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No. 192544
Jillian Vessey is a DID (Dissociative Personality Disorder) LARPer who trivializes mental health and sugar coats things while hyping up a fake/manipulated diagnosis that she paid for.
She accepted her ~life changing~ diagnosis with a smile and celebrated with a "coming out as DID" cake, and struggles to maintain the LARP after only two weeks.
>Began her lolcow run as a "pansexual" lolita lifestyler who quit due to LACE drama and ~muh restrictive rules~>Is most well known as creator of the Party-Kei style, a weeaboo style she no longer personally wears, she now looks like an overweight clown.>Known lurker.>History of ED, mental illness, and self-harm.>Has a youtube channel with an insonsitent schedule that went from doing fashion related videos to mostly "mental illness" content, alienating her fans. General info:
>Loves toying with the idea of multiple mental illnesses, will google all of them and see which criteria she fills in the most / makes her look more special.>Frivolously spends money (including the money she receives from her parents) on “ethical” -take it with a grain of salt- shit, including clothes, makeup and junk shit for her trends.>Claims she makes enough money from Youtube despite complaining about demonetization on her videos; will often post/tell the cost of items to show off how much she had spent. >Is an extreme narcissist; regularly thinks of herself to be the best/have superior skills in many aspects like fandom and fashion designing despite her skills, knowledge, and results of projects proving otherwise>Refuses to get a real job and relies on video monetization and Patreon donations to keep her afloat despite offering poor incentives for supporting her. Heavily pushes her "full-time Youtuber" title even though she fails to keep up a consistent upload schedule and keep solid engaging content beyond hauls and bullshit vlogs full of ramblings. Continues to post mental health related content, alienating her previous fans.>Opts for "self-care" rather than working on her videos and other projects; defines self-care as doing nothing but taking baths with Lush bathbombs and laying in bed all day. She will take meds without even verifying she needs them or not, or stop them without futher medical advice.>Thinks having a counselor = actual therapy. Continues to fake all kinds of symptoms and illnesses to prove she’s sick, making her into a full-blown munchie. Believes her own lies so much that she thinks she’s knowledgeable enough to advise others on the matter.>Claims to be ethically responsible about her purchases, yet still buys in ridiculous amounts from overseas and doesn’t care if the items come from problematic sites and sellers>Extremely thin-skinned and defensive of herself, will either delete comments, videos, or tweets under fire or act passive-aggressive in tweets and videos likely alluding to criticism and what she has seen in her threads.>Has kept a total of five past relationships in her life, all ending in drama; tends to use partners as accessories when beneficial to her image, even claiming her mayor trauma comes from a short lived DeviantArt ex-girlfriend.>Formerly referred to herself as pansexual, then queer, then claimed to be “too into dick to be a lesbian” while dating a woman; currently lives inside her rainbow house with her boyfriend Stephen Clarke. Now both Stephen and Jillian identify as nonbinary and pansexual. It is worth mentioning one of her exes also became nonbinary and pansexual shortly after dating her.>Relies too much on other people, including her mother, her partners, and other content creators (in a creepy way).>Claims to be family-friendly, but makes poor attempts to censor herself, has made sexual innuendo in her videos and social media despite knowing she has a largely underage audience.>Jill started her own brand, 5 petal flower. She isn’t personally selling anything yet, but plans to sell badly put together Lazy Oaf knock offs. Had a collaboration with a small brand that mostly resells chinese aliexpress items.>Nearly killed her cat by having tinsel on the ground where cat can eat it. Still keeps tinsel up where the same cat can reach it for years after the fact. She doesn’t seem to clean her space full of cat fur and shit either.>She tries to prove she’s mentally ill in any way possible, including always mentioning her stims, dissociation, posting edgy lyrics, and pretending she can only eat one type of food.>After frivolously celebrating her “life changing” dissociative identity disorder diagnosis with a cake, she swears there’s 5 different alters living inside her head with some other being “fragments”. So far we have:
>Jerrick: 13-16 year old emo guy, who has supposedly been around for 12 years, signs with a snake emoji>Veronica: Horny alter, 20 years old, is new to social media, signs with a flame emoji>currently unnamed 6 year old alter who is always “co-fronting”, talks like a baby, signs with the strawberry emoji>currently unnamed 35 year old alter who is male and cleans, cooks, etc. Adult shit that she doesn’t even like doing herself. Certifiably too old for social media, but his emoji is a club. >Flora: just a "fragment" who is not just a carbon copy of cure flora, but is all the positive cures, and is a blonde sweet lolita. Sign off emoji is a cherry blossom. >Sandwich emoji. Also a fragment. No further info. Notable stamps from last thread
>>188956 Jill shares a photo of her as a young child, obviously it's proof she's always been neurodivergent
>>188969 stevie gets her an ice cream maker so all of her ocs can gain weight as quickly as jilly and she tags all of dissociatwt with it
>>188986 pretending to be a did expert on a random tiktok
>>189227 from here, a series of jerrick he/him 14 tiktoks about Melanie martinez
>>189286 Anon finds Uma, Jill's deviantart girlfriend
>>189332 Jillian spreads kindness like confetti and has disaster.clown run off tiktok
>>189394 more old milk involving uma
>>189453 Jill's friends don't mind smoking with a minor
>>189515 Jill is getting emdr, it may cause integration. DID speed run underway. if emdr doesn't work she'll try mushrooms or ketamine
>>189519 >>189522 smoking weed really helps with her undiagnosed autism, and so do chew toy necklaces
>>189923>>189762 pixie and stevie holiday special. They decorate gingerbread houses. Stebies is communist themed. Jill is turning into the moon emoji.
>>189894 anons take note of possible future tourettes saga
>>190058 stevie is really into trans rights
>>190418 mama vessey buys Jill a toy house made for literal children, the toy makers ask for a picture of her little one playing with it, but it's Jill.
>>190425>>190801 her 35 year old alter is too old and doesn't get social media…
>>191009 her ocs all age differently…
>>191241 and all have Favourite magical girl animes
>>191251 Jill criticizes drag queens for not being eco warriors
>>191415 Jill wants to do drag
>>191696 the simpsons truly predict everything
>>192197 what "we" got for Christmas drops, she reveals cherry clossom emoji alter is called flora (but not exactly a copy of cure flora), she's making her cousin's wedding dress, gets a bunch of useless (to her) kitchen equipment, slimes, and a fidget spinner. She buys herself gifts under the guise of them being for her alters, big surprise. She bought jerrick some earbuds and promptly lost them at a piercing studio. and finally we get to see her switch on camera. Tune in from around 21:15.
>>192232 meet the alters coming soon
>>192260 someone is falling for it. Everything according to keikaku.
Last thread:
>>188928 Social Media & Other Links:
Youtube: 2: 2: Page: Second Tiktok for her alters:
Facebook Page: Girls Instagram: Girls Facebook Page: Deviantart: Blog: No. 192554
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This is really interesting as it implies that Stevie is putting his foot down in some capacity about what Jill buys, which is odd because it’s her house. But then again it could be Stevie trying to keep her shopping addiction in check
No. 192558
>>192556Yeah all the people in the previous threads who were going on about him using for free rent etc forget that he’s the one with the job while she manages to
maybe a video a month that doesn’t even crack 500k views.
>>192554I get the gross feeling that she wrote it in an ‘uwu daddy is letting me pick out something cute’ (I threw up in my mouth writing that, soz nonitas)
No. 192561
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>>192554I've never heard of these things before so forgive me if there's some new version of them that I don't know about but it looks like Jill is going to have to fork out a huge amount if she wants the entire set.
Imagine spending approx. $500 (USD no less which would be more in Canadian dollars) because your spice rack broke….
No. 192564
has anyone else noticed the old man alter (the "♣" emoji) is a club suit? aka…
confetti club? that can't be a coincidence. apologies if someone else pointed it out
>>192561 this would be THE biggest pain in the ass to use in a kitchen. you're paying easily $600CAD for something that is an inconvenience. can't wait for her to buy it and then the baby alter comes out and she touches the stove and gets Ouchies or some bullshit
No. 192576
>>192561She made a shitty house for her cat and loves doing random painting diys, but going to a thrift store and building a little roof on a shelf and painting some tins would be way too much effort. She's definitely better off spending hundreds of dollars on something she won't realistically use, except for maybe storing weed.
Mama Vessey probably appreciates Steve as he is probably literally feeding her, especially after waking up from drunk comas. The Instant Pot and other kitchen appliances would be really helpful gifts for a young woman who should be learning to take care of herself.
But you know, she has crippling mental illnesses and can only eat nuggies. Could it be the 6 year old was fronting all along!?? Does she have a sandwich fragment because that's all she knows how to make?
Just…idek what to say. Her gay bf is about to troon out but in the meantime is playing along with the ddlg caretaker role. Maybe to make himself seem more "womanly"? I saw some dysfunctional ass couples living together in my early 20s but yikes. At least there aren't screaming matches or abuse (that we know of.)
No. 192577
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so I finally finished skimming through the last few threads and don't think anyone has touched on this yet, but another one of jill's cousins posted this comment in her "coming out as did" video. definitely a different cousin than the skinwalker rainby bangs one that's getting the wedding dress, but I wonder what this one means by going through "similar" things… trying not to tinfoil too hard about it lol
No. 192591
>>192578No he actually has a proper job, just involving Roblox indirectly kek
We went over it either last thread or the one before, this shit is going at the speed of light with all the did milk
No. 192595
>>192591I think someone just decided that he must have a real job because time passed and a job listing existed. Is it relevant anyway? I doubt they are relying on his income for survival, she just want to emphasize that she asked
No. 192600
>>192576A screaming match where Jill was
abusive then ran away is how she supposedly discovered the Jerrick alter, I get the impression that they do fight but it’s always Jerrick uwu not Jillian so she isn’t responsible
No. 192604
>>192600Jerrick alter was developed to out trans and her boyfriend.
Prove me wrong
No. 192610
>>192595He literally posted on Twitter that he got the job and what it was
>>192604I think you’ve cracked the code
No. 192611
>>192604Steve is bi, jill drops the lesbian tag and goes bi. Steve becomes non binary, Jill needs to too. Steve gets a nose piercing, so does Jill. Steve is close to trooning out, Jill makes up an alter who is a trans.
She copies a lot of things he does, and it really just shows her BPD more than anything. She must be better than steve all the time, it must be exhausting.
No. 192631
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How are these comparable? For a second I thought she was comparing to trans activism which would’ve made sense but no it’s gay marriage. Jill, you’re trying to capitalize on being mentally unwell at BEST! At worst your full of shit and encouraging others to dive off the deep end with you and advocating for nonsense recognition of “systems”, whatever that means.
No. 192632
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No. 192633
>>192632She really is just over analyzing everything she’s ever done huh. This was literally the way people were talking back them, hyperbolic takes on typical teenage angst. Hell it was common when I was in school for people to cry over their hair after school break because they werent allowed to keep the unnatural colors. This isn’t special.
Jill, touch grass, I’m begging you!
No. 192661
>>192648before mental illness she used to collect the thrift store ones. but small town full of her clones im sure they buy them up before her.
5:10 minute mark for spice house
…i never liked her but i miss singlet jill
No. 192670
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Either last thread or the thread before there was an anon wonder why Jill censored her feet in the cat tower video - I was rewatching the "Sewing, Shopping, and Behind the Scenes! Pixievlog 1" video today and Jill shows her feet at 11:25 and says she has weird feet
No. 192699
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So I was just watching one of my comfort youtubers swell entertainment do a video on this stupid new meal kit called squareat and I absentmindedly scrolled through the comments just to see fucking Jill larping autism as hard as she can. I was so desperate to a-log and tell her to go be a munchie elsewhere. The meal kits come in literal squares of compressed shit that are done after like 30 seconds in the microwave. Why have an adult alter who does the cooking and cleaning when you can order a hundred dollar meal kit and get a freeze dried square of brussel sprouts?
No. 192700
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>>192632I find it interesting that she ignores this question about therapists not providing a diagnosis when we know she likely doesn’t have a
valid medical diagnosis either
No. 192702
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>>192699more of Jill doing what she does best, larping
No. 192737
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-29 with Windchill is nothing. Especially since it's a 30 second walk. I'm Canadian too and I have to check the mail daily no matter the temp because people keep stealing our boxes.
The fact she mentions this package makes me wonder if a video is in the works.
No. 192739
>>192737Bitch I used to walk to school everyday in -40
Why is she bragging about being so disgustingly lazy.
She's chronicly on twitter she tweets from the moment she wakes up till she sleep and eats in between
Yet she can't be bothered to do anything else. Keeping up with faking mental illness must be so draining that it takes up all her time and energy that she can't go get a package.
No. 192795
>>192794She said in her latest stream that she has been told by 3 doctors to get checked out for autism. But its a 3,000 or something price tag which she won't do. Rightfully so.
It sounds like those doctors know she wants more diagnosis and they want more money off of her. Someone even kinda told her off in the stream for using the phrase special interest multiple times because she's not diagnosed.
No. 192800
>>192794you're fucking WRONG nonna! EVERY autistic person loves rigid schedules, bright neon baby colours (for stimming DUH!!!) eating the same 2 meals, and wearing the same outfit daily!!!
>>192798It's so stupid too. So she gets diagnosed with autism… what now? She doesn't need any services, she doesn't have any outward issues, why does she need it? She wants to (or, will) spend 3k on a few pieces of paper that let her LARP the most common symptoms to an audience that is starting to think she's nuts, online.
Hell, if they're dumb enough to believe she actually has autism, they're dumb enough to be fooled by a fake confirmation letter… why doesn't she do that? She already kind of did that with the whole DID reveal which was literally just a diagnostic impression LOL
No. 192805
>>192798the majority of people seek an autism diagnosis to get school accommodations, to get an IEP and better conditions or modified classes. autism 90% of the time doesn't quality for disability–at least in the US. so she has nothing to gain from a diagnosis of autism except to brag to twitterfags and place more etsy chew toy orders.
neurological treatments/physical therapy for autism are usually before a child is 18 and still developing. jill - although she denies it - is an adult female and therefor her full frontal cortex is matured already.
No. 192806
>>192795The 3000$ thing makes me mildly suspicious. Typically you shouldn't have to pay if a legitimate doctor thinks there's a issue and gives you a direct referral for an assessment. (Granted, the provincial healthcare system might be slightly different in her province.)
I personally read that as those doctors or therapists offhandedly mentioning that she does potentially exhibit some symptoms and her running with it.
No. 192811
>>1928062000-3000$ is pretty standard for a an adhd/autism assessment. the assessment usually covers both. wait times can be 6-8 months and the assessment itself can take a long time as well.
though most people get diagnosed without this assessment because autism really isn't as invisible as people think it is and will usually have a professional do a short assessment along with observed behaviors without the patient knowing and will tell them outright. all the experiences I've known with getting the diagnosis came from people who weren't fishing for it or had no clue they were retarded
No. 192857
>>192849I'm not talking about America or YOUR experiences. I'm talking about canada. specifically eastern Canadian resources for autism.
You're stereotyping autism (just like jillian) and deciding what is and isn't autistic. You can have autism and be a consumer and like fashion and decorating. That has nothing to do with social behavior and interaction.
The reason jill doesn't have autism is because she is completely fine functioning and coping with the world like a normal person. She can communicate with people and express herself properly.
The reason she thinks she is autistic is because she is immature and childish. obsessive and self-absorbed. She likes children's things and bright colours and wants to live in a fairytale. And somehow associates her own personality and symptoms of BPD with the current stereotypes of female autism.
No. 192862
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>>192856Holy shit you're right
No. 192869
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sage for autism
No. 192885
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Jilly bought another plastic toy. She's been buying shit ever since she "came out"
No. 192886
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>>192885Guess what? It's for her weed cause she's such a STONER AND QWIRKY
No. 192898
>>192886Is she trying to keep her family friendly image by putting the disclaimer or have enough people told her that it makes them uncomfortable when she mentions weed? She claims to be woke and all of that but she still doesn't CW/
TW her posts where she mentions drinking or smoking which are things that actually
trigger people who've dealt with abusers who utilized those substances.
>>192894 No. 192913
>>192886So don’t smoke it underage, except Jerrick who she claims is a totes real underage boy can and does smoke it and she the owner of the body knows that and is fine with that. Either he isn’t real and there is no problem or he is real and you have to act like he is Jill, Christ. Sage because it’s not Jill but it seems like dissacociaDID is in hot water over some art of minors and the excuse is that she has alters who are minors, so not long I guess until these fakers roam into actual pedo territory using oh well mentally that alter is the same age as the
victim as an excuse, maybe that’s why she made Jerrick asexual
No. 192915
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>>192911 samefag
I was curious if it was an expensive collector's item or something but it seems not, similar ones are going for ~10 USD, are fairly small, and seem to come with other toys. picrel, examples on the right.
No. 192937
>>192860I would avoid validating anything Jill says or suspects about her mental health,
nonny. I don't think she's anywhere on the spectrum. It's pretty clear she has no idea what's going on inside her own head. I really think her only problem is being an uber-munchie. She's collecting diagnoses like she used to collect clothes, merch, etc.
No. 192940
>>192898shes so strange w her
tw and cw. like she used to
tw all things mental health (i.e. bpd) - which is one thing - but now since shes "destigmatising" and becoming a mental health acc she never does anymore (cus shes copying the other accs around her.) sage for tinfoil but it makes me wonder what other things like that she'll do to be the most woke chronically online mental health conniseur.
also does anyone know if jill is roped into steebes commie act? if so where tf is the praxis she is so selfish even by a capitalistic standard
No. 192966
>>192939sage for tinfoil and blog, nutrition fag here, but imo i feel like so much of her downfall has come from poor diet. all your hormones are made in your gut and all jill's threads have always documented how she eats a diet of starch and sugar. even in japan, she was eating at 711 and tgi fridays.
her mental instability very likely could come from her gut, subsequent hormone imbalance, which she has neglected for years. now that she's entering her mid twenties, she no longer has the benefits of youth to bounce back. thats why we're seeing this fast weight gain, depression, & low energy that she calls "disassociating" even tho its her fucking body malfunctioning and crying out for nutrients and minerals.
plus, its pretty clear to me she has a gluten sensitivity seeing her weight gain in the gingerbread house video.
if jill were to ever try a low fodmap/low inflammatory diet and focus on eating healthy (which, suprise jill, is more ethically sustainable than muh sustainable fabrics and muh sustainable dollhouse!1!) i guarantee she would snap back to how she looked in 2016 and have SIGNIFICANTLY better mental health. too bad she's probably too deep in twitterfag's HAES movement to even consider eating one (1) asparagus.
No. 192998
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>>192975This is complete tinfoil but the artist Grace Gogarty rescued a pregnant cat recently and named the only surviving kitten Breakfast Sandwich and I can't help but think Jill named this alter after this cat if it's true that the alter is a cat. Her ig is @little.tunny. Jill doesn't follow her ig but I'm not on other social media so didn't check those. It's such a distinct name for a cat so it would be an incredible coincidence if there was no connection. Grace's art also happens to be very colorful and whimsical and very close to Jill's usual aesthetic.
No. 193028
>>193010>>193006I'm with this
nonnie, Gogarty is pretty popular and I constantly see sandwich tiktoks even tho I only follow them on twitter. On the other hand, Sandwich isn't as uncommon a name for a cat as you might think
No. 193046
>>193041>>193042>"The fragment showed itself when I first moved out here.">"I felt like a street cat with no home.” >"You know those bodega cats that have the comfort to sleep in the chip asile in a store, yeah, i didn't feel that." (I'm paraphrasing all of this)
She really doesn't understand basic human emotions and feelings does she?
No. 193058
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>>193041First ten minutes are precure sperging. She takes one sip of coffee and is super hyper. She talks about a cure who gets magically cures of her illness "just emdr'd it outta her"
She talks about herself doing emdr for a minute after. There's gonna be many many many sessions, "which trauma you wanna start with?" in reference to each session being based on a different trauma. Also jerrick will probably be fronting for most of the sessions bc "he holds most of the trauma", claims there are no downsides to emdr "except retraumatising myself teehee" she cuts the emdr talk in case that's upsetting for anyone.
"having a plural informed therapist is a game changer" immediately gets distracted. "guys I get so distracted lol"
She's going to stop-animate her opening sequences? Talks about starting crochet projects and not finishing them.
>Im obsessed with carrots ever since they added them in animal crossingcarrots are cute because they're Easter themed, thinks about all the carrot memorabilia she'll be able to buy soon
>18:00 more autism fishing, shows a picture of her in tweety pie overalls. She has a tweet Keychain and plush in the photo too. It's her special interest. "and now I have precure all over my leg" doesn't like to use the phrase special interest outside of cozie stream but she's had three doctors be like "you should get that checked" won't talk about being autistic until she's diagnosed.
>autism diagnosis is $3800, her did "diagnosis" was 2000 or 2200.
>you can totally self dx autistic and call something a special interestOnly started talking about did once she had been diagnosed because she didn't wanna be wrong
>I suspected bpd and they were like yes
>I was liked uh osdd thing and they were like "DID stamp"
>and my father, bless his heart, during all this has been like "hm, I appear I'm, fucking autistic as hell"
>parents don't really get did but they're supportive
>I thought I was just extreme bpd and gender fluid, and age regressing"how can you both love life and want to die?"
>jerrick holds all the problematic bpd traits
>they all fronted for different answers during the mid
>sorry I'm just a nerd on all this [did] stuff, I guess this interest is…. SpecialI'm 28 minutes through nonnies is this helpful to thread
No. 193063
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>someone once said I moved like Shane Dawson and I was co-conning jerr and nothings ever cut so deep. Tone indicator joking. (yes she says that out loud)
Someone asks how her witchcraftery is going. She says she sucks and has been super lazy with it. "gets distracted" by her flower toy again (I think she does this when she wants to change the subject kek)
>I'm just really into branding right now!!!
>sometimes I'm not thinking sweetly and that's when flora comes in
>she's technically a fictive, autistic systems are more likely to have fictives
>is going to save for the autism diagnosis "or get it checked out whatever"
>compares fictives covering up trauma to her having precure shit tattooed over her self harm
>50:00 a fan asks about the animal fragment
>her alters all have ages and personalities and ways they drive the car, except little ofc
>one of my fragments is cat like, doesn't front, doesn't have interests or thoughts it's just meow meow.
>it comes from moving and not feeling like she'll fit in, like a stray cat. Her friend came over and saw her in idk sandwich mode. She had to explain it wasn't pet play. Her friend says ya that makes sense I've literally seen you get on the floor and meow at your cats.
>she screams, do I do that? Have I really done that?
>has another fragment? Alter? Who is around 8-10, doesn't say anything, "idk if she's mute or non verbal, she hasn't given me a name yet" has been trying to learn sign for her. She can't even open her mouth. She has an inner world, it's not humungous, there's a house, a back yard, and field. She made it in Sims. Also made it out of Lego. It may be featured in the Christmas vid she doesn't remember. It's reminiscent of her parents house.
No. 193071
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>>193063Tacking on the inner world shit, she's also gonna make it in animal crossing.
>it's just how we coooope
>how is it the same every night? That's not regular dreaming.
>I've had different inner worlds throughout my whole life and hadnt realised, makes a rat faceFrom 1:06:00 she mentions Mr protector man. He's a little bit like her dad. A little bit like Sasha velour.
Jerrick wants tattoos. She's open to it on her other arm. He wants a la dispute lyric and a snake, or a snake around a lime bc lime green is his obsession. Or a snake in an ampersand. But Jill kinda wants an ampersand too because it's a symbol of plurality.
>jinx from arcane is didJanuary is a big
trigger month for jerrick, but he's been working out.
>they've been using an app to text each other (saw in dissociadid's video) she wakes up every morning and checks the app for messages from her parts.
>nicknamed her little "little baby smalls" (because it's Emilia farts cats name)She will reveal the littles name soon, and will treat her like a mom treats her six year old kid.
>I think we're gonna stay co-con online, that's a rule, is going to make a rules list (???)
>says it's not easy to control co-con
>it's just been Jill this whole time which is epic.
>veronica fronts when there's a party says she was upset when a drag show was cancelled
>when you wanna be a hoe but the world says noHer protector "cli-" plays dnd with stebie
>she always thought she just had trouble paying attention to movies, but it was the did guys No. 193088
>>193071>She will reveal the littles name soon, and will treat her like a mom treats her six year old, just how Drew Monson talks to his child characters when he has a monologue?
>>193072I just can't, so she has a rainbow house inside her mind too? How does that even work? Sounds exhausting. Kinda reminds me of Tulpas lol
>>193068Kek anon just make your own Precure inside your mind
No. 193105
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someone told her it would be okay if she switched during streams and she said that will be after her alter intros…so she can control it? she just admitted it.
No. 193125
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kek someone on twitter asked about the weed habit causing depersonalization
No. 193126
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Found Pixie under a rant from Bobo (fellow DID influencer), who was replying to DissociaDID's new Q&A video.
This means Pixie's actively following DissociaDID, who's the mother of all this misinformation on the condition.
It'll be funny compare her alter intros to those of DissociaDID's.
No. 193147
>>193114The fuck lmao, this is just extreme roleplaying
>>193108If she clearly misses her mom so bad she can totally go back you know… She's so dumb
No. 193164
>>193063Can the alter who can’t open her mouth please front so I can get some peace from the utter crap that pours out of Jillians mouth
>>193058Is she going for co-morbid adhd and autism because suddenly liking tweety pie doesn’t qualify as an autistic special interest, they have to be long lasting, for example her peeps phase and crayola phase also do not count because they were so fleeting
No. 193174
File: 1642192188241.png (268.1 KB, 466x386, Screenshot_2022-01-14-14-27-23…)

>>193041Listening to her talk adoringly about her "little" alter is honestly extremely pathetic. It sounds like a mom gushing about her little daughter. Same with Jerrick. Not saying Jill should ever be a parent, but this instinct is very creepy when she's turning it in on herself… I remember in her most recebt full fledged video Jill "said" to Jerrick "you can do whatever you want with your blanket," and her tone was very weirdly
maternal. Am I losing it, or is this apparent to others?
No. 193189
>>193041Thanks for linking this. It is a fucking TRIP watching the currently livestream then clicking back to that first 2019 livestream. She's easily gained 30lbs and her voice has deepened hardcore since then. I feel like this bitch has hypothyroidism / a goiter that's going woefully overlooked in all of this. Someone please try explaining that voice change (deepening) and weight gain otherwise.
One thing is for sure: she's fully mentally ill, but as I've said a million times - it's BPD. It's literally JUST BPD. Nothing more.
No. 193198
>>193193Tinfoil - but could the fact that the “Confetti Club” attracted such mentally awkward people - mostly females and troons - maybe have exacerbated her descent?
She didn’t attract the audience she wanted - because she herself was just as awkward/ lazy/ and ultimately as stunted as these people that worshipped her for years?
But she chose not the correct herself for fear of sudden backlash from her primary fans.
Again - huge tinfoil. But the steep drop off in CC threads has shown that base audience, has all but bailed on her.
No. 193203
>>193198This was partly her fault. She gave the illusion that Confetti Club had open membership when it was only ever her. Eventually even those hyperspergs caught on.
I sometimes wonder what happened to the they/them from Alaska who got a bunch of fb members to pitch in for that expensive purse for Jill only for Jillybean to toss it in the back of her work room's closet with the rest of the shit she didn't consider kawaii.
No. 193214
File: 1642208630905.png (8.54 MB, 2532x1170, 32218FCA-BA12-4F88-B118-70D968…)

>>193204it was this ugly ass toaster bag. i don’t think she’s ever used the bag, i wonder if she sold it
No. 193234
>>193216>>193214This is why I don't get- the toaster bag is cute, not my style at all but I can see someone quirky like her using it, specially if she's someone into pastel looking house appliances or whatever. And her fans did it for her. Why is it that unless it is something that fits her wishlist, she doesn't appreciate it?
The difference between that pic and this thumbnail
>>193205 is very big. She looks indifferent with the toaster bag. That's sad. Her fans did care a lot about her.
No. 193245
>>192700OT/NTA but how cringe is that bottom post.
"..if i'm not pursuing integration there's no reason for it to go on my medial record so they won't diagnose me."
Like no shit, what would be the point if you don't want to get better? Obviously these therapists have seen straight through this person. I hate that Jill has/is trying to normalise this behaviour even more and the mental illness is quirk shit. But I am somewhat relieved that obviously there are still some good doctors out there that won't fall for this shit
No. 193254
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we got a semi shout out from jerrick. also,
>a life that is clearly not fulfilling you
projecting much, jill? because it seems your life is so unfulfilling you had to make up some imaginary friends to cope with your pathetic life
No. 193255
>>193254KEKK that's very much a shout-out anon lmao
What about her though, why doesn't she stop being a cunt?
No. 193261
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>>193254using Twitter or TikTok isn't any better kek, it's just a website sis. Also Lolcow and reddit isn't just dedicated to shitting on her, it also has forums for specialized interests get OVER YOURSELF Jill and take your own advice!
No. 193270
>>193254But jill.
I am autistic.
You are my special interest.
I've been here since 2014.
No. 193329
>>193171Unpopular opinion, but Jill really fits the criteria for an ADHD diagnosis. She can't seem to finish anything (any video series she's ever promised, her "fashion" show), she has hyperfixations (Crayola, Peeps, Precure, collecting Magical Girl wands) and she's incredibly impulsive but also can't be bothered doing anything.
Not sure if those criteria also fit the definitely accurate BPD diagnosis though. I'm an ADHDfag, so I could just be not understanding BPD properly.
(armchairing) No. 193345
>>193329That's true, it's like even if she has BPD traits, she doesn't have the trauma for it. I'm also an ADHD fashion school dropout so i can see some similarities, and this disorder is associated w parental drug use, which idk if her family has but crazy does seem genetic there. She'd be so less hatable if she had even an ounce of self awareness. Blaming your failures on 'lol multiple personalities!' is so irritating. I remember the last time we could even pretend to respect her was her bpd diagnosis video or whatever, but it's been downhill from there. There's nothing quirky or pitiable about just stewing in an illness and making no attempt to improve other than self medicating with tons of drugs. Still, there isn't a single part of her youtube career that wasn't steeped in some kind of lying, whether it be her income, age, measurements, etc, and now her mental health. It's far past being funny now. First time i ever heard of her is when she was self-posting on cgl despite clearly being a teenager.
No. 193357
>>193329>>193345Also an ADHDfag
I've seen psychologists talk about the mental impact of covid pandemic and lockdowns. Its very stressful especially to those who have never been through anything worse.
Long term stress and traumatic events can effect the brain the same way adhd effects the brain.
She never used to be like this especially before covid.
She's this bad because she's always had bpd so it's not like she had any healthy coping mechanisms and she just went harder into it after being detached from her coddling family and being stuck inside in a shitty small town.
(armchairing) No. 193359
>>193357>Long term stress and traumatic events can effect the brain the same way adhd effects the brain. She never used to be like this especially before covid.
Her nosedive was absolutely
triggered by the pandemic change of lifestyle, no doubt about it. She can buy as many diagnoses as she wants but it's simply pandemic+booze+weed+meds and being surrounded by people who enable all your most ridiculous behaviours.
No. 193368
>>193310god damn, does she not realize how weird it is to constantly make fun fact videos about yourself like this? The level of self importance. I get that when you're on TikTok all day you forget how to act like a normal person but its so weird to step back and look and how self-involved she is. Even if she did have DID, you can be mentally ill and not talk about all your amazing quirks all day long.
Also there's something so punchable about the smug persona she pulls when she pretends to be the jerrick alter. And when she laughs at the guy for suggesting having taxes in their inner world- girl you claim to have a whole ass house in your head, how much more ridiculous would taxes be? I don't get the point of recording yourself being so self involved and cunty while also begging everyone to cater to your made up illness
No. 193381
>>193310>>193368yeah i thought it was weird too. if you go to the video she stitched, the OG tiktok is pretty clearly making fun of the absurdity of inner worlds of overly-complex DID larpers/ the wonderland system, or at least it was just made as a bit and not to be responded to like another fucking fun-fact Q and A sesh, but she can't help herself can she?
>>193329>>193357fellow ADHDfag, she def doesn't have it if she's never exhibited these traits until recently, especially if it's only been this bad post-covid. I feel like the pandemic and its elements of like, stress and isolation has made a lot of undiagnosed peple realize they're neurodivergent or have a mental illness that went unnoticed/ masked, but on the flip side it's led to a
ton over overdiagnosing and inaccurate self-dxing. we've all seen how it is on tiktok with a mass influx of people suddenly having these symptoms they'd never even related to before, but the majority are probably just stressed out in a way they've never experienced before and it's easy to be influenced by the media you consume. surprisingly there's a lot of commonality symptom wise between ADHD, BPD and autism which is why they all often are mixed up and misdiagnosed, so i can see a lot of bpd traits of hers that are similar to dumbass/ lazy/ obsessive adhd bullshit i've done, to an extent. tbh in Jill's case it's likely just the same ol bpd she's always had, but because it feels ~different~ now in the weird covid era and because she's a huge baby with a feeble easily malleable mind that overconsumed dissociaDID content at the same time, she's overconflated it (in typical bpd fashion) and is confusing having a normal, multi-faceted human mind with each personality trait being an entire new person… or drag queen…. or fucking bodega cat i fucking guess
No. 193384
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ill believe it when i see it jillybean
No. 193403
File: 1642322461300.png (1.24 MB, 686x1204, Screenshot 2022-01-16 at 08.37…)

'can you tell i just filmed a what i got for christmas by all the C R A P everywhere?'
nice $500 haul of crap.
No. 193406
>>193405She was called out for her DID cake and a few other times on r/fakedisordercringe but the Mods usually take down posts about her since showing username is against the rules. Redditors are quite aware of her antics outside Lolcow.
But I did a quick google and found this: is an imageboard) No. 193415
>>193402wtf why does she look like this? Wash your damn hands jill, this is gross (face is gross too but not the worst part)
She's turning into a bridge troll.
No. 193436
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Jill have you considered not waking up at 1pm and actually doing something productive and fulfilling during the day so that “Jerrick” doesn’t front at night because you’re miserable and drank/smoked all day?
No. 193487
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>>193461it could be hair dye stains
No. 193508
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No. 193522
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No. 193525
>>193481one drink a week isn't bad, a whole bottle of rosé a week is pushing it. It depends more on how quickly she consumes it since it can be equivalent to pounding back a twelve-pack of cheap beer.
>>193487>>193506A part of me hopes that it's just a track she'll add on to a already established wig (like what professional cosplayers do) but knowing Jill she's not doing that and instead is going to make her self look as trashy as possible.
No. 193531
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Looks like the alter video will probably come out this week, she’ll only pick questions that give her asspats or make her larp seem more ~unique&special~
No. 193537
>>193508>>193522I wonder how she found this fourm, if we're to believe she's not just a sock puppet.
Is Jill just crying about internet haters to her family members and collecting asspats?
No. 193559
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>>193384If cutting back is a weekly bottle of wine she is “savouring” then it’s safe to assume she was drinking multiple days in a week, she should not have been diagnosed with this disorder if she was honest about her alcohol consumption, I can only imagine how often she smokes weed
No. 193560
>>193550She just doesn't know who she is or what she's supposed to be anymore. She really thinks being Jillian = rainbows. Being Jillian is just being herself… She's so dumb.
>>193559What a drunktard…
No. 193566
>>193563Oh no anon, she has explained that she actually has the kind of BPD where she
doesn’t destroy friendships. Every time that happened it was definitely the other person’s fault. I’m sure it’s the same with alcohol. She only has the fun and quirky kind of alcoholism, not the kind that fucks up her life or relationships. Totally unrelated.
No. 193577
>>193574I'm in a state of utter disbelief that people love or even tolerate someone like Jill. I know people who are true gems - intellectually, "spiritually," artistically - and a couple of them have really struggled to find support during difficult times. These are people with jobs, advanced degrees, volunteer work… people who have been generous and kind to others.
It's shocking that a leech like Jill seems to find people to provide whatever she needs so easily. How does she do it?
No. 193589
>>193587considering her rapid weight gain, drinking an entire bottle of rose in one sitting once a week, every week, probably isn't the best choice health-wise.
but yeah this convo is stupid.
No. 193591
>>193590Exactly. That's a pretty "normal" drunk-as-fuck night out experience, which is pretty fucking normal for a chick her age when that happened. I'm guessing those that are alarmed by it are either really young or have never been drunk / hung out with drunk friends.
No. 193610
>>193597No, but I would call having a few drinks while watching a film or engaging in a hobby fun, as she mentioned. Her cocktail of drug use and the fact that her local liquor store owner knows her are fair game to point out, but anons above are acting like being drunk once or having a few drinks makes her an "alcoholic". That's hilarious.
>you must have a miserable life tooGo relax and have a drink,
nonnie. You sound like you need it.
No. 193612
File: 1642445746668.webm (9.29 MB, 540x960, bored and switchie.webm)
The latest "put a finger down" video from Jill.
No. 193621
File: 1642447792736.jpeg (1.27 MB, 1170x2051, 346EB28B-27B8-450B-AC0E-2309E6…)

>>193612she looks terrible. how does she watch these videos and go “yep that looks good enough to post on the internet!”
No. 193627
>>193625No white knighting of Jill here, it's just funny seeing 16 year old shut ins call normie drinking "alcoholic"
like reach more, chomos.
(infighting/derailing) No. 193630
File: 1642450926736.jpeg (94.95 KB, 732x640, 573D4E81-0D62-4E9D-A686-3C6EEB…)

jill letting us know she’s starting emdr next week; yall ready for the asap integration?
No. 193631
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also implying charlie/penguinz0 is into agere cuz he has a dogbed kek, how disgusting
No. 193636
>>193071>Jerrick wants tattoos. She's open to it on her other arm. He wants a la dispute lyric and a snake, or a snake around a lime bc lime green is his obsession. Or a snake in an ampersand.So a question related to this livestream. She claims Jerrick fronts often, correct? or is co-host? Has Jill ever showed an interest in lime green?
Forgive me if it's dumb asking this, I only recently got into Jill's drama and am still rereading old stuff. It's a fucking riot.
No. 193652
>>193621Because she’s become a lazy slob, and uses this DID larp as an excuse for her weight gain, disregard for her hygiene, and general lack of self maturity.
She’d rather roleplay online than actually grow and develop as a normal person hitting their mid-20s.
No. 193654
>>193631I'd love to know how many content creators have her blocked or muted. She's so creepy.
>>193627Adults don't drink super often, tend to be too busy working and taking care of their home and having the income to actually do real things with friends. You sound young, like a teenager, if that's what you imagine adulthood will be like. Jill has literally shown us she starts drinking before noon many days. She has made posts about her at 10am being tipsy. How tf is that normal? You regularly drink before noon, too? We've seen her drunk by 1pm. That's pathetic.
No. 193657
>>193654I think it seriously depends on where you are, in a lot of places in Europe its kind of normal to have a glass of wine with dinner once or twice a week. Especially on a Sunday if they are christian.
Maybe because Jills grandparents are from the uk it might have been a normal thing for her to see and she's replicated it. But we also know that addiction and mental illness is quite prominent on her mothers side so maybe we can't exactly trust culture on this one.
But all in all, she doesn't seem to be full on promoting alcoholism so let her fuck up her own body on her own terms.
No. 193661
>>193654I just don't buy this narrative. It's anons reading too into shit or otherwise not knowing what it's like to be 23.
I agree she should probably get it together if she's gonna get in control of her "mental illness" but it's also been kinda "nice" to see Jillian act somewhat fucking normal.
No. 193662
>>193661Kek get the fuck out of here with the “you don’t know what it’s like to be 23” shit - quit watching The Virgin Suicides on repeat.
This isn’t normal behaviour for someone that spent years preaching self care and inclusiveness . Her life didn’t turn out exactly how she dreamed in such a short time - and instead of putting in the effort to learn from life, she’s hopped a Tik Tok trend and is now faking a serious and very rare mental condition.
No. 193666
>>193631Why is she so dumb? Do you think Charlie's video in the girl faking Tourettes made her start watching him or was it Steve that turned her on to him.
>>193661>It's anons reading too into shit or otherwise not knowing what it's like to be 23.Usually people around 23 see people going out and getting drunk every week as losers anon. Most people in north America get all of their party phase done by their early 20s and if they continue to go out every weekend into their mid 20s they see them as pathetic. I'm already 25 and my peers would see someone like Jill and call her a washout.
No. 193684
>>193657These other anons are retarded, drinking to the point of getting drunk multiple times a week, especially when it’s not even socially, means you have a problem with alcohol. You don’t need to be drunk 24/7 and unable to function to be an alcoholic, you just have to be abusing the substance unhealthily, which she clearly is. The real test is whether she can go without it, and considering that she’s ‘cutting back’ seems to imply she can’t.
There’s nothing abnormal with having a few drinks after work or during dinner - trust me I’m Australian, we know how to drink - but drinking to the point of getting drunk as often as she does isn’t normal or healthy. You can have a wine or two without getting blitzed, and I hope for her sake that she is recognized that she’s slipping into unhealthy patterns and does change it
No. 193688
>>193636Yes. She's said multiple time on her streams, that her favorite colors are lime green, yellow and pink.
You can find the videos in question through here:
>>193041 No. 193690
File: 1642487167234.jpg (952.57 KB, 1079x2009, Screenshot_20220118-012527_Tik…)

>>193310Replying to days old I know
>are any of you vegan?
>none of us is vegan but Jill…. Is very very strict about sustainability, so no fast fashion, so we all abide by that??? Ok
No. 193695
I can't even click to reply to it, those nails make me so sick. When it comes to the drinking, don't care. Imagine how some of you will feel when you hear about drinking in Korea/Japan. This
>>193631 is fucking foul. How pornsick do you have to be to literally think someones dog bed must be for pretending to be a child or some other weirdo shit like that. I'd say she needs help but it's her help along with the attention that comes along with it that's gotten her here in the first place.
I wish she'd at least lose some weight. That anon who pointed out how she has a closet full of clothes she can never wear again was so painfully right, I can't help but think of it every time I see her now. Even if she WANTED to go back to doing cute content and fashion related things, she couldnt because 1. her clothes dont fit and 2. online shopping when you're heavier I think is more difficult too. Brands don't always make bigger sizes-especially Asian brands which used to be her bread and butter. Whatever she does buy will probably be too embarrassing to attempt putting on while filming. So that just leaves thrifting. Maybe she could do a thrift with me? I just want her to go back
No. 193697
>>193695Her doing a weightloss series could potentially revive her channel and she could definitely integrate mental health recovery into it. No matter how bad your mental illness is, wanting to get better is up to you at the end of the day. Plus it's sustainable so she can wear her clothing again, and look like her alters kek
Agree with the alcohol/weed usage, everyone in their 20s I know uses it but can still go to the gym and maintain a job etc, let's not blame the substances shall we
But I think she has the same mindframe as Shayna or Amberlynn, it seems like a common theme amongst lolcows
No. 193698
>>193666I know
>infighting bad but anon.. you know your 25 year old peers would view spending your free time on a website like this as just as washed up and childish as daytime drinking? just admit you hold your cows to higher standards than you do yourself.
(bait) No. 193701
>>193697Weight loss is incredibly stigmatized in the corner of kawaii fashion community that she used to cater to though. Talking about weight loss in those groups can get you a warning/ban for "uwu
triggering content" so she'd have to bank on grabbing a new audience.
No. 193703
File: 1642502336635.jpg (706.66 KB, 1080x1519, Screenshot_20220118-113305_Sam…)

The shirt she's wearing is from a schizophrenic tiktoker (@xoradmagical). His content is alright, but everything Jill touches becomes kinda suspicious on her part.
No. 193769
File: 1642534446550.png (118.53 KB, 1080x427, Screenshot_20220118-123011-342…)

>>193698Anon, I'm fully aware that being on anonymous image boards for fun means that there is something off about me. I'm they type of anon that shits on the ones that claims to be Stacy's in /ot/ because all of us here are losers to some capacity. I just find it annoying that someone is genuinely WKing Jill because they feel personally attacked that Jillian is exhibiting unhealthy habits that they do.
Also posting this since I'll probably catch a ban.
Jill's going to be extra annoying once this movie comes out.
No. 193771
>>193769Oh god what the fuck no.
Out of all the cows Jillian is making it the hardest for me not to a-log
No. 193797
>>193698How is this browsing cows on this website
any different than a woman reading a celebrity gossip magazine? Lol
>>193690Oh please. Jillian is the type of person to say “vegan is too restrictive for me cuz it
triggers muh ed” when in reality she just likes eating tendies.
No. 193807
File: 1642547257547.jpg (290.37 KB, 1057x1043, SmartSelect_20220118-180503_Tw…)

Wow, can you just imagine. Hm.
No. 193818
>>193807Imagine posting and planning to post a bunch of content about it. Almost like it’s a brand and trend being capitalized on. Not to mention that if she’s supposedly turning into a child (and experiencing dissociative episodes) shouldn’t she get rid of the booze and weed? Not to mention driving!? So either; larp or she’s putting herself in danger and dangerous situations with no one monitoring her and should be in a facility? Like… are you also underage? Are you randomly switching out? Make it make sense. What’s the bet the answer is she only ever co-fronts and the weed/booze always only ever
triggers of age alters. I just don’t get this shit.
No. 193819
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Jill I don’t even think that’s a bpd episode, I seriously think you have terrible emotional regulation if not finding something you want at the grocery store sets you off so badly
No. 193822
>>193810If she fuses can she say she isn’t to blame for any of the stuff on the forums. Jerrick cuts, has an ED and is mean. Veronica is hyper sexual and could be blamed for stuff like mystery girl and the New Year’s Eve incident. She can blame every
problematic thing on an alter then when they are fused and gone just Jillian is left who did none of this.
No. 193825
>>193819She’s just trying so hard to go for that autism diagnosis
>I had to screech autistically at the supermarket because they didn’t have the one ingredient of that one brand I always buy! Uwu>It’s just that there was a change of plans! My routine got ruined!! UwuShe’s so transparent.
No. 193855
>>193807So what Jerry is saying is that Jill has at least a year or two left of being fake before she’s found out.
Also love the irony of her saying that being caught lying would be her ‘throwing away her whole online life and credibility’ when she’s literally in the process of doing that right now. This DID saga wouldn’t even be so I bare able if she was attempting to larp early Dissociadid or MultiplicyandMe and being educational or whatever, but instead she’s spiraling down the tik tok munchie rabbit hole and becoming a parody of a real person.
It really is concerning that she’s supposedly seeing a therapist and whatnot, yet she’s very clearly exhibiting signs of untreated bpd
No. 193857
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>>193819>>193825She even admits it herself kek.
No. 193858
File: 1642568363329.png (62.63 KB, 600x544, firefox_nc0PsPEHcb.png)

>>193807>"Why would anyone fake a mental illness?!">"Do they think it'll make them poupular?!"<Jill posing with a cake about diagnosis
<Makes all of her social media about her new exciting condition
<Stops making her usual content to post about her new special condition
No. 193895
>>193882I’m Canadian, older than Jill and was diagnosed with ASD after two years of therapy. Therapist told me there are people who try to fake it (for disability $) and wanted to make sure I wasn’t misdiagnosed. They didn’t speak to any of my family members or boyfriend at the time. It really does feel like Jill is studying the behaviour and planning out how to use it to excuse shitty behaviour.
The only positive is this might lead to a professional catching her lying. Imagine they go along with her bullshit and then say something like “while you definitely have mental health issues, I don’t believe you’re on the spectrum”. She would throw a tantrum and be like “See?? I’m having an autistic meltdown REEE!!”
No. 193899
>>193891We're slowly moving to a place in a lot of countries where you're no longer able to hold people like Jill accountable for anything. They'll always be able to shift blame to someone else and they'll be told they're brave for doing it.
>>193858This is especially damning. It's not for attention, but she just dies of joy when they call her brave!
No. 193913
>>193895I think you cracked the code,
nonnie. Jill's retirement plan is most likely getting autism bux.
No. 193929
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can all the retards itt who were sperging about how jill was just acting like a “nOrMaL 23 yEAr oLD!!!1” shut the fuck up now kek she was drinking alone every single day and is still getting blitzed by smoking weed constantly. i wonder how the baby alter acts when she’s stoned out of her mind.
No. 193939
File: 1642617933701.jpeg (324.57 KB, 1170x838, 68692EE8-421A-4FDD-867F-064523…)

Girl being stoned all the time and never leaving the house doesn’t sound like a “full life”
No. 193949
>>193929does she not realise the way she phrased this makes it sound like she's replaced her alcohol addiction with a weed addiction…
like no offence but replacing alcohol with more weed is not an improvement whatsoever
No. 193973
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>>193819For everyone who guessed she posted this in hopes of idiots suspecting an ASD diagnosis and enabling her larp, you are right on the money
No. 193974
>>193973This was already posted upthread. I hate how gleeful she sounds about purchasing her next diagnosis. Saving up for an eval, really? Like if this was actually serious, wouldn't her parents gladly help pay for some if not the whole thing? Isn't she constantly buying stupid shit anyway and easily spends $3k over a few months? If there's usually a backlog of people waiting to be tested, why not sign up for an evaluation with Dr. Feelgood and save money up during the wait time, if money was even an issue for her?
It's all so sus.
No. 193982
>>193857Autistic women have it hard enough, fakers like Jill who use the male symptoms just make it harder to actually get doctors to recognize the way autism actually presents in women. Fuck you, Jill.
>>193751Someone posted the exact video you are talking about last thread, go back if you want to see the full discussion on it
>>191842It's become a running habit in these threads for people to post without reading literally anything. It's been happening constantly lately No. 194000
File: 1642638943171.png (1.43 MB, 1080x1974, Screenshot_20220118-225113-905…)

>>193992It really depends from person to person, those who believe that you can't become addicted to weed and find it to be a "cure all" (ie Jill) are usually the people who start developing yearly bronchitis and ignore their smoking habit as the main factor. But the average weed smoker knows that there are risks involved and know how to smoke in moderation.
>>193998Latching on to what you're saying. If this is the shit she always has on all day no wonder she thinks she's the most mentally ill person in the world.
No. 194004
>>193992In the PNW and it's no different than anywhere else I've lived. Obvious smokers like old hippies and skateboard kids are going to look and sound like stoners no matter where you are.
It's very much normal in the sense that no one is pearl clutching when there's a dispensary on every other corner. Most people use it discretely at home or vape or take edibles. In certain jobs, I understand using daily for stress or pain relief but the vast majority of adults are not getting high 24/7. Tons of people use CBD topically or through supplements snacks and drinks regularly to get all of the benefits without the high and you can pick up a CBD soda or seltzer at the corner store without ID. Of course Jill couldn't just take some CBD gummies everyday to deal with whatever she is attempting to deal with by smoking all day.
There's no reefer madness and the crazies are most likely on meth or
actually mentally ill and hallucinating the way Jill romanticizes. I'd love to see her try living out of a tent or her car with no money or resources though!
No. 194006
>>194004Here in Canada where it's fully legal, it is treated as very normal. For a regular person, Jill's behaviour here would be pretty normal, especially at her age.
But in the context of someone having extreme issues with disassociation - having THE disassociation disorder - it's fucking ridiculous. She has either been lying to her therapist or he's a fucking fake, because any proper psychologist or psychiatrist would have immediately forced her to stop smoking weed with whatever medication she's on.
This is all pretty much the biggest indicator that this is all a LARP, in my opinion. Sorry Jill, you have BPD and anxiety like the fucking rest of us, get over it.
No. 194022
>>193973if shes in therapy wouldnt she just end up getting diagnosed naturally if she had signs of something?? what is this "paying for an evaluation" ?? Literally paying for a piece of paper for what she wants on it to show twitter??
Idk when I went to therapy I started going for a different reason and then ended up with getting diagnosed for something that was unrelated to that.
Surely if she really had something else a therapist would see signs of it while they talk to eachother.
No. 194032
>>194000She is SO fucking sick. Every time I think I’ve seen it all from her, she takes it one step further. It’s baffling.
The fact that she feels perfectly fine flaunting her diagnoses and trauma all over the internet, non-stop, is proof to me that she doesn’t have anything beyond maybe anxiety and BPD, and no DID-inducing “trauma.” I’ve never seen anyone with autism, PTSD/CPTSD, or even anxiety (because they’d be, you know, ANXIOUS) over share to the degree that she has. She talks about DID more than even some of the DID Youtubers.
No. 194059
>>194022Autism is diagnosed by psychiatrists, so at most her therapist might encourage her to start the assessment process.
As other anons have mentioned before as an adult diagnosed with autism, you're not really getting anything but peace of mind. You won't get some sort of paper unless you need it to get access to some type of service/support/financial aid (and there aren't nearly as many for adults as there are for children/teens still in school), and in my experience you rarely even get referred to helpful things like an occupational therapist. Really all it does is help you understand why you might face certain issues, why your brain works that way and develop tools/solutions by yourself.
I also agree with other anons that she could easily memorise a symptoms list (which are centered around well-known male symptoms), recite it and get the diagnosis. I've heard of more involved assessments in which they make you pass all sorts of tests and interview your parents, but in most cases they just ask you to talk about your childhood development, current symptoms and other things you can easily lie about. I just hope a psychiatrist would think her already having DID and BPD diagnoses makes her impossible to assess, since normally you rule out BPD when starting an autism assessment.
No. 194095
>>194085SAGE for blog posting but I have been binge-watching a YouTube series on narcissism and Jillian checks off every single fucking thing on the list. They suggested that narcissists are "made" by a focus on "extrinsic values" primarily - on things, looks, shopping, and of course, the narcissist's need to control - especially their image.
This whole fucking LARP is about things. It's ALL about looks. It's ALL about image. Why she wants to LARP as severely mentally ill and autistic, I do not fucking know, but she is a a liar, borderline personality disordered, narcissist FRAUD, and every single fucking person online and likely in her real life can see it. And she just thinks she's getting away with it all because I'm sure her closest family and friends fucking cow to everything she insists upon because I imagine she controls them all with emotions on a whole other level.
I have gone past the point of following this cow for the lols. I straight up fucking hate her at this point. I can see precisely what she's doing and she is what I call in my real life a "dangerous person." Dangerous because so emotional and unstable, you have to keep your distance.
No. 194109
>>194099Jillian is the way she is because of being raised in a narcissistic household, and I am sure that did cause her trauma, but not the DID kind. Jill is a narc. This is all about image and control. We have all seen this play out less publicly in our own lives. Imagine the person causing narcissistic and BPD in your life (coworker, parent, friend) and just imagine if they added social media and trying to be a "public person" to their mandate. This is what it looks like.
Again accusing her therapist of being a fraud. Are they really just a counsellor? Because that's not a fucking therapist and they can't diagnose DID.
No. 194115
>>194111Except she wasn't diagnosed, she got a diagnostic impression which she herself clarified was
not a diagnosis. Not sure when she (and this thread, apparently) made the leap to claiming she actually has a DID diagnosis.
No. 194124
File: 1642714594994.png (294.47 KB, 800x1000, porkie.png)

>>194093Porkielocks inspired me I'll take my autism ban
No. 194126
>>194124Love this,
nonny. Honestly if it were slightly more flattering to her hairline and didnt compare her to swine, Jill would like it too lmao.
No. 194133
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Cake alter reveal when!?
No. 194149
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Damn, not even the age regression people want Jill
No. 194155
File: 1642723418840.png (3.1 MB, 2166x1255, 1642723236824.png)

She has a new prof pic, I'm guessing this face is Jerry's only personality trait
No. 194189
>>194000What the fuck. What the fuck. She always said "muh PTSD", not CPTSD, which is in many ways even more horrible. Multiple things all throughout her childhood had to happen, even from things she should have been safe from. She wants this diagnosis because it would allow her to be "
triggered" by mundane things and because people would stop saying it all comes from one trauma (her deviant-art girlfriend breaking up with her) and she would have so much space to write and rewrite her "history". When she won't know what to answer because she lies all the time, she would just claim "uh, it's
triggering me, I don't want to answer!!" Fucking disgusting. She's planning ahead of time because she knows she's faking.
No. 194194
>>194174>she must be so powerful if she can control all her characters so wellLmao, this. Like how come before the diagnosis she was "dissociating all the time" but now, there's nothing about that? She even implies weed gives her mental clarity when weed does the exact opposite… it gives you feelings of dissociation lol. I'm not suprised since that one video where she was clearly laughing she was like "AND I STARTED TO DISSOCIATE…" she's so stupid.
Now that she got the diagnosis she wanted, it's very suspicious how she's like "I HAD A BPD MELTDOWN AT THE STORE… HEHE JUST KIDDING ITS PROBABLY AN AUTISTIC MELTDOWN", once she gets the autism diploma she wanted she will stop pretending to have autism. So yeah, mental illnesses are easier than degrees for her, you just pay for that crap.
No. 194195
>>194189Regular PTSD is old news now
nonnie, C-PTSD is what all the cool kids are getting
No. 194199
>>194194>once she gets the autism diploma she wanted she will stop pretending to have autism. I have a feeling it would be quite the opposite. Once she got "diagnosed" with DID she stopped having symptoms of the illness but the illness it's self became her entire personality. It's no longer "I had a disassociative episode" but now "My DID is so hilarious, just had a full convo with Jerr [ungodly amount of emojis]"
I imagine that if she were to get an ASD diagnosis she's going to be one of the annoying fakers that's constantly spreading around harmful stereotypes as fact just because a doctor gave her a paper.
No. 194200
>>194196>>194195This shit makes me so mad. Like people struggling with trauma are not making POPULAR, chronically online personas to trauma dump or trauma hint for profit and clout. They are likely self destructing and suffering in silence, watching their close relationships fail because they don't think anyone can handle or believe the reality of what happened to them.
Faking that kind of suffering because you need attention that badly needs to be more aggressively called out or diagnosed or something in this generation. Like no Brayden, you don't have PTSD because your parents didn't get you an Xbox that one Christmas. You don't have CPTSD Baiylee because your mom denied you sugary breakfast cereal at the grocery store for years. Get a grip.
No. 194249
>>194233Wonder how many minors saw “agere” and went to search it only to be inundated with pedoapologia and porn.
Not to mention is Jill engaging in agere with her therapist as a trauma recovery strategy? Because if so, run girl!!! There is very little support for it being helpful and a lot of reports of it actually retraumatising people. Not to mention I don’t trust her therapist, I know anons can see Jill’s manipulations all over this larp but that doesn’t preclude her male therapist (or whatever) also being some sort of predator that revels in putting women in their place by encouraging these kinds of degrading downward spirals.
Jill we get it, Covid lock downs were hard but for the love of god get off the internet, stop drinking, stop the drugs. Find a therapist that doesn’t work in the affirmative care model and get a fucking hobby! You’re going to hit 30 and wonder how you ever let yourself get this bad.
No. 194255
>>194212That's infuriating. No matter what, it's very offensive to actual trauma
No. 194274
>>194262I though that was funny too. However in the time since her BPD announcement and especially in the past year we’ve seen a lot more of her manipulative and ragey side. I also think that the autism LARPing actually serves to accentuate how unnatural and put on it all is with her.
I still don’t know how to feel about the BPD diagnosis. I’m not psychologist but IMO she has golden-child-grown-up-to-be-lazy-womanbaby disorder. Is that in the DSM-V?
No. 194311
>>194302Yeah I'm really tired of anons insisting she has any of these PDs; I don't think they've ever experienced someone with one. She's absolutely just a raging woman child, not everything has to be a disorder.
Even more annoying all her diagnoses are clearly fake and sought after but somehow bpd was accurate in anons minds? As if she wasn't fishing for that too during the Trisha drama kek??
She isn't bpd, npd, autistic, whatever.
>>194274>golden-child-grown-up-to-be-lazy-womanbaby disorderIs 100% it.
No. 194325
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The fact that she has little kids following her and knows that yet still posts some of the shit she posts, disgusting. It’s not a shock considering a while back she wouldn’t stfu about being a child friendly channel.
No. 194331
File: 1642811317930.png (241.48 KB, 1080x857, Screenshot_20220121-172533-259…)

Would this be considered a cow cross over? Because I think the Shiloh in question is Onision's ex.
No. 194336
>>194022i'm gonna pitch in on this even though i'm late. people keep bringing up the $3000 price tag. in canada, there is NO public funding for adults seeking evaluation for autism. this is why anyone past the age of 19 needs to pay if they want to get checked it out. and yes, it does cost $2000 minimum. it's multiple appointments, and there's usually a long waitlist, because only a handful specialists per city are qualified to diagnose asd.
i agree with other anons who say that if she was really autistic, it should have been brought up during her stint at the psych ward as a teen, for a condition that is bordering on overdiagnosed in young kids the past 20 years. not to mention the relatively huge abundance of free resources for autistic children in canada.
No. 194347
>>194336It only costs that much because you arent waiting for a diagnosis. If you go to a regulars doctor, get a referral you dont pay that much because its covered by our national health care. The only reason you would skip that is that you want to go private since its faster. Most people are not spending 2-3k to get a autism diagnosis as an adult, just people who have no sense like Jill.
>>194331Jill also knows its /that/ Shiloh too, no one cares about her 1 hit wonder but its embarrassing to say "one of Onisions exes followed me"
No. 194349
File: 1642821315247.jpeg (157.29 KB, 827x1300, E427B5D8-C2CE-4AC9-97E6-242209…)

Looks like Jill dropped the name of another OC, I have a feeling this is her 35 year old alter that “Doesn’t do social media”
No. 194351
File: 1642822344637.jpeg (1.46 MB, 1170x1995, 33B8482E-748D-40D4-87FB-6D4534…)

jillian uploaded a new tik tok where she talks about how she never suspected she had DID because she thought you needed to go through extreme torture and trauma to have it. she then goes on to say that she was born with an innate ability to dissociate since birth and her brain couldn’t handle the situations she was put through. this fucking bitch literally admits she didn’t go through anything traumatic enough to have DID, then questions why everyone thinks she’s faking it.
No. 194369
File: 1642829251437.webm (14.86 MB, 540x960, pixieeelocks-14847117444591288…)
>>194349Here's the actual video.
No. 194370
File: 1642829324549.webm (18.62 MB, 540x960, Snaptik_7055854444403002629_pi…)
>>194351And here's the other one
No. 194371
File: 1642829442115.png (29.97 KB, 600x298, firefox_N5AZI6qjp6.png)

Gather round folks! See the magnificent Swithing-bitching-Pixie!
No. 194372
>>194371Wtf… No words
Does she actually believe her own bullshit
No. 194374
>>194369Wow, she really said that Jerrick is the one that is
problematic. She really got the DID diagnosis so she can absolve herself from being a shitty person.
>>194373Sugar daddy alter reveal.
No. 194380
File: 1642834447933.png (566.23 KB, 600x1080, pain.png)

>>194370idk are you sure she doesn't deserve the retard diagnosis…
No. 194396
>>194385Shiloh's song Operator was well known enough when it came out. The music video performed well and was on much music a lot. No one cares about her now. It was a 1 hit wonder and she was maybe 10? when it came out.
However Onision is known way more than just on lolcow, and its unlikely she has not heard of his antics as she is a youtuber and watches youtubers. Not a confirmation she reads but she is clearly aware of it.
>>194370Ah yes, confirmation that the gender stuff was all just lead up to the DID larp.
No. 194400
File: 1642851876445.jpeg (26.05 KB, 622x134, EEA04CE3-59B5-406A-B924-E9F83A…)

Seems like new OC’s just dropped. Sandwitch and flower are official alters now?
No. 194401
File: 1642852102552.jpeg (225 KB, 1199x300, E317E46F-ADF0-4807-A2CF-C8ECD3…)

>>194351Sounds like Louise has well and truly drunk the coolaid.
No. 194419
>>194291 I'm a psychologist. She is the face of HPD, BPD it's usually more towards themselves (self hate, self harm, self centered acts of destruction) with a huge amount of impostor syndrome.
All these munchies are HPD, specially Jill.
I quote:
"In a person with histrionic personality disorder, self-esteem depends on the approval of others. People with this disorder have an overwhelming desire to be noticed, and often behave dramatically or inappropriately to get attention.
In many cases, people with histrionic personality disorder have good social skills; however, they tend to use these skills to manipulate others so that they can be the center of attention.
A person with this disorder might also:
Be uncomfortable unless he or she is the center of attention
Dress provocatively and/or exhibit inappropriately seductive or flirtatious behavior
Shift emotions rapidly
Act very dramatically—as though performing before an audience—with exaggerated emotions and expressions, yet appears to lack sincerity
Be overly concerned with physical appearance
Constantly seek reassurance or approval
Be gullible and easily influenced by others
Be excessively sensitive to criticism or disapproval
Have a low tolerance for frustration and be easily bored by routine, often beginning projects without finishing them or skipping from one event to another
Not think before acting
Make rash decisions
Be self-centered and rarely show concern for others
Have difficulty maintaining relationships, often seeming fake or shallow in their dealings with others
Threaten or attempt suicide to get attention."
tldr: Not BPD, it's HPD
(armchair newfag) No. 194424
>>194422I wonder if her counsellor and the people who wrote up that diagnostic impression know that she’s now admitting that she doesn’t have real trauma and instead is claiming to have congenital DID, which is even faker than “conventional” DID.
I understand that it wouldn’t be ethical for mental health professionals to follow their patients on social media under normal circumstances but there really ought to be exceptions for cases like this. She’s practically announcing she’s a munchie.
No. 194432
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Sage for OT but this made me roll my eyes so hard. As someone hard of hearing, I tend to notice when people do or don’t use captions, and I know she sure as shit doesn’t usually. I went through her system tik tok (0/10 don’t recommend, lost brain cells) and of all the videos on there literally 3 have auto captions.
For someone who is the first to be performative about accessibility like trigger warnings and shit, she never fucking uses them unless she’s trying to make a show of it
No. 194441
File: 1642878352229.jpeg (764.73 KB, 1170x1058, F05CA671-C61C-48B4-A3B5-B645D7…)

>>194439this is an image board btw, post screenshots next time
No. 194443
File: 1642878965188.jpeg (779.99 KB, 1170x1046, 9EE0726A-26C5-4B9A-84C8-DED860…)

now she’s back tracking and saying she wasn’t born dissociative? which is it jill? were you severely traumatized or not?
No. 194447
>>194432she also said she would put a
trigger warning on the DID tiktok but of course she didn't.
No. 194450
>>194441Next she's gonna claim that she was a
victim of satanic child sexual abuse. I don't believe anything this bitch says anymore.
No. 194454
>>194447She did add a
trigger warning though? It's in pink and white though so it's almost impossible to read
No. 194466
File: 1642887062605.jpeg (47.75 KB, 1080x481, WhatsApp Image 2022-01-22 at 6…)

Everything is an aesthetic for this bitch, like for real Jill grow tf up!
No. 194467
File: 1642887249944.jpg (214.25 KB, 717x1222, bunny.jpg)

>>194451The fact that anyone would consider Chloe as a reliable source… I just can't with these cows.
What I truly wanna know, if Jill is a CSA
victim: Who did it?! Her father, or her helicopter mother who lent her to be abused? Because being an overprotected child, the only way/place it might have happened must be at her own house… and, to fill the "DID criteria", it must have been before the age of 4.
Jill, are you implying your beloved parents abused you?
OT in the latinamerican gossip community they're already talking about Jill as a faker, and proclaiming her as the next DissociaDID… I can hear Chloe squeaking
No. 194483
>>194467My bet on her aggressor is going to be the music teacher she mentioned at some point being a molester.
My guesses for trauma are:
- abandonment issues caused by her naughty mother getting vile cancer and therefore not being able to swathe her in attention in Jill's childhood (initial 'trauma')
- getting leered at by her piano teacher (CSA)
- bullying at school (being frozen out of friendship groups for insting everyone does what she wants)
- Una and DA (
abusive relationship)
- internet bullying from her Lolita days onwards (hostile work environment, outsiders sabotaging her financial and emotional well-being)
No. 194519
I know spanish so if someone needs me translating these tweets I will
No. 194530
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>>194511>Claiming SA as a trauma >The Uma relationship >And her stance on the Melanie Martinez allegationsConnect the dots
No. 194532
File: 1642911372937.jpeg (408.03 KB, 1170x2019, 0FC4D5FA-2916-478F-B310-472843…)

new tik tok. she says her heart keeps breaking because she keeps thinking christmas is coming up, but it’s not. of course this materialistic bitch wants it to be christmas so mommy and daddy can keep spoiling her with children toys.
No. 194542
File: 1642916901657.webm (214.9 KB, 540x960, Snaptik_7056226866239196421_pi…)
>>194532Please post the webms instead.
No. 194567
File: 1642936776452.jpeg (381.54 KB, 2048x2048, CB7A0C6F-DA7F-4812-B18C-118239…)

Because her face us so ridiculous i had to(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 194571
>>194432I was going to comment on the lack of CC too. Most woke types use them and it definitely stands out that she doesn't. Why do this LARP at all if she can't commit to it? Why not just be some fat girl with bad hair who buys expensive dresses for online clout?
>>194542Again no CC
No. 194576
>>194441She went from I don't remember my trauma, then she went to do the EMDR thing with her therapist; now she is claiming CSA.
My theory is that it's either false memories or she is still milking the "uma kissed me without consent"
Or…she is gonna blame the aunt she supposedly doesn't like, because remember she said most if her trauma was caused by woman.
(unsaged tinfoil) No. 194594
>>194583She has claimed in the past that he was
abusive and controlling but hasn’t mentioned that in recent years.
No. 194611
File: 1642959156464.png (7.73 MB, 1125x2436, BBCB56C1-0E94-4BED-A89A-BBA827…)

She’s over lined her lips so far down and up her lips… like it isn’t blended and just looks so off putting.
No. 194615
She’s being exactly how she was with the queer community kek
Holy shit there’s nothing wrong with her except that she’s a basic run of the mill pampered white cis brat who hates that she isn’t part of a marginalised group.
“My mom says you have to let me play with you guys and you can’t exclude me because I’m
No. 194635
>>194625Can you imagine someone else coming up with this DID story?
"My parents beat me and would lock me in a closet for days on end, but my FIERCE drag alter was there to comfort me, along with my sandwich-self, and a 14-16 year old trans snake e-boi."
I havent looked into other DID people, bc I don't really care, but do other people, the ones who ARENT TikTok-tards that is, claim such ridiculous alters?
No. 194653
>>194427>There's no way her sweet angel therapist doesn't know that she's a youtuber. Someone itt posted a screenshot where she was one of the dozen people who liked a photo of his therapist office on Facebook, I assume her Facebook is tied to her online persona, so he has a direct link via her interaction with his therapist account.
I'm sure she's mentioned it in therapy too, kinda hard to omit when it's her job.
No. 194655
>>194483>Jillian furiously scribbling down the content of this post She's definitely gonna do all that, I'm sure mom has grilled her to make sure she won't claim fabricated CSA but she can still run with the things you list.
As for HPD/BPD, every cow has the both from my observation, attention is currency regardless of the form it takes. Stands to reason internet celebrities all have the same disorder focused on attention.
No. 194682
>>194550Sadly she's a cow herself.
She pretends to be an arm-chair psychologist while being in therapy for who-knows-what (she've clamed having anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts) and selling her naked pictures in Onlyfans.
I used to watch her videos, but the cringe was too much to ignore.
>>194542Sorry, but that woman sounds Drunk AF :o
(:o) No. 194763
>>194756I think
>>194761 is right. She was bullied out of lolita by lolitas, but the people ‘bullying’ her now are mostly normal people who think (the social media version of) DID is bullshit. She couldn’t be the queen of the lolita community with her would-be subjects telling her to gtfo but she can still pretend to be queen of the DID community as long as the other DID munchies accept her. She’d have to fuck up pretty badly to be rejected by those loons but I wouldn’t put it past her. What will be the next rung down? Ageplayers? Furries? Eventually there has to be a pond tiny and polluted enough that she can be the biggest, shiniest fish in there.
No. 194786
>>194767These threads didn't exist when she was 3 years old…?
Like truly if she had half a braincell at any point during the last couple of years she could have cried "boolies! muh mental health covid etc." instead of uh, this.
Like I'm trying to imagine being a cow. A normal person would find a thread about them, probably freak out, but like maybe actually consider or come to terms with what people are saying. Cows just seem to obsess over their own threads and the attention it garners them. She gets giddy over potential comments she can delete on her videos.
Some cows change or at least become less messy in public so people stop posting about them. She could have cried boolying trauma, and taken an internet break to focus on school, or figure out a new direction after school, or to actually work on her mental health instead of whatever the fuck we are witnessing now. She probably could have guilt tripped some extra Patreon support instead of losing followers.
No. 194794
File: 1643053457271.jpg (344.73 KB, 1080x1037, Screenshot_20220124-194055_Chr…)

It says a lot about her hygiene when she doesnt even notice her plugs are out for that long. You should be cleaning those most days jill. So gross espically combined with the cheap plugs she wears. Her lobes must stink.
No. 194815
File: 1643058580113.png (149.44 KB, 1080x667, Screenshot_20220124-122759-603…)

Start placing bets on when she's going to integrate.
No. 194835
>>193819This is why I don't think she has BPD. I really don't think food being out of stock warrants a "destructive BPD episode". (unless in certain situations but won't go into it don't want to arm chair too hard) I also don't understand why everyone is so keen to dismiss every other diagnosis she has, but will say she actually has BPD when she only exhibits a few traits. You need at least 5/7 to be diagnosed. And even if you show 5 of the symptoms you still might not have it. Sure she has a lack of self identity, self destructive behaviours, and unstable relationships. And maybe this is a shitty tinfoil but I honestly think her self harm wasn't self harm but more attention seeking or to be cool back when it was romanticised on tumblr. Borderlinefags have been saying over and over again that we don't think she has it. imo she is either or all narc histrionic munchie possible BED.
Okay armchair over sorry…
No. 194836
>>194419Thank you finally someone else recognises that she doesn't have BPD it's fucking insulting every time someone says she has it when she clearly doesn't. HPD for sure. SORRY FOR ARMCHAIRING im just fucken over it.
Why does everyone agree with that one diagnosis. She doesnt have any of the diagnoses she says she does.. She is embarassed to have HPD / narc
(armchair) No. 194840
>>194836I sort of agree with
>>194838 here in that she doesn't have HPD but she doesn't have BPD either—I think it's reasonable to suggest that she doesn't have any personality disorder(s) at all. She's just spoiled, immature, and has mild stoner tendencies, and uses various labels to stand out in order to substitute where she has failed.
Slightly ot, but lately there's been too many spergs itt who want to throw shit at Jill for being a fraud and simultaneously "woe is me" about how much of a
victim they are because they are ~so s00per sick~ They're almost as bad as Jill
No. 194850
>>194761The Lolita community is known for being a bunch of brats who hate eachother, they're vicious bitches and more than happy to destroy anyone that "shines", specially a snowflake like Jill.
The "mental health" comm, on the other hand, are all people with real mental illneses, just not what they claim (you can't be a normal and healthy person, and pretend to have a sandwich alter): Outing Jill as a faker, is outing themselves… That's why people like Jill and any other crazy cow are welcome there
No. 194867
>>194835The grocery store tantrum was about fishing for ASD comments. Keep up.
>>194848They can go vent about it in /ot/.
>>194850I wonder why she hasn’t gone in harder for the trans/nb thing, because that community is the same way. Was she afraid they’d pressure her into taking hormones? Or is it not niche enough?
No. 194882
>>194865Or maybe, just maybe,
wait for it: Jill legitimately doesn't have bpd and there's an abundance of annoying anons who read a vague symptom list on Google and think "ah yes, female with traits I find undesirable? Bpd!"
Jill wants so badly to have literally any disorder like it's some weird ass badge of honor and there's a bunch of retards here who want to humor bpd for no good reason
No. 194893
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>>194890So… She said she was diagnosed with BPD and you guys went for that. Now she's saying she's diagnosed with DID and you "nono, is BPD because she said so"? Got it.
She has to have something wrong in her head, that's for sure… Attention seeker disorder?
Also, Jill, no, you're not a Fashion Student… You were barely a student. You went to a craft school, and that's a stretch bigger than your earplugs.
No. 194896
>>194893Well DID isn't even a real thing.
>Attention seeker disorderSo… BPD?
No. 194911
>>194896BPD is an unbalanced emotional regulation, HPD is constant attention seeking, they are an act in compensation of lack of identity while BPD identity shifts to please: If Jill was BPD she wouldn't create a new identity everytime a new trend becomes popular; she'd stick to the one that made HER popular. BPD are usually stuck in past times/fashion/hobbys because it's a safe space; people with HPD will chase new trends because That allows them to show of (and yes, "Histrionic" is a very misogynistic term, but all psychology has historically been studies by men, so…)
Enough armchairing
>>194893 I wonder why she keeps reminding her "fashion school adventure" yet doesn't do any fashion related content. She wasn't the best, but certainly had a faithful following and a very characteristic aesthetic, with practice she could be successful creating clothes for all the other rainbows vomits out there and set herself as a trend setter/icon.
Instead,she choose to take all that could've made her speshul and joined a community full of speshul people.. She blends between them, they all look the same (vomited colored hair, fat, silly tattoos), she ain't speshul anymore!
(unsaged armchairing) No. 194913
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been lurking on here since she did diagnosis but at this point, I think her entire "brand" has been fucked beyond repair that she's going to have to keep up the DID act because now she's claiming that her drunken baby and stoner teenage boy alters make her a whole. She's treating "Jill" as an alter because her fashion designer dreams failed despite her hyping it up for years and claiming that the name Jill made her uncomfortable a few months prior to claiming DID
No. 194922
>>194856The ''''mental health'''''' '''''community''''''''' is the reason why people like Jill exist. Getting support and advice from people who share a specific health condition can be valuable; there's virtually nothing broadly uniting people with mental health conditions and as such no value to be extracted from such a "community" beyond asspats and attention from a wider audience than you'd find within a condition-specific community. Discourse on mental health (and disability) is full of wellness-tier misinfo because these umbrella communities are full of attention-seekers and munchies because people who actually want help for their conditions have no incentive to participate.
>>194897She could very well have a personality disorder; it seems like some anons are resistant to the idea either because they don't want to share a diagnosis with someone they dislike or there's some weird idea that shitty people can't be shitty because they're cluster B (see: the people who got incredibly butthurt at the fact that Luna of has a well-earned BPD diagnosis). Though it doesn't matter either way because nobody here is qualified to diagnose Jill.
No. 194926
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Lmao she is so easily influenced by whatever she’s watching. She just can’t consume media like a normal person she has to somehow relay it back to herself. I honestly think that’s why she’s fishing for autism. She likes to absorb whatever she’s watching and take it for herself.
Slight tinfoil but I think she’s being purposely fat and ugly so she can make herself the next Amelia fart.
No. 194928
>>194913The facts that she keeps calling them "personalities" when even DissociaDID taught her fans that they're identities, tell us that her story is fake. A true therapist wouldn't call them like that either; her imaginary friends aren't real individual people, they're supposed to be fragments part of a whole.
I know is a fake illness (it might be real people with it, but not enough to create an entire community of "plurals"), but at least you'd expect some consistencies among the main DID fakefluencers
No. 194930
>>194926Amelia Fart is a mess, but somehow her content is interesting to watch. Jill has nothing: she's not intelligent, interesting or creative enough to create any kind of content besides making a fool of herself.
She needs to be ridiculous and annoying, because she has nothing more to share: her fashion designs where knockoffs of unknown creators, her entire aesthetic was a rip-off decora an Japanese street fashion and know her DID persona is a copy of Chloe's system: an emo queer snake/sassy boi, a pathetic "hot bitch", an unnamed "little" and even a socially awkward middle-aged man (in Chloe's case, a bold and anorexic chinese gay). She even has that "Flora" fragment (?), a carbon copy of Sally from the DissociaDID cast.
>>194919I agree with you, tho. I think she's convinced she has DID because she feels so special, how can it be possible she's not part of one of the most unknown and undiagnosed mental illnesses… So unreported that most professionals believe is fake? And that's why I think she's not BPD or HPD or any personality disorder (those are formed for real trauma, she hasn't any real trauma). But she looks a lot like a case of Munchie (like for real Munchaüsen by Internet).
No. 194942
>>194940I totally forgot about her but You might be right
Nonnie. Is this new dumb influencer to autistic carp pipeline?
No. 194944
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>>194938Everyone knows something, know BPD is formed by childhood sexual trauma.
Personality disorders develop from trauma (being abused, abandoned, etc) and weak parental bonding… it's literal the first result if you google "what causes a personality disorder", anon (by the APA itself, btw).
>>194939Kenna is back in her old glories thanks to the vintage community, and even jokes in stories about her past drama, so the competition for the autistic queen will be hard for Jill (at least, Kenna is kinda cute).
If Jill were as fast and dedicated to real work, as she has been to create this new shitshow of herself, she could've been something… do you remember when she called out Trisha? Who knew, who would've imagine this?!
No. 194955
>>194922It's a complex situation because some (probably not most) mental illnesses are chronic and others are temporary. a community for autistic people or adhd makes sense because there's no cure. a community for depression and anxiety becomes
toxic because it's a community you can leave by getting better. Same with ED communities. If you make friends with people over a shared temporary illness, there's nothing left when you get better, so you just keep making yourself worse to stay. this is actually a thing in certain fad diets, where the programs make more money if the people gain all the weight back as soon as they quit.
PTSD is complicated because it doesn't really go away, but the symptoms can be managed. If there was a legitimate PTSD community, it'd be extremely hard to maintain because it's not exactly fun to talk about trauma all the time.
Meanwhile, DID is probably fake, and DID influencers literally capitalize on "alter reveals" because the condition is so rare its not like they can make fans of people who might legitimately think they have the disorder. The slightly more well adjusted tiktok kids just make skits with their ocs without saying its their actual personality. I guess it's just not special enough for her + making them "personalities" lets her get away with putting zero effort into dressing up differently to portray them.
No. 194965
>>194957>>194944Quotes by Jill from March 2020:
"I was diagnosed with BPD on Valentine's day,
"I'm not in the DID community OF COURSE"
"The Trisha
transgender situation was complicated but I don't feel comfortable comenting on it because I'm a CISGENDER WOMAN"
I can't help but wonder… Is Jill the new Trisha?
>>194957So… you're hurt and have mental issues, got it.
No. 194967
File: 1643158860786.jpg (128.14 KB, 756x1223, jillian vessey circa 2025.jpg)

>>194957Hello, friend. I'm posting from the year 2026 and I can't lie, things never did get better for Pixielocks or anyone else on this doomed planet.
The good news is that Pixie got bored of the DID larp real quick like she did everything else. It just wasn't bringing in the attention she needed to thrive. The bad news is that she soon became Prince Edward Island's premiere fat is fabulous genderqueer expressionist superstar. By premiere I mean only but yeah. This is a picture from one of her six Drag Race Canada audition vids from last year if you don't believe me.
No. 194978
File: 1643164192502.png (246.05 KB, 595x604, wtf jill.png)

who called it that Jill would claim the old man alter was based on Sasha Velour No. 194984
>>194978Oh my god, that was one of the most cringe things I have ever watched.
It’s very clear that she’s trying to “act” as a character, and what she thinks 30 something males are like. You can see her trying to keep the character consistent but I think her acting skills aren’t quite as good as she thinks they are (but I guess you can blame that on “co-fronting” or whatever hey Jill)
This reminds me of a kid doing an impression of their history teacher or some shit.
No. 194988
>>194978This is just Jill with more lip-smacking. she can't even be creative on how her "alters" speak. What's the point of the larp if she's not even having fun giving them silly little accents its not like the people in the DID community are going to fake claim her if Cliff has a silly little English accent.
>>194978Apparently it's Jerric or under technical terms Jerric is the first alter to "present themselves". And it is odd since the role of the "protector" is to protect the body and mind from psychic damage (ie sexual retraumatization, bulling, stress). You would've thought that some one who was so heavily "bullied" and "harassed" on and offline would've had a protector in their system much earlier.
No. 194994
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>>194978this is what she says he looks like, mr bruce.
No. 194995
File: 1643171571104.jpeg (102.93 KB, 750x491, 35E7D57B-E30F-49E9-BFAD-11D03F…)

weed jillian. its the weed.
No. 194997
>>194978 She dropped the Sasha velour thing in a live stream apparently, people didn’t predict it
>>194994Low key surprised he’s not an older Tim Gunn knock off.
No. 195002
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How is this not seen as the same fujoshi fetishising of gay men from 2000's is beyond me.
No. 195003
File: 1643176262827.webm (13.34 MB, 540x960, pixieeelocks-14861621937040138…)
>>194978Here's the video for ones, who don't like twitter.
No. 195008
>>195003the way the character breaks every time she laughs or speaks too fast for her strained brain to catch up.
wtf is that gross diagonal mouth thing she is doing?
No. 195009
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>>194978the internal panicking when she realizes shes running out of things to say in that stupid old man accent
No. 195015
>>194978Isn't that 'steves closet'? I think it was said very loosely in the clearing out wardrobe video.
I know he is probably the reason why she's fat and spiralling (ex girlfriend Maggie was a huge example of him being a feeder) but he really doesn't have any space to himself, does he? Except for maybe half of the basement.
Maybe its his way of getting revenge is by making her too undesirable to ever leave him. Hates her but doesn't want her to leave. Sorry, speculating. I'll sage my autism.
No. 195095
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Kek even her fans have noticed how bad her acting was in the Cliff video. It was literally Jillian in a fake deep voice. The exact same speaking manner and intonation.
No. 195100
nonnie, old man Cliffe is 35. The internet is too hard for him. When he's fronting the body suddenly can no longer use a phone because the technology is so advanced.
No. 195136
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>>195112out of curiosity, i decided to check jill’s twitter to see what the cowtipper said
No. 195138
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>>195137lmao this is so pathetic. why would you post this on twitter and then come crying to lolcow.
No. 195143
>>195138Admitting to crying in a bathroom then trying to downplay it as "loving" is a pathetic backpedal. Also trying to downplay it here.
Hilarious of Jill to kick her while she's down and crying in a bathroom, though. Could have just blocked and ignored it, but her BPD rage forces her to engage. And she tries to pretend like she's a positive ray of sunshine all the time.
No. 195189
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>>195155It's not very well documented in the threads but especially since being even more present on twitter she has a habit of arguing with people like this, and the aggression comes from nowhere. She should've got "Jerrick" to reply to the tweet since he's her cover-up for this behaviour now, but (s)he wouldn't be allowed to use the passive aggressive and sarcastic emojis. A lot of the time she dirty deletes too if people disagree with her about it.
No. 195240
>>195137I don't know what the rules are in Canada, but here only a qualified doctor (ie. Psychiatrist) can diagnose, not a psychologist, they can only recommend you to a pschiatrist and send off their reports and speculations based on your sessions.
So even if she did go to this psych team who gave her an impression, she still can't take that back to be formally diagnose by her psychologist.
Any Canada anons that can confirm this?
No. 195263
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this had me laughing. she really cannot stand criticism, but she's unable to defend herself for those atrocious honky dreads without looking Problematic
No. 195265
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>>195263Wonder what those repllies were, that Pixie deleted kek.
No. 195266
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>>195136>>195137Continuation on this thread.
She claims, that in Canada psychologist is able to diagnose and tells a kid to educate themselves.
No. 195268
>>195266Sage for more of the same psychologist/psychiatrist nonsense. In the US, psychiatrists prescribe psychiatric medication. They do not typically provide therapy (some do, though this is not as common as it used to be). You can be diagnosed by a psychiatrist, but typically they will not be as
Psychologists administer psychological testing (if you took a legitimate Myers-Briggs test, for example). They have doctoral degrees. I keep reading people say psychologists cannot diagnose, which confuses me profoundly, as clinical psychologists are doctors & can most certainly administer psychological testing.
Therapist is a catch-all term. Therapists can have a multitude of different degrees, but it is usually a Licensed Clinical Social Worker or some other social work degree you will see most often, in my experience, performing therapy.
She’s obviously full of shit, but psychologists absolutely can diagnose disorders. It would be unprofessional though for a psychologist to diagnose someone who is not actually under their clinical care.
No. 195271
i can't stop keking at the "innate ability to dissociate from birth" line every time i read it again, everything about her little larp always sounds like middle schooler attention seeking pretend time like "i was born with powers that let me control the weather!!! my eyes change color because im secretly a fairy but only special people can see it! i was born with the innate ability to dissociate!!!!"
>>195264i honestly have been thinking how her deleted "neurodivergent" video was probably the start of this. alongside the trisha paytas faking did thing, before which she didn't know what did was and it got her into watching did tiktokers and then deciding to jump on the super special rare mental illness bandwagon.
everyone treats "being neurodivergent" as this vague quirky soft identifier online now like "queer," so she thought "oh i'm weird in the brain that can be me, i can be part of this and get attention and have another special label" and when people got mad at her for that video because it was obvious she didn't know what she was talking about and was using terms wrong, the backlash and looking stupid ignited narc rage and made her want to PrOvE that she totes was a member of the super special internet mental illness coolkid club all along… and then saw did and was like oh wow this is SUPER extra special and exclusive and cool and i can be the coolest most popular person in this club!!!1
No. 195275
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lmao samefagging and sage bc it's not about jill just retarded fan but i had to go look through this twitter argument, i wanted to see if this person had screenshotted jill's deleted replies maybe, and
>you are clearly showing me a picture of jerrick yet trying to say that did doesn't exist?
i don't even know where to begin with this what in the delusional fresh hell… just bc she dressed differently once that proves that she is multiple people living in one body? fuck huge news for everyone on the face of the planet who has gone through phases and changed their styles this is so weird
No. 195276
>>195275Jill also literally said
I was interested in dreadlocks,
I only wore them, this was fucked up of
me. there was no jerrick involved, from the cow's maw itself.
of course, Jill gets her own mental illness lore confused all the time anyway so god only knows why some of her goth past was apparently jerrick, and some was her
No. 195284
>>195275>>195263"You're just funny I like these jokes tell another one"
>that clap backI was not expecting milk of this caliber KEK.
No. 195288
>>194978Notice how people that have real DID use different face muscles when talking or expressing but she uses the same expressions.
For example "smiling" more with one side of the mouth than the other, talking with one side of the mouth, lifting and scrunching of the eyebrows, the "and humm…", smacking of the lips and more.
She's not even a good actor…
No. 195289
>>195136omg a psychologist is not qualified to diagnose anyone with DID, a psychologist is literally just to help people process emotional, social things. Psychologists work along psychiatrists. The psychiatrists are the ones qualified to diagnose did and treat it, the psychologist is literally there for emotional support.
I cannot with her, she's so retarded
No. 195296
>>195293a family member works in a private home for people with serious mental problems, addicts, etc.
There is a person there that has bad DID, one time i was there and witnessed the so called "switching".
With people on youtube and other social media i really can't tell you who you can go watch and compare, i don't actively watch DID stuff and as you said, most people fake it for attention.
No. 195299
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sage for irrelevant but the cowtipper's account is gone kek good riddance
No. 195300
>>195299She types like Shay now too.
Cowtipper was still the better person in this situation when the opposing team is an angry attention-seeking BPD woman REEEing about her fake disorder.
No. 195312
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>>195307The smiths shirt where she just wrote “the smiths” on with pen was my favourite. She was into this stuff in the most Jillian way. She bought a singular joy division shirt that she never wore enough for it to stop looking pristine and bought posters. Her self proclaimed punk phase was the same way spent money on clothes she wore for five minutes and did a flashy hairstyle and piercings. Has she ever even mentioned a punk band, the idea of Jillian listening to punk music in her rich spoilt brat bedroom in an outfit her rich doting parents bought her and pretending to like it is very funny.
No. 195330
>>195268More sage but clinical psychologists aren't doctors unless they make a doctorate program: the doctorate is like "the final degree" any professional can achieve, but that degree doesn't make you a MEDICAL DOCTOR.
Psychology itself has many areas (clinical, educational, forensic, etc) and people get their degree in psychology and are specialised in one of them.
You can be a doctor in educational psychology, if you fulfill a doctorate program, which comes after a master degree.
And even a clinical psychologist who fulfil a doctorate degree, can't prescribe drugs because they aren't real doctors (remember how Ross from Friends is also a doctor?).
Only psychiatrists can prescribe drugs diagnose because they study medicine, wich provides them knowledge in the effects drugs can have in the brain; psychologist know this just as general knowledge in case they can induce mental health issues, for example.
tl;dr Psychiatrists ARE doctors, they diagnose and prescribe. Psychologist are therapists, they focused in therapy among the psychiatric treatment, companionship, adaptation, education, etc. Even a psychologist who went thru a doctorate program, can't prescribe neither diagnose.
(learn2sage) No. 195331
>>195330You need to actually write sage in the email field not just say it
>>195315That’s clearly a result of her twuama, duh! She saw a boob once, and she’s never recovered
No. 195347
>>195345jesus. how was she not cancelled over this?
compare this to Lovelylor's "likegate" and it's night and day yet Lor got the pitchforks on her
No. 195351
>>195347Silly anon, Jerriatric is the one who does everything
problematic, so if anything "he" will get cancelled and she'll get out of twitter jail free
No. 195354
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>>195345hoooly shit lmao uh… wow. yeah all of this needs to be in thread pic wtf. the dreads is just regular cringe white girl behavior but this is somethin else. this is clearly a pic of jerrick tho jerrick is racist uwu
No. 195356
>>195350Hopefully this links to it
>>3470but it’s thread #31
No. 195357
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>>195356Lmao thanks for the link to the throwback thread anon. Why was Jer wearing a dress?? Is this co-fronting?????
No. 195359
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>>195312On her old DA She mentioned Sex Pistols and that was the only punk band she liked. Like the poser she is/was.
Also speaking of her old DA The amount of times she's used the r-slur was a lot. She's lucky non of her fans found it.
No. 195363
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At this point Jill is going to integrate before she even makes a "meet my alters" video.
No. 195381
>>195345Do you think she’s going to blame Jerrick for both of those? Or is the photo of the six year old who doesn’t know any better uwu? IIRC she got pretty drunk that night so blaming it all on the baby would open yet another can of worms.
Normally I’d think dragging up old milk is boring but I kind of want to see how she’s going to retcon all the various incidents that were covered in these threads to fit with the DID narrative.
No. 195383
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>>195263lmao jillian doesn’t want to donate her own money to
poc. I wonder if she’s having money problems because her youtube is doing poorly.
No. 195395
>>195390Especially when she’s constantly rehashing old photos of herself. If some rando found that photo, likely Jill has seen it in recent times. I don’t blame her for forgetting about it, because it clearly wasn’t a look she wore long and she changed her hair constantly, but in the Twitterverse that excuse doesn’t hold up.
The only reason Jill hasn’t had a cancelling attempt is because she’s not big enough to be relevant in the mainstream. She is only piling on the problems though so she’s effectively stunted any future growth for her audience
No. 195396
>>195381She can't even say that she was drunk and that's why she touched the girls hair because it was her 20th birthday that she was celebrating in America. She want's to pain this image of "never done anything illegal uwu precious bean" when she's been drinking and smoking weed since she was a teen.
>>195383She hardly has any patreon subs and her youtube numbers are plummeting but she keeps sharing photos of her subbing to other people's patreon's and all of the things she wants to buy/has bought off of e-bay. When it's finally time to put her money into action she needs help from her audience? What a daft cunt and the fans that defend her are just as stupid.
No. 195410
File: 1643422354558.jpg (326.95 KB, 1024x577, 1642176458041_mh1643421881920.…)

sage for retardation but a cheeky edit… i was scrolling back through thread looking at pics and god i had forgotten about precure weed jar, what a gem, can i nominate that to feature in the next thread pic somewhere, i love precure weed jar
>>195405not a lot of milk right now in general. current topic is kinda bumming me out like yeah idiot tween racism sucks of her and all but isn't that exciting or new and nobody really gives a shit about her enough to care, you could pick any random zoomer who grew up on the internet and find this exact same stuff in their past 9 times out of 10
No. 195420
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Please feel free to improve upon this
Did I miss it in the thread or has no one posted the video of her playing in instant Ramen with her hands
No. 195429
>>195418yea this isn't really milk tbh. She's milky enough as she is, but then again even the twitterfags are enjoying getting a reaction out of her kek
>>195420for the racist, maybe the hair touching pic with her fan is spicier
No. 195432
File: 1643431558912.jpeg (144.75 KB, 750x516, 78728F92-EC06-4CB9-AB68-0A7892…)

In response to someone calling her out in her racist shit on Twitter. A sip of alcohol doesn’t make you unable to respond to things, being drunk does.
No. 195490
>>195432I’m so glad she said something, however would Twitter have coped with her absence otherwise?!
kek at the fact that like 80% of her content in recent months has been when she’s white girl wssted
No. 195501
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No. 195511
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>>195509But nooo, it’s definitely not..
Someone’s keeping a close eye on here lol
No. 195516
>>195507it's so wild that her white fans in the comments are still trying to make Jill out to be the
victim in this situation…
No. 195518
File: 1643497294613.jpeg (144.67 KB, 1584x231, 5D529E14-513F-4C37-893F-E4A88D…)

>>195507Loud ally of the community? Where and when though? She did the same no effort Black Lives Matter post as every other guilty feeling white creator and that’s it. The only interaction I can think of other than that between her and a black person was when that girl accused her of design theft and she was a bitch. She isn’t a good ally of any community and does literally nothing.
No. 195527
File: 1643499160888.png (73.21 KB, 1216x570, So Jerrick isn't a racist.png)

>>195511>>195507She's being polite for once in the comments, people are being very nice to her as far as I've read, but they are disappointed and shocked, like the guy she replies to here who supports her but found her rude Twitter replies jarring.
Anyway just posting this to point out how she dropped the DID shit like a hot potato, she's clearly doing it for fun and can drop it for serious moments. Now it was simply her
past self and not jerrick despite her attributing that whole phase in her life to that particular OC multiple times (e.g posting photos of 14 year old Jill and calling it Jerrick)
No. 195530
>>195518sage for ot but is it really a thing to be “heart broken” over a white girl saying the n-word 5-10 years ago? or is this just pixie fans being dramatic?
wouldn’t most people be like “ok you’re a dickhead” and move on?
No. 195537
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>>195535Samefag, actually I will be redundant, she really cropped this exact image,
>>195345you can see the pink of Pixie's dress on the top bar of colour:
No cowtipping, luv, you're making it very obvious and then wondering why Pixie blocks you. She reads here too.
No. 195539
>>195538not to WK jill but it's absolutely absurd that there's this standard now for people to make formal apologies for some stupid shit they did when they were like 13/14
i don't understand the idea that wearing cringe dreadfalls in middle school is "unforgivable." i hate this tumblr/twitter mindset
No. 195548
>>195383I previously lived in Fredericton NB and in the maritimes con scenes.
It is a well known FACT that her family is damn near Super Loaded.
her parents also pay for everything for her. Her saying she doesn't have the money for it is just her saying she's not willing to ask her parents.
No. 195549
>>195531People have been sperging out on Twitter, referencing here and sending her the caps.
It’s crazy how she seems to be able to just turn the DID off when she needs to be serious. Her video was one continuous take aside from cutting it for the three min Twitter limit. No voice changes, stupid faces, nothing. Almost like she’s faking?
No. 195556
File: 1643510394227.png (7.77 KB, 754x128, pixie.png)

>>195507this comment got me
No. 195560
sagé for tinfoil
>>195558I just KNOW that in her head her excuse for this behaviour is something like "OH i'm just a martyr taking full responsibility so my underage alters won't face backlash for this" girl's feeling like a hero
No. 195563
>>195507thank god I'm older and more jaded, but for non-yt followers or even younger ones her comment section is BLEAK!
burn the whole group of them, absolutely not shocked at the type of low class followers she's amasse, especially the ones proudly commiserating with her behavior too.