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No. 127283
Previous thread:
>Began her lolcow run as a "pansexual" lolita lifestyler who quit due to LACE drama and ~muh restrictive rules~>Is most well known as creator of the Party-Kei style, a style she no longer personally wears>Known lurker>History of ED, mental illness, and self-harmGeneral info:
>Frivolously spends her parents' or her own money on once-worn clothes, makeup and junk shit for her trends; claims she makes enough from Youtube despite previously complaining about demonetization on her videos; will often post/tell the cost of items to show off how much she had spent; now relies on video monetization and Patreon donations to keep her afloat despite offering poor incentives for supporting her >Is an extreme narcissist; regularly claims herself to be the best/have superior skills in many aspects like fandom and fashion designing despite her skills, knowledge, and results of projects proving otherwise>Heavily pushes her "full-time Youtuber" title even though she fails to keep up a consistent upload schedule and keep solid engaging content beyond hauls and bullshit vlogs of her ramblings; opts for "self-care" rather than working on her videos and other projects; defines self-care as doing nothing but taking baths with Lush bathbombs and laying in bed all day>Claims to be ethically responsible about her purchases, yet still buys in ridiculous amounts from problematic sites and sellers>Extremely thin-skinned and defensive of herself, will either delete comments or posts under fire or act passive-aggressive in tweets and videos likely alluding to what she has seen in the threads; has been highly dependent on her mother, friends, or partner in social events and blows minor issues way out of proportion>Has kept a total of five past relationships in her life, all ending in drama; tends to use partners as accessories when beneficial to her image; formerly referred to herself as queer rather than bi, lesbian, or pansexual; currently with her live-in partner Stephen Clarke and both have formally come out as bisexual>Claims to be family-friendly, but makes poor attempts to censor herself, has made sexual innuendo despite knowing she has a largely underage audience; will often remove or put herself from/on said medications regardless of whether she needs them or not>Jill started her own brand, 5 petal flower. She isn’t selling anything yet, but plans to sell bad Lazy Oaf knock offs>She got rid of the rainby bangs>2 year anniversary with totes not gay Steevie>Uses the word ‘pandemie’ and gets called out for being insensitive, but a fan claims she was just speaking French>She won’t stfu about her stims and super scary ‘restrictive’ eating disorder >Finally picks the winners of her tattoo contest. She picks questionable designs that queerbait>She receives PR from Wet n Wild and throws a bitch fit about the plastic in it>Makes a video which clearly had editing on her voice, but claims the unnatural high pitch is just a symptom of her bpd >Makes a ‘scene kid transformation’ video but looks nothing like a scene kid and instead just subjects us to horrible shilled drag eyelashes from Toshi and a badly coordinated outfit once again (but this time in black)>Anthony Padilla announces he is making a video on BPD, Jill gets her confetti cunts to beg him to put her in the video. He had already picked people to be in the video>Buys a $100 too small vintage romper, only to break it with her fat immediately Last time on "Do I have BPD, autism, psychosis, a gay boyfriend or am I a narcissist?":
>Got a stimming toy as part of her munchie journey>Continues to gain weight in lockdown>Posts on FB about her suicide attempts that have happened in the past>Thifts trousers 2 sizes too small for her that gives her a giant camel toe and proudly shows them off on multiple occasions>Continues to sperg about Anthony’s BPD video despite not being in it >Continues to claim she has catatonic episodes, psychosis, and that she dissociates regularly. Claims to be seeing a specialist. >Steve gets appendicitis then experiences a bowl blockage after surgery. He spends a month in the hospital. Jill makes it all about her suffering and how difficult it was for her. >Claims the major trauma that happened in her life was a relationship she had exclusively over DA when she was 13 and the girl was 16. This is in spite of the fact that the DA posts show the relationship wasn’t abusive.>Posts a heavily edited lewd. >Picks the models for her end of year fashion show. She also shows the designs she plans to make. >Claims she has major back pain from her ‘big tiddies.’>Sub tweets and makes a video about old friends that ‘abandoned’ her during a mental health crisis. Claims the police got involved. >Buys the wrong kind of hair dye from the store and acts like a Karen, until she was informed it was actually her mistake. Old Threads:
>>>/pt/108478>>>/snow/25169>>>/snow/93376>>>/snow/154765>>>/snow/215023>>>/snow/258245>>>/snow/271275>>>/snow/285759>>>/snow/303929>>>/snow/318441>>>/snow/338259>>>/snow/358781>>>/snow/375960>>>/snow/393066>>>/snow/408269>>>/snow/428929>>>/snow/445432>>>/snow/455122>>>/snow/477079>>>/snow/490876>>>/snow/515612>>>/snow/531526>>>/snow/540457>>>/snow/558614>>>/snow/582890>>>/snow/616989>>>/snow/646275>>>/snow/679806>>>/snow/720365>>>/snow/739688>>>/w/3116>>>/w/33281>>>/w/42916>>>/w/59471>>>/w/74104>>>/w/87679>>>/w/99779Social Media & Other Links:
Youtube: 2: Page: Facebook Page: Girls Instagram: Girls Facebook Page: Old Deviantart: Blog: No. 127336
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>>127315It's my first thread omg, thank you!
Also, I've checked her Patreon lately: she was near 1k when she started and is now a sad 680 bucks. Any Patreon here to talk about her declining content?
No. 127350
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No. 127368
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what did she mean by this? is she this proud of the dissociatey tweet?
No. 127404
>>127350That's SAD if anything and most of non-mentally ill people feel this way during winter months/ when away from sunshine long.
We need a bingo for Jillibean…
No. 127407
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Also, member the ~I'm an uwu witch and have an altar~ phase? We come back at it. Fuck taking responsibilty to get better LOL
No. 127418
>>127407>>127391Maybe she will go full azealia, and kiww some fluwffy chickins at her witchy alter which will hewp with the icky weather-based feewings!
It must be hard being
this speshul and magical that every fucking passing thought and feeling has a deep spiritual or psychological meaning.
No. 127530
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New Instagram account, she mentioned it on her twitter. Don't know how long she has had it for and I doubt she lets randos/non witches follow it.
No. 127539
>>127418Now I’m picturing her beheading a bunch of Peeps.
>>127513Maybe his parents are bigots and wouldn’t approve of their Queer(TM) relationship.
No. 127544
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No. 127577
>>127513Isn't not showing Jill as your girlfriend very very suspicious? There's so many implications there
>>127530> a stupid ass name.
What the fuck is she going to reclaim? and why can't she post this on her normal account?
Idk, this """witch""" stuff just seems insane.
No. 127597
>>127513His parent's do know they're dating. I'm pretty sure he said it as a joke especially since he said that his parents are most likely going to watch the video. But what's concerning about that is if his parent's watch her videos does that mean that she outed him to his parents? That's not very Qweewr friendly Jill.
>>127530So she made a finsta? it sucks since it's likely limited to her friends and school mates.
No. 127748
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I wish I could just remove that word from her vocabulary. literally NOBODY asked, jill.
No. 127754
>>127748sorry for samefagging, but how the hell can she say shes introverted if she constantly requires the presence other people for emotional stability? in her last video she literally wouldn't shut up about how horrible it was to be alone while steve was gone.
this is such a retarded sperg but she's clearly a token ENFP..
No. 127768
>>127754Yeah, as an ENFP, I dunno where she gets off claiming INFP.
She's as ENFP as it bloody well gets, really. Best to recognize it. And no, INFPs are not just introverted ENFPs.
No. 128058
>>127890>>127880Imho, the first "bottleneck" here is, if she even got typed by a person who properly knows Myers-Briggs.
I would not be surprised if she just used that "16 Personalities" site and didn't look into it any deeper (because that's all that most people do).
That site is not reliable at all and misinterprets the system, as far as I learned from a Myers-Briggs community some years ago.
No. 128132
>>128108>that extends to other things too like would therapy even work on her because she lies and embellishes so muchThis. Maybe I'm speaking from a personal experience, but we should remember therapists are humans too and can fail in their diagnosis, especially if you lie, put a different awnser than you would on a test, or change things up. I had one psycheatrist tell me that I was HPD with no signs of being promiscous or flirty just "because she felt like it". The same thing can be happening to her, but the thing is, Jillian is retarded and likes to make 1 little thing her entire personality, so she makes every single inconvenience or symptom into something more big or grandiose than what it actually is. Like, she can say whatever the hell she wants and a bad therapist will go like "yep, that's true, you have x diagnosis just like you say -even though you read the description from wikipedia- now fuck off".
I think Jillian just lives in a very small town to be able to get a good therapist, tbh. Or at least revisit the one who told her that her fashion sense was a symptom of mentall illness… which in Jill's case it is, she loves the attention she gets and it makes her feel special, so she doesn't even invest in learning how to dress according to her body type and what pinks who with which pinks.
No. 128170
>>128132I think the main issue with Jill is that she was told too early on (age 12-13) that she
might have BDP so growing up she was most likely building her life around that probable diagnosis just so she can get it when she's older. So she made up some lie how her online relationship with Uma was her trauma when she actually has a solid foundation in saying bulling was her main trauma.
She's lucky that not that many confetti cultists are thorough in their stalking since you know one of them would "unintentionally" expose her for having a typical awkward teen relationship with Uma if they found her DA.
No. 128180
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Kinda off topic but I wonder how jill is gonna feel about the new precure series, since the main pink isn't even pink.
No. 128227
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Yeah Jill, because you’re totally a ~*broke struggling queer artist*~ who doesn’t go out and buy tonnes of plastic to hoard in your kaweewee home
No. 128287
>>128227I don’t understand how anyone could read that tweet as belligerent or ~classist in any way. It comes across as hyperbole for comedic effect more than anything - most decent perfumes cost a lot less than $200 unless you’re buying a 4l bottle or something
Slight tangent but I’m getting really tired of people justifying their consumerism with “muh affordability”. I was on a popular lolita’s instagram recently and she made a reel taking the piss out of the Alice Girl Cats Tea Party ripoff. Her comments were full of North Americans crying about not being able to afford AP, which was laughable considering the lolita in question is from Latin America.
No. 128314
>>128227Jill got assblasted by a random tweet because she herself is a womanchild who insists in still doing everything as if she was a defenseless stupid baby, so anyone confronting her with reality is threatening to her sad little bubble of rainbows and babytalk. She, of course, has to lash out and prove she is right, so she uses a woke insult towards this random lady who is actually right for a variety of reasons.
Jillian is so frustrated and spoiled that anyone and anything
triggers her rage. She could, indeed, invest in whatever she wants, just look at all the figures and crap she has in every single space in the townhouse her mom rents for her. But somehow, this upper middle class white girl that has never struggled once in her life, has the nerve to call some random lady "classist", as if she has any authority, knowledge, or has even suffered from it.
Oh, to be Jillian Vessey and live in a happy, cozy bubble with no struggles whatsoever so you gotta make your own, and throw some random woke buzzwords so people clap at you. To be Jillian Vessey and be able to be so coddled that a random tweet reads as a personal attack. To be Jillian Vessey and have everything in the world, yet still be this sad.
No. 128376
>>128227so, by this logic…
Investing in yourself and getting a nice perfume for yourself is classist but… somehow, always talking about the money you spend on figures and trinkets and even showing the price tag on video isn't?
No. 128385
>>128227I get that maybe she's changed, but she would throw $200+ at a lolita dress years ago when there were plenty of cheap brands around as well? Or second hand? And nowadays spending so much on shitty plastic things to hoard. At least the clothes had a purpose.
Sage for rant.
No. 128476
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Get her Jade
No. 128478
>>128476Queen!! Slay!
Has someone ever made a video about calling out Jill? There is enough material for sure.
No. 128486
>>128476self posting your cowtipping isn’t milk.
>>128478learn to integrate samefag. no one wants jill to be called out
No. 128545
>>128227There's actually another thing she could've been mad about. If she's so neurodivergent (read: completely fucking neurotic) like the autism everyone ITT think she has… scents, whether B&BW or $200, are really annoying to autistics… so couldn't she have just been like "OMG you ableist! don't you know you're creating a sensory HELL for people like me!!!!!!1!!"
Also, people have allergies to scents that range from annoying to life threatening, so that's, like, hyper ableism or something.
No. 128581
>>128559Yeah her apartments probably 1000-1200 dollars but honestly how tf can she pay for it otherwise…
600 from patreon + 833 from youtube (veryyyy generous estimation) is only like 1400. She MUST be applying for student loans or something… which would make sense because they don't account for your parents income if you've been working for 2 years after high school.
No. 128605
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she’s posting holiday content… after the holidays…
No. 128755
>>128678Sage for obvious reasons
But wth where do you live that your parents pay you not an apartment during your studies, but a fucking house?
My parents are middle class, have two kids and always tried their best to support me; yet I was living on 20qm and was also working 20 hours a week.
It's not normal, really.
No. 128787
>>128786We are also in a housing crisis in NS and PEI. Many people are paying high amounts for shitty apartments because that's all that's
No. 128789
>>128787then that just means that's even worse because it's a whole townhouse, not an appartment
>>128770I know of a guy whose parents have a lot of money because of showbiz, and they didn't rent a whole townhouse for him. A college dorm sure maybe, but not a townhouse. Mommy Louise just went the extra mile and Jill loves to flaunt it. And it's not like Mommy Louise has that much money either.
No. 128801
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I'm pretty sure feeling happy for them is a common feeling but to go as far as calling it euphoria and pride is a little too much. It comes off more as a narc collecting a full "rainbow"of friends. Also here she goes outing her friends without their permission again since you can tell this is about John.
No. 128809
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jill still thinks she’s j fashion
No. 128812
>>128776No you are just an idiot that wants to drive in a point that’s not
valid. Some parents DO pay for apartments or dorms or town homes or houses for college students. Move on.
No. 128858
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>>128809Hilarious. Considering she could barely be bothered to retweet about her beloved Masuda-san's tourist trap closing. I was half expecting a tearful ig story or upcoming video about it, but I guess shes busy "riding a different wave"
No. 128942
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>>128801>It comes off more as a narc collecting a full "rainbow"of friends. This, it's like "I AM the PROUD GIRL of MY FRIENDS" "I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER because you came out for my benefit", focusing so much on herself. It's not that sweet even if she barnishes with friendship and love. I think if you have had experiences with narcissism you can tell that she comes off as off putting, just like her mom here (pic related).
I'm not an expert in mental health, but I feel like she rather get the BPD diagnosis she wants so much because being any other PD like NPD is fucking scary and it would call her out. But she has so many traits (again, not claiming she has it because I sincerely don't know, some people can have traits and not be NPD, just the typical old narcissistic). For example
>she makes everything about herself>she makes her accomplishments bigger than what it actually is>she thinks she is knowledgeable enough in things she has no idea about>she doesn't care about how she truly looks but cares about standing out>she has the need to come off as sweet in public but when she rages she becomes a different off putting person. Who knows how she behaves behind doors>She has always done things for attention, she victimizes herself and changes the past to accomodate her own story>She uses people for her own agenda (like Alyssa, or like fucking that one guy at new years eve, and I feel like that one Maggie chick also falls into this)>We all know she's just ME ME ME all the time and how pretentious she can get (remember LACE?)>and lastly, she cannot take critizism for shit, or not being the center of attention at least one, like when she wasn't picked up for the bpd video / or how she says she was bullied in highschool, because I honestly believe she just stood out too much and she was so self centered and annoying that if anyone dared to say anything about her she cried.Again not claiming that she has NPD, I'm not a doctor, but she is honestly your typical narcissist.
No. 128943
>>128809her plastic things made in china can't possibly be jfashion
>>128811This, she used to be "alright", kind of like a copy of that one girl from australia, forgot her name. I think catatonia has really been shrinking her brain, lmao.
No. 128975
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old jillian posted today on twitter
No. 128993
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>>128975never been good at taking care of pets, I see.
No. 129115
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>>128998 sage for graphic design major sperging,
In my opinion she doesn’t even do maximalism well at all either. She does it in a way that’s not organized chaos but looks sloppy and like it was thrown together by a child than curated. A better example of maximalism would be something like this, where its maximalist yet balanced visually, pleasing color palettes, and well curated.
No. 129183
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this is supposed to be our “sustainable” slow fashion queen
No. 129203
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>>129197Ew, acknowledging the cat hairs doesn't make it any better. Maybe don't use the footage or try dusting stuff off before you start painting it?
No. 129205
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They're nothing to write home about but at least she's sewing
No. 129258
>>129205Was it really too much effort to cut out the squares following the fabrics pattern. You know a thing your supposed to do with patterned fabrics…
Her final pieces are gonna be eye sores from just that alone.
No. 129265
>>129205They're so wonky lmao. Also they really don't stand out on that wall. Having bright pink wall actually diminishes the aesthetic, so much effort to have a worse look.
I wonder if she'll make a video painting everything back to white when she moves out (altho with her laziness and utter lack of career prospects I see her staying there for many years)
No. 129309
>>129284She hasn't used arctic fox in a while she usually uses Ion.
>>129197These crafting videos tend to be her better ones as an audience to watch, but I don't know how much views they get since they're not really a comprehensive DIY project that people would search for so they can recreate it.
If it's good for views she should just become a crafting chanel which would work in her favor so she can refine her skills of clothing making while also keeping her channel afloat.
No. 129368
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No. 129381
>>129368From what I learned via Youtube comments and videos from a therapist experienced in dealing with trauma (humoring the idea Pixie has trauma) laying it all out at once is the opposite of what you should do and may re-traumatize the patient. You're supposed to take as long as possible, even years to actually work on and heal the trauma.
Though she might just have decided to do this on her own since the Tweet doesn't specify her therapist requested a trauma brainstorm before even one session.
No. 129422
>>128809if she thinks she's j-fash, then i'm a lolita because i like to wear dresses.
seriously jill, just because you wear colors that don't match and have magical girl tattoos, that doesn't make you jfash.
No. 129443
>>129368She does realize that fist sessions are always more of a get-to-know-me kind of meeting and rarely touch base on anything that's too extreme. He may be a specialist but I imagine that once Jill realizes that every session ends with homework she'll drop him since he'll want her to take accountability, instead of coddle her and tell her that her actions and self created trauma are
valid due to the BPD.
No. 129570
>>129443Samefag as
>>129381The thing about the
dropping all your traumas in one session and retraumatizing yourself that many less experienced therapists do is the patient never comes back, whereas working slowly through the trauma means a lot of work for both the patient and therapist. If unloading on people actually worked, all trauma would be healed by one rant to a friend. I can't see Jillian actually putting the work in to fix whatever trauma she has, since she's actively pushing for the first, ineffective "unloading" method.
No. 130354
>>130200you can never actually get rid of your BPD diagnosis, that's dangerous misinformation. you CAN learn to control the symptoms and develop coping strategies to handle the impulses/mood swings. The reason personality disorders are so controversial in the psych community is that they're a label for life. Symptoms can lessen as you grow older and they can lessen even further with therapy and a LOT of work, but it'll never 100% go away.
Sadly most people with personality disorders don't want to put in the work required to learn how to control their symptoms. They are by far my least favorite clients to have, especially the younger BPDs like Jill. Most of the time they just want me to agree with them that everyone is out to get them and reassure them that they're just an innocent
victim. It's a never-ending attention cycle that's so exhausting. Which is probably why Jill cycles through friends so often and has ended up basically having none beyond Steve now.
(infighting) No. 130378
>>130356sage for bpd sperg but it’s not yet universally accepted that people “grow out” of their bpd diagnosis. the general theory is that the impulsivity symptom CAN lessen over time do to full development of the frontal lobe, which controls impulsivity and is not fully developed until at least the age of 25, which is also why you rarely see anyone over the age of 20 being diagnosed. there’s no such thing as “growing out” of a personality disorder, just being able to manage symptoms and growing a better support system, and if they do happen to age out of a personality disorder then they probably didn't have one in the first place.
don’t go throwing shit out there pretending you know everything about an EXTREMELY NEW diagnosis that is still debated about whether it’s a legit diagnosis or not when you really just looked at the first result when you googled “can you grow out of bpd”. your 5 seconds of “research” are severely lacking in background information.
(infighting) No. 130428
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why does she make these faces
No. 130464
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No. 130529
>>130464If this was actually true it would be upsetting and
triggering for her not uwu so funny and randumb aren't I unique everyone? She's preparing for this therapy session like it's an audition for a play.
No. 130705
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She's ranting and raving about this as if she is going to meet the love of her life… Oh wait, she is. Her beloved DID (mis)diagnosis
No. 130771
>>130553I didn't call the thread that way for no reason lmao
Maybe her diagnuwusee should be analphabetism uwu.
No. 130835
>>130464Oh my god the DID thing was a joke but I’m seriously starting to believe that’s where she’s going with this shit, “thinking you can time travel” isn’t a part of BPD in the slightest
Please do it Jill, it’ll be oh so funny meeting all your “alters”, you can give them all different mental illnesses and genders and sexualities to be the most *~queer~* of them all
No. 130836
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>>130464Flashbacks to what? What the fuck is she trying to claim she’s experienced
No. 130857
>>130854Forgot to add something
Money on her angling more for a C-PTSD diagnosis cause of "how long the trauma has been going on uwu" and it sounds like it get even more pity points (still not worth having, free to good home)
No. 130900
>>130854Exactly. The types of people that actually DO have trauma don't fucking go on and on and on about "muh scawy mysterious traumas" because it literally fucking hurts to think about it, and they'd give anything to escape it. People who actually do have shit going on in their lives don't bring it up literally every second they get like Jill does.
>>130857I 100% believe she would pull something like this. Normal PTSD isn't cool enough, everyone has that, let's have complex PTSD because that's more interesting and sounds more traumatic, and she can go on about "complex PTSD doesn't get enough attention and representation guys!! Please notice how special I am!!!!!"
No. 130981
>>130835Bet she goes on having a fictive and it being like sailor moon or some random magical girl
Becuase shes the ultimate fan that she IS one of the characters
No. 131054
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I can't remember if anyone posted these, they are from her patreon update this Monday.
No. 131058
>>131054Wtf are they gonna talk about in their podcast??
Can’t wait for her collab lmao I’m sure it’s gonna be hella ugly
No. 131086
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>>131069The prices aren't that much but they look so cheap
No. 131087
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>>131086Some more of their dresses
No. 131089
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>>131087(Samefag obvs)
But I'm really sceptical it could be ethically produced at these prices?
Picrel shoes made ethically in LA for only that $$?
No. 131168
>>131131I don't know who owns that shop but that prettysourlaura girl works for them and simps for Jill's rainby mess. Cheap kawaii influencers have to stick together for clout and scam people into thinking rainbow trashbag dresses are hot.
>>131054Who is going to pay for her to set up her own little fashion house? All she's done is draw crayon level doodles and make a handful of half assed clothing in community college. Before this all she did was pose with her sewing machine for pictures and painfully attempt a once a year cosplay. This collab is setting her up for failure.
No. 131176
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>>131099They're YRU shoes.
No. 131204
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All they say in their About Me is that their orders are packaged and shipped out of LA, nothing about also being made in LA, which is something really important that you would think they would include if it were true.
No. 131278
>>131086>>131087wow, these dresses are worse than Forever 21 this is some wal-mart quality shit.
>>131089They probably do the high fashion thing and outsource majority of the product from sweatshops then do the final assembly in America so it can still receive the seal of approval.
>>131204wow, Jill lying so she seems more woke and sustainable!? I'd never thought I'd see the day! /s
Honestly though, when is she going to realize that the substantiality doesn't work for the kind of life she wants to live? she can screech sustainability all she wants but she constantly proves that she absolutely does not give a fuck.
No. 131328
>>131312Looking at it from the perspective of someone who received this as some sort of instructional document, she really isn't ready to form a "production team" with such useful direction as:
>Gingham! (Ok what size print?)
>60s shape(so…loose fit? How are we gonna guarantee it folds in the middle as shown, are these pleats sewn down or are we just hoping for the best?)
>layerable (over cute tees+tops!) (wtf, this is a description of how you think they should be styled by the wearer, not design instruction)>Simple fabric belt comes with(what fucking fabric, Jill?)
>but really easy to style with mix+match belts(This is styling instruction not design)
>princess seamsShe just likes the word
princess seams>layerable! Comfy! Cute my violet styleGoddamn
>size inclusiveHow you scale items to fit XL+ is actually pretty important and part of the design, how will these be scaled for different sizes?
>Loose, belt loops adjustableHow are they adjustable, pixieeeee
>Rainbow!What fabric, jill. A print, metallic, sequins?
She has no labels referring to the types of ruffles, pleats and seams, no instruction on fabric type, no instruction on size scaling other than just declaring it
adjustable, no instruction on what kind of closures it needs (stretchy fabric? Zip? There's one reference to a button but not at a closure point)
In summary, totally fucking useless and an insult to whoever she sent it to.
No. 131330
>>131328Samefag, I think she likes the idea of being a
designer because she thinks it means just firing off some halfassed doodles and making your seamstresses do all the work figuring out construction, seams, fabric choices, size scaling…typical narcissist Pixie logic.
No. 131384
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>>131278Sort of off topic but didn't Jill say she stopped supporting fast fashion altogether which included unfollowing the brands she loved. I'm pretty sure she even mentioned unfollowing lazy oaf specifically in her video about sustainability when she still follows them to this day. Did we really think she would stick to this sustainability trend?
No. 131391
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from live stream
No. 131405
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ot but pixie on tik tok was something I hadn’t anticipated
No. 131406
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No. 131413
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No. 131439
nonnie it needs a spoiler warning. I was eating
No. 131625
>>131054A lot of these are so close to being nice but she just adds too many design elements
Then only decent thing is that blue dress with the rainbow and even then the rainbow placement is weird
No. 131758
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How does it match? if anything the pants take away the attention And make the tattoo look like a dirt stain.
Also if you look at the first photo closely it looks like she tried to photoshop/contour her boob to look bigger.
No. 132052
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>>131758She looks absolutely deranged in the ig thumbnail
No. 132053
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This face she pulled was like something you'd see in an autism awareness ad. God I hope her new therapist gives her the right diagnosis.
No. 132056
File: 1610536234576.jpg (1.03 MB, 1536x2048, CYMERA_20210113_130612.jpg)

That my violet shop is just overpriced aliexpress stuff, I feel sorry for people who fall for it. Honestly kind of morally iffy for Jill to do business with them after talking so much about ethical life/fashion. Hope someone calls this store out on social media, too lazy to do it myself.
No. 132059
File: 1610536462136.jpg (1.03 MB, 1536x2048, CYMERA_20210113_130808.jpg)

Sorry for bad crops.
No. 132502
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No. 132505
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>>131089The hi-tops are Strange Cvlt. They're notorious for the soles separating because they're made of cheap vinyl that peels.
No. 132524
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is it just me who finds it odd that Steve was the one who had to do research for her to find a professional???
No. 132635
>>132056not to WK some random web shop, but thats what a wholesale license is for. They also seem to make items on their own that arent from ali.
I dont know what this means for Jill. Hopefully she's just approving designs and not actually making them herself.
No. 132736
File: 1610781293248.jpg (130.3 KB, 1080x1263, IMG_20210116_001319.jpg)

I'm starting to feel bad for Steve, especially since most of his illnesses/symptoms can be associated with stress.
No. 132737
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>>132736Samefag here's his tweet
No. 132792
>>132736They sounds so weird, it feels like
he would be better here
Also Pixie staying true to OP image
No. 132807
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No. 132862
>>132553right? like of course they'll try to make sure someone with suicidal ideation won't hurt themselves, these type of people love to romanticize mental illness without dealing with any of the consequences
>>132737I feel sorry for him too, having to recover and deal with Jill's bullshit at the same time must be hell
No. 133082
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Any guesses why she’s trying to get Eugenia’s attention?
No. 133119
>>133082It's obviously her INFP personality and definitely not her self aggrandizing thinking that she's a voice of the bodi possi movement making her a mouth piece for fellow current/former anorexic people! /s
Jill's fucking delusional, instead of trying to "save" Eugenia she should focus on her self. I hope she mentions this her her therapist so he can tell her doing shit like this hurts to her "healing" process.
No. 133146
File: 1610957301367.jpeg (142.63 KB, 750x393, 19F2F7CB-33CE-47D5-989D-A5FFCB…)

More DID bullshit she’s retweeting, just like she did with BPD before getting “diagnosed” with it
No. 133197
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Jill replying to Maggie on a lazy oaf sales group thread about a faulty coat.
No. 133203
>>133082She sounds like she’s about to make a MLM proposition kek
>>133146What language is this? Google translate is giving me nothing
No. 133226
>>133146>things you should not say to systemsOkay so things I shouldn't say to larping "mentally ill" snowflakes
>singletsUh you mean normal people?
>retweet or you owe me $20I owe you nothing jackass
No. 133227
>>133168It's so rich that she's willing to suck dick for the animal crossing pr list but the sanrio wet n wild is sooooo
problematic to her
No. 133254
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>>133197>>133228>>133229Seems as though they are fine with eachother, or Maggie has to keep having to have neutral responses to Jills comments for Steve's sake. Because we know that he would get an earful from Jill if Maggie had a fight with her.
No. 133381
>>133254Maybe Jill's earfuls are what keep Steve in the hospital.
I feel so bad for him. There's so much toxicity in that house. I hope that he leaves and then tells everyone what really happened while dating Jill.
No. 133486
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No. 133509
>>133501Haven’t you seen her About Me page on her “professional” website? Oversharing about mental illness
is her brand, she just draws clothing sometimes as a side project.
No. 133520
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No. 133522
>>133520"Literal piercing physical headache" from
"Your mental thoughts"
A common stress headache, yeah that's so crazy.
No. 133549
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>>133538This drawing is killing me… the legs…
No. 133551
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>>133538God her voice and mannerism are crazy in this one (inb4 DID shit). She sounds like a spoiled toddler talking about her drawings to people. It just doesn't seem likely that her collection will work. She's hyping it up like a small kid who picked a crayon for the first time but seriously no serious designer just shows their drawings and starts talking like baby to her clients. IDK if I'm explaining my train of thought, but this is seriously a low point, it's like I'm looking at an adult acting like a baby on purpose.
No. 133552
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No. 133553
File: 1611173149087.png (413.36 KB, 648x370, 1.png)

I'll spare y'all so you don't have to give views to this porky:
20+ year old adult woman talks like a high pitched toddler showing her "uwu" anime inspired drawings to a retarded audience, neither know anything about fashion design
No. 133554
>>133538Sperging about how much she loves fashion school and doesn’t want to leave, yet she won’t consider putting mommy and daddy’s money to actual use by pursuing further education at a more accredited school….
Does she really think that she is ready to run a business after, in theory, having made ONE extremely thematic niche collection? I know that the toddler vomit kidcore stuff is popular now but…just how is she so deluded? I can see right through her “fake it til you make it” attitude with her brief moments of humbleness in the video but she immediately turns around and lies to herself.
No. 133558
>>133538It's not bipolar, it's not anxiety, I'm not even sure it's Borderline Personality Disorder. She is just a malignant narcissist, and she gets worse and worse and worse. I'm sure all of her instructors can see right through it at all. This is Jill at her utmost insufferable and fake.
What a fuckin' loser.
No. 133561
>>133536Did she just confess she did jack-sh*t for 1.5 months, with her 're-learn how to sew'-joke (?)
This collection will look terrible
No. 133576
File: 1611178732236.png (967.41 KB, 587x591, 1439934681244.png)

>>133572Yeah, this is honestly the worst timeline for Jillian Vessey. She's a retarded coddled womanchild.
I wonder what would had happend had she chosen a different life path.
No. 133606
>>133578This is unfair
>I’m you but I’m literally just 15 years old I hate the “look how far they’ve fallen” meme when people share pics of them when they’re barely past puberty. Jill looks disgusting, but she really wouldn’t be very pretty skinny either. She’s aging poorly and only eats chicken tendies.
No. 133822
File: 1611271145377.png (3.51 MB, 1334x750, C26CC05F-E7F9-4FAD-9A20-7E48CD…)

she’s wearing so much lipstick that’s she’s moving her mouth strangely while she talks to keep it from smearing. she needs to clean up the outer corners of her lips.
No. 133992
>>133990The issue with that is a specialist
should be able to differentiate the different cluster-b personality disorders. So if he diagnosis her with NPD she'll drop him and never mention therapy for a couple of years until she says that he was a bad therapist in passing. like she did with her first therapist that told her her clothing choice was attention seeking and counter productive to her mental health.
No. 134027
Jill comes off as someone who wants to deflect problems and avoid her issues by buying things or making herself look as loud as possible, thus taking the attention off her mental state. It's easy to hide actual flaws when your whole personality is rainbow vomit. It seems like the worse she feels about herself, the more outlandish she dresses.
No. 134197
File: 1611495247916.jpeg (649.06 KB, 828x831, CCC5BFA8-891B-4357-890C-49F33E…)

Posted Today on Twitter. 15 year old Jill in her unfinished Precure costume
No. 134281
>>134197ah yes back when she was so thin and frail she was practically withering away
good thing she "beat anorexia" so she can justify being morbidly obese now
No. 134342
File: 1611593674606.png (22.08 KB, 384x153, 1.png)

>>134281this is so funny to me because getting fat is not how you beat anorexia. You can be thin and beat anorexia lmao
It's the fact that she never got psychological help and was allowed to roam free and eat chikinmcnuggies like a retard because she's so coddled and afraiduwu of psychologists who critique her "fashion choices" lmao, so instead she fucking went the wokeness is my therapy- route with "fat acceptance" which means binge eating while still feeling like shit inside. I promise you she still feels like shit and that's why she has to post lewd shit on twitter and other underwhelming rainbow clown looks for everyone to compliment. She just wants people to clap at her like a toddler, only that she's 20+ and a womanchild. Any mental illness and any eating disorder requires help and assistance from a professional to get better, this is just common knowledge at this point. She's just legit special needs it seems
No. 134343
>>134214I think she's probably still purging occasionally. When people have bulemia, there are these glands on the sides of their jaw that get inflamed and puff up when you purge, and her jaw is pretty puffy looking.
Might also just be fat, but I doubt it.
No. 134345
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how is this any worse to her baby talk and disgusting mannerisms of today
No. 134353
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This is the girl who runs the My Violet shop, right? Her garments are the same style of home economics gingham tents that Jill makes.
No. 134373
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No. 134379
File: 1611609935468.jpeg (365.46 KB, 834x682, E6D30D97-7B01-4983-B2DF-049F96…)

also kek at her being sponsored by a hair care company while looking like this
No. 134380
File: 1611610200005.png (8.62 MB, 2688x1242, 2AC97FC1-58B0-4702-85AB-2D0639…)

>>134379yeah, she cant be seriously trying to pass those extensions off as an improvement to her hair when you can literally see her crispy split ends at the top of the shot
No. 134440
>>134367Everything Jill does is special and only experienced by her, and definitely a sign of some rare and mysterious health problem or disorder anon
No. 134456
>>134406You're not the only one, Since cutting is her main self harm it feels weird and completely out of touch for her to recommend a razor where you have to constantly buy blades to use. Wouldn't owning a box of blades just be incentive to start up again?
>>134450she was probably pushing the deadline for the sponsorship which is why everything was crap.
No. 134516
>>134361One of her mental health tips for everyone is to track the sun light as it hits every individual room in your 3 storey townhouse you have all to yourself and spend time in each of those rooms
Implying her audience consists of any homeowners whatsoever and not teens and twenty somethings living in dorms or their childhood bedrooms at their parents' home kek
No. 134536
>>134516Sage for blog; I have SAD and you have to go OUT. It's nowhere brighter than in direct sunlight when taking a walk. Sitting in your room following sunrays is idiotic.
Also the lamp is to be used once you wake up for an hour and social connection is one of the best advice.
TL;DR: jill's advice is stupid, as always.
No. 134631
>>134361At this point I am just dying to know:
Which voice is her REAL voice? Does she have a real voice anymore?
No. 134751
>>134731She just wanted to have a quirky name cause it's a pun on "home sweet home" lol, it's really unfortunate. It also makes her seem more coddled and outside reality than what she already is
It's also stupid because I doubt people would like to wear that at home or the street, because they're not designed for that in mind… her designs are all over the place, you have a nude mummy dress and then a lolita dress and then some kind of fancy dress, the only thing that connects it with the theme is the fact that she has a townhouse with rainbow colors, but if you didn't tell me she did I wouldn't had guessed the theme (maybe I would had said "toys" or "childhood nostalgia" instead)
No. 134752
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No. 134754
File: 1611782600604.png (1.59 MB, 1458x700, hiprhg.png)

>>134751Samefagging but this is what I mean, she could had picked stuff that really conveys a homely + streetwear kind of feel like she wanted to. (I even picked up the colors and styles she likes). Instead she opted to make something based on herself, her rainbow house, and her shower curtain (she literallty says she was inspired by it in her video).
Like I said I would had guessed something more like childhood nostalgia from her explanation and her clothes
>>133553 No. 134756
File: 1611783446232.png (87.04 KB, 123x307, 11111.png)

>>134755This! I agree with you
But also, lol, I doubt this even counts as jfashion harajuku street wear lol.
The way she explains her collection is also very self centered (surprise surprise I know), like she says "Ok my collection is based on how iconic houses are" and then she says "I love knitting so I'm making a knitted sweater", like ???ok?? she's just doing whatever she wants based on her OWN house, no other explanation given. It doesn't help that what she's incorporating more flower motifs than anything
And her collection is just uninspired, imagine making a whole collection on your rainbow vomit house and then call it "home street home"… that title feels so inapropiate, almost offensive, it really reminds me of homeless people and it's kinda sad
No. 134758
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Looking at the video again, I saw that the left part of this pic has the silhouette of a woman but the style the drawing doesn't align with how bad her anatomy is and how amateurish her drawings are, did she copy/trace this and then drew a very ugly bad sketch over it?
No. 134789
>>134756I agree, I don't know anyone who would call this Japanese streetwear, and frankly it's embarrassing she referred to it as such. Typically, jfashion is born on the literal streets of Harajuku or in close knit friend groups. For Jill, a westerner who never leaves her house, to have the audacity to call it jfash when it doesn't even fit any current style gives me really bad second hand embarrassment.
Jill can't sew worth a damn and half of these designs are far too complicated for her to pull off assuming she even managed to choose the right textiles (which is doubtful). If she can barely structure a blouse she has no business drafting and sewing a heavily structured coat like
>>134758One last note, a good designer like
>>134763 explores wider cultural themes using design as a vehicle for expression. Jill will never be a good designer because she can't get her head out of her own ass enough to meaningfully interact with the world around her. Her designs express nothing but her own shallow vapid half-baked thoughts.
Sage for obvious fashion sperg.
No. 134795

>>134772This. Also notice how the way the collection is presented in a very detailed way. It mentions why they made each individual garment, the fabric they used, and why each element is there. It also puts an emphasis on the customer, it says "you will feel like royalty" and "this is a garment for this occasion". What Jill says instead is:
>I made a dress based on my bath curtain because omg I love it so much>I made a knitted sweater because omg I love knitting flowers>I made a dress inspired by lolita because omg I used to be one and I love jfashionEtc. The only thing this has accomplished for her is not being taked seriously by anyone but her echo chamber that is just as oblivious as she is. Plus, I doubt a real designer reveals their whole collection in detail
before even starting.
>>134789>One last note, a good designer like >>134763 explores wider cultural themes using design as a vehicle for expression. Jill will never be a good designer because she can't get her head out of her own ass enough to meaningfully interact with the world around her. Her designs express nothing but her own shallow vapid half-baked thoughts.This so much. Take this finalist from the 18th season (2019) of Project Runway for example. This guy made a collection based on the artic melting down and portrayed it with shape, color, and texture. He wanted to tell a whole story with his art. She loves this show, yet she still can't prove she can do anything like it. All I see in Jill is a bunch of ideas here and there with no direction.
I'm tired of these tumblrinas thinking that sewing a bunch of stuff based on what they saw on instagram is enough to be a fashion designer. They only know how to copy, they don't know what they or the customer wants, all I see is badly sewn novelties that people will buy out of peer pressure. I don't know what Jill's hopes for the future are, but I see her ending up with an online shop with underwhelming customer service and unfinished dresses.
She's not a fashion designer, she doesn't have the patience, diligence, willingness to learn, or the passion for it. All she wants is to be ass kissed.
No. 134848
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For those who aren't following @hostile_bean on twitter. At least Jill is doing collabs, it might actually produce some quality work. Normally, I think Jill's designs are cool just badly executed.
No. 134893
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No. 134902
>>134893Is traumaversary a thing? She really does seem to live in her trauma, repeatedly making her sense of self revolve around that trauma.
I can’t even articulate what it is about the way she brings up her trauma and mental illness that rubs me the wrong way. It all seems like a performance or something.
No. 134909
>>134893Oh my fucking god
oh my god I want to punch her so badly.
Most people live through multiple traumatic experiences in their life and none of them obsess this hard over what EXACT date it occurred, I get saying "oh it's been x ammount of years since then" but none of them publicly yell a made up word like they're proud of getting traumatized. i fucking hate you Jill. I fucking wish she knew what hardship and trauma really was.
>>134902I don't think she lives in her trauma, it's more like she
has the need to have had some kind of shitty trauma to justify the stupid obnoxious and disgusting person she is. Even if she had some trauma that she's somehow not telling anyone about (because let's be honest, if she had some REAL trauma she would plaster it everywhere on twitter), the way she is living through her mental trauma is completely counterproductive to actual healing, any fucking therapist would tell you that, even the shitty ones. You're supposed to get BETTER not to bring it up every fucking time to anybody to validate, and if you don't wanna see her stupid mental health tirades you're somehow ~ableist~ fuck I'm so mad.
No. 134911
File: 1611856328227.jpg (454.27 KB, 1536x2048, Esv_RJqXUAEK2da.jpg)

special needs cancer patient kei
No. 134914
File: 1611856925081.png (337.85 KB, 578x492, Sin título.png)

yes jill tell me why firing a trooner with xenogender pronouns from a children's cartoons production house was a bad idea. He was probably a degenerate, precure attracts that kind of scrote.
I also find is so fucking funny because she really thinks she can 1. speak for precure fans -no one in /a/ even knows who she is and /a/ is the lowest point of the precure fandom 2. speak for animators or animation studios -she will pull the muh art im an artist card ofc- 3. speak for the lgb–→t+ commmunity when she's a fucking hetero piece of shit that mistreated the only girlfriend she ever has had
>inb4 xenogenders are good you're queerphobic etc
just accept people in this thread might have a different opinion than you
>inb4 gc sperg
this has to do with jillian.
No. 134923
>>134914Have literally any of these petitions actually accomplished jack shit? I'm genuinely curious because I seriously can't think of a single one actually doing anything and I've seen hundreds of them.
Also god I hope she actually follows through on making this video and isn't just saying that to look good, it's going to be fucking hilarious.
No. 134937
>>134893>2021 is my ten year traumaversaryWhat in the absolute fucking hell is wrong with this girl where she thinks saying shit like this is okay? She has to have had experienced zero trauma to think that it's okay to talk about it in such a cutesy way.
The way she's worded it makes it sound like a year long experience. But with how vague she is with her "traumatic experience" I feel that it was completely self made and she actually traumatized Uma. Something about Jill isn't adding up and its frustrating that she's constantly painting her self the
victim when she was most likely the abuser.
>>134914Ah yes Jill, tell us about a country where you have no understanding how it works or their own queer history. I bet they
love it when foreigners over step their boundaries and talk out of their ass about things the country already has a complex history with.
No. 134941
>>134914As if any japanese animation company will care what a bunch of butthurt westerners think kek, a lot of us usually watch anime through less than legal means, since a lot of shows aren't available on netflix or crunchyroll, especially if we want to catch it while it's still airing so they're not exactly earning a lot from us viewer-wise and everyone will still buy their merch anyway. Especially the kids like Jillian that throws shitfits whenever they realize there is a world outside their cutesy bubble and will forget it until they see the next shiny thing that attracts their attention.
Japan's lgbtq+ acceptance is still years behind (despite what manga/anime shows you) the ones in a lot of western countries so expecting a shitty petition to help some red crayon gender get their job back is only going to do two things: jack and shit.
God I hate it when westerners try to force their beliefs and privileges onto japan and the anime industry when they have no idea of how any of it works.
No. 134968
>>134914i know this is the wrong place to be like try to defend this to a bunch of lolcow bigots but the toei animation thing isn’t “parents don’t their kids cartoons made by perverts!!!!” But its toei refusing union rights to one of thier workers because they don’t go by their birth name.
Precure actually has an interesting place in Japanese queer culture also that isn’t “””degenerates”” or whatever kind of goofy basic things you guys want to say.
It’s just a little embarrassing to watch you guys clutch pearls over something you don’t have even a basic knowledge of, but I think it would be kind of funny if Jill covers this.
No. 134970
>>134893It's so pathetic that whatever she's doing right now is her "dream school" (how about studying fashion design in Japan? Talk about giving up your dreams) and "dream career" (what a joke).
It sounds like a big obvious cope to me.
No. 135022
>>134902>I can’t even articulate what it is about the way she brings up her trauma and mental illness that rubs me the wrong way. It all seems like a performance or something.I think it's the narcissism, her posts drip with
my experiences, feelings and "trauma" are more important than anyone else'sShe barely if ever posts support or empathy for others, it's always about her. The main topic is
poor me and my speshul brain. Narcs are emotional vampires, it's insincere behavior intended to drain the energy from empathic people because they literally replace all your issues with their own. Stevie probably dotes on her while suffering in pain, for example. By endlessly promoting their own "issues" they erase an empathic person's ability to express their own, because anyone with empathy wouldn't try and prioritize themselves over someone else in pain. But a narcissist has no issues with this. This is Pixie's core personality which she swaddles in bright colors and baby-voices to try and disguise the toxicity.
No. 135026
>>134937>Something about Jill isn't adding up and its frustrating that she's constantly painting her self the victim when she was most likely the abuser. This would explain it, maybe she's terrified the DeviantArt girl will drop the info about her real behavior, so she spends all day every day waxing lyrical about
her trauma in order to get in first.
No. 135050
File: 1611910610395.jpg (531.2 KB, 1080x1958, IMG_20210129_084943.jpg)

New tiktok uploaded to the song daisy w ashnikko and hatsune miku. The outfit looks nice (at least to me, colours go together) But omg the hair, that purple/blue is so dark and bland it just sucks the potential life out of the look.
It might be cool if she tried a rainbow ombre, it might be easier to maintain too if that's why she avoids doing her roots. Just pray to the god that she lets the colour wash out and becomes pastel, that vibrant salmon pink is death to the eyes.
No. 135129
File: 1611949924610.webm (1.05 MB, 576x1026, Snaptik_6916532596134432006_pi…)
>>134751>I simply had to stunt to this horny Miku rap verse #bodypositivityJill please… no.
No. 135170
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>>135050Jill lurking the thread possibly?
No. 135173
File: 1611962738650.jpeg (699.38 KB, 1125x1560, EE8E6CFF-A6C0-4B54-8D2F-1961DB…)

Everything must be about “muh mental illness” with jillybean
No. 135233
File: 1611978114200.png (122.63 KB, 1080x702, Screenshot_20210129-203853~2.p…)

Either she's lurking again or she really does lack self awareness.
No. 135246
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>>135179Holy shit… literally window shopping for diagnoses
No. 135247
>>135233Lmao. He's talking about people like her.
There's a big difference between talking about a diagnosis and people being aware of it and being the obnoxious piece of shit that Jill is.
She has 0 self awareness, she probably thinks that by retweeting this it means she's excused of her shitty behaivor and that she's not like the others. She's trash and has no redemtion.
No. 135250
>>135246Is she shopping around for a C-PTSD diagnosis now? Is she going to make a mental health update video where she talks about her having DID and C-PTSD instead of BPD? also the fact that she treats it as ~QuIrKy~ by pointing it out is even more insufferable, I hope the therapist diagnoses her as a narc or HPD so she finally shuts up about this shit.
>>135248seconed since she never talks about j-fashion any more and she's moving into munchie territory.
No. 135265
>>135173>>135174It’s been a long while since a lolcow made me disgusted, what an attention seeking piece of poorly dyed piece of shit. Nothing upsets me more than bitches like her romanticising trauma and bad mental health. We get it Jill, your life has always been boring so you like to “spice” it up a little in your imagination.
Is it just me or did she crank up the trauma narrative and start shopping for a new diagnosis after she didn’t get to be in that dude’s bpd video?
No. 135273
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Well, she took out neurodivergent from her Twitter bio. Don't know when that happened, but retweeting a 'dont make mental illness a trend' doesn't make you a goddamn saint. We all remember 'Ojamajo BPD' from her Twitter bio a few months back. Bet she won't even apologise for it.
No. 135274
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>>135273Old milk for context
No. 135292
>>135278Let me do something. I'd absolutely love to and make video essays anyway. I'll use a new account to not burn myself lmao.
Write me an email at the email field if you have something to contribute. Just making a timeline of this snowflake will cost me a week. Thankfully I'm free cause of the varus, yet I gladly take any info (did someone save all her idiotic tweets?).
Anons here, anything really important I should include?
>>135292I would focus on her obvious diagnosis-seeking and hopping, (going from BPD, to briefly putting "neurodivergent" in bio and retweeting ADHD/autism Tweets, to now pushing for a DID diagnosis) and the unhelpful, attention-seeking way she addresses "trauma" to her audience, most of this should be in the last two threads. However for old milk, she used her only recent bisexual relationship with a "secret" girlfriend for clicks, even making a video about what gifts she bought her girlfriend for Christmas (which she never actually gave the girl) before dumping her. The girl even posted about it on lolcow iirc.
Bonus is her hassling Anthony to include her in the BPD video and then writing passive aggressive Twitter replies about it when he didn't. She seems to be using diagnosis/mental illness for clicks and promotion and it's getting to a point of obvious grossness.
No. 135332
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Farmers stop cow tipping challenge.
No. 135344
>>135332She completely missed what this person was even saying and what that other tweet she liked was getting at (and it’s easy to see cow tipping every time someone complains but I didn’t even know about this site before I unfollowed Jill because of a similar issue. I even considered messaging her about it but decided it wasn’t worth my time).
Talking about and destigmatizing mental health issues is a noble pursuit but at the same time don’t romanticize it by using all these cutesy words and treat it like it’s this cute little quirky personality trait teehee. Be serious, be open but this stupid babying shit is so fucking insulting to those who have to deal with it day in and day out with no support or safety net. And what kind of message does it send to her younger viewers who see all this shit and all the asspats and special attention this public performance yields? Mental health problems, personality disorders ruin lives and relationships, they aren’t fun little things to bring up in casual conversation and parade around like a tacky accessory.
If she really wants to destigmatize these problems she would tell us what she’s doing to work on the issue, indicate what steps she’s taken, things that worked, things that didn’t, issues that have cropped up. Because that’s what destimatizes it! Talking about how it can be managed and lived with and that there is hope if you’re suffering and no not everyone with this problem is an unstable asshole.
Instead we get fucking traumaversary. So fucking gross.
No. 135360
>>135317What's with the lighting/contrast in this vid,
she looks like a damn glowing peanut
No. 135378
>>135179>>135188it's not Etsy, it's actually this website:… just goes to show what exactly Jill has been looking up recently. imo, i doubt she's even read this paper, otherwise she would've linked the pdf or something instead.
No. 135424
>>135344Agreed. Destigmitizing mental health doesn’t necessarily mean talking about every single aspect of your life- idk where that came from. It also completely disregards the gravity needed to talk about real trauma. Just say “go to therapy, I did it and I’m better for it” and move on with your life.
Its not healthy to include your disorders into your social identity. Does her therapist not talk about boundaries? If anything, it restigmitizes mental health because it confirms people people’s beliefs that therapy is for attention seekers and it leads people to think there is some benefit from oversharing to an audience that doesn’t truly care about you like a friend or family member would. I don’t think anyone with a twitter account who overshares about their personal life should be an advocate about any matter of bettering yourself. If these MH warriors truly had some mission they would leave it to people with actual degrees.
No. 135427
File: 1612068934971.png (57.05 KB, 580x376, 2.png)

>>135332>my social media missionAs if there was such a thing as a social media mission lmao. God fucking yikes
>normalize and desitgmatize differetnt mental health conditionsShe's not a professional and she doesn't know shit about psychology or any form of therapy. Her only knowledge on the topic is shit she reads online and shitty takes on twitter. Doing this is irresponsible at best, and uterly stupid and harmful.
Idk I feel like for some reason she's trying to be this figure in the mental health youtube community, which is already shady and unprofessional. I'm sure she's still assblasted about not being on the BPD video by that one dude.
No. 135429
File: 1612069293182.png (35.3 KB, 586x234, 1.png)

more therapy talk
No. 135430
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>>135273funny because some days ago she posted this
Idk. Without armchairing, my bet is that she's a narcissistic aspergers womanchild with anxiety and 1. Needs to mature ASAP 2. Needs to understand how stupid she's been without sugarcoating
No. 135433
File: 1612072333349.png (530.71 KB, 1130x814, are you retarded.png)

>>135430>>135429>>135427>retwitteó>eneroIs this you
No. 135444
>>135441Ayrt surely though her parents would recognize how important it is and have a plan that covered mental health services? Or is it like the US and anything more than basic is extravagantly expensive? I’m unfamiliar with how it works there and was under the impression health care is super great.
I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around why she couldn’t continue to see someone after college or is she expecting it to be solved by college end?
No. 135447
>>135331NPD and BDP have a lot of similarities honestly, and can co-occur. I wouldn't be surprised if someone pointed out that she isn't always the
victim, she would react with blind rage. Just based on the fact she can't take criticism to any degree, she def has NPD traits.
(armchairing) No. 135454
>>135444it kind of depends on the severity. also depends on how much money she makes.
so if she doesn't make a lot of money when she finishes school she could qualify for added benefits from the province that will cover the less emergency MH therapy as long as she had a referral for it.
if it is serious she would be fully covered by the province to be in a program.
also depends on the type of therapist she is seeing, some of them are not covered because they are just talk therapy with a counsellor type of things.
average costs if it is to be paid out of pocket are around 100$ per session.
she can also buy an insurance package and those are about 800-1000$ per year and will cover pretty much every thing.
No. 135467
>>135454This just makes it seem even more like she’s treating this like some sort of accessory. She could be getting the actual long term help she needed for her trauma if she was actually interested in treatment and not the attention it gains her to be so uwu quirky. What a great advocate for destigmatization.
She truly has become my least favorite cow.
No. 135473
>>135463Tbh /w/ is for weebs, yes, but she has proven she belongs more on /snow/. I'm sure she has the potential to move there in the future, considering how she's behaving right now.
>>135467She's my favorite cow in the "wow you're disgusting" way. Like, she might not be making onlyfans content and calling herself a "system" -yet- but it could happen any moment now. There's also the fact she'll have a store and we'll see if she can keep up with orders.
No. 135475
>>135473That’s why she’s my least favorite, her attitude and interpretive performance of what she thinks mental illness is makes me actually angry. It’s ridiculous she can be so coddled and have such a stable environment but not actually make moves to work on herself. She’s in an amazing position to do so, she could actually make strides to improve herself but instead she’s putting on this performance for internet strangers. It is so off putting.
She will eventually end up in snow with the way she acts. Wouldn’t rule out a pixielocks only fans either — “uwu to help with my trauma and destigmatize mental illness here’s my nudes #bodiposi #did #bdp #cheekytrauma”
No. 135514
>>135473I mean she's friends with Callie who did this exact thing. Bets on the fact she'll get orders, complain that she got too many orders and was causing her anxiety and running away from her business.
Part of me really wants her to actually succeed with the store but if he continues to use her mental health as an accessory there is no way she will be able to handle it. There's a fine line between being open about mental health and destigmatising it and using it as an extension of your personality and she's crossed that line. If she plans on hand sewing each piece I can't see her lasting more than a month.
No. 135523
File: 1612109918758.jpg (358.71 KB, 1079x1196, Screenshot_20210131-171653_Eco…)

Does she not have anything better to do..? Like work on her project? I say this because she is always crunching out videos which are well-edited and clearly took effort, typically ABOUT her "fashion career", when she is making 0 progress with the projects themselves.
Oh wait, Stevie does all the work for her
No. 135526
File: 1612110887359.jpg (563.89 KB, 1080x2137, IMG_20210131_163319.jpg)

Oh, spoke to goddamn soon. Neurodivergent is back, unless someone told her about it or she remembered herself, it seems pretty lurky to me…
No. 135542
File: 1612116674131.png (1.42 MB, 750x1334, 2DA3AD7B-9C7E-4116-A1BD-8FAD31…)

Isn't this the tinsel one of her cats almost died from eating?
No. 135544
>>135523instead of talking about it she should be working on the rest of the pieces
>>135542It is. I know it is mentioned time and again when she shows it but it just means she never learnt to make her home safe for her cats, I don't get it.
Also is her trauma something to do with ED, cutting or suicide? why does she put all the blame on a shitty dA relationship?
No. 135557
>>135366Menhera is ookie spookie for her. She uses the over saturated rainbee vomit to cover all, and shove down the bad shit, that exists within the world, and herself. including her real shit ass personality. Also, she isn't even into jfash anymore and hasn't been for YEARS LOL. But, I 100% agree, that she isn't destigmatizing/normalizing. She's straight up glamourizing, and romanticizing, and she been for awhile now. Also, she only truly cares about her own mental state. She only involves others, and their experiences when it's for soooo "~beepeedee~" brownie points.
No. 135586
>>135544Because she needs a scapegoat, if she blames it on SH or ED people will question what caused her to develop those tendencies in the firs place. If she claims bulling, people she used to go to school with could poke holes in her stories. So why not put it all on some one who seemingly disappeared from the internet so she can't defend herself?
>>135565Putting on my tinfoil hat to say that she probably thinks that allowing herself to realize that her mom's situation with cancer was her main trauma would make her feel like a bad kid. But she needs to realize that its the situation that's traumatic not her actual mother so its okay to blame her mother's cancer.
That or she want's a more aggressive or violent trauma so she can romanticize it making herself the "perfect
victim uwu".
No. 135641
>>135603lmao why so mad
You know you don't get monetized on YouTube in your first video, right? I don't think they'll use their main account unless they've spilled tea anywhere else.
My hint would be: include her totally gay phase when she was hiding her girlfriend cause she's such a lesbian.
(ban evasion) No. 135647
>>135641ntayrt but
>>135292 doesn't lurk enough itt or on the site since her post was namefagging, included an email, was asking to be spoonfed, and was trying to cowtip. It's not a stretch to say that anon was pretty lazy.
No. 135664
>>135662She overshares every detail of her mental illness and bf's health issues, but can't ever say specifically what was traumatic? Just that she had "trauma" because of an "age difference power dynamic" she's full of shit anon.
>>135649 pointed out she never mentions her mom's cancer as something traumatic but she sure as shit did make some flippant remark about her mom's cancer TO HER FACE in her first shitty tattoo video. Save your concern for people who have actually experienced hardship in their lives instead of this spoiled narc munchie.
No. 135764
>>135544Cats are going to die of a heart attack before they manage to consume the tinsel, it’s disgusting how obese they’ve gotten.
>>135664There wasn’t even a proper age gap, going off their Devinantart profiles Jill was 13/14 and Uma was 15/16 when they dated, pretty sure there was only a short time between their birthdays when Jill was 13 and Uma was 16. 2 years really isn’t a big deal, especially if there isn’t any sex (Jill would say that she was a virgin in all those dA question journals iirc).
No. 135768
>>135761>watching jillian babytalk in a highpitched voice on 2x speedwhy did you torture yourself like that
Also when she's like "bUt tHaTs FoR cAnCeR", wow that's annoying
No. 135829
>>135807She also said it in a tweet, anon
>>135523At least it's not pandemie this time
No. 135837
File: 1612211244112.png (336.09 KB, 760x959, Screenshot_20210201-152720.png)

>>135332Too late - another cowtipper in pixie's replies
No. 135856
>>135837Come on Jillian, disprove that anything said here is a lie.
Disprove that you are a womanchild.
Disprove that you're a manipulative coddled child.
Disprove that mental illness is not an accessory to you.
Disprove what you have done to your exes and previous friends.
Come on. I'm fucking waiting, bitch. I know you lurk.
No. 135873
>>135837Hey Jill since we know you're lurking here, tell me, how are we fabricating anything when all info shared is from your own videos and social media? Are you that in denial of how
toxic, manipulative, and conceited you are?
(Hi Cow) No. 135890
>>135837This is a gossip site. I’d say most of what gets said here is just opinions and interpretations of the behavior the cows present, even if outright lies do crop up (how often does that happen though?).
Like with Jill we can see her baby talk and treating mental illness like it’s this Kawaii totes not a problem issue and using her partners pain for social media fodder. If she didn’t want people commenting on aspects of her life just don’t put it out there? Her problem is she made herself into the product she sells and now she can’t and doesn’t know how to censor herself. It doesn’t help that social media has made it the norm to just parrot woke phrases to avoid being labeled as
problematic and to deflect from being cancelled; not to mention Jill slapping labels on herself to appear oppressed.
No. 135895
File: 1612224698250.jpeg (1.79 MB, 2048x2048, B2E5AFFC-43C9-4ECE-96C8-1EB2AB…)

Jill, the once fabled kawaii ambassador, now hated by the community. Sucks to suck buttercup.
No. 135922
>>135436>>135441>>135454While I'm from Ontario so it might not be the same, most, if not all post-secondary have mental health services for free to students.
In Ontario we have a branch Canadian mental health association (makes me think it's national) per county. I'm currently on the waitlist for the intensive 6 month DBT treatment (the only proven treatment for BPD) the waitlist is 3-4 months and it's free. Assuming it is nationwide, there's no reason for her to not have done so already
(blogpost) No. 135978
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like she could change anything
No. 135980
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also, I know kelly eden is insane, but this is hella sus
No. 135981
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This hurts to read. Steve you're gay
Maybe his family is homophobic and he uses Jillian as an excuse
No. 135997
>>135987Is he out to his mother though?
Like, a parent accusing their son of sinful homosexual behaivor is not to be taken lightly. If he's out as bi, I'm sure he's actually gay. Like, why do you think he searches for girls like Maggie and Jill?
No. 136026
>>135837Imagine reading Kelly's thread and coming away with "Kelly Eden is copying Pixie's style" - a sentiment I have never once read on lolcow, and isn't true (Kelly originally started skinwalking people and doing the kawaii style ten years ago, well before Pixie was doing kawaii, and still Kelly's decor and style is approximately ten times more appealing than Pixie's bargain basement "chic")
Kelly has her own problems but the nonexistent intersection between their styles is not one of them.
No. 136034
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This a DID thing? Really tryna be the posterchild for a disorder she doesn't have..
No. 136041
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>>136035>>136039Graphic design is her passion kek
No. 136063
File: 1612290821237.png (252.86 KB, 1578x1042, Screen Shot 2021-02-02 .png)

Yes, please tell us how you're suuuucchh a designer!! A totally working, selling one uwu!! Oh , wait… Literally anyone could design a pair of shoes. LOL It's comical how much she is acting like it's her job already. When all she's done is a arts & crafts school last year final project. Also, her begging Emilia Fart, and calling her mom, cringe. But, what else is new…
No. 136095
>>135837Hey @drellaaa_ if you're reading this: Kelly is not copying Pixie, they're just the same brand of unhinged womanchild that thinks wearing all pastels/pink/rainbow is a personality. They're both shitty and stupid.
No. 136248
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God fuck off Steve your girlfriend is not a fashion designer she’s a fucking womanchild posing as one
No. 136251
>>136248Nitpick, but this also implies that being a ""fashion design goddess"" is even remotely in the same league as working in a hospital.
(The woman's wearing armour for a reason dammit.)
I hope he just didn't even think that far, rather than ignoring the connotation because he really wanted to make that joke…
No. 136270
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No. 136297
>>136248They really are unironically the "girl boss and male wife" troupe.
Also how fucking distasteful to compare someone risking their life on the daily to his lazy slug of a girlfriend.
No. 136352
>>136297>Also how fucking distasteful to compare someone risking their life on the daily to his lazy slug of a girlfriend.Holy shit this.
Like, the post means:
>I'm a guy that works from home>My wife is a nurse that is risking her life>So I'm very proud of herBut what Steve interpreted was
>I'm a worn out dude that likes being used and abused and I edit videos for my dominatrix>Meanwhile my gf does nothing but be a "fashion godess">fashion goddess is debatable because she can't sew, design or draw for shit>she doesn't even know how to dress herself>But I must kneel to my goddess!!! No. 136455
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No. 136477
>>136426It makes legit no sense. The only thing related to "street" is that her inspiration are houses and so I guess how houses look like on a street? None of her looks would make anybody think "street wear".
So basically "Home sweet home" would have made more sense but obviously it's totally generic and not witty at all. It's all so stupid. Can't the deadline come already so we can make fun of what a trainwreck this will be?
No. 136510
>>136455what would have been destigmatizing is if she was open and said that the session was emotionally draining on her instead of this bullshit.
>>136477Jill just doesn't understand fashion, as a kid she was calling her scene style punk/goth. If she was a normal person it would be okay for her to not understand the nuances but since she claims to be a fashion designer she needs to know what subgenre of fashion is which.
No. 136540
>>136495Im hoping a student either uses deadstock fabrics or takes clothes and turns them into his/her designs. Just to one up her sustainability.
Ive seen other actual fashion student graduates do this.
No. 136943
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ugly retarded special needs flakey kei
No. 136986
File: 1612655728809.jpg (77.04 KB, 960x1280, photo_2021-02-07_00-27-55.jpg)

>>133549hey, first post on here.
took the time to sketch jills actual proportions under the hideous granny square mess she came up with. she doesn´t even know what she looks like. it´s terrible. obviously she doesn´t like the fact that her fat thighs touch, so she left them out completely. the cardigan is gonna make her look even fatter and more like a box of rainbow vomit. how she can think this will look good on her is honestly a fucking mystery to me
( No. 137015
>>136998Don’t forget the extremely cheap polyester fabric our sustainable kween seems to gravitate towards. Although it works in her favour that her fans really don’t know any better. Most of them seem to get their clothes from AliExpress, H&M, F21, maybe Lazy Oaf if they can afford it. If that’s their standard for quality then Jill’s creations will only be a
slight disappointment which is easier to gloss over.
No. 137065
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Who wants to start a betting pool on whether or not Jill is going to make a video on how Uma groomed her? My moneys on her doing it and her blaming Uma on why she treats women she tries to date like shit.
No. 137087
>>135523Fat ugly and talentless. No Jill you are not a fashion designer, hell you can barely see home economics level shit.kek
Always find it bizarre how talentless people are always so self confident in their utter lack of it. Watch her clothing be made of hideous, cheap and oh so tacky polyester. I heavily doubt Jill would ever go for beautiful cottons, wools, silks and light weight knits for textile choices.
Pattern maker fag here. Jill is a disgrace to fashion.
No. 137149
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she's so angry for nothing
No. 137150
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No. 137151
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why does he think anyone would care about his retarded takes
No. 137153
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>>137150These are lyrics to rainbow connection, don't crop caps to push a narrative let her make milk herself.
No. 137189
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there’s a line between ‘cute things’ and literal children’s bedroom decorations tied into your fried out hair, jill
No. 137266
>>137243>she still managed to make it all about herselfShe hasn't even done her collection and she still pushes it so hard
She always makes everything about herself, like the cosplay group(s) she had, the music group she had, the party where she fucked some dude that a friend of hers was interested in, etc.
No. 137472
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Lol k
No. 137644
File: 1613018409748.png (2.16 MB, 2048x2048, 6BBCD81A-5118-404D-8B7F-6454F8…)

I don’t mind this girl too much, but I will be amazed if she tries to pretend to have DID(Shitty fanart)
No. 137708
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i know jill made a statement that she’s not going to buy more makeup in a video a while back but who wants to bet that she’ll end up breaking that ‘sustainable pledge’ to get her paws on this?
No. 137725
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LMAO she "retraumatized" her self.
>>137708>who wants to bet that she’ll end up breaking that ‘sustainable pledge’ to get her paws on this?Let me just point you to
>>132807, She for sure gave up on her sustainability and only picks and chooses what she thinks is sustainable. IE. Cute animal crossing collaboration with Colour Pop = Totally sustainable ; Sanrio (a brand Jill doesn't care about) collaboration with wet n' wild = The work of the devil, how dare they send her so much plastic.
No. 137990
File: 1613171854396.png (449.01 KB, 780x725, Opera Snapshot_2021-02-12_1815…)

>>137708>>137725She did buy from Colourpop. It's the Animal Crossing release though. She really does cherry pick what's sustainable.
No. 138147
File: 1613244379331.jpeg (139.9 KB, 742x698, F61C83C0-5CDF-4170-9389-1C6B68…)

>>138140>"In a situation where it is [Precure]… vs. one of the most important issues that I extremely want to stand up for and fight for and not be quiet about as trans rights and lgbt rights."this is a direct quote. her brains are fucking scrambled
No. 138158
>>138140>>138152What's annoying is that it makes sense from a legal standpoint why the company refused to use a new name that wasn't the legal one. That's how it is everywhere even in canada.
It's shity that the company completely ghosted the person and that should be the main focus at how unprofessional the union acted to the situation but the company is in the right since it's a legal issue more than a human rights issue.
But again it's Jill wanting to virtue signal for a different country when she ignores what's going on in her back yard
No. 138272
>>138248Yeah in genreal asian countries are behind on things. Like its illegal to be a tattoo artist in some countries. Let alone be gay or non cis.
They are improving but it takes time for culture to change. Even pro lgbt counties have issues. Including Canada
No. 138294
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No. 138295
File: 1613336747551.jpeg (172.21 KB, 750x851, 1962E5EC-97AF-4A95-83B7-467C39…)

From today’s Valentine’s ootd on Instagram. Every shot in this video is awkward, the lip sync isn’t great, and the song she used doesn’t make sense for someone who’s in a relationship on Valentine’s Day.
No. 138323
File: 1613340869669.jpg (91.84 KB, 672x514, bbbbb.jpg)

>>132059Did she buy the bag from MyViolet or is it genuinely old and she's not bullshitting? If she bought it from MyViolet she must be somewhat aware it's resold fast fashion.
No. 138380
>>138272>asian countries not subscribing to the tranny agendaGood!
>>138309This isn't a tranny sucking cock blog either
>>138323My god this might be a better coord than others we have seen from her but she looks so much like she's into DDGL it's annoying. Plus why does she want to look "smoluwu" wtf. Also I'm pretty sure her shit is not reused fast fashion lmao. Jill just go back to doing your stupid hauls from dollskill, no one cares about fake sustainability and you're just making a fool of yourself. At least the hauls were somewhat interesting lol.
No. 138403
>>138384Maybe because it is biologically imposible to become the opposite sex? Seems logical to not want to give men ugly genital slits and women ugly meat tubes. Sucks for the Toei animator but maybe he should get therapy.
>>138389Honestly Jillian should just shut up about any social justice issue and just keep buying plastic shit and pretending to look special instead of pandering through woke shit. It used to be annoying how much she spent on shit but now I rather watch her spend her mommy's money than see her be retarded and parroting on any issue, like she knew anything about it.
No. 138435
>>138425Yeah I fully agree with you.
Her 'peak' was definitely a couple years back when she was still doing hauls of tacky plastic clothes and public livestreams, she was obnoxious as hell back then but at least that kind of content was decent enough to put on in the background/to 'hate watch' because it was just her sperging about things she genuinely enjoyed.
I don't think every influencer is fit to be some woke political role model and Jill is a great example for that, she's unintelligent and simple minded, all of her opinions are just regurgitated 'hot takes' she saw on Twitter, it provides absolutely 0 value to anyone with more than 2 brain cells.
I haven't been able to sit through a single video of hers ever since she started doing this sustainability shtick, they're all terribly boring.
Also she's just really shit at taking care of stuff like her Patreon, she clearly lacks the maturity and work ethic to actually make it worth something paying for, all the content she posts on there (if she does at all) is seemingly just a slight variation of stuff she posts on her other social media anyway.
The Patreon livestreams which an anon reposted for us were a joke too, usually only 1-2 hours and even then she was struggling to fill the time.
When they were still public at least there were more people interacting/asking questions.
No. 138485
>>138460No, I know exactly where I am.
>>138457If they are gonna be transphobia I think it's fair to tel them to go kill themselves.
People like yall will think a place like this is your safe space to be openly shitty, but then when someone is openly shitty to yall, you get ass blasted and offended.
(ban evasion) No. 138489
I agree with most anons that she should go back to her old fast fashion ways. Maybe set up a shop to resell those clothes too.
>>138485Quit going off-topic, retard. Take your sperging back to Twitter and suck Jill's cheesetit some more.
No. 138527
>>138526This person (and I bet Jillian too) is like "suicide and joking about rape is ok but calling a man a man? unacceptable, you all disgust me". Jillian's fans are milky as hell too.
>safe spaceLolcow isn't anyone's safe space, you're confusing it with twitter.
No. 138555
File: 1613457100666.png (1.07 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20210215-223018.png)

Have any of you seen this? Right up Jill's bulging cornhole.
No. 138590
File: 1613490746224.jpeg (116.11 KB, 1280x720, 42799EDF-E306-4193-9F5B-4DCD90…)

>>138294I’m late but honestly she reminds me of this drag queen
No. 138596
>>138571I bet he's the same guy telling people to kill themselves and that their mom was raped
>>138590God this thread is a mess
No. 138620
File: 1613512811056.jpg (619.1 KB, 1440x1800, Screenshot_20210216-170021_Twi…)

jesus jill the social media intern does not have these answers
No. 138648
>>138622How can you consistently keep whining about transphobia/lack of compassion and then turn around and tell other anons their mom was raped and they should kill themselves in the same breathe?
The absolute cognitive dissonance of these fake-woke virtue signalers is a mental illness in and of itself, go back to twitter and suck jillians clit some more you fucking retard
No. 138669
File: 1613563893728.jpg (135.14 KB, 720x767, IMG_20210217_140927.jpg)

she retweeted this lmao
No. 138671
>>138669this is absolutely retarded lol
Steve coming out as nonbinary queerio when
No. 138676
>>138669Simply being a normal bi person in a het relationship isn't good enough for Jillybean. This is the same girl who literally made a sign about how she's hyper ultra feminine but stil a lesbian (kek) and had that car covered in rainbow decals. It's more important for her that people KNOW how special and kweer she is, it's as if she'd die without that attention.
Also Steebie going nonbinary finery wouldn't surprise me either.
No. 138703
>>138669>they're bi/pan and want to identify with thatlmfao that doesn't even make any fucking sense. i understand that to people like jill the term "partner" just sounds cooler, but they are all trying so hard to be
valid with some bullshit excuse
>>138620she chose to harrass an innocent intern and yet all she had to weaponize was her own dumb quote?
No. 138712
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No. 138722
File: 1613615345122.png (258.84 KB, 748x492, 164d4b7bfe9f732d76b0e99ca62e5f…)

>>138712To add on top of this shit cake, I found the original sketch meyoco did for her product. This was in November, and Jill didn't post her design reveal video until January. Using her own logic Jill was the one who ripped meyoco off, what a fucking retard.
No. 138742
>>138712"Hopefully it's just a coincidence :("
Bitch your shitty toddler sketches look nothing like the cardigan in question, stop being so full of yourself. I swear to god someone needs to smack her out of her delusions
>>138740Someone should add this cardigan shit to the list of bullshit she has done, because this is honestly in my top 5 reasons why I dislike her. I'm so pissed, I'm just waiting for her to do something super wrong so her woke fanbase cancels her.
No. 138763
File: 1613654012414.png (16.11 KB, 598x106, 1.png)

This just in: "good therapy" consists of being able to talk about your tv shows with the therapist
No. 138764
File: 1613654384090.webm (987.93 KB, 1280x720, NNNSmk2y-Lbhj40n.webm)
Jesus christ how horrifying and self absorbed. She looks like a middle aged woman pretending to be cool, clowncore looking ass bitch. She even has the autism eyes.
No. 138768
File: 1613657473919.jpg (107.23 KB, 570x750, il_570xN.687714598_dt6g.jpg)

Watch out Jill the thieves are everywhere!
No. 138780
>>138768Holy shit, pixie someone invented time travel so they could steal your designs!! This is serious!
>>138763If that's all it takes, I've been so some damn good therapy then.
No. 138865
>>138712she like every comment implying that this was a stolen idea. but not the comment proving otherwise.
i hope jill isn't so far up her own ass to think that everyone knows what she up to and what she is doing fashion wise that she would accuse someone of stealing her basic ass design.
No. 138897
>>138724A small business owned by a
POC, if meyoco is gay that would be the cherry on top of Jill shooting herself in the foot
No. 138905
>>138768Meyoco already has a sort of standard cutesy nature inspired theme that you would find from vintage and new brands alike. I saw she also has an allover print mushroom top, which is verrry typical.
The fact that Jill fans can't put their two brain cells together to figure out making the pockets the pot for the plants is a no-brainer cute design choice, that isn't owned by Jill,
>>138768 is what's more sus than this design.
No. 138913
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Girl she's on some wack drugs
No. 138916
File: 1613760784832.png (261.29 KB, 598x557, Screenshot 2021-02-19 114334.p…)

>>138913What's funny about this take is that people who experience childhood trauma are rarely "totally fine" even if they don't exhibit all of symptoms Jill claims to have it doesn't mean that trauma they have experienced doesn't effect their daily lives. She really does act like she's the only person who has experienced anything bad.
anyway OT but Jill really needs to stop advertising that she's going to be a shit business owner, she already throws fits when she's rejected, she cant make calls or answer emails.
How does she expect to sell shitty clothes online when she would probably cry any time some one emails her for a faulty product?
No. 138928
>>138712The cheek of Jill's fans to attach that shit-ass drawing of a shit-ass design and imply an actually talented creator copied
Jill ahahahahah
You could probably find better design ideas in a preschool art class, but ok stans. Also love that it's disproven by
>>138722 No. 138929
>>138913She's doing/promoting trauma olympics, where she wants to insist her trauma is
worse even if it is identical to someone else's
No. 138949
>>138905the funny thing is that jill's making a jacket, isn't she? not a cardigan lol
so what the fuck is she even complaining about? flowers are a common motif in clothes, she didn't invent them.
No. 138950
>>138929That shit is so infuriating.
first of all
>>138913 this fucking tweet makes no sense. This georgie girl is spewing some nonsense right there. "hypersensitive in your genetics" excuse me what?
Then, the fact that Jill retweeted it means she's using it in her arsenal of "reasons" why she "has trauma". Suddenly she can pull out any excuse out of her asshole and whatever situation is suddenly escalated into a deep emotional trauma because of how "she's not fine uwu" (like, for example… whatever she's trying to do with her dA "trauma"). She really is trying her hardest to seem more affected than other people. At this point she should just call herself an empath because of how her "emotions are magnified" lol.
No. 139011
>> 138949Yeah, if you genuinely like pixie you gotta be as braindead as her to even enjoy her as a personality or humor her extreme and obvious entitlement. So it makes sense that they went "i see pastel and flowers is this 5 PEDAL FOWER?? ICONIC JILL MOMMY?"
It was such an infuriating reach.
>>138997Can't believe that pseudo-scientific garbage got 2k+ likes. Can't they justify themselves with astrology like every other boring ass idiot. Affixing childhood/general trauma and PTSD to everything is v dramatic.
No. 139021
>>139018i think it's too late now, but i wish jill could realize that just because she's sustainably woke now, it doesn't mean that the only content she can still make is unwanted takes on shit that she barely treads. this is a place halfway across the globe that she only visited once and knows almost nothing about, and yet she dragged out the mourning for 12+ minutes.
i wish she would do more of crafts videos or vlogs. be damned whatever happened like 2 years ago that so abruptly turned her into a completely unbearable and obnoxious obese snowflake. i know she's been a cow for a while, but imo her questionable behaviour was typical for a teenager. and she used to be sweet and funny, and made interesting, feel-good videos that you could watch when you felt sick or bored. i can't even stand her new voice now.
No. 139022
>>138997War, rape, murder and torture happens everyday. There's so much shitty stuff happening this right second, not only in countries with no human rights, but in Canada too. Children being trafficked and beated to death. Women being humilliated, murderer or sold just because they're women. Kids with unstable and horible family lives, or living on the streets. But no, Jillian is the most traumatized child ever, because she's sensitive.
She lives in such a painless bubble.
No. 139023
>>139021>i wish she would do more of crafts videos or vlogs.Yeah, for someone oh-so passionate for fashion you would think she would do more crafts. She's laughable
> i wish jill could realize that just because she's sustainably woke now, it doesn't mean that the only content she can still make is unwanted takes on shit that she barely knowsThis, I think she's trying to be like one of those e-girl channels that talk about why this or that is
problematic and wrong. Only thing is that, just like she is, most of those channels come from girls that barely know what they're talking about. She loooves Shane Dawson to the point of defending him, so we can assume she watches shitty breadtube and videos with bad takes all the time. Funny thing is that fashion channels and crafting or art channels are out there doing super well, but I guess her priority is to look woke. I'd rather see her pulling out badly done crafts than whatever braindead braindamaged 0 braincells takes she's doing. She has no brains, she only knows how to look like a clown. And clowns gotta clown.
No. 139031
File: 1613861021810.jpeg (479.63 KB, 750x724, 0BC4D2B6-E167-40E9-A2F2-4A8955…)

>>138712im pretty sure she stole the flower design from this jacket a girl instagram made who did a commission for jill kek
No. 139032
File: 1613862194680.png (1.71 MB, 1076x1324, Screen Shot 2021-02-20 .png)

>>139031No one stole anything… This isn't AT ALL a new design or concept. While Jill is 100% shitty for thinking the way she did. Flower pot pockets of all kinds have been done and done.
No. 139084
File: 1613931095324.jpeg (697.65 KB, 828x1249, D29DFD00-F218-4BC2-8345-C69E20…)

High off getting people to go after Meyoco for her cardigan design, despite Meyoco designing it before her, Jill is now trying to supposedly get someone fired from their job (but thankfully people pointed out this isn’t an employee anyway). Also the way she tags Steve underneath it just screams “Steve you can’t like Hazbin Hotel anymore, it’s too problematic because of this one person and you have to stop liking it or else I look bad”
No. 139092
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No. 139266
File: 1614039366564.jpg (112.6 KB, 1080x1080, b80c4a1f8eb4c1cb4f6f99360fafa6…)

Does Uma the 2 month dA relationship girl know that Jillian is making her into her main trauma? Isn't she offended? Like if someone kept paroling about how 2 months of my life when I was a teen were enough to traumatize a whole ass person to the point they have catatonia I would definetely be annoyed to say the least
Why don't their ex friends and ex boyfriends come foward like Alyssa's sister did? I don't think there's anything to lose here?
Also, found this surprisingly very nice outfit from her past, boy if she only knew how bad she looks now
No. 139332
>>139327went to her channel for refference, and man, she has like a million views on a well thought video full of effort… jill could never lol
it's nice to know people are actually living the dream that jill wishes she put effort in lol
>>139268Is it me or in her old outfit, she made an effort to look good? Like, the outfit has a nice and more fitting body shape, and even though it looks simple, it looks well coordinated, the pinks match, the hair and makeup are not busy and make her look cute, and it works, she looks fresh and approachable.
The newest outfit looks so busy, so outlandish, and it makes no sense, hearts and cheeta print? and that disgusting flat and damaged clown hair?
It's like she wants to look as loud and obnoxious as possible with no thought in whatsoever. I feel like she used to dress in a way that made sense to her, now she just wants to stand out?
No. 139339
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Something about this photo leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
No. 139340
File: 1614107679323.gif (2.02 MB, 300x171, 7EEA6A64-6910-4594-B530-9BA099…)

>>139339>cAn U TelL i LöVe wHAt I dOGod I can’t with her
No. 139342
File: 1614107730225.jpeg (357.88 KB, 2048x1514, 2DA2A380-79F9-4374-859C-89D6B9…)

>>139341Dropped pic like an idiot
No. 139346
>>139342Is it just me or the silhouette of this mockup is different than the design? On the drawing its an envelope neckline high waisted dress with a belt and mockup has neither the fold on the bust nor is cut off under the bust? She couldn't even stick to her own design.
I won't even mention the fit of that mockup though
No. 139349
>>139342You can tell Jill designed this specific outfit for herself. Also is she planning on putting her in a wig, if that's the case why didn't she do the same for the model with the shaved head?
>>139346the mock up is different but it's still a sweetheart neckline. I actually prefer the new design over the drawing since it looks like she's putting in effort and it isn't just a babydoll dress with a belt.
>>139348Anon she attends a woke crafting school where their final assignment has to be deeply tied in with their mental illness. I think she would actually get reduced points if she didn't have at least one obese model on the runway.
No. 139355
>>139342Looking at this model, it's sooooo painfully obvious that she's designing clothes for her own goddamn self. Like, she's not taking in account the face or actual weight of the model. She has hooded eyes for gods sake, how is she going to translate her makeup?
She is so stupid. Like, she's using a fat model to get inclusive brownie points but it's clear she just wants to make shit for herself
No. 139357
>>139339Jillian: Colorful mess and eyesore
Her design: absolute shit
Like you can tell she wants to be the center of attention and doesn't actually want her clothes to be the center of it
No. 139360
>>139354I have to wonder what kind of undergarments is the model supposed to wear with this outfit? She seems to be fitting the dress over a sports bra? Doubt Jill can make a garment structured enough to make such a big model go braless lol.
Of course she designed it for herself huge titty Jilly queen uwu
No. 139411
>>139377No you're completely right.
She's hiding her insecurities with weird clothing.
And she never learnt to deal with rejection or the need for attention from others. She needs people to look at her.
If she wanted to get better, this would be the first thing she would focus on.
No. 139443
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No. 139453
>>139450It is an umbrella term for any woman who exhibits sexual attraction to other women.
Which Jill loves to say she is but she treats women like shit and she's only had sex with men so she's using the term for ass pats.
No. 139459
File: 1614220859907.png (590.67 KB, 1200x1253, 1200px-NSMBW_Wendy_Artwork.png)

>>139443>>138294>WendyI mean, if the shoe fits
No. 139460
>>139450You're dumb, but besides that, she CLEARLY prefers to date men, she even said "I like dick too much to be a lesbian" at some point.
Also, saying sapphic should be only for lesbians, but I'm not here to discuss that. She's clearly not into pussy, I doubt she has even eaten one. I doubt she likes women at all because of how she treats Uma and Alyssa and how fucking much she loves talking about fucking Steve on twitter. She's using this shit as an aesthetic queerio woke point. Fucking hell
No. 139490
>>139489probably not, i feel like she realized how much work and how long it takes to attach those individual squares by hand and quit.
i think it's funny how quickly she jumped from "just learning to crochet" to "im making a cardigan!!!" like yes jill, work that itchy acrylic yarn and the one granny square you know how to do. sage for craftsperg
No. 139502
File: 1614274127089.jpg (86.58 KB, 680x675, EvFAmpIVgAINGw1.jpg)

Does Jill still like Peeps? Because I feel that she will buy this stuff if she does.
No. 139512
File: 1614283931453.png (120.66 KB, 762x398, Screen Shot 2021-02-25 at 4.06…)

>>139510Not sure what exactly you want proof for but I got this. I don't use Facebook much and cleaned off my friends list a while ago. I can't exactly give any proof for the Walker stuff as it's just what I've heard, and I can't seem to find him on social media anywhere. I'm pretty sure they dated in 2011 or 2012, so it lines up with her dA days.
No. 139527
>>139509She has mentioned Walker before if it’s her punk era boyfriend, she claimed once before that she wasn’t actually punk and he made her like that and that’s the way he was
abusive, I found it a really odd claim because since then she has talked about that phase as if she was into it and never mentioned that again
No. 139538
>>139522With all the information I find out about young Jill my tinfoil that she was the abuser to Uma just gets stronger
>>139527Jill really wants to be traumatized doesn't she? It's weird how she's trying to find anyone from her past she can blame for being a shitty person.
No. 139569
>>139509No, she specifically claimed it was a relationship she had when she was 13/14 with a girl, which was definitely Uma
>>139525Looks like mostly online but they also hung out irl
No. 139593
File: 1614369290469.jpeg (289.5 KB, 828x625, 91CF5755-FEB7-4FBB-974A-D5136B…)

Sage because it’s directly not linked to Jill but feel like it’s related to the conversation about Jill’s obnoxious style and personality being a cover up, but I feel like this post is aimed at people like Jill. It’s also funny because Jill actually follows this Queen
No. 139617
>>139579Holy shit anon, I was about to how the fuck am I supposed to remember but you were waiting
>>139600How do you know this, where did she say it?
>>139607Only fans here we come
No. 139632
File: 1614404996542.jpeg (66.81 KB, 750x430, EE55AD56-7473-4971-8AB4-50EB45…)

>>139630she met uma before seventh grade, so she would've been around 11 or 12. I don't think uma's the person she's referring to as
abusive. the timeline just doesn't add up.
>>139617it's all in her old deviantart journals
No. 139646
>>139569I remembered this too but I also remember her accusing Walker being
abusive or whatever. I was able to gather from the old threads that she apparently left Uma for Walker and Walker forced her to "censor her feminity" and become punk. Idk, maybe seeing some patterns here?
No. 139712
File: 1614485646904.png (147.63 KB, 584x454, lol.png)

really now
No. 139747
File: 1614529309592.png (615.31 KB, 1080x1464, Screenshot_20210228-091517~2.p…)

She's totes queer guys, even her picrew avatar has a bi pin.
why the hell did she choose such a snobby chat box? i guess she's getting bored of pretending to be **~uwu soff~**
No. 139748
>>139717it's also funny because some people upthread said they would smack her if they could
>>139747god she looks nowhere close to that
No. 139762
>>139760Also a little bit predatory considering how many Youtubers have young fans… (see ProJared, Shane Dawson, Onision, Corpse…)
That shit ain't cute.
No. 139885
>>139632But she said her abuser was a woman, and she was shown to be dating Uma on deviantart when she was around 13. Just because she met her earlier doesn’t mean that’s when they started dating right? From deviantart it looks like her and Uma were friends for a while before they dated
She’s also claimed Walker was
abusive too, but Uma was her “age gap relationship with a girl” that’s her “main trauma”
>>139634There are thousands of pages, it would take weeks. I’m pretty sure she doesn’t have access to that account anymore or it would be gone by now, it was first brought up years ago
No. 139991
>>139948This is what's so hilarious to me about her claims. How did Uma manage to traumatize her to the point of DID if their relationship was simply online? I know of exactly two cases of diagnosed DID that I genuinely believe and the things that happened to those people were so horrific and fucked up… having a
toxic online gf in junior high is not the life-threatening traumatic event Jell-O -Bitch thinks it is.
No. 140011
File: 1614698936010.png (1.18 MB, 1018x1016, Screen Shot 2021-03-02 at 10.2…)

sage cause kinda dumb, but i'm surprised the confetti cunts aren't spazzing that she stole Jill's design.
No. 140030
>>139991That relationship couldn’t have given her DID even if (and that’s a big if) it was as
abusive as Jill says. 13 is too old to develop the disorder, the abuse has to be at a very young age, I believe before 9? Maybe younger. If Jill starts claiming DID from that, it will be easy to prove she’s faking.
No. 140086
>>140015Of course not anon! In this modern age of technology everyone and their dog has "verified" web-md self diagnosed anxiety and depression so of course our special girl Jill needs a special diagnosis just to prove she's not like other girls! She has BPD and is all sunshine and rainbows, unlike all those other scary BPD e-girls!
>>140056Do you think she did the same exact thing that she did to mystery girl(i forgot her name) where she would love bomb her then suddenly turn into a bitch that would ghost and stone wall? I know it's all speculation but with mama vessey saying they "drifted apart" it comes off as her trying to defend Jill for being horrible. Especially since that was the excuse Jill gave for breaking up with mystery girl. It really is a repeating pattern.
No. 140114
File: 1614738236850.png (1.26 MB, 1080x1427, Screenshot_20210302-191957~2.p…)

Still pushing the neurodivergent label is see.
Also if you look at the hashtag it's artists that know how to use bright colors in a way that makes the artwork look nice while Jill's pics look messy in comparison
No. 140115
File: 1614738406534.jpeg (888.28 KB, 828x1238, 440BDF10-2CD0-4977-A724-232D6B…)

I find it extremely interesting she used old pieces to display herself as a *~fashun designur~* and jeez idk, the pieces she made in fashion school, a school that supposed to make her a better designer/seamstress
No. 140171
>>140134>secondary structural dissociationOOOHHH BOYYY
So she's admiting to having DID now LMAOOO
>Secondary structural dissociation refers to the presence of one ANP and multiple EP within an individual. As in primary structural dissociation, the ANP in secondary structural dissociation is responsible for daily life while multiple EP hold traumatic materials that the ANP could not adequately integrate. However, unlike how primary structural dissociation involves one EP that handles fight, flight, freeze, and submission as necessary, these multiple EP each handle unique and often conflicting aspects of the trauma.
>Individuals with BPD have EP that handle both attachment and detachment, idealization and devaluation, as both of these patterns of thinking, feeling, and reacting are necessary for a child whose caregiver alternates between support and emotional unavailability, neglect, or abuse. This leads to an unstable identity as the conflicting EP intrude upon the ANP.
>Regressive (childish) behavior in those with BPD often reflects an EP that is frozen in time. Difficulty with emotional regulation and temper relate to the ANP dismissing the emotions of the EP which, upon activation, react upon the extreme feelings which are usually denied to them. This inability to regulate emotions derives from the individual's primary caregivers never teaching them to identity or manage these emotions. Impulsive and self-harming actions arise as an alternate way to handle intense emotions and potentially due to unacknowledged parental criticism, rejection, or hostility. No. 140172
>>140134She just had to drop this "more mentally ill than you" bombshell did she
Jill pls come out as an sperg with NPD now, that's all you are really, stop with the munchie labels you idiot
>>140138I wouldn't give her this much credit.
No. 140174
>>140162I’m sure people have explained to her multiple times what neurodivergent means, she just doesn’t care.
>>140171Oh boy. Does this mean she’s going to accuse her parents of abuse/neglect or is all of this somehow still on Uma?
No. 140178
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I was looking through this DID website and came across many things she claims to have, like catatonia and AFRID, and now SDS, is she using this website to diagnose herself?
>>140176>it would be fucked up if she blames her mom's cancer just because the attention was on her mom rather than her.Holy fuck that's disgusting
Also, I doubt she has anything at all, including pulling her hair. She's just an idiot
No. 140192
File: 1614774118561.jpg (1.64 MB, 810x7956, 20210303_132104.jpg)

>>140114Absolute kek, if you go through the hashtag (both Top and Latest) essentially everybody actually posts art, whereas Jill has to post retarded selfies, failed costumes, patterns, HER HOUSE and attention-grabbing captions with irrelevant information. Going through the tag, you'll notice she's basically the only one to do this, even though the hashtag is all about vibrant, ultimately obnoxiously loud, colors. Quite characteristic!
No. 140207
>>140172She isn't a single one of those things.
She is a narcissist. That's IT. Full stop. All these "so speshul" labels and diagnoses she's collecting are nothing more than an attempt to cover up the bold fucking truth - she is nothing more than a fucking pathetic narcissist. And her therapist makes far too much money off of her to tell her otherwise!!
Jillian Vessey - the most pathetic loser on the fucking internet. I can't wait for her to hit 30 and she realizes just how retarded she is.
No. 140223
>>140172It literally makes me sick, Anyone with a mental illness will know that waving your diagnosis around like a pride flag is not only irresponsible but cringe as hell. Mentally ill people want help and to be proud of how far they have come regarding their healing not to be proud of simply being ill and not taking steps to help themselves.
Jillian, you are a narcissist which in itself is a mental illness, get some fucking help and stop parading around like its something to be proud of.
No. 140233
>>140226I think her having some autism is also likely, since she acts like a retarded womanchild. And the times she acts more like a kid aren't "double personality" shits she's trying to prove kek, it's just her having a stupid aspergers meltdown.
I think BPD and NPD has a lot of common traits, she might even have both. But it's so damn obvious how narcissistic she is though.
I want her to stop self diagnosing so bad.
No. 140235
File: 1614801846725.png (355.82 KB, 586x387, ugh.png)

she should stop doing this stupid spergy face already.
No. 140236
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No. 140237
File: 1614801974462.png (46.7 KB, 598x345, ugghhh.png)

if she loves sewing so much she should show it by sewing kek what a retard
No. 140294
>>140134The combination of this tweet & thread title is pure pottery. She’s such a baby.
>trichotillomaniaYeah nah, get back to us when the entire crown of your head is bald and covered in scabs
No. 140300
>>140296According to livestream anon, she mentioned it a year ago
>>83681I'm absolutely not denying Jill's a munchie but she's had this one in her pocket for a while.
No. 140343
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No. 140344
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No. 140348
>>140294Her having trich seems odd with all the hair content she has posted before? Like her dying videos? Her eyebrows never seem irritated from hair pulling? Not sure how her body hair could look but idk seems odd to all of the sudden suffer from this?
Definitely uneducated on the subject but I don’t get how she has this unless it just recently became an issue for her?
No. 140356
>>140348Maybe she pulls out her pubic hair lmao
>>140344Wtf? I really dont want to see this hambeast naked
>>140343Good luck having friends then retard
God Jill is so unlikeable
No. 140464
File: 1614972997287.jpeg (558.9 KB, 1241x2151, FB92E8CE-F994-4097-8246-DE36C5…)

i think she legitimately gets more massive every time i see her? she’s gigantic!! have i just not been paying attention or has she been gaining weight rather rapidly as of late?
No. 140465
>>140464 Sage for nitpick but
Why do her tattoos look so dirty? She obviously color-corrected this pic like crazy so if these are edited colors than why do they still look like that? Its so muddy..
No. 140466
File: 1614974391350.png (141.72 KB, 254x213, oihoih.png)

>>140464wooooow holy shit she looks so massive now, does she want to be as fat as emilia? she needs to stop seriously
Compare it to this picture from last year
No. 140469
>>140464kek look at that face
you think she would know by now that it’s not an attractive look
No. 140470
File: 1614977160339.jpeg (209.43 KB, 750x1035, 95667C19-F2B3-4A29-8F0A-FC0537…)

>>140464Companion photo. A preview of her ~boudoir~ photos?
No. 140475
>>140470I don't think the shoot is bad at all, just not my taste
>>140466Find something better than talking about people's body fat there are so many better things to criticize amidst the trainwreck
No. 140482
>>140466oof the fact that the top fits her differently too, the bottom used to hang off now it looks like it's clinging on her.
>>140475you're on a gossip site and she's a munchie that claims to have beat having anorexia/bulimia. Those things tend to be synonymous.
No. 140513
>>140471She moved her patio furniture indoors for this?
>>140470Since her boudoir photos announcement all I can do is anticipate her posting like this but in lingerie.
No. 140550
>>140241Warning: Arm-chairing coming up, ban me if you must
Just to throw my two cents in… I work in special education and am part of a diagnostic team. I absolutely don't mean to say that Jill has autism; I don't know her and wouldn't claim to try to diagnose her. But here are some features of ASD people may not consider:
-being focused on yourself and unable to take the perspective of others; possible deficits in theory of mind
-not thinking through the consequences of one's actions, general executive functioning issues
-restricted interests, mimicking others
-strength of emotional reactions not matching what's actually happening
-idiosyncratic language
-difficulty maintaining friendships to the level expected of same-aged peers
-often associated with anxiety, depression, etc.
-eating more limited foods, particularly difficulty with various textures
ASD in women can also be really easy to miss! I hope that she at least looks into this. High-quality therapy could do a ton for her.
No. 140551
>>140550I think at this point no one really cares what she does or doesn't have (not to say I don't love this input, thank you anon)Yeah, let's say she gets diagnosed with autism - then what? She'll just put a puzzle piece or infinity symbol or something in her bio or boycott Sia and not actually work on improving herself or managing symptoms. A (self)diagnosis of whatever means nothing to her unless it allows her to live the exact same cushy life she always has (muh BPD for having shitty relationships, AFRID for eating like garbage, catatonia for lazing around…)
Pixie isn't capable of meaningful introspection that is deeper than "what mental illness can i malinger to excuse my shitty behaviour?"
No. 140618
>>140602Antipsychotics are known for making people get fat kek.
Plus her super restrictive eating disorder diet restricted to processed foods, her sedentary lifestyle—I mean catatonia, her alleged pot habit…we don’t even need to tinfoil. She’s fat from doing literally everything she can to get fatter.
No. 140693
File: 1615192110982.png (101.95 KB, 596x439, ugh.png)

as someone who speaks spanish, she offends me with this tweet.
>>140629Lol. She was always insane, she's just willingfully letting it out more nowadays. Ever since the lace video she was a delulu sperg.
No. 140725
>>140693See but it's this kind of stuff that creates stigma and leads people astray with misconceptions avout these disorders.
Jill you do not need to nitpick a disorder that is what you discuss with a trained professional about to navigate it. To help yourself you need to focus on real self-care, not spergging on social media…
No. 140969
File: 1615489399262.jpeg (139.7 KB, 828x284, 8032851B-A8B9-4E6E-A409-548F64…)

She posted this as a reply to a tweet about an ugly precure jacket announcement, I don’t know much about that kind of thing but is experiencing a physical pain from this even possible