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No. 223174
Jillian Vessey is a DID (Dissociative Personality Disorder) LARPer who trivializes mental health and sugar coats things while hyping up a fake/manipulated diagnosis that she paid for.
She accepted her ~life changing~ diagnosis with a smile and celebrated with a "coming out as DID" cake, and struggles to maintain the LARP after only two weeks.
>Began her lolcow run as a "pansexual" lolita lifestyler who quit due to LACE drama and ~muh restrictive rules~>Is most well known as creator of the Party-Kei style, a weeaboo style she no longer personally wears, she now looks like an overweight clown.>Known lurker.>History of ED, mental illness, and self-harm.>Has a youtube channel with an inconsistent schedule that went from doing fashion related videos to mostly "mental illness" content, alienating her fans. General info:
>Loves toying with the idea of multiple mental illnesses, will google all of them and see which criteria she fills in the most / makes her look more special.>Frivolously spends money (including the money she receives from her parents) on “ethical” -take it with a grain of salt- shit, including clothes, makeup and junk shit for her trends.>Claims she makes enough money from Youtube despite complaining about demonetization on her videos; will often post/tell the cost of items to show off how much she had spent. >Is an extreme narcissist; regularly thinks of herself to be the best/have superior skills in many aspects like fandom and fashion designing despite her skills, knowledge, and results of projects proving otherwise>Refuses to get a real job and relies on video monetization and Patreon donations to keep her afloat despite offering poor incentives for supporting her. Heavily pushes her "full-time Youtuber" title even though she fails to keep up a consistent upload schedule and keep solid engaging content beyond hauls and bullshit vlogs full of ramblings. Continues to post mental health related content, alienating her previous fans.>Opts for "self-care" rather than working on her videos and other projects; defines self-care as doing nothing but taking baths with Lush bathbombs and laying in bed all day. She will take meds without even verifying she needs them or not, or stop them without futher medical advice.>Thinks having a counselor = actual therapy. Continues to fake all kinds of symptoms and illnesses to prove she’s sick, making her into a full-blown munchie. Believes her own lies so much that she thinks she’s knowledgeable enough to advise others on the matter.>Claims to be ethically responsible about her purchases, yet still buys in ridiculous amounts from overseas and doesn’t care if the items come from problematic sites and sellers>Extremely thin-skinned and defensive of herself, will either delete comments, videos, or tweets under fire or act passive-aggressive in tweets and videos likely alluding to criticism and what she has seen in her threads.>Has kept a total of five past relationships in her life, all ending in drama; tends to use partners as accessories when beneficial to her image, even claiming her major trauma comes from a short lived DeviantArt ex-girlfriend.>Formerly referred to herself as pansexual, then queer, then claimed to be “too into dick to be a lesbian” while dating a woman; currently lives inside her rainbow house with her boyfriend Stephen Clarke. Now both Stephen and Jillian identify as nonbinary and pansexual. It is worth mentioning one of her exes also became nonbinary and pansexual shortly after dating her.>Relies too much on other people, including her mother, her partners, and other content creators (in a creepy way).>Claims to be family-friendly, but makes poor attempts to censor herself, has made sexual innuendo in her videos and social media despite knowing she has a largely underage audience.>Jill started her own brand, 5 petal flower. She isn’t personally selling anything yet, but plans to sell badly put together Lazy Oaf knock offs. Had a collaboration with a small brand that mostly resells chinese aliexpress items.>Nearly killed her cat by having tinsel on the ground where cat can eat it. Still keeps tinsel up where the same cat can reach it for years after the fact. She doesn’t seem to clean her space full of cat fur and shit either.>She tries to prove she’s mentally ill in any way possible, including always mentioning her stims, dissociation, posting edgy lyrics, and pretending she can only eat one type of food. Currently saving up for her autism diagnosis, but it's over $3000>After frivolously celebrating her “life changing” dissociative identity disorder diagnosis with a cake, she swears there’s a constantly growing number of alters living inside her head with some of them being “fragments”. >recently got into drag queeningMEET THE ALTERS:
>Jerrick: 13-16 year old emo guy, who has supposedly been around for 12 years, conveniently holds all her bad bpd traits, signs with a snake emoji>Veronica: Horny alter, 20 years old, might make a twitter, signs with a flame emoji>currently unnamed 6 year old alter who is always “co-fronting”, talks like a baby, signs with the strawberry emoji>Cliffe: 35 year old old man. Her "homosexual assistant" Kind of like her dad and Sasha Velour. Looks like Mr. Bruce. Certifiably too old for social media, but his emoji is a club. >Flora: just a "fragment" who is not just a carbon copy of cure flora, but is all the positive cures, and is a blonde sweet lolita. Sign off emoji is a cherry blossom. >Sandwich emoji. Also a fragment. Is a cat! Represents how lost she felt moving to a new city.>Jax: 19 year old girl who speaks with a Brooklyn accent, and types with one too, which is normal. She's a fictive of Harley Quinn (Batman), Jinx (Arcane/LoL), and Spinel (Steven Universe). Is going to get seriously into drag. Signs with a test tube emoji. >piano emoji: ??? Silently added to her tiktok bio.Stamps from last thread:
>>215745 critiquing my own sewing video drops
>>215763 Jill posts a drag queen she wants to skin walk, and totally didn't know World Famous Drag Queen Jinkx Monsoon's real name is… Jerick
>>216133 ugly tiktok of her dancing with Kermit the frog to about damn time
>>216160 she just won't quit pretending she's attracted to females
>>216360 claims to have enough control over her alters that she can make sure her "little" isn't tweeting
>>216362 also her little uses pinterest
>>216466 she creates a Facebook fan page for her… Two drag personas
>>216472 her "artist bio" for the drag show drops. Did you know she has DID!?
>>216735 posts a trans flag for pride
>>217389 Jill ascends clownhood. She's still doing her "racist" makeup but it's ok because she researched how it's racist.
>>217571 she creates a tiktok of herself… Waking up..?
>>217707 June patreon stream
>>218250 stream summary
>>218273 she pretends to like madoka magica
>>219539 "don't be jealous of my hotness" tiktok drops
>>219826 Jill and Stevie celebrate four years. Stevie looks awful trans.
>>220189 still claims her preteen emo phase was jerrick all along
>>220492 claims to be a frequent fainter. She passed out and went non verbal in therapy.
>>220686 drag and DID video drops, summary
>>220694 drag fit complete
>>220698 drag makeup concept
>>221055 apparently standing on a bridge and thinking about jumping is a suicide attempt. It was so traumatic she has a commemorative t-shirt.
>>221385 DRAG VIDEO DROPS LET'S GOOOOOOO. She "dances" to a Steven Universe song. She also did an MCR song, which was not documented. Following posts are incredible.
>>222309 Jill was fronting apparently, because she wasn't scowling
>>222067 skin walking Dre ronayne
>>222391 another shitty tiktok about being trans or whatever
>>222760 talking for the trans community, Jill tells a mommy blogger that ftm (first time mom) is a twans term
>>222888 Jill interacts with her mom after anon mentions they haven't interacted much
Last thread
>>215574Social Media & Other Links:
Youtube: 2: 2: Page: Second Tiktok for her alters:
Facebook Page: Girls Instagram: Girls Facebook Page: Deviantart: Blog:
http://pixie-locks.blogspot.comDrag Facebook page: No. 223204
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>I was so horribly traumatized as a child I had to split into multiple personalities to survive
>OMG my parents are so wonderful I'm so lucky
Which one is it jilly bean?
No. 223252
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Seems kinda convenient that right after it’s brought up in the last thread that Jax doesn’t front anymore, she talks about Jax fronting…
No. 223256
>>223252Love that
Jill is a perfect being. How's that working for you, Jill? Funny how your mask slips and the real you is shown. Doubling down does nothing but ruin your mental health.
No. 223290
>>223262the more she keeps waiting the later it will be for her to release shti. It's just common sense. Like, does she expect to have somewhat of a fanbase forever? Specially with the shit she pulls out recently. I think this boat is slowly sailing away.
>she can't start 5 petal flower yet because muh mental healthI seriously don't get it. Sure, I understand if you're not ready for mental health related issues (been there) but isn't she becoming more crazy and delusional nowadays? Idk. She really does remind me of her recovered alchoholic aunt, to the point that her aunt also believes in some weird woowoo shit called "the vortext". But at least serenity sam paints and is active, she's doing great. Jillian would never.
No. 223293
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>>223250Explanation on why she hasn't uploaded the video.
No. 223305
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She also posted this on the tweet about Jax and Veronica not knowing peoples pronouns. I’ve never heard of three alters being co-con before. I’ve heard people say they’re “blendy” and aren’t really sure who exactly is fronting, but I’ve never seen someone say “these three specific alters are all fronting right now” before. Has DID lore evolved? I was sure co-con was just for two alters
No. 223329
>>223252She's definitely one of those "major red flag" fakers that TikTok/Twitter would make call out posts about. Blaming the alters for something that would get her crucified in woke spaces.
>>223305lol. She's just high, and her real brain is popping out. Based Jill???
No. 223362
>>223305I love how instead of just being yknow, a person, who might occasionally misspeak and slip up with pronouns (especially among her crowd where they probably change with the fucking weather) she has to use DID as a cover.
She seriously needs therapy, like actual therapy, to deal with the fact that she literally cannot allow herself to be seen as anything less than perfect, because it’s clearly pathological and honestly kind of sad. What an exhausting way to live
No. 223393
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>>223250At 14:54 the Freudian slip LMAO!
No. 223394
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>>223250At 16:44 the mandatory DID-part of this episode.
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She also mentions a DID-online-mutual, who goes by @pinksugarfairies on Tiktok. This maybe something to look out for in future Jill-ventures.
No. 223410
>>223393Who's mouth moves like this when they talk wtf
>>223396Never heard of this girl and who knows she could be a delight but this picture looks like a snap of a propped up, mummified corpse they would find in the basement of a serial killer
No. 223421
>>223267Yeah if she honestly was hearing voices and shit she wouldn't be flexing it online. Psychotic symptoms are usually scary as hell unless you happen to be manic or the symptoms are "positive" like delusions of grandeur so the most likely way to act would be to try to really cover up the symptoms.
But oh no, not our Jillybean! She is so brave and comfortable with her extremely serious mental illness and its symptoms so she, as the most empathetic and altruistic person ever, takes one for the team and shares her totes real switches and dissociation with her viewers in order to educate and advocate! Kek she truly is incredible, I can't decide if I'm furious or kind of in awe of her confidence in pulling this bullshit off (while failing miserably of course)
No. 223513
>>223362>She seriously needs therapy, like actual therapy, to deal with the fact that she literally cannot allow herself to be seen as anything less than perfectSeriously the main thing she needs to address
>>223414>other DIDfag>because some of her 'alters' are toddlers that they wear diapers and their 'caregiver'/her boyfriend has to clean her up afterwardsOh lord I hate it, this is the community she joined. So indulgent and pornsick they think this is ok behaviour for a healthy adult to engage in.
No. 223516
>>223507>>223514This, + the host beforehand said that everyone was newbies and that (paraphrasing) "even if you don't like the performance or think 'i can do better,' still clap because it takes a lot of courage to come up on stage etc"
The host also said to the kids in the audience that drag performers are sort of like Tinkerbell; if you don't give them attention and clap they die.
No. 223552
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>>223516>The host also said to the kids in the audience that drag performers are sort of like Tinkerbell; if you don't give them attention and clap they die.KEK anon no fucking way how did you not dissolve from the cringe
No. 223625
>>223552A bit OT but the real cringe was about how the host could NOT stop making sexual innuendos + talking about drugs in front of kids + bragging about bringing underage kids into bars to preform drag. It's one thing when you
read about drag performers being groomers… it's an entirely different thing to see it firsthand and have everyone around you cheer while it happens. Jill's performance was probably the most inoffensive and entertaining thing there, but I'm obviously biased
No. 223647
>>223625What parents think bringing their kids to “drag night” at a
bar is a good idea, the groomers are the parents kek, the host is doing their job lmao
No. 223658
>>223635In the audience was anywhere from ~11 and up. One of the performers was 5 and the other was like 9 if my memory serves me right.
>>223652Yeah, it was an "all ages" show. The kids didn't really like it. The parents kind of had a dead inside look and you could tell they just brought their kids to instill <3 tolerance <3 in them, but the kids really only clapped to be polite. None of them actually cheered, that was more the 17+'ers.
>>223647The host would have been fine if it were 18+, it's just strange to talk about porn plots, eating pussy, and doing LSD/etc CONSTANTLY around kids - as in, nearly every other sentence. I understand that drag is an adult thing - but you'd really think with the controversy surrounding it you'd be able to at the very least attempt to keep it PG-13 for two hours.
No. 223679
>>223658>One of the performers was 5 and the other was like 9 if my memory serves me right.What? Were these kids in full drag too? Wtf.
>The host would have been fine if it were 18+, it's just strange to talk about porn plots, eating pussy, and doing LSD/etc CONSTANTLY around kids - as in, nearly every other sentence. Gross. How is that ~kId FrIeNdLy~? Poor kids. Probably rather be at a playground or playing with friends.
No. 223704
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>>223396what in the actual FUCK is this fucking shit? is this the people Jillian follows? gross
No. 223735
>>223647>>223703Sage for no1curr and I'll take my ban but my lowkey incestuous grandmother used to bring me sometimes to cabaret/burlesque shows where the "plot" would be about sex and the performers would striptease to their underwear. So I don't think the sexualization of children through ~artistic shows~ is really a new thing, it's just that creeps can pretend to be uwu woke and LGBTQIABC+++ now which makes it even easier. Fucking disgusting.
>>223722Kek probably
(okay here’s your ban) No. 223790
>>223741This is one of my biggest pet peeves with Jill when it comes to the woke performance shite. Anything that actually takes an ounce of effort or might compromise her aesthetic is out of the question. It’s like with her dumb emotion wheel that she had to redo in plain font because it was so hard to read. Same goes for the tone indicators (which I hate) she was gung ho about how everyone should use then but only did for about two seconds.
>>223625I bet Jill LOVED that considering how hard she crapped on about how drag doesn’t need to be sexualized repeatedly before the show, likely to pre-empt any comments about Jerrick being underage
No. 223934
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Incoming new video of meet the alter for Veronica coming up. How much of a dumpster fire will this one be? Will she try to mimic the speech patterns off famous bimbo tiktok girls? How badly will she dress? If she announces doing an OF I'll laugh.
No. 223975
>>223934jill living her best life as a bimbo slut bar entertainer when
give us the bad bitch era jill
break up with steebie and fuck a different stranger every night
No. 224001
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Jill is feeling herself. The tiktok video is just her eye fucking herself while lip syncing. Didn't grab it because on mobile and busy. Again nonnies, she is hot and flaunting it but remember god humbled her.
No. 224033
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>>224001I know the filter is doing a lot of the heavy lifting but. Dare I say? Jill actually looks kind of cute here
No. 224038
>>223769Kek anon I feel your rage.
>>224033Does Jillian fuck Stevie as Veronica sometimes? Maybe in her mind it’s okay because it’s helping the system become their own people lol
No. 224041
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No. 224115
>>224111>make weed withdrawal recovery inpatientLMAO what are they going to do, put you on an IV drip of THC to stop the convulsions? Some of you have to stop drinking the reefer madness kool aid and crying about muh dopamine just because Jill is a dumbass.
Cannabis and many psychoactive compounds have been used responsibly for centuries. As long as the pearl clutching continues and research and legitimate medical progress will always be slow and difficult ultimately due to laws steeped in racism.
There will always be people who take things to far and smoke excessively and compulsively. Anything can be addictive and set you up for needing a dopamine fix. Cigarettes are still legal ffs and will give you actual physical withdrawal symptoms.
(derailing) No. 224124
>>224115anon these are
new studies, in canada, not your shitty 3rd world usa. do some basic research before you knee jerk. if the idea of providing better help to people overusing weed is so
triggering i don't know what to say.
(derailing) No. 224131
>>224129again please do research. this stuff is very real. just because you don't understand it doesn't mean it's not a real thing. both of those articles are from
pro weed sites. not some biased anti weed propaganda. No. 224152
>>224149anon just doesn't want her precious weed to have any negative side effects. she's literally seething at the idea that health professionals want people to be more comfortable during dopamine deficiency recovery. imagine getting so
triggered by publicly available health information.
No. 224167
>>224041> cannabis rarely makes us high.That’s because you do it so much! Using weed so frequently that the high sensation goes away and you just feel “normal” is an indication of high, routine usage. How she ever got diagnosed with a personality disorder while on a substance is beyond me. How can anyone know where the truth lies when she’s masking and making symptoms by over indulging in a drug she clearly isn’t dosing correctly.
And any substance/habit you engage in that results in physiological changes can become addictive, it’s why porn can become an addiction, because your body (including your mind) becomes dependent on it for regulation so much so that it impacts your quality of life. The fact jill has skated so far off the rails and thinks the results are fucking “normal” indicates to me she’s deep in the throes of denial and addiction, look at how she used to be vs now, weed has done her no favors.
No. 224216
>>224172Lmao you're onto something, DID is just the new genderqueer thing
>>224001We finally lost her
No. 224226
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No. 224247
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>>224230brilliant idea using two similar pinks that are also similar to the purple when put on that background. i'm slightly colorblind and this is literally unreadable.
No. 224346
>>224230>>224256>>224264I don't think the Veronica is in man, handsome, and king thing has anything to do with her being intersex, but it's just that Jill was quoting Ashnikko some threads back (I don't remember which, if anyone has the screenshot at hand, please), the lyrics were
>Fuck a princess, I'm a king>Bow down and kiss on my ring>Being a bitch is my kink>What the fuck else did you think?If I remember correctly, she posted this on the Jerrica account before Veronica got her own, so I don't know if that was the edgelord teen boi larp or kinky bimbo larp
No. 224358
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No. 224367
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>>184790 is the original post with the pic.
No. 224368
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>>224358what in the self masturbation is this tweet. if she isn’t validated by her peers constantly does she implode?
No. 224395
>>224230Just look at it the opposite way and you now have a cheat sheet over how to "accidentally" best crypto insult Jill at any given time.
Mr jill sir you're a handsome boy
Ma'am jerrick you're such a pretty lady
No. 224397
>a few yearsSo she's planning on keeping this larp up for that long? DID probably won't even be in fashion (among brainrot internet users) in another year or so.
No. 224400
>>224367From wikipedia:
"Intersex people are individuals born with any of several sex characteristics including chromosome patterns, gonads, or genitals that, according to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, "do not fit typical binary notions of male or female bodies"."
Jill if you ever read this, intersexuality is something you're BORN with, not a feeling. Stop shitting on people who are actually likely to be ostracised by society just because you need your daily dose of validation jfc.
No. 224402
>>224400Sorry forgot to sage
>>224401You're right, I shouldn't expect basic human decency from her at this point.
No. 224472
>>224442I bet one paper drag euro bill that the intersex alter has a condition that isn’t a DSD at all and is only thought of as intersex by the alphabet brainrot community. Maybe Veronica identifies as having PCOS. Maybe Steve Jobs thinks of himself as intersex for being a male personality in an “afab” body. Jerrick is explicitly trans but IIRC Cliffe is supposed to be a “cis” male, so there is some kind of distinction there.
Incidentally and I know I’m very late to the party, but the term “assigned male/female at birth” was taken from a very specific subset of people with disorders of sexual development who were born with ambiguous genitalia that were surgically altered during infancy to more resemble typical male or female genitalia (hence “assigned”), and were then raised to match these genitalia even though their genetics and/or gonads were those of the opposite sex. It describes the unique situation of a (fortunately) very small, truly marginalised group of people and appropriating it to sound more woke is perfectly on brand for Jill.
No. 224536
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Doesn't she do this face all the time?
No. 224568
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Whoever has been saying that Jill is using DID to justify obsessing over herself and masturbating to herself in different styles of outfits is completely correct. Also Jill you don’t have a crush on Veronica, the real Jill would be jealous of her getting more attention, especially since she doesn’t look like fat clown
No. 224680
>>224568Jfc. Imagine for a second that DID is 100% real and legit, you as the host as the host are still talking about your own outward physical appearance and your own body… how far up her own ass do you think she can get before she disappears?
Has she ever shown a drawing or face claim of Veronica? Or is she literally just Jill from 2018 before she put on too much fat to feel sexy?
No. 224682
>>224680There may be a better version floating around, but here's this
No. 224843
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No. 224916
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No. 225029
>>224802I would love to see her make another
mental health video about how bpd/did combine; watch her trip over all her lies
>>224870Does this imply she has other scars now? I thought she only had them on her legs Or is she just thinking about getting another thigh tattoo; please be for jerrick, something "dark and edgy" like will wood lyrics for her sad emo boi oc
Also; do you think the drag show videos mean Veronica's alter video will be out next? Or will there be some other dinky vlog between
No. 225069
>>225029But she’s implying a tattoo she’s already gotten, did she forget we saw the alleged “patch of bumpy scars” and no keloids were present leave alone a whole patch (which would definitely still show with the tattoo)
She’s just exaggerating again like her ED story and everything else in her life
No. 225175
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>>225069the tattoo right as it was finished, some raising cause recent scars (that IMO shouldn't have been tattooed over yet)
she does exaggerate so much.
No. 225197
>>225069"regular" scars can still be really painful to get tattooed, even if there's no keloid tissue.
Experiences vary massively though. Some people say it's the worst pain they ever felt, others say the scar tissue was basically numb and they didn't feel a thing. It can feel like being stabbed, it's no joke.
No. 225212
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"Jill is getting triggered because we're talking about our assault.
Jill is getting triggered but it is not my fault"
very weird to sing in the middle of talking about your rape that went on for months
No. 225244
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Doing some DeviantArt digging. Uma’s is GorgeousMorning, we knew Jill’s was xhellodecemberx. Their journal entries about each other can probably expose some plot holes, in case anyone is up for helping me trawl through it all.
No. 225258
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>>225244Samefag, this is all from Uma’s. Lots of talk about regretting a sleepover with Jill in April 2011.
No. 225267
>>225207She says Veronica 'doesn't care about a lot of the things Jill cares about'
How much do you want to bet she will use this as an excuse to buy more clothes and crap instead of being environmentally conscious
No. 225341
>>225333Samefag, both Jill and Uma posted that they were virgins on DA like a year after they stopped dating.
It's in the survey responses on both their pages.
So whoever """"raped her repeatedly for months""" categorically is not Uma, since yeah how do you both be virgins and also rapists/rape
victims? Is she just inventing a person now?
No. 225357
>>225207Her parents can't seriously be going along with this? Seriously? Seriously? I have literally never cringed so hard in my fucking life.
Like she fucking knows what she's doing, and she's reveling in the fact that she's getting away with it. This is how I know that she's a BPD maniac. She is laughing at every single mother fucker that believes this.
It actually freaks me the fuck out.
No. 225363
>>225358Now she's blatantly lying about her "repeated rapes" while the evidence is still on DA that she was a virgin along with the person she's fabricating this about, definitely horrorcow potential.
At the point you completely give up telling the truth and just make up pure lies for attention it's a clear descent for her character and online career, she's just gonna be screeching into the wind in a few years if she keeps this shit up. None of her original fanbase will be left, just people left to watch the trashfire, like Trisha or Shayna.
No. 225364
>>225358I just can't stand to watch someone who thinks they're getting away with it. She thinks she's so fucking smart, but she is the biggest goddamn idiot on this whole fucking website.
BPD maniac creep. Fucking fake loser. She is going to get hers one day, and it will be hilarious. Eventually, someone isn't going to suffer her little control game, and it's going to rock her stupid princess pathetic world.
No. 225374
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>>225358She's a trashfire barreling straight into horrorcow. The fabrication and lies she tries to weave to fit into her narrative is appalling. Shit is getting real because there are consequences that are outside of her just being dumb. It can hurt other people in her crossfire and she clearly doesn't care who she hurts in order to get her precious attention. She's playing a dangerous game. I'll be honest and say I hope she's the only one hurt at the end of this mess she created.
No. 225384
>>225254Actually these questions at the start are part of the general questions for all the alters, that Jill wrote herself. If you watch the Jill's MTA video she explains it there.
So she wrote the question and made a show about how this alter would react to her own question.
No. 225387
>>225375>>225378Someone who's more invested really needs to compare DissociaDID's MTA videos to Jill's, because there's bound to be so many things she copied from her original inspiration.
She literally started this whole DID saga defending dissociaDID and since then has propably consumed all of her videos preparing for this larp.
No. 225388
>>225381>No reason to say she ENJOYS something like rape.This sounds straight up fetishistic on her part and I'm not suprised anymore. The small snippets into her sex life she's been hinting on recently is proof enough that there's something wrong here. Please don't be suprised when it turns out this cow is into rape or some sort of hardcore "forced play" BDSM crap. Kinks are very accepted in the queer spaces she plays in, after all. I'm not surprised she and steven are turning out to be sexual degenerates. Maybe she's even saying this to then in the future come up with an excuse of why she "enjoys it".
…I'm sorry, but thinking of someone describing multiple rapes as "taking it and enjoying it" and then pretending to be a "ditsy dumb sexy bimbo" just made me sick. I usually unconditionally believe anyone (specially women) who come foward with this type of stuff. I know there's no perfect
victim and people cope in diferent ways. But Jillian… I don't know.
The only way I can find solace in not fully believing her lies is knowing narcissists cop these stories from others to then appropiate them and make themselves a victim. I just can't believe someone would lie about being raped so many times. I am conflicted.
No. 225394
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Im sorry but didnt she say she was raped so many times in 2011 that she formed an alter just to start to enjoy it? Here she wrote that she never had sex that year
No. 225407
>>225404I would love Uma to speak about this, I bet she is aware of this shit on some level, but somewhere in Jill's narc mind she is probably intentionally trying to bait a response out of this girl who's just trying to live her life.
Remember her Tweets about emailing her abusers or whatever.
If anything at all happened it was definitely via DeviantArt messages, rping is a good bet.
Jill recently called past suicial ideation a "suicide attempt" on Twitter, which was noted by anons in this thread as being intentionally misleading, I can see her calling a roleplay, sexual or even romantic conversation "rape" because what are words.
No. 225408
>>225229Sorry, I can’t get myself to watch this but did she specifically say “raped” or did she say sexually assaulted?
If she said “sexual assault”, I wouldn’t put it past her to use semantics to imply she was raped when it was more in line with sexual assault I.e. being groped without consent
No. 225410
>>225227>>225383>>225389>It isn’t Jill who stole Maggie’s boyfriend, that was all Veronica!But Jill is the one who’s dating him now. So did Veronica wreck her friend’s relationship so that uwu cinnamon roll Jill could swoop in and get with Steven while remaining totally blameless?
I love how the whole DID LARP is just a way for Jill to be open about what a shitty hateful destructive person she really is. She thinks she’s being clever but in reality is painting herself into a corner. The alters are part of her, so if she ever wants to drop the DID thing she either has to “reintegrate” and accept all that shittiness as part of Jill
or she has to retcon the alters which also means acknowledging it was her all along. There’s no way to ease out of this LARP and maintain an innocent image. She would’ve been better off claiming demon possession.
No. 225417
>>225207The rainbow background with childish music listing all the
trigger warnings such as child rape is so fucking surreal and jarring. Whichever anon said they'd believe this is a parody, I agree
No. 225420
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>>225419I downloaded it for archival purposes.
>>225417Here's the
TW screen incase she deletes the video.
No. 225423
>>225411Even more disturbing and disgusting.
Normally wouldn’t believe or expect someone to lie about something like this but jillybean seems to have no limits about grasping at straws and overdramatizing anything in her life for her DID lore
No. 225425
Jill is Veronica and Jill is Jax and Jerrick and all the stupid alters. She's all the bad traits that she's trying to shove into her OC's because "Jillian must remain a poor uncomprehended sweet positive girl uwu". She's the bad BPD and NPD traits she wants to deny so badly because somehow she can't grasp that she has fucked up multiple times over in her life. Mommy will not be there to protect her forever and she will face consequences. Seriously. What a cow.
No. 225431
>>225425Her DID is just BPD but without wanting to face the consequences of her actions and learning how to be a better human being. She only went to therapy to get asspats, she did not learn goddamn anything or reflected on her bad behavior. She came out even more manipulative and prone to victimization and lying like any abuser would.
Her BPD consists of:
Jerrick = Being mean to others and actually speaking her mind on shit that makes her go feral, attention seeking, victimization
Veronica = Stealing boyfriends, wanting to be perceived as sexy at any times, doing sexual advances on others
Little = Immaturity, inability to grow up, no self reflection, self infantilization, shifting the blame on others
Precure Alter = Fake positivity, clinging to the idea she's a good person without putting in the effort, lovebombing, manipulation
Cliffe (never comes out) = Inability to plan for the future, living in the now, lack of responsibility, thinking life ends up boring at 35, doing the bare minimum as an adult
And most importantly
Jillian = Stupid Bitch who lies
All of these are just her own BPDsonas.
No. 225435
>>225423It's so fucking wicked how someone can lie this blatantly about being horribly raped multiple times as a child, all for crumbs of attention from an audience who is either getting tired of her, rapidly outgrowing her, or moving on. Her only audience left are the easily manipulable into submission. Jesus Christ almighty I really feel sick now. She can't see past her own nose. How the fuck can she just lie about this to make her DID story more legit.
She is so coddled. She's actually stealing the pain that so many children go through for years and she's using it for a YouTube video.
No. 225436
>>225432Jill at the start of DID saga: I have always been naturally dissociative and my pretend autism made normal things traumatizing causing splits
Jill now: I was raped multiple times over the course of months at an age where I documented everything online and there was no change in my online behavior but i was totally experiencing one of the worst forms of torture and violation of basic autonomy.
No. 225444
>>225258Do we know who Shelley is? I wonder what happened at this sleepover and I guess Shelley is a witness?
>>225287This is some real single white female shit damn.
No. 225446
>>225443She's always so vague, uses words to her own liking, omits information, changes the meaning of things etc. Remember when she said Bpd is neuroduvergency? And how she said "la mortalidad del cangrejo" was dissociating? Etc. She relies on people not asking more information for her lies to work, and if you call her out you're a bully.
How far did this girl fall? Who knew LACE would eventually turn this girl into trauma larping for attention.
No. 225447
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>>225443I rewatched the first video of her "re-introducing" herself as a DID system and there she mentions the supposed suicide note her mom found, when Jill was in fifth grade. This would fit into the timeframe she mentions in this video, since 5th graders are between 9 and 10 years old in Canadian school system.
So we can deduct from this, that she was supposedly raped at age 9 or 10 and later re-traumatized by the incident with Uma.
No. 225456
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>>225452She didn't claim, that the rape and same-sex relationship trauma were the same in the beginning
TW table, since she put them on seperate lines of text.
So it's possible the rapist was someone else, than Uma, which would make the piano teacher most likely suspect. She made that dramatic tweet about him couple threads ago basically wishing him to burn in hell, which would be on line with this assumption.
But I really don't understand why she wouldn't just say it was the piano teacher, since she's talked about him couple of times in her videos.
No. 225463
>>225460For the anons who are believing this shit, she says she splits off at the same time as Jerrick to "handle the sexual assault aspect" at around 5 minutes, so the trauma ""rape"" didn't happen earlier. DID lore is you split at the time of the trauma.
I'm trying to watch this but as a very passive person she makes me want to punch her with this offensive bullshit she's spouting at only 6 minutes in, but I think we are seeing a true side to Jill here.
No. 225467
>>225463Samefag, she declares she loves gossip and watching gossipy youtube videos at around 18 minutes.
Her personality is clearly modelled after a bitchy gay man, not a woman, but she just comes across like a fat girl pretending to be a gay man.
At 20 minutes she says "the person who sexually abused us and caused Jerr and I to form" talking about a "she" who used the word bimbo which she had apparently never heard prior this moment. So she is pinning it on Uma in the timeline.
"I exist to be someone who doesn't say no. Who doesn't have any problems with what's being done to me, and will actually enjoy it."
That's not how rape works…that's not how coping with rape works.
No. 225476
>>225450>>225460I'll link these screenshots from DA conversations between Uma and Jill, since they go against what she said in the latest video.
>>189394 >>189395
>>189396 >>189397
These happened at 2011 and this is what she confirms being the source of the trauma, that splits off Jerr and Veronica.
Parallel to these events there's also the Louise's cancer, which happened at unconfirmed time, but likely happened at Jill's childhood from what she's said. This was traumatic experience to Jill, because she didn't get the attention she had gotten before and felt propably abandoned.
No. 225477
>>225456I seem to remember her tweeting something along the lines of the piano teacher didn't do anything to her but was always really friendly? I don't think anything happened.
It is all larp
No. 225481
>>225450I find the "same sex" remark very curious because she paints Veronica's sexualization in a very chauvinist male-centered way.
>>225456I really hope she won't go into "supressed memories" pseudoscience just because he's already in prison iirc and wouldn't be able to sue her? Either way this is concerning.
No. 225491
>>225481i agree, "same sex abuse" is such a weird thing to say imo. like she's the type to complain about people saying "bpd abuse" and then she says shit like this? is she implying there is something inherently
abusive that can occur in same-sex relationships?
No. 225492
>>225394Because that was Jerrick, duhhh
Regarding what everyone is saying about "enjoying" the rape. I agree it's a poor choice of words but I think her point was that Veronica split off so Jill could twist the rape into something "normal/positive" to endure the trauma. I think this is the did lore
No. 225496
>>225461I'm starting to believe she doesn't plan anything she says beforehand since there's so many inconsistencies. She doesn't have anything figured out, she has no fucking clue what she's doing, she just wings it. Pathological liar perhaps? Or does she actually believe in this shit herself and that's why she doesn't have any kind of timeline figured out, she just assumes everything she says is true?
Waiting for the moment she realises she has contradicted herself so many times she has to start blaming the alters for lying kek. Or maybe she comes up with a new alter that has been secretly co-con the entire time and made everyone lie like some ridiculous cartoon villain. Maybe that alter could have antisocial disorder or something else trendy, then she could play pretend a psychopath.
No. 225524
>>225492The "enjoy" which she says repeatedly suggests to me she absolutely hasn't been raped ever otherwise she'd know the rapist doesn't expect or want you to enjoy it ffs.
Think it's as this anon said
>>225474 and she's confusing a rape fetish with actual rape.
Also worth noting for anons smart enough not to watch the whole thing, she starts off reaal confident in the early minutes of the video talking about her "repeated rape" but then calls it sexual assault in every reference after that.
No. 225528
>>225526I think it's because of all the crazy shit she says like the part about
>"I was forced to be this fuck-able play thing when I was getting out of elementary schoolIn the video she's actually talking generally at that point about how young girls feel pressure to be attractive or sexy looking even when they're preteens, not about her supposed abuser. But out of context it obviously would lead to speculation.
She says several times that she split at the same time as Jerrick and that's when the supposed assault happened, as you said the chances it's about anyone other than Uma are miniscule.
Just as predicted many times in this thread, miss queer identity is using her singular gay experience as her main source of trauma.
No. 225547
>>225496It’s very common for narcissists to do this. They lack permanence in some ways and jump around even when it doesn’t make sense in their lore. They act like the new shiny lie is something that has always been true or the new thing they like is something they always liked and the past lies and likes never existed.
>>225524She is talking about something that happens with zero nuance or understanding. There is a
victim of CSA that does tik toks talking about her experiences and they do big numbers so I wouldn’t be shocked if Jill had seen them. Basically she talks about how she did feel pleasure when her father assaulted her because she was being given physical pleasure and being told she was special and as a child she didn’t understand it was wrong. It’s not uncommon for a groomed child to feel like they are being loved by their groomer especially if they are from a background where they are neglected. It’s a complex topic and as per hamfisted Jill just barrels through with zero thought or care to get her sweet sweet attention.
No. 225559
>>225548>clowning is offensive now apparentlyeverything is '
problematic' these days but somehow making shit up for views is not
No. 225565
>>225422Exactly. This is all born out of her BPD and needing to have more and more control over her friends, family, and image. That's what this all is, and anyone with half a brain can see it from a mile away. It's quite literally a textbook situation.
Her revealing the "getting naked around Stevie and friend" thing is what does it for me. That is so textbook BPD it hurts. My horrible horrible manic BPD mother-in-law has done the exact same thing in front of me and for nearly the same reason: to get what she wants.
If anyone ever had any doubt about Jill, we received all the answers we ever needed in that video. She is not autistic, DID doesn't fucking exist, she is not neurodivergant, she is not traumatized, NOTHING. She is in the midst of a total and complete BPD manic episode and I bet she is completely
abusive as shit behind closed doors. I bet everyone in her life is SCARED OF HER.
And she is fucking laughing at all of us. She can see us seeing her, and she's laughing, because BPD people are fucking EVIL.
No. 225572
>>225408She says at 5:30:
>It doesn't affect me emotionally, which is crazy to say, but as a part it does not affect me emotionally that I know that I exist, um, because we were raped.And yeah believe it or not women can and do lie about being raped. Lol at all the people here trying to wrap their heads around seeing someone spinning this lie in real time in their face and still having trouble accepting it.
No. 225573
>>225503>literally give anyone a party city wig and a joint and the same video will come out.Kekkkkkk
>>225521I agree, she's always following this thread for advice… Like when everyone was talking about how it would be nice if she made more piano videos and bam, she did a video like that
No. 225578
>>225548>everything is 'problematic' these days but somehow making shit up for views is notThis.
>>225547Yeah, she really has no idea what she's talking about.
No. 225582
>>225579>She has BPD and narcissistic traitsyes, and she is clearly spiraling out of control as a result. Jillian is quite obviously not well. I am very convinced that - especially Stevie and her mother - are scared of her behaviour off-screen. With these kinds of people, you either play in to every little whim, or suffer their extreme, mega breakdowns if you even kind of challenge them or refuse to play along.
I mean, I feel embarrassed that us anons analyze this any further than, "this BPD bitch is manic and out of control." I feel embarrassed for us that we talk about her alters or try to figure out a timeline or anything. We should be adults and see this for what it is. Her family should be adults and get her help. I have seen first hand how this behaviour manifests in "real" adulthood and it's NOT GOOD. This does not get better for her, it only gets worse as people are less able to cater to her whims and fantasies as she ages and it becomes less "cute." She is only getting away with this right now because she's young and "cute" and it's actually making her some money. But it's not gonna stay cute much longer. I'm sure it's becoming less and less cute by the day for her family.
No. 225584
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There isn't a single mention of DID anywhere on her Instagram, not even in the tags on her posts. Seems weird for her when it's all she talks about?
No. 225593
>>225590Of course we are. It's still just . . . so fucking embarrassing to even use the words "alters" and talk about Jerrick and Veronica because it's just a manic bitch's game to extract attention. It's just sick and it's sad and after this Veronica video, it's reached new levels of sickness and sadness that I wasn't before sure that Jillian could reach. She'll do anything with this LARP to get what she wants. She will do anything to get what she wants. Strip down in front of friends to try and lure in a man. Gaslight friends and family. Play the eternal
victim. Hell, maybe even publicly slander a past girlfriend and maybe land herself a fucking lawsuit.
She is right on one thing: she is mentally ill. Extremely so. But not in the glamorous, speshul way that she insists upon. Life will only get markedly harder for her, because as I said, it gets less and less cute with every passing day.
No. 225594
>>225591look at
>>225582 post though. it's implying by referencing the "alters" that we believe they're real.
No. 225601
>>225594Nta but I've never felt anyone here thinks they're real. We do use their "names" but how else are we going to talk about her OCs? It might come off as humoring her though. I do agree we need to be more punctual about talking about Jillian as an immature person and a liar who makes up stuff though.
>>225598This, tbh.
No. 225602
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No. 225667
>>225626completely agree with you anon, i doubt her and uma did anything more than kiss and now she has suddenly decided eleven year later that this was an act of rape.
if anything i would believe her more about this relationship being ‘traumatic’ if she formally came out as straight but of course she would never as that would take uwu quirky points away from her identity
No. 225672
>>225671because veronica does not exist at all, she's jill
>>225667the MOST she could had done was make out and put her hand somewhere and that's it.
No. 225684
I still wish she had elaborated more on discussing her social media with her therapist/her therapist designating Veronica as a social media protector, it makes me wonder how far this therapist crossed into her online life if they were discussing what each of her alters was going to do online.
>>225621Next threadpic material
No. 225788
>>225786Yeah I considered the same thing, what I am pretty sure happened is Jill was so desperate for the trendy queer label she forced
herself to have a relationship with another girl, which she evidently deeply regrets to this day. It's the exact opposite problem of many gays (t.closeted bi) who are traumatised by their opposite sex relationships or sexual interactions because they felt they 'had' to do them to be straight or to be a woman or whatever.
No. 225796
>>225788This is what gets me about the whole mystery girl saga. She forced herself to be in a relationship with another women seemingly just for attention but do you think she’s at all remorseful for not only outing her to others but using her as a prop? That whole disgusting display was what led me here in the first place and I’m curious to see how this trauma ties in with her decision to be involved in another same sex relationship and how she’s going to spin it. It might be worth reading older threads to find her breadcrumbs.
Jill really loves to vague post, she’s always hinting at things and laying out a trail. It’s so weird how she’ll openly and loudly come out with stuff once it’s “official” but if you look back you see all the little tidbits leading to that moment of affirmation and coming out. She definitely seems addicted to the attention. Once all the low hanging fruit has been harvested what will become her new “it” thing I wonder?
No. 225814
>>225207Whenever she pretends that Jill is "coming forward" because she's "
triggered" it's so backwards from how did is supposed to fucking work and why it even forms in the first place. Isn't the idea that Veronica comes out to protect Jill from hearing and seeing and feeling bad? We all know you're just trying to cover up moments where you can't keep up your stupid voices and tiktok mannerisms, it's so fucking obvious.
And yes I know did isn't real in the first place it's just annoying seeing her blatantly ignore the rules of the game she wanted to play.
No. 225815
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A comment Jill replied to in Veronica-video.
No. 225829
>>225816Since she reads here she probably figured it was
>>225431 because that was my first thought too
No. 225840
>>225786Her lie is so confusing
>"I was forced to be this fuck-able play thing when I was getting out of elementary school". >"I exist to be someone who doesn't say no. Who doesn't have any problems with what's being done to me, and will actually enjoy it."Maybe it's just my point of view, but the whole "being fuckable" and having something done to her sounds much more like the abuser in the story is male. If her abuser was female she would more likely be forced/manipulated to do something actively and not just passively lay down.
Yeah, yeah, I know Jill doesn't think her lies out and this was "my gf tried to kiss me and it sucked", but I want to call out the way she talks.
No. 225852
>>225786What I imagine happened was: uma, jill, and shelley were on a cabin and they did a dare of some sort, then uma went too far, and jill got uncomfortable. I don't blame Uma, she was too young for fucks sake and she always felt bad for what she did. It's hard to be into girls when you are in your puberty stage, specially if you encounter hetero girls like jill who think everything is rape. Jill is taking everything to extremes when I think uma already apologized and wanted to move on. If you see the journals even jill misses uma and wishes everything went back to normal.
I don't know, but I think she's grasping for anything to make her proof more real. How does someone go from saying they never went through something that bad and always were dissociative, to saying she was raped for months?
If she was truly kind and understanding she would stop attention seeking and forgive a dumb kid who isn't in her life anymore.
No. 225855
>>225840>Maybe it's just my point of view, but the whole "being fuckable" and having something done to her sounds much more like the abuser in the story is male.Because she's using whatever narrative she found online for herself and copying words from others. She's acting like she was neglected and
Idk how to say it because I know CSA is fucking awful and don't want to be disrespectful, but she's acting like she was prostituted by her parents or worse. She's dramatizing everything so badly for lore points.
I also don't trust the "fuckable" part. Do CSA
victims even say that, normally? If they do, they must had gone through something terribly traumatic then. But in Jillian's case… It comes off as a lie and s fetish. Just the fact that she calls herself a BIMBO for god's sake is proof enough that this is a FETISH. Her career is over and she will never be employable or do anything relevant unless she uses drama to get attention like Trisha or Tana or Shane do. Sorry but it's true.
No. 225861
>>225805she did also say that she had a traumatic experience as a very young child and stated that she was in and out of therapy at a very young age. So was Jill was fluffing up how young she was so she can make her traumas sound more severe to warrant a DID diagnosis or did she forget that she implied that she was younger than a tween when her "rape" happened?
>>225815For some one who's trying to destigmatize mental illness Jill's malignant narcissism really jumped out as soon as she read narcissistic BPD. Maybe Jill isn't as much of an advocate that she says she is.
No. 225869
>>225641I wish someone would make a complication of all the lies each alter says tbh
Also will Cliffe be the next meet the alter? Do we ever think she'll do one with the kid oc? maybe her and Stevie doing it together since he's her daddy, sorry caregiver
No. 225928
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Oh I guess we're convinced, then.
No. 225930
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The people who matter DO know the truth - and they are fucking SCARED OF YOU.
Everyone is lying to you, Jillian, just like you're lying to them. You aren't getting away with it, retard, they're just humoring you because they're scared of you.
No. 225963
>>225953This dude wants to be Leafy so bad but he doesn't even know how to download videos off of other sites ffs
Jill has been in AT LEAST 4 of these already just from the ones that have been posted here. And she's been on the thumbnail for what, at least half of them so far? It's hilarious how she has become a niche posterchild of "TikTok DID malingerers"
No. 225990
>>225815>>"No I am officially diagnosed"And yet there is zero proof on her end. When she made the video about getting diagnosed, she held up a paper that quite clearly said "diagnostic impression" but she's so far up her own ass, she even lies about things that are super easy to disprove. "People made this up" they quite literally didn't, Jillian, they got it straight from your video that is meant to be the proof of an actual diagnosis when it does the opposite and proves there is no official diagnosis. She's so fucking retarded. If she had gotten it officially, she would have provided the new paper stating it from the doctor to prove the haters wrong.
>>225582>>225593Late but I fucking hate the autists in this thread that need every single thing spelled out for them. It's just easier for conversation to talk about the DID larp without constantly putting disclaimers that we know it's fake when we all know it is, it can go unspoken at this point. We aren't going to bend our choice of language because one or two anons can only understand things literally. If you are too autistic for this thread, just leave.
>>225911>>225953I could've sworn this was posted ages ago.
No. 226034
>>225821>real DID is basically PTSD with amnesiaExactly, everyone online is basically living out their Tumblr oc dreams when logically, with the way trauma and the human mind works, no fucking way is it a slumber party in your head like Jill and co present it as. What it seems more to be like is people blacking out when something is too much to psychologically handle, (truma itself or
trigger) and whatever they do during that time they blacked out is forgotten, the same way you don't remember anything after heavy drinking or some medication.
But that's no fun so we get a host of ocs with different accents who can be summoned at will instead.
No. 226035
>>225814> it's just annoying seeing her blatantly ignore the rules of the game she wanted to play.>Jill playing sports: if the ball misses the hoop/goalpost that's a goalI noticed the same thing but couldn't put it inro words, like your protector alter comes out when you're
not triggered and retreats when you're
triggered, despite DID lore stating these alters exist
specically to respond to triggers she just doesn't gaf and uses it as a cover for when she drops character as you said
No. 226053
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It’s very telling that the only negative comments that have slipped through actually have a lot of likes compared to the ass kissing ones
No. 226060
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>>226053Yeah I noticed the same. The comment section is full of empty praise and then couple critiques get like 10+ likes each.
No. 226062
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>>226061The weird story about Jill stripping in front of Stevie before they dated has caused people to question Jill.
No. 226074
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>>225815 Jill's response to one of you about the diagnostic impression.
No. 226082
>>226062These comments bring a good point. Saying she stripped to "get what she wanted" is weird and coercive, pure manipulation. Plus, the other girl was literally there… And we don't know fully if they were exes at that point (she was vague). How does no one see this is narcissistic as fuck? Literally wanting to be the center of attention to "get what she wants", even if she had to strip for that. Just imagine you're hanging out with a supposed friend and she strips in front of the guy you dated. Isn't that just fucked up? No wonder she stopped being her friend. Plus if you remember she also got piss drunk and fooled around with a guy her friend liked in that one new year's party.
Plus, if "Veronica" is a sexual protector, why does she seek nudity and sex on purpose knowing it would hurt Jill? There's no Veronica, Jillian simply loves being a kinky whore.
But anyways, I wish her comments were harsher. It's like everyone is too stupidified by social media to criticize anyone anymore, even outlandish shit like this. Shit's fucked. I am not surprised anymore that Jillian has 0 drive other than to seek attention from whatever source, if she's willing to strip in front of a friend and her guy. She can't take a no for an answer, she has always been coddled and enabled. This forced shit will never let her grow up and this will be her demise.
No. 226083
File: 1657029583660.png (567.43 KB, 902x559, 1637525920828.png)

>>226074Why did she censor half of her DID impression then? Either it gets dimissed towards the end of the description in some way or she wanted to hide that she shows signs of an "uncool" diagnosis like substance abuse or histronic disorder.
No. 226121
>>226101I actually believe it is real, we know her psychiatrist is real since a facebook anon screenshot his page (i think Jill liked his posts on there and there were only like 12 likes so he obviously is aware of her social media, confirmed by 'veronica' mentioning that her quack thought she'd be a good social media protector)
If she wanted to fake it she wouldn't need to put a blur on half of the impression either, it probably says something about how she's only shown signs of multiple personalities for <1 year and would need further observation over the next few years to get a full diagnosis, and that it might be a phase she will pass through, something like that. I can imagine her quack saying something like that to cover his ass since it would be entirely unethical to diagnose someone with a disorder they had only been expressing for such a short time especially where it's supposed to be childhood onset. Just spitballing here though.
No. 226139
File: 1657041819708.png (973.2 KB, 2688x2376, bullshit.png)

Compiled some Uma stuff from an earlier thread
No. 226144
>>226139I find it important to point out timeline wise that the nice comments on Uma's facebook were after that deviantart drama and after the time period Jillain said to have been a
victim of rape, so she definitely doesn't mean Uma but is pointing at another girl or woman in her life (ofc we know her lie is bullshit, just calling it out)
No. 226168
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Found this. How many does Jill tick off?
No. 226201
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No. 226209
File: 1657057282900.png (36.03 KB, 898x143, 132353653.png)

Fresh under the newest SBSK video
No. 226211
File: 1657057392804.png (19.1 KB, 1185x113, pixiestrip.PNG)

>>226082There's an answer for everything apparently
No. 226271
>>226074I did some quick google research and came with this.
>For 467 patients (55.20%), the initial diagnostic impression given by the referring physicians agreed with the final diagnosis made by the C-L psychiatry team, while in 379 patients (44.80%), the initial diagnostic impression was not consistent with the final diagnosis made by the C-L team. Diagnostic impressions of neurocognitive and substance use disorders were highly accurate, but this was not the case when the referring physicians suspected depression or bipolar, personality, or psychotic disorders.I assume DID falls within the latter category of disorders. Which means that her diagnostic impression would not necessarily translate to a final diagnosis.
No. 226315
File: 1657083570798.jpg (85.87 KB, 1240x418, firefox_bjMTGkZ0Ze.jpg)

>>226211There's always at least one fan giving her a rimjob after every comment. It's nuts.
No. 226316
>>226211I'll transcribe what she says on the video about this incident with Stevie and Maggie:
"My friends are like, remember when you used to just like we were just hanging out walk out like 8 feet, strip out being full lingerie with a garter and asking Stevie to fix it? ''I knew what I wanted and I knew how to get it.''"
Jill's attempt to fix the mess with adding all this stuff about concent and respecting boundaries is a total lie.
No. 226324
>>226299It's so obnoxious how her previous application wasn't accepted and she has to make a big song and dance about sending a new one to put more pressure on the channel.
>>226230For real, I hate how mainstream and popular fucked up sexual behaviors have become. Whenever I interact with girls who are even just a couple years younger than me it's all daddy, sugaring, choke me, wtf happened? It's so weird how in the same generation there is more awareness about sexual abuse and more leniency for degeneracy at the same time. And Jill capitalizes on boh.
No. 226361
>>226334Jillian is the biggest nlog and pickme ever. I also agree she sees other women as competition. The narcissism is revealing itself
>>226351I remember now! Guess she escaped the dungeon early thank goodness.
No. 226362
File: 1657107874957.png (18.33 KB, 1078x103, imagine having a multifaceted …)

A random comment on her video, just thought it gave good insight into the kind of people supporting her now and also what kind of garbage influence she's putting out into the world.
IIRC, in her original DID video, she shows the diagnostic impression and straight up states "this is not an official diagnosis yet", and then within the same video she switches kek gears and calls it an official diagnosis. She had mentioned or tweeted about still needing to be officially assessed after taking the test, but afaik she never brought that up again and now is pretending like it happened and yet tip-toeing around it at the same time. If she wasn't lying (I mean we all know she is but from the POV of her fans), why is she getting angry and not just instead explaining that she had the final assessment after the diag impression? She also has no reason to keep the paper blurred now that she shared her super real trauma, so why not post it in full? Ah and if only she would adress what she answered to the substance use questions that would disqualify the diagnosis or why she still has a driver's license…
No. 226369
File: 1657113184624.jpg (117.63 KB, 1080x1400, 20220706_091008.jpg)

>>226209Jill getting called out in the replies of her SBSK comment (1/2)
No. 226370
File: 1657113250888.jpg (172.63 KB, 1080x1421, 20220706_091022.jpg)

>>226369>>226209(2/2) (sorry I'm on mobile)
No. 226394
File: 1657120766706.gif (758.6 KB, 300x225, lemonalterdream.gif)

>>226380>lemon alter when?Pretty much Jill as Lemongrab incarnate and her alters
No. 226412
>>226410If it ever comes to light that she isn't officially diagnosed, she's 100% going to pinpoint it on the therapist leaving and how all the new ones are ~
toxic~ and just don't get her!!!
No. 226415
File: 1657127015472.png (344.57 KB, 521x306, (s)mug.PNG)

>>226411nitpick, but I cant believe she puts her nice dishes in the dishwasher and ruins them. especially someone who owns a lot of decorative dishes
>mug got dishwasher No. 226418
>>2264113mins in:
>People are being so mean to me>I know that's not new>I feel like in the past two days it's been like "let's beat them now">So it feels good to be with people who don't hate me and aren't like "I hate you now, you sick twisted whore"Jill clearly enjoys reading here. Top kek
No. 226420
>>226411>>226418samefag, here's the rest of what I listened to
>People stop replying to me when I serve them with FACTS AND LOGIC>Every single time when I tell people NO I AM DIAGNOSED I DO HAVE DID THIS IS HOW IT WORKS, they always are just like "no, but no it's not" and I'm like "this is harrasment" and they're like "no it's not, it's a conversation">Hate me cause I'm cringe! Don't tell me that I'm lying, I'm such a sweetie! The rage is delicious lmfao, those yt comments live in her head rent fucking free
>Keeps saying "you guys will breathe life into me">I keep reading things that are negative about me. Because I know they exist >There was one person who was like, "as a long time fan this is why you're losing fans" and I'm like, I know I'm losing some but they don't understand HEALTH! They don't understand mental health, they're ok to go>I was told recently that the person who diagnosed me, my psychologist [says THREE people diagnosed her, her therapist, her psychologist and "a mental health professional LMFAO SO FUCKING DIDN'T HAPPEN], the main one is ~ trained in forensics to tell when criminals are lying ~>Says she went in saying "I just want to be told whatever I have", which contradicts the diagnostic impression she held up in that video saying she came in saying she was five different people >I am so far from a sneaky little sneak! She is trained in forensics! She could tell that I'm lying!>Small influx [of hate] from Veronica's video>Rambles about "balance", that she gets more positive feedback than negative (because you delete dissent, lol)>It took people 5 days to "craft some twisted webs" to make up something negative about Veronica's video>People have always criticized me online, for fashion and making up that I'm bad to my cats>People have always just wanted to find something to stomp on me for and now that I'm being ~ sooo vulnerable ~ >Brings up the time when people got mad at her for using a toxic substance to make a cat tree >The reaching is literally that bad! Are we serious?? Hate me cause I'm cringe!>I think the spark of hatred comes from the fact that I am cringe, I embrace the fact. But they feel bad hating me for being cringe so they make up that I'm racist, ableist etc. >Take it to creative writing classes!She said she wasn't going to talk about it, but it's been on her mind this morning. You've been talking about only this for 10mins straight Jillian
>Says she can't watch her "blended" videos back, or listen to voice messages because she cringes at it At this point she starts talking about "cringe culture" way too much and rambles about make up. I'm at 2x speed gave up a little after this for lack of milk, she just keeps going back and forth between talking about nothing and going back to "people pick on me, I'm cringe", I can't take this high a dose, sorry nonnas
No. 226421
>>226418Is she finally waking up to see that more people hatewatch her than genuinely follow her? Since she watches her comment section like a hawk no wonder she sees every negative word, lmao
>>226401Jill isn't insecure, she's obsessed with herself. Tbh if she was actually insecure she would have gotten liposuction or some beauty treatments already.
No. 226439
File: 1657130996016.jpg (89.84 KB, 1071x461, firefox_XaybJiHFzA.jpg)

>>226411Her drag advert she's making to get new gigs.
No. 226441
>>226420Gonna try to pick this up where this anon left off.
>Wants to try a fake freckle look for Veronica>Is sad colourpop didn't send her the Peeps collab makeup>Says she still has BPD>Says someone said she had an "autistic looking face" and they might be right>People use mental health as an insult towards her while simultaneously saying she can't be mentally ill>Says vocaloid and mental illness are in the same venn diagram>Picks up vocal patterns from her friends>Her friends are all mentally ill/neurodivergent>Keeps saying "I am cringe but I am free">Very blended, very nervous for stream because Jerrick was co-con>She can work now because she thought she was having a bad BPD breakdown, but it was actually DID>Screencaps sweet comments>People are responding to her comment on SBSK and saying she's a bad person>Needs to finish Jax and Flora drawings>2 alters (?) won't have drawings because she can't see them as clearly (I think she's talking about sandwich and piano)>Uses a box of candy from when she won the Kawaii competition as decoration, expired in 2019>Uses random books from thrift store so they can be in rainbow order. Steve told her to look through the books to make sure there wasn't anything bad in them.>Got an "art of drag" book for Cliffe for Christmas>Laughs about a comment about taking revenge turds on her haters>Going home for a summer visit, Steve won't come because he has a summer job>Her cousin's wedding is on Sunday>She made the wedding dress, just needs to close off the arm holes>Going to vlog her summer trip>Huge family reunion, aunt from the UK is coming>Hasn't seen Sam since she was 10>Is uploading a Barbie movie fashion review video this Saturday>Is going back to mostly weekly videos>Someone crashed at her place last month because of an emergency, was too embarrassed to film youtube videos while they were over>Had a reunion with her fashion class, everyone brought their partners>Got "a new brand of drunk", kept falling to the floor laughing at Steve's jokes and got extremely bruised>Thinking about doing another slumber party videoI'm about 35 minutes into the video, I'll keep recapping it if anons are interested.
No. 226444
>>226439*drug artist
fixed it for ya, Jillian
No. 226454
File: 1657132791495.png (117.08 KB, 1258x756, snip(3).PNG)

Snipped the rest of that comment thread in case it got deleted, which it has. All negative comments have now been removed from the video
No. 226474
oh my god all of this new stuff makes me want to cry/laugh it's so bad
>>226439I would rant about every thing wrong with this but that would just take too long. This is absolutely illegible.
>>226420>I am so far from a sneaky little sneak! She is trained in forensics! She could tell that I'm lying!This isn't a movie. Nobody can truly tell if someone is lying or not. The fuck.
>>226454The way she replies to a. freaking. psychology. student. lmao she really backed herself in a corner here, no wonder she deleted.
No. 226481
>>226454Bravo Jillian! Best way to refute someone is to say they are
harassing you. Adding in your mentally ill is a great touch.
No. 226484
>>226420>Keeps saying "you guys will breathe life into me"God narcissistic much? it's so obvious, narcs can never live without a healthy dose of compliments and enabling
>they don't understand HEALTH! They don't understand mental healthWe do but you are to stubborn to listen on how it's fucking clear you're ruinning your own life
>Hate me cause I'm cringe! Don't tell me that I'm lying, I'm such a sweetie! barfing
No. 226486
>>226441>Is sad colourpop didn't send her the Peeps collab makeupgeee I wonder why. I would not send anything to this creep, ever. Her career is over
>Says vocaloid and mental illness are in the same venn diagram????? what?
>Got an "art of drag" book for Cliffe for ChristmasShould had given him a calculator KEK
Please anon continue with this mess
No. 226534
File: 1657144694060.png (118.46 KB, 800x552, IMG_20220706_155613_e.png)

If this is true what about all the times she made a "major breakthrough" with her traumas during therapy? I imagine it would be difficult to talk about DID if you didn't even tell your therapist what caused it.
No. 226538
>>223286>>225175i got 5 year old scars tattooed over and they went just as puffy as that - the irritation makes them swell!
but jill is absolutely lying about how much it hurts, ive had tattoos over none scarred areas that hurt more than my scar ones
(sage) No. 226560
>>226439God I cant look away from her fucking arm.
>>226469 is right it looks so deformed. You'd think after years of photoshopping herself she'd know how to do it
No. 226562
File: 1657149666733.png (463.84 KB, 727x397, autism.PNG)

>>226512of course this study was on boys with autism."The study found that children with autism have an unusually broad upper face, including wide-set eyes. They also have a shorter middle region of the face, including the cheeks and nose."
No. 226568
>>226534holy shit
how did she not get to her "months of rape" in therapy yet? But she apparently talked about some other thing she didn't even think was "bad enough" to be called trauma? Make it make sense.
No. 226574
>>226534Why would she admit that? Literally the ONLY scenario where Jill could be capable of being co-con while Veronica talked about that was if Jill had already worked through and accepted that trauma fully in therapy. Otherwise, if a protector is talking about something that is
triggering to the host, there should be a complete amnesia barrier between the host and that protector. That’s how DID works and why the protector exists. I don’t really care if she’s faking all this or not, but she’s poking holes in her own story with this one
No. 226583
>>226510She has enough clothes to dress as Jerrick that she already needs to do a clear out? Hot damn that's some fast consoom
>>226534So her therapist wanted to help her plan her alters' roles on social media and was entertaining talking to her when she was "a six year old" but never even tried to discuss her trauma history with her? What the fuck? This therapist has to be some tiktok weirdo too who is treating DID like some woke gender identity thing
No. 226588
File: 1657153683053.jpeg (569.74 KB, 1123x1062, A25582D3-57F2-4F2C-87E5-801E02…)

>>226562Look at Figure 2 from the article, it seems like they’re really reaching. The autistic kids on top row don’t have a distinct look in common, and it seems like several of the neurotypical kids on the bottom row could easily fit their criteria for “autistic facial features.” I’m not buying it. You could maybe make the argument that autistic people tend to move/use their eyes differently than neurotypical people, but that doesn’t mean they have “an autistic face.” There’s simply no such thing.
No. 226601
File: 1657158402349.jpeg (52.3 KB, 828x875, 8CE5821C-5F9A-45EC-AA6D-EFE6C0…)

Literally Jill
No. 226673
>>226601oh god I hope this is a parody. I hate that several "influencers" come to mind because they fit this perfectly. jill is also definitely transtrans, or biotrans as Kikomi calls it. She really badly wants to be trans.
>>226588the article is clearly nothing but bullshit, just because a few known syndromes like downs comes with physical features doesn't mean every syndrome does. they're reaching so hard they even contradict themselves with the supposed evidential pictures. this is like that one article where they claim you can tell who's trans by their teeth
No. 226676
>>226574I wonder how much more blatant sloppy lying it will take for other DIDtards to stop being pushovers and eat her alive.
>>226590But anon, don't you want to stick around and see it bite her in the ass? kek
No. 226703
>>226411I'm a newfag here and I've never watched her livestreams (used to watch her videos as a background to see some cute shit) and god has she always been this unsufferable in those? I can't watch more than 10 minutes.
Like I could accept her acting over the top as a youtube persona, but this? She 100% sounds manic here.
No. 226721
>>226719No you see Nonna she's just "blended". It's totally real and
valid part of DID and not invented by fakers for Youtube clout!
No. 226726
>>226411did anyone else catch this at 14:55? in reference to jerrick being co con:
"Before it was like - Why is jill so pissed? Why is jill so mad now? What's wrong with her? Why is she in a mood? It's not…its not me."
Jillian literally cannot acknowledge for the life of her that one person can experience multiple emotions. She literally confirmed what nona's have been saying on this thread that Jerrick is her scapegoat for when she feels angry or upset. Because the persona of "Jill" isn't allowed to feel those emotions. literally, what the fuck.
>>226510thank you recap nona i couldn't sit through more than 20 mins, you the real mvp
& always thank you patreon nona my queen
>>226411 No. 226731
>>226726That’s the reason I think that as far as she’s convinced herself, she does have DID. Or at least, the version of it that she’s created in her mind, because the whole thing is the ultimate coping mechanism for not having an unstable personality. I think that’s why she gets so bent out of shape over the smallest fake claim comments, because subconsciously she knows that things maybe don’t quite add up, but she’s desperately trying to force herself into this mold that lets her be angry, or sad, or sexy etc etc without feeling like she has to leave her perfectly curated pixie box that she’s built.
It’s ironic that what she really needs is therapy and to come to terms with her issues, yet it’s therapy that has arguably made her infinite worse
No. 226758
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Nope. You can check it for yourself if you sort the comments by the newest, scroll down to the page end and search for her username by ctrl+f.
No. 226807
>>226728The saddest thing is Jillian thinks personality disorder = DID, daydreaming = catatonia, and splitting = switching between alters. That's not what this shit means.
>>226726I am maybe hoping for way too much, but when I was a teen living in a turbulent household with emotionally
abusive relatives, I had similar thoughts to
>Why am I so pissed? Why am I so mad now? What's wrong with me?And thought there was truly something wrong with me and there must be something else controlling my emotions inside because I had to be a good kid. I grew up, became an adult, and when I understood my emotions better I had better control of them as well. I hope Jillian actually gets help with her emotions, specially the BPD and narc tendencies because this shit will haunt her forever if she doesn't stop.
No. 226814
>>226759>I'm always drunk and high lmao nonna
>>226731>That’s the reason I think that as far as she’s convinced herself, she does have DID. Or at least, the version of it that she’s created in her mind, because the whole thing is the ultimate coping mechanism for not having a stable personality. This is exactly what I believe too. I'm going to be honest, I know people like her who fake DID just like her, and they're always 100% sure they actually have it and are always on the defense of someone proving them wrong, because they literally convinced themselves that this is real, but the rest of the world can't accept them. They know something is wrong inside them, but since they don't want to blame themselves on their own emotions, they create these characters that embody them. And they truly believe. The delusion is super real to them, it's like when you meet extremely religious people who believe jesus really shows up in tortillas. We all know it's fake, but they are truly convinced of it.
I mean, why else would she defend her diagnostic impression like gospel?
No. 226816
>>226815Samefag but she also needs to get over the
victim complex of "w-why is everyone so mean to me when I just try to shoehorn myself into the spotlight even when it means trampling over actual child abuse
victims I am just a smoll little sweetheart bean who has never done anything wrong in my life"
No. 226818
>>226816she literally has 0 self reflection because she was coddled and enabled all her life so I'm sure that whenever someone stood up to her, her mom just made her believe she was a good kid with no faults whatsoever and then she continued being annoying.
I can't believe she thinks she truly believes nothing of what she's doing is wrong. I don't think she will ever see it, tbh. She's too narcissistic to admit any flaw.
No. 226822
>>226815BPD people aren't normal though. They are eternal children stuck in adults bodies, and life just gets harder and harder from them the older they get. It gets worse, not better. I think she spent far too much time watching people like Trisha get rewarded financially for their horrid behaviour and I think she thinks she is so special and can't understand why she can't have that fame / money too. She is just too sincerely influenced by internet culture.
What I wish she would realize is - she is not a celebrity, it actually is already too late for her for that, and she is currently fucking up her life in a way that she doesn't understand because she is too young and coddled to feel the consequences. One day when she gives up and tries to live a normal life, she'll find out real quick just how much she has fucked up.
Emilia Fart and Trisha Paytas were lightening in a bottle. They don't come around and find success every day. They had very specific life circumstances that allowed them to achieve fame and notoriety. Jillian does not have these things. She will eventually have to try and have a normal life, and she has already fucked up her chances at that.
No. 226833
>>226831From what I have heard, a lot of therapists won't even treat people with BPD because they are so resistant to therapy (usually because they are liars who won't admit they have an issue).
In my experience, BPD is really, really not treatable. For more info, please read the subreddit "bpdlovedones"
Saged for blog post.
No. 226861
>>226833I understand your pain anon, and it's true most borderlines never change their ways and continue being unregulated messes. But, for those borderlines that actually put in the effort, there's a high remission chance: Jillian just doesn't seem like the kind of person who would actually better herself for her own sake and the sake of others.
No. 226862
>>226842I wouldn't call her dumb, it's true a lot of people with BPD are so stubborn and manipulative that treatment takes years until you see some actual progress. I think the earlier you treat these symptoms the most likely you will be successful in recovery. Unfortunately the more
abusive of the BPDs will not seek this help.
No. 226877
>>226833That sub is trash, they blocked anyone said they were
triggered by the JD/AH trial because god forbid you are a woman who has experienced domestic violence at the hands of a man on a sausage fest like reddit.
BPD really fucks up lives and comes from deep trauma which is why there is so much skepticism that Jill has it when she has gone through life cushy, sheltered, and constantly supported. I honestly think she is just spoiled and coddled and self obsessed to a point where it's embarrassing and stopping her from maturing and progressing at all at her age.
No. 226985
>>226822 i don't think she's enterly fucked right now. Unless if Uma demands her for defamation, she always will have her tiny village in bumfuck nowhere because i don't think her did queer nonsense reached her hometown, most of her family is blissfully unaware too. But her bpd is getting worse day by day and she's on that sweet age to ruin herself beyond salvation with shit like addiction, troonacy, a marriage with an
abusive moid, a baby, ect.
No. 227004
>>226991That's what makes her therapist quiting extra shitty because Jill can easily use that as an out. All she has to do is say that she didn't click as well with other therapists (i.e. lie about them being
abusive) so she's just not going to put in the effort to get better.
>>226996She's relevant to this circus. But everytime Jill drops a video we get in influx of newfags. Probably just post screen caps for now.
No. 227023
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No. 227059
>>227033And also at the same time making their whole living by describing their supposed mental illness, like that wouldn't be a problem to a traumatized person.
It's surreal.
No. 227064
>>227047nayrt but yeah it’s not even that hard to imagine. Reddit contains mostly scrotes, and scrotes are known for gaslighting women into thinking they’re crazy or exaggerating a small reaction a woman has into something else to make her sound insane. That’s why whenever I meet a man who says “oh man all my exes were insane”, it makes me believe he’s actually the
toxic one and probably just lowkey hates women.
No. 227196
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>>227012Her current account is @fox.babe, she doesn’t follow Jill though so I don’t think we’ll get any comments on the recent rape accusations
Sage for if this has already been dropped
No. 227199
File: 1657299086466.jpeg (717.56 KB, 1170x1286, 38BFFCC1-61B2-42C4-AD8A-7C6606…)

mental health tips with jill: just smoke a shit ton of weed (very effective!)
No. 227218
>>227023She is literally larping the person she shouted out here
>>223396 The "how caregiver comforts little" video is here
>>223704 and it was one of the videos at the top of that girl's tiktok when she talked about her so I'm sure she saw it. Maybe they (DIDtards) all do this shit but I find the verbiage too similar to be a coincidence.
No. 227229
File: 1657300722437.png (16.4 KB, 652x130, slayyyy.png)

>>227199The top tweet to this (didn't see it posted). Don't know about you but if I'm having a 14-hour long panic attack, I'm not on twitter giving live updates. Also… doesn't excessive weed consumption increase risk of long/intense anxiety episodes like this?…
No. 227230
>>227204Kek, and then you see this bitch getting mad at others for "not representing it accurately"
>>227199Just blaze it everyday bro what could go wrong
No. 227235
File: 1657301224297.png (42.75 KB, 680x627, qedqd.png)

>>227204If I had DID my voices would tell me to turn that shit down because podcasters are annoying as fuck.
No. 227310
File: 1657310213091.jpg (25.81 KB, 605x121, cow tip.jpg)

>>227305You don't come off as a savior of women when you do shit like that. It's just a creepy stalker attitude. Like how the fuck do you explain where you know her and how you managed to find her current socials? You just come off as a creep.
>>227307Actually read the rules dip-shit
No. 227345
>>227329They've been broken up for years and probably haven't had any contact since. Uma has new socials and doesn't follow Jill and in general probably has better things to do than checking on some weird teen-period ex.
Literally why or how would she have been aware?
No. 227431
>>227342I think I'd have a panic attack if I were her and did a proper deepdive into watching that Veronica video and maybe googling 'pixielocks Uma'
- She didn't name her but basically all of us and her friends from that time can all figure out who she's likely to be accusing of quite a horrible act.
I just assumed she'd think
bpd drama queen I dated probably made a thing about it years after the fact but maybe Uma is totally sane and never even considered it kek.
No. 227455
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No. 227461
>>226411Okay but the tiny crocheted blanket barely fitting over her hamplanet back is sending me. She looks like she has fucking Cushing’s syndrome or something. Especially since her blonde hair at the front makes it look like she’s balding KEK
And I’m sorry but the fact she starts her livestream not properly set up and then waddles off to make a makeshift stand for her camera just shows the lack of respect for her remaining fans. Isn’t this literally the only “work” she does and she still can’t even half-arse it
No. 227491
>>227482>>227485>>227487I know there's a running joke that all image board users are autistic but holy shit. The joke is not that deep. It's just shitty zoomer humor that has to do with
>>227471 folding techniques that teachers would use to guide their students in a class.
No. 227574
>>227565Eh, I never looked it up because she is an unwilling participant in all this shit. She deserves privacy, which Jill seems to want to take from her, with her crazy accusations.
uwu I split personalities because of a short teenage relationship where we were both virgins Amazing Pixie's fans can't see what a massive narc she is but they seem to lack critical thought.
No. 227644
File: 1657392902690.jpg (859.94 KB, 2208x1660, 1657392550395.jpg)

Here's Uma's response from yesterday's screencaps without all the other faggotry.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 227652
>>227644props to Uma for her sweet reply, but reading this made me feel sad in a way. Also
nonnie, cowtipping is against the rules so don't do it again
No. 227706
>>227644Interesting how Uma's written voice is very much the same as those old Deviantart caps/posts, whereas Pixie seems to be putting on an act all the time now (well, duh with the DID thing, but well before that too)
Also interesting how she refers to the fucked up things Jill did. We know from the DA posts that Jill would self harm and imply it was Uma's fault, that kind of thing. I feel bad for Uma to have to find out about this absolute fuckery this way/at all, Jill should have just talked to her about it directly instead of doing this whole Trisha Paytas lying spree and inventing new personalities as some epic vagueposted guilt trip.
No. 227712
>>227644Did the anon who contacted her actually ask her to explain the trauma she hinted at and relationship issues? Goddamn some farmers need to go the fuck outside.
I hope Uma will be okay and can keep her name clear of Jill. Jill hasn't named her yet and I can't imagine she ever will, but considering how long she's been posting under her own name, it isn't hard for someone with a white knight streak to go searching.
No. 227741
>>227644Wow, messaging Uma directly is kinda f’d up when Jill hasn’t named her in any of this. But I’m glad to see Uma’s not going to engage in Jill’s drama.
Has Jill ever admitted to making any “mistakes” or causing any harm to Uma (even without naming her)? Clearly Jill caused Uma some trauma too, but I’ve never heard her own up to any relationship “mistakes” on her end
No. 227757
>>227748Darcy is some iirc ex girlfriend of?? Nicole Eevee's boyfriend or something? It was a while back but some anon messaged her and she confirmed something that was speculated in the thread.
I doubt it's the same anon who messaged uma and cowtipping is against the rules here, nobody is supposed to interact with the cows.
Personally I think it's good Uma knows about this absolute shittery, even if it was a rando who told her, but I agree it was not appropriate for the anon to do all the same.
No. 227761
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I can't believe this girl used to look cuter, better, more sane and approchable, when she was an ita weaboo. She's such a mess now.
>>227757This is a comment I can agree with.
No. 227771
>>227743Darcy is the former confetti club member that's now a model in japan iirc?
>>227761So sad to compare this to
>>225207 this thumbnail kek.
No. 227789
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No. 227819
>>227802You are right. Her cousin doesn't deserve to have a wonky dress. I just don't trust Jillian at all especially since we've seen her college collection and how that turned out. She's lackadaisical with deadlines. Plus you know she's going to be bragging at the wedding that she
made the dress instead of being happy for her cousin. Can't have the attention off her for even a moment.
No. 227849
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>>227553I only see Zippy the Pinhead
(sage) No. 227876
>>227871Uma's full name, socials and pictures have been posted before though, on past threads
>>227856Idk, the timelines seem correct and anons even said confirmation wasn't needed. Uma also states it in those dms (although they're unnecesary). It's not even implied anymore, except for the fact no name has been provided (well, except she has been discussed with her name on these threads for a year+)
>>227644I wonder if Jillian will in any way change her narrative knowing this is here, because she really does lurk.
No. 227882
File: 1657448511052.png (676.51 KB, 1415x1578, pixielocks uma.png)

Since she has now been cowtipped, Uma is incredibly close to simply typing Pixielocks into google, the suggested term is lolcow as it has been for a long time, and reading the threads, or typing her own name and seeing threads going back years that mention her.
I know at least that like 99% of the comments have been on Uma's side so there are no nasty surprises awaiting her in these threads, other than the video which the cowtipper already linked her. But seeing herself mentioned sporadically would still be a mindfuck I think.
>>227878If her viewers e.g. us can make the connection I'm damn sure her irls could too, Uma mentioned in her reponse she has friends to talk to about this. I'm sure the circle of people who are aware of this is quite large so unless Jill invents a person it's definitely a pointed accusation as far as her irls go.
Jill is currently attending a wedding with her extended family, if any of them bother to look her up her most recent video is the Veronica one.
Yeah this is quite far reaching with real life implications and it seems Jillian has put no effort into concealing the identity of who she's accusing, barring mentioning the name she has given enough clues.
I find this all quite gross of her since as we've seen Uma is very much
not a villain and a straight woman forcing herself to have a QuEER relationship for oppression points and surprise, surprise not enjoying it is not Uma's problem
There's a whole thread on snow now full of spicy straight 'bi wives' an anon screenshot from Facebook, who straight up post about their disgust at the idea of touching a woman's vagina right after waxing lyrical about how uwu cute it would be to date a woman, these women are generally married to scrotes for a decade at this point, much like Jill has been in long term relationships with men for the best part of a decade.
I have no doubts she's just like those women and all of this is just narc homophobia.
No. 227883
>>227882Samefag, I didn't realise what
pixielocks 50/51 could refer to but we are indeed on thread #52 now, anons or jillian herself are searching the thread # for a quick link.
Imagine seeing 52 threads about an ex on some shitposting gossip site.
No. 227891
>>227886Real question. Does that matter? I doubt she can go do anything to the girl. What is she going to do, paint her face like a clown and go dance like a retard in front of her house?
>>227882Mystery Girl had her sister come here and talk about her and Jill before. Nothing happened to mystery girl, all Jillian did was seethe.
No. 227986
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she was probably too drunk to remember writing it, or was high while making it and forgot
No. 227990
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>>227789also she replied to this tweet, once again saying that a mental illness is iconic
No. 227993
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>>227990oh and this is the book she was reading, "Blinsight" by Peter Watts. Not sure if this is a good representation of DID or not, but she surely liked it. Inb4 it's full of bad stereotypes or whatever
No. 227994
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Not sure if this was posted before, but Jillian added Drew Monson to this friends circle thingy.
No. 227997
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She also still seems to use her filthy baths as "self care"
No. 228007
File: 1657467819747.webm (1.05 MB, 540x960, jillian summer i guess.webm)
I'm also surprised that no one is uploading her titktoks here anymore. Reminder her new tiktok is as the OP listed it wrong. And you can download them and convert them to webm online
>mentioning mating in her tiktoksIsn't tiktok for kids and her fans underaged?
No. 228011
File: 1657468328046.webm (2.66 MB, 540x960, jillian summer i guess (1).web…)
filters working overtime
No. 228014
>>228001ayrt, I scrolled her cursed twitter and found it, seems like the website she used collates whoever you interact with the most on Twitter into the circle, so obviously Drew would be in there, I thought she made it herself manually.
Seems like drag accounts, cure accounts and her own ocs feature.
No. 228016
>>228013Yeah honestly I don't understand the handwringing, it was actually important Uma knew about it. (I'm not the anon who messaged her jsyk)
Uma's been mentioned in this thread for years and nobody contacted her until now, it wasn't to cause drama but out of concern imo.
No. 228022
>>228017Jill involved her by making an extensive video on the topic filled with crazy accusations.
You're just shooting the messenger. From anon's screenshots you can see Uma immediately identified herself as the person Jill was talking about, so not sure what other confirmation would be needed.
No. 228043
>>228042idk why you think every anon is the specific anon you want to cajole, there are hundreds of people in this thread. That unlisted video an anon put up of her drag show had 700+ views before it was age restricted, and lolcow user polls have over a thousand people responding, usually.
Nobody here approves of cowtipping, but what's done is done. I do think you're missing the point by being angry at anon for telling Uma and not angry at Jill for fuckin' making a video where she repeatedly falsely accuses someone of raping her for months, but y'know I don't live in your brain so whatever.
No. 228048
>>228041She only watches childrens shows and said herself that she just bought random books in nice colours for her shelf that Steve checked to make sure they weren’t
problematic kek. The books in her house are purely decorative or coffee table books with lots of pictures. Not that I count them but the only “books” she has maybe read is those board books she got for her child alter who is too old for toddler books anyway.
No. 228053
File: 1657474264987.jpeg (1.4 MB, 1170x1520, 98DF8B7E-33DF-43CD-BA22-F63A37…)

From her TikTok. Why would she post this. Gross.
No. 228068
File: 1657476001147.webm (3.24 MB, 540x960, converted-eugh.webm)
>>228048that's the most consumeristic shit ever
>>228053You can download the video and upload the webm just saying
This must be from the wedding as well
No. 228142
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>>228068Overweight canadian nutter last seen exposing herself to minors online and at your local weddings.
No. 228178
File: 1657499524725.jpeg (578.86 KB, 1170x1772, 8FE6093C-399A-401A-8280-9AD8F7…)

jillian, you’ve literally pushed weed to your young fan base as a cure for mental illness. even if it’s not “technically” addicting, that’s still really shitty. why are you trying to take the moral high ground on an obvious joke?
No. 228212
>>228178god this (and anyone on twitter who actually got pissed about it) is so retarded. the tweet didn't even say anything about addiction or frequent use, how is this much different than saying "hello kitty smokes weed"?
a bit ironic as well that ketamine is incredibly effective at treating severe, treatment resistant depression and PTSD. but jill wouldn't know anything about that because her only trauma is people on the internet politely questioning her bullshit and that one time she left her tendies in the oven too long and they got burnt. so she can just smoke weed and take a bath about it.
No. 228247
>>228238Despite the unnecessary shit you're getting, I think this is very decent of you,
nonny, and I agree.
No. 228252
>>228191Sage for non con my point was just that
nonny didn’t need to worry because she won’t read it now she knows it exists because she doesn’t read or consume anything not made for a child.
No. 228263
>>228238>I know this probably isn’t gonna be received well, but I have to say it: when pictures come out, I don’t think we should critique the wedding dress. It's gonna be a lumpy satin abomination but I also doubt there will be public pictures anyway, since Pixie is well aware of the fact half of her followers are hatewatching and the wedding is between non-internet freaks so it's not relevant to her content.
iirc the last wedding we saw photos from was one of her fellow cows, the girl who got her head shaved by pixie in a video, so she obviously didn't mind photos being posted online.
The rules of lolcow state not to post unrelated people anyway/conceal faces and such. So much handwringing in this thread recently.
No. 228272
>>228263I think Jill said that she filmed the progress of the dress so she might have made a whole video about it. hopefully she went about it the smart way and won't post video/photos of the cousin wearing the actual gown. Because not only is that infringing on family's privacy it's also drawing the attention away from her cousin's special day to make it about a dress she made.
>It's gonna be a lumpy satin abomination but I also doubt there will be public pictures anyway, since Pixie is well aware of the fact half of her followers are hatewatching and the wedding is between non-internet freaks so it's not relevant to her content. I think you're underestimating how narcissistic Jill is.
No. 228273
>>228268Your wedding day being the """"day you feel most beautiful"""" is right next to tradwife on the woke scale. Nobody needs to look beautiful at all, but if that's something you value or want to do, you can literally put on some nice makeup, dress, wig, whatever and do that tomorrow.
And strange how a wedding is not
the day a man feels most beautiful uwu. If you put any regressive female shit and apply it to a man you see how dumb it is.
(derailing) No. 228289
>>228288Seriously, I think anon had her heart in the right place and was trying to be decent, but implying that it being talked about here is to gawking at the bride as she walks down the aisle is just a bit much. Lolcow isn’t Twitter, the bride really isn’t likely to come across any kind of comments unless she specifically knew to look. Unless she’s aware that Jill has a large hate watch community, why would she.
I think it’s fair to discuss the dress itself and the reflection of Jill’s (lack of) skill in constructing it, without shitting on the bride herself wearing it
No. 228319
>>228312it shouldn't even be a discussion. cowtipping is one thing, but her cousin isn't an innocent
victim being brought into this by us or something.
No. 228337
File: 1657568507251.jpg (225.78 KB, 1064x1280, 20220711_154008.jpg)

Happy Monday, nonnies.
Still no pictures of the dress, but Jillybean just gave us next Thread pic.
No. 228342
File: 1657569497617.jpg (184.47 KB, 1080x946, Screenshot_20220711_154710.jpg)

For a severely traumatised SAed EDed qweer transautistic person… Jillybean, you really are so lucky. Most of us were raped by our own fathers and weren't lucky enough to create imaginary friends because real trauma messes your brain so much that you lose the ability to even create better scenarios to "dissociate" (blogpost but my dissociations come from sleeping pills).
God, I hate this cunt.
No. 228345
>>228342>Most of us were raped by our fathersOk, maybe not all of us, but I also had an
abusive father and hers is so nice to her. She has a kind family. I wish I had a family like that.
No. 228347
File: 1657571506617.png (1.84 MB, 812x789, rr.PNG)

>>228343Her Twitter.
>>228345Jill probably has a more supportive family than most normies and she doesn't appreciate it at all.
No. 228371
File: 1657577602460.jpg (142.47 KB, 1280x800, FXZOIROXgAYZK00.jpg)

She needs a bracelet to remember what day it is
No. 228375
>>228371That's a classic autistic trophe… You know, like Sheldon's (The big bang theory) underwear marked with the days of the week because Autism is sooo OCD.
That, or ir helps her for her fake dissociations
No. 228386
>>228368Nonnie, this is a current meme many people are doing. She does look very fat, though kek her whole body looks so squat and wide.
>>228379NTA and yes it's a new pic, but the fact she wears bracelets with the days of the week is old news. Are you slow?
>>228374Uma's socials have been posted here since 5+ years ago. Newfaggotry. God this thread is getting annoying, so many idiots.
No. 228427
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>>228404>>228412>Jill's would be ROYGBIV and say Pixie>Jerrick's would be that fucking black/green shit and it'd probably have some Drew Monson lyric or literally say "spicy" like you said>Veronica's would be hot pink and just say bimbo. I would bet real, physical money that she'd do this>Old man would wear an all grey featureless bracelet that just says "DO THE DISHES" as a reminder>Flora's would have red/green (like a strawberry) and say something random>Jax's would have the New York State flag colours on it and it'd say "BKLYN">Sandwich would wear picrelRealistically though she'd probably just do a solid colour for each and add the names to it (since she's trying to make enough alters to complete a rainbow) I've seen trannies wear pink/blue/green bracelets and swap them to show off their pronouns etc. I wouldn't put it past her to do this sometime in the next 6 months or something similar
No. 228449
>>227789I don't know about you anons but if I were her dad I'd be more concerned about the rape claims I'd never head of before than the shiny new DID diagnosis.
Wtf is wrong with this family
No. 228473
>>228449I very much get a “mmhmm, that’s nice sweetie” vibe from her parents, where they just kind of grit their teeth, smile and hope she gets onto her new phase soon enough.
Jill definitely seems like the lame duck of the family, and she’s the youngest so I doubt her parents are too keen to rock the boat in fear that it’ll set her off on a suicidal spiral or whatever, especially with how she’s been lately
No. 228478
>>228449Yeah, I have no love for her parents but there is no denying they gave her everything and where never
abusive and Louise tries really hard, it must be a slap in the face to hear oh actually I was supposedly horrifically abused and you failed.
>>228473The lame duck thing is so true especially when you consider her brother when to a real university at a normal age and is seemingly normal and independent. If she was an only child it would be one thing but she has a normal older sibling.
No. 228497
>>228479I think someone said in her livestream she said Steve couldn’t come because he was working, so I’ll give her that. Also I think mostly since Covid she’s gone home around the holidays, so in fairness it does make sense for Steve to have been around his family at that time. But I also 100% get the vibe that she would thrive off regressing (ew she’s made that word gross) back to baby Jill back at home with mummy and daddy.
I know it’s unpopular, but I do feel a little bit bad for Louise, because it’s not like she can actually really do anything about Jill now (even if she did kind of create the monster) since she is an adult. But she’s very clearly gone all out by being the super supportive mum and hyped up everything Jill has done, and now it seems like she knows that what Jill is doing is crazy and she can’t be negative towards it because she’s spent her life being positive about anything and everything she’s done. I hope her parents can maybe eventually convince her to see an actual therapist one day
No. 228502
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No. 228509
>>228506Samefag as this post, there's something actually very sad about
what if they said "Jilly" and I simply did not answer like this is what people go through when a relative has dementia, it's actually an awful thing for people to experience and she's just doing it for shits and giggles.