking everyday that is addiction. unless you have genuine, chronic, PHYSICAL pain you shouldn’t be blazing every single day. it’s just going to make you feel worse, especially when it comes to eating habits and quality of sleep. jill- get a job! pursue your crafts, you’re blessed enough with a platform so people will actually buy your stuff. or just get a part time job that you genuinely enjoy, since you are also blessed with middle-class parents who pay your rent.
No. 252591
>>252585everyone keeps saying this, so my comment is useless, but it's like she can't handle liking more than one category or type of thing, she has to invent an entirely new person for whatever clashes with her desired public persona. It is really messed up to watch her analyze her old kid photos as Jerrick, Jax, whatever. It's like she has to be a collection of stereotypes rather than a human being.
I tinfoil that in a different environment, Jax would have been a
POC. Maybe Cliffe too, I bet she imagines him as black anyway.
No. 252599
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What is it gonna be? I predict
>DID is a serious disorder! I missed a drag performance because Jax switched!
No. 252615
>>252610The fact that in the video she says lolcow is "alt-righty" and encourages doxxing and convincing people to commit suicide. it's literally against the rules here
her claiming that she's only looked at the site once is such a lie lol she could at least read the rules
No. 252620
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No. 252622
>>252610Good job Jill! Now everyone will see evidence of your faking!
>>252617Whoever is making the new thread, please include some of the summaries or pictures anons made on Jill's faking because we'll probably get a ton of tourists.
No. 252625
>>252610To the people who arrive here off the back of this and comment immediately I encourage you all to actually look at what it is Jillian has done over the years and continues to do. Many people in this thread used to be her fans and decided they could no longer co-sign her behaviour. She is an
abusive person who always blames others for the things she does wrong and is now co-opting some really horrific stuff. You can disagree with some of the views expressed here but don’t let that cloud your vision. I myself don’t agree with some of those views but it doesn’t discredit the awful things she has done and gets away with time and time again hiding behind her kawaii I’m so nice veneer.
No. 252638
>>252620Curious how jill will explain the difference between what her ex-fans post here and when she goes through the social media accounts of people who leave her "hate" comments so she can use it to deflect and attack them.
The timing of this just feels like she's trying to distract people from the criticism she's been getting lately (not even here but on her accounts) and get enough sympathy to try doing a gfm like keffals did.
No. 252639
>>252615She's lying to make us seem like evil meanie bullies while she's the poor little
victim who never does anything wrong… and if she does, it was her alters!
>>252629I love how she can't avoid just saying the truth sometimes, even if it totally contradicts what she wants us to believe
No. 252644
>>252610Brief & shitty TLDR of the video
>"I'm bullied more than my peers">Known about threads for 7 years, does not lurk & read "once" (sure Jill)>Goes off on how we're bulling site, evil people, doxxing, wants people to kill themselves, everything the site has bans>"I'm probably gonna get a restraining order">Fed her cat peperoni, lead to animal abuse claims, someone emailed her mom about it>People apparently taking secret pics of her to post>People threatening her irl at drag shows>Spergs about some tiktoker she beefed with about faking DID due to smoking too much weed>24 hrs after that, someone emails the drag gig host to stop Jill from performing, they kick her off for the safety of others>claims it was stalking>"You are buying tickets to see me! So you can stop coming to my show and filming me for the forums">Friend performed Mean by Taylor Swift for her & Jill starts crying whilst talking about it>Ran out of stuff to criticise her for so now forums are making stuff up to ruin her reputation & career>Going to post this vid to Facebook so her local town knows nothing is true>Spergs how a new tiktok user asking about the gig is defo the ones stalking her & wants to ruin her life>Keeps reiterating she doesn't care about bullying, just don't make stuff up>"I'm just kinda hyped to get a restraining order, hope I can get a name">"Yk what's probably worse for your reputation? Doing this! I mean look at CreepShowArt" No. 252659
>>252650ayrt, she claims in the video actually that nobody here could
possibly be a fan, ex or not. everyone here knows nothing about her except from the rumors that we start from stalking her.
No. 252668
>>252610Okay but the Steve job bit is weird because his job was never mentioned on this board
only the Roblox one but that wasn't even a real job with the company. This just seems like she's trying to jump ahead of cheating accusations and using DID as a scape goat for all of her shitty actions.
No. 252673
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god bless for jill being such a cow
No. 252674
>>252644>24 hrs after that, someone emails the drag gig host to stop Jill from performing, they kick her off for the safety of others"safety of others"? So basically confirms Jill was the potential threat, they wanted her gone to keep the others safe, from her. Any potential "stalker" would only have been a threat to Jill and not anyone else, and the venue would have made sure to publicly state that Jill wasn't coming so this potential stalker wouldn't show up at all. And so should Jill have to be frank, unless she actually wanted this potentially dangerous stalker to go to the gig and hurt the others.
Jill you're a dumbass for thinking mentioning lolcow by name will get you FEWER haters. You have a lot of fans who are now on the fence if they wanna keep supporting you or not, sending them here is only going to show them proof of your bad sides.
No. 252686
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No. 252690
>>252610Lol she thinks she's gonna be like keffals with kiwifarms except to lolcow doesn't she
This is such a gift thank you Jill, absolutely delicious milk
No. 252694
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No. 252699
>>252620It’s not slander when it’s in writing, idiot, it’s libel.
Also the local anon didn’t even say they were going to the gig, people just asked if they were but didn’t get confirmation
No. 252704
>>252610lol looked at lolcow only once?
Stop lying, Jillian Vessey.
Stop being such a loser and liar, Jillian Vessey.
You are nothing but a slithering little leech.
How's that for hate.
No. 252715
>>252710… you read 20 threads and
still dick ride for jill? wild.
No. 252720
>>252610I love that she says that it's "Clear that we've ran out of things to bully her about." Wtf? No? Milk is literally at an all time high right now. It never stops! She also seems to forget that 100% of the information we talk about here comes from HER. Only her!
I also love how she claims to not look here but over and over she refers directly to posts from this page. Hmmmmmm.
Jill: we were right about your mom and the weed.
No. 252724
>>252720Can we point out how she says she only read here "ONCE" but somehow claims we've ran out of things?
She probably got mad we figured out her mom is mad about her being a stoner
No. 252725
>>252704Unless that one read included going through all the threads, how else can she twist stories from years ago,
from when she still lived with her parents (kitties eating her wall tinsels? Where she getting pepperoni from lol)
all the way up to the bullshit she’s pulling these past weeks
No. 252731
>>252644She is really bullying that chick from twitter
So much about kindness
No. 252735
>>252718These threads are full of anons pointing out what’s causing her downward spiral and what she should’ve done or could still do to get out of it. A big part of what makes Jill such an interesting/frustrating cow to me is how she gets all these opportunities and resources handed to her and still manages to drop the ball constantly. She’s shown herself to be a really shitty person but there’s still a small part of me that’s rooting for her to get her shit together. It’s like she’s laying face up in a kiddie pool surrounded by lifelines yelling that she’s drowning while we’re sitting on the sidelines, pointing at the ropes and telling her “Just
grab one you fucking moron
holy shit”
No. 252746
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Conveniently deleted this comment and many others.Shes been observing everything