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No. 93376
previous threads
>previously a punk kid who became a pansexual buddhist lolita lifestyler>quit because of bullies and LACE drama (>history of self harm, ED and severe anxiety>has a legitimate shopping problem which prevents her from saving for her japan trip, expects fans to donate to her patreon to fund the trip>broke up with 2-year boyfriend to date their best friend (and her other best friend's ex) whom she 'loved all along' and 'makes her believe in love at first sight'>can't participate in jfashion communities because 'muh rules & restrictions' >creates her OWN japanese street fashion called Party Keithe rest is history anons
No. 93668
>>93364You sound like one of those cunts who thinks Google makes you a psychologist.
One of BPD's main issues is how unstable your relationships are because of it.
Aside from her replacing her boyfriends every couple of years, we don't know enough about her personal relationships to know whether that would apply to her.
Jesus Christ. It's one thing to play Dr. Google for fun, and another to get pissed off because I'm sceptical of your "diagnosis".
No. 93898
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>>93816of course she chooses a weeby ass fucking song to show off her "skills"
No. 94247
>>93816the crescendos and decrescendos are what give merry go round of life its emotion… also jfc at the part where she does the peace sign at the beginning and her randomly hitting keys.
>>93946that was when she'd been playing for 11 years but it doesn't sound like 11 years of practice either.
No. 94399
>>94269She has a band?
Anybody have more deets?
No. 95201
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Here's Jillian's bedroom a while ago.
No. 95203
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And a old picture of Jillian and Tristian.
No. 95254
File: 1456001261947.jpg (190.94 KB, 599x596, jep.jpg)

>>95201more recent pic (but still a few months old)
she now has cute rilakuma pillows too, I really wish she'd give us that room tour
No. 95289
>>95201>>95254>several hundreds of dollars worth of merchandise just chilling next to her bed in this pics>>95256>>95259I have to admit I quitel ike her voice and ASMR!
But I can't. I really cannot go through this. Every item is bought by her mother, boyfriend, or something like that. Like, fuck, these are toys that cost up to several hundred dollars! And she just casually gets it (together with many more presents) as soon as she yearns for it. Please, pixielocks, shut the fuck up about where your items are from. No one cares. It comes off as extremly spoiled. Just shut up about the details and show us your stuff.
Maybe I'm just super salty but I own several of the wands she showed myself, but I had to work hard for every single one. And her just getting everything from her mom… It makes me jealous.
No. 95363
>>95203this is awful.
her boyfriend's outfit esp.
everything is in pink and white and blue but it's so…mismatched with the cut of his collar and vest. bloogh. and the gloves with the little bows on them? this is like something a sissy would be into. He looks humiliated.
No. 96497
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>>96472It is. His second coord wasn't much better.
No. 96512
>>96501jc should everyone just become muslim and cover themselves if their limbs don't fit your specific standards?
Is that haram enough for you?
No. 96541
>>91688a fuckboy who kept bugging me and forced a kiss on me legitimately did compare me to Ramona Flowers so this comment made me laugh out loud, it's legit
I was ill so he got sick for that kiss he stole. I fucking love karma.
No. 96545
>>95362Somehow she strikes me as a person who just has pure luck, and will always have a wealthy mother, and a nice well off boyfriend/partner to help her out, buy her presents and lets her live a nice life.
>>96482Not a single mention of "my mom/bf got me this!" or "pls donate so i can go visit kawaii nippon land uwu"? I'm a bit disappointed.
No. 96560
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>>93376her skin is disgusting why does she insist
No. 96568
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It's probably nothing new but I stumbled across her livejournal earlier. No. 96591
>>96497>oujis wearing rhsplease let this never, ever become a real thing.
WHY THE BERET AGAIN? It didn't look good the first time, either…
No. 96646
>>93816She's not that great. Not bad, but that's it.
I'm guessing she's just really self-conscious about her piano playing and knows she couldn't handle the criticism she'd inevitably get on it.
No. 96648
>>96591Eh, I think the beret is pretty cute.
Fucking everything else though, the ill-fitting F+F Aboz replica, the ugly RHS, that Rosette. He looks like he'd fit into brand, I just don't get it.
No. 96782
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>>96777Oh boy. Time to brace myself. I feel like she really needs to edit her videos better. 18 minutes seems needlessly long for what can fit in a purse and all her videos somehow feel really excessive. She tends to talk endlessly about herself and her spending addiction, which really bloats the video and makes them a chore to watch.
Also, pic related in the comments section.
No. 96784
>>96777Has she gained weight or is that outfit just really unflattering?
Also her saying "hecking" is even more annoying than swearing. Who even says that?
No. 96821
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>>95256>>95259Christ, I've been watching asmr youtube videos for years now (back when they called them "whisper videos") and this is absolute trash. I wish people would get off the bandwagon and stop making shitty videos for views, some of us actually like to watch to help with insomnia. Yes I mad.
No. 96844
>>96482Actually… Carly said she had 2 videos to put up this week end on Twitter, she alaos states it's not a parody of any in particular.
Although, it wouldn't surprise me if she did lurk here sometimes.
No. 96883
>>96777man, she looks like marty mcfly's sister before he fixed his family.
and the video is so goddamn looooong
No. 96889
>>96782stop with the gender neutral pronouns
i'm almost positive she brought this genderfluid tumblr bullshit into his life and is grooming him to be as trendy as can be for her
No. 96923
>>95259I dont know… I realize most of these were gifts but a lot of the pretty cure wands aren't TERRIBLY expensive, compared to older wand releases from like 90s to early 2000s. I think her Ojamajo Doremi wand might be one of her more expensive ones.
But this whole video was still so damn cringe.
No. 96928
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So its been bugging me since the video, but I wanted to make an estimate of her Christmas items.
>Joyrich Ostrich bag - $194 USD
>Sugarpill jacket - $153 USD
>Ojamajo wand - $149 USD
>Amiibo Festival - $60 USD
So the wand is a rough estimate since there are not many listing for it (I even checked mbok/y auctions). This particular listing is for the French version, so it could be more expensive with it being from a different region. Also remember she is Canadian and our dollar has been fucking shit for quite awhile now so…
194+153+149+60 = 556
556 USD = 761.33 CAD plus shipping fees
No. 96956
>>96818Sounds like she has a cold or something.
>>96777I appreciate that she's not swearing in this video, it makes it less cringy. But so much unnecessary rambling, this type of video doesn't need to be 18 minutes.
No. 96970
>>96969Also to anyone new if you click the DL link it opens the video in a new window/tab and lets you view it without giving her the view she can make money on.
Please do that from now on (click DL and put the youtube url in the youtube box of the submission form) so we don't give her even more money to waste on crap and then brag about.
No. 97123
>>97058That's not even jfash, so why the hell is she calling it party kei? It's literally just a bunch of normie brands.
Except Swankiss, but it already has its own style (larme), which has absolutely nothing to do with "party kei".
No. 97413
>>97121>>97123I really want to message her about this hypocrisy but I know she just ignores everything that isn't compliments
Maybe i'll bite in the comments section when she finally does a party kei video
No. 97501
>>96888I think you nailed her on the head. She's really the hypersensitive type that things all anon boards are hell holes or something.
I think her e-fame part isn't so sincere, though. I think she wants to get close to other famous people also to boost herself. I do think they lick eachother's wounds from all those mean "haters" though.
No. 97596
>>97591>>97581She doesn't pull Larme off at all. Stupid glitter, Swankiss and her ugly pastel shit.
Beckii has recently gotten into it, her hair is nice but she still looks like an old man.
No. 97600
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>>97594I don't know if this is bait or not but she's not smaller sized at all. She's not a fatty chan but she's heavier. pic related.
No. 97603
>>97596Beckii and her attemts at Larme is tragic
they both should stay far away from it
No. 97683
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>>97667Nope, sorry. Pic attached is what 4'9" - 4"11" and sub-100 lbs. looks like. This girl is much larger than that. Don't want to prompt body discussion, just want to be clear. She is not under any circumstances "small."
No. 97697
>>97683I can't help but think this is extremely shooped or there's serious angles fuckery going on.
>her face is bigger than her waistYikes. Aliens!
No. 97737
>>97683She's small compared to a normally developed 18 year old with tits and ass. Without any heels she has the height and stature of a child.
>actually know Jillian >be a teenager>knows what Jillian looks like compared to class mates>knows how tiny she is next to everyone else at cons and meetsYou can allow ED board discussions to skew your perception all you want but if you weren't a sperg and actually went outside you'd know that people's height and weight are distributed differently and it's common for people of the same size to appear as completely different.
She purchases smaller sizing from Japanese brands and wears a western size XS/S. That is, by definition, small.
No. 98317
>>98097So she admits to emotionally cheating on her previous BF for two years. Interesting. He's lucky he got out when he did.
>>98099>one of those crazy prodigy childrenIf she puffs up her ego any more she is going to pop. And she must have smacked her little head a few times because she sucks now.
No. 98332
>>98317> And she must have smacked her little head a few times because she sucks now.The issue isn't losing talent, its a lack of improvement. If she could play what she plays now at 4 years old that would have been quite impressive.
>>98097>boyfriend>themDoesn't that defeat the purpose?
Maybe they do this because her bf is afab, I dunno.
No. 98361
>>98257>>98354>they/them>agender/nonbinaryIf you hop on this bandwaggon, at least use terms that make sense. Use "partner" or "SO" instead of boyfriend, because that makes it sound even more half assed and silly.
>>98332>>98350Honestly I think it's so mean and hurtful to brag about all this on the Internet the way she does. As far as we can judge Tristan has been a nice person to her, got involved in everything she wanted, bought her gifts and isn't talking about her all over social media now. He deserves some dignity and respect.
No. 98434
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>>98317>>98350and poor naive Tristan is still supporting her Patreon.
No. 98454
>>97606Larme can be done without the weeb looking shit though. Notice most of the girls modelling for Larme are in their 20's so it's definitely a kawaii yet grown up kinda look? Which is the beauty of it.
I wish Jill would stop trying to make it… "party keified".
No. 98715
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She dyed her hair hot pink.
No. 98795
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I got bored.
No. 98796
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No. 98915
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No. 98941
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>>98915>>98919The comments on the GoFundMe are so juicy. Doesn't surprise me that Jillian works for a snowflake herself. Apparently she beat up her husband (even though it was "mutual" she was the one who was charged with assault), and is lying about not receiving child support.
No. 98945
>>98915> I love it here and losing it would break my heart. "Because then I might have to get a job where I
can't dye my hair purple without risking a panic attack."
>Working here has taught me just how powerful >women can be if they work their asses off and >believe in what they doAnd then when it all goes south, cry to daddy they need money. Please support our gofundme page! Girlpower!
No. 98949
This so much. Why when things go bad do so many women pull the "empowerment" card. If you're so empowered, you could deal with things yourself instead of asking others for money.
I don't mind the gofundme, it's the descriptions about it. One has a long sob story trying to guilt you in to giving, the other is just too preachy.
No. 98952
>>98949OMG I'm laughing so hard right now…all of the comments on Pixie's FB page under that post are people saying, "oh, I totally love that Sailor Moon iPhone case in the gofundme picture and want one…but I can't find it on your store's website!" Hahahaha, JMFC, you think maybe
this is why your business is going tits-up, lady?
No. 98954
>>98919"My ex is currently trying to take my children from me, and without a job and stability he may have a better chance."
But earlier she states….
"A month ago, my son had a melt down at his dads house which resulted in dad throwing child through a wall and a police investigation."
Yeah, no. If he actually did something like that and there was a police investigation, there is NO fucking way that they'd let him have the kids after that. It doesn't matter how much money he has.
I call BS on this whole "abusive" relationship thing. I think she's just saying that to excuse her "mutual" assault charge. Also, I totally understand that pregnancies aren't always planned, but why bring a second child into the world if you can't even afford a place that's not owned by a "slumlord" and filthy with bedbugs? Especially if your credit is maxed out?
Sage for OT, this stupid lady just annoys the crap out of me.
No. 99080
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her new hair already looks so nasty
No. 99102
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>>99101Maybe something a bit more layered, like this?
No. 99126
>>99102that's so gross looking?
jillian just looks good in those natural coloured wigs she used to wear
No. 99131
ok teen angst
still bitter that she spams all the harajuku and japanese fashion tags when she's wearing 100% western brands all the fucking time
No. 99232
>>98941LAWL. Jillian's "Working here has taught me how powerful women can be if they work their asses off" interpretation of yet another person scamming people for $. Not surprising.
Isn't she friends with that gutterface doll scammer person too? It is amazing how removed from reality Jillian is, to make a signal boost like
>>98915 for such a dodgy situation.
No. 99235
>>99081uh im pretty sure hime makes your face fatter
also i think her short hair looks cute but its not voluminous enough and makes her head look huuuuge
No. 99283
Jillian turns a blind eye to everything. The fact that she relentlessly supported Kate and Fahr during their drama (and anyone else e-famous) was proof enough. Now her loyalties lie with some mess of a reseller boutique. PEI is one of the cheapest provinces in the country in terms of commercial and residential real estate. The fact that they've never been approved for a loan is absurd. My entire family and friend network are basically all local entrepreneurs (in a neighbouring province) and not a single one of them have operated without funding. She admits to having no financial recourse nor capital nor credit and she's basically closing her doors because one staff member was sick for a week? How can a business be so fickle that it is ruined by one week of absence which should be fucking normal because all businesses have staff who take sick leave. What is this bullshit.
The first paragraph of the gofundme page is such a self-important and obnoxious introduction. This woman presents herself like the cancer of her community. Why is she mentioning anything about her personal family problems with her customers? This is the least professional thing ever? Giving us gritty details about her entire life situation where she basically reveals she has no strategy to her aspirations and expects other people to pick up after her. If your child is extremely violent and being abused by his father and collection agencies are robbing you, maybe you're not in the best position to be running a fucking business????
If jillian doesn't learn to stay far away from this trainwreck she's bound to run her shop and creative projects with the same entitled behaviour which will ruin her professional reputation.
No. 99301
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the owner's facebook is literally nothing but super trashy memes and insane rants
how does jil associate with this
No. 99590
This cow definitely needs her own thread!(After all, she's a "local celebrity")
No. 99695
What's wrong with her hair? Looks gross.
Pretty glad this bitch left lolita. I remember her first and second videos, her deep voice caught me by surprise.
No. 99704
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She really did a bad job with her hair this time.
No. 99707
>>99665She puts non-cosmetic glitter on her face. Does she know how bad that is?
Also, does it piss anyone off that she goes "I have so much anxiety. I'm introverted and have no friends uwu" and then invites 30 people to her birthday party? IMO if you're inviting 30 people to your party, you're not really that introverted.
No. 99720
>>99707All of buzzfeed's "introvert" posts have really rendered that word meaningless though, so yeah.
>>99704omg she's like limecrime v2.0 tho. her whole aesthetic, being in a "band", and bad hair like… just giver her some time and she'll be scamming people too probably.
No. 99722
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She looks pretty good for going on 81.
No. 99813
>>97601I'm like 5'9 and own and fit into swankiss..
you just have to be really skinny the only issue with being tall is stuff being too short
No. 99844
>>99665She looks so tacky, and I cringe every time I hear her mention party kei. How do you artificially coin a style? You can't just make shit up based on your personal aesthetic and call it a fashion, that's not how it works.
>>99707Sadly, there are a lot of people that think antisocial/bad in social situations = introvert, which is not true.
No. 99850
>>99705>>99773From that very "fan" blog, in a section called "Remember": "STYLE HAS NO GENDER IDENTITY"
Maybe that's why this stuff is so awful, it's trying very hard to erase genders. How long until she promotes wearing potato sacks decorated in glitter…
No. 99862
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No. 101093
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No. 101101
I don't think I've had a single birthday in my life where my family gave me anywhere near that amount of gifts
No. 101126
>>99665Maybe it's just because people from where I live are notorious for being thrifty, but I've never seen someone actually plan something this big and elaborate for a Birthday before. I'm actually kind of curious to see the party video because it sounds like something out of one of those highschool tween dramady type shows.
Also, I really don't understand the logic behind inviting 30 people because she doesn't want to talk to people she doesn't know that well. Wouldn't it make more sense to just spend time with her family and close friends if that's the case?
No. 101215
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one of the gifts is a betsey johnson bag it seems
No. 101440
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Holy fuck their pose is so staged it makes me cringe
No. 101455
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No. 101484
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Just dumping some things.
No. 101526
>>101395>>101397different anon but.. what?
pixie's is more pastel and kitschy. the music video has toned down, muted colors. i don't see any pastels, bright colors, sparkles, confetti, general 9 yr old party aesthetic..
are you blind?
No. 101535
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No. 101537
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No. 101749
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>>101526but you can see why people are drawing comparison
No. 101868
>>101863Yeah, some black girl keeps answering some anon and pixie keeps reblogging it. It's hardly offensive but Pixie is taking OFFENCE to it.
It's fairy kei basically.
No. 101896
>>101738Matress plus boxspring just implies the mattress part. Doesn't sound like she got a fancy bed set. Probably not as fun to show off in videos.
Side note, those beds are gorgeous and I hope I can afford one one day.
No. 102255
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Dumping some of the more cringey stuff from the party kei tag on tumblr. There's a lot of cult party kei in the tag as well.
No. 102256
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>>102255This looks like ordinary fairy kei to me.
No. 102259
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>>102258Apparently Jillian is so unoriginal that she inadvertently copied an already established Jfashion. I'd bet 500 bucks that the Jfashion looks better, too.
No. 102262
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>>102259She's spawning a new legion of snowflakes.
No. 102264
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>>102262Another party-kei wannabe made a post entirely of tags.
There's not much else worth noting in the tag, but let me know if you want more.
No. 102291
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>>102259Peco and Peco kei are really cute. Pink and purple seem to be the main colors.
No. 102297
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>>102295Don't think this has been posted yet. (Posting screencaps mainly for the tags)
No. 102299
>>101492>>101491>>101489>fucking sheet music on stage for anything besides rach 3literally lmao
this post isn't even elitist, i think anyone who has played piano for more than two years understands how fucking ridiculous that is.
No. 102377
>>102256Exactly. People keep defending her "omg girls are so butthurt cos she invented her own style-"
Fuck off. It's fair kei with party over it and Jill will probably make another video to confirm this with her little party poppers licking her sparkly asshole in return.
Plus they're probably just sticking up for her so Jill reblogs their post and they gain more followers. Wouldn't surprise me. Hence how dumblr logic works. Asslick = followers!
No. 102381
>>102365Doubt it. Not when you've got big models over in Japan where the magazines for these types of styles are being produced, where the style is ect.
Japan already HAS styles like "party kei". They already HAVE models there who speak the language and are good enough to flaunt the style. They wouldn't want Jillian. Jillian is nothing new to them. They see the Harajuku/colourful/pop/fairy look all the time there. So why would Jill be any different?
No hate to Jillian right, I'm not trying to be nasty. How is she any different?
It's like people keep saying Venus will model in Japan and become a tarento. How is she any different apart from being another white foreigner in Tokyo?
"Party kei" has already been done before. The doll look has been done before. I doubt Japan is interested. They would MAYBE invite Jill for a make up tutorial at the most or a little shooting on the street to end up on tokyo street fashion. That's it.
No. 102448
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No. 102476
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w h y
No. 102496
>>102481>>102482That's sort of true though. "Party kei" is more like fairy kei imo. It's basically fairy kei with Dolls Kill-tier tumblr shit thrown in the mix.
>geniusFucking lmao
Just about everyone with an interest in fashion has their own personal sense of style.
Why, in the name of fuck, can't you just dress the way you want and borrow elements from fashion subcultures you like without trying to make it a "thing"?
No. 102512
>>102451dont do it anon
dont give her that satisfaction
No. 102514
>>102385Plus Ayumi Seto who is sorta that quirky jap model who likes american things and that enid ghost world look
so meh
No. 102515
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amo already did it jill
No. 102516
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plus that spank! model
No. 102656
>>102645It's probably because she has a poor diet and doesn't actually take care of her skin.
>>102514>>102515>>102516Peco actually says her style is supposed to be reminiscent of a 90s musical high school party. So if there was some bit being done with "party kei" they'd most likely go to Peco first. Which would be pretty cool.
No. 102665
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It's bothering me that this bitch is so stupid… too fucking stupid. Betsey wants to repost her photo and everything but Jill straight up ignored her. She even commented twice. Fucking idiot.
No. 102672
>>102670I assuming you meant to reply to
>>102476 ?
But yeah, I see what you mean. I do love brown eyes and I think it's kinda sad how badly her stylistic choices clash with her natural eye colour.
No. 102831
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>>102758>its her namethis is a stretch. calling it pixie kei doesnt ACTUALLy sound like she's basing it off of herself. it sounds like a rip off of fairy kei (which it is)
>its her personal styleNope nope nope it's her copying generic Harajuku fashion and pretending it's HER style.
>trying to make it something big seems really pretentiousIt IS pretentious. If she had been working this style for more than 2 seconds and people were actually wearing it (which they almost cant since it already exists as fairy kei)
>the eventual brandShe'll drop trying to be a fashion designer faster than she tried to be a lolita. If she thinks lolitas are catty and mean she wouldnt make it into the door of a fashion class.
Also she doesnt even follow her OWN fashion. She claims that ribbons integrated into the hair is KEY and she hasnt dont that yet. As well as she said fluffy shoes are a MUST and where has she worn those either?
She's full of bullshit
No. 102981
>>102979Everything about her post is so beyond obnoxious and pretentious. Ugh
>I decided to make a blog post that had been in the works for god knows how long- because my literal job occupation is blogging about fashion. I kept it semi-secret for so long because I didn’t want it to be a big thing, but since I share so much with my audience and talking about fashion is what I do, I thought it would be a fun thing to talk about. That’s literally it.Your job is not blogging, you dumb bitch
>Did I craft party-kei up from the soil with my bare hands? Oh god no. Am I the ruler of a great party empire? I sure hope not. As I say in the blog post that started this whole thing, I honestly, genuinely, just noticed that the things I liked wearing that didn’t usually fit in one specific fashion, looked cute together in my opinion- and so I wrapped it up in a lil package and called it party kei. I literally made a venn diagram of what party-kei is made up of and it’s so hilariously sad and complicated, maybe I’ll post it later :^) No. 102990
>1) This is not something I wanted to become a trend. This is not something I wanted other people to do, or for it to catch on, or to become the leader of some movement- that whole idea honestly is not appealing to me. Other people have shown interest in it and so they’ve made the Party Kei Worldwide Community group- which is cute and fun to be a part of! A few people have also started a Party Kei blog and a Slumber Party Kei blog which are cute and I love scrolling through.
Let me start this by saying I really don't have much if anything against Jillian, but…this is kind of a lie? It smells like one at least. If it was so unappealing you wouldn't be presenting it the way you have. Not on your YouTube, not on the community page, not on your own page, etc. On the community page you act like the leader and talk about how it isn't big yet, on your YouTube you referred to it as you "coining" it, you refer to it as a street style. Maybe you don't mean to but you absolutely encourage it, so it's a little weird of you to say it's unappealing when you've gone to so much effort and made multiple interesting wording choices that lease everyone to believe otherwise.
My problem isn't with her wanting to start some new trend, it's with the fact that she's seemingly being kind of dishonest about it.
No. 103231
File: 1457567278895.png (34.88 KB, 794x100, kek.png)

"I've been in love with him for 2 years!"
well that didn't last long at all
No. 103241
>>102979So, what I read was, "whoa, I can't handle all this push-back, so I'm going to just wash my hands of it and say, 'eh, I just gave a cute name to the stuff I wore YOU all are the ones who turned it into something more so leave me out of it!'"
It's like she gets in over her head immediately with things and instead of bucking up and owning it and making it better, she bails.
No. 103796
File: 1457581013751.png (1.7 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2016-03-09-21-29-55…)

Please learn to do your eyebrows! Omg!
No. 103797
File: 1457581080836.png (931 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2016-03-09-21-34-00…)

Omg lol
No. 103801
File: 1457581639256.jpg (219.64 KB, 908x730, 1453929765434.jpg)

>>103768This is the first time I've ever heard of "party kei" and I feel like vomiting from all this bright shit already. Alcohol not necessary.
>>103796Laughing my ass off at those brows. Who would record a video with THOSE?
No. 103915
Ew her lip product application in that video with those little kissy bits are disgusting. I'm positive she could outline the shape of her lips a little so they don't look like ass but since she just jumps straight to dumping bad pigment and glitter on there they look like huge blobs of sewage leakage.
>>103870Larme is a quality magazine (keepsake type magazine, not throwaway type) that's been published for the last few years. The concept is "Cultured Girls" i.e girls who enjoy going to art galleries, knowledgeable about literature, generally trendy etc. It is a 'sweet girly look' for girls who are comfortable with what is appropriately cute in the trends. It is essentially a toned down, grown up and less attention grabbing style than most harajuku fashions but is still not quite mainstream or normie J fashion. Simple makeup (with a 'dolly' effect), a high-neck long-sleeve white top, a long sheer black skirt, some cute heels, maybe some ribbons in the hair and other minor details throughout the coordinate would be considered accessorizing. That's pretty much larme. No, swankiss isn't a larme brand.
No. 103984
>>103763Jesus. The part where she's doing the kissy kissy with her lips is absolutely gross. I cringed a little bit. Also, her hair and her top look absolutely awful.
>>103915I don't know what you'd consider to be a "larme brand" but Swankiss is definitely featured in the magazine quite frequently enough to be considered a "larme brand" by most people. Most items that they carry have that similar aesthetic.
No. 104021
>>103915Larme is actually decent. Just look up Risa Nakamura. It's lace, lots of white/black and pink it's kind of like soft nymphet but nice not too sexual and just pretty. It's a nice style!
Jill is far away from Larme.
No. 104302
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>>104289what a tragic face
No. 104840
>>104289Venus seems to be going back to lolita, so I doubt she'll spoil it.
And as long as Jill doesn't call her fashion larme and sticks to "Party kei/Pixie kei" people won't think of it as larme.
No. 105065
File: 1457913062525.jpg (82.51 KB, 525x372, Screenshot 2016-03-13 at 19.42…)

so a few days ago she mentioned on her fb page that she broke up with a partner
and now it looks like she's publicly calling out colin on tumblr? lmao
the gif is literally just a car crash but the fucking tags lol
No. 105076
>>99862>beans>>101491looks like a shitty Tigers Jaw cover band lmao
>>103915so larme is essentially the j-fashion equivalent of twee then?
No. 105244
File: 1457942240760.jpg (66.06 KB, 926x355, jjjjjlkllk.jpg)

>>105077She doesn't accept anon asks but luckily Colin does and I've done the deeds
No. 105312
>>105260Well we'll see, but I took that original FB comment in
>>103231 to be her speaking metaphorically. "It's like the feeling you get when you just broke up…" not, "I have actually broken up."
No. 105325
It still says they're together on her facebook page. I don't think they've broken up. I think she was speaking metaphorically, like
>>105312 said.
No. 105332
File: 1457970830423.jpg (375 KB, 1000x1500, tumblr_nqiay0KMn31qfvrzvo1_128…)

seeing those bulshit replies about jill being their "peco" makes my blood boil tho, this is a street snap from 8 months ago. she aint doing anything special, in fact these girls have more of a style going on than any of jills pixie/party kei guide which a mess.
No. 105983
>>99665What really killed me is when she says "I feel like 18 is kind of a milestone. Not that in Canada you can really do anything but sign your own documents."
Ummm if you knew anything about the country the legal age in Alberta is 18, you can drink smoke etc at that age you dork.
Also 18 is the voting age???
>god this dumb bitch No. 106021
>>105983ya know paying + filing taxes, legal drinking and smoking in most of the country, provincial and federal voting rights, being entirely in charge of your medical health including finding a new family doctor, gynecologist (it's that time jil), all the dentistry that comes with wisdom teeth which you pay for in Canada AND all her mental health shit that she needs to take over from her parents and usually get re-assessed as an adult patient. You can also get a credit card, sign your own leases and other bills. Something we know Jill won't do because her mom will be paying her cell phone bill and cost of living probably for another decade.
Like you are literally legally separated from your parents in every which way because guess what YOU'RE AN ADULT. LITERALLY LEGALLY AN ADULT.
There's a difference between jokingly saying 'haha i'm a baby' when you're realistically going through school or a job or providing for yourself and being productive in some way. But she's like… flat out in denial about personal responsibility and putting off growing up. Like no, I live in a city with 3 million Canadians and all of them know that 18 is the legal age and expect adults to contribute and behave like adults.
No. 106139
>>106021Is that how it works in Canada? I'm a Germanfag and almost nothing changed when I turned 18. Since I was still a student, all I had to do was send some documents about me going to school to my doctors and healthcare, that's it. I didn't need new doctors, pay for anything or do more than send aforementioned documents. I'm still under the healthcare of my parents because I am at University now. I only have a small part time job that's below tax level, so I don't need to pay taxes.
Sure, you can drink legally now (as if most people don't try it before), you can vote, and you
could theoratically do a lot of things. But most people don't. Especially if you're like Jillian, who still lives at home, goes to school and is supported by her parents. And seriously most people
can't, even if they wanted to, because unless you have a full time job most people still need support and money from their parents to find an apartment (here you often need a back up person in case you can't pay ren, especially as a young person!), fund University, have healthcare… In Germany, you don't even get a credit card as long as you don't have a stable well paying job.
Turning 18 means nothing. The day she has to move out, get a real job, file for taxes the first time or has to pay her own taxes will have far more effects than this day. I don't know, maybe it's different in other countries but I don't get the hype about turning 18 as if you'd magically turn into an adult overnight, and magically have and can organize every single aspect of your life.
No. 106545
>>106185You are trying so hard to make Jillian sound bad but you are just being salty. She is going to uni, which clearly you didnt. Most people who go to college feel the same way as she is saying because it doesnt feel like you are an adult until your mid 20s now. College age is a weird time, you feel more than a child but you dont get all of those adult shit until you have to really get a job.
Since she is going to uni, she will be covered for 4 years more by at least school if not her parents' insurance, her parents would likely help her with taxes if she does it, and she wont have to deal with voting for a while with our majority government.
No. 106648
>>106545you're delusional to think you're a child and don't have to do adult shit until your mid 20's, it just means you'll have less practical life skills and experience in your 30's, you sure as hell won't land a job out of uni with that expectation to be babied.
why your parents think it's okay to encourage this entitled and irresponsible attitude idk
back to Jill though, she wants to stay home and be a youtuber for the next 2-3 years on her little conservative island where they still ban abortions and apparently antagonize the mentally ill such as Jillian and her boss.
No. 106672
>>106545I agree with you avbout the weird age phase, and that 18 is not a magical age where you immediately become an adult, but have you seen Jillian?
She's not going to Uni for the next few
years. She wants to pursue her yt-career
even though she's not even famous. If she at least had a huge channel with several 100k or millions of subs and was making a decent living as well as great videos, I could understand her putting off Uni for another 2 years. But the channel she has now, she could easily maintain while doing classes.
Not to mention that she has no responsibility with money, and pretty much unrealistic career plans and Uni goals.
I still canTt understand how she's planning to be a fashion designer. I know people who want to do similar careers, but they either learnt to be a professional seamstress before, or they are working their ass off to acquire skills and experience. All decent fashion schools here have entrance exams where you have to provide portfolios, show your
at least basing sewing and pattern skills as well as drawing skills. They won't teach you sewing from scratch. I know Jillian puts out like, one piece she designed herself every 6 months, but how is that enough?
No. 106966
>>106648>on her little conservative island where they still ban abortions and apparently antagonize the mentally ill such as Jillian and her boss.Not to mention, offer
no protections to workers with purple hair.
No. 106967
>>106545I'm 18 and in fashion design course, can't agree more. People seem to hate on Jillian for things that are common for people our age including this money thing and her parents helping her. My roommate is so bad with money, she always complains about being poor, but she spent so much on makeup and food, she spends doble what I do to eat. They do not think to future because they have "disposable" money, but much has to be pay back and they do not think to the future. It is so normal and annoying I think it is unfair to say it's a weird thing only Jillian does.
>>106848Depends on what she puts in her portfolio. Mine was all pictures of items I had made plus one drawing and a few workings, and it was so good I did not even need a interview. I am not going to fashion school, just a course at a university. What they are looking for in my course is some degree of creativity, not necessarily skill, but creativity and a dedication and interest. Maybe it is different for a specifically fashion college.
>>106914They teach us that basics here. Many people have hardly used a sewing machine before, let alone at all. I cringe when the teacher had to spend 5 minutes explaining what bias is, this is how little they know. We do not do very much sewing so prior knowledge is good to have but they teach you everything you need including drawing, sewing, bla bla bla.
We are allowed to make whatever we want so long as it fits our brief. I was given a punk/gothic designer as part of this to study so I don't know why you think they want you to pander to normal.
Styling clothes is different to making though and I think Jillian will not get in because she cares too much about shopping, not enough about actual clothing.
No. 106979
>>106967>Maybe it is different for a specifically fashion college.I'm majoring in fashion at an art school with close connections to the fashion industry and she'd need to know basically what I mentioned in
For my portfolio, they really wanted to see that I knew all the basics of design including fabrication and sketching. My interview wasn't an extremely formal one but they did ask me about what fabrics I would use for what and why.
In my school, the first 2 years are GE so we're building up more knowledge on the basics based on what we already know. Jillian doesn't seem to have a basic grasp of fashion beyond styling and muh unique style, so I don't think she even has the foundations to be a fashion major at an art school.
sage for personal blog post and also not contributing
No. 107025
The problem with Jill is that she only likes and doesn't have the passion. No passion for fashion kek.
No, I think she likes styles and clothes. But when it comes to being a designer, there is people out there now today all these Youtubers and they get little brands, ect ect. But I don't see them as designers. Even kota has wants to be a designer her "life long dream" and she's done about six years in Japan to get to this point. I don't think she's a designer, just a face and a figure.
A designer actually fucking cares about what they're creating, they have drive and put the damn effort into their pieces. They care about what they use, the little details, the quality and materials. All the silly nuggets, they care about it. I mean even if some designer pieces look shit to us and we go "meh" but it's different in their eyes.
I don't see Jill as a designer. She'll probably end up as another fucktard who gets a free brand, few lipglosses and shit like that. But never an actual designer.
Unless… she starts making an effort and gets herself into the mode. Makes a change.
If she ever manages to do that, then I will call her a designer. But somehow… I don't see it happening.
No. 107028
>>106608Probably trying to build up a fan base and then hopes someone notices her so she can go off doing other things then earn more dolla then go school?
She's a tit. She can easily do both, school and YT. Even fucking Venus is making more of an effort nowadays.
No. 107527
File: 1458435564745.png (1.34 MB, 1080x994, Screenshot_2016-03-19-19-54-13…)

Eww her shoes! Like seriously
No. 107538
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No. 107542
>>107527I doubt she gallivants through forests on the daily so how can she even achieve that level of dirt??
Why doesn't she take care of her expensive shit ffs
No. 107563
File: 1458442452036.png (2.23 MB, 1280x960, partyfuckingkei.png)

I've not read anything about Pixielocks in a long time and seeing she's made #pixiekei & #partykei a fucking thing of her own creation that 'never meant to happen' is just pure cringe. What a trainwreck.
No. 107601
>>107527Didn't she
just buy these at the start of winter? Holy shit.
No. 109525
>>106672ur an idiot u dont need any sewing skills for design school they teach u that
what they look for is creativity
my friend got into parsons and she cant sew for shit but shes a great artist which jillian isnt lol
but it isnt even that hard to get into fashion school u just need money stop hyping shit up
No. 109528
>>106979my god you're all so dumb!!
you don't need 'skill' you need creativity for fashion schools!! they teach u the skill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
maybe for ur lame art school u need 'skill' but!not!in!real!fashion!schools!ie!parsons!!!!!!
(i assume you moved up to fashion school from 7th grade) No. 109530
File: 1458724066512.png (502.7 KB, 593x594, Screen Shot 2016-03-23 at 2.35…)

Ew the forehead wrinkles
Who would voluntarily post such ugly pictures of themselves online? Like is she a masochist or something?
No. 109624
>>109525That makes zero sense. That's like hoping to art school when all you can do is barely hold a pencil. What's the use if you can't do basic shit? You'd need to much time learning the basics to learn all the other advanced stuff.
Tbh I wouldn't take agony art or fashion school serious that doesn't recquire a portfolio and some basic skills art least. Take your tumblr crap and your need for asspats over nothing somewhere else.
No. 109678
>>109650Maybe some bangs…?
It doesn't help that her skin is so sallow looking, either.
No. 109703
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>>109530I tried to see what I could do on my phone. Not much of a change, but eh.
No. 109707
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No. 110445
File: 1458898788634.jpg (18.63 KB, 720x982, FB_IMG_1458898639304.jpg)

>>109709She could have edited this photo so her shoes didn't look disgusting.
No. 110454
File: 1458900262882.jpeg (27 KB, 463x345, image.jpeg)

Same face
No. 110577
>>110560Why do no two shades of pink in the entire outfit match? Is she colorblind?
Also, that sweater is really unflattering.
No. 110804
File: 1458962708257.png (739.53 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

This camel toe nightmare showed up in my dumblr feed and it pissed me off!!
No. 110846
>>110560You can see the eyeliner rubbing off on her mascara, it bothers me so much.
Her dye job is a nightmare as usual.
No. 110847
>>110560that entire video was so cringe holy shit
her makeup application is frightening and the outfit was pretty terrible, didnt look like spring at all.
No. 110855
File: 1458993424447.png (264.46 KB, 639x359, Screen shot 2016-03-26 at 10.2…)

>>110560dank eyeliner bro
No. 111034
>>110855Please fix your hairy eyebrows before posting a close up of them. I am so
No. 111040
>>110804What do you guys think she'd look better in? I'd like to see some farmer opinions on that.
I personally think she needs to dye her hair to a nice dark or rich brown. The pastel really doesn't do her coloring well and makes her look sickly with all the icey pastel coloring compared to her skin.
Then I think she'd also ironically look good in darker colors to sort of match, like maybe navy. Something about her seems like it'd be better for more mature fashion and not weird kawaii looks.
No. 111041
>>111034I feel sorry for you anon if you think her eyebrows are bad.
You should rethink your standards.
No. 111059
>>110804Jillian's hair would look better if she actually
toned that shit after the box bleach job. Jesus. I KNOW YOU READ THIS THREAD! GET SOME B/B AND V/B TONER!
No. 111167
>>110445I don't get it. The soles are white. Just fucking spot bleach them holy shit. And then be proactive and clean your damn shoes evey once in a while.
I thought Japanese girls in street snaps had some nasty shoes but Jillian's really take the cake. Pun not intended.
No. 111195
File: 1459068007730.jpg (265.85 KB, 900x387, fixielocks.jpg)

i tried to make her look a little nicer but my ps skills aren't that great, the five zillion different pink tones in her hair sure didn't make it any easier.
No. 111198
File: 1459070558929.jpg (536.75 KB, 900x1118, fixielocks2.jpg)

I feel like she'd really benefit from darker colours, the pastels make her skin look chalky and sallow.
No. 111199
>>111198(sage for samefag)
I also really think it'd help if she ditched the horrible pouty facial expression.
No. 111221
>>111198I think she could pull of a warm dark color, but not like ashy brown or plain black. I think those would just have the same effect - making her look chalky and sicky.
She'd probably look good with a nice ginger-ish brown like in your edit.
No. 111236
File: 1459092729896.jpeg (50.17 KB, 504x576, image.jpeg)

My mums 55 and doesn't have lines like this.
No. 111243
>>111236Sweet fuck forehead wrinkles are like the new nasolabial folds
You weird body dysmorphic PULLtards need to stop shitting everything up with these weirdly petty comments
Forehead creases are still not content. It's one thing when something like, 'oh xcow looks haggard as fuck now look at those new wrinkles' comes up but this is just ridiculous
No. 111253
File: 1459098617935.jpg (255.73 KB, 599x594, new hair.jpg)

>>111198>>111221 I agree with you guys completely, now that I did this shoop she looks so much better. Changed the lip colour and background wall because the pink was competing with the red-ish hair.
No. 113018
File: 1459356439035.jpg (73.34 KB, 500x667, 20150508124055272_500.jpg)

Her supposed style "Party Kei" is starting to slowly tick me off. The biggest reason being is that it has no influence.
Fashion styles, be it Eastern or Western has roots, it has influence and media to go off from. Party Kei is just what she thinks looks cute, and that's not a definite style it's about as structured as a outfit to go to the shops.
Peco's style to me reminds me of those retro girl games and what not. It's slightly preppy in appearance and looks like a ton of fun. I've been thinking of buying something from her shop.
Jill used to be tolerable when she was just a chirpy girl overloaded on cash who bought dream dress and magical girl wands. Now she's just this wannabe fashion pioneer with nothing to show for it apart from hauls and blog posts. She doesn't want to go to fashion school because she'd go straight back to her cushy YT career the second someone questioned her craftsmanship and totes original style.
No. 113423
>>113018>>113018You're completely right anon. I always thought the party kei thing was stupid because it was so try hard, but I totally understand now that the whole thing has no foundation.
Even her "must haves" for the look, she never wears. Like fluffy shoes that remind people of slippers or whatever the fuck
No. 113527
File: 1459432671879.jpeg (172.24 KB, 750x864, image.jpeg)

Is she ever actually going to put out music? It seems like she's posted tons of pictures with her "band" but not even a demo on soundcloud.
No. 113650
>>113537Wait, wait, she's missed
school because her cat is sick?
And work? Wow.
Honestly she's lucky she's had this much time with her sick cat. All of my cats have gone from fine to having to be put down in the space of two days. I had one cat that had a stroke right in front of me and had to be put down an hour later. I never saw an animal look so scared and panicked and yet helpless all at the same time. It still haunts me when I think about it and makes me very sad. That was definitely the hardest. But, I still made it to work the next day.
No. 113748
File: 1459471931779.png (564.71 KB, 1046x1026, Screenshot_2016-03-31-19-29-22…)

Looks like Jill will kiss up to any person who can get her to Japan
No. 113933
File: 1459522926524.png (396.89 KB, 492x574, Screen Shot 2016-04-01 at 16.0…)

she's a weeb fucking crazy fuckboy
No. 114212
File: 1459597477782.jpg (279.61 KB, 937x871, 3237367_lookbook_sugary_things…)

lutty chubby crusty racist chan tbh
i stumbled across jills old lookbook and damn that is some next level photoshop
No. 114303
File: 1459626743780.jpeg (322.79 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpeg)

Cuck. crusty pig!!
Tried to shoop Jillian down a little bc all of the threads are going to shit-I still couldn't do anything about her shoes, and still too blurry.
No. 114377
File: 1459654962240.jpg (572.02 KB, 1175x1920, 1431032093931.jpg)

She never ever takes care of her shoes. Why?
Pic related, shoes in the background falling apart and scuffed to hell.
No. 114408
>>114303She doesn't need to lose weight. Like
>>114341 said, she needs to learn how to dress, how to style and colour her hair and how to do her make up properly. Her size is fine, but even if it wasn't, weight loss can't help if you dress in kawaii expensive trash bags and have no idea what suits you.
No. 114492
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No. 114614
>>114492It looks like her head's too small for her body.
hmm its sad that when you go to the beginning of her instagram there are pictures of her with natural hair colors and no sparkles and shit all over her face and she's actually cute?
She doesn't suit pastel hair colors at all and those chunky sweaters with miniskirts aren't doing her any favors.
No. 116546
File: 1460116952175.png (143.04 KB, 500x731, tumblr_o4ywcq0hwy1v1aqh4o1_500…)

She has been posting her pictures. Did she used to draw or is this a new development?
No. 116558
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From BtB
No. 116589
File: 1460135131593.jpg (104.89 KB, 2048x1582, 12973140_1310257335654925_8191…)

Her awful typography genuinely frustrates me. I can barely read this without straining my eyes.
>>106357The text in the purple box isn't even centered properly. And why the hell would she choose to use cool pastels for the text when the border is mostly warm and bright?
Maybe I'm being overly critical as a graphic design student, but I can't fathom why anyone would be proud of this mess.
No. 116699
File: 1460164479133.jpg (100.31 KB, 600x601, tumblr_o50le3lV6c1rupgmao1_128…)

I am dying. The new SPINNS collection looks exactly like what Jillian described Party Kei to be and executed it much better than she has. It has the slumber party theme and all the other little details. And she reblogged the photos. kek.
No. 117104
File: 1460278081497.jpeg (38.34 KB, 500x687, image.jpeg)

This is like advertising to save starving children in Uganda, but then using a photo of jillian.
No. 117143
>>116589Another GD student here… I agree it's painful to look at. Too much text, awful typography, too pastel, badly positioned.
No. 118283
File: 1460504179514.png (1.45 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2016-04-12-18-31-43…)

Someone please teach her how to do her eyebrows…..
No. 119110
File: 1460580576373.jpg (120.09 KB, 593x640, kill me please.jpg)

She is being way too dramatic over a pet. Her cat is fine now, right? Why is she still so upset? Why is she being so dramatic? Not that I'm shocked.
> mfw 19 minutes long
No. 119132
>>118335how spoiled do you have to be to actually skip several days of school because your pet is sick
my family never gave that much effort to pet's health because we'd either have them live at another relative's house or they got killed in brutal ways
No. 120149
>>120106Jillian is so fucking annoying about magical girl anime, not only are they the most popular but it's the most saturated fucking genre out there.
I cannot believe how special she thinks she is. She has shitty taste anyway as she considers Steven Universe and Jem and the Holograms to be Magical Girl anime but Puella Magi Madoka Magica isn't, because you know it's too dark and not enough pointless filler episodes.
No. 120154
File: 1460762365766.jpg (358.4 KB, 1365x768, Dokidoki!_Pretty_Cure.jpg)

>>120133What gets me giggling is she recommended one of the worst seasons,Doki Doki Precure. Mention it to any fan and they'll be groaning.
The lead is a self centred pink haired girl who takes advantage of the friends she has and is a huge special snowflake
lmao no wonder she likes it :^)
No. 120829
>>120004she is such a snooze fest nowadays holy shit
at least she had somewhat coherent videos when she did specific cute fashions but now its impossible to not get bored with her rambling about nothing substantial whatsoever
also I hate how she depicts all of canada like a frozen wasteland when she lives in the coldest parts of the country and all the actual big cities with moderate weather are like wearing sun dresses and playing frisbee in the park today lmao
No. 121438
File: 1460948088440.jpg (27.71 KB, 632x535, BETSEYS-HOTLINE-PHONE-CROSSBOD…)

>>120004>>120004after watching this it really made me want the bag knowing the phone works. I know it sounds stupid but I find that style of phone really comfy to cradle between the ear and shoulder. Whereas cell phones now are so thin and slippery they fall to the floor constantly for me.
Also this one is really cute, although I will admit a bit tumblr fashion -esque
No. 121778
File: 1461011417605.png (735.73 KB, 858x754, Screen Shot 2016-04-12 at 8.02…)

No. 122035
Buy the bag. You'll wear it way better than her anyway.
No. 122366
File: 1461177287406.png (834.85 KB, 708x717, 2016-04-20 15.32.13.png)

Why go out alone dressed like that
No. 122377
File: 1461180701095.png (713.05 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

ffs. and I like Spinns. she probably only ordered these because she was salty that their upcoming collection was identical to "party-kei"
No. 122468
File: 1461202636849.png (596.6 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

I like how she calls herself a manic pixie dream girl on tumblr. Oh you're fucking manic alright. A dream girl you are not
No. 122678
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Isnt she just gorgeous?
No. 122685
i rly like this outfit
its got a theme WHICH WORKS. not too over the top and its a casual outfit with the skirt as a main piece.
its not a crap tonne of pinks mashed together with some fluff and glitter.
keep it simple and it works better
No. 122687
>>122678Oh look, it's the 50 dollar t-shirt!
The dumpy jean jacket kinda ruins the outfit for me, but maybe that's just due to personal preference. ngl, I love those socks, though.
No. 122771
>>122757i know this is baitudes, but there are probably people who actually like her style. That outfit in particular is so all over the place. There is no cohesive color scheme. The rainbow/blue makes the pink/grey look out of place. Basically that outfit looks like shit.
I swear Jillian is just running out of clothes that fit and refusing to get proper sized clothing and that's why her latest outfits look hip grandma kei
No. 122835
>>122678I know this might be nitpick-y for Jillian since shes had worst outfits recently. But I wanna remind all of you that she prides herself on her coordinates and has uploaded ´how to coordinate´ video guides and being preachy about balancing colours etc.
This outfit just plain sucks in terms of clashing with her hair. Theres no pink anywhere besides her huge headband that already doesnt match her hair. Then shes mixing a cotton tee with solid color strips and denim jacket.. with a holographic skirt? I feel like she has two different looks going on here, one being the glittery pink kawaii look and the other is 90s american hipster. And more shitty contrast with the socks/sandals.
I can sorta see what she wants to do here but it really needs to be touched up.
Also how does this fall into her descriptions of party kei at all?
No. 122856
File: 1461326895064.jpg (26.74 KB, 292x395, 13043720_1111922438860648_8205…)

I wonder what she thinks about the type of people that regularly post in the party kei group.
pic related: this girl(?) posts all the fucking time and will not shut up about buying glittery craft supplies
No. 122860
>>122366>>122678Maybe I'm an asshole or just super nitpick, but her skirts look sooo fucking short. They barely cover her ass, ad she isn't even wearing tights. It's not about le thick thighs!!1 or accusing her of being a fatty; these skirts are what i would expect to see on an American Apparel ad or at a fashion shooting, but irl? How do they work? Whenever you slightly bend down or try to sit, don't they reveal almost everything?
As said maybe I'm just a prude, but gurl, these skirts are way too short for an everyday look.
No. 122951
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No. 123036
>>122771i think your last comment is right on the money. she looks so uncomfortable in her body and she would probably be happier for the time being in better fitting clothes.
imho she should just take better care of herself and her shoes. she's young, she doesn't seem like an awful person, just desperate and confused for real relationships
No. 123182
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No. 123185
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No. 123187
File: 1461377278595.png (745.72 KB, 693x652, 2016-04-22 23.05.42.png)

Her friend's outfit photo from their instagram??
it is from a year ago
way to go jill
No. 123305
>>122860Like the other anon said, you wear shorts under them - but the skirt might be too small for her. I bought an AA Skirt on sale even though it was a size too small and although you could get it on fine, it constantly rolled up. Their skirts are really short, but I think she's like 5'2" or something, so it shouldn't be
that short on her.
No. 123306
>>122951>those stained, pilled socksThrow those away girl, what the fuck?
>>123248>flattering angleHer upper body looks like a bent marshmallow, it's not cute. I don't even dislike her, but her outfits and poses are unflattering as hell.
No. 123314
>>123024Anon, she had these shoes for years. One of the jelly straps even ripped (they're in one of her older favorites videos)
Why does she still wear them??? they look ratched af
No. 123370
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No. 123404
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No. 123546
>>123488i'm still waiting for her to actually put stuff up on soundcloud. she hypes her band a lot and we have yet to see anything other than a few pics
speaking of her music taste i'm kinda surprised she hasn't hopped onto pc music yet tbh. it seems like something that she'd love since it's so ~ weird ~ like her
No. 124022
>>123863AP has been getting more and more plus sized friendly in recent years. All of their full shirring pieces fit me (about 90ish cm bust). And some of their dresses have been apparently max bust of 100+ cm.
Its really only zip up items (no shirring) and old school pieces she'd have to worry about.
No. 124661
Remember her crazy ghetto boss
>>99301and the shop fiasco
>>98915 >>98941
Apparently Papercakes Pretty is no longer. Jill stopped working there at some point last month I guess and now the owner is selling off whatever she can and vacating the property it seems.
Such a short lived but kek worthy little ride.
No. 124974
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No. 124975
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No. 124976
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No. 124977
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No. 124978
>>124974Looks cheap and tacky.
>>124975Those velcro straps look dumb with the wooden (?) base. Ugly shoes.
>>124976Roots look like shit, but I do like the lip color.
>>124977And besides her sickly yellow-ish complexion, I genuinely think she looks cute here. Ngl, I'm jealous of her nose at that angle.
No. 124996
File: 1461757468913.jpg (68.26 KB, 590x593, image.jpg)

>>124977I already did one of these in the meitu I thread in /b/ but this picture begged for the photoshop treatment. This was the best I could do using only phone apps. Fixed up her chin and jawline and changed her hair and lip color as best I could. Her lip shape was also wonky due to her drawing outside the lines so I tried to fix that up too.
Has anyone else noticed that her pink hair leaves these garish pink shadows all over face? I think that's part of the reason she always looks so sickly. I couldn't get rid of them.
No. 124998
File: 1461757851790.jpg (71.94 KB, 791x593, image.jpg)

>>124996Here's a side by side (sorry the images aren't the exact same size)
No. 125317
File: 1461797697041.jpg (147.66 KB, 629x518, wonkylipjillian.jpg)

>>125272sure anon. Real cute.
No. 125365
>>125272Unrealistic? What. All they really did was shop out her shitty make-up and shopped on more "normal" looking make-up.
Oh, and removed her jowls.
No. 125757
>>124996>>124998Yeah, I tried editing pictures of her too and can't get rid of that sickly pink look either. Compared to her skin, it always washes her out and makes her look bad. She seems to love pink the most and it's really unfortunate because it makes her look the worst. Her undertones clearly clash with whatever she wears.
I wonder if she'll ever attempt any type of darker fashion? It doesn't even have to be dark, just maybe something with some bright reds or more natural coloring. Someone should try steering her away from this pastel stuff, but I feel like she's surrounded by a lot of yes-man fans and friends.
No. 126252
File: 1462019771588.png (509.04 KB, 933x551, jill.png)

>what is concealer
No. 126364
>>99432Late but "local celebrity" LMAO
More like "locally infamous for her dramatic meltdowns in public places and insane Twitter rants"
No. 126416
>>126385Do people use green concealer for dark circles? I've only ever heard of green concealer being used for acne/general redness.
I can't really place what kind of hue her dark circles are, but they're only really particularly noticeable by lolcow standards anyway, imo.
(sage for kinda OT)
No. 126798
>>126624complains about prices
your buying harajuku fashion. From small stores which dont have alot of traction in the west. Spinns is small, not like Galaxxy or AP and sell simpler things.
stop complaining about price.
No. 126802
>>126799I wonder if jill is irate about this or
"ommmmg guys I inspired HARAJOOKO fashion designers!!"
No. 127826
File: 1462452216858.jpg (11.84 KB, 255x168, ss (2016-05-05 at 05.43.31).jp…)

>>127820fucking christ if I lived in PEI I would go just to see Jill haha.
Also yeah that was weird. Likke in her last video "Oh I have this fantasy of having a picnic!!!"
Looks like deranged woman on a blanket
No. 127827
File: 1462452470181.jpg (74.51 KB, 761x611, ss (2016-05-05 at 05.47.22).jp…)

Oh no god forbid someone else is playing the piano
>jill might get triggered
No. 127829
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No. 127832
File: 1462452751410.png (1.1 MB, 1592x422, dramakids.png)

Wait why is she still in drama if she wanted to get away from the whole "theatre kids scene"?
No. 127834
File: 1462452952779.png (1.27 MB, 1592x458, sift.png)

just taking random screen grabs for those that dont want to click around in the video
No. 127835
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No. 127854
>>127841idk as someone studying musical theatre at uni she's super off pitch and shaky, it seems too high for her as well. But whatever PEI is super small and they have to deal with that.
Jill completely fucked up the soprano line in the last clip, gurl needs to stay on pitch and blend with the others.
No. 127865
>>127835The way she talks is so fucking irritating. Them singing Supercali at the end was like nails on a chalkboard. This entire video is a reaffirmation of why I hate theatre kids.
Also, why is she the only one not dressed like a normie? What went wrong? Everyone else seems relatively well-adjusted.
No. 127877
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No. 127878
>>127877she looks like my fucking co-worker.
do all chub girls have this face?
No. 127918
>>127878I don't get this insult at all, also what a dumb question. She doesn't look bad in the face for a fat girl compared to many others. She doesn't even have the regular fatgirl sameface and you know damn well lol. She'd look a lot better with better styling and makeup (that hair yikes) so she's not even nearly the worst, especially out of fatties.
I doubt she looks like your coworker either, but cool story breh.
No. 127979
>>127877Her roots are so bad, holy fuck. It's ridiculous.
I don't think she's fat, but she's just so…doughy. I wonder if she stopped wearing jfash brands because she can't fit into most of them anymore (besides the lolita ones, since they're fairly forgiving).
No. 128001
>>127918nah. she looks like the typical fat.
>>127904That's the one thing I kept thinking through the whole video. Everyone else looks normal and is wearing non attention whore clothes yet Jill looks like a textbook tumblrina. It looks even worse when she's prancing around in her costume. I'm suprised they didn't make her wear a wig or dye her hair a natural color for the roll.
No. 128069
>>127482Yeah that was my impression. I mean you can just tell from the prices and designs. Wego at least has some interesting stuff on occasion. Spinns is a little boring to me.
I'm really surprised she didn't buy anything from their slumber party collection. I would think the cheap generic party crap would be right up her alley. Is she too upset over them "stealing" her super unique kawaii fashion?
No. 128072
>>127841Mary Poppins girl has the kawaii girl look the living doll wannabes wish they had.
Jillian looks like a troll next to her.
No. 128089
>>127832Um is she seriously wearing Jellies for dance rehearsal? I'm surprised they allowed that since she could easily slip and fall.
The video isn't working for me, is she just ensemble? I'm surprised they let her get away with this crap.
No. 128110
>>95289old post but I got bored and wanted to retread the thread
I hate how spoiled she is with these toys. So much. She probably gives them eBay links on the daily to what she wants in her "weaboo" collection. You don't work hard for these at all. You don't slog through Mandarake and Japanese Yahoo auctions trying to get this stuff. You don't save for it.
I am genuinely feeling sour because I didn't have this when I was her age, she has a smaller collection but of rarer items. Which none of them she even worked for. At all.
I hope to go she doesn't get into SuperS or Stars because the toys from that are rare and pricy, Jillian will probably eye up Chibiusa's items for pink aesthetic alone. That's all she wants them for. More brownie points from the aesthetic squad.
No. 128134
>>127832because she still wants to be the star of the local play while also being within the queer/alternative indie music scene (which consists of like 8 people in PEI)
I hope you guys realize when she said she was ~changing~ and had ~new friends~ she legit just meant she was sucking up to the few queer kids that exist on that island. I'm assuming part of it was to impress or get closer to Colin who is intersex but she's probably also impressed with herself for the newly acquired tumblr crew. The people who attended her birthday party and recently had a picnic with (she tagged them on her tumblr) are all the same few radical feminists/queers. Hence why she's been acting a lot openly gay-er recently as opposed to a self-contained jfashion hobbyist.
No. 128233
>>128089No, she's playing Jane Banks (though I swear it sounded like she said Jen Banks…is that a Canadian or some kind of PEI accent?) Anyway I don't know about the play, but the kids in the movies had practically no lines, as I recall.
>>128134I was wondering, is her ex somewhere in this? I thought he was a theater kid too. (You know, thus why they just had to break up, because, not her scene anymore.)
No. 128258
>>128233No I didn't notice her ex within the crowd, so maybe she moved onto a different production or he dropped out.
Also maybe a PEI accent although I thought most of the speaking sounded fairly normal
>although I skipped around a lot Canada fag here and most Canadians sound pretty normal. Only the people in Newfoundland sound really fucked up, even other Canadians have no idea what they are saying.
No. 128370
>>127820I wonder how her singing sounds.
She stands out a lot, in a hot mess kind of way. Does she have friends? She seemed so lost when it wasn't the posed group shot.
No. 129398
File: 1462960638981.jpg (59.16 KB, 960x640, 13096034_1037731266280395_4132…)

Looks like she's bleached her hair on top of the pink? Gurl needs to calm down or her hair will fall out
No. 129400
File: 1462960690821.jpg (55.85 KB, 960x640, 13164474_10154063454396405_338…)

Also dumping photos from the MP dress rehearsal
No. 129501
>>129398hooollly shit girl stop. You're going to have your hair fall out. Also whats up with
>>129399 ? Is she doing an interview?
No. 129874
>>127854This, as a Vocal Arts Major, I agree with you. She definitely is off pitch at a few moments and needs more work on her vocal fundamentals and on her acting skills as well. She seems dull and afraid. But I agree with the other voice Major anon here, nervousness could be the reason.
>>127904Yes! Even the musical theatre director from my high school would chew her out right away. I can totally see the scenario happening, my director telling her to either dye her hair to a natural color, wear a wig, or gtfo. But of course, Jillian would be
triggered by that!!!
>>128370You can actually hear her voice. Jesus, she really needs to work on it if she wants Rainbow Valley to be successful.
Also,off topic, but why are they using a single mic?! Why can't they just provide them wireless headset mics?! think it takes away the magical vibe.
No. 131222
>>131102Jill posted a few disgruntled posts on the mains apparently plain and boring and not liking them as a duo.
My voted on Sugar Sugar Rune.
No. 131275
>>131254im here for this
Didn't like Princess as much as Happiness Charge but step back and notice Jillian fucking loved Doki's MC. A big fat mary sue with no development.
Jill said shes watching Precure 5
she'll try and start an uproar with there being a het relationship very present.
No. 132649
File: 1463748167595.jpeg (262 KB, 1243x1212, image.jpeg)

I can hear her hair scream in agony…
No. 132694
>>132007"This is a blog dedicated to confessions about the fashion style, Party Kei, created by Pixielocks."
I think she means that Party Kei was invented by Pixielocks, but I wouldn't be shocked if she created the blog too
No. 132736
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her next look
No. 132954
File: 1463846361139.jpg (1.54 MB, 1080x1200, wowsooriginal.jpg)

>>132884it's just a bunch of mashups of fairy kei and some newer trendy tumblr shit like that the girls who shop store like American Apparel, Unif and Dolls Kill are going for. Also the whole kitschy 90's pastel grunge shit has been around longer as well. There is an already established style that she is following and doesn't seem to grasp that it's already a thing and therefore she cannot invent it.
I mean wow look at all these people copying Jillian.
No. 133114
File: 1463907968161.png (948.16 KB, 935x588, ok.PNG)

>>133078by this logic nothing Jillian has ever worn counts as "party kei" despite the fact that she wears and tags this stuff as "party kei"
>>132954 No. 133142
File: 1463919566812.png (1008.16 KB, 768x1024, image.png)

She made this and it actually looks pretty well designed and constructed. If she picked a better material for a dress instead of that shiny stretchy cheap looking costume fabric te dress would look so much better.
No. 133190
>>133142I don't even sew but even
I can see how terrible this looks. Look at the bodice alone. Everything about this is terrible. The awkward uneve bodice with the fabric bunching and wrinkling all over the place, the uneven looking skirt and overskirt that doesn't connect well with the bodice, the chocker-thingy and weirdly darpiing fabric attached to it…
Sorry, but everything about this is terrible, ill-fitting and unprofessional.
No. 133208
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Pixie watched Peachie's new video on "Balancing your Identity"
No. 133245
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No. 133246
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No. 133247
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No. 133256
>>13324640min isnt that much
Quit yer bitchin
No. 133444
>>133442I hate to say this but… sweet jesus. She is HUGE compared to before. I know she always posts about muh illness affecting her ability to exercise, but considering how she barely moves but still eats desserts and shit, you'd think she would make a little effort to keep it under control? Also I doubt her doctors are telling her to not exercise, especially considering a lot of chronic illnesses benefit from exercise in an appropriate form.
With her haircut + makeup + way she dresses + being almost 26 + gaining lots of weight in the last year or two, she is looking super homely compared to before when she was downright adorable. It's getting… homely in a creepy way.
No. 133446
>>133442Ive been thinking this for a bit about peachie. I absolutely adore her, I think shes a sweetie so no hard feelings about it.
At her smallest I think she was a bit underweight looking, but now she is a bit on the fluffy side.
No. 133447
>>133142>well constructedare you drunk? the bodice seams are crooked, it doesn't look like she's cut/sewn the fabric on the grain because it's stretched so weirdly, and the waistline is crooked. why is the left side so bunched up?
it's a cute concept but it would've worked so much better if she'd used something like duchess satin, you still get the shine but none of the weird stretching.
>>133245she's really not that large, she just sucks at dressing for her body type.
No. 133775
>>133718lmao k you cant actually be that bothered, who cares if chicks don't exercise unless they're so obese they'll die, in which case it works out for everyone. Being spoiled is one thing, for sure. Being sheltered and reeking of privilege is an issue, sure. But where the fuck does body shaming an 18 year old that weighs around 120 lbs come into play? like your point is laughable, surely you know that? rethink your life if you want to be taken seriously.
>>133708She's confirmed a while ago she's taking 2-3 years off to focus on youtube. You're late.
No. 133778
>>133775If you seriously still get offended by people calling others fat or chubby here I suggest leaving lolcow. Unless someone is a skeleton like Ash or severly underweight like the Anas, Kiki or Himezawa, they get called fat. No exceptions aside from aforementioned cases.
Just ignore these people
No. 133820
>>133775Are you new?
>120lbsHow do you know this, anon? Are you her? Or are you just going off her 20in waist statement?
>BODY SHAMING!!!1Jfc, please don't. Commenting about a lot of weight gain over a fairly short amount of time is completely valid when they both stuff themselves with sweets while racking up the bills on mommy/daddy's credit cards and loafing around without a job.
Not sure if you are just fat and taking it super personally but it's the blatant truth, so you might want to calm down a bit.
No. 133864
>>133718>>133820I get that critism for Jillian, but Peachie's illness of the kind where she literally gets too exhausted and in pain with even minimal physical activity(she talks about it here:
As for eating too much junk food, she's only a little chunky so I dont see the big deal with that plus she is constantly dealing with her illness and probably missed out on alot so having a little junk food could be a way to cope.
No. 134146
>>134096It's the weird droopy eye make up, especially her brows, when they are visible. The lenses look terrible on her too.
Without all of that she looks like a normal person.
No. 134151
>>133693Peachies weight gain is obvious but idgf because shes a sweet heart who has medical issues.
Its not being petty if its just a fact, people are just going to point it out. I personally have no problem with it.
No. 134153
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>>134146I really agree with this haha. Its the same for Misako imo. Misako looks really nice with more normal makeup and her non-creepy smile. But the make up they give her in shoots is sometimes awhile, and I will never get over her boat lips when she does this
No. 134440
>>134292Just because she selectively chooses what she wants to share regarding what she eats does not dismiss the fact she gained a ton of weight over a short period of time.
>desserts and shit>shit being other foods that can cause weight gain if you don't move.She is obviously eating or drinking more than just fruit, salad, and icicles (???) otherwise she wouldn't have gotten so fat though? (Cereal isn't very healthy fyi.)
Also I could say the same thing. You don't know her eating habits and yet you think she eats nothing that would contribute to significant weight gain?
Regardless of her eating habits, we do know her exercise habits which certainly aren't doing her any favors. She can easily do some exercises that suit her illness to prevent gaining weight. In fact, not exercising can contribute to her feeling even shittier.
So either her doctors are shitty by not telling her this (doubtful) or she is lazy.
No. 134902
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No. 134904
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No. 135771
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I was originally just going to point out that Jillian is going to be doing everything herself for prom - I bet she's going to be the tackiest piece of shit there.
And now I wanna point out; Isaki with rainbow hair would make me barf.
No. 135888
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>>93376i swear to god my fav drag queen bought a pair of those shoes in purple and wore them to drag con
No. 135934
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>>128444katya does "party kei" 9000x than jillian on a daily basis
>tfw you get outfashioned by a literal meth addict crossdresser in his 50s No. 136550
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just me or does her scalp look disgusting or like shes balding.
No. 136551
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>>135617I think they look gaudy in a "kawaii" look or on some basic white bitches. But I think these could look totally gorgeous on a darker woman. You know what I mean? Like when bold prints and patterns just look nicer on tan or dark skin.
>not trying to race derail >like this is a thing?? Just like how people should dress for their skin tones No. 136557
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No. 136558
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No. 136578
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>>136554I hate that such a good show for children is going to be used as another pawn to amass more views/attention. Is Precure not enough for you Jill?
I don't want to label requisites to be a fan, but she just seems to be the most vapid, empty magical girl fan for miles around. I don't get how you can have so much merchandise but elaborate so little on the show itself. It's like she only sees it from an aesthetic standpoint, something to dress up her room and Tumblr.
No. 136730
>>136557>"I never use it because it's not what I wanted, so why did I buy it!?"Maybe because you have a problem? I'm honestly mildly concerned for this girl. She seems like she can't even casually go into a store without having to buy something, and she comes off as being way too fixated on having the trendiest, most expensive things imo.
This is just speculation, but I feel like because her mom supports her excessive spending habits and constantly provides her with pretty much anything and everything she wants, she has no idea how to prioritize her spending. So instead of maybe saving up to buy one special thing that she really loves, she'll just grab anything and everything that remotely interests her. There's nothing wrong with having expensive hobbies, but I think that Jillian is looking for constant gratification through new things because she has no sense of value or appreciation for the things that she already has due to the fact that that she already gets everything she wants. It's sort of a vicious cycle.
No. 136784
>>136578I feel you.
Whilst i think Jill took more time to understand the themes of Ojamajo than Precure, she is just using it. The merchandise is expensive and alot of people pine after it, which makes her want it more. She claims shes building a "collection" but honestly..its an aesthetic backdrop.
It will be end game if she somehow obtains a Sailor Moon liprod considering how insane in price they are.
No. 136787
>>136551I get what you're saying and I totally agree. Jillian is a perfect example of how
not to dress for your skin tone. Her skin almost always looks so sallow and sickly. I swear she almost looks jaundice in the OP pic.
No. 136792
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An old picture but adding on the ChibiMoon rod, Ojamojo stick and Princess Palace, this certainly amounts to over $1000.
No. 136805
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>>136794Nah, her hair looks legit awful.
No. 136850
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>>136619I noticed that too. ALB also did Lady Lovely Locks hair three months ago and hers looks better because she used less yellow than Jillian.
No. 136857
>>136784Can you show an image of the specific lip rod?
I liked Sailor Moon as a kid but now that Im older and watch other magical girl animes, im not super into it. Just curious about the item.
>googling it brought up the gacha set and I doubt thats what you are referring too No. 136925
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>>136857These are the liprods in question, very rare and sell inbox for over $2000 easily. Unboxed even $800+. If she manages to buy them it'll make me sick to my stomach
No. 137169
I was googling pixielocks, and came across this crass site. Each to their own, but as a pixielocks "fangirl," or whatever crap your going to call me out on, I like her.
Here's my two cents: maybe she's not this crew's ideal of "organic" J-fashion, but she makes a kitschy-pastel fashion culture more accessible in a small community like PEI. I personally don't find it disrespectful to the fashion world, because she's just doing her own thing – and, I wouldn't call her a phony for that. Yes, maybe all her stuff isn't A-class designer, and she shops H&M, dolls kill, etc., but she is a teenager, doing her own thing and making a little bit of money at it. She inspires people, like myself, who can't always afford expensive "real" brands, to make the best with what you got. It's all in good fun – isn't that what fashion is all about?
Do any of you know her personally? I doubt she has a severe "spending problem" as suggested, as she only has a few "haul" videos, as well as "how to make your own" videos, too.. so it's not really fair to assume personal trife. She also gets a lot of apparel and extensions given to her, for commercial promos.
I do admit her more recent videos aren't exactly "professional" as she talks about her personal life more than the topics; but, call me crazy, in a way that makes her more endearing for some people – "coming of age", if you will – for her younger fan-base to relate to. She's only graduating high school, give her a break people. She's growing – and I'm not referring to her waistline. Growing - as in evolving. It's human.
I'm older than her, so it's not like she's my idol or anything. I aspire to more than pastel fashion. But I do appreciate her artistic soul. She's an aspiring designer, graduating high school, and having fun. She's funny, clever, slight disorganized-in a relatable way, and I like that. She's figuring it out – like the rest of us. Maybe she will drop the scene in two years, and be successful in other avenues of life. Or, maybe she will be a successful designer. It wouldn't surprise me.
I am a local, but I don't know her personally. I just check out her vids and stuff when I'm bored and need a pick me up. I think she seems pretty rad. I did have a random run-in with her once, when I had been shopping at the late, Paper Cakes Pretty, and she was working the cash. Instead of placing the dress I'd purchased in a run of the mill plastic bag, she put it in a shiny gift bag (that was the store's scene, fun). I commented on how I liked that idea. To quote her. "It's fun, isn't it? I love it to. Like a birthday party. I want everything to be like a party." I think that's genuine and sweet.
The point is, she is doing something she loves. And making a working lifestyle out of it, while being focused on school, extracurricular stuff, trying out music/theatre/fasion designing, etc. It seems like she's exploring all walks of life as a young adult. And, I call that success. As for her personal life, I can't comment on any more than that because I have no clue, nor should I. People who are posting pics of her eating lunch via picnic, shit about her mom, her house, her rehearsals – creepy … You're way too invested in someone's personal life. For people who seem to despise the kid, you sure spend a lot of time researching and talking about her. So, she must be doing something right … my two cents.
Pixielocks "Fangirl"
(and proud of it!)
No. 137179
>>137174wasn't aware that making your skin look really sickly because of the hair counts as doing a decent job, but w/e
additionally, this is probably jillian herself masquerading as a fan
No. 137182
>>137169>She inspires people, like myself, who can't always afford expensive "real" brands, to make the best with what you got. It's all in good fun – isn't that what fashion is all about? $50 tshirt.
No. 137192
She only gets a few hauls/year, now. So it's not like she spends, endlessly. A good hairdresser, and specifically for pastel, lets say every 4-5 wks (at the least often) is $200 plus - not really practical for a high school kid. So, it makes sense she does her own hair for the time being.
And, of course she has some brand stuff, too. I think the OP was just suggesting that it's nice to see someone, such as pixielocks, not getting all in a stink about having to be some j-fashion snob. If you can get some decent kitschy, kawaii, or pastel pieces from H&M or dolls kill, or whatever generic store, so be it. At least the finished coordinate is fun and fashionable. "Like a party."
No. 137193
>>136925Thank you for the image anon ! I'm assuming these are the older ones. Were they sold with actual lipstick inside? Might be the reason they got expensive since they were trashed easily idk
>or just really rare I dont know if Jill could ever bum $800 from her mum. I hope that she wouldnt do that…
No. 137194
>>137169First off let me say I'm sure you are Jill herself. By saying you also live in PEI is just a cover up so you dont get outed by Admin-sama for your IP.
Second I can understand why people kind of get into her thing, but personality wise shes always rubbed me the wrong way. I've been watching since her lolita days, before the LACE drama at the recommendation of a girl in my comm.
No. 137197
>>137194My apologies, I'm not very tech savvy. Just learnt how to reply. I can assure you that I am not Jill, nor do I know her personally. I was just googling and came across … whatever this strange place is.
My name is Tanya and I'm responsible for posts >> 137169 >> 137174 and >> 137192.
If we can't have a conversation without accusations, or suggesting that I am not authentic, just because I have a different view than the majority, well that speaks as to how hypocritical this board is. Tootles.
Take care.
No. 137199
>>137197okay gonna call bullshit anyway because nothing jillain does is 'accessible' to her demographic because MOST of what she buys she buys on her mommy's dime. The fact that you're pretending like she does all these things to make her fashun easy is laughable when she cant even pull off her own fashion herself. She constantly doesnt take care of even really expensive items with the obvious lackidaisical attitude of a spoiled brat who has never had to really work for anything in their life (see: her shoes and how many times shes bought things and said that she has no idea when/where she'll wear it)
No. 137218
>>137197lol jillians mom found us again
weren't you in the previous thread about her too?
No. 137252
>>137197Your daughter has over a $1000 worth of plastic sticks and baubles. I'm sure you paid for them in one way or another, but could you please sit here for a moment and think about
>>136792? Over 1k in plastic. Also, call your accountant.
No. 137379
>>136619OT but is ALB finally wearing a really good lacefront wig?
She's been dying it for years already, and something about her hairline seems hella fake.
No. 137763
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The future of these shoes
No. 137894
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No. 137898
>>137896I hate Jillian as much as the rest of you, but she really doesn't. Honestly, she looks younger in those pictures than she does in most of her other ones.
The lighting, hair color, and eye bags don't make her look good, though.
No. 137902
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>>137894I don't know why, but the way she dresses and the way her face looks sometimes reminds me of the main character from Strangers with Candy.
No. 138178
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>>137763Hahah wtf anon I didn't realize you made this. But Christ it is so true
No. 138179
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No. 138187
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No. 138258
>>137336>>137406My parents are like that too-I am a materialistic spoilt brat at 19 and have a wardrobe full of worthless brand..seeing Jillian makes me realise how shit I am and now I'm scared like the last thing I want to do is come across as her and I'm pretty sure I most likely do
dont know why I felt the need to even post this makes me sound even more like a jillian!!
but thanks for helping me realise this anons I'll try and be more careful with money+grateful and not spend everything in a matter of seconds and be a decent human being and self reliant
No. 138269
>>138258Well I'm glad you were able to see your own faults via jillian anon, I wish you luck in bettering yourself
I think with Jill its really bad because she posts online about it constantly, plus she treats her possessions really horrible. Its okay to be spoiled or have your parents buy you things, but the trick is to be humble and grateful about it. Jill buys expensive lolita dresses with her moms money and then like 2 months later decides to leave the fashion completely and sell all the gifts her mom got her
No. 138270
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No. 138271
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No. 138312
>>138287Yeah thats her mom.
Holy shit I didnt even realize how bad it looks in this photo. I think its not exactly wrinkles, but her face super scrunching up from her smile. It still looks terrible though, and means shes going to develop crazy bad wrinkles there sooner than later.
No. 138321
>>136546>>136547>>136550Why does she insist on hairdos that only emphasize how terrible her hair is?
The roots, the patchy bleach job, the thinness, the dryness, does she not see any of this?
No. 138393
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No. 138400
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guys come on, she's obviously got a history of crap… curious about the self harm as i've never seen scars but they could have faded. she seems nice enough, just… confused, you know?
No. 138432
>>138400And yet she still chooses to put herself in the public light. Yes there are people in the public light who do have issues but most of them dont use it as an excuse
I'm also not buying 'clinical depression, possible bipolar' if she was diagnosed with depression why would she not be also diagnosed for the bipolar (or even the anxiety issues)
Also tbh that sounds like being a teenager to me. Your body's not used to certain hormones in situations so it seems like this big scary thing that it might even
trigger a panic attack. That doesnt mean that you actually have anxiety problems or anything.
No. 138493
>>138481her lips look like dried grapes and her teeth looks even worse…
why she looks so yellow is she sick???
also yeah "swatches" out of focus, really helpful
No. 138549
>>138481 was so annoyed that she can't even swatch right. EVERYONE SWATCHES ON THE INSIDE OF THEIR ARM HOW IS THAT SO HARD TO DO? Nobody wants to see them on your greasy sausage fingers or on your bumpy ass hand.
Also most likely we'll never see any of these products again because I feel like she never wears a full makeup look in her videos, just eyeliner and lipstick… Not that I want to see that highlighter reappear because under those lights + that shitty thin bad dye job hair it just makes her look kind of greasy.
No. 138583
>>138393Jillian looks much better in these tones. I don't see why she strives to always go for pastels.
Also her brother would make a good crossdresser lol.
No. 138618
>>138481Dude, I hate that "flickering" eye roll thingie she does. It's so fucking annoying.
>>138549I think she was just mimicking Jeffree, he swatched like that on his video for this palette.
No. 138656
>>138432You can get multiple diagnoses. I doubt her claim because it seems very much like every teenager wanting to seem more legit but you can have depression and bipolar, same as double depression, you would have major depression and what they call the lesser one too. Anxiety is also highly comorbid too with both.
If she really had any of it I would expect to hear more of it now.
No. 138668
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So, is Jillian bulimic or have some sort of lymph node problem?
No. 138811
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No. 138812
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>>138811Hahaha! I love you, anon
No. 138828
>>138393She looks cute here. She should ditch her horrible hair colours, bright make up and shitty clothes and go back to a natural flattering hair colour, more sublte make up and better clothes.
It's almost sad.
No. 138842
>>138656No. Bipolar is not diagnosed with depression. Yes, anxiety is comorbid with both. Mild BPD and anxiety is what seems most likely to me.
Source: Psych nurse.
No. 138867
>>138857Specially bred cats. :(
They're cute though.
No. 138888
>>138867I believe she said in one of her videos that she needs to have purebred cats because her mom has allergies.
Although, (not to start a debate over the ethics of specially bred vs. rescue cats), but I'm fairly certain that none of those breeds are hypoallergenic… so I have no clue what she's on about. Maybe they're just allergic to the idea of not having the most extravagant things.
No. 138976
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No. 139038
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No. 139040
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>>139039I think the guy is someone in Jill's band
No. 139042
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On my phone so I can't really tell if the girl on the left is Jill or not
No. 139138
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No. 139218
>>139105holy shit
this is great ive needed this
did she ever talk about jill?
No. 139292
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No. 139500
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I like how her boyfriend is also jaundice yellow
No. 139561
>>139500holy shit he's so unfortunate looking too, super lopsided and that lisp drove me crazy the entire video. I miss Tristan now lol
Looks like she's settled on calling him her BF instead of "person" or "partner" or whatever special nonbinary snowflake term of the week.
No. 139569
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>>139500Why is everyone in her life yellow
No. 139570
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His teeth
No. 139586
>>139569L I T E R A L L Y
No. 139597
But for real, he looks and acts so fuckin' dumb, how could she trade Tristan in for this …. abomination
No. 139652
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No. 139654
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No. 139663
>>139660Ugh sat through the whole thing. I dont find this new bf annoying but I can understand how anons think Tristan is better. I think Colin is not /terrible/ looking, he's kind of dorky cute. But I have questionable taste in guys so I understand that Tristan is more conventionally attractive.
They seem kind of OK together and if he does turn out to be gay, I hope that they stay friends.
No. 139931
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No. 140531
>>139938source? I'm interested in this
She's started talking like him now, saying shit like "hi" and "come thru" and "yassss" but it's even more cringe coming from Jillian
No. 141166
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Jillian has old Super Nintendo ass skin
No. 141705
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No. 141715
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>>141706This is from 2014 she looked so much better.
No. 141718
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She looks like a failed Susie Q
No. 141750
>>141706wtf is up with that awkward pose and the graininess and that over saturation of my god? I thought Jil's mom was a legit photographer?
The dress is a trainwreck in and of itself, that vest is a hot mess too. She looks like a reject Candy Land character that had to turn to a life of prostitution to get by.
No. 141767
This thread is now banned. Anyone who tries to recreate it or mentions the thread subject(s) in other threads will be permanently banned.
If she gets involved in community-wide drama again, like with the LACE thing, then someone can ask me to re-allow the thread. Otherwise, it will remain banned.
You may make a few final remarks or arrange an off-site location in
>>>/manure/1924. That thread will be locked on June 22.