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No. 294609
Jillian Vessey is a DID (Dissociative Personality Disorder) LARPer who trivializes mental health and sugar coats every single bad trait of hers while hyping up a dubious diagnostic impression that she paid copious amounts of bucks for.
She happily accepted her ~life changing~ diagnostic impression (NOT a real diagnosis!) with a "coming out as DID" celebratory cake, but struggled to maintain the LARP. The number of alters keep piling up and she doesn’t seem to stop anytime soon.
>Early Years:>began her lolcow run as a "pansexual" lolita lifestyle who dropped from the community due to LACE and "restrictive rules">gained fame for the creation of the J-fashion-inspired "Party Kei" fashion, a fashion she no longer wears nor backs>known lurker>formerly covered fashion and magical girl anime in her videos, was a pivotal figure in the LACE drama prior to her transition to the Party Kei years>has a running track record of inconsistent uploaded despite pushing a "full-time Youtuber" career; used barely-productive incentives for support on Patreon; both have plateaued if not decreased in income entirely following recent events>previously spent money frivolously (either from YT profit or from parents), like on wasteful plastic or fast fashion, and also claimed to make enough from YT and at the same time complain of demonetization>has prior history of “severe mental illness” in the forms of a brief stay in a mental hospital in her early teens due to ED and self-harm>often inflates her skills and knowledge in various subjects, leading to a very narcissistic view of herself
>Current relevant info:>loves the idea of toying with the idea of having multiple mental illnesses; her main target is currently DID due to a diagnostic impression, and claims up to 9 alters right now with very shaky substance as to her alters' creation and the origin of her trauma which caused the DID; despite this, she has taken root in the DID community and has been involved or tried to insert herself into DID-related videos as an "expert" despite carrying the diagnostic impression for at least a year or more now>is still extremely thin-skinned; has history of deleting comments critical to her and has preached getting along with people while also blasting critics and concern in a very rude and passive-aggressive manner; has gotten into pissfights online as of late with users that have spoken out of concern for her or wanting to help or talk in some degree>her sexuality has been a sliding scale, from pansexual to queer to lesbian to back to currently pansexual (and nonbinary due to alters); current partner is Steven Clarke, who has enabled her delusions and has racked up his own questionable reputation; has a long history of drama with relationships, claiming abuse to some degree in most of them>formerly had a fashion brand called Five Petal Flower before graduating from her college fashion class, but seems to be no longer active if not just slowly dying; has also gotten into drag with a persona known as Villany Swells; has cancelled two drag gigs so far and claims an online person is stalking her due to a publically-filmed video of a drag show being linked in a previous>has a shaky history of substance misuse regarding her meds; now takes in various degrees of alcohol and weed leading to possible clashes in medication or mental/physical stateMEET THE ALTERS:
>Jillian: Actual person, but calls herself an alter for the heck of it. Hates being called “Jilly”. Says she can't hear her "brain folk" when she's experiencing trauma, Jillian is the only one who fronts in those situations, defeating the whole purpose of having alters and having DID.>Jerrick: 13-16 year old emo guy, who has supposedly been around for 12 years, conveniently holds all her bad bpd traits. Signs off with a snake emoji.>Veronica: Horny alter, 20 years old, calls herself a lesbian (even though she’s dating a man), she is a “protector of sexual trauma”, says she had to become a fuckable bimbo because she was “raped for months”. Signs off with a flame emoji.>Berry (Nicknamed “Babby Smalls”): Talks and acts like a baby. Proof that Jillian is into age regression. Is always “co-fronting” in some way. Had its name previously withheld for “safety reasons”. Signs off with a strawberry.>Cliffe: 35 year old old man. Her "homosexual assistant" A mix between her dad and Sasha Velour. Looks like Mr. Bruce. Somehow too old for social media, but responsible enough to come out when she does taxes. The emoji is a club.>Flora: A “fragment” slowly morphing into a real alter, and a carbon copy of cure flora / other positive precure characters. She is a blonde sweet lolita. Sign off emoji is a cherry blossom.>Jax: 19 year old “character salad” that speaks and types with a Brooklyn accent. She's a fictive of Harley Quinn (Batman), Jinx (Arcane), and Spinel (Steven Universe). Apparently was born from watching arcane while having major trauma. Jillian called her “hypersexual”. Signs with a test tube emoji.>sandwich emoji: Cat alter, represents how lost she felt moving to a new city. Not much else is currently known about it.>Amanda: Sneakingly revealed in a vlog. Jillian has bracelets and necklaces with the names of her alters, and this name appeared alongside them in a row of alter names. Note that Jillian’s second name is actually Amanda. Turned out to be the other “far away” age regression alter that uses the piano emoji. Might be the alter Jill has claimed to fused.> Sunny & Amber: Two new alters created to handle the trauma of an actual researcher and medical doctor using a few seconds of Jillians public TikTok videos as an example of how online fake DID is different in symptoms from the DID he has previously seen/treated in patientsLatest milk:
>Desperately trying to show proof of her totally legit alters by posting old pictures of herself, way to go posting teenage pictures of yourself as the sex alter>desperately trying to show proof of her totally legit alters by posting old pictures of herself, way to go posting teenage pictures of yourself as the sex alter >>289881 >>289882>Claiming to be freakishly good at the piano, unintentionally showing off the one thing she is freakishy good at, that is thinking highly of herself >>290465>Actually went there, the trauma of having a small medical conference youtube video using her tiktok is so traumatic she split not one but TWO new personalities. dont worry, they both have the same manners, look and interests as jillybean. How lucky! >>291333 >>291491>Her one actual autistic stalker claims to also have DID, Jill needs to be the most special so the tard backs out instantly and claims ritalin induced psychosis >>292570 >>293379 >>293435 >>293981>Jill somehow got an extremely cringe autism larping commercial for nerds, yes Jillian everyone can see you do love candy >>293925Social Media & Other Links:
Youtube: 2: (used to be @pixieespam)
Twitter (Main): #2 (“Jerrick” alter): #3 (“Veronica” alter): Tiktok: Current Tiktok: TikTok: Second Tiktok for her alters: Page #1: Page #2: Girls Instagram: Girls Facebook Page: Deviantart: Blog:
http://pixie-locks.blogspot.comDrag Facebook page: threads:
>>>/pt/108478>>>/snow/25169>>>/snow/93376>>>/snow/154765>>>/snow/215023>>>/snow/258245>>>/snow/271275>>>/snow/285759>>>/snow/303929>>>/snow/318441>>>/snow/338259>>>/snow/358781>>>/snow/375960>>>/snow/393066>>>/snow/408269>>>/snow/428929>>>/snow/445432>>>/snow/455122>>>/snow/477079>>>/snow/490876>>>/snow/515612>>>/snow/531526>>>/snow/540457>>>/snow/558614>>>/snow/582890>>>/snow/616989>>>/snow/646275>>>/snow/679806>>>/snow/720365>>>/snow/739688>>>/w/3116>>>/w/33281>>>/w/42916>>>/w/59471>>>/w/74104>>>/w/87679>>>/w/99779>>>/w/127283>>>/w/143253>>>/w/154731>>>/w/164089>>>/w/176591>>>/w/182427>>>/w/185184>>>/w/188928>>>/w/192544>>>/w/197246>>>/w/215574>>>/w/223174>>>/w/229290>>>/w/234970>>>/w/241369>>>/w/245171>>>/w/249612>>>/w/252849>>>/w/255155>>>/w/257065>>>/w/260969>>>/w/267937>>>/w/274761>>>/w/285667Latest thread:
>>>/w/289660 No. 294616
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Thank you nonnie for making a new thread. Picrel is for the nonnie on the previous thread asking about Sof's involvement in the uni campus drag show.
No. 294619
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No. 294622
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No. 294636
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>>294633What did they really expect and why would you announce this online?
No. 294648
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>>294636Those long twitter screen shots always hide the best moments as the follow-up was our Jilly-bean proclaiming a "lol so funny Astrology Moment" and not because her mother has had both her elderly parents in hospital and going through the energy-draining process of figuring out whether they should go into care or not.
No. 294672
>>294648I know there's no age to enjoy any media by the time you’re not a kid or a teen. But she’s just throwing more autism breadcrumbs because
>oh look! I’m watching a show for kids and my lack of self-awareness makes me pester my mom by showing her my totally sooper special interest! (Autism is being mentally handicapped right?????)She’s not as slick as she thinks she is, I also can’t help but feel like now she has to do DDLG shit even around her family.
No. 294719
>>294696>>294708IMO the main difference between shows like ATLA, MLP, Steven Universe etc. and Bluey is that the characters in those other shows go on magical adventures that would be appealing to a wide range of audiences whereas Bluey is entirely about child development and parenting. It is written to be enjoyable for and relatable to the adults watching it
from a parenting/caretaking perspective. I wouldn’t think twice about a parent or preschool teacher telling me they love Bluey. It’s a legitimately great show on this subject.
Jill and Steve obviously aren’t watching Bluey from the perspective of the adult caretaker characters, though. Or at least Jill isn’t. Jill is clearly identifying with the preschool-aged child characters. Maybe Steve considers himself Jill’s adult caretaker. Ugh.
No. 294727
>>294719Sage for blog, but I love Bluey, in that I’m Australian and I wish it’d been on when I was a kid and I love that my niece is the perfect age for it. I can’t fucking stand these weeby ass North Americans raving on about it like it’s the next Steven universe/adventure time. Just let us Australians have a popular piece of media for once without turning it weird.
God Jill needs a job, or an actual hobby or literally anything to occupy her time
No. 294748
>>294732You dropped your tinfoil.
While it's true only a limited amount of people would know about his job from word of mouth (Jill's friends, and his friends if he has any outside Jill's group), literally any local farmer could have seen him at his job if it was public facing. Or heard about it through the grapevine, or through one of his co-workers.
I doubt Sof would start drama at one of her own events, she used Jill on the poster when there were others to use. Huge reach to say she was the only option for harassment.
No. 294752
>>294719I cannot imagine at 25 years old showing my mother Bluey with such sincerity. I watched the eps she and Stevie apparently suggested, and it's clear that what Jill is trying to communicate to her mom us, "ISNT THIS WHAT IT WAS LIKE RAISING ME, MOM?! DON'T YOU THINK YOU DID A GOOD JOB OF RAISING ME?!"
BITCH you are 25! This is fucking creepy, for real! You are supposed to be identifying with the mom in the show, who is probably supposed to be twenty fucking five. It's honestly sick to me that you watch this to "heal your inner child" instead of watching it with your own actual human child that you have no intention of having. It's sickening, honestly. I can't begin to imagine how my own mother would look at me if I tried this.
No. 294755
>>294622That first tweet is so fucked up. Yes, it's in the gray area where jill can say she's just being poetic/edgy but
>photo of her as a child>next to a piano, when her piano teacher assaulted OTHER children>she publicaly said she didn't know, he never did anything to her>filter/taken with an older camera to look aesthetically like during her childhood The text obviously implies that stuff affected her, of course we can reflect and cope about bad events in our lives but in this case she is just appropriating the pain other kids experienced while she was unaware?
No. 294776
>>294767It's absolutely vile what she's doing. It makes it somewhat even worse to me that, based on what was published about the case, the piano teacher abused only one girl— it lasted for several years and he groomed her into thinking they were in a loving relationship. She's co-opting this girl's trauma, trauma that will follow her for life. That girl essentially went through years of brainwashing and believing she was in love with a creepy old man, it'll take so much work and time to decondition her mind from his abuse. And while this was happening, Jill was at home being spoiled, going on trips, forming relationships, going to school, etc. with no sign of hardship. And now, while the actual
victim is likely still having to fight hard to find a new normal and live her life, Jill is larping being the most traumatized person in the world to avoid having to work or being accountable for anything. Using another person's trauma as her own narcissistic supply. It's sick.
No. 294780
>>294759I have thought she was going to do this as well. The thing is, if you develop DID (or other mental coping mechanisms if you don’t believe in DID) from trauma like that, you do still technically remember it happening at least once, unless you were extremely young and wouldn’t remember it anyway (this doesn’t align with her story). You can’t dissociate and have complete amnesia from right before the very first time because you have to experience the trauma at least once to be traumatized enough to then disassociate to basically protect yourself from the extent of it. If she were molested by her piano teacher repeatedly and repressed it, she would still have had at least the memory of grooming and would not have been as shocked as she appeared to be by the revelations.
Aside from that, as
>>294776 said, the piano teacher was a creep but clearly targeted one individual. It wasn’t like he was touching every child (probably why it was shocking to her). Rest assured she is SO jealous that happened to someone else and not her.
And then on top of all of this, her sexual protector, the one who would have endured all this according to her video (unless she was assaulted some other time), is Veronica, who appeared after this happened. Nitpicking the larp but it also wouldn’t make sense for a child to create a 20 yr old party girl to protect her as for one, the general guideline of DID is that the alter splits off and is basically the same age as the person, and two, why would a child have the concept of “cool 20 year old party girl” as her sexual protector? It doesn’t seem organic that a child would be like “a 20 year old would like to have sex so I need to be a 20 year old slut to enjoy this.”
She keeps saying “Amanda is a very far off little” which I think is breadcrumbing for when “Amanda” reveals to her that she was also assaulted by her piano teacher and she’s frozen in time, but she may never actually explicitly admit that. She would be bold to say she just forgot about it because she can be called out instantly but if she does this plausible deniability thing, no one can really say anything.
No. 294786
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New video soon. Also I've noticed since Jill essentially fakeclaimed Cherry that Jill isn't interacting with her anymore.
>>294759>Can I just reiterate, becuase it can’t be said enough, how weird it is to post all this on your influencer account where you also take brand deals from Nerds.Jill never thinks anything through and is arrogant enough to believe she's untouchable. I wonder how many brand deals she's lost.
>>294767>I’m so disgusted that she went from stating she was not abused and didn’t know to now as another anon said breadcrumbing that she was.Can someone remember how she stated the fact that she wasn't abused? Was it a tweet or video? I don't remember and unfortunately running on little sleep. If not I'll look later when my brain isn't mush.
>>294766Along the lines of my tinfoil. Jill never talked about the campus show until a fan pointed it out. Then Jill asked on twitter about
winging the performance to other drag queens a few days before performing. Jill also made a post saying "sold out" about the show. It's odd since this happened not too long after the post MCR concert meltdown. Plus the fact Jill mentioned in her lolcor slander video about a lady not her friends talking to her in the meeting addressing the threat hours before the show was interesting to me that Jill had to add that she didn't know this lady. It's all just strange.
No. 294788
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No. 294797
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>>294786There’s two threads on the villainy account where she outright states the piano teacher abused someone else but was just “way too warm and friendly” to her. Looking back, it actually vaguer than I remembered and looks more like breadcrumbing than her outright saying she wasn’t abused.
No. 294798
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>>294786>>294797Other thread. This is all I know that she’s said about it unless some other nonas do.
No. 294803
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>>294797This wasn't the first comment she made about him but might be what you are remembering.
No. 294808
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>>294803I spent a decent amount of time looking for it because I am pretty sure she explicitly said she wasn’t a
victim but I got bored of searching. It was in 2020 that it came out, and I don’t think Jerrick existed or at least Jerrick was just a drag persona.
Two years ago she said her “10 year traumaversary” was coming up, putting her trauma at about age 13, and I think that’s too old to have been the piano teacher unless I’m wrong.
>>134893 but she did also claim CSA but said it wasn’t her first trauma (picrel)
No. 294810
>>294808Samefag but it would be weird for her to constantly hint at CSA from her piano teacher but never outright accuse him considering he has been convicted and there is proof, assuming it were true. But she always errs on the side of not a
victim of this man. It would also be weird to constantly bring it up in the way she does it if it were real, because while yes people process trauma differently, most people don’t constantly bring up their trauma so that people know it’s definitely real.
I didn’t save the screenshots but it’s in the thread, around the time she was making these tweets
>>294803 she was also talking about wanting to write or writing a letter to her abuser. We found out later that a letter was written for her aunt, I think? Or some family member who she was going to see over Christmas holidays. I think it is safe to say her abuser in this case was not piano teacher.
It has been mentioned before that there was an unnamed female
victim years before the one who actually spoke out, wonder if Jill is trying to imply that’s her (sick).
No. 294828
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No. 294832
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This is just that same Sunny alter pic but it's so interesting to me that she doesn't advertise the DID as much on Insta. No hashtags about it, no official alter intro for Sunny. For anyone who just follows her Instagram from the old times they could very easily think it's just an outfit (because it is). I wonder why she does that, is she trying to "save" a separate set of fans "just incase" this doesn't pan out?
No. 294853
>>294808The traumaversary relates to her middle school "girlfriend". If you look in older threads she even had that "
toxic relationship" and trauma in her bio on her professional website.
No. 294861
>>294810I really think she is breadcrumbing being that other
victim. Even if it isn't true, she will never come out and say it exactly, so everyone will just assume it has something to do with that guy. Unbelievably gross to piggyback on the real SA and trauma other girls experience(d).
No. 294867
>>294856It’s 100% her keeping one platform brand friendly.
>>294810iirc the letter to the family member and the letter to the teacher were two separate things because she was on a crusade briefly to write rants to all her wrongdoers
No. 294872
>>294864idm non aussies watching and enjoying bluey because i think its genuinely thoughtful kindhearted media for small children which is actually pretty hard to come by, and i think its pretty universal
although watchingg it with my neice did give me a new appreciation and love for my city but fuck the adult american fanbase really grosses me out. maybe you just see less australians in those spaces online because there are less of us overall
>>294868the savant thing she was dipping her toes into made me lol, i want her to double down on that so bad and upload more vids of her fumbling her way thru fur elise
No. 294892
>>294873Canadanon who has a kid who loves it—it’s cute but the adults who watch it themselves are fucking annoying. Every single one is somewhere on the spectrum or genderspecial. Saw someone online get defensive because “they’re autistic and bluey is their comfort show” and they didn’t think it was fair that they couldn’t find plushies for it because “children don’t appreciate them like neurodivergent adults do”.
kek, seems right up jill’s alley actually
No. 294896
>>294873It's just like MLP. Adult babies and "babyfurs" are already making horrible cp porn art of it.
>>294863 She is irredeemable and vile. All this for what? To be the specialist snowflake? To try to get out of being an adult and responsible? So she can do gross abdl shit and act like a baby and teen on the internet with a handy excuse? Imagine all the ways her life could have gone if she wasn't so fucking evil. I bet her privileged ass could have had a brick and mortar shop to decorate all cute, and she could import kawaii stuff to resell. Even soap annon would agree. But no she decided to shit on rape
victims and autistic people for attention instead.
No. 294918
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No. 294922
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No. 294934
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>>294933I dropped the photo. The joker face
No. 294940
>>294930>>294932You’re both way too generous, it’s probably more like jerry wants to dye the bodies hair black and green but Jilly wants to keep it rainbow, amber exists so they can both keep being miserable in the in between state of badly bleached hair
>>294933>>294937Thank you for your service
No. 294941
>>294937>”PEOPLE WITH PTSD WILL KNOW WHAT I MEAN BY ZOOM ZAP!!No, no we don't. Because we are adults that can elaborate our feelings and experiences in mature manners.
>Talks about a fear of her stuff being knocked off and made into fast fashionHAHAHAHAHA! Girl you haven't even started your make-believe brand yet and you are already making up scenarios like this in your head! She sure is full of herself as a so called "designer" for someone that still hasn't had the balls to show her shitty runway collection.
No. 294942
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>>294918>>294924I doubt anyone would recognize what that symbol meant to begin with. There are like 50 DID-larpers compared to the billions of normal people out there.
>>294863I think it's freaky she cares so little about real trauma
victims. It's either that, or, she has such a small-minded and ignorant scope of the world that she can't understand how her "trauma" (that is, finding out as an adult woman that your piano teacher from 10+ years ago was doing criminal things) is different from the trauma that other woman directly experienced as a child at the hands of the piano teacher. Either way, it is really anti-social and immature of Jill to post all this kind of stuff.
>>294766I second this. I always doubt Jill's cover stories for when she's late/fails to upload/cancels events/etc.. She's a flake, but she can never just admit that so she's always coming up with crazy BS excuses.
>>294939Now that Flora's dead I wonder who will move into her small cottage in Jill's DID mind-map.
>>294937>Amber is a version of Jill that can be taken seriously >Amber knows life isn't fair I think deep-down Jill knows that her clown-persona and crazy hair and fashion and all that bullshit, even though it supplies her attention need, it makes her into more of a spectacle. Jill copes with this not by maturing and changing herself, but rather by playing imagination in her head of a skinny, pretty, well-adjusted girl named Amber who is just like her except different in every way that matters. Jill is so pathetic.
No. 294949
>>294933Thank you for summarizing this hot mess.
>”Things have been so serious!” Grinning and pulls out a pack of yellow peeps.Nothing says
serious like smiling like a maniac.
>Makes a deranged face (pictured) while calling it her scary joker faceScary? Hardly. Looks more goofy especially with her rainby facade and makeup.
>Talks about how wild the month has been with the McLean thingOmg Jill let it fucking go. You're the one who perpetuated it you fucking one trick clown.
>Three weeks of fight or flight, body is never calm. Couldn't be the excess amount of sugar she consumes, energy drinks, and weed. She needs to cut all of that shit out. She won't because it requires discipline and she has none.
>Can track the switches accurately, backtracks “I mean it’s only as accurate as you know, it’s like amnesia”How convenient.
>>294937>Amber is like Jerrick>A middle ground between Jill and JerrickIs Jerricka getting phased out? What about Jax?
>Amber is a version of Jill that can be taken seriously Hahaha that's so pathetic. The little West Side Story inspired play fight tiktok says otherwise. Hey Jilly Bean! If you want to be taken more seriously, stop fucking talking like a baby, live tweeting your every thought, and getting giddy about being involved in drama.
>Talks about not doing drag since last year, there has been some drama and active threats that have made her feel unsafe.Just admit it Jill that because you didn't become queen supreme automatically on arrival and have to work from the bottom bruised your damn ego.
>”PEOPLE WITH PTSD WILL KNOW WHAT I MEAN BY ZOOM ZAP!!”I don't at all. Wtf is she trying to convey?
>Quetion about confidence and calls herself a poser because she focused on DID after college and is doubting herself about DID The term is larper and you focused on it because college didn't go the way you envisioned it. You also damn well know you don't have DID but admitting you failed at something is apparently worse than death. That
wedding dress was a travesty especially since you waited until the last minute to "finish" it.
>Talks about a fear of her stuff being knocked off and made into fast fashionShe'd actually have to make something first. Really putting the cart before the horse here.
>>294939Pour a monster engery drink out for Flora. I wonder if
Sunny will be the designated tea drinker now?
No. 294961
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>>294934>>294942Bless you nonnies for the photos and here's my silly edit.
>>294936>It's not like she didn't have hate comments on her DID before thatFor as long as she's been on yt and online in general you'd think she'd learn to handle comments better. She is way too thin skinned to be doing yt or influencer stuff. People are always going to talk and she can't stop that.
No. 294965
>>294939It’s like when a kid decides he likes Spider-man more than Batman now so he wants to play pretend he’s Spider-man. That but with Precures.
>>294942> but rather by playing imagination in her head of a skinny, pretty, well-adjusted girl named Amber who is just like her except different in every way that mattersWho is also Drew Monson’s ex gf lest we forget kek
No. 294968
>>294966I know so many people that got into energy drinks (like drinking 1-2 a day) in college and got overweight from that
With weed and everything else that's a big
OOF No. 294969
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No. 295025
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>>295017I don't think she's dead but if she did I imagine Jill really playing up the funeral.
>>294953>>294934I know that it's her septum piercing, but to me it looks like two small teeth sticking out as part of her grin.
>>294969>is this veronica?>Yes hahahahaI don't think Veronica, as the character Jill has described, would ever wear that tacky ill-fitting crocheted dress. Veronica is supposed to be a cool girl with sex-appeal who loves being ~naughty~ which doesn't mesh well with crochet garments. It's like Jill doesn't even read the wikia for her DID live-action role play…
No. 295060
>>295058I know right, how dare her grandma make a joke to make light of almost dying, she should have considered how badly it would affect poor Jillybean who is the world’s biggest
victim ever and also the world’s most anorexic FTM despite not being anorexic or FTM.
No. 295075
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>>294933possibly coincidence, but the most recently aired bluey episode was a blanket fort episode (think community blanketsburg).
>>294935my moneys on a sorenesque rsa uncovering lost memories of abuse arc
>>294961>>294934picrel, u wanna know how i got these alters
No. 295083
sage for slight sperg, but what really gets me about jill, is that she claims to be so kind, empathic, and holier than thou, yet she eats meat, never volunteers in any way, got designer cats (that she almost got killed), never donates to charity, and now she breadcrumbs csa. for someone who claims all these traits, she really does not put any effort into actually doing helpful actions.
No. 295093
>>295083>>295087She's her own charity. Reminding her twitter followers how expensive her groceries are and how the economic state is scaring her and YouTube won't give her enough money. While being cozy in her blanket fort painting spice racks and paying out of pocket for expensive diegnosis.
Meanwhile real autist have real struggles and work shit jobs to pay for their shitty living situations
It's amazing her all followers haven't turned on her yet.
No. 295114 piano teacher has actually been granted day parole as of a few days ago, which will most likely progress to full parole.
There is a testimony from his
victim, and reading it I can just see Jill absorbing her experience and self inserting.
Wouldn’t be surprised if she names or named an alter after the
victim No. 295144
>>295114So is there gonna be a new split because of this or is this gonna be just another excuse as to why amber and sunny splitted? The McLean situation seems not traumatic enough for her larp because she also mentioned in her last video that some stuff was going on in her life as well.
The situation alone sucks for the
victim, and I'm sure this fat retard is going to try to make everything about herself.
She's infuriating, there's people really struggling in the world and then we have Jill, our most traumatized rainbow non binary queen.
No. 295149
File: 1682975951240.jpeg (132.3 KB, 828x1232, 58C55ECB-AF2B-41A5-84AB-8A200F…)

Does she never get tired of being absolutely insufferable?
>>295114This is so sick that he got out after only serving 1/3rd of his already shamefully short sentence. Tbh if Jill tweeted about this just to spread his face around and say he’s always been creepy and WILL offend again, I’d respect that. But we all know she’ll just vague tweet and make it about herself.
No. 295153
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>>295120>stolen childhood>>176080 there are some other similarities as well.
No. 295155
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>>295153>full of rage>consumed with rageI just remembered these from the other day when I was looking through old threads.
She has totally been talking about the piano teacher the whole time and trying to pretend she was also a
No. 295159
File: 1682979948791.jpg (39.35 KB, 720x785, 5678654456.jpg)

Nothing we didn't know but funny how all these
DiD content creators watch each other and add elements of each other's larp to their own larp. I'll laugh when Chloe drops Jill.
>>295149Ofc he got a short setence. Absolutely appalling he gets day parole already.
>>295155Fucking disgusting that Jillian Amanda Vessey would larp the actual
victim's trauma. Jfc Jill you are the definition of a giant spoiled brat who had every thing handed to her and indulged in every whim but I guess that just isn't enough for you. Imagine being so attention obsessed that you rationalize larping an actual trauma's
victim, specifically sexually abused, as a great idea. Like wtf. Jill is very fucked in the head. I hope the actual
victim finds peace.
No. 295169
>>295155Do we know who the
victim is? What if it is Jill?
No. 295174
File: 1682987105822.png (167.57 KB, 1080x936, Screenshot_20230501_202214_Twi…)

>>295169It's not Jill. As of 2021 the
victim was under 18, according to this (idk how to make the link not break from the red text)
No. 295176
>>295169Anon, be so fucking serious! If the
victim was Jill we would have gotten 17 videos 100 tik toks and 5000 tweets. Jill would be announcing from the rooftops how much if she was the victimm
No. 295178
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No. 295181
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Everyone raving about the joker face but
>>294804 has me rolling
No. 295182
>>295169It isn’t her, as
>>295174 said she’s too old, but there is an unnamed
victim from years before. My belief is that she has been implying she is that girl, or some other previous unnamed
victim, even though the idea of that happening to her and her repressing it (and her family never mentioning it) is ridiculous. And as
>>295160 said, if she does come out and say it, it will be a legal issue that completely undermines the suffering of the actual
>>295179She has a house, a very easy job where she can just stop working for a week or two, friends (I guess), a boyfriend who cares about her, pets, well fed, can be stoned all the time without it impacting her career, has traveled to other countries, she has had so much more than most people her age but she has the audacity to complain. She had the most charmed and normal childhood and she still lives like a child to this day.
No. 295195
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No. 295213
>>295075Just needs damaged tattoo on her forehead and it's perfect.
>>295182That's how I took it too. It's sick how she wants people to interpret that she's the other unnamed
victim. Like why would you want to imply this? Does Jill ever think things through for the future or is she only ever short sighted? She only thinks about herself and never any one else. Forever mentally 12.
>>295209Lmao I can see it and reading her dumb tweets in Ned's voice is funnier.
No. 295242
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>>295183god this is super dark but still made me lol
No. 295246
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>>295244welcome newfag, this is an imageboard. dont forget to sage as well. welcome to the jilly thread. attached the pic for u.
what's up with all the she/they pronouns? fucking stupid, she just wants to larp women while still playing the alphabet mafia points.
No. 295247
>>295246>clinically diagnosedand im dalai lama, namaste
Jill larping as several minors is still as gross as ever
No. 295256
File: 1683048388902.jpg (90.35 KB, 717x1180, Thats tough kid.jpg)

>>295246Omg Amber is suppose to be the same age as Jill. That's fucking hilarious. The cringe as shit sloppily applied freckles and """fight""" tiktok is exactly what a 25 year old """justice seeker""" would totally do.
>>295249He's 35 so naturally being so damn old he is logically the next one. Just bury him in tax forms, it is what he would have wanted.
No. 295257
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No. 295292
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No. 295293
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No. 295294
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No. 295295
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This needs to be a banner pleasee
No. 295303
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No. 295323
>>295306To having an excuse not to bother with therapy at all kek
>>295257Social media queens are the biggest fame leeches out, they’d follow/interact with anyone who they though might give them even 1 more follower
No. 295329
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gore posted, dont scroll above
No. 295330
File: 1683107505209.jpg (1.02 MB, 1080x1080, O4A9g4W.jpg)

gore above, dont scroll
No. 295334
File: 1683111202964.png (50.4 KB, 474x453, Die moid.png)

Scrote post don't scroll
No. 295349
>>295257lol she tries to pass it as humorous but i'm absolutely not surprised terminally online jilly is assmad about her missing checkmark
>>295292this roachy person is retarded enough to think the neckbeard connotations of 'larping' are incidental when they are fully intended… like yes duh it's an insult
No. 295365
>>295295I swear every
toxic bitch uses that emoji
No. 295416
>>295368jill has been actively simping for twitter attention of every youtube has been ever. for years now, from shane dawson all the way to kurtis conner and has yet to make friends with any youtuber. when will she learn than ranting about gabbie hanna and trisha paytas on her twitter means jackshit since she doesn't post to youtube? the only times she discusses something that could get views are in those retarded streams no one watches.
its like she expects to get big from posting every fart she has on twitter and not from actually making content people want to watch.
No. 295422
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No. 295423
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>>295422I always love when she acts like her stupid little videos are trump cards. She never shows proof, she just doubles down harder.
No. 295443
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>>295423She is so bold these days, all her lies are easy to prove with evidence. There was no diagnosis (Stevie lied about seeing it, Jill said it didn't exist physically), DID if it's real takes years to diagnose not one day and it would have been a noticeable lifelong struggle not "This illness is popular online so now I magically have all these OCs". As if she didn't broadcast her life for years showing zero signs of it. Now she wants to larp being autistic and a CSA
victim. I hope she is blacklisted in the medical field if that is even a thing. I hope any doctor she tries to con looks her up and sees her behavior. Sorry, old stale milk but it still blows my mind that she made herself a sunflower lanyard to go out and check the mail, fucking nasty of her to appropriate from those who actually need one. Never forget how low she is willing to go.
No. 295502
File: 1683234008079.webm (3.62 MB, 1280x720, 1681494054580.webm)
>>295443I hated when she fucking flaunted that lanyard around. Funny we don't see it in any of her outings photos as of late but she totally needed to check the mail and when dealing with the meanie police she called, Which Stevie so ACAB reminded her to wear it, after hitting the deer.
>Never forget how low she is willing to goThis needs to be on that Simpsons bus sign meme.
>>295499From the previous thread
No. 295520
>>295502this is genuinely such a nitpick, coming from a place of fucking hating his face so everything that comes from it pisses me off but
>forum … if you can call it thatwhat else would you call lolcow. that is literally what this site is regardless of how you feel. Gossip …
Forum No. 295538
>>295453its because she has the retarded zoomer mentally of "i said something and because i claim to be a member of ___ marginalized group i am an authority and you cannot disagree"
jill and the terminally online generation like her are completely shocked when you don't just fall in line and do/believe as they say when they command it. combine that attitude with her being a narc and having an inflated sense of how good her arguments are and she will never feel the need to actually explain herself.
No. 295545
>>295502i love his little contrived smirk when he talks about lolcow lmao
i know it's unlikely but i'd love for them to separate and air out dirt on eachother…
No. 295549
>>295464>>295499I refuse to watch the video and find out what that trannys voice sounds like, but from your guy's description is it possible he means he saw the piece of paper that is the diagnostic impression, kek?
I'm 50-50 if he's so retarded he believes Jill's lies or if he just assists/enables them but knows it's bs
No. 295551
>>2954229 alters, only one is 35, two are 25 including the host, and the rest are 21 or (well) under
This is so obviously a crisis brought upon because she's scared of aging so decided to very literally pretend to be anything between 4 and 19 years younger to cope. What's the clinical diagnosis for fear of aging?
If you are really afraid of aging why not start paying attention to your diet, weight, and the amount of shit (alcohol, weed) you imbue daily rather than creating a fantasy world where you are younger?
No. 295612
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No. 295615
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No. 295622
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No. 295623
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No. 295624
File: 1683329069529.webm (12.7 MB, 405x720, download (1).webm)
>>295623Tt is 3:20. Quality is shit because I had to compress it.
No. 295625
>>295612Jfc Jill stop tweeting your every fart.
>Just because someone doesn't announce something to the world doesn't mean it's not happeningNo shit Sherlock and surprise surprise people don't want to announce to the world that they just had a very vulnerable and raw moment. Your problem is you are appropriating others trauma and pretending it/it's happened/happening to you.
>>295564No wonder he exudes stiffiness and awkwardness. Kek
No. 295629
>Age slide from body age>Berry is trauma free and little Jillian holds the traumaHow exactly does that follow the logic of why these "alters" are created?? Isn't the whole point that alters are created to handle/hold said "trauma" or is she just re-writing and adding rules to her larp again? Jill just say you enjoy age playing already (the thought of her adding csa
victim stuff on top of that is sickening too)
No. 295637
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No. 295639
>>295612Holy straw man argument, Batman. Yet another false equivalence presented as ‘proof’. No one is disputing that she is or ever has been mentally ill, that much is exceptionally apparent. And she knows full well that her ‘haters’ aren’t questioning her history of having/showing mental illness, people question the specific presentation that she’s claiming was always there when it blatantly wasn’t.
>>295622Shouldn’t she be reeeeing at the fact that this child has dared to refer to her exclusively as Jillian?
No. 295643
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No. 295645
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>>295642>>295643Great minds think alike and exactly what I thought too.
No. 295646
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No. 295651
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No. 295653
>>295639I hope she doesn’t involve the child in her age regression crap by pretending to also be six years old around her. By her own DID logic she wouldn’t be able to help it, especially since the “littles” are supposedly
triggered by childish stuff.
I really wonder to what extent her and Steve’s family is aware of this bullshit. They must know that social media is her “job”. Do they ever watch her videos?
No. 295664
>>295624High out of her mind, clearly caught in an anxiety spiral, and gaining a lot of weight rapidly.
So cute. So fashion.
No. 295673
>>295641Wtf Jillian
>>295645>my 2 totally real different altersLooks the same just with different clothes. Rivoting
content. Does she not fit into the suicide ideation shirt no more?
>>295662Jill's arch nemesis is originality, easier to be high and lazy because effort be damned.
>>295664>>295663It probably kills her that she can't fit into her old stuff anymore but isn't motivated enough to do anything about it.
No. 295685
>>295683If she wants to prove the haters wrong do bad, why doesn't she post her actual scars? We all know she has no issue
triggering people in her competition to be the most traumatised
No. 295686
>>295682>>295683I was trying to find the thigh pic from her old instagram since it was brought up somewhat recently
It was pretty funny/cringe wish I could find it
if any nona would be so kind
No. 295687
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>>295624I can’t get over how she’s starting to look like a retarded troon, moobs and too big heels included.
No. 295690
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>It would be terrifying to be on the wrong side of you
This is terrifying apparently
No. 295734
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No. 295735
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>>295722Gotta worry about Jerricka though because remember she's totes an ana-chan. In a more serious tone it would be interesting to watch if she did pivot. I could see her getting into fights with the other influences solely because of Jilly's obsessive need to be the leader/main spokesperson in every community she decides to infiltrate.
No. 295820
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No. 295821
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No. 295827
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>>295735jill you were literally skinny about ten years ago and had big cheeks due to bulimia. shut the fuck up about the round face you've unironically been fat for years now.
>>295821i hate when she tries to meme herself like this, there are no confetti clubs members anymore ain't no one finding this shit funny but yourself and your alters.
No. 296089
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No. 296090
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No. 296091
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No. 296094
>>296091RIP sounds like Jillian is gonna start her adderall abuse era. She’s probably hoping she’s gonna shed so many pounds lmao
Sorry jilly you’re still gonna be fat cause of all that weed your smoking up like a chimney
No. 296142
>>296090That literally did not answer their question at all Jill, shut up for once.
>>296091Can any Canadian nonnas confirm/deny the difficulty of seeing a doctor? I’m Australian and afaik we have a similar system of ‘free’ healthcare and it sounds like she literally just never bothered to find another GP once she left PEI and never followed up on adjusting her meds (despite supposedly seeing a psychiatrist for diagnosis?)
No. 296167
>>296091is it just me or is she acting like meds can't be prescribed for other issues than the 'intended' one? It just seems like she wants to gather more
victim points because she was on the 'wrong' meds for 10 years
No. 296170
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>>296168>>296091OLD MILK IN PIC but yeah! only a few months ago she was saying she quit meds to smoke weed full time and acted like it was the best decision of her life. don't even bother trying to keep up, shes like a compulsive liar at this point, nona.
i tried finding the earlier screenshots and accidently found this instead. she literally just lies on twitter all day everyday. nothing she says means anything
No. 296196
>>296172She wasn't even on it as an anti-depressant. She was taking prozac for a long time for that. She was on seroquel as a sleep med, which means she was on the absolute minimum dose.
My guess is she's getting on wellbutrin.
No. 296213
>>296122I know that there have been stimulant shortages so people with adhd and narcolepsy are struggling to obtain full refills. I’m going to be livid if fakers can get their hams on the only thing keeping me awake and alive.
Also if she thinks she’s going to lose weight that’s hilarious. Yes for some it depresses appetite but when you smoke as much weed as her she’ll still be getting mad munchies.
No. 296254
>>296091It bothers me that she's acting like being on a new med will magically make her able to answer emails on time which is funny as pointed out previously in threads a lot of people struggle with that in general. I think a daily routine, besides cleaning up her diet and dropping weed for a good amount of time, would help her mind frame better but that isn't happening. Instead she's building up this med in her mind and then when the med fails to meet her unrealistic ideals it'll be faulty or something.
>>296167She's being deceitful especially with that screenshot acting like seroquel is only for bi polar and schizophrenia. Definitely wanting to gain more opression points. It is amusing to see why she thought about schizophrenia only for her to realize that it ain't a """cute""" enough disorder like how with DiD she has cool ass alters and they have wacky fun adventures.
>>296243Thank you nona.
No. 296263
>>296243It's hilarious how Jill goes on a rant about people telling her to go therapy instead of making tiktoks and claims the tiktoks are "healing
, she totally lurks here
No. 296266
>>296226It really depends on the individual, I take thc capsules every few days before sleep to deal with nightsweats from another medication and my dr said to self monitor and stop if it causes anxiety.
I imagine she will find a reason or excuse to continue being a daily smoker though. It’s remarkable she’s not got worse teeth or lung function yet from the amount she smokes. But maybe she’s claiming asthma and that’s why she can’t exercise lmao
No. 296277
>>294609>>296265i had to go see and wow that was painful to watch. wtf is that shriek-laugh?!
he's too much of a wuss to do it but it would be so insanely funny to me if steve suddenly dumped jill and actually moved on (/out) since he has to know his family doesn't like her and likely never has
No. 296300
>>296243Same fag: also i dont steve would want to marry her because she has admitted to being a "hitter" when she gets overwhelmed, she also very self centered. No wants to marry into an
abusive relationship. I'm betting steve is just saving up enough money to live a lone.
No. 296315
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No. 296362
File: 1683812211033.png (1.06 MB, 1400x910, Screenshot (965).png)

>>296298OT but are you talking about tasslefairy? She is a bit of a cow herself, her husband trooned out and she went nb and started coming up with all these ways she was being "copied/stolen from" including a doll that had rainbow hair as if she owned that look. The Lisa Frank house did look like hers but she failed to mention they were kicked out for not paying rent. There are soo many rainbow house influencers these days that have a bigger following than Jill too. Fever Dream Boutique has a rainbow pastel house too and actually makes and sells clothing, that has to hurt.
>>296344 She does NOT have adhd stop putting ideas out there. She is just a stoner and a flake with a personality disorder.
>>296280We all know Steve is a creep who gets his rocks off to Jill pretending to be a child but does she also put on a strap-on when Steve is in the mood for Cliffe?
No. 296376
>>296142I'm in her area. Can confirm there is a family doctor shortage, but there are government programs to help relieve it.
You can go on a wait list for a family doctor, which she should have done as soon as she got to Fredericton, but she probably didn't because she had a family doctor in PEI. Depending on your medical history, it can take a few years to get off the list (those who really need it, like elderly/pregnant/serious illness get off the list first). There are a few shit walk-in/call-in clinics, but they are always swamped.
One new program is the ability to call nurses and they will give you meds over the phone. Easy, and from experience, they don't shy away from giving out whatever meds you ask for.
No. 296386
>>296348Sorry for any typos i’m cooking dinner rn
-Will being doing a makeup GRWM during this stream because she wants to spend the day filming TikToks
-Mentions that she’s been getting more Patreon subscribers
-Lies about having super super curly hair (it’s just damaged Jill, wavy at best)
-Shows outfit she’s going to use for a J-fashion TikTok
-Talks about wanting to rewatch Steven Universe and the hate it gets online. Says it’s one of “the best TV shows of all time”, and she's watched Star Wars, all the Marvel catalogue, and Precure. All I’m getting from this is that all the media she watches is incredibly mid so no wonder she thinks SU is that amazing
-In that weird cryptic picture she posted making that weird pose she was outside smoking weed
-Long boring anime discussion i don’t care about
-Her mum bought her a coffee table from Facebook Marketplace for ‘only 60/70 bucks’. I feel like that’s a lot for a FB Marketplace coffee table but ok. Recently visited her family because she missed her mummy, and shows a unit her dad made for her and personalised. Are these your super
abusive and twaumatising parents Jill?
-Shows her cat and an ugly cosplay wig
-Says that Super Mario is becoming a special interest. k
-Talks about how she was fishing for PR from Starface pimple patches and how because groceries are 3 or 4 more dollars now, she doesn’t have the budget for pimple patches. But you do have the budget for two cosplays Jill?
-Talks about how she used to be ‘very anti contour’ and ‘felt that everyone painted their face to look the same and try to hide their bone structure’ and acts as if that mindset was wrong of her, and now she’s sooo much more empowered and someone in her chat agrees. Even though that’s literally what is happening and more and younger women than ever are being encouraged to get surgery and wear makeup to change the way their face looks for a stupid trend but don’t get me started
-Misuses ‘dissociate’ again. Jill when you’re applying makeup you’re not dissociating, youre concentrating. Ffs
-Mentions Sunny is co-con during this stream, confirms that Flora is alive, but has yet to meet Sunny
-Says that Amber has been helping her to FIGHT and deal with stupid shit
-Says that doing drag and making TikToks is “one of the most healing things you can do” for DID kek
-Someone asks a
valid question about how all the parts decided on which tattoos Jill should get, she says communication and that they all vote on it. Says Jer wants “a snake ampersand” which “is fine but we’re going to work on getting it in a way that isn’t all black and spiky”. Super convenient that all your tattoos are tailored to your specific tastes Jill
-IMMEDIATELY changes the subject because someone brings up her PO box. Saved by the bell
-Halfway mark, this has truly been one of her most boring streams to date, I hope the second half is more tolerable
No. 296392
>>296386-Brings up Bluey again, asks if any of her viewers are Aussies. I’m surprised she hasn’t developed an Australian alter yet
-Mentions Mother’s Day, says she loves her mummy so much. I guess they’re on good terms right now then
-Mentions that she wants Steve to marry her (which he says he definitely will) but they need money so their wedding isn’t ‘sad’. OKAY JILL, SURE. I know weddings are expensive, but a. you can definitely have a nice, affordable wedding and b. YOU LIVE IN A BIG ASS HOUSE. You don’t even work and your home is full of expensive shit. Economize!!
-She’s going to make her own wedding dress and it’s going to look similar to her cousin’s but “less fantasy and more Barbie princess”. Wants to do a separate wedding photoshoot of Cliffe and Stevie in suits LMAO can you imagine
-Says she’s not really buying new makeup because she’s still using up her Colourpop PR. Which makes the fact she threw away the whole brand new Sanrio collection they sent her because it was ~wrapped in plastic~ even more stupid, since she still uses their products
-Dumb bullshit other nonnas mentioned about Jill being pissy about people copying her by having rainbow hair and rainbow stuff in their house, and not even tagging or following her. Wow Jill, it’s almost they don’t know you exist and just like colourful rainbow stuff. Buts claims she is ‘anti gatekeeping’. Says someone stole her tattoo?? Is it that person who got a kitten in a heart tattoo? Because that’s definitely not original to Jill
No. 296410
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No. 296411
>>296389>>296406Summary anon and yeah, I don't object to her using pimple patches because I use them too and they're good, I just find it funny that she acts like she can't afford them when she has money, and you can usually get a pack of decent ones for under $10.
She says she'll stick to "Neutrogena and a prayer" so presumably she does wash her face lol
No. 296412
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No. 296414
>>296392did she actually trash the sanrio makeup as opposed to returning to sender or selling it? because throwing away shit is way worse to the environment rather than just using things. its not like the damage is just reversed because you decided not to use it. just makes it extra wasteful.
>>296410Jill is the most anti recovery bitch I've ever seen what is this 'healing is possible' shit? does not fit her narrative At All
No. 296416
>>296392Forgot to add that near the very end she mentions that she was asked to voice act for a major mobile game company for a 'cat dating sim' which required her to send in different kinds of meows (sad meow, happy meow, excited meow etc). Makes a joke about Sandwich entering the chat. Said she didn't do it because she was worried it was some kind of fetish thing or some creepy man wanting to listen to her meow (tbf it does sound VERY weird, a cat dating sim with literal cats?…).
She also auditioned to voice act for Izzy's Wastelandia (? Idk what this is).
In a different life I think something like voice acting would've been a good idea for her since she obviously likes to perform and play different characters, and be loud, but a. that would require effort from her, require sticking to a strict schedule, maybe even take some lessons, and b. judging from her alters videos she can't act for shit and definitely can't convincingly do different voices.
No. 296471
>>296392>She’s going to make her own wedding dress and it’s going to look similar to her cousin’s but “less fantasy and more Barbie princess”. The dress she made for her cousin was a potato sack with pinned crappy sleeves. So she wants a ballgown I'm guessing? Good luck with that since she couldn't even pull off making her cousin's dress.
>Wants to do a separate wedding photoshoot of Cliffe and Stevie in suits LMAO can you imagineKek wtf Jilly. What about poor Jerricka?
>Says she’s not really buying new makeup because she’s still using up her Colourpop PR. Always having to announce something to look good. Like no one cares.
>>296411The fact she’s making a big deal out of not being able to budget for them makes me wonder if she’s fishing for someone to send her some via her p.o box.
>>296451Major emphasis on the big ego. Jill has shown her work so I don't get why she thinks no one has eyes or she thinks her crappy explanations somehow redeems her work.
No. 296548
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No. 296559
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>>296548>too afraid of being perceived>is an youtuberthis is exactly what the mclean hospital's doctor meant when he said that being an online persona and having did is incompatible
No. 296562
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No. 296563
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No. 296566
>>296315Jill: "I need to smoke weed all the time, it helps me 'be normal' uwu"
The normal:
No. 296594
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No. 296598
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>>296594I literally fucking can't she's saying ADHD can look like DID because of memory loss? I'm so disgusted she's making shit up Someone come take me out I don't wanna be here anymore
No. 296600
>>296594>adhd forgetfulnessoh shit lads, I forgot what I was doing which means I must actually be ten people!
She must be brainstorming ways to backtrack out of this DID hole she dug for herself. Or that fan who is both larping and doubting their own DID in her menchies is giving her some much needed perspective on herself
No. 296602
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>>296600maybe she introjected the McLean doctor and now that he's one of her alters he's slowly convincing her she's full of shit
No. 296618
>>296548BREAKING NEWS: local terminally online woman goes outside! Wait for the story to develop to see if she actually touches grass!
Honestly how boring and uneventful and low standard your life is if sitting on a porch is a huge achievement you need to announce to your followers? I wouldn't be surprised if she was smoking to alleviate her "anxiety" and "fear of being perceived" - a fear that doesn't seem to hinder her bad YouTube career, bad TikTok lipsyncing videos or bad drag perfomances.
No. 296619
>>296594The self awareness. Maybe she's getting ready to move from DID (doubt it tho) and claiming that it was a misdiegnosis and blame her old therapist for feeding her that delusion
>>296598Her idea of DID is the fake Zoomer version. The fake Zoomer version of DID is sort of similar to ADHD and you know all the Zoomers are destroying their attention spam and practically giving themselves ADHD
No. 296630
>>296617I was thinking a bullet, but dinner sounds nice, nonna. I'll try Jill's peep-soda special and hopefully suffer fatal cardiac arrest.
>>296629The personification of no life. Sad to see what happens when children are coddled to the point of being a burden
No. 296640
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No. 296645
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No. 296673
>>296636she wouldn't let herself realize, she has that whole narcissistic shield of unawareness protecting her… she's never sincerely admit to herself she fucked up
>>296669who the fuck cares go discuss that elsewhere retard
No. 296726
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No. 296751
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No. 296804
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No. 296820
>>296413sorry for late reply, just watched this.
this bitch can't get one thing about fashion right. at some point she calls one dress' sleeves "rose petals" when it's clearly the flower associated most closely with the theme of the gala - camelias being a frequent motif in chanel.
"fashion designer" my ass, she's not even a hobbyist seamstress, how can she think herself being an authority on anything fashion?
also not being able to figure out how kim's look worked, here, i'll spell it out for you jilly - it's a piece of shapewear with two pearl necklaces attached at the sides. that is all.
No. 296829
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>>296755almost as if you can feel extremely different depending on your mood or events around you
No. 296838
>>296835Kek I know right ? At first I thought it was the infamous pink shoes she wore all the time, even during her Japan trip.
Maybe wearing gross worn shoes is one of her ~autistic special interests~ ? Poor Jillie.
No. 296880
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No. 296945
>>296880>don’t forget I’m trans too btwWoe is Jill, being hounded by Twitter accounts she chose to follow and extremely niche seminars she chose to seek out and watch. Time for another well deserved ice cream!
>>296881It’s an obvious joke, anon. Read what she’s replying to.
No. 296979
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No. 296990
>>296985 tinfoil since i know theres speculation if jill shooped them or not, but now that we know sof lurks/posts, it could have been sof. also still holding out hope farmhands will come through on the sof posts i love u sm farmhands
>>296980>hope the person who leaked our circle tweets is having a terrible lifeaww, so strong/kind/beautiful of you jill
No. 297000
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Talking about a show and she had to ask this kek, still larping she was *~*sexually abused*~* by the girl so she had to know before she got TrIgGeReD
No. 297001
>>296999You’re overthinking it
nonnie. She thinks the way she presents “DID” is having DID even if she knows shes faking, same as all the other idiots. Their faux-did accounts for faking, for having no trauma etc. because whatever they say is DID is DID because they have DID.
No. 297003
>>297000weird af thing for her to ask. I don't know a single person, regardless of sexuality, where the genders of the people would matter in regards to seeing sexual assault. As a lesbian, seeing
abusive het relationships on tv is just as shitty as seeing same sex ones. but she wouldn't know that because she's "spicy straight"!
No. 297005
>>297003i was just thinking this. because no matter what type of people were in SA scene i would feel uncomfy watching it,
it would not be a good feeling for obvious reasons. The clarification she makes here annoys me like. would is not bother her if it was a man getting assaulted??? i don’t get her point.
No. 297015
>>297000The way she responds to things is sickening
>omg thank u! random question what gender is the fictional SA victim??>person describes briefly>Thank you three heart emojis Like this is such a weird exchange, why are you writing hearts, and
omg thank you when discussing assault, fictional or not this is fucked up. The gender doesn't fucking matter like this is absurd. Really does seem to suggest she doesn't gaf about traumas that are not
her super special traumas (which she cannot discuss because they are also fictional)
No. 297032
>>297012I read it as James meaning that the
victim is a TIM, and the others are normal men. But I don't know the series.
No. 297035
>>297015you are in way too deep, anon. using emojis after saying "thank you" is completely normal. she said "omg thank you" for the warning, and not in an "OMIGAWD!" way. you're overreacting as bad as Jill.
reposted because I forgot my sage
No. 297051
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No. 297052
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>>297048honestly i love it when she gets covered by ablaze. its hilarious and a breath of fresh air when he mogs her in views
No. 297053
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No. 297062
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>>297053oh my god I thought it was pus in her ears.. Why the fuck would you choose a yellow ring
No. 297108
>>297104>Im not anti trans in any capacityyou want gender non-conforming children to be drugged and mutilated on sight while a fetishistic man in a dress masturbates to it, weird flex but ok.
I assume you're fine with Jill and Steve both being trans then, and if you're already buying into her larp on one level there why stop at the other parts?
No. 297109
I accept the coming ban as a noble sacrifice for my cause:
>>297104>Im not anti trans Kill yourself, pronto
(alogging) No. 297110
>>297053She's obsessed with herself. She's sicker than she thinks she is.
She is, seemingly, isolated from normal, healthy people and stays in her tight-knit bubble of other mentally disordered and alt friends who enable and encourage her. Not to mention her pork-addicted boyfriend who is probably, assumedly, her biggest enabler. Like, is this grown ass man not bothered about the fact that his girlfriend could turn into a child at any point during sex?
No. 297119
>>297108That's so highly specific, almost sounds like projection.
I always forget that LC is full of brain dead teens who should have been aborted but unfortunately we have to live with them in society until they decide to kill themselve.
>>297109No thanks i rather not.
(infighting retard) No. 297120
>>297119why not go to the entire rest of the internet if you want to suck tranny dick ? this is not the place to sperg over gender specials and defend mutilation
>>297000this entire interaction is so weird and online
(derailing) No. 297121
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>>297110>pork-addictedOy Vey
No. 297123
>>297119Maybe you should go to /snow and go defend the child rapist that trooned out and got caught hanging in the changing rooms watching little girls put on swinsuits under the bathroom stalls. Such a brave stunning
victim right?
>>297052I still wish another YouTuber would do a deep dive because she has years and years of horrible behavior that would make an amazing video series. I like Alblaze but he is too nice and tries not to offend people even if they deserve it.
(derailing) No. 297131
>>297123I really don’t get these drama/cringe/whatever YouTubers who want to be seen as nice and inoffensive.
>>297129They go by
Stevie and use they/them pronouns, you bigot!
I doubt Jill will leave Steve if he transitions. She doesn’t want to date a girl, but Steve is not and will never be a girl (or woman) so that’s not an issue. She’d actually love being able to call herself a lesbian and telling everyone that she’s in a super gay kweer lesbian relationship with an uwu transgirl. It’s exactly on brand for her.
She would probably be upset if he has his dick inverted but 1) it’s unlikely that he will, the vast majority of trans males keep their penis and 2) even if he does, leaving him after a major debilitating surgery would be very bad optics for her. Female partners of trans males aren’t even allowed to have negative emotions about it, let alone break up and kick him out of their house post-operation. She would be eviscerated in the online spaces that she’s built her entire life around.
No. 297132
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looks like jill's still tweeting at sof? wonder if it's just a front or if jill still doesn't know.
No. 297136
>>297129Trans "women" rape and assault real women with their feminine penises, an annoying derailer is not as bad as a tranny.
Anyway I really want Steeb to come out as an AGP tranny already. We all know he jerks off looking at himself in the mirror while wearing Jillian's extra large underwear and trying to moan like his perverted little anime girls. I can't wait for him to become a twitter communist pornsick tranny. I kind of hope this peaks Jillian and she becomes very anti-trans. Would be fun.
(infighting) No. 297138
>>297136 Make fun of Steve's nb gender trash and Pixie's super special nb but only calls herself a woman bullshit but don't clog up and de-rail the thread about random made up shit with your
triggered blogposting. Go find a trap thread to keep thoroughly describing your fetish.
(infighting) No. 297149
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No. 297150
>>297149>so we can safely healShe’s definitely hinting that she’s bored of the larp, I really doubt she will keep this up for too long, maybe she will stop pretending to have 6 people and a cat living in her head when she either feels too pressured to create DiD content or when she finally gets her prized 100% legit autism diagnosis.
Like just look at her not posting the Berry video, she was shitting DiD videos non-stop and now she’s pretending to be retarded.
No. 297151
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Lol, imagine Jill becoming the new face of DID. Anyone associated with that "community" will lose whatever tiny shred of credibility they have left
No. 297211
>>297132everything she tweets sounds so fake anyhow - “uwu love you bb slay queen,” it’s impossible to tell
>>297142Agreed, Steebie is ripe to transition
No. 297217
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Oh yeah Jill, it's totally your "sense of justice" and not the fact that you're too lazy to put in the actual work to start a business and produce clothing on a large scale
No. 297237
What do you guys think would happen if Jill doesn't get the autism diagnosis she wants (which i doubt won't happen, if she got a DID diagnosis so easily she definitely is going to get the autism diagnosis.)
What i think will happen is:
>>297232 just like anon said, i also believe she will bpd rage about the supposed incompetence of the psychology community.
2. Like vague tweets about the affordability of diagnosis as well as self diagnosis tweets.
3.still refer to herself as autistic
4.Go to another dr 6 months later to get another evaluation. And after she gets the diagnosis that she wanted, claim the previous doctor was horrible and didn't know what they were talking about.
No. 297239
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No. 297240
>>297217Why the fuck did she ever choose being a fashion designer then? Baffling.
>>297232The more jargon she uses the more obvious it is that she doesn't have it. Tired of weirdos like Jill acting like using jargon makes them more credible.
>like every other desperate BPD chick drooling over the absolution that disability would grant them.They always fail to see the reality and instead just project their fantasies.
No. 297245
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>>297239I’m surprised she hasn’t gotten some ridiculously huge noise canceling headphones since she’s soooo autistic that she has sensory issues.
I really think she will keep going with this larp and stay like “the autistic art savant” she wishes she was, so she can fake it until no one ever believes her shit. Unless her true goal is getting disability benefits or something like that. Which I mean, wouldn’t any doctor think that something is wrong when they see the bunch of diagnoses she’s had over the time?
No. 297254
>>297239its so funny to see the first picture of actual female autism vs her larper shit with rainbow hair, children accesories all over her, random shit tied to her just cuz pink, makeup and eyebrows done and jarring tik tok beauty filter. for such an ugly ogre shes really obssesed with her apperance
>>297053 >>297149
>>296315 like holy shit just text a friend. shes basically a stan account of herself and her OWN fake alters.
No. 297260
>>297254It’s honestly so crazy, when you have sensitivity issues and such, you definitely don’t want to wear makeup, false eyelashes or wear tight shit on your head. Like that actually autistic woman looks like she seriously hates feeling shit touching her face.
And then you have Jillian wearing tight shit on her head, smearing makeup all over her face, having bangs when they’re not greasy as fuck, wearing fucking wigs with bangs, hair clips that touch her face.
I guess I just can’t believe Jillian seriously thinks that she’s quirky, therefore she must be autistic. Like how could anyone not notice the huge difference between Jillian and that woman?
No. 297262
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No. 297297
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No. 297311
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>>297306tinfoil If she rewatches the Steven universe movie for the billionth time instead of fusing and becoming normal she'll instead become hyper borderline fuse and become all of her alters at once giving herself the new title of autistic trans pastel rainbow femboy little ?furry?
She may even call herself sandwich and meow occasionally
Picrel: Jill in her final form
(tinfoiling) No. 297337
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No. 297340
>>297317Not a doctor obviously, but I kind of don’t see why not, given that autism is a spectrum (that Jill isn’t on) and isn’t all just non verbal spastics and includes people with Asperger’s etc, and DID is caused by trauma rather than a developmental disability.
Not to give Jill any ideas, but it seems logical enough that a kid with mild to moderate autism would be just as, if not more suspect in or to trauma at a young age that would still cause their psyche to fracture as a neurotypical kid. Purely my uneducated speculation tho, mods don’t slap me for med fagging
No. 297342
>>297337It never ceased to baffle me that she’s always claimed to have MDD (which I do believe she has depression, who doesn’t), yet she’s never been on an actual antidepressant all this time. It’s not like she’s adverse to medication since she’s been happily taking a sleep aid for the last decade, and would regularly take Ativan for anxiety.
You’re lagging Jill, I’m a normie and I’ve been on antidepressants for years now kek
No. 297374
>>297337Come claim your prize
>>296196 nonnie. Back to the main point, I'm interested in what Jill means by functioning. What is functioning according to Jilly?
No. 297380
>>297337She was functioning perfectly well before she started abusing marijuana. Wasn’t she at one point juggling high school, a part time job
and her growing YouTube channel? And when she quit one of her jobs it wasn’t because she was overwhelmed but because they didn’t want her dyeing her hair unnatural colours. If she were actually autistic, especially as autistic as she pretends to be, she would’ve burnt out
back then, not after ditching all her responsibilities to sit on the porch smoking weed all day. Her mental health would improve immensely if she quit the weed and got some structure back into her life, especially if it got her out of the house.
No. 297387
>>297381Anons make fun of her for her poor hygiene and messiness. But she is the most organized cleanest mentally ill person I know of with the disabilities she claims.
I couldn't imagine any neurodivergency person managing in a rainbow house with that much visually stimulating decor and that many nicknacks
And even if they do keep up with cleaning and chores would probably burn out after a year.
But not Jill she's the best mentally disabled person out there, far better than all of the other neurodivergent people. Or so she wishes I think. What is she even trying to do at this point.
No. 297415
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No. 297448
>>297343>>297437Wellbutrin SEVERELY lowers your seizure threshold. You nonnies are right (although smoking weed doesnt lower seizure threshold, she can smoke all day everyday even on Wellbutrin 300 mg a day if she wants without issues) - even just one or two drinks on Wellbutrin 100-150mg can be so fucking dangerous if you have ANY seizure history. Even if you don’t have seizure history, a therapeutic dose of Wellbutrin without adding alcohol can pose a risk.
Thankfully Jilly isn’t suicidal because you can actually kill yourself with Wellbutrin. Most antidepressant ODs aside from tricyclics won’t do much damage at all, let alone be life threatening. But Wellbutrin? Lord help you, not much the ER can do except pump you full of benzos to cool down the incessant seizures, give you CPR when you flatline, and pump you full of fluids in hopes your acute kidney injury doesn’t result in lasting kidney damage. It’s the only commonly prescribed psych drug that’s as deadly as it is.
No. 297471
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No. 297494
>>297473This is hilarious considering Trisha is how people act when they have legitimate mental illness whereas Jill just pretends she does
People suffering from extreme mental illness
are not stable, quirky, cute, or fun, they often self destruct and destroy personal relationships without meaning to but Jill wouldn't know that
No. 297498
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>>297471>be trisha>troll>apologize and delete >nobody even remebers because it wasnt even as funny as her other trolling like the "im a chicken nugget" shitck shit>be jill >say i have anorexia, bulimia, borderline, Trichotillomania, borderline, pstd, autism, Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) aka i only eat chicken nuggies disease, fucking DID for christ sake, + and likely even more>completely serious and attention whoring with fake illnesses>confetti club cult dies out>no consistent friend grup in years, even helicopter mommy doesn't even fuck with you anymore.>have to make memes about yourself and joke about yourself and show throwback picts of yourself everday because you don't have fans anymore and you miss the attention>get featured on a fucking DID fakery presentation on the top psychatric institution worldwide>literally bleeding money everyday from unsubscribers and unfollowers + people leaving the patreon because your DID fakery is so insufferable and fake literally anyone sees thright through it>any community on fakers will have pixielocks clips all over she is one of the most infamous cases of it ever>somehow not the biggest damage to the did community ever No. 297501
>>297471the worst person on earth KEK grow up. ot but i have such a soft spot for trisha i really wish her well, she made such a difference for women in trolling…
agreed with other anons i thought they were talking about jill for a second LOL
No. 297559
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I feel the cringe already, who wants to bet she’s gonna pronounce her r’s like w’s
No. 297560
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>>297559>BORRYAlso here’s the other photo from the post. Yeah that much eyeliner definitely says 6 year old
No. 297571
>>297534They're as bad as each other. Both are mentally ill and garbage people. Trashfire just has a bigger audience.
Obviously Jill doesn't have DID but there's still some other disordered shit going on in what passes for a brain there.
No. 297574
>>297471Literally what damage did it do Jill? No one even really connected Trisha to the “DID community” in a significant way because
everyone knows Trisha is full of shit. That’s her whole brand, hence she dropped the DID thing in two seconds.
>>297559That literally reads are fucking Barry kek she went to school for design
No. 297582
>>297581I can’t do it, I can’t sit through that. The
nonnie who makes a summary will be my hero.
No. 297586
>>297582 putting myself through the wringer for you, another
nonnie might put up a more cohesive summary
No. 297597
>>297581 Alright here goes
-Jill says she will be answering for Berry because of little protection and Berry isn't for this kind of interview type video.
- 2 minutes in she brings up age regression, littles, and ageplay. Says she doesn't do it in a sexual way and that it's from trauma and 100% uncontrollable. Rambles about PTSD, amnesia, and anxiety.
- 4 minutes in Jill says it's 'crazy this stuff happens to me with no substances' despite the fact that she smokes weed and takes edibles. Chalks it up to 'teehee my brain just does it cuz we're fragmented.'
- Uses Jerricka as a scapegoat for her bitchy behavior, then says Berry forgets all the knowledge they have so she has kid brain. Jill whines again saying it's not something she chooses or does for funzies or because she can't grow up. Then she giggles and says, 'but i really CAN't grow up!'
- 6 minutes in the actual questionnaire starrts.
- Berry is basically a Strawberry Shortcake oc but isn't a fictive. According to Jill she just came with that name because she loves that show.
- Jill mentions that there's other child alters that are either non-verbal, trauma locked, or don't want to be on social media. (Why is Berry the special little that gets to be on social media?) Berry is trauma free and is the youngest.
- She shows the poor imitation of child handwriting Berry name from earlier, then shows actual drawings she had as a child. Shows several photos of herself as a child and specifies that the first two are Berry and the last three are Jill, but "she has no way of knowing for sure" so why put it in Jill.
- 8 minutes in luckily she doesn't give the child alter any crazy pronouns or gender, she's just a girl. Mentions the under 10 y/o trauma holder and non-verbal little. Berry is basically Flora with being there to just be carefree but says they are still different.
-Has to mention her functionality in house chores and responsibilities so she can fully claim autism later on. Confirms that she in her 25 y/o body talks in 'a 4 y/o manner' when she's Berry.
- talks about emotional parts vs apparently normal parts and makes a freudian slip that the normal parts are just like her (Jill) but then backtracks and says she's actually a mix and can only function sometimes.
- 11 minutes in talks about memories, Berry holds good childhood memories so basically all of her childhood.
- mentions and shows the 'first diary entry Berry made post system discovery' which shows a doodle of a bear, a cat, and a rabbit. It also has very neat handwriting as opposed to Jill's currently fake child handwriting.
- brings out a book called her system log and shows more poor attempts at trying to make it look like a child drew her cats in Berry's section of the book. Mentions that Berry and Steve bond by watching Bluey together.
- Berry basically likes every childlike thing that Jill likes including Bluey, jellycats, and rainbow easter egg hunts. Jill says she feels like a mother to Berry (which is creepy considering how the Veronica alter sexualizes herself). Conveniently, she also loves to dress the way Jill dresses, but says she likes to be comfortable and not wear tight things or too many accessories to play up the fake autism. Says her house decor and fashion may or may not be influenced by the 6 year old in her head.
-talks about social media, and says she doesn't let Berry scroll through tiktok at least (but twitter is totally fine right?). She inserts a video of herself drawing a strawberry with someone and screeching. Says Berry has a distinct way of speaking and laughing. Says she's not comfortable inserting clips of herself when speaking in her childlike dialect, inserts text that says that may change later on or not. (Why would she record her baby voice in the first place?)
-Ducks are a positive
trigger, says it's baby time. Jill says she age slides but it's different from when she's Berry because Berry isn't scared, anxious, and traumatized like Jill. Says that her audience doesn't have to worry about her mentioning positive
triggers as a form of manipulation to get Berry to switch. Suddenly says she is in a state of her system where she has control and mentions that simply seeing Bluey, Strawberry, or rainbows won't automatically make her turn into a baby. Specifies especially if she is at work or in public. (But I thought it was 100% uncontrollable when you age regress, Jill?)
- Rambles about system littles and differences in age regression and abdl. (Why did she mention a diaper fetish if her ageplay isn't sexual?) Maybe it's a confession.
Anyway that's basically it for noteworthy things, I'm a fucking idiot who can't work the text.
No. 297601
>>297597Her using childhood photos as a proof is fucking revolting I can’t even explain. My stomach turned when I saw it on the screen I can’t believe she would go there to back up her loli larp. Idk to me that’s way too intimate and just wrong to do to your parents. The photos of her being spoiled with toys and the mentioning of having sewing machine that her parents got her, under the idea that she was severely abused is so funny. She was coddled and adored more than most kids but she lacks the self awareness to realize it when it comes out of her mouth so casually because she doesn’t actually know how bad most peoples childhoods are, you know, the one she’s poorly larking. It’s interesting how “evidence” focused she is when recounting random things like the green dress she made, instead of self regulating her emotions when remembering childhood memories if you had an
abusive upbringing. Because when you’re abused, most things are tied to that
triggering event and it’s tough to recall anything. She rattled off details easily with no hesitation, if anything with glee in regards to her upbringing and her own self image as a child. No shame and hesitation most people experience with childhood trauma. None at all. Jill might be the worst liar I’ve ever seen.
No. 297604
I don't know much about did fakers, but why would someone have an alter to 'hold good memories'? like, why would your mind try to protect itself from something good?
>>297600 >>297599
I agree. She is just 'childish', not a child at a certain age. and probably a fetishist.
>she is in a state of her system where she has control and mentions that simply seeing Bluey, Strawberry, or rainbows won't automatically make her turn into a babyso… no more posts about how berry drove to store and bought a goldfish or how jill woke up surrounded by crayons or shit like that?
I guess her did is not that bad! just cute.
>Berry forgets all the knowledge they have so she has kid brainwell, I guess all that school education is wasted and job is impossible, mum!
No. 297608
>>297574Iirc literally everyone watching the trisha vs dissociadid stuff was against trisha cause she was so obviously talking out her ass. It's funny tho cause at the end of it, trisha pulled for sympathy and said she
really did think her mental issues were DID so she wished people reached out to her instead of assuming she's trolling. So jill can tweet about how even people with
adhd forgetfulness making them think they have DID are
valid but someone clearly mentally ill is the worst person ever?
No. 297612
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>>297594>none of us are into age regressionThe internet doesn't forget, Jill.
No. 297624
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No. 297627
File: 1684719041066.jpeg (15.19 KB, 275x198, 1642451022393.jpeg)

>>297621He is a creep there is no nuance. Another Freudian slip from Jill
No. 297628
File: 1684719199676.jpg (47.04 KB, 720x399, Bb.jpg)

>>297599I love her planted evidence because it's so horrendously bad. Like wtf. Did she come up with this while she was high?
No. 297631
File: 1684721116791.jpeg (7.75 KB, 244x206, download (20).jpeg)

>>297628>I like bear ears because they are soft and roundI remember the post in picrel about bear ears being cute being super popular pretty recently. Not a single original bone in her body
No. 297648
File: 1684741486416.png (Spoiler Image,364.38 KB, 724x725, h4EB51449.png)

>>297628Spoiler because sperging, I know it's a nitpick but it's such a (childless) adult take on how a child thinks. A real young child capable of writing would have written it in all capital letters or a mix, the writing would be accidentally messy, have grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. And most importantly it would have actual content that isn't just empty fluff, yet somehow includes perfectly though out puns.
The drawing is such a typical adult drawing style consciously mimicking a small child's. It's what you always see in media portrayed as what a child is capable of but in reality it's far too thought out and advanced to actually have been made by a small child. The lines are too perfect and there are no mistakes, there is a clear composition in mind etc. There's something so perverse about her trying to sell it as a kids drawing.
No. 297649
>>297621His ex, who he is still on close terms with, used to post lolicon imagery on her public twitter. It’s absolutely a sex thing.
>>297628This is not something a 4-6 year old child is capable of writing. How long until she starts claiming she was actually co-con?
>>297645It was so funny when she debuted Sunny and there were a bunch of comments like “omg what a coincidence our system has a yellow alter called Sunny too!”
None of these people have any creativity.
No. 297657
>>297656i still can't get over that she told her mom to read her diaries.
diaries are private, they are not supposed to be read by anyone else but owner.
No. 297662
>>297661It reminds me of when TRAs tweet about how their 2 year old came downstairs to ask why trans people are being literally genocided
>>297597The duck thing is very specific, pretty big tinfoil but theres a mum on tiktok who posts videos about her daughter (who is like 3/4) who is obsessed with ducks. Given how often Jill is on tiktok it wouldn't surprise me if she got the idea from that
No. 297672
>>297665Every time these kinds of discussions happen there is always someone saying “you guys know Jill doesn’t actually have DID” or “you guys know that’s not how DID works”, like
nonnie… come on? We are all playing along with the lore as jill presents it. Where were you when she started this whole thing? She wouldn’t have even had to claim co-con to back up all her ridiculous claims if she’d know she could just hand wave it like that, maybe she’ll claim that’s what being co-con is once she sees your comment.
No. 297690
File: 1684771125477.jpg (16.4 KB, 840x224, Screenshot_20230522-235934_You…)

From the comments on the Berry video kek
No. 297694
File: 1684773345485.png (18.43 KB, 1672x424, Screenshot 2023-05-22 at 18.35…)

Just posting the top comment before it gets
No. 297706
File: 1684781197139.png (676.12 KB, 797x613, hmm.png)

>>297694The video literally includes a drawing from her childhood with her actual child handwriting though, and it looks nothing like what "Berry" did. How does she expect anyone to buy her larp when she's this stupid?
No. 297716
>>297627Jill is so fucking stupid. The "tent" is a bed for his kitten, they were everywhere online a couple years ago.
No Jill, not every online persona is an age play pedo like you and Steve.
No. 297722
File: 1684792272760.jpeg (100.8 KB, 749x912, IMG_1882.jpeg)

I want to see how long it’ll take for these to get deleted, they’re not pulling any punches
No. 297742
File: 1684808426343.jpg (37.07 KB, 690x395, Screenshot_20230522-184941.jpg)

>>297733I get such a laugh out of her rationale. She's such a spoiled womanchild and it really shows. The
Berry video imo is to drum up attention. Her videos aren't doing well and that fact scares her. Jill doesn't think about anything in the long run and is extremely short sighted. She wants quick fixes evident by her thinking a change in her meds will be the answer to her problems. She doesn't want to work on herself because that would imply that she isn't perfect and any sort of criticism has Jillian spiraling.
No. 297748
File: 1684817205667.webm (7.87 MB, 1280x720, A.WEBM)
Jill talking about littles, age regression, and ageplay clip. shit quality because compression
No. 297749
File: 1684817491969.webm (7.64 MB, 1280x720, vs.WEBM)
How different little alters are from other alters.
No. 297750
File: 1684817681298.webm (2.36 MB, 1280x720, Handful.WEBM)
Talking about other child alters. Last clip for now.
No. 297752
>>297748there's tons of adults who do childish things, they're just not weird about it like she is. i don't know why she keeps saying 'i can't control it' but then in the same video talking about how they're always co-con, they never let her go online, they never let her drive… either you have control all the time, or you don't. if you're only dissociating in places where it's safe to do so, you're not mentally ill, you're just a narcissist. also, why is she pretending she didn't show a berry "switch" on camera before? she made a huge deal about that in one video and i doubt she deleted it?
>>297749if she could control it she wouldn't get rid of berry, and every alter is important. wild. so she's saying 'i can't control it' and then 'i want to control it' but also 'if i could control it i wouldn't'. what the fuck?
this just reminds me when princess peachie got flack for ageplay shit but she was more or less transparent about 'i just like childish things and this is comforting to me' whereas jill here is just 'im baby!' because ew, taking responsibility for my actions? she could never.
No. 297771
File: 1684838180692.png (8.7 KB, 1212x160, Screenshot 2023-05-23 at 12.35…)

>>297694Joke of the year! Jill supporters are so fucking stupid
No. 297775
>>297752often people who have trauma related to childhood repeat things they used to do or do things they would do in childhood or were prevented from but they usually dont relate it to age regressing, they just do it because it feels healing to them, without engaging in any kind of roleplay these people do, because they're fully aware of their adulthood while doing these things.
jillian cant even say she isn't aware because disassociating because she is fully aware to the point she remembers everything her child alters like, do and act like. the existence of berry itself is absurd because alters are supposed to split when people experience trauma and berry basically happened because jillian
wanted to agere, not that her trauma made her, because berry holds no trauma according to her.
No. 297805
>>297581>>297597>talks about social media, and says she doesn't let Berry scroll through tiktok at least i might be alone in this but does anyone else get the feeling this is her maternal outlet along with the ageplay stuff? I mean, Jill is (hopefully) never going to have a baby but might be getting old enough to start feeling a bit maternal and want to take care of something? And because it’s Jill, the immature narcissist, what better thing to take care of than yourself? With Berry she gets to baby-proof the house and make things “safe” for the kid but doesn’t actually have to share any of the attention and gets to switch to “little mode” to reap all that effort for herself.
besides, she doesn’t talk about steebie ever baby-proofing the house for her or taking care of her or the toddler she turns in to, only about him playing (or “bonding”) with her. taking care of the baby is her job, not his… idk but it’s sus in a lot of ways
No. 297809
File: 1684869263490.png (59.27 KB, 1684x1106, Screenshot 2023-05-23 at 20.31…)

>>297722It got deleted… but there are a couple new ones kek
No. 297817
>>297755This is an excellent and extremely accurate assessment of her entire DID saga. Her own massive ego is such a core component of why she’s doing this, in many ways. She wants to be an immature, impulsive, vindictive loser, but that doesn’t match with her perfect sparkly angel savant self-image, so the only explanation she’s okay with is that actually it’s other separate super traumatized people haunting her perfect
victim brain.
No. 297823
File: 1684878519235.jpg (162.76 KB, 720x1801, Screenshot_144829.jpg)

No. 297842
>>297823The grandma isn't disabled and the granddaughter isn't her caretaker either lmfao. Jill is so incapable of critical thinking that she has to bring every new conversation back to the few (stupid) talking points she
does have.
And yes, it's fucking weird to put your dying grandma on tiktok for clout. Not surprised Jill doesn't get that when she airs out her own grandmas medical details to twitter.
No. 297845
>>297841That is fucking ghastly I had no idea. Jill is amazing at having the worst takes possible. You don’t need to know anything about mental health politics to know it’s ducking weird and immoral to post your grandmas planned suicide for tiktok clout. Why does anyone need to know? Are we sure the grandma isn’t trying to appease her grandchild as a last effort to make them happy? It’s so slimy and of course people like Jill are all for livestreaming circus-esque internet bullshit because then it means her larp isn’t an isolated incident. She can point and say “look at all this other shit happening! Get educated on how me and 5 other people in the world have decided mental illness works now!”
She doesn’t actually care. She’s talked more about herself in the last 4 years than anyone else I’ve ever seen, shayna included. She has no capacity to care about anyone else and that’s why whenever she pretends to care about other issues they’re never grounded in logic.
No. 297846
File: 1684895715522.webm (5.37 MB, 718x404, Role.WEBM)
More clips. Berry's role in the system.
No. 297847
File: 1684895853947.webm (12.55 MB, 1920x1080, ANP-or-EP.WEBM)
Is Berry an apparently normal part or emotional part clip.
No. 297848
File: 1684896070023.webm (16.62 MB, 1280x720, Nn-interests.WEBM)
Berry's nicknames and interests. This includes clips from the system journal most notably more Berry drawings.
No. 297849
File: 1684896170522.webm (5.9 MB, 1280x720, Like-to-do.WEBM)
This has the like a mother/big sister clip.
No. 297850
File: 1684896409165.webm (14.8 MB, 1280x720, Clothes.WEBM)
Talks about clothes she likes to wear. A little warning, around the 1:44-1:45 mark Jill squeals loudly around M or Emily the girl she went to school with who did the Burnt Toast collection.
No. 297851
File: 1684896515616.webm (15.94 MB, 1280x720, Tells-p1.WEBM)
Talks about tells that Berry is out. Broken up into 2 parts.
No. 297852
File: 1684896908367.webm (13 MB, 1280x720, Tells-p2.WEBM)
>>297851Part 2. Interestingly talks about positive
triggers and about should she be afraid someone will weaponize those
triggers against her. Decides nothing she is saying is a risk to the system.
No. 297866
File: 1684912843717.jpeg (43.62 KB, 2048x303, 402A12E7-C23C-4F6D-A081-3C76B2…)

I wonder if she will talk more about therapy in order to appease comments like this from her berry video. This person seems to know a bit of DID lore so it’s funny they’re basically calling her out that her LARP doesn’t make sense, even in the fake DID made up terms.
No. 297867
>>297852She's literally saying that she doesn't switch when it's inconvenient for her. That's literally not a mental disability, Jill, if you wanna be a baby be a baby but don't pretend like it's a weird mental health thing.
>>297866I wonder how she'll take this because I feel like it's worded nicely enough but she is being called out that her switches are controlled and therefore are fake. So that means, what, it's just like a weird coping mechanism now? instead of taking a bubble bath she just turns into an infant or a whiny teenager? Alright.
No. 297870
>>297846Watching these clips makes me realize she is truly insane from narcissism. She really is the most perfect example of a faker for attention, someone could make an entire serious documentary on it.
triggers aren't going to make us switch, especially if we're at work or somewhere in public" gosh darn how convenient it must be to suffer from Jillociative identity disorder
No. 297872
>>297864NTA, I haven’t seen any solid proof but there has been multiple tik toks from women with BPD claiming they have been offered it and people claiming elsewhere they were offered it because they are in a poor financial situation because of illness and benefits not being enough to get by. Kind of surprised Jill hasn’t mentioned it because there has been a lot of claims thrown around and people talking about how
problematic it is to offer that to people with BPD considering how dubious the consent would be if the person was having an episode and the fact that it’s not incurable. The whole thing does seem suss especially with doctors suggesting it because the way it’s supposed to work is the patient initiating that conversation not anyone telling them to do it if that makes sense.
No. 297876
File: 1684919615780.png (157.64 KB, 632x703, Berry.png)

>>297848Part of the journal Jill flashed around saying """Berry""" wrote it. I don't get how she can do this type of stuff with a grin plastered on her face. It's legit creepy.
No. 297877
File: 1684922636306.jpeg (26.07 KB, 964x363, 4BAE966A-61E6-47CB-ABDD-176A0B…)

>>297694This comment now has 99 likes and is the top comment on the video. Jill is leaving it because people are defending her in the comments but people aren’t going to read those.
No. 297882
File: 1684925712132.png (4.93 KB, 543x456,…)

>>297871Im in the process of going through her old threads, not to archive videos but for general lies and changed history related keks. However she has been insufferable for decades, its pretty much only the old deviant art that comes across as legitimate. Everything after that is her already lying and exagarating.
At least she seemed to really love and enjoy her piano teacher back in the days, but absolutely not "in that way". Obviously since the man is a confirmed pedo it probably isnt healthy for any teen girl to be around him, but she should be considering herself lucky not having to be molested an instead shes jelous.
No. 297883
File: 1684925797622.png (10.16 KB, 539x735,…)

>>297882part 2. She has no secrets with him
No. 297885
>>297872Fuck me if we’re gonna be taking things BPD-chans say as actual resource tf is this??
Like they arent notorious for over exaggerating literally anything to get a most wounded
They didny get recommended to get euthanized, they want people to think their mind is so troubled that death would be the only way to fix it bc god forbid they get a grip on all the
toxic/manipulative bullshit they love to pull
No. 297892
>>297864I have only heard of this through fear mongers and people trying to stop death rights because “life is a gift”. Assisted suicide is dignified and very well regulated here in Canada at least. People have to go through extensive psychological tests to make sure they are of sound mind to make these decisions and then have lawyers sign off on this. My friend’s grandfather was in the process of having this worked up when he had a stroke and since he sadly had brain damage from the stroke they couldn’t continue with the paper work because he was no longer of sound mind and it was an absolute nightmare because he’d occasionally be cognizant and try to kill himself.
Sage for blog
(not your personal blog) No. 297893
>>297891I think you all misread what I said, I said I haven’t seen any proof. I was just explaining where this information is coming from I wasn’t saying they are correct. I thought it was interesting that Jilly took this side considering she is chronically on tik tok and is a woman diagnosed with BPD so I would think she would side with her supposed peers who are making these claims or have some kind of dramatic self obsessed opinion on it. I wasn’t saying it’s suss on the side of the doctors I was saying it was suss that these people are making claims that don’t match how the system is set up.
>>297892I totally agree anon, Jill is as per inserting herself into something that isn’t about her but is about dignity for people who actually need the service.
No. 297896
>>297892Kek is this the same medical industry currently cutting off childrens healthy breasts and penises to treat a mental illness that’s not a mental illness but will 100% lead to their suicide if they aren’t mutilated? The same industry that had a “professional” diagnose Jill with DID? I’m sure they operate under robust ethics and regulations, no one would ever abuse a system that allows for state sanctioned murder. The government always operates with the most compassion for the infirm, poor and weak.
Sorry about your grandfather, that’s a hard place to be.
(derailing) No. 297904
>>297902Sixteen year old girls are getting needless cosmetic mastectomies and Him Petras got an axe wound neovagina at sixteen as well, children are absolutely getting SRS, now YOU stop derailing you tranny lover.
>>297850 for some reason I get the feeling she is somewhat LARPing as Steebie's niece. Does anyone feel this? When she said that Berry LOOOVES the way she dresses it reminds me of when she said Steebie's niece LOOOOVES the way she dresses. Sure, little girls like rainbows but IDK, with her track record…
(derailing) No. 297907
File: 1684945796045.jpeg (56.25 KB, 800x450, 39EBD2FA-7013-436A-9308-A4677D…)

>>297902>>297904Jill isn't a tranny nor is she considering medically assisted suicide mods pls
(derailing, take it to meta, report and move on please) No. 297924
>>297884Cue Jill checking “executive dysfunction” off her autism breadcrumb list after making this video. Of course the way for normal autistic/ADHD people to manage executive dysfunction is by maintaining structure in their lives, but for Jill it’s just fine, nay, healing actually! to sit on her ass smoking weed and scrolling social media all day.
>>297923The talking about interests one is about her dad.
No. 297928
File: 1684957016945.jpg (257.8 KB, 720x2956, Screenshot_2123545.jpg)

No. 297929
File: 1684957143388.jpg (94.8 KB, 720x1129, Screenshot_2123558.jpg)

No. 297934
File: 1684959157156.jpg (32.62 KB, 720x652, JillScreamingwithEm.jpg)

The time stamp is when Jill is screaming while doodling with her friend M.
No. 297954
>>297872If anons look in the replies to the original quote tweet Jill replies to, there are some links to articles where basically patients are denied medical care and "offered" euthanasia instead
>disabled man was recommended euthanasia since they didn't want to provide him with a carer>disabled woman needed a ramp for her house, was recommended euthanasia>homeless man recommended itNot in Canada specifically but there have been news articles about euthanised youths in other countries due to mental health issues. (link at bottom)
Canada is one country where the dubious organ donation part of Maid has been used, I did read a reputable article about that with recent statistics, (link at the bottom)
It definitely is an issue that affects mentally ill youth (aka Jill) as well as the elderly so maybe Jill should get informed. article re: depression and euthanasia (basically it's legal and in this case a woman's son was only informed
after the procedure was done) year old woman euthanised for having PTSD (Jillian supposesly has)'s a lot more out there on this topic but just grabbed those since I didn't realise this wasn't well known info
(derailing) No. 297960
>>297954stop fear mongering euthanasia, because there is a case of ONE person with heavy PTSD after a terrorist attack that's not even in canada, but belgium, doesnt mean canadian public healthcare is telling people to kill themselves because they have PTSD. also terminally ill can also donate their organs and that's a good thing, you have to be retarded to think organ donation is a bad thing.
>With more than 4,000 Canadians waiting for organ transplants, some of whom are dying, he says Canada’s numbers show a strong move to turn death into a win-win.EUTHANASIA OUTSIDE TERMINAL ILNESS IS NOT LEGAL IN CANADA TO BEGIN WITH. the amount of misinformation I keep reading on euthanasia is astonishing. I feel like I am taking crazy pills reading the amount of misinformation out there. nobody is going to force you to kill yourself. jesus fucking christ.
who is interested in making sure people HAVE to stay alive despite terminal illness and a desire to end on their own terms instead of a deathbed? who is interested in making public healthcare look bad "oh look they're just telling everyone to kill themselves!"? think for a moment, please.
stop spreading fucking misinformation in a thread that has nothing to do with it. just go to the tinfoil thread on /ot/ so your retardation is contained.
(sperging, derailing) No. 297975
>>297972I believe Jillian thinks wellbutrin is a diet pill since it’s an antidepressant known for not causing weight gain and can cause weight loss. That way when she loses weight like she wants to (but won’t) she can just blame it on her meds as if she wasn’t shopping around for desirable side effects. Wellbutrin is going to be a massive letdown when it doesn’t magically cure her obesity thanks to her “ARFID” diet of nuggies and sedentary lifestyle.
Just like everything else in her life, she wants to slap on a solution rather than putting in any effort. All she does is lie to get what she wants and popping pills not meant for her is going to bite her in the ass.
No. 297980
>>297922Didn't Jill also change her sex marker on her birth certificate/ID card to nonbinary? We can leave the trans sperging for the troon threads but both Jill and Steve consider themselves trans and queer so let's not pretend it's not relevant at all
>>297929So basically this is a cover to say Steve doesn't do sexual thing with the child alter, but actually with adult Jill who's just age regressing
No. 297981
>>297822All comes back to her need to avoid responsibility/introspection. She is a "good person" and good people aren't spoiled, so she couldn't have been spoiled, so it
must've been a special interest! It's like she can't just admit she liked Strawberry Shortcake (something most little girls in her cohort liked) and so her parents bought her merchandise. She's so blinded by egoism that she doesn't realize the rest of us see it as her being coddled and not a proof of her supposed life-long affliction that has only affected her for about 2 years.
No. 297985
File: 1685012970799.jpg (76.36 KB, 1074x528, Screenshot_20230525_120656.jpg)

So I was watching dissociadids new vlog, I thought this part was interesting since jill has also recently claimed she has a hard time leaving her house and she's a fan of dissociadid. Chloe also implies she was diagnosed with chronic illnesses recently which jill has been alluding to.
No. 297987
>>297972Perhaps she can’t be seen losing weight “on purpose” but I’m sure she would love to lose a bunch of weight and fit her old Jfashion clothes again. I agree with
>>297975 that she’s probably hoping for Wellbutrin to work as a weight loss drug and give her plausible deniability. However if that fails, and she has to work on it more actively (which she won’t, but theoretically), she has Jerrick as a backup scapegoat. Jerrick is the prosecutor anachan alter with
problematic tendencies so she could always say he’s been fronting by himself a lot and starving and/or overexercising the body. Bodypos Jigglybean loves her marshmallow rolls but Jerrick is making her do it guys she can’t help it!!
She’d have to backpedal a bit on the “actually Jerrick is just a harmless angery smol bean” redemption arc she’s been on (because god forbid any aspect of Jill is thought of negatively, even a part she invented purely to vent negativity) and handwave her previous claims of being super in control and nearly always co-con, but consistency has never really been a factor in this LARP.
No. 297997
>>297979I hate that Jill is faking ND to abuse stimulants while lots of us are suffering from med shortages. But Wellbutrin made me super anxious and easily enraged, I know everyone reacts differently but if it amplified her BPD and gave her narc rage moments it would be hilarious. That is my milkmas wish.
>>297985 It's amazing how smug and confident Jill is in her bs. As if people can't just watch her old videos where she had literally no problem going to another country to be the center of attention. She really thinks she is so smart.
No. 298024
File: 1685044370768.png (5.96 KB, 660x124, Screenshot 2023-05-25 at 21.53…)

at least someone has common sense in these comments
No. 298073
File: 1685067757153.png (116.89 KB, 1182x946, 23r9f8qasd.png)

I was curious if jill's did-faker mutual had posted her mclean video yet and she hasn't but also lmao
>cartoon hyper pop
this is just like jill, did is a performance for them.
No. 298075
File: 1685068498564.jpg (49.56 KB, 720x564, Hmmm.jpg)

No. 298094
>>298052Dont know what it’s like in good ol america but where i’m from mental health specialist & doctors arent gonna give you shit if you regularly use weed.
No new medication, no diagnosis, no testing. Bc why would they when heavy weed usage could just as well be the only problem, like with our sear jillie
No. 298111
>>298094Nta but Jill is a doctor shopper and can just fill out a questionnaire that asks if she uses substances and you know lie. Most doctors will not drug test you unless it’s for controlled substances and that’s usually after they prescribe them to make sure those are the only substances that are in your system. She can go to any GP and be like I’m sad and want something different and they’ll give it to you. GPs hand out SSRIs and other types of antidepressants like candy.
She’s clearly not seeing a psychiatrist or else they’d know Wellbutrin alone would exacerbate her anxiety and mood swings if a doctor were to add an SSRI to balance shit out then it’s bye bye instant fatty gratification.
No. 298122
>>298115>>298111 Never acted like it isn’t the easiest thing to just lie & say you dont use weed (obviously….)
Just debunking anon’s claims doctors would never ask you to stop smoking weed when you’re changing meds
No. 298124
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god bless this anon who I think was trying to post this here but ended up making a thread
No. 298125
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No. 298133
>>298075how much do you want to bet that this was jill subtweeting that one autistic skinwalker? the one she asked if DID was a “special interest”.
it’s ironic, because jill also has been absorbing autistic traits and behaviors, ever since she found out having BPD wouldn’t let her speak on behalf of the neurodivergent community (and, speaking on behalf of communities is the only thing that’s fun or “cool” to her). it’s really just two spidermans pointing at each other
No. 298142
>>298139it's kelly eden, she has a thread here !
i'm in for a rainbow vomit fatty x wicked tranny witch wedding saga anytime, i hope steebie proposes soon
No. 298160
>>298125Kelly's thread maxed out I think but we're gonna need a new one if she's marrying stickman
Also hit F in the chat for Jill who has been dreaming of her wedding her whole life (I thought that was a stereotype, didn't realise girls really did this kek) and is still not even engaged to Stevie (who frequently tweets his ex with affection and has her door key)
No. 298172
>>298075this is the funniest fucking thing. see if you actually look into DID shit they have this thing called fictives- alters that form from media or others. anyway nice way to fucking contradict yourself jill.
other note that makes it hilarious is that jill liking this and not seeing sof is doing that exact thing directed at her. she’s so fucking tone deaf
No. 298178
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I'm bored at work reading through her old threads, it's hilarious how predictable cows are. Literally got an alter for every fashion phase she went through. This was also around the time where she was calling Trisha paytas out for exploiting mental illness or something, so it makes everything she's doing now even funnier. Trisha's got a man and a baby, and Jill has a depressed Twink and a cat alter. Funny how life works
No. 298195
>>298173One of Jill’s alters is meant to be a public figure (drag queen) so the skinwalker autist is also totes
valid by Jill’s own lore. She’s literally transforming into Pixielocks, she can’t help how she copes!
No. 298203
>>298198Of course she would defend that shit. Otherwise she'd have to look at her own cringy weeb behavior and realize how "
problematic" she's been. Surprised that leftists haven't tried to cancel her yet for cultural appropriation. Then again, they did forgive her after she made a totally genuine, no makeup apology video for being racist kek
No. 298208
>>298206Not a weeb so maybe I've got this wrong but there's a word for strawberry in japanese, why doesn't she say that instead of strawberry w/ katakana pronunciation?
Regardless, it's funny that Jill, with her past, is once again missing the point when it comes to issues borrowing from another culture.
No. 298220
>>298094weed usage is pretty normalized in Canada and most of the US. Safe to assume most doctors in states/places with medical/Rec marijuana are educated about it enough to not demand a patient quit in order to receive mental healthcare. Sounds like you’re from someplace where marijuana is illegal (the French have a particular sour view of marijuana). I’ve never heard of someone having to quit marijuana in order to get psych meds, even before weed was medically legal in my state.
>>298105Are you implying smoking weed puts someone at risk of serotonin syndrome when used with an antidepressant?
(derailing) No. 298230
>>298195Yes, she herself has said that Cliffe is based on Sasha Velour and her own father, which in my opinion is even creepier than if she were just skinwalking the drag queen. Especially now that she’s said that Cliffe wants to do a separate suit photoshoot with Steve at their wedding which implies that the part of Jill that LARPs as her own dad will also be marrying Steve…
I would give anything to be a fly on the wall when Jill’s parents discuss her DID saga amongst themselves. Do they? I suspect they think it’s just another one of her phases (because it is) but they have to realise that this is a hell of a lot weirder than just having bad fashion sense, right?
No. 298243
>>298232A lot of addicts have personality disorders. As we know they’re misdiagnosed when they show up high to therapy. Wish Louise could call these quacks and tell them her daughter smokes too much to be diagnosed.
>>298238If Jill had a real therapist I wonder what they would say about her getting married?
No. 298250
>>298073KEK Jill and her skinwalker are exactly the same.
Also love how Jill has the expertise to tell someone when they do or don't have DID, but the Doctors at McLean that have actual decades of experience working with trauma patients have no idea what they are talking about. Mmmkay Jill.
The nonna that called it Jillociative Identity Disorder really hit the nail on the head.
No. 298267
>>298250Classic narcissism at work. Jill screams and cries that her DID is totally
valid despite fitting zero of the actual symptoms and instead fitting an entirely separate and predictable psychological profile, but then when someone else does it and it threatens her being unique and special, suddenly that other person is wrong and faking.
No. 298269
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She has 33k twitter followers but new follows have almost entirely stopped. Yet she has tweeted nearly 700 times in the last 30 days.
No. 298270
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229k followers on YouTube yet decreasing followers
No. 298278
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No. 298279
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No. 298284
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>>298280TLDR: weeb idol group in California make a tiktok. Backlash occurs when leader Berry does her call and response in a Japanese accent. Apologies, picrel, and no longer doing the Japanese accent in new call and response.
No. 298291
>>298288You should watch a clip of their "singing" if you really want a good time
>awkward attempts at idol dancing>tone deaf incipherable singing>main focus is this "call and response" thing with their dumb nicknamesReminds me of a cross between Jill and Venus (main girl is very Venus Angelic)
No. 298293
>>298279Twitter is a cesspit these days, the For You page brings randoms to threads and now there are like 20 characters of the day getting relentlessly attacked from all sides, usually fairly innocuous like this (in the last day there has been some girl who said skinny is best, and a troon who said barbies are for rich kids, for example, all getting dunked on by the entire of twitter - when the opinions are wrong, but also who cares?) who get ten million views, countless response threads, thousands of qts and replies, absolute worst time for anyone to try and get famous right now unless they manage their social media flawlessly and aren't wrong or cringe in any way. tiktok people also dox people like crazy. No reason why some cringe weebs need to be doxed, laugh and move on like normal people (impossible)
No. 298297
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>>298269LMAO that makes this tweet even funnier
No. 298319
>>298279Surprised she hasn't made this all about her yet, I would've thought she'd pull the "omg ik how hard it is because I've been DOXXED and STALKED irl and it's so scary (and actually worse than what these girls are going through because I'm the ultimate
victim teehee)"
No. 298337
>>298284This drama is so stupid. It’s a bunch of TikTok losers trying to have the moral high ground so they pick on these poor untalented and uncoordinated girls without looking like bullies and hiding behind cultural appropriation bullshit to keep tearing them apart.
Are people gonna call white people racist if they go to chipotle and say guacamole correctly?
I think Jill sees herself in these weebs because she used to have a cringe idol group too. She’s probably afraid someone will dig up her old performances and try to call her racist again.
No. 298343
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Omg guys this is TOTALLY proof she has DID!! I stg she is ret conning her entire life. The amount of times I've seen dumb teens say they don't know who they are without meaning it's DID- its just something you say when you are lost in life ffs.
No. 298351
>>298343That she thinks highlighting how her mental health has eroded with the heavy and continued weed usage is funny.
Jill you went from being able to admit to some common fucking feelings (confusion and identity issues) to pathologizing those exact feelings as a sign of a deeply buried trauma response. No doubt had she fished up any of her other preferred diagnoses she’d have used this as proof of those.
Jill you have mental health problems but not the ones you want.
No. 298361
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Just as predicted- 'how can I make this about ME'
No. 298368
>>298361Damn this nonna
>>298319 called it LMAO
No. 298378
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>>298343She's so gross. Also I thought that her Berry switches used to be ~involuntary and scary~ until therapy but suddenly, she was co-con in 2017?
No. 298414
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