File: 1497945054331.jpg (68.06 KB, 720x960, 1497761788002.jpg)

No. 338259
>previously a punk kid who became a pansexual buddhist lolita lifestyler>quit because of bullies and LACE drama (>history of self harm, ED and severe anxiety>has a legitimate shopping problem which she justifies by making an ungodly amount of haul videos>broke up with 2-year boyfriend to date their best friend (and her other best friend's ex) whom she 'loved all along' and 'makes her believe in love at first sight'>can't participate in jfashion communities because 'muh rules & restrictions' >creates her OWN japanese street fashion called Party Kei>Went to Japan to prove to herself she wanted to study fashion design>was basically a two week shopping spree>home again and struggling to keep up with making videos>quitting her jobs to follow ~dream~ of being a fashion designer in Japan>>>/pt/108478>>>/snow/93376>>>/snow/25169>>>/snow/154765>>>/snow/215023>>>/snow/258245>>>/snow/271275>>>/snow/285759>>>/snow/303929>>>/snow/318441LINKS
youtube insta:
No. 338260
File: 1497945096451.png (682.22 KB, 720x960, jill.png)

>>338259>>338259fuck Im so disappointed I meant to make img related the thread OP instead of this one
No. 338263
File: 1497945244156.png (748.05 KB, 930x588, Untitled.png)

No. 338264
File: 1497945304468.jpg (156.04 KB, 807x589, ss (2017-06-20 at 12.54.45).jp…)

No. 338266
File: 1497945363354.jpg (144.25 KB, 808x594, ss (2017-06-20 at 12.55.50).jp…)

No. 338267
File: 1497945522137.jpg (128.78 KB, 927x593, ss (2017-06-20 at 12.57.14).jp…)

"one big solid cheeky gomenasai"
holy fuck someone tell her to stop No. 338269
>>338263What the fuck? She's slender as fuck with no chest, why the fuck does this retard keep misusing words like this again and again?
Also, fucking gross. Her audience are 12 years olds, this is super inappropriate.
No. 338273
>>338269yeah, 'thicc' has completely lost its meaning now
honestly I get
triggered every time she talks about her 'voluptuous booty'.. like no Jill, you aren't some thicc booty goddess, you're just kinda tubby lol
No. 338301
>>338269>>338273It's some twitter/tumblr meme going round, 'x is one thicc bih, lemme see that [first bit of the name]ussy'. Still doesn't justify it in this case and the fact that she actually put a hashtag on it makes me laugh.
ex. 'Jill is one thicc bih, lemme see that jillussy'. Sage for useless knowledge.
No. 338340
File: 1497968273826.png (334.3 KB, 500x499, huh.png)

>>338297>>338335seriously though, this is the worst she's looked in quite a while
she really needs that long hair + bangs
No. 338356
>>338340I'm not trying to stick up for her but she's clearly in her room, probably at home for the day. Why would she wear make up or have her hair done nicely when she's having a lazy day? Who gets all dolled up to sit in their room?
I know she's a piece of shit but this is so nitpicky, lol.
No. 338938
>>338862She had to go all the way to Japan for inspiration and then drag her mom back out to another province once they got home so she could choose cheap tacky fabric to build a portfolio for a community college course she doesn't qualify for AND she still has nothing to show for it.
I've never witnessed such a spoiled person lie to themselves so much about progress/hard work.
No. 339036
File: 1498069549978.png (49.3 KB, 500x217, comments.png)

>>339033lol she also says that people shouldn't yell at her for eating a burger in Japan, because "she ate a lot of stuff" …yeah, but all of that was western style junk food
also I love people pointing out her ignorance in the comments
No. 339042
>>339018no one else should have to sit through this
> kawaii music at train stations> shopping bags taped shut> no tipping uwu my anxiety> the bread had suprise whipped cream in it> burger paper > maximum 7 meters to a grape fanta vending machine> money trays in stores> trains> trails for blind in pavement> safe> shop girls walk you to the door with your bags and come running after you when you leave your expensive camera in the fitting roomhate
> restaurants having smoke rooms> people walking into you in crowds> people taking sneak photos No. 339046
>>339042About 80% of these are a thing where I live too (middle Europe)
I guess I can't really fault her for living in a small town all her live, but I was really hoping that she would talk about some deeper experience or something she had at least.
Instead, these are all really miniscule things and didn't really warrant a 25 minute video
No. 339051
>>339042She said that these are things you wouldn't know until you got to Japan and that she did so much research, but I know almost all of these just from having a casual interest in Japan.
She really did just watch some j-vloggers and Google "Harajookoo" as prep for her trip smh.
No. 339070
>>339067I assume it's because of where she lives, in an older video she mentioned that when she visited Montreal there were some teen girls whispering about her hair color in a Forever21, and it sounded like it brought her close to the edge or something
I can only imagine her reacting that strongly if it's something she never really experienced before
No. 339116
File: 1498079059623.png (111.81 KB, 1242x492, Screen Shot 2017-06-21 at 2.02…)

>>339114I love that she doesn't know how shit where she lives is. It's seriously just you Jill
No. 339196
File: 1498089056758.png (537.78 KB, 481x602, Screen Shot 2017-06-21 at 7.50…)

her teeth are… grey
No. 339197
File: 1498089155219.png (797.44 KB, 886x556, Screen Shot 2017-06-21 at 6.48…)

>>339018Sometimes I wonder whether she talks like a toddler to seem endearing and quirky or if her actual thoughts involve words such as 'little handsies.'
Also, her face when she was describing the whipped cream bread.
No. 339199
>>338663The 21st century version of "dog ate my homework."
One Big Solid Cheeky Gomenasai should become her YT channel name.
No. 339214
>>339018>In Canada it's illegal to pay servers below minimum wage therefore there's no reason for tippingNo it isn't, waiters and delivery drivers get paid below minimum wage in most Canadian provinces. She acts so high and mighty with the misinformation that probably trickles down from Louise who has played photographer housewife her entire life.
She'll be crying in a few years when they're living off Colin's starbucks tip jar after she spends her income on expensive brand items instead of sufficient chicken tendies and marshmallow turds.
No. 339253
>>339196This looks like what happens after you eat bright blue artificially coloured candy. Which I'm betting she did right before taking this photo.
Was this taken on a roller coaster? What is this setting?
No. 339269
>>339253shes in a convertible
>>339197perfect next thread pic
No. 339324
>>339321i know plenty of american servers who make 2-3 bucks an hour at all of the states that pay 2.13/hr for servers
(sage this, off-topic) No. 339358
File: 1498126331336.jpg (266.4 KB, 1834x1434, 19442135_10155242661696405_840…)

Posted on louises fb
>FroYo date with my awesome bbg. Obligatory Gojis selfie….
No. 339359
File: 1498126653320.jpg (112.88 KB, 2048x1367, 19095484_10155221441481405_408…)

No. 339362
File: 1498127183706.png (35.48 KB, 836x252, ss (2017-06-22 at 03.25.39).pn…)

No. 339363
File: 1498127231458.png (20.07 KB, 777x145, ss (2017-06-22 at 03.26.59).pn…)

No. 339364
File: 1498127301971.png (26.94 KB, 644x224, ss (2017-06-22 at 03.27.59).pn…)

how is it possible she said so much dumb shit in one video
No. 339431
File: 1498140122000.jpg (197.2 KB, 613x924, ss (2017-06-22 at 07.01.42).jp…)

No. 339444
File: 1498141383783.jpg (58.2 KB, 600x336, IMG_1945.JPG)

>>339440It's her moms car, which is red
No. 339447
File: 1498141613638.jpg (554.83 KB, 1333x1869, IMG_1946.JPG)

No. 339455
>>339449She's definitely sucking her stomach in, or maybe her face just always looks constipated. She certainly has nowhere near as much muscle tone as in this photo. And the picture doesn't look especially toned anyways, so imagine how squishy she probably actually is…
She's obviously super doughy and at that angle there's no way she would look that small even in skintight clothes. Her legs are definitely edited, looks like her entire lower body is. her collarbone area looks like a totally different person but maybe it's the way her arm is stretched.
No. 339463
File: 1498144967844.jpg (62.92 KB, 585x390, lemon-roll-1.jpg)

>>339372How does she not know what a roll cake is?
No. 339467
File: 1498145154036.jpg (63.45 KB, 399x800, 333159a758d353666a4039e4325134…)

>>339463Maybe it was that horn looking thing she was talking about…
No. 339474
File: 1498145391831.jpg (201.71 KB, 1600x1015, Cream Pan - Ruchik Randhap (5)…)

>>339467I thought she was referring to cream buns like these
not whipped cream, but I don't really trust Jill's chicken tender and marshmallow gourmet taste anyway lol
No. 339580
File: 1498161742222.png (698.16 KB, 640x960, image.png)

She'll be live on YouNow tomorrow. Do you think she'd respond to comments that are sugar coated?
No. 339581
>>339580What the fuck is that picture
I'm honestly convinced she's got some form of mild retardation
No. 340058
File: 1498236359451.png (3.45 MB, 1440x2560, 20170623_114007.png)

Those areas have been edited for sure, the background is suddenly blurred, she tried to blend it with the distant flowers to look natural, which was a good idea and all, but she didn't think about it making sense. Her elbow looks messed with but I'm not sure how?? But overall I don't think she did much, save smoothing her skin probably. She's tilted and has a leg raised, that's a pose to hide fat and make you look skinnier.
Not saying she looks good, cuz those roots clashing with her confetti hair are terrible, but she doesn't look too bad. She played her angles and did an alright job and photos hope. If you cover her face up I would think she's cute.
No. 340069
>>340058It's likely her mom doing the photoshop since she edits the photos she takes for a living.
I've seen them talking on fb about their use of ps, Louise thinks "everyone could use a little help" so I don't imagine anything they post is unedited.
No. 340077
File: 1498237327263.png (23.03 KB, 465x170, pL007V0.png)

No. 340098
File: 1498238354490.jpg (119.88 KB, 960x960, 19225996_1391450597575125_7188…)

>>340086If you wanted to see more of her moms photos you can always go to her fb or her business page I found a new photo of jill by going to her business page.
No. 340108
File: 1498240105286.png (850.42 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

No. 340179
File: 1498245499408.png (2.2 MB, 1426x900, Untitled.png)

No. 340245
File: 1498251438849.gif (430.87 KB, 566x694, pixie.gif)

forgive me father for i have sinned
No. 340542
>>340486Speaking of pastel cutie, I remember when Jill first started on youtube, she had no subs or followers until pastel cutie promoted the shit out of her on tumblr. She got her first 3k subs from that alone. This was around the time angel was on everyone's radar due to drama.
To this day, Jill claims she had her own little following on tumblr which transferred over to youtube, never acknowledging the people that promoted her channel from obscurity. Even worse, she's never returned the favor to other small youtubers. I have personally messaged Jill about other youtubers that are similar in style (and fans of hers) that could use some promo just to see if she would bother but nope. She'll even follow smaller youtubers on insta (probably because their fashion sense is better) but will never give them a shout out.
Now it's come full circle as angel seems to have started her own channel and does pixie even consider helping her out? Doesn't seem so. It's the same story with Deerstalkers, Princess Peachie, Lovely Lor etc. These people were supposedly her idols and each one of them were kind enough to promote her. She bragged and bragged about it. Now that each of those channels have less subs than her, has she offered them any support or show any interest anymore?
She's an awful person to expect all the adoration from the community without ever giving back.
No. 340701
>>340650""it gets better""
isnt that something u should say if u have homophobic parents and THATS why u cant come out???? she just didnt want to tell them wha
No. 340719
>>340650>>340712god this makes me cringe so hard
pixie really just comes off as someone who doesn't like guys because they're not aesthetic~ enough for her. She's the opposite of a 'queen of pride'
No. 340742
File: 1498334852833.jpg (91.07 KB, 500x620, extra.jpg)

>i'm coming out as a punk kid>i'm coming out as a lolita>i'm coming out as a party kei>i'm coming out as a totally queer person during the pride month and totally not just because its pride month and i want attentionboy, i wonder what's next!
pic related, this is how i've seen Jill this entire month with her whole "i'm a girl dating a boy but its totally gay i swear xd"
No. 340763
>>340650There are women out there who fucked their sorority sisters, Prison women who take partners and generally people who have had lifetimes more experiences with female relationships who STILL know that no they are not infact gay and dont identify as queer but NO in this weird fucking sjw wave every tween to twenty yr old literally THIRST after being able to call themselves anything BUT straight.
Its fucking gross, u aint even cute.
No. 340805
>>340650Okay how many times is she gonna "come out" as gay. Discourse over her identity aside, this is like the 4th time she's done so (even if all weren't flashy videos, they were all pretty public so im just not understanding).
Also I'm not watching the video but did she really just say she just didn't "want" to tell them? Don't most people not come out because they
fear telling parents because they might get hurt/kicked out/etc?
It's especially selfish because I'm sure if Colin is actually trans, the likelihood of shit "getting better" is substantially less likely, to the degree that Jillian probably is aware of, and feels like the phrase is more a performative/attention thing than Jillian being empathetic.
No. 340909
>>340881Ntayrt but I agree somewhat.
While she has the right to speak her mind about her sexual experiences, it does seem a bit disingenuous of her to speak like she comes from a corner of serious oppression when the truth is she's been given more support via family and friends than the average bi or gay person typically gets.
It's like she just can't come to terms that keeping a relationship secret in high school one time just ain't that big a deal. Or that questioning your own sexuality and not being entirely sure about it is actually something almost everyone goes through.
Jill just wants to be special.
No. 340945
File: 1498366616488.jpg (284.06 KB, 683x1024, 19743038720_4fb4c4daf9_o.jpg)

I am so thankful for the anon that made the Jillian/Kammie comparison
>this is what Jill wishes "party kei" was
No. 340959
File: 1498367843493.png (673.92 KB, 490x658, JfKkMv6.png)

Why bother tagging #bodypositive if your bod is edited to hell and back here, Jill?
No. 340970
>>340959Holy fuck Louise took some creative license here.
Jill is square and stumpy as fuck and Louise managed to make her look 5 lbs lighter and three inches taller and clearly fucked around with her bust, waist, and hip areas.
>lol at the fact that she left Jill's thighs fatter than the other photo and close to her normal size prolly just so Jill can feel 'thicc' No. 340990
>>340959you can clearly see the bows were moved i'm just… bruh
also you don't get proportions like with without a tummy unless you're corseting
No. 341207
File: 1498418993210.jpg (41.48 KB, 500x282, tumblr_nf3h92UMpC1sp5buyo1_500…)

>>340098uh… how do they make money? like her family
clearly has cash $$$$$$.
but she's not popular on youtube, and her mother works as a… photographer??? i mean, that doesn't sound very lucrative to me tbh. where does the $$$$ come from? does she have a brother/father with a real job that i don't know about? that's crazy
No. 341324
File: 1498430988544.png (181.53 KB, 750x950, IMG_9871.PNG)

No. 341331
>>341324looks alright
hopefully she learns how to attach her lacefront though
No. 341353
File: 1498434396415.jpg (168.33 KB, 736x1055, 3464ac61aa16a7ce7f57bbcfa0db04…)

>>341324It looks like shitty party city shit
….this is the source material btw
No. 341356
>>341207Jill just can't help but put stickers on her face even when it's not part of the character's actual outfit. I don't know much about Precure but from the photo
>>341353 posted it seems like she made more of a costume, not a cosplay.
That bunched up pink stuff on the bust looks nothing like the character, and the headpiece is way off. You'd think for someone who claimed they wanted to sell jewelry she could have put together a simple single chain and attached it with hair clips or whatever it's supposed to be.
No. 341357
>>341356meant to quote
>>341324 not
>>341207sage for samefag
No. 341361
File: 1498435315569.jpg (160.2 KB, 752x1200, IMG_1953.JPG)

>>341353>>341356It does match better with the official anime artwork, that other image is fan art
No. 341362
File: 1498435436314.png (150.84 KB, 750x1021, IMG_1952.PNG)

>>341361That being said she is posting about it being finished when she's still obviously missing the gem that goes on her chest? Come on Jill I know you like to brag and all but at least actually finish the cosplay first
No. 341728
File: 1498503538647.png (238.85 KB, 750x830, IMG_9888.PNG)

Jill please stop buying palettes, please?
No. 341743
>>341316Lol louise does not suffer for jill. The family just has a ton of disposable income. I know jill's grandparents live on PEI in a nice house although Louise's extended family is from britain. And as previously mentioned her father is a university professor. I think it's a combination of money trickled down from their relatives and Blair having good credit/savings from his career. Also Louise is moderately successful as a photographer in town, it's her full time job, and she books client regularly (due to connections more so than talent). She doesn't need to be amazingly talented, she just spends her time networking in the maritime area and travels for industry conventions.
Proof of the fact that she doesn't suffer is that she regularly splurges for herself, she has the same shopping addiction as jill and encourages that frivolous behavior. She's especially bad with household items and frequently plays interior deco reno mama. Louise is the one who set the standard of travelling purely for shopping sprees as she does so more frequently than Jill. The convertible is her most cherished thing and we already know that Blair, Jill and Giles have their own cars, and it's pretty safe to assume her mom drives a regular car on a daily basis and saves the convertible for summer weather.
No. 341747
File: 1498506490512.png (52.68 KB, 1006x116, Screen Shot 2017-06-26 at 12.4…)

Looks like this is Jills reasoning for streaming
No. 341753
>>341362bonus points to anyone who knows the character
eyeroll jill you're not special its a popular anime series
No. 341762
>>341747how did she earn that, from youtube ads or donations?
also lol even louise knows jillian will do it for money that she can spend on more shit she doesn't need, stop talking about poor louise when she's probably just the same as jill and that's where jill got it from in the first place.
No. 341795
>>341769wtf why would anyone donate to her?
I can understand donating to artists or someone who actually needs the money to survive, but Jill get literally all of her expenses paid for by her well off family
She doesn't even create shit anymore, she just reviews shit she buys
No. 341820
>>341795And the fact that her mom boasts about her being donated to saying she'll likely stream again due to the money being thrown at her already well-off daughter is pretty disgusting if you want my honest opinion.
t's really telling that being vain and exceedlingly materialistic runs in the family.
No. 342000
File: 1498542345668.png (309.75 KB, 495x996, jill.png)

No. 342001
File: 1498542444506.png (485.03 KB, 490x1061, jill2.png)

No. 342003
File: 1498542554310.jpg (310.53 KB, 2048x1428, 19400231_1396373393749512_5782…)

No. 342005
File: 1498542640557.png (341.58 KB, 514x771, edit.png)

Ah so I guess it was Jill doing those awful edits after all
No. 342069
>>342038Wow so Jill is blatantly altering her body in photos and pretending to be 'body positive' and accepting. She always features the party kei group members that look worse than her (not hard to do in a made up fashion with no rules). And is constantly bragging about brands and throwing together garbage and making excuses for it.
She seems so insanely insecure about everything and never wants to really put effort into things because of fear and rejection of reasonable constructive judgement or even anyone's opinion unless it's that she's perfect.
Even simple stuff like fans telling her to use Google instead of asking them to find simple things gets met with her sending her rabid following to attack them for being 'too mean/harsh uwu'
She's like a less attractive, less self confident Regina George or something.
No. 342131
>>341747Why would her mom brag about something like that on FB? I don't get it, it's really tacky and not all that impressive really. Also ngl it's kind of weird that her mom posts about Jill's YT so frequently. I would be embarrassed if it was my mom doing that.
>>342069>She seems so insanely insecure about everythingShe definitely is. I imagine that's why she up and left lolita to make her own thing where the bullies couldn't hurt her and she could make her own rules.
>>342114It's okay anon, enjoy it. Don't let her ruin it for you - it's a cute palette after all.
No. 342316
>>342001Even further proof of how gross and materialistic these two heifers are.
Louise is just as tacky as her ugly autistic kid.
No. 342437
File: 1498606438053.jpg (423.46 KB, 936x403, web_glitterbomb_openhalf.jpg)

>>342419well it's glittery and the names of the shades sound like stuff Jill would eat up, so that was probably enough reason for her to get it
No. 342621
For some reason, Jill acts like she puts in research as a consumer but she's really uninformed. Such as when she claimed to be so prepared for Japan or when she planned her tattoo or anything for that matter, then she'll act passive aggressively pissy and insecure when she's told she's wrong/ignorant about a certain subject matter.
She clearly does not keep up with the fast-moving makeup world but wants to act on trend at every turn with this cruelty free bullshit (nothing wrong with ethics, but jill does it for the image). She's said she won't buy KVD, MAC etc because they're ~problematic~ (although she has in the past?) but then proceeds to say she doesn't own ANY estee lauder on her high horse, without realizing Too Faced is owned by them etc.
I've noticed that she serious FOMO which is why she hops on memes and internet trends always a little late, constantly buying popular brand names, had to fulfill the YT weeb dream of going to japan, ~IM GAY TOO GUYS~, ~I HAVE A FASHION BRAND TOO GUYS~, ~MY STYLE IS SO SPESHUL AMAZING HARAJOOKOO~, ~HUMBLE BRAG 5EVA I'M COol toooooo~
She's going to crash and burn trying to be the leading lbgtq kawaii snowflake queen, because every area of interests she hops onto already has prolific influencers that are well informed and competent at their jobs.
No. 342681
File: 1498665285540.png (136.04 KB, 750x969, IMG_1974.PNG)

Jill trying to plan an event is a disaster. I'm so excited to see the aftermath of this con and get to see a vlog of her complaining the entire time again
No. 342682
>shades sound like stuff Jill would eat up>"Fairdy dust, confetti, hot damn, glitter goals, work it, oh its on!"darn it, you're right. we are SO getting a makeup tutorial now. god, its going to be terrible.
i'm annoyed already. her makeup is sooooo bad…
No. 342689
>>342681this worthless potato lays in bed all day napping and still can't set a legitimate meetup plan with all the time on her hands
does she go running to her mom asking her to do everything anytime something doesnt go exactly her way as well???
No. 342703
>>342681what's the plan/goal for this meet up anyway?
like everyone brings some food and then they wanted to hang out and eat together?
it really sounds like Jill just wants this to be a 'fan meet' kinda deal, I don't think anyone would show up if they weren't a fan of hers
No. 342757
File: 1498670546578.png (109.28 KB, 1200x362, Screen Shot 2017-06-28 at 10.2…)

No. 342882
>>342757It's so weird how Jill uses condescending tones/names when speaking to youtubers much older than her. Or when she gives advice to those much more experienced than her? Like why does anyone need reassurance from Jill who has the vocabulary of a 5 year old. It shows that she doesn't have any experience interacting with other young adults in the real world. If a 19 year old cringefest weeb spoke to me like that, whether at work or even at a party, I'd be like child bye lmao.
You can't relate to everything Jill. No one needs your opinion anyways.
Also I have a hard time believing that the uk yters genuinely like Jill. First Abi, now becki? I knew Kelsey kisses her ass but I assumed that was because they're both tacky af. Guess they've all taken notice to Jill's subscriber growth. You have to admit her view counts have been great since her Japan trip.
No. 342959
>>342882I think it's pretty blatant they aren't sincere friends and just making comment lip service to circle jerk.
I don't think Jill even has enough substance to sustain 'real' conversations with 'friends'. She's so vapid and boring no one could speak to her without ulterior motive or obligation pushing things along. I mean, look at the cow meetup in Japan, lmao. Cringefest. Meanwhile Jill is ignorant to her own undesirable effect on those around her.
No. 343315
>>343312Thank god Jill declared drag queens too
triggering for her, if she started fawning over Trixie like the ddlg princess from earlier in this thread id off myself.
No. 343333
File: 1498740706397.jpg (112.19 KB, 518x690, ss (2017-06-29 at 05.51.33).jp…)

No. 343340
>>343315Trixie already has a primarily tumblr tween fanbase, she doesn't need Jill shitting it up too when she eventually decides that drag queens cater to her tastes because of how popular RPDR currently is.
I still don't get why she thinks drag is bad and inherently transphobic or something. There are openly trans drag queens as well, trans women and all the genderfuck options in between. Maybe it's because they aren't politically correct.
>>343333Personally I prefer Luna's opiate-induced pieces to this shit. Does she consider all the shooping she did on it to be ~true art~?
No. 343341
>>343333Lol? This filter is actually from a Brazilian Meme, a crazy woman went around on an art gallery touching shit and when the staff said she couldn't touch it, she started repeating "Don't touch, it's art".
How weird.
Video related. 1:05 in.
No. 343348
File: 1498744479395.jpg (91.44 KB, 606x960, felice.jpg)

No. 343355
File: 1498745753409.jpg (1.1 MB, 1206x960, comparison.jpg)

>>343348it… could've been worse I guess?
the proportions are off and she forgot quite a few details, but I think one of the biggest issues is that the design just doesn't work well in real life, especially if you aren't super skinny
No. 343386
File: 1498749976008.jpg (717.71 KB, 2048x1365, IMG_1981.JPG)

No. 343387
File: 1498749995816.jpg (367.71 KB, 1365x2048, IMG_1983.JPG)

No. 343393
>>343355Those tiny flowers are
triggering me
No. 343410
>>343355you'd think with all the extra money she has lying around she'd be able to buy a better quality wig than reusing the nappy ass rose quartz one.
there are so many little inaccuracies that make the overall costume look like shit.
also that wand looks like a fleshlight or vibrator. it could be both. (i know it isnt)
No. 343478
File: 1498762556759.png (71.84 KB, 750x446, IMG_1985.PNG)

>>342437Apperently she doesn't like it, and she's shocked that the pigmentation sucks despite that being really commen for too faced products
No. 343838
>>343478Holy fuck she isnt licking Too Faceds butthole for once. Remember when she bought that shitty eyeliner that everyone told her was garbage but she said she loved it anyways?
Im actually surprised shes admitting she doesnt love this palette
No. 343861
File: 1498807536992.png (131.26 KB, 400x724, poorjill.png)

Jill had a crisis because her car needed 900$ worth of repairs that she wasn't aware of and that means she couldn't enjoy the con. Never fear, her parents stepped in and covered it for her and are only making her pay back half. Your life is so hard, Jill.
No. 343886
>>343861>person like her>having summer/winter tiresHaha why though? When I lived up north I knew very few people who actually went through the trouble of seasonal tires, and those who did, owned a truck, SUV, or were stupid enough to drive performance cars year round. The piece of shit she drives needs an urgent $1k repair but it's too fancy for all season tires? Or is she that incompetent with snow and rainy road conditions?
>>343878Probably because the parents want Jill's audience to know they take
real good care of their baby girl and didn't leave her in the cold like her status would lead people to believe.
She 100% seems like the type of person who would low key accept financial help from her parents irl but turn around on social media and make it seem like she handled shit by herself. As a parent, that would mildly infuriate me to the point that I'd probably let her friends know (then again, I would've cut her off before it got that bad).
No. 343915
>>343908Kek, agreed. Wondering just how "north" anon lived because if it got any snow at all you'd know how dangerous it is driving without winter tires.
some people have "all season" but depending where you live that isn't enough. Pretty sure PEI gets tons of snow being an island.
No. 343920
>>343915>>343908They probably meant northern California. I lived in norcal for a bit and even in bumfuck snowy states no one got snow chains. We would just wait the storm out until it's safe to drive again. Lol canada must be different though
Is it weird though I can't even watch her coming out video? She doesn't seem like a mature person at all and all that pink toy shit in the background makes her seem like she's a 14 year old. She seriously reminds me of a kid and it's so weird because her face is like a middle aged car woman.
No. 343921
>>343920Snowy towns *
Sage for drunk
No. 343993
>>343886It's literally illegal in some provinces to use non-winter tires during the winter months. This is the law we're talking about.
I don't get why you were ragging about that but your second point of criticism is completely valid. Jill has already claimed for years that works ~so hard~ at her part time jobs and therefore deserves to spend her money how she pleases. She fails to realize that normal families do not enable their children to have materialistic obsessions, let alone have the finances to send them to school, fix their car etc on a whim.
Besides Louise bought her the car in the first place and Jill was supposed to "pay her back". Do you actually think her mom forced her to go through with those monthly payments on the car? Do you think they'll really pressure her to pay back that 470$ in a reasonable time frame or even at all?
It's like when Jill claimed she saved up for years for Japan all by herself. Meanwhile Louise paid for the majority of the trip expenses. Jill just blew 3000$+ on shopping and then bragged about it on social media. But we now know the money bragging comes from Louise so ultimately it goes to show no one in the family has ever truly worried about finances.
No. 344005
>>343861Does this family ever stop talking about how much they can afford on fb?
Jill is such a whiny child. The ~$900 is nothing and she knows it but wants to be dramatic for pity. Shes never paying shit back, her parents bought the car for her IIRC and since then shes spent thousands on frivolous shit. All it takes is one pouty face from Jill to make Louise empty her pockets.
No. 344035
File: 1498837988924.png (46.33 KB, 750x313, IMG_1990.PNG)

She's active on twitter again, with gems like this
No. 344036
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>>344035Her response to Jeffery and Shane's collab
No. 344236
File: 1498864977301.png (641.68 KB, 574x652, swatches glitter.PNG)

>>343478well yeah its universally panned in every other makeup community. literally no one uses that palette, not even youtube gurus who shill everything talk about that palette. anyone with access to google can look for swatches and see how shitty it is (there are barely any other than the promotional ones, and its for a reason). legit the only time i've seen people on youtube discuss it has been during anti hauls.
Jill know NOTHING about makeup or makeup application,and she clearly doesn't give a shit either. her dumbass really bought that for the cute packaging without any research and probably was surprised that it was shit. well of course you it is, jill, couldn't you search for any review ever?
i bet ya she only bought jeffree star makeup because his packaging was pink and cute and then started buying too faced for the same reason. neither of those brands are amazing quality and their shadows have never been super pigmented, she would know that if she tried buying something without pink and hearts for once. but of course, owning something like kat von d, viseart, abh, etc would go against her kawaii insta "aesthetic". what an idiot.
No. 344360
File: 1498886586290.png (483.32 KB, 492x678, YMc0ubC.png)

our favorite weeb has found herself an asian accessory friend
No. 344361
>>344236Those swatches are absolutely pathetic. It looks like dollar store makeup.
Also, since you seem to know a lot about makeup, who actually reviews good palettes? Is there a channel you'd recommend? Sometimes Jill picks up interesting things but she doesn't research brands at all. I do bet she's tried Lime Crime already.
The one Jill is using looks cute but it's terrible. What would you recommend as an alternative?
(go to /g/) No. 344535
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No. 344559
>>344535As expected, it's the same old crew that have been kissing jill's ass for years since her early days of joining the lolita comm. How awkward must it be for your "friends" to actually be lowkey fan girls that make a big deal out of meeting you once or twice a year.
Guess she didn't have much of a choice for an entourage if Colin couldn't make it and her mother doesn't seem to be around for once.
No. 344563
File: 1498934128285.png (209.27 KB, 750x938, IMG_2003.PNG)

Their cosplays look like shit
No. 344580
>>344563>>344571Whoa, these pics really show how far Jill has let herself balloon up. At first I thought she just had chubby friends and all but when they're all side by side it's clear she's just as big as both of them (the Asian girl looks kinda chubby but Jill and the other girl look like they aren't too far off in size or height.
It also makes it even more glaringly obvious that those swimsuit photos are insanely altered. Like she used to be chubby but when standing next to others we could see she was just short and didn't carry weight well. Now it's obvious she's just let herself go with her weight alongside her makeup and wardrobe and hair.
No. 344626
>>344580>>344594I agree, she looks particularly large in these photos.
It's sad because 2 years ago she looked pretty fit, had a decent style/aesthetic with the lolita and the larme-inspired stuff, and would either wear her hair nicely (which was CLEAN, now her hair is always filthy, I get so
triggered when I watch her videos or see pics of her and her dirty scalp) or wear a cute wig.
No. 344674
>>344563The hair is all so inaccurate. Did they even try? The Cure Magical's hair is not only inaccurate but incredibly ratty and gross looking. The Cure Miracle cosplayer didn't even try. Everyone else here has already pointed out the multiple flaws of Jill's cosplays but compared to the other two her cosplay looks so much better. Maybe that's why she formed a group with them.
I wonder if they'll be part of the Kira Kira Precure cosplay group jill talked about.
No. 344681
>>344674I don't even like Precure but after googling the characters this
triggered me…like wtf?! They could have at least done the ponytails or something, and the purple haired one should have the short bangs not the blonde one…I guess Jill likes hanging around people she knows put in less effort than she does to make herself look slightly less bad by comparison.
No. 344686
File: 1498947415870.png (1.07 MB, 1280x720, Mahou-Tsukai-Precure-Ep-2-Img-…)

>>344563>>344674>>344681just looked up the characters too and wtf?? are they seriously supposed to even be cosplaying them??
No. 344692
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No. 344693
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No. 344694
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No. 344696
>>344692Does her car not have a sticker near the fuel cap that tells her what grade to use?
This is embarrassing.
No. 344706
>>344692Does she not pump her own gas? Wow.
This has got to be a joke.
No. 344715
>>344563H O L Y S H I T
Jill is passable. Asian accessory needs a petticoat and trim the wig a little, it'd help.
Cat eye specs though….no.
No. 344769
File: 1498961730765.png (689.22 KB, 584x494, STOP DOING THAT WITH YOUR TONG…)

>>344626i mean, back in the day she had an eating disorder so it feels kinda mean to mention her ana era as her best. she wasn't really "fit" or "healthy" at all.
i do think she's chubby for sure but i doubt she actually has an overweight bmi
>>344360 so she's not that far gone yet.
>>343348 that puffy ass dress does her figure noooo favourssss, i think that's it imo.
i do think her weight gain makes her face looks super chubby and its a shame because her face was already unfortunate to begin with tbh…
No. 344815
>>344784This is the fashun designer who hot glues things because she's too lazy to use a sewing machine you're talking about here.
I don't doubt for a minute that she's never done it because she's lazy as hell
No. 344829
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No. 344930
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No. 344951
>>344865Oh hell. That's what I get for trying to give her the benefit of the doubt…guess she really is more inept than a dumbass sixteen-year-old that just got her license.
>>344930"Mom mom mom I usually use the white button at the Esso on Capital Drive but there's no white button plus the blue button is labeled Silver instead of Extra wtf?"
No. 344969
>>344930>>344951honestly as time goes by it just becomes more and more apparent that Jill is just… stupid
I used to think that a lot of it was just her being a sheltered spoiled girl from some small town, but she just really lacks common sense and any logical thinking skills
No. 345138
>>344944She probably does it on purpose to show people how co-dependent Jill still is.
I've hardly seen Jill ever credit her mom for anything she's done. I bet her mom is low key pissed that her daughter is such a womanchild.
No. 345189
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No. 345192
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No. 345205
>>345189What's with the flamingo pose
Her outfit looks so trashy, even more so when next to people who look decent.
No. 345337
File: 1499055017926.png (140.81 KB, 750x1017, IMG_2017.PNG)

No. 345378
>>345337> I've done it many times > Flew to the UK and back myself!What in the goddamn hell is she talking about? Is this supposed to be an accomplishment to her? Most people by the age of 21 have travelled on their own. Hell even at 18 so many teenagers have already driven halfway across their state for college.
Jill's mom is just pathetic.
No. 345380
>>345337Louise you're a grown ass woman, of course you've travelled alone
You moron
No. 345396
>>345189okay but like what the actual fuck is Jill wearing?? a mesh shirt with a denim bustier with a tulle skirt a mesh jacket and those fucking ugly ass pom pom shoes….. for someone who wants to be a ~fashun designer ugu~ she really does not know how to coordinate an outfit or create a flattering silhouette.
jill looks like a literal hobbit next to those other girls as well, maybe too many second breakfasts?
No. 345445
>>345189>>345192kek I feel kinda bad for jill, seems like she had an awful con tbh, probably regrets leaving home without mummy or Colin
I hope she still uploads the vlog though
No. 345470
File: 1499088387838.png (50.73 KB, 750x367, IMG_2018.PNG)

Apperently she missed a lot because of heat stroke
No. 345475
>>345470Maybe I'm just surprised because I live in a place that has 100+ degree weather often for the entirety of summer but she lives in fucking Canada, how hot can it really get?
I imagine regardless of the weather Jill's heat stroke was caused or exacerbated by her inability to consume anything that isn't sugary or breaded, including even water apparently.
No. 345486
File: 1499090176727.png (150.53 KB, 449x442, 1495502818276.png)

>>345475heat stroke isn't just a temperature thing. She was probably dehydrated from being a sweaty pig in shiny plastic all day and not drinking anything that wasn't mostly-powder Tang. It can also be caused by overexertion, and I can imagine as someone who films only from bed and naps between 2pm and 8pm that leaving the house would cause her to stroke out. She barely moves and eats cakeshit constantly, I wouldn't be surprised if she'd diabetic in under a decade.
No. 345492
File: 1499091248745.png (115.72 KB, 1010x516, Screen Shot 2017-07-03 at 7.12…)

Asian friend was asking about getting masquerade prizes, so it looks like they might have won something (Or that Jill was freaking out over something and her friend was trying to solve her problems for her)
No. 345496
>>345493wow I don't know why but her attitude is fucking unbearable in this one
maybe it's because she's acting like some fucking guru when she barely knows what she's talking about?
then again her target audience is 12 year old girls so maybe it's helpful to them lol
No. 345497
>>345470"Heat stroke" more like an anxiety or panic attack from being alone for the first time?
The weather for Fredericton didn't even go over 20 C on Friday/Saturday. Then it hit a high of 28 on Sunday afternoon, is that when she got heat stroke? Wtf Jill even Montreal/Toronto have dealt with 40 C heat warnings in the last few weeks. What a child.
No. 345502
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No. 345505
>>345502I can't wait to see this trainwreck.
Lol at her acting like she ever keeps to a schedule though. Wasn't the original plan to upload on Wednesdays and Saturdays? She sure hasn't been sticking to it.
No. 345547
File: 1499099383665.jpeg (31.98 KB, 631x355, image.jpeg)

>>345493>> Jill not showing us her weight because that's ~personal~..She couldn't have us knowing exactly how much extra weight she has.
No. 345549
>>345547Cause periods and sexuality mental illness aren't ~personal~ at all but how much someone physically weighs, that's just the most
triggering information to ever share ever
No. 345621
File: 1499105694101.png (545.27 KB, 924x596, as.png)

No. 345622
File: 1499105769629.png (573.24 KB, 927x593, 12.png)

Happy 80th birthday jill
No. 345624
>>345622lol she couldn't pick up some more zeros?
this really goes along well with her granny image
No. 345633
>>345626Jill is dumb and a trend hopper and likely confused what transwoman and transman means biologically. She was probably referring to trans men (born female) who still have periods, but confused the two terms.
>>345629They're called seifuku. They appear in anime and jfashion a lot but are used for middle school aged children's uniforms in Japan frequently. (the middle school thing specifically was told to me by a Japanese professor at uni).
No. 345687
>>345679Yes we do because she's publicized her entire life online since she was 13 and we know she was hospitalized for an ED + diagnosed with clinical anxiety which she still takes meds for. Same reason why we knew she had a girlfriend years before she "came out". She also self-harmed apparently quite severely. However she passed high school with flying colors, her teachers were very fond of her which Louise always posted about. I think grades are actually quite important to the Vesseys because her mom would publicly rag on her for skipping homework or having shit test results which didn't seem to happen very often. That would be expected when your father is a professor and brother attends university I guess.
Also i'd be worried about someone with a learning disability having a license and travelling across provinces solo.
>inb4 hi jill or whiteknightshe's retarded by choice/lazyness and I hate when anons make excuses for her or go on their armchair bullshit when there's nothing mysterious about her at all if you read her past threads
No. 345716
>>345712Not really sure what the point of your post was other than to talk about yourself?
You also didn't sage.
No. 345720
>>345716i guess i was just trying to say jill could use something like that and likely have the same experience.
sorry. it won't happen again.
No. 345721
>>345720>Likelybad assumption, you're extremely lucky. Progesterone only contraception has recently been shown to make depression and anxiety worse, they're issuing guidelines to doctors not to prescribe it to people with existing mental health conditions. IDK whether this is the case in Canada but if her doctor is good they wouldn't allow her on it, even if the guidelines haven't been formally issued yet.
Personal but I went on it and bled for six months solid and felt suicidal the entire time.
No. 345723
>>345679>>345687Learning disabilities aren't always diagnosed. Just because she thrived in a controlled environment where teachers gave her a lot of passes, doesn't mean she's not intellectually stunted in other ways.
Her ED, self harm, and identity issues scream hints to me, but obviously not to everyone. Sorry it's just that I didn't expect a half snide comment to turn into a debate.
No. 345874
>>345125that's actually very sad.
i get it she's funny but from what i've read she hasn't done anything malicious, just really really dumb/ignorant. I wonder what happened.
No. 345879
>>343861She was miserable before she even arrived
No. 345881
>>345879Thank you but I read that, I know she constantly complains but her mom went above and beyond to help her get her car fixed so she could go ~leave the island for the first time and enjoy herself. She was with friends and did well in some contest. She mentioned heat stroke but maybe that was a cover for being miserable for whatever reason, because I highly doubt it was that serious at all.
I actually think her mom coddled her so much she straight up can't socialize and enjoy herself. She was safely with her friends, doing something she loves, in an environment she was really excited about. Im just pointing out it's super off.
No. 345885
File: 1499140577771.png (58.24 KB, 750x380, IMG_2023.PNG)

She also lost her keys, seems like she was a mess this weekend
No. 345941
>>345470Heat stroke is deadly and is considered an emergency, it basically means your internal organs are overheating and shutting down. Untreated heatstroke leads to seizures and eventually unconsciousness. It isn't something you can take care of at home, if your vomiting from the heat, you are also dealing with a nasty rash, migraine, intense cramps, confusion and disorientation… you get the point.
She could of had heat exhaustion, a less serious condition but it takes a few days to overcome and go back to normal. What day did she say this? I hope she didn't drive while sick.
No. 345943
>>345138agreed. I get a shady vibe from Louise's posts. at first glance, they're from a proud mom, sometimes poking fun at her ditsy daughter. but even the most innocuous ones I just get the feeling that Louise is (maybe subconciously?) trying to expose Jill's bs or at the very least, annoyed that Jill doesn't shout Louise out on FB thanking her for everything she does.
I totally understand Louise's frustration but I also feel like posting about every little dumb thing your daughter does is unnecessary and petty. I wouldn't like it if my mom did that to me, or even just shared every little thing I was doing/every place I was going, like Louise also does. but then again Jill might not mind, or she might think it's a small price to pay for being completely taken care of by her parents (financially and otherwise)
No. 346001
>>345943>>345951They literally live on a tiny island. In the middle of rural nowhere. In Canada. Do you think they're worried about stalkers when everyone basically knows each other? They expect nothing in their life to change and will continue posting their personal business online for the rest of the town to fawn over.
I don't think anons understand how "young" 19 is in those parts of Canada. I've known many "kids" who are 26-27, working retail jobs, still living with their parents and that's considered doing well for yourself. There's no economy for jobs out there. Those who go to university sit on their ass for the rest of their life, or work on campus, or if they're lucky/bright they'll move and never go back.
The values of the maritimes are ~family~ (and fish culture) so as long as the Vesseys portray this perfect suburban household image, no one will bat an eye. The reason Jill doesn't feel rushed to start her career is because there's no competition and she probably IS much more responsible and competent than her peers, honestly. After post-secondary, maritimers settle down to have families and thus continues the cycle. This is why Jill is terrified of leaving and settled for another small maritimes province for her education.
So, no, I don't think Louise is being purposely harmful. She's just showing off how quirky her kids are because they're such a silly family. Duh.
TL;DR it's a different of way of life in those parts of the country and by those standards Jill does nothing out of the ordinary.
No. 346005
>>345943I see it completely differently. Her oversharing is partly prideful boasting because Louise herself is a fairly average middle class woman who has tried to be creative in the most boring ways and so feels pride from having a daughter that she sees as quirky and successful for her individuality. She feels like a cool interesting mom from taking part in Jill's schemes.
Also a bit of a munchie/mommy complex where she wants sympathy for anything Jill gets sympathy for and to be applauded for all the support/spoonfeeding she gives as mother of the year because everything is so hard for her precious baby.
I see her motherly love for Jill as utterly blinding. In a way, Louise is a mirror of Margo's behaviour but instead of seething with hate she is fuelled by baseless positivity
and also
>>346001 No. 346171
File: 1499191484651.jpg (250.61 KB, 1177x969, ss (2017-07-04 at 11.03.48).jp…) never heard of this Bonne Chance Collections but I looked into it. Some of it is OK i guess but some of it seems weirdly age-playish to me.
>and I say that as someone who wears sweet lolita/other pastel fashions No. 346177
>>346171 What about the outfits in this photo seems ageplayish? This just looks like vaguely vintage inspired mainstream fashion with a couple interesting prints.
You know AP literally has baby room/toy prints on some of their dresses right? I know Jill behaves like a literal child but calling pink and sweets and weird patterns on basic bitch sweetheart top dresses ageplayish is reaching.
sage for kind of ot
No. 346178
File: 1499191919276.jpg (170.58 KB, 805x589, ss (2017-07-04 at 11.11.11).jp…)

Wew looking through the #bonnechancecollections tag and immediately find this. I had a gut feeling littles would flock to this shit
No. 346179
File: 1499191968183.jpg (113.84 KB, 924x586, ss (2017-07-04 at 11.12.07).jp…)

also this old Jillian pic. She looks ragged af
No. 346180
File: 1499192103046.jpg (218.56 KB, 924x592, ss (2017-07-04 at 11.14.18).jp…)

I guess its confirmed they didnt do the extra packaging ~just~ for jill lmao. This person with around 200 followers on insta also got it
No. 346181
>>346178The clothing is cutesy and the ageplayers go for it cause it's a cutesy style. Same as when they go for lolita or Hello Kitty because it's cute and they probably associate cutness with childishness.
I think it's been discussed that Jill might be a little. It's obvious she lives to be coddled and asspatted and taken care of and has no desire to support herself or grow up.
No. 346208
>>346181What does being a 19 year old lazy NEET have to do with a sexual fetish? Do you really think she calls Colin daddy/mommy or seeks to be dominated? That is such a weird assumption based on her wardrobe.
Plus the ageplayer/little thing has rather recently made its associations with jfashion. It wasn't as common a few years ago when Jill got into Lolita and Fairy kei originally. She also admitted to being a virgin, at least up until her current relationship and they both publicly struggle with their sexual identity/orientation which makes it seem like they're asexual or at least not into hetero sex dynamics.
I find the anons that push dd/lg onto Jill are either a) not well-versed in jfashion or b) haven't followed jill for very long or c) aimlessly looking for vendetta/desperate for milk
No. 346209
>>346171Sage for no contribution, but the two piece set is kinda cute. Sucks they're sold out since it's so cheap and the small is only 26-28 inches waist?
>>346177Yeah, I agree. This style even is pretty popular nowadays.
No. 346248
>>346225I did 'bother to check out the other ones' and those things just look like Sanrio characters or fairy kei/lolita esque patterns. Cute or stuffed animals and pastels doesn't equal ageplay.
It looks like a typical Jfashion or similarly inspired pattern applied to one of the five same exact cuts/styles of dresses they have.
No. 346343
>>346171sweet lolita has a ton of ageplay though lol
>>346001interesting perspective. i agree Jill seems immature, but i think it's weird how people on lolcow thinks everyone is totally independent by the age of 20.
i do think it's weird how Jill is so unwilling to leave home.
No. 346446
>>346423A year from now lol
There's no guarantee they'll even be together then
No. 346456
>>346448it's also pretty normal to expect a 19 year old to not put her keys down in a bathroom and walk out with them. she was able to get to the mall and back regularly for her job without forgetting she needed car keys, right?
every problem she ever has is self-created so it's not really any different.
No. 346472
>>346456Playing devil's advocate: It is pretty easy to set something down in a convention bathroom and accidentally leave it.
I did it once with my phone when I was ~20ish, I'm 25 now and wouldn't do that again nor would I say I'm irresponsible as Jill because it happened once.
It's only a problem if it becomes consistent.
No. 346475
>>346472Jill's irresponsible consistently in many ways. See: her shopping habits.
Can we not with the "I do the same thing as Jill, give her a break" blog posts?
No. 346480
>>346475Yeah but that one thing isn't particularly irresponsible or uncommon is the point, no need to rail so hard on it.
Calm down.
No. 346697
>>346692Yeah this entire video can be summed up as:
- the white isn't very good
- the black is very pigmented
- the light shades that she likes get ruined over the black
- the darker shades she won't wear as much look the best
- but she still loves Too Faced because she will always love Too Faced
No. 346704
>>346171I've bought from them before! They come really nicely packaged with holo paper and tissue paper tied with a ribbon and a cute lil thank you note! The prints are really nice quality too. But they sell out of stock of designs and don't restock them slot unfortunately.
Saged obviously
No. 346718
>"It's an eight hour shift. I need some good vibes to keep me going."Oh poor baby worked one eight hour shift. That must be borderline traumatizing for her.
I think this is one of the dumbest palettes TF has come out with, and that's saying something considering their releases lately. Why did they name it Glitter Bomb? A glitter bomb palette would be one that would be borderline unusable because of fallout and shitty binding materials. Am I supposed to want that? No actual MUA blogger has recommended it yet.
No. 346784
>>346692Why can't she just admit that the palette sucks?
Also, are her bangs cut all crooked on purpose?
No. 346824
>>346692is the "You're so Too Faced" slogan part of the brand's ingenious marketing campaign?
also, isn't distancing yourself from brands owned by corporations that do perform animal testing a huge thing in the cruelty free community? isn't she basically putting her money in Estée's pocket and indirectly supporting the business practices she claims to feel so strongly about? we all get that Jill doesn't actually care about animal testing and that this is purely for brownie points, but why not go all out and become a saint in the eyes of your gullible followers?
No. 346882
>>346824If you're going to be super vegan and preachy then you have to go the whole way.
Let's be real, the majority of mankind could not care less about animal rights. You can just use these products, not talk ethics. Easy. No one will ask.
But if you're going to point out and be pro animal rights then you can't afford to cherry pick products. Buy all cruelty free, or not talk about it at all.
No. 346934
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I wonder if period man will be back
No. 346936
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No. 346983
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No. 347044
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>>346692she filmed in better light at least but what the fuck is going on with her eyebrows, she used a neon sharpie or what… And don't get me started on her teeth, girl get a whitening, you can afford it, it's not like she's British or smokes every day
No. 347079
>>347071Brits don't have bad teeth, we actually have better teeth than america, because like you say we have free dental care until we're 18. We just don't care about cosmetics because it's a waste of public money and lots of whitening methods are actually damaging if done to excess. It's like any other stereotype about people from a specific place. Maybe based on fact in the past but largely unfounded now, it's just international banter.
The reason you yanks associate whiteness of teeth with health and cleanliness is because it's an easy way for your dentists to convince you to spend money you don't actually need to spend.
Whilst Jill's teeth don't look that nice, there's nothing actually wrong with them being that colour. It doesn't indicate that they're damaged or unclean - Except for if you can actually see plaque, but I can't and her gums look fine.
No. 347120
>>347079Didn't want to start a debate about British teeth lol, I think English teeth are alright, I'm not some American (from usa anyway), but idk it's an stereotype I guess English people have "weird" teeth,because as you said, in this side of the world is common to "fix" your teeth and wear braces and that kind of shit…
That's why I said she's not British so she has no pretext kek, now that I read it, I may be too influenced by the goddamn commercials and youtubers with 100% white teeth… and as another anon said maybe it's just her adjusting the contrast so her fried hair looks more colorful.
Anyway its just stereotypes,sorry didn't want to sound like an ass to the English, British people
No. 347268
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No. 347269
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No. 347281
>>347269so we've got
2 in seifuku
2 in lolita
1 in yukata
1 in cosplay
1 whose fashion consists of holding a bjd
1 in forever21 clothes
1 in bad larme/normie clothes
1 ageplayer
and jill
>>347270>>347272it was a picnic so i'm guessing they took their shoes off to sit on a blanket on the grass and didn't bother to put them on for pics
No. 347290
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>>347269Asian accessory and seifuku girls are cute. I like the guro girl on the far right too. Jill definitely looks the oldest out of everyone there.
Guessing from the 'Tracey cam' comment in
>>347268 that we're gonna get Asian accessory filming part of the animaritime vlog.
No. 347305
>>347270Shoeless seifuku girl and her friend look the cutest facially of all of them.
The lolitas are probably the best dressed.
No. 347366
>>347305what? are you a chub chaser?
clearly the girl in the retarded purple coat is objectively pretty (i wish she was wearing her hair down) and the girl with the pink skirt/white lace top, though covered maybe too much makeup, is really pretty too
bloody girl is also cute, would snug
anyway, i'm unsure if jillian is the worst dressed here. at least she is wearing somewhat j-fash. girl on far left is just confusing me.
No. 347377
>>347366I just think the seifuku girls had cute and youthful faces. Purple coat girl is pretty I guess but looks weird to me, maybe it is the hair.
The lolitas are def fatties but seemed to have well coordinated outfits, even if they're not good as lolita coords according to some here I guess.
I think Jill and the far left girl are about equally badly dressed. But when people take fashion tips from Jill/think party kei is a legit fashion that's what happens, you get weird confusing outfits that make no sense.
That's the main problem with Jill's 'style' which is really just a big mashup of outfits that proves she has no style. It makes no sense and doesn't even follow basic non-alt fashion rules.
No. 347395
>>347366>clearly the girl in the retarded purple coat is objectively prettyuh what… she looks like a man
>>347377>well coordinated outfitslol why does everyone here have less fashion sense than jill
No. 347405
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>>347269god, they are all shit. and somehow jill still managed to look the worst. its insane.
from best to worst:
girl on the far right with the fake blood >>>>>>>> girls with the cheap amazon schoolgirl uniforms > ew fat lolitas >> the rest >>>> jill looking like that twitter "cool grandma". pic related, jill in two years or so
No. 347424
>>347269I think the girl in the Guro Lolita outfit looks the best, though those shoes are bothersome.
The one with her hair in braids and a purple coat looks almost decent. The girl next to her with the long purple hair has potential, too (something's up with her chin/jaw though).
The rest look either fat or unfortunate.
No. 347475
>>347269imo the two on the right and the one on the far left look best. the purple bangs and the flower crown aren't great but besides that it looks like a normal trendy outfit. everyone else looks like a pastel mess, those clothes only look ''''good'''' in high brightness/low contrast/etc photos.
the plastic bow shoes
trigger me
No. 347512
>>347269She looks so downsy what the hell, imagine she took other photos and decided this was the best one
Also the old aunt holding the doll is the funniest one
No. 347531
>>347475the one of the far left? girl, how much is she paying you?
also if you look at their faces: fattie flower crown on the left and jill look like silbings! and i mean that in a BAD way
No. 347585
>>347514>>347531>>347570>sharing opinion on top 3 outfits in the pic>HURRDURR YOU MUST BE ONE OF THEMlike i said, if you take away the hair and the flower crown, all she's wearing are a shirt, shorts, tights, and heels, which is normal clothing compared to everyone else. embroidery and metallic shit are trendy right now even if you find it ugly.
even the totally barefoot girl's outfit looks better than the yesstyle outfits and seifukus
No. 347595
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>>347093Sage for OT, but maybe because we're the majority of users on the English language side of the internet?
No. 347686
>>347644Turquoise seifuku girl has a really cute face, and would def. look better overall if she'd ditch the fat-producing Party City for, say, Nanchatte in colors that are better suited for her tone. Harder to tell with her pink friend because her face is hidden behind a wall of wig and glasses, but she could be cute too.
Guro Lolita might also be cute but again it's hard to tell with her makeup. I think she gets the award for best dressed tho (of that group). And BJD Librarian might shine if she wore bangs.
Hopefully Jill was just their gateway drug to alternative fashions and by this time next year they'll have grown and gotten better.
Sage for absolute nonsense.
No. 347705
>>347702That's only a possibility. It's not like the only people who went to the con were Jill fangirls.
It's suspect that they deleted the post, though.
No. 347710
>>347705It took place off of the convention property. The only people that would have known who was there (at the time) is people who were there.
And yeah, very suspect that they deleted it, which I think just proves that one of them posts.
No. 347712
Please keep this thread on topic. No one cares if you find the girls in
>>347269 attractive or not. The teeth derailers have been dealt with as well.
No. 347746
>>347745Julian's skin care
> wear make up to bed > stretch your face too much That's about it.
No. 347803
>>347269This is the weirdest bunch of girls I've ever seen, even for alt fashion.
Nobody really looks good.
No. 347879
>>347830yeah I agree, Jill looks atrocious here
one of the most unflattering outfits she's worn in a while, it makes her look like a little goblin or something
you'd think that for someone who calls themselves a beauty blogger and drops thousands of dollars on Japanese alt fashion she'd kinda put some effort in when going to an event and meeting with friends/fans?
No. 347929
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wow shes live but didnt post anywhere on insta about it
No. 347934
>>347929Is that supposed to be an undercut or what the fuck is going on at the bottom back
I'd think she just left roots if I didn't know hers are darker like what the actual fuck
I thought I was
triggered seeing how shittily they bleached their hair in that 'couples pic' (particularly colin's having patches of sloppy bleach on the brown hair lmao) but the fuck is that
No. 347935
>>347932The noises and lip smacking.
Also she should watch Love Live since she loves cute stuff apparently.
Maybe its not kawaii enough for her.
No. 347944
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No. 347948
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No. 347951
>>347932Other info she shared
>terrified of moving out cause she's lived in the same house her entire life>she's moving out for fall 2018 but nothing is confirmed>still hasn't applied for school>fashion design took a backseat because of japan, animaritimes and now hal con in september
>She met Colin and confessed her feelings for him in drama class >He turned her down because he was with another girl (jill says she'll remain anonymous but we know its gillian)>Colin broke up with Gillian a few months before Tristan/Jillian fell apart>Apparently he patiently waited for their break up to ask out Jillian >Jillian literally said "ok I guess I still like you"
>Says her mom thinks she's smart with her money>Only time her mom was disappointed with her spending was for the Irregular Choice gummy shoes>Says she was really stressed over the 920$ car bill and she won't hide the fact that her parents are amazing because they felt bad for her and agreed to pay halfThe rest of the stream has mostly been about anime so far and her dad made a cameo.
No. 347983
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No. 347992
>>347961She says youtube is her full time job (what even?) but she still works at claires. Ever since Makers Studio dropped her (they're no longer taking her ad revenue), she's been making full time income.
Kek she mentioned their family gets take out every Friday to treat themselves and she asked her dad for mcdonalds tendies.
Finally finished the stream after 2 hours. Wonder how much more she made this time.
No. 348023
>>348007Fluent french canadian speaker here and I call bullshit on her even being fluent in our french. Yes most of the country have some amount of education in french. No that doesn't mean people graduate high school legitimately being able to speak the language fluently.
She's never said or done anything that proves she speaks it and I specifically remember her asking Tristan for help reading (French was his major in university).
Vid related (had to dig this up, it's one of her earliest uploads)
>2:00 'I speak very poor french'>2:15 can't read name >Tristan reads for hertl;dr - she speaks french about as much as she speaks japanese.
No. 348612
>>348601>THE WORST CON EXPERIENCE I EVER HAD But didn't she cry in the other animaritime vlogs?
Get those views jill
No. 348659
>>338259>says she wants to be judged individually at hal-con for cosplay rather than as a group (probably because she realized how bad the other cosplays were)How do her "friends" accept this type of treatment from her? lol
She'll probably get her way and win another ~participation~ award from hal con because of her popularity.
No. 348715
>>348662lmao she cant dress herself at all
you cant wear this type of skirt if you're short and fat
No. 348723
>>348601So okay, I can get if you're in a strange place and lose your keys and it's never happened to you before it's easy to freak out, but a sit down and a drink after it's sorted then you get up and move on.
The amount of whining about walking for what, half an hour total? I truly don't understand how she works retail, it must be four hour shifts if walking for ten minutes kills her.
The whole masquerade thing - this shit happens at cons. Her friends seemed to be pissed but reasonably calm - being in floods of tears because you had to wait 40 minutes is incredibly childish. It's obvious they'd get the judging sorted out after and it's not the end of the world if you don't get that shiny award, Jill. Also any idiot knows to pack bottled water and a mini fan for a summer con.
If things going slightly wrong drives Jillian to get pissed off her head that's not a good sign. Waving around the camera over the bath scared me shitless, what if she'd dropped it? Louise would buy her a new one in a heartbeat but god, how careless.
Mixing alcohol and medication, what a wonderful idea, I don't know shit about the meds she's on but even so, does she have any responsibility for anything?
"Don't be mad at me guys!!! I just didn't bother to organise the meet at all!" Organising meets can be difficult but how hard is it to have a good weather plan and a bad weather plan?
Heatstroke my ass, she was hanging like a bitch. Bet half of it was hangover and half of it was guilt for not bothering to organize anything. I also have a feeling half the girls there are Jill's friends/fans and half heard about a "jfashion" meet and curiously turned up only to end up face to face with Jillian's mess. Half of them don't pay any attention to her at all.
The fact that she literally says "I HAVE to spend my money" is genuinely sad. She couldn't go to the con and not buy anything. I could understand if she'd said "I had a bad weekend and wanted to treat myself" or "I'd budgeted x amount so I decided to treat myself" but it seems like a full on addiction.
"I want to be judged individually so I know exactly how much better than everyone else I am"
She's one of those cosplayers who insist on doing one character and throw a strop if they don't get first pick in groups. I bet she bitches about anyone who cosplays the same character.
>sage for blog post/novel jesus No. 348729
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>>348601holy shit the walking thing…
she's like the exaggerated stereotype of an American that we make fun of over here
how can she think that it isn't worrisome for a 19 year old to get that exhausted by walking around for a bit??
also yeah, she absolutely just doesn't know how to responsibly drink… heatstroke my ass
this entire video just demonstrates how much of a lazy, whiny, spoiled brat she is, just like her Japan vlogs showed how much of an ignorant and uneducated foreigner she is
absolutely pathetic
No. 348876
>>348729Just checked the distance from her workplace to her home (not trying to doxx her, we all know this info though).
It's either a 4 min drive or a 30 min walk to Claires. So it's safe to assume she's never walked the distance and judging by the fact that her entire neighborhood is trees and large private properties, she probably finds no reason to leave the house on foot ever.
I mean that shouldn't matter too much since her parents invested in a home gym and she could use the damn treadmill but I guess that explains why she's constantly having breakdowns every time she needs to walk for a while (only in japan and at cons apparently).
No. 348891
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No. 348902
>>348891Nitpicky but: Why not have the "thank" and the "you" together?
And also.. Madoka did save the world, what? She broke all the magical girls free from the Incubators. Did she watch like until episode 3 and droped it or something?
No. 348905
>>348891this actually
triggered me
No. 348948
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>>348601Jill, hit the inner corners of your lashes with some glue. Or learn how to apply falsies correctly.
No. 348963
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No. 348970
>>348955fucking kek anon…..
it wasnt the acne medicines fault….. i can assure that..
No. 349013
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>>348601The salt face that she makes after the dance performance. I know people cap her face all the time, but she really does make the most unflattering expressions
No. 349051
>>349013That part of the vlog though
>i'm going to edit out this dramatic clip if we don't win>having a literal mental breakdown over not knowing the results >yay we won two awards lol of course!!>next con I want be judged solo so I get all the creditGod good how do cons continue to feed her massive ego? She's just not that good of a cosplayer, neither in craftsmanship nor presentation, to be winning masquerades every single time.
It's just indicative of how poorly run Animaritimes is. She's entered 4 masquerades and won something from all of them lol that just wouldn't happen with her skill set at larger cons.
No. 349129
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No. 349144
File: 1499577912004.jpg (47.4 KB, 837x466, buttplugring.JPG)

Her ring here looks like a repurposed buttplug.
Also, goddamn. What a long, boring, whiny-ass vlog. Honestly no matter how much I despise other cows I can understand why most of them have fans/followers, they put out decently interesting content or they're good looking or interesting in SOME WAY. Jillian is so annoying, frumpy, boring, and whiny. I simply don't see any appeal. Even when Venus was her mom's annoying little puppet, I could understand her appeal, but not with Jill.
No. 349170
>>349169I honestly think people just like seeing her clusterfuck of a room
It's tumblr come to life
No. 349173
>>349169I am guessing a wine cooler
Basically wine + mixer + water. The alcoholic in me is jelly she got drunk on 1 and a half of that. But then again apparently she had some xan so
No. 349194
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No. 349225
>>348891I must assume she never watched Utena? Utena is NOT a magical girl manga/anime it's shojo and has a deeper meaning (like madoka)
Also sage for ot but which anime is bottom row middle?
No. 349227
>>349225utena is widely considered mahou shoujo
the bottom one is sugar sugar rune
also u didn't sage ur post
No. 349231
>>349225She did and she disliked it because, like Madoka, you need more than on brain cell to watch it. She only put it here to get some brownie points.
There's more magical girls with shitty morals to put here but because Jill finds Madoka scwawy wawry, she must shoot it down. Even in a recent video she shot down Sailor Moon because its popular and wants people to talk about Ojamajo Doremi with her, another time she shat on Tokyo Mew Mew because it wasn't a retro show and it wasn't to her tastes, even when her fans had recommended it. She watches these shows with life lessons religiously, you'd at least think she take some of it in. Instead she's a brat who thinks she's special for watching shows she thinks doesn't have fans, case and point Ojamajo Doremi.
>>349227Has she even brought up Sugar Sugar Rune?
No. 349245
>>349225you are picking at hairs. and are you saying that Madoka isn't a magical girl anime? wtf are you getting at?
>>349169sometimes i feel bad after 1 drink in the morning. it happens.
No. 349276
>>348601Holy shit the part where she's literally CRYING because she has to wait backstage. Jesus Christ how can she cope with anything in life if standing around for an extra 40 min
triggers a complete break down? Ya fucked up Louise…
No. 349284
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Her hangover was likely caused by drinking while on anxiety medication, and also getting dehydrated from drinking in a bath tub/hot tub. Those all can be pretty bad for you combined, so she's lucky it's not worse
No. 349286
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>>349245Basically she's mad it isn't a kids show
No. 349291
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>>349286this convinces me how little she actually cares about magical girl anime if she things Madoka misrepresents the genre over something like Prisma Illya
also thank you twitter for having some kind of sense
No. 349301
>>349291I can kind of get the Madoka thing because after it came out everyone suddenly loved magical girl anime but could only name Madoka and Sailor Moon. Then again I'm a magical girl autist and don't buy into dark story/people dying automatically makes shit better.
>sage for blogpost and unpopular opinion but Princess Tutu did it first and betterBack on topic, I highly doubt Jill's watched/read any of Sugar Sugar Rune and she was trashing both TMM and Utena not far back, who does she think she's fooling.
No. 349304
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>>349301Seems like she's just starting it
No. 349318
>>349301I think Madoka just brought back the entire thing that happened with Evangelion and the mecha genre.
>NGE is a ~~~deconstruction~~~ of the mecha genre! The first show to really depict the toll of being a pilot! In reality, there was always suffering in the mecha genre, just not as much of a focal point or pushed to its extremity. Literally the same thing happened to Madoka and people who never picked up on that a lot of mahou shoujo is full of pain and tragedy.
No. 349396
>>348601How the fuck do you leave your car keys in the bathroom??? I'm sorry, but does she not own a purse?
Also, her mentioning that she had to pee at the hotel. WHy?
No. 349432
>>349425>which is pretty rich coming from an entitled, whiny, bitchy 19 year old that has her mom do everything for her lol Lmao so true.
I think she's just being contrarian with her madoka hate, until Rebellion Madoka actually played magical girl tropes really straight, it had a happy ending ffs. It's not really a deconstruction as a whole, it just plays around with some tropes in interesting ways. The overall message is the classic hope/love can conquer all kinda deal. Not to mention the visual style is really good. Most people at least acknowledge that about it, even if they didn't really enjoy it.
Jill is such a fucking poseur it makes me mad. She doesn't like anything that has actual substance to it, and she can't even shallowly like madoka for the visuals?
No. 349440
>>349436Oh yeah lol I forgot she's incapable of appreciating anything that doesn't resemble her "aesthetic" - for lack of a better word. Clusterfuck? That seems about right.
If she really goes to fashion school, how is she going to cope with the fact that assignments are going to be pretty restrictive, and she's almost never going to be allowed to use her own "aesthetic" ? Is she gonna be one of those kids that cries every time she gets critiqued? Her parents have really done her a disservice by sheltering her so much.
No. 349478
>>349425>because Madoka is too 'whiny' and 'useless' so Homura has to do everything for herWhich is hilariously stupid because the same could be argued about Usagi and her need for several sailor scouts and Mamoru to aid her.
Jill just wants to seem special and unique for hating on a really well done spin on the genre.
There's really not one good argument.
>>349436>It doesn't resemble a children's birthday partyFunny because sometimes it actually does, but I think Jill is just being a contrarian.
Whatever, I don't want her turning around and suddenly shitting up this anime. It's too good for her.
No. 349496
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Jill just shut up
No. 349505
>>349502for real lol
like if you're trying to be some ambassador of magical girl shit instead of being an ass you could recommend some shows that people who like madoka also like
No. 349512
>>349496um so shouldn't she be glad that more people discovered/gave mahou shoujo a try because of Madoka??
a lot of people used to believe that mahou shoujo was just for little girls before Madoka came out, it gave the entire genre a better reputation back then and attracted a new audience
No. 349592
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No. 349640
>>349284what a dipshit. even one drink on benzos can kill you. a friend of mine's mom died from drinking one glass of wine at her wedding after taking a valium for the flight hours before. you just stop breathing in your sleep since they both depress your system. my dr cautioned me heavily about that when i got on xanax
i feel like she's not even going to take that person's advice and keep fucking around.
No. 349666
>>348891>>349496i hope this backfires on her like the whole "i want a kawaii tattoo with no lines" fiasco. when literally everyone told her she was being dumb. like, she's being so childish for no damn reason! you don't get to play anime etilist when the only show you like is for little girls. and not even a good one at that, i've watched one of the seasons and i swear cartoon network pulls out better stuff than that imo.
she's mad because most people can agree that madoka was a good show, even people who dislike magical girl stuff. but most people won't watch the kiddie shit she watches, because its boring and predictable as hell for a normal adult. like? well, watch better shows then? the fuck you mad about. how petty can you be? her "meme" isn't even right because she doesn't know enough about the series to criticize it. just, what??? jill grow up.
No. 349882
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please don't tell me she's feeling like that just cuz she got negative backlash for the stupid meme thing
No. 349907
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With 5.8k shares, this thing has made it to my news feed somehow. No one I know knows that Jill exists, so I guess it's going somewhat viral.
No. 349948
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From the party kei group
No. 349961
>>349882I think it is. Did she expect everyone to respect her elitist attitude? If you're going to take a jab at the show, don't lie about what it doesn't do.
>>349949I like it. Its colorful without being a mess. The furry headband makes it kind of childish but that doesn't really bother me.
No. 350038
>>349921To be fair, I would call Madoka a deconstruction of the genre in the sense that it does what a lot of series fail to do or choose not to do, which is show a possible "real" version of how being a magical girl would take its toll on real young girls, and the origins of that power. However, I don't think it's the only show to do that (you clearly listed others that don't fit into the standard mahou shoujo mould).
Jill also watched Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku, yet we never hear her talk about that, either. I'm guessing she didn't like that either because it wasn't just girls eating sweets and lessons about friendship.
No. 350117
>>350057Because its based purely on jill's ignorance. She never watched madoka, she doesn't actually know the characters or the plot, but she keeps making black and white statements about it. Now that shes getting called out shes trying to pretend its just opinion based (it wasnt), but shes still too much of a child to admit where she went wrong and stop trying to backtrack.
Shes too much of an immature twat. When you shit on something people like, or at least respect, and its not even valid criticism, most will get up in arms.
No. 350148
>>350096Maybe Jill just hates what speaks to her faults and insecurities the most.
An anon mentioned awhile ago that us farmers tend to be attracted towards cows that represent aspects of ourselves that we hate or fear becoming. We put them down to distance ourselves.
Could be the same thing happening but on a grander scale. Jill wants people to believe she's mature and could be of use, but deep down knows the truth is obvious to most outsiders so she plays these little games to keep the blinders on her following.
>tinfoil No. 350386
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No. 350391
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Some comments from her con video
No. 350552
>>350392So basically if they didn't win they would have presented the same cosplays at hal con because she's entitled to winning?
I can't get over her need to always get her way. It's like when she broke down for not being the main character in grease or mary poppins or whatever. She NEEDS to be front and center. She needs to be the main. And she needs her awards every single time she comes up with a shitty cosplay.
I want her to compete in a con away from the maritimes and see her fall apart from realizing that her craftsmanship and presentation skills are nothing compared to hundreds of others who put significantly more work into their passion and can gracefully accept not winning every single competition.
I'm so done with these local cons pandering to her. I really wish she'd bite the bullet, move to toronto or montreal, anywhere away from the maritimes, so she can realize she's not so special and finally stop demanding constant praise/validation for her medicore existence.
But she won't. She already chose to move to Fredericton. Because deep down she knows all of this already and she needs to be surrounded by inbred hicks to put herself on a pedestal.
No. 350713
>>350710nayrt but people are simply going "she's wrong about madoka" and then explaining why because there are probably people in this thread that don't actually know that her usage of this is straight-up wrong
and then we're laughing at her choosing to once again act like a child both in her reaction to other people's critique along with her entire reason for disliking the show
it ain't that deep lol
No. 350839
>>350744she bases her entire persona around them so it's funny that's she wrong
how do you seriously not get it
No. 350840
>>350744I can't speak for other anons/people on social media criticising her for the meme but honestly the amusing part to me is that she's gatekeeping the magical girl genre like she's some kind of expert (which is dumb as shit as it is, they're just Chinese cartoons for fucks sake) despite having criticised Utena and Tokyo Mew Mew and admitting that she
forced herself to watch Cardcaptor Sakura and Sailor Moon. The only magical girl show she used in her meme that she seems to genuinely like for anything other than the aesthetic is Pretty Cure.
It's just weird that someone who has such a superficial interest in the genre would shit on a show seemingly just because it's popular.
No. 350864
>>350840>It's just weird that someone who has such a superficial interest in the genre would shit on a show seemingly just because it's popular.I dunno anon, it looks a lot like that over-compensatory homophobia some closeted gays have. Deep down she knows she's a poseur so she overcompensates by gatekeeping. She also can't stand not being the centre of attention or not standing out, which she doesn't have any real way to do so she's just contrarian.
Her attitude towards CCS properly autismo
triggers me though. If you like the genre at all, even superficially, how can it be a chore to sit through CCS!?
No. 351127
File: 1499868860479.jpg (65.49 KB, 445x129, jdjahk.jpg)

>>351118guess she misspelled the title at first?
I feel like every time she uploads a video there is some kind of issue with it
otherwise, this video is way too fucking long lol 17 mins for a couple makeup brushes?
No. 351128
>>351127also sage for samefag and petty nitpick, but isn't this the same dress she also wore in her recent livestream and that picture she just uploaded?
>>350386is it the one she got from Bonne Chance?
No. 351139
File: 1499871303966.png (321.85 KB, 304x410, jill2.png)

Um, is something wrong with the color of her hair on top of her head?
No. 351151
Her sub growth and view count is going up ridiculously fast. I'm pretty sure she was only around 40k, maybe even 38k when she went to Japan? Now she's up 93k from 90k literally within three days. I wonder where all these views/subs are pouring in from? I feel sad knowing better youtubers with hundreds of thousands of subs that barely manage 30k per video. Even up until last winter I think Jill was only averaging 10k per vid. Who's her new demographic?
>>351118>i'm not a real youtuberbut jill you've claimed youtube is one of your jobs for years..
Also she's using those as powder brushes but flat end brushes are used for liquid products, so she has a liquid foundation and liquid/cream contour brush (they're obviously synthetic which is also meant for liquid). She can use the other tapered contour for powder, but as she mentioned she doesn't contour at all so why purchase two contour brushes. Just stop jill. It takes a quick google search to sort this out. No need to sit on camera looking like an idiot.
No. 351152
>>351139Oh fuck. She
could fix this at home but she's clearly lazy. Looks like she's bleaching her roots and not taking the time to tone or even throw on a damn purple shampoo. Seriously it would take her 20 minutes.
Also she's trying to do those ugly ass pastels on hair that isn't 100% platinum/white. Because again, she's lazy. And she's probably dyeing way more often than an average person because doesn't she dilute her colors with conditioner?
No. 351218
>>351118i wonder if these are made from the same stuff as those glitter phone cases which gave people chemical burns when broken
>>351151im also curious how shes gaining subs. i havent been able to watch any of her recent videos because her voice is so grating and annoying, not to mention she will stretch out one topic into a 20 minute circlejerk for herself whilst bringing nothing new to the discussion. its so boring
No. 351262
File: 1499886660086.png (48.95 KB, 990x678, ss (2017-07-12 at 12.10.18).pn…)

Wait Im confused. It says they only ship within the UK. Did she have a friend in the UK ship them to her or something?
No. 351264
File: 1499886857970.png (1.22 MB, 1271x712, noonewantedthis.png)

No. 351311
>>351309She claimed in the video that they had just recently added international shipping, and the owner told her so via Facebook.
So they didn't do anything special for her. She just got lucky with the timing.
No. 351349
>>351118Wait did anyone notice how she mentions near the end how she ~Loves claires and Forever 21~
Yet whenever someone brings up F21s shitty business practices shes all about that fast fashion hate?
No. 351365
File: 1499895935689.jpg (663.22 KB, 1275x714, jill.jpg)

>>351349yeah was wondering about that too
I feel like she can never make up her mind whether she's riding the ~uwu supporting small indie brands!!~ or the basic tumblr bitch that loves shopping bandwagon
also again with the fucking eyebrows… please learn to wash your face at least once a day Jill ugh
No. 351681
File: 1499924279644.jpg (322.69 KB, 610x868, 6r4kVvX.jpg)

No. 351722
File: 1499929812427.png (531.36 KB, 751x507, screenshoot.png)

>>351721Decided to stalk her instagram a bit (fairly new to Jill so haven't seen all her hairstyles ) even this is way cuter, idk I just find the combo of super bright hair and her clothes…too much.
No. 351790
File: 1499951003699.png (2.96 MB, 1068x1600, RRL7.png)

>>351722If you keep scrolling her insta, you'll eventually find her classic/sweet hime lolita phase she had when she first got popular.
Then you'll realize jill's always known what looks good and cohesive, she just throws shit together nowadays because it's attention grabbing and eventually the cute lolita shtick got old for her. She felt like she could never be special enough as a lolita because the community was so large, if you watch her "my fashion identity?" video she literally says lolita all started to look the same to her and at one point she says "pink, white, gold" were the only colours in her wardrobe which was too subdued and oppressive for her?
She knows what looks good but positive attention =/= enough attention for her. She needs to be the most speshul snowflake.
No. 351813
>>351808 Jill wastes tons of money all the time on things she never wears, if she ever claims the price is why she quit, that's bullshit.
On top of that, lolita dresses are based on pretty simple shapes and things, and as someone who claims to be a designer one would think she might have interest in making her own to save instead of buying brand.
Jill spent $300-$400 on a pair of ugly, tacky shoes she NEVER wears that don't fit. Like, twice.
She even made a video about being lolita on a budget when she was a lolita. It's obvious she could but chooses not to. She basically summed it up in her fashion identity video. Lolita and any distinct style with rules is 'too restrictive' for her. AKA she just wants t be different and special and in control of everything.
People like this will forever avoid things with any real structure or guidelines or rules set by other people because they can't handle not always getting their way. They are spoiled in the worst way.
Maybe Jill will change while she still has everything she needs to be successful still sitting right in her lap/constantly being handed to her. She could then at least take advantage of those things in a more constructive way rather than making excuses for why she has to be so different and special all the time.
No. 351852
>>351790Hating lolita the way she does is so bizarre. A lot of people grow out of a fashion but don't hate it.
Imagine being so sensitive to criticism you make your own fashion where you view yourself as immune to judgement. She just wasn't creative enough to stand out in lolita so she made her own fashion she could stand out in without any creativity really.
Claiming money or "bullying" is the reason she quit is so much shit. She probably spends as much and gets as much shit for her party kei clothes as she did for lolita
No. 351898
>>351808Yeah, no, that's a brand new bullshit excuse of hers. She left because of the LACE video, because of haters and the restrictions she felt with her ~creativity~. Not to mention she bought like half a dozen main pieces within the span of half a year when she was a Lolita.
Even this year she spent 3000$ on harajuku fashion in Japan alone and then bought 400$ irregular choice shoes and so on. The makeup brushes she just got shipped from the UK were likely over a hundred bucks with customs and she didn't even want them for makeup purposes, they're just meant to sit in a pretty vase according to her.
The truth is that no lolita youtuber is very big. Jill only got decent sub growth after she "expanded" her style and she doesn't care about pandering to the Lolita comm for popularity anymore.
No. 351958
>>351852The way you put it is great, it really makes her sound like a female Chris-Chan.
I mean her obsession with little kids shows, her literally saying that she wants to dress like a clown/as attention grabbing as possible, claiming that she's a designer/artist when she really isn't, her room being a fucking hoarder cave where she actually keeps empty candy wrappers and stuff because of her 'aesthetic', being completely unable to accept any kind of criticism, her only being able to stomach American fast food, her complete lack of fucking common sense…
Sorry for the long list, but she really does start looking like a female CWC/autist neckbeard poster child.
Also seconding what everyone else said regarding the lolita thing. You can get lolita for quite cheap actually if you just buy secondhand, and a lot of it is better quality and longer lasting than for example that awful cherry slip dress she got.
The only people who usually bring up the "lolita is so expensive, every dress costs $300!" argument are complete newbies.
No. 351978
>>351958As some anons pointed out, she had a video about lolita on a budget but deleted it when BTB pointed out that she was a spoiled 16 year old who had no bills and no clue how to 'budget' anything. Even then she claimed it was all thanks to her hard work that she could afford dresses although Louise bought her many main pieces around that time.
Anyways the video is nowhere to be found online, it was one of her very first uploads, but she still has this blog post up from almost three years ago. No. 351982
>>351978Why does she lie about it now?
iirc when she bought that cherry slip dress in Japan she justified the price (which was about $100) by saying that she's actually been wanting AP's Wrapping Cherry (or some other cherry print), but since that was too expensive for her the slip dress was actually cheap in comparison.
She said in the past that she quit lolita because it was too restrictive, why does she blame it solely on the price now?
No. 351984
>>351982OK sage for samefag but here's what I'm talking about, timestamp at 16:00.
So basically she spent $170 on an ugly cherry slip dress because it reminded her of 'expensive' cherry prints from AP.
She says that she wouldn't be able to wear any AP dress in her current style anymore which is pretty stupid, since a lot of APs cherry dresses came in more casual styles too.
But yeah, she literally says here that it isn't about the money with lolita, but just that she 'can't' wear any of the pieces with her current style.
No. 352204
File: 1500006785232.png (277.32 KB, 618x607, YZG8jzQ.png)

I thought Jill might be using some child's fan art as part of her new intro but actually, she drew this
No. 352235
>>352204How is this worse than what she normally draws holy shit.
Also Jill please when you are drawing flip the canvas horizontally to see your errors and correct them. This face is wonky af
No. 352277
File: 1500020011374.jpg (18.91 KB, 621x315, graphic_design_is_my_passion.j…)

>>352204This is honestly atrocious. Not just from an art, but also from a design perspective.
Isn't the year at college that she's planning to skip out on supposed to teach art fundamentals? She is REALLY in need of that.
There are some tumblr famous artists that have a huge following despite having lack luster anatomy and such, but usually they manage to make their art look aesthetically pleasing in some way.
There is absolutely nothing that stands out positively in Jill's art.
This is just laughable and she will never make it into any kind of art related school or profession if that is what her portfolio looks like.
No. 352350
>>352268It seems canon.
No. 352393
File: 1500045697266.png (1.06 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170714-082042.png)

Pixie is going live suddenly
No. 352401
File: 1500046192216.png (30.29 KB, 408x416, IMG_3265.PNG)

She called her Laptop a "Macky Booky". I wonder how often she does the baby talk thing in her everyday life
No. 352411
File: 1500046959784.png (320.9 KB, 478x438, nasalspray.png)

No. 352427
>>352422yeah I absolutely agree with you, it was just funny hearing her say that considering that she plans on becoming a fashion designer and having an own company
she should really start trying to learn some self discipline and routine
No. 352439
File: 1500049457607.png (251.76 KB, 504x564, cats.png)

It drives me nuts that she wants to get her own art tattooed on her. Just shows how conceited she is.
Most artists are pretty self loathing of their art, I just cant imagine how she thinks the things she makes are good enough to be on her skin for the rest of her life…??? Plus most artists are always trying to improve so in a few years if she does improve, this artwork is going to make her cringe.
No. 352443
>>352439All of these juvenile pinks and blues she wears make all of her outfits automatically cheap and ugly. Also that tattoo is atrocious.
is2g every time I read this thread she reminds me more of Kailyn and Louise of Mama Wilcher kek. The similarities just keep adding on.
>getting a shitty tattoo>embarrassing herself on livestream>never washing her face>enabler mom>eating sugar all day and napping>hoarding makeup, buying useless shit>not going to school or having a legit job, dependent on parents>spastic facial movements and weird speech>no real friends>does not understand the concepts behind non-childrens tv shows No. 352458
>>352433Why can't she just be honest with herself and say she hates it instead of dragging out more shit comparisons?
>>352204Arms don't shade like that…. I wish she'd use a reference before shading or drawing.
No. 352675
>>352277jill you gotta go to a real art school or a university with a good art program. if you work hard youll be fine! but i dont think shell be able to get it together in time. which is fair, i was scared shitless before i went to art school myself. (especially because like jill,i have anxiety and im from a super tiny rural town.) but if somebody really wants to put themselves out there and have personal growth, they have to get out of their comfort zone!
if she does it, i think there will be a lot of people cheering her on, but… shes got to really work hard, you know? her style is very distinctive imo(no really) and i feel like it has potential, but her anatomy and general skill set could improve. if shes gonna skip to do youtube stuff for an even longer time, her skills could deteriorate.
(blog) No. 352869
File: 1500098790084.png (880.54 KB, 586x587, og jill.PNG)

>>352439i hope she does.
she's a phony. she's into this kawaii shit at the moment, but she'll dump it just like she dumped her lolita shtick and her "i'm so punk rock!!!!" shtick. she has no personality. maybe next year or so she'll be a hipster or a rockabilly girl, who knows. anyway, if she gets one of those shitty cutesy tattoos its going to be in her forever. so it will be funny when in a year or two she's going through a "i'm so goth/emo/whatever is trendy atm" phase and her ugly cute tatoos clash completely with her new "style".
i don't know. i feel like she'll ditch the forever 21 for the hot topic in no time. like remember when she was obsessed with muse or whatever? and never talked about them again? god i wish she had gotten them tattooed honestly. she's fake as hell. i'll bet you she'll dump that shitty pretty cure show in no time and never talk about her toys and all again.
No. 352898
>>352869im not trying to defend jill, youre probably right lol but i think its important to remember how young she is. shes a fuckin baby child lol. we all went thru a lot of changing and exploring different styles. jill is pretty insufferable tho… no doubt.
sage for bs thoughts
No. 352963
>>352424Some people just look ugly when they talk. Source: am one of those people who looks normal otherwise but involuntarily makes stupid faces while talking
Sage for no1curr
No. 352973
>>352932She'll never be able to live down that purchase lol
Yesterday during the stream she was complaining about how much video games costs and all I could think about were all of those expensive fashion purchases which forever disappeared in her hoarder cave but she thinks are justified because "she's totes a fashion designer so it's ok to waste so much money on clothes uwu"
She just has no sense of money/value at all
No. 352980
>>352973It really makes me wonder what jill means when she says "I make enough off youtube to sustain myself". It seems like she's just considering small things like the price of gas, car payments, phone bill and disposal income she requires staying with her parents. I wouldn't even be surprised if her parents pay the phone bill considering they help with her car payments.
I don't think she can realistically manage rent (especially getting an apartment to her standards), electricity bills, internet bills, student loans, groceries and all other necessities. She has expensive taste and no clue the value of money vs cost of living. Also for non-canadafags here, the cost of living in Canada is actually quite high atm.
No. 352986
File: 1500136692464.png (984.21 KB, 900x675, 1438729060845.png)

>>352869That's closer to her alt kawaii era though. I think she was already cosplaying Sailor Moon around that time.
It must of taken her a while to grow out this mohawk and then she started incorporating more girly styles when her hair grew in I guess.
No. 352993
>>352980At least she lives in PEI. In Quebec, the school tuition and loans and houses are atrocious. Suburban Toronto isn't too expensive, but I'm from quebec and trust me it's terrible.
sage for canadian stuff
No. 353019
>>353016"This isn't about marketing"
No. 353022
>>352986it always makes me a lil sad to see this pic.
i get she was anorexic then but shit she was so much cuter in general.
No. 353031
>>352993wait what? sage for OT but you seriously need to look up statistics, Quebec is the cheapest province in the country for tuition and rent.
Basically this
>>353024 if anything jill would do herself a favor by moving there.
>>353016She's bragged about her "successful branding" ever since starting youtube though, didn't she have an interview with a PEI newspaper talking about it? Basically she thinks she's genius but has yet to figure out basic editing lmao.
No. 353042
>>353016I suffered through it just to reaffirm my suspicions that Jill would go on and on telling people not to do the exact things she does.
Basically Jill:
>don't collab with people if u arent really friends guise!!!1>no trend hopping my confetti peeps in marshmallow tea>don't make vids just for $$$ "YouTube is my JOB guise!!!" "I need to make vids that I know will get more views"
>keep consistent branding 1000% never changeChanges style every five minutes if she thinks she's not getting enough attention
>always check ur social blade and compare urself to see your place even though it's not official YouTube cuz it's importantVideo titled 'Stop Comparing Yourself to Others' was total BS, Jill is super competitive and wants to win and if she doesn't she gets insanely upset.
No. 353045
>>353042sage for samefag (hit post before I was done typing)
But on the collabs: Jill collabed with a bunch of Jvloggers just for views and everyone found her awkward and annoying even if they tried hard not to.
And trend hopping: she LITERALLY mentions in the video the two or three full face of whatever videos that she did because "it can be fun to hop onto trends"
No. 353057
>>353047She's said she doesn't like kpop and pretty much ignores all her fans requests to talk about kpop.
But she rarely resists the urge to hop on trends and she already listens to jpop according to her so I don't think it would be a big jump.
Although I will become ten times more salty because she's already co-opted most of my favorite interests/hobbies and claims authority on them already. She might be intimidated by the fandoms though considering that she only jumps into niche communities that she thinks will adore and worship her as the most ~hardcore~ fan girl of them all.
No. 353155
>>353140man it's actually pretty sad how none of Jill's videos display any of her talents or skills
she said before that she's really good at playing the piano but she's too afraid of being judged so she won't ever upload her playing it or such
I'd rather see her try to make a sewing video even if she isn't the best at it than just do another unboxing/haul/useless talking video
No. 353335
File: 1500180060811.png (58.81 KB, 750x678, IMG_2087.PNG)

She's decided not to use the intro she already made and posted about on Instagram
No. 353339
File: 1500180127653.png (99.33 KB, 750x821, IMG_2089.PNG)

No. 353407
>>353337But why not macaroni and glitter?
If she's really gonna go the kiddie food picture route, well…
No. 353510
File: 1500216205023.jpg (147.11 KB, 749x1091, IMG_0231.JPG)

I still don't understand why Jill has argued with people that party kei is so original and different.
>it's totally unlike peco kei, fairy kei, pop kei >it's her ~own style~
But every day when I scroll through insta, I find girls with the exact same aesthetic done better.
No. 353516
>>353515Not the same anon but it's not
that bad from like, the neck up. Compared to half the stuff Jill wears. and she actually colors her eyebrows to match her hair at least.
I guess in a thread about Jill though it's easy to find ugly stuff cute by comparison.
No. 353521
>>353510i really like the colours this girl chose for her hair and her makeup looks like what jill wishes she could do
they all look better than her even the one that looks like a weird jill clone. i think jill is someone who shows that money cant buy ~style~
No. 353531
File: 1500219533490.png (147.65 KB, 800x161, banner.png)

>>353337lol I really wonder what made her decide against using that animated monstrosity
her YT banner is in the same style too now. I guess gross gummy candy laying around in glitter is a pretty fitting image for her
No. 353535
File: 1500220113330.jpg (427.95 KB, 2048x1463, IMG_2092.JPG)

A photo from the photo shoot they had done is out and it's pretty unimpressive. They're looking in different directions, and I really hope they actually posed in the other photos
No. 353545
File: 1500221422219.jpg (255.26 KB, 1280x722, Mahou_Tsukai_Pretty_Cures.jpg)

>>353535that accuracy lol
No. 353576
File: 1500226846336.png (88.29 KB, 718x935, IMG_2093.PNG)

No. 353661
>>353513The rainbow hair looks a lot better in thus cut/style. Still a bit much, but pretty cute.
>>353576Tbh I feel like this is the best Jill has looked in a long while. Her hair isn't all grown out like it usually is, looks more pastel, and is actually styled in a fairly cute way. Did she dye it recently or did she shoop it? The dress is kind of cute in a really tacky, kitschy way, but I like the color theme, it's just the same pattern on both the top/bottom is a bit too much/busy. Her accesories are still bad though and she should have had the phone cord go off screen.
I feel like she might be lurking here and taking advice? People were talking about how her primary hair colors were clashing with the pastel outfits and it looks like she muted her haircolor via editing in this?
No. 353714
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No. 353819
File: 1500255291404.png (20.28 KB, 846x178, DkKRIxL.png)

So even though Jill's at almost 100k followers, her new videos are still getting pretty shitty view counts? Like no different than from when she was in the 30ks.
I have a feeling that people are going to unsub when they realize she's boring as fuck and only does 1 con video a year and the Japan trip was a one-time deal.
No. 353862
>>353819I think this one did particularly badly because it's such a long video for a subject matter that the majority of her watchers won't care about
otherwise I assume that a lot of people subscribed during her Japan phase, I mean as awful as those vlogs were at least she showed different locations and stuff
all of her videos now are just her sitting around in her bedroom either giving her opinion on something or doing a review/unboxing, I can see why no one's watching that stuff
No. 353916
File: 1500271145983.jpg (44.04 KB, 488x419, Betsey-Johnson-Hotline-Phone-C…)

>>353582>>353582I forget if she owns one but if I had to guess its one of those phone things from the Betsy Johnson phone bags
No. 354030
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No. 354073
>>354057She collabed with sharla and peachy milk girl.
She also asked albinwonderland to collaborate but was turned down kek. I also got the impression she was shading Lor and Alb when she kept mentioning people who collab in every video/use it as a crutch for views.
I could be looking into it too much but I don't think it's a coincidence that Jill stopped leaving comments for alb and didn't mention her anymore after Lor started appearing in her vids on the regular. She said alb was one of her idols and even drew her fan art but jill never seemed to be a fan of Lor and this wouldn't be the first time she threw shade at her in my opinion. Idk when she was younger she obsessed over princess peachie, deerstalkers, alb and more recently the UK weeb crew but even as a Lolita she never seemed to care for Lor.
No. 354162
File: 1500318645255.png (71.07 KB, 750x434, IMG_2099.PNG)

No. 354165
>>354162Ew keep your unhygenic chicken nuggies gross was out of LA Jill
No one likes you here
No. 354169
>>354162There's literally no reason for her to go to Vidcon. She doesn't collaborate with any of the people who would go nor does she really have the style to do collaborations with any people there.
Just go to Hyper Japan and meet your UK idoru e-fame friends, Jill.
No. 354170
>>354073When did alb say no to a collab?? Too funny, but not surprising in the least.
Also there was the small beef between lor and jill when jill made that dumb lolita April fools joke, so I'm guessing alb is just not interested in having anything to do with jill. Not to mention their ages and maturity levels just do not match up in the least.
No. 354175
>>354097Jill probably also likes Peachy because she gets to work from home doing a job in a creative field eating sweets half the time and still be cute. Jill wishes she could do that.
The difference is that Peachy has a legitimate medical condition that keeps her indoors a lot and likely puts hard work and effort into her IRL job. She's gotten a bit chubby but at least she can dress well.
No. 354233
>that pudding choker is literally choking her fat assjfc
>>354192i mean, this is exactly what i imgined that a fan of jill would look like tbh
No. 354261
>>352480But it's just kinda tacky to do in general? I've known plenty of artists who bring in examples/sketches of what they want to their tattoo artist. BUT then the professional who is being paid to draw up, create & customize the artwork PLUS actually tattoo it, usually has some suggestions to make the piece look 100xs better. It's really just not recommended by any artist worth their salt since art drawn w/ a flat surface in mind, doesn't usually transfer well & small details can look muddy & will blob out on the skin in a few years.
Could totally see her going to Lauren Winzer tho (popular "tattooer" that shits out super wonky girly tattoos).
No. 354283
File: 1500332991535.jpg (241.38 KB, 1080x1212, IMG_2100.JPG)

No. 354425
File: 1500350799402.png (366.95 KB, 1132x584, subscribe (2).png)

"I hate this new era of dragging people and 'spilling the tea'"
is subscribed to John Kuckian
No. 354518
>>354425I noticed jill isn't subscribed to Lor so yeah I guess that confirms it
>>354073 >>354094
>>354267 No. 354553
>>354425holy shit. there are tons of drama channel nowadays… why would she subscribe to the one with a psychopath??? even if she's just into beauty guru drama, there are still like six other different channels that do the same thing. and that post constantly because they are not getting dragged every day of the week like Kuckian. isn't she supposed to be all "no bullying please :("?
i mean, she got dragged for using Jeffree Star, didn't she? maybe she thinks that by liking someone against Jeffree Star than it solves it?
But, Kuckian faked a tweet of Jeffree calling him a "faggot". He's a bigger snake than Jeffree. Like, he's a known scammer!
i don't even know what "exposed" kuckian video i should reference for this cause there are like hundreds of them. and he keeps fucking up, , you'd have to watch multiple of them to catch up! if you go to the comments on any of his newer videos (the ones he hasn't deleted cause of "hate"…) everyone is calling him out on the weird shit he does. even if you watch a few of his vids you'll get recommended exposed Kuckian videos.
how can jill not know about it? what the hell???? she absolutely has to know. its literally everywhere in the beauty guru community.
is she going to pull that Jeffree thing again? where she pretends that she doesn't know that she's supporting a terrible person but when commenters call it out she'll be like "boo hoo i'm sorry guys i totes didn't know".
great find, anon. so long for her "no negativity please"-jill.
No. 354556
>>354261Wtf anon, these are so bad. She has no style or originality whatsoever. All of the fresh tattoos look really inflamed and painful as well. How does she have so many followers? Jeez.
Sage for being completely OT
No. 354910
>>354556>>354333Lauren started out by dating a popular & actually talented artist & working out of his AU shop. She received no formal training/apprenticeship (which is horrifyingly obvious). Her popularity skyrocketed after doing a few celebrity's tattoos (Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry), so that's only helped build up her clueless clientele.
She's the running joke/lolcow of the serious tattoo scene.
Sage for super OT, but her trashiness definitely gives me some future Pixie vibes. Would be extremely surprised if our darling Jill didn't have some of LW's "artwork" saved on her computer or Pinterest as "aesthetic" tbvh
No. 354945
>>354902i know Spreepicky has/had an astronomically overpriced plus size branch called PlusCutie lol
sage cuz ot
No. 355101
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No. 355144
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jill really indulges in a lot of ~uwu self care~ for someone who does jack shit all day…
this retard probably has a UTI considering how frequently she uses bath bombs
No. 355211
>>354162This is so amazingly telling of how up her own ass she is.
Vidcon- huge YouTube con,good for meeting fans and youtubers, networking with brands and in general the perfect con for her channel seeing as how it was very aimed at instagram beauty gurus this year. Also in LA, has little Tokyo. Downsides to vidcon for pixie-not a lot of people know her, scwawry, free entry might not be possible.
Hyper Japan- Small uk festival/con around Japan. Is known to bring in large crowds but mainly for the food court/sake/traditional japanese culture over the jfashion. Free entry is possible with being in with press/performers and a lot of her fans are here. Downsides-nothing gained for her channel.
If the girl wants to have the most ass licking and to be hailed as a celebrity, she will most likely come to the UK, if she's smart, LA. So most likely, ass licking central it is.
No. 355216
>>355211I feel like her going to the UK would be way more obnoxious
Most of her vlogs would probably just be pointing out how "cheeky XD" completely normal European/British things are, and then there'd probably be a lot of 'collaborations' with other tacky weebs - her going to the UK might be more likely though since her mom went there before, right? Maybe they'd make a mother daughter trip out of it lol
LA would definitely be the smarter decision, and I feel like it might actually knock her down a peg if she realizes that she isn't as important of a YouTuber as she likes to think she is
No. 355346
>>355343yeah, I feel like she's just trying to pump content out since in her Youtube tips video she was saying that she recently realized how important uploading regularly was
she at least shouldn't have uploaded that many pictures already if she was gonna make a ootd video..
No. 355390
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>spends a good chunk of time talking about how fan interaction is important
>doesn't reply to any comments and just makes a pinned post
>okay Jill
No. 355448
>>355335No question she is bad at styling clothes but this is imo the worst ootd she has ever made… what the hell is this??? And those shoes??? Really????? This is literally just thrown together with no theme what so ever.
Oh no sorry the theme is "strawbzZ" my bad.
No. 355490
>>355335I really like her new intro and outro bits with the gummy letters. Idk if it's just because I'm really hungry rn, but I think they're cute.
But the rest of it was pretty pointless. I like OOTD/lookbook videos but it didn't need the narration and explanation. I thought it was just a little brand list namedrop at the start but then she…kept…talking…
No. 355681
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literally looks like she has autism/downs
big if true
No. 355923
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No. 355932
>>355923Jill: Omg, thanks everyone for 100k! I'm crying!
Also Jill: Omg it's like YouTube is almost a real job, thanks to my loyal followers.
No. 356008
>>355944We know that Louise fought tooth n nail for over a year to get her that pei newspaper article interview.
We can only assume she hasn't rested since and has been trying to get the CBC's attention for quite awhile.
Wouldn't we all want a mummy photographer who provides you with all resources and connections you'd need and drives you across the country to support your expensive hobbies while not giving a fuck about your educational or professional accomplishments because ordering pink dresses online and showing them off on camera while living in your parents basement is a job now.
No. 356036
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Look who follows Jill on her spam account
No. 356037
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>>356036She even follows herself kek
No. 356134
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It's possible that the brits have invited her over as well
No. 356143
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>>356134it looks like she's planning another glorious meet-up if she does go to the UK
No. 356144
>>356134Jill isn't completely informed. Bonne Chance's fabrics are definitely not all designed in house Like Angelic Pretty or other japanese fashion brands. I've seen at least half of them on various fabric sites before.
But the cuts of the dresses are very simple and cute and I can see artists designing them in a few sizes and all. They are pretty affordable for handmade dresses, $30 each for non-sweatshop clothing is nice. Promoting them is probably good for Jill's image.
No. 356171
>>356144I've bought a few dresses from bonnechance and although I adore them I quite thought they were made from one of those "design your own print" type sites/manufacturers. You know, where they offer a few templates and you just give them the print you want on it. The quality of mine don't seem "handmade" either, and it's hard to imagine they're putting all that custom effort into the packaging/stickers/etc, making all these dresses by hand and still running a profit at a $34 price range….?
Sage for slightly OT
No. 356175
>>356143I bet you anything Jill will end up attending both Hyper Japan and Vidcon. She already has tickets for vidcon and yet is making plans for the UK. This is the usual ~i'm just feeling things out uwu~ before she makes a stupid decision so she has a justification for it. This is likely just to prepare her parents for the inevitable "b-but now I need to go to bothhhhh bc muh fans" so that they feel bad enough to cover most of her travelling expenses again.
But Jill keeps saying animaritimes and hal-con are so hectic for her that she's putting off her fashion portfolio to prepare for these local cons, so how exactly is she going to have a portfolio ready if she's travelling to cons in two different countries which will require an entire year of preparations and ~recovering~ for her.
No. 356205
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No. 356208
>>356205god she's such a spoiled brat…
yeah international travel is expensive, who would've thought??
No. 356228
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No. 356239
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>>356228I thought Jill's making enough money off of YouTube to ~comfortably afford everything herself~?
I really can't imagine her talking about Jill's brother here
No. 356426
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I'm not sure how she managed to sew this this poorly, unless she didn't have the pink fabric pinned to the white. Also, why is she using sparkly fabric for the insides of Whip's ears? They aren't glittery.
No. 356427
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does she ever wash this dress?
No. 356502
>>356228this is hilarious.
also now you can see where jill gets her "i need constant self care" attitude from
>photography as a hobby>pretends its a real, hardcore, difficult job>"i need a vacation!!!"meanwhile daddy vessey is the one funding all of these idiots antics
No. 356818
>>356502That stuff with Jill is super annoying too, because REAL self care involves eating well and exercising (NOT TO MENTION SHOWERING AND WASHING YOUR HAIR REGULARLY JILL) to keep your body healthy.
That's what makes you feel better, actually taking care of your body. Her marshmallow peep teas and cake and shit is probably what has her feeling so much like shit that she does nothing but sleep all day and having to work 4 hours a week at Claire's or set up a camera and open expensive shit in front of it for 30 minutes are somehow extremely difficult or tiring for her.
No. 356955
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>>356944same, but for me it's that sucking saliva through her teeth sound she does
No. 357707
>>357647that might've been me, all my videos are on the account trixielocks
i was gonna do the whole livestream but i couldn't make it past 10 minutes lmao
No. 358025
>>357004>>357757I only got about half way through it, but it didn't seem like it contained anything really offensive and the comments seemed like the normal positive stuff? Did anyone get far enough to hear anything interesting?
Summery of what I saw:
>Wanted her parents to get her water for here and refused to get it herself>Doesn't have a video for today because the one she filmed was a best friend tag and it was an hour long so tooooo long to edit>Wants to do a goth transformation video with her other best friend>Started working on her cure whip cosplay and already fucked it up>"Cis people are great! And non cis people are great" segment>Said if she wasn't dating "someone with a dick" she would call herself lesbian>Is planning a full video on making her cure whip cosplay>Doesn't like posting progress pics (Probably because then she wouldn't be able to hide her shit craftsmanship) >Said "they're all very nice" about UK weebs (Beckii and co), and will likely go to hyper Japan>h3h3, Drew, Pewdiepie, and Shane are her favorite youtubers (Also Tana Mongeau who she said "people wont leave her aloneeee")>Relates to Moana because she saw it on her flight to Japan she lives on an island No. 358034
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No. 358045
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>Said if she wasn't dating "someone with a dick" she would call herself lesbiani'm speechless… its a straight relationship. just say you're bi, jill, why do you keep refusing?
like, why does she wants to be oppressed so badly? jill, you are a rich girl dating some rich boy and you like doing weird things to your hair, big fucking deal ma'am. stop wanting to put special levels on yourself, you're normal as it gets.
No. 358204
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>>358025>>358152Something else I left out from the stream, she's been forcing herself to watch to watch Tokyo mew mew but said that they're wasn't enough plot (in the first 7 episodes) and that it wasn't dramatic enough for her so far
No. 358206
>>358184>Jill said:"I dream about Tokyo every night."
"You feel like a hermit if you're just doing yt in your house."
That she was a "fragile baby flower" at sixteen with the ridicule on yt.
And that she wants to keep doing yt as long as it's fun and she can make money off of it and looks forward to getting her 500,000k and 1M sub plaque.
No. 358210
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No. 358238
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>>358212A literal basement dweller
No. 358250
>>358212Her ceiling
triggers me
No. 358266
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No. 358509
>>358206Don't forget.
>Could pay her rent with YouTube.What rent is this? At worse a piytance for housekeeping she pays yo her mum
No. 358516
>>358498In Japanese "heart pick up" would probably be ハート ピック アップ/ "haato pikku appu"
But who knows if that's even necessarily the phrase they say in the anime. Maybe someone who's a fan of Sugar Sugar Rune could chime in and confirm what they even say.
No. 358523
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Well that's not ugly
No. 358526
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>>358516This is pretty much it; the standard full line is あなたのハートをピックアップ
Jill just says it with a poor accent, slurred and emphasizing syllables incorrectly.
No. 358537
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>>358528She also does live in a conservative area, even her cosplay bestie calls herself right wing
No. 358581
>>358511that statement really pissed me off though, like rent prices can vary so much
even then she made it sound like she could live off of youtube, even if she was able to pay for some kind of rent I don't think that her youtube money is enough to live a stable life off of it
like those car repair payments that her parents ended up paying for her…
No. 358583
>>358524 Either Jill fucked with the contrast on instagram or they picked colors too close together for the warmer colors (pink, orange, yellow, green) and they look too blended together from far away.
She should have picked shades that were more distinct from one another.
No. 358586
>>358498When Japanese use English words, they usually have a "u" at the end. However, "u" can be pretty soft when it's at the end of a word, or even sounds silent to English speakers. Hope that makes sense? I am hardly an expert at Japanese. But I don't think Jillian is being racist here.
>>358523Did she do this with paint? I thought she was going to buy a decal. I guess this is cheaper at least?
No. 358632
>>358537>>358528Not that anon, but that line also hit a chord with me. Like Jill likes to flaunt the LGBT label but actually being hit with the repercussions of being gay (or being perceived as such) is something she's not ready for.
But I'm 99% overthinking this. She's probably thinking aesthetics and money about getting her car damaged.