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No. 252849
Jillian Vessey is a DID (Dissociative Personality Disorder) LARPer who trivializes mental health and sugar coats every single bad trait of hers while hyping up a dubious diagnostic impression that she paid copious amounts of bucks for.
She happily accepted her ~life changing~ diagnostic impression (NOT a real diagnosis!) with a "coming out as DID" celebratory cake, but struggled to maintain the LARP after only two weeks. The number of alters keep piling up and she doesn’t seem to stop anytime soon.
>Began her lolcow run as a "pansexual" lolita lifestyler who rage-quitted due to LACE drama and ~muh restrictive rules~>Is most well known as the creator of the Confetti Club, a group of skinwalking fans that wear “Party-Kei” style, a weeaboo fashion she invented and no longer personally wears. She currently looks like an overweight clown.>Known lurker.>Extremely sensitive.>Terminally online.>History of ED, mental illness, and self-harm.>Very notorious attention whore. Always overstates her abilities in a delusional way and barely puts any effort. >Runs a youtube channel with an inconsistent schedule that went from doing fashion related videos to mostly "mental illness" content, alienating most of her fans.>Has multiple inconsistencies in her DID story and lore. Will change or forget key details about her trauma origin story or her alters. She also tends to deny the bad parts of her mental illnesses.>Started deliberately age regressing while smoking weed not too long ago. Cannot put the weed down.General info:
>Loves toying with the idea of having multiple mental illnesses, will google all of them and see which criteria she fills in the most / makes her look more special. Thus, results in obvious faking.>Frivolously spends money (including the money she receives from her parents) on “ethical” -take it with a grain of salt- items, including clothes, makeup and other shit for any new trend she gets into. Nevertheless, she still is a big consumer of plastic crap and will cut corners whenever possible.>Claims she makes enough money from Youtube despite complaining about demonetization on her videos; will often post/tell the cost of things to show off how much she had spent (as a brag). >Is an extreme narcissist; regularly thinks of herself to be the best/have superior skills in many aspects like fandom and fashion designing despite her skills, knowledge, and results of projects proving otherwise. She’s also a massive attention whore and very self-centered, never listens to others and only cares about her own faked struggles. Disregards any criticism as “hate”.>Refuses to get a real job and relies on video monetization and Patreon donations to keep her afloat despite offering poor incentives for supporting her. Heavily pushes her "full-time Youtuber" title even though she fails to keep up a consistent upload schedule and keep solid engaging content beyond hauls and bullshit vlogs full of ramblings. Continues to post mental health related content, and her fans are steadily unfollowing her.>Opts for "self-care" rather than working on her videos and other projects; defines self-care as doing nothing but taking baths with Lush bathbombs and laying in bed all day. She will take meds without even verifying she needs them or not, or stop them without further medical advice. Other questionable “self-care” and “mental health” content has been noted.>Thinks having an enabling counselor = actual therapy. Said counselor quitted and moved provinces only 1 year after treating her and givng her the DID diagnostic impression. Jillian continues to lie and fake all kinds of symptoms to prove she’s sick, slowly transforming nto a full-blown munchie. Believes her own lies on the matter so much so that she thinks she’s knowledgeable enough to advise others on the matter.>Extremely thin-skinned and defensive of herself, will either delete comments, videos, or tweets that dare question her and act passive-aggressive about it on Twitter. Will also e-bully anyone she doesn’t like or goes against her ideas.>Has kept a total of five past relationships in her life, all ending in drama; tends to use partners as accessories when beneficial to her image. Somehow, all her male exes end up looking like the current aesthetic she’s into at the moment of dating. >Has claimed that her DeviantArt Ex-girlfriend she kept in amicable contact with for a while right after breaking up “abused her for months”. Said claim has been proven false.>She now claims every abuser of hers has been female, even though she has heavily mistreated her past two girlfriends. She broke off with her most recent ex girlfriend, Mystery Girl, around Christmas 2018, because she “was no longer attracted to her”. She kept the Christmas presents that she would otherwise would had given her, to herself.>Her previous friendships almost always have end up in drama. Rumors of her sleeping with the guy that one of her ex-friends liked at a New Year’s party have circulated. Besides that, she has also said in a video that she stripped in front of Steven and his ex-girlfriend Maggie at some point in a get-together. Even her fans found this weird.>Formerly identified as pansexual, then queer, then claimed to be “too into dick to be a lesbian” while dating a woman; currently lives inside her rainbow house with her boyfriend Stephen Clarke. Now both Steven and Jillian identify as nonbinary and pansexual. It is worth mentioning one of her exes also became nonbinary and pansexual shortly after dating her. Steven is currently hinting to a very obvious MTF transition despite having a christian family, which will prove beneficial to Jill, since she wants to roleplay being a lesbian very bad.>Steven Clarke, Jillian’s current boyfriend, enables all of Jillian delusions and pushes age regression onto others, not only Jill. He is porn addicted and extremely terminally online. >Relies too much on other people, including her mother and her partners. Will interact with content creators she likes in a creepy, harassing way. >Claims to be family-friendly, but makes poor attempts to censor herself, has made sexual innuendo in her videos and social media despite knowing she has a largely underage audience. Recently started tagging posts with the age regression hashtag.>Her “angel therapist”, Jedediah M, was a Jillian’s therapist despite only having 1 year of previous counseling experience. Note that Steven was the one to contact Jed for Jillian’s therapy. He’s a “male witch” and a “drag queen” in his spare time, hence why Jillian got so obsessed with him. He moved provinces just a year after treating her, which made Jillian “grieve like someone dear to her died” for weeks, very unhealthy and unprofessional of any therapist. >Jilly started her own brand, 5 petal flower, months before graduating from her glorified Canadian craft school. She plans to sell badly put together Lazy Oaf knock offs despite her work being labeled as “inconsistent” by her teachers because she was mostly distracted with stim toys found on her sewing table. The only work she has produced so far was a collaboration with a small brand that mostly resells chinese aliexpress items and a very cheap and ugly looking bridal dress for her cousin.>Very irresponsible pet owner. Nearly killed her cat by having tinsel hanging around on the floor, the cat almost choking to death. She still keeps this choking hazard where the same cat can reach it for years after the incident. Never seems to clean her pet’s space, you can see cat shit and cat fur all over her house in her videos and selfies. >She tries to prove she’s mentally ill in any way possible, including always mentioning her stims, dissociation, posting edgy lyrics, wearing a t-shirt that reminds her of suicidal ideation, and pretending she can only eat one type of food. Pretends she “never lies”, “doesn’t understand sarcasm” and other autism/neurodivergent LARPing on Twitter. She wants to be mentally ill very bad and will often spread misinformation about it on her socials.>Uses her alters to hold at least one of her personality traits or past times instead of realizing she can be a normal and full-fledged adult woman with hobbies and emotions. Will defend using emojis to sign off as each alter, to the point of harassing others off platforms if they don’t agree with her usage. She also talks in third person to herself while pretending to be an alter on her DMs, twitter, and on picture captions, calling herself “handsome” or “pretty”.>Will claim as many labels as possible, some of them are: Queer, lesbian, nonbinary, FTM, pansexual, emo, rainbow, intersex, fashion designer, magical girl, full time youtuber, neurodivergent, autistic, BPD, DID system, witch, kawaii, drag queen. In reality, she’s just a spoiled dumb girl.>Has been consuming a lot of alcohol and weed in a questionable way, anons wonder if her dissociation is merely caused by substance abuse. She bragged about the liquor store knowing who she is. She pushes weed as a magical cure-it-all for adults and children on her twitter full of underage fans.>Ran over a deer on July 2022 and while originally saying she had no trauma from it, milked the accident dry for pity points, calling it a “near death experience” and claiming “multiple ptsd symptoms” from it. Her boyfriend Steven really pushed the idea of creating another alter to deal out of the situation, but nothing came out of that.>Recently got into bio drag queening, changed her twitter description days before her first performance even went live. Danced like a crazy woman to a Steven Universe and a MCR song on her first performance. She’s now fully accepting the drag queen label with a lot of self-importance and yet again overstating her abilities with barely any experience.>Has cancelled 2 Drag Queen “gigs” so far. But still posts on tiktok saying she’s a valid drag queen.MEET THE ALTERS:
>Jillian: Actual person, but calls herself an alter for the heck of it. Hates being called “Jilly”. Says she can't hear her "brain folk" when she's experiencing trauma, Jillian is the only one who fronts in those situations, defeating the whole purpose of having alters and having DID.>Jerrick: 13-16 year old emo guy, who has supposedly been around for 12 years, conveniently holds all her bad bpd traits. Signs off with a snake emoji.>Veronica: Horny alter, 20 years old, calls herself a lesbian (even though she’s dating a man), she is a “protector of sexual trauma”, says she had to become a fuckable bimbo because she was “raped for months”. Signs off with a flame emoji.>Berry (Nicknamed “Babby Smalls”): Talks and acts like a baby. Proof that Jillian is into age regression. Is always “co-fronting” in some way. Had its name previously withheld for “safety reasons”. Signs off with a strawberry.>Cliffe: 35 year old old man. Her "homosexual assistant" A mix between her dad and Sasha Velour. Looks like Mr. Bruce. Somehow too old for social media, but responsible enough to come out when she does taxes. The emoji is a club. >Flora: A “fragment” slowly morphing into a real alter, and a carbon copy of cure flora / other positive precure characters. She is a blonde sweet lolita. Sign off emoji is a cherry blossom. >Jax: 19 year old “character salad” that speaks and types with a Brooklyn accent. She's a fictive of Harley Quinn (Batman), Jinx (Arcane), and Spinel (Steven Universe). Apparently was born from watching arcane while having major trauma. Jillian called her “hypersexual”. Signs with a test tube emoji. >sandwich emoji: Cat alter, represents how lost she felt moving to a new city. Not much else is currently known about it.>Amanda: Sneakingly revealed in a vlog. Jillian has bracelets and necklaces with the names of her alters, and this name appeared alongside them in a row of alter names. Note that Jillian’s second name is actually Amanda. Turned out to be the other “far away” age regression alter that uses the piano emoji.**Note: The DID saga officially starts in
Will post them down below asap
Social Media & Other Links:
Youtube: 2: (used to be @pixieespam)
Twitter (Main): #2 (“Jerrick” alter): #3 (“Veronica” alter): Tiktok: Current Tiktok: TikTok: Second Tiktok for her alters: Page #1: Page #2: Girls Instagram: Girls Facebook Page: Deviantart: Blog:
http://pixie-locks.blogspot.comDrag Facebook page: No. 252857
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Big Evil Lolcow: bans for doxxing
Sweet little Jillybean: Doxxing is super cute actually
No. 252859
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No. 252860
>>252857Lol these idiots know people can use a VPN right
And even then, it's hard to prove who has which IP unless someone's dumb enough to out themselves by clicking links which most nonnies aren't dumb enough to do
No. 252862
nonnie! Welcome to the farm life.
>>252857Kiwifarms didn't get their information exposed and everyone knows to use a VPN these days.
No. 252863
>>252859>and make it seem like I was aggressive for no reasonWtf? but she literally is?
>I only ever match people's energy/toneWTF literally not fucking true.
Wow. Did she really get this scared about that one youtuber making a new video on her? KEK
No. 252870
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Kek, as if Lucas would help an actual woman with anything.
No. 252874
>>252859The anon last thread who called that she's so paranoid about this forum that she now assumes anyone who questions her/slightly annoys her must be a farmer, called it perfectly.
She's "matching their tone" because to her an innocent question or dislike of anything she does = lolcow user. She truly believes it's impossible to dislike her or something she does while remaining an innocent party or fan.
No. 252875
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No. 252876
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She got this information from reading the thread on her. No way does baked Jillian have the focus to do any actual research on someone.
No. 252881
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>>252875here are the deleted tweets
No. 252883
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>>252879>>252881Thank you, lovely
nonnie! I was wondering the context since I grabbed these late.
No. 252885
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>>252879no problem, here are the others I have
No. 252886
ik im wasting my energy here but it really looks like she's just jumping at the chance to ride on the kiwifarms coattails and get this place taken down, as if she has enough clout to do such a thing. jill has NO problem engaging in internet drama: it's only a problem when the focus turns on her, and then suddenly the narrative changes and shes getting stalked and cyberbullied
>>252878my exact thoughts. you'd think she'd have learnt something since the whole LACE debacle but apparently not
No. 252887
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She raged about this yt comment also
No. 252893
>>252892The funniest part is the footage
Nonnie got was better than what steebie recorded.
No. 252894
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Reposting this video from the previous thread.
No. 252896
>>252887Jill, if you have an actual diagnosis, not a diagnostic impression, show it or shut the fuck up. We know you don’t because it would mean you’d likely lose your driver’s license at the very least (what if she switches to one of the underage alters who doesn’t know how to drive?) and possibly have to go in to serious therapy and possible inpatient at worst. In either case they will likely make you stop smoking weed and move back in with your parents because if you had DID you wouldn’t be able to take care of a house or yourself if you’re a child for a time.
It’s only fun if it’s an online larp, isn’t it? Wouldn’t want to have to give up fun things and be under the thumb of your parents would you?
No. 252897
>>252896You summed it up so well
nonnie. This is exactly her problem, she can cry all she wants about how serious it is but at the end of the day she’s still smoking weed, driving and having and adult relationship with a man. It doesn’t add up.
No. 252898
>>252887You don't have DID, Jill.
You are a faker like all the others.
You don't have trauma.
You're just a liar. A bad one.
No. 252903
>>252876She says at the end that none of her fans asked where she was except one. So she's saying her fans don't come see her shows and no one cares?
>>252899If they were fearing everyone's safety then Sof, who's friends with Jill and has been the thumbnail of the CC thread wouldn't have performed either. I think Jill wanted an excuse to bail and made the decision herself not to perform.
No. 252905
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>>252885I also grabbed this one. (Redo, didn't think to black out usernames.)
No. 252910
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My impression is that her fans will barely touch this site, the confetti club will blindly believe she's being harassed. But she can't erase that everything that's posted are words from her mouth and her own photos, and that anons are only mad because of how she trivializes autism and other conditions as a neurotypical privileged upper middle class girl who smokes weed all day. Not to mention her accussing her ex-girlfriend of rape when she tried to kiss her.
Here's my theory: she wants to be a pro youtuber again and earn money from it, but her recent attempts didn't grow her channel despite her effort and she needs a job and salary. Nobody adressed lolcow in the keffals drama and she wants clickbait, so here we go.
No. 252912
Just so Nonnies know I did archive the video on kiwifarms. Her thread is dead but at least it’s saved. as a user of both sites I can confirm that my info wasn’t stolen because the hacker tried taking so much information he crashed the servers. Kek
>>252910That’s because if she brought up kiwifarms they’d check and find a dead thread.
No. 252914
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Wink wink nudge nudge please go defend my honor!>>252910>Here's my theory: she wants to be a pro youtuber again and earn money from it, but her recent attempts didn't grow her channel despite her effort and she needs a job and salary. Nobody adressed lolcow in the keffals drama and she wants clickbait, so here we go.Considering all the tweets she's made about youtube and wanting to be "hit by the money hose", I think you're right. She fears irrelevancy because no more youtuber lifestyle and of course money. An incident would give her views and attention.
No. 252917
ah, the milk is so bountiful. let's point out some interesting points tonight my precious nonas, shall we?
>Jill says 'Jax' is the social protector, but claims to be a blend of jill/jerrick/cliffe in this social protection video. forget your larp much?
>Jill makes an anti-lolcow video, knowing vangelina, a suspected lurker, will be using these threads for timeline and documentation. Seems like she's pre-emptively attempting to discredit vangelina, imo.
>cites being critiqued for 'feeding her cat pepperoni' and 'shopping fast fashion' but does not cite valid critiques such as: lying that a diagnostic impression is a diagnosis, appropriating autism, claiming repeated CSA from her ex-gf, admitting to 'blacking out' as her little alter while driving and then finding crayons and snacks in her backseat, using psychoactive drugs as a 'treatment', engaging in pseudo science EDMR treatment, using jerricks Twitter to straight up harass and bully people, canceling creators when its convenient to her but then shrugging off huge allegations towards creators she likes, responding to any feedback with 'you're literally bullying a mentally ill person'… ah, list goes on and on.
To our new confetti club members visiting, I reccomend you start a few threads back and enjoy the lovely documentation of a spoiled brat with an untreated narcissistic personality disorder.
No. 252919
>>252916Let's assume the worst case scenario. An online troll contacted whoever is organising the event and told them about Jill's reputation- we don't encourage cowtipping. But let's say this happened, why would the organisers care about somebody recording the show? Most people do that. Why would the organisers care about Jill's reputation? It's a small local event, not a national tv broadcast. The most damning evidence is that SHE TWEETED she's looking for advice how to plan a routine right before the event.
>She’s also missing the part where the only things discussed here is what she voluntarily puts on the internet.This, and nobody would care about Jill if she didn't claim sexual assault and then say "being on a gossip board is the worst thing that's happened to me" or record fake seizures and delete them when she realizes how obvious she is.
No. 252920
>>252917>Seems like she's pre-emptively attempting to discredit vangelina, imo.that's exactly what she's doing, thinking she's smart. she should have honestly waited, but jumping in front of Vangelina makes her look more guilty imo, along with the bullshit she sprinkled through her video like only being here "once"
okay Jill, keep digging that grave
No. 252928
>>252892for legal reasons this is what happened nonna LOL. Someone said earlier (last thread?) that she claims a stalker (assuming she means me) approached her at the show but the only thing I did was film. I didn't say a word to her or was even particularly near her and I'm pretty sure no one else approached her that night either. inb4 random girl that went up to her when I wasn't looking is going to get a restraining order from her for no reason
Also the email doesn't make sense. Someone said Sofia was in charge of the event iirc, wouldn't she just say "nooooo Jill would never hurt anyone" and ignore it?
No. 252929
>>252849thread stamps finally coming in:
>>249621 Jillian is planning to change her gender to x gender>>249622 Nail date with Steven
>>249630 Wants to monetize shorts in the future
>>249636 Gives advice on having a DID journal (somehow all her alters know how to write kek)>>249637 Dissociation preface (before someone asks her about weed)
>>249671 Talks about Amanda
>>249675 Steven follows Vaush (a pedo)
>>249753 Says autistic people develop slower than a normal child (aka calls them "slow")
>>249840 Jill can't handle adult media (but said she wathed gore not too long ago)
>>249841 Her boss Chelsea got a tiktok
>>249861 Chelsea drama (start here)
>>249878 Chelsea is crazy>>249913 No one wanted Chelsea's prints (her own fault for not placing it properly)
>>249949 Chelsea gets the cops called on her
>>249954 Chelsea's ugly pinterest tier prints
>>249956 Jill + Chelsea interaction
>>250073 Jillian about her "haters"
>>250136 Jillian stopped using ativan because she started smoking weed
>>250203 Jillian recommends Drew Monson to someone asking for new bands (creepy coming from her)
>>250218 Fake stimming
>>250226 "Overconsumption is always tacky" (hypocrisy)
>>250228 "My mental illlness is not your entretainment" (then stop making videos about it kek)
>>250275 "Educates" someone on autism
>>250312 "Drag Gig" with her pic on the cover
>>250411 Current social blade
>>250454 Ugly jerrick drawing
>>250465 Someone asks her about her weed habits while dissociating
>>250609 "there's something cute and chic about being the family disappointment"
>>250498 Interesting screenshot
>>250503 Another interesting screenshot
>>250535 Interesting webm
>>250481 Bullying someone on twitter saga starts here
>>250532 Bullying someone on twitter saga continues
>>250608 Makes fun of the twitter user some more
>>250611 More bullying
>>250613 and more bullying
>>250614 "I unbloked you on twitter so you can see my response" (to the person who asked about her weed habits) (very slimy of her)
>>250617 Hypocrisy + bullying
>>250619 and more shit
>>250624 and more
>>250629 "you're harassing a mentally ill person" (wtf)
>>250635 "Go read a book uwu"
>>250700 These "books" (more like decorations) are the shit Jillian "reads" btw
>>250639 "That was fun lol" (after bullying)
>>250656 "This is the most entretainment I've had in a while" (after bullying)
>>250692 "Sending luv uwu" (after the bullying)
>>250724 Some shit about the asexual flag having jerrick colors
>>250728 Continues to seethe about the girl who asked her about her weed habits
>>250736 Diagnostic impression zoom in
>>250782 The "drag gig" she's in the cover of sells out
>>250806 Nightmare gif
>>250825 "Good people with good intentions will always prevail in the end uwu" (said literally the same day after she bullied the girl)
>>250829 More pretending to be nice
>>250861 She gets called transphobic
>>250946 Calls playing with winx cards "stimming" and "age regression"
>>250977 Drag gig photo: She did not attend
>>250983 Funny pic
>>250995 The people who were at the drag show
>>251070 Another ugly drawing
>>251112 "so glad you're okay I thought you were crushed in your sleep" (said to someone in the middle of an hurricane with barely any reception)
>>251125 "Veronia" says her tiktoks get "saved to drafts" (sounds like a lie)
>>251126 More stupid Veronica shit
>>251134 Some shit about her DID
>>251135 Some more shit about her DID
>>251136 People keep waking up to her content not being the same quality anymore
>>251138 "Guys please research DID outside of tiktok and social media"
>>251152 Smiles to the thought of being a villian in someone else's story
>>251259 Bails on the drag performance but calls herself "
valid" on tiktok
>>251316 Says drag being for cis gay men only is "clearly wrong"
>>251321 Gif of the tiktok where she said it
>>251346 Still follows trixie mattel after his controversy
>>251378 Blocks someone on tiktok for simply saying that she did not show up to her performance
>>251477 Acts aggressive on a tiktok video
>>251567 Some retard fan of hers comes into the thread, calls herself a guy
>>251576 Picture of the special snowflake
>>251594 "Cozy magical flora vibes :)"
>>251595 She plans whenever her alters need to come out to film lmao
>>251661 Jill is posted to fake disorder cringe reddit again
>>251706 Jilly loves the try guys drama
>>251774 She "LOVES justice" (about the try guys gossip)
>>251811 "Jax" tiktok
>>251816 Keeps faking the brooklyn accent
>>251829 picture of her wearing dreads resurfaces
>>251835 Ugly pic
>>251836 picture of her touching a black girl's hair resurfaces
>>251910 She censors her feet on tiktok because of foot fetishists
>>251920 Alters talking about each other on her twitter kek
>>251921 and more brooklyn accent
>>251925 "Jer is asexual Jax is hypersexual"
>>251972 Some shit about switching making her vision blurry (can't be more of a faker)
>>252031 People used to watch her while on elementary
>>252128 Posts music again relating it to her alters
>>252150 Calls the undertale main character "plus sized" (kek)
>>252176 Cringe "Jax" tiktok
>>252230 Talks about her "wonderful" life
>>252231 Her thoughts on the hurricane contradict her "thunderstorm switching
>>252239 Another cringe "Jax" tiktok
>>252240 and she calls it "stimming" too
>>252280 "I do drag to unleash this beast"
>>252343 Says she will post a video about why she didn't "bail on her performance"
>>252344 Calls some drag queens "jerrick henchmen" (they look better than she ever did)
>>252472 Louise Vessey aka her mom likes a comment that says "you shouldn't do THC with dissociation"
>>252473 proof it was Louise
>>252610 "They're stalking me in real life" video drops>>252620 "Lolcow slander needs to be adressed">>252746 Deleted this interesting comment, she's observing everything
That's it. this is the last time I will OP a thread on her probably, I hope people can continue making good thread OPs. To make text in bold you use ** at the start and end of a sentene. It helps highlight important things I think.
No. 252931
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Can someone please do a summary or post the entire transcript on what this shithead said? Made it some seconds in but couldn't handle the fact she smiles and giggles when she said "today I have a very wild and juicy topic". She loves the fucking drama so much
>>252878this, it's just LACE all over again. This bully learnt nothing in the span of 7+ years.
No. 252935
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this shithead is so fucking happy about making a video on this website. She's not "scared off her life" she loves the fucking drama
No. 252936
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She literally tells on herself that she comes here all the time and that her uwu memory gaps make it hard to remember because everything she reads is so twaumatic.
Tinfoil but I think because of the whole uma thing having the potential to blow up in her face and faking getting molested by the piano teacher would also be super hard to lie through because she’d have to get legally involved she’s gonna say lolcow and cgl were her trauma that catapulted her DID and that since shes so “autistic” it developed later for her.
I also remember during the early days of claiming her DID diagnosis that she said she started splitting when she was 3. Essentially leaving an open door for another justification of her fake diagnosis.
No. 252937
>>252936I don't want to defend Jill, but we have to remember she didn't say anything outright about Amanda being related to the piano teacher I wouldn't put it past her,but it's guesswork at the moment.
On the other hand we have her on video claiming she was raped, when we also have caps of her friendly talking to the girl she was dating even after the supposed incident.
No. 252938
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>>252936>"my memory gaps uwu"Where were those memory gaps when you kept saying shit that you read on lolcow on your twitter?
No. 252943
>>252941she is only doing the sensible makeup because cliffe was partially fronting. she should let him front more.
jill if you are reading this, stop locking cliffe up until tax season.
No. 252946
>>252945She tried to fix it putting a brief caption clarifying “in my YouTube life,” but you can’t unring that bell. She was talking about her life as a whole in the video, a two second caption doesn’t erase that. Even I give her the benefit of the doubt and believe that she really
did mean her YouTube career, that’s still a heck of a Freudian slip
No. 252948
>>252899In the video at around 10:52, Jill says the
organizationers got an email and Jill herself has not seen the email. Had a zoom chat with two of the organizationers at 1 p.m. day of show. Later in the video around the 17:24 mark, Jill says people (read: forum) do not want her to succeed and stopping her from getting work and paid.
No. 252950
File: 1664700217132.jpg (77.24 KB, 736x742, soap.jpg)

>>252948>Jill says people (read: forum) do not want her to succeed and stopping her from getting work and paid.That's literally not true. She can always make and sell shitty kawaii soaps. That's what all the retarded womanchildren with no prospects end up doing anyway, and she's clearly not good at sewing. Everything in her life failing is literally her own fault. Including drag. She cannot blame an entire gossip forum if she has her entire life online and overshares all her shit. We just make observations.
No. 252951
>>252887So she replies to comments that openly “fake claim” her but deletes ones that state constructive criticism
>>252746 And we’re the manipulative ones? Ok Jilly
No. 252954
File: 1664701024247.png (41.2 KB, 552x468, youtube description.png)

dunno if this was documented but she finally changed her youtube description.
>Hello Confetti Club, we are Pixie!
>We’ve been making colourful content for years and years, from highschool to fashion school and from diagnosis to diagnosis, our whole journey can be followed on this channel. If you like kawaii fashion, colourful living, and learning about mental health from someone who lives it day to day, this is a great spot for you
No. 252956
File: 1664701228403.png (20.1 KB, 836x186, yt.png)

Ratio not looking good.
No. 252957
File: 1664701259252.png (12.29 KB, 812x126, comment.png)

>>252956also caught this comment posted like minutes ago kek. Hello
nonny No. 252961
File: 1664701819357.png (22.7 KB, 794x264, nope.png)

Also how in the fuck is filming a PUBLIC event even count as harassment?
No. 252964
File: 1664702331491.png (713.44 KB, 1034x576, turning girls.png)

>>252929thank you, these take a lot of work and your efforts are appreciated
No. 252966
File: 1664703039963.jpg (728.92 KB, 1500x3523, IMG_20221002_112852.jpg)

She also deleted these and her cousin commented.Cannot find the cousin anymore(?)
No. 252973
File: 1664705194947.png (59.81 KB, 538x980, pix.png)

she's going at it on twitter too
>>252970>Refers to the "forensic psychologist" as a "she">imo she purposefully did that because she knows we found out Jed minored in forensics, further proves how much she lurks hereI remember she also mentioned a friend of Jed that had a digree in forensics having something to do with all this.
No. 252977
>>252966This can’t be the response that she was expecting but i dont see how she thought people would believe all the lies she keeps piling on
she’s dug herself so deep I don’t ever see the milk drying up here
No. 252990
>>252977Can one of our talented artanons draw Jill as a cow? You can only make the face hideous and spare us the rest (like make a chibi cow with Jill clown face)
And then I was thinking, cows have all those stomachs, and Jill has an alter for each stomach
No. 253001
>>252928i hope Trixie or any actual drag queens starts calling anyone filming their public performances and putting them online stalkers.
Anyway, thank you for your service nonna !
No. 253004
>>252981Weed is legal federally, you dont need coverage you can just go and get it as an adult over 19. Based on her just smoking with friends she isnt doing it medicinally as it requires actual reason to get that kind of dosage and its pretty easy to just go to the liqour store anyways. You can also shop online.
With daily usage she is probably going through at least 100$ a month on it easily, probably more depending on how savvy she is about pricing. No. 253015
>>253009Jezus christ
nonnie do y’all just have insane prices? I can smoke daily for €45 a week and even i should cut down
No. 253019
File: 1664720149686.jpg (468.17 KB, 1080x1162, kawaiijo.jpg)

sage for tinfoil but this is her this THE kawaii fluffy jo?the virtue signaling troon loving jo??
and there are no socials of stevie anywhere.twitter and insta are gone.
No. 253022
File: 1664720417332.jpg (170.04 KB, 1080x785, Screenshot_20221002_081908.jpg)

How do you know all these rumors from lolcow if you don't read here you brain dead cunt
No. 253024
>>252979Mega tinfoil but I'm surprised no ones even suggested maybe she sent the email herself as a way to get out of working
It seems weird to me that someone would send this email but yet we haven't seen it. Everyone wants to see the content of the email so why hasn't the person who sent it posted it here? Unless that person is unrelated to here… or there was no email/it was Jill who sent it?
No. 253027
>>253024I think there was no email and that never happened. Maybe I am biased but I feel like organisers would be like: "Whatever, have fun kids as long as you're civil. You feel threatened for your safety? Guess you can skip the event then."
She probably used lolcow as an excuse why she didn't attend.
No. 253028
>>253027I agree I think it's all a facade. She lit up at the end talking about catching people filming her and how she wanted lolcow users to feel unsafe, lose their jobs, ect. The video is just a way for her to try and scare people away from making fun of her. She's engaging in a revenge fantasy and I think this is going to consume her and she's only going to get worse tbh. She might even honestly believe lolcow is why she can't work, I think she desperately looked for an excuse why her life is bad and landed on blaming us because her ego couldn't handle blaming itself.
She thinks we're idiots and that threatening us will make people be silent. Even how eager she was to mock that manifestation girl was really gross in the video. I don't know how anyone can watch that and not be bothered by her attitude, she's acting like she's above everyone else. She paraphrased everything in the video and tried very hard to spin a narrative, nothing she said was in full context or honest. She purposely misinterpreted all of the weed comments and the pepperoni stuff, and didn't use the time to provide any evidence of otherwise on any of the claims people are "falsely making". It's all very pathetic.
No. 253031
>>253028I wonder if she's hoping any drama youtuber would jump on her claims and make a video about her, but she doesn't have any clout aside being a DID faker occassionally posted to reddit, she's not a big internet personality.
There's hundreds of people like Jill, but her being 24, oversharing online and malicious refusal of introspection and admitting her flaws turned her into a symbol of privileged online people who WANT their life to be bad, while there's people out there struggling with actual mental illnesses, money and
abusive relationships.
No. 253033
File: 1664721781703.jpg (71.45 KB, 828x496, Tumblr_l_836002310917703.jpg)

Damn, just showed up here to post another shit edit from an image I found online to see we have milkmas and LACE 2.0 happening. Kek
No. 253037
File: 1664722048568.jpg (143.94 KB, 1080x432, Screenshot_20221002_104649_Twi…)

Shocked she hasnt started raging on the jerrick acc again
No. 253039
>>253031Yup she says that most people will deal with this but that's not true at all. If you're posted here it's for a reason, it's a sign you're doing something wrong. Good creators & normal people, even crazy people who keep it to themselves, don't end up here. The few times people have posted random creators that aren't very bad people it's been ignored. There's many people who do what Jill does, even in her own community, even as small as within her j fashion meets there are cow types, but none act quite like her. None of those people have threads, even the cc club thread is dead.
I think the fact she claims that we're just "ableist and phobic" really takes the cake in the end of it all. She cannot comprehend why anyone wouldn't like her and has decided the reasons must be some sort of socially unacceptable behavior. Everything we say are lies and we're just making up excuses for being ableist or "phobic". I wonder how much her and her therapist discussed this place together.
No. 253041
File: 1664722792446.jpeg (175.72 KB, 959x1175, 263372C3-E200-4997-B91C-EA72C1…)

Her fans are confused now they don’t know who’s telling the truth.
No. 253045
>>253041These read like cowtippers trying to push people to read here to me. A LOT of the 'supportive' comments she liked gave me that vibe too, like they're trying to subtly point out flaws in her narrative.
Of course those efforts are wasted as anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together has already become an "ex fan".
No. 253054
File: 1664724506041.png (845.94 KB, 900x1600, collage.png)

Girl, just stop the weed and get a job, you finished school
No. 253056
People wanting to consume mental health content is a tiny percentage of those that would consume fashion content. She flipped to MH with 0 fashion and now she's grasping at anything to make money there.
>>253054She's learning the same lesson as Hollywood, these woke crowds don't pay out
No. 253060
>>253059She offers something to those who want to LARP with mental health issues. She shows them the social capital it can give someone. Suddenly people treat you with kid gloves and are afraid to speak up against you for fear of being labelled ableist.
Not to mention she is showing just how FUN it is to be a system. You get to LARP as characters you've always wanted to be! You get to feel like you're super unique! And you get to be a part of a larger community that blows smoke up each other's ass and circle jerks to maintain their façade.
No. 253065
File: 1664729563388.png (9.27 KB, 822x461, jill.png)

You're just a liar, and you know it.
No. 253067
>>252935if she was seriously frightened for her life why did she take the time to look nice for the camera? i don't think stalking
victims would be able to apply fun and uwu makeup if they were that anxious.
No. 253080
>>253074It's sad but it all makes so much sense. She is in total denial about growing up. She has no intentions of working because she has been raised to believe that she was special - to her parents, within her school, her community, and now the internet. Nothing has ever happened to her in her life to make her face the fact that she is not special. Every single thing is everyone's business, every single thing is something to hold above everyone else's heads. Jill is special, and it's specialness alone that she believes will bring her a career and money.
So special that she couldn't even get through her 2 year program without requiring special accommodations - accommodations that amount to nothing more than what I assume was the stunning realization that she can't get ahead in school on words and insistence alone. She can't be a "fashion designer" because you have to actually put in the hard, grueling work instead of just SAYING that you are as such. I've seen this play out time and time again. You know the old classic saying? "Writers write." If you don't write, you're not a writer. If you don't design and create and sew, you're not a designer. So let's just say we're too mentally ill (and on top of that - one of the most extreme mental illnesses out there) to accomplish our goals! It's not our fault for just being too lazy or too intimidated to do the work! But I'm still a fashion designer!!
It's all so beyond typical, so transparent, and sad. Jill will literally never amount to anything because she is incapable of accepting reality, putting in the hard work, and doing anything more than lip service. She is all talk, lies and excuses, and that's it.
This is what happens when you insist your child is special and you never ever let them face the consequences of their actions. This is what happens when you never force them to follow through with their claims. For those with kids here: make damn sure you make your child follow through with their endeavors. Don't allow them to generate excuses for their lack of follow through. It does not end well.
The funny thing is: I always thought that Jill and Louise's relationship was actually more competitive than anything. Jill is competing with her mom. But Jill will never be able to build up the life that her mother has, as her mom quite obviously is a hard worker. She followed her passion all the way through and has built a successful life upon it, while also raising two children. I know Jill looks down on that because her mom is "just a mom" but she doesn't realize that her mom has accomplished something extremely challenging: monetary success in the arts. Louise didn't get there by just saying she's a photographer. She did the work. Now it's your turn, Jill.
No. 253081
>>253067Ya, and she was smiling and very bright during it. I feel like if it was something so serious and traumatic, she would be more somber, maybe even shedding some tears if she seriously felt like this was a danger to her. But no, she’s just talking like it’s no big deal. I’m not sure if this is part of the attempt at an autism larp or if she’s just so out of touch that she doesn’t realize how off this is.
However, if she said she’s going to post this on Facebook, and her mom watches…. What if she comes here and reads it? Do you think she’ll see us as the evil bullies Jill says we are, or will it just cement the fact that she’s whacked out on weed and needs an intervention? That would be interesting.
No. 253089
File: 1664736256438.jpeg (133.58 KB, 960x1012, 0DFE7CC4-8C5C-407B-9274-3554AA…)

Here’s the results of looking up her username.
No. 253096
>>252981I used to live in Fredericton and I went to the shop she posted a map of lol.
>>253004 cannabis nb is infamously expensive, basically no heavy weed smokers go there because it costs an arm and a leg compared to the grey market shop Jill goes to. But I actually think your cost analysis is still accurate (although she would be spending way more if she actually went to cannabis nb). You can get an oz of mid for $60-$100 at the stores on the rez. assuming she smokes a gram a day that's about an oz a month. if I knew what strain she was smoking or the exact amount I could give a more accurate cost breakdown but I'm not that autistic yet.
No. 253109
>>253027I agree. I doubt any email was real. It's way too convenient she mentions an email but no screenshot of it when she loooves showing screenshots for proof (like with the car accident). She's pulling shit out of her ass and lying yet again to manipulate others. She's the one making up shit when we all know everything posted here is stuff she posted herself.
Or maybe she's projecting. Remember that time she was seething so much that she wanted to send angry harassing emails to people? She thinks people here would do the same when no one would sink that low at her own game. Plus, not everyone who hates or criticizes her uses lolcow, her fans themselves,
the confetti cunts, have showed stalker and skinwalking behavior before, so much so they have their own thread.
No. 253112
>>253024More interesting to me is how she went on about people harassing her with brand new accounts with obviously fake avatars!!1 Like if anyone can just make an account to "harass" her, what's to stop her from making accounts to make up fake narratives and make herself look like a
victim? I wouldn't put anything past this munchie.
No. 253115
>>253097Who would even have the time to do that. We just discuss her here, and she's losing fans like water between her fingers.
>>253055>I like the way she's frames "diagnosis to diagnosis" with "content for years and years" and "high school to fashion school" to make it seem like her diagnosis process was also a several year long endeavor.This. In reality she got her diagnostic impression in less than a year. It's all out there, it's all documented, idk why she thinks she can lie this much.
I hope the vangelina video comes out soon.
No. 253123
>>253081Personally I like to imagine soap
nonnie is jills mom trying to drop hints at her to get a job lol
Also I think her mom was here before closer to the Lolita days?
No. 253130
File: 1664741054996.png (57.62 KB, 256x256, loudly-crying-face.png)

>>253022>WAA WAAA WAAAAA IM AN ADULT BABY WAAAA GO DEFEND ME FROM THE RUMOURS WAAAAAI hate when this disgusting lil shit uses this emoji so fucking much
No. 253134
File: 1664741696712.jpg (174.72 KB, 720x1178, Screenshot_20221002-130756_Chr…)

No. 253137
>>2531361. She is absolutely gleeful and loves being the center of drama
2. Is it against tiktok rules to advertise your video on a different platform?
3. Restraining order for what? Somebody recording your public performance and not even talking to you?
No. 253142
File: 1664742289219.jpg (153.73 KB, 720x1381, Screenshot_20221002-132240_Bra…)

No. 253266
File: 1664747168397.jpeg (256.58 KB, 1125x1811, 3F48C8F7-DCE6-4576-8CB4-239D24…)

This is the screenshot they just deleted
No. 253268
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No. 253280
File: 1664747473123.jpg (57.96 KB, 550x550, 3946228b5c440eef552c792cd8aead…)

I hope the vendetta-chan is identified, they are often more cringe and amusing than the cows.
No. 253286
File: 1664747613589.jpg (53.33 KB, 709x438, 20221002_225128.jpg)

Back to the topic of Jill's youtube video, at 3:28 jill says her whole life has been nothing but sweetness and wonder. Then she looks to the side and a subtitle comes up saying "my youtube life". Interesting how someone with a childhood supposedly filled with trauma and abuse she would say that
No. 253297
File: 1664747836742.jpeg (12.92 KB, 225x225, 7D6BCD2F-9ADA-4651-A813-257391…)

Found the anon who filmed Jill’s drag show. His name is Sam Hyde.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 253304
>>253298They’re her alters
nonnie. Kek
No. 253322
>>253315All Jesus is trying to do here is catch us on doxxing / libel / slander. They have no info, they are just trying to bait us into doxing. Which is funny, because we are fucking anon, and we have no idea who these people are.
Anyway. Back to Jill.
Y'all can flood the thread all you like but the hatred for Jill just keeps flowing.
No. 253331
File: 1664748512691.jpeg (354.3 KB, 1170x986, 08CEF97A-713D-4ED1-8256-ECD00E…)

No. 253335
File: 1664748634974.jpg (165.17 KB, 1280x1920,…)

Can't wait for Jills next meet the alters: Jesus edition (and Mohammed apparently I guess)
No. 253347
File: 1664748834961.png (16.34 KB, 542x500, j1.png)

>>253342Let's make things loud and clear for the newcomers then
No. 253366
File: 1664749376874.jpeg (72 KB, 640x320, 981A595B-3F47-49F2-8CCD-2853C8…)

>>253356Adding onto this. Make it like the last supper. The tables are full of weed nuggies, Louise is Mary, Steebie is a disciple, cats are disciples or orbiters. Elsie is also there as Judas.
No. 253369
File: 1664749586666.jpg (156.42 KB, 1080x628, Screenshot_20221002_182608.jpg)

Anyway, now that WK has been put out, scrolling from top comments this is up there
No. 253371
It's funny how these trolls come in here accusing anons of wasting their whole day on here, while they sit on the thread hitting refresh and posting for 2 hours straight.
>>252973>I remember she also mentioned a friend of Jed that had a digree in forensics having something to do with all this.Nonna do you remember where she said this? Was it in one of her patreon vlogs (I don't watch those)? It's interesting that she had no issue doxxing Jed (she tweeted his general location, interests, psych specialties, pronouns, "religion" (witchcraft) kek, and one time referred to him as "Jed") but won't say a damn word about those "3 specialists" or whatever that had to confirm her diagnosis. I know it's because they don't exist/that never happened, but still, I'll look into it if anyone remembers where she said this.
No. 253374
File: 1664749756514.jpg (219.25 KB, 1080x742, Screenshot_20221002_182825.jpg)

Also kekking at Jill hearting this and other comments involving getting police involved when she knows damn well they won't do shit
No. 253375
File: 1664749760791.jpg (29.1 KB, 629x603, b59e4a1db7d43e9c00140ecacebdf0…)

>>253331my side, i'm dying
No. 253381
File: 1664750079773.jpg (224.62 KB, 1080x1024, Screenshot_20221002_183123.jpg)

One last youtube comment pic for now; saving for here incase/whenever Jill decides to delete since most are magically sunshine, rainbows and Jill approved
No. 253382
File: 1664750133630.jpeg (288.99 KB, 643x900, DDF135D1-C31B-489D-8767-5BA71B…)

No. 253388
>>253377The police would tell her
to stop posting online and stay offline. Jill if you were being stalked, why the hell are you still using all your social media platforms? You would be adding fuel to the fire. This is digusting to be pretending. Every time you think she can't sink lower, she does with spite.
No. 253413
File: 1664751482098.jpeg (296.86 KB, 643x900, 2F936491-9A38-4941-B5FA-89305E…)

I’ll stop with the autism now
No. 253414
>>253148sage because OT but people following amelia fart because she’s
so inspiring when she’s repulsed by her own chins will never not be hilarious to me.
No. 253418
>>253413It’s beautiful!!
No. 253434
>>253429It's going to be either a farmer alter that's an alt-right bitch (because that's what she wants to pretend we are) so she can justify being a racist retard who hates women. Hey, maybe with the new alter she will be able to shit talk the girl that steeb is fucking on the side.
Or she will have another teen alter like Jerricka who will be a racist moid.
No. 253435
>>253433I think it's too late tbh, how is she going to clean up her name? Specially since her face is plastered everywhere in different styles throughout the years.
I think that faking a mental illness was the most retarded move she could've done, hell, I would've accepted it and I would've thought that she would have a way out if she had pretended to be a tranny, because then she could've been like "uwu I'm detransitioning and just got out of the cult pls love me" now that would've been quite the perfect bleach to make everyone sympathize with her.
No. 253437
File: 1664753021078.jpeg (300.18 KB, 643x900, C4C83F9F-8B18-4748-9760-00628F…)

Couldn’t find a Jed picture
No. 253440
>>253432>>253403That's what I was thinking. I wouldn't be surprised if Jill just ripped her story straight from what Keffals talked about so she seems like a pure
victim that did no wrong.
I'm not absolving Keffals for the shit that they did. Like give people black-market hormones. They're still shitty and creepy >>253432Well… Smoking weed does increase paranoia. Schitzo psychotic break saga coming soon?
>>253435You'd be amazed. She's still small enough and plain looking that if she just dyes her hair back to brown she would look like everyone from her part of Canada (remember how almost all her friends look like her, especially Maggie). That's the whole reason Jill is a cow in the first place, she needs to be the most specialist when she's surrounded by people who look and act exactly like her.
No. 253450
>>253440Honest to God, I will stop fucking posting here if she does two things:
1. Gets a real job. Making and selling kawaii soaps at local farmer's markets counts, just to give her an easy out.
2. Stops the DID larp and ADMITS that it's a larp. I will not accept "I'm fully integrated now!" as that's just too easy. The DID bullshit needs to end for real.
Do those things and I'll fucking stop. Until then, this little leech deserves all the bullshit she gets and she knows it.
No. 253454
>>253444I don't know if she is such a mastermind to think about it, BUT… she was begging for a long time yt creators to include her in videos about DID/mental health, to make her larp
valid. Maybe in that sense if she was on local news she could pretend that stalking is real and get a lot of validation?
No. 253455
>>253451She wants the Keffals narrative. A poor mentally ill she/they lady who just wants to
spread kindness like confetti is viciously attacked online and fears her life. In her mind, she could easily use it as a ebegging chance. Local drag places would hear her story and hire her to help her out! She'd be the underdog every one roots for! Essentially Jilly wants to get valudation and things without working and thinks this is her shot.
No. 253472
File: 1664756095445.png (194.96 KB, 933x702, 4260841F-9002-46E5-B68A-50AAA0…)

>>253471Here’s a cap between the alleged abuser and Jill after they broke up.
No. 253477
She has documented her life in great detail and has shared many details over the years. I'm not about to lay it all out for you - there's quite literally nearly 60 threads linked above for you to read at your leisure. Find the inconsistencies for yourself.
Jillian is too naïve to fully comprehend the gravity of what she claims. She puts her foot in her mouth over and over and over because she can't keep track of her own lies, and she doesn't fully grasp just what it is she's saying, and just how much she is fucking up her future. Again: this is what makes her such a great cow. She CAN"T win, and the only reason why is her own compulsion to lie, exaggerate, avoid, and excuse.
And again, there's no libel here, no slander being committed, no doxing, nothing. This all comes from everything she has posted and shared over the years. You CAN'T feel sorry for her in the way you can't feel sorry for Chris chan. At any given point, they could have stopped chasing clout and internet fame (and in Chris's case, stop feeding the trolls) and instead she could have gone out and tried to make an honest life for herself - like her mom did, like she looks down upon.
And if you can't see these things, then you really haven't read the threads, and you really are not paying attention.
And to answer your question: Jill has stated again and again and again over the years that she has had a truly blessed life. She has claimed, in her own words, that the worst trauma she has ever experienced is her cat nearly dying from swallowing a tinsel (that was literally her own words). If anything, she has committed genuine slander and libel against her high school girlfriend (go ahead and read about it if you like).
Jillian does not have DID as she does not have significant trauma. She also just happened to get "diagnosed" (again, read the thread, she does not have a diagnosis, this is a lie) at a period of time when having DID is a literal TikTok trend. She also admitted about a year before she started this LARP that she consumes a very large amount of DID and mental health content on TikTok.
So, draw your own conclusions, anon. I can't spell it all out for you. I am not a professional but I am likely a lot older than you and have seen these kinda things play out in person and online over the years. A liar is a liar, and Jillian is a grade A liar. There's nothing on Earth that will ever convince me otherwise.
UNLESS she comes out and actually publicly points the finger at the family member who committed the childhood SA against her - again, over a sustained period of time. And she won't do that of course, because it didn't happen, and it would be sladerizing her own family. She has already basically slandered her own family publicly by making this DID claim.
No. 253494
File: 1664758176699.jpeg (303.87 KB, 1655x514, 421A13A8-A862-4BF1-B72C-380FC9…)

>>253489Only had a year’s worth of experience and then apparently left the field entirely. Not to mention, anyone can fake a mental illness and doctors will basically always believe them if not forcibly diagnose them. I recommend looking into the Rosenhan experiment. Her diagnostic impression still wouldn’t be reliable even if it were a real diagnosis.
No. 253505
>>253494once again, there is NO WAY jed could have or would have diagnosed Jillian or given her a diagnostic impression. it's literally malpractice. she had to have gotten it somewhere else or Jed could be sued/license revoked because coubsellors are NOT the same a psychiatrists or psychologists.
if she got it done in fredericton, she probably went through public health or a private practice. Based on Googling she probably got it done at Otteson Psychological Services, Hale Psychological Services or Kathleen Graves Psychological Assessment. They seem to be the most popular in the area.
No. 253510
File: 1664759018805.jpeg (31.9 KB, 400x400, AA6BBFFA-94F2-4532-AF99-ACDDC2…)

>>253496Nona rn trying to be slick
No. 253522
>>252855You're welcome, next time put a "sage" in the e-mail field if you aren't bringing any milk.
>>252936Exactly what i was thinking
nonnie. If she could pull this off, is the supreme gift. That would cover any narrative holes because she was lying because she wanted to "conceal her trauma", and even if that's retarded as hell, it can be a reasonable doubt for normies. She could be the actual female version of keffals if she plays her cards right.
Luckly for us, she doesn't want to be. This shout-out isn't for any audience,
is for her mom. "Mom you can't cut me i have crazy stalkers i can't work
crying emojis" also she wants to make her mom feel bad for daring to agree with some lolcow posters. "Saying i should quit weed/My degree is useless/i'm a failure is a lolcow narrative and you're a Bad mom for daring to agree with altright nazis that traumatized your daughter". Sure if she can get some giftbux she isn't going to complain but Louise is the main target for this
>>253502She's literally saging kek there is no way she's a newfag. Maybe a random bpd waiting for a trill.
No. 253524
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>>253506Nah she's too busy raffling off her shitty art that no one at the yard sale wanted
No. 253539
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what the fuck is going on in this thread
No. 253541
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It’s time to leave
No. 253543
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No. 253544
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>>253527>>253529She thinks she’s playing some kind of 5D chess, actually. So never mind. Just ignore and report the Jesus schizo.
No. 253570
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Current amount of views for tiktok and youtube.
No. 253642
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No. 253669
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Posted this in the last thread because I'm a retard but I'm fucking rolling at this comment
No. 253672
File: 1664778748219.jpg (213.7 KB, 720x1278, 1663896785989 (1).jpg)

>>253667Samefag, thought I repost this from the other thread. The 203 Centre's fb post
>>250995 No. 253680
>>253675Wasn’t it just the one? I thought
>>224119 was her first and only gig, unless I missed something. Either way, we all saw this coming. Shit like equating a video of a performance taken at a public event to stalking and harassment is how we all got here in the first place kek
No. 253684
>>253680>>253682She has only performed at one drag show but she did two dance routines (Steven Universe Song and MCR House of Wolves). The anon who went only filmed her Steven Universe routine. Jill
loves to misconstrue the truth and tries to weaponize her language.
No. 253685
>>253680And after the fact she was positive about the event, if she had been harassed she would have told everyone IMMEDIATELY. There is no way she would let that slip by, her
victim complex wouldn’t allow it. The restraining order thing is so stupid, even when you have been physically assaulted by the person it’s not a guaranteed restraining order they are actually really hard to obtain. The police would laugh her out of the station, she announced where she would be and it was a public event where they encourage photos and whatnot. No crime was committed and again even if someone did commit a crime against you it’s not a guaranteed restraining order. There is no proof of malicious behaviour or intent, OP didn’t approach her or interact with her directly just legally filmed her and there is zero proof to indicate otherwise. Paparazzi have done shit that is incredibly fucked and I’m not saying they aren’t bad but they also aren’t breaking the law. Also it’s so typical that Jilly and Steve are all acab but resort to the police at the drop of a hat with zero concern. When she crashed the car immediately that is who she thought of and had to be reminded by Steve they are uwu scary. As an actual minority who is discriminated against by police there is not a chance I would be doing that and I wouldn’t need to be reminded to fear them. So many privileged white kids preach acab but the second anything inconvenient happens they immediately call them.
No. 253701
File: 1664798514003.png (13.18 KB, 275x108, 1663560288676.png)

Something that just occurred to me that has to do with her changing her gender to x gender:
I feel like she's doing this so she has a paper that excuses her lgbt larp just as much as the diagnostic impression excuses the DID larp. She's obviously just a spicy straight but needs all the fucking labels for herself. It would also help her drag queen larp since by law she would not be a "woman" anymore (but biology is different Jilly!)
No. 253708
>>253689This is exactly why I have no sympathy for her. If you are actually struggling mentally because of what gets posted here just log off? People will get bored and move on.
Look at someone like Jenna Marbles, she has a much bigger following and is way more recognisable than Jillian but has managed to go pretty much completely offline. She is not a cow imo but if she did have a thread there would be nothing to post about anyway.
Jill could easily get a job, even just part time in a shop or something like she had before. Or even get a desk job where she can work from home and live a relatively normal life in her rainbow dungeon
No. 253719
>>253371>>253505Bless you nonna. I'm pretty sure I found the "forensic specialist"
Jill liked her pics on a NB medical services' fb page and unsuprisingly she does not specialize in DID or mention it at all anywhere, rather she has a focus on PTSD and eating disorders (specifically bariatric kek). She's also a psychology
resident, not a full fledged shrink yet but at least with 4 years in practice she has more experience than Jed. I couldn't find a link between her and him, but she also follows some witch/wiccan accounts on ig. Normally I would post the screenshots but with all the trolls and newfags currently visiting, I don't want them to cowtip to give Jill more
victim ammo. I'll post it another time if it's still relevant. So anyway, there is some proof she did go to someone other than Jed to get a diagnostic impression, but that's where it ends, and thus newfags please pay attention to this part: she has not been officially diagnosed with DID. Jed administered the MID test to her and then this forensic lady gave her the dx impression. AFAIK Jill has never uttered a word about any other professionals or tests, while she overshares everything, so it's clear that's the point where she stopped pursuing it because the sheet of paper was enough for her to feel emboldened to LARP as Queen of DID.
Forgot to add, the MID test is fully available online including the scoring method, so she could easily have prepared for it. It's also a very old test with IMO questionable contents
(some question was along the lines of "do you imagine old men reading the newspaper on the toilet" and things like that).
No. 253721
>>253719kek I just looked up the test and the first thing it says
>How often do you have the following experiences when you are not under the influence of alcohol or drugs? Is she ever NOT under the influence?
No. 253722
I firmly believe that Jill reads other cows’ threads on here. Wouldn’t it be lovely if her post history could be revealed like with Kiki and Creepshow Art? We’re already being brigades by her wks anyway. Probably not going to happen, but I can dream.
>>253693The average normie has no idea what DID is and would probably interpret Jill’s LARPing as schizophrenia or some other kind of mental illness involving delusions and “hearing voices”. If Jill, who looks like a literal circus clown and claims to have multiple different people living in her head, contacted an employer to tell them she’s being stalked by their employee, they’d assume she’s a rambling lunatic with paranoid delusions. Being The Mentally Illest Ever may elevate your standing and make you untouchable in some very specific circles on social media but in real life it means nobody will take anything you say seriously. Jill has shot her self in both feet with a cannon and hasn’t even realised it.
>>253721But anon they totally ruled out that her getting high and drunk every day has anything to do with her mental state, she said so!
No. 253723
File: 1664804583883.png (267.87 KB, 1780x990, Screen Shot 2022-10-03 at 9.41…)

checking in on the comments on the lolcow video. "top comments". She can't delete the comment telling her to stop deleting comments, can she?
No. 253733
>>253730IIRC Creepshow being a selfposting ban evader who cribbed off lolcow threads for YT content is what set a target on her back. I don’t imagine Jill selfposts much nowadays (she doesn’t have to) and I don’t see her as a repeat ban evader, but she did attack lolcow directly. She loves YouTuber drama and hates Trisha so if she’s a farmer I bet she’s all over those threads.
She was heavily involved with /cgl/ drama back in the day so there’s a good chance she’s been here since the beginning and knows how to integrate. Shit stirring on anonymous imageboards is how K8/girlyhoot got her notoriety and Jill rode Kate’s coattails to YouTube fame, after all.
No. 253742
>>253716I wonder how Louise feels about Jillian bringing all this into their lives. I can’t imagine being a parent and having to come on to an anonymous image board to defend my shit stirring teen and now adult child. Jill is so terminally online and invested in drama that this probably doesn’t seem that insane to her but to a normal functioning adult fucking up so bad and being so hated that this is the result is nuts. It’s like Jill sees this sort of thing as an inevitability but it’s really not especially for such a niche smaller influencer as another anon said there is influencers far larger than Jill who don’t have threads let alone so many.
>>253729Five dollars that Steve gave her not even an impartial audience member kek.
No. 253744
File: 1664814155028.jpeg (1.38 MB, 1170x2029, 82114FD1-5EF4-4530-B298-60E388…)

New tiktok with what seems to be jerrick's drag persona
Does anyone else think it's funny she's talking about needing a job or having to move back home while buying new clothes and wigs for this drag larp
No. 253746
>>253744Most cows seem to have a shared inability to handle money it's kinda funny
She really is just self destructing and thinking she looks good while doing it even tho she's a clown
No. 253758
>>253744Legit thought this was emilia fart again lol, female dragqueens really think it’s just slapping on a wig and a pound of makeup
You’re wearing a binder and a blouse what are you doing
No. 253762
>>253672wait, sold out?
but then in this new video at 18:06 she said that it was a free show.
No. 253768
>>253765I'm trying to look through past threads to see any mentions of her wearing it underneath the sweater but not seeing any, I do remember her saying it was Jill performing and not Jerrick, so idk why she would need to wear the binder if she doesn't need it
… unless of course she was never planning to wear it because yes it is very dangerous and stupid to be flailing around like that with a constricting piece on.
No. 253772
File: 1664818740700.jpeg (366.91 KB, 1440x1080, 1655686411906.jpeg)

>>253765Same anon as
>>253768, picrel, looks like she is wearing the binder after all.
No. 253781
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No. 253783
>>253767She doesn’t have a big chest she just lies about being curvy and wears super padded push up bras as a cope for her weight gain. It’s also not super tight on her. Someone with her chest size should be flatter than she is in that so I think she has sized it so it’s more comfortable to wear but she still gets to say she is wearing it.
>>253768I feel like she had posted some edgy sad boy shit on Jerricks account before talking about wearing it to exercise even though it’s harmful. A two for one for look how Jerrick is totes trans and a skelly who needs to work out. She never posted any proof of doing it or anything so it was probably just shit talking as per.
No. 253790
believe this used to be Steve's closet. Jill was using some of his clothes for the larp at minimum, I wouldn't be surprised if Jill took over it completely or is sharing the space with him.
No. 253792
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>>253789Apologies for samefag but this is the first appearance I remember of this additional closet.
No. 253793
>>253792Omg wait I haven’t seen this cliffe clip yet this is gold
Jilly let grandpa out of the closet his bones probably hurt
No. 253799
>>253772If she was harassed she would not be smiling and taking selfies like this.
>>253762So another lie then… Huh.
No. 253801
>>253715That was my favorite part of the video because most anons thought he was just leeching off of Jill. No one knew he was working a regular job and they thought he was still working for Roblox if he did have a job. Maybe (if she is telling the truth) every thing bad happening is coming from someone much closer to her and isn't an anon on here.
>>253782So is she high from the euphoria of getting her ass licked by her followers then rages when she comes here and realizes there's not a legion of WKs to defend her honor? Like even Jesus anon wasn't here specifically for her it was just a 4chan scrote wanting to find a new chan like board to troll.
No. 253810
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>>252849Brilliant crossover. Also noted the "stop deleting comments" comment was deleted.
No. 253829
>>253825If anyone has evidence to contradict what has been shared here, please share it in the form of actual photographic evidence.
Everything else is just seething.
No. 253837
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No. 253858
File: 1664826585539.jpeg (440.66 KB, 960x1318, 8E440D70-D67E-4F44-9ECF-4AAEC7…)

Can’t believe Jilly Willy would hate lolcow. Doja Cat has a thread here too and she thought we’re funny. Kek I’m sure some anons have seen her live and filmed the concert. You’re not special, Jill.
No. 253912
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>>253908this whole threads legit just been picrel
No. 253918
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Well she isn't wrong
No. 253933
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>>253381 surprised these last comments haven't been deleted, found another piece tho
No. 254032
>>254020Don't reply to the retard,
nonnie, it doesn't know how to say things that make sense, it's just white knighting m'lardy Jill.
No. 254046
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No. 254047
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No. 254048
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No. 254055
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The girl that called Jill transphobic posted some art on her animation collaboration account.
No. 254056
File: 1664850520675.png (122.7 KB, 760x497, Screenshot_20221003-161457.png)

What the fuck Jill kek
No. 254057
File: 1664850566258.png (275.59 KB, 584x602, KEKEKEK.PNG)

>>254055Here's another one it's a gif and twitter wouldn't let me save it.
No. 254073
File: 1664853153225.gif (31.99 KB, 850x720, jill.gif)

>>254066I'm in a discord server with them, here is the version posted there not sure if it will look any better though
No. 254097
>>254088Jill got very arrogant and thought she could pull a hail mary with this half-baked video. Too bad she's become a has-been. The views are low and no one seems to really care. She'll get a couple "uwu how scary!", but I think she forgets that other mental illness larpers only want to talk about themselves. She's reminding me of Onision with how badly she put together this scheme. You can tell how
scared she is by the fact she's
still posting online. If she was truly afraid, she wouldn't still be in the rainby townhouse. I want to see how she's going to do damage control when people question the validity of her
restraining order. Wonder if she's crazy enough to try to forge a fake one from a free online template.
No. 254099
>>254097You have to be truly pathetic and mentally ill to think her posting online means she is scared.
But also, if she was, I wouldn't blame her.
You people are narcissists and losers.
No. 254107
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No. 254112
>>254107I've been avoiding this thread since it went buckwild with shitposting since her video came out, but scrolling her youtube comments was interesting. One person thought lolcow users had fabricated the screenshots and was confused (I think they are posted somewhere upthread) and several people already knew about lolcow via stumbling upon it, those people said they basically read it all and were shocked.
A lot of people seem to believe she is being targeted for her style/appearance when most people don't mention her clothing here, I didn't watch the video itself but I presume she gives that impression. Past the lolita years I think people are more focused on her personality, a little on the makeup I guess.
But, interesting point to address here: what specfically is untrue that is discussed here? No screenshots are fabricated, people throw theories around but they don't claim them as fact.
Also worth pointing out, as someone else did above, if some creep emailed Stevie's workplace as she claims (haven't watched the video but going off what is posted here) it isn't an anon from here since nobody here knows or has mentioned where he works. So I wonder who tf that even could be. Also emailing her drag gig people wouldn't make sense for lolcow either so since we wanted to see it.
So I'm theorising, if she's telling the truth, some weirdo from her irl is doing this, not us, since neither the drag email thing or stevie's work has ever been mentioned here - or, really wild theory, she had a DID moment and emailed those people herself while being one of her "alters" but I think it's more likely some weirdo irl is doing it because it doesn't make sense for a farmer to do it for various reasons - most strongly being these things were never mentioned once here. Nobody wanted her to cancel the gig or not to perform, nobody posted once saying so either, nobody even knew Stevie
had a job and just assumed he was bumming off her income. It doesn't add up at all. Idk what else she covers in the video but those are the things that come to mind that don't make sense.
No. 254114
>>254112Jillain's fans need to be aware that people here just enjoy seeing a privileged person with a bad personality fail based on her own choices. A lot of people here are saying she should drop the weed and exercise, get a job, do arts and crafts,make soap or candles or whatever but it's her insistence to not change and to fake illnesses what makes her entertaining for gossip.
Nobody here knows what Steve is doing since he's pretty much private online in the last year and just mentioned being in some Roblox program. It is quite possible someone in Jill's life has a vendetta against her considering how she broke friendships and loves drama in the community.
No. 254116
>>254112How can she even claim we fake the screenshots when we take them directly from her social media and youtube
New tip for everyone:Try to post the direct link of her posts along the screenshot and try to archive everything with wayback machineShe's clearly lying to make herself look like a
victim but judging by all the idiots in her comments believing her manipulative lies people are going to go with whatever she says unless someone stops her
No. 254119
>>252948>Jill says people (read: forum) do not want her to succeed and stopping her from getting work and paid.Idk why she's saying this shit when everyone here always tells her to get a job and stop smoking weed. That's literally the opposite to what she says there. I always see so many nice anons encouraging her to pursue new ventures too and fix her life unless she's ignoring all those too. A lot of people here were willing to forgive her if she only got her shit together and apologized and stopped lying and larping and ruining her life. Its sad what has become of her. Unless she means that anons critizice her for her bad sewing and not performing… Literally anyone would. She's not good at those things. She needs a real job even if that means compromising.
It doesn't even have to be retail, she could go back to making youtube hauls, but idk… Part of me also knows she's an insufferable husk of her former self and the appeal she had in 2015~2018 with the calm magical girl retro vibes is over and never coming back. All she likes and does nowadays comes across as annoying, attention grabbing and fake… And she screams too much. And she doesn't dress or like the same things anymore. Nothing wrong with branching out but I think all her appeal is sadly over. She could had taken this stuff into a more healthy and mature yet cute and colorful place but she freaking ruined it dude. She ruined it herself with her own immaturity.
All of this must be the projection of her rage after her mom told her the stuff she did at the MCR concert. There's no other way. She needs to narc rage and blame others for her own downfall but can't do it with her own mom so she invented some spooky boogeyman instead of working on fixing her life. It's sad. She's clearly sick in the way a narcissist is, not in the way she actually wants for pity points because no one likes or pities a weak raging manipulative and self hating narcissist.
Stop smoking weed, stop evading life, stop blaming shit on others, and fix your problems, Jill.
No. 254125
>>254122>There has been business suggestions like soap making (shoutout to soap anon), jewellery making, selling remake fashion, doing something with crochet since she seems to like that. People have referenced other influencers and content that Jill could also do. I think at this point in her life it's clear she has no direction and the career path she originally thought about doing is not viable anymore so she's resorting to pissing everyone off and doing whatever gives her the most attention for the sake of it. No one in their sane mind ends up as a drag queen, there's something about it and how she's doing it that rubs me the wrong way. Maybe some anon can reply to me and understand what I'm trying to say here.
Her weed stuff is also very out of control. I know she wants to paint it like a miracle cure but after starting to smoke it she became worse. More like Steven, more like Chelsea, more like all the DID fakers she follows, and with less self control since weed affects that zone in the brain. She was never great or smart but back then she wouldn't have gotten into pointless online arguments this often for example.
No. 254129
File: 1664881410574.jpeg (175.37 KB, 828x478, 4DD9B53C-E7F6-4451-9952-FBC70F…)

As someone who has been following the threads since her first Japan trip (and even read early threads to catch up since there were only 2/3 threads at the time) I don’t remember this ever happening??? Unless this was around the time of the Walker break up (her Lolita bf) this never happened?? The closest thing to this happening was when Alyssa’s sister came to the farms to offer insight into Aylssa and Jill’s relationship but that was it. I find it awfully rich that her wk want to cry about the *~lies and rumours~* spread here, but they are just making stuff up as well
No. 254131
>>254122On the topic of seizures and driving you are not permitted to drive or even learn to drive unless you are three years seizure free.
>>254129Walker was before she had a thread right and was during her punk phase. Tristan was her Lolita era boyfriend. This could be referring mistakenly to Alyssa’s sister (rightfully) posting or to the recent confirmations from Uma that Jill is misrepresenting their relationship.
No. 254144
>>254131>On the topic of seizures and driving you are not permitted to drive or even learn to drive unless you are three years seizure free. This isn't always enforced. I had a family member who had them pretty bad, she only stopped driving just for a few months after she fell onto the pavement, but she was driving like a week after brain surgery.
Basically, I don't think you are legally forced not to drive unless your doctor chooses to enforce it, or if you are caught in an accident. Canada could be different in this regard however.
No. 254145
>>254116I just wanted to point out that she isn't just lying. She is using a motte-and-bailey fallacy.
She's arguing against an easy absurd position:
"People think my therapist brainwashed me into thinking I have DID."
And she's avoiding the harder to defend position:
"People think I am choosing to fake having DID."
No. 254186
>>254178She can't stick to it because she would have to sit down somewhere and work instead of spending the whole day getting high, eating buttery Mac and cheese, harassing her favorite moid and children, and "thirst trapping" children on tiktok.
We could make a huge ass list named
tips for jillybean to stop being a retard and becoming a better person with detailed steps that she could follow and she wouldn't do them because it doesn't include getting high, eating like shit, having a retarded sleeping schedule, not working out, not consooming useless plastic shit and not dropping the stupid ass rainbi persona that actually died a long time ago.
I'm just perplexed at this point, does she even like anything? Does she even enjoy doing anything? This fat retard needs to stop consooming for 5 seconds so she can use whatever part of her brain that wasn't deep fried by the weed.
No. 254214
File: 1664902142120.jpeg (1.89 MB, 1170x1975, 65EF1F51-269C-46C1-B1C0-FB6F9B…)

>>254204I actually forgot she made this for herself, promised it would be launched in two colourways and then never did it. Maybe because the colors were similar to the collab she did or something.
I feel bad for her fans in the comments who were waiting for a release. She really did never use her fashion degree. All this time she could've been sewing up this dress and selling it…
No. 254217
>>254187No bc this is exactly how i feel anon. I know some anons go after jill’s weight and body image issues a lot as a genuine criticism but aside from it being a direct conflict with her whole
toxic super positive body positivity persona, being fat is the least of her faults, it’s not even really a fault worthy of being a cow. If jill was just a pastel themed chunky girl online who didn’t act so spoiled and parade herself around as someone with one of the most intense trauma disorders possible, none of us would be here. I know she has had threads here prior to her DID saga (i wasn’t here for them i’ve jumped on this since finding out she had DID allegedly) but the legitimate criticism and negative affect are what so many former fans here mention. Sure some people will be more harsh than others, that’s image board culture. Maybe it’s just because there was a time where i used to enjoy her content (her japan vlogs were fun and i liked hearing about how she saved up to plan for it) but i don’t hate jillian. In that same breath tho i don’t have much hope that she will improve from cow status. She had the opportunity to be a better person but i don’t think if she’s capable or willing
No. 254219
File: 1664902545479.png (34.12 KB, 740x453, welp.PNG)

I ran Jesus's and Jill's tweets (from jerrica's account) through an plagiarism checking tool. Unfortunately this is not Jill trying to find the girl who filmed her. The possibility of it being one of her friends or Jill changing her text is high given the clues Jesus gave us.
This same program has been used for May/Ethan Ralph in the past so it has shown to be accurate.
The faces are the results and the more similar they are the more probable it is Jill.
No. 254228
>>254112I'm not sure why anyone would care about screenshots. Its only farmers who put Jillian on this pedestal and want to harrass her or get her canceled over shit you guys likely do on and offline as well.
Its projecting.
Also the irl stalker likely uses these pages as justification to stalk and harrass, so regardless if they're a farmer or a lurker, lolcow is still at fault.
Can't wait for lolcow to see the same fate as Kiwi farms.
No. 254229
File: 1664904558062.png (218.56 KB, 871x1674, Screenshot_20221004-122913.png)

>>254219I ran the Jesus and Jill's Pixie tweets through the same program and they seem to be pretty similar
No. 254239
>>254229post the faces from the program. I want to see what they looks like.
>>254228Kiwifarms is still online we're going anywhere. Go hard, retard.
>>254235When is she not in her "developing years"? People online get cancelled for less and they're about Jill's age too. It's when they make money off spinning lies and deceit their fans that it actively contributes to the "disability culture" moving backwards.
No. 254252
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No. 254256
File: 1664907436827.png (37.78 KB, 767x553, jax jerrick jesus.PNG)

>>254229Here's the results I got when I ran through the Jesus/jax/jerrica texts
No. 254260
File: 1664908038358.png (210.61 KB, 596x531, firefox_79PnDNr9P6.png)

Jill acknowledging other fakers? Spicy
No. 254263
File: 1664908765671.jpeg (34.63 KB, 244x244, 47A7DE67-5F59-457A-9BB2-D0DE77…)

>>254259>Jill as a tiny frog Kek sorry for being a tard my hand slipped
No. 254269
>>254264Mentally challenged* [Redacted] actually has DiD which is why the posts are pretty much at the same level of aggression that the quoted posts are when it actually is [Redacted] and not just someone being called them. More than 3 people now have posted hands to prove they are not the tranny and I highly doubt that induces rage into [Redacted].
So either play into that game more knowing the tranny is laughing at you, or stop playing the game.
No. 254271
File: 1664909746541.jpg (164.58 KB, 1070x1027, 20221004_195518.jpg)

Just checked the comments on Jill's lolcow video, apparently us anons have a body count lmao
No. 254277
>>254275To devil's advocate: You're correct but the alogs around these sites get very bad with irl harassment and
that is not the targets fault.
No. 254283
>>254279Yes, I just wanted to make it clear that lolcow should never be blamed, the alogs somehow always end up leaving identifiable stuff for the most part and at that point it becomes obvious to most people who is in the wrong and hopefully we never have a situation where someone takes their life because of it.
Honestly can't wait until we get some nice alogger cow threads but might have to go to kiwi or somewhere else for that.
>If someone was going up to her it could be different but nothing of the sort happenedExactly why I feel justified in clowning on her for coming here and crying about it, saying she was somehow bullying back when it was just weak shit? Oh yeah that's some milk to me, I hope I don't miss too many of her spergs, I get why jannies delete it but I also enjoy seeing someone talk tough when they fail to act tough in reality.
Bullying bullies nonna, it's too much enjoyment for me to make someone who's used to being the manipulator into someone who's being manipulated. Yes I know it's dark triad behavior, idc No. 254288
>>254271These people are such hypocrites. They'll attack anyone who doesn't think exactly like them on social media platforms, try to get them fired from their jobs, black balled and name smeared, but under the guise of righteousness. Also funny they always use
rumors as truth and never look any farther than they have to.
>>254274 don't you know anon that Joshua has a fleet of drones he uses to cross oceans to personally harass people?>>254279Ntayrt, but agreed. Also Jill filmed a bit of the MCR concert. Would that be considered harassment? Absolutely no just like her drag performance getting filmed.
No. 254293
File: 1664912542662.jpg (106.21 KB, 1080x584, 20221004_204045.jpg)

Remember when Jill went all acab in the car crash video? I guess she's fine with the police when they let her sure gossip forums
No. 254299
>>254260I would respect Pixie a lot more if she actually distanced herself from DID fakers. Like if she was legit, she'd be able to call out teens faking it.
But instead she'll blow smoke up anyone's ass in hopes they will do the same for her.
No. 254310
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No. 254312
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No. 254323
File: 1664917446463.jpg (119.67 KB, 720x1380, Screenshot_20221004-140117_Chr…)

I get a visceral reaction any time I see the word ratio now.
No. 254327
>>254310I'm noticing she speaks waay higher pitched in her TikToks than in her Youtube videos.
Feels like she's trying to (consciously or subconsciously) imitate the younger kids she is watching on TikTok.
No. 254334
>>254329No. Cyberbullying laws exist, but they are usually intended for people from the same area harassing somebody online. Like if a person keeps writing somebody threatening mails and being a nuisance online, that can be acknowledged by the police and help with restraining orders if physical threats are being made (even then, police sadly dismiss that stuff). If Jill were to contact the police and say she is being badmouthed on a forum whose owner is in another country, the police would tell her they aren't properly equiped for such a large scale case for something so trivial.
Stalking is a real problem across the whole world, and you can see how twitch streamers struggled with reporting it and couldn't even get the police involved when the stalker was across the street, that's an absolutely awful situation but in regards to lolcow some anon just recorded a performance. I don't know if Jill is getting some private threats, but knowing her, she'd love to talk about it and feel so dramatic.
Sorry for the sperg, but if I were Jill, I would just focus on stuff my target audience wants (fashion, hauls, arts and crafts) and become boring to the lolcow audience.
No. 254345
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No. 254347
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No. 254348
File: 1664919669009.jpeg (309.04 KB, 1170x652, 469F5A6A-C59C-4BE6-B5AB-D1210F…)

Vangelina im begging you please post the dm for everyone to see I am begging
No. 254349
>>254345>>254347Was about to post those, lol
Jill, you still don't have a diagnosis in your own words. Just an impression.
No. 254357
>>254347Psychologists came to the conclusion that
you think you do
There. Fixed it for you.
No. 254372
File: 1664923405773.png (339.96 KB, 926x1250, keffals and Jill.png)

Nice to see the similarities.Notice how Jill makes LESS than Lucas?
No. 254401
>>252849>>254347Can someone please find the highlighted photo of the paper that says that
She suggested the diegnosis and she
Described her symptoms in a very did diegnosis type of way
It was basically doctor speak to make munchies feel
valid but let other doctors who read it know that the patient is insane and not in the way they pretend to be
No. 254410
>>254395She's 100% manipulating her into making her believe a fake version of the truth so she can look like a
victim and pursuade Vangelina into not making the video. I'm sure Vangelina is smart enough to not fall for this tactic.
No. 254418
File: 1664932768929.jpeg (497.64 KB, 1165x787, 9770B83C-D252-4B37-ADA9-E5B5A6…)

>>254401Not sure about the highlighted one but here's a screencap her video. Tried to include the first line she has half cut off best I could.
No. 254424
>>254422"Splits" don't happen Willy nilly nor with "hyper fixation"
One hallmark of false DID players is just making up alters with new fixations and fandoms
Jill outs herself every day
No. 254439
File: 1664935028373.jpeg (130.29 KB, 1190x180, 52075697-C475-4988-B8FA-CF9A32…)

>>254435I'm assuming it's something like "mrs vessey reports that her life has been affected by her health conditions and she has spent significant time on her health conditions or it's consequences"
No. 254451
File: 1664937228258.jpg (133.95 KB, 720x1201, Screenshot_20221004-193207_Chr…)

No. 254467
File: 1664939785559.png (21.2 KB, 339x75, hm.png)

>>254418>>254445>Jillian (Pixie) Vesseywtf… you're right, it says that. It's in the very bottom upside down
wouldn't it say Amanda instead? since that's her middle name
No. 254469
>>254418Do you think she'd ever release the full page to "own the haters" or will she always keep it censored because it's filled with damning evidence?
>>254451>>254461Ironically if she is using it for an autism larp she's going it wrong because special interests with autistic people spans years of gathering more knowledge with no actual end. This can't even be classified as a hyper focus either because she doesn't consume just that one thing for an extended period. She just needs to accept it for what is is, a phase.
No. 254509
File: 1664964251983.png (2 MB, 544x2052, 1659683262143.png)

>>254503This is such an idiotic stereotype for people who suffer from BPD due to trauma and are actively trying to get better. Not surprised coming from her. Remember when she made faces and mocked up a girl with BPD on tiktok? It was a put a finger down video.
Also she looks like absolutely trashy dogshit and makes no sense to wear a binder during drag queen drag.
>>253782>People with BPD are the devilTrivializing mental illness much?
No. 254512
File: 1664964699929.jpeg (773.78 KB, 1125x1942, 77785283-9CD3-4DC7-B2D2-34FF29…)

Just found this in the comments on her tiktok about whether she thought she had did before she was diagnosed. She’s really pushing for that neuro divergent label hard still. Tism diagnosis shopping when?
No. 254515
>>254347Idk why it pisses me off so much because she's obviously a dumbass, but bitch needs to fucking learn that psychologist =/= psychiatrist.
For someone who claims to want to educate the masses she ought to know the difference, one is about helping you learn healthy coping mechanisms and unlearn
toxic thought patterns etc, the other is A FUCKING DOCTOR.
Obviously there are some similarities (duh) because psychologists have to learn about the human psyche to help treat it, but that's all they can do, HELP. If you're schizophrenic good luck getting better without meds, which you know are prescribed by a fucking psychiatrist, who studied MEDICINE.
That's like asking a physiotherapist to operate on your broken leg, because they help you get back on your feet after.
SAYING IT AGAIN JILL, a psychologist might have opinions about your mental illness, but they're not a doctor, and thus CANNOT DIAGNOSE YOU JFC.
>>254418It's just so obvious that she's hiding what she doesn't like in there. She literally overshares everything about her personal life, what would there be that's not already known? Her name, DOB, etc are all public knowledge. The only thing I can think of to keep private would be info about her family, and since this paper is about her reporting her own symptoms, what would there be except perhaps "my mom saw me and said I didn't look good these days" or something which she wouldn't need to hide??
No way did it say anything besides something along the lines of (at best) "Miss Vessey reported those symptoms and seems very distressed, as this is my first time dealing with such a patient I don't feel equipped to tell what's going on with her so here's a referal for additional testing."
No. 254521
>>254518Ntayrt but yes she would definitely need meds. She needs to be trying out different meds to help her brain deal with the fluctuating moods, switches (whether they're "actual" switches, bpd switches, or something else), extreme anxiety, PTSD, suicidal thoughts, etc. Slight blog but I'm very close to someone who has a dissociative disorder and trying to find the right combo of meds has been very scary and a very long process. And P.S. any kind of weed makes their symptoms worse
Weed can help relieve anxiety for some people, but even for someone with depression, weed alone is not going to do anything meaningful, let alone help someone with a disorder like DID or BPD that has deep roots in trauma.
No. 254530
File: 1664974042556.jpeg (156.46 KB, 828x540, 2E85D045-38CC-41E0-A96B-4D28B0…)

Someone’s getting nervous
No. 254544
File: 1664978264064.jpeg (38.45 KB, 828x203, 9937A076-D01E-400B-BB6F-94EADC…)

Then get off the fucking internet lmao
No. 254550
File: 1664978672220.jpeg (30.87 KB, 660x315, C-658VsXoAo3ovC.jpeg)

>>254532exactly…its totally fine for inabber and jill to publicly comment off of GH's situation even though she was clearly in a less safe situation than jill has ever been in. imagine someone coming into your house and filming it? that's stalking. video recording a public drag event? not stalking.
>>254544the dissonance is amazing. she performs live drag to be the center of attention, posts videos about her life and interests, posts every waking thought to twitter. if you wanted to be left alone, wouldnt you go offline, jilly? you cant be the center of attention AND be left alone. consequences stink, don't they?
No. 254561
>>254544That’s literally impossible to believe Jill, because YOU put yourself out there on the internet on YouTube. YOU are active on twitter. YOU are making TikTok’s. If YOU want to be left alone, you wouldn’t be posting. Even if you didn’t get off the internet completely, you wouldn’t be posting. But you don’t want to be left alone, you just don’t want any negative reactions. And when you get them, you want to be the
No one is stalking you. No one is trying to ruin your life. You’ve done that yourself by being a liar and trying to gain clout by claiming a disorder that you do not have.
No. 254567
>>254544As always, actions speak louder than words. She
doesn't want to actually be left alone. She knows for a fact she does not view the internet as a place to escape. She can clearly be left alone by not making videos, editing them for hours, and uploading them with a simple click of a button. She's putting so much effort into this.
No. 254569
>>254544you very well could just vent to an irl friend or family member or even a private twt account, yet here you are publicly airing out your problems in front of everyone again, for attention? sympathy? more people to be on your side when there's so much evidence against you?
you're digging yourself deeper into a hole that you claim to so desperately want out of and i do not feel sorry for you
No. 254577
File: 1664985303544.jpg (112.97 KB, 696x1146, Screenshot_20221005-085212_Chr…)

No. 254580
>>254530Her Veronica says otherwise, especially since it's monetized. Can't have it both ways, Jillian.
>>254544Then cut the crap, get off the internet, and
work on yourself. No one is
forcing you to use social media platforms. These are public online spaces not your diary. Being a public figure means dealing with criticism and not 24 hour asspats for just existing.
No. 254584
>>254544No you don't. You want to make weed money from YouTube by sitting on your ass and doing absolutely nothing but film mind-numbing DID trauma videos nobody watches. You don't care about putting in the work to do anything meaningful or creative. All you do is cry about being the
victim while you'd interjected yourself in situations you had no business in being in to get attention and ass pats.
No. 254586
File: 1664987911918.png (2.35 MB, 1275x1544, 7DC7352F-B2FD-46B5-B3F9-554D96…)

Can we get a redraw of this?
No. 254596
>>254512I gotta say, the only reason someone would want to be diagnosed this bad is because they want to hand wave responsibility away and blame it on something.
Or she wants extra immunity and brownie points in the extremely PC liberal mental health online space.
Like how does it really change her life to be diagnosed? Does she need medication? Even if I suspected I was autistic, and it wasn't debilitating, I wouldn't need to shell out thousands of dollars for someone to go, "Yep. Autistic. Keep doing whatever you were doing."
No. 254598
>>254596she wants to pay to be able to post the piece of paper online and have an out for if she says something wrong like you said
if you're in school having a diagnosis is good for legal reasons, and probably the same with some work places, but obviously jill doesn't have to worry about that.
there's literally no other use for an autism diagnosis. as long as you are "high functioning"' literally no one asks or cares even if they do notice something being a little "off" (including normal doctors and shit)
No. 254600
>>254590I imagine the DMs went something like
Van: "Anything you want to refute"
Jill: "Pwease don't be mean, you are being very ableist right now"
Van: "So nothing to refute?"
Jill: "How dare you– I am baby uwu, so mean"
No. 254604
>>254601She put all her eggs in this basket. She probably gave up a lot of real world opportunities for her internet fame. I imagine she's had to convince her family that this is the best thing she can do with her life, so going back on that would be a lot of shame in her interpersonal relationships.
And obviously, her fans blow so much smoke up her ass that it's worth all the hate from the dissenters. Until, of course, the dissenters affect the payroll.
No. 254617
>>254596Getting diagnosed with autism in adult hood actually causes more issues than fixes especially for women because it can actually affect what medical care you receive. Things like birth control and abortions can be affected if you're officially diagnosed with autism because a malicious doctor can easily say because of the disability she doesn't have the right headspace to make the decision. She's playing a really dangerous game trying to gather all of these diagnosis.
>>254613The brain scan wasn't a real thing it was something an anon made up. The 1000 dollars was for her DID. With most phycological tests for official diagnosis they just use word if mouth from the patient there's no testing for physical symptoms (the only exception is ADHD and autism since those have actual physical symptoms like audio processing issues).
No. 254622
>>254610Because Jill claiming to have DID implies she had childhood abuse or trauma.
That's implies that her parents failed her in some way. So it's a bad look for them.
No. 254633
>>254613There were no brain scans done on her. Some anon said there should be and other nonnies got it all mixed up thinking she was getting one.
She just had a bunch of interviews and her Jed gave her the dumb quiz thingy.
No. 254646
>>254609I think
>>254617 hits the nail on the head as to why Jill’s parents don’t really seem on board with this larp shit. Jill is an adult, getting a diagnoses poses more risk than reward at this juncture and I’ll bet her mom is very aware of that what with serenity Sam and being a woman. She doesn’t understand the reality of what she’s doing, she thinks online is the real world but in the real world people who black out and have seizures aren’t allowed to drive and women with diagnosed disorders are often abused by systems because there’s proof she’s crazy. That she’s chasing this so vehemently speaks volumes about her sheltered upbringing.
No. 254656
File: 1665001057450.jpeg (324.71 KB, 1242x829, F077625E-729F-44B4-94E9-1A8941…)

She should not be driving
No. 254662
File: 1665002144365.jpg (93.81 KB, 576x574, 9ICymAI.jpg)

our jillybean is in the thumbnail of ablaze's latest tiktok did fakers video. i'm sure she'll love that
No. 254672
>>254662This is amazing kek Jill, you wanted the attention, now you have it.
Her part starts around 5:41
No. 254687
File: 1665005264801.png (251.21 KB, 594x703, firefox_2FYdiyNTGL.png)

No. 254688
>>254686Oh my b. I'm not a regular viewer.
My concern is that subreddit is going to get banned like so many others do. If it gets enough traction and people complain, it will get banned.
No. 254689
>>254687Let's be real, I imagine Trisha Paytas has been more unsafe than Jill has ever been.
Pretty sure Trisha was stalked on her own honeymoon.
No. 254691
File: 1665005687752.png (27.33 KB, 1279x271, firefox_8Wqe2uJjUS.png)

>>254687The cowtipping is everywhere
No. 254693
File: 1665005791781.png (137.28 KB, 1277x760, firefox_L80bNC2XW4.png)

>>254691Oh, jill's defenders also found the video
No. 254695
File: 1665005894360.jpg (70.76 KB, 720x516, Screenshot_20221005-143627_Chr…)

No. 254698
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No. 254727
>>254712This, Jillian talked about the website and bringed her own followers and viewers here, it's not cowtipping at this point,
they're literally checking this website out by themselves because of Jillian herself mentioning it so of course they're going to have a couple things to say.
No. 254733
File: 1665013109718.jpg (176.78 KB, 718x1275, Screenshot_20221005-163432_Chr…)

No. 254738
>>254733>stimmingThis is not stimming, putting an object against the sky is normal and not stimming.
>>254672The person faking ADHD in this video really got to me. I have it and it's not cute, it's fucking horrible. I hate all fakers including Jillian. I want this fucking trend to die.
No. 254754
People like her ass and the autism fakers deserve their asses called out. Stop bastardizing us
>>254656 You know whats interesting, I checked out that one diaper DID chick that was posted a few threads ago, watching a few videos shes directly stated she doesn't drive anymore due to how dangerous it is with child alters and can't even go alone in public. Says a lot Jill following her and not even taking that basic note (oh wait- she doesn't have all the tewwible symptoms! all of its magical! -insert a million emojis-)
No. 254757
>>254738Honestly, TikTok needs to just ban mental health content unless they can vet it as being from an expert. The fact that it gets a lot of views just encourages people to lie and fake disorders that are incredibly difficult and detrimental to the people that actually have them.
Jill is just a nasty clout chaser who couldn’t hack it as a fashion designer and instead of getting a regular job or finding another passion decided to pretend to have a terrible mental illness. I don’t know why her parents went along with it for over a year or if they actually believed it until she was home for a bit and spent 16 hours a day smoking weed and realized she’s full of shit. If they were smart they’d tell her to drop the act and get a job or be institutionalized. I’m willing to bet she’d drop the act fast if there were some real consequences.
No. 254817
File: 1665022787374.png (38.17 KB, 760x456, 2877FE14-D4BD-47E4-8B43-853F7F…)

What I find to be interesting is after researching it a bit more I actually notice the faces I posted looking more similar after all.
These faces is the result from an article I found.
No. 254825
File: 1665023721397.jpg (113.62 KB, 720x1178, Screenshot_20221005-193328.jpg)

No. 254827
File: 1665023895262.png (34.92 KB, 685x444, jesus jer.PNG)

>>254817Believe what you want but I'll be running through Jill's Pixielocks tweets soon enough. Here's the results after I merged the texts into text only without double spaces. These are the same as earlier so Jerrica/Jesus. If you want to read more about it here's the thread where the same program was used for May/Ethan Ralph. No. 254829
>actively unsafeJill, you live in a townhouse in a nice part of Canada with your boyfriend. You're not a child living with
abusive parents or a
victim of sex trafficking stuck with a pimp
No. 254889
File: 1665028338195.png (1.82 MB, 2318x800, feet.png)

>>254884>>254887I made comparisons and gathered SOME feet pics of Jill. I did not want to look it up but I had to because they looked familiar.
No. 254899
File: 1665029347457.png (504.94 KB, 712x568, haha.png)

>>254889I've also been looking for a high res version of her flooring.
>>254895You know what I find funny? You type exactly like Jill and you bet I've capped your comments and will be using them later.
No. 254910
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No. 254912
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No. 254924
File: 1665033947155.jpeg (21.51 KB, 335x272, D5C010BD-69F4-42F3-9C4B-DDCAC5…)

The J’s line up. Nonnies you do the rest I’m going to bed.
No. 254933
File: 1665034811827.png (1.04 MB, 1366x768, uh oh.png)

So it looks like she mostly writes in cursive but maybe one of you schitzo nonies can see if there's still some matches between the cursive and the print lettering
No. 254936
File: 1665035329464.jpeg (187.41 KB, 750x1334, F23EE1F4-1621-4B65-9FFA-FCA11A…)

>>254924We also need to take into consideration that Jesus censored their own toes. Something Jill has been really vigilant about recently on social media.
No. 254941
File: 1665035923373.png (40.46 KB, 518x784, 40C97E2F-FFF1-43D3-89A3-125BDA…)

>>254939Better to have proof than to not check at all.
>>254930She fell for the bait! What a dumb bitch lmao.
No. 254948
File: 1665036717852.png (2.3 MB, 1275x1544, PICKSIELOX.png)

>>254586Pardon the autism ladies
No. 254951
File: 1665036831800.jpeg (171.38 KB, 1147x1169, 285E399D-2692-43FF-960E-99DABB…)

She can censor the toes now but Pepperidge farm remembers
No. 254956
>>254951That’s a different location,
nonnie. The wood from the original Jesus footpost matched her current living room floor.
No. 254964
File: 1665038477905.png (1.69 MB, 1534x758, Screen Shot 2022-10-06 at 2.37…)

Sagerina for autism but these do not look the same. Even if she were to put weigh on that foot how does that change the shape of her foot so drastically?
No. 254969
File: 1665039323370.jpeg (200.28 KB, 1226x903, 715C756F-62B7-4AFA-8DDC-5DA678…)

>>254957Several minutes of my life I won’t get back trying to find a barefoot Steven but I am curious. The handwriting is just a little too close!
No. 254974
File: 1665040086769.png (176.25 KB, 1024x1024, navi_1705.png)

>>254922>>254924>>254969>>254972joining in on the feet detective discourse but I think the handwriting looks v similar to Steebie's in the gift tag.
No. 254981
>>254948picasso in the thread
>>254964this is not what I expected to see when opening the thread today
No. 255001
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No. 255002
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No. 255004
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No. 255005
File: 1665052272980.png (2.58 MB, 1125x2436, C5EAADA4-0155-4C53-B34D-51163F…)

Fresh batshit milk nonas. Vangelina got the reply from Jilly followed by some rageposting on Jerrick’s account.
No. 255018
File: 1665053622800.jpeg (731.12 KB, 1125x1396, 45337617-A64C-4E28-A469-7ACC71…)

No. 255022
>>255018OMFG DO IT
>>255015Kekk. Jillian forgets she's a whole ass adult and not a school bully anymore. It's so pathetic to witness, her mom is her only friend literally. What can Mommy Louise fix when Jillian dug herself her own hole, really? Is Jilly expecting her parents to always help her out? So immature, one day they won't be here anymore and she'll be even more directionless.
No. 255023
File: 1665054769561.png (23.57 KB, 556x284, shit.png)

>>255016oh people are still defending Jilly even now
No. 255025
File: 1665054875837.png (12.64 KB, 544x196, stevia.png)

Meanwhile, Steven doesn't give a fuck on twitter. His last tweet is addressed to Maggie again.
No. 255026
File: 1665055024049.png (13.9 KB, 546x260, kek.png)

>>255024omfg. I'm so ready
>>255025Also maggie retweeted this
>i believe some people’s ‘karma’ is just a permanent lack of self awareness that blocks them from any progressionKEK
No. 255027
>>255015She has no friends, just her mom and Steve.
>>255025Correction: just her mom.
>>255016She’s an internet/YouTube drama veteran and it’s hard for me to believe that she isn’t stirring the pot and inciting drama on purpose. IMO the “dust has settled” comment is meant to make her look more innocent, like someone who’s harmlessly minding their own business and didn’t just kick a hornets nest for attention.
>>255026Maggie’s enjoying this as much as we are.
No. 255032
>>255027>IMO the “dust has settled” comment is meant to make her look more innocent, like someone who’s harmlessly minding their own business and didn’t just kick a hornets nest for attention.This has always been the case with her, a perpetual
victim. Like you said she's a drama veteran, all the way back with LACE.
No. 255035
File: 1665056716570.png (61.66 KB, 371x514, firefox_bV8dE7qLqR.png)

Maggie is that you lol
No. 255036
File: 1665056760017.jpeg (101.26 KB, 303x549, 43C8F6AF-D880-416E-B250-12ED52…)

From the live stream
No. 255039
File: 1665056833835.jpg (254 KB, 1920x1080, firefox_JjyTZUCEhm.jpg)

>>255036That pic is kinda small, should I post bigger ones?
No. 255041
File: 1665057067966.png (18.61 KB, 344x277, chat.png)

>>255035here's the full thing with the blurred out names so no one gets doxxed.
No. 255044
File: 1665057189250.png (8.92 KB, 445x67, who this.png)

I wonder who this could be, Maggie?
No. 255048
File: 1665057338280.jpg (225.38 KB, 1920x1080, firefox_kVcY2tDj5X.jpg)

>>255040Gonna keep posting higher quality caps for future proof
No. 255050
>>255046fuck lmao
>>255044not everyone is maggie retard kek
No. 255057
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No. 255058
>>255002>> super amicably >> “vangelina skov v suck my ass challenge”Jilly..tons of yootoobers make videos on creators antics and controversies. You aren’t special or different. Vangelina Skov has made videos on DissociaDID, Keffals, and Eugenia Cooney. If you were actually a
victim who had nothing to would be more than happy to get your story out there. Stop acting like you can do no wrong and admit to your mistakes like a responsible adult or get offline. Pretending to have a serious mental health disorder such as DID or PTSD is actually evil. Drama such as Ned from Try Guys cheating on his wife is fun juicy drama to you. But Rainbow Sprinkles on a Peep Cupcake forbid someone shine light on your hypocrisies and true nature behind your crumbling facade wrapped up with a bow. You’re the one who is making yourself look So Bad on your own. You’re the one posting your own incriminating information to the internet. You’ve been caught Jilly..the gig is up.
No. 255062
>>255048>you posting a video about it will platform the lolcow slander…. And Jilly's DIDNT? people who hate watch your videos or are not so brainwashed as to just believe what you say or want to understand multiple sides of the story would have come here from YOUR video Jillybean.
Its REALLY funny that you can tell she's well aware that her credibility is out the window and she probably watches Vangelina enough to know that she's generally a very trusted source and as
>>255058 said Vangelina is also known to do videos covering someone's controversies and still laying them out to be the
victim of a situation. The fact that she's SO desperate to hide the truth of the matter means she's fully aware that she's in the wrong and really hoped that her video would garner her a wave of love and attention with no backlash like most 'weh weh i'm being stalked' videos do
No. 255073
File: 1665059225257.jpg (199.66 KB, 1920x1080, firefox_bvkhAcK2bh.jpg)

>>255071But Jill, you are posting it on all mainsteam platforms
No. 255075
>>255061Jill’s so manipulative and slimy, talking about how traumatized and at risk she is after drawing attention to her drama and partaking in others drama herself.
Now the question is how can this situation be escalated for attention…
1. Jill relapses and starts self harming again to prove just how awful everyone is,
2. A new alter or a fragment is repurposed into a full alter protector, maybe sandwich will become a lion!
3. Steve and/or Louise has to hospitalize jill or jill admits herself,
4. Jill does some art therapy and posts it to Twitter…
How do other anons think her meltdown/tantrum is going to play our?
No. 255080
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I checked and this is the same DID girl that Jill befriended last year before her getting her diagnosis. I wouldn’t be surprised if they had a falling out or Jill just dropped her after she got her DID impression
No. 255081
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No. 255087
File: 1665059893808.jpg (168.13 KB, 1600x1200, milkmass.jpg)

Milkmass really did come up early.
No. 255094
>>255060>Van: this seems like emotional manipulation>Jill: emotional manipulation intensifiesLet's remember the danger is
checks notes someone filming a live event on her/his phone and posting it online like 100% of people with phones have done at some point. AND pixie filmed the event herself and uploaded clips on her own Youtube.
No. 255096
File: 1665060398102.jpeg (79.23 KB, 828x168, 4F858447-7A49-4F42-9270-9BD653…)

>>255080It feels like Bo doesn’t believe Jill’s larp
No. 255097
File: 1665060457431.png (352.4 KB, 747x602, E1E29233-A0CB-4B9C-BABF-65D7FE…)

I’m so happy we’ve come this far! Can’t wait for Jill to wake up and freak the fuck out. Look how much worse you’ve made it for yourself. Thanks for solving the case of the feet!!
No. 255107
>>255075It’s not uncommon for narcissists to self harm to get their way. Jill has said before that what cured her eating disorder was Tristan agreeing to date her and there is the caps from her old blog manipulating uma with threats of self harm.
>>255098I bet that’s it, we know she deletes comments obsessively on her stuff and she can’t do that on someone else’s channel.
No. 255108
>>255060> soooo traumatizedthis can’t be real. I know we always talk about how much she plays the
victim but dear god it’s never been as obvious as now
No. 255119
>>255118lol. It’s actually hilarious how the Jerrick account is just the place she goes to be
toxic. just make a vent account like a normal person jillybean. Being angry and bitter is part of being a human being, she just wants to express those feelings with no consequence (if you criticize her you are ableist obviously).
No. 255123
>>255121This one will still be up, take your time
No need to time-stamp everything but maybe write that the newest update is Jill being a two faced bitch to Vangelina
No. 255127
>>255119She really does take her uwu persona too seriously. Like everyone knows your an asshole jill, stop trying to dress it up. Just be a jerk on main, you already thirst trap and horny post, who are you protecting? Because it’s certainly not your underage fans.
No. 255128
>>255126Nah she was showing up screencaps, static images
You can check the stream if it got archived
No. 255150
>>255040>this is a really traumatizing subject for meis that why you made your own video, jill? to further traumatize yourself?
>>255048>your fans are acting hostilethe screencap is a user responding to vangelina telling her to make the video. they didnt say anything to attack jill.
>made my life unsafe to livethe anon went to a public show that jill promoted. what is unsafe about that? jill never got followed, assaulted, just posted on an obscure forum.
>>255060>any more attention puts me at risk, even positive attentionjill…YOU made a video first. YOU introduced your viewers to this site. why did you put YOURSELF at risk?
>my video said everything that needed to be said, the general public is content.translation: i have sent my rainbow army after the forum meanies and im content that i have gotten support and can fully censor the criticism i dont like by deleting comments since i am in control of my channel
>"controversies"interesting she decides to put them in quotes now when she didn't in the first message.
>>255061>when everyone else has moved ontranslation: i want to be the only one in control of the narrative
>>255073>different audiences. different eyeballs seeing ittranslation: i only want my rainbow babies support. i don't want criticism from people who are not in my twittersphere
>>255085>i'm trying to move on translation: my intended goal was to get nothing but support and keep my audience more defensive of me. i accomplished this goal and i don't want you to fuck it up.
some beautiful fresh morning manipulation from jillybean, nothin like it. really interested to see vangelina's coverage. she's always very fair but jill's story tells itself…any logical adult with a prefrontal cortex can see how the larp unfolds.
No. 255157
File: 1665065844639.png (1.06 MB, 1110x891, milkmass.png)

nonny nonny nonnyNew threadNew threadNew thread>>>/w/255155>>>/w/255155>>>/w/255155Use it once this one fills out (not too long until that happens anyway)
nonny nonny nonny No. 255165
File: 1665066945700.jpeg (128.83 KB, 828x705, 43AD6673-C66B-4112-8241-0FB7D9…)

She’s active on twitter but hasn’t acknowledged all this yet
No. 255169
File: 1665067373101.png (334.2 KB, 601x554, firefox_oVlQNQK5SZ.png)

>>255096lol, bobo was interacting with jill recently too
No. 255198
File: 1665070330908.jpeg (1.21 MB, 713x11564, 71EE6D99-CF51-4EA9-8392-300ECF…)

>>255195Dropped pic gonna kms now
No. 255200
>>255185 jills funny as hell saying that, she helped set the fire ablaze
>>255198 thank you for your service
No. 255272
File: 1665075681307.jpg (134.76 KB, 991x806, literally blaine.jpg)

He's the most hideous looking man I've ever seen. He looks like a goblin.