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No. 259546
Lolita Lolcow thread #11: Derailment Failure Edition!
Previous thread
>>>/w/253127 Once Again:
Sage your non-milk posts. Being fat and or ugly, while hilarious, is not milk by itself. Lying/shooping yourself excessively to hide that you are fat and ugly and crying about it when caught is milk.PLEASE refrain from mini-modding or hi-cowing. If there is proof that a cow is posting in thread, report the post and move on. Cows in the SpotlightThe following group was outed as having a #seagull discord server/group-chat that was dedicated to shit talking members of their own community, making fun of their own MENTEES, and admitting to using LC or CGL despite saying they never do on their own social media accounts. Lacemarket accounts now included. Bolded/Italicized are noteworthy cowsAiu#0642 = @aiulura @aiu.lura [particularly heinous offender]
elipri#5757 = @comrade.frill
romeo#3055 = @bunii_boy
Reira#5451 = @butterbutterfly LM: reira, butterbutterfly
Caitlin505#5468 = @abhorrentfrills LM: Caitlin505
beck#2603 = @beckattack @everydayalemon [particularly heinous offender] LM: beck
alys#0310 = @digitalangel96 [particularly heinous offender]
Lise#1908 = @sc00ppy
victorix#6766 = @agentlemandoesnotconga
zepplis#6640 = @zepplis, tumblr = libertarian-lolita [particularly heinous offender]
ametrine#4707 = @rosequartzroyalty [particularly heinous offender] LM: Rosequartzroyalty
elipri#5757 = @comrade.frill LM: Elina
Radical Eddy#1987 = @radicaleddy LM: RadicalEddy
pastel-princess#0753 = @marshmallowbnuy [particularly heinous offender]
elipri#5757 = @comrade.frill
Saturn#5252 = @peachburger
Chryse#0151 = @chryse.planitia
rougeaerie#2278 = @rougeaerie
pyuukin#4112 = @pyuukin
evasiqe#8696 = @evasiqe
Cake#9854 = @abbie_666 LM: donutdemon
jellophish#3131 = @oceans.tears LM: jellophish
jennkitty#3462 = @mylesjennifermelomania#8041 = @meloman1a
lori#7634 = @loriibarbie LM: Mintylori
starstarfairy#3297 = @starstarfairy @sweetjujushop LM: starstarfairy
revan#2618 = @ebonhawkrevan LM: revan
cardinalcopia#8144 = @kdycuPaperSnowflakes#8415 = @paper_snowflakes
Neeks#0146 = @neekymomo
tigbittyhobbit#1832 = @pastel_rengoku @pastel_hashiraghostlie#7579 = @ghostliekim
Chocolatelapins#7723 = @chocolatelapins @_chocolapin
JessAnne#4592 =, @theodore.kittycat LM: jessanne
Wabbie-chan#4020 = @mania.wabbit @wabbie_chan
ImNewHere#9064 = @scottywbishop LM: ImNewHere
jeunefille#4045 =
ataraxia#7301 =
GildedGhoti#7362 =
Lucid#9208 = [particularly heinous offender]
nosoi#4773 =
celestial#8008 = @bumblebat [particularly heinous offender]
opalsauce#4996 = opal.pasteldream [particularly heinous offender]
Mods / Mentors List>Discord Server ( EGL #seagull) mod = Lala Land#7138>Discord Server (EGL) mod = wallpaper-chan#9414>Discord Server mod (other jfashion/artist alley discord) = Sketchbeetleart#0820>Discord Server (EGL #general) = The_Kraken#0878>Daily Lolita Mod = alys#0310 AKA @digitalangel96>Rufflechat Mod = ametrine#4707 AKA rosequartzroyalty (current)>Rufflechat Mod = ataraxia#7301>Rufflechat Mod = Spider#8888>Fairy Kei FB comm = ametrine#4707 AKA rosequartzroyalty>Closet of Frills mod = jennkitty#3462 AKA @mylesjennifer>Local Comm mod = Spider#8888>Local Comm mod = Honeykiwi#1525>Local Comm mod = MightyMage#8983>Local Comm mod = meido#2292>Local Comm mod = diploskull#9930>R/Lolita mod = Saturn#5252 AKA @peachburger>Mentor = Chryse#0151 @chryse.planitia>Mentor = Cake#9854 AKA @abbie_666>Mentor = raeofhope#0413>Mentor = Rococo#5833>Mentor = chockie#3660>Mentor = zepplis#6640>Mentor = jellophish#3131 AKA @oceans.tears>Mentor = ataraxia#7301 (>Mentor = elipri#5757 AKA @comrade.frill>Mentor = ametrine#4707 AKA rosequartzroyalty (former mentor of nat)>Mentor = harmlessmonster#7160>Mentor = rougeaerie#2278 AKA @rougeaerie>Mentor = kae#4687>Mentor = sailorrori#2791>Mentor = Wabbie-chan#4020>Mentor = pastel-princess#0753 AKA @marshmallowbnuy , DPP, liv>Mentor = celestial#8008 AKA @bumblebat If you see obvious derailment when discord cows are mentioned, post chatlog caps, but multiple conversations can happen. This is a multi-cow threadChatlog Highlights>Violent Hannah >>253732 >>254545>"Fuck women, misandry is real!" >>253743>Caught red handed talking shit about each other >>253970>CGL hypocrisy >>254029>sjw by day, scawy terf by night = Mod LaLa >>254303>all slurs and no ceeg makes alys a very hypocritical girl >>254336>”Troons unite!” >>254369>Speculating that tyler is racist >>254382>"Everyone on the internet is hateful, but not us" >>254383>terf basedom, sad they're hypocrites >>254388 >>254391>Just mentors being super nice and venting >>254463>"s-she's definitely uglier than us, right??" >>254573 >>254634>paradiso roommate of discord girls gets covid, so they do the totally normal thing and shame her publicly only for it to backfire >>254664 >>254678 >>254679 >>254683>More brandon defense >>254756>homophobic >>257268>lolita (matcha/crybunny in chatlog) attempts to request decency and is met with absolute unhinged violence from opal and others >>257525 >>257532 >>257551 >>257746>surprise surprise, she's cuter >>257559>Zepplis libertarian-lolita Tumblr >>259538Celestial / batlatte / acute-bird / coof-police / DISCORD ITA>Mod for kansas city >>259255>Attempted to drag a roommate for spreading covid at paradiso, but chatlog proves that said person may have contracted it at the event and only had the symptoms of a headache and fatique. >>254664 >>254679 >>254683>talks shit about her own mentees >>256978>can’t coord for shit despite becoming a mentor on a “vetted” server >>259466 >>259468>makes fun of other fatties despite being one herself, and most likely posted other girls from the plus size server >>257329 >>259533 >>259540>weird sexual history and post history online kek >>259444 >>259441Beck / beckkattack / 4chan p3d0 lover / racism-kei / DISCORD ITA>outed as dating a former 4chan mod who is infamous for his connection to “vetting CP” but it seems to be something he and beck enjoy >>246920 >>246951 >>246959>Into shota / ddlg / pretending to be a widdle boi, and is a raging racist that likes to say n word hard r even in the last few years >>246988 >>246989 >>246991 >>246992 >>246993 >>246999 >>246999 >>247003 >>247005 >>247042 >>247075 >>247153>cow crossover, she’s the same artist that toast likes >>247042>follows a plethora of l0lic0n accounts >>247240 >>247241 >>247245 >>247248Instagram: @beckkattack
DeeDeeZeta / DDZ / LOC attention seeker / perv police>troll that continues to poke itas for personal amusement >>220460 >>220461 >continues to christ-sperg but then claims it’s just trolling >>217152 >>217271>Someone (either he or one of her followers) change the old proposed thread pic from 8 to erase her perv past) >>243976 >>244007 >>244009>spergz about ”muh gunz rights” as seen in old thread OP >>243911 >still a lolita rejectInstagram: revelation_kitty
Other LOC girls>Melissa = @lifelibertylolita >>253171 >>253172 >>253210>Houston lolitas = @kemu_r1 and @frilly_cross >>257397>@marashinoveins >>257401>Cassie = @allurecross @bunnakins >>257401>Potentially nat, but not confirmed = @oatmilkchan> @sleepy_sakura_san , @cakevacuum , @cakevacuum >>257424 (sleepy_sakura changes her name frequently)> >>257429General LOC Drama>LOC gets into beef with KSK, a lolita shop, and claims they followed them, sold overpriced stained clothing, and posted receipts of them making fake reviews >>259060 >>259059 >>259058 >>259057 >>258210 >>258214 >>259056 >>259062Liv / Dreamy_pastel_princess/ @xxx_pinkgothicrose_xxx / pastel-princess / Texlita / DISCORD ITA Old Milk>Her ageplay history was exposed>>156205 >>156225
>claims on tiktok that her ddlg posts were from when she was groomed as a minor>was caught by lolcow mod for reporting posts and self wking. >>156237 >>156260 >>156394 >same crew continue to shitup threads on cgl and lc >>194116>someone from her discord drops screencaps of them discussing how to mass report threads mentioning her, despite her saying on tik tok that she isn’t on the boards whatsoever >>194622 , >>194624 , >>194626 , >>194627 , >>194629 , >>194630 , >>194632 , >>194633>claims her “personal” information is being doxxed, when it’s just screenshots from public accounts or from her own discord >someone from her group still has a hate boner for mahou.momo >>194633>different ita from her comm is posted as a derail attempt, but the pic itself was posted on “friends only” mode, so the pool is even more narrowed. Unconfirmed, but highly likely either liv or her pals posted it >>194633Updates>MEMBER OF THE OUTED DISCORD GROUP >>252432>Proves to be absolutely obsessed with LC and CGL >>252460>Has not posted or commented on the situation, and halted her tik tok content. Instagram: Dreamy_pastel_princess
Tiktok: @xxx_pinkgothicrose_xx
Youtube: DreamyPastelPrincess
Hannah / Rosequartzroyalty / Ms. Frizzle / discord dastard / Texlita / DISCORD ITAOld Milk + Background>Texas Tik Tok Lolita confirmed to be in Liv’s friend groups >>218901>Openly uses board terminology but also tells ppl to stop going on the boards >>220745 >>223771>Got posted for shitty hair, and immediately responded via tik tok >>216298 , >>216410>Outed herself last year as being involved in liv’s mass reporting spree >>224189>Multiple posters start accusing Alyssa (a fellow texas comm member and akon angelic pretty model) of being the one who posted hannah. >>220976 >>220990>an attempt at showing proof by comparing phone carrier plans backfires, and reveals it is unlikely to be alyssa >>223333 , >>223319>screenshots come out showing alyssa was in fact privately shit talking liv and hannah, and making unhinged statements (see alyssa section).>Hannah’s crew argues with Alyssa's crew, almost saging the thread in less than a month.Updates>MEMBER OF THE OUTED DISCORD GROUP >>252432>she makes the same kind of tongue in cheek “violent” comments in group chats that her crew was pissed at alyssa for >>253732 >.Proven that she in fact lied about going on boards and engages in bullying >>252763> Proven to be nat’s mentor in the chat logs >Has not posted or commented on the situation, and halted her tik tok content.Tiktok: rosequartzroyalty
Instagram: rosequartzroyalty
Toast Chan / Toast- chaaan / Big teef l0lic0n l0ver / Texlita>Wannabe e-fame hungry texlita with terrile bangs>outed as a ddlg/l0lic0n lover >>242670 >>242779 >>242782>Gets caught posting more sus shit >>251722 >>251725>e-begs for 3k after a “surgery” despite having a huge wardrobe >>252115 >>252116 >Doesn’t say what the actual surgery was for >>252125 Instagram: @toastchaaan
Tiktok: @toastchaaan
Sp00pypants / Nat / former based icon / bible lunatic larperOld Milk>Gets kicked out of her comm AND CoF for saying she wouldn’t want to be friends with a troon >>198513 >babylita board releases a statement telling everyone to mass block and/or report her, despite her being a teenager and potentially a minor at the time >>198782, >>198795 , >>198796 >Turns out brandon (therealdrlove / bearded lolita) has been a repetitive creep, lesbian fetishizer, and posts sexual content related to characters drawn as pre-pubescent minors >nat responds, demands an apology from those that kicked her out and posts proof on her insta >>204185 >>204331Updates>Made instagram posts about the discord receipts and came forward about how they all essentially groomed her into being a cow they could make fun >>252550 >>252549 >>252548 >>252547 >>252551 >>252553>Discord receipts prove that they use slurs and/or worse language than nat.Instagram: @oatmilkchan
>Lor related posts, go to her thread >>>/w/39863GtfomyjfashOld Milk>Account dedicated to posting/outing creeps in the community >they post toast as a l0lic0n lover kek >>251440>Posts a girl for being “prejudiced against catholics” despite that having nothing to do with sissies/predators, but wants to make an example out of her >>251455>>251456 >>251457 >>251460 >>251462 >>251463 >>251464 >>251490 >>251491>People give GTFO backlash, and they can’t take the heat so they go private >>251521Instagram: @gtfomyjfash
Updates>jfashion watchdog quits and admits to having been outed, and reveals alleged conversations between her and gtfomyjfash to “prove” they’re different people. still TBD >>259302 >>259301 No. 259558
>>259554good idea, a lot of them have gone private. Here's a rough list of who I've noticed went private or deleted their social media
>celestial#8008 = @bumblebat>revan#2618 = @ebonhawkrevan LM: revan>alys#0310 = @digitalangel96>Aiu#0642 = @aiulura @aiu.lura>@sleepy_sakura_san (didn't delete, she's just changed her @ a few times so hard to track. but also not very milkySome are just pretending like nothings happened
No. 259570
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Ok i couldn't find any information on Lucid (chatlog) from last thread, and checked out her dreamwidth (ofc she locked everything) however I noticed a name I've seen a few times before - maistress. She allegedly left the chatlog, proof of caps below.
[26-Apr-18 01:20 AM] Rin#7875I think maistress may have left because we're boolies. Cause we did mention her giving sass once
{Attachments} she's oldschool just like lucid and they seem to have been friends. when you look up lucidbunny, an old tumblr handle mention comes up, and low and behold maistress's name comes up again just like on lucid's exclusive access only dreamwidth.
No. 259588
>>259554Aiu#0642 = @disparaitre_girl (name change)
alys#0310 = @fentanyllfairyy (name change)
ataraxia#7301 = @clearkit (deactivated/name change)
ayo_atomic#8042 = @ayo_atomic @bombshellatomic
biscuit#2593 = @biscuit.bun
LM: biscuitbunChocolatelapins#7723 = @chocolatelapins, @_chocolapin, @akamuge
celestial#8008 = @bumblebat
LM: bumblebatghostlie#7579 = @ghostlieangel, @shopbelledreams (name change)
honeygingered#1972 = @honeygingered
jennkitty#3462 = @mylesjennifer
JessAnne#4592 = @gomuffygo
LM: jessannekae#4687 = @gobelin_angel
LM: yuriathewitch_kurako__#5711 = @_kurako__
kuroeko#0558 = @kuroekoo
LM: kuroekolori#7634, #fluttershy#7634 = @loriibarbie
LM: Mintylori (deactivated/name change)
LostInAFaerieTale#1821 = @lostinafaerietale
LM: LostInAFaerieTalemelomania#8041 = @meloman1a, @melomania_collects
LM: melomania (deactivated/name change)
Neeks#0146 = @momo_a_peachy (name change)
PaperSnowflakes#8415 = @paper_snowflakes
LM: PaperSnowflakespastel-princess#0753 = @marshmallowghostbunny (name change)
PeachyPies#6168 = @peachy.pumpkin.tea
pwassoncha#2894 = @pwassonchat
Resh#8336 = @wicked.resh
Rin#7875 = @tartan.rin
romeo#3055 = @bunii_boy
LM: bunnyboy (deactivated/name change)
rougeaerie#2278 = @rougeaerie
LM: rougeaeriesparklepegasus#1031 = @knightofst.lily
LM: alovelyspring (name change)
tokkigo#7380 = @tokkigo
LM: tokkigoagentlemandoesnotconga#8888 = @agentlemandoesnotconga
LM: agentlemandoesnotcongaWabbie-chan#4020 = @mania.wabbit, @wabbie_chan
Resin Market: wabbie_chan (deactivated/name change)
zepplis#6640 = @zepplis
LM: ZepplisCookie Cat#7077 = Rose Nocturnalia
void-whispers.blogspot.comPaperSnowflakes#8415 works at Baby SF confirmed in last thread, be careful ordering there.
No. 259591
>>259589maistress is the one with the full coord pic in that image, it's her blog post that (potentially) lucid.bunny reblogged. another one who left and didn't like the discord serve culture.
kinda funny, because after even 3 people left because they felt the group was bullyish, you'd think they'd ask themselves if they're the common denominator?
No. 259592
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>>259588fb users faces dont know their @s
No. 259605
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>>259602ayrt, whoops you're right. Found this in the log after posting. Original derail from last thread threw me off
No. 259608
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>>259605Potentially lives in Canada, but from what I can tell she is an internet-lolita from who she associates with. She might be using a different alias for instagram.
No. 259611
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rococo is very active in the chatlog but nothing about her has been posted. here's a clue that she's in the Iowa Comm and knew Ryan Kopf (a regional anime con organizer that has multiple rape allegations)
No. 259619
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kek, caught.
No. 259623
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>>259617 because they slowly push people with any sense out until there’s no one left other than the deranged. That’s what seems to have happened with d0a1#6603 aka moon moon.
Seems like she was telling them to knock it off. They got ass mad and ran to dog pile her. Mods shut down the channel temporarily and reopened it about an hour later. Don’t know if she got kicked or left on her own accord
No. 259657
Compiled the lists from the last few threads. The only people unidentified in this list are from the mod list. Drop info if you have it.
agentlemandoesnotconga#8888 = @agentlemandoesnotconga LM: agentlemandoesnotconga
Aiu#0642 = @aiulura @aiu.lura @disparaitre_girl (name change) [particularly heinous offender]
alys#0310 = @digitalangel96 @fentanyllfairyy (name change)[particularly heinous offender]
ametrine#4707 = @rosequartzroyalty LM: Rosequartzroyalty (former mentor of nat)[particularly heinous offender]
ataraxia#7301 = @clearkit (deactivated/name change)
ayo_atomic#8042 = @ayo_atomic @bombshellatomic
beck#2603 = @beckattack @everydayalemon LM: beck [particularly heinous offender]
biscuit#2593 = @biscuit.bun LM: biscuitbun
Caitlin505#5468 = @abhorrentfrills LM: Caitlin505
Cake#9854 = @abbie_666 LM: donutdemon
cardinalcopia#8144 = @kdycu
celestial#8008 = @bumblebat LM: bumblebat [particularly heinous offender]
Chocolatelapins#7723 = @chocolatelapins @_chocolapin @akamuge
Chryse#0151 = @chryse.planitia
Cookie Cat#7077 = Rose Nocturnalia
🍩𝖉𝖔𝖓𝖚𝖙🍩#3234 name changed to 23minds#3234
elipri#5757 = @comrade.frill LM: Elina
evasiqe#8696 = @evasiqe
ghostlie#7579 = @ghostliekim @ghostlieangel (name change), @shopbelledreams (name change)
GildedGhoti#7362 =
honeygingered#1972 = @honeygingered
Honeykiwi#1525 @lostkiwikuro LM: laceykiwi12
ImNewHere#9064 = @scottywbishop LM: ImNewHere
jellophish#3131 = @oceans.tears LM: jellophish
jellophish#3131 AKA @oceans.tears
jennkitty#3462 = @mylesjennifer
jennkitty#3462 AKA @mylesjennifer
JessAnne#4592 = @gomuffygo LM jessanne
jeunefille#4045 =
Jujuju bi #3579 (junie) @junie_green
kae#4687 = @gobelin_angel LM: yuriathewitch
_kurako__#5711 = @_kurako__
kuroeko#0558 = @kuroekoo LM: kuroeko
Lala Land#7138
Lise#1908 = @sc00ppy
lori#7634, #fluttershy#7634 = @loriibarbie LM: Mintylori (deactivated/name change)
LostInAFaerieTale#1821 = @lostinafaerietale LM: LostInAFaerieTale
Lucid#9208 = [particularly heinous offender]
melomania#8041 = @meloman1a, @melomania_collects LM: melomania (deactivated/name change)
Neeks#0146 = @neekymomo @momo_a_peachy (name change)
nosoi#4773 =
opalsauce#4996 = opal.pasteldream [particularly heinous offender]
PaperSnowflakes#8415 = @paper_snowflakes LM: PaperSnowflakes works at Baby SF confirmed in last thread, beware.
pastel-princess#0753 = @marshmallowbnuy @marshmallowghostbunny (name change) [particularly heinous offender]
PeachyPies#6168 = @peachy.pumpkin.tea
pwassoncha#2894 = @pwassonchat
pyuukin#4112 = @pyuukin
Radical Eddy#1987 = @radicaleddy LM: RadicalEddy
Reira#5451 = @butterbutterfly LM: reira, butterbutterfly
Resh#8336 = @wicked.resh
revan#2618 = @ebonhawkrevan LM: revan
Rin#7875 = @tartan.rin
romeo#3055 = @bunii_boy LM: bunnyboy (deactivated/name change)
rougeaerie#2278 = @rougeaerie LM: rougeaerie
Saturn#5252 = @peachburger
sparklepegasus#1031 = Jessi R @alovelyspring @knightofst.lily LM: alovelyspring (name change)
starstarfairy#3297 = @starstarfairy @sweetjujushop LM: starstarfairy
tenya out of ten#7566 @friletmignon
tigbittyhobbit#1832 = @pastel_rengoku @pastel_hashira
tokkigo#7380 = @tokkigo LM: tokkigo
victorix#6766 = @agentlemandoesnotconga
Vudu Juju#6988 @vudu.juju
Wabbie-chan#4020 = @mania.wabbit, @wabbie_chan Resin Market: wabbie_chan (deactivated/name change)
zepplis#6640 = @zepplis LM: Zepplis tumblr = libertarian-lolita [particularly heinous offender]
No. 259669
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how many of these were in #seagull kek?
No. 259680
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Are we sure @paper_snowflakes still works at baby sf?
No. 259683
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>>259592dont know her @ either so sage
No. 259699
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This thread was obviously made by discordfags to change the narrative!! You left out so much stuff, let me guess, the chat is doctored?
No. 259708
>>259705That post is over a month old. Looks like
>>259699 has been holding onto it for a while
No. 259711
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>>259679>>259707speaking of celestial, she's blue here. guess the server was being accused of racism and transphobia KEK
No. 259712
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No. 259713
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No. 259718
>>259711seems to me the server isn't innocent if these accusations have been flying for a while.
>>259699don't you think having a group for shitting on people is a bit elitist? do we need to remind everyone what
>>259468 these groups were like?
No. 259722
>>259713This is insane. They somehow think they are the
victim of this situation? I hate these people, and they are all like this, they can't own up to the terrible things they said.
It is fun to reap, but it is hard to sow. Whoever leaked that discord is a saint.
No. 259750
>>259623moonmoon left. she is very argumentative and does not like when people talk back to her, she's done it a few times.
>>259712this is hilarious considering resh, the only actively trying trans woman, was constantly othered and bullied with microaggressions until she couldn't take it anymore and called people out on it. which she had to leave after, because everyone granged up on her.
No. 259761
>>259748exactly. they have the actual proof to disprove all of this, but oh wait, none of it is doctored. if someone doctored anything of what i said, i’d be pretty fucking quick to prove them wrong. Matcha’s screenshots in BLC
>>257525 are proof that we have the same log word for word.
No. 259766
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>>259712>lolita veterans >looks and dresses like this Okay kek
No. 259825
>>259800>>259817What I don't get is how you can hate someone for simply getting covid? (unless they deliberately went out to get it duhdoy)
Just seems insane idk
No. 259842
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>>259837Samefag but here u go
No. 259867
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pls take a moment to kek, they have to call sainte a girl to not be twansphobic TOP KEK
No. 259875
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>>259863They also threw a shit fit about seeing her nipples through a shirt. They’re nipples, act like adults and not twelve year old boys.
No. 259887
File: 1666298451683.jpg (6.51 MB, 4624x3472, IMG_20220529_220244.jpg)

[29-May-22 06:14 PM] zepplis#6640
there was a ""nazi"" coord person but it was someone grasping at straws and tying to be the next big tea bringer and called Kae from hre a nazi
[29-May-22 06:59 PM] Lala Land#7138
fuk u i like my north korea hat. their hats are just so cartoonish in the first place that they look like they belong in an outfit, dude
[29-May-22 07:02 PM] Lala Land#7138
but also i know someone with a korean post officer hat and it still has the red star
[29-May-22 07:02 PM] agentlemandoesnotconga#8888
{Attachments} outside the server accused Kae of being a nazi kek to which Lyla Hyatt shared she has a NK hat and Victor shows off his NK post officer hat, pic related.
No. 259901
[03-Apr-22 02:58 AM] pyuukin#4112
Woah a lot happened. Re: sobisoba How do I stealth block someone if I juuuust talked to em to sell stuff lmao
Also @alys u sure do pick ur friends holy f lol
[03-Apr-22 03:17 AM] Wabbie-chan#4020
Re: sobisoba, that was such a stupid take, why does she feel the need to be included in every stupid IG meme? Peak "I am uncomfortable if its not about me" mentality
thistbh (7)
[03-Apr-22 03:18 AM] Wabbie-chan#4020
that being said from what I get English is not her first language, so maybe she didn't understand the context? idk
[03-Apr-22 03:19 AM] Wabbie-chan#4020
RE: Lor, I am convinced that at this point she is actively doing damage in the lolita community, and I wish her to go away and plague some other fashion, sorry
[03-Apr-22 03:39 AM] elipri#5757
An update ig
{Attachments}[03-Apr-22 03:58 AM] pyuukin#4112
This could be, when I didn't speak English as well as I do now things sounded way ruder and angry to me lol
But it's still a weird take what with bringing gender into it??
[03-Apr-22 03:59 AM] pyuukin#4112
Also genderspecial is only used in circles that are quite… transphobic, so where did she pick it up? it's all weird
[03-Apr-22 04:02 AM] jeunefille#4045
genderspecial sounds quite derogatory by itself
thistbh (6)
[03-Apr-22 04:03 AM] ghostlie#7579
Spending too much time on 4chan
[03-Apr-22 04:03 AM] jeunefille#4045
ya maybe she picked it up from cgl without much thought behind it
[03-Apr-22 04:05 AM] Wabbie-chan#4020
yah she could have picked it on 4chan
[03-Apr-22 04:05 AM] pyuukin#4112
yes but it's usually used towards someone w an array of other hurtful stuff, i don't see how you can pick it up without knowing it's derogatory
[03-Apr-22 04:06 AM] Wabbie-chan#4020
thats also true
[03-Apr-22 05:21 AM] d0a1a8#6603
Not everyone has the same levels of esl comprehension. Maybe too much time on cgl gave her the impression it was simply a descriptive word instead of a derogatory one but at least she owned up to it.
[03-Apr-22 05:21 AM] d0a1a8#6603
It'd be a lot different if it was a burger saying this
[03-Apr-22 05:22 AM] d0a1a8#6603
But it isn't and people are allowed to not know the same things you know without getting torn a new asshole about it 🤷🏻♀️
[03-Apr-22 05:37 AM] pyuukin#4112
I haven't at all torn her a new asshole? Just speculating, a lil shocked tbh as she seemed lovely
[03-Apr-22 05:38 AM] pyuukin#4112
If I was cancelling her publically I'd understand better, but I ain't even cancelling her lol
[03-Apr-22 05:41 AM] d0a1a8#6603
Just seems like people overreact too much, very rarely does a person who says something like this actually apologize and own up to their mistakes. Usually they just remain a shit.
[03-Apr-22 05:46 AM] tigbittyhobbit#1832
apology doesn't really mean much when you've already made people feel uncomfortable and unsafe
[03-Apr-22 05:46 AM] d0a1a8#6603
Then why apologize ever
[03-Apr-22 05:46 AM] d0a1a8#6603
Fuck growth
[03-Apr-22 05:47 AM] d0a1a8#6603
This is how you end up with unapologetic cringelords like sp00py
[03-Apr-22 05:47 AM] pyuukin#4112
i don't think i overreacted as the only thing i did was post my thoughts here lol
[03-Apr-22 05:47 AM] tigbittyhobbit#1832
apologizing is a show of growth and understanding but no one is obligated to accept it
[03-Apr-22 05:48 AM] d0a1a8#6603
Its not directed at you and I never tagged your responses so idk
[03-Apr-22 05:48 AM] d0a1a8#6603
General overreacting to someone saying I'm sorry
[03-Apr-22 05:48 AM] pyuukin#4112
ok, sorry? i was the one speculating so i do feel like it's a bit ab me
[03-Apr-22 05:48 AM] tigbittyhobbit#1832
and already people unfollowed her because they felt a type of way so they arent gonna see her apology/back peddle
[03-Apr-22 05:49 AM] pyuukin#4112
but i'm sorry if it isn't at all, i just wanted to drop my thoughts
[03-Apr-22 05:50 AM] d0a1a8#6603
What a pisstake
[03-Apr-22 05:51 AM] d0a1a8#6603
Hope you've never said anything that ever made someone uncomfy lmao
[03-Apr-22 05:52 AM] jeunefille#4045
hm imo sobisobas take was cringe, but idk if it was
problematic enough to make a big deal out of it once she has explained the use of that word + apologised
[03-Apr-22 05:52 AM] d0a1a8#6603
You dont have to accept an apology but you don't have to act like nobody is allowed to fuck up either
[03-Apr-22 05:52 AM] tigbittyhobbit#1832
so you think people HAVE to accept apologies ?
[03-Apr-22 05:52 AM] d0a1a8#6603
It wasn't
problematic enough imo but every slight against anyone is
problematic milky dramu anymore
[03-Apr-22 05:53 AM] d0a1a8#6603
I literally said no
[03-Apr-22 05:53 AM] d0a1a8#6603
You don't have to accept apologies but you don't get to act like a moralfag either
[03-Apr-22 05:54 AM] tigbittyhobbit#1832
who is ?
no one here seemed particularly moralistic over it
[03-Apr-22 05:54 AM] tigbittyhobbit#1832
but yes, I do know some people that felt very "ew" about it and unfollowed and wont get to see her apology
[03-Apr-22 05:55 AM] d0a1a8#6603
And that's totally fine
[03-Apr-22 05:55 AM] d0a1a8#6603
I'm just saying it should count for something when someone missteps and says oh shit I didn't know and I'm sorry
[03-Apr-22 05:55 AM] d0a1a8#6603
Instead of taking the sp00py route and doubling down
[03-Apr-22 05:56 AM] tigbittyhobbit#1832
ngl I was worried she'd doubledown
[03-Apr-22 05:56 AM] tigbittyhobbit#1832
so I'm glad she didn
[03-Apr-22 05:57 AM] d0a1a8#6603
She said on the post she was open to conversation about it and if someone wants to talk to her and educate her then at least she gave that option
[03-Apr-22 05:59 AM] d0a1a8#6603
The community has a tendency to cut people out before giving them a chance to change and it just bums me out to see bc it contributes to the actual
problematic behavior
[03-Apr-22 05:59 AM] d0a1a8#6603
People will think that apologies don't matter and then they become spooky nat deedeezeetee whatevers
[03-Apr-22 05:59 AM] tigbittyhobbit#1832
i love that actual sus fuckers fly under the radar
Sorry for long post but here they are infighting with d0a1a8#6603 again, hating on sobisoba for being ESL, and the ironic moment of 'i love that actual sus fuckers fly under the radar'.
No. 259913
>>259901> [03-Apr-22 05:59 AM] d0a1a8#6603The community has a tendency to cut people out before giving them a chance to change and it just bums me out to see bc it contributes to the actual
problematic behavior
Based take. People are quick to start hate/smear campaigns and jump to blocking and shaming without any actual reasoning
No. 259946
File: 1666303618864.jpeg (589.38 KB, 1242x1736, D81F2494-5007-41FE-913E-210264…)

>>259927>She’s black but will claim to be mixed with whatever will get her sympathy at the timeshe legit looks very mixed and has light skin? her being an ita, aside, she’s probably telling the truth about her own race kek
No. 259953
File: 1666305433683.png (263.35 KB, 413x518, ariannehannahcaitlin.png)

>>259907they're obsessed with Eldritch Cupcake too if you search her name in the logs. cardinalcopia#8114 aka @kdycu aka Arianne Golding who changed her FB name to Ari Conover was a Seattle mod. and with ametrine#4707 aka @rosequartzroyalty aka Hannah Franke being Nat's mentor, plus the others in that chat like Caitlin505 aka @abhorrentfrills aka Caitlin Learmont, it doesn't surprise me how obsessed they are with Nat in there.
No. 259962
[30-Aug-21 03:41 PM] Lucid#9208
Wokelitas pls leave the fashion. They are all bullies who think they are morally superior.
[30-Aug-21 03:44 PM] zepplis#6640
From what weve seen from cupcake these people shut the fuck up irl
30-Aug-21 03:44 PM] starstarfairy#3297
I love going to meets where wokelitas simply do not exist
[30-Aug-21 03:45 PM] zepplis#6640
What is she going to do? Cancel me? Unlike her I dont give a fuck about being internet famous
[30-Aug-21 03:46 PM] zepplis#6640
I'm a nobody and I kind of enjoy it that way
[30-Aug-21 03:46 PM] zepplis#6640
I'll still have this server so what can she take away from me?
[30-Aug-21 03:46 PM] starstarfairy#3297
speaking of which, me and some local friends were thinking of starting our own fb group to organize meets cus the main comm is kinda cringe :wheeze: now taking bets on how long ot takes for someone to find out and get mad cus we're stuck up elitist bitches lmao
wheeze (5)
There was some banter between this but example of them putting Cupcakes name into non
>>259953 related things. Getting
No. 259966
[07-May-21 07:33 AM] Cookie Cat#7077
I want to be cancelled for being not only a fatphobic booly, but a Nazi too
>>259761 matcha lives rent free too kek
[07-May-21 07:39 AM] alys#0310
we're a nazi server now
[07-May-21 07:39 AM] alys#0310
we're also aussiephobic, fatphobic, transphobic and homophobic
thistbh (2)
[07-May-21 07:39 AM] celestial#8008
according to people like necro, yes
wheeze (3)
[07-May-21 07:39 AM] alys#0310
~~or matcha~~
No. 259976
Context: posting someone to the other farms. I skipped around again Ctrl+F for more context/banter.
[22-Mar-21 04:14 PM] zepplis#6640
I kinda wanna dox
[22-Mar-21 04:14 PM] Cake#9854
i definitely do. sorry
[22-Mar-21 04:14 PM] celestial#8008
d o x
[22-Mar-21 04:14 PM] elipri#5757
Do it
[22-Mar-21 04:15 PM] Cake#9854
i want to know this cunt's name
[22-Mar-21 04:17 PM] zepplis#6640
We should sign her up for annoying spam mail
[22-Mar-21 04:20 PM] cardinalcopia#8114
I can confirm the jewish newsletters are max annoying
[22-Mar-21 04:24 PM] Aiu#0642
my only worry is Hollow's idiot brain will not pick up that these are personal attacks on her
[22-Mar-21 04:24 PM] celestial#8008
oh she will ,i'm posting pictures.
[22-Mar-21 04:25 PM] celestial#8008
what is kiwifarms gonna do to me
[22-Mar-21 04:25 PM] celestial#8008
[22-Mar-21 04:25 PM] zepplis#6640
Esp if you post a pic and say
[22-Mar-21 04:26 PM] zepplis#6640
"This is a friendless woman child who thought this was the coolest thing to wear to a hospital"
[22-Mar-21 04:26 PM] celestial#8008
okay i dont have much and again i am not good at insults, pls help me be more creative, here is what i have so far
This one just makes me sad. She's in her mid 30s, has the color matching skills of a colorblind whale, and, of course, is a military dependa with no rl friends. With no communication with the outside world, she's become delusional, and in the time of covid, developed a plague doctor fetish. Now she's a menace to lolita communities everywhere, posting her "plague doctor fashion" and jerking off about how elegant she is. She's retarded enough to think she can't leave her house because there's a halfway house down the street, and she thinks walking past it will get her raped. She spent $300 on the shittiest lolita clothes possible because she has no taste and just wanted to flex her shopping addiction with cheap clothes. I've also heard she's hopped between a few husbands, but I doubt that's true - the chances of her finding a man to marry even once are astronomical.
After more banter @abbie_666 chimes in with some slurs kek:
[22-Mar-21 04:34 PM] Cake#9854
autist, tard, tranny, faggot - just think like an edgy 35yr old who's been on the internet a while, but somehow got stuck in 2009 and probably thinks lolcats are lowkey a good meme format
No. 259979
File: 1666310304319.png (52.71 KB, 408x327, beauty.png)

Apparently neorococomemes called them/the server racist at some point, before that they were making racist jokes and screencapping them.
[22-Mar-21 02:27 PM] elipri#5757
Welcome to the vetted lolita fashion server, we like to shitpost and cyberbully neo nazis
💯 (6)
[22-Mar-21 02:30 PM] celestial#8008
pff so much for this server being super racist or whatever the fuck necro said
No. 259984
>>259976Well that explains the random plague doctor vendetta on cgl 1-2 years ago. I saw these fucks post and there was nothing out there really around it. I figured it was just some weird vendetta after, because no one talked about the plague doctor girl again.
It's crazy that these shits are the ones gate keeping, though. Like seriously, we have an ita problem and you guys are just out here to be shitheads, instead.
No. 260040
>>260028honestly meant to and forgot, adding it to the doc.
>>259979>"b-but we were being facetious!!"yeah accept only they can do it in their eyes. watch how they'd react if someone else did this about transwomen kek, suddenly its sUper sErious. so dick obsessed
No. 260053
File: 1666336109499.png (34.95 KB, 1260x174, uh oh fatphobia!.png)

kek the discordchans love to screech about fatphobia while also making fun of fatties themselves
>>260050very strange, since it's not nefferinthia I'm wondering who it is too
No. 260054
File: 1666336253050.jpg (686.17 KB, 1247x4096, Nefferinthia .jpg)

>>260049>>260050>>260053She hides behind the shoop. It's kind of pathetic to keep defending a Nazi this hard
Especially for someone who used to be so proud of it they cosplayed it
>>260045 No. 260062
>>260054wow that's disappointing, did a dig through the archive with bean-chan and lima
she was indeed a cringey edgelord
though I still can't find
>>260045 in any of the 4chan archives except /biz/, where did you get it from?
No. 260080
File: 1666340935750.jpeg (160.08 KB, 1242x619, E5E83375-D2E3-460F-8A44-7CA4DD…)

>>260054genuinely i am not defending, i just don’t see the similarities between these two?? nazi edgelord on left looks like a different ethnicity to nefferinthia? i honestly would believe anything at this point, but these look like two different people maybe that’s just me
No. 260090
File: 1666341765609.jpg (83.16 KB, 660x660, 1523299727690.jpg)

>>260080Idk, this is a picture of her without shoop, and it definitely looks like the same person. noticed the swastika coffee mug picture is referenced in this thread too. Definitely her, kek
No. 260093
>>260048IMO, the Die Walkure set was one thing, but owning a coffee mug with a swastika on it says it all. No aesthetic value there.
Also, I had no clue she looked so mannish, I feel kind of badIf you look in the archive, there's a mixed race anon who was sad that she couldn't make friends with a girl at her uni because she turned out to be some kind of nationalist with iron cross earrings. Nef just replied that the girl "sounded cool" and said she wanted to wear DW to "attract people aligned with her", then quickly backpedaled because someone from her comm replied lmao. No. 260142
>>260054Literally what the poster from 2 years ago said. You people are unable to differentiate from someone being ultra edgy and someone holding these values and ideologies as their own. She probably just enjoys trigging sjws, like Nat, DDNazi, LOC girls and others. She even said so herself that she likes to
trigger them for fun. But you retards can't seem to add nuance to any situation. Everything is 100% exactly what you think you see. Girls wears Nazi hat = She is literally Hitler and has personally killed ze joos with her bare hands.
Now I know why these girls like to
trigger you all for fun. Because it's so easy. And they get a kick out of easily they can manipulate you into an emotional frenzy over… a hat or a mug.
No. 260154
>>260142Same, girl. I just ordered a giant Nazi flag to decorate my room, I've painted kawaii swastikas all over my burando and I'm getting "Hitler's Bride" tattooed on my labia to
trigger those oversensitive libs. The world's gone mad with political correctness. Can't an innocent Dutch girl do some post-ironic goose-stepping and sieg heiling in peace? It wasn't like this in my grandpappy's days, I'll tell you what. I'm so sick of these ki-I mean snowflakes. It was just a joke…
No. 260158
>>260142It takes a special kind of person to go out of there way to own a swastika mug and Nazi hat. Self post throughout CGL and have an almost buried history of being a piece of shit.
>Nef is a naziWas a meme to us anons who've been around since before 2018. People like alys make it clear how newfag and retarded they are when they show up white knight dogpilling so hard as if nefferinthia is some sort of holy angel who has never done a wrong doing in her life.
And everything mean thing about her is some vendetta out to get her. Because that's what the gull discord has done to so many innocent girls.
When in reality she is an ugly person who could no longer get away with how they behaved in University. And hid her true self from the internet.
She's clearly still an active anon and cgl and lolcow if you look at the archive
She's not some middle school kid posting >Hitler did nothing wrong
On Facebook
No. 260165
>>260161People have known that's her since 2021 at latest, see
>>260090. Everything, from the droopy eyes/eye color and square jaw to the terrible taste in wigs is the same. Enough, anon
No. 260167
>>260165The irony in this anon not believing you is that
>>260090 looks just like her, regardless of the other photo.
No. 260168
File: 1666365541181.png (586.26 KB, 572x408, eyes.png)

>>260080Honestly, I see the resemblance. Look at the eye spacing, nose, cheeks.
No. 260171
File: 1666365650264.png (532.21 KB, 545x442, bf.png)

>>260090This is quite literally the same fucking guy.
No. 260173
>>260171Nobody is arguing that
>>260090 isn’t her. It’s
>>260045 that’s not her.
No. 260180
>>260177This person thinks that relieving the one bad cosplay attempt, probably pre-lolita is going to make it any better
>>260178might as well be Alys, her lolita friends, or Nef herself WKing
No. 260182
>>260180We all get the hate for these girls, but throwing in a pic from Russian 2ch and claiming I'm a cow for clearly seeing the difference in skin tone, texture, nose shape, clothing, water, (Anon noted it's a Russian brand), even the eyebrows are different. Calm down, retard.
>>260181VPN isn't tough to figure out lol. Cringe at you sperging this hard.
No. 260187
File: 1666366939296.png (102.32 KB, 496x219, Samehands.png)

>>260045The hands haven't changed either. The only difference is the camera quality and ita cosplay dress.
No. 260189
File: 1666367300694.png (258.74 KB, 323x326, eyebrows.png)

>>260188anon if you paid attention to how facial features work, then you'd be able to tell the eyebrows also fucking the same. I think you're just blind.
No. 260190
>>260188Because it clearly shows her face? Doesn't seem to be from any Russian site "originally", it was reposted on other boards and a random HK site. Nestle bought the water brand in 2002, by the way, so there's no reason to believe it wasn't distributed to any other countries in Europe.
I don't see any tattoo, either. Could you circle it?
No. 260191
>>260189Hooded eyelids ✓
Droopy eyes ✓
Round bushy eyebrows when not lined ✓
Eye spacing ✓
Short nose bridge to eyebrows ✓
Pug nose ✓
Cheekbones centered around nose ✓
Same lips ✓
Same squared chin to jawline ✓
If you line these things between the photos, you'll see
>>260045 is the same person
No. 260195
>>260168For example you can tell her eyebrows are over-lined/filled here but not as much here
>>260189>>260045so this would be what her eyebrows look like without anything on it
No. 260202
File: 1666368684164.jpg (83.35 KB, 436x542, IMG_16421868601591642187039975…)

sage for old milk
but why are there so many nazilitas
its like everyone and their mom has nazi paraphernalia just laying around the house like its something normal and regular
No. 260206
>>260202Because alt-edgy goth shit included a lot of Nazi paraphernalia before woke SJW shit started comparing everything that wasn't Nazi to Nazi Germany. No one actually hates Nazi paraphernalia for the Jew hatred-reasons because they didn't before. They just use it to channel hatred for whatever subject that they are chastising.
If you look at Marilyn Manson and the Goth movements in the 90s, there was a lot of Nazi shit. It's partially why it gets included in a lot of horror.
But you know, for the actual shallow reason in a fashion, it's actually designed the best out of the uniforms out there.
No. 260208
>>260190nvm about the tattoo, my bad I zoomed in close and it looks like it's just a weird shadow from the lace on the sleeves
>>260189yeah you're right, definitely looks a lot more similar in this photo, I had trouble seeing the similarities before because she usually has her eyebrows covered and takes photos from further back to show off coords
No. 260228
File: 1666372733684.jpg (980.63 KB, 1167x963, VK.jpg)

>>260206since the nonnys need to be spoonfed. here is a compilation of vk artists all wearing nazi regalia. these arent even unknown subversive groups either. this is literally malice mizer, mana, gackt, dir en grey and others. all very popular vk artists. and yes this is mana, your precious tranny icon mana sama creator of moi meme moitie. wearing nazi stuff isnt some weird phenomena people including vk bands have been doing this for decades. and if i recall correctly both nef and deedee are long time vk fans. im not surprised edge girls into vk have nazi stuff. not to mention they both openly hate sjw wokefags. stop acting like these tards are anything more than annoying edgelords.
No. 260235
File: 1666373330040.jpg (33.04 KB, 550x550, UniformM39-550x550h.jpg)

>>260228>and yes this is mana, your precious tranny icon mana sama creator of moi meme moitie. wearing nazi stuffthats a russian uniform
nonny No. 260247
>>260242I'm not WKing, I'm asking if the bands you're comparing the person to have ever actually aligned themselves with anything resembling Nazi ideology, right-wing politics or white nationalism. They haven't, but she actually has. So, you can't expect people to just act like they don't see the shit she's said and done just because she seethes hard and tries to gaslight about it whenever it's talked about.
Imagine being an edgelord, just to get mad when you're naturally treated like one and avoided.
No. 260270
>>260228The Japanese love Nazi aesthetics (they did have well designed uniforms, they were done by Hugo Bass, although without the symbols they’re not that different from other officer uniforms). They do not learn about WWII in the same way that the US and Europe do because they lost, and they tried to sweep their war crimes under the rug (many of which were just as bad as Nazi Germany). Also, they were allied with Nazi Germany so of course they will view it differently.
Just because VK artists wear Nazi outfits in a genre that is in many ways based on being edgy does not admonish people in the West from doing the same. Yes, they probably did it to be edgy and don’t actually agree with Nazi ideals, but it’s still a much worse thing to do in the West. Hell, that shit is literally illegal in Germany. It’s fucked up that there are pictures of a girl with a fucking Nazi mug and hat and they’re going “sHe DiD nOtHiNg WrOnG” because she dresses well, especially when most of them look like they got dressed in the dark after being beaten with the ugly stick.
No. 260301
>>260298Not just Beck, don't forget Hannah and Arianne lamenting over a mixed black girl
>>259927 >>259946
No. 260309
File: 1666382175814.png (444.45 KB, 379x960, lori.png)

>>260253Loriana Dah on FB, changed her tag to fluttershy#7634 after chats were released and deactivated IG, also just changed her FB pfp and locked down her profile after I took the pics attached kek. She's admin of the Disabled J-Fashion page and runs the South Dakota comm or something with like 3 members kek. Idk why she's hiding so hard when what she said doesn't compete with half the girls in that chat.
Disabled J-Fashion: No. 260315
>>260298Not even a discordfag
nonny. But I think the Nazi aesthetic and the Nazilitas are based AF.
Was Nef actually a Discordfag? As far as I know she is fairly disliked by the SWJs of the Western comm. I can imagine the Discordfags didn't like to too. But I haven't been too invested in going through all the leaks.
No. 260317
File: 1666383838306.png (461.2 KB, 1720x1548, wallpaper-chan#9414.png)

wallpaper-chan#9414 = Autumn Young/Gwendolyn Lepsy/@voyeurism.s
No. 260337
File: 1666388598023.png (106.62 KB, 594x662, CAF8A7C3-DDA4-4C29-A391-66EA0A…)

>>260317Autumn and Yasmine are both banned from Toronto comm for abuse and harassment. @lovelylor is all under autumn’s/@voyurisms Instagram post every second. Someone should check on them for starting shit on Cgl
Banned post
>>64258 No. 260341
File: 1666389029285.jpeg (599.1 KB, 666x949, 91049CED-C892-4814-B6F8-9E8277…)

>>260339Lor supporting shitty people again
No. 260344
File: 1666390307442.png (10.04 KB, 558x171, kek.png)

kek she changed names and made a whole new acc to say this
No. 260351
tried to update + link pics of users posted
agentlemandoesnotconga#8888 = @agentlemandoesnotconga
LM: agentlemandoesnotconga >>254839Aiu#0642 = @disparaitre_girl (name change from auilura)
alys#0310 = @fentanyllfairyy
>>254222 (name change from digitalangel96)
ametrine#4707 = @rosequartzroyalty
LM: Rosequartzroyalty >>259953ataraxia#7301 = @clearkit, (deactivated/name change)
ayo_atomic#8042 = @ayo_atomic, @bombshellatomic
beck#2603 = @beckattack, @everydayalemon
LM: beck >>252432biscuit#2593 = @biscuit.bun
LM: biscuitbunCaitlin505#5468 = @abhorrentfrills
LM: Caitlin505 >>259953Cake#9854 = @abbie_666
LM: donutdemoncardinalcopia#8144 = @kdycu
>>259953celestial#8008 = @bumblebat
LM: bumblebat >>256978Chocolatelapins#7723 = @chocolatelapins, @_chocolapin, @akamuge
Chryse#0151 = @chryse.planitia
>>252432Cookie Cat#7077 = Rose Nocturnalia,
d0a1a8#6603 =
🍩𝖉𝖔𝖓𝖚𝖙🍩#3234 = name changed to 23minds#3234
elipri#5757 = @comrade.frill
LM: Elina >>252432evasiqe#8696 = @evasiqe
>>252432 (deactivated/name change)
ghostlie#7579 = @ghostlieangel, @shopbelledreams (name change from ghostliekim)
GildedGhoti#7362 =
harmlessmonster#7160 =
>>259683honeygingered#1972 = @honeygingered
Honeykiwi#1525 @lostkiwikuro
LM: laceykiwi12ImNewHere#9064 = @scottywbishop
LM: ImNewHerejellophish#3131 = @oceans.tears
LM: jellophishjennkitty#3462 = @mylesjennifer
>>251248JessAnne#4592 = @gomuffygo
LM: jessannejeunefille#4045 =
Jujuju bi #3579 = @junie_green, @twotartsandaprincess
kae#4687 = @yuriathewitch
LM: yuriathewitch_kurako__#5711 = @_kurako__
kuroeko#0558 = @kuroekoo
LM: kuroekoLala Land#7138 = Lyla Hyatt
LM: Ensomnia >>259592Lise#1908 = @sc00ppy
>>252432Littl3Murd3rB3ar#9223 = @chuzziebear
lori#7634, #fluttershy#7634 = @loriibarbie
LM: Mintylori >>260309 (deactivated/name change)
LostInAFaerieTale#1821 = @lostinafaerietale
LM: LostInAFaerieTaleLucid#9208 =
melomania#8041 = @meloman1a, @melomania_collects
LM: melomania (deactivated/name change)
Neeks#0146 = @momo_a_peachy (name change from neekymomo)
nosoi#4773 =
LM: nosoiopalsauce#4996 = @opal.pasteldream, @oh.pal_
PaperSnowflakes#8415 = @paper_snowflakes
LM: PaperSnowflakes (may work at BABY SF)
pastel-princess#0753 = @marshmallowghostbunny
>>254433 (name change from marshmallowbnuy)
PeachyPies#6168 = @peachy.pumpkin.tea
purestmaiden#8700 = @purestmaiden
LM: wonderfinchpwassoncha#2894 = @pwassonchat
pyuukin#4112 = @pyuukin,
>>252439Radical Eddy#1987 = @radicaleddy
LM: RadicalEddyReira#5451 = @butterbutterfly,
LM: reira, butterbutterfly >>252432Resh#8336 = @wicked.resh
revan#2618 = @ebonhawkrevan
LM: revan >>257338 (deactivated/name change)
Rin#7875 = @tartan.rin
romeo#3055 = @bunii_boy
LM: bunnyboy >>252432 (deactivated/name change)
rougeaerie#2278 = @rougeaerie
LM: rougeaerie >>252432Saturn#5252 = @peachburger
>>252432sparklepegasus#1031 = @knightofst.lily
LM: alovelyspring >>252307 (name change from alovelyspring)
Spider#8888 = Alexandra Arachne
>>259592starstarfairy#3297 = @starstarfairy, @sweetjujushop
LM: starstarfairytenya out of ten#7566 = @friletmignon
tigbittyhobbit#1832 = @pastel_rengoku, @pastel_hashira
tokkigo#7380 = @tokkigo
LM: tokkigo >>254634Victorx#6766 = ???
>>254821Vudu Juju#6988 = @vudu.juju
LM: vudujujuWabbie-chan#4020 = @mania.wabbit, @wabbie_chan
Resin Market: wabbie_chan (deactivated/name change)
wallpaper-chan#9414 = @voyeurism.s, @funeralism.s, @nofuneral.s
LM: velveteenchemise >>260317zepplis#6640 = @zepplis
LM: Zepplis >>257257 No. 260352
>>260349hey retard, every single person in the log isn't relevant. the user list is the relevant shit here, not some fucking person they ran out of their
toxic community 2 years ago.
No. 260375
>>260361can somewhat agree but at the same time, it is easy to be in a shitton of discords and fuck off and not read during life stuff or whatever
did seagull have a posting policy or anything that you'd get kicked after xyz months of inactivity or what?
(learn to sage) No. 260377
>>260376correct me if im wrong but i thought that was for posting coords, not seagull specifically
some of the kicking seems arbitrary when compared to some of their activity
like favortisim maybe
No. 260402
File: 1666408201931.png (204.72 KB, 1069x1434, FDC12ADC-EE11-4343-8727-05A415…)

>>260401Who takes nude photos with animals? That’s straight up beastiality fetish shit
No. 260404
File: 1666408443293.jpeg (1.76 MB, 1064x11823, 3A9BE98C-D44D-4061-8440-B83350…)

>>260402@dollsmeat / Dollmeat
@voyeurism.s / Wall E
No. 260412
>>260404>>260406>>260402someone should cross examine who was in this discord server and who is in #seagull today.
>>259588 I'm sure you can find an oldschooler or two.
No. 260413
>>260412Sorry let me actually reference the top
>>259546 because that's where the obvious one is.
No. 260547
>>260540There’s a few of them
Is cotton candy hime from there?
No. 260557
>>260548Looked her up. she's a cosplayer nobody.
Take it to the cosplay cringe thread.
No. 260573
File: 1666483214133.jpeg (302.4 KB, 828x1018, 0BD52A8A-BF80-4CB8-8DB6-4062A4…)

Post caps next time
No. 260586
File: 1666488124438.jpeg (28.85 KB, 691x191, 0DEDA53D-C87D-4ED0-9B87-6D1D86…)

Saw you deleted this. “Us” huh lol
No. 260618
>>260617sorry you get
triggered on almost everything, lib
No. 260631
>people need to be able to vent REEE!!11Once again,
taking positions of leadership means you are held to a higher standard, like what’s not clear about that? You aren’t allowed to talk shit about your mentees, or comm members you have power over. Especially with other comm/group leaders who have power over you. And they were cyber bullying en masse and posting on the boards despite saying they never go on.
it is not a coincidence that Nat was banned swiftly from everywhere, they have completely monopolized spaces. All while they’ve engaged in the same bad language + slurs.
No. 260656
>>260653Not going to spoon feed
Thread #7
>>>/w/215511Keyword Texas and Dallas on LC and CGL
Those girls are a mess
No. 260662
>>260633Those were the only two in the seagull chat, Toast had three messages in there and then she got kicked for “inactivity”
I don’t know where this idea that they were all Texas lolitas came from, more derailment?
Also sage your shit
No. 260668
>>260633If you’re referring to one of them it’s Alyssa.
They know Texas Alyssa Duncan/@birds_symphonia was in those chat logs. The seagulls discord heavily disliked her because she was spamming the I’m telling Tyler Facebook with unhinged drama from CGL and accusing lacemarket sellers of scamming her, with legitimate AP being a covidita who just joined. A few lacemarket sellers got mad at Alyssa for posting them in salty groups, and she got banned from that group for blocking the mods and admin, as they’re unable to do their job if someone has broken the community rules. Eventually she got banned from multiple Facebook groups for drama inciting and blocking mods and admins. The vetted seagulls' discord was just bitching to filth, but it’s clear that some of the Texas girls were very much in drama on Facebook with their full legal names attached. If you’re new to the community and branch to be in drama and sharing the tea then you’ll surely create targets just like exhibit A.
>>260573 received.
No. 260684
>>260682>>260683"Cancelled" lolitas are banned from all comms regardless if they're in them or not. Not doing it would be the hypocritical thing.
>>260682What's with all the Nat WKing?
No. 260685
File: 1666537861793.jpeg (374 KB, 677x801, DDB85636-8565-4817-96F6-79BD66…)

>>260656Looking through that thread, it all makes sense. Someone from the seagulls discord posted liv and Alyssa knowing how they started community drama and catching bans.
>>223767 No. 260686
>>260674if mods aren’t kicking others for similar behavior, than that’s a different topic. But banning hannah and liv is fair game when they definitely broke comm rooms.
>>260683>hypocrisyyyou’re all saying the same shit, is this discord derailment?? these girls have connections to tons of comms all across North America and the UK, so we shouldn’t assume the mods don’t have a reason.
>>260684only mentioned her because it’s strange to be upset that they got banned for breaking rules, when they explicitly banned someone (hannah’s mentee mind you) from spaces when she never bullied people em masse. it doesn’t have to be white knighting to see the double standard
No. 260696
>>260692> It just seems that it is a harsh blanket statement to say all venting is bad when someone holds a high status.stop projecting something i didn’t say (or what anybody has said), in your attempt to white knight. Nobody said ALL venting is bad, but what they’re all doing is more than that and you know that. This wasn’t a channel for peaceful and insightful conversations on comm leadership, it was an “uncensored server” (their own words)
called #seagull in reference to CGL, so that they can say what they truly feel about everyone they have power over.
Creating a hopeful scenario is not helpful to this convo. That kind of peaceful groupchat did not exist, so stop arguing like it did.
No. 260739
>>260737Her and Alyssa got momo banned
They double teamed with others
>>260685 No. 260740
>>260736What’s this?
>>224599If you’re from the seagulls discord or the salty Texas gc you’re in question for community harassment.
No. 260742
File: 1666545903910.png (191.16 KB, 750x641, avoiding.png)

>>260740I'm sure someone leaked it back to her that someone was shit stirring with Texas community, considering Hannah is the mod of the server and what led up from that was Hannah blocking Alyssa.
Plenty of people are not shy to warn their friends of things going on from #seagull. That's the rational, normal thing to do when there are people who are placing targets on the backs of their community members.
No. 260755
File: 1666547295436.png (120.25 KB, 1366x594, salty alyssa v. discordchans.…)

>>259546>>260733Kek. discordgate caught alyssa calling child sexual abuse
victims thots. Unhinges beefing unhinger
These girls are eating each other alive in salt
No. 260767
File: 1666548688693.png (116.63 KB, 1366x604, salty1.png)

>>260763these girls are comical. They're getting mad at alyssa for being xenophobic while they are ones too.
No. 260770
File: 1666549153328.png (94.59 KB, 914x746, hannashittalk.png)

Incoming dump of Hannah talking shit about some local girl that she started lolita with. Someone please warn this girl to stop interacting with Hannah.
No. 260777
File: 1666549524801.png (118.29 KB, 1366x611, salty2.png)

>>260767cookie cat #7077 aka rose nocturnalia made a video after this comment on Alyssa Duncan's and screenshots of her being salty on Facebook that were widely circulating. The video was about the Lolita community having a salt issue and how it creates issues with newbies joining Lolita with this CGL-like personality. I miss her, but it's a bit hypocritical, but I will not deny that she is right on most parts.
She private her videos long ago and left the online community No. 260779
File: 1666549633079.png (68.85 KB, 1360x459, hannahshittalk8.png)

>>260778Someone please save this girl from Hannah
No. 260785
File: 1666549982158.png (40.14 KB, 884x279, hannahshittalk13.png)

>>260784Talking about someone like this is harmful, Hannah.
No. 260787
>>260782discord cowspotted kek. learn to read, do you think those who were defending her seriously weren't lolitas as well? people don't like hypocrites, end of.
>>260784>>260779>>260776jesus fucking christ, the ONLY stalker in this bullshit is literally hannah herself, this is all so unhinged.
>stalker chan helped me buy my first few dresseswhat the actual fuck? so this person helped them get into lolita???
No. 260788
File: 1666550125935.png (64.17 KB, 1503x349, crazyschizoshit.png)

Taking a break from dump to answer
>>260786She changes who it is all the time. She's called Nat a stalker, Alyssa a stalker. It seems to change. She's the most unhinged one there.
No. 260790
File: 1666550260138.png (181.6 KB, 683x499, eglwallofshame .png)

>>260777Alyssa is banned btw. This is the video that rose made and a lot of people agreed. Her points were made well with this
If anyone has the video saved please re-upload it.
No. 260792
File: 1666550388033.png (47.08 KB, 909x370, hannahshittalk16.png)

>>260791Laura referenced in log. DPP is the laura poster, likely.
No. 260794
File: 1666550471663.png (73.63 KB, 860x569, hannahshittalk17.png)

>>260792Imagine getting into a fashion with a friend from school and talking about them like this.
No. 260800
File: 1666550630745.png (10.54 KB, 975x70, hannahshittalk19.png)

More bragging about posting to Tyler's youtube channel to out her friend.
No. 260803
>>260790LMFAO they really made this post after their shit with Alyssa Duncan spamming the community page with salt?
Discord seagulls are no better but these bitches are batshit.
No. 260809
>>260772>>260773anyone catch how Hannah's been lying about how long she's been into Lolita?
>>260775 gurl, you're claiming you were 11 years old in highschool?
>>260792 sounds like her friend got into lolita first, however.
>>260797 admitting she's only been into lolita for a few years. stop lying about how long you've been in this fashion, cunt.
No. 260810
>>260809kek you're right! She was saying THIS year that she's been in lilita for 5 years. But in that screenshot (chat dated comment from 2020) she's saying she was in it for 6-7 years??
in this podcast referenced last thread
>>258834 she states she's been in it for 3-5 years.
No. 260815
>>260810I think what's wild about the situation and the facts known here:
-Has been friends with Ashleigh since highschool
-Friend got into lolita first
-Claims friend is skin-walking her style, but not active in kei
-Friend bought her first lolita dress for Hannah, because she could not use Paypal
-Keeps track of what meets Ashleigh goes to, what city she's in, who she's friends with
-Talks constant crap on her to people local
Who's Saturn btw? Sounds like they are a local Texas lolita in the same comm. Might be worth looking into.
No. 260822
File: 1666553330260.png (12.56 KB, 1732x54, saturn4.png)

ok something pretty strange is going on in this thread.
Every person saturn has talked about has resurfaced.
No. 260823
File: 1666553501711.png (21.72 KB, 650x144, cardinalcopia.png)

someone remind me with this person is a community moderator?
No. 260830
File: 1666553948251.png (21.58 KB, 1078x104, oof1.png)

honorable mention, the logs prove Hannah actually doesn't know much about ANY of the fashions she runs her mouth about.
No. 260849
>>260845Alyssa Duncan is birds symphonia and is also briefly in the logs
Alys is a French lolita in the logs
No. 260851
File: 1666557299163.jpeg (57.19 KB, 640x1136, alyssad.jpeg)

>>260849are you sure? last thread it was also brought up and people said they were different, see
>>253269 . Plus, bird.symphonia was still in lolita groups this year, while alyssa duncan was kicked out. Pic attached is Alyssa Duncan dming a mod after she got called out and kicked out of everything.
[29-Jul-20 02:45 AM] elipri#5757
She also sent this to the other admin she "accidentally blocked"
getrekt (5)
[29-Jul-20 03:01 AM] ImNewHere#9064
lmao, sent this to me
{Attachments}[29-Jul-20 03:10 AM] Reira#5451
Dude stop bull shitting 🙄
No. 260883
>>260881like fucking clockwork. Hannah and liv getting banned is incredibly milky, and immediately it was met with white knights:
>>260611>>260614>>260615>>260638>>260692(as if they haven't helped ban multiple people they have persona beef with). and then whatever this bullshit is. This won't be the fist or last group they'll get banned from, waiting with bated breath kek
No. 260934
>>260926 sounds to me from
>>260573 that the mod gave them warnings before banning. That’s what I took away from the last paragraph mentioning the three strike policy
No. 260947
File: 1666582216688.jpeg (540.23 KB, 681x1144, CF149943-7192-41D2-8A3D-DB8C7C…)

>>260946Tweedle dee and tweedle dum
No. 260958
File: 1666590038538.png (558.06 KB, 556x632, kek.png)

salty she got posted to BtB kek
No. 260963
File: 1666597487136.png (524.58 KB, 1471x1000, ksdjfngdfs.png)

>>260823cardinalcopia/ari's tumblr is somehow still up at, nothing particularly milky just r-rated kinky sherlock fanfic and stupid homestuck takes (lolita post included to show it's the same person)
No. 260967
>>260958awww, I love jenntiddy’s coords. she received a lot of hate early in the discord chat leaks and I could never understand why…
Btw, if she reads this post, she’s a queen
No. 260978
>>260967Don’t understand why? She’s a massive c*nt in the fb groups
This is a weird wk
No. 260985
>>260967>>260979WKing someone just makes them a bigger target, congrats
nonny. Interesting she replied to a BtB post but hasn't addressed what she said in the logs. Guess it's better for her reputation to show she's a uwu
No. 261009
File: 1666632208567.jpg (209.08 KB, 960x960, goose.jpg)

who's this goose person they hate so much? They talk shit about her like it's no one's business. Pic is the lolcow link Aiu posts below
[02-Apr-21 05:55 PM] Aiu#0642
is this the grandma goose coord u mean?{Embed}[02-Apr-21 05:57 PM] Aiu#0642
for the transformer coord, check the pins for 1/10/2019
[02-Apr-21 05:59 PM] zepplis#6640
Thanks aiu thats whatvi was looking for
[02-Apr-21 06:02 PM] Aiu#0642
I think these are the only ones floating around
[02-Apr-21 06:03 PM] zepplis#6640
It is v gramma-y
[02-Apr-21 06:05 PM] ataraxia#7301
yes this is the grand ma coord lol
[02-Apr-21 06:05 PM] ataraxia#7301
it's strange, she really doesn't look like that at all irl
[02-Apr-21 06:06 PM] ataraxia#7301
imagine working for so many months and spending so much money on a coord and those are the best pics u get
wheeeze (5)
[02-Apr-21 06:06 PM] Aiu#0642
that got deleted off COF at least twice
No. 261010
File: 1666632473020.png (48.24 KB, 1575x746, fatphobia.PNG)

>>261009the goose drama summed up. it's always so funny when they want to try and call someone fatphobic when you can just read their thread and it's similarly mean kek. I guess it doesn't count in their eyes since fat people in #seagull are the ones making the comments
No. 261026
File: 1666638532382.png (96.2 KB, 1414x686, lolitafaq.png)

looks like Aiu#0642/Anna/Aiuyan/disparaitre_girl uodated her site FAQ kek. still blaming this on the ebil alt-righters? not exactly a rumor anymore is it?
No. 261058
>>261050I always got kinda bad vibes from Hannah, like she seemed to appear out of nowhere a few years ago and ended up with all these mod positions when she’s what, 22 max? I don’t really understand why anyone would want that much power over fellow socially maladapted women in autistic niche fashions. Feeling vindicated by the chatlogs anyway. She strikes me as someone who got bullied a lot and hasn’t really moved past it yet.
>>260773>It’s funny bc you’d think she’d be a decent lolita by now given how she mimics meMost Embarrassing Behaviour
No. 261070
>>261026>critical thinkingThat’s rich, considering that the crux of the issue is that they lack any critical analysis to see how and why the statements in those chats are at odds with what they were pushing on every social media platform. That doesn’t even touch on the complete cognitive disconnect on how they mention misandry (in complete seriousness) as an issue multiple times in that log, which is pretty oppositional to most basic feminist principles and yet… they harass someone for transphobia?? Hmm I wonder what those concepts have in common…
Which is hilarious because there are TRAs who even comment on how some women with internalized misogyny exclusively love transwomen but hate real women (i.e. shoe0nhead, Jaclyn glenn), which is still twansphobic in TRAs eyes.
No. 261077
File: 1666649753133.jpeg (271.43 KB, 828x1537, B7D2171D-956C-48AF-A689-2B0C52…)

>>261067She’s actually a bit of bible thumper +lib, she use to be a Christian camp counselor, and she’s definitely liberal too. Picrel is from a tiktok where you can kinda see her mentioning what it means to be a “true Christian.” Read the caption. I think it’s funny that former or current southern evangelical bible thumpers always have the same hair (ex: Hannah, Tyler)
No. 261087
>>261082I highly doubt she’s catholic, she seems to be southern Baptist or some form of evangelical/Protestant. She’s from Texas, plus she taught at a Christian camp/school which wouldn’t be called that if she was catholic (it would be called Sunday school)
Kek also people need to watch these webms now with the context we have of her
>>228115>>224189 No. 261090
sweet Lolita is like this anymore. I’m not seeing this behavior from real classics and triple M goth fags.
No. 261103
File: 1666656453692.png (2.22 MB, 1243x634, FCD7DDFA-248F-4522-B0FA-4D9F2C…)

>>261096all of these people are in the #seagull by mention of the chatlog’s tesaya bitching, in which they wanted to do a “server” group photo. pic is from a few threads ago, circled is celestial. some of them are just in such ugly western lolita styles for me to comfortably call it exclusively classic or gothic on some. but let’s not pretend that group chat is not sweet brainrot 3000.
No. 261112
File: 1666658073018.png (2.41 MB, 940x1211, lucidbunny.png)

>>261103>>261111Lychee.Cute posing with Liv is a dead give away this is Lucid
No. 261129
File: 1666661208150.jpeg (397.65 KB, 683x374, 69886DCD-C7A9-4292-9E0B-74AFE5…)

>>261103Full picture with tags is on lychee’s Instagram
No. 261132
File: 1666661459869.jpeg (531.54 KB, 750x755, CBBE59D8-C09E-407A-9C7A-5430DA…)

Someone please meme this
No. 261133
File: 1666661679144.jpeg (374.1 KB, 828x1020, FFC2346F-1860-44C0-BB77-8C849E…)

No. 261134
File: 1666661864372.jpeg (367.45 KB, 828x1020, D80AC515-C134-4587-8BEA-9523D1…)

No. 261142
>>261141it's sainte trying to defend his pedo behavior again, just report and ignore
these are his posts too:
>>261139>>261125 No. 261156
File: 1666665891392.jpg (168.94 KB, 913x1224, Baleeted.jpg)

>>261135Context since it was deleted and has her face
No. 261167
>>261011Is that why goose got shitcanned from the comm? it was so hush-hush.
>>261009the mod of the original server. she was really into transformers, in a poly relationship with her gf and her husband, owned a goose as a pet, and didn't seem to have a job.
No. 261168
File: 1666670975328.png (1.69 MB, 1300x1300, lalascommstory.png)

very glad i saved so many images from the chat logs. Lala talked about how her comm sided with her cheating ex husband or something? how does that not pink pill you kek.
No. 261169
File: 1666671037306.png (34.06 KB, 1570x195, lalacommstory2.PNG)

>>261168yikes, text quality sucks, here's a close up
No. 261189
>>261103Honestly I'm surprised by the quality of their coords. Most of them are dressed nicely, even if they look greasy. I would have expected more itas.
>>261133Who is the girl in the far right btw? I love her EGA fit.
No. 261214
>>261010The actual Goose drama. Scammed Naturally Racist out of $600 in a bjd deal. Former mods let her into PGL anyway. Claims to be Hispanic but is actually a racist white girl. Starts trying to scam PGL members. Former mods make weird rules, like you can only have a payment plan for an item with one member at a time. She bullies comm members online. Kate/Rin asks for someone to come help them in Cali, Goose shows up with a suitcase of Brando and no money. Goose goes to a hostel in LA after Kate asks her to leave. The mods finally kick her out for the LA fuckery, which I don't have the energy to detail.
Goose was also living with a woman rent free and hoarding birds. She hosted one meet and it was a disorganized disaster. She uses aliases because she tends to crash and burn through hobbies. She's blacklisted in the BJD community and I'm sure a few others.
No. 261234
Can someone else explain the LA drama? Did she move to LA or just went to help Kate?
No. 261251
>>261249Judging from
>>261249 anon
It’s @ltracks from the Instagram ID.
>>261129 No. 261260
File: 1666719218014.png (1.09 MB, 1170x2532, tiktoklitagc.png)

hannah and liv acted as double agents in the tiktok group chat, i wonder if they've been kicked yet? Link the pic was connected to is below, but it doesn't work anymore. Glad i saved so many kek
[02-Jun-21 08:45 PM] pastel-princess#0753
worry (4)
[02-Jun-21 08:45 PM] pastel-princess#0753
We’ve talked about how cool you are a few times
[02-Jun-21 08:47 PM] romeo#3055
[02-Jun-21 08:47 PM] romeo#3055
[02-Jun-21 08:49 PM] Lucid#9208
Cupcake doing a Nabokov video?
[02-Jun-21 08:51 PM] agentlemandoesnotconga#8888
Based on the screenshot… she hasn't even read the book yet?
No. 261263
File: 1666719827972.jpeg (63.27 KB, 828x461, 5F15A05C-7D17-4BB2-BDE5-B7E4DD…)

>>261260I used to have this account following me
No. 261265
>>261264I don’t know
nonny. It’s either her, or someone larping as her, both which are equally hilarious and worth mentioning.
No. 261322
File: 1666750831598.png (1.2 MB, 616x961, kuru.png)

>>261320>>261321August, pic related
No. 261325
>>261312No, just Liv and Hannah
>>261322That’s unfortunate, she will be missed
No. 261466
>>261168how does one remain a handmaiden after your comm sides with your ex husband after he CHEATED on you, and from the sounds of it he wasn’t even a lolita …? How does this not make you go “hmmm maybe some women place validation from men above everything else and i shouldn’t replicate that behavior..”
just no thoughts in their brains.
No. 261471
File: 1666816514604.jpeg (978.65 KB, 828x1498, 68E11203-6FF6-4D28-87AE-1AB27F…)

>>261456>>261329Every time the discord derails let’s pull a chat log from a discordgate member. Here’s the Txlitas in the discord chat log
Rainier#6904 = @ltracks
ametrine#4707 = @rosequartzroyalty [particularly heinous offender] LM: Rosequartzroyalty
pastel-princess#0753 = @marshmallowbnuy
Saturn#5252 = @peachburger
Add on
No. 261484
>>261478They posted a screenshot of a Little Sister from Big Sisters of Lolita Fashion and bullied them in the chat.
[08-Aug-20 04:16 PM] toastchan#4873
@alys hang in there 💖
[08-Aug-20 04:16 PM] toastchan#4873
Some unrelated tea for everyone:
[08-Aug-20 04:17 PM] toastchan#4873
{Attachments}[08-Aug-20 05:25 PM] chockie#3660
every day
ree (6)
[08-Aug-20 05:25 PM] chockie#3660
ok LS/MS
[08-Aug-20 05:32 PM] Monochrome#4080
Why is so hard for people to just search before asking?
[08-Aug-20 05:33 PM] Aiu#0642
{Attachments}[08-Aug-20 05:33 PM] Aiu#0642
{Attachments}[08-Aug-20 05:34 PM] Aiu#0642
google is too hard apparently
[08-Aug-20 05:34 PM] Aiu#0642
also I had no idea there was such a low site rating based off that sitejabber report
[08-Aug-20 05:36 PM] Monochrome#4080
Let alone google, even in Bsolf you'll find the answers
No. 261489
File: 1666818151673.jpg (548.97 KB, 1536x2048, gl_ossuary.jpg)

>>261468sage so it doesnt bump (not like they arent constantly refreshing the page kek) but most of their twitters are still open, pic related is biscuit#2593/@biscuit.bun/@gl_ossuary (twitter)
No. 261490
>>261476>>261484 Ok anons. Toast is added to the discord offenders list
Txlitas in discordgate:
Toastchan#4873 = @Toastchaaan
Rainier#6904 = @ltracks
ametrine#4707 = @rosequartzroyalty [particularly heinous offender] LM: Rosequartzroyalty
pastel-princess#0753 = @marshmallowbnuy
Saturn#5252 = @peachburger
No. 261495
File: 1666819659150.jpg (13.91 MB, 4876x2676, graphicdesignismypassion.jpg)

>>253127not the one who made the first collage as you can tell kek, whose face are we mising?
No. 261497
>>261495Anon, I'm not so sure all of those people are in #seagull. Maybe in the vetted server, but not #seagull. Most would be entirely innocent without having knowledge of how
toxic the server is.
>>261117>>261118>>261119 No. 261498
nonny bless you
Don’t forget the toast, celestial, lychee, ltracks, and the giant SoCal mod
No. 261513
File: 1666822388842.png (15.63 KB, 483x377, transphobia.png)

have some transphobia from cardinalcopia#8144 / Ari G / kdycu
No. 261514
File: 1666822619492.png (15.31 KB, 426x383, proof.png)

>>261513Ari G as a mod of Emerald City Community actively goes to 4chan, admittedly.
No. 261516
>>261513That’s not very inclusive Of them
No. 261521
File: 1666822911883.png (33.43 KB, 308x516, rqr.png)

>>261514Whoever said Hannah Franke/RoseQuartzRoyalty was a bible thumper was right kek. Guess she "used" to be homophobic but judging by the logs she didn't change much.
No. 261523
File: 1666823552190.gif (4.4 MB, 498x384, 3D349EA8-1A52-4381-AFA3-1519AE…)

>>261512As seen here: A #seagull is getting furious
No. 261527
File: 1666823979140.jpg (125.89 KB, 1080x1350, d_walkure.jpg)

Wow she really likes this set!
No. 261533
File: 1666824922646.jpeg (230.05 KB, 750x723, 68AD676D-8BAB-466C-B529-AEEF71…)

>>261521Saging for possible retardation/tinfoil but that’s adding up if she’s going to micromanage her friend’s religious choices
No. 261541
File: 1666826764484.jpg (1.53 MB, 2932x2160, iluvgraficdezine.jpg)

No. 261542
Dallas, Texas comm members talking shit about their own comm. Texas got all the drama
[16-Mar-21 08:17 PM] Saturn#5252{Embed} glass black coffin ring[16-Mar-21 08:17 PM] ataraxia#7301
36 dollars what the fuck
[16-Mar-21 08:18 PM] Aiu#0642
hell yea Neant Glass people
[16-Mar-21 08:18 PM] Cookie Cat#7077
ahhh i love seeing people blatantly scalping indie products that the maker frequently re-releases
[16-Mar-21 08:18 PM] Cookie Cat#7077
totally not a dick move at all
[16-Mar-21 08:18 PM] Saturn#5252
Rainey come get your Dallas comm
[16-Mar-21 08:19 PM] rainier#6904
I do not claim them wtf lolll
[16-Mar-21 08:19 PM] Saturn#5252
I’m not 100% happy with the rose I got for my necklace and if I get a new one I thought about selling it, but I know if I put it up for auction it’ll go sky high and I would feel awful
[16-Mar-21 08:19 PM] Saturn#5252
I’d probably offer it here first at cost and it probably won’t last a second
[16-Mar-21 08:20 PM] Aiu#0642
that is the most ethical way to get rid of it
No. 261580
File: 1666838367173.png (135.24 KB, 985x512, Lily Lee.png)

Lucid#9208 = @lucidly on twitter = Lily Lee on facebook. Lives in Vancouver, BC. No. 261584
I hope this shit sticks with them.
>>261464This should stick with them for their entire presence in the lolita community and those wanting to be an influencer. Everyone is aware that interest in lolita lolcow threads is increasing, as well as who to avoid.These people tarnished people like Nat and made fun of newbies in the community. Now we know some of their faces and usernames. It’s embarrassing to see people who claim to be inclusive and kind turn out to be shitty.
Dgate Lolitas ref master list
>>261490>>260351 No. 261596
>>261594Like the Mary Kate and Ashley countdown timer. What were you waiting for
No. 261653
File: 1666862411899.jpeg (262.37 KB, 828x1411, 57CC05B5-EB41-4F98-97BF-DD830A…)

>>261625Posting the screenshot
No. 261703
File: 1666881253021.jpg (83.05 KB, 851x373, tinfoil.jpg)

>>261653It was either #seagull or KSK who reported cause they both got posted recently.
Ok I fell down a rabbit hole here, just my tinfoil-its run by the #seagull leaker. Cause whoever reported it came here 10/26, 8 hours ago and this profile was made 10/26, 8 hours ago. They immediately remade or made before posting here. The only other variation of BtB I could find was "beneath-the-bows" updated 12 weeks ago and is following "eglfashion" which apparently is just all of #seagull kek. The admin is ataraxia#7301 who ran #seagull. I'm sure they'll lock it down soon but their whole community there is public for now.
No. 261704
File: 1666881323452.jpg (233.25 KB, 955x756, eglfashion.jpg)

>>261703Member list, I don't know why there's 2 and it's different people. Anyone here use dreamwidth?
No. 261707
File: 1666881451579.jpg (69.63 KB, 878x469, waaaambulance.jpg)

>>261703>>261704Also found this funny, uwu they're harassing me!!!
>>261705Kuro Shiro Kawaii
No. 261721
>>261703 just throwing my tinfoil in the ring, but I think it’s more likely seagulls than KSK. I don’t know how dreamwidth works but since it appears comms are banning people over seagulls ( per
>>260573) I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re trying to get it shut down so people can’t post secrets in regards to it. No evidence of such, that’s just what my gut reaction to it is.
No. 261731
>>261728Agree with
>>261730. Not all will be seagulls but if you go to their profiles you can see info like below and can figure out whose friends with who.
Open Mutual Access (0)
Open Also Gives Access To (0)
Open Also Has Access From (3):
junji, maistress, yuriathewitch
Open Mutual Subscriptions (0)
Open Other Subscriptions (0)
Open Other Subscribers (6):
gobelin_angel, jeunefille, junji, maistress, raschael, yuriathewitch
No. 261759
File: 1666886804723.png (18.27 KB, 1902x252, 7319B39A-E7BA-4BDE-8F44-4977F6…)

>>261752 she was pruned from the entire channel once and never let back in again. She came back to the vetted server but wasn’t let back into seagulls. If she was in seagulls Liv wouldn’t be dropping drama on her comm member at this time.
No. 261772
>>261770Paste from earlier anon
>They posted a screenshot of a Little Sister from Big Sisters of Lolita Fashion and bullied them in the chat. [08-Aug-20 04:16 PM] toastchan#4873
@alys hang in there 💖
[08-Aug-20 04:16 PM] toastchan#4873
Some unrelated tea for everyone:
[08-Aug-20 04:17 PM] toastchan#4873
{Attachments}[08-Aug-20 05:25 PM] chockie#3660
every day
ree (6)
[08-Aug-20 05:25 PM] chockie#3660
ok LS/MS
[08-Aug-20 05:32 PM] Monochrome#4080
Why is so hard for people to just search before asking?
[08-Aug-20 05:33 PM] Aiu#0642
{Attachments}[08-Aug-20 05:33 PM] Aiu#0642
{Attachments}[08-Aug-20 05:34 PM] Aiu#0642
google is too hard apparently
[08-Aug-20 05:34 PM] Aiu#0642
also I had no idea there was such a low site rating based off that sitejabber report
[08-Aug-20 05:36 PM] Monochrome#4080
Let alone google, even in Bsolf you'll find the answers
No. 261782
>>261779Try again,
nonny! Toast is as shitty as the discordchans for joining in the bullying games. Getting this defensive on a thread doesn’t help
No. 261790
File: 1666888629907.png (22.25 KB, 971x444, mentorshittalk.png)

just a reminder of the mentorship these ladies did
No. 261791
File: 1666888706383.png (34.26 KB, 953x769, hannahmentor.png)

No. 261792
Your derailment is far embarrassing. A bullying discord gets leaked and we’re the problem here?
No. 261794
File: 1666888782703.png (23.96 KB, 1116x430, shittalkgangbang.png)

No. 261799
File: 1666888932203.png (34.94 KB, 915x769, 15yrold.png)

Reminder that this bullying started on a 15 year old.
No. 261807
File: 1666889407838.png (46.23 KB, 1656x739, spoopy.png)

Anyone know if this sp00py is the Nat in question?
No. 261812
>>261805Nat and Mel/@of.melaza outed DDZ's past to get clout. They're on Necromeme's story credited for it. Don't dish it if you can't take it.
>>261802The way they accuse every post of being Nat and even tried to blame the leak on her and DDZ and even Nef, I'm rethinking the self posting.
No. 261817
>>261810Ban list for BSOLF?
Can someone compile a list of everyone in the seagulls chat posting BSOLF Ls?
No. 261819
File: 1666889960989.png (31.67 KB, 1107x559, moreshittalk.png)

No. 261820
File: 1666890002685.jpeg (191.76 KB, 828x1009, 7ADCB95C-F223-40C5-8A85-71D044…)

nonny, it’s just called that. That’s the default name for that bot, I just found it by googling it.
No. 261823
File: 1666890210714.png (52.45 KB, 2341x872, reminder.png)

Sounds like this is when it ALLLLL started
No. 261834
[06-May-19 08:32 PM] Prettydebil#3173
Lolita Sewing collective needs a strike policy, and you get a strike for not using correct labels lol
[06-May-19 08:32 PM] Snailu#0713
[06-May-19 08:32 PM] Prettydebil#3173
Correct it and it gets removed. Why do ppl need to make their own special label?
[06-May-19 08:32 PM] Prettydebil#3173
Esp bsolf too
[06-May-19 08:32 PM] Aiu#0642
gonna be unique and special
[06-May-19 08:33 PM] Prettydebil#3173
[06-May-19 08:33 PM] Prettydebil#3173
I would be a terrible mod and ban dummies
[06-May-19 09:12 PM] Saturn#5252
thistbh (6)
[06-May-19 09:14 PM] Saturn#5252
You know what Japanese society excels at? Hammering down the nail that sticks up. They don’t care about inclusivity and they don’t need your money. Keep NOT buying from indie brands. Until you can be seen as a profitable consumer brands are not going to cater to you
[06-May-19 10:11 PM] Nobody#6371
There are plenty of good artist on this board, why dont you peeps make enamel pins for us!? Looking at you @JuJuJu Bi !!
[06-May-19 10:12 PM] Aiu#0642
Junie has a full hecking business with hand painted wooden broaches
[06-May-19 10:12 PM] ataraxia#7301
don't tell ppl to make stuff lol
[06-May-19 10:14 PM] Aiu#0642
I think she is either vending or remote vending at Traumarei, so already at leasy 2 levels above your average enamel pin artistry
[06-May-19 10:14 PM] Aiu#0642 look at this cute stuff
Two Tarts and A Princess offers quirky handmade accessories designed and created by San Francisco-based artist Ha-Anh Dinh, also known as Junie Green!
[06-May-19 10:15 PM] Nobody#6371
I'm not telling, I'm asking! Not, er, like, directed at anyone. Just curious!
[06-May-19 10:15 PM] Nobody#6371
[06-May-19 10:15 PM] Aiu#0642
I think Snail did some enamel pins at some point
[06-May-19 10:15 PM] Nobody#6371
[06-May-19 10:15 PM] Aiu#0642
and there was a kickstarter that just ended that I threw some money at too
[06-May-19 10:16 PM] Nobody#6371
I threw money at the cute animal one, I'm sure you all saw it
[06-May-19 10:16 PM] Aiu#0642
the frilly friends one?
[06-May-19 10:16 PM] Nobody#6371
With the red classic bunny and bird boy?
[06-May-19 10:16 PM] Aiu#0642
[06-May-19 10:16 PM] Nobody#6371
if thats the one then yes!
[06-May-19 10:16 PM] Aiu#0642
I ended up getting so many 😂
[06-May-19 10:17 PM] Nobody#6371
Im actually excited for those and I'm a bitter old women
[06-May-19 10:17 PM] Nobody#6371
same. Hope she makes bank and does another set
[06-May-19 10:17 PM] Aiu#0642
I dunno what to even do with enamel pins but I needed them. So dang cute
[06-May-19 10:18 PM] Nobody#6371
Ha, I like how I said "not directed at anyone" and tag Junie. What I
implied was that shes super talented and I like her stuff
[06-May-19 10:19 PM] Aiu#0642
I bought one of her candy corn pins, again with nothing to coord it with :p
[06-May-19 10:19 PM] Aiu#0642
but yea she is super talented
[06-May-19 10:20 PM] Aiu#0642
there was someone else who used to be in the server who does pins
[06-May-19 10:20 PM] Nobody#6371
looks like everything on her site is sold out…mmmmm
[06-May-19 10:20 PM] Aiu#0642
yea, she releases stuff every so often
[06-May-19 10:21 PM] Aiu#0642
yessss this one{Embed} and Prints by SketchBeetleArt
You searched for: SketchBeetleArt! Discover the unique items that SketchBeetleArt creates. At Etsy, we pride ourselves on our global community of sellers. Each Etsy seller helps contribute to a global marketplace of creative goods. By supporting SketchBeetleArt, you’re supp…[06-May-19 10:22 PM] Aiu#0642
very talented people
[06-May-19 10:22 PM] Nobody#6371
[06-May-19 10:37 PM] ataraxia#7301
go forth my friends to discuss any further pins in #arts-and-crafts :)
🆗 (2)
[07-May-19 01:02 AM] Chryse#0151
{Attachments}[07-May-19 01:11 AM] Spider#8888
[07-May-19 01:12 AM] Spider#8888
>wee girl{Attachments}[07-May-19 01:12 AM] Spider#8888
There is no interpretation of that moniker I like
[07-May-19 01:25 AM] Chryse#0151
Wee girl :ree:
[07-May-19 01:37 AM] Lilac_Y0#8595
Wee is pee for American folks too, right?:mostembarrassing:
[07-May-19 01:40 AM] Chryse#0151
Pee or little. It's bad either way
[07-May-19 01:42 AM] Chryse#0151
She's Argentinian
[07-May-19 01:46 AM] biscuit#2593
Yeah, my first thought was pee
[07-May-19 01:52 AM] Lala Land#7138
yes wee is pee for american folk too
[07-May-19 01:53 AM] Lala Land#7138
it can mean small sometimes like chryse says but maybe that's really only okay if she's like a midget x.x
[07-May-19 01:54 AM] Chryse#0151
Either way it reeks of ageplay. Rather unfortunate
[07-May-19 02:09 AM] Lala Land#7138
don't be so pessimistic. it could be a pee fetish.
[07-May-19 02:11 AM] tigbittyhobbit#1832
Small to Scots
[07-May-19 02:20 AM] Lilac_Y0#8595
Wee lad is something I hear here too but it always just makes me thing of toddlers who piss their diapers so it doesn't make a difference
[07-May-19 06:05 AM] rainier#6904
yikes this thread… i understand this is irl things that happen but its just going to be a billion sob stories in the comments
{Attachments}[07-May-19 06:48 AM] Lilac_Y0#8595
I'd just sell what I can. My pieces aren't sought after, so I knew they were never gonna work out as a backup if I needed money
People overestimate the money they'll get and underestimate the work it takes to sell stuff
[07-May-19 06:51 AM] rainier#6904
yeah, like its not going to happen over night
[07-May-19 09:10 AM] Rococo#5833
[07-May-19 09:11 AM] Rococo#5833
What's this got to do with lolita
[07-May-19 09:11 AM] Rococo#5833
Honestly she could have posted without the first couple blurbs
[07-May-19 09:12 AM] Prettydebil#3173
Need those pity points tho
[07-May-19 09:12 AM] Rococo#5833
It's like trying to find the recipe but you have to scroll through the soccer mom's blog first
[07-May-19 09:15 AM] JuJuJu Bi#3579
i'm sorry I heard enamel
[07-May-19 09:15 AM] JuJuJu Bi#3579
I will consider it down the line, I just havvn't had time to sit down and research/etc
[07-May-19 09:18 AM] JuJuJu Bi#3579
but yea who the fuck is Nel and why should I care about her
[07-May-19 09:19 AM] JuJuJu Bi#3579
when her profile picture is 85% not her
[07-May-19 09:25 AM] PaperSnowflakes#8415
*him since the label used was middle brother
[07-May-19 09:27 AM] JuJuJu Bi#3579
my eyes rolled so hard
[07-May-19 09:27 AM] JuJuJu Bi#3579
they fell out of my head onto the floor
[07-May-19 12:07 PM] Saturn#5252
Quick hint: You don't care about Nel. Nobody cares about Nel
No. 261835
File: 1666891023564.png (35.72 KB, 1067x606, 15yearoldgirl.png)

Hey. Do you guys have that photo still saved to your PC? Brb calling the FBI
No. 261841
Lala Land#7138
JuJuJu Bi#3579
No. 261845
File: 1666891683768.png (45.9 KB, 614x408, Mentor.png)

>>261843Imagine being this fucking aggressive
No. 261846
>>261834[07-May-19 12:14 PM] chockie#3660
somehow all this time i thought nel was the white guy and i thought he was a bearded white cis brolita
[07-May-19 12:21 PM] Aiu#0642
you got 1 out of 4 of those things right
[07-May-19 12:43 PM] rainier#6904
Like fffuuuhbb the pity party thread is grim
{Attachments}[07-May-19 12:59 PM] Rococo#5833
so many summer children on rc
[07-May-19 01:00 PM] Rococo#5833
that is pretty sad tho
[07-May-19 01:00 PM] rainier#6904
I also like how people start “about me” posts with “discussion time!”
[07-May-19 01:00 PM] Rococo#5833
funerals are $$
[07-May-19 01:00 PM] rainier#6904
No it’s v sad
[07-May-19 01:00 PM] rainier#6904
I just can’t handle sharing that kind of info on a 9k person fb group
[07-May-19 01:00 PM] Rococo#5833
[07-May-19 01:00 PM] Rococo#5833
rip blogs
[07-May-19 01:01 PM] Rococo#5833
damn, like, 5 posts on rc in the last 24 hrs
[07-May-19 01:31 PM] ataraxia#7301
when it rains it pours
[07-May-19 01:31 PM] ataraxia#7301
[07-May-19 01:31 PM] ataraxia#7301
there was like a week span of no posts on RC, that was weird
[07-May-19 02:13 PM] The_Kraken#0878
Like maybe I read it bad but it sounds like htey mourn the wardrobe more than the person. yike
[07-May-19 02:32 PM] tigbittyhobbit#1832
you're gonna talk about your dresses in RC tho
[07-May-19 03:01 PM] Spider#8888
Its not as bad as jade "i didn't get to buy my DREAM DRESS and my friend died in the same week" Gonzalez
[07-May-19 03:12 PM] tigbittyhobbit#1832
wait what
[07-May-19 03:21 PM] Plastic Flowers#1785
That and something about her prom was added in too iirc
[07-May-19 04:19 PM] opalsauce#4996
More gems from the “let’s talk about high fashion” thread 😂
{Attachments}[07-May-19 04:20 PM] Jess#1258
"Hottopic" = high fashion… 😂
[07-May-19 04:24 PM] Neeks#0146
Dansko shoes.
oof[07-May-19 04:24 PM] opalsauce#4996
The whole thread is like this
It’s ok if you don’t know anything about high fashion, you don’t have to drop your irrelevant two cents in everywhere you go, jfc
[07-May-19 04:25 PM] opalsauce#4996
Someone else just commented “adidas”
[07-May-19 04:25 PM] opalsauce#4996
[07-May-19 04:27 PM] The_Kraken#0878
i get highly
triggered by "hell bunny is lolita" i think its been shown/mentioned the dress I sewn out of spite out of a pair of hellbunny dresses just to prove a fucking point.
💯 (3)
[07-May-19 04:33 PM] Crunge#9497
i think i had an old hot topic dress when i was like 12 that i cut the (very nice, cute ) lace collar off of and just ended up wearing with other stuff
No. 261849
File: 1666892116378.png (42.71 KB, 1226x970, stalking.png)

No. 261851
>>261846[13-May-19 07:08 PM] alys#0310
shit like that is why i'm worried about kids following me on twitter
[13-May-19 07:08 PM] opalsauce#4996
It’s 13+
[13-May-19 07:08 PM] alys#0310
or why i was checking every new follower on my private tumblr
[13-May-19 07:08 PM] harmlessmonster#7160
nah no kids allowed on youtube there's too many bad things to stumble on
thistbh (5)
[13-May-19 07:09 PM] alys#0310
yeah,they gotta stay on the babby side of youtube
[13-May-19 07:09 PM] alys#0310
i mean,they def know what's going on if they post skeleporn etc but that's just so wrong
[13-May-19 07:09 PM] alys#0310
you're a litteral baby
[13-May-19 07:10 PM] alys#0310
young teens need more slaps on the wrist
[13-May-19 07:12 PM] Spider#8888
speaking of kids on youtube
[13-May-19 07:12 PM] Spider#8888
teleports to droppings[13-May-19 07:44 PM] opalsauce#4996
{Attachments}[13-May-19 07:44 PM] opalsauce#4996
Zuckerberg can you please take care of this underage moron JFC
[13-May-19 07:46 PM] alys#0310
"hewo" this is a troll right?
[13-May-19 07:46 PM] alys#0310
at this point i want to believe it is
[13-May-19 07:46 PM] Aiu#0642
jesus christ
[13-May-19 07:47 PM] Aiu#0642
oh good, already locked
[13-May-19 07:49 PM] opalsauce#4996
Based updates mods 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
[13-May-19 07:50 PM] harmlessmonster#7160
ty abiba
{Attachments}[13-May-19 07:53 PM] rainier#6904
WoW going through their profile just gave me a stroke
[13-May-19 07:54 PM] rainier#6904
The super low Q skelly pørn
[13-May-19 07:54 PM] rainier#6904
I can’t
[13-May-19 07:54 PM] The_Kraken#0878
Gotta be trolling at this point jfc
[13-May-19 07:54 PM] rainier#6904
But like one of those trolls that trolls so hard that they’ve gone inside their own asshole and out the other end again
[13-May-19 07:55 PM] rainier#6904
They think it’s a joke but the joke is that it’s no longer a joke
[13-May-19 07:55 PM] opalsauce#4996
The “my friend is 11 and he watches porn” makes me think real lol
[13-May-19 07:55 PM] rainier#6904
Kathy davis or whatever who responded is like 13 so
[13-May-19 07:55 PM] rainier#6904
[13-May-19 07:56 PM] rainier#6904
Tyler has so much fodder she’s swimming in it
[13-May-19 07:58 PM] Caustice Ichor#0416
did they just get their profile nuked? It's giving me the "content isnt available right now" page when I try to look at it
[13-May-19 07:58 PM] Aiu#0642
with the number of people who reported their fb account for porn/fake name/etc, its possible
[13-May-19 07:59 PM] opalsauce#4996
Yessssss finally
Zucc come thru
[13-May-19 08:01 PM] Chryse#0151
i don't see the kid's profile in the search results
[13-May-19 08:01 PM] Aiu#0642
I cant find any of the threads
[13-May-19 08:04 PM] Chryse#0151
not in the cof member list
[13-May-19 08:05 PM] Chryse#0151
nor lu
[13-May-19 08:11 PM] Spider#8888
keep in mind they could have had their name changed too
[13-May-19 08:11 PM] Spider#8888 still comes up for me
[13-May-19 08:12 PM] Aiu#0642
aww I guess they just got banned everywhere and still have a fb
[13-May-19 08:12 PM] Spider#8888
i meant what i fuckin said facebook
{Attachments}[13-May-19 08:12 PM] Spider#8888
No. 261852
File: 1666892290659.png (58.14 KB, 1312x1135, imaginethat.png)

I find this pretty sad and hilarious that they bullied her about buying lolita 2-3 years prior and now are criticizing her for buying lolita the way they do.
Maybe think about how you all influenced a child?
No. 261854
>>261851[11-Jun-19 01:31 AM] Dif#3371
Wasn't there some other person a while back who got bullied by their mother in law for wearing lolita?
[11-Jun-19 01:37 AM] ataraxia#7301
yes i remember
[11-Jun-19 01:37 AM] ataraxia#7301
she was a black lolita who had a nice red coord iirc
[11-Jun-19 01:37 AM] ataraxia#7301
i know thats terribly nonspecific but thats all i remember
[11-Jun-19 02:14 AM] tigbittyhobbit#1832
Idk why lolitas are so spineless about calling these old cows out on their shit
I made my aunt accountable for her shitty attitude about Lolita and other things and the world didn't end.
Just cuz you're family doesn't mean you get a free pass for being a bitch
[11-Jun-19 03:18 AM] Dif#3371
BSoLF- helping sissies coord replicas since 2017
{Attachments}[11-Jun-19 03:20 AM] Dif#3371
Previous coord attempt they posted
{Attachments}[11-Jun-19 03:37 AM] Cookie Cat#7077
Man I saw that and I was like how tf do you have trouble cording a neutral coloured OP
[11-Jun-19 05:03 AM] Lilac_Y0#8595
That petticoat…
[11-Jun-19 05:03 AM] Lilac_Y0#8595
…makes me itch
[11-Jun-19 05:04 AM] Lala Land#7138
i need those replicas gdi
[11-Jun-19 05:04 AM] Lala Land#7138
i want specifically the white ones
[11-Jun-19 05:04 AM] Lala Land#7138
i need a new shower curtain >:(
[11-Jun-19 05:06 AM] PaperSnowflakes#8415
When the dress looks like a shitty replica, I don’t blame the mother in law as much.
[11-Jun-19 05:07 AM] PaperSnowflakes#8415
{Attachments}[11-Jun-19 05:07 AM] Dif#3371
[11-Jun-19 05:07 AM] Dif#3371
[11-Jun-19 05:17 AM] Darksilverhawk#3148
What in the heck is that.
[11-Jun-19 05:18 AM] Piratand#8052
Rufflechat has a friend-making thread up.
This is the girl who keeps posting her one coord everywhere.
{Attachments}[11-Jun-19 05:19 AM] Piratand#8052
And this one: way to go turning people away👌🏻
{Attachments}[11-Jun-19 05:19 AM] Darksilverhawk#3148
What a complex and interesting person. 🙄
[11-Jun-19 05:20 AM] Darksilverhawk#3148
Monique, not the other person
[11-Jun-19 05:22 AM] Piratand#8052
And Bodyline is of course her favorite “brand”.
[11-Jun-19 06:21 AM] Spider#8888
bless monique and her gofundme for a kimono
[11-Jun-19 06:21 AM] Spider#8888
that's high quality "wat"
[11-Jun-19 06:22 AM] Spider#8888
the other person I can practically FEEL the "normal is just a setting on washing machines" vibes from
No. 261855
>>261852I think the saddest part about this situation is when spoopy was outed for being a
terf all this bullying they were doing for years became justifiable.
No. 261857
File: 1666892707839.png (41.69 KB, 1686x697, samsies.png)

No. 261859
[14-Jun-19 06:22 AM] Chryse#0151
What in the world bsolf
{Attachments}[14-Jun-19 07:03 AM] Aiu#0642
[14-Jun-19 07:05 AM] Aiu#0642
"Innocent" pastels,"sexy" black…stop projecting things onto colors
[14-Jun-19 07:20 AM] zepplis#6640
"Very rudely told off" good. Someone isnt putting up with your shit
[14-Jun-19 07:39 AM] PeachyPies#6168
Oh probably just a misclick, she probably just-
{Attachments}[14-Jun-19 07:40 AM] PeachyPies#6168
…… Oh
{Attachments}[14-Jun-19 07:41 AM] zepplis#6640
>16[14-Jun-19 07:41 AM] zepplis#6640
Where are your parents
[14-Jun-19 07:41 AM] Aiu#0642
[14-Jun-19 07:42 AM] JuJuJu Bi#3579
Probably…the mom from mean girls..
No. 261889
File: 1666897833290.png (70.1 KB, 598x583, sus.png)

>>261703Does DW show your contact info by default? Says updated 12 hours ago so when it was new. But beneath-the-bow profile says 'admin and mod' implying more than 1 so I don't think it's just Lily Lee/Lucidly.
No. 261896
File: 1666899429321.png (13.69 MB, 4636x6000, 1.png)

Added and Updated face matches with better pictures where I could, but some accounts were locked down when I got there.
No. 261898
File: 1666899468576.png (636 KB, 1392x1074, parasolpapers.png)

>>261893Uploading the Secret Sisterhood account submissions about Discordgate. 'No one goes to BtB' except whoever runs this page right?
>jennkitty was a little for far too long in her adult life, let it be knownPost caps please anon, she's already pissed.
No. 261906
File: 1666899674255.png (13.01 MB, 4636x6000, 4.png)

>>261904tried finding less filtered pictures so you can actually recognize these people irl kek
No. 261908
File: 1666900140675.png (12.5 MB, 4636x6000, 6.png)

>>261907some of them
coughcough* vudu juju have erased all trace of their real face from the internet
No. 261927
>>261912I figure people can decide for themselves, the chat is available. If someone you know is there, you can read their logs and decide how you feel about it for yourself.
>>261918>>261915This is the list of people posted early in the thread, at least the ones with active or public profiles that I could find. This took more time than I wanted to spend on it, so feel free to contribute like
>>261917 instead of bitching.
No. 261937
>>261929Not trying to derail but I assumed it's someone who doesn't post their lolita coords on social media, not all of them do. I figure if could draw it would be posted to her lolita account but maybe you're right
No. 261939
File: 1666904108315.jpg (110.82 KB, 610x508, seagull.jpg)

guess I should just post my secret here
No. 261963
File: 1666909450426.png (14.8 MB, 4636x6000, seagull colonic face match (1)…)

I had been trying to do my best to check these, and I thought I was on track with my assumptions but you were right anon. I finally had the idea to check COF for any Jess Annes and sure enough I found a profile matching @gomuffygo.
Sorry for being a dick, I had seen that mentioned without any proof so I assumed it was a derailment.
No. 261965
File: 1666909593120.png (11.84 MB, 4636x6000, seagull colonic face match.png)

>>261908CORRECTION may have some involvement still due to her being in the group photo from the server meetup, but I have no proof for now. @gomuffygo is JessAnne.
No. 262030
>>261897cardinalcopia#8144 / kdycu#8226 / kimmytho#6688
these gals are trying to change their handles
No. 262033
More BSOLF postings until they're banned
toastchan#4873 = @Toastchaaan Instagram
Saturn#5252 = @peachburger Instagram
Nobody#6371 =
Aiu#0642 = @aiulura @aiu.lura
ataraxia#7301 =
Chryse#0151 = @chryse.planitia
Spider#8888 =
Lilac_Y0#8595 =
biscuit#2593 =
Lala Land#7138 =
tigbittyhobbit#1832 = @pastel_rengoku @pastel_hashira
rainier#6904 = @ltracks Instagram
Rococo#5833 =
JuJuJu Bi#3579 =
PaperSnowflakes#8415 = @paper_snowflakes
zepplis#6640 = @zepplis, tumblr = libertarian-lolita =
PeachyPies#6168 =
Piratand#8052 =
Darksilverhawk#3148 =
Dif#3371 =
PaperSnowflakes#8415 = @paper_snowflakes
Cookie Cat#7077
opalsauce#4996 = opal.pasteldream
Caustice Ichor#0416 =
The_Kraken#0878 =
harmlessmonster#7160 =
alys#0310 = @digitalangel96
Neeks#0146 = @neekymomo
Jess#1258 =
Plastic Flowers#1785
Prettydebil#3173 =
Snailu#0713 =
biscuit#2593 =
[19-Jul-19 10:34 AM] rainier#6904
Idk if this got poSted I’ve been afk for a while
{Attachments}[19-Jul-19 10:34 AM] rainier#6904
Captioned “my edgy goth look”
[19-Jul-19 10:37 AM] rainier#6904
re: leo yeah thats "gyaru leo" who along with elliot have been plaguing the gal groups with their crust AF attempts
[19-Jul-19 12:12 PM] Spider#8888
[19-Jul-19 12:12 PM] Spider#8888
[19-Jul-19 12:14 PM] Spider#8888
{Attachments}[19-Jul-19 12:14 PM] Spider#8888
where's claire when you need her
[19-Jul-19 12:36 PM] rainier#6904
needs a naruto headband
[19-Jul-19 12:36 PM] ataraxia#7301
the jacket is held in place by a pin and velcro
[19-Jul-19 12:36 PM] ataraxia#7301
good lord
[19-Jul-19 01:27 PM] Snow#8550
the hell is that
[19-Jul-19 02:44 PM] evasiqe#8696
at least we cant see the lace and frills she sewed by hand
[19-Jul-19 02:53 PM] zepplis#6640
I thought this was a hijab lolita
[19-Jul-19 03:33 PM] NobodyImportant#5841
I love going to LW and seeing something I would like and then once I click it, find out in the comments that the seller took off all the bows .
[19-Jul-19 03:33 PM] NobodyImportant#5841
:chomp: why would you do that
[19-Jul-19 03:52 PM] d0a1a8#6603
Disgraceful to military coords
[19-Jul-19 04:03 PM] chockie#3660
omg tyler released a video responding to an angry ddlg email too lmfao
[19-Jul-19 04:03 PM] chockie#3660
i'm here for this
[19-Jul-19 04:05 PM] chockie#3660
she's delightfully brutal
[19-Jul-19 04:06 PM] chockie#3660
beautiful palate cleanser to lor's video on this lmao
[19-Jul-19 04:08 PM] zepplis#6640
praise tyler
[19-Jul-19 04:11 PM] chockie#3660
No. 262037
>>262033[21-Jul-19 06:23 PM] Reira#5451
Flash news I got kicked out of BSoLF lol
[21-Jul-19 06:23 PM] Reira#5451
They can’t handle the salt
[21-Jul-19 06:28 PM] kDycu💯💯#8226
[21-Jul-19 06:28 PM] kDycu💯💯#8226
What did you say
[21-Jul-19 06:30 PM] Reira#5451
Can’t rmb
[21-Jul-19 06:31 PM] Reira#5451
Probably told the neon wig girl her wig is a disaster
[21-Jul-19 06:32 PM] Reira#5451
Well I didn’t exactly say that tho I even use kinder words :feel:
[21-Jul-19 06:32 PM] Reira#5451
But yeah anw I told her that wig sucks, it’s ita and if she’s so stubborn about an ita wig there’s nothing can be done to save her coord
[21-Jul-19 06:32 PM] Reira#5451
[21-Jul-19 06:33 PM] zepplis#6640
Be luvlie
[21-Jul-19 06:33 PM] Reira#5451
[21-Jul-19 06:34 PM] zepplis#6640
Also someone trying to dunk on safiyas coord. Like yeah she was a bit awk in it and didn't have perf lolota hair
[21-Jul-19 06:39 PM] Lala Land#7138
@Reira fite me
[21-Jul-19 06:39 PM] diploskull#9930
I thought she looked pretty great. Idk if i'd recommend other people to emulate that coordinate but it was really nice.
[21-Jul-19 06:40 PM] diploskull#9930
No headpiece but she had a pretty ornate hairstyle.
[21-Jul-19 07:12 PM] Rococo#5833
I got the feeling that Safiya was curious about the fashion since she's friends with Rin Rin
[21-Jul-19 07:12 PM] Lala Land#7138
it's not poorly represented so
thistbh (6)
[21-Jul-19 07:12 PM] Rococo#5833
And not approaching it as YouTube clout
[21-Jul-19 07:12 PM] Lala Land#7138
i mean w/e
[21-Jul-19 07:13 PM] Lala Land#7138
at least she's not calling it "adult baby style" or some shit
[21-Jul-19 07:13 PM] zepplis#6640
Shes fairly normie so ill cut her some slack
[21-Jul-19 07:13 PM] Rococo#5833
Lol I just started watching Tyler blasting on someone trying to defend ddlg
[21-Jul-19 07:13 PM] Lala Land#7138
i mean but she never is leaving you in the wrong impression
[21-Jul-19 07:13 PM] Lala Land#7138
i think she's actually better than most normie about it
No. 262038
>>262037[23-Jul-19 07:26 AM] d0a1a8#6603
BSoLF looks like a hazardous wasteland, i shan't venture there.
[23-Jul-19 07:27 AM] harmlessmonster#7160
i had to leave bc i was so annoyed, so good plan lol
[23-Jul-19 07:27 AM] d0a1a8#6603
also, the absolute S T A N C E on dollar general-chans CoF post
[23-Jul-19 07:28 AM] d0a1a8#6603
aside from that, i support thrifting and getting away with cheap finds, but dont say you got it at ye olde dollar general lmoa just put "off brand"
[23-Jul-19 07:29 AM] d0a1a8#6603
they have a christmas aesthetic which maybe for that season would work but not in hecking july fren
[23-Jul-19 08:06 AM] Darksilverhawk#3148
That “octopus” girl drawing doesn’t even look like an octopus? Like, what are they going for here?
[23-Jul-19 08:26 AM] PaperSnowflakes#8415
I don’t understand why having boobs means the coord has to be two pieces
[23-Jul-19 08:31 AM] d0a1a8#6603
For some reason she thinks maybe an OP wouldnt fit? Somehow? I didn't really understand that bit either tbh.
[23-Jul-19 08:31 AM] Lala Land#7138
yeah that's confusing
[23-Jul-19 08:31 AM] Lala Land#7138
I also have boobs
[23-Jul-19 08:31 AM] Lala Land#7138
I enjoy JSKs
[23-Jul-19 08:31 AM] Lala Land#7138
like ?
[23-Jul-19 08:32 AM] d0a1a8#6603
I agree with diplo that this is gonna heavily read as a classic lolita with fucked up octotights.
[23-Jul-19 08:32 AM] d0a1a8#6603
It's a cute concept for a character but not for an actual coord
[23-Jul-19 08:34 AM] Lala Land#7138
wait she's yeah she's just posting the other thing as something she wants it to look like so she's handsewing it so the whole thing is going to be a disaster. and wants purple hair because it's her OC.
[23-Jul-19 08:36 AM] rainier#6904
:whispers into the void:
lolita is not a costume[23-Jul-19 08:37 AM] Darksilverhawk#3148
So like, the drawing isn’t even the character she’s trying to recreate?
[23-Jul-19 08:37 AM] Darksilverhawk#3148
Ok, I am official lost as to what she is attempting to accomplish here.
[23-Jul-19 08:38 AM] Aiu#0642
nope, the drawing is unrelated to her octopus lady character and it is extremely confusing
[23-Jul-19 08:39 AM] rainier#6904
oof{Attachments}[23-Jul-19 08:39 AM] rainier#6904
{Attachments}[23-Jul-19 08:39 AM] rainier#6904
another ebay thread in mentoring
[23-Jul-19 08:42 AM] Reira#5451
Yeah I hate summer
No. 262039
>>262033Can we have their actual names on Facebook?
Anyone want to drop the file? Now I want to look into them
No. 262043
>>262038[25-Jul-19 11:12 PM] chockie#3660
god bsolf is just rife with babylitas asking to be spoonfed
[25-Jul-19 11:12 PM] chockie#3660
[25-Jul-19 11:12 PM] chockie#3660
in fact within the last 3 hours
[25-Jul-19 11:21 PM] ataraxia#7301
[25-Jul-19 11:21 PM] ataraxia#7301
wonder what happened this evening that made them go elsewhere :thinkita:
[25-Jul-19 11:23 PM] Spider#8888
[25-Jul-19 11:57 PM] kDycu💯💯#8226
[26-Jul-19 12:23 AM] Spider#8888
lmfao I was waiting for this
{Attachments}[26-Jul-19 12:23 AM] Spider#8888
ever since ata pointed it out I've been on charleigh watch
[26-Jul-19 12:23 AM] Spider#8888
why is she always so angry
[26-Jul-19 12:24 AM] Spider#8888
{Attachments}[26-Jul-19 12:29 AM] reinedescroix#7921{Embed}
Captured with Lightshot[26-Jul-19 12:29 AM] reinedescroix#7921
i laughed
[26-Jul-19 12:31 AM] kDycu💯💯#8226
Spider I love you
[26-Jul-19 12:35 AM] ataraxia#7301
she talked recently
[26-Jul-19 12:35 AM] ataraxia#7301
all our minds were blown
[26-Jul-19 12:35 AM] ataraxia#7301
it was on that cursed thread in akidearest post
[26-Jul-19 12:45 AM] Spider#8888
I must out her to others
[26-Jul-19 12:45 AM] Spider#8888
this is cursed knowledge that we cannot bear alone
[26-Jul-19 12:47 AM] kDycu💯💯#8226
I will be watching now
[26-Jul-19 12:49 AM] Spider#8888
{Attachments}[26-Jul-19 12:49 AM] Spider#8888
[26-Jul-19 12:51 AM] Spider#8888
its such a shame that searching her name doesn't bring up posts she only interacted with because that's like, 98% of her 2 year career on rufflechat
[26-Jul-19 12:52 AM] Aiu#0642
did you angery react to her posts there?? lol
[26-Jul-19 12:52 AM] Spider#8888
no I didn't react at all to them
[26-Jul-19 12:52 AM] Spider#8888
but 3 people did on both lmao they're my heros
[26-Jul-19 12:53 AM] Aiu#0642
lol nice
[26-Jul-19 12:53 AM] Spider#8888
but jesus
[26-Jul-19 12:53 AM] Spider#8888
dont like her vids fine
[26-Jul-19 12:53 AM] Spider#8888
but you wanna punch her?!
[26-Jul-19 12:53 AM] Spider#8888
[26-Jul-19 12:53 AM] Spider#8888
go to therapy
[26-Jul-19 12:54 AM] ataraxia#7301
[26-Jul-19 12:54 AM] Spider#8888
[26-Jul-19 12:54 AM] Aiu#0642
there is a lolcow thread dedicated to akidearest for her to express her anger at
[26-Jul-19 12:54 AM] ataraxia#7301
u didn't hear that from me
[26-Jul-19 12:54 AM] Spider#8888
that is such a petty but also safe move and I approve immensely
[26-Jul-19 12:54 AM] ataraxia#7301
[26-Jul-19 12:54 AM] Spider#8888
like what would anyone even say
[26-Jul-19 12:54 AM] Aiu#0642
u guys earned it
No. 262044
Maybe we should start linking the degenerates facebooks
No. 262045
>>262033Filled in the ones ik anon last one is their twitter if they have it.
toastchan#4873 = @toastchaaan
Saturn#5252 = @peachburger
Nobody#6371 =
Aiu#0642 = @disparaitre_girl
ataraxia#7301 = @clearkit (deactivated)
Chryse#0151 = @chryse.planitia
Spider#8888 = Alexandra Arachne (FB)
Lilac_Y0#8595 = @lilac_myosotis
biscuit#2593 = @biscuit.bun, @gl_ossuary
Lala Land#7138 = @clefableist, Lyla Hyatt (FB)
tigbittyhobbit#1832 = @pastel_rengoku, @pastel_hashira
rainier#6904 = @ltracks, @___diarygirl, @ltracksvintage, @theltracks
Rococo#5833 =
Prettydebil#3173 = @pretty_debil
JuJuJu Bi#3579 = @junie_green, @twotartsandaprincess, @JunieGreenerie
PaperSnowflakes#8415 = @paper_snowflakes
zepplis#6640 = @zepplis
PeachyPies#6168 = @peachy.pumpkin.tea
Piratand#8052 =
Darksilverhawk#3148 =
Dif#3371 =
PaperSnowflakes#8415 = @paper_snowflakes
Cookie Cat#7077 = Rose Nocturnalia,
opalsauce#4996 = @opal.pasteldream, @oh.pal_, @Opalpasteldream
Caustice Ichor#0416 =
The_Kraken#0878 =
harmlessmonster#7160 =
alys#0310 = @fentanyllfairy, @webfairy.wiz, @bitchyangel64
Crunge#9497 =
Neeks#0146 = @neekymomo
Jess#1258 = (tinfoil this is but no proof)
Plastic Flowers#1785 = (tinfoil this is @pinkfakeflowers2.0 but no proof)
Prettydebil#3173 = @pretty_debil
Snailu#0713 =
No. 262048
>>262043[27-Jul-19 07:10 AM] Reira#5451
I'm half sad I got kicked out of BSoLF but half glad bcuz summer heat and my rage is not a good combination lol
[27-Jul-19 07:30 AM] d0a1a8#6603
Bsolf should change its page name to "the porridge page" what with all the spoonfeeding requests. Like I get that it's a good place for help but how many topics on taobao resellers does one need
[27-Jul-19 07:48 AM] jellophish#3131
I see that damn question nearly every time there’s new posts on /r/Lolita
[27-Jul-19 07:49 AM] jellophish#3131
Feels like Lor’s sponsor with DevilInspired brought in even more of this
[27-Jul-19 09:12 AM] Rococo#5833
Things like this make me miss having hello lace as a go-to source
[27-Jul-19 09:15 AM] pwassonchat#2894
[27-Jul-19 09:15 AM] pwassonchat#2894
It was more than an alternate lolibrary
[27-Jul-19 09:16 AM] pwassonchat#2894
I sometimes forget.
[27-Jul-19 09:16 AM] pwassonchat#2894
Rip hellolace :x
[27-Jul-19 10:21 AM] chockie#3660
{Attachments}[27-Jul-19 10:21 AM] chockie#3660
ah yes the guy who calls himself a “lolita doll” in his bio and has no pics in lolita but lots of pics of him wearing a cheap looking alice costume
[27-Jul-19 10:22 AM] chockie#3660
unless those are lolita
{Attachments}[27-Jul-19 10:23 AM] chockie#3660
and the guy who talked about lolifying his car or whatever
[27-Jul-19 10:25 AM] chockie#3660
god give me strength
{Attachments}[27-Jul-19 12:18 PM] hensou#7215
“Has anyone ever use amazon before” is making me faint
[27-Jul-19 01:53 PM] Darksilverhawk#3148
Hi, I found this new website called Amazon, I think they’re pretty obscure but maybe someone has ordered from them?
[27-Jul-19 01:55 PM] tokkigo#7380
Is amazon a reputable site pls respond
[27-Jul-19 01:56 PM] Dif#3371
I think they sell books or something?
[27-Jul-19 02:37 PM] zepplis#6640
No they sell home goods. 🙄
[27-Jul-19 02:44 PM] PaperSnowflakes#8415
{Attachments}[27-Jul-19 02:45 PM] PaperSnowflakes#8415
I’m praying this was bait.
[27-Jul-19 03:04 PM] Darksilverhawk#3148
It almost reads like they’re about to say they can speak/understand it but can’t read or write, but they never actually go that far.
[27-Jul-19 04:04 PM] kDycu💯💯#8226
Might be late
[27-Jul-19 04:04 PM] kDycu💯💯#8226
But on that honey cake dumpster fire
[27-Jul-19 04:04 PM] kDycu💯💯#8226
{Attachments}[27-Jul-19 04:05 PM] kDycu💯💯#8226
[27-Jul-19 04:07 PM] MightyMage#8983
I'm pretty sure anything can be used as an insult given the correct context
[27-Jul-19 05:01 PM] Spider#8888
you fucking cheese sandwich
No. 262050
[30-Jul-19 06:09 PM] Spider#8888
on behalf of my comm
[30-Jul-19 06:09 PM] Spider#8888
I apologize for this person and anything she may say in the facebook groups
[30-Jul-19 06:09 PM] Spider#8888
{Attachments}[30-Jul-19 06:12 PM] kDycu💯💯#8226
[30-Jul-19 06:13 PM] Spider#8888
she has been spamming the local group with every single thing that crosses her mind for weeks and someone gave her links to BSoLF and the mentoring group so now she's going to spread her strangeness there too
[30-Jul-19 06:13 PM] Spider#8888
she's not bad… she's just EXTREMELY EXCITED NEWBIE-CHAN and asks questions she hasn't actually fully thought out yet
[30-Jul-19 06:13 PM] Spider#8888
[30-Jul-19 06:13 PM] Spider#8888
{Attachments}[30-Jul-19 06:14 PM] Spider#8888
{Attachments}[30-Jul-19 06:14 PM] tokkigo#7380
we've got a couple of those in our comm recently too
[30-Jul-19 06:14 PM] tokkigo#7380
summer i guess
[30-Jul-19 06:14 PM] Spider#8888
{Attachments}[30-Jul-19 06:14 PM] Spider#8888
she also deleted one about taobao
[30-Jul-19 06:14 PM] tokkigo#7380
broke: wearing a petti
woke: using your ass
[30-Jul-19 06:15 PM] Spider#8888
{Attachments}[30-Jul-19 06:15 PM] tokkigo#7380
thistbh (7)
No. 262051
>>262050[30-Jul-19 06:43 PM] kDycu💯💯#8226
[30-Jul-19 06:43 PM] kDycu💯💯#8226
I'm filling out the BSOLF big sister app
[30-Jul-19 06:43 PM] kDycu💯💯#8226
and it's taking FOREVER
[30-Jul-19 06:43 PM] kDycu💯💯#8226
it's like a fucking college app or some shit
[30-Jul-19 06:44 PM] Aiu#0642
Only the most patient can survive the app, and that level of patience is needed to keep your sanity as a big sister
[30-Jul-19 06:44 PM] Aiu#0642
Good luck
[31-Jul-19 02:38 PM] Lala Land#7138
bsolf is becoming the cringiest place on the internet because of the people at reddit really quickly
[31-Jul-19 02:38 PM] Lala Land#7138
and bc they didn't fite me
[31-Jul-19 02:38 PM] Lala Land#7138
[31-Jul-19 03:31 PM] kDycu💯💯#8226
Speaking of BSOLF
[31-Jul-19 03:31 PM] kDycu💯💯#8226
{Attachments}[31-Jul-19 03:31 PM] tokkigo#7380
a tru professional
[31-Jul-19 03:31 PM] kDycu💯💯#8226
Now I can flex at dumb ass ms
[31-Jul-19 03:32 PM] kDycu💯💯#8226
And be like ummmm you're wrong
[31-Jul-19 03:32 PM] kDycu💯💯#8226
[31-Jul-19 03:32 PM] Aiu#0642
congrats and good luck
[31-Jul-19 03:32 PM] Chryse#0151
congrats I couldn't be patient enough to do it
[31-Jul-19 03:33 PM] d0a1a8#6603
re: cof for people who have taste. i always read the description for that group and i dont get it. "this group is for experimental coords" and im like but…i thought it was for people with taste lmoa
No. 262053
>>262052And then they lose it kek.
[20-Jul-22 04:46 AM] ghostlie#7579
Here and mentoring are genuinely the best and nicest lolita servers I've ever been in
No. 262054
>>262051[01-Aug-19 08:12 AM] zepplis#6640
Cgl has shit tastes because its filled with larpers who think its viable to have eveything the exact same shade and call classic ap accessories cheap because they have 0 idea about the fashion
[01-Aug-19 08:15 AM] d0a1a8#6603
It's especially bad lately, I go back to check the general thread, draw thread, and the help thread and that's it anymore. The rest is just the same tired ass derailments as far as I can tell.
[01-Aug-19 08:16 AM] d0a1a8#6603
Tfw there are better boards to lurk on than cgl
[01-Aug-19 08:26 AM] Dif#3371
I basically stopped going on CGL because if I want to chat about lolita stuff this Discord is much better
[01-Aug-19 08:30 AM] evasiqe#8696
Same here Dif, I like tying people to their posts
[01-Aug-19 08:30 AM] zepplis#6640
Someone told me I should dismantle fruity cafes hair bow because it looked cheap.
[01-Aug-19 08:31 AM] zepplis#6640
Like the fabric and print
[01-Aug-19 08:38 AM] PeachyPies#6168
i still go to cgl for the slight hope some posts give
[01-Aug-19 09:03 AM] tokkigo#7380
{Attachments}[01-Aug-19 09:03 AM] tokkigo#7380
this was certainly a concept
[01-Aug-19 09:04 AM] Aiu#0642
why are you sharing your nonlolita prom dress to a lolita fashion group
[01-Aug-19 09:07 AM] Reira#5451
i'm glad they kicked me out of bsolf
[01-Aug-19 09:07 AM] Reira#5451
summer is too hot already
[01-Aug-19 09:07 AM] Reira#5451
no need to burn myself even more from all the rage lol
[01-Aug-19 09:10 AM] zepplis#6640
Sadako-kei is 10/10
[01-Aug-19 09:11 AM] zepplis#6640
Not lolita tho
[01-Aug-19 09:11 AM] d0a1a8#6603
Looks like a shitty Lana del Rey cosplay lol
[01-Aug-19 09:11 AM] d0a1a8#6603
Siiiick flower crown
[01-Aug-19 09:11 AM] tokkigo#7380
for the Prom tho
[01-Aug-19 09:13 AM] d0a1a8#6603
I didn't do le prom so I can't say much about that haha
[01-Aug-19 09:13 AM] Aiu#0642
Prom was overrated
[01-Aug-19 09:13 AM] tokkigo#7380
i wore a $20 asos dress
[01-Aug-19 09:13 AM] PeachyPies#6168
as someone who did, uhhh yeah thats more like a lana cosplay
[01-Aug-19 09:13 AM] tokkigo#7380
and i ate the cake from everyone at my table since they didn't want it
No. 262060
>>262055Indeed they did
>>262054[02-Aug-19 10:23 AM] Aiu#0642
I am just counting down the days til Viola posts something online about discords being meanies
[02-Aug-19 10:24 AM] tokkigo#7380
i have to wonder if viola even knows what discord is
[02-Aug-19 10:24 AM] tokkigo#7380
she is off in her own world
[02-Aug-19 10:24 AM] Aiu#0642
that is a good point
[02-Aug-19 10:25 AM] Aiu#0642
she was briefly in the ita pit but don't think she posted, or even got out of the lobby
[02-Aug-19 10:25 AM] Spider#8888
viola reminds me of like, someone who's usually on heavy duty psych meds but they decide they "feel better" and don't need them so they just stop and begin acting like their neurons are just firing randomly all the time
[02-Aug-19 10:26 AM] Spider#8888
also remember viola is like 40-something so discord is probably confusing to her and facebook is about as complicated as she gets
[02-Aug-19 10:27 AM] Aiu#0642
when will she shameless promote her youtube channel for the world to see :thinkita:
[02-Aug-19 10:30 AM] chockie#3660
{Attachments}[02-Aug-19 10:30 AM] Spider#8888
[02-Aug-19 10:30 AM] Spider#8888
right after
[02-Aug-19 10:30 AM] Spider#8888
the adminpost saying to fucking search
[02-Aug-19 10:30 AM] chockie#3660
[02-Aug-19 10:30 AM] Spider#8888
the mods of bsolf are not paid enough
[02-Aug-19 10:30 AM] chockie#3660
ENOUGH :ree:
[02-Aug-19 10:30 AM]◡‿◡✿)#6138{Embed}[02-Aug-19 10:30 AM] Spider#8888
[02-Aug-19 10:30 AM] Spider#8888
[02-Aug-19 10:30 AM] Spider#8888
I messed up
[02-Aug-19 10:31 AM] rainier#6904
[02-Aug-19 10:31 AM] Spider#8888
I wanted to yamete but switched to yamero midway thru 😦
[02-Aug-19 10:31 AM] Spider#8888
forgive me
[02-Aug-19 10:31 AM] Aiu#0642
tfw when you want to yamete and yamero at the same time
[02-Aug-19 10:31 AM] Aiu#0642
how many spoons does OP want to be fed with?
[02-Aug-19 10:32 AM] rainier#6904
buy everything on wish
[02-Aug-19 10:32 AM] rainier#6904
and amazon
[02-Aug-19 10:32 AM] Aiu#0642
what should my coord be? where should I buy it? what colors look good with my hair? do I get a wig[02-Aug-19 10:32 AM] Aiu#0642
high level trolling
[02-Aug-19 10:32 AM] rainier#6904
how do i incorporate my mobility device into my coord
[02-Aug-19 10:32 AM] rainier#6904
i have to wear sneakers because i have a rare hobbit foot disorder
[02-Aug-19 10:33 AM] theia#2434
was it here someone posted a cap of someone asking about free lolita
[02-Aug-19 10:33 AM] chockie#3660
i believe so
[02-Aug-19 10:33 AM] Aiu#0642
[02-Aug-19 10:33 AM] theia#2434
that killed me
[02-Aug-19 10:33 AM] chockie#3660
posting in a bst group “ISO free lolita”
[02-Aug-19 10:35 AM] Spider#8888
[02-Aug-19 10:35 AM] Spider#8888
and she wears a US XL-XXL
[02-Aug-19 10:35 AM] Spider#8888
please and ty ^_^
[02-Aug-19 10:36 AM] Spider#8888
like first of all I'm a spiteful bitch due to all my bitter haggardness and lala's baldness so if I DID have lolita dresses that would fit your alarmingly vague size and intended to give it away for free I would specifically pass you over
[02-Aug-19 10:36 AM] theia#2434
im just imagining dumpster diving for lolita clothing
No. 262063
File: 1666931234735.png (132.76 KB, 436x578, sweetjuju.png)

[23-May-22 08:59 AM] starstarfairy#3297
kathleen herself is cringe, she brings her boyfriend to meets and he is both literally smelly and has a smelly personality (has been actively and directly transphobic and homophobic to others at meets)
ree (17)
[23-May-22 08:59 AM] zepplis#6640
[23-May-22 09:00 AM] zepplis#6640
Des gos tang
[23-May-22 09:00 AM] starstarfairy#3297
(idk if they're still together actually bc I don't know her like that but 2ish years ago when that was goin on I was like wow I will never go to a meet with her again)
[23-May-22 09:00 AM] Aiu#0642
I can barely forgive a literally stinky bf, but cannot forgive a homophobic transphobic one
thistbh (14)
[23-May-22 09:01 AM] starstarfairy#3297
sometimes people can't help being a lil stinky but this guy gave off the aura that he was stinky on purpose
grimacing (13)
[23-May-22 09:02 AM] zepplis#6640
Is the greater nyc ok?
no (3)
[23-May-22 09:02 AM] Aiu#0642
is any comm of more than 200 people ok?
thistbh (8)
[23-May-22 09:02 AM] ghostlie#7579
julie get yourself out of there
[23-May-22 09:02 AM] jennkitty#3462
[23-May-22 09:02 AM] jennkitty#3462
we are never ok
[23-May-22 09:03 AM] starstarfairy#3297
don't worry I don't hang out with these people :wheeze:
[23-May-22 09:03 AM] starstarfairy#3297
we have our own private meets with ~~blackjack and hookers~~ respectful and fun cuties
hearts (13)
I wonder if NY comm has banned starstarfairy#3297 = @starstarfairy @sweetjujushop LM: starstarfairyshit for shit talking and bullying? Not just mentors but people who run these little indie brands should hold themselves to a higher standard, this is definitely going to affect sales kek.
No. 262083
File: 1666938178276.png (956.87 KB, 954x502, ghostlie.png)

>>261738nonna please, also kek at her first tagged pic
No. 262133
>>262067Stop waiting around and do it. They’ll try to hide their shitty doings so the mods won’t see
No. 262155
>>262152Yeah, an LCF mentoring group sounds like exactly the solution we need to having
toxic boolies as mentors. Do you even hear yourself?
No. 262168
>>262165This; but also anyone who slightly pisses them off. You get on their bad side or rub them the wrong way one time and they will send their personal army. Honestly it’s quite sad how
triggered they get over the smallest most insignificant shit
No. 262202
>>262168>Honestly it’s quite sad how triggered they get over the smallest most insignificant shitRight? Most of these newfags probably claim to be oldfags too, but no oldfag is that sensitive. They think lolita years = 4chan years, but ya'll are too autistic to be part of the oldfag 4chan crowd.
Shit, you don't even know who Snacks is. Do yourselves a favor and take a good look at yourself.
No. 262251
File: 1666987568916.jpg (12.86 KB, 100x100, 4018887.jpg)

Neeks#0146 = @MoniqueThirteen (Twitter) Shampookie (LM)
The_Kraken#0878 = KrakenT (LM)
Aiu#0642 = aiunyan (LM)
Piratand#8052 = Piratand (LM)
Wabbie-chan#4020 = Wabbie-chan (LM)
Pic attached is GildedGhoti#7362.
No. 262291
File: 1666997535855.png (22.09 KB, 458x236, secretstumblrreported.PNG)

>>261889i feel like this should be getting more traction. They seriously are trying to recreate BTB after getting it banned so they can vet any submissions that are about them. I just checked the secrets tumblr and this post was made not even 30 minutes ago. Only a day after BTB got taken down. I think they're doing their "mass reporting" method hannah bragged about on tiktok to every platform that talks about them. pulling a keffals
No. 262301
>>262297iirc it was posted last thread, talking about how they want to make into a new lacemarket/marketplace but they still wanted their server it to be vetted.
>>262291good to know this one isn't run by them. wish they wouldn't have put it on tumblr tho so people can discuss.
No. 262321
File: 1667006352044.jpg (296.5 KB, 1080x1613, Screenshot_20221029-121128__01…)

Anons I know this is probably off topic (I think I saw this woman posted itt before hopefully it's the right one) but what am I looking at? I'm not a burgerfag so can someone decipher this for me?
No. 262337
>>262321Getting out of claire's without them being like "go back and buy 3 more things for free" is hard, so you end up spending more time in there looking for.. what else you might even want because it's free.
>>262322I think you missed the 'special' detail.
No. 262350
Again removed banter. Talking about Voldie's nudes and her uwu fat shaming her.
[16-Jul-18 08:56 PM] Prettydebil#3173
Voldie too good for ita pit
[16-Jul-18 08:56 PM] Prettydebil#3173
Not enough asspats
[16-Jul-18 08:56 PM] Aiu#0642
yea, I thought that there was something that happened but nah, people just weren't sucking up enough I guess
[16-Jul-18 08:56 PM] Rin#7875
She was in ita pit? Whend she leave?
[16-Jul-18 08:56 PM] tokkigo#7380
i see voldie in the fb thread
[16-Jul-18 08:56 PM] ametrine#4707
A loooong time ago
[16-Jul-18 08:56 PM] Aiu#0642
last year sometime
[16-Jul-18 08:57 PM] Prettydebil#3173
Voldie is not someone to take advice from
[16-Jul-18 08:57 PM] ametrine#4707
As I said in the ita pit I feel genuinely bad for her. She needs serious help
[16-Jul-18 08:57 PM] Aiu#0642
like the brief time she was in the goose server, she only posted coord pics for asspats
[16-Jul-18 08:57 PM] Prettydebil#3173
[16-Jul-18 08:57 PM] bread#1894
{Attachments}[16-Jul-18 08:57 PM] bread#1894
I remembered her wording it stuck out to me… Very rude
[16-Jul-18 08:58 PM] ametrine#4707
Nah I feel like she has a serious issue with alcohol and it seems like she’s absolutely obsessed with online drama to the point it negatively affects her life
[16-Jul-18 08:59 PM] Aiu#0642
wasn't there old old drama with voldie and some gaming community or something? like pre-lolita?
[16-Jul-18 08:59 PM] Prettydebil#3173
K Spencer
{Attachments}[16-Jul-18 08:59 PM] ametrine#4707
I feel like she’d be 3000% happier if she would stop digging herself into holes online
[16-Jul-18 08:59 PM] Prettydebil#3173
She tried to get I to the fighting game community but they loled her away
[16-Jul-18 09:00 PM] Aiu#0642
she got a PS4 for free from someone??[16-Jul-18 09:01 PM] Aiu#0642
I don't even understand half of what is going on here, but her issues seem to be deeper than anything just tied to namedropping on cgl and lolita communities
[16-Jul-18 09:02 PM] Prettydebil#3173
Just her doing same shit different niche community
[16-Jul-18 09:05 PM] tokkigo#7380
also yea i think voldie used to do like casual sugaring from redditors or something like that
[16-Jul-18 09:06 PM] tokkigo#7380
i had the unfortunate experience of seeing her nudes
[16-Jul-18 09:06 PM] bread#1894
Lol i saw that too
[16-Jul-18 09:06 PM] tokkigo#7380
she is shaped so interestingly, and i never wanted to know this
[16-Jul-18 09:06 PM] bread#1894
techinically she wasnt naked in the pic I saw
[16-Jul-18 09:06 PM] tokkigo#7380
oh i saw a full noodie
[16-Jul-18 09:06 PM] tokkigo#7380
its burned into my retinas
[16-Jul-18 09:07 PM] ataraxia#7301
what kinda shape is she??? fridge?
[16-Jul-18 09:07 PM] bread#1894
theres la pic of her in her undies on reddit I think
[16-Jul-18 09:07 PM] Prettydebil#3173
Also wtf casual sugaring? Just taking advantage of nerds
[16-Jul-18 09:07 PM] bread#1894
[16-Jul-18 09:07 PM] tokkigo#7380
basically yea. just online
[16-Jul-18 09:07 PM] Prettydebil#3173
She has some very small Cosplay that is basically nakie
[16-Jul-18 09:07 PM] tokkigo#7380
like i dont have a prob with hustlin but Cmon guys don't leave your face in media if you don't want people to find it and connect it to you
[16-Jul-18 09:07 PM] 🍩𝖉𝖔𝖓𝖚𝖙🍩#3234
I saw her in the nudist beach cosplay
[16-Jul-18 09:08 PM] 🍩𝖉𝖔𝖓𝖚𝖙🍩#3234
It wasn't cute
[16-Jul-18 09:08 PM] Aiu#0642
a bit ago she posted an instastory of herself in what had to be lingerie and going on about how she doesn't think shes fat etc etc, and like sure she's not fat but not sure if she should be posting scantily clad pics either
[16-Jul-18 09:08 PM] Prettydebil#3173
I saw that pic.
[16-Jul-18 09:08 PM] Prettydebil#3173
I mean if u hustle good for u, but own up to it lol
[16-Jul-18 09:08 PM] Aiu#0642
like dude, you look nice in lolita, why try to do the thot thing
[16-Jul-18 09:08 PM] Prettydebil#3173
Bc £
[16-Jul-18 09:10 PM] Aiu#0642
either way….it seems she has a real job? why go the thot route? ahhhh
[16-Jul-18 09:10 PM] Prettydebil#3173
At least she has never posted an ahego face
[16-Jul-18 09:10 PM] Prettydebil#3173
I hate them with a burning passion
[16-Jul-18 09:10 PM] ataraxia#7301
i would stop associating with a friend if they did that
[16-Jul-18 09:11 PM] ataraxia#7301
so dumb
[16-Jul-18 09:11 PM] Aiu#0642
yet[16-Jul-18 09:11 PM] Prettydebil#3173
Aiu plz
[16-Jul-18 09:11 PM] 🍩𝖉𝖔𝖓𝖚𝖙🍩#3234
She was chubbier when she was younger
[16-Jul-18 09:11 PM] 🍩𝖉𝖔𝖓𝖚𝖙🍩#3234
She's a little better now, she just has awful body fat distribution
[16-Jul-18 09:11 PM] tokkigo#7380
she has chub with no tits its fascinating. how that happen
[16-Jul-18 09:12 PM] Prettydebil#3173
I think she deff looks better now, and better than most "fatties"
No. 262355
>>262340>>262339>>262321>>262337Thank you anons it makes a lot of sense no that you've all explained it.
>>262334I've never posted her before just seen her posted in what I thought was this thread and wanted to know what the hell she was on about.
No. 262356
File: 1667018811091.png (114.54 KB, 472x610, 156ABF90-A2D2-497E-8CE7-AB3E62…)

Comm mods and Facebook mods are talking shit. Anyone want to expose them for their bigotry?
No. 262448
>>262356I can't believe this bitch is still around after she sexually assaulted another girl who was too drunk at a cosplay party I was at a few years ago.
Now she's a mod?
No. 262450
File: 1667066664584.png (7.34 KB, 935x115, post.png)

>>262448>>262449your beleeted post had more info
No. 262451
>>262450I don't want to give away too much about the girl that was assaulted. Sorry anons.
If she didn't report it then, she probably doesn't want it dragged up now.
I'm just still mad.
No. 262453
>>262451Unfortunately people don't think about the fact that someone who commits crime or does any fucked up matter are usually repeat offenders. I would say it's worse to not mention assault or sexual assault, because all
victims after the incident you know of is now your fault and others for not bringing it to light and getting them charged.
No. 262456
>>262451if you're a witness, you have as much responsibility to not allow more crimes to be committed against future
victims fyi
No. 262459
>>262342kek truu Claire's was all we used to have,
>>262338 put some respect on her name.
No. 262484
>>262483if you know who the specific doxxers are but don’t say who they are, you have as much responsibility to not allow them to doxx future
victims. it’s worse to not name them because they’ll do it again if they can use others as a shield.
No. 262490
File: 1667079825261.jpeg (566.13 KB, 732x1298, BA7ABB0F-C392-478A-88CC-28CAA1…)

>>262489Since you broke the link
No. 262504
File: 1667083528858.jpeg (158.8 KB, 828x426, C361DAB3-A373-4258-B516-11185C…)

They deleted the new beneath the bows
Do we still have any discord-chans here? I wanna know if seagull channel still exists and if it’s confirmed they’ve wiped messages since the links don’t work anymore in the chat mostly
No. 262554
File: 1667100883688.jpeg (153.08 KB, 1242x1619, DF05E713-0CD1-4045-8F87-30C051…)

liv has officially gone private on tiktok
No. 262562
File: 1667104789612.jpeg (170.87 KB, 750x768, ECCF8CC7-7014-4B3E-B05F-E7FCB2…)

Anyone know the sauce on who this is about?
No. 262827
>>262819It's too vague, obviously another bait post a la
>>262805 or like the one they submitted about ~some CoF mod better watch out before she gets outted for being a little~ when it's been months and still nothing. Now's the time anon, share the tea on ole Titties Out Jenn.
No. 262830
File: 1667190473459.png (105.27 KB, 1102x849, gfhjgjgkj.PNG)

Sage because not actually milk but I was going through old Behind the Bows posts. Saw this in the comments and wondered if this was related to the discord at all? Just found it interesting kek
No. 262884
File: 1667210997125.jpeg (Spoiler Image,383.18 KB, 1242x1781, E26F6FAA-F40B-4900-94DC-3F80C9…)

>>262321i know this will be called derailing, and trust me i don’t want to but while milk is dry i can’t help but share, she is one of the most strangest looking bitches i’ve ever seen. it’s mostly because of the facial expressions she pulls. her attempt at looking kawaii just makes her look constipated and retarded
(derailing) No. 262907
File: 1667221505781.png (102.85 KB, 814x863, seagullposts.png)

>>262890Ayrt, #seagulls were one of the first to use that tumblr. Seagull complained in the logs about the new BtB being transphobic and selfposting, first posts in the tumblr are 30 weeks ago then suddenly 16 weeks of inactivity a cryptic secret about Jennifer Myles comes out being a little, tinfoiling the page will become transphobic, and getting assmad new lolitas are calling them pedos, racist and transphobic. The logs have them complaining about the same thing and it sounds like mentor posting. Then add this in. I imagine they're going to be making a few submissions now to spin the narrative since they can't report the page down.
No. 262911
>>262886 The list
toastchan#4873 = @toastchaaan
Saturn#5252 = @peachburger
Nobody#6371 =
Aiu#0642 = @disparaitre_girl
ataraxia#7301 = @clearkit (deactivated)
Chryse#0151 = @chryse.planitia
Spider#8888 = Alexandra Arachne (FB)
Lilac_Y0#8595 = @lilac_myosotis
biscuit#2593 = @biscuit.bun, @gl_ossuary
Lala Land#7138 = @clefableist, Lyla Hyatt (FB)
tigbittyhobbit#1832 = @pastel_rengoku, @pastel_hashira
rainier#6904 = @ltracks, @___diarygirl, @ltracksvintage, @theltracks
Rococo#5833 =
Prettydebil#3173 = @pretty_debil
JuJuJu Bi#3579 = @junie_green, @twotartsandaprincess, @JunieGreenerie
PaperSnowflakes#8415 = @paper_snowflakes
zepplis#6640 = @zepplis
PeachyPies#6168 = @peachy.pumpkin.tea
Piratand#8052 =
Darksilverhawk#3148 =
Dif#3371 =
PaperSnowflakes#8415 = @paper_snowflakes
Cookie Cat#7077 = Rose Nocturnalia,
opalsauce#4996 = @opal.pasteldream, @oh.pal_, @Opalpasteldream
Caustice Ichor#0416 =
The_Kraken#0878 =
harmlessmonster#7160 =
alys#0310 = @fentanyllfairy, @webfairy.wiz, @bitchyangel64
Crunge#9497 =
Neeks#0146 = @neekymomo
Jess#1258 = (tinfoil this is but no proof)
Plastic Flowers#1785 = (tinfoil this is @pinkfakeflowers2.0 but no proof)
Prettydebil#3173 = @pretty_debil
Snailu#0713 =
Liv pastel-princess#0753 AKA @marshmallowbnuy
toastchan#4873 = @toastchaaan
rainier#6904 = @ltracks, @___diarygirl, @ltracksvintage, @theltracks
Hannah ametrine#4707 = @rosequartzroyalty [particularly heinous offender] LM: Rosequartzroyalty
elipri#5757 = @comrade.frill LM: Elina
No. 262925
>>262907the inactivity period seems to be explained here
>>262291 which adds to your argument that they were flagging shit or trying to change the narrative. The FIRST ever post on the tumblr is about brandon being a weirdo, and they love to defend him in the log.
No. 262972
File: 1667243930211.jpg (84.38 KB, 828x1039, 313867784_1129533867672302_243…)

She's leaving apparently
No. 262985
>>262973The log only mentioned her once iirc but they didn't seem to like her. Could have been them but it was also Isha and someone she considered close since they leaked a private Facebook pic.
>>262981This. Who cares who is wking her? She keeps being used as a derail tactic. Discordfags may not have been the first to post her but it sure is them now.
No. 262990
>>262987OP and mods said it was derailment
>>262884 so try again sweaty. The only bit of milk is her leaving lolita.
>>262972 No. 263010
People in their comms meet and get to know them by their real names. Especially now that they're scrubbing their image off SM, their real names are the best way to avoid them IRL.
No. 263026
>>263024Yes. Agreed.
It isn't just in that discord it's everywhere and it has to be stopped. How many more groupchats such as seagull exist that we do not know about? How many people we follow and trust say horrible things in private?
No. 263058
>>262911Let's get a comm list going so you can avoid your local snake. Feel free to add names and additional people if you know their comms.
Olivia/Liv pastel-princess#0753 AKA @marshmallowbnuy (formerly dreamypastelprincess)
toastchan#4873 = @toastchaaan
rainier#6904 (Rainey?) = @ltracks, @___diarygirl, @ltracksvintage, @theltracks
Hannah ametrine#4707 = @rosequartzroyalty [particularly heinous offender] LM: Rosequartzroyalty
elipri#5757 = @comrade.frill LM: Elina
Radical Eddy#1987 (originally from Wisconsin)
Aiu#0642 = @disparaitre_girl
tokkigo#7380 = (FB: Mani Devlin) @tokkigo LM: tokkigo [particularly heinous offender, ragequit after being posted]
_kurako__#5711 = @_kurako__
JuJuJu Bi#3579 = (Ha-Anh Dinh) @junie_green, @twotartsandaprincess, @JunieGreenerie,
kuroeko#0558 = @kuroekoo LM: kuroeko
PaperSnowflakes#8415 = @paper_snowflakes LM: PaperSnowflakes (works at Baby SF, has leaked secret shop info to discord)
dedizenoflight#5279 = @dedizenoflight (Twitter)
South Bend, INDIANA
Lala Land#7138
🍩𝖉𝖔𝖓𝖚𝖙🍩#3234 = name changed to 23minds#3234
evasiqe#8696 = @evasiqe
Cookie Cat#7077 (Chelsea Clarke)= Rose Nocturnalia,
Jess#1258 (
celestial#8008 = @bumblebat, batlatte, acute-bird, coof-police LM: bumblebat [particularly heinous offender]
Lucid#9208 = lychee.cute?, [particularly heinous offender]
PeachyPies#6168 = @peachy.pumpkin.tea
Cake#9854 AKA @abbie_666
UK (POssibly Malaysia?)
alys#0310 = @digitalangel96 @fentanyllfairyy (name change)[particularly heinous offender]
pyuukin#4112 = @pyuukin
Inaka, JAPAN
No. 263091
>>263058i don't recognize some of these names from the caps that have been posted, like Alfhilde#1618, Kalephlaur#6747, giniro#5607, maribellechannel#7658, and others?
lumping inactive discordchans who left or got kicked years ago with the active heinous offenders detracts from the purpose of this. even tokkigo who got bullied out of the server keeps being included which doesn't make sense. there should be two lists at the very least.
No. 263107
>>263106Holy shit WF is a massive hypocrite. There's a big fight in the logs because the #seagull members found out there was another secret server where people were shit talking them (possibly the Rorita Haven server?). Anyway, here is where she decries that such a server should exist….despite literally participating in #seagull.
[06-Jul-19 07:44 AM] purestmaiden#8700
Yeah like I spent a long ass time moderating lolita groups and comms and I
get how annoying folks can be, I understand needing to vent, but…. if you can’t handle the basic, central task of modding (dealing with people who aren’t your friends), and you need an outlet to vent and talk shit about people
constantly just to make it through that basic task in a group with relatively well-behaved members and super lax rules, you probably shouldn’t be a mod. Complaining once or twice to one close friend is one thing, but having a dedicated channel for the primary purpose of talking shit about other people is really inappropriate. The way y’all have handled this, by attacking and shitting on anyone who speaks up, creates an environment where the two options are put up with the mods’ bullshit (up to and including personal attacks) without question, or see yourself out.
[06-Jul-19 07:59 AM] purestmaiden#8700
Maybe I’m splitting hairs but I think there’s a difference between an occasional PM to a friend and a group chat where I constantly repost folks from the group I mod to mock or complain about them instead of directly addressing any issues I have with them . If you think those two things are the same I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree.
[06-Jul-19 08:09 AM] purestmaiden#8700
“Mods aren’t allowed to vent” is an interesting takeaway from members saying they feel uncomfortable when mods screencap their posts and complain about them on a private chat.
Wow, purestmaiden. You have got to be delusional not to realize that's EXACTLY what you're doing.
No. 263109
>>263103some proof of Tokkigo's cuntiness. Just like opal, she was a bitch who only left once others turned on them.
[28-Jun-19 09:12 AM] tokkigo#7380
monique posted that dress try on months ago in bsolf
[28-Jun-19 09:12 AM] tokkigo#7380
she ordered those shitty lizlisa knockoff boots from amazon for it
[04-Apr-19 11:42 AM] rainier#6904
also, is viola actually an old lady or just looks haggard af
[04-Apr-19 11:42 AM] rainier#6904
that pic in the ita thread is trippin me out
[04-Apr-19 11:44 AM] tokkigo#7380
she was probably one of those ppl who were born elderly lookin
No. 263120
>>263103Saying this again
>>256293 and adding nothing of substance just makes it sound like you're trying to save your own ass
No. 263152
>>263058Hannah also isn’t Dallas, just Texas
>>260573According to the logs she’s closer to Austin and Houston
No. 263158
>>263114This. There's so much worse in the logs to focus on. It feels more like discordchans going after ex members more than anything now.
Maybe ata is pissed about being cornered but wf idk
No. 263179
>>263170This girl tried to
>>263176Along with Melissa, but people still had an issue with it. People don’t want to make themselves a target for these idiots, and I frankly don’t blame them. I certainly wouldn’t want to either.
Anyone #seagulls doesn’t like gets ass blasted on here or on /cgl.
No. 263182
>>263176several people already have called them out on tiktok but nobody of any noteworthiness (see
>>259531 ) I think the bigger accounts are afraid. Tbh, I kinda wish tyler entered the mess. She's lost respect from both sides of her lor arguments in many ways, and this could be a unifying cause. doesn't matter if you're an sjw or LOC, everyone hates their hypocritical and mean actions. They dogpilled so many people.
No. 263250
>>263158No one is saying she is worse than the others. The only reason anyone is even talking about her is because WKs are defending her from being on the list. She posted countless screenshots in the channel and partook in the gossiping. She is not a
victim of "bullying" because some retard posted her and then apologized. She is one of the bullies. She's a prime example of someone who can dish it but can't take it, and that ragequitting does not excuse her prior mean girl behavior.
No. 263270
>>263267Those are only lists of the people still in the server. Plenty of people like Purestmaiden and Tokkigo were kicked out or left, despite participating more than some of the people currently in there.
This feels like an attempt to deflect from someone revealed in
>>263058 No. 263271
>>263268It would have never taken off.
Availability and usability are both two things that are necessary for a marketplace to succeed.
The concept of centralizing it into a chatroom is inexperienced and I'm sure they suck at their RL jobs too.
No. 263286
>>263058Rin#7875 = @tartan.rin is also TX. Maybe Dallas?
starstarfairy#3297 = @starstarfairy, @sweetjujushop LM: starstarfairy is NYC I think, she also runs Sweet Juju Shop on Etsy and sells at conventions.
No. 263296
>>263295the next day too, guess they have a hateboner for tazzy too, seen her name mentioned a couple times.
[26-Sep-17 11:20 AM] Charyb#5508
"Lol I guess I got banned too. Clearly there is personal feelings in the vetting because I wear Lolita often. Not sure what I did since I kept to myself mostly."
[26-Sep-17 11:20 AM] Charyb#5508
as if a properly moderated server WOULDN'T account for personal judgments
[26-Sep-17 11:20 AM] Charyb#5508
yes it doesn't matter how much of a lolita you are, if you're controversial or argumentative or attitudinal
[26-Sep-17 11:20 AM] Charyb#5508
we're probably gonna ban you
[26-Sep-17 11:20 AM] Charyb#5508
we don't need shit stirrers
[26-Sep-17 11:21 AM] Lala Land#7138
it's prolly just the richard guy
[26-Sep-17 11:21 AM] Lala Land#7138
and tazzy
[26-Sep-17 11:21 AM] Lala Land#7138
and jennkitty
[26-Sep-17 07:07 PM] Charyb#5508
I have a FEELING this is jennkitty talking about me maybe?
[26-Sep-17 07:08 PM] Aiu#0642
thats what I am thinking
[26-Sep-17 07:08 PM] _kurako__#5711
That last one is jennkitty
[26-Sep-17 07:09 PM] Charyb#5508
I don't think she realizes her own reputation
[26-Sep-17 07:09 PM] Claradwor#6000
thats jennkitty alright
[26-Sep-17 07:09 PM] Claradwor#6000
miss tits out at a swap meet
[26-Sep-17 07:09 PM] Lala Land#7138
if you got haters then you're doin somethin' right ;)
[26-Sep-17 07:10 PM] possum#5589
totally the place for tits out….
[26-Sep-17 07:10 PM] Claradwor#6000
I cant wait to see this weeks BtB
[26-Sep-17 07:10 PM] Aiu#0642
OH MAN I forgot
[26-Sep-17 07:10 PM] Aiu#0642
that is gonna be a mess
[26-Sep-17 07:10 PM] Charyb#5508
i honestly regret being like so "omg not jennkitty!" and had to like
[26-Sep-17 07:10 PM] Charyb#5508
ask to make sure her reputation wasn't in my head
[26-Sep-17 07:10 PM] Charyb#5508
i would have let her in if no one else cared
[26-Sep-17 07:10 PM] Charyb#5508
but whaddya know
[26-Sep-17 07:10 PM] Charyb#5508
people care
[26-Sep-17 07:10 PM] Aiu#0642
shes on Birbs and Bonnie's servers
[26-Sep-17 07:11 PM] Charyb#5508
she was never a problem on the old discord
[26-Sep-17 07:11 PM] Charyb#5508
but she like
[26-Sep-17 07:11 PM] Charyb#5508
is VICIOUS on RC and stuff
[26-Sep-17 07:11 PM] Lala Land#7138
more than you had an issue
No. 263297
>>263296as for why they don't like her:
[02-Nov-17 11:01 AM] Vudu Juju#6988
wait why do we hate jennkitty again?
[02-Nov-17 11:17 AM] rainier#6904
you can haev your own reason. i hate her bc she personally insulted me online once and i dont even know her
[02-Nov-17 11:18 AM] rainier#6904
not like behind the back CGL either, like straight up on rufflechat so im good, she and her fugly coords can rot in hell
[02-Nov-17 11:20 AM] Claradwor#6000
I straight up don't like her as a person
[02-Nov-17 11:23 AM] Lala Land#7138
lol jennkitty looks like she ate an otter pop
[19-Nov-17 04:28 PM] Spider#8888
if you have a bad rep for causing trouble and drama how is it everyone ELSE'S fault they don't wanna deal with that
No. 263300
>>263297more of why they don't like her. weird she went from banned and hated to one of the main perpetrators.
[29-Jan-18 05:37 AM] Prettydebil#3173
Why is jennkitty such a wannabe know it all?
[29-Jan-18 05:46 AM] Claradwor#6000
She's just like that
[29-Jan-18 07:13 AM] Claradwor#6000
Yeah jennkitty is a dumbass like that
[29-Jan-18 07:16 AM] Prettydebil#3173
Ugh I can't with her
[29-Jan-18 07:24 AM] Charyb#5508
lol jennkitty in a nutshell
[29-Jan-18 07:25 AM] Charyb#5508
that seems to be what her general reputation is for
[29-Jan-18 07:27 AM] ametrine#4707
Mmm I don’t really care for her because of how she acted when I had issues with my ex
[31-Jan-18 01:13 PM] Pepperjack-Kiwi#4528
jennkitty is here
[31-Jan-18 01:14 PM] Lilac_Y0#8595
[31-Jan-18 01:15 PM] Lilac_Y0#8595
which one was jennykitty again? (on fb) here are so many now, I can hardly tell them apart
(bella, devanee and so on)
[31-Jan-18 01:15 PM] Aiu#0642
jennifer myles
[31-Jan-18 01:15 PM] Prettydebil#3173
Shes in this server?
[31-Jan-18 01:16 PM] Aiu#0642
nah in the new one posted on LU
[31-Jan-18 01:16 PM] Prettydebil#3173
Oh I was like, isn't she banned?
[31-Jan-18 01:16 PM] pwassonchat#2894
the loli-chan is literally taking the first girl who volunteered as a mod
[31-Jan-18 01:16 PM] pwassonchat#2894
please let this volunteer be a troll
[31-Jan-18 01:16 PM] Prettydebil#3173
So many bad servers, who an keep track
[31-Jan-18 01:17 PM] Lilac_Y0#8595
jennykitty mod haha
[31-Jan-18 01:17 PM] Lilac_Y0#8595
pls someone inform me
[31-Jan-18 01:18 PM] Lilac_Y0#8595
trying to remember what JK did
[31-Jan-18 01:19 PM] tenya out of ten#7566
JennKitty is v boob
[31-Jan-18 01:19 PM] Prettydebil#3173
Jenn kitty just has a loud opinion and boobs
[31-Jan-18 01:19 PM] Lilac_Y0#8595
wait so what did she actually do with her tits?
[31-Jan-18 01:20 PM] Aiu#0642
super low neckline in lolita, I think
[31-Jan-18 01:20 PM] Prettydebil#3173
She just shows them off I believe. Like gross way
[31-Jan-18 01:20 PM] Aiu#0642
there are fashions for showing off boobage and lolita is NOT one of them
[31-Jan-18 01:21 PM] tenya out of ten#7566
The one fashion style where it is almost never appropriate
[31-Jan-18 01:21 PM] pwassonchat#2894
yeah like, cleavage makes Lolita look like a fetish costume >.<
[31-Jan-18 01:22 PM] Claradwor#6000
Yeah she had hella cleavage in lolita at a meet once
No. 263301
>>263300they really seem to collectively hate people for no real reason at all, high school level shit.
[01-Nov-18 07:02 AM] 🍩𝖉𝖔𝖓𝖚𝖙🍩#3234
Idk wtf jennkittys Petti is but yeah
[01-Nov-18 07:03 AM] MightyMage#8983
What did Jennkitty do again? The name sounds familiar.
[01-Nov-18 07:04 AM] Lilac_Y0#8595
there is something as too much poof
looks like utter shit and that dress is such an ita magnet
[01-Nov-18 07:06 AM] 🍩𝖉𝖔𝖓𝖚𝖙🍩#3234
She does porn
[01-Nov-18 07:10 AM] evasiqe#8696
No Lexi does porn, Jenn has been an annoying cunt to people here irl and online, can't coord and likes to show her titties from what I remember
[01-Nov-18 07:11 AM] PaperSnowflakes#8415
Soooooo softcore porn then?
[01-Nov-18 07:13 AM] evasiqe#8696
I don't have pics of the coord where her boobs are like awkwardly there
[01-Nov-18 07:17 AM] evasiqe#8696
Lolita is the worst fashion to try and show your cleavage off but some people don't learn
Basically a lot of the encounters people have had with Jen she's been a condescending cunt
[01-Nov-18 07:43 AM] Prettydebil#3173
She's just blunt and shows off dem titties sometimes
[01-Nov-18 07:49 AM] 🍩𝖉𝖔𝖓𝖚𝖙🍩#3234
I thought she was a cringy goffick that
[01-Nov-18 07:50 AM] 🍩𝖉𝖔𝖓𝖚𝖙🍩#3234
Complains a lot about mean lolitas
[01-Nov-18 07:53 AM] mrrrauder#4127
I thought the issue was her friendship with Voldie but I'm just speculating here
[01-Nov-18 07:56 AM] Prettydebil#3173
She is friends with voldie but idk if that's an issue
[01-Nov-18 08:04 AM] Deleted User#0000
i thought she was a bit uppity because facgl isnt a serious lolita server, surprised that she acts like this outside of non meme places
[01-Nov-18 10:37 AM] niftynif#3527
jennkitty comes across as super smug for someone whose coords seem to lack visual balance
maybe it's just her face. who knows?
[01-Nov-18 10:37 AM] niftynif#3527
smug ass face
No. 263316
>>263312I think it got referenced up here and then it got deleted. Sounds like it's /fa/ and a /cgl/ server that Ata was in.
>>261159There were some posts discussing that Saint knew them beforehand, as well.
No. 263379
>>263376Yes, so they've been actively throwing her under the bus since this confrontation and trying to target their ex members or people they find on the 'out'
This is why it's more vital to be going after the core members, because they themselves are trying to use their own to shield themselves.
No. 263396
>>263394Not to defend nat but it’s sounding like the discord contacted her job and personal friends to dig up dirt on her per
>>262490So it’s okay when seagulls do it to other people, but they HAVE to be protected from people taking it IRL?
No. 263410
File: 1667406353059.jpeg (7.42 KB, 226x96, 9A590EB4-74BB-455D-9692-371C48…)

>>263382Cool, thanks LLL. Glad to see the LOC working for good.
No. 263415
>>263399>>263395>>263394Exposed for adding in WF and Nif into lists and being complete assholes on this board. Now you're BAAWing you can't distort the facts because it's contained somewhere else:
>>263382Stop being asshats and deflecting onto other people and maybe people would think you're innocent, but no you guys are total cunts
No. 263424
>>263419it's all publicly accessible info
do we need to remind you fake farmers from discord of rules on LCF?
>3.1 No street addresses, phone numbers, or places of employment, unless the subject has published that information publicly on their social media. No. 263429
>>263424fake farmers?
Anon not all of us spend every moment of our life on this website and make it our personnality because we have jobs you sound unhinged accept this.
The more this is going the more I feel you lot might be as insane as them if not more. They are terrible for being gossippers but this is over reacting and we are becoming the same as them on this thread. They have been banned and we blocked them what more do we need
No. 263444
File: 1667409474669.jpg (29.19 KB, 1303x48, Screenshot_1211687445.jpg)

>>263438Anon this is weird and gross
No. 263449
>>263448Yeah, they've obviously taken a new approach here
>>263432 >>263426
It'd be believable if they stopped referencing LCF terms. LOC is not something recognized outside of LCF.
No. 263453
These are the members that are pro doxxing.
No. 263473
File: 1667411993298.png (2.62 MB, 938x1209, lala-1.png)

post more Lala
No. 263476
File: 1667412231970.png (2.56 MB, 1174x1243, lala-4.png)

No. 263479
File: 1667412414809.png (2.39 MB, 939x1179, lala-5.png)

No. 263480
>>263471reminder that you guys know what doxxing is and still participated and complained when the public info you were dumb enough to post was compiled. no one made you tag your location but I agree compiling it is weird. just block, shame and move on.
[28-Sep-21 09:08 AM] cardinalcopia#8114
Lmao someone posted Salem's post from RC to cgl
[28-Sep-21 09:09 AM] cardinalcopia#8114
And someone immediately got mad for "doxxing" lol
[28-Sep-21 09:09 AM] Aiu#0642
Lmao thats not doxxing
[28-Sep-21 09:09 AM] celestial#8008
when will people learn that this is what you get for being an idiot
[28-Sep-21 09:09 AM] celestial#8008
literally not what doxxing is at all
No. 263494
>>263471>>263480Neither of these are doxxing what are you actually on about?
Melissa /Lifelibertylolita/cherrymarguerite /melonfrills whatever
This isn’t even milky anymore you just look sick
No. 263496
>>263495>>263495It's self centered and self serving to be acting like dysfunctional high school mean girls in the first place around a community full of people trying to escape.
Blame yourselves.
No. 263512
File: 1667414037689.png (95.99 KB, 2340x238, Screenshot_20221102-113204~2.p…)

>>263511Image didn't post
No. 263539
>>263537Unfortunately what is a simple thought for you, isn't for someone who is mentally ill. It's not that easy to escape depression. It doesn't help that the community has centered itself around
toxic vile shit.
Do you know how many people used Lolita to escape during the pandemic? Can you see the error, here?
No. 263541
>>263539It'd be good if the core moderation of the community was trying to promote healthy positive spaces for individuals who are trying to escape, but we saw the opposite during one of the worst periods mentally for everyone.
Turn yourselves around.
No. 263542
>>263536It’s a shame that Lolitas nowadays would much rather talk shit than being fucking kind to one another. This community is filled with
toxic uggos